MigrationObjects OP en
MigrationObjects OP en
MigrationObjects OP en
You can use the following table to gain an overview of all migration objects available for SAP S/4HANA. It’s
sorted in alphabetical order by Migration Object Name. Choose a migration object name to navigate to the
corresponding documentation for the migration object.
Use the search field in the Migration Object Name column to search for a specific migration object.
Choose Filter to apply further filters for Master data and/or Transactional data in the Business Object Type
column, and for the application component in the Component column to narrow down the results list. If you
want to see more or less information, choose Show/hide columns, and select the respective checkboxes for the
columns you would like to show or hide.
Filter the Migration Approach column to only see migration objects relevant for you. Therefore, choose Filter
in the respective column, and select the required approach, Direct Transfer, File, or Staging Table.
You can export the below table in CSV format with the current column visibility and filters applied. Therefore,
choose the CSV button above the table.
EFD - Reinf report [page 871] Transactional data File/Staging Table FI-LOC-FI-BR
[page 826]
Batch unique at material and Master data Direct Transfer - ERP LO-BM
client level [page 79]
Batch unique at plant level Master data Direct Transfer - ERP LO-BM
[page 76]
RE-FX - Building [page 388] Master data Direct Transfer - ERP RE-FX-BD
RE-FX - Business entity [page Master data Direct Transfer - ERP RE-FX
Business partner [page 83] Master data Direct Transfer - ERP AP-MD-BP
Catalog code group and code Master data Direct Transfer - ERP QM
[page 86]
ECM - Change master [page Master data Direct Transfer - ERP PLM-PLC
Fixed asset (including bal Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FI-AA
ance) [page 180]
CO - Cost rate [page 121] Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CO-OM
FI - G/L open item (new G/L) Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FI
[page 154]
TRM - Additional flow [page Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
TRM - Bank guarantee [page Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
TRM - Business partner role Master data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
[page 422]
TRM - Condition detail [page Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
TRM - Facility [page 187] Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
TRM - Fixed term deposit Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
[page 191]
TRM - Foreign exchange col Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
lar contract [page 198]
TRM - FX option [page 195] Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
TRM - Interest rate instru Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
ment [page 432]
TRM - Letter of credit [page Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
TRM - Main flow detail [page Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
TRM - Interest rate swap Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
[page 215]
TRM - Payment detail [page Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
TRM - Security bond [page Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
TRM - Security class [page Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
TRM - Stock [page 442] Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
JVA - Joint venture master Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CA-JVA
(step 1) [page 46]
JVA - Cost center suspense Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CA-JVA
[page 222]
JVA - Joint operating agree Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CA-JVA
ment (step 1) [page 228]
JVA - Joint venture partner Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CA-JVA
[page 230]
JVA - Order suspense [page Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CA-JVA
JVA - Project suspense [page Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CA-JVA
RE-FX - Land [page 394] Master data Direct Transfer - ERP RE-FX-BD
PP - Material BOM [page 337] Master data Direct Transfer - ERP PP-BD
RE-FX - Real estate contract Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP RE-FX
[page 382]
RE-FX - Rental object [page Master data Direct Transfer - ERP RE-FX
PP - Sales order BOM [page Master data Direct Transfer - ERP PP-BD
MM - Source list [page 265] Master data Direct Transfer - ERP MM-PUR
JVA - Joint operating agree Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CA-JVA
ment (step 2) [page 44]
JVA - Joint venture master Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CA-JVA
(step 2) [page 50]
TRM - Cap/Floor [page 58] Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
Document info record (DMS) Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CA-DMS
[page 29]
VC - Variant table entry [page Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP LO-VC
JIT - Customer [page 41] Master data Direct Transfer - ERP LE-JIT
EHS - Location [page 34] Master data Direct Transfer - ERP EHS-SUS-FND
RE-FX - Business partner role Master data Direct Transfer - ERP AP-MD-BP
[page 55]
AFS - Article [page 483] Master data Direct Transfer - AFS IS-AFS-MM
Batch unique at plant level Master data Direct Transfer - AFS LO-BM
[page 523]
AFS - Configuration class for Master data Direct Transfer - AFS IS-AFS-BD
material grid [page 490]
AFS - Distribution curve con Master data Direct Transfer - AFS IS-AFS-BD
dition [page 492]
ECM - Change master [page Master data Direct Transfer - AFS PLM-PLC
Fixed asset (including bal Transactional data Direct Transfer - AFS FI-AA
ance) [page 570]
CO - Cost rate [page 530] Master data Direct Transfer - AFS CO-OM
FI - G/L open item (new G/L) Transactional data Direct Transfer - AFS FI
[page 600]
PP - Material BOM [page 636] Master data Direct Transfer - AFS PP-BD
PP - Sales order BOM [page Master data Direct Transfer - AFS PP-BD
AFS - Season [page 510] Master data Direct Transfer - AFS IS-AFS-SD
MM - Source list [page 629] Master data Direct Transfer - AFS MM-PUR
Document info record (DMS) Master data Direct Transfer - AFS CA-DMS
[page 467]
AFS - Purchase grid condi Master data Direct Transfer - AFS IS-AFS-BD
tion record [page 456]
AFS - Sales grid condition re Master data Direct Transfer - AFS IS-AFS-SD
cord [page 459]
Warehouse fixed bin assign Master data Direct Transfer - EWM SCM-EWM
ments [page 675]
Warehouse storage bin [page Master data Direct Transfer - EWM SCM-EWM
Warehouse storage bin sort Master data Direct Transfer - EWM SCM-EWM
ing [page 683]
Warehouse stock [page 686] Master data Direct Transfer - EWM SCM-EWM
Shipping and receiving set Master data Direct Transfer - EWM SCM-EWM
tings [page 694]
Production supply area [page Master data Direct Transfer - EWM SCM-EWM
Resource and user mainte Master data Direct Transfer - EWM SCM-EWM
nance [page 699]
Resource group and queue Master data Direct Transfer - EWM SCM-EWM
settings [page 702]
Work center dependent set Master data Direct Transfer - EWM SCM-EWM
tings [page 709]
Material flow system [page Master data Direct Transfer - EWM SCM-EWM
Carrier profile [page 718] Master data Direct Transfer - EWM SCM-EWM
Zones hierarchy [page 722] Master data Direct Transfer - EWM SCM-EWM
CRM - Activities [page 672] Transactional data Direct Transfer - CRM CRM-BTX-ACT
eSPP - Location [page 762] Master data Direct Transfer - eSPP SCM-BAS-MD
eSPP - Product [page 765] Master Data Direct Transfer - eSPP SCM-BAS-MD
eSPP - MRP Area [page 767] Master Data Direct Transfer - eSPP SCM-BAS-MD
eSPP - Product BoD Assign Master Data Direct Transfer - eSPP SCM-BAS-MD
ment [page 775]
Data protection legislation may require that personal data is deleted once the data has served its originally
defined purpose and is also no longer subject to additional legal data retention requirements. If data
protection legislation is applicable in your case, then migrating personal data, which should have been
deleted could be interpreted as the processing of personal data without any legally justified purpose.
For some migration objects, there are additions to the migration object name. These additions include
"restricted" and "deprecated". Restricted means that not all fields and structures of the relevant business
processes are covered by this migration object, deprecated means that there’s a newer version of this
migration object available. Deprecated objects will be deleted after a couple of releases. Make sure you
always read the migration object documentation for these objects carefully. Also see SAP Note 2698032
for more details on deprecated migration objects.
Migration objects are built for initial migration of your data to your SAP S/4HANA or SAP S/4HANA Cloud
system. This means that you can create data with a migration object, but you can't change or update
existing data with it.
The predelivered data migration objects are built for SAP S/4HANA Cloud and the respective SAP Best
Practices Content. You can use these objects also for SAP S/4HANA and the respective SAP Best Practices
Content. Using SAP S/4HANA, the delivered standard migration objects are templates that can be
enhanced according to your needs. The enhancement is only limited by the functionality of the tool and the
capabilities of the underlying API to load the data. Starting with SAP S/4HANA 1610 FPS2, you can enhance
customer projects based on these delivered standard migration objects or you can create your own objects
using the SAP S/4HANA migration object modeler (transaction LTMOM). For further information, please see
SAP Note 2481235 .
Further Information
● Use these SAP Help Portal aliases to access the following sections of our product assistance:
● If you want to view information about the differences between the current release and the previous release,
see SAP S/4HANA – Release Comparison of Migration Object Templates (for the File/Staging Table
migration approach only, and for customers and partners only).
● If you’re using the Fixed asset (incl. balances and transactions) [page 889] migration object, we provide
background information on asset classes and available fields per asset class here (for customers and
partners only).
● For information regarding mapping of unit of measures, see SAP Knowledge Base Article 2907822 .
1.1 Recipe
This migration object enables you to migrate recipe data from the source ERP system to the target SAP S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: PP-PI-MD-MRC
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
Material Assignments, Operations, Phases, Secondary Resources, and Relationships that you set for
deletion with respect to change numbers are not supported.
● Material components
● Object dependencies
● Header long texts
● Item long texts
● Classification
● Quality Management
● Process instructions
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Product
● PP - Material BOM
● PP - Production version
● PP - Routing
● PP - Work center
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some builtin validation capabilities that you can use as checks.
Change C202
Display C203
This migration object enables you to migrate work center hierarchy data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Production Master Data
Component: PP-BD-WKC
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects work center hierarchies from the CRHH table for the derived plants.
In Scope
● General data
● Work center assignments
● Hierarchy data
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● CO - Business process
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Internal order
● PP - Work center
Source System
Not relevant
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
AS_CRHS: To store the hierarchy structure
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Display CR23
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate FSCM credit management role data for a business partner from
the source ERP system to the target SAP S/4HANA system. The migration is based on the default selection
criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Financial Supply Chain
Component: FIN-FSCM-CR
Business Object Definition A customer is a business partner with whom a business rela
tionship exists whereby the customer orders goods or serv
ices from the company. This is one of the most commonly
used master data objects, used by almost all business appli
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives credit control areas from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects the credit segment data from the
UKMBP_CMS_SGM table for the derived credit control areas.
In Scope
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the source
Target System
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Display UKM_BP
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate document info record data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
All document info records are automatically selected for migration. You can restrict the selection in the
LTMOM transaction.
In Scope
● Document info records you set for deletion in the source ERP system are not migrated.
● Important: Migrate document info records in the same sequence as the sequence of versions to
ensure consistency.
Migrate classification details linked to the document info record separately using the Object classification
(general template) migration object.
You can migrate object links related to the document info record separately for the following migration
● PM - Equipment
Out of Scope
● Classifications
● Document hierarchies
● Document structures
● Object links
● Change numbers
● Change logs
● Document distribution data
● Digital signature
● Status change logs
● If you have multiple steps for migration, you can simulate only this feature: Document info record
● The following feature is out of scope for simulation: Originals/Attachments.
● During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation
even though simulation was successful.
Target System
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● The Version Assignment checkbox is deselected for the relevant document types in the IMG path: Cross-
Application Components Document Management Control Data Define Document Types .
● Important: To ensure classification assignments for those document info records that have the Locked (S-
type) status, change the status type from Locked (S) to ' ' (space) for all document types in the Define
Document Types configuration. After migraton, change the status type back from ' ' (space) to Locked (S).
● In the mapping task for the Document Number (DOKNR) field, the number range is set to external for the
DOKUMENT number range object.
● No explicit changes made to mapping tasks for document versions
● Content repository and storage category to store the originals
● MIME types in the IMG path: Cross-Application Components Document Management General Data
Define Workstation Application
Storage type: The same content repository should be used in the source and target systems. If you are
using an SAP system database as the content repository in the source system, you should configure the
same content repository as an HTTP server pointing to the source R/3 system in the target system.
Source System
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the source
Documents are checked into the source system to enable them to be opened by different users in the
target system
Its recommended that, Document types have one-to-one mapping in the source and target systems with
similar configurations
Implement SAP Note 685521 in the source system. The HTTP server you are pointing to in the target
system, is the host address in the source system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
To carry out data migration, assign table maintenance or table access authorizations and enter the relevant
values for the migration user.
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
After migration, select the Version Assignment checkbox on the Define Document Types: Overview screen for
each document type. (Relevant transaction: DC10)
After migration, change the status type back from ' ' (space) to Locked (S) for all document types with the DIR
Released status for classification assignments.
● Document info records and document statuses with the migration date
● Originals data with the user and date information from the source system
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Change CV02N
Display CV03N
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate location data for Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) from the
source ERP system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the
migration object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming
Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Definition An identified real place, virtual space, or object. The location
is a central master data object that can be organized in a hi
erarchy to represent where a location exists spatially or func
tionally in a company. Examples of a location are a plant, a
piece of equipment, or a work area.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Documents
● Plant Maintenance (PM) links
● Authorization groups
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Location types
● Company codes
● Plants
● Storage locations
● Business areas
● Controlling areas
● Storage types
● Storage bins
This migration object transfers location names (same or updated names) to the target system. Therefore,
to prevent errors, ensure that location names are not configured in the target system.
You have migrated or defined settings in the Business partner migration object.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate location hierarchy data for Environment, Health and Safety (EHS)
from the source ERP system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for
Business Object Definition The Location Structure shows the hierarchy of locations and
their sublocations. Under the Location Structure, the user
can set a location as My Location. This serves as the starting
point in the location hierarchy as it is then displayed as the
first node. This avoids displaying the whole location struc
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Hierarchies
● Revisions
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Further Information
This migration object enables you to assign global object dependencies to classes after migration from the
source ERP system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the
migration object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming
Interfaces (APIs).
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
All classes that have global object dependencies assigned are automatically selected from the KLAHtable.
Out of Scope
During migration, this migration object checks whether class characteristics have been changed with a
change number in the target system.
If changes have taken place, the migration object uses the change number information in the source
system to assign global dependencies to the Class object and the overwritten class values.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Class
● VC - Object dependency and dependency net
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create CL01
Change CL02
Display CL03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate JIT customer data from the source ERP system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Definition Indicates the party (usually original equipment manufac
turer) who receives delivery of the goods
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives sales organizations from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects JIT customers from the JITCU table if JIT
customers are defined for ship-to-party customers that belong to the derived sales organizations.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Conversion of external status information
● Destinations
Out of Scope
● Lead times
● Components group types
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
Technical Information
● Migrates JIT customers from the SAP ERP system to JIT Processing (Next -Generation) in the SAP S/4
HANA system.
● Identifies the ship-to-party for each JIT customer defined for the sold-to-party and partner description
combination from the KNVP (partner function) table in the source system.
● Provides a mapping task to map the Destination of JIT Customer field from the source system to the
Customer Supply Area field in the target system.
The standard API creates draft documents if the migration of JIT customers results in errors. You can delete
these draft documents manually after data migration, if required
Follow-On Activities
To enable the viewing of data, assign the following role to the user:
You can use the Manage JIT Customer Data application to view and maintain the object in SAP Fiori.
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate joint operating agreement data from the source ERP system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Joint Venture Accounting
Component: CA-JVA
Business Object Definition A joint operating agreement contains the contractual agree
ments between joint venture partners. Joint venture and
equity groups are linked with each other via the equity type
and assigned within a joint operating agreement..
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All joint operating agreements from the T8JU table are automatically selected for the company codes you
specified when defining the migration scope.
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Please migrate the Joint operating agreement (step 1) migration object before you migrate the Joint
operating agreement (step 2) migration object. Please ensure that both migration objects are included in the
same JVA migration project.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
Virtual Table
MANUAL_TABLE: To restrict joint operating agreements that do not have cost centers, internal orders, and WBS
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create GJA1
Change GJA2
Display GJA3
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate joint venture master data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Joint Venture Accounting
Component: CA-JVA
Business Object Definition A joint venture in the SAP System is a summarization of cost
objects whose costs are split up among partners. A joint ven
ture is usually lead by an operating authority, who is respon
sible for the costs incurred. At the end of a period, all the
costs incurred are split up and allocated to the partners in
volved. Joint ventures are created to keep costs as low as
possible for the operating authority and the partners. This is
achieved by distributing the costs incurred to the partici
pants of the joint venture.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All joint ventures from the T8JV table are automatically selected for the company codes that you specified
when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Equity type data
● Equity group data
● Burden rate type
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
If you renamed an equity group in a joint operating agreement,provide the same mapping for equity groups
in the joint venture master.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Follow-On Activities
Migrate S4_JVA_MASTER_UPDATE (JVA - Joint venture master (step 2) ) to update the current joint venture
with this data:
● Cross-company codes
● Substitute cost objects
● Parent company overheads
● Operator codes for joint venture
● Inter-company mappings
● Intra-company mappings
● Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create GJVV
Change GJVV
Display GJVV
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate joint venture master data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Joint Venture Accounting
Component: CA-JVA
Business Object Definition A joint venture in the SAP System is a summarization of cost
objects whose costs are split up among partners. A joint ven
ture is usually lead by an operating authority, who is respon
sible for the costs incurred. At the end of a period, all the
costs incurred are split up and allocated to the partners in
volved. Joint ventures are created to keep costs as low as
possible for the operating authority and the partners. This is
achieved by distributing the costs incurred to the partici
pants of the joint venture.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All joint venture data from the T8JV table is automatically selected for the company codes you specified when
defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Cross-company code data from the Equity Groups tab
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
If you renamed an equity group in a joint operating agreement,,provide the same mapping for equity groups
in the joint venture master.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system.
You can manually define inter-company mappings and intra-company mappings, if required.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create GJVV
Change GJVV
Display GJVV
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate legal control data from the source ERP system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Definition Classification of products for legal control. This includes the
assignment of control classes and control groupings as well
as the setting of the control relevance.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
1. This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration
2. This migration object automatically selects materials from the MARC table for the derived plants.
3. This migration object also selects the same materials from the MAEX table as the materials selected from
the MARC table.
In Scope
Out of Scope
● Valid-from dates
● Valid-to dates
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, ensure the following Customizing in the both the source and target
● Legal regulations
● Control classes
● Control groups
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
To validate data, assign the SAP_BR_TRD_CLS_SPECIALIST (Trade Classification Specialist) business role to
the user in the target system.
You can validate the data using the Classify Products - Legal Control application in SAP Fiori.
This migration object enables you to migrate RE-FX business partner role data from the source ERP system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object selects all flexible real estate documents for the company codes you specified when
defining the migration scope. This migration object picks up the flexible real estate documents from the
following tables:
The migration object next selects all business partners for the flexible real estate documents from the
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
You have migrated or defined settings in the Business partner migration object.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create BP
Change BP
Display BP
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate cap and floor contract data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Financial Supply Chain
Financial Transaction
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
Cap and floor contracts with the active activity categories Contract and Settlement are relevant for migration.
The relevant cap and floor contracts from the VTBFHA table are automatically selected for the company codes
you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Structure data
● Administration data
● Additional main flows
To migrate the complete cap/floor data, ensure that these migration objects are defined in the same
Out of Scope
● Terminated transactions
If you have multiple steps for migration, you can simulate only the Contract Data feature.
● Main Flow
● Settlement
During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation even
though simulation was successful.
Interest rate adjustments are not migrated to the target system. You need to manually update this
information in the target system after migration.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Currency type and currency key of the controlling area assigned to the source and target company codes
must match
● Currency keys assigned to currency types belonging to different organizational units must be the same in
source and target systems.
● Factory calendars relevant for Treasury.
● Business partners with necessary authorizations
● Valuation areas for selected company codes and initialization of parallel valuation areas
● Cash flow calculation set to "Parallel Condition" under product types for premium conditions
● Product types, flow types and update types
● House banks
● Business partner
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Profit center
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
With the help of this migration object, you have migrated valuation-area-independent data such as quantity
data (for example, units, nominal amounts), purchase value, cost, and accrued interest to the target system. To
migrate valuation area-dependent data for SAP TRM, use the Legacy Data Transfer tool.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Display FTR_EDIT
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate deposit at notice data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
Business Object Definition An amount of money invested or borrowed for a term that is
unknown when the contract is concluded. Taking into ac
count a predetermined period of notice, the remaining term
is fixed when notice is given.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
Deposit at notice transactions with the active activity categories Contract, Rollover, and Settlement are
relevant for migration. The relevant deposit at notice transactions from the VTBFHA table are automatically
selected for the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope .
In Scope
● Main condition
● Main flow of investment
● Main flow of borrowing
● Structure
● Administration
● Other flows
● Payment details
● Correspondence data
● Default risk limit
● Analysis parameter data
● Trade repository
You can simulate only the Create a deposit at notice transaction feature.
During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation even
though simulation was successful.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Currency type and currency key of the controlling area assigned to the source and target company codes
must match
● Currency keys assigned to currency types belonging to different organizational units must be the same in
source and target systems
● Valuation areas for selected company codes and initialization of parallel valuation areas
● Conditions types and flow types
● Product types, transaction types, and update types
● Position management and links to accounting components
● All cash flows until the migration cutoff date are posted to Financial Accounting
● Business partner
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Profit center
● TRM - Business partner roles
● TRM - Facility
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
The problem of double balances: The source system contains flows related to financial transactions occurring
before migration. Please note that the information related to flows is already included in the balance sheet
migrated from the source system to the SAP S/4 HANA system. If you post these flows again in the receiver
system, the migration tool updates the general ledger twice. This means that the corresponding financial
transaction that was created in the receiver system during migration needs to be excluded from further
processing of flows.
How to avoid double balances: To avoid the double posting of flows, you can go to the TBB1_LC transaction
and select the Flag Flows as Posted check box. This transaction enables the generation of posting logs. In the FI
area, you can see the accounts to which postings need to be made to reconcile the data. This information is
required for account assignment reference transfers at a later stage of the business process. The data is also
available in the posting journal (transaction TPM20).
Valuation areas: With the help of this migration object, you have migrated valuation-area-independent data
such as quantity data (for example, units, nominal amounts), purchase value, cost, and accrued interest to the
target system. To migrate valuation area-dependent data for SAP TRM, use the Legacy Data Transfer tool.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Further Information
This migration object enables you to assign global object dependencies to characteristics after migration from
the source ERP system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the
migration object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming
Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Definition A special allocation function that enables allocation of global
dependencies to characteristics.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
All characteristics that have global object dependencies assigned are automatically selected from the CABN
In Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create/Change/Display CT04
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate interface design data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Definition You can assign an interface design to several materials that
are assigned to the same class and therefore have the same
characteristics. When you configure these materials, you au
tomatically start with the characteristics groups that you de
fined in your interface design.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Descriptions for characteristics groups
● Format data
● Borders
● Border descriptions
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
You have migrated or defined settings in the VC - Configuration profile migration object.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create CU42,CU50
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate variant table entry data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Definition A table used to store consistent combinations of values for
different characteristics in production modeling.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope. This object
automatically selects all variant table entries from the table CUVTAB.
In Scope
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Characteristic
● VC - Variant table structure
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create CU60
Change CU60
Display CU60
This migration object enables you to migrate variant table structure data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Central Functions Variant
Component: LO-VC
Business Object Definition A table used to store consistent combinations of values for
different characteristics in product modeling.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects all variant table structure records from the CUVTAB table in the
source system.
In Scope
● Basic data
Variant table structures with the Locked status are migrated with the Released status to the target SAP S/
4HANA system.
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
You have migrated or defined settings for the Characteristic migration object.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create CU61
Change CU62
Display CU63
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate batch data unique at the plant level from the source ERP system
to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces
Management Batch
Component: LO-BM
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects all unique batch data at the plant level from the MCHA table for the
derived plants.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Classification data
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Characteristic
● Class
● Object classification (general template)
● Product
● Supplier
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create MSC1N
Change MSC2N
Display MSC3N
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate batch data at material and client level from the source ERP
system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming
Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Central Functions Batch
Management Batch
Component: LO-BM
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
If both Product and Batch unique at material and client level migration objects are set for migration:
This migration object first identfiies materials assigned to the company codes you specified during migration
scope. For the relevant materials, this mgiration object automatically selects all batch data unique at the
material and client levels from the MCH1 table.
If only the Batch unique at material and client level migration object is set for migration:
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope. This mgiration
object automatically selects all batch data unique at the material and client levels from the MCH1 table for
In Scope
● Basic data
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Characteristic
● Class
● Object classification (general template)
● Product
● Supplier
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Nor relevant
Create MSC1N
Change MSC2N
Display MSC3N
Further Information
1.22 Bank
This object enables you to migrate bank data from the source ERP system to the target S/4HANA system
based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration process enables you to
transfer data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects all bank keys from the BNKA table in the source system.
In Scope
● Bank country/region
● Bank key
● Bank address data
● Other address data of the bank
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create FI01
Change FI02
Display FI03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate business partner data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All business partners from the BUT000 table are automatically selected for the company codes you specified
when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Address data
● Address overview
● Identification data
● Control data
● Payment transactions
● Tax numbers
● Status
By default, business partners with all of the following roles are selected for migration:
● Customer
● Vendor
● Customer and vendor
Contact SAP if you want to migrate business partners with only one assigned role, such as vendor,
customer, or TRM.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
You have migrated or defined settings for the Bank migration object.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
CMD_MIG_BP_CVI_CREATE RFC for Creating New BP with CVI and New Segments Insertion
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create BP
Change BP
Display BP
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate catalog code group and code data from the source ERP system to
the target SAP S/4 HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
Out of Scope
● Classification
● Statuses set to Can no longer be used
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Display QS42
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate characteristic data from the source ERP system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: CA-CL
Business Object Definition Property for describing and distinguishing between objects,
such as length, color, or weight.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
All characteristics from the CABN table in the source system are automatically selected for migration.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Names
● Characteristic values
● Additional data
● Restrictions
● Document info record assignments
● You can migrate only the allowed values from the value check strategy.
● If there are any dependency source code errors, dependencies with the Released status are migrated
with the Locked status.
Out of Scope
During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation even
though simulation was successful.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create CT04
Change CT04
Display CT04
Further Information
1.26 Class
This migration object enables you to migrate class data from the source ERP system to the target SAP S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: CA-CL
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects all classes from the KLAH table in the source system.
In Scope
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Characteristic
● ECM - Change master
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
C_TCLA_BKA (Create/Validate)
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create CL01
Change CL02
Display CL03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate condition contract data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: LO-AB
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Customer
● Exchange rate
● Product
● Supplier
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
● W_COCO (Controls whether documents from a condition contract type can be processed)
● W_COCO_ORG (Controls whether documents from a condition contract type can be processed for the
specified organizational units)
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create WCOCO
Change WCOCO
Display WCOCO
1.28 Customer
This migration object enables you to migrate customer master data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Sales and Distribution
Component: SD
Business Object Definition A business partner with whom a business relationship exists,
involving the issue of goods or services.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives sales organizations from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects all customers from the KNA1 table for the
company codes and derived sales organizations.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Company data including dunning
● If a customer in the source system is extended to multiple company codes, after data migration, the
customer in the target system is extended only to the participating company codes.
● If a customer in the source system has multiple sales organizations, after data migration, the customer
in the target system contains only the selected sales organizations.
Out of Scope
Source System
Before you can start the migration process, ensure that you have defined values for all fields set as mandatory
in the target system. Otherwise, errors may occur after migration. Alternatively, blank values are populated in
the mandatory fields after data migration.
Target System
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Call Selected
● Bank
● FI - G/L account
● Business partner
If a business partner is linked to a customer in the source system, please migrate the Business partner
migration object before you migrate the Customer migration object. Please ensure that both migration
objects are included in the same migration project.
● Supplier
○ If the customer and vendor refer to the same business entity in the source system, please migrate the
Customer migration object before you migrate the Supplier migration object. Please ensure that both
migration objects are included in the same migration project.
○ If the business partner is linked to both the customer and vendor in the source system, please migrate
the Business partner migration object first, followed by the Customer migration object, and finally the
Supplier migration object. Please ensure that all three migration objects are included in the same
migration project.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
This migration object identifies the business partner category from the TSAD3 Customizing table belonging to
the customer title. If, for example, the customer title in the source system is "company", the business partner
category is "organization".
If the customer account has referenced This migration object migrates the cus 1. Set the referenced customer ac
customer accounts such as sold-to counts for migration or manually
tomer account, but not the referenced
party or ship-to part party in the source create the referenced customer
customer accounts. The migration ends
system, but only the customer account accounts in the target system.
is set for migration. in error.
2. Migrate the migration object again.
If the customer account has referenced This migration object migrates all cus Not relevant
customer accounts in the source sys tomer accounts along with the referen
tem, and all relevant customer ac ces among the relevant customer ac
counts are set for migration. counts.
Virtual Tables
If the customer account group is as Customer (Enter a blank.) Customer Number (MAP_KUNNR)
signed to an internal number range
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
This migration object enables you to migrate activity type master data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Controlling Cost Center
Component: CO
Business Object Definition A unit in a controlling area that classifies the activities per
formed in a cost center.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the controlling area from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects all activity types from the CSLA table for the
derived controlling areas.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Activity type texts
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system.
Create KL01
Change KL02
Display KL03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate activity type group master data from the source ERP system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Controlling Cost Center
Component: CO
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
The migration object selects the set class with the value 0105 (Activity Type Group) for transfer.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Groups and values
This migration object transfers activity type groups maintained in the source system to the target system
without any changes. If you want to rename an activity type during migration, you may have to manually
modify the activity type names in the groups.
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Target System
Technical Information
Target System
Source System
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create KLH1
Change KLH2
Display KLH3
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate business process data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: CO-OM
Business Object Definition Process in a company that uses resources and can involve
the activities of different departments.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the controlling area from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects all business processes from the CBPR table for the
derived controlling areas.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Organizations
● Attributes
● Allocation
● Templates
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Profit center
● CO - Business process group
● CO - Secondary cost element
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create CP01
Change CP02
Display CP03
Further Information
This object enables you to migrate business process groups and assigned standard hierarchies from the source
ERP system to the target S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
This migration process enables you to transfers data to the target system using Business Application
Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: CO-OM-ABC
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the controlling area from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects all business process groups and the standard
hierarchies from SETHEADER table for the derived controlling areas.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Standard hierarchies assigned to the controlling area
After the business process master data is migrated to the target system, the respective business process is
assigned to the corresponding hierarchy area.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create CPH1
Change CPH2
Display CPH3
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate cost center data from the source ERP system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Controlling Cost Center
Component: CO
Business Object Definition An organizational unit within a controlling area that repre
sents a defined location of cost incurrence.
● Functional requirements
● Allocation criteria
● Physical location
● Responsibility for costs
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the controlling area from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects all cost centers from the CSKS table for the
derived controlling areas.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Company code data
● Address data
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create KS01
Change KS02
Display KS03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate cost center groups and assigned standard hierarchies from the
source ERP system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the
migration object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using standard Business
Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path Accounting Controlling Cost Center
Component: CO
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the controlling area from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects cost center groups and the assigned standard
hierarchies from the SETHEADER table for the derived controlling areas.
In Scope
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Standard hierarchies belonging to cost center groups are assigned to the relevant controlling area.
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create KSH1
Change KSH2
Display KSH3
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate cost element group data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Controlling Cost Center
Component: CO
Business Object Definition An organizational entity that combines cost elements of the
same type. Cost element groups can serve various purposes.
For example, they can be used to create reports or to proc
ess several cost elements in one business transaction.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the chart of accounts from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects the cost element groups from the SETHEADER
table for the derived charts of accounts.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Groups and values
This migration object transfers cost element groups maintained in the source system to the target system
without any changes. If you want to rename a cost element during migration, you may have to manually
modify the cost element names in the groups.
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create KAH1
Change KAH2
Display KAH3
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate cost rate data from the source ERP system to the target SAP S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Controlling Cost Center
Component: CO-OM
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the controlling area from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects all cost rate data from the CSSL table for the
controlling areas.
All cost rate data from the CSSL table is automatically selected for the current fiscal year, previous fiscal year,
and the upcoming fiscal year. Fiscal year data enables a comparison of planned and actual cost rates.
In Scope
● Header information
● Objects for plan activity
● Period values for plan activity
● Control values for plan activity
Cost rates for business processes in the source system are not migrated
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Activity type
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
FLTR_CSSL: To store cost rate data of the previous, current, and upcoming fiscal years.
The migration object transfers cost rate information to the target system with default values for the following
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create KP26
Change KP26
Display KP27
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate internal order data from the source ERP system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: CO
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
In Scope
● Basic data
● Internal order description
After migration, all internal orders are set to the Created status regardless of the status in the source
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Plant
● Object class
● Business area
● Functional area
● CO - Profit center
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Business process
● SD - Customer quotation
● JVA - Joint venture master (step 1)
● PS - Network
If you want to set the status of all migrated internal orders to Released: You have set the order profile in the
KOT2_OPA transaction and selected Release Immediately before migration.
With this setting, after migration, all internal orders are set to the Released status regardless of the status
in the source system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
If you have set the number range object to internal, the BAPI still treats it as an external number range object.
As a result, errors might occur even though migration was successful.
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Change KO02
Display KO03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate profit center data from the source ERP system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Controlling Profit Center
Component: CO
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
In Scope
● Basic data
● Company code data
● Address data
● Validity information
● Communication data
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
If the profit center is assigned to several company codes, this migration object assigns only the specified
company codes to the profit center in the target system. This migration object sets the ASSIGN_TO_PRCTR
parameter to X in the CEPC_BUKRS table for the BAPI BAPI_PROFITCENTER_CREATE.
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create KE51
Change KE52
Display KE53
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate profit center groups and assigned standard hierarchies from the
source ERP system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the
migration object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application
Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Controlling Profit Center
Component: CO
Business Object Definition A profit center group is a hierarchical structure of profit cen
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the controlling area from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects profit center groups and the assigned standard
hierarchies from the SETHEADER table for the derived controlling areas.
In Scope
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Standard hierarchies belonging to profit center groups are assigned to the relevant controlling area.
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant.
Create KCH1
Change KCH2
Display KCH3
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate secondary cost element master data from the source ERP system
to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: CO
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the controlling area from company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects all secondary cost elements from the CSKB table
for the derived controlling areas.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Company code data
● Chart of accounts data
● General texts
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
FI - G/L account
Source System
Not relevant
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
If a group chart of accounts is assigned to a chart of accounts, use the values in the MAP_KTOPL_BILKT
mapping task.
If a countryspecific/local chart of accounts is assigned at the company code level, use the values in the
MAP_BUKRS_ALTKT mapping task.
If a group chart of accounts is assigned to a chart of accounts, and a countryspecific/local chart of account is
assigned at the company code level, use the values in both the MAP_KTOPL_BILKT and MAP_BUKRS_ALTKT
mapping tasks.
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create FS00
Change FS00
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate statistical key figure data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Controlling Profit Center
Component: CO
● Cost center
● Business process
● Profit center
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
In Scope
● Basic data
● Statistical key figure descriptions in one of available languages
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Controlling areas
● Statistical key figure hierarchies
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
S_ADMI_FCD(System Authorizations)
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create KK01
Change KK02
Display KK03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate engineering change number data from the source ERP system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces
Component: LO-ECH
Business Object Definition A component that allows objects to be changed with history
(with date validity) or dependent on specific conditions (with
parameter effectivity).
● Bills of material
● Task lists
● Documents
● Materials
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Object types
○ Bills of material
○ Documents
○ Materials
○ Characteristics
○ Class characteristics
○ Task lists
○ Classifications
○ Object dependencies
○ Configuration profiles
○ Variant tables
● Alternative dates
● Change header long texts
Engineering change numbers you set for deletion in the source ERP system are not migrated.
● Effectivity data
● Object assignments
● Engineering change request
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
During migration, for each object type in the migration scope for Engineering Change Number, this migration
object clears the values for the GEN_NEW and GEN_DIALOG fields in the target system. Clearing is necessary to
ensure that there are no dependencies on other master data objects during migration.
Follow-On Activities
Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system.
Create CC01
Change CC02
Display CC03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate exchange rate data from the source ERP system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: SAP Netweaver General Settings
Component: FI
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
Exchange rates are defined at the client level and are relevant across company codes. Hence, this migration
object migrates all exchange rates maintained in the TCURR table in the source system to the target system.
In Scope
Exchange rate
Out of Scope
Incomplete exchange rates. For example, exchange rate information that is available in the TCURR table is
missing in the TCURF table.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Currencies
● Exchange rate types
● Translation ratios
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Maintain OC41
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate G/L accounts and primary cost elements from the source ERP
system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (API).
Component: FI
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the charts of accounts from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects all G/L accounts from the SKA1 table for the
derived charts of accounts.
The selected G/L accounts should be present in the SKB1 table for the specified company codes.
In Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Languages assigned to the charts of accounts in the source and target systems must match.
● If a group chart of accounts is active, all group accounts are maintained or migrated.
● If an alternate group account is active, all alternate accounts are maintained or migrated.
● P/L statement account types
● Company IDs of trading partners
● House banks
You have migrated or defined settings in the FI - House bank migration object.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create FS00
Change FS00
Display FS00
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate G/L account balance data (for the current fiscal year) from the
source ERP system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the
migration object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application
Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Business Object Definition The balance of a G/L account is the amount resulting from
the difference between the debit and credit balances of the
account. There are two types of balances:
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object automatically selects the following data for the company codes you specified when
defining the migration scope:
All G/L account balances from the GLT0 table belonging to non-open item managed accounts and profit & loss
In Scope
● G/L account balances belonging to the general ledger 00 and additional currency ledgers assigned to the
specified company codes
● As-is values of any additional local currencies customized in the source system only if the same currencies
are defined in the target system for the company codes
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system, (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Currency type and the currency key of the controlling area (assigned to the specified company codes)
match in the source and target systems
● Currency keys assigned to currency types belonging to different organizational units match in the source
and target systems
● You have created and activated the ACC_DOCUMENT BAdI implementation in the target system. Please see
SAP Note 2717381 for information about BAdI implementations.
● FI - G/L account
● CO - Secondary cost element
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Display FS10N
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate G/L account balance data (for the current fiscal year) from the
source ERP system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the
migration object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application
Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object automatically selects the following data for the company codes you specified when
defining the migration scope:
All G/L account balances from the FAGLFLEXT table belonging to non-open item managed accounts and profit
& loss accounts
In Scope
● G/L Account balances belonging to leading and non-leading ledgers that are assigned to the participating
company codes.
● As-is values of any additional local currencies that are customized in the source system only if the same
currencies are defined in the target system for company codes.
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● The leading and non-leading ledgers assigned to the specified company codes match in both the source
and target systems.
● You have created and activated the ACC_DOCUMENT BAdI implementation in the target system. Please see
SAP Note 2717381 for information about BAdI implementations.
● Currency type and the currency key of the controlling area (assigned to the specified company codes)
match in the source and target systems
● Currency keys assigned to currency types belonging to different organizational units match in the source
and target systems
● FI - G/L account
● CO - Secondary cost element
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Profit center
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view for the object. However, this code also has
some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Display FAGLB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate G/L open item data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All G/L open items from the BSIS table are automatically selected for the company codes that you specified
when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● As-is values of any additional local currencies customized in the source system only if the same currencies
are defined in the target system for the company codes
● Line items of open item managed accounts
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
Out of Scope
Tax lines
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● CO - Business process
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Internal order
● CO - Profit center
● CO - Secondary cost element
● Exchange rate
● FI-AA Fixed asset - including balance
● FI - G/L account
● PS - Network
● PS - Project
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not Relevant
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Assign the tax category in the master data for the open item managed account.
Create FB50
Change FB02
Display FB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate G/L open item data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Business Object Definition G/L open item records contain the open items posted to an
open item managed account. Accounts that are managed on
an open item basis include:
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
In Scope
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
Out of Scope
● Tax lines
● Clearings specific to ledger groups
● Postings in non-leading ledgers (BKPF-BSTAT = "L") only
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● CO - Business process
● CO - Cost center
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not Relevant
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Assign the tax category in the master data for the open item managed account.
Create FB50
Change FB02
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate accounts payable open items from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Accounts Payable
Component: FI
Business Object Definition Accounts payable are liabilities currently owed by a person
or business. The Accounts Payable application component
records and administers accounting data for all vendors. Ac
counts payable open items are those items that are yet to be
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All accounts payable open items from the BSIK table are automatically selected for the company codes that
you specified when defining the migration scope.
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system..
Out of Scope
● Tax lines
● Vendor noted items
● Down payment requests
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● CO - Activity type
● CO - Business process
● CO - Internal order
● CO - Secondary cost element
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Profit center
● Exchange rate
● Fixed asset (including balance)
● FI - House bank
● FI - G/L account
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Assign the tax category in the master data for the vendor reconciliation account.
Create FB01
Change FB02
Display FB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate accounts payable open items from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Accounts Payable
Component: FI
Business Object Definition Accounts payable are liabilities currently owed by a person
or business. The Accounts Payable application component
records and administers accounting data for all vendors. Ac
counts payable open items are those items that are yet to be
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All accounts payable open items from the BSIK table are automatically selected for the company codes that
you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system..
Document splitting is available if you have ensured that document splitting is active for the specified
company codes in both source and target systems.
Out of Scope
● Tax lines
● Vendor noted items
● Down payment requests
● Customerspecific split characteristics
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Assign the tax category in the master data for the vendor reconciliation account.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create FB01
Change FB02
Display FB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate accounts receivable open items from the source ERP system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces
Accounts Receivable
Component: FI
Business Object Definition Open items are items that are not yet cleared.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All accounts receivable open items from the BSID table are automatically selected for the company codes that
you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
Out of Scope
● Tax lines
● Customer noted items
● Down payment requests
● SEPA mandate details such as validity and administrative data
If multiple mandates are assigned to a single line item, only the latest mandate is migrated.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● CO - Activity type
● CO - Business process
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Internal order
● CO - Profit center
● CO - Secondary cost element
● Customer
● Exchange rate
● FI - G/L account
● FI - House bank
● FI - SEPA mandate
● Fixed asset (including balance)
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Assign the tax category in the master data for the customer reconciliation account.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create FB01
Change FB02
Display FB03
This migration object enables you to migrate accounts receivable open items from the source ERP system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces
Accounts Receivable
Component: FI
Business Object Definition Open items are items that are not yet cleared.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All accounts payable open items from the BSID table are automatically selected for the company codes that
you specified when defining the migration scope.
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system, (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
Out of Scope
● Tax lines
● Customer noted items
● Down payment requests
● Customerspecific split characteristics
● SEPA mandate details such as validity and administrative data
If multiple mandates are assigned to a single line item, only the latest mandate is migrated.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● CO - Activity type
● CO - Business process
● CO - Cost center
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Assign the tax category in the master data for the customer reconciliation account.
Create FB01
Change FB02
Display FB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate bank account data from the source ERP system to the target S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All house bank accounts from the T012K table are automatically selected for the company codes you specified
when defining the migration scope.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● FI - Bank
● FI - House bank
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create FI12_HBANK
Change FI12_HBANK
Display FI13_HBANK
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate the house bank data from the source ERP system to the target S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Business Object Definition A business partner that represents a bank through which
you can process your internal transactions.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All house banks from the T012 table are automatically selected for the company codes that you specified when
defining the migration scope.
In Scope
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create FI12_HBANK
Change FI12_HBANK
Display FI13_HBANK
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate open item data specific to ledger groups from the source ERP
system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming
Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Business Object Definition You can use the function for all items that, due to parallel ac
counting, are posted to multiple ledgers and valuated differ
ently in those ledgers, in particular for provisions (such as
provisions for commission or process risks, or provisions for
creating and checking year-end closing).
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All ledger groupspecific postings from the FAGLBSIS table are automatically selected for the company codes
that you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
Out of Scope
Tax lines
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Before migration, create and activate the ACC_DOCUMENT BAdI implementation in the target system. For
more information, see SAP Note 2717381 .
● CO - Business process
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Internal order
● CO - Profit center
● CO - Secondary cost element
● Exchange rate
● FI-AA Fixed asset - including balance
● FI - G/L account
● PS - Network
● PS - Project
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Assign the tax category in the master data for the open item managed account.
Deactivate the BAdI implementation after migration and before posting any new documents in the target
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create FB50L
Change FB02
Display FB03
This migration object enables you to migrate SEPA mandate data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Business Object Definition Payers use SEPA mandates to grant their vendors or service
agents the authorization to debit their account with the ap
propriate payment amount as part of a SEPA direct debit.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All SEPA mandates from the SEPA_MANDATE table belonging to Financial Accounting are automatically
selected for the company codes that you specified when defining the migration scope.
For the selection criteria listed above, the company codes are stored in the Recipient ID field of the
In Scope
● Basic data
● Payer information
● Payment recipients
● Use data for SEPA mandates with the Active status
After migration, the system treats a SEPA mandate with blank use data as a new (first use) mandate.
During a payment run (F110), all related fields are updated for new mandates, thereby possibly increasing
the processing time of payment instructions. To avoid an increase in processing time, this object migrates
use data for SEPA mandates with an active status from the source ERP system to the target SAP S/4HANA
system. During the migration, document numbers and dates remain unchanged. For the purpose of easy
identification, the ID number of the Payment Run of First Use field is migrated with the value CNV_MC_MIG.
Out of Scope
Validation of dependencies (such as customer and bank data business objects) is not carried out during
migration of SEPA mandate data for these statuses:
● Canceled
● Locked
● Obsolete
● Completed
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Customer
● FI - Bank account
Before migration, check in the source ERP system if a SEPA mandate that is used in the payment details of an
FI-TRM transactions has any of the following statuses:
● Canceled
● Locked
● Obsolete
● Completed
If the statuses listed above are present, please change the status to "Entered" or "To Be Confirmed" for that
SEPA mandate in the SEPA Mandate Status mapping task.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
You can update use data manually using the FSEPA_M4 transaction code.
Create FSEPA_M1
Change FSEPA_M2
Display FSEPA_M3
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate legacy data for fixed assets from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Fixed Assets
Component: FI-AA
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All fixed assets from the ANLA table, which do not have a deactivation date, are automatically selected for the
company codes you specified when defining the migration scope .
In Scope
Time of Transfer
● If you transfer balances at the end of a fiscal year, this migration object transfers the accumulated
acquisition cost and the accumulated depreciation values.
● If you transfer balances during a fiscal year, this migration object transfers:
○ The accumulated acquisition cost
○ Accumulated depreciation values
● AuC open items are transferred with the transaction type "900".
● Down payments for AuC are transferred with the transaction type "910".
● AuC line items and assigned documents are transferred to the target system.
● Credit memos with the transaction type "105" and containing negative values are migrated with the
transaction type "100". The BAPI does not accept negative values.
● The migration object posts cumulative values as transactions since cumulative values are not allowed for
This migration object accumulates transaction values and transfers them as acquisition values with the
transaction type "100".
Out of Scope
If a depreciation is defined to take over acquisition values from other depreciation areas (Areas 15, 31, and
33, for example, take over values from Area 01 and 32), and you transfer the acquisition values, the system
ignores the acquisition values. For the depreciation areas 31 and 33, the system derives the values from the
leading depreciation area (01, 32). Therefore, you do not need to transfer cumulative values for these
depreciation areas.
