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Milestones in Health Promotion

Statements from Global Conferences


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Milestones in Health Promotion
Statements from Global Conferences
1 The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion
17-21 November 1986

6 Adelaide Recommendations on Healthy Public Policy

5-9 April 1988

12 Sundsvall Statement on Supportive Environments for Health

9-15 June 1991

17 Jakarta Declaration on Leading Health Promotion into the 21st Century

21-25 July 1997

22 Mexico Ministerial Statement for the Promotion of Health: From Ideas to Action
5-9 June 2000

24 The Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion in a Globalized World

7-11 August 2005

29 Annex 1: A Discussion Document on the Concept and Principles of Health Promotion

9-13 July 1984

33 Annex 2: Health Promotion Emblem

ii The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion

The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion
First International Conference on Health Promotion
Ottawa, 17-21 November 1986

The first International Conference on Health Promotion, meeting in Ottawa this 21st day of November 1986,
hereby presents this CHARTER for action to achieve Health for All by the year 2000 and beyond.

This conference was primarily a response to growing expectations for a new public health movement around
the world. Discussions focused on the needs in industrialized countries, but took into account similar
concerns in all other regions. It built on the progress made through the Declaration on Primary Health Care
at Alma-Ata, the World Health Organization’s Targets for Health for All document, and the recent debate at
the World Health Assembly on intersectoral action for health.

Health Promotion
Prerequisites for Health
Health promotion is the process of enabling
people to increase control over, and to improve, The fundamental conditions and resources for
their health. To reach a state of complete physical, health are:
mental and social well-being, an individual or group • peace,
must be able to identify and to realize aspirations, • shelter,
to satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the • education,
environment. Health is, therefore, seen as a resource • food,
for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is • income,
a positive concept emphasizing social and personal • a stable eco-system,
resources, as well as physical capacities. Therefore, • sustainable resources,
health promotion is not just the responsibility of the • social justice, and equity.
health sector, but goes beyond healthy life-styles to
well-being. Improvement in health requires a secure
foundation in these basic prerequisites.

Milestones in Health Promotion: Statements from Global Conferences 1


Good health is a major resource for social, The prerequisites and prospects for health
economic and personal development and an cannot be ensured by the health sector alone.
important dimension of quality of life. Political, More importantly, health promotion demands
economic, social, cultural, environmental, coordinated action by all concerned: by
behavioural and biological factors can all favour governments, by health and other social and
health or be harmful to it. Health promotion economic sectors, by nongovernmental and
action aims at making these conditions voluntary organization, by local authorities, by
favourable through advocacy for health. industry and by the media. People in all walks
of life are involved as individuals, families and
communities. Professional and social groups
and health personnel have a major responsibility
to mediate between differing interests in society
for the pursuit of health.
Health promotion focuses on achieving equity
in health. Health promotion action aims at
Health promotion strategies and programmes
reducing differences in current health status and
should be adapted to the local needs and
ensuring equal opportunities and resources to
possibilities of individual countries and regions
enable all people to achieve their fullest health
to take into account differing social, cultural and
potential. This includes a secure foundation in a
economic systems.
supportive environment, access to information,
life skills and opportunities for making healthy
choices. People cannot achieve their fullest
health potential unless they are able to take
control of those things which determine their
health. This must apply equally to women and

2 The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion

Health Promotion Action Means: the world should be emphasized as a global
Build Healthy Public Policy
Changing patterns of life, work and leisure have
Health promotion goes beyond health care. It puts a significant impact on health. Work and leisure
health on the agenda of policy makers in all sectors should be a source of health for people. The way
and at all levels, directing them to be aware of the society organizes work should help create a healthy
health consequences of their decisions and to accept society. Health promotion generates living and
their responsibilities for health. working conditions that are safe, stimulating,
satisfying and enjoyable.
Health promotion policy combines diverse but
complementary approaches including legislation, Systematic assessment of the health impact of a
fiscal measures, taxation and organizational rapidly changing environment - particularly in
change. It is coordinated action that leads to areas of technology, work, energy production and
health, income and social policies that foster urbanization - is essential and must be followed
greater equity. Joint action contributes to ensuring by action to ensure positive benefit to the health
safer and healthier goods and services, healthier of the public. The protection of the natural and
public services, and cleaner, more enjoyable built environments and the conservation of
environments. natural resources must be addressed in any health
promotion strategy.
Health promotion policy requires the identification
of obstacles to the adoption of healthy public Strengthen Community Actions
policies in non-health sectors, and ways of removing
them. The aim must be to make the healthier choice Health promotion works through concrete and
the easier choice for policy makers as well. effective community action in setting priorities,
making decisions, planning strategies and
Create Supportive Environments implementing them to achieve better health. At
the heart of this process is the empowerment of
Our societies are complex and interrelated. communities - their ownership and control of their
Health cannot be separated from other goals. own endeavours and destinies.
The inextricable links between people and
their environment constitutes the basis for a Community development draws on existing human
socioecological approach to health. The overall and material resources in the community to enhance
guiding principle for the world, nations, regions self-help and social support, and to develop flexible
and communities alike, is the need to encourage systems for strengthening public participation in
reciprocal maintenance - to take care of each other, and direction of health matters. This requires full
our communities and our natural environment. and continuous access to information, learning
The conservation of natural resources throughout opportunities for health, as well as funding support.

Milestones in Health Promotion: Statements from Global Conferences 3

Develop Personal Skills Reorienting health services also requires stronger
attention to health research as well as changes in
Health promotion supports personal and social professional education and training. This must lead
development through providing information, to a change of attitude and organization of health
education for health, and enhancing life skills. By so services which refocuses on the total needs of the
doing, it increases the options available to people to individual as a whole person.
exercise more control over their own health and over
their environments, and to make choices conducive Moving into the Future
to health.
Health is created and lived by people within the
Enabling people to learn, throughout life, to prepare settings of their everyday life; where they learn,
themselves for all of its stages and to cope with work, play and love. Health is created by caring for
chronic illness and injuries is essential. This has to oneself and others, by being able to take decisions
be facilitated in school, home, work and community and have control over one’s life circumstances, and
settings. Action is required through educational, by ensuring that the society one lives in creates
professional, commercial and voluntary bodies, and conditions that allow the attainment of health by all
within the institutions themselves. its members.

Reorient Health Services Caring, holism and ecology are essential issues in
developing strategies for health promotion. Therefore,
The responsibility for health promotion in health those involved should take as a guiding principle
services is shared among individuals, community that, in each phase of planning, implementation and
groups, health professionals, health service evaluation of health promotion activities, women and
institutions and governments. men should become equal partners.

They must work together towards a health Commitment to Health Promotion

care system which contributes to the pursuit of
health. The role of the health sector must move The participants in this Conference pledge:
increasingly in a health promotion direction, • to move into the arena of healthy public policy,
beyond its responsibility for providing clinical and to advocate a clear political commitment to
and curative services. Health services need to health and equity in all sectors;
embrace an expanded mandate which is sensitive • to counteract the pressures towards harmful
and respects cultural needs. This mandate should products, resource depletion, unhealthy living
support the needs of individuals and communities conditions and environments, and bad nutrition;
for a healthier life, and open channels between and to focus attention on public health issues
the health sector and broader social, political, such as pollution, occupational hazards, housing
economic and physical environmental and settlements;
components. • to respond to the health gap within and between

4 The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion

societies, and to tackle the inequities in health towards the promotion of health; and to share
produced by the rules and practices of these power with other sectors, other disciplines and,
societies; most importantly, with people themselves;
• to acknowledge people as the main health • to recognize health and its maintenance as a
resource; to support and enable them to keep major social investment and challenge; and to
themselves, their families and friends healthy address the overall ecological issue of our ways
through financial and other means, and to accept of living.
the community as the essential voice in matters
of its health, living conditions and well-being; The Conference urges all concerned to join them in
• to reorient health services and their resources their commitment to a strong public health alliance.

Call for International Action

The Conference calls on the World Health Organization and other international organizations to
advocate the promotion of health in all appropriate forums and to support countries in setting up
strategies and programmes for health promotion.

