Product Data: 48TJ008-014 Single-Package Rooftop Units Electric Cooling/Gas Heating 50 HZ

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Product Single-Package Rooftop Units

Data Electric Cooling/Gas Heating
50 Hz

Nominal Capacity: 21.5 kW to 35.9 kW

(6.1 to 10.2 Tons)

Single-Package Rooftop Units with:

• Alumagard™ heat exchanger
• Induced-draft fan for gas
• Tubular-dimpled heat exchangers
• Exclusive integrated gas control
board with diagnostics
• Galvanized prepainted steel
• Fifty-one mm (2-in.) return-air
• Commercial strength base rails
• Exclusive tool-less filter access
• Corrosion-resistant sloped conden-
sate pan
• Single power entry to unit
• Commercial duty motors with per-
manently lubricated bearings
• Standard cooling operation at out-
door ambient temperatures as low
as −4 C (25 F)
• Meets ASHRAE Standard 62 for
indoor air quality

Compact, vertical discharge
units convert to horizontal
discharge, combining instal-
lation flexibility with effi-
cient performance and easy
Easy installation and
All units are shipped in the vertical
discharge configuration for fit-up
to standard roof curbs. The contractor
can order and install the roof curb
early in the construction stage, before
decisions on size requirements are

Copyright 1999 Carrier Corporation Form 48TJ-C3PD

All units feature roll-formed baserail Standard units are designed for manufactured using prepainted steel.
design with forklift slots on all natural gas. An LP (liquid propane) The cabinet is constructed of galva-
3 sides and rigging holes for easier Conversion Kit is available as an nized steel and bonderized, and all
maneuvering. Durable packaging accessory, if required. Installation of exterior panels are coated with a pre-
protects all units during shipment and the accessory LP kit simply involves painted baked enamel finish. The
storage. changing the gas orifices to accommo- paint finish is non-chalking, and is ca-
date liquid propane gas. pable of withstanding Federal (U.S.A.)
The units can be easily converted
Test Method Standard No. 141
from a vertical to a horizontal dis- Simple electrical connections (Method 6061) 500-hour salt spray
charge configuration by interchanging Terminal boards, located in the base test. All internal cabinet panels are
the panels supplied with the unit. unit control box, facilitate connections primed, permitting longer life and
All units feature a non-corrosive to room thermostat, outdoor ther- a more attractive appearance for the
sloped condensate drain pan in accor- mostat(s), economizer, and electric entire unit. In addition, the units
dance with ASHRAE (American So- heat. Service panels are quickly are designed with a single, continuous
ciety of Heating, Refrigeration and Air removed, permitting easy servicing. top piece to eliminate any possible
Conditioning Engineers) Standard Thru-the-bottom service connection leaks. Totally enclosed condenser-fan
62. Also, the new, sloped condensate capability allows power and control motors and permanently lubricated
pan permits either an external side wiring to be routed through the unit bearings provide additional unit
condensate drain (outside the roof basepan, minimizing roof penetra- dependability.
curb) or an internal bottom drain tions. Both power and control connec-
(inside the roof curb). Both options tions are made on the same side of
Integrated economizers and
require a field-supplied P-trap. Plus, the unit to simplify installation. In outdoor air
the new condenser coil grille (available addition, color-coded wires permit easy During a first stage call for cooling, if
as a field-installed accessory) pro- tracing and diagnostics. the outdoor-air temperature is be-
vides a metal plate as an alternate loca- low the control set point, the leaving-
tion for the field-supplied disconnect,
Proven compressor reliability air sensor modulates the economizer
if desired. Design techniques feature computer- outdoor-air damper open to achieve
programmed balance between com- the set point. When second-stage
In addition, the units have a stand- pressor, condenser, and evaporator.
ard filter access door, which per- cooling is called for, the compressor is
Carrier-specified hermetic compressors energized in addition to the econo-
mits tool-less filter changes. are equipped with compressor over- mizer. If the outdoor-air temperature
Efficient, dependable gas heat current and overtemperature pro- is above the set point, the first stage
operation tection to ensure dependability. of compression is activated and the
Dimpled heat exchangers optimize Carrier’s exclusive Acutrol™ meter- economizer stays at minimum vent
heat transfer for improved efficiency. ing device precisely controls refrig- position. Economizer operation is
The tubular design permits hot gases erant flow, preventing slugging and controlled by Accusensor™ I dry-bulb
to make multiple passes across the flood-back, while maintaining optimum thermostat that senses outdoor-air
path of the supply air. In addition, unit performance. temperature. Accessory upgrade kits
dimpled heat exchanger tubes act as include solid-state enthalpy control
baffles, forcing the hot gases to stay in Durable, dependable and differential enthalpy sensor.
close contact with the cell walls to construction
maximize heat transfer and efficiency. Designed for durability in any climate,
the weather-resistant cabinets are
The induced draft combustion sys-
tem eliminates the unsightly
appearance of flue stacks, and
diminishes the effects of winds on Table of contents
heating operation. The inducer fan Page
draws hot combustion gas through the Features/Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
heat exchanger at the optimum rate Model Number Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
for the most effective heat trans- Capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
fer. The induced draft also prevents Physical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,6
contaminants from entering the supply Options and Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,8
air if a leak in the heat exchanger Base Unit Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
occurs. Accessory Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Dual-stage gas heat on all size units Selection Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,12
maximizes efficiency and customizes Performance Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-31
comfort. Electrical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
The direct spark ignition system Typical Piping and Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
saves operating expense when com- Typical Wiring Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
pared to old-style pilot ignition sys- Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
tems. No crossover tube is required, Application Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
therefore no sooting or pilot foul- Guide Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-39
ing problems can occur.
Features/Benefits (cont)
The newly designed Durablade providing visual fault notification and limit switches shut off the gas valve.
economizer has a reliable sliding plate system status confirmation. After 4 continuous short cycles of the
damper which is easily adjusted for The IGC also contains an exclusive high-temperature limit switch, the
100% outdoor air, 100% return air, or anti-cycle protection for gas heat IGC board locks out the gas heat
any proportions of mixed air. operation. After 4 continuous cycles cycle to prevent any further short
on the unit high-temperature limit cycles. This safety feature is provided
Quiet, efficient operation and exclusively on Carrier rooftop units.
dependable performance switch, the gas heat operation is dis-
abled, and an error code is issued. The rollout switch also deenergizes
Compressors have vibration isolators the gas valve in the event of a flame
This feature greatly improves reliability
for extremely quiet operation. Efficient rollout.
of the rooftop unit.
fan and motor design permits opera-
tion at very low sound levels, and The IGC also contains burner con- Indoor-air quality begins with
all units are mounted on independent trol logic for accurate and depend- Carrier rooftops
mounting rails. able gas ignition. The LED is visible Sloped condensate pans minimize
without removing the unit control box biological growth in rooftop units in
The 48TJ units offer high energy
access panel. This LED fault- accordance with ASHRAE Stand-
efficiency and lower utility costs
notification system reduces service ard 62. Two-in. filters with accessory
through part load operation using 2
person troubleshooting time and mini- dirty filter indicator switch provide
stages of cooling.
mizes service costs. The IGC also for greater particle reduction in the
Quiet and efficient operation is pro- maximizes heating efficiency by con- return air. The face-split evapora-
vided by belt-driven evaporator fans trolling evaporator-fan on and off tor coils improve the dehumidification
(standard). The belt-driven evaporator- delays. capability of the standard units, and
fan motor allows adjustment to avail- standard enthalpy controls provided
able static pressure to meet the job Safety is built in
with the optional or accessory econo-
requirements of even the most All 48TJ units have a flame rectifica-
mizers maximize building humidity
demanding applications. tion sensor to quickly sense the
burner flame and ignite burners al-
Integrated gas unit controller most immediately. Fast shutdown is a For units without economizer, year-
(IGC) certainty since the sensor reacts round ventilation can be enhanced
All ignition components are contained quickly to any flame outage or system by a manual outdoor-air damper (or-
in the compact IGC which is easily failure. In the event of a shutdown, dered as an accessory.) The damper
accessible for servicing. The IGC con- an error code is issued at the IGC can be preset to admit up to 25% out-
trol board, designed and manufac- board. door air.
tured exclusively for Carrier rooftop In addition, the barometric relief
units, provides built-in diagnostic Safety is also assured due to the
heating safety controls which will shut damper can be utilized to help main-
capability. An LED (light-emitting di- tain proper building pressure.
ode) simplifies troubleshooting by down the unit if there is a problem.
If excessive temperatures develop,

Model number nomenclature

Al — Aluminum
Cu — Copper
FIOP — Factory-Installed Option
*Refer to 48TJ Product Ordering Data or contact your local Carrier repre-
sentative for 48TJ FIOP code table.
†All coils have copper tubes.

First Stage/Second Stage First Stage/Second Stage °C (°F)
48TJD008 21.1/31.4 17.3/25.7 −6 to 10 82 82
(72,000/107,000) (59,000/87,700) (20 to 50)
48TJE008 31.9/50.4 25.5/40.3 2 to 18 80 80
(109,000/172,000) (87,200/137,600) (35 to 65)
48TJF008 39.8/59.8 31.9/47.8 7 to 24 80 80
(136,000/204,000) (108,800/163,200) (45 to 75)
48TJD012 31.9/50.4 25.5/40.3 2 to 18 80 80
109,000/172,000) (87,200/137,600) (35 to 65)
48TJE012 39.8/59.8 31.9/47.8 7 to 24 80 80
(136,000/204,000) (108,800/163,000) (45 to 75)
48TJF012 43.9/65.6 35.2/52.5 4 to 21 80 80
(150,000/224,000) (120,000/179,200) (40 to 70)
48TJD014 39.8/59.8 31.9/47.8 7 to 24 80 80
(136,000/204,000) (108,800/163,000) (45 to 75)
48TJE014 43.9/65.6 35.2/52.5 4 to 21 80 80
(150,000/224,000) (120,000/179,200) (40 to 70)

AFUE — Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency

Physical data — 48TJ008-014 (SI)
UNIT SIZE 48TJ D/E/F008 D/E/F012 D/E014
NOMINAL CAPACITY (kW) 21.5 29.2 35.9
Unit 395 469 476
Economizer (Durablade) 20 20 20
Roof Curb* 65 65 65
Quantity 2 2 2
Oil (ml) 1479 ea 1479 ea 1922 ea
Operating Charge (kg)
Circuit 1 2.10 2.49 4.22
Circuit 2 2.13 2.55 3.90
CONDENSER COIL Enhanced Copper Tubes, Aluminum Lanced Fins
Rows...Fins/m 1...669 2...669 2...669
Total Face Area (sq m) 1.90 1.62 2.30
CONDENSER FAN Propeller Type
Nominal L/s 2880 3050 3050
Quantity...Diameter (mm) 2...559 2...559 2...559
Motor BkW...r/s .19...15.5 .19...15.5 .19...15.5
EVAPORATOR COIL Enhanced Copper Tubes, Aluminum Double-Wavy Fins, Acutrol™ Feed Device
Rows...Fins/m 3...590 3...590 4...590
Total Face Area (sq m) 0.74 0.93 1.03
EVAPORATOR FAN Centrifugal Type
Quantity...Size (mm x mm) 1...381 x 381 1...381 x 381 1...381 x 381
Type Drive Belt Belt Belt
Nominal L/s 1230 1700 1980
Motor kW 1.12 1.50 2.24
Maximum Continuous BkW 1.79 1.79 2.76
Motor Frame Size 56 56 56
Fan r/s Range 8.2-11.7 9.5-13.0 12.0-15.0
Motor Bearing Type Ball Ball Ball
Maximum Allowable r/s 26.7 26.7 26.7
Motor Pulley Pitch Diameter Min/Max (mm) 61/86 86/112 102/127
Nominal Motor Shaft Diameter (mm) 16 16 22
Fan Pulley Pitch Diameter (mm) 140 178 203
Nominal Fan Shaft Diameter (mm) 25 25 25
Belt, Quantity...Type...Length (mm) 1...A...1219 1...A...1219 1...A...1448
Pulley Center Line Distance (mm) 406 495 495
Speed Change per Full Turn of
Movable Pulley Flange (r/s) .70 .70 .60
Movable Pulley Maximum Full Turns
5 5 5
From Closed Position
Factory Setting 5 5 5
Factory Speed Setting (r/s) 8.2 9.5 12.0
Fan Shaft Diameter at Pulley (mm) 25 25 25
Rollout Switch Cutout (Temp C) 90.6 90.6 90.6
Burner Orifice Diameter (mm)
Natural Gas — Std 3.05 3.05 3.05
Liquid Propane — Alt 2.44 2.44 2.44
Thermostat Heat Anticipator Setting (amps)
400 v Stage 1 .14 .14 .14
Stage 2 .20 .20 .20
Gas Input (kW) Stage 1 21.1/31.9/39.8 31.9/39.8/43.9 39.8/43.9
Stage 2 31.4/50.4/59.8 50.4/59.8/65.6 59.8/65.6
Efficiency (Steady State) (%) 82/80/80 80/80/80 80/80
Temperature Rise Range (C) -6-10/2-18/7-24 2-18/7-24/4-21 7-24/4-21
Manifold Pressure (kPa)
Natural Gas — Std 8.3 8.3 8.3
Liquid Propane — Alt 8.3 8.3 8.3
Field Gas Connection Size (NPT) .50/.75/.75 .75/.75/.75 .75/.75
Standard Compressor Internal Relief 3103 ± 345 3448 ± 345
Cutout 2951
Reset (Auto.) 2206
Cutout 48 ± 21
Reset (Auto.) 152 ± 48
Opens (C) −1
Closes (C) 7
Quantity...Size (mm) 1...508 x 635 x 25
1...406 x 635 x 25
Quantity...Size (mm) 4...406 x 508 x 51 4...508 x 508 x 51 4...508 x 508 x 51

Bhp — Brake Horsepower
BkW — Fan Input Watts x Motor Efficiency
*Weight of 356 mm (14-in.) roof curb.
†Requires the accessory/optional controls upgrade kit.
NOTE: The 48TJ units have a loss-of-charge/low-pressure switch (option or
accessory) located in the liquid line.

