Milestones Health Promotion 05022010
Milestones Health Promotion 05022010
Milestones Health Promotion 05022010
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22 Mexico Ministerial Statement for the Promotion of Health: From Ideas to Action
5-9 June 2000
The first International Conference on Health Promotion, meeting in Ottawa this 21st day of November 1986,
hereby presents this CHARTER for action to achieve Health for All by the year 2000 and beyond.
This conference was primarily a response to growing expectations for a new public health movement around
the world. Discussions focused on the needs in industrialized countries, but took into account similar
concerns in all other regions. It built on the progress made through the Declaration on Primary Health Care
at Alma-Ata, the World Health Organization’s Targets for Health for All document, and the recent debate at
the World Health Assembly on intersectoral action for health.
Health Promotion
Prerequisites for Health
Health promotion is the process of enabling
people to increase control over, and to improve, The fundamental conditions and resources for
their health. To reach a state of complete physical, health are:
mental and social well-being, an individual or group • peace,
must be able to identify and to realize aspirations, • shelter,
to satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the • education,
environment. Health is, therefore, seen as a resource • food,
for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is • income,
a positive concept emphasizing social and personal • a stable eco-system,
resources, as well as physical capacities. Therefore, • sustainable resources,
health promotion is not just the responsibility of the • social justice, and equity.
health sector, but goes beyond healthy life-styles to
well-being. Improvement in health requires a secure
foundation in these basic prerequisites.
Good health is a major resource for social, The prerequisites and prospects for health
economic and personal development and an cannot be ensured by the health sector alone.
important dimension of quality of life. Political, More importantly, health promotion demands
economic, social, cultural, environmental, coordinated action by all concerned: by
behavioural and biological factors can all favour governments, by health and other social and
health or be harmful to it. Health promotion economic sectors, by nongovernmental and
action aims at making these conditions voluntary organization, by local authorities, by
favourable through advocacy for health. industry and by the media. People in all walks
of life are involved as individuals, families and
communities. Professional and social groups
and health personnel have a major responsibility
to mediate between differing interests in society
for the pursuit of health.
Health promotion focuses on achieving equity
in health. Health promotion action aims at
Health promotion strategies and programmes
reducing differences in current health status and
should be adapted to the local needs and
ensuring equal opportunities and resources to
possibilities of individual countries and regions
enable all people to achieve their fullest health
to take into account differing social, cultural and
potential. This includes a secure foundation in a
economic systems.
supportive environment, access to information,
life skills and opportunities for making healthy
choices. People cannot achieve their fullest
health potential unless they are able to take
control of those things which determine their
health. This must apply equally to women and
Reorient Health Services Caring, holism and ecology are essential issues in
developing strategies for health promotion. Therefore,
The responsibility for health promotion in health those involved should take as a guiding principle
services is shared among individuals, community that, in each phase of planning, implementation and
groups, health professionals, health service evaluation of health promotion activities, women and
institutions and governments. men should become equal partners.
The Conference calls on the World Health Organization and other international organizations to
advocate the promotion of health in all appropriate forums and to support countries in setting up
strategies and programmes for health promotion.
The Conference is firmly convinced that if people in all walks of life, nongovernmental and voluntary
organizations, governments, the World Health Organization and all other bodies concerned join forces
in introducing strategies for health promotion, in line with the moral and social values that form the
basis of this CHARTER, Health For All by the year 2000 will become a reality.
Charter adopted at an international conference on health promotion, ‘The move towards a new public health’, 17-21 November
1986 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.*
* Co-sponsored by the Canadian Public Health Association, Health and Welfare Canada, and the World Health Organization.
The adoption of the Declaration of Alma-Ata a decade ago was a major milestone in the Health for All
movement which the World Health Assembly launched in 1977. Building on the recognition of health as
a fundamental social goal, the Declaration set a new direction for health policy by emphasizing people’s
involvement, cooperation between sectors of society and primary health care as its foundation.