Source System
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the source
● You have completed the Balance Carry Forward process using the FAGLGVTR transaction.
● You have closed the previous fiscal year in Asset Accounting.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● You have made the settings for the relevant depreciation areas. These settings determine the type of data
migrated from the source system. The migration is successful only if the values are compatible with the
depreciation area settings. Depreciation area Customizing should match in the sender and target systems.
● You have defined the offsetting account for legacy data transfer (asset balance sheet account) for Asset
Accounting in the Define Offsetting Account for Legacy Data Transfer activity.
● You have specified the transfer date, the document type, and the legacy data transfer status.
● If you want to do a year-end migration, you have set the Transfer Year Information mapping task to the
value "X". , If you want to do a mid-year migration, you have set the value in the mapping task as blank.
● You have set the transfer date in the target system as the last day of the month. For example, if you want to
set the transfer date in the month of November 2021, you need to set the date to November 30, 2021.
● You have closed the previous fiscal year in Asset Accounting.
● You have ensured that the transfer date is the end date of the period.
If you set the transfer date to September 22, 2018 (22.09.2018) on the Legacy Data Transfer tab, set
the end date to September 30, 2018 (30.09.2018). If you enter any other date as the end date, the
system displays a warning during simulation and migration.
● CO - Activity type
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Internal order
● FI - G/L account
● PS - Project
● Supplier
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
To ensure that the legacy data transfer is carried out completely, reconcile the data in the target system with
the data in your source system. Ensure that you reconcile the legacy data transfer and the corresponding lists
for documentation purposes before you release the SAP system to run operations in Asset Accounting.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Display AS03
Further Information
For more information about how to reconcile data, see SAP Note 2304473 .
For more information about Balance Carry Forward, see SAP Note 2427888 .
For more information about legacy data transfer in SAP_FIN 720 and relevant releases, see SAP Note 2208321
This migration object enables you to migrate condition data for a TRM transaction from the source ERP system
to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Financial Supply Chain
Financial Transaction
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
Relevant conditions are automatically selected from the VTBFINKO table for the company codes you specified
when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Currency type and currency key of the controlling area assigned to the source and target company codes
must match
● Currency keys assigned to currency types belonging to different organizational units must be the same in
source and target systems
● Conditions types and flow types
● Factory calendars relevant for Treasury
● Cash flow calculation set to "Parallel Condition" under product types for premium conditions
● TRM - Cap/Floor
● TRM - Deposit at notice
● TRM - Interest rate swap
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Display FTR_EDIT
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate bilateral facility data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Financial Supply Chain
Financial Transaction
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
Business Object Definition Facilities are agreements between a lender and a borrower,
which control the general conditions for a series of drawings
against a credit line. The lender can give drawing authoriza
tion to several people (= borrowers), who are entitled to
draw varying amounts at any time up to the total approved
credit line. The utilization of this credit option for a facility is
called a drawing.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
Bilateral facility transactions with the active activity categories Contract and Settlement are relevant for
migration. The relevant transactions from the VTBFHA table are automatically selected for the company codes
that you specified when defining the migration scope.
This object is relevant to the creation of a facility transaction. This migration object must be migrated
before you can assign any other money market transactions to this facility.
In Scope
● Structures
● Profiles
● Rules
● Administration data
Out of Scope
● Charges data
● Correspondence data
● Syndicated facility data
● Trade repository data
During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation even
though simulation was successful.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Currency type and currency key of the controlling area assigned to the source and target company codes
must match
● Currency keys assigned to currency types belonging to different organizational units must be the same in
source and target systems
● Valuation areas for selected company codes and initialization of parallel valuation areas
● Conditions types and flow types
● Product types, transaction types, and update types
● Position management and links to accounting components
● All cash flows until the migration cutoff date are posted to Financial Accounting
● Business partner
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Profit center
● FI - House bank
● FI - SEPA mandate
Before migration, ensure that for each rule category on the Rules tab, each value in the source system has a
unique and corresponding value in the target system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
● VTB_RULESET_ALL: To store the All indicator information for a rule category in the Facility transaction.
● VTB_RULESET_TAB: To store details of the Rules tab in the Facility transaction.
● VTB_ASGN_LIMIT_TAB: To store the credit limit values for the Facility transaction.
Follow-On Activities
The problem of double balances: The source system contains flows related to financial transactions occurring
before migration. Please note that the information related to flows is already included in the balance sheet
migrated from the source system to the SAP S/4 HANA system. If you post these flows again in the receiver
system, the migration tool updates the general ledger twice. This means that the corresponding financial
transaction that was created in the receiver system during migration needs to be excluded from further
processing of flows.
How to avoid double balances: To avoid the double posting of flows, you can go to the TBB1_LC transaction
and select the Flag Flows as Posted check box. This transaction enables the generation of posting logs. In the FI
Valuation areas: With the help of this migration object, you have migrated valuation-area-independent data
such as quantity data (for example, units, nominal amounts), purchase value, cost or accrued interest to the
target system. To migrate valuation area-dependent data for SAP TRM, use the Legacy Data Transfer tool.
Display FTR_EDIT
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate fixed term deposit data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
Business Object Definition An amount of money invested or borrowed at a fixed rate for
an agreed term, which is defined when the transaction is
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
Fixed term deposits with the active activity categories Contract and Settlement are relevant for migration .The
relevant fixed term deposits data from the VTBFHA table is automatically selected for the company codes that
you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Structure data
● Administration data
● Contracts
● Contract settlements
● Other flows
● Payment details
● Cash flows
Out of Scope
● Concluded transactions
● Offer transactions
● Replaced transactions
● Reversed transactions
● Simulation transactions
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
1. Create business partners, assign the corresponding roles to these partners, and define authorizations for
relevant transactions.
2. Set the standing instructions (correspondence and payment details) and release the business partner.
3. Define the product type.
If you don't want to use one of the standard product types delivered with the systems, you can define
your own product types.
You create financial transactions and manage positions based on product types. A fixedterm deposit is
an example of a product type in the Money Market area.
Transaction types determine the type of transactions that can be concluded with a particular product
type. Transaction types also control the transaction and position management process. An example of
this is an investment or the borrowing of fixedterm deposits.
5. Define the flow type. Flow types describe the changes to the cash flows.
6. Assign flow types to transaction types.
7. Define the condition type. This setting controls the structural characteristics that are displayed when you
create transactions. Example: Nominal Interest
Source System
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
The problem of double balances: The source system contains flows related to financial transactions occurring
before the migration process. Please note that the information related to flows is already included in the
balance sheet, which was migrated from the source system to the SAP S/4 HANA system. If you post these
flows again in the receiver system, the migration tool updates the general ledger twice. This means that the
corresponding financial transaction, which was created in the receiver system during migration, needs to be
excluded from further processing of flows.
How to avoid double balances: To avoid the double posting of flows, you can go to the TBB1_LC transaction
and select the Flag Flows as Posted checkbox. This transaction enables the generation of posting logs. In the FI
area, you can see the accounts to which postings need to be made to reconcile the data. This information is
required for account assignment reference transfers at a later stage of the business process. The data is also
available in the posting journal (transaction TPM20).
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create TM01
Change TM02
Display TM03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate FX option (foreign exchange option) data from the source ERP
system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming
Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Financial Supply Chain
Fast Entry
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
Available Scenarios
FX option contracts with the active activity categories Contract and Settlement are relevant for migration. The
relevant FX option contract data from the VTBFHA table is automatically selected for the company codes you
specified when defining the migration scope
In Scope
● Structure data
● Underlying data
● Administration data
● Other flows
● Payment details
● Contracts converted from Order to Contract
Out of Scope
● Orders
● Fixing
● Knock-in, Knock-out transactions
The settlement feature for the FX option transaction is out of scope for simulation:
During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation even
though simulation was successful.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Currency type and currency key of the controlling area assigned to the source and target company codes
must match
● Currency keys assigned to currency types belonging to different organizational units must be the same in
source and target system
● Valuation areas for selected company codes and initialization of parallel valuation areas
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Profit center
● FI - House bank
● FI - SEPA mandate
● TRM - Business partner role
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
The problem of double balances: The source system contains flows related to financial transactions occurring
before migration. Please note that the information related to flows is already included in the balance sheet
migrated from the source system to the SAP S/4 HANA system. If you post these flows again in the receiver
system, the migration tool updates the general ledger twice. This means that the corresponding financial
transaction that was created in the receiver system during migration needs to be excluded from further
processing of flows.
How to avoid double balances: To avoid the double posting of flows, you can go to the TBB1_LC transaction
and select the Flag Flows as Posted checkbox. This transaction enables the generation of posting logs. In the FI
area, you can see the accounts to which postings need to be made to reconcile the data. This information is
required for account assignment reference transfers at a later stage of the business process. The data is also
available in the posting journal (transaction TPM20).
Valuation areas: With the help of this migration object, you have migrated valuation-area-independent data
such as quantity data (for example, units, nominal amounts), purchase value, cost, and accrued interest to the
target system. To migrate valuation area-dependent data for SAP TRM, use the Legacy Data Transfer tool.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Display FTR_EDIT
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate foreign exchange collar contract data from the source ERP
system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming
Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Financial Supply Chain
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM
Business Object Definition A collar FX option involves the purchase of a call option and
the sale of a put option, or vice versa.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
FX collar contracts with the active activity categories Contract and Settlement are relevant for migration. The
relevant FX collar contract data from the VTBFHA table is automatically selected for the company codes you
specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Structure data
● Underlying data
● Administration data
● Contracts
● Contract settlements
● Contracts converted from Order to Contract
Contracts with the status Terminate, Give Notice, Exercise, or Expiration are not migrated.
This migration object only migrates foreign exchange collar contracts and does not migrate payment
details or additional flows. Hence, migrate this object before you migrate the TRM - Additional flow and
TRM - Payment detail objects.
Out of Scope
● Order transactions
● Fixing transactions
● Correspondence data
● Trade repository data
● Default risk limit data
● Analysis parameter data
● Knock-in, Knock-out transactions
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Currency type and currency key of the controlling area assigned to the source and target company codes
must match
● Currency keys assigned to currency types belonging to different organizational units must be the same in
source and target systems
● Valuation areas for selected company codes and initialization of parallel valuation areas
● Product types, flow types and update types
● Position management and links to accounting components
● Cash flows until the migration cutoff date need to be posted to Financial Accounting
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Profit center
● FI - House bank
● FI - SEPA mandate
● TRM - Business partner roles
Source System
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
● FOREX: To store amount data of mirror transactions, which is a part of the FX collar contract.
● GENERALCONTRACTDATA: To store contract data of mirror transactions, which is a part of the FX collar
Follow-On Activities
The problem of double balances: The source system contains flows related to financial transactions occurring
before migration. Please note that the information related to flows is already included in the balance sheet
migrated from the source system to the SAP S/4 HANA system. If you post these flows again in the receiver
system, the migration tool updates the general ledger twice. This means that the corresponding financial
transaction that was created in the receiver system during migration needs to be excluded from further
processing of flows.
How to avoid double balances: To avoid the double posting of flows, you can go to the TBB1_LC transaction
and select the Flag Flows as Posted checkbox. This transaction enables the generation of posting logs. You can
see the accounts in the FI area to which postings need to be made to reconcile the data. This information is
required for account assignment reference transfers at a later stage of the business process. The data is also
available in the posting journal (transaction TPM20).
Create TI4B
Display FTR_EDIT
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate foreign exchange swap contract data from the source ERP system
to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Financial Supply Chain
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
Business Object Definition The combination of a spot transaction and a forward trans
action in the opposite direction (that is, where a currency is
sold spot and purchased forward simultaneously).
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
Foreign exchange swap contracts with the active activity categories Contract and Settlement are relevant for
migration. The relevant foreign exchange swap contract data from the VTBFHA table is automatically selected
for the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Structure data
● Administrative data
● Contracts
● Contract settlements
● Contracts converted from Order to Contract
Transactions with the Rollover, Premature Settlement, or Expiration statuses are not migrated.
This migration object only migrates forex swap contracts and does not migrate payment details or
additional flows. Hence, migrate this object before you migrate the TRM - Additional flow and TRM -
Payment detail objects.
● Orders
● Fixing data
● FX hedge management data
● Default risk limits
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Currency type and currency key of the controlling area assigned to the source and target company codes
must match
● Currency keys assigned to currency types belonging to different organizational units must be the same in
source and target systems
● Valuation areas for selected company codes and initialization of parallel valuation areas
● Factory calendars relevant for Treasury
● Product types, flow types and update types
● Position management and links to accounting components
● Relevant securities accounts
● CO - Profit center
● CO - Cost center
● TRM - Business partner roles
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
The problem of double balances: The source system contains flows related to financial transactions occurring
before migration. Please note that the information related to flows is already included in the balance sheet
migrated from the source system to the SAP S/4 HANA system. If you post these flows again in the receiver
system, the migration tool updates the general ledger twice. This means that the corresponding financial
transaction that was created in the receiver system during migration needs to be excluded from further
processing of flows..
How to avoid double balances: To avoid the double posting of flows, you can go to the TBB1_LC transaction
and select the Flag Flows as Posted checkbox. This transaction enables the generation of posting logs. You can
see the accounts in the FI area to which postings need to be made to reconcile the data. This information is
required for account assignment reference transfers at a later stage of the business process. The data is also
available in the posting journal (transaction TPM20).
Valuation areas: With the help of this migration object, you have migrated valuation-area-independent data
such as quantity data (for example, units, nominal amounts), purchase value, cost or accrued interest to the
target system. To migrate valuation area-dependent data for SAP TRM, use the Legacy Data Transfer tool.
Create TX10
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate investment certificate contract data from the source ERP system
to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Financial Supply Chain
Financial Transaction
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
Available Scenarios
Investment certificate contracts with the active activity categories Contract and Settlement are relevant for
migration. The relevant investment certificate contract data from the VTBFHA table is automatically selected
for the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Structure data
● Trading data
● Administration data
● Other flows
● Payment details
Out of Scope
Cash flows generated from corporate actions, security account transfers, security rights, or any other back
office actions are not migrated to the target system. You need to manually update this information in the
target system after migration.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Currency type and currency key of the controlling area assigned to the source and target company codes
must match
● Currency keys assigned to currency types belonging to different organizational units must be the same in
the source and target systems
● Valuation areas for specified company codes and initialization of parallel valuation areas
● Factory calendars relevant for Treasury
● Product types, flow types, and update types
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
The problem of double balances: The source system contains flows related to financial transactions occurring
before migration. Please note that the information related to flows is already included in the balance sheet
How to avoid double balances: To avoid the double posting of flows, you can go to the TBB1_LC transaction
and select the Flag Flows as Posted checkbox. This transaction enables the generation of posting logs. You can
see the accounts in the FI area to which postings need to be made to reconcile the data. This information is
required for account assignment reference transfers at a later stage of the business process. The data is also
available in the posting journal (transaction TPM20).
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create TS01
Change TS02
Display TS03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate letter of credit data from the source ERP system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Financial Transaction
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
Business Object Definition A letter issued by a bank to obtain payment for goods. When
a letter of credit is confirmed, the advising bank guarantees
payment only if all stipulations in the letter of credit are con
formed to exactly.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects all financial transaction data from the VTBFHA table .
In Scope
● Structure data
● Administration data
● Presentation data
● Other flows
● Payment details
● Contracts
● Contract settlements
Out of Scope
● Collateral data
● Cash flows
● Memos
● Partner assignment data
● Default risk limits
● Status information
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
You have migrated or defined settings in the Profit center migration object.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system.
Proceed as follows:
● Create business partners, assign the corresponding roles to these partners, and define authorizations for
the relevant transactions.
● Set the standing instructions (correspondence and payment details) and release the business partner.
● Define the product type.
If you don't want to use a standard product type delivered with the system, you can define your own
product types.
Transaction types determine the type of transactions that can be concluded with a particular product
type. Transaction types also control the transaction and position management process.
● Define the flow type. Flow types describe the changes to the cash flows.
● Assign flow types to transaction types.
● Define the condition type. This setting controls the structural characteristics that are displayed when you
create transactions.
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
This migration object enables you to migrate main flow data for a TRM transaction from the source ERP system
to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Financial Supply Chain
Financial Transaction
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
Relevant main flow information is automatically selected from the VTBFHAPO table for the company codes you
specified when defining the migration scope.
Out of Scope
Exclusive indicator
Month-end indicator
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Flow types
● Currency type and currency key of the controlling area assigned to the source and target company codes
must match
● Currency keys assigned to currency types belonging to different organizational units must be the same in
source and target systems
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Display FTR_EDIT
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate interest rate swap contract data from the source ERP system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Financial Supply Chain
Financial Transaction
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
Business Object Definition An exchange transaction with a term of more than one year,
based on different interest rates using the same currency. In
the SAP system, the exchange of fixed for variable interest
rates, or of variable interest rates for variable interest rates,
can be represented on the basis of different interest rates.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
Interest rate swap contracts with the active activity categories Contract and Settlement are relevant for
migration. The relevant interest rate swap contracts from the VTBFHA table are automatically selected for the
company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Structure data
● Administration data
● Additional main flows
To migrate the complete interest rate swap contract data, ensure that these migration objects are defined
in the same project:
● Terminated transactions
● Reversed transactions
● Order activities
● Default Risk limit
● Trade repository
● Exclusive indicator and month-end indicator in main flow
If you have multiple steps for migration, you can simulate only the contract data feature.
● Main flow
● Settlement
During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation even
though simulation was successful.
Interest rate adjustments are not migrated to the target system. You need to manually update this
information in the target system after migration.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Currency type and currency key of the controlling area assigned to the source and target company codes
must match.
● Currency keys assigned to currency types belonging to different organizational units must be the same in
source and target systems.
● Valuation areas for selected company codes and initialization of parallel valuation areas
● Factory calendars relevant for Treasury
● Product types, flow types, and update types
● Position management and links to accounting components
● House banks
● Business Partner
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Profit center
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
CNV_OT_APPL_FI_TRM_MF_IRS: Update BAPI for TRM Mainflow Details (Interest Rate Swap)
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
With the help of this migration object, you have migrated valuation-area-independent data such as quantity
data (for example, units, nominal amounts), purchase value, cost, or accrued interest to the target system. To
migrate valuation area-dependent data for SAP TRM, use the Legacy Data Transfer tool.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Display FTR_EDIT
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate payment detail for a TRM transaction from the source ERP
system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming
Interfaces (BAPIs).
Related Business Object: Cap/Floor, Commercial Paper, Deposit at Notice, Interest Rate Swap, Foreign
Exchange Swap Contract, Foreign Exchange Collar Contract
Financial Transaction
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
Business Object Definition Data that is required for making transactions with your busi
ness partner.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
Relevant payment details are automatically selected from the VTBZV table for the company codes you
specified when defining the migration scope.
● Payment details for product category "520", "530", "600","610", "620", and "760"
● Contracts for product categories "530", "600", "610", "620", and "760" with these active activity
categories: "Contract", "Settlement"
● Contracts for product category "520" with these active activity categories: "Contract", "Settlement",
"Rollover", "Rollover Settlement"
In Scope
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Business partner
● FI - House bank
● FI - SEPA mandate
● TRM - Cap/Floor
● TRM - Commercial paper
● TRM - Deposit at notice
● TRM - Interest rate swap
● TRM - Foreign exchange swap contract
● TRM - Foreign exchange collar contract
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Display FTR_EDIT
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate cost center suspense data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: CA-JVA
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All cost center suspense records from the T8J_SUS_CC table are automatically selected for the company
codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
You have migrated or defined settings in the CO - Cost center migration object:
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To migrate cost center suspense data, assign table maintenance or table access authorizations and enter the
relevant values for the migration user.
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create GJ_SUS_CC
Change GJ_SUS_CC
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate order suspense data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Joint Venture Accounting
Component: CA-JVA
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All order suspense records from the T8J_SUS_ORD table are automatically selected for the company codes you
specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
You have migrated or defined settings in the CO - Internal order migration object.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign table maintenance or table access authorizations and enter relevant values
for the migration user.
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate joint operating agreement data from the source ERP system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Joint Venture Accounting
Component: CA-JVA
Business Object Definition A joint operating agreement contains the contractual agree
ments between joint venture partners. Joint venture and
equity groups are linked with each other via the equity type
and assigned within a joint operating agreement..
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All joint operating agreements from the T8JU table are automatically selected for the company codes you
specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create GJA1
Change GJA2
Display GJA3
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate joint venture partner data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: CA-JVA
Business Object Definition The joint venture (JV) partner defines the equity group of a
venture. Before you can set up an equity group, you need to
create a JV partner.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All JV partners from the T8JO table are automatically selected for the company codes you specified when
defining the migration scope.
In Scope
JV partners
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Inter-company codes
● Joint Venture Accounting is active in the target client
● Joint Venture is active for the relevant company codes
● Customer master data is maintained or migrated
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create GJ2B
Change GJ23
Display GJ2A
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate project suspense data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Joint Venture Accounting
Component: CO-JVA
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
In Scope
● Suspense data
● Unsuspense data
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To migrate project suspense data, assign table maintenance or table access authorizations and enter the
relevant values for the migration user.
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create GJ34
Change GJ34
Display GJ3A
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate venture suspense data in Joint Venture Accounting (JVA) from
the source ERP system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the
migration object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming
Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: CA-JVA
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All venture suspense records from the T8J_SUS_VENTURE table are automatically selected for the company
codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To migrate venture suspense data, assign table maintenance or table access authorizations and enter the
relevant values for the migration user.
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Change GJ_SUS_VE
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate material inventory balance data from the source ERP system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces
Component: MM-IM
Business Object Definition A detailed list of all objects in stock at a specific time, result
ing from a physical inventory (stocktaking process).
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
In Scope
● Material Valuation:: If materials have a standard price control indicator or a moving average price
control indicator, the system migrates stock values from the following tables:
○ Table MBEW - for material valuation
○ Table QBEW – for project stock
○ Table OBEW – for sales order stock
Out of Scope
● Userdefined fields
● Special stock indicators other than specified in the in-scope section
● Industry solutionspecific fields
● Serial numbers
● Transactions/events:
○ GM_Code 01: Goods receipt for purchase order
○ GM_Code 02: Goods receipt for production order
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Depending on your scenario, you have also migrated or defined settings in the following migration objects:
● Supplier: Migrate the Supplier migration object if the special stocks are:
○ Vendor consignment (“K”)
○ Returnable transport packing stock to vendor ("M”)
○ Parts provided to the vendor (“O” )
● Customer: Migrate the Customer migration object if the special stocks are:
○ Customer consignment stock (“W”)
○ Returnable transport packing stock to customer ("V”)
● PS - Project: Migrate the PS - Project migration object if the special stock is project stock (“Q”).
● MM - Purchasing info record: Migrate the MM - Purchasing info record migration object for the
Consignment info category if the special stock is vendor consignment stock (“K”).
● SD - Sales order: Migrate the SD - Sales order migration object if the special stock is sales order stock
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
System Actions
Batch-managed materials: If the target batch is set to blank in the batch mapping task, the system
automatically creates batches during migration. However, the new batch does not have other batch-relevant
information such as classification.
Posting date(YYYYMMDD) mapping tasks: The system picks up the posting date from the Posting
Date(YYYYMMDD) mapping task for all inventory postings.
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
This migration object enables you to migrate material variant data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics General Material Master
Component: LO-VC
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects:
● All plantspecific material variants from the MARC table for the derived plants AND
● All cross-plant material variants from the MARA table.
In Scope
Materials set for deletion in the source ERP system are not migrated.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Characteristic
● Class
● General classification assignments
● Product
● VC - Configuration profile
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create MM01
Change MM02
Display MM03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate material trade classification data containing commodity codes
from the source ERP system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for
the migration object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application
Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Definition You can classify products by commodity code: an official key
as defined in the European Communities' harmonized sys
tem for describing and coding commodities. Commodity co
des are used in the Intrastat declaration and are relevant to
EU foreign trade statistics.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the plant, purchasing organization and sales organization from the company
codes you specified when defining the migration scope. This migration object automatically selects all
materials from the MARC table for the derived plants.
In Scope
Materials you set for deletion in the source ERP system are not migrated
Not relevant
During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation even
though simulation was successful.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
The Product migration object needs to be migrated along with forecast parameters to enable the
forecasting view.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create MM01
Change MM02
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate material consumption data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the plant, purchasing organization and sales organization from the company
codes you specified when defining the migration scope. This migration object automatically selects the
materials from the MARC table for the derived plants.
In Scope
● Forecast values
● Planned consumptions
● Unplanned consumptions
The Product migration object needs to be migrated with forecast parameters to enable the forecasting
If the material you provided in the mapping already exists in the target system, it is overwritten with
material consumption data from the source system after migration.
Out of Scope
Overwriting leads to the system error: "Duplicate entries for parameter FORECASTVALUES"
During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation even
though simulation was successful.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
The Material migration object needs to be migrated with forecast parameters to enable the forecasting
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create MM01
Change MM02
Display MM03
After migration, choose the Forecasting tab page. Choose Consumption Values or Forecast Values to see the
relevant information.
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate purchase contract data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the purchasing organization from the company codes you specified when
defining the migration scope.
The relevant purchasing document category (BSTYP) for this migration object is K (Purchasing Contract).
In Scope
Ensure that you maintain the delivery address in the source document to enable migration of delivery
If you maintain the delivery address as a reference address in the source document, you can map new
delivery addresses in the Number of Delivery Address mapping task.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Secondary cost element
● FI - G/L account
● Fixed asset (including balance)
● Product
● Project definition
● PS - Project
● Supplier
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create ME31K
Change ME32K
Display ME33K
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate purchasing info record data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: MM-PUR
Business Object Definition A source of information for the procurement of a certain ma
terial from a certain vendor.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects all purchase info records (except pipeline records) from the EINA
table for the derived plants.
In Scope
Condition records with expired valid-to dates in the source ERP system are not migrated.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Product
● Supplier
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
ME_INFORECORD_MAINTAIN_MULTI RFC Function Module to Create and Change Multiple Info Records
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create ME11
Change ME12
Display ME13
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate purchase scheduling agreement data from the source ERP
system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming
Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Definition An outline agreement against which materials are procured
at a series of predefined points in time over a certain period.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the purchasing organization from the company codes you specified when
defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects all purchase scheduling agreements from the EKKO table for the
derived purchasing organizations and for the central purchasing organizations.
The relevant purchasing document category (BSTYP) for this migration object is L (Purchase Scheduling
In Scope
Purchase scheduling agreements you set for deletion in the source ERP system are not migrated
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create ME31L
Change ME32L
Display ME33L
This migration object enables you to migrate service entry sheet data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: MM
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives purchase organizations from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects all service entry sheets from the ESSR table for
relevant purchase orders.
Relevant purchase orders are those orders that belong to the derived purchase organizations and the central
purchase organizations. For more information, see the documentation for the MM - Purchase order migration
Service entry sheets you set for deletion in the source ERP system are not migrated.
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create ML81N
Change ML81N
Display ML82
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate service master data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: MM-SRV
Business Object Definition A repository for the descriptions of all services that a firm
frequently procures. There is a service master record for
each service description. The service master database is a
source of default data set by the system when you create
service specifications (for example, for invitations to bid sent
to potential subcontractors during a competitive bidding
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects all service master records from the ASMD table in the source
In Scope
Out of Scope
Userdefined fields
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create AC01
Change AC02
Display AC03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate source list data from the source ERP system to the target SAP S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants and materials from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects the materials from the MARC table for the derived
If the new source list you provided in the mapping already exists in the target system, after migration, the
target system data is overwritten with the source list data from the source system.
In Scope
● Material number
● Plant
● Source list usage in materials planning
● Agreement number
● Agreement item
● Purchasing organization
● Valid To field in the source list record
● Fixed Supplier indicator
● Blocked source of supply
● Valid From field in the source list record
Out of Scope
● Logical system
● Product fields relevant for Purchasing
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Product
● Supplier
● MM - Purchase contract
● MM - Purchase scheduling agreement
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
ME_DIRECT_INPUT_SOURCE_LIST Creates a source list and fills the mappings of the EORD table
The migration object stores the sequence of these BAPIs in a return evaluation class
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create ME01
Change ME02
Display ME03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate purchase order data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: MM-PUR
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
● The value in the Purchasing Document Category (BSTYP) field is F (order) AND
● The Delivery Completed Indicator (ELIKZ) field is not set for the purchasing document item AND
● The Final Invoice Indicator (EREKZ) field is not set for the purchasing document item AND
● If the value for the scheduled quantity (MENGE) does not match the value for the quantity of goods
received (WEMNG), the purchasing quantity is not processed.
In Scope
● Header data
● Header address data
● Header texts
● Item data
Only the following item categories:
○ Standard
○ Third-party
○ Enhanced limits
○ Consignment
○ Subcontracting
○ Service and limits
● Item address data
● Item account assignments
Only the following account assignment categories:
○ Cost center
○ Asset
○ Sales order
○ Project
○ Unknown
● Item schedule lines
● Purchase order item components for subcontracting
● Item texts
● Pricing data
● Manual service conditions
Purchase orders you set for deletion in the source ERP system are not migrated
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create ME23N
Change ME23N
Display ME23N
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate open purchase requisition data from the source ERP system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces
Component: MM-PUR
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants and purchasing organizations from the company codes you specified when
defining the migration scope. This migration object automatically selects relevant purchase requisitions from
the EBAN table for the derived plants and purchasing organizations.
In Scope
● Header data
● Header texts
● Item data
Only the following item categories:
○ Standard
○ Consignment
○ Subcontracting
○ Third-party
○ Stock transfer
● Delivery address data
● Item account assignments
● Item texts
Purchase requisitions you set for deletion in the source ERP system are not migrated.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create ME51N
Change ME51N
Display ME51N
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate quota arrangement data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Quota Arrangement
Component: MM-PUR
Business Object Definition Quota arrangements enable the system to compute which
source of supply to assign to a requirement for a material.
The quota arrangement facilitates the determination of the
applicable sources of supply for a purchase requisition at a
certain time. Setting quotas permits the automatic appor
tionment of a total material requirement over a period to dif
ferent sources. A quota arrangement consists of quota ar
rangement records identifying the source (such as a vendor
or an internal plant), the validity period, and the quota.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects quota arrangement data from the EQUK table
In Scope
● Header data
● Component item data
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
M_QUOT_WRK Plant(Quotas)
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create MEQ1
Change MEQ4
Display MEQ3
This migration object enables you to migrate object classification data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: CA
Business Object Definition The assignment of objects to a class. When you assign ob
jects to a class, you assign values for the object to the char
acteristics in the class.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Change numbers
During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation even
though simulation was successful.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create CL20N
Change CL20N
Display CL20N
Further Information
1.89 PM - Equipment
This migration object enables you to migrate equipment data from the source ERP system to the target SAP S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: PM
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects the equipment from the ILOA table for the derived plants.
In Scope
● You can migrate only the latest time segment data (valid-from date for equipment) to the target
● You can set only one language for the migration of equipment data.
● Equipment data with the DLFL system status is migrated with the AVLBsystem status.
Out of Scope
The following feature is out of scope for simulation: Document info record assignment
During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation even
though simulation was successful.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
System Actions
Equipment Number mapping task: If the target equipment number is set to blank, the system creates
equipment using internal numbers defined for that equipment category.
Superordinate equipment: If superordinate equipment is assigned to an equipment, you need to migrate the
superordinate equipment before migrating the equipment. If you don't follow this migration sequence , the
system displays the Equipment could not be read error.
Follow-On Activities
You can migrate the Object classification (general template) object to assign classifications to equipment.
Create IE01
Change IE02
Display IE03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate equipment task list data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
For Equipment
Component: PM
Business Object Definition A maintenance task list with a link to a piece of equipment.
You can use equipment task lists to:
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects the equipment task list data from the EAPL table for the derived
In Scope
Change Numbers
Any data you created using a change number is migrated if the change number was created on or before the
current date. Note that the change number itself is not migrated.
On the Display Equipment Task List initial screen, you enter 2 in the Group Name field and TEST_C01 in the
Change Number field for the current date. Choose Header. to enter a description in the Group Counter field.
Save your data.
This migration object transfers the description you entered since it is the latest information for the
TEST_C01 change number. However, the migration object does not transfer either TEST_C01.
Action dependency types are migrated to the target system as procedure dependency types.
Out of Scope
● Values belonging to the Internal Distribution field (VERTN) in the Operations view
● Inspection characteristics
● Service packages for suboperations
Validation of dependencies is not carried out during migration for these statuses:
● In Preparation
● Locked
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create IA01
Change IA02
Display IA03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate functional location data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: PM
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects functional locations from the ILOA table for the derived plants.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Data origin-related data
You can set only one language for the migration of functional locations.
Out of Scope
The following feature is out of scope for simulation: Data origin-related data
During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation even
though simulation was successful.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Internal order
● Fixed asset (including balance)
● PP - Work center
● PS - Project
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
System Actions
Superior functional location: If a superior functional location is assigned to a functional location, you need to
migrate superior functional location data before migrating functional location data. If you don't follow this
migration sequence, the system displays the Equipment could not be read error.
Follow-On Activities
You can migrate the Object classification (general template) object to assign classifications to equipment.
Create IL01
Change IL02
Display IL03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate bill of materials (BOM) data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: PM
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects the bills of material from the TPST table for the derived plants.
In Scope
Functional location BOM data you set for deletion in the source ERP system is not migrated.
Out of Scope
● Sub-items
● Document assignments
● Long texts
● R-Variable size items
● K-Class items
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● PM - Functional location
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create IB11
Change IB12
Display IB13
This migration object enables you to migrate task list data for functional locations from the source ERP system
to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: PM
Business Object Definition A maintenance plan with a link to a specific functional loca
tion in order to:
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects the task list data for functional locations from the TAPL table for
the derived plants.
Change Numbers
Any data you created using a change number is migrated if the change number was created on or before the
current date. Note that the change number itself is not migrated.
On the Display Functional Location Task List initial screen, you enter 2 in the Group Name field and
TEST_C01 in the Change Number field for the current date. Choose Header to enter a description in the
Group Counter field. Save your data.
This migration object transfers the description you entered since it is the latest information for the
TEST_C01 change number. However, the migration object does not transfer TEST_C01.
Action dependency types are migrated to the target system as procedure dependency types.
Out of Scope
● Values belonging to the Internal Distribution field (VERTN) in the Operations view
● Inspection characteristics
● Service packages for suboperations
Validation of dependencies is not carried out during migration for these statuses:
● In Preparation
● Locked
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create IA11
Change IA12
Display IA13
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate equipment BOM data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Equipment BOM
Component: PM
Business Object Definition A list used to describe the structure of a piece of equipment
and to allocate spares to the piece of equipment for mainte
nance. An equipment bill of material can be created for each
piece of equipment or for a group of technical objects.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects all equipment numbers from the EQST table for the derived plants.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Equipment BOM descriptions
● BOM items
● BOM subitems
● Modified records using engineering change numbers
● Long texts
Out of Scope
● Document assignments
● Records that are deleted without using engineering change numbers
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Change IB02
Display IB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate general task list data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: PM
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
Change Numbers
Any data you created using a change number is migrated if the change number was created on or before the
current date. Note that the change number itself is not migrated.
On the Display General Task List initial screen, you enter 2 in the Group Name field and TEST_C01 in the
Change Number field for the current date. Choose Header to enter a description in the Group Counter field.
Save your data.
Action dependency types are migrated to the target system as procedure dependency types.
Out of Scope
● Values belonging to the Internal Distribution field (VERTN) in the Operations view
● Inspection characteristics
● Service packages for suboperations
Validation of dependencies is not carried out during migration for these statuses:
● In Preparation
● Locked
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
You have set the number range object ROUTING_A to external number range in the target system before
migrating general task lists. You can choose to set the number range object back tointernal number range
after migration.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create IA05
Change IA06
Display IA07
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate measuring point data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Measuring Points
Component: PM-EQM-SF-MPC
Temperature inside a reactor
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
The PE_S4_OBJNR migration filter retrieves equipment or function location data from the ILOA table for the
derived plants.
Next, the migration filter retrieves object numbers (OBJNR) from the Equipment or Function Location tables.
Finally, the migration filter sends the object numbers to the IMPTT table to obtain the measuring points.
In Scope
Out of Scope
● Classifications
● Valuation codes
● Long texts
● Characteristics
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● PM - Equipment
● PM - Functional location
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Change IK02
Display IK03
Further Information
For information about measuring point corrections and measurement document corrections, see SAP Note
2917243 .
This migration object enables you to migrate measurement document data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: PM-EQM-SF-MPC
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope. (Note that the
predecessor migration object, Measuring point, has a company code derivation.)
For each measuring point selected, this migration object selects the corresponding measurement document.
In Scope
● Measuring point
● Position number of measuring point
● Functional location
● Equipment
● Measurement reading
● Target value
● Valuation codes
● Short texts
● Long texts
● Counter readings
Out of Scope
● Processing status
● Previous and last measurement documents
● External number ranges
● Reversal indicator
● Characteristics
Since measurement documents are recreated in the target system, the following data does not match the data
in the source system:
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
You have migrated or defined settings in the Measuring point migration object.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Change IK12
Display IK13
Further Information
For information about measuring point corrections and measurement document corrections, see SAP Note
2917243 .
This migration object enables you to migrate maintenance order data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Processing Order
Component: PM-WOC-MO
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects maintenance orders from the AUFK table for the derived plants
provided the following conditions are met:
● The maintenance orders have these order types: PM01, PM02, or PM03
● The maintenance orders have these system statuses at the header level: Order Created or Order Released
● The maintenance order contain tasks with Created or Released statuses
In Scope
● Service packages
● Maintenance object addresses
● Long texts for components
Follow-on orders and suborders are migrated as standalone orders. Hence, before migration, ensure
business process completion for all follow-on orders and suborders that have these system statuses:
Created or Released.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
C_AFVG_TYP (PS: Activity types for network act. and activity elements )
C_AFVG_APL (PS: Work center for network activities and activity elements)
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create IW31
Change IW32
Display IW33
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate maintenance notification data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Definition Means with which company notifications are created and
managed in the area of Plant Maintenance.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects the materials from the MARC table for the derived plants.
In Scope
Migrate classification details linked to the maintenance notification separately using the Object
classification (general template) migration object.
Out of Scope
● Status handling
● Addresses
● Change documents
● Reference objects
● Measurement documents
● Long texts for DIR object links
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Business partner
● Document info record (DMS)
● Product
● PM - Equipment
● PM - Functional location
● PM - Measuring point
● PP - Work center
● Catalog code group and code
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create IW21
Change IW22
Display IW23
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate maintenance plan data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Maintenance Plans
Component: PM
The dates and scope of the tasks are also defined in the
maintenance plan.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives maintenance planning plants from the company codes you specified when
defining the migration scope. This migration object automatically selects relevant maintenance plans from the
MPLA table for the derived maintenance planning plants.
In Scope
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Since this migration object generates both migration items and maintenance plans, the Customizing described
above enables the generation of maintenance items.
After a successful migration, you can adjust the number ranges to internal.
● PM - Equipment
● PM - Equipment task list
● PM - Functional location
● PM - Functional location task list
● PM - General maintenance task list
● PP - Work center
● SD - Sales contract
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Table
Follow-On Activities
Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create IP01
Change IP02
Display IP03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate the maintenance item data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria selected for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: PM
Business Object Definition A description of the maintenance and inspection tasks re
quired at regular intervals for maintenance objects.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives maintenance planning plants from the company codes you specified when
defining the migration scope. This migration object automatically selects relevant maintenance items from the
MPOS table for the derived maintenance planning plants. The relevant maintenance items are those items that
are not assigned to any maintenance plans.
Maintenance items assigned to the maintenance plan are migrated with the Maintenance plan migration
In Scope
● Planning data
● Task lists
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● PM - Equipment
● PM - Equipment task list
● PM - Functional location
● PM - Functional location task list
● PM - General maintenance task list
● PP - Work center
● SD - Sales contract
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Table
Follow-On Activities
Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system.
Create IP04
Change IP05
Display IP06
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate material MRP data from the source ERP system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interface (API).
Component: LO-MM
Business Object Definition The total of all material master records. A company man
ages the data on all its materials in the material master..
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects MRP data from the MDMA table for the derived plants.
Out of Scope
Consumption values
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create MM01
Change MM02
Display MM03
To verify the data, choose the MRP1 tab and then choose
the MRP Areas button. From the MRP areas list, select
an item to display information about that MRP area.
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate work center data from the source ERP system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: PP-BD-WKC
Business Object Definition Organizational unit that defines where and by whom an oper
ation is performed. The work center has an available ca
pacity. The activities performed at or by the work center are
valuated by charge rates, which are determined by cost cen
ters and activity types. Work centers can be:
● Machines
● People
● Production lines
● Groups of craftsmen
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects all work centers from the CRHD table for the derived plants.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Default values
● Capacities
● Scheduling information
● Costing information
● Technical data
Work centers you set for deletion in the source ERP system are not migrated.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● CO Business process
● CO Cost center
● CO Internal order
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create CR01
Change CR02
Display CR03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate production order data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Production Shop Floor
Control Order
Component: PP-SFC
Available Scenarios
All production orders from the AUFK table are automatically selected for the company codes you specified
when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
Production orders you set for deletion in the source ERP system are not migrated
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Product
● PP - Material BOM
● PP - Production version
● PP - Routing
● PS - Project
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create CO01
Change CO02
Display CO03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate production resource/tool (PRT) data from the source ERP system
to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: PP-BD-PRT
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
● Basic data
● Defaults
● Deletion flags
● Long texts
● Formula constants
● Document data
The Object classification (general template) migration object transfers classification data.
Out of Scope
Change documents
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create CF01
Change CF02
Display CF03
Further Information
1.106 PP - Routing
This migration object enables you to migrate routing data from the source ERP system to the target SAP S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Production Master Data
Component: PP-BD-RTG
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects all routing groups from the PLKO table for the derived plants.
In Scope
Routing group data you set for deletion in the source ERP system is not migrated.
If you selected production resource/tools data, ensure that the following migration objects are available in
the SAP S/4 HANA system:
● PM - Equipment
● Document info record (DMS)
Out of Scope
If you have multiple steps for migration, you can simulate the initial routing group data created without
During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation, even
though simulation was successful.
For consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available in
the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● If you need standard text keys in routing data, you have configured the keys in the SAP S/4 HANA system.
● Before migrating routing data, you have set the ROUTING_N number range object to external number range
in the target system. After migration, you can choose to set the number range object back to internal
number range.
If you selected production resource/tools data, ensure that the following migration objects are available in
the SAP S/4 HANA system:
● PM - Equipment
● Document info record (DMS)
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Display CA03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate material BOM data from the source ERP system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Production Master Data
Component: PP-BD
Business Object Definition A bill of material created with reference to a material master.
The BOM can contain items of different item categories such
as stock items, non-stock items, document items, and text
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects material BOMs from the MAST table for the derived plants
● Basic data
● BOM items
● BOM sub-items
● BOM long texts
● Alternative long texts
● Item long texts
● BOM local dependency
● All alternative BOM numbers (from 01 to 99)
● Change numbers
Material BOMs you set for deletion in the source ERP system are not migrated
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Class
● Characteristic
● ECM - Change master
● FI - G/L account
● Product
● VC - Object dependency and dependency net
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
C_STUE_NOH (Create/Update/Display of BOM which has a History Requirement without using a Change
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create CS01
Change CS02
Display CS03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate planned independent requirement data from the source ERP
system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming
Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: PP-MRP
Business Object Definition The required quantity of a product that is planned for a cer
tain time period independently of a specific customer order.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
1. This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration
2. This migration object automatically selects materials from the MARC table for the derived plants.
3. This migration object also selects planned independent requirements from the PBIM table for the derived
materials and plants.
In Scope
● Items
● Schedule lines
Independent requirements for materials you set for deletion in the source ERP system are not migrated
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create MD61
Change MD62
Display MD63
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate production version data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: PP
Business Object Definition Key determining the various production techniques accord
ing to which a material is to be manufactured. You specify
the following in the production version:
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects the production version of the materials from the MKAL table for the
derived plants.
In Scope
For REM materials: If the detailed planning level data is not maintained for the production version, "rate
routing planning level" data is also migrated.
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
For information about planning levels for production versions, see SAP Note 2270240 . Implement the
recommendations before migrating the production version.
● PP - Material BOM
● PP - Routing
● Product
If your production version refers to the master recipe, you need to include master recipe data in the
relevant mapping task for data migration.
Source System
Non relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
In SAP ERP, it is not necessary to have a production version for BOM explosion in Discrete Manufacturing. In
SAP S/4HANA, use the CS_BOM_PORDVER_MIGRATION02 report to create a production version based on
existing BOMs and routings.
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create C223
Change C223
Display C223
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate bills of material data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: PP-BD
Business Object Definition A single-level BOM that you generate for a sales order from a
material BOM, and that you modify specific to the order. In
this way, the material BOM remains unchanged. An order
BOM is uniquely identified by the sales order number, the
sales order item, and the material number. Order BOMs can
be created for configurable and nonconfigurable materials.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects bills of material from the KDST table for the derived plants.
In Scope
Materials you set for deletion in the source ERP system are not migrated.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Product
● SD - Sales order
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
C_STUE_NOH (Create/Update/Display of BOM which has a History Requirement Without Using a Change
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Change CS62
Display CS63
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate WBS BOM data from the source ERP system to the target SAP S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using both Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and Business
Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: PP
Business Object Definition A BOM that is allocated to a WBS (work breakdown struc
ture) element.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects all WBS BOMs from the PRST table for the derived plants.
In Scope
● BOM headers
● BOM items
● Subitems
Out of Scope
● Fashion data
● Classification of BOM items
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate pricing condition data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Data Conditions
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
All pricing condition records belonging to Sales and Distribution and Purchasing are automatically selected
provided the following conditions are met:
In Scope
Pricing condition records used in purchase contracts, purchase info records, sales contracts, and
scheduling agreements are migrated as part of the relevant migration objects.
Out of Scope
● Exclusion indicators
● Condition texts
● Additional data (payment terms, fixed value dates, additional value days, assignments)
● Pricing condition records that belong to applications not in Sales and Purchasing.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Customer
● Product
● PS - Project
● Supplier
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
The API updates the validity periods in the condition header table (KONH) with the corresponding validity
periods in the condition tables.
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Further Information
For information about key field combinations for price conditions, see SAP Note 2332748 .
