Important Trees of Haiti

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I go from the woods into the cleared field:
A place no human made, a place unmade
By human greed, and to be made again.
Where centuries of leaves once built by dying
A deathless potency of light and stone
And mold of all that grew and fell, the timeless
Fell into time. The earth fled with the rain,
The growth of fifty thousand years undone
In a few careless seasons, stripped to rock
And clay - a "new land," truly, that no race
Was ever native to, but hungry mice
And sparrows and the circling hawks, dry thorns
And thistles sent by generosity
Of new beginning. No Eden, this was
A garden once, a good and perfect gift;
Its possible abundance stood in it
As it then stood. But now what it might be
Must be foreseen, darkly, through many lives -
Thousands of years to make it what it was,
Beginning now, in our few troubled days.

Wendell Berry
VIII, 1979

Joel Timyan

South-East Consortium for International Development

1634 I Street, N. W, Suite 702
Washington, D. C. 20006
© 1996 by South-East Consortium for International Development.
All rights reserved.
First Edition
Printed in the United States of America

ISBN: 0-9645449-0-3
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 95-67100

Poems from SABBATHS by Wendell Berry. © 1987 by Wendell Berry. Reprinted by

permission of North Point Press, a division of Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc.

Figures 8.5, 12.8, and 14.6 from GID PEPINYERIS by Scott Josiah and Frantz
Ewald. © 1989 by Pan American Development Foundation. Reprinted by permission
of Pan American Development Foundation.

This work was performed under USAID Contract No. 521-0217-C-0004-00. The
author claims all responsibility for the accuracy of the information presented herein.
The views expressed by the author are not necessarily those of the United States
Agency for International Development, South-East Consortium fQr International
Development, or Auburn University.

Administration: SECID, 1634 I Street, N. W, Suite 702, Washington nc. 20006

Title Bwa-yo is the shortened version ofpye bwa yo, the Creole word for "trees."

Front cover A 12-year-old eucalyptus tree (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) planted during

the Agroforestry Outreach Project near St. Michel de l' Attalye in 1983.
Foreword vi
Acknowledgments vii
Introduction V111

PART I: Important Trees of Haiti

Wood Species
1. Bayawonn 3
2. Bwa PIe 13
3. Bwa Soumi 23
4. Chenn 29
5. Fwenn 39
6. Kajou Peyi...Kajou Etranje 47
7. Palmis 57
8. Sed 63
9. Taveno 71
Fruit Species
10. Kokoye 79
11. Mango 87
12. Sitwon...Zoranj ...Chadek 95
13. Zaboka 105
Recent Exotics
14. Kasya 111
15. Lisina...Delen 119
16. Nim 133
17. Piyon 145

PART II: Technical Notes

18. Pests and Diseases 155

19. Wood Properties and Energy Values 183
20. Medicinal Uses 207
21. Biomass and Volume Tables 223
22. Common and Scientific Names of Trees 231
23. Tree Proverbs 334

References 336
Index of Common and Scientific Tree Names 351

As part of USAID's continuing efforts to address environmental degradation in
Haiti and in an effort to provide information on selected economically important tree
species, the Office of Economic Growth of USAID/Haiti funded this book: Bwa Yo:
Important Trees ofHaiti.

Much of the information contained in this book has been a result of research and -
extension activities in agroforestry supported by USAID since 1981. Beginning with the
Agroforestry Outreach Project (1981-1987), through the Agroforestry II (1988-1992)
and presently, the Productive Land Use Systems (PLUS) Project, more than 63 million
trees have been planted as part of developing environmentally-sound farming systems
in Haiti. Today, over 250,000 farmers, approximately 35 percent of Haiti's small
farmer's, are reaping the benefits of the trees they planted since 1981. Most signifi-
cantly, this includes the conservation of fertile top soil and an increase in wood assets
as a store of value.

The efforts of several institutions are greatly appreciated for their contribution to
the information contained in this book and their continued commitment to improving
Haiti's productive natural resources base: the Ministry ofAgriculture Natural Resources
and Rural Development (MARNDR), the South-East Consortium for International
Development (SECID), Auburn University, International Resources Group (IRG), Pan
American Development Foundation (PADF), CARE, World Bank, and FAO.

It is our sincere hope that this book would ,serve as a valuable reference tool to all
those concerned with the· critical role of trees in agricultural production and environ-
mental management in Haiti.

Hyatt Abdul Wahab

Office of Economic Growth
US Agency for International Development/Haiti

No book is ever the work of one person. A common interest about trees, shared by
many people over the span of a decade, were involved in some way toward the creation
of this book. The idea for the book was first suggested by Michelet Fontaine in ] 992.
We shared the same concern about the loss of technical information that so often accom-
panies the termination of projects in Haiti. This attempts to address part of that con-
cern. I greatly appreciate the generous support, encouragement and patience of the staff
of USAID, SEClD, Auburn University, PADF, and CARE throughout the writing peri-
od. Special thanks are extended to those individuals and institutions who cooperated in
the collection of photographs, as listed below. Many suggestions and improvements
were made as a result of the reviews by Dennis Shannon, Carl Campbell, Paul
Campbell, William Theobald, Luc Raymond, and Susan Berstler. Last, but not least, I
am indebted to the many Haitian farmers who shared wi th me a part of their world that
extends way beyond the covers of this book.

Photo Credits (The numbers refer to the figure numbers in the text, unless otherwise

Paul Campbell: 2.6-2.8,4.7,5.5,6.7,7.3,7.6,9.4, 13.4, 15.5-15.6, back cover (man

with Colubrina arborescens tree, man harvesting Cocos nucifera, Simarouba bert-
eroana, Crescentia cujute fruit, Roystonea borinquena crown shaft, woman with
Catalpa longissima.
Yvon Elie: 6.1,9.3,10.2-10.3,11.9, 12.1, 13.2, 13.5, 15.2, 16.5a-d.
Andrew Henderson: 7.1, back cover (Copernicia berteroana crowns).
Scott Josiah: 2.9, 4.4 inset, 8.5, 12.8-12.10, 13.1, 14.3- J 4.5, 15.7, back cover (dead
Cocos nucifera, Ceiba pentandra tree).
PADF: 2.3,6.2,6.3,8.5,12.8,14.1 inset, 14.6, 15.1, l6.1 inset, 16.2, J6.4.
Sam Reep: back cover (Altalea crassispatha).
Kent Reid: 5.6.
Paul Starr: 7.1 inset.
Joel Timyan: Front cover, opposite poem # 1, 1.1-1.3, 1.7-1.9, 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5,
3.1-3.3,3.5,4.1-4.6,4.7 inset, 4.9, 4.10, 5.1-5.4, 6.4-6.6, 6.11, 7.2,7.4,7.5,7.7,
8.1-8.4,8.8,8.10,9.1,9.2,9.5,9.7,10.1, 10.5-10.8, I l.l-I 1.3, 11.5-11.7, 12.5,
12.6,14.1,14.2, 14.8,15.3,15.4,15.11,16.1, 16.3, 16.8, 17.1-17.5, opposite Tree
Proverbs, opposite poem # 2, back cover (Prosopis juliflora trees, Citrus maxima
fruit, Guacicum officinale flower, Ficus sp. tree, Haematoxylon campechianum
bark, Pseudophoenix vinifera tree, Cedrela odorata tree, Mangifera indica log,
Spondias mombin tree, Melia azedarach flowers).


Trees and their forest habitats have played a major role in creating a fertileenvi-
ronment in Haiti. The ecological fabric that has nurtured the soil and supported life for
millennia gradually has been unraveled by human activities. As population growth and
economic development collide with the limits of a mountainous island, the makeup of
the tree population has been altered considerably, shifting toward those species that sup-
ply the daily needs of Haitians and their lifestyles. All other species are at risk, includ-
ing a significant number found only in Haiti or on the island of Hispaniola.
There is a collection of native and exotic species that plays an essential role in the
agricultural landscape. Several of the more important ones are included in Part I. This
s~lection was based primarily on their versatility, the amount of information available in
Haiti, and their economic value in the rural context. The group is biased toward the low-
to mid-elevation regions where most Haitians live. Such a selection may be considered
too narrow, because a much wider assortment of tree species is used regularly through-
out Haiti. Their exclusion in no way diminishes their value, as diversity and potential
economic benefits are essential safeguards for the future.
Part II compiles useful information of a more technical nature and covers a wider
range of species. It has always been difficult to find information about Haitian species,
because the amount ofliterature that has been published about them is limited and often
inaccessible. These chapters should serve as a useful reference tool to professionals
trained in both the basic and applied sciences. A reference section has been included for
those interested in studying these tree species in greater depth.
Variations ofa perennial-based agricultural system are the most sensible oflanduse
options for Haiti's mountains. However, economic insecurity and political instability
combine to keep the land in a sort of flux with little time for rest and regeneration.
Forests and their trees develop their full potential only in situations where people are rel-
atively well-off and secure. In these situations, tree species are cultivated, provided that
they supply valuable products and services and require low establishment costs. The
species thus selected share many of the same attributes: tradition and myth, adaptabili-
ty, and utility.

Tradition and myth: In the world market of precious woods, Haiti has provided his-
torical contributions of mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni), logwood (Haematoxylon
campechianum), Spanish cedar (Cedrela odorata) and lignum vitae (Guaiacum offici-
nale). Parts ofthe forest that once covered Haiti's mountains are now part of the world's
wealth far from the country. Neither Haiti nor the rest of the worl4 would be the same
without these species that have graced its heritage.
However, beyond the rich texture and color of mahogany wood are the proverbs and
beliefs that enrich Haitian culture even today. Within the towering Spanish cedar and
giant mapou are a magic and a folklore that have sustained family customs for genera-
tions. The power of tradition, myth and heritage, extending beyond the realm ofthe sci-
entific perspective, defines in large part the role that trees play in society. A great many
species that would not be considered important in the economy of a developed nation
are an integral part of Haitian life.
. viii
Adaptability: Survival of a tree species requires a regeneration strategy and suitable
site conditions. As the land becomes disturbed and no longer favorable for the regen-
eration of native species, it is common for more hardy, often exotic, species to domi-
nate. Silvicultural interventions are often necessary to cultivate those species more sen-
sitive to environmental change. These measures might include various modes of artifi-
cial regeneration, site preparation and species mixing to manage light; nutrient and
moisture factors. In the absence of outside assistance, making use ofthese interventions
requires that the farmers sacrifice scarce resources that otherwise would be channeled
toward more lucrative and immediate returns (e.g., goats, pigs, corn and beans). Given
the resources and options available to rural Haitians, tree planting of many species, par-
ticularly those that require silvicultural inputs, is inadequate to meet the demands of
both production and conservation.
The ideal tree species for the Haitian farmer is one that "takes care of itself" ([eve
pou kal). Simarouba (Simarouba sp.) and royal palm (Roystonea borinquena) are good
examples of such species. Fauna aid in the dispersal of seed of both species for regen-
eration away from the mother tree. Farmers transplant the volunteers or leave them
eventually to replace harvested trees. Both species are adapted to a wide variety of soils
and fill a range of niches in local farming patterns with their excellent forms. As sites
becomes more degraded, another group of tree species aids in restoring fertility. The
more useful of these species are non-native to Haiti· and include mesquite (Prosopis
juliflora), leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala ssp. glabrata), neem (Azadirachta indica),
and cassia (Senna siamea). These trees, filling the role of pioneer species and being a
component of improved fallows, are widely adapted, provide quick ground cover and
arrest the processes that deteriorate the most important resource available to the Haitian
farmer - the soil.

Utility: Living on the production of a hectare of land allows little consideration for
trees without immediate value to the household economy. Trees must provide myriad
goods and services. A tree's failure to do so generally means its elimination, many times
in favor of other agricultural activities, mainly grazing and land clearing for annual
Fruit trees, which provide a certain element of food security, as well as shade, fuel-
wood and lumber, are among the most important tree species. Mango (Mangifera indi-
ca), avocado (Persea americana), coconut (Cocos nucifera) and the Citrus group top the
list. Next in importance are the species that provide construction material. Together,
these form a key group that is surviving and playing a vital role in the peasant econo-
my. They provide a basic level of goods and services, grow fast enough, tolerate a fair
amount of disturbance, and are broadly adapted. The hope is that by better managing
these few species, we can begin to learn what will be required to conserve the rest.
Hispaniolan pine (Pinus occidentalis), the mangrove species, and the rare endemics are
all worthy in their own right and are in critical need of a national management plan.
Continued efforts to increase the productivity and value of tree products always will be
a priority if arboriculture is to remain a viable alternative to current patterns of land use.



Figure].1 A large P julilfora provides shade for a roadside market near Thomazeau.
1 Bayawonn·
Species: Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC.
Family: Leguminosae - Mimosoideae
Synonyms: Acacia cumanensis Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd., Algarobia juliflora (Sw.)
Benth. ex Heynh., Mimosa juliflora Sw., M salinarum Vahl, Neltuma juliflora (Sw.)
Raf., Prosopis bracteolata DC., P cumanensis (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Kunth, P
dominguensis DC., P vidaliana Naves
Common names: H - bayahonde (bayawonn), bayahonde fran<;ais (bayawonn fran),
chambron, guatapana (gwatapana); RD - bayahon, bayahonda, bayahonda blanca,
bohahunda, vallahonda; C - chachaca, plumo de oro, guatapaml, cambron; PR - algar-
roba, aroma, mesquite.

Importance: Pjuliflora is valued for its tolerance of harsh, dry environments with soils
that are typically alkaline and saline. In areas of Haiti with environments such as these,
the tree provides shade, and is an important source of charcoal, timber, and fodder. It is
a natural silvo-pastoral species that is dispersed by animals who eat the nutritious and
succulent pods, and its thorny, bushy nature tolerates browsing pressure. Once estab-
lished, the species is difficult to eradicate, forming pure stands that are disclimax in

Taxonomy and Botanical Features: The variation in the species has fostered debate
about the true identity of the species. At least thre$l varieties of P juliflora are recog-
nized by Burkhart (1976); others classify the species as a synonym of P palliCla (H. &
B. ex Willd.) HBK. (Little and Wadsworth, 1964; Wojtusiket al. 1993). Taxonomy is
difficult because the species is highly variable, partly as a result of its self-incompati:-
bility and octoploidy nature (8N=112), but also because P juliflora has spread for cen-
turies with the travels and migrations of human settlement. This dispersal has given rise
to many closely related land races that are difficult to separate.
The variety in Haiti is recognized by its prostrate and spreading form as a seedling.
Green zigzag twigs, with a pair of thorns 2-3 cm long at the base of the leaf petiole,
support pinnate leaves with one or two pair of pinnae 10-15 cm long and narrow leaflets
6 mm wide. Flowers occur in pale yellow spikes 5-10 cm long, arising at the juncture
of the thorns and leaves. The pale yellow pods, up to 20 cm long and containing 10-20
round brown seeds, do not split open when ripe.

Distribution and Ecology: The species is believed to be the only one native to Central
America, ranging from Mexico to Peru and throughout the Caribbean (Stewart et al.,
1992). Little and Wadsworth (1964) list it as an introduced species from the continent,
though the species probably has been in the Caribbean since before recorded history.
Lee et al. (1992) postulate a Central American origin, though it could have spread into
the Caribbean from Venezuela during the first human migrations. It has become natu-
ralized in the dry regions of Africa and India, having been introduced there during the
nineteenth century.
In Haiti, the species occurs primarily in the dry coastal regions, extending inland
where dry plains occur, as in the Cul-de-Sac, Gonai"ves, the Anse-Rouge coast, and the
Northeast. These are areas that probably were comprised of a higher diversity of species,
4 Bavawonn
but have become dominated by Prosopis and Acacia as a result of land use practices and
changed soil conditions. Despite its reputation for adapting to a wide range of soils, the
species performs poorly on extremely rocky sites where Acacia tortuosa and cactus
grow. It is often the only tree species that can tolerate poorly drained, high pH (9.0+)
sodic soils. The species is uncommon in Haitiat elevations higher than 400 m or in areas
with annual rainfall amounts greater than 1000 mm.

Tree Characteristics: Very large trees with heights of 15 m and trunk diameters greater
than 1 m are found in Haiti. Most of the mature trees in Haiti have been pollarded, mak-
ing it difficult to measure natural crown diameters. Crown widths have been measured
up to 15 m. The tree is generally multi-stemmed, forking low when young (Fig. 1.2).
Eventually, a single stem dominates, reinforced in practice as the inferior stems are har-
vested for firewood and small poles. Coppice stems grow faster and more erect, favor-
ing a straight form that is ideal for construction material. On favorable sites, the tree is
often seen to be spreading clusters of coppice and root suckers that regenerate for
numerous harvesting cycles. The tree's shallow and deep root systems are both exten-
sive. The common Creole name bayawonn is believed to be a corruption of the Spanish
vaya hondo, which means" to go deep," a reference to the extraordinary root system.
The main fruiting season of the species extends from May to November, though
pods are available throughout the year. There are 20,000-35,000 seeds kg· l . During
drought periods, the pods commonly are infested with insect larvae, particularly bruchid
The heartwood is a dark red-brown that turns purplish upon exposure and contrasts
sharply with the white sapwood. Durability is dependent on stem age; while the heart-
wood is durable, stem wood comprised mostly of sapwood is highly susceptible to pow-
der post beetles and decay fungi. The wood is moderately hard and heavy (sp. gr. 0.8)

Figure 1.2 P juliflora stands are managed near the horne as livestock parks for shade,
feed, fuel and construction wood.
Bayawonn S
with calorific values ranging 15.7-17.1 megajoules kg- l at 14% moisture content
(Maxwell, 1985; Timyan, 1987).

Utilization: Mature stems of P juliflora are used as a source of beams, door and win-
dow frames, posts, and rai [ways ties in the dry areas of Haiti. Coppice stems generally
are made into charcoal or used for light construction that does not require durability.
The making of charcoal is the most lucrative method for converting young wood into a
marketable product, because demand is generally steady and reliable, and the wood
yields a high-grade charcoal (Fig. 1.3). Livestock relish the pods, which have a high
sugar and protein content. Pod production during the winter drought, January to March,
is an important mainstay for cattle; they should only be fed ripe, yellow pods as the
green unripe ones are bitter and have little feed value. In areas of Peru, molasses and
other confectionery products are made from the pods; dried pods have been ground into
a meal as a dry land Dour and mixed with water as a beverage (Little and Wadsworth,
1964). Options for the local production of concentrated poultry feed, largely comprised
of dried ground pods, are being considered in northeastern Haiti as an industry. The
proximate analysis of P juliflora is shown in Table Ll. The tree is an important honey
plant, with bees commonly being observed around the Dower clusters.

Propagation: The species generally is raised from seed that requires scarification prior
to sowlng. The simplest method for mass propagation is to immerse the seed in boiling
water, stir it for one to two minutes in the hot water taken off the boil, and then soak it
in cold water for 2-3 days. Nicking, filing, and sandpaper scarification of individual
seeds is tedious, but is recommended for research accessions.
Container volume is an important consideration for maximum early root develop-
ment and survival under harsh environments. Decomposable fiber containers, 15 cm x

Figure 1.3 P juliflora is valued as a source of charcoal in Haiti, commonly made from
simple earthen kilns.
6 Bayawonn

Table 1.1 Proximate analysis (% dry weight) of P. juliflora, after Gohl(l975).

Fresh leaves (Sudan) 19.0 ' 21.6 2.9 48.0 8.5 2.1 0.2
Fresh flowers (Sudan) 21.0 15.5 3.2 50.3 10.0 1.0 0.4
Pods (South Africa) 13.9 27.7 3.0 50.6 4.8
Fruit pulp 7.7 12.0 0.6 77.4 2.3
Seed (Sudan) 65.2 2.8 7.8 19.0 5.2
Pod husks 4.3 54.3 0.6 37.4 3.4

15 cm x 30 cm, have been used successfully on an experimental basis in Haiti (Dupuis,

1986a; Lee et aI., 1992). The major drawback is the cost involved in preparing the deep
holes properly to avoid J-rooting. Furthermore, complete weed control one season prior
to field establishment is recommended to build up soil moisture reserves on arid sites.
No serious pests are associated with the species in containerized nurseries (Josiah,
1989). Two-year-old stumps, with basal diameters 1.5-2.5 cm and roots 25 cm long,
also have been used in aridzones (Lamprecht, 1989).
Vegetative methods for the species have been employed successfully in Haiti. A
solar-powered mist system to root cuttings was experimented at Thomazeau with over
90% rooting success (Wojtusik et aI., 1994). Grafting techniques have been successful
utilizing a cleft graft with scion material selected and transported from Haiti to Texas
(Wojtusik and Felker, 1993; Wojtusik et aI., 1993). The rootstock selected for grafting
was R alba because of its vigor and influence on scion growth under greenhouse con-
ditions in Texas. Five clones, selected for desirable traits, achieved a 100% success rate.

Biomass Studies: Regression equations were determined to estimate the amount of

total dry biomass, wood, and pole volume of R juliflora as a function of stem diameter.
One set of equations was developed from a sample of harvested trees at two sites near
Cabaret and Ganthier (Ehrlich, 1985). A separate set of equations was determined for
coppice stands near Bon Repos (Timyan, 1987). These equations are provided in Table

Growth Performance: R juliflora has been tested in several trials throughout Haiti, in
most cases being compared to other species. The slow initial growth, thorny nature, and
prostrate form of the local variety have discouraged a wider selection of the species in
trials. It appears that the tree devotes its early years to establishing an extensive root sys-
tem with the aboveground portion of biomass developing slowly. Table 1.3 summarizes
the growth parameters for this species in Haiti. The Oxford Forestry Institute trials were
established with a variety originating in Honduras that survived and grew very poorly
in Haiti, confirming the wide genetic variability found in the species. Figure 1.4 com-
pares the height growth of R juliflora across several sites in Haiti. Annual height incre-
ments do not exceed 0.8 m yr- 1 , even on the best sites and provenances. This level of
growth amounts to very low yields of wood for the estimates based on basal diameters
and regression equations developed in Haiti. The values cited in Wojtusik et aI. (1993)
Bavawonn 7

Table 1.2 Equations used to estimate biomass components (kg dry weight) of P. juliflora in
RANGE (em)
Total aboveground biomass 00408(DBH)2 0.97 1.2-10.8 Cabaret & Ganthier
Usable wood weight 0.304(DBH)2 0.99 1.2-10.8 Cabaret & Ganthier
Usable wood weight 0.195(sd)2 0.97 1.5-13.5 Cabaret & Ganthier
Coppice biomass 0.158S(sd)/ + 0.163 0.97 2.4-18.3 Bon Repos
Usable coppice wood weight 0.123S(sd)n2 + 0.013 0.98 204-18.3 Bon Repos
I DBH = Stem diameter at 1.3 m above ground level, in em. sd = Stump diameter at 0.10 m above ground level, in em. n
= Number of stems at 0.10 m above ground.

for total biomass yields, corrected in Table 1.3 by a factor of 0.75 for estimated wood
yields, are derived from regressions developed under different growing conditions and
may be overestimates of local wood yields.

Tree Improvement: The trial at Thomazeau is a genetic screening trial, established by

Texas A & I University in 1987, and managed by the Convention Baptiste d'Haiti. A
total of 70 Prosopis accessions, including 44 Haitian accessions, 12 Peruvian acces-
sions, and several other Prosopis species from Nprth America, Chile, and Argentina are
being assessed for economically important traits: biomass production, form and pod
production. The early results indicate that the seed lots from Peru are a significant
improvement in form, being more erect and achieving greater height growth than the
Haitian accessions. Figures 1.5 and 1.6 compare the height and aboveground biomass
growth of the top 15 accessions, which are dominated by the Peruvian accessions. The
differences in the habit of the Haitian and introduced Peruvian types are significant (see
Fig. 1.7 and Fig. 1.8). Among the Haitian selections, no geographic trends are evident
in height or biomass yield, nor is there a significant correlation between the size of the
parent tree and the growth rate of the progeny. Individual selections based on progeny
testing would be appropriate for continued improvement of the local variety. The com-
bination of superior genetic quality and proper silvicultural management is necessary to
develop trees for high-value wood production (Fig. 1.9).

Table 1.3 Site and growth parameters of Prosopis juliflora trials in Haiti. Dry wood yields for
the Thomazeau site were estimated from Wojtusik et al. (1993).
(m) RAINFALL (yr) (%) M.A.I. I M.A.I. YIELD
(mm) (m) (em) (kg tree· I )
Nan Marron 450 600 3.3 28 0.2 0.2 0.1
Mare Grand Bois 20 1200 3.5 58 0.6 0.9 1.9
Bekin 100 1397 3.5 96 0.8 0.7 1.2
Thomazeau (Peru) 25 970 3.8 89 0.8 5.0
Thomazeau (Haiti) 25 970 3.8 94 0.6 4.1
Fond-des-Blancs 250 1335 4.0 58 0.2 0.2 0.1
Cabaret 80 900 6.9 72 0.3 0.4 1.5
1 M.A.I. = Mean annual increment. 2d = Stem diameter at 0.3 m above ground level.
8 Bayawonn


5 -


3 --

o _~=-'----l_----l..._--..L_---'-_--l.-_...l..-_.L.-_'------l...---:--'-_---!...._---.L-_--'--_.!..-----l

o 2 4 6

Figure 1.4 Height growth of P. juliflora in Haiti.



PERU 545 L//'/'

PERU 552 1,//"

PERU 537 1////·

PERU 559 1/ / /
PERU 544 1/// / .' .'

PERU 419 1//,·' /

HAITI 2 1//// ,.//
HAITI 39 L//,//./
PERU 420 r,/
PERU 438 f'/'<'··'/··
HAITI 49 1// / / /
USAB2V50 r/ . ' ..
HAITI 30 k//j.···· ,/
HAITI 10 r,///·
HAITI 40 r /' /
k"/) "

o 2 3 4 5

Figure 1.5 Height growth"ofthe top Prosopis accessions at Thomazeau after four years.
95% confidence interval bars are indicated for comparison of total height means.
Accession origins are reported in Lee et al. (1992).
Bayawonn 9


PERU 545
PERU 552
PERU 544
PERU 559
PERU 419
PERU 537
HAIT[ 30
HAlT! [2

o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Figure 1.6 Aboveground biomass (kg) of the top 15 Prosopis accessions at Thomazeau
after nearly 4 years. 95% confidence interval bars are indicated for comparison of total
aboveground biomass means. Accession origins are reported in Lee et al. (1992).

Figure 1.7 TypicaJ spreading habit of a 6-year-old Haitian P juliflora.

10 Bavawonn
Remarkably two Peruvian thornless acces-
sions resistant to goat browsing were report-
ed (Lee et aI., 1992). The accessions origi-
nate from Trujillo, Peru. The validity of this
finding should be tested with exclosure trials
designed to assess the impact of free goat
grazing on the growth of the Peruvian selec-
tions. This assessment would be an impor-
tant contribution to semi-arid agroforestry
systems in Haiti and throughout the arid land
tropics. The top four thornless accessions at
Thomazeau have been cloned and await re-
entry to Haiti for establishment in a clonal
The Prosopis established at the Thoma-
zeau site have not produced pod yields suffi-
cient to permit early assessment of progeny
as a source of animal feed. As of six years,
only a few of the trees have ±lowered and set
fruit. This trial has tremendous economic
Figure 1.8 Erect habit of a 6-year-old importance to Haitian farmers, however,
Peruvian Prosopis. broadening the genetic base of Prosopis and
enabling selection of more productive vari-
eties. It would be tragic if the opportunity for genetic gain in this species is lost. The
greatest challenge lies ahead. Clonal seed orchards should be envisioned for the future.
P juliflora is a primary source of fuelwood and charcoal for Haiti and an underutilized
source of nutrition. The economic benefits to be gained through continued research of
a broad geneti~ base should be significant.
Bayawonn 11

Figure 1.9 The graceful form of a superior specimen of P julijlora showing the poten-
tial for lumber.
Figure 2.1 C. arborescens is commonly planted near homes for shade and a source of
2 Bwa PIe
Species: Colubrina arborescens (Mill.) Sarg.
Family: Rhamnaceae
Synonyms: Ceonothus arborescens Mill., Colubrina colubrina Millsp., C. ferruginosa
Brongn., Rhamnus colubrinus Jacq.
Common Names: H - bois capable (bwa kapab), bois pele (bwa ple), bois de fer (bwa
fe), bois de fer blanc (bwa fe blan), bois mabi (bwa mabi), capable (kapab), kapab gran
fey, kapab ti fey, gri-gri, gri-gri sovaj, rougeole (roujiol ), RD - corazon de paloma,
cuerno de buey; C - bijaguara, birijagua, fuego; J - black velvet, greenheart, mountain
ebony, snake-wood, wild ebony; US - coffee colubrina, snake-bark.

Importance: A Haitian species of choice for rural house construction, the form of C.
arborescens fits perfectly in the mid- to upper-canopy layer oftraditional perennial gar-
dens. The tree grows rapidly with an excellent form and yields a quick return of goods
and services to the farmer. It is a popular shade tree that is easily propagated.

Taxonomy and Botanical Features: At least 5 species of Colubrina occur on'

Hispaniola (Liogier, 1982). C. arborescens, the most common species, has several vari-
eties, giving rise to a proliferation of common names used in Haiti. In tum, the common
names have been used indiscriminately without careful taxonomic referencing. The
popular large-leaf variety is known in Creole as bwa pte or bwa pete in the Cayes and
Cap-HaYtien regions. Less utilized names are gri-gri, kapab granfey, bwa mabi and bwa
fe . The small-leaf variety is known as bwa kapab, kapab, kapab ti fey, gri-gri sovaj or
bwa fe blan. There is a less common long-leaf variety, occurring in the wet ravine cloud
forests of the higher elevations. Several of the common names of C. arborescens also
refer to C. elliptica (Sw.) Briz & Stern (syn: C. reclinata Brongn.) and Schaefferia
frutescens Jacq. (Celastraceae). The latter species is also known as bwa kapab and is
distinguished by smaller elliptical leaves 2.5-6 cm long and 0.8-2.0 cm wide, unisex--
ual flowers, and an indehiscent red drupe 4-6 mm diameter.
The varietal differences occur in tree size, leaf shape and branch. morphology.
Differences in the seed are indistinguishable to the naked eye. Features of the large-leaf
variety include: light green, thin, glabrous leaves 10-25 cm by 5-12 cm; puckered
between recursive leaf veins; an open crown; and tree heights 20-25 m (Fig. 2.2). The
small-leaf variety is distinguished by precocious fruiting, thicker dark green leaves 4-8
cm by 2-4cm, twigs with a conspicuous reddish pubescence, a dense crown, and tree
heights to 12 meters with stem diameters to 25 cm (Fig. 2.3). The less common long-
leaf variety has leaves up to 18.5 cm long by 5 cm wide with a short 1.5 cm petiole. The
grayish-brown bark of C. arborescens cracks and peels as the tree matures, revealing
lighter patches of new bark and giving the stem a mottled appearance.

Distribution and Ecology: The small-leaf variety occurs on the shallow red and black
soils overlying limestone rock of the dry coastal areas and certain parts of the upper
Central Plateau. This variety is found at sea level to 300 m elevation in the wetter spec-
trum of the subtropical dry forest. Annual rainfall ranges from 800-1200 mm and is
highly variable from year to year. The large-leaf variety is common to the low-eleva-
tion humid mountain regions of Haiti (elevations between 150-1000 m and receiving

14 Billa Pie
annual rainfall 1200-2000 mm)
and the humid plains near sea
level, located near Cayes and
Cap-Ha"itien. These areas fall
mostly within the subtropical
humid forest zone. In several
areas of Haiti, the natural range
of the large-leaf variety over-
laps with the range of the
small-leaf variety, notably the
mountain areas of southern
Haiti and the Central Plateau.
The long-leaf variety seems to
be much rarer, definitely less
cultivated, occurring in the less-
populated higher and per-
humid ranges along the south-
eastern and northern mountain
chains. It is a canopy species of
Figure 2.2 The large-leaf variety is distinguished by
the broad-leaved forests above
shiny, light green and thin leaves with puckered leaf
1000 m elevation and 2000 mm
annual rainfall.

Tree Characteristics: The

large-leaf variety of C.
arborescens grows to 26 m,
with stem diameters averaging
20-30 em and rarely larger than
50 em. Stem form is straight
with primary forks, if present,
at two-thirds total tree height.
The new growth of the horizon-
tal branches is regularly spaced
and sparse, projecting a light
shade to understory crops. The
average crown width:stem
diameter ratio is 30, with crown
closures of mature stem diame-
ters occurring at 200 trees ha- I .
The large-leaf variety is the
preferred variety as a result of
its greater merchantable height,
faster growth, lighter shade,
self-pruning and less weedy
Figure 2.3 The small-leaf variety is noted for its pro-
nature (Fig. 2.4). However, this
lific seeding and shiny, dark green leaves with a red-
advantage is less evident on the
dish pubescence on new growth.
Bwa Pie 1S
drier, rocky sites of the lower
el evations, particularly on
the coastal and leeward
slopes of mountain areas in
Haiti. The leaves of C.
arborescens are palatable to
animals and damage IS
extensive under free-grazing
conditions. Basal sprouting
occurs with the large-leaf
variety in response to sub-
humid, droughty conditions
(Fig. 2.5). This trait can be
managed for mixed-aged
stems by leaving a couple
sprouts to develop in the
shade of the main stem.
The small-leaf variety
rarely grows taller than 18
m, limited by the harsher site
conditions of its natural
range. Stem diameters are
generally less than 20 em.
Adaptations to driercondi-
tions are evident in the
small-leaf variety, with its
Figure 2.4 The fast-growing, tall, straight, self-pruning thicker leaves and heavier
stem of large-leaf varieties of C. arborescens is valued seeding. The crown is more
for beams and joists. compact than that of the
large-leaf variety, with lateral
branching occurring more frequently along the stem axis and extending further down
the stem. Self-pruning is less evident and the shade cast by the crown is denser than the
large-leaf variety. C. arborescens coppices when cut on short rotations.
The heartwood is reddish-brown with a small proportion of lighter brown sapwood
on mature stems. The wood is hard and heavy, with a specific gravity ranging from
0.67--0.82 for samples taken from a 5-year-old stand in the Northwest. It seasons very
hard so that sawing and nailing are difficult.
The principal fruiting season of C. arborescens occurs from May tlU'ough July, with a
smaller harvest from November through January. There are 50,000-65,000 seeds kg· l .

Utilization: The most important use of C. arborescens is in house construction, where

the timber is utilized in all parts of the structure (Fig. 2.6). Because the large-leaf vari-
ety provides one of the longest and straightest trunks of any of the lowland tree species,
it is prized for joists, beams, ridgepoles and supports. As soon as the tree becomes
usable, after reaching a 10 em stem diameter, it generally is cut for building material,
with few stems left to grow larger than 25 em. Smaller-diameter trees are worked in the
16 Bwa Pie
round form, providing long,
straight poles used in roofing
timbers. The larger diameter
stems usually are split in quarters
or squared for use as construction
material or sawn into planks (Fig.
2.7). Posts are improved for dura-
bility by charcoaling the sap-
wood of the end that is buried in
soil. The wood is used for rustic
furniture and wood sculptures.
A beverage derived from the
astringent bark, containing vari-
ous tannins, alkaloids and
saponins, is used for medicinal
purposes (Seaforth and Moham-
med, 1988). Bark tea is consid-
ered a diuretic; mixed with anise,
nutmeg, mace and sugar, the tea
is taken as an aphrodisiac. A
decoction made from boiled
wood and mixed with milk is
used to build up blood, especially
after childbirth (Altschul, 1973).
Figure 2.5 Basal sprouting of C. arborescens is The shade of C. arborescens
typical ofthe large-leaf varieties on droughty sites. is not deep, allowing for flexibil-

Figure 2.6 C. arborescens is valued as a construction timber used for building houses
in Haiti.
Bwa Pie 17
ity in the type of cash crops that can be
grown in association with the tree. In field
gardens, crops are grown right up to the
base of the tree. Lateral branches are cut to
control seasonal light demands, and to pro-
vide fodder and fuelwood. It is a common
shade tree of the gardens grown near the
home, particularly those associated with
coffee and cocoa groves (Fig. 2.8).

Propagation: C. arborescens is tricky to

raise from seed. The hard seed coat inhibits
germination, often giving erratic results in
the nursery. The most common method to
overcome seed dormancy is to immerse the
seed in hot water and soak the seed for sev-
eral days, changing the water daily (Josiah,
1989). However, experimental data do not
support this method as being the best one.
Probably the most important aspect of prop-
agating the species in a containerized sys- Figure 2.7 Lumber of C. arborescens is
tem is to keep the germinating seed environ- used in construction and furniture mak-
ment humid by placing shade cloth over the ing.
containers. Generally, the seed is sown in
greater quantities to compensate for poor
germination, with multiple emergents being
transplanted or thinned. Seedlings ready for
field planting require about 4 weeks in the
shade and a total of 14 weeks in containers,
such as the Rootrainer or Winstrip. Sunscald
and overwatering are common problems
associated with nursery culture. The species
can be top-pruned prior to planting in the
field. A virus is postulated to attack the
species in the nursery (Josiah, 1989), caus-
ing leaves to exhibit mosaic-type symptoms,
with a mottled appearance and curled, shriv-
eled leaf margins (Fig. 2.9). Tourigny
(J 987) proposed that the virus is transmitted
by the citrus aphid, Toxoptera aurantii, (B.
de F), and that effective control of aphids
might solve this problem.
Barbour (1926) describes how Haitian
farmers in the Cayes area " sow seed of a
tree they call bois pete in wood lots behind Figure 2.8 A stand of C. arborescens
their houses." However, in a detailed study used as coffee shade and timber.
18 Bwa Pie
of traditional propagation methods in the Lascahobas area, sown seed accounts for only
5% of the C. arborescens tallied (Campbell, 1994). More than two-thirds of the trees
were volunteer, with an additional 16% that were transplanted volunteers.
An attempt was made to graft and bud the species in 1988 by the Double Harvest
nursery, but all attempts failed with the split, inverted-T bud and cleft methods. No
knowledge of vegetative methods has been reported in Haiti.

Seed Research: The hard seed coat inhibits germination. Scarification by nicking the
small seed results in a 4-fold increase in total germination. However, this is not cost-
effective for bulk seed and most nurseries compensate for low and irregular germina-
tion by sowing extra quantities of seed for transplants. An experiment designed to test
scarification procedures showed that immersion in 80° C water, followed by a 24-hour
soak, significantly reduced seed germination, whereas soaking in cold water for 24
hours had no effect. Furthermore, there was a poor correlation between laboratory ger-
mination tests and nursery emergence. No differences in germination were detected
when ripe seed was harvested from the same orchard trees at 3-week intervals during
the peak fruiting season (May to July).

Planting Stock Quality: Various methods to establish C. arborescens in the field have
been tested for their effect on survival and growth (Dupuis, 1986a; Reid, 1991). Direct
seeding of the species has consistently failed in the field and can be recommended only
if seed is plentiful. Container types and potting mixes showed no effects on a fertile site
near Port-au-Prince. However, seedlings raised in a polythene sack survived better on a
drier, less fertile site than did the smaller-containerized seedlings raised in the
Rootrainer or Winstrip. This difference was accounted for by the larger soil volume of
the sack and a more well-developed seedling root system.

Figure 2.9 Deformed leaves of a C. arborescens nursery seedl ing probably are caused
by an aphid-borne virus.
Bwa Pie 19
Biomass Studies: Ehrlich (1985) developed total and fuelwood biomass tables for C.
arborescens, sampled from a stand of trees located near Morne-a-Cabrit. The estimates
are based on diameter-at-breast-height (DBH) and stump diameter measurements.
Another set of biomass equations was developed on a drier site in the Northwest near
Nan Marron in 1990. The 5-year-old stand had a narrow stem diameter range from 3-7
cm. These equations estimate total and wood(> I cm) dry weights on the basis of stem
diameters measured at 0.3 m above ground level. The set of equations for C.
arborescens is given in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Equations used to estimate biomass components (kg dry weight) of C. arbo-
rescens in Haiti.

Total aboveground biomass 0.25(DBH)2 0.98 3.0-12.5 Morne-a-Cabrit

Usable wood weight 0.204(DBH)2 0.98 3.0-12.5 Morne-a-Cabrit
Total aboveground biomass 0.Q33hLdn2 0.99 2.8-6.6 Nan Marron
Usable wood weight 0.027hLd 2
n 0.99 2.8--6.6 NaI).Marron
DBH =Stem diameter at 1.3 m above ground level, in em. d =Stem diameter at 0.30 m above ground level, in em. h
=Total tree height, in m. n = Number of stems at 0.30 m above ground level.

Growth Performance: The oldest trials of C. arborescens were established by the FAO
project in the mid-I 970s. Later in the 1980s, several trials were established by the
USAID Agroforestry Outreach and AFII projects and the World Bank Projet Forestier
National. Table 2.2 compiles the growth rates and yield information available for sev-
eral of the trials. The species failed at the highest elevation site (Tranquille) as well as
on the coastal sites that receive severe drought, such as Cabaret and Jean Rabel.
However, Nan Marron is probably the driest site and the species is performing well,
being thesame small-leaf variety that is common in the area. The Haut Camp and Lapila
sites have an adequate rainfall distribution, but the soils are extremely shallow and
rocky. In contrast, the fastest growth occurs on alluvial, lowland sites such as Fauche,
near Grand Goave, and Roche Blanche, near Croix-des-Bouquets. Early height growth
of 2.5 m yr- 1 has been observed. The O'Gorman trial, located only 5 Ian east of Roche
Blanche, is also an alluvial site, but with a combination ofless rainfall, poorer soils, and
perhaps a poorly-adapted provenance. Moortele (1979) indicates that the source of the
seed was from Grenier, a much higher (el. 800 m) and wetter location than the trial site.
Figure 2.10 summarizes the height growth of the species in Haiti.

Tree Improvement: There are distinct varieties in the species that are adapted to a wide
range of growing conditions in Haiti. Farmers growing in moist and wetter sites prefer
the taller and faster large-leaf variety for timber wood; the small-leaf variety is adapted
.to shallow and rocky soils common to the dry regions of Haiti under 1000 mm rainfall.
The first priority in the improvement of this species was to focus on the large-leafvari-
ety for the moist regions of Haiti where the species is most developed as a timber tree.
The establishment of seed orchards is the surest method to guarantee the harvest of pure
large-leaf varieties and to achieve the uniformity in seedling performance that the
farmer is seeking.
20 Bwa Pie

Table 2.2 Site and growth parameters for C. arborescens trials in Haiti.
(m) RAINFALL (yr) (%) M.A.I. I M.A.!. YIELD
(mm) (m) (em) (kg tree· l )

Laborde 90 1875 1.0 57 0.4

Tranquille 850 1385 2.7 48 0.5
Fauche 5 1436 3.0 70 2.6 2.7 13.7
HautCamp 180 2281 3.0 69 0.5
Marmont 280 1450 3.0 21 1.3 1.6 4.9
Roche Blanche 2 75 1100 3.0 63 1.2
Terrier Rouge 20 1293 3.0 33 0.9 0.9 1.4
Bombardopolis 480 948 3.4 31 1.1

Lapila 350 1145 3.4 88 0.8 0.9 1.8

B6kin 100 1397 3.5 93 1.4 1.4 4.9
Nan Marron 450 600 4.8 87 0.8 0.8 2.8
Roche Blanche 1 75 1100 5.0 97 1.4 1.6 12.4
Limbe 400 2057 5.2 78 1.2 1.0 5.5
O'Gorman 70 830 5.2 19 0.4 0.5 1.3

1 M.A.I. = Mean annual increment. 2 DBH = Stem diameter at 1.3 m above ground level, in em. 3 Reported as
Schaefferia frutescens.

Between 1988 and 1991, 53 trees of

HEIGHT (nl) the large-leaf variety were selected for
101--------;=======;_~ superior traits: straight stem form, wide
and horizontal branch pattern, small
crown size, and vigor. An additional 6
trees of the small-leaf variety were
selected for inclusion in progeny trials on
drier sites. Seed was collected from more
than two-thirds ofthe candidate trees and
seedlings were propagated for seedling
seed orchards, progeny trials, and arbore-
ta throughout Haiti. The seed orchard at
Roche Blanche contains the entire prog-
eny collection and perhaps the widest
genetic base of the species in Haiti.
There is significant variation in
2 vigor among half-sib families of the
large-leaf variety, particularly on drough-
ty sites such as Lapila (Fig. 2.11). The
o__ ~_---'--------'-----_---'----------"-_--'--~_--'---~_--J
top-ranked family is growing at twice the
024 10 rate as the lowest-ranked family. Certain
TREE AGE (yr) families are consistently the top-ranked
Figure 2.10 Height growth of C. arbo- families across a range of sites, being
rescens in Haiti. managed in the orchards for seed pro-
duction and future progeny testing. It is
Bwa Pie 21
expected that seed from such a wide genetic base shows a level of increased vigor.
Continued germplasm work with C. arborescens should not neglect the small-leaf
varieties for the drier regions where the species is under severe pressure from grazing
and charcoal making activities. These varieties show adequate and steady growth, tol-
erating the severe droughts and rocky limestone sites common to these areas.

321 (Mersan)
4 A 309 (Grande Plaine)
308 (Belladere)
310 (Source Crab)
305 (Band Roche)
306 (Paridon)
304 (Band Roche)
302 (Nan Roi)
o 303 (Nan Roi)
1.0 2.2 3.3 4.4


Figure 2.11 Comparison of height growth among C. arborescens half-sib families at
Lapila, near Pignon. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at
Figure 3.1 C. alliodora selected as a perennial garden species near Port SaJut.
3 Bwa Soumi
Species: Cordia alliodora (Ruiz Lopez & Pavon) Oken.
Family: Boraginaceae
Synonyms: Cerdana alliodora Ruiz & Pavon, Cordia alliodora (Ruiz Lopez & Pavon)
Cham., C. geracanthus Jacq.
Common Names: H - bois de rose (bwa woz), bois soumis (bwa soumi), chene caparo
(chenn kapawo), chene franc (chennfran), chene noir (chenn nwa); RD - capa, capa de
olor, capa de sabana, capa 0 laurel, capa prieto, guacimilla; C - varia, varia prieta, varia
colorada, varia amirilla.

Importance: This species is an ideal timber species for traditional agroforestry models
utilizing multi-tiered perennial crops characteristic of the lakou garden. The natural
form of the tree provides an excellent mix of shade, as well as valuable lumber, and
should be considered as an integral component in coffee-growing regions of Haiti.

Taxonomy and Botanical Features: The genus Cordia includes some 200 species
ranging from shrubs to large. trees (Liegel and Stead, 1990). Large differences in mor-
phological and phenological features exist among varieties of C. alliodora and have cre-
ated considerable taxonomic confusion. Two distinct races are recognized in Costa Rica.
The distinguishing features of the tree are the whorled branches extending in horizon-
tal layers from the main stem and the showy white flowers that cover the canopy during
the dry season (Fig. 3.2). The flowers are clustered tightly in terminal branches, each
flower with a tubular calyx that is 5-lobed and white, turning to brown. Leafblades are
6.5-15 cm long, with the undersides finely hairy, extending from hairy petioles 9.5-19
mm long. They smell like garlic when crushed. The terminal branches are swollen at the

Distribution· and Ecology: This species is a native to Haiti, though it is common in

restricted regions. The native range of the species covers the entire Caribbean area and
extends from central Mexico to a broad belt across South America from Peru to Bolivia
and Brazil (Little and Wadsworth, 1964). This extensive range includes an annual rain-
fall from 1000-4500 mm and 0-4 dry months. In Haiti, the species grows from sea level
to about 600 m, mostly confined to the lower foothills of the moist subtropical forest
(sensu Holdridge, 1967) and extending into the wet forest, where there is annual rain-
fall between 1200-2000 mm. It is common in southern Haiti, particularly along the
southwest coast from Port Salut to Tiberon, and in the foothills extending west of the
Chaine de Selle. Dr. Ekman collected plant specimens of the species in the Chaine de
Mathieu on Morne-a-Cabrit in 1927.
The soils where C. alliodora is found along the coastal regions are typically sandy
and gravelly, commonly associated with ravines and river flood plains. The tree is adapt-
ed to a wide range of soils, including deep clayey and calcareous soils on gently rolling
slopes, but it grows poorly on degraded sites and steep slopes. It naturally regenerates
on abandoned fields and pastures. Seedlings have been found beneath 2- to 4-year-old
stands at several sites where C. alliodora had been planted for the first time.

24 Bwa So,~mi

Tree Characteristics: Tree heights up to 20

m have been measured in Haiti with stem
diameters 20-40 cm and exceptionally
straight and cylindrical stems. The tree
attains heights over 40 m in Costa Rica.
Clear boles to 12 m are not uncommon for
mature trees, with a narrow crown reaching
4-5 meters (Fig. 3.3). The tree is self-prun-
ing and deciduous, though differences occur
among provenances for leaf retention and
branch patterns. Most of the wood volume is
concentrated in the main stem of medi-
um-sized trees, an ideal characteristic for
pole and lumber production and agro-
forestry systems that optimize spatial fac-
This species has superb features as an
agroforestry tree, with superior vertical
form, self-pruning lateral branches and a
narrow crown. The tree generally does not
Figure 3.2 A shower of white flowers coppice, but root suckers can be prolific on
spreads over the canopy of a four-year- moist sites.
old C. alliodora tree during the dry sea- The olive-brown heartwood has a decora-
son. tive appearance with black streaks and a
specific gravity 0.44-0.52. The grain is
straight to slightly interlocked and seasons well with only a slight warp (Chudnoff,
1984). It is easy to work, finishes smoothly and is readily glued. The durability of the
heartwood varies according to the color of the heartwood, though it is generally resis-
tant to dry-wood termites but not to borers.
The tree flowers throughout the year in the Caribbean, with a peak during the dry
season (December to February). Seed develops within 1-2 months after flowering and
is ready for harvest from February onward. The seeds are borne in the tubular calyxes
of the flower clusters and require cl imbing of the tree for harvest about 2-3 weeks prior
to natural seedfall. The trees at Cazeau began bearing full crops of seed at 5 years with
good germination. There are between 20,000-30,000 seeds kg-I, though as many as
100,000 seeds kg-I are found in its native range.

Utilization: In areas where the species is common, Haitians consider the wood similar
to the fine quality of C. longissima and use it for the same basic purposes. Poles har-
vested from the coppice or thinnings are utilized mostly in ,house construction and as
climbing stakes for crops. It yields an excellent lumber that is used for furniture, carv-
ings, construction, doors, windows, ±looring, and crossbeams, fetching an equivalent
price to C. longissima. The erect form and short crown, with evenly-spaced branch
whorls, cast an excellent shade that is not too dense for a wide assortment of understo-
ry crops. As such, it is widely planted in Central America for coffee shade and orna-
ment. The tree's potential has not been fully utilized in Haiti, where C. alliodora could
Bwa Soumi 25
easily replace shade species such as Inga vera and Albizia saman with a more valuable
harvest potential. The flowers of the tree are an important source of food for bees dur-
ing the dry season. The seeds and leaves are used in home medicines, mostly for ail-
ments related to throat infections and chest colds. A leaf decoction compress is applied
to sores (Liogier, 1990).

Propagation: Seedlings are raised from

seed either as stumps, striplings, or in con-
tainers for field planting. The seed loses via-
bility rapidly after several weeks unless it is
properly stored at low moisture contents «
10 % moisture content and 4-5 0 C). Seed is
sown directly in containers and lightly cov-
ered with potting medium. Propagation in
small containers, such as Rootrainers and
Winstrips, require approximately 18-20
weeks for seedlings to reach sufficient size
for field planting. Shade is required for the
first 3--4 weeks prior to full sun. No serious
pests or diseases have been encountered
with propagating the species from seed in
Stump planting is a slower and less-uti-
lized method, though cost saving, to propa-
gate the species. Raised nursery beds are
sown in rows 15 cm apart and thinned to a
Figure 3.3 C. alliodora grows tall and spacing of 15 cm x 15 cm. Stumps are pre-
straight, with a self-pruning bole that is pared when root collar diameters reach 1
harvested for lumber. cm; shoots are pruned to 5-10 cm and roots
are pruned to 10-20 cm. Seedlings up to 3
m tall have been balled and transplanted with 100% survival (Johnston and Morales,
1972). Transplanting of volunteers from beneath select stands is another alternative that
is utilized in Asia and Central America.
Grafting methods are employed for clonal seed orchard stock:, with the side-veneer
technique (Boshier and Mesen, 1987), though techniques are difficult and are not prac-
ticed for general purposes.

Growth Performance: The species has failed at Cabaret and Terrier Rouge, both sites
being too severe for the species with droughts extending 3-5 months. Table 3.1 sum-
marizes the data that are available for the growth of this species in Haiti. Survival is
mediocre, averaging 50-60%. After 3 years, annual growth in the Central Plateau can be
considered marginal with annual height increments under a meter. In contrast, at low
elevation sites with soils ranging from sandy loams (Berault, Fauche, Cazeau) to clayey
loams (Pemel, Roche Blanche), annual height increments of 1.5-2.0 m are normal (Fig.
3.4). Trees selected for superior traits at Cazeau, the oldest trial known to exist in Haiti,
are averaging annual height and stem diameter increments of 2.3 m yr- I and 2.9 cm yr- I ,
26 Bwa Soumi

Table 3.1 Site and growth parameters of C. alliodora trials in Haiti.

(m) RAINFALL (yr) (%) M.A.I.! M.A.I.
(mm) (m) (em)
Berau1t 25 1950 3.0 61 1.9
FaucM 5 1436 3.0 40 1.5 1.5
Mannont 280 1450 3.0 53 0.7 0.5
Peme1 75 1875 3.0 69 1.1 1.2
Roche Blanche 130 1030 3.0 85 1.6 1.7
Terrier Rouge 20 1293 3.0 5 0.1
Cazeau 5 30 1200 5.5 90 2.3 2.9
IM.A.I. = Mean annual increment. 2DBH = Stem diameter at 1.3 m above ground level.

respectively. Because of the tree's high light requirements, stands need to be thinned
intensively for good crown development. Densities of 180 stems ha- 1 are used for cocoa
plantations in Costa Rica (Lamprecht, 1989).

Tree Improvement: The earliest introduction of provenances for testing in Haiti

occurred in 1984 when Operation Double Harvest introduced a single provenance,
CATIE 1382, from San Carlos, Costa Rica. Four candidate trees were selected from this
provenance in 1989 for progeny testing in aboreta and a seedling seed orchard in
Marmont. An additional 6 provenances were introduced by International Resources
Group in 1988 from Central America. After 3 years, the COHDEFOR 7488 provenance
from northwestern Honduras appears to be better adapted than the Costa Rican prove-
nances on drier sites, retaining its leaves and branches for longer periods during the dry
months and producing seed as early as 2
years. However, significant variation in HEIGHT(m)
height growth occurs within each prove- 6r---------,:===~~
nance as well as across sites (i.e., significant
site x provenance interactions) suggesting
that selection at both the individual and
provenance levels merit consideration for
breeding purposes. No significant differ-
ences in survival have been observed among
There is considerable variation among
2 -
the seed lots that have been tested in Haiti.
As in Cedrela odorata, differences among
provenances are readily observable in the
bark, branching pattern and leaf phenology
(Fig. 3.5).
Because the species has excellent TREE AGE (yr)
potential as an agroforesty candidate, such
differences among the varieties may play an Figure 3.4 Height growth of C. alliodo-
important role as selection criteria. ra in Haiti.
However, the current provenance trials rep-
Bwa Soumi 27
resent a fairly narrow range of growing conditions in Haiti. This can be remedied only
by testing the species on a wider range of sites, particularly in the higher-elevation cof-
fee-growing areas. The tree is a natural shade/lumber candidate and should be tested
with several agroforestry options and additional seed from advanced generations of the
tree improvement program in Costa Rica.

Figure 3.5 Differences in leaf retention and branching pattern are striking among C.
alliodora provenances collected from its extensive native range.
Figure 4.1 A mature C. longissima, valued by Haitians for shade and lumber. Inset-
flowers of C. longissima.
4 Chenn
Species: Catalpa longissima (Jacq.) Dum. Cours.
Family: Bignonaceae
Synonyms: Bignonia longissima Jacq., B. quercus Lam., Catalpa longissima (Jacq.)
Sims, Macrocatalpa longissima (Jacq.) Britton
Common Names: H - chene (chenn), bois chene (bwa chenn), chene hattien (chenn
peyi), chene noir (chenn nwa), chenier; RD - roble, roble de olor; J - Jamaica-oak, mast-
wood, yokewood; PR - roble Dominicano, Haitian catalpa; US - Haitian oak; M - rade-

Importance: C. longissima is one of the best-known lumber species in Haiti. Ask the
Haitian fishermen what their boats are made of and the response is usually chenn. The
superior wood quality and local demand for chenn are reflected in local lumber prices
that are higher than the price of the renowned West Indies mahogany (Swietenia mahag-
oni). The tree typically is distributed along the coastal and river plains, where farmers
manage the species with important food crops such as plantains (Musa x paradisiaca)
and sweet potato (Ipomea batatas). The sparse crown does not compete with understo-
ry crops as with other tree species with denser shade.

Taxonomy and Botanical Features: The common name of this species is derived from
the French and Spanish names for oak (Quercus: Fagaceae). The Catalpa genus is com-
prised of few species in Haiti, of which C. longissima is the largest in size. As is typi-
cal of other Catalpa members, the showy white flowers are bell-shaped with a faint
pinkish tinge on the inside of the 5-10bed corolla (Fig. 4.1 inset). The tree is recognized
immediately by an abundance of long, stringy pods, up to 40 cm long, that are light
green turning to brown and twisting open to scatter hundreds of soft cottony seeds to
the wind. The pods are persistent, hanging on the outside of the crown and giving it a
stringy appearance. From a distance, the crown has a soft, bushy texture with slightly
wavy branches forming a cylindrical canopy; Chenn nwa may refer to a darker heart-
wood variety or anyone of several Cordia species that exist in Haiti.

Distribution and Ecology: C. longissima is native' to the islands of Hispaniola and

Jamaica, but has become naturalized throughout the Caribbean as an ornamental and
timber species (Adams, 1972). Natural stands of Haitian oak are most typically found
near the coastal flood plains and alluvial fans of rivers, below an elevation of 250 m,
that receive an annual rainfall of 1000-2000 mm (Fig. 4.2). It tolerates seasonal flood-
ing and it is common to see nearly pure stands of the species, as along the Ennery River
near Passe Reine or in the valley of the Limbe river. As one travels into the mountains
up to an elevation of 1000 m, the tree is found mostly as an occasional specimen of
ravines and courtyards of Haitian homes, associated with other common species of the
subtropical moist forest: mango (Mangifera indica), avocado (Persea am'ericana),
simarouba (Simarouba glauca), colubrina (Colubrina arborescens), mahogany
(Swietenia mahagoni) and coconut (Cocos nucifera).
The soils most commonly associated with Haitian oak are the calcareous alluvial
deposits of sand, silt and gravel common to the coastal plains as well as the rivers and
ravines that drain the mountains. Typically, these soils have a pH range of 7.0-8.2 and

30 Chenn

Figure 4.2 Stands of C. longissima are common along stream courses and river flood
plains, as shown here near Baie-de-Henne.

good drainage. Though Haitian oak is found on a wide range of sites, it performs poor-
ly where the dry season drought is combined with shallow and rocky soils. It rarely is
found in the lowland dry forest that is comprised mostly of the thorny Prosopis and
Acacia species and becomes just as rare as one reaches 1000 m in elevation. It is shade
Average size-class distributions of the species, as cultivated by Haitian farmers,
were studied in Lascahobas (Campbell, 1994). Less than 8% of the tallied stems were
in the saw timber class, defined as having trunks larger than 25 em. Over half of the
population were seedlings and saplings under 10 cm DBH. The balance of the popula-
tion was in the I-2 pole merchantable class.

Tree Characteristics: The juvenile form is often multi-stemmed and bushy, eventually
developing into a single-stemmed tree with a narrow crown:DBH ratio. Dominant
heights in Haiti reach up to 28 meters, with an average around 19 ill. Stem diameters
of most of the mature trees in Haiti are between 25--40 cm, though individuals up to 80
cm are sighted occasionally. Natural crown diameters spread to 18 m. However, Haitian
oak growing in field gardens is pruned heavily and rarely does the crown exceed 6 m
(Fig. 4.3). The traditional method of pruning the lateral branches keeps the crown nar-
row and is a common feature where the tree is associated with understory crops such as
plantains, sweet potatoes, corn and beans. The tree tolerates pruning well, which not
only allows more light and rainfall penetration, but provides fuelwood and aids in the
development of the bole for lumber production.
Chenn 31
Haitian oak begins to flower
at an early age, usually within 2
years from seed. The flowers of
the species range in color from
white to pink. During the
months of June, July and
November, most trees are fruit-
ing with long, stringy, cylindri-
cal pods up to 40 em that split
open and scatter hundreds of
small brown seeds, 1 mm wide
and 8 mm long, and enclosed
with cotton-like fiber.
Throughout the year, cater-
pillars and beetles attack mature
trees sometimes causing serious
defoliation. At other times of the
year, mostly at the beginning of
the rainy season, it is common to
see juvenile trees defoliated by
caterpillars, tortoise-shell bee-
tles, and skeletonizers (Fig. 4.4).
The wood exhibits hues of
light gray to a darker near-
cbocolate color. A local seed col-
lector claims that the darker-
wooded variety, sometimes
known as chenn nwa (black
oak), can be distinguished by the
Figure 4.3 C. longissima is typically pruned to reddish hue of the maturing seed
allow more sunlight to reach understory crops and pod. The wood varies in density
to increase its value as lumber. from 0.60 to 0.80 g/cm 3 with a
straight grain that is easily
worked (Longwood., 1962).

Utilization: As a living tree, Haitian oak provides a light shade that is influenced in part
by defoliation and is controlled further by pruning. As mentioned previously, an impor-
tant byproduct of pruning the tree is fuelwood. However, where the tree grows well, the
primary importance of Haitian oak is for the production of lumber. It ranks second to
mango as the main source of lumber in Haiti, though its wood is much more valuable.
Haitian oak is the wood of choice for fishing boats (Fig. 4.5). As a furniture wood, it is
favored over mahogany for its resistance to wood borers and for the natural grayish-
brown, lustrous color of its heartwood. The color of the wood is not as age-sensitive as
the color of mahogany. Statues and woodcarvings made of Haitian oak generally are left
in their natural color (Fig. 4.6).
32 Chenn
The poles commonly are
harvested from coppice stems
that sprout from mature stumps.
In the urban areas of Port-au-
Prince, the poles are used mostly
as supports for the pouring of
concrete ceilings and building
multi-story buildings. In the rural
areas, the poles are used chiefly
for house construction, both as
vertical posts and horizontal
beams and rafters. The leaves of
Haitian oak are used in a decoc-
tion and taken orally for fevers,
dysentery, hemorrhoids and res-
piratory problems (Weniger,
1985; Rouzier, 1990).

Propagation: Haitian oak is

regenerated naturally by seed that
is wind blown great distances
from the mother tree. Volunteers
left in place were the source of
60% of the trees of known origin
in the Lascahobas regIon
(Campbell, 1994). The rest were
volunteers that were transplanted Figure 4.4 C. longissima is heavily attacked by a
to another location. In many number of defoliating insects. Inset - Caterpillar
areas of Haiti, farmers transplant feeding on C. longissima.
volunteers to more secure and
fertile areas of their land and thus guarantee the eventual harvest of wood. After the
mature tree is harvested, basal sprouts regenerate to provide a second, more valuable
harvest (Fig. 4.7). Up to 20% of the C. longissima stems that one tallies on a farm is
coppice. However, alternative means to propagating the species are numerous, the only
limiting factors being the technical knowledge and input costs of the various options.
Josiah (1989) summarized the methods of propagating Haitian oak utilizing con-
tainerized systems, such as the Rootrainer or Winstrip. Problems associated with rais-
ing Haitian oak seedlings in the nursery are I) variability in seed viability among seed
lots and seasons, 2) seed predation in the nursery by ants, rats and mice, 3) occasional
insect infestations of mites, caterpillars, aphids, leafminers and white fly, 4) occasional
fungal diseases such as leafspot (Alternaria, Botrytis, and Cercospora), and anthrac-
nose, caused by Colletotrichum (Runion et al., 1990). Seed germination rarely exceeds
40% in the nursery. Factors that greatly affect the seed quality of Haitian oak are many,
the most important being parent source, seed crop season and storage conditions. It is
more critical to store the seed at low moisture content than at low temperature. Moisture
content should be maintained between 5-7% (wet weight basis); storage temperatures
Chenn 33

Figure 4.5 C. longissima is an important source of wood for boat building.

between 4-19° C, the equiva-

lent to the range between a
refrigerator and an air-condi-
tioned room, are adequate, pro-
vided that the seed is stored in
air-tight containers.
Vegetative techniques have
been observed in Haiti, though
the practice is not widely uti-
lized. Campbell (1994) tallied
only one tree that was estab-
lished as a cutting by farmers
in Lascahobas. Branch cuttings
have rooted successfully at a
CARE nursery near Barbe
Pagnol. In another case, a
farmer near Petit Goave
demonstrated air-layering and
stooling methods with the
species. These methods were
successful in propagating supe-
rior phenotypes. The advan-
tages of vegetative methods are
1) insured genetic superiority
and uniformity, 2) low techno-
logical costs and 3) increased
survival and growth of the Figure 4.6 The beauty and working ease of C.
propaguJe. Considering the longissima is a favorite among Haitian wood carvers.
34 Chenn
limited number of seedlings
that the average Haitian farmer
demands, vegetative propaga-
tion of Haitian oak will be a dis-
tinct feature of this species'
future in Haiti.
Five grafting methods were
experimented with C. longissi-
ma at Double Harvest in
October, 1988. The methods
utilized scion material collected
from superior tree candidates
and rootstock propagated in 10
cm polythene bags. None of the
grafting methods was success-
ful. However, the experiment
was not exhaustive and such
factors as season, rootstock
vigor and budwood quality were
not studied.

Biomass Studies: Ehrlich et al.

(1986) developed biomass and
volume tables for this species
based on a stand of Haitian oak
near Limbe that ranged in stem
diameters from 2 to 20 cm. Figure 4.7 C. longissima coppice, ready for second
These tables are based on the lumber harvest. Inset - Close up of coppicing
allometric relationship between stump.
an easily measured parameter,
such as DBH, and biomass. These relationships are expressed in the equations provid-
ed in Table 4.1.
Compared to species such as Leucaena leucocephala, the tree has low biomass
coefficients, meaning that most of the wood is contained within a stocky single stem
rather than in a heavily branched canopy. This attribute is one that makes C. longissima
a favorite lumber species, especially if the tree is managed on a regular pruning cycle.
No volume tables for lumber have been recorded for Haitian oak.

Growth Performance: The tree grows moderately fast on freely-drained alluvial sites
that receive at least 1000 mm annual rainfall. The best early growth of the species has
been observed at the progeny trial near Laborde (Cayes) and the seed orchard at Roche
Blanche (Croix-des-Bouquets), where average height increments of 1.2-1.4 my-I dur-
ing the first 3 years and survival rates above 90% were recorded (Fig. 4.8). The oldest
trial of Haitian oak was established by FAO at Vaudreuil (Bihun, 1982). Average heights
of2.5 m in 2 years, 6 m in 7 years and 7.5 m in 10 years were recorded at a survival rate
of 65 %. However, Haitian oak performs poorly on sites where soils are extremely shal-
Chenn 35
Table 4.1 Equations used to estimate biomass components (kg dry weight) of C. longissima in
Haiti, after Ehrlich (1986).

Total aboveground biomass 0.242(DBH)2 - 0.54 0.95 1.7 - 10.8 Limbe

Usable wood weight 0.179(DBH)2 - 0.83 0.96 1.7 - 10.8 Limbe
Usable wood weight 0.12(sd)2 - 2.28 0.93 3.0 - 13.5 Limbe
Pole volume (x 10-3 m 3 ) 0.277(DBH)2 - 2.031 0.95 5.0 - 10.8 Limbe
1 DBH = Stem diameter at 1.3 m above ground level, in em. sd = Stem diameter at 0.1 m above ground, in em.

low and rocky, such as the Haut Camp and Lapila sites, or in areas that experience
lengthy droughts, such as the Terrier Rouge and Nan Marron sites. On these sites, the
species never achieves growth rates worthy of wood production.
A summary of several trials in Hqiti is provided in Table 4.2. The tree does not
sprint in height growth like Leucaena, but develops more slowly. The poor height rank-
ings are mostly indicative of the early fast growth of the exotics that were established in
the same trial. After 3 years, wood yield is negligible at such off-site locations as
Bombard, 0' Gorman and Lapila. The species would be considered a failure at these
sites. Growth ranges at the Terrier Rouge and Fauche sites are suboptimal for the poten-
tial of these sites for the species, because of inadequate management during the first
years of establishment. The Roche Blanche trial is averaging annual wood yields of 6.7
kg tree- I for the first 3 years. The
Vaudreuil site, about 10 km to the east of HEIGHT (m)
Roche Blanche, yielded about 1.5 kg tree- I 9 r-----;::=======::::::;-,---~
Yf- I over the 10 year period (1975-1985).
The Laborde site is remarkable in that the 8 VAUDREUIL
species is conspicuously absent in the
area. The former use of the land was fa1- 7
low pasture, as shown in the illustrations
(see Fig. 4.9 and Fig. 4.10). The tree is 6
growing very well on the sandy loam soil
in association with Cedrela odorata and is 5-
achieving annual wood yields of 1.7 kg
tree-I. 4

Tree Improvement: An effort began in

1988 to improve the quality of the species
as a timber species. A country-wide se1ec- 2
tion of candidate trees was made for qual-
itative characteristics that contribute to
the economic value of Haitian oak. These
traits include stem form, height to the pri- o ~--'--l....-..l.-...l..-...C..--l........J,---"--'---'---l........J----'---'-----l---'--J.---"--'---'--'---'-,-J--'--J

mary fork, branching patterns, and resis- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

tance to disease, insects and wind. A total TREE AGE (yr)
of 127 mother trees were selected
throughout Haiti. Seed was collected Figure 4.8 Height growth of C. longissima
from two-thirds of the selected candi- in Haiti.
36 Chenn

Table 4.2 Site and growth parameters of C. longissima trials in Haiti.

(m) RAINFALL (yr) (%) M.A.!.' M.A.!. YIELD
(mm) (m) (elll) (kg tree")

Lapila 350 1145 10 90 0.6

Bombard 480 948 10 76 06
Plaisance 360 1900 1.5 62 0.1
Cazeau 30 1200 2.J 97 17
Colin 650 1300 2.2 78 06
Passe Catabois 120 987 2.2 65 0.8
Grand Bassin 70 1300 2.3 40 0.4
Crocra 30 1490 3.0 89 06 0.6 0.6
Fauche 1436 3.0 39 10 J3 19
HaUl Camp 180 2280 3.0 90 0.4
Laborde 90 1875 3.0 99 1.4 1.9 5.2
Marmol1r 280 1450 3.0 72 1.0 1.1 1.1
Roche Blanche 2 130 1030 3.0 86 0.4
Terrjer Rouge 20 J293 3.0 57 0.5 0.5
Nan Manon 450 600 3.4 32 0.3 02
Roche Blanche I 130 1030 5.0 96 12 2.2 20.0
O'Gorman I 70 830 5.3 74 0.5 0.6 1.2
O'Gonnon 2 70 830 5.3 89 0.5 0.4 0.1
Vaudreuil 55 830 10.0 65 0.8 0.9 14.7
I .M.A.I. ::: Metln annual increment. 2 DBH::: Stem diameter at 1.3 III above ground level, in em.

Figure 4.9 Pasture site before trial establishment...

Chenn 37
dates and established in a series of
progeny trials and seedling seed
orchards throughout Haiti. All
progeny tests and orchards are com-
prised of open-pollinated stock.
No maternal effects have been
detected for 3-year survival and
height growth. Within-family varia-
tion is as large as inter-family dif-
ferences. For example, at the
Laborde progeny trial near Cayes, a
23% difference between the first-
and last-ranked families in height
growth (4.7 m v. 3.8 m) at 3 years
was not significant. Survival like-
wise was the same across families,
ranging from 96-100%. This find-
ing directs further breeding strate-
gies towards selection of individu-
als that can be vegetatively propa-
gated and installed in second-gen-
eration orchards.
The orchard of 55 half-sib fami-
lies at Roche Blanche probably
Figure 4.10 ... and 4 years later, showing excel- contains the broadest genetic base
lent growth of C. longissima. of C. longissima in its native range.
The orchard began yielding seed in
the second year. The photo in Fig. 4.4, taken at this orchard, shows the seasonal insect
defoliation that often attacks the species when it is under drought stress. But it also
underscores the worth of an investment to conserve a genetic diversity that can better
cope with changes in pests and growing conditions of such an economically important
tree species. Several periodic studies on the intensity of defoliation exhibited no family
differences. However, the effect of annual attacks may be causing growth differences
among families, with the top families showing superior vigor and an advantage of
40-50% in height growth over 5 years. The 2 largest individuals in the orchard come
from the same mother tree, a positive indication that improvement can be made in Haiti.
Figure 5.1 Farmers like S glauca growing in their fields because it grows tall, straight,
and reaps good lumber.
5 Fwenn
Species: Simarouba glauca DC. var. latifolia Cronq.
Family: Simaroubaceae
Synonyms: Simarouba medicinalis Endl., S. officinalis Macfad., S. officinalis DC.
Common names: H - bois frene (bwafwenn), bois blanc (bwa blan), d'olive (doliv),
frene ifwenn); RD - daguilla, daguillo, juan primero, laguilla, olivio, palo amargo; C -
gavihin; J - bitter damson; G/M - acajou blanc; US - simarouba, princess tree; F - bois
amer, quinquina d'Europe.

Species: Simarouba berteroana Krug. and Urban

Family: Simaroubaceae
Common names: H - bois frene (bwa fwenn), frene ifwenn), frene etranger ifwenn
etranje); RD - aceituna, daguilla, juan primero, olivio.

Importance: S. glauca is one of the major sources of fast-growing, medium-grade lum-

ber in Haiti. It is well adapted to the agricultural landscape, regenerating naturally
beneath mango and other mature trees. The fast, straight growth and wide adaptability
on shallow soils of Haiti's mountains combine to make this tree an attractive choice for
agroforestry. The seed kernel is underutilized and has potential for supplying Haitains
with a source of oil.

Taxonomy and Botanical Features: There are 6 species of Simarouba in tropical

America, two of which are native to Haiti (Liogier, 1985). The common S. glauca var.
latifolia is easily distinguished from the less common S. berteroana by the leaves. Those
of the former are dark, shiny green above, oblong, and often notched or smooth at the
apex. S. berteroana leaves are a lighter dull green, lanceolate and have a prominent beak
at the apex (Fig. 5.3 inset). A third Simarouba species, planted during the 1950s and
1960s in the vicinity of Lake Peligre, probably was introduced from abroad. Locally
known as doliv, it is distinguished from S. glauca by a smaller bivalved seed and young
growth that is light green rather than reddish. It appears to have a shorter bole and a
heavier crown.
Fwenn is the Creole name derived from the French word for ash (Fraxinus:
Oleaceae). Bwa blan is heard more often in the northern part of Haiti, whereas fwenn is
used for the species in the south. Where S. glauca co-exists with S. berteroana, the lat-
ter sometimes is referred to as fwenn etranje (foreign ash), though both are native to
Haiti. The specimen identified as S. glauca (Ekman 3036), collected in 1925 by Dr.
Ekman near Ganthier, is S. berteroana, as described by Liogier (1985).

Distribution and Ecology: S. glauca is a common native of the Greater Antilles,

Florida, Mexico and Central America. It is found mostly in Haiti as an associated
species ofthe subtropical moist forest (sensu Holdridge, 1976), occurring from sea level
to about 800 m. It shares the overstory position with the other common trees of the
home and humid perennial gardens: mango (Mangifera indica), royal palm (Roystonea
borinquena), avocado (Persea americana), plantain (Musa xparidisiaca) and as shade
for coffee (Fig. 5.2). The species is found on the rocky, shallow calcareous soils of
mountain slopes and ridges as well as on the deeper soils of the ravines and alluvial

40 Fwenn
S. berteroana is endemic to Hispaniola and found scattered throughout the country
at elevations 100-600 m. The range of the species overlaps with S. glauca in the wetter
regions, though much less common, and extends into the drier zones which S. glauca
does not prefer.
S. glauca is shade tolerant and occurs as an understory tree, particularly under the
canopy of large fruit trees where birds perch and deposit the seed. Birds relish the ripe
drupes and play an important role in seed dispersal from March to July. The species does
poorly on severely degraded sites and approaches the limits of its optimal range in
regions ofI-laiti receiving less than 1200 mm annual rainfall. Stressed seedlings in these
areas often are attacked by caterpillars and stem borers during the dry months. However,
the bitter leaves are avoided by livestock, an advantage for seedlings that develop slow-
lyon tough sites.

Tree Characteristics: A remarkable attribute of Simarouba is the straightness of the

bole across sites varying widely in soil depth and quality. The tree develops a shallow
root system that is well adapted to mountain soils. Mature trees of S. glauca attain
heights of 25-27 m and stem diameters of 40-50 cm, often with a clear, cylindrical bole
to 9 m. S. berteroana, being found frequently on less-fertile sites, rarely grows taller
than 20 m with stem diameters ranging from 30--40 cm. The form is not as straight as
S. glauca and tends to fork at lower heights (Fig. 5.3). The crown of both species is nar-
row, widths averaging 4-6 m, with a crown width:DBH ratio of 22-25. Boles clear of
branches often extend to two-thirds total tree height and are managed by pruning the lat-
eral branches. Pruning allows the
flexibility to grow the tree as part of
the upper story of a perennial garden
or in pure, dense stands of rak bwa
(woodlot). The species coppices,
though not vigorously. Approx-
imately 10% of the trees tallied by
Campbell (1994) were coppice
At least 2 branch stories or
whorls must be left when pruning S.
glauca to avoid impairing growth
rates (Lamprecht, 1989). Plantations
have been reported to resist storms
and drought and are favored over
cashew (Anacardium occidentale)
for such reasons in India (Satpathi,
The wood is light (sp. gr. 0.38)
and soft with strength properties
normal for a wood of its density. The
creamy white color of the heartwood
is barely distinguishable from the
sapwood. It is commonly reported Figure 5.2 S. glauca is managed with mixed
in Haiti and other Caribbean islands annual and perennial food crops in the moist
that the wood has a tendency to split regions of Haiti.
Fwenn 41
during sawing. Seasoning with prolonged weather exposure causes severe surface and
end splitting. It exhibits variability in decay resistance, though it is generally considered
low in resistance to decay fungi and highly susceptible to dry-wood termites and marine
borers, contrary to a widely held belief that the characteristic bitter taste of the bark and
wood impart a resistance to insects (Longwood, 1962).
The plant is dioecious with both unisexual and bisexual flowers. The seed orchard
at Roche Blanche began bearing seed at 3
years, though full seed production is
achieved at 6 years. Male trees made up
approximately 40% of the population in a
plantation established in India (Satpathi,
1984). These were eliminated and replaced
with bisexual plants for seed production.
There are 1600-1800 seeds kg-I for S. glau-
ca and 1100-1300 seeds kg-I for S. bert-

Utilization: The moderate density, softness,

and ease of working, make S. glauca a pop-
ular wood for house construction and com-
mon furniture of the Haitian farmer. The
combination of fast growth, broad adaptibil-
ity, and ample natural regeneration provides
an adequate supply for local wood industries
in such regions as Maniche in the south-
western Haiti (Fig. 5.4).
The wood generally is sawn into planks
Figure 5.3 S. berteroana, showing the that are easy to work as a general utility
typical habit of the species. Inset - wood. Certain staining fungi that attack the
Slender and pointed leaf shape of S. wood actually enhance its appearance for
decorative uses. The wood industry in
Central America uses the species in match
manufacture, plywood core, veneer, wood chips and lumber.
S. glauca yields an edible oil from its seeds. The aceituno fat also is used for soap
production in India, where plantations have been established for commercial produc-
tion. Methods for processing the seed to produce and refine the crude fat, as well as the
physical and chemical characteristics of the aceituno oil, are given in Rath (1987).
Armour (1959) mentions a toxin in the residual cake that is produced during the oil-
extraction process.
All parts of the tree are used for medicinal purposes. The bark is taken as a decoc-
tion or tea for diarrhea and fever. Leaves are used for rheumatism or are applied in the
form of a lotion for body pain, bruises or skin itch. The fruit is edible. During the flow-
ering season, it is visited by swarms of bees and is considered an important honey plant.

Propagation: S. glauca regenerates well under the deep shade of mango, where birds
perch and drop the seed after eating the sweet pulp (Fig. 5.5). It also is dispersed by
other small fauna that feed on the fruit. A lizard species (Ctenosaura similis) in Costa
Rica has been observed to ingest the fruit and disperse intact seeds away from the moth-
er trees (Traveset, 1990).
42 Fwenn

Figure 5.4 Men sawing S. glauca in the Maniche area, where the species supplies a
local lumber industry.
For the most part, trees found in the Haitian landscape are regenerated naturally.
However, farmers occasionally transplant volunteer seedlings or sow seeds in new loca-
tions. Nursery beds for stumps or bare-root seedlings are a recent development of agro-
forestry and forestry projects in Haiti (Fig. 5.6) and are better suited for local produc-
tion of seedlings where natural regeneration is scarce. Stumps or balled seedlings are
transplanted during the rainy season when root collar diameters reach 0.7-1.0 em.
Vegetative techniques include air-layering, cuttings and grafting (Satpathi 1984;
Armour, 1959).
Special considerations are needed to propagate the species efficiently in containers.
It is preferred to sow fresh seed, within a month following harvest, and prepare the seed
by cracking the endocarp to overcome dormancy barriers. Emergents have a tendency
to loop or lie on their sides. Sowing the seed on its side partially overcomes this prob-
lem; extra seed is sown in germination beds for replacing deformed seedlings. Young
seedlings under shade are susceptible to root- and stem-rot diseases that should be con-
trolled by proper watering and fungicide treatments. Sunsca1d is a problem when
seedlings are placed in the sun directly from the shade. This problem is avoided if the
seedlings are conditioned properly. Approximately 12 weeks are required to raise
seedlings in the rigid cell containers, with the initial 4 weeks in the shade and the final
month being hardened off (Josiah, 1989).

Seed Research: Seed of this species exhibits dormancy as a result of the hard seed coat.
Seed that are viable by the tetrazolium test fail to germinate. Furthermore, the high oil
content of the seed causes the seed to lose viability after a couple of months when it is
stored at ambient conditions. Drying to seed moisture contents below 10% and storing
in air-tight containers improves seed longevity.
Fwenn 43

Figure 5.5 Natural regeneration of S. glauca under a harvested mango tree, where birds
once perched and dropped seed after eating the sweet pulp.

Seed-coat dormancy can be overcome by extracting the kernel from the endocarp
or by cracking the endocarp prior to sowing (Timyan and Vaval, 1993). Both these treat-
ments showed significant improvements in germination over the control, increasing
total germination 2-fold in the nursery. Soaking the seed in either cold or hot (80 0 C)
water for 24 hours did not affect germination. However, height growth was slower for
seedlings that germinated from the extracted kernels than for the other seed treatments.

Growth Performance: Both species generally exhibit good to excellent survival, even
on poor sites with shallow soils and drought periods extending to 4 months (e.g.,
Bombard and Lapila). However, the species are out of their range on low-elevation sites
receiving less than J 000 mm rainfall or sites above 900 m elevation (see Table 5.1 and
Table 5.2). Annual stcm increments are slightly higher for S. glauca than S. berteroana,
with the latter species exhibiting a more slender stem, less erect form, and branchier

Figure 5.6 S. glauca is propagated as bare-root seedlings in a CARE nursery.

44 Fwenn
Height growth has never been observed to exceed 2 m yr- 1 for either species (see
Fig. 5.7 and Fig. 5.8). The fastest growth has been measured at the Fauche site (1.8 m
yr- 1 for S. glauca; 1.6 m yr- 1 for S. berteroana), with the average for the species close to
a meter per year. The oldest trial at O'Gorman in the Cul-de-Sac plain was measured at
9 years and showed a mean annual height increment of 0.5 m and stem-diameter incre-
ment of 0.6 cm for S. berteroana. S. glauca exhibited height increments of 0.7 m and
stem-diameter increments of 0.6 cm in the same trial. However, the O'Gorman site is
not typical of the growing conditions where S. glauca is commercially exploited for
lumber. Fauche and La Jeune are typical sites where the native population is vigorous
and the species is regarded as a valuable shade and timber species. These trials should
be observed carefully to estimate the profitability of growing the species for timber.

Tree Improvement: The selection of S. glauca provenances for superior wood proper-
ties has been examined in Africa, based in part on seed collected in Haiti (Ergo and
Deschamps, 1984). A great deal of heterogeneity was found among the seed sources
throughout its native range in the Caribbean and Central America. Most variability was
attributed to genetic differences, indicating the potential of tree improvement within the
Between 1988 and 1991, a selection of superior phenotypes was conducted in areas
of Haiti where significant populations occur: La Jeune area of the Plateau Central,
Maniche area of the southwest, the Grand-Anse, and areas of Bainet and Jacmel. A total
of 79 plus trees were selected, of which 35 trees were harvested for seed and propagat-
ed for establishment in seedling seed orchards, progeny trials, and arboreta. The same
approach was employed for the endemic S. berteroana. Nine of 14 selected trees were
harvested and established in orchards and progeny trials. Some of the orchards of the

Table 5.1 Site and growth parameters of S. glauca var. latifolia trials in
(m) RAINFALL (yr) (%) M.A.!.l M.A.I.
(mm) (m) (em)

Laborde 2 90 1875 1.0 92 0.5

La Jeune 400 1145 2.0 88 1.2
Paillant 600 1300 2.0 69 0.4
Tranquille 76-11 900 1450 2.9 41 0.2
Bombard 480 948 3.0 75 0.8 0.8
Fauche 1436 3.0 77 1.8 2.0
HautCamp 180 2280 3.0 82 0:4 0.5
Marmont 280 1450 3.0 48 0.9 0.8
Roche Blanche 130 1030 3.0 84 1.6 2.0
Terrier Rouge 20 1293 3.0 57 0.7 0.8
Lapila 2 350 1145 3.2 52 0.7 0.9
Lapi1a 1 350 1145 3.4 90 1.2 1.3
a'Gorman 76-10 70 830 5.3 85 0.9 0.8
a'Gorman 76-9 70 830 5.3 74 1.2 0.5
a'Gorman 76-6 70 830 9.0 41 0.7 0.4
Vaudreuil 75-1 55 830 10.0 53 1.0 1.2
I M.A.I. = Mean annual increment. 2 DBH =Stem diameter at 1.3 m above ground level.
Fwenn 45

Table 5.2 Site and growth parameters of S. berteroana trials in Haiti.

(m) RAINFALL (yr) (%) M.A.I. l M.A.I.
(mm) (m) (em)
Laborde 2 90 1875 1.0 100 0.9
Tranquille 76-10 850 1385 2.7 32 0.3
Marmont 280 1450 3.0 36 1.2 1.1
Fauche 1436 3.0 66 1.6 1.5
Roche Blanche 130 1030 3.0 80 1.6 1.8
Terrier Rouge 20 1293 3.0 62 0.9 0.8
Lapi1a 2 350 1145 3.2 69 0.8 0.8
O'Gorman 1 70 830 9.0 49 0.4 0.6
1 M.A.I. =Mean annual increment. 2 DBH = Stem diameter at 1.3 m above ground level.

latter species are isolated from S. glauca; others are adjacent and may produce hybrid
seed. There is evidence that the two species hybridize, with seed collected from wild
populations of S. glauca showing traits of S. berteroana. Future studies should be ori-
ented toward better understanding the role that hybrids may play in wood properties,
survival and growth rates. Attempts to broaden the genetic diversity of S. glauca by
importing seed from the OFI collection (UK) and the Dominican Republic were unsuc-
cessful, with the seed failing to germinate in the nursery.
No maternal effects have been shown for either species in survival or height growth
after 3 years. There is as much variance within the half-sib families as there is between
them. The populations in Haiti appear to be quite uniform, though selection at the indi-
vidual level in the progeny and seed orchards is planned at the time of the first thinning.
The seed orchard at Roche Blanche, established in 1989, began bearing seed in May,
1993 at 3 112 years.

12,---------------------" 12 I------;::=========;_~

11 11 MlYRLINE 11 11 MlYR LINE I


8 -

7 -


RMONT _-------------
3 -

o #"i---'--'--~-'--'---'--'---'--'---'---'--L..J-L..J-L..J-L.......JL.......J

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 o 1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 5.7 Height growth of S. Figure 5.8 Height growth of S. ber-

glauca in Haiti. teroana in Haiti.
Figure 6.1 A mature S. mahagoni shelters the courtyard of a rural residence.
6 Kajou Peyi...Kajou Etranje
Species: Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq.
Family: Meliaceae
Synonyms: Cedrela mahagoni L., Cedrus mahagoni L., C. mahogani (L.) Miller,
Swietenia fabrilis Salisbury, S. mahogoni (L.) Lam.
Common Names: H - acajou (kajou), acajou pays (kajou peyi); C, PR, RD - caoba,
caoba de Santo Domingo, caoba dominicana; J, PR, US - Dominican mahogany, small-
leaf mahogany, West Indian mahogany, West Indies mahogany.

Species: Swietenia macrophylla G. King

Family: Meliaceae
Synonyms: Swietenia belizensis Lundell, S. candollei Pittier, S. krukovii Gleason &
Panshin, S. tessmannii Harms
Common Names: H - acajou etranger (kajou etranje), acajou du Venezuela (kajou
venezwela), acajou du Honduras; RD - caoba hondurefia; PR - caoba de Honduras; PR,
US, J - big-leaf mahogany, Honduras mahogany, mahogany, Venezuelan mahogany.

Importance: S. mahagoni, one of the world's premier cabinet woods, was the original
mahogany in the commercial trade and was exported from Hispaniola as early as the
sixteenth century. It is broadly adapted to dry rocky sites where other premier timber
species are not productive. It naturally regenerates well and hybridizes with S. macro-
phylla for faster growth and superior form. S. macrophylla, introduced from Central
America and naturalized in the wetter regions of Haiti, offers expanded opportunities
for agroforestry and lumber production.

Taxonomy and Botanical Features: Most botanists recognize 3 species in the genus
Swietenia (s. mahagoni, S. macrophylla, and S. humilis), though the degree of
hybridization and intermediate types among the species blurs this distinction
(Pennington and Styles, 1975). The broad symmetrical crown and short trunk is char-
acteristic of the native S. mahagoni. The leaves are even pinnate, 10-18 cm long, and
bearing 4-10 pairs of shiny, dark green leaflets, lance-shaped, 2.5-5.0 cm long by
. 0.7-2.0 cm broad. The light brown seed capsule stands upright, about 6-10 cm long by
4~5 cm diameter, with 5 valves splitting upward from the base. Each valve releases
about 20 flat brown winged seeds, 4-6 cm long. Features that are characteristic of the
natural~zed S. macrophylla are the smoother and lighter bark, straighter and longer bole,
narrower crown in proportion to total tree height, and larger leaves. The leaves are
20-40 cm, with 6-12 pairs of shiny leaflets, 6.5-15.0 cm long. The seed capsule is
12-18 cm long and 7.5 cm diameter, with 5 valves that split from thebase,each with 2
rows of 10-14 winged brown seeds, 8-11 cm long (Fig. 6.2). S. macrophylla outcross-
es with S. mahagoni in Haiti to produce hybrids with intermediate leaf sizes, but inher-
its more the form and growth rate of S. macrophylla and the wood qualities and dro~ght
resistance of S. mahagoni (Whitmore and Hinojosa, 1977).

Distribution and Ecology: S. mahagoni is native to the western Caribbean, including

Hispaniola, Jamaica, Cuba, Bahamas and south Florida. It now occurs throughout the
tropics as a timber species, having problems naturalizing in other countries.

48 Kajou Peyi... Kajou Etranje
S. macrophylla occurs naturally from the
Yucatan in Mexico to Brazil. It is a lowland
species, most frequently found from sea level to
450 m.
In Haiti, S. mahagoni is common at eleva-
tions of 100-500 m, mostly inhabiting the drier
hillsides where it is better adapted than the
introduced S. macrophylla. Soils are mostly
calcareous and annual rainfall ranges from
800-2000 mm with a 2-3 month winter
drought. The seed capsules fully ripen during
the dry season, with the winged seed dispersed
widely by the winds.
Pure and dense stands of the species occur
rarely, observed only in areas of the Plateau
Central where the species is very common.
Typically, the species is scattered as isolated
Figure 6.2 Five-parted seed capsules trees across the agricultural landscape and
are a characteristic feature of Swite- occurs in remnant populations. In the drier
tenia. The capsules of S. macrophylla, habitats of the Northwest, commonly associat-
shown here, are larger than those of S. ed species are bwa blan (Phyllostylon
mahagoni. brasilense), divi-divi (Caesalpinea coriaria),
bwa kapab (Colubrina arborescens) and gayak
(Guaiacum sp.). In the moist forest, associates are sed (Cedrela odorata), bwa doti
(Petitia domingensis), chenn (Catalpa longissima) and bwa pIe (Colubrina
S. macrophylla was introduced into Haiti during the 1940s by SHADA
(Societe Hai·tienne-Americaine pour le Developpement Agricole) at Bayeux, on the
northern coast, and at Franklin, in the southwest (Fig. 6.3). Since that time, it has been

Figure 6.3 One of the original S. macrophylla stands at Franklin, about 40 years after
its introduction to Haiti.
Kajou Peyi ... Kajou Etranje 49
distributed as roadside plantings and has been established in small private plantations in
the Cap-Hai"tien and Jeremie areas. The species performs poorly on alkaline soils, par-
ticularly on the soft whitish limestone clays, locally known as tif, and on shallow rocky
soils of the dry slopes and ridges. It prefers sheltered conditions and well-drained soils
in areas of Haiti that receive more than 1800 mm annual rainfall and below 500 m ele-
vation. Natural S. macrophylla x S. mahagoni hybrids are found in most areas where S.
macrophylla has been introduced, notably in the Limbe/Riviere Sale region and Fond-
des-Negres. Additionally, seed lots of the hybrid have been imported from Puerto Rico
and St. Croix since 1989 and have been established in growth trials with both of the par-
ent species. S. humilis occurs in scattered trials throughout the country and has been
introduced to Haiti only since 1989.

Tree Characteristics: The typical form of mature S. mahagoni has a short, buttressing
trunk, up to I m diameter and 2-3 meters high, with a large, spherical crown, many
heavy branches and dense shade. The bark is smooth and gray on young trees, turning
to a scaly dark reddish brown on large trees. Superior individuals have been selected
with clear bole lengths up to 12 m. Maximum tree heights rarely exceed 24 m and aver-
age 18 m with spreading crown diameters up to 15 m. Average crown:DBH ratio for
this species is 22.4 (sd 2.74). The tree is deciduous where there are severe droughts,
with a characteristic reddish flush of
new leaves at the beginning of the
rains (Fig. 6.4).
The form of S. macrophylla is
superior for lumber production, hav-
ing a narrower crown and clear boles
up to 16 m. Tree heights have been
measured up to 30 m at Franklin, with
stem diameters 40-60 cm, averaging
an annual increment of I cm yr- 1 dur-
ing the past 50 years. The crown of
young trees is narrow; that of older
trees becomes broad, dense, and high-
ly branched.
Wood properties of the two
species differ. S. mahagoni is harder,
with a heartwood that is brownish
red, deepening with exposure and
age. S. macrophylla is lighter pink
brown, with a grain not as fine_ Both
woods have similar density (0.5-0.8)
with straight grain that is sometimes
wavy, roey, and figured. The sapwood
of both species is very susceptible to
decay and insects. Many farmers and
Figure 6.4 S. mahagoni is deciduous in the woodworkers in Haiti complain of the
drier regions of Haiti. attack (pikin on juvenile S. mahagoni
SO Kajou Peyi ... Kajou Etranje
trees by various borers. However, the heartwood of S mahagoni is highly resistant to
decay and insect attack, performing better than all other mahoganies on the world mar-
ket (Moses, 1955). West Indies mahogany is noted for its low and uniform shrinkage
and its ability to hold its shape much better than other woods of similar density
(Longwood, 1962). The wood works well and finishes to an exceptionally smooth, lus-
trous surface.
Both species flower in Haiti during the fall
and produce seed during the late winter peri-
od from January to March. Seed weights
range from 2100-2800 seeds kg-I for S
macrophylla to 6000-8700 seeds kg- J for S
mahagoni. The seed of neither species stores
well. The best storage conditions are at very
low seed moisture contents (3 % wet weight
basis) and low storage temperatures (-20 to 2°
C). Seed does not remain viable for longer
than 2 months when stored at ambient condi-
tions in Haiti.

Utilization: This is the wood of choice for

high-class furniture and cabinetwork, joinery,
yachts, and pattern work (Fig. 6.5). Logs usu-
Figure 6.5 Detail of classic mahogany ally are hauled in from the rural areas in short
furniture made in Haiti. 3-meter lengths rather than being sawn (Fig.
6.6). Woodcarvers use a significant amount

Figure 6.6 Logs of Smahagoni in Port-au-Prince waiting to be sold for wood carving
and furniture making.
Kajou Peyi... Kajou Etranje S1
of the wood in turnery and sculpture. Much of the branchwood and crooked stems is
converted to charcoal, particularly in the regions of Haiti isolated from the urban mar-
kets by poor roads. High-grade timber is used locally for window frames, doors, sills
and interior woodwork, or is exported to the urban market.
S. mahagoni is a medicinal plant throughout the Caribbean. The bark is con-
sidered an astringent and taken orally as a decoction for diarrhea, as a source of vita-
mins and iron, and as a medicine used to induce hemorrhage. When the bark is steeped
to a red liquid, it is taken to clear blood, increase appetite, and regain strength in cases
of tuberculosis (Ayensu, 1981).
Farmers generally plant the species along the boundary of gardens or around
the courtyard garden, where it provides deep shade. A widespread belief in Haiti is that
S. mahagoni dries the soil and makes it "hot." This is particularly true in the drier
regions where soil moisture is already marginal for adequate crop production. S. macro-
phylla does not suffer this reputation, being planted in regions of Haiti where rainfall is
greater than 1500 mm and used as shade for coffee.

Propagation: Most farmers in

Haiti who transplant seedlings
do so from naturally-regener-
ated stock in the field (Fig.
6.7). The species generally is
propagated from seed for
mass production of seedlings
in containerized systems, such
as the Winstrip and
Rootrainer. Seed is sown
shortly after harvest, consider-
ing the short viability of the
seed under ambient condi-
tions. Seed usually is pre-
pared by breaking the seed
wing to facilitate germination.
The heavy part of the seed is
planted into the soil with the
top portion slightly exposed.
Looping of the hypocotyl is a
problem and these seedlings
are replaced with transplants
from a germination bed. Both
species require about 18
weeks to prepare seedlings for
outplant, with the initial 3
weeks in the shade and the
Figure 6.7 Transplanting volunteer seedlings is the final 4 weeks for hardening
easiest method for establishing S. mahagoni at new off. Sunscald is a problem if
locations. the seedlings are exposed
52 Kajou PeyieeeKajou Efranje
directly to the sun from shade, requiring acclimation to full-sunlight conditions.
Damping off and root-rot problems are the most serious nursery diseases and can be
controlled by proper watering and fungicide treatments. The root plug of the species is
loose and special precautions are required in lifting out the seedlings.

Growth Performance: The growth data on S. mahagoni in Haiti are surprisingly

sparse considering the widespread occurrence of the species (Table 6.1). It is more
drought hardy than S. macrophylla (Table 6.2) and generally exhibits higher survival
and growth on sites receiving less than 1000 mm rainfall. The trial at O'Gorman is typ-
ical of the performance of S. mahagoni in Table 6.1 compared to S. macrophylla in
Table 6.2 on a dry site. Survival is 4-fold and mean annual diameter increments are 2-
fold. .Even height growth is faster for the more drought-tolerant native species. On
favorable and wetter sites such as Fauche, growth of S. macrophylla is rapid, achieving
twice the annual height increments of S. mahagoni. Whereas S. macrophylla can
achieve 2 m yr- 1, S. mahagoni rarely grows faster than 1 m yr-l, even on sites where
moisture and soil depth are not limiting. Figure 6.8 and Figure 6.9 compare the height

Table 6.1 Site and growth parameters of S. mahagoni trials in Haiti.

(m) RAINFALL (yr) (%) M.A.!.1 M.A.I.
(rom) (m) (em)
Fauch e 5 1436 3.0 84 1.4 1.4
Marmont 280 1450 3.0 71 1.2 1.2
Marmont 280 1450 3.0 44 1.0 0.9
Roche Blanche 130 1030 3.0 48 1.1 1.2
Terrier Rouge 20 1293 3.0 71 0.6 0.3
O'Gorman 70 830 9.0 85 0.6 0.6
Vaudreuil 55 830 10.0 89 0.8 1.1
1M.A.I. =Mean annual increment. 2 DBH =Stem diameter at 1.3 m above ground level, in em.

Table 6.2 Site and growth parameters of S. macrophylla trials in Haiti.

(m) RAINFALL (yr) (%) M.A.I. 1 M.A.I.
(mm) (m) (em)
Berault 25 1950 3.0 53 2.0 2.2
Labordette 375 1350 3.0 44 0.6 1.0
Fauch- 5 1436 3.0 47 2.2 2.1
Marmont 280 1450 3.0 32 1.4 1.5
Marmont 280 1450 3.0 44 1.0 1.0
Roche Blanche 130 1030 3.0 30 1.0 1.0
O'Gorman 70 830 5.3 22 0.4 0.3
Vaudreuil 55 830 10.0 75 1.0 1.2
1M.A.I. =Mean annual increment. 2 DBH =Stem diameter at 1.3 m above ground level, in em.
Kajoll Peyi ... Kajou Etranje S3
HEIGHT (m) growth of the two species on several
12.--------------------.1 sites in Haiti. The trials are more typ-
ical of sites that are preferred by S.
mahagoni, biasing the true potential
10 of S. macrophylla. The best examples
are the former SHADA plantations
near Anse d'Hainault and Bayeuxand
8 -
several private plantations near Cap-
0---- Hai'tien. The tree grows poorly on the

// shallow, rocky soils of steep slopes
and ridges, as in the case of the
Labordette trial.
, //
4 FAUCHr The trial at Marmont is situated
r;j!, ONT in the Central Plateau where S.
// OCHE BLANCHE mahagoni is a dominant species.
2 1;/ Early growth rates are favoring S.
I ,'/
macrophylla and the hybrid, S. macro-
A/ , / ;'
phylla x S. mahagoni, over the native
species. However, survival rates are
o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 still higher for S. mahagoni and a
TREE AGE (yr) steady growth rate over a longer peri-
Figure 6.8 Height growth of S. mahagoni in od may be superior.
Haiti. Survival is not a problem for S.
mahagoni, tolerating drought better
HEIGHT(m) than S. macrophylla. However, the
broad canopy of the tree discourages
11 pure wood lots and the slow growth
makes it difficult for farmers to seri-
ously consider this species for inten-
9 sive silviculture. For this reason,
farmers rarely propagate the species,
preferring instead to rely on natural
7 regeneration and transplanting wild-
ings at wide spacings. It is difficult at
this stage to predict the role of the
hybrid. It is reported to be more
drought resistant than S. macrophylla,
though this will be difficult to prove
with so few sites where the hybrid and
both parents occur at the same age. At
Roche Blanche and Marmont, where
such a situation occurs, the hybrid has
oFI---L.-C--...l--'---.l...--'---'-----'---L...L---'------.L---'----'---l...-.l........L...J-.L---'--,--"-, not shown any advantage in survival.
o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Results in height growth are mixed
(Fig. 6.10). Growth rates for the few
Figure 6.9 Height growth of S. macrophylla sites where it has been established in
in Haiti.
54 Kajou Peyi ••• Kajou Etranje
trials are provided in Table 6.3.

Tree Improvement: A total of 17 S.

I Imahagoni and 18 S. macrophylla were
selected between 1988 and 1991 for supe-
rior traits. The major selection areas for S.
mahagoni were in the Central Plateau, the
Northwest, and in scattered populations in
the southern peninsula. Superior pheno-
types of S. macrophylla were selected in
even-aged plantations in the Jeremie and
Cap-Hai:tien areas. Several provenances of
S. macrophylla were introduced from
Central America and established in prove-
nance trials and seed orchards to broaden
the genetic base of the introduced species.
The open-pollinated S. macrophylla x S.
mahagoni hybrid was imported from
Puerto Rico and St. Croix on three occa-
sions and established with both parent
~ARMONT ARBORETUM R. BLANCHE ORCHARD species in stands for growth comparisons
MARMONT ORCHARD and to encourage back-crossing of the
hybrid with the local S. mahagoni for more
Figure 6.10 Height growth comparisons drought-resistant stock. The hybrid, with a
of Swietenia spp. after three years. narrow crown and a straight clean stem,
MAC = S. macrophylla; HYBRID = S. resembles more the traits of the mother
macroph~lla x S. mahagoni; MAH = S. parent, S. macrophylla, and appears to be a
mahagom. good choice for agroforestry (Fig. 6.11).
Problems of variability and a narrow genetic base inherent to hybrids should be studied
further to improve their potential for widescale forestry purposes.

Table 6.3 Site and growth parameters of S. macrophylla x S. mahagoni hybrid trials
in Haiti.
(m) RAINFALL (yr) (%) M.A.I. 1 M.A.I.
(mm) (m) (em)
Marmont 1 280 1450 3.0 52 1.3 1.2
Marmont2 280 1450 3.0 68 1.2 1.2
Roche Blanche 1 130 1030 3.0 32 0.9 0.9
Roche Blanche 2 130 1030 4.0 80 1.6 1.9
1 M.A.I. = Mean annual increment. 2 DBH = Stem diameter at 1.3 m above ground level, in em.
Kajou Pevi ... Kajou Etranje ss

Figure 6.11 Comparison of S. mahagoni (left) with a S. macrophyl/a x S. mahagoni

hybrid (right) after three years of growth in the Cul-de-Sac Plain.
Figure 7.1 R. borinquena is an important source of food, fiber and construction mate-
rial for rural populations in Haiti. Inset - The royal palm is displayed proudly in the
Haitian coat of arms.
7 Palmis
Species: Roystonea borinquena O. F. Cook
Synonyms: Oreodoxa borinquena (O.F. Cook) Reasoner ex L.H. Bailey, Roystonea his-
paniolana Bailey, R. hispaniolana f. altissima Moscoso, R. peregrina L. H. Bailey
Family: Arecaceae (=Palmae)
Common Names: H - palmiste (palmis), palmier royale; RD - palma, palma deyagua,
palma real; US - Hispaniolan royal palm, Puerto· Rico royal palm, royal palm.

Importance: This is one of the most useful trees in the moist lowlands of Haiti, pro-
viding a source of food for pigs, fiber for weaving and thatch, and construction mater-
ial. Nearly every part of R. borinquena can be utilized for domestic purposes or for sale
in the market. The stately tree is a symbol of patrimony, and is positioned in the center
of the Haitian flag (Fig. 7.1 inset).

Taxonomy and Botanical Features: The genus is native to the Caribbean, and is named
in honor of General Roy Stone (1835-1905), who served in Puerto Rico during the
Spanish-American War. Bailey and Moore (1949) recognized 12 species, though there
may be fewer than this when a revision of the genus is completed (Henderson et al.
1990). The center of diversity for the genus is recognized as eastern Cuba (Zona, 1993).
R. borinquena and R. hispaniolana, though often reported as distinct species, may
be considered synonyms (S. Zona, personal communication). The palm is recognized
by a smooth gray and solitary trunk up to 0.5 m diameter that is slightly swollen at mid-
height; a light green column of leaf sheaths about 1.5 m high between the trunk and the
crown of large pinnate leaves; leaf blades about 2.5- 3.5 m long, with many paired pin-
nae 0.4-0.6 m long, the youngest unfolded leaf projecting as a spire from the middle of
the crown; male and female flower clusters at the base of the leaf sheaths; and light
brown, slightly fleshy, elliptical fruits approximately 1 cm in diameter.

Distribution and Ecology: R. borinquena occurs in Puerto Rico, Vieques, St. Croix
(Little and Wadsworth, 1964) and throughout the island of Hispaniola, from below sea
level near Lake Enriquillo to about 1000 m elevation (Zanoni, 1991). It is found most
frequently in the lower mountain areas beginning at 150 m, preferring the moist to wet
forest regions that receive 1000-2000 mm annual rainfall. It does not occur in the dry
limestone regions except near water .sources. The tree is abundant in the upper
Artibonite watershed (Fig. 7.2). In one study of the courtyard gardens around
Lascahobas, royal palm was the most common species, including all size classes, and
ranked third behind mango and avocado in the number of mature trees over 25 cm stem
diameter (Campbell, 1994). Though a dominant tree of the upper canopy layer in the
gardens near rural residences, most of the population is distributed in favor of the juve-
nile-size classes that are not considered mature for timber harvest. The species is dis-
persed largely by farmers who harvest the fruit to feed pigs, but also by· birds and

Tree Characteristics: Mature palms reach 20 m tall with crown diameters approach-
ing 5 ill (Fig. 7.3). The grayish smooth trunk has a slightly broad base that narrows
before swelling some distance above. The evergreen crown has more than a dozen

S8 Palmis

Figure 7.2 R. borinquena is particularly abundant in the lower elevations of the moist
regions of Haiti.

gracefully curved and spreading leaves that separate smoothly from the trunk after they
die. Faint leaf scars at the nodes form a distinctive pattern along the trunk and are vari-
ably spaced according to growth rate and tree age. The tree flowers throughout the year.

Utilization: The species is one of the most utilized tree species in the subtropical moist
forest. It is planted as a stately ornamental in the urban residential areas. In the rural
areas, the standing tree is often used to store grain. A hole is cut through the trunk at
about 6 m above ground and corn is balanced on each end of a pole running through the
hole (Fig. 7.4). This practice discourages rats from getting to the corn. As an important
honey plant, the flowers attract bees that also make their hive in trunk segments pre-
pared by farmers (Fig. 7.5). The fruit clusters are served to pigs that are often tethered
at the base of the trunk or in deep shade (Fig. 7.6). When pigs are given fresh fruit, they
eat the fleshy outer part and leave the kernel to dry for later consumption. The proxi-
mate analysis of Roystonea fruit from Cuba, on a dry weight basis, is as follows: 6.1 %
crude protein, 23.6 % crude fiber, 26.6% crude fat, 39.4% carbohydrates, and 4.3% ash
(G6hl, 1975).
The palm generally is felled when the hard outer trunk is mature for lumber, about
15-25 years of age (Campbell, 1994). Thin planks are hewn with a machete along the
stem axis, about 10 cm wide and 4-6 m long, and are utilized mainly for roof lattice,
flooring, and siding in the construction of houses and granaries (Fig. 7.7). The lumber
is reportedly very susceptible to attack by dry-wood termites (Little and Wadsworth,
1964). The palm cabbage (i.e., heart of palm) is wrapped carefully in the leaf sheath and
sold as a food item, particularly at Easter time. Leaf segments of the young furled fronds
are used for weaving chair seats and hats. The dried sheaths (lash) of mature fronds,
when pressed flat, are used as roofing and siding material and are readily sold in local
Palmis 59

Figure 7.3 R. borinquena is planted for its majestic beauty as well as ils useful prod-
60 Palmis
markets as a cheaper substitute for cor-
rugated tin sheets. The sheaths also are
prepared for packing tobacco and
molasses sugar (rapadou) or for insulat-
ing glass bottles. The leaf blades serve as
thatch for graineries, outdoor kitchens,
and field huts. The frond ribs are used as

Propagation: The majority of seedlings

are volunteers that are left to grow wher-
ever they germinate. Seed dispersal is
aided significantly by transporting the
ripe seed to feed pigs and the almost con-
tinuous availability of fruit to wild ani-
mals. Very few seedlings are transplant-
ed once they have germinated, though it
is possible to transplant the tree even at
very large sizes. Next in importance are
those seedlings that are cultivated by
sowing the seed in selected areas of the
property. Very rarely is the tree propagat- Figure 7.4 R. borinquena is typically used
ed from seed in containers, except as an for dry grain storage high and away from
ornamental in the urban residential areas. rats.

Figure 7.5 A Roystonea grove provides an excellent site for an apiary, providing both
hives made from the trunks and a source of nectar and pollen from flowers.
Palmis 61
Seedlings are propagated easily from seed. The exocarp is removed from the ker-
nel prior to sowing. Germination takes 2-4 weeks under constantly moist conditions.
Good drainage is necessary to keep the seed from rotting.

Figure 7.6 The fruit of R. borinquena is a valued source of food for pigs and birds that
act as important dispersal agents for regeneration to new sites.

Figure 7.7 R. borinquena is an important source of construction material for granaries

and houses, particularly in the Central Plateau.
Figure 8.1 C. odorata planted in a typical residential setting in Bombardopolis.
8 Sed
Species: Cedrela odorata L.
Family: Meliaceae
Synonyms: Cedrela dugessii Watson, C. glaziovii C. DC., C. guianensis Adr. Juss., C.
mexicana M.1. Roemer, C. occidentalis C. DC., C. pavaguariensis Martius, C. sin-
tenisii DC., C. velloziana MJ. Roemer., Surenus brownei Ktze.
Common Names: H - acajou a planches (kajou planch), acajou femelle (kajoufemel),
cedre (sed), cedre blanc (sed blan), cedre espagnol (sed panyol), cedre rouge; C, RD,
PR - cedro, cedro del pais, cedrohembra, cedro macho; PR - Spanish cedar.

Importance: Cedrela odorata is prized for its valuable aromatic wood. In Haiti, as
elsewhere in the tropical America, the species is exploited heavily for domestic use or
for sale in the urban market. The tree provides a wide variety of products and services,
making it a good choice for traditional perennial-orientedcropping systems. Because of
the value of the wood, local populations have been reduced severely. Optimal conditions
necessary for natural regeneration are deteriorating, thus adding importance to contin-
ued efforts in provenance testing and genetic conservation of the species in Haiti.

Taxonomy and Botanical Features: The genus Cedrela has involved several systemat-
ic revisions, causing some confusion in the taxonomy of C. odorata L. Styles (1981)
reduced the number of species within the genus to 7 and considers 28 other named
species, including C. mexicana M. 1. Roem., as C. odorata. Naturally, there is a signif-
icant amount of population variation in the species, with differences expressed in the
bark, foliage and wood. The common native variety is close in appearance to the prove-
nances imported from Colombia and Costa Rica and is distinguished as sed wouj (red
cedar). Characteristic features include a rough fissured bark, reddish-green color of new
growth, and sessile leaflets. In contrast, the provenances from Honduras, Belize and
Guatemala exhibit a light green color of new growth, smoother bark, larger leaflets with
petioles, and varying degrees of pubescence. Mature trees of this variety are less com-
mon in Haiti and are known as sed blan (white cedar). Both varieties have alternate
leaves, about 20-60 em long, consisting of 8-20 pairs of elliptical leaflets. The incon-
spicuous flowers are 4-parted, greenish-white, and about 10-16 mm across. Seeds are
borne in a reddish-brown capsule, are nearly round with light-colored dots, 16-20 mm
in diameter, and split into four parts to release 30--40 winged seeds. Tree parts give off
a bitter, characteristic scent that smells like garlic (Little and Wadsworth, 1964).

Distribution and Ecology: The natural distribution of the species extends from Mexico
and the Caribbean to Argentina (Longwood, 1962; Smith, 1965). Optimum growth con-
ditions for the species are found in the moist forest, with annual precipitation of
1200-1800 mm and 4-5 dry months. The majority of the remnant population in Haiti is
located in the mountain elevations extending from 200-800 m elevation and over 1500
mm rainfall. However, scattered native populations have been located in drier habitats,
such as Bombardopolis (900 mm rainfall) and on coastal plains of wetter locations,
including the Plaine du Nord, Cayes, Petit-Goave, Arcahaie and Anse-a-Veaux regions.
The tree usually is seen isolated among other tree species of the subtropical moist for-
est, occuring near ravines and courtyard gardens. Occasionally, stands of C. odorata are
found as shade for coffee groves.
64 Sid
The species is not demanding of soil nutrients, tolerating soils high in calcium,
though exacting in its soil physical requirements. The species is shallow-rooted and
requires good soil aeration. It prefers sites where the upper root system remains in dry
soil ("ankles dry") with the major roots near saturated conditions ("feet wet").
Holdridge (1943) recommended only 11 trees ha- I in its native range, presumably to
avoid Hypsipyla grandella (shoot borer moth). Trees prefer sheltered conditions and
limited exposure to severe drought. The difficulty in establishing the tree is exacerbat-
ed by deteriorating site conditions and the genetic quality of the existing population.

Tree Characteristics: Mature trees in Haiti have been measured up to 65 cm in stem

diameter and 25 m in height. The average size of trees being cut for saw timber range
from 15-20 m tall with stem diameters 25--40 cm . The trunk is average length, ranging
from 4 m and extending up to 13 m for superior trees. The spreading crown averages
7-8 m in diameter with a crown diameter:DBH ratio of 19.4 (sd 3.62).
The species flowers during the late summer and bears fruit during the winter from
October to March. Trees in higher elevations have been observed to bear later than those
in lower elevations. The species is monoecious and yields seed in isolation, with an
occasional seed lot suffering from a high degree of albinism. Albino seedlings eventu-
ally die in the nursery. The tree bears seed for the first time at about 15 years
(Lamprecht, 1989). There are 40,000-55,000 seed kg-I.
The natural quality of Spanish cedar wood is known to be variable according to age
and growing conditions of individual trees (Record and Hess, 1943). Rapidly-grown or
young wood is reported to be less fragrant, lighter in color, and tougher than the denser,
pungent-odored timber of old or slowly-grown trees. The heartwood is· pinkish to red-
dish brown, becoming richer in color upon exposure, and sometimes poorly distin-
guished from the pinkish to white sapwood. The grain is usually straight, with a texture
that ranges from fine and uniform to coarse and uneven. The distinctive cedar-like odor
is usually pronounced. The average specific gravity ranges from 0.42-0.64, depending
upon location, site, age of tree, and rapidity of growth. C. odorata is moderately
durable, being resistant to dry-wood and subterranean termites, but not to marine bor-
ers. It is occasionally infested with pinhole borers. It has excellent weathering proper-
ties without the protection of paint (Longwood, 1962).

Utilization: Spanish cedar is a premier timber for furniture, decorative veneer, musical
instruments, wooden novelties and doors. The scent ofthe wood is used for storage con-
tainers, such as jewelry boxes, wardrobes and cigar boxes. The wood is reported to pro-
tect against insects such as moths. Because ofthe scarcity ofthe wood in Port-au-Prince,
such storage containers usually are built from mahogany and lined with thinner sheets
of Spanish cedar for the scent. Coffins made of the wood demand a premium price, as
they are reputed to protect against theft of zombi (dead souls).
The tree is used for shade and windbreak in courtyard gardens and coffee groves
(Fig. 8.2). Branches are used as live fence material and as a source of fuelwood. The
flowers are visited by bees as a source of nectar for honey production. The tree provides
many ingredients as a medicinal plant (Ayensu, 1981). The root bark is used to reduce
fever and pain, the trunk bark is harvested to prepare a decoction for inducing abortions,
and the seeds are believed to have vermifugal properties (Fig. 8.3). Protection against
Sed 6S
witches is provided by planting the tree
at the entrance of house-and-yard com-
pound, bathing in a bark bath, or placing
pieces of wood and bark above windows
and doors.

Propagation: The transplanting of natu-

rally regenerated seedlings or establish-
ment of branch and stem cuttings are the
most common propagation methods
used by Haitian farmers. However, nat-
ural regeneration from seed is sparse
and widely scattered. The more practical
method is to propagate the species from
branch cuttings harvested during the
late winter dry period and prior to the
onset of the spring rains. Cuttings often
are established as living fences or bor-
der plantings in southern Haiti (Fig.
Propagation from seed is most
efficient with containerized systems and
this has been done in Haiti with the
Figure 8.2 C. odorata combines high-value Rootrainer and Winstrip. Seed stores
wood production with coffee shade. well at 6-7% moisture content and a

Figure 8.3 The bark of C. odorata is Figure 8.4 C. odorata is commonly

harvested for magical and medicinal propagated from cuttings to establish
purposes. border plantings and live fence rows.
66 Sed
temperature of 4° C for up to 10 years (Timyan, 1990). The seed is sown with the heav-
iest part in the soil. Seedlings are raised in 14 weeks with the initial 6 weeks in the shade
and the final 6 weeks hardening off prior to outplant. Seedlings are susceptible to sun-
scald and require a gradual acclimation to full-sunlight conditions. Insect infestations
are occasional, such as the citrus aphid
(Toxoptera aurantii) and spider mites (Fig.
8.5). The former may be a vector in a leaf virus
that occasionally attacks nursery seedlings.
Common nursery diseases are leafspot
(Alternaria, Cercospora), stem blight com-
bined with vascular wilt, and anthracnose
(Colletotrichum) as reported by Runion et al.
Striplings, stumps or balled seedlings are
lower input techniques that have been used suc-
cessfully for the species. Grafting and budding
methods have been successful for this species,
utilizing the T-bud, veneer and cleft grafts in
Haiti. Scion material was collected during the
end of the dry season from mature trees and
grafted onto 4-month-old rootstock grown in
plastic polythene bags. These techniques are
reserved for the propagation of orchard trees.

Figure 8.5 Spider mite infestations Growth Performance: A summary of the trials
on C. odorata are occasionally a in Haiti (Table 8.1) shows the species living up
problem in container nurseries. to its reputation as a tree exacting in its site
Table 8.1 Site and growth parameters of C. adO/'ala trials in Haiti. Within site parameters are
distinguished between several Central American (CA) varieties and the local Haitian (HAl)
(m) RAINFALL (yr) (%) M.A.!.' M.A.!.
(nun) (m yr') (cmyr- l )

Paillant 600 1300 2.0 75.0 0.4

Tranquille (HAO 900 1450 2.7 55.5 0.2
O'Gorman (HAl) 70 830 2.9 29.6 08
Berault (CA) 25 1950 3.0 562 2.2 2.9
Fauche (Hai) 5 1436 3.0 41.3 2.1 1.9
Laborde (CA) 90 1875 30 93.5 1.7 15
Labordette (CA) 375 1350 3.0 62.3 0.7 1.l
MaI'mont (HAl) 280 1450 30 [2.0 07 1.6
Marmont (CA) 280 1450 3.0 36.0 1.3 1.4
Lapila (HA[) 350 1145 3.2 25.0 0.3
Lapila (CA) 350 1145 32 43.3 0.6
Bombard (HAl) 480 948 34 4.8 0.2
Bombard (CA) 480 948 3.4 54.8 0.5 0.6

I M.A.I. = Mean annual increment. 2 DGH = Stem diameter <H 1.3 m above ground level, in em.
Sid 67

1989 - 1992 1989 - 1992

<== 401


Figure 8.6 Survival of C. odorata accessions from Haiti (401, 402, 1381) compared to
Central Am~rican provenances.

requirements. Assuming that most of the trials established before 1989 were planted
from unselected sources in Haiti, at least some of the poor results can be attributed to
the performance of the local variety. In trials where certain provenances from Central
America are planted alongside the local variety, the former outperform in survival and
height growth, even on poor sites (shallow, rocky soil and annual rainfall less than 1200
mm) such as Bombard and Lapila (Fig. 8.6). The only trial in which the local variety is
growing well with acceptable survival is at Fauche, a coastal site with alluvial, sandy
loam soils and a high water table. After 3 years, height increments are exceeding 2 m
yr-l. The trial at Lapila indicates that there is variability in the performance of the local
variety, with 2 accessions exhibiting 6% survival and 0.6 m height growth after 3 years
and 1 accession with 63 % sur-
vival and 1.0 m height growth.
11 MlYR LINE' The latter seed lot was collected
8 from a healthy stand of C. odor-
ata in the mountains behind Petit
7 -
Goave where the species is
6 grown for lumber and coffee
The high survival and
4 growth rates of the Central
American varieties is impressive
3 (Fig. 8.7) and may correspond to
2 ~ MARMONT(HAI) the faster growth formerly attrib-
".",'" /
uted to C. mexicana (Cintron,
" ;~._._._._._._* BOMBARD (HAl) 1990). The best sites have the
, J::~::'>---'" TRANQUILLE (HAl)
characterisitic soil and climate
023 456 7 8 9 features that the species seems to
TREE AGE (yr) require: well-drained, sandy
Figure 8.7 Height growth of C. odorata in loams with annual rainfall above
Haiti. Imported accessions from Central 1500 mm. Annual height incre-
America (CA) are distinguished from local ments over 2.0 m with high sur-
accessions (HAl).
68 Sed
vivals, ranging from 60-95%, are not uncommon. The Labordette trial is typical of
mountain garden conditions, with adequate rainfall, hut shallow soil and damages
incurred by annual agricultural activities. Two-thirds of the trees survive with annual
height increments under a meter. Over a period of 25 years, the species can achieve
average heights of 32 m and mean annual increments of 12.6 m 3 ha· ' (Lamb, 1968).
It is too early to draw conclusions on the importance of this trend. Wood qualities
may differ with differences in the rate of growth and variety. Susceptibility to wind dam-
age and pest attacks may take its toll with unpredictable events, particularly infestations
by larvae of the small moth, H. grandella, and a fungi, Armillaria mellea, that causes
damage to the roots of young trees. The species also succumbs to a die-back of uncer-
tain causes (Marshall, 1939) after early years of good growth.

