The Conspiracies Sourcebook PDF Free
The Conspiracies Sourcebook PDF Free
The Conspiracies Sourcebook PDF Free
Trust no one.
The very nature of Aegis' work means that the organization has to work in secret, away from public
scrutiny and hidden from the keen surveillance of their enemies. The National Defense Directorate
manipulates and schemes in secret bases around the country, plotting and moving pawns in a
deadly chess game of deception. A conspiracy against another conspiracy.
Aegis' secret agenda is the core of a conspiracy, but that conspiracy is built upon an altered
and secret history - a conspiracy within a conspiracy. Lies within lies. A conspiracy against
their own operatives. When faced with many conspirators, who can you trust?
This is the hidden world of Conspiracy X, where Aegis battles the NDD for control and superiority
in a fight where both sides think they are doing what is best for humanity.
Where cults and secret societies work behind the scenes, infiltrating and being infiltrated in turn. But the truth
is far more shocking than anyone could have foreseen and will rock the agents' beliefs to the very core.
The Conspiracies Sourcebook is a supplement for the Conspiracy X 2.0 roleplaying game. In it, you will find:
• Details on the history and structure of the National Defense Directorate, including their advanced weaponry
reverse engineered from alien technology, as well as details of their operations working both against and
collaborating with the various alien races.
• The true history of The Watch, finally revealing the truth behind the split that formed Aegis and the National
Defense Directorate.
• Never-before-seen background information on Aegis, as well as a detailed overview of Area 51 and the
various divisions at the core of the conspiracy.
• Rules for creating smaller conspiratorial groups and cults, as well as many example groups that can be plugged
into an existing game.
• A radically new development in the Conspiracy X world that will have agents doubting who or what they can trust.
Compatible with All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Armageddon, Terra Primate,
CJ Carella’s Witchcraft and other Unisystem games.
Conspiracy X™, artwork, text, icons, characters and
personalities are copyright ©2013 George Vasilakos
All Flesh Must Be Eaten™, Armageddon™, Terra
Primate™, CJ Carella’s Witchcraft™ ©2013 Eden
Studios, Inc. Unisystem™, copyright ©2013 C.J. Carella
$35.00 (US)
Published under exclusive license. GAME SYSTEM EDN5603
All Rights Reserved.
Produced and published by Eden Studios, Inc.
ISBN 978-1-933105-33-X
The Conspiracies Sourcebook
Conspiracy X – Second Edition (Unisystem)
Producers: M. Alexander Jurkat, George Vasilakos Line Developer: David F. Chapman Director: George Vasilakos
Writing and Conversion: David F. Chapman
Susanne Johnson (Conspiracies, Aegis, and Black Book), Bernard C. Trombley (Conspiracies and Black Book), T. J. Talamini (Black Book)
Unisystem Game Design: C.J. Carella
Original Concepts and Writing: Rick Ernst, Shirley Madewell, and Chris Pallace Editing: Janice Sellers, M. Alexander Jurkat
Layout and Graphics: George Vasilakos Cover Art: C. Brent Ferguson
Interior Art: Jason Steve Bryant, C. Brent Ferguson, Heather McKinney, Jason Nadeau, Scott Neely, Michael Osadciw, Paul Phillips, Cary Polkovitz,
Christopher Shy, George Vasilakos
Playtesting: Bret Canney, Tim Maytom, Owen Badham
Special Thanks to James Brown, Nick Ingham, John Snead, and the people who helped fund this book on Kickstarter to get it printed!
Believer: Randall Dederick, James Chambers, Michelle "mikrima" Martin, Rick Loomis, Trask Al'Jeek, Christy Burge, Jacob "MooseCake" Kernohan
CORS Agent: Adam Boisvert, Adi Marcus, Bastien Pilon, Charles Meigh, Chris Fazio, Chris Huning, Chris Jahn, conan, David Jenks, Gary Trost, Geoffrey Tillman, Harry Russell, James Robertson,
Jason Anderson, Jason Freston, Jason Kurtz, Jeff Eaton, Jeremy Fridy, John Clayton, John Kelbaugh, John Smith, Jonathan Topham, Julie STratton, Keith Johnson, Lennie Lenford, Lon Braidwood,
Mark Kadas, Michael Beck, Michael Bentley, Mike Bassler, Mr Andrew Norman, Nelson Ruger, Noodles, P Tracy, Paris Conte, Patrick Sniegoski, Pawel Sowizral, Peter Trueman, Ralph Dukes,
