Sampling of Geosynthetics For Testing
Sampling of Geosynthetics For Testing
Sampling of Geosynthetics For Testing
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D35 on Geosyn- TABLE 3 Number of Units to be Selected as Lot Sample—
thetics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D35.01 on Mechanical Purchaser’s Specification Conformance
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2004. Published December 2004. Originally Number of Units in Lot Number of Units Selected
approved in 1984. Last previous edition approved in 1999 as D 4354 – 99. 1 to 200 1
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Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved);
Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Dario CABERO (); Thu May 18 23:19:50 EDT 2006
D 4354 – 99 (2004)
for making statistical inferences about the population(s) from some other function of the values for single observations on
which the specimens are drawn. each of n specimens from a single subunit of the laboratory
3.1.6 sample, laboratory, n—a portion of material taken to sample; or (3) a ratio of successes to total observations for n
represent the lot sample, or the original material, and used in specimens from a single subunit of the laboratory sample.
the laboratory as a source of test specimens. 3.1.12 For definitions of other textile terms used in this
3.1.7 sample, lot, n—one or more shipping units taken at practice, refer to Terminology D 123.
random to represent an acceptance sampling lot and used as a 3.1.13 For definitions of other geosynthetic terms used in
source of laboratory samples. this practice, refer to Terminology D 4439.
3.1.8 sampling unit, n—an identifiable, discrete unit or 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
subunit of material that could be taken as part of a sample. 3.2.1 production unit—as referred to in this practice, is a Discussion—Fig. 1 is included to show the differ- quantity of geosynthetic agreed upon by the purchaser and
ence between lot sample, laboratory sample and test specimen. seller for the purpose of sampling.
3.1.9 sampling unit, primary, n—the sampling unit contain- Discussion—In the absence of an agreed upon
ing all the sources of variability which should be considered in quantity, 1000 m 2(1200 yd2) is recommended. For example, a
acceptance testing; the sampling unit taken in first stage of production run may be 6000 m2. For the purpose of sampling,
selection in any procedure for sampling a lot or shipment. if 1000 m2 criteria is used, this would be 6 production units. Discussion—For textiles, the primary sampling Discussion—For the purpose of this practice, the
units are generally taken as the shipping units making up a lot; purchaser is considered to be the project owner, while the seller
such as bales of fiber, cases of yarn, rolls of fabric, or cartons is the entity supplying the geosynthetic to the project owner.
of garments or other finished products. Adequate sampling for
acceptance testing requires taking into account not only the 4. Summary of Practice
variability between primary sampling units but also the vari- 4.1 Instructions are given within this practice for dividing
ability between subunits within primary sampling units and shipments or consignments of geosynthetics into lots and for
between specimens from a single subunit in a primary sam- the determination of the number of production units in a lot
pling unit. sample.
3.1.10 specimen, n—a specific portion of a material or 4.2 The number or method for determination of the number
laboratory sample upon which a test is performed or which is of specimens to be tested from the laboratory sample is
taken for that purpose. (Syn. test specimen.) contained in the specific geosynthetic property test method.
3.1.11 test result, n—a value obtained by applying a given
test method, expressed either as a single observation or a 5. Significance and Use
specified combination of a number of observations. 5.1 This practice provides a means by which samples of Discussion—A test result is the value reported for geosynthetics may be selected to provide a statistically valid
a single subunit of the laboratory sample. For different test sample for the selection of test specimens without previous
methods a test result might be (1) the value of a single knowledge of the variability that may exist between production
observation (such as a measurement of a property, a count of units.
defects, or a grading or rating) on a single specimen from a 5.2 The principles stated in Practice D 4271, and the illus-
single subunit of the laboratory sample; (2) the average or trative text in that practice can be used by test method authors
in preparing sampling statements.