Physical data — 48TJ008-014 (English)
UNIT SIZE 48TJ D/E/F008 D/E/F012 D/E014
NOMINAL CAPACITY (tons) 6.1 8.3 10.2
Unit 870 1035 1050
Economizer (Durablade) 44 44 44
Roof Curb* 143 143 143
Quantity 2 2 2
Oil (oz) 50 ea 50 ea 65 ea
Operating Charge (lb-oz)
Circuit 1 4-10 5-8 9-5
Circuit 2 4-11 5-10 8-7
CONDENSER COIL Enhanced Copper Tubes, Aluminum Lanced Fins
Rows...Fins/in. 1...17 2...17 2...17
Total Face Area (sq ft) 20.50 17.42 25.00
CONDENSER FAN Propeller Type
Nominal Cfm 6100 6500 6500
Quantity...Diameter (in.) 2...22 2...22 2...22
Motor Hp...Rpm 1⁄4...930 1⁄4...930 1⁄4...930

EVAPORATOR COIL Enhanced Copper Tubes, Aluminum Double-Wavy Fins, Acutrol™ Feed Device
Rows...Fins/in. 3...15 3...15 4...15
Total Face Area (sq ft) 8.0 10.0 11.1
EVAPORATOR FAN Centrifugal Type
Quantity...Size (in.) 1...15 x 15 1...15 x 15 1...15 x 15
Type Drive Belt Belt Belt
Nominal Cfm 2600 3500 4200
Motor Hp 11⁄2 2 3
Maximum Continuous Bhp 2.40 2.40 3.70
Motor Frame Size 56 56 56
Fan Rpm Range 492-700 571-779 717-900
Motor Bearing Type Ball Ball Ball
Maximum Allowable Rpm 1600 1600 1600
Motor Pulley Pitch Diameter Min/Max (in.) 2.4/3.4 3.4/4.4 4.0/5.0
Nominal Motor Shaft Diameter (in.) 5⁄8 5⁄8 7⁄8

Fan Pulley Pitch Diameter (in.) 5.5 7.0 8.0

Nominal Fan Shaft Diameter (in.) — — —
Belt, Quantity...Type...Length (in.) 1...A...48 1...A...48 1...A...51
Pulley Center Line Distance (in.) 16 19.5 19.5
Speed Change per Full Turn of
41 41 36
Movable Pulley Flange (rpm)
Movable Pulley Maximum Full Turns
5 5 5
From Closed Position
Factory Setting 5 5 5
Factory Speed Setting (rpm) 492 571 717
Fan Shaft Diameter at Pulley (in.) 1 1 1
Rollout Switch Cutout
Temp (F) 195 195 195
Burner Orifice Diameter
(in. ...drill size)
Natural Gas Std .120...31 .120...31/.120...31/.129...30 .120...31/.129...30
Liquid Propane Alt .096...41 .096...41/.096...41/.102...38 .096...41/.102...38
Thermostat Heat Anticipator
Setting (amps)
400 v Stage 1 .14 .14 .14
Stage 2 .20 .20 .20
Gas Input (Btuh) Stage 1 72,000/109,000/136,000 109,000/136,000/150,000 136,000/150,000
Stage 2 107,000/172,000/204,000 172,000/204,000/224,000 204,000/224,000
Efficiency (Steady
State) (%) 80 80 80
Temperature Rise Range 20-50/35-65/45-75 35-65/45-75/40-70 45-75/40-70
Manifold Pressure (in. wg)
Natural Gas Std 2.7 2.7 2.7
Liquid Propane Alt 2.7 2.7 2.7
Gas Valve Quantity 1 1 1
Gas Valve Pressure Range
Psig 0.180-0.487 0.180-0.487 0.180-0.487
in. wg 5.0-13.5 5.0-13.5 5.0-13.5
Field Gas Connection
Size (in.) ⁄/⁄/⁄
12 34 34 ⁄/⁄/⁄
34 34 34 ⁄/⁄
34 34


Standard Compressor Internal Relief 450 ± 50 500 ± 50
Cutout 428
Reset (Auto.) 320
Cutout 7±3
Reset (Auto.) 22 ± 7
Opens 30 ± 5
Closes 45 ± 5
Quantity...Size (in.) 1...20 x 25 x 1
1...16 x 25 x 1
Quantity...Size (in.) 4...16 x 20 x 2 4...20 x 20 x 2 4...20 x 20 x 2

LEGEND *Weight of 356 mm (14-in.) roof curb.

Bhp — Brake Horsepower †Requires the accessory/optional controls upgrade kit.
BkW — Fan Input Watts x Motor Efficiency NOTE: The 48TJ units have a loss-of-charge/low-pressure switch (option or ac-
cessory) located in the liquid line.

Options and accessories
Durablade Integrated Economizer (Includes Hood) X X
Manual Outdoor-Air Damper X
Non-Fused Disconnect Switch X
Controls Upgrade Kit X** X
Condenser Coil Grille X
Electronic Programmable Thermostat X
Roof Curbs (Vertical and Horizontal Discharge) X
Remote Control Panel X
Thermostats and Subbases X
MotormasterT II Head Pressure Control X
Time GuardT II Control Circuit X
Thru-the-Bottom Service Connections X
Accusensor™ II Enthalpy Control X
Accusensor III Enthalpy Sensor X
Condenser Coil Hail Guard Assembly X
LP (Liquid Propane) Conversion Kit X
NOx Reduction Kit X
Flue Discharge Deflector X
Flue Shield X
Fan/Filter Status X
*Factory installed.
†Field installed.
**Includes high-pressure, loss of charge/low pressure, and freeze protection switches.


The 48TJ standard units are designed to operate in cooling at outdoor tem-
peratures down to 25 F. With accessory Motormaster II control (condenser-fan
cycling), units can operate at outdoor temperatures down to −17 C. The head
pressure control, which mounts in the condenser section, controls the condenser-
fan motor to maintain correct condensing temperature. Refer to Product Or-
dering Data or contact your local Carrier representative for appropriate acces-
sory combinations for desired outdoor ambient temperature operation.


Factory-installed, internally-mounted, NEC and UL (U.S.A. Stand-

ards) approved non-fused switch provides unit power shutoff and
disconnect lockout protection capability. The switch is accessible from
outside the unit.

Options and accessories (cont)

Carrier’s electronic programmable thermostat pro-

vides efficient temperature control by allowing you
to program heating and cooling setbacks and set- Zone thermostat (24 v) provides one- or 2-stage cooling for
ups with provisions for weekends and holidays. control of unit. Matching subbases are available with or with-
Accessory remote sensing package is also avail- out tamperproof switches and automatic changeover.
able to provide tamperproof control in high traffic
spaces. Used in conjunction with factory-installed
Apollo control, this thermostat provides a 5-minute
recycle timer between modes of operation for short- TIME GUARDt II CONTROL
cycle protection. Time Guard II control automatically prevents compressor from re-
starting for at least 5 minutes after a shutdown. Accessory prevents
short cycling of compressor if thermostat is changed rapidly. Time
Guard II control mounts in the control compartment of unit.



REV. B 1 9 8 8 1 8 A







% 90
I 60
I 30
Y 10



50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85





3 mA MIN. AT 11 VDC



Exclusive Durablade economizer damper design saves en- Accusensor economizer controls help provide efficient, economical econo-
ergy while providing economical and reliable cooling. A slid- mizer operation. Accusensor II solid-state enthalpy control includes
ing plate on the face of the economizer controls the amount the logic and one sensor to calculate both dry- and wet-bulb of the
of outdoor air entering the system. Closed, it provides a leak- outdoor air to provide an accurate enthalpy reading. It then decides
proof seal which prevents ambient air from seeping in or con- when to energize the economizer based on this reading. A second Accu-
ditioned air from seeping out. It can be adjusted easily for sensor III sensor compares outdoor temperature and humidity to return-
100% outdoor air or any proportions of mixed air. Like the air temperature and humidity and determines the most economical mix-
base unit, the economizer is converted easily for horizontal ture of air (purchased in addition to first solid-state enthalpy sensor for
discharge applications. differential enthalpy sensing).

Base unit dimensions — 48TJ008-014

Lb Kg Lb Kg Lb Kg Lb Kg Lb Kg Ft-in. mm Ft-in. mm Ft-in. mm Ft-in. mm
D/E/F008 870 395 189 86 161 73 239 109 280 127 1-27⁄8 378 3-55⁄16 1050 2-911⁄16 856 2- 27⁄16 672
D/E/F012 1035 469 225 102 192 87 285 129 333 151 2-57⁄8 759 4-15⁄16 1253 3-03⁄8 924 2-107⁄16 875
D/E014 1050 476 228 103 195 88 289 131 338 153 1-27⁄8 378 4-15⁄16 1253 3-03⁄8 924 2-107⁄16 875

1. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters.
2. Center of gravity.
3. Direction of airflow.

4. On vertical discharge units, ductwork to be attached to accessory roof curb only.

For horizontal discharge units field-supplied flanges should be attached to hori-
zontal discharge openings, and all ductwork should be attached to the flanges.
5. Minimum clearance (local codes or jurisdiction may prevail):
a. Between unit (flue side) and combustible surfaces, 48 inches.
b. Bottom of unit to combustible surfaces (when not using curb) 1 inch. Bottom of
base rail to combustible surfaces (when not using curb) 0 inches.
c. Condenser coil, for proper airflow, 36 in. one side, 12 in. the other. The side
getting the greater clearance is optional.
d. Overhead, 60 in. to assure proper condenser fan operation.
e. Between units, control box side, 42 in. per NEC (National Electrical Code U.S.A.).
f. Between unit and ungrounded surfaces, control box side, 36 in. per NEC.
g. Between unit and block or concrete walls and other grounded surfaces, con-
trol box side, 42 in. per NEC.
h. Horizontal supply and return end, 0 inches.
6. With the exception of the clearance for the condenser coil and combustion side
as stated in Notes 5a, b, and c, a removable fence or barricade requires no
7. Units may be installed on combustible floors made from wood or class A, B, or C
roof covering material if set on base rail.
8. The vertical center of gravity is 18-71⁄29 [483] up from the bottom of the base rail.
Horizontal center of gravity is shown.

A 13⁄89 Dia [35] Field Power Supply Hole
B 21⁄29 Dia [64] Power Supply Knockout
C 13⁄49 Dia [44] Charging Port Hole
D 7⁄89 [22] Field Control Wiring Hole

E 3⁄49 — 14 NPT Condensate Drain

1⁄29 — 14 NPT Gas Connection 48TJD008

F 3⁄49 — 14 NPT Gas Connection 48TJE/F008

48TJD/E012,014, 48TJF012
G 29 Dia [51] Power Supply Knockout


CRBTMPWR001A00 (1⁄2(, 3⁄4() OR
CRBTMPWR002A00 (1⁄2(, 11⁄4()
1⁄2( 24 V 7⁄89 [22.2]
3⁄4( Power* 11⁄89 [28.4]
11⁄4( Power* 13⁄49 [44.4]
*Select either 3⁄49 or 11⁄49 for power, depending on wire size.

Accessory dimensions — 48TJ008-014
ROOF CURB — 48TJ008-014
CRRFCURB003A00 18-29 [356]
48TJ008-014 CRBTMPWR001A00
CRRFCURB004A00 28-09 [610] 34 ⁄ 9 NPT ⁄ 9 NPT
34 ⁄ 9 NPT
28-87⁄169 18-1015⁄169 13⁄49 [45] (THRU-THE-BOTTOM)
48TJ008-014 [827] [583] 34 ⁄ 9 NPT 11⁄49 NPT ⁄ 9 NPT

1. Roof curb accessory is shipped unassembled.
2. Insulated panels.
3. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters.
4. Roof curb: galvanized steel.
5. Attach ductwork to curb (flanges of duct rest on curb).
6. Service clearance 4 ft on each side.
7. Direction of airflow.

Selection procedure
(with 48TJD012 example) — SI
I Determine cooling and heating requirements at components. From the given and Pressure Drop tables
design conditions. (page 31), find:
Given: External static pressure 300 Pa
Required Cooling Capacity (TC) . . . . . . . . . . . 27 kW Durablade economizer 9 Pa
Sensible Heat Capacity (SHC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 kW Total static pressure 309 Pa
Required Heating Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 kW
Condenser Entering-Air Temperature . . . . . . . . 36 C Enter the Fan Performance table for the 48TJD012
Evaporator Entering-Air Temperature . . . . 28 C edb, vertical discharge unit on page 19. Find the fan r/s and
20 C ewb BkW at 309 Pa and 1520 L/s (interpolation required).
Evaporator Air Quantity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1520 L/s Note that the fan speed is 15.0 r/s and power required
External Static Pressure (ESP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Pa is 1.20 kW. The standard 1.5 kW power will adequately
Electrical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400-3-50 handle the job requirements (field-supplied drive is
Based on the above requirements, a 48TJD012 verti-
cal discharge unit is chosen to best fit the design To determine the input power of the motor, use the
conditions. Evaporator-Fan Motor Efficiency table found on
page 30.
II Select unit based on required cooling capacity.
Enter the 48TJD012 Cooling Capacities table on IFM Watts =
page 14 with a condenser entering temperature of Motor Efficiency
36 C, evaporator air entering at 1520 L/s, 28 C db
(dry bulb) and 20 C wb (wet bulb). The 48TJD012 unit 1.20
will provide a cooling capacity of 30.1 kW and a sen- .80
sible heat capacity of 21.2 kW. For evaporator-air tem-
perature other than 26.7 C edb, calculate the sensible = 1.5 kW
heat capacity correction, as required, using the for- V Determine net capacities.
mula found in the notes following the Cooling Capac- Capacities are gross and do not include the effect of
ity table on page 15. The corrected SHC is 23.4 kW. evaporator-fan motor heat.
NOTE: Unit ratings are gross capacities and do not in- Determine net cooling capacity as follows:
clude the effect of evaporator-fan motor heat. To cal-
Net capacity = gross capacity − IFM Heat
culate net capacities, see Step V.
= 30.1 kW − 1.5 kW
III Select heating capacity of unit to provide design
condition requirements. = 28.6 kW
In Heating Capacities and Efficiencies table on Net Sensible Capacity = 23.4 kW − 1.5 kW
page 4, note that unit 48TJD012 will provide output = 21.9 kW
heating capacity of 40.3 kW which is adequate for the Determine net heating capacity as follows:
given application.
IV Determine fan speed and power requirements Net Capacity = gross capacity + IFM heat
at design conditions. = 40.3 kW + 1.5 kW
Before entering the Fan Performance tables, calculate = 41.8 kW
the total static pressure required based on unit

Selection procedure
(with 48TJD012 example) — English
I Determine cooling and heating requirements at Enter the Fan Performance table for the 48TJD012
design conditions. vertical discharge unit on page 25. Find the fan rpm
Given: and Bhp at 1.14 in. wg and 3200 cfm (interpolation
required). Note that the fan speed is 886 rpm and power
Required Cooling Capacity (TC) . . . . . . 95,000 Btuh required is 1.72 Bhp. The standard 2 hp power will
Sensible Heat Capacity (SHC) . . . . . . . 68,000 Btuh adequately handle the job requirements (field-supplied
Required Heating Capacity . . . . . . . . . 110,000 Btuh drive is required).
Condenser Entering-Air Temperature . . . . . . . . 95 F
Evaporator Entering-Air Temperature . . . . 80 F edb, To determine the input power of the motor, use the
67 F ewb Evaporator-Fan Motor Efficiency table found on
Evaporator Air Quantity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3200 cfm page 30.
External Static Pressure (ESP) . . . . . . . . . 1.10 in. wg IFM Watts =
Bhp x 746
Electrical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400-3-50 Motor Efficiency
Based on the above requirements, a 48TJD012 verti-
cal discharge unit is chosen to best fit the design = 1.72 x 746
conditions. .80
II Select unit based on required cooling capacity.
= 1283
Enter the 48TJD012 Cooling Capacities table on .80
page 16 with a condenser entering temperature of
IFM Watts = 1604 Watts
95 F, evaporator air entering at 3200 cfm, 80 F db
(dry bulb) and 67 F wb (wet bulb). The 48TJD012 unit V Determine net capacities.
will provide a cooling capacity of 102,500 Btuh and a Capacities are gross and do not include the effect of
sensible heat capacity of 76,000 Btuh. For evaporator- evaporator-fan motor heat.
air temperature other than 80 F edb, calculate the sen- Determine net cooling capacity as follows:
sible heat capacity correction, as required, using the
formula found in the notes following the Cooling Net capacity = gross capacity − IFM Heat
Capacity table on page 17. = 102,500 − (1604 Watts x 3.413
NOTE: Unit ratings are gross capacities and do not in-
clude the effect of evaporator-fan motor heat. To cal- = 97,026 Btuh
culate net capacities, see Step V. Net Sensible Capacity = 76,000 Btuh − 5474 Btuh
III Select heating capacity of unit to provide design = 70,526 kW
condition requirements. Determine net heating capacity as follows:
In Heating Capacities and Efficiencies table on
page 4, note that unit 48TJD012 will provide output Net Capacity = gross capacity + IFM heat
heating capacity of 137,600 Btuh which is adequate = 137,600 Btuh+ 5474 Btuh
for the given application. = 143,074 Btuh
IV Determine fan speed and power requirements
at design conditions.
Before entering the Fan Performance tables, calculate
the total static pressure required based on unit com-
ponents. From the given and Pressure Drop tables
(page 31), find:
External static pressure 1.10 in. wg
Durablade economizer 0.04 in. wg
Total static pressure 1.14 in. wg