Tree Improvement: There are two important trends in Haiti that are placing C. odora-
fa at a disadvantage as a cultivated species. First, the exploitation of the species for its
high-quality lumber has resulted in a highly scattered population comprised of isolated
individuals of questionable genetic worth. Second, typical sites that favor natural regen-
eration, survival and growth of the local variety are deteriorating as these soils are com-
pacted and eroded. For these reasons, the major focus since 1988 has been to conserve
and broaden the genetic base of the species by (I) collecting seed from superior pheno-
types, (2) introducing new provenances from other origins within the species' natural
range and (3) establishing provenance trials throughout Haiti to identify the varieties
that exhibit broad adaptability in Haiti.
Between 1988 and 1991, a total of 36 superior phenotypes of the sed wouj variety
and 7 sed blan variety were selected throughout the natural range of the species in Haiti:
The progeny of these trees were established in
arboreta and provenance trials along with over
a dozen provenances from Central and South
America (Fig. 8.8). Several commercial seed
lots from Central American sources were also
The provenances from Belize (OFI 23/77),
Honduras (OFI 52/79 & COHDEFOR 6888)
and Nicaragua (OF I 36/78) are performing sig-
nificantly better than the provenances from
Haiti, Guatemala (OFI 42/79), Costa Rica
(CATIE 2532) and Colombia (OFI 25/80) for
both survival and height growth. The Central
American provenances that appear to exhibit
the broadest adaptation are from the drier
regions of the species' natural range. Seedlings
from the drier regions have been observed to
Figure 8.8 Four-year-old C. odorata exhibit different patterns of leaf retention than
provenance trial at the Laborde trial those from the wetter provenances in Costa
near Cayes. The imported prove- Rica and Colombia (Fig. 8.9). This may be an
nances are faster growing and sur- important criteria in the selection of C. odorata
vive better than local provenances. provenance, indicating a potential for the selec-
Sed 69


100 e---_r-

23177 52179 14175 2532
6888 36178 42179 25/80
Figure 8.9 The Central American population of C. odorata exhibits considerable varia-
tion in leaf phenology. The provenances are arranged in order of mean annual rainfall
that occurs in their native regions. The data was collected at the onset of the Spring rains
in March, J992.
tion of provenances optimally matched
with the agronomic calendar of under-
story crops. Ideally, the period of leaf
fall should coincide with the flowering
and fruiting of commonly cultivated
understory crops to minimize light
competition. Long-term considerations
for provenance selection should include
wood quality, insect resistance (particu-
larly to Hypsipyla grandella), leaf phe-
nology, and wind resistance. Growing
C. odm'ata with a mix of tree species
aids in controlling pest and disease
problems and fits into the traditional
methods of silviculture already prac-
ticed by the Haitian farmer. As site con-
Figure 8.10 A 6-year-old Honduran prove- ditions across the country become more
nance on a degraded site in southwestern degraded, a shift to hardier provenances
Haiti, offering hope that such sites can be may be required to sustain the produc-
restored both economically and ecologically. tivity of the species (Fig. 8.10).
Figure 9.1 L. sabicu, showing excellent form as a source of high-quality lumber and
nitrogen-fixing shade tree in a coffee grove near Thiotte.
9 Tavello
Species: Lysiloma sabicu Benth.
Synonyms: Acacia latisiliqua Willd., L. latisiliqua Benth., Mimosa latisiliqua L.
Family: Fabaceae (= Leguminosae) Subfamily: Mimosoideae
Common Names: H - tabemon (tabeno), taverneau (taveno), tavemon; RD - caracoli,
caracolillo; C - abey, bacona morada, frijolillo, jigiie, sabicu, sabicu amarillo, zapatero;
J, PR - horseflesh tree, West Indian sabicu, wild tamarind.

Importance: As one of Haiti's premier timber trees, this species has suffered extensive
exploitation in its native range. It is well-adapted to a wide range of sites and is a hardy
survivor of the shallow limestone soils common to the low-elevation mountains. The
spreading canopy casts a light shade and, with its ability to fix nitrogen, makes L. sabicu
a natural selection for agroforestry systems.

Taxonomy and Botanical Features: Two species of Lysiloma occur on the island of
Hispaniola (Liogier, 1985). L. sabicu is the larger tree, up to 20 m tall and distinguished
by 3-7 leaflet pairs, oval to obvoid and 1-2 cm long, with a glabrous calyx at the base
of the petiole. L. bahamensis is a shorter tree up to 15 m, with 10-33 leaflet pairs,
oblong to lanceolate, 8-15 rnm long, with a pubescent calyx. The latter species is report-
ed to occur along the northern coast of Haiti, from Port-de-Paix to Fort Liberte.

Distribution and Ecology: Lysiloma is chiefly a Mexican genus, extending into Central
America, the southernmost parts of the United States, and the Greater Antilles. L. sabicu
occurs throughout the subtropical moist forest of Haiti, though local populations are
often scattered and isolated by mountain ranges. It is found mostly on rocky sites of
low-elevation mountains at elevations between 100-750 m with rainfall ranging from
1000-2000 mm. The tree generally occupies well-drained drier sites along with other
pioneer species. The tree is not particularly demanding of soil requirements, thriving on
soils saturated with calcium, and it grows adequately on the shrink swell clays charac-
teristic of vertisols. It often is found located in wooded fallows, woodlots and along
property boundaries.

Tree Characteristics: Mature trees can reach heights of 25 m with stern diameters to I
meter. The stern varies considerably in form and length, with a natural tendancy to fork
low in open conditions. Typically, the tree has a short trunk, about 2-3 meters, though
individuals have been found with sterns free of branches to 10 m (Fig. 9.2). The large
spreading canopy can extend to a diameter of 20 m, casting a light shade. A distinct fea-
ture of young trees is the curved single stern that gradually straightens with age. The
light grayish brown bark is shaggy and peels away from mature sterns.
The heartwood is a lustrous brown with a coppery or purplish tinge and is some-
times faintly striped. Mature sterns have a thin white sapwood that contrasts sharply
with the heartwood. The grain ranges from straight to interlocked. Specific gravity
ranges from 0.58-0.70 with the heartwood considered to be very durable.
Fruiting of the species begins in December and peaks during March and April. Seed
production is generally light, with pods containing only 3-4 seeds and attacked heavily
by insects. There are 50,000-55,000 seeds kg-I.

72 Talleno

Utilization: The tree is valued most for its high-quality wood, and is esteemed for
furniture, interior trim, knife handles, turnery and parquet (Fig. 9.3). Boards have a ten-
dency to surface and end check when they are dried too quickly. The wood is consid-
ered easy to work, finishes smoothly and takes a high natural polish. The trce otten is
pruned to increase the value of the main stem as lumber. The branches provide an excel-

Figure 9.2 Collecting seed from a superior specimen of 1. sabicu in the humid forest
region of the Grand-Anse.
Taveno 73

Figure 9.3 L. sabicu is traditionally prized as a fine wood for furniture.

lent fuelwood. Crops are planted up

to the base of the tree in field gar-
dens (Fig. 9.4) or are underplanted
with coffee and other perennial
crops (Fig. 9.5). In Haiti, the leaves
are crushed and applied as a bath
for skin infections (Weniger, 1985).
The bark is boiled with other bush-
es to cure hemorrhoids in the Turk
and Caicos islands (Morton, 1981).
The tree is regarded as a honey

Propagation: Natural regeneration

from the sparse seed crops is poor,
making the population vulnerable
to overcutting. The papery-thin
seed pods are attacked easily by
weevils, which damage a great per-
centage of the seed crop. The
species is propagated easily from
seed in small containers, such as
the Rootrainer or Winstrip.
Seedlings for transplanting require
Figure 9.4 L. sabiat is broadly adapted and sur- about 14 weeks in the nursery, with
vives well in the dry site conditions of a field the initial 6 weeks under shade and
74 Taveno
the final 4 weeks hardening off. Seed is scarified for mass propagation by immersing it
in hot water, at least 49° C, and soaking it for 2 days. Seed should be inspected for
insect infestations and stored with a light dusting of an insecticide. lnnoculation with
the proper Rhizobium strain is recommended for best growth in the field. Occasionally,
damping-off is a problem in the nursery and treatment of the disease should be followed

Figure 9.5 L. sabicu occupies the upper canopy layer of a humid perennial garden.
Common understory crops include coffee, plantain and Citrus spp.
Tavino 75
by a repeated application of Rhizobium (Josiah, 1989).

Growth Performance: Very few trials have been established with the species. It has a
reputation of being a slow grower and has therefore fallen in disfavor with reforestation
projects promoting fast-growing species. The tree consistently ranks near the bottom in
height growth among the faster-growing exotics and many of the local timber species
(Table 9.1). However, on shallow, rocky limestone sites, such as the Lapila site in the
Central Plateau, the tree is growing exceptionally well compared to many of the exotics
that cannot tolerate the alkalinity and shallow soils. Early height growth rates are steady
on the drier sites (Lapila, Crocra, Terrier Rouge), while they are beginning to decline
after the first year of rapid growth on wetter sites such as Fauche (Fig. 9.6).

Table 9.1 Site and growth parameters of L. sabicu trials in Haiti.

(m) RAINFALL (yr) (%) M.A.I. 1 M.A.I.
(mm) (m) (em)
Fauehe 5 1436 3.0 78 1.3 1.7
Marmont 280 1450 3.0 48 1.1 1.1
Mireba1ais 110 2150 3.0 78 1.1
Terrier Rouge 20 1293 3.0 17 0.8 0.3
Lapila 2 350 1445 3.2 81 0.8 1.0
Crocra 30 1490 4.0 67 0.9 0.9
1 M.A.I. = Mean annual increment. 2 DBH = Stem diameter at 1.3 m above ground level, in em.

Tree Improvement: This species is a
4.5 prime example of a high-value timber
tree that is being over-exploited in
Haiti, with severe consequences to
3.5 the local gene pool. The scattered
populations of the species are isolat-
ed and might be considered remnant.
Early seed collection strategies tar-
geted the areas of Haiti where signif-
icant populations still occur: the
region south of Thiotte, the Trouin
area, the lower Voldrogue River
basin, and the upper Artibonite River
basin. Fifty trees were selected
between 1988 and 1991 for superior
o ~----'--'----'---'--'----'--'---'----'~--'---L-----'-----'---'----'---'---"_
form traits, such as straight, cylindri-
o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
cal boles that are clear of branches
TREE AGE (yr) and without signs of defects and
Figure 9.6 Height growth of L. sabicu in decay. Seed was collected from 23 of
76 Tal/eno

Figure 9.7 Three-year-old L. sabicu seed orchard tree at Mirebalais.

Ta"eno 77
the trees, propagated as half-sib families and established in arboreta, seedling seed
orchards and progeny trials with private landowners and volunteer organizations in Haiti
(Fig. 9.7). The signficance of these trials as gene conservation banks is as important as
the objective of genetic testing to study the variation within the Haitian population.
Three-year results have revealed differences in mean stem length as an indicator of
vigor. Generally, half-sib families are exhibiting as much difference in growth rates as
are found within the population as a whole. Further selection of the species should tar-
get those individuals that show ex~eptional form in the progeny trials and seed orchards.
Family rankings and differences are not consistent across sites, indicating genotype
interaction with growing conditions. Orchard trees bear seed crops as early as three
years on optimal sites.
Figure 10.1 C. nucifera in a perennial garden setting near Camp Coq.
10 Kokoye
Species: Cocos nucifera L.
Family: Arecaceae (= Palmae)
Synonym: Palmas cocos Miller
Common Names: H - cocotier, cocoyer (kokoye), noix de coco (nwa koko), coq au lait
(kok); RD - palma de coco; US - coconut

Importance: C. nucifera is planted widely as an ornamental and a source of food and

fiber in Haiti. Anywhere it occurs in the tropics, coconut ranks as one of the most use-
ful trees. Its graceful form, with often slanting stems, is a symbol of tropical landscapes.
In recent years, the spread of lethal yellowing in Haiti has increased local awareness
about how vulnerable to disease such a common and economically important tree
species can be.

Taxonomy and Botanical Features: The Cocoeae tribe of the palm family is repre-
sented in Haiti by at least 5 species, including Attalea crassispatha, one of the rarest
palms in the world, and Cocos nuciftra, probably the best known palm. Coconut is a
monotypic species with only one species occurring within the genus. The cultivated
forms of coconut fall into 2 main classes: the tall and dwarf varieties. The dwarf has
been postulated to be a mutation of the tall varieties. The most common variety one sees
in Haiti is referred to as the Jamaican Tall and is known locally as misket or tres picos
(Fig. to.2). Much less common is the Panama Tall, known as panyol. The most com-
mon dwarf variety is the Malayan Dwarf, which is further subdivided into the Red,
Yellow and Green, all present in Haiti (Fig.tO.3). Other varieties of both tall and dwarf
occur, having been introduced largely on an experimental basis by the Ministry of
The Jamaican Tall is distinguished by a slender, often leaning, solitary trunk
enlarged at the base; with prominent leaf scars alternately arranged up the stem; up to
20 m tall; and large elongated, triangular fruit, green to bronze, 20-30 cm long, weigh-
ing about 1.5 kilo fresh. The Panama Tall is generally larger in trunk diameter with
large, round bronze fruit. The Malayan Dwarf is recognized by its smaller size; up to 10
m tall; and brilliantly colored fruit, either light yellow (Malayan Yellow), apricot-orange
color (Malayan Red) or light green (Malayan Green). The fruit is 15~20 cm long,
weighing less than a kilo fresh, with a small nut 8 cm in diameter. Hybrids of the Tall
and Dwarf occur in Haiti as a result of natural outcrossing with characteristics that are
intermediate of the parent types.

Distribution and Ecology: The native range of C. nucifera is uncertain, because the
species has been introduced throughout the tropics for so long. It is believed to have
originated from the Pacific islands and to have been introduced to Brazil in the 1500s
by the Portuguese and into the Caribbean during the 1600s by the Spanish (Rosengarten,
1986). The Malayan Dwarf varieties were brought to Haiti during the 1930s by the
Ministry of Agriculture (Morin, 1977).
Large coconut plantations are not common in Haiti, but do occur in the Jean Rabel,
St. Louis du Sud, Cayes, and Port-au-Prince areas. The majority of the coconut popu-
lation is distributed along the coastal regions of the island (Fig. 10.4), where it forms

80 Kokoye
pure stands along the beaches (Fig.
10.5). Though it naturally tolerates
a salty environment, coconuts
require good drainage and fresh
water to grow well, usually with an
annual rainfall above 1000 mm. The
Jamaican Tall is broadly adapted to
the calcareous soils of the low-ele-
vation mountains and can be found
up to 1000 m elevation. It is scat-
tered throughout the lower eleva-
tions of the mountain ranges, nor-
mally occurring in the courtyards
associated with other timber and
fruit trees, as a boundary planting
around field gardens or along travel
routes where it has been distributed
(Fig. 10.6). The Malayan Dwarfs
are concentrated along the principal
roads of Haiti around urban areas
and small towns. Here they are
Figure 10.2 The most common variety in Haiti found in the vicinity of the court-
is the Jamaican Tall. Inset - Mature greenish yards, occurring as 1-2 individuals
fruit. and often overtopped by Jamaican
Tall. Theobald (1989) estimated
less than I % of the coconut popula-
tion in the Fauche area was Malayan
Dwarf. However, the population
varies greatly. Fifty percent of the
coconuts tallied in the Lascahobas
region were dwarf varieties
(Campbell, 1994).
There is a wide spread among
estimates of the number of
Jamaican Tall in the country. Morin
(1977) estimated that a half million
Jamaican Tall occur in Haiti, while
the Ministry of Agriculture estimat-
ed that 1.5 million existed in 1978
(Wiltbank, 1982). Agricorp (1984)
tallied 137,000 coconuts in the
Plateau Central. The major coconut
growing regions, in descending
order of importance are: Cayes,
Figure 10.3 Malayan Dwarf specimen with Jeremie, Petit-Goave, Cap-Haiti en,
coconut cluster. Inset - Mature apricot color of Port-au-Prince and Jacmel.
the Malayan Red Dwarf fruit.
Kokoye 81

74 73 72


S 1988
0 25
I I " II I
0 20 40
19 19

74 73 72
FigUl'e lOA Distribution of coconut and the progression of Lethal
Yellowing (red area) in Haiti.

The Malayan Dwarf is more site sen-

sitive and does not occur on the range.
of sites as does the Jamaican TalL As
a recently introduced variety, it is not
as widely distributed nor as common.
It is often seen as the only survivor of
lethal yellowing in areas where the
disease wiped out the Jamaican Tall
variety, such as regions in the
Northwest, along the coast between
Arcahaie and Montrouis and in north-
ern Haiti.

Tree characteristics: The Jamaican

Tall begins bearing fruit at approxi-
mately 6-8 years and lives to about
60-70 years. Malayan Dwarfs bear at
3-4 years, live to about 30 years, and
are resistant to lethal yellowing, a dis-
ease caused by a mycoplasmic-like
organism. Both varieties flower and
Figure 10.5 Coconuts along the coast are sym- fruit throughout the year, about 70
bolic of the Caribbean paradise, attracting nuts yea(' for the dwarf varieties and
tourists from the world over. 30 nuts year-' for the tall varieties.
82 Kokoye
Male and female flowers occur
on the same panicle, with the female
flowers maturing later in the tall vari-
eties and typically being cross-polli-
nated from male flowers of neighbor-
ing palms. Insects are the predomi-
nate pollination vector. Dwarf vari-
eties normally have female flowers
becoming receptive (about a week)
while the male flowers on the same
inflorescence are maturing. Dwarf
varieties are largely self-pollinated.

Utilization: The most valued product

of the coconut is the fruit, processed
at the household level rather than on
large plantations for industrial pur-
poses. A major portion of the harvest
is consumed prior to maturity when
the volume of coconut water, or milk,
is greatest and the fleshy meat is the
Figure 10.6 A typical agricultural landscape consistency of jelly (Fig. 10.7). It
in southwestern Haiti, showing the four most takes from 120-160 days for the fruit
useful palms in Haiti - C. nucifera, R. borin- to develop to this stage. Otherwise,
quena, Sabal causiarum and Coccothrinax the coconut is allowed to ripened,
argentea. about 330-360 days, with the meat
being used for cooking and confec-
tioneries. The coconut fat contained in the meat serves as an important ingredient in
many recipes of the Haitian cuisine. Coconut, either shredded, roasted or raw, is used in
popular snacks such as tablet, dous makos (Petit Goave), komparet (Jeremie) and kasav
The leaves are used as thatch, mostly for temporary structures, and for weaving
mats, baskets, and hats. The wood is used as pilings and posts, being fairly resistant to
decay under moist conditions. In countries where the coconut industry is well devel-
oped, coconut meal is a byproduct of oil extraction and is fed to livestock. The proxi-
mate analysis of various C. nucifera products is summarized in Table 10.1. Coconuts
are an important source of nectar and pollen for bees and honey production, which in
turn, are important in cross pollination.

Propagation: The farmer either plants the fruit directly in the soil or purchases
seedlings when a local crop is not available. Coconuts are harvested carefully for prop-
agation as many farmers are suspicious ofthe damage that may occur from coconuts left
to drop on the ground. Fruit should be selected from trees with large crops of high-qual-
ity nuts. In most cases, propagation consists of laying the fruit on its side, set apart 30
cm, with the eyes slightly raised. Germination can be improved by burying the seed nuts
three-quarters deep. The sprout emerges through the eye on the side that has the longest
Kokove 83
part of the triangular hull. The root
penetrates the hull and enters the soil
after a month. Leaves appear at about
2 months and seedlings are ready to
transplant at 6-8 months.
Controlled pollination methods
have been developed in Jamaica to
develop hybrids that are more resis-
tant to lethal yellowing. One of the
most successful hybrids is the
Maypan, a cross between Malayan
Dwarf as the seed parent and Panama
Tall as the pollen parent. Several
techniques are utilized, the most com-
mon of which entails a monthly
emasculation (removal of the male
flowers), followed by isolation of the
female flowers and fertilizing them
with pollen from selected Panama
TaJl specimens. The Red Malayan
Dwarf is selected, since hybridization
Figure 10.7 A healthy snack of coconut milk is easily identified by the color of the
and the immature meat is a favorite in Haiti. seedlings (Harries, 1976).

Lethal Yellowing Disease: Among the pests and diseases that attack coconut, none is
more deadly than lethal yellowing (LY). It is caused by a mycoplasma-like organism
(MLO) transmitted by a plant hopper (Myndus sp.). Death occurs 3-6 months from the
time that the first symptoms are evident. The order of symptoms are as follows: I) pre-
mature nut fall, 2) necrosis of the inflorescence, 3) flag leaf, 4) yellowing of the lower
fronds upward, and 5) spear leaf yellows and decays. There is no evidence that the
MLOs can be transmitted by seed (Illingworth, 1992).
LY first was observed in the Caribbean as early as 1832 in the Cayman Islands and
in Cuba, Jamaica and Haiti in the late 1800s (Howard and Bat-rant, 1989). Reports of its
first occurring in northern Haiti seem to indicate this was the region where LY began in
Haiti. Morin (1977) reported that LY had been in this area since the mid-1950s, though
it may have been in the country much earlier. lllingworth (1992) notes that the disease
occurred in Haiti fifty years before having been observed in the Dominican Republic in
1969. The first area of infection extended from Cap-Haitien to Ouanaminthe and

Table 10.1 Proximate analysis (% dry weight) of C. nucifera, after Gohl (1975).
Coconut warer 4.4 6.5 60 70.8 12.3 5.77 3.85
Copra, Malaysia 7.4 3.0 68.0 19.6 2.0 003 0.26
Oi Icake. Malaysia 20.0 8.3 11.7 54.1 5.9
Oil cake, expelJer. 25.2 to.8 5.2 52.8 6.0
84 Kokoye
reached into the interior at Camp
Coq, about 10 km south of Limbe.
Theobald (1989) found the disease to
be well developed in the Port-de-Paix
area during his survey. During the lat-
ter part of the 1980s, the disease had
spread to the southern coast of the
northwest peninsula at Baie-de-
Henne (Fig. 10.8), traversed the
Artibonite, and extended as far south
as Arcahaie. By 1992, lethal yellow-
ing progressed to the southern penin-
sula, attacking spots between Port-au-
Prince and Leogane. Figure lOA
shows the distribution of the disease
in Haiti. The spread of the disease
appears to be spotty and slow in Haiti.
A program was initiated by the
Ministry of Agriculture during the
mid-1970s to test new cultivars that
might be more resistant to lethal yel-
Figure 10.8 Lethal yellowing can reach epi- lowing and at the same time be more
demic levels, as shown here in Baie-de-Henne productive. Two experimental trials,
in 1988. located at Grand Pre and Levy, were
established in 1976. Four Tall x
Dwarf hybrid varieties from West Africa were compared with the local Jamaica Tall
variety in a randomized complete block design. These trials were evaluated in 1989 by
International Resources Group, Inc. The Levy trial showed no symptoms of lethal yel-
lowing, though several palms were missing of unknown causes and two palms showed
typical bud rot symptoms. By contrast, at Grand Pre, individuals of all cultivars showed
symptoms of LY. The status of the trial at the time of the 1989 visit is summarized in
Table 10.2. The susceptibility of the Jamaica Tall variety to LY, well known in the liter-
ature (Whitehead, 1968; Harries, 1974; Been, 1981; Howard and Barrant, 1989) appears
to be supported by the data in the trial. The susceptibility of the Yellow Malayan Dwarf

Table 10.2 Status of the Ministry of Agriculture Grand Pre trial in 1989, 13 years after
Yellow Malayan Dwarf x 81 18 100
West African Tall
Red Cameroon Dwarf x 81 15 100
Wesl African Tall
Green Malayan Dwarf x 68 29 100
West African Tall
Yellow Malayan Dwarf 55 42 100
Local Jamaica Tall 53 42 100
Kokoye 85
probably is exacerbated by suboptimal site conditions for this variety and shows that no
coconut variety is completely resistant to LY. So far the only practical solution in Haiti
is the controlled breeding of Malayan Dwarfs, particularly in areas where the popula-
tion has survived LY infestations, The preferred pollen parent is the Panama Tall for the
propagation of 'Maypan' hybrids. The Panama Tall parent would preferably originate
from LlCinfected areas and exhibit resistance. Hybrids with the Jamaica Tall pollen par-
ent are susceptible to LY.
Figure 11.1 Mango is the all-around favorite tree among Haitian farmers, providing
shade, food, wood and a source of cash income.
11 Mango
Species: Mangifera indica L.
Family: Anacardiaceae
Common Names: H - mango, mangue, manguier; RD, C, PR - mango

Importance: Mango is the most important tree species in Haiti, with an estimated 4.5
million trees scattered throughout the country (Wiltbank, 1982). The fruit is second to
coffee in agricultural exports at about 8 million. metric tons (Estublier and Lingley,
1990). The lengthy fruiting season of the tree in Haiti gives the country an export
advantage, while providing a reliable food source during hunger months. Mature trees
are a major asset to meet cash contingencies, being lopped or harvested entirely for fuel-
wood, charcoal, and lumber.

Taxonomy and Botanical Features: Mango is probably the best known member of the
Anacardiaceae family that includes cashew (Anacardium occidentale), hogplum
(Spondias mombin) and Com 0 cladia, the important genus for live fences. No one is
sure how many varieties exist in Haiti nor the extent of hybridization among·the recog-
nized cultivars. Estimates range from 30-100 varieties, with one source listing as many
as 83 in the upper Artibonite watershed (Agricorp, 1984). Most of the mangos in Haiti
are polyembryonic with a genetic parentage that probably originated in southeast Asia
and the Philippines (Wiltbank, 1982). Selected monoembryonic cultivars, mainly from
India and Florida, are identified by their horticultural names in the country of origin
(e.g., Tommy Atkins, Ingowe, St Kitts).
Varietal differences are notable in the fruit, varying in size, shape, skin color and
thickness, pulp and fiber content, and nutritional properties (Table 11.1). Mango leaves
are lanceolate, about 30 cm long, reddish-purple when young, and dark green when
mature. Bisexual and staminate t10wers occur on the same panicle of the tree. Their
relative percentages vary among varieties, with more bisexual flowers toward the apex
of the panicles. Bisexual flowers are distinguished by a yellow ovary on a white disk in
the center of the flower.

Distribution and Ecology: Mango is a native of tropical Asia, probably from the Indo-
Burmese monsoon region (Rehm and Espig, 1991) where it has been cultivated for 4000
years. The greatest diversity of mango is in India, which has more than 1000 types and
claims two-thirds of the world's production. It has spread throughout the tropics, hav-
ing been introduced into Mexico and Brazil during the late 17th century and spreading
to the West Indies through Barbados around 1742 and from Jamaica on board a ship des-
tined for Haiti in 1782 (Leonard and Sylvain, 1931).
The mango tree is very abundant in the lowland areas of Haiti to approximately 400
meters above sea level. A typical landscape view of the valleys is dominated by trees,
with mango being the principal species among other common home-and-garden species
such as coconut, royal palm, breadfruit and avocado (Fig. 11.2). Mango thrives in areas
that receive an annual rainfall between 1000'-2000 mm distributed mostly during the
summer months and a 2-3 month dry season prior to flower and fruit production. It is
drought tolerant and can survive the drier regions of Haiti, rainfall between 600-800
mm, if additional subterranean moisture or irrigation is available for growth. Soil
requirements are moderate, the best soils being well-drained sandy or gravelly loams·of
88 Mango

Table 11.1 Differences in fruit characteristics among selected Haitian mango varieties, after
Saint Hilaire (1990).
(em) (g) (%) (%) (%) (mg/IOO g)

Baptiste oblong - oval, slight beak and sinus, 12.2-13.8 300-350 5.9 57.4 13.7 6.0
thick skin, juicy, yellow to deep
orange and firm, aromatic meat
Blanc oval- reniform, slight prominent 13.9-15.1 380-500 14.4 41.2 12.4 1.3
beak, slightly deep sinus, dark skin
spots, light whitish-yellow and soft
meat, fiprous
Carotte rounded, no beak or sinus, slight 8.5-10.0 230-270 1.8
cavity, light yellow skin dots, skin
and meat taste like carrot
Come oblong-elliptical, slight prominent 14.8-15.8 207-245 7.5 34.9 18.1 4.0
beak, slight sinus, golden yellow
skin and meat, juicy, aromatic and
Doudouce oblong - oval, slight beak, sinus and 10.4-12.6 235-320 11.7 49.8 16.2
cavity, juicy and very aromatic
Fi1 oblong, slight beak and sinus, 11.7-12.9 178-211 7.8 43.0 15.5 2.3
absent cavity, light yellow, thin
skin, light acid taste, juicy and
Francisque oblong - reniform, slightly 16.4-18.0 420--486 6.2 63.2 13.4 6.4
prominent beak, deep sinus and
slightly deep cavity, apricot colored
firm meat, non-fibrous
Jean - oblong - oblique & reniform, 13.7-15.9 264-341 10.1 41.2 15.5 6.0
Marie slightly deep sinus and slight cavity,
bright yellow, firm, juicy, aromatic
KOdok oblong - reniform, slight beak and 13.5-16.1 276--419 18.8 42.1 12.9
sinus, slightly deep cavity, dark
orange meat, juicy, acid and fibrous
Muscat round - ovoid, absent beak and 11.8-13.4 252-307 9.0 48.1 15.7 1.6
sinus, deep cavity, light gray skin
dots, apricot color skin and meat,
juicy and aromatic
Rosalie oblong - oval, slight beak and sinus, 10.4-12.8 250-320 8.4 53.5 15.6 2.3
deep cavity, fibrous

medium fertility and pH 6-7. Trees growing above 400 m are characterized by a poor
and inferior crop, exhibiting less color, and fewer soluble solids at these elevations
(Wiltbank, 1982). Altitude delays the flowering period about 4 days for each 120 meter
increase in elevation and coupled with increased humidity and more constant rainfall,
results in erratic flowering and fungal disease problems. Imported grafted varieties are
scattered throughout the country, but mainly are concentrated in the Leogane, Cul-de-
Sac Plain, and Plaine-du-Nord regions.

Tree Characteristics: The most common varieties of mango in Haiti are recognized
by large, evergreen trees with short, but thick boles to 1 m diameter, and heights to 25
meters. Trunk buttresses vary from small to prominent with a spreading crown that is
about half as large as the tree is tall (Fig. 11.3). The tree develops a strong and deep
Mango 89
taproot system that aids in drought
tolerance. The imported horticultural
varieties are recognized by their
dwarf stature; short main stem with
dense, compact crowns; and massive
branching as a result of pruning and
grafting management regimes.
The growth of mango occurs in
periodic flushes, with a tendency of
bearing every other year. Its growth
is influenced by variety, climate, and
soil conditions. Rain and high
humidity at blossoming reduce polli-
nation and fruit setting. It takes about
2-5 months to develop fruit after fer-
tilization, depending on cultivar and
temperature (Purseglove, 1968a).
Fruit is produced between 6-10 years
from seed and 3-5 years from grafts.
1\ typical yield from a mature tree is
35 kg of fresh fruit.
Figure 11.2 Mango thrives in Haiti and has The regional differences in cli-
become the most common fruit tree at lower mate, particularly the distribution of
elevations. rainfall as affected by the mountain-
ous landscape, play an important role
in the fruiting cycles of mango. The
typical savanna pattern of low rainfall
in the cooler months (November to
March) and higher rainfall in warmer
months controls mid-winter flower-
ing and provides the major crops
from May through August. A short
dry period occurs during the mid-
summer that coincides with a second
flowering period and yielding early
mango harvests from November
through April. Figure 11.4 compares
the differences in fruiting seasons for
the major varieties and growing
regions of Haiti.
The polyembryonic varieties in
Haiti, derived from genetic parentage
originating in Southeast Asia, are not
seriously affected by anthracnose
(Colletotrichum gloeosporiodes),
Figure 11.3 Typical form of a mature mango scab (Elsinoe mangiferae) or pow-
90 Mango


BLANC Cui-dc-Sac
Plateau Central

FIL Cul-de-Sac 1/ / / / / / ~I
Sud k / , ": .-I
~I~;~au Central
Art i bon i le
1/ ( ; >//70


Plateau Central

JEAN MARIE ~~lli-~~~~~c

Plateau Central
1 / 'I'>
1 _
A "',_ '.._ ,,_~
Nord I /.-
Plateau Central

_______________A..:~b~~i~_______________ I / / J/ / / /t _

Figure 11.4 Differences in harvest period by major production regions and mango
dery mildew (Oidium spp,), In con-
trast, most of the improved varieties
derived from Indian parentage are
susceptible to anthracnose. The low
relative humidity in the primary
growing areas is an advantage against
fungal problems, allowing for the
production of mangos that can be
labeled 'organic' for the North
American fresh fruit market.

Utilization: Mango is prized for its

aromatic flavor as a fresh fruit, hav-
ing twice the sugar content of oranges
and a substantial source of vitamins
A, C, and K. The most important
variety exported from Haiti is the
Francisque, with lesser amounts of
Baptiste, Carotte, Corne, and Muscat.
Preserves, juice, chutney and pickle
condiments efficiently use the mango
grades that are not marketable as
Figure 11.5 Mango has become a major fresh fruit. The fruit is preserved by
source of lumber in Haiti because of its abun- canning, pickling, dehydration and
dance and low cost in comparison with other freezing. Francisque, Baptiste, Kodak
lumber species, and Carotte are considered for jams;
Mango 91
Blanc and Francisque, with their firm pulp, are considered for mango conserves; all
varieties are acceptable for mango juice.
Livestock, particularly pigs, consume excess quantities of fruit and seed kernel that
are collected as feed. Proximate analysis of mango is shown in Table 11.2. In other
countries, the seed is roasted or boiled for human consumption and dried for flour
milling or processed for edible fats. The fruit skin is used as source of pectin. The bark
serves as a source of tannin, exhibiting antibacterial properties (Kerharo, 1974). Leaves
and roots are prepared in decoctions for liver problems, fever, lower back problems and
urethritis (Weniger, 1985). Latex of bark, leaves and fruit has an allergenic constituent
(3-pentadecyl catechol) that may cause dermatitis and itching in some people
(Campbell, 1992).

Table 11.2 Proximate analysis (% dry weight) of M. indica, from Gohl(1975).

Fresh leaves, India 80 280 2.7 51.2 100 23 10.0
Fresh leaves, Pakistan 9.5 22.6 4.8 50.0 13.1 3.1 0.2
Unripe fruit pulp, Nigeria 35.0 2.8 0.3 601 1.8 - -
Mature fruit pulp, Nigeria 56 23 0.5 894 22 - -

The heartwood is light pinkish brown, sometimes with black streaks, and is not
always clearly defined from the sapwood. Wood texture is coarse with an interlocked,
wavy grain that makes for only fair woodworking characteristics. The wood is moder-
ately heavy and hard, with a specific gravity between 0.45-0.62 (Chudnoff, 1984; Little
and Wadsworth, 1964). Though the wood is difficult to work, it is one of the most avail-
able lumbers in Haiti, providing the widest planks for general construction purposes
(Fig. 11.5). Mango has become a major source of fuelwood to small urban industries,
such as bakeries, dry cleaners and raw rum distilleries (11.6), and of charcoal from
regions such as the Southwest and the Plateau Central (11.7).

Propagation: Methods of mango

propagation in Haiti depend upon the
variety and resources of the farmer.
Traditional low-input methods are to
plant the seed directly on site or to
transplant volunteers for the com-
mercial varieties and leave volunteers
in place of germination for the low-
valued varieties. Figure 11.8 com-
pares the traditional methods of
farmers in the Lascahobas region for
regeneration of mango. Occasionally,
coppice sho'ots are managed for a
second rotation if the tree has been
Figure 11.6 Mango is a major fuelwood source cut for wood or required space in the
for guild industries such as the klerin (raw garden.
rum) mills.
92 Mango

Figure 11.7 Mango wood supplies a charcoal industry throughout Haiti to supply the
urban demand.

Because most of the local varieties are polyembryonic, seedlings propagated from
seed have a high chance of being identical to the maternal parent. However, shoots
develop that are of sexual origin and not true to seed. The best way to guarantee a supe-
rior selection is by vegetative techniques, such as grafting or budding. An additional
advantage of grafting is the shortened time period required to yield a significant crop,
about three to four years
compared with six to ten
NUMBER OF TREES years for trees propagated
300 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

seed. Seedling trees
also larger and more dif-

• DIRECT SEED ficult to manage than graft-
ed trees.
Vegetative methods gener-
ISO ally are selected to propa-
gate commercial varieties.
The most common method
is a type of veneer graft or
chip bud, with budwood
prepared and collected from
superior yielding cultivars
and grafted onto rootstock
Figure 11.8 Propagation methods of the principal selected for vigor and dis-
mango varieties in the Lascahobas region, after ease resistance. The most
Campbell (1994).
Mango 93
common rootstock in Haiti is the 'FiI,'
being widely available and adapted to a
broad range of growing conditions.
Other varieties are used, depending
upon local preferences. Rootstocks are
propagated from seeds that are planted
as soon as they are mature, though stor-
age in polythene bags at 21 0 C is possi-
ble for about 2-4 weeks. The kernel is
extracted from the tough endocarp and
germinated preferably in a sterile medi-
um, being transplanted about a month
later to polythene bags. However, most
nurseries plant the seed kernel directly
in the bags. Budding is best done when
rootstocks are 2-3 weeks old and in the
succulent red stage. Most grafting
methods in Haiti use rootstock that has
reached stem diameters 6-8mm with
seedling heights 30-40 cm.
Budwood is prepared from hard-
ened terminal growth, 6-10 mm in
diameter, which the leaves have been
Figure 11.9 The commercial 'Corne' variety
removed 2-3 weeks prior. Ringing the
is grafted onto the common and broadly
base of the shoot 10 days before sever-
adapted 'FiI' variety. Inset - Close up of
ing increases carbohydrate reserves in
graft union.
the budwood and promotes faster heal-
ing (Hartmann and Kester, 1983). Techniques and training materials for grafting mango
varieties have been experimented in Haiti by non-governmental organizations such as
the Organisation de Rehabilitation Environment (ORE) and CARE. In an experiment of
grafting and budding methods, Blaise (1990) found no significant differences in suc-
cessful takes between the veneer graft and the cleft graft (both greater than 50%), but
did find that the latter grafting method had more disease problems in the nursery. T-bud-
ding methods were unsuccessful in the experiment.
Inferior varieties can be converted to more productive commercial varieties by top-
working the trees. The advantage is that the top-worked plant returns to flowering and
fruiting faster than one started from grafted seedlings, allowing for a faster conversion
to more profitable cultivars. Veneer grafting has been successful in top-working mature
mango trees in Haiti (Fig. 11.9). However, it is preferable to work with young, healthy
wildings and allow them room for growth. Conversion of old, mature stems runs the risk
of their being diseased and thus causing the grower an economic loss.
Air-layering and cuttings are less frequently used for mango, though layering has
been shown to be successful with methods outlined in Mukherjee and Bid (1965). Using
cuttings is difficult, but can be done, with leafy cuttings under mist with lEA hormone
treatments. These methods are not considered economically feasible for large-scale
Figure 12.1 C. aurantium is never too far from the kitchen, playing an important role
in the diet and health of Haitians.
12 Sitwon...Zoranj...Chadek
Species and Common Names:
Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) Swingle H - citron (sitwon); RD - lima boba; US - Key
lime, West In,dian lime.
Citrus aurantium L. subsp. aurantium H - orange amer (zoranj si); RD - naranja agria
(DR); US - sour orange.
Citrus maxima (Burman) Merr. H - chadeque (chadek); RD - pomelo, toronja, toronja
de la India; US - pummelo, haddock.
Citrus x paradisi Macfad. H - pamplemouse; RD - pomelo; US - grapefruit.
Citrus reticulata Blanco H - mandarine (mandaren); RD - naranja mandarina; US - tan-
gerine, mandarin orange, Satsuma orange.
Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck H - orangier, orange dous (zoranj dous); RD - naranja,
naranja dulce; US - sweet orange.

Family: Rutaceae

Importance: The Citrus group of species and cultivars provides an important source of
nutrition and health to Haitians. Citrus products from Haiti turn up in some of the finest
liquers and perfumes of the world. This genus provides Haiti an important livelihood,
integrated into the traditional agriculture of most every farmer in Haiti. All parts of the
tree are utilized as a source of food, medicine, shade and wood.

Taxonomy and Botanical Features: Fruits commonly known as citrus belong to three
genera: Poncirus, Fortunella and Citrus. The taxonomy of Citrus is confused and com-
plicated by hybridization, by polyembryony, by mutations, and by autotetraploid forms
(Purseglove, 1968b). As many as 16 species divided into 2 subgenera, Papeda and
Eucitrus, are recognized (Webber and Batchelor, 1948). The cultivated Citrus in Haiti
fall under the Eucitrus subgenus. The fruits represent natural groups of horticultural
varieties, having been selected and bred since remote times. C. sinensis alone compris-
es about 1100 cultivars divided into several groups: common orange (e.g., 'Valencia,'
'Shamouti'), navel oranges (e.g., 'Washington,' 'Thomson'), blood oranges from the
Mediterranean region, and sugar oranges. C. reticulata has about 500 cultivars grouped
into 2 varieties: var. deliciosa Swingle (yellow-fruited mandarin and orange-fruited tan-
gerine cultivars) and var. unshui Swingle (satsuma cultivars). C. aurantifolia is divided
into 2 varieties: the Mexican variety recognized by small fruits with many seeds and the
Tahiti variety that is seedless and large-fruited. C. aurantium is divided into 2 sub-
species that are considered by some authors as separate species: aurantium, which is
common in Haiti and bergamia (Risso & Poit.) Engler that is cultivated in the
Mediterranean (Terrell et aI., 1986). C. maxima is divided into the common, pigment-
ed, and sweet or nonacid group. C. paradisi is divided into the common and pigmented
The differences among species are recognized by the morphology of the leaves,
flowers and fruit. Table 12.1 summarizes the morphological differences among the
major citrus species in Haiti.

Distribution and Ecology: The genus Citrus originated in southeast Asia. It has been
reported that Columbus introduced at least two of the species (c. limon and C. sinen-
96 Sitwon...Zoranj ...Chadek
Table 12.1 Morphological differences among major Citrus species in Haiti, after Little
and Wadsworth (1989) and Purseglove (l968b). Bold-faced characteristics are impor-
tant in distinguishing the species.
C. aurantifolia Narrowly-winged petiole, Less than 2.5 cm dia.; Small, elliptic to round, 4-6 cm dia.; thin
lime, sitwon 1-2 em long; dull green white, saucer-shaped calyx; peel, 1.5 mm thick; green, turning yellow;
blade, 4-10 em long, 2-6 4-5 oblong petals, 8-12 mm very sour pulp; small oval seeds;
em wide, rounded base long; 20-25 stamens polyembryonic; white cotyledons
C. aurantium Broadly-winged petiole, Light green, 4-5 toothed Round to subglobose, 6.4-11.4 em
sour orange, zoranj 2-4 em long, 1-1.6 em calyx; 5 oblong petals, 1.9 diameter; usually hollow core; rough
si wide; green, slightly em long; 20-24 stamens peel, 0.6-1 em thick, strongly aromatic,
shiny blade, 6.4-14 em green; bitter and very sour pulp; small
long, 3.8-10.2 em wide pulp vesicles; numerous polyembryonie
C.limon Short, Solitary or clustered; 3.8-5 Oval with terminal nipple, 5-10 em long,
lemon, limon frans narrowly-margined .cm dia.; reddish buds; light yellow when ripe; thick adherent
petioles; 5-10 em long, petals white above, purplish peel, predominate gland dots, slightly
3-6 em wide; ovate, below; 20-40 stamens rough; oviod polyembryonic seeds; white
serrate cotyledons
C. maxima Broadly-winged petiole; Solitary or clustered Very large pear-shaped, 10-30 em dia.;
pummelo, ehadek 5-20 em long, 2-12 em flowers, 3-7 em dia.; cream yellowish when ripe; thick peel; sweetish
wide; undersurface of colored petals; 20-25 juice; large, ridged, monoembryonic seeds
midrib often pubescent stamens
C. medica Short wingless petiole, 3-4 em dia.; 5 pinkish Large oblong, 10-20 em long; bumpy,
citron, sitwon not clearly articulated petals; 30-40 stamens very thick peel, yellow; sour, greenish
at top; elliptic, serrate, pulp; small white polyembryonic seeds
8-20 em long, 3-9 em
C. paradisi Broadly-winged petiole; Single or clustered, 4-5 em Large globuse fruit, 8-15 em dia. greenish
grapefruit, leaves smaller than C. dia.; usually 5 white petals; or pale yellow when ripe; rind thinner
pamplemouse grandis, pale green when 20-25 stamens and pulp vesicles smaller than C.
young, glabrous beneath grandis; white polyembryonic seeds;
white cotyledons
C. reticulata Narrowly-winged or Small, 1.5-2.5 em dia.; 5 Top of fruit depressed; globuse, 5-8 em
mandarin, margined petiole; small white petals; about 20 dia.; thin peel, loose and easily
mandaren and narrow, 4-8 em stamens separating from segments, green turning
long, 1.5-4 em wide; to yellow or orange-red when ripe; sweet
dark shiny above, and juicy pulp; small, polyembryonie
yellowish-green below seed; green embryos
C. sinensis Narrowly-winged, Greenish-white broad Round, 6.4-9.5 em diameter; smooth peel,
sweet orange, articulated petiole, 1-2 saucer-shaped calyx; 5 white 0.6 em thick, tightly adherent; green to
zoranj dous em long; dark green or eliptie petals, 1.3-2.2 em yellowish-green; sweet pulp; nil to
yellow-green blade, long numerous polyembryonie seeds; white
6.4-15.2 em long, embryos
3.2-8.9 em wide

sis) to Haiti on his second voyage in 1493 (Pursglove, 1968b). C. aurantifolia and C.
aurantium were introduced to the Western Hemisphere by the Spanish early in their col-
onization. C. maxima was brought to Barbados during the seventeenth century by
Captain Shaddock, giving rise to its common names, 'shaddock' and 'chadek'. The ori-
gin of C. paradisi is not certain, though a close relative of C. maxima supports the idea,
that it resulted as a cross between C. maxima and C. sinensis or as a bud mutation of C.
maxima. Though most of the citrus species occur throughout Haiti, the best production
of the different species depends upon elevation and rainfall: hot and high-rainfall
regions of the low elevations favor lime, grapefruit, shaddock and some sweet orange
cultivars; the mid elevations favor most of the sweet orange cultivars and mandarins
(Wiltbank, 1982). The prinicipal production regions of the newer imported cultivars are
Sitwon ...Zoranj ...Chadek 97
La Chapelle for Tahiti lime, La Vallee de Jacme! for mandarin, and the Cul-de-Sac and
Cap-Haitien for grapefruit. Lemon (c. limon) and citron (c. medica) are not widely cul-
tivated in Haiti.
The genus is notably absent in regions of Haiti that receive less than 1000 mm of
rainfall without irrigation and in high-elevation mountain areas above 1000 m. Dry peri-
ods up to 2 months can be endured only during the winter dormant period (Rehm and
Espig, 1991). Salt and drought tolerance are higher in such cultivars as the 'Cleopatra'
mandarin and the 'Rangpur' lime.
Citrus are sensitive to salty and poorly-drained soils, requiring fertile conditions
and a pH 5-7 for consistently high production. Mineral fertilizing with about 0.6 kg N,
0.3 kg P and 0.6 kg K tree- 1 year- 1 is recommended for oranges (Cohen, 1976). In the
West Indies, nitrogenous fertilizers are the most important and are applied at a rate of
0.2 kg N tree- 1 year- 1 where fruit is regularly harvested. An unbalanced, high-nitrogen
fertilization gives high yields, but impairs fruit quality by lowering the sugar:acid ratio.
Potash is used to improve fruit quality.
Citrus are not truly wild, having been cultivated for so long. However, natural
regeneration plays an important role in establishment, particularly in the case of sour
orange and, to a much lesser extent, the other more marketable species. Practically all
sweet orange cultivars are cultivated. The species are shade-tolerant, though good fruit
production requires full sun. Typically, Citrus form the middle canopy layer of tradi-
tional perennial gardens and coffee groves, along with Musa (plantain, banana), Annona
(soursop, custard apple) and Crescentia cujete (callebash). The Citrus group ranks third
in the quantity of fruit trees found in Haiti, after mango (Mangifera indica) and avoca-
do (Persea americana). C. aurantium is the most abundant Citrus species.

Tree Characteristics: Tree height varies among the Citrus species. Lime (c. auran-
tifolia), lemon (c. limon), citron (c. medica) and mandarin (c. reticulata) are small
trees,ranging 2-5 m. Sweet orange (c. sinensis) grows to about 10 m and pummelo (c.
grandis) and grapefruit (c. paradisi) up to 15 m. Stem diameters average 15 em. The
species can be considered evergreen, with leaves that usually live for a year or more.
The degree of thorniness varies among species, with spines developing at the base of
the leaf nodes. The presence of spines depends upon the stage of development for many
species. There are few or no spines on the fruit-bearing twigs of those species that have
The tree produces new leaves several times a year, the first growth being the
strongest and producing the most flowers. The following growth phases are irregular
with few or no flowers. However, the crops from these off-season growth phases can be
of considerable economic importance locally. Sweet orange does not develop the orange
color of US cultivars, but retains a green color. Sweet oranges from the Cap-Haitien
region have a higher sugar and juice content, because of higher temperatures and inso-
lation during maturation (Wiltbank, 1982).
The wood does not vary significantly among the citrus species, ranging from light
yellow to yellowish brown, hard and fine-grained. Growth rings usually are clearly
Sweet orange, shaddock, grapefruit and mandarin flower between March and May,
with fruit being harvested between November and April. Lime flowers throughout the
98 Sifwon...Zoranj...Chadik
year, peaking between March and July with fruit maturing between June and November.
Sour orange flowers throughout the year. However, the main season for anyone region
can be considerably different from another region, as affected by microclimate differ-
ences. This variance is illustrated for production areas of the Central Plateau (Figures

Utilization: The entire citrus tree is used in Haiti. Though the fruit is by far the most
important product, the trees are valued as honey plants. They provide a diverse source
of ingredients in traditional medicine, yield wood products -requiring strength and hard-
ness, and are planted as shade or ornamentals. Each of the species is unique in the con-
tribution of products that are harvested from the plant.


St. Michel de l'Attalaye

Saut d'Eau
Morne Organise
Cerca Carvajal
Mombin Crochu
Cerca la Source

Figure 12.2 Harvest periods of C. aurantium across regions in the Central Plateau,
after Agricorp (1984).

St. Michel de l'Attalaye
Saut d'Eau
Cerca Carvajal
St. Raphael
Cerca la Source

Figure 12.3 Harvest periods of C. sinensis across regions in the Central Plateau, after
Agricorp (1984).
Sitwon ... Zoranj ...Chadek 99


Cerca Carvajal
St. Raphael
Mombin Crochu ~"-
St. Michel de J'Attalaye
Cerca la Source
Saul d'Eau

Figure 12.4 Harvest periods of C. aurantifotia across regions in the Central Plateau,
after Agricorp (1984),
Sour orange juice is essential in
Haitian cuisine as a cleaning agent,
particularly for meat. The peel is used
in marmelades and is processed in
Haiti for export in the making of fine
Iiquers such as Curacao and
Cointreau. The species is the most
important medicinal plant in Haiti,
being utilized as a remedy for 23 of
25 major types of illness (Rouzier,
1990). As one of the most important
rootstocks for grafting in the citrus
industry, sour orange has a good
influence on the vigor, yield, and fruit
quality of grafted varieties, while
being resistant to many of the major
diseases such as Phy/ophthora, xylo-
porosis and exocortis. The high-
priced nero Ii oil used in perfumes,
Figure 12.5 Farmer carving a pilon (pestle) known as "neroli Bigarade," is dis-
from the hard wood of C. auran/ium. tilled from the flowers of sour orange;
the subspecies bergamia is used for
bergamot oil, expressed from the peel in southern Italy. An aromatic oil is produced
from leaves. The wood is valued for its strength and hardness. The most common uses
are tool handles and pestles (Fig. 12.5).
Sweet orange is consumed mostly as a food or squeezed for its juice, rich in vita-
min C. Several oils are extracted from sweet orange, An essential oil is pressed from the
peel, an aromatic oil is "expressed from the leaves, and orange flower oil, known as
"neroli Portugal," is distilled from the flowers. Sweet orange is used almost as fre-
quently as sour orange in the folk medicine of Haiti. Several byproducts of citrus juice
and oil-extracting facilities, including excess fresh citrus, pulp, pulp meal, molasses and
100 Sitwon...Zoranj ...Chadik
Table 12.2 Proximate analysis (% dry weight) of C. sinensis, after Gohl(1975).
Fresh whole fruit, Israel 7.8 9.4 1.6 76.5 4.7 0.47 0.23
Peels, Israel 6.8 6.2 1.9 81.4 3.7 1.30 0.12
Dried citrus pulp, Trinidad 6.9 131 2.8 70.1 7.1
Citrus meal, USA 8.1 11.4 3.9 71.1 5.5
Citrus molasses, USA 5.8 0.0 0.3 87.3 6.6 1.13 0.08
Citrus seed meal, USA 40.0 8.8 6.7 37.5 7.0

seed meal, are used as animal feed,

Seed meal contains limonin, a factor
toxic to pigs and poultry, but accept-
able to ruminants (Gohl, 1975).
Proximate analysis (% dry weight
basis) of sweet orange as animal feed
is provided in Table 12.2.
Lime juice is the base for many
beverages, with the fruit being the
main source of citric acid and lime oil
that is extracted from the peel. All
parts of the tree are used in folk reme-
dies. The fruiting season occurs when
other citrus are not bearing, thus giv-
ing lime an important role in stabiliz-
ing cash income,
Shaddock juice is one of the most
popular drinks in Haiti. Along with
sweet orange, the fruit often is eaten
Figure 12.6 C. maxima is kept in a field gar- as a refreshment during working
den to provide fruit during the dry season and hours in the field (Fig. 12.6), The
a source of income. shaddock rind is peeled in a single
piece, dried in the sun and candied as
• Planted Seed 0 Sown Seed • Wild Transplants D Nursery Bed. Volunteers
a preserve. The plant is less utilized
57.4% 2.,.8%
than the other citrus for medicinal

Propagation: Most of the trees one


C. maxima C. sinensis
sees in the countryside are cultivated
from seed and are the result of low
~O% management techniques adopted by


farmers. Figure 12.7 provides a

glimpse of the way most Citrus in
Haiti are established. The more inten-
C. aurantifolia C. aurantium
sive methods (transplanting volun-
Figure 12.7 Traditional methods used by
teers, nursery bed preparation and
Haitian farmers to establish Citrus, after
planting seed directly in the soil) are
Campbell (1994).
Sitwon ...Zoranj ... Chadek 101

Figure 12.8 Aphids are a major Citrus pest, transmitting virus and other pathogens, and
directly damaging stems and leaves through their feeding habits. Shown here is the
result of a citrus aphid attack on C. maxima.
reserved for the more marketable fruit - shaddok, sweet orange and lime. Sour orange
is generally left to grow as a volunteer, many times near the courtyard kitchen where the
fruit is used in food preparation.
Due to the presence of zygotic embryos, Citrus cultivars do not reproduce true by
seed. Though the nucellar embryos of the polyembryonic varieties are genetically iden-
tical with the mother tree, the offspring tend to be more thorny, more vigorous, and are
slower to come into bearing. Vegetative propagation techniques, designed to conserve
the genetic quality of a given cultivar and decrease the time required for full fruit pro-
duction, are notably absent from the cultivation practices of most Haitian farmers.
However, as market demand for fruit quality and disease-resistant cultivars increases,
there is all likelihood that farmers gradually will employ these methods as part of their
propagation strategy.
Nurseries that regularly graft Citrus usually have established a budwood orchard of
various commercial cultivars. A partial list of the cultivars that have been introduced to
Haiti is provided in Table 12.3. The method most frequently utilized by the commercial
nurseries employs T-budding onto sour orange rootstock. Rootstock generally is prop-
agated from seed in polythene bags for 4-6 months prior to budding. During this stage,
seedlings face any number of diseases, pests, and nutrient-related problems that must be
controlled carefully for healthy plants (Figures 12.8-12.10).
Sour orange exhibits many excellent traits as a rootstock, being well adapted to a
variety of site conditions. It is hardy and favorably influences the fruit quality of the cul-
tivars worked on it. However, other rootstocks should be considered, particularly for
102 Sitwon ... Zoranj ... Chadek

Table 12.3 Partial list of Citrus cultivars and their locations in Haiti, after Wiltbank
Citrus aurant/folia Persian (Tahiti) lime (Haiti Citrus Corp., ODH/Roche Blanche)
c. depressa 'Shekwasha' (MARNDR/Grnnd Pre)
C. jambhir; (MARNDRJGrand Pre)
C. loti/ai/a 'Eureka' (Grand Pre)
C. limon 'Meyer' (BHM/Fairmalhe)
C. macrophylla 'Aleman' (MARNDR/Grand Pre)
C. x paradis; 'Isle of Pine' and 'Thompson' (MARNDRJGrand Pre, US Embassy residence); 'Marsh Seedless'
(Haili Citrus Corp., MARNDRJGrand Pre, and US Embassy residence); 'Ruby Red' (ODH/Roche
Blanche, US Embassy residence, MARNDRIGrand Pre): 'Star Ruby' (Haili Citrus Corp,)
C. paradisi x 'Swingle' (MARNDRIGrand Pre)
C. reliCldata 'Oreco' (US Embassy residence, MARNDR/Grand Pre); 'Lee,' 'Murcou' and 'Satsllme'
C. sinensis 'Bon Ami,' 'Camp Louise,' 'La Chine' and 'Pineapple' (US EmQassy residence); 'Jacrnel'
(MARNDRIDamien); 'Temple' (US Embassy residence, MARNDRIGrand Pre, ODH/Roche Blanche);
'Valencia' (US Embassy residence, MARNDRIGrand Pre, ODH/Roche
Blanche); 'Washington Navel' (US Embassy residence, MARNDRlDamien, ODl-llRoche
Blanche, BHMIFairmathe); 'Carrizo' (MARNDRJGrand Pre)
C. sunk; 'Sunki' (MARNDRIGrand Pre)
C. volkamericClfw 'Vol karner' (MARNDR/Grand Pre)

Figure 12.9 As many as a dozen species Figure 12.10 The high pH of water and
of scale insects and mealybugs attack soil derived from calcareous rock causes
Citrus, with heavy infestations killing nutrient deficiencies, particularly iron, in
young trees, Citrus seedlings,
Sitwon...Zoranj ...Chadik 103

Table 12.4 Various traits of major rootstock species used in vegetative methods.
C. sinensis Hardier than lemon (C. limon); resistant to Susceptible to gummosis (Phytophthora); less
tristeza (' quick decline') and scab; juicy, fairly hardy than C. aurantium; shallow rooted; slow
high-quality fruit; long lived; 70-95% nucellar grower; low branched, bushy.
C. aurantium Hardy, with a deep tap root; resistant to Susceptible to tristeza ('quick decline') and
gummosis (Phytophtora), xyloporosis, and scab. Poor scion compatibility with limes.
exocortis; vigorous; high fruit yield and
quality; 85-95% nucellar embryos; best stock
for 'Marsh' grapefruit and 'Valencia' orange.
C. reticulata Resistant to gummosis (Phytophthora) and Slow growth; slow bearing; susceptible to
'Cleopatra' tristeza ('quick decline'); salt tolerant. gummosis (Phytophtora) and xyloporosis.
C.limon Drought hardy; sandy, well-drained soils; Lower-quality fruit (thick skinned, more acid);
vigorous early fruiting; resistant to tristeza susceptible to gummosis (Phytophtora) and
('quick decline'); 100% nucellar embryos. scab.
C. aurantifolia x C. Vigor; resistant to tristeza ('quick decline'); Susceptible to exocortis and gummosis
reticulata 'Rangpur tolerant of wet and salty site conditions. (Phytophtora).

specific cultivars and site conditions (Table 12.4). Furthermore, sour orange is suscep-
tible to the citrus tristeza virus that is transmitted by an insect vector or from infected
budwood. As this disease becomes more widespread in the West Indies and Central
America, the selection of alternate rootstock is highly recommended.
Figure 13.1 P americana is an excellent source of energy and vitamins, playing an
important role in the Haitian diet.
13 Zaboka
Species: Persea americana L.
Family: Lauraceae
Synonyms: Laurus persea L., Persea edulis Raf, P. gratissima Gaertner, P. leiogyna
Blake, P. persea (L.) Cockerell.
Common Names: H - avocat (zaboka), avocatier, zabelbok; DR - aguacate; C - pagua;
US - avocado, alligator pear.

Importance: The fruit is an important source of oil and nutrition in the Creole cuisine,
while the tree provides shade and wood in an agroforestry setting. It is well adapted to
a wide variety of soil types and, along with mango, citrus and coconut, adds an element
of food security to the harvest of annual crops.

Taxonomy and Botanical Features: The Lauraceae family is well known in Haiti for
its timber genera, including Ocotea (lorie blan), Cinnamomum (lorie woz) and Licaria
(lorie jon). But the best-known member of the family is the avocado. Though there are
10 recognized species represented in the Persea genus, P americana is by far the most
popular and is cultivated throughout the tropics and subtropics for its edible fruit. The
species is divided broadly into 3 races as distinguished by the characteristics of the fruit.
'Mexican' (P. americana var. drymifolia Mez = P. drymifolia Cham. & Schlecht.),
sometimes considered a distinct botanical variety, is a small-fruited race that is adapted
to poor growing conditions and can withstand frost to _6° C. 'Guatemalan' is large-fruit-
ed, with thick, rough skin, and a small kernel, being able to withstand frost to -4.5° C.
The race in Haiti is known as the 'West Indian,' and is also large-fruited with a smooth
and leathery skin, but it is more tropical and not able to withstand temperatures below
_2° C (Rehms and Espig, 1991).
The West Indian race is distinguished by 1) the foliage lacking an anise-like scent
of the Mexican race, 2) the young branches and leaves being lighter green than the
Guatemalan race, 3) the smooth and leathery skin of the large fruit, weighing up to 1.3
kg and ranging in color from yellow-green to maroon, 4) the kernel being large in pro-
portion to the fruit, often loose in the seed cavity, and 5) the t10wering season from
January through May with fruit maturing from June to November.
Varieties are classified into A and B types according to the manner in which the
t10wers function. "A" type stigmas are receptive in the morning and anthers shed pollen
in the afternoon of the following day; "B" type stigmas are receptive in the afternoon
and anthers shed pollen in the morning of the next or second day (Malo and Campbell,
1988). It is disputed whether this is of practical significance, because bees and other
insects are the main pollinators of avocados.
Hybrids have been developed among the 3 races, some of which are described in
Table 13.1. Many of these are available in Haiti through private owners and non-gov-

Distribution and Ecology: The species is considered native to Mexico and Central
America, but not to the Caribbean. It was introduced to Jamaica around 1650 and spread
later to the rest of the Caribbean, where it has become naturalized (Purseglove, 1968a).
Most of the avocados in Haiti occur in the moist and wet regions, with annual rainfall
above 1200 mm and elevations from sea level to 800 m elevation. The West Indian race
106 Zaboka

Table 13.1 Characteristics of several commercial avocado varieties.


Lui" Guatemala x Mexican hybrid A (Nov-Feb) Green 0.4-0.7 High Susceptible

Choquertc Guatemalan x W. Indies hybrid A (Nov-Feb) Green 0.7-·1.1 Medium Resistanr
Waldin W. Indies A (Sepr-Nov) Green 0.4-0.8 Medium Resisranr
Pollock W. Indies B (July-Sept) Green 0.5-1 I Low Resistant
Boorh 7 or 8 Guatemalan x W. Indies hybrid B (Oct-Dec) Green OJ-0.8 High Moderately Susceptible
Monroe Guatemalan" W. lndies hybrid i-\ (lul-Sep) Green 0.5-1 I Medium Moderately Susceptible

requires the most tropical climate of the 3 races, preferring a mean annual temperature
of 24-26° C (Geilfus, 1989). It is particularly abundant in the mid-elevation mountains,
becoming more common than mango above 500 m elevation. The tree is not demand-
ing in specific soil requirements and produces adequately on the shallow and rocky
limestone soi Is common to the mountain slopes of Haiti (Fig. 13.2). The tree tolerates
neither salinity nor poorly drained soils. The distribution of avocado is more restricted
than that of mango in the low elevations of Haiti, because the tree is not as drought tol-
erant and more importantly, it is susceptible to avocado root rot (Phytophtora cinna-
mon£) that is common to wet and heavy soils (Wiltbank, 1982).
The tree often is seen in humid
perennial gardens in association with
other fruit species (mango, coconut, cit-
rus) and serves as shade for coffee. As a
fruit tree, the size-class distribution is
unlike those of mango and coconut, in
which mature trees dominate. The
species was found to be evenly distrib-
uted among seedlings, young fruit-bear-
ing, and mature trees in the Lascahobas
area (Campbell, 1994).

Tree Characteristics: Wild trees in the

mid-elevation mountains reach heights
of 20 m and stem diameters up to 50 cm,
sometimes with a long clean bole typical
of other timber trees in the Lauraceae.
Mature trees have a narrow or rounded
crown; they often lean and are shaped by
wind damage to the brittle branches and
trunk. The combination of the longer
clear bole for lumber and the less dense
canopy are advantages over mango, per-
mitting more light to reach other peren-
Figure 13.2 P americana is well adapted to nial crops in the understory. The tree
rocky mountain slopes. coppices well and is allowed to regrow.
Zaboka 107

Saut d'Eau L'"'" '" '" '"'" '" '"'"'" '"'"'"'" '"'" '1
St. Michel de l'Attalaye 1",- "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "'I
Mont Organise
Mombin Crochu I"" "" '" '" "" "" '" "" "" "" '"'"'"'" 1
St. Raphael I'"'"'"'"'"'""'''''"'"'"'"I
Cerca La Source
Figure 13.3 Major harvest periods of P americana in the Central Plateau, after
Agricorp (1984).

The brown, reddish or pinkish heartwood contrasts sharply with the cream-colored
sapwood. Planks sawn from avocado are medium to coarse in texture with straight to
irregular grain. Specific gravity ranges from 0.39-0.54. The wood is easy to work and
finishes smoothly. Avocado wood is not durable in the ground and is susceptible to
decay fungi (Chudnoff, 1984).
The tree flowers from January through May with fruits maturing from June to
November. However, microclimate differences, such as elevation and rainfall distribu-
tion, greatly influence the fruiting schedules for anyone region (Fig. 13.3). Higher ele-
vations delay fruit maturity because of lower temperatures. Introduced cultivars with
genetic parentage from the Guatemalan variety flower and· fruit later than the West
Indian variety does and are of local economic importance.

Utilization: The tree is cultivated in Haiti for its fruit, which is an important source of
vitamins (A, B complex and E), protein (0.8--4.4 g /100 g fresh wt) and digestible fat
(5-25 g /100 g fresh wt.). The major portion of Haiti's harvest is consumed and sold
locally, while an estimated 12% is transported to urban markets (Wiltbank, 1982) (fig.
13.4). Surplus fruit is an important food source for pigs and other livestock. Avocado
oil is extracted from the pulp and used in cosmetic preparations and salad oil. The oil
is approximately 77% oleic acid, which demands a price 10 times higher than that of
peanut oil (Rehms and Espig, 1991). The wood of the tree has a wide range of uses.
Because of its relative abundance, like mango, the tree is an important source of lum-
ber in certain areas of Haiti (Fig 13.5). The wood is used for furniture, house con-
struction, and turnery, though it is brittle and susceptible to attack by termites. Avocado
is visited by bees, important for pollination and honey production. All parts of the tree
are utilized in traditional medicines. Leaf and bark teas contain tannin and are taken as
an anti-diarrhetic, for high blood pressure, colds, and jaundice. Poultices are made from
the leaves for pain, headaches, rheumatism, and sprains (Eldridge, 1975).
108 Zaboka

Figure 13.4 Avocados ready for transport to the Port-au-Prince market from the
Lascahobas region.

Propagation: Most of the trees found

in Haiti are propagated from seed,
though seedlings are not true to type.
In the lakou, rotten fruit or seeds
thrown away in a shady and composted
area are left to germinate. By far the
most common method is to plant the
seed directly in a restricted location of
the courtyard. Volunteers hardly ever
are transplanted, but are allowed to
grow where they germinate. No tradi-
tional method of vegetatively propa-
gating the species by cuttings has been
observed in Haiti.
Grafting and budding techniques
are preferred for the propagation of
local selections and imported commer-
cial cultivars. Much of the most recent
work in Haiti has been to introduce
late-maturing Guatemalan hybrids to
expand the avocado fruiting season.
Rootstock is usually of the locally
available West Indian variety and is
grown in polythene bags. The large
Figure 13.5 P americana lumber is common
seed produces a pencil-size shoot suit-
in the urban market as traditional timber
able for cleft grafting in 2--4 weeks
species become depleted.
Zaboka 109
after germination. Seedlings are 15-20 em high and 6-10 mm in diameter and scion
material are shoot terminals 5-8 em long with a terminal bud taken as it resumes
growth. Care is taken to sterilize the seed in hot water (49° C) to avoid root rot
(Phytophthora cinnamomi) infection.
Figure 14.1 A superior specimen of S. siamea selected for seed collection. Inset -
Yellow flowers and thin pods of S. siamea.
14 Kasya
Species: Senna siamea (Lam.) Irwin & Barneby
Synonyms: Cassia arborea Macfad., C. florida Vahl, C. gigantea Bertero, C. siamea
Lam., Sciacassia siamea (Lam.) Britton
Family: Fabaceae (=Leguminosae) Subfamily: Caesalpinioideae
Common Names: H - casse de Siam, cassia (kasya); RD - acacia amarilla, casia de
Siam, flamboyan amarillo, la casia amarilla; C, PR - casia, casia siamea; J, PR,US -
kassod-tree, Siamese senna, Siamese shower.

Importance: There are several reasons that Senna siameabecame one of the most pop-
ular species ofthe Haitian farmer. It grows fast on a wide range of sites to provide quick
shade and a moderately dense wood for small timber and fuelwood. It coppices well to
yield successive crops. It is not weedy and generally is refused by animals as a browse.
The crown is erect and the seedling is more shade tolerant than most other fast-growing
exotics. It fits well into the traditional lakou system, besides being suitable for
hedgerows, boundary plantings, and woodlots.

Taxonomy and Botanical Features: The species first was described in Thailand, for-
merly Siam, as the common and scientific names indicate. A major revision of the
Cassieae tribe distinguishes three closely-related genera (Cassia, Senna and
Chamaecrista) based on the stamen and bract features (Irwin and Barneby, 1982). The
medium-sized tree is recognized by the large terminal clusters of showy yellow flowers
and numerous bunches of flat, narrow, slightly curved, dark brown pods which split
open to release more than a dozen shiny, circular, dark brown, flat seeds 8 mm indiam-
eter (Fig. 14.1 inset). The 6-14 paired leaflets, 3-7.5 cm long and 1.3-2.3 cm wide, are
attached to a reddish tinged axis and have a dark green upper surface and a gray green
lower surface. The flower stalks and new growth have a yellowish tint.

Distribution and Ecology: The natural range of the species is southeast Asia from
southern India to the Malay peninsula. It has been planted throughout the tropics as a
fast-growing reforestation species and the time of its entry to Haiti is uncertain. Little
and Wadsworth (1964) reported the species' introduction to Jamaica prior to 1837.
SHADA planted the species in the Bayeux and Franklin areas in the 1940s. As the
most-planted species during the USAID Agroforestry Outreach Project (1981-1989)
and Agroforestry II (1990-1991), the gene pool, mostly from the Bayeux population,
has been distributed throughout Haiti. The main distribution of the species still is cen-
tered along travel ways, commonly occurring as a combination ornamental, boundary
planting, and shade tree in the residential sections of small towns. During 1988, addi-
tional seed lots were imported from Central America and Africa and were incorporated
into a program to broaden the genetic base of the species and to begin selection of supe-
rior trees.
The tree prefers elevations under 500 m and annual rainfall amounts from
1000-2000 rom. It fails on sites with a combination of alkaline soils, particularly heavy
clays, and 4-5 months of drought with no access to deep soil moisture. It survives poor-
er than Leucaena leucocephala ssp. glabrata and Azadirachta indica on shallow and
rocky soils. The tree tolerates the poorly-drained vertisols, but prefers the sandy loams

112 Kasya

and the sandstone-derived soils of the Plateau Central as well as basaltic soils.
Seedlings and coppice shoots are shade tolerant and exhibit a yellowish-green growth
under its own deep shade. The species prefers to grow in full light and caphlres the site
to the exclusion of other species once it is established. However, it is not as aggressive
as other fast-growing species, with a much lower rate of natural seeding than Leucaena
and Azadirachta indica.

Tree Characteristics: The tree rarely grows taller than 18 m in Haiti, having stems that
range from a low-forking bole to a single main stem that may reach to 10m, partiClI-
larly in pure stands (Fig. 14.2). Stem form appears to be sensitive to soil conditions;
scattered stands of excellent form occasionally are seen throughout Haiti, mainly on
basaltic and sandy loams. Multiple and low-forking stems require early pruning to
develop straight wood for construction purposes. The tree coppices well in partial
shade; boundary and fence trees can be pol larded for fuelwood and light management
for understory crops. Crown diameters extend up to 8 m, with an average crown
width:DBH ratio of 29.6. Peak fruiting occurs around December, but seed is available
between October and February and again during April and May. There are approxi-
mately 30,000-40,000 seeds kg· l •
Wood density is moderate, ranging from 0.57-0.83 for samples taken from 5-year-
old trees in the Northwest. The dark brown-black heartwood of S. siamea is streaked and
hard, while the sapwood is light brown and moderately hard, but not durable.

Utilization: S. siamea traditionally was planted as an ornamental and shade tree in areas
of southeast Asia where it is native. It forms a good windbreak with a closed and erect
crown. In Haiti, it has become a general-purpose tree, providing a quick source of wood
for construction material and fuel-
wood (Fig. 14.3 and Fig. 14.4). The
bark is used as a source of tannin. It is
not a preferred browse species and is
reported to be toxic to pigs. However,
ruminants can eat it as part of the diet
(Geilfus, 1989). As a fodder, it gener-
ally is planted along the garden
boundary and lopped as required. The
proximate analysis is shown in Table
The wood is susceptible to decay
and termite attack, with 60% of
untreated posts tested in Puerto Rico
considered unserviceable after 1 year
(Englerth, 1960). The grain is inter-
locked, but takes a good polish and is
acceptable for turnery. Charcoal
made from the wood is considered
medium grade and inferior to
Figure 14.2 Five-year-old S. siamea prove-
Prosopis. Acacia and Casuarina
nance trial at Mirebalais.
Kasya 113
(Grosenick, 1986a). The fuelwood
tends to be smoky.
There are no records of S. siamea
being used as a medicinal plant in
Haiti, though it is considered a honey
plant. Its use as a hedgerow species is
not as widely spread in Haiti as for
Leucaena, with greater problems in
seed availability and germination in
the field. However, studies have indi-
cated that S. siamea may be less com-
petitive for soil moisture in alley-
cropping designs. It has the advan-
tage of being less browsed as a green
manure than Leucaena.

Propagation: The seed of S. siamea

would seem ideal for direct seeding in
the field. However, most direct seed-
ing experiments in Haiti have failed
to establish seedlings. Direct seeding
seems to require more constant rain-
fall conditions than is typical in the
Figure 14.3 Men sawing S. siamea into planks drier regions of Haiti. Unless copious
for house construction. quantities of the seed are available

, A.
Figure 14.4 S. siamea firewood is smoky and likely to be made into charcoal for sale
or use as a cooking fuel.
114 Kasva

Table 14.1 Proximate analysis of S. siamea (% dry weight basis), after Gohl (1975).
Leaves 16.8 19.8 11.2 46.8 5.4
Fresh twigs 20.0 l6.5 56 52.6 5.3 l.l4 Ol4

and cheap, this technique is not recommended.

The growing of seedlings in containerized systems, such as the Rootrainer and
Winstrip, has been the principal propagation method used for S. siamea since the 1970s.
Seed germination, following immersion in hot water and soaking for a couple of days,
ranges from 65-80%. As with other Senna species, S. siamea seedlings are sensitive to
overwatering and precautions are required in the preparation of the potting medium. It
is highly susceptible to leaf spot diseases, particularly Cercospora, requiring a regular
schedule of foliar fertilizer and fungicide treatments (Fig. 14.5). Runion et al. (1990)
indicate at least 8 genera of fungi causing leaf spot, a single genus (Colletotrichum)
associated with anthracnose, and a powdery mildew that Tourigny (1987) attributed to
Oidium (Fig. 14.6). It takes approximately 14 weeks to prepare seedlings for outplanti-
ng with the initial 3 weeks under shade and the final 4 weeks hardening off (Josiah,
1989). Seedlings do not respond well to top-pruning.
The growing of root suckers and the transplanting of volunteers and stumps are
low-input methods that are sometimes used. Stumps are left to grow to a I cm root col··
lar diameter in a deeply-dug nursery
bed at 15 cm x IS cm, and are pre-
pared by pruning the shoot to 10 cm
and the roots to 25-30 cm (Geilfus,

Biomass and Volume Studies:

Ehrlich (1985) developed biomass
and pole volume tables from a stand
located in Limbe. In 1990, an addi-
tional set of regression equations was
analyzed in a biomass study conduct-
ed at the CARE trial near Nan
Marron. The equations in Table 14.2
can be utilized Lo estimate biomass
components based on stem and tree
height measurements.

Growth Performance: The fastest

early growth rate that has been
observed for S. siamea is 3.2 m yr- I
during the first 2 years at Cazeau
(Fig. 14.7). This site is well-drained
Figure 14.5 Cercospora leaf-spot on S. siamea with a deep sandy loam and approxi-
seedling. mately 1200 mm rainfall that is sup-
Kasya 115

Figure 14.6 Powdery mildew on S. siamea seedling.

plemented by a high water table. S. siamea has no problem growing faster than 2 m yr- l
on alluvial sites such as Roche Blanche or the deeper loams of Marmont in the Central
Plateau. The sites where the tree is growing under 1 m yr- l in Figure 14.7 are extreme-
ly shallow and rocky (Haut Camp, Bombard) or experiencing lengthy drought periods
with about 800 mm rainfall (Nan Marron). Survival is generally high for this species,
regardless of growth rates, if droughts are not severe (i.e., <3 months with negligible
There is a wide range in wood yields as shown in Table 14.3. For all practical pur-
poses, the species is a failure on extremely rocky sites, such as Haut Camp near Camp
Perrin, and on sites that endure lengthy drought periods combined with shallow soils,
such as Nan Marron, Jean Rabel, Bombard, and Lapila. The species has suffered in the
northeast at Terrier Rouge, where soil depths are adequate, but rainfall is variable and

Table 14.2 Equations used to estimate biomass components (kg dry weight) of S. siamea in

Total aboveground biomnss 0.364(DBH)' 0.97 10-13.8 Limbe

Usable wood weight 0432(DBH)' - 1.5(DBH) 097 \0-13.8 Limbe
Usable wood weight 4.00I(sd)' - 9461 086 1.7-27.6* Limbe
PoJe volume (x 10·3 m') 0.338(DBH)' 0.91 5.0-13.8 Limbe
Total aboveground biomass 0.023hLd,; 099 14-12.7 Nan l\1arron
Usable wood weight 0.023hLd,' 099 14-12.7 I'\an Marron
, DBH = Stem diameter measlired at 1.3 m above grollnd leve], in em. sd = Stump diameter measured at 0.1 m above
ground level, in elTl. h =
Total tree height, in m. n = Number of stems at 0.1 m above ground level. :i<Stump diameter
116 Kasya

Table 14.3 Site and growth parameters of S. siamea trials in Haiti.

(m) RAINFALL (yr) (%) M.A.!.I M.A.!. YIELD
(mm) (m) (em) (kg tree-I)

Colora 247 0.5 100 1.8

Colin 2 750 1300 0.8 52 0.8
Passe Catabois 2 120 987 0.8 60 0.7
Bassin Zim 400 1950 1.1 96 2.3
Cazeau 4 30 1200 2.1 96 3.2
Colin 1 650 1300 2.2 52 0.8
Passe Catabois I 120 987 2.2 73 1.6 1.4 2.1
Grand Bassin 70 1300 2.3 80 1.0
Bergeau 35 2000 2.9 52 0.7
Fond-des-Blancs 350 900 2.9 62 1.1
Jean Rabel 107 1045 2.9 22 0.6 0.6 0.4
HautCamp 180 2280 3.0 92 0.6 0.4
Marmont 280 1450 3.0 59 2.3 3.4 28.5
Mirebalais 110 2150 3.0 79 2.6 2.4 11.1
Roche Blanche 50 1100 3.0 77 2.8 2.9 19.1
Terrier Rouge 20 1293 3.0 91 1.2 1.0 2.0
Lapila 350 1145 3.4 53 1.0 1.1 2.0
Bombard 480 948 3.4 68 1.0 0.8 1.7
Bekin 100 1445 3.5 100 2.0 1.9 8.5
Nan Marron 450 600 4.8 83 0.5 0.6 0.4
1 M.A.I. =Mean annual increment. 2 DBH = Stem diameter at 1.3 m above ground level, in cm.

HEIGHT (m) drought periods ever present. The

IO I -----------;::::========;-/I highest yields occur on the deeper,
well-drained sites of the Central
Plateau and the Cul-de-Sac. The
8 -
Marmont site is averaging an annual
wood yield of 9.5 kg tree- 1 after 3
years. Given the 56% survival rate at
this site and the original stocking
density of 1600 trees ha- 1, annual
yields are estimated at 8.5 metric tons
ha- 1 •

0-----kj NAN MARRON Tree Improvement: Most of the S.

t/~HAUT CAMP siamea in Haiti likely are descended
from the SHADA stands between
.. i
Port Margot and Bayeux. The species

o 3. 10 was widely planted in the North of

TREE AGE (yr) Haiti since the late 1960s by the
reforestation efforts of the Limbe
Figure 14.7 Height growth of S. siamea III
hospital, then redistributed to the rest
Kasya 117
of Haiti through the USAID-funded
agroforestry projects during the 1980s
and early 1990s. S. siamea became the
most widely-planted species in the
project. Up to a million seedlings were
produced annually by PADF alone. An
effort was made in 1988 to import as
many seed lots as possible from inter-
national sources, including southeast
Asia where it is native. These seed
lots, though not strictly considered
provenances, were established in 1989
as "provenance" trials to test for
genetic differences among seed
sources (Fig. 14.8). Also, 37 trees
were selected based on superior traits
throughout Haiti. Many of these were
harvested, propagated from seed, and
established in seedling seed orchards
and arboreta. Several of these trials are
represented in Table 14.3 and Figure
The remarkable degree of unifor-
mity in qualitative traits among the
Figure 14.8 A four-year-old provenance trial seed lots suggests that the germplasm
of S. siamea after selective thinning. available in Haiti and abroad have a
fairly homogenous genetic base. It
should be noted that the 10 imported
accessions were from countries where S. siamea is an exotic and could very well be
derived from the same provenance as the species found its way around the tropics. An
attempt in 1988 to import a wider genetic diversity of S. siamea from native stands in
Thailand failed, but should continue to be a goal, particularly if significant improve-
ments are to be made in terms of disease resistance and vigor. The seed orchards at
Marmont and Terrier Rouge are comprised of progeny from trees possessing superior
stem form, and these should be studied carefully to assess the environmental effect on
form. There is significant form x site interaction in this species.
Figure 15.1 One of the most practical uses of Leucaena leucocephala subsp. glabrata
is to conserve mountain soil. Shown here is the earliest known demonstration of
Leucaena hedgerows in Haiti, established near Jeremie in 1982. Inset - White flowers
of 1. leucocephala ssp. glabrata.
15 Lisina...Delen
Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit subsp. glabrata (Rose) S. Zarate
Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit subsp. leucocephala
Subsp. glabrata: 1. glabrata Rose
Subsp.leucocephala: Acaciaglauca Willd., 1. glauca (Willd.) Benth., 1. latisiliqua(L.)
Gillis & Stearn, Mimosa leucocephala Lam.
Family: Fabaceae (= Leguminosae) Subfamily: Mimosoideae
Common Names:
Subsp. glabrata: DR, H - leucaena (lisina); US - giant leucaena, Salvador leucaena,
Peru leucaena.
Subsp. leucocephala: H - bois bourro (bwa bouwo), tcha-tcha marron (tcha tcha
mawon), graines de lin (delen), graines de lin pays (delen peyi), madlenn; DR -
granadillo bobo, granadino, granolino, lino, lino criollo; C - aroma blanca, aroma boba,
aroma mansa, soplillo; PR - acacia, acacia paJida, barcill 0 , campeche, hediondilla,
tamarindillo, wild tamarind; US - Hawaiian leucaena, leadtree.

Importance: The shrubby subspecies leucocephala is considered a weed in Haiti, but

plays an important role in there-vegetation of fallow or degraded sites where it is grazed
by goats and converted to charcoal. The arboreal subspecies glabrata is a fast-growing
general utility tree for shade, house construction and other wood products. Multiple
uses as fodder, fuelwood, green manure and soil conservation are combined when the
species is managed as hedgerows along the contour of mountain slopes. The advantages
of easy propagation, wide adaptability, and fast growth must be weighed against the low
wood durability, weediness, and psyllid (Heteropsylla cubana) attacks when selecting
the ideal niche for subspecies glabrata in Haiti.

Taxonomy and Botanical Features: Leucaena is a New World genus comprising about
17 species (Hughes, 1993). The confusing taxonomy surrounding one of the more com-
mon species, 1. leucocephala, was resolved by Zarate (1987), who recognized 2 sub-
species: leucocephala and glabrata. Subspecies leucocephala, locally known as delen
and known internationally as the 'Hawaiian' variety, rarely grows taller than 6 m, with
leaves comprised of 6-9 pairs of pinnae, 9-18 pairs of leaflets, 9-12 cm long, and pods
13-16 cm long with a dense pubescence. Subspecies glabrata, known as the 'Giant,'
'Salvador,' or 'Peru' variety, is represented in Haiti mostly by the K series of cultivars
developed in Hawaii (e.g., K8, K28, K636). It can grow up to 20 m tall, with leaves
comprising of 3-8 pairs of pinnae, 11-24 pairs of glabrous leaflets, 8-15 mm long, and
glabrous pods 11-18 cm long by 1.5-2.3 mm wide. Natural hybrids may occur between
the 2 subspecies, though levels of outcrossing are low, with both subspecies being high-
ly self-compatible. The much more common hybrid in Haiti is the result of subspecies
glabrata as the pollen parent and;(Ei. diversifolia as the maternal parent. The latter is rep-
resented in Haiti as the tetraploid 1. diversifolia subsp. diversifolia, introduced mostly
as K156 from Hawaii.

120 Lisina ... Delen
Distribution and Ecology: The local naturalized subspecies leucocephala probably
was introduced to Haiti by Spanish traders from Mexico during the early colonization
of Hispaniola in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Much of the present population
of subspecies glabrata was introduced to Haiti in 1978, derived from a mix of the K8,
K28, and K67 cultivars developed at the University of Hawaii (Benge, 1985). It spread
throughout the low-elevation areas of the country, mostly as a result of local reforesta-
tion projects supported by USAID and the Ministry of Agriculture during the 1980s.
Additional cultivars (K636, K584, K387) were established in 1988 at the Operation
Double Harvest seed orchards in Roche Blanche. An interspecific hybrid (KX3)
between L. diversifolia subsp. diversifolia and L. leucocephala ssp. glabrata was also
introduced at this time.
Subspecies glabrata is widely adapted to the calcareous soils of Haiti. However, the
species develops as a multi-stemmed bush on degraded sites that are rocky and shallow
or that experience severe drought periods that extend beyond 4 months. To live up to its
reputation as a rapidly-growing tree, relatively fertile sites are required, with at least 800
mm rainfall and elevations below 600 m.
Subspecies leucocephala occurs abundantly throughout Haiti, particularly as a low-
land (0-500 m elevation) fallow species in the subtropical dry and moist forest zones
(Fig. 15.2). It is mainly found on calcareous soils with rainfalls ranging from 750-1200
mm usually with a 2-4 month winter drought. The species is commonly associated with
Chrysophyllum oliviforme, Acacia spp., Senna atomaria, and Prosopis juliflora that are
common to the subtropical dry forest and degraded sites of the moist forest.

Tree Characteristics: Both species exhibit characteristics of pioneer species: rapid

growth, tolerance of disturbed areas, and are prolific seeders that regenerate from cop-
pice shoots, forming dense pure stands where established. Subspecies leucocephala
usually is seen as a multi-stemmed shrub, rarely taller than 6 m, and flowering or fruit-
ing almost continuously during the year. The species is difficult to eliminate from the
land and sprouts back after the land is burned for cropping. In pasture land, the shrub is
kept low with browsing, and harvested with other woods for charcoal manufacture and
fuelwood. Subspecies glabrata grows quickly to 16-20 m tall and 20-30 em stem diam-
eter on fertile, lowland sites (Fig. 15.3). The tree suffers seasonal die-back and devel-

Figure 15.2 A typical fallow in the moist regions of Haiti contains L. leucocephala
subsp. leucocephala, shown here in association with Chrysophyllum oliviforme.
Lisina... Delen 121

Figure 15.3 A remarkable feature of L. leucocephala ssp. glabrata is its exceptionally

fast growth rates, up to 5 cm yr- I stem diameter on favorable sites.
122 Lisina ... Delen

Figure 15.4 The high wood yield of L. leucocephala ssp. glabrata yields a charcoal that
competes well with native species.
ops into a multi-stemmed tree in regions of severe winter drought extending beyond 4
months or under free-grazing conditions. The flowering of subspecies glabrala is more
seasonal than that of subspecies leucocephala, with peak fruiting occurring from
February through March and October through November. There are 17,000-20,000
seed kg l . Both subspecies are tetraploid (Brewbaker, 1987).
The light yellowish sapwood is distinguished from the brown heartwood. The grain
tends to be interlocked and rough. Wood density of subspecies glabrala is affected by
growing conditions. Differences have been detected in Haiti across sites for the same
provenance and stand age. The average specific gravity of wood from a 5-year-old stand
in the Northwest was 0.68 as compared to 0.61 for trees growing in the Southwest.
Typical specific gravity ranges in Haiti are between 0.59 and 0.79. These ranges are sig-
nificantly lower than those of L. shannonii (0.83-0.93) and L. collinsii (0.80-0.96) that
also have been tested in Haiti.

Utilization: The wide adaptability and fast growth of the tree make it a convenient
species to plant for fodder, poles, fuelwood and charcoal. However, short rotation (2-3
year) poles are not durable, being highly susceptible to wood borers and are used only
incases in which durability is not important. The advantage of higher wood production
is best achieved by transforming to charcoal (Fig. 15.4), which is considered to be of
moderate quality, but inferior to the traditional Prosopis and Acacia charcoals and the
exotic Casuarina equisetifolia (Grosenick, 1986a).
The utilization of subspecies glabrata in hedgerows probably has surpassed its
importance as a single stemmed tree since the mid- I980s when USAID-funded agro-
Lisina... Delen 123
forestry projects began promoting this
technology (Fig. 15.5). Seed is sown
directly along the contour made by a shal-
low trench in the soil. If properly managed,
the hedgerow can serve a multi-purpose
role: soil conservation structure and source
of green manure, fodder, and fuelwood. As
a fodder, L. leucocephala is an important
source of protein and is highly palatable.
Ideally, fodder banks are established near
the courtyard to provide a c6nvenient graz-
ing area near tethered livestock and where
browsing can be controlled to maintain
productivity (Fig. 15.6). However, open
and staked grazing in annually-cropped
fields is more common, in which case it
can be expected that hedgerows and
seedlings will suffer extensive damage.
The tree cannot be grazed hard and contin-
uously without its productivity diminish-
ing to very low levels. Mimosine toxity
also limits the amount that can be con-
sumed by livestock without impairing their
health. Proximate analyses are summarized Figure ]5.5 Pruned Leucaena hedgerow.
in Table 15.1.
As a medicinal plant, roots and leafy twigs of subspecies leucocephala are boiled
in a decoction for severe back pain; the twigs are boiled and taken for menstrual cramps;
the leaves are consumed as a tea for gas and typhoid; and the roots are boiled and taken
orally for fever (Eldridge, 1975; Morton, 1970). A popular febrifuge is prepared by
roasting the seed and grinding them with coffee.

Propagation: The species is easily direct seeded, emerging rapidly several days after
sowing. The ease with which it is propagated in this way has contibuted to its impor-
tance as a hedgerow species. However, large amounts of seed are required for mass dis-
tribution during peak planting seasons and adequate supervision of seed quality is dif-
ficult. Despite the species' known self-compatibility, gene exchange between co-exist-
ing subspecies leucocephala is possible and could playa role in the development of less

Table 15.1 Proximate analysis (% dry weight) of L. leucocephala, after Gbhl(1975).

Fresh leaves (Thailand) 21.0 181 6.5 46.0 8.4
Fresh twigs (Malaysia) 27.8 10.4 35 55.1 35 0.54 029
Fresh browse (Hawaii) 24.2 24.2 2.7 400 8.9
Pods (Zimbabwe) 21.7 25.6 1.4 45.5 5.8
Seed (Zimbabwe) 358 11.4 7.5 40.9 4.4
124 Lisina ... Delen
desirable genotypes. Efforts to maintain
the genetic vigor of the hedgerows with
improved glabrata varieties must be
ensured with isolated and secure seed
A variety of container types have
been used to propagate the species, the
most appropriate being a function of
nursery costs. Rootrainer and Winstrips
were utilized during most of the 1980s
in Haiti, though ODH utilized a much
smaller Styrofoam SpeedJing tray for
seedlings planted on fertile land.
Manual scarification, by nicking the
cotyledon end of the seed, is recom-
mended for research and experimental
seed lots; immersion in hot water, at
least 49° C, followed by a 2-day soak, is
the method most often used for mass
propagation purposes. Inoculation by
Figure 15.6 Leucaena fodder banks are an
Rhizobium, either coating the seed or
excellent source of nutrition to complement
drenching the sown seed, is a safeguard
food rations of goats and other livestock.
for insufficient field inoculum.
Inoculation procedures are recommended following pesticide applications for psyllid
and root rot attacks. Generally 14 weeks is sufficient to raise seedlings, with an initial
3 weeks of shade and a final 4 weeks of hardening off. Psyllid (H. cubana) (Fig. 15.7),
damping off and root rot diseases (Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Phytophtora, Alternaria,
Fusarium, Myrothecium) have been observed to attack nursery seedlings (Tourigny,
1987; Runion et aI., 1990). The species can be top-pruned, if necessary, prior to out-
Stump propagation and vegetative methods, including root cuttings and tissue cul-
ture have not been experimented in Haiti, though these have been reported from other
countries and are examined in Pound and Martinez (1984).

Biomass Studies: Regression equations to estimate the biomass of subspecies glabra-

ta were conducted at four sites for 5-7-year-old trees and once for a 2-year-old coppice
rotation. These equations a]Jow one to estimate various tree dry weights based on easi-
ly measured stem and height measurements. There is a significant difference in the coef-
ficients between coppice and seedling rotations because of the difference in stem and
canopy forms, with the coppice stem concentrating a much greater amount of the total
tree weight as polewood rather than as fuelwood. The differences in estimates among the
equations for the standards (i.e., seedling rotation) are mainly because of the differences
in sampling distribution rather than differences in form. A summary of the biomass
equations is provided in Table 15.2.

Charcoal and Lumber Conversion Rates: When 3-4-year-old L. leucocephala is con-

verted to charcoal, only about 17-20% of the wood dry weight becomes merchantable
Lisina ... Delen 12S

Table 15.2 Equations used to estimate biomass components (kg dry weight) of L. leucocephala
subsp. f!labrata in Haiti.

Usable wood volume (~ 10" m') 0.50 I (DBH)' - 3.422 0.97 3.0-14.5 Bon Repos
TOlal aboveground biomass 0.524(DBH)' 097 08~17.7 Camp Perrin

Usable wood weight 0.642(DBH)' - 2.707*(DBH) 0.98 0.8-17.7 Camp Perrin

Usable wood weight 0.275(sd)' 0.97 1.8-236 Camp Perrin
Total aboveground biomass 0.47l(DBH)' 0.98 3.0-162 Bon Repos
Fuelwood minus pole weight 0.210(DBH)' 0.97 3.0-16.2 Bon Ropos
Pole weight 0.198(DBH)' 098 5.5-162 Bon Ropos
Total coppice biomass o 260(DBH)' 096 20-10.0 Bon Repos
Coppice fuel wood minus pole 0035(DBH)' 0.96 2.0-10.0 Bon Repos
Coppice pole weight o 175(DBH)' 0.99 5.0-10.0 Bon Ropos
Total aboveground biomass 0.030hId,' 0.99 5.4--12.3* Nan Marron
Usable wood weight O.192 Id,' 0.99 5.4--12.3* Nan M-alTon
Aboveground dry biomass (kg) 0.2 10 Id,' 099 5.8-136* Fond-des- Blanes
Fuelwood and polewood (kg) 0.0284h Id,~ 098 5.8-13.6* Fond-des- Blancs
1DBH =Stem diameter at 1.3 m above ground level, in cm. d =Stem diameter measured at 0.3 m above ground level, in
cm. sd = Stem diameter measured at 0.1 m above ground level, in cm. h =Total tree height, in m. n = Number of stems
at 0.1 ITl above grollnd level. :l:Stem diameter range at 0.3111 above ground level.

charcoal. Another 10% of the wood

is a fine and shattered charcoal that
generally is not sold (Timyan,
The relationship between the vol-
ume of subspecies glabrata logs,
ranging from 0.015-0.09 m 3 , and
lumber yield is shown in Figure
15.8. The use of the regression
equation allows for the estimation
of lumber volume based on the top-
end diameter and length of the log.
The lumber was sawn with a
Woodmizer, a portable bandsaw
unit, at the former ODH nursery
site in Cazeau. As shown, recovery
rates up to 67% were achieved,
though the average was only 44%.
However, slabs are sold for cheaper
construction purposes, such as for
building pig sties.
Figure 15.7 PsyUids are a common pest of L.
teucocephafa ssp. gfabrata, but rarely fatal to the
Growth Performance: Since
tree in Haiti. 1983, several species trials have
126 Lisina.. eDelen

Lumber Volume (cu. m)

0.06 r-----------'------------------~___,
Lumber Volume = 0.440D 2L + 0.0002
r 2 = 0.818, s = 0.0333
0.05 x·y

0.04 -

0.03 -



O~_"-_"- _ _ " _ _ _ . l . . _ __ _'____~_ _'___...!....__...l....__...l....__...l....__...!....__...l....__

o 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14

D2L (cu. m)
Figure 15.8 Relationship between the amount of recovered Leucaena lumber and saw
log volume.

been established in Haiti with the giant leucaena. The species is clearly a winner in
height growth during the first several years, ranking first in three-quarters of the trials
and achieving high survival rates between 70-100% after 3 years (Table 15.3). The orily
other species that consistently surpass giant leucaena in height growth are Eucalyptus
camaldulensis and E. tereticornis. One can expect over 3 m yr- 1 height growth on good
sites for the first couple of years, tapering off to 1.5 m yr- 1 at 4 years and 1.0 m yr- 1 at
6 years. However, on poorer and dry sites with 3-5 months drought, common to the
northwest (Nan Marron; Jean Rabel), the eastern Cul-de-Sac plain (Ganthier) and
northeast (Terrier Rouge) of Haiti, annual height increments do not exceed 1 m yr 1 (Fig.
15.9) and seasonal die-back of new growth is common. Browsing by goats and cattle on
such sites is a problem.
The average wood yield of giant leucaena ranges from 0.8-2.3 kg tree- 1 yr 1 on mar-
ginal sites such as Jean Rabel, Terrier Rouge and Cabaret to nearly 6 kg tree- 1 yr- 1 after
3 years on average sites such as Marmont (near Hinche) in the Plateau Central. This
yield is equivalent to 9.6 dry metric tons (DMT) ha- 1 yr-l at stocking levels of 1,600 trees
ha- 1• Growth rates on a leucaena plantation near Port-au-Prince ranged from 1.7-14.4
DMT ha- 1 yr- 1 for the first 2 years, averaging 4.1 DMT ha- 1 yr 1 over 28 hectares
(Timyan, 1983).
Subspecies glabrata has been used widely as a nursery species for higher-valued
hardwoods that respond favorably to the competition for light, moisture and nutrients.
This use has been reported for Tectona grandis, where giant leucaena is sown during the
first year of teak establishment (Lamprecht, 1989). In the Cul-de-Sac plain of Haiti, the
Lisina... Delen 127

Table 15.3 Site and growth parameters of L. leucocephala subsp. glabrata trials in Haiti.
(m) RAINFALL (yr) (%) M.A.!.I M.A.!. YIELD
(mm) (m) (em) (kg tree· I )
Colora 247 1471 0.5 93 2.3
Colin 2 775 1300 0.8 100 1:4
Passe Catabois 2 120 987 0.8 83 1.5
Ganthier 90 700 1.8 90 1.2
Cazeau 4 30 1200 2.0 90 3.1
Passe Catabois 1 120 987 2.2 78 1.8 1.8 6.4
Colin 1 775 1300 2.2 41 2.2
Grand Bassin 70 1300 2.3 95 1.0
Jean-Rabel 107 1045 2.9 98 1.0 0.8 2:4
Marmont 280 1450 3.0 96 1.9 2.0 17:4
Terrier Rouge 20 1293 3.0 86 1.0 0.9 3.2

Mare Grand Bois 40 1200 3.3 59 1.7 2.0 3 9.1

Fond-des-Blanes 250 1335 4.0 100 1:4 1:4 9.2
Papaye 250 1450 4:4 44 1:4 1.1 17.0
Nan Marron 450 600 4.8 68 1.3 1:4 16:4
Cabaret 1 80 900 6.9 77 0.8 0.8 15.8
Cabaret 2 80 900 6.9 81 0.9 0.9 19.9
I M.A.I. = Mean annual increment. 2 DBH = Stem diameter at 1.3 m above ground level, in em. 3 Stem diameter at 0.1 m
above ground level, in em.

HEIGHT(m) shade-tolerant neem (Azadirachta

8r------------;=====::::;-----;;'I indica) had improved stem form and
] 1 MlYR LINE I exhibited less taper of the stump log
when planted in a 2: 1 ratio with sub-
species glabrata (Welle et aI., 1985).
Giant leucaena is the principal
species selected in Haiti for alley
cropping systems, being easy to
establish and. productive on a wide
range of sites. In an alley cropping
trial at Barbe Pagnol in the
Northwest, L. leucocephala subsp.
glabrata was compared with· an in-
country source of L. diversifolia
subsp. diversifolia and 20 prove-
nances of Gliricidia sepium for bio-
mass production. The trial was har-
vested at intervals of 4-6 months
over a 28 month period and exhibited
total yields as shown in Figure
15.10. The Leucaena species did not
TREE AGE (yr) differ significantly in total dry bio-
Figure 15.9 Height growth of L. leucocephala mass or leaf and small wood yields,
subsp. glabrata in Haiti.
128 Lisina ••• Delen


12 r-------------------------,




Figure 15.10 Dry yield of subspecies glabrata (LELE) compared with 1. diversifolia
(LEDI), the highest-yielding -Gliricidia sepium (GLSE) provenance, 6287, and the aver-
age of 20 G. sepium provenances.

though both were 2-3 times more productive than the top G. sepium accession. With
regard to wood> 1 cm, subspecies glabrata yielded higher than 1. diversifolia subsp.
diversifolia. Both species exhibited more than twice the wood yield of the top G. sepi-
um accession. Cunard (1991) conducted fresh biomass measurements of2 harvests in a
direct-seeded hedgerow trial near Camp Perrin. He did not find subspecies glabrata to
be superior to Calliandra calothyrsus, though both were more productive than 4 other
legumes, including G. sepium. He measured total fresh yields of about 1 kg m- I after 5
months of coppice growth for 1. leucocephala subsp. glabrata. Other hedgerow trials
have confirmed the broad adaptability of 1. leucocephala subsp. glabrata, usually
ranked at the top until one reaches the upper elevations (Isaac et aI., 1994). The hybrid,
KX3, is showing comparable yields with subspecies glabrata and may be better adapt-
ed to sites above 1000 m than either of its parent varieties. Dry yield estimates for
Leucaena species in hedgerow/alley cropping designs are summarized in Table 15.4.

Tree Improvement: A recent status of a network of seed-production areas and tree-

improvement trials involving subspecies glabrata is given in Timyan (1993). The intro-
duction of the subspecies to Haiti in the latter part of the 1970s was most probably of
narrow genetic base, representing the self-pollinated K8, K28 and K67 isolines from the
University of Hawaii.K8, the most widely cultivated variety, originally was collected
from one -or a few cultivated trees in the northern Mexico state of Zacatecas in 1959
(Hughes, 1993). Though the Asian psyllid epidemic of the mid-1980s did not happen in
Haiti, the indiscriminate distribution of such a narrow genetic base is risky. The contin-
ued improvement of Leucaena in Haiti requires the importation of a wider genetic base
than that which was introduced in the late 1970s. It was not until 1985 that another
Lisina ... Delen 129

Table 15.4 Dry biomass yields of Leucaena species in hedgerow and alley cropping trials in
Haiti. The harvest period indicated is the time from establishment to the last harvest. Yields
are equivalent to the sum of the individual harvests,which includes the initial seedling harvest.
(months) (kgm· l ) (kgm· l )
L. diversifolia K156 2 4 28 4.6 6.5 Bab Panyo1
L. leucocephala K8 2 4 28 4.8 8.2 Bab Panyo1
L. diversifolia K156 10 3 23 0.7 1.1 Bergeau, Cayes
L. diversifolia x L. 10 3 23 2.0 3.6 Bergeau, Cayes
leucocephala hybrid (1991-1993)
L. leucocephala K636 10 3 23 2.0 3.8 Bergeau, Cayes
L. salvadorensis 10 23 0.1 0.2 Bergeau, Cayes
L. shannonii 10 3 23 0.7 1.5 Bergeau, Cayes
L. diversifolia K156 10 3 24 0.9 1.2 Ft. Jacques
L. diversifolia x L. 10 3 24 1.1 1.7 Ft. Jacques
leucocephala hybrid (1991-1993)
L. leucocephala K636 10 3 24 0.8 1.7 Ft. Jacques
L. diversifolia K156 10 2 23 0.2 0.3 St. Georges
L. diversifolia x L. 10 2 23 0.6 0.8 St. Georges
leucocephala hybrid (1991-1993)
L. leucocephala K636 10 2 23 0.8 1.6 St. Georges
L. salvadorensis 10 2 23 0.3 0.5 St. Georges
L. shannonii 10 2 23 0.1 0.2 St. Georges

source of giant leucaena was brought to Haiti. A seed lot from Choluteca, Honduras,
OFI 19/81, was established at 5 locations in the country as part of the OFI dry zone
species trials. Also included in the trials was the introduction of 2 new Leucaena
species: L. shannonii subsp. shannonii and L. collinsii subsp. zacapana. Neither species
outperformed the survival and height growth of L. leucocephala subsp. glabrata, though
local farmers soon noted the difference in wood qualities and seed production.
In 1988, International Resources Group introduced K636, K605, and K584, along
with the interspecific hybrid KX3, a cross between L. diversifolia subspecies diversifo-
lia and L. leucocephala. These were established in seed-production stands and isolated
varietal blocks throughout sites in Haiti, from sea level to 1500 m (Fig. 15.11). The
stands were culled of individuals exhibiting early flowering and inferior form charac-
130 Lisina... Delen

Figure 15.11 L. leucocephala ssp. glabrata x L. diversifotia hybrid (KX3) stand man-
aged for seed production in the Cul-de-Sac Plain.

teristics. Hybrid stands generally were culled of individuals exhibiting strong charac-
teristics of the K8 pollen parent, favoring the K156 seed parent and its tolerance of high-
er elevations.
Despite L. leucocephala subsp. glabrata's known self-compatibility, gene exchange
with the local subspecies is possible and could playa role in the development of geno-
types less desirable than the giant variety (Zarate, 1987). Natural outcrossing of L. leu-
cocephala subsp. glabrata, as the pollen parent, with L. diversifotia subsp. diversifolia
is common where the two species co-exist, and produces progeny with a variable range
of traits common to uncontrolled crosses.
In 1991, several new species of Leucaena from the OFI collections in Central
America, were introduced in both high- (> 1200 m) and low-elevation sites. These
included additional L. diversifolia subsp. diversifotia seed lots to broaden the K 156
genetic base for high-elevation areas, L. esculenta subsp. esculenta, L. esculenta subsp.
paniculata, L. lanceolata, L. macrophylla subsp. nelsonii, L. pulverulenta, and L. sal-
vadorensis. The military coup of 1991 forced suspension of continued germplasm
improvement activities, with most of the new species requiring re-introduction.
Lisina ... Delen 131
There is continued need to assess the progeny from the K636 and KX3 seed pro-
duction stands for levels of pod production, segregation, and outcrossing rates, as these
varieties are tested across sites in hedgerows and as single-stemmed trees. Decline in
hybrid vigor of the KX3 and the genetic maintenance of pure L. leucocephala subsp.
glabrata in close proximity with other Leucaena species and subspecies is the challenge
of future germplasm improvement activities. A wider genetic base at both the species
and subspecies levels is also necessary to secure the future of the species and of the peo-
ple who have come to depend on the tree. In addition to the germplasm that is already
in Haiti, it is wise to continue importing new diversity for specific end-purposes.
Figure 16.1 This 26-year-old specimen at the Ministry of Agriculture is among the old-
est A. indica in Haiti, brought to the country from Senegal, W. Africa in 1967. 1nset-
Ellipsoidal drupes of A. indica.
16 Nim
Species: Azadirachta indica Adr. Juss.
Synonyms: Antelaea azadirachta (L.) Adelbert, Melia azadirachta L., Melia indica
(Adr. Juss.) Brandis
Family: Meliaceae
Common Names: neem (nim), neeb, nimba

Importance: A. indica is the model of a multi-purpose tree species, providing an

important mix of goods and services that benefit Haitian farmers. The fruit is a source
both of insecticides and fertilizer that keep vulnerable food crops healthy, while con- .
tributing to the diet of Haiti's wild fauna that disperse the seed. A significant amount
of oil that is contained in the kernel can be utilized in a range of products from cooking
oil to soaps and lubricants. Its quick growth and abundant natural regeneration ensure
a supply of fuelwood, construction wood and shade. The tree can be invasive and must
be managed to protect the natural regeneration of native tree species.

Taxonomy and Botanical Features:. A. indica is a member of the mahogany family,

comprising many of the most important wood species in Haiti: Swietenia mahagoni
(kajou peyi), S. macrophylla (kajou etranje), Trichilia hirta (monben bata), Guarea
guidonia (bwa wouj) and Cedrela odorata (sed). The species is considered by some
botanists to be comprised of two varieties. A. indica var. indica is the common variety
from India that has been introduced as an exotic throughout the tropics. A. indica var.
siamensis has bigger leaves and a smoother leaf margin with two races that- are distin-
guished by a red and green top shoot (Bhumibhamon, 1987). The fruit is an ellipsoidal
drupe, up to 2 cm long, that turns from light green to yellow (Fig. 16.1 inset). The sweet
mucilaginous pulp surrounds a seed that is composed of a shell and a light green ker-
nel. The small, white, bisexual flowers ofA. indica are arranged in axillary clusters and
have a honey-like scent that attracts bees (Fig. 16.2).
A closely-related species, Melia azedarach L., locally known as lila, also occurs in
Haiti and is distinguished from A. indica by the slighter stem, less dense canopy, light
lavender flowers, and sparser fruit clusters with spherical drupes, 1 cm in diameter.

Distribution and Ecology: A. indica is believed to be indigenous to India, Java and the
lesser Sunda Islands -(Burkill, 1966). It spread throughout the drier tropical regions of
Africa and into the Caribbean as early as the latter part of the nineteenth century (Pliske,
1984). Neem was introduced to Haiti in 1967 from seed believed to have originated in
Senegal. Trees originating from this narrow genetic base still can be found at several
locations, including the Faculte d' Agronomie et Medecine Veterinaire (Damien) and
Place St. Anne in Port-au-Prince. The species spread quickly after being planted along
the national highways to the north and south of Haiti during the mid-1970s. As a major
species of the USAID agroforestry projects (1981-1991), neem has been distributed to
nearly every part of Haiti. The Operation Double Harvest (ODH) nursery at Cazeau
distributed more than 1.4 million seedlings between 1981 and 1986. The distribution
included the planting of 0.3 million seedlings on 10 plantations in the Cul-de-Sac
(Timyan, 1987). Additional provenances of A. indica were introduced to Haiti from
Burma in 1984, India in 1986, and Africa in 1991, by the corribined efforts of USAID,

134 Him
ODH, and Agridyne, Inc. In 1984, neem was shipped to the Dominican Republic from
seed collected in Haiti and was planted at the lnstituto Superior de Agricultura,
Santiago, under the auspices of the National Energy Policy Commission (Knudson et
aI., 1988).
Neem performs best between sea level and 600 m elevation with annual rainfall
above 800 mm. Though the species has a reputation for being hardy, wood and fruit pro-
duction are marginal on the dry, stony sites that typically are invaded by such thorny
species as Acacia tortuosa. Neem is not as salt tolerant as Prosopis juliflora and failed
when planted on the salty, poorly-drained land (pH = 9.0) between Thomazeau and
Croix-des-Bouquets by ODH in 1981. It exhibits chlorosis when planted on calcareous
rock and shallow soils commonly found near the coast (Fig. 16.3). Once neem is estab-
lished, it has a tendency to become weedy and form pure stands, growing thickly under
its own shade and eliminating the natural regeneration of other species. Wild animals,
particularly birds and lizards, are fond of the yellow ripe seed and disperse the species
gradually away from the seed source. Goats, sheep, and cattle do not prefer neem as a
forage and tend to leave it alone except under severe drought pressure when other food
is not available. However, damage is generally extensive under open grazing conditions
because of trampling, breaking of the growing portion of the stem, and soil compaction.

Tree Characteristics: The oldest trees in Haiti, aged 26 years, are approximately 20 m
tall with stem diameters that range from 45-75 em. Open-grown, the tree is short-
stemmed with a heavily-branched, dense, and evergreen canopy that fruits abundantly.
Grown under denser conditions, the tree develops a straight, high-forking stem with
negligible fruit production. Fruiting of neem peaks twice during the year, in June and
November, with most of the seed available for harvest between May and July and from
October to December. Mature trees can yield between 30-50 kg of fresh fruit (Ahmed

Figure 16.2 White flowers of A. indica.

Nim US
et aI., 1984) at approximately 4000
seeds kg· l.
The heartwood of mature trees is
reddish brown, though most of the
wood harvested in Haiti is closer to
straw color with a tinge of pink. The
grain is interlocked, with a moderate-
ly coarse texture. The wood ranges
from dull to somewhat lustrous, hav-
ing, when freshly cut, a slight cedary
smell that fades on drying. Neem
lumber seasons well and becomes sta-
ble with varying atmospheric condi-
tions. It works well and produces a
smooth finish, though it has a tenden-
cy to split when nailed. Neem is rated
as durable to moderately durable
(Chudnoff, 1984; UKFPRL, 1968).
Neem poles have a reputation of not
being attacked quickly by borers and
they sell well in the Port-au-Prince
market (Welle et a!., 1985). About
60% of the total tree weight can be
used for charcoal or poles (Ehrlich,
1985). Wood density is moderate (sp.
Figure 16.3 Lime-induced chlorosis is com- gr. 0.52-0.65) with an energy equiva-
mon on calcareous sites near the coast. lent of 16.92 megajoules kg'l at 14%
moisture content.

Utilization: In Haiti, neem has been planted primarily for its quick yield of wood and
deep shade. Trees generally are planted along field boundaries, serving as both a bound-
ary marker and a windbreak (Fig. 16.4). The tree pollards well and is managed on a lop-
ping cycle that coincides with the light and moisture needs of the understory crops.
Stems are utilized as roundwood for house construction. The ODH plantations in the
Cul-de-Sac plain were managed for a mixture of fuelwood, charcoal and poles in an
attempt to commercialize wood production. Stands located on more fertile sites at
Cazeau and Bon Repos were managed for fuelwood and lumber. Consumer preference
tests conducted in Port-au-Prince showed that neem charcoal was considered inferior to
charcoal made of Casuarina equisetifolia, Prosopisjuliflora and Acacia spp., superior
to Leucaena Leucocephala and Senna siamea and no different from Eucalyptus camal-
duLensis and Albizia lebbeck (Grosenick, 1986a).
Despite its recent introduction to Haiti, neem is being utilized as a febrifuge. In the
La Chapelle area, neem ranks fifth among plant species as a source of leaf decoctions
for fever (Rouzier, 1990). It is recognized in other countries for its fungicidal, antibac-
terial and antiviral properties (NRC, 1992).
136 Nim

Figure 16.4 A. indica is planted typically along the boundary of land devoted to annu-
al food crops. It has a tendency to gradually invade on moist sites.

Utilization of neem as a natural source of insecticide has increased gradually over

the past decade. In 1981, early experiments on La Gonave were conducted by applying
crushed seed into vegetable pots planted with cabbage, cucumber and tomatoes.
Increased vigor and protection against major pests was observed (Welle et aI., 1985). It
was also noted that tilapia fry were killed by neem seed dropping into an outdoor fish
tank. Neem has been used as an alternative to Chlordane in nurseries by CARE and
PADF throughout Haiti (Josiah, 1989) and on an agri-business scale by ODH in the Cul-
de-Sac (Fig. 16.5a-d). The active ingredients extracted from the seed kernel, primarily
azadirachtin, are responsible for disrupting the metamorphosis of insects and act as a
feeding deterrent. The biochemicals are systemic, being taken up by the host plant
(NRC, 1992).
The cake of the oil seeds is used as fertilizer and the aromatic leaves are reported
to be used as fodder in India. The proximate analysis of A. indica is shown in Table

Propagation: The propagation of neem in Haiti has been largely from seed sown in
rigid container systems such as the Rootrainer and the Winstrip. Fresh seed does not
require pre-treatment when sown within a couple of weeks from harvest. As in other
species of the Meliaceae, looping of the hypocotyl is a problem, affecting up to 7% of
emergents in Winstrips, with deformed root systems and poor vigor (Larson et a!.,
1985). These emergents are replaced by transplanting pre-germinated seed or by pro-
portionally increasing the sowing rate and selecting out the deformed seedlings. Most
common nursery disease problems include: leaf spot caused by Cercospora, perhaps C.
Nim 137

Figure 16.5 a) Pulverized neem kernel for wet pesticide application. b) Applying wet
neem seed solution to tomato seedlings. c) Pulverized neem kernel for dry pesticide
application. d) Applying dry neem seed to papaya.
138 Nim

Table 16.1 Proximate analysis (% dry weight) of A. indica, after Gohl(1975).

Fresh leaves (India) 15.4 12.7 4.2 56.5 11.2 2.65 0.24
Fresh leaves (Pakistan) 13.4 14.7 6.2 55.5 10.3 1.94 0.17

leucostica or C. meliae (Tourigny, 1987), under humid or poorly-ventilated conditions;

a "carrot top" foliar disease of uncertain cause; and leaf chlorosis caused by using pot-
ting medium contaminated with nematodes (Josiah, 1989; Runion et aI., 1990).
Seedlings normally require 14 weeks in a Rootrainer or Winstrip prior to outplanting,
with the initial 4 weeks under shade and the last 4 weeks reserved for hardening off.
There are several alternative propagation methods that are less costly and simpler
than the containerized seedling. The two methods that are the most practical for neem
is stump propagation and the transplanting of volunteers from beneath selected mother
trees. Stumps are prepared by raising seedlings directly in a raised bed and pruning both
stem and roots prior to outplant. Reid (1991) .showed· no differences in survival or
growth between stumps and containerized seedlings at 2 sites in Haiti following a year
of growth. Volunteers are lifted from beneath selected mother trees and transplanted
during the rains. A portion of the lifted seedlings are rejected because of natural root
deformities associated with looping and poor vigor. One study revealed that up to 22%
of the volunteers had root deformities, while 39% had excellent taproot formation
(Larson et aI., 1985). While transplanting volunteers increases mortality rates and poor-
er root development, the trade-off has to be measured in terms of the economics and
practicality'of managing a containerized nursery under typical Haitian farm conditions.

Seed Handling: One of the most serious limitations in artificial propagation is the
problem of seed longevity and adequate germination procedures to test seed viability.
Howeve.r, neem seed may be stored successfully up to 4 months if the seed is dried
immediately following harvest in the sun for 3 days and stored in cotton bags at 15° C
at reduced levels of humidity (Chaisurisri, 1986). Seed can be stored for longer periods
of time if moisture content is lowered to 6.6-7.3% (dry weight basis) and stored con-
tinuously in sealed containers at 4°C. Furthermore, dormancy factors associated with
the seed hull must be overcome to maximize germination capacity. Removal of the seed
coat has shown a 10-fold increase in germination of stored seed in Haiti (Timyan, 1991).
Similar results were shown for 2 seed lots from Africa: 2-year-old seed germinated 24%
compared to 62% with the endocarp removed, while 8 1h-year-old seed exhibited differ-
ences of 20% and 70% (Bellefontaine and Audinet, 1993).

Azadirachtin Levels: Azadirachtin levels in neem seed were analyzed for tree andseed
maturity effects in 1989 (Timyan and Walter, 1990). This study was initiated based on
reports from W.R. Grace & Co. that certain seed lots from Africa tested 2- to 10-fold
higher than seed lots from Haiti. It was suspected that both genetic and environmental
effects contributed to this difference. No differences were detected between 3 levels of
seed maturity, ranging from green seed on the tree and fallen seed on the ground.
However, differences were detected among trees, sites, and seed collected during dif-
ferent seasons. There is reason to believe that even with the narrow genetic base that is
Him 139
present in Haiti, genetic improvement can be made on azadirachtin levels in neem.
Azadirachtin levels ranged from 2.40-3.50 mg per dry gram seed kernel.

Silviculture: ODH experimented with the direct seeding of neem and failed primarily
because the neem germinated too slowly and rotted in the field (Welle et aI., 1985).
Fruits, dried seed, and pre-soaked seed were tested. The latter had a germination rate of
25%, but failed to establish as seedlings. However, the transplanting of top-pruned vol-
unteers planted during the same period exhibited 60% survival after a month of only 10
mm of rainfall. Reid (1991) measured a 4% survival of direct-seeded neem after 1 year
at Cazeau.
Container and potting mix trials have shown mixed results in survival and early
height growth (Dupuis, 1986a; Reid, 1991). However, these studies have never been
continued beyond 2 years and should be considered with caution as to the real impact
that nursery treatments have on longer term field productivity.
Neem appears to be weed sensitive during the first year that the seedling is devel-
oping a root system. Stunting of the tree has been observed by several foresters at trials
that were neglected, particularly under droughty site conditions. Subsequent weeding of
the trials generally does not exert a positive height-growth response.
The only pests that have been observed to attack mature trees are the stem borer
Apate monachus and a carpenter bee (Hymenoptera: Xylocopinae). A. monachus pene-
trates deeply into the branches, forming galleries that retard growth and make the
branches susceptible to wind breakage (Knudson et aI., 1988). This same pest is known
to attack Casuarina equisetifolia, Swietenia mahagoni, S. macrophylla, and Melia
azedarach (CATIE, 1992). The carpenter bee attacks in a similar fashion, boring into
apical stems, and forming galleries that weaken the tree. It is likely that these pests are
only a problem when neem is under drought stress, since the observations were report-
ed in the drier regions of Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
Double rows of neem alternating with a single row of L. leucocephala developed
more vigorously with less stem fluting, higher forking, and less canopy volume than
pure stands of A. indica at an equivalent spacing and age. The use of L. leucocephala as
a nurse crop maximizes the potential of neem as a source of poles and lumber, always
of a higher value than fuelwood or charcoal in the urban area.
Pure stands of neem at stocking densities ranging from 2000-2500 stems ha- 1 con-
sistently have yielded poor seed harvests, with any significant production occurring at
the stand edge. A neem stand, established in 1991 near Croix-des-Bouqets, produced
seed within 2 years at a density of 800 stems ha- 1 • This appears to be the optimal den-
sity to maximize fruit yields.

Biomass and Volume Studies: Equations developed to estimate various components of

A. indica have been completed over the past decade. The first study was conducted to
estimate fuelwood volume based on stem diameters. This was done in 1983 on a 2-year-
old stand near Bon Repos (Timyan, 1983). Ehrlich (1985) conducted a biomass study
from a 4-year-old stand at Thomazeau and included pole volume tables. A third study
was completed in 1986 for a coppice stand and regression equations were analyzed to
estimate fuelwood and pole biomass separately (Timyan, 1987). The volume and bio-
mass equations from these studies are provided in Table 16.2. Because of the difference
140 Him

Table 16.2 Equations used to estimate biomass components (kg dry weight) of A. indica in
Usable wood volume (x 10-3 m3 ) 0.48 I (DBH)2 - 10.227 0.94 6.9-10.4 Bon Repos
Total aboveground biomass 0.313(DBH)2 0.98 1.3-12.6 Thomazeau
Usable wood weight 0.282(DBH)2 - 0.707(DBH) 0.99 1.3-12.6 Thomazeau
Usable wood weight 0.203(sd)2 - 1.02(sd) 0.99 2.6-15.8* Thomazeau
Pole volume (x 10-3 m3) 0.226(DBH)2 0.97 5.0-12.6 Thomazeau
Total coppice weight 0.268(DBH)2 0.95 2.0-10.0 Bon Repos
Coppice fuelwood weight 0.189(DBH)2 0.96 2.0-10.0 Bon Repos
Coppice polewood weight 0.152(DBH)2 0.98 5.0-10.0 Bon Repos
1DBH = Stem diameter measured at 1.3 m above ground level, in em. sd = St~mp diameter measured at 0.1 m above
ground level, in em. *Stump diameter range.

in form between the first rotation and the coppice rotation, the amount of biomass
changes significantly for the same stem diameter, as shown by the difference in coeffi-
cients of equations.