Robert C. Kim, Ross Nicoll, Ryan Wilkerson, Scott Ballantyne, Scott Vandervalk, Sean Murphy, Steve Anderson, Steven Darlington, The Cementbloc/Radek Drozdalski, Tim Walker, Xavier Freycon
Spreading the Lies: Herman Duyker, John Ellis, Jonas Christensen, Jordan Bowman, Marius Bredsdorff, Michael Mattei, Micheal Parker, Ray Spitz, Svend Andersen
Conspiracy Theorist: Aaron Wong, Adam Rajski, Adrian Reynolds, Alexandre T Yamao, Amiel Kievit, Ana Silva, Andreas Sundgren, Andrew Berthiaume, Andrew Ross, Andrew Schubert, Angus
Abranson, Anthony S. Vornheder, Austin Stanley, Benoit Devost, Bjørn Ove Asprem, Brett Purcivall, Brian Isikoff, Chad Bowser, Chad Hughes, Chris Allison, Chris Davis, Chris Harvey, Chris Quin,
Christian Turkiewicz, Christopher Church, Christopher Hatty, Christopher Snyder, Dan Adamski, Daniel Steadman, Daniel Walker, Darrin Fesperman, Dave Chapman, Dave Ellingwood, Derek
Potter, Dr Matthew R Broome, Eric Edwards, Fabrice Breau, Felix Shafir, Frank Rafaelsen, Gareth Clifford, Gerry Saracco, Gordon D. Duke, Greg Walters, Harald Schlang, Jack Emmert, Jacob
Boersma, James Galloway, James Richard Brown, James Silvers, Jason L Blair, Jason Marks, Jason Willetts, Jeff Pittman, Jennifer Parr, Jens Renberg, John Larkin, John Morrow, John Thompson,
Jonathan Souza, Jose LaCario, José Luis Nunes Porfírio, Joseph Connell, Joseph Davis, Joshua D. Meadows, Jussi Myllyluoma, Keith Nielsen, Kelly Stanaway, Kevin Moldenhauer, Kevin Wong,
Kurt McMahon, Kurtis Evans, Leath Sheales, Leó Páll Hrafnsson, Mark Solino, Matthew Wasiak, Michael Ehrhardt, Michael Gorczyca, Michael Smith, Mick Moss, Mike Browne, Mike J. Murtha,
Mike Lowrey, Monte Cook, Morgan Ellis, Mr Duncan Webster, Mr H Kanth, Nate Elwood, Nicholas Muehlenweg, Olivia Hunt, Olivier Vigneresse, Owen Thompson, Pål Are Nordal, Patrick
Dargirolle, Patrick Vaughan, Peter Aronson, Peter Hurley, Petri Wessman, Philip Burge, Philip K. Sharp Garcia, Philip Stein, Phillip Fatka, Renato Retz de Carvalho, Richard Degrou, Richard Forster,
Rob Farley, Robbie Corbett, Robby Anderson, Robert D McCuaig, Robert Harrison, Robert Rosenthal, Roger Kernsmith, Seana McGuinness, Shaun Kennedy, Shawn Craig, Stefan Ohrmann,
Stephen Forscutt, Steve Ellis, Steven Vest, Susan Jones, The Roach, Thomas G. Gately, Thomas Gronek, Tim Soholt, Timothy Yablonsky, Tyler Dion, Wajanai Snidvongs, William Miller
Internet Conspiracy Theorist: Alexander Hawson, Bo Bratsberg, Bryan Fowler, Chris Morrell, David Lystlund, Gerolf Nikolay, Jason Buchanan, Jochen, John Hacker, John Stryker, Josh Traub, Kay
Burns, Kennon Bauman, Kevin Flynn, Leslie Smith, Mark Whittington, Michael Miguel-Sanchez, Paulo Bernardi Baccarat, Philip Harney, Reto M. Kiefer, Richard Osterhout, Tom Reed
Conspiracy Seeker: Arnaud Martin, Dan Hagy, Douglas Grimes, Ed Kowalczewski, Edouard Contesse, Edward Ludemann, Gareth P. McSorley, Gary Page, Iain Anderson, Jake Papas, Jason Nell, John
Frewing, Lars Schear, Matthew Moorman, Michael Calabrese, Michael Richards, Stefano Cinotti, Trentin Bergeron, Walter F. Croft
AEGIS Field Agent: Andrew Chang, Andrew MacLennan, Ben McCallum, Brian Davidson, Bruno Pereira, Derick Eddy, Erik Conradi, Greg Chapin, Hadley Shurmer, James Dyer, Mark Radford, Mike
Musteric, Paul Cooper, Sean Wolf, Stephen Esdale, Zachary Pollak
AEGIS New Recruit: Adam Whitcomb, Aric Wieder, Brett Bozeman, Brian Snodgrass, Calvin Shafer, Christophe Crinon, Christopher Cowles, Damian Siech, David Odie, David Rybacki, Ged Trias,
Ingo Beyer, Jason J Middleton, Keith Preston, Kenny Chik, Kyle MacKay, Kyle Pinches, Matthew Sanderson, Nathan Dilday, Pentland Chapin, Robert Perkins, Ross Thompson, Sara Grocott, Scott
Galliand, Seth Hoover, Steven Pope, Thomas Vanstraelen, Vincent Ecuyer, Zachary Hopko
Smoking Gun: Andreas Paulussen, Bruce Lancaster, Chad Curtis, Justin Picchi, Oliver Barker, Oliver Mattsson, Sam Wong
Conspirator: Chris Gunning, Derrick Smith, Edmund Wilfong, John Lambert, William McCormick
First Printing, March 2013 Stock EDN5603 ISBN 978-1-933105-33-X Printed in the Canada (or so we are told)
IS NOW 202
Conspiracies vs. Secret Societies
Within every society are groups that have their own agendas.