1.113 Product
This migration object enables you to migrate material master data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
This migration object refers to products in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Component: LO-MD-MM
Business Object Definition The total of all material master records. A company man
ages the data on all its materials in the material master.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects all products from the MARC table for the derived plants.
● This migration object derives sales organizations from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects products from the MVKE table for the derived
sales organizations.
● This migration object derives valuation areas from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects products from the MBEW table for the derived
valuation areas.
If a products in the source system is extended to multiple plants: After data migration, the product in the
target system is extended to only the subset of plants assigned to the participating company codes.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Material descriptions
● Material data at the plant level
● Forecast parameters
● Storage location data
● Valuation data
● Warehouse data
● Sales data
● Storage type data
● Unit of measurement
● International article numbers
● Tax classification data
Out of Scope
● Planning data
● Product resource/tool (PRT) data
● Joint production data
● Material MRP data
● Material classifications
● Production versions
● Inspection setup
● Internal numbers
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Material types
● Material groups
● Characteristics
● Classes
● CO - Profit center
● ECM - Change master
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
If the data provided by you in the mapping already exists in the target system:
After data migration, the data in the views are overwritten with data from the source system and the
migration may end in errors. Hence, to avoid the overwriting of the target data, provide new data in the
relevant mapping tasks.
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system.
Create MM01
Change MM02
Display MM03
Further Information
1.114 PS - Network
This migration object enables you to migrate network master data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All networks from the AUFK table are automatically selected for the company codes that you specified when
defining the migration scope.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● CO - Profit center
● PS - Project
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create CJ20N
Change CJ20N
Display CJ20N
Further Information
1.115 PS - Project
This migration object enables you to migrate projects data from the source ERP system to the target SAP S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: PS
A project:
● By structure
● By process
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
Relevant projects (that is, except closed and deleted projects) from the PROJ table are automatically selected
for the company codes that you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
Out of Scope
● Long texts
● System statuses in the ERP system (Note that in the SAP S/4HANA system, the project is assigned the
status Created or "CRTD".)
● User statuses
● Settlement rule assignments
● Material reservation creation
● PS texts for WBS elements and activities
● PS documents
● Cost postings
● Confirmation data
● Excluded fields:
Wage Type, No. Time Tickets, and No. Additional Data Activity
Conf Slips
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Profit center
● MM - Purchasing info record
● PM - Equipment
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
C_PRPS_USR (PS: Model for User Field Authorization for WBS Elements)
Technical Information
This migration object does not automatically update value mapping for networks created with internal number
ranges in the target system. Hence, you need to maintain the value mapping for networks before migrating
other network-related migration objects.
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system.
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate inspection method data and assigned classification values from
the source ERP system to the target S/4 HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the
migration object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application
Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: SAP Menu Logistics Quality
Component: QM-PT-BD
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
Inspection methods you set for deletion in the source ERP system are also migrated.
Out of Scope
Inspection documents
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Plants
● Inspector qualifications
You have migrated or defined settings in the Object classification (general template) migration object.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Change QS33
Display QS34
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate inspection plan data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: QM
Business Object Definition The quality inspection plan defines how an item is to be in
spected. The plan also establishes how the inspection is to
take place, the item characteristics to be inspected, and all
the required test equipment that is needed for the inspec
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
In Scope
Inspection plans you set for deletion in the source ERP system are not migrated.
Out of Scope
● Dependent characteristics
● Inspection characteristics values
● Other task list types, such as "0", "2", "3", "A", "E" "M", "N", "R", "S", "T", "V"
● Engineering change numbers for inspection plans
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following settings in the target system:
● Product
● PP - Work center
● QM - Master inspection characteristic
● QM - Inspection method
● PM - Equipment
● CA - Document info record (DMS)
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate master inspection characteristic data from the source ERP
system to the target SAP S/4 HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming
Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: QM-PT-BD-ICH
Business Object Definition Inspection characteristic that can be used in several inspec
tion plans and can be evaluated independently of an inspec
tion plan. Master inspection characteristics facilitate and
standardize inspection planning. When creating an inspec
tion plan, it is possible to access the data from the inspec
tion characteristic record, as well as to create inspection
planspecific inspection characteristics.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
In Scope
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● QM - Inspection method
● Catalog code group and code
● QM - Selected set
● QM - Selected set code
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create QS21
Change QS22
Display QS23
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate material inspection setup data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Inspection Setup
Component: QM
Business Object Definition You can assign inspection setup data to a material. The
Quality Management view of the material master primarily
contains the control parameters you need to process quality
inspections throughout the logistics supply chain. In the ma
terial master, you define various inspection parameters
based on the inspection type (for example, triggering events
for quality inspections, inspection with or without task list).
You must edit inspection setup to be able to create inspec
tion lots for material. Inspection lots are created for all good
movement that are relevant for QM. In the material master
you define which goods movements are relevant to QM.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects the materials from the QMAT table for the derived plants.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in both the source
and target systems:
● Sampling procedures
● Dynamic modification rules
● Plants
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create QA08
Change QA08
Display QA08
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate quality info record data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: QM-PT-RP-PRC
Available Scenarios
This migration object derives plant from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects the quality info records from the QINF table for the derived plant.
In Scope
Out of Scope
● Classifications
● Long texts
● Change documents
● Records marked for deletion
● Status profiles
● Quality agreements
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Product
● Supplier
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Follow-On Activities
Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system.
Create QI01
Change QI02
Display QI03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate selected set data for inspection catalogs from the source ERP
system to the target S/4 HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique posts data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Selected Set
Component: QM-PT-BD-CAT
Business Object Definition A range of specific entries (code groups and codes), of a cat
alog. A selected set enables the user to choose only those
code groups and codes of a catalog that are required or al
lowed for a specific purpose.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Selected sets
● Master record statuses
Selected sets that you set for deletion in the source ERP system are also migrated.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all the relevant Customizing for the migration object is
available in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create QS51
Change QS52
Display QS53
This migration object enables you to migrate selected set code data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Definition Selected set: A range of specific entries (code groups and
codes) of a catalog. A selected set enables the user to
choose only those code groups and codes of a catalog that
are required or allowed for a specific purpose.
Selected set code: Codes that are copied into a selected set
are known as set codes. You use selected sets to combine
codes from several code groups for processing that are al
lowed or useful for a particular application.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically picks up all selected set codes from the QPAC table for the derived plants.
In Scope
Selected set codes for the selected sets in the source system
Classification data
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant.
Create/Edit QS51
Display QS53
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate real estate contract data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Definition A contract in real estate management. The real estate con
tract is used to record all contracts related to real estate.
● Lease-out
● Lease-in
● Purchase
● Maintenance
● Service
● Security deposit agreement
Selection Criteria
All real estate contracts from the VICNCN table are automatically selected for the company codes that you
specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● General data
● Partners
● Term data
● Objects
● Differing measurements
● Posting parameters
● Conditions
● Adjustment data
● Option rate methods
● Resubmission data
● Overviews
● Sales-based rent agreement data
● CO settlement rule data
Out of Scope
● Change documents
● Document management data
● Memos
● Profit segment data for CO settlement rules
● Settlement participation data
● Assignments of house bank accounts
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Business partner
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Internal order
● CO - Profit center
● FI - G/L account
● FI - House bank
● Fixed asset (including balance)
● PM - Equipment
● RE-FX - Building
● RE-FX - Land
● RE-FX - Rental object
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create RECN
Change RECN
Display RECN
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate architectural object data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: RE-FX-BD
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● General data
● Number assignments
● Additional data
● Land data
● Building data
● Dates
● Partner data
● Measurements
● Fixtures/Fittings characters
● Assignment information
● Usage data
● Resubmission data
● Overview data
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Business partner
● CO - Business process
● CO - Cost center
● Fixed asset (including balance)
● PM - Functional location
● PM - Maintenance order
● PP - Production order
● PS - Project
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Display REBDAO
RE Navigator RE80
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate building data from the source ERP system to the target SAP S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs)..
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Flexible Real Estate
Component: RE-FX-BD
Business Object Definition An object or parts of an object on the basis of which rooms
or areas (for example, apartments, warehouses, stores) are
rented. A building is part of a business entity.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object automatically selects all building data from the VIBDBU table for all company codes
specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● General data
● Dates
● Additional data
● Fixtures/fittings data
● Values
● Infrastructure data
● Measurements
● Option rate methods data
● Posting parameters
● Partner data
● Assignments data
● Architecture data
● Resubmission data
● CO settlement rule data
Out of Scope
● Change documents
● Document management
● Memo data
● Profit segment assignments under CO Settlement Rule
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Business partner
● CO - Business process
● CO - Cost center
● Fixed asset (including balance)
● PM - Functional location
● PM - Maintenance order
● PP - Production Order
● PS - Project
● RE-FX - Business entity
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system. If the number range is configured as
internal, clear the values in the MAP_REBDBUNO value mapping.
RE Navigator RE80
This migration object enables you to migrate business entity data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Flexible Real Estate
Component: RE-FX-BD
Business Object Definition A grouping characteristic used for a real estate object. Real
estate objects can be logically grouped depending on their
economic (business) purpose or geographical location.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All business entities from the VIBDE table are automatically selected for the company codes you specified
when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● General data
● Reference factors
● Infrastructure data
● Measurement data
● Option rate methods
● Posting parameters
● Partner data
● Assignment data
● Architecture information
● Resubmission data
● Overviews
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Business partner
● CO - Business process
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Profit center
● FI - G/L account
● Fixed asset (including balance)
● PM - Equipment
● PM - Functional location
● PM - Maintenance order
● PS - Project
● RE-FX - Architectural object
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Display REBDBE
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate land data from the source ERP system to the target SAP S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: RE-FX-BD
Business Object Definition Lot or site not including the buildings erected on it. Land be
longs to the business entity.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All land data from the VIBDPR table is automatically selected for the company codes you specified when
defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● General data
● Building law and usage
● Values
● Productive holdings
● Infrastructure
● Measurements
● Option rate methods
● Posting parameters
● Partners
● Assignments
● Architecture
● Resubmission
● CO settlement rules
Profit segment information from the CO Settlement Rule screen is not migrated.
Out of Scope
● Change documents
● Document management
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, ensure that you have created land register data in the target
You have also migrated or defined settings in the following migration objects:
● Business partner
● CO - Business process
● CO - Cost center
● Fixed asset (including balance)
● PM - Functional location
● PM - Maintenance order
● PP - Production order
● PS - Project
● RE-FX - Architectural object
● RE-FX - Business entity
Not relevant
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system.
Display REBDPR
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate rental object data from the source ERP system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Definition An object that is leased out as a single entity. Rental objects
can be:
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All rental objects from the VIBDRO table are automatically selected for the company codes that you specified
when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● General data
● Dates
● Additional data
● Fixtures/fittings data
● Values
● Infrastructure data
● Measurements
● Option rate methods data
● Posting parameters
● Partners data
● Assignments data
● Architecture data
● Resubmission data
● CO settlement rule data
Out of Scope
● Change documents
● Document management
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Business partner
● CO - Business process
● CO - Cost center
● Fixed asset (including balance)
● PM - Functional location
● PM - Maintenance order
● PP - Production order
● PS - Project
● REFX - Building
● REFX - Business entity (RE-FX)
● REFX - Land
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system. If the number range is configured as
internal, clear the values in the MAP_REBDRONO mapping task in the migration project.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
RE Navigator RE80
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate sales inquiry data from the source ERP system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Sales and Distribution
Sales Inquiry
Component: SD-SLS-GF
Business Object Definition A customer request to the company for a quotation or sales
information that is not binding. The request can refer to ma
terials or services, conditions, and, if necessary, delivery
deadlines. It is accepted by the sales area that is then re
sponsible for any further processing.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives sales organizations from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects relevant sales inquiries from the VBAK table for
the derived sales organizations.
In Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Customer
● Pricing condition (purchasing and sales)
● Product
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system.
Create VA11
Change VA12
Display VA13
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate customer quotation data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: SAP Menu Logistics Sales and
Component: SD-SLS
Business Object Definition An offer by a sales area to a customer for delivery of goods
or services according to fixed conditions. The offer is legally
binding for the company for a certain period of time. A cus
tomer quotation can refer to a business partner sales activ
ity or it can be used by the sales area to reply to a customer
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives sales organizations from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects customer quotations from the VBAK table for the
derived sales organizations if the following conditions are met:
In Scope
● Conditions
● Distribution document numbers
● Document partners
● Internal item number assignments
● Item data
● Logical system (source system)
● Number of generated documents
● Quotation headers
● Schedule line data
● Texts
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● CO - Profit center
● Customer
● Pricing condition (purchasing and sales)
● Product
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create VA21
Display VA23
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate customer material data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interface (API).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Sales and Distribution
Component: SD
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives sales organizations from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects materials from the KNMT table for the derived
sales organizations.
● Basic data
● Long texts
● Classification data
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Class
● Characteristic
● MM - Product
● SD - Customer master
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create VD51
Change VD52
Display VD53
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate sales contract data from the source ERP system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Sales and Distribution
Sales Contract
Component: SD
Business Object Definition An outline agreement that contains special conditions nego
tiated between the supplier and a customer, for example,
price, target value, or target quantity. A sales contract is
valid for a specified period. A customer submits a sales or
der to release materials or services from the amount or
value agreed in the contract.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives sales organizations from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects all sales contracts from the VBAK table for the
derived sales organizations.
The relevant sales document category (VBAK-VBTYP) for this migration object is G ("Contract").
In Scope
● Header data
● Item data
● Partner data
● Condition data
● Contract data
● Long texts
● Partner addresses
● Custom fields
For this migration object, the Custom Fields and Logic app is available. If you use the app to enhance your
business object with custom fields, these custom fields are automatically available in the Custom Fields
mapping task. For more information, see the Custom Fields and Logic documentation in the SAP S/4HANA
section of the SAP Help Portal (help.sap.com).
Ensure that there are no changes to the custom fields during migration.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Change VA42
Display VA43
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate open sales order data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Sales and Distribution
Sales Order
Component: SD
Business Object Definition A customer request to the company for delivery of goods or
services at a certain time. The request is received by a sales
area that is then responsible for fulfilling the contract.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives sales organizations from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects sales orders from the VBAK table for the derived
sales organizations if the following conditions are met:
In Scope
For this migration object, the Custom Fields and Logic app is available. If you use the app to enhance your
business object with custom fields, these custom fields are automatically available in the Custom Fields
mapping task. For more information, see the Custom Fields and Logic documentation in the SAP S/4HANA
section of the SAP Help Portal (help.sap.com).
Ensure that there are no changes to the custom fields during migration.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Customer
● Product
Before you can start the migration process, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Manual Pricing
In Customizing for Sales and Distribution, go to the V/08 transaction or go to Basic Functions Pricing
Pricing Control Define and Assign Pricing Procedures . Select the Set Pricing Procedures activity. Open the
relevant pricing procedure assigned to the sales document to be migrated. Set the condition types to be
processed manually by selecting Manual only.
Carrying out the Customizing described above enables manual pricing for price determination. As a result, this
migration object transfers the as-is conditions from the source ERP system to the target SAP S/4HANA
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Adjust the pricing procedures to the required settings in the SAP S/4HANA system.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Change VA02
Display VA03
This migration object enables you to migrate additional flow data for a TRM transaction from the source ERP
system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming
Interfaces (BAPIs).
Related Business Objects: Cap/Floor, Commercial Paper, Deposit at Notice, Interest Rate Swap, Foreign
Exchange Swap Contract, Foreign Exchange Collar Contract
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Financial Supply Chain
Financial Transaction
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
Business Object Definition The concept of flow types allows you to define other flows -
such as charges or commissions (absolute or proportional) -
for the individual product types. These other flows are cre
ated with each transaction.
The flow types that are assigned are displayed in the other
flows area as a default. You also still enter the payment
amount, currency with the direction and the payment date.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All active transactions with the active activity categories Contract, Rollover, and Settlement for which
additional flows exist are automatically selected for the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope.
For a financial transaction, this migration object creates additional flows in the target system.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Derived flows
You need to manually create the derived flows in the target system.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Flow types are assigned to the corresponding product types in the target system
● The financial transaction is present in the target system
● TRM - Cap/Floor
● TRM - Commercial paper
● TRM - Deposit at notice
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Display FTR_EDIT
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate bank guarantee data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system. The data is migrated based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming
Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Financial Supply Chain
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM
Business Object Definition A bank guarantee is a pledge on the part of a bank to make
good someone's debt in the event that they cannot pay it.
This type of guarantee is essentially an agreement to stand
as a cosigner on a transaction. In the event that the original
party cannot follow through, the bank can be called upon to
provide the payment.
Available Scenarios
Bank guarantee contracts with the active activity categories Contract and Settlement are relevant for
migration. The relevant bank guarantee contract data from the VTBFHA table are automatically selected for the
company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Structure data
● Administrative data
● Other flows
● Payment details
● Contracts
● Contract settlements
● Contracts converted from Order to Contract
This migration object migrates only bank guarantee data and does not migrate main flow details. Hence,
migrate this object before you migrate the TRM - Main flow detail migration object. Please ensure that
both migration objects are included in the same TRM migration project.
Out of Scope
● Orders
● Conditions
● Collateral
Transactions with the Terminate, Give Notice, and Roll Over statuses are not migrated.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Currency type and currency key of the controlling area assigned to the source and target company codes
must match.
● FI - SEPA mandate
● MM - Purchase order (only open PO)
● SD - Sales order (only open SO)
● TRM - Business partner role
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
The problem of double balances: The source system contains flows related to financial transactions occurring
before the migration process. Please note that the information related to flows is already included in the
balance sheet, which was migrated from the source system to the SAP S/4 HANA system. If you post these
flows again in the receiver system, the migration tool updates the general ledger twice. This means that the
corresponding financial transaction, which was created in the receiver system during migration, needs to be
excluded from further processing of flows.
How to avoid double balances: To avoid the double posting of flows, you can go to the TBB1_LC transaction and
select the Flag Flows as Posted checkbox. This transaction enables the generation of posting logs. In the FI
area, you can see the accounts to which postings need to be made to reconcile the data. This information is
required for account assignment reference transfers at a later stage of the business process. The data is also
available in the posting journal (transaction TPM20).
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate business partner role data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Financial Supply Chain
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All business partner roles from the BUT100 table are automatically selected for the company codes you
specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Business partner
Please migrate the Business partner migration object before you migrate the Business partner role
migration object. Please ensure that both migration objects are included in the same TRM migration
project. For more information, see SAP Note 2863145 .
● Customer
If a customer is assigned to the business partner, migrate the Customer migration object before you
migrate the Business partner role migration object. Please ensure that all migration objects are included
in the same TRM migration project.
● Supplier
If a supplier is assigned to the business partner, migrate the Supplier migration object before you migrate
the Business partner role migration object. Please ensure that all migration objects are included in the
same TRM migration project.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create BP
Change BP
Display BP
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate commercial paper master data from the source ERP system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Financial Supply Chain
Financial Transaction
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
Commercial paper with the active activity categories Contract and Settlement are relevant for migration. The
relevant commercial paper data from the VTBFHA table is automatically selected for the company codes you
specified when defining the migration scope
In Scope
● Structure data
Out of Scope
During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation even
though simulation was successful.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Currency type and currency key of the controlling area assigned to the source and target company codes
must match.
● Currency keys assigned to currency types belonging to different organizational units must be the same in
source and target systems.
● Business partners along with necessary authorizations and relevant data.
● Master agreements
● Valuation areas for selected company codes and initialization of parallel valuation areas
● Product types, flow types and update types
● Position management and links to accounting components
● All cash flows until the migration cutoff date are posted to Financial Accounting.
● FI - G/L account
● FI - House bank
● TRM - Condition details
● TRM - Business partner role
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Target System
Source System
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
The problem of double balances: The source system contains flows related to financial transactions occurring
before migration. Please note that the information related to flows is already included in the balance sheet
How to avoid double balances: To avoid the double posting of flows, you can go to the TBB1_LC transaction
and select the Flag Flows as Posted check box. This transaction enables the generation of posting logs. You can
see the accounts in the FI area to which postings need to be made to reconcile the data. This information is
required for account assignment reference transfers at a later stage of the business process. The data is also
available in the posting journal (transaction TPM20).
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create TM31
Change TM32
Display TM33
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate foreign exchange spot/forward contract data from the source
ERP system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration
object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming
Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
Business Object Definition Spot transaction is a binding agreement for the immediate
exchange of currency. Forward transaction is the obligation
to exchange two currencies at a future date at a rate fixed
upon contract conclusion.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
Foreign exchange spot/forward contracts with the active activity categories Contract and Settlement are
relevant for migration. The relevant foreign exchange spot/forward contract data from the VTBFHA table is
automatically selected for the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Structure data
● Administrative data
● Other flows
● Payment details
● Contracts
● Contract settlements
● Contracts converted from Order to Contract
Out of Scope
● Reversed transactions
● Rollover transactions
● Expiration transactions
The settlement feature for the spot/forward transaction is out of scope for simulation.
During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation even
though simulation was successful.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Currency type and currency key of the controlling area assigned to the source and target company codes
must match
● Currency keys assigned to currency types belonging to different organizational units must be the same in
source and target systems
● Business partners along with necessary authorizations and relevant data
● Valuation areas for selected company codes and initialization of parallel valuation areas
● Product types, flow types and update types
● Master agreements
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
The problem of double balances: The source system contains flows related to financial transactions occurring
before migration. Please note that the information related to flows is already included in the balance sheet
migrated from the source system to the SAP S/4 HANA system. If you post these flows again in the receiver
system, the migration tool updates the general ledger twice. This means that the corresponding financial
transaction that was created in the receiver system during migration needs to be excluded from further
processing of flows.
How to avoid double balances: To avoid the double posting of flows, you can go to the TBB1_LC transaction
and select the Flag Flows as Posted checkbox. This transaction enables the generation of posting logs. In the FI
area, you can see the accounts to which postings need to be made to reconcile the data. This information is
required for account assignment reference transfers at a later stage of the business process. The data is also
available in the posting journal (transaction TPM20).
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create TX01
Display FTR_EDIT
This migration object enables you to migrate interest rate instrument data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Financial Supply Chain
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
Interest rate instruments with the active activity categories Contract and Settlement are relevant for
migration. The relevant interest rate instrument data from the VTBFHA table is automatically selected for the
company codes you specified when defining the migration scope
● Structure data
● Administration data
● Contract data
● Contract settlement data
Interest rate adjustments are not migrated to the target system. You need to manually update this
information in the target system after migration.
Out of Scope
● Concluded deals
● Replaced deals
● Reversed deals
● Terminated deals
● Simulation deals
● Deals with single dates
● Default Risk Limit
If you have multiple steps for migration, you can simulate only the contract data feature.
During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation even
though simulation was successful.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Currency type and currency key of the controlling area assigned to the source and target company codes
must match.
● Currency keys assigned to currency types belonging to different organizational units must be the same in
source and target systems
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Profit center
● FI - SEPA mandate
● TRM - Business partner role
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
The problem of double balances: The source system contains flows related to financial transactions occurring
before migration. Please note that the information related to flows is already included in the balance sheet
migrated from the source system to the SAP S/4 HANA system. If you post these flows again in the receiver
system, the migration tool updates the general ledger twice. This means that the corresponding financial
transaction that was created in the receiver system during migration needs to be excluded from further
processing of flows..
How to avoid double balances: To avoid the double posting of flows, you can go to the TBB1_LC transaction
and select the Flag Flows as Posted checkbox. This transaction enables the generation of posting logs. You can
see the accounts in the FI area to which postings need to be made to reconcile the data. This information is
required for account assignment reference transfers at a later stage of the business process. The data is also
available in the posting journal (transaction TPM20).
Valuation areas: With the help of this migration object, you have migrated valuation-area-independent data
such as quantity data (for example, units, nominal amounts), purchase value, cost or accrued interest to the
target system. To migrate valuation area-dependent data for SAP TRM, use the Legacy Data Transfer tool.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create TM_51
Change TM_52
Display TM_53
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate bond contract data from the source ERP system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Financial Supply Chain
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
Business Object Definition Bonds are used by companies or the public sector to gener
ate outside capital on the domestic or foreign capital market.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
Bond contracts with the active activity categories Contract and Settlement are relevant for migration. The
relevant bond contract data from the VTBFHA table is automatically selected for the company codes you
specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Structure data
● Trading description
● Administration data
● Other flows
● Payment details
Out of Scope
Cash flows generated from corporate actions, security account transfers, security rights, or any other back
office actions are not migrated to the target system. You need to manually update this information in the
target system after migration.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Currency type and the currency key of the controlling area (assigned to the specified company codes)
match in the source and target systems
● Currency keys assigned to currency types belonging to different organizational units match in the source
and target systems
● Valuation areas for selected company codes and initialization of parallel valuation areas
● Factory calendars relevant for Treasury
● Product types, flow types, and update types
● Position management and links to accounting components
● Relevant securities accounts
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
The problem of double balances: The source system contains flows related to financial transactions occurring
before migration. Please note that the information related to flows is already included in the balance sheet
migrated from the source system to the SAP S/4 HANA system. If you post these flows again in the receiver
system, the migration tool updates the general ledger twice. This means that the corresponding financial
transaction that was created in the receiver system during migration needs to be excluded from further
processing of flows..
How to avoid double balances: To avoid the double posting of flows, you can go to the TBB1_LC transaction
and select the Flag Flows as Posted checkbox. This transaction enables the generation of posting logs. You can
see the accounts in the FI area to which postings need to be made to reconcile the data. This information is
required for account assignment reference transfers at a later stage of the business process. The data is also
available in the posting journal (transaction TPM20).
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create TS01
Change TS02
Display TS03
This migration object enables you to migrate security class data from the source ERP system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Financial Supply Chain
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
Business Object Definition In the SAP system, a security is a security class. The security
class data includes all the structure characteristics of a se
curity. You can portray the security types using the product
categories delivered with the system, such as:
● Bonds
● Stocks
● Investment certificates
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create FWZZ
Change FWZZ
Display FWZZ
This migration object enables you to migrate stock contract data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Financial Supply Chain
Component: FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
Stock contracts with the active activity categories Contract and Settlement are relevant for migration. The
relevant stock contract data from the VTBFHA table is automatically selected for the company codes you
specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Structure data
● Trading description
Out of Scope
● Correspondence information
● Trade repository data
● Default risk limit data
● Analysis parameter data
Cash flows generated from corporate actions, security account transfers, security rights, or any other back
office actions are not migrated to the target system. You need to manually update this information in the
target system after migration.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, make sure that these Customizing settings have been
made in the target system:
● Currency type and currency key of the controlling area assigned to the source and target company codes
must match.
● Currency keys assigned to currency types belonging to different organizational units must be the same in
source and target systems.
● Valuation areas for selected company codes and initialization of parallel valuation areas
● Factory calendars relevant for Treasury
● Product types, flow types, and update types
● Position management and links to accounting components
● Relevant securities accounts
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
The problem of double balances: The source system contains flows related to financial transactions occurring
before migration. Please note that the information related to flows is already included in the balance sheet
migrated from the source system to the SAP S/4 HANA system. If you post these flows again in the receiver
system, the migration tool updates the general ledger twice. This means that the corresponding financial
transaction that was created in the receiver system during migration needs to be excluded from further
processing of flows.
How to avoid double balances: To avoid the double posting of flows, you can go to the TBB1_LC transaction
and select the Flag Flows as Posted checkbox. This transaction enables the generation of posting logs. You can
see the accounts in the FI area to which postings need to be made to reconcile the data. This information is
required for account assignment reference transfers at a later stage of the business process. The data is also
available in the posting journal (transaction TPM20).
Create TS01
Change TS02
Display TS03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate configuration profile data from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Central Functions Variant
Component: LO-VC
Business Object Definition An object in which you enter configuration parameters for a
configurable object. Each configuration profile must be as
signed to at least one class with a class type that supports
variant configuration.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
● Attributes
● Basic data of local dependencies
● Descriptions of local dependencies
● Documentation of local dependencies
● Source code of local dependencies
● Assignment of dependencies (local and global) to the configuration profile
Action dependency types are migrated to the target system as the procedure dependency types.
Out of Scope
Validation of dependencies is not carried out during migration for these statuses:
● In Preparation
● Locked
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Class
● ECM - Change master
● Object classification (general template)
● PM - General maintenance task list
● Product
● VC - Object dependency and dependency net
● If you need to create the configuration profile with change numbers, create the change number first.
You can next migrate a configuration profile using the change number.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
This migration object sets the processing mode on the Configuration Initial Screen tab to Classic after data
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate object dependency and dependency net data from the source
ERP system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration
object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Central Functions Variant
Component: LO-VC
Business Object Definition The mutual interdependencies between objects. Object de
pendencies can be defined between characteristics and
characteristic values such that 21-speed gears are only al
lowed for racing bicycles. They can also be defined to ensure
that the correct BOM items and operations are selected
when an object is configured. They can be described in a de
pendency editor using a special syntax.
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Descriptions
● Long texts
● Source code
● Change numbers
Out of Scope
● Actions
● Rules
● Deleted global dependencies and dependency net
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Characteristic
● ECM - Change master
● Product
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate vendor (supplier) data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: MM
Business Object Definition A business partner who supplies goods and delivers them to
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the purchasing organization from the company codes you specified when
defining the migration scope. This migration object automatically selects all vendors from the LFA1 table for
the company codes and derived purchasing organizations.
In Scope
● If a vendor in the source system is extended to multiple company codes, after data migration, the
supplier in the target system is extended only to the participating company codes.
● If a vendor in the source system has multiple purchase organizations, after data migration, the supplier
in the target system contains only the selected purchase organizations.
Out of Scope
Source System
Before you can start the migration process, ensure that you have maintained the values for all fields defined as
mandatory in the target system. Otherwise, errors may occur after migration. Alternatively, blank values are
populated in the mandatory fields after data migration.
Target System
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Defined all mandatory Customizing for customer-vendor integration (CVI) in the target system.
● Provided the vendor account group in the Vendor Account Group (MAP_KTOKK) mapping task. Doing so
enables the migration object to determine the business partner groupings and roles from the following
Customizing paths:
Call Selected
● Bank
● Business partner
If there is a business partner linked to the vendor in the source system, please migrate the Business
partner migration object before you migrate the Supplier migration object. Please ensure that both
migration objects are included in the same migration project.
● Customer
○ If the customer and vendor refer to the same business entity in the source system, please migrate the
Customer migration object before you migrate the Supplier migration object. Please ensure that both
migration objects are included in the same migration project.
○ If the business partner is linked to both the customer and the vendor in the source system, please
migrate the Business partner migration object first, followed by the Customer migration object and
finally the Supplier migration object. Please ensure that all three migration objects are included in the
same migration project.
● FI- G/L account
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Technical Information
CMD_MIG_BP_CVI_CREATE Create New Business Partners with CVI and New Segments Insertion
This migration object derives the business partner category based on the vendor title defined in the TSAD3
Customizing table. If the vendor title in the source system is company, for example, the business partner
category is organization.
If the vendor account has referenced This migration object migrates the ven 1. Set the referenced vendor ac
vendor accounts such as goods sup counts for migration or manually
dor account, but not the referenced
plier or invoicing party in the source create the referenced vendor ac
vendor accounts. The migration ends in
system, but only the vendor account is counts in the target system.
set for migration. error.
2. Migrate the migration object again.
If the vendor account has referenced This migration object migrates all ven Not relevant
vendor accounts in the source system, dor accounts along with the references
and all relevant vendor accounts are set among the relevant vendor accounts.
for migration.
If the vendor account has referenced This migration object migrates the ven 1. Migrate the migration object again.
vendor accounts in the source system, dor account first and the referenced 2. This migration object updates ref
and all relevant vendor accounts are set vendor accounts later. The migration erences among the relevant vendor
for migration. ends in error. accounts.
Virtual Tables
If the customer and the vendor refer to Customer and Customer Number (MAP_KUNNR) and
the same business entity in the source
system Vendor Vendor Number (MAP_LIFNR) respec
If the business partner is related to both Business partner, Business Partner (MAP_BU_PARTNER)
the customer and vendor in the source
system Customer and Customer Number (MAP_KUNNR) and
If the vendor is not related to the busi Vendor Vendor Number (MAP_LIFNR)
ness partner or the customer in the
source system
If the vendor account group is assigned Vendor (Enter a blank.) Vendor Number (MAP_LIFNR)
to an internal number range
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate purchase grid condition records from the source AFS system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
If the application type is "M", purchase grid condition records in the J_3AGRHD table are automatically selected
for all key combinations.
In Scope
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Relevant access sequence is active for the migration specific condition types.
● AFS - Article
● Supplier
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create/Change/Display FSH_VAR_MM
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate sales grid condition records from the source AFS system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: SAP Menu Logistics Sales and
Component: IS-AFS-SD
Business Object Definition Sales grid : A subset of a master grid that contains the grid
value variants of a material for use in sales.
Available Scenarios
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
If the application type is "V", all sales grid condition records in the J_3AGRHD table are automatically selected
for all key combinations.
In Scope
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Relevant access sequence is active for condition types selected for migration.
● AFS - Article
● Customer
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create/Change/Display FSH_VAR_SD
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate value added service data from the source AFS system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Sales and Distribution AFS
Component: IS-AFS-SD
Business Object Definition Services that improve the appearance, attractiveness and
processing of a product, for example, packing, ticketing and
special service.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Ticketing/labeling data
● Packing data
● Special services data
Value-added service records that are marked for deletion are not migrated.
Out of Scope
● Status information
● Service hanger data
● Service hang tags
● Service packaging information
● Service ironing data
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
You have migrated or defined settings in the AFS - Article migration object.
Depending on your scenario, you have also migrated or defined settings in the following migration objects:
● AFS - Season
● Customer
● Supplier
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
This migration object automatically populates VAS service type values in the target system using the VAS
Service Types (MAP_AFS_VAS_SERVICE_1) mapping task. The populated values are picked up from the
service types delivered by SAP.
Packing 40
Service 30
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create/Change/Display FSH_VAS_SD
Further Information
1.149 Class
This migration object enables you to migrate class data from the source AFS system to the target SAP S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: CA-CL
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects all classes from the KLAH table in the source system.
In Scope
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
C_TCLA_BKA (Create/Validate)
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create CL01
Change CL02
Display CL03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate document info record data from the source AFS system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Definition Master record containing all information necessary to man
age a document. The data is sorted according to various cri
teria. A document info record contains both descriptive data
(such as language and laboratory) and control data (such as
change number and status).Document management at SAP
has two sides: on one side are the originals, which can be in
any format, and on the other side is the document info re
cord, which makes the originals available to other SAP ob
jects by means of object links.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
All document info records are automatically selected for migration. You can restrict the selection in the
LTMOM transaction.
In Scope
● Document info records you set for deletion in the source AFS system are not migrated.
● Important: Migrate document info records in the same sequence as the sequence of versions to
ensure consistency.
Migrate classification details linked to the document info record separately using the Object classification
(general template) migration object.
Out of Scope
● Classifications
● Document hierarchies
● Document structures
● Object links
● Change numbers
● Change logs
● Document distribution data
● Digital signature
● Status change logs
● If you have multiple steps for migration, you can simulate only this feature: Document info record
● The following feature is out of scope for simulation: Originals/Attachments.
● During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation
even though simulation was successful.
Target System
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● The Version Assignment checkbox is deselected for the relevant document types in the IMG path: Cross-
Application Components Document Management Control Data Define Document Types .
● Important: To ensure classification assignments for those document info records that have the Locked (S-
type) status, change the status type from Locked (S) to ' ' (space) for all document types in the Define
Document Types configuration. After migraton, change the status type back from ' ' (space) to Locked (S).
● In the mapping task for the Document Number (DOKNR) field, the number range is set to external for the
DOKUMENT number range object.
Storage type: The same content repository should be used in the source and target systems. If you are
using an SAP system database as the content repository in the source system, you should configure the
same content repository as an HTTP server pointing to the source R/3 system in the target system.
Source System
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the source
Documents are checked into the source system to enable them to be opened by different users in the
target system
Its recommended that, Document types have one-to-one mapping in the source and target systems with
similar configurations
Implement SAP Note 685521 in the source system. The HTTP server you are pointing to in the target
system, is the host address in the source system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
To carry out data migration, assign table maintenance or table access authorizations and enter the relevant
values for the migration user.
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
After migration, select the Version Assignment checkbox on the Define Document Types: Overview screen for
each document type. (Relevant transaction: DC10)
After migration, change the status type back from ' ' (space) to Locked (S) for all document types with the DIR
Released status for classification assignments.
● Document info records and document statuses with the migration date
● Originals data with the user and date information from the source system
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Change CV02N
Display CV03N
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate SEPA mandate data from the source AFS system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Business Object Definition Payers use SEPA mandates to grant their vendors or service
agents the authorization to debit their account with the ap
propriate payment amount as part of a SEPA direct debit.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All SEPA mandates from the SEPA_MANDATE table belonging to Financial Accounting are automatically
selected for the company codes that you specified when defining the migration scope.
For the selection criteria listed above, the company codes are stored in the Recipient ID field of the
● Basic data
● Payer information
● Payment recipients
● Use data for SEPA mandates with the Active status
After migration, the system treats a SEPA mandate with blank use data as a new (first use) mandate.
During a payment run (F110), all related fields are updated for new mandates, thereby possibly increasing
the processing time of payment instructions. To avoid an increase in processing time, this object migrates
use data for SEPA mandates with an active status from the source ERP system to the target SAP S/4HANA
system. During the migration, document numbers and dates remain unchanged. For the purpose of easy
identification, the ID number of the Payment Run of First Use field is migrated with the value
Out of Scope
Validation of dependencies (such as customer and bank data business objects) is not carried out during
migration of SEPA mandate data for these statuses:
● Canceled
● Locked
● Obsolete
● Completed
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Customer
● FI - Bank account
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
You can update use data manually using the FSEPA_M4 transaction code.
Create FSEPA_M1
Change FSEPA_M2
Display FSEPA_M3
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate object dependency and dependency net data from the source
AFS system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration
object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Central Functions Variant
Component: LO-VC
Business Object Definition The mutual interdependencies between objects. Object de
pendencies can be defined between characteristics and
characteristic values such that 21-speed gears are only al
lowed for racing bicycles. They can also be defined to ensure
that the correct BOM items and operations are selected
when an object is configured. They can be described in a de
pendency editor using a special syntax.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Descriptions
Out of Scope
● Actions
● Rules
● Deleted global dependencies and dependency net
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● AFS - Article
● AFS - Non-dimensional characteristic
● ECM - Change master
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Further Information
This migration object enables you to assign global object dependencies to characteristics after migration from
the source AFS system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the
migration object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming
Interfaces (APIs)
Business Object Definition A special allocation function that enables allocation of global
dependencies to characteristics
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
All characteristics that have global object dependencies assigned are automatically selected from the CABN
In Scope
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create/Change/Display CT04
Further Information
This migration object enables you to assign global object dependencies to classes after migration from the
source AFS system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the
migration object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming
Interfaces (APIs).
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All classes that have global object dependencies assigned are automatically selected from the KLAHtable.
In Scope
Out of Scope
During migration, this migration object checks whether class characteristics have been changed with a
change number in the target system.
If the changes have taken place, the migration object uses the change number information in the source
system to assign global dependencies to the Class object and the overwritten class values.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Class
● VC - Object dependency and dependency net
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create CL01
Change CL02
Display CL03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate article data from the source AFS system to the target SAP S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: IS-AFS-MM/LO-FSH
Business Object Definition An article is the smallest unit or customer pack that can be
ordered independently and that cannot be split into smaller
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants and sales organizations from the company codes you specified when
defining the migration scope. This migration object automatically selects materials from MARA table for the
derived plants and sales organizations.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Deletion indicator at the basic data level
● Deletion indicator at the plant data level
● International article numbers
● Long texts
● Material data at the plant level
● Material description
The Object classification (general template) migration object migrates classification data.
Out of Scope
● Planning data
● Forecast values
● Forecast parameters
● Total consumption data
● Unplanned consumption data
● Layout modules
● Material change history
● Materials set for deletion
● Tables and fields in the customer name space
● Materials with item categories ERLA and LUMF
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
● MARC_VAL: To store grid-based plant data for AFS materials. (This migration object creates an AFS
material as a separate article in SAP S/4HANA.)
● SEG_MRP: To store grid-based MRP data belonging to the J_3AMAD table.
● MBEW_AFS: To store AFS valuation data not based on segments.
● MBEW_SEG_AFS:To store AFS valuation data based on segments.
● MARM_VAL: To store unit of measure data that have grid variations.
● SEG_WTVOL: To store segmentationspecific weights and volumes belonging to the /AFS/MARM table.
● MVKE_VAL: To store grid-based sales data
● SEG_MVKE: To store grid-based sales data based on segments.
● MLGN_AFS: To store grid-based warehouse data
● SEG_MLGN:To store grid-based warehouse data based on segments.
● MLGT_AFS: To store grid-based storage location data belonging to the /AFS/MLGT table.
● SEG_MLGT_AFS: To store storage location data belonging to the /AFS/MLGT table. (This migration object
selects storage location data based on grids and segments.)
● KORDX_VAL: To store the explosion of AFS materials to generic articles and variants (1+n).
● CHAR_VAL: To store the characteristic values responsible for grid creation.
● SEASONS: To store season data.
● MEAN_VAL: To store "de-masked" data from the MEAN table.
● MAT_LTEXT: To store material long texts.
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create MM41
Change MM42
Display MM43
This migration object enables you to migrate distribution curve master data from the source AFS system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Plant profiles
● Period profiles
● Default versions assigned at the plant level
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
In SAP AFS, you can define your distributions using these distribution profile types:
● Plant
● Category
● Grid (based on a mastergrid)
● Period
Target System
In SAP S/4HANA, the distribution profiles are referred to as distribution curves and have these distribution
curve types:
● Segments
● Variants (based on a configuration class)
● Categories in SAP AFS are termed as segments in SAP S/4HANA and mastergrids in SAP AFS are
termed as configuration classes in SAP S/4HANA. Only category profiles and grid profiles are migrated
from SAP AFS.
● If descriptions are not available in the source system, the migration object maintains the distribution
curve ID as the description and the logon language as the migration language.
Follow-On Activities
During migration, this migration object clears the active status of the distribution curve since only one version
can be active in the SAP S/4HANA system. You need to manually set the distribution curve (and its version) as
active in the SAP S/4HANA system.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
This migration object enables you to migrate configuration class data from the source AFS system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Definition Important element of the AFS basic data that maps the char
acteristic values of an AFS material in grid values and per
mits combinations consisting of up to three dimensions (for
example color, size,length). The use of master, purchase and
sales grids facilitate the valuation, procurement and sale of
AFS materials at SKU level.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
Material grids you set for deletion in the source AFS system are not migrated
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
The API is used to create configuration classes with the following entries:
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Change CL02
Display CL03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate distribution condition data from the source AFS system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
Out of Scope
● Customer
● Customer group
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● AFS - Article
● AFS - Distribution curve
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
In the AFS system, you can define your distributions using these distribution profile types:
● Plant
● Category
● Grid (based on a master grid)
● Period
In the SAP S/4HANA system, the distribution profiles are referred to as distribution curves and have these
distribution curve types:
● Segments
● Variants (based on a configuration class)
Categories in the AFS system are termed as segments in the SAP S/4HANA system and master grids in the
AFS system are termed as configuration classes in the SAP S/4HANA system. Only category profiles and
grid profiles are migrated from the AFS system.
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate characteristics for dimension data from the source AFS system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces
Component: CA-CL
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Descriptions
● Values
● Additional data
This migration object migrates characteristics for dimensions belonging to the /AFS/SAP-Dcharacteristics
group. Other characteristics are migrated using the Non-dimensional characteristic migration object.
This migration object migrates long texts at the characteristics level and not the values level. (The WRFCHVAL
transaction in the target system doesn't support long texts at the values level.)
During migration, if the characteristics in the source system and the master grid do not match, a warning
message is displayed. However, this does not affect the migration process.
Out of Scope
● Characteristics values
● Object dependencies
● Long texts
● Documents
During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation even
though simulation was successful.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
● BAPI_CHARACT_ADDLONGTEXT: BAPI for Characteristics: Set Long Text for Characteristic or Value
This BAPI migrates long texts only for the characteristics level in this migration scenario.
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create CT04
Change CT04
Display CT04
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate planned independent requirement data from the source AFS
system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming
Interfaces (BAPIs).
Independent Requirements
Component: IS-AFS-PP
Business Object Definition The required quantity of a product that is planned for a cer
tain time period independently of a specific customer order.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects all planned independent requirements from the J_3AREQS table for
the derived plants.
In Scope
Schedule lines
Planned independent requirements you set for deletion in the source AFS system are not migrated
Out of Scope
Withdrawal quantity
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● AFS - Article
● AFS - Configuration class for material grid
● AFS - Dimensional characteristic
● AFS - Segmentation default value
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create MD61
Change MD62
Display MD63
This migration object enables you to migrate characteristics for non-dimension data from the source AFS
system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming
Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: CA-CL
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects characteristics from the CABN table if the following condition is
The value of the Characteristic Group (ATKLA) field is NOT /AFS/SAP-D (AFS characteristics for dimensions).
● Basic data
● Descriptions
● Values
● Additional data
● Restrictions
● Long texts for characteristics and characteristics values
● Documents
● Local object dependencies
● Characteristic relevance for these function types: BOM, DIM, EAN, GTS, MRP, PRC, PRI, ROU, RSC, SDS,
● Changes relevant to change numbers
● Characteristics belonging to the /AFS/SAP-D characteristics group are migrated using the AFS -
Dimensional characteristic migration object.
● The characteristic group value for the /AFS/SAP-C characteristics group in the SAP S/4HANA system is
● If the relevance settings are present in the /AFS/DIM_RELS table in the source system, this migration
object migrates the relevance data to the target system.
● You can migrate only allowed values from the value check strategy.
● If there are any dependency source code errors, dependencies with the Released status are migrated with
the Locked status.
Out of Scope
During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation even
though simulation was successful.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create/Change/Display CT04
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate quantity distribution profile data from the source AFS system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Definition A tool in the sales order for saving a template for distributing
quantities among dimension values. After you have saved
the template, you can then enter a factor in the sales order
and the system multiplies the number by the quantities in
the profile. Example This function is used when items such
as shoes are already packed in large boxes according to a
certain profile and the customer agrees to buy a certain
quantity. This tool makes it easier to enter the quantities for
the individual dimension values.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
You have migrated or defined settings in the AFS - Configuration class for material grid migration object:
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
This migration object enables you to migrate planned independent requirement data from the source AFS
system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming
Interfaces (BAPIs).