Lumber Conversion Rate: A study to estimate lumber volumes based on log dimen-
sions was performed at Operation Double Harvest in 1987. Figure 16.6 shows the rela-
tionship between log volume and the amount of recovered lumber. About 25% ofthe log
volume was recovered in lumber. The poor recovery rate is a result of the irregularities
in logs of various lengths and the strong taper that is common in A. indica. Until further
refinements can be made in milling and
Lumber Volume (cu. m) better-formed logs are available for har-
0.05,----------------, vest, the regression function is not a
Lumber Volume (m =O.249D'L (m + 0.009
precise estimator of lumber yield.
R' =0.235, S =0.0794
Growth Performance: Neem has been
evaluated on a range of sites in a series
0.03 .. of trials that began in 1975 with the
FAa trials in the Cul-de-Sac (Moortele,
1979; Bihun, 1982; Hernandez, 1991).
Among the 13 trials that Dupuis
(l986b) evaluated in 1985, neem
.. ranked consistently in the upper quar-
0.01 - ... tile in height growth for sites below an
elevation of 400 m and with a mean
annual precipitation between 700-1000
O'----L......J---l---l----l.----l.--L----'-----'-----'-----'------'-----"---J mm (Table 16.3). On the best of these
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07. 0.08
sites, height increments do not exceed
D2L (CU. m)
2.8 m yr- 1 • Over a longer period of
Figure 16.6 Relationship between A. time, height growth tapers off to
indica log volume and recovered lum- 1.0-1.2 m yr- 1 with mean annual diam-
ber. D = log top end diameter (m); L = eter increments between 1.5-3.0 em.
log length (m). Figure 16.7 summarizes the height
Him 141
Table 16.3 Site and growth parameters for A. indica trials in Haiti.
(m) RAINFALL (yr) (%) M.A.I.! M.A.!. YIELD
(mm) (m) (em) (kg tree-I)

Ganthier 75 740 1.8 90 1.2

Roche Blanche 130 1030 2.0 88 2.3 2.4 2.9
Cazeau 30 1200 2.1 90 2.3
Colin 650 1300 2.2 67 0.3
Passe Catabois 120 987 2.2 61 1.3 1.4 0.4
Cayes 20 2035 2.3 48 2.8 2.7 7.3
Grand Bassin 70 1300 2.3 15 0.5
Jean-Rabel 107 1045 2.9 40 0.8 0.9 1.2
Terrier Rouge 20 1293 3.0 71 1.7 1.9 5.1
Mirebalais 244 1731 3.2 90 1.8 1.6 3.7
Limonade 20 1000 3.5 55 1.4 2.1 5.3
Cabaret 80 900 6.9 74 0.6 0.6 2.0
O'Gorman 1 70 830 9.0 93 1.0 1.1 21.1
Q'Gorman 2 70 830 9.0 100 1.2 1.3 29.7
Vaudreuil 55 830 10.0 97 1.1 1.7 73.7
I M.A.I. = Mean annual increment. 2DBH = Stem diameter at 1.3 m above ground level, in em.

growth of neem on sites througho:ut

Haiti.. Most sites can achieve greater
HEIGHT(m) than 1 m yr- l . Exceptions are the
Cabaret and Jean Rabel sites, where
14 r-----;======:::::::;--~-I
exceptionally droughty conditions
may have combined with poor weed
12 management to exhibit poor perfor-
o 'GORMAN mance.
Mean annual wood production in
the trials ranged from a low of 0.2 kg
tree- l yr- l at Passe Catabois to 7.3 kg
8 tree- l yr- l at the partially irrigated site
ofVaudreuil. Most of the sites exhib-
6 ited mean annual wood yields of 1-3
kg tree- l yr- l for a period of 2-9
Tree Improvement: Genetic
2 - improvement of neem in Haiti began
in 1984. The rapid deterioration of
neem seed in closed shipping con-
o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 tainers severely hampered attempts
TREE AGE (yr) to enlarge the genetic base of the
species. Furthermore, the two seed
Figure 16.7 Height growth of A. indica in lots that were established successful-
Haiti. ly at Cazeau did not yield significant
142 Nim

Figure 16.8 Widely-spaced double rows of A. indica are necessary for adequate fruit-
ing in this genetic trial.

amounts of seeds during the time that neem seedlings were being mass distributed
throughout Haiti. However, a significant step was made in 1990 with the importation of
a West African and Caribbean collection made by Agridyne, Inc. (Salt Lake City, UT).
These seed lots were established in a 1991 genetic test designed to evaluate differences
in survival, growth, seed yield, and azadirachtin concentration over a period of 5 years.
The results after 2 years are encouraging, though differences in height growth have only
been detected between the top seed lot from Niger (4.8 m) and the slowest-growing seed
lot from Puerto Rico (3.6 m). There were no differences in survival. Several of the neem
have flowered and fruited, indicating that the trial may yield seed of sufficient quanti-
ties for early azadriachtin assays (Fig. 16.8).

The Neem Vision: Continued research must be directed toward enlarging and improv-
ing the genetic base of neem in Haiti. Currently, only a narrow genetic base is available
for wide-scale management of neem seed production. Every effort must be made to
keep abreast of progress being made to conduct provenance-wide collections of A. indi-
ca. The use of sterilized seedlings grown in the source country and packed in moist peat
moss should be investigated as an alternative to seed for shipment of germplasm to
Currently, neem is being harvested from unimproved trees growing as windbreaks,
shade and roadside plantings. Silvicultural research must continue to study the optimal
conditions for fruit production. The relationship between tree density (trees ha· l ) and
azadirachtin yield (kg ha ol ) must be determined for various site conditions if neem is to
be managed economically for the pesticide industry. An operational method already has
Him 14i
been developed by ODH for the primary separation of neem oil and azadirachtin.
Though the neem oil is being used as a pesticidal spray against fungal diseases, it may
have a greater return on investment as a base for the local production of soap. In-coun-
try demand for azadirachtin may compete for prices paid by importers in North
America. All of these factors must be considered in the future to realize the extraordi-
nary potential of neem in Haiti.
Figure 17.1 G. sepium is a popular live-fence species in regions of southern Haiti, as
shown here near Fond-des-Negres.
17 Piyon
Species: Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp.
Family: Fabaccae (=Leguminosae) Subfamily - Lotoideae (Faboideae, Papilionoideae)
Synonyms: Cliricidia lambii, G. sepium (Jacq.) Steud., Lonchocarpus sepium, Robinia
maculala HBK., R. sepium Jacq.
Common Names: H - pinon (piyon, piyong), IiI as etranger (lila etranje), immortelle
(mOlel); DR - almacigo extranjero, palo de parque, pinon de Cuba, pinon cubano, vari-
ta de San Jose; C, DR - pinon amoroso; C - acacia, amor y celos, bien vestida, desnudo
florecido, floresco, pinon florido; J - quick stick, St. Vincent plum; PR - madre de
cacao, mata raton, mother-of-cocao

Importance: G. sepium is one of the easiest nitrogen-fixing trees to establish by stem

cuttings, making it a valuable live fence species to protect property. Grown as a tree, it
serves as shade for perennial crops and is easily lopped as a source of fuelwood, forage
and green manure. Larger stems are a source of rough lumber. Anywhere soil stabi-
lization is required, the living fence technology can be employed in alley cropping or in
gully plug arrangements. The species improves the soil. Ease in propagation, fast
growth and low risk of being invasive offer an easily-managed component for agro-
forestry systems.

Taxonomy and Botanical Features: The generic name Gliricidia refers to "mouse
killer" in Latin (Barrett, 1956) and the species epithet is named from the Latin saepes
meaning "hedge." There are at least 3 species in the genera that are native to Central
America, though confusion has surrounded the taxonomy of the species. G. maculala,
a closely related species, is distinguished by its white flower and different leaf mor-
phology, although some botanists consider it synonymous with G. sepium (Hughes,
Piyon is one of the popular names used for this species ir; Haiti, most likely derived
from the Dominican common name,piiion cubano (Liogier, 1974). G. sepium is a multi-
stemmed tree, often with spindly branches forming a loose crown (Fig 17.2). The alter-
nate leaves are recog-
nized by 7-9 pairs of
elliptic leaflets 2-7 em
long. Flowers range
from pink to lavender
and are arranged in a
short, erect inflores-
cence usually preced-
ing the leaves. The
dehiscent pods turn
from greenish yellow to
brown and explode
when mature. Each pod
contains 5-6 seeds and
twists into spirals after
shedding the seed.
Figure 17.2 G sepium is a light seeder in Haiti.
146 Piyon

Distribution and Ecology: G. sepium is a native of Central America and Mexico, rang-
ing as far south as the northern portion of South America. The species may have been
introduced into the Caribbean by the Spanish during the last century for cacao shade
and as a living fence (Ford, 1987). The species seems to have been established in Cuba
before spreading to Hispaniola and Puerto Rico (Liogier, 1974). The distribution of the
species is very scattered in Haiti, tending to occur in pockets along the major trade
routes, particularly in the lower elevations of the coffee-growing regions. Here it thrives
best in moist-to-humid forest conditions with rainfall greater than 1000 mm and eleva-
tions below 600 m. The most conspicuous concentration of the species is in the Fonds-
des-Negres area spreading toward l:Asile in southern Haiti, where is found the best
example of its use as a live fence. In other regions of Haiti, the species usually is mixed
with other live fence species or occurs as a single tree near residences. G. sepium is
rarely found along the dry coastal regions, the thorn scrub areas on the leeward side of
mountains or mountain elevations above 800 m.
Since the early 1980s,
many provenances of Gliri-
cidia sepium have been dis-
tributed throughout Haiti by
various natural resource man-
agement projects, by both the
Ministry of Agriculture and
non-governmental organiza-
tions involved in soil conser-
vation, forestry and agro-
forestry strategies with
Haitian farming communi-
ties. In due time, it is expect-
ed to be more widespread and
more common as farmers
become familiar with utiliz-
ing the species and thus have
easy access to planting mate-

Tree Characteristics: In its

natural form, the tree is low-
forked and multiple
stemmed, rarely reaching
heights above 12 meters.
Occasionally, trees with
stem diameters up to 40 em
can be found (Fig. 17.3).
Most of the forms of juve-
nile trees are pruned as a
Figure 17.3 Large trunk of G. sepium near petionville. result of being incorporated
Piyon 147
as a living fence. Trees developing from branch cuttings do not appear to be different
from those that are propagated from seed, except when cuttings longer than a meter are
utilized, as in the case of live fencing. Branching in this case occurs at the distal end of
the cut when trees are seasonally pollarded as a boundary around a field garden. There
are significant inter-provenance differences in branching habit, erectness and canopy
The heartwood is dark brown, hard and of moderate density. Specific gravity
ranged from 0.51-0.74 for wood samples taken from 5-year-old trees in the Northwest.
Durability of the wood is reported to be good with resistance to termites. The wood is
fine-grained and shiny.
The tree flowers during the winter and bears seed from February to June. Light
seed crops are the norm for this species in Haiti, with trees growing in more humid
zones, such as Fond-des-Negres, bearing less seed than those in the drier regions of the
country that have a more severe drought season. Other factors that may explain low
seed production in Haiti are the degree that neighboring trees are related, the negative
effect that pruning has on flower production and fruit set and types of insects that visit
the species, either as pests or as pollinators (Hughes, 1987). There are 6000-9000
seeds kg-I.

Table 17.1 Proximate analysis (% dry weight) of G. sepium, after Gohl(1975).

Fresh twigs (Trinidad) 20.5 30.2 1.5 37.6 10.5
Fresh young twigs 18.8 15.5 3.7 55.7 6.3 0.66 0.11
Fresh leaves (Trinidad) 30.0 14.1 4.3 43.6 8.0

Utilization: The utilization·of G. sepium in Haiti is not as extensive as it is in the coun-

tries where the species is native. Large trees are seen occasionally, planted as an orna-
mental or as shade for coffee. The most common use of the tree is as a living fence or
single line of trees planted along the boundary of gardens. Here it is lopped to provide
fue1wood, planting stakes, green manure and, occasionally, fodder. There is great vari-
ation among provenances in palatability, with the provenances originating from Costa
Rica and Nicaragua being significantly more palatable than those from Guatemala and
Mexico (Larbi et al. 1993). The proximate analysis of G. sepium is provided in Table
17.1. Bees are attracted to the flowers for honey production.
As a medicinal plant" G. sepium is used in a number of ways throughout the
Caribbean region. The leaves are used as a poultice for bruises and sores. A leaf decoc-
tion is taken orally for fatigue and colds, often mixed with the leaves from soursop
(Annona squamosa). A leaf tea is taken for gonorrhea. The roots are scraped fo~ kidney
trouble, jaundice and dropsy (Ayensu, 1981).
The heartwood is durable and hard, useful for posts and making a charcoal that
burns with little spark and long-lasting embers. The wood is pretty and takes a fine pol-
ish, being used for tool handles, furniture and turnery.
148 Piyon
Propagation: Propagation by
stem and branch cuttings is the
method preferred by Haitian
farmers to establish the species.
Normally, cuttings are harvested
at the beginning of the rains and
are cut in lengths 1-2 m to facil-
itate establishing a living fence.
They usually are planted as soon
as possible, because the cuttings
mold easily and begin to rot.
Smaller stock, about 20 em long,
are rooted in polythene bags to
establish clonal seed orchards.
The ends are cut parallel at a 45-
degree angle to increase the root-
ing surface below the soil and to
keep water from penetrating the
pith of the stem from the top.
Notable differences in rooting
and vigor have been observed
Figure 17.4 G. sepium cuttings exhibit significant among provenances and individ-
differences in rooting and vigor at both individual ual selections within prove-
and provenance levels. nances (Fig. 17.4). Propagation
methods appear to have a signif-
icant effect on the early surivival
and growth rate of outplanted
seedlings (Fig. 17.S), with rooted
cuttings being supenor to
seedlings started from seed.
The tree can be direct seeded,
though seed is scarcely available
in large enough quantities for
this method to be efficient on a
large scale. Seedlings propagat-
ed from seed do not pose any
problems. Seed prepared for
mass propagation is immersed in
hot water and left to soak for a
couple of days prior to sowing.
About 10 weeks are required to
raise seedlings in containers such
as the Rootrainer or Winstrip,
Figure 17.5 Propagation methods have a signifi-
with the initial 3 weeks under
cant effect on establishing G. sepium. Rooted cut-
shade and the final 4 weeks hard-
tings (right) is superior to seedlings sown from
ening off. No major insect or dis-
seed (left) in both survival and early growth.
Piyon 149
Table 17.2 Equations used to estimate biomass components (dry weight) of G. sepium in Haiti.
Total aboveground biomass 0.085Ld; 0.98 1.8 - 8.1 Nan Marron
Usable wood weight 0.079Ld; 0.98 1.8 - 8.1 Nan Marron
Usable wood weight 0.021hLd; 0.96 1.8 - 15.3 10 world-wide sites
(cross-site regression) wi 1 in Haiti
Id = Stem diameter measured at 0.3 m above ground level, in em. h = Total tree height, in m. n = Number of stems at
0.3 m above ground

ease problems have been associated with this species in Haitian nurseries.

Biomass Studies: Equations to estimate the yield of total and wood biomass of G. sepi-
um are provided in Table 17.2. The study was conducted in 1990 at Nan Marron in
northwest Haiti. These equations allow one to estimate the amount of total and wood
weights, in dry kilograms, based on stem measurements. Stewart et al. (1992) published
a cross-site equation to estimate wood yield forthe species based in part on data col-
lected from the Nan Marron site.

Growth Performance: G. sepium was established in several species trials during the
1980s. The species has exhibited very mixed results, failing or showing poor growth on
most of the sites (Table 17.3). Height growth is inferior to most of the tree species con::'
sidered for timber, hardly achieving annual height increments of 1 m yr-l (Fig. 17.6).
Reasons for this performance are not easily understood, except that the species does not
appear as drought hardy as one would expect from reading the literature. Furthermore,
factors such as stock quality and genetic source of the seed seem to have been underes-
timated as they influence the productivity of G. sepium greatly. Significant differences
between the survival and early growth of seedling stock compared with rooted cuttings
were observed at Lapila (Fig. 17.4). Whereas, rooted cuttings exhibited an average 85%
survival rate and 2.5 m height growth in 18 months, seedlings averaged 40% survival
and grew to only 1.5 m. Since much of the seed is imported from Central American

Table 17.3 Site and growth parameters of G. sepium trials in Haiti.

(m) RAINFALL (yr) (%) M.A.I. l M.A.I. YIELD
(nun) (m) (em) (kg tree· l )
Lapila 350 1145 1.6 85 1.6
Paillant 600 1300 2.0 22 0.2
Cabaret 80 900 2.0 38 0.4 0.7 0.2
Jean Rabel 107 1045 2.9 23 0.6 1.1 0.8
Marmont 280 1450 3.0 72 1.4 1.5 3 1.7
Cabaret 80 900 3.3 52 0.5
Mare Grand Bois 20 1200 3.3 12 0.4 0.9 '0.2
Fond-des-Blancs 250 1335 4.0 49 0.6 0.8 0.4
Papaye 250 1450 4.4 40 1.0 1.0 1.8
Nan Marron 450 600 4.8 96 0.7 1.0 1.5
IM.A.I. = Mean annual increment. 2 d = Stem diameter measured at 0.3 m above ground level, in em. 3Stem diameter at
1.3 ill above ground level, in em.
150 Piyon
HEIGHT (m) sources, ill-adapted provenances cannot be
discounted as a factor. The species was
11 MlYR LINE I established as a single provenance (13/82
from Nicaragua) in the OFI trials, which
may not be broadly adapted in Haiti. While
PAPAYE the species failed with poor survival at Mare
Grand Bois (12% after 12 months) and
Papaye (42% after 6 months), high survival
was achieved at Nan Marron (96% after 4.8
years). Wood yield at all sites where the
species has been tested is low. The highest
yield in Table 17.3 has been observed at the
Marmont site with an annual wood yield of
0.6 kg tree- I compared with 9.5 kg tree- I for
the top species, Senna siarnea.
The story is slightly different when man-
aged as an alley cropping species. Figure
17.6 compares the performance of G. sepi-
TREE AGE (yr) urn at 2 alley cropping trials in the
Northwest. Total aboveground biomass pro-
Figure 17.6 Height growth of G. sepi- duction averaged over 2 dry kg m- I during a
urn in Haiti. period of 34 months at Bombardopolis, a
subhumid site typical of shallow soils.
Production at a humid site, with deeper and more fertile soils, averaged over 3 dry kg
m- I during a 28-month period. The hedgerows were established as seedlings spaced 0.5
m in-row and 4 m between rows, with survival above 95% at both sites. Wood biomass,
greater than 1 cm diameter, was found to comprise about 80% of the aboveground bio-
mass lopped for alley cropping purposes.

Tree Improvement: This species is considered naturalized in Haiti where local popu-
lations are highly homogenous and probably derived from a narrow genetic base, being
distributed as cuttings. The primary focus of germplasm improvement since 1987 has
been to establish a wider genetic base in Haiti and to screen for improved productivity.
During the late 1980s, several trials were established in the co~ntry from seed originat-
ing in Costa Rica. A seed production area, comprising 7 Costa Rican provenances, was
established by ODH at Cazeau. These same provenances were established in the
Maissade area by Save the Children and near Pignon and Thomonde by PADF. During
the same period, the Ministry ofAgriculture established a trial at Cabaret, with 7 prove-
nances from Costa Rica and 4 provenances from Guatemala (Beliard, 1989). In 1988,
26 provenances from the Oxford Forestry Institute collection were introduced and estah..
lished in alley cropping trials at Bombard and Barbe Pagnol in northwest Haiti. The tri-
als were the first serious attempts to screen the best-adapted provenances for dry bio-
mass yield. A clonal seed orchard was established at Lapila in 1991 from selections
made at the Barbe Pagnol trial and a second clonal orchard was established in 1993 at
Passe Catabois from selections made at the Bombard trial. The Lapila orchard had its
first significant seed crop in 1993, exhibiting relatively high seed yields for the species.
Piyon 151
Early trial evaluations show considerable provenance variation in terms of dry bio-
mass production managed as an alley-cropping species (Fig. 17.7). The highest-yield-
ing accession at both .:Jites is 62/87 from UTA, Nigeria. Other promising accessions
originate from Nicaragua, Honduras, and Guatemala. Provenances from Panama,
Venezuela, and Mexico are consistently low yielding. The accession originating in
Thailand (75/87) performed poorly in the provenance trials, but is the top-ranked prove-
nance at the Lapila orchard in height growth and in the upper quartile in survival (91 %)
after 18 months. Normal selection procedures based on the top-yielding provenances in
the alley cropping trials would have eliminated this accession from further selection;
selection at the individual level included the accession in the orchard.
A commercial seed lot from Honduras (C) and the F2 of 13/82, introduced to Haiti
in 1985, were both inferior to the productivity of the top 5 accessions at Bombard. The
remarkable difference in performance between a commercial seed lot used as a control
and the top yielding provenances at the Bombard trial is a helpful reminder of the
importance in identifying the right seed source prior to any importation and distribution
to the Haitian farmer. Furthermore, statistical differences have been validated among
provenances in rooting ability, coppice habit, phenology and palatability. There is high
potential to improve the tree for desirable features in agroforestry systems.



30/84 13/82 F2
40/85 25/84
13/82 24/84
14/86 38/85
31/84 14/86
12/86 31/84-
38/85 16/84
16/84 35/85
24/84 13/84
29/84 1/86 I 28 MONTHS I
41/87 29/84
58/87 c I 34 MONTHS I D 10 MO. SEEDLING
35/85 D 20 MO. SEEDLING 58/87 II 5 MO. COPPICE
75/87 ~~~ 40/85 • 7 MO. COOPICE
13/86 13/86

MEAN~~~~~~~ ~ MEANP"• • •_
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
Figure 17.7 Comparison of dry aboveground production among G. sepium accessions
at the Bombard (left) and Barbe Pagnol (right) alley cropping trials. Provenance num-
bers follow seed lot accessions assigned by Oxford Forestry Institute, UK.



18 Pests and Diseases
Damaging agents, such as pests and diseases, reduce the productivity of Haitian
trees and cause considerable economic loss. However, very little has been reported on
the nature of tree pests and diseases in Haiti. Much of this lack has to do with the fact
that basic scientific research nearly has ceased in the country during recent decades.
For example, the only entomological work specific to Haiti is a dated treatment by
Wolcott (1927). Recent investigations of the pests and diseases that attack young
seedlings in the artificial environments of tree nurseries (Tourigny, 1987; Runion et al.,
1990; Josiah, 1990; Josiah and Allen-Reid, 1991) are by design quick and superficial.
The rapid reconnaissance work of consultants cannot possibly keep up with the long-
term evolution of tree pests and diseases. Such studies, requiring institutional commit-
ments, expertise and funding, fall hopelessly low on the national and international agen-
das of governmental and development agencies operating in Haiti. Aside from a few of
the commercially important non-native species, the information we have about the pests
and diseases of Haitian trees is seriously inadequate.
Given the scarcity of data specific to Haiti, a preliminary investigation of the liter-
ature was conducted to summarize the most important pests and diseases known to
attack tree species found in Haiti. Even if a particular pest or disease never has been
confirmed in the country, its spread to Haiti must always be considered possible.
Biological factors such as these have little respect for political boundaries.
Furthermore, as stresses to the island's ecosystems increase and the genetic erosion of
tree populations continues unabated, the situation becomes of greater concern.
The following information is arranged in alphabetical order by species. For each
species or genus, a summary of the pests and diseases are listed, followed in many cases
by a brief description of the type of damage or attack symptoms and the location(s) in
which the observations were made. No attempt has been made to include control mea-
sures, though these occasionally can be found in the cited literature.

Species: Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Benth.

Creole Names: akasya, zakasya
Family: Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
Insect Pests: Seedlings are vulnerable to crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) that clip the
stems or defoliate in the nursery.
Other Pests: Rabbits severely damage seedlings in Florida. Birds, attracted to the
bright orange aril, consume and disperse the seed in Haiti.
Diseases: Notable fungal diseases attacking nursery seedlings in Haiti include leaf spot
(Pestalotia), powdery mildew (Oidium), and damping off (Fusarium and Rhizoctonia).
References: Josiah and Allen-Reid, 1991; Morton, 1983; Runion et aI., 1990; Tourigny, 1987.

Species: Acaciafarnesiana (L.) Willd.

Creole Name: zakasya jon
Family: Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
Insect Pests: The twig girdler (Oncideres pustulatus LeConte) attacks the tree in south-
ern Texas. Bruchid beetles (e.g., Caryedon gonagra Fabricius) infest seeds and pods in
Puerto Rico and India. The pomegranate butterfly (Virachola livia Klug) attacks green
pods in Egypt.


156 Pests and Diseases
Other Pests: Root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne javanica (Treub) Chitwood) infest
stands in India.
Diseases: Pink disease (Corticum salmonicolor Berk. & Br.) occurs in Sierra Leone.
Fungal pathogens include: Ravenelia australis Dict. & Neger; R. hieronymi Speg., and R.
siliquae Long in Texas; R. spegazziniana Lindquist in Hawaii, continental US, Mexico,
Guatemala, Cuba, and Puerto Rico; R. acaciae-farnesianae P. Henn. in Brazil; R. for-
mosana Syd. in Taiwan; Uromycladium notabile (Ludw.) McAlp in N. Zealand and
Australia; Phylachora acaciae P. Henn in the West Indies and Ecuador; Camptomeris
albizziae (Petch) Mason in Dominica, Sudan, Kenya, and S. Africa; root rot, including
Clitocybe tabescens Scop. ex Bres. in Florida and Phymatotrichum omnivorum (Shear)
Dug. in Texas. A wilt caused by Dothiorella sp. has been reported in Italy.
Reference: Parrotta, 1992a.

Species: Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd. ex Mart.

Creole Name: koko ginen
Family: Arecaceae (=Palmae)
Insect Pests: Larvae of the palm bruchid beetles (Pachymerus bactris Linne, P. carda
Fahraeus, P. nucleorum Fabricius, Speciomerus revoili Pic) feed in the seed and exit as
adults that feed on the flowers, nectar, and pollen.
Reference: Johnson et aI., 1995.

Species: Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth.

Creole Name: tcha tcha
Family: Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
Insect Pests: Oxyrhachis tarandus Fabr. attacks young shoots of seedlings and
saplings; Indarbela quaduinotate Walker damages the bark; Eurema blandasilhetana
Wallace and E. hecabe Linn. larvae defoliate young leaves; and psyllids (Heteropsylla
sp.) suck sap from young leav~s and tender stems in India. Xystrocera festiva and X.
globosa Oliver larvae feed on inner bark and sapwood in Burma, Malaysia, Java and
Egypt. The long-homed beetle (Chloridafestiva) attacks trees in the Caribbean. Sixty
other insect pests ofColeoptera, Hemiptera, Homoptera and Lepidoptera feed on young
shoots, leaves, roots, sap, seeds, and dead wood in SE Asia.
Diseases: Fungal pathogens (Endodothella albiziae (Syd.) von Arx and E. deightonii
(Syd.) von Arx) infect leaves, causing small yellow spots on which fruiting structures
appear as minute black dots in Africa, Pakistan, Philippines, and S. Asia. Foliar necro-
sis (Camptomeris albizae (Petch) Mason) occurs in Africa, S. Asia, and the Dominican
Republic. Helminthosporium albiziicola Thirum & Naras. forms brownish pustules on
reddish leaf spots in India. Collectotrichum lebbek (Syd.) Petrak infests seed pods in
Pakistan, Philippines, and Jamaica. Powdery mildew (Leiveillula taurica (Lev.)
Arnaud) causes leaf necrosis. Rusts include: Sphaerophragmium acaciae (Cooke)
Magnus in W. Africa, SE Asia, and the United States; Ravenelia sessilis Berk. in S. Asia
and China; and Uredo spp. in E. Africa and India. Dieback caused by Nectria ditissima
TuI. with bark cracking, leaf shedding, and eventual dieback; and Phomopsis mendax
(Sacc.) Trav., is found in SE Asia. Wilt (Fusarium oxysporum SchI. f. sp. perniciosum
(Hept.) Toole) invades the fine roots and causes gummosis of vessels, wilting, and even-
tual death. Heart and butt rot include: Phellinusfastuosus (Lev.) Ryv., P. gilvus (Schw.)
Pat. and Flavodonflavus (KI.) Ryv. A mushroom root rot (Clitocybe tabescens (Scop.
Pests and Diseases 157
ex Fr.) Bres.), an algal leaf spot (Cephaleuros virescens Kunze), a twig dieback
(Diplodia natalensis P. Evans), a pod spot (Phyllosticta divergens Sacc.), galls, and
gumming caused by Stilbella erythrocephala (Ditm.) Lindau, are known to attack the
tree in its growing range in Florida and Hawaii.
References: CATIE, 1992; Hegde and Relwani, 1988; Morton, 1983; Parrotta, [n.d.].

Species: Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth.

Family: Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
Insect Pests: Insects that attack the tree in India include: Oxyrhachis tarandus Fabr.
which attacks young shoots of seedlings and saplings; larvae of Ascotis selenaria
imparata Walker, Rhesala imparata Walker, and R. inconcinnalis Walker which defoli-
ate; a caterpillar (Indarbela quadrinotata Walker) eats the bark; and a red borer
(Zeuzera coffeae) attacks woody stems and branches of saplings. Fifty other insect pests
of Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Homoptera and Lepidoptera feed on young shoots, leaves,
roots,. sap, seeds, and dead wood in SE Asia.
Diseases: Stem canker (Fusarium solani (Mart.) Sacc.) appears as a pinkish scar, turn-
ing black after secondary infection by bacteria and sap7staining fungi, usually followed
by insect infestation in Asia and the Caribbean. Another stem canker (Nectria haema-
tococca Berk. & Br.) attacks young trees in India. Rusts include: Sphaerophragmium
acaciae (Cooke) Magnus and Ravenelia sessilis Berk. in S. Asia and China; R. clemen-
siae Syd. in India, Burma, and Papua New Guinea; R. indica Berk. in India; and Uredo
albiziae P. Henn. in Papua New Guinea. Wilt (Fusarium oxysporum SchI. f. sp. perni-
ciosum (Hept.) Toole) invades the fine roots and causes gummosis of vessels, wilt, and
eventual death: Root and butt rot are caused by Ganoderma lucidum ((W. Curt.) Fr.)
Karst., G. applanatum (Pers. ex Wallr.) Pat., and Polyporus anebus Berk.
Reference: Parrotta, [n.d.].

Species: Albizia saman (Jacq.) F. MuelI.

Creole Name: saman
Family: Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
Insect Pests: The bean maggot (Hylemya platura Meig.) infests seed cotyledons and
kills seedlings in Haiti. The nymph of the psyllid (Heteropsylla cubana Crawford)
attacks young shoots that die back in Haiti. Larvae of Gymnanadrosoma pithecolobiae
infest seed.
Diseases: Sooty mold (Capnodium) is an occasional problem of nursery seedlings in
Haiti. A "carrot-top" disease affecting crown shape and leaf development of seedlings
has been observed in Haiti.
References: CATIE, 1992; Josiah and Allen-Reid, 1991; Runion et aI., 1990; Tourigny,

Species: Anacardium occidentale L.

Creole Name: nwa kajou
Family: Anacardiaceae
Insect Pests: Major pests include the white fly (Aleurodicus cocois)~ a caterpillar
(Anthistarcha binoculares), a red beetle (Crimissa sp.), and a thripid (Selenothripes
rubrocinctus). The larvae of the cashew borer (Mococerynus coripes) bores into the
158 Pests and Diseases
trunk and roots, causing gum leakage and eventually killing the tree. Thrips damage
leaves and include: Heliothrips rubrocinctus Giard in the West Indies; and Idolothrips
halidaji Newm., and Phloeothrips anacardii Newm. in India. The leaf miner
(Acrocercops syngramma M.) attacks young plants. The tea mosquito (Helopeltis
antonii S.) attacks the shoot tips and causes them to dry up and shed nuts prematurely.
The caterpillar (Cricula trifenestrata H.) occasionally infests and defoliates the tree.
The mealy bug (Ferresiana virgata) attacks the inflorescence. An unidentified mite
infests the tree in Haiti, yellowing the leaves, and causing a severe reduction in nut
yield. Other pests include leaf webbers, flea beetles, spider mites, and scales. Fruit flies
sometimes attack the cashew apple.
Other Pests: Nematode species of the genera Criconemoides, Scutellonema, and
Xiphinema are prevalent in Brazil.
Diseases: Cashew anthracnose is caused by a fungus (Glomerella cingulata) and is
characterized by the destruction of flower sets, resulting in little or no fruit production.
Pink disease, caused by Gloeosporium spp., results in tip dieback and possibly pitting
of the nut surface. A disease with leaf-blight symptoms occurs on mature trees in Haiti,
but may be confused with severe infestations of mites. Powdery mildew attacks young
leaves and inflorescences during dry weather. An additional 26 genera of pathogenic
fungi have been reported, none of which is considered to be of economic importance.
References: Duke, 1989; Morton,1961; Tourigny, 1987.

Species: Andira inermis (W. Wright) DC.

Creole Name: bwa palmis
Family: Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
Insect Pests: Seed weevils (Cleogonus spp.) and fruit flies attack seeds and pods in
Costa Rica. Pinhole borers, powder post beetles, and termites attack the sapwood. Dry-
wood termites attack the heartwood in tropical America.
Other Pests: Field mice clip the stems of seedlings in Puerto Rico.
Reference: Weaver, 1989.

Species: Annona muricata L.

Creole Name: kowosol
Family: Annonaceae
Insect Pests: Insect pests causing the most damage include Bephata maculicollis,
Ceconota annonella, Talponia backeri, and Thecla ortygnus.
Disease: Fungus damage (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz) is serious in Venezuela
and Puerto Rico. Dieback of an uncertain cause occurs in Hawaii.
Reference: CAB, 1988

Species: Araucaria heterophylla (Salisb.) Franco

Creole Name: arokariya
Family: Araucariaceae
Insect Pests: The mealybug (Octaspidiotus araucariae) infests the tree in Hawaii and
Puerto Rico. Ericocus araucariae Muskell attacks the tree in Brazil.
Disease: Dieback of an uncertain cause has been reported in its native Norfolk Island.
Reference: Francis, [n.d.]
Pests and Diseases 159
Species: Avicennia germinans (L.) L.
Creole Name: mang nwa
Family: Verbenaceae
Insect Pests: Wood borer (Sphaeroma terebrans Bate) attacks the tree in Florida. A
scale (Icerya seychellarum Westw.) causes defoliation in the Indo-Pacific. Larvae of
Cleora injectaria Walker infest leaves and defoliates in the Indo-Pacific. High intensi-
ty of leaf miner activity has been reported in Puerto Rico. Marine borers (Toredo spp.)
attack wood in Puerto Rico.
Disease: Fungal pathogens (Alternaria alternata and Phytophtora spp.) cause defolia-
tion and occasionally kill the tree in Australia.
Reference: Jimenez and Lugo, 1985.

Species: Azadirachta indica Adr. Juss.

Creole Name: nim
Family: Meliaceae
Insect Pests: A beetle (Apate monachus) attacks both living and dead wood, retarding
growth, deforming trunks, and making them susceptible to wind damage in· Central
America and the Caribbean. A carpenter bee (Hymenoptera: Xylocopinae) penetrates
deep into stems and branches of drought-stressed trees in Haiti and makes them prone
to wind damage. Scale insects attack nursery seedlings in Haiti, turning leaves yellow
and causing them to fall prematurely. Furthermore, their honeydew secretions attract
ants and the development of sooty molds. Other insect pests include: scale (Aonidiella
orientalis in Africa and Pinnapsis strachni) in Asia, Africa, and Latin America; leaf-cut-
ting ants (Acromyrmes spp.) in Central and S. America; the tortricid moth (Adoxophes
aurata) in Asia and Papua New Guinea; a tea mosquito (Helopeltis theivora) in S. India;
and the pyralid moth (Hypsipyla spp.) in S. Australia.
Diseases: Fungal diseases attacking nursery seedlings in Haiti include leaf spot
(Cercospora leucostica, C. meliae, and Phyllosticta sp.) that forms lesions on the leaf
and also infects stems and petioles; and damping off (Fusarium and Rhizoctonia). A
"carrot top" disease attacks seedlings and deforms leaf development and crown shape
sporadically in Haiti. Fungal diseases reported in other parts of the world include root
rot (Ganoderma lucidum), blight (Corticum salmonicolor), and leaf spot (Cercospora
subsessilis). A bacterial blight (Pseudomonas azadirachtae) attacks the tree in India. A
canker disease that discolors the wood has been reported.
References: Josiah and Allen-Reid, 1991; NRC, 1992; Runion et aI., 1990; Tourigny,

Species: Buchenavia capitata (Vahl) EichI.

Creole Name: grigri jon
Family: Combretaceae
Insect Pests: Numerous insects infest and feed on seeds in Puerto Rico. Marine borers
(Toredo spp.) attack the heartwood. Powder post beetles (Lyctus spp.) attack the sap-
wood in Puerto Rico.
Other Pests: Rats split the endocarp and eat the seed embryos in Puerto Rico.
Reference: Weaver, 1991.
160 Pests and Diseases
Species: Bucida buceras L.
Creole Name: bwa grigri
Family: Combretaceae
Insect Pests: An unidentified mite species causes horn-shaped gall in the Caribbean. A
whitefly (Aleurodicus dispersus) attacks the tree in Florida. Marine borers (Toredo spp.)
and wet-wood termites (Nasutitermes spp.) attack the wood in Puerto Rico.
Reference: Francis, 1989a.

Species: Bursera simaruba (L.) Sarg.

Creole Name: gomye
Family: Burseraceae
Insect Pests: Several species of Homoptera feed on leaves and twigs in Puerto Rico.
Ambrosia beetles (Xyleborus spp. and Platypus spp.) attack green logs in Puerto Rico.
Powder post beetles (Lyctus spp.) attack seasoned lumber. Wood borers (Lagochirus
araneiformis L.) feed on live and dead wood in Puerto Rico. Termites (Incisitermes sny-
deri Light, Cryptotermes brevis Walker, Nasutitermes costalis Holmgren, and
Neotermes castaneus) attack both live and dead wood in the Caribbean.
Reference: Francis, 1990a.

Species: Byrsonima spicata (Cav.) HBK.

Creole Name: lian towo
Family: Malpighiaceae
Insect Pests: Several species of Coleoptera, Homoptera, and Lepidoptera, including
Megalopye krugii Dewitz, defoliate trees in Puerto Rico. The dry-wood termite
(Cryptotermes brevis Walker) and marine borers (Toredo spp.) attack the wood.
Reference: Francis, 1990b.

Species: Calliandra calothyrsus Meissen

Creole Name: kaliandra
Family: Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
Insect Pests: A undetermined stem borer, similar to the mahogany shoot borer
(Hypsipyla robusta), attacks the tree in the Philippines.
Reference: Luego, 1989.

Species: Calophyllum calaba L.

Creole Name: damari
Family: Clusiaceae (=Guttiferae)
Insect Pests: Marine borers (Toredo spp.), the dry-wood termite (Cryptotermes brevis
Walker), and the subterranean termites (Heterotermes convexinotatus, H. tennis, and
Nasutitermes corniger) attack the wood in Panama. Neodryocetes devius attacks the
tree in the Caribbean. An unidentified seed borer has been reported in Puerto Rico.
Thrips cause splotches on leaves and premature defoliation in Puerto Rico.
Diseases: Wilt (Cephalosporium sp.) induces gummosis of vascular tissue as evidenced
by dry branches in the tree top, followed by chlorotic foliage and death of the tree in
Central America. Thread blight (possibly Corticium stevensii) and a root fungus (possi-
bly Rosellinia sp.) occur in Trinidad.
References: CATIE, 1992; Weaver, 1990a.
Pests and Diseases 161
Species: Carica papaya L.
Creole Name: papay
Family: Caricaceae
Diseases: A virus related to the cucurbit mosaic and transmitted by the green peach
aphid (Myzus persicae) from cucumbers and watermelons causes a bitter flavor in fruits.
Anthracnose (Glomerella cingulata and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) enters wounds
in ripe fruit. Dieback by an unidentified pathogen attacks crowns and leaves, causing
rot. Stem end rot (Ascochyta caricae) affects young fruits, causing premature fruit drop
and attacks mature fruit as black circular spots. Root rot (Phytophtora spp.) results in
wilt and eventual death. The powdery mildew (Oidium spp.) attacks leaves of seedlings
under humid, poorly-ventilated conditions.
References: Mortensen and Bullard, 1970; Tourigny, 1987.

Species: Casuarina equisetifolia L. ex J.R. & G. Forst.

Creole Names: bwa pen, pich pen, kazowina
Family: Casuarinaceae
Insect Pests: A stem borer (Apate monachus) attacks both living and dead wood, retard-
ing growth, deforming trunks, and making them susceptible to breakage in high winds
in Central America and the Caribbean. A buprestid beetle (Coleoptera: Buprestidae)
feeds on the inner bark and outer wood tissues of the stem and a cossid moth
(Lepidoptera: Cossidae) bores into the stems of trees in the Philippines. The larvae of
an undetermined twig-girdling insect bore into the stem and feed on the stem bark and
cambial tissues in the· Philippines. Long-horned beetles (Neoclytus cordifer and
Chloridafestiva) attack trees in Central America. The stingless bee (Trigonia silvestri-
ana) wounds trees by cutting bark incisions. Larvae of Bootamomyia infest seed in the
Caribbean. Nymphs of the spittle bug (Clasoptera undulata) suck sap from flowers,
leaves, stems, and soft branches. Other insect pests include: crickets and grasshoppers
(Chondracis rosea, Schistocerca gregaria), a defoliator (Lymantia xylina), and sap
feeders (Icerya spp.). Several species of ants eat the seed, hampering sowing success in
the nursery, and inhibiting natural regeneration of the species worldwide. The species is
vulnerable to crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) that clip seedling stems or defoliate in the
nursery. Twig girdlers attack the tree in southern Florida, cutting off new shoots and
branches, resulting in deformed stems. Major seedling pests in India are the cricket
(Brachytrupes achatinus), a bark-eating caterpillar (Arbela tetronis), a longicorn
(Coelosterna scabrata), and grubs of the rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes rhinocerus).
Diseases: Notable fungal diseases observed among tree nurseries in Haiti include: the
powdery mildew (Oidium spp.) that attacks leaves of seedlings under humid, poorly-
ventilated conditions; foliar blights (Alternaria, Cercospora, and Phytophtora); and
root rot (Pythium, Phytophtora, and Rhizoctonia). Trees grown in unfavorable condi-
tions succumb to major root diseases caused by Pseudomonas solanacearum,
Trichosporium vesiculorum, and Rhizoctonia spp., particularly on wet and poorly-
drained sites. The mushroom root rot (Clitocybe tabescens (Scop.) Bres.) causes a high
rate of mortality on sandy soils in S. Florida. Dieback and stem canker caused by
Diplodia natalensis occur in southern Florida and Puerto Rico.
References: Brazza, 1987a; Brazza, 1988a; CATIE, 1992; Josiah and Allen-Reid, 1991;
Morton, 1980; NFTA 1990; Runion et al., 1990; Tourigny, 1987.
162 Pests and Diseases
Species: Catalpa longissima (Jacq.) Dum. Cours.
Creole Name: chenn
Family: Bignoniaceae >

Insect Pests: Caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) tie leaves together prior to pupation
and defoliate in Haiti. A tortoise beetle (Coleoptera: Cassidenae) is a common defolia-
tor of nursery seedlings and mature trees in Haiti. The wet-wood termite (Nasutitermes
spp.) and the dry-wood termite (Cryptotermes brevis Walker) consume dead wood in
Puerto Rico. The citrus aphid (Toxoptera aurantium B. de F.) shrivels young leaves,
reduces vigor, and promotes development of black sooty mold in Haiti. Aphids are an
occasional problem of nurseries in Haiti.
Diseases: Notable fungal diseases observed among tree nurseries in Haiti include: leaf
spot (Alternaria, Botrytis and Cercospora); anthracnose (Collectotrichum); and an
unidentified aphid-borne virus that causes leaves of young seedlings to shrivel with
mosaic-type symptoms.
References: Francis, 1990c; Josiah and Allen-Reid, 1991; Runion et aI., 1990;
Tourigny, 1987.

Species: Cecropia peltata L.

Creole Name: twompet
Family: Moraceae
Insect Pests: Larvae of several species (Correbidia terminalis, Gynaecia dirce, Historis
odious, Prepodes spp., and Sylepta salicalis) defoliate the seedling and sapling stages
and cause heavy damage to leaves of mature trees. The cotton aphid (Aphisgossypii)
commonly is observed on leaves of the tree in Puerto Rico.
Other Pests: Vines of Fabaceae, Convolvulaceae and Malpighiaceae strangle saplings
in S. America.
Reference: Silander and Lugo, 1990.

Species: Cedrela odorata L.

Creole Name: sed
Family: Meliaceae
Insect Pests: The citrus aphid (Toxoptera aurantium B. de F.) shrivels young leaves,
reduces vigor, and promotes development of black sooty mold in Haiti. The mahogany
shoot borer (Hypsipyla grandella Zeller), common throughout the species' natural
range, bores into buds, shoots, and stems, causing death in the apical meristem. Jumping
plant lice (Coelocara ernestii) attack the tree in the Caribbean. The termite (Neotermes
castaneus) attacks both live and dead wood in Central American and the Caribbean.
Beetle damage is a problem on some plantations in Africa.
Other Pests: Snails and slugs cause damage to plantations in Malaysia, Africa, and the
Virgin Islands.
Diseases: Fungal diseases of seedling nurseries in Haiti include: leaf spot (Alternaria
and Cercospora), anthracnose, and stem blight (Colletotrichum). An unidentified aphid-
borne virus causes leaves of young seedlings to shrivel with mosaic-type symptoms in
Haiti. Dieback of previously healthy 1-2 year old stands is a common phenomenon in
Central America and the Caribbean, characterized by poor crowns going out of leaf at
frequent intervals, dead-looking bark, and dieback from the top.
References: CATIE, 1992; Cintron, 1990; Marshall, 1939; Runion et aI., 1990.
Pests and Diseases 163
Species: Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.
Creole Name: mapou
Family: Bombacaceae
Insect Pests: Defoliators include: Perieallia ricini Fabr., Oiketieus kirbiyi Guilding,
Bueeulatrix spp., Eulepidotis modestula Herrich-Schaeffer, Ephyriades areas Drury,
and Diaprepes abbreviatus L. in Puerto Rico and India. Seed eaters include: Dysdereus
andreae L. and D. bimaeulatus in Puerto Rico. Tree girdlers include: Analeptes trifas-
ciata Fabr. and Paranaleptes retieulata Thoms in Africa. Other insect pests have been
reported including 9 Coleoptera, 11 Hemiptera, 6 Lepidoptera and 1 Thysanoptera
species around the world.
Other Pests: The tree is a host to parasitic plants (Dendropthoe faleata, Loranthus
Diseases: Twenty-eight pathogenic fungi of the following genera have been reported to
attack the tree: Armillaria, Caloneetria, Camillea, Cereospora, Chaetothyrium,
Coniothyrium, Cortieum, Corynespora, Daldinia, Fomes, Glomerella, Phllostieta,
Physalospora, Polyprous, Polystietus, Pyenoporus, Ramularia, Sehizophyllum,
Septoria, Thanatephorus, and Ustulina. The following viruses attack kapok: Cacao
virus lA, Ie, and 1M, Swollen Shoot, Offa Igbo (Nigeria) and viruses that also attack
Adansonia digitata.
References: Chinea-Rivera, 1990; Duke, 1989.

Species: Chrysophyllum eainito L.

Creole Name: kaymit
Family: Sapotaceae
Disease: An unidentified fungal pathogen shrivels immature fruit in Florida.
Reference: Mortensen and Bullard, 1970.

Species: Citharexylum frutieosum L.

Creole Name: madam klod
Family: Verbenaceae
Insect Pests: The lepidopteran pest (Pyrausta eertata E) occasionally defoliates the
tree in Puerto Rico. Insects of the orders Homoptera, Isoptera and Lepidoptera also feed
on the tree. The dry-wood termite (Cryptotermes brevis Walker), and rarely the wet-
wood termite (Nasutitermes eostalis), attack the wood.
Diseases: Heart rot fungi attack old trees.
Other Pests: Mistletoe is common in Puerto Rico.
Reference: Francis, 1990d.

Species: Citrus spp.

Creole Names: zoranj, sitwon, chadek
Family: Rutaceae
Insect Pests: The cottony cushion scale (Ieerya purehasi Mask.) and the citrus snow
scale (Unaspis eitri Comstock) infest leaves and twigs in Haiti. An additional 23 species
of scales and mealybugs are widespread where Citrus is cultivated. The citrus rust mite
(Phylloeoptruta oleivora Ashm.) and citrus red mite (Paratetranyehus eitri MeG.)
attack all green parts of the plant. The citrus aphid (Toxoptera aurantium B. de E) shriv-
els young leaves, reduces vigor, and promotes development of black sooty mold.
164 Pests and Diseases
Several species of ants harvest the honey dew secretions of aphid and scale pests. Leaf-
cutting ants harvest leaves and defoliate. The stingless bees (Trigonia corvina and T. sit:-
vestriana) cut flower buds to extract resin. Fruit fly maggots (Anastrepha spp. and
Ceratitis capitata) enter fruits and cause decay. A gray larvae of Papilio spp., known
as orange dog, infest young leaves and impart an offensive odor. The citrus root weevil
(Diprepes spp.) is reported in the Caribbean. Thrips (Scirtothrips spp.) and whiteflies
(Dialeurodes spp.) are widespread. The moth borer (Citripestis sagittiferella Moore) is
an important pest in SE Asia.
Other Pests: .The burrowing nematode (Radopholus similis (Cobb) Thorne), citrus
nematode (Tylenchulus semipenetrans), and Pratylenchus spp. attack the tree.
Diseases: Gummosis (Phytophtora citrophthora (Sm. & Sm.) Leon. and P. parasitica
Dastur) is characterized by lesions in the crown and the graft union that exude gum prior
to death of the tree. Phytophtora spp. also cause a brown rot on fruit. The scab (Elsinoe
fawcetti Bitanc. & Jenk.) produces corky lesions on twigs, leaves and fruit. Melanose
(Diaporthe citri (Fawc.) Wolf) produces brown pustules on young twigs, leaves and
fruits. Anthracnose of limes (Gloeosporium limetticolum Claus.) causes branch tips to
die. Anthracnose of oranges, grapefruit and lemons (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
Penz.) attacks branches, leaves, and fruits which have become injured or weakened.
Citrus canker (Xanthomonas citri (Hasse) Dowson) is dangerous and requires uproot-
ing and burning of all infected trees. Fungi that endanger post-harvested fruit include:
Penicillum spp., Alternaria citri Ellis & Pearce, Guignardia citricarpa Kiely, and
numerous others. The Tristeza virus, transmitted by diseased budwood and aphids, sup-
presses new growth, causing leaf yellowing, wilting, and tree death. Other virus dis-
eases include exocortis, psorosis and xyloporosis. "Stubborn," "greening," and "yellow
shoot" diseases are caused by mycoplasms and transmitted by psyllids. Fungal diseases
attacking seedlings in Haitian nurseries include leaf spot (Alternaria, Fusarium, and
Phoma), anthracnose (Colletotrichum), and scab (Sphaceloma).
References: CATIE, 1992; Josiah and Allen-Reid, 1991; Mortensen and Bullard, 1970;
Purseglove, 1968b; Runion et aI., 1990; Tourigny, 1987.

Species: Cocos nucifera L.

Creole Name: kokoye
Family: Arecaceae (=Palmae)
Insect Pests: More than 100 species of insects afflict the tree. The rhinoceros beetles
(Orycetes rhinoceras in SE Asia and O. moceros in Africa) are serious pests, penetrat-
ing the terminal bud and causing damage to unfolded leaves, and death if the central
growing part is attacked. The coconut mite (Aceria guerreronis Keifer) is probably the
most prevalent pest in Haiti, deforming nut development and reducing crop yield. The
coconut weevils (Rhynchophorus cruentatus in S. Florida, R. palmarum in the West
Indies and S. America, R. ferrugineus in S. Asia, and R. schach in Malaysia) are dan-
gerous, attacking the bud and causing death of the tree when the growing point is
destroyed. Other important coleopteran pests include: Strategus spp. that attack the soft
wood and the heart of the tree; Brontispa spp., most notably B. longissima in the Pacific
and SE Asia, that severely damages leaves; and the leafminers (Promecotheca spp. in
SE Asia and Coelaenomenodera spp. in Africa and Madagascar) that render the leaves
non-functional. The larvae of several lepidopteran species are important defoliators,
Pests and Diseases 165
including Artona catoxantha in SE Asia, Brassolis sophorae and Castina daedalus in
S. America, Hidari irava in Indonesia, Nephantis serinopa in S. India, Setora nitens and
Tirathaba spp. in SE Asia. The planthopper (Myndus crudus) feeds on phloem while
transmitting mycoplasmalike organisms .that cause lethal yellowing. The scale
(Aspidiotus destructor) infests the leaves, causing discoloration and loss of vigor.
Populations in Haiti appear to be controlled by a ladybug predator (Chilocorus cacti).
Long-hom grasshoppers (Sexava spp.) attack coconuts in almost all the coconut-grow-
ing areas and occasionally cause serious defoliation.
Other Pests: Bird pests include the Hispaniolan Woodpecker (Melanerpes striatus),
which attacks the trunk for nesting sites and damages immature nuts, and the Village
Weaver (Ploceus cucullatus), which strips the leaves for nest building. The nematode
(Rhadinaphelenchus cocophilus (==Aphelenchus cocophilus)) invades the stem and
crown base, causing red ring disease. It is transmitted by the coconut weevil
(Rhynchophorus palmarum).
Diseases: Diseases prevalent in the Caribbean include: red ring, infesting the trunk with
a characteristic red ring, rapid wilting of the leaves, and eventual death of the palm;
lethal yellowing, caused by mycoplasmalike organisms transmitted by the planthopper
Myndus crudus Van Duzee (and perhaps other Myndus species), and devastating local
populations in Haiti and throughout the Caribbean basin; bud rot fungus (Phytophtora
palmivora Butl.) which wilts and kills the terminal bud; leaf blight fungus (Pestalotia
palmarum) which invades stressed plants by attacking the leaves with yellow spots that
finally tum to gray and coalesce; leaf break fungus (Botryodiplodia palmarum) which
attacks trees weakened by unfavorable growing conditions and causes the leaves to
break at their distal ends; leaf stalk rot fungus (Phytophtora parisitica) on the stalks and
limbs of infected leaves; stem bleeding and leaf spot fungus (Thielaviopsis paradoxa
(De Segn.) Hoehn); butt rot fungus (Ganoderma spp.) which kills the lower fronds and
eventually the entire tree; and fatal wilt flagellate (Phytomas) which attacks the coconut
bud and kills the tree.
References: Morin, 1977; Ohler, 1984.

Species: CojJea arabica L.

Creole Name: kafe
Family: Rubiaceae
Insect Pests: The citrus aphid (Toxoptera aurantium B. de E) shrivels young leaves,
reduces vigor and promotes development of black sooty mold in Haiti. The bean borer
(Hypothenemus hampei) attack beans in Africa and Brazil. The green scale (Coccus
viridis) attacks leaves along the veins.
Diseases: The most serious disease is Hemileia rust caused by Hemileia vastatrix Berk.
& Br. that attacks the leaves. Leaf spot (Mycena citricolor) results in defoliation of the
plant. Another leaf spot (Cercospora cojJeicola) is occasionally a problem in humid
areas of Haiti, resulting in chlorotic leaves, berry lesions, and pulp sticking to the beans.
Fungal diseases attacking seedlings in Haitian nurseries include: leaf spot (Alternaria,
Cephalosporium, Cercospora, Mycena, Pestalotia, and Phyllosticta); anthracnose
(Colletotrichum); and damping off (Rhizoctonia). A stem blight attacks seedlings under
humid conditions in Haiti.
References: Mortensen and Bullard; 1970; Runion et al., 1990; Tourigny, 1987.
166 PestS and Diseases
Species: Colubrina arborescens (Mill.) Sarg.
Creole Names: bwa pIe, kapab
Family: Rhamnaceae
Insect Pests: The citrus aphid (Toxoptera aurantium B. de E) shrivels young leaves,
reduces vigor, and promotes. development of black sooty mold in Haiti. The stingless
bee (Trigonia silvestriana) extracts resin by making bark incisions. Seedlings are vul-
nerable to crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) that clip stems or defoliate in the nursery.
Diseases: Fungal diseases attacking seedlings in Haitian nurseries include: leaf spot
(Alternaria, Cercospora, and Myrothecium); anthracnose (Colletotrichum); damping
off (Alternaria and Fusarium); and stem blight (Alternaria, Fusarium, and
Colletotrichum). An unidentified aphid-borne virus causes leaves of young seedlings to
shrivel with mosaic-type symptoms in Haiti.
References: CATIE, 1992; Josiah and Allen-Reid, 1991; Runion et aI., 1990; Tourigny,

Species: Cordia spp.

Creole Names: bwa soumi, bwa chik, fle dan
Family: Boraginaceae
Insect Pests: Larvae of a bean weevil (Amblycerus pygidialis) destroy flowers, young
fruit or seeds in the Caribbean. The stingless bee (Trigonia silvestriana) wounds C.
alliodora by cutting bark incisions. A root-cutter beetle (Phyllophagus spp.)' attacks
seedlings in Venezuela. The Spanish elm lacewing bug (Dictyla monotropidia) infests
seedlings and damages leaves. The leaf hoppers (Draculocephala cubana and
Hortensia similis) damage and deform leaves of trees in the Caribbean. Larvae of
Conchylodes diptherali bore into concealed areas of the tree to feed. Ants commonly
infest the swollen nodes of the lateral branches in Central and S. America, but cause no
significant damage to planted seedlings. The tree is very susceptible to various defo-
liators. More than 212 insect taxa were found on C. alliodora in Panama, none causing
serious injury.
Other Pests: Birds and rodents destroy much of the seed in exposed areas. Extracts
from a grass (Melinis minutiflora) has adverse effects on seedling growth of C. alliodo-
Diseases: C. alliodora is susceptible to canker-causing rust (Puccina cordiae), attack-
ing at the base of young branches, in the West Indies, Guatemala, and South America.
A black fungal or viral canker of an unknown species, causing severe damage to nodes
on main stems of C. alliodora, has been reported from the Pacific. Leaf spot disease
attacks nursery seedlings in Puerto Rico.
References: CATIE, 1992; Liegel and Stead, 1990; Webb et aI., 1984.

Species: Cupania americana L.

Creole Name: satanye
Family: Sapindaceae
Insect Pests: Homoptera species feed on trees, causing twig mortality, in Puerto Rico.
Lepidopteran caterpillars defoliate lightly in Puerto Rico. Unidentified insect larvae
destroy seeds in Puerto Rico. The wet-wood termite (Nasutitermes costalis Holmgren)
Pests and Diseases 167
feeds on dead limbs and twigs of live trees in Puerto Rico. The dry-wood termite
(Cryptotermes brevis Walker) attacks the wood in the Caribbean.
Reference: Francis, 1991 a.

Species: Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.

Family: Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
Insect Pests: A defoliator (Plecoptera reflexa) and a leaf binder (Dichomeris eridantis)
attack the tree in India. Pinhole borers and termites attack the wood. A cricket
(Brachytrypes portentosus) attacks seedlings in India.
Other Pests: Parasitic plants include Loranthus longiflorus and Tapinenthus
dodoneifolius in India. Porcupines and rats damage root systems in India.
Diseases: Powdery mildew (Phyllactinia dalbergiae Pirozynski) appears on leaves of
young and old trees late in the growing season in India. Other common fungal diseases
in India include: leaf spot (Cercospora sissoo Syd., Cochliobolus lunatus Nelson &
Haasis, Colletotrichum sisoo (Sydow.) Sutton, Phomopsis dalbergiae Sahni,
Phyllachora dalbergiae Syd. & Butler, and Phyllosticta sisoo Died.); leaf blight
(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penzig); leaf wilt (Fusarium solani (Mart.) App. &
Wollenw. f. dalbergiae Gordon); leaf rusts (Eudarluca caricis (Fr.) C. Eriks, Maravalia
achora (Syd.) Arth. & Cunm., and Uredo sisoo Syd. & Butler); wood rots (Daedalea
flavida Lev., Daldinia erschscholzii (Ehrenb.) Rehm., Favolus canadensis Klotzsch., ,
Fomes fastuosus (L.) Berk., Ganoderma applanatum (Pers.) Pat., G. lucidum (Leyss.)
Kaist., Hymenochaeta damaecornis (Link.) Lev" Irpex flavus Klotzsch., Marasmius
pangerangensis P. Renn., Peniophora indica Thind & Rattan, and Polyporus gilvus
Schw.); stump rot (Fomes durissimus Lloyd and F. lucida); root rot (Ganoderma
lucidum (Leyss.) Kaist.); and blister canker (Nummularia cinnalbarina P. Renn.).
Reference: Parrotta, 1989.

Species: Elaeis guineensis Jacq.

Creole Name: kwokwo ginen
Family: Arecaceae (=Palmae)
Insect Pests: Larvae of the palm bruchid beetle (Pachymerus bactris Linne) feed in the
seed and exit as adults that feed on the flowers, nectar, and pollen. Caterpillars
(Saturniidae: Automeris liberia, A. cinctistiga, A. bilinea, Periphoba hircia, and
Pseudodirphia gregatus) defoliate oil palms throughout the Neotropics.
References: Couturier and Kahn, 1993; Johnson et aI., 1995.

Species: Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb.

Creole Name: bwa tanis wouj
Family: Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
Insect Pests: Wood-boring insects (buprestids, cerambicids, and scolitids) attack dis-
eased areas caused by Fusarium oxyosporum var. perniciosum in Puerto Rico. The gall-
forming fly (Asphondylia enterolobii) destroys flowers in Costa Rica. A sucking insect
(Umbonia crassicorni) attacks trees in Costa Rica. Stator generalis attacks dormant
seeds in Costa Rica. Numerous insects attack the sapwood.
168 Pests and Diseases
Other Pests: Parrots (Amazona spp.) eat green seeds in Costa Rica. A rodent (Liomys
salvini) and peccaries consume seeds on the ground in Costa Rica.
Diseases: Fusarium oxyosporum var. perniciosum causes exudation from bark fissures
on infected trunks and branches, attracting wood borers and eventually resulting in limb
breakage in Puerto Rico.
Reference: Francis, 1988.

Species: Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) LindI.

Creole Name: lokwat
Family: Rosaceae
Disease: The fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) is the most serious disease of the tree,
causing branches to die back. Scab (Spilocaea eriobotryae) spoils the fruit.
Reference: Mortensen and Bullard, 1970.

Species: Eucalyptus spp.

Creole Name: kaliptis
Family: Myrtaceae
Insect Pests: The snout beetle (Euscelus aureolus) damages fruit of the tree in the
Caribbean. The stingless bee (Trigonia silvestriana) wounds by cutting bark incisions.
Several species of ants eat the seed, hampering sowing success in the nursery, and
inhibiting natural regeneration of the species in Haiti. Seedlings are vulnerable to crick-
ets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) that clip the stems or defoliate in the nursery. The tree is sus-
ceptible to attack by the snout beetle (Gonipterus) in South Africa. Additional pests
include: Phoracantha semipunctata in Israel; and Platypus, Pantomorus, and Atta in
Diseases: Fungal diseases attacking seedlings in Haitian nurseries include: leaf spot
(Alternaria, Cercospora, Curvularia, Myrothecium, Phytophtora, and Spaeropsis);
anthracnose (Colletotrichum); powdery mildew (Oidium); and damping off
(Colletotrichum, Fusarium, Myrothecium, Phomopsis, Phytophthora, and
Scolecotrichum). A canker (Phomopsis) occasionally attacks the tree in Haiti. Basal
canker (Cryphonectria cubensis) infects E. grandis plantations in S. Florida, Brazil and
References: CATIE, 1992; Josiah and Allen-Reid, 1991; Meskimen and Francis, 1990;
Runion et aI., 1990; Webb et aI., 1984.

Species: Genipa americana L.

Creole Name: jinpa
Family: Rubiaceae
Insect Pests: Numerous insects of the orders Coleoptera, Homoptera, and Lepidoptera,
use the tree as a host, though none appears to cause significant damage. Pinhole borers,
the dry-wood termite (Cryptotermes brevis Walker), powderpost beetles (Lyctus spp.),
and marine borers (Toredo spp.) attack the wood in the Caribbean and Central America.
Reference: Francis, 1993.
Pests and Diseases 169
Species: Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp.
Creole Names: piyon, piyong, lila etranje
Family: Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
Insect Pests: Scale (Orthezia praelonga Douglass), a mealybug (Puto barberi), and an
aphid (Aphis liburni) cause minor damage in Trinidad. Aphids (Aphis spp.) suck sap
from young leaves and twigs, secrete honeydew as a nutritive medium for sooty molds,
and cause a decline in vigor of trees in Haiti. The species is host to several agricultural
pests: Ceutorhynchus asperulus, a weevil that attacks pigeon pea; Oligonychus biharen-
sis Hirst and Eutetranychus orientalis Klein, both polyphagous mites in India. The
species is an alternate food plant for lepidopteran pests (Orgyia postica Wlk. and
Dasychira mendosa Hb.) and for the peanut aphid (Aphis crassivora Koch.) in India.
Other Pests: Rats and mice girdle bark and kill seedlings in Haiti, despite its reputa-
tion as a source of rat poison.
Diseases: A leaf spot (Cercospora gliricidiae Syd. and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
Penz.) is reported in Puerto Rico and Nigeria. A thread blight (Pellicularia koleroga
Cke.) occurs in Puerto Rico. Cladosporium sp. causes severe defoliation in Costa Rica.
A root fungal pathogen (Sphaerostilbe repens Berk. & Br.) is reported in Trinidad.
References: Josiah and Allen-Reid, 1991; Parrotta, 1992b; Tourigny, 1987.

Species: Guarea guidonia (L.) Sleumer

Creole Name: bwa wouj
Family: Meliaceae
Insect Pests: The mahogany shoot borer (Hypsipyla grandella Zeller) bores into buds,
shoots, and stems in Central America and the Caribbean. Several insect species attack
seedlings, causing mortality in Trinidad.
Disease: Minor leaf spot damage has been reported in Puerto Rico.
References: CATIE, 1992; Weaver, 1988.

Species: Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.

Creole Name: bwa dam
Family: Sterculiaceae
Insect Pests: The seed crop is heavily attacked by a bruchid beetle (Amblycerus cis-
telinus) in Costa Rica. Phelypera distigma, Lirimiris truncata, and Hylesia lineata bee-
tles feed on leaves in Costa Rica. The wet-wood termite (Nasutitermes costalis
Holmgren) attacks dead trees and dead limbs of live trees in Puerto Rico. The dry-wood
termite (Cryptotermes brevis Walker) attacks the wood in the Caribbean and Central
Reference: Francis, 1991b.

Species: Hevea brasiliense (HBK.) Mue1!. Arg.

Creole Name: kawotchou
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Diseases: Anthracnose (Glomerella cingulata) attacks young leaves and results in pre-
mature leaf drop. The leaf spot (Helminthosporium heveae) causes spotting on leaves
and premature leaf drop. The South American leaf blight (Dothidella ulei) causes severe
Reference: Mortensen and Bullard, 1970.
170 Pests and Diseases
Species: Hibiscus elatus Sw.
Creole Name: maho ble
Family: Malvaceae
Insect Pests: Cotton stainer bugs occasionally infest trees in the Caribbean. Several
species of ants consume seeds in the Caribbean. The long-homed beetles (Acanthoderes
circumflexa and Plectomerus dentipes) attack Hibiscus spp. in the Caribbean. Nymphs
and adults of Dysdercus andreae, D. ocreatus, and D. sanguineus suck on seeds,
deforming them, and causing premature seed fall in the Caribbean.
Other Pests: Bats and other predators consume immature seed while it is still on the
Diseases: Leaf spot (Septoria sp. and Pestalstia heterocornis Guba) is reported in
Jamaica. Dieback characterized by crown branching, leaf wilt, and trunk blackening
occurs in Puerto Rico.
References: CATIE, 1992; Weaver and Francis, [n.d.].

Species: Hura crepitans L.

Creole Names: sabliye, rabi
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Insect Pests: The wet-wood termites (Nasutitermes costalis Holmgren and N. nigriceps
Haldeman) consume dead limbs in Puerto Rico. Homopteran insects feed on foliage in
Puerto Rico.
Disease: Heart rot enters basal scars and reaches interior of trees.
Reference: Francis, 1990e.

Species: Hymenaea courbaril L.

Creole Name: koubari
Family: Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
Insect Pests: A weevil (Rhinochenus sp.) bores through seed pods and eats the seed in
Costa Rica and Trinidad and Tobago. Other insects (Acanthoscelides sp., Hypothenemus
busch Hopkins, and Myelois decolor Zeller) feed inside seed pods in Puerto Rico. An
unidentified insect cuts twigs and small branches after depositing eggs in Trinidad and
Tobago. Leaf-cutter ants (Aua spp.) harvest young leaves in Costa Rica. Wet-wood ter-
mites (Nasutitermes costalis Holmgren and N. nigricepts Haldeman) eat dead wood in
the Caribbean. Marine borers (Toredo spp.) attack wood in the Caribbean.
Reference: Francis, 1990f.

Species: Inga vera Willd.

Creole Names: sikren, pwa dou
Family: Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
Insect Pests: An ant (Myrmelachista ramulorun Wheeler) attacks older trees and tun-
nels through trunks and branches in Puerto Rico. A leaf webber (Tetralopha scabridel-
la Ragonot) causes severe defoliation and a beetle (Xyleborus affinis Eichhoff) attacks
both healthy and stressed trees in Puerto Rico. A wood borer (Platypus ratzenburgi
Chapuis) causes severe damage to live trees in Puerto Rico.
Disease: An unidentified root fungus or bacterium causes a loss of sap from trees,
necrosis, and eventual death in Puerto Rico.
Reference: Rodriguez, 1990.
Pests and Diseases 171
Species: Laguncularia racemosa (L.) Gaertn. f.
Creole Name: mang blan
Family: Combretaceae
Insect Pests: A wood borer (Sphaeroma terebrans Bate) attacks trees in Florida. A bee-
tle (Chrysobothris tranqueborica Gmelin.) and a borer (Psychonoctua personalis
Grote) attack trees and cause mortality in Puerto Rico.
Reference: Jimenez, 1985a.

Species: Leucaena diversifolia (Schlecht.) Benth. subsp. diversifolia

Creole Name: lisina ti fey
Family: Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
Insect Pests: The coffee bean weevil (Araecerus fasciculatus De Geer) and an unde-
termined moth species attack seeds in the Philippines, feeding on the seed cotyledon
and seed coats.
Reference: Brazza, 1988b.

Species: Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit

Creole Names: lisina, delen, madlenn
Family: Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
Insect Pests: The nymph of the psyllid (Heteropsylla cubana Crawford) attacks young
shoots that die back in Haiti and causes considerable damage throughout SE Asia. Natural
enemies, both parasitic and predatory, keep psyllids from reaching epidemic levels in the
Caribbean. Lepidopteran larvae (Heliothis zea) defoliate young trees in Puerto Rico. Mealy
bugs (Pseudococcus citri Risso and Ferrisia virgata Ckll.) feed on seed pods in Indonesia
and the Philippines. A twig girdler (Oncideres rhodosticta) attacks trees in Texas. The cof-
fee bean weevil (Araecerus fasciculatus De Geer) attacks seeds in the Philippines, feeding
on the cotyledon. Other insect pests of the Philippines include: the scarab beetles (Anomala
sp., Adoretus sp., and Holotrichia sp.) that feed on seedling roots; coleopteran and lepi-
dopteran stem borers, including Zeuzera coffeae and Cossus sp.; lepidopteran defoliators
(Orgyia australis postica, Lymantria sp.); an undetermined microlepidopteran species that
feeds on the cotyledons and seedcoats of seeds inside pods; Gryllotalpa africana
(Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) and Phaneroptera furcifera (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) that
feed on the roots and flowers, respectively; an undetermined diaspidid (Homoptera:
Diaspididae) that sucks sap from seedling stems and leaves, causing defoliation; and a bur-
rowing cydnid (Hemiptera: Cydnidae) that sucks sap from the roots.
Other Pests: The Hispaniolan Woodpecker (Melanerpes striatus) and Yellow-bellied
Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) wounds the bark to feed on insects and sap, usually at
the crown base.
Diseases: Leaf spot (Exosporium leucaenae EL. Stevens & Dalby) occurs in Puerto
Rico. Leaf pustules caused by Camptomeris leucaenae (EL. Stevens & Dalby) Syd. has
been reported in Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Colombia, and Venezuela. Dieback
(Botryosphaeria ribis var. chromogena Shear, Stevens & Wilcox and Phylsalospora
obtusa (Schw.) Cke.) affects branches in Hawaii. Seed pod rot includes the following
fungi: Colletotrichium gloeosporioides (Penzig) Penzig & Sacco occurs in Mauritius;
Pseudomonas fluorescens and Fusarium sp. occurs in Colombia. Root rot includes the
following fungi species: Fomes lamaoensis (MuIT.) Sacco & Trott, Helicobasidium com-
pactum Boed., Rosellinia arcuata Petch, R. bunodes (Berk. & Br.) Sacco and Ustulina
172 Pests and Diseases
deusta (Fr.) Petro in the East Indies; Fusarium moniliforme and F. oxysporum in Sri
Lanka; Fomes lignosus (Klotzsch) Bres. in the Pacific and Congo basin; and
Rhizoctonia choussii Crandall & Arillaga in EI Salvador. Pink disease (Corticium
salmonicolor BerI. & Br.) occurs in the East Indies. Heart rot includes: Ganoderma
lucidum (Fr.) Karst. in the Philippines and G. pseudoferreum Walkef. in the Pacific. Wilt
(Verticillium albo-atrum Reinke. & Br.) is reported in the Congo basin. Gummosis and
canker diseases, caused by Fusarium semitecum, has been observed in India. Damping
off (Pythium and Rhizoctonia) and root lesions (Phytophtora) have been reported in
nurseries in Haiti.
References: Bandara, 1987; Brazza, 1987b; Brazza and Salise, 1988; Josiah and Allen-
Reid, 1991; Moreno et aI., 1988; Parrotta, 1992c; Tourigny, 1987.

Species: Malpighia glabra L.

Creole Name: seriz dayiti
Family: Malpighiaceae
Insect Pests: Weevil larvae (Anthonomus unipustulatus) feeds in the fruit.
Other Pests: The species is highly susceptible to nematodes.
Reference: Mortensen and Bullard, 1970.

Species: Mammea americana L.

Creole Name: zabriko
Family: Clusiaceae (=Guttiferae)
Insect Pests: Several insect species feed on leaves and fruit of the tree in the Caribbean.
Wet-wood termites attack dead trunks and branches. Dry-wood termites attack seasoned
Diseases: A black mildew (Aulographum melioloides Cke. & Mass.) attacks leaves in
the Caribbean. Heart rot infects older trees, entering through basal scars.
~eference: Francis, 1989b.

Species: Mangifera indica L.

Creole Name: mango
Family: Anacardiaceae
Insect Pests: The cottony cushion scale (Icerya purchasi Mask.) infests leaves and
twigs of seedlings that tum chlorotic and eventually die in Haiti. Other scale and mealy
bug pests include: Aulacaspis tubercularis in India; the lesser snow scale (Pinnaspis
strachani Cooley); the false oleander scale (Pseudaulacaspis cockerelli Cooley); the
citrus mealybug (Pseudococcus citri Risso); the mango shield scale (Coccus mangifer-
ae Green); and the Florida red scale (Chrysomphalus aoaidum L.), attacking all parts of
the tree in Florida. Mites include: the avocado red mite (Oligonychus yothersi
McGregor); the tumid mite (Tetranychus tumidus Banks); and the broad mite
(Polyphagotarsonemus latus Banks), causing damage mostly to flowers, young fruits,
and new leaves in Florida. Thrips include red-banded thrips (Selenothrips rubrocinctus
Giard) that defoliate and blossom thrips (Frankliniella spp.) that cause poor fruit set in
Florida. The long-horned beetle (Chloridafestiva) attacks trees in the Caribbean. An
ambrosia beetle (Xylosandrus compactus Eichoff) burrows deep into the wood, poten-
tially causing the death of large branches and entire trees. The band cucumber beetle
(Diabrotica-balteata Leconte) attacks the terminal leaves of seedlings and young trees.
Pests and Diseases 173
Larvae of the leaf tier (Argyrotaenia amatana Dyar) and the cotton square borer
(Strymon melinus Hubner) feed on blossom panicles. The blossom anomala (Anomala
undulata Melsheimer) makes sporadic attacks on mango blooms. Maggots of the fruit
flies (Anastrepha spp. and Toxotrypara curvicauda Gerst) infest the fruit. Other fly
pests include the citrus whitefly (Dialeurodes citri Ashmead) and the citrus blackfly
(Aleuroncanthus woglumi Ashby) that infest leaves and lower their vigor. A treehopper
(Aconophora pugionata) feeds on leaves.
Diseases: Anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz) infects young fruit,
leaves, and blossoms, causing much damage under humid conditions. Mango scab
(Elsinoe mangiferae Bit. and Jenkins) attacks the plant parts of young trees. Mango
malformation (Fusarium spp.) deforms the flower panicle and inhibits fruit from devel-
oping properly. It also attacks the bud tissue of branches, causing bud swelling and
shortening of the internodes. Powdery mildew (Oidium spp.) infects the blossom,
inhibits fruit set, and deforms leaf development, a problem also in the nursery under
humid conditions. Additional diseases include Verticulum wilt, stem end-rot, and red
References: Mortensen and Bullard, 1970; Tourigny, 1987; Young and Sauls, [n.d.].

Species: Manilkara bidentata (A. DC.) Chev.

Creole Name: sapoti nwa
Family: Sapotaceae
Diseases: Sooty molds attack lower leaves of canopy in Puerto Rico. A canker of an
unidentified pathogen causes branches to die in Puerto Rico.
Reference: Weaver, 1990b.

Species: Manilkara zapota (L.) v. Royen

Creole Name: sapoti
Family: Sapotaceae
Insect Pests: The Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata Wied.), the Mexican fruit
fly (Anastrepha ludens Lw.), and A. serpentina are the most damaging pests of the fruit
in its native range. Moth larvae (Eucosmophora sp.) have been observed feeding on
young leaves. The mining scale (Howardia biclavis Comst.), the green shield scale
(Pulvinaria psidii Mask.), the pustule scale (Asterolecanium pustulans Ckll.), and other
scale species typically infest the tree.
Diseases: Rust (Scopella sapotae Mains ex Cumm. and Uredo sapotae Arth. & lR.
Johnson) attacks the tree in its native range. A leaf spot (Septoria sp.) has been observed
to cause defoliation of trees in Florida.
Reference: Mortensen and Bullard, 1970.

Species: Melia azedarach L.

Creole Name: lila
Family: Meliaceae
Insect Pests: The stem borer (Apate monachus) attacks both living and dead wood,
retards growth, deforms trunks, and makes them susceptible to breakage in high winds
in the Caribbean.
Reference: CATIE, 1992.
174 Pests and Diseases
Species: Melicoccus bijugatus Jacq.
Creole Name: kenep
Family: Sapindaceae
Insect Pests: The wet-wood termite (Nasutitermes costalis Holmgren) feeds on dead
limbs and twigs of live trees in Puerto Rico. The dry-wood termite (Cryptotermes bre-
vis Walker) and ambrosia beetles attack the wood in the Caribbean.
Reference: Francis, 1992a.

Species: Moringa oleifera Lam.

Creole Name: benzoliv
Family: Moringaceae
Insect Pests: Fruit fly species of Gitona infest the fruits that dry out and rot in India.
Several weevil species of Myllocerus attack seedlings and freshly-planted stumps.
Other Pests: The tree is occasionally parasitized by the flowering plant, Dendrophthoe
jlacata, in India.
Diseases: Pathogenic fungi reported to attack the tree in India include a leaf spot
(Cercospora moringicola), a spot anthracnose (Sphaceloma morindae), and a rust
(Puccinia moringae). Powdery mildews include Oidium spp., Polyporus gilvus, and
Leveillula taurica.
References: Kareem et aI., 1974; Ullasa and Rawal, 1984.

Species: Musa sp.

Creole Names: bannann, fig mi
Family: Musaceae
Insect Pests: Larvae of the root weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus) feed in the corm.
Larvae of the scab moth (Nacoleia octasema) feed on female flowers and young fruit.
Larvae of the stem borer (Metamasius hemipterus sericeus) feed in the stems.
Diseases: Panama disease (Fusarium oxysporum var. cubense) causes wilting and death
of trees by destroying roots. Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella musicola) produces yellow spots
and dead areas on leaves. Freckle disease (Macrophoma musae) discolors fruits and
causes uneven ripening. Moko bacterial wilt (Xanthomonas solanacearum) causes wilt
and occurs in wild Heliconia plants that commonly infect adjacent plantations.
References: Mortensen and Bullard, 1970; Tourigny, 1987.

Species: Ochroma pyramidale (Cav.) Urb.

Creole Name: mahodem
Family: Bombacaceae
Insect Pests: A shoot borer (Anadasus porinodes Meyrick) causes severe damage in
plantations throughout Central and South America. Ants (Paraponera sp.) feed on sap-
filled tissue beneath petioles and leaf veins, protecting the tree from herbivores in its
native range. Wood is highly susceptible to marine borers, pinhole borers, powderpost
beetles (Lyctus spp.), and dry-wood termites (Cryptotermes brevis Walker) in its native
range. Wet-wood termites (Nasutitermes costalis Holmgren) consume dead limbs and
fallen wood in Puerto Rico.
Reference: Francis, 1991c.
Pests and Diseases 175
Species: Persea americana Miller
Creole Name: zaboka
Family: Lauraceae
Insect Pests: Mites of Oligonychus spp. suck and damage leaves. Scales (Melanaspis
aliena) occur on twigs and fruits. Larvae of the seed weevil (Conotrachelus perseae)
feed in or near the seed. The most important insect pests in Florida are scales, mites,
borers, and thrips.
Diseases: Root rot (Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands) causes branches to wilt and die
and feeder roots to decay, eventually killing the tree. Cercospora spot (Cercospora pur-
purea) results in lesions on the fruit and leaves. Avocado scab (Sphaceloma perseae)
infects young tissue, deforming leaf development and producing a corky, cracked fruit
peel. The Lula variety is highly susceptible to this disease. Anthracnose (Colletotrichum
gloeosporoides) infects injured fruit, resulting in rot as the fruit ripens. Powdery mildew
(Oidium spp.) attacks the underside of leaves and impairs leaf vigor.
Reference: Mortensen and Bullard, 1970.

Species: Phoenix dactylifera L.

Creole Name: dat
Family: Arecaceae (=Palmae)
Insect Pests: Scales (Parlato ria spp.) attack leaves near the trunk. Wasps of several
species, including Polistes spp., feed on ripe or nearly-ripe fruit.
Diseases: The species is highly susceptible to lethal yellowing, caused by mycoplas-
malike organisms and transmitted by planthoppers, in Florida.
References: Howard, 1992; Mortensen and Bullard, 1970.

Species: Pinus caribaea Morelet

Creole Name: bwa pen
Family: Pinaceae
Insect Pests: Pine bark beetles (Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmerman and D. mexicanus
Hopk.) are serious pests in Central America, frequently attacking healthy trees. Less
destructive are Hypothenemus eruditus, Ips calligraphus Germar, I. interstitialis, I.
grandicollis, I. avulsus Eich., and Xyleborus affinis in Central America and the
Caribbean. Gall midges (Retinodiplosis forsii) form galls at the base of needles in which
are found brightly-colored larvae in the Caribbean. Stingless bees (Trigonia silvestri-
ana) cut seedlings in Central America and the Caribbean. Conifer sawflies (Neodiprion
insularis) attack trees, causing massive defoliation in Central America. Lepidopteran
stem borers (Dioryctria clarioralis and D. horneana) bore into flowers, fruit, and buds
in Central America. Larvae of the Nantucket pine tip moth (Rhyacioniafrustrana) bore
into the base of needles and feed on bud tissue in Central America. The snout beetles
(Lachnopus sp. and Exophthalmus hybridus) perforate cones and nuts, as well as defo-
liate, in the Caribbean. The pinhole borers (Platypus linearis and P. poeyi) attack less-
vigorous trees, constructing galleries in the wood to cultivate fungi. Less widespread
damage is caused by aphids, weevils, buprestid beetles, spider mites, leaf cutter ants,
termites, and moths.
Diseases: Damping off fungi (Thanatephorus cucumeris (Frank) Donk., Rhizoctonia
solanti Kuhn, Pithium, and Fusarium) are common in nursery seedlings. Root patho-
176 Pesfs and Diseases
genic fungi that occur worldwide in plantations include Armillaria mellea (Vahl)
Kummer, Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands., Fomes annosus (Fr.) Cooke, and
Gylindrocladium spp.
References: CATIE, 1992; Francis, 1992b.

Species: Pinus occidentalis Sw.
Creole Name: bwa pen
Family: Pinaceae
Insect Pests: Bark beetles (Ips interstitialis, I. calligraphus and Dendroctonus frontal-
is) attack wood or xylem surface by constructing galleries and leaving pellet-size round
exit holes. Dirphia plana defoliates trees. The larvae of the Nantucket pine tip moth
(Rhyacionia frustrana) bore into the base of needles and feed on bud tissue. The cot-
tony cushion scale (Icerya purchasi) attacks seedlings in Haiti. The gall midge
(Retinodiplosis forsii) forms galls in the base of pine needles in which are found bright-
ly-colored larvae. An unidentified defoliator (Lepidoptera: Citheroniinae) causes seri-
ous damage to the tree in Haiti. Many insect pests of P. caribaea are potential pests of
P. occidentalis, though few studies have been conducted.
Other Pests: Parasitic mistletoe (Arceuthobium bicarinatum, Dendropemon pycno-
phyllis, and Dendrophtoras spp.) is considered a serious pest on Hispaniola, severely
restricting growth potentials.
Diseases: A foliar blight and damping off diseases of uncertain causes have been report-
ed in seedling nurseries in Haiti.
References: CATIE, 1992; Darrow and Zanoni, 1991; Josiah and Allen-Reid, 1991;
Runion et aI., 1990.

Species: Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth.

Family: Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
Insect Pests: Larvae of Subpandesma anysa Gn. attack the fruit and seeds in Hawaii.
A hemipteran insect (Umbonia crassicornis Amyot & Serville) is a pest in Puerto Rico.
Larvae of Indarbela sp. bore into the bark of trees in India. Polydesma umbricola is a
serious pest on the island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean.
Diseases: Leaf spot pathogens include Cercospora mimosae Agarwal & Sharma,
Colletotrichum dematium Pers. ex Fr., C. pithecellobii Roldan, Phyllosticta ingae-dul-
cis Died., and P. pithecellobii Shreemali in India. Heart rot (Phellinus sp.) has been
reported in India.
Reference: Parrotta, 1991.

Species: Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC.

Creole Names: bayawonn, gwatapana
Family: Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
Insect Pests: The bruchid beetle (Algarobius prosopis) invades the seed pods. Psyllids
have been reported to defoliate the tree. Wood is subject to attack by marine borers
(Toredo spp.). The sapwood is highly susceptible to powder post beetles (Lyctus spp.).
Reference: NFTA, 1987.
Pests and Diseases 177
Species: Psidium guajava L.
Creole Name: gwayav
Family: Myrtaceae
Insect Pests: Aphids (Aphis spp.) feed on young growth, causing the curling of leaves.
Fruit fly maggots (Anastrepha striata and Dacus spp.) attack the fruit. The green scale
(Coccus viridis) occurs on branches.
Diseases: Fruit rot (Glomerella cingulata) shrivels green fruit and rots ripe fruit.
Mushroom root rot (Clitocybe tabescens) rots the roots and eventually kills the tree.
Reference: Mortensen and Bullard, 1970.

Species: Rhizophora mangle L.

Creole Name: mang wouj
Family: Rhizophoraceae
Insect Pests: Wood borers (Poecilips rhizophorae Hopkins and Sphaeroma terebrans
Bate) invade prop roots of trees along tidal channels and occasionally cause extensive
damage in .Florida.
Other Pests: Crabs and monkeys eat freshly planted seedlings in Panama and Malaysia.
Diseases: A fungal pathogen (Cylindrocarpum didymum (Hartig) Wollenw.) produces a
gall disease that results in malformation of the trunk and prop roots in Florida. Heavily
infested trees are killed by the disease or secondary agents.
Reference: Jimenez, 1985b.

Species: Sabal causiarum (0. F. Cook) Becc.

Creole Names: latanye fran, latanye jon
Family: Arecaceae (=Palmae)
Insect Pests: Larvae of the palm bruchid beetles (Caryobruchus sp., C. gleditsiae
Johansson & Linne) feed in the seed and exit as adults that feed on the flowers, nectar,
and pollen.
Reference: Johnson et aI., 1995.

Species: Sabal domingensis Becc.

Creole Names: latanye chapo, pay
Family: Arecaceae (=Palmae)
Insect Pests: Larvae of the palm bruchid beetles (Caryobruchus sp., C. gleditsiae
Johansson & Linne) feed in the seed and exit as adults that feed on the flowers, nectar,
and pollen.
Reference: Johnson et aI., 1995.

Species: Schefflera morototoni (AubI.) Maguire Steyerm. & Frodin

Creole Name: bwa kano
Family: Araliaceae
Insect Pests: Several lepidopteran and coleopteran insects consume foliage or woody
material in Puerto Rico.
Other Pests: Stranglers (e.g., Clusia griesebachiana) and climbers (e.g., Ipomea spp.)
are common on wet montane sites in Puerto Rico.
Reference: Leigel, 1990.
178 Pests and Diseases
Species: Senna siamea (Lam.) Irwin & Barneby
Creole Name: kasya
Family: Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
Insect Pests: Leaf-cutter ants harvest nursery seedlings in Haiti. Asterolecanium pustu-
lans Cockerell (Homoptera), Saisetia oleae Oliver (Homoptera), Nasutitermes costalis
Holmgren (Isoptera) and Megalopyge krugii Dewitz, feed on leaves, branches, and bark
in Puerto Rico. Larvae of Eurema blanda Boisduval defoliate the tree in Sri Lanka.
Catopsilla pomona Fabricus causes damage in China.
Other Pests: Parasitic plants include Cuscuta reflexa Roxb., Dendrophthoe falcata
(L.f.) Ettingsh., and Tapinanthus sp. in Sri Lanka and India. Nematodes are an occa-
sional problem in tree nurseries in Haiti.
Diseases: Leaf spot (Cercospora sp.) is the most serious seedling disease in Haiti, char-
acterized by small brown- to chestnut-colored leaf spots that remain separate, later
becoming ashen-gray and papery. Leaf spot is also caused by Alternaria, Curvularia,
Fusarium, Fusoma, Macrophomina, Pestalotia, and Rhizoctonia. Leaf spot caused by
Cercospora cassiae-siameae Chiddarwar and Cochliobolus nodulosus Luttrell is report-
ed in India. Other diseases attacking nursery seedlings in Haiti include: anthracnose
(Colletotrichum); damping off (Alternaria, Cercospora, Diaporthe, Fusarium,
Macrophomina, Myrothecium, and Rhizoctonia); a stem blight of uncertain cause; and
powdery mildew (Oidium sp.). Pink disease (Corticum salmonicolor Berk. & Br.)
attacks trees in Mauritius and Tanzania. A bark necrosis (Botryidiplodia theobromae
Pat.) is reported in E. Africa. Nectria spp. are associated with cankers and dieback of
trees in W. Africa. A vascular wilt (Fusarium solani (Mart.) Sacc.) has been reported in
several countries. Root pathogens include: Armillariella mellea (Fr.) Karst. in Uganda;
Ganoderma lucidum (Leyss.) Karst. in India, Java, and Taiwan; Polyporus baudoni Pat.
in Ghana and Tanzania; and Phellinus noxius (Corner) G.H. Cunn. in Ghana. Rot fungi
include: Flavodon flavus (KI.) Ryv., Nothopanus hygrophanus (Mont.) Singer,
Trametes cotonea (Hart. & Pat.) Ryv., Schizopora paradoxa (Schrad. ex Fr.) Donk,
Trametes meyenii (KI.) Lloyd in Sierra Leone; and Phaeolus manihotis Heim. in Ghana.
The latter kills roots and causes dieback.
References: Josiah and Allen-Reid, 1991; Parrotta and Francis, 1990; Runion et aI.,
1990; Tourigny, 1987.

Species: Simarouba glauca DC. var. latifolia Cronq.

Creole Names: fwenn, bwa blan
Family: Simaroubaceae
Insect Pests: Tent caterpillars defoliate seedlings under drought stress in Haiti.
Diseases: Fungal diseases attacking seedlings in Haitian nurseries include damping off
and stem blight caused by Fusarium.
Reference: Runion et aI., 1990.
Pests and Diseases 179
Species: Spathodea campanulata Beauv.
Creole Name: motel etranje
Family: Bignoniaceae
Insect Pests: Insect species of the orders Homoptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, and
Thysanoptera, feed on various parts of the tree in Puerto Rico. A bark beetle, two lepit-
dopterans and two termite species attack the tree in Uganda. Wet-wood termites
(Nasutitermes costalis Holmgren) consume dead trees and limbs in Puerto Rico.
Diseases: Butt and heart rot attack trees in Hawaii.
Reference: Francis, 1990g.

Species: Spondias mombin 1.

Creole Names: monben, monben fran
Family: Anacardiaceae
Insect Pests: A leaf-cutting ant (Atta cephalotes 1.) attacks the tree in Costa Rica. Fruoit
flies (Anastrepha mombinpraeoptans Seln, Drosiphila ampelophila Leow, and D. reple-
ta Wollaston) infect fruits in Puerto Rico.
Reference: Francis, 1992c.

Species: Swietenia macrophylla G. King

Creole Names: kajou etranje, kajou venezwela
Family: Meliaceae
Insect Pests: The stem borer (Apate monachus) attacks both living and dead wood,
retards growth, deforms trunks, and makes them susceptible to breakage in high winds.
The mahogany shoot borer (Hypsipyla grandella Zeller) bores into buds, shoots and
stems. The snout beetle (Pachnaeus litus) attacks fruit and defoliates in the Caribbean.
Wet-wood termites (Nasutitermes costalis Holmgren) consume dead branches and
occasionally the trunks of the tree in Puerto Rico. Marine borers (Toredo spp.) attack
the heartwood and powderpost beetles (Lyctus caribeanus Lesne) attack the sapwood.
The leaf hoppers (Draculocephala cubana and Hortensia similis) damage and deform
leaves of trees in the Caribbean.
Diseases: Damping off (Fusarium and Macrophoma) is a common problem of nurseries
in Haiti. Less common nursery diseases include: leaf spot (Alternaria); anthracnose
(Colletotrichum); leaf blister (Taphrina); and stem blight (Colletotrichum, Fusarium,
and Macrophoma).
References: CATIE, 1992; Runion et aI., 1990; Tourigny, 1987.

Species: Swietenia mahagoni (1.) Jacq.

Creole Names: kajou, kajou peyi
Family: Meliaceae
Insect Pests: The mahogany webworm (Macalla thyrsisalis Walker) causes defoliation
and webbing throughout the Greater Antilles. The mahogany shoot borer (Hypsipyla
grandella Zeller) bores into buds, shoots, and stems in the Caribbean and H. robusta
Moore attacks trees in Asia. The coffee tree borer (Apate monachus F.) attacks both live
and dead trees, penetrating deeply into branches, deforming trunks, and causing them
to be susceptible to breakage in high winds. An unidentified shoot borer and caterpil-
lar is reported to attack the tree in Haiti. The snout beetle (Pachnaeus litus) attacks the
seed capsules and defoliates. Wet-wood termite (Nasutitermes costalis Holmgren) con-
180 Pests and Diseases
sume dead branches and occasionally tree trunks in Puerto Rico. Marine borers (Toredo
spp.) attack the heartwood and powderpost beetles (Lyctus caribeanus Lesne) attack the
sapwood. The long-horned beetles (Acanthoderes circumflexa and Plectomerus den-
tipes) attack trees in Central America. The leaf hoppers (Draculocephala cubana and
Hortensia similis) damage and deform leaves of trees in the Caribbean.
Other Pests: The tree is occasionally attacked by heavy infestations of mistletoe in
Diseases: Heart and butt rot are common in older trees, apparently entering through
basal scars and branch stubs. Leaf blight (Phyllosticta swietenia) results in defoliation
under humid nursery conditions in Puerto Rico. Diseases of seedling nurseries in Haiti
include: leaf spot (Alternaria); anthracnose (Colletotrichum); leaf blister (Taphrina);
damping off (Fusarium and Macrophoma); and stem blight (Colletotrichum, Fusarium,
and Macrophoma).
References: CATIE, 1992; Francis, 1991d; Josiah and Allen-Reid, 1991; Runion et aI.,

Species: Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston

Creole Name: porn woz
Family: Myrtaceae
Insect Pests: An ant (Myrmelachista ramulorum Wheeler) bores into twigs and kills
terminal shoots of trees in Puerto Rico. Numerous other insect species feed on leaves,
twigs, flowers, and fruit. Wet-wood termite (Nasutitermes costalis Holmgren) consume
dead wood. The wood is highly susceptible to dry-wood termites (Cyrptotermes brevis
Diseases: The rust fungus (Puccinia psidii) attacks leaves of the tree in Brazil. A fun-
gus grows naturally on the upper leaf surface giving them a darker, grayish appearance,
but is not known to cause significant damage.
Reference: Francis, 1990h.

Species: Tabebuia heterophylla (DC.) Britton

Creole Name: pwaye
Family: Bignoniaceae
Insect Pests: Cutworms (Hyblaea puera) destroy seedlings and defoliate trees in
Central America and the Caribbean. Larvae of Bonchys munitalis bore into concealed
areas of the tree to feed.
Reference: CATIE, 1992.

Species: Tamarindus indica L.

Creole Name: tamarenn
Family: Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
Insect Pests: The most serious insect pests in India are the scale insects (Aonidiella ori-
entalis Newst., Aspidiotus destructor Sign. and Saisetia oleae 01.), mealy bugs
(Nipaecoccus viridis Newst. and Planococcus lilacinus Ckll.), and a borer (Pachymerus
gonagra Fabr.). Other minor pests in India include bruchid beetles (Caryoborus gona-
gra Fabr.), lac insects (Kerria lacca Ker), and bagworms (Pteroma plagiophleps
Hampson). Beetle larvae of Lochmaecles sp. cause damage to branches in Brazil.
Pests and Diseases 181
Beetles (Calandra linearis) attack ripe pods in Florida and Hawaii. Termites
(Cryptotermes hainanensis) attack the tree in China. Stored fruit is commonly infested
with Paralipsa gularis Zellar and Corcyra cephalonia Stnt. in India. Larvae of the
groundnut bruchid beetle (Caryedon serratus Oliver) are serious pests that attack the
fruit and seed in India and have been reported in Colombia and Puerto Rico.
Diseases: The major diseases in India include: leaf spot (Bartalinia robillardoides
Tassi, Exosporium tamarindi Syd., Hendersonia tamarindi Syd., Pestalotia poonensis
V. Rao, Phyllosticta tamarindicola V. Rao, P. tamarindina Chandra & Tandon,
Prathigada tamarindi Muthappa, Sphaceloma sp., and Stigmina tamarindii (Syd.)
Munjal & Kulshreshta); powdery mildews (Erysiphe polygoni DC. and Oidium spp.); a
sooty mold (Meliola tamarindi Syd.); stem disease (Fracchiaea indica Talde); root and
wood rot (Ganoderma lucidum (Leyss.) Karst and Lenzites palisoti Fr.); stem rot
(Pholiota gollani P. Henn.); trunk and root rot (Stereum nitidulum Berk.); collar rot
(Phytophtora nicotianae var. nicotianae); stem canker (Hypoxylon nectrioides Speg.);
and a bark parasite (Myriangium tamarindii Tendulkar).
References: Morton, 1958; Parrotta, 1990.

Species: Tectona grandis L.

Creole Name: tek
Family: Verbenaceae
Insect Pests: Termites (Neotermes castaneus) attack both live and dead wood in Central
American and the Caribbean.
Reference: CATIE, 1992.

Species: Terminalia catappa L.

Creole Name: zamann
Family: Combretaceae
Insect Pests: Thripids (Selenothrips rubrocinctus Giard) cause leaf discoloration and
premature leaf fall of trees in Puerto Rico. Beetles, grasshoppers, leaf rollers,and leaf
miners defoliate young trees in India and Malaya. The tree is a major host of the
Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) in Costa Rica. The tree is susceptible to
attack by dry-wood termites (Cryptotermes brevis Walker) and powder post beetles
(Lyctus spp.) in the Caribbean.
References: Francis, 1989c; Morton, 1985.

Species: Theobroma cacao L.

Creole Name: kakawo
Family: Sterculiaceae
Insect Pests: The citrus aphid (Toxoptera aurantium B. de F.) shrivels young leaves,
reduces vigor, and promotes development of black sooty mold in Haiti. Leaf-cutting
ants (Alta spp.) harvest and defoliate the tree, particularly as a seedling. Larvae of
Xyleborus spp. bore into the trunk. The pod borer (Acdrocercops cramerella) bores into
the fruits.
Diseases: The most important diseases in the Western Hemisphere include: witches'
broom (Marasmius perniciosus Stathel.), resulting in abnormal branching and prema-
ture fruit drop; Monilia pod rot (Monilia sp.); and black pod rot (Phytophtora palmivo-
182 Pests and Diseases
ra Butl.). A serious disease in W. Africa is swollen shoot caused by viruses. The infect-
ed branches of the tree swell and small yellow spots appear all over the mature leaves.
Eventually, the leaves drop and the branches die. Cushion gall (Fusarium decemcellu-
lare and F. roseum) forms a gall on seedlings and adult trees through seeds and wounds.
References: Mortensen and Bullard, 1970; Tourigny, 1987.

Species: Thrinax morrisii H. Wendl.

Creole Name: latanye lame
Family: Arecaceae (=Palmae)
Insect Pests: Larvae of the palm bruchid beetle (Caryobruchus gleditsiae Johansson &
Linne) feed in the seed and exit as adults that feed on the flowers, nectar, and pollen.
Reference: Johnson et al., 1995.

Species: Trichilia hirta L.

Creole Name: monben bata
Family: Meliaceae
Insect Pests: Larvae of Hypsipyla grandella bore into buds and shoots of the tree to
Reference: CATIE, 1992.

Species: Vitex spp.

Creole Names: bwa leza, bwa savann, grigri
F~mily: Verbenaceae
Insect Pests: Cutworms (Hyblaea puera) destroy seedlings and defoliate trees in the
Central America and the Caribbean.
Reference: CATIE, 1992.

Species: Zanthoxylum spp.

Creole Name: bwa pine
Family: Rutaceae
Insect Pests: The lepidopteran pest (Papilio pelaus imerius Godard) eats the leaves of
Z. martinicense in Trinidad and Tobago. Snout beetles (Apion martinezi) bore into fruits
and defoliate in the Caribbean. Wet-wood termites (Nasutitermes costalis Holmgren)
attack dead limbs and exposed trunks. Wood is extremely susceptible to dry-wood ter-
mites (Cryptotermes brevis Walker) and several genera of pinhole borers in the
Other Pests: Numerous bird species relish the oily seed in Haiti and may aid in dis-
Diseases: Heart and butt rots of unidentified fungal pathogens attack older trees in its
native range.
References: CATIE, 1992; Francis, 1991e.
19 Wood Properties and Energy Values
The most widely used product of trees is wood. Though many of the tree species
in Haiti are harvested indiscriminately during land-clearing activities, others are
cultivated because of their wood quality. General utility species combine adequate
form with structural strength and durability. Those harvested for high-quality
craftsmanship are selected for their combination of beauty, working properties and
stability. The best charcoal species are generally those with the densest wood, with
some species achieving high densities at remarkable growth rates. As wood
properties vary, so does the wood quality that determines the species' usefulness to
The information summarized below is arranged in Tables 19.1 and 19.2,
compiling the available information on wood properties and energy values. Each table
is arranged alphabetically by species and should be a helpful guide to the diversity
found in Haiti. Introduced species are included for those that have become naturalized
in Haiti.

Wood Properties: Two-thirds of the tree families and genera known to occur in Haiti
are represented in Table 19.1 for major wood property categories. Data is unavailable
or incomplete for many of the lesser-known and -utilized species, some of which play
an important role in local areas of the country. The information has been compiled
from the literature for the more common, internationally known species. The literature
includes Commercial Timbers of the Caribbean by F. R. Longwood (1971); Common
Trees of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, Volume I by E. L. Little, Jr. and F. H
Wadsworth (1964) and Volume II by E. L. Little, Jr., R. O. Woodbury and F. H.
Wadsworth (1974); and Tropical Timbers of the World by M. Chudnoff (1984).
Previously unpublished data from Haiti has been reviewed to broaden the information

Wood characteristics include sapwood (8) and heartwood (H) color, grain, odor,
texture, and other characteristics that describe the wood. Specific gravity is a measure
of wood density calculated as the ratio of oven-dry weight to green volume. Specific
gravity should be stated as a range of values, though it is not uncommon that only an
average value is published in the literature. Durability is a measure of the resistance
of the heartwood to decay fungi, not necessarily to insect attack. It is assumed that the
wood is in contact with the soil. Shrinkage values ate given for radial (R), tangential
(T), and volumetric (V) changes in dimension, as a percentage, from green to
oven-dry conditions. Generally, woods with low shrinkage values exhibit higher
dimensional stability after seasoning. Hardness is a measure of resistance to
indentation and ability to withstand abrasion. Janka side hardness is the pressure, in
pounds, required to embed a 11.3 mm diameter steel ball to a depth of 5.6 mm on the
side-grain of wood dried to 12% moisture content (Chudnoff, 1984).

184 Wood Properties
Energy Values: The Cul-de-Sac Plain of Haiti and the Mao region of the DominiCan
Republic are important sources of charcoal and fuelwood for the urban markets of
Port-au-Prince and Santo Domingo. Studies were conducted in these areas to
detennine the, heat of combustion values for the common species being harvested in
these regions (Maxwell, 1985; Timyan, 1988). These values (Table 19.2), measured
in megajoules (mj) kg-I, were detennined using standard procedures with a bomb
calorimeter as described in Maxwell (1985).

The maximum amount of heat available under oven-dry conditions is given in the
second column.· Standard error of the estimates follows in parentheses. The heat
available at 14% moisture content is shown in the third column. This is a close,
approximation of the' heat values provided by air-dry fuelwood. For comparative
purposes, one barrel of oil is approximately equal to 6,100 mj of energy. Pierre-Louis
(1990) calculated that 1.7 kg of Prosopis juliflora wood at a moisture content of 15%
is equivalent to the heating value of a liter of fuel oil. A dry kg of wood yields the
same amount of heat as 0.3 kg of butane gas.

Table 19.1 Summary of wood properties for tree and shrub species found in Haiti.

Acacia 5 - pale brown, H - pale brown to dark 0.60-0.80 - - -

auriculiformis amber red; hard, fine~grained, attractive,
zakasya figure, finishes well, little checking.

Acacia famesiana 5 - white to yellowish, H - red to reddish 0.77--0.84 Durable - -

zakasyajon brown; hard, close-grained.

Acacia - 0.80-1.07 Very Durable - -

zakasya pikan
Acacia meamsii 51H - pale brown with pinkish tinge; 0.52--0.65 Nondurable - 1,750
medium luster, odorless, uniform and fine Hard
texture, interlocke~ grain, easy to work,
takes a high polish.
Acacia S - straw-colored, H - golden to dark 0.52--0.65 Moderately R- 3.4 ·1,100
I m,'a~xy'an brown; lustrous, odorless, fine to medium Durable T-9.0 5lightly Hard
texture, straight, interlocked or wavy
grain, dark streaks.
Acacia muricata S - light brown, H - reddish brown; hard,
Durable - -
Acacia nilotica 5 - whitish, H - pinkish to reddish brown 0.80 Durable - -
wI darker steaks; straight to cross grain,
fine texture, hard, tough and strong.

Acacia scleroxyla - 0.88--0.94 - - -

Acacia /ortuosa 5 - light brown, H - dark to reddish - - - -
zakasya nwa, brown; hard.
zakasya wouj
Acnis/us 51H - light brown; hard. - - - -
beIadonn, fe~l I
Wood Properties 185

Acrocomia Very hard wood from the outer part wI - - - -

aculeata black markings.
koko ginen

Adelia ricinella SIH - light brown; hard. - - - -

grenad mawon

Adenanthera S - light brown, H - reddish; hard, strong. 0.60-0.80 Durable - -


Albizia S - whitish, H -light yellowish to rich 0.55--0.60 Moderately R-2.9 1,240-1,440

guachapele dark brown and streaked; medium luster, Durable T-5.8 Hard
odorless, medium to coarse texture, V-9.6
deeply interlocked grain, decorative,
difficult to work, finishes well.
Albizia lebbeck s - whitish, H - light orange brown to 0.43--0.68 Durable R-2.9 1,040
tcha tcha brown; golden luster, rIO odor, medium to T-4.5 Slightly Hard
coarse texture, interlocked grain, easy to V-7.6

Albizia procera S - whitish, H - light yellowish brown to 0.60-0.90 Moderately - -

light brown; moderately hard, straight to Durable
interlocked grain, strong.

Albizia saman S - yellowish, H - light to golden brown, 0.42--0.64 Durable R-2.0 850
saman streaked; medium luster, no odor, T- 3.4 Soft
medium to coarse texture, straight or cross V-6.0
grained, takes a fine polish.

Alchornea S - whitish to light brown, H - light 0.39 Nondurable - -

latifolia brown; soft, strong, medium texture,
bwa krapo, fey straight to slightly wavy grain, without
krapo, pwa vach growth rings.

Alchorneopsis S - whitish, H - pale brown; soft. 0.40-0.50 Perishable - -

Aleurites SIH - whitish; soft. - - - -
Allophylus SIH - light brown; hard. - - - -
twa fey, twa pawol
Alnus acuminata SIH - light to reddish brown; lustrous 0.50-0.60 Nondurable - -
surface, fine texture, straight grain, no
Amyris .spp. S - whitish, H - light ye1l0w; very resinous 0.79-1.11 Very Durable - -
bwa chandel, twa wI strong odor, very hard, fine-grained,
pawol strong, takes a good polish.

Anacardium SIH - whitish, grayish, reddish-brown, 0.40-0.52 - - -

occidentale pinkish; moderately strong and hard,
nwa kajou irregular grain, easy to work.

Andira inermis S - pale brown to grayish yellow, H - 0.64 Moderately R-4.6 1,600
bwa palmis, pwa yellowish-brown to dark reddish brown; Durable T-9.8 Hard
palmis distinctive figure, low luster, odorless, V -12.5
texture very coarse, moderately irregular
grain, easily worked, strong.
Annona spp. S - whitish to light brown, H - brown; soft 0.40-0.50 Nondurable - -
kowosol, kachiman and weak.
Antirhea lucida SIH - light brown; hard. - - - -
bwa patat, zaboka
186 Wood Properties

Araucaria SIH - cream to light tan; lustrous, fine and 0.45 Nondurable R-3.5 650
heterophylla even texture, no odor, knotty, straight T- 5.3 Moderately
arokariya grain, easy to work, sapwood vulnerable V - 8.9 Soft
to stain.
Ardisia obovata S - pinkish, H - light reddish brown; hard, - - - -
Artocarpus spp. S -light yellow to yellowish brown, H - 0.27-0.40 Variable: R-2.9 1,250
jakiye, laba pen, yellow to golden brown, sometimes with Perishable to T- 5.5 Moderately
lam veritab olive green tinge; moderate luster, coarse Highly Durable Hard
texture, interlocked grain, high silica
Averrhoa SIH - whitish; soft. - - - -
Avicennia S - light brown, H - yellow to dark brown; 0.8-1.0 - - -
genninans coarse texture, interlocked and uneven
mangnwa grain, very hard, prominent growth rings.
Azadirachta S - straw colored to pale red, H - reddish 0.52-0.65 Moderately R-2.2 1,460
indica brown; dull to medium luster, faint cedary Durable T-4.3 Hard
nim smell, moderately coarse texture, V -6.5
interlocked grain, works well, fine smooth
Bauhinia S - whitish, H - brown; hard. - - - -
de jimel, jimel
Bauhinia SIH - whitish to light brown; soft. - - - -
Beilschmiedia S - pale brown, H - pinkish brown, 0.54 - - -
pendula moderately hard and strong.
Bemardia SIH ~ light brow~; hard. - - - -
Bixa orellana S - whitish, H - light brown or yellowish; 0.40 Nondurable - -
woukou soft, porous, weak.
Bocconia H - brown to orange red; soft wi a large - - - -
frutescens pith.
bwa janis, bwa kak
Bontia SIH -light gray brown; hard, fine texture, - - - -
daphnoides fairly straight grain, spicy odor.
doliv bata,
mang rnawon
Bourreria spp. SIH -light brown; hard. - - - -
rnapou gri
Brunellia SIH - light brown; hard. 0.30 - - -
Buchenavia S - light yellow brown, H - yellowish 0.52-0.65 Moderately R-2.8 1,220
capitata brown; high luster, spicy odor, medium to Durable T-5.7 Hard
bwa mago, grigri coarse texture, roey or straight grain, V - 8.6
jon strong, distinct growth rings.
Wood Properties 187
Bucida buceras S - yellowish, light brown, H - yellowish 0.75-0.93 Durable R-404 -
grigri mon to dark greenish brown, olive-hued; roey T-7.9
grain, high luster, tarry odor, fine to V - 12.2
mediu~ texture, very hard, very strong.

Bumelia cubensis SIH - light brown; hard. - Durable - -

Bumelia S - light brown, H - reddish or dark 0.90-0.99 Moderately - -
salicifolia brown; medium to fine texture, fairly Durable
koma wouj, sip straight grain.
Bunchosia S - light brown; hard. - - - -
bwa kaka, bwa
Bursera simaruba SIH - white, yellowish or light brown; 0.26--0.40 Perishable R-2.6 270
gomye moderate luster, no odor, fine to medium T-4.2 Extremely
texture, straight to irregular grain, prone to V -7.3 Soft
sap-stain discoloration.
Buxus spp. SIH - light yeIlow; hard, very fine texture - - - -
bwa ti ley
Byrsonima H - reddish brown; hard, strong, brittle. 0.70 Moderately - -
crassifolia Durable
Byrsonima Iucida S - light brown, H - dark brown; hard, fine - - - -
Byrsonima spicata S - gray to reddish-brown, H - pale to dark 0.52-0.65 Nondurable R-4.0 1,530
liann koIik, Iiann reddish brown with a purple cast; medium T-8.2 Hard
towo, towo tig luster, no odor, fine texture, straight to V -12.2
slightly interlocked grain.
Caesalpinia S - yellowish- or pinkish-white, H - dark 0.90-1.20 Very Durable - -
coriaria red, chocolate brown to nearly black;
divi divi, medium luster, no odor, medium to coarse
I gwatapana texture, straight to irregular grain.
Callistemon S - light brown; hard. - - - -
Calophyllum S - pink to yellowish pink, H - pink to rich 0040-0.52 Moderately R-4.6 1,150
calaba reddish brown; medium to low luster, no Durable T-8.0 Moderately
darnari odor, uniform, medium texture, generally V -13.6 Hard
interlocked grain.
Calotropis S/H - whitish; soft. - - - -
koton swa
Calycogonium S - yellow, H - pinkish brown to pale 0.74 Nondurable - -
spp. brown, streaked; hard and strong, fine
texture, straight grain.
Calyptranthes spp. S -light brown, H - brown tinged, - - - -
ti bwapen sometimes tinged wI red; hard, fine grain.
Cananga odorata S/H - pinkish buff, yellowish to light gray; 0.30 Perishable R- 3.3 330
Han Han coars~texture, straight grain, no odor, T-8.0 Very Soft
easy to work, finishes smoothly.
Canelia winterana S - olive brown, H - blackish; very hard. 0.90-1.00 - - -
Capparis S - light brown, H - yellow to reddish - - - --:-
cynophallophora tinged; hard.
bwa dajan, bwa

C~8v~ O<5-C.~
Ce&.cfu) r?vt; 0.5'\ - 0:1&
o CD .Co 2. w:eA V~ St ~ t} .
188 Wood Properties

Capparis flexuosa S - light brown; hard. 0.79-0.86 - - -

Capparis frondosa SIH - whitish; soft: - - - -
bwa bourik,
Capparis hastata SIH - light brown; hard. - - - -

Capparis indica S - light brown; hard. - - - -

Carapa S - pale brown or grayish, H - light salmon 0.52-0.65 Moderately R-3.l 1,220
guianensis to reddish brown; low'to high luster, Durable T-7.6 Hard
odorless, fine to coarse texture, straight or V-IO.4
roey grain.
Carica papaya SIH: whitish to pale yellow; soft, - - - -
papay lightweight and fleshy, c.enter of trunk is
Casearia spp. S - light brown, H - dark brown, hard, 0.70 - - -
bwa neges, fine texture, brittle.
Cassia fistula H - reddish; very hard and strong. 0.90 - - -
kas dou, kas panyol
Cassia grandis S - whitish to brownish, H - variegated - - - -
baton kas brown wI streaks, often purplish; hard and
tough, coarse texture, straight to very
irregular grain.
Cassia javanica S - whitish; soft. - - - -
Cassine xylocarpa SIH -light brown; hard, fine texture. Durable -
Cassipoure~ S - yellowish, H - pale brown; moderately - Moderately - -
guianensis hard, strong, fine texture. Durable

Castilla elastica H - yellow brown; moderately soft. - Nondurable - -

subsp. elastica
Casuarina spp. S - buff colored, H - light red to reddish 0.78-1.20 Nondurable R-6.4 3,200
kazowina, pich pen brown; low luster, odorless. fine texture, T-I1.7 Very Hard
straight to interlocked grain, some species V-17.6
have wide rays and attractive figure, splits
during drying, difficult to work, finishes
Catalpa S - light to pinkish brown, H - grayish to 0.60-0.80 Durable - -
longissima light brown with darker lines; fairly high
chenn luster, kerosene odor, medium to coarse
texture, straight grain.
Cecropia peltata SIH - whitish to pale brown or oatmeal; 0.26-0.40 Perishable R-2.0 320
twompet fairly lustrous, no odor, coarse texture, T-6.2 Very Soft
generally straight grain, soft, weak and V - 8.3
Cedrela odorata S - pinkish to white. H - pinkish- to 0.37-0.60 Moderately R-4.2 600
sed reddish-brown; golden luster, cedary odor, Durable T- 6.3 Soft
fine to coarse texture, usually straight, V - 10.3
sometimes interlocked grain.
Ceiba pentandra SIH - pinkish-white to ashy brown; low 0.23-0.40 Perishable R-2.1 240
mapou luster, no odor, coarse texture, straight to T-4.l Extremely
irregular grain, soft and weak, prone to sap V -7.7 Soft
stain discoloration.
Wood Properties 189

Celtis trinervia SIH - yellowish; hard. - - - -

bwa fey. blanch,
bwa raj

Cestrum diurnum SIH - whitish; hard. - - - -

Cestrum SIH - whitish to light brown; slightly soft. - - - -
Ch!onanthus H - pinkish; hard. - - - -
Chionanthus S - light brown; hard, takes a fine polish. 0.90 Durable - -
Chlorophora S - white, H - bright to golden yellow; high 0.65--0.85 Very R- 3.4 2,380
tinctoria luster, no odor, medium to fine texture, Durable T-5.4 Extremely
bwajon nearly straight to interlocked grain. V -7.8 Hard
Chrysobalanus SIH - light brown; hard. 0.80 - - -
Chrysophyllum S - light brown; hard and tough, strong. - Durable - -
ti kaymit
Chrysophyllum SIH - reddish brown to dark brown; 0.70 Nondurable R-6.4 -
cainito strong, fine to medium texture, fairly T-8.6
kaymit straight grain. V -15.2

Chrysophyllum SIH - light brown; hard and strong. 0.90 - - -

kaymit mawori
Cinnamomum spp. S - whitish or brownish, H - brownish 0.43--0.61 Durable R- 3.4 1,060
lorie yellow wI green cast, or olive to light T-6.0 Slightly Hard
olive brown to blackish brown, medium to V -9.8
coarse texture, satiny or silky luster,
straight and often roey grain, spicy odor,
excellent working qualities.
Cinnamomum S - light brown, H - pinkish wI darker 0.47 Moderately - -
elongatum stripes, moderately soft and strong, Durable
lorie kanel, lorie ti straight to irregular and tightly interlocked
fey grain, medium texture, medium to high
Cinnamomum S -lightbrown, slightly soft. - - - -
Citharexylum SIH - light brown; hard. - - - -
kafe mawon, kafe
Citharexylum SIH - ivory to light tan; dose-grained, 0.65--0.95 Durable - -
fruticosum hard, strong, sands to a fine finish.
grenad mawon,
kafe mawon,
Citrus spp. S - whitish, H -light yellow, yellowish - - - -
chadek, sitwon, brown, light brown; hard and fine-grained,
zoranj' prominent growth rings.

Clusia clusiodes SIH - light brown; hard. 0.90 - - -

190 Wood Properties
C/usia minor S - whitish; soft. - - - -
bwa pal, figye
C/usia rosea S - light reddish brown, H - reddish - - - -
bwa pal, figye brown; hard, strong, medium to fine
modimawon texture, straight grain.

Cocc%ba costata SIH - whitish; slightly soft. - - - -

Cocc%ba S - whitish or light brown, H - dark 0.80 - - -
diversifolia reddish brown; hard, strong, brittle.
mevis, rezen, rezen
Cocc%ba - 0.82-Q.97 - - -
Cocc%ba SIH - light brown; hard. - - - -
Cocc%ba S - whitish, H - reddish brown wI pores 1.00-1.10 Durable - -
pubescens filled with dark gum; very hard.
rezen gran ley
Cocc%ba S - whitish; hard. 0.70 - - -
Cocc%ba uvifera S - light brown, H - reddish brown; hard, 0.70 - - -
rezen te, rezen takes a fine polish.
Cocc%ba venosa SIH - whitish; hard. - - - -
Coch/ospermum SIH - whitish to light brown; soft and - Perishable - -
vitifolium spongy.

Cocos nucifera Outer 7.5-10 em, very hard and heavy. 4-fold Nondurable - -
kokoye Center, softer and lighter, prone to sap decrease
stain discoloration. from cortex
to center
Coffea arabica SIH - whitish; hard, heavy and tough. - - - -
Co/ubrina S - whitish or light brown, H - yelIowish 0.55-Q.82 Moderately - -
arborescens brown; hard. Durable
bwa pIe, kapab
Co/ubrina S - light brown, H - dark brown; hard and 0.80 Moderately - -
elliptica strong. Durable
Comocladia spp. SIH - light brown; hard. - - - -
breziyet, bwa
Conocarpus S -light brown, H - yellow brown; very 0.90-1.00 Very Durable - -
erectus hard, strong, fine texture.
Cordia spp. S - grayish to yellowish, H - reddish 0.52-Q.78+ Very R-4.0 2,200
(dark-wooded) brown with black streaks and variegations; Durable T-7.4 Very Hard
bwa denn, ti soley variable luster, mildly fragrant, fine to V -11.6
medium texture, variable grairr.
Cordiaa/ba SIH - light brown; soft. - Nondurable - -
Wood Propert'ies 191
Cordia alliodora S - light yellowish brown, straw color, H - 0.40-0.52 Durable R-3.4 1,000
bwa soumi, chenn yellowish to brown, streaked and T-7.l Slightly Hard
kapawo variegated; high, rich and golden luster, V-9.2
spicy scent, fine to coarse texture, straight
and shallow interlocked grain.

Cordia collococca SIH - whitish brown; soft. - - - -

Cordia sebestena S - light brown, H - dark brown; fine 0.70 - - -
kokeliko, ti soley texture.

Cordia sulcata SIH - light brown; soft, easily worked. 0.60 Nondurable - -
Crescentia cujete S - pinkish to reddish brown, H - light 0.50-0.80 - - -
kalbas brown; hard.

Crossopetalum S - light brown; hard. - - - -


Cupania SIH - light brown; hard. 0.40 - - -

satanye, twazokot

Cupressus S - whitish to pale yellowish and pinkish 0.40-0.52 Moderately V-8.0 460
lusitanica brown, H - yellowish or pinkish brown; Durable Very Soft
sipre high luster, fragrant, fine and unifonn
texture, straight to irregular grain, soft.
Cynometra S - whitish; hard. - - - -
Cyrilla S - light brown, H - dark reddish brown; 0.53 - - -
racemijlora fine texture, heavily interlocked grain,
prominent growth rings.
Dalbergia sisoo S - white to pale brownish white, H - 0.78-D.83 Very Durable - -
golden brown to dark brown wI darker
streaks; very hard and strong, medium
coarse texture, close and interlocked
Delonix regia S -light yellow, H - yellowish brown to 0.80 - - -
flambwayan light brown; soft, coarse grain, weak,
Dendropanax SIH - cream colored to grayish yellow; 0.40-0.52 Perishable R-5.1 725
arboreus low to medium luster, no odor, medium T- 8.3 Soft
bwaneges and unifonn texture, straight grain. V - 13.8

Dendrosicus H -light brown or pinkish wI orange - - - -

latifolius tinge; hard.
kalbas zombi
Diospyros spp. S - pale red brown, H- jet black or black 0.60--0.80 Very Durable R- 5.5 3,220·
bwa raid, ebenn brown or streaked; very fine texture, T-6.5 Very Hard
straight to slightly interlocked grain, takes
a fine polish, irritating sawdust.

- -
Ditta myricoides S - light brown; hard, fine texture.

Dodonaea viscosa S - light brown, H - dark brown; hard.

.- - - -

mang ti fey
Drypetes spp. SIH - white to light brown; hard. - - - -
bwa kotlet, labou
192 Wood Properties

Drypetes S - light brown or yellowish, H - dark - - - -

laterijlora brown; hard, brittle, fine texture.
bwa kotl(:t
Duranta repens S/H - light brown; hard. - - - -
bwa jambet, mayi
bouyi :

Enterolobium S - whitish, H - reddish-brown; pungent 0.34--D.65 Nondurable R-2.0 520

cyclocarpum dust, coarse texture, interlocked, ribbon T-5.2 Soft
bwa tanis wouj grain, good luster. V -7.2
Erithalis fruticosa H - light brown wI dark streaks; very hard, - Durable - -
fine textures, resinous.
Erythrina S/H - whitish; soft and we3k. 0.30 - - -
Erythrina S/H - whitish; soft and weak. - - - -
Erythrina SIH - whitish; soft. - Perishable - -
S/H - light brown; soft. - - . - -

baton sosiye
Erythroxylum S - light brown, H - rich reddish brown or - Very Durable - -
areolatum chocolate brown wI oily appearance; very
arabo, nago, papelit fine grain, very hard, strong.
Erythroxylum S/H - whitish to light brown; hard. - - - -
Eucalyptus S/H - light red to pinkish brown; close - Durable - -
camaldulensis texture, interlocked to wavy grain, hard,
kaliptis tends to warp on drying.

Eucalyptus S -grayish white, H - pale yellow brown; 0.67--0.80 Moderately R-8.0 1,540-2,580
globulus low luster, odorless, coarse texture, Durable T-12.0 Hard
kaliptis interlocked grain.
Eugenia axillaris S -light brown, H - brown, tinged wI red; - - - -
meriz hard, fine texture, strong.
Eugenia bijlora S -light brown; hard. - - - -
Eugenia confusa S/H - light brown; hard. - Durable - -
Eugenia S - light brown; hard and strong. - - - -
brinyol, bwa
Eugenia foetida S -light brown, H - dark reddish brown; - - - -
bwa ti ley hard, fined-grained.
Eugenia S/H - light brown; hard. - - - -
bwa dinn ti ley, ti
Eugenia S - light reddish brown, H - reddish 1.30 - - -
pseudopsidium brown; hard.

Eugenia rhombea S/H - light brown; very hard. - Nondurable - -

Wood Properties 193

Euphorbia spp. S - whitish; very soft. - - - -

Exostema S - yellow, H -light brown with yellow 0.98-1.13 Durable - -
caribaeum streaks; hard and strong, resinous.
kenkena peyi, :.
Exostema SIH - light brown; hard. - - - -
Exothea S - whitish to light brown, H - reddish - - - -
paniculata brown; hard, fine texture, takes a fine
bwa koulev, bwa polish.
milet, kenep
Faramea SIH -light brown or yellow; hard, takes a - - - -
occidentalis good polish.