The Conference emphasizes the need to evaluate the The Conference identified four key areas as priorities
impact of policy. Health information systems that for health public policy for immediate action:
support this process need to be developed. This will
encourage informed decision-making over the future Supporting the health of women
allocation of resources for the implementation of
healthy public policy. Women are the primary health promoters all over
the world, and most of their work is performed
Moving beyond health care without pay or for a minimal wage. Women’s
networks and organizations are models for the
Healthy public policy responds to the challenges process of health promotion organization, planning
in health set by an increasingly dynamic and and implementation. Women’s networks should
technologically changing world, with its complex receive more recognition and support from policy-
ecological interactions and growing international makers and established institutions. Otherwise, this
interdependencies. Many of the health consequences investment of women’s labour increases inequity.
of these challenges cannot be remedied by present For their effective participation in health promotion
and foreseeable health care. Health promotion women require access to information, networks
efforts are essential, and these require an integrated and funds. All women, especially those from ethnic,
approach to social and economic development indigenous, and minority groups, have the right to
which will reestablish the links between health and self-determination of their health, and should be full
social reform, which the World Health Organization partners in the formulation of healthy public policy
policies of the past decade have addressed as a basic to ensure its cultural relevance.
This Conference proposes that countries start
Partners in the policy process developing a national women’s healthy public policy
in which women’s own health agendas are central
Government plays an important role in health, and which includes proposals for:
but health is also influenced greatly by corporate • equal sharing of caring work performed in
and business interests, nongovernmental bodies society;
and community organizations. Their potential for • birthing practices based on women’s preferences
The use of tobacco and the abuse of alcohol are two Environmental management must protect human
major health hazards that deserve immediate action health from the direct and indirect adverse effects
through the development of healthy public policies. of biological, chemical, and physical factors, and
Not only is tobacco directly injurious to the health of should recognize that women and men are part
the smoker but the health consequences of passive of a complex ecosystem. The extremely diverse
The Third International Conference on Health Promotion: Supportive Environments for Health - the
Sundsvall Conference - fits into a sequence of events which began with the commitment of WHO to the
goals of Health For All (1977). This was followed by the UNICEF/WHO International Conference on
Primary Health Care, in Alma-Ata (1978), and the First International Conference on Health Promotion in
Industrialized Countries (Ottawa 1986). Subsequent meetings on Healthy Public Policy, (Adelaide 1988)
and a Call for Action: Health Promotion in Developing countries, (Geneva 1989) have further clarified the
relevance and meaning of health promotion. In parallel with these developments in the health arena, public
concern over threats to the global environment has grown dramatically. This was clearly expressed by the
World Commission on Environment and Development in its report Our Common Future, which provided a
new understanding of the imperative of sustainable development.
The Third International Conference on Health environment - supportive to health rather than
Promotion: Supportive Environments for Health damaging to it.
- the first global conference on health promotion,
with participants from 81 countries - calls upon The Sundsvall Conference identified many
people in all parts of the world to actively engage in examples and approaches for creating supportive
making environments more supportive to health. environments that can be used by policy-makers,
Examining today’s health and environmental decision-makers and community activists in the
issues together, the Conference points out that health and environment sectors. The Conference
millions of people are living in extreme poverty recognized that everyone has a role in creating
and deprivation in an increasingly degraded supportive environments for health.
environment that threatens their health, making the
goal of Health For All by the Year 2000 extremely A Call for Action
hard to achieve. The way forward lies in making
the environment - the physical environment, the This call for action is directed towards policy-
social and economic environment, and the political makers and decision-makers in all relevant sectors
The Fourth International Conference on Health Promotion: New Players for a New Era - Leading Health
Promotion into the 21st Century, meeting in Jakarta from 21 to 25 July 1997, has come at a critical moment
in the development of international strategies for health. It is almost 20 years since the World Health
Organization’s Member States made an ambitious commitment to a global strategy for Health for All and
the principles of primary health care through the Declaration of Alma-Ata. It is 11 years since the First
International Conference on Health Promotion was held in Ottawa, Canada. That Conference resulted
in proclamation of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, which has been a source of guidance and
inspiration for health promotion since that time. Subsequent international conferences and meetings have
further clarified the relevance and meaning of key strategies in health promotion, including healthy public
policy (Adelaide, Australia, 1988), and supportive environments for health (Sundsvall, Sweden, 1991).
The Fourth International Conference on Health Promotion is the first to be held in a developing country,
and the first to involve the private sector in supporting health promotion. It has provided an opportunity to
reflect on what has been learned about effective health promotion, to re-examine the determinants of health,
and to identify the directions and strategies that must be adopted to address the challenges of promoting
health in the 21st century. The participants in the Jakarta Conference hereby present this Declaration on
action for health promotion into the next century.