Independent Requirements
Component: PP-MRP
Business Object Definition The required quantity of a product that is planned for a cer
tain time period independently of a specific customer order.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects relevant planned independent requirements from the J_3AREQM
table for the derived plants.
● Items
● Schedule lines
Planned independent requirements you set for deletion in the source AFS system are not migrated
Out of Scope
Withdrawal quantity
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● AFS - Article
● AFS - Configuration class for material grid
● AFS - Dimensional characteristic
● AFS - Segmentation default value
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system.
Create MD61
Change MD62
Display MD63
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate season data from the source AFS system to the target SAP S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Season data
● Collections data
● Theme data
● Season condition data relevant to sales
● Season condition data relevant to purchasing
● Season condition data relevant to production
The migration object calculates validity dates for season data as described below:
● The Validity From date is set as the lower value of the Order From dates
● The Validity To date is set as the higher value of the Delivery To dates
● If you do not define the order from dates and delivery to dates for season data, the validity from date
is set to January 1 for the year previous to the current year. In addition, the validity to date is set to
December 31 for the year following the current year.
When the validation result shows the order date occurring after the delivery date in the target system, the
order date is set to a day earlier than the delivery date.
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create/Change/Display FSH_SWB
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate category structure default data from the source AFS system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
This migration object refers to segmentation default values in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Business Object Definition You can use the Default Segment Value Maintenance tool to
create and modify condition records that will be used by the
applications, such as Sales Order, Purchase Order, and so
on, to determine default segment values.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
● Sales orders
● Planned orders
● Production orders
● Outline agreements
● Purchase order stock segments
● Purchase requisition stock segments
● Planned independent requirements
Out of Scope
During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation even
though simulation was successful.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out data migration, assign table maintenance or table access authorizations and enter the relevant
values for the migration user.
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
DEFAULT_DATA: To store the default data created for each segmentation structure.
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create/Change/Display SGT_DEFFAULT
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate coverage strategy data from the source AFS system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
This migration object refers to segmentation strategy in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Business Object Definition A collection of business rules that define which stock materi
als should satisfy which demand objects. The segmentation
strategy is based on the mapping between a stock segment
associated with a material in stock and a requirement seg
ment associated with a demand object. Segmentation strat
egies can be assigned to materials to determine the valid
stock segments and requirement segments for the materials
to define which requirements should be covered by which
stock segments.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● MRP information
● PIR consumption data
● Requirement-to-stock conversions
Out of Scope
During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation even
though simulation was successful.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
You have migrated or defined settings in the AFS - Segmentation structure migration object.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
To carry out data migration, assign table maintenance or table access authorizations and enter the relevant
values for the migration user.
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create/Change/Display SGTC
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate category structure data from the source AFS system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
This migration object refers to segmentation structures in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
Category structures
Category structures are termed segmentation structures in the SAP S/4HANA system.
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
To carry out data migration, assign table maintenance or table access authorizations and enter the relevant
values for the migration user.
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create/Change/Display SGTS
Further Information
This object enables you to migrate bank data from the source AFS system to the target S/4HANA system
based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration process enables you to
transfer data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Business Object Definition A unique number or code that uniformly identifies a bank in
the system.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects all bank keys from the BNKA table in the source system.
In Scope
● Bank country/region
● Bank key
● Bank address data
● Other address data of the bank
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create FI01
Change FI02
Display FI03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate batch data unique at the plant level from the source AFS system
to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Central Functions Batch
Management Batch
Component: LO-BM
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
In Scope
● Basic data
● Classification data
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create MSC1N
Change MSC2N
Display MSC3N
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate activity type master data from the source AFS system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Controlling Cost Center
Component: CO
Business Object Definition A unit in a controlling area that classifies the activities per
formed in a cost center.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the controlling area from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects all activity types from the CSLA table for the
derived controlling areas.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Activity type texts
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system.
Create KL01
Change KL02
Display KL03
This migration object enables you to migrate activity type group master data from the source AFS system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Controlling Cost Center
Component: CO
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the controlling area from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects activity type groups belonging to set classes from
the SETHEADER table for the derived controlling areas.
The migration object selects the set class with the value 0105 (Activity Type Group) for transfer.
● Basic data
● Groups and values
This migration object transfers activity type groups maintained in the source system to the target system
without any changes. If you want to rename an activity type during migration, you may have to manually
modify the activity type names in the groups.
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Target System
Source System
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create KLH1
Change KLH2
Display KLH3
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate cost rate data from the source AFS system to the target SAP S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Controlling Cost Center
Component: CO-OM
Business Object Definition The amount charged for services performed for external or
internal receivers.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the controlling area from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects all cost rate data from the CSSL table for the
controlling areas.
All cost rate data from the CSSL table are automatically selected for the current fiscal year, previous fiscal year
and the upcoming fiscal year. Fiscal year data enables a comparison of planned and actual cost rates.
In Scope
● Header information
● Objects for plan activity
● Period values for plan activity
● Control values for plan activity
Cost rates for business processes in the source system are not migrated
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Activity type
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
FLTR_CSSL: To store cost rate data of the previous, current, and upcoming fiscal years.
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create KP26
Change KP26
Display KP27
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate business process data from the source AFS system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: CO-OM
Business Object Definition Process in a company that uses resources and can involve
the activities of different departments.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the controlling area from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects all business processes from the CBPR table for the
derived controlling areas.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Organizations
● Attributes
● Allocation
● Templates
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Profit center
● CO - Business process group
● CO - Secondary cost element
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create CP01
Change CP02
Further Information
This object enables you to migrate business process groups and assigned standard hierarchies from the source
AFS system to the target S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
This migration process enables you to transfers data to the target system using Business Application
Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: CO-OM-ABC
Business Object Definition When you create a business process, you must assign it to a
group, which can be either the standard hierarchy itself or a
business process group that belongs to the standard hierar
chy. The standard hierarchy is the business process group
that you create before you define the first business process.
You can create additional business process groups as subor
dinate nodes under the standard hierarchy.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the controlling area from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects all business process groups and the standard
hierarchies from SETHEADER table for the derived controlling areas.
● Basic data
● Standard hierarchies assigned to the controlling area
After the business process master data is migrated to the target system, the respective business process is
assigned to the corresponding hierarchy area.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create CPH1
Change CPH2
Display CPH3
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate cost center data from the source AFS system to the target SAP S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: CO
Business Object Definition An organizational unit within a controlling area that repre
sents a defined location of cost incurrence.
● Functional requirements
● Allocation criteria
● Physical location
● Responsibility for costs
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the controlling area from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects all cost centers from the CSKS table for the
derived controlling areas.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Company code data
● Address data
● Validity
● Communication data
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create KS01
Change KS02
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate cost center groups and assigned standard hierarchies from the
source AFS system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the
migration object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using standard Business
Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path Accounting Controlling Cost Center
Component: CO
Business Object Definition A hierarchical group of cost centers defined and organized
according to selected criteria.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the controlling area from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects cost center groups and the assigned standard
hierarchies from the SETHEADER table for the derived controlling areas.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Standard hierarchies belonging to cost center groups are assigned to the relevant controlling area.
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create KSH1
Change KSH2
Display KSH3
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate cost element group data from the source AFS system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Controlling Cost Center
Component: CO
Business Object Definition An organizational entity that combines cost elements of the
same type. Cost element groups can serve various purposes.
For example, they can be used to create reports or to proc
ess several cost elements in one business transaction.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the chart of accounts from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects the cost element groups from the SETHEADER
table for the derived charts of accounts.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Groups and values
This migration object transfers cost element groups maintained in the source system to the target system
without any changes. If you want to rename a cost element during migration, you may have to manually
modify the cost element names in the groups.
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create KAH1
Change KAH2
Display KAH3
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate internal order data from the source AFS system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: CO
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
In Scope
● Basic data
● Internal order description
After migration, all internal orders are set to the "Created" status regardless of the status in the source
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Plant
● Object class
● Business area
● Functional area
● CO - Profit center
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Business process
● SD - Customer quotation
● JVA - Joint venture master (step 1)
● PS - Network
If you want to set the status of all migrated internal orders as "Released": You have set the order profile in the
KOT2_OPA transaction and selected Release Immediately before migration.
With this setting, after migration, all internal orders are set to the "Released" status regardless of the status
in the source system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
S_ADMI_FCD(System Authorizations)
Technical Information
If you have set the number range object to internal, the BAPI still treats it as an external number range object.
As a result, errors might occur even though migration was successful.
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Change KO02
Display KO03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate profit center data from the source AFS system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Controlling Profit Center
Component: CO
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
In Scope
● Basic data
● Company code data
● Address data
● Validity information
● Communication data
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
If the profit center is assigned to several company codes, this migration object assigns only the specified
company codes to the profit center in the target system. This migration object sets the ASSIGN_TO_PRCTR
parameter to "X" in the CEPC_BUKRS table for the BAPI BAPI_PROFITCENTER_CREATE .
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create KE51
Change KE52
Display KE53
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate profit center groups and assigned standard hierarchies from the
source AFS system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the
migration object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application
Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Controlling Profit Center
Component: CO
Business Object Definition A profit center group is a hierarchical structure of profit cen
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the controlling area from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects profit center groups and the assigned standard
hierarchies from the SETHEADER table for the derived controlling areas.
In Scope
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Standard hierarchies belonging to profit center groups are assigned to the relevant controlling area.
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant.
Create KCH1
Change KCH2
Display KCH3
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate secondary cost element master data from the source AFS system
to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: CO
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the controlling area from company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects all secondary cost elements from the CSKB table
for the derived controlling areas.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Company code data
● Chart of accounts data
● General texts
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
FI - G/L account
Source System
Not relevant
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
If a group chart of accounts is assigned to a chart of accounts, use the values in the MAP_KTOPL_BILKT
mapping task.
If a countryspecific/local chart of accounts is assigned at the company code level, use the values in the
MAP_BUKRS_ALTKT mapping task.
If a group chart of accounts is assigned to a chart of accounts AND a countryspecific/local chart of account is
assigned at the company code level, use the values in both MAP_KTOPL_BILKT and MAP_BUKRS_ALTKT
mapping tasks.
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create FS00
Change FS00
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate statistical key figure data from the source AFS system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Accounting Controlling Profit Center
Component: CO
● Cost center
● Business process
● Profit center
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
In Scope
● Basic data
● Statistical key figure descriptions in one of available languages
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Controlling areas
● Statistical key figure hierarchies
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
● S_ADMI_FCD(System Authorizations)
● K_KA03 (CO-CCA: Statistical Key Figures)
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create KK01
Change KK02
Display KK03
Further Information
1.183 Customer
This migration object enables you to migrate customer master data from the source AFS system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: SD
Business Object Definition A business partner with whom a business relationship exists,
involving the issue of goods or services.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives sales organizations from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects all customers from the KNA1 table for the
company codes and derived sales organizations.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Company data including dunning
● Contact persons
● Bank data
● Sales data including sales partner functions
● Industry assignments
● Credit management control data
● Extensions of existing customers to new organization levels
● Credit card data
● Only the following long texts
○ Customer texts
○ Company code texts
○ Sales organization texts
○ Contact person texts
● International versions of addresses
● If a customer in the source system is extended to multiple company codes, after data migration, the
customer in the target system is extended only to the participating company codes.
● If a customer in the source system has multiple sales organizations, after data migration, the customer
in the target system contains only the selected sales organizations.
Source System
Before you can start the migration process, ensure that you have defined values for all fields set as mandatory
in the target system. Otherwise, errors may occur after migration. Alternatively, blank values are populated in
the mandatory fields after data migration.
Target System
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Defined all mandatory Customizing for customer-vendor integration (CVI) in the target system.
● Provided the customer account group in the Customer Account Group (MAP_KTOKD) mapping task.
Doing so enables the migration object to determine the business partner grouping and roles from the
following customizing paths:
Call Selected
● Bank
● FI - G/L account
● Supplier
If the customer and vendor refer to the same business entity in the source system, please migrate the
Customer migration object before you migrate the Supplier migration object. Please ensure that both
migration objects are included in the same migration project.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
CMD_MIG_BP_CVI_CREATE RFC for Creating New BP with CVI and New Segments Insertion
Virtual Tables
If the customer account group is as Customer (Enter a blank.) Customer Number (MAP_KUNNR)
signed to an internal number range
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate change number data from the source AFS system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: LO-ECH
Business Object Definition A component that allows objects to be changed with history
(with date validity) or dependent on specific conditions (with
parameter effectivity). The different processing statuses of
the object are saved. All changes are made with reference to
a change master record. In the SAP system, object types can
be changed with reference to a change number, such as:
● Bills of material
● Task lists
● Documents
● Materials
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Object types :
Change numbers you set for deletion in the source AFS system are not migrated.
Out of Scope
● Object types
○ Task lists
○ Classifications
○ Object dependencies
○ Configuration profiles
○ Variant tables
● Objects
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Relevant internal and external number ranges for the AENNR (Change Master Record) table.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
During migration, for each object type in the migration scope for Engineering Change Number, this migration
object clears the values for the GEN_NEW and GEN_DIALOG fields in the target system. The clearing is done to
ensure that there are no dependencies on other master data objects during migration.
Follow-On Activities
Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create CC01
Change CC02
Display CC03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate exchange rate data from the source AFS system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: SAP Netweaver General Settings
Component: FI
Business Object Definition Exchange rates define the relationship between two curren
cies. They are used to translate an amount into another cur
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
Exchange rates are defined at the client level and are relevant across company codes. Hence, this migration
object migrates all exchange rates maintained in the TCURRtable in the source system to the target system.
In Scope
Exchange rates
Out of Scope
Incomplete exchange rates. For example, exchange rate information that is available in the TCURR table is
missing in the TCURF table.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Currencies
● Exchange rate types
● Translation ratios
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To migrate exchange rates, assign table maintenance or table access authorizations and enter the relevant
values for the migration user.
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate legacy data for fixed assets from the source AFS system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Fixed Assets
Component: FI-AA
Business Object Definition A fixed asset is an object, a right, or another item owned by
the enterprise that is intended for long-term use, and can be
identified individually in the balance sheet.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All fixed assets from the ANLA table, which do not have a deactivation date, are automatically selected for the
company codes you specified when defining the migration scope .
Time of Transfer
● If you transfer balances at the end of a fiscal year, this migration object transfers the accumulated
acquisition cost and the accumulated depreciation values.
● If you transfer balances during a fiscal year, this migration object transfers:
○ The accumulated acquisition cost
○ Accumulated depreciation values
○ Transactions dated from the beginning of the fiscal year until the transfer date
By default, the posted depreciation from the beginning of the fiscal year until the transfer date is
● AuC open items are transferred with the transaction type "900".
● Down payments for AuC are transferred with the transaction type "910".
● AuC line items and assigned documents are transferred to the target system.
● Credit memos with the transaction type "105" and containing negative values are migrated with the
transaction type "100". The BAPI does not accept negative values.
● The migration object posts cumulative values as transactions since cumulative values are not allowed for
This migration object accumulates transaction values and transfers them as acquisition values with the
transaction type "100".
If a depreciation is defined to take over acquisition values from other depreciation areas (Areas 15, 31, and
33, for example, take over values from Area 01 and 32), and you transfer the acquisition values, the system
ignores the acquisition values. For the depreciation areas 31 and 33, the system derives the values from the
leading depreciation area (01, 32). Therefore, you do not need to transfer cumulative values for these
depreciation areas.
Source System
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the source
● You have completed the Balance Carry Forward process using the FAGLGVTR transaction.
● You have closed the previous fiscal year in Asset Accounting.
Target System
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● You have made the settings for the relevant depreciation areas. These settings determine the type of data
migrated from the source system. The migration is successful only if the values are compatible with the
depreciation area settings. Depreciation area Customizing should match in the sender and target systems.
● You have defined the offsetting account for legacy data transfer (asset balance sheet account) for Asset
Accounting in the Define Offsetting Account for Legacy Data Transfer activity.
● You have specified the transfer date, the document type, and the legacy data transfer status.
● If you want to do a year-end migration, you have set the Transfer Year Information mapping task to the
value "X". If you want to do a mid-year migration, you have set the value in the mapping task as blank.
● You have set the transfer date in the target system as the last day of the month. For example, if you want to
set the transfer date in the month of November 2021, you need to set the date to November 30, 2021.
● You have closed the previous fiscal year in Asset Accounting.
● You have ensured that the transfer date is the end date of the period.
If you set the transfer date to September 22, 2018 (22.09.2018) on the Legacy Data Transfer tab, set
the end date to September 30, 2018 (30.09.2018). If you enter any other date as the end date, the
system displays a warning during simulation and migration.
● CO - Activity type
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Internal order
● FI - G/L account
● PS - Project
● Supplier
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
To ensure that the legacy data transfer is carried out completely, reconcile the data in the target system with
the data in your source system. Ensure that you reconcile the legacy data transfer and the corresponding lists
for documentation purposes before you release the SAP system to run operations in Asset Accounting.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Display AS03
Further Information
For more information about how to reconcile data, see SAP Note 2304473 .
For more information about Balance Carry Forward, see SAP Note 2427888 .
For more information about legacy data transfer in SAP_FIN 720 and relevant releases, see SAP Note 2208321
This migration object enables you to migrate accounts receivable open items from the source AFS system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces
Accounts Receivable
Component: FI
Business Object Definition Open items are items that are not yet cleared.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All accounts receivable open items from the BSID table are automatically selected for the company codes that
you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system, (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
Out of Scope
● Tax lines
● Customer noted items
● Down payment requests
● SEPA mandate details such as validity and administrative data
If multiple mandates are assigned to a single line item, only the latest mandate is migrated.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● CO - Activity type
● CO - Business process
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Internal order
● CO - Profit center
● CO - Secondary cost element
● Exchange rate
● Customer
● FI - G/L account
● FI - House bank
● FI - SEPA mandate
● Fixed asset (including balance)
● Product
● SD - Sales contract
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Assign the tax category in the master data for the customer reconciliation account.
Create FB01
Change FB02
Display FB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate accounts receivable open items from the source AFS system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces
Accounts Receivable
Component: FI
Business Object Definition Open items are items that are not yet cleared.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All accounts payable open items from the BSID table are automatically selected for the company codes that
you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system, (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
Out of Scope
● Tax lines
● Customer noted items
● Down payment requests
● Customerspecific split characteristics
● SEPA mandate details such as validity and administrative data
If multiple mandates are assigned to a single line item, only the latest mandate is migrated.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● CO - Activity type
● CO - Business process
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Internal order
● CO - Profit center
● CO - Secondary cost element
● Exchange rate
● FI - G/L account
● FI - House bank
● FI - SEPA mandate
● Fixed asset (including balance)
● Product
● SD - Sales contract
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Assign the tax category in the master data for the customer reconciliation account.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create FB01
Change FB02
Display FB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate accounts payable open items from the source AFS system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Accounts Payable
Component: FI
Business Object Definition Accounts payable are liabilities currently owed by a person
or business. The Accounts Payable application component
records and administers accounting data for all vendors. Ac
counts payable open items are those items that are yet to be
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All accounts payable open items from the BSIK table are automatically selected for the company codes that
you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system, (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system..
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Assign the tax category in the master data for the vendor reconciliation account.
Create FB01
Change FB02
Display FB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate accounts payable open items from the source AFS system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Accounts Payable
Component: FI
Business Object Definition Accounts payable are liabilities currently owed by a person
or business. The Accounts Payable application component
records and administers accounting data for all vendors. Ac
counts payable open items are those items that are yet to be
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All accounts payable open items from the BSIK table are automatically selected for the company codes that
you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system, (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system..
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Document splitting is available if you have ensured that document splitting is active for the specified
company codes in both source and target systems.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Assign the tax category in the master data for the vendor reconciliation account.
Change FB02
Display FB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate bank account data from the source AFS system to the target S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All house bank accounts from the T012K table are automatically selected for the company codes you specified
when defining the migration scope.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● FI - Bank
● FI - House bank
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create FI12_HBANK
Change FI12_HBANK
Display FI13_HBANK
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate G/L accounts and primary cost elements from the source AFS
system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (API).
Component: FI
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the charts of accounts from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects all G/L accounts from the SKA1 table for the
derived charts of accounts.
The selected G/L accounts should be present in the SKB1 table for the specified company codes.
In Scope
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Languages assigned to the charts of accounts in the source and target systems must match.
● If a group chart of accounts is active, all group accounts are maintained or migrated.
● If an alternate group account is active, all alternate accounts are maintained or migrated.
● P/L statement account types
● Company IDs of trading partners
● House banks
You have migrated or defined settings in the FI - House bank migration object.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create FS00
Change FS00
Display FS00
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate G/L account balance data (for the current fiscal year) from the
source AFS system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the
migration object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application
Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object automatically selects the following data for the company codes you specified when
defining the migration scope:
All G/L account balances from the GLT0 table belonging to non-open item managed accounts and profit & loss
● Open-Item Managed(XOPVW)
● Account is Reconciliation Account(MITKZ)
● Clearing Specific to Ledger Groups(XLGCLR)
In Scope
● G/L account balances belonging to the general ledger 00 and additional currency ledgers assigned to the
specified company codes
● As-is values of any additional local currencies customized in the source system only if the same currencies
are defined in the target system for the company codes
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system, (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Currency type and the currency key of the controlling area (assigned to the specified company codes)
match in the source and target systems
● Currency keys assigned to currency types belonging to different organizational units match in the source
and target systems
● You have created and activated the ACC_DOCUMENT BAdI implementation in the target system. Please see
SAP Note 2717381 for information about BAdI implementations.
● FI - G/L account
● CO - Secondary cost element
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Display FS10N
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate G/L account balance data (for the current fiscal year) from the
source AFS system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the
migration object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application
Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Business Object Definition The balance of a G/L account is the amount resulting from
the difference between the debit and credit balances of the
account. There are two types of balances:
Available Scenarios
This migration object automatically selects the following data for the company codes you specified when
defining the migration scope:
All G/L account balances from the FAGLFLEXT table belonging to non-open item managed accounts and profit
& loss accounts
In Scope
● G/L Account balances belonging to leading and non-leading ledgers that are assigned to the participating
company codes.
● As-is values of any additional local currencies that are customized in the source system only if the same
currencies are defined in the target system for company codes.
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system, and not in the
source system, the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● The leading and non-leading ledgers assigned to the specified company codes match in both the source
and target systems.
● You have created and activated the ACC_DOCUMENT BAdI implementation in the target system. Please see
SAP Note 2717381 for information about BAdI implementations.
● Currency type and the currency key of the controlling area (assigned to the specified company codes)
match in the source and target systems
● FI - G/L account
● CO - Secondary cost element
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Profit center
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate G/L open item data from the source AFS system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Business Object Definition G/L open item records contain the open items posted to an
open item managed account. Accounts that are managed on
an open item basis include:
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All G/L open items from the BSIS table are automatically selected for the company codes that you specified
when defining the migration scope.
● As-is values of any additional local currencies customized in the source system only if the same currencies
are defined in the target system for the company codes
● Line items of open item managed accounts
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system, (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
Out of Scope
Tax lines
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● CO - Business process
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Internal order
● CO - Profit center
● CO - Secondary cost element
● Exchange rate
● FI-AA Fixed asset - including balance
● FI - G/L account
● PS - Network
● PS - Project
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not Relevant
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Assign the tax category in the master data for the open item managed account.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create FB50
Change FB02
Display FB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate G/L open item data from the source AFS system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Business Object Definition G/L open item records contain the open items posted to an
open item managed account. Accounts that are managed on
an open item basis include:
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All G/L open items from the BSIS table are automatically selected for the company codes that you specified
when defining the migration scope
In Scope
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system, (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
Out of Scope
● Tax lines
● Clearings specific to ledger groups
● Postings in non-leading ledgers (BKPF-BSTAT = "L") only
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● CO - Business process
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Internal order
● CO - Profit center
● CO - Secondary cost element
● Exchange rate
● FI-AA Fixed asset - including balance
● FI - G/L account
● PS - Network
● PS - Project
Source System
Target System
Not Relevant
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Assign the tax category in the master data for the open item managed account.
Create FB50
Change FB02
Display FB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate the house bank data from the source AFS system to the target S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Business Object Definition A business partner that represents a bank through which
you can process your internal transactions.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All house banks from the T012 table are automatically selected for the company codes that you specified when
defining the migration scope.
In Scope
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create FI12_HBANK
Change FI12_HBANK
Display FI13_HBANK
This migration object enables you to migrate open item data specific to ledger groups from the source AFS
system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming
Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Business Object Definition You can use the function for all items that, due to parallel ac
counting, are posted to multiple ledgers and valuated differ
ently in those ledgers, in particular for provisions (such as
provisions for commission or process risks, or provisions for
creating and checking year-end closing).
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All ledger groupspecific postings from the FAGLBSIS table are automatically selected for the company codes
that you specified when defining the migration scope.
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system, (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
Out of Scope
Tax lines
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Before migration, create and activate the ACC_DOCUMENT BAdI implementation in the target system. For
more information, see SAP Note 2717381 .
● CO - Business process
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Internal order
● CO - Profit center
● CO - Secondary cost element
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Assign the tax category in the master data for the open item managed account.
Deactivate the BAdI implementation after migration and before posting any new documents in the target
Change FB02
Display FB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate object classification data from the source AFS system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: CA
Business Object Definition The assignment of objects to a class. When you assign ob
jects to a class, you assign values for the object to the char
acteristics in the class.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
Out of Scope
● Change numbers
● Class types for batch classification: 022 and 023
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create CL20N
Change CL20N
Display CL20N
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate material inventory balances with season data from the source
AFS system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration
object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces
Component: MM-IM
Business Object Definition A detailed list of all objects in stock at a specific time, result
ing from a physical inventory (stocktaking process).
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects all materials from the MARC table for the derived plants.
In Scope
● Material valuation: If materials have a standard price control indicator or a moving average price
control indicator, the system migrates stock values from the following tables:
○ Table MBEW - for material valuation
○ Table QBEW - for project stock
○ Table OBEW - for sales order stock
● Transaction or Event for Migration
○ GM_CODE = ‘05’ (Other Goods Receipts)
○ Movement type = '561' (Initial Entry of Stock Balances)
Out of Scope
● Extensions in
● Special stock indicators other than specified in the in-scope section
● Industry solutionspecific fields
● Serial numbers
● Transactions/events:
○ GM_Code 01: Goods receipt for purchase order.
○ GM_Code 02: Goods receipt for production order
○ GM_Code 03: Goods issue
○ GM_Code 04: Transfer posting
○ GM_Code 06: Reversal of goods movements
○ GM_Code 07: Subsequent adjustment with regard to a subcontract order
● Material document EWM references
● Service parts for SPM
● Item data for Catch Weight Management
● Print control for material documents
● Stocks in transit
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● AFS - Article
● Batch unique at plant level
● FI - G/L account
Depending on your scenario, you have also migrated or defined settings in the following migration objects:
● Supplier: Migrate the Supplier migration object if the special stocks are:
○ Vendor consignment (“K”)
○ Returnable transport packing stock to vendor ("M”)
○ Parts provided to the vendor (“O” )
● Customer: Migrate the Customer migration object if the special stocks are:
○ Customer consignment stock(“W”)
○ Returnable transport packing stock to customer ("V”)
● MM - Purchasing info record: Migrate the MM - Purchasing info record migration object for the
Consignment info category if the special stock is vendor consignment stock (“K”).
● SD - Sales order: Migrate the SD - Sales order migration object if the special stock is sales order
stock( “E”).
If the special stock is project stock (“Q”), you need to manually create the Project object in your target SAP
S/4HANA system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
System Actions
Batch-managed materials: If the target batch is set as blank in the batch mapping task, the system
automatically creates batches during migration. However, the new batch does not have other batch-relevant
information such as classification or segmentation.
Posting date mapping tasks: The system picks up the posting date from the Posting Date (YYYYMMDD)
mapping task for all inventory postings.
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate purchase contract data from the source AFS system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPI).
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects all purchase contract data from the EKPO table for the derived
The relevant purchasing document category (BSTYP) for this migration object is 'K' (Purchasing Contract).
In Scope
Purchasing contracts you set for deletion in the source AFS system are not migrated.
Any references to multi-level contracts are removed from the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Out of Scope
● Multi-level contracts
● AFSK-type contracts
● Account profit segment data
● VAS items
● Extensions in
● Technical data
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● AFS - Article
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Secondary cost element
● FI - G/L account
● Fixed asset (including balance)
● Supplier
If the purchase contract contains project, network or WBS element data, you need to manually define the
corresponding objects in the target SAP S4HANA system:
● Project
● Network
● WBS element
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Change ME32K
Display ME33K
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate open purchase order data from the source AFS system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: MM-PUR
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
● The value in the Purchasing Document Category (BSTYP) field is "F" (order) AND
● ThePurchase Order Not Yet Complete (MEMORY) field is not set for the purchasing document header AND
● The Delivery Completed Indicator (ELIKZ) field is not set for the purchasing document item.
In Scope
● Header data
● Header address data
● Header texts
● Item data
Only the following item categories:
○ Standard
○ Third-party
○ Enhanced limits
○ Consignment
○ Subcontracting
○ Service and limits
● Item address data
● Item account assignments
Only the following account assignment categories:
○ Cost center
○ Asset
○ Project
○ Unknown
● Item schedule lines
● Purchase order item components for subcontracting
● Item texts
● Pricing data
● Manual service conditions
● Stock transport orders
● Export data
● Shipment data
● Partially processed orders
Purchase orders you set for deletion or cancellation in the source AFS system are not migrated.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● AFS - Article
● Batch unique at plant level
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Secondary cost element
● FI - G/L account
● Fixed asset (including balance)
● MM - Purchase contract
● MM - Purchase scheduling agreement
● MM - Purchasing info record
● PP - Material BOM
● Pricing condition (purchasing and sales)
● Supplier
If your purchase order contains network and service master data, you need to manually create the following
business objects in your target SAP S/4HANA system:
● Network
● Service Master
The current scope of the report is the price impact created by the quantity scales only.
This report displays partially processed orders and categorizes them into Consistent or Inconsistent orders.
Consistent orders are those which do not have an impact on pricing since the pricing remains the same across
all quantities. Orders that are impacted by pricing are termed as inconsistent orders.
The report provides a simulated price for partially processed orders that are in the inconsistent category. The
simulated price belongs to the remaining open quantities based on source pricing determination and quantities
scales setting.
The simulation enables you to make a decision about manually adjusting pricing in the target system for the
inconsistent orders. Some of the manual adjustments can be:
● Create new migrationspecific condition types and condition records with pricing adjustments.
● Create new condition records for each scale range with adjusted prices.
Based on your business requirement and the results of the report, you can also adopt any other approach to
manually adjust pricing.
Double-click any column in the report to get the conditions and scales data if present.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Display ME23N
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate purchasing info record data from the source AFS system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: MM-PUR
Business Object Definition A source of information for the procurement of a certain ma
terial from a certain vendor.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects the info records (except pipeline records) from the EINA table for
the derived plants.
Condition records with expired valid-to dates in the source AFS system are not migrated.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● AFS - Article
● Supplier
Source System
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
ME_INFORECORD_MAINTAIN_MULTI RFC Function Module to Create and Change multiple Info Records
Virtual Tables
● EINA_SPLIT: To store AFS material data related to grids present in purchasing info records
● EINE_SPLIT: To store PIR records split according to material grids
● COND_VALIDITY: To store PIR condition validities
● CONDITION: To store PIR conditions
● COND_SCALE_VALUE: To store value scales for PIR conditions
● COND_SCALE_QUAN: To store quantity scales for PIR condition
● PIR_TEXT: To store long texts of info records
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Change ME12
Display ME13
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate purchase scheduling agreement data from the source AFS
system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming
Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Definition An outline agreement against which materials are procured
at a series of predefined points in time over a certain period.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the purchasing organization from the company codes you specified when
defining the migration scope.
The value in the Purchasing Document Category (BSTYP) field is "L" (Purchase Scheduling Agreement).
In Scope
Purchase scheduling agreements you set for deletion in the source AFS system are not migrated
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● AFS - Article
● Batch unique at plant level
● CO - Cost center
● Fixed asset (including balance)
● FI - G/L account
● MM - Purchasing info record
● Supplier
In Customizing for source list requirements at the plant level, see: Materials Management Purchasing
Source List Define Source List Requirement at Plant Level .
If the source list is enabled for plants derived from company codes specified when defining the migration
scope, it is recommended to include the MM - Source list migration object in the migration project
containing the MM - Purchase scheduling agreement migration object.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create ME31L
Change ME32L
Display ME33L
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate source list data from the source AFS system to the target SAP S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Definition A list of available sources of supply for a material, indicating
the periods during which procurement from such sources is
possible. The source list lets you determine the source that
is valid (effective) at a certain time.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants and materials from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects the materials from the MARC table for the derived
If the new source list you provided in the mapping already exists in the target system, after migration, the
target system data is overwritten with the source list data from the source system.
In Scope
● Material number
● Plant
● Source list usage in materials planning
● Agreement number(Purchase schedule agreement)
● Agreement item(Purchase schedule agreement item)
● Purchasing organization
● Valid To field in the source list record
● Fixed Supplier indicator
● Blocked source of supply
● Valid From field in the source list record
● Logical system
● Product fields relevant for Purchasing
● Agreement number(Purchase contract)
● Agreement item(Purchase contract item)
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● AFS - Article
● MM - Purchase scheduling agreement
● MM - Purchasing contract
● Supplier
In Customizing for source list requirements at the plant level, see: Materials Management Purchasing
Source List Define Source List Requirement at Plant Level .
If the source list is enabled for plants derived from company codes specified when defining the migration
scope, it is recommended to include the MM - Purchase scheduling agreement migration object in the
migration project containing the MM - Source list migration object.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create ME01
Change ME02
Display ME03
Further Information
1.206 PM - Equipment
This migration object enables you to migrate equipment data from the source AFS system to the target SAP S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: PM
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects the equipment from the ILOA table for the derived plants.
In Scope
● You can migrate only the latest time segment data (valid-from date for equipment) to the target
● You can set only one language for the migration of equipment data.
● Equipment data with the DLFL system status is migrated with the AVLBsystem status.
Out of Scope
Create equipment
During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation even
though simulation was successful.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Internal order
● Document info record (DMS)
● Fixed asset (including balance)
● PP - Work center
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
Virtual Tables
System Actions
In the Equipment Number mapping task, if the target equipment number is set as blank, the system creates
equipment using internal numbers defined for that equipment category.
Superordinate equipment: If superordinate equipment is assigned to an equipment, you need to migrate the
superordinate equipment before migrating the equipment. If you don't follow this migration sequence , the
system displays the Equipment could not be read error.
Follow-On Activities
You can migrate the Object classification (general template) object to assign classifications to equipment.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create IE01
Change IE02
Display IE03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate material BOM data from the source AFS system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Production Master Data
Component: PP-BD
Business Object Definition A bill of material created with reference to a material master.
The BOM can contain items of different item categories such
as stock items, non-stock items, document items, and text
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects material BOMs from the MAST table for the derived plants
In Scope
● Basic data
● BOM items
● BOM sub-items
● BOM long texts
● Alternative long texts
● Item long texts
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● AFS - Article
● AFS - Non-dimensional characteristic
● Class
● ECM - Change master
● FI - G/L account
● VC - Object dependency and dependency net
● Supplier
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
C_STUE_NOH (Create/Update/Display of BOM which has a History Requirement without using a Change
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Change CS02
Display CS03
Further Information
1.208 PP - Routing
This migration object enables you to migrate routing data from the source AFS system to the target SAP S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Production Master Data
Component: PP-BD-RTG
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
In Scope
Routing groups data you set for deletion in the source AFS system is not migrated
If you selected production resource/tools data, ensure that the following migration objects are available in
the S/4 HANA system:
● PM - Equipment
● Document info record (DMS)
Out of Scope
● Object dependencies
● Routing group data created with ECN
● Other task list types: "0", "2", "3", "A", "E","M", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "V"
If you have multiple migrations steps, you can simulate the initial routing group data created without ECN.
During the migration phase, errors may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation, even
though simulation was successful.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● If you need standard text keys in routing data, you have configured the keys in the SAP S/4 HANA system.
● Before migrating routing data, you have set the ROUTING_N number range object to external number range
in the target system. After migration, you can choose to set the number range object back to internal
number range.
● AFS - Article
● ECM - Change master
● PP - Material BOM
● PP - Work center
If you selected production resource/tools data, ensure that the following migration objects are available in
the S/4 HANA system:
● PM - Equipment
● Document info record (DMS)
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create CA01
Change CA02
Display CA03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate planned independent requirement data from the source AFS
system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming
Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: PP-MRP
Business Object Definition The required quantity of a product that is planned for a cer
tain time period independently of a specific customer order.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects all planned independent requirements from the PBIM table for the
derived plants.
In Scope
Independent requirements you set for deletion in the source AFS system are not migrated.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
You have migrated or defined settings in the AFS - Article migration object
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create MD61
Change MD62
Display MD63
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate production version data from the source AFS system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Production Master Data
Production Versions
Component: PP
Business Object Definition Key determining the various production techniques accord
ing to which a material is to be manufactured. You specify
the following in the production version:
Available Scenarios
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects the production versions from the MKAL table for the derived plants.
In Scope
● General data for production versions (key, lot-size range, validity period)
● Detailed planning levels
● Check statuses
If the detailed level data is not present in the source system, this migration object automatically maps rate-
based planning details to the detailed level for REM materials.
For information about migrating rate and rough-cut planning data, see SAP Note 2270240 .
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● AFS - Article
● PP - Material BOM
● PP - Routing
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate production order data from the source AFS system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Production Shop Floor
Component: PP
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects relevant production orders from the J_3ABSSI table for the derived
plants if the following conditions are met:
In Scope
Production orders you set for deletion in the source AFS system are not migrated.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● AFS - Article
● PP - Material BOM
● PP - Production Version
● PP - Routing
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
This migration object creates multiple production orders for every production order in the AFS system that
contains generic material with multiple variants.
After migration, this migration object groups production order variants under a master production order with
the Created status.
A T-shirt with 3 variants has a production order in the source system. This migration object creates 3
production orders in the target system and groups the three orders under a master production order.
The basic dates (start date and end date) for production orders in the target system is picked up from the
configuration set in Customizing for scheduling parameters of production orders.
Follow-On Activities
After migration, you can release the production orders using the transaction code (FSH_PCW) for the
Production Control workbench. Ensure that the settlement profile and cost estimates are already customized
in the target system to ensure an error-free post processing.
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate bills of material data from the source AFS system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: PP-BD
Business Object Definition A single-level BOM that you generate for a sales order from a
material BOM, and that you modify specific to the order. In
this way, the material BOM remains unchanged. An order
BOM is uniquely identified by the sales order number, the
sales order item, and the material number. Order BOMs can
be created for configurable and nonconfigurable materials.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects bills of material from the KDST table for the derived plants.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● AFS - Article
● SD - Sales order
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
C_STUE_NOH (Create/Update/Display of BOM which has a History Requirement Without Using a Change
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Change CS62
Display CS63
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate work center data from the source AFS system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Production Master data
Component: PP-BD-WKC
● Machines
● People
● Production lines
● Groups of craftsmen
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects all work centers from the CRHD table for the derived plants.
In Scope
● Basic data
● Default values
● Capacities
● Scheduling information
● Costing information
● Technical data
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● CO - Activity type
● CO - Business process
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create CR01
Change CR02
Display CR03
This migration object enables you to migrate pricing condition data from the source AFS system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Data Conditions
Business Object Definition Sales: A data element used to define prices according to cri
teria selected by the user.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
Pricing condition records used in purchase contracts, purchase info records, sales contracts, and
scheduling agreements are migrated as part of the relevant migration objects.
Out of Scope
● Exclusion indicators
● Condition texts
● Additional data (payment terms, fixed value dates, additional value days, assignments)
● Pricing condition records that belong to applications not in Sales and Purchasing.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● AFS - Article
● Customer
● Supplier
Source System
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
For information about key field combinations for price conditions, see SAP Note 2332748 .
This migration object enables you to migrate sales contract data from the source AFS system to the target SAP
S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Sales and Distribution
Sales Contract
Component: SD
Business Object Definition An outline agreement that contains special conditions nego
tiated between the supplier and a customer, for example,
price, target value, or target quantity. A sales contract is
valid for a specified period. A customer submits a sales or
der to release materials or services from the amount or
value agreed in the contract.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives sales organizations from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects relevant sales contracts from the VBAK table for
the derived sales organizations.
The relevant sales document categories (VBAK-VBTYP) for this migration object are G ("Contract") and 0
("Master Contract").
● Header data
● Items data
● Partners data
● Conditions data
● Contract data
● Long texts
● Partner addresses
● Tax classification
This migration object also migrates partially processed contracts. If a contract has any subsequent delivery
documents, the contract is considered as a partially processed contract. Before migration, this migration
object removes the quantity already delivered to the business partner from the partially processed
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● AFS - Article
● AFS - Sales grid condition record
● Customer
● Pricing condition (purchasing and sales)
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Change VA42
Display VA43
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate open sales order data from the source AFS system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics Sales and Distribution
Sales Order
Component: SD
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives sales organizations from the company codes you specified when defining the
migration scope. This migration object automatically selects sales orders from the VBAK table for the derived
sales organizations if the following condition is met: The SD document category (VBAK-VBTYP) is "C" (order).
In Scope
Out of Scope
● Configurable items
● Credit card data
● Return orders
Target System
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● AFS - Article
● Customer
Before you can start the migration process, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Manual Pricing
In Customizing for Sales and Distribution, go to the V/08 transaction or go to Basic Functions Pricing
Define and Assign Pricing Procedures . Select the Set Pricing Procedures activity. Open the relevant pricing
procedure assigned to the sales document to be migrated. Set the condition types to be processed manually
by selecting Manual only.
Carrying out the Customizing listed above enables manual pricing for price determination. As a result, this
migration object transfers the as-is conditions from the source AFS system to the target SAP S/4HANA
Source System
Before you migrate partially processed orders, execute the CNV_PE_PARTIAL_DELV_ORDS_ANA report in your
source AFS system for the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
The current scope of the report is the price impact created by the quantity scales only.
The report provides detailed information about partially processed orders such as deviation in quantity, net
price, and unit price at the condition type level.
This report displays partially processed orders and categorizes them into Consistent or Inconsistent orders.
Consistent orders are those which do not have an impact on pricing since the pricing remains the same across
all quantities. Orders that are impacted by pricing are termed as inconsistent orders.
The report provides a simulated price for partially processed orders that are in the inconsistent category. The
simulated price belongs to the remaining open quantities based on source pricing determination and quantities
scales setting.
The simulation enables you to make a decision about manually adjusting pricing in the target system for the
inconsistent orders. Some of the manual adjustments can be:
● Create new migrationspecific condition types and condition records with pricing adjustments.
● Create new condition records for each scale range with adjusted prices.
Based on your business requirement and the results of the report, you can also adopt any other approach to
manually adjust pricing.
Double-click any column in the report to get the conditions and scales data if present.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Adjust the pricing procedures to the required settings in the SAP S/4HANA system.
Change VA02
Display VA03
Further Information
1.217 Supplier
This migration object enables you to migrate vendor (supplier) data from the source AFS system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Component: MM
Business Object Definition A business partner who supplies goods and delivers them to
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives the purchasing organization from the company codes you specified when
defining the migration scope. This migration object automatically selects all vendors from the LFA1 table for
the company codes and derived purchasing organizations.
In Scope
● If a vendor in the source system is extended to multiple company codes, after data migration, the
supplier in the target system is extended only to the participating company codes.
● If a vendor in the source system has multiple purchase organizations, after data migration, the supplier
in the target system contains only the selected purchase organizations.
Out of Scope
Source System
Before you can start the migration process, ensure that you have maintained the values for all fields defined as
mandatory in the target system. Otherwise, errors may occur after migration. Alternatively, blank values are
populated in the mandatory fields after data migration.
Target System
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Defined all mandatory Customizing for customer-vendor integration (CVI) in the target system.
● Provided the vendor account group in the Vendor Account Group (MAP_KTOKK) mapping task. Doing so
enables the migration object to determine the business partner groupings and roles from the following
Customizing paths:
Call Selected
● Bank
● Customer
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following role or roles to the user:
Technical Information
CMD_MIG_BP_CVI_CREATE Create New Business Partners with CVI and New Segments Insertion
This migration object derives the business partner category based on the vendor title defined in the TSAD3
Customizing table. If the vendor title in the source system is company, for example, the business partner
category is organization.
Virtual Tables
If the customer and the vendor refer to Customer and Customer Number (MAP_KUNNR) and
the same business entity in the source
system Vendor Vendor Number (MAP_LIFNR) respec
If the vendor is not related to the cus Vendor Vendor Number (MAP_LIFNR)
tomer in the source system
If the vendor account group is assigned Vendor (Enter a blank.) Vendor Number (MAP_LIFNR)
to an internal number range
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate CRM activity data from the source CRM system to the target SAP
S/4CM system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPI).
Business Object Definition A transaction used to record information resulting from in
teraction between business partners during the customer
relationship life cycle.
They include:
● Telephone calls
● Customer visits
● Preparatory tasks
● Private reminders
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
In Scope
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Activity number ranges
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
• BINREL_AS: To store dynamic table for document flow & reference objects
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate warehouse fixed bin assignment data from the source EWM
system to the target SAP S/4HANA system, based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
This migration technique posts data to the target system using a function module.
These storage bins must have the fixed bin storage type as
signed to them. The relationship between product and fixed
storage bin is called fixed bin assignment. During the goods
receipt process, the products are put away in only the as
signed storage bins. During the goods issue process, the
products are picked from only those storage bins.
Available Scenarios
The use of this scenario isn't supported for migration to Extended Warehouse Management embedded in
Selection Criteria
Fixed bin assignment data is automatically selected for the fixed bin assignments assigned to the migration-
relevant warehouse number.
It is only possible to migrate data for one warehouse number in a single migration project.
In Scope
● Key fields
● Maximum and minimum quantities
● Display UoM
● Administrative data
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you've ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available in
the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Material
● Warehouse storage bin
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
MATMAP: This table is used to map the material ID and material number to the corresponding external material
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
This migration object enables you to migrate warehouse storage bins from the source EWM system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system, based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique posts data to the target system using a function module.
Business Object Definition A storage bin is the smallest spatial unit in a warehouse.
Therefore, a storage bin represents the exact position in the
warehouse where products can be stored.
Available Scenarios
The use of this scenario isn't supported for migration to Extended Warehouse Management embedded in
Selection Criteria
It is only possible to migrate data for one warehouse number in a single migration project.