Ficus citrifolia S - whitish, H - light brown; soft, tough 0.40 Nondurable - -

and strong.
Ficus elastica S - whitish; moderately hard. - - - -
Ficus microcarpa S - ..yhitish, H - light brown; hard, distinct 0.50 Nondurable - -
growth rings.
Ficus trigonata S - whitish; soft. - - - -
figye wouj
Genipa americana S - cream-colored, H - light yellowish 0.52-0.66 Perishable R-4.6 1,410
var. caruto brown; medium luster, no odor, fine T-9.1 Hard
jinpa texture, straight to irregular grain, V-13.5
attractive striped figure.
Gesneria spp. SIH - light brown, hard. - - - -
Gliricidia sepium S - light brown, H - dark to reddish 0.47-0.75 Moderately - -
lila etranje, piyon brown; hard and strong, coarse texture, Durable
irregular grain, not easily worked, takes a
good polish.
Gmelina arborea SIH - pale straw yellow; lustrous, coarse 0.40-0.52 Moderately R-2.4 525-720
melina texture, interlocked to wavy grain, easy to Durable T-4.9 Soft
work, finishes smoothly. V-8.8
Gomidesia SIH - light brown; hard. - - - -
Grevillea robusta S - cream colored, H - yellow brown; 0.40-0.52 Moderately R-2.7 840
grevilya lustrous, odorless, medium to coarse Durable T-7.7 Soft
texture, straight to wavy grain, prominent
figure, works well.
Guaiacum spp. S - pale yellow or cream-colored, H - dark 0.89-1.30 Very - 4,500
gayak greenish brown to black; slight scent, Durable Extremely
resinous, very fine uniform texture, Hard
interlocked grain.
Guapira discolor S - light brown; soft. - - - -

Guapirajragrans S - whitish; soft. - - - -

Guapira obtusata SIH - light brown with darker streaks; - - - -
bwa kasav silves hard.
Guarea spp. S - whitish to pink, H-. pinkish to deep 0.40-0.65 Durable R- 3.4 800-1,330
bwa wouj reddish brown; low luster, mildly fragrant, T-7.0 Slightly Hard
medium texture, straight grain, brittle. V -11.2
194 Wood Properties

Guatteria blainii S - light brown or whitish; hard. 0.80 - - -

S - light brown, H - pinkish to brownish;
moderately soft, easily worked.
0.50 Nondurable - - -
Guettarda spp. SIH - light brown; hard, fine texture. 0.80-0.83 - - -
Gymindia latifolia SIH - light brown; hard. - - - -

Gymnanthes S - whitish or yellowish, H - light olive, 1.10 Durable - -

Lucida streaked wI dark brown; very fine grain,
bwamabre very hard, takes a fine polish.

Haematoxylon Similar to H. campechianum 0.71-D.90 - - -

Haematoxylon S - whitish to straw-colored, H - bnght 0.54-0.95 Very Durable - -
campechianum orange-red; medium to fine texture, odor
kampeeh of violets, irregular grain, brittle, strong
and hard, takes a fine polish.
Haenianthus SIH - light brown; hard. - - - -
Hamelia patens SIH - light brown; hard. - - - -
fie koray, koray
Helicteres SIH - yellowish; hard. - - - -
bwa dam, jeson,
koton rat
Henriettea H -light yellowish brown; hard. - - - -
ti grenn
Hernandia sonora SIH - grayish white wI faint olive streaks, 0.29 Perishable - -
fum, soft, easily worked.
Hevea brasiliensis S IH - light brown with pinkish tinge; low 0.40-0.52 Perishable R-2.3 -
kawotchou luster, sour smell, coarse and even T-5.l
texture, straight grain, prone to sap stain
Hibiscus elatus S - white, H - grayish-brown or olive, 0.52-D.65 Durable - -
mahoble variegated with shades of purple or
metallic blue; dull luster, no odor,
medium texture, straight grain.
Hibiscus tiliaceus S - whitish, H - dark greenish brown; 0.60 Durable - -
gran maho, maho moderately soft and porous.
Hippomane S -light brown or yellowish, H - dark 0.50 Moderately - -
mancinella brown; hard, strong, takes a good polish. Durable
Hirtella triandra SIH -light brown; hard. - - - -
Homalium S - golden yellow, H - grayish-brown to 0.77 Moderately R-7.0 2,050
racemosum reddish-brown wI darker streaks and Durable T-9.6 Very Hard
pmches,hard,modermcly strong, fine V-17.2
texture, interlocked grain.
Wood Properties 195

Hura crepitans S - yellowish white, H - pale yellowish 0.26-0040 Nondurable to R-2.7 550
rabi, sabliye brown or olive gray; high luster, no odor, Perishable T-4.5 Soft
fine to medium texture, straight to V -7.3
interlocked grain, brittle.
Hyeronima spp. S - pinkish white to light brown, H -light 0.52-Q.78 Very R-5A 1,700
reddish brown to dark red; low luster, no Durable T -11.7 Very Hard
odor, coarse texture, interlocked grain, V -17.0
distinctive markings on tangential cuts,
finishes well and takes a good polish.
Hymenaea S - white, gray or pinkish, H - salmon red 0.71-Q.82 Very R-4.5 2,350--3,290
courbaril to orange brown wI blackish streaks; Durable T-8.5 Very Hard
koubari, pwa golden luster, no odor, medium to coarse V -12.7
I konfiti texture, interlocked grain, strong and
Hypelate trifoliata H - dark brown; hard. - Durable - -
chandel ma\'{on
!lex spp. S - whitish, H - light brown; hard, fine 0.77 - - -
wou textUre, tough, easily worked.
Ingafagifolia ~ - whitish, H - pale reddish brown, 0.62 Nondurable - -
streaked; moderately hard, coarse texture,
strong and tough.
Ingafastuosa H - light brown; hard. - - - -
Inga vera spp. S - whitish, H - pale to golden brown, 0.57-Q.75 Nondurable - -
vera streaked; moderately hard, strong and
pwa dou, sikren tough.
Ixoraferrea S - light brown; hard, strong and tough. - - - -
Jacaranda S -light brown; soft. - - - -
Jacquinia spp. SIH - yellowish or light brown; hard. - - - -
bwa bande, bwa
Jatropha spp. SIH - white to light brown; soft and - - - -
fey medsen, papay spongy.
Juglans S - whitish, H - chocolate brown with OAO-Q.52 - R-2.8 -
jamaicensis purplish cast; high luster, mild odor, T- 5.5
nogal coarse texture, straight to irregular grain.

Krugiodendron S - light brown, H - orange brown to dark 0.96-1.04 Very Durable - -

ferreum brown, streaked; very hard, fine texture.
Laetia procera SIH - light yellow to orange; soft. 0.75 - - -
Lagerstroemia S - light yellow brown to grayish white, H 0.55 Moderately R-4A 1,055
speciosa - light red to reddish brown; fine to Durable T-6.8 Hard
moderately coarse texture, lustrous, V -12.7
straight to wavy grain, works well, takes a
good polish
Laguncularia S - light brown, H - yellowish to dark 0.6O-Q.80 Nondurable - -
racemosa greenish brown; moderately fine texture.
mang blan
Leucaena S - pale yellow, H -light yellowish to 0.5O-Q.79 Nondurable - -
leucocephala reddish brown; close-grained, easily
subsp. glabrata worked, strong.

c.l\-5 -0. $6'

196 Wood Properties

Leucaena S -light yellow, H - yellow brown to dark 0.70 - - -

leucocephala brown; hard.
delen, inadlenn

Licaria triandra S - light yellowish brown, H - yellowish 0.68-0.96 Very Durable R- 5.4 2,900
loriejon brown to coffee brown with a tinge of red T-7.9 Very Hard
or violet; moderate luster, fragrant, fine to V -12.5
medium texture, straight to slightly
interlocked grain, strong.

Lonchocarpus S - yellowish sapwood, H - yellowish 0.62-0.76 Durable R-3.9 2,700

spp. brown to dark reddish brown; low to T- 8.2 Very Hard
bwa dano, bwa medium luster, no odor, straight to v-no
kayman irregular or interlocked grain, striped with
laminations of lighter color.

Lyonia rubiginosa S/H - light yellow. - - - -

Lysiloma sabicu S - white, H - lustrous brown with 0.52-0.65 Very R-2.7 1,400
tabeno coppery or purplish tinge; no odor, Durable T-7.2 Hard
medium texture, straight to roey grain, V -9.5
takes a high polish, easy to work.

Magnolia spp. S - white to light greenish brown, H - olive 0.40--0.70 Durable R-3.6 1,090
green to greenish brown, often streaked wI T-7.0 Slightly Hard
purple or dark brown; low to moderate V -11.2
luster, spicy fragrance, fine and uniform
texture, straight to interlocked grain.

Mammea S - light brown, H - reddish brown; 0.62 Moderately - -

americana medium texture, irregular and interlocked Durable
zabriko grain, flecked wI dark, oily exudations.

Mangifera indica S/H - light brown with black streaks; 0.45-0.58 Nondurable R-3.0 1,000
mango. lustrous, odorless, fine to coarse texture, T-4.9 Slightly Hard
interlocked to straight grain, easy to work, V -7.3
tom grain common, finishes and polishes

Manilkara H - reddish; hard and strong. - Durable - -

bwa wil, sapoti

Manilkara S - whitish to pale brown, H - reddish 0.85 Very Durable R-6.3 3,190
bidentata brown; attractive, resembles mahogany, T- 9.4 Extremely
sapoti, sapoti nwa very strong and hard, low to medium V-16.9 Hard
luster, no odor, fine and uniform texture,
straight to wavy or interlocked grain.

Manilkara H - dark reddish; hard. - - - -

jaimiqui ssp.
Manilkara zapota H - dark red; very hard, strong and tough. - Durable - -

Margaritaria S - light brown, H - brownish or pinkish. 0.90 - - -

Mastichodendron S - yellowish, H - yellowish to orange; 0.90 Durable - -
foetidissimum hard and strong.
akoma, koma

Matayba S - light brown, H - uniform pinkish to 0.70 Nondurable - -

domingensis reddish brown; very hard, attractive,
bwa grenn, bwa strong, fine texture, irregular and
grenn nwa interlocked grain, foul odor.
Wood Properties 197

Maytenus spp. S - whitish, H - light reddish brown; low 0.64-0.77 Nondurable R-4.6 2,240
bwa foumi, kajou luster, no odor, very fine and unifonn T-8.9 Very Hard
sovaj, rezen texture, interlocked or irregular grain,
mawon satisfactory working qualities.

Mecranium H - light brown; hard. - - - -

Melaleuca S - yellowish, H - pink to reddish brown; 0.65 Durable R-4.0 -
quiquenervia moderately hard, fine to medium texture, T-9.5
melalika interlocked grain, tough, silica dulls tools, V-16.2
takes a fine polish.
Melia azedarach S - yellowish white, H - reddish brown; 0.40--{).52 Durable R-5.0 -
lila lustrous, odorless, coarse and uneven T- 8.5
texture, straight grain, works easy, takes a V -13.5
good polish.

Melicoccus S - light brown, H - light brown; pale - Nondurable - -

bijugatus yellow gray, fairly hard.
Meliosma S - light brown, H - light brown wI darker 0.42 Nondurable - -
herbertii I ,treill ~d o,,",go tingo; """" rextu«
straight to interlocked grain, faint growth
rings, difficult to work.

Metopium S - yellowish to light brown, H - dark - Durable - -

toxiferum brown, streaked wI red; hard wood takes a
bwa milat fine polish, easily worked.

Miconia spp. SIH - whitish to light brown; hard. - - - -

makrio, twazokbt
Micropholis spp. S -light yellow to gray, H - yellow to gray 0.52-0.78 Moderately R- 5.8 1,490
sapoti brown with pinkish tinge or Durable T- 8.5 Hard
yelIowish-green hue; medium luster, fine V - 14.3
I to """,urn texture, ,,"';glrt grnin, <aI=,
high polish, difficult to saw wI high silica

Mimosa scabrella S - pinkish, H - grayish rose; medium 0.45-0.67 - - -

texture, low luster, straight grain.

Morinda citrifolia S - yellow brown; soft. - - - -

I bwa doule
Moringa oleifera S - white to light brown; soft. - - - -
Morisonia SIH - light brown; hard. - - - -
Morusnigra SIH - light brown; soft. - - - -
Mouriri SIH - yellowish; hard, fine texture. - - - -

Muntingia S - whitish brown, H - pale brown; - Nondurable - -

calabura medium texture, irregular grain, very
bwa swa mawon easily worked.

Murraya S -light yellow, H - light brown; hard, - - - -

paniculata fine texture.
Myrcia citrifolia SIH - light brown; hard. - - - -
bwa damou, maget,
198 Wood Properties

Myrcia deflexa 8 - whitish, H - reddish; hard and strong. 0.80 - - -

Myrcia leptoclada 81H - light brown; very hard, fine texture. - Durable - -
Myrcia splendens 8 - light brown, H - reddish brown; hard. - - - -
Myrica cerifera 8 - whitish, H - light brown; slightly hard. - - - -
kanel abey, kanel
Myristica frag rans 8 - light brown, H - light reddish brown to 0.45-0.60 - Nondurable R-4.6" 1,020
nwamiskad olive gray; fine to slightly coarse texutre, T-6.9 8lightlyHard
straight grain, lustrous, easy to work. V - 12.4
Myrospermum Hard, heavy. - Very Durable" - -
Myroxylon 8 - white, H - deep red or purplish; 0.74-0.81 Very Durable R-3.8 2,200
balsamum medium to high luster, spicy scent, T-6.2 Very Hard
medium texture, interlocked grain. V -10.0

Myrsine coriacea 8 - whitish wI prominent white rays; hard. 0.70 - - -

bwa plom, mang
Myrsine 81H -light brown; hard, strong. - - - -
fey kane!
Neolaugeria 81H -light brown; hard. 0.80 - - -
Nerium oleander 81H - whitish yellow; slightly hard and 0.60 - - -
loriewoz brittle.

Ochroma 8 - oatmeal with yellowish hue, H - pale 0.22-0.26 Perishable R-3.0 75-100
pyramidale brown or reddish tinged; high luster, no T-7.6 Extremely
koton swa, odor, medium to coarse texture, straight V -10.8 80ft
mahodem grain, velvety feel, soft and weak, prone
to sap stain discoloration.
Ocotea coriacea 8 -light brown, H - dark brown. - - - -
lorie blan

Ocotea floribunda H - rose white; easily worked~ - - - -

Ocotea globosa H -light brown. - - - -
lone gran fey
Ocotea leucoxylon 8 - pale yellowish brown to cream, H - 0.45 NondUrable - -
doliv, lorie blan, light golden brown without figure;
lorie gep, lorie moderately soft and strong, easily worked.

Ocotea 8 - gray, H - yellowish to golden brown; 0.45 - - -

membranacea moderately soft and strong, straight to
loriejon wavy grain, medium texture, medium
Ocotea 8 - whitish; hard. - - - -
Ocotea patens H -light brown; hard. - - - -
Ocotea sintenisii 8 -light yellow, H - pale greenish to 0.55 Moderately - -
yellow; moderately soft, satiny luster, Durable
medium texture, interlocked or straight
Ormosia krugii 8 - yellowish, H - pinkish to reddish 0.40-0.78 Perishable R-3.6 1,000-1,570
bwanannon brown, streaked; medium luster, no odor, T-7.4 Hard
coarse texture, irregular grain, more or V -12.0
less streaked.
Wood Properties 199

Ottoschulzia H - reddish; hard. - - - -

Oxandra S • pale yellow; medium luster, no odor, 0.81 Nondurable R-6.2 2,830
lanceolata very fine texture, straight grain, T~9.6 Very Hard
bwa lans moderately difficult to work, finishes V -15.4
Pachira spp. SIH - whitish; soft. - - - -
Palicourea spp. SIH - light brown; hard, light weight. - - - -

Parkinsonia S - yellowish, H - light or reddish brown; 0.56-0.67 - - -

aculeata moderately hard, brittle.
Peltophorum S - whitish; hard. ~ - - - -
Persea americana S - gray or cream-colored, H - brown, 0.40-0.65 Nondurable R-4.8 860
zaboka reddish or pinkish; medium to high luster, T-9.5 Slightly Hard
no odor, medium to coarse texture, V~13.5
straight to irregular grain, brittle.
Persea krugii S - whitish; moderately soft. - - - -
Petitia S - light brown, H - attractive light to 0.66 Moderately - -
domingensis medium brown, variegated wI darker Durable
bwadoti stripes; very hard, tough and strong, fine
texture, straight, wavy or interlocked
Phyllanthus H - reddish brown; moderately hard, 0.6 Durable - -
acidus strong, tough and fibrous, takes a good
sibilinn polish.
Phyllostylon S - yellowish to nearly white, H - lemon 0.65--0.92 - - -
brasiliense yellow, sometimes with dark streaks; no
bwa blan odor, fine and uniform texture, straight to
irregular grain, takes a high polish, not
difficult to work.
Picramnia S - whitish; hard. - - - -
bwa ti gason
Picrasma excelsa SIH - whitish yellow; soft. - - - -
fwenn, gori fwenn
Pictetia aculeata S - light brown, H - dark brown; 0.8 Durable - -
gratgal extremely hard.
Pictetia spinifolia S - light brown, H - dark brown. 0.97-1.31 Durable - -
Pilocarpus S - light brown; hard. - -'- - -
Pimenta racemosa S - light brown, H - brownish red or 0.90 Durable - -
bwa denn franse, blackish and mottled; very hard, strong,
kloujirof tough.
Pinus caribaea S - light brown, H - golden to red brown; 0.26-0.78 Moderately R-6.3 1,120-1,240
bwa pen medium luster, resinous odor, coarse Durable T-7.8 Moderately
texture, straight grain, compression wood (depends on V -12.9 Hard
often present. resin content)
200 Wood Properties

Pinus occidentalis S -light yellow, H - pale yellow to golden 0.58-0.76 - - -

bwapen or reddish brown; strong resinous odor,
medium to coarse texture, heavy deposits
of resin.
Piper aduncum SIH - whitish; hard. - - - -
bwa majo, siwo
Piper SIH - iight brown; soft. - - - -
Piptadenia S - whitish to light brown, H - reddish 0.52-0.80 Moderately R-4.4 1,550-1,680
peregrina brown to dark brown; high luster, no odor, Durable T- 6.4-7.5 Hard
bwa ekos, bwa fine to medium texture, straight to V - 9.0-11.6
kayman irregular grain, tends to tear when planing
irregular grain.
Pisonia albida S - whitish or yellowish, H - yellowish; - - - -
coarse texture, moderately soft, silvery
gum in the pores.
Pisonia rotundata SIH - whitish; soft, porous. 0.50 Nondurable - -

Pithecellobium S - whitish, H - reddish brown to dark red; 0.70 Durable - -

arboreum streaked and figured, takes a fine polish,
bwa kolye, pwazon strong.
Pithecellobium - 0.91-1.12 - - -
kampech mawon
Pithecellobium S - yellowish, H - yellowish or reddish 0.58-0.69 Durable - -
dulce brown; moderately soft, strong, brittle,
takes a high polish, not easily worked.
Pithecellobium H - light brown; hard. - - - -
Pleodendron spp. SIH - nearly white; hard. - - - -

Plumeria spp. SIH -light brown; slightly hard. - - - -

Podocarpus spp. SIH - pale yellow to yellowish brown; 0.26-0.65 Nondurable R-2.6 710-760
bwa liben somewhat lustrous, no odor, fine texture, T-6.4 Soft
straight to slightly interlocked grain. V -9.8
Pouteria H - reddish; hard. - - - -
dictyoneura ssp.
Pouteria S - light brown, H - reddish brown; very - - - -
multiflora hard, strong, fine texture, straight grain,
indistinct growth rings.
Pouteria sapota H - light reddish or brown; moderately 0.60 Moderately - -
jon def hard and strong. Durable
Prosopis juliflora S -light yellow, H - yellowish to dark 0.80 Moderately - -
bayawonn, brown; moderately hard, tough and strong. Durable
Prunus myrtifolia S - light brown, H - light red; hard. - - - -
lamandye ti fey
Prunus S - light yellowish brown, H - dark 0.90-1.05 - - -
occidentalis reddish brown; very hard, medium to
lamandye gran fey coarse texture, tough and strong.
Wood Properties 201

Pseudolmedia S - grayish or pinkish brown, H - reddish - Nondurable - -

spuria brown; very hard, medium coarse texture,
bwa meriz, long variable grain, tough and strong.

Psidium guajava S - light brown, H - brown or reddish; 0.80 - - -

gwayav hard and strong.

Psychotria spp. SIH - whitish to light yellow or brown; - - - -

hard, brittle.
Pterocarpus S - yellowish to whitish, H - dark brown 0.65-0.78 Very R-3.9 1,380
officinalis or purplish; medium luster, no odor, Durable T-6.8 Hard
bwa nago, bwa pal medium to coarse texture, straight to V -10.8
irregular grain.
Quararibea S - whitish; hard. - - - -
Randia aculeata SIH - light brown; hard. - - - -
krOk chen
Rauvolfia nitida S - light brown, H - clear yellow; hard. - - - -
I bwa let femel
Reynosia uncinata SIH - light brown; hard. - - - -
briyol, bwa ebenn,
bwa fe mawon,
Rheedia spp. S - light brown, H - dark yellowish-, 0.65-0.78 Durable to R-4.0 -
bwa diou, zabriko grayish- or pinkish~brown; low to medium Nondurable T-14.0
luster, no odor, fine to coarse texture, V -16.2
straight to irregular or roey grain, Very high
sometimes specked with resinous

Rhizophora S - yellowish, grayish or pinkish, H - dark 0.89 Durable R-5.0 2,760

mangle red to reddish brown; low luster, no odor, T-lO.7 Very Hard
mang chandel, fine to medium texture, straight to V -14.3
mang nwa, mang irregular grain.
Ricinus communis SIH - whitish; soft. - - - -
Rochefortia S - light brown, H - dark brown; hard. - - - -
Iebenn, gratgal
Rondeletia spp. SIH - light brown; hard. - - - -

Roystonea Outer stem - gray, odorless, very coarSe - Moderately - -

borinquena texture, straight grain. Planks can be Durable
palmis planed and sanded smooth.

Sambucus SIH - light brown; soft. - - - -

Sapindus S - whitish, H - yellow or light brown; 0.80 Nondurable - ,...-

saponaria hard, coarse texture.

savonet, savonet

Sapium spp. SIH - whitish, yellowish or light brown; 0.38-0.52 Perishable R-3.3 700
bwa brilan, bwa let low luster, odorless, medium texture, T-6.6 Soft
straight to slightly interlocked grain, prone V-9.2
to sap stain discoloration.
202 Wood Properfies

Schaefferia H - light brown to yellow; hard, fine - - - -

frutescens texture.
bwa kapab, ti gason
Schefflera S/H - pale brownish color; medium luster, 0.36-0.54 Perishable R-5.9 665-915
morototoni no odor, fine to medium texture, straight T-9.2 Soft
bwakano grain, brittle. V -14.8

Securinega S/H -light brown; hard, fine texture. - - - -

Senna atomaria S - yellow, H - dark brown, hard. 0.57-D.85 - - -
Senna polyphylla S/H - light brown; hard. - - - -
var. montis-christi
Senna siamea S - whitish to light brown, H - dark brown 0.57-D.83 Durable - -
kasya to nearly black. streaked; moderately hard.

Senna spectabilis S - whitish, H - brown; hard. - Durable - -

kas mawon
Simarouba spp. S/H - whitish or straw colored wI O.34-Do4l Nondurable R- 2.3 440
bwa blan, fwenn occasional oil streaks; high luster, T-5.0 Soft
odorless, uniform and medium texture, V -8.0
straight grain.
Sloanea S - whitish; hard. - - - -
bwa kok. chapo
Sloanea S - yellowish brown, fI- multicolored, 0.80 Durable - -
berteriana from yellow brown to pinkish brown and
dark brown wI streaks; hard, strong,
medium texture, irregular grain,
prominent growth rings.
Solanum S/H - whitish to light brown; hard. - - - -
Solanum S/H -light brown; hard. - - - -
amouret mawon,
Solanum rugosum S/H - whitish; soft and brittle. - - - -
Solanum torvum S/H - whitish to pale yellow; soft. - - - -
Spathodea S - whitish; soft. - - - -
motel etranje
Spondias dulcis S - whitish to light yellow, H -light - Nondurable - -
wob, pOrn site brown; moderately soft.

Spondias mombin S/H - cream or buff colored; medium 0.26-0040 Perishable R-2.7 335-510
monben luster, odorless, medium to coarse texture, T-4.7 Soft
straight to irregular grain, sticky resin. V -7.5
Spondias S/H - whitish; soft and brittle. - - - -
Stahlia S - light brown, H - dark brown; very - Durable - -
monosperma hard, strong.
Wood Properties 203
Sterculia apetala S - yellowish, H - yellowish, reddish or 0.26-0.40 Perishable R-3.7 270-530
pisrach light brown; coarse texture, medium T- 8.3 Soft
luster, straight to irregular grain, spongy, V - 11.8
prone to sap staindiscoloration, easy to
Suriana maritima S - light red, H - dark red or reddish - Moderately - -
krist marinn brown; hard and strong, fine texture. Durable
Swietenia S - yellow to white, H - light reddish 0.48-0.60 Durable R-3.0 770-970
macrophylla brown; golden luster, odorless, fine to T -4.1 Slightly Hard
kajou etranje, coarse texture, straight, roey, wavy or V -7.8
kajou venezwela curly grain, attractive figure; easy to work,
takes a fine polish.
Swietenia S - yellow to white, H - yellowish-red to 0.57-0.80 Durable R-4.6 1,330
mahagoni deep reddish brown; high, silky and T-5.4 Moderately
kajou peyi golden luster, odorless, fine texture, V-6.9 Hard
straight, roey, curly or wavy grain,
attractive figure, strong.
Symphonia S - whitish, H - yellowish-, grayish- or 0.52-0.65 Durable R-5.7 1,120
globulifera greenish brown; variable, medium luster, T-9.7 Slightly Hard
bwa kochon odorless, coarse texture, straight to V'-15.6
irregular grain, mealy appearance, high
silica content, easy to work.
Syzygium jambos SIH - brown; hard, close-grained. 0.70 Nondurable - -
pOm woz
Syzygium S - light brown; hard and tough, tends to - - - -
malaccense warp, difficult to work.
pOm malezi
Tabebuia spp. SIH - light brown to golden; low to 0.52-0.65 Moderately to R-3.6 960
bwa nago, sip medium luster, odorless, medium to Very Durable T-6.1 Soft
coarse texture, straight to roey grain, V-9.5
finishes well.
Tabernaemontana S - whitish brown; medium hard, fine - - - -
citrifolia texture.
bwa let mal
Tamarindus S -light yellow, H - dark pwplish brown; 0.80-0.90 Durable - -
indica very hard and strong, takes a fine polish.
Tecoma stans S - light brown; hard. - - - -
Tectona grandis S - pale yellowish, H - dark yellow to 0.52-0.65 Very R-2.5 1,000-1,155
tek golden brown; scented, fine to medium Durable T-5.8 Moderately
texture, straight or wavy grain, high silica V-7.0 Hard
content, oily feel, works easily, finishes
Tenninalia S - light brick red, H - brick red to reddish 0.45-0.58 Perishable R-4.5 -
catappa brown; lustrous, odorless, medium to T-5.7
zamann coarse texture, interlocked and irregular V-IO.3
grain, tom grain common, works easily.
Ternstroemia SIH - light brown; hard. - - - -
bwa denn mawon
Tetragastris spp. S - yellowish-brown, H - orange brown wI 0.63-0.78 Durable R-4.4 1,770-2,170
bwa kochon darker streaks; medium to high luster, T- 8.5 Hard
fragrant, fine texture, irregular to roey V -13.9
grain, high silica content
Tetrazygia spp. S - light brown; hard. - - - -
204 Wood Properties
Theobroma cacao SIH - light brown; hard. - - - -
subsp. cacao
Thespesia S - light brown, H - chocolate brown; - Durable - -
populnea moderately soft, takes a fine polish.
fey dayiti, gran
maho, motel debou

Thevetia SIH - brownish gray; hard, fine texture, - - - -

peruviana easily worked.
bwa sezisman

Thrinax morrisii Hard and lightweight, soft pith toward - - - -

latanye lame center.

Torralbasia SIH - yellowish; hard, fine texture. - - - -

Trema SIH - light brown; soft. - - - -
Trema micrantha SIH - light brown; soft and weak. 0.40 - - -
Trichilia hirta' S - light brown to creamy white, H - 0.50 Durable - -
monben bata reddish brown wI darker veins; medium
luster, fine texture, straight grain, easy to
work, fine sanding qualities.

Trophis racemo~a S - creamy to yellowish, H - light to dark 0.42--0.65 Perishable - 770

bwa nef, ramo brown; fairly lustrous, odorless; medium Soft
texture, straight to irregular grain,
parenchyma markings.
Turpina S - whitish; hard and brittle. - - - -
Vitex divaricata S - yellowish, grayish to pale brown, H - 0.52--0.62 Durable' R-3.2 1,160
bwa leza olive to deep brown; low to high luster, T- 6.4 Moderately
odorless, fine to moderately coarse V-IO.4 Hard
texture, straight to irregular grain, well
defined growth rings, high silica content,
easy to work, takes a fine polish.
Weinmannia S - whitish, H - reddish brown; hard. - - - -
Ximenia S - yellow, H ~ reddish brown or orange; 0.95 - - -
americana very hard, fine texture, slightly fragrant,
krok, makabi easy to work, takes a fine polish.

Xylosma spp. S - whitish to light brown; hard. - - - -

pikan woz
Zanthoxylum S - whitish to light yellow, H - yellowish 0.65--0.90 Nondurable - -
flavum brown; very hard, high, satiny luster,
bwapine coconut scent, fine and even texture,
interlocked or irregular grain, roey or
mottled figure, takes a fine polish.
Zanthoxylum S - whitish, H - cream to light yellowish 0.46--0.66 - - -
martinicense brown; moderately hard, straight to
pine blan irregular grain, good luster, easily worked.

Zanthoxylum S -light yellow, H - dark brown; very hard 0.76 - - -

monophyllum and tough; fine texture, growth rings,
bwapine takes a good polish.
Wood Properties 205
ZiZiphus spp. SIH - light brown or yellowish; hard. 0.90 - - -

Table 19.2 Energy values for major fuel wood species of Hispaniola. Standard error of
the means is shown in parentheses.
---OVEN-DRY--- ---14% MC--- SOURCE
l l
(megajoules kg· ) (megajoules kg· )

Acacia macracantha 19.574 (0.015) 16.827 (0.013) Mao, Rep. Dom:,

zakasya pikan Maxwell (1985)

Acacia scleroxyla 19.899 (0.099) 17.107 (0.085) Mao, Rep. Dom.,

kandelon Maxwell (1985)

Acacia tortuosa 16.215 (0.091) 13.939 (0.078) Cul-de-Sac, Haiti,

zakasya wouj Timyan (1988)

Acacia tortuosa 19.302 (0.022) 16.590 (0.022) Mao, Rep. Dom.,

zakasya wouj Maxwell (1985)

Amyris sp. 21.476 (0.094) 18.462 (0.081) Mao, Rep. Dam.,

bwachandel Maxwell (1985)
Azadirachta indica 19.69 (0.314) 16.923 (0.270) Cul-de-Sac, Haiti,
nim Timyan (1988)

Bursera simaruba 18.282 (0.152) 15.717 (0.131) Mao, Rep. Dom.,

gomye Maxwel1 (1985)

Caesalpinia coriaria 19.863 (0.124) 17.075 (0.107) Mao, Rep. Dam.,

divi divi Maxwel1 (1985)

Capparis sp. 20.114 (0.180) 17.291 (0.155) Mao, Rep. Dom.,

Maxwell (1985)

Capparis flexuosa 19.254 (0.082) 16.552 (0.070) Mao, Rep. Dam.,

bwakaka Maxwel1 (1985)

Casearia guianensis 19.601 (0.027) 16.850 (0.023) Mao, Rep. Dom.,

kafe mawon Maxwell (1985)-

Coccoloba leoganensis 19.489 (0.056) 16.754 (0.048) Mao, Rep. Dam.,

Ma;{well (1985)
Eugenia foetida 19.909 (0.784) 17.115 (0.674) Cul-de-Sac, Haiti,
ti fey Timyan (1988)

Exostema caribaeum 20.685 (0.104) 17.782 (0.089) Mao, Rep. Dom.,

kenkena peyi Maxwell (1985)

Guaiacum officinale 21.080 (0.731) 18.121 (0.628) Cul-de-Sac, Haiti,

gayak Timyan (1988)

Guaiacum officinale 21.170 (0.085) 18.199 (0.073) Mao, Rep. Dom.,

gayak Maxwell (1985)

Haematoxylon 17.891 (0.558) 15.380 (0.480) Cul-de-Sac, Haiti,

campechianum Timyan (1988)
Krugiodendronferreum 19.066 (0.100) 16.390 (0.086) Mao, Rep. Dam.,
bwafi: Maxwell (1985)

Leucaena leucocephala 18.142 (0.467) 15.596 (0.401) Cul-de-Sac, Haiti,

subsp. glabrata Timyan (1988)

Maytenus buxi/olia 19.575 (0.067) 16.828 (0.058) Mao, Rep. Dom.,

bwa foumi Maxwell (1985)
206 Wood Properties
···OVEN·DRY··· ···14% MC-- SOURCE
(megajoules kg· l ) (megajoules kg-I)

Phyllostylon brasiliensis 18.089 (0.342) 15.550 (0.294) Cul-de-Sac, Haiti,

bwablan Timyan (1988) .
Phyllostylon brasiliensis 19.038 (0.119) 16.366 (0.102) Mao, Rep. Dom.,
bwa blan Maxwell (1985)
Pictetia spinifolia 20.610 (0.106) 17.717 (0.091) Mao, Rep. Dom.,
gratigal Maxwell (1985)
Pithecellobium circinale 19.447 (0.045) 16.718 (0.039) Mao, Rep. Dom.,
kampech mawon Maxwell (1985)
Pithecellobium unguis-cati 19.050 (0.872) 16.376 (0.750) Cul-de-Sac, Haiti,
Timyan (1988)
Prosopis juliflora 19.926 (0.014) 17.130 (0.012) Cul-de-Sac, Haiti,
bayawonn Timyan (1988)
Prosopis juliflora 18.300 (0.097) 15.732 (0.083) Mao, Rep. Dom.,
bayawonn Maxwell (1985)
Senna atomaria 19.328 (0.415) 16.615 (0.357) Cul-de-Sac, Haiti,
bwakabrit Timyan (1988)
Senna atomaria 19.688 (0.094) 16.925 (0.081) Mao, Rep. Dom.,
bwakabrit Maxwell (1985)
20 Medicinal Uses
Trees have provided a rich source of ingredients that Haitians and other people of
Hisponiola have used for centuries in their folk medicine. After Charles Plumier
published his Description des Plantes de l'Amerique in 1693, based in part on floristic
studies conducted in Haiti, two French doctors wrote on the utilization of medicinal
plants in Haiti: RenePouppee Desportes wrote Histoire des Maladies de Saint
Domingue in 1740 and E. Descourtilz wrote Flore Pittoresque et Medicinales des
Antilles in 1821. Recent ethnobotanical studies have been conducted on the medicinal
plants of Haiti, including those by Brutus and Pierre-Noel (1959, 1960, 1966), Leon
(1980), Weniger (1985), Weniger and Rouzier (1986), and Rouzier (1990). Studies
dealing with many of the same species present throughout the Caribbean and Latin
American include Ayensu (1981), Morton (1981), Nunez (1982), Tramil I (1984),
Darnault and Longuefosse (1985), Tramil II (1986), Joseph (1988), Seaforth (1988),
Tramil III (1988), Ansel et al. (1989) and Liogier (1990).

The medicinal use of trees is an important part of Haitian cultural knowledge, and
its effectiveness must be reinforced by scientific study. At times there is concern, even
contempt, among Western medical researchers about traditional, local practices.
Precision in dosages of curative treatments is difficult. Some remedies have been
shown to contain toxic compounds; others fade into the universe of mysticism and
magic. Strict ethical guidelines in the application of treatments are rarely explicit.
However, the beauty of traditional medicines comes down to an issue of cultural
diversity and a deeper understanding of the role that plants play in the daily lives of .
people. Without this diversity, modem pharmaceutical science would not be what it is
today. Herbal remedies are locally available and foster a self-reliance among those
who can ill-afford the high costs of imported pharmaceuticals. Perhaps an art more
than a science, one of the most important contributions of folk medicine is that it adds
to our understanding of Haitian trees.

A list of trees that are commonly used for medicinal purposes in Haiti is provided
in Table 20.1 below. The table includes 76 families, 222 genera and 293 taxa. The
taxa are arranged alphabetically by species. The first column gives the scientific and
Creole names associated with the tree. The second column summarizes the ailments,
followed by the tree part and the principal method of application. Specific
prescriptions, such as dosage and frequency, are not given, as these are rarely
specified in the literature and can vary considerably among users according to recipe.
Moreover, the table does not rank the order of species importance as a medicinal
source for the ailments, though this work can be found for areas of Haiti studied by
Service Oecumenique d'Entraide since the 1980s. Many of the tree species invariably
are associated with specific treatments. Examples include the relief of sore throat with
Spondias purpurea or lowering of blood pressure with Terminalia catappa.

The genera that stand out in importance· are important fruit trees - notably
Citrus (sweet and sour orange, key lime, and pummelo) and Annona (soursop, custard

207 '
208 Medicinal Uses
apple, and cherimoya). Citrus is most valued for its aromatic oil, the antiseptic
quality' of its acidic juice, and the nutritive value of its fruit. It is here where the
distinction between a healthy diet and a prescriptive medicine becomes blurred. As
for the nonfood species, it is interesting to note how quickly exotic species such as
neem (Azadirachta indica) and Eucalyptus spp. have gained acceptance in local
medicine. One can only wonder about the process whereby peasant society accepts or
rejects the remedial powers of a tree species.

Table,20.1 Summary of the uses of trees and shrubs found in Haiti.
Acaciafamesiana Fever, typhus: root bath, applied to rectum, or cooked root, taken orally. Tuberculosis: root
zakasyajon decoction, taken orally. Gangrene: root decoction, applied externally. Bladder infection: leaf
decoction, taken orally. Wound: dried, pulverized leaf, applied externally. Stomach ache:
flower tea, taken orally. Diarrhea, eye/throat infection: crushed froit juice, taken orally.
Acacia macracantha Fever: root and leaf drink, taken orally, or wann water bath. Gum disease: crushed leaf
zakasya pikan mouthwash. Infected sore: root and leaf wash and compress. Dysentery, chronic diarrhea,
gangrene: leaf decoction, taken orally or applied.
Acacia scleroxyla Skin itch: wash with crushed leaves.
bwa savann, kandelon,
Adansonia digitata Fever: fruit pulp juice or macerated bark wI wine drink. Diarrhea, bladder and kidney
~apou etranje infection: leaf, either decoction or prepared wI food. Dysentery: dry, mealy pulp surrounding
the seed, eaten.
Adenanthera pavonina Migraine, headache: pulverized wood mixed wI water, taken orally. Diarrhea, dysentery,
reglis tonsillitis: bark and leaf decoction, taken orally.. CAUTION: Seeds are poisonous.
Albizia lebbeck Diarrhea: bark decoction wI salt, taken orally. Snakebite, ulcer: pulverized bark, applied
tcha tcha externally. Flu, chest cold, cough, lung infection: flower syrup, taken orally. Asthma,
eczema: stem bark decoction, taken orally. Boils, skin eruptions: flower poultice. Eye
ailments: leaf and bark decoction, applied externally. CAUTION: Contains toxic heterocides
(Ansel et aI., 1989). Usage not recommended (Rouzier, 1990).
Albizia saman Anxiety, nervousness: fruit decoction, taken orally. Constipation: leaf tea or infusion, taken
saman orally. Dysentery, hemorrhage: fruit ingested. Throat infection: chew seed.
Alchornea latifolia Tuberculosis: flower, leaf and twig decoction, taken orally. Chest cold: leaf tea, taken orally.
bwa krapo, fey krapo, pwa
Aleurites fordii Leprosy: seed oil, applied externally.
Aleurites moluccana Purgative: seed. CAUTION: Seed remeclies are not recommended due to their toxicity
nwazet (Liogier, 1990).
Allophylus cominia Diabetes: leaf decoction, taken orally. Coma: leaf boiled 3 times, tea taken orally.
kafe mawon, twa fey, twa Tuberculosis, hemoptysis: twig decoction, taken orally.
pawbl ,

Allophylus occidentalis . Stomach cramp, migraine, anaphrodisiac: leaf infusion in boiling water.
twa fey, twa pawol
Alvaradoa haitiensis Malnutrition complex: pulverized leaves applied as a bath or massage.
abe mawon, ti abe
Amyris balsamifera Phlegm, choke: macerated root wi sweet wine, taken orally.
bwa chandeI
Medicinal Uses 209
Anacardium occidentale Anemia: bark (macerated or decoction) wI salt, taken orally. Diabetes, thrush, plaque,
nwakajou diarrhea, malarial fever: bark or leaf decoction, taken orally. Skin rash, wart, acne,
toothache, flu, phlegm, constipation, diarrhea, edema, hemoptysis: cashew pericarp juice.
Nervous disorders: bark tea as a tonic. Aphrodisiac: toasted seed or leaf infusion. Burns,
skin ailments: crushed mature leaf poultice. CAUTION: Pericarp oil is caustic and must be
used with prudence.
Andira inermis Urethritis: macerated root, taken orally. Fever, intestinal worms: stem bark decoction in
bwa palmis, pwa palmis small doses. Constipation: seed decoction, taken orally. Skin rash, quicklime burn: leaf
compress. Wound: macerated seed poultice.
Annona cherimotia Indigestion, constipation: boiled leaves or fruit as decoction or cooked, taken orally. NB:
kachiman Seed reported to have anti-cancer properties (Liogier, 1990).
Annona glabra Hepatitis, liver ailments, worms, rheumatism: flower and leaf extracts, taken orally. Chest
kowosbl mawon cold, dry cough, tuberculosis: fruit syrup, taken orally. NB: Leaves contain a poisonous'
narcotic used to kill fish.
Annona muricata Digestive tract ailments: leaf decoction wI salt, taken orally. Intestinal malaise: leaf and
kowosbl crushed seed infusion, taken orally. Fatigue: leaf decoction wI salt or sugar, taken orally.
Anxiety: leaf or bark decoction. Cold, chest pain, nerve disorders: flower or flower bud tea
with honey. Flu, cold: fruit syrup. Hepatitis, fever: fruit as a food. Nervous shock: leaf
massage. CAUTION: Seed contains a strong poison, used as a potent insecticide, that induces
severe vomiting.
Annona reticulata Digestive tract ailments, fever, nerve disorders, anemia: leaf (sometimes bark) decoction
kachiman ke bet wI salt. taken orally. Fatigue: leaf decoction wI sugar or salt. taken orally. Dermatosis: leaf
decoction. taken orally. Headache: crushed leaves applied as a bath. Sprain: crushed bark in
warm, salty water and applied as poultice. NB: Exhibits antispasmodic and analgesic
properties; requires further research for internal use (Tramil III. 1988).
Annona squamosa Diarrhea, chronic dysentery: leaf, bark or green fruit infusion. taken orally. Cramp, spasm:
kachiman kanel leaf or sprout tea.
Antirhea lucida Colic: strong leaf infusion wI Hedyosmum nutans. Astringent: root.
bwa patat, zaboka mawon
Artocarpus altitis Blood pressure: fruit (sometimes leaf or flowers) decoction, taken orally. Wart, skin ulcer,
laba pen, lam veritab abscess: caustic latex or bark poultice. Burn: stewed fruit compress. Constipation: cooked
fruit. easily digested. NB: Leaf extracts contain substances with hypotensive properties
(Seaforth. 1988).
Artocarpus heterophyllus Same applications as Artocarpus altitis. Diarrhea, fever: root decoction. taken orally.
jakiye Intestinal worms, syphilis: sap, taken orally. Ulcer, wound: leaf ash, applied externally.
Aspidosperma cuspa Cholera, asthma, snakebite: root decoction. taken orally. Ulcer: leaf poultice.
Averrhoa bitimbi Fever: green fruit juice, taken orally. Poisonous bite: leaf, applied as a poultice.
Avicennia germinans Diarrhea, intestinal irritation, colic: bark decoction, taken orally. Sore, wound: bark
mangnwa decoction wash. Bleeding gums: bark decoction rinse. Hemorrhoids: bark decoction bath.
Skin disease: gum exudate lotion.
Azadirachta indica Fever: leaf decoction wI salt taken, orally. Head lice: fruit pulp ointment. Skin ulcer, cramp:
nim seed oil, applied externally. NB: Alcoholic extracts contain antipyretic and anti-inflammatory
substances (Pousset, 1989).
Bactris plumeriana Fever: leaf tea, taken orally.
koko makak
Bambusa vulgaris Cold, malarial fever: leaf decoction, taken orally. Dysentery: sweet sap drink. Diuretic: root
bambou decoction. Rash: stem 'bark' decoction bath. Fever: leaf boiled wI Pannicum maximum leaf
and white rum drink.
Bauhinia divaricata Heart palpitation, spasm, upset stomach: macerated leaf decoction, taken orally.
bwa kalson, koleg. ti kalson
Bauhinia monandra Dysentery: .dried buds and young flower infusion, taken orally. Irregular gastrointestinal
de jimel, jimel tract: leaf drink.
210 Medicinal Uses
Bixa orellana Headache: leaf, applied to forehead. Mouth/throat infection: leaf decoction, gargle.
woukou Asthma: root decoction, taken orally. Fever: macerated seed decoction, taken orally.
Dysentery, kidney infection: pulp surrounding seed, astringent drink.
Blighia sapida Fever, cold, intestinal worms: leaf tea, taken orally.

Bocconia frutescens Jaundice: roots blended wI wann water, taken orally.

bwa jonis, bwa kok denn
Bontia daphnoides Insect bite: macerated leaf and fruit wI alcohol. Herpes: resin. Swollen tissue: flower
doliv bata, mang mawon decoction or fruit oil extract, massage. Ulcer, sore: leaf, flower and fruit decoction, wash.
Bucida buceras Fever: bark and leaf decoction, taken orally.
Bunchosia glandulosa Amenorrhea, menstrual pain: leaf infusion, taken orally. Asthma, bronchitis: leafjuice,
bwa kaka, bwa poulet taken orally. Rheumatism: leaf bath.
Bursera simaruba Toothache, abscess, swollen glands, chest pain: sap or terminal shoot, applied in natural
gomye form as a compress. Fever: bark tea, taken orally. Digestive tract ailments, urethritis:
macerated bark or root, taken orally. Kidney stones, diarrhea, lung infection: resin, taken
orally. Gangrene: leaf compress. Snakebite: macerated seed in aqueous resin, applied to bite.

Byrsonima crassifolia Fever, diarrhea, menorrhagia: root decoction, taken orally.

Byrsonima spicata Inflammation, ulcer: leaf decoction, applied externally. Dysentery, bronchitis, cough: fruit,
liann kolik, liann towo, towo root and bark decoction, taken orally.
Caesalpinia bonduc Asthma, mental distress: leaf decoction, taken orally. Fever, intestinal worms: pulverized
grenn kinik, kanik, kinik, ,seed infusion, taken orally.
Caesalpinia ciliata Convulsion, venereal disease: seed kernel decoction, taken orally.
kanik, kinik, kinik jon, wawi
Caesalpinia coriaria Diarrhea: fruit cut in small pieces, prepared in an infusion, taken orally. Throat infection:
divi divi, gwatapana fruit decoction gargled. Skin disease, wound: bark, leaf and green fruit infusion, wash. Fever:
powdered dry seed, taken orally. Stomach ache: leaf and shoot decoction, taken orally.
Caesalpinia pulcherrima Fever: root decoction, taken orally. Liver infection: leaf cooked, taken orally. Canker sore:
fransilad leaf decoction, gargled or mouth wash. Bronchial infection, erysipelas, measles, wound:
ground leaf and flower decoction, take orally or applied.
Caesalpinia vesicaria Diarrhea: bark, roasted and powdered, taken orally.
Calophyllum calaba Blood pressure, liver disorders: leaf decoction, taken orally. Swollen glands, abscess: latex
damari or terminal shoot, applied externiUly. Skin itch: bathe with crushed leaves. Burn: resin,
applied to bum. Hernia: resin, taken orally. Skin infection: seed oil lotion.
Calotropis procera Blood pressure: leaf infusion, taken orally. Leprosy, elephantiasis, syphilis: root, bark and
koton swa latex application. Intestinal worms, toothache: bark and latex, taken orally. Depilatory:
Cameraria latifolia Blood disorders: leaf or macerated root decoction wI salt, taken orally or as a bath. Rotten
bwalet tooth: latex, applied to fracture tooth. .'

Cananga odorata NB: Plant has properties that lower blood pressure; used as an antiseptic and source of essential
ilanilan oil used in cosmetics (Liogier, 1990).
Canella winterana Rheumatism: macerated bark in alcohol, massage. Fever, abortive: bark decoction, taken
kanel orally.
Capparis cyanophallophora Skin diseases, herpes: root decoction, applied externally. Edema, intestinal worms: root
bwa dajan, bwa kaka decoction, taken orally.
Capparis ferruginea Venereal disease: leaf decoction, taken orally. Thrush: leaf decoction, gargled. Skin diseases,
bwa senegal herpes: strong leaf decoction, applied externally. Nerve disorders: flower tea, taken orally.
Hysteria, shock, mourning: root bath.
Capparis flexuosa Skin diseases, herpes: strong leaf decoction, applied externally. Spasm: fruit decoction, taken
bwakaka orally.
Medicinal Uses 211
Capparis gonaivensis Gout: root decoction, taken orally.
Carapa guianensis Skin itch: leaf boiled in water, applied as lotion. Fever, intestinal worms: fruit rind
decoction, taken orally. Hepatitis, tetanus: seed oil decoction, taken orally. Skin disease,
ringworm: seed oil decoction or soap, applied externally.
Carica papaya Gastrointestinal ailments: fruit and juice, eaten. Sores: fresh leaf poultice. Rheumatism:
papay fresh root wI sugar cane alcohol, taken orally or massaged. Cough, bronchitis, asthma, chest
cold: flower decoction, taken orally. NB: The juice of unripe fruit is the source of papain. This
protein-splitting enzyme is used as an aid in digestion and as a meat tenderizer.
Carpodiptera cubensis Digestive disorders ofnewboms: fresh leaf infusion, taken orally. Menstrual ailments,
bwadoti urine retention, bladder infection, bad blood, constipation: root, stem or leaf infusion,
taken orally.
Carpodiptera simonis Uterine hemorrhage, anemia, head congestion, arteriosclerosis: flower and wood tea,
bwadoti taken orally.
Casearia sylvestris Sore, ulcer: leaf and stem decoction, applied to infected area. Fever, syphilis, diuretic: leaf
papelit decoction, taken orally.
Cassia fistula Worms: leaf of fruit decoction wI salt, taken orally.
kas dou, kas panyol
Cassia grandis Digestive tract ailments: leaf decoction wI salt, taken orally. Skin itch: massage and wash
baton kas with crushed leaves. Hysteria, nervousness, abortion: leaf, flower, fruit pulp or seed
beverage, taken orally. Skin infection: macerated root in alcohol, applied as a tincture. Fever,
rheumatism: root and bark infusion, taken orally.
Cassine xylocarpa Stimulant: plant parts, edible fruit.
Cassipourea guianensis Astringent: bark.
Castilla elastica Sore throat: leaf decoction, taken orally.
Catalpa longissima Fever: leaf decoction wI salt, taken orally. Asthma: leaf decoction wI salt, taken orally. Fever,
chenn dysentery, uterine hemorrhage, leukorrhea: bark decoction, taken orally. Throat
infections, tonsillitis: bark infusion, taken orally. Sore: dried leaf and bark infusion wash.
Hemorrhoids: macerated leaf wI water bath. NB: Febrifruge properties require further
research (rrarnil nI, 1988).
Cecropia peltata Inflammation: pulverized leaf decoction applied as a bath or poultice. Fever, asthma,
twompet Parkinson's disease, spleen ailments, epilepsy: leaf decoction, taken orally. Dysentery,
hemorrhage, toothache: astringent made from inner bark and shoots. Gangrene, skin ulcer,
wart: caustic latex applied externally. Diarrhea: bark infusion, taken orally. NB: Contains
ursolic acid with diarrheic properties (Duke, 1985).
Cedrela odorata Digestive tract ailments: macerated bark wI salt, taken orally. Malarial fever, epilepsy,
sed ciguatera, cough: root bark, leaf or twig decoction, taken orally. Pain: leaf or twig bath.
Abortion: large quantities of bark decoction, taken orally. Toothache: bark decoction, as
gargle. Bronchitis: resin decoction, taken orally.
Ceiba pentandra Dizziness: fresh leaf compress or lotion. Edema: boiled root decoction. Skin biteJinfection,
mapou fatigue, erysipelas, sprains, boils: leaf decoction, as bath or poultice. Constipation,
diabetes: root infusion, taken orally. Upset stomach: gum, eaten. Contraceptive: tender
shoot decoction. Placenta expulsion: fruit rind. Cough, hoarse throat: leaf infusion, taken
Cereus hexagonus Diuretic, dysentery: macerated root wI water, taken orally.
Chiococca alba Purgative, diuretic, emetic, rheumatism: root decoction, taken orally.
leimak, krOk souri
Chlorophora tinctoria Hepatitis: macerated root wI water, taken orally. Tooth anesthetic: dried latex placed beside
bwajon tooth. Mouth sore; sore throat: gargle wI fruit decoction. Cold: flower infusion, taken orally.
Chrysobalanus icaco Dysentery, diarrhea: bark, leaf and root decoction, taken orally. Tonsillitis, sore throat:
ikak honey wI fruit oil and leaf decoction, taken orally.
Chrysophyllum cainito Wound: leaf underside grated and applied as a compress. Hemorrhage: fruit. Fever: cooked
kaymit fruit. Hypoglycemia: leaf decoction, taken orally. NB: Rich in tannins (Morton, 1981).
Chrysophyllum oliviforme Wound, sore: leaf underside grated and applied as a compress.
kaymit mawon
212 Medicinal Uses
Cinnamomum verum Rheumatism: essence as a poultice. Spasm, stomach/intestinal gas: essence, taken orally.
Citharexylum caudatum Abortive: bark. Hoarse throat: leaf or macerated seed infusion, taken orally.
kafe mawon, kafe sovaj
Citharexylum fruticosum Abortive: bark. Lung infection, cold, bronchitis: leaf drink and flower syrup, taken orally.
grenad mawon, kafe mawon,
Citrus aurantifolia Digestive system ailments, fever, tuberculosis, worms: leaf and fruit decoction wI salt, taken
sitwon orally. Liver ailments: inside peel, macerated, wI salt, taken orally. Headache: crushed leaf
decoction applied as a head bath. Head cold, loss of appetite, epilepsy: fruit juice, wI sugar,
taken orally. Toothache: fruit decoction or juice mouthwash wI salt. Wound, eye infection:
fruit juice rinse or compress. General fatigue: fruit juice wI salt and sugar. Urethritis:
macerated root or fruit juice, taken orally. NB: Lime juice stimulates gastrointestinal system;
photosensitivity associated with wound treatments· (Tramil III, 1988).
Citrus aurantium Digestive tract ailments, head cold, loss of appetite, general fatigue: fruit juice wI sugar or
zoranj si salt, taken orally. Chest pain, skin itch: massage or compress on the diaphragm with a hot
orange. Respiratory ailments: roasted fruit, taken orally. Vomiting, nerve disorders: leaf
decoction wI salt, taken orally. Liver ailments: fruit juice, taken orally. Headache: crushed
leaf decoction and applied as head bath. Rheumatism, broken bone, inflammation: roasted
fruit or leaf decoction applied as a massage or bath. NB: Fruit decoction exhibit
anti-hemorrhagic properties in the gastrointestinal tract (Tramil, 1988); rich in vitamin C .
against infection; limonene exhibits expectorant properties; oils exhibit light anti-spasmodic
and sedative properties (Paris and Moyse, 1976).
Citrus limetta Kidney stones, gall bladder stones, hematuria, blood pressure, scurvy: fruits eaten daily.
kalmouk Fever: fruit boiled in soda water.
Citrus limon Similar properties as Citrus aurantifolia.
limon frans
Citrus maxima General fatigue, flu, fever: fruit juice, taken orally.
Citrus sinensis Digestive tract ailments; nerve disorders, fever, asthma, stomach ulcer or indigestion,
zoranj dous blood pressure, general fatigue, vomiting: leaf decoction wI salt, taken orally. Skin itch:
massage and wash with crushed leaves or fruit juice. Urethritis: macerated root, leaf or fruit
mesoderm, taken orally. Hepatitis, liver ailments: macerated mesoderm of the fruit
(sometimes bark) or decoction, taken orally. Head cold, loss of appetite: fruit juice or leaf
decoction wI sugar, taken orally. Headache, rheumatism: crushed-leaf decoction and applied
as bath. Broken bone: roasted fruit massage. NB: Leaf oil exhibits carminative properties
(Tramil III, 1988) and light anti-spasmodic and sedative properties (Paris and Moyse, 1976);
rich in vitamin C against infection.
Clusia major Kidney pain, sciatica, lumbago, shoulder pain: resin compress. Rheumatism: fresh leaf,
bwa pal, figye modi, gwo castor bean oil and salt mixture, applied as compress or fruit rind decoction, as bath.
figye Respiratory infection: flower infusion, taken orally.
Coccoloba uvifera Diarrhea: bark, branches and roots used in cooking or decoction. Skin itch: bark bath. Fever:
rezen fe, rezen lame bark decoction, taken orally. NB: Astringent bark, wood and roots have hemostatic properties
and antipyretic properties (Liogier, 1990).
Coccothrinax sp. Respiratory ailments: leaf decoction, taken orally.
gwenn, latanye savann
Cochlospermum vitifolium Hepatitis: fresh leafjuice, taken orally. Chest cold: flower, fresh or dried, decoction, taken
orally. Abscess: pulverized root compress. Intestinal inflammation: root infusion, taken
Cocos nucifera Anemia, purgative: fruit bark (macerated or decoction) wI salt, taken orally. Sore: coconut oil
kokoye as a compress. Fatigue, laxative, intestinal worms, bladder infection: meat and milk, taken
orally. Dysentery: root decoction, taken orally. Bladder stones, nephritis, hypertrophy:
coconut wine. Thrush: root decoction wI coconut oil, taken orally.
Coffea arabica Sore: powdered kernel as a compress. Swollen glands, general fatigue, blood disorders,
kafe nerve disorders, fever: macerated leaves or seed kernel decoction, taken orally. Nerve
disorders: roasted seed decoction taken orally. Headache: leaf decoction or seed marc, taken
orally or as a bath. Malaria: green fruit infusion drink. Motion sickness: Flower tonic.
Medicinal Uses 213
Cola acuminata Dysentery, stomach pain: crushed nut and prepared as a tonic.
Colubrina arborescens Rheumatism: leaf tea or wood decoction, taken orally or applied as massage. Similar
bwa pIe, kapab properties as C. elliptica.
Colubrina elliptica Diarrhea, dysentery, liver infections, fever, stomach ulcer: bark drink. Eczema: bark bath.
Comocladia dentata Cough and colds: leaf decoction wi sugar, taken orally. Fever, stomach ulcer or indigestion:
breziyet, bwa panybl leaf decoction wi salt, taken orally. CAUTION: Not recommended for internal usage as plant
contains potent irritants.
Conocarpus erectus Diarrhea, intestinal irritation, colic: bark tea, taken orally. Bleeding gums: bark tea, rinse.
mang nwa
Consolea macracantha Abscess: macerated segment wi other species (Agave, Cassia fistula), applied as a compress.
raket Hemorrhoids: macerated segment, bath.
Cordia alba Bronchitis: flower decoction, taken orally. Stomach infection: wood charcoal.
Cordia alliodora Sore: leaf decoction compress. Cough, chest cold: leaf infusion, taken orally. Throat
bwa soumi, chenn kapawo infection: flower decoction, taken orally.
Cordia collococca Chigger: crushed leaf application or bath. Edema, shock: root decoction, taken orally.
twa pye
Cordia gerascanthes Epilepsy: flower decoction, taken orally. Herpes: leaf decoction. Fever: bark infusion, taken
Cordia mirabiloides Teething: fruit or leaf infusion.
fle dan, krbk chen
Cordia sebestena Cough, flu, cold, indigestion, colic: leaf decoction, taken orally. Headache, fever: leaf juice
kokeliko, ti soley wi water.
Couroupita guianensis Depilatory: fruit pulp decoction.
boulet kanon
Crataeva tapia Rheumatism: leaf decoction. Dysentery, fever: root tonic, taken orally.
Crescentia cujete Urethritis, swollen glands, lung infections, asthma, varix, constipation, dysentery,
kalbas diarrhea: macerated fruit pulp or juice, taken orally. Trauma: fruit decoction wi salt or pulp
juice, taken orally. Epilepsy: fruit pulp compress. Wound, laceration: crushed leaf and shoot
bud compress. Edema: macerated root wi wine and water, taken orally. NB: Has not been
shown to exhibit anti-bacterial action. CAUTION: Contains cyanohydrate and internal usage
not recommended (Ansel et a!., 1989; Tramil III, 1988).
Crescentia linearifolia Similar properties as Crescentia cujete.
kalbas mawon
Crossopetalum rhacoma Diuretic, infected kidney: leaf and bark decoction, taken orally.
Croton glabellus Digestion, low blood pressure: leaf decoction, taken orally. Leprosy: leaf decoction, applied
bwa blan,bwa gep externally.
Cupania americana Chest pain: massage on the diaphragm with crushed leaves. Bladder weakness, swollen
satanye, twazokbt vesicles, intestinal disorders, kidney stones: leaf and bark tea, taken orally. Dysentery:
powdered seed in chocolate drink. Headache, backache: leaf compress, applied to affected
Cupressus sempervirens Nervous system disorders, menopause disorders, bleeding of the uterus, hemorrhoids:
sipre fruit decoction. Chest sickness, diarrhea: astringent made of bark, wood or fruit. Intestinal
worms: volatile oil extract from the wood. Convulsive cough: essence boiled in water, taken
orally. Rheumatism: leaf decoction, applied externally.
Curatella americana Arthritis, blood pressure, diabetes: leaf and stern decoction, taken orally. Skin rash,' sore:
pOrn tOch leaf decoction bath.
Cycas circinalis Ulcer: suppuration with sticky substance in stem. Kidney pain: fruiting cone as a poultice.
CAUTION: Seeds contain a toxic glucoside, pakonia (Liogier, 1990).
214 Medicinal Uses
Dalbergia ecastaphyllum Gastrointestinal disorders: young leaf, flower or seed decoction, taken orally, in small doses
liann kIou, zeb aklou (e.g., 1 teaspoon daily). Intestinal worms: bark or seed kernel decoction, taken orally, in small
Daphnopsis americana Blistering: macerated bark wI water, applied to provoke blistering.
Delonix regia Malaria: macerated root and branch in alcohol, taken orally. Malarial fever: flower and bark
flambwayan infusion, taken orally. Constipation: leaf decoction, taken orally.
Dendropanax arboreus Rash, fever: leaf and root decoction, used as a diaphoretic..
Dendrosicus latifolius Tetanus: fruit decoction, taken ?raIly. Rash: leaf juice, massage.
kalbaS zombi
Diospyros revoluta Constipation: fruit pulp, taken orally. Malaria: leaf decoction, taken orally.
Dodonaea viscosa Abscess, boil: warm leaf poultice. Fever, colic, gout, male venereal disease: leaf and bark
mang ti fey tea or.wood decoction, taken orally.
Ehretia tinifolia Kidney infection: leaf decoction, taken orally. Bloody vomit: flower tea and leaf decoction,
bwa chapo, chenn nwa taken orally.
Enterolobium cyclocarpum Tuberculosis, chronic bronchial infections: bark and flower syrup, taken orally. Lung
bwa tanis wouj congestion: bark and fruit decoction, taken orally or gargled. Hemorrhoids: bark bath.
Erithalis fruticosa Diuretic, kidney infection, cystitis: bark, resin and fruit decoction, taken orally.
Erythrina corallodendrum Chest ailments: flower decoction, taken orally. Scorpion sting: stem sap, applied to affected
koray area. CAUTION: Seeds are toxic. Bark contains a narcotic alkaIoid.
Erythrina crista-galli Animal bite: fresh bark compress. Hemorrhoids: cool bark bath. Throat sore: bark used in
food preparation.
Erythrina poeppigiana Asthma, cough, hysteria: leaf and bark decoction, taken orally. Skin itch: milky leaf lotion.
bwamotel Flu: dried leaf decoction, taken orally.
Erythrina variegata Chest cold, cough, flu, asthma: leaf and bark decoction, taken orally. Pain, insomnia: leaf
baton sosiye and bark syrup, taken orally. Venereal disease: leaf decoction bath. Chest ailments: sun-dried
flower syrup, taken orally.
Erythroxylum havanense Hemoptysis: root decoction, taken orally.
Erythroxylum minutifolium Skin itch: root salve.
Eucalyptus globulus Respiratory ailments, cough convulsions: inhaled leaf vapors. Lung infections,
kaliptis gastrointestinal ulcers, angina: leaf decoctions or tea, taken orally. Rheumatism: leaf bath.
Eugenia ligustrina Leukorrhea: leaf decoction, taken orally.
Euphorbia pulcherrima Depilatory: latex application. Erysipelas: latex lotion, applied externally.
de sezon, fey senjan
Exostema caribaeum Fever, malaria: bark and fruit decoction, taken orally.
kenkena peyi, kininn
Faramea occidentalis Diarrhea, anemia: leaf infusion, taken orally. Antiseptic: leaf bath.
Ficus benjamina Skin ulcer: boiled leaf decoction wI oil, applied externally.
Ficus microcarpa Bath: leaves used as an aromatic.
Ficus religiosa NB: Purgative made from leaves and shoots; seeds ground to dust taken as a tonic.
Ficus trigonata Dislocation: latex poultice. Liver ailments: leaf decoction, taken orally.
figye wouj
Garcinia aristata' Tetanus, wound, bleeding: resin, applied to wound. Asthma: boiled resin, taken orally.
Genipa americana Dysentery: edible fruit. Syphilis, pharyngitis: fruit rind decoction wash. Emetic: pulverized
jinpa seed emulsion wI water. Purgative: root decoction. Hemorrhage: green fruit infusion. NB:
Seed was a source of dye for tattoos among the native Tainos.
Gliricidia sepium Fever, pain: leaf bath. Sinus inflammation, gonorrhea: leaf tea, taken orally. Kidney
lila etranje, piyon ailments, edema, hepatitis: root tea, taken orally. Skin disease, wound: leaf poultice.
Medicinal Uses 215
Guaiacum officinale Toothache: resin, applied to tooth. Skin disease: resin, applied externally. Rheumatism,
gayak fran, gayak mal gout, blood pressure, arteriosclerosis: resin, taken orally.
Guaiacum sanctum Syphilis, gout, rheumatism, scrofula: resin decoction, taken orally.
gayak blan, gayak femel
Guarea guidonia Blood disorders, anemia, malarial fever, intestinal hemorrhage: bark or leaf decoction wI
bwa wouj salt or macerated leaf, taken orally. Phlegm, bronchitis: resin in alcohol base, taken orally.
Eczema: bark bath.
Guazuma ulmifolia Digestive tract ailments, bad blood: bark or seed decoction wI salt, taken orally. Cold, high
bwadom blood pressure: leaf, bark or seed decoction wI sugar, taken orally. Cough: macerated bark
massage. Broken bone, sore: pulverized bark compress. Burn: inner bark compress
Elephantiasis: leaf decoction or maceration. Dysentery, hemorrhoids: inner bark enema.
Heat rash: green bark tea, bath. CAUTION: Excessive quantities may cause gastrointestinal
ailments; used as a dianheic in Nicaragua and Venezuela (Morton, 1981).
Gymnanthes Lucida Toothache: bark decoction. Callus: latex application.
Haematoxylon Hepatitis, nerve disorders, fever: pulverized leaf decoction, taken orally or as a bath.
campechianum Anemia, blood disorders, dysentery, diarrhea: wood, bark or leaf decoction wI salt, taken
karnpeeh orally. Trauma: leafjuice wI salt, taken orally. Headache: pulverized leaves compress.
Toothache: leaf decoction mouthwash wI salt. NB: Source of anti-inflammatory and antibiotic
substances (Oliver, 1986).
Hamelia patens Intestinal gas: leaf tea, taken orally. Asthma, smallpox, leg wound, skin infection: leaf
fle koray, koray wouj decoction bath. Skin itch: macerated leaf and fruit lotion. Headache: leaf compress.
Hemandia sonora Chronic diarrhea: fruit, including husk, decoction, taken orally. Constipation: bark and leaf
decoction, taken orally. Depilatory: leafjuice, applied exte~ally.
Hibiscus elatus Skin irritation, bite, sore: powdered leaf, bark or fresh leaf compress or bath. Diarrhea, colic,
maho ble dysentery, cough, malarial fever: leaf decoction, taken orally, with bath. Throat infection,
tonsillitis: leaf decoction, gargle.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Flu, cold, fever: flower petal and shoot bud tea, taken orally. Hair dye/tonic: crushed leaf
choublak lotion.
Hibiscus tiliaceus Gastro-intestinal ailments, constipation, cough, abscess: flower, root and root bark
gran maho, maho fran decoction, taken orally. Hemorrhoids: leaf decoction.
Hippomane mancinella Syphilis, edema, tetanus: bark and wood decoction.
mancheni, manseniye
Hura crepitans Abscess: boiled leaves, applied externally. Trauma: leaf decoction applied as a compress.
rabi, sabliye Rheumatism, headache: hot leaves applied as a compress. CAUTION: Seed is a powerful
purgative; seed remedies are not recommended (Liogier, 1990).
Hymenaea courbaril Emphysema, asthma, cough: scalded resin as an inhalant. Wounds, sores, ulcers: powdered
koubari, pwa konfiti resin, applied externally. Muscle cramps, rheumatism,arthritis, bruises, kidney pain: resin
liniment, applied to affected area. Purgative: bark decoction, taken orally. Constipation,
intestinal gas: bark fragment infusion, taken orally. Intestinal worms: inner bark decoction,
taken orally.
!lex macfadyenii Fever: leaf decoction, taken orally. Phlegm: root and bark tea, taken orally. Diuretic,
tiwou diaphoretic: leaf, root and bark:.
lnga vera Anemia: macerated bark, taken orally. Gall bladder stones: root decocti~n, taken orally.
pwa dou, sikren Constipation: fruit pulp, taken orally.
Jatropha curcas Edema: boiled plant parts in water, taken orally. Sore: plant decoction, compress. Eczema,
fey medsen dermatosis: warm plant decoction, compress. Fever: leaf bath. Constipation: tender leaf
infusion, taken orally. Rash, burn, skin infection: latex lotion. Emetic, purgative: fruit and
seed decoction.
Jatropha multifida Sore, scar: latex. Venereal diseases: roasted seed infusion. Skin parasites: seed oil lotion.
papay sovaj
Juglans jamaicensis Bad blood: leaf decoction, taken orally. Leukorrhea: bathe with leaf decoction. Skin
nogal infections: tea made with husk and applied externally.
Juniperus gracilior Emmenagogue, abortive: leaf tea or decoction, taken orally. CAUTION: Not to be used
sed without a medical prescription.
216 Medicinal Uses
Krugiodendronferreum Toothache: bark chew.
Lagerstroemia indica Thrush, stomatitis: root decoction, gargle or mouth wash.
Lagettalagetto Similar properties as Daphnopsis americana.
bwa dante!, laget
Laguncularia racemosa Astringent, tonic.
Lawsonia inennis Ulcer, rheumatism: leaf and flower infusion, applied externally. Tetanus, epilepsy, stomach
flejalouzi ') pain: leaf and flower infusion, taken orally..
Leucaena leucocephala Fever: root decoction, taken orally. Typhoid, digestive tract ailments: leaf tea. Anemia:
subsp. leucocephala boiled parched leaves until very red. Severe back pain: root and twig decoction, taken orally.
delen, madlenn Abortive: root and bark, taken orally.
Licaria triandra Stomach ailments: leaf, root or bark decoctions, taken orally. Skin ailments: bark bath.
Litchi chinensis Diarrhea: leaf infusion, taken orally. Mouth/throat infections: leaf infusion as gargle or
kenep chinwa, litchi mouthwash. Fatigue, anemia: root bark tonic, taken orally.
Lonchocarpus domingensis Constipation, stomach ailments: leaf decoction, taken orally. Difficulty in urinating: root
bwakayman infusion in boiling water, taken orally.
Lonchocarpus latifolius Induce vomiting, purgative: leaf decoction, taken orally.
Lysiloma sabicu Skin itch, ulcer: wash with crushed leaves. Diarrhea: leaf enema. Seafood poison, food '
tabeno poison: leaf decoction, taken orally.
Malpighia emarginata Sore throat: crushed leafjuice diluted in cool water, gargled. Fever: bark decoction, taken
seriz sendoming, ti seriz orally. Hepatitis, gastrointestinal disorders: fruit juice, taken orally. NB: Fruits are a rich
source of vitamin C.
Malpighia setosa Hemorrhage, menorrhagia, leukorrhea: ripe fruit and root tea, taken orally.
bonbon kapitenn,
MalVtiviscus arboreus Bronchial infection, dysentery, diarrhea, thrush, tonsillitis: flower decoction, taken orally.
Mammea americana Hair and skin parasites, eczema: resin lotion or bark decoction. Wound: pulp decoction.,
zabriko applied to wound.
Mangifera indica Diarrhea: bark or leaf decoction wI salt, taken orally. Urethritis, lower back ailments,
mango malarial fever: bark or root decoction, taken orally. Liver ailments: macerated bark in an
aqueous solution, taken orally. Burn: boiled ground bark, poultice. Bronchitis: boiled bark wI
honey, taken orally. Malaria, intestinal worms, toothache, asthma, chest infection: leaf
infusion, taken orally. Rickets: edible fruit. Tuberculosis: roasted fruit wI sugar.
Constipation: fruit skin, eaten. Bronchial infection, asthma: flower syrup, eaten. Intestinal
worms: pulverized roasted seed decoction. Dysentery, diarrhea: seed emulsion, taken orally.
NB: Exhibits action against intestinal tract bacteria (E. coli, S. enteritidas); excessive ingestion
may cause digestive and renal ailments; tannins exhibit antibacterial properties (Kerharo, 1977).
Manilkara zapota Fever, hemorrhage, wound, ulcer: leaf decoction, taken orally or applied. Neuralgia: leaf wI
sapoti tallow, applied as a compress on the temple. Diuretic: ground seed wI water. NB: Plant is
source of sapotin, a glucoside used in medicine as a febrifuge. Sap is source of chicle and base
of chewing gum. CAUTION: Seed contains hydrocyanic acid.
Mastichodendron Wound, sore: resin, applied externally.
akoma, koma
Matayba apetala Toothache: bark, applied to tooth. Erysipelas: shoot bud decoction, applied as a wash.
bwa grenn, bwa grenn nwa
Matayba serobiculata B~dy ache: warm leaf bandage or bath.
satanye, satanye mawon
Medicinal Uses· 217
Melaleuca quiquenervia Skin infections (eczema, psoriasis, acne): ointment. Headache, colds: decoctions of the
melalika seed capsules and crushed young leaves. Intestinal worms, spasm, colic, flatulence,
bronchitis, laryngitis: oil from leaves and twigs, taken internally. Rheumatism, neuralgia,
gout, local paralysis, skin irritations, bronchitis, sprain, bruise: oil from leaves and twigs,
applied externally. Toothache: oil dropped into cavity.
Melia azedarach Fever: leaf and bark decoction wI salt, taken orally. Rheumatism, sore: leaf bath.
Melicoccus bijugatus Nerve disorders: leaf decoction wI salt, taken orally. Fever, body malaise: leaf decoction
kenep drink. Sore throat, thrush, tonsillitis: macerated leafjuice, gargle. Chest weakness, dry
stomach: fruit, eaten. Diarrhea: powdered roasted seed syrup or tea, taken orally.
Metopium brownei Syphilis, hepatitis, kidney and bladder infections: leaf, flower, bark and root decoctions.
bwamilat Uterine hemorrhage, fibroma: plant tea. Inflammatory rheumatism, measles, smallpox,
erysipelas: sudorific and sedative properties.
Michelia champaca Rheumatism, malaria, headache, dizziness: bitter bark decoction, taken orally. NB: Perfume
ilan ilan oil is extracted from the flowers and seed (Liogier, 1990).
Miconia impetiolaris Hemorrhage: leaf and bark decoction.
makrio, twazokbt
Miconia laevigata Bite, wound: leaf and bark, warmed wI water, compress. Fever: leaf and bark tea or bath.
Miconia racemosa Pressure sore on animals: leaf poultice.
kaka poul, makrio
Morinda citrifolia Pain: warm leaf wI castor bean oil, compress. Ulcer, gout, sore: leaf juice, applied to affected
bwadoule area.
Moringa oleifera Nerve disorders, loss of appetite: leaf decoction wI salt, taken orally. Flu, cough, general
benzoliv fatigue: leaf or flower decoction wI sugar, taken orally. Skin irritant: root decoction as salve.
Convulsions: macerated leaf, applied as a compress to joints and temple. Edema: root
decoction, taken internally. Sore: leaf poultice. NB: Rich in folic acid as an anti-anemic and
vitanUn C against infection.
Morus nigra Diabetes: leaf, flower or fruit decoction gargled. Fever, sore throat, swollen vocal chords:
mi fruit juice wI tepid water and sugar. NB: Fruit has laxative properties.
Muntingia calabura Nerve ailments, spasm, cough: flower decoction, taken orally.·
bwa swa mawon
Murraya paniculata Similar properties as Citrus limon and Citrus sinensis
Musa spp. Diarrhea, hemorrhage: green fruit. Burn: powdered green fruit poultice. Sting: heated
bannann, fig mi green bark compress. Skin infections: dried, pulverized bark application. Sore: ripe leaf bath.
Tuberculosis: fermented stem juice, taken orally. Diuretic, laxative: young sucker juice,
taken orally. Asthma: crushed stolon juice wI honey, taken orally.
Myrcia citrifolia Gum disease: leaf decoction, mouth rinse.
bwa darnou, maget, malaget
Myrica cerifera Intestimil gases: leaf decoction mixed wI rum, taken orally.
kanel abey, kanel dous
Myristica frag rans Intestinal infections, gas, fever: pulverized seed infusion, taken orally.
Myrospermumfrutescens Rheumatism, muscle spasm: alcoholic legume beverage, applied as a massage. Toothache:
stem resin dissolved in alcohol, applied to tooth. Chest ailments: legume vapor dissolved in
ether, inhaled.
Myroxylon balsamum Chest ailments, bronchial infection, venereal disease: resin, taken orally. Skin disease;
skin itch: resin, applied as a salve.
Nerium oleander Mange: dry leaf poultice. Head lice, ulcer: macerated leaf wI vinegar.
lorie twopikal, lorie WQZ
Ochroma pyramidale Fever: stem bark decoction, taken orally. Diarrhea, colic: root bark decoction, taken orally.
koton swa, mahodem Rheumatism, joint pain: leaf mixed with castor bean oil, applied as lotion. Chest infection,
bronchitis, dry cough, flu: fruit juice drink.
218 Medicinal Uses
Ocotea coriacea Digestive tract ailments: leaf decoction wI salt, taken orally.
lorie blan
OmphaLea triandra Scrofula, intestinal worms, kidney pain, enteritis: edible fruit pulp or fruit oil extract.
nwazet Rickets: fruit oil extract, massage or leaf infusion. Tuberculosis, bone ailments,
lymphadenitis: leaf infusion, taken orally.
Opuntia ficus-indica Diarrhea, dysentery: crushed fruit drink. Cough: fruit juice drink or syrup. Diuretic: root
raket decoction, taken orally.
Oreopanax capitatum Rheumatism: bark extract. Diaphoretic: leaf.
bwa danjou, bwa kochon
Ouratea ilicifolia Diuretic, purgative: leaf and twig tonic.
Oxandra LanceoLata Bad blood, stomach ache, diarrhea: leaf, bark or root tea, taken orally. Toothache: bark
bwalans bath.•

Pachira aquatica Chest pain: flower and leaf tea, taken orally.
Pachira insignis Emollient: leaf. NB: Seed is considered very nutritious (Liogier, 1990).
Parkinsonia acuLeata Fever, malaria, abortive: leaf, fruit and stem decoctions, taken orally. RheumatiSm: flower
madarrlYas and leaf extraction in alcohol, applied as a poultice.
Pera bumeliifolia Hemorrhoids: bark decoction. Rash, herpes, sore, wound: bark scrapings boiled in water,
kase rach, kase raj wash.
Persea americana Digestive tract ailments, anemia: bark decoction wI salt, taken o~lly. Hepatitis, liver
zaboka ailments: juice from macerated seed and taken orally. NB: Leaf and fruit extracts have a
stimulatory effect on rat uteri; recommended against amenorrhea (Tramil III, 1988).
Petitia domingensis Digestive tract ailments, fever: leaf decoction wI salt, taken orally. Sore: boiled or
bwadoti pulverized leaves compress.
Phoenix dactyLifera Cough, chest cold: edible fruit.
Phyllanthus acidus Cathartic: seed. Purgative: seed and root. Diaphoretic: leaf.
Picramnia antidesma Fever, diarrhea, venereal disease: bark and leaf decoction, taken orally.
Picramnia pentandra Fever, dysentery, cholera, intestinal worms: leaf, bark and rootdecoction, taken orally.
bwa pwason, bwa ti gason,
kafe mawOli
Picrasma exceLsa Indigestion, anorexia, intestinal worms, dysentery, fever: leaf and bark decoction, taken
fwenn orally.
Picrodendron baccatum Venereal diseases: entire plant for purgative and sudorific properties.
Pictetia spinifolia Skin ulcer, wound, scar: boiled leaf compress. Headache: pounded leaf poultice, applied to
galgal temple. Constipation: boiled fruit, taken orally.
Pimenta dioica Toothache: leaf oil, applied to tooth. Fever, pain: leafbath.
maget, malaget
Pimenta racemosa Muscle cramp: massage. Incontinence (urine): leaf and seed decoction wI honey. Insect
bwa denn franse, kIou jirof bite, edema, varix, bruise: leaf and seed decoction, treated wI warm water and applied.
Headache, dizziness: leaf decoction, compress. Sore throat: leaf decoction, gargle. Nausea:
bay-rum oil wI sugar. Diarrhea: leaf tea. Elephantiasis: leaf bath.
Pinus caribaea Rheumatism: massage wI sawdust or resin dissolved in lemon juice. Eczema: fresh resin
bwapen applied directly to affected area. Gout, rheumatism: wood or leaf decoction bath. Bronchitis:
shoot bud decoction, taken orally.
Pinus occidentalis Hemorrhage, puerperal fever, rheumatism, sciatica: essence of turpentine, taken internally.
bwapen Bruise, rheumatic cramps, backache, spasms: essence of turpentine applied externally,
sometimes with mixed with alcohol and egg yolk. Cold, cough, bronchitis: essence of
turpentine, taken orally, wI sugar. Chest ailments: syrup taken orally. Respiratory ailments:
leaf or bark decoction wI salt or sugar, taken orally. Fever: leaf needle tea, taken orally.
Medicinal Uses 219
Piper aduncum Fever: leaf tea, taken orally.
bwa majo, siwo

Piper amalago Colic, intestinal gases, digestion ailments: leaf infusion, taken orally. Chronic ulcer: strong
anis mawon, fey siwo root decoction, applied externally.

Piptadel1ia peregrina NB: Roasted seeds formerly used as a narcotic by the Tainos, former inhabitants of Raiti.
bwa ekos, bwa kayman
Piscidia piscipula Toothache: bark and root compress, applied to tooth. Shoulder pain: leaf decoction massage.
bwaivran Wound: leaf decoction wash. NB: Plant contains narcotic properties.

Pisonia aculeata Rheumatism, swollen joints: bark or leaf decoction, taken internally or applied externally.
kOOk chen NB: Roots are a purgative (Liogier, 1990).

Pithecellobium dulce Dysentery: root bark decoction, taken orally. Indigestion: leaf w/ salt and black pepper.
Convulsions, venereal lesions, pain: leaf poultice. Hemoptysis: fruit pulp, taken orally, to
stop blood flow. Congestion: seed juice, inhaled into nostrils. Internal ulcers: pulverized
seed, ingested.
Pithecellobium unguis-cati Fever, dysentery, renal infection, kidney stones, liver/spleen infection: bark decoction,
taken orally. Skin Infections: bark and fruit pericarp bath.
Plumeria alba Skin parasites, syphilis, toothache: latex application. Intestinal worms: root decoction,
franjipanye blan taken orally.

Plumeria obtusa Ulcer, wound: bark and stem decoction, bath. Flu, cold, bronchitis, dry cough: flower tea.
Polyscias sp. Flu, cough, cold: fresh leaf infusion. Headache, dizziness: fresh leaf w/ oil and salt,
parese compress.

Pouteria sapota Wart, callus: bark fragments, applied as poultice. Dysentery, stomach ulcer: boiled fniit.
jondef Diuretic: seed oil beverage. Ear/eye infections: seed oil application. Kidney stones,
rheumatism: rind of seed kernel, taken orally.
Prosopis julijlora Eye infection: eye drops made from leafjuice or cooked leaves, applied or taken orally. Cold,
bayawonn, gwatapana flu, hoarse throat: gum exudate from trunk, taken orally. Diarrhea: fresh root, taken orally.
Bronchial infection, sinus congestion: bark and fruit decoction.
Prunus myrtifolia Similar properties as Prunus occidentalis.
lamandye ti fey
Prunus occidentalis Asthma, cough: bark, leaf and fruit decoction, taken orally. Cold: flower and leaf infusion,
lamandye gran fey taken orally. Phlegm, cough: seed syrup, w/ sugar, taken orally.

Prunus persica Hematuria, constipation: fruit as food. Child's cough/restlessness: flower syrup, taken
peeh orally.

Psidium guajava Digestive tract ailments, cold, high blood pressure: leaf decoction or fruit juice w/ salt or
gwayav sugar, taken orally. Trauma, pain, headache, rheumatism: hot leaf decoction compress. Sore
throat, hoarse throat: leaf decoction, gargle. Varix, ulcer: leaf decoction, treated w/ warm
water, bath. Diarrhea: leaf decoction, enema. Hepatitis, gonorrhea, diarrhea: clear fruit
juice. NB: Exhibits anti-bacterial action against intestinal pathogens; controls bowel
movement (Tramil III, 1988); oil contains bisabolene and flavanoides that exhibit
anti-inflammatory properties (Morton, 1981; Duke, 1985); volatile oil with methylchavicol,
persein, d-pinene (a paraffin) in leaf (Eldridge, 1975).
Pterocarpus officinalis Skin infection: bark resin, applied as a salve. Diarrhea, amenorrhea: bark resin, taken orally.
bwa nago, bwa pal
Punica granatum Intestinal wonns: root and stem bark decoction, taken orally. Dysentery, diarrhea: fruit rind
grenad decoction, taken orally. Asthma: flower infusion, taken orally. Eye wash: fresh juice
surrounding seeds. Tonsillitis, throat infection: flower bud and fruit rind w/ honey, gargle.
Quassia amara Fever, diphtheria, anorexia: macerated bark decoction, taken orally.

Randia aculeata Dysentery, fever: leaf and bark decoction, taken orally. Hemorrhage: latex.
kOOk chen

Rauvolfia nitida Tension: root. Snake bite: leaf and stem compress.
bwa let femel
220 Medicinal Uses
Rhizophora mangle Fever, hemorrhage, rheumatism, liver ailments: bark tea, taken orally. Sore throat,
mang chandel, mang nwa, angina: bark decoction, gargle. Malarial fever: pulverized bark, taken orally. Leprosy,
mang wouj ulcer: macerated wood decoction, applied to affected area.
Roystonea borinquena Broken bones: leaf compress. Diuretic, bladder stones, diabetes: root decoction, taken
palmis orally.
Sambucus simpsonii Fever, diaphoretic, throat infection, chest cold: flower infusion, taken orally. Headache:
siwo leaf compress. Measles, smallpox, scarlet fever: leaf infusion:
Sap indus saponaria Diarrhea: root decoction, taken orally. Snakebite: leaf infusion, applied to bite.
savonet, savonet peyi Rheumatism, gout: fruit oil. Asthma: fruit, taken orally. NB: Leaf and fmit contains saponin,
a group of glucosides that is used as a detergent.
Schaefferia frutescens Flu, cold, chronic cough, aphrodisiac: plant decoction, taken orally. Skin itch, rash:
bwa kapab, ti gason pulverized leaf bath.
Schefflera morototoni Broken bone, dislocation: leaf treated wI warm water, compress. Lumbago, rheumatism:
bwakano leaf decoction, taken orally.
Schinus moUe Ophthalmia, rheumatism: leafjuice. Diarrhea: bark extract infusion. CAUTION: Resin is a
dangerous purgative.
Schinus terebinthifolius Rheumatism, sciatica: bark bath. Skin ulcer: cmshed, dried leaf poultice. Bronchitis,
respiratory ailments: leaf infusion, taken orally. Wound, sore: leaf or fruit decoction bath.
Ganglionic tumors, contusions: macerated root juice.
Senna angustisiliqua Syphilis: all plant parts prepared in a decoction, taken orally. Bad blood: root decoction, taken
brize menaj, fey lawouziye orally.
Senna atomaria Skin itch: massage with crushed leaves. Skin discoloration, insect bite: macerated leaf
bwakabrit decoction, applied to affected area.
Senna pendula Gastrointestinal disorders: leaf decoction, taken orally.
Sesbania grandiflora Rheumatism: root paste, applied externally. Phlegm: root resin wI honey, taken orally. Fever,
pwa valye diabetes: bark decoction, taken orally. Sinus congestion: flower decoction, taken orally.
Sesbania sesban Suppuration: leaf compress, applied to infected area.
Simarouba glauca var. Fever: macerated bark decoction, taken orally. Rheumatism: pulverized leaf, seed and bark
latifolia boiled in sugar water, taken orally. Bruise, body pain: leaf decoction, applied as lotion. Skin
bwa blan, fwenn, itch: massage with crushed leaves. Diarrhea: bark tea, taken orally.
Sloanea amygdalina Stomach ache, headache: leaf decoction, taken orally.
bwa kbk, chapa kare
Sloanea ilicifolia Menstrual cramps: leaf decoction, taken orally.
chapa kare
Spondias mombin Digestive tract ailments: macerated bark or leaves taken orally. Urethritis: macerated root
monben taken orally. Lower back pain: macerated root, taken orally. Rheumatism: pulverized leaf
bath. Angina, sore throat: root bark decoction, taken orally. Metrorrhagia, contraceptive:
root. Malarial fever, congestion: leaf decoction, taken oridly. Diarrhea: fermented fruit.
eaten. NB: Plant extracts exhibit anti-bacterial properties (Rouzier, 1990).
Spondias purpurea Swollen glands: leafjuice, taken orally. Trauma: leaf juice wI salt, taken orally. Head cold,
siwel headache: crushed leaves and applied as a head bath. Skin itch, skin parasites,
hemorrhoids: crushed leaf bath. Digestive ailments: pulverized leaf decoction wI salt, gargle.
Constipation: fruit eaten in quantity. Dysentery, diarrhea: leaf decoction, taken orally. NB:
Leaves exhibit anti-bacterial properties (Tramil III, 1988).
Sterculia apetala Cough, insomnia: flower decoction, taken orally. Flu, bronchitis, chronic cough, asthma:
pistach flower syrup, taken orally. Rheumatism: leaf decoction, taken orally. Stimulant: seed
, decoction tonic.
Strumpfia maritima Fever: leaf infusion wI Exostema caribaeum leaf; Poisonous bite: leaf infusion compress.
Suriana maritima Rheumatism: branch and leaf bath. Sore: leaf and bark decoction or powder, applied
krist marinn externally. Bleeding: powdered leaf wI flour, applied as poultice.
Medicinal Uses 221
Swietenia mahagoni Nerve disorders: leaf decoction wI-salt, taken orally. Fever, anemia, diarrhea, dysentery:
kajou peyi bark (macerated or decoction) wI salt, taken orally. Aphrodisiac: steeped bark with rum for
3-4 days, taken orally. Loss of appetite: steeped bark, taken orally. Vitamins and iron:
steeped bark and roots, taken orally. Abortion: large quantities of boiled bark decoction, taken
orally. Toothache: resin or bark decoction. Chest pain: seed tea, taken orally. Bleeding: bark,
leaf or root extract, applied externally.
Syzygium jambos Epilepsy: root. Diabetes: pulverized seed. Purgative, emetic: root and bark. NB: Plant is a
porn woz source of eugenol, a colorless, aromatic liquid phenol used in perfumes and as an antiseptic.
Tabemaemontana citrifolia Fever, hemorrhage: bark and latex bath. Toothache, birthmark removal: latex.
bwa let mal
Tamarindus indica Asthma, digestive tract ailments: leaf, bark or root decoction wI salt, taken orally. Throat
tamarenn infections, intestinal worms, liver ailments: leaf decoction wI salt, taken orally. Loss of
appetite: fruit pulp taken orally. Eye infection, sprain, wound: young leaf compress.
Constipation: macerated fruit in water 24 hrs., taken orally. Rheumatism: fruit pulp wI salt,
massage. Malarial fever: fruit decoction, taken orally. NB: Leaf extracts exhibit anti-oxidant
activity in the liver (Tramil III, 1988).
Tecoma stans Diabetes: leaf infusion, taken orally. Diuretic, syphilis, intestinal worms: strong leaf and
chevalye root dec,oction, taken orally. Stomach pain, diabetes mellitus: leaf decoction, taken orally.
Terminalia catappa Gastric fever, dysentery, diarrhea: macerated leaf or bark decoction wI salt or sugar, taken
zamann orally. Asthma, blood pressure: leaf decoction wI salt, taken orally. Skin rash: crushed leaf
or bark bath. Cold: crushed seed decoction wI sugar, taken orally. Rheumatism: leaf poultice.
Headache, colic: juice of young leaves, taken orally. NB: Plant extracts slow motor activity
and exhibit analgesic properties; lowers blood pressure with a light antidiarrheic effect on rats
(Tramil III, 1988).
Temstroemia peduncularis Dysentery: various plant parts. Rheumatism: bath with various plant parts.
bwa denn mawon
Tetragastris balsamifera Rheumatism: root and seed kernel tea, taken orally. Colic, gastrointestinal ailments: leaf
bwa kochon decoction, taken orally. Anemia, fever: wood and root, essential oil decoction wI salt, taken
orally. Respiratory ailments: bark decoction wI sugar or salt, taken orally.
Theobroma cacao 'Diuretic, stimulant: seed decoction.
Thespesia populnea Blood pressure: leaf and bark decoction, taken orally. Rheumatism, urine retention: leaf
fey dayiti, gran maho, motel tea, taken orally. Mange, itch, rash: seed, seed capsule, leaf or boiled bark decoction, applied
debou to infected area.
Thevetia peruviana Fever: Sap, bark and fruit bath. Arthritis: seed kernel paste, applied as an analgesic. Tension:
bwa sezisman boiled leaf and flower tea. CAUTION: Fruit is poisonous; not recommended for internal
Thrinax morrisii Anemia, chest cold, flu, cough: root decoction, taken orally.
latanye lame
Trichilia havanensis Rheumatism, venereal disease: leaf bath. Albuminuria: root decoction, taken orally.
bwa loray Bladder infection: bark decoction, taken orally.
Trichilia hirta Asthma, tuberculosis: leaf decoction wI salt, taken orally. Fever: leaf or bark decoction wI
monben bata salt, taken orally. Elephantiasis, erysipelas: leaf decoction compress. Ulcers: leaf bath.
Diarrhea: root decoction, taken orally. Abortive: leaf, flower, and root infusion, taken orally.
CAUTION: Contains a toxic resin and internal usage not recommended (TramilllII, 1988).
Trichilia pallida Purgative enema: leaf decoction.
dombou, twa pawol
Trophis racemosa Diarrhea: astringent bark tonic, taken orally.
bwa ner, ramo
Vitex agnus-castus Insomnia, dizziness, digestive disorders: leaf infusion. Diuretic: fruit.
Vitex heptaphylla Appendicitis: pulverized seed wI onion application. Enlarged liver, headache, chronic cold:
bwa savann, grigri macerated leaf compress.
Weinmannia pinnata Malaria, fever: bark and gum extraction, taken orally.
Ximenia americana Rheumatism, psoriasis: fruit syrup, taken orally. NB: Fruit is a laxative.
krok, makabi
222 Medicinal Uses


Zanthoxylum elephantiasis Asthma, chest aliment: macerated bark in cane alcohol, taken orally. Teething: macerated
pine jon bark decoction, taken orally.
Zanthoxylum fagara Rheumatism, syphilis: bark and leaf decoction, taken orally. Ear pain: leaf boiled in castor
pine jon oil.
Zanthoxylum martinicense Digestive tract ailments: macerated leaf decoction, taken orally or as a bath. Toothache;
pine blan chewed bark. Sore: leaf poultice.
Zanthoxylum pimpinelloides Heart palpitation: macerated stem mixed wI rum, taken orally.
fey be
Ziziphus mauritiana Flu: shoot and ripe fruit decoction, taken orally. Gonorrhea: root and gum exudate tea, taken
pbm malkadi, ti pbm orally. Sore, skin ulcer: root decoction bath.
Zuelania gUido~i~ . Syphilis: resin pellets, taken orally. Ulcer: bark and leaf powder, topical application, as a
kachiman mawon, kachiman cleansing agent. Rheumatism: bark decoction, massage.
21 Biomass and Volume Tables
The accurate estimation of tree weight, or biomass, and volume is important for
tree growth and yield analyses. Periodically, economic analyses (e.g., Grosenick,'
1986; Street et aI., 1990) require a simple method to evaluate tree inventories in terms
of current stocks, production rates or the breakdown in wood products, such as saw
logs, poles and the amount of fuelwood that might be converted to charcoal for sale in
the marketplace.. In such cases, methods of biomass ,estimation are necessary. The
primary considerations are simplicity, time efficiency, and precision.

Biomass Equations: Among the numerous methods ,that have been used to estimate
tree biomass, the one most commonly used and seen in the literature is the regression
estimation technique (Young, 1976). This technique relates tree weight to tree size
through regression equations that are determined by destructively sampling a
representative portion of the species population. Once the equations are analyzed by
statistical methods, biomass estimates may be obtained by measuring one or two
parameters and solving an algebraic equation.
The best single parameter for estimating biomass is the square (or natural
logarithm) of the stem diameter at some specified' height above the ground.
Diameter-at-breast-height (DBH), measured at 1.3 m above ground level, is the
conventional parameter for single-stemmed, straight-boled trees without massive
buttresses. The multi-stemmed, spreading trees of drier tropical environments require
that stem diameters be measured lower to the ground to minimize stem measurements.
CATIE (1984) set this height at 0.1 m, though problems with stem buttressing for
many spe~ies precludes high precision. It is however a useful measure, since this can
be considered stump diameter, the only parameter available to estimate biomass or
volume once trees are harvested. Stewart et ai. (1992) determined that 0.3 m was the
best height to determine stem diameter for the dry-zone species of Central America
and that the 3 principal stems at this height should be measured.- Maxwell (1985)
selected 0.5 m as the height for diameter measurements for the dry-forest species in
northwestern Dominican Republic. In the case of multiple stems, the sum of the stem
diameters squared (Ldn2) is the parameter that is selected, to predict tree weight.
Height is the second most important parameter and is important for cross-site
equations, reflecting the variation in tree form as a result of the species growing under
different conditions. When vertical height is equivalent to total height, as in the case
of most single and straight-stemmed species, this is the parameter that 'is' measured.
Otherwise, stem length is measured for spreading, multi-stemmed species, since this
parameter has greater biological relevance to the volume of wood in the tree (Stewart
et aI., 1992).
Simple linear regression equations utilizing a single parameter are sufficient in
most cases to predict tree weight. In situations where certain statistical assumptions
are violated, as in the case of heteroscadasity (Zar, 1984), the data are transformed to
a log normal distribution with the back-transformed data corrected for bias

224 Biomass and Volume Tables
(Baskerville, 1972). A double parameter equation generally yields greater accuracy
for a particular species across a range of sites, but is more time-consuming and costly
to measure. The selection of an _equation for a particular species becomes a trade-off
between costs and the level of precision required for estimates. Stewart et aI. (1992)
compared site-specific and cross-site regression values for several fuelwood species,
based in part on data collected in Haiti. For the majority of species that were
investigated, tree stem length combined with the sum of the stem diameters squared
significantly improved cross-site regression values, making them applicable across a
wide range of sites around the world. Within Haiti, single parameter equations
utilizing only stem diameter have been found to be consistent across a range of sites
for species such as Leucaena leucocephala susbsp. glabrata. Biomass regressions
even can be used among species that have similar form characteristics, as discussed by
Maxwell (1985). He found several pairs of species that had coincidental regressions
(i.e., the slope of the regression equations were not significantly different) for species
typical of the subtropical dry forest formation in the Dominican Republic.
The reader should be aware that estimates derived with the following equations'
have an error associated with them that is not only partial to the inherent variation
within the species, but also the differences in the· distribution of the sampled
population. The only way to verify how well an estimate holds true for a particular
site is to sample the local population and compare whether the slopes (~i) of the
regressions are _significantly different. In all cases, the equations are to be used to
estimate only within the size classes of the original sample.

Biomass and Volume Studies: Biomass and volume equations have been conducted
for several of the hardwood species planted and utilized by Haitian farmers during
USAID-funded Agroforestry Outreach Project (1981-1989). The first volume tables
were developed for a 2-year-old stand of Leucaena leucocephala subsp. glabrata (K8)
and Azadirachta indica near Bon Repos (Timyan, 1983). In addition to these species,
Ehrlich (1985) developed fuelwood biomass and pole volume yield tables for
. Colubrina arborescens, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Prosopis juliflora and Senna
siamea. Biomass tables were completed for Catalpa longissima and Casuarina
.equisetifolia in 1986 (Ehrlich et aI., 1986). Each of the species was sampled at a
different site in Haiti, selected for an adequate tree size distribution on sites where the
species was well adapted. Biomass studies for the coppice rotation of 4 species -
(Leucaena leucocephala subsp. glabrata (K8), Azadirachta indica, Acacia tortuosa
and Prosopis juliflora) were conducted in 1987 (Timyan, 1987). In 1990, Oxford
Forestry Institute completed biomass studies of 15 fuelwood species established at 3
sites in Haiti: Nan Marron (near Bombardopolis), Papaye (near Hinche) and
'Fond-des-Blancs. These trials were 5 years old at the time of sampling and had been
established by PADF and CARE in 1985 in collaboration with OFI.. The cross-site
regression functions published by Stewart et aI. (1992) are included- below and should
be distinguished from the site-specific equations developed independently by SECID.
The former equations were selected for the best fitting equation at multiple sites
around the world. In addition to the Haitian studies, Maxwell (1985) derived total
and usable green biomass equations for 16 species typical of the subtropical dry forest
region in northwestern Dominican Republic. A compilation of the biomass and
Biomass and Volume Tables 225
volume equations for hardwood spe'cies that have been conducted in Haiti are provided
in Tables 21.1-21.3. .
Perhaps the earliest equations developed in Haiti, were the pulp and timber
volume estimates for Pinus occidentalis (Berry and Musgrave, 1977), based on 126
stems harvested for saw timber in the Foret-des-Pins. During the 1988 inventory of
the Foret-des-Pins, Ashley derived a second set of volume equations that predicted
total, pulp and saw log volumes and found
that his estimates fell within 5% of the
Berry and Musgrave estimates (Ashley, WOOD YIELD COMPARISONS
1988). These equations are provided in 100,-----------------,
Table 21.4. Leucaena leucocephala
Casuarina equisetifolia
80 f - - - - - - - - f f - - - - - - I
Senna siamea
Differences in Wood Yield: Tree species Prosopis juliflora

vary widely in wood yield for a given stem 60 r - - - - - - - - f f - - H - - - - - - - - - - - I

A:adirachta indica
diameter. As much as 2- or 3-fold Co/ubrina arborescens

differences in wood utilizable for charcoal 40 f-------If--/-;f-h/;r;;E~iiiJc:piJilY:-ii,t~~;;F.~~'iiis';,"",~I:;c:..:.ule"-=-'1nsi

or fuelwood have been observed (Figure

21.1). These differences in tree form
require that biomass tables be constructed
for separate species. The differences in tree 5 10 15 20 25
form also play an important role in the
_design of agroforestry systems, '!-S they Figure 21.1 Relationship between
affect wood yield, shade quality, soil DBH and aboveground weight of
moisture dynamics and other factors that various tree species.
impact associated crops. The distribution
of quality biomass suitable for lumber or poles along the main stem axis, and the ratio
between this biomass and total tree biomass, are criteria that should be considered to
optimize production value. Casuarina equisetifolia, Cordia alliodora and Colubrina
arborescens are excellent examples of such species, particular' relevant to situations
in Haiti where arable land is at a premium.

Example of Biomass and Volume Estimation: The stem of a Senna siamea stem
measures 10 cm at 1.3 m' above ground level. Wood yield is estimated from the
species' equation in Table 21.2 and calculated as shown in Box 1. Pole volume is
estimated by the species' equation in Table 21.3, shown in Box 2.

Box 1 Box2
Usable wood weight = 0.432(DBH)2 - 1.5(DBH) Poie volume = 0.338*(DBH)2
=0.432(100) - 1.5(10) =0.338*(100)
= 28.2 kg of oven-dry wood = 33.8 x 10-3 m3

226 Biomass and Volume Tables

Table 21.1 Regression equations developed in Haiti for the estimation of tree biomass
(oven-dry kilograms), of selected hardwood species. This is equivalent to the weight
of the aboveground portion of the tree, including leaves, twigs and wood.



Acacia deamii 0.189rdn2 12 0.99 0.4-5.2 Nan Marron

A. famesiana . 0.102rdn2 12 0.99 0.4-3.6 Nan Marron
A. farnesiana 0.152rdn2 12 0.98 1.1-5.4 Fond-des-Blancs

A. pennatula 0.046hrdn2 12 0.99 3.3-10.9 Fond-des-Blancs

A. pennatula 0.058hrd/ 12 0.99 0.7-11.6 Nan Marron
A. scleroxyla 0.106rdn2 12 0.75 0.7-4.4 Nan Marron
A. tortuosa 0.124:Esdn2 - 0.013 17 0.96 2.0-11.0 Bon Repos
Albizia guachapele 0.238rdn2 - 1.5535h 12 0.99 2.2-19.8 Papaye
2 12 3.9-7.7 Nan Marron
Alvaradoa amorphoides 0.0345hrdn 0.99
A. amorphoides 0.133rdn2 12 0.99 4.9-8.7 Fond-des-Blancs
Applonesia paniculata 0.166rdn2 12 0.99 1.0-7.4 Fond-des-Blancs
Ateleia herbert-smithii 0.042hrdn2 12 0.99 1.3-6.3 Nan Marron
Azadirachta indica 0.3130 2 22 0.98 1.3-12.6 Thomazeau
A. indica coppice 0.26802 12 0.95 2.0-10.0 Bon Repos
Caesalpinia coriaria 0.058hrdn2 12 0.99 0.7-3.8 Nan Marron
C. eriostachys . 0.032hrdn2 12 0.85 0.4-4.9 Nan Marron
C. velutina 0.037hrd/ 12 0.99 1.0-6.8 Nan Marron
C. velutina 0.039hrd/ 12 0.99 3.7-8.2 Fond-des-Blancs
Casuarina equisetifolia 0.490 2 -1.44 17 0.99 1.8-9.6 Terre Rouge
C. equisetifolia 0.56702 35 0.98 5.5-16.8 Cazeau
Catalpa longissima O. 24202 - 0.54 17 0.95 1.7-10.8 Limbe
Colubrina arborescens 0.033hrdn2 12 0.99 2.8-6.6 Nan Marron
C. arborescens 0.25002 15 0.98 Mome-a-Cabrit
Crescentia alala 0.0287hrdn2 12 0.99 1.1-13.2 Papaye
Enterolobium cyclocarpum 0.0I50hrd2n 12 0.98 3.2-11.8 Papaye
E. cyclocarpum 0.062rd2n 12 0.97 0.8-5.6 Fond-des-Blancs
Eucalyptus camaldulensis 0.2510 2 15 0.99 1.4-13.3 Bon Repos
Gliricidia sepium 0.085rd2n 12 0.98 1.8-8.1 Nan Marron
Haematoxylon brasiletto 0.124rd2n 12 0.99 1.4-7.9 Fond-des-Blancs
H. brasiletto 0.153rd2n 12 0.98 2.3-7.8 Nan Marron
Leucaena collinsii ssp. zacapana 0.038h~2n 12 0.95 3.3-7.3 Fond-des-Blancs
L leucocephala ssp. glabrata 0.4710 2 35 0.98 3.0-16.2 Bon Repos
L leucocephala ssp. glabrata 0.265sd 2 18 0.98 5.0-19.5 Bon Repos
L leucocephala ssp. glabrata . 0.5240 2 16 0.97 0.8-17.7 Camp Perrin
L leucocephala ssp. glabrata 0.030hrd2n 12 0.99 5.4-12.3 Nan Marron
2 5.8-13.6 Fond-des-Blancs
L leucocephala ssp. glabrata 0.21Ord n 12 0.99
L leucocephala ssp. glabrata coppice 0.26002 18 0.96 2.0-10.0 Bon Repos
L shannoni ssp. shannonii 0.134rd 2n 12 0.96 1.5-10.0 Nan Marron
Biomass and Volume Tables 227

Parkinsonia aculeata O.lll:Ed2n 12 0.99 . 0.5--6.2 Fond-des-Blancs

2 12 0.95 0.4-5.1 Fond-des-Biancs
Pithecellobium dulce 0.1 32:Ed n
Prosopis julijlora 0.40802 20 0.97 1.2-10.8 Cabaret & Ganthier
P. julijlora coppice O.l58~sd2n + 0.163 31 0.97 2.4-18.3 Bon Repos

Senna atomaria (Haitian provenance) 0.258:Ed2n 12 0.97 0.7-9.0 Nan Marron

S. atomaria (Nicaraguan provenance) 0.1 28:Ed2n 12 0.99 1.4-6.0 Fond-des-Blancs
S. atomaria (Nicaraguan provenance) O.l71:Ed 2n 12 0.98 0.8-11.3 Nan Marron

S. siamea 0.3640 2 27 0.97 1.0--13.8 Limbe

S. siamea 0.023h:Ed2n 12 0.99 0.4-12.7 Nan Marron
I sd = Stump diameter at 0.10 m above ground level, in cm. d = Stem diameter at 0.30 m above ground level, in cm. D = Stem
diameter at 1.30 m above ground level, in cm. h = Stem length of main stem, in m. n = Number of stems at 0.30 m above
ground level.

Table 21.2 Regression equations developed in Haiti for the estimation of wood
biomass (oven-dry kilograms) and volume (x 10-3 m 3).

Wood> 1 em Diameter
Acaciafamesiana O.l11:Ed2n 12 0.98 1.1-5.4 Fond-des-Blancs

A.famesiana 0.0223h:Ed2n ' 12 0.98 0.4-3.6 Nan Marron

A·famesiana +
0.0432h:Ed2n 0.0557 - - 0.4-8.0 7 sites w/2 in Haiti
(cross-site regression)
A. pennatula 0.038h:Ed2n 12 0.99 3.3-10.9 Fond-des-Blancs

A. pennatula 0.048h:Ed2n 12 0.99 0.7-11.6 Nan Marron

A. pennatula 0.0399h:Ed2n+ 0.149 - - 0.7-12.4 8 sites w/2 in Haiti

(cross-site regression)
A. scleroxyla 0.078:Ed2n 12 0.76 0.7-4.4 Nan Marron

Albizia guachapele 0.223:Ed2n- 1.451h 12 0.99 2.2-19.8 Papaye

A. guachapele 0.01 86h:Ed2n+ 0.0048 - - 2.2-14.8 7 sites wI 1 in Haiti

(cross-site regression)
Alvaradoa amorphoides 0.093:Ed2n 12 0.99 4.9":'8.7 Fond-des-Blancs

A. amorphoides 0.027h:Edn2 12 0.99 3.9-7.7 Nan Marron

Applonesia paniculata 0.1 22:Ed2n 12 0.98 1.0--7.4 . Fond-des-Blancs

Ateleia herbert-smithii 0.034h:Ed2n 12 0.97 1.3--6.3 Nan Marron

A. herbert-smithii 0.0305h:Ed2n+ 0.195 - - 1.3-11.0 9 sites wI 1 in Haiti

(cross-site regression)
Caesalpinia coriaria 0.039h:Ed2n 12 0.97 0.7-3.8 Nan Marron

C. coriaria 0.0318h:Ed2n+ 0.395 - - 0.7-7.7 5 sites wI 1 in Haiti

(cross-site regression)
C. eriostachys 0.026h:Ed2n 12 0.86 0.4-4.9 Nan Marron
228 Biomass and Volume Tables

C. eriostachys 0.027huf n + 0.165 - - 0.4-8.1 7 sites wI 1 in Haiti

(cross-site regression)

C. velutina 0.034hllizn 12 0.99 3.7-8.2 Fond-des-Blancs

C. velutina 0.033hlli2n 12 0.99 1.0--6.8 Nan Marron

C. velutina 0.0322hlli2n + 0.0821 - - 1.0-8.7 7 sites w/2 in Haiti

(cross-site regression)

Casuarina equisetifolia 0.393D 2 35 0.97 5.5-16.8 Cazeau

C. equisetifolia 0.494D 2 35 0.98 5.5-16.8 Cazeau

wood volume (xlO- 3 ,m3)

Catalpa longissima 0.179D 2 - 0.83 17 0.96 1.7-10.8 Limbe

C. longissima 0.12sd2 - 2.3 17 0.93 3.0-13.5 Limbe

2 Nan Marron
Colubrina arborescens 0.027hlli n 12 0.99 2.8-6.6

Crescentia alata 0.0255hlli2n 12 0.99 1.1-13.2 Papaye

Enterolobium cyclocarpum 0.0541lli\ 12 0.97 0.8-5.6 Fond-des-Blancs

E. cyclocarpum 0.0139hlli2n 12 0.99 3.2-11.8 Papaye

E. cyclocarpum 2
0.0127h.lli n + 0.109 - - 0.8-11.8 11 sites w/2 in Haiti
(cross-site regression)

Gliricidia sepium 0.079lli 2n 12 0.98 1.8-8.1 Nan Marron

2 1.8--15.3 10 sites wI 1 in Haiti
G. sepium 0.021hlli n - -
(cross-site regression)

Haematoxylon brasiletto 0.084lli2 n 12 0.98 1.4-7.9 Fond-des-Blancs

H. brasiletto 0.121lli\ 12 0.98 2.3-7.8 Nan Marron

2 0.94 1.8-8.1 Fond-des-Blancs
Leucaena collinsii subsp. zacapana 0.0312hlli n 12

L collinsii subsp. zacapana 0.039hlli2n - 0.07 - - 1.8-11.8 7 sites w/2 in Haiti

(cross-site regression)'

L leucocephala subsp. glabrata 0.0284hlli2n 12 0.98 5.4-12.3 Fond-des-Blancs

L leucocep~ala subsp. glabrata 0.192lli n 12 0.99 5.8--13.6 Nan Marron

L leucocephala sUbsp. glabrata 0.0242hlli2n + 0.184 - - 1.8-13.8 8 sites w/2 in Haiti

(cross-site regression)

L shannonii subsp. shannonii 0.102lli2n 12 0.97 1.5-10.0 Nan Marron

L shannonii subsp. shannonii 0.0495h~d\ + 0.24 - - 1.5-7.4 6 sites wI 1 in Haiti

(cross-site regression)

Parkinsonia aculeata 0.0885lli2n 12 0.98 0.5-6.2 Fond-des-Blancs

0.0291hlli n + 0.095 - 7 sites wI 1 in Haiti
P. aculeata
. (cross-site regression)
- 0.5-8.1
Pithecellobium dulce 0.0265hlli n 12 0.96 0.4-5.1 Fond-des-Blancs

P. dulce 0.035hlli2n + 0.121 - - 0.4-6.7 7 sites wI lin Haiti

(cross-site regression)

Prosopis julijlora 0.0449hlli2n + 0.254 - - 0.4-5.9 6 sites wI 0 in Haiti

(cross-site regression)

Senna atomaria (Haitian provenance) 0.181lli2 n 12 0.97 0.7-9.0 Nan Marron

S. atomaria (Nicaraguan provenance) 0.100lli2 n 12 0.99 1.4-5.9 Fond-des-Blancs

S. atomaria (Nicaraguan provenance) 0.142lli2n 12 0.97 0.8-11.3 Nan Marron

Biomass and Volume Tahles 229



S. atomaria (Nicaraguan provenance) 0.031hL<f n - - 0.8-14.3 8 sites w/2 in Haiti

(cross-site regression)
S. siamea 0.021hL<f n 12 0.99 1.4-12.7 . Nan Marron

Wood> 2 em Diameter
Acacia tortuosa 0.084sd 2 - 0.033 17 0.94 2.0-11.0 Bon Repos
Azadirachta indica 0.282D 2 - 0.707D 22 0.99 1.3-12.6 Thomazeau

A. indica 0.203sd2 - 1.02sd .22 0.99 2.6-15.8 Thomazeau

A. indica wood volume (xlO· 3 m3 ) 0.481D 2 - 10.227 14 0.94 6.9-10.4 Bon Repos
A. indica coppice 0.1 89D 12 .0.96 2.0-10.0 Bon Repos

Casuarina equisetifolia 0.34D 2 -2.l4 17 0.95 - Terre Rouge

C. equisetifolia 0.20sd2 - 3.7 17 0.88 - Terre Rouge

Colubrina arborescens 0.204D 15 0.98 - Mome-a-Cabrit

C. arborescens 0.365sd 2 + 0.434sd 15 0.97 - Mome-a-Cabrit

Eucalyptus camaldulensis 0.1 87D 2 15 0.98 1.4-13.3 Bon Repos

2.205so~ - 1.13F I>

E. camaldulensis 15 . 0.91 2.8-23.8 Bon Repos

Leucaena leucocephala subsp. glabrata 0.408D 2 18 0.99 3.0-16.2 Bon Repos

L leucocephala subsp. glabrata 0.23sd 2 18 0.99 5.0-19.5 Bon Repos

L leucocephala subsp. glabrata minus 0.21OD 2 18 0.97 3.0-16.2 Bon Repos
pole weight
L leucocephala subsp. glabrata minus 0.119sd 2 18 0.98 5.0-19.5 Bon Repos
pole weight
L leucocephala ssp. glabrata coppice 0.21OD 2 18 0.96 2.0-10.0 Bon Repos
L leucocephala subsp. glabrata 0.642D 2 - 2.707D 23 0.98 0.8-17.7 Camp Perrin
L leucocephala subsp. glabrata 0.275sd 2 23 0.97 1.8-23.6 Camp Perrin
L leucocephala subsp. glabrata 0.501D 2 - 3.422 , 19 0.97 3.0-14.5 Bon Repos
wood volume (x 10-3 m 3)
Prosopis julifora 0.304D2 20 0.99 1.2-10.8 Cabaret & Ganthier
P.julifora O.l95sd 20 0.97 1.2-10.8 Cabaret & Ganthier
P. julifora coppice O.l23LSd 2 + 0.013 31 0.98 2.4-18.3 Bon Repos

Senna siamea 0.432D 2 - 1.5D 27 0.97 1.0-13.8 Limbe

S. siamea 4.001sd - 9.461..f5J. 27 0.86 1.7-27.6 Limbe t?J
1sd =Stump diameter at 0.10 m above ground level, in em. d =Stem diameter at 0.30 m above ground level, in em. D =Stem
diameter at 1.30 m above ground level, in em. h =Stem length of main stem, in m. n =Number of stems at 0.30 m above
ground level.

t!) t:.l~t~~~c- t.z..05~ - t~l'32.)E-~

®~,~ 4.001S.d -q.Lf0/~
230 Biomass 'and Volume Tables

Table 21.3 Pole weight (dry kilograms) or volume (x 10-3 m 3) equations for selected
hardwood species in Haiti.
Azadirachta indica Pole volume 0.226D2 13 0.97 4.6-12.6 Thomazeau
A. indica coppice Pole weight 0.152D2 - 0.98 5.0-10.0 Bon Repos
Casuarina equisetifolia Pole weight 0.308D z 35 0.97 5.5-16.8 Cazeau
C. equisetifolia Pole volume 0.486Dz 35' 0.98 5.5--16.8 Cazeau
C. equisetifolia Pole volume 0.379Dz - 3.078 - 0.94 - Terre Rouge
Catalpa longissima Pole volume 0.277Dz- 2.031 - 0.95 5.0-10.8 Limbe
Eucalyptus' camaldulensis Pole volume 0.291D2 14 0.96 4.8-13.3 Bon Repos
Leucaena leutocephala Pole weight 0.198D2 - 0.98 5.0-16.2 Bon Repos
subsp. glabrata "

L leucocephala Pole weight 0.lilsd2 - 0.96 5.0-16.2 Bon Repos

subsp. glabrata
L leucocephala Pole weight 0.175D 2 - 0.99 5.0-10.0 Bon Repos
subsp. glabrata coppice
Senna siamea Pole volume 0.338D 2 19 0.91 6.3-13.8 Limbe
I sd = StUmp diameter at 0.10 m above ground level, in em. D = Stem diameter at 1.30 m above ground level, in em.

Table 21.4 Volume equations for Hispaniolan pine (Pinus occidentalis Swartz.)
developed at Foret-des-Pins, Haiti.
Stem Volume> 7 em Diameter
0.OOO8486D2 - 0.0680182 0.89 outside bark diameter
0.OOO75432D 2 - 0.0761294 0.86 inside bark diameter
0.OOOO3166D2H - 0.0025991 0.96 outside bark diameter
0.OOOO2863D 2H - 0.030146 0.96 inside bark diameter I

Stem Volume> 8 em Diameter

O.0006938D 2+ 0.09282 0.82 outside bark diameter; diameter range: 15-50 em; N = 59
0.OOOO3765h 2oD2 - 0.0094 0.96 outside bark diameter; diameter range: 31-35 em; N = 17
0.OOOO21h2oD2 + 0.2499 0.82 outside bark diameter; diameter range: 35-50 em; N ='42
Stem Volume> 18 em Diameter
0.00090705D 2- 0.2358016 0.91 outside bark diameter
0.OOO80508D2 - 0.2283548 0.88 inside bark diameter
0.OOOO3346D2H - 0.1563121 0.96 outside bark diameter
0.OOOO3012D 2H - 0.1698399 0.95 inside bark diameter
0.OOOO3765h 2oD2 - 0.0987 0.96 outside bark diameter; diameter range: 35-50 em; N = 42
Total Stem Volume
0.OO8021D 2 0.89 outside bark diameter
0.OOO70349D2 0.79 inside bark diameter
0.OOO3182D H 0.96 outside bark diameter
0.OOOO28D 2H 0.88 inside bark diameter
22 Common and Scientific Tree Names
When talking about trees, most people use their common mi.mes. These names are
practical for conversation, as long as everyone understands what is meant within the
local context. Lacking precision and varying considerably in language, the noviCe is
soon frustrated in confusion. The same name may refer to widely different tree· species
that cross generic, even family, boundaries. Several common names may apply to the
same tree species, depending upon local preferences and dialects. Any scientific effort
to study trees for research and educational purposes requires a more thorough study of
their names and the variations used in language.

Part of this problem is solved when botanists assign a unique Latin binomial to
plant specimens collected in the wild. Taxonomy reduces the problem considerably,
but not without additional complications. Perhaps the greatest limitation is that so
little of the tropical flora has been studied from a standardized, modem taxonomic
perspective. Botanists can differ significantly in their concepts of what determines a
species, sometimes leading to a profusion of names for particularly variable and
wide-ranging species. Generic boundaries often are not clearcut, especially as new
species and hybrids are discovered that blur morphological differences and challenge
the evolutionary relationships among species. The inadequate floristic surveys of
many genera limits the taxonomic effort, made even more difficult by the fragmented
and continually disturbed plant communities of Haiti. Any botanical work in such
environments is necessarily slow and selective.

A list of tree names is an invaluable tool for specialists involved in the natural
sciences and their management. A Haitian tree name list, as compiled below, is an
effort that must be continued as research continues to unfold gaps in our knowledge of
the Haitian flora. The list is n'ot meant to be a systematic treatment, but rather a
useful compilation that should be revised periodically. The list is particularly lacking
in synonyms that would require a more thorough study. Common exotic species have
been included, particularly for the species that have become naturalized in Haiti.
Species recently introduced on an experimental scale' have not been included, because
their adaptability and future role in the Haitian ecology remains uncertain.

The number of tree taxa contained in any given list depends not only upon
available information, but also upon some arbitrary definition of a tree. Trees' may be
defined as woody perennials with one main stem or trunk at least 7.5 cm in diameter
at breast height, a more or less definitely-fomied crown or foliage, and a height of 3-4
m (Little and Wadsworth, 1964). Many trees are naturally multi~stemmed, as often
occurs under more extreme environments. Several genera, containing mostly shrubs,
are included, though not all species within the genera ~ay be listed. Others plants
obtain the size of a tree, but are not trees in the botanical sense. These include palms,
232 Tree Names

bamboo, cacti, lianas, tree ferns, and cycads. For certain families, classification is
incomplete and will require revision when such information is published. This is
particularly true for those families represented in the less-explored areas of Haiti.

The tree and shrub names are organized in two main sections. The first section
lists the accepted scientific name, synonyms and common names, if any, of more than
1,100 species representing 406 genera and. 110 botanical families. The tree species
are arranged alphabetically by botanical family and species. The second section lists
the common Haitian tree names according to their Creole names. ,These lists were
prepared in part by consulting several floras completed on Hispaniola and elsewhere
in the Caribbean, including: Common Trees of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
(Vol. I & II) by E. L. Little and F. H. Wadsworth (1964; 1989) and E. L. Little, R. O.
Woodbury and F. H. Wadsworth (1974); La Flora de la Espanola (Vol. I-V) by A. H.
Liogier (1982-1989); Nomenclature Polyglotte des Plantes Haitiennes et Tropicales
by A. V. Pierre-Noel (1971); La Flore d'Haiti by H. D. Barker and W. S. Dardeau
(1930); Floristic Study of Morne La Visjte and Pic Macaya National Parks, Haiti by
W. S. Judd (1987); The Flora of Macaya Biosphere Reserve:' Additional Taxa,
Taxonomic and Nomenclature Changes by W. S. Judd and J. D. Skean, Jr. (1990);
ICRAF Multipurpose Tree and Shrub Database by P. G. von Carlowitz, G. V. Wolfe
and R. E. M. Kemperman (1991); and Field Guide to the Palms of the Americas by A.
Henderson, G. Galeano and R. Bernal (1995). These sources should be consulted for
further research purposes.

Scientific Names: The first column of each family table shows the accepted Latin
binomial that currently is recognized for a given tree taxon. The second column lists
synonyms, alternate spellings and uncertain names that have been associated with the
taxon in the published literature. The third column li~ts the common names of the
tree species in the Greater Antilles, beginning with Haiti, followed by the Dominican
Republic, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and occasionally other countries in the
Caribbean. The common names are followed by the first letter of their country names
in parentheses: H = Haiti, RD = Republica Dominicana, PR = Puerto Rico, C = Cuba,
J = Jamaica, US = United States, G = Guadeloupe, M = Martinique, ~ = Bahamas,
and VI = Virgin Islands. Many of the lesser-known species lack a common name that
has not been published to the knowledge of the author. Occasionally, common names
from outside the Caribbean are used, especially for the exotic species.