The Conference is firmly convinced that if people in all walks of life, nongovernmental and voluntary
organizations, governments, the World Health Organization and all other bodies concerned join forces
in introducing strategies for health promotion, in line with the moral and social values that form the
basis of this CHARTER, Health For All by the year 2000 will become a reality.

Charter adopted at an international conference on health promotion, ‘The move towards a new public health’, 17-21 November
1986 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.*

* Co-sponsored by the Canadian Public Health Association, Health and Welfare Canada, and the World Health Organization.

Milestones in Health Promotion: Statements from Global Conferences 5

Adelaide Recommendations on Healthy
Public Policy
Second International Conference on Health Promotion, Adelaide, South
Australia, 5-9 April 1988

The adoption of the Declaration of Alma-Ata a decade ago was a major milestone in the Health for All
movement which the World Health Assembly launched in 1977. Building on the recognition of health as
a fundamental social goal, the Declaration set a new direction for health policy by emphasizing people’s
involvement, cooperation between sectors of society and primary health care as its foundation.

The Spirit of Alma-Ata The Adelaide Conference on Healthy Public

Policy continued in the direction set at Alma-Ata
The spirit of Alma-Ata was carried forward in the and Ottawa, and built on their momentum. Two
Charter for Health Promotion which was adopted in hundred and twenty participants from forty-two
Ottawa in 1986. The Charter set the challenge for a countries shared experiences in formulating and
move towards the new public health by reaffirming implementing healthy public policy. The following
social justice and equity as prerequisites for health, recommended strategies for healthy public policy
and advocacy and mediation as the processes for action reflect the consensus achieved at the
their achievement. Conference.

The Charter identified five health promotion Healthy Public Policy

action areas:
• build Healthy Public Policy, Healthy public policy is characterized by an explicit
• create supportive environments, concern for health and equity in all areas of policy
• develop personal skills, and by an accountability for health impact. The
• strengthen community action, and main aim of healthy public policy is to create a
• reorient health services. supportive environment to enable people to lead
healthy lives. Such a policy makes health choices
These actions are interdependent, but healthy public possible or easier for citizens. It makes social
policy establishes the environment that makes the and physical environments health-enhancing. In
other four possible. the pursuit of healthy public policy, government

6 Adelaide Recommendations on Healthy Public Policy

sectors concerned with agriculture, trade, services, particularly community health care, is a
education, industry, and communications need vital aspect of equity in health.
to take into account health as an essential factor
when formulating policy. These sectors should be New inequalities in health may follow rapid
accountable for the health consequences of their structural change caused by emerging technologies.
policy decisions. They should pay as much attention The first target of the European Region of the World
to health as to economic considerations. Health Organization, in moving towards Health for
All is that:
The value of health
“by the year 2000 the actual differences in health
Health is both a fundamental human right and a status between countries and between groups
sound social investment. Governments need to within countries should be reduced by at least 25%
invest resources in healthy public policy and health by improving the level of health of disadvantaged
promotion in order to raise the health status of all nations and groups.”
their citizens. A basic principle of social justice is
to ensure that people have access to the essentials In view of the large health gaps between countries,
for a healthy and satisfying life. At the same time, which this Conference has examined, the developed
this raises overall societal productivity in both countries have an obligation to ensure that their
social and economic terms. Healthy public policy own policies have a positive health impact on
in the short term will lead to long-term economic developing nations. The Conference recommends
benefits as shown by the case studies presented a that all countries develop healthy public policies that
this Conference. New efforts must be made to link explicitly address this issue.
economic, social, and health policies into integrated
action. Accountability for Health

Equity, access and development The recommendations of this Conference will be

realized only if governments at national, regional
Inequalities in health are rooted in inequities and local levels take action. The development
in society. Closing the health gap between of healthy public policy is as important at the
socially and educationally disadvantaged people local levels of government as it is nationally.
and more advantaged people requires a policy Governments should set explicit health goals that
that will improve access to health-enhancing emphasize health promotion.
goods and services, and create supportive
environments. Such a policy would assign high Public accountability for health is an essential
priority to underprivileged and vulnerable groups. nutrient for the growth of healthy public policy.
Furthermore, a healthy public policy recognizes Governments and all other controllers of resources
the unique culture of indigenous peoples, ethnic are ultimately accountable to their people for the
minorities, and immigrants. Equal access to health health consequences of their policies, or lack of

Milestones in Health Promotion: Statements from Global Conferences 7

policies. A commitment to healthy public policy preserving and promoting people’s health should be
means that governments must measure and report encouraged. Trade unions, commerce and industry,
the health impact of their policies in language that academic associations and religious leaders have
all groups in society readily understand. Community many opportunities to act in the health interests of
action is central to the fostering of healthy public the whole community. New alliances must be forged
policy. Taking education and literacy into account, to provide the impetus for health action.
special efforts must be made to communicate with
those groups most affected by the policy concerned. Action Areas

The Conference emphasizes the need to evaluate the The Conference identified four key areas as priorities
impact of policy. Health information systems that for health public policy for immediate action:
support this process need to be developed. This will
encourage informed decision-making over the future Supporting the health of women
allocation of resources for the implementation of
healthy public policy. Women are the primary health promoters all over
the world, and most of their work is performed
Moving beyond health care without pay or for a minimal wage. Women’s
networks and organizations are models for the
Healthy public policy responds to the challenges process of health promotion organization, planning
in health set by an increasingly dynamic and and implementation. Women’s networks should
technologically changing world, with its complex receive more recognition and support from policy-
ecological interactions and growing international makers and established institutions. Otherwise, this
interdependencies. Many of the health consequences investment of women’s labour increases inequity.
of these challenges cannot be remedied by present For their effective participation in health promotion
and foreseeable health care. Health promotion women require access to information, networks
efforts are essential, and these require an integrated and funds. All women, especially those from ethnic,
approach to social and economic development indigenous, and minority groups, have the right to
which will reestablish the links between health and self-determination of their health, and should be full
social reform, which the World Health Organization partners in the formulation of healthy public policy
policies of the past decade have addressed as a basic to ensure its cultural relevance.
This Conference proposes that countries start
Partners in the policy process developing a national women’s healthy public policy
in which women’s own health agendas are central
Government plays an important role in health, and which includes proposals for:
but health is also influenced greatly by corporate • equal sharing of caring work performed in
and business interests, nongovernmental bodies society;
and community organizations. Their potential for • birthing practices based on women’s preferences

8 Adelaide Recommendations on Healthy Public Policy

and needs; smoking, especially to infants, are now more clearly
• supportive mechanisms for caring work, such recognized than in the past. Alcohol contributes
as support for mothers with children, parental to social discord, and physical and mental trauma.
leave, and dependent health-care leave. Additionally, the serious ecological consequences
of the use of tobacco as a cash crop in impoverished
Food and nutrition economies have contributed to the current world
crises in food production and distribution.
The elimination of hunger and malnutrition is a
fundamental objective of healthy public policy. Such The production and marketing of tobacco and
policy should guarantee universal access to adequate alcohol are highly profitable activities - especially
amounts of healthy food in culturally acceptable to governments through taxation. Governments
ways. Food and nutrition policies need to integrate often consider that the economic consequences
methods of food production and distribution, both of reducing the production and consumption of
private and public, to achieve equitable prices. A tobacco and alcohol by altering policy would be too
food and nutrition policy that integrates agricultural, heavy a price to pay for the health gains involved.
economic, and environmental factors to ensure a
positive national and international health impact This Conference calls on all governments to consider
should be a priority for all governments. The first the price they are paying in lost human potential
stage of such a policy would be the establishment of by abetting the loss of life and illness that tobacco
goals for nutrition and diet. Taxation and subsidies smoking and alcohol abuse cause. Governments
should discriminate in favour of easy access for all to should commit themselves to the development
healthy food and an improved diet. of healthy public policy by setting nationally-
determined targets to reduce tobacco growing and
The Conference recommends that governments take alcohol production, marketing and consumption
immediate and direct action at all levels to use their significantly by the year 2000.
purchasing power in the food market to ensure that
the food-supply under their specific control (such Creating supportive environments
as catering in hospitals, schools, day-care centres,
welfare services and workplaces) gives consumers Many people live and work in conditions that
ready access to nutritious food. are hazardous to their health and are exposed to
potentially hazardous products. Such problems
Tobacco and alcohol often transcend national frontiers.