Performance data
48TJ008 (21.5 kW)
Air Entering Evaporator — L/s BF
Temp (C)
Air Entering 850/0.05 1130/0.075
Condenser Air Entering Evaporator — Ewb (C)
14 16 18 20 22 14 16 18 20 22
TC 19.5 20.9 22.5 24.3 26.0 21.6 22.3 23.7 25.3 27.0
20 SHC 19.4 18.0 16.2 14.3 12.3 21.4 20.5 18.5 16.1 13.4
kW 5.02 5.16 5.34 5.54 5.72 5.28 5.37 5.52 5.70 5.88
TC 19.1 20.4 21.9 23.7 25.4 21.0 21.7 23.1 24.7 26.4
24 SHC 18.9 17.7 16.0 14.1 12.1 21.0 20.2 18.3 15.9 13.3
kW 5.25 5.38 5.56 5.76 5.96 5.51 5.58 5.74 5.92 6.12
TC 18.6 19.8 21.3 23.0 24.8 20.5 21.1 22.4 24.1 25.9
28 SHC 18.4 17.3 15.7 13.9 11.9 20.5 19.8 18.0 15.7 13.1
kW 5.49 5.61 5.78 5.98 6.19 5.74 5.8 5.96 6.15 6.36
TC 18.0 19.1 20.6 22.2 23.9 19.9 20.3 21.5 23.2 25.0
32 SHC 17.8 16.9 15.4 13.6 11.6 19.8 19.4 17.7 15.4 12.9
kW 5.77 5.88 6.04 6.25 6.47 6.03 6.07 6.22 6.43 6.64
TC 17.3 18.2 19.6 21.3 23.0 18.2 19.4 20.6 22.3 24.0
36 SHC 17.2 16.4 15.0 13.2 11.3 19.1 18.9 17.3 15.0 12.5
kW 6.09 6.18 6.34 6.55 6.77 6.33 6.37 6.61 6.73 6.94
TC 16.6 18.3 18.7 20.3 22.0 18.4 18.6 19.6 21.3 23.0
40 SHC 16.6 15.9 14.6 12.8 10.9 18.4 18.3 16.9 14.7 12.3
kW 6.40 6.48 6.63 6.84 7.07 6.65 6.67 6.81 7.02 7.24
TC 15.9 16.4 17.7 19.4 21.0 17.7 17.7 18.7 20.2 21.9
44 SHC 15.9 15.4 14.2 12.5 10.6 17.7 17.6 16.4 14.3 11.9
kW 6.71 6.77 6.92 7.13 7.36 6.97 6.97 7.10 7.30 7.53
TC 15.2 15.5 16.7 18.3 19.9 16.9 16.9 17.7 19.1 20.7
48 SHC 15.2 14.9 13.8 12.1 10.2 16.9 16.9 15.8 13.9 11.5
kW 7.02 7.05 7.20 7.41 7.64 7.27 7.27 7.39 7.57 7.81

48TJ008 (21.5 kW) (cont)

Air Entering Evaporator — L/s BF
Temp (C)
Air Entering 1180/0.075 1400/0.095
Condenser Air Entering Evaporator — Ewb (C)
14 16 18 20 22 14 16 18 20 22
TC 21.8 22.5 23.9 25.5 27.1 22.9 23.1 24.3 26.1 27.7
20 SHC 21.8 20.9 18.9 16.4 13.6 22.8 22.4 20.5 17.7 14.5
kW 5.33 5.41 5.55 5.73 5.91 5.49 5.51 5.65 5.83 5.99
TC 21.3 21.9 23.3 24.9 26.5 22.4 22.5 23.7 25.4 27.0
24 SHC 21.2 20.6 18.7 16.2 13.5 22.3 22.0 20.2 17.5 14.3
kW 5.55 5.62 5.77 5.96 6.14 5.72 5.73 5.86 6.05 6.22
TC 20.8 21.2 22.5 24.2 25.9 21.8 21.9 23.1 24.7 26.4
28 SHC 20.7 20.2 18.4 16.0 13.3 21.8 21.7 20.0 17.3 14.1
kW 5.78 5.84 5.98 6.17 6.38 5.94 5.96 6.08 6.28 6.46
TC 20.2 20.5 21.7 23.4 25.2 21.2 21.2 22.2 23.8 25.6
32 SHC 20.2 19.8 18.1 15.7 13.0 21.2 21.0 19.5 17.0 13.9
kW 6.07 6.11 6.25 6.45 6.66 6.23 6.23 6.36 6.54 6.74
TC 19.5 19.6 20.7 22.4 24.1 20.4 20.4 20.7 22.8 24.6
36 SHC 19.4 19.2 17.7 15.3 12.7 20.4 20.4 19.0 16.6 13.6
kW 6.39 6.41 6.55 6.75 6.96 6.54 6.54 6.66 6.84 7.05
TC 18.7 18.7 19.8 21.3 23.1 19.6 19.6 20.4 21.7 23.4
40 SHC 18.7 18.6 17.2 15.0 12.4 19.6 19.6 18.4 16.3 13.3
kW 6.69 6.70 6.83 7.04 7.26 6.86 6.86 6.95 7.12 7.34
TC 17.9 17.9 18.8 20.3 22.0 18.8 18.8 19.4 20.6 22.3
44 SHC 17.9 17.9 16.7 14.6 12.1 18.8 18.8 17.8 15.9 13.0
kW 7.01 7.01 7.13 7.33 7.55 7.16 7.16 7.25 7.41 7.64
TC 17.1 17.1 17.9 19.2 20.8 17.9 17.9 18.5 19.5 21.2
48 SHC 17.1 17.1 16.1 14.2 11.7 17.9 17.9 17.2 15.5 12.7
kW 7.31 7.31 7.42 7.59 7.83 7.46 7.47 7.54 7.69 7.92

See Legend and Notes on page 15.

Performance data (cont)
48TJ012 (29.2 kW)
Air Entering Evaporator — L/s BF
Temp (C)
Air Entering 1140/0.08 1520/0.105
Condenser Air Entering Evaporator — Ewb (C)
14 16 18 20 22 14 16 18 20 22
TC 26.6 28.2 30.5 33.1 34.7 30.5 31.4 32.7 34.3 36.3
20 SHC 26.4 24.8 22.8 20.3 17.3 30.4 29.3 26.2 22.2 18.7
kW 6.82 6.98 7.17 7.35 7.42 7.09 7.17 7.27 7.39 7.60
TC 25.8 27.0 29.4 32.1 33.8 29.6 30.4 31.8 33.5 35.3
24 SHC 25.6 24.2 22.3 19.9 16.8 29.5 28.7 25.9 22.2 18.4
kW 7.20 7.34 7.54 7.73 7.82 7.47 7.53 7.65 7.80 7.99
TC 24.7 25.8 28.2 30.8 32.8 28.5 29.1 30.7 32.6 34.4
28 SHC 24.6 23.5 21.7 19.4 16.4 28.5 27.9 25.4 21.9 18.2
kW 7.61 7.93 8.11 8.32 8.45 8.09 8.12 8.26 8.46 8.64
TC 23.6 24.5 26.6 29.4 31.8 27.3 27.7 29.4 31.5 33.3
32 SHC 23.5 22.7 21.1 18.8 16.1 27.3 27.0 24.8 21.6 17.8
kW 8.03 8.13 8.31 8.53 8.67 8.30 8.32 8.47 8.67 8.85
TC 22.4 23.0 25.0 27.9 30.7 26.1 26.3 27.9 30.1 32.0
36 SHC 22.3 21.8 20.3 18.2 17.8 26.0 26.0 24.1 21.2 17.4
kW 8.47 8.53 8.73 8.96 9.15 8.74 8.74 8.89 9.11 9.30
TC 21.1 21.5 23.4 26.2 29.5 24.7 24.7 26.4 28.7 30.8
40 SHC 21.1 20.9 19.6 17.5 15.3 24.7 24.7 23.3 20.7 17.2
kW 8.95 8.97 9.15 9.40 9.64 9.20 9.20 9.34 9.56 9.80
TC 20.0 20.1 21.7 24.4 27.9 23.1 23.1 24.4 26.6 29.4
44 SHC 20.0 19.9 18.7 16.8 14.8 23.1 23.1 22.0 20.0 16.7
kW 9.40 9.40 9.60 9.86 10.11 9.70 9.71 9.82 10.03 10.29
TC 19.1 19.1 20.3 22.6 26.0 21.5 21.5 22.4 24.3 27.6
48 SHC 10.1 19.1 17.9 16.2 14.2 21.5 21.5 20.7 19.1 16.2
kW 9.89 9.89 10.06 10.32 10.59 10.22 10.22 10.31 10.50 10.79

48TJ012 (29.2 kW) (cont)

Air Entering Evaporator — L/s BF
Temp (C)
Air Entering 1800/0.125 1880/0.13
Condenser Air Entering Evaporator — Ewb (C)
14 16 18 20 22 14 16 18 20 22
TC 31.5 31.9 33.3 35.3 37.2 31.7 23.1 33.5 35.3 37.3
20 SHC 31.4 30.6 27.8 24.0 19.9 31.7 31.1 28.3 24.4 20.2
kW 7.12 7.16 7.30 7.50 7.70 7.15 7.18 7.32 7.51 7.71
TC 30.8 31.0 32.4 34.2 36.2 31.0 31.2 32.5 34.4 36.2
24 SHC 30.8 30.1 27.4 23.6 19.6 31.0 30.5 27.9 24.0 19.7
kW 7.53 7.54 7.68 7.88 8.10 7.54 7.57 7.71 7.90 8.09
TC 30.0 30.1 31.4 33.2 35.2 30.3 30.4 31.6 33.3 35.0
28 SHC 30.0 29.6 27.2 23.4 19.3 30.2 30.1 27.6 23.7 19.5
kW 7.95 7.97 8.11 8.30 8.51 7.99 7.99 8.13 8.31 8.51
TC 29.1 29.1 30.3 32.1 34.0 29.4 29.4 30.5 32.2 34.0
32 SHC 29.1 29.0 26.7 23.1 18.9 29.4 29.4 27.1 23.5 19.2
kW 8.40 8.41 8.54 8.73 8.95 8.44 8.44 8.56 8.75 8.95
TC 28.1 28.0 29.1 30.8 32.8 28.3 28.3 29.3 31.0 32.9
36 SHC 27.9 28.0 26.1 22.8 18.5 28.3 28.3 26.5 23.3 18.9
kW 8.87 8.87 8.89 9.17 9.40 8.91 8.91 9.01 9.19 9.42
TC 26.5 26.5 27.7 29.5 31.5 27.0 27.0 28.0 29.7 31.6
40 SHC 14.7 26.5 25.1 22.5 18.3 26.9 27.0 25.6 23.0 18.6
kW 9.37 9.36 9.46 9.64 9.88 9.41 9.40 9.50 9.66 9.89
TC 24.8 24.8 25.7 27.5 30.0 25.2 25.2 26.1 27.7 30.1
44 SHC 24.8 24.8 23.8 21.8 18.0 25.2 25.2 24.4 22.3 18.2
kW 9.87 9.87 9.96 10.12 10.36 9.92 9.92 9.99 10.13 10.38
TC 23.0 23.0 23.7 25.3 28.3 23.4 23.4 24.0 25.5 28.4
48 SHC 23.0 23.0 22.4 20.9 17.5 23.4 23.4 23.0 21.4 17.8
kW 10.39 10.39 10.45 10.59 10.86 10.43 10.43 10.49 10.61 10.90

48TJ014 (35.9 kW)
Air Entering Evaporator — L/s BF
Temp (C)
Air Entering 1500/0.13 2000/0.17 2500/0.22
Condenser Air Entering Evaporator — Ewb (C)
13 16 19 22 13 16 19 22 13 16 19 22
TC 34.7 38.0 41.4 44.4 37.0 40.0 43.2 46.3 36.7 40.1 43.7 46.9
20 SHC 34.7 33.8 28.1 22.0 37.0 39.9 31.7 24.0 36.7 40.1 34.2 25.4
kW 8.92 8.99 9.08 9.13 9.00 9.06 9.13 9.22 8.85 8.97 9.12 9.26
TC 32.1 35.8 39.6 43.0 34.8 38.2 41.6 44.9 35.8 38.9 42.3 45.6
24 SHC 32.1 32.8 27.4 21.6 34.8 38.2 31.1 23.7 35.8 38.9 33.7 25.2
kW 9.34 9.46 9.60 9.70 9.47 9.57 9.68 9.80 9.40 9.55 9.69 9.85
TC 29.4 33.6 37.9 41.6 32.9 36.3 40.0 43.4 35.0 37.8 40.9 44.3
28 SHC 29.4 31.9 26.7 21.1 32.9 36.3 30.5 23.3 35.0 37.8 33.3 25.1
kW 9.78 9.94 10.12 10.27 9.95 10.08 10.22 10.39 9.98 10.11 10.26 10.43
TC 26.7 31.5 36.2 40.2 30.8 34.5 38.3 42.0 34.0 36.7 39.5 43.0
32 SHC 26.7 30.9 26.0 20.7 30.8 34.5 29.9 22.9 34.0 36.7 32.8 24.9
kW 10.20 10.42 10.64 10.85 10.40 10.59 10.76 10.96 10.53 10.68 10.84 11.03
TC 24.7 29.9 34.9 39.1 29.2 33.1 37.0 40.9 33.3 35.8 38.4 42.0
35 SHC 24.7 29.7 25.5 20.3 29.2 33.1 29.4 22.7 33.3 35.8 32.4 24.8
kW 10.52 10.80 11.03 11.30 10.77 11.00 11.18 11.40 10.95 11.10 11.27 11.50
TC 21.1 26.8 32.3 37.1 26.9 30.8 34.7 38.8 32.0 34.1 36.3 39.9
40 SHC 21.1 26.8 24.4 19.7 26.9 30.8 28.3 22.1 32.0 34.1 31.6 24.4
kW 11.10 11.40 11.71 12.00 11.42 11.64 11.88 12.13 11.73 11.86 11.99 12.23
TC 20.5 25.3 30.2 35.2 25.7 28.8 32.2 36.9 30.5 32.0 33.9 37.9
44 SHC 20.5 25.3 23.5 19.1 25.7 28.8 27.1 21.5 30.5 32.0 30.4 23.9
kW 11.62 11.93 12.25 12.58 12.05 12.24 12.44 12.73 12.35 12.44 12.56 12.82
TC 20.4 24.1 27.9 33.2 24.5 26.9 29.6 34.9 29.0 29.9 31.3 35.7
48 SHC 20.4 24.1 27.9 33.2 24.5 26.9 25.8 21.0 29.0 29.9 29.1 23.3
kW 12.15 12.45 12.78 13.17 12.68 12.84 13.00 13.33 12.96 13.03 13.14 13.41


LEGEND 4. Formulas:
BF — Bypass Factor SHCkW x 1000
Edb — Entering Dry Bulb Temperature (C) Cldb = Cedb 2
1.23 x L/s
Ewb — Entering Wet Bulb Temperature (C)
kW — Compressor Input (kW) Leaving wet bulb = wet bulb temperature corresponding to enthalpy of air
SHC — Sensible Heat Capacity (kW) leaving coil (hlwb).
TC — Total Capacity (kW)
NOTES: TCkW x 1000
hlwb = hewb 2
1. Ratings are gross, and do not account for the effects of the evaporator- 1.20 x L/s
fan motor power and heat.
2. Direct interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate. Where hewb is enthalpy of air entering evaporator coil (kJ/kg).
3. SHC is based on 26.7 C db temperature of air entering the unit. At any
other temperature, correct the SHC read from the table of cooling capaci-
ties as follows:
Corrected SHCkW
= SHC 1 [1.23 x 1023 x (1 2 BF) x (Cdb 2 26.7) x L/s]
Observe the rule of sign. Above 26.7 C, SHC correction will be positive;
add it to SHC. Below 26.7 C, SHC correction will be negative; subtract it
from SHC.

