This document contains personal details of Vilsu Prakashbhai Reliya, including his name, date and place of birth, education, occupation, and contact information. It also lists details about his family members, such as his father who worked for the Gujarat Maritime Board, his mother who is a housewife, and his married sister Disha Mehul Morjaria. His hobbies are listed as cooking, traveling, family gatherings, dancing, and driving.
This document contains personal details of Vilsu Prakashbhai Reliya, including his name, date and place of birth, education, occupation, and contact information. It also lists details about his family members, such as his father who worked for the Gujarat Maritime Board, his mother who is a housewife, and his married sister Disha Mehul Morjaria. His hobbies are listed as cooking, traveling, family gatherings, dancing, and driving.
This document contains personal details of Vilsu Prakashbhai Reliya, including his name, date and place of birth, education, occupation, and contact information. It also lists details about his family members, such as his father who worked for the Gujarat Maritime Board, his mother who is a housewife, and his married sister Disha Mehul Morjaria. His hobbies are listed as cooking, traveling, family gatherings, dancing, and driving.
This document contains personal details of Vilsu Prakashbhai Reliya, including his name, date and place of birth, education, occupation, and contact information. It also lists details about his family members, such as his father who worked for the Gujarat Maritime Board, his mother who is a housewife, and his married sister Disha Mehul Morjaria. His hobbies are listed as cooking, traveling, family gatherings, dancing, and driving.