Sometimes those groups are well known, but usually they are
hidden in the shadows. Group members often share common
motivations, but this is not always the case. Under pressure, a larger
group may splinter into smaller groups. It is within the context of
secret societies that individuals look for ways to obtain information,
power, control, or whatever leverage brings them closer to their
goals. By understanding a group’s overall philosophy, it is possible
to determine what kinds of events its members are likely to become
involved with and what kinds of situations will draw their attention,
much like individual Cells in Aegis.
Nature of Conspiracies
Conspiracies provide some kind of understanding, an especially desirable idea in today’s
overwhelming information age. At its heart, a conspiracy holds together a number of paradoxes, such
as the fact that once it has done its job it no longer needs to exist. If this conspiracy is the lifeblood
and paycheck of numerous individuals, they have a vested interest in insuring that new, better, and
deadlier opponents arrive on the scene.
Nuclear war constitutes the central hub of such an invisible core. The military and industrial complex
around it exists only because of the idea of such a war, but its existence also depends on avoiding that
war. In much the same way, a religion might depend on a messiah, but the actual arrival of the messiah
would mean the religion’s end. Similarly, a counterconspiracy needs its enemy conspiracy both
psychologically and factually to keep its coherence. It is not necessary for such a conspiracy to actually
exist, as long as it can be perceived behind the machinations of the state to dispose of the
Chapter One
The world of Conspiracy X is based on historic and contemporary events, persons, and groups. The secret of a good Conspiracy X
campaign is weaving “real” events as seamlessly as possible into the story line so that the players cannot be sure what is true and
what is deception. Heightened paranoia is central to the experience.
When this book, or any other Conspiracy X publication, uses names and details taken from history or contemporary affairs, all such
references are fictional or satirical. Conspiracy X is intended solely as a game and not as a source of the “truth.” Nothing in this
book is intended to degrade or impugn these people or groups, nor does this book purport to reveal true secretive information about
them. In fact, Eden Studios and the authors would like to publicly disclaim any “inside” knowledge and assure any MiBs and Aegis
operatives out there that there is no reason to look into the matter any further. Honest!
1 2 3 4 5 6
A number in parentheses after, or in the middle of, the
DICE NOTATIONS notation is the average roll. This number is provided for those
Dice are used when the outcome of an action in the who want to avoid dice rolling and just want the result. So the
Conspiracy X game is in doubt. The Unisystem relies on four notation D6 x 4(12) means that players who want to skip
different kinds: ten-sided, eight-sided, six-sided, and four-sided. rolling should use the value 12. Some notations cannot pro-
Such dice can be found in any good hobby or gaming store, and vide set numbers because their results depend on variable
in many comic books stores. Dice are denoted by placing a “D” factors. For example, D8(4) x Strength is used because the
in front of their numerical value. Thus, a D4 indicates a four- Strength value to be plugged into that notation will vary
sided die; a D8 an eight-sided die. depending on who is acting.
Certain text is set off from the standard text in this GENDER
manner. This is sidebar text and it contains additional, but Every roleplaying game faces a decision about third-person
tangential, information or supplemental charts and tables. pronouns and possessives. While the male reference (he, him,
his) is customarily used for both male and female, there is no
question that it is not entirely inclusive. On the other hand, the
Other text is set apart in this way. It details Supporting Cast “he or she” structure is clumsy and unattractive. In an effort to
or Adversaries who may be used at the Chronicler’s discretion. “split the difference,” this book uses male designations for even
chapters and female designations for odd chapters.
Chapter Two
The True History
The world of Conspiracy X is one of lies, treachery, and treason.
The agents of both of the major conspiracies, Aegis and the NDD, have come to assume the roles of foot
soldiers in their respective conspiracies, but what if the origins of their orders were merely the
machinations of a greater force? This chapter introduces a new level to the realm of Conspiracy X,
revealing the potential top rungs of the ladders. As such, the information presented below is classified
“Eyes Only” and should not be revealed to the players unless uncovered by the Cast’s diligent actions.
Some Chroniclers may be uncomfortable with the information uncovered here. Those Chroniclers
should feel free to alter this information as best suits their games.
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Louis Howe: Presidential aide; political liaison and financial advisor. One of the most powerful members of The Watch, and
founder of Aegis.
Dr. Karl Novatel: Biologist, creator of the psychic program used to contact the Greys, and one of the original members of
Aegis Prime.
Dr. Jonathan Pierce: Medical doctor/psychoanalyst, and another member of the original Aegis Prime.
General Colin Avery: U.S. Army (deceased); replaced by General Roger Marsden, founder of the NDD.
Colonel Anthony Wayne Harrison: U.S. Army Air Force, a founder of the NDD.
Captain Hadrian Whitfield: U.S. Army (Intelligence), one of the founders of the NDD.
