AME Manual From DGCA
AME Manual From DGCA
AME Manual From DGCA
(Aircraft Maintenance Engineer)
East Block-III, Level-III, R.K .Puram
Chapter TopicNo. Topic Name Page No
Fro To
1 1A Record of Revision 1-1 1-1
1 1B Introduction 1-2 1-3
1 1C Abbreviation 1-4 1-4
1 1D Minimum System & Software Requirements 1-5 1-9
1B- Introduction
1B.1 The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) conducts the examination for the
issue/ extension of Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) License, in accordance with
Rule61of Indian Aircraft rules1937and CAR-66.
The Central Examination Organization (CEO) of DGCA, located at R.K. Puram, New Delhi-
110066 is responsible for conducting these examinations.
It will replace the existing portal VIMAN and UDAAN being used for registration and
examinations of AME and FC respectively.
The applicants/ candidates are required to interact with this portal for Registration,
Allotment of Computer Number/ Roll Number, Printing of Admit Cards, Examination
History etc.
This document provides step-wise instructions for the registration (Allotment of Computer
Number) and all modular online examination process as per CAR-66, with visual screens
for easy and better understanding. It also describes the error messages in red colour (if
any)encountered while proceeding in this portal with appropriate remedial actions required
to be taken by the candidate.
All candidates who have been allotted computer number Pre launch of this portal
“” have to mandatorily register in this portal once.
Update Profile.
Help Desk.
Examination Application.
1C- Abbreviations
AME : Aircraft Maintenance Engineer
AIU : Association of Indian Universities
CI : Chief Instructor
Dy : Deputy
FC : Flight Crew
QM : Quality Manager
TM : Training Manager
1D.5 Following are the maximum size and format of the documents which may be uploaded.
Document Type & Size Table
Sr.No. Name Of The Document TYPE
e. The size of the scanned signature image should be within is 20mm height X 45
mm width on a white back ground without border.
f. The size of the scanned Signature image should not be more than 20kb.
1D.5.8 AME License/ BAMEC / BAMEL (in pdf format): It is mandatory for Pre 1992
candidate to upload and forward the attested (refer *NOTE) copy of the same with
1. In case of candidate is from BMTO/AME Training Institute/Approved organization/
Defence, at least the photograph, BVC (if offline), DOB proof and Security Clearance(if
applicable)are required to be attested by the same signatory authority forwarding
the application. Rest all documents may be self-attested.
2. In case of PRIVATE/ UNEMPLOYED candidate at least the photograph, BVC (if
offline), DOB proof and Security Clearance (if applicable) are required to be attested
by a Gazetted Officer/ Notary Public. Rest all documents may be self-attested.
3. Uploaded and enclosed documents are accepted in Hindi/ English language only. Any
documents other than Hindi/ English language must be translated by approved
translator in Hindi/ English and then the self-attested copy by the TM/QM or Gazetted
officer/Notary Public (forwarding the application) to be uploaded and enclosed.
2A-Registration Module
2A.1 Registration Module is applicable for all candidates who desire to appear in AME license
Candidates are advised to visit online Exam Registration Portal of DGCA by typing the URL
Following screen will be displayed:
Candidate should read the “Instructions” carefully before proceeding for registration
and subsequently confirm by putting in the check box and click on “Submit” button.
Following screen will be displayed:
If the required data in dropdown is not available, the candidate of approved organizations are
advised to select ‘OTHERS’ and should continue to complete the application. Subsequently
must contact helpdesk to update the master list. The respective application will be approved
only after the master list is updated.
However for BMTO should contact respective TM for processing of request for addition of
the name of BMTO.
Fill up all details and click on “Submit”. Following screen will
be displayed:
Enter the OTP as received on the registered Mobile and click “Submit”. If OTP is not
received on the registered Mobile, click “Resend OTP”.
On clicking the submit button, the following screen will be displayed and, registration
details will be saved.
After clicking on the link sent in registered email following screen will be
Candidates are required to fill credentials and click on Login. Thenfollowing screen will be
Note: Candidate are advised to press the SAVE button during filling the Application Form to
save the details.
Candidate required to fill up Personal Details:
(iii) All other candidate require to fill up Correspondence Address and Permanent address.
Note: All candidates from BMTO are advised to mandatorily update the “Applicant
Type” and “Correspondence Address” after passing out from BMTO, through
Profile Management.
Candidate to ensure that filled details are correct before click on “OK” button, as it can’t
be altered later on.
Candidates are required to upload the documents and after uploading must view the same
to check that the each document are correctly uploaded at the right place with correct
orientation and are legible.
Click on the Save and Submit button, the registration details will be updated and system
would display the message “Records Saved successfully” and Review screen will
come showing all the details filled inform.
2B.5 Review Form screen will appear, candidate must read all details in the review
form before FINAL SUBMIT.