The use of tobacco and the abuse of alcohol are two Environmental management must protect human
major health hazards that deserve immediate action health from the direct and indirect adverse effects
through the development of healthy public policies. of biological, chemical, and physical factors, and
Not only is tobacco directly injurious to the health of should recognize that women and men are part
the smoker but the health consequences of passive of a complex ecosystem. The extremely diverse

Milestones in Health Promotion: Statements from Global Conferences 9

but limited natural resources that enrich life are the exchange of experiences at local, national and
essential to the human race. Policies promoting international levels are needed.
health can be achieved only in an environment that
conserves resources through global, regional, and The Conference recommends that local, national
local ecological strategies. and international bodies:
• establish clearing-houses to promote good
A commitment by all levels of government is practice in developing healthy public policy;
required. Coordinated intersectoral efforts are • develop networks of research workers, training
needed to ensure that health considerations are personnel, and programme managers to help
regarded as integral prerequisites for industrial and analyse and implement healthy public policy.
agricultural development. At an international level,
the World Health Organization should play a major Commitment to Global Public Health
role in achieving acceptance of such principles
and should support the concept of sustainable Prerequisites for health and social development are
development. peace and social justice; nutritious food and clean
water; education and decent housing; a useful role
This Conference advocates that, as a priority, in society and an adequate income; conservation of
the public health and ecological movements resources and the protection of the ecosystem. The
join together to develop strategies in pursuit of vision of healthy public policy is the achievement of
socioeconomic development and the conservation of these fundamental conditions for healthy living. The
our planet’s limited resources. achievement of global health rests on recognizing
and accepting interdependence both within and
Developing New Health Alliances between countries. Commitment to global public
health will depend on finding strong means of
The commitment to healthy public policy demands international cooperation to act on the issues that
an approach that emphasizes consultation and cross national boundaries.
negotiation. Healthy public policy requires strong
advocates who put health high on the agenda of Future Challenges
policy-makers. This means fostering the work of
advocacy groups and helping the media to interpret 1. Ensuring an equitable distribution of resources
complex policy issues. even in adverse economic circumstances is a
challenge for all nations.
Educational institutions must respond to the 2. Health for All will be achieved only if the creation
emerging needs of the new public health by and preservation of healthy living and working
reorienting existing curricula to include enabling, conditions become a central concern in all public
mediating, and advocating skills. There must be policy decisions. Work in all its dimensions -
a power shift from control to technical support caring work, opportunities for employment,
in policy development. In addition, forums for quality of working life - dramatically affects

10 Adelaide Recommendations on Healthy Public Policy

people’s health and happiness. The impact of the World Health Organization to expand this
work on health and equity needs to be explored. initiative throughout all its regions as an integrated
3. The most fundamental challenge for individual part of its work. Support for developing countries is
nations and international agencies in at the heart of this process.
achieving healthy public policy is to encourage
collaboration (or developing partnerships) in Renewal of Commitment
peace, human rights and social justice, ecology,
and sustainable development around the globe. In the interests of global health, the participants
4. In most countries, health is the responsibility of at the Adelaide Conference urge all concerned to
bodies at different political levels. In the pursuit reaffirm the commitment to a strong public health
of better health it is desirable to find new ways alliance that the Ottawa Charter called for.
for collaboration within and between these levels.
5. Healthy public policy must ensure that advances Extract from the report on the 2nd International Conference
in health-care technology help, rather than hinder, on Health Promotion, ‘Healthy Public Policy’, 5-9 April 1988
the process of achieving improvements in equity. Adelaide, South Australia.*

The Conference strongly recommends that the

World Health Organization continue the dynamic
* Co-sponsored by the Department of Community Services & Health, Canberra,
development of health promotion through the five
Australia and the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe,
strategies described in the Ottawa Charter. It urges Copenhagen, Denmark.

Milestones in Health Promotion: Statements from Global Conferences 11

Sundsvall Statement on Supportive Environments
for Health
Third International Conference on Health Promotion, Sundsvall,
Sweden, 9-15 June 1991

The Third International Conference on Health Promotion: Supportive Environments for Health - the
Sundsvall Conference - fits into a sequence of events which began with the commitment of WHO to the
goals of Health For All (1977). This was followed by the UNICEF/WHO International Conference on
Primary Health Care, in Alma-Ata (1978), and the First International Conference on Health Promotion in
Industrialized Countries (Ottawa 1986). Subsequent meetings on Healthy Public Policy, (Adelaide 1988)
and a Call for Action: Health Promotion in Developing countries, (Geneva 1989) have further clarified the
relevance and meaning of health promotion. In parallel with these developments in the health arena, public
concern over threats to the global environment has grown dramatically. This was clearly expressed by the
World Commission on Environment and Development in its report Our Common Future, which provided a
new understanding of the imperative of sustainable development.

The Third International Conference on Health environment - supportive to health rather than
Promotion: Supportive Environments for Health damaging to it.
- the first global conference on health promotion,
with participants from 81 countries - calls upon The Sundsvall Conference identified many
people in all parts of the world to actively engage in examples and approaches for creating supportive
making environments more supportive to health. environments that can be used by policy-makers,
Examining today’s health and environmental decision-makers and community activists in the
issues together, the Conference points out that health and environment sectors. The Conference
millions of people are living in extreme poverty recognized that everyone has a role in creating
and deprivation in an increasingly degraded supportive environments for health.
environment that threatens their health, making the
goal of Health For All by the Year 2000 extremely A Call for Action
hard to achieve. The way forward lies in making
the environment - the physical environment, the This call for action is directed towards policy-
social and economic environment, and the political makers and decision-makers in all relevant sectors

12 Sundsvall Statement on Supportive Environments for Health

and at all levels. Advocates and activists for health, fails to enable and empower. Millions of children
environment and social justice are urged to form a lack access to basic education and have little hope
broad alliance towards the common goal of Health for a better future. Women, the majority of the
for All. We Conference participants have pledged world’s population, are still oppressed. They are
to take this message back to our communities, sexually exploited and suffer from discrimination in
countries and governments to initiate action. We the labour market and many other areas, preventing
also call upon the organizations of the United them from playing a full role in creating supportive
Nations system to strengthen their cooperation and environments.
to challenge each other to be truly committed to
sustainable development and equity. More than a billion people worldwide have
inadequate access to essential health care. Health
A supportive environment is of paramount care systems undoubtedly need to be strengthened.
importance for health. The two are interdependent The solution to these massive problems lies in social
and inseparable. We urge that the achievement of action for health and the resources and creativity
both be made central objectives in the setting of of individuals and their communities. Releasing
priorities for development, and be given precedence this potential requires a fundamental change in the
in resolving competing interests in the everyday way we view our health and our environment, and
management of government policies. a clear, strong political commitment to sustainable
health and environmental policies. The solutions lie
Inequities are reflected in a widening gap in health beyond the traditional health system.
both within our nations and between rich and
poor countries. This is unacceptable. Action to Initiatives have to come from all sectors that
achieve social justice in health is urgently needed. can contribute to the creation of supportive
Millions of people are living in extreme poverty and environments for health, and must be acted upon
deprivation in an increasingly degraded environment by people in local communities, nationally by
in both urban and rural areas. An unforeseen and government and nongovernmental organizations,
alarming number of people suffer from the tragic and globally through international organizations.
consequences for health and well-being of armed Action will predominantly involve such sectors
conflicts. Rapid population growth is a major threat as education, transport, housing and urban
to sustainable development. People must survive development, industrial production and agriculture.
without clean water, adequate food, shelter or
sanitation. Dimensions of Action on Supportive
Environments for Health
Poverty frustrates people’s ambitions and their
dreams of building a better future, while limited In a health context the term supportive environments
access to political structures undermines the basis refers to both the physical and the social aspects
for self-determination. For many, education is of our surroundings. It encompasses where people
unavailable or insufficient, or, in its present forms, live, their local community, their home, where they