Archibald Rush: U.S. Senator (New Mexico) and NDD founder.
Dr. Anthony Kotil: Anthropologist/parapsychologist, known as one of the founders of the NDD.
Dr. Diamond Xopolous: Engineer; another of the NDD’s founders.
Commander Albert R. Wallace (ret.): CEO of International Business Machines, U.S. Navy (retired), and a founder of the NDD.
Dr. Novatel wasted no time in blaming Colonel Harrison for the
incident, claiming his actions to be “a knee-jerk, military-conditioned,
stimulus-response reaction that subverts the possibility of reason with
the implementation of force.” Other, less impassioned, members of
The Watch stated the cause of the psychics’ reactions could not be
ascribed solely to the extraterrestrial contact; among other possible
causes were Dr. Novatel’s untested drugs, the level of contact, the dif-
ficulty of the prolonged attempt, the volume of information
exchanged, and so forth.
General Marsden, and President Truman once apprised of the situ-
ation, agreed with Colonel Harrison’s decision. This no doubt infuriat-
ed the dissenting faction of The Watch, and members of that group
subverted one of the cargo aircraft carrying the remains of the
Roswell crash, seizing it for their own uses.
When the loyal Watch members discovered the treachery, trust
between the two factions was lost. The group split. General
Marsden, Senator Rush, Dr. Xopolous, Colonel Harrison, Albert
Wallace, and Captain Whitfield remained true to the original mission
of The Watch—protect the United States. While some of the dis-
senters filtered back into civilian life and obscurity, a few went on to
influence members of the U.S. government and private sector to cre-
ate the Aegis organization.
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ignored, so he consulted with Dr. Jeanne Rousseau-Baptiste, the developing new technology. As a consequence, the division was
head psychologist in Psi Division. Over time, their continued renamed “Research and Development,” and Aegis Prime saw fit
meetings came to the notice of Aegis Prime, and their combined to channel some funds directly to R&D for use without OpTac
work resulted in a merging of operatives from ISS and Psychic consent. Needless to say, this sidestepping earned Dr. Norton
Division to form the Central Institute of Mental Health. the animosity of many in OpTac.
In 1977, R&D lucked out with the crash of an alien vessel. ISS The mid-1980’s also brought about a flurry of Aegis activity
moved rapidly to forbid the relocation of this craft to Area 51 in terms of supernatural exploration. In 1984, a thorough inves-
without further study as to the security breach it might consti- tigation of the recently obtained Queens Tome showed that it
tute. ISDM also was excited about this discovery and was virtu- was a detailed and highly lucid account of a complete theory of
ally swarming over a supposed information-systems unit, but supernatural effects. Emphasis on the importance of the super-
R&D exerted some pressure and forced ISDM to wait for almost natural made it possible for the newly created Supernatural
a year until a full analysis had been completed. Exploration Division to make contact with the Lodge of the
In the next year, two major department heads retired. Jim World Tree and to broker a treaty of mutual aid between this
Purcell, after two years of trying to restabilize his position after group and Aegis.
his failure to recognize the importance of agents’ mental stabil- In 1985, the Foreign Affairs Division made a splash in
ity, finally stepped down. He was replaced by Zachary Baxter, Kingston, Jamaica, where it recovered an alien craft. This rogue
who placed an increased emphasis on treating mental issues operation, completely unsanctioned by Aegis Prime, led to ruf-
rather than risking security breaches, and who made the deci- fled feathers in ISS as it scrambled to clean up the mess, with
sion to relocate some ISS staff to two new facilities, one in absolutely no resources or contacts to smooth things over.
Seattle and the other in Atlanta. General Price also retired from Baxter turned in his resignation, stating it was impossible for
his post as head of OpTac, and Aegis Prime picked his succes- him to perform his duties of keeping Aegis secure under these
sor, Max Capoblanco. This selection came as a surprise to conditions. Meanwhile, Research and Development was ecstat-
many, and his transition was less than smooth. In both depart- ic over the scraps of technology retrieved, and Dr. Norton put
ments operatives suffered from divided loyalties, and overall her support behind Foreign Affairs’ attempts to stay in opera-
productivity suffered greatly. In 1979, the Recruitment Office tion. During a long period of deliberation, Aegis Prime eventu-
saw a shake-up as well, when Aaron Cook was stripped of his ally decided to keep the Foreign Affairs Division intact and
position when it became known he had been squandering placed Celeste Shea in command.
resources and generally increasing Aegis’ profile. He was
replaced by the whistle-blower Iris Erikson. As with OpTac and
ISS, this division’s productivity took a nosedive as operatives
struggled to make sense of these dramatic changes.