The common name list for Haiti are given as they appear in the botanical
literature. These are a combination of French and Creole names, the latter generally
published in the French orthography. The reader should be aware that many of the
French names are not Creole and that the majority of Creole names are no longer
spelled as such. It was observed during this compilation that many' of the Creole
names had been transcribed poorly or misapplied to the Latin name. The names have
been listed for reference purposes and should be verified during field studies. A
thorough study of the regional differences in usage and verification of the list for
accuracy remains a challenge for the future research.
Tree Names 233
Creole Common Names: This section lists the Creole tree and shrub names according
to the current orthography (Dejean, 1986). The names are arranged alphabetically. If
a common name applies to more than one species within a genus, only the genus is
given. Many of the names are derived from the original Latin or French. All possible
variants of a common name, primarily associated with differences in pronunciation
and regional usage, may not be listed.

Scientific Names of Trees and Shrubs

Sambucus canadensis L. fleurs sureau, sureau (H); American elder, American
elderberry (US)
Sambucus simpsonii Rehd. fleurs sureau, sureau (H); sauco blanco (C, RD);
sauco (PR); Horida eider (US)

Anacardium occidentale L. Acajuba occidentalis Gaertn., acajou, anacarde, noix d'acajou, pomme, pomme
Cassuvium pomiferum Tuss. acajou (H); cacajuil, cajuil (RD); cashew (US)

Comocladia cuneata Britton bois espagnol, bois franc, bois pagnol, bousillette,
Endemic to Hispaniola bresillet, dos gillette, la brisiette (H); chicharron,
guao (RD); poison ash (PR)
Comocladia dentata Jacq. C. dentata propinqua Engler., C. bousillette, bresillet, brisiette (H); guao, guao de
propinqua HBK. costa (RD)

Comocladia dodonaea (L.) Urb. C. iticifolia Sw., C. tricuspidata bresillet (H); chicharr6n cimarron, guao (RD)
Lam., !lex dodonaea L.
Comocladia domingensis Britt. bois espagnol, bois pagnol, bresillet (H); guao (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Comocladia ehrenbergii Engler.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Comocladia ekmaniana Helwig.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Comocladia gilgiana Helwig.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Comocladia glabra (Schultes) C. acuminata M~. & Sesse, not bresillet (H); chicharron (RD); carasco (PR); guao
Spreng. . Britt., C. glabra acuminata Urb., (C,RD)
C. ilicifolia glabra Schultes
Comocladia mollifolia Elan. &
Comocladia pinnatifolia L. C. integrifolia Jacq., C. bois espagnol, bois pagnol, bresillet, sablier (H);
pinnatifida Ind. Kew. guao (RD)

Comocladia pubescens Eng!. guao(RD)

Mangifera indica L. mangue, manguier, mango, margot (H); mango (RD)

234 Tree Names

Metopium brownei (Jacq.) Urb. M. linnaei Eng!. in DC., p.p., Rhus bois muliitre, mancenillier, muliitre (H); cochinilla,
metopium L., Terebinthus bro~nei cochinillo, cotinilla, guao (RD); Jamaica sumac (1)
Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Amyris toxifera L., M. linnaei bois muliitre, machandeuse, machandoise,
Urb. Eng!. in DC., p.p., M. metopium mancenillier, manchenille, maximier, muliitre (H);
Small guao, manzanillo (RD)

Schinus moUe L. pimienta (RD); California pepper tree (US)

Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi pimienta de Brasil (RD, PR); Brazil pepper tree,
Christmas berry (US)

Spondias dulcis Parkinson S. cytherea Tuss., not Sonn., S. mombin afruits jaunes, mombin espagnol, pomme
dulcis Forst. f. cythere, robe (H); jobo de la India, manzana de oro

Spondias mombin L. S. lutea L., S. lutea var. glabra grand mombin, gros mombin, mombin, mombin
Engler., S. lutea var. maxima franc, myrobalane (H); ciruela, ciruela amarilla,
Engler., S. myrobalanus L., S. ciruelo, jobo, jobo de puerco, joboban (RD);
nigrescens Pittier, S. hogplum, jobo vano, yellow mombin (PR)
pseudomyrobalanus Tuss., S.
radlokoferi J. D.
Spondias purpurea L. S. ciroueUa Tuss., S. cytherea abricotier biitard, cirouelle, cirouellier, ciroyer
Sonn., S. macrocarpa Eng!., S. d' Amerique, mombin rouge (H); ciruela morada,
mombin L. (1759, not 1753), S. ciruela sanjuanera, jobo, jobo negro (RD); ciruela del
mombin Desc., S. myrobalanus pals, Jamaica plum, Spanish plum, (PR); purple
Jacq., Wanningia macrocarpa plum, red mombin (US)
Spondias x robe Urb. S. mombin x S. purpurea mombin espagnol, robe (H)
Endemic to Hispaniola

Annona cherimolia Mill. [Also spelled A. cherimo~a] cachiman, cachiman la Chine, cherimolier (H);
cherimoya, chirimoya (RD); cherimaya (PR)
Annona domingensis R. E. Fries anon de perro (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Annona dumertorum R. E. Fries anon de perro (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Annonafrutescens R. E. Fries
Endemic to Hispaniola
Annona glabra L. A. laurifolia Dunal, A. palustris L. coeur boeuf, corossol marron, liege, marnmier
marron (H); baga, guanabana cimarrona, guanabana
de corcho, guanlibana de perro, mamon de perro
(RD); alligator apple, cayur (PR); pond apple (J) ~
Annona gracilis R. E. Fries
Endemic to Hispaniola
Annona micrantha Bert ex anon de perro, guanabanita (RD)
_ Endemic to Hispaniola
Annona montana Macf. corossol zombie (H); guanabana, guanabana
cimarrona, guanabana de peiro (RD); mountain
soursop (1)
Annona muricata L. corossol, corossolier (H); guanlibana (RD, C, PR);
soursop (PR)
Tree Names 235

Annona reticulata Linn. bois cachiman, cachiman, cachiman coeur de boeuf,
coeur boeuf (H); mamon (RD, C); coraz6n (RD,
PR); bullock's heart, custard apple (PR)
Annona rosei Safford cachiman zombie (H)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Annona salicifolia Ekm. & Fries'
Endemic to Hispaniola
Annona squamosa L. cachiman, cachiman cannelle, pomme de cannelle
(H); candongo (RD); anon (RD, C, PR); sugar
apple, sweetsop (PR)
Annona urbaniana R. E. Fries cachiman marron, marguerite (H); anon de perro
Endemic to Hispaniola (RD)

Canangaodorata (Lam.) Hook. & Canangium odoratum BailI., i1ang-ilang (H, PR); cananga, illin-illin (Spanish);
Thoms. Uvaria odorata Lam. ylang-ylang (English)

Guatteria blainii (Griseb.) Urb. Asimina blainii Oriseb., Cananga bois noir (H); yaya, yaya prieta (RD); haya, haya
blainii Britt. minga (PR)

Oxandra Ianceolata (Sw.) BailI. Guatteria virgata Dum., O. bois de lance, bois de lance franc (H); yaya, yaya
virgata A. Rich, Ul'aria boba, yaya tina, yaya pesada (RD); black lancewood
lanceolata Sw., U. virgata Sw. (J); West Indian lancewood (US)

Oxandra laurifolia (Sw.) A. Rich. Guatteria laurifolia Dunal, bois de lance biitard (H); yaya, yaya blanca, yaya
Uvaria laurifolia Sw. boba (RD)

Rollinia mucosa (Jacq.) BailI. Annona mucosa Jacq., A. an6n, candon, candongo (RD); cachiman cochon.
obtusifolia Tuss. cachi~an montagne (0)

Aspidospenna cuspa (HBK.) A. domingensis Urb., Conoria bois amer blanc, madame jean (H)
Blake & Pittier cuspaHBK
Cameraria angustifolia L.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Cameraria latifolia L. bois lait, haitier,laitier (H); palo de leche (RD);
maboa (C, RD)
Cameraria linearifolia Urb. palo de leche (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Nerium oleander L laurier blanc, laurier des jardins, laurier rose, laurier
tropical (H); martinica, piruH, rosa del Peru (RD);
narciso, rosa francesca (C); adellfa, oleander (PR)
Plumeria alba L. frangipanier, frangipanier blanc, frangipanier
sauvage (H); alelaila, a1eH blanco (PR); frangipani,
plumeria (US)
Plumeria obtusa L P. barahonensis Urb., P. beatensis franchipagne, frangipane, frangipanier, frangipanier
Urb., P. cayensis Urb., P. blanc, frasoigne (H); a1eH, atabaiba, flor de cerro
cuneifolia Helwig., P. krugii Urb., (RD); lirio (C); aleH cimarr6n, aleli de la Mona,
P. marchii Urb., P. ostenfeldii aleHa, tabaiba (PR) .
Urb., P. portoricensis Urb.
236 Tree Names

P. obtusa x P. subsessilis hybrids frangipane, frangipanier marron (H); alelf, atabaiba
Endemic to Hispaniola (RD)
I) P. biglandulosa Urb.
2) P. discolor Urb. & Elan.
3) P. longiflora Urb. & Elan.
4) P. paulinae Urb.
5) P. trouinensis Urb. & Elan.
Plumeria rubra L. P. acutifolia Poir., P. incamata frangipane, frangipanier, frangipanier rose (H);
Ruiz. & Pav., P. purpurea Ruiz. & ataiba rosada (RD); frangipan, lirio, lirio tricolor
Pav., P. tricolor Ruiz. & Pay. (C); frangipani (PR)

P. fubra x P. subsessilis hybrids frangipane, frangipanier marron (H); alelf, atabaiba

Endemic to Hispaniola (RD)

Plumeria stenopetala Urb. frangipane, frangipanier marron (H)

Endemic to Hispaniola

Plumeria subsessilis A. DC. P. berterii A. DC., P. jaegeri frangipane, frangipane blanche, frangipanier,
Endemic to Hispaniola Muell.Arg. frangipanier marron (H); alelf (RD)
Plumeria tuberculata Lodd. P. domingensis Urb., P. gibbosa frangipane, frangipanier epineux (H); alelf, atabaiba
Urb., P. obtusa var. sericifolia (RD)
Woods, P. sericifolia C. Wr. ex
Rauvolfia biauriculata Muell. [Also spelled Rauwolfia.]

Rauvolfia nitida Jacq. R. tetraphylla auth., no L. [Also bois lait, bois lait femelie, bois saisissement (H);
spelled Rauwolfia.] coraz6n de paloma, palo de leche, palo de leche
chiquito, palo del rey (RD); huevo de gallo (C);
bitter-ash, cachimbo, milk bush, palo amargo (PR)
Rauvolfia viridis Roem. & Schult. R. lamarckii A. DC. [Also bitterbush (PR)
spelled Rauwolfia.]

Tabernaemontana amygdalifolia
Tabemaemontana citrifolia L. Rauvolfia oppositifolia Spreng., bois lait, bois lait mille, bois laiteux febrifuge,
T. berterii DC., T. citrifolia Jacq., leteuil (H); palo de leche (RD); pegojo, pitimini
T. oppositifolia (Spreng.) Urb. (C); palo lechoso, pegoje (PR)

Tabemaemontana divaricata (L.) Nerium divaricatum L., T. caprice (H); jazmin Malabar (RD)
R. Br: ex Roem. & Schult. coronaria Willd.
Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Cerbera peruviana Pers., C. ahouai des Antilles, bagage 11 collier, bois
Schum. thevatia L., T. neriifolia Juss., T. saisissement, d'eau livre, feuilles saisies, feuilles
thevetia Millsp. saisissement, noix de serpent, serpent (H); retama
(RD); cabalonga, lucky-nut (PR)

/lex qzuensis Loes.
Endemic to Hispaniola
/lex bardhonica Loes.
Endemic to Hispaniola

/lexfuertesiana (Loes.) Loes. I. caroliniana var.fuertesiana

Endemic to Hispaniola Loes., I. fuertesiana var. selleana
Tree Names 237

flex guianensis (AubI.) Kuntze I. acuminata Willd., f. guianensis palo de burro (RD); macoucoua (PR); water wood,
var. cuencensis Loes., I. whitewood (Belize)
macoucoua Pers., f. panamensis
StandI., I. pseudomacoucoua
Loes., Macoucoua guianensis
/lex impressa Loes. & Elan..
Endemic to central Hispaniola
/lex krugiana Loes. l duarteensis Loes. lombai (H); palo blanco, palo de burro (RD)

/lex macfadyenii (Walp.) Rehder I. macfadyenii var. domingensis feuilles houx, houx, petit houx, (H); acebo cubano
Moscoso, I. macfadyenii var. de sierra, palo blanco (RD); acebo de sierra (PR);
occidentalis Moscoso, f. m~ontana graines vertes pruneau, petit citronnier (G)
Griseb., not T. & G., Prinos
macfadyenii Walp., P. montanus
/lex microwrightioides Loes. I. microwrightioides var.
Endemic to Hispaniola calescens Loes.
/lex nitida (Vahl) Maxim Prinos nitidus Vahl briqueta, briqueta naranjo, hueso prieto (PR); bois
de houe (M);pruneau noir (G)
/lex obcordata Sw. f. formonica Loes.

/lex repanda Griseb. I. grisebachii Maxim., I.

grisebachii var. haitiensis Loes.
/lex riedlaei Loes. Considered by some authors as a
variety of f. urbaniana Loes.

/lex tuerckheimii Loes.

Endemic to Hispaniola

Brassaia actinophylla EndI. Schefflera actinophylla (EndI.) schefflera (H); mano (RD)
Dendropanax arboreus (L.) Aralia arborea L., Gilibertia bois negresse, fausse salsepareille, salsepareille
Decne. & Planch. arborea (L.) E. March., G. bfitard, salsepareille marron (H); junquillo, lengua
brachypoda Drb. de vaca, palo de burro, palo malo, pinga de perro,
ramon de bestia, ramon de costa, vlbora (RD);
ramon de vaca (C, RD); vlbona (C); palo de polIo

Dendropanax selleanus (Drb. & Gilibertia selleana Drb. & Elan. bois negresse (H)
Elan.) A. C. Smith
?ndemic to southern Hispaniola
Oreopanax capitatum (Jacq.) Aralia capitata Jacq. bois cachon, bois d'anjou (H); palo de viento, pinga
Decne. & Planch. [Also spelled O. capitatus.] de perro, vlbora (RD); candlewood, palo cachumba,
woman wood (PR)
Polyscias balfouriana (Hort. Aralia balfouriana Hort. Sander. paresseux, persillette (H); gallego (RD)
Sander.) L. H. Bailey

Polysciasfilicifolia (Moore) L. H. Aralia filicifolia Moore ex Foum. feuilles paresseux, paresseux (H); gallego (RD; PR)
Polyscias guilfoylei (Cogn. ex Aralia guilfoylei Cogn. ex March., paresseux (H); gallego (RD, PR); guilfoyle
March.) L. H. Bailey' P. guilfoylei (Bull.) L. H. Bailey polyscias (PR)
238 Tree Names

Polyscias pinnata Forst. feuilles paresseux, paresseux, paresseux des
clotures (H); parid (RD); gallego (PR)
Schefflera morototoni (Aub!.) Didymopanax morototoni (Aub!.) aralie grandes feuilles, bois canol, bois trembler,
Maguire Steyenn. & Frodin Decne. & Planch., Panax tremble, trembler, trompette m3le (H); palo de
morotoni Aub!. sable, sablito (RD); yagrumo macho (C, RD, PR);
arriero, gavalan, zapaton (C); matchwood (PR)
Schefflera tremula (Krug & Urb.) Didymopanax tremulus Krug & aralie grandes feuilles, bois d'anjou, bois trembler,
Alain Urb. Some authors spell D. tremble, trembler (H); palo de viento (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola tremulum.
Sciadodendrun excelsum Griseb. ouane primaire (H); juan primero (RD)

Araucaria heterophylla (Salisb.) A. excelsa (Lam.) R. Br. araucaria (H, PR); siete pisos (RD, C);
Franco Norfolk-Island pine (PR)

Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd. Henderson et a!. (1995) list 37 coco guinee, corosse (H); catie, corozo, corozo
ex Mart. synonyms including· A. media O. criollo (RD); corojo (C) .
F. Cook, A. quisqueyana Bailey,
Bactris globosa Gaertn., Cocos
aculeatus Jacq., Palma spinosa
Attalea crassispatha (Mart.) Bomoa crassispatha O. F. Cook, carosse, carossier, petit coco (H)
Burret Cocos crassipatha Mart.,
Endemic to southwestern Haiti Maximiliana crassispatha Mart.,
Orbignya crassispatha (Mart.)
Bactris plumeriana Mart. f B. chaetophylla Mart., B. canne de Tobago, coco macaque, petit crocro (H);
cubensis Burrett, B. jamaicana L. palma de catey (RD); coco macaco, pajua, palma (C);
H. Bailey, B. plumeriana of Becc., prickly pole (1)
Palma gracilis Mill.
Calyptronoma plumeriana Calyptrogyne clementis Le6n, C. chapelet, palme-a-vin (H); flor de confite, manaca,
(Martius) Lourteig dulcis (Wright ex Griseb.) Gomez,. manaca colorada, manacla, palma de arroyo, palma
C. intennedia (Griseb. & H. manaca (RD, C)
Wend!.) Gomez, C. microcarpa
Leon, Calyptronoma clementis
(Leon) A. D. Hawkes ssp.
clementis, C. clementis (Leon) A.
D. Hawkes ssp. orientensis Muniz
& Borhidi, C. dulcis (Wright ex
Griseb.) Bailey, C. intennedia
(Griseb. & H. Wend!.) H. Wend!.,
C. microcarpa (Leon) A. D.
Hawkes, Geonoma dulcis Wright
ex Griseb., G. intennedia Griseb.
. & H. Wend!., G. plumeriana
Tree Names 239

Calyptronoma rivalis (Cook) Calyptrogyne quisqueyana palme-a-vin, palma (H); manaca, manacla, palma
Bailey (Bailey) Leon, C. rivalis (0. F. manaca, palmilla (RD, PR)
Cook) Leon, Calyptronoma
quisqueyana L. H. Bailey, Cocops
rivalis O. F. Cook
Chrysalidocarpus lutescens H. A. Areca lutescens Bozy areca (H, RD, PR, US); palma areca (C); palm
Wend!. dorada (RD); bamboo palm, butterfly palm,
Madagascar palm, yellow palm (English)
Coccothrinax argentea (Lodd. ex Acanthorriza argentea (Lodd.) O. gouane, gwenn, latanier bourrique, latanier marron,
Schult. f.) Sarg. ex Becc. F. Cook, C. argentea of Britton & latanier savanne, palme coyau (H); guano, palma de
Wilson, Thrinax argentea Lodd. guano(RD)
ex Schult. & Schult. f., T.
longistyla Becc., T. multiflora
Man. in pan
Coccothrinax ekmanii Burret C. munizii Borhidi, Haitiella gouane, gwenn (H)
ekmanii (Burret) L. H. Bailey, H.
munizii (Borhidi) Borhidi
Coccothrinax gracilis Burret latanier (H)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Coccothrinax miraguama (Kunth) Henderson et a!. (1995) list 42 latanier balai (H); miraguano, yuraguana (C)
Le6n synonyms including C. montana
Burret, C. scoparia Becc.
Coccothrinax spissa Bailey
Endemic to Hispaniola
Cocos nucifera L. Palmas cocos Miller cocotier, cocoyer, cog au lait, noix de coco (H);
coco, coCotero, palma de coco (RD, PR); coconut
Copemicia berteroana Becc. dyare (H); yarey (RD)
Copemicia ekmanii Burret homme de paille, jambe de paille (H)
Endemic to northwestern Haiti
Elaeis guineensis L. E. melanococca Gaert. corossier, crocro, crocro guinee (H); corozo (RD);
corojo de Guinea (C); African oil palm (PR, US)
Geonoma interrupta (Ruiz & Henderson et al. (1995) list 22 coco macaque, palme (H, M)
Pav.) Man. var. interrupta synonyms including G. oxycarpa
Phoenix canariensis Hort. ex Canary Island date palm (PR, US)
Chabaud .
Phoenix dactylifera L. datte, dattier (H); datil (RD, C, PR); datilera,
palmera (RD, C); date, date palm (PR)
Prestoea acuminata (Willd.) H. E. Henderson et a!. (1995) list36 macoutouca, palme-a-vin, palmiste-a-ehapelet (H);
Moore synonyms including Euterpe palma de manacla, manacla (RD); mountain palm
globosa Gaertn., Prestoea (PR)
montana (Graham) Nicholson
Pseudophoenix lediniana Read P. elata O. F. Cook ex Burret pal, petit palmiste marron (H)
Endemic to Fauche River, Haiti
Pseudophoenix sargentii H. A. var. saonae: Cyclospathe cacheo (RD); palma de guinea (C); Florida
Wend!. ex Sarg. ssp. saonae northropii O. F. Cook, P. gracilis cherrypalm, Sargent cherrypalm (US); hog cabbage,
1) var. saonae Ekm., P. linearis O. F. Cook, P. hog palmetto (B)
2) var. navassana Read saonae O. F. Cook
var. navassana: P. navassana
Ekm. ex Burret
240 Tree 'Names

Pseudophoenix vinifera (Mart.) Aeria vinifera (Mart.) O. F. Cook, catie, palmiste-a-vin (H); cacheo (RD); guano de
Becc. Cocos vinifera (Mart.) Mart., Guinea (C); buccaneer palm (US)
Endemic to Hispaniola Euterpe vinifera Mart., Gaussia
vinifera (Mart.) H. WendL, P.
insignis O. F. Cook, Raphia
vinifera Descourt. -

Roystonea borinquena O. F. Cook Oreodoxa borinquena (0. F. palmier royal, palmiste (H); palma, palma deyagua
Cook) Reasoner ex L. H. Bailey, (RD); palma real (RD, PR); Hispaniolan royal palm,
R. hispaniolana Bailey, R. Puerto Rico royal palm, royal palm (PR,US)
hispaniolana f. altissima
Moscoso, R. peregrina L. H.
Sabal causiarum (0. F. Cook) Inodes causiarum O. F. Cook, 7. latanier chapeau, latanier franc, latanier jaune (H);
Becc. glauca Dammer, S. haitensis palma cana (RD); palma de sombrero, Puerto Rican
Becc., S. questeliana L. H. Bailey hat palm, yarey (PR)

Sabal domingensis Becc. S. neglecta Becc. latanier chapeau, paille (H); cana, palma de cana
(RD); Hispaniola palmetto (PR)
Thrinax'morrisU H. A. WendL Simpsonia microcarpa (Sarg.) O. latanier de mer, latanier la mer (H); guanillo (RD);
F. Cook, T. bahamensis O. F. guano de sierra, miraguano, palmita (C); brittle
Cook, T. drudei Becc., T. ekmanii thatch palm, palma de cojollo, palma de escoba,
Burret, T. keyensis Sarg., T. pandereta, yaray (PR); buffalo top (B); guano
microcarpa Sarg., T. ponceana O. campeche (G)
F. Cook, T. punctulata Becc.
Thrinax radiata Lodd. ex Schult. .Coccothrinax manU (Griseb. & latanier de mer, latanier la mer (H); guanillo (RD);
& Schult. f. H. WendL) Becc., C. radiata guano de costa (C); thatch palm 0, US)
(Lodd. ex Schult. & Schult. f.)
Sarg., Porothrinax pumilio H.
WendL ex Griseb., T.floridana
Sarg., T. manU Griseb. & H.
WendL ex Griseb., T.
wendlandiana Becc.
Zombia antillarum (Desc. ex Chamaerops antillarum Descourt. latanier piquant, latanier zombi (H); guanito (DR)
Jackson) Bailey ex Jackson, Coccothrinax
.Monotypic species endemic to anomala Becc., Oothrinax
Hispaniola anomala (Becc.) O. F. Cook, Z
antillarum var. gonzalezU

Calotropis procera (Ait.) R. Br. arbre soie, coton soie (H); algod6n extranjero (RD);
caZuela (C); algod6n de seda, giant milkweed (PR);
arbre a soie (G) .

NB: Judd (1987) describes 19 shrub species of the following genera that might be considered small trees sensu Little and
Wadsworth (1964): Baccharis (1); Eupatorium (10), Lantanopsis (1), Narvalina (I), Pluchea (I), Senecio (3), and Vernonia
Tree Names 241

Alnus acuminata Kunth. ssp. A. acutissima (Winkler) Callier, aile, aliso, jaul (C, RD, PR); alder, Andes alder
acuminata A. castanaefolia Mirbel, A. (US)
ferruginea Kunth., A. jorullensis
Kunth. var. acuminata (Kunth.)
Kuntze, A. jorullensis Kunth. var.
ferruginea (Kunth.) Kuntze, A.
jorullensis Kunth. var. mirbelli
(Spach.) H. J. Winkler, A.
lanceolota Philippi, A. lindeni
Regel, A. spachii (Regel) Callier

Catalpa longissima (Jacq.) Dum. Bignonia longissima Jacq., B. bois chene, chene, chene haitien, chenier (H); roble,
Cours. quercus Lam., C. longissima roble de olor (l~D); Jarnaica-oak, mastwood, .
(Jacq.) Sims, Macrocatalpa yokewood (J); Haiti catalpa, Haitian oak, roble
longissima (Jacq.) Britton dominicano (PR); chene noir (H, M); radegonde (M)

Crescentia cujete L. C. acuminata HBK., C. calebasse, calebassier (H); gilira (C, RD); higiiero
fasciculata Miers (RD, PR); calabasa (C); calabash (PR)

Crescentia linearifolia Miers calebasse marron (H); higiiera (RD, PR); calabash,
higiierillo, higiierita, higiierito (PR)
Dendrosicus latifolius (Mil!.) A. Crescentia cucurbitina L., calebasse zombie, calebasse marron (H); gilira
Gentry Enallagma cucurbitina (L.) cimarrona, higiierillo, higiiero galion, higiiero jamo
Baill., E. tatifolia (Mill.) Small (RD); giiera de olor (C); black-calabash, higiierita
[Also spelled E. latifolio.] (PR)

Jacaranda mimosifolia D. Don J. acutifolia, not Humb. & Bonp!. flamboyant bleu, jacaranda (H); flamboyan azul
(RD); framboyan azul (C)
Spathodea campanutata Beauv. immortel etranger (H); amapola, mampolo (RD);
espatodea (C); African tuliptree, tulipan africano
Tabebuia acrophylla (Urb.) Britt. bois nago, bois savane (H); paragua (RD);
cucharillo, roble caiman (C); roble blanco, roble de
mona (PR)
Tabebuia berteri (DC.) Britt bois du sip, sip (H)

Tabebuia conferta Urb. calebassier (H)

Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Tabebuia heterophylla (DC.) T. dominicensis Urb., T. poirier (H); capli bobo, roble blanco (RD); prieto,
Britton heterophylla ssp. pallida (Miers) roble, roble de costa, roble de yugo, roble prieto
Stehle, T. lucida Britton, T. (PR); pink cedar, pink trumpet tree (J)
pallida (Lind!.) Miers, T. pallida
ssp. dominicensis (Urb.) Stehle, T.
pallida ssp. heterophylla (DC.)
Stehle, T. pentaphylla auth., not
(L.) Hems!.

Tecoma stans (L.) HBK. Bignonia stans L., Stenolobium chevalier, fleur de St. Pierre, herbe de St. Nicolas
incisum Rose & Stand!., S. stans (H); sauco amarillo (RD, C); ginger-thomas, roble
(L.) Seem., T. tronodora (Loes.) amarillo (PR)
242 Tree Names

Bua orellana L. . B. katangensis Delpierre chiote, roucou. roucouyer (H); achiote, bija (RD. C.
PR); lipstick bush (PR); anatto O. PR)

Blechnum underwoodianum tree fern (US)
(Broudh.) C. Chr.

Adansonia digitata L. A. baobab, A. situla. A. mapou etranger, mapou zombi (H); baobab (RD.
somalensis, A. sphaerocarpa A. . C, PR. G, M); monkey bread tree, sour gourd (J)
Bombacopsis emarginata (A. Rich.) Bombax emarginatum Dcne.• colorade (H); caiman, colorado. juan colorado
A. Robyns Pachira emarginata A. Rich (RD)
Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. Bombax guineense Thonn.• B. fromager, mapou. mapou coton (H); ceiba (RD. C,
orientale Sprengel. B. PR); kapok. silk cotton (PR); cotton tree (J)
pentandrum L.. C. casearia L.
Medicus, C. guineense (Thonn.)
A. Chev.• C. thonningii A. Chev.•
Eriodendron anfructuosum DC.•
E. caribaeum (DC.) G. Don, E.
guineese (Thonn.) G. Don. ex
Chorisia insignis HBK. estrella federal (RD)

Chorisia speciosa S1. Hi!. estrella federal (RD) .

Neobuchia paulinae Urb. mapou blanc (H)

Ochroma pyramidale (Cav.) Urb. Bombax angulata Sesse & Moy, bois madame, coton fleur, coton soie. fleurs
B. pyramidale Cav., O. bicolor mahaudeme, mahaudeme (H); lana, lanero. palo de
Rowlee, O. boliviana Rowlee. O. lana (RD); balsa, corcho, corkwood, guano (PR)
grandiflora Rowlee, O. lagopus
Sw., O. lagopus var. bicolor
(Rowlee) StandI. et Steyerm.• O.
lagopus var. occigranatensis
Cuatr., O. limonensis Rowlee. O.
obtusa Raw!., O. peruviana
Sohns1., O. tomentosa Willd., O.
velutina Rowlee
Pachira aquatica Aubl. Carolinea princeps L. f., P. colorade (H); cacao cimarr6n, carolina, colorado,
grandiflora Tuss. pachira (RD); ceiba de agua (PR)
Pachira insignis (Sw.) Sw. cacao cimarrOn (RD); shaving-brush tree (PR);
carolina (C)
Pseudobombax ellipticum (HBK.) Bombax ellipticum HBK. don diego de ilia (RD)
Quararibea turbinata (Sw.) Poir. . Myrodia turbinata Sw. molinero, molinillo, paragiiita (RD)
Tree Names 243

Bourreria succulenta Jacq. B. succulenta var. canescens O. E. cafe marron, mapou gris (H); palo bobo (RD); ateje
Schulz., Cordia bourreria L., de costa, curaboca, fruta de catey, roble guayo (C);
Ehretia bourreria L. [Also spelled palo de vaca, pigeon-berry (PR)
Bourreria virgata (Sw.) G. Don B. domingensis (DC.) Griseb. guazumillo (RD); cafecillo, raspalengua (C); palo
[Also spelled Beureria.] de vaca, roble de guayo (PR)
Cordia alba (Jacq.) Roem. & Calyptracordia alba (Jacq.) bois chique (H); mufieco blanco, yagua (RD); ateje
Schult. Britton, Cordia calyptrata Bert., amarillo, uva gomosa, uvita, varia blanca (C);
C. dentata Poir., Varronia cereza blanca, white manjack (PR)
calyptrata DC.
Cordia alliodora (Ruiz Lopez & Cerdana alliodora Ruiz & Pavon,. bois de rose, bois soumis, chene caparo, chene
Pavon) Oken Cordia alliodora (Ruiz Lopez & franc, chene noir (H); capa de olor, capa de sabana,
Pavon) Cham. ex DC., C. capa 0 laurel, capar6, guacimilla (RD); capa, capli
gerascanthus Jacq., non L. prieto (RD, PR); Spanish elm (PR, J); varia, varia
amarilla, varia colorado, varia prieta (C)
Cordia collqcocca L. C. glabra auth. trois pieds (H); mufieco, palo de mufieco blanco
(RD); ateje; ateje hembra (C); cerezo, manjack,
palo de mufieco (PR)
Cordiafitchii Urb.

Cordia gerascanthes L. capa prieto, mufieco (RD); varia, varia prieta (C)

Cordia laevigata Lam. C. nitida Vahl bois paupit, bois pou¢<: (H); ateje costa, ateje
cimarron, atejillo, cerezo (C); capa colorado, red
manjack (PR)
Cordia mirabiloides (Jacq.) Roem. bonbon chat, bonbon cOdine, croque chien, dent de
& Schult. chien blanc, fleur dentition, fleurs dents (H); rompe
ropa (RD); ateje globoso (C); white cordia (PR)
Cordia obliqua Willd. C. tremula Griseb. ateje amarillo, ateje americano (C); cereza blanca,
manjack (PR)
Cordia sebestena L. C. brachycalyx Urb., C. speciosa bois d'Inde, coquelicot, petit solei! (H); avellana
.Salisb., Sebesten sebestena (L.) criolla, caramboli (RD); anacagilita (C); vomitel
Britton colorado (C, PR); aloe wood, geiger-tree (PR)
Cordia sulcata DC. C. macrophylla R. & S., C. fleurs dent a fleurs blanches, paresol (H); ateje
toqueve Sieb. ' cimarrOn, ateje macho, palo tabaco (C); moral,
white manjack (PR)
Ehretia tinifolia L. bois chapeau, bois noir, chene noir, filiere (H);
arrayan, mufieco baboso, roblecillo, roblillo (RD);
guayo prieto (C); roble prieto (C, RD)
Rochefortia acanthophora (DC.) Ehretia acanthophora DC., E. bois ebene, ebene, ebenier noir, galle-galle,
Griseb. spinosa Spreng. gratte-galle (H); coraz6n de paloma, ebano, trejo
(RD); carbonero, espuela de caballero (C); juso
NB: Judd (1987) lists 3 Cordia shrub species that might be considered as small trees sensu Little and Wadsworth (1964).
These species are not listed.

Bursera brunea (Urb.) Urb. & Spondias brunea Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
244 Tree Names

Bursera glauca Griseb. B. nashii (Britt.) Urb.,
Terebinthinus glauca Britt., T.
Bursera gracilipes Urb. & Elan.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Bursera ovata Urb. & Elan.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Bursera simaruba (L.) Sarg. B. gummifera L., B. ovalifolia bois d'encens, chiboue, chique, gommier, gommier
(Schldl.) Engl., Elaphrium blanc, gommier rouge (H); almacigo (RD, PR, C);
ovalifolium Schldl., E. simaruba almacigo blanco, almacigo colorado, jobo (RD); gun1
(L.) Rose, Pistacia simaruba L. tree, gumbo limbo, turpentine tree, West Indian
birch (PR)
Protium glaucescens Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Tetragastris balsamifera (Sw.) Hedwigia balsamifera Sw., T. bois eachon, bois cachon marron, sucrier des
Kuntze ossaea Gaertn., T. panamensis montagnes (H); abey, amacey, amacey hembra
OK (RD); hagwood, masa, palo de aceite (PR);
azucarero, palo cachino (C)

Buxus glomerata (Griseb.) Muel!. Tricera glomerata Griseb. bois petite feuille (H)

Cereus hexagonus (L.) Mill. cayuco (RD); cacto columnar (C, PR); tall
columnar cactus (PR)
Consolea macracantha (Mill.) cactier, cactus, raquette (H)
Lemaireocereus hystrix (Haw.) Cereus hystrix (Haw.) catastres (H); cayuco (RD); card6n (C); dildo
Britton & Rose ' Salm.-Dyck. espanol, Spanish dildo (PR)
Opuntiaficus-indica (L.) Mill. raquette (H); alquitira, higo chumbo, tuna mansa
(RD); spineless tuna, tuna de Espana (PR)
Opuntia moniliformis (L.) Haw. Consolea moniliformis (L.) patte de tortue, raquette espagnole (H); alpargata
Britton (RD); tuna (PR)

Lobelia assurgens L. cog shango (H); chicoria cimarrona (PR); cardinale
rouge, lobelie cardinale (French)
Lobelia robusta Graham var.
Tree Names 245

Canella winterana (L.) Gaertn. C. alba Murray, Laurus canille, camille, cannelle. cannelle poivree (H);
winterana L., Winterana canella canela, canela de la tierra, cane/ilia (RD); barbasco,
L. canella, pepper cinnamon, whitewood bark; wild
cinnamon, winter bark (PR); cUrbana, malambo (C)

Cinnamodendron angustifolium
Endemic to Hispaniola
Cinnamodendron ekmanii Sleumer canelilla (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Pleodendron ekmanii Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola

Capparis amplissima Lam. C. portoricensis Urb. matabecerro (RD)

Capparis cynophallophora L. C. emarginata A. Rich., C. bois caca, bois couleuvre, bois d'argent, bois de
jamaicensis Jacq., C. couille, bois fetide, bois puant, bois senegal, caca
odoratissima Spreng., C. torulosa chien, cacache, caprier rampant (H); frijol,
Sw., Quadrella cynophallophora frijolillo, olivo, olivo frijol (RD); bejuco ingles,
Hutch. black wattle (PR); Jamaica caper (J)

Capparis dolichopoda Helwig avocat marron (H)

Endemic to Hispaniola
Capparisferruginea L. C. incana Spreng., C. octandra balai four, balai velours, bois rave, bois senegal
Jacq., Linnaeobreyniaferruginea (H); frijol (RD); mostacilla chica (C); olivo (C,
Hutch. RD); bois caca, bois puant (G,M); mustard shrub
Capparisjlexuosa (Li ) L. Morisoniajlexuosa L. . bois caca, bois moutarde, bois rave (H); frijol de
monte, huevo de perro, mostazo (RD); mostacilla
(C); caper tree, limber tree, palinguan (PR)
Capparis frondosa Jacq. C. baducca L. bois bourrique, saint-esprit (H)

Capparis gonaivensis Helwig Quadrella gonaivensis Hutch. bois rave (H); frijol, huevo de perro, mostazo (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Capparis grisebachii EichI. Linnaeobreynia grisebachii

Capparis hastata Jacq. C. cocciJlobifolia Mart. sapo (PR)

Capparis indica (L.) Fawc. & Breynia indica L., C. amygdalina burro (PR); bois de meche, bois puant (G); bois
Rendle Lam., Linnaeobreynia indica noir (M)
Crataeva tapia L. C. apetala Urb.
Forchhammeria haitiensis (Urb. & Murbeckia haitiensis Urb. &
Ekm.) Alain Ekm.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Morisonia americana L. aguacatillo, guarapo (RD); rat apple (PR)
246 Tree Names

Carica papaya L. Papaya carica Gaertn., P. sativa, papailler, papaye, papayer (H); lechosa, papaya
P. vulgaris DC. (PR, RD); pawpaw (1)

Casuarina cristata Miq. ssp. C. lepidophloia F. Muell. pich pin, pin d' Australie, filao (H); casuarina (RD,
cristata PR, US); pino, pino australiano, pino de Australia
(RD, PR); belah (Australia)
Casuarina equisetifolia L. ex J. R. C. litorea L. (illegit. name) pich pin, pin d' Australie, filao (H); casuarina (RD,
& G. Forst. var. equisetifolia PR, US); pino, pino australiano, pino de Australia
(RD; PR); Australian beefwood, horsetail casuarina
(PR, US); coast sheoak (Australia)
Casuarina glauca Sieb. ex Sprengel pich pin, pin d' Australie, filao (H); casuarina, pino
-de Australia (RD, PR); longleaf casuarina, scaly
bark beefwood (PR, US); swamp sheoak

Cassine ehrenbergii (Urb.) Alain Elaeodendron ehrenbergii Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Cassine lanceolata (Urb. & Ekm.) Elaeodendron lanceolatum Urb.
Alain &Ekm.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Cassine xylocarpa Vent. var. C. attenuata Ktze., Elaeodendron coscorr6n, guayarote, marble tree,spoon tree (PR);
attentuata (A. Rich.) Alain attenuatum A. Rich. laurel de costa, mate prieto, palo blanco,
, penipeniche de sabana, piiii~piiii, roiioso, sangre de
doncella (C); bois tan, prune bord de mer (G, M)
Crossopetalum rhacoma Crantz Myginda rhacoma Sw., Rhacoma tsewal (H); coral, manto, maravedi, palo de paloma,
crossopetalum L. poison cherry, wild cherry (PR); limoncillo,
limonejo'de costa (C)
Gymindia latifolia (S~.) Urb. Myginda latifolia Sw. amansa guapo (C); coscorroncito, West Indian
falsebox (PR)
Maytenus buxifolia (A. Rich.) Monteverdia buxifolia A. Rich., acajou sauvage, bois fourrni, os devants marrons,
Griseb. raisin marron (H); aguacero, gangre de toro (RD);
rockwood (J)

Maytenus domingensis Krug & albulito, ani, arbolito, yaya dura (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Maytenus elliptica (Lam.) Krug & Rhamnus laevigatus VahI, arbolito (RD)
Urb. Senacia elliptica Lam.
Maytenus haitiensis Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Maytenus jamaicensis Krug & Urb.
Maytenus microphylla Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Maytenus momicola Urb. & Ekm.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Tree Names 247

Schaefferia frutescens Jacq. S. berterii Griseb., S. buxifolia balai de montagne, bois capable. bois petit g~on,
Nutt., S. completa Sw. ' capable, marguerite, petit bois blanc, petit gaI¥0n
(H); cabra cimarrona, palo de arafia (RD); Florida
boxwood, jiba (PR); amansa guapo, cambia voz,
guairaje (C)
Torralbasia cunefolia ry.1r.) Krug Euonymus cuneifolius Wr., palo amarillo (RD); guairaje (C); boje (PR)
&Urb. Myginda cuneifolia Griseb., T.
domingensis Urb. .

Redyosmum nutans Sw.

Chrysobalanus icaco L. var. icaco icaque, icaquier (H); hicaco, jicaco (RD, PR); icaco
de costa, icaco dulce (C); coco plum (PR, US);
pork fat apple, white plum (B)
Chrysobalanus icaco L. var. C. pellocarpus G. F. W. Meyer hicaco, jicaco (RD)
pellocarpus (G. F. W. Meyer) DC.
Rirtella triandra L. caimito cimarron, caimito de perro, cocuyo (RD);
icaque poileur (M); icaque apoils, icaque a
ramiers, icaque pendant (G)


Calophyllum ca/aba L. C. antillarum Britt., C. brasiliense dalmagre, dalmarie, damage, dame marie, galba,
var. antillarum StandI., C. calaba galba des Antilles (H); baria, malagueta, mara,
Jacq., C. jacquini Fawc. & Rendle maria, palo maria (RD); santa maria (RD, PR); palo
de maria (PR); bastard mammee (J)
Clusia clusiodes (Griseb.) D'Arcy C. abbottii Urb., C. grisebachiana cupefllo (PR)
Alain, C. krugiana Urb., Tovomita
clusioides Griseb., T.
grisebachiana Planch:
Clusia domingensis Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Clusiamajor L. bois pale, figuier maudit, figuier maudit marron,
gros figuier (H); copey, cupey (RD, C, PR); balsam
fig, mammee, pitch apple (PR)
Clusia minor L. C. cartilaginosa Vesque figuier, figuier maudit (H); copeyejo, cupey, cupey
chiquito. cupeyito (RD)

Clusia picardae Urb.

Endemic to Hispaniola
Clusia plumieri Planch. & Triana
Endemic to Hispaniola
Clusia rosea Jacq. bois pale, figuier maudit, figuier maudit marron
(H); copey (RD); cupey (PR, RD); balsam fig,
monkey apple (PR)
248 Tree Names


Garcinia aristata (Griseb.) Borhidi Rheedia aristata Griseb. palo de cruz (RD)

Garcinia mangostana L. mangosteen (H, French, English); jobo de la India

(RD); mangostin (PR, Spanish); mangostlin
Mammea americana L. abricot, abricotier, abricotier de~ Antilles (H);
mamey (RD, PR, C); mammee apple (PR); mamey
apple, mammee sapote (J)
Marila bijlora Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Marila domingtnsis Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Rheedia laterijlora L. Garcinia humilis Adams, abricot, abricotier de St. Domingue (H)
Mammea humilis Vahl
Rheedia verticil/ata Griseb. bois de haut, bois de roux, bois diou (H); palo de
Endemic to Hispaniola cruz (RD); guayabacoa, wild rose-apple (PR)
Symphonia globulifera L.f. Moronobea coccinea Aubl. bois acochon (H); manni (Guayana); chewstick
(Barker & Dardeau, 1931) (US)

Cochlospermum vitifolium (Willd.) Bombax vitifolium Willd., C. rosa imperial (RD, PR); Brazilian rose,
Willd. ex Spreng. hibisoides Kunth., Maximilianea cochlospermum (PR); botija, palo bobo (C)
vitifolia Krug & Urb.

Buchenavia capitata (Vahl) Eichl. Bucida capitataYahl bois gris-gris, bois margot, gris-gris, gris-gris jaune
(H); ciruelillo, gri-gri, guaraguao (RD); jocuma,
jucarillo, jucaro amarillo, jucaro mastelero (C);
granadillo (PR); mountain wild olive, yellow
sanders (J)
Bucida buceras L. Bucerus bucida Crantz, Bucida bois gris-gris, bois margot, gris-gris des montagnes,
angustifolia DC., Terminalia gue-gue (H); gri-gri, guaraguao (RD); gregre,
buceras C. Wright oxhom bucida, ucar (PR); black olive (J); jucaro,
jucaro negro (C)
Bucida spinosa (Northrop) Terminalia spinosa North. guaraguao (RD)
Jennings '
Conocarpus erectus L. C. sericeus Forst. ex G. Don manglier, manglier noir, paletuvier (H); botoncillo,
botoncillo de costa, mangle prieto (RD); yana (C);
mangle boton, button-mangrove (PR); mangle (H,
Laguncularia racemosa (L.) Conocarpus racemosus L. gris-gris, manglier blanc (H); mangle (H,RD);
Gaertn. f. mangle amarillo, mangle prieto (RD); pataban (C);
white-mangrove (PR); mangle blanco (PR, RD)
Terminalia catappa L. Myrobalanus catappa (L.) amande, amandier des Indes, amandier tropical,
Kuntze, T. badamia Tul., T. badannier, zanmande (H); almendr6n, almendro de
mauritiana Lam., T. moluccana la India (RD, C); Indian almond, tropical almond
Lam., T. myrobalana Roth (PR); almendra (C, RD, PR)
Tree Names 249

Terminalia domingensis Urb. ssp. T. intermedia auth., not Urb. chicharr6n (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola


Brunellia comocladiifolia H. & B. bois mabel (H); guao, palo de cotorra (RD); West
ssp. domingensis Cuatr. Indian sumac (J)
Weinmannia pinnata L: w: hirta Sw. casabito, tamarindo de lorna, tamarindo de sierra
(RD); oreganillo (PR, C); sabicu de pinares, sabicu
maraii6n (C); bastard brasiletto, wild brasiletto (J)

Cupressus lusitanica Mill. C. benthamii Endl., C. glauca cypres, cypres de Mexico (H); cipres (RD, C);
Lam., C. lindleyi Klotzsch. ex cipres mexicano, Mexican cypress (PR)
Cupressus sempervirens L. cypres, cypres d'Italie (H); cipres (RD, C); cipres
italiano. Italian cypress (PR)
Juniperus ekmanii Florin.
Endemic to Massif de la Selle
Juniperus gracilior Pilg. cedre (H); sabina (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola

Alsophila hotteana (C. Chr. & tree fern (US)
Ekm.) Tryon
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Alsophila minor (D. C. Eaton) tree fern (US)
Alsophila woodwardioides (Kaulf.) Nephelea woodwardioides tree fern (US)
Conant (Kaulf.) Gastony var. hieonymi
(Brause) Gastony
Cnemidaria horrida (L.) Presl. tree fern (US)

Cyathea aquilina (Christ) Domain Alsophila aquilina Christ. helecho gigante, tree fern (PR)
Cyathea arborea (L.) J. E. Smith Fougere arborescente (H); camar6n, helecho, helecho
arb6reo, helecho gigante, palmilla, tree fern (PR)
Cyathea escuquensis (Karst.) Hemitelia escuquensis Karst. helecho gigante, tree fern (PR)
Domin .
Cyatheafurfuracea Baker tree fern (US)

Cyathea harrisii Baker C. harrisii Underw. ex Maxon (?) tree fern (US)
Cyathea harrisii Baker x Alsophila
minor (D. C. Eaton) Tyron
Cyathea tenera (J. E. Sm.) Moore C. brittoniana ¥axon helecho gigante, tree fern (PR)
Cyathea wilsonii (Hook.) Proctor Hemitelia wilsonii Hook. helecho gigante, tree fern (PR)
250 Tree Names

Cycas circinalis L. cicadacea (RD); crozier cycad, false sago-palm
(PR); cica (PR, RD)
Cycas revoluta L. palmiste des Indes (H); alcanfor (C); sago-palm

Cyrilla racemijlora L. C. antillana Michx. granadillo, granado, palo colorado, palo de toro,
palo prieto, sabina, sabina macho (RD)

Tapura haitiensis Urb. & Ekm.
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte

Curatella americana L. C. grisebachiana Eichl. curatella, pomme torche (H); aperalejo, peralejo,
peralejo de sabana (RD); rough-leaf tree (US)
Dillenia indica L. coca (RD); dilenia, India dillenia (PR, US)

Diospyros caribaea (A. DC.) Maba caribaea Hiem., bois raide (H)
StandI. Macreightia caribaea A. DC.
Diospyros crassinervis ssp. Maba urbaniana Leonard
urbaniana (Leonard) Alain
Diospyros ddmingensis (Urb.) D. leonardii Alain, Maba cocuyo (RD)
Alain domingensis Urb., M. leonardii
Endemic to Hispaniola Urb.&Ekm.
Diospyros oxycarpa (Urb.) Alain Maba oxycarpa Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Diospyros revoluta Poir. D. ebenaster Retz ebene (H); ebano (RD); guayabota, zapote negro
Diospyros tetrasperma Sw. bois raide (H); ebano, ebano negro (RD)

Muntingia calabura L. bois d'onne, bois de soie, bois de soie marron (H);
memiso (RD, C); capulf, capulinas, guasima cereza
(C); Jamaica cherry (J)
Sloanea amygdalina Griseb. S. domingensis Urb. acomat, bois coq, chapeau cllIl't, comat (H);
chicharr6n (RD); berijua, cresta de gallo, juba
blanca (C); break-axe, ironwood (1)
Tree Names 251

Sloanea berteriana Choisy cacaillo, cacao cimarrOn (RD)

Sloanea ilicifolia Urb. S. castor Urb. & Ekm. a

chapeau cllIli, chataignier petites feuilles (H);
Endemic to Hispaniola castor, chicharr6n (RD)

Lyonia buchU Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Lyonia microcarpa Urb. & Bern. L apiculata Jimenez, Xolisma
Endemic to Hispaniola apiculata Sleumer
Lyonia rubiginosa (Pers.) G. Don L angulata Urb. & Bern., L
var. costata (Urb.) Judd costata Urb., L darrasiana Urb.,
Endemic to Hispaniola L longelaminata Jimenez,
Xolisma costata Small, X.
longelaminata Sleumer
Lyonia tinensis Urb. L pseudotinensis Jimenez,
Endemic to Hispaniola Xolisma pseudotinensis Sleumer,
X. tinensis Small
Lyonia truncata Urb. var. L. elongata Jimenez, L
montecristana (Urb. & Ekm.) Judd montecristana Urb. & Ekm.,
Endemic to north central Hispaniola Xolisma elongata Sleumer
Lyonia truncata Urb. var. truncata L brachycarpa Urb. & Ekm., L
. Endemic to southern Hispaniola furcyensis Urb., L haitiensis Urb.,
L plumeri Urb. & Ekm., Xolisma
truncata Small
Vaccinium cubense (A. Rich.) Thibaudia cubensis A. Rich

Erythroxylum areolatum L. E. obtusa DC. [Also spelled nagot, papelite, poirier (H); ambo (H, RD); frolo de
Erythroxylon. ] paloma, higuillo, piragua (RD); red wood (1);'
arobillo (C); indio (PR)
Erythroxylum havanense Jacq. var. quiebrahacha (RD)
haitiense O. E. Schulz
Erythroxylum minutifolium Griseb. E. barahonense O. E. Schulz ilguacero cimarrOn (RD); cubanicu, sibanic~ (C)
Erythroxylum rotundifolium Lunan E. brevipes DC., E. spinescens O. yarfa de costa (C); bois vinette, bresillette (M);
E. Schulz, E. suave O. E. Schulz brisselet, jiba, rat6n, mdo ~PR)

Adelia ricinella L. A. pedunculosa A. Rich., citroin marron, grenade marron(H); trejo (RD);
Ridnella pedunculosa MuelI. escambr6n, espinillo (PR); jia, tarro de chiva (C)
Arg., R. ricinella (L.) Britt.
252 Tree Names

Alchornea latifolia Sw. A. haitiensis Urb., Gouania bois crapaud, bois mal aux dents, bois vache,
paniculata Spreng., Manettia feuilles crapaud, grain d'or, pais vache (H);
serrata Spreng. aguacatillo (RD, C); arepa, bija cimarrona; bijilla,
bijillo, bijo macho, lana, vacme (RD); bacona,
chote (C); dogwod (J)
Alchorneopsisjloribunda (Benth.) Alchornea glandulosa var. palo de gallina (RD, PR); pendejo (RD)
Muell. jloribunda Benth., Alchorneopsis
portoricensis Urb.
Aleurites fordii Hems\. noisette (H); jabilla extranjera, javilla americana,
javilla extranjera (RD); tung-oil tree (English)
Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd. A. triloba Forst., Camirium aleurites, noisette, noix, noyer: noyer des Indes
moluccanum Ktze., Jatropha (H); arbol 1I0ron, avellano, avellano criollo (RD);
moluccana L. nogal de la India, nuez (C); candle nut, Indian
walnut (PR, J)
Aleurites trisperma B1an~o arbol de tung, javillo (RD)

Bernardia dichotoma (Willd.) Adelia bernardia L., B. bemardia

Muell. Arg. Millsp., B. carpinifolia Griseb.,
Croton dichotomus Willd.
Chaetocarpus domingensis Proctor
Endemic to Hispaniola
Chaetocarpus globosus (Sw.) Croton globosus Sw., Mettenia guacima cimarrona, palo amargo (RD)
Fawc. & Rendle globosa Griseb., Ricinus globosus
Willd. .

Codiaeum variegatum (L.) Blume Croton variegatus L. croton (H, RD); canicter de hombre, cola de
paloma, pirulf, tirabuz6n (RD); croton leaf (US)
Croton buchii Urn.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Croton corylifolius Lam. hueledor, palo de perico (RD)
Croton eluteria (L.) Sw. Clutia cascarilla L., C. eluteria cascarille, faux quinquina gris aromatique (H)
L., Croton cascarilla Benn., C.
cascarilloides Geisel.
Croton glabellus L. [Some authors consider Croton bois blanc, bois guepes (H); palo bellaco, palo
eluteria (L.) Sw. as a synonym.] berraco (RD)

Croton hircinus Vent. C. populifolium Lam.

Croton jacmelianus Urn.

Endemic to Hispaniola
Croton lucidus L. fait pime (H); caobilla de costa.(RD)
Croton megpladenus Urn.
Endemic to l:lispaniola
Cubanthus umbelliformis Urn. & frangipani (H)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Ditta maestrensis Borhidi [Some authors consider D."
maestrensis as a variety of D.
myricoides Griseb.]
Ditta myricoides Griseb. , ditta, jaboncillo (PR)
Drypetes alba Poit. D. incurva Muell. Arg., Guatteria bois cotelette, labour cochon (H); azota criollo,
berteriana Spreng., G. prinoides lirio, palo blanco, palo blanco de sierra, palo de
Spreng. sierra, sota criollo, tirana (RD)
Drypetes diversifolia Krug & Urb.
Tree Names 253

Drypetes glauca Vah! cafeillo, palo blanco, varita! (PR); bois cafe, cafe
grand bois (G)

Drypetes ilicifolia Krug & Urb. Gomphia ilicifolia Bello encinillo (PR); rosewood (1)

Drypetes lateriflora (Sw.) Krug & D. croeea Poit., Sehaefferia bois cotelette, cotelette (H); pae manuel (RD);
Urb. lateriflora Sw. cueriduro (C); Guiana plum (1)

Drypetes pieardae Krug & Urb. D. piriformis Urb. bois cotelette, cotelette (H); cuero duro, ram6n
Endemic to Hispaniola blanco (RD)

Euphorbia eotinifolia L. AkLema eotinifolia (L.) Millsp., A.

eotinoides (Miq.) Millsp., E.
eotinoides Miq.
Euphorbia defoliata Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola

Euphorbia laetea Haw. candelabre, raquette (H); cacto, candelero, raqueta


Euphorbia leueoeephaLa Lotsy flor de ovejo, pascuita (RD)

Euphorbia milii Ch. des Moulins E. splendens Bojar ex Hook, couronne du Christ, euphorbe brilliant, petit
Sterigmanthe spLendens Kl. & flamboyant (H); lli-y-yo (RD); crown-of-thorns (1)
Euphorbia petiolaris Sims. Aklema petiolare Millsp., bois g~on, bon g~on (H); palo de leche, palo de
ALeetoroetonum petiolare Kl. & yuca(RD)
Garcke, E. verticillata Poir.
Euphorbia puLeherrima Willd. ex Poinsettia pulcherrima Graham dehomme, desaison, feuille St. Jean, poinsettia, St.
Klotsch Jean d'hiver (H); clavellina, flor de pascua, pascua

Euphorbia tiruealli L. garde J]1aison (H); alfabeto chino, antena,

esqueleto, palito (RD)
Garcia nutans Vah! almendro, avellana (RD)

Grimmeodendron eglandulosum Exeoeearia eglanduLosa Muel!.

(A. Rich.) Urb. Arg., E. sagraei Muell. Arg.,
Stillingia eglandulosa A. Rich.
Gymnanthes lucida Sw. Ateramnus lucidus Rothm~, bois marbr6 (H); granadillo, greadilla, huevo de
Exeoeearia Lucida Sw., chivo, jabac6n, juan prieto, palo de hueso, palo de
Sebastiania Lucida Muel!. tabac6n (RD); aite, yaitf(C); crabwood,
oyster-wood (PR, J, US)
Gymnanthes pallens (Griseb.) Ateramnus pallens Rothman,
Muell.Arg. Exeoeearia pallens Griseb.,
Sebastiania pallens Muel!. Arg.
Hevea brasiliensis (HBK.) Muel!. Siphonia brasiliensis HBK. caoutchouc (H); caucho (RD)

Hippomane maneinella L. Mancinella venenata Tuss. hippomane, mancenillier, manchenille, maximilien,

pomme zombi (H); manzanillo (C, RD);
manchineel (H, J, PR, US)

Hippomane spinosa L. Sapium ilieifolium Willd. pomme zombi (H)

Endemic to Hispaniola
Hura erepitans L. arbre au diable, buis de sable, pet du diable, rabi,
sablier (H); jabilla, jarilla, javilla, javillo, seda
blanca, tabilla (RD); haba, habilla, salvadera (C);
havilla, monkey pistol (PR); possum-tree, sandbox,
sandbox tree (1)
Hyeronima domingensis Urb. chicharrOn (RD)
"Endemic to Hispaniola
254 Tree Names

Jatropha curcas L. Curcas curcas (L.) Britt. & feuilles mooecin, grand medecinier, mooecinier,
Millsp., C. indica A. Rich. mooecinier a grandes feuilles, medecinier beni,
mooecinier carthartique (H); pinon (RD); pinon
botija, pifi6n criollo, pinon lechero, pinon purgante,
pinon v6ci (C); physic-nut, wild oil nut (J)

Jatropha hemandiifolia Vent. Curcas peltata BailI., J.

hemandiifolia var. epeltata Pax.,
Loureira peltata Desf.
Jatropha integerrima Jacq. J. aeuminata Lam., J. hastata mooecinier des Indes (H)
Jacq., J. panduraefolia Andr.

Jatropha multifida L. Adenoropium multifidum (L.) mooecinier des Indes, mooecinier espagnol,
Pohi. medecinier multifide, papaye sauvage (H); pinon de
Espana (RD); French physic nut (1)

Margaritaria nobilis L. M. nobilia var. antillana (A. palo amargo (RD); azulejo, guaicaje, llomn (C);
Juss.) Stehle & Quentin, avispillo, higuillo, millo, siete-cueros, yuquillo
Phyllanthus antillanus (A. Juss.) (PR); bastard hog cherry (1); acomat blitard (0)
Muell. Arg., P. nobilis var.
antillanus (A. Juss.) Mueli. Arg.
Omphalea eommutata Mueli. Arg. Omphalandria eommutata O. noisetier, noisetier du pays (H)

Omphalea ekmanii Alain

Endemic to Hispaniola

Omphalea triandra L. noisetier, noisetier d' Amerique, noisetier du pays,

noisette (H); avellana, avellana criolla (RD);
avellano de America, avellano de costa (C); cobnut,
popnut (1)

Pera bumeliifolia Oriseb. P. depressaUrb. & Elan., P. casser hache, casser rage (H); ciguamo, corazon de
domingensis Urb. paloma, cuemo de buey,jaiquf, palo damaso, palo
prieto, pinillo (RD)

Pera glomerata Urb. cotelle (H)

Endemic to Hispaniola

Phyllanthus acidus (L.) Skeels Averrhoa acida L., Cieea acida sybilline (H); grosella (RD, PR, C); cerezo
Mere., C. distiehia L., C. occidental, manzana lora (C); cereza amarilla,
nodijlora Lam., Diasperus otaheiti gooseberry (PR)
distiehus O. Ktze., P. cieea
Mueli. Arg., P. distiehus Mueli.

Phyllanthus euneifolius (Britt.) Andraehne? euneifolia Britt.


Phyllanthus epiphyllanthus L. ssp.

domingensis Webster
Endemic to Hispaniola

Phyllanthus epiphyllanthus L. ssp.

Phyllanthus juglandifolrus Willd. Agyneia berterii Spreng., P. bisiette marron, espagnol marron (H); bigleaf
ssp. juglandifolius grandifolius genuinus Muell. leafflower, gamo de costa (PR); grosella cimarron
Arg. (C)

Phyllanthusmaleolens Urb. &

Endemic to Hispaniola

Phyllanthus myriophyllus Urb.

Endemic to southwestern Haiti
Tree Names 255

Picrodendron baccatum (L.) Krug Juglans baccata L., P. ahoga becerro, algodon becerro, manzanilla, mata
&Urb. macrocarpum Britt., P. medium becerro, simarouba (RD); aceituna, guao negro,
Small, Schmidelia macrocarpa mangle negro, roblecillo, yana prieta, yanilla,
A. Rich. yanilla prieta (C)

Ricinus communis L. feuilles graines, huile mascristi, huile ricin,

mascarite, mascristi, palma cristi, ricin (H); higuera,
higuereta, palma Christi (RD); castor bean (US)
Sapium buchii (Urb.) Urb. Sebastiania buchii Urb. bois brfilant (H); pela huevos (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Sapium haitiense Urb.
Endemic to southwestern Haiti
Sapiumjamaicense Sw. S. laurifolium Griseb., Stillingia bois brfilant, bois lait (H); aburridero, daguilla,
laurifolia A. Rich. lengua de vaca, pela huevos (RD); tallow tree (US)

Savia erythoxyloides Griseb.

Savia sessilijlora (Sw.) Willd. Croton sessilijlorus Sw., Cuba negra (RD); ajorcajibaro (C); amansa guapo,
Phyllanthus laurifolius A. Rich., carbonero de costa, garrote (PR)
P. pubigerus A. Rich.
Securinega acidoton (L.) Fawcett Adelia acidoton L., Flueggea cinazo (RD); green ebony (1)
& Randle acidothamnus Griseb., S.
acidothamnus Muel!. Arg.
Victorinia acranda (Urb.) Leon Cnidoscolus acrandrus Pax & pringa leche (RD)
Endemic to Hispani~la Hoffm., Jatropha acrandra Urb.

Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex [Also spelled A. auriculaeformis.] acacia (H); ear pod wattle, northern black wattle
Benth. (Australia)
Acacia barahonensis Urb. acacia (H)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Acacia decurrens Willd. var. A. decurrens (Wend!.) Willd. green wattle (Australia)
decurrens forma normalis Benth.
Acaciafamesiana (L.) Willd. A. acicularis Willd., Mimosa acacia, acaciajaune, acacia odorant (H); bayahonda,
farnesiana L., Vachellia cambron, carabomba (RD); aroma (RD, PR, C);
farnesiana (L.) Wight et Am. sweet acacia (PR); cassie flower (J); aroma amarilla
Acacia macracantha H. & B. ex A. aroma Gillies ex. Hook. & acacia, acacia piquant, carambouba (H); aroma,
Willd. Am., A. flexuosa H. & B., A. cambron, caraboinba (RD); guatapana (C); casha,
lutea(Mi!l.) Hitch., A. lutea stink casha, tarriarindo silvestre, wild tamarind
(Mill.) Britt., not Leavenw., A. (PR); poponax macrantha, steel acacia (English)
macrocanthoides Bert., A.
pellacantha Meyen ex. 1. Voge!.,
A. subinermis Bert., Poponax
macracantha (Humb. & Bonp!.)
Killip, P. macracanthoides
(Bert.) Britton & Rose
Acacia meamsii De Wild. A. decurrens (Wend!.) Willd. var. acacia negra (Spanish); Australian acacia, black
mollis Lindley, A. mollisima wattle, green wattle (Australia)
sensu auct. multo non Willd.
Acacia melanoxylon R. Br. Australian blackwood (Australia)
256 Tree Names

Acacia muricata (L.) Willd. A. nudijlora Willd., Mimosa acacia nudosa, cajoba, spineless acacia, tamarindo
muricata L., Senegalia muricata cimarrOn (PR); amourette, tendre acailloux (M)
(L.) Britton & Rose

Acacia neriifolia A. Cunn. ex

Acacia nilotica (L.) Delile ssp., A. arabica (Lam.) Willd. var. gommier (French); goma, goma anibica (Spanish);
indica (Benth.) Brenan indica Benth., A. nilotica (L.) Amrad gum, gum arabic (English); acacia saline,
Del. var. indica (Benth.) A. F. pompons jaune (M)
Acacia scleroxyla Tuss. Mimosa angustifolia Lam., basilic arbre, bois chandelle, bois savane, candelon,
Endemic to Hispaniola Senegalia angustifolia Britt. & tendre Ii cailloux (H); candel6n, c6rbano, taquito
Rose (RD)
Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. var. A. rupestris Stokes, A. senegal acacia du Senegal, gommier (French); goma
senegal (L.) Willd. ssp. senegalensis (Spanish); goma anibica, gum arabic (PR)
(Houtt.) Roberty var. verek, A.
trispinosa Stokes, A. verek Guill.
& Perrqtt., Mimosa senegal L.
Acacia tortuosa (L.) Willd. Mimosa tortuosa L., Poponax acacia, acacia noir, acacia rouge, bayahonde rouge
tortuosa Raf. (H); carabomba (RD); casia, twisted acacia (PR);
wild poponax (J)
Acacia vogelia;1Q Steud. A. ambigua Vogel, not tcha-tcha marron (H); cha-cha venenoso, mata
Hoffmannsegg, Lysiloma puerco, taquito (RD)
vogeliana Urb., Senegalia
vogeliana Britt. & Rose
Acacia westiana DC. Senegalia westiana Britt. & Rose
Adenanthera pavonina L. eglise, reglisse (H); coralitos peonfa (RD);
caralillo, caralin, coral (c); jumbie-bead, peron{a,
peronfas (PR); red sandalwood (1)
Albizia guachapele (Kunth) Acacia guachapele Kunth, A. cadeno, lagarto (Guatemala); careto real, frijolillo
Dugand. longepedata, Lysiloma guachapele (Honduras); cenizero, guayaquil, igua, tabaca (CR);
(Kunth) Benth., Pseudosamanea igus, masaguaro, sanaguaro (Colombia); guachapele
guachapele (Kunth) Harms. [Also (Ecuador)
spelled Albizzia.]
Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. Acacia lebbeck Willd., Mimosa bois noir, bois savane, tcha tcha (H); acacia, chachii
lebbeck L., M. sirissa Roxb. [Also (RD); algarroba de olor, aroma francesa, cabellos
spelled Albizzia lebbek.] de angel, faurestina, florestina (c); acacia amarilla,
amor plat6nico, aroma, lengua de mujer, lengua
viperina, siris tree, women's tongue (PR)
Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth. Acacia procera Willd., Mimosa acacia, albizia, tall abizia (PR); white siris (US)
elata Roxb., M. procera Roxb.
[Also spelled Albizzia.]
Albizia sam~m (Jacq.) F. Muell. Enterlobium saman (Jacq.) Prain, gouannegoul, saman (H); delmonte, guannegoul
- Inga salutaris Kunth., I. saman (RD); sam3n (RD, PR); crow bean tree, dorrnil6n,
Willd., Mimosa sama" Jacq., giant thibet, raintree (PR); algarrobo, algarrobo del
Pithecellobium saman (Jacq.) pals (C); guango (J, PR)
Benth., Samanea silman (Jacq.)
Merr., S. saman (Willd.) Merr.
[Also spelled Albizzia.]
Andira inermis (W. Wr.) DC. A. jamaicensis Urb., Geoffroea bois palmiste, pois palrniste (H); mata becerra, palo
inermis W. Wr. de burro, palo de maca (RD); yaba, yaba colorada
(C); bastard mahogany, cabbage angelin, cabbage
bark, maca, maca blanca (PR); angelin, bastard
cabbage, pheasant wood, wormwood (J)
Arcoa gonavensis Urb. tamarinde marron, tamarinde mori (H)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Ttee Names 257

Ateleia gummifer (Bert.) D. Dietr. Pterocarpus gummifer Bert. ex DC. bois senti (H); azota potranca, goma (RD)

Ateleia microcarpa (Pers.) D. Dietr. Acacia revoluta Mohlenbr., .azota potranca, palo de caiman (RD)
Pterocarpus microcarpus Pers.
Bauhinia acuminata L.
Bauhinia divaricata L. var. bois caleyon (H)
angustiloba Elan. & Urb.
Endemic to southwestern Haiti
Bauhinia divaricata L. var. B. aurita Ait., B. porrecta Sw., bois caleyon, collegue, collegue matourin,
divaricata Casparea aurita Griseb., C. matourin, petit caleyon (H); huella de chivo, pata
divaricata HBK. de chivo, pie de chivo (RD); pata de vaca (C)

Bauhinia monandra Kurz. B. kappleri Sagot, B. krugii Urb., caractere des hommes, deux jumelles, jumelle (H);
Caspareopsis monandra (Kurz) framboyan cubano, frarnboyan extranjero, palo de
Britton & Rose vaca, semi-rubia (RD); butterfly bauhinia, pariposa
(PR); casco de mulo (C); pata de vaca (C, RD)
Bauhinia variegata L. Phanera variegata (L.) Benth. flarnboyan orqufdea (RD); palo de orqufdeas, poor
man's orchid (PR)
Byra buxifolia (MuIT.) Urb. Pterocarpus buxifolius Murr. galle-galle (H); ebano de Santo Domingo,
granadillo, tachuelo (RD)

Caesalpinia bahamensis Lam. brasil (RD)

Caesalpinia barahonensis Urb. bresillet (H); brasil (RD)

Endemic to Hispaniola
Caesalpinia ba.rkeriana Urb. & Guilandina barkeriana Britt.
Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb. Guilandina bonduc L. (1753), G. canique, graines quinique, quinique, quinique jaune
bonducella L. (H); mate, mate de costa (RD, C); bonduc, nickar
tree, yellow nickar (1)
Caesalpinia brasiliensis L. bresillet (H); brasil, palo de Brasil (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Caesalpinia buchii Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Caesalpinia ciliata (Berg.) Urb. C. grisebachiana Ktze., canique, ouary, quinique, quinique jaune (H)
Guilandina ciliata Berg.
Caesalpinia coriaria (Jacq.) Willd. C. thomaea Spreng, Libidibia guatapana, macasol (H); nacascol (RD); divi divi
coriaria Schlecht., Poinciana (H, RD, C, PR, J); guatapana (RD, C); libidibi (H,
coriaria Jacq. RD); guaracabuya (C) .

Caesalpinia globulorum Bakh. f. & Bonduc majus Medik., C. bonduc mate prieto (RD); gray nickers, mato azul, mato de
v. Royen Roxb. (see Liogier, 1985), C. playa (PR); guacalote, mate, mate de costa (C);
major Dandy & Exell, bonduc, nickar tree, yellow nickar (1)
Guilandina bonduc L. (1762), G.
major Small
Caesalpinia pellucida Vogel Poincianella pellucida Britt. &
Endemic to Hispaniola Rose
Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Sw. Poincianella pulcherrima L. a
francillade, francillade fleurs jaunes, francillade a
fleurs rouges, francillane, poincillade (H); carzazo,
macata (RD); c1avellina (C, PR, RD); guacarnaya
(C); Barbados pride, doodle-do (PR); flowerfence,
Spanish carnation (J)
Caesalpinia vesicaria L C. bijuga Sw., Nicarago brasil, brasilete negro, guacamaya de costa (C);
vesicaria Britt., Poinciana bastard nicarago, Indian savin tree, jack fishwood
bijugata Jacq. (J)

Calliandra calothyrsus Meissner C. confusa Sprague & Riley, C. calliandra, calliandre (H); palo de angel (RD);
similis Sprague & Riley cabello de angel (PR) .
258 Tree Names

Calliandra caracasana (Jacq.) Acacia caracasana Britt. & Rose, granolino (RD); acacia puertoriguena, cojobillo,
Benth. Anneslia caracasana (Jacq.) morivivi cimarron, white calliandra (PR);
Britt. & Rose, A. portoricensis night-flowering acacia (J)
(Jacq.) Donn. Smith, Mimosa
caracasana Jacq.
Calliandra cubensis (Macbr.) Leon Anneslia cubensis Britt. & Rose, bayahonda (RD)
C. formosa var. cubensis Macbr.
Calliandra falcata Benth. & Hook

Calliandra haematocephala Hassk. C. inaequilatera Rusby

Calliandra haematomma (Bert.) Acacia haematomma Bert., A.. clavellina, oreganillo, tabacuelo (RD)
Benth. haematostoma Bert., Anneslia
haematostoma Britt.
Calliandra nervosa (Urb.) Ekm. & Pithecellobium nervosum Urb. petit gai"ac (H); granolino (RD); night-flowering
Urb. acacia(J)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Calliandra pedicellata Benth. Anneslia pedicellata Britt. &
Endemic to Hispaniola Rose
Calliandra picardae Alain Anneslia minutifolia Britt., C.
Endemic to Hispaniola htiematostoma var: minutifolia
Urb., C. minutifolia Urb. not
Calliandra portoricensis (Jacq.) Mimosa portoricensis Jacq. granolino (RD)
Calliandra rivularis Urb. & Ekm.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Calliandra schultzei Harms canasta mexicana, cuiji venezolano, pompOn (RD)

Calliandra surinamensis Benth. canasta mexicana (RD)

Calliandra urbanii Alain

Endemic to Hispaniola
Cassidfistula L. baton casse, casse. casse doux, casse espagnole (H);
canafistol, canafistula mansa, chacara, guayaba
cimarrona (RD); canafistola (RD, C); canafistula
(RD, PR); golden shower (PR); cassia stick tree (J)
Cassia grandis L. f. C. brasiliana Lam. casse, casse espagnole, baton casse (H); ch:kara,
guayaba cimarrona (RD); canafistula cimarrona
(RD, C, PR); canandonga (C); pink shower (PR);
horse cassia (J)
Cassia javanica L. C. grandis Hort. p.p., C. nodosa casse (H)

Cercidium praecox (R. & P.) Harms Caesalpinia praecox R. & P., baie aonde, printemps (H); bayahonda, bayahonda
Cercidium spinosum Tul. de la Virgen (RD)

Copaifera officinalis L. C. jacquini Desf. amacey, copaiba (RD)

Crudia spicata (Aubl.) Willd. Apalatoa spicata Aubl., C. aquin, cacome marron, cordon, graines plates (H);
antillana Urb. guama(C)

Cynometra americana Vogel courbaril (H); pico de gallo (C)

Endemic to Hispaniola
Cynometra portoricensis Krug & algarrobillo (RD); oreganillo (PR)
Dalbergia berterii (DC.) Urb. Ecastaphyllum bertii DC., bejuco de peseta, sarno (RD)
Pterocarpus berterii Spreng.
Tree Names 259

Dalbergia ecastaphyllum (L.) Taub. Hedysarum ecastaphyllum L., herbe aclous, liane aclous (H); bejuco de peseta
Pterocarpus ecastaphyllum L. (RD); bejuco de serna blanco, pendola (C);
maray-maray, palo de polio (PR); liane abarriques,
liane bord-de-mer (G, M)
Dalbergia monetaria L. Ecastaphyllum plumieri Pers. liane aclous (H); bejuco de peseta (RD)
Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. ex DC. Indian rosewood, sisu (PR); sissoo (India)
Delonix regia (Bojer) Raf. Poinciana regia Bojer poinciana royal (H); flamboyant (H, J, PR);
flamboyan, framboyan (RD, PR, C); flame tree
Dussia sanguinea Urb. & Elan.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Mimosa cyclocarpa Jacq., bois tanniste rouge (H);framboyan extranjero, oreja
Griseb. Prosopis dubia HBK. (RD); earpod-tree (PR); elephant-ear (J); algarrobo
de orejos, oreja de judfo, orej6n (C)
Erythrina berteroana Urn. ' E. neglecta Krukoff & Mold. brucal (H); amapola de cerca, machetico, pin6n de
Espana (RD); bucare enano, machette (PR);
coralbean (J)
Erythrina buchU Urn. immortelle (H)
Erythrina corallodendrum L. E. spinosa Mill. [Also spelled E. arnre acorail (H); amapola (RD); bUcare, pinon
corallodendron.] espinoso (PR); coraltree (J, PR); red bean tree (J);
common coralbean (English)
'Erythrina crista-galli L. coral (RD); pin6n frances (C); ceibo, cockscomb
coralbean, cockspur, coraltree, cresta de gallo, flor
nacional (PR); crete-de-coq (French)
Erythrinafusca Lour. E. glauca Willd. amapola (RD); bucare (C, PR); pifi6n del cauto,
pin6n frances (C); bucayo (PR); swamp immortelle
(J, PR)

Erythrina leptopoda Urn. & Elan. biiton de sorcier, bois immortel, maurepas (H)

Erythrina poeppigiana (Walp.) E. darienensis Standley, E. bois immortel (H); amapola, amapola de sombra.
Cook micropteryx Peop. ex Urn., E. brucal, madre del cacao, mapola (RD); bUcare (C,
pisamo Pos.-Arang~, Microteryx RD, PR); brucayo, bucayo, bucayo gigante,
poeppigiana Walp. mountain immortelle, palo de boya (PR)
Erythrina variegata L. E. camea Blanco, E. aIbor maurepasia, arl>re acorail, biiton de sorcier,
corallodendron L. var. orientalis bois immortel vrai, erythrine des Antilles, fleurs
(L.) Merr., E. indica Lam., E. 'immortels, fleurs mortelles, immortelle, maurepas,
spathacea DC., E variegata L. mortelle (H); amapola, rnampolo, mapoleona (RD);
var. orientalis (L.) Merr., beaumortel, bucayo haitiano, coraltree, pinon
Piscidia indica espinoso, pomp6n haitiano (PR)

Erythrina velutina Willd. E. splendida Diels.

Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp. G. lambii. G. sepium (Jacq.) immortelle, lilas etranger, piyon (H); almacigo
Steud., Lonchocarpus sepium, extranjero, palo de parque, pinon cubano, pin6n de
Robinia maculata HBK., R. Cuba, varita de San Jose (RD); acacia, amor y
sepium Jacq. celos, bien vestida, desnudo florecido, floresco,
pin6n florido (C); pinon amoroso (C, RD); madre
de cacao, mata rat6n, mother-of-cocoa (PR); quick
stick, St. Vincent plum (J)
Haematoxylon brasiletto Karst. camp&:he (H) .
Haematoxylon campechianum L. bois campeche, carnp&:he, campechier (H, G, M);
campeche, palo campeche (RD, C, PR); logWood
(PR, J)
260 Tree Names

Hymenaea courbaril L. H. candolleana HBK, Inga courbaril, gomme anim6e, pois confiture (H);
megacarpa M. E. Jones algarrobo (RD); algarroba (RD, PR); West Indian
locust (PR, J): algarrobo de las Antillas, curbaril
(C): stinking toe (1)

Ingafagifolia (L.) Willd. ex Benth. I.laurina (Sw.) Willd.,Mimosa gina, jina (RD); guama, sweetpea (PR); pois doux,
fagifolia L., M. laurina Sw. pois doux blanc (G, M)
Ingafastuosa (1acq.) Willd. guama venezolana (RD); guaba peluda, guaba
venezolana CPR)
Inga vera Willd. spp. vera I. inga (L.) Britton, Mimosa inga pois doux, pois sucrin, sucrier, sucrin (H); guamli,
L. jina (RD); guaba (PR, C); guaba nativa, inga (PR)
Leucaena diversifolia (Schlecht.) L brachycarpa Urb., L laxifolia leucaena petite feuille (H); guaje (Spanish);
Benth. subsp. diversifolia Urb., L trichandra (Zucc.) Benth. diversifolia (English)
Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de L glabrata Rose delin etranger, leucaena (H); Peru leucaena,
Wit subsp. glabrata (Rose) S. Salvador leucaena, giant leucaena, (US, UK)

Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Acacia glauca Willd. no L., L bois bourro, graines de lin, grillnes de lin pays,
Wit subsp.leucocephala (Rose) S. glauca sensu Auct., L glauca madelin, marie jaune, tcha:tcha marron (H);
Zarate (Willd.) Benth., L latisiliqua (L.) granadillo bobo, granadino, granolino, lino, lino
Gillis & Steam, Mimosa criollo (RD); aroma blanca, aroma boba, aroma
leucocephala Lam. mansa, soplillo (C); acacia, acacia p31ida, barcillo,
campeche, hediondilla, tamarindillo, wild tamarind
(PR); Hawaiian leucaena (US, UK)
Leucaena trichodes (Jacq.) Benth. Acacia pseudotrichodes DC., L bois bourro CH); palo blanco, palo de burro (RD)
& Hook. bolivarensis Britt. & Killip, L
canescens Bent., L colombiana
Britt. & Killip, L pseudotichodes
(DC.) Britt. & Rose, Mimosa
trichodes Jacq.
Lonchocarpus domingensis (Turp.) Dalbergia domingensis Turp., L bois caYman (H); an6n de majagua, an6n de rio,
DC. domingensis (Pers.) DC. anoncillo (RD); guamade soga (C); genogeno
CPR); savonnette bois, savonnette riviere (G, M)
Lonchocarpus ellipticus Alain
Endemic to Hispaniola
Lonchocarpus latifolius (Willd.) Amerimnum latifolium Willd.. battre it caIman, bois caIman (H); an6n, an6n de
DC. Dalbergia pentaphylla Poir., L majagua (RD); guama de costa, guama macho (C);
heptaphyllus DC., L fone-ventura, palo hediono, palo seco (PR);
pentaphyllus DC. lancewood (US) .

Lonchocarpus longipes Urb. an6n, an6n de rio (RD)

Lonchocarpus monophyllus Urb.

Endemic to Hispaniola
Lonchocarpus neurophyllus Urb. L ehrenbergii Urb. bois caIman, bois d'anneau, caIman (H); an6n de
Endemic to Hispaniola majagua, anoncillo de majagua, azota criollo,
biajama (RD)
Lonchocarpus neurophyllus Urb.
var. oligophyllus Urb. & Elan.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Lysiloma bahamensis Benth. candel6n (RD)
Lysiloma sabicu Benth. . Acacia latisiliqua Willd.• L tabemon, tavemeau, tavemon (H); caracolf,
latisiliqua Benth., Mimosa caracolillo (RD); abey, bacona morada, frijolillo,
latisiliqua L. jigUe, sabicu, sabicu amarillo, zapatero (C);
horseflesh tree, West Indian sabicu, wild tamarind
(1, PR)
Tree Names 261

Machaerium lunatum (L.) Ducke Drepanocarpus lunatus Mey., cambron, escambr6n (RD)
Pterocarpus lunatus L.
Mimosa buchii Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Mimosa ceratonia L. arafia gato, zarza (RD)

Mimosa extranea Benth. Haitimimosa extranea Britt.

Endemic to Haiti
Mimosa momicola Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Mimosa parvifoliolata Alain zarza(RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Mimosa scabrella Benth. M. bracaatinga Hoehne. mimosa (H); abanicaatinga, bracaatinga, bracatinga
Mora abbottii Rose & Leonard coi, cole (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Mora ekmanii (Urb.) Britton & Dimorphandra ekmanii Urb. taverneau montagne, tavernon montagne (H); coi,
Rose cole (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Myrospermum frutescens Jacq. cereipo, sereipo (RD, PR); baIsamo de conconate,
baIsamo de Guatemala (C)
Myroxylon balsantum (L.) Harms M. pereirae Royale, Toluifera baIsamo del Peru (RD); baIsamo de sonsonate,
var. pereirae (Royle) Harms pereirae Baill. ,guatemala (C)

Ormosia krugii Urb. bois nan non (H); palo de peonfa, palo de peronfa,
peonfa, peronfa (RD); coralwood, palo de matos
Parkia roxburghii G. Don lele (H)

Parkinsonia aculeata L. P. spinosa RBK. madame naiz, madame yass (H); acacia de los
masones, aroma extranjera, bayahonda blanca,
capinillo, pino japones, retama (RD); palo de rayo
(PR, C); Jerusalem thorn (pR, J)
Peltophorum berteroanum Urb. abbe rouge (H); abey, abey hembra, guatapanal
Endemic to Hispaniola (RD); horse bush (B); abey moruro (C)

Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC.) c.ferruginea Dcne., Caesalpinia flamboyan amarillo, yellow flamboyant (PR);
Back. ex K. Heyne inermis Roxb., lnga palissandre (G); yellow poinciana (US)
pterocarpa DC., P.ferrugineum
Pictetia aculeata (Yahl) Urb. Aeschynomene aristata Jacq., gati-galle, gelle-galle, gratte-galle (H); tachuelo
Robinia aculeata Vahl (RD)

Pictetia obcordata DC. tachuela (RD)

Endemic to Hispaniola
Pictetia spinifolia (Desv.) Urb. P. desvauxii (DC.), Robinia bois d'6bene, galle-galle, gelle-galle, grati-galle
1) var. elongata Urb. spinifolia Desv. (H); cruz del copeyar, palo de tabaco, rabasco,
2) var. monophylla Urb. tabaco, tachuela, tachuelo (RD); carrasquillo,
3) var. obovata Urb. yarnaguey, zarcilla (C)
4) var. plenophylla Urb.
5) var. temata (DC.) Urb.
Varieties are endemic to Hispaniola
Piptadenia peregrina (L.) Benth. Acacia peregrina Willd., bois caiman, bois ecorce, bois galle, oeuf de poule
Anadenanthra pergrina Speg., (H); candel6n, candel6n de teta, cojoba, tamarindo
Mimosa peregrina L., Niopa de teta (RD); bastard tamarind (J)
peregrina Britt. & Rose
262 Tree Names

Piscidia ekmanii Rudd
Endemic to Hispaniola
Piscidia piscipula (L.) Sarg.· Erythrina piscipula L. bois ivrant (H); candel6n, guarmi candelon, guama
hediondo (C)

Pithecellobium abbottii Rose & Jupunda abbottii Britt. & Rose abey (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Pithecellobium arboreum (L.) Urb. Cojoba arborea Britt. & Rose, bois collier, collier, poison lasinette (H); abey, abey
Mimosa arborea L., P. hembra, HllO (RD); red tamarind (J)
filicifolium Benth.
Pithecellobium carbonarium Albizia carbonaria Britt.
(Britt.) Niez. & NevI.
Pithecellobium circinale (L.) Benth. Inga circinalis Willd., I. campeche marron, galle-galle, mangue cabrit (H);
spinifolia Desv., Mimosa cinazo, gatigal (RD); bread-and-cheese, catclaw
circinalis L., P. spinifolium (US)
Pithecellobium domingense Alain
Endemic to Hispaniola

Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Inga dulcis (Roxb.) Willd., jina extranjera (RD); inga dulce, tamarindo chino
Benth. Mimosa dulcis Roxb. (C); guarna americano, guamuchil, madras thorn,
Manila tamarind (PR); blackbead (US)
Pithecellobium glaucum Urb. Jupunda glauca Britt. & Rose, P. caracolf (RD)
discolor Britt.
Pithecellobium hystrix (A. Rich.) Calliandra hystrix A. Rich.
Pithecellobium lentiscifolium (A. Acacia lentiscifolia A. Rich., losange (H)
Rich.) C. Wr. ex Sauv. Chloroleucon lentiscifolium Britt.
& Rose

Pithecellobium micranthum Benth. Cojoba micrantha Britt & Rose,

Endemic to Hispaniola Feuillea micrantha Ktze.
Pithecellobium obovale (A. Rich) Inga obovalis A. Rich., Jupunda
C. Wr. obovalis Britt. & Rose, P.
truncatum" Britt.
Pithecellobium oppositifolium Urb. Jupunda trinitensis Britt. & Rose,
P. trinitense Britt.
Pithecellobium striolatum Urb.
End~mic to Hispaniola
Pithecellobium unguis-cati (L.) Mimosa unguis-cati L., Zygia cinazo, una de gato (RD, C, PR); bread-and-cheese,
Mart. unguis-cati Sudw. catclaw, escambr6n colorado, rol6n (PR);
blackhead (])

Prosopisjulijlora (Sw.) DC. Acacia cumanensis Humb. & bayahonde, bayahonde fran~ais, bayarone,
Bonpl. ex Willd., Algarobia chambron, guatapana (H); bayahon, bayahonda,
julijlora (Sw.) Benth. ex Heynh., bayahonda blanca, bohahunda, vallahonda (RD);
Mimosajulijlora Sw., M. chachaca, guatapana, plumo de oro (C); algarroba,
salinarum Vahl, Neltuma aroma (PR); cambron (RD, C); mesquite (PR, US)
julijlora (Sw.) Raf., P.
bracteolata DC., P. cumanensis
(Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.)
Kunth., P. dominguensis DC., P.
vidaliana Naves [Also spelled P.
domingensis] .
Tree Names 263

Pseudalbizzia berteriana (Balbis) Acacia berteriana Balbis, Albizia bois savane (H); c6rbano, c6rbano blanco, taquito
Britt. & Rose berteroana G. Maia, (RD); abey blanco, hoja menuda, moruro bl~co
Pithecellobium berteroanum (C)
Benth., P.fragrans Benth.

Pteroca,.pus officinalis Jacq. P. draco L. (in part) bois nago, bois pille, sandragon des Antilles (H);
dmgo (RD); palo de polIo, swamp blood wood
(PR); dragon's blood (1); mangle inedaille,
paletuvier, sandragon (G, M)

Samaneajilipes (Vent.) Britt. & Ingajilipes Vent., Pithecellobium

Rose jilipes Benth., P. impressum Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola

Samanea valeuriana Alain

Endemic to Hispaniola

Senna angustiliqua (Lam.) Irwin & Cassia angustisiliqua Lam., C. briser menage, feuilles laousier, sene (H); carga
Bameby var. angustisiliqua crista Jacq., C. crista var. agua(RD)
oligophylla Urb., C. jitchiana
Jimenez, C.frondosa Ait., C.
haitiensis Britt., Peiranisia crista
Britt. & Rose, P.jitchiana Britt.
& Rose, P. haitiensis Britt.
Senna atomaria (L.) Irwin & Cassia arborescens Mill., C, bois cabrit, casse abilton, casse marron, manger
Bameby atomaria L., C. elliptica HBK., C. cabrit (H); brusc6n, palo de burro, palo de chivo,
emarginata sensu Benth. et al:, no sopaipo extranjero (RD); frijolillo (C); senna tree,
L., Isandrina arborescens Rar., I. yellow candlewood (1); vela muerto (PR)
emarginata Britt. & Rose .

Senna domingensis (Spreng.) Irwin Cassia domingensis Spreng., senne (H)

& Bameby Cowellocassia domingensis Britt.
Senna mexicana (Jacq.) Irwin & Cassia berteriana Balbis ex DC.
Bameby var. berteriana (DC.) Irwin
& Bameby
Senna mexicana (Jacq.) Irwin & Cassia mexicana Jacq., C.
Bameby var. mexicana mexicana Jacq. var.
. Endemic to Hispaniola moustiquensis Urb.
Senna nitida (L. C. Rich.) Irwin & Cassia antillana Liogier, C.
Bameby nitida L. C. Rich., C.
quinquangulata sensu Ben~.,
Chamaejistula antillana Britt. &
Senna pendula (Willd.) Irwin & Adipera bicapsularis Britt. & bois d'anneau (H); sen de la tierra (RD); Christmas
Bameby var. advena (Vogel) Irwin Rose, A. indecora Britt. & Rose, bush, hoja de sen (PR); sen del pais (C,PR);
& Bameby Cassia bicapsularis var. indicora guanina negra, platanillo (C); cacabeque, canetice .
Benth., C. bicarpsularis var. biltard, casse-hallier, sou marque (G, M)
pubescens Benth., C. indecora
HBK. '
Senna polyphylla (Jacq.) Irwin &
Bameby var. montis-christi Irwin &
Endemic to Hispaniola

Senna polyphylla (Jacq.) Irwin & Cassia polyphylla Jacq.. hediondilla, retama, retama prieta (PR)
Bameby var. P?lyphylla Peiranisia polyphylla (Jacq.)
Britt. & Rose

Senna septemtrionalis (Viviani) Adipera laevigata Britt. & Rose, brusca (RD)
Irwin & Bameby Cassiafloribunda sensu DeWit,
not Cav., C. septemtrionalis
264 Tree Names

Senna siamea (Lam.) Irwin & Cassia arborea Macfad., C. casse de Siam, cassia (H); acacia amarilla, casia de
Bameby florida Vahl, C. gigantea Bertero, Siam, flamboyan amarillo, la casia amarilla (RD);
c. siamea Lam., Sciacassia casia, casia siamea (PR, C); kassod-tree, Siamese
siamea (Lam.) Britton senna, Siamese shower (US)
Senna spectabilis (DC.) Irwin & Cassia humboldtiana DC., C. casse marron (H); brusc6n, cafiafistol,cafiafistula
Bameby var. spectabilis speciosa Kunth, C. spectabilis . cimarrona, chlicaro, libertad, pela burro (RD);
DC., Pseudocassia spectabilis algarrobillo (C); calceolaria shower, yellow shower
(DC.) Britt. & Rose (US)
Sesbania bispinosa (Jacq.) W. Aeschynomene aculeata Shreber, canicha, danchi (US)
Wight A. bispinosa Jacq., S. aculeata
(Willd.) Poir., S. bispinosa (Jacq.)
Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Poir. Aeschynomene sesban L., Agati pois valette, pois vallier, pois valliere (H); gallito
grandiflora (L.) Desv., Robinia (C, RD, PR); cresta de gallo (C, PR); paloma,
grandiflora L., S. aegyptiaca zapat6n blanco (C); Australian corkwood tree (US);
(peir.) Pers., S. grandiflora (L.) baculo (PR); colbri vegetal, fleur papillon, papillon
Pers. (G,M)
. Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr. S. aegyptiaca Pers., S. sesbania, tamarindillo (RD, PR); afiil frances (C)
aegyptiacus Poir., S. sesban (L.)
Fawcett & Rendle
Stahlia monosperma (Tul.) Urb. Caesalpinia monosperma Tul., S. caobanilla (RD); c6bana, c6bana negra, polisandro
maritima Bello (PR)
Tamarindus indica L. tamarinde, tamarinier (H); tamarindo, tamarin (RD)

Zygia latifolia (L.) Fawc. & Rendle Calliandra latifolia Griseb., bois ca (H); jasmfn del rio (C); hoopwood,
Mimosa latifolia L., horsewood (1)
Pithecellobium latifolium Benth.

Castanea sativa Mill. catin (H); castano crenata, castano del Jap6n (C);
European chestnut (US) /

Banara domingensis Benth. B. ekmaniana Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Banara excisa Urb. & Elan.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Banara quinquenervis Urb. &
Endemic to Hispaniola
Banara selleana Urb. & Elan.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Banara splendens Urb. B. hotteana Urb. & Elan.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Casearia aculeata Jacq. C. hirta Sw., C. spinosa Willd., piquant arada (H); cabori, carambomba, jfa,
Samyda affinis Spreng., S. limoncillo, margarabomba, palo de avispas, palo de
multiflora Cav., S. spinosa L. limoncillo, palo de perico (RD); cambr6n (PR)
Tree Names 265

Casearia arborea (L.C. Rich) Uro. c. stipularis Vent., Samyda cascarita, memiso, palo de yagua, palo salvaje, palo
arborea L. C..Rich. varn. piragua, yagua, yagilita (RD); cabo rat6n (PR);
guaguasf, jique (C)
Casearia decandra Iacq. C. parvifolia Willd., Samyda caracolillo, cereza, cotorrerillo, wild honey tree
decandra Iacq., S. lancifolia (PR); bois jaune, coco ravet (G); wild cherry
Sesse&M~. (Barbados)
Casearia guianensis (Aub!.) Uro. c. ramiflora Uro., c. ulmifolia cafe marron (H); cafe cimarron, cafe de gallina, cafe
DC.,lroucana guianensis Aub!., de monte, cafetin (RD); palo blanco (PR, RD);
Samyda octandra Sesse & M~. wild coffee (PR); jfa amarilla (C)
Casearia hirsuta Sw.
Casearia ilicifolia Vent. Samyda ilicifolia Poir. bois negresse, piquant carre (H); castor, chicharrOn
Endemic to Hispaniola (RD)
Casearia nitida (L.) Iacq. Samyda nitida L.
Casearia spinescens (Sw.) Benth. Guidonia spinescens Griseb.,
Samyda spinescens Sw.
Casearia sylvestris Sw. var.
myricoides Griseb.
Casearia sylvestris Sw. var. C. parviflora Willd., C. punctata papelite (H); cafetillo, castor, palo carre, palo de
sylvestris Spreng., C. schulziana O. C. cotorra (RD); aguedita blanca, aguedita macho,
Schm., Samyda parviflora L., not juab6n, palo catorra (C); sarna de perro (PR, C)
Dovyalis caffra (Hook f. & Harv.) [Also spelled Doryalis.] kei apple, umkokolo (US)
Dovyalis hebecarpa (Gardn.) Warb. [Also spelled Doryalis.] grosella de Ceillin (RD); Ceylon-gooseberry,
kitembilla, quetembila (PR); ketarnbilla (English)
Homalium racemosum Iacq. H. trichocladum Blake corazon de paloma (RD)
Laetia procera (Poepp. & End!.) Casearia bicolor Urb., Samyda cascarudo, palo de yagua, palo de yaqui, palo
Eich!. procera Poepp. & End!. veroena, yagua, yagilita grande (RD)

Laetia thamnia L. L americana L. guaguacf (RD)

Lunania dentata Uro.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Lunania ekmanii Uro. L buchii Urb. aniceto, hoja de name, mendrina (RD)
Lunania tenuifolia Uro. & Ekm.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Prockia crucis L. Trilix crucis Griseb.
Samyda dodecandra Iacq. S. oligostemon Urb., S. pubescens bois d'orme, bois sec, casser sec, rose marron (H);
L., S. rosea Sims, S. serrulata L., amor seco, cajon seco, derrienga chivo, primavera,
S. velutina DC. rosa cimarrona (RD); guayabilla (PR)
Xylosma buxifolium A. Gray Myroxylon buxifolium Krug & mala mujer, mucha gente, roseta (RD); hueso de
Uro. costa, pega-pega (C); attrape-sot (G)

Xylosma coriaceum (Poil.) Eich!. Hisingera nitida Willd., H.

Endemic to Hispaniola rumea Clos, Koelera laurifolia
Willd., Myroxylon coriaceum O.
Ktze., Rumea coriacea Poil.
Xylosma glaucescens Uro.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Xylosma lineolatum Uro. & Ekm. piquant rosie (H); erizo (RD); palo de candela,
roseta (PR); huesillo, hueso de costa (C)
266 Tree Names

Xylosma schaefferioides A. Gray Myroxylon schaefferioides (A. hueso de tortuga (C); white logwood (J)
Gray) Krug & Urb.
Zuelania guidonia (Sw.) Britt. & Laetia guidonia Sw., Z cachiman marron, cachiman sauvage (H); guaguasf
Millsp. laetioides A. Rich. (C)

Garryajadyenii Hook. Fadyenia hookeri End!. bois amer (H); mangle, mata gallina cimarrona,
palo amargo, palo de berraco (RD); fever bush,
quinine bush, silk tassel bush, skunk bush (US)

Gesneria hypoclada Urb. & Ekm.
Endemic, to southern Hispaniola
NB: Judd (1987) describes an additional 9 shrub species of the following genera that might be considered small trees sensu
Little and Wadsworth (1964): Besleria (1), Gesneria (6) and Rhitidophyllum (3). These species,are not listed.

Hemandia obovata O. E. Schm.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Hemandia sonora L bombo, guaney, maga (RD); mago, toporite (PR);
hernandia (C)

Mappia racemosa Jacq.
Ottoschulzia domingensis Urb. abricot marron (H); cuero de puerco (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Ottoschulzia rhodoxylon (Urb.) Poraqueiba rhodoxylon Urb. cuero de puerco, palomino (RD)

Illicium ekmanii A. C. Sm. anis etoile marron, bois graine, bois graine noire
Endemic to Hispaniola (H)

Illicium parvijlorum Michx. ex badiana (C); allurement (English)

Tree Names 267

Juglansjamaicensis C. DC. J. insularis Griseb. nogal (H, RD, PR); nuez (C, RD); West Indian
walnut (PR); nogal del pals (C); Jamaica walnut (J)

Beilschmiedia pendula (Sw.) Hufelandia pendula Nees., bois noir (H); aguacatillo, carrasquefio, cigua
Hems!' Laurus pendula Sw. amarilla (RD)

Cinnamomum alainii (c. K. Allen) Phoebe alainii C. K. Allen

Endemic to Hispaniola
Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Sieb. C. camphora Blume, C. baume anglais, camphre, camphrier (H); alcanfor,
camphora (L.) J. S. Pres!' alcanfor del Jap6n (C, RD); camphor tree (PR)

Cinnamomum elongatum (Nees) C. cubense Kostenn., Phoebe laurier, laurier cannelle, laurier petites feuilles (H);
Kostennans cubensis Nees, P. elongata Nees avispillo, laurel bobo (C, RD, PR); boniatillo (C)

Cinnamomum montanum (Sw.) Laurus montana Sw., Phoebe laurier rose (H)i cigua blanca, cigua laurel, laurel
Bercht. & Pres!. montana Griseb. (RD) .

Cinnamomum triplinervis (R. & P.) Phoebe grisebachiana Mez., P. laurier (H)
Kostennans triplinervis Griseb.
Cinnamomum verum J.S. Pres!' C. zeylanicum Blume, C. cannelle, cannellier (H); canela, canela legftima,
zeylanicum Nees, C. zeylanicum cinnamon tree (PR)
Breyne, Laurus cinnamomum L.
Licaria triandra (Sw.) Kostennans Laurus triandra Sw., Licaria laurier jaune, laurier sassafras (H); cigua gorrita,
jamaicensis Kostenn., Misanteca cigua prieta (RD); laurel de loma, lebiza, leviza (C);
triandra (Sw.) Mez. lebisa, palo misanteco (PR); sassafras tree,
sweetwood (J)
Ocotea acarina C. K. Allen
Endemic to Hispaniola
Ocotea athroanthes C. K. Allen
Endemic to Hispaniola
Ocotea caudato-acuminata (0. C. Nectandra caudato-acuminata
Schm.) Alain O.c. Schm.
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Ocotea cicatricosa C. K. Allen
Endemic to Hispaniola
Ocotea coriacea (Sw.) Britton Laurus coriacea Sw., Nectandra laurier, laurier blanc (H); cabrima aromatica, cigua,
coriacea Griseb., N. sanguinea cigua blanca, cigua de costa (RD); lancewood (US)
Griseb., N. willdemoviana Ness.
Ocoteafloribunda (Sw.) Mez Laurusfloribunda Sw., laurier puant (H); cigua aguacatillo, cigua prieta,
Oreodaphne domingensis Ness., laurel, laurel blanco (RD); boniato laurel, lebisa
Persea retroflexa Spreng. (C); bois doux (G); black candlewood (J)

Ocoteafoeniculacea Mez s;annelle manon (H); canelilla (RD)

Ocotea globosa (Aublet) Schlecht Nectandra antillana Meissn. a

. laurier grandes feuilles (H); cigua, laurel, laurel
& Cham. blanco, laurel cambron (RD) .

Ocotea krugii (Mez) Howard Nectandra krugii Mez

Ocotea leucoxylon (Sw.) Mez Laurus leucoxylon Sw. d'olive, grande feuille, laurier, laurier blanc, laurier
guepes, laurier rose (H); cigua boba, cigua laurel,
cigua prieta, laurel, laurel prieto (RD); loblolly
sweetwood, false avocado, whitewood (PR, J)
268 Tree Names

Ocotea membranacea (Sw.) Laurus membranacea Sw., laurier jaune (H)
Howard Nectandra membranacea Griseb.
Ocotea nemodaphne Mez Nectandra cuneata Griseb., sasafnis (RD); achetillo, bijote, canelillo, canelon,
Nemodaphne cuneata Meissn., vencedor (C); canela (PR)
O. cuneata (Griseb.) Urb., not R.
Ocotea oligoneura (Urb.) Alain Nectandra oligoneura Urb. cigua blanca, cigua prieta (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola

Ocotea patens (Sw.) Nees Laurus patens Sw., Nectandra cigua laurel (RD); laurel, laurel goo colorado, laurel
patens (Sw.) Griseb. roseta (PR); cap beny, sweetwood (J)

Ocotea pulchra (E!em. & Schmidt) Nectandra pulchra Elan. &

Alain Schm.
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Ocotea sintenisii (Mez) Alain Nectandra sintenisii Mez laurel, laurel amarillo, laurel blanco, laurel goo,
laurel macho (PR)
Ocotea sp. nov. (Judd and Skean,
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte (?)
Ocotea wrightii (Meissn.) Mez Aerodiclidium wrightii Meissn. cannelle (H); canelilla (RD)

Persea americana Miller Laurus persea L., P. americana avocat, avocatier, zabelbok, zaboka (H); aguacate
Miller var. americana, P. edulis (RD); pagua (C); alligator pear, avocado (US)
Raf., P. gratissima Gaertner, P.
leiogyna Blake, P. persea (L.)
Persea anomala Britt. & Wils. P. ekmanii O. C. Schm. pBche marron (H)
Persea krugii Mez P. domingensis Mez peehe marron (H); aguacatillo, almendrito, canela de
la tierra, macao, mericao (RD); canela (PR)

Persea oblongifolia Kopp

Endemic to Hispaniola


Barringtonia asiatica (L.) Kurz B. speciosa Forst., Mammea arbol del seminario, birrete de arzobispo, bonete de
asiaticaL. arzobispo, calmante, coco de Cofrecf, pacana (RD);
barringtonia, coco de mar (PR)
Couroupita guianensis AubL C. guianensis var. surinamensis a
arbre bombes, boulet de canon (H); muco (RD);
(Mart.) Eyma, C. st. croixana R. cannonball tree (PR); bala de canon (PR, RD)
Knuth., C. surinamensis Mart.

Dracaenafragrans Ker. Aechynomene grandiflora L. coco macaeo (RD); dracaena (PR)

Yucca aloifolia L. bayonette, pinguin (H); fIor de Jeric6 (RD); espino

(C, RD); maguey silvestre, piii6n de punal (C); aloe
yucca, bayoneta, Spanish bayonet (PR); Spanish

Yucca elephantipes Regel bayonette (H); bayoneta, bulbstem yucca, Spanish

bayonet (PR)
Tree Names 269

Adenariafloribunda HBK.

Ginoria callosa O. C. Schm.

Endemic to Hispaniola
Ginoriajimenezii Alain
Endemic to Hispaniola
Ginoria rohrii (VahI) Koehne Antherylium rohrii Vahl cereza, rosa de cienega, serrazue1a, ucarillo (PR)
Lagerstroemia indica L. stragomia, stragornia blanc (1-1); almira, armira,
astromelia, astromeria (RD); astroemia,
gastronomia, jupiter (C); grape myrtle, queen of
shrubs (PR); folie des tilles, gestam (G, M)
Lagerstroemia speciosa (L.) Pers. Lflos-reginae Retz., reina del jardin, reina del prado, rosa (RD)
Munchausia speciosa ~.
Lawsonia inermis L. fleurs jalousie, henne (H); henna, reseda (C, RD,
PR); Egyptian privet, henna plant, mignonette tree
(PR); reseda de France (G, M)

Magnolia domingensis Urb.
Endemic to northern Hispaniola
Magnolia ekmanii Urb.
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Magnolia emarginata Urb. & Ekm.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Magnolia grandiflora L. magnolia (H, RD); southern magnolia (US)

Magnolia hamori Howard caimoni, cocuyo (RD)

Endemic to Hispaniola
Magnolia pallescens Urb. & Ekm. ebano verde (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Michelia champaca L. ilang-ilang (H, RD); champaca (RD)

Bunchosia glandulosa (Cav.) L.C. Malpighia glandulosa Cav. bois caea, bois poulette (H); cabra, cabra hedionda,
Rich cabrita, palo de cabra (RD); cafe forastero (PR)
Bunchosia media (Ail.) DC. Malpighia media Ail. bois senti (H)
Bunchosia nitida (Jacq.) L.c. Rich. Malpighia nitida Jacq., M. nitida bois ami, bois senti, caYman franc, merde rouge de
var. domingensis Urb. & Ndz., M. la montagne (H); cabra, cabra hedionda, cabrita
tinifolia Desv. (RD); icaquillo, mierda de gallina (C)
Byrsonjma coriacea (Sw.) DC. var. B. berteroana Juss., Malpighia bois come (H); maricao, peralejo, piragua (RD);
coriacea coriacea Sw. candleberry, palo de doncello (PR)
Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) HBK. B. cubensis A. Juss.; Malpighia cajuilcimarr6n, doncella, madroiio (RD); maricao,
crassifolia L. peralejo (RD, PR); peralejo de sabana (C); peralejo
blanco (PR); cafe d'Ethiopie, quinquina des
savanes (G, M)
270 Tree Names

Byrsonima lucida (Mill.) L. C. B. cuneata (Turz.) P. Wils., B. doncella, uva, uviIIa (RD); carne de doncella,
Rich. ex Juss. lucida (Mill.) DC., Malpighia sabica de costa (C); aceituna, Long Key byrsonima,
cuneata Turcz., M. lucida Mill. palo de doncella, sangre de doncella (PR); locust
berry (US)
Byrsonima spicata (Cav.) HBK. B. coriacea (Sw.) DC. var. liane a coliques, liane taureau, taureau-tigre (H);
spicata (Cav.) Ndz., B. spicata madrofiO, peralejo (RD); maricao (PR, RD);
(Cav.) DC., Malpighia spicata piragua (C, RD); paralejo de pinares, sangre de
Cay. doncella (C); doncella (PR)

Heteropteris laurifolia (L.) A. Juss. Banisteria laurifolia L., B. liane bouhouque, liane jaune, liane taureau (H);
pubifloraDC. amansa guapo, amansa hombre, bejuco de varraco,
bejuco de verraco, varraco, verraeo (RD)
Malpighia albiflora (Cuatr.) Cuatr. M. biflora auth., not Poir., M. cerezo (RD)
ssp. antillana Vivaldi oxycocca var. biflora sensu Ndz.

Malpighia cnide K. Spreng. M. cnide var. domingensis Urb. &

Ndz., M. cnide var. ovalis Ekm. &
Ndz., M. velutina var. intermedia
Malpighia emarginata Sesse & M. punicifolia auct., not L. cerisier, cerisier de St. Domingue, petite cerise (H);
Moc.exDC. cereza (RD, PR); acerola (C, PR); cereza de
Barbados, cerezo (C); cereza colorada, Barbados
cherry, West Indian cherry (PR)
Malpighia glabrd L. M. biflora Poir., M. punicifolia L. capitaine, cerise, cerise d'Haiti, cerise de St.
[The latter considered by some Domingue, cerisier, cerisier de St. Domingue,
authors to be a separate species.] petite cerise (H); acerola, cereza (RD); Barbados
cherry (PR)
Malpighia macracantha Urb. & M. ekmanii Ndz., M. galeottiana
Ndz. Ndz.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Malpighia megacantha (A. Juss.) M. urens var. megacantha A capitaine (H)
Urb. Juss.

Malpighia setosa Spreng. bois capitaine, bonbon capitaine, cerisier capitaine,

moureiller piquant (H); cerezo (RD)
Malpighia urens L. M. domingensis Small, M. bonbon capitaine, capitaine, cerisier capitaine,
Endemic to Hispaniola oblongifolia Small moureiller piquant (H); cereza cimarrona (RD)

Hibiscus elatus Sw. Pariti elatum G. Don (Liogier, mOOaut, mahaut bleu (H); majagua (C, RD);
1982), Paritium elatum (Sw.) G. de~ajagua, majagua azul, majagua macho (C); blue
Don (Little et aI., 1974) mOOoe (1, PR); emajagua excelsa, maj6, mountain
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. choublack, hibiscus a feuilles rouges (H); cayena,
gallina, sangre de Cristo (RD); mar pacifico (C,
RD); amapola (C, PR); hibiscus (RD, PR);
borrachona, flor de chivo, guasit6n, mar serena (C);
candela, candelada, carta abierta, Chinese hibiscus,
hibisco, marimofia, pavona (PR)
Hibiscus tiliaceus L. Pariti tiliaceus (L.) A. Juss. coton mahaut, coton marron, grand mahaut, mOOaut,
mahaut franc (H); damajagua, majagua de Cuba
(RD); majagua (C, RD, PR); emajagua (PR);
seaside mahaut (J)
Tree Names 271

Malvaviscus arboreus (L.) Cay. Hibiscus malvaviscus L. bombillito, plantanito (RD); majagiiilla, malvavisco
(C); capucha de monje, sleeping hibiscus (PR)
Thespesia populnea (L.) Soland. ex Hibiscus populneus L. feuilles d'Haiti, grand mahaut, gros mahaut, mortel
Correa debout (H); alamo blanco, duartiana (RD)"; alamo
(C, RD); higuillo, majagua de la Horida (C); caraiia,
clamor, cork-tree, emajagiiilla, jaqueca, majagiiilla,
palo de jaqueca (PR); John-Bull-tree (1)
Wercklea horiida (Urb.) Fryxell Hibiscus horridus Urb. majagua, pita (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Wercklea hottensis (Helwig) Hibiscus hottensis Helwig
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte

Calycogonium apiculatum Urb. &
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Conostegia hotteana Urb. & Elem.
Ekmaniochraris crassinervis Urb.
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Henriettea barkeri (Urb. & Ekm.) H. elliptica Urb.
Endemic to southern Hispaniola
Henrietteafascicularis (Sw.) H.fascicularis (Sw.) C. Wright petites graines (H); cordoMn (C); camasey peludo
G6mez (PR)
Heterotrichum umbellatum (Mill.)
Mecranium alpestre Urb.
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Mecranium amygdalinum (Desr.) bois pigeon (H); palito de vara, pega polio, sangre
C. Wright de polio (RD); cordoban (C); camasey, camasey
almendro (PR)
Mecranium birimosum (Naud.) macrio(H) "
Endemic to southern Hispaniola
Mecranium crassinerve(Urb.) macrio (H)
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Mecranium haitiense Urn. M. salicfolium Urb. macrio(H)
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Mecranium microdictyum Urb. & macrio (H)
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Mecranium multiflorum (L. C. macrio (H)
Rich) Triana
Mecranium revolutum Skean & macrio (H)
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
272 Tree Names

Mecranium revolutum Skean & macrio (H)
Judd x M. haitiense Urb.
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Mecraniwn tricostatwn Urn. & Ekm. macrio (H)
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Meriania involucrata (Desr.) Naud.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Miconia apiculata Urn. & Ekm. macrio (H)
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Miconia hypiodes Urn. & Ekm. macrio (H)
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Miconia impetiolaris (Sw.) D. Don macrio, trois cotes (H); auguey,jao-jao,jatico
(RD); cordoban arbusto, quitasolillo (C); carnasey
colorado, carnasey de costilla (PR)
Miconia laevigata (L.) DC. macrio (H); granadillo (RD); cordobancillo de
arroyo (C); carnasey, carnasey de paloma (PR); bois
cotelette, petit crecre, soufriere (G, M)
Miconia lanceolota (Desr.) DC. macrio (H)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Miconia mirabilis (Aubl.) L. O. M.fothergilla (Desr.) Naud., M. macrio (H); tresfilos (RD); carnasey, carnasey
Wms. guianensis (Aubl.) Cogn., blanco, carnasey ciatrocanales, carnasey de costilla
Tamonea guanensis Aubl. (PR)

Miconia ottoschulzii Urn. & Ekm. Grajfenriedia ottoschulzii (Urb. macrio, petites graines (H)
& Ekm.) Urb. & Ekm.
Miconia prasina (Sw.) DC. macrio (H); cenizoso, granadillo bobo (RD);
carnasey, carnasey blanco (PR)
Miconia punctata (Desr.) D. Don macrio (H); auquey, auquey bobo,jau-jau, rajador,
tresfilos (RD); carnasey (PR)
Miconia racemosa (Aubl.) DC. caca poule, macrio (H); carnasey felpa, carnasey
racimoso, terciopelo (PR)
Miconia rubiginosa (Bonpl.) DC. macrio (H); peralejo (RD); carnasey (PR)

Miconia selleana Urn. & Ekm. macrio (H)

Endemic to Hispaniola
Miconia serrulata (DC.) Naud. M. macrophylla (D. Don) Triana, macrio (H); auguey, jau-jau (RD); carnasey (PR)
Tamonea macrophylla (D. Don)
Miconiatetrandra (Sw.) D. Don macrio (H); rajador, yarador (RD); camasey (PR)

Mouriri domingensis (Tuss.) [Also spelled Mouriria.] cormier (H); guayaba cimarrona, piragua (RD);
Spach. caimitillo, guasavara, murta (PR)
Ossaea woodsii Judd & Skean
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Pachyanthus hotteana (Urb. &
Endemic to Hispaniola
Tetrazygia angustifolia (Sw.) DC. stinking-fish (PR); bois cotelette (G)

Tetrazygia elaeagnoides (Sw.) DC. carnasey cenizo, cenizo, verdiseco (PR)

Tibouchina longifolia (Yahl.) Baill. bois dents marron (H); spider flower (English)

NB: Judd (1987) describes an additional 26 shrub species of the following genera that might be considered small trees sensu
Little and Wadsworth (1964): Calycogonium (2), Clidemia (1), Conostegia (1), Heterotrichum (1), Mecranium (2),
Meriania (4), Miconia (12), Ossaea (2), and Pachyanthus (1). These species are not listed.
Tree Names 273

Azadirachta indica Adr. Juss. Antelaea azadirachta (L.) neem, nim (H); neeb, nimba (India)
Adelbert, Melia azadirachta L.,
M. indica (Adr. Juss.) Brandis
Carapa guianensis Aubl. Persoonia guianensis Willd., cabinna de Guinea (H, RD); najesl (C); crabwood
Xylocarpa carapa Spreng. (PR); bois rouge, campa (<;I, M)

Cedrela odorata L. C. dugessii Watson, C. glaziovii acajou It planches, acajou femelle, cedre, cedre .
C. DC., C. guianensis Adr. Juss., blanc, cedre espagnol (H); cedro, cedro del pais,
C. mexicana M. 1. Roemer, C. cedro hembra, cedro macho (C, RD, PR); Spanish
occidentalis C. DC., C. cedar (PR); cedro real (Salvador); cedro blanco,
pavaguariensis Martius, C. c1avel (Colombia); 'cedro colorado (Peru)
sintenisii DC., C. velloziana M. J.
Roemer, Surenus brownei Ktze.

Guarea glabra Vahl G. humilis Bert. ex DC., G.

ramiflora Vent.
Guarea guidonia (L.) Sleumer G. cabirma C. DC., G. guara P. bois rouge, palrniste (H); cabilma, cabima, cabinna,
Wils., G. perrottetiana A. Juss., cabinna santa, cedro macho (RD); yamagua, yamao
G. trichilioides L., Melia guara (C); cramantree, guaraguao (PR); musk wood (PR,
Jacq., Samyda guidonia L. 1); alligator wood, wild akee (J)

Guarea sphenophylla Urb. Urbanoguarea sphenophylla

Endemic to Hispaniola Harms
Melia azedarach L M. orientalis M. Roemer, M. fleurs liIas, liIas, piment d'eau (H); aliIaila, arbol
sempervirens Sw. enano, lila, liIayo, violeta (RD); a1elaila, bead tree,
chinaberry, hog bush, lilaila, pasiIla, pride of India

Swietenia macrophylla G. King S. belizensis Lundell, S. candollei acajou du Honduras, acajou du Venezuela, acajou
Pittier, S. krukovii Gleason & etranger (H); caoba hondurefia (RD); caoba de
Panshin, S. tessma;1nii Harms Honduras (PR); mahogany, Honduras mahogany,
Venezuelan mahogany (J, PR, US)

Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq. Cedrela mahagoni L., Cedrus acajou, acajou pays (H); caoba, caoba de Santo
mahagoni L., C. mahogani (L.) Domingo, caoba dominicaria, caobo (RD);
Miller, S. fabrilis Salisbury, S. Dominican mahogany, mahogany, West Indian
mahogoni (L.) Lam. mahogany, West Indies mahogany (PR)

Trichilia aquifolia P. Wils. Celastrum jodinii Steud., /lex bois diou, bois diou marron, bois marron (H);
Endemic to Hispaniola cuneifolia L., T. cuneifolia Urb. chicarr6n, chicharr6n de tres espinas (RD)
no Pulle.
Trichilia havanensis Jacq. bois loraille (H); hiede-hiede (RD)

Trichilia hina L. T. spondioides Jacq. bois amda, boudou, bresiIlet batard, gommier
sauvage, marie-jeanne, mombin blitard, petit
mombin, raisin des perroquets (H); jacoban,
joboban (RD); cabo de hacha (C, RD, PR); guaban,
jubaban (C); broomstick, guaita, jobillo, molinillo,
palo de anastasio, retamo (PR); bastard cedar, rough
trichilia (J); bois arner blanc (G, M)

Trichilia pallida Sw. Guarea obstusifolia Lam., bois amda, boudou, dombou, marie-jeanne, trois
Ponesia ovata Cav., T. paroles (H); a1mendrillo, a1mendro, camcoli (RD);
diversifolia Cook & Coli., T. siguamya macho (C)
truncata Leon.
274 Tree Names

Hyperbaena laurifolia (Poir.) Urb. Cissampelos laurifolia Poir., H.
apiculata Urb. & Elan., H.
glauciramis Urb. & Elan., H.
pellucida Urb. & Elan.
Hyperbaena lindmanii Urb. H. gonavensis Urb. & Elan., H. bois coq (H); bonquito, chicharr6n, pegoje (C)
Endemic to Hispaniola salicifolia Urb. & Elan.
Hyperbaena undulata Urb.
Endemic to southwestern Haiti

Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) A. communis J, R. & G. Forster, Breadfruit: arne veritable, arbre apain, veritable
Fosberg, non subnudum. A. incisus L. f. (II); albopan (RD); breadfruit, panapen (PR)
Breadnut: arbre apain (H); lavapen (RD);
breadnut, castana, pana de pepitas (PR); castano del
Malabar (C) .

Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. A. brasiliensis Gomez, A. integer jaquier (H); buen pan, pan de frota (RD); rima (C);
auth., not (Thunb.) Merr., A. jaca, jackfruit (PR)
integrifolius Forst., A. maxima
Blanco, A.philippensis Lam.
Castilla elastica Sesse subsp. C. elastica Cervantes, C. lactiflua tirajala (RD); caucho (C, RD, PR); castilla rubber,
elastica O. F. Cook cauchera, Central American rubber, goma, palo de
goma (PR)
Cecropia peltata L. C. asperrma Pittier bois,canon, bois trompette, trompette (H); yagrumo
(RD); yagrumo hembra (C, RD, PR); trumpet-tree
Chlorophora tinctoria (L.) Gaud. Madura tinctoria (L.) D. Don, bois jaune (H); fustete, mora macho (C, RD); mora
ex Benth. & Hook M. xanthoxylon Endl., MoTUs del pais, palo amarillo, palo de mora (C); fustic,
tinctoria (L.) Spec. fustic mulberry, mora (PR)

Ficus benjamina L. figuier (H); higo, higo cimarron filipo (RD);

Benjamin fig, laurel benjamin (PR)
Ficus carica L. F. colchica Grossh., F. hyrcana figue, figue france (H); breva, higo, huguero (C,
Grossh., F. kopetdagensis RD, PR); common fig (PR, US)
Ficus citrifolia Mill. F. bravifolia Nutt., F. laevigata higuillo (RD); jagiley blanco, shortleaf fig (PR);
Yahl, F. laevigata var. brevifolia jagiierillo, jagiiey (C)
(Nutt.) Warb., F. laevigata var.
lentiginosa (Yahl) Urb., F.
lentiginosa Yahl, F. populnea
Willd., F. populnea var.
brevifolia (Nutt.) Warb.
Ficus elastica Roxb. ex Homem. caoutchouc (H); higuera (RD); caucho (C, RD);
goma elastica (C); Indian-rubber fig, palo de goma
Ficus microcarpa L. f. F. retusa L., F. nitida Thunb. arbol de Washington, laurel (RD);aJ.amo jagiley,
laurel criollo (C); laurel de la India (C, RD, PR);
India-laurel fig, jagiley (PR)
Ficus religiosa L. higuillo, laurel (RD); alamo (C, RD); botree (PR)

Ficus suffocans Griseb.

Ficus trigonata L. F. crassinervia Desf., F. figuier, figuier rouge (H); higo cimarr6n (RD);
.crassinervia Willd. jagiley (C, PR); jagiley blanco, wild fig (PR)

Gyrotenia myriocarpa Griseb.