5.3 This practice gives three procedures for sampling: one
for manufacturer’s quality control (MQC), one for manufac-
turer’s quality assurance (MQA) testing, and a third for
purchaser’s specification conformance testing. For this reason,
test methods containing a section on sampling that requires the
use of this practice should contain a statement in the section on
reporting similar to the following:“ Report which procedure
from Practice D 4354 was used for sampling: Procedure A for
Manufacturer’s Quality Control (MQC), Procedure B for
Manufacturer’s Quality Assurance (MQA) Testing, or Proce-
dure C for Purchaser’s Specification Conformance Testing.
5.4 Manufacturer’s Quality Assurance is done internally to
ensure the manufacturer of the MQC program. When it is
required to provide certification to a purchaser as to quality
assurance, the MQA testing is to be done by an external MQA
testing facility.
6. Procedure A—Sampling for Manufacturer’s Quality
Control (MQC) Testing
6.1 Division into Lots—Consider as a separate lot any
FIG. 1 Sampling Unit portion of a production that represents the planned production
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved);
Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Dario CABERO (); Thu May 18 23:19:50 EDT 2006
D 4354 – 99 (2004)
quantity that the producer is testing, that differs from other 7.2.1 When time intensive tests, such as ultraviolet degra-
portions in specifications, style, or physical characteristics. If dation, are used do not test more than two units from a single
portions that are billed or designated as separate lots are lot. Maintain information on the number of such tests per lot
shipped from different production plants, treat each separately and supply the information to the purchaser upon request.
shipped portion as a separate lot. When sampling is required
8. Procedure C—Sampling for Purchaser’s Specification
during manufacturing, consider a lot to be the planned produc-
Conformance Testing
tion quantity.
6.2 Determination of Lot Sample Size: NOTE 1—The conformance testing is done by the purchaser or desig-
nated person/organization. It is usually done as the geosynthetics are
6.2.1 Use Table 1 to determine the lot sample size for brought to the project site and justify the payment of the billing.
quality control testing. 8.1 Division into Lots—Consider as a separate lot any
6.2.2 When time intensive tests, such as ultraviolet degra- portion of a shipment that the user is testing that differs from
dation, are used do not test more than two units from a single other portions in specifications, style, or physical characteris-
lot. Maintain information on the number of such tests per lot tics. If portions that are billed or designated as separate lots are
and supply the information to the purchaser upon request. shipped from different production plants, treat each separately
6.2.3 If sampling is required during manufacture, select the shipped portion as a separate lot. When sampling is required
units for the lot sample at uniformly spaced time intervals during manufacturing, consider a lot to be the planned produc-
throughout the production period. tion quantity.
6.2.4 For properties that are evaluated as attributes, the units 8.2 Determination of Lot Sample Size:
in the lot sample serve as both laboratory samples and test 8.2.1 Take for the lot sample, production units, as directed
specimens. in an applicable material specification, or as agreed upon by the
purchaser and the seller. Consider the applicable units of
7. Procedure B—Sampling for Manufacturer’s Quality production to be the primary sampling units.
Assurance (MQA) Testing 8.2.2 In the absence of a material specification or other
agreement use Table 3 to determine the lot sample size for
7.1 Division into Lots—Consider as a separate lot any
specification conformance testing.
portion of a production that represents the planned production
8.2.3 If the specification requires sampling during manufac-
quantity that the producer is testing, that differs from other
ture, select the units for the lot sample at uniformly spaced time
portions in specifications, style, or physical characteristics. If
intervals throughout the production period.
portions that are billed or designated as separate lots are
8.2.4 For properties that are evaluated as attributes, the units
shipped from different production plants, treat each separately
in the lot sample serve as both laboratory samples and test
shipped portion as a separate lot. When sampling is required
during manufacturing, consider a lot to be the planned produc-
tion quantity. 9. Keywords
7.2 Determination of Lot Sample Size—Use Table 2 to 9.1 geosynthetic; quality assurance; quality control; sam-
determine the lot sample size for quality assurance testing. pling; specification conformance; testing
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Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved);
Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Dario CABERO (); Thu May 18 23:19:50 EDT 2006