Performance data (cont)

48TJ008 (6.1 TONS)

Air Entering Evaporator — Cfm/BF
Temp (F)
Air Entering 1950/0.06 2400/0.075 2500/0.075 3000/0.095
Condenser Air Entering Evaporator — Ewb (F)
62 67 72 62 67 72 62 67 72 62 67 72
TC 71.9 80.1 88.3 74.9 83.0 90.9 75.3 83.6 91.3 77.4 85.2 92.9
75 SHC 56.3 46.6 55.1 62.3 50.5 57.0 63.6 51.2 60.4 69.1 55.3 23.7
kW 5.47 5.73 6.02 5.60 5.86 6.14 5.64 5.90 6.14 5.74 6.00 6.24
TC 69.0 77.1 85.4 71.7 79.8 88.2 72.2 80.2 88.5 74.3 82.0 90.0
85 SHC 59.7 50.5 40.6 66.6 55.6 43.6 68.0 56.6 44.1 73.8 62.0 47.0
kW 5.77 6.04 6.34 5.90 6.17 6.47 5.93 6.19 6.49 6.05 6.31 6.57
TC 64.9 72.7 80.8 67.4 75.2 83.5 67.8 75.6 83.8 70.7 77.1 85.5
95 SHC 57.9 48.8 39.1 64.6 54.0 42.1 65.8 55.1 42.7 70.5 60.2 45.9
kW 6.32 6.61 6.54 6.45 6.75 6.60 6.48 6.76 6.69 6.60 6.86 3.46
TC 60.4 68.1 76.2 63.0 70.4 78.6 63.5 70.8 78.8 66.7 72.0 80.1
105 SHC 55.7 47.2 37.5 62.2 52.4 40.8 63.2 53.4 41.3 66.7 58.6 44.1
kW 6.59 6.86 7.19 6.71 7.00 7.32 6.74 7.02 7.34 6.90 7.11 7.40
TC 55.9 63.4 71.1 59.0 65.4 73.2 59.7 65.6 73.5 62.5 66.8 75.0
115 SHC 53.2 45.4 35.9 59.0 50.6 39.0 59.7 51.6 39.6 62.7 56.8 43.0
kW 6.99 7.26 7.58 7.13 7.39 7.71 7.17 7.41 7.72 7.34 7.49 7.83

48TJ012 (8.3 TONS)

Air Entering Evaporator — Cfm/BF
Temp (F)
Air Entering 2500/0.09 3200/0.105 3800/0.12 4000/0.13
Condenser Air Entering Evaporator — Ewb (F)
62 67 72 62 67 72 62 67 72 62 67 72
TC 95.1 108.3 116.7 104.5 112.8 121.4 106.2 114.9 124.4 107.0 115.8 124.2
75 SHC 77.4 64.2 77.2 87.6 70.1 82.0 101.9 74.6 84.7 95.0 75.9 32.4
kW 7.39 7.69 7.83 7.55 7.74 8.00 7.50 7.81 8.10 7.56 7.84 8.10
TC 88.9 102.3 112.0 98.5 108.3 116.9 101.8 110.3 119.2 102.7 110.8 119.0
85 SHC 79.9 69.3 55.1 93.5 77.7 60.0 100.3 83.4 63.7 102.2 85.1 64.4
kW 7.91 8.24 8.42 8.08 8.34 8.60 8.10 8.39 8.69 8.15 8.41 8.67
TC 81.8 94.7 107.2 91.2 102.5 110.9 96.8 104.4 113.7 98.0 105.0 114.2
95 SHC 76.4 66.2 53.8 89.5 76.0 58.1 96.7 82.1 61.4 98.0 83.9 63.2
kW 8.64 8.94 8.85 8.77 9.08 8.96 8.80 9.15 9.03 8.91 9.17 4.60
TC 74.2 86.4 101.8 83.4 95.2 105.3 89.7 98.2 107.6 91.3 98.7 108.0
105 SHC 72.1 62.8 51.8 83.4 73.4 56.9 89.7 80.5 60.8 91.3 82.6 61.7
kW 9.06 9.42 9.74 9.26 9.56 9.88 9.40 9.65 9.96 9.48 9.66 9.98
TC 67.4 77.2 94.2 75.6 83.8 99.0 81.3 87.4 100.6 82.8 88.4 101.0
115 SHC 67.3 59.1 49.5 75.6 68.9 55.1 81.2 76.3 59.0 82.7 78.7 60.1
kW 9.71 10.04 10.42 9.97 10.19 10.59 10.10 10.28 10.66 10.19 10.31 10.68

See Legend and Notes on page 17.


48TJ014 (10.2 TONS)

Air Entering Evaporator — Cfm/BF
Temp (F)
Air Entering 3150/0.13 4200/0.17 5250/0.22
Condenser Air Entering Evaporator — Ewb (F)
62 67 72 62 67 72 62 67 72
TC 125.1 137.3 147.5 133.0 143.5 154.1 135.4 145.9 156.4
75 SHC 107.5 90.6 71.7 125.8 101.9 78.7 135.4 111.0 83.8
kW 9.48 9.60 9.69 9.58 9.67 9.79 9.56 9.69 9.84
TC 115.4 129.6 140.9 124.4 135.9 147.3 129.6 139.0 150.3
85 SHC 103.1 87.7 69.8 120.8 99.8 77.0 129.6 110.1 83.0
kW 10.15 10.33 10.49 10.29 10.43 10.61 10.35 10.49 10.67
TC 105.5 122.0 134.4 115.8 128.2 140.4 123.8 132.0 144.1
95 SHC 98.9 84.8 67.8 115.7 97.8 75.3 123.8 109.2 82.2
kW 10.83 11.06 11.30 11.01 11.20 11.41 11.13 11.28 11.48
TC 94.1 112.2 126.9 106.5 118.9 132.4 116.6 123.2 136.4
105 SHC 92.7 81.2 65.3 106.5 94.8 73.2 116.5 107.4 80.4
kW 11.54 11.83 12.10 11.76 11.98 12.22 11.95 12.07 12.33
TC 86.9 100.4 117.9 96.5 105.3 123.7 105.9 109.9 126.6
115 SHC 86.8 76.4 62.5 96.5 89.8 70.5 105.9 102.2 78.3
kW 12.26 12.55 12.91 12.58 12.74 13.07 12.76 12.85 13.15


LEGEND 4. Formulas:
BF — Bypass Factor SHCBtuh
Edb — Entering Dry Bulb Temperature (F) Fldb = Fedb 2
1.09 x cfm
Ewb — Entering Wet Bulb Temperature (F)
kW — Compressor Motor Power Input Leaving wet bulb = wet bulb temperature corresponding to enthalpy of air
SHC — Sensible Heat Capacity (1000 Btuh) leaving coil (hlwb).
TC — Total Capacity (1000 Btuh)
hlwb = hewb 2
1. Ratings are gross, and do not account for the effects of the evaporator- 4.50 x cfm
fan motor power and heat.
2. Direct interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate. Where hewb is enthalpy of air entering evaporator coil (Btu/lb).
3. SHC is based on 80 F db temperature of air entering the unit. At any other
temperature, correct the SHC read from the table of cooling capacities as
Corrected SHCBtuh
= SHC 1 [1.10 x (1 2 BF) x (Fdb 2 80) x cfm]
Observe the rule of sign. Above 80 F, SHC correction will be positive; add
it to SHC. Below 80 F, SHC correction will be negative; subtract it from

Performance data (cont)
External Static Pressure (Pa)
Airflow 50 100 150 200
R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW
1150 8.8 0.45 10.1 0.62 11.2 0.79 12.2 0.96
1200 9.0 0.47 10.3 0.65 11.4 0.82 12.4 1.02
1275 9.3 0.53 10.5 0.70 11.6 0.89 12.6 1.08
1300 9.6 0.58 10.8 0.78 11.9 0.96 12.8 1.17
1400 9.9 0.63 11.1 0.85 12.1 1.02 13.1 1.26
1450 10.1 0.68 11.3 0.86 12.3 1.09 13.2 1.29
1500 10.4 0.78 11.5 0.96 12.6 1.18 13.5 1.38
1550 10.7 0.81 11.8 1.06 12.8 1.25 13.7 1.48
1600 11.0 0.90 12.0 1.10 13.0 1.35 14.0 1.56
1650 11.3 0.99 12.4 1.22 13.3 1.43 14.2 1.67
1700 11.5 1.06 12.6 1.30 13.6 1.54 14.4 1.78
1750 11.8 1.16 12.9 1.38 13.8 1.65 14.7 1.88
1800 12.2 1.24 13.2 1.49 14.1 1.75 14.9 2.00
1850 12.4 1.35 13.4 1.60 14.4 1.84 15.1 2.10
1900 12.8 1.47 13.7 1.70 14.6 1.97 15.4 2.24

48TJ008 (21.5 kW) — STANDARD MOTOR (BELT DRIVE) (cont)

External Static Pressure (Pa)
Airflow 250 300 350 400
R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW
1150 13.2 1.15 14.1 1.39 15.1 1.73 15.8 1.96
1200 13.3 1.21 14.1 1.41 15.2 1.76 15.9 2.00
1275 13.5 1.28 14.3 1.46 15.3 1.76 16.1 2.17
1300 13.8 1.37 14.6 1.55 15.2 1.72 16.3 2.17
1400 14.0 1.45 14.7 1.65 15.5 1.84 16.5 2.10
1450 14.1 1.53 14.9 1.73 15.6 1.88 16.7 2.10
1500 14.4 1.61 15.2 1.84 15.8 2.04 16.4 2.18
1550 14.5 1.72 15.4 1.95 16.1 2.15 16.7 2.34
1600 14.8 1.80 15.6 2.07 16.3 2.29 17.0 2.49
1650 15.0 1.92 15.8 2.15 16.6 2.42 17.2 2.66
1700 15.2 2.01 16.0 2.27 16.7 2.56 17.5 2.80
1750 15.5 2.14 16.2 2.41 16.9 2.65 17.6 2.92
1800 15.7 2.24 16.4 2.52 17.2 2.82 — —
1850 15.9 2.37 16.7 2.66 17.4 2.92 — —
1900 16.2 2.51 16.9 2.78 — — — —

LEGEND 5. Standard drive range is 8.2 to 11.7 r/s. All other speeds require a
BkW — Fan Input kW × Motor Efficiency field-supplied drive.
R/s — Revolutions Per Second of Blower Wheel 6. Maximum continuous BkW is 1.79. Extensive motor and electrical
testing on these units ensures that the full range of the motor can be
NOTES: utilized with confidence. Using the fan motors up to the ratings shown
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive required. (See Note 5.) will not result in nuisance tripping or premature motor failure. Unit
warranty will not be affected.
2. indicates field-supplied motor and drive required. 7. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.
3. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils.
4. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your
Carrier representative to verify.

External Static Pressure (Pa)
Airflow 50 100 150 200 250
R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW
1500 9.8 0.55 10.9 0.67 12.0 0.79 12.9 0.92 13.8 1.04
1550 10.0 0.60 11.2 0.74 12.2 0.86 13.1 0.98 13.9 1.11
1600 10.3 0.66 11.4 0.80 12.4 0.92 13.3 1.05 14.2 1.18
1650 10.6 0.72 11.7 0.86 12.6 0.98 13.6 1.12 14.4 1.25
1700 10.9 0.78 12.0 0.93 12.8 1.06 13.7 1.20 14.6 1.34
1750 11.1 0.86 12.2 1.00 13.1 1.14 14.0 1.28 14.8 1.42
1800 11.4 0.93 12.5 1.08 13.3 1.22 14.2 1.36 15.0 1.52
1850 11.7 1.00 12.7 1.15 13.6 1.31 14.4 1.44 15.2 1.60
1900 12.0 1.08 12.9 1.23 13.8 1.40 14.6 1.53 15.4 1.70
1950 12.2 1.16 13.2 1.31 14.1 1.49 14.8 1.63 15.6 1.79
2000 12.5 1.25 13.4 1.40 14.3 1.59 15.1 1.74 15.9 1.90
2050 12.8 1.34 13.7 1.50 14.6 1.69 15.3 1.85 16.1 2.00
2100 13.1 1.44 13.9 1.60 14.9 1.80 15.6 1.97 16.3 2.12
2150 13.3 1.53 14.2 1.71 15.1 1.91 15.8 2.09 16.5 2.24
2200 13.6 1.64 14.5 1.82 15.3 2.02 16.1 2.21 16.8 2.37
2250 13.9 1.75 14.7 1.94 15.6 2.13 16.3 2.34 — —
2300 14.2 1.86 15.0 2.06 15.8 2.25 16.6 2.47 — —
2400 14.5 1.98 15.3 2.19 16.1 2.38 — — — —
2450 14.8 2.10 15.6 2.32 — — — — — —

48TJ012 (29.2 kW) — STANDARD MOTOR (BELT DRIVE) (cont)

External Static Pressure (Pa)
Airflow 300 350 400 450 500
R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW
1500 14.6 1.15 15.3 1.26 16.1 1.38 16.9 1.45 17.7 1.68
1550 14.8 1.23 15.5 1.35 16.2 1.47 17.1 1.60 17.8 1.81
1600 15.0 1.30 15.7 1.44 16.4 1.55 17.1 1.68 17.9 1.86
1650 15.1 1.39 15.9 1.52 16.6 1.65 17.3 1.77 18.0 1.91
1700 15.3 1.47 16.1 1.61 16.8 1.74 17.4 1.88 18.1 2.00
1750 15.5 1.56 16.3 1.70 17.0 1.85 17.6 1.98 18.2 2.11
1800 15.8 1.66 16.4 1.80 17.2 1.95 17.8 2.09 18.4 2.22
1850 16.0 1.75 16.6 1.90 17.3 2.05 18.0 2.20 18.6 2.34
1900 16.2 1.86 16.9 2.01 17.5 2.16 18.2 2.31 — —
1950 16.4 1.96 17.1 2.12 17.7 2.27 18.4 2.43 — —
2000 16.6 2.07 17.3 2.24 17.9 2.39 — — — —
2050 16.8 2.18 17.5 2.36 — — — — — —
2100 17.0 2.30 — — — — — — — —
2150 17.2 2.41 — — — — — — — —
2200 — — — — — — — — — —
2250 — — — — — — — — — —
2300 — — — — — — — — — —
2400 — — — — — — — — — —
2450 — — — — — — — — — —

LEGEND 5. Standard drive range is 9.5 to 13.0 r/s. All other speeds require a
BkW — Fan Input kW × Motor Efficiency field-supplied drive.
R/s — Revolutions Per Second of Blower Wheel 6. Maximum continuous BkW is 1.79. Extensive motor and electrical
testing on these units ensures that the full range of the motor can be
NOTES: utilized with confidence. Using the fan motors up to the ratings shown
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive required. (See Note 5.) will not result in nuisance tripping or premature motor failure. Unit
warranty will not be affected.
2. indicates field-supplied motor and drive required. 7. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.
3. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils.
4. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your
Carrier representative to verify.