In Scope
● General storage bin data, such as aisle, stack, level, and coordinates
● Status data, such as putaway and stock removal block
● Data related to physical inventory, such as physical inventory type and date of last inventory
● Statistics-related data, such as date and time of last movement or date and time of last bin clearing
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you've ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available in
the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure that the following Customizing is available in
the target system:
● Warehouse number
● Storage types
● Storage section
● Storage bin types
● Bin access types
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can display your migrated data to verify that all of the attributes
are present.
This migration object enables you to migrate warehouse product data from the source EWM system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system, based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique posts data to the target system using a function module.
Available Scenarios
The use of this scenario isn't supported for migration to Extended Warehouse Management embedded in
Selection Criteria
Warehouse product data is automatically selected for the warehouse products assigned to the migration-
relevant warehouse number.
It is only possible to migrate data for one warehouse number in a single migration project.
In Scope
The following data is set for migration to Decentralized EWM based on SAP S/4HANA:
● General warehouse product data, such as required minimum shelf life and preferred unit of measure
● Putaway-related data, such as putaway control and bulk storage
● Stock removal-related data, such as stock removal control
● Slotting-related data
● Storage typespecific data
● Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you've ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available in
the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure that the following Customizing is available in
the target system:
● Warehouse number
● Storage type, if the warehouse products to be migrated have storage typespecific data
● Material
Materials must be transferred from your enterprise management system, for example, SAP S/4HANA or
SAP ERP, to the target decentralized EWM system via IDoc.
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
This migration object enables you to migrate warehouse storage bin sorting data from the source EWM system
to the target SAP S/4HANA system, based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique posts data to the target system using a function module.
Available Scenarios
The use of this scenario isn’t supported for migration to Extended Warehouse Management embedded in
Selection Criteria
Storage bin sorting data is automatically selected for the storage bins assigned to the migration-relevant
warehouse number.
It is only possible to migrate data for one warehouse number in a single migration project.
In Scope
● Storage bin sorting data, including activity area, activity, and sort sequence
Out of Scope
● Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you’ve ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available in
the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure that the following Customizing is available in
the target system:
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
This migration object enables you to migrate warehouse stock data from the source EWM system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system, based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique posts data to the target system using a function module.
Business Object Definition Warehouse stock represents goods that are stored physi
cally in a warehouse. Warehouse stock is an entity that de
scribes the goods with information such as the name of the
product, the quantity, batch information, packaging informa
tion, and storage bin.
Available Scenarios
The use of this scenario isn't supported for migration to Extended Warehouse Management embedded in
Selection Criteria
Stock data is automatically selected for the storage bins assigned to the migration-relevant warehouse
It is only possible to migrate data for one warehouse number in a single migration project.
In Scope
The following data is set for migration to Decentralized EWM based on SAP S/4HANA:
The system uses the fixed value 'BP' for the partner role of Party Entitled to Dispose.
Out of Scope
● Stock isn't posted to an enterprise management system, for example, SAP S/4HANA or SAP ERP.
If you don't have a live enterprise management system that already has the correct inventory balances for
the storage locations of your EWM system, you can use the transaction /SCWM/ERP_STOCKCHECK.
● Delta migration isn't supported. Functionality is restricted to an initial upload of the data.
● Migration of negative stock
● Migration of alternative handling unit identification numbers (corresponding database table: /SCWM/
● Migration of individual status for handling units (corresponding database table: /SCWM/HUSSTAT)
● Stock that is involved in any of the following open processes or documents:
○ Stock with reference to a delivery
○ Stock in quality inspection
○ Stock or stock on bins with an open physical inventory document
○ There should be no open stock in the difference analyzer (transaction /SCWM/DIFF_ANALYZER)
○ Stock on resources or transportation units
If stock isn't ready for migration for one of the above reasons, stock for the whole storage bin is skipped in
the data selection. Therefore, the stock for that storage bin isn’t visible in the selected data and can’t be
simulated or migrated. After correcting the situation that prevented migration, data selection can be
repeated within the same migration project. The new entries in the list of selected data can now be
simulated and migrated.
For a consistent migration, you've ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available in
the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Material (products and packaging materials for stock in handling units (HUs))
● Warehouse storage bin
● Batch
● Vendor
Note: Vendor is relevant for the special stocks "K" - vendor consignment, as well as for the party entitled to
dispose and owner.
● WBS element
Note: WBS elements are relevant for the special stock "Q" - project stock.
● Purchasing info record with info category 'Consignment'
Note: Purchasing info record is relevant for the special stock "K" - vendor consignment stock
● Sales order
Note: Sales order is relevant for the special stock "E" - on order stock/sales order stock
The status of the internal number range for handling units in the target system must be set equal to or greater
than the number of the handling unit in the source system that was the last handling unit to be created before
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
This migration object enables you to migrate warehouse application log settings from the source EWM system
to the target SAP S/4HANA system, based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique posts data to the target system using a function module.
Available Scenarios
The use of this scenario isn't supported for migration to Extended Warehouse Management embedded in
Selection Criteria
Warehouse application log settings are automatically selected from the source system using the migration-
relevant warehouse number as a filter.
It is only possible to migrate data for one warehouse number in a single migration project.
In Scope
Settings from the following transactions are set for migration to SAP S/4HANA:
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you've ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available in
the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure that the following Customizing is available in
the target system:
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can display your migrated data to verify that all of the attributes
are present.
This migration object enables you to migrate physical inventory settings from the source EWM system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system, based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique posts data to the target system using a function module.
Business Object Definition Physical inventory is the recording of actual stock levels
(quantities) of materials by counting, weighing, or measur
ing at a given storage location at a specific time.
Available Scenarios
The use of this scenario isn't supported for migration to Extended Warehouse Management embedded in
Selection Criteria
Physical inventory settings are automatically selected from the source system using the migration-relevant
warehouse number as a filter.
It is only possible to migrate data for one warehouse number in a single migration project.
In Scope
Settings from the following transactions are set for migration to SAP S/4HANA:
Not relevant.
For a consistent migration, you've ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available in
the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure that the following Customizing is available in
the target system:
● Warehouse numbers
● Tolerance groups
● Activity areas
● Users
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant.
This migration object enables you to migrate shipping and receiving settings from the source EWM system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system, based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique posts data to the target system using a function module.
Available Scenarios
The use of this scenario isn't supported for migration to Extended Warehouse Management embedded in
Shipping and receiving settings are automatically selected from the source system using the migration-
relevant warehouse number as a filter.
It is only possible to migrate data for one warehouse number in a single migration project.
In Scope
Settings from the following transactions are set for migration to SAP S/4HANA:
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you've ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available in
the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure that the following Customizing is available in
the target system:
● Warehouse numbers
● Storage bins
● Supply chain unit
● Means of transport
● Packing materials
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant.
This migration object enables you to migrate production supply areas from the source EWM system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system, based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique posts data to the target system using a function module.
Business Object Definition The production supply area (PSA) exists directly in the pro
duction area. You stage the material in the production supply
area in production storage bins so it can be removed directly
for production. The production supply area groups together
work centers near the production storage bins, taking the
material staging type into consideration.
Available Scenarios
The use of this scenario isn't supported for migration to Extended Warehouse Management embedded in
Selection Criteria
It is only possible to migrate data for one warehouse number in a single migration project.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Not relevant.
For a consistent migration, you've ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available in
the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure that the following Customizing is available in
the target system:
● Warehouse numbers
● Parties entitled to dispose
● Product groups
● Process types
For this migration object, you must also ensure that products are already available in the target system.
Source System
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
MATMAP: This table is used to map the material ID and material number to the corresponding external material
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant.
This migration object enables you to migrate resources and user settings for radio frequency (RF) from the
source EWM system to the target SAP S/4HANA system, based on the default selection criteria set for the
migration object. This migration technique posts data to the target system using a function module.
Available Scenarios
The use of this scenario isn’t supported for migration to Extended Warehouse Management embedded in
Selection Criteria
Data for resource and user settings for RF is automatically selected for the resources assigned to the
migration-relevant warehouse number.
It is only possible to migrate data for one warehouse number in a single migration project.
In Scope
● General resource data such as resource type and group, default presentation device, and queue
● User RF settings such as data entry type, personalization profile, and automatic logon
● Standard and current storage bin of a resource
● Resource print behavior
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you’ve ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available in
the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure that the following Customizing is available in
the target system:
● Warehouse numbers
● Resource groups
● Resource types
● Presentation devices
● Queues
● Users
● Personalization profiles
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant.
This migration object enables you to migrate resource group and queue sequence settings from the source
EWM system to the target SAP S/4HANA system, based on the default selection criteria set for the migration
object. This migration technique posts data to the target system using a function module.
Available Scenarios
The use of this scenario isn’t supported for migration to Extended Warehouse Management embedded in
Selection Criteria
Data for the resource group and queue settings is automatically selected for the resource groups assigned to
the migration-relevant warehouse number.
It is only possible to migrate data for one warehouse number in a single migration project.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Not relevant.
For a consistent migration, you’ve ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available in
the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure that the following Customizing is available in
the target system:
● Warehouse numbers
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant.
This migration object enables you to migrate resources execution settings from the source EWM system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system, based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique posts data to the target system using a function module.
Business Object Definition Resource execution settings allow you to activate or deacti
vate resource execution controls and messages to resour
ces, and to change the execution priority for a warehouse or
der. Warehouse order prioritization ensures that the system
selects the warehouse order that is most suitable for a re
Available Scenarios
The use of this scenario isn't supported for migration to Extended Warehouse Management embedded in
Selection Criteria
Data for resource execution settings is automatically selected from the source system using the migration-
relevant warehouse number as a filter.
It is only possible to migrate data for one warehouse number in a single migration project.
In Scope
Settings from the following transactions are set for migration to SAP S/4HANA:
Out of Scope
Not relevant.
For a consistent migration, you've ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available in
the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure that the following Customizing is available in
the target system:
● Warehouse numbers
● Storage types
● Storage groups for resource execution control (REC)
● Process types
● Process categories
● Activities
● Document and item types for internal warehouse processes
● Resource types
● Bin access types
● Handling unit type groups
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can display your migrated data to verify that all of the attributes
are present.
This migration object enables you to migrate work center determination settings from the source EWM system
to the target SAP S/4HANA system, based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique posts data to the target system using a function module.
Business Object Definition Work center determination settings allow the system to de
termine which work center to use in goods issue processing
and for cross-docking.
Available Scenarios
The use of this scenario isn't supported for migration to Extended Warehouse Management embedded in
Selection Criteria
Work center determination data is automatically selected from the source system using the migration-relevant
warehouse number as a filter.
It is only possible to migrate data for one warehouse number in a single migration project.
In Scope
Settings from the following transactions are set for migration to SAP S/4HANA:
Out of Scope
Not relevant.
For a consistent migration, you've ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available in
the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure that the following Customizing is available in
the target system:
● Warehouse numbers
● Routes
● Activity areas
● Consolidation groups
● Storage types
● Storage section
● Handling unit type groups
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can display your migrated data to verify that all of the attributes
are present.
This migration object enables you to migrate work center dependent settings from the source EWM system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system, based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique posts data to the target system using a function module.
Business Object Definition The work center is a physical unit in the warehouse, in which
you can perform warehouse activities such as packing, dis
tribution, or weighing.
Available Scenarios
The use of this scenario isn't supported for migration to Extended Warehouse Management embedded in
Selection Criteria
Data for work center dependent settings is automatically selected for the work centers assigned to the
migration-relevant warehouse number.
It is only possible to migrate data for one warehouse number in a single migration project.
In Scope
Settings from the following transactions are set for migration to SAP S/4HANA:
● Define Master Data Attributes, which includes work center assignment to a storage bin, default packaging
material, terminal, and weight tolerance
● Printer Control
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you've ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available in
the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure that the following Customizing is available in
the target system:
● Warehouse numbers
● Scales
● Output devices
For this migration object, you must also ensure that products are already available in the target system.
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
MATMAP: This table is used to map the material ID and material number to the corresponding external material
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can display your migrated data to verify that all of the attributes
are present.
This migration object enables you to migrate material flow system settings from the source EWM system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique posts data to the target system using a function module.
Business Object Definition The material flow system (MFS) is used to control and moni
tor conveyor systems and resources. It enables you to con
nect up an automatic warehouse to Extended Warehouse
Management (EWM) without the need for an additional
warehouse control unit.
Available Scenarios
The use of this scenario isn’t supported for migration to Extended Warehouse Management embedded in
Selection Criteria
Material flow system (MFS) data is automatically selected from the source system using the migration-relevant
warehouse number as a filter.
It is only possible to migrate data for one warehouse number in a single migration project.
In Scope
Settings from the following transactions are set for migration to SAP S/4HANA:
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing is available in the
target system:
● Warehouse numbers
● RFC destinations
● Programmable logic controllers
For this migration object, you must also ensure that products are already available in the target system.
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant.
1.234 Route
This migration object enables you to migrate routes from the source EWM system to the target SAP S/4HANA
system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique posts data
to the target system using a class for the processing of BAPI data for routes.
Business Object Definition A route is a sequence of legs that are connected by trans
shipment locations. The route represents a framework or
corridor that comprises a multitude of trips, in other words,
possible concrete itineraries. The system uses routes to de
termine trips in route determination.
Available Scenarios
The use of this scenario isn't supported for migration to Extended Warehouse Management embedded in
Selection Criteria
Route data is automatically selected for all the routes that don’t have the deletion flag set.
It is only possible to migrate data for one warehouse number in a single migration project.
In Scope
● Header data
● Legs
● Stops
● Carrier assignment, if there are carrier profiles in the target system that are already assigned to this route
according to the legacy system data
● Assignment to departure calendar
● Route validity and validity restrictions
● Cross-docking (CD) location, inbound and outbound routes if CD route
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure that the following Customizing is available in
the target system:
● Request types
● Shipping conditions
● Transportation groups
● Means of transport
● Carrier profile
● Zone
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant.
This migration object enables you to migrate carrier profile from the source EWM system to the target SAP S/
4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration technique
transfers data to the target system using an adapter module for transportation service provider profiles.
Business Object Definition A carrier profile contains data for the carrier (business part
ner with the role Carrier). The system considers the carrier
profile data when determining routes in the routing guide.
Only one profile can exist for each carrier.
Available Scenarios
The use of this scenario isn't supported for migration to Extended Warehouse Management embedded in
Selection Criteria
In Scope
● Header data
● Geographical data and means of transport, if there are routes in the target system that are already
assigned to this carrier profile according to the legacy system data
Out of Scope
Not relevant.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant.
Further Information
1.236 Zone
This migration object enables you to migrate transportation zone data from the source EWM system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using a Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI) for
creating transportation zones.
Business Object Definition A transportation zone groups together several locations. The
system can partly transfer the properties that you assign to
a transportation zone to all its locations. This function re
duces the volume of master data stored in the system.
Available Scenarios
The use of this scenario isn't supported for migration to Extended Warehouse Management embedded in
Transportation zone data is automatically selected for the following types of zones:
● Direct zone
● Postal code zone
● Region zone
● Mixed zone
In Scope
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
For this migration object, you must also ensure that all relevant locations are already available in the target
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate transportation zone hierarchy data from the source EWM system
to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using a Business Application Programming Interface
(BAPI) for changing transportation zones.
Business Object Definition The transportation zone hierarchy is used to structure trans
portation zones hierarchically by assigning one transporta
tion zone to another. All locations included in a zone that is
assigned to another zone are automatically also part of that
other zone.
Available Scenarios
The use of this scenario isn't supported for migration to Extended Warehouse Management embedded in
Selection Criteria
Transportation zone hierarchy data is automatically selected for the RELH_ZONE zone hierarchy.
In Scope
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● Zone
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object to the user:
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
This migration object enables you to migrate warehouse-independent condition records (applications: DPP,
PAK) from the source EWM system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria
set for the migration object.
Business Object Definition Condition records are data records with input and output
values for a task. The output values are dependent on
chosen input values (for example, customer, customer
group, product) and are valued for a certain time period. For
example, there are condition records in Extended Warehouse
Management (EWM) that allow you to control how the sys
tem schedules Post Processing Framework actions (PPF ac
tions) for delivery processing.
Available Scenarios
The use of this scenario isn't supported for migration to Extended Warehouse Management embedded in
Selection Criteria
This migration object is for warehouse-independent settings. Unlike the other migration objects in the
SCM-EWM component, no warehouse number is required.
Warehouse-independent condition records can be migrated at the same time as one set of warehouse-
dependent conditions records.
In Scope
The following applications as condition techniques are set for migration to SAP S/4HANA:
Out of Scope
All applications and usages that are not listed as being in scope.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure that the following Customizing is available in
the target system:
● Warehouse numbers
● Supply chain unit
● Means of transport
● Packing materials
● Staging area groups
● Staging areas
● Staging bay and doors
● TU profiles
● Routes
● Application names
● Output devices
● Users
It is important to check the existence of tables for custom condition types in the target system, as well as to
compare the table structures in the source and target systems. They should be identical.
This is the complete list of relevant migration objects. The actual number of predecessors depends on
which condition types are selected for migration.
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
This migration technique posts data to the target system using the standard function module for condition
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can display your migrated data to verify that all of the attributes
are present.
This migration object enables you to migrate warehouse-dependent condition records (applications: CON,
DPP, PHU, PPI, PWO, TWP, WME) from the source EWM system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on
the default selection criteria set for the migration object.
Business Object Definition Condition records are data records with input and output
values for a task. The output values are dependent on
chosen input values (for example, customer, customer
group, product) and are valued for a certain time period. For
example, there are condition records in Extended Warehouse
Management (EWM) that allow you to control how the sys
tem schedules Post Processing Framework actions (PPF ac
tions) for delivery processing.
Available Scenarios
The use of this scenario isn't supported for migration to Extended Warehouse Management embedded in
Selection Criteria
Condition records are automatically selected from the source system using migration-relevant warehouse
numbers as a filter.
Warehouse-dependent condition records can only be migrated for one warehouse at a time.
In Scope
The following applications as condition techniques are set for migration to SAP S/4HANA:
● CON (Slotting)
● DPP (EWM - Scheduling PPF Actions of the Delivery), with usage DP
● PHU (EWM - Print Handling Unit)
● PPI (EWM - PI: Find Printer)
● PWO (EWM - Print Warehouse Order)
● TWP (EWM - Transit Warehousing Putaway)
● WME (Wave Template Determination)
Out of Scope
All applications and usages that are not listed as being in scope.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure that the following Customizing is available in
the target system:
● Warehouse numbers
● Supply chain unit
● Means of transport
● Packing materials
● Staging area groups
● Staging areas
● Staging bay and doors
● TU profiles
● Routes
● Application names
● Output devices
● Users
It is important to check the existence of tables for custom condition types in the target system, as well as to
compare the table structures in the source and target systems. They should be identical.
This is the complete list of relevant migration objects. The actual number of predecessors depends on
which condition types are selected for migration.
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization objects to the user:
Technical Information
This migration technique posts data to the target system using the standard function module for condition
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can display your migrated data to verify that all of the attributes
are present.
This migration object enables you to migrate accounts payable open items from the source ERP system to the
target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Accounts Payable
Component: FI
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All accounts payable open items from the BSIK table are automatically selected for the company codes that
you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Documents containing only vendor open items, which were created in the source system.
The vendor open item lines are recorded in the BSIK table.
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system, (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
Document splitting is available if you have ensured that document splitting is active for the specified
company codes in both source and target systems.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Profit center
● CO - Secondary cost element
● Exchange rate
● FI - G/L account
● FI - G/L open item (tax line)
● Supplier
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create FB01
Change FB02
Display FB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate accounts receivable open items from the source ERP system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces
Accounts Receivable
Component: FI
Business Object Definition Open items are items that are not yet cleared.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All accounts receivable open items from the BSID table are automatically selected for the company codes that
you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system, (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● CO - Profit center
● CO - Secondary cost element
● Customer
● Exchange rate
● FI - G/L account
● FI - G/L open item (tax line)
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create FB01
Change FB02
Display FB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate G/L account balance data (for the current fiscal year) from the
source ERP system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the
migration object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application
Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Business Object Definition The balance of a G/L account is the amount resulting from
the difference between the debit and credit balances of the
account. There are two types of balances:
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object automatically selects the following data for the company codes you specified when
defining the migration scope:
All G/L account balances from the FAGLFLEXT table belonging to non-open item managed accounts and profit
& loss accounts
In Scope
● G/L Account balances belonging to leading and non-leading ledgers that are assigned to the participating
company codes.
● As-is values of any additional local currencies that are customized in the source system only if the same
currencies are defined in the target system for company codes.
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system, and not in the
source system, the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● The leading and non-leading ledgers assigned to the specified company codes match in both the source
and target systems.
● You have created and activated the ACC_DOCUMENT BAdI implementation in the target system. Please see
SAP Note 2717381 for information about BAdI implementations.
● Currency type and the currency key of the controlling area (assigned to the specified company codes)
match in the source and target systems
● Currency keys assigned to currency types belonging to different organizational units match in the source
and target systems
● FI - G/L account
● CO - Secondary cost element
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Profit center
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view for the object. However, this code also has
some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Display FAGLB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate ledger specific data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All ledger groupspecific open items from the FAGLBSIS table are automatically selected for the company
codes that you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system, (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
Out of Scope
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Create and activate the ACC_DOCUMENT BAdI implementation in the target system. For more information,
see SAP Note 2717381 .
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Internal order
● CO - Profit center
● CO - Secondary cost element
● Exchange rate
● FI - G/L account
● PS - Project
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Deactivate the BAdI implementation after migration and before creating any new documents in the target
Create FB50L
Change FB02
Display FB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate G/L open item data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All G/L open items from the BSIS table are automatically selected for the company codes that you specified
when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Line items of open item managed accounts including G/L open items, customer/vendor open items, or a
● General ledger views from the FAGLFLEXA table
● As-is values of any additional local currencies customized in the source system only if the same currencies
are defined in the target system for the company codes
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system, (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● CO - Business process
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Internal order
● CO - Profit center
● CO - Secondary cost element
● Exchange rate
● FI - G/L account
● Fixed asset (including balance)
● PS - Network
● PS - Project
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create FB50
Change FB02
Display FB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate material master data from the source ERP system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Business Object Component/Area User Menu Path: Logistics General Material Master
Component: LO-MD-MM
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object derives plants from the company codes you specified when defining the migration scope.
This migration object automatically selects the materials from the MARC table for the derived plants.
● Item 1
● Item 2
Enter text
All G/L accounts from the SKB1 table are automatically selected for the company codes that you specified
when defining the migration scope.
● Item 1
● Item 2
Enter text
This object is not delimited by the company codes specified when defining the migration scope.
● Item 1
● Item 2
Enter text
● Basic data
● Material description
● Material data at plant level
● Forecast parameters
● Storage location data
● Valuation data
● Warehouse data
● Sales data
● Storage type data
● Unit of measurement
● International article numbers
● Tax classification data
● Forecast values
Materials you set for deletion in the source ERP system are not migrated
Out of Scope
● Planning data
● Product resource tool (PRT) data
If you have multiple steps for migration, you can simulate only these features:
During the migration phase, error may occur for features that were not in scope during simulation even
though simulation was successful.
Validation of dependencies (such as customer and bank data business objects) is not carried out during
migration of SEPA mandate data for these statuses:
● Canceled
● Locked
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● Customizing 1
● Customizing 2
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the source
● Customizing 1
● Customizing 2
● Profit center
Source System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
To carry out data migration, assign table maintenance or table access authorizations and enter the relevant
values for the migration user.
To carry out the migration, assign the following role or roles to the user:
Target System
To carry out the migration, assign the following authorization object or objects to the user:
To carry out data migration, assign table maintenance or table access authorizations and enter the relevant
values for the migration user.
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
● Enter item
Follow-On Activities
Adjust number ranges to the required values in the SAP S/4HANA system.
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create MM01
Change MM02
Display MM03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate accounts receivable open items from the source AFS system to
the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This
migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces
Accounts Receivable
Component: FI
Business Object Definition Open items are items that are not yet cleared.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All accounts receivable open items from the BSID table are automatically selected for the company codes that
you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system, (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● CO - Profit center
● CO - Secondary cost element
● Customer
● Exchange rate
● FI - G/L account
● FI - G/L open item (tax line)
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Technical Information
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Create FB01
Change FB02
Display FB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate G/L account balance data (for the current fiscal year) from the
source AFS system to the target SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the
migration object. This migration technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application
Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Business Object Definition The balance of a G/L account is the amount resulting from
the difference between the debit and credit balances of the
account. There are two types of balances:
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
This migration object automatically selects the following data for the company codes you specified when
defining the migration scope:
All G/L account balances from the FAGLFLEXT table belonging to non-open item managed accounts and profit
& loss accounts
In Scope
● G/L Account balances belonging to leading and non-leading ledgers that are assigned to the participating
company codes.
● As-is values of any additional local currencies that are customized in the source system only if the same
currencies are defined in the target system for company codes.
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system, and not in the
source system, the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
Out of Scope
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● The leading and non-leading ledgers assigned to the specified company codes match in both the source
and target systems.
● You have created and activated the ACC_DOCUMENT BAdI implementation in the target system. Please see
SAP Note 2717381 for information about BAdI implementations.
● Currency type and the currency key of the controlling area (assigned to the specified company codes)
match in the source and target systems
● Currency keys assigned to currency types belonging to different organizational units match in the source
and target systems
● FI - G/L account
● CO - Secondary cost element
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Profit center
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view for the object. However, this code also has
some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Display FAGLB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate ledger specific data from the source AFS system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Business Object Definition You can use the function for all items that, due to parallel ac
counting, are posted to multiple ledgers and valuated differ
ently in those ledgers, in particular for provisions (such as
provisions for commission or process risks, or provisions for
creating and checking year-end closing).
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All ledger groupspecific open items from the FAGLBSIS table are automatically selected for the company
codes that you specified when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system, (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
Not relevant
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
Create and activate the ACC_DOCUMENT BAdI implementation in the target system. For more information,
see SAP Note 2717381 .
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Internal order
● CO - Profit center
● CO - Secondary cost element
● Exchange rate
● FI - G/L account
● PS - Project
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Deactivate the BAdI implementation after migration and before creating any new documents in the target
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create FB50L
Change FB02
Display FB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate G/L open item data from the source AFS system to the target
SAP S/4HANA system based on the default selection criteria set for the migration object. This migration
technique transfers data to the target system using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs).
Component: FI
Business Object Definition G/L open item records contain the open items posted to an
open item managed account. Accounts that are managed on
an open item basis include:
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
All G/L open items from the BSIS table are automatically selected for the company codes that you specified
when defining the migration scope.
In Scope
● Line items of open item managed accounts including G/L open items, customer/vendor open items, or a
● General ledger views from the FAGLFLEXA table
● As-is values of any additional local currencies customized in the source system only if the same currencies
are defined in the target system for the company codes
If additional local currencies are assigned to company codes only in the target system, (and not in the
source system), the system calculates the values of the local currencies in the target system.
For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is available
in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
Before you can start the migration process, for example, ensure the following Customizing in the target system:
● CO - Business process
● CO - Cost center
● CO - Internal order
● CO - Profit center
● CO - Secondary cost element
● Exchange rate
● FI - G/L account
● Fixed asset (including balance)
● PS - Network
● PS - Project
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
Not relevant
Virtual Tables
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Create FB50
Change FB02
Display FB03
Further Information
This migration object enables you to migrate the location master data from the source APO SPP to the target
eSPP within SAP S/4HANA based on the global filter parameter set in the migration project. The supported
location types are plant, distribution center and vendor. There is a separate migration object for the location
type MRP area.
In eSPP within SAP S/4HANA the APO relevant tables for the location master data remain unchanged. The ECC
data model for vendor on the other hand is replaced by a business partner in SAP S/4HANA. The purpose of
this migration is to update the location master data tables by the location data transferred from the APO
● Production plant
● Distribution center
● MRP area
● Vendor
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
The location types plant, distribution center and vendor are considered in the selection. Vendors are selected
indirectly by considering only vendors with a valid transportation lane to the locations selected in the global
In Scope
The following data is set for migration to eSPP within SAP S/4HANA:
Out of Scope
● For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is
available in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● The SAP S/4HANA migration/conversion for plants and vendors has already been performed. The
corresponding plants and vendors already exist in the target system.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out data migration, assign table maintenance or table access authorizations and enter the relevant
values for the migration user.
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
This migration object enables you to migrate the product master data from the source APO SPP to the target
eSPP within SAP S/4HANA based on the global filter parameter set in the migration project.
In eSPP within SAP S/4HANA the APO product master data has been unified with the ECC material master
data. The purpose of this migration is to update the missing part of the material master data by the product
master data from the APO system.
Business Object Definition Good that is the subject of business activity. A product is
used, consumed or created during the production process.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
Product master data to be migrated is automatically selected using products assigned to the migration-
relevant plant(s) and its MRP area(s).
In Scope
The following data is set for migration to eSPP within SAP S/4HANA:
● For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is
available in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● The SAP S/4HANA migration/conversion for materials has already been performed. The corresponding
materials already exist in the target system.
● The report PRD_SCM_GUID_CONVERSION must be executed for materials with initial SCM_MATID_GUID16
and SCM_MATID_GUID22 in the table MARA.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out data migration, assign table maintenance or table access authorizations and enter the relevant
values for the migration user.
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Change MM02
Display MM03
This migration object enables you to migrate the location master data for the location type MRP area from the
source APO SPP to the target eSPP within SAP S/4HANA based on the global filter parameter set in the
migration project.
In eSPP within SAP S/4HANA the APO relevant tables for the location master data remain unchanged. The ECC
data model for vendor on the other hand is replaced by a business partner in SAP S/4HANA. The purpose of
this migration is to update the location master data tables for location type MRP area by the data transferred
from the APO system.
● Production plant
● Distribution center
● MRP area
● Vendor
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
In Scope
The following data is set for migration to eSPP within SAP S/4HANA:
Out of Scope
● For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is
available in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● The SAP S/4HANA migration/conversion for MRP areas has already been performed. The corresponding
MRP area already exists and assigned to a plant in the target system.
● You have migrated or defined settings in the eSPP - Location [page 762] migration object.
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out data migration, assign table maintenance or table access authorizations and enter the relevant
values for the migration user.
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Display /SAPAPO/LOC3
This migration object enables you to migrate the location product master data from the source APO SPP to the
target eSPP within SAP S/4HANA based on the global filter parameter set in the migration project.
In eSPP within SAP S/4HANA the APO product master data has been unified with the ECC material master
data. The purpose of this migration is to update the missing part of the plant relevant material master data by
the location product master data from the APO system.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
Location product data to be migrated is automatically selected using migration-relevant plant(s) and its MRP
The following data is set for migration to eSPP within SAP S/4HANA:
Out of Scope
● Products which are not assigned to any of the plants selected in the global filter
● Location products for location type vendor and customer
● Location products in simulation version.
● For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is
available in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● The SAP S/4HANA migration/conversion for materials has already been performed. The corresponding
plant relevant material view exists and the extended SPP flag is set in the target system.
● The report PRD_SCM_GUID_CONVERSION must be executed for materials with initial SCM_MATID_GUID16
and SCM_MATID_GUID22 in the tables MARC or MDMA.
● You have migrated or defined settings in the following migration objects:
○ eSPP - Location [page 762]
○ eSPP - Product [page 765]
○ eSPP - MRP Area [page 767]
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out data migration, assign table maintenance or table access authorizations and enter the relevant
values for the migration user.
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
Change MM02
Display MM03
This migration object enables you to migrate the transportation lane with the corresponding source of supply
master data from the source APO SPP to the target eSPP within SAP S/4HANA based on the global filter
parameter set in the migration project.
In eSPP within SAP S/4HANA the APO data model for the transportation lane, source of supply and external
procurement remains unchanged. The purpose of this migration is to update the corresponding tables with the
data transferred from the APO system.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
In Scope
The following data is set for migration to eSPP within SAP S/4HANA:
Out of Scope
● Transportation lanes which are not connected to any location selected by the global filter
● Means of transport which are not assigned to any selected transportation lane
● Source of supply without a corresponding transportation lane
● External procurement without a corresponding source of supply
● For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is
available in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● The location and product master data must be migrated first. Transportation lanes containing locations
which are not migrated will not be migrated.
● You have migrated or defined settings in the following migration objects:
○ eSPP - Location Product [page 769]
Source System
Not relevant
To carry out data migration, assign table maintenance or table access authorizations and enter the relevant
values for the migration user.
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
This migration object enables you to migrate the bill of distribution (BoD) master data from the source APO
SPP to the target eSPP within SAP S/4HANA based on the global filter parameter set in the migration project.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
In Scope
The following data is set for migration to eSPP within SAP S/4HANA:
Out of Scope
● For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is
available in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● The transportation lane master data must be migrated first.
● You have migrated or defined settings in the following migration objects:
○ eSPP - Transportation Lane [page 771]
Source System
Target System
To carry out data migration, assign table maintenance or table access authorizations and enter the relevant
values for the migration user.
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
Change /SAPAPO/BOD001
Display /SAPAPO/BOD001
This migration object enables you to migrate the product bill of distribution (BoD) assignment data data from
the source APO SPP to the target eSPP within SAP S/4HANA based on the global filter parameter set in the
migration project.
In eSPP within SAP S/4HANA the APO data model for the BoD assignment remains unchanged. The purpose
of this migration is to update the corresponding tables with the data transferred from the APO system.
Available Scenarios
Selection Criteria
Product BoD assignment data to be migrated is automatically selected using migration-relevant plant(s).
In Scope
The following data is set for migration to eSPP within SAP S/4HANA:
Out of Scope
● For a consistent migration, you have ensured that all relevant Customizing for the migration object is
available in the target SAP S/4HANA system.
● The bill of distribution master data must be migrated first.
● You have migrated or defined settings in the following migration objects:
○ eSPP - Bill of Distribution (BoD) [page 773]
Source System
Not relevant
Target System
To carry out data migration, assign table maintenance or table access authorizations and enter the relevant
values for the migration user.
Technical Information
Follow-On Activities
Not relevant
With the transaction codes shown below, you can change the view and maintain the object. However, these
codes also have some built-in validation capabilities that you can use for checks.
This object must not be used to migrate cost rate in SAP S/4HANA Cloud. The API used here does not
support the cloud tables. For professional services, use the Condition record for pricing (general template)
[page 824] migration object.
Business Object Definition To plan and allocate the activities, the system records quan
tities that are measured in activity units. Activity quantities
are valuated using a price. Costs based on the activity quan
tity of an activity type can be posted separately in fixed and
variable portions.
In Scope
Supported Features
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Business Object Definition The Bank Account Balance is the value date balance of each
bank account, which serves the requirement of cash-posi
tion analysis for cash managers.
In Scope
Supported Features
The bank account needs to be created before initializing the balance. You can find the Technical ID in the bank-
account master data, on the General data tab. This Technical ID is used as the Account ID in the file to be
Cash flow should not be generated for the company code that is used before migrating this object into the
system. Otherwise, the user will get the error message Company code XYZ already has flows
generated from FI in one Exposure.
Level Name
To validate your migrated data, you can use the FQM_FLOW table in transaction SE16N. To get results, you have
to enter the values Technical ID and Company Code. You can retrieve these from the FCLM_BAM_AMD table.
You can delete already migrated balance records using the Delete Data from One Exposure app. For further
information, refer to the SAP Fiori apps reference library and the SAP Help Portal.
After deletion, balance records with the same key can be migrated again using a new migration project.
1.259 Bank
In Scope
Supported Features
● Bank Country
● Bank Key
● Bank Address Data
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Business Object Definition Batch Master Data (if batch is unique at material level).
In Scope
Out of Scope
● Material Number
● Batch Number
● Plant
● Batch Attributes
● Batch Status
● Characteristic Values
● Control Parameters
Mapping Instructions
● 100,00 kg to 1,00 t
● 10,00 mg to 100,00 g
If you want to assign the interval 100,00 kg to 1,00 t as a value, you have to fill the fields on the Classification
NUM Values sheet like this:
Enter the Internal Floating Point Value From and Internal Floating Point Value To values according to the Base
UoM From (ISO) defined in the Characteristic itself (in this case KGM). The Base UoM From (ISO) and Base UoM
To (ISO) fields are filled with the desired Units of Measure in ISO.
● 1 for EQ (Equal)
● 2 for GE LT (Greater than or equal and Less than)
● 3 for GE LE (Greater than or equal and Less than or equal)
● 4 for GT LT (Greater than and Less than)
● 5 for GT LE (Greater than and Less than or equal)
● 6 for LT (Less than)
● 7 for LE (Less than or equal)
● 8 for GT (Greater than)
● 9 for GE (Greater than or equal)
Input example:
● VALUE_TO: 28
Imported value:
● 20≤ X <28
Level Name
2 Plant
Starting with SAP S/HANA 1802, you can enter values for Lower Boundary for Date-Interval and Upper
Boundary for Date-Interval in the Characteristic Value (DATE) columns. For Lower Boundary for Time-Interval
and Upper Boundary for Time-Interval, you can enter values in the Characteristic Value (TIME) columns on the
Classification NUM Values sheet in the migration template. Please note that values entered for Internal Floating
Point Value From and Internal Floating Point Value To in the Characteristic Value columns are always given
priority. When you enter values for these fields, values entered for Characteristic Value (DATE) and
Characteristic Value (TIME) will not be considered when migrating.
Business Object Definition Batch Master Data if batch is unique at plant level
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Material Number
● Batch Number
● Plant
● Batch Attributes
● Batch Status
● Control Parameters
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
For example, if the Characteristic has the ISO UOM ANN (Year), and the VALUE_FROM field has the value 2, and
if the UNIT_FROM field has the ISO UOM MON, the two years are converted to months, and the system displays
24 months.
● 100,00 kg to 1,00 t
● 10,00 mg to 100,00 g
If you want to assign the interval 100,00 kg to 1,00 t as a value, you have to fill the fields on the Classification
NUM Values sheet like this:
Enter the Internal Floating Point From and Internal Floating Point To values according to the Base UoM From
(ISO) defined in the Characteristic itself (in this case KGM). The Base UoM From (ISO) and Base UoM To (ISO)
fields are filled with the desired Units of Measure in ISO.
● 1 for EQ (Equal),
● 2 for GE LT (Greater than or equal and Less than)
● 3 for GE LE (Greater than or equal and Less than or equal)
● 4 for GT LT (Greater than and Less than)
● 5 for GT LE (Greater than and Less than or equal)
● 6 for LT (Less than)
● 7 for LE (Less than or equal)
● 8 for GT (Greater than)
● 9 for GE (Greater than or equal)
Input example:
● VALUE_TO: 28
Imported value:
● 20≤ X <28
Starting with SAP S/HANA release 1809, you can now enter values for Lower Boundary for Date-Interval and
Upper Boundary for Date-Interval in the new Characteristic Value (DATE) columns and for Lower Boundary for
Time-Interval and Upper Boundary for Time-Interval in the new Characteristic Value (TIME) columns on the
Classification NUM Values sheet in the migration template. Please note that values entered for Internal Floating
Point Value From and Internal Floating Point Value To in the Characteristic Value columns are always given
priority. When you enter values for these fields, values entered for Characteristic Value (DATE) and
Characteristic Value (TIME) will not be considered when migrating.
● BOM categories
In the SAP System, BOMs can form different objects
and manage object-related data. You can maintain the
following BOM categories, for example:
○ Material BOM
○ Document structure
○ Equipment BOM
○ Functional location BOM
○ Sales order BOM
● Technical types
To display product variants and production alternatives,
the system provides two technical types:
○ Variant BOM
○ Multiple BOM
1. Currently, you can process only one alternative BOM for each material number, plant, and BOM usage. This
can apply to any number from 01 to 99.
2. Material BOM
3. For object dependency, only the assignment of global dependency is supported. Selection condition and
Procedure are the only dependency types that are supported so far.
4. The following Item Categories (Bill of Material) are supported:
○ L-Stock item
○ N-Non-stock item
○ D-Document item
○ R-Variable size item
○ T-Text item
Out of Scope
1. Document structure
2. Equipment BOM
3. Functional location BOM
4. Sales order BOM
Supported Features
● BOM Header
● BOM Items
● BOM Subitems
● Global dependency
● Local dependency
● Description of local dependency
● Source code of local dependency
● Documentation of local dependency
● Document assignment
To ensure that the data remains consistent, check that the decimal separator used in the file is the same as the
one used in user settings. Check the user settings first.
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the validity period that fits this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period starting before this object, this will normally cause an error
message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
Therefore, make sure that you check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This
will help you to avoid later error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1 BOM Header
2 Document assign
3 BOM Subitems
3 Document assign
4 Global depend
4 Local dependency
5 Description of lo
cal dependency
5 Documentation of
local dependency
If your quantity contains decimals, do not copy and paste values from another Excel file into these fields,
because Excel will corrupt the data type of these fields. This in turn would cause the wrong numbers to be
migrated to the system. Even the Copy value only functionality in Excel will corrupt the data type.
Before uploading the XML file to the Migration Cockpit, check that the data type of these fields was not
changed from String to Number.
Business Object Definition A change number is used to uniquely identify a change mas
ter record. All changes made with reference to a change
number are controlled and logged by the change master re
cord. Numbers are assigned externally.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Alternative Dates
2 Material
2 Material BOM
To validate your migrated data, you can use the following tables in the transaction SE16N.
Business Object Definition Property for describing and distinguishing between objects,
such as length, color, or weight.
In Scope
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Descriptions
● Characteristic Allowed Values
● Characteristic Value Descriptions
● Characteristic Additional Data
● Characteristic Restrictions
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period of this object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
As of SAP S/4HANA 2008, the object supports the migration of characteristics with value descriptions only.
For each language, only one empty characteristic value is allowed.
Valid From
The value of this field can only be inherited from the change number. If the change number is empty, Valid from
will be ignored.
Level Name
To build this value hierarchy for a characteristic name COUNTRY, you have to fill the fields on the Allowed
character based values sheet like this:
You can build up an interval based on different UoMs from the same dimension.
The Characteristic Attributes field Base Unit of Measure (ISO) is filled with KGM.
On the Allowed NUMmerical values sheet, you want to have the following intervals:
● 100,00 kg to 1,00 t
● 10,00 mg to 100,00 g
To build this value interval you have to fill the fields on the Allowed NUMerical values sheet like this:
Enter the Internal Floating Point Values based on the UoM defined in the Characteristic Attribute sheet. The
Base UoM fields are filled with the wanted UoMs in ISO.
As of SAP S/HANA 1802, you can enter values for Lower Boundary for Date-Interval and Upper Boundary for
Date-Interval in the Characteristic Value (DATE) columns on the Classification NUM Values sheet in the
migration template. The same applies for Lower Boundary for Time-Interval and Upper Boundary for Time-
Interval in the Characteristic Value (TIME) columns. Please note that values entered for Internal Floating Point
Value From and Internal Floating Point Value To in the Characteristic Value columns are always given priority.
When you enter values for these fields, values entered for Characteristic Value (DATE) and Characteristic Value
(TIME) will not be considered when migrating.
Further Information
● For this migration object, SAP delivers a prefilled sample XML template that helps you to fill out your data
migration template. Use this link to navigate to the Data Migration Template Samples for SAP S/4HANA
In Scope
Out of Scope
● The "classic" Variant Configuration (LO-VC) had its own concept for grouping of characteristics. This is not
supported for Advanced Variant Configuration.
Supported Features
● Characteristics
● Description
● Configuration Profile
Level Name
1 General Information
2 Characteristics
2 Description
2 Configuration Profile
1.266 Class
In Scope
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Class Description/Keywords
● Long Texts
● Characteristics
● Document Information
● Standards Data
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period of this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Level Name
2 Long texts
2 Characteristics
Class Type
All class types in the system are supported.
The combination of the field values for Document type, Document number, Document version, and Document
part is checked against the database.
If a document with the combined values is not stored on the database (Table DRAW), the following error
message appears: Document <Document Type>-<Document number>-<Document version>-
<Document part> not found, please check the values.
Further Information
● For this migration object, SAP delivers a prefilled sample XML template that helps you in filling out your
data migration template. Use this link to navigate to the Data Migration Template Samples for SAP S/
4HANA Cloud.
Business Object Definition The classes used to define a multi-level search path.
In Scope
1. Assign class
Supported Features
● Header
● Class Hierarchy
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period of this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1 Header (mandatory)
Instance class
The instance is the only class without a superior class.
Each class in the Child class name field also occurs in the parent class name field.
Each class in the Child class name field has exactly one entry without the Link indicator.
If you have a child class without subordinate classes, then this child class name must have an entry in the
parent class name field with an empty child class name field. For example, Class5 is used as a child class
name, and if this class is without a subordinate class, then we must have a new entry in this format:
Input example:
Hierarchy level
The hierarchy levels (Level) can be anything you like, but we recommend assigning level 1 to the instance, level
2 to its immediate subordinate classes, and so on. The hierarchy level of each class is higher than the level of its
superior class (the one without the Link indicator).
Description (optional)
The field has no function and will be not migrated.
You can enter some comments here to have a better overview of the class hierarchy.
Example:Class5 has two superior classes, this means we have two entries which Child class name is Class5,
the link must be set to X in the first entry.
Instance class name Parent class name Child class name Level Link
Class1 Class5 4
Further Information
When you assign objects to a class, you assign values for the
object to the characteristics in that class.
In Scope
1. Assign object classes (assign object class name and characteristic values):
1. Class type Material (001) is supported.
2. Class type Equipment (002) is supported.
3. Class type Functional Location (003) is supported for internal key.
4. Class type Inspection Characteristics (005) is supported.
5. Class type Inspection Methods (006) is supported.
6. Class type Code Groups (007) is supported.
7. Class type Selected Sets (008) is supported.
8. Class type Vendor Class (010) is supported.
9. Class type Customer Class (011) is supported.
10. Class type Message Item Class (015) is supported.
11. Class type Document Management (017) is supported.
12. Class type Work Center Class (019) is supported.
13. Class type Batch (022 and 023) is supported.
14. Class type Engineering Change Management (025) is supported.
15. Class type Customer-material info record (052) is supported.
16. Class type Purchasing Info Record (057) is supported.
17. Class type Maintenance Plan (080) is supported.
18. Class type Material - Configurable Objects (200) is supported.
19. Class type Variants (300) is supported.
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Characteristic Values (only for material classification)
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Equipment Classification
To assign class and characteristic values to equipment, the source file must contain the Header Data sheet and
the Value Allocation sheets. On the Header Data sheet, fill the following fields:
Vendor Classification
To assign class and characteristic values to vendor, the source file must contain the Header Data sheet and the
Value Allocation sheets. On the Header Data sheet, fill in the following fields:
To assign class and characteristic values to maintenance plan, the source file must contain the Header Data
sheet and the Value Allocation sheets. On the Header Data sheet, fill in the following fields:
To assign class and characteristic values to materialconfigurable objects, the source file must contain the
Header Data sheet and the Value Allocation sheets. On the Header Data sheet, fill the following fields:
Variants Classification
To assign class and characteristic values to variants, the source file must contain the Header Data sheet and
the Value Allocation sheets. On the Header Data sheet, fill the following fields:
The values in the Value From and Value To fields always relate to the unit of measurement of the characteristic.