Milestones in Health Promotion: Statements from Global Conferences 13

work and play. It also embraces the framework between men and women. Women’s community-
which determines access to resources for living, and based organizations must have a stronger voice
opportunities for empowerment. Thus action to create in the development of health promotion policies
supportive environments has many dimensions: and structures.
physical, social, spiritual, economic and political.
Each of these dimensions is inextricably linked to Proposals for Action
the others in a dynamic interaction. Action must be
coordinated at local, regional, national and global Sundsvall Conference believes that proposals to
levels to achieve solutions that are truly sustainable. implement the Health for All strategies must reflect
two basic principles:
The Conference highlighted four aspects of 1. Equity must be a basic priority in creating
supportive environments: supportive environments for health, releasing
• The social dimension, which includes the ways energy and creative power by including all
in which norms, customs and social processes human beings in this unique endeavour. All
affect health. In many societies traditional policies that aim at sustainable development
social relationships are changing in ways that must be subjected to new types of accountability
threaten health, for example, by increasing procedures in order to achieve an equitable
social isolation, by depriving life of a meaningful distribution of responsibilities and resources.
coherence and purpose, or by challenging All action and resource allocation must be based
traditional values and cultural heritage. on a clear priority and commitment to the very
• The political dimension, which requires poorest, alleviating the extra hardship borne by
governments to guarantee democratic the marginalized, minority groups, and people
participation in decision-making and the with disabilities. The industrialized world needs
decentralization of responsibilities and to pay the environmental and human debt that
resources. It also requires a commitment to has accumulated through exploitation of the
human rights, peace, and a shifting of resources developing world.
from the arms race. 2. Public action for supportive environments for
• The economic dimension, which requires a re- health must recognize the interdependence of
channelling of resources for the achievement all living beings, and must manage all natural
of Health for All and sustainable development, resources, taking into account the needs of future
including the transfer of safe and reliable generations. Indigenous peoples have a unique
technology. spiritual and cultural relationship with the
• The need to recognize and use women’s skills physical environment that can provide valuable
and knowledge in all sectors - including policy- lessons for the rest of the world. It is essential,
making, and the economy - in order to develop therefore, that indigenous peoples be involved
a more positive infrastructure for supportive in sustainable development activities, and
environments. The burden of the workload negotiations be conducted about their rights to
of women should be recognized and shared land and cultural heritage.

14 Sundsvall Statement on Supportive Environments for Health

It Can be Done: Strengthening Social Participants in the Conference recognized, in
Action particular, that education is a basic human right
and a key element in bringing about the political,
A call for the creation of supportive environments economic and social changes needed to make health
is a practical proposal for public health action at a possibility for all. Education should be accessible
the local level, with a focus on settings for health throughout life and be built on the principle of
that allow for broad community involvement and equity, particularly with respect to culture, social
control. Examples from all parts of the world class and gender.
were presented at the Conference in relation to
education, food, housing, social support and care, The Global Perspective
work and transport. They clearly showed that
supportive environments enable people to expand People form an integral part of the earth’s
their capabilities and develop self-reliance. Further ecosystem. Their health is fundamentally
details of these practical proposals are available in interlinked with the total environment. All available
the Conference report and handbook. information indicates that it will not be possible to
sustain the quality of life, for human beings and all
Using the examples presented, the Conference living species, without drastic changes in attitudes
identified four key public health action strategies to and behaviour at all levels with regard to the
promote the creation of supportive environments at management and preservation of the environment.
community level.
1. Strengthening advocacy through community Concerted action to achieve a sustainable,
action, particularly through groups organized by supportive environment for health is the challenge
women. of our times.
2. Enabling communities and individuals to take
control over their health and environment At the international level, large differences in per
through education and empowerment. capita income lead to inequalities not only in access
3. Building alliances for health and supportive to health but also in the capacity of societies to
environments in order to strengthen the improve their situation and sustain a decent quality
cooperation between health and environmental of life for future generations. Migration from rural
campaigns and strategies. to urban areas drastically increases the number of
4. Mediating between conflicting interests in people living in slums, with accompanying problems
society in order to ensure equitable access to - including lack of clean water and sanitation.
supportive environments for health.
Political decision-making and industrial
In summary, empowerment of people and community development are too often based on short-term
participation were seen as essential factors in a planning and economic gains which do not take
democratic health promotion approach and the into account the true costs to people’s health
driving force for self-reliance and development. and the environment. International debt is

Milestones in Health Promotion: Statements from Global Conferences 15

seriously draining the scarce resources of the poor and products harmful to health and the environment.
countries. Military expenditure is increasing, and
war, in addition to causing deaths and disability, WHO and UNEP are urged to develop guidelines
is now introducing new forms of ecological based on the principle of sustainable development for
vandalism. use by Member States. All multilateral and bilateral
donor and funding agencies such as the World
Exploitation of the labour force, the exportation Bank and International Monetary Fund are urged
and dumping of hazardous substances, particularly to use such guidelines in planning, implementing
in the weaker and poorer nations, and the wasteful and assessing development projects. Urgent action
consumption of world resources all demonstrate needs to be taken to support developing countries in
that the present approach to development is in identifying and applying their own solutions. Close
crisis. There is an urgent need to advance towards collaboration with nongovernmental organizations
new ethics and global agreement based on should be ensured throughout the process.
peaceful coexistence to allow for a more equitable
distribution and utilization of the earth’s limited The Sundsvall Conference has again demonstrated
resources. that the issues of health, environment and human
development cannot be separated. Development
Achieving Global Accountability must imply improvement in the quality of life and
health while preserving the sustainability of the
The Sundsvall Conference calls upon the environment. Only worldwide action based on global
international community to establish nw partnership will ensure the future of our planet.
mechanisms of health and ecological accountability
that build upon the principles of sustainable health Document resulting from the 3rd International Conference on
development. In practice this requires health and Health Promotion, 9-15 June 1991, Sundsvall, Sweden.*
environmental impact statements for major policy
and programme initiatives. WHO and UNEP are
urged to strengthen their efforts to develop codes of
*Co-sponsored by the United Nations Environment Programme, the Nordic
conduct on the trade and marketing of substances Council of Ministers, and the World Health Organization

16 Sundsvall Statement on Supportive Environments for Health

Jakarta Declaration on Leading Health Promotion
into the 21st Century
The Fourth International Conference on Health Promotion: New Players
for a New Era - Leading Health Promotion into the 21st Century, Jakarta,
Indonesia, 21-25 July 1997

The Fourth International Conference on Health Promotion: New Players for a New Era - Leading Health
Promotion into the 21st Century, meeting in Jakarta from 21 to 25 July 1997, has come at a critical moment
in the development of international strategies for health. It is almost 20 years since the World Health
Organization’s Member States made an ambitious commitment to a global strategy for Health for All and
the principles of primary health care through the Declaration of Alma-Ata. It is 11 years since the First
International Conference on Health Promotion was held in Ottawa, Canada. That Conference resulted
in proclamation of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, which has been a source of guidance and
inspiration for health promotion since that time. Subsequent international conferences and meetings have
further clarified the relevance and meaning of key strategies in health promotion, including healthy public
policy (Adelaide, Australia, 1988), and supportive environments for health (Sundsvall, Sweden, 1991).

The Fourth International Conference on Health Promotion is the first to be held in a developing country,
and the first to involve the private sector in supporting health promotion. It has provided an opportunity to
reflect on what has been learned about effective health promotion, to re-examine the determinants of health,
and to identify the directions and strategies that must be adopted to address the challenges of promoting
health in the 21st century. The participants in the Jakarta Conference hereby present this Declaration on
action for health promotion into the next century.