Tree Names 275

Morus nigraL. mures (H); morero (C, RD); black mulberry, mora
negra, morera negra (PR)
Pseudolmedia spuria (Sw.) Griseb. Brosimum spurium Sw., P. bois merise, longue barbe, merisse (H); macao, p~o
havanensis Tree. de leche (RD); macagua (C); negra lora (PR);
bastard breadnut, milkwood (J)
Trophis racemosa (L.) Urb. Bucephalon racemosum L., T. bois neuf, rameau, ramon, ramon cheval (H); ramon
americana L. de vaca (RD); ramon de bestia (RD, C); ram6n
(PR) ,

Moringa oleifera Lam. Guilandina moringa L., M. ben oleitere, benzolive, d'olive, olive, olivier (H);
nux-ben Perr., M. pterygosperma libertad, moringa, palo de abejas, palo de aceite
Gaertn. (RD); ben (C, PR); palo jeringa, parafso frances'
(C); angela,jazmin frances (PR); horse-radish tree

Musil acuminata Colla x M. M. sapientum Kuntze tigue, tigue bananne, tigue mure (H); guineos,
balbisiana Colla 'MA' mampurreo (RD); banana, guineo (PR)
Musa acuminata Colla x M. M. paradisiaca L., M. x bananne (H); phitano (RD, C, PR); plantain (J);
balbisiana Colla 'MB'
paradisiaca L. harton, rulo (PR); phitano burro, platano hembra,
platano macho (C) -
Ravenala madagascariensis Sonn. Urania speciosa Willd. palma de abanico (RD); arbol del viajero, traveler's
palm (PR)

Bontia daphnoides L. mangle blanc, manglier ~arron, olivier batfurl (H);
aceituno (RD); mangle bobo, manzanillo,
white-alling (PR); aceituna americana, olivo
bastardo (C)

Myrica cerifera L. M. mexicana Willd. cannelle abeille, cannelle douce, cannelle miel (H);
arbol de cera, palo de cera, perico, tiguapen (RD);
arraijan (C); arrayan (RD, PR); cerero, southern
bayberry, wax myrtle, waxberry (PR)
Myrica picardae Krug & Urn.
. Endemic to Hispaniola
276 Tree Names

Myristica fragrans Houtt. muscade, muscadier, noix de muscade (H); nuez
moscada (RD); nutmeg (US)

Ardisia angustata Urb. bois tremble, quatre chemins (H); tapa camino (C)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Ardisia brachypoda Urb. mala mujer (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Ardisia escalloniodes C. & S. A. panniculata Sudw., A.
pickeringia T. & J., Cyrilla
panniculata Nutt., Tinus
escallonioides O. Ktze.
Ardisiafuertesii Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Ardisia obovata Hamilt. A. coriacea A. DC., A. b<idula, mameyuelo (PR); Guadeloupe marlbeny
guadalupensis Ouch. ex Griseb." (B)
A. maculata Poir. ex DC.,
Icacorea guadalupensis Britt. &
Wils., Tinus obovata O. Ktze.
Ardisia picardae Urb. & Mez bois de tremble (H)

Myrsine acrantha Krug & Urb. Rapanea acrantha Mez

Myrsine coriacea (Sw.) R. Br. ex Caballeriaferruginea R. & P., bois plomb, bois sayane, mangle (H); botoncillo
Roem. & Schult. M. berterii A. DC., M.ferruginea cimarr6n, hojita larga, palo de sabana, palo santo,
Spreng., M. laeta Griseb., perico macho (RD); eamagililla (C); arrayan, arrayan
Rapanea coriacea Mez, R. bobo, b<idula, mantequero (PR)
ferruginea (Ruiz & Pay.) Mez,
Samara coriacea Sw.
Myrsine floridana A. DC. M. punctata Stearn, Rapanea
guianensis non Aublet
Myrsine guianensis (Aubl.) Kuntze Rapanea guianensis Aubl. feuille eanelle (H); mameyuelo (RD); camagiiilla
(C); b<idula, Guiana rapanea (PR)
Myrsine magnoliifolia (Urb. & Rapanea magnoliaefolia Urb.. & palo santo cimarr6n (PR)
Elan.) Alain Elan.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Parathesis crenulata (Vent.) Hook. Ardisia crenulata Vent. raisin marron (H); jalap6n (RD); rascagarganta,
f. ex Hemsl. secagarganta (PR)
Parathesis serrulata (Sw.) Mez Ardisia serrulata Sw. raisin marron (H); jalapa, jalapago, jalap6n (RD)
Wallenia apiculata Urb. caimonicillo, lengua de yaca (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Wallenia ekmanii Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Walleniaformonensis Judd
Endemic to southern Haiti .
Wallenia laurifolia (Jacq.) Sw. Ardisia domingensis Willd., bois crapaud, louisine mau, petit raisin, raisin, raisin
Petesioides laurifolium Jacq., W. marron, raisinier (H); caimon, eaimoni (RD);
clusiaefolia Griseb. jacanillo, mameyuelo (PR); carmoni, casmagua (C)
Tree Names 277

Callistemon citrinus (Curtis) Skeels C. lanceolatus (Smith) DC. limpia botella (RD); bottlebrush (PR)

Calyptranthes arborea Urb. &

Endemic to Hispaniola
Calyptranthes barkeri Elan. & Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Calyptranthes bracteosa Urb. &
Endemic to Hispaniola
Calyptranthes chrysophylloides C. chrysophylloides var. minor
Urb. Urb.
Endemic to southwestern Haiti
Calyptranthes collina Urb.
Endemic to southern Hispaniola
Calyptranthes densifolia Urb. &
Endemic to Massif de la Selle
Calyptranthes depressa Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Calyptranthes grandis Urb. & Elan.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Calyptranthes heteroclada Urb. &
Endemic to Hispaniola
Calyptranthes hotteana Urb. &
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Calyptranthes inl'oluerata Urb. &
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Calyptranthes marmeladensis Urb.
Endemic to northern Hispaniola
Calyptranthes momicola Urb.
Endemic to southern Haiti
Calyptranthes myrcioides Urb. &
Endemic to Hispaniola
Calyptranthes nummularia Berg
Endemic to southern Hispaniola
Calyptranthes pallens Griseb. Eugenia pallens Poir. arrayan, limoncillo (RD); pale lidflower, tap6n
blanco (PR)
Calyptranthes palustris Urb. &
Endemic to Hispaniola
Calyptranthes pitoniana Urb. &
Endemic to Hispaniola
Calyptranthes salicifolia Urb. &
Endemic to Hispaniola
278 Tree Names

Calyptranthes samuelssonii Urb. &
Endemic to Hispaniola
Calyptranthes sintenisii Kiarersk. petit bois pin (H); limoncillo cimarron, malagueta
(RD); hoja menuda, limoncillo del monte (PR)
Calyptranthes sordida Urb. & Ekm.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Calyptranthes syzygium (L.) Sw. Myrtus suzygium L. [Also spelled escoba, escobon, palo de puerco (RD); arraijan
c. suzygium.] blanco, mondacapullo (C); myrtle-of-the-river (PR)
Calyptranthes yaquensis Urb. &
Endemic to Hispaniola
Calyptrogenia bijlora Alain
Endemic to Hispaniola
Calyptrogenia cuspidata Alain
Endemic to Hispaniola
Calyptrogeniajeremiensis (Urb. & Eugeniajeremiensis Urb. & Ekm.
Ekm.) Burret
. Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Cryptorhiza haitiensis Urb. Pimenta haitiensis Landrum maguette (H); malaguette (H, RD); canelilla.
Endemic to Hispaniola canelillo, malagueta (RD)
Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. E. camaldulensis Dehnh. var. eucalyptus (H); eucalipto (RD); river red gum (US,
var. camaldulensis brevirostris (F. Muell.) Blakely, Australia)
E. rostrata Schldl. .
Eucalyptus globulus Labill. ssp. . E. globulus Labill. var. compacta eucalyptus (H); eucalipto (RD); blue gum, fever
globulus L. Bailey tree (US, Australia)
Eucalyptus tereticomis Smith E. umbellata (Gaertn.) Domin eucalyptus (H); eucalipto (RD); forest red gum
(US, Australia)
Eugenia aeruginea DC.

Eugenia albimarginata Urb. &

Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Eugenia axil/aris (Sw.) Willd. Myrtus axil/aris Sw. merise, merisier (H); escobon colorado, escob6n de
varn, palo de hueso (RD); guairaje, guairaje
colorado (C); white-stopper eugenia (PR); grajo (C,
Eugenia belladerensis Urb. & Ekm.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Eugenia bijlora (L.) DC. E. bijlora (L.) DC. var. lancea escob6n (RD); pitangueira, hoja menuda (PR);
(Poir.) Krug & Urb., E. bijlora rodwood (J)
(L.) DC. var.ludibunda (Bertero)
Krug & Urb., E. lancea Poir., E.
lancea Spreng., E. ludibunda
Bert., E. virgultosa DC., Myrtus
Eugenia carophylla Thunb. Caryophyllus aromaticus L girofle (H); clavero (RD, PR); clove (US)
Eugenia chrootricha Urb. & Ekm.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Eugenia confusa D~. escob6n colorado, escobon de varn, jayao, palo de
hueso (RD); yarua (C); cienaguillo, redberry
eugenia (PR)
Tree Names 279

Eugenia dictyophylla Urb. guayaba cimarrona (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Eugenia domingensis Berg E. aeruginea auth., not DC. bois caiman, brignolle, brille (H); gu3sara, guazara
(RD); comecani (C); guasabara (PR)
Eugeniafoetida Pers. E. buxifolia (Sw.) Willd., E. bois 'petites feuilles (H); escob6n (RD); balsamo,
rnaleolens auth., not Pers., E. guairaje, guairaje blanco (C); anguila, boxleaf
myrtoides auth., not Poir. eugenia (PR)

Eugeniafonnonica Urb. & Elan.

Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Eugenia glabrata (Sw.) DC. E. affinis DC., Myrtus glabrata arrayan, arraijan (RD); cuaraje colorado (C);
Sw. rodwood (J)

Eugenia holdridgei Alain

Endemic to Hispaniola
Eugenia laevis Berg E. baruensis DC., not Jacq., E. gros petites feuilles (H); arraijan, arrayan (RD)
prenleloupii Kiaersk., E.
subverticillaris Berg
Eugenia ligustrina (Sw.) Willd. Myrtus ligustrina Sw., Stenocalyx arrayan, escob6n de aguja (RD); arraijan (C, RD);
ligustrinus (Sw.) Berg birijf, cateicito (C); birchberry, granadilla,
granadillo, hoja menuda, palo de muleta, palo de
murta, privet stopper (PR)
Eugenia lindahlii Urb. & Elan. E. orthioneura Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Eugenia lineata (Sw.) DC. E. lineata var. racemosa Berg,
Myrtus lineata Sw.
Eugenia lineolata Urb. & Elan.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Eugenia macradenia Urb. & Elan.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Eugenia maleolens Pers. E. foetida Poir., E. myrtoides bois petites feuilles, maguette, malaguette, merise,
Poir., Myrtus buxifolia Sw. merisier, petites feuilles (H); escob6n (RD)
Eugenia minguetii Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Eugenia monticola (Sw.) DC. E. baruensis var.latifolia DC., E. bois d'ine petites feuilles, petit bois d'Inde (H);
flavorirens Berg, E. monticola arraijAA, arrayan, escob6n, escob6n blanco, escob6n
var. latifolia Krug & Urb., Myrtus grande (RD); rodwood (J); birijf, black-cherry (PR)
monticola Sw.
Eugenia odorata Berg E. isabeliana Kiaersk., E. bois acajou (H); escob6n, hoja tina, palo de
Endemic to Hispaniola momicola Urb. hormiga (RD)

Eugenia procera (Sw.) Poir. Myrtus ?brachystemon DC., M. a

arbre petites feuilles (H); arrayan colorado lobo
patrisii Spreng., M. procera Sw. (RD); hoja menuda (PR)

Eugenia pseudopsidium Jacq. E. portoricensis DC., E. gmlsara (RD); quiebrahacha, guayaba silvestre (PR)
pseudopsidium var. portoricensis
Krug & Urb., Stenocalyx
portoricensis Berg
Eugenia rhombea (Berg) Krug & E. foetida var. parvifolia Berg, E. bois myrte, myrte, tu-fais (H); arrayan (RD);
Urb. foetida var. rhombea Berg guairaje, mije (C); hoja menuda, spiceberry eugenia

Eugenia samanensis Alain

Endemic to Hispaniola
Eugenia tiburona Urb. & Elan. Myrtus tiburona Borhidi
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
280 Tree Names

Eugenia uniflora L. cerise de Suriname (H); ciruela de Surinam, grosela
de Mexico (RD); cereza de Cayena, Surinam
cherry (PR)
Eugenia vanderveldei Urb. & Elan.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Gomidesia lindeniana Berg Myrciafenzliana Berg., M. auquey, auquey blanco, auquey prieto (RD);
lindeniana (Berg.) Kiaersk. yareicillo (C); cieneguillo (PR) .
Hottea crispula (Urb.) Urb. Psidium? crispulum Urb.
Endemic to southwestern Haiti
Hottea malangensis (Urb. & Elan.) Eugenia malangensis Urb.
Endemic to southern Hispaniola
Hottea miragoanae Urb.
Endemic to southwestern Haiti
Melaleuca quiquenervia (Cav.) S. Cajuputi leucadendra Rusby, M. melaleuca (H, C, US); cayeput (C, RD, PR); punk
T. Blake cajaputi Roxb., M. leucadendron (RD); cayepur, cayeputi (PR)
. auct., not L., M. minor Sm., M.
saligna Blume, M. viridiflora
Gaertn., Metrosideros
quinqueneniia Cay.
Myrcia citrifolia (AubI.) Urb. Aulomyrcia citrifolia (AubI.) bois d'amour, maguette, malaguette, myrte a
Amsh., A. coriacea Berg; feuilles de citron, poivrier de Jamai"que (H);
Eugenia paniculata Jacq., E. malagueta (RD); hoja menuda, pimienta cimarrona
saviaefolia Alain, M. coriacea (C); limoncillo del monte (PR)
DC., Myrtus citrifolia AubI., M.
coriacea Vahl
Myrcia dejlexa (Poir.) DC. Eugenia dejlexa Poir., M. aquey del chiquito (RD); cieneguillo (PR)
ferruginea Berg
Myrcia hotteana Urb. & Elan.
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Myrcia leptoclada DC. Aulomyrcia leptoclada (DC.) guayab6n, huesito (RD); guayabac6n, hoja menuda
Berg roja (PR); bois guepois, guepois (G, M)
Myrcia saliana Alain
Endemic to Hispaniola
Myrcia splendens (Sw.) DC. Eugenia laxiflora Poir., Myrtus escoboncito (RD); arraijan, comecara, tinajero (C);
splendens Sw. hoja menuda (PR); petit merisier (G); birchberry
Myrcia tiburoniana Urb. & Elan.
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Myrcianthes esnardiana (Urb. & Eugenia esnardiana Urb. & Elan. maguette, malaguette (H)
Elan.) Alain
Endemic to Hispaniola
Myrcianthesfragrans (Sw.) Anamomisfragrans (Sw.) bois d'Inde, bois d'ine, bois haut-gout, bois
McVaugh Griseb., A. punctata Griseb., muliitre, myrte a feuilles de laurier (H); arrayan,
Eugenia dicrana Berg., E. coquillo, guayabillo, ozua, peralejo (RD);
fragrans (Sw.) Willd., E. guayabac6n (PR); pimienta (C); rose-apple (1)
hetecroclita Tuss., E. punctata
Vahl, Myrtus dichotoma Poir. in
Lam., M.fragrans Sw.
Myrciariajloribunda (West ex Eugeniajloribunda West ex bois muiiitre (H); arrayan, mijo (RD); mije (C);
Willd.) Berg Willd. guavaberry,mirto(PR)
Myrtus tussacii (Urb. & Elan.) Eugenia tussacii Urb. & Elan.
Burret .
Endemic to Hispaniola
Tree Names 281

Pimenta anisomera (Urb. & Ekm.) Amomis anisoniera Urb. & Ekm.
Endemic to Hispaniola

Pimenta crenulata Alain

Endemic to Hispaniola
Pimenta dioica (L.) Merr. P. officinalis Lind!., P. pimenta maguette, malaguene, poivre Jamaique (H);
(L.) Cock. limoncillo cimarron, malagueta (RD); pimienta
blanca, pimienta gorda, pimienta malagueta (C);
pimienta (C, RD, PR); allspice (US)

Pimenta ozua (Urb. & Ekm.) Burret Amomis ozua Urb. & Ekm., P. ozua (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola racemosa var. ozua Landrum
Pimenta paucijlora (Urb.) Burret Amomis paucijlora Urb.

Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) J. W. Amomis caryophyllata var. grisea bois d'Inde fran<rais (H); ausubo, auzua, auzubo,
Moore var. grisea (Kiaersk.) Fosb. (Kiaersk.) Krug & Urb., A. grisea canelilla, canelillo, ozua (RD)
(Kiaersk.) Britt., P. acris var.
grisea Kiaersk.
Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) J. W. Amomis caryophyllata (Jacq.) bois bay-mum, bois d'Inde fran<rais, bois d'ine
Moore var. racemosa Krug & Urb., Caryophyllus franc, bois d'ine fran<rais, dou de girofle, fausse
racemosus Mill., Myrtus acris a
giroflee, girofle, myrte feuilles de laurier (H);
Berg, M. caryophyllata Jacq., P. auzua, auzubo, bay-rum, herron, canelillo,
acris (Sw.) Kostel. malagueta, ozua (RD); pimienta (C); baybeny tree,
. wild cinnamon (J); bay rum tree, malagueta (PR)
Pimenta terebinthina Burret P. racemosa var. terebinthina terebinthina (H); canelilla (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola Landrum
Plinia abeggii (Urb. & Ekm.) Urb. Eugenia abeggii Urb. & Ekm.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Plinia acutissima Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Plinia caricensis Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Plinia cidrensis Urb. P. acutissima var. cidrensis
Endemic to Hispaniola Borhidi

Plinia ekmaniana Urb.

Endemic to Hispaniola

Plinia haitiensis Urb. & Ekm. P. montecristina Urb. & Ekm.

Endemic to Hispaniola
Plinia microcycla Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Pseudanamomis umbellulifera Anamomis esculenta Sarg., ciruela, ciruela de las animas, ciruelillo (RD)
(HBK.) Kausel Eugenia esculenta Berg, E.
umbellulifera Krug & Urb.,
Mycianthes umbellulifera Alain,
Myrcia? umbellulifera DC.,
Myrtus umbellulifera HBK.
Psidium acranthum Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Psidium dictyophyllum Urb. & maguette, malaguette (H)
Endemic to Hispaniola
282 Tree Names

Psidium guajava L. Guajava pyrifera (L.) Kuntze, G. goyave, goyavier (H); guayaba agria, guayaba
pyriformis Gaertn., P. guayava comUn (RD); guayaba(C, PR); guava (pR, US)
Raddi, P. pomiferum L., P.
pyriferum L., P. sapidissimum
Psidium hotteanum Urb. & Elan.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Psidium longipes (Berg) McVaugh Anamomis bahamensis Britt. ex
Small, A. longipes Britt. ex Small,
Eugenia bahamensis Kiaersk., E.
longipes Berg, Mynus
bahamensis Urb., M. elliptica
Psidiumsessilifolium Alain
Endemic to Hispaniola
Psidium trilobum Urb. & Elan.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels Eugenia cumini (L.) Druce, E. java plum (UK, US)
jambolana Lam., Jambolifera
chinensis Spreng, Mynus cumini
L., S. jambolanum (Lam.) DC.
Syzygiumjambos (L.) Alston Caryophyllus jambos (L.) Stokes, jamboisie, jambol, jambul, pomme rose, pommier
Eugeniajambos L., Jambos rose (H); porno (RD); pomarrosa (C, RD, PR);
jambos (L.) Millsp., Jambosa manzana rosa (C); rose-apple (PR)
vulgaris DC.
Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & Eugenia malaccensis L., pornme de Jama'ique, pomme de Malaisie (H);
Perry Jambosa malaccensis (L.) DC. cajuilito de Sulimim (RD); pera, pomarrosa de
Malaca (C); Malay-apple, manzana malaya
NB: This family exhibits a high degree of endemism. Several species described by Liogier (1989) and listed as endemic to
Hispaniola may, in fact, occur only in Haiti or the Dominican Republic.

Guapira brevipetiolata (Heimerl) Pisonia brevipetiolata Urb., P.
Alain discolor var. bevipetiolata
Endemic to Hispaniola Heimerl, Torrubia brevipetiolata
Guapira discolor (Spreng.) Little Pisonia discolor Spreng., P. barrehomo (C, PR)
discolor var. camosa Heim.,
Torrubia discolor Britt.
Guapira domingensis (Heim.) Pisonia obtusata var. bois cassave (H); aguacate cimarr6n, aguacatillo
Alain domingensis Heim., Torrubia cimarr6n, mala mujer, palo de perico, palo salvaje,
Endemic to Hispaniola domingensis Standi. perico, una de gato, vibora (RD)
Guapirafragrans (Dum.-Cours.) Pisoniafragrans Dum.-Cours., P. mufieco, palo de perico, perico (RD); barrehomo
Little fragrans oblanceolata Heim., (C); black mampoo, corcho, emajagua, majagua,
Torrubiafragrans Stand!., T. majagua de mona, palo de corcho (PR)
inermis Britt. & Wils.
Guapira ligustrifolia (Heim.) Pisonia ligustrifolia Heim., palo salvaje (RD)
Lundell Torrubia ligustrifolia StandI.
Tree Names 283

Guapira obtusata (Jacq.) Little Pisonia obtusata Jacq., Torrobia bois cassave sylvestre (H); mala mujer, vibora
obtusata Britt. (RD); macagiiey, sapo (C); coicho, corcho prieto
(PR); broad-leaved blolly (B)

Guapira rofescens (Heimerl) Pisonia calophylla rofescens

Lundell Heim., P. obtusata var. rofescens
Heim., P. rufescens Griseb.,
Tor~bia rofescens Britt.
Neea collina Heimerl
Endemic to Hispaniola
Neea demissa Heimerl
Endemic to Hispaniola
Pisonia aculeata L. P. villosa Poir. croc de chien, mayacaule (H); uiia de gato (C, RD,
PR); zarza (C); escambron, prickly mampoo (PR);
cockspur, fingripo (J)
Pisonia albida (Heimerl) Britt. ex P. albida var. glutinosa Heim., P. corcho, corcho blanco, corcho bobo (PR)
StandI. albida platyphylla Heim., P.
subcorta typica albida Heim.
Pisonia helleri StandI. uiia de gato (RD)

Pisonia ochracea Heimerl

Endemic to Hispaniola
Pisonia rotundata Griseb. P. subcordata var. rotundata

Ouratea ilicifolia (P. DC.) BaHI. Gomphia ilicifolia DC., Ochna ameau (H); chicharrOn amarillo (RD); chicharrOn
ilicifolia Poir., Ouratea (C, RD); arete, contraguao, cordon de soldado,
jaegeriana Urb., O. lenticellosa rascabaniga, serrucho (C)
Urb., O. spinulosa Urb.

Schoepfia chrysophylloides (A. Diplocalyx chrysophylloides A.
Rich.) Planch. Rich.
Schoepfia haitiensis Urb. & Britt.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Schoepfia obovata C. Wr. araiia (PR); white beefwood (B)

Schoepfia olivacea Urb.

Endemic to Hispaniola
Schoepfia schreberi Gmel.
Ximenia americana L. X. aculeata Tuss., X. elliptica cerise de mer, croc, macaby (H); hicaco (RD);
Spreng., X. multiflora Jacq. ciruelillo, limoncillo (C, RD); almendro de costa,
ciruelo cimarron, jfa amarilla, yana, zarza limon
(C); fake sandalwood, wild lime (US)
Ximeniopsis horridus (Urb. & Ximenia horrida Urb. & Elan.
284 Ttee Names

Chionanthus axilliflorus (Griseb.) Linociera axilliflora Griseb., guaney negro, jico-tea (C); hueso (PR)
Steam Mayepea axilliflora (Griseb.)
Krug& Urb.

Chionanthus bumelioides (Griseb.) Linociera bumelioides Griseb., L

Steam var. bumelioides miragoanae Urb., Mayepea
bumelioides Krug & Urb.
Chionanthus bumelioides (Griseb.) Linociera lanceolata Knob!.
Steam var. lanceolatus (Knob!.)
Endemic to Hispaniola

Chionanthus compactus Sw. C. caribaeus Jacq., Linociera tirana (RD); avispillo, hueso (PR); bois de fer
caribaea (Jacq.) Knob!., Mayepea blanc (G); bois de fer (M)
caribaea (Jacq.) Kuntze
Chionanthus dictyophyllus (Urb.) Linociera dictyophylla Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Chionanthus domingensis Lam. Linociera domingensis (Lam.) cayepon (H); cayep6n, lirio, Uirana (RD); white
Knob!., L latifolia Vahl, Mayepea rosewood (J); hueso blanco, palo de hueso (PR)
domingensis (Lam.) Krug & Urb.
Chionanthus ligustrinus (Sw.) Pers. Linociera ligustrina Sw., L bois sagine (H); cabra blanca, cabra santa, lirio
phylliraeoides Gaertn. f., (RD); careicillo, perenqueta (C); hueso (C, PR)
Mayepea ligustrina O. Ktze.,
Thouinia ligustrina Sw.
Forestiera rhamnifolia Griseb. hueso blanco, careicillo (C); buckthom forestiera
(1); caca ravet (M)

Forestiera segregata (Jacq.) Krug Adelia porulosa Michx., A. yanilla blanca (C); ink-bush, Florida forestiera,
&Urb. segregata O. Ktze., F. porulosa Florida privet (B, PR, US)
(Michx.) Poir., Myrica segregata

Haenianthus salicifolius Griseb. H. oblongatus Urb., H. obovatus earn de hombre (RD); caney (C); hueso, hueso
var. obvatus (Krug & Urb.) Knob!. Krug. & Urb. prieto, palo de hueso (PR)

Averrhoa bilimbi L. blimblin, blinblin, zibeline, zibeline blonde (H);
pepinito, vinagrillo (RD); bilimbi, grosella china,
grosella de Otahiti (C) .

Averrhoa carambola L. blinblin longue, carambolier, comichon du pays,

zibeline, zibeline longue (H); carambola (RD);
carambold, carambole, jalea, star fruit, star pickle

Bocconiafrutescens L. arbre apain, bois codine, bois coq d'Inde, bois de
coq, bois jaunisse (H); gengibrillo, llorasangre, palo
de toro, yagrumo macho (RD); palo amarillo,
yagrumita (C); palo de pan cimarrOn (C, PR);
panilla (PR); celandine, parrot weed (J, PR)
Tree Names 285

Stegnosperma cubense A. Rich. S. halimifolium not Benth. bejuco de canasta blanco (C)

Trichostigma octandrum (L.) H. Rivina octandra L., T. rivinoides bonbon codine, bonbon coq d'Inde,liane barrique,
Walt. A. Rich. liane panier (H); pabe1l6n del rey (RD); bejuco de
canasta (C); basket wiss, bejuco de nasa, bejuco de
palma, hoop vine (PR); cooper withe, hoop withe

Pinus caribaea Morelet var. P. hondurensis Laack., P. bois pin, pich pin (H); pino de cuaba (RD); pino
hondurensis (Seneclauze) Barrett et hondurensis Seneclauze amarillo, pino macho (C); Caribbean pine (US)
Pinus occidentalis Sw. bois chandelle, bois pin, pich pin, pin (H); cuaba,
Endemic to Hispaniola pinchipin, pino, pino de cuaba (RD); Hispaniolan
pine (US)

Piper aduncum L. bois de sureau, bois major, sureau (H); anisillo,
guayuyo, guayuyo blanco (RD); canilla de nuerte,
platinillo de Cuba (C); higuillo, higuillo hoja
menuda (PR)
Piper amalago L. P. medium Jacq. anis des bois, anis marron, anis sauvage, anisette,
bois noyaux, feuilles noyaux, feuilles noyaux pays,
feuilles sirop, gomme baume, grand baume, sureau
plantain (H); guayuyo (RD); higuillo de lim6n,
higuillo oloroso (PR)
Piper rugosum Lam.
Piper tuberculatum Jacq. guayuyo (RD); higuillo (PR)

NB: Judd (1987) describes 1 Lepianthes and 4 Piper shrub species that might be considered small trees sensu Little and
Wadsworth (1964). These species are not listed.

Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex bambou (H); bambu (RD, PR); bambua (RD);
Wend!. common bamboo (PR)

Podocarpus angustifolius Griseb. bois lubin (H); espuela de caballero, sabina
var. wrightii Pilger cimarr6n (C); yacca (J) .

Podocarpus aristulatus Par!. P. buchii Urb.

Endemic to Hispaniola
286 Tree Names

Polygalafuertesii (Drb.) Blake Badierafuertesii Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Polygala penaea L. Badiera domingensis DC., B. buis benit, petit buis (H); crevajosa, guayacancillo,
penaea (L.) DC., B. portoricensis jaboncillo, quiebrahacha (RD)
Britton, P. chamaebuxus L., P.
domingensis Jacq., P.
portoricensis (Britton) Blake

Coccoloba albicans Elan.
Endemic to Haiti
Coccoloba buchii Schmidt. C. ciferriana Elan., C. revoluta papelite (H)
Endemic to Hispaniola Leon., C. tortuensis Elan. &
Coccoloba ceibensis Schmidt.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Coccoloba costata Wr. ex Sauv. C. eggersiana Lind., C. helwigii raisinier (H); guayaba de mulo (RD); uvilla (PR)
Schmidt., C. rupicola Urb., C.
samuelssonii Elan. & Schrn., C.
verruculosa Lind.
Coccoloba diversifolia Jacq. C. laurifolia Lind., not Jacq. maivisse, petit raisin ordinaire, raisin bouzin,
raisinier, raisinier manun, zamon manun (H);
guayab6n, uva cimanuna, uva de sierra, uvero,
uvilla, uvilla de sierra (RD)
Coccolobafawcetti Schmidt
Endemic to Hispaniola
Coccolobaflavescens Jacq. C. pungens Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Coccoloba fuertesii Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Coccoloba hotteana Schmidt
Endemic to Hispaniola
Coccoloba incrassata Urb. C. mansfeldii Schrn.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Coccoloba krugii Lindau C. borgensenii SChrn' wild grape (PR); bow pigeon, crabwood (B)
Coccoloba leoganensis Jacq. C. rotundifolia Meisn. _ uvero, uvilla (RD)
Endemic to Haiti
Coccoloba leonardii Howard
Coccoloba microstachys Willd. negra loca, uverillo, uvillo (PR)
Coccoloba nodosa Lindau
Endemic to Hispaniola
Coccoloba paucijlora Urb. C. fulgens Leon., C. momicola
Endemic to Hispaniola Urb., C. nalgensis Schrn., C.
-neurophylla Urb.
Coccoloba picardae Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Coccoloba pubescens L. C. grandifolia Jacq., C rubescens gamelle, magne la mer, raisin grandes feuilles (H);
L. hojancha, oreja de burro (RD); grand leaf, mora16n,
sea grape (PR); bois rouge (G, M)
Tree Names 287

Coccoloba samanensis Schm.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Coccoloba swartzii Meisn. uvill6n (C); orteg6n, uvilla (PR); tie tongue (B)

Coccoloba uvifera (L.) L. Guaiabara uvifera House, guaiabara, raisin bord de mer, raisin de fer, raisin de
(naturally hybridizes with other Polygonum uvifera L. la mer (H); uva de mar, uvero de playa (RD); uva
Coccoloba spp.) caleta (C, RD); uvero (C, PR); uva de playa (RD,
PR); uvas, sea grape (PR)
_Coccoloba venosa L. C. nivea Jacq. guarapo (RD); calambreiia, chicory grape (PR)
Coccoloba wrightii Lindau C. scrobiculata Lind., C. chicharroncito (RD)
subtruncata Urb.
Leptogonum buchii Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Leptogonum domingense Benth.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Leptogonum moUe Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola

Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. ex R. G. peineta, G. umbratica A. Cunn. chene d'Australie (H); grevilea (C, H); helecho
Br. ex Meissner (RD); agravilla, roble plateado (C); roble de seda (C,
PR); roble australiano, silk oak, silver oak (PR)

Punica granatum L. grenade, grenadier, pomme grenade (H); granadillo,
pomogranado (RD); granada (C, RD, PR); granado
(C, RD); granada agria, granado enano (C);
pomegranate (H, PR)

Colubrina arborescens (Mill.) Sarg. Ceanothus arborescens Mill., bois de fer, bois fer blanc, bois mabi, bois pele,
Colubrina colubrina Millsp., C. bois pite, capable, gris-gris, poivrier, rougeole (H);
ferruginosa Brongn., Rhamnus candel6n, coraz6n de paloma, cuemo de buey, palo
colubrinus Jacq. amargo, trejo (RD); bijaguara, birijagua, fuego (C);
abejuelo, achiotillo, aguacatillo, catire, greenheart,
guitanin, mabi, rat6n, sanguinaria, snake-bark, soap
tree (PR); black velvet, mountain ebony,
shake-wood, wild ebony (1)
Colubrina berteroana Urb. palo amargo (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Colubrina elliptica (Sw.) Briz. & Ceanothus reclinatus L'Her., bois de fer, bois mabi, mabi (H); coraz6n de
Stem Colubrina reclinata (L'Her.) paloma (RD); mabf (RD, PR); palo amargo (C,
Brongn., Rhamnus ellipticus Sw. RD); carbonero, carbonero de costa, jayajabito (C);
catire, guitanin, mabf, naked wood, smooth snake-
bark, soldier wood (PR)
288 'Tree Names

Colubrina glandulosa var. C. rufa var. antillana M. C. bois zed, bois zet (H)
antillana (M. C. Johnst.) M. C. Johnst.
Karwinskia caloneura Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Krugiodendronferreum (Vahl) Rhamnusferreus Vahl, Ziziphus bois de fer (H); boafierro, ciguamo, guafierro, hoja
Urb. emarginata Sw. ancha, palo de hierro, quiebrahacha (RD); bariaco,
black ironwood (PR)

Reynosia affinis Urb. & Ekrn. vinuette (H)

Endemic to Hispaniola
Reynosia cuneifolia Urb. & Ekrn.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Reynosia domingensis Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola I
Reynosia regia Urb. & Ekrn. quiebrahacha (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Reynosia uncinata Urb. bois d'ebene, bois fer marron, brillol, galle-galle,
grati-galle (H); casca hueso, palo tabaco (RD);
darling plum, red ironwood (US)
Rhamnus sphaerosperma Sw. West Indian buckthorn (J, PR, US)

Ziziphus crenata (Urb.) M. C. Sarcomphalus crenatus U~b.

Endemic to Haiti
Ziziphus havanensis HBK. Sarcomphalus havanensis Griseb.

Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. Rhamnus jujuba L., Z jujuba (L.) jujube, jujubier, jujubier cornmun, liane
Lam., Z jujuba (L.) Gaertner, Z erne-chien, petite pornme, pomme mal carduc,
orthacantha DC., Z tomentosa pornrne malcardi (H); perita haitiana, ponsere
Poir., Z vulgaris L. (RD)

Ziziphus reticulata (Vahl) DC. Paliurus reticulatus Vahl, coque molle (H); saona, saona cimarrona, saona de
Sarcomphalus reticulatus (Vahl) puerco, sapaijo (RD); cascarroya (PR)
Ziziphus rhodoxylon Urb. a
bois de rose, casse hache, creve hache (H);
hojancha, hojancha prieta, pancho prieto, parco
prieto, quiebrahacha, yagua (RD)
Ziziphus rignonii Delp. Cassine domingensis Spreng., citroin marron, cogne-molle, coque molle,
Sarcomphalus domingensis Krug macarbie, zoraille (H); palpaguano, saona, saona
&Urb. de gente, saona dulce, sopaipo, yagua (RD)

Ziziphus urbanii M. C. Johnst. Sarcomphalus parvifolius Urb. &


Cassip~JUrea guianensis Aubl. C. alba Griseb., C. cubensis Urb., palo Robinson (RD); murta, palo de gongolf, palo
C. elliptica (Sw.) Poir., Leonotis de orejas, palo de toro (PR); cuco (C); bois de I'ail
elliptica Sw. (G, M)

Cassipourea obtusa Urb. palo Robinson, parrilla (RD)

Tree Names. 289

Rhizophora mangle L. R. mangle var. samoensis Hochr., manglier, manglier chandelle, manglier noir,
R. samoensis (Hochr.) Salvoza manglier rouge (H); mangle (RD, PR); mangle
colorado, mangle rojo (C, RD, PR); mangle de
.chifle, mangle zapatero (PR); mangrove, red
mangrove (J, PR)

Eriobotryajaponica (Thunb.) Mespilusjaponica Thunb., loquat (H, English); nfspero del Jap6n (Spanish)
Lindl. Photiniajaponica (Thunb.)
Franchet & Savat.
Prunus americana Marsh. prunier (H, French); American plum (English)

Prunus domestica L. subsp. prunier (H, French); ciruelo (Spanish); common

domestica plum, European plum, prune plum (English)

Prunus myrtifolia (L.) Urb. Celastrus myrtifolius L., Cerasus amandier it petites feuilles, mandit, mongier (H);
sphaerocarpus Loisel., ' almendrito, membrillito, membrillo, palo de hacha
Laurocerasus myrtifolia (L.) (RD); almendrillo (C, PR); cuajanf hembra (C)
Britt., L sphaerocarpa (Sw.)
Roem., P. sphaerocarpus Sw.
Prunus occidentalis Sw. Cerasus occidentalis Loisel., amandier, amandier a grandes feuilles (H);
Laurocerasus occidentalis M. almendrito, calla, cucaracha, membrillo, yaya boba
Roem. (RD); almendro (C, RD); cuajanf (C); almendrillo
(RD, PR); almendr6n, West Indian laurel cherry
(PR); pruan, prune tree (J)
Prunus persica (L.) Batsch. peche, ¢Cher (H, French); melocot6n (Spanish);
var. persica peach (English)

Pyrus communis L. poirier (H, French); pera (Spanish); pear (English)

Antirhea lucida (Sw.) Benth. & Laugeria lucida Sw., avocat marron, bois patate (H); aguacatillo, palo de
Hook. f. Stenostomum lucidum (Sw.) cuello, palo de gallina (RD); almorrana, lIor6n,
Gaertn.f. raizu (C); palo lIor6n (PR)

Chiococca alba (L.) Hitchc. croc souris, quimaque (H); bejuco de barraco,
bejuco timaque, timaque (RD); bejuco de verraco,
cainco (C); bejuco de berac, West Indian
~ snow-berry (PR)
Chione seminervis Urb. & Ekm.
Chione venosa (Sw.) Urb. martin avila, palo blanco, santa olalla (PR)

Coffea arabica L. cafe (French, Spanish); cafeier (French); cafeto

(RD); coffee (English)
Erithalis fruticosa L. cuaba prieta, rompe machete, vfbona (C); jayajabico
(C, PR); black torch, tea, temo (PR); bois d'huile
bord de mer (G, M)
290 . Tree Names

Exostema caribaeum (Jacq.) Roem. Chinchona caribae Jacq. chandelle anglaise, quinine, quinine des Antilles,
& Schult. quinquina des Camibes, quinquina pays (H);
piiH-piiif, quina criolla, quino (RD); cerillo, 000
santana, maeagua de costa (C); alborillo, palo de
quina, prince wood, West Indian quinine bark, .
yellow torch (PR)
Exostema cf. elegans Krug & Urb.
Exostema ellipticum Griseb. lirio bobo, guina criolla, piiii-piiii (RD); plateado
(C, PR); cayateje, chinchona, lirio santana, vigueta

Exostema sanctae-luciae (Kentish) E.floribundum (Sw.) Roem. & guina criolla, piiii-piiii (RD); bois tabac,
Britten Schult. quina-piton, quinquina camibe (M)
Faramea occidentalis (L.) A. Rich. F. odoratissima DC. cafetillo (RD); cafefllo, false coffee (PR); cafe
cimarron, jl1caro, jujano, nabaco (C); wild coffee (J)
Genipa americana L. var. caruto Gardenia genipa Sw., Genipa gene-pas, genipayer (H); genipa. jagua (RD);
(Kunth.) Schumann americana L., G. caruto Kunth., 'genipap tree, genipot, mannelade-box genipe (PR)
G. pubescens DC.
Guettarda elliptica Sw. cigiiilla, cuero de sabana (C); cucubano liso,
velvetseed (PR)
Guettarda multinervis Urb. calle noire (H); guayab6n (RD); blackberry, palo de
cucubano, velvet berry (PR)
Guettarda ovalifolia Urb. cucubano (PR)

Guettarda pungens Urb. encinillo, palo de cruz, yaya (RD); roseta (PR)
Guettarda valenzuelana A. Rich. G. laevis Urb. cucubano de monte (PR); hueso, icaquillo,
naranjito, vigueta (C)
Hamelia patens Jacq. H. erecta Jacq. corail, corail rouge, fleur corail (H); buzunuco,
buzunuvo, desyerba conuco (RD); coraIillo, palo
coral, ponasf (C); balsamo, scarletbush (PR)
Hamelia ventricosa Sw:
Ixoraferrea (Jacq.) Benth. dajao (RD); cafefllo, palo de dajao, palo de hierro
(PR); cafe cimarron, cafetillo (C)
Morinda citrifolia L. M. macrophylla Desf. bois douleur, douleur, fromagier (H); baga, coca,
manzanilla, nigua, piiia de puerto (RD); mora de la
India (C); gardenia, hedionda, morinda, noni,
painkiller (PR)
Neolaugeria resinosa (Yahl) Antirhea resinosa (Vahl) Cook & aquil6n (PR)
Nicolson Collins, Laugeria densijlora
(Griseb.) Hitehc., L resinosa
Vahl, Stenostomum densijlorum
Griseb., Terebraria resinosa
(Vahl) Sprague
Palicourea alpina (Sw.) DC. cafetan, cenizoso cimarron, tafetan (RD); tapa
camino (C)
Palicourea barbinervia DC. ahoguey blanco (RD); tafetan (PR, RD); balsamo
real, showy palicourea (PR)
Palicourea crocea (Sw.) Roem..:.& P. brevithyrsa Britton & StandI. ponasf, tapa camino (C); cachimbo, red palicourea
Schult. . (PR); bois cabrit, bois de l'encore, bois fou-fou (M)

Palicourea domingensis (Jacq.) taburete (C)

Psychotria alpestris Urb. & Ekm.
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Tree Names 291

Psychotria berteriana DC. bois cabrit (H); cafetin, escob6n (RD); cachimbo
comUn (PR)
Psychotriafuertesii Urb.
Endemic to southern Hispaniola
Psychotria grandis Sw. tapa camino (C); cachimbo grande, palo moro, wild
coffee (PR)
Psychotria nutans Sw. bois laitelle (H); brilloso, cabra blanca, cabra santa.
cafe cimarr6n, penda (RD); cachimbo de mona (PR)
Randia aculeata L. R. aculeata var. mitis (L.) croc-a-chien (H); ramo de navidad, resuelesuele
Griseb., R. mitis L. (RD); box-briar, tintillo (PR); agalla de costa, cafe
Randia erythrocarpa Krug & Urb. bois sadine (H); azota criollo (RD); box-briar,
cambron, dogwood, ink beny, tintillo (PR)
Rondeletia camea Urb. & Ekm.
Endemic to Massif de la Selle
Rondeletia christii Urb.. ?R. selleana Urb.
Rondeletia fonnonia Urb. & Ekm.
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Stevensia hotteana Urb. & Ekm.
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Strumpfia maritima L. S. maritim~ Jacq. lirio (PR); faux romarin (G)
NB: Judd (1987) describes an additional 5 shrub species of the following genera that might be considered small trees sensu
Little and Wadsworth (1964): Exostema (I), Psychotria (3), and Rondeletia (I). These species are not listed.

Amyris apiculata Urb. & Ekm.
Endemic to southwestern Haiti
Amyris balsamifera L. A. sylvatica Jacq., Elemifera bois chandelle (H); guaconejo (RD); cuaba, cuaba
balsamifera O. Ktze. blanca (C); balsam amyris, tema (PR); candlewood,
torchwood (J); rosewood (J, PR)
Amyris diatrypa Spreng. bois chandelle (H); guaconejillo, guaconejo (RD);
candlewood (PR)

Amyris elemifera L. A. maritima Jacq., Elemifera bois chandelle, chandelle blanc, chandelle marron,
maritima O. Ktze. trois paroles (H); guaconejo, palo de tea (RD)

Amyris plumieri DC.

Casimora edulis Llave ex Lex Fagara bombacifolia Krug & pera, pera criolla, pera mexicana (RD); mango
Urb., Zanthoxylum tarango, sapote blanco, sapote blanco de Mexico
bombacifolium A. Rich. (C)

Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) C. acida Roxb., C.lima Lun., citron, citron vert, citronnier (H); citron, lima, lima
Swingle Limonia aurantifolia Christm. boba, lim6n agrio (RD); key lime, Persian lime,
West Indian lime (PR)
Citrus aurantium L. subsp. Aurantium acre Mill., C. orange amer, orange sure (H, G, M); naranja de
aurantium bigarradia Loisel., C. vulgaris babor (RD); naranja agria (C, RD, PR); sour orange
Risso (PR); bigarade orange, bitter orange (1)
Citrus limetta Risso calmouc (H); lima, limasa (RD); lim6n dulce (RD,
PR); lime (G, PR)
292 Tree Names

Citrus limon (L.) Bunn. C. limonum Risso, C. peretta citronnier, limon france (H); lim6n, limon agrio (C,
domingensis Tuss., Limon RD, PR); limon persa (C); lemon, limon de cabro
vulgaris Mill. (PR)

Citrus maxima O. Burm.) Merr. C. aurantium var. grandis L., C. chadeque (H); pomelo, toronja, toronja de la India
decumana L., C. grandis (L.) (RD); pummelo, shaddock (PR)

Citrus medica L. citron, citronnier (H); cidra, toronja (RD)

Citrus reticulata Blanco C. deliciosa Ten., C. nobilis mandarine (H); naranja mandarina (C, RD, PR);
Andr. not Lour. mandarine orange, tangerine (PR)

Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck Aurantium sinensis Mill., C. orange douce (H); naranja de China, naranja dulce
aurantium var. sinensis L. (C, RD, PR); sweet orange 0, PR)

Citrus x paradisi Macf. C. maxima var. uvacarpa Merr., pamplemousse (H); grapefruit (PR)
C. maxima x· C. sinensis

Fortunellajaponica (Thunb.) Citrus japonica Thunb. kumquat redondo (RD); kumquat (US)

Fortunella margarita (Lour.) Citrus margarita Lour. kumquat oval (RD); kumquat (US)

Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack Chalcas exotica (L.) Millsp:, C. bun, myrte (H); buis (G, H, M); azahar, azahar de
paniculata L., Murraea exotica .jardfn (RD); boj de Persia, jazmfn de Persia,
L. muralla, murallera (C); mirto (C, PR); orange
jessemine (PR); China-box, mock orange (1)

Pilocarpus racemosus Vahi Raputia heterophylla Griseb. aceitillo (PR); bois blanc, flambeau caraibe (G);
flaboir noir, flambeau (M)

Zanthoxylum anadenium (Urb. & Fagara anadenia Urb. & Ekm.

Ekm.) Jimenez
Endemic to Hispaniola

Zanthoxylum bifoliolatum Leonard Fagara bifoliolata Urb..

Zanthoxylum coriaceum A. Rich. Fagara coriacea Krng & Urb.

Zanthoxylum elephantiasis Macf. Fagaraelephantiasis Krng & pine, pine jaune, pinit, pinit jaune (H); ayua, pino
Urb., Z aromaticum DC. macho (RD); aytia amarilla, aytia varia, baytia (C)

Zanthoxylumfagara (L.) Sarg. Fagarafagara Small., F. pine jaune (H); alba, pino rubial, una de gato (RD);
lentiscifolia HBK., F. pterota L., amoroso, arona gato, chivo, limoncillo, tomegufn,
Schinusfagara L., Z pterota zarza de tomegufn (C)

Zanthoxylumflavum Vahl Fagaraflavum Krug & Urb. espinille, espinillo, misimieu, musimieu (RD);
aceitillo (C, PR); yellow sanders (PR)

Zanthoxylum lenticellosum (Urb. & Fagara lenticellosa Urb. & Ekm.

Ekm.) Jimenez
Endemic to Hispaniola

. Zanthoxylum leonardii (Urb.) Fagc:ra leonardii Urb.

Endemic to Hispaniola

Zanthoxylum martinicense (Lam.) Fagara martinicense Lam., Z bois epineux, bois peine, bois pine, bois pine blanc,
DC. juglandifolium Willd., Z bois pini (H); espino, pino, pino de teta, pino
lanceolatum Poir. macho, pino rubial (RD); aytia (C, PR); aytia
amarilla, aytia macho, ayuda (C); prickly yellow,
yellow hercules (J)

Zanthoxylum monophyllum (Lam.) Fagara monophylla Lam., Z pino, pino de teta, pino macho (RD); enrubio,
P. Wils. ochroleucum DC., Z espino rubial, palo rubrio, yellow prickly ash (PR);
simplicifolium Vah! bois noyer, ICpine jaune (G, M)
Tree Names 293

Zanthoxylum nashii P. Wils. Fagara nashii Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Zanthoxylum obcordatum (Urb. & Fagara obcordata Urn.
Elan.) Jimenez
Endemic to Hispaniola
Zanthoxylum pimpinelloides (Lam.) Fagara pimpinelloides Lam. feuilles baie (H)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Zanthoxylum punctatum Vahl Fagara trifoliata Sw., Tobinia alfiler (PR); toothache tree (J); bois d'Inde marron,
temata Hamilt., Z tematum Sw., bois flambeau, epineux rouge (G); bois flambeau
Z trifoliatum Krug & Urb., not L. noi'r l'epineux (M)

Zanthoxylum spinifex (Jacq.) DC. Fagara mic;ophylla Desf., F. bois camp&he (H); ufi~ de gato (RD)
spinifex Jacq., Z microphyllum
Zanthoxylum venosum Leonard Fagara venosum Urb.
Endemic to Hispaniola

Meliosma abbreviata Urb. coma, coma jaune (H)
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Meliosma herbertii Rolfe cacao cimarron, palo de caya prieto (RD);
aguacatillo, arroyo. cacaillo (PR); cacao hobo (PR,
RD); bois violet, graines vertes, graines violettes .
Meliosma impressa Krug & Urb. gounelle (H); cacao hoho, chicharrOn hobo (RD);
Endemic to Hispaniola aguacatillo, algarrobo, arroyo, serillo (PR)
Meliosma recurvata Urb. chicharrOn, chicharrOn bobo, palo de hacha (RD)
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte

Allophylits cominia (L.) Sw. Rhus cominia L. cafe marron, trois feuilles, trois paroles (H); parida,
rompe caldera, tres palabras (RD); palo de caja (C,
RD); caja, caja comun (C)
Allophylus crassinervis Radlk. amansa protranca (RD); palo blanco (PR)

Allophylus domingensis Alain

Endemic to Hispaniola
Allophylus haitiensis Radlk. &
Endemic to Haiti
Allophylus montanus Alain
Endemic to Hispaniola
Allophylus occidentalis (Sw.) A. racemosus Sw., not L., trois feu illes, trois paroles (H); cafe jaune, petit
Radlk. Schmidelia occidentalis Sw. cafe (H, G, M); cucharita prieta, palo de caja,
parida, rampe caldera, tres palabras (RD); palo
blanco, quiebrahacha (PR)
Allophylus rigidus Sw. bois negre, chic-chic (H)
Endemic to Hispaniola
294 Tree Names

Blighia sapida Koenig Akea solitaria Stokes, Akeesia aki, arbre-a-fricasser (H); arbol del seso (RD); akee
africana Tuss., Cupania sapida (PR); seso vegetal (PR, RD)
Cupania americana L. c.:saponiarioides, C. tomentosa bois de satanier, chatague, chataignier, satanier,
Sw. satanju, trois cotes (H); guanam, guanarita, guam,
gu&ana (C, RD, PR); candlewood tree (PR);
loblolly tree (1)
Cupania glabra Sw. gufuana (RD)

Cupania triquetra A. Rich. guam, guam blanca (PR)

Dodonaea viscosa (L.) Jacq. var. D. asplenifolia var. arborescens manglier petites feuilles, pativier (H); cucaracha,
arborescens (Cunn.) Sherff. J. D. Hook. D. ehrenbergii granadillo, palo de reina, palo del rey (RD);
Schlecht., D. spathulata Smith, D. dod6nea (C); chamiso, dogwood, guitanin, quitanin
viscosa var. spathulata Benth. (PR); switch sorrel (J)
Dodonaea viscosa (L.) Jacq. var. D. angustifolia L. f., D. manglier petites feuilles, pativier (H); cucaracha,
linearis (Rarv. & Sond.) Sherff jamaicensis DC., D. granadillo, palo de reina, palo del rey (RD)
thunbergiana var. linearis Harv.
& Sond., D. viscosa var.
angustifolia Benth.
Dodonaea viscosa (L.) Jacq. var. D. viscosa var. vulgaris Benth., manglier petites feuilles, pativier (H); cucaracha,
viscosa Ptelea viscosa L. granadillo, palo de reina, palo del rey (RD)

Exothea paniculata (Juss.) Radlk. E. oblongifolia Macf., Hypelate bois couleuvre, bois miHet, quenepier marron (H);
paniculata Camb., Melicocca cuemo de buey, nisperillo (RD); guamaca, yaicuaje
paniculata Juss. (C); butterbough, gaita (PR); inkwood (US)

Hypelate trifoliata Sw. Amyris hypelate, A. ?robinsonii chandelle marron, gallipeau (H); granadillo (RD);
DC. cuaba de ingenio, hueso de costa, raspadura, vera
(C); inkwood. melocha (PR)
Litchi chinensis Sonn. litchi, quenepe chinois, quenepier chinois (H);
leche (RD)
Matayba apetala (Macf.) Radlk. Cupania apetala Macf., C. bois de graines, bois de graines noirs (H); macurije
oppositifolia A. Rich., M. (C); doncella (PR)
oppositifolia Britt., Ratonia
apetala Griseb.
Matayba domingensis (DC.) Radlk. Cupania ratonia Camb., Ratonia bois de graines, bois de graines noirs (H); guam,
domingensis DC., R. spathulata rat6n (RD); caraicillo, macurije (C); doncella,
Griseb. negra lora, tea cimarrona (PR)
Matayba scrobiculata (HBK.) Cupania serobiculata HBK., M. chataignier, chataignie~ marron, satanier, satanier
Radlk. denticulata Radlk. manun (H); guara, gufuana (RD)

Melicoccus bijugalus Jacq. Melicocca bijuga L., Schinus quenepe, quenepe-a-fruits, quenepier, quenepier
melicoccus L. male (H); canape, limoncillo, quenepo (RD);
quenepa (PR, RD); mamoncillo (C); genip tree, .
genipe, guenepa, Spanish lime (PR); wing-leaved
honey berry (J)
Sapindus saponaria L. S. inaequalis DC., S. slenoplerus arbre-a-savon, bois savonnette pays, canique,
DC. graines canique, grenaillit, mombin batard, pomme
de savon, savonnette, savonnette pays, savonier
(H); cerote, chorote, mate de chivo, palo amargo,
palo de jab6n (RD); jaboncillo (C, RD, PR);
soapberry (J)
Talisiajimenezii Alain cotoperf (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Tree Names 295

Thouinia domingensis Urb. & - T. deflexa Radlk., T. revoluta
Radlk. var.deflexa (Radlk.) Votava Radlk.
ex Alain
Endemic to Hispaniola

Thouinia domingensis Urb. & Leonardia haitiensis Urb.

Radlk. var. domingensis
Endemic to Hispaniola
Thouinia milleri Leonard T. inaequalis Radlk., T.
Endemic to Hispaniola multinervis Radlk.
Thouinia racemosa Radlk. T. scoparia Radlk., T. spicata bois come (H)
Endemic to Hispaniola Radlk.
Thouinia trifoliata Poit. Thyana trifoliata Ham., Vargasia bois come, bois la m~vre, bois poivre (H);
glabra Bert. chicharrOn, cuchara, cucharita, parfa, parida (RD)

Thouinidium inaequilaterum Alain

Endemic to Hispaniola
Thouinidium pinnatum (Turpin) Thouinia pinnata Turpin gros peau (H); palo blanco (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Thouinidium pulverulentum Thouinia pulverulenta Griseb. bois brule (H)
(Griseb.) Radlk.

Bumelia cubensis Griseb. Dipholis angustifolia Urb., D. bois d'Inde, tiquimite (H); caya de lorna, jaiquf, y3.itf
cubensis (Griseb.) Pierre & Urb., (RD); espejuelo (PR); cuya (C)
D. domingensis Pierre & Urb.
Bumelia dominicana Whetstone & B.ferruginea Stearn, not Nutt.,
Atkinson- Dipholisferruginea Elan. &
Endemic to Hispaniola Schm.
Bumelia integra Cron. Dipholis anomala Urb. [not B.
Endemic to Hispaniola anomala Clark]
Bumelia obovata (Lam.) A. DC. var. B. heterophylla Urb., B. arafia gato, lechecillo, quiebrahacha (PR); breakbill
obovata parvifolia A. DC., Sideroxylon (VI)
obovatum Lam.
Bumelia salicifolia (L.) Sw. Achras salicifolia L., B. acomat marron, acomat rouge, m'panache, sapotille
pentagona Sw., ?Dipholis marron, sapotillier marron, sip (H); caya colorada
leptopoda Urb., Dipholis (RD); sanguinaria, wild mespel, willow bustic (PR);
salicifolia (L.) A. DC. almendrillo, cuya (C)

-Bumelia sericea (Cronq.) Stearn Dipholis sericea Cronq.

Endemic to Hispani91a
Chrysophyllum angustifolium Lam. C. montanum Urb. caimito cimarr6n (RD)
Chrysophyllum argenteum Jacq. C. argenteum var. petit caYmite (H); caimitillo, caimito blanco
sphaerocarpum Urb., C. cimarr6n,caimito cocuyo, carabana, yaya (RD);
caeruleum Jacq., C. glabrum macanabo (C); caimito verde, lechecillo (PR)
Chrysophyllum bicolor Poir.. C. eggersii Pierre, Cynodendron caimito cimarrOn (PR, RD); caimitillo, lechecillo,
bicolor (Poir.) Baehni wild cainit (PR)
Chrysophyllum cainito L. Cainito pomiferum Tuss., bon cai'mite, caYmite, cai"mite des jardins, caYmite
Lucuma cainito L. a
frnnche, caYmitier, caYmitier feuilles d'or, grande
caYmite (H); caimito (PR, RD); star-apple (PR)
296 Tree Names

Chrysophyllum olivifonne L. var. C. acuminatum Lam., C. cai'mite, cai'mite marron, cai'mite sauvage, cai'mitier
olivifonne gonavense Urb., C. ferrugineux, cai'mitier marron, cai'mitier olivaire (H);
miragoaneum Urb., C. caimito cocuyo, caimito de perro (RD); caimitillo,
olivifonne Lam., C. pallescens caimito cimarron (C, RD); caimito, macanabo (C);
Urb., C. platyphyllum Urb. . caimitillo de perro (PR); satinleaf (J, PR)

Chrysophyllum olivifonne L. var. C. brachystylum Urb., C.

picardae (Urb.) Cronq. heterochroum Urb., C. picardae
Endemic to Hispaniola Urb.
Manilkara albescens (Griseb.) Bassia albescens Griseb., bois huile, sapotille marron (H); ausubo, balati
Cronq. Mimusops albescens (Griseb.) (RD); nisperillo (PR, RD); acana, acana blanca (C)
Hartog, Murianthe albescens
Aubrev., Muriea albescens
Hartog ex Baill., M. eyerdamii
Gilly .

Manilkara bidentata (A. DC.) M. balata auth., M. nitida (Sesse sapotille, sapotille noir (H); acana, balati, sapotillo
Chev. & Moe.) Dubard, M. riedleana (RD); ausuba, balata (PR); bois noir, sapotillier
(Pierre) Dubard, Mimusops marron, sapotillier noir (G); balate (G, M)
balata var. domingensis Pierre,
M. bidentata A. DC., M.
domfngensis Moscoso, M.
domingensis (Pierre) Huber., M.
riedleana Pierre, M. sieberi A.
Manilkara gonavensis (Urb. & Mimusops ?gonavensis Urb. & sapotille marron (H)
Elan.) Gilly ex Cronq. Elan.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Manilkamjaimiqui (C. Wright) M. emarginata ssp. haitensis· jaiqui, jamiquf, nisperillo, nisperillo de hoja finas
Dubard ssp. haitensis (Cronq.) Cronq. Cronq. (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola .

Manilkara zapota (L.~ P. v. Royen Achras zapota L., A. zapota L. sapotille, sapotillier, sapotillier commun (H);
var. zapotilla Jacq., A. zapotilla nisperillo (RD); nfspero (RD, PR); sapodilla (PR,
Nutt., M. achras (Miller) US); sapote (C); common naseberry, naseberry (J)
Fosberg, M. zapotilla (Jacq.)
Gilly, Sapota achras Mill.
Mastichodendronfoetidissimum M.Joetidissimum (Jacq.) H. 1. acomat, coma; coma blanc, coma franc (H); caya
(Jacq.) Cronq. ssp.Joetidissimum Lam., Sideroxylon domingense amarilla, caya blanca, caya prieta, goma (RD);
Urb., S.foetidissimum Jacq., S. tortugo amarillo, tortugo colorado, false mastic (PR);
mastichodendron Jacq., S. caguinf, jocuma, jocuma amarilla, jocuma blanca,
portoricense Urb. jocuma lechera (C); mastic-bully (J, PR)

Micropholis polita (Griseb.) Pierre sapotille (H)

ssp. hotteana Judd .
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte
Pouteria dictyoneura (Griseb.) Paralabatiafuertesii Urb., P. caracolet (H); caracol, cuero de puerco, tomasina
Radlk. ssp.Juertesii (Urb.) Cronq. portoricensis Britton & Wilson, (RD); cocuyo~ sapote culebra de costa (C)
Pouteria dictyoneura var.
fuertesii Baehni
Pouteria domingensis (Gaertn. f.) Lucuma cuprea Urb. & Elan., P. genievre, jaune d'oeuf, toti marron (H); totuma
Baehni var. cuprea (Urb. & Elan.) domingensis f. cuprea Baehni (RD)
Cronq. [Some authors spell P.
Endemic to Hispaniola dominigensis.]
Pouteria domingensis (Gaertn. f.) Lucuma domingensis Gaertn. f.,L genievre,jaune d'oeuf, toti marron (H); locuma,
Baehni var. domingensis paucijlora A DC., L serpentaria tocuma, totuma (RD); acana,jacana (PR); egg fruit
HBK [Some authors spell P. (B)
dominigensis var. dominigensis]
Pouteria hotteand (Urb. & Elan.) Labatia? hotteana Urb. & Elan.
Tree Names 297

Pouteria multiflora (A. DC.) Eyrna Lucuma multiflora A. DC. jacana (PR); bully tree (1)

Pouteria sapota (1acq.) H. E. Moore Acharadelpha mammosa Cook, grand sapotillier, sapotier, sapotier jaune d'oeuf,
& Stearn Achras mammosa L., sapotillier mannelade (H); sapote (C, G, H, M, PR,
Calocarpum mammosum (L.) RD); mamey colorado (C); mamey sapote (C, PR);
Pierre, C. sapota (Jacq.) Merrill, mamey rojo, red mammee, red zapotee CPR);
Lucuma mammosa (L.) Gaertn. mammee sapota, mannelade plum (1); sapotille
f., P. mammosa (L.) Cronq., .mamey (G, M)
Sideroxylon sapota Jacq.
Pouteria sessiliflora (Sw.) Poir. Labatia sessiliflora Sw.
Endemic to Hispaniola


. Alvaradoa haitiensis Urb. abbe marron, petit abbe (H)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Castella depressa Turp. Neocastela depressa Small.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Picramnia antidesma Sw. aguedita (RD); brasilete bastardo, brasilete falso
(C); macard bitter, mahoe bitter, Tom Bartein's
Picramnia dictyoneura (Urb.) Urb. Casabitoa perfae Alain, P.
&Ekm. domingensis Urb., Trichilia
Endemic to Hispaniola dictyoneura Urb.
Picramnia macrocarpa Urb. &
Endemic to Hispaniola
. Picramnia pentandra Sw. P. antidesmoides Griseb., P. bois petit g~on, bois poisson, bois sardine, cafe
micrantha Tu\. marron, vaillant g~on (H); ojo de peje, palo de
peje, palo de pez (RD); aguedita (C, RD); quina de
la tierra, quina del pafs (C); bitterbush, guarema,
palo de hueso (PR); macary bitter, majoe bitter (J)
Picrasma excelsa (Sw.) Planch. Aeschrion excelsa O. Ktze., A. frene, gorie frene (H); goric (RD, H); cuasia, quasia
excelsa microcarpa Kr. & Urb., (C); Jamaica quassia (1); lena arnargo, palo arnargo
Quassia excelsa Sw., P. excelsa (PR); bitterwood (J, PR)
Picrasma selleana Urb. Aeschrion selleana Eng\.
Endemic to Hispaniola
Quassia amara L. cuassia (H); palo mufieco (RD); cuasia (C, PR);
quassia wood (PR)
Simarouba berteroana Krug & Urb. bois frene, frene etranger (H); aceituna, daguilla,
Endemic to Hispaniola juan primero, olivo (RD)

Simarouba glauca DC. var.latifolia S. medicinalis End\., S. officinalis bois blanc, bois frene, bois negresse, d'olive, frene,
Cronq. ' Macfad., S. officinalis DC., in part quinquina d'Europe (H); daguilla, daguillo, laguilla,
juan primero, palo arnargo, quassia arnarga (RD);
gavilan, palo blanco, roblecillo, simaruba (C);
aceituno, bitter-ash, princess tree (PR); bitter
damson (J); acajou blanc (G, M); simarouba
Suriana maritima L. chrlste marine, crisse marine, perce-pierre (H);
guazumilla, jobero, jovero (RD); cuabilla, cuabilla
de costa, incienso (C); guitaran, bay cedar,
temporana (PR); sea samphire (J)
298 Tree Names

Acnistus arborescens (L.) Schlecht. Atropa arborescens L., Cestrum belladone, feuille douleur (H); mata gallina (RD);
macrostemon Sesse et Mac. flor., galan arooreo, palo de gallina (PR)
Dunalia arborescens (L.)

Brunfelsia americana L. aguacero, darna de nache (RD); aleIf falso, rain

shrub, trompeta de angel, tulipan sencillo (PR);
American brunfelsia, trumpet flower (1);
fleur-a-pluie (G, M)

Cestrum diurnum L. rufiana (RD); darna de ilia, day cestrum (PR); galan
de dia (C)

Cestrum macrophyllum Vent. rufiana (RD); galan del monte (PR)

Cestrum nocturnum L. C. laurifolium L'Her. lilas de nuit, jasmin de nuit (H); jazmin de nache,
rufiana (RD); galan de nache (C); darna de nache,
lady-of-the-night (PR)

Cyphomandra betacea (Cav.) C. crassifolia (Ortega) Kuntze tree tomato (US)

Datura suaveolens Humb. & Bonp!. D. arborea L. strarnoine-en-arbre (H); campana (C); angel's
exWilld. trumpet (J)

Solanum antillarum O.E. Schulz arito, mantequita (RD); ajicillo, tabaco cimarron

Solanum erianthum D. Don. S. verbascifolium Jacq. amorette mlile, amorette marron, amourette, tabac
marron (H); friegaplatos, tabac6n, tabacuelo (RD);
pendejera macho, tabaco cimarrOn (C); berenjena
de paloma, mullein nightshade, wild tobacco (PR)

Solanum formonense O.E. Schulz

Endemic to Massif de la Hotte

Solanum polyg~mum Vahl cackalaka berry (PR)

Solanum rugosu'm Dunal S. asperum Vahl tabac6n (RD); sepi, tabac6n aspero (PR)

Solanum torvum Sw. S. jicifolium Ort. amourette (H); berenjena de gallina, tabac6n (RD);
berenjena cimarrona (RD, PR); pendejera (C);
turkey berry (PR)

NB: Judd (1987) lists' 13 shrub species of the following genera that might be considered as small trees sensu Little and
Wadsworth (1964): Brunfelsia (1), Cestrum (8), Clerodendrum (1), and Solanum (3). These species are not listed.

Huertea cubensis Griseb. alfiler, don juan, juan primero (RD)

Turpina occidentalis (Sw.) G. Don Dalrymplea domingensis Spreng., bija, cedro hembra, guarapo,juan primero prieto, violet
Staphylea occidentalis Sw., T. cimarrona, violeta (RD); eugenio, lilayo (PR); sauco
paniculata Vent. cimam5n (C, PR); roble gilira, serrueho (C)

Turpina picardae Urb.

Endemic to Hispaniola

Cola acuminata (Beauv.) Schott. & Cola vera K. Schum. colatier, noix de cola (H); cola (H, RD); cola nut
End!. tree, nuez de cola (PR); bissy, kola (1)
Tree Names 299

Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. G. bubroma Tuss., G. guazuma bois d'homme, bois d'orme, bois de hetre, orme
(L.) Cockerell, G. polybotrya P. d' Amerique (H); guacima cimaronna, guazuma
DC., G. tomentosa HBK., G. (RD); guacima de caballo (C); guacima (C, RD,
tomentosa Kunth., G. ulmifolia PR); bastard cedar, West Indian elm 0, PR)
var. tomentosa (HBK.) K. Schum.,
Theobroma guazuma L.
Helicteresjamaicensis Jacq. H. altheaefolia Lam., H. isora bois d'homme, coton rat, jeu90n (H); huevo de gato
Desc., H. spiralis Northr. (RD, PR); majagiiilla (C); cowbush, cuernecillo

Helicteres semitriloba Bert.

Sterculia apetala (Jacq.) Karst. Helicteres apetala Jacq., S. pistache des Indes (H);' anacahuita (C, RD);
carthaginensis Cay. anacagiiita (C, RD, PR); esterculia (C); Panama
tree (J, PR)

Sterculiafoetida L. anacagiiita, hazel sterculia (PR)

Theobroma cacao L. subsp. cacao Cacao theobroma Tuss.. cacao (French, Spanish, English); cacaotier,
cacaoyer (French); cacao amarillo, cacao erlollo,
cacao forastero, cacao morado (C, RD, PR)

Styrax obtusifolills Griseb.
Styrax ochraceus Urn.
Endemic to Hispaniola

Symplocos berteroi (DC.) Miers S. hyboneura Urb., S. aceituno, moradilla (RD)
Endemic to Hispaniola martinicensis var. berterii DC., S.
'pilifera Urb.
Symplocos domingensis Urn.
Endemic to Hispaniola

Symplocos hotteana Urn. & Ekm.

Endemic to southwestern Haiti

Cleyera albopunctata (Griseb.) Eroteum albopunctatum (Griseb.) copey vera (C)
Krug& Urn. Britt., Eurya albopunctata
Melchior, Temstroemia
albopunctata Griseb.
Cleyera bolleana (0. C. Schm.) Eurya bolleana O. C. Schm.,
Kobuski Freziera bolleana Kobuski
Endemic to Hispaniola

Cleyera orbicularis Alain

Endemic to Haiti

Cleyera temstroemioides (0. C. Ellrya temstroemioides O. C.

Schmidt) Kobuski Schm., Freziera ternstroemioides .
Endemic to Massif de la Hotte Kobuski
300 Tree Names

Cleyera vaccinioides (0. C. Eurya vaccinioides O. C. Schm.,
Schmidt) Kobuski Freziera vaccinioides Kobuski
Endemic to Hispaniola

Laplacea alpestris (Krug & Urb.) Haemocharis alpestris Krug &

Dyer Urb., Wikstroemia alpestris Blake
Endemic to Hispaniola

Laplacea cymatoneura Urb.

Endemic to Hispaniola

Laplacea portoricensis (Krug & Haemocharis portoricensis Krug

Urb.) Dyer & Urb., Wikstroemia
portoricensis (Krug & Urb.)

Temstroemia barkeri Elem. &

Endemic to Massif de la Hotte

Temstroemia glandulosa Alain

Endemic to Hispaniola

Temstroemia peduncularis A. DC. Taonabo peduncularis (DC.) bois d'Inde manun, bois d'ine manun (H);
Britton, Temstroemia botoncillo (RD); copey vera (C); bois vert, cacao
, meridionalis Sw., T. obovalis A. de montagne (G, M)
Temstroemia selleana Elem. &
Endemic to Hispaniola

Clavija domingensis Urb. & Ekm. bois jean louis, grand coquemollier, langue aboeuf
Endemic to southwestern Haiti (H)

Jacquinia arborea Vahl Chrysophyllum barbasco Loeft., azucares, barbasco (PR)

J. armillaris Jacq., J. armillaris
arborea Griseb., J. barbasco Mez
Jacquinia berterii Spreng. J. aculeata (L.) Mez., J. berterii bois bande, bois cassave (H); palo de cruz (RD);
var. acutifolia Griseb., J. berterii espuela de caballero de pinar (C); ironwood, jue
var. angustior Urb., J. berterii bush, sea myrtle (US)
var. portoricensis Urb., J. berterii
var. retusa Urb., J. sphaeroidea

Jacquinia comosa Urb. & Ekm.

Endemic to Hispaniola

Jacquinia keyensis Mez

Daphnopsis americana (Mill.) 1. R. Daphne tinifolia Sw., miillaut (H); guacacoa, guacacoa baria (C);
Johnst. ssp. cumingii (Meissn.) Daphnopsis americana ssp. emajagua de sierra, maho, majagua de sierra (PR)
NevI. tinifolia NevI., D. tinifolia Sw.,
Laurus americanus Mill.
Tree Names 301

Daphnopsis crassifolia (Poir.) Daphne crassifolia Poir., ayay, guanantesi, guarantel, hayao, jayao (RD)
Meissn. Daphnopsis crassifolia var.
Endemic to Hispaniola eggersii Krug & Urb.,
Hyptiodaphne crassifolia Urb.,
H. crassifolia var. eggersii Urb.
Daphnopsis cuneata (Griseb.) D. unijlora Urb, & Ekm.
Radlk. ssp. unijlora (Urb. & Ekrn.)
Endemic to Hispaniola
Daphnopsis ekmanii Domke
Endemic to Hispaniola
Lagetta lagetto (Sw.) Nash Daphne lagetto Sw., L lintearia bois dentelle, daguille, laget (H); daguilla, palo de
Lam. encaje (RD); daguilla comun, daguilla de lorna,
guanilla (C); lagetto (J)

Carpodiptera cubensis Griseb. Berrya cubensis G. Maza bois blanc, bois d'ortie, bois d'ortie blanche, bois
d'ortie rouge, feuil1es d'ortie, ortie blanche (H);
majagua de Cuba, majagiiilla (C)
Carpodiptera hexaptera Urb. &
Endemic to Hispaniola
Carpodiptera simonis Urb. bois d'ortie, bois d'ortie rouge (H)
Endemic to southwestern Haiti

Amoelocera cubensis Griseb. bois blanc grandes feuilles (H); hueso, jatia blanca,
purio (C)
Celtis trinervia Lam. bois feuilles blanches, bois raie (H); amarguil1o,
anisillo, lejfo, palo amargo (RD); gageda de
gallina, guisacil10 (C); almez, guacimil1a (PR)
Phyllostylon brasiliense Cap. P. rhamnoides Taub., bois blanc (H); baitoa (RD); jatfa (C); San
Samaroceltis rhamnoides Poiss. Domingo boxwood, West Indian boxwood (PR,
Trema lamarckiana (Roem. & Celtis lamarkiana R. & Sch:, C. mahaut piment (H); majagua, memiso, memizo
Schult.) Blume lima Lam., T.lima Hitch. cimarr6n, memizo de majagua (RD); palo de
cabril1a, West Indian trema (PRj; capulf cimarr6n,
guasimil1a (C)
Trema micrantha (L.) Blume Celtis micranthus Sw., C. rugosa bois de soie (H); memiso, memiso de paloma,
Willd., Sponia canescens HBK., memizo cimarr6n (RD); capulf cimarr6n,
S. micrantha Denc. guacimil1a, guacimilla boba (C); cabra, palo de
cabra (PR); Florida trema (US)

Urera baccifera (L.) Gaud. feuilles enragees, maman guepes (H); ortiga brava,
stinging nettle (PR)
302 Tree Names

Avicennia germinans (L.) L. A. marina (Forsk.)Vierh., A. manglier noir, paletuvier (H); mangle prieto (RD);
nitida Jacq. black mangrove, mangle negro, salado, siete-cueros
Citharexylum caudatum L. cafe marron, cafe sauvage (H); cafe cimarrOn, penda
(RD); collarete, penda (C); pendula de sierra (PR);
oval-leaved fiddlewood (J)
Citharexylumfruticosum L. cafe marron, grenade marron, grenarde, jijirl
marron, madame claude, pindoula (H); cafe
cimarrOn, pendula (RD); canilla de venado, guayo
blanco (C); penda (C, RD); balsamo, palo de
guitarra (PR)

Comutia pyramidata L. indigotier (H); azulejo, palo de vidrio (RD); salvilla


Duranta repens L. D. erecta L., D. plumieri Jacq. boisjambette, mai's bouilli (H); adonis (RD);
azota-caballo, pigeon-berry, skyflower (PR); celosa

Gmelina arborea Roxb. G. rheedii Hook., Premna gmelina, melina (H, RD); white teak (India)
latifolia Roxb. var. mucronata
Auct., not C. B. Clarke
Petitia domingensis Jacq. bois d'ortie, chene calebassier (H); capa blanco,
capa de sabana, capa sabanero (RD); fiddlewood
(J); guayo prieto (C)
Tectona grandis L. f. T. theka Lour., Theka grandis (L. teck (H); teca (RD); teak (PR)
f.) Lam.
Vitex agnus-castus L. malagueta, pimienta de Guinea, yerba de la suerte,
yerba luisa (RD); chaste tree, chencherenche,
sauzgatillo (PR)
Vitex divaricata Sw. V. multiflora Sw. bois Iezard (H); higiierillo, p6ndula, p6ndula blanca,
whitefiddlewood (PR); of6n criollo, roble de olor,
roble guayo (C)
Vitex heptaphylla A. Juss. bois de savane, bois savane, gris-gris (H); matta
becero, malagueta, palo perriro (RD); black
fiddlewood, lizard wood (1); chicharr6n (C)
NB: Judd (1987) describes 2 shrub species of Lantana that might be considered small trees sensu Little and Wadsworth
(1964). These species are not listed. .

Guaiacum officinale L. [Also spelled Guajacum.] arbre de vie, bois saint, gai'ac, gafuc batard, galac
franc, gai'ac male, gai'ac officinal (H); guayacan (C,
RD, PR); palo santo (C); guayaco,lignum vitae
Guaiacum sanctum L. Guajacum guatemalense PI. [Also bois saint, gai'ac blitard, gai'ac blanc, gai'ac cardasse,
spelled Guajacum.] galac femelle (H); guayacan bastardo (RD); vera
(C, RD); guayacancillo (C, RD, PR); guayacan
blanco (C, PR); hollywood lignum vitae (PR)
Creole Names 303
Creole Names of Trees and Shrubs

•• A ••
abe mawon Alvaradoa haitiensis Urn. Simaroubaceae
akasya Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Benth. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
aken Crudia spicata (AubI.) Willd. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
aki Blighia sapida Koenig Sapindaceae
akoma Bumelia salicifolia (L.) Sw. Sapotaceae
akoma Mastichodendronfoetidissimum (Jacq.) Cronq. ssp.foetidissimum Sapotaceae
akoma Meliosma abbreviata Urn. Sabiaceae
akoma Sloanea amygdalina Griseb. Elaeocarpaceae
akoma blan Mastichodendronfoetidissimum (Jacq.) Cronq. ssp.foetidissimum Sapotaceae
akoma fran Mastichodendron foetidissimum (Jacq.) Cronq. ssp. foetidissimum Sapotaceae
akomajon Meliosma abbreviata Urn. Sabiaceae
akomamawon Bumelia salicifolia (L.) Sw. Sapotaceae
akoma wouj Bumelia salicifolia (L.) Sw. Sapotaceae
alerit Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd. Euphorniaceae
amouret Solanum spp. Solanaceae
amouret mal Solanum erianthum D. Don Solanaceae
amouret mawon Solanum erianthum D. Don Solanaceae
anis mawon Piper amalago L. Piperaceae
anis zetwal Illicium ekmanii A.c. Smith llIiciaceae
aniset Piper amalago L Piperaceae
ano Ouratea ilicifolia (P. DC.) BailI. Ochnaceae
arabo Erythroxylum areolatum L. Erythroxylaceae
arali gran fey ScheJjlera spp. AraIiaceae
arokariya Araucaria heterophylla (Salisb.) Franco Araucariaceae
ayitye Cameraria latifolia L. Apocynaceae

•• B ••
badanye Terminalia catappa L. Combretaceae
bagaj akolye Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Schum. Apocynaceae
balay fou Capparisferruginea L. Capparaceae
balay mon Schaefferiafrutescens Jacq. Celastraceae
bambou Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex WendI. Poaceae (=Graminae)
ban Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack Rubiaceae ~

bannann Musa acuminata CoIla x M. balbisiana CoIla 'AAB' Musaceae

·304 Creole Names

•• B ••
batakayman Lonchocarpus latifolius (Willd.) DC. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

baton kas Cassia spp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

baton sosiye Erythrina spp. Fabaceae (:Leguminosae)

bayawonn Acacia spp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

bayawonn Cercidium praecox (R. & P.) Hanns Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

bayawonn Prosopis julijlora (Sw.) DC. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

bayawonn fran Prosopisjulijlora (Sw.) DC. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

bayawonn wouj Acacia tortusosa (L.) Willd. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

bayonet Yucca spp. Liliaceae

beladonn Acnistus arborescens (L.) Schlecht. Solanaceae

benzoliv Moringa oleifera Lam. Moringaceae

biziyet mawon Phyllanthus juglandifolius Willd. ssp. juglandifolius Euphorbiaceae

blinblin Averrhoa bilimbi L. Oxalidaceae

blinbliri long Averrhoa carambola L. Oxalidaceae

bom~imgle Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Sieb. Lauraceae

bon gason Euphorbia petiolaris Sims. Euphorbiaceae

bon kaymit Chrysophyllum cainito L. Sapotaceae

bonbon chat Cordiamirabiloides (Jacq.) R. & S. Boraginaceae

bonbon kapitenn Malpighia spp. Malpig!Uaceae

bonbon kodenn Cordia mirabiloides (Jacq.) R. & S. Boraginaceae

bonbon kodenn Trichostigma octandrum (L.) H. Walt. Phytolaccaceae

bonbon kok denn Trichostigma octandrum (L.) H.. Walt. Phytolaccaceae

boudou Trichilia spp. Meliaceae

boulet kanon Couroupita guianensis AubI. Lecythidaceae

bouziyet Comocladia spp. Anacardiaceae

breziyet Caesalpinia spp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae).

breziyet Comocladia spp. Anacardiaceae

breziyet bata Trichilia hirta L. Meliaceae

brikal Erythrina berteroana Urb. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

bril Eugenia domingensis Berg Myrtaceae

brinyol Eugenia domingensis Berg Myrtaceae

briyol Reynosia uncinata Urb. Rhmanaceae

brize menaj Senna angustiliqua (Lam.) Irwin & Barneby var. angustisiliqua Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

briziyet Comocladia dentata Jacq. Anacardiaceae

bwaarne Garryafadyenii Hook. Garryaceae

bwa arne blan Aspidosperma cuspa (HBK.) Blake & Pittier Apocynaceae

bwa ami Bunchosia nitida (Jacq.) L.C. Rich. Malpighiaceae

bwaanis Piper amalago L. Piperaceae .

bwa arada Trichilia spp. Meliaceae

bwa bande Jacquinia berterii Spreng. Theophrastaceae

Creole Names 305

•• B ••
bwa berom Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) 1. W. Moore var. racemosa Myrtaceae

bwa blan Carpodiptera cubensis Griseb. Tiliaceae

bwa blan Croton glabellus L. Euphorbiaceae

bwa blan Phyllostylon brasiliense Cap. Ulmaceae

bwa blan Simarouba glauca DC. vaT. latifolia 'Cronq. Simaroubaceae

bwa blan gran fey Amoelocera cubensis Griseb. Ulmaceae

bwa born Couroupita guianensis Aubl. Lecythidaceae

bwa bourik Capparisfrondosa Jacq. Capparaceae

bwa bouwo Leucaena spp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

bwabrilan Sapium spp. Euphorbiaceae

bwa brile Thouinidium pulverulentum (Griseb.) Radlk. Sapindaceae·

bwa chandeI Amyris spp. Rutaceae

bwa chandel Pinus ocCidentalis Sw. Pinaceae

bwa chapo Ehretia tinifolia L. Boraginaceae

bwachenn Catalpa longissima (Jacq.) Dum. Cours. Bignoniaceae

bwachik Cordia alba (Jacq.) Roem. & Schult. Boraginaceae

bwadajan Capparis cynophallophora L. Capparaceae

bwadamou MyrCia Citrifolia (Aubl.) Urban Myrtaceae

bwa dan mawon Tibouchina longifolia (Vahl.) Baill. Melastomataceae

bwa danjou Oreopanax capitatum (Jacq.) Decne. & Planch. Araliaceae

bwa danjou Schefflera tremula (Krug & Urb.) Alain Araliaceae

bwadano Lonchocarpus neurophyllus Urb. Fabaceae (=Legurninosae)

bwadano Sennapendula (Willd.) Irwin & Bameby var. advena (Vogel) Fab~ceae (=Leguminosae)
bwa dantel Lagetta lagetto (Sw.) Nash Thymeliaceae

bwadehet Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. Sterculiaceae

bwadeho Rheedia venicillata Griseb. Clusiaceae (=Guttiferae)

bwadenn Bumelia cubensis Griseb. Sapotaceae

bwa denn Cordia sebestena L. Boraginanceae

bwa denn MyrCianthesfragrans (Sw.) McVaugh Myrtaceae

bwa denn franse Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) 1.W. Moore Myrtaceae

bwa denn mawon Temstroemia peduncularis A. DC. Theaceae

bwadinn MyrCianthesfragrans (Sw.) McVaugh Myrtaceae
bwa dinn fran Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) J. W. Moore var. racemosa Myrtaceae

bwa dinn franse Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) 1. W. Moore var. racemosa Myrtaceae

bwa dinn mawon Temstroemia peduncularis A. DC. Theaceae

bwa dinn ti fey Eugenia monticola (Sw.) DC. Myrtaceae

bwadiou Rheedia vertiCiliata Griseb. Clusiaceae (=Guttiferae)

bwa diou Trichilia aquifolia P. Wils. Meliaceae

bwa diou mawon Trichilia aquifolia P. Wils. Meliaceae

bwadjab Hura crepitans L. Euphorbiaceae

306 Creole Names

•• B ••
bwadom Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. Sterculiaceae
bwadom Helicteresjamaicensis Jacq. Sterculiaceae
bwadom Muntingia calabura L. Elaeocarpaceae
bwadom Samyda dodecandra Jacq. FIacourtiaceae
bwadoti Carpodiptera spp. Tiliaceae
bwadoti Petitia domingensis Jacq. Verbenaceae
bwadoti blan Carpodiptera cubensis Griseb. Tiliaceae
bwadoti wouj Carpodiptera spp. Tiliaceae
bwadoule Morinda citrifolia L. Rubiaceae
bwaebenn Pictetia spinifolia (DesY.) Urban Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
bwaebenn Reynosia uncinata Urn. Rhmanaceae
bwaekos Piptadenia peregrina (L.) Benth. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
bwafe Colubrina spp. Rhamnaceae
bwafe Krugiodendronferreum (VahI) Urn. Rhamnaceae
bwa fe blan Colubrina arborescens (Mill.) Sarg. Rhmanaceae
bwafemawon Reynosia uncinata Urb. Rhmanaceae
bwafetid Capparis cynophallophora L. Capparaceae
bwa fey blanch Celtis trinervia Lam. Ulmaceae
bwafoumi Maytenus buxifolia (A Rich.) Griseb. Celastraceae .
bwa fwenn Simarouba spp. Simaroubaceae
bwagal Piptadenia peregrina (L.) Benth. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
bwagason Euphorbia petiolaris Sims. Euphorniaceae

Croton glabellus L. Euphorniaceae

bwagrenn Illicium ekmanii AC. Smith Illiciaceae
bwagrenn Matayba spp. Sapindaceae
bwa grenn nwa Illicium ekmanii AC. Smith Dliciaceae
bwa grenn nwa Matayba spp. Sapindaceae
bwagrigri Buchenavia capitata (VahI) Eichl. Combretaceae
bwa grigri Bucida buceras L. Combretaceae
bwaivran Piscidia piscipula (L.) Sarg. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
bwajamMt Duranta repens L. Verbenaceae
bwa jan louwi Clavija domingensis Urn. & Ekm. Theophrastaceae
bwajon Chlorophora tinctoria (L.) Gaud. Moraceae
bwajonis Bocconiafrutescens L. Papayeraceae

bwaka Zygia latifolia (L.) Fawc. & Rendle Fabaceae (=LegUminosae)

-bwakabrit Psychotria berteriana DC. Rubiaceae
bwakabrit Senna atomaria (L.) Irwin & Bameby Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
bwa kachiman Annona spp. Annonaceae
bwakajou Eugenia odorata Berg Myrtaceae
bwakaka Bunchosia glandulosa (Cay.) L.C. Rich Malpighiaceae
Creole Names 307
••. B ••
bwa kaka Capparis spp. Capparaceae
bwakalson Bauhinia divaricata L. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

bwa }<aInpech Haematoxylon campechianum L. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

bwakampech Zanthoxylum spinifex (Jacq.) DC. Rutaceae
bwakano Schefflera morototoni (Aubl.) Maguire Stevenn. & Frodin Araliaceae
bwakanon Cecropia peltata L. Moraceae
bwa kapab Colubrina arborescens (Mill.) Sarg. Rhamnaceae
bwakapab Schaefferiafrutescens Jacq. Celastraceae
bwakasav Guapira domingensis (Heim.) Alain Nyctaginaceae
bwakasav Jacquinia berterii Spreng. Theophrastaceae
bwa kasav silves Guapira obtusata (Jacq.) Little Nyctaginaceae
bwa kayman Eugenia domingensis Berg Myrtaceae
bwakayman Lonchocarpus spp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
bwakayman Piptadenia peregrina (L.) Benth. Fabaceae (=Legurninosae)
bwa kochon Oreopanaxcapitatum (Jacq.) Decne. & Planch. Araliaceae
bwakochon Symphonia globulifera L. Clusiaceae (=Guttifeme)
bwakochon Tetragastris balsamifera (Sw.) Kuntze Bursemceae
bwa kochon rnawon Tetragastris balsamifera (Sw.) Kuntze Burseraceae
bwakodinn Bocconiafrutescens L. Papaveraceae
bwakok Bocconiafrutescens L. Papavemceae -
bwakok Hyperbaena lindmanii Urban Menispennaceae
bwakok' Sloanea amygdalina Griseb. Elaeocarpaceae
bwakokdenn Bocconiafrutescens L. Papavemceae
bwa kolye Pithecellobium arboreum (L.) Urb. Fabaceae (=Legurninosae)
bwakon Byrsonima spp. Malpighiaceae
bwakotlet Drypetes spp. Euphorbiaceae
bwakoulev Capparis cynophallophora L. Capparaceae
bwakoulev Exothea paniculata (Juss.) Radlk. Sapindaceae
bwakoure Thouinia spp. Sapindaceae
bwakmpo Alchomea latifolia Sw. Euphorbiaceae
bwakmpo Wallenia laurifolia Jacq. Myrsinaceae
bwakwil Cappai'is cynophallophora L. Capparaceae
bwa lafiev Thouinia trifoliata Poit. Sapindaceae
bwa lans Oxandra lanceolata (Sw.) Baill. Annonaceae
bwa lans bata Oxandra laurifolia (Sw.) A. Rich. Annonaceae
bwalans fran Oxandra lanceolata (Sw.) Baill. Annonaceae
bwalet Camera ria latifolia L. Apocynaceae
bwalet Rauvolfia nitida Jacq. Apocynaceae
bwalet Sapium jamaicense Sw. Euphorbiaceae
bwalet Tabernaemontana citrifolia L. Apocynaceae
308 Creole Names

•• B ••
bwa let femel Rauvolfia nitida Jacq. Apocynaceae
bwaletmal Tabernaemontana citrifolia L. Apocynaceae
bwa letel Psychotria nutans Sw. Rubiaceae
bwa leza Vitex divaricata Sw. Verbenaceae
bwa liben Podocarpus angustifolius Griseb. var. wrightii Pilger Podocarpaceae
bwa loray Trichilia havanensis Jacq. Meliaceae
bwamabel Brunellia comocladiifolia H. & B. ssp. domingensis Cuatr. Cunoniaceae
bwamabi Colubrina spp. Rharnnaceae
bwa mabre Gymnanthes lucida Sw. Euphorbiaceae
bwamadam Ochroma pyramidale (Cav.) Urb. Bombacaceae
bwamago Buchenavia capitata (Vahl) Eich!. Combretaceae
bwamago Bucida buceras L. Combretaceae
bwa majo Piper aduncum L. Piperaceae
bwamalodan Alchornea latifolia Sw. Euphorbiaceae
bwamawon Trichilia aquifolia P. Wils. Meliaceae
bwameriz Pseudolmedia spuria (Sw.) Griseb. Moraceae

bwa.milat Metopium spp. Anacardiaceae

bwamilat Myrcianthesfragrans (Sw.) McVaugh Myrtaceae
bwamilat . Myrciariajloribunda (West ex Willd.) Berg Myrtaceae
bwamilet Exothea paniculata (Juss.) Radlk. Sapindaceae
bwamit Eugenia rhombea (Berg) Krug & Urban Myrtaceae.
bwa mOtel Erythrina spp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
bwa motel vre Erythrina variegata L. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
bwa moutad Capparisjlexuosa (L.) L. Capparaceae
bwa nago Pterocarpus officinalis Jacq. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
bwa nago Tabebuia acrophylla (Urb.) Britt. Bignoniaceae
bwa nannon Ormosia krugii Urban Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
bwa nef Trophis racemosa (L.) Urban Moraceae
bwa neframo Trophis racemosa (L.) Urban Moraceae
bwa neg Allophylus rigidus Sw. Sapindaceae
bwa neges Casearia ilicifolia Vent. Flacourtiaceae

Dendropanax spp. Araliaceae

bwa neges Simarouba glauca DC. var. latifolia Cronq. Simaroubaceae
bwanwa Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
bwanwa Beilschmiedia pendula (Sw.) Hems!. ' Lauraceae
bwanwa Ehretia tinifolia L. Boraginaceae
bwa nwa Guatteria blainii (Griseb.) Urb. Annonaceae
bwa nwayo Piper amalago L. Piperaceae

bwapal Clusia spp. Clusiaceae (=Guttiferae)

bwapal Pterocarpus officinalis Jacq. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
Creole Names 309
•• IB ••
bwapalmis Andira inermis (W. Wr.) DC. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

bwapanyol Comocladia spp. Anacardiaceae

-bwa patat Antirhea Lucida (Sw.) Benth. & Hook. f. Rubiaceae

bwapen Pinus spp. Pinaceae

bwapenn Zanthoxylum martinicense (Lam.) DC. Rutaceae

bwapijon Mecranium spp. Melastomataceae

bwapine Zanthoxylum spp. Rutaeeae

bwa pine blan Zanthoxylum martinicense (Larn.) DC. Rutaceae

bwapini Zanthoxylum spp. Rutaceae

bwapit Colubrina arborescens (Mill.) Sarg. Rhamnaceae

bwaple Colubrina arborescens (Mill.) Sarg. Rhamnaceae

bwaplom Myrsine coriacea (Sw.) R. Br. ex Roem. & Schult. Myrtaceae
bwapopit Cordia laevigata Lam. Boraginaceae
bwapoulet Bunchosia glandulosa (Cav.) L. C. Rich Malpighiaceae

bwapoupe Cordia laevigata Lam. Boraginaceae _

bwapwason Picramnia pentandra Sw. Simaroubaceae

bwapwav Thouinia trifoliata Poit. Sapindaceae
bwapwiant Capparis cynophallophora L. Capparaceae
bwa rai Celtis trinervia Lam. Ulmaceae
bwa raid Diospyros spp. Ebenaceae

bwarav Capparis spp. Capparaceae

bwarogou Myrcianthesfragrans (Sw.) McVaugh Myrtaceae

bwa sadinn Picramnia pentandra Sw. Simaroubaceae

bwa sadinn Randia erythrocarpa Krug. & Urb. Rubiaceae

bwa saginn Chionanthus ligustrinus (Sw.) Pers. Oleaceae

bwa santi Ateleia gummifer (Bert.) D. Dietr. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

bwa santi Bunchosia spp. Malpighiaceae

bwa sasiye bata Dendropanax arboreus (L.) Decne. & Planch. Araliaceae

bwa sasiye mawon Dendropanax arboreus (L.) Decne. & Planch. Araliaceae

bwa satanye Cupania americana L. Sapindaceae

bwa savann~ Acacia scleroxyla Tuss. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

bwa savann Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

bwa savann" Myrsine coriacea (Sw.) R. Br. ex Roem. & Schult. Myrsinaceae
, bwa savann Pseudalbizzia berteriana (Balbis) Britt. & Rose Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

bwa savann Tabebuia acrophylla (Urb.) Britt. Bignoniaceae

bwa savann Vitex heptaphylla A. Juss. Verbenaceae

bwa savon Sap indus saponaria L. Sapindaceae

bwa savonet peyi Sapindus saponaria L. Sapindaceae

bwa sek Samyda dodecandra Jacq. Flacourtiaceae

bwa sen Guaiacum spp. Zygophyllaceae

310 . Creole Names

•• B ••
bwa senegal Capparis spp. Capparaceae
bwa sezisman Rauvolfia nitida Jacq. Apocynaceae
bwa sezisman Thevetia peruviana (pers.) K. Schum. Apocynaceae
bwasip Bumelia salicifolia (L.) Sw. Sapotaceae
bwasip Tabebuia berteri (DC.) Britt. Bignoniaceae
bwasiwo Piper aduncum L. Piperaceae
bwasoumi Cordia alliodora (Ruiz Lopez et Pavon) Cham. Boraginaceae
bwaswa Calotropis procera (Ait.) R. Br. Asclepiadaceae
bwaswa Muntingia calabura L. Elaeocarpaceae
bwa swa Trema micrantha (L.) Blume Ulmaceae
bwa swa mawon Muntingia calabura L. Elaeocarpaceae
bwa tanis wouj Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
bwa ti fayi Buxus glomerata (Griseb.) Muell. Arg. Buxaceae
bwa ti let Buxus glomerata (Griseb.) Muell. Arg. Buxaceae
bwa ti ley Buxus glomerata (Griseb.) Muell. Arg. Buxaceae
bwa ti fey , Eugenia spp. Myrtaceae
bwa ti gason Picramnia pentandra Sw. Simaroubaceae
bwa ti gason Schaefferiafrutescens Jacq. Celastraceae
bwa tramble Ardisia spp. Myrsinaceae
bwa tramble Schefflera spp. Araliaceae
bwa twompet Cecropia peltata L. Cecropiaceae
bwavach Alchomea latifolia Sw. Euphorbiaceae
bwa velou Capparisferruginea L. Capparaceae
bwawil Manilkara albescens (Griseb.) Cronq. Sapotaceae
bwa wouj Guarea guidonia (L.) Sleumer Meliaceae
bwa WQZ Cordia alliodora (Ruiz Lopez et Pavon) Oken Boraginaceae
bwa WQZ Ziziphus rhodoxylon Urb. Rhamnaceae
bwazed Colubrina glandulosa var. antillana (M.C. Johnst.) M.C. Johnst. Rharnnaceae

bwa zet Colubrina glandulosa var. antillana (M.C. Johnst.) M.C. Johnst. Rharnnaceae
bwis Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack Rubiaceae
bwis beni Polygala penaea L. Polygalaceae
bwis sab Hura crepitans L. Euphorbiaceae
Creole Names 311

•• c ••
chadek Citrus maxima (1. Bunn.) Merr. Rutaceae
chambron Prosopisjuliflora (Sw.) DC. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

chandel anglez Exostema caribaeum (Jacq.) Roem. & Schult. Rubiaceae

chandeI blan Amyris elemifera L. Rutaceae

chandel mawon Amyris elemifera L. Rutaceae

chandel mawon Hypelate trifoliata Sw. Sapindaceae

chapelet Calyptronoma plumeriana (Martius) Lourteig Arecaceae (=Palmae)

chapo kare Sloanea spp. Elaeocarpaceae

chatag Cupania americana L. . Sapindaceae

chatanye Cupania americana L. Sapindaceae
chatanye Matayba scrobiculata (HBK) Radlk. Sapindaceae
chatanye mawon Matayba scrobiculata (HBK) Radlk. Sapindaceae
chatanye ti ley Sloanea ilicifolia Urb. Elaeocarpaceae
chenn Catalpa longissima (Jacq.) Dum. Cours. Bignoniaceae

chenn Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. ex R. Br. Proteaceae

chenn fran Cordia alliodora (Ruiz Lopez et Pavon) Cham. Boraginaceae

chenn kalbas Petitia domingensis Jacq. Verbenaceae

chenn kapawo Cordia alliodora (Ruiz Lopez et Pavon) Cham. Boraginaceae

chenn nwa Catalpa longissima (Jacq.) Dum. Cours. Bignoniaceae

chenn nwa Cordia alliodora (Ruiz Lopez et Pavon) Cham. Boraginaceae

chenn nwa Ehretia tinifolia L. Boraginaceae

chenn peyi Catalpa longissima (Jacq.) Dum. Cours. Bignoniaceae
chevalye Tecoma stans (L.) Kunth. Bignoniaceae

chibou Bursera simaruba (L.) Sarg. Burseraceae

chik Bursera simaruba (L.) Sarg. Burseraceae

chiot Bixa orellana L. Bixaceae

choublak Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. Malvaceae

dagwi Lagetta lagetto (Sw.) Nash Thymeliaceae

dalmag Calophyllum calaba L. Clusiaceae (=Guttiferae)

dalmari Calophyllum calaba L. Clusiaceae (=Guttiferae)
damag Calophyllum calaba L. Clusiaceae (=Guttiferae)

damari Calophyllum calaba L. Clusiaceae (=Guttiferae)

dan chen blan . Cordia mirabiloides (Jacq.) R. & S. Boraginaceae
dat Phoenix dactylifera L. Arecaceae (=Palmae)
dejimeI Bauhinia monandra.Kurz. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
312 Creole Names

•• D ••
de sezon Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotsch Euphorbiaceae
dehorn Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotsch Euphorbiaceae
delen Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit ssp. leucocephala Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
delen etranje Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit ssp. glabrata (Rose) S. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
divi divi Caesalpinia coriaria (Jacq.) Willd. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
do jilet Comocladia cuneata Britt. Anacardiaceae
doliv Moringa oleifera Lam. Moringaceae
doliv Ocotea leucoxylon (Sw.) Mez. Lauraceae
doliv Simarouba glauca DC var. latifolia Cronq. Simaroubaceae
doliv Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Schum. Apocynaceae
doliv bata Sontia daphnoides L. Myoporaceae
dombou Trichilia paUida Sw. Meliaceae
doti blanch Carpodiptera cubensis Griseb. Tiliaceae
doti bwa blan Carpodiptera cubensis Griseb. Tiliaceae
doule Morinda citrifolia L. Rubiaceae
dyare Copemicia berteroana Becc. Arecaceae (=Palmae)


ebenn Diospyros reyoluta Poir. Ebenaceae
ebenn Roche/ortia acanthophora (DC.) Griseb. Boraginaceae
ebenn nwa Roche/ortia acanthophora (DC.) Griseb. Boraginaceae
endigo Cornutia pyramidata L. Verbenaceae
ene Lawsonia inermis L. Lythraceae
letpim Croton lucidus L. Euphorbiaceae
. leyanraje Urera baccifera (L.) qaud. Urticaceae
ley be Zanthoxylum pimpineUoides (Lam.) DC. Rutaceae
ley dayiti Thespesia populnea (L.) Soland. ex Correa Malvaceae
ley doti Carpodiptera cubensis Griseb. Tiliaceae
ley doule Acnistus arborescens (L.) Schlecht. Solanaceae
ley grenn Ricinus communis L. Euphorbiaceae
ley kanel Myrsine guianensis (Aubl.) Kuntze Myrsinaceae
. ley krapo Alchornea lati/olia Sw. Euphorbiaceae
ley lawouziye Senna angustiliqua (Lam.) Irwin & Bameby var. angustiliqua Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

ley medsen Jatropha curcas L. Euphorbiaceae

ley nwayo Piper amalago L. Piperaceae
ley nwayo peyi Piper amalago L. Piperaceae
Creole Names 313


fey parese Polyscias spp. Araliaceae
fey senjan Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotsch Euphorbiaceae
fey sezi Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Schum. Apocynaceae
fey sezisman Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Schum. Apocynaceae
fey siwo Piper amalago L. Piperaceae
fey wou llex macfadyenii (Walp.) Rehder Aquifoliaceae
fig Musa acuminata Colla x M. balbisiana Colla 'AAA' Musaceae
figbannann Musa acuminatdColla x M. balbisiana Colla 'AAA' Musaceae
fig frans Ficus carica L. Moraceae
figmi Musa acuminata Colla x M. balbisiana Colla 'AAA' Musaceae
figye Clusia minor L. Clusiaceae (=Guttiferae)
figye Ficus spp. Moraceae
figyemodi CllIsia spp. Clusiaceae (=Guttiferae)
figye modi mawon Clusia spp. Clusiaceae (=Guttiferae)
figye wouj Ficus trigonata L. Moraceae
filao Casuarina equisetifolia L. ex J.R. & G. Forst. Casuarinaceae
filiye Ehretia tinifolia L. Boraginaceae
flambwayan Delonix regia (Bojer) Raf. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
flambwayan ble Jacaranda mimosifolia D. Don Bignoniaceae
Cordia mirabiloides (Jacq.) R. & S. Boraginaceae
fle dan fie blanch Cordia sulcata DC. Boraginaceae
fie dantisyon Cordia mirabiloides (Jacq.) R. & S. Boraginaceae
fiejalouzi Lawsonia inemzis L. ' Lythraceae
fie koray Hamelia patens Jacq. Rubiaceae
fie lila Melia azedarach L. Meliaceae
fiemahodem Ochroma pyramidale (Cav.) Urb. Bombacaceae
Erythrina variegata L. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
fie senpie Tecoma stans (L.) HBK. Bignoniaceae
fie siwo Sambucus spp. Adoxaceae
fo jirOf Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) J. W. Moore var. racemosa Myrtaceae
fo kenkena Croton eluteria (L.) Sw. Euphorbiaceae
fo salsparey Dendropanax arboreus (L.) Decne. & Planch. Araliaceae
franchipayn Plumeria obtusa L. Apocynaceae
franjipani Cllbanthus umbelliformis Urb. & Ekm. Euphorbiaceae
franjipann Pillmeria spp. Apocynaccae
franjipann blanch Plllllleria sllbsessilis A. DC. Apocynaceae
franjipanye Pillmeria spp. Apocynaceae
franjipanye blan Plllllleria obtllsa L. Apocynaceae
franjipanye mawon PllIl/leria spp. Apocynaceae
franjipanye pikan Plullleria tuberculata Lodd. Apocynaceae
314 Creole Names


franjipanye sovaj Plumeria alba L. Apocynaceae
franjipanye woz Plumeria rubra L. Apocynaceae
fransilad Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Sw. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
fransilad fie jon Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Sw. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
fransilad fie wouj Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Sw. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
fransilann Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Sw. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
frasoyn Plumeria obtusa L. Apocynaceae
fwenn Picrasma excelsa (Sw.) Planch. Simaroubaceae
fwenn Simarouba spp. Simaroubaceae
fwenn etranje Simarouba berteroana Krug & Urb. Simaroubaceae
fwomaje Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. Bombacaceae
fwomaje Morinda citrifolia L. Rubiaceae

•• G ••
gad mezon Euphorbia tirucalli L. Euphorbiaceae
galba Calophyllum calaba L. Clusiaceae (=Guttiferae)
galgal Byra buxifolia (MuIT.) Urb. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
galgal Pictetia spp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
galgal Pithecellobium circinale (L.) Benth. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
galgal· Reynosia uncinata Urb. Rhmanaceae
galgal Rochefortia acanthophora (DC.) Griseb. Boraginaceae
galipo Hypelate trifoliata Sw. Sapindaceae
gamel Coccoloba pubescens L. Polyganaceae
gayak Guaiacum officinale L. Zygophyllaceae
gayak bata Guaiacum spp. Zygophyllaceae
gayak blan Guaiacum sanctum L. Zygophyllaceae
gayak femel Guaiacum sanctum L. Zygophyllaceae
gayak fran Guaiacum officinale L. Zygophyllaceae
gayak kadas Guaiacum sanctum L. Zygophyllaceae
gayakmal Guaiacum officinale L. Zygophyllaceae
gege Bucida buceras L. Combretaceae
gom anime Hymenaea courbaril L. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
gombom Piper amalago L. Piperaceae
gomye Bursera simaruba (L.) Sarg. Burseraceae
gomye blan Bursera simaruba (L.) Sarg. Burseraceae
gomye sovaj Trichilia hirta L. Meliaceae
gomye wouj Bursera simaruba (L.) Sarg. Burseraceae
goo fwenn Picrasma excelsa (Sw.) Planch. Simaroubaceae
Creole Names J1S

•• G ••
gorik Picrasma excelsa (Sw.) Planch. Simaroubaceae
gran bOrn Piper amalago L. Piperaceae
gran ley Ocotea leucoxylon (Sw.) Mez. Lauraceae
gran kaymit Chrysophyllum cainito L. Sapotaceae
gran kbkmolye Clavija domingensis Urb. & Ekm. Theophrastaceae
gran maho Hibiscus tj[iaceus L. Malvaceae
. gran maho Thespesia populnea (L.) Soland. ex Correa Malvaceae
gran medsinye Jatropha curcas L. Euphorbiaceae
gran monben Spondias mombin L. Anacardiaceae

gran sapoti Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) H.E. Moore & Stearn Sapotaceae
gratgal Pictetia aculeata (Vahl) Urban Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
gratgal Reynosia uncinata Urb. Rhamnaceae
gratgal Rochefortia acanthophora (DC.) Griseb. Boraginaceae
gratigal Pictetia spinifolia (Desv.) Urban Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
gratigal Reynosia uncinata Urb. Rhmanaceae
grenad Punica granatum L. Punicaceae
grenad mawon Adelia ricinella L. Euphorbiaceae
grenad mawon Citharexylumfruticosum L. Verbenaceae
grenadya Punica granatum L. Punicaceae
grenayit Sapindus saponaria L. Sapindaceae
grenn delen Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit subsp. leucocephala Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
grenn delen peyi Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit subsp. leucocephala Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
grenn db Alchomea latifolia Sw. Euphorbiaceae
grenn kanik Sapindus saponaria L. Sapindaceae
grennkinik Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
grenn kininn Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
grenn plat Crudia spicata (AubI.) Willd. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
grevilya Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. ex R. Br. Proteaceae
grigri Buchenavia capitata (Vahl) EichI. Combretaceae
grigri Colubrina arborescens (Mill.) Sarg. Rhamnaceae

grigri Laguncularia racemosa (L.) Gaertner Combretaceae

grigri Vitex heptaphylla A. Juss. Verbenaceae
grigri jon Buchenavia capitata (Vahl) EichI. Combretaceae
grigri mbn Bucida buceras L. Combretaceae

grigri sovaj Colubrina arborescens (Mill.) Sarg. Rhamnaceae

gwanegoul Albizia saman (1acq.) F. Muell. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

gwanel Meliosma impressa Krug & Urb. Sabiaceae
gwann Coccothrinax spp. Arecaceae (=Palmae)
gwatapana Caesalpinia coriaria (Jacq.) Willd. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
gwatapana Prosopisjuliflora (Sw.) DC. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
316 Creole· Names

•• G ••
gwayabara Coccoloba uvifera (L.) L. Polygonaceae
gwayav Psidium guajava L. Myrtaceae
gwenn Coccothrinax spp. Arecaceae (=Palmae)
gwofigye Clusia major L. Clusiaceae (=Guttiferae)
gwomaho Thespesia populnea (L.) Soland. ex Correa Malvaceae
gwo monben Spondias mombin L. Anacardiaceae
gwopo Thouinidium pinnatum (Turpin) Radlk. Sapindaceae
gwo ti fey Eugenia laevis Berg Myrtaceae

•• K~ J ••
ikal< Chrysobalanus icaco L. Chrysobalanaceae
ilanilan Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook. & Thoms. Annonaceae
ilanilan Michelia champaca L. Magnoliaceae
jakaranda Jacaranda mimosifolia D. Don Bignoniaceae
jakiye Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. Moraceae
jarnbol Syzygiumjambos (L.) Alston Myrtaceae
jarnbwazi Syzygiumjambos (L.) Alston Myrtaceae
jammdepay Copemicia ekmanii Burret Arecaceae (=Palmae)
jazmen nwi Cestrum nocturnum L. Solanaceae
jelgal Pictetia spinifolia (Desv.) Urban Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
jeniev Pouteria domingensis (Gaertn. f.) Baehni Sapotaceae
jeson Helicteres jamaicensis Jacq. Sterculiaceae
jijiri mawon Citharexylumfruticosum L. Verbenaceae
jimel Bauhinia monandra Kurz. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
jinpa Genipa americana L. var. caruto (Kunth.) Schumann Rubiaceae
jirOf Eugenia carophylla Thunb. Myrtaceae
jirof Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) J. W. Moore var. racemosa Myrtaceae
jon def Pouteria domingensis (Gaertn. f.) Baehni Sapotaceae
joujoube Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. Rharnnaceae

•• K ••
kachiman Annona spp. Annonaceae
kachiman kanel Annona squamosa L. Annonaceae
kachiman ke bef Annona reticulata Linn. Annonaceae
kachiman mawon Annona urbaniana R.E. Fries Annonaceae
kachiman mawon Zuelania guidonia (Sw.) Britt. & Millsp. Flacourtiaceae
kachiman sovaj Zuelania guidonia (Sw.) Britt. & Millsp. Flacourtiaceae
Creole Names 317

•• K ••
kachiman zombi Annona rosei Safford Annonaceae
kafe Coffea arabica L. Rubiaceae
kafejon Allophylus occidentalis (Sw.) Radlk. Sapindaceae
kafe mawon Allophylus cominia (L.) Sw. Sapindaceae
kafe mawon Bourreria succulenta Jacq. Boraginaceae
. kafe mawon Casearia guianensis (Aubl.) Urb. Flacourtiaceae

kafe mawon Citharexylum spp. Verbenaceae

kafe mawon Picramnia pentandra Sw. Simaroubaceae
kafe sovaj Citharexylum caudatum L. Verbenaceae
kajou Anacardium occidentale L. Anacardiaceae
kajou Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq. Meliaceae
kajou etranje Swietenia macrophylla G. King Meliaceae
kajou femel Cedrela odorata L. Meliaceae
kajou peyi Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq. Meliaceae
kajou planch Cedrela odorata L. Meliaceae

kajou soyaj Maytenus buxifolia (A. Rich.) Griseb. Celastraceae

kajou venezwela Swietenia macrophylla G. King Meliaceae
kaka chen Capparis cynophallophora L. Capparaceae
kakapoul Miconia racemosa (Aubl.) DC. Melastomaceae
kakach Capparis cynophallophora L. Capparaceae
kakawo Theobroma cacao L. Sterculiaceae
kakon mawon Crudia spicata (Aubl.) Willd. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
kal nwa Guettarda multinervis Urb. Rubiaceae
kalbas Crescentia cujete L. Bignoniaceae
kalbas mawon Crescentia linearifolia Miers Bignoniaceae
kalbas mawon Dendrosicus latifolius (Mill.) A. Gentry Bignoniaceae
kalbas zombi Dendrosicus latifolius (Mill.) A. Gentry Bignoniaceae
kaliandra Calliandra calothyrsus Meissner Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
kaliptis Eucalyptus spp. Myrtaceae
kalmouk Citrus limetta Risso Rutaceae
kamf Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Sieb. Lauraceae
karnil Canella winterana (L.) Gaertn. Canellaceae
kampech Haematoxylon spp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
kampech mawon Pithecellobium circinale (L.) Benth. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
kandelab Euphorbia lactea Haw. Euphorbiaceae
kandelon Acacia scleroxyla Tuss. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
kanel Canella winterana (L.) Gaertn. Canellaceae
kanel Cinnamomum verum J. S. Pres!' Lauraceae
kanel Ocotea wrightii (Meissn.) Mez Lauraceae
kane! abey Myrica cerifera L. Myricaceae
318 Creole Names

•• K ••
kanel dous Myrica cerifera L. Myricaceae
kanel mawon Ocotea foeniculacea Mez Lauraceae
kanel miyel Myrica cerifera L. Myricaceae
kanel pwavre Canella winterana (L.) Gaertn. Canellaceae
kanik Caesalpinia spp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)'
kanik Sapindus saponaria L. Sapindaceae
kanil Canella winterana (L.) Gaertn. Canellaceae
kapab Colubrina arborescens (Mill.) Sarg. Rharnnaceae
kapab Schaefferiafrutescens Jacq. Celastraceae
. kapitenn Malpighia spp. Malpighiaceae
kapris Tabernaemontana divaricata (L.) R. Br. ex Roem. & Schult. Apocynaceae
karakole Pouteria dictyoneura (Griseb.) Radlk. ssp.fuertesii (Urb.) Cronq. Sapotaceae
karakte dezbm Bauhinia m01iandra Kurz. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
kararnbola Averrhoa carambola L. Oxalidaceae
kararnbouba Acacia macracantha H.&B. ex Willd. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
kas Cassia spp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
kas baton Senna atomaria (L.) Irwin & Bameby Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
kas dou Cassia fistula L. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
kas mawon Senna spp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
kas panybl Cassia spp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
kase rach Pera bumeliifolia Griseb. Euphorbiaceae
kaserach Ziziphus rhodoxylon Urb. Rharnnaceae
kase raj Pera bumeliifolia Griseb. Euphorbiaceae
kase sek Samyda dodecandra Jacq. Flacourtiaceae
kaskari Croton eluteria (L.) Sw. Euphorbiaceae
kasya Senna siamea (Lam.) Irwin & Bameby Fabaceae (=Leguminosae).
katchemen Ardisia angustata Urb. Myrsinaceae
katast Lemaireocereus hystrix (Haw.) Britton & Rose Cactaceae
katen Castanea sativa Mill. Fagaceae
katie Pseudophoenix vinifera (Mart.) Becc. Arecaceae (=Palmae)
kawos Attalea crassispatha (Mart.) Burret Arecaceae (=Palmae)
kawos etranje Attalea crassispatha (Mart.) Burret Arecaceae (=Palmae)
kawotchou Ficus elastica Roxb. ex Homem. Moraceae
kawotchou Hevea brasiliensis (HBK) Muell. Arg. Euphorbiaceae
kawoziye Attalea crassispatha (Mart.) Burret Arecaceae (=Palmae)
kawoziye Elaeis guineensis L. Arecaceae (=Palmae)
kayman Lonchocarpus neurophyllus Urb. Fabaceae (=Leguniinosae)
kayman fran Bunchosia nitida (Jacq.) L.C. Rich. Malpighiaceae
kaymit Chrysophyllum spp. Sapotaceae
kaymit fey db Chrysophyllum cain ito L. Sapotaceae
Creole Names 319

•• K ••
kaymit fran Chrysophyllum cainito L. Sapotaceae
kaymit jaden Chrysophyllum cainito L. Sapotaceae
kaymit mawon Chrysophyllum oliviforme L. var. oliviforme Sapotaceae
kaymit sovaj Chrysophyllum oliviforme L. var. oliviforme Sapotaceae
kaypon Chionanthus domingensis Lam. Oleaceae
kazbwina Casuarina spp. Casuarinaceae
Annona spp. Annonaceae
kenep Melicoccus bijugatus iacq. Sapindaceae
kenep chinwa Litchi chinensis Sonn. Sapindaceae
kenep fwi Melicoccus bijugatus Jacq. Sapindaceae
kenep mal Melicoccus bijugatus Jacq. Sapindaceae
kenep mawon Exothea paniculata (Juss.) Radlk. Sapindaceae
kenkena etranje Simarouba glauca DC. var. latifolia Cronq. Simaroubaceae
kenkena peyi Exostema caribaeum (Jacq.) Roem. & Schult. Rubiaceae
kimak Chiococca alba (L.) Hitchc. Rubiaceae
kinik Caesalpinia spp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
kinikjon Caesalpinia spp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
kininn Exostema caribaeum (Jacq.) Roem. & Schult. Rubiaceae
kiratela Curatella americana L. Dilleniaceae
kloujirOf Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) J. W. Moore var. racemosa Myrtaceae
kbdon Crudia spicata (Aubl.) Willd. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
kbk Cocos nucifera L. Arecaceae (=Palmae)
kbkmbl Ziziphus spp. Rhamnaceae
kbkshango Lobelia assurgens L. Campanulaceae
kbkeliko Cordia sebestena L. Boraginaceae
koko ginen Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd. ex Mart. Arecaceae (=Palmae)
koko makak Bactris plumeriana Mart. Arecaceae (=Palmae)
koko makak Geonoma interrupta (Ruiz & Pav.) Mart. var. interrupta Arecaceae (=Palmae)
kokoye Cocos nucifera L. Arecaceae (=Palmae)
kokoye misket Cocos nucifera L. 'Jamaica Tall' Arecaceae (=Palmae)
kokoye nenn Cocos nucifera L. 'Malayan Dwarf Arecaceae (=Palmae)
kokoye panyol Cocos nucifera L. 'Panama Tall' Arecaceae (=Palmae)
kokoye tres pikos Cocos nucifera L. 'Jamaica Tall' Arecaceae (=Palmae)
kola Cola acuminata (Beauv.) Schott. & Endl. Sterculiaceae
. koleg Bauhinia divaricata L. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
kolorad Bombacopsis emarginata (A. Rich.) A. Robyns Bombacaceae
kolorad Pachira aquatica Aubl. Bombacaceae
kolye Pithecellobium arboreum (L.) Urb. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
koma Mastichodendronfoetidissimum (Jacq.) Cronq. ssp.foetidissimum Sapotaceae
koma Meliosma abbreviata Urb. Sabiaceae
320 Creole Names

.'. K ••
koma Sloanea amygdalina Griseb. Elaeocarpaceae
koma blan Mastichodendronfoetidissimum ,(Jacq.) Cronq. ssp.Joetidissimum Sapotaceae
komafran Mastichodendronfoetidissimum (Jacq.) Cronq. ssp.foetidissimum Sapotaceae
komajbn Meliosma abbreviata Drb. Sabiaceae
koma wouj Bumelia salicifolia (L.) Sw. Sapotaceae
kbmiye Mouriri domingensis (Tuss.) Spach Melastomataceae
kbnichon peyi Averrhoa carambola L. Oxalidaceae
koray Hamelia patens Jacq. Rubiaceae
koray wouj Hamelia patens Jacq. Rubiaceae .

kotel Pera glomerata Drb. Euphorbiaceae

kotlet Drypetes spp. Euphorbiaceae
koton fie Ochroma pyramidale (Cav.) Drb. Bombacaceae
koton maho Hibiscus tiliaceus L. Malvaceae
koton mawon Hibiscus tiliaceus L. Malvaceae
koton rat Helicteres jamaicensis Jacq. Sterculiaceae
koton swa Calotropis procera (Ail.) R. Br. Asclepiadaceae
koton swa Ochroma pyramidale (Cav.) Drb. Bombacaceae
koubari Cynometra americana Vogel Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
koubari Hymenaea courbaril L. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
kouronn krist Euphorbia milii Ch. des Moulins Euphorbiaceae
kowos Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd. ex Mart. Arecaceae (=Palmae)
kowosol Annona muricata L. Annonaceae
kowosol mawon Annona glabra L. Annonaceae
kowosbl zombi Annona montana Macf. Annonaceae
koynmol Ziziphus rignonii Delp. Rhamnaceae
krev rash Ziziphus rhodoxylon Drb. Rhamnaceae
kris marinn Suriana maritima L.
kriz marinn Suriana maritima L. Simaroubaceae
krbk Ximenia americana L. Olacaceae
krbk chen Cordia mirabiloides (Jacq.) R. & S. Boraginaceae
krbk chen Pisonia aculeata L. Nyctaginaceae
krbk chen Randia aculeata L. Rubiaceae
krbk souri Chiococca alba (L.) Hitchc. Rubiaceae
kwokwo Elaeis guineensis L. . Arecaceae (=Palmae)
kwokwo ginen Elaeis guineensis L. Arecaceae (=Palmae)
kwoton Codiaeum variegatum (L.) Blume Euphorbiaceae
Creole Names 321

•• JL ••
laba born Couroupita guianensis Aubl. Lecythidaceae
laba fwikase Blighia sapida Koenig Sapindaceae
labakoray Erythrina variegata L. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
laba pen Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg Moraceae

laba pen Bocconiafrutescens L. Papaveraceae

labe wouj Peltophorum berteroanum Urb. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

labou kochon Drypetes alba Poit. Euphorbiaceae

labriziyet Comocladia cuneata Britt. Anacardiaceae

laget Lagetta lagetto (Sw.) Nash Thymeliaceae

laitye Aspidosperma cuspa (HBK.) Blake & Pittier Apocynaceae

lam veritab Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg Moraceae

lamandi Prunus myrtifolia (L.) Urb. Rosaceae

lamandye Prunus spp. Rosaceae

lamandye gran fey Prunus occidentalis Sw. Rosaceae
lamandye ti fey Prunus myrtifolia (L.) Urb. Rosaceae
lang hef Clavija domingensis Urb. & Ekm. Theophrastaceae
lanis sovaj Piper amalago L. Piperaceae
latanye balay Coccothrinax miraguama (Kunth) LeOn Arecaceae (=Palmae)
latanye bourik Coccothrinax argentea (Lodd. ex Schult.) Sarg. ex Becc. Arecaceae (=Palmae)
latanye chapo Sabal spp. Arecaceae (=Palmae)
latanye fran Sabal causiarum (Cook) Bailey Arecaceae (=Palmae)
latanyejon Sabal causiarum (Cook) Bailey Arecaceae (=Palmae)
latanye lame Thrinax spp. Arecaceae (=Palmae)
latanye mawon Coccothrinax argentea (Lodd. ex Schult.) Sarg. ex Becc. Arecaceae (=Palmae)
latanye me Thrinax spp. Arecaceae (=Palmae)
latanye pikan Zambia antillarum (Desc. ex Jackson) Bailey' Arecaceae (=Palmae)
latanye savann Coccothrinax argentea (Lodd. ex S~hult.) Sarg. ex Becc. Arecaceae (=Palmae)
latanye zombi Zambia antillarum (Desc. ex Jackson) Bailey Arecaceae (=Palmae)
legliz Adenanthera pavonina L. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

lele Parkia roxburghii G. Don Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

Tabernaemontana citrifolia L. Apocynaceae

liann barik Trichostigma octandrum (L.) H. Walt. Phytolaccaceae
liann klou Dalbergia spp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
liannkolik Byrsonima spicata (Cav.) HBK. Malpighiaceae
liann krok chen Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. Rhamnaceae
liannpanye Trichostigma octandrum (L.) H. Walt. Phytolaccaceae
liann towp . Byrsonima spicata (Cav.) HBK. Malpighiaceae
libidibi Caesalpinia coriaria (Jacq.) Willd. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