Performance data (cont)
External Static Pressure (Pa)
Airflow 50 100 150 200 250
R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW
1900 12.5 1.10 13.5 1.27 14.4 1.42 15.3 1.63 16.1 1.81
1950 12.7 1.18 13.7 1.36 14.6 1.52 15.5 1.73 16.4 1.92
2000 13.0 1.27 14.0 1.46 14.9 1.62 15.7 1.81 16.6 2.02
2050 13.3 1.36 14.3 1.56 15.1 1.72 16.0 1.91 16.8 2.14
2100 13.6 1.46 14.5 1.66 15.4 1.84 16.2 2.01 17.0 2.25
2150 13.9 1.56 14.8 1.78 15.7 1.95 16.5 2.13 17.3 2.37
2250 14.2 1.67 15.1 1.89 15.9 2.07 16.7 2.24 17.5 2.48
2300 14.5 1.78 15.4 2.00 16.2 2.19 17.0 2.37 17.7 2.60
2350 14.8 1.89 15.7 2.13 16.4 2.32 17.2 2.51 18.0 2.72
2400 15.0 2.01 15.9 2.25 16.7 2.46 17.5 2.64 — —
2450 15.4 2.16 16.2 2.38 17.0 2.60 — — — —
2500 15.7 2.28 16.5 2.52 17.3 2.75 — — — —
2550 15.9 2.43 16.8 2.65 — — — — — —
2600 16.2 2.58 — — — — — — — —
2650 16.5 2.72 — — — — — — — —

48TJ014 (35.9 kW) — STANDARD MOTOR (BELT DRIVE) (cont)

External Static Pressure (Pa)
Airflow 300 350 400 450 500
R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW
1900 17.0 2.00 17.9 2.21 18.7 2.39 19.4 2.58 20.1 2.74
1950 17.2 2.11 18.0 2.31 18.8 2.51 19.6 2.71 — —
2000 17.4 2.22 18.2 2.43 19.0 2.63 — — — —
2050 17.6 2.33 18.4 2.54 19.2 2.76 — — — —
2100 17.8 2.45 18.6 2.66 — — — — — —
2150 18.0 2.59 — — — — — — — —
2250 18.2 2.71 — — — — — — — —
2300 — — — — — — — — — —
2350 — — — — — — — — — —
2400 — — — — — — — — — —
2450 — — — — — — — — — —
2500 — — — — — — — — — —
2550 — — — — — — — — — —
2600 — — — — — — — — — —
2650 — — — — — — — — — —

LEGEND 4. Standard drive range is 12.0 to 15.0 r/s. All other speeds require a
BkW — Fan Input kW × Motor Efficiency field-supplied drive.
R/s — Revolutions Per Second of Blower Wheel 5. Maximum continuous BkW is 2.76. Extensive motor and electrical
testing on these units ensures that the full range of the motor can be
NOTES: utilized with confidence. Using the fan motors up to the ratings shown
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive required. (See Note 4.) will not result in nuisance tripping or premature motor failure. Unit
2. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils. warranty will not be affected.
3. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your 6. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.
Carrier representative to verify.

External Static Pressure (Pa)
Airflow 50 100 150 200 225
R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW
1075 8.1 0.34 9.5 0.49 10.7 0.66 11.8 0.81 12.4 0.92
1125 8.4 0.39 9.7 0.53 10.9 0.71 12.0 0.89 12.5 0.98
1150 8.6 0.42 9.9 0.58 11.1 0.76 12.2 0.96 12.7 1.05
1200 8.9 0.46 10.2 0.64 11.3 0.81 12.4 1.02 12.8 1.11
1250 9.1 0.51 10.4 0.70 11.5 0.87 12.6 1.08 13.0 1.19
1300 9.4 0.56 10.7 0.75 11.7 0.93 12.7 1.14 13.2 1.25
1400 9.7 0.62 10.9 0.82 12.0 0.99 12.9 1.22 13.4 1.33
1450 10.0 0.67 11.2 0.88 12.2 1.07 13.2 1.27 13.6 1.40
1500 10.2 0.74 11.4 0.94 12.4 1.15 13.4 1.36 13.8 1.48
1550 10.5 0.80 11.7 1.02 12.7 1.23 13.6 1.44 14.0 1.56
1600 10.8 0.88 11.9 1.09 12.9 1.32 13.8 1.53 14.2 1.65
1650 11.1 0.97 12.2 1.17 13.2 1.41 14.0 1.63 14.4 1.75
1700 11.4 1.04 12.4 1.25 13.4 1.51 14.3 1.73 14.7 1.85
1750 11.7 1.12 12.7 1.35 13.7 1.61 14.5 1.85 14.9 1.97
1800 12.0 1.23 13.0 1.45 13.9 1.70 14.8 1.95 15.1 2.07
1850 12.2 1.33 13.2 1.54 14.2 1.81 15.0 2.08 15.4 2.20
1900 12.5 1.42 13.5 1.65 14.4 1.92 15.2 2.20 15.6 2.34

48TJ008 (21.5 kW) — STANDARD MOTOR (BELT DRIVE) (cont)

External Static Pressure (Pa)
Airflow 250 300 350 400
R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW
1075 12.9 1.03 13.9 1.29 15.0 1.60 15.7 1.89
1125 13.0 1.08 14.0 1.34 15.1 1.68 15.9 1.92
1150 13.1 1.13 14.1 1.38 15.2 1.69 16.0 1.96
1200 13.3 1.21 14.3 1.42 15.2 1.74 16.1 2.01
1250 13.5 1.29 14.4 1.48 15.3 1.78 16.2 2.06
1300 13.7 1.37 14.5 1.56 15.4 1.81 16.3 2.09
1400 13.9 1.44 14.7 1.66 15.5 1.84 16.4 2.19
1450 14.1 1.52 14.9 1.77 15.7 1.97 16.5 2.18
1500 14.3 1.60 15.1 1.86 15.9 2.08 16.6 2.29
1550 14.2 1.68 15.3 1.94 16.1 2.21 16.8 2.43
1600 14.8 1.77 15.5 2.04 16.3 2.31 17.0 2.55
1650 14.9 1.86 15.7 2.13 16.5 2.42 17.2 2.70
1700 15.1 1.97 15.9 2.24 16.6 2.52 17.4 2.82
1750 15.3 2.08 16.1 2.35 16.8 2.64 17.6 2.94
1800 15.5 2.20 16.3 2.45 17.0 2.76 17.7 3.05
1850 15.8 2.32 16.5 2.58 17.2 2.87 17.9 3.19
1900 16.0 2.46 16.7 2.70 17.5 2.99 18.1 3.31

LEGEND 5. Standard drive range is 8.2 to 11.7 r/s. All other speeds require a
BkW — Fan Input kW × Motor Efficiency field-supplied drive.
R/s — Revolutions Per Second of Blower Wheel 6. Maximum continuous BkW is 1.79. Extensive motor and electrical
testing on these units ensures that the full range of the motor can be
NOTES: utilized with confidence. Using the fan motors up to the ratings shown
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive required. (See Note 5.) will not result in nuisance tripping or premature motor failure. Unit
warranty will not be affected.
2. indicates field-supplied motor and drive required. 7. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.
3. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils.
4. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your
Carrier representative to verify.

Performance data (cont)
External Static Pressure (Pa)
Airflow 50 100 150 200 250
R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW
1500 9.1 0.49 10.5 0.63 11.6 0.77 12.6 0.89 13.5 0.99
1550 9.4 0.54 10.7 0.68 11.8 0.82 12.8 0.96 13.7 1.06
1600 9.6 0.59 10.9 0.73 12.0 0.88 13.0 1.02 13.9 1.14
1650 9.8 0.65 11.1 0.80 12.2 0.95 13.2 1.09 14.1 1.22
1700 10.1 0.71 11.3 0.86 12.4 1.01 13.4 1.16 14.2 1.30
1750 10.3 0.77 11.5 0.92 12.6 1.07 13.5 1.23 14.4 1.38
1800 10.6 0.84 11.7 0.98 12.8 1.14 13.7 1.30 14.6 1.47
1850 10.8 0.92 11.9 1.04 13.0 1.21 13.9 1.39 14.8 1.55
1900 11.1 1.00 12.1 1.14 13.2 1.29 14.1 1.47 15.0 1.64
1950 11.3 1.09 12.3 1.22 13.4 1.38 14.3 1.55 15.2 1.72
2000 11.6 1.18 12.6 1.31 13.6 1.47 14.5 1.64 15.3 1.82
2050 11.9 1.28 12.8 1.40 13.8 1.56 14.7 1.73 15.5 1.92
2100 12.1 1.38 13.0 1.50 14.0 1.64 14.9 1.82 15.8 2.02
2150 12.4 1.49 13.2 1.60 14.2 1.73 15.1 1.93 15.9 2.13
2200 12.7 1.61 13.4 1.70 14.4 1.83 15.3 2.04 16.1 2.24
2300 12.9 1.74 13.7 1.81 14.6 1.93 15.5 2.15 — —
2350 13.2 1.86 13.9 1.93 14.8 2.03 15.7 2.27 — —
2400 13.5 2.00 14.2 2.05 15.0 2.14 — — — —
2500 — — 14.4 2.14 15.2 2.25 — — — —

48TJ012 (29.2 kW) — STANDARD MOTOR (BELT DRIVE) (cont)

External Static Pressure (Pa)
Airflow 300 350 400 450 500
R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW
1500 14.5 1.13 15.2 1.22 16.1 1.40 16.8 1.54 17.7 1.82
1550 14.6 1.20 15.4 1.30 16.2 1.43 16.9 1.60 17.8 1.86
1600 14.8 1.26 15.6 1.40 16.3 1.50 17.1 1.68 17.9 1.91
1650 14.9 1.33 15.7 1.48 16.5 1.60 17.2 1.72 18.0 1.97
1700 15.0 1.42 15.9 1.56 16.7 1.70 17.3 1.81 18.0 1.97
1750 15.2 1.51 16.0 1.64 16.8 1.79 17.5 1.91 18.2 2.04
1800 15.4 1.61 16.2 1.73 17.0 1.89 17.7 2.03 18.3 2.15
1850 15.6 1.71 16.3 1.84 17.1 1.98 17.8 2.15 18.5 2.27
1900 15.8 1.80 16.5 1.94 17.2 2.07 18.0 2.24 18.7 2.40
1950 16.0 1.91 16.7 2.06 17.4 2.19 — — — —
2000 16.2 2.01 16.9 2.17 17.6 2.31 — — — —
2050 16.3 2.10 17.1 2.29 — — — — — —
2100 16.5 2.21 — — — — — — — —
2150 16.7 2.32 — — — — — — — —
2200 16.9 2.43 — — — — — — — —
2300 — — — — — — — — — —
2350 — — — — — — — — — —
2400 — — — — — — — — — —
2500 — — — — — — — — — —

LEGEND 5. Standard drive range is 9.5 to 13.0 r/s. All other speeds require a
BkW — Fan Input kW × Motor Efficiency field-supplied drive.
R/s — Revolutions Per Second of Blower Wheel 6. Maximum continuous BkW is 1.79. Extensive motor and electrical
testing on these units ensures that the full range of the motor can be
NOTES: utilized with confidence. Using the fan motors up to the ratings shown
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive required. (See Note 5.) will not result in nuisance tripping or premature motor failure. Unit
warranty will not be affected.
2. indicates field-supplied motor and drive required. 7. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.
3. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils.
4. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your
Carrier representative to verify.

External Static Pressure (Pa)
Airflow 50 100 150 200 250
R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW
1900 11.5 0.96 12.7 1.14 13.7 1.32 14.7 1.49 15.6 1.71
1950 11.8 1.04 12.9 1.22 13.9 1.40 14.9 1.57 15.8 1.80
2000 12.1 1.12 13.2 1.29 14.2 1.49 15.1 1.65 16.0 1.89
2050 12.3 1.18 13.4 1.38 14.4 1.59 15.3 1.75 16.2 1.96
2100 12.6 1.27 13.6 1.46 14.6 1.68 15.5 1.86 16.4 2.05
2150 12.8 1.36 13.9 1.56 14.9 1.78 15.7 1.96 16.6 2.15
2200 13.1 1.44 14.1 1.66 15.1 1.88 16.0 2.07 16.8 2.26
2250 13.3 1.53 14.4 1.75 15.3 1.99 16.2 2.20 17.0 2.36
2325 13.6 1.63 14.6 1.87 15.5 2.10 16.4 2.30 17.2 2.50
2400 13.9 1.74 14.9 1.98 15.8 2.20 16.6 2.44 17.4 2.64
2450 14.1 1.84 15.1 2.10 16.0 2.31 16.8 2.56 — —
2500 14.4 1.95 15.4 2.22 16.2 2.44 17.1 2.69 — —
2550 14.7 2.07 15.6 2.34 16.5 2.56 — — — —
2600 14.9 2.18 15.8 2.47 16.7 2.69 — — — —
2650 15.2 2.32 16.1 2.60 — — — — — —
2700 15.4 2.44 16.4 2.74 — — — — — —
2750 15.7 2.57 — — — — — — — —
2800 15.9 2.71 — — — — — — — —

48TJ014 (35.9 kW) — STANDARD MOTOR (BELT DRIVE) (cont)

External Static Pressure (Pa)
Airflow 300 350 400 450 500
R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW R/s BkW
1900 16.6 1.91 17.5 2.11 18.2 2.29 18.9 2.44 19.3 2.55
1950 16.7 2.00 17.6 2.21 18.4 2.41 19.1 2.58 19.6 2.71
2000 16.9 2.11 17.8 2.31 18.6 2.52 19.3 2.71 — —
2050 17.1 2.20 17.9 2.42 18.7 2.64 — — — —
2100 17.2 2.30 18.1 2.53 18.9 2.76 — — — —
2150 17.4 2.42 18.2 2.64 — — — — — —
2200 17.6 2.52 18.4 2.76 — — — — — —
2250 17.8 2.61 — — — — — — — —
2325 18.0 2.71 — — — — — — — —
2400 — — — — — — — — — —
2450 — — — — — — — — — —
2500 — — — — — — — — — —
2550 — — — — — — — — — —
2600 — — — — — — — — — —
2650 — — — — — — — — — —
2700 — — — — — — — — — —
2750 — — — — — — — — — —
2800 — — — — — — — — — —

LEGEND 4. Standard drive range is 12.0 to 15.0 r/s. All other speeds require a
BkW — Fan Input kW × Motor Efficiency field-supplied drive.
R/s — Revolutions Per Second of Blower Wheel 5. Maximum continuous BkW is 2.76. Extensive motor and electrical
testing on these units ensures that the full range of the motor can be
NOTES: utilized with confidence. Using the fan motors up to the ratings shown
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive required. (See Note 4.) will not result in nuisance tripping or premature motor failure. Unit
2. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils. warranty will not be affected.
3. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your 6. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.
Carrier representative to verify.