At the start of the 1990’s, Benjamin Carlisle took the helm at
CORS and emphasized cataloguing and sorting massive
amounts of information. The next year, ISDM distributed the
REJUVENATION AND CREATION HERMES Mark II, which dramatically increased transmission
The early 1980’s saw Aegis in a state of excitement as its first efficiency between the Aegis internal machine and outlying
specialized aircraft, the Horizon, became flight-ready. After Cells and operatives. This information was smoothly integrated
working a few bugs out of the system, and creating more into systems for use by CORS, DAS, and ISS. Jonathon Russell
streamlined parts, the Horizon II took to the skies under the took control of ISS after being groomed for the position for a
capable control of Thomas Hendricks. Aegis’ excitement at this number of years by a few members of Aegis Prime, and the
triumph was short-lived, however, as the craft literally disap- division flourished under his leadership. Aegis also had a major
peared when it broke the Mach 3 barrier. To this day, what hap- coup in gaining control of Project RASPUTIN, a conquest that
pened to the Horizon II is a mystery. gave it an edge over competitors and helped it broaden its
In another airborne tragedy, Max Capoblanco died in a plane knowledge base.
crash in the Ozarks while returning from a secret conference In 1996, while ISDM and R&D were busy trying to keep up
with the President and some of his advisors in 1983. Ironically, with technological advances, ISS came to grips with a com-
he was replaced by Ian Hendricks, father of missing pilot pletely nontechnological threat: psychics. A security breach
Thomas Hendricks, as head of OpTac. Ian Hendricks moved caused by a very talented group of psychics led to the creation
quickly to ally OpTac with the Recruitment Office and to shut of a team of individuals from Psychic Division, trained by ISS,
down all research that didn’t have direct paramilitary applica- called, laughingly, the “Thought Police.” All in all, by the end of
tions. Shortly thereafter, Dr. Jack Tazewell committed suicide by the 20th century, Aegis was an organization in constant, des-
overdosing on tranquilizers, and a new leader rose in Research perate motion, trying to keep afloat and only beginning to
Operations, Dr. Jennifer Norton. Dr. Norton countered rethink operations.
Hendricks at every opportunity and placed a renewed effort on
The remaining members of The Watch had one asset that Aegis did
not: the surviving EBE from the Roswell crash. Over the next four
months, psychics struggled to communicate with the EBE.
Eventually, they succeeded in reaching not only the EBE but also its
superiors, determined to originate in a star system known as Zeta
Reticuli, some 40 light-years from Earth. General Marsden assigned
one of his trusted subordinates, Colonel Mark McReedy, as the liaison
with the EBEs, soon referred to as Reticulans. After some discussion,
Colonel McReedy became convinced that the White Sands incident
had been a case of misunderstanding, one that the Reticulans were
willing to forgive. Furthermore, the Reticulans proposed an alliance
Colonel McReedy, anxious to cement relations, tentatively agreed
to the alliance. McReedy’s actions were hasty, but rather than risk the
appearance of indecisiveness or poor command, General Marsden
agreed to the treaty.
1 2 3 4 5 6
February 1, 2003, rather than have their actions investigated.
THE GNA-TALL ALLIANCE Initial reports said that plasma had penetrated the interior of
the Columbia’s wing, destroying the support structure. The use
In the mid-1960’s, the NDD’s relations with the Gna-Tall pro- of the word “plasma” was retracted later, with a report saying
gressed to a full-fledged alliance. Unlike the Reticulan Compact, it was inaccurate, after the NDD managed to debrief NASA offi-
the agreement with the Gna-Tall was not formalized in writing, nor cials. As NASA is infiltrated with Aegis agents, however, the
was it nearly as restrictive. In return for assistance in preventing truth behind this disaster may never be known.
the U.S. space program from uncovering Gna-Tall activities, the
EBEs agreed to provide the NDD with advanced technology. More recently, the NDD has been heavily involved in the Gulf
conflict, as the Gna-Tall uncovered evidence of another Saurian
Although the Gna-Tall supplied only finished products—the clan’s presence on Earth. The Croll’s infiltration of Iraq’s military
TD-121 is the foremost of such material assistance—the NDD’s dictatorship and their work in expanding their biological
research divisions reasoned they could reverse-engineer any armory resulted in the Gna-Tall’s encouraging the U.S.
devices given time, providing a substantial advantage to the President’s determination to end the threat, sending in the mil-
organization. Actual physical devices were far more than the itary. Croll and Gna-Tall forces clashed in the Gulf, while human
paltry assistance the Reticulans had provided over nearly two troops fought an unpopular and media-fueled war. When the
decades of alliance. real human dictator was discovered, the Croll MiB who had
The NDD’s primary duty was to provide launch and trajecto- posed as Saddam fled along with the bulk of the Croll to Iran.
ry plots to the Gna-Tall. On several missions the flight plans The Croll continue to keep the conflict in the Middle East a
posed a substantial risk of exposing Gna-Tall assets, and thus hotbed of violence and trickery to weaken the U.S. and under-
the existence of EBEs, to the populace as a whole. That expo- mine Gna-Tall power.
sure would in turn jeopardize the integrity of the Directorate.