Health promotion is a key enabling people to increase control over, and to

investment improve, their health. Health promotion, through
investment and action, has a marked impact on the
Health is a basic human right and is essential for determinants of health so as to create the greatest
social and economic development. Increasingly, health gain for people, to contribute significantly
health promotion is being recognized as an essential to the reduction of inequities in health, to further
element of health development. It is a process of human rights, and to build social capital. The

Milestones in Health Promotion: Statements from Global Conferences 17

ultimate goal is to increase health expectancy, and Transnational factors also have a significant impact
to narrow the gap in health expectancy between on health. These include the integration of the
countries and groups. global economy, financial markets and trade, wide
access to media and communications technology,
The Jakarta Declaration on Health Promotion and environmental degradation as a result of the
offers a vision and focus for health promotion into irresponsible use of resources.
the next century. It reflects the firm commitment
of participants in the Fourth International These changes shape peoples values, their
Conference on Health Promotion to draw upon the lifestyles throughout the lifespan, and living
widest possible range of resources to tackle health conditions across the world. Some have great
determinants in the 21st century. potential for health, such as the development of
communications technology, while others, such
Determinants of health: new as international trade in tobacco, have a major
challenges negative impact.

The prerequisites for health are peace, shelter, Health promotion makes a difference
education, social security, social relations, food,
income, the empowerment of women, a stable Research and case studies from around the
eco-system, sustainable resource use, social justice, world provide convincing evidence that health
respect for human rights, and equity. Above all, promotion is effective. Health promotion strategies
poverty is the greatest threat to health. can develop and change lifestyles, and have an
impact on the social, economic and environmental
Demographic trends such as urbanization, an conditions that determine health. Health promotion
increase in the number of older people and is a practical approach to achieving greater equity
the high prevalence of chronic diseases pose in health.
new problems in all countries. Other social,
behavioural and biological changes such as The five strategies set out in the Ottawa Charter for
increased sedentary behaviour, resistance to Health Promotion are essential for success:
antibiotics and other commonly available drugs, • build healthy public policy
increased drug abuse, and civil and domestic • create supportive environments
violence threaten the health and well-being of • strengthen community action
hundreds of millions of people. • develop personal skills
• reorient health services.
New and re-emerging infectious diseases, and the
greater recognition of mental health problems, There is now clear evidence that:
require an urgent response. It is vital that • comprehensive approaches to health
approaches to health promotion evolve to meet development are the most effective. Those
changes in the determinants of health. that use combinations of the five strategies

18 Jakarta Declaration on Leading Health Promotion into the 21st Century

are more effective than single- track Priorities for health promotion in the 21st
approaches. Century
• particular settings offer practical opportunities
for the implementation of comprehensive 1. Promote social responsibility for health
strategies. These include mega-cities, islands,
cities, municipalities, local communities, Decision-makers must be firmly committed to social
markets, schools, the workplace, and health responsibility. Both the public and private sectors
care facilities. should promote health by pursuing policies and
• participation is essential to sustain practices that:
efforts. People have to be at the centre of • avoid harming the health of individuals
health promotion action and decision-making • protect the environment and ensure sustainable
processes for them to be effective. use of resources
• health learning fosters participation. • restrict production of and trade in
Access to education and information is inherently harmful goods and substances
essential to achieving effective participation such as tobacco and armaments, as well as
and the empowerment of people and discourage unhealthy marketing practices
communities. • safeguard both the citizen in the marketplace
and the individual in the workplace
These strategies are core elements of health • include equity-focused health impact
promotion and are relevant for all countries. assessments as an integral part of policy
New responses are needed
2. Increase investments for health
To address emerging threats to health, new development
forms of action are needed. The challenge for
the coming years will be to unlock the potential In many countries, current investment in health is
for health promotion inherent in many sectors inadequate and often ineffective.
of society, among local communities, and within
families. Increasing investment for health development
requires a truly multisectoral approach including,
There is a clear need to break through traditional for example, additional resources for education and
boundaries within government sectors, between housing as well as for the health sector.
governmental and nongovernmental organizations,
and between the public and private sectors. Greater investment for health and reorientation
Cooperation is essential; this requires the creation of existing investments, both within and among
of new partnerships for health, on an equal footing, countries, has the potential to achieve significant
between the different sectors at all levels of advances in human development, health and quality
governance in societies. of life.

Milestones in Health Promotion: Statements from Global Conferences 19

Investments for health should reflect the needs of Both traditional communication and the new
particular groups such as women, children, older information media support this process. Social,
people, and indigenous, poor and marginalized cultural and spiritual resources need to be harnessed
populations. in innovative ways.

3. Consolidate and expand partnerships for 5. Secure an infrastructure for health

health promotion

Health promotion requires partnerships for health To secure an infrastructure for health promotion,
and social development between the different new mechanisms for funding it locally, nationally
sectors at all levels of governance and society. and globally must be found. Incentives should be
Existing partnerships need to be strengthened developed to influence the actions of governments,
and the potential for new partnerships must be nongovernmental organizations, educational
explored. institutions and the private sector to make sure
that resource mobilization for health promotion is
Partnerships offer mutual benefit for health through maximized.
the sharing of expertise, skills and resources. Each
partnership must be transparent and accountable “Settings for health” represent the organizational
and be based on agreed ethical principles, mutual base of the infrastructure required for health
understanding and respect. WHO guidelines should promotion. New health challenges mean that new
be adhered to. and diverse networks need to be created to achieve
intersectoral collaboration. Such networks should
4. Increase community capacity and provide mutual assistance within and among
empower the individual countries and facilitate exchange of information on
which strategies have proved effective and in which
Health promotion is carried out by and with people, settings.
not on or to people. It improves both the ability
of individuals to take action, and the capacity of Training in and practice of local leadership skills
groups, organizations or communities to influence should be encouraged in order to support health
the determinants of health. promotion activities. Documentation of experiences
in health promotion through research and project
Improving the capacity of communities for reporting should be enhanced to improve planning,
health promotion requires practical education, implementation and evaluation.
leadership training, and access to resources.
Empowering individuals demands more All countries should develop the appropriate
consistent, reliable access to the decision-making political, legal, educational, social and economic
process and the skills and knowledge essential to environments required to support health
effect change. promotion.

20 Jakarta Declaration on Leading Health Promotion into the 21st Century

Call for action

The participants in this Conference are committed to sharing the key messages of the Jakarta
Declaration with their governments, institutions and communities, putting the actions proposed into
practice, and reporting back to the Fifth International Conference on Health Promotion.

In order to speed progress towards global health promotion, the participants endorse the formation of a
global health promotion alliance. The goal of this alliance is to advance the priorities for action in health
promotion set out in this Declaration.

Priorities for the alliance include:

• raising awareness of the changing determinants of health
• supporting the development of collaboration and networks for health development
• mobilizing resources for health promotion
• accumulating knowledge on best practice
• enabling shared learning
• promoting solidarity in action
• fostering transparency and public accountability in health promotion

National governments are called on to take the initiative in fostering and sponsoring networks for health
promotion both within and among their countries.

The participants call on WHO to take the lead in building such a global health promotion alliance and
enabling its Member States to implement the outcomes of the Conference. A key part of this role is for WHO
to engage governments, nongovernmental organizations, development banks, organizations of the United
Nations system, interregional bodies, bilateral agencies, the labour movement and cooperatives, as well as
the private sector, in advancing the priorities for action in health promotion.

Document resulting from 4th International Conference on Health Promotion, 21-25 July 1997, Jakarta, Indonesia.*

* The success of the fourth ICHP is due to the active contribution of many, the host country, WHO, HQ and the Regional Offices, WR Country Offices, WHO CCs,
UN, IGOs and NGOs.