The prerequisites for health are peace, shelter, Health promotion makes a difference
education, social security, social relations, food,
income, the empowerment of women, a stable Research and case studies from around the
eco-system, sustainable resource use, social justice, world provide convincing evidence that health
respect for human rights, and equity. Above all, promotion is effective. Health promotion strategies
poverty is the greatest threat to health. can develop and change lifestyles, and have an
impact on the social, economic and environmental
Demographic trends such as urbanization, an conditions that determine health. Health promotion
increase in the number of older people and is a practical approach to achieving greater equity
the high prevalence of chronic diseases pose in health.
new problems in all countries. Other social,
behavioural and biological changes such as The five strategies set out in the Ottawa Charter for
increased sedentary behaviour, resistance to Health Promotion are essential for success:
antibiotics and other commonly available drugs, • build healthy public policy
increased drug abuse, and civil and domestic • create supportive environments
violence threaten the health and well-being of • strengthen community action
hundreds of millions of people. • develop personal skills
• reorient health services.
New and re-emerging infectious diseases, and the
greater recognition of mental health problems, There is now clear evidence that:
require an urgent response. It is vital that • comprehensive approaches to health
approaches to health promotion evolve to meet development are the most effective. Those
changes in the determinants of health. that use combinations of the five strategies
Health promotion requires partnerships for health To secure an infrastructure for health promotion,
and social development between the different new mechanisms for funding it locally, nationally
sectors at all levels of governance and society. and globally must be found. Incentives should be
Existing partnerships need to be strengthened developed to influence the actions of governments,
and the potential for new partnerships must be nongovernmental organizations, educational
explored. institutions and the private sector to make sure
that resource mobilization for health promotion is
Partnerships offer mutual benefit for health through maximized.
the sharing of expertise, skills and resources. Each
partnership must be transparent and accountable “Settings for health” represent the organizational
and be based on agreed ethical principles, mutual base of the infrastructure required for health
understanding and respect. WHO guidelines should promotion. New health challenges mean that new
be adhered to. and diverse networks need to be created to achieve
intersectoral collaboration. Such networks should
4. Increase community capacity and provide mutual assistance within and among
empower the individual countries and facilitate exchange of information on
which strategies have proved effective and in which
Health promotion is carried out by and with people, settings.
not on or to people. It improves both the ability
of individuals to take action, and the capacity of Training in and practice of local leadership skills
groups, organizations or communities to influence should be encouraged in order to support health
the determinants of health. promotion activities. Documentation of experiences
in health promotion through research and project
Improving the capacity of communities for reporting should be enhanced to improve planning,
health promotion requires practical education, implementation and evaluation.
leadership training, and access to resources.
Empowering individuals demands more All countries should develop the appropriate
consistent, reliable access to the decision-making political, legal, educational, social and economic
process and the skills and knowledge essential to environments required to support health
effect change. promotion.
The participants in this Conference are committed to sharing the key messages of the Jakarta
Declaration with their governments, institutions and communities, putting the actions proposed into
practice, and reporting back to the Fifth International Conference on Health Promotion.
In order to speed progress towards global health promotion, the participants endorse the formation of a
global health promotion alliance. The goal of this alliance is to advance the priorities for action in health
promotion set out in this Declaration.
National governments are called on to take the initiative in fostering and sponsoring networks for health
promotion both within and among their countries.
The participants call on WHO to take the lead in building such a global health promotion alliance and
enabling its Member States to implement the outcomes of the Conference. A key part of this role is for WHO
to engage governments, nongovernmental organizations, development banks, organizations of the United
Nations system, interregional bodies, bilateral agencies, the labour movement and cooperatives, as well as
the private sector, in advancing the priorities for action in health promotion.
Document resulting from 4th International Conference on Health Promotion, 21-25 July 1997, Jakarta, Indonesia.*
* The success of the fourth ICHP is due to the active contribution of many, the host country, WHO, HQ and the Regional Offices, WR Country Offices, WHO CCs,
UN, IGOs and NGOs.
22 Mexico Ministerial Statement for the Promotion of Health: From Ideas to Action
which strengthen and expand partnerships for monitoring and evaluation of country-wide
health. plans of action.
c. To support the preparation of country-wide d. To establish or strengthen national and
plans of action for promoting health, if necessary international networks which promote health.
drawing on the expertise in this area of WHO e. To advocate that UN agencies be accountable for
and its partners. These plans will vary according the health impact of their development agenda.
to the national context, but will follow a basic f. To inform the Director General of the World
framework agreed upon during the Fifth Global Health Organization, for the purpose of her
Conference on Health Promotion, and may report to the 107th session of the Executive
include among others: Board, of the progress made in the performance
The identification of health priorities and the of the above actions.
establishment of healthy public policies and
programmes to address these. Signed in Mexico City, on 5 June 2000, in Arabic, Chinese,
English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish, all texts
The support of research which advances being equally authentic.*
knowledge on selected priorities.