During the 1960’s, indirect methods such as altering flight or
weather data, tampering with supply channels, and even infect-
ing crewmembers with mild infirmities served to alter missions
The NDD’s mission in recent years has been guided by sub-
sufficiently to protect both the Gna-Tall and the NDD.
tle cues garnered from its Gna-Tall allies. Researchers have
noted that the EBEs are more forthcoming with advances and,
on occasion, have even assisted technicians in understanding
THE SPACE SHUTTLE some of the underlying, albeit basic, theories of their technolo-
The space shuttle program posed a different problem. The gy. Furthermore, an increase of UFO and EBE encounters, com-
Gna-Tall, and consequently the NDD, were understandably bined with an increased general sense of uneasiness among
threatened by the frequency with which the shuttle could be Gna-Tall assigned to NDD operations, has led Project BREAST-
launched. In order to accommodate the accelerated frequency of PLATE to postulate a potential future conflict is nearing.
shuttle trips, the Gna-Tall requested the NDD temporarily halt the To that end, the Directorate is slowly redirecting its efforts
program while they readjusted their own long-term activities. from Reticulan and Atlantean activities toward a preparation for
Unfortunately, a successful media campaign by NASA fueled the most feared of all NDD scenarios—invasion.
American backing for the shuttle program. IA carefully analyzed
statistical and sociological data and determined only a shocking
and catastrophic event would be able to curb public support for
the program.
As a result, the Directorate assisted a group of morphed
Saurians in infiltrating Cape Canaveral, Florida, in late January
1986. Once inside, the Saurians sabotaged the Challenger
booster rockets, causing them to detonate shortly after launch
on January 28, 1986. The catastrophe cost the lives of seven
American astronauts but preserved the integrity of the
Directorate’s mission.
The Gna-Tall were involved again when the crew of the shut-
tle Columbia discovered alien modular technology installed on
the International Space Station. Reports are that one of the
astronauts alerted mission control, saying that the station was
being used for additional research, using technology they did-
n’t recognize. The Gna-Tall acted without NDD authorization,
opening fire on the shuttle as it made its re-entry to Kennedy on
Chapter Three
Many of the internal divisions of Aegis deal with the
Aegis as an organization has been evolving and growing over
basic bureaucracy and day- to- day wheeling and dealing
the years, into a labyrinthine network of divisions and Cells.
of the conspiracy: maintaining contacts, raising funds, legal
This chapter presents the full organizational layout, from Aegis
work, and research. None of these is particularly interest-
Prime, through the divisions based at Area 51 and across the
ing to play in an RPG, therefore few profession packages
country, to the individual Cells. The chapter introduces some
are listed. A few operatives in the field are from Aegis
new rules for Aegis agents to employ, from new tech to Aegis
itself, separate from the Cells, and these have packages list-
Pulling Strings.
ed, though in most cases these agents are loners, spies,
and security operatives who work alone due both to their
assignments and their dispositions. Again, these are not
AEGIS INFLUENCE easy to play in Conspiracy X, and while a few of these pro-
Many of the “Movers and Shakers” listed in Aegis have fessions are detailed, they are not recommended except
Influences that are purely within Aegis itself. They have for the most experienced Chroniclers.
“Influence (Aegis)” Qualities, and often the level of this
Determined players who wish to play characters in the
Quality is very high. Outside of Aegis, they will have levels
more mundane lines of work with Aegis, such as lawyers
of Influence in their fields, but these are usually a lot lower
and administrators, should use the civilian professions pro-
than the corresponding levels within Aegis. In cases when
vided in the Appendices (see p. 254), increasing their
an operative has to exert influence outside of Aegis , use
Influence and related abilities to suit.
the Influence (Aegis) Quality, but the level should be
halved. In some cases, the operative’s Influence outside of
The Ranch is high enough to warrant a second Influence
Quality in her respective field.
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Aegis Prime
Area 51
(Groom Dry Lake Facility)
Outlying Divisions
The responsibilities of Aegis Prime cover four areas: moni-
Aegis Prime currently consists of seven members.
toring development, selecting divisional directors, developing
Throughout its history, Prime has attempted to keep its mem-
new divisions, and maintaining and creating resources. As stat-
bership between seven and nine individuals, usually preferring
ed above, once members of Aegis Prime have selected or have
an odd number to prevent stalemates when voting is used.
been assigned specific responsibilities, they conduct them fairly
Membership duration usually lasts at least a decade, ending
when the individual dies or steps down voluntarily. In only two
circumstances has Aegis Prime had to forcibly remove (and ter-
minate) a member of Prime. Obtaining membership in Prime is
by invitation only. Members of Aegis Prime are often aware of
a number of viable candidates and monitor these individuals
regardless of whether a position is open.