For example, if the unit of measurement of the characteristic is ISO UOM ANN (Year), 2 means two years. The
system ignores units in the Base unit of measure From (ISO Format) field and the Base unit of measure To (ISO
Format) field here. These are only displayed later.
● 1 for EQ (Equal)
● 2 for GE LT (Greater than or equal and Less than)
● 3 for GE LE (Greater than or equal and Less than or equal)
● 4 for GT LT (Greater than and Less than)
● 5 for GT LE (Greater than and Less than or equal)
● 6 for LT (Less than)
● 7 for LE (Less than or equal)
● 8 for GT (Greater than)
● 9 for GE (Greater than or equal)
Input example:
● VALUE_TO: 28
Imported value:
● 20≤ X <28
For example, if the characteristic has the ISO UOM ANN (Year), and the VALUE_FROM field has the value 2, and
if the UNIT_FROM field has the ISO UOM MON, then the two years are converted to months, and the system
displays 24 months.
The Instance counter field has been removed from SAP S/HANA release 1802 because this field is used in the
userdefined data type, and not supported in SAP S/4HANA, for more details please see SAP Note 2267878 .
1 AB_Root_Level_1
2 A_First_Level_2
3 A_Second_Level_3
2 B_First_Level_2
If you want to assign A_Second_Level_3, you make the following entries in the Character value allocations
As of SAP S/4HANA release 1802, you can enter values for Lower Boundary for Date-Interval and Upper
Boundary for Date-Interval in the new Characteristic Value (DATE) columns on the Classification NUM Values
sheet in the migration template. The same applies for Lower Boundary for Time-Interval and Upper Boundary
for Time-Interval in the new Characteristic Value (TIME) columns. Please note that values entered for Internal
Floating Point Value From and Internal Floating Point Value To in the Characteristic Value columns are always
given priority. When you enter values for these fields, values entered for Characteristic Value (DATE) and
Characteristic Value (TIME) will not be considered during the migration.
In Scope
Supported Features
● Business Process
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Follow-On Activities
● Cost centers
● Orders
● Business processes
● Profit centers
● Fixed value
Fixed values are carried forward from the current post
ing period to all subsequent posting periods.
● Total value
Totals values are posted in the current posting period
In Scope
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Further Information
In Scope
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
Header Texts
The Header Texts structure contains the different text objects which are stored on header level of the condition
Item Condition
The Item Condition structure contains the corresponding fields which define the condition such as the amount,
calculation type or currency. The order key must be part of the condition structure field table.
Condition Scale
The Condition Scale contains the corresponding fields which define the condition scales. The order key must
be part of the condition structure field table.
Settlement Dates
The Settlement Dates structure contains the settlement dates for the different types of settlement (delta
accruals, partial, final, delta, and accruals deferral settlement). You must specify the order key, the settlement
date type, and the settlement date as a minimal data set. All other fields are optional.
Level Name
This is the most complex and comprehensive object to migrate condition records for pricing. There are also
tailored migration objects available with limited number of available key fields : Condition record for pricing
in sales (restricted) [page 1057] or Condition record for pricing in purchasing (restricted) [page 989].
Business Object Definition The term pricing is broadly used to describe the calculation
of prices (for external use by customers or vendors). Condi
tions represent a set of circumstances that apply when a
price is calculated.
In Scope
1. Prices
2. Discounts
3. Surcharges
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Scales
For more information on how to fill the condition keys, please refer to SAP Note 2332748 .
Business Object Definition An object in which you enter configuration parameters for a
configurable object. Each Material must be assigned to at
least one class with a class type that supports variant config
Supported Features
● Attributes
● Global dependencies
● Basic data of local dependency
● Descriptions of dependency
● Documentations of dependency
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1 Attributes (mandatory)
3 Descriptions of dependency
3 Documentations of depend
ency (optional)
Local dependencies with syntax errors in the source code cannot be loaded. In the case of syntax
errors, an error message will be displayed and the configuration profile will be skipped for migration.
● Descriptions of Dependency
Enter a local dependency description, one in each language.
The Descriptions of dependency sheet, should contain at least one description per local dependency.
Otherwise, an error message, Maintain at least one description for the dependency, will
be raised.
● Documentation of Dependency
Enter a local dependency documentation, one in each language.
Business Object Definition Consent is an assent given by the data subject that allows
lawful processing of their personal data. It facilitates proving
legality and ensures the correct processing of personal data
according to the purpose for which it was given.
In Scope
Supported Features
● Consent
● Consent Text
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1 Consent (mandatory)
● Quantity Contract
● Value Contract
In Scope
7. Item Texts
Out of Scope
1. Master conditions:
During the creation of outline agreements, you can specify just one time period per variable key. This
means that you can specify a period for the document header (that is, condition table A019), for each item
(that is, condition table A016), and for each item/plant combination (that is, condition table A068).
If an info record is already available, the price will be taken over from this info record.
● Header Data
● Supplier Address
● Header Texts
● Item Data
● Delivery Addresses
● Account Assignment
● Item Texts
Mapping Instructions
● During migration, you can choose between internal and external number assignment for the purchasing
document. Item numbers will be migrated 1:1 from the migration template into the data.
● Net Price: Please provide the price as manual price on item level. Additional conditions are not supported.
If a purchasing info record for an item already exists, the conditions (inclusive scales) will be taken over
from this info record. You have to check and ensure that the conditions validity period matches with the
stipulated validity period of the agreement.
Level Name
2 Supplier Address
2 Header Texts
3 Delivery Address
3 Account Assignment
3 Item Texts
In Scope
1. Extend already existing customers with new org levels or extend already existing suppliers/contract
partners as customer with the same number.
2. General data (only fields that might become relevant when you extend a supplier/contract partner as
3. BP Roles
4. Additional addresses
5. Sales data including sales partner functions and sales data texts
6. Company data including dunning, withholding tax, and company texts
7. Bank data
8. Credit card data
9. Industry assignments
10. Tax classification
11. Tax numbers
12. Identification numbers
13. Contact persons, including address data with telephone, fax, and email.
14. VAT registration number against customer (South Korea only)*
15. TAN and exemption number (India only)*
16. Customer hierarchy for invoice summary (Japan only)*
17. Alternative name for payer (Japan only)*
18. Terms of payment with validity period (Japan only)*
19. Tax payment classification (Poland only)*
20.Tax type assignment (Romania only)*
21. VAT Cash Account. Regulation (Portugal only)*
Structures and fields/field groups marked with an asterisk (*) are visible only if the configuration of your
system covers the requirement for them at the time of the download.
This migration object is based on the assumption that business partner and customer are using the same
partner ID. If you’ve customized your system in a different way, you must adjust the migration object. If you
must adjust the migration object, you can use the migration object modeler or ask for consulting support.
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
On the General Data sheet, we provide fields that only become relevant when you extend already existing
suppliers/contract partners as customer with the same number. If you want to extend an existing supplier or
contract partner as customer with the same number, you have to fill out either the supplier number or contract
partner. It's not possible to provide both fields. If you want to extend an already existing customer by new org
levels, you have to leave the reference numbers empty.
Please consider: You can't transfer a value in one of the fields provided on the General Data sheet when the
customer already exists.
If you want to use the Customer ID for integration with external systems, you can activate it during migration.
At the same time, you must also maintain the Business System ID of your source system (to be used for
integration) by using the Convert Values task. This ensures that the key mapping is added to the central key
mapping store of the SAP S/4HANA system. This, however, is only relevant if you extend an existing supplier or
On the General Data sheet, you find an additional key field, RUN ID. This field is a counter that you can use to
execute several enhancements for the same instance. You can't import the same source record more than once
in the same project. The RUN ID field is an additional key field to which you can import the same customer
more than once.
For example, in the first step, import customer "A" with a new company code or sales view. In the second step,
import the same customer "A" with another company code or sales view.
You can distinguish the enhancements for the same instance by the different run IDs. In this scenario, you must
ensure that the migration for one run ID has been completed before uploading data with another run ID for the
same instance.
If you want to use these references to other business partners, make sure these business partners have been
created in advance.
You have three customers, A, B, and C. They have the following relation:
● A is ship-to-party for B
● B is ship-to-party for C
● C is ship-to-party for A
Please note that this data constellation can't be handled with the data migration object. Please remove some of
the relations and add them later using the BP maintenance UI or BP mass maintenance app.
To assign a contact person as partner, first create the customer with the contact person, but without sales
data. Then, use the Customer - extend existing record by new org levels migration object in a second step to
assign the sales data together with the contact person in partner capacity.
You must enter a contact person ID in the relevant field in the Contact person sheet. This number is required for
internal data processing. During processing, however, a new business partner will be created with an internal
number. This business partner is automatically assigned to the supplier with the corresponding relationship.
If Vertex is activated (especially on US installations), the tax jurisdiction code will be determined by the
If Vertex determines more than one tax jurisdiction code for a record, the migration of this record will fail. If this
happens, you'll have to provide a more detailed/accurate address, for example, a US postal code with 9 digits
instead of 5 digits.
The more detailed and accurate an address, the better the tax jurisdiction code will be determined by Vertex.
For some addresses, Vertex will always provide more than one tax jurisdiction code. In this case, you’ll have to
maintain this record manually or provide a correct tax jurisdiction code within the template.
In the Suppress Tax Jurisdiction Code Check field on the General Data sheet, you can suppress the check and
automatic determination of the Tax Jurisdiction Code for each record.
Dunning data is included in the Company Data sheet. This dunning data doesn’t contain the Dunning Area field.
If a dunning area is needed, you need to adjust the mapping in your project with the SAP S/4HANA data
migration modeler (Transaction LTMOM), create a new structure, and maintain the field mapping for this sheet.
Level Name
2 Additional Addresses
2 General Texts
2 Sales Data
3 Sales Partner
2 Company Data
3 Company Texts
2 Bank Data
2 Industries
2 Tax Classifications
2 Tax Numbers
2 Identification Numbers
2 Contact Person
Structures and fields/field groups marked with an asterisk (*) are visible only if the configuration of your
system covers the requirement for them at the time of the download.
Country-Specific Extensions
Countryspecific extensions are visible only if the configuration of your system covers the requirement for
them at the time of the download.
The tax payment classification is used to maintain the VAT payment type for the customer. There are three
possible options:
1. VAT payment type 1: Split Disabled – This means that the customer can’t be used for split payment
between the given date range
2. VAT payment type 2: Split Enabled – This means that the customer can be used for split payment between
the given date range
3. VAT payment type 3: Split Mandatory – This means that the customer must be used for split payment
between the given date range
For a customer, the validity date ranges on the Tax payment classification sheet must not overlap between
different records of one customer and must be continuous.
The tax type classification describes where the customer is registered for VAT. There are four possible options:
For a customer, the validity date ranges on the Tax type assignment sheet must not overlap between different
records of one customer and must be continuous.
Business Object Definition A business partner may have many branches depending on
the various locations from where they operate from. A
branch code is a 4-digit or a 5-digit code assigned by the
Revenue Department in Thailand to uniquely identify each
branch of a business partner. In any case, the head office
branch carries a branch code of 00000 or 0000.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
● As a prerequisite, you need to migrate the customer master data with the Thailand company code
● You can only set one branch code as the default branch code. If only one branch code is assigned, it is set
as the default automatically.
● If branch codes are already assigned to the customer, you cannot add additional branch codes with a
default indicator.
● As the standard method for communication (part of the address information), only the following values are
supported: Fax, E-Mail, and Telephone.
Level Name
Business Object Definition A customer is a business partner with whom a business rela
tionship exists whereby the customer orders goods or serv
ices from the company. This is one of the most commonly
used master data objects, used by almost all business appli
In Scope
Out of Scope
This migration object is based on the assumption that business partner and customer are using the same
partner ID. If you have customized your system in a different way, you must adjust the migration object. If
you must adjust the migration object, you can use the migration object modeler or ask for consulting
If you submit a credit limit amount, the amount value is stored in the Requested field on the Credit Limit tab.
This is the standard behavior when maintaining the credit limit for a business partner. The reason for this is
the configuration of the system: Changing the credit limit triggers the Change to Credit Limit Requested
event with the LIMIT_REQ follow-on process. This also happens during migration because the same save
mechanism is applied. We recommend disabling this event during migration. If the event is disabled, the
credit limit is stored directly in the target field. To disable the event, proceed as follows:
1. In Customizing, navigate to Financial Supply Chain Management Credit Management Credit Risk
Monitoring Processes .
2. Execute Define Events and Follow-On Processes.
3. In the Dialog Structure pane on the left, open Events Follow-On Processes .
4. Remove the LIMIT_REQ follow-on process for the Change to Credit Limit Requested event.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
If you have defined Events and Follow-On Processes in the Configure Your Solution app, you have to be aware
that migrated data records will trigger such an event immediately after creation, and migrated values might be
changed through the defined events and follow-on processes. For this reason, you should consider deactivating
this option before you start with the data migration, and activate it again afterwards
In Scope
● General Data
● CustMat Text
● CustMat Classification
● CustMat Classif Numbers
● CustMat Classif Characteristic
● CustMat Classif Currency
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 CustMat Text
2 CustMat Classification
For more information, see the field description of the template file.
1.280 Customer
For this migration object, the Custom Fields and Logic app is available. If you enhance your business object
with custom fields in the app, these custom fields will automatically be reflected in the XML template of the
corresponding migration object. See SAP Note 2726010 for further details.
Every time you add, change or delete a custom field, the migration project must be updated and a new
migration XML template must be downloaded and used. Thus, if custom fields are added or changed by an
application expert during migration testing, this must be communicated to and coordinated with your data
migration team. Also see the Extensibility section in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud documentation.
In Scope
1. General data with standard address data and localization fields for Brasil, India, Taiwan, South Korea, and
2. BP Roles
3. Additional addresses
4. Sales data including sales partner functions and sales data texts
5. Company data including dunning, withholding tax, and company texts
6. Bank data
7. Credit card data
8. Industry assignments
9. Tax classification
10. Tax numbers
11. Identification numbers
12. Contact persons, including address data with telephone, fax, email
13. VAT registration number against customer (South Korea only)*
14. TAN and exemption number (India only)*
15. Customer hierarchy for invoice summary (Japan only)*
16. Alternative name for payer (Japan only)*
17. Terms of payment with validity period (Japan only)*
18. Tax payment classification (Poland only)*
19. Tax type assignment (Romania only)*
20.VAT Cash Account. Regulation (Portugal only)*
Structures and fields/field groups marked with an asterisk (*) are visible only if the configuration of your
system covers the requirement for them at the time of the download.
This migration object is based on the assumption that business partner and customer are using the same
partner ID. If you’ve customized your system in a different way, you must adjust the migration object. If you
need to adjust the migration object, you can use the migration object modeler or ask for consulting
Supported Features
● General Data
● BP Roles
● Additional Addresses
● General Texts
● Sales Data
● Sales Partner
● Sales Organization Texts
● Company Data
● Withholding Tax Data
● Company Texts
● Bank Details
● Payment Card Data
● Industries
● Tax Classifications
● Tax Numbers
● Identification Numbers
● Contact Persons
● VAT registration number against customer (South Korea only)*
● TAN and exemption number (India only)*
● Customer hierarchy for invoice summary (Japan only)*
● Alternative name for payer (Japan only)*
● Terms of payment with validity period (Japan only)*
● Tax payment classification (Poland only)*
● Tax type assignment (Romania only)*
Structures and fields/field groups marked with an asterisk (*) are visible only if the configuration of your
system covers the requirement for them at the time of the download.
The Customer Account Group field must be in sync with your customizing of the BU grouping. Otherwise,
the grouping will overwrite the account group.
Mapping Instructions
You have to maintain all business partner roles depending on your business transactions.
All mandatory partner functions are created automatically with the same customer number. If you provide the
partner function with a different customer number on the Partner Functions sheet, this entry will be taken.
In the UI, the partner function is displayed language-dependent. For data migration, you have to maintain the
language-independent database value. See the following example:
English Migration
It’s possible to assign more than one address to a customer. The address data from the General Data sheet is
always the standard address. If you assign only one address to a customer, it isn’t necessary to provide an
external address number. If you provide additional addresses, the external address number is mandatory. The
external address number must be unique for each customer. You can use the same external address number
for different business partners.
Assigned contact persons always get an internal number for the new business partner.
With the BP Grouping field on the General Data sheet, you arrange the different number ranges (internal or
external) and the customer account group. It’s possible to create customers and one-time customers.
The settings which are made together with your BP Grouping customizing will determine whether the customer
will be created with internal or external numbering.
If you need to create a business partner with both customer and supplier roles, this can be achieved in a two-
step approach. To extend a customer that has already been migrated, you can use the Supplier - extend
existing record by new org levels [page 1098] object to add the appropriate supplier data.
If you want to use the Customer ID for integration with external systems, you can activate it during migration.
At the same time, you must also maintain the Business System ID of your source system (to be used for
integration) using the Convert Values task. This ensures that the key mapping is added to the central key
mapping store of the SAP S/4HANA system.
If you want to use these references to other business partners, make sure that these business partners are
created in advance.
You have three customers, A, B, and C. They have the following relation:
● A is ship-to-party for B
● B is ship-to-party for C
● C is ship-to-party for A
Please note that this data constellation can't be handled with the data migration object. Please remove some of
the relations and add them later using the BP maintenance UI or BP mass maintenance app.
Contact Person ID
You must enter a contact person ID in the relevant field on the Contact person sheet. This number is required
for internal data processing. However, during processing, a new business partner will be created with an
internal number. This business partner is automatically assigned to the customer with the corresponding
If Vertex determines more than one tax jurisdiction code for one record, the migration of this record will fail. If
this happens, you must provide a more detailed/accurate address, for example, US postal codes with 9 digits
instead of 5 digits.
The more detailed and accurate an address, the more accurately Vertex can determine the tax jurisdiction
For some addresses, Vertex will always provide more than one tax jurisdiction code. If that's the case, you must
maintain this record manually or provide a correct tax jurisdiction code within the template.
In the Suppress Tax Jurisdiction Code check field on the General Data sheet, you can suppress the check and
the automatic determination of the Tax Jurisdiction Code for each record.
Level Name
2 Additional Addresses
2 General Texts
2 Sales Data
3 Sales Partner
2 Company Data
3 Company Texts
2 Bank Data
2 Industries
2 Tax Classifications
2 Tax Numbers
2 Identification Numbers
2 Contact Person
Structures and fields/field groups marked with an asterisk (*) are visible only if the configuration of your
system covers the requirement for them at the time of the download.
Country-Specific Extensions
Countryspecific extensions are visible only if the configuration of your system covers the requirement for
them at the time of the download.
1. VAT payment type 1: Split Disabled – This means that the customer can’t be used for split payment
between the given date range.
2. VAT payment type 2: Split Enabled – This means that the customer can be used for split payment between
the given date range.
3. VAT payment type 3: Split Mandatory – This means that the customer must be used for split payment
between the given date range.
For a customer, the validity date ranges on the Tax payment classification sheet must not overlap between
different records of one customer and must be continuous.
The tax type classification describes where the customer is registered for VAT. There are four possible options:
For a customer, the validity date ranges on the Tax type assignment sheet must not overlap between different
records of one customer and must be continuous.
Further Information
● SAP Knowledge Base Article 2848224 – Migration Cockpit: Collective KBA for Business Partner
(Customer, Supplier)
● SAP Note 2726010 – Migration Cockpit: Support of custom fields (in-app extensibility)
● SAP Note 2609888 – Mandatory partner function SP is missing for sales area
In Scope
1. Migration of dangerous goods assessment data to existing compliance views and existing assessments.
Please note that you can only migrate data for compliance assessment based on compliance requirements
with a compliance pattern of type Content-Based.
Supported Features
● PSS - Product compliance info [page 879] (object for migrating compliance views)
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1 Regulation (mandatory)
2 Segregation Group
Business Object Definition A dangerous goods assessment for a packaged product con
tains classification data, dangerous goods descriptions, and
information about transport permission for the applicable
modes of transport.
1. Migration of dangerous goods assessment data to existing compliance views and existing assessments.
Please note that you can only migrate data for compliance assessment based on compliance requirements
with a compliance pattern of type Text-Based.
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● DG - Assessment for unpackaged product (text-based) [page 859] (object for migrating dangerous goods
assessments for unpackaged products)
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1 Regulation (mandatory)
2 Modes of Transport
2 Packaging Details
Packaging details are directly assigned to a compliance view. Even though you need to enter the internal
number, regulation, and processing status as key fields, only the internal number is considered during
migration. Therefore, you need only one line for the packaging details for one compliance view. If you enter
more than one line for one compliance view, the packaging details data must be identical in all lines.
Log on to your SAP S/4HANA system as Configuration Expert - Data Migration and use the Data Migration
Status app to validate your data in the system. Alternatively, use the following app:
In Scope
1. Migration of dangerous goods assessment data to existing compliance views and existing assessments.
Please note that you can only migrate data for compliance assessment based on compliance requirements
with a compliance pattern of type Text-Based.
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● PSS - Product compliance info [page 879] (object for migrating compliance views)
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1 Regulation (mandatory)
2 Basic Description
In Scope
Supported Features
● Document Data
● Object Links
● Descriptions
● Long Text
● Document info record (to create a Document Info Record with reference)
● Various Business Objects (to link to the Document Info Record)
● Document types (to link to the Document Info Record)
Level Name
2 Object Links
2 Descriptions
2 Long Text
Document Data
Document Number, Document Type, Version, and Part must be unique.
In order to create a Document Info Record (DIR) with a reference, create the referenced DIR as an initial step
and use the SAP S/4HANA Document Number, Document Part, and Version in the reference fields.
Object Links
Maintain the SAP S/4HANA Object Type and Object Key. These refer to the SAP S/4HANA objects as defined in
the Business Object Repository. For example, an Equipment in SAP S/4HANA can be defined as Object Type:
EQUI and Object Key: 000000000123456781.
In this view, you can maintain additional descriptions (for languages other than those provided on the
Document Data sheet).
If the description is more than 40 characters long, provide up to 40 characters in the Description sheet and
provide the full text as long text.
Long Text
The long text is an extension to the description. If the description is more than 40 characters long, provide up
to 40 characters in the Description sheet and provide the full text as long text. If the initial 40 characters of a
long text are not a part of the Description sheet, the description will be overwritten by the long text.
The long text will be ignored if the length is less than or equal to 40 characters. The long text will not be
migrated if there is no description in the respective language.
Business Object Definition The data transferred to the system after the measurement
has been taken at a measuring point or a counter is descri
bed in the SAP system as a measurement document. This
transfer can be performed automatically or manually.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Basis for measurement reading as Reference object isn’t supported while creating a measurement document.
You can only create measurement documents for measuring points.
● Measurement document
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
To validate your migrated data, you can use the IMRG table in the transaction SE16N. To get results, you have
to enter the value in the MeasDocument (MDOCM) field.
Business Object Definition Measuring points in the SAP system describe the physical
and/or logical locations at which a condition is described.
In Scope
Supported Features
● Header
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1 Header (mandatory)
For this migration object, the Custom Fields and Logic app is available. If you enhance your business object
with custom fields in the app, these custom fields will automatically be reflected in the XML template of the
corresponding migration object. See SAP Note 2726010 for further details.
Every time you add, change or delete a custom field, the migration project must be updated and a new
migration XML template must be downloaded and used. Thus, if custom fields are added or changed by an
application expert during migration testing, this must be communicated to and coordinated with your data
migration team. Also see the Extensibility section in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud documentation.
In Scope
Out of Scope
1. Documents
2. Location Data - Address
3. Location Data - Production Work Center
4. Location Data - Plant Section
5. Location Data - Current Location
6. Assignment of Task List
7. Breakdown Duration
8. Organizational Data
9. Activities - Quantity
10. Causes - Root Cause
Supported Features
● Notification Header
● Notification Item
● Notification Item Cause
● Notification Item Activity
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Notification Item
2 Notification Activity
2 Notification Task
2 Notification Partner
In Scope
1. EFD-Reinf Files
● EFD-Reinf Files
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1 EFD-Reinf Files
You can use the Run Advanced Compliance Reports – Brazil GL Reporting app to generate the EFD-Reinf Legacy
Files report in order to visualize and maintain data that was migrated to the target system. Find more
information here.
Find more information about SAP Fiori apps in the SAP Fiori apps reference library. This information covers
required business roles and includes links to the respective app documentation.
Find background information on the Escrituração Fiscal Digital de Retenções e Outras Informações Fiscais
(EFD-Reinf) here: EFD-Reinf - Background Information.
To open the EHS - Location hierarchy migration object in the SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit, the
Industrial Hygienist (SAP_BR_INDUSTRIAL_HYGIENIST) or the Environmental Manager
(SAP_BR_EHS_ENV_MGMT) business role must be assigned to the relevant user without any restrictions.
Business Object Definition The location hierarchy represents the structure of locations
and their sublocations.
In Scope
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
To open the EHS - Location migration object in the SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit, the Industrial
Hygienist (SAP_BR_INDUSTRIAL_HYGIENIST) or the Environmental Manager (SAP_BR_EHS_ENV_MGMT)
business role must be assigned to the relevant user without any restrictions.
Business Object Definition An identified real place, virtual space, or object. The location
is a central master data object that can be organized in a hi
erarchy to represent where a location exists spatially or func
tionally in a company. Examples of a location are a plant, a
piece of equipment, or a work area.
In Scope
Out of Scope
1. Environmental Details
2. Documents
Supported Features
● Location Revision
● Location Revision Texts
● Persons Responsible
Level Name
2 Persons Responsible
In Scope
Out of Scope
1. Attachments
Supported Features
Level Name
2 Chemical composition
3 Chemical component
2 Material assignment
2 Bulk assignment
2 Purpose assignment
1. Migrate bulk raw materials using the following data from the migration template:
○ Chemical compliance view
○ Chemical composition
○ Chemical component (substances)
○ Material assignment
○ Purpose assignment
○ Supplier material assignment
2. Migrate packaged products related to the raw materials using the migration template:
○ Chemical compliance view
○ Material assignment
○ Bulk assignment
In Scope
Out of Scope
1. Attachments
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Chemical composition
3 Chemical component
2 Application
2 Material assignment
2 Market coverage
2 Market request
2 Bulk assignment
2 Purpose assignment
1. Migrate bulk product using the following data from the migration template:
○ Chemical compliance view
○ Chemical composition
○ Chemical component (substances or raw materials)
○ Component before and after production
○ Legal deviation and substitute substances
○ Application
○ Material assignment
○ Purpose assignment
○ Market request
○ Market coverage
In Scope
1. L-Stock item
2. N-Non-stock item
3. T-Text item
Out of Scope
1. Sub-items
2. Document assignment
3. Long text
1. R-Variable-size item
2. K-Class item
Supported Features
● BOM Header
● BOM Item
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 BOM Item
A maintenance task list is the generic term for all task lists
that are used in plant maintenance.
Supported Features
Business objects that reference this object must be created within a validity period that matches this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period starting before this object, this will normally cause an error
message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
later error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
● Internal/External number range assignment for Group Counter, with control parameter
CTR_TLIST_E_NUM – you have to decide if it is internal or external during each data load.
● Enter the long text for the Task List Header level in the Long textfield (S_TASKLIST_HDR-TDLINE).
● Enter the long text for the Operations level in the Long text field ( S_OPERATIONS-TDLINE).
Level Name
2 Operations (mandatory)
3 Production Resource/Tools
3 Material Components
3 Maintenance Packages
1.295 PM - Equipment
For this migration object, the Custom Fields and Logic app is available. If you enhance your business object
with custom fields in the app, these custom fields will automatically be reflected in the XML template of the
corresponding migration object. See SAP Note 2726010 for further details.
Every time you add, change or delete a custom field, the migration project must be updated and a new
migration XML template must be downloaded and used. Thus, if custom fields are added or changed by an
application expert during migration testing, this must be communicated to and coordinated with your data
migration team. Also see the Extensibility section in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud documentation.
In Scope
Starting with SAP S/4HANA release 1809, alternative labeling is supported for the Functional Location field in
the equipment structure.
Supported Features
Business objects that reference this object must be created within a validity period that matches this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period starting before this object, this will normally cause an error
message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This avoids
later error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Partners
Warranty Fields
Warranty fields can be displayed from the Fiori app only.
Further Information
SAP Knowledge Base Article 2878950 – Migration Cockpit: Collective KBA for Migration PM-Object
In Scope
● Exchange Rates
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
With this migration object, you perform a legacy data transfer for fixed assets.
Business Object Type Master data and transactional data (asset values)
Business Object Definition A fixed asset is an object, a right, or another item owned by
the enterprise that is intended for long-term use, and can be
identified individually in the balance sheet.
In Scope
Supported Features
● Master Details
● Posting Information
● Time-Dependent Data
● Allocations
● Origin
● Acct Assignment for Investment
● Net Worth Valuation
● Real Estate and Similar Rights
● Leasing
● Depreciation Areas
● Investment Support Key
● Cumulative Values
● Posted Values
● Transactions
● Proportional Values on Transactions
● Local - Time-independent
● Local - Time-dependent
● You can transfer the asset master records for legacy assets.
The legacy asset number is migrated to the Original Asset field on the Origin tab page.
The Origin tab of the migration template must not necessarily be populated by you. The legacy asset
number and subnumber are added automatically to the fields of the asset master by the Migration
For any customerdefined asset class, the Original Asset fields (asset number and subnumber) must be
enabled in order to use the Migration Cockpit.
● You can transfer balances and transactions that have already been posted:
○ With transfers at the end of a fiscal year, the following applies:
The accumulated acquisition cost (APC) and the accumulated depreciation values are transferred.
○ With transfers during the year, the following applies:
The accumulated APC and the accumulated depreciation values are transferred. In addition to this,
you also transfer the transactions starting from the beginning of the fiscal year up to the time of the
transfer date. By default, you also transfer the posted depreciation of the year of transfer up to the
time of the transfer date. But you have the option not to transfer the posted depreciation in the year of
transfer. In this case, you first perform the legacy data transfer (without depreciation values in the year
of transfer), and then you calculate and post the depreciation in the system. In this case, you select the
corresponding checkbox in the Make Company Code Settings app.
When using the SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit, asset balances are updated automatically. No special
transfer for asset reconciliation accounts in G/L is needed.
The transfer of assets under construction (AUC) is not supported. Data for AUC and WBS must be transferred
manually in a consistent manner, and the information must be linked afterwards.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Inventory
2 Time-Dependent Data
2 Allocations
2 Origin
2 Leasing
2 Depreciation Areas
2 Cumulative Values
2 Posted Values
2 Transactions
2 Local - Time-Independent
2 Local - Time-Dependent
● You have made the Customizing settings for the relevant depreciation areas. These settings determine
which data is accepted from the upload file. The upload is only successful if the values are compatible with
the depreciation area settings.
In the XML template, make sure that you enter your historical foreign currency values consistently
in the Cumulated Values and Posted Values worksheets.
● Make sure that all your asset classes are assigned to the correct number range interval before you start
migrating the fixed assets into your system.
● The offsetting account for the legacy data transfer (asset balance sheet account) must be defined in
Customizing for Asset Accounting under Define Offsetting Account for Legacy Data Transfer.
● You’ve created a legacy data transfer segment and for it you’ve specified the transfer date, the document
type, and the legacy data transfer status in Customizing for Asset Accounting under Asset Data Transfer
Parameters for Data Transfer Define Transfer Date and Additional Parameters .
● If you want to perform a transfer during the year, you must enter the Last Period Posted
(FAA_DEPR_PERIOD) field on the Posted Values sheet.
You must specify the last posted depreciation period (from the legacy system) for each asset. The system
requires this information to determine the first period for the depreciation that should be posted in the SAP
Required Activities
We recommend that you perform a pretest in the test system: First, test system settings by performing a
manual legacy data transfer.
You can use the following Customizing activities (transactions) under Asset Accounting Asset Data
Transfer Manual Data Transfer Legacy Fixed Asset .
After this, you prepare the Microsoft Excel template and fill it with sample assets only (for example, one asset
per asset class). After the test, you should ideally clear the data from the test system:
● For asset master data, you can set a deactivation date to prevent the assets from receiving postings in the
● You reverse the transfer postings.
● You check if the system contains any values for assets.
The productive system must not contain data before the data transfer.
In order to ensure that the legacy data transfer was carried out completely, you reconcile the data in the SAP
system with the data in your legacy system. You must reconcile the legacy data transfer and the corresponding
lists for documentation purposes before you release the SAP system for running operations in Asset
Accounting. This is because you may no longer be able to generate the corresponding lists later with only the
values from the legacy data transfer.
When uploading the migration template, the system posts the asset values. We recommend the following: If
incorrect transfer values were posted, you should reverse the journal entry and then enter the transfer values
again. You can only change transfer values by reversing the posted transfer document and making a new
posting. For the asset master data already created, you set a deactivation date and block it from receiving
postings. In the productive system, there should be no data before you start the file upload.
Further Information
Product Assistance
For more information, see the SAP Help Portal. Choose your SAP S/4HANA system, and navigate to Asset
Accounting Legacy Data Transfer .
Further Links
A maintenance task list is the generic term for all task lists
that are used in plant maintenance.
In Scope
Supported Features
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
● Internal/External number range assignment for Group Counter with control parameter CTR_TLIST_T_NUM
– you have to decide if it is internal or external during each data load.
● Enter the long text for the Task List Header level in the Long textfield (S_TASKLIST_HDR-TDLINE).
● Enter the long text for the Operations level in the Long text field ( S_OPERATIONS-TDLINE).
Level Name
2 Operations (mandatory)
3 Production Resource/Tools
3 Material Components
3 Maintenance Packages
In Scope
1. L-Stock item
2. N-Non-stock item
3. T-Text item
Out of Scope
1. Sub-items
2. Document assignment
3. Long Text
1. R-Variable-size item
2. K-Class item
Supported Features
● BOM Header
● BOM Item
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 BOM Item
For this migration object, the Custom Fields and Logic app is available. If you enhance your business object
with custom fields in the app, these custom fields will automatically be reflected in the XML template of the
corresponding migration object. See SAP Note 2726010 for further details.
Every time you add, change or delete a custom field, the migration project must be updated and a new
migration XML template must be downloaded and used. Thus, if custom fields are added or changed by an
application expert during migration testing, this must be communicated to and coordinated with your data
migration team. Also see the Extensibility section in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud documentation.
Business Object Definition An organizational unit in logistics that structures the mainte
nance objects of a company according to functional, proc
ess-oriented, or spatial criteria.
In Scope
Supported Features
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This avoids
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Partners
You can enter an alternative if necessary. Ensure that the structure is kept the same, otherwise the transfer of
data within the functional location structure will be prevented.
In SAP S/4HANA, if the Labeling System for Functional Locations is used, the object will only support installing
superior functional location automatically, so please make sure the Superior Functional Location field is empty
in this case.
Warranty Fields
Warranty fields can be displayed from Fiori app only.
A maintenance task list is the generic term for all task lists
that are used in plant maintenance.
In Scope
Supported Features
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
● The Group and Group Counter must be provided in source file, and joint with task list type to distinguish
different type of task list. For the scenario of one Group with several Group Counters, they must be grouped
logically in the source file.
● With control parameter CTR_TLIST_A_NUM, you have to decide if it is internal or external during each data
● Enter the long text for the Task List Header level in the Long textfield (S_TASKLIST_HDR-TDLINE).
● Enter the long text for the Operations level in the Long text field ( S_OPERATIONS-TDLINE).
Level Name
2 Operations (mandatory)
3 Production Resource/Tools
3 Material Components
3 Maintenance Packages
Business Object Definition G/L account master records contain the data that is always
needed by the General Ledger to determine the account's
function. The G/L account master records control the post
ing of accounting transactions to G/L accounts and the
processing of the posting data.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Account Names
2 Account Keywords
Further Information
SAP Knowledge Base Article 2848568 – Migration Cockpit: Collective KBA for G/L Account Master
Business Object Definition G/L account master records contain the data that is always
needed by the General Ledger to determine the account's
function. The G/L account master records control the post
ing of accounting transactions to G/L accounts and the
processing of the posting data.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Account Keywords
Further Information
SAP Knowledge Base Article 2848568 – Migration Cockpit: Collective KBA for G/L Account Master
This object is restricted and only supports the data migration of the following four currency fields:
For this migration object, the Custom Fields and Logic app is available. If you enhance your business object
with custom fields in the app, these custom fields will automatically be reflected in the XML template of the
corresponding migration object. See SAP Note 2726010 for further details.
Every time you add, change or delete a custom field, the migration project must be updated and a new
migration XML template must be downloaded and used. Thus, if custom fields are added or changed by an
application expert during migration testing, this must be communicated to and coordinated with your data
migration team. Also see the Extensibility section in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud documentation.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Performing postings to the cash account with the migration object FI - G/L account balance and open/
line item (restricted) has no effect on cash journal transactions and will not update the cash journal
opening balance.
Supported Features
● Header
● G/L Account Item
● Currency Item
● Assignment to a Profitability Segment (CO-PA)
● Countryspecific (IT, RU, KR, MX)
Before starting with the initial data transfer, you must define an overall migration key date for each company
code. This migration key date is used for all migration objects, which are posting into financial accounting,
except for the Fixed asset (incl. balances and transactions) [page 889] object.
Use the FINS_MIG_CTRL_1 transaction (Define Settings for Legacy Data Transfer) to maintain these settings:
● Set the Migration Key Date for each required company code
● Set the Legacy Data Transfer Status:
○ In Preparation: migration key date is still unclear (migration of transactional data isn’t possible)
○ Ongoing: required for the initial data transfer (migration of transactional data is possible)
○ Completed: after successful finish of the initial data transfer (migration of transactional data isn’t
Maintain Profit Center Configuration (this setup must be completed before posting any transactions to the
● For automatic document splitting, the default profit center is defined as YB900 in S/4HANA Cloud. If no
profit center is provided via the migration template, the default profit center is chosen automatically.
There are 2 approaches for using the default profit center in an active document split:
1. Create YB900 as profit center master data to use the already defined default profit center.
2. To use your own default profit center, create a new profit center or choose an existing one as your
default profit center. Use the SSC-UI 120100 Edit Constant for Nonassigned Processes to replace
YB900 with your own default profit center.
More information about using the profit center in a document split can be found in the road map
viewer: https://go.support.sap.com/roadmapviewer/#/group//roadmap/IMPS4HANACLDENMGMT/
● In addition, a default profit center can be defined for each company code and G/L account or G/L account
interval. Use the configuration step 102529 Assign Default Profit Center to Accounts to configure this
detailed default profit center assignment to a General Ledger Account. This configuration takes
precedence over the first described configuration for the default profit center YB900.
Please in keep in mind that no documents will be migrated. Only balances and open items will be taken over.
Clear as many of the open items payable, receivables, taxes, and outgoing checks as possible from the
accounts in the source system. By reducing these open items, you’ll reduce the number of variables, resulting
in a lower possibility of error as well as reducing the amount of reconciliation needed to verify the data
Normally, no items or balances from the tax accounts need to be migrated because the balances are usually
zero (for normal VATs) when the migration takes place. We assume that the tax transfer has already been done
and therefore no tax has to be migrated. Exception: Deferred taxes can be migrated with the migration
activities for Open items payable and Open items receivable.
● Enter only one line per document post into the migration file. The offsetting entry will be automatically
generated for the offsetting G/L account.
● The combination of key fields Company Code + Ledger Group + Reference Document Number + Line Item
Number + G/L Account are used for duplicate check. Data records with this combination should be unique
in the migration template. Otherwise, the migration tool will display a duplicate error message. The Line
Item Number will just be used as an additional key field and will not be migrated.
● Please be aware you must fill and save value amounts in the migration file in number and not in string
format. Check the settings for a delimiter.
● For migration, the posting keys will be controlled by the sign in the amount fields. The sign for negative
values should be set at the beginning:
○ A negative value will use posting key 50 (Credit entry) for G/L Account and 40 (Debit entry) for
Offsetting G/L Account
○ A positive value will use posting key 40 (Debit entry) for G/L Account and 50 (Credit entry) for
Offsetting G/L Account
● The initial offsetting (transfer booking) accounts to be used in the Open items and Open balances
migration objects are described in the BH5 test script :
○ 39914000 (Initial FI-AR offset)
○ 39915000 (Initial FI-AP offset)
○ 39916000 (Initial other GL offset)
○ 39917000 (Initial other Open Item GL offset)
Keep the second local/group currency field and related amount empty in the template. In this case, the amount
will be automatically calculated by valid exchange rates in the system.
The exchange rate will be determined using the provided document or posting date. Which date will be used is
defined in the customizing for each company code (in SPRO via Change Foreign Currency Translation).
Two approaches for CO account assignment for an account that is relevant to cost
Provide the required CO account assignment via migration template.
Define in customizing the automatic CO assignment on accounts via tcode OKB9 (Default account assignment).
Please note, if this required CO object isn’t provided via the template, the default CO assignment will be used
automatically for migration.
Level Name
2 Italy Specific
2 Russia Specific
2 Mexico Specific
Further Information
● SAP Knowledge Base Article 2853964 – Migration Cockpit: Collective KBA for G/L Open Item or G/L
Balance or FI AP Open Item or FI AR Open Item
This object is restricted and only supports the data migration of the following four currency fields:
Business Object Definition Historical G/L account balance: The balance of a G/L ac
count is the amount resulting from the difference between
the debit and credit balances of the account.
This object loads the historical balance for general ledger ac
counts without any complex plausibility checks into the uni
versal journal with zero effects. This means that these balan
ces will be reversed automatically on the predefined migra
tion key date in order to have a zero balance. The migrated
historical balances are intended as an approach for report
ing. It is not possible to view the migrated documents them
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
Before starting with the initial data transfer, you must define an overall migration key date for each company
code. This migration key date is used for all migration objects, which are posting into financial accounting,
except for the Fixed asset (incl. balances and transactions) [page 889] object.
Use the FINS_MIG_CTRL_1 transaction (Define Settings for Legacy Data Transfer) to maintain these settings:
● Set the Migration Key Date for each required company code
● Set the Legacy Data Transfer Status:
○ In Preparation: migration key date is still unclear (migration of transactional data is not possible)
○ Ongoing: required for the initial data transfer (migration of transactional data is possible)
○ Completed: after successful finish of the initial data transfer (migration of transactional data is not
Mapping Instructions
● Choose the required migration approach for historical balances in Migration Cockpit via the Import method
for historical balances parameter:
○ Balance Carry Forward (BCF): Posts the initial cumulative balance in the first period provided. The
subsequent movements are provided by the migration template and are posted at the end of each
following period. The cumulative balance is increased or reduced by the amount of the subsequent
movements. The latest cumulative balance is carried from one period to the next if no further
subsequent movements are provided by the migration template. The balance is reverted automatically
in the period of the migration key date, which is predefined via the Define Settings for Legacy Data
Transfer app.
○ Next Period Movement (NPM): Posts each uploaded balance at the end of the posting period and
reverts it in the following period.
Level Name
1 Item (mandatory)
In Scope
Out of Scope
Mapping Instructions
If you’re migrating keys that are within the internal number range, you’ve to manually adjust the Number Range
Status (NRLEVEL) after the migration is finished. The Number Range Status contains the last assigned
number for internal number range intervals.
Level Name
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object. To avoid error
messages and inconsistent data on your database, make sure you check any such time dependencies before
you create or migrate your objects.
2 - Valuation
Level Name
2 Operations (mandatory)
3 Inspection Characteristics
Business Object Definition Description of the quality inspection process for materials in
a plant
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object. To avoid error
messages and inconsistent data on your database, make sure you check any such time dependencies before
you create or migrate your objects.
Mapping Instructions
Flow Variants for Inspection Point Completion. The possible values are:
Blank - Quantity, valuation and confirmation (production)
2 - Valuation
Please enter X if it’s internal, leave the field empty if it’s external.
Level Name
3 Material Assignment
4 Operations
5 Characteristics
Business Object Definition Within this migration object you can assign inspection setup
data to a material.
In Scope
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
● During migration, you can choose via control parameter whether the inspection setup data should be taken
from the source file or if it should be taken from the default which is defined in the system.
Level Name
All the internal order types Y020- Y600 use internal number
In Scope
Out of Scope
● Settlement Rules: The used API can only create new settlement rules. A reuse of existing rules is not
Supported Features
● Master data
● Create new settlement rules
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Business Object Definition A detailed list of all objects in stock at a specific time, result
ing from a physical inventory (stocktaking process).
In Scope
For special stock indicators ‘O’ and ‘V’, the stock can only be posted in Unrestricted use stock.
For Vendor consignment stock, please provide special stock indicator ‘K’ and the vendor.
For Customer consignment stock, please provide special stock indicator ‘W’and the customer.
For Returnable packaging stock, please provide special stock indicator ‘V’ and the customer.
For Parts provided to vendor stock, please provide special stock indicator ‘O’ and the vendor.
For Orders on hand, please provide special stock indicator ‘E’ and the sales order with the corresponding
For Project stock, please provide special stock indicator ‘Q’ and the WBS element
For Materials which are serial managed, please provide for each serial number one item with quantity 1.
Out of Scope
Supported Features
Before starting with the initial data transfer, you must define an overall migration key date for each company
code. This migration key date is used for all migration objects, which are posting into financial accounting,
except for the Fixed asset (incl. balances and transactions) [page 889] object.
● Set the Migration Key Date for each required company code
● Set the Legacy Data Transfer Status:
○ In Preparation: migration key date is still unclear (Migration of transactional data is not possible)
○ Ongoing: required for the initial data transfer (Migration of transactional data is possible)
○ Completed: after successful finish of the initial data transfer (Migration of transactional data is not
● Product [page 1021]: If you don't provide the external amount for the stock load the system will calculate
the value with the material prices defined in the material master in the accounting data. Please ensure in
that case that the price data provided in the material master is accurate.
● Batch unique at material and client level [page 783] (otherwise the system will create the batch
automatically during stock posting).
In the case of single batch valuation you have to migrate the batches with a valid valuation category
assigned before you can post inventory. In this case we do not allow automatic creation of the batch
and the valuation category during inventory posting.
● Supplier [page 1107]/Customer [page 846] (only relevant for special stock: K – vendor consignment , V –
Returnable packaging with customer, and O - Parts provided to vendor)
● WBS element (only relevant for special stock Q - Project stock)
● MM - Purchasing info record with conditions [page 1038] with info category Consignment (only relevant for
vendor consignment stock)
Mapping Instructions
General Information
You can use the Technical Item Number field on the Material Document Item sheet itself to determine the
numbers of items posted according to the unique identifier entered on the Material Document Header sheet.