Milestones in Health Promotion: Statements from Global Conferences 21

Mexico Ministerial Statement for the Promotion of
Health: From Ideas to Action
Fifth Global Conference on Health Promotion, Health Promotion:
Bridging the Equity Gap, Mexico City, 5-9 June 2000

Statement emerging diseases threaten the progress made in

Gathered in Mexico City on the occasion of the 6. Realize that it is urgent to address the social,
Fifth Global Conference on Health Promotion, the economic and environmental determinants
Ministers of Health who sign this Statement: of health and that this requires strengthened
1. Recognize that the attainment of the highest mechanisms of collaboration for the promotion of
possible standard of health is a positive asset for health across al sectors and at all levels of society.
the enjoyment of life and necessary for social and 7. Conclude that health promotion must be a
economic development and equity. fundamental component of public policies and
2. Acknowledge that the promotion of health programmes in all countries in the pursuit of
and social development is a central duty and equity and better health for all.
responsibility of governments, that all sectors of 8. Realize that there is ample evidence that good
society share. health promotion strategies of promoting health
3. Are mindful that, in recent years, through the are effective.
sustained efforts of governments and societies
working together, there have been significant Actions
health improvements and progress in the
provision of health services in many countries of Considering the above, we subscribe to the
the world. following:
4. Realize that, despite this progress, many health a. To position the promotion of health as a
problems still persist which hinder social and fundamental priority in local, regional, national
economic development and must therefore and international policies and programmes.
be urgently addressed to further equity in the b. To take the leading role in ensuring the active
attainment of health and well being. participation of all sectors and civil society, in
5. Are mindful that, at the same time, new and re- the implementation of health promoting actions

22 Mexico Ministerial Statement for the Promotion of Health: From Ideas to Action
which strengthen and expand partnerships for monitoring and evaluation of country-wide
health. plans of action.
c. To support the preparation of country-wide d. To establish or strengthen national and
plans of action for promoting health, if necessary international networks which promote health.
drawing on the expertise in this area of WHO e. To advocate that UN agencies be accountable for
and its partners. These plans will vary according the health impact of their development agenda.
to the national context, but will follow a basic f. To inform the Director General of the World
framework agreed upon during the Fifth Global Health Organization, for the purpose of her
Conference on Health Promotion, and may report to the 107th session of the Executive
include among others: Board, of the progress made in the performance
Š The identification of health priorities and the of the above actions.
establishment of healthy public policies and
programmes to address these. Signed in Mexico City, on 5 June 2000, in Arabic, Chinese,
English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish, all texts
Š The support of research which advances being equally authentic.*
knowledge on selected priorities.
Š The mobilization of financial and operational
resources to build human and institutional * Jointly organized by the World Health Organization, the Pan American Health
capacity for the development, implementation, Organization (PAHO/AMRO) and the Ministry of Health of Mexico.

Signing countries

This Ministerial Statement was signed by the following countries:

Algeria Czech Republic Jamaica Nicaragua South Africa
Angola Denmark Korea Niger Spain
Argentina Dominica Kuwait Norway Sudan
Aruba Dominican Republic Lao PDR Oman Swaziland
Australia Ecuador Lebanon Pakistan Sweden
Austria El Salvador Madagascar Panama Switzerland
Bangladesh Egypt Malaysia Paraguay Thailand
Belize Finland Maldives Poland Turkey
Bhutan France Malta Portugal United Kingdom
Bolivia Gabon Marshall Islands Puerto Rico United States
Brazil Germany Mexico Russian Federation Uruguay
Bulgaria Guatemala Morocco Rwanda vanuatu
Cameroon Haiti Mozambique Saint Kitts and venezuela
Canada Hungary Myanmar Nevis Yugoslavia
China India Namibia Saint Lucia Zambia
Colombia Indonesia Nepal Samoa Zimbabwe
Costa Rica Iran Netherlands Slovakia
Cuba Israel New Zealand Slovenia

Milestones in Health Promotion: Statements from Global Conferences 23

The Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion in
a Globalized World
7-11 August 2005

The ‘Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion in a globalized world’ has been agreed to by participants at the
6th Global Conference on Health Promotion held in Thailand from 7-11 August, 2005.

Introduction Audience

Scope The Bangkok Charter reaches out to people,

groups and organizations that are critical to the
The Bangkok Charter identifies actions, achievement of health, including:
commitments and pledges required to address the • governments and politicians at all levels
determinants of health in a globalized world through • civil society
health promotion. • the private sector
• international organizations, and
Purpose • the public health community.

The Bangkok Charter affirms that policies and Health promotion

partnerships to empower communities, and to
improve health and health equality, should be at the The United Nations recognizes that the enjoyment
centre of global and national development. of the highest attainable standard of health is one
of the fundamental rights of every human being
The Bangkok Charter complements and builds upon without discrimination.
the values, principles and action strategies of health
promotion established by the Ottawa Charter for Health promotion is based on this critical human
Health Promotion and the recommendations of the right and offers a positive and inclusive concept
subsequent global health promotion conferences of health as a determinant of the quality of life
which have been confirmed by Member States and encompassing mental and spiritual well-
through the World Health Assembly. being.

24 The Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion in a Globalized World

Health promotion is the process of enabling people to New opportunities
increase control over their health and its determinants,
and thereby improve their health. It is a core function Globalization opens up new opportunities for
of public health and contributes to the work of tackling cooperation to improve health and reduce
communicable and noncommunicable diseases and transnational health risks; these opportunities include:
other threats to health. • enhanced information and communications
technology, and
Addressing the determinants of health • improved mechanisms for global governance and
the sharing of experiences.
Changing context
Policy coherence
The global context for health promotion has
changed markedly since the development of the To manage the challenges of globalization, policy
Ottawa Charter. must be coherent across all:
• levels of governments
Critical factors • United Nations bodies, and
• other organizations, including the private sector.
Some of the critical factors that now influence health
include: This coherence will strengthen compliance,
• increasing inequalities within and between transparency and accountability with international
countries agreements and treaties that affect health.
• new patterns of consumption and communication
• commercialization Progress made
• global environmental change, and
• urbanization. Progress has been made in placing health at the
centre of development, for example through the
Further challenges Millennium Development Goals, but much more
remains to be achieved; the active participation of
Other factors that influence health include rapid and civil society is crucial in this process.
often adverse social, economic and demographic
changes that affect working conditions, learning Strategies for health promotion in a
environments, family patterns, and the culture and globalized world
social fabric of communities.
Effective interventions
Women and men are affected differently.
The vulnerability of children and exclusion of Progress towards a healthier world requires strong
marginalized, disabled and indigenous peoples have political action, broad participation and sustained
increased. advocacy.

Milestones in Health Promotion: Statements from Global Conferences 25

Health promotion has an established repertoire of if progress is to be made in addressing the
proven effective strategies which need to be fully determinants of health.
Key commitments
Required actions
The four key commitments are to make the
To make further advances in implementing these promotion of health:
strategies, all sectors and settings must act to: 1. central to the global development agenda
• advocate for health based on human rights and 2. a core responsibility for all of government
solidarity 3. a key focus of communities and civil society
• invest in sustainable policies, actions and 4. a requirement for good corporate practice.
infrastructure to address the determinants of
health 1. Make the promotion of health central to
• build capacity for policy development, the global development agenda
leadership, health promotion practice,
knowledge transfer and research, and health Strong intergovernmental agreements that increase
literacy health and collective health security are needed.
• regulate and legislate to ensure a high level Government and international bodies must act
of protection from harm and enable equal to close the health gap between rich and poor.
opportunity for health and well-being for all Effective mechanisms for global governance for
people health are required to address all the harmful
• partner and build alliances with public, effects of:
private, nongovernmental and international • trade
organizations and civil society to create • products
sustainable actions. • services, and
• marketing strategies.
Commitments to Health for All
Health promotion must become an integral part
Rationale of domestic and foreign policy and international
relations, including in situations of war and
The health sector has a key leadership role in the conflict.
building of policies and partnerships for health
promotion. This requires actions to promote dialogue and
cooperation among nation states, civil society,
An integrated policy approach within government and the private sector. These efforts can build on
and international organizations, as well as a the example of existing treaties such as the World
commitment to working with civil society and the Health Organization Framework Convention for
private sector and across settings, are essential Tobacco Control.