Aegis Prime
Within Area 51
Outlying Divisions
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far from prying eyes. Construction began on this facility about tionality, while maintaining overall security. Some of these
90 miles north of Las Vegas, in the northwest quadrant of the aspects involved managing agent leave, arranging for untrace-
Nellis Range. Many articles refer to Groom Dry Lake, The able resources to reach cell operations centers, determining
Ranch, and Area 51 interchangeably, and this has led to some agent security clearance within Aegis, and establishing contacts
confusion. Area 51 is a large section of the Nellis Range, most and resources in both the U.S. bureaucracy and civilian sectors.
of which is directly under Aegis control, but it is also patrolled Thus the Directorate of Administration and Security was
by the U.S. military. Groom Dry Lake encompasses a set of formed in 1954, one of the first established by Aegis Prime. DAS
research facilities, housing, administrative offices, and the like, was responsible for the extension of assets within the U.S. gov-
and some non-Aegis personnel are permitted in the lower secu- ernment, including the HR and accounting departments of
rity clearance areas, mainly to keep up the fiction that it is a mil- agencies with high-potential recruitment pools. Civilian busi-
itary installation. All individuals are subject to security inspec- nesses were also infiltrated and established, for the purposes
tion at any time. The Ranch has evolved to refer primarily to the both of money laundering and of masking research and devel-
research and development segment of the overall facility, opment projects for other Aegis departments. Finally, it was the
including Project Aurora. directorate tasked with monitoring and determining agent secu-
rity clearances and resource acquisition.
As a special provision to maintain security and keep any sin-
OPERATIONS gle individual from having too much information about Aegis’
Groom Dry Lake is home to a number of divisional head- field assets, DAS was assigned a rotating director. Every two
quarters for several important divisions and projects. Currently years the director was exchanged with a director from another
operating from Groom Dry Lake are the Directorate of division. This policy still exists today and allows each director in
Administration and Security, the Bureau of Operations and Aegis to have a chance to see the whole tree of operatives, with-
Tactics, the Central Office for Recruiting Services, and Research out being in the position long enough to be able to exploit it.
and Development. These divisions have a number of operatives Unfortunately, this structure also keeps DAS from having a
who do not work out of these facilities, but the divisional direc- strong voice in Aegis affairs, since no long- standing spokesman
tors all have offices at Groom Dry Lake and the bulk of the work exists to speak for DAS concerns.
is performed within the Area 51 perimeter.
Shortly after the dissolution of The Watch, plans began for
DIRECTORATE OF ADMINISTRATION the establishment of Aegis, an endeavor that would require
substantially more resources than The Watch had access to. As
AND SECURITY the NDD seemed to have the favor of governmental backing, it
was evident to Aegis Prime that resources were going to be
needed from other sources. At the same time, while govern-
The Directorate of Administration and Security (DAS) has ment sanction was losing feasibility, those early Aegis members
two overriding goals in the Aegis hierarchy—to provide a pool had a large number of government contacts; these assets were
of resources for Aegis projects and operatives, and to quickly going to be used and expanded.
and accurately analyze agent security clearances and make
accurate clearance adjustments based on operative perform- By 1950, Aegis had a solid network of agents established
ance and need. These two goals have directed the growth of within the bureaucracy of the U.S. government. Recruiting of
DAS since it was formed and have impacted Aegis intimately on agents was beginning in earnest, and as various government
every level. Without the funding raised and redirected by DAS’s agencies were targeted as high-potential agent pools, Aegis
front companies, corporate spies, and government agents, sympathizers, agents, and contacts were placed in respective
Aegis wouldn’t be able to support more than ten percent of its human resource departments. It was predicted that agents
current field capacity. Spin-off applications of DAS include sup- using government resources would require excuses to operate
porting SPIDER requests, Cell construction needs, and op cen- under extended mission parameters, and thus a system was
ter staff maintenance. developed for such situations. Since the formative days of
Aegis, field agents have been required to fill out standard forms
for leave. However, special codes meant to cover for Aegis busi-
ness are placed in forms. The moles in the relevant HR depart-
BRIEF HISTORY ment, also known as “facilitators”, then modify relevant
While a self-sufficient Cell structure was ideal in theory, the employee records to dissuade suspicion and allow for future
truth was that a great deal of infrastructure had to exist before “extended leave.” Since the late 1970’s, requests have also been
such an organization was truly feasible. Several aspects of a made to ISDM to alter computer records to maintain internal
field agent’s life needed to be monitored to allow optimal func- consistency across government networks.
Government assets were heavily placed in departments of One aspect of DAS operations gives it an edge in the finan-
agencies that had large potential for budget padding. The CIA cial world, and that is a cooperative project with Psi-Div to use
was one of the most obvious, and a huge amount of money was remote viewers and precogs to predict financial trends in the
funneled through the agency to Aegis-sponsored projects. U.S., and specifically in the stock market. This operation was
Other government agencies also suffered the budget inflation started in 1968 and was dubbed Project MONTY HALL. The use
so commonly referred to by the public. Funds which had effec- of precogs in stock market trend analysis was useful, both for
tively disappeared into secret psychic research, funding of op helping DAS capitalize on rapid shifts in the stock exchange, and
centers, and establishment of the HERMES network were attrib- also helping Psi-Div refine its processes of practical applications
uted to basic necessities such as furniture, tools, office supplies, of psychic powers. The results have been proven over the last
and the like. The $69.50 that remained after the purchase of a 40 years, and now Psi-Div and DAS regularly coordinate to take
fifty-cent screwdriver or ream of printer paper was “accounted” advantage of Aegis’ psychic resources.