Performance data (cont)
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
Airflow 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp
2200 506 0.52 586 0.72 656 0.95 718 1.18
2250 514 0.55 593 0.76 662 0.99 724 1.22
2300 521 0.57 600 0.79 668 1.02 730 1.26
2400 536 0.63 613 0.85 680 1.09 741 1.34
2500 551 0.69 626 0.93 693 1.17 753 1.43
2550 559 0.72 634 0.97 700 1.21 759 1.48
2600 567 0.75 641 1.00 706 1.25 764 1.52
2700 582 0.83 655 1.08 719 1.34 776 1.61
2800 598 0.90 670 1.17 732 1.43 789 1.71
2900 614 0.98 684 1.25 745 1.53 802 1.81
3000 630 1.07 699 1.35 759 1.63 815 1.92
3100 646 1.16 714 1.45 773 1.74 828 2.04
3200 662 1.26 729 1.55 787 1.86 841 2.16
3300 679 1.36 744 1.66 801 1.98 854 2.29
3400 695 1.47 759 1.78 816 2.10 867 2.42
3500 712 1.59 774 1.90 830 2.23 881 2.56
3600 729 1.71 790 2.03 845 2.37 895 2.71
3700 745 1.84 805 2.17 860 2.52 909 2.87
3750 754 1.91 813 2.24 868 2.59 917 2.95


External Static Pressure (in. wg)
Cfm 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp
2200 776 1.43 838 1.78 898 2.21 935 2.58
2250 781 1.78 841 1.81 902 2.25 939 2.60
2300 786 1.50 843 1.83 905 2.28 943 2.62
2400 796 1.59 849 1.88 910 2.31 952 2.74
2500 808 1.69 859 1.96 912 2.31 963 2.81
2550 814 1.74 864 2.01 915 2.34 968 2.81
2600 819 1.79 869 2.06 918 2.37 973 2.81
2700 831 1.89 880 2.17 927 2.47 976 2.84
2800 842 2.00 892 2.29 938 2.58 983 2.92
2900 854 2.11 903 2.42 949 2.71 993 3.03
3000 866 2.23 915 2.54 961 2.85 1003 3.17
3100 878 2.35 926 2.67 972 3.00 1015 3.32
3200 891 2.48 938 2.81 983 3.14 1026 3.47
3300 904 2.61 950 2.95 995 3.30 — —
3400 917 2.75 963 3.10 1007 3.45 — —
3500 930 2.90 976 3.25 — — — —
3600 943 3.05 988 3.41 — — — —
3700 956 3.22 — — — — — —
3750 963 3.30 — — — — — —

LEGEND 5. Standard drive range is 492 to 700 rpm. All other rpms require a
Bhp — Brake Horsepower at Motor Shaft field-supplied drive.
Rpm — Revolutions Per Minute of Blower Wheel 6. Maximum continuous bhp is 2.4. Extensive motor and electrical test-
ing on these units ensures that the full range of the motor can be
NOTES: utilized with confidence. Using the fan motors up to the ratings shown
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive required. (See Note 5.) will not result in nuisance tripping or premature motor failure. Unit
warranty will not be affected.
2. indicates field-supplied motor and drive required. 7. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.
3. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils.
4. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your
Carrier representative to verify.

External Static Pressure (in. wg)
Airflow 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp
3000 592 0.76 661 0.93 722 1.09 779 1.26 829 1.42
3100 607 0.83 676 1.01 734 1.17 791 1.34 840 1.51
3200 622 0.90 690 1.09 746 1.25 803 1.43 852 1.60
3300 638 0.98 705 1.17 759 1.33 815 1.52 864 1.70
3400 653 1.06 719 1.26 772 1.43 826 1.62 876 1.81
3500 669 1.15 733 1.35 786 1.53 838 1.72 888 1.91
3600 684 1.24 747 1.44 800 1.64 850 1.82 900 2.03
3700 700 1.33 760 1.54 814 1.75 863 1.92 912 2.14
3800 715 1.43 774 1.64 828 1.86 875 2.04 924 2.26
3900 731 1.54 787 1.74 843 1.98 888 2.16 936 2.38
4000 747 1.64 801 1.85 857 2.10 902 2.30 948 2.51
4100 763 1.76 816 1.97 872 2.23 916 2.44 960 2.64
4200 778 1.88 831 2.10 886 2.36 929 2.58 972 2.78
4300 794 2.00 846 2.23 900 2.50 943 2.73 985 2.93
4400 810 2.13 861 2.37 913 2.64 958 2.89 999 3.09
4500 826 2.27 876 2.52 927 2.78 973 3.04 1012 3.26
4600 842 2.41 892 2.67 940 2.92 987 3.21 — —
4700 858 2.55 907 2.83 954 3.08 1002 3.38 — —
4800 874 2.70 922 2.99 968 3.24 — — — —
4900 890 2.86 938 3.16 — — — — — —
5000 906 3.03 953 3.33 — — — — — —


External Static Pressure (in. wg)
Airflow 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp
3000 880 1.58 924 1.73 970 1.89 1019 2.00 1066 2.30
3100 890 1.68 935 1.84 977 2.00 1026 2.17 1070 2.44
3200 900 1.77 946 1.95 987 2.11 1029 2.28 1075 2.51
3300 910 1.88 957 2.06 998 2.23 1037 2.40 1082 2.58
3400 921 1.98 967 2.17 1009 2.35 1047 2.53 1087 2.70
3500 933 2.10 976 2.29 1020 2.48 1058 2.66 1095 2.84
3600 945 2.22 986 2.41 1030 2.61 1069 2.80 1106 2.98
3700 957 2.34 998 2.54 1039 2.74 1081 2.94 1117 3.13
3800 969 2.47 1010 2.67 1049 2.87 1091 3.08 1128 3.29
3900 981 2.60 1022 2.81 1060 3.02 1100 3.23 — —
4000 993 2.74 1034 2.96 1072 3.17 1110 3.38 — —
4100 1005 2.88 1046 3.11 1084 3.32 — — — —
4200 1016 3.03 1058 3.26 — — — — — —
4300 1028 3.17 — — — — — — — —
4400 1040 3.32 — — — — — — — —
4500 — — — — — — — — — —
4600 — — — — — — — — — —
4700 — — — — — — — — — —
4800 — — — — — — — — — —
4900 — — — — — — — — — —
5000 — — — — — — — — — —

LEGEND 5. Standard drive range is 571 to 779 rpm. All other rpms require a
Bhp — Brake Horsepower at Motor Shaft field-supplied drive.
Rpm — Revolutions Per Minute of Blower Wheel 6. Maximum continuous bhp is 2.4. Extensive motor and electrical test-
ing on these units ensures that the full range of the motor can be
NOTES: utilized with confidence. Using the fan motors up to the ratings shown
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive required. (See Note 5.) will not result in nuisance tripping or premature motor failure. Unit
warranty will not be affected.
2. indicates field-supplied motor and drive required. 7. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.
3. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils.
4. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your
Carrier representative to verify.

Performance data (cont)
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
Airflow 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp
3700 729 1.36 790 1.58 847 1.79 902 2.06 955 2.29
3800 745 1.46 805 1.69 861 1.89 915 2.17 967 2.41
3900 761 1.56 820 1.80 875 2.01 928 2.29 979 2.55
4000 777 1.67 836 1.92 889 2.14 941 2.40 991 2.68
4100 793 1.79 851 2.05 904 2.27 955 2.52 1004 2.82
4200 810 1.91 867 2.18 918 2.41 968 2.65 1017 2.96
4300 826 2.04 883 2.32 933 2.55 982 2.79 1030 3.11
4400 842 2.17 898 2.46 948 2.70 996 2.93 1043 3.25
4500 859 2.31 914 2.60 962 2.85 1010 3.09 1056 3.40
4600 876 2.46 930 2.76 977 3.01 1024 3.26 1070 3.55
4700 892 2.60 945 2.91 992 3.18 1039 3.43 1083 3.71
4800 909 2.77 961 3.07 1008 3.36 1053 3.61 1097 3.88
4900 926 2.93 977 3.24 1024 3.54 1068 3.80 1111 4.06
5000 942 3.11 993 3.41 1039 3.73 1080 3.90 1126 4.25
5100 959 3.29 1009 3.60 1055 3.92 1097 4.19 1139 4.46
5200 976 3.47 1025 3.78 1071 4.12 1112 4.40 1153 4.67
5300 993 3.67 1041 3.98 1086 4.33 1127 4.61 1168 4.90
5400 1010 3.87 1057 4.18 1102 4.54 1142 4.84 1182 5.13
5500 1027 4.07 1073 4.39 1118 4.76 1157 5.07 — —
5600 1043 4.29 1090 4.61 1133 4.99 — — — —
5700 1060 4.51 1106 4.83 1149 5.22 — — — —
5800 1077 4.74 1122 5.07 — — — — — —
5900 1094 4.98 — — — — — — — —
6000 1111 5.22 — — — — — — — —

48TJ014 (10.2 TONS) — STANDARD MOTOR (BELT DRIVE) (cont)

External Static Pressure (in. wg)
Airflow 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp
3700 1008 2.55 1060 2.80 1108 3.05 1152 3.27 1190 3.46
3800 1019 2.67 1070 2.94 1118 3.19 1163 3.44 1203 3.65
3900 1029 2.80 1079 3.07 1128 3.34 1173 3.60 1214 3.83
4000 1040 2.94 1089 3.22 1137 3.49 1183 3.76 1225 4.00
4100 1052 3.08 1100 3.36 1147 3.65 1193 3.93 1236 4.19
4200 1064 3.23 1110 3.51 1157 3.81 1202 4.09 1245 4.38
4300 1076 3.40 1121 3.67 1167 3.97 1212 4.27 1255 4.56
4400 1088 3.56 1133 3.84 1178 4.14 1222 4.44 1265 4.74
4500 1101 3.73 1144 4.00 1188 4.31 1232 4.62 1274 4.93
4600 1114 3.90 1157 4.19 1199 4.49 1242 4.81 1284 5.13
4700 1126 4.07 1169 4.38 1210 4.68 1252 5.00 — —
4800 1140 4.25 1181 4.58 1222 4.87 1263 5.20 — —
4900 1153 4.41 1194 4.77 1234 5.09 — — — —
5000 1166 4.59 1207 4.97 — — — — — —
5100 1180 4.78 1220 5.18 — — — — — —
5200 1194 4.98 — — — — — — — —
5300 1208 5.19 — — — — — — — —
5400 — — — — — — — — — —
5500 — — — — — — — — — —
5600 — — — — — — — — — —
5700 — — — — — — — — — —
5800 — — — — — — — — — —
5900 — — — — — — — — — —
6000 — — — — — — — — — —

LEGEND 5. Standard drive range is 717 to 900 rpm. All other rpms require a
Bhp — Brake Horsepower at Motor Shaft field-supplied drive.
Rpm — Revolutions Per Minute of Blower Wheel 6. Maximum continuous bhp is 3.7. Extensive motor and electrical test-
ing on these units ensures that the full range of the motor can be
NOTES: utilized with confidence. Using the fan motors up to the ratings shown
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive required. (See Note 5.) will not result in nuisance tripping or premature motor failure. Unit
warranty will not be affected.
2. indicates field-supplied motor and drive required. 7. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.
3. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils.
4. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your
Carrier representative to verify.

External Static Pressure (in. wg)
Airflow 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9
Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp
2200 499 0.50 580 0.70 652 0.94 717 1.17 748 1.30
2250 507 0.53 586 0.73 658 0.97 722 1.22 752 1.34
2300 513 0.55 592 0.76 663 1.00 727 1.26 756 1.38
2400 528 0.60 606 0.83 674 1.06 738 1.34 766 1.46
2500 542 0.66 619 0.90 686 1.13 748 1.41 777 1.55
2550 550 069 627 0.94 692 1.17 754 1.45 783 1.60
2600 557 0.72 634 0.97 698 1.21 759 1.49 787 1.64
2700 573 0.79 648 1.05 711 1.29 770 1.58 798 1.73
2800 588 0.86 662 1.13 723 1.38 782 1.66 809 1.82
2900 604 0.94 676 1.21 737 1.48 794 1.76 821 1.92
3000 620 1.02 690 1.30 750 1.58 806 1.86 832 2.02
3100 636 1.11 704 1.39 764 1.69 818 1.97 844 2.13
3200 652 1.21 718 1.49 778 1.80 831 2.09 856 2.25
3300 668 1.31 732 1.59 793 1.92 844 2.21 869 2.37
3400 684 1.41 747 1.70 807 2.04 857 2.35 882 2.51
3500 701 1.53 762 1.82 821 2.16 871 2.48 895 2.64
3600 717 1.65 777 1.94 835 2.29 885 2.63 908 2.79
3700 733 1.77 792 2.07 849 2.42 899 2.78 922 2.95
3750 742 1.84 800 2.14 856 2.49 907 2.86 929 3.03


External Static Pressure (in. wg)
Airflow 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp
2200 779 1.43 839 1.78 905 2.21 951 2.57
2250 783 1.46 843 1.81 908 2.25 955 2.59
2300 786 1.49 846 1.84 910 2.25 959 2.61
2400 795 1.58 853 1.88 912 2.31 967 2.68
2500 806 1.68 859 1.94 919 2.37 971 2.73
2550 812 1.74 864 1.99 920 2.39 974 2.76
2600 816 1.79 868 2.04 921 2.41 976 2.78
2700 827 1.88 878 2.16 928 2.45 983 2.88
2800 837 1.98 889 2.29 937 2.57 986 2.91
2900 848 2.08 900 2.41 947 2.70 993 3.01
3000 849 2.18 910 2.52 958 2.85 1002 3.15
3100 870 2.29 920 2.64 968 2.99 1012 3.30
3200 882 2.40 931 2.76 979 3.13 1023 3.47
3300 894 2.53 942 2.89 989 3.26 1034 3.63
3400 907 2.66 954 3.02 1000 3.40 1044 3.79
3500 919 2.80 966 3.15 1011 3.55 1054 3.94
3600 932 2.95 978 3.30 1022 3.69 1065 4.10
3700 945 3.11 990 3.45 1034 3.84 1076 4.28
3750 952 3.20 997 3.54 1040 3.93 1082 5.27

LEGEND 5. Standard drive range is 492 to 700 rpm. All other rpms require a
Bhp — Brake Horsepower at Motor Shaft field-supplied drive.
Rpm — Revolutions Per Minute of Blower Wheel 6. Maximum continuous bhp is 2.4. Extensive motor and electrical test-
ing on these units ensures that the full range of the motor can be
NOTES: utilized with confidence. Using the fan motors up to the ratings shown
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive required. (See Note 5.) will not result in nuisance tripping or premature motor failure. Unit
warranty will not be affected.
2. indicates field-supplied motor and drive required. 7. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.
3. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils.
4. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your
Carrier representative to verify.