Candidate has to at the box provided before “Final Submit‟. On successful submission,
a pdf form of filled in formation will be created and the same will be sent to the
registered email ID for his record purpose.
2B.9 Rejected Candidate: If the registration form is rejected then mail will be sent to
respective registered email ID's with the reasons of rejection.
Candidates are advised to login with their credential and correct the editable field as per
'reason(s) of rejection' and submit the application online again and complete the as per the
Once-submission same Temp ID will be maintained with latest online submission date & time.
In case of private and defence categories, after necessary correction and re-submission,
candidate MUST forward AGAIN ALL hard copies (including previously accepted
SELF ATTESTED Copies) of uploaded documents in same sequence as given in ‘
uploaded document list’ of printed pdf form, to CEO by Speed Post , so as to reach within
10 days of date of submission of application online.
Candidate required to fill the Computer Number & Date of Birth to proceed
further for registration.
OLD Candidates who are unable to login for registration must send a request through E-
mail at under the subject line “AME- UNABLE TO LOG
IN- E-XXXXXXXX” with self-attested scanned copy of proof of computer number and date
of birth certificate/ 10th Certificate as attachment for verification. They should take a print of
the E-mail and send through speed post to CEO, DGCA so as to reach within 10 days
from e-mail date along with hard copies of above mentioned documents in an envelope super
scripted with phrase “AME-UNABLE TO LOG-IN” in capital and bold letters.
2C.3 After logging in, candidate’s personnel details and other data will display. Candidate
must read all the details in the review form before final submission.
2C.4 All OLD candidates whose saved/uploaded PHOTOGRAPH not meeting the required
specification (asperUserManualPara1D.5.1), especially if the background of photograph is
NOT WHITE are advised to update their photograph at the earliest through update profile
option failing which, duringissuing of Roll Number/Admit Card for examination in future
may be liable to be rejected due improper Photograph.
1. Examination Form will only be available for the period as mentioned in the Public Notice.
2. Before applying for examination, all candidates are advised to read carefully
the respective chapter of the latest available User Manual (including applicable
Annexure), Instructions & Notices.
3. In a particular session initially a candidate will be allowed to appear
3A.2 Click on the ‘Examination Form’ tab following screen will appear:
Candidate need to select the active applicable session (For which portal is open),
Stream & Category (as applicable) from drop down.
System would display a question “Are you holding BAMEL/BAMEC/ Licence of
applied category” with options ‘YES’ and ‘NO’. Candidate need to select
appropriate option (as applicable).
3A.3 Candidate needs to select the Centre Choice 1 & Centre Choice 2 as shown in
below screen:
Candidates are required to fill TWO ‘choice of center’ as Option 1 & 2, while filling the
application form. At the time of scheduling all attempt will be made to accommodate the
candidate at first choice, however due to non-availability of the same due to any
unavoidable circumstances 2nd option will be allotted.
If the candidate fails to appear at the allotted center, no request for refund or
adjustment of the fee paid will be entertained.
Candidate must check their examination history shown (Passed Papers) on the screen,
refer the applicable Annexure and then click on ‘PROCEED FOR QPREF To Be
Applied’.Following screen will display:
3A.4 Examination Review Form with all filled details (Personal Details, Session, Centre
Choice & QPREF Details with Total Payable Amount), will be displayed.
Candidate must verify the same and if satisfied click on ‘PROCEED TO PAYMENT’.
After successfully filling up the examination application form, the system will direct the
candidate to payment gate way “Bharatkosh”. Applicable total fee is to be paid through
Govt NTRP ‘Bharatkosh’ only, using through Net Banking or Credit Card or Debit
1. Fee once submitted will not be refunded back / adjusted for the next or later Sessions
under any circumstances including rejections. Further no communication in this
regard shall be entertained by this office.
2. DGCA will not hold any responsibility for any unsuccessful transaction made through
3. To avoid last minute surge in the software, candidates are advised to complete the online
payment latest by 2200hrs of the closing date. If any candidate makes payment after
2200 Hrs of closing date and the successful transaction information of same payment is
received from Bharatkosh after 2359 hrs of closing date, then the same may not be
considered valid by the software.
3A.5 After making the successful payment, below screen will display and an e-mail will be auto
prompted giving details of payment:
Candidates are advised to take the print out (preferably in colour) of their
admit card mandatorily containing details of respective date/ time/ venue of all
applied QPREF(s) at least one day prior to the starting date of the
examination. Candidate must ensure legibility of all details, including photo &
signature. Carrying of proper ADMIT CARD is a mandatory requirement for
entering in theexamination hall.
Candidates are advised to visit the and AME Notice board of
“” time to time before appearing for
examination for latest Instructions/ Notices/ Guidelines.
4A.2 Candidate can see status of her /his application and also can change the password.
Under View Details candidate can View her/his Personal Details and Examination
4B.5 After click on“ Profile Update (verification required)”,following screen will be
1. Candidate can request for update above details, as it requires
Verification by CEO.