26 The Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion in a Globalized World

2. Make the promotion of health a core corporate social responsibility.
responsibility for all of government
Grass-roots community projects, civil society
All governments at all levels must tackle poor health groups and women’s organizations have
and inequalities as a matter of urgency because demonstrated their effectiveness in health
health is a major determinant of socioeconomic and promotion, and provide models of practice for
political development. Local, regional and national others to follow.
governments must:
• give priority to investments in health, within and Health professional associations have a special
outside the health sector contribution to make.
• provide sustainable financing for health
promotion. 4. Make the promotion of health a
requirement for good corporate practice
To ensure this, all levels of government should make
the health consequences of policies and legislation The corporate sector has a direct impact on the
explicit, using tools such as equity-focused health health of people and on the determinants of health
impact assessment. through its influence on:
• local settings
3. Make the promotion of health a key focus • national cultures
of communities and civil society • environments, and
• wealth distribution.
Communities and civil society often lead in
initiating, shaping and undertaking health The private sector, like other employers and the
promotion. They need to have the rights, resources informal sector, has a responsibility to ensure
and opportunities to enable their contributions health and safety in the workplace, and to promote
to be amplified and sustained. In less developed the health and well-being of their employees, their
communities, support for capacity building is families and communities.
particularly important.
The private sector can also contribute to lessening
Well organized and empowered communities are wider global health impacts, such as those
highly effective in determining their own health, and associated with global environmental change by
are capable of making governments and the private complying with local national and international
sector accountable for the health consequences of regulations and agreements that promote and
their policies and practices. protect health. Ethical and responsible business
practices and fair trade exemplify the type of
Civil society needs to exercise its power in the business practice that should be supported by
marketplace by giving preference to the goods, consumers and civil society, and by government
services and shares of companies that exemplify incentives and regulations.

Milestones in Health Promotion: Statements from Global Conferences 27

A global pledge to make it happen Health Organization and its Member States, in
collaboration with others, to allocate resources
All for health for health promotion, initiate plans of action
and monitor performance through appropriate
Meeting these commitments requires better indicators and targets, and to report on progress at
application of proven strategies, as well as the use of regular intervals. United Nations organizations are
new entry points and innovative responses. asked to explore the benefits of developing a Global
Treaty for Health.
Partnerships, alliances, networks and collaborations
provide exciting and rewarding ways of bringing people Worldwide partnership
and organizations together around common goals and
joint actions to improve the health of populations. This Bangkok Charter urges all stakeholders
to join in a worldwide partnership to promote
Each sector – intergovernmental, government, health, with both global and local engagement and
civil society and private – has a unique role and action.
Commitment to improve health
Closing the implementation gap
We, the participants of the 6th Global Conference on
Since the adoption of the Ottawa Charter, a Health Promotion in Bangkok, Thailand, pledge to
significant number of resolutions at national and advance these actions and commitments to improve
global level have been signed in support of health health.
promotion, but these have not always been followed
This charter contains the collective views of an
by action. The participants of this Bangkok Conference
international group of experts, participants of the 6th
forcefully call on Member States of the World Health Global Conference on Health Promotion, 7-11 August 2005,
Organization to close this implementation gap and Bangkok, Thailand, and does not necessarily represent
move to policies and partnerships for action. the decisions or the stated policy of the World Health

Call for action

* Jointly organized by the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Public
Conference participants request the World Health, Thailand.

28 The Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion in a Globalized World

Annex 1
A Discussion Document on the Concept and Principles of Health
Promotion, Copenhagen, 9-13 July 1984

Background and cultural environments (the “total” environment)

which enhance health.
In January 1984 a new programme in Health Promotion
was established in the WHO Regional Office for Europe. As The inextricable link between people and their
part of the continuing process of programme development, environment constitutes the basis for a socio-ecological
a working group met in July 1984 to discuss “Concepts approach to health and this provided the conceptual
and Principles in Health Promotion”. This paper is a result framework for discussions by the working group. The
of that working group. It is designed to clarify some of discussions were organized around four main themes -
the most important issues in relation to the development principles, subject areas, priorities for the development of
of policy and programmes in health promotion. It is not policies, and dilemmas in health promotion.
intended as a final statement, but as a focus for discussion
on which to base the development of health promotion Principles
activities in Europe.
Health promotion is the process of enabling people to
The group is fully aware that the development of increase control over, and to improve, their health. This
priorities and practices for health promotion depends perspective is derived from a conception of “health” as
upon the prevailing economic and cultural conditions. the extent to which an individual or group is able, on the
In each country, region and district, health promotion one hand, to realise aspirations and satisfy needs; and, on
should involve the full participation of all people in the the other hand, to change or cope with the environment.
development of their health. Health is, therefore, seen as a resource for everyday
life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept
Introduction emphasising social and personal resources, as well as
physical capacities.
At a general level, health promotion has come to represent
a unifying concept for those who recognize the need for 1. Health promotion involves the population as a whole
change in the ways and conditions of living, in order to in the context of their everyday life, rather than
promote health. Health promotion represents a mediating focusing on people at risk for specific diseases. It
strategy between people and their environments, enables people to take control over, and responsibility
synthesizing personal choice and social responsibility in for, their health as an important component of every
heath to create a healthier future. day life - both as spontaneous and organized action
for health. This requires full and continuing access
Basic resources for health are income, shelter and food. to information about health and how it might be
Improvement in health requires a secure foundation sought for by all the population, using, therefore, all
in these basics, but also: information and life skills; a dissemination methods available.
supportive environment, providing opportunities for 2. Health promotion is directed towards action on the
making healthy choices among goods, services and determinants or causes of health. Health promotion,
facilities; and conditions in the economic, physical, social therefore, requires a close cooperation of sectors

Milestones in Health Promotion: Statements from Global Conferences 29

beyond health services, reflecting the diversity of health, especially in conditions at work and at
conditions which influence health. Government, home. Since this environment is dynamic, health
at both local and national levels, has a unique promotion involves monitoring and assessment of the
responsibility to act appropriately and in a timely technological, cultural and economic state and trends.
way to ensure that the “total” environment, which 3. Health promotion involves the strengthening of
is beyond the control of individuals and groups, is social networks and social supports. This is based
conductive to health. on the recognition of the importance of social forces
3. Health promotion combines diverse, but and social relationships as determinants of values
complementary, methods or approaches, including and behaviour relevant to health, and as significant
communication, education, legislation, fiscal measures, resources for coping with stress and maintaining
organizational change, community development and health.
spontaneous local activities against health hazards. 4. The predominant way of life in society is central to
4. Health promotion aims particularly at effective and health promotion, since it fosters personal behaviour
concrete public participation. This focus requires patterns that are either beneficial or detrimental to
the further development of problem-defining and health. The promotion of lifestyles conducive to health
decision-making lifeskills both individually and involves consideration of personal coping strategies
collectively. and dispositions as well as beliefs and values relevant
5. While health promotion is basically an activity in the to health, all shaped by lifelong experiences and living
health and social fields, and not a medical service, conditions. . . Promoting positive health behaviour
health professionals - particularly in primary health and appropriate coping strategies is a key aim in
care - have an important role in nurturing and health promotion.
enabling health promotion. Health professionals 5. Information and education provide the informed
should work towards developing their special base for making choices. They are necessary and
contributions in education and health advocacy. core components of health promotion, which
aims at increasing knowledge and disseminating
Subject Areas information related to health. This should include:
the public’s perceptions and experiences of health
Health promotion best enhances health through integrated and how it might be sought; knowledge from
action at different levels on factors influencing health, epidemiology, social and other sciences on the
economic, environmental, social and personal. Given patterns of health and disease and factors affecting
these basic principles an almost unlimited list of issues them; and descriptions of the “total” environment
for health promotion could be generated: food policy, in which health and health choices are shaped. The
housing, smoking, coping skills, social networks. The mass media and new information technologies are
working group sought to frame the general subjects for particularly important.
health promotion in the following areas:
Priorities for the Development of Policies in
1. The focus of health promotion is access to health: Health Promotion
to reduce inequalities in health and to increase
opportunities to improve health. This involves Health promotion stands for the collective effort to attain
changing public and corporate policies to make them health. Governments, through public policy, have a special
conducive to health, and involves reorienting health responsibility to ensure basic conditions for a healthy life
services to the maintenance and development of health and for making the healthier choices the easier choices.
in the population, regardless of current health status. At the same time, supporters of health promotion within
2. The improvement of health depends upon the governments need to be aware of the role of spontaneous
development of an environment conducive to action for health, i.e., the role of social movements,