Performance data (cont)
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
Airflow 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp
3000 552 0.68 632 0.87 701 1.05 761 1.22 816 1.36
3100 565 0.74 644 0.93 711 1.12 772 1.31 825 1.45
3200 578 0.81 656 1.00 723 1.20 782 1.39 835 1.55
3300 591 0.88 668 1.08 734 1.28 793 1.47 845 1.65
3400 605 0.96 680 1.16 745 1.36 803 1.56 856 1.75
3500 519 1.04 691 1.23 755 1.44 813 1.65 867 1.86
3600 633 1.13 703 1.31 766 1.52 824 1.74 877 1.97
3700 648 1.23 714 1.39 777 1.61 835 1.85 887 2.07
3800 662 1.33 726 1.51 789 1.72 846 1.95 897 2.18
3900 677 1.44 738 1.61 801 1.82 857 2.06 908 2.29
4000 692 1.55 750 1.73 813 1.94 868 2.17 918 2.40
4100 707 1.67 762 1.84 825 2.05 878 2.28 929 2.53
4200 722 1.80 775 1.97 837 2.16 889 2.40 941 2.66
4300 737 1.94 787 2.09 848 2.27 900 2.52 952 2.80
4400 752 2.08 800 2.21 860 2.39 912 2.66 962 2.93
4500 768 2.24 814 2.35 871 2.51 924 2.80 973 3.07
4600 783 2.40 827 2.50 883 2.64 937 2.95 983 3.21
4700 799 2.56 841 2.64 894 2.77 949 3.10 994 3.36
4800 814 2.74 855 2.80 906 2.91 961 3.26 — —
4900 — — 868 2.90 918 3.05 972 3.40 — —
5000 — — 883 3.10 931 3.21 — — — —


External Static Pressure (in. wg)
Airflow 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp
3000 871 1.54 918 1.67 967 1.89 1010 2.09 1063 2.46
3100 879 1.63 928 1.78 973 1.94 1018 2.17 1070 2.51
3200 887 1.71 937 1.90 981 2.04 1026 2.26 1075 2.57
3300 895 1.80 946 2.00 991 2.16 1032 2.32 1080 2.64
3400 904 1.91 953 2.10 1000 2.29 1041 2.44 1083 2.65
3500 914 2.03 961 2.20 1009 2.41 1051 2.57 1090 2.74
3600 924 2.15 970 2.32 1017 2.53 1061 2.72 1099 2.88
3700 935 2.28 980 2.45 1024 2.64 1069 2.87 1109 3.03
3800 946 2.40 989 2.58 1033 2.76 1077 2.99 1118 3.20
3900 956 2.53 1000 2.73 1042 2.91 1085 3.12 1127 3.36
4000 967 2.66 1010 2.87 1052 3.06 1093 3.24 — —
4100 977 2.78 1021 3.02 1062 3.22 1102 3.41 — —
4200 987 2.91 1032 3.17 1072 3.38 — — — —
4300 999 3.04 1042 3.32 — — — — — —
4400 1008 3.19 — — — — — — — —
4500 1019 3.34 — — — — — — — —
4600 — — — — — — — — — —
4700 — — — — — — — — — —
4800 — — — — — — — — — —
4900 — — — — — — — — — —
5000 — — — — — — — — — —

LEGEND 5. Standard drive range is 571 to 779 rpm. All other rpms require a
Bhp — Brake Horsepower at Motor Shaft field-supplied drive.
Rpm — Revolutions Per Minute of Blower Wheel 6. Maximum continuous bhp is 2.4. Extensive motor and electrical test-
ing on these units ensures that the full range of the motor can be
NOTES: utilized with confidence. Using the fan motors up to the ratings shown
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive required. (See Note 5.) will not result in nuisance tripping or premature motor failure. Unit
warranty will not be affected.
2. indicates field-supplied motor and drive required. 7. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.
3. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils.
4. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your
Carrier representative to verify.

External Static Pressure (in. wg)
Airflow 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp
3700 677 1.20 748 1.43 810 1.65 869 1.89 928 2.17
3800 691 1.28 761 1.52 822 1.75 880 1.98 937 2.28
3900 705 1.37 773 1.62 834 1.86 891 2.08 947 2.39
4000 720 1.47 786 1.71 847 1.97 902 2.19 957 2.50
4100 734 1.56 800 1.82 860 2.09 914 2.31 967 2.60
4200 749 1.66 813 1.92 873 2.21 926 2.44 978 2.71
4300 764 1.77 826 2.04 886 2.33 938 2.57 989 2.83
4400 779 1.88 840 2.16 899 2.46 951 2.71 1000 2.96
4500 793 1.99 854 2.28 912 2.59 963 2.86 1012 3.09
4600 808 2.11 868 2.42 925 2.73 975 3.00 1024 3.25
4700 822 2.24 882 2.56 937 2.86 988 3.16 1036 3.42
4800 837 2.37 896 2.71 950 3.00 1001 3.32 1048 3.59
4900 852 2.51 910 2.86 963 3.15 1014 3.48 — —
5000 867 2.65 924 3.01 977 3.30 1027 3.65 — —
5100 882 2.79 938 3.17 990 3.46 — — — —
5200 896 2.95 952 3.33 1003 3.63 — — — —
5300 911 3.11 967 3.50 — — — — — —
5400 926 3.27 981 3.68 — — — — — —
5500 940 3.44 — — — — — — — —
5600 955 3.62 — — — — — — — —

48TJ014 (10.2 TONS) — STANDARD MOTOR (BELT DRIVE) (cont)

External Static Pressure (in. wg)
Airflow 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp
3700 984 2.43 1036 2.68 1080 2.90 1114 3.07 1135 3.17
3800 993 2.55 1046 2.81 1092 3.05 1129 3.25 1156 3.39
3900 1002 2.66 1055 2.94 1102 3.20 1143 3.42 1174 3.59
4000 1011 2.79 1064 3.07 1112 3.34 1155 3.59 — —
4100 1021 2.91 1072 3.20 1121 3.49 — — — —
4200 1030 3.04 1081 3.34 1130 3.64 — — — —
4300 1040 3.18 1090 3.48 — — — — — —
4400 1050 3.31 1100 3.63 — — — — — —
4500 1061 3.43 — — — — — — — —
4600 1071 3.56 — — — — — — — —
4700 1082 3.70 — — — — — — — —
4800 — — — — — — — — — —
4900 — — — — — — — — — —
5000 — — — — — — — — — —
5100 — — — — — — — — — —
5200 — — — — — — — — — —
5300 — — — — — — — — — —
5400 — — — — — — — — — —
5500 — — — — — — — — — —
5600 — — — — — — — — — —

LEGEND 4. Standard drive range is 717 to 900 rpm. All other rpms require a
Bhp — Brake Horsepower at Motor Shaft field-supplied drive.
Rpm — Revolutions Per Minute of Blower Wheel 5. Maximum continuous bhp is 3.7. Extensive motor and electrical test-
ing on these units ensures that the full range of the motor can be
NOTES: utilized with confidence. Using the fan motors up to the ratings shown
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive required. (See Note 4.) will not result in nuisance tripping or premature motor failure. Unit
2. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils. warranty will not be affected.
3. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your 6. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.
Carrier representative to verify.

Performance data (cont)
008 400 1.79 2.40 2120 2.7
012 400 1.79 2.40 2120 2.7
014 400 2.76 3.70 3326 5.7
LEGEND *Extensive motor and electrical testing on these units ensures that
Bhp — Brake Horsepower the full range of the motors can be utilized with confidence. Using
BkW — kW x Motor Efficiency your fan motors up to the ratings shown in this table will not result
in nuisance tripping or premature motor failure. Unit warranty will
not be affected.



48TJ 0 ⁄
12 1 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 3 31⁄2 4 41⁄2 5
008 11.70 11.35 11.00 10.65 10.30 9.95 9.60 9.25 8.90 8.55 8.20
012 13.00 12.65 12.30 11.95 11.60 11.25 10.90 10.55 10.20 9.85 9.50
014 15.00 14.70 14.40 14.10 13.80 13.50 13.20 12.90 12.60 12.30 12.00



48TJ 0 ⁄
12 1 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 3 31⁄2 4 4 1 ⁄2 5
008 700 681 660 639 618 597 576 555 534 513 492
012 779 760 739 718 697 676 655 634 613 592 571
014 900 883 865 843 825 807 789 771 753 735 717


48TJD/TJE/TJF008 80
48TJD/TJE/TJF012 80
48TJD/TJE014 85
NOTE: Convert watts to bhp using the following formula:

watts input × motor efficiency

bhp =

175 0.70

150 0.60


125 0.50

100 0.40

75 0.30

50 0.20

25 0.10

0.00 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

0 100 200 300 400 500 570


48TJ008-014 48TJ008-014
1100 5 2200 .02
1200 6 2500 .02
1300 7 3000 .03
1400 8 3500 .04
1500 9 008-014 All 4000 .05
1600 10 4500 .06
008-014 All 1700 11 5000 .07
1800 12 5500 .08
1900 13 6000 .09
2000 14
2100 15 FIOP — Factory-Installed Option
2200 16
2300 17
FIOP — Factory-Installed Option

Electrical data — 48TJ008-014
(50 Hz)
008 400 360 440 6.2 37.7 0.8 2.6 .22 18.0 25 19 99
(3 phase)
012 400 360 440 8.6 55.0 0.8 3.4 .22 23.4 30 24 134
(3 phase)
014 400 360 440 9.6 72.0 0.8 6.2 .22 29.6 35 31 190
(3 phase)

LEGEND EXAMPLE: Supply voltage is 400-3-50.

FLA — Full Load Amps AB = 393 v
HACR — Heating, Air Conditioning and BC = 403 v
Refrigeration AC = 396 v
IFM — Indoor (Evaporator) Fan Motor 393 + 403 + 396
LRA — Locked Rotor Amps Average Voltage =
MCA — Minimum Circuit Amps 1192
MOCP — Maximum Overcurrent Protection =
NEC — National Electrical Code (U.S.A.) 3
OFM — Outdoor (Condenser) Fan Motor = 397
RLA — Rated Load Amps
Determine maximum deviation from average voltage:
*Fuse or HACR circuit breaker. (AB) 397 – 393 = 4 v
(BC) 403 – 397 = 6 v
NOTES: (AC) 397 – 396 = 1 v
1. In compliance with NEC requirements (U.S.A. Standard) for multi-
motor and combination load equipment (refer to NEC Articles 430 Maximum deviation is 6 v.
and 440), the overcurrent protective device for the unit shall be fuse Determine percent voltage imbalance.
or HACR breaker. The Canadian units may be fuse or circuit breaker. 6
2. Unbalanced 3-Phase Supply Voltage % Voltage imbalance = 100 x
Never operate a motor where a phase imbalance in supply voltage is
greater than 2%. Use the following formula to determine the percent = 1.5%
of voltage imbalance. This amount of phase imbalance is satisfactory as it is below the
maximum allowable 2%.
% Voltage imbalance
max voltage deviation from average voltage IMPORTANT: If the supply voltage phase imbalance is more
= 100 x than 2%, contact your local electric utility company immediately.
average voltage

Typical piping and wiring — 48TJ008-014










NEC — National Electrical Code (U.S.A. Standard)

Typical wiring schematic
AHA — Adjustable Heat Anticipator
BR — Blower Relay
C — Contactor, Compressor
CAP — Capacitor
CB — Circuit Breaker
CC — Cooling Compensator
COMP — Compressor Motor
CR — Combustion Relay
D — Diode
EC — Enthalpy Control
ECON — Economizer
EPS — Emergency Power Supply
(9-Volt Battery)
EQUIP — Equipment
ER — Economizer Relay
FPT — Freeze Up Protection
FSS — Filter Status Sensor
GND — Ground
GVR — Gas Valve Relay
HPS — High-Pressure Switch
HS — Hall Effect Sensor
I — Ignitor
IDM — Induced-Draft Motor
IFC — Indoor-Fan Contactor
IFM — Indoor-Fan Motor
IGC — Integrated Gas Unit Controller
LPS — Low-Pressure Switch
LS — Limit Switch
MGV — Main Gas Valve
MTR — Motor
OAT — Outdoor-Air Thermostat
OFM — Outdoor-Fan Motor
P — Plug
PL — Plug Assembly
QT — Quadruple Terminal
R — Relay
RS — Rollout Switch
SAT — Supply-Air Thermostat
SEN — Sensor
SW1 — Switch Fully Open
SW2 — Switch Fully Closed
SW3 — Switch Min. Vent Position
SW4 — Switch Max. Vent Position
TC — Thermostat-Cooling
TH — Thermostat-Cooling
TRAN — Transformer
Field Splice
Marked Wire
Terminal (Marked)
Terminal (Unmarked)
Terminal Block
Splice (Marked)
Factory Wiring
Field Control Wiring
Field Power Wiring
Accessory or Optional Wiring
To indicate common potential
only, not to represent wiring

1. If any of the original wire furnished must be replaced, it must
be replaced with Type 90 C wire or its equivalent.
2. Three-phase motors are protected under primary single phas-
ing conditions.
3. Thermostat: HH07AT170, 172, 174 and P272-2783
Subbase: HH93AZ176, 178 and P272-1882, 1883
4. Set heat anticipator for first stage at 0.14 amp, second stage
at 0.2 amp, except for 008 low heat, set both first and sec-
ond stage at 0.14 amp.
5. Use copper conductors only.