Annona glabra L. Annonaceae

322 Creole Names

•• JL ••
lila Melia azedarach L. Meliaceae
lila etranje Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
lila nwi Cestrum nocturnum L. Solanaceae
limon frans Citrus limon (L.) Bunn. Rutaceae
lisina Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit subsp. glabrata (Rose) S. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
lisina ti fey Leucaena diversifolia (Schlecht.) Benth. susbsp. diversifolia Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
litchi Litchi chinensis Sonn. Sapindaceae
lokwat Eriobotryajaponica (Thunb.) Lind!. Rosaceae
lombay /lex krugiana Loes. Aquifoliaceae
long bab Pseudolmedia spuria (Sw.) Griseb. Moraceae .
lorie Cinnamomum spp. Lauraceae
lorie Licaria triandra (Sw.) Kostennans Lauraceae
lorie Ocotea spp. Lauraceae
lorie blan Nerium oleander L. Apocynaceae
lorie blan Ocotea spp. Lauraceae
lorie gep Ocotea leucoxylon (Sw.) Mez. Lauraceae
lorie gran fey Ocotea globosa (Aublet) Schlechf & Cham. Lauraceae
lorie jaden Nerium oleander L. Apocynaceae
lorie jon Licaria triandra (Sw.) Kostennans Lauraceae
lorie jon Ocotea membranacea (Sw.) Howard Lauraceae
lorie kane! Cinnamomum elongatum (Nees) Kostennans Lauraceae
lorie piant Ocoteafloribunda (Sw.) Mez Lauraceae
lorie ti fey Cinnamomum elongatum (Nees) Kostennans Lauraceae
lorie twopikal . Nerium oleander L. Apocynaceae
lorie woz Cinnamomum montanum (Sw.) Bercht. & Pres!. Lauraceae
lorie woz Nerium oleander L. Apocynaceae
lorie woz Ocotea leucoxylon (Sw.) Mez Lauraceae
losanj Pithecellobium lentiscifolium (A. Rich.) Co Wr. ex Sauv. . Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
Iwisin mo Wallenia laurifolia (Jacq.) Sw. Myrsinaceae

•• M ••
mabi Colubrinaelliptica (Sw.) Briz. & Stern Rharnnaceae
machandez Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb. Anacardiaceae
machanwaz Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb. Anacardiaceae
madam jan Aspidosperma cuspa (HBK.) Blake & Pittier Apocynaceae
madamklbd Citharexylumfruticosum L. Verbenaceae
Creole Names 323
•• M ••
madam nayiz Parkinsonia aculeata L. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
madam yas Parkinsonia aculeata L. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
madlenn Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit subsp.leucocephala Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
magerit Annona urbaniana R.E. Fries Annonaceae

maget Cryptorhiza haitiensis Urb. Myrtaceae

maget Eugenia maleolens Pers. Myrtaceae
maget Myrcia citrifolia (AubI.) Urban Myrtaceae

maget Myrcianthes esnardiana (Urb. & Elan.) Alain Myrtaceae

maget Pimenta dioica (L.) Merr. Myrtaceae
maget Psidium dictyophyllum Urb. & Elan. Myrtaceae
maho Daphnopsis americana (Mill.) J.R. Johnst. ssp. cumingii Thymelaeaceae
(Meissn.) NevI.
maho Hibiscus spp. Malvaceae
maho bIe Hibiscus elatus Sw. Malvaceae
maho fran Hibiscus tiliaceus L. Malvaceae

maho pirnan Trema lamarckiana (Roem. & Schult.) Blume Ulmaceae

mahodem Ochroma pyramidale (Cav.) Urb. Bombacaceae
makabi Ximenia americana L. Olacaceae
makabi Ziziphus rignonii Delp. Rhamnaceae
makata Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Sw. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
makoutouka Prestoea acuminata (Willd.) H. E. Moore Palmaceae
makrio Meeranium spp. Melastomataceae
makrio Miconia spp. Me1astomataceae
maksmilyen Hippomane mancinella L. Euphorbiaceae
maksmiye Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb. Anacardiaceae
malaget Cryptorhiza haitiensis Urb. Myrtaceae
malaget Eugenia maleolens Pers. Myrtaceae
malaget Myrcia citrifolia (AubI.) Urban Myrtaceae
malaget Myrcianthes esnardiana (Urb. & Elan.) Alain Myrtaceae
maiagN Pimenta dioica (L.) Merr. Myrtaceae
malaget Psidium dictyophyllum Urb. & Elan. Myrtaceae
mamiye mawon Annona glabra L. Annonaceae
mancheni Hippomane mancinella L. Euphorbiaceae
mancheni Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb. Anacardiaceae
manchinil Hippomane mancinella L. Euphorbiaceae
mandaren Citrus reticulata Blanco Rutaceae
mang Avicennia germinans (L.) L. Verbenaceae
mang Conocarpus erectus L. Combretaceae
rnang wguncularia racemosa (L.) Gaertn., f. Combretaceae
324 Creole Names

•• M ••
mang Mangifera indica L. Anacardiaceae

mang Myrsine coriacea (Sw.) R. Br. ex Roem. & Schult. Myrsinaceae

mang Rhizophora mangle L. Rhizophoraceae

mang blan Bontia daphnoides L. Myoporaceae
mang blan Laguncularia racemosa (L.) Gaertn., f. Combretaceae
mang chandeI Rhizophora mangle L. Rhizophoraceae
mangkabrit Pithecellobium circinale (L.) Benth. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)·
mangmawon Bontia daphnoides L. Myoporaceae
mangnwa Avicennia germinans (L.) L. Verbenaceae
mang nwa Conocarpus erectus L. Combretaceae

mang nwa Rhizophora mangle L. Rhizophoraceae

mangti ley Dodonaea viscosa (L.) Jacq. var. arborescens (Cunn.) Sherff Sapindaceae
mangwouj Rhizophora mangle L. Rhizophoraceae
mangiye Mangifera indica L. Anacardiaceae
mangiye Prunus myrtifolia (L.) Urb. Rosaceae
mangliye Avicennia germinans (L.) L. Verbenaceae
mangliye Conacarpus erectus L. Combretaceae
mangliye Laguncularia racemosa (L.) Gaertn., f. Combretaceae
mangliye Rhizaphora mangle L. Rhizophoraceae

mango Mangifera indica L. Anacardiaceae

mangostinn Garcinia mangostana L. Clusiaceae (=Guttiferae)

manje kabrit Senna atomaria (L.) Iiwin & Barneby Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
manrnan gep Urera baccifera (L.) Gaud. Urticaceae
manseniye Hippomane mancinella L. Euphorbiaceae
manseniye Metopium spp. Anacardiaceae
mapou Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. Bombacaceae
mapou blan Neobuchia paulinae Urb. Bombacaceae
mapou etranje Adansonia digitata L. Bombacaceae
rnapou gri Bourreria succulenta Jacq. Boraginaceae
rnapoukoton Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. Bombacaceae
rnapou zombi Adansonia digitata L. Bombacaceae
marijinn Trichilia spp. Meliaceae
marijon Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit ssp. leucocephala Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

maskarit Ricinus communis L. Euphorbiaceae

maskristi Ricinus communis L. Euphorbiaceae
maskriti Ricinus communis L. Euphorbiaceae
matouren Bauhinia divaricata L. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
mayakayul Pisonia aculeata L. Nyctaginaceae
mayi bouyi Duranta repens L. Verbenaceae
Creole Names 325
•• M ••
mayn lame Coccoloba pubescens L. Polygonaceae
medsinye Jatropha spp. Euphorbiaceae

medsinye beni Jatropha curcas L. Euphorbiaceae

medsinye gran fey Jatropha curcas L. Euphorbiaceae

medsinye miltifid Jatropha multifida L. Euphorbiaceae

medsinye panyol Jatropha multifida L. Euphorbiaceae

melalika Melaleuca quiquenervia (Cav.) S.T. Blake Myrtaceae

meris Pseudolmedia spuria (Sw.) Griseb. Moraceae

meriz Eugenia spp. Myrtaceae

merizye Eugenia spp. Myrtaceae

mevis Coccoloba diversifolia Jacq. Polygonaceae

mi Morus nigra L. Moraceae

milat Metopium brownei (Jacq.) Urb. Anacardiaceae

miskad Myristicafragrans.Houtt. Myristicaeae

miskadye Myristicafragrans Houtt. Myristicaeae

mit Eugenia rhombea (Berg) Krug & Urban Myrtaceae
mit Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack Rutaceae
mit fey lorie Myrcianthesfragrans (Sw.) McVaugh Myrtaceae
mit fey lorie Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) J. W. Moore var. racemosa Myrtaceae
mit fey sitwon Myrcia citrifolia (Aubl.) Urban Myrtaceae
miwobalann Spondias mombin L. Anacardiaceae

monben Spondias mombin L. Anacardiaceae

monben bata Sapindus saponaria L. Sapindaceae
monben bata Trichilia hirta L. Meliaceae

monben fran Spondias mombill L. Anacardiaceae

monbenjon Spondias dulcis Parkinson Anacardiaceae

monben panyol Spondias spp. Anacardiaceae

morepa Erythrina spp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

Erythrina spp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

motel Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

motel debou Thespesia populnea (L.) Soland. ex Correa Malvaceae
motel etranje Spathodea campanulata Beauv. Bignoniaceae

moureye pikan Malpighia spp. Malpighiaceae

mpanash Bumelia salicifolia (L.) Sw. Sapotaceae
326 Creole Names

•• N ••
nago Erythroxylum areolatum L. Erythroxylaceae
nim Azadirachta indica Adr. Juss. Meliaceae
nogal Juglans jamaicensis C. DC. Juglandaceae

nwa Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd. Euphorbiaceae

nwa kajou Anacardium occidentale L. Anacardiaceae
nwa koko Cocos nucifera L. Arecaceae
nwa kola Cola acuminata (Beauv.) Schott. & End!. Sterculiaceae

nwa miskad Myristicafragrans Houtt. Myristicaeae

nwa sepan Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Schum. Apocynaceae

nwaye Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd. Euphorbiaceae

nwazet Aleurites spp. Euphorbiaceae

nwazet Omphalea spp. Euphorbiaceae

nwazet peyi Omphalea spp. Euphorbiaceae


olivye Moringa oleifera Lam. Moringaceae
olivye bata Bontia daphnoides L. Myoporaceae
om de pay Copernicia ekmanii Burret Arecaceae
pal Pseudophoenix lediniana Read Arecaceae (=Palmae)
paletiviye Avicennia germinans (L.) L. Verbenaceae
paletiviye Conocarpus erectus L. Combretaceae
palm Geonoma interrupta (Ruiz & Pav.) Mart. var. interrupta Arecaceae (=Palmae)
palmkoyo Coccothrinax argentea (Lodd. ex Schult.) Sarg. ex Becc. Arecaceae (=Palmae)
palma Calyptronoma rivalis (Cook) Bailey Arecaceae (=Palmae)
palma kristi Ricinus communis L. Euphorbiaceae
palmaven Calyptronoma plumeriana (Marti us) Lourteig Arecaceae (=Palmae)
palmaven Prestoea acuminata (Willd.) H. E. Moore Arecaceae (=Palmae)
palmis Guarea guidonia (L.) Sleumer Meliaceae
palmis Roystonea borinquena O.F. Cook Arecaceae (=Palmae)
palmis chapelet Prestoea acuminata (Willd.) H. E. Moore Arecaceae (=Palmae)
palmis dezenn Cycas revoluta L. Cycadaceae
palmistaven Pseudophoenix vinifera (Mart.) Becc. Arecaceae (=Palmae)
pamplemous Citrus x paradisi Macf. Rutaceae
panyol mawon Phyllanthus juglandifolius Willd. ssp. juglandifolius Euphorbiaceae
papay Carica papaya L. Caricaceae
papay sovaj Jatropha multifida L. Euphorbiaceae

papelit Casearia sylvestris Sw. var. sylvestris Flacourtaceae

papelit Coccoloba buchii Schmidt. Polygonaceae
Creole Names 327
++ 0 P .++ 9


papelit Erythroxylum areolatum L. Erythroxylaceae
parese Polyscias spp. Araliaceae
parese kloti Polyscias pinnata Forst. Araliaceae
paresol Cordia sulcata DC. Boraginaceae
pattoti Opuntia moniliformis (L.) Haw. Cactaceae
pativiye Dodonaea visc::osa (L.) Jacq. var. arborescens (Curin.) Sherff Sapindaceae
pay Sabal domingensis Becc. Arecaceae
peeh Prunus persica (L.) Batsch. Rosaceae
peehmawon Persea spp. Lauraceae
pen dostrali Casuarina spp. Casuarinaceae
pendoula Citharexylumfruticosum L. Verbenaceae
pengwen Yucca aloifoUa Liliaceae
pepitpOrn Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. Rharnnaceae
pes pie Suriana maritima L. Sirnaroubaceae
Polyscias balfouriana (Hort. Sander.) L.H. Bailey Araliaceae
pet djab Hura crepitans L. Euphorbiaceae
pich pen Casuarina spp. Casuarinaceae
pichpen Pinus spp. Pinaceae
pikan arada Casearia aculeata Jacq. Flacourtiaceae
pikan kare Casearia ilicifolia Vent. Flacourtiaceae
pikan woz Xylosma Uneolatum Urb. & Ekm. Flacourtiaceae
pimandlo Melia azedarach L. Meliaceae
pine Zanthoxylum spp. Rutaceae
pine blan Zanthoxylum martinicense (Larn.)·nc. Rutaceae
pine jon Zanthoxylum spp. Rutaceae
pini Zanthoxylum spp. Rutaceae
pistach Sterculia apetala (Jacq.) Karst. Sterculiaceae
piyon GUricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
piyong GUricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
pie Colubrina arborescens (Mill.) Sarg. Rharnnaceae
pie Schaefferiafrutescens Jacq. Celastraceae
pOrn Anacardium occidentale L. Anacardiaceae
pOrngrenad Punica granatum L. Punicaceae
pOrn jarnayik Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & Perry Myrtaceae
pOrnkajou Anacardium occidentale L. Anacardiaceae
pOrnkanel Annona squamosa L. Annonaceae
pOrnrnaiezi Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & Perry - Myrtaceae
pornmalkadi Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. Rharnnaceae
pOrn rnalkadik Ziziphus mauritiana Lam Rharnnaceae
pOrn savon Sapindus saponaria L. Sapindaceae .
328 Creole Names
••. O~JP ••
pOrn site Spondias dulcis Parkinson Anacardiaceae
pOrn tOch Curatella americana L. Dilleniaceae
pbrn woz Syzygiumjambos (L.) Alston Myrtaceae
pOrn zombi Hippomane spp. Euphorniaceae
prentan Cercidium praecox (R. & P.) Harms Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
pwadou lnga vera Willd. ssp: vera Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
pwa konfiti Hymenaea courbaril L. Fabaceae (=Legurninosae)
pwa palmis Andira inermis (W. Wr.) DC. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
pwa sikren lnga vera Willd. ssp. vera Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
pwa vach Alchornea latifolia Sw. Euphorniaceae
pwa valet Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Pers. Fabaceae (=Legurninosae)
pwa valye Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Pers. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
pwa valye Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Pers. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
pwav jamayik Pimenta dioica (L.) Merr. Myrtaceae
pwavye Colubrina arborescens (Mill.) Sarg. Rhamnaceae
pwavye jamayik Myrcia citrifolia (Aubl.) Urn. Myrtaceae
pwaye Erythroxylum areolatum L. Erythroxylaceae
pwaye Pyrus communis L. Rosaceae
pwaye Tabebuia heterophylla (DC.) Britton Bignoniaceae
pwaye jamayik Myrcia citrifolia (Aubl.) Urnan Myrtaceae
pwazon lasinet Pithecellobium arboreum (L.) Urn. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
pwensiyad Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Sw. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
pwensiyana Delonix regia (Bojer) Raf. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
pwensiyeta Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotsch Euphorniaceae

•• R ••
rabi Hllra crepitans L. Euphorbiaceae
raket Consolea macracantha (Mill.) Lern. Cactaceae
raket Euphorbia lactea Haw. Euphorniaceae
raket Opuntia ficlls-indica (L.) Mill. Cactaceae
raket panyol Opuntia moniliformis (L.) Haw. Cactaceae
ramo Trophis racemosa (L.) Urban Moraceae
ramon Trophis racemosa (L.) Urnan Moraceae
ramonchwal Trophis racemosa (L.) Urnan Moraceae

reglis Adenanthera pavonina L. Fabaceae (=Legurninosae)

rezen Coccoloba spp. POlygonaceae
rezen Wallenia laurifolia (Jacq.) Sw. Myrsinaceae
rezen bOdlame, Coccoloba uvifera (L.) L. Polygonaceae
Creole Names 329
•• R ••
rezen bouzen Coccoloba diversifolia Jacq. Polygonaceae
rezen le Coccoloba uvifera (L.) L. Polygonaceae

rezen gran ley Coccoloba pubescens L. Polygonaceae

rezen lame Coccoloba uvifera (L.) L. Polygonaceae
rezen mawon Coccoloba diversifolia Jacq. Polygonaceae

rezen mawon Maytenus buxifolia (A. Rich.) Griseb. Celastraceae

rezen mawon Parathesis spp. Myrsinaceae

rezen mawon Wallenia laurifolia Jacq. Myrsinaceae

rezen peroke Trichilia hirta L. Meliaceae

risin Ricinus communis L. Euphorbiaceae

•• § ••
sabliye Comocladia pinnatifolia L. Anacardiaceae

sabliye Hura erepitans L. Euphorbiaceae

salsparey bata Dendropanax arboreus (L.) Decne. & Planch. Arialaceae
salsparey mawon Dendropanax arboreus (L.) Decne. & Planch. Arialaceae
saman Albizia saman (Jacq.) F. Muell. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
sandragon Pterocarpus officinalis Jacq. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

sapoti Manilkara spp. Sapotaceae

sapoti Mieropholis polita (Griseb.) Pierre ssp. hotteana Judd Sapotaceae
sapoti Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) H.E. Moore & Steam Sapotaceae
sapoti mamelad Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) H.E. Moore & Steam Sapotaceae
sapoti mawon Bumelia salicifolia (L.) Sw. Sapotaceae
sapoti mawon Manilkara spp. Sapotaceae
sapoti nwa Manilkara bidentata (A. DC.) Chev. Sapotaceae
sapotiye Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) H.E. Moore & Steam Sapotaceae
sapotiye jon def POliteria sapota (Jacq.) H.E. Moore & Steam Sapotaceae
satanjou ClIpania americana L. Sapindaceae
satanye ClIpania americana L. Sapindaceae
satanye Matayba serobiclIlata (HBK) Radlk. Sapindaceae
satanye mawon Matayba serobiclIlata (HBK) Radlk. Sapindaceae
savonet Sapindus saponaria L. Sapindaceae
savonet peyi Sapincllls saponaria L. Sapindaceae
savonye Sapindlls sapollaria L. Sapindaceae
sed Cedrela odorata L. Meliaceae
sed blan Ceclrefa odorata L. Meliaceae
sed wouj Cedrela oclorata L. Me Iiaceae
senjan dive Ellphorhia plllcherrima Willd. ex Klolsch Euphorbiaceae
330 Creole Names
•• s ••
senn Senna spp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
sentespri Capparis frondosa Jacq. Capparaceae
sepan Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Schum. Apocynaceae _
seriz Malpighia glabra L. Malpighiaceae
seriz dayiti Malpighia glabra L. Malpighiaceae
serizme Ximenia americana L. Olacaceae
seriz sendoming Malpighia glabra L. Malpighiaceae
seriz sirinam Eugenia unijlora L. Myrtaceae
sewal Crossopetalum rhacoma Crantz Celastraceae
sibilinn Phyllanthus acidus (L.) Skeels Euphorbiaceae
sikren Inga vera Willd. ssp. vera Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
sikriye Inga vera Willd. ssp. vera Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
sikriye mon Tetragastris balsamifera (Sw.) Kuntze Burseraceae
sip Bumelia salicifolia (L.) Sw. Sapotaceae
sip Tabebuia berteri (DC.) Britt. Bignoniaceae
sipre Cupressus spp. Cupressaceae
sirio Piper amalago L. Piperaceae
sitwan rnawon Adelia ricinella L. Euphorbiaceae
sitwan rnawon Ziziphus rignonii Delp. Rhamnaceae
sitwon Citrus spp. Rutaceae
-sitwon vet Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) Swingle Rutaceae
siwel Spondias purpurea L. Anarcardiaceae
siwo Piper aduncum L. Piperaceae
siwo Sambucus spp. Adoxaceae
siwo bannann Piper amalago L. Piperaceae
stragonya Lagerstroemia indica L. Lythraceae
stragonya blan Lagerstroemia indica L. Lythraceae
stramwann Datura suaveolens Humb. & Bonpl..ex Willd. Solanaceae

•• T ••
tabak: rnawon Solanum erianthum D. Don Solanaceae
tabeno Lysiloma sabicu Benth. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
, tarnarenn • Tamarindus indica L. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
tarnarenn rnawon Arcoa gonavensis Urb. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
tarnarenn mowi Arcoa gonavensis Urb. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

tandralcayou Acacia scleroxyla Tuss. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

taveno Lysiloma sabicu Benth. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
taveno mon Mora ekmanii (Urb.) Britton & Rose Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
Creole Names 331
•• T ••
tcha tcha Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

tcha tcha mawon Acacia vogeliana Steud. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

tcha tcha mawon Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit subsp. leucocephala Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
tek . Tectona grandis L. f. Verbenaceae

ti abe Alvaradoa haitiensis Urb. Simaroubaceae

ti bwa blan Schaefferiafrutescens Jacq. Celastraceae

ti bwa denn Eugenia monticola (Sw.) DC. ~yrtaceae

ti bwa pen Calyptranthes sintenisii Kiaersk. Myrtaceae

ti bwi Polygala penaea L. Polygalaceae

ti fey Eugenia spp. Myrtaceae

. ti flambwayan Euphorbia milii Ch. des Moulins Euphorbiaceae
ti gason Schaefferiafrutescens Jacq. Celastraceae

ti gayak Calliandra nervosa (Urb.) Ekrn. & Urb. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)

ti grenn Henrietteafascicularis (Sw.) Gomez Melastomataceae

ti grenn Miconia ottoschulzii Urban & Ekman Melastomataceae

ti kafe Allophylus occidentalis (Sw.) Radlk. Sapindaceae
ti kalson Bauhinia divaricata L. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
ti kaymit Chrysophyllum argenteum Jacq. Sapotaceae
ti koko Attalea crassispatha (Mart.) Burret Arecaceae (=Palmae)
ti kwokwo Bactris plumeriana Mart. Arecaceae (=Palmae)
ti monben Trichilia hirta L. Meliaceae
ti palmis mawon Pseudophoenix lediniana Read Arecaceae

ti porn Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. Rhamnaceae

ti rezen Wallenia laurifolia Jacq. Myrsinaceae
ti rezen Mine Cocc~loba diversifolia Jacq. Polygonaceae
ti seriz Malpighia spp. Malpighiaceae
ti soley Cordia sebestena L. Boraginanceae
ti wou !lex macfadyenii (Walp.) Rehder Aquifoliaceae
tikimit Bumelia cubensis Griseb. Sapotaceae
toti mawon Pouteria domingensis (Gaertn. f.) Baehni . Sapotaceae
. towo tig Byrsonima spicata (Cav.) HBK Malpighiaceae
tramble Schefflera spp. Araliaceae
twa fey Allophylus spp. Sapindaceae

twa kot Miconia impetiolaris (Sw.) D. Don Melastomataceae

twa pawol Allophylus spp. Sapindaceae
twa pawol Amyris elemifera L. Rutaceae
twa pawol Trichilia pallida Sw. Meliaceae
twa pye Cordia collococca L. Boraginaceae
twazokot Cupania americana L. Sapindaceae
twazokot Miconia impetiolaris (Sw.) D. Don Melastomataceae
112 Creole Names
•• T ••
twompet Cecropia peltata L. Cecropiaceae
twompetmal Schefflera morototoni (Aubl.) Maguire Stevenn. & Frodin Araliaceae


vayan gason Picramnia pentandra Sw. Simaroubaceae
veritab Artocarpus altitis (Parkinson) Fosberg Moraceae
vinyet Reynosia affinis Urb. & Elan. Rharnnaceae
wan prime Sciadodendrun excelsum Griseb. Araliaceae
wawi Caesalpinia ciliata (Berg.) Urn. Fabaceae (=Legurninosae)
wi! maskriti . Ricinus communis L. Euphorbiaceae
wob Spondias spp. Anacardiaceae
wou /lex macfadyenii (Walp.) Rehder Aquifoliaceae
woujiol Colubrina arborescens (Mill.) Sarg. Rharnnaceae
woukou Bixa orellana L. Bixaceae
wozmawon Samyda dodecandra Jacq. Flacourtiaceae


zabaka Persea americana Miller Lauraceae
zaboka mawon Antirhea lucida (Sw.) Benth. & Hook. f. . Rubiaceae
zaboka mawon Capparis dolichop~da Helwig Capparaceae
zabriko Mammea americana L. Clusiaceae (=Guttiferae)
zabriko Rheedia lateriflora L. Clusiaceae (=Guttiferae)
zabriko bata Spondias purpllrea L. Anareardiaceae
zabriko mawon Pithecellobium abbottii Rose & Leonard Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
zakasya Acacia spp. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
zakasyajon Acaciafarnesiana (L.) Willd. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
zakasya nwa Acacia tortllsosa (L.) Willd. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
zakasya pikan Acacia macracantha H.&B. ex Willd. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
zakasya wouj Acacia tortusosa (L.) Willd. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
zamann Terminatia catappa L. Combretaceae
zamonmawon Coccoloba diversifolia Jacq. Polygonaceae
ze paul Piptadenia peregrina (L.) Benth. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
zeb aklou Dalbergia ecastaphyllum (L.) Taub. Fabaceae (=Leguminosae)
zeb sennikola Tecollla stans (L.) HBK. Bignoniaceae
ziblinn A verrhoa spp. Oxalidaceae
Creole Names 333


ziblinn blon A verrhoa bilimbi L. Oxalidaceae

ziblinnlong A verrhoa carambola L. Oxalidaceae

zo devan mawon Maytenus buxifolia (A. Rich.) Griseb. Celastraceae

zoranj Citrus spp. Rutaceae

zoranj dous Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck Rutaceae

zoranj si Citrus aurantium L. subsp. aurantium Rutaceae
zoray Ziziphus rignonii Delp. Rhamnaceae
23 Tree Proverbs
Haitians often use the forest and trees in proverbs to express folk wisdom and wit.
Most of the following proverbs are collected in Parol Granmoim: Haitian Popular
Wisdom by Edner A. Jeanty and O. Carl Brown (1976). Several of the English tra9-sla-
tions were modified for easier reading. .
Lamize le chen monte kaymit. Hunger makes the dog climb the star-apple tree.
Pa okipe mesye, kochon manje santimanl nan po bannann. Don't bother the guy, the pig has eaten his feelings in a
plantain skin.
Kochon mawon konn sou ki bwa poul fwote. The wild pig knows whiclt tree to scratch. .
Mapou tonbe, kabrit manje ley li. When the mapou tree falls, goats eat the leaves.
Sa zotolan di sou bwa, se pa sal di leI anba pelen. What the partridge says in the tree is not what it says in
the trap.
De je pa koupe bwa kwochi. Two eyes don~t cut down crooked trees.
Fanm se kajou; li pa janm pedi bone!. Woman is mahogany - she doesn't ever lose her good
chances. - -

Fanm se kajou; plis li vye, plis Ii bon. Woman is mahogany - the older she gets, the better she
Fanm se kokoye; yo gen twa je; yo we nan youn. Women are coconuts - they have three eyes, but see
only in one.
Sitwon vet konn tonbe, kite sitwon mi. The green lime falls while the ripe lime stays.
Le pye bwa joue ak van, li pedi ley Ii. When the tree plays with the wind, it loses its leaves;
Fey mapou sanble ak fey manyok. Mapou leaves look like manioc leaves.
Ti mapou pa grandi anba gwo mapou. The little mapou tree doesn't grow up under the big
mapou tree.
Kale kokoye pou po!. Peel the coconut for its husk.
Fe zami ak kouto avan zabriko mi. Make friends with a knife before the mamey apple ripens.
Baton gomye miyo pase de men vid. The gumbo-limbo stick is better than two empty hands.
Tout moun gen yon bwa deye bannann yo. Everyone has a pole to support their plantain tree.
Ti bwa ou pa we, se li ki pete je ou. The twig you don't see is the one that gouges out your
Kanpe sou bwa kwochi pou koupe yon bwa dwat. Stand on a crooked board (tree) to cut a straight one.
Bwa ou pa bezwen, ou pa make!. The tree you don't need, you don't mark.
Bwa gen zorey, sak ladanl se moun. The woods have ears. What's in them are people.
Pye pay teye pou rasin Ii. The palm leafs out for its own roots.
Tout liann nan bwa se pelen. All the vines in the woods are traps.
Ou pa janm konn kote dlo pase poul antre nan kokoye. You never know how water gets into the coconut.
Lo ou ap neye, ou kenbe branch ou jwenn. When y~u're drowning, you grab the nearest branch.
Bwa kwochi pa janm dwat. A crooked tree is never straight.
Tanbou fouye nan bwa, se lakay Ii vin bat. The drum is hollowed out in the woods, but it's beaten at
home. \.
Si ou renmen grenn Ii, ou dwe renmen pye a tou. If you like the nut. you ought to like the tree.
Gwo branch anwo a konnen I we, men se ti grenn pwomen- The big branch at the to'p of the tree thinks it sees all, but
nen an ki we pase 1. it is actually the little seed blown about by the wind
which sees more.

How long does it take to make the woods?
As long as it takes to make the world.
The woods is present as the world is, the presence
of all its past, and of all its time to come.
It is always finished, it is always being made, the act
of its making forever greater than the act of its destruction.
It is a part of eternity, for its end and beginning
belong to the end and beginning of all things,
the beginning lost in the end, the end in the beginning.

What is the way to the woods, how do you go there?

By climbing up through the six days' field,
kept in all the body's years, the body's
sorrow, weariness, and joy. By passing through
the narrow gate on the far side of that field
where the pasture grass of the body's life gives way
to the high, original standing of the trees.
By coming into the shadow, the shadow
of the grace of the strait way's ending,
the shadow of the mercy of light.

Why must the gate be narrow?

Because you cannot pass beyond it burdened.
To come into the woods you must leave behind
the six days' world, all of it, all of its plans and hopes.
You must come without weapon or tool, alone,
expecting nothing, remembering nothing,
into the ease of sight, the brotherhood of eye and leaf.

- - Wendell Berry
y, 1984

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Scientific names adopted in this book are shown in bold-faced italics. All other scien-
tific names appear in ordinary italics. "Family names are capitalized and bold-fa"ced".
Common names appear in ordinary type.

-A- Acacia lentiscifoiia, 262

Acacia longepedata, 256
abanicaatinga, 261 Acacia lutea, 255
"abbe marron, 297 Acacia macracantha, 184,205,208,255,318,
abbe rouge, 261 332
abe mawon, 208, 303 Acacia macrocanthoides, 255
abejuelo," 287 Acacia mearnsii, 184, 255
abey, 71, 244, 260-262 Acacia melanoxylon, 184,255
abey blanco, 263 Acacia moWsima, 255
abey hembra, 261,262 Acacia muricata, 184,256
abey moruro, 261 acacia negra, 255
abricot, 248 Acacia neriifolia, 256
abricot marron, 266 Acacia nilotica, 184
abricotier, 248 Acacia nilotica ssp. indica, 256
abricotier batard, 234 Acacia nilotica var. indica, 256
abricotier de St. Domingue, 248 acacia noir, 256
abricotier des Antilles, 248 Acacia nudiflora, 256
aburridero, 255 acacia nudosa, 256
acacia, 119, 145,255,256,259,260 acacia odorant, 255
Acacia,4,30, 112, 120, 122, 135,304,332 acacia palida, 119,260
Acacia acicularis, 255 Acacia pellacantha, 255
acacia amarilla, Ill, 256, 264 Acacia pennatula, 226, 227
Acacia ambigua, 256 Acacia peregrina, 261
Acacia arabica var. indica, 256 acacia piquant, 255
Acacia aroma, 255 Acacia procera, 256
Acacia auriculaeformis. See Acacia auriculiformis Acacia pseudotrichodes, 260
Acacia auriculiformis, 155, 184,255,303 acacia puertoriguena, 258
Acacia barahonensis, 255 Acacia revoluta, 257
Acacia berteriana, 263 acacia rouge, 256
Acacia caracasana, 258 Acacia rupestris, 256
Acacia cumanensis, 3, 262 acacia saline, 256
acacia de los masones, 261 Acacia scleroxyla, 184,205,208,226,227,256,
Acacia deamii, 226 309,317,330
Acacia decurrens, 255 Acacia senegal ssp. senegalensis var. verek, 256
Acacia decurrens var. decurrens, 255 Acacia senegal var. senegal, 256
Acacia decurrens var. moWs, 255 "Acacia subinermis, 255
acacia du Senegal, 256 Acacia tortuosa, 4, 134, 184, 205, 224, 226, 229,
Acaciafarnesiana, 155, 184,208,226,227,255, 256,304,332
332 Acacia trispinosa, 256
Acacia flexuosa, 255 Acacia verek, 256
Acacia glauca, 119, 260 Acacia vogeliana, 256, 331
AcaCia guachapele, 256 Acacia westiana, 256
Acacia haematomma, 258 acajou, 47, 233, 273
Acacia haematostoma, 258 acajou a planches, 63, 273
acacia jaune, 255 acajou blanc, 39, 297
Acacia latisiliqua, 71, 260 acajou du Honduras, 47, 273
Acacia lebbeck, 256 acajou du Venezuela, 47, 273

352 Index
acajou etranger, 47, 273 Aeschynomene aculeata, 264
acajou femelle, 63, 273 Aeschynomene aristata, 261
acajou pays, 47, 273 Aeschynomene bispinosa, 264
acajou sauvage, 246 Aeschynomene sesban, 264
Acajuba occidentalis, 233 African oil palm, 239
acana, 296 African tuliptree, 241
acana blanca, 296 agalla de costa, 291
Acanthorriza argentea, 239 Agati grandiflora, 264
acebo cubano de sierra, 237 agravilla, 287
acebo de sierra, 237 aguacate, 105, 268
aceitillo, 292 aguacate cimarron, 282
aceituna, 39, 255, 270, 297 aguacatiIlo, 245, 252, 267, 268, 287, 289, 293
aceituna americana, 275 aguacatiIlo cimarron, 282 .
aceituno, 275, 297, 299 aguacero, 246, 298
acerola, 270 aguacero cimarron, 251
Acharadelpha mammosa, 297 aguedita, 297
achetillo, 268 aguedita blanca, 265
achiote, 242 aguedita macho, 265
achiotillo, 287 Agyneia berterii, 254
Achras mammosa, 297 ahoga becerro, 255
Achras salicifolia, 295' ahoguey blanco, 290
Achras zapota, 296 ahouai des Antilles, 236
Achras zapota var. zapotilla, 296 aile, 241
Achras zapotilla, 296 aite, 253
Acnistus arborescens, 184,298,304,312 ajicillo, 298
acomat, 250, 296 ajorca jfbaro, 255
acomat batard, 254 akasya, 155, 303
acomat marron, 295 Akea solitaria, 294
acomatrouge, 295 akee, 294
A.crocomia aculeata, 156, 185,238,319,320 Akeesia africana, 294
Acrocomia media, 238. aken, 303
Acrocomia quisqueyana, 238 aki,210, 294, 303
Acrodiclidium wrightii, 268 Aklema cotinifolia, 253
. Adansonia baobab, 242 Aklema cotinoides, 253
Adansonia digitata, 163, 208, 242, 324 Aklema petiolare, 253
Adansonia situla, 242 akoma, 196,216, 303
Adansonia somalensis, 242 akoma b1an, 303
Adansonia sphaerocarpa, 242 akoma fran, 303
Adelia acidoton, 255 akoma jon, 303
Adelia bernardia, 252 akoma mawon, 303
Adelia pedunculosa, 251 akoma wouj, 303
Adelia porulosa, 284 lilamo, 271, 274
Adelia ricinella, 185, 251, 315, 330 alamo blanco, 271
Adelia segregata, 284 alamo jagiiey, 274
adellfa, 235 alba, 292
Adenanthera pavonina, 185,208,256,321,328 a1bizia, 256
Adenaria floribunda, 269 Albizia berteroana, 263
Adenoropium multifidum, 254 Albizia carbonaria, 262
Adipera bicapsularis, 263 Albizia guachapele, 185,226,227,256
Adipera indecora, 263 Albizia lebbeck, 135, 156, 185,208,256,308,
Adipera laevigata, 263 309,331
adonis, 302 Albizia procera, 157, 185,256
ADOXACEAE, 233 Albizia saman, 25, 157, 185,208,256,315,329
Aechynomene grandiflora, 268 Albizzia. See Albizia
Aeria vinifera, 240 a1bopan, 274
Aeschrion excelsa, 297 alborillo, 290
Aeschrion excelsa microcarpa, 297 albulito, 246
Aeschrion selleana, 297 alcanfor, 250, 267
Index 353
alcanfor del Jap6n, 267 almendrito, 268, 289
Alchornea glandulosa var. floribunda, 252 almendro, 253, 273, 289
Alchornea haitiensis, 252 almendro de costa, 283
Alchornea latifolia, 185,208,252,307,308,310, almendro de la India, 248
312,315,328 almendr6n, 248, 289
Alchorneopsis floribunda, 185, 252 almez, 301
Alchorneopsis portoricensis, 252 almira, 269
alder, 241 almorrana, 289
Alectoroctonum petiolare, 253 Alnus acuminata, 185
alelaila, 235, 273 Alnus acuminata ssp. acuminata, 241
alelf, 235, 236 Alnus acutissima, 241
alelf blanco, 235 Alnus castanaefolia, 241
alelf cimarr6n, 235 Alnus ferruginea, 241
alelf de la Mona, 235 Alnus jorullensis var. acuminata, 241
alelf falso, 298 Alnus jorullensis var. ferruginea, 241
alelfa, 235 Alnus jorullensis var. mirbelli, 241
alerit, 303 Alnus lanceolota, 241
aleurites, 252 Alnus lindeni, 241
A leurites, 326 Alnus spachii, 241
Aleurites fordii, 208, 252 aloe wood, 243
Aleurites moluccana, 185,208,252,303,326 aloe yucca, 268
Aleurites triloba, 252 alpargata, 244
Aleurites trisperma, 252 alquitira, 244
alfabeto chino, 253 Alsophila aquilina, 249
alfiler, 293, 298 Alsophila hotteana, 249
Algarobia juliflora, 3, 262 . Alsophila minor, 249
algarroba, 3, 260, 262 Alsophila woodwardioides, 249
algarroba de olar, 256 Alvaradoa amorphoides, 226, 227
algarrobillo, 258, 264 Alvaradoa haitiensis, 208, 297, 303, 331
algarrobo, 256, 260, 293 amacey, 244, 258
algarrobo de las Antillas, 260 amacey hembra, 244
algarrobo de orejos, 259 amande, 248
algarrobodel pais, 256 amandier, 289
algod6n becerro, 255 amandier a grandes feuilles, 289
algod6n de seda, 240 amandier apetites feuilles, 289
algod6n extranjero, 240 amandier des Indes, 248
alilaila, 273 amandier tropical, 248
aliso,241 amansa guapo, 246, 247, 255, 270
alligator apple, 234 amansa hombre, 270
alligator pear, 105, 268 amansa protranca, 293
alligator wood, 273 amapola, 241, 259, 270
Allophylus, 331 amapola de cerca, 259
Allophylus cominia, 208, 293, 317 amapola de sombra, 259
Allophylus crassinervis, 293 amarguillo, 301
Allophylus domingensis, 293 arne veritable, 274
Allophylus haitiensis, 293 American brunfelsia, 298
Allophylus montanus, 293 American elder, 233
Allophylus occidentalis, 185,208,293,317,331 American elderberry, 233
Allophylus racemosus, 293 American plum, 289
Allophylus rigidus, 293, 308 Amerimnum latifolium, 260
allspice, 281 Amoelocera cubensis, 301, 305
allurement, 266 Amomis anisomera, 281
almacigo, 244 Amomis caryophyllata, 281
almacigo blanco, 244 Amomis caryophyllata var. grisea, 281
almacigo colorado, 244 Amomis grisea, 281
almacigo extranjero, 145,259 Amomis ozua, 281
almendra, 248 Amomis pauciflora, 281
almendrillo, 273, 289, 295 amor plat6nico, 256
JS4 Index
amor seco, 265 Anneslia pedicel/ata, 258
amor y celos, 145, 259 Annesliaportoricensis, 258
amorette male, 298 Annona,97,185,207,306,316,319
amorette marron, 298 Annona cherimola. See Annona cherimolin
amoroso, 292 Annona cherimolia, 209, 234, 311
amouret, 202, 303 Annona domingensis, 234
amouret mal, 303 Annona dumertorum, 234
amouret mawon, 202, 303 Annona frutescens, 234
amourette, 256, 298 Annona glabra, 209, 234, 320, 321, 323
Amrad gum, 256 Annona gracilis, 234
Amyris, 185,205,305 Annona laurifolia, 234
Amyris apiculata, 291 Annona micrantha, 234
Amyris balsamifera, 208, 291 Annona montana, 234, 320
Amyris diatrypa, 291 Annona mucosa, 235
Amyris elemifera, 291, 311, 331 Annona muricata, 158,209,320
Amyris hypelate, 294 Annona obtusifolia, 235
Amyris maritima, 291 Annona palustris, 234
Amyris plumieri, 291 Annona reticulata, 209, 235,316
Amyris robinson ii, 294 Annona rosei, 235, 317
Amyris sylvatica, 291 Annonasalicifolia,235
Amyris toxifera, 234 Annona squamosa, 147,209,235,316,327
anacagiiita, 243,299 Annona urbaninna, 235, 316, 323
anacahuita, 299 ANNONACEAE, 234
anacarde, 233 ano,218,303
ANACARDIACEAE, 233 anon,235,260
Anacardium occidentale, 40,87, 157, 185,209, anon de majagua, 260
233,317,326,327 anon de perro, 234, 235
Anadenanthra pergrina, 261 anon de rio, 260
Anamomis bahamensis, 282 anoncillo, 260
Anamomis esculenta, 281 anoncillo de majagua, 260
Anamomis fragrans, 280 Antelaea azadirachta, 133, 273
Anamomis longipes, 282 antena, 253
Anamomis punctata, 280 Antherylium rohrii, 269
anatto,242 Antirhea lucida, 185,209,289,309,332·
Andes alder, 241 Antirhea resinosa, 290
Andira inermis, 158, 185,209,256,309,328 Apalatoa spicata, 258
Andira jamaicensis, 256 aperalejo, 250
Andrachne cuneifolia, 254 APOCYNACEAE, 235
angel's trumpet, 298 Applonesin paniculata, 226, 227
angela, 275 aquey del chiquito, 280
angelin, 256 AQUIFOLIACEAE, 236
anguila,279 aquil6n,290
ani,246 aquin, 258
aniceto, 265 arabo,192,251,303
anil frances, 264 arali gran fey, 303
anis des bois, 285 Aralia arborea, 237
anis etoile marron, 266 Aralia balfouriana, 237
anis marron, 285 Aralia capitata, 237
anis mawon, 219, 303 Aralia filicifolia, 237
anis sauvage, 285 Aralia guilfoylei, 237
anis zetwal, 303 ARALIACEAE, 237
aniset, 303 aralie grandes feuilles, 238
anisette, 285 arana, 283
anisiUo, 285, 301 aralia gato, 261,295
Anneslia caracasana, 258 araucaria, 238
Anneslia cubensis, 258 Araucaria excelsa, 238
Anneslia haematostoma, 258 Araucaria heterophylla, 158, 186,238,303
Anneslia minutifolia, 258 ARAUCARIACEAE, 238
Index 355
arbol de cera, 275 arriero, 238
arbol de tung, 252 arroyo, 293
arbol de Washington, 274 Artocarpus, 186
arbol del seminario, 268 Artocarpus altilis, 209, 274, 321, 332
arbol del seso, 294 Artocarpus brasiliensis, 274
arbol del viajero, 275 Artocarpus communis, 274
arbol enano, 273 Artocarpusheterophyllus, 209, 274, 316
arbolllor6n, 252 Artocarpus incisus, 274
arbolito, 246 Artocarpus integer, 274
arbor maurepasia, 259 Artocarpus integrifolius, 274
arbre a bombes, 268 Artocarpus maxima, 274
arbre a corail, 259 Artocarpus philippensis, 274
arbre apain, 274, 284 aruBa gato, 292
arbre a petites feuilles, 279 ASCLEPIADACEAE, 240
arbre a soie, 240 Asimina blain;;, 235
arbre au diable, 253 Aspidosperma cuspa, 209, 235, 304, 321, 322
arbre de vie, 302 Aspidospenna domingensis, 235
arbre soie, 240 ASTERACEAE, 240
arbre-a-fricasser, 294 astroemia, 269
arbre-a-savon, 294 astromelia, 269
Arcoa gonavensis, 256, 330 astromeria, 269
Ardisia, 310 atabaiba, 235, 236
Ardisia angustata, 276, 318 ataiba rosada, 236
Ardisia brachypoda, 276 ateje, 243
Ardisia coriacea, 276 ateje amarillo, 243
Ardisia crenulata, 276 ateje americano, 243
Ardisia domingensis, 276 ateje cimarron, 243
Ardisia escalloniodes, 276 ateje costa, 243
Ardisiafuertesii,276 ateje de costa, 243
Ardisia guadalupensis, 276 ateje globoso, 243
Ardisia maculata, 276 ateje hembra, 243
Ardisia obovata, 186,276 ateje macho, 243
Ardisia panniculata, 276 . atejillo, 243
Ardisia picardae, 276 Ateleia gummifer, 257, 309
Ardisia pickeringia, 276 Ateleia herbert-smithii, 226, 227
Ardisia serrulata, 276 Ateleia microcarpa, 257
areca, 239 Ateramnus lucidus, 253
Areca lutescens, 239 Ateramnus pal/ens, 253
ARECACEAE, 238 Atropa arborescens, 298
arepa, 252 Attalea crassispatha,79, 238, 318, 331
arete, 283 attrape-sot, 265
arito,298 Aulomyrcia citrifolia, 280
armira,269 Aulomyrcia coriacea, 280
arneau, 283 Aulomyrcia leptoclada, 280
arobillo, 251 auquey,272,280
arokariya, 158, 186, 303 auquey blanco, 280
aroma, 3, 255, 256, 262 auquey bobo, 272
aroma amarilla, 255 auquey prieto, 280
aroma blanca, 119,260 Aurantium acre, 291
aroma boba, 119, 260 Aurantium sinensis, 292
aroma extranjera, 261 Australian acacia, 255
aroma francesa, 256 Australian beefwood, 246
aroma mansa, 119, 260 Australian blackwood, 255
arraijan, 275,279, 280 Australian corkwood tree, 264
arraijan blanco, 278 ausuba, 296
arrayan, 243, 275-277, 279, 280 ausubo, 281, 296
arrayan bobo, 276 auzua,281
arrayan colorado lobo, 279 auzubo,281
356 Index
avellana, 253, 254 baga, 234, 290 "
avellana criolla, 243, 254 bagage a collier, 236
avellano,252 bagaj akolye, 303
avellano criollo, 252 baie a onde, 258
avellano de America, 254 baitoa,301
avellano de costa, 254 bala de canon, 268
Averrhoa, 332 balai de montagne, 247
Averrhoa acida, 254 balai four, 245
Averrhoa bilimbi, 209, 284, 304, 333 balai velours, 245
Averrhoa carambola, 186, 284, 304, 318, 320, 333 balata,296
Avicennia germinans, 159, 186, 209, 302, 323, balat~, 296
324,326 balate,296
Avicennia marina, 302 balay fou, 303
A~icennia nitida, 302 balay mon, 303
avispillo, 254, 267, 284 balsa, 242
avocado, 105, 268 balsam amyris, 291
avocat, 105, 268 balsam fig, 247
avocat marron, 245, 289 balsamo, 279, 290, 302
avocatier, 105, 268 balsamo de conconate, 261
ayay,301 balsamo de Guatemala, 261
ayitye,303 balsamo de sonsonate, 261
ayua, 292 balsamo del Peru, 261
ayua amarilla, 292 balsamo real, 290
ayu"a macho, 292 bamboo palm, 239
ayua varia, 292 bambou, 209, 285, 303
ayuda, 292 bambU,285
Azadirachta indica, 111, 112, 127, 132-143, 159, bambUa,285
186,205,208,209,224-226,229,230,273, Bambusa vulgaris, 209, 285,303
326 ban, 303
azahar,292 banana, 275
azahar de jardin, 292 bananne, 275
azota criollo, 252, 260, 291 Banara domingensis, 264
azota potranca, 257 Banara ekmaniana, 264
aiota-caballo, 302 Banara excisa, 264
azucarero, 244 Banara hotteana, 264
" azucares, 300 Banara quinquenervis, 264
azulejo, 254, 302 BanaraseUeana,264
Banara splendens, 264
Banisteria laurifolia, 270
-B- Banisteria pubiflora, 270
Baccharis. See ASTERACEAE bannann,174,217,303,335
bacona, 252 baobab, 242
bacona morada, 71, 260 Barbados cherry, 270
Bactris chaetophylla, 238 Barbados pride, 257
Bactris cubensis, 238, 269 barbasco, 245, 300
Bactris globosa, 238 barcillo, 119,260
Bactris jamaicana, 238 baria,247
Bactrisplumeriana, 209, 238, 319, 331 bariaco, 288
baculo,264 barrehomo, 282
badannier, 248 barringtonia, 268
badanye, 303 Barringtonia asiatica, 268
badiana, 266 Barringtonia speciosa, 268
Badiera domingensis, 286 BARRINGTONIACEAE. See LECYTHI-
Badiera fue~tesii, 286 DACEAE
Badiera penaea, 286 basilic arbre, 256
Badiera portoricensis, 286 basket wiss, 285
badula,276 Bassia albescens, 296
bastard brasiletto, 249
Index 357
bastard breadnut, 275 bejuco ingles, 245
bastard cabbage, 256 bejuco timaque, 289
bastard cedar, 273, 299. beladonn, 184, 304
bastard hog cherry, 254 belah,246
bastard mahogany, 256 belladone,298
bastard mammee, 247 ben, 275
bastard nicarago, 257 ben oleitere, 275
bastard tamarind, 261 Benjamin fig, 274
bata kayman, 304 benzoliv, 174, 197,217,304
baton casse, 258 benzolive, 275
baton de sorcier, 259 berenjena cimarrona, 298
baton kas, 188,211,304 berenjena de gallina, 298
baton sosiye, 192,214,304 berenjena de paloma, 298
battre acaYman, 260 berijua, 250
Bauhinia acuminata, 257 Bernardia bernardia, 252
Bauhinia aurita, 257 Bernardia carpinifolia, 252
Bauhinia divaricata, 209, 307, 319, 324, 331 Bernardia dichotoma, 186,252
Bauhinia divaricata var. angustiloba, 257 berron,281
Bauhinia divaricata var. divaricata, 257 Berrya cubensis, 301
Bauhinia kappleri, 257 Besleria. See GESNERIACEAE
Bauhinia krugii, 257 BETULACEAE,241
Bauhinia monandra, 186,209,257,311, 316, 318 Beureria. See Bourreria
Bauhinia porrecta, 257 biajama, 260
Bauhinia variegata, 186, 257 . bien vestida, 145,259
baume anglais, 267 big-leaf mahogany, 47, 273
bay cedar, 297 bigarade orange, 291
bay-rum, 281 bigleaf leafflower, 254
bay rum tree, 281 Bignonia longissima, 29, 241
bayahon,3,262 Bignonia quercus, 29, 241
bayahonda,3,255,258,262 Bignonia stans, 241
bayahonda blanca, 3, 261, 262 BIGNONIACEAE,241
bayahonda de la Virgen, 258 bija, 242, 298
bayahonde,3,262 bija cimarrona, 252
bayahonde franc;ais, 3, 262 bijaguara, 13, 287
bayahonderouge,256 bijilla, 252
bayarone, 262 bijillo, 252
bayawonn,2-11,176,200,206,219,304 bijo macho, 252
bayawonn fran, 3, 304 bijote,268
bayawonn wouj, 304 bilimbi, 284
bayberry tree, 281 birchberry, 279, 280
bayonet, 268 birijagua, 13, 287
. bayonet, 304 .bitijf, 279
bayoneta, 268 . birrete de arzobispo, 268
bayonette, 268 bisiette marron, 254
bayua, 292 bissy,298
bead tree, 273 bitter damson, 39, 297
beaumortel, 259 bitter orange, 291
Beilschmiedia pendula, 186,267,308 bitter-ash, 236, 297 .
bejuco de barraco, 289. bitterbush, 236, 297
bejuco de berac, 289 bitterwood,297
bejuco de canasta, 285 Bixa katangensis, 242
bejuco de canasta blanco, 285 Bixa orellana, 186,210,242,311,332
bejuco de nasa, 285 BIXACEAE, 242
bejuco de palma, 285 biziyet mawon, 304
bejuco de peseta, 258, 259 black candlewood, 267
bejuco de serna blanco, 259 black fiddlewood, 302
bejuco de varraco, 270 black ironwood, 288
bejuco de verraco, 270, 289 black lancewood, 235
358 Index
black mampoo, 282 bois collier, 262
black mangrove, 302 bois coq, 250, 274
black mulberry, 275 bois coq d'Inde, 284
black olive, 248 bois corne, 269
black torch, 289 bois cotelette, 252, 253, 272
black velvet, 13, 287 bois couleuvre, 245, 294
black wattle, 245, 255 bois coure, 295
black-calabash, 241 bois crapaud, 252, 276
black-cherry, 279 bois d' amour, 280
blackbead, 262 bois d'anjou, 237, 238
blackberry, 290 bois d'anneau, 260, 263
BLECHNACEAE, 242 bois d'argent, 245
Blechnum underwoodianum, 242 bois d'ebene, 261
Blighia sapida, 210, 294, 303, 321 bois d'encens, 244
blimblin, 284 bois d'homme, 299
blinblin,209,284,304 bois d'huile bord de mer, 289
blinblinlong,304 bois d'Inde, 243, 280, 295
blinblinlongue,284 bois d'Inde fran~ais, 2~1
blue gum, 278 bois d'Inde marron, 293, 300
blue mahoe, 270 bois d'ine, 280
boafierro, 288 bois d'ine franc, 281
Bocconiafrutescens, 186,210,284,306,307,321 bois d'ine fran~ais, 281
bohahunda, 3,262 bois d' ine marron, 300
bois a cochon, 248 . bois d'ine petites feuilles, 279
bois acajou, 279 bois d'orme, 250, 265, 299
bois amer, 39, 266 bois d'ortie, 301, 302
bois amer blanc, 235, 273 bois d'ortie blanche, 301
bois ami, 269 bois d'ortie rouge, 301
bois arada, 273 bois de coq, 284
bois bande, 300 bois de couille, 245
bois bay-rhum, 281 bois de fer, 13, 284, 287, 288
bois blanc, 39, 252, 292, 297, 301 bois de fer blanc, 13,284
bois blanc grandes feuilles, 301 bois de graines, 294
bois bourrique, 245 bois de graines noirs, 294
bois bourro, 119,260 bois de haut, 248
bois brfilant, 255 bois de hetre, 299
bois brule, 295 bois de houe, 237
bois ca, 264 bois de I' ail, 288
bois cabrit, 263, 290, 291 bois de l'encore, 290
bois caca, 245, 269 bois de lance, 235
bois cachiman, 235 bois de lance batard, 235
bois cafe, 253 bois de lance franc, 235
bois caiman, 260, 261, 279 bois de meche, 245
bois cale~on, 257 bois de rose, 23, 243, 288
bois campeche, 259, 293 bois de roux, 248
bois canon, 274 bois de satanier, 294
bois canot, 238 bois de savane, 302
bois capable, 13,247 bois de soie, 250, 301
bois capitaine, 270 bois de soie marron, 250
bois cassave, 282, 300 bois de sureau, 285
bois cassave sylvestre, 283 bois de tremble, 276
bois chandelle, 256, 285, 291 bois dentelle, 301
bois chapeau, 243 bois dents marron, 272
bois chene, 29, 241 bois diou, 248, 273
bois chique, 243 bois diou marron, 273
bois cochon, 237, 244 bois douleur, 290
bois cochon marron, 244 bois doux, 267
bois codine, 284 bois du sip, 241
Index 359
bois ebene, 243, 288 bois noyaux, 285
bois ecorce, 261 bois noyer, 292
bois epineux, 292 bois pagnol, 233
bois espagnol, 233 bois pale, 247, 263
bois fer blanc, 287 bois palmiste, 256
bois fer marron, 288 bois patate, 289
bois fetide, 245 bois paupit, 243
bois feuilles blanches, 301 bois peine, 292
bois flambeau, 293 bois pele, 13,287
bois flambeau noir I' epineux, 293 bois petit gar\on, 247, 297
bois fou-fou, 290 bois petite feuille, 244
bois fourmi, 246 bois petites feuilles, 279
bois franc, 233 bois pigeon, 271
bois frene, 39, 297 bois pin, 285
bois galle, 261 bois pine, 292
bois' gar\on, 253 bois pine blanc, 292
bois graine, 266 bois pini, 292
bois graine noire, 266 bois pite, 287
bois gris-gris, 248 bois plomb, 276
bois guepes, 252 bois poisson, 297
bois guepois, 280 bois poivre, 295
bois haut-goOt, 280 bois poulette, 269
bois huile, 296 bois poupee, 243
bois immortel, 259 bois puant, 245
bois immortel vrai, 259 bois raide, 250
bois ivrant, 262 bois raie, 301
bois jambette, 302 bois rave, 245
boisjaune,265,274 bois rouge, 273, 286
bois jaunisse, 284 bois sadine, 291
bois jean louis, 300 bois sagine, 284
bois la fievre, 295 bois saint, 302
bois lait, 235, 236, 255 bois saisissement, 236
bois lait femelle, 236 bois sardine, 297
bois lait male, 236 bois savane, 241, 256, 263,276,302
bois laitelle, 291 bois savonnette pays, 294
bois laiteux febrifuge, 236 bois sec, 265
bois lezard, 302 bois senegal, 245
bois loraille, 273 bois senti, 257, 269
bois lubin, 285 bois soumis, 23, 243
bois mabel, 249 bois tabac, 290
bois mabi, 13,287 bois tan, 246
bois madame, 242 bois tanniste rouge, 259
bois major, 285 bois tremble, 276
bois mal aux dents, 252 bois trembler, 238
bois marbre, 253 bois trompette, 274
bois margot, 248 bois vache, 252
bois marron, 273 bois vert, 300
bois merise, 275 bois vinette, 251
bois moutarde, 245 bois violet, 293
bois mulatre, 234, 280 bois zed, 288
bois mOlet, 294 bois zet, 288
bois myrte, 279 boj de Persia, 292
bois nago, 241, 263 boje, 247
bois nan non, 261 born zangle, 304
bois negre, 293 BOMBACACEAE, 242
bois negresse, 237, 265, 297 Bombacopsis emarginata, 242, 319
bois neuf, 275 Bombax angulata, 242
bois noir, 235, 243, 245, 256, 267, 296 Bombax ellipticum, 242
360 Index
Bombax emarginatum, 242 breadfruit, 274
Bombax guineense, 242 breadnut, 274
Bombax orientale, 242 break-axe, 250
Bombax pentandrum, 242 breakbill, 295
Bombax pyramidale, 242 bresillet, 233, 257
Bombax vitifolium, 248 bresillet batard, 273
bombillito, 271 bresillette, 251
bombo, 266 breva, 274
bon cai"mite, 295 Breynia indica, 245
bon gar~on, 253 breziyet, 190,213,304
bon gason, 304 breziyet bata, 304
bon kaymit, 304 brignolle, 279
bonbon capitaine, 270 brikal, 192, 304
bonbon chat, 243, 304 bril,304
bonbon codine, 243, 285 brille, 279
bonbon coq d'Inde, 285 brillol, 288
bonbon kapitenn, 216, 304 brilloso, 291
bonbon kodenn, 304 bririybl, 192, 304
bonbon kbk denn, 304 briqueta, 237
Bonduc majus, 257 briqueta naranjo, 237
bonduc, 257 briser menage, 263
bonete de arzobispo, 268 brisiette, 233
boniatillo, 267 brisselet, 251
boniato laurel, 267 brittle thatch palm, 240
bonquito, 274 briybl, 201, 304
Bontia daphnoides, 186,210,275,312,324,326 brize menaj, 220, 304
BORAGINACEAE, 243 briziyet, 304
Bomoa crassispatha, 238 broad-leaved blolly, 283
borrachona, 270 broomstick, 273
botija, 248 Brosimum spurium, 275
botoncillo, 248, 300 brucal,259
bot09cillo cimarr6n, 276 brucayo, 259
botdncillo de costa, 248 Brunellia comocladiifolia, 186
botree, 274 Brunellia comocladiifolia ssp. domingensis, 249,
bott1ebrush, 277 308
boulet de canon, 268 Brunfelsia americana, 298
boulet kanon, 213,304 brusca, 263
Bourreria, 186 brusc6n, 263, 264
Bourreria domingensis, 243 bucare, 259
Bourreria succulenta, 243, 317, 324 bucare enano, 259
Bourreria succulenta var. canescens, 243 bucayo, 259
Bourreria virgata, 243 bucayo gigante, 259
bousillette, 233 bucayo haitiano, 259
bouziyet, 304 buccaneer palm, 240
bow pigeon, 286 . Bucephalon racemosum, 275
box-briar, 291 Bucerus bucida, 248
boxleaf eugenia, 279 Buchenavia capitata, 159,186,248,306,308,315
bracaatinga, 261 Bucida angustifolia, 248
bracatinga, 261 Bucida buceras, 160, 187,210,248,306,308,
brasil,257 314,315
brasilete bastardo, 297 Bucida capitata, 248
brasilete falso, 297 Bucida spinosa, 248
brasilete negro, 257 buckthorn forestiera, 284
Brassaia actinophylla, 237 buen pan, 274
Brazil pepper tree, 234 buffalo top, 240
Brazilian rose, 248 buis, 292
bread-and-cheese, 262 buis benit, 286
Index 361
buis de sable, 253 bwa chik, 166, 190,213,305
bulbstern yucca, 268 bwa dajan, 187,210, 305
bullock's heart, 235 bwa damou, 197,217,305
bully tree, 297 bwa dan mawon, 305
Bumelia anomala, 295 bwa danjou, 218, 305
Bumelia cubensis, 187,295,305,331 bwa dano, 196, 220, 305
Bumelia dominicana, 295 bwa dantel, 216, 305
Bumelia ferruginea, 295 bwa dehet, 305
Bumelia heterophylla, 295 bwa deho, 305
Bumelia integra, 295 bwa denn, 187, 190,305
Bumelia obovata var. obovata, 295 bwa denn franse, 199,218,305
Bumelia parvifolia, 295 bwa denn mawon, 203, 221, 305
Bumelia pentagona, 295 bwa dinn, 305
Bumelia salicifolia, 187,295,303,310,320,325, bwa dinn fran, 305
329,330 bwa dinn franse, 305
Bumelia sericea, 295 bwa dinn mawon, 305
bun,292 bwa dinn ti fey, 192, 305
Bunchosia, 309 bwa diou, 201, 305
Bunchosia glandulosa, 187,210,269,306,309 bwa diou mawon, 305
Bunchosia media, 269 bwa djab, 305
Bunchosia nitida, 269, 304, 318 bwa dom, 169, 194,215,306
burro, 245 bwa doti, 199,211,218,306
Bursera brunea, 243 bwa doti blan, 306
Bursera glauca, 244 bwa doti wouj, 306
Bursera gracilipes, 244 bwa doule, 197,217,306
Bursera gummifera, 244 bwa ebenn, 201, 306
Bursera nashii, 244 bwa ekos, 200, 219, 306
Bursera ovalifolia, 244 ,bwa fe, 13, 195,205,216,306
Bursera ovata, 244 bwa fe blan, 13, 306
Bursera simaruba, 160, 187,205,210,244,311, bwa fe mawon, 201, 306
314 bwa fetid, 306
BURSERACEAE, 243 bwa fey blanch, 189, 306
butterbough, 294 bwa foumi, 197,205,306
butterfly bauhinia, 257 bwa fwenn, 39, 306
butterfly palm, 239 bwa gal,306
button-mangrove, 248 bwa gason, 306
BUXACEAE, 244 bwa gep, 213, 306
Buxus, 187 bwa grenn, 196, 216, 306
Buxus glomerata, 244, 310 bwa grenn nwa, 196, 216, 306
buzunuco, 290 bwa grigri, 160,306
buzunuvo,290 bwa ivran, 219, 306
bwa arne, 304 bwa jambet, 192, 306
bwa arne blan, 304 . bwa jan louwi, 306
bwaami,304 bwajon, 189,211,306
bwa anis, 304 bwajonis, 186,210,306
bwa arada, 304 bwa ka, 306
bwa bande, 195, 304 bwa kabrit, 202, 206, 220, 306
bwa berom, 305 bwa kachiman, 306
bwa blan, 39, 178, 199,202,206,213,220,305 bwa kajou, 306
bwa blan gran fey, 305 bwa kaka, 187, 188,205,210,306,307
bwa born, 305 bwa kalson, 209,307
bwa bourik, 188,305 bwa kampech, 307
bwa bouwo, 119,305 bwa kano, 177, 202, 220, 307
bwa prilan, 201, 305 bwa kanon, 307
bwa brile, 305 bwa kapab, 13, 202, 220, 307
bwa chandel, 185,205,305 bwa kasav, 195, 307
bwa chapo, 214, 305 bwa kasav silves, 193, 307
bwa chenn, 29, 305 bwa kayman, 192, 196,200,216,219,307
362 Index
bwa kochon, 203, 218, 221, 307 bwa plom, 198, 309
bwa kochon mawon, 307 bwa popit, 309
bwa kodinn, 307 bwa poulet, 187, 210, 309
bwa kok, 202, 220, 307 bwa poupe, 309
bwa kok denn, 186,210,307 bwa pwason, 218, 309
bwa kolye, 200, 307 bwa pwav, 309
bwakon, 307 bwa pwiant, 309
bwa kotlet, 191, 192, 307 bwa rai, 189, 309
bwa koulev, 193,307 bwa raid, 191,309
bwa koure, 307 bwa ray, 211, 309
bwa krapo, 185,208,307 bwa rogou, 309
bwa kwil, 307 bwa sadinn, 309
bwa lafiev, 307 bwa saginn, 309
bwa lans, 199, 218, 307 bwa santi, 309
bwa lans bata, 307 bwa sasiye bata, 309
bwa lans fran, 307 bwa sasiye mawon, 309
bwa let, 201, 210, 307 bwa satanye, 309
bwa let (emel, 201, 219, 308 bwa savann, 182, 184,208,221,309
bwa let mal, 203, 221, 308 bwa savon, 309
bwa letel, 308 bwa savonet peyi, 309
bwaleza, 182,204,308 bwa sek, 309
bwa liben, 200, 308 bwa sen, 309
bwa loray, 221, 308 bwa senegal, 210, 310
bwa mabel, 186, 308 bwa sezisman, 204, 221, 310
bwa mabi, 13, 190,213, 308 bwa sip, 310
bwa mabre, 194,215,308 bwa siwo, 310
bwa madam, 308 bwa soumi, 22-27, 166, 191,213,310
bwa mago, 186, 308 bwa swa, 204, 310
bwa majo, 200, 219, 308 bwa swa mawon, 197,217,310
bwa malodan, 308 bwa tanis wouj, 167, 192,214,310
bwa mawon, 308 bwa ti fayi, 310
bwa meriz, 201, 308 bwa ti ret, 310
bwa milat, 197,217,308 bwa ti rey, 187, 192,310
bwa milet, 193, 308 bwa ti gason, 199,218,310
bwa mit, 192, 308 bwa tramble, 310
bwa motel, 192,214,308 bw~ twompet, 310
bwa motel vre, 308 bwa vach, 310
bwa moutad, 308 bwa velou, 310
bwa nago, 201, 203, 219, 308 bwa wil, 196, 310
bwa nannon, 198, 308 bwa wouj, 169, 193,215,310
bwa nef, 204, 221, 308 bwa woz, 23, 310
bwa nef ramo, 308 bwa zed, 310
bwa neg, 308 bw"a zet, 310
bwa neges, 188, 191,214,308 bwis, 310
bwa nwa, 186, 194,308 bwis beni, 310
bwa nwayo, 308 bwis sab, 310
bwa pal, 190,201,212,219,308 Byra buxifolia, 257, 314
bwa palmis, 158, 185, 209, 309 Byrsonima, 307
bwa panyol, 190,213,309 Byrsonima berteroana, 269
bwa patat, 185,209,309 Byrsonima coriacea var. coriacea, 269 "
" bwa pen, 161, 175, 176, 199,200,218,309 Byrsonima coriacea var. spicata, 270
bwa penn, 309 Byrsonima crassifolia, 187,210,269
bwa pijon, 197,309 Byrsonima cubensis, 269
bwa pine, 182,204,309 Byrsonima cuneata, 270
bwa pine blan, 309 Byrsonima lucida, 187,270
bwa pini, 309 Byrsonima spicata, 160, 187,210,270,321,331
bwa pit, 309
bwa pIe, 12-21, 166, 190,213,309
Index 363
-c- cacto, 244, 253
cacto columnar, 244
Caballeriaferruginea, 276 cactus, 244
cabalonga, 236 cadeno, 256
cabbage angelin, 256 Caesalpinia, 304, 318, 319
cabbag~ bark, 256 Caesalpinia bahamensis, 257
cabello de angel, 257 Caesalpinia barahonensis, 257
cabellos de angel, 256 Caesalpinia barkeriana, 257
cabilma, 273 Caesalpinia bijuga, 257
cabima, 273 Caesalpinia bonduc, 210, 257, 315
cabirma, 273 Caesalpinia brasiliensis, 257
cabirma de Guinea, 273 Caesalpinia buchU, 257
cabirma santa, 273 Caesalpinia ciliata, 210, 257, 332
cabo de hacha, 273 Caesalpinia coriaria, 48, 187,205,210,226,227,
caborf,264 257,312,315,321
cabra, 269, 301 Caesalpinia eriostachys, 226-228
cabra blanca, 284; 291 Caesalpiniaferruginea, 261
cabra cimarrona, 247 Caesalpinia globulorum, 257
cabra hedionda, 269 Caesalpillia grisebachiana, 257
cabra santa, 284, 291 Caesalpinia illermis, 261
cabrima aromatica, 267 Caesalpinia major, 257
cabrita, 269 Caesalpillia monospenna, 264
.caca chien, 245 Caesalpillia pellucida, 257
caca poule, 272 Caesalpinia praecox, 258
caca ravet, 284 Caesalpinia pulcherrima; 210, 257, 314, 323, 328
cacabeque, 263 Caesalpinia thomaea, 257
cacache,245 Caesalpinia velutina, 226, 228
cacaillo, 251, 293 Caesalpinia vesicaria, 210, 257
cacajuil, 233 cafe, 289
cacao, 299 cafe cimarron, 265, 290, 291, 302
cacao amarillo, 299 cafe d'Ethiopie, 269
cacao bobo,293 cafe de gallina, 265
cacao cimarron, 242, 251, 293 cafe de monte, 265
cacao criollo, 299 . cafe forastero, 269
cacao de montagne, 300 cafe grand bois, 253
cacao forastero, 299 cafe jaune, 293
cacao morado, 299 cafe marron, 243,265,293,297,302
Cacao theobroma, 299 cafe sauvage, 302
cacaotier, 299 cafecillo, 243
cacaoyer, 299 cafeier, 289
cacheo,239,240 cafeillo, 253, 290
cachiman, 234, 235 cafetlin. 265, 290, 291
cachiman cannelle, 235 cafetillo, 265, 290
cachiman cochon, 235 cafeto, 289
cachiman coeur de boeuf, 235 caguinf, 296
cachiman la Chine, 234 caiman, 260
cachiman marron, 235, 266 caiman franc, 269
cachiman montagne, 235 caiman, 242
cachiman sauvage, 266 calmite, 295, 296
cachiman zombie, 235 calmite des jardins, 295
cachimbo, 236, 290 calmite franche, 295
cachimbo comun, 291 calmite marron, 296
cachimbo de mona, 291 ca"imite sauvage, 296
cachimbo grande, 291 calmitier, 295
cackalaka berry, 298 calmitier Ii feuilles d'or, 295·
cacorne marron, 258 calmitier ferrugineux, 296
CACTACEAE, 244 calmitier marron, 296
cactier, 244 calmitier olivaire, 296
364 Index
caimitillo, 272, 295, 296 ca1mante, 268
caimitillo de perro, 296 ca1mouc, 291
caimito, 295, 296 Calocarpum mammosum, 297
caimito blanco cimarron, 295 Calocarpum sapota, 297
caimito cimarron, 247, 295, 296 Calophyllum antillarum, 247
caimito cocuyo, 295, 296 Calophyllum brasiliense var.antillarum, 247 perro, 247, 296 Calophyllum calaba, 160, 187,210,247,311,314
caimito verde, 295 Calophyllum jacquini, 247
caimon, 276 Calotropis procera, 187,210,240,310,320
caimonf, 269, 276 Calycogonium, 187
caimonicillo, 276 Calycogonlum apiculatum, 271
cainco,289 Calyptracordia alba, 243
Cainito pomiferum, 295 Calyptranthes, 187
caja, 293 Calyptranthes arborea, 277
caja comun, 293 Calyptranthes barkeri, 277
cajoba, 256 Calyptranthes bracteosa, 277
cajon seco, 265 Calyptranthes chrysophylloides, 277
cajuil,233 Calyptranthes chrysophylloides var. minor, 277
cajuil cimarron, 269 Calyptranthes collina, 277
cajuilito de Sulillllm, 282 Calyptranthes densifolia, 277
Cajuputi leucadendra, 280 Calyptranthes depressa, 277
ca1abasa, 241 Calyptranthes grandis, 277
calabash, 241 Calyptranthes heteroclada, 277
ca1ambrefia, 287 Calyptranthes hotteana, 277
calceo1aria shower, 264 Calyptranthes involucrata, 277
ca1ebasse, 241 Calyptranthes marmeladensis, 277
ca1ebasse marron, 241 Calyptranthes mornicola, 277
ca1ebasse zombie, 241 Calyptranthes myrcioides, 277
ca1ebassier, 241 Calyptranthes nummularia, 277
California pepper tree, 234 Calyptranthes pallens, 277
calla, 289 Calyptranthes palustris, 277
calle noire, 290 Calyptranthes pitoniana, 277
calliandra, 257 Calyptranthes salicifolia, 277
Calliandra calothyrsus, 128, 160,257,317 Calyptranthes samuelssonii, 278
Calliandra caracasana, 258 Calyptranthes sintenisii, 278, 331
Calliandra confusa, 257 Calyptranthes sordida, 278
Calliandra cubensis, 258 Calyptranthes suzygium. See Calyptranthes syzy-
Calliandra falcata, 258 gium
Calliandra formosa var. cubensis, 258 Calyptranthes syzygium, 278 .
Calliandra haematocephala, 258 Calyptranthes yaquensis, 278
Calliandra haematomma, 258 Calyptrogenia bijlora, 278
Calliandra haematostoma var. minutifolia, 258 Calyptrogenia cuspidata, 278
Calliandra hystrix, 262 Calyptrogeniajeremiensis, 278
Calliandr.a inaequilatera, 258 Calyptrogyne clementis, 238
Calliandra latifolia, 264 Calyptrogyne dulcis, 238
Calliandra minutifolia, 258 Calyptrogyne intermedia, 238
Calliandra nervosa, 258, 331 Calyptrogyne microcarpa, 238
Calliandra pedicellata, 258 Calyptrogyne quisqueyana, 239
Calliandra picardae, 258 Calyptrogyne rivalis, 239
Calliandra portoricensis, 258 Calyptronoma clementis ssp. clementis, 238
Calliandra rivularis, 258 Calyptronoma clementis ssp. orieritensis, 238
Calliandra schultzei, 258 Calyptronoma dulcis, 238
Calliandra similis, 257 Calyptronoma intermedia, 238
Calliandra surinamensis, 258 Calyptronoma microcarpa, 238
Calliandra urbanii, 258 Calyptronoma plumeriana, 238, 311, 326
calliandre, 257 Calyptronoma quisqueyana, 239
Callistemon citrinus, 187,277 Calyptronoma rivalis, 239, 326
Callistemon lanceolatus, 277 camagiiilla, 276
Index 365
camaron, 249 canela legitima, 267
camasey, 271, 272 canelilla, 245, 267, 268, 278, 281
camasey almendro, 271 canelillo, 268, 278, 281
camasey blanco, 272 canella, 245
camasey cenizo, 272 Canella alba, 245
camasey ciatrocanales, 272 CaneUawinterana, 187,210,245,317,318
camasey colorado, 272 CANELLACEAE, 245
camasey de costilla, 272 canelon, 268
camasey de paloma, 272 caney, 284
camasey felpa. 272 canicha, 264
camasey peludo, 271 . canilla de,nuerte, 285
camasey racimoso, 272 canilla de venado, 302
cambia VOZ, 247 canille, 245
cambron, 3, 255, 261, 262, 264, 291 canique, 257, 294
Cameraria angustifolia, 235 canne de Tobago, 238
Cameraria latifolia, 210, 235, 303, 307 cannelle, 245,267,268
Cameraria linearifolia, 235 cannelle abeille, 275
camille, 245 cannelle douce, 275
Camirium moluccanum, 252 cannelle marron, 267
campana, 298 cannelle miel, 275
CAMPANULACEAE, 244 cannelle poivree, 245
campeche, 119,259,260 cannellier, 267
campeche, 259 cannonball tree, 268
campeche marron, 262 caoba,47,273
campechier, 259 caoba de Honduras, 47, 273
camphor tree, 267 caoba de Santo Domingo, 47, 273
camphre, 267 caoba dominicana, 47, 273
camphrier, 267 caoba hondurefia, 47, 273
cana, 240 caobanilla, 264
cafiafistol, 258, 264 caobilla de costa, 252
cafiaffstola, 258 caobo, 273
cafiaffstula, 258 caoutchouc, 253, 274
cafiaffstula cimarrona, 258, 264 cap berry, 268
cafiafistula mansa, 258 capa, 23, 243
cafiandonga, 258 capa blanco, 302
cananga, 235 capa bobo, 241
Cananga blain ii, 235 capa colorado, 243
Cananga odorata, 187,210,235,316 capa de olor, 23; 243
Canangium odoratum, 235 capa de sabana, 23, 243, 302
canape, 294 capa 0 laurel, 23, 243
Canary Island date palm, 239 capa prieto, 23, 243
canasta mexicana, 258 capa sabanero, 302
candela, 270 capable, 13,247,287
candelabre, 253 caparo, 243
candelada, 270 caper tree, 245
candelero, 253 capinillo, 261
candelon, 256 capitaine, 270
candelon, 256,260, 261,262,287 CAPPARACEAE, 245
candelon de teta, 261 CAPPARIDACEAE. See CAPPARACEAE
candle nut, 252 Capparis,205,307,309,310
candleberry, 269 Capparis amplissima, 245
candlewood, 237, 291 Capparis amygdalina, 245
candlewood tree, 294 Capparis baducca, 245
candon, 235 Capparis coccolobifolia, 245
candongo, 235 Capparis cynophaUophora, 187,210,245,305,
canefice batard, 263 306,307,309,317
canela, 245, 267, 268 Capparis dolichopoda, 245, 332
canela de la tierra, 245, 268 Capparis emarginata, 245
366 Index
Capparisferruginea, 210, 245,303,310 Carpodiptera, 306
Capparisjlexuosa, 188,205,210,245,308 Carpodiptera cubensis, 211, 301, 305, 306, 312
Capparisfrondos~,188,245,305,330 ' Carpodiptera hexaptera, 301
Capparis gonaivensis, 211, 245 Carpodiptera simonis, 211, 301
Capparis grisebachii" 245 carrasquefio, 267
Capparis hastata, 188,245 carrasquillo, 261
Capparisincana, 245 carta abierta, 270
Capparis indica, 188, 245 Caryophyllus aromaticus, 278
Capparis jamaicensis, 245 Caryophyllus jambos, 282
Capparis octandra, 245 Caryophyllus racemosus, 281
Capparis odoratissima, 245 carzazo, 257
Capparis portoricensis, 245 casabito, 249
Capparis torulosa, 245 Casabitoa perfae, 297
caprice, 236 casca hueso, 288
caprier rampant, 245 cascarille, 252
capucha de monje, 271 ' cascarita, 265
capulf,250 cascarroya, 288
capulf cimarron, 301 cascarudo, 265
capulinas, 250 casco de mu10, 257
cara de hombre, 284 Casearia, 188
carabana, 295 Casearia aculeata, 264, 327
carabomba, 255, 256 Casearia arborea, 265
caracol, 296 Casearia bicolor, 265
caraco1et, 296 Casearia decandra, 265
caracolf, 71, 260, 262, 273 Casearia guianensis, 205, 265, 317
caraco1illo, 71, 260, 265 Casearia hirsuta, 265
caracter de hombre, 252 Casearia hirta, 264
caractere des hommes, 257 Casearia ilicifolia, 265, 308, 327
caraicillo, 294 Casearia nitida, 265
cara1illo, 256 Casearia parviflora, 265
caralfn, 256 Casearia parvifolia, 265
carambo1a, 284 Casearia punctata, 265
carambo1d, 284 Casearia ramiflora, 265
carambo1e, 284 Casearia schulzi~na, 265
caramboli, 243 Casearia spinescens, 265
carambolier, 284 Casearia spinosa, 264
carambomba, 264 Casearia stipularis, 265
carambouba, 255 Casearia sylvestris, 211
carafia, 271 Casearia sylvestris var. myricoides, 265
carapa, 273 Casearia sylvestris var. sylvestris, 265, 326
Carapa guianensis, 188,211,273 Casearia ulmifolia, 265
carasco, 233 casha, 255
carbonero, 243, 287 cashew, 233
carbonero de costa, 255, 287 casia, 111,256,264
cardinale rouge, 244 casia de Siam, 111,264
cardon, 244 casia siamea, 111, 264
careicillo, 284 Casimora edulis, 291
careto real, 256 casmagua, 276
carga agua, 263 Casparea aurita, 257
Caribbean pine, 285 Casparea divaricata, 257
Carica papaya, 161, 188,211,246,326 Caspareopsis monandra, 257
CARICACEAE, 246 , casse, 258
carmoni, 276 casse a baton, 263
carne de doncella, 270 casse de Siam, '111,264
carolina, 242 casse doux, 258
Carolinea princeps, 242 casse espagno1e, 258
carosse, 238. casse hache, 288
carossier, 238 casse marron, 263, 264
Index 367
casse-hallier, 263 castano crenata, 264
casser hache, 254 castano del Japan, 264
casser rage, 254 castano del Malabar, 274
casser sec, 265 Castella depressa, 297
cassia, 111, 264 Castilla elastica, 211, 274
Cassia, 111,304,318 Castilla elastica subsp. elastica, 188,274
Cassia angllstisiliqua, 263 Castilla lactiflua, 274 .
Cassia antillana, 263 castilla rubber, 274
Cassia arborea, 111, 264 castor, 251, 265
Cassia arborescens, 263 castor bean, 255
Cassia atomaria, 263 casuarina, 246
Cassia berteriana, 263 Casuarina, 112, 188,319,327
Cassia bicapsularis var. indicora, 263 Casuarina cristata ssp. cristata, 246
Cassia bicarpsularis var. pubescens, 263 Casuarina equisetifolia, 123, 135, 139, 161,
Cassia brasiliana, 258 224-226,228-230,313
Cassia crista, 263 Casuarina equisetijolia var. equisetifolia, 246
Cassia crista var. oligophylla, 263 . Casuarina glauca, 246
Cassia domingensis, 263 Casuarina lepidophloia, 246
Cassia elliptica, 263 Casllarina litorea, 246
Cassia emarginata, 263 CASUARINACEAE,246
Cassia fistula, 188; 211, 213, 258, 318 Catalpa longissima, 24, 28-37, 48, 162, 188,211,
Cassia fitchiana, 263 224-226,228,230,241,305,311
Cassia floribunda, 263 catastres, 244
Cassia florida, 111,264 catclaw, 262
Cassia frondosa, 263 cateicito, 279 __
Cassia gigantea, 111, 264 catie, 238, 240
Cassia grandis, 188,211,258 catin,264
Cassia haitiensis, 263 . catire, 287
Cassia humboldtiana, 264 cauchera, 274
Cassia indecora, 263 caucho,253,274
. Cassiajavanica, 188,258 caya amarilla, 296
Cassia mexicana, 263 caya blanca, 296
Cassia mexicana var. moustiquensis, 263 caya colorada, 295
Cassia nitida, 263 caya de lorna, 295 .
Cassia nodosa, 258 caya prieta, 296
Cassia polyphylla, 263 cayateje, 290
Cassia quinquangulata, 263 cayena,270
Cassia septemtrionalis, 263 cayepon,284
Cassia siamea, 111, 264 cayepan,284
Cassia speciosa, 264 cayepur, 280
Cassia spectabilis, 264 cayeput, 280
cassia stick tree, 258 cayeputi, 280
cassie flower, 255 cayuco,244
Cassine attenuata, 246 cayur, 234
Cassine domingensis, 288 cazuela, 240
Cassine ehrenbergii, 246 Ceanothus arborescens, 13, 287
Cassine lanceolata, 246 Ceanothlls reclinatus, 287
Cassine xylocarpa, 188, 211 Cecropia aspernna, 274
Cassine xylocarpa var. attelltuata, 246 Cecropiapeltata, 162, 188,211,274,307,310,
Cassipourea alba, 288 332
Cassipourea cubensis, 288 cedre, 63, 249, 273
Cassipollrea elliptica, 288 cedre blanc, 63, 273,
Cassipourea guiallensis, 188, 211, 288 cedre espagnol, 63, 273
Cassipourea obtusa, 288 Cedrela dllgessii, 63, 273
Cassuvium pomiferum, 233 Cedrela glaziovii, 63, 273
castana, 274 Cedrela guianensis, 63, 273
Castanea, 318 Cedrela mahagoni, 47, 273
Castanea sativa, 264 Cedrela mexicana, 63, 67, 273
368 Index
Cedrela occidentalis, 63, 273 cerise d'Haiti, 270
Cedrela odorata, 26, 35,48,62-69, p3, 162, 188, cerise de mer, 283
211,273,317,329 cerise de St. Domingue, 270
Cedrela pavaguariensis, 63, 273 cerise de Suriname, 280
Cedrela sintenisii, 63, 273 cerisier, 270
Cedrela velloziana, 63, 273 cerisier capitaine, 270
cedro, 63, 273 cerisier de St. Domingue, 270
cedro blanco, 273 cerote, 294
cedro colorado, 273 Cestrum diurnum, 189,298
cedro del pafs, 63, 273 Cestrum laurifolium, 298
cedro hembra, 63, 273, 298. Cestrum macrophyllum, 189,298
cedro macho, 63, 273 Cestrum macrostemon, 298
cedro real, 273 Cestrum nocturnum, 298, 316, 322
Cedrus mahagoni, 47,273 Ceylon-gooseberry, 265
Cedrus mahogani, 47, 273 cha"cha venenoso, 256
ceiba, 242 chacara, 258
Ceiba casearia, 242 chacaro, 264
ceiba de agua, 242 chacha,256
Ceiba guineense, 242 chachaca, 3, 262
Ceiba pentandra, 163, 188,211,242,314,324 chadek,95, 163, 189,212,311
Ceiba thonningii, 242 chadeque, 95,292
ceibo,259 Chaetocarpus domingensis, 252
celandine, 284 Chaetocarpus globosus, 252
CELASTRACEAE, 246 Chalcas exotica, 292
Celastrum jodinii, 273 Chalcas paniculata, 292
Celastrus myrtifolius, 289 Chamaecrista, 111
ce1osa, 302 Chamaefistula antillana, 263
Celtis lamarkiana, 301 Chamaerops antillarum, 240
Celtis micranthus, 301 chambron, 3, 262, 311
Celtis rugosa, 301 chamiso, 294
Celtis trinervia, 189; 301, 306, 309 champaca, 269
cenizero, 256 chandel anglez, 311
cenizo,272 chandel blan, 311
cenizoso, 272 chandel mawon, 195, 311
cenizoso cimarron, 290 chandelle anglaise, 290
Central American rubber, 274 chandelle blanc, 291
Cerasus occidentalis, 289 chandelle marron, 291, 294
Cerasus sphaerocarpus, 289 chapeau carre, 250, 251
Cerbera peruviana, 236 chapelet, 238
Cerbera thevatia, 236 chapelet, 311
Cercidium praecox, 258, 304, 328 chapo kare, 202, 220, 311
Cercidium spinosum, 258 chaste tree, 302
Cerdana alliodora, 23, 243 chatag,311
cereipo, 261 chatague, 294
cerero, 275 chataignier, 294
Cereus hexagonus, 211, 244 chataignier a petites feuilles, 251
Cereus hystrix, 244 chataignier marron, 294
cereza, 265,269,270 chatanye, 311
cereza amarilla, 254 .chatanye mawon, 311
cereza blanca, 243 chatanye ti fey, 311
cereza cimarrona, 270 chencherenche, 302
cereza colorada, 270 chene,29,241
cereza de Barbados, 270 chene calebassier, 302
cereza de Cayena, 280 chene caparo, 23, 243
cerezo, 243, 270 chene d' Australie, 287
. cerezo occidental, 254 chene franc, 23, 243
cerillo, 290 chene haitien, 241
cerise,270 chene noir, 23, 29, 241, 243
Index 369
chenier, 29, 241 christe marine, 297
chenn, 28-37, 162, 188,211,311 Christmas berry, 234
chenn dostrali, 311 Christmas bush, 263
chenn fran, 23, 311 Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, 239
chenn kalbas, 311 CHRYSOBALANACEAE,~7
chenn kapawo, 23, 191,213,311 Chrysobalanus icaco, 189,211,316
chenn nwa, 23, 29, 31, 214, 311 Chrysobalanus icaco var. icaco, 247
chenn peyi, 29, 311 Chrysobalanus icaco var. pellocarpus, 247
cherimaya, 234 Chrysobalanus pellocarpus, 247
cherimolier, 234 Chrysophyllum, 318
cherimoya, 234 Chrysophyllum acuminatum, 296
chevalier, 241 Chrysophyllum angustifolium, 295
chevalye, 203, 221, 311 Chrysophyllum argenteum, 189,295,331
chewstick, 248 Chrysophyllum argenteum var. sphaerocarpum,
chibou, 311 295
chiboue, 244 Chrysophyllum barbasco, 300
chic-chic, 293 Chrysophyllum bicolor, 295
chicarron, 273 Chrysophyllum brachystylum, 296
chicharron, 233, 249-251, 253, 265, 274, 283, Chrysophyllum caeruleum, 295
293,295,302 Chrysophyllum cainito, 163, 189,211,295,304,
chicharron amarillo, 283 315,318,319
chicharron bobo, 293 Chrysophyllum eggersii, 295
chicharron cimarron, 233 Chrysophyllum glabrum, 295
chicharron de tres espinas, 273 Chrysophyllum gonavense, 296
chicharroncito, 287 Chrysophyllum heterochroum, 296
chicoria cimarrona, 244 Chrysophyllum miragoaneum, 296
chicory grape, 287 Chrysophyllum montanum, 295
chik,311 Chrysophyllum oliviforme, 120, 189,211,296
China-box, 292 Chrysophyllum oliviforme var. oliviforme, 296,
chinaberry, 273 319
chinchona, 290 Chrysophyllum oliviforme var. picardae; 296
Chinchona caribae, 290 Chrysophyllum pallescens, 296
Chinese hibiscus, 270 Chrysophyllum picardae, 296
Chiococca alba, 211, 289, 319, 320 Chrysophyllum platyphyllum, 296
Chionanthus axillijlorus, 284 cica, 250
Chionanthus bumelioides var. bumelioides, 284 cicadacea, 250
Chionanthus bumelioides var. lanceolatus, 284 Cicca acida, 254
Chionanthus caribaeus, 284 Cicca distichia, 254
Chionanthus compactus, 189,284 Cicca nodiflora, 254
Chionanthus dictyophyllus, 284 cidra, 292
Chionanthus domingensis, 189,284,319 cienaguillo, 278, 280
Chionanthus ligustrinus, 284, 309 cigua, 267
Chione seminervis, 289 cigua aguacatillo, 267
Chione venosa, 289 cigua amarilla, 267
chibt, 311 cigua blanca, 267, 268
chiote, 242 cigua boba, 267
chique, 244 cigua de costa, 267
chirimoya, 234 cigua gorrita, 267
chivo,292 cigua laurel, 267, 268
CHLORANTHACEAE, 247 cigua prieta, 267, 268
Chloroleucon lentiscifolium, 262 ciguamo, 254, 288
Chlorophora tinctoria, 189,211,274,306 cigiiilla, 290
Chorisia insignis, 242 cinazo, 255, 262
Chorisia speciosa, 242 Cinnamodendron angustifolium, 245
chorate, 294 Cinnamodendron ekmanii, 245
chote, 252 Cinnamomum, 105, 189,322
choublack, 270 Cinnamomum alainii, 267
choublak, 215, 311 Cinnamomum camphora, 267, 304, 317
370 Index
Cinnamomum cubense, 267 Citrus maxima x Citrus sinensis, 292
Cinnamomum elongatum, 189,267,322 Citrus maxima, 95-97, 100, 101,212,292,311
Cinnamomum montanum, 267, 322 Citrus medica, 96, 97, 292
Cinnamomum triplinervis, 267 Citrus nobilis, 292
Cinnamomum verum, 189,212,267,317 Citrus paradisi x Poncirius trlfolwta, 102
CinnarflOmum zeylanicum, 267 Citrus peretta domingensis, 292
cinnamon tree, 267 Citrus redculata, 95-97, 102. 103,292,323
cipres, 249 Ci~us redculata yare deliciosa, 95
cipres italiano, 249 Ci~us redculata yare unshui, 95
cipres mexicano, 249 Citrus sinensis, 95-100, 102, 103,212,217,292,
cirouelle, 234 333
cirouellier, 234 Ci~us sunki, 102
ciroyer d' Amerique, 234 Citrus volkamericana, 102
ciruela, 234, 281 Citrus vulgaris, 291
ciruela amarilla, 234 Ci~us xparadisi, 95-97, 102,292,326,
ciruela de las animas, 281 clamor, 271 .
ciruela de Surinam, 280 clavel, 273 .
ciruela del pals, 234 clavellina, 253, 257, 258
ciruela morada, 234 clavero, 278
ciruela sanjuanera, 234 Clavija domingensis, 300, 306,315,321
ciruelillo, 248, 281, 283 Clerodendrum: See SOLANACEAE
ciruel0, 234, 289 Cleyera albopunctata, 299
ciruel0 cimarron, 283 Cleyera bolleana, 299
Cissampelos laurifolia, 274 Cleyera orbicularis, 299
Citharexylum, 317 Cleyera terns~oemioides, 299
Citharexylum caudatum, 189,212,302,317 Cleyera vaccinioides, 300
Citharexylumfruticosum, 163, 189,212,302, Clidemia. See MELASTOMATACEAE
315,316,322,327 clou de girofle, 281
citroin marron, 251, 288 clove, 278
citron, 95, 291, 292 Clusia, 308, 313
citron, 291 Clusia abbottii, 247
citron vert, 291 Clusia cartilaginosa, 247
citronnier, 291, 292 Clusw clusiodes, 189, 247
Curus, 94-103, 163, 189,207,330 Clusw domingensis, 247
Citrus acida, 291 Cillsia grisebachiana, 247
Ci~usaurandfolw,95-97,99, 100, 102,~12,291, Cillsia krl/giana, 247
330 Clusw major, 212, 247, 316
Citrus aurantifolia x C. reticulata, 103 Clusw minor, 190,247,313
Ci~us aurandum, 94-99, 100, 103,212 Clusia picardae, 247
Ci~us aurandum subsp. aurantium, 95, 291, 333 Clusw plumieri, 247
Ci~us aurandum subsp. bergamw, 95, 99 Clusw rosea, 190,247
Citrus aurantil/m var. grandis, 292 CLPSIACEAE,247
Citrus al/rantium var. sinensis, 292 Clutia cascarilla, 252
Citrus bigarradia, 291 Cll/tia eluteria, 252
Citrus decl/mana, 292 Cnemidarm horrida, 249
Citrus deliciosa, 292 Cnidoscolus acrandrus, 255
Ci~us depressa, 102 coast sheoak, 246
Citrus grandis, 292 cobana,264
Citrus jambhiri, 102 cabana negra, 264
Citrus japonica, 292 cobnut, 254
Ci~us ladfolia, 102 coca, 250, 290
Citrus lima, 291, 301 Coccoloba, 328
Citrus limetta, 212, 291, 317 Coccoloba albicans, 286
Citrus limon, 95-97,102; 103,212,217, 292, 322 Coccoloba borgensenii, 286
Citrus limonl/m, 292 Coccoloba buchii, 286, 326
Citrus macrophylla, 102 Coccoloba ceibensis, 286
Citrus margarita, 292 Coccoloba ciferriana, 286
Citrus maxima var. IIvacarpa, 292 Coccoloba costata, 190, 286
Index 371
Coccoloba diversijolia, 190,286,325,329,331, cockscomb coralbean, 259
332 cockspur, 259, 283
Coccoloba eggersiana, 286 coco, 239
Coccoloba fawcetti, 286 coco de Cofrecf, 268
Coccoloba .f/4vescens, 286 coco de mar, 268
Coccolobafuertesii,286 coco guinee, 238
Coccoloba julgens, 286 coco macaco, 238, 268
Coccoloba grandifolia, 286 coco macaque, 238, 239
Coccoloba helwigii, 286 coco plum, 247
Coccoloba hotteana, 286 coco ravet, 265
Coccoloba incrassata, 286 coconut, 79, 239, 335
Coccoloba krugii, 286- Cocops rivalis, 239
Coccoloba laurifolia, 286 Cocos, 29
Coccoloba leoganensis, 190,205,286 Cocos aculeatus, 238
Coccoloba leonardii, 286 Cocos crassipatha, 238
Coccoloba mansjeldii, 286 Cocos nucifera, 78-85, 164, 190,212,239,319,
Coccoloba microstachys, 190, 286 326
Coccoloba momicola, 286 Cocos vinijera, 240
Coccoloba nalgensis, 286 cocotero, 239
Coccoloba neurophylla, 286 cocotier, 79, 239
Coccoloba nivea, 287 cocoyer, 79, 239
Coccoloba nodosa, 286 _ cocuyo, 247,250, 269, 296
Coccoloba pauciflora, 286 Codiaeum variegatum, 252, 320
Coccoloba picardae, 286 coeur boeuf, 23.4, 235
Coccolobapubescens, 190,286,314,325,329 Cofjea arabica, 165, 190,212,289,317
Coccoloba pungens, 286 coffee, 289
Coccoloba revoluta, 286 coffee colubrina, 13
Coccoloba rotundifolia, 286 cogne-molle, 288
Coccoloba rubescens, 286 coi,261
Coccoloba rupicola, 286 cojoba, 261
Coccoloba samanensis, 287 Cojoba arborea, 262
Coccoloba samuelssonii, 286 Cojoba micrantha, 262
Coccoloba scrobiculata, 287 cojobillo, 258
Coccoloba subtruncata, 287 cola, 298
Coccoloba swartzii, 190, 287 Cola acuminata, 213, 298, 319, 326
Coccoloba tortuensis, 286 cola de paloma, 252
Coccoloba uVifera, 190,212,287,315,328,329 cola nut tree, 298
Coccoloba venosa, 190, 287 Cola vera, 298
Coccoloba verruculosa, 286 colatier, 298
Coccoloba wrightii, 287 - colbri vegetal, 264
Coccothrinax, 212, 315,316 cole, 261
Coccothrinax anomala, 240 collarete, 302
Coccothrinax argentea, 82,239,321,326 collegue, 257
Coccothrinax ekmanii, 239 collegue matourin, 257
Coccothrinax gracilis, 239 collier, 262
Coccothrinax martii, 240 colorade, 242
Coccothrinax miraguama, 239, 321 colorado, 242
Coccothrinax montana, 239 Colubrina, 306, 308
Coccothrinax munizii, 239 Colubrina arborescens, 12-21,29,48, 166, 190,
Coccothrinax radiata, 240 213,224-226,228,229,287,306,307,309,
Coccothrinax scoparia, 239 315,318,327,328,332
Coccothrinax spissa, 239 Colubrina berteroana, 287
cochinilla, 234 Colubrina colubrina, 13,287
cochinillo, 234 Colubrina elliptica, 13, 190,213,287,322
COCHLOSPERMACEAE, 248 Colubrinajerruginosa, 13,287
cochlospennum, 248 Colubrina glandulosa yare antillana, 288,310
Cochlospermum hibisoides, 248 Colubrina reclinata, 13,.287
Cochlospermum vitifolium, 190,212,248- Coluhrina rufa var. antillima, 288
372 Index
coma, 293, 296 coral, 246, 256, 259
coma blanc, 296 coralbean, 259
coma franc, 296 coralillo, 290
coma jaune, 293 coralitos peonfa, 256
comat, 250 coraltree, 259
COMBRETACEAE, 248 coralwood,261
comecara, 279,280 coraz6n, 235
common bamboo, 285 coraz6n de paloma, 13, 236, 243, 254; 265, 287
common coralbean, 259 c6rbano, 256, 263
common fig, 274 c6rbano blanco, 263
common naseberry, 296 corcho, 242, 282,283
common plum, 289 corcho blanco, 283
Comocladia, 87, 190,304,309 corcho bobo, 283
Comocladia acuminata, 233 corcho prieto, 283
Comocladia cuneata, 233, 312, 321 Cordia,29, 166, 190
Comocladia de.ntata, 213, 233, 304 Cordia alba, 190,213,243,305
Comocladia dentata propinqua, 233 Cordia alliodora, 22-27, 166, 191,213,225,243,
Comocladia dodonaea, 233 310,311
Comocladia domingensis, 233 Cordia bourreria, 243
Comocladia ehrenbergii, 233 Cordia brachycalyx, 243
Comocladia ekmaniana, 233 Cordia calyptrata, 243
Comocladia gilgiana, 233 Cordia collococca, 191,213,243,331
Comocladia glabra, 233 Cordia dentata, 243 ;j

Comocladia glabra acuminata, 233 Cordia fitchii, 243

Comocladia ilicifolia, 233 Cordia gerascanthus, 23, 243
Comocladia ilicifolia glabra, 233 Cordia gerascanthes, 213, 243
Comocladia integrifolia, 233 Cordia glabra, 243
Comocladia mollifolia, 233 Cordia laevigata, 243, 309
Comocladia pinnatifida, 233 Cordia macrophylla, 243
Comocladia pinnatifolia, 233, 329 Cordia mirabiloides, 213, 243, 304, 311, 313, 320
Comocladia propinqua, 233 Cordia nitida, 243
Comocladia pubescens, 233 Cordia obliqua, 243
Comocladia tricuspidata, 233 Cordia sebestena, 191,213,243,305,319,331
COMPOSITAE. See ASTERACEAE Cordia speciosa, 243
Conocarpus erectus, 190,213,248,323,324,326 Cordia sulcata, 191,243,313,327
Conocarpus racemosus, 248 Cordia toqueve, 243
Conocarpussericeus, 248 Cordia tremula, 243
Conoria cuspa, 235 cordoMn, 271
Conostegia hotteana, 271 cordoban arbusto, 272
Consolea macracantha, 213, 244, 328 cordobancillo de arroyo, 272
Consolea moniliformis, 244 cordon, 258
contraguao, 283 cord6n de soldado, 283
cooper withe, 285 cork-tree, 271
copaiba, 258 corkwood, 242
Copaiferajacquini,258 cormier, 272
Copaifera officinalis, 258 cornichon du pays, 284
Copernicia berteroana, 239, 312 Cornutia pyramidata, 302, 312
Copernicia ekmanii, 239, 316, 326 corojo, 238
copey, 247 corojo de Guinea, 239
copey vera, 299, 300 corosse, 238
copeyejo, 247 corossier, 239
coq au lait, 79, 239 corossol, 234
coq shango, 244 corossol marron, 234
coque molle, 288 corossol zombie, 234
coquelicot, 243 corossolier, 234
coquillo, 280 corozo, 238, 239
corail,290 corozo criollo, 238
corail rouge, 290 coscorr6n, 246
Index 373
coscorroncito, 246 Croton sessiliflorus, 255
cotelette, 253 Croton variegatus, 252
cotelle, 254 crow bean tree, 256
cotinilla, 234 crown-of-thoms, 253
coton fleur, 242 crozier cycad, 250
coton mahaut, 270 Crudia antillana, 258
coton marron, 270 Crudia spicata, 258, 303, 315,317,319
coton rat, 299 cruz del copeyar, 261
coton soie, 240, 242 Cryptorhiza haitiensis, 278, 323
cotoperi, 294 cuaba, 285,291
cotorrerillo, 265 cuaba blanca, 291
cotton tree, 242 cuaba de ingenio, 294
courbaril,258,260 cuaba prieta, 289
couronne du Christ, 253 cuabilla, 297
Couroupita guianensis, 213, 268, 304, 305, 321 cuabilla de costa, 297
Couroupita guianensis var. surinamensis, 268 cuajanf, 289
Couroupita st. croixana, 268 cuajanf hembra, 289
Couroupita surinamensis, 268 cuaraje colorado, 279
cowbush, 299 cuasia, 297
Cowellocassia domingensis, 263 cuassia, 297
crabwood, 253, 273, 286 Cuba negra, 255
cramantree, 273 cubanicu, 251
Crataeva apetala, 245 Cubanthus umbelliformis, 252, 313
Cr,ataeva tapia, 213, 245 cucaracha, 289,294
Crescentia alata, 226, 228 cuchara, 295
Crescentia acuminata, 241 cucharillo, 241
Crescentia cucurbitina, 241 cucharita, 295
Crescentia cujete, 97, 191,213,241,317 . cucharita prieta, 293
Crescentia fasciculata, 241 cuco, 288
Crescentia linearifolia, 213, 241, 317 cucubano, 290
cresta de gallo, 250, 259, 264 cucubano de monte, 290
crete-de-coq, 259 cucubano liso, 290
crevajosa, 286 cueriduro, 253
creve a. hache, 288 cuemecillo, 299
crisse marine, 297 cuemo de buey, 13,254,287,294
croc, 283 cuero de puerco, 266, 296
croc de chien, 283 cuero de sabana, 290
croc souris, 289 cuero duro, 253
croc-a.-chien, 291 cuiji venezolano, 258
crocro, 239 CUNONIACEAE, 249
crocro guinee, 239 Cupania americana, 166, 191,213,294,309,311,
croque chien, 243 329,331
Crossopetalum rhacoma, 191, 213, 246, 330 Cupania apetala; 294
croton, 252 Cupania giabra, 294
Croton buchii, 252 Cupania oppositifolia, 294
Croton cascarilla, 252 Cupania ratonia, 294
Croton cascarilloides, 252 Cupania sapida, 294
Croton corylifolius, 252 Cupania saponiarioides, 294
Croton dichotomus, 252 Cupania scrobiculata, 294
Croton eluteria, 252, 313, 318 Cupania tomentosa, 294
Croton glabellus, 213, 252, 305, 306 Cupania triquetra, 294
Croton globosus, 252 cupefllo, 247
Croton hircinus, 252 cupey,247
Crotonjacmelianus, 252 cupey chiquito, 247
croton leaf, 252 cupeyito,247
Croton lucidus, 252, 312 CUPRESSACEAE, 249
Croton megaladenus, 252 Cupressus, 330
Croton populifolium, 252 Cupressus benthamii, 249
374 Index
Cupressus glauca, 249 Dalbergia monetaria, 259
Cupressus lindleyi, 249 Dalbergia pentaphylla, 260
Cupressus lusitanica, 191,249 Dalbergia sissoo, 167, 191,259
Cupressus sempervirens, 213, 249 dalmag, 311
curaboca, 243 dalmagre, 247
curatella, 250 da1mari, 311
Curatella americana, 213, 250, 3'19, 328 da1marie, 247
Curatella grisebachiana, 250 Dalrymplea domingensis, 298
curbana, 245 dama de dfa, 298
curbaril,260 dama de noche, 298
Curcas curcas, 254 damag, 311
Curcas indica, 254 damage, 247
Curcas peltata, 254 damajagua, 270
custard apple, 235 damari, 160, 187,210,311
cuya, 295 dame marie, 247
Cyathea aquilina; 249 dan chen b1an, 311
Cyathea arborea, 249 danchi,264
Cyathea brittoniana, 249 Daphne crassifolia, 301
Cyathea escuquensis, 249 Daphnelagetto, 301
. Cyathea furfuracea, 249 Daphne tinifolia, 300 '
Cyathea harrisii, 249 Daphnopsis americana, 214, 216
Cyathea harrisii x Alsophila minor, 249 Daphnopsis americana ssp. cumingii, 300, 323
Cyathea tenera, 249 Daphnopsis americana ssp. tinifolia, 300
Cyathea wilsonii, 249 Daphnopsis crassifolia, 301
CYATHEACEAE, 249 Daphnopsis crassifolia var. eggersii, 301
CYCADACEAE, 250 Daphnopsis cuneata ssp. uniflora, 301
Cycas circinalis, 213, 250 Daphnopsis ekmanii, 301
. Cycas revoluta, 250, 326 Daphnopsis tinifolia, 300
Cyclospathe northropii, 239 Daphnopsis uniflora, 301
Cynodendron bicolor, 295 darling plum, 288
Cynometra americana, 258, 320 ' dat, 175,218,311
Cynometra portoricensis, 191,258 date, 239
Cyphomandra betacea, 298 date palm, 239
Cyphomandra crassifolia, 298 datil,239
cypres, 249 datilera, 239
cypres d'Italie, 249 datte, 239
cypres de Mexico, 249 dattier, 239
Cyrilla antillana, 250 Datura arborea, 298
Cyrilla panniculata, 276 Datura suaveolens, 298, 330
Cyrilla racemiflora, 191,.250 day cestrum, 298
CYRILLACEAE, 250 dejimel, 186,209,311
de sezon, 214, 312
dehorn, 312
-D- dehomme, 253
d'eau livre, 236 delen, 119-131, 171, 196,216,312
d'olive, 39, 267, 275, 297 delen etranje, 312
daguilla, 39, 255, 297, 301 delen peyi, 119
daguilla comun, 301 delin etranger, 260
daguilla de lorna, 301 delmonte, 256
daguille, 301 Delonix regia, 191,214,259,313,328
daguillo, 39, 297 demajagua; 270
dagwi,311 Dendropanax, 308
dajao,290 Dendropanaxarboreus, 191,214,237,309,313,
Dalbergia, 321 329
Dalbergia berterii, 258 Dendropanaxselleanus, 237
Dalbergia domingensis, 260 Dendrosicus /atifolius, 191, 214, 241, 317
Dalbergia ecastaphyllum, 214, 259, 332 dent de chien blanc, 243
derrienga chivo, 265
Index 375
desaison, 253 Dominican mahogany, 47,273
desnudo florecido, 145,259 don diego de dfa, 242
desyerba conuco, 290 don juan, 298
deux jumelles, 257 doncella, 269, 270, 294
Diaspenzs distichus, 254 dormil6n,256
DICHAPETALACEAE, 250 Doryalis. See Dovyalis
Didymopanax morototoni, 238 dos gillette, 233
Didymopanax tremulum. See Didymopanax tremu- doti blanch, 312
Ius doti bwa blan, 312
Didymopanax tremulus, 238 doule,312
dildo espanol, 244 douleur, 290
dilenia,250 Dovyalis caffra, 265
Dillenia indica, 250 Dovyalis hebecarpa, 265
DILLENIACEAE,250 dracaena, 268
Dimorphandra ekmanii, 261 Dracaenajragrans,268
Diospyros,191,309 drago, 263
Diospyros caribaea, 250 dragon's blood, 263
Diospyros crassinervis ssp. urbaniana, 250 Drepanocarpus lunatus, 261
Diospyros domingensis, 250 Drypetes,191,307,320
Diospyros ebenaster, 250 Drypetes alba, 252, 321
Diospyros leonardii, 250 Drypetes crocea, 253
Diospyros oxycarpa, 250 Drypetes diversifolia, 252
Diospyros revoluta, 214, 250, 312 Drypetes glauca, 253
Diospyros tetrasperma, 250 Drypetes ilicifolia, 253
Dipholis angustifolia, 295 Drypetes incltrva, 252
Dipholis anomala, 295 Drypetes laterflora, 192, 253
Dipholis cubensis, 295 Drypetes picardae, 253
Dipholis domingensis, 295 Drypetes piriformis, 253
Dipholis ferruginea, 295 duartiana,271
Dipholis leptopoda, 295 Dunalia arborescens, 298
Dipholis salicifolia, 295 Duranta erecta, 302
Dipholis sericea, 295 Duranta plumieri, 302
Diplocalyx chrysophylloides, 283 Duranta repens, 192,302,306,324
ditta, 252 Dussia sanguinea, 259
Ditta maestrensis, 252 dyare,312
Ditta myricoides, 191,252 dyare,239
diversifolia, 260
divi divi, 187,205,210,257,312
do jilet, 312 -E-
doddle-do, 257 ear pod wattle, 255
Dodonaea angustifolia, 294 earpod-tree, 259
Dodonaea asplenifolia var. arborescens, 294 ebano,243,250
Dodonaea ehrenbergii, 294 ebano de Santo Domingo, 257
Dodonaea jamaicensis, 294 ebano negro, 250
Dodonaea spathulata, 294 ebano verde, 269
Dodonaea thunbergiana var. linearis, 294 EBENACEAE, 250
Dodonaea viscosa, 191, 214 ebene,243,250
Dodonaea viscosa var. angustifolia, 294 ebenier noir, 243
Dodonaea viscosa var. arborescens, 294, 324, 327 ebenn,191,201,214,312
Dodonaea viscosa var. linearis, 294 ebenn nwa, 312
Dodonaea viscosa var. spathulata, 294 Ecastaphyllum bertii, 258
Dodonaea viscosa var. viscosa, 294 Ecastaphyllum plumieri, 259 .
Dodonaea viscosa var. vulgaris, 294 egg fruit, 296
dod6nea,294 eglise,256
dogwood, 252, 291, 294 Egyptian privet, 269
doliv,39,198,312 Ehretia acanthophora, 243.
doliv bata, 186,210,312 Ehretia bourreria, 243
dombou,221, 273, 312
376 Index
Ehretia spinosa, 243 Erythrina splendida, 259
Ehretia tinifolia, 214, 243, 305, 308, 311, 313 Erythrina variegata, 192,214,259,308,313,321
Ekmaniochraris crassinervis, 271 Erythrina variegata var. orientalis, 259
Elaeis guineensis, 167,239,318,320 Erythrina velutina, 259
Elaeismelanococca, 239 erythrine des Antilles, 259
Elaeodendron attenuatum, 246 Erythroxylon. See Erythroxylum
Elaeodendron ehrenbergii, 246 Erythroxylum areolatum, 192, 251, 303, 326, 327,
Elaeodendron lanceolatum, 246 328 .
.Elaphrium ovalifolium, 244 Erythroxylum barahonense, 251
Elaphrium simaruba, 244 Erythroxylum brevipes, 251
Elemifera balsamifera, 291 Erythroxylum havanense, 214
Elemifera maritima, 291 Erythroxylum havanense var. haitiense, 251
elephant-ear, 259 Erythroxylum minutifolium, 214, 251
emajagua; 270, 282 Erythroxylum obtusa, 251
emajagua de sierra, 300 Erythroxylum rotundifolium, 192, 251
eniajagua excelsa, 270 Erythroxylum spinescens, 251
emajagiiilla, 271 Erythroxylum suave, 251
Enallagma cucurbitina, 241 escambr6n, 251, 261, 283
Enallagma latifoUa, 241 escambr6n 'colorado, 262
Enallagma latifoUo. See Enallagma /atifoUa escoba, 278
encinillo, 253, 290 escob6n, 278, 279, 291
endigo,312 escob6n blanco, 279
ene, 312 escob6n colorado, 278
enrubio, 292 escob6n de aguja, 279
Enterlobium saman, 256 escob6n de vara, 278
Enterolopium cyclocarpum, 167, 192,214,226, escob6n grande, 279
228,259,310 escoboncito, 280
epineux rouge, 293 espagnol marron, 254
ERICACEAE, 251 espatodea, 241
Eriobotryajaponka,168,289,322 espejuelo, 295
Eriodendron anfructuosum, 242 espinille, 292
Eriodendron caribaeum, 242 espinillo, 251, 292
Eriodendron guineese, 242 espino, 268, 292
Erithalisfruticosa,192,214,289 espino rubial, 292
erizo,265 espuela de caballero, 243, 285
Eroteum albo-punctatum, 299 espuela de caballero de pinar, 300
Erythrina, 304, 308, 325 esqueleto, 253
Erythrina berteroana, 192,259,304 esterculia, 299
Erythrina buchii, 259 estrella federal, 242
Erythrina carnea, 259 , eucalipto, 278
Erythrina corallodendron. See Erythrina corallo- eucalyptus, 278
dendrum Eur:alyptus, 168, 208, 317
Erythrina corallodendron var. orientaUs, 259 Eucalyptus camaldulensis, 126, 135, 192,
Erythrina corallodendrum, 214, 259 224-226,229,230
Erythrina crista-galli, 192, 214, 259 Eucalyptus camaldulensis var. brevirostris, 278
Erythrina darienensis, 259 Eucalyptus camaldulensis var. camaldulensis,
Erythrinafusca,259 278
Erythrina glauca, 259 Eucalyptus globulus, 192,214
Erythrina indica, 259 Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus, 278
Erythrina leptopoda,259 Eucalyptus globulus var. compacta, 278
Erythrina micropteryx, 259 E~calyptus rostrata, 278
Erythrina neglecta, 259 Eucalyptus tereticornis, 126,278 .
Erythrina pisamo, 259 Eucalyptus umbellata, 278
Erythrina piscipula, 262 Eugenia, 310, 325, 331
Erythrina poeppigiana, 192,214,259 Eugenia abeggii, 281
Erythrina spathacea, 259 Eugenia aeruginea, 278, 279 .
Erythrina spinosa, 259 Eugenia affinis, 279
Index 377
Eugenia albimarginata, 278 Eugenia procera, 279
Eugenia axillaris, 192,278 Eugenia pseudopsidium, 192, 279
Eugenia bahamensis, 282 Eugenia pseudopsidium var. portoricensis, 279
Eugenia baruensis, 279 Eugenia punctata, 280
Eugenia baruensis var. latifolia, 279 Eugenia rhombea, 192, 279, 308, 325
Eugenia belladerensis, 278 Eugenia samanensis, 279
Eugenia biflora, 192, 278 Eugenia saviaefolia, 280
Eugenia biflora var. lancea, 278 Eugenia subveriicil/aris, 279
Eugenia biflora var. ludibunda, 278 Eugenia tiburona, 279
Eugenia buxifolia, 279 Eugenia tussacii, 280
Eugenia carophylla, 278, 316 Eugenia umbel/ulifera, 281
Eugenia chrootricha, 278 Eugenia uniflora, 280, 330
Eugenia confusa, 192, 278 Eugenia vanderveldei, 280
Eugenia cumini, 282 Eugenia virgultosa, 278
Eugenia deflexa, 280 eugenio, 298
Eugenia dicrana, 280 Euonymus cuneifolius, 247
Eugenia dictyophylla, 279 Euparorium.&eASTERACEAE
Eugenia domingensis, 192,279,304,307 euphorbe brilliant, 253
Eugenia·esculenta, 281 Euphorbia, 193
Eugenia esnardiana, 280 Euphorbia cotinifolia, 253
Eugenia flavorirens, 279 Euphorbia cotinoides, 253
Eugenia floribunda, 280 Euphorbia defoliata, 253
Eugeniafoetida, 192,205,279 Euphorbialactea,253,317,328
Eugenia foetida var. parvifolia, 279 Euphorbia leucocephala, 253
Eugenia foetida var. rhombea, 279 Euphorbia milii, 253, 320, 331
Eugenia formonica, 279 Euphorbia petiolaris, 253, 304, 306
Eugeniafragrans, 280 Euphorbiapulcherrima, 214, 253, 312, 313, 328,
Eugenia glabrata, 279 329
Eugenia hetecroclita, 280 Euphorbia splendens, 253
Eugenia holdridgei, 279 Euphorbia tirucalli, 253, 314
Eugenia isabeliana, 279 Euphorbia verticil/ata, 253
Eugenia jambolana, 282 EUPHORBIACEAE,251
Eugenia jambos, 282 European chestnut, 264
Eugeniajeremiensis, 278 European plum, 289
Eugenia laevis, 279,316 Eurya albopunctata, 299
Eugenia lancea, 278 Eurya bol/eana, 299
Eugenia laxiflora, 280 Eurya temstroemioides, 299
Eugenia ligustrina, 214, 279 Eurya vaccinioides, 300
Eugenia lindahlii, 279 Euterpe globosa, 239
Eugenia lineata, 279 Euterpe vinifera,240
Eugenia lineata var. racemosa, 279 Excoecaria eglandulosa, 253
Eugenia lineolata, 279 Excoecaria lucida, 253
Eugenia longipes, 282 Excoecaria pal/ens, 253
Eugenia ludibunda, 278 Excoecaria sagraei, 253
Eugenia macradenia, 279 Exostema caribaeum, 193,205,214,220,290,
Eugenia malaccensis, 282 311,319
Eugenia malangensis, 280 Exostema cf. elegans, 290
Eugenia maleolens, 279, 323 . Exostema ellipticum, 193, 290
Eugenia minguetii, 279 Exostema floribundum, 290
Eugenia monticola, 192,279,305,331 Exostema sanctae-Iuciae, 290
Eugenia monticola var. latifolia, 279 Exothea oblongifolia, 294
Eugenia myrtoides, 279 Exothea paniculata, 193, 294, 307, 308, 319
Eugenia odorata, 279, 306
Eugenia orthioneura, 279
Eugenia pal/ens, 277 -F-
Eugenia paniculata, 280 FABACEAE, 255
Eugenia portoricensis, 279 Fadyeniahookeri,266
Eugeniaprenleloupii, 279
378 Index
FAGACEAE,264 ley dayiti, 204,221,312
Fagara anadenia, 292 ley doti, 312
Fagara bifoliolata, 292 ley doule, 184, 312
Fagara bombacifolia, 291 ley grenn, 312
Fagara coriacea, 292 ley kane1, 198,312
Fagara elephantiasis, 292 ley krapo, 185,208,312
Fagarafagara, 292 ley 1awouziye, 220, 312
Fagaraflavum, 292 ley medsen, 195,215,312
Fagara lenticellosa, 292 fey nwayo, 312
Fagaralentiscifolia,292 ley nwayo peyi, 312
Fagara leonardii, 292 ley parese, 313
Fagara martinicense, 292 fey senjan, 214, 313
Fagara microphylla, 293 fey sezi, 313
Fagara monophylla, 292 ley sezisman, 313
Fagara nashii, 293 ley siwo, 219, 313
Fagara obcordata, 293 fey wou, 313
Fagara pimpinelloides, 293 Ficus, 313
Fagara pterota, 292 Ficus benjamina, 214, 274
Fagara spinifex, 293 Ficus bravifolia, 274
Fagara trifoliata, 293 Ficus carica, 274,313
Fagara venosum, 293. Ficuscitrifolia,193,274
fait pime, 252 Ficus colchica, 274
fake sandalwood, 283 Ficus crassinervia, 274
false avocado, 267 Ficus elastica, 193,274,318
false coffee, 290 Ficus hyrcana, 274
false mastic, 296 Ficus kopetdagensis, 274
false sago~palm, 250 Ficus laevigata, 274
Faramea occidentalis, 193,214,290 Ficus laevigata var. brevifolia, 274
Farameaodoratissima, 290 Ficus laevigata var. lentiginosa, 274
faurestina, 256 Ficus lentiginosa, 274
fausse giroflee, 281 Ficus microcarpa, 193,214,274
fausse salsepareille, 237 Ficus nitida, 274
faux quinquina gris aromatique, 252 Ficus populnea, 274
faux romarin, 291 Ficus populnea var. brevifolia, 274
let pim, 312 Ficus religiosa, 214, 274
feuille canel1e, 276 Ficus retusa, 274
feuille dou1eur, 298 FicussulTocans, 274
feuille St. Jean, 253 Ficus trigonata, 193,214,274,313
Feuillea nticrantha, 262 fiddlewood, 302
feuilles baie, 293 fig, 313
feuilles crapaud, 252 fig bannann, 313
feuilles d'Haiti, 271 fig frans, 313
feuilles d'ortie, 301 figm~ 174,217,313
feuilles enragees, 301 figue, 274,275
feuilles graines, 255 figue bananne, 275
feuilles houx, 237 figue france, 274
feuilles 1aousier, 263 figue mOre, 275
feuilles medecin, 254 figuier, 247, 274
feuilles noyaux, 285 figuier maudit, 247
feuilles noyaux pays, 285 figuier maudit marron, 247:.
feuiIles paresseux, 237, 238 figuier rouge, 274
feuilles saisies, 236 figye, 214, 313
feuilles saisissement, 236 figye modi, 190,212,313
feuilles sirop; 285 figye modi mawon, 190, 313
fever bush, 266 figye wouj, 193,214,313
fever tree, 278 filao, 246, 313
ley anraje, 312 filiere, 243
ley be, 222, 312 filiye,313
Index 379
fingripo, 283 Forchhammeria haitiensis, 245
flaboir noir, 292 forest red gum, 278
FLACOURTIACEAE,264 Forestiera porulosa, 284
flambeau, 292 Forestiera rhamnifolia, 284
flambeau caraibe, 292 Forestiera segregata, 284
flamboyan, 259 forte-ventura, 260
flamboyan" amarillo, 111,261,264 Fonunelwjaponka, 292
flamboyan azul, 241 Fortunelw margarita, 292
flamboyan orquidea, 257 fougere arborescente, 249
flamboyant, 259 . framboyan, 259
flamboyant bleu, 241 framboyan azul, 241
flambwayan, 191,214,313 framboyan cubano, 257
flambwayan ble, 313 . framboyan extranjero, 257, 259
flame tree, 259 fraitchipagne, 235
fle dan, 166,213,313 franchipayn, 313
fle dan fle blanch, 313 francillade, 257
fle dantisyon, 313 francillade a fleurs jaunes, 257
fle jalouzi, 216, 313 francillade a fleurs rouges, 257
fle koray, 194, 215, 313 francillane, 257
fle lila, 3 13 frangipan, 236 .
fle mahodem, 313 frangipane, 235, 236
fle motel, 313 frangipane blanche, 236
fle senpie, 313 frangipani, 235, 236, 252
fle siwo, 313 frangipanier, 235, 236
fleur corail, 290 frangipanier blanc, 235
fleur de St. Pierre, 241 .frangipanier epineux, 236
fleur dentition, 243 frangipanier marron, 236
fleur papillon, 264 frangipanier rose, 236
fleur-a-pluie, 298 frangipanier sauvage, 235
fleurs dent a fleurs blanches, 243 franjipani, 200, 219, 313
fleufs dents, 243 franjipann, 313
fleurs immortels, 259 franjipann blanch, 313
fleurs jalousie, 269 franjipanye, 313
fleurs lilas, 273 franjipanye blan, 219, 313
fleurs mahaudeme, 242 franjipanye mawon, 313
fleurs mortelles, 259 franjipanye pikan, 313
fleurs sureau, 233 franjipanye sovaj, 314
flor de cerro, 235 franjipanye woz, 314
flor de chivo, 270 fransilad, 210; 314
flor de confite, 238 fransilad fle jon, 314
flor de Jeric6, 268 fransilad fle wouj, 314
flor de ovejo, 253 fransilann, 314
flor de pascua, 253 frasoigne, 235
flor nacional, 259 frasoyn, 314
floresco, 145,259 French physic nut, 254
florestina, 256 frene, 39, 297
Florida boxwood, 247 frene etranger, 39, 297
Florida cherrypalm, 239 Freziera bolleana, 299
Florida elder, 233 Freziera temstroemioides, 299
Florida forestiera, 284 Freziera vaccinioides, 300
Florida privet, 284 friegaplatos, 298
Florida trema, 30I frijol,245
flowerfence, 257 . frijol de monte, 245
Flueggea acidothamnus, 255 frijolillo, 71, 245, 256, 260, 263
fo jirof, 313 fromager, 242, 290
fo kenkena, 313 fruta de catey, 243
fo salsparey, 313 fruto de paloma, 251
folie des filles, 269 fuego, 13,287
380 Index
fustete, 274 gayak fran, 215, 314
fustic, 274 gayak kadas, 314
fustic mulberry, 274 gayak mal, 215, 314
fwenn, 38-45, 178, 199,202,218,220,314 gege, 314
fwenn etranje, 39, 314 geiger-tree, 243
fwomaje, 314 gelle-galle, 261
gene-pas, 290
gengibrillo, 284
-G- genievre, 296
gad mezon, 193, 314 genip tree, 294
gageda de gallina, 301 genipa, 290
galac, 302 Genipa americana, 168,214,290
galac biltard, 302 Genipa americana var. caruto, 193; 316
galac blanc, 302 Genipa caruto, 290
galac cardasse, 302 Genipa pubescens, 290
galac femelle, 302 genipap tree, 290
galac franc, 302 genipayer, 290
galac mille, 302 genipe, 294
galac officinal, 302 genipot, 290
gaita, 294 genogeno, 260
galan arb6reo, 298
galan de dia, 298 Geonoma dulcis, 238
galan de noche, 298 Geonoma intennedia, 238
galan del monte, 298 Geonoma interrupta var. interrupta, 239, 319,
galba, 247, 314 326
galba des Antilles, 247 Geonoma oxycarpa, 239
galgal, 199,201,218,314 Geonoma plumeriana, 238
galipo, 314 Gesneria, 193
galle-galle, 243, 257, 261, 262, 288 Gesneria hypoclada, 266
gallego, 237,238 GESNERIACEAE, 266
gallina, 270 gestarn, 269
gallipeau, 294 giant leucaena, 119,260
gallito, 264 giant milkweed, 240
garnel, 314 giant thibet, 256
garnelle, 286 Gilibertia arborea, 237
gamo de costa, 254 Gilibertia brachypoda, 237
gangre de toro, 246 Gilibertia selleana, 237
Garcia nutans, 253 gina, 260
Garcinia aristata, 214, 248 ginger-thomas, 241
Garcinia humilis, 248 Ginoria callosa, 269
Garcinia mangostana, 248, 324 Ginoria jimenezii, 269
garde maison, 253 Ginoria rohrii, 269
gardenia, 290 girofle, 278, 281
Gardenia genipa, 290 Gliricidia lamb ii, 145,259
garrote, 255 Gliricidia maculata, 145
Ganryajadyenu, 266,304 Gliricidia sepium, 127, 128, 144-151, 169, 193,
GARRYACEAE, 266 . .214,226,228,259,322;325,327
gastronomia, 269 gmelina, 302
gati-galle, 261 Gmelina arborea, 193,302
gatigal, 262 Gmelina rheedii, 302
Gaussia vinifera, 240 golden shower, 258
gavalan, 238 gom anime, 314
gavi1<in, 39, 297 gom born, 314
gayak, 193,205,314 goma, 256, 257,274,296
gayak bata, 314 goma arabica, 256
gayak blan, 215, 314 goma elastica, 274
gayak femel, 215,314 Gomidesia lindeniana, 193, 280
gomme animee, 260
Index 381
gomme baume, 285 grape myrtle, 269
gommier, 244, 256 grapefruit, 95, 292
gommier blanc, 244 gratgal, 199,201,315
gommier rouge, 244 grati-galle, 261, 288
gommier sauvage, 273 gratigal, 206, 315
Gomphia ilicifolia, 253, 283 gratte-galle, 243, 261
gomye, 160, 187,205,210,314,335 gray nickers, 257
gomye blan, 314 greadilla, 253
gomye sovaj, 314 green ebony, 255
gomye wouj, 314 green wattle, 255
gorifwenn, 199,314 greenheart, 13, 287
goric,297 gregre, 248
gorie frene, 297 grenad, 219, 315
gorik, 315 grenad mawon, 185, 189,212,315
gouane, 239 grenade, 287
Gouania paniculata, 252 grenade marron, 251, 302
gouannegoul, 256 grenadier, 287
gounelle,293 grenadya, 315
goyave,282 grenaillit, 294
goyavier, 282 grenarde, 302
Graffenriedia ottoschulzii, 272 grenayit, 315
grain d'or, 252 grenn delen, 315
graines canique, 294 grenn delen peyi, 315
graines de lin, 260 grenn db, 315
graines de lin pays, 119,260 grenn kanik, 315
graines plates, 258 grenn kinik, 210, 315
graines quinique, 257 grenn kininn, 315
graines vertes, 293 grenn plat, 315
graines vertes pruneau, 237 grevilea, 287
graines violettes, 293 . Grevillea peineta, 287
grajo, 278 Grevillea robusta, 193,287,311,315
GRAMINAE. See POACEAE Grevillea umbratica, 287
gran born, 315 ·greviIya, 193,315
gran ley, 315 grigri, 13, 182,210,221,248,315
gran kaymit, 315 grigrijon, 159, 186,315
gran kokmolye, 315 grigri mon, 187,315
gran maho, 194,204,215,221,315 grigri sovaj, 13, 315
gran medsinye, 315 Grimmeodendron eglandulosum, 253
gran monben, 315 gris-gris, 248, 287, 302
gran sapoti, 315 gris-gris des montagnes, 248
granada, 287 gris-gris jaune, 248
granada agria, 287 gros figuier, 247
granadilla,279 gros mahaut, 271
granadillo, 248, 250, 253, 257, 272, 279, 287, 294 gros mombin, 234
granadillo bobo, 119,260,272 gros peau, 295
granadino, 119, 260 gros petites feuilles, 279
granado, 250, 287 grosela de Mexico, 280
granado enano, 287 grosella, 254
grand baume, 285 grosella china, 284
grand coquemollier, 300 grosella cimarr6n, 254
grand leaf, 286 grosella de Ceihiri, 265
grand mahaut, 270, 271 grosella de Otahiti, 284
grand medecinier, 254 guaba, 260
grand mombin, 234 guaba nativa, 260
grand sapotillier, 297 guaba peluda, 260
grande cai"mite, 295 guaba venezolana, 260
grande feuille, 267 guaban,273
granolino, 119,258,260 guacacoa,300
382 Index
guacacoa baria, 300 guano campeche, 240
guacalote, 257 guano de costa, 240
guacamaya, 257 guano de Guinea, 240
guacamaya de costa, 257 guano de sierra, 240
guachape1e, 256 guao, 233, 234,249
gmicima, 299 guao de costa, 233
guacima cimaronna, 252,.299 guao negro, 255
gmicima de caballo, 299 Guapira brevipetiolata, 282
guacimilla, 23, 243, 301 Guapira discolor, 193,282
guacimilla boba, 301 Guapira domingensis, 282, 307
guaconejillo, 291 Guapirafragrans, 193,282
guaconejo, 291 Guapira ligustrifolia, 282
Guadeloupe marlberry, 276 Guapira obtusata, 193,283,307
guafierro, 288 Guapira rufescens, 283
guaguad, 265 . guara, 294
guaguasi, 265, 266 guara blanca, 294
guaiabara, 287 guaracabuya, 257
Guaiabara uvifera, 287 guaraguao, 248, 273
Guaiacum, 48, 193,309,314 guarana, 294
Guaiacum officinale, 205, 215,302,314 guarantel,30l
Guaiacum sanctum, 215, 302, 314 guarapo, 245,287, 298
guaicaje, 254 Guarea,193
guairaje, 247,278,279 Guarea cabirma, 273
guairaje blanco, 279 Guarea glabra, 273
guairaje colorado, 278 Guarea guara, 273
guaita, 273 Guarea guidonia, 133, 169,215,273,310,326
Guajacum. See Guaiacum Guarea humilis, 273
Guajacum guatemalense, 302 Guarea obstusifoiia, 273
Guajava pyrifera, 282 Guarea perrottetiana, 273
Guajava pyriformis, 282 Guarea ramiflora, 273
guaje, 260 Guarea sphenophylla, 273
guama, 258, 260 Guarea trichilioides, 273
guama americano, 262 guarema, 297
guama cande16n, 262 guasabara, 279
guama de costa, 260 guasara, 279
guama de soga, 260 guasavara, 272
guama hediondo, 262 guasima cereza, 250
guama macho, 260 guasimilla, 301
guama venezolana, 260 guasit6n, 270
guamaca, 294 guatapana, 3, 257, 262
guamuchil, 262 guatapana, 3, 255,257,262
guanabana, 234 guatapanal, 261
guanabana cimarrona, 234 guatemala, 261
guanabana de corcho, 234 Guatteria berteriana, 252
guanabana de perro, 234 Guatteria blainii, 194,235,308
guanabanita,234 Guatteria laurifolia, 235
guanantesi, 301 . Guatteria prinoides, 252
guanara, 294 Guatteria virgata, 235
guanarita, 294 guava, 282
guaney,266 guavaberry, 280
guaney negro, 284 guayaba,282
guango, 256 guayaba agria, 282
guanilla, 301 guayaba cimarrona, 258, 272, 279
guanillo, 240 guayaba comun, 282
guanina negra, 263 guayaba de mulo, 286
guanito, 240 guayaba silvestre, 279
guannegoul, 256 guayabacoa, 248
guano, 239, 242 guayabac6n,280
Index 383
guayabilla, 265 gwaneI,315
guayabillo, 280 gwann, 315
guayab6n, 280, 286,290 gwatapana, 3, 176, 187,200,210,219,315
guayabota, 250 gwayabara, 316
guayacan,302 gwayav, 177,201,219,316
guayacan bastardo, 302 gwenn,212,239,316
guayacan blanco, 302 gwo figye, 212, 316
guayacancillo, 286, 302 gwo maho, 316
guayaco, 302 gwo monben, 316
guayaquiI,256 gwo po, 316
guayarote, 246 gwo ti fey, 316
guayo blanco, 302 Gymindia latifolia, 194, 246
guayo prieto, 243, 302 Gymnanthes lucida, 194,215,253,308
guayuyo, 285 Gymnanthes pallens, 253
guayuyo blanco, 285 Gyrotenia myriocarpa, 274
guazara, 279
guazuma, 299
Guazuma bubroma, 299
Guazuma guazuma, 299 haba,253
Guazuma polybotrya, 299 habilla, 253
Guazuma tomentosa, 299 Haematoxylon, 317
Guazuma ulmifolia, 169, 194,215,299,305,306 Haematoxylon brasiletto, 194, 226, 228, 259
Guazuma ulmifolia var. tomentosa, 299 Haematoxylon campechianum, 194,205,215,
guazumilla, 297 259,307
guazumillo, 243 Haemocharis alpestris, 300
gue-gue, 248 Haemocharis portoricensis, 300
guenepa,294 Haenianthus oblongatus, 284
guepois, 280 Haenianthus obovatus, 284
gtiera de olar, 241 Haenianthus salicifolius, 194
Guettarda, 194 Haenianthus salicifolius var. obvatus, 284
Guettarda elliptica, 290 Haiti catalpa, 29, 241
Guettarda laevis, 290 Haitian oak, 29, 241
Guettarda multinervis, 290, 317 Haitiella ekmanii, 239
Guettarda ovalifolia, 290 Haitiella munizii, 239
Guettarda pungens, 290 haitier, 235
Guettarda valenzuelana, 290 Haitimimosa extranea, 261
Guiana plum, 253 Hamelia erecta, 290
Guiana rapanea, 276 Hameliapatens, 194,215,290,313,320
Guidonia spinescens, 265 Hamelia ventricosa, 290
Guilandina barkeriana, 257 harton,275
Guilandina bonduc, 257 havilla, 253
Guilandina bonducella, 257 Hawaiian Ieucaena, 119,260
Guilandina ciliata, 257 haya,235
Guilandina major, 257 haya minga, 235
Guilandina moringa, 275 hayao, 301
guilfoyle poIyscias, 237 hazel sterculia, 299
guina criolIa, 290 hedionda, 290
guineo, 275 hediondilla, 119,260,263
guineos, 275 Hedwigia balsamifera, 244
gtiira, 241 Hedyosmum nutans, 209, 247
gtiira cimarrona, 241 Hedysarum ecastaphyllum, 259
guisacillo, 301 helecho, 249, 287
guitaran, 287, 294, 297 heIecho arb6reo, 249
gum arabic, 256 heIecho gigante, 249
gum tree, 244 Helicteres altheaefolia, 299
gumbo-limbo, 244,335. Helicteres apetala, 299
GUTIIFERAE. See CLUSIACEAE Helicteres isora, 299
gwanegoul, 315