30 Annexes
self-help and self-care, and the need for continuous well as an assessment of the impact of different
cooperation with the public on all health promotion issues. initiatives in health promotion. There is a need to
develop methodologies for research and analysis, in
1. The concept and meaning of “health promotion” particularly, to devise more appropriate approaches
should be clarified at every level of planning, to evaluation. The results of research should be
emphasizing a social, economic and ecological, rather disseminated widely and comparisons made within
than a purely physical and mental perspective on and between nations.
health. Policy development in health promotion can
then be related and integrated with policy in other Dilemmas
sectors such as work, housing, social services and
primary health care. Health-related public policy will always be confronted with
2. Political commitment to health promotion can be basic political and moral dilemmas, as it aims to balance
expressed through the establishment of focal points public and personal responsibility for health. Those
for health promotion at all levels - local, regional and involved in health promotion need to be aware of possible
national. These would be organizational mechanisms conflicts of interest both at the social and the individual
for intersectoral, coordinated planning in health level.
promotion. They should provide leadership and
accountability so that, when action is agreed, progress 1. There is a possibility with health promotion
will be secured. Adequate funding and skilled that health will be viewed as the ultimate goal
personnel are essential to allow the development incorporating all life. This ideology sometimes called
of systematic long-term programmes in health healthism, could lead to others prescribing what
promotion. individuals should do for themselves and how they
3. In the development of health promotion policies, should behave, which is contrary to the principles of
there must be continuous consultation, dialogue and health promotion.
exchange of ideas between individuals and groups, 2. Health promotion programmes may be
both lay and professional. Policy mechanisms must be inappropriately directed at individuals at the expense
established to ensure opportunities for the expression of tackling economic and social problems. Experience
and development of public interest in health. has shown that individuals are often considered by
4. When selecting priority areas for policy development policy makers to be exclusively responsible for their
a review should be made of: own health. It is often implied that people have the
Š indicators of health and their distribution in the power to completely shape their own lives and those
population of their families so as to be free from the avoidable
Š current knowledge, skills and health practices of burden of disease. Thus, when they are ill, they are
the population blamed for this and discriminated against.
Š current policies in government and other sectors. 3. Resources, including information, may not be
accessible to people in ways which are sensitive to
Further, an assessment should be made of: their expectations, beliefs, preferences or skills. This
Š the expected impact on health of different policies may increase social inequalities. Information alone
and programmes is inadequate; raising awareness without increasing
Š the economic constraints and benefits control or prospects for change may only succeed in
Š the social and cultural acceptability generating anxieties and feelings of powerlessness.
Š the political feasibility of different options. 4. There is a danger that health promotion will be
5. Research support is essential for policy development appropriated by one professional group and made
and evaluation to provide an understanding of a field of specialisation to the exclusion of other
influences on health and their development, as professionals and lay people. To increase control over

Milestones in Health Promotion: Statements from Global Conferences 31

their own health the public require a greater sharing of politically attractive. By considering the recommended
resources by professionals and government. principles, subject areas, policy priorities and dilemmas
it is hoped that future activities in the health promotion
Conclusions field can be planned, implemented and evaluated more
successfully. Further development work is clearly required
The concept of health promotion is positive, dynamic and this will be an ongoing task of the WHO Regional
and empowering which makes it rhetorically useful and Office for Europe.

32 Annexes
Annex 2
Health Promotion Emblem

Strengthen Community Action

ReinfoRceR l’Action communAutAiRe

Develop Personal Skills

DéveloppeR les AptituDes
conféReR les moyens

seRviR De méDiAteuR
Advocate Supportive
pRomouvoiR l’iDée Environments

cRéeR Des milieux


s Ai


il d


Health Services
a lt

hy RéoRienteR les seRvices
u e
Pu De sAnté
b li c
Po li c pol
y une

This logo was created for the First International skills, and re-orient health services) and three basic HP
Conference on Health Promotion held in Ottawa, Canada, strategies (to enable, mediate, and advocate).
in 1986. At that conference, the Ottawa Charter for Health
Promotion was launched. Since then, WHO kept this The main graphic elements of the HP logo are:
symbol as the Health Promotion logo (HP logo), as it • one outside circle,
stands for the approach to health promotion as outlined in • one round spot within the circle, and
the Ottawa Charter. • three wings that originate from this inner spot, one of
which is breaking the outside circle.
The logo represents a circle with 3 wings. It incorporates
five key action areas in Health Promotion (build healthy a) The outside circle, originally in red colour, is
public policy, create supportive environments for health, representing the goal of “Building Healthy Public Policies”,
strengthen community action for health, develop personal therefore symbolising the need for policies to “hold things

Milestones in Health Promotion: Statements from Global Conferences 33

together”. This circle is encompassing the three wings, diverse strategies and methods in an integrated manner
symbolising the need to address all five key action areas - one of the preconditions “for Health Promotion to be
of health promotion identified in the Ottawa Charter in an effective” (Jakarta Declaration 1997). Health Promotion
integrated and complementary manner. addresses the key action areas identified in the Ottawa
Charter in an integrated and coherent way.
b) The round spot within the circle stands for the
three basic strategies for health promotion, “enabling, The term Health Promotion (HP) was, and still today
mediating, and advocacy”, which are needed and applied is sometimes, narrowly used as equivalent for Health
to all health promotion action areas. (Complete definitions Education (HE). But HE is one of several key components
of these terms can be found in the Health Promotion and action areas of HP as illustrated by the HP logo (see
Glossary, WHO/HPR/HEP/98.1, the key action area of “develop personal skills”).
The HP logo and approach were reinforced at the second
c) The three wings represent (and contain the words of) and third conferences on Health Promotion that took place
the five key action areas for health promotion that were in Sundsvall and in Adelaide.
identified in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion
in 1986 and were reconfirmed in the Jakarta Declaration In the light of the venue of the Fourth International
on Leading Health Promotion into the 21st Century in Conference on Health Promotion, that was held in Jakarta,
1997. Indonesia, in July 1997, the design of the Ottawa logo was
slightly modified to reflect culture and atmosphere of the
More specifically: host country of the conference, making sure that the shape
• the upper wing that is breaking the circle represents and elements of the original logo were preserved, together
that action is needed to “strengthen community with its inner meaning.
action” and to “develop personal skills”. This wing
is breaking the circle to symbolise that society and The Jakarta Conference logo is a more open and slightly
communities as well as individuals are constantly more abstract version of the original HP logo from Ottawa.
changing and, therefore, the policy sphere has to The three wings, that are now in brick-red colour, still
constantly react and develop to reflect these changes: a represent the key HP action areas. The outside circle and
“Healthy Public Policy” is needed; the inner spot of the Ottawa logo are merged into a unique
• the middle wing on the right side represents that blue spot from where the three wings originate. This still
action is needed to “create supportive environments symbolises that HP addresses its action areas with an
for health” integrated multi-strategic approach. Overall, the design
• the bottom wing represents that action is needed to of the HP logo adapted for the Conference in Jakarta is
“reorient health services” towards preventing diseases more open and lively; all the wings are now reaching out of
and promoting health. the circle. This, visualizes the fact that the field of HP has
grown and developed, and that today and in the future HP
Overall, the logo visualises the idea that Health Promotion is outreaching to new players and partners, at all levels of
is a comprehensive, multi-strategy approach. HP applies society, from local to global level.

34 Annexes
The Health Promotion emblem and its interpretations in successive conferences

Ottawa 1986 Adelaide 1988

Sundsvall 1991 Jakarta 1997

Mexico 2000 Bangkok 2005

Nairobi 2009

Milestones in Health Promotion: Statements from Global Conferences 35

Health Promotion
World Health Organization
20 Avenue Appia
Ch 1211 Geneva 27

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