2. Candidate must upload appropriate supporting documents (as listed in User
Manual) for applicable update in profile.
3. Refer Para 1D.5 for Document Type & Size table before uploading the
4. A request id will be generated after submission and PDF of the duly filled “Profile
Update Form” will be sent to their registered email id. Candidate musts end
the duly completed form to CEO, Which should reach CEO, DGCA within10days
of online submission.
5. “Profile Update Form” should enclose self-attested copy (Refer *Note at Para
1D.5.8) of uploaded document (as applicable).
6. The envelope containing the Profile Update form should be super- scribe
din capital and bold letters as“AME- UPDATE PROFILE- E-XXXX XXXX”.
Candidate shall fill the required details and click on “Submit” to change password.
4C.2 Click on the “ Help Desk” tab to raise e-query and also to check the
statusSearch of the query.
Candidate shall fill up the required information as shown in screen and click on Submit. A
Query Number will be generated.
Candidate need to enter query number to know the status of the query.
4D- Suggestions
CEO has taken initiative to collect valuable suggestions from the
candidates about this portal to further improve and make more users
4. If you have license (Applicable License B1, B2, B3 only) details, select Yes and
fill up license details and upload License document.
5. Please select Aircraft for which you are holding the licence and fill up the
Corresponding limitation code and use add row for adding the limitation code in
thesame aircraft.
6. By clicking on add row you can also select multiple aircraft and its code.
7. If you are holding the Licence in Two different category, save one License category
and repeat the same process for additional category.
In a move towards the Go Green concept of Government of India, CEO has been granted the
approval to discontinue the process of receiving the hard copy of the application form for the
allotment of computer number with effect from the year 2021 and the same shall be initially
applicable to DGCA approved organization including CAR 147 (basic) training institute.
Accordingly, the candidate will apply for allotment of computer number through ‘’Pariksha
Portal’’. The institute/organization shall process the application submitted by candidate as per
the following procedure:
1. The candidate shall complete the application and after submission the same will be
available to respective post holder of CAR 147 (basic training institute) or other approved
2. The respective post holder shall verify all the particulars filled by the candidate and ,if
found in order with respect to qualification and other parameters, forward the application
to CEO, DGCA for further scrutiny of the application. In no case, the application shall be
forwarded to CEO, DGCA without any necessary attachments in respective columns of
the online application form or any column left unfilled.
3. After receipt of the online application in CEO, it shall further be scrutinized and the
finalized for acceptance/rejection and the email shall be sent to the candidate accordingly.
All the credentials shall be recorded and stored in database.
The Private and Defense personnel, however, shall continue to follow the existing process as
mentioned in chapter 2B.
46 14 1400 Propulsion- B2 24 30
47 15 1500 Gas Turbine Engine A1&A3 60 75
48 15 1510 Gas Turbine Engine B1.1&B1.3 92 115
49 16 1600 Piston Engine A2&A4 52 65
50 16 1610 Piston Engine B1.2&B1.4 72 90
51 16 1640 Piston Engine B3 68 85
52 17A 1700 Propeller A1&A2 20 25
53 17A 1710 Propeller B1.1&B1.2 32 40
54 17B 1740 Propeller B3 28 35
NOTE:-Part Module papers are ONLY APPLICABLE for candidate having BAMEEC/ BAMEL/ LICENCE.
AIRRAFT ABOVE 5700 KG 11.19,11.20 & 11.21 OF
Issue 3, dtd August 2021 Page No 5-3
(pariksha.dgca) Contd: (Annexure-II)
Module OR Sub Module QPREF
S.N PRE-CAR 66 BAMEL/BAMEEC LICENSE (chapters) to be PASSED to be passed
1 HEAVY AIRCRAFT & JET 11.5,11.6,11.14,11.19, 11.20, & 1101
5 (ALL) 0500
5 (ALL) 0500
A2 16 (ALL), 1600
17 (ALL) 1700
5 (ALL) 0500
A2 5 (ALL) 0500
5 (ALL) 0500
5 (ALL) 0500
5 (ALL) 0500
5 (ALL) 0500
5 (ALL) 0510
5 (ALL) 0510
17 (ALL) 1710
4 (ALL) 0400
5 (ALL) 0510
4 (ALL) 0400
5 (ALL) 0510
5 (ALL) 0520
17 (ALL) 1710
4 (ALL) 0400
5 (ALL) 0520
4 (ALL) 0400
5 (ALL) 0520
5 (ALL) 0510
Issue 3, dtd August 2021 Page No 5-9
(pariksha.dgca) Contd: (Annexure-IV)
4 (ALL) 0400
5 (ALL) 0510
4 (ALL) 0400
5 (ALL) 0510
5 (ALL) 0520
4 (ALL) 0400
5 (ALL) 0520
4(ALL), 0400
5 (ALL) 0520
14 (ALL) 1400
14 (ALL) 1400