Height and Distance
Height and Distance
Height and Distance
INTRODUCTION line of vision iS a strarght line from our eye
or the
building. ree. The line of sight
of a tower.
Sometimes. we have to tind the height we are viewing
cannot measture to the object lift up
distance ofa ship, width ofariver, etc Though we
horizontal Irom
the eye. we have to
COSe =
Trigonometric table
Line of
Solution: sigh
BC 1
tan 30= -
AB 30A Ball
AB Example 2:
BC- BC=cm
3 =4y iem A ladder is placed along a wall of a house such that its upper
Leth be the heught
of the wall n metres. Then,
right triangle ABC, we have (b)
AB h
BC 2lan 60° =
n 2/3 5m 9 m
Thus, the height of the wall is 2/3
or 346 mapproximately
Example 3: D
A tower is
AB AEisthe ladder 15m
200/3 m high. Find the angle of elevation of its B is the window A is the foot of the ladder
top from a point 200 m away from its foot. CD is the width of the street.
Solution: Window is at a height of 12 m.
Let8 be the Also ED 12 m
angle of elevation and PQ be the length of tower
Widta of the street = AD +AC
- 200/3m
NOw tron triangle BAC and EAD, we have
AC?92=1s and AD? 122 =15
In APQR AC 12 and AD =9
From (1) we get, Width ofthestreet= 2| metres.
A30 A60°
X 30° 45
InaPQB, tan 30°200 x = 200 3
x 3 60 m
From As ABCA and ABDA
InAAPQ. tan 60°=
200 tan 45° and tan 30°
BQ-AQ 60 (60+X)
2005 0 60+x= V3x60 *= 60(V3-1)
-231 m(approx) The distance of 60(/3 -1) meters is covered
Example 5 by the boat in 5 seconds.
A ladder 15 m long reaches awindow which is 9 m above the Speed of the boat per hour(in km).
ground on one side of a street. Keeping its foot at the same
point, the ladder is turned to other side of the street to reach 60(3-1) 3600
a window 12 m
high. Find the width of the street. 1000
(a) 1Sm b) 21m
(c) 18m (d) 13m 5-1)o7) -32kmh
Dis tANCU 261
ample these stations prove that ins inclination 9 to the horizontal is
I he angular clevatlon ofs tower CD nt a place A due south of
bcut a act
is 60, and at a place ) due west of A, the elevation is 0 iven by cot0 b-
ITAB Jkm, find the height of the tower
Soluton: Sotlon t
Let CD,A and B represent the leaning tower and the two given
Let h be the height of the t
CD points
Referring to l'ig.
We have 2 CAD 60",
CBD 30° and AB Jkm
B is due west
of Aand A is 0
due south ofthe tower CD, we
have BAC 90 nowfrom
rght- angled triangle ACD,
pet AC hcot60°- h.(/3, and from mght-angledtr
angleBCD,we get BC hcot 30"
Thercfore, from right-angled trian:le 1BAC, we havc
B ABAc (h =1
AC a, BC b
DCM 0, 2 DAM= a, 2 DBM =
Let DM- h and CM x.
In ADCM, CM tan 9
Example 8:
A tower AB leans towards west making an angle a with the t a n x =h cot0
vertical. The angular elevation of B, the top most point ofthe
tower, is P, as observed from a point C due cast of Aat adis
tance d from A. Ifthe angular elevation of B from a point due In A DAM, tan a
cast of C is at a distance 2d form C is y Find the relationbe AM
tween a,p,y.
tan a a+x=hcot a.
Lei a and B be ibhe angles of depression of the men on I; and
In &PAT, tan45- h=x
1h 100m C
In AQAT, tan 30° =
100- 100-x
Now,a- p=90
3h 100- h (N3+1)h=100 a=p 45.as tne
100 AT,AT and ABAT are
3+I 3- -ls0(3-I) =36.6 m congruent right angled triangles.
SABT is an is0sceles right angled triangle
The height of the tree is 36.6 m
Hence TB=27,C 2BC=200 m
A tOwer is 4 A person standing on the bank ofa river finds that the angle
1003 metres high. Find the angle of elevation
of elevation of the top of a tower on the opposite bank is
ofits top from a point 100 metres away from its foot.
45. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) 40P (b) S0° (a) Breadth of the river is twice the height of the tower.
(c) 60 (d) 70
b) Breadth of the river is half of the height of the tower.
2 The angle of elevation of the sun ( sun's attitudes) when the
c) Breadth of the river and the height of the tower are the
length of shadow of a vertical pole is equal to its height is
(a) 30 (b) 4509 (d) None of these
(c) 60 (d) None of these
A person observed the angle of elevation of the top of a
An observer l6 tall
m IS
203 m away from atower. The tower is 30. He walked 40 m towards the foot of the tower
angle of elevation from his eye to the top of the tower is 30° along level ground and found the angle of elevation of the
The height of the tower is top of the tower as 60° Find the height of tower.
(a) 216m (b) 232m (a) 3Sm (b) 30m
(c) 24.72 m (d) None of these (c) 25 m (d) 20m