SAP recommends that you structure the document with a maximum of 1000 records per document.
The Technical Item Number field on the Material Document Item sheet and the Technical Document Number
on the Material Document Header sheet are not mapped to a target field.
Mapping of the Batch Number field on the Material Document Item sheet
You want to post stock for a material that is defined by its valuation category as a material valuated in single
batches. In this case you have to provide a valid batch. The valuation category must be assigned in the batch
● The price and type of price control defined in the accounting data of the material master record
● Whether or not you provide a value for the quantity entered:
For a material valuated at a standard price, the initial entry of inventory data is valuated on the basis of the
standard price. If you provide an alternative value in the External Amount in Local Currency field, the
system posts the difference to a price difference account.
For a material valuated at moving average price, the initial entry of inventory data is valuated as follows:
○ If you enter a value when entering initial data, the quantity entered is valuated at this price. If the
quotient of the value and the quantity of the initial data differs from the moving average price, the
moving average price changes when initial data is entered.
○ If you do not enter a value when entering initial data, the quantity entered is valuated at the moving
average price. In this case, the moving average price does not change.
Level Name
Transaction MB51 with Goods Movement Type 561 Material Doc. List
● SAP Knowledge Base Article 2813720 – SAP S/4HANA Migration cockpit: Collective KBA for migration
object "Material inventory balance"
Business Object Component/Area Joint Venture Accounting for Oil and Gas (CA-JVA)
Business Object Definition Companies in the Oil & Gas industry typically form joint ven
ture partnerships to minimize risks involved in the Oil & Gas
upstream capital-intensive operations that demand a long
payback period. A joint venture partnership consists of an
operating partner (operator) and one or more non-operating
partners who combine monetary or personnel resources to
share a project’s expenses and revenues. The operator man
ages the venture, arranges venture activities, and maintains
accounting records in his or her own financial books. The op
erator remits venture expenses, collects revenues, and dis
tributes these to the partners, according to their ownership
In Scope
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Equity groups
2 General overhead
2 Payroll burden
2 CI penalties
Business Object Component/Area Joint Venture Accounting for Oil and Gas (CA-JVA)
Business Object Definition Companies in the Oil & Gas industry typically form joint ven
ture partnerships to minimize risks involved in the Oil & Gas
upstream capital-intensive operations that demand a long
payback period. A joint venture partnership consists of an
operating partner (operator) and one or more non-operating
partners who combine monetary or personnel resources to
share a project’s expenses and revenues. The operator man
ages the venture, arranges venture activities, and maintains
accounting records in his own financial books. The operator
remits venture expenses, collects revenues, and distributes
these to the partners, according to their ownership shares.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1 Partner (mandatory)
Transaction GJ2B
Business Object Component/Area Joint Venture Accounting for Oil and Gas (CA-JVA)
Business Object Definition If a partner, or equity group or cost object is suspended, cut
back postings are not executed. When you remove the
project, partner, cost object or equity group from suspense,
cutback processes all expenses incurred during suspense.
Suspended partners do not receive an invoice. When part
ners are removed from suspense, they receive an invoice
that includes expenses for the complete period of suspense.
In Scope
Out of Scope
1. Partner
2. Equity group
3. Projects
4. Ventures
5. Orders
The organizational structure and master data of the company must have been created in the system during
activation. The organizational structure reflects the structure of the company.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Business Object Component/Area Joint Venture Accounting for Oil and Gas (CA-JVA)
Business Object Definition If a partner, or equity group or cost object is suspended, cut
back postings are not executed. When you remove the
project, partner, cost object or equity group from suspense,
then cutback processes all expenses incurred during sus
pense. Suspended partners do not receive an invoice. When
partners are removed from suspense, they receive an invoice
that includes expenses for the complete period of suspense.
In Scope
1. Partner
2. Equity group
3. Cost Centers
4. Projects
5. Orders
Supported Features
The organizational structure and master data of the company must have been created in the system during
activation. The organizational structure reflects the structure of the company.
Level Name
Business Object Component/Area Joint Venture Accounting for Oil and Gas (CA-JVA)
Business Object Definition If a partner, or equity group or cost object is suspended, cut
back postings are not executed. When you remove the
project, partner, cost object or equity group from suspense,
then cutback processes all expenses incurred during sus
pense. Suspended partners do not receive an invoice. When
partners are removed from suspense, they receive an invoice
that includes expenses for the complete period of suspense.
1. JV Project in Suspense
Out of Scope
1. Partner
2. Equity group
3. Cost Centers
4. Ventures
5. Orders
Supported Features
● JV Project in Suspense
The organizational structure and master data of the company must have been created in the system during
activation. The organizational structure reflects the structure of the company.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1 JV Project in suspense
Business Object Component/Area Joint Venture Accounting for Oil and Gas (CA-JVA)
In Scope
Supported Features
● Joint Venture
● Joint Venture Description
● Equity Group Assignment
● Equity Group JV Level
● Equity Group JV level - Partner Share
● Equity Group - Cross Company Venture
● Equity Group - Substitute Cost Object
● Equity Group JV Level - Funding Currency
Level Name
Transaction GJVV
Business Object Definition An organizational unit within a controlling area that repre
sents a defined location of cost incurrence.
In Scope
Out of Scope
You can only migrate cost centers if the controlling area that is assigned to the cost center is not configured to
use ALE distribution.
Supported Features
● Main Data
● Basic Data
● Control
● Organizational Units
● Budget Availability Control
● Address
● Communication
● Joint venture
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
later error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
If Vertex determines more than one tax jurisdiction code for a record, the migration of this record will fail. If this
happens, you have to provide a more detailed/accurate address, for example, US Postal codes with 9 digits
instead of 5 digits.
The more detailed and accurate an address, the better the tax jurisdiction code will be determined by Vertex.
For some addresses, Vertex will always provide more than one tax jurisdiction code. In this case, you will have to
maintain this record manually or provide a correct tax jurisdiction code within the template.
If there is a field available in the migration object template to provide the correct tax jurisdiction within the
record, then fill this field with the correct code and start the transfer again with this new file.
Business Object Definition Business object that is used to manage the lifecycle of legal
content as part of a business transaction or a business sce
1. Header Data
2. Entity Data
3. Internal Contact Data
4. External Contact Data
5. Linked Objects Data
6. Renewal and Termination Data
7. Relationship Data
8. Date Data
9. Categories Data
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Header
● Entity
● Internal Contact
● External Contact
● Linked Objects
● Renewal and Termination
● Relationship
● Date
● Categories
Level Name
1 Header (mandatory)
2 Entity
2 Internal Contact
2 External Contact
2 Linked Objects
2 Relationship
2 Date
2 Categories
If Vertex determines more than one tax jurisdiction code for one record, the migration of this record will fail. If
this happens, you will have to provide a more detailed/accurate address, for example, 9 digit US Postal codes
instead of 5 digits.
The more detailed and accurate an address, the better the tax jurisdiction code will be determined by Vertex.
For some addresses, Vertex will always provide more than one tax jurisdiction code. In this case you will have to
maintain this record manually.
If there is a field available in the Migration object template to provide the correct tax jurisdiction within the
record, then fill this field with the correct code and start the transfer again with this new file.
Find more information about SAP Fiori apps in the SAP Fiori apps reference library. This information covers
required business roles and includes links to the respective app documentation.
Further Information
For information regarding the used API see SAP Note 1348099 .
Business Object Definition Condition record for material (that is, product) listing or ex
clusion, which controls what material a customer can or can
not buy. Each condition record stores a condition that ap
plies during listing and exclusion determination in sales
● This migration object supports the condition keys listed in the Supported Key Fields for Listing and
Exclusion Conditions file.
The objects (for example, Product [page 1021] and Customer [page 846]) that map to the key fields in your
condition records must have been maintained or migrated.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
● This migration object supports the condition keys listed in the Supported Key Fields for Listing and
Exclusion Conditions file.
Business Object Definition A unit in a controlling area that classifies the activities per
formed in a cost center.
In Scope
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Indicator
● Output
If you set the TESTRUN flag, the migration will be simulated but no data will be posted to the system.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Business Object Definition A description of the maintenance and inspection tasks re
quired at regular intervals for maintenance objects.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Maintenance Item
Level Name
For this migration object, the Custom Fields and Logic app is available. If you enhance your business object
with custom fields in the app, these custom fields will automatically be reflected in the XML template of the
corresponding migration object. See SAP Note 2726010 for further details.
Every time you add, change or delete a custom field, the migration project must be updated and a new
migration XML template must be downloaded and used. Thus, if custom fields are added or changed by an
application expert during migration testing, this must be communicated to and coordinated with your data
migration team. Also see the Extensibility section in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud documentation.
In Scope
Out of Scope
1. Multi-Counter plans
2. Cycle information for strategy plans:
This is taken from the Maintenance Strategy object.
3. Data transfer for settlement rule of maintenance plan item
4. Data transfer for object list item of maintenance plan item
5. Data transfer for individual accounting and location data:
This is taken from the Reference object, where it exists.
Supported Features
● Maintenance Plan
● Maintenance Item
Mapping Instructions
● During migration, you can choose between internal and external number assignment for the maintenance
plan. The Maintenance Item Number will be generated by the system during creation.
● The difference between a single cycle plan and a strategy plan is made via the STRAT field (blank or filled).
Level Name
A prerequisite for this object (previously named Material commodity code) to be visible is that either the
Intrastat Processing (BDT) or the SAP Global Trade Services Integration - Primary Master Data (1WA) scope
item is activated. Refer to the Set-up instructions on SAP Best Practices Explorer for BDT and/or 1WA
to activate the respective scope item.
Business Object Definition You can classify products by commodity code, an official key
as defined in the European Communities' harmonized sys
tem for describing and coding commodities. Commodity co
des are used in the Intrastat declaration and are relevant to
EU foreign trade statistics.
In Scope
● To migrate material consumptions, please use the new Product consumption [page 1013] migration
Business Object Definition A quantity usually updated by the system when a material is
withdrawn from the warehouse or stores, indicating how
much of the material has been used or consumed over a par
ticular past period.
In Scope
Supported Features
● Forecast values
Only values that correspond to the current validity period of the product are taken into account. Values that
are not in the validity period will be ignored.
Mapping Instructions
You can migrate several organization levels for a specific material with one migration template belonging to a
specific project.
This migration object is deprecated. Until its final removal, it is solely available for compatibility reasons.
A company manages the data for all its materials in the ma
terial master.
With this migration object, you can extend existing materials by new organizational levels (for example,
plant, sales organization, or storage location).
A material view, such as Accounting or Costing, contains fields of different organizational levels (for
example, basic, plant, or accounting data). Therefore, we do not recommended enhancing a material by a
different material view.
The valuation data is a prerequisite for loading the stocks with the Material inventory balance [page
928] migration object, because the system will calculate the values of the stock posting with the price
data provided in the material master (only relevant if you do not use the external amount field during
the migration of inventory balances).
6. Sales data
7. Descriptions data
8. Units of measure data
In this view, you can maintain alternative units of measure.
9. Tax classifications
In this view, you can maintain the tax data (from Sales Org Data 1) and the tax indicator for material
For tax data, (Sales) please provide the country, tax category, and tax classification. If you have more than
one tax category for a country, please use theTax category 2/Tax classification 2 fields. Further on, use the
Tax classification sheet to provide the additional tax data.
For the tax indicator for material (Purchasing), please enter the value in the Tax indicator for material field
on the Tax classification sheet for the country relating to your plant.
10. Warehouse number data
11. Storage type data
12. Production Resource Tool (PRT) fields in the Material Master
13. Data transfer for forecast values
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Plant Data
● Storage Location Data
● Accounting Data
● Sales Data
● Description Data
● Unit of Measure Data
● Tax Classification Data
● Warehouse Number Data
● Storage Type Data
● Production Resource Tool (PRT)
● Forecast Parameters
Mapping Instructions
Basic Data
On the Basic Data sheet, we only offer fields that might become relevant when you migrate a new
organizational unit. This can be the case, for example, when you migrate a new plant including purchasing
relevant data (such as the purchasing group). In this case, it might also become necessary to fill in the Order
Unit field on the Basic Data sheet.
If a field already has a value in the related material master, you cannot add a value in the corresponding
field on the Basic Data sheet. You are not allowed to change existing values on the material master. Instead,
you can use the Manage Mass Maintenance - Products app. For more information, refer to the online
documentation of the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products app.
If you want to migrate a new plant that is batch managed for a material that is currently not defined for batch
management on material level, you have to set the Batch management requirement indicator on the Basic Data
sheet and the Batch management requirement indicator on the Plant Data sheet.
If you want to migrate a new storage location to an already existing plant, please provide only the key fields on
the Plant Data sheet and leave all the other fields blank. You are not allowed to change existing values for an
existing plant. If you provide other values on the Plant Data sheet, an error message is displayed.
If you set the material status while loading the materials after the initial data migration, please be aware that
the status settings may mean that posting follow-on migration objects leads to an error.
For example, in the SAP standard delivery, material status 01 is configured in such a way that an error message
is triggered while posting the inventory. Consider that when you assign the status, the use of the material can
be restricted. Depending on the status, the system issues either a warning message or an error message for
follow-on postings. Therefore, we recommend that you consider this field carefully so that you do not run into
follow-on problems during the data migration process. You can set the content of these fields after the initial
data migration using the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products app.
The Master Data Specialist for Product Data business role (SAP_BR_PRODMASTER_SPECIALIST) provides you
with several tiles to manage and start the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products app. You can open the app
from the SAP Fiori launchpad. You can import a file with changed data (supported formats are Comma-
Separated Values (CSV) and Microsoft Office Open XML spreadsheet (XLSX)). You have to provide the
following details:
For more information, refer to the online documentation of the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products app.
Single batch valuation enables you to valuate stocks of material for each batch in a different way. You can use it
if you want to keep the price and value of each individual batch in inventory management on a value basis.
To work with valuation for a single batch, you must choose valuation category X - for Automat. Batch. Please
provide this on the Accounting Data sheet in the Valuation Category field.
You need to manage the material itself in batches. Therefore, you have to provide the Batch management
requirement indicator on the Basic Data sheet.
If you use the single batch valuation for your material, you have to define a valuation header record with
specified valuation category X, an initial valuation type, and a dependent record for each valuation type (one
valuation type for each batch) with its own price information.
For the valuation header record, only price control 'V' - moving average price is possible. For the
dependent records of each valuation type, you can choose between moving average price or standard
Split Valuation
Split valuation enables you to valuate stocks of material in the same valuation area in different ways. If you use
split valuation for your material, you have to define a valuation header record with a specified valuation
category, initial valuation type, and a dependent record for each valuation type.
For example:
Level Name
2 Plant Data
3 Forecast Parameters
2 Accounting Data
2 Sales Data
2 Material Descriptions
2 Tax Classification
1. The system detects automatically the maintenance status of the fields that are used. In our example, the
Purchasing Group is available for the Purchasing view E and the MRP view D. The maintenance status will
therefore be DE for this field. This procedure is followed for all mapped fields, after which a combined
maintenance status of all fields will be available, for example: BELV.
2. To define the views to be created, you use the Maintenance Status Settings sheet of your migration object
template. In the Material Views field, you define a name for your view definition. For example, you enter
PLANT_HAWA to define the maintenance status of the plantspecific data for materials of this type that you
want to extend. For each view that you want to create, you must enter x in the specific Material Views
column of that sheet, for example: PLANT_HAWA
○ Sales Data = X
○ Purchasing Data = X
○ MRP Data = X
○ Storage Data =X
○ Accounting Data = X
You enter PLANT_HAWA in the Material Views field on the Plant Data sheet for all trading goods materials of
type HAWA that you want to extend. You always have to provide values for both fields. As a result, only the
selected views are created for these materials.
If you maintain the status using method 2, only the selected views will be created.
For example: You maintain the status for Sales Data (V) but not for Accounting Data (B). You maintain
values for fields on the Accounting Data sheet. As a result, the status for the Accounting view will not be set.
Additional examples:
● If you want to create a material with a specific Purchasing Group, the system will determine the
Purchasing view and the MRP view to be filled. However, you do not want to maintain the fields in the
MRP view.
Solution: In this case, you also have to provide values for mandatory fields like Availability Check and
MRP Type in the MRP view. To avoid this, choose method 2 and select only the Purchasing view as the
view to be created.
● You want to have the Storage Location view created automatically for a material and its storage location
by migrating its inventory stock.
Solution: You need to set the maintenance status explicitly for the Storage Location (L) on the Plant
Data level (also refer to SAP Note 62913 ).
Follow-On Activities
You can use the Material - extend existing record with long text [page 971] migration object to migrate
material-related long texts.
You can use the Material - Forecast planning [page 961] migration object to migrate material consumptions and
forecast values (only supported for on premise).
Business Object Definition You can use this migration object to classify products for le
gal control. This includes the assignment of control classes
and control groupings as well as the setting of the control
Out of Scope
It is not possible to maintain the validity start and validity end of the product classification. The validity is
derived from the control class.
Supported Features
● Legal Regulation
● Control Classes (if used in the template)
● Control Groupings (if used in the template)
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Find more information about SAP Fiori apps in the SAP Fiori apps reference library. This information covers
required business roles and includes links to the respective app documentation.
Further Information
International Trade
In Scope
Supported Features
On the Product sheet, you find an additional key field, RUN ID. This field is a counter that you can use to execute
several enhancements for the same instance. You cannot import the same source record more than once in the
same project. The RUN ID field is an additional key field to which you can import the same product more than
For example, in the first import product "A" with a new product long text or sales long text, and in the second
step the same product "A" with another product long text or sales long text.
You can distinguish the enhancements for the same instance by the different run IDs. In this scenario, you must
ensure that the migration for one run ID has been completed before uploading data with another run ID for the
same instance.
Level Name
1 Material (mandatory)
Business Object Definition The material master record of a material variant is linked to
the configurable material and configured using the charac
teristics of the configurable material. This variant of the con
figurable material can then be manufactured and kept in
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Characteristic Valuation
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Characteristic Valuation
Not available.
Business Object Definition Material determination enables you to carry out the follow
ing tasks during sales order processing:
In Scope
Supported Features
● General Data
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
For more information, see the field description in the template file.
This migration object is deprecated. Until its final removal, it is solely available for compatibility reasons.
The valuation data is a prerequisite for loading the stocks with the Material inventory balance [page
928] migration object. This is because the system calculates the values of the stock posting with the
price data provided in the material master (only relevant if you don't use the external amount field
during migration of the inventory balances).
In the case of Single Batch Valuation, please follow the mapping instructions provided.
7. Sales Data
8. Description Data
In this view, you can maintain additional descriptions (for languages other than those provided on the Basic
Data sheet).
9. Units of Measure Data
In this view, you can enter Alternative Units of Measure (provide only the Base Unit of Measure on the Basic
Data sheet).
10. Tax Classifications
In this view, you can maintain the Tax data (from Sales Org Data 1) and the Tax indicator for material
For Tax Data (Sales), provide the country, the tax category, and the tax classification. If you have more than
one tax category for a country, use the Tax category 2/Tax classification 2 fields and, further on, the Tax
classification sheet to provide the additional tax data.
For Tax indicator for material (Purchasing), enter the value in the Tax indicator for material field on the Tax
classification sheet for the country relating to your plant.
11. Maintenance Status Settings (maintain the views for your materials).
For more details, see the Maintenance Status Settings section under Mapping Instructions below.
12. Warehouse Number Data
13. Storage Type Data
14. Production Resource Tool (PRT) Fields in the Material Master
15. Data Transfer for Forecast Values
16. Data for Quality Management
Out of Scope
Data migration doesn’t trigger the replication or the communication arrangement of the product master via
Data Replication (DRF). Nevertheless, you can replicate your product master after all product master
records have been migrated. This can be done with the following apps:
● Use the Replicate by Object Selection app to specify the product numbers to be replicated and execute
the replication.
● Use the Replicate by Replication Model app if many product numbers need to be replicated with the
respective filter criteria, if needed.
For details about the apps, check the related SAP S/4HANA Cloud product assistance on SAP Help Portal:
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Plant Data
● Storage Location Data
● Accounting Data
● Sales Data
● Description Data
● Unit of Measure Data
● Tax Classification Data
● Warehouse Number Data
● Storage Type Data
● Production Resource Tool (PRT)
Mapping Instructions
● Be aware of the defined length set for the material number in the system. Do not convert a material
number to a new number that is longer than the set defined length.
● If the Material ID is to be used for integration with external systems, it can be switched on during migration.
In this connection, you must also maintain the Business System ID of your source system (to be used for
integration) in the Convert Values step. This is to ensure that the key mapping will be added to the central
key mapping store of the SAP S/4HANA system.
If you want to set the indicator material as configurable for materials with other material types assigned (not
KMAT), you have to enter this indicator on the Basic Data sheet in the Material is configurable field.
If your material is managed in batches, on the Basic Data sheet of the migration template, under Multiple View
Data, set the Batch management requirement indicator. If you fill out this field, the system will set the Batch
management requirement indicator automatically for all plants defined on the Plant Data sheet for this material.
This is applicable for all plants that are not flagged with the Batch management not active by default indicator in
the SSCUI.
The Master Data Specialist for Product Data business role (SAP_BR_PRODMASTER_SPECIALIST) provides you
with several tiles to manage and start the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products app. The app can be launched
from the SAP Fiori launchpad. You can import a file with changed data (supported formats are Comma-
Separated Values (CSV) and Office Open XML spreadsheet (XLSX). You have to provide the following details:
For further information, refer to the online documentation of the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products
To work with valuation for a single batch, you must choose valuation category X - for Automat. Batch. Provide
this on the Accounting Data sheet in the Valuation Category field.
The material itself needs to be managed in batches. Therefore, you have to provide the Batch management
requirement indicator on the Basic Data sheet.
If you use the single batch valuation for your material, you have to enter the valuation records as follows:
● You have to define a valuation header record with specified valuation category X, and an initial valuation
type, and a dependent record for each valuation type (one valuation type for each batch) with the
respective price information.
For example:
For the valuation header record, only price control V - moving average price is possible. For the dependent
records for each valuation type, you can choose between moving average price or standard price.
Define a valuation header record with a specified valuation category and an initial valuation type as well as a
dependent record for each valuation type.
For example:
Level Name
2 Plant Data
3 Forecast Parameters
2 Accounting Data
2 Sales Data
2 Material Descriptions
2 Additional EANs
2 Tax Classification
● Basic Data
You always have to provide the material maintenance status. We do not support an automatic maintenance
status determination.
There are two different procedures to define the maintenance status that should be available for a specific
1. You can define the views to be created by using the Maintenance Status Settings sheet/tab of your
migration object template.
○ Here, you define a name for your view definition in the Material Views field. For example:
○ BASIC_HAWA to define the overall maintenance status for material of the trading goods type
(Handelsware, HAWA) and
○ PLANT1_HAWA to define the maintenance status for the plantspecific data for materials of that
type (for plant PLANT1).
○ PLANT2_HAWA to define the maintenance status for the plantspecific data for materials of that
type (for plant PLANT2).
○ For each view you want to create, you must enter X in the specific Material Views column of that sheet/
○ For example: BASIC_HAWA
○ Basic Data = X
○ Sales Data = X
○ Purchasing Data = X
○ MRP Data = X
○ Storage Data = X
○ Accounting Data = X
○ For example: PLANT1_HAWA
○ Sales Data = X
○ Accounting Data = X
○ For example: PLANT2_HAWA
○ Purchasing Data = X
○ MRP Data = X
○ Storage Data = X
○ Accounting Data = X
○ Then you fill the Material Views field on the Basic Data sheet/tab with BASIC_HAWA for all trading
goods materials of type HAWA. You also fill the Material Views field on the Plant Data sheet/tab with
PLANT1_HAWA for all trading goods materials of type HAWA for plant PLANT1, and with
PLANT2_HAWA for plant PLANT2. You must always provide values for both fields. As a result, only the
selected views are created for these materials.
2. If you are familiar with maintenance status and the specific letters, or if the data source is an extract of a
prior SAP ERP system, you can fill the following fields directly with the respective data from the
Maintenance Status field (PSTAT) of the SAP ERP source table. In this case, it is not necessary to maintain
both the Maintenance Status Settings sheet/tab and the Material Views source field.
○ Material Maintenance Status field on the Basic Data sheet/tab.
○ Plant Maintenance Status on the Plant Data sheet/tab.
○ Possible values and combinations of these:
○ A = Work Scheduling;
○ B = Accounting;
More details on the maintenance status can be found in SAP Note 2145027 .
If you maintain the status using method 1 or 2, only the selected views will be created.
For example: You maintain the status for Basic Data (K) and Sales Data (V), but not for Accounting Data (B).
You maintain values for fields on the Accounting Data sheet/tab. As a result, the status for the Accounting
view will not be set.
Additional examples:
● If you want to create a material with a specific Purchasing Group, the system will determine the Purchasing
view and the MRP view to be filled. However, you do not want to maintain the fields in the MRP view.
Solution: In this case, you also have to provide values for some mandatory fields like Availability Check and
MRP Type on the MRP view. To avoid this, choose procedure 2 or 3, and select only the Purchasing view as a
view to be created.
● You want to have the Storage Location view created automatically for a material and its storage location by
migrating its inventory stock.
Solution: You need to set the maintenance status explicitly for the Storage Location (L) on the Plant Data
level (see also SAP Note 62913 ).
Follow-On Activities
You can use the Material - extend existing record with long text [page 971] migration object to migrate material-
related long texts.
You can use the Material - Forecast planning [page 961] migration object to migrate material consumptions and
forecast values (only supported for on-premise solution).
You can use the Product classification - Commodity code [page 960] migration object to migrate product
classification with commodity code.
Further Information
● SAP Knowledge Base Article 2811788 – SAP S/4HANA Migration cockpit: Collective KBA for migration
object Material
1.332 Xceptional case -Mat price chng for global curr (deprecated)
This migration object isn’t available anymore as of release SAP S/4HANA 2020.
Be aware that the following documentation for this migration object only reflects the status of release SAP
S/4HANA 1909.
To migrate material ledger prices, use the Product [page 1021] migration object. For mass changes, use the
Upload Material Inventory Prices app.
Business Object Definition During migration of material master, the system creates the
accounting data (prices and values) for the company code
currency. For other deviant currencies (for example, group
currency) the system converts the currency using the cur
rent exchange rate defined in the system. If this isn’t the
original price, you can use this migration object to change
the price for the other deviant currencies.
The system will post a price change document and, if
stock of the material exists, a revaluation posting will be
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Material
● Valuation Area
● Valuation Type
● Price Data
● Prices
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Business Object Definition Memo Record is used by cash manager to log the expected
outgoing and incoming payments that are not logged into
the SAP system via various postings.
In Scope
Supported Features
If the source symbol for planning level is BNK (Bank Accounting) for example if planning level is AB, then in that
case Bank account should be existing in the system before creating memo record.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
This migration object only supports the condition types and key combinations mentioned in the Supported
Combinations of Key Fields for Price Conditions file. For other condition types and key combinations,
please use the Condition record for pricing (general template) [page 824] migration object.
You can use this migration object only for migration in the context of SAP Best Practices.
Business Object Definition The term pricing is used broadly to describe the calculation
of prices (for external use by customers or vendors). Condi
tions represent a set of circumstances that apply when a
price is calculated.
Out of Scope
1. Sales conditions (see migration object Condition record for pricing in sales (restricted) [page 1057])
Supported Features
● This migration object supports only the condition types and key combinations mentioned in the Supported
Combinations of Key Fields for Price Conditions file.
● For other key combinations, you must use the Condition record for pricing (general template) [page 824]
migration object.
● This migration object is used to migrate pricing conditions. If you want to migrate purchasing info records
with conditions, use the MM - Purchasing info record with conditions [page 1038] migration object.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Scales
For more information about how to fill the condition types and key combinations, see the Supported
Combinations of Key Fields for Price Conditions file.
Further Information
● This migration object supports only the condition types and key combinations mentioned in the Supported
Combinations of Key Fields for Price Conditions file. For other condition types and key combinations,
please use the Condition record for pricing (general template) [page 824] migration object.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● General Data
● Characteristic Control Indicators
● Assign Inspection Methods
● Assign Inspection Catalogs
● Long Texts
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This avoids
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
The migration object only supports the data migration of keys using the external number range. The key you
want to migrate must be from an external number range.
If you’re migrating keys that are within the internal number range, you have to manually adjust the Number
Range Status (NRLEVEL) after the migration is finished. The Number Range Status contains the last assigned
number for the internal number range intervals.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
For each master inspection characteristic, there may be several languages here, but for each language, there’s
only one text line in the source file.
The object separates the text line into several lines automatically into the long texts for each language.
Business Object Definition Customer Master enables you to manage Customer Data
and receive Just-In-Time requests from these customers.
In Scope
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Destinations
● External Status Mapping
● Additional Reference text
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Destinations
Business Object Definition The package specification enables you to create a package
definition based on which package units can be created for
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Slot Group
Follow-On Activities
Business Object Definition Supply controls enable you to control the business process
ing of JIT calls received from customers.
In Scope
● Basic Data
● Tolerance
● Supply Control Description
● Offset
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Tolerance
2 Offset
This object is restricted and only supports the data migration of the following four currency fields:
For this migration object, the Custom Fields and Logic app is available. If you enhance your business object
with custom fields in the app, these custom fields will automatically be reflected in the XML template of the
corresponding migration object. See SAP Note 2726010 for further details.
Every time you add, change or delete a custom field, the migration project must be updated and a new
migration XML template must be downloaded and used. Thus, if custom fields are added or changed by an
application expert during migration testing, this must be communicated to and coordinated with your data
migration team. Also see the Extensibility section in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud documentation.
In Scope
1. Restricted migration of deferred taxes: only invoices, debit memos, and credit memos are supported
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Header
● G/L Account Item
● Supplier Item
● One-Time Account Data
● Tax Item (only for deferred tax)
● Withholding Tax Item
● Currency Item
● Countryspecific (IT, RU, KR, MX, SK)
Before starting with the initial data transfer, you must define an overall migration key date for each company
code. This migration key date is used for all migration objects, which are posting into financial accounting,
except for the Fixed asset (incl. balances and transactions) [page 889] object.
Use the FINS_MIG_CTRL_1 transaction (Define Settings for Legacy Data Transfer) to maintain these settings:
● Set the Migration Key Date for each required company code
● Set the Legacy Data Transfer Status:
○ In Preparation: The migration key date is still unclear. Migration of transactional data isn’t possible.
○ Ongoing: Required for the initial data transfer. Migration of transactional data is possible.
○ Completed: After finishing the initial data transfer, migration of transactional data isn’t possible.
Maintain Profit Center Configuration (this setup must be completed before posting any transactions to the
For automatic document splitting, the default profit center is defined as YB900 in S/4HANA Cloud. If no profit
center is provided via migration template, the default profit center is chosen automatically.
1. Create YB900 as profit center master data to use the already defined default profit center
2. To use your own default profit center, create a new profit center or choose an existing one as your default
profit center. Use the SSC-UI 120100 Edit Constant for Nonassigned Processes to replace YB900 with
your own default profit center.
This is the recommended approach for the initial migration of financial data:
Please remember that no documents will be migrated. Only balances and open items are taken over.
Clear as many of the open items payable, receivables, taxes, and outgoing checks as possible from the
accounts in the source system. By reducing these open items, you reduce the number of variables. This means
a lower chance of errors as well as reducing the amount of reconciliation needed to verify the data migration.
No items and balances need to be migrated from tax accounts because its usually zero (for normal VATs) when
the migration takes place. We assume that the tax transfer has already taken place. Therefore, no tax has to be
Mapping Instructions
● Enter only one line per document post in the migration file. The offsetting entry is generated automatically
for the offsetting G/L account.
● The combination of the key fields Company Code + Reference Document Number + Line Item Number +
Supplier Number are used to check for duplicates. Data records with this combination should be unique in
the migration template. Otherwise, the migration tool displays a duplicate error message. The Line Item
Number is used as an additional key field and isn’t migrated.
● Please make sure to fill and save the value amounts in the migration file as numbers and not in a string
format. Check the settings for a delimiter.
For migration, the posting keys are always derived based on the account type and on the special G/L
indicator that is submitted in the line item. Additionally, the posting keys are controlled by the sign in the
amount fields. The sign for negative values should be set at the beginning:
○ A negative value uses posting key 31 (Invoice) for supplier and 40 (Debit entry) for Offsetting G/L
Account (only without special G/L indicator).
○ A positive value uses posting key 21 (Credit memo) for supplier and 50 (Credit entry) for Offsetting
G/L Accounts (only without the special G/L indicator).
During the migration of credit memo line items, the Invoice Reference field is automatically set to
'V' by the BAPI. This is hard-coded and can’t be changed.
● The initial offsetting (transfer booking) accounts to be used in the open items and open balances migration
objects are described in the BH5 test script :
○ 39914000 (Initial FI-AR offset)
○ 39915000 (Initial FI-AP offset)
○ 39916000 (Initial other G/L offset)
○ 39917000 (Initial other Open Item G/L offset)
To migrate data for one-time account customers/supplier (CPD), you need to maintain the data for this one-
time account in the sheet/table One-Time Account Data.
Deferred Tax
For posting of an invoice with deferred taxes, you need to provide a tax account, tax code, tax amount, and a tax
base amount via the migration template.
The sign of the tax amounts and tax base amounts must be opposite to the amounts of the customer item. Tax
amounts and tax base amounts must have the same sign. It's important that the sign doesn't differ.
If there is at least one deferred tax code in an invoice, then full tax information including nondeferred taxes
should be provided in the migration template. This is necessary for a correct proportion calculation.
Provide all relevant currencies and related amounts via the template. In doing this, the provided values are
adopted from the template regardless of the existing exchange rates in the system.
In the template, keep the second local/group currency field and the related amount empty. In this case, the
amount is automatically calculated by valid exchange rates in the system.
The exchange rate is determined using the provided document or posting date. That date that is used is
defined in Customizing for each company code (in SPRO via Change Foreign Currency Translation).
If a default payment block is assigned to a payment term, then the open item is blocked accordingly. This also
happens if the value for a payment block isn’t provided via the template. Use a payment term without a default
payment block to avoid an automatic payment block for the migrated open item.
To use this field, you need to predefine this Customizing activity: Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable
and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Posting with Alternative Reconciliation Account Define
Alternative Reconciliation Accounts .
Level Name
2 Italy Specific
2 Russia Specific
2 Mexico Specific
2 Slovakia Specific
Follow-On Activities
The total balance of all migration clearing accounts used for the offsetting postings must be zero.
To ensure this, the offsetting amounts for the migration clearing accounts must be balanced with the initial G/L
offsetting account for data migration. This can be done with the FI - G/L account balance and open/line item
(restricted) [page 909] migration object.
Further Information
● SAP Knowledge Base Article 2853964 – Migration Cockpit: Collective KBA for G/L Open Item or G/L
Balance or FI AP Open Item or FI AR Open Item
This object is restricted and only supports the data migration of the following four currency fields:
For this migration object, the Custom Fields and Logic app is available. If you enhance your business object
with custom fields in the app, these custom fields will automatically be reflected in the XML template of the
corresponding migration object. See SAP Note 2726010 for further details.
Every time you add, change or delete a custom field, the migration project must be updated and a new
migration XML template must be downloaded and used. Thus, if custom fields are added or changed by an
application expert during migration testing, this must be communicated to and coordinated with your data
migration team. Also see the Extensibility section in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud documentation.
Business Object Definition Open items are items that aren’t yet cleared.
In Scope
1. Restricted migration of deferred taxes: only invoices, debit memos, and credit memos are supported.
Out of Scope
● Header
● G/L Account Item
● Customer Item
● One-Time Account Data
● Deferred Tax Item (only deferred taxes allowed)
● Withholding Tax Item
● Currency Item
● Countryspecific (IT, RU, KR, MX, SK)
Before starting with the initial data transfer, you must define an overall migration key date for each company
code. This migration key date is used for all migration objects, which are posting into financial accounting,
except for the Fixed asset (incl. balances and transactions) [page 889] object.
Use the FINS_MIG_CTRL_1 transaction (Define Settings for Legacy Data Transfer) to maintain these settings:
● Set the Migration Key Date for each required company code
● Set the Legacy Data Transfer Status:
○ In Preparation: Migration key date is still unclear (Migration of transactional data isn’t possible)
○ Ongoing: Required for the initial data transfer (Migration of transactional data is possible)
○ Completed: After finishing the initial data transfer, migration of transactional data isn’t possible.
Maintain Profit Center Configuration (this setup must be completed before posting any transactions to the
For automatic document splitting, the default profit center is defined as YB900 in S/4HANA Cloud. If no profit
center is provided via migration template, the default profit center is chosen automatically.
1. Create YB900 as profit center master data to use the already defined default profit center.
2. To use your own default profit center, create a new profit center or choose an existing one as your default
profit center. Use the SSC-UI 120100 Edit Constant for Nonassigned Processes to replace 'YB900' with
your own default profit center.
Please keep in mind that no documents will be migrated. Only balances and open items are taken over.
Clear as many of the open items payable, receivables, taxes, and outgoing checks as possible from the
accounts in the source system. By reducing these open items, you’ll reduce the number of variables resulting in
a lower possibility of error as well as reducing the amount of reconciliation needed to verify the data migration.
No items and balances need to be migrated from the tax accounts because they’re usually at balance zero (for
normal VATs) when the migration takes place. We assume that the tax transfer has already taken place.
Therefore, no tax has to be migrated. Exception: Deferred taxes can be migrated with the migration activities
for open items payable and open items receivable.
Mapping Instructions
● Enter only one line per document post in the migration file. The offsetting entry is generated automatically
for the offsetting G/L account.
● The combination of key fields Company Code + Reference Document Number + Line Item Number +
Customer Number is used to check for duplicates. Data records with this combination should be unique in
the migration template. Otherwise, the migration tool displays a duplicate error message. The Line Item
Number is used as an additional key field and isn’t migrated.
● Make sure you fill in and save the value amounts in the migration file as numbers and not as strings. Check
the settings for a delimiter.
For migration, the posting keys are always derived based on the account type and on the special G/L
indicator that is submitted in the line item. Additionally, the posting keys are controlled by the sign in the
amount fields. The sign for negative values should be set at the beginning:
○ A negative value uses posting key 11 (Credit memo) for customer and 40 (Debit entry) for Offsetting
G/L Account (only without special GL indicator).
○ A positive value uses posting key 01 (Invoice) for customer and 50 (Credit entry) for Offsetting G/L
Account (only without the special G/L indicator).
During migration of a credit memo line item, the Invoice Reference field is set to 'V' automatically
by the BAPI. This is hard-coded and can’t be changed.
● The initial offsetting (transfer booking) accounts to be used in the open items and open balances migration
objects are described in the BH5 test script :
○ 39914000 (Initial FI-AR offset)
○ 39915000 (Initial FI-AP offset)
To migrate data for one-time account customers (CPD), you need to maintain the data for this one-time
account in the sheet/table One-Time Account Data.
Deferred Tax
To post an invoice with deferred taxes it’s necessary to provide a tax account, tax code, tax amount, and a tax
base amount via the migration template.
The sign of the tax amounts and tax base amounts must be opposite to the amounts of the customer item. Tax
amounts and tax base amounts must have the same sign. It's important that the sign doesn't differ.
If there is at least one deferred tax code in an invoice, then full tax information—including nondeferred taxes—
should be provided in the migration template. This is necessary for a correct proportion calculation.
In the template, keep the second local/group currency field and the related amount empty. The amount is
automatically calculated by valid exchange rates in system.
The exchange rate is determined using the provided document or posting date. The date that is used is defined
in Customizing for each company code (in SPRO via Change Foreign Currency Translation).
To use this field, the following IMG activity must be predefined: Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable
and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Posting with Alternative Reconciliation Account Define
Alternative Reconciliation Accounts .
Level Name
2 Italy Specific
2 Russia Specific
2 Mexico Specific
2 Slovakia Specific
Follow-On Activities
The total balance of all migration clearing accounts used for the offsetting postings must be zero.
To ensure this, the offsetting amounts for the migration clearing accounts must be balanced with the initial G/L
offsetting account for data migration. This can be done with the FI - G/L account balance and open/line item
(restricted) [page 909] migration object.
Further Information
● SAP Knowledge Base Article 2853964 – Migration Cockpit: Collective KBA for G/L Open Item or G/L
Balance or FI AP Open Item or FI AR Open Item
In Scope
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Indicator
● Address Data
● Communication
● Company Codes
● Profit Center
● Controlling Area
● Valid from Date
● Valid to Date
● Profit Center Text
● Person Responsible
● Profit Center Group
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
The LANGU field shows the language in which text is saved. The Profit Center name and description will be
saved according to the entry in the LANGU field. If the field is not completed, the text will be saved in the user
logon language as the default language. A profit center with a description in a different language is not
If Vertex is activated (especially on US installations) the tax jurisdiction code will be determined by the address.
If Vertex determines more than one tax jurisdiction code for a record, the migration of this record will fail. If this
happens, you have to provide a more detailed/accurate address, for example, US Postal codes with 9 digits
instead of 5 digits.
The more detailed and accurate an address, the better the tax jurisdiction code will be determined by Vertex.
For some addresses, Vertex will always provide more than one tax jurisdiction code. In this case, you will have to
maintain this record manually or provide a correct tax jurisdiction code within the template.
If there is a field available in the migration object template to provide the correct tax jurisdiction within the
record, then fill this field with the correct code and start the transfer again with this new file.
Hierarchy area
Profit center groups entered in the KHINR- Profit center group field must be assigned to the standard hierarchy.
If this is not the case you will get the error message Profit Center Group cannot be used.
You can migrate several organization levels for a specific material with one migration template of a specific
project. If you have already migrated material consumptions (organization level view) and you want to
extend those materials by additional consumptions for the same plant but different periods, please create a
new project and use a new template. Additionally, follow the steps in the section Mapping Instructions to
load this data.
Business Object Definition A quantity usually updated by the system when a material is
withdrawn from the warehouse or stores, indicating how
much of the material has been used or consumed over a par
ticular past period.
Supported Features
● Material
● Total Consumptions
● Unplanned Consumptions
Mapping Instructions
● If the product is fresh, you can maintain the consumption value in the Consumption value field.
● If the product already has a consumption value, you have to use the Corrected consumption value field to
update the consumption value.
● The Ratio corr val to orig val field is always generated automatically.
A company manages the data for all its products in the prod
uct master.
In Scope
With this migration object, you can extend an existing product by new organizational levels (for example
plants, valuation areas, distribution chains, or storage locations). An update or enhancement of existing
organizational levels isn’t supported.
You can also maintain new descriptions, new units of measure and new GTINs.
The valuation data is a prerequisite for loading the stocks with the Material inventory balance [page
928] migration object. If you don’t use the external amount during the initial loading of stock, the
system calculates the values of the stock posting with the price data provided in the product master.
Out of Scope
You aren’t allowed to enrich existing organizational levels with new data. No updates of existing fields/records
are possible.
1. Product long text (you can use the Material - extend existing record with long text [page 971] migration
object to migrate product-related long texts)
2. Data transfer for unplanned consumption
3. Data transfer for total consumption of product
4. Change already existing data
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Additional Descriptions
● Alternative Units of Measure
Mapping Instructions
Basic Data
On the Basic Data sheet, we only offer fields that might become relevant when you migrate a new
organizational unit. This can be the case, for example when you migrate a new plant including purchasing
relevant data (such as the purchasing group). In this case, it might also become necessary to fill in the Order
Unit field on the Basic Data sheet.
If a field already has a value in the related product master, you can’t add a value in the corresponding field
on the Basic Data sheet. You are not allowed to change existing values on the product master. Instead, you
can use the Manage Mass Maintenance - Products app. For more information, refer to the online
documentation of the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products app.
On the Basic Data sheet, you find an additional key field, RUN ID. This field is a counter that you can use to
execute several enhancements for the same instance. You cannot import the same source record more than
once in the same project. The RUN ID field is an additional key field to which you can import the same product
more than once.
For example, in the first step, import product "A" with a new plant view or sales area. In a second step, import
the same product "A" with another plant view or sales area.
If you want to migrate production resource tools data to an existing plant, please provide only the key fields on
the Plant Data sheet and leave all the other fields blank. You aren’t allowed to change existing values for an
existing plant. If you provide other values on the Plant Data sheet, an error message is displayed.
If you want to migrate storage type data to existing warehouse number data, please provide only the key fields
on the Warehouse Number Data sheet and leave all the other fields blank. You aren’t allowed to change existing
values for existing warehouse data. If you provide other values on the Warehouse Number Data sheet, an error
message is displayed.
For example, in the SAP standard delivery, product status 01 is configured in such a way that, an error message
is triggered while posting the inventory. Consider that when you assign the status, the use of the product can
be restricted. Depending on the status, the system issues either a warning message or an error message for
follow-on postings. Therefore, we recommend that you consider this field carefully so that you do not run into
follow-on problems during the data migration process. You can easily set the content of these fields after the
initial data migration using the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products app.
The Master Data Specialist for Product Data business role (SAP_BR_PRODMASTER_SPECIALIST) provides you
with several tiles to manage and start the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products app. You can open the app
from the SAP Fiori launchpad. You can import a file with changed data (supported formats are Comma-
Separated Values (CSV) and Microsoft Office Open XML spreadsheet (XLSX). You have to provide the following
For more information, refer to the online documentation of the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products app.
You need to manage the product itself in batches. Therefore, you have to provide the Batch management
requirement indicator on the Basic Data sheet.
If you use the single batch valuation for your product, you have to define a valuation header record with
specified valuation category X, an initial valuation type, and a dependent record for each valuation type (one
valuation type for each batch) with its own price information.
For the valuation header record only price control 'V' - moving average price is possible. For the dependent
records for each valuation type, you can choose between moving average price or standard price.
Split Valuation
Split valuation enables you to valuate stocks of product in the same valuation area in different ways. If you use
the split valuation for your product, you have to enter the valuation records as follows:
You have to define a valuation header record with a specified valuation category and initial valuation type and
also a dependent record for each valuation type.
For example:
Level Name
2 Additional Description
2 Additional GTINs
2 Distribution Chains
2 Tax Classification
2 Plant Data
3 Forecasting Data
3 Storage Locations
2 MRP Area
2 Valuation Data
Follow-On Activities
You can use the Material - extend existing record with long text [page 971] migration object to migrate product-
related long texts.
You can use the Material - Forecast planning [page 961] migration object to migrate product consumptions and
forecast values (only supported for on premise).
Further Information
● SAP Note 2726010 – Migration Cockpit: Support of custom fields (in-app extensibility)
In Scope
The valuation data is a prerequisite for loading the stocks with the Material inventory balance [page
928] migration object. If you don't provide the External Amount for loading the stocks, the system
calculates the values of the stock posting using the price data provided in the product master.