The mobilization of financial and operational
resources to build human and institutional * Jointly organized by the World Health Organization, the Pan American Health
capacity for the development, implementation, Organization (PAHO/AMRO) and the Ministry of Health of Mexico.
Signing countries
The ‘Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion in a globalized world’ has been agreed to by participants at the
6th Global Conference on Health Promotion held in Thailand from 7-11 August, 2005.
Introduction Audience
* Jointly organized by the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Public
Conference participants request the World Health, Thailand.
30 Annexes
self-help and self-care, and the need for continuous well as an assessment of the impact of different
cooperation with the public on all health promotion issues. initiatives in health promotion. There is a need to
develop methodologies for research and analysis, in
1. The concept and meaning of “health promotion” particularly, to devise more appropriate approaches
should be clarified at every level of planning, to evaluation. The results of research should be
emphasizing a social, economic and ecological, rather disseminated widely and comparisons made within
than a purely physical and mental perspective on and between nations.
health. Policy development in health promotion can
then be related and integrated with policy in other Dilemmas
sectors such as work, housing, social services and
primary health care. Health-related public policy will always be confronted with
2. Political commitment to health promotion can be basic political and moral dilemmas, as it aims to balance
expressed through the establishment of focal points public and personal responsibility for health. Those
for health promotion at all levels - local, regional and involved in health promotion need to be aware of possible
national. These would be organizational mechanisms conflicts of interest both at the social and the individual
for intersectoral, coordinated planning in health level.
promotion. They should provide leadership and
accountability so that, when action is agreed, progress 1. There is a possibility with health promotion
will be secured. Adequate funding and skilled that health will be viewed as the ultimate goal
personnel are essential to allow the development incorporating all life. This ideology sometimes called
of systematic long-term programmes in health healthism, could lead to others prescribing what
promotion. individuals should do for themselves and how they
3. In the development of health promotion policies, should behave, which is contrary to the principles of
there must be continuous consultation, dialogue and health promotion.
exchange of ideas between individuals and groups, 2. Health promotion programmes may be
both lay and professional. Policy mechanisms must be inappropriately directed at individuals at the expense
established to ensure opportunities for the expression of tackling economic and social problems. Experience
and development of public interest in health. has shown that individuals are often considered by
4. When selecting priority areas for policy development policy makers to be exclusively responsible for their
a review should be made of: own health. It is often implied that people have the
indicators of health and their distribution in the power to completely shape their own lives and those
population of their families so as to be free from the avoidable
current knowledge, skills and health practices of burden of disease. Thus, when they are ill, they are
the population blamed for this and discriminated against.
current policies in government and other sectors. 3. Resources, including information, may not be
accessible to people in ways which are sensitive to
Further, an assessment should be made of: their expectations, beliefs, preferences or skills. This
the expected impact on health of different policies may increase social inequalities. Information alone
and programmes is inadequate; raising awareness without increasing
the economic constraints and benefits control or prospects for change may only succeed in
the social and cultural acceptability generating anxieties and feelings of powerlessness.
the political feasibility of different options. 4. There is a danger that health promotion will be
5. Research support is essential for policy development appropriated by one professional group and made
and evaluation to provide an understanding of a field of specialisation to the exclusion of other
influences on health and their development, as professionals and lay people. To increase control over
32 Annexes
Annex 2
Health Promotion Emblem
seRviR De méDiAteuR
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pRomouvoiR l’iDée Environments
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Health Services
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This logo was created for the First International skills, and re-orient health services) and three basic HP
Conference on Health Promotion held in Ottawa, Canada, strategies (to enable, mediate, and advocate).
in 1986. At that conference, the Ottawa Charter for Health
Promotion was launched. Since then, WHO kept this The main graphic elements of the HP logo are:
symbol as the Health Promotion logo (HP logo), as it • one outside circle,
stands for the approach to health promotion as outlined in • one round spot within the circle, and
the Ottawa Charter. • three wings that originate from this inner spot, one of
which is breaking the outside circle.
The logo represents a circle with 3 wings. It incorporates
five key action areas in Health Promotion (build healthy a) The outside circle, originally in red colour, is
public policy, create supportive environments for health, representing the goal of “Building Healthy Public Policies”,
strengthen community action for health, develop personal therefore symbolising the need for policies to “hold things
34 Annexes
The Health Promotion emblem and its interpretations in successive conferences
Nairobi 2009