M3-05 - Edibon KSGT Gear Trains

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Unit for the Kinematic Study

of Gear Trains
Engineering and Technical
Teaching Equipment


Gears are mechanisms used to transmit mechanical power from one component to another in a machine.
The simplest gears are composed of two, one inlet and one outlet, cogwheels (the largest is called crown and the smallest pinion), which
transmit circular movement through their coupling, tooth by tooth.
There are different types of gears depending on the shape of the teeth, the position of the cogwheels, the arrangement of their axes of
rotation, etc.
Straight-cut or spur gears are used in transmissions of parallel axles, in this way, the input and output shafts are arranged in parallel. They
are one of the most used mechanisms, and are found in any type of machine: watches, toys, machine tools, etc.
The planetary gears represent a type of gear in which the input and output shafts are located on the same axle.
The Unit for the Kinematic Study of Gear Trains, "KSGT", has been designed to perform the kinematic study of spur gears and planetary


The Unit for the Kinematic Study of Gear Trains, "KSGT", unit includes a pivoting rail with a fixed axle to which two more axles can be fixed
in any position in function of the feature to study.
The cogwheels may be assembled on the axles in combination, thus studying different gear ratios.
The spur gears can be studied having the pivoting rail fixed. One or two more axles, and therefore one or two more cogwheels, may be
placed on the rail.
The planetary gears may be studied having the pivoting rail loose. The pivoting rail is used to support the planetary cogwheel on which the
planetary cogwheels are located. Thus, the motion of the rail acts as input of the gear. The planet gears transmit their motion to the sun
gear, which is the output element of the gear train.
The gear ratio may be determined in both cases by counting the complete turns of the cogwheels.

ISO 9001: Quality Management (for European Union Certificate Certificates ISO 14001 and ECO- “Worlddidac Quality Charter”
Design, Manufacturing, Commercialization (total safety) Management and Audit Scheme and Platinum Member of
and After-sales service) (environmental management) Worlddidac

Bench-top unit with pivoting legs.

Anodized aluminum frame and panels made of painted steel.
The "KSGT" unit mainly consists of:
Four cogwheels.
Material: plastic.
Module: 1 mm.
Number of teeth: 40, 60, 80 and 100.
Pivoting rail.
Rail lock.
Axles and pins.
Box to store the removable elements.
Manuals: This unit is supplied with the following manuals: Required Services, Assembly and Installation, Starting-up, Safety, Maintenance
& Practices Manuals.


1.- Study of single-stage spur gears. 3.- Study of planetary gears.

2.- Study of multistage spur gears. 4.- Determine the gear ratio.


- Dimensions: 450 x 300 x 150 mm approx.
(17.71 x 11.81 x 5.90 inches approx.)
- Weight: 5 Kg approx.
(11 pounds approx.)

2 www.edibon.com

KSGT/ICAI. Interactive Computer Aided Instruction Software System:

With no physical connection between unit and computer, this

complete software package consists of an Instructor Software
(EDIBON Classroom Manager -ECM-SOF) totally integrated
with the Student Software (EDIBON Student Labsoft -ESL-
SOF). Both are interconnected so that the teacher knows at any
moment what is the theoretical and practical knowledge of the

Instructor Software

- ECM-SOF. EDIBON Classroom Manager (Instructor Software).

ECM-SOF is the application that allows the Instructor to register students, manage and assign tasks for workgroups, create own content to
carry out Practical Exercises, choose one of the evaluation methods to check the Student knowledge and monitor the progression related
to the planned tasks for individual students, workgroups, units, etc... so the teacher can know in real time the level of understanding of
any student in the classroom.

Innovative features:
• User Data Base Management.
• Administration and assignment of Workgroup, Task and
Training sessions.
• Creation and Integration of Practical Exercises and Multimedia
• Custom Design of Evaluation Methods.
• Creation and assignment of Formulas & Equations.
• Equation System Solver Engine. ECM-SOF. EDIBON Classroom Manager (Instructor Software)
Application Main Screen
• Updatable Contents.
• Report generation, User Progression Monitoring and Statistics.

ECAL. EDIBON Calculations Program Package - Formula Editor


ETTE. EDIBON Training Test & Exam Program Package - Main Screen with
Numeric Result Question

ERS. EDIBON Results & Statistics Program Package - Student

Scores Histogram

3 www.edibon.com
Student Software

- ESL-SOF. EDIBON Student Labsoft (Student Software).

ESL-SOF is the application addressed to the Students that helps them to understand theoretical concepts by means of practical exercises
and to prove their knowledge and progression by performing tests and calculations in addition to Multimedia Resources. Default planned
tasks and an Open workgroup are provided by EDIBON to allow the students start working from the first session. Reports and statistics
are available to know their progression at any time, as well as explanations for every exercise to reinforce the theoretically acquired
technical knowledge.
Innovative features:
• Student Log-In & Self-Registration.
• Existing Tasks checking & Monitoring.
• Default contents & scheduled tasks available to be used from
the first session.
• Practical Exercises accomplishment by following the Manual
provided by EDIBON.
• Evaluation Methods to prove your knowledge and progression.
ESL-SOF. EDIBON Student LabSoft (Student Software)
• Test self-correction. Application Main Screen
• Calculations computing and plotting.
• Equation System Solver Engine.
• User Monitoring Learning & Printable Reports.
• Multimedia-Supported auxiliary resources.

For more information see ICAI catalogue. Click on the following link:

EPE. EDIBON Practical Exercise Program Package Main Screen

ERS. EDIBON Results & Statistics Program Package - Question Explanation ECAL. EDIBON Calculations Program Package Main Screen

* Specifications subject to change without previous notice, due to the convenience of improvement of the product.

C/ Julio Cervera, 10-12-14. Móstoles Tecnológico.

28935 MÓSTOLES. (Madrid). ESPAÑA - SPAIN.
Tel.: 34-91-6199363 Fax: 34-91-6198647
E-mail: edibon@edibon.com Web: www.edibon.com

Edition: ED01/18
Date: June/2018

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