In the case of Single Batch Valuation, please follow the mapping instructions provided.
7. Distribution Chain Data
8. Description Data
In this view, you can maintain additional descriptions (for languages other than those provided on the Basic
Data sheet).
9. Units of Measure Data
In this view, you can enter Alternative Units of Measure (provide only the Base Unit of Measure on the Basic
Data sheet).
10. Tax Classifications
In this view, you can maintain the Tax Data (from the Sales Org Data 1).
For the tax indicator of the product (purchasing), on the Plant Data sheet for the country relating to
your plant, enter the value in the Tax Indicator field in the Purchasing group.
Out of Scope
Data migration doesn’t trigger the replication or the communication arrangement of the product master via
Data Replication (DRF). Nevertheless, you can replicate your product master after all product master
records have been migrated. You can do this with the following apps:
● Use the Replicate by Object Selection app to specify the product numbers to be replicated and to
execute the replication.
● Use the Replicate by Replication Model app if many product numbers need to be replicated with the
respective filter criteria, if needed.
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Additional Descriptions
● Alternative Unit of Measure
● Additional GTIN's
● Distribution Chains
● Tax Classification
● Plant Data
● Forecasting Data
● Storage Locations
● Production Resources Tools
● MRP Area
● Warehouse Number Data
● Storage Type Data
● Valuation Data
● Valuation Current Period
● Valuation Future Prices
Mapping Instructions
● Be aware of the defined length set for the product number in the system. Don’t convert a product number
to a new number that is longer than the defined length.
● During migration, you can choose between internal or external numbering. The standard setting is external
● In the case of external numbering the system checks whether the provided product is within the number
range for the provided product type.
If you want to set the indicator product as configurable for products with other product types assigned (not
KMAT), you have to enter this indicator on the Basic Data sheet in the Product is configurable field.
If your product is managed in batches, set the Batch management requirement indicator on the Basic Data
sheet of the migration template. If you fill this field, the system sets the Batch management requirement
indicator automatically for all plants defined on the Plant Data sheet for this product. This is applicable for all
plants that aren’t flagged with the Batch management not active by default indicator in the SSCUI.
Unit of Weight
If you want to migrate sales data for your product, the Unit of Weight field will be set to the default
automatically if it's assigned to the related Product group. If no default unit of weight is assigned to the Product
group, you have to provide the Unit of Weight field on the Basic Data sheet.
Example: in SAP standard delivery, the product status 01 is configured in such a way that during posting of
inventory you’ll receive an error message. Consider that by assigning this status, the use of the product can be
restricted. Depending on the status, the system issues either a warning message or an error message for
follow-on postings. Therefore, SAP recommends that you consider this field carefully so that you won’t run into
follow-on problems during the data migration process. After the initial data migration, you can set the content
of these fields by using the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products app.
The Master Data Specialist for Product Data business role (SAP_BR_PRODMASTER_SPECIALIST) provides you
with several tiles to manage and start the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products app. The app can be launched
from the SAP Fiori launchpad. You can import a file with changed data (supported formats are Comma-
Separated Values (CSV) and Office Open XML spreadsheet (XLSX). You have to provide the following details:
For further information, refer to the online documentation of the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products
Valuation Data
During migration, you have various ways to migrate your valuation data. If you only provide your data on the
Valuation Data sheet, the system creates the accounting data (prices and values) for the company code
currency. For other deviant currencies (for example, group currency), the system converts the currency using
the current exchange rate defined in the system. If this is not the original price for your deviant currency, you
can specify the material ledger price on the Valuation Current Period and Valuation Future Price sheets (the
system then takes over this price and does not automatically convert the currencies using the exchange rate
defined in the system for the specified currency type).
You provide the prices for company currency on the Valuation Data sheet only. Depending on the current
exchange rate defined in the system, the system automatically determines the prices for all deviant
Inventory Inventory
Price Price
Product Valuation Valuation Valuation Price Moving Standard
Number Area Type Category ... Control Currency Average Price ...
You provide the prices for company currency on the Valuation Data sheet and the prices for the deviant
currencies (for example, group currency with currency type 30) on the Valuation Current Period sheet and
the Valuation Future Price sheet:
Inven Inven
tory tory
Price Price
Product Valuation Valuation Valuation Price Moving Standard
Number Area Type Category ... Control Currency Average Price ...
Inventory Inventory
Price Mov Price
Product Valuation Currency Price Con ing Aver Standard
Number Area ... Type trol Currency age Price ...
Single Batch Valuation enables you to valuate product stocks for each batch in a different way. You can use it if
you want to keep the price and value of each individual batch in inventory management on a value basis.
To work with valuation for a single batch, you must choose valuation category X - for Automat. Batch. Provide
this on the Valuation Data sheet in the Valuation Category field.
The product itself needs to be managed in batches. In this case, you have to provide the Batch management
requirement indicator on the Basic Data sheet.
If you use the single batch valuation for your product, you have to enter the valuation records as follows:
You have to define a valuation header record with specified valuation category X, an initial valuation type, and a
dependent record for each valuation type (one valuation type for each batch) with the respective price
Inventory Inventory
Price Price
Product Valuation Valuation Valuation Cur Price Moving Standard
Number Area Type Category rency... Control ... Average Price ...
For the valuation header record, only price control V - moving average price is possible. For the dependent
records for each valuation type, you can choose between moving average price or standard price.
For the valuation header record, you can't provide Material Ledger prices on the Valuation Current Period or
Valuation Future Price sheets. This is only possible for the dependent type records with the valuation type
For example, you'd fill out the Valuation Current Period sheet as follows:
Inventory Inventory
Price Price
Product Valuation Valuation Valuation Currency Price Moving Standard
No. Area Type Category Type Control Currency Average Price Price unit
If, during migration, you want to assign a reference product (such as follow-up product) to a newly migrated
product, you have to ensure that you migrate the reference product first. Otherwise, you will get a message
saying that the reference product does not exist and cannot be migrated. Please ensure that you migrate these
products in the right sequence. Another possibility is to leave the reference products empty during migration
and assign them afterwards using the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products app.
Level Name
2 Material Descriptions
2 Additional EANs
2 Distribution Chains
2 Tax Classification
2 Plant Data
3 Forecasting Data
3 Storage Locations
2 MRP Area
2 Valuation Data
Follow-On Activities
You can use the Material - extend existing record with long text [page 971] migration object to migrate material-
related long texts.
You can use the Material - Forecast planning [page 961] migration object to migrate material consumptions and
forecast values (only supported for on-premise solution).
You can use the Product classification - Commodity code [page 960] migration object to migrate product
classification with commodity code.
Further Information
● SAP Note 2726010 – Migration Cockpit: Support of custom fields (in-app extensibility)
Business Object Definition Key determining the various production techniques accord
ing to which a material is to be manufactured. You specify,
for example, the following in the production version:
In Scope
Supported Features
● General Data
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Further Information
In Discrete Manufacturing, it was not necessary to have a production version for BOM explosion in the SAP ERP
suite. In this case use the CS_BOM_PORDVER_MIGRATION02 report to create a production version based on
existing BOMs and routings in the new system.
1.346 PS - Network
In Scope
Supported Features
● Scheduling
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Business Object Definition Project definition is the general description of the project
that you want to manage. It is a framework laid down for all
the objects created within a project. It contains organiza
tional data that is binding for the entire project.
In Scope
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Control
● Text
Level Name
In Scope
1. Extend already existing purchasing info records with new purchasing organization, new purchasing info
record category or new plant. The following purchasing info categories are supported:
○ Standard
○ Consignment
○ Subcontracting
○ Pipeline
○ For purchasing info records to material groups - only the standard and subcontracting purchasing info
categories are supported.
2. General Data (only legacy number of purchasing info record, material number, material group, and the
supplier's account number)
3. Purchasing Organization Data - when you create an info record, you can choose the following options:
○ Purchasing info record which is only related to a purchasing organization. That means the price is the
same for all plants.
○ Purchasing info record which is related to a plant. That means the price can be different for each plant.
4. Conditions - the condition type indicates, for example, whether during pricing, the system applies a price, a
discount, a surcharge, or other pricing elements, such as freight costs and sales taxes. For each of these
pricing elements, there is a condition type defined in the system.
5. Scales
6. Purchasing Organization Text
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● General Data
Mapping Instructions
● If you want to extend an existing purchasing info record with a material group and vendor, you need the
purchasing info record number. If you want to create a new info record number for the same combination,
please use the MM - Purchasing info record with conditions [page 1038] object.
● If you use the identical Legacy Number of purchasing info record in the objects MM - Purchasing info record
with conditions [page 1038] and MM - Purchasing info record- extend existing record in the same project,
then the mapping of records takes place automatically. After migration of the purchasing info record with
the MM - Purchasing info record with conditions [page 1038] object, the info record number is stored in the
migration mapping table. The MM - Purchasing info record- extend existing record object then uses this
mapping value.
● If you have provided a different Legacy Number of purchasing info record in the MM - Purchasing info record-
extend existing record object, you have to select the correct info record number in the Convert Values step
in the Mapping of Purchasing info record numbers mapping rule.
● If you have provided the newly created info record number in the Legacy Number of purchasing info record
field, you can check and confirm the Mapping of Purchasing info record numbers mapping rule in the
Convert Values step.
On the General Data sheet, you find an additional key field, RUN ID. This field is a counter that you can use to
execute several enhancements for the same instance. You cannot import the same info record more than once
in the same project. The RUN ID field is an additional key field to which you can import the same product more
than once.
For example, in the first import purchasing info record "PIR_001" with a new purchasing organization or
purchasing info record category, in a second step the same purchasing info record "PIR_001" with another
purchasing organization or purchasing info record category.
You can distinguish the enhancements for the same instance by the different run IDs. In this scenario, you must
ensure that the migration for one run ID has been completed before uploading data with another run ID for the
same instance.
Level Name
2 Purchasing Organiza
tion Data
3 Conditions
4 Scales
3 Purchasing Organiza
tion Text
Further Information
SAP Knowledge Base Article 2776897 – SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit: Collective KBA Migration object
"Purchasing info record"/ "Purchasing info record- extend existing record"
Business Object Definition A source of information for the procurement of a certain ma
terial from a certain vendor.
In Scope
1. General Data; only to create info record with material specific or material group
The following Info Categories are supported:
○ Standard
○ Consignment
○ Subcontracting
○ Pipeline
○ For purchasing info records to material groups, only the standard and subcontracting purchasing info
categories are supported.
2. General Text
3. Purchasing Organization Data - when you create an info record, you can choose the following options:
○ Purchasing info record which is only related to a purchasing organization. That means the price is the
same for all plants.
○ Purchasing info record which is related to a plant. That means the price can be different for each plant.
4. Conditions - the condition type indicates, for example, whether during pricing, the system applies a price, a
discount, a surcharge, or other pricing elements, such as freight costs and sales taxes. For each of these
pricing elements, there is a condition type defined in the system.
5. Scales
6. Purchasing Organization Text
Out of Scope
1. Update Info Record is not supported. If an info record with a certain vendor and with a specific material
exists or with a material group, it is not possible to enhance this record with purchasing organization data.
● General Data
● General Text
● Purchasing Organization Data
● Conditions
● Scales
● Purchasing Organization Text
Mapping Instructions
Migration with identical combinations of material group and vendor leads to different purchasing info record
numbers. The combination of material number and vendor is always unique.
Level Name
2 General Text
2 Purchasing Organiza
tion Data
3 Conditions
4 Scales
3 Purchasing Organiza
tion Text
Further Information
● SAP Knowledge Base Article 2776897 – SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit: Collective KBA Migration
object "Purchasing info record"/ "Purchasing info record- extend existing record"
You can only migrate open purchase orders, that is, items which haven't been delivered and invoiced yet.
1. Header Data
2. Header Address
3. Header Texts
4. Item Data - the following item categories are supported:
○ Standard
○ Third-Party
○ Enhanced Limits
○ Consignment
○ Subcontracting
5. Item Addresses
6. Item Account Assignments - the following account assignment categories are supported:
○ Cost Center
○ Asset
○ Sales Order
○ Project
○ Unknown
7. Item Schedule Lines
8. Purchase Order Item Components for Subcontracting
○ If your ordered material is not a BOM, provide the relevant entries on the Schedule Line sheet and
the materials to be provided on the Components for Subcontracting sheet.
○ If your ordered material is a BOM, the system automatically generates the subcontracting
components. You can also provide the components manually on the Components for
subcontracting sheet.
9. Item Texts
Out of Scope
● Header Data
● Header Address
● Header Texts
● Item Data
● Item Addresses
● Item Account Assignments
● Item Schedule Lines
● Purchase Order Item Components for Subcontracting
● Item Texts
Mapping Instructions
● During migration, you can choose between internal and external number assignment for the purchasing
document. Item numbers will be migrated 1:1 from the data in the migration template.
● Note that during migration there is no defaulting of values from existing purchasing info records. However,
purchase order items with item category Consignment are an exception.
● Net Price: Please specify the price manually on item level. Migration of conditions for example, discounts or
surcharges, is not supported.
● The net price is automatically set to 0 if the invoice receipt indicator has not been set.
● If there is a Third-Party, please note that when you provide a customer number, the delivery address is
taken from the customer master data record. If you do not provide a customer number, you must enter a
delivery address.
● The Legacy Purchasing Document Number is mapped to the Our Reference field. You can find the content of
this field using the Display Purchase Order app under Communication.
Level Name
2 Header Address
2 Header Texts
3 Item Address
3 Account Assignment
3 Schedule Line
3 Item Texts
● SAP Knowledge Base Article 2771859 - Purchase Order Migration Net price must be greater than 0
● 0: Action Reasons
● 1: Characteristic attributes
● 2: Tasks
● 5: Causes
● 8: Activities (QM)
● 9: Defect types
● A: Activities (PM)
● B: Object Parts
● C: Overview of damage
● D: Coding
● E: Defect Locations
● a characteristic attribute
● a defect type
● a usage decision
In Scope
Out of Scope
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
The object will separate the text line into several lines automatically into the long texts for each language.
1.352 Routing
In Scope
● For task list of type Q (Inspection Plan), use the QM - Inspection plan [page 922] migration object.
● For task list of type A (General Maintenance task list), use the PM - General maintenance task list [page
902] migration object.
● For task list of type E (Equipment Task List), use the PM - Equipment task list [page 883] migration
● For task list of type T (Task List for Functional Location), use the PM - Functional location task list [page
895] migration object.
Task list types other than those mentioned above aren't supported by the data migration content.
Supported Features
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
● For routing migration, for example, the validity period of costing view in work center must be within the
routing validity period, otherwise this will lead to an issue with the cost simulation run.
● For routing as an example, if the valid-from date on operational level starts earlier than the validity start
date of costing view in work center, this will lead to an issue with missing activity types in routing and no
cost being calculated in the cost simulation run.
The system doesn't support combining internal and external number ranges in one source file.
● The Valid-From Date will be the current date if no value is provided in the source file.
● The Valid-From Date for BOM must be earlier than the Valid-From Date of the Routing. Otherwise, the BOM
can't be expanded and it will return an error.
● The Numerator will be set to 1 if no value is provided in the source file.
● The Denominator will be set to 1 if no value is provided in the source file.
● The BOM Usage and BOM Application are only mandatory for component allocation.
○ The BOM Usage controls the selection of the relevant BOM in the component assignment.
○ The BOM Application, in connection with the BOM Usage, controls the selection of the correct
alternative BOMs.
● BOM Item Category, BOM Component, and BOM Component Description are just provided in the template
to help you allocate the component; this data may be copied from the BOM Data Migration file or from the
target system.
● The Indicator for Relevancy to Costing on Operation Level field is mandatory; with the following options:
○ If you want the Costing Relevancy to be copied from the Control Key on the target system, enter the
value D.
○ If you want the operation to be irrelevant to costing, enter the value N.
○ If you want to enter a value for this field, then the field should be populated with either X, or another
option, as required.
Long Text
If you create a long text in the dialog, then the current logon language will be taken as the long text language.
Any subsequent change of the long text refers to the same long text independent of the logon language.
Component Allocation
The BOM components will be assigned to the first operation by default when creating production order if you
have not manually assigned to any operation in the routing. This is the standard functionality.
Level Name
2 Operations (mandatory)
3 Production resources/tools
3 Sub-operations
3 Component assignment
3 Inspection characteristics
Follow-On Activities
It's mandatory to migrate all routing in the Q system first and run a cost simulation run in your Q system. Then,
verify the results and check for inconsistencies before starting the data migration into the productive system.
After data migration into the productive system, It's mandatory to run the cost simulation and validation steps
in that system as well.
Business Object Definition Sales Order (SD): A customer request to the company for
delivery of goods or services at a certain time. The request is
received by a sales area that is then responsible for fulfilling
the contract.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
● You have to provide the Sold-to Party and Ship-to Party on the Header level in the Partner sheet using 0000
in the Sales Document Item field.
● The total number of ordered items is calculated based on the items in the schedule line data.
● During migration, you can choose between internal and external number assignment for the sales
document number . Please note that item numbers (Sales Document Item) will be migrated with external
numbering (the source ID in the template will be used). Please make sure to take this into account in case
of re-numbering of the items during the processing of the data (e.g. BOM explosion).
Level Name
1 Header (mandatory)
2 Item (mandatory)
2 Partner (mandatory)
Further Information
SAP Knowledge Base Article 2818627 – Migration Cockpit: Collective KBA for migration object Sales orders
(only open SO)
In Scope
Out of Scope
1. Scheduling agreements with document conditions (only time-dependent conditions are supported)
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Business Object Definition A customer request to the company for delivery of goods or
services at a certain time. The request is received by a serv
ice area responsible for fulfilling the service order or service
In Scope
Out of Scope
Mapping Instructions
● Only one Employee Responsible can be maintained for the service order.
● Only open service orders that are Open or In Process can be migrated.
● During migration, you can choose between internal and external number assignment for the service
document number.
Level Name
1 Header (mandatory)
2 Item Mandatory
For on-premise related migration, validation of data can be done using the following apps:
This migration object only supports the condition types and key combinations mentioned in the Supported
Combinations of Key Fields for Price Conditions file. For other condition types and key combinations,
please use the Condition record for pricing (general template) [page 824] migration object.
This migration object may only be used for migration in the context of SAP Best Practices.
Business Object Definition The term pricing is used broadly to describe the calculation
of prices (for external use by customers or vendors). Condi
tions represent a set of circumstances that apply when a
price is calculated.
In Scope
1. Prices
2. Discounts
3. Surcharges
Out of Scope
1. Purchasing conditions (see migration object Condition record for pricing in purchasing (restricted) [page
Supported Features
● This migration object only supports the condition types and key combinations mentioned in the Supported
Combinations of Key Fields for Price Conditions file.
● For other key combinations, you must use the Condition record for pricing (general template) [page 824]
migration object.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Scales
For more information on how to fill the condition types and key combinations, please refer to the Supported
Combinations of Key Fields for Price Conditions file.
Further Information
● This migration object only supports the condition types and key combinations mentioned in the Supported
Combinations of Key Fields for Price Conditions file. For other condition types and key combinations,
please use the Condition record for pricing (general template) [page 824] migration object.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
The supported types of sales contract are value contracts and quantity contracts.
Mapping Instructions
During migration, you can choose between internal and external number assignment for the sales contract
number. Please note that item numbers (Contract Document Item Number) will be migrated with external
Level Name
2 Item (mandatory)
3 Item Partners
In Scope
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
In Scope
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
In Scope
Out of Scope
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Template Structure
The template structure lists the minimum mandatory fields for creating a SEPA mandate in status 0 (entered).
For mandate status 1 (active), the following additional fields are mandatory:
Please refer to the tool tips field of the template file for further information.
To validate your migrated data, use the SEPA_MANDATE table in the SE16N transaction. To get results, enter the
value in the MNDID (Unique Reference to Mandate for each payee) field.
Business Object Definition A list of available sources of supply for a material, indicating
the periods during which procurement from such sources is
The source list lets you determine the source that is valid (ef
fective) at a certain time.
In Scope
Supported Features
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period starting before this object, it will normally cause an error
message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore must check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
In Scope
1. Substance groups
2. Attachments
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Company Specific Names
● Conditions
Listed substance must exist ( Manage Listed Substance app) and responsible unit must be configured
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Conditions
1. Migrate a substance linked to an existing listed substance using the following data from the migration
○ Internal Number
○ Internal Name
○ Listed Substance
○ Responsible Unit
2. .
Migrate a substance linked to an new listed substance using the following data from the migration
○ Internal Number
Business Object Definition Constraints maintained for a software material to define the
compatibility relationships between this software material
and other materials (such as a bill of materials). A software/
hardware constraint includes a constraint rule, materials
that have a compatibility relationship with the subject soft
ware material, and versions of the software material.
In Scope
● Software Material
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Constraint (mandatory)
Find more information about SAP Fiori apps in the SAP Fiori apps reference library. This information covers
required business roles and includes links to the respective app documentation.
In Scope
1. Structure data
2. Administration data
3. Data migration of contract activities
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Structure Data
● Administration Data
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period starting before this object, it will normally cause an error
message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You must therefore check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Follow-on Activities
The function for the legacy data transfer are available in the Customizing of the Transaction Manager under
General Settings -> Tools -> Legacy Data Transfer:
● Enter Val.-Area-Dependent Data for Money Market, Forex, OTC Derivatives (transaction TPM63C)
● Execute Data Transfer (transaction TPM63)
● Reverse Data Transfer (transaction TPM64)
● Flag Flows as Posted (transaction TBB1_LC)
● Flag Flows as Reversed (transaction TBB3)
After the import of your financial transactions, the valuation-area-independent information such as quantity
information (for example, units, nominal amounts), the purchase value and cost are transferred. Depending on
your scenario, you might have to post the transactions to the general ledger. Even if you do not have to post the
transactions into the general ledger, you still mark the flows of the financial transactions as posted.
These fields are available in the financial transaction data and should have been filled during the
migration of the financial transaction.
The migration cockpit searches for the corresponding financial transactions and enters the identified
financial transaction number in the Legacy Data Transfer table for position component values.
3. Using the Execute Data Transfer Customizing activity (transaction TPM63), you enter the positions
component values in the Positions Management tables. Should errors occur, you can reverse the initial
load using the Reverse Data Transfer Customizing activity (transaction TPM64).
4. To check the values entered, you can display the positions component values with the Display Treasury
Position Values apps or with the Treasury Position Analysis app.
In Scope
1. Structure data
2. Administration data
3. The object only supports the creation of contract activity
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Structure Data
● Administration Data
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
You therefore must check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Follow-on Activities
The Treasury Specialist – Back Office will find the apps for legacy data transfer on the launchpad under General
Settings -> Tools -> Legacy Data Transfer:
● Enter Val.-Area-Dependent Data for Money Market, Forex, OTC Derivatives (transaction TPM63C)
● Execute Data Transfer (transaction TPM63)
● Reverse Data Transfer (transaction TPM64)
● Flag Flows as Posted (transaction TBB1_LC)
● Flag Flows as Reversed(transaction TBB3)
After the import of your financial transactions, the valuation-area-independent information such as quantity
information (for example, units, nominal amounts), the purchase value and cost are transferred. Depending on
your scenario, you might have to post the transactions to the general ledger. Even if you do not have to post the
transactions into the general ledger, you still mark the flows of the financial transactions as posted.
In Scope
1. Structure data
2. Administration data
3. Migration of contract activities
4. Only the creation of financial transactions is considered. Data transfer for ongoing transactions is not
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Structure Data
● Administration Data
Level Name
2 Administration data
Follow-on Activities
The function for the legacy data transfer is available in the Customizing of the Transaction Manager under
General Settings -> Tools -> Legacy Data Transfer:
● Enter Val.-Area-Dependent Data for Money Market, Forex, OTC Derivatives (transaction TPM63C)
● Execute Data Transfer (transaction TPM63)
● Reverse Data Transfer (transaction TPM64)
● Flag Flows as Posted (transaction TBB1_LC)
● Flag Flows as Reversed (transaction TBB3)
After the import of your financial transactions, the valuation-area-independent information such as quantity
information (for example, units, nominal amounts), the purchase value, and cost are transferred. Depending on
your scenario, you might have to post the transactions to the general ledger. Even if you don’t have to post the
transactions into the general ledger, you still mark the flows of the financial transactions as posted.
These fields are available in the financial transaction data and should have been filled during the
migration of the financial transaction.
The migration cockpit searches for the corresponding financial transactions and enters the identified
financial transaction number in the Legacy Data Transfer table for position component values.
3. Using the Execute Data Transfer Customizing activity (transaction TPM63), you enter the positions
component values in the Positions Management tables. Should errors occur, you can reverse the initial
load using the Reverse Data Transfer Customizing activity (transaction TPM64).
4. To check the values entered, you can display the positions component values with the Display Treasury
Position Values apps or with the Treasury Position Analysis app.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Structure
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1 Structure (mandatory)
Follow-on Activities
The function for the legacy data transfer is available in the Customizing of the Transaction Manager under
General Settings -> Tools -> Legacy Data Transfer:
● Enter Val.-Area-Dependent Data for Money Market, Forex, OTC Derivatives (transaction TPM63C)
● Execute Data Transfer (transaction TPM63)
● Reverse Data Transfer (transaction TPM64)
● Flag Flows as Posted (transaction TBB1_LC)
● Flag Flows as Reversed (transaction TBB3)
After the import of your financial transactions, the valuation-area-independent information such as quantity
information (for example, units, nominal amounts), the purchase value, and cost are transferred. Depending on
your scenario, you might have to post the transactions to the general ledger. Even if you don’t have to post the
transactions into the general ledger, you still mark the flows of the financial transactions as posted.
These fields are available in the financial transaction data and should have been filled during the
migration of the financial transaction.
The migration cockpit searches for the corresponding financial transactions and enters the identified
financial transaction number in the Legacy Data Transfer table for position component values.
3. Using the Execute Data Transfer Customizing activity (transaction TPM63), you enter the positions
component values in the Positions Management tables. Should errors occur, you can reverse the initial
load using the Reverse Data Transfer Customizing activity (transaction TPM64).
4. To check the values entered, you can display the positions component values with the Display Treasury
Position Values apps or with the Treasury Position Analysis app.
In Scope
1. Structure data
2. Migration of contract activities
3. Only the creation of financial transactions is considered. Data transfer for ongoing transactions isn’t
Out of Scope
● Structure
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1 Structure (mandatory)
Follow-on Activities
The function for the legacy data transfer is available in the Customizing of the Transaction Manager under
General Settings -> Tools -> Legacy Data Transfer:
● Enter Val.-Area-Dependent Data for Money Market, Forex, OTC Derivatives (transaction TPM63C)
● Execute Data Transfer (transaction TPM63)
● Reverse Data Transfer (transaction TPM64)
● Flag Flows as Posted (transaction TBB1_LC)
● Flag Flows as Reversed (transaction TBB3)
In Scope
1. Structure data
2. Administration data
3. Other flows data
4. Payment details data
5. Migration of contract activities
6. Only the creation of financial transactions is considered.
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Structure
● Administration
● Other Flows
● Payment Details
Level Name
1 Structure (mandatory)
2 Administration (mandatory)
2 Other Flows
2 Payment Details
Other Flows
1. There are two options when determining how to migrate other flows via the control parameter. You can
control this during the run time.
2. Control Parameter: CTR_TR_OTHERF_C (Indicates whether entries in other flows are complete).
○ Not Complete (by default): means that other flows are automatically created from standing
instructions (configuration level), but you can add additional other flows or change existing other
In this case, if you leave the Other Flow sheet empty, then the system determines the other flow
from configuration level.
In this case, the system only takes the other flows from the excel template into account. These are
not related to configuration level.
Payment Details
1. There are two options when determining how to migrate payment details via the control parameter. You
can control this during the run time.
2. Control Parameter: CTR_TR_PAYDET_C (Indicates whether entries in payment details are complete).
○ Not Complete (by default): means that payment details are automatically created from standing
instructions (configuration level), but you can add additional payment details or change existing
payment details.
In this case, if you leave the Payment Detail sheet empty, then the system determines the payment
detail from configuration level.
In this case, the system only takes the payment details from excel template into account, and these
are not related to the configuration level.
Follow-on Activities
The function for the legacy data transfer is available in the Customizing of the Transaction Manager under
General Settings -> Tools -> Legacy Data Transfer:
● Enter Val.-Area-Dependent Data for Money Market, Forex, OTC Derivatives (transaction TPM63C)
● Execute Data Transfer (transaction TPM63)
● Reverse Data Transfer (transaction TPM64)
● Flag Flows as Posted (transaction TBB1_LC)
● Flag Flows as Reversed (transaction TBB3)
After the import of your financial transactions, the valuation-area-independent information such as quantity
information (for example, units, nominal amounts), the purchase value, and cost are transferred. Depending on
your scenario, you might have to post the transactions to the general ledger. Even if you don’t have to post the
transactions into the general ledger, you still mark the flows of the financial transactions as posted.
These fields are available in the financial transaction data and should have been filled during the
migration of the financial transaction.
In Scope
1. Structure data
2. Administration data
3. Conditions
4. Main flows
5. Other flows
6. Payment details
7. Only the creation of financial transactions is considered. Data transfer for ongoing transactions is not
Supported Features
● Structure
● Administration
● Conditions
● Main Flows
● Other Flows
● Payment Details
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1 Structure (mandatory)
2 Administration
2 Conditions
2 Main Flows
2 Other Flows
2 Payment Details
1. There are two options when determining how to migrate conditions via the control parameter. You can
control this during the run time.
2. Control Parameter: CTR_TR_COND_C (Indicates whether entries in conditions are complete).
○ Not Complete (by default): means that conditions are automatically created from standing
instructions (configuration level), but you can add additional conditions or change existing conditions.
In this case, if you leave the Condition sheet empty, then the system determines the condition from
configuration level.
In this case, the system only takes the conditions from the excel template into account. These are
not related to the configuration level.
Main Flows
1. There are two options when determining how to migrate main flows via the control parameter. You can
control this during the run time.
2. Control Parameter:CTR_TR_MAINF_C (Indicates whether entries in main flows are complete).
○ Not Complete (by default): means that main flows are automatically created from standing
instructions (configuration level), but you can add additional main flows or change existing main flows.
In this case, if you leave the Main Flow sheet empty, then the system determines the main flow
from the configuration level.
In this case, the system only takes the main flows from the excel template into account. These are
not related to configuration level.
Other Flows
1. There are two options when determining how to migrate other flows via the control parameter. You can
control this during the run time.
2. Control Parameter: CTR_TR_OTHERF_C (Indicates whether entries in other flows are complete).
○ Not Complete (by default): means that other flows are automatically created from standing
instructions (configuration level), but you can add additional other flows or change existing other
In this case, if you leave the Other Flow sheet empty, then the system determines the other flows
from the configuration level.
In this case, the system only takes the other flows from the excel template into account. These are
not related to configuration level.
In this case, if you leave the Payment Detail sheet empty, then the system determines the payment
details from configuration level.
In this case, the system only takes the payment details from the excel template into account, these
are not related to the configuration level.
Follow-on Activities
The function for the legacy data transfer is available in the Customizing of the Transaction Manager under
General Settings -> Tools -> Legacy Data Transfer:
● Enter Val.-Area-Dependent Data for Money Market, Forex, OTC Derivatives (transaction TPM63C)
● Execute Data Transfer (transaction TPM63)
● Reverse Data Transfer (transaction TPM64)
● Flag Flows as Posted (transaction TBB1_LC)
● Flag Flows as Reversed (transaction TBB3)
After the import of your financial transactions, the valuation-area-independent information such as quantity
information (for example, units, nominal amounts), the purchase value, and cost are transferred. Depending on
your scenario, you might have to post the transactions to the general ledger. Even if you don’t have to post the
transactions into the general ledger, you still mark the flows of the financial transactions as posted.
These fields are available in the financial transaction data and should have been filled during the
migration of the financial transaction.
The migration cockpit searches for the corresponding financial transactions and enters the identified
financial transaction number in the Legacy Data Transfer table for position component values.
3. Using the Execute Data Transfer Customizing activity (transaction TPM63), you enter the positions
component values in the Positions Management tables. Should errors occur, you can reverse the initial
load using the Reverse Data Transfer Customizing activity (transaction TPM64).
4. To check the values entered, you can display the positions component values with the Display Treasury
Position Values apps or with the Treasury Position Analysis app.
Business Object Definition Valuation-area-dependent data for MM, FX, OTC transac
In Scope
Supported Features
To migrate the position value data, the financial transaction should exist in the system. This means that the
following objects should be migrated before the position object.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
● Internal Reference.
● Business Partner Number and External Reference.
These fields are available in the financial transaction data and should have been filled during the migration
of the financial transaction.
The migration cockpit searches for the corresponding financial transactions and enters the identified financial
transaction number in the Legacy Data Transfer table for position component values.
Follow-on Activities
The function for the legacy data transfer is available in the Customizing of the Transaction Manager under
General Settings -> Tools -> Legacy Data Transfer:
● Enter Val.-Area-Dependent Data for Money Market, Forex, OTC Derivatives (transaction TPM63C)
● Execute Data Transfer (transaction TPM63)
● Reverse Data Transfer (transaction TPM64)
● Flag Flows as Posted (transaction TBB1_LC)
● Flag Flows as Reversed (transaction TBB3)
After the import of position value data, you can execute the initial load of position data.
1. Using the Execute Data Transfer Customizing activity (transaction TPM63), you enter the positions
component values in the Positions Management tables.
Should errors occur, you can reverse the initial load using the Reverse Data Transfer Customizing activity
(transaction TPM64).
2. To check the values entered, you can display the positions component values with the Display Treasury
Position Values apps or with the Treasury Position Analysis app.
Business Object Definition A supplier is a business partner who supplies goods and de
livers them to consumers/customers.
In Scope
1. Extend already existing suppliers with new org levels and extend already existing customers/contract
partners as supplier with the same number
2. General data (only fields that might become relevant when you extend a customer/contract partner as
3. BP Roles
4. Additional addresses
5. General texts
6. Company data and localization fields for Korea and USA*
7. Withholding tax data
8. Company texts
9. Purchasing organization data
10. Purchasing partner functions
11. Purchasing texts
12. Bank data
Structures and fields/field groups marked with an asterisk (*) are visible only if the configuration of your
system covers the requirement for them at the time of the download.
Out of Scope
This migration object is based on the assumption that business partner and supplier are using the same
partner ID. If you’ve customized your system in a different way, you must adjust the migration object. If you
must adjust the migration object, you can use the migration object modeler or ask for consulting support.
Supported Features
● General Data
● BP Roles
Structures and fields/field groups marked with an asterisk (*) are visible only if the configuration of your
system covers the requirement for them at the time of the download.
● Financial Accounting (New) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions
Country-Specific Settings Russia Payments Maintain Budget Classification Codes
● Financial Accounting (New) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions
Country-Specific Settings Russia Payments Maintain Payer Statuses
● Financial Accounting (New) Asset accounting Information System Country-Specific Functions
Russia Property Tax (Advanced Compliance Reporting) Define OKTMO Codes
Financial Accounting (New) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Vendor Accounts Master Data
Preparations for Creating Vendor Master Data Accounts Payable Master Data for Saudi Arabia
Mapping Instructions
On the General Data sheet we only offer fields that might become relevant when you extend already existing
customers as supplier with the same number. If you want to extend an existing customer as supplier with the
same number, you have to fill out the customer number (reference number). You also have to fill the BP Roles
sheets. If you want to extend an already existing supplier by new org levels, you have to leave the reference
number empty.
Please consider: You can't transfer a value in one of the fields provided on the General Data sheet when the
supplier already exists.
If you want to use the Supplier ID for integration with external systems, you can activate it during migration. At
the same time, you must also maintain the Business System ID of your source system (to be used for
integration) using the Convert Values task to ensure that the key mapping is added to the central key mapping
store of the SAP S/4HANA system. This is only relevant if you extend an existing customer or contract partner
as supplier with thesame number. If you extend an existing supplier with new org. levels, it isn’t necessary to
switch on the key mapping for the Supplier ID.
On the General Data sheet, you find an additional key field, RUN ID. This field is a counter that you can use to
execute several enhancements for the same instance. You cannot import the same source record more than
once in the same project. The RUN ID field is an additional key field to which you can import the same supplier
more than once.
For example, in the first step, you can import supplier "A" with a new company code or purchasing view. In the
second step, you can import the same supplier "A" with another company code or purchasing view.
You can distinguish the enhancements for the same instance by the different run IDs. In this scenario, you must
ensure that the migration for one run ID has been completed before uploading data with another run ID for the
same instance.
If you want to use these references to other business partners, make sure that these business partners have
been created in advance.
You have three suppliers, A, B, and C. They have the following relation:
Please note that this data constellation can't be handled with the data migration object. Please remove some of
the relations and add them later via the BP maintenance UI or BP mass maintenance app.
To assign a contact person as partner, first create the supplier with the contact person, but without purchasing
data. Then, use the Supplier - extend existing record by new org levels migration object in a second step to
assign the purchasing data together with the contact person in partner capacity.
Contact Person ID
You must enter a contact person ID in the respective field in the Contact person sheet. This number is required
for internal data processing. However, during processing, a new business partner is created with an internal
number. This business partner is automatically assigned to the supplier with the corresponding relationship.
If Vertex determines more than one tax jurisdiction code for a record, the migration of this record fails. If this
happens, you'll have to provide a more detailed/accurate address, for example, a US postal code with 9 digits
instead of 5 digits.
The more detailed and accurate an address, the better the tax jurisdiction code is determined by Vertex.
In the Suppress Tax Jurisdiction Code Check field on the General Data sheet, you can suppress the check and
the automatic determination of the Tax Jurisdiction Code for each record.
Level Name
2 BP Roles
2 Additional Addresses
2 General Texts
2 Company Data
3 Company Texts
2 Purchasing Organization
3 Partner Functions
3 Purchasing Texts
2 Bank Details
2 Industries
2 Tax Numbers
2 Identification Numbers
2 Contact Persons
2 Individual/Corporate Num
2 Vendor Certificates*
Structures and fields/field groups marked with an asterisk (*) are visible only if the configuration of your
system covers the requirement for them at the time of the download.
Country-Specific Extensions
Countryspecific extensions are visible only if the configuration of your system covers the requirement for
them at the time of the download.
1. VAT payment type 1: Split Disabled – This means that the supplier can’t be used for split payment between
the given date range
2. VAT payment type 2: Split Enabled – This means that the supplier can be used for split payment between
the given date range
3. VAT payment type 3: Split Mandatory – This means that the supplier must be used for split payment
between the given date range
For a supplier, the validity date ranges on the Tax payment classification sheet must not overlap between
different records of one supplier and must be continuous.
The tax type classification describes where the supplier is registered for VAT. There are four possible options.
For a supplier, the validity date ranges on the Tax type assignment sheet must not overlap between different
records of one supplier and must be continuous.
For supplier certificates, you need to fill information in the General Data, Company Data, and Vendor certificate
Business Object Definition Business partners may have many branches depending on
the various locations they operate from. A branch code is a
4-digit or a 5-digit code assigned by the Revenue Depart
ment in Thailand to uniquely identify each branch of a busi
ness partner. The head office branch has a branch code of
00000 or 0000.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● As a prerequisite, the supplier master data needs to be migrated with a Thai company code assigned to it.
● Only one branch code can be marked as the default branch code. If only one branch code is assigned, it will
automatically be marked as the default.
● If branch codes are already assigned to the supplier, additional branch codes can only be uploaded without
a default indicator.
● , Only fax, E-mail, and telephone are supported as standard methods of communication (part of the
address information).
Level Name
1.374 Supplier
For this migration object, the Custom Fields and Logic app is available. If you enhance your business object
with custom fields in the app, these custom fields will automatically be reflected in the XML template of the
corresponding migration object. See SAP Note 2726010 for further details.
Every time you add, change or delete a custom field, the migration project must be updated and a new
migration XML template must be downloaded and used. Thus, if custom fields are added or changed by an
application expert during migration testing, this must be communicated to and coordinated with your data
migration team. Also see the Extensibility section in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud documentation.
Business Object Definition A supplier is a business partner who supplies goods and de
livers them to consumers/customers.
In Scope
1. General data with standard address data and localization fields for Brasil, India, South Korea, Great Britian,
Taiwan, Australia*
2. BP roles
3. Additional addresses
4. General texts
5. Company data and localization fields for Korea and USA*
6. Withholding tax data
7. Company texts
8. Purchasing organization data
Structures and fields/field groups marked with an asterisk (*) are visible only if the configuration of your
system covers the requirement for them at the time of the download.
Out of Scope
This migration object is based on the assumption that business partner and supplier are using the same
partner ID. If you’ve customized your system in a different way, you must adjust the migration object. If you
need to adjust the migration object, you can use the migration object modeler or ask for consulting
● General Data
● BP Roles
● Additional Addresses
● General Texts
● Company Data
● Withholding Tax Data
● Company Texts
● Purchasing Organization Data
● Partner Functions
● Purchasing Texts
● Bank Details
● Industries
● Tax Numbers
● Identification Numbers
● Contact Persons
● VAT registration number against supplier (South Korea only)*
● TAN and exemption number (India only)*
● Storing contract details (Ireland only)*
● Storing SIN and site address (Ireland only)*
● Pattern of due date shift (Japan only)*
● Individual/Corporate numbers (Japan only)*
● Tax payment classification (Poland only)*
● Tax type assignment (Romania only)*
● Tax payment attributes (Russia only)*
● Supplier certificates (Saudi Arabia only)*
● VAT - Cash Account. Regulation (Spain)*
Structures and fields/field groups marked with an asterisk (*) are visible only if the configuration of your
system covers the requirement for them at the time of the download.
The Supplier Account Group field must be in sync with your customizing of the BU grouping. Otherwise, the
grouping overwrites the account group.
● Financial Accounting (New) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions
Country-Specific Settings Russia Payments Maintain Budget Classification Codes
● Financial Accounting (New) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions
Country-Specific Settings Russia Payments Maintain Payer Statuses
● Financial Accounting (New) Asset accounting Information System Country-Specific Functions
Russia Property Tax (Advanced Compliance Reporting) Define OKTMO Codes
Financial Accounting (New) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Vendor Accounts Master Data
Preparations for Creating Vendor Master Data Accounts Payable Master Data for Saudi Arabia
Mapping Instructions
You have to maintain all business partner roles depending on your business transactions.
All mandatory partner functions are created automatically with the same supplier number. If you provide the
partner function with a different supplier number on the Partner Functions sheet, this entry will be taken.
It's possible to assign more than one address to a supplier. The address data from the General Data sheet is
always the standard address. If you assign only one address to a supplier, it's not necessary to provide an
external address number. If you provide additional addresses, however, the external address number becomes
mandatory. The external address number must be unique for each supplier. You can use the same external
address number for different business partners.
During migration, you can choose between internal and external number assignment for new suppliers
according to the settings for BP grouping.
Assigned contact persons always get an internal number for the new business partner.
With the BP Grouping field on the General Data sheet, you can arrange the different number ranges (internal or
external) and the vendor account group. It's possible to create a supplier and a one-time supplier.
The settings that are made together with your BP Grouping customization determines whether the supplier will
be created with internal or external numbering.
If you need to create a business partner with both customer and supplier roles, you can enter this manually or
extend an already migrated customer with the Supplier - extend existing record by new org levels [page 1098]
migration object.
If you want to use the Supplier ID for integration with external systems, you can activate it during migration. At
the same time, you must also maintain the Business System ID of your source system (to be used for
integration) using the Convert Values task. This ensures that the key mapping is added to the central key
mapping store of the SAP S/4HANA system.
If you want to use these references to other business partners, make sure that these business partners are
created in advance.
You have three suppliers, A, B, and C. They have the following relation:
Please note that this data constellation can't be handled with the data migration object. Please remove some of
the relations and add them later via the BP maintenance UI or BP mass maintenance app.
To assign a contact person as partner, first create the supplier with the contact person, but without purchasing
data. Then, use the Supplier - extend existing record by new org levels [page 1098] migration object in a second
step to assign the purchasing data together with the contact person in partner capacity.
Contact Person ID
You must enter a contact person ID in the respective field in the Contact person sheet. This number is required
for internal data processing. However, during processing, a new business partner is created with an internal
number. This business partner is automatically assigned to the supplier with the corresponding relationship.
If Vertex determines more than one tax jurisdiction code for a record, the migration of this record will fail. If this
happens, you'll have to provide a more detailed/accurate address, for example, a US postal code with 9 digits
instead of 5 digits.
The more detailed and accurate an address, the better the tax jurisdiction code can be determined by Vertex.
In the Suppress Tax Jurisdiction Code Check field on the General Data sheet, you can suppress the check and
the automatic determination of the Tax Jurisdiction Code for each record.
Level Name
2 Additional Addresses
2 General Texts
2 Company Data
3 Company Texts
2 Purchasing Organization
3 Partner Functions
3 Purchasing Texts
2 Bank Details
2 Industries
2 Tax Numbers
2 Identification Numbers
2 Contact Persons
2 Individual/Corporate Num
2 Supplier Certificates*
Structures and fields/field groups marked with an asterisk (*) are visible only if the configuration of your
system covers the requirement for them at the time of the download.
Country-Specific Extensions
Countryspecific extensions are visible only if the configuration of your system covers the requirement for
them at the time of the download.
1. VAT payment type 1: Split Disabled – This means that the supplier can’t be used for split payment between
the given date range.
2. VAT payment type 2: Split Enabled – This means that the supplier can be used for split payment between
the given date range.
3. VAT payment type 3: Split Mandatory – This means that the supplier must be used for split payment
between the given date range.
For a supplier, the validity date ranges on the Tax payment classification sheet must not overlap between
different records of one supplier and must be continuous.
The tax type classification describes where the supplier is registered for VAT. There are four possible options.
For a supplier, the validity date ranges on the Tax type assignment sheet must not overlap between different
records of one supplier and must be continuous.
For supplier certificates, you need to fill information in the General Data, Company Data, and Vendor certificate
Further Information
● SAP Knowledge Base Article 2848224 – Migration Cockpit: Collective KBA for Business Partner
(Customer, Supplier)
● SAP Note 2726010 – Migration Cockpit: Support of custom fields (in-app extensibility).
Business Object Definition A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a model of the work to
be performed in a project organized in a hierarchical struc
In Scope
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Dates
● Assignments
● Control
● User Fields
● Text
Level Name
Mapping Instructions
In Scope
Supported Features
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This avoids
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
On sheet the Work Center Description, you can maintain additional descriptions for languages other than those
provided on the Work Center Header sheet.
On the sheet Capacity Description, you can maintain additional descriptions for languages other than the logon
Level Name
3 Capacity Description
Further Information
SAP Knowledge Base Article 2852321 – Migration Cockpit: Collective KBA for Work Center
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