384 Index
Helicteresjamaicensis, 194,299,306,316,320 Hispaniolan pine, 285
Helicteres semitriloba, 299 Hispaniolan royal palm, 57, 240
Helicteres spiralis, 299 hog bush, 273
Hemitelia escuquensis, 249 hog cabbage, 239
Hemitelia wilsonii, 249 hog palmetto, 239
henna,269 hogplum, 234
henna plant, 269 hogwood, 244
henne, 269 hoja ancha, 288
Henriettea barkeri, 271 hoja de name, 265
Henriettea elliptica, 271 hoja de sen, 263
Henrietteafascicularis, 194,271,331 hoja fina, 279
herbe 11 dous, 259 hoja menuda, 263, 278, 279, 280
herbe de St. Nicolas, 241 hoja menuda roja, 280
hemandia, 266 hojancha, 286, 288
Hernandia obovata, 266 hojancha prieta, 288
Hernandiasonora, 194,215,266 hojita larga, 276
HERNANDIACEAE, 266 hollywood lignum vitae, 302
Heteropteris iaurifolia, 270 Homalium racemosum, 194,265
Heterotrichum umbellatum, 271 . Homalium trichocladum, 265
Hevea brasiliensis, 169, 194,253,318 homme de paille, 239
. hibisco, 270 Honduras mahogany, 47, 273
hibiscus, 270 hoop vine, 285
Hibiscus, 323 hoop withe, 285
hibiscus 11 feuilles rouges, 270 hoopwood, 264
Hibiscus elatus, 170, 194,215,270,323 horse bush, 261
Hib~cushorridus,271 horse cassia, 258
Hibiscus hottensis, 271 horse-radish tree, 275
Hibiscus malvaviscus, 271 horseflesh tree, 71, 260
Hibiscus populneus, 271 horsetail casuarina, 246
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, 215, 270, 311 horsewood, 264
Hibiscusnliaceus, 194,215,270,315,320,323 Hottea crispula, 280
hicaco, 247, 283 Hottea malangensis, 280
hiede-hiede, 273 Hottea miragoanae, 280
higo, 274 houx,237
higo chumbo, 244 .hueledor, 252
higo cimarron, 274 huella de chivo, 257
higo cimarron filipo, 274 Huertea cubensis, 298
higuera, 255, 274 huesillo, 265
higUera,·241 huesito,280
higuereta, 255 hueso,284,290,301
higUerillo, 241, 302 hueso blanco, 284
higUerita, 241 hueso de 'costa, 265, 294
higUerito, 241 hueso de tortuga, 266
higiiero, 241 hueso prieto, 237, 284
higiiero galion, 241 huevo de chivo, 253
higtiero jamo, 241 huevo de gallo, 236
higuillo, 251, 254,271,274,285 huevo de gato, 299
higuillo de limon, 285 huevo de perro, 245
higuillo hoja menuda, 285 Hufelandia pendula, 267
higuillo oloroso, 285 huguero, 274
hippomane, 253 huile mascristi, 255
Hippimane, 328 huile ricin, 255
Hippomane mancinella, 194,215,253,323,324 Hura crepitans, 170, 195,215,253,305,310,
Hippomane spinosa, 253 327-329
Hirtella triandra, 194,247 Hyeronima, 195
Hisingera nitida, 265 Hyeronima domingensis, 253
Hisingera rumea, 265' Hymenaea candolleana, 260
Hispaniola palmetto, 240 Hymenaea courbaril, 170, 195,215,260,314,
320,328 /lex montana, 237
Hypelate paniculata, 294 flex nitida, 237
Hypefate trifoliata, 195,294,311,314 Ilex obcordata, 237
Hyperbaena apiculata, 274 /lex panamensis, 237
Hyperbaena glauciramis, 274 flex pseudomacoucoua, 237
Hyperbaena g011avensis, 274 flex repanda, 237
Hyperbaena faurifolia, 274 flexriedlaei, 237
Hyperbaena lindmanU, 274, 307 Ilex tuerckheimii, 237
Hyperbaena pellucida, 274 /lex urbaniana, 237
Hyperbaena salicifolia, 274 ILLICIACEAE, 266
Hyperbaena undulata, 274 Illicium ekmanii, 266, 303, 306
HYPERICACEAE. See CLUSIACEAE Illicium parvijlorum, 266
Hyptiodaphne crassifolia, 301 immorte1 etranger, 241
Hyptiodaphne crassifolia var. eggersii, 301 immortelle, 145, 2~9
incienso, 297
India dillenia, 250
-1- India-laurel fig,' 274
Indian almond, 248
Indian rosewood, 259
icaco de costa, 247
Indian savin tree, 257
icaco dulce, 247
Indian walnut, 252
Icacorea guadalupensis, 276
Indian-rubber fig, 274
indigotier, 302
icaque a poils, 247
indio, 251
icaque a ramiers, 247
inga, 260
icaque pendant, 247
fnga circinalis, 262
icaque poileur, 247
inga dulce, 262
icaquier, 247
fnga dulcis, 262
icaquillo, 269, 290
igua, 256
fnga fastuosa, 195, 260
igus, 256
fngafilipes, 263
ikak, 189,211,316
fnga inga, 260
Han Han, 187; 210, 217, 316
fnga laurina, 260
Han-Han, 235
fnga megacarpa, 260
Hang-Hang, 235,269
fnga obovalis, 262
flex, 195
fnga pterocarpa, 261
/lex acuminata, 237
fnga salutaris, 256
flex azuensis, 236
fnga saman, 256
flex barahonica, 236
fnga spinifolia, 262
/lex caroliliiana var.fuertesiana, 236
fnga vera, 25, 170,215
/lex cuneifolia, 273
fnga vera spp. vera, 195, 260, 328, 330 _.
/lex dodonaea, 233
ink berry, 291
/lex duarteensis, 237
flex formonica, 237
inkwood, 294
Ilex fuertesiana, 236
fnodes causiarum, 240
llex fuertesiana var. selleana, 236
fnodes glauca, 240
flex grisebachii, 237
ironwood, 250, 300
/lex grisebachii var. haitiensis, 237
froucana guianensis, 265
flex guianensis, 237
fsandrina arborescens, 263
flex guianensis var. cuencensis, 237
fsandrina emarginata, 263
flex impressa, 237
Italian cypress, 249
flex krugiana, 237, 322
fxora ferrea, 195, 290
flex macfadyenii, 215, 237,313,331,332
• /lex macfadyenii var. domingensis, 237
/lex macfadyenii var. occidentalis, 237 -J-
flex macoucoua, 237
flex microwrightioides, 237 jabac6n, 253
/lex mierowrightioides var. calescens, 237 jabilla, 253
386 Index
jabilla extranjera, 252 jarilla,253
jaboncillo, 252, 286, 294 jasmin de nuit, 298
jaca, 274 jasmin del rio, 264
jacana, 296, 297 jatfa, 301
jacanillo, 276 jatfa blanca, 301
jacaranda, 241 jatico,272
Jacaranda acutifolia, 241 Jatropha, 195, 325
Jacaranda mimosifolia, 195,241,313,316 Jatropha acrandra, 255
jack fishwood, 257 Jatropha acuminata, 254
jackfruit,274 Jatropha ·curcas, 215, 254, 312, 315, 325
jacoMn,273 Jatropha hastata, 254
Jacquinia, 195 Jatropha hernandiifolia, 254
Jacquinia aculeata, 300 Jatropha hemandiifolia var. epeltata, 254
Jacquinia arborea,300 Jatropha integerrima, 254
Jacquinia armillaris, 300 Jatropha moluccana, 252
Jacquinia armillaris arborea, 300 JatrophamultijUfa, 215,254,325,326
. Jacquinia barbasco, 300 Jatropha panduraefolia, 254
Jacquinia berterii, 300, 304, 307 jau-jau, 272
Jacquinia berterii var. acutifolia, 300 jaul,24l
Jacquinia berterii var. angustior, 300 jaune d'oeuf, 296
Jacquinia ber:terii var. portoricensis, 300 java plum, 282
Jacquinia berterii var. retusa, 300 javilla, 253
Jacquinia comosa, 300 javilla americana, 252
Jacquinia keyensis, 300 javilla extranjera, 252
Jacquinia sphaeroidea, 300 javillo, 252, 253
jagua,290 jayajabico, 289
jagiierillo, 274 jayajabito,287 .
jagiiey,274 jayao,278,301
jagiiey blanco, 274 jazmen nwi, 316
jaiqui,296 jazmin de noche, 298
jaiquI, 254, 295 jazmin de Persia, 292
jakaranda, 195,316 jazmln frances, 275
jakiye, 186,209,316 jazmin Malabar, 236
jalapa, i76 jelgal,3l6
jalapago, 276 jeniev, 316
jalap6n, 276 Jerusalem thorn, 261
jalea, 284 jeson, 194, 316
Jamaica caper, 245 jeu~on,299
Jamaica cherry, 250 jia, 251, 264
Jamaica plum, 234 jia amarilla, 265, 283
Jamaica quassia, 297 jiba, 251
Jamaica sumac, 234 jiM,247
Jamaica walnut, 267 jicaco, 247
Jamaica-oak,29,241 jico-tea, 284
jambe de paille, 239 jigiie, 71, 260
jamboisie, 282 jijiri marron, 302
jambol, 282, 316 jijiri mawon, 316
Jambolifera chinensis, 282 jimel, 186,209,316
Jambos jambos, 282 jina, 260 '
. Jambosa malaccensis, 282 jina extranjera, 262
Jambosa vulgaris, 282 jinpa, 168, 193,214,316
jambul,282 jique, 265
jambwazi,316 jirOf,316
jamiqui, 296 jobero, 297
jamm de pay, 316 jobillo, 273
jao-jao, 272 jobo,234,244
jaqueca, 271 jobo de la India, 234, 248
jaquier, 274 jobo de puerco, 234
Index 387
jobo negro, 234 k~ou,46-55, 179,317,335
jobo vano, 234 kajou etranje, 47-55, 179, 203, 317
joboban,234,273 kajou feme1, 63, 317
jocuma, 248, 296 kajou peyi, 47, 179,203,221,317
jocuma amarilla, 296 kajou .planch, 63, 317
jocuma blanca, 296 kajou sovaj, 197,317
jocumalechera, 296 kajou venezwela, 47, 179,203,317
John-Bull-tree, 271 kaka chen, 317
jon def, 200, 219,316 kaka poul, 217, 317
joujoube, 316 kakach,317
jovero, 297 kakawo, 181,204,221,317
juab6n, 265 kakon mawon, 317
juan colorado, 242 kal nwa, 194,317
juan prieto, 253 kalbas, 191,213
juan primero, 39, 238, 297, 298, kalbas mawon, 213, 317
juan primero prieto, 298 kalbas zombi, 191,214,317
juba blanca, 250 kaliandra, 160, 317
jubaban, 273 kaliptis, 192, 214, 317
jucarillo, 248 kalmouk, 212, 317
jlicaro, 248, 290 kamf,317
jlicaro amarillo, 248 kamil,317 .
jlicaro mastelero, 248 kampech,194,205,215,317
jlicaro negro, 248 kampech mawon, 200, 206, 317
jue bush, 300 kandelab, 193,317
JUGLANDACEAE, 267 kandelon, 184,205,208
Juglans baccata, 255 kandelon, 317
Juglans insularis, 267 kanel, 187, 189,210,212,317
Jug/ansjamaicensis, 195,215,267,326 kanelabey, 198,217,317
jlijano, 290 kaneI dous, 198,217,318
jujube, 288 kanel mawon, 318
jujubier, 288 kane1 miyel, 318
jujubier commun, 288 kanel pwavre, 318
jumbie-bead, 256 kanik, 210; 318
jumelle, 257 kanil,318
Juniperus ekmanii, 249 kapab, 13, 166, 190,213,318
Juniperus gracilior, 215, 249 kapab gran fey, 13
junquillo, 237 kapab ti fey, 13
jupiter, 269 kapitenn, 216,318
Jupunda abbottii, 262 kapok,242
Jupunda glauca, 262 kapris, 318
Jupunda obovalis, 262 karakole, 200, 318
Jupunda trinitensis, 262 karakte dezom, 318
juso, 243 karambola, 186, 318
karambouba, 318
Karwinskia caloneura, 288
-K- kas, 188,318
kachiman, 185,209,316 kas baton, 318
kachiman kanel, 209, 316 kas dou, 188,211,318
kachiman ke bef, 209, 316 kas mawon, 202, 318
kachiman mawon, 222, 316 kas panybl, 188, 211, 318
kachiman sovaj, 222, 316 kase rach, 218, 318
kachiman zombi, 317 kase raj, 218, 318
kafe, 165, 190,212,317 kase sek, 318
. kafe jon, 317 kaskari, 318
kafemawon, 186, 188, 189,205,208,212,218, kassod-tree, 111, 264
317 kasya, 110-117, 178,202,318
kafe sovaj, 189,212,317 kat chemen, 318
katast, 318
388 Index
katen, 318 koray, 214, 320
katie, 318 koray wouj, 194,215,320
kawos, 318 kotel,320
kawos etranje, 318 kotlet, 320
kawotchou, 169, 193, 194,318 koton fie, 320
kawoziye, 318 koton maho, 320
kayman; 318 koton mawon, 320
kayman fran, 318 koton rat, 194, 320
kaymit, 163, 189,211,318,335 koton swa, 187, 198,210,217,320
kaymit fey do, 318 koubari, 170, 195,215,320
kaymit fran, 319 kouronn krist, 320
kaymit jaden, 319 kowos, 320
kaymit mawon, 189,211,319 kowosol, 158, 185, 209, 320
kaymit sovaj, 319 kowosol mawon, 209, 320
kaypon, 189,319 kowosol zombi, 320
kazowina, 161, 188,319 koynmol, 320
ke ber, 319 krev rash, 320
kei apple, 265 kris marinn, 203, 220, 320
kenep, 174, 197; 217, 319 kriz marinn, 320
kenep chinwa, 216, 319 krok, 204, 221, 320
kenep fwi, 319 krok chen, 201, 213,219,320
kenep mal, 319 krok souri, 211,320
kenep mawon, 193, 319 Krugiodendronferreum, 195,205,216,288,306
kenkena etranje, 319 kumquat, 292
kenkena peyi, 193,205,214,319 kumquat.oval, 292
ketambilla, 265 kumquat redondo, 292
Key lime, 95, 291 kwokwo, 320
kimak, 211, 319 kwokwo ginen, 167,320
kinik, 210, 319 kwoton, 320
kinikjon, 21O~ 319
kininn, 193,214,319
kiratela, 319 -L-
kitembilla, 265
la brisiette, 233
kloujirOf, 199,218,319
la casia amarilla, 111, 264
laba bom, 321
Koelera laurifolia, 265
laba fwikase, 321
laba koray, 321
kok mol, 205, 319
laba pen, 186,209,321
kok shango, 319
Labatia hotteana, 296
kokeliko, 191,213,319
Labatia sessiliflora, 297
koko ginen, 156, 185,319
labe wouj, 321
labou kochon, 191, 321
.kokoye, 78-85,164,190,212,319,335
labour cochon, 252
kokoye misket, 79, 319
labriziyet, 321
kokoye nenn, 319
lady-of-the-night, 298
kokoye panyol, 79, 319
Laetia americana, 265
kokoye tres pikos, 79, 319
Laetia guidonia, 266
kola, 298, 319
Laetia procera, 195, 265
koleg, 209, 319
Laetia thamnia, 265
kolye, 319
lagarto, 256
kolorad, 199,218,319
Lagerstroemiaflos-reginae, 269
koma, 196,216,319,320
Lagerstroemia indica, 216, 269, 330
koma blan, 320
Lagerstroemia speciosa, 195, 269
koma fran, 320
laget, 301
koma jon, 320
laget, 216, 321
koma wouj, 187,320
Lagetta lagetto, 216, 301, 305, 311, 321
komiye, 197,320
Lagetta lintearia, 301
konichon peyi, 320
Index 389
lagetto, 30 I laurel de lorna, 267
laguilla, 297, 39 laurel geo, 268
Laguncularia racemosa, 171, 195,216,248,315, laurel geo colorado, 268
323,324 laurel macho, 268
laitier, 235 laurel prieto, 267
laitye,321 laurel roseta, 268
lam veritab, 186,209,321 laurier, 267
lamandi, 321 laurier agrandes feuilles, 267
lamandye,321 laurier blanc, 235, 267
lamandye gran ley, 200, 219, 321 laurier. canneIle, 267
lamandye ti ley, 200, 219, 321 laurier des jardins, 235
lana, 242, 252 laurier guepes, 267
lancewood, 260, 267 laurier jaune, 267" 268
lanero,242 laurier petites feuilles, 267
lang bef, 321 laurier puant, 267
langue aboeuf, 300 laurier rose, 235, 267
lanis sovaj, 321 laurier sassafras, 267
Lantana. See VERBENACEAE laurier tropical, 235
Lantanopsis. See ASTERACEAE Laurocerasus myrtifolia, 289
Laplacea alpestris, 300 Laurocerasus occidentalis, 289
Laplacea cymatoneura, 300 Laurocerasus sphaerocarpa, 289
Laplacea portoricensis, 300 Laurus americanus, 300
latanier, 239 Laurus cinnamomum, 267
latanier balai, 239 Laurus coriacea, 267
latanier bourrique, 239 Laurus floribunda, 267
latanier chapeau, 240 Laurus leucoxylon, 267
latanier de mer, 240 Laurus membranacea; 268
latanier franc, 240 Laurus montana, 267
latanier jaune, 240 Laurus patens, 268
latanier lamer, 240 Laurus pendula, 267
. latanier marron, 239 Laurus persea, 105,268
latanier piquant, 240 Laurustriandra, 267
latanier savanne, 239 Laurus"winterana, 245
latanier zombi, 240 lavapen, 274
latanye balay, 321 Lawsonia inermis, 216, 269, 312, 313
latanye bourik, 321 leadtree, 119
latanye chapo, 177,321 lebisa,267
latanye fran, 177, 321 lebiza,267
latanye jon, 177,321 leehe, 294
latanye lame, 182,204,221,321 lechecillo, 295
latanye mawon, 321 lechosa,246
latanye me, 321 LECYTHIDACEAE, 268
latanye pikan, 321 legliz, 321
latanye savann, 212, 321 LEGUMINOSAE. See FABACEAE
latanye zombi, 321 lejio,301
Laugeria densiflora, 290 lele, 261
Laugeria lucida, 289 lele, 321
Laugeria resinosa, 290 Lemaireocereus hystrix, 244, 318
LAURACEAE, 267 lemon, 292
laurel, 267, 268, 274 lefia amargo, 297
laurel amarillo, 268 lengua de mujer, 256
laurel benjamin, 274 lengua de vaca, 237, 255, 276
laurel blanco, 267, 268 lengua viperina, 256
laurel bobo, 267 Leonardia haitiensis, 295
laurel cambron, 267 Leonotis elliptica, 288
laurel criollo, 274 Lepianthes. See PIPERACEAE
laurel de costa, 246 lepine jaune, 292
laurel de la India, 274 Leptogonum buchii, 287
.390 Index
LeptogolJum domingense, 287 libertad, 264,275
Leptogonum molle, 287 libidibi: 257, 321
lete, 321 Libidibia coriaria, 257
leteuil,236 Licaria, 105
leucaena, 119,260 Licaria jamaicensis, 267
. Leucaena, 35, 112, 113, 305 Licaria triandra, 196,216,267,322
Leucaena bolivarensis, 260 liege,234
Leucaena brachycarpa, 260 liej,321
Leucaena canescens, 260 lignum vitae, 302
Leucaena collinsii, 122 lila, 173, 197,217,273,322
Leucaena collinsii ssp. zacapana, 129,226,228 lila etranje, 145, 169, 193,214,322
Leucaena colombiana, 260 lila nwi, 322
Leucaena diversifolia, 119 lilaila, 273
Leucaena diversifolia subsp. diversifolia, 119, liIas; 273
120,127-130,171,260,322 liIas de nuit, 298
Leucaena diversifoiia x Leucaena leucocephala, liIas etranger, 145, 259
129, 130 liIayo, 273, 298
Leucaena esculenta ssp. esculenta, 130 LILIACEAE, 268
Leucaena esculenta ssp. paniculata, 130 lima, 291
Lellcaena glabrata, 119,260 lima boba, 95, 291
Leucaena glauca, 119, 260 limasa, 291
LeucaelJa lanceolata, 130 limber tree; 245
Leucaena latisiliqlla, 119, 260 lime, 291, 335
Leucaena laxifolia, 260 limon, 292
Leucaenaleucocephala, 34, 135, 139, 171 limon agrio, 291, 292
Leucaena leucocephala subsp. glabrata, Ill, limon de cabro, 292
118-131,195,205,224-226,228-230,260, limon dulce, 291
312,322 limon france, 212,292
Leucaena leucocephala subsp. leucocephala, limon frans, 322
119-123, 196,216,260,312,315,323,324, limon persa, 292
331 Limon vulgaris, 292
Leucaena macrophylla subsp. nelsonii, 130 limoncillo, 246, 264, 277, 283, 292, 294
leucaena petite feuille, 260 limoncillo cimarron, 278, 281
Leucaena pseudotichodes, 260 limoncillo del monte, 278, 280
Leucaena pulverulenta, 130 Hmonejo decosta, 246
Leucaena salvadorensis, 129, 130 Limonia aurantifolia, 291
Lf!ucaena shannonii, 122, 129 limpia botella, 277
Leucaena shannonii ssp. shannonii, 129,226, Linnaeobreynia ferruginea, 245
228 . Linnaeobreynia grisebachii, 245
Leucaena trichandra, 260 Linnaeobreynia indica, 245
Leucaena trichodes, 260 lino, 119, 260, 262
leviza, 267 lino criollo, 119, 260
liane a barriques, 259 Linociera axilliflora, 284
liane a clous, 259 Linociera bumelioides, 284
Hane acoliques, 270 Linociera caribaea, 284
liane barrique, 285 Linociera dictyophylla, 284
liane bord-de-mer, 259 Linociera domingensis, 284
liane bouhouque, 270 Linociera lanceolata, 284
liane croc-chien, 288 Linociera latifolia, 284
lianejaune, 270 Linociera ligustrina, 284
liane panier, 285 Linociera miragoanae, 284
Hane taureau, 270 Linociera phylliraeoides, 284
liann barik, 321 lipstick bush, 242
liann klou, 214, 321 lirio,235,236,252,284,291
liann kolik, 187,210,321 lirio bobo, 290
liann krbk chen, 321 lirio santana, 290
liann panye, 321 lirio tricolor, 236
liann towo, 160, 187,210,321 lisina, 118-131,171,195,205,322
Index 391
lisina ti ley, 171, 322 Lunania buchii, 265
litchi, 216, 294, 322 Lunania dentata, 265
litchichinens~,216,294,319,322 Lunania ekmanii, 265
lizard wood, 302 Lunania tenuifolia, 265
llorasangre, 284 1wisin mo, 322
llor6n, 254, 289 Lyonia angulata, 251
Lobelia assurgens, 244, 319 Lyonia apiculata, 251
Lobelia robusta var. robusta, 244 Lyonia brachycarpa, 251
lobelie cardinale, 244 Lyonia buchii, 251
loblolly sweetwood, 267 Lyonia costata, 251
loblolly tree, 294 Lyonia darrasiana, 251
locuma,296 Lyonia elongata, 251
'locust berry, 270 Lyonia furcyensis, 251
logwood, 259 Lyonia haitiensis, 251
lokwat, 168,322 Lyonia longelaminata, 251
lombai,237 Lyonia microcarpa, 251
lombay,322 Lyonia montecristana, 251
Lonchocarpus,196,307 Lyonia plumed, 251
Lonchocarpus domingensis, 216, 260 Lyonia pseudotinensis, 251
Lonchocarpus ehrenbergii, 260 Lyonia rubiginosa, 196
LonchocarpuseUip6cus,260 Lyonia rubiginosa var. costata, 251
Lonchocarpus heptaphyllus, 260 Lyonia tinensis, 251
Lonchocarpus latifolius, 216, 260, 304 Lyonia truncata var. montecristana, 251
Lonchocarpus longipes, 260 Lyonia truncatavar. truncata, 251
Lonchocarpus monophyUus, 260 Lysiloma bahamensis, 71, 260
Lonchoca~usneurophyUus, 260,305, 318 Lysiloma guachapele, 256
Lonchocarpus neurophyUus var. oligophyUus, Lysiloma latisiliqua, 71, 260
260 Lysiloma sabicu, 70-77, 196,216,260,330
Lonchocarpus pentaphyllus, 260 Lysiloma vogeliana, 256
Lonchocarpus sepium, 145,259 LYTHRACEAE, 269
long bab, 201, 322
Long Key byrsonima, 270
longleaf casuarina, 246 -M-
longue barbe, 275 m'panache,295
loquat, 289 Maba caribaea, 250
lone, 189, 322 Maba domingensis, 250
lone blan, 105, 198,218,322 Maba leonardii, 250
lone gep, 198, 322 Maba oxycarpa, 250 .
lone gran ley, 198, 322 Maba urbaniana, 250
lone jaden, 322 mabi, 287, 322
lone jon, 105, 196, 198,216,322 mabf,287
lone kane1, 189, 322 maboa,235
lone piant, 198, 322 macaby,283
lone ti ley, 189, 322 macagua, 275
lone twopikal, 217, 322 macagua de costa, 290
lone woz, 105, 198,217,322 macagiiey, 283
losange, 262 macanabo, 295, 296
losanj,322 macao, 268, 275
louisine mau, 276 macarbie, 288
Loureira peltata, 254 macard bitter, 297
lucky-nut, 236 macary bitter, 297
Lucuma cainito, 295 macasol, 257
Lucuma cuprea, 296 macata,257
Lucuma domingensis, 296 Machaerium lunatum, 261
Lucuma mammosa, 297 machandeuse,234
Lucuma multiflora, 297 machandez, 322
Lucuma pauciflora, 296 machandoise, 234
Lucuma.serpentaria, 296
392 Index
machanwaz, 322 majagua dt; Cuba, 270, 301
machetico, 259 majagua de la Florida, 271
machette, 259 majagua de mona, 282
Madura tinctoria, 274 majagua de sierra, 300
Madura xanthoxylon, 274 majagua macho, 270
macoucoua, 237 majagiiilla, 271, 299, 301
Macoucoua guianensis, 237 niaj6,270
macoutouca, 239 majoe bitter, 297
Macreightia caribaea, 250 makabi, 204, 221, 323
macrio, 271, 272 makata, 323
Macrocatalpa longissima, 29, 241, makoutouka, 323
macurije, 294 makrio, 197,217,323
Madagascar palm, 239 maksmilyen, 323
madam jan, 209, 322 maksmiye, 323
madam klM, 163, 189,212,322 mala mujer, 265, 276, 282, 283
madam nayiz, 323 malaget, 197,217,218,323
madam·yas, 199,218,323 malagueta, 247, 278, 280, 281, 302
madame claude, 302 malaguette, 278----'281
madame jean, 235 malambo, 245
madame naiz, 261 Malay-apple, 282
madame yass, 261 Malpighia, 304, 318, 325, 331
m4delin, 260 Malpighia albiflora ssp. antillana, 270
madlenn, 119, 171, 196,216,323 Malpighia biflora, 270
madras thorn, 262 Malpighia enide, 270
madre de cacao, 145, 259 Malpighia cnide var. domingensis, 270
madroiio, 269, 270 Malpighia cnide var. ovalis, 270
maga, 266 Malpighia coriacea, 269
magerit, 323 Malpighia crassifolia, 269
maget, 197,217,218,323 Malpighia cuneata, 270
magne la mer, 286 Malpighia domingensis, 270
magnolia, 269 Malpighia ekmanii, 270
Magnolia, 196 Malpighia emarginata, 216, 270
Magnolia domingi!nsis: 269 Malpighia galeottiana, 270
Magnolia ekmanii, 269 Malpighia glabra, 172, 270, 330
Magnolia emarginata, 269 Malpighia glandulosa, 269
Magnolia grandiflora, 269 Malpighia lucida, 270
Magnolia hamori, 269 Malpighia maeraeantha, 270
Magnolia palleseens, 269 Malpighia media, 269
MAGNOLIACEAE, 269 Malpighia megaeantha, 270
mago, 266 Malpighia nitidia, 269
maguette,278,279,280, 281 Malpighia nitidia var. domingensis, 269
maguey silvestre, 268 Malpighia oblongifolia, 270
mahaudeme, 242 Malpighia oxycocca var. biflora, 270
mahaut, 270, 300 Malpighia punicifolia, 270
mahaut bleu, 270 Malpighia setosa, 216. 270
mahaut franc, 270 Malpighia spicata, 270
mahaut piment, 301 Malpighia tinifolia, 269
maho, 214, 300, 323, Malpighia urens, 270
maho ble, 170, 194,215,323 Malpighia urens var. megacantha, 270
maho fran, 194,215,323 Malpighia velutina var. intermedia, 270
maho piman, 204, 323 MALPIGHIACEAE,269
mahodem, 174, 198,217,323 MALVACEAE,270
mahoe bitter, 297 malvavisco, 271
mahogany, 273, 335 Malvaviseus arboreus, 216, 271
mms bouilli, 302 maman guepes, 301
maivisse, 286 marney, 248
m~agua,270,271,282,301 mamey apple, 248, 335
majagua azul, 270 mamey colorado, 297
Index 393
mamey rojo, 297 manglier chandelle, 289
mamey sapote, 297 manglier marron, 275
mameyuelo, 276 manglier noir, 248, 289: 302
mamiye mawon, 323 manglier petites feuilles, 294
Mammea americana, 172, ~96, 216, 248, 332 manglier rouge, 289
Mammea asiatica, 268 mangliye, 324
Mammea humilis, 248 mango, 86-93, 172, 196,216,233,324
mammee, 247 mango, 87,233
mammee apple, 248 mango tarango, 291
mammee sapota,.297 mangostan, 248
mammee sapote, 248 mangosteen, 248
mammier marron, 234 mangostfn, 248
mam6n, 235 mangostinn, 324
mam6n de perro, 234 II).angrove, 289
mamoncillo, 294 'mangue, 87,233
mampolo, 241, 259 mangue cabrit, 262
mampurreo, 275 manguier, 87, 233
manaca, 238, 239 Manila tamarind, 262
manaca colorada, 238 Manilkara, 329
manacla, 238,239 Manilkara achras, 296
mancenillier, 234, 253 Manilkara albescens, 196, 296, 310
mancheni, 194, 215, 323 Manilkara halata, 296
manchenille, 234, 253 Manilkara bUlentata, 173, 196, 329
manchineel, 253 Manilkara emarginata ssp. haitensis, 296
manchinil, 323 Manilkara gonavensis, 296
Mancinella venenata, 253 Manilkara jaimiqui ssp. haitensis, 196, 296
mandaren, 95, 323 Manilkara nitida, 296
mandarine, 95, 292 Manilkara riedleana, 296
mandarin orange, 95, 292 Manilkara zapota, 173, 196,216,296
mandit, 289 Manilkara zapotilla, 296
Manettia serrata, 252 manjack, 243
mang, 198, 323, 324 manje kabrit, 324
mang blan, 171, 195,216,324 manman gep, 324
mang chandel, 201, 220, 324 manni,248
mang kabrit, 324 mario, 237
mang mawon, 186, 210, 324 manseniye, 194,215,324
mang nwa, 159, 186, 190,201,209,213,220,324 mantequero, 276
mang ti fey, 191,214,324 mantequita, 298
mang wouj, 177,201,220,324 manto, 246
manger cabrit, 263 manzana de oro, 234
Mangifera indica, 29, 39, 86-93,97, 172, 196, manzana lora, 254
216,233,324 manzana malaya, 282
mangiye, 324 manzana rosa, 282
mangle, 248, 266, 276, 289 manzanilla, 255, 290
mangle amarillo, 248 manzanillo, 234, 253, 275
mangle blanc, 275 mapola, 259
mangle blanco, 248 mapoleona, 259
mangle bobo, 275 mapou, 163, 188,211,242,324,335
mangle bot6n, 248 mapou blan, 324
mangle colorado, 289 mapou blanc, 242
mangle de chifle, 289 . mapou coton, 242
mangle medaille, 263 mapou etranger, 242
mangle negro, 255, 302 mapou etranje, 208, 324
mangle prieto, 248, 302 mapou gri, 186,324
mangle rojo, 289 mapou gris, 243
mangle zapatero, 289 mapou koton, 324
manglier, 248, 289 mapou zombi, 242, 324
manglier blanc, 248 Mappia racemosa, 266
394 Index
mar pacffico, 270 maurepas, 259
mar serena, 270 maximier, 234
mara, 247 Maximiliana crassispatha, 238
maravedi,246 Maximilianea vitifolia, 248
maray-maray, 259 maximilien, 253
marble tree, 246 mayacaule, 283
margarabomba, 264 mayakayul, 324
Margaritaria nobilis, 196,254 Mayepea axilliflora, 284
Margaritaria nobilia var. antillana, 254 Mayepea bumelioides, 284
margot, 233 Mayepea caribaea, 284
marguerite, 235, 247 Mayepea domingensis, 284
mari jinn, 324 Mayepea ligustrina, 284
marijon, 324 mayi bouyi, 192, 324
marfa, 247 mayn lame, 325
maricao, 269, 270 Maytenus, 197
marie jaune, 260 Maytenusbuxifolia,205,246,306,317,329,333
marie-jeanne, 273 Maytenus domingensis, 246
Marila biflora, 248 Maytenus elliptica, 246
Marila domingensis, 248 Maytenus haitiensis, 246
marimofia, 270 Maytenus jamaicensis, 246
marmelade plum, 297 Maytenus microphylla, 246
marmelade-box genipe, 290 Maytenus mornicola, 246
martin avila, 289 Mecranium, 309,323
martinica, 235 Mecranium alpestre, 271
masa,244 Mecranium amygdalinum, 197, 271
masaguaro, 256 Mecranium birimosum, 271
mascarite; 255 Mecranium crassinerve, 271"
mascristi,255 Mecranium haitiense, 271
maskarit, 324 Mecranium microdictyum, 271
maskristi,324 Mecranium multiflorum, 271
maskriti, 201, 324 Mecranium revolutum, 271
mastic-bully, 296 Mecranium revolutum x M. haitiense, 272
Mastichodendronfoetidissimum, 196,216,296 Mecranium salicfolium, 271
Mastichodendron foetidissimum ssp. foetidissi- Mecranium tricostatum, 272
- mum, 296, 303, 319, 320 medecinier, 254
mastwood, 29, 241 medecinier agrandes feuilles, 254
mata becerro, 255, 256 medecinier beni, 254
mata gallina, 298 medecinier carthartique, 254
mata gallina cimarrona, 266 medecinier des Indes, 254
mata puerco, 256 medecinier espagnol, 254
mata raton, 145,259 medecinier multifide, 254
matabecerro, 245 medisinye, 325
Matayba, 306 medisinye beni, 325
Matayba apetala, 216, 294 medisinye gran fey, 325
Matayba denticulata, 294 medisinye miltifid, 325
Matayba domingensis, 196,294 medisinye panyol, 325
Matayba oppositifolia, 294 melaleuca, 280
Matayba scrobiculata, 216, 294, 311, 329 Melaleuca cajaputi, 280
matchwood, 238 Melaleuca leucadendron, 280
mate, 257 Melaleuca minor, 280
" mate de chivo, 294 Melaleuca quiquenervia, 197,217,280,325 .
mate de costa, 257 Melaleuca saligna, 280
mate prieto, 246, 257 Melaleuca viridiflora, 280
mato azul, 257 melalika, 197,217,325
mato de playa, 257 MELASTOMATACEAE, 271
matouren, 324 Melia azadirachta, 133, 273
matourin, 257 Melia azedarach, 133, 139, 173, 197,217,273,
matta becero, 302 313, 322, 327
Index 395
Melia guara, 273 Miconia racemosa, 217, 272, 317
Melia indica, 133,273 Miconia rubiginosa, 272
Melia orientalis, 273 Miconiaselleana,272
Melia sempervirens, 273 Miconia serrulata, 272
MELIACEAE, 273 Miconia tetrandra, 272
Melicocca bijuga, 294 Micropholis, 197
Melicocca paniculata, 294 Micropholis polita ssp. hotteana, 296, 329
Melicoccus bijugatus, 174, 197,217,294,319 , Microteryx poeppigiana, 259
melina, 193, 302 mierda de gallina, 269
Meliosma abbreviata, 293, 303, 319, 320 mignonette tree, 269
Meliosma herbertii, 197,293 mije, 279, 280
Meliosma impressa, 293, 315 mijo,280
Meliosma recurvata, 293 milat, 325
melocha, 294 milk bush, 236
melocot6n, 289 milkwood, 275
membrillito, 289 millo, 254
membrillo, 289 mimosa, 261
memiso, 250, 265, 301 Mimosa angustifolia, 256
memiso de paloma,·301 Mimosa arborea, 262
memizo cimarr6n, 301 Mimosa bracaatinga, 261
memizo de majagua, 301 Mimosa buchU, 261
mendrina, 265 Mimosa caracasana, 258
MENISPERMACEAE, 274 Mimosa ceratonia, 261
merde rouge de la montagne, 269 Mimosa circinalis, 262
Meriania involucrata, 272 Mimosa cyciocarpa, 259
mericao, 268 Mimosa dulcis, 262
meris, 325 Mimosa elata, 256
merise, 278, 279 Mimosa extranea, 261
merisier, 278, 279 Mimosa fagifolia, 260
.merisse, 275 Mimosa farnesiana, 255
meriz, 192, 325 Mimosa inga, 260
merizye, 325 Mimosa julijlora, 3, 262
Mespilus japonica, 289 Mimosa latifolia, 264
mesquite, 3, 262 Mimosa latisiliqua, 260
Metopium, 308, 324 Mimosa laurina, 260
Metopium brownei, 217, 234, 325 Mimosa lebbeck,256
Metopium linnaei, 234 Mimosa leucocephala, 119,260
Metopium metopium, 234 Mimosa mornicola, 261
Metopium toxiferum, 197,234,322,323 Mimosa muricata, 256
Metrosideros quinquenervia, 280 Mimosa parvifoliolata, 261
Mettenia globosa, 252 Mimosa peregrina, 261
mevis, 190, 325 Mimosa portoricensis, 258
Mexican cypress, 249 Mimosa procera, 256
mi, 197,217,325 Mimosa salinarum, 3, 262
Michelia champaca, 217~ 269, 316 Mimosa saman, 256
Miconia, 197, 323 Mimosa scabrella, 197,261
Miconia apiculata, 272 Mimosa senegal, 256
Miconia fothergilla, 272 Mimosa sirissa, 256
Miconia guianensis, 272 Mimosa tortuosa, 256
Miconia hypiodes, 272 Mimosatrichodes,260
Miconia impetiolaris, 217, 272, 331 Mimosa unguis-cati, 262
Miconia laevigata, 217, 272 Mimusops albescens, 296
Miconia lanceolota, 272 Mimusops balata var. domingensis, 296
Miconia macrophylla, 272 Mimusops bidentata, 296
. Miconia mirabilis, 272 Mimusops domingensis, 296
Miconia ottoschulzii, 272, 331 . Mimusops gonavensis, 296
Miconia prasina, 272 Mimusops riedleana, 296
Miconia punctata, 272 Mimusops sieberi, 296
396 Index
miraguano, 239,240 Moronobea coccinea, 248
mirto, 280,292 mortel debout, 271
Misanteca triandra, 267 mortelle, 259
misimieu, 292 moruro blanco, 263
miskad,325 Morus nigra,·197, 217,275,325
miskadye, 325 Morus tinctoria, 274
mit, 197,217,325 mostacilla, 245
mit fey lorie, 325 mostacilla chica, 245
mit fey sitwon, 325 mostazo, 245
miwobalann, 325 motel, 145,325
moca, 256 motel debou, 204, 221, 325
moca blanca, 256 motel etranje, 179, 202, 325
mock orange, 292 mother-of-cocao, 145,259
molinero, 242 mountain ebony, 13,287
molinillo, 242, 273 mountain immortelle, 259
mombin, 234 mountain mahoe, 270
mombina fruits jaunes, 234 mountain palm, 239
mombin batard, 273, 294 mountain soursop, 234
mombin espagnol, 234 mountain wild olive, 248
mombin franc, 234 moureiller piquant, 270
mombin rouge, 234 moureye pikan, 325
monben, 179,202,220,325 Mouriri domingensis, 197, 272, 320
monben bata, 182,204,221,325 Mouriria. See Mouriri
monben fran, 179, 325 mpanash, 325
monben jon, 325 mucha gente, 265
monben panyol, 325 muco, 268
mondacapullo, 278 mulfitre, 234
mongier, 289 mullein nightshade, 298
monkey apple, 247 Munchausia speciosa, 269
monkey bread tree, 242 mufieco, 243, 282
monkey pistol, 253 mufieco baboso, 243
Monteverdia buxifolia, 246 mufieco blanco, 243
mora, 274 Muntingia calabura, 197,217,250,306,310
Mora abbottii, 261 muralla,292 .
mora de la India, 290 murallera,292
mora del pais, 274 Murbeckia haitiensis, 245
Mora ekmanii, 261, 330 mures, 275
mora macho, 274 Murianthe albescens, 296
mora negra, 275 Muriea albescens, 296
MORACEAE, 274 Muriea eyerdamii, 296
moradilla, 299 Murraea exotica, 292
moral,243 Murrayapaniculata, 197,217,292,303,310,325
moral6n, 286 murta, 272, 288
morepa, 325 AIusa,97,174,217 .
morera negra, 275 AIusa acuminata x AI. balbisiand 'AAA', 275,
morero, 275 313
morinda, 290 ·AIusaacuminata x AI. balbisiana 'AAB', 275,
Morinda citrifolia, 197,217,290,306,312,314 303
Morinda macrophylla, 290 . Musa paradisiaca, 275
moringa, 275 Musa sapientum, 275
Moringa nux-ben, 275 Musa x paradisiaca, 29, 39, 275
Moringa oleifera, 174, 197,217,275,304,312, MUSACEAE, 275
326 muscade, 276
Moringa pterygosperma, 275 muscadier, 276
MORINGACEAE, 275 musimieu, 292
Morisonia americana, 197,245 musk wood, 273
Morisonia flexuosa, 245 mustard shrub, 245
morivivi cimarr6n, 258 Mycianthes umbellulifera, 281
Index 397 '
Myginda cuneifolia, 247 Myrtus caryophyllata, 281
Myginda latifolia; 246 Myrtus citrifolia, 280
Myginda rhacoma, 246 Myrtus coriacea, 280
MYOPORACEAE, 275 Myrtus cumini, 282
Myrcia citrifolia, 197,217,280,305,323,325, Myrtus dichotoma, 280
328 Myrtus elliptica, 282
Myrcia coriacea, 280 Myrtus fragrans, 280
Myrcia deflexa, 198, 280 Myrtus glabrata, 279
Myrcia fenzliana, 280 Myrtus ligustrina, 279
Myrcia ferruginea, 280 Myrtus lineata, 279
Myrcia hotteana, 280 Myrtus monticola, 279
Myrcia leptoclada, 198, 280 Myrtus patrisii, 279
Myrcia lindeniana, 280 Myrtus procera, 279
Myrcia saliana, 280 Myrtus splendens, 280
Myrcia splendens, 198,280 Myrtus suzygium, 278
Myrcia tiburoniana, 280 Myrtus tiburona, 279
Myrcia umbellulifera, 281 Myrtus tussacii, 280
Myrcianthes esnardiana, 280, 323 Myrtus umbellulifera, 281
Myrcianthesfragrans, 280,305,308,309,325
Myrciaria floribunda, 280, 308
Myrica cerifera, 198,217,275,317,318
Myrica mexicana, 275 nabaco, 290
Myrica picardae, 275 nacascol, 257
Myrica segregata, 284 nago, 192,326
MYRICACEAE, 275 nagot, 251
Myristicafragrans, 198,217,276,325,326 najesf,273
MYRISTICACEAE,276 naked wood, 287
myrobalane, 234 naranja,95
Myrobalanus catappa, 248 naranja agria, 95, 291
Myrodia turbinata, 242 naranja de babor, 291
Myrospermumfrutescens, 198,217,261 naranja de China, 292
Myroxylon balsamum, 198, 217 naranja dulce, 95, 292
Myroxylon balsamum var. pereirae, 261 naranja mandarina, 95, 292
Myroxylon buxifolium, 265 naranjito, 290
Myroxylon coriaceum, 265 narciso, 235
Myroxylon pereirae, 261 Narvalina. See ASTERACEAE
Myroxylon schaefferioides, 266 naseberry, 296
MYRSINACEAE, 276 Nectandra antillana, 267
Myrsine acrantha, 276 Nectandra c(lUdato-acuminata, 267
Myrsine berterii, 276 Nectandra coriacea, 267
Myrsine coriacea, 198,276,309,324 Nectandra cuneata, 268
Myrsine ferruginea, 276 Nectandra krugii, 267
Myrsine floridana, 276 Nectandra membranacea, 268
Myrsine guianensis, 198,276,312 Nectandra oligoneura, 268
Myrsine laeta: 276 Nectandra patens, 268
Myrsine magnoliifolia, 276 Nectandra pulchra, 268
Myrsine punctata, 276 Nectandra sanguinea, 267
MYRTACEAE,277 Nectandra sintenisii, 268
myrte, 279, 292 Nectandra willdemoviana, 267
myrte afeuilles de citron, 280 Neea collina, 283
myrte afeuilles de laurier, 280, 281 Neea demissa, 283
myrtle-of-the-river, 278 neeb,133,273
Myrtus acris, 281 neem, 133, 273
Myrtus axillaris, 278 negra loca, 286
Myrtus bahamensis, 282 negra lora, 275, 294
Myrtus biflora, 278 Neltuma juliflora, 3, 262
Myrtus brachystemon, 279 Nemodaphne cuneata, 268
Myrtus buxifolia, 279
398 Index
Neobuchia paulinae, 242, 324 Ochroma lagopus, 242
Neocastela depressa, 297 Ochroma lagopus var. bicolor, 242
Neolaugeria resinosa, 198,290 Ochroma lagopus var. occigranatensis, 242
Nephelea woodwardioides var. hieonymi, 249 Ochroma limonensis, 242
Nerium divaricatum; 236 Ochroma obtusa, 242
Nerium oleander, 198,217,235,322 Ochroma peruviana, 242
Nicarago vesicaria, 257 Ochromapyramidale, 174, 198,217,242,308,
nickar tree, 257 313,320,323
night-flowering acacia, 258 Ochroma tomentosa, 242
nigua, 290 Ochroma velutina, 242
nim, 132-143, 159, 186,205,209,273,326 Ocotea, 105,322
nimba, 133,273 Ocotea acarina, 267
Niopa peregrina, 261 Ocotea athroanthes, 267
nisperillo, 294, 296 Ocotea caudato-acuminata, 267
nisperillo de hoja finas, 296 Ocotea cicatricosa, 267
nispero, 296 Ocotea coriacea, 198, 218, 267
nispero del Japan, 289 Ocotea cuneata, 268
nogal, 195,215,267,326 Ocoteafloribunda, 198,267,322
nogal de la India, 252 Ocoteafoeniculacea, 267, 318
nogal del pais, 267 Ocotea globosa, 198, 267, 322
noisetier, 254 Ocotea krugii, 267
noisetier d' Amerique, 254 Ocotea leucoxylon, 198,267,312,315,322
noisetier du pays, 254 Ocotea membranacea, 198,268,322
noisette, 252, 254 Ocotea nemodaphne, ·198, 268
noix, 252 Ocotea oligoneura, 268
noix d'acjou, 233 Ocoteapatens, 198,268.
noix de coco, 79, 239 Ocotea pulchra, 268
noix de cola, 298 Ocotea sintenisii, 198, 268
noix de muscade, 276 Ocotea wrightii, 268, 317
noix de serpent, 236 oeuf de poule, 261
noni,290 ofon criollo, 302
Norfolk-Island pine, 238 ojo de peje, 297
northern black wattle, 255 OLACACEAE, 283
noyer, 252 OLEACEAE,284
.noyer des Indes, 252 oleander, 235
nuez,252,267 olive, 275
nuez de cola, 298 olivier, 275
nuez moscada, 276 olivier batard, 275
nutmeg, 276 olivo,39,245,297
nwa, 326 olivo bastardo, 275
nwa kajou, 157, 185,209,326 olivo frijol, 245
nwa koko, 79, 326 olivye,326
nwa kola, 213, 326 olivye bata, 326
nwa miskad, 198,217,326 om de pay, 326
nwa sepan, 326 Omphalandria commutata, 254
nwaye, 326 Omphalea, 326
nwazet, 185,208,218,326 Omphalea commutata, 254
nwazet'peyi, 326 Omphalea ekmanii, 254
NYCTAGINACEAE, 282 Omphalea triandra, 218, 254
Oothrinax anomala, 240
Opuntiaficus-indica, 218, 244, 328
-0- Opuntia moniliformis, 244, 327, 328
Ochna ilicifolia, 283 orange amer, 95, 291
OCHNACEAE,283 orange douce, 95, 292
Ochroma bicolor, 242 orange jessemine, 292
Ochroma boliviana, 242 orange sure, 291
Ochroma grandiflora, 242 orangier, 95
Orbignya crassispatha, 238
Index 399
oreganillo, 249, 258 Palicourea brevithyrsa, 290
oreja, 259 Palicourea crocea, 290
oreja de burro, 286 Palicourea domingensis, 290
oreja de judfo, 259 palingmin, 245
orej6n, 259 palissandre, 261
Oreodaphne domingensis, 267 palito, 253
Oreodoxa borinquena, 57, 240 palitode vara, 271
Oriwpanax capitatum, 218, 237, 305, 307 Paliurus reticulatus, 288
Oreopanax capitatus. See Oreopanax capitatum palm, 326, 335
onne d' Amerique, 299 .palm dorada, 239
Ormosia_krugii, 198,261,308 palm koyo, 326
orteg6n:287 . palma, 57, 238-240, 326
ortie blanche, 301 palma areca, 239
ortiga brava, 301 palma cana, 240
os devants marrons, 246 palma Christi, 255
Ossaea woodsii, 272 palma cristi, 255
otaheiti gooseberry, 254 palma de abanico, 275
Ottoschulzia domingensis, 266 palma de arroyo, 238
Ottoschulzia rhodoxylon, 199,266 palma de cana, 240
ouane primaire, 238 palma de catey, 238
ouary, 257 palma de coco, 79, 239
Ouratea ilicifolia, 218, 283, 303 palma de cojollo, 240
Ouratea jaegeriana, 283 palma de escoba, 240
Ouratea lenticellosa, 283 palma de guano, 239
Ouratea spinulosa, 283 palma de guinea, 239
oval-leaved fiddlewood, 302 palma de manacla, 239
OXALIDACEAE, 284 palma de sombrero, 240
Oxandra lariceolata, 199,218,235,307 palma deyagua, 57, 240
Oxandra laurifolia, 235, 307 Palma gracilis, 238
Oxandra virgata, 235 palma kristi, 326
oxhorn bucida, 248 palma manaca, 238, 239
oyster-wood, 253 palma real, 57, 240
ozua, 280, 281 Palma spinosa, 238
Palmas cocos, 79, 239
palmaven, 326
-p- palme, 239
pabe1l6n del rey, 285 palme coyau, 239
pacana, 268 palme-a-vin, 238, 239
pachira, 242 palmera, 239
Pachira, 199 palmier royal, 57, 240
Pachira aquatica, 218, 242, 319 palmilla, 239, 249
Pachira emarginata, 242 palmis, 56-61, 201, 220, 326
Pachira grandiflora, 242 palmis chapelet, 326'
Pachira insignis, 218, 242 palmis dezenn, 326
Pachyanthus hotteana, 272 palmistaven, 326
pae manuel, 253 palmiste, 57, 240, 273
pagua, 105, 268 palmiste des lndes, 250
paille, 240 palmiste-a-chapelet, 239
painkiller, 290 palmiste-a-vin, 240
pajua, 238 palmita, 240
pal, 239, 326 palo amargo, 39, 236, 252, 254, 266,287,294,
pale lidflower, 277 297,301
paletiviye, 326 palo amarillo, 247, 274, 284
paletuvier, 248, 263, 302 palo bellaco, 252
Palicourea, 199 palo berraco, 252
Palicourea alpina, 290 palo blanco, 237, 246, 252, 253, 260, 265, 289,
Palicourea barbinervia, 290 293,295,297
palo blanco de sierra, 252
400 Index
palo bobo, 243, 248 palo de orejas, 288
palo cachumba, 237 palo de orqufdeas, 257
palo campeche, 259 palo de paloma, 246
palo carre, 265 palo de pan cimarr6n, 284
palo catorra, 265 palo de parque, 145,259
palo cochino, 244 palo de peje, 297
palo colorado, 250 palo de peonfa, 261
palo coral, 290 palo de perico, 252, 264, 282
palo damaso, 254 palo de peronfa, 261
palo de abejas, 275 palo de pez, 297
palo de aceite, 244, 275 palo de pallo, 237, 259, 263
palo de anastasio, 273 palo de puerco, 278
palo de angel, 257 palo de quina, 290
palo de arana, 247 palo de rayo, 261
palo de avispas, 264 palo de reina, 294
palo de berraco, 266 palo de sabana, 276
palo de boya, 259 palo de sable, 238
palo de Brasil, 257 palo de sierra, 252
palo de burro, 237, 256, 260, 263 palo de tabaco, 261
palo de cabra, 269, 301 palo de tabac6n, 253
palo de cabrilla, 301 palo de tea, 291
palo de caiman, 257 palo de taro, 250, 284, 288
palo de caja, 293 palo de vaca, 243, 257
palo de candela, 265 palo de vidrio, 302
palo de caya prieto, 293 palo de viento, 237, 238
palo de cera, 275 palo de yagua, 265
palo de chivo, 263 palo de yaqui, 265
palo de corcho, 282 palo de yuca, 253
palo de cotorra, 249, 265 palo del rey, 236, 294
palo de cruz, 248, 290, 300 palo hediono, 260
palo de cucubano, 290 palo jeringa, 275
palo de cuello, 289 palo lechoso, 236
palo de dajao, 290 palo 1l0r6n, 289
palo de doneella, 270 palo malo, 237
palo de doncello, 269 palo marfa, 247
palo de encaje, 301 palo misanteco, 267
palo de gallina, 252, 289, 298 palo moro, 291
palo de goma, 274 palo muneco, 297
palo de gongolf, 288 palo perriro, 302
palo de guitarra, 302 palo prieto, 250, 254
palo de hacha, 289, 293 palo Robinson, 288
palo de hierro, 288, 290 palo rubrio, 292
palo de hormiga, 279 palo salvaje, 265, 282
palo de hueso, 253, 278, 284, 297 palo santo, 276, 302
palo de jab6n, 294 palo santo cimarron, 276
palo de jaqueca, 271 palo seco, 260
palo de lana, 242 palo tabaco, 243, 288
palo de leche, 235, 236, 253, 275 palo vara, 265
palo de leche chiquita, 236 palo verbena, 265
palo de limoncillo, 264· paloma, 264
palo de maca, 256 palomino, 266
palo de marfa, 247 palpaguano, 288
palo de matos,261 pamplemous, 326
palo de mora, 274 pamplemousse, 95, 292
palo de muleta, 279 pan de fruta, 274
palo de muneco, 243 pana de pepitas, 274
palo de muneco blanco, 243 Panama tree, 299
palo de murta, 279 panapen, 274
Index 401
Panax morotoni, 238 pavona,270
pancho prieto, 288 pawpaw, 246
pandereta, 240 pay, 177,327,335
panilla, 284 peach,289
panyol mawon, 326 pear, 289
papailler, 246 pech,219,327
PAPAVERACEAE,284 pech mawon, 199,327
papay, 161, 188,211,326 peche, 289
papay sovaj, 195,215,326 . peche marron, 268
papaya, 246 pecher, 289
Papaya carica, 246 pega polIo, 271
Papaya sativa, 246 pega-pega, 265
Papaya vulgaris, 246 pegoje, 236, 274
papaye, 246 pegojo, 236
papaye sauvage, 254 Peiranisia crista, 263
papayer, 246 Peiranisia fitchiana, 263
papelit, 192,211,326,327 Peiranisia haitiensis, 263
papelite, 251, 265, 286 Peiranisia polyphylla, 263
papillon, 264 pela burro, 264
paragua, 241 pela huevos, 255
paragiiita, 242 Peltophorum berteroanum, 261, 321
parafso frances, 275 Peltophorumferrugineum, 261
Paralabatia fuertesii, 296 Peltophorum pterocarpum, 199,261
Paralabatia portoricensis, 296 pen dostrali, 327
paralejo de pinares, 270 penda,291,302
Parathesis, 329 pendejera, 298
Parathesis crenulata, 276 pendejera macho, 298
Parathesis serrulata, 276 pendejo, 252
parco prieto, 288 pendola, 259
parese, 219, 327 pendoula, 327
parese kloti, 327 . pendula, 302 .
paresol, 191,327 pendula blanca, 302
paresol, 243 pendula de sierra, 302
paresseux, 237, 238 pengwen, 327
paresseux des clotures, 238 penipeniche de sabana, 246
parfa, 295 peonfa, 261
parici,238 pepinito, 284
parida,293,295 pepit porn, 327
pariposa, 257 pepper cinnamon, 245
Pariti elatum, 270 pera, 282, 289,291
Pariti tiliaceus, 270 Pera bumeliifolia, 218, 254, 318
Paritium elatum, 270 pera criolla, 291
Parkia roxburghii, 261, 321 Pera depressa, 254
Parkinsonia aculeata, 199,218,227,228,261, Pera domingensis, 254
323 Pera glomerata, 254, 320
Parkinsonia spinosa, 261 pera mexicana, 291
parrilla, 288 peralejo, 250, 269, 270, 272, 280
parrot weed, 284 peralejo blanco, 269
pascua, 253 peralejo de sabana, 250, 269
pascuita, 253 perce-pierre, 297
pasilla, 273 perenqueta, 284
pat toti, 327 perico,275,282
pata de chivo, 257 perico macho; 276
pata de vaca, 257 perita haitiana, 288
pataban, 248 peronfa, 256, 261
pativier, 294 peronfas, 256
pativiye, 327 Persea, 327
patte de tortue, 244 Persea americana, 29, 39, 97, 104--:109, 175, 199,
402 Index
218,268,332 Phoenix canariensis, 239
Persea americana var. americana, 268 Phoenix dactylifera, 175,218,239,311
Persea americana var. drymifolia, 105 Photinia japonica, 289
Persea anomala, 268 Phyllanthus acidus, 199,218,254,330
Persea domingensis, 268 Phyllanthus antillanus, 254 •
Persea drymifolia, 105 Phyllanthus cicca, 254
Persea edulis, 105, 268 Phyllanthuscuneifolius, 254
Persea ekmanii, 268 Phyllanthus distichus, 254
Persea gratissima, 105, 268 Phyllanthus epiphyllanthus ssp. domingensis,
Persea krugii, 199,268 254
Persea leiogyna, 105,268 Phyllanthus epiphyllanthus ssp. epiphyllanthus,
Persea oblongifolia, 268 254
Persea persea, 105, 268 Phyllanthus grandifolius genuinus, 254
Persea retroflexa, 267 Phyllanthus juglandifolius ssp. juglandifolius,
Persian lime, 291 254,304,326
persillette, 237 Phyllanthus laurifolius, 255
Persoonia guianensis, 273 Phyllanthus maleolens, 254
Peru1eucaena, 119,260 Phyllanthus myriophyllus, 254
pes pie, 327 Phyllanthus nobilis var. antillanus, 254
pesiyet; 327 Phyllanthus pubigerus, 255
pet djab, 327- Phyllostylon brasiliense, 48, 199,206,206,301,
pet du diab1e, 253 305
Petesioides laurifolium, 276 Phyllostylon rhamnoides, 301
petit abbe, 297 physic-nut, 254
petit bois blanc, 247 PHYTOLACCACEAE,285
petit bois d'Inde, 279 pich pen, 161, 188,327
petit bois pin, 278 pich pin, 246, 285
petit buis, 286 pica de gallo, 258
petit cafe, 293 Picramnia antidesma, 218, 297
petit ca"imite, 295 Picramnia antidesmoides, 297
petit ca1e~on, 257 Picramnia dictyoneura, 297
petit citronnier, 237 Picramnia domingensis, 297
petit coco, 238 Picramnia macrocarpa, 297 .
petit crecre, 272 Picramnia micrantha, 297
petit cracra, 238 Picramniapentandra, 199,218,297,309,310,
. petit flamboyant, 253 317,332
petit gar~on, 247 Picrasma excelsa, 199,218,297,314
petit houx, 237 . Picrasma selleana, 297
petit merisier, 280 Picrodendron baccatum, 218, 255
petit mombin, 273 Picrodendron macrocarpum, 255
petit pa1miste marron, 239 Picrodendr01i medium, 255
petit raisin, 276 Pictetia, 314
petit raisin ordinaire, 286 Pictetia aculeata, 199,261,315
petit solei!, 243 Pictetia desvauxii, 261
petite cerise, 270 Pictetia obcordata, 261
petite pomme, 288 Pictetia spinifolia, 199,206,218,306,315,316
petites feuilles, 279 Pictetia spinifolia yare elongata, 261
petites graines, 271, 272 Pictetia spinifolia yare monophylla, 261
Petitia domingensis, 48, 199,218,302,306,311 Pictelia spinifolia yare obovata, 261
Phanera variegata, 257 Pictetia spinifolia .var. plenophylla, 261
pheasant wood, 256 Pictetia spinifolia yare ternata, 261
Phoebe alainii, 267 pie de chivo, 257
Phoebe cubensis, 267 pigeon-berry, 243, 302
Phoebe elongata, 267 pikan arada, 327
Phoebe grisebachiana, 267 pikan kare, 327
Phoebe montana, 267 pikan woz, 204, 327
Phoebe triplinervis, 267 Pilocarpus racemosus, 199,292
Index 403
piman dlo, 327 pin6n botija, 254
piment d'eau, 273 pin6n criollo, 254
P(menta acris, 281 pin6n cubano, .145, 259
Pimenta acris var. grisea, 281 pin6n de Cuba, 145,259
, Pimenta anisomera, 281 pifi.6n de Espana, 254, 259
Pimenta crenulata, 281 pin6n de punal, 268
Pimenta dioica, 218, 281, 323, 328 pin6n del cauto, 259
Pimenta haitiensis, 278 pin6n espinoso, 259
Pimenta officinalis, 281 pin6n florido, 145,259
Pimenta ozua, 281 pin6n frances, 259
Pimenta pauciflora, 281 pin6n lechero, 254
Pimenta pimenta, 281 pin6n purgante, 254
Pimenta racemosa, 199,218,305 pin6n v6ci, 254
Pimenta racemosa var. grisea, 281 Pinus, 309, 327
Pimenta racemosa var. ozua, 281 Pinuscaribaea, 175, 199,218
Pimenta racemosa var. racemosa, 281, 305, 313, Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis, 285
316,319,325 Pinus hondurensis, 285
Pimenta racemosa var. terebinthina, 281 Pinus occidentalis, 176,200,218,225,230,285,
Pimenta terebinthina, 281 305
pimienta, 234, 280, 281 Piper aduncum, 200, 219, 285, 308, 310, 330
pimienta blanca, 281 Piper amalago, 219, 285, 303,304,308,312-315,
pimienta cimarrona, 280 321,330
pimienta de Brasil, 234 Piper medium, 285
pirnienta de Guinea, 302 Piper rugosum, 285
pirnienta gorda, 281 Piper tuberculatum, 200, 285
pimienta malagueta, 281 PIPERACEAE, 285
pin, 285 Piptadenia peregrina, 200, 219, 261, 306, 307,
pin d' Australie, 246 332
pina de puerto, 290 piquant arada, 264
PINACEAE,285 piquant carre, 265
pinchipin, 285 piquant rosie, 265
pindoula, 302 piragua, 251, 265, 269, 270, 272
pine, 327 pirulf, 235, 252
pine, 292 Piscidia ekmanii, 262
pine blan, 204, 222, 327 Piscidia indica, 259
pine jaune, 292 Piscidia piscipula, 219. 262, 306
pine jon, 222, 327 Pisoniaaculeata, 219, 283, 320, 324
pinga de perro, 237 Pisonia albida, 200, 283
pinguin, 268 Pisonia albida platyphylla, 283
pini,327 Pisonia albida var. glutinosa, 283
pini-pini, 246, 290 Pisonia brevipetiolata, 282
pinillo, 254 Pisonia calophylla rufescens, 283
pinit, 292 Pisonia discolor, 282
pinit jaune, 292 Pisonia discolor var. bevipetiolata, 282
pink cedar, 241 Pisonia discolor var. camosa, 282
pink shower, 258 Pisoniafragrans, 282
pink trumpet tree, 241 Pisoniafragrans oblanceolata, 282
pino, 246,285,292 Pisonia helleri, 283
pino amarillo, 285 Pisonla ligustrifolia, 282
pino australiano, 246 Pisonia obtusata, 283
pino de Australia, 246 Pisonia obtusata var. domingensis, 282
pino de cuaba, 285 Pisonia obtusata var. rufescens, 283
pino de teta, 292 Pisonia ochracea, 283
pino japones, 261 Pisonia rotundata, 200, 283
pino macho, 285, 292 Pisonia rufescens, 283
pino rubial, 292 Pisonia subcordata var. rotundata, 283
pin6n, 254 Pisonia subcorta typica albida, 283
piii6n amoroso, 145,259 Pisonia villosa, 283
404 Index
pistach, 203, 220, 327 Pluchea. See ASTERACEAE
pistache des Indes, 299 plumeria, 235
Pistacia simaruba, 244 Plumeria, 200, 313
pita, 271 Plumeria acutifolia, 236
pitangueira, 278 Plumeria alba, 219, 235, 313
pitch apple, 247 Plumeria barahonensis, 235
Pithecellobium abbottii, 262, 332 Plumeria beatensis, 235
Pithecellobium arboreum, 200, 262, 307, 319, 328 Plumeria berterU, 236
Pithecellobium berteroanum, 263 Plumeria biglandulosa, 236
Pithecellobium carbonarium, 262 Plumeria cayensis, 235
Pithecellobium circinale, 200, 206, 262, 314, 317, Plumeria cuneifolia, 235
324 Plumeria discolor, 236
Pithecellobium discolor, 262 Plumeria domingensis, 236
Pithecellobium domingense, 262 Plumeria gibbosa, 236
Pithecellobium dulce, 176,200,219,227,228, Plumeria incamata, 236
262 Plumeria jaegeri, 236
Pithecellobium filicifolium, 262 Plumeria krugii, 235
Pithecellobium filipes, 263 Plumeria longiflora, 236
Pithecellobiumfragrans, 263 Plumeria marchU, 235
Pithecellobium glaucum, 262 Plumeria obtusa, 219, 235, 313, 314
Pithecellobium hystrix, 262 Plumeria obtusa var. sericifolia,.236
Pithecellobium impressum, 263 Plumeria obtusa x P. subsessilis, 236
Pithecellobium latifolium, 264 Plumeria ostenfeldU, 235
Pithecellobium lentiscifolium, 262, 322 Plumeria paulinae, 236
Pithecellobium micranthum, 262 Plumeria portoricensis, 235
Pithecellobium nervosum, 258 Plumeria purpurea, 236
Pithecellobium obovale, 262 Plumeria rubra, 236, 314
Pithecellobium oppositifolium, 262 Plumeria rubra xl'. subsessilis, 236
Pithecellobium saman, 256 Plumeria sericifolia, 236
Pithecellobium spinifolium, 262 Plumeria stenopetala, 236
Pithecellobium striolatum, 262 Plumeria subsessilis, 236, 313
Pithecellobium trinitense, 262 Plumeria tricolor, 236
Pithecellobium truncatum, 262 Plumeria trouinensis, 236
Pithecellobium unguis-cati, 200, 206, 219, 262 Plumeria tuberculata, 236, 313
pitimini, 236 plumo de oro, 3, 262
piyon, 144-151, 169, 193,214,259,327 POACEAE, 285
piyong, 145, 169,327 PODOCARPACEAE, 285
plantain, 275, 335 Podocarpus, 200
plantanito, 271 Podocarpus angustifolius var. wrightii, 285, 308
platanillo, 263 Podocarpus aristulatus, 285
platano, 275 Podocarpus buchU, 285
platano burro, 275 Poinciana bijugata, 257
platano hembra, 275 Poinciana coriaria, 257
platano macho, 275 Poinciana regia, 259
plateado, 290 poinciana royal, 259
platinillo de Cuba, 285 Poincianella pellucida, 257
pie, 327 Poincianella pulcherrima, 257
Pleodendron, 200 poincillade, 257
Pleodendron ekmanii, 245 poinsettia, 253
Plinia abeggii, 281 Poinsettia pulcherrima, 253
Plinia acutissima, 281 poirier, 241, 251, 289
Plinia acutissima var. cidrensis, 281 pois confiture, 260
Plinia caricensis, 281 pois doux, 260
Plinia cidrensis, 281 pois doux blanc, 260
Plinia ekmaniana, 281 pois palmiste, 256
Plinia haitiensis, 281 pois sucrin, 260
Plinia microcycla, 281 pois vache, 252
Plinia montecristina, 281 pois valette, 264
Index 405
pois vallier, 264 ponasf,290
pois valliere, 264 pond apple, 234
poison ash, 233 ponsere, 288
poison cherry, 246 poor man's orchid, 257
poison lasinette, 262 popnut, 254
poivre Jamai'que, 281 Poponax macracantha, 255
poivrier, 287 Poponax macracanthoides, 255
poivrier de Jamai'que, 280 poponax macrantha, 255
polisandro, 264 Poponax torluosa, 256
Polygala chamaebuxus, 286 Poraqueiba rhodoxylon, 266
Polygala domingensis, 286 pork fat apple; 247
Polygala fuertesii, 286 Porothrinax pumilio, 240
Polygala penaea, 286, 310, 331 Portesia ovata, 273
Polygala portoricensis, 286 possum tree, 253 .
POLYGALACEAE, 286 Pouteria dictyoneura ssp. fuertesii, 200, 296, 318
POLYGONACEAE, 286 Pouteria dictyoneura var. fuertesii, 296
Polygonum uvifera, 287 Pouteria domingensis, 316, 331
Polyscias, 219, 312, 327 Pouteria domingensis f. cuprea, 296
Polyscias balfouriana, 237, 327 Pouteria domingensis var. cuprea, 296
Polyscias filicifolia, 237 Pouteria domingensis var. domingensis, 296
Polyscias guilfoylei, 237 Pouteria dominigensis. See Pouteria domingensis
Polyscias pinnata, 238, 327 Pouteria hotteana, 296
porn, 327 Pouteria mammosa, 297
porn grenad, 327 Pouteria multiflora, 200, 297
porn jamayik, 327 Pouteria sapota, 200, 219, 297, 315, 329
porn kajou, 327 Pouteria sessiliflora, 297
porn kanel, 327 Premna latifalia var. mucronata, 302
porn malezi, 203, 327 prentan, 328 .
porn malkadi, 222, 327 Prestoea acuminata, 239, 323, 326
porn malkadik, 327 Prestoea montana, 239
porn savon, 327 prickly marnpoo,283
porn site, 202, 328 prickly pole, 238
porn toch,213, 328 prickly yellow, 292
porn woz, 180,203,221,328 pride of India, 273
porn zombi, 328 prieto, 241 "
pomarrosa, 282 primavera, 265
pomarrosa de Malaca, 282 prince wood, 290
pomegranate, 287 princess tree, 39, 297
pom"elo, 95, 292 pringa leche, 255
pomme, 233 Prinos macfadyenii, 237
pomme acajou, 233 Prinos montanus, 237
pomme cythere, 234 Prinos nitidus, 237
pomme de cannelle, 235 printemps, 258
pomme de Jamai'que, 282 privet stopper, 279
pomme de Malaisie, 282 Prockia crucis, 265 "
pomme de savon, 294 Prosop~,30, 112, 122
pornme grenade, 287 Prosopis alba, 6
pomme mal carduc, 288 Prosopis bracteolata, 3, 262
pomme malcardi, 288 Prosopis cumanensis, 3,262
pomme rose, 282 Prosopis domingensis. See Prosopis dominguensis
pomme torche, 250 Prosopis dominguensis, 3, 262
pomme zombi, 253 Prosopis dubia, 259
pommier rose, 282 Prosopisjuliflora, 2-11, 120, 134, 135, 176, 184,
porno, 282 200,206,219,224,225,227-229,262,304,
pomogranado, 287 311,315
pompon, 258 Prosopis paUMa, 3
pompon haitiano, 259 Prosopis vidaliana, 3, 262
pomponsjaune, 256 PROTEACEAE, 287
406 Index
Protium glaucescens, 244 Puerto Rican hat palm, 240
pruan, 289 Puerto Rico royal palm, 57, 240
prune bord de mer, 246 pummelo, 95, 292
prune plum, 289 Punica granatum, 219, 287, 315,327
prune tree, 289 PUNICACEAE, 287
pruneau noir, 237 punk,280
prunier, 289 purio, 301
Prunus, 321 purple plum, 234
Prunus americana, 289 pwa dou, 170, 195,215,328
Prunus domestica subsp. domestica, 289 pwa konfiti, 195,215,328
Prunus myrtifolia,200, 219, 289, 321, 324 pwa palmis, 185,209,328
Prunus occidentalis, 200,219,289,321 pwa sikren, 328
Prunus persica, 219, 327 pwa vach; 185, 208, 328
Prunus persica var. persica, 289 pwa valet, 328
Prunus sphaerocarpus, 289 pwa valye, 220, 328
Pseudalbizzia berteriana, 263, 309 pwa valye, 328
Pseudanamomis umbellulifera, 281 pwav jamayik, 328
Pseudobombax ellipticum, 242 pwavye, 328
Pseudocassia spectabilis, 264 pwavye jamayik, 328
Pseudolmedia havanensis, 275 pwaye, 180,328
Pseudolmedia spuria, 201, 275, 308, 322, 325 pwaye jamayik, 328
Pseudophoenix elata, 239 pwazon lasinet, 200, 328
Pseudophoenix gracilis, 239 pwensiyad,328
Pseudophoenix insignis, 240 pwensiyana, 328
Pseudophoenix lediniana, 239, 326, 33 i pwensiyeta, 328
Pseudophoenix Iinearis, 239 Pyrus communis, 289, 328
Pseudophoenix navassana, 239
Pseudophoenix saonae, 239
Pseudophoenix sargentii ssp. saonae, 239 -Q-
'Pseudophoenix vinifera, 240, 318, 326
Pseudosamanea guachapele, 256 Quadrella cynophallophora, 245
Psidium acranthum, 281 Quadrella gonaivensis, 245
Psidium crispulum, 280 Quararibea turbinata, 201, 242
Psidium dictyophyllum, 281, 323 quasia, 297
Psidium guajava, 177,201; 219, 282,'315 Quassia amara, 219, 297
Psidium guayava, 282 quassia amarga, 297
Psidium hotteanum, 282 Quassia excelsa, 297
Psidium longipes, 282 quassia wood, 297
Psidium pomiferum, 282 quatre chemins, 276
Psidium pyriferum, 282 queen of shrubs, 269
Psidium sapidissimum, 282 quenepa, 294
Psidium sessilifoiium, 282 quenepe, 294
Psidium trilobum, 282 quenepe chinois, 294
Psychotria,201 quenepe-a-fruits, 294
Psychotria alpestris, 290 quenepier, 294
Psychotrf,a berteriana, 291, 306 quenepier chinois, 294
quenepier male, 294
Psychotria fuertesii, 291
Psychotria grandis, 291 quenepier marron, 294
Psychotria nutans, 291, 308 quenepo, 294
Ptelea viscosa, 294 quetembila, 265
Pterocarpus berterii, 258 quick stick, 145,259
Pterocarpus buxifoiius; 257 quiebrahacha, 251, 279, 286; 288, 293, 295
Pterocarpus draco, 263 quimaque, 289
Pterocarpus ecastaphyllum, 259 quina criolla, 290
quina de la tierra, 297
Pterocarpus gummifer, 257
quina del pais, 297 .
Pterocarpus lunatus, 261
Pterocarpus microcarpus, 257 quina-piton, 290
Pterocarpus officinaiis f 201,219,263,308,329 quinine; 290
Index 407
quinine bush, 266 raqueta, 253
quinine des Antilles, 290 raquette, 244, 253
quinique, 257 raquette espagnole, 244
quinique jaune, 257 rascabarriga, 283
quino, 290 rascagarganta, 276
quinquina caraibe, 290 raspadura, 294
quinquina d'Europe, 39, 297" raspalengua, 243
quinquina des Caraibes, 290 rat apple, 245
quinquina des savanes, 269 rat6n, 251, 287, 294
quinquina pays, 290 Ratonia apetala, 294
quitaran, 294 Ratonia domingensis, 294
quitasolillo, 272 Ratonia spathulata, 294
Rauvoljia biauriculata, 236
Rauvolfia lamarckii, 236
-R- RauvolfUl nitida, 201, 219,236,307,308,310
rabasco, 261 Rauvolfia oppositifolia, 236
rabi, 170, 195,215,253,328 Rauvolfia tetraphylla, 236
rabo rat6n, 265 RauvolfUl viridis, 236
radegonde, 29, 241 Rauwolfia. See RauvolfUl
rain shrub, 298 Ravenala madagascariensis, 275
raintree, 256 red bean tree, 259
raisin, 276 red ironwood, 288
raisin bord de mer, 287 red mammee, 297
raisin bouzin, 286 red mangrove, 289
raisin de fer, 287 red manjack, 243
raisin de la mer, 287 .red mombin, 234
raisin des perroquets, 273 red palicourea, 290
raisin grandes feu illes, 286 red sandlewood, 256
raisin marron, 246, 276 red tamarind,-262
raisinier, 276, 286 red wood, 251
raisinier marron, 286 red zapotee, 297
raizu, 289 redberry eugenia, 278
rajador, 272 reglis, 185, 208, 328
"raket, 213, 218, 328 reglisse, 256
raket panyol, 328 reina del jardin, 269
rameau, 275 reina del prado, 269
ramo,204,221,328 reseda, 269
ramo de navidad, 291 reseda de France, 269
ramon, 275, 328 resuelesuele, 291
ram6n, 275 retama, 236, 261, 263
ram6n blanco, 253 retama prieta, 263
ramon cheval, 275 retamo, 273
ramon chwal, 328 Reynosia a/finis, 288, 332
ram6n de bestia, 237, 275 Reynosia cuneifolia. 288
ram6n de costa, 237 Reynosia domingensis, 288
ram6n de vaca, 237, 275 Reynosia regia, 288
Randia aculeata, 201, 219, 291, 320 Reynosia uncinata, 201, 288,304,306,314,315
Randia aculeata var. mitis, 291 rezen, 190, 328
Randia erythrocarpa, 291, 309 rezen bodlame, p. 328
Randia mitis, 291 rezen bouzen, 190,329
Rapanea acrantha, 276 rezen Ie, 190,212,329
Rapanea coriacea, 276 rezen gran Iey, 190, 329
Rapaneajerruginea, 276 rezen lame, 190, 212, 329
Rapanea guianensis, 276 rezen mawon, 197,329
Rapanea magnoliaejolia, 276 rezen peroke, 329
Raphia vinifera, 240 Rhacoma crossopetalum, 246
Raputia heterophylla, 292 RHAMNACEAE, 287
Rhamnus colubrinus, 13,287
408 Index
Rhamnus ellipticus, 287 rompe machete, 289
.Rhamnus ferreus, 288 rompe ropa, 243
Rhamnus jujuba, 288 Rondeletia, 201
Rhamnus laevigatus, 246 Rondeletia carnea, 291
Rhamnus sphaerosperma, 288 Rondeletia christii, 291
Rheedia, 201 Rondeletia jormonia, 291
Rheedia aristata, 248 Rondeletia selleana, 291
Rheedia lateriflora, 248, 332 rofioso, 246
Rheedia verticillata, 248, 305 rosa, 269
Rhitidophyllum. See GESNERIACEAE rosa cimarrona, 265
Rhizophora mangle, 177,201,220,289,324 rosa de cienega, 269
Rhizophora mangle var. samoensis, 289 rosa del Peru, 235
Rhizophora samoensis, 289 rosa francesca, 235
RHIZOPHORACEAE, 288 rosa imperial, 248
Rhus cominia, 293 ROSACEAE, 289
Rhus metopium, 234 rose marron, 265
ricin, 255 rose-apple, 280, 282
Ricinella pedunculosa, 251 roseta, 265, 290
Ricinella ricinella, 251 rosewood, 253, 291
Ricinus communis, 201, 255, 312, 324, 326, 329, roucou, 242
332 roucouyer, 242
Ricinus globosus, 252 rougeole, 13, 287
rima, 274 rough trichilia, 273
risin, 329 rough-leaf tree, 250
river red gum, 278 roujiol, 13
Rivina octandra, 285 royal palm, 240, 57
robe, 234 Roystonea borinquena, 39, 56-61,82,201,220,
Robinia aculeata, 261 240,326
Robinia grandijlora, 264 Roystonea hispaniolana, 57, 240
Robinia maculata, 145,259 Roystonea hispaniolana f. altissima, 57,240
Robinia sepium, 145,259 Roystonea peregrina, 57, 240
Robinia spinijolia, 261 RUBIACEAE, 289
roble, 29, 241 rufiana, 298
rob1e amarillo, 241 rulo, 275 _
rob1e australiano, 287 Rumea coriacea, 265
rob1e blanco, 241 RUTACEAE, 291
rob1e caiman, 241
rob1e de costa, 241
rob1e de guayo, 243
rob1e de mona, 241 Sabal,321
rob1e de olor, 29, 241, 302, Sabal causiarum, 82, 177, 240, 321
rob1e de seda, 287 Sabal domingensis, 177, 240, 327
rob1e de yugo, 241 Sabal haitensis, 240
rob1e dominicano, 29, 241 Sabal neglecta, 240
rob1e guayo, 243, 302 Sabalquesteliana, 240
rob1e gtiira, 298 SABIACEAE, 293
rob1e plateado, 287 sabica de costa, 270
roble prieto, 241, 243 sabicu, 71, 260
rob1ecillo, 243, 255, 297 sabicu amarillo, 71,260
rob1illo, 243 sabicu de pinares, 249
Rochejortia acanthophora, 201, 243, 312,314, sabicu marafi6n, 249
315 sabina, 249, 250
rodo, 251 sabina cimarron, 285
rockwood, 246 sabina- macho, 250
rodwood, 278, 279 - sablier, 233, 253
Rollinia mucosa, 235 sablito, 238
rolon, 262 sabliye, 170, 195,215,329
rompe ca1dero, 293
Index 409
sago-palm, 250 saona dulce, 288
saint-esprit, 245 sapaijo, 288
St. Jean d'hiver, 253 SAPINDACEAE, 293
St. Vincent plum, 145,259 Sapindus inaequalis, 294
salado, 302 Sapindus saponaria, 201, 220, 294, 309, 315, 318,
salsepareille batard, 237 325,327,329
salsepareille marron, 237 Sapindus stenopterus, 294
salsparey bata, 329 Sapium, 201, 305
salsparey mawon, 329 Sapium buchii, 255
salvadera, 253 Sapium haitiense, 255
Salvador leucaena, 119,260 Sapium ilicifolium, 253
salvilla, 302 Sapiumjamaicense, 255, 307
saman, 157, 185,208,256,329 Sapium laurifolium, 255
saman,256 sapo, 245, 283
Samanea jilipes, 263 sapodilla, 296
Samanea saman, 256 Sapota achras, 296
Samanea valeuriana, 263 SAPOTACEAE, 295
Samara coriacea, 276 sapote, 296, 297
Samaroceltis rhamnoides, 301 sapote blanco, 291
Sambucus, 313, 330 sapote blanco de Mexico, 291
Sambucus canadensis, 233 sapote culebra de costa, 296
Sambucus simpsonii, 201, 220, 233 sapoti, 173, 196, 197,216,329
samo,258 sapoti mamelad, 329
Samyda a!finis, 264 sapoti mawon, 196,329
Samyda arborea, 265 sapoti nwa, '173, 196, 329
Samyda decandra, 265 sapotier, 297
Samyda dodecandra, 265, 306, 309, 318, 332 sapotier jaune d'oeuf, 297
Samyda guidonia, 273 sapotille, 296
Samyda ilicifolia, 265 sapotille marney, 297 '
Samyda lancifolia, 265 sapotille marron, 295, 296
Samyda multijlora, 264 sapotille noir, 296
Samyda nitida, 265 sapotillier, 296
Samyda octandra, 265 sapotillier commun, 296
Samyda oligostemon, 265 sapotillier marmelade, 297
Samyda parvijlora, 265 sapotillier marron, 295, 296
Samyda procera, 265 sapotillier noir, 296
Samyda pubescens, 265 sapotillo, 296 .
Samyda rosea, 265 sapotiye, 329
.Samyda serrulata, 265 sapotiye jon def, 329
Samyda spinescens, 265 Sarcomphalus crenatus, 288
Samyda spinosa, 264 Sarcomphalus domingensis, 288
Samyda velutina, 265 Sarcomphalus havanensis, 288
San Domingo boxwood, 301 Sarcomphalus parvifolius, 288
sanaguaro, 256 Sarcomphalus reticulatus, 288
sandbox, 253 Sargent cherrypalm, 239
sandbox tree, 253 sarna de perro, 265
sandragon,263,329 sasafnis, 268
sandragon des Antilles, 263 sassafras tree, 267
sangre de Cristo, 270 satanier, 294
sangre de doncella, 246, 270 satanier marron, 294
sangre de polIo, 271 . satanjou, 329
sanguinaria, 287, 295 satanju, 294
santa marfa, 247 satanye, 166, 191,213,216,329
santa olalla, 289 satanye mawon, 216, 329
saona,288 satinleaf, 296
saona cimarrona, 288 sauco,233
. saona de gente, 288 sauco amarillo, 241
saona de puerco, 288 sat1co blanco, 233

4'10 Index
sauco cimarron, ·298 Senacia elliptica, 246
sauzgatillo, 302 sene, 263
Savia erythoxyloides, 255 Senecio. See ASTERACEAE
Savia sessiliflora, 255 Seneg~lia angusti/foia, 256
savonet, 201, 220, 329 Senegalia muricata, 256
savonet peyi, 201, 220, 329 Senegalia vogeliana, 256
savonnette, 294 Senegalia westiana, 256
savonnette bois, 260 senjan dive, 329
savonnette pays, 294 senn, 330
savonnette riviere, 260 Senna, 111,318,330
savonier, 294 Senna angustiliqua, 220
savonye, 329 Senna angustiliqua var. angustisiliqua, 263, 304, '
scaly bark beefwood, 246 312
scarletbush, 290 Senna atomaria, 120,202,206,220,227,228,
Schaejferia berterii, 247 263,306,318,324
Schaejferia buxijolia, 247 Senna domingensis, 263
Schaejferia completa, 247 Senna mexicana var. berteriana, 263
Schaefferiafrutescens, 13,202,220,247,303, Senna mexicana var. mexicana, 263
307,310,318,327,331 Senna nitida, 263
Schaejferia laterijlora, 253 Senna pendula, 220
schefflera, 237 . Senna pendula var. advena, 263, 305
Sche~era, 303, 310, 331 Senna polYPhylla var. montis-christi, 202, 263'
Schefflera actinophylla, 237 Senna polyphylla var. polyphylla, 263
Schefflera morototoni, 177,202,220,238,307, Senna septemtrionalis, 263
332 Senna siamea, 110-117, 135, 150, 178,202,224,
Schefflera tremula, 238, 305 225,227-230,264,318
Schinus jagara, 292 Senna spectabilis, 202
Schinus melicoccus, 294 Senna spectabilis var. spectabilis, 264
Schinus molle, 220, 234 senna tree, 263
Schinus terebinthifolius, 220, 234 senne, 263
Schmidelia macrocarpa, 255 sentespri, 188, 330
Schmidelia occidentalis, 293 sepan, 330
Schoepjia chrysophylloides, 283 sepi,298
Schoepjia haitiensis, 283 sereipo, 261
Schoepjia obovata, 283 serillo, 293
Schoepjia olivacea, 283 seriz, 330
Schoepfra schreberi, 283 seriz dayiti, 172, 330
Sciacassia siamea, Ill, 264 seriz me, 330
Sciadodendrun excelsum, 238, 332 seriz sendoming, 216, 330
sea grape, 286, 287 seriz sirinam, 330
sea myrtle, 300 serpent, 236
sea samphire, 297 serrazuela, 269
seaside mahaut, 270 ~errucho, 283, 298
Sebastiania buchU, 255 sesbania, 264.
Sebastiania lucida, 253 Sesbania aculeata, 264
Sebastiania pallens, 253 Sesbania aegyptiaca, 264
Sebesten sebestena, 243 Sesbania aegyptiacus, 264
secagarganta, 276 Sesbania bispinosa, 264
Securinega acidothamnus, 255 Sesbania grandiflora, 220, 264, 328
Securinega acidoton, 202, 255 Sesbania sesban, 220,264
serl,62-69, 162, 188,211,215,329 seso vegetal, 294
sed blan, 63, 68, 329 sewaI, 191,213,330
sed panyol, 63 shaddock,95,292
sed wouj, 68,329 shaving-brush tree, 242
seda blanca, 253 shortleaf fig, 27.4
semi-rubia, 257 showy palicourea, 290
sen de la tierra, 263 Siamese senna, 111,264
sen del pals, 263 Siamese shower, 111, 264

Index 411
sibanicu, 251 Solanum, 303
~bilinn, 199,218,330 Solanum antillarum, 202, 298
Sideroxylon domingense, 296 Solanum asperum, 298
Sideroxylon foetidissimum,' 296 Solanum erianthum, 202, 298, 303, 330
Sideroxylon mastichodendron, 296 Solanum jicifolium, 298
Sideroxylon obovatum, 295 Solanum formonense, 298
Sideroxylon portoricense, 296 .Solanum polygamum, 298
Sideroxylon sapota, 297 Solanum rugosum, 202, 298
siete pisos, 238 Solanum torvum, 202, 298
siete-cueros, 254, 302 Solanum verbascifolium, 298
siguaraya macho, 273 soldier wood, 287
sikren, 170, 195,215,330 sopaipo, 288
sikriye, 330 sopaipo extranjero, 263
sikriye mon, 330 soplillo, 119,260
silk cotton, 242 sota crlollo, 252
silk oak, 287 sou marque, 263
silk tassel bush, 266 soufrlere, 272
silver oak, 287 sour gourd, 242
simarouba, 39, 255, 297 sour orange, 95, 291
Simarouba,202,306,314 soursop, 234
Simarouba berteroana, 39~5, 297, 314 southern bayberry, 275
Simarouba glauea, 29 southern magnolia, 269
Simarouba glauea var.latifolia, 38~5, 178, 220, Spanish bayonet, 268
297,305,308,312,319 Spanish carnation, 257
Simarouba medicinalis, 39, 297 Spanish cedar, 63, 273
Simarouba officinalis, 39,297 Spanish dagger, 268
SIMAROUBACEAE, 297 Spanish dildo, 244
simaruba, 297 Spanish elm, 243
Simpsonia microcarpa, 240 Spanish lime, 294
sip, 187,203,241,295,330 Spanish plum, 234
Siphonia brasiliensis, 253 Spathodea eampanulata, 179; 202,241, 325
sipre, 191,213,330 spiceberry eugenia, 279
sirio, 330 spider flower, 272
siris tree, 256 spineless acacia, 256
sissoo, 259 spineless tuna, 244
sisu, 259 Spondias, 325, 332
sitwan mawon, 330 Spondias brunea, 243
sitwon, 95, 163, 189,212, 330, 335 . Spondias cirouella, 234
sitwon vet, 330 Spondias cytherea, 234
siwel, 202, 220, 330 Spondias dulcis, 202, 234, 325, 328
siwo, 200, 201, 219, 220, 330 Spondias lutea, 234
siwo bannann, 330 Spondias lutea var. glabra, 234
skunk bush, 266 Spondias lutea var. maxima, 234
skyflower, 302 Spondias macrocarpa, 234
sleeping hibiscus, 271 Spondias mombin, 87,179,202,220,234,315,
Sloanea, 311 316,325
Sloanea amygdalina, 202, 220, 250, 303, 307~ 320 Spondias mombin x S. purpurea, 234
Sloanea berteriana, 202, 251 Spondias myrobalanus, 234
Sloanea castor, 251 Spondias nigrescens, 234
Sloanea domingensis, 250 Spondias pseudomyrobalanus, 234
Sloanea ilielfolia, 220, 251, 311 Spondiaspu~urea,202,207,220,234,330,332
small-leaf mahogany, 47 Spondias radlokoferi, 234
smooth snake-bark, 287 . Spondias x robe, 234
snake-bark, 13, 287 Sponia canescens, 301
snake-wood, 13, 287 Sponia micrantha, 301
soap tree, 287 spoon tree, 246
soapberry, 294 Stahlia maritima, 264
SOLANACEAE, 298 Stahlia monosperma, 202, 264
412 Index
Staphylea occidentalis, 298 Swietenia krukovii, 47, 273 •
STAPHYLEACEAE, 298 Swietenia macrophylla, 47-55, 133, 139, 179,
star fruit, 284 203,273,317
star pickle, 284 Swietenia mahagoni, 29, 46-55, 133, 139, 179,
star-apple, 295, 335 203,221,273,317
steel acacia, 255 Swietenia mahogoni, 47,273
Stegnosperma cubense, 285 'Swietenia tessmannii, 47, 273
Stegnosperma halimifolium, 285 switch sorrel, 294
Stenocalyx ligustrinus, 279 sybilline, 254
Stenocalyx portoricensis, 279 Symphonia globulifera, 203, 248, 307
Stenolobium incisum, 241 SYMPLOCACEAE, 299
Stenolobium stans, 241 Symplocos berteroi, 299
Stenostomum densiflorum, 290 Symplocos domingensis, 299
Stenostomum lucidum, 289 Symplocos hotteana, 299
Sterculia apetala, 203, 220, 299, 327 Symplocos hyboneura, 299
Sterculia carthaginensis, 299 Symplocos martinicensis var. berterii, 299
SterculiafoeUda,299 Symplocos pilifera, 299
STERCULIACEAE.298 Syzygium cumini, 282
Sterigmanthe splendens, 253 Syzygium jambolanum, 282
Stevensia hotteana, 291 Syzygiumjambos, 180,203,221,282,316,328
Stillingia eglandulosa, 253 Syzygium malaccense, 203, 282, 327
Stillingia laurifolia, 255
stinging nettle, 301
stink casha, 255 -T-
stinking toe, 260 tabac marron, 298,
stinking-fish, 272 tabaca,256
stiagbnya,216,330 tabaco,' 261
stragonya blan, 330 tabaco cimarr6n, 298
stragornia, 269 tabac6n, 298
stragornia blanc, 269 tabac6n aspero, 298
stramoine-en-arbre, 298 tabacuelo, 258, 298
stramwann,.330 tabaiba,235
Strumpfw maritima, 220, 291 tabak mawon, 202, 330
STYRACACEAE,299 Tabebuia, 203
Styrax obtusifolius, 299 Tabebuia acrophylla, 241, 308,309
Styrax ochraceus, 299 Tabebuia berteri, 241, 310, 330
sucrier, 260 Tabebuia conferta, 241
sucrier des montagnes, 244 , Tabebuia dominicensis, 241
sucrin,260 Tabebuia heterophylla, 180,241,328
sugar apple, 23? Tabebuia heterophylla ssp. pallida, 241
sureau, 233, 285 Tabebuia lucida, 241
sureau plantain, 285 Tabebuia pallida, 241
Surenus brownei, 273 Tabebuia pallida ssp. dominicensis, 241
Suriana'maritima;'203; 220, 297, 320; 327 Tabebuia pallida ssp. heterophylla, 241
Surinam cherry, 280 Tabebuia pentaphylla, 241
swamp blood wood, 263 tabeno, 71, 196,216,330
swamp immortelle, 259 Tabernaemontana amygdalifolia, 236
swamp sheoak, 246 Tabernaemontana berterii, 236
sweet acacia, 255 Tabernaemontana citrifolia, 203, 221, 236, 307,
sweet orange, 95, 292 308,321
sweetpea, 260 Tabernaemontana coronaria, 236
sweetsop, 235 Tabernaemontana divaricata, 236, 318
sweetwood, 267, 268 Tabernaemontana oppositifolia, 236
Swietenia,29 tabernon, 71, 260
Swietenia belizensis, 47, 273 tabilla,253
Swietenia candollei, 47, 273 taburete, 290
Swietimiafabrilis, 47, 273 tachuela, 261
Swietenia humilis, 47, 49'
Index 413
tachuelo, 257, 261 terebinthina, 281
tafetan, 290 Terebinthinus glauca, 244
TilJisia jimenezii, 294 Terebinthinus nashii, 244
tall abizia, 256 Terebinthus brownei,. 234
tall columnar cactus, 244 Terebraria resinosa, 290 .
tallow tree, 255 Terminalia badamia, 248
tamarenn, 180,203,221,330 Terminalia buceras, 248
tamarenn mawon, 330 Terminalia catappa, 181,203,207,221,248,303,
tamarenn mowi, 330 332
tamarin, 264 Terminalia domingensis ssp. domingensis, 249
tamarinde; 264 Terminalia intermedia,' 249
tamarinde marron, 256 Terminalia mauritiana, 248
tamarinde mori, 256 Terminalia moluccana, 248
tamarindillo, 119, 260, 264 Terminalia myrobalana, 248
tamarindo, 264 Terminalia spinosa, 248
tamarindo chino, 262 Ternstroemia albopunctata, 299
tamarindo cimarr6n, 256 Ternstroemia barkeri, 300
tamarindo de lorna, 249 Ternstroemia glandulosa, 300
tamarindo de sierra, 249 Ternstroemia meridionalis, 300
tamarindo de teta, 261 Ternstroemia obovalis, 300
tamarindo silvestre, 255 Ternstroemiapeduncularis, 203, 221, 300, 305
Tamarindus indica, 180,203,221,264,330 Ternstroemia selleana, 300
tamarinier, 264 Tetragastris, 203
Tamonea guanensis, 272 Tetragastris balsamifera, 221, 244, 307, 330
Tamonea macrophylla, 272 Tetragastris ossaea, 244
tandrakayou, 184,208,330 Tetragastris panamensis, 244
tangerine, 95, 292 Tetrazygia, 203 .
Taonabo peduncularis, 300 Tetrazygia angustifolia, 272
tapa camino, 276, 290, 291 Tetrazygia elaeagnoides, 272
tap6n blanco, 277 thatch palm, 240
Tapura haitiensis, 250 THEACEAE, 299
taquito, 256, 263 Theka grandis, 302
tarana, 252, 284 Theobroma cacao, 181,221,317
tarro de chiva, 251 Theobroma cacao subsp. cacao, 204, 299
taveno, 70-77,330 Theobroma guazuma, 299
taveno mon, 330 THEOPHRASTACEAE, 300
taverneau, 71, 260 Thespesiapopulnea, 204, 221, 271, 312, 3.15, 316,
taverneau montagne, 261 325
tavernon, 71, 260 Thevetia neriifolia, 236
tavernon montagne, 261 . Thevetia peruviana, 204, 221, 236, 303, 310, 312,
ochatcha, 156, 185,208,256,331 313, 326, 330
tcha tcha mawon, 119,331 Thevetia thevetia, 236
tcha-teha marron, 119, 256, 260 Thibaudia cubensis, 251
tea, 158, 289 ' Thoilinia, 307
tea cimarrona, 294 Thouinia deflexa, 295
teak,302 Thouinia domingensis var. deflexa, 295
teca, 302 Thouinia domingensis var. domingensis, 295
teck,302 Thouinia inaequalis, 295
Tecoma stans, 203, 221,241, 311, 313, 332 Thouinia ligustrina, 284
Tecoma tronodora, 241 Thouiniamilleri, 295
Tectona grandis, 126, 181,203,302,331 Thouinia multinervis, 295
Tectona theka, 302 Thouinia pinnata, 295
teflla, 291 Thouinia pulverulenta, 295
tefllo, 289 Thouinia racemosa, 295
tek, 181,203,331 Thouinia revoluta, 295
temporana, 297 Thouinia scopar~a, 295
tendre a cailloux, 256 Thouinia spicata, 295
terciopelo,272 Thouinia trifoliata, 295, 307, 309
414 Index
Thouinidium inaequilaterum, 295 tocuma, 296
Thouinidium pinnatum, 295, 316 Toluifera pereirae, 261
Thouinidium pulverulentum, 295, 305 Tom Bartein's bush, 297
Thrinax, 321 tomasina, 296
Thrinax argentea, 239 tomegufn, 292
Thrinax bahamensis, 240 toothache tree, 293
Thrinax drudei, 240 toporite, 266
Thrinax ekmanii, 240 torchwood,291
Thrinax flo ridana, 240 toronja, 95, 292
Thrinax keyensis, 240 toronja de la India, 95, 292
Thrinax longistyla, 239 Torralbasia cunefolia, 204, 247
Thrinax martii, 240 Torralbasia domingensis, 247
Thrinax microcarpa, 240 Torrubia brevipetiolata, 282
Thrinax morrisii, 182,204,221,240 Torrubia discolor, 282
Thrinax multiflora, 239 Torrubia domingensis, 282
Thrfnax ponceana, 240 Torrubia fragrans, 282
Thrinax punctulata, 240 Torrubia inermis, 282
Thrinax radiata, 240 Torrubia ligustrifolia, 282
Thrinax wendlandiana, 240 Torrubia obtusata, 283
Thyana trifoliata, 295 Torrubia rufescens, 283
THYMELIACEAE, 300 tortugo amarillo, 296
ti abe, 208, 331 toitugo colorado, 296
ti bwa blan, 331 toti marron, 296
ti bwa denn, 192, 331 toti mawon, 331
ti bwapen, 187,331 totuma, 296
ti bwi, 331 Tovomita clusioides, 247
ti ley, 205, 331 Tovomita grisebachiana, 247
ti flambwayan, 331 towo tig, 187,210,331
ti gason, 202, 220, 331 tramble, 331
ti gayak, 331 traveler's palm, 275
ti grenn, 194, 331 tree fern, 242, 249
ti kafe, 331 tree tomato, 298
ti kalson, 209, 331 trejo, 243, 251, 287
ti kaymit, 189,331 Trema lamarckiana, 204, 301, 323
ti koko, 331 Trema lima, 301
ti kwokwo, 331 Trema micrantha, 204, 301, 310
ti monben, 331 tremble, 238
ti palmis mawon, 331 trembler, 238
ti. pom, 222, 331 tres palabras, 293
ti rezen, 331 tresfilos, 272
ti rezen Mine, 331 Tricera glomerata, 244
ti seriz, 216, 331 Trichilia, 304, 324
ti soley, 190, 191,213,331 Trichiliaaquifolia, 273,305,308
ti wou, 215, 331 Trichilia cuneifolia, 273
Tibouchina longifolia, 272, 305 Trichilia dictyoneura, 297
tie tongue, 287 . Trichilia diversifolia, 273
tiguapen, 275 Trichilia havanensis, 221, 273, 308
tikimit, 331 Trichilia hirta, 133, 182,204,221,273,304,314,
-TILIACEAE,301 325,329,331
timaque,'289 Trichiliapallida, 221, 273, 312, 331
tinajero, 280 Trichma spondioides, 273
tintillo, 291 Trichilia truncata, 273 '
Tinus escallonioides, 276 Trichostigma octandrum, 285, 304, 321
Tinus obovata, 276 Trichostigma rivinoides, 285
tiquimite, 295 Trilix crucis, 265
tirabuz6n, 252 trois cotes, 272, 294
tirajala, 274 trois feuilles, 293
Tobinia ternata, 293 trois paroles, 273, 291, 293
trois pieds, 243 uvero de playa, 287
trompeta de angel, 298 . uvilla, 270, 286, 287
trompette, 274 uvilla de sierra, 286
trompette male, 238 uvillo, 286
Trophis americana, 275 uvill6n, 287
Trophis racemosa, 204, 221, 275, 308, 328 uvita, 243
tropical almond, 248
trumpet flower, 298
trumpet-tree, 274 -v-
tsewal,246 Vaccinium cubense, 251
tu-fais, 279 Vachellia farnesiana, 255
tu-y-yo, 253 vacme,252
tulipan africano, 241 vaillant gan;on, 297
. tulipan sencillo, 298 vallahonda,3, 262
tuna, 244 Vargasia glabra, 295
tuna de Espana, 244 varia, 23,243
tuna mansa, 244 varia amarilla, 23, 243
tung-oil tree, 252 varia blanca, 243
turkey berry, 298 varia colorado, 23, 243
turpentine tree, 244 varfa prieta, 23, 243
Turpina occidentalis, 204, 298 varita de San Jose, 145,259
Turpina paniculata, 298 varital, 253
Turpina picardae, 298 varraco, 270
twa fey, 185, 208, 331 Varronia calyptrata, 243
twa kat, 331 vayan gason, 332
twa pawal, 185,221,331 vela muerto, 263
twa pye, 191,213,331 velvet berry, 290
twazokat, 191, 197,213,217,331 velvetseed,290
twisted acacia, 256 vencedor, 268
twompet, 162, 188,211,332 Venezuelan mahogany, 47, 273
twompet mal, 332 vera, 294, 302
-u- verdiseco, 272
veritab, 332
ucar, 248 veritable, 274
ucarillo, 269 Vernonia. See ASTERACEAE
ULMACEAE,301 verraco, 270
umkokolo, 265 vfbona, 237, 289
una de gato, 262, 282, 283, 292,293 vfbora, 237, 282, 283
Urania speciosa, 275 Victorinia acranda, 255
Urbanoguarea sphenophylla, 273 vigueta, 290
Urera baccifera, 301, 312, 324 vinagrillo, 284
URTICACEAE; 301 vinuette, 288
uva,270 vinyet, 332
uva caleta, 287 violet cimarrona, 298
uva cimarrona, 286 violeta, 273, 298
uva de mar, 287 Vitex, 182
uva de playa, 287 Vitex agnus-castus, 221, 302
uva de sierra, 286 Vitex divaricata, 204, 302, 308
uva gomosa, 243 Vitex heptaphylla, 221, 302, 309, 315
Uvaria lanceolata, 235 Vitex multiflora, 302
Uvaria laurifolia, 235 vomitel colorado, 243
Uvaria odorata, 235
, Uvaria virgata, 235
uvas, 287 -w-
uverillo, 286 Wallenia apiculata, 276
uvero, 286,287 Wallenia clusiaefolia, 276
416 Index
Wallenia ekmanii, 276 wild honey tree, 265
Walleniaformonensis, 276 wild lime, 283
Wallenia laurifolia, 276, 307, 322,328, 329, 331 wild mespel, 295
wan prime, 332 wild oil nut, 254
Warmingia macrocarpa, 234 wild poponax, 256
water wood, 237 wild rose apple, 248
wawi, 210, 332 wild tamarind, 71, 119,255,260
wax myrtle, 275 wild tobacco, 298
waxberry, 275 willow bustic, 295
Weinmannia hirta, 249 wing-leaved honey berry, 294
Weinmannia pinnata, 204, 221, 249 winter bark, 245
Wercklea horiida, 271 Winterana canella, 245
Wercklea hottensis, 271 wob, 202, 332
West Indian birch, 244 woman wood, 237
West Indian boxwood, 301 women's tongue, 256
West Indian buckthorn, 288 wormwood, 256
West Indian cherry, 270 wou, 195,332
West Indian elm, 299 woujiol, 332
West Indian falsebox, 246 woukou, 186,210,332
West Indian lancewood, 235 woz mawon, 332
West Indian laurel cherry, 289
West Indian lime, 95, 291
West Indian locust, 260 -x-
West Indian mahogany, 47, 273 Ximenia aculeata, 283
West Indian quinine bark, 290 Ximenia americana, 204, 221, 283, 320, 323, 330
West Indian sabicu, 71, 260 Ximenia elliptica, 283
West Indian s'now-berry, 289 Ximenia horrida, 283
West Indian sumac, 249 Ximenia multiflora,.283
West Indian trema, 301 Ximeniopsis horridus, 283
West Indian walnut, 267 Xolisma apiculata, 251
West Indies mahogany, 47,,273 Xolisma costata, 251
white beefwood, 283 Xolisma elongata, 251
white caIliandra, 258 Xolisma longelaminata, 251
white cordia, 243 Xolisma pseudotinensis, 251
white fiddlewood, 302 Xolisma tinensis, 251
white logwood, 266 Xolisma truncata, 251
white manjack, 243 Xylocarpa carapa, 273
white plum, 247 Xylosma, 204
white rosewood, 284 Xylosma buxijolium, 265
white siris, 256 Xylosma coriaceum, 265
white teak, 302 Xylosma glaucescens, 265
white-aIling, 275 ' Xylosma~lineolatu1Trj~'265;'''32''''':-''; ..;"..,_.' ,.
white-mangrove, 248 Xylosma schaefferioides, 266
white-stopper eugenia, 278
whitewood, 237~ 267
whitewood bark, 245 -y-
Wikstroemia alpestris, 300
Wikstroemia portoricensis, 300 yaba, 256
wil maskrlti, 332 yaba colorada, 256
wild akee, 273 yacca,'285
wild brasiletto, 249 yagrumita, 284
wild cainit, 295 yagrumo, 274
wild cherry, 246, 265 yagrumo hembra, 274
wild cinnamon, 245, 281 yagrumo macho, 238, 284
wild coffee, 265, 290, 291 yagua, 243,265,288
wild ebony, 13, 287 yagiiita, 265
wild fig, 274 yagiiita grande, 265
wild grape, 286 yaicuaje, 294
Index 417
yaitf, 253, 295 zamon marron, 286
yamagua, 273 zamon mawon, 332
yamaguey, 261 zanmande, 248
yamao, 273 Zanthoxylum, 182,309,327
yana, 248, 283 Zanthoxylum anadenium, 292
yana prieta, 255 Zanthoxylum aromaticum, 292
yanilla, 255 Zanthoxylum bifoliolatum, 292
yanilla blanca, 284 Zanthoxylum bombacifolium, 291
yanilla prieta, 255 Zanthoxylum coriaceum, 292
yarador, 272 Zanthoxylum elephantiasis, 222, 292
yaray, 240 Zanthoxylum jagara, 222, 292
yareicillo, 280 Zanthoxylum flavum, 204, 292
yarey, 239, 240 Zanthoxylum juglandifolium, 292
yarfa de costa, 251 Zanthoxylum lanceolatum, 292
yarua, 278 Zanthoxylum lenticellosum, 292
yaya, 235,290,295 Zanthoxylum leonardii, 292
yaya blanca, 235 Zanthoxylum martinicense, 204, 222, 292, 309,
yaya boba, 235, 289 327
yaya dura, 246 Zanthoxylum microphyllum, 293
yaya fina, 235 Zanthoxylum monophyllum, 204, 292
yaya pesada, 235 Zanthoxylum nashii: 293
yaya prieta, 235 Zanthoxylum obcordatum, 293
yellow candlewood, 263 Zanthoxylum ochroleucum, 292
yellow flamboyant, 261 Zanthoxylum pimpinelloides, 222, 293, 312
yellow hercules, 292 Zanthoxylum pterota, 292
yellow mombin, 234 Zanthoxylum punctatum, 293
.yellow nickar, 257 Zanthoxylum simplicifoiium, 292
yellow palm, 239 Zanthoxylum spinifex,·293, 307
yellow poinciana, 261 Zanthoxylum tematum, 293
yellow prickly ash, 292 Zanthoxylum trifoliatum, 293
yellow sanders, 248, 292 Zanthoxylum venosum, 293
yellow shower, 264 zapatero, 71, 260
yellow torch, 290 zapat6n, 238
yerba de la suerte, 302 zapat6n blanco, 264
yerba luisa, 302 zapote negro, 250
ylang-ylang, 235 zarcilla, 261
yokewood,29,241 zarza, 261, 283
Yucca, 304 zarza de tomegufn, 292
Yucca aloifolia, 268, 327 zarza lim6n, 283
Yucca elephantipes, 268 ze poul, 332
yuquillo, 254 zeb aklou, 214,332
yuraguana, 239 zeb sennikola, 332
zibeline, 284

-z- zibeline blonde, 284

zibeline longue, 284
zabelbok, 105, 268 ziblinn, 332
zaboka, 104-109, 175, 199,218,268,332 ziblinn blon, 333
zaboka mawon, 185,209,332 ziblinn long, 333
zabriko, 172, 196,201,216,332,335 Ziziphus, 205, 319
zabriko bata, 332 Ziziphus crenata, 288
zabriko mawon, 332 Ziziphus emarginata, 288
zakasya, 155, 184, 332 Ziziphus havanensis, 288
zakasyajon, 155, 184,208,332 Ziziphus jujuba, 288
zakasya nwa, 184, 332 Ziziphus mauritiana, 222, 288, 316, 321, 327, 331
zakasya pikan, 184,205,208,332 Ziziphus orth~cantha, 288 .
zakasya wouj, 184,205,332 Ziziphus reticulata, 288
zamann, 181,203,221,332 Ziziphus rhodoxylon, 288,310, 318, 320
Ziziphus rignonii, 288, 320, 323, 330, 333
418 Index
Ziziphus tomentosa, 288
Ziziphus urbanii, 288
Ziziphus vulgaris, 288
. zo devan mawon, 333
Zombia antillarum, 240, 32~
Zombia antillarum var. gonzalezii, 240
zoraille, 288
zoranj, 163, 189,333
zoranj dOlls, 95, 212, 333
zoranj si, 95, 212, 333
zoray, 333
Zuelania guidonia, 222, 266, 316
Zuelania laetioides, 266
Zygia latifolia, 264, 306
Zygia unguis-cati, 262
Bwa Yo: Important Trees of Haiti

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