Operating sequence When the supply-air temperature falls to between
Cooling, units without economizer — When thermo- 13.9 C (57 F) and 11.1 C (52 F), the damper will remain at
stat calls for cooling, terminals G and Y1 are energized. The an intermediate open position. If the supply-air tempera-
indoor (evaporator) fan contactor (IFC), and compressor ture falls below 11.1 C (52 F), the damper will modulate
contactor no. 1 (C1) are energized and evaporator-fan mo- closed until it reaches the minimum position or until the
tor, compressor no. 1, and condenser fans start. The supply-air temperature is above 11.1 C (52 F). When the
condenser-fan motor runs continuously while unit is cool- thermostat is satisfied, the damper will move to the fully
ing. If the thermostat calls for a second stage of cooling by closed position.
energizing Y2, compressor contactor no. 2 (C2) is ener- If the outdoor air alone cannot satisfy the cooling require-
gized and compressor no. 2 starts. ments of the conditioned space, economizer cooling is in-
tegrated with mechanical cooling, providing second-stage
Heating, units without economizer — When the ther-
cooling. Compressor no. 1 and the condenser fan will be
mostat calls for heating, terminal W1 is energized. In order
energized and the position of the economizer damper will
to prevent thermostat short-cyling, the unit is locked into
be determined by the supply-air temperature. Compressor
the Heating mode for at least 1 minute when W1 is ener-
no. 2 is locked out.
gized. The induced-draft motor (IDM) is then energized and
When the second stage of cooling is satisfied, the com-
the burner ignition sequence begins. The indoor (evapora-
pressor and condenser-fan motor will be deenergized. The
tor) fan motor (IFM) is energized 45 seconds after a flame is
damper position will be determined by the supply-air
ignited. On units equipped for two stages of heat, when ad-
ditional heat is needed, W2 is energized and the high-fire
When the first stage of cooling is satisfied, the damper
solenoid on the main gas valve (MGV) is energized. When
will move to fully closed position.
the thermostat is satisfied and W1 is deenergized, the IFM
stops after a 45-second time-off delay. Heating, units with economizer — When the thermo-
stat calls for heating, terminal W1 is energized. In order to
Cooling, units with economizer — When the outdoor-
prevent thermostat short-cyling, the unit is locked into the
air temperature is above the outdoor-air thermostat (OAT)
Heating mode for at least 1 minute when W1 is energized.
setting and the room thermostat calls for cooling, compres-
The induced-draft motor is then energized and the burner
sor contactor no. 1 is energized to start compressor no. 1
ignition sequence begins. The indoor (evaporator) fan mo-
and the condenser-fan motor. The evaporator-fan motor is
tor (IFM) is energized 45 seconds after a flame is ignited
energized and the economizer damper moves to the mini-
and the damper moves to the minimum position. On units
mum position. Upon a further call for cooling, compressor
equipped for two stages of heat, when additional heat is
contactor no. 2 will be energized, starting compressor no.
needed, W2 is energized and the high-fire solenoid on the
2. After the thermostat is satisfied, the damper moves to
main gas valve (MGV) is energized. When the thermostat
the fully closed position.
is satisfied and W1 is deenergized, the IFM stops after a
When the outdoor-air temperature is below the OAT set-
45-second time-off delay. The economizer damper then
ting and the thermostat calls for cooling, the economizer
moves to the fully closed position. When using continuous
dampers move to the minimum position. If the supply-air
fan, the damper will remain in the minimum position.
temperature is above 13.9 C (57 F), the damper continues
to open until it reaches the fully open position or until the
supply-air temperature drops below 13.9 C (57 F).

Application data
Outdoor installation — Units approved for outdoor Heating-to-cooling changeover — All units are auto-
installation only. matic changeover from heating to cooling when automatic
Ductwork — Secure vertical discharge ductwork to roof changeover thermostat and subbase are used.
curb. For horizontal discharge applications, either attach Airflow — Units are draw-thru on cooling and blow-thru
ductwork to unit, or use field-supplied flanges attached to on heating.
the horizontal discharge openings and attach all ductwork Maximum airflow — To minimize the possibility of con-
to flanges. densate blow-off from evaporator, airflow through units
Horizontal discharge — To convert from vertical dis- should not exceed 236 L/s per kW (500 cfm/ton).
charge to horizontal discharge: Minimum airflow — For cooling minimum airflow is
1. Remove economizer to gain access to return duct 142 L/s per kW (300 cfm/ton).
opening. Minimum ambient cooling operating temperature —
2. Move the horizontal-discharge duct opening covers to The minimum temperature for standard units is −4 C
the vertical discharge openings. (25 F). With accessory Motormastert control, units can
3. Rotate economizer 90 degrees. operate at outdoor temperatures down to −29 C (−20 F).
4. Rotate the barometric relief damper 90 degrees. Internal unit design — Due to Carrier’s internal unit
design (draw-thru over the motor), air path, and specially
5. Install block-off plate over the opening on the access
designed motors, the full kW horsepower (maximum con-
tinuous bkW and bhp) listed in the Physical Data tables and
Thru-the-curb service connections — Roof curb con- the notes following each Fan Performance table can be uti-
nections allow field power wires, control wires, and gas sup- lized with confidence.
ply to enter through the roof curb opening.
Using Carrier motors with the values listed in the Physi-
Thru-the-bottom service connections — Power con- cal and Fan Performance Data tables will not result in nui-
nections made through the bottom of the unit must utilize sance tripping or premature motor failure. The unit war-
an accessory Carrier roof curb and accessory thru-the-bottom ranty will not be affected.
power connection accessory kit.
Thermostat — Use of 2-stage heating and cooling ther-
mostat is recommended for all units. A 2-stage cooling
thermostat is required on units with accessory economizer
to provide integrated cooling.

Guide specifications — 48TJ008-014
Packaged Rooftop Gas Heating, Electric forklift slots shall be provided to facilitate
Cooling Unit — Constant Volume maneuvering.
Application 5. Unit shall have a factory-installed, sloped conden-
sate drain pan made of a non-corrosive material,
HVAC Guide Specifications providing a minimum 19-mm (3⁄4-in.) connection
Size Range: 21.5 to 35.9 kW (6.1 to 10.2 Tons) with both vertical and horizontal drains and shall
Nominal Cooling comply with ASHRAE 62 (U.S.A. Standard).
Carrier Model Number: 48TJ
6. Unit shall have factory-installed filter access panel
Part 1 — General to provide filter access with tool-less removal.
1.01 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 7. Unit shall have standard thru-the-bottom power
Outdoor rooftop- or slab-mounted, electrically con- connection capability.
trolled heating and cooling unit utilizing hermetic com- C. Fans:
pressors for cooling duty and gas combination for
heating duty. Unit shall discharge supply air vertically 1. Indoor blower (evaporator fan) shall be of the belt-
or horizontally as shown on contract drawings. driven, double inlet, forward-curved centrifugal
type. Belt drive shall include an adjustable-pitch
1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE motor pulley.
A. Unit shall be rated in accordance with ARI Standards 2. Indoor blower (evaporator-fan) shall be made from
210/240 or 360 and 270 (U.S.A.). steel with a corrosion-resistant finish and shall be
B. Unit shall be designed to conform to ASHRAE 15, dynamically balanced.
latest revision, and in accordance with UL 1995. 3. Bearings shall be of the sealed, permanently lu-
(U.S.A. Standards). bricated, ball-bearing type for longer life and lower
C. Unit shall be manufactured in a facility registered to maintenance.
ISO 9001 and BS5750, Part 2. 4. Condenser fan shall be of the direct-driven pro-
D. Roof curb shall be designed to conform to NRCA peller type and shall discharge air vertically.
Standards (U.S.A.). 5. Condenser fan shall have aluminum blades riveted
E. Insulation and adhesive shall meet NFPA 90A require- to corrosion-resistant steel spiders and shall be dy-
ments (U.S.A. Standard) for flame spread and smoke namically balanced.
generation. D. Compressor(s):
F. Unit casing shall be capable of withstanding Federal 1. Fully hermetic type, internally protected.
Test Method (U.S.A. Standard) Standard No. 141
(Method 6061) 500-hour salt spray test. 2. Factory spring-mounted and internally spring
mounted for vibration isolation.
G. Unit shall comply with ASHRAE 62 (U.S.A. Stand-
ard) for indoor air quality. 3. On independent mounting circuits.
Unit(s) shall be stored and handled per manufactur- 1. Condenser coils shall have aluminum plate fins me-
er’s recommendations. chanically bonded to enhanced copper tubes with
all joints brazed.
Part 2 — Products
2. Tube sheet openings shall be belled to prevent tube
A. General: 3. Evaporator coil shall be of the full face active
Factory-assembled, single-piece heating and cooling design.
unit. Contained within the unit enclosure shall be all F. Heating Section:
factory wiring, piping, controls, refrigerant charge
(R-22), and special features required prior to field 1. Induced-draft combustion type with energy saving
start-up. direct-spark ignition system and redundant main
gas valve.
B. Unit Cabinet:
2. The heat exchanger shall be of the tubular-section
1. Unit cabinet shall be constructed of galvanized steel, type constructed of a minimum of 20-gage steel
bonderized and coated with a baked enamel finish coated with a nominal 1.2 mil aluminum-silicone
on all externally exposed surfaces. alloy for corrosion resistance.
2. Evaporator fan cabinet interior shall be insulated 3. Burners shall be of the in-shot type constructed of
with a minimum 13-mm (1⁄2-in.) thick flexible aluminum-coated steel.
fiberglass insulation coated on the air side. Alumi-
num foil-faced fiberglass insulation shall be used 4. All gas piping shall enter the unit cabinet at a single
in the gas heat compartment. location.
3. Cabinet panels shall be easily removable for 5. The integrated gas controller (IGC) board shall in-
servicing. clude gas heat operation fault notification using an
LED (light-emitting diode).
4. Holes shall be provided in the base rails for rig-
ging shackles to facilitate overhead rigging, and

Guide specifications — 48TJ008-014 (cont)
6. Unit shall be equipped with anti-cycle protection 2. Indoor blower (evaporator-fan) motor shall have
with one short cycle on unit flame rollout switch permanently lubricated bearings and inherent
or 4 continuous short cycles on the high-temperature automatic-reset thermal overload protection.
limit switch. Fault indication shall be made using 3. Totally enclosed condenser-fan motor shall have
an LED. permanently lubricated bearings, and inherent
7. The IGC board shall contain algorithms that modify automatic-reset thermal overload protection.
evaporator-fan operation to prevent future cycling M. Special Features:
on high-temperature limit switch.
Certain features are not applicable when the features
8. The LED shall be visible without removal of con- designated by * are specified. For assistance in amend-
trol box access panel. ing the specifications, your local Carrier Sales Office
G. Refrigerant Components: should be contacted.
Refrigerant circuit components shall include: 1. Roof Curbs: (Horizontal and Vertical)
1. Acutrol™ feed system. a. Formed galvanized steel with wood nailer strip
2. Refrigerant strainer. and capable of supporting entire unit weight.
3. Service gage connections on suction, discharge, b. Allows for installing and securing ductwork
and liquid line. to curb prior to mounting unit on the curb.
H. Filter Section: * 2. Integrated Economizer:
1. Standard filter section shall consist of factory- a. Integrated integral-modulating type capable
installed low-velocity, throwaway 51-mm (2-in.) of simultaneous economizer and compressor
thick fiberglass filters of commercially available operation.
sizes. b. Includes all hardware and controls to provide
2. Filter face velocity shall not exceed 1.64 m/s cooling with outdoor air.
(320 fpm) at nominal airflows. c. Equipped with low-leakage dampers not to
3. Filter section shall use only one size filter. exceed 3% leakage, at 249 Pa (1 in. wg) pres-
sure differential.
4. Filters shall be accessible through an access panel
with ‘‘no-tool’’ removal. d. Capable of introducing up to 100% outdoor
air in both minimum and fully open
I. Controls and Safeties:
1. Unit Controls:
e. Equipped with a gravity relief sliding plate
Unit shall be complete with self-contained low- damper. Damper shall close upon unit
voltage control circuit. shutoff.
2. Standard Safeties: f. The economizer shall be equipped with 30%
a. Unit shall incorporate compressor overtem- of return-air relief.
perature and overcurrent safety devices to shut g. Designed to close damper during loss-of-
off compressor. power situations with emergency power
b. Heating section shall be provided with the fol- supply.
lowing minimum protections: h. Dry bulb outdoor-air thermostat shall be pro-
1) High-temperature limit switches. vided as standard.
2) Induced-draft motor speed sensor.
i. Economizer shall have a guillotine-style damper.
3) Flame rollout switch.
4) Flame proving controls. * 3. Manual Outdoor-Air Damper:
J. Operating Characteristics: Manual damper package shall consist of damper,
birdscreen, and rainhood which can be preset to
1. Unit shall be capable of starting and running at admit up to 50% outdoor air for year-round
46.1 C (115 F) ambient outdoor temperature,
meeting maximum load criteria of ARI Standard
210/240 or 360 (U.S.A. Standard) at ±10% * 4. Solid-State Enthalpy Control:
voltage. a. For use with economizer package.
2. Compressor with standard controls shall be ca- b. Capable of sensing outdoor-air enthalpy
pable of operation down to −4 C (25 F) ambient content (temperature and humidity) and con-
outdoor temperature. trolling economizer cut-in point to have
K. Electrical Requirements: minimum heat content air passing over the
evaporator coil for most efficient system
All unit power wiring shall enter unit cabinet at a single operation.
factory-predrilled location.
L. Motors:
1. Compressor motors shall be cooled by refrigerant
passing through motor windings and shall have line
break thermal and current overload protection.

* 5. Differential Enthalpy Sensor: * 12. Controls Upgrade Kit:
a. For use with economizer package. Kit shall contain high-pressure, loss-of-charge/
b. Capable of comparing enthalpy content low-pressure, and freeze protection switches. It
(temperature and humidity) of outdoor and shall mount on factory-installed Schrader fittings.
indoor air and controlling economizer cut-in 13. Condenser Coil Grille:
point at the most economical level. The grille protects the condenser coil from dam-
* 6. Head Pressure Control Package: age by large objects without increasing unit
Maintains outdoor ambient temperatures down clearances.
to −17 C (0° F) by condenser-fan cycling. 14. Compressor Cycle Delay:
* 7. Remote Control Panel: Unit shall be prevented from restarting for a mini-
mum of 5 min. after shutdown.
Panel shall be a decorative, indoor, wall-mounted
panel consisting of: 15. Fan/Filter Status Switch:
a. Two-stage heat/2-stage cool thermostat. Provides status of indoor fan (ON/OFF) or filter
(CLEAN/DIRTY). Status shall be displayed over
b. Automatic changeover.
communication bus when used with direct
c. System switch with HEAT-COOL-AUTO.- digital controls or with an indicator light at the
OFF settings. thermostat.
d. Fan switch with ON-AUTO. settings. 16. NOx Reduction Kit:
e. Ventilation control for remote variation of the Package shall contain all necessary hardware and
amount of outdoor-air intake. instructions to convert a standard natural gas unit
f. Indicator lights for HEAT-COOL-FAN to reduce the nitrous oxide (NOx) emissions to a
operation. level of 40 nanograms/joule.
g. Three unused indicator lights for field use. 17. Flue Discharge Deflector:
* 8. Thermostat and Subbase: Flue discharge deflector directs unit exhaust ver-
Provides staged cooling and heating automatic tically instead of horizontally.
(or manual) changeover, fan control, and indica- 18. LP (Liquid Propane) Gas Conversion Kit:
tor light. Package shall contain all the necessary hardware
* 9. Thru-The-Bottom Service Connectors: and instructions to convert a standard natural gas
Kit shall provide connectors to permit electrical unit for use with liquefied propane gas.
connections to be brought to the unit through 19. Flue Shield:
the basepan. Provides protection from the hot sides of the gas
10. Electronic Programmable Thermostat: flue hood.
Capable of using deluxe full-featured electronic 20. Unit Mounted Disconnect Switch:
thermostat. Shall use built-in compressor cycle Option shall be factory-installed, internally mounted,
delay control for both heating and cooling duty. NEC and UL (U.S.A. standards) approved, non-
Capable of working with Carrier direct digital fused switch providing unit power shutoff. Switch
controls. shall be accessible from outside of unit.
11. Condenser Coil Hail Guard Assembly:
Hail guard shall protect against damage from hail
and flying debris.

Carrier Corporation • Syracuse, New York 13221 3-99
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Book 1 4 Page 40 Catalog No. 004-812 Printed in U.S.A. Form 48TJ-C3PD
Tab 1a 6a Replaces: 48TJ-C1PD

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