for in the budget, but effectively disappeared. After rumors of DAS bases its operations out of several areas on the East and
such flagrant inconsistencies in the government budget hit the West Coasts, as well as an office at The Ranch. The Washington,
public, Aegis Prime decided to continue perpetuating the story, D.C. metropolitan area has developed a technology-related
aware that that if the public became accustomed to the idea of industry base that in some aspects rivals Silicon Valley, allowing
“their tax dollars at work”, the desire for further investigation DAS to run a number of front companies out of DC. There it can
would rapidly cease. monitor both government and civilian income bases, and easi-
ly arrange military contract work. Furthermore, DAS continues
DAS INFILTRATION AND SUPPORT OF CIVILIAN INDUSTRY to encourage new businesses to be created and has been
DAS has focused on the government and its various agencies instrumental in the forming of a few small companies which
for cell funding and agent support. However, the last forty years have expanded extremely quickly due to government contract
have provided an opportunity to maximize Aegis’ holdings in work. Offices in New York are mainly dedicated to stock market
the civilian business sector. Early in DAS’ history, a large variety monitoring and tracking business trends, as well as setting up
of businesses were formed as fronts to handle the dissemina- companies dedicated to money laundering.
tion of funds from Aegis “black juice” and cover up secret Aegis
DAS has its hands full with the responsibility of bringing in
projects. Funds redirected from government agencies were sup-
funds and redirecting them so they remain “clean” for Aegis
plemented by dividends from stock market manipulation and
use. The division’s task goes one step further, however. The
insider trading. All this cash was accumulated into massive
DAS is responsible for monitoring Aegis field agents for
accounts belonging to construction companies, hospitals,
resource requests and maintaining logistical channels for such
research firms, arms manufacturers, and other useful civilian
requests, such as SPIDER (in conjunction with OpTac).
resource centers. From there, funds could be distributed as nec-
essary for construction and support of op centers. DAS uses its contacts in front companies in the trucking and
construction industry for moving large items; these contacts are
The advent of widespread computer use, the Cold War and
well disposed to moving things without asking questions, and
biomedical advances have increased the DAS resource base in
there are usually few problems. For other small item deliveries,
civilian business easily by an order of magnitude. The potential
the DAS uses Aegis agents who are well infiltrated in the Post
for independent entrepreneurs to successfully start, maintain,
Office and courier companies to bypass security measures and
and generate huge profits from computer technologies and
get a package delivered in a timely fashion.
then branch into contract work for the U.S. government has
provided an opportunity to maximize Aegis’ income. Facilitators
in the contracts departments of government agencies, especial- AGENT MONITORING AND SECURITY CLEARANCES
ly in the DOD, have arranged to give a large amount of business DAS is also required to determine what level of information
to Aegis-controlled technology firms. When the contractors pad can be disseminated through HERMES to agents in the field
bids, and the fees are inflated by the contractees, Aegis can gen- requesting information. Only DAS is qualified to handle this task,
erate significant revenues for the conspiracy’s use. since only DAS has full records of all Aegis field personnel. In
fact, the clearances assigned to agents are only half the task; the
An interesting side effect of this has been discovery of Black other half involves tracking how much information Cell staffers
Book-sponsored industry, as seemingly guaranteed opportuni- can be given and what the results of such dissemination are.
ties have been lost for no apparent reason. In fact, further
research has indicated that the Black Book has also been active DAS has a complete record of all reports made by Cell members
in the civilian sector, but not to the extent of Aegis. It can be throughout their Aegis careers and monitors them for consistency,
assumed that the Black Book has used similar indicators to dis- making sure there are no discrepancies that might indicate sub-
cover Aegis sympathies among contractors, but to date it is esti- version. Agents are required to regularly check in via HERMES,
mated that overall Black Book infiltration is relatively low. This which ISDM catalogs and passes to DAS monitoring agents. These
is believed to be because of the Book’s more direct budget con- agents sift through reports of agent status and note any problems
trol of the U.S. military. that need to be investigated, and either CIMH or ISS is notified.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Each agent in Aegis has a set of clearance ratings that determine
what HERMES requests are answered and with what speed. Agents’
specialties are taken into consideration, as well as which missions
agents have been involved with. Initially, new Cell members have low
clearances across the board, except in the areas related to their pro-
fession. This gives the new recruits a chance to cut their teeth on the
basest level of information available from HERMES and start investi-
gating possible conspiracies inside their work places. As they success-
fully complete missions in other fields, their access in those arenas
increases. This makes it important for Cells to choose who makes HER-
MES requests; different individuals can be better suited to make spe-
cific requests due to their higher clearances.
Often agent requests are only partially fulfilled, since full disclosure
on a topic requires too high a clearance, but the information granted
is enough to start the investigation. If the mission is completed suc-
cessfully, the agent’s clearance is modified appropriately. Agents
requesting abnormal quantities of information, or information on sub-
jects unrelated to Cell activity, are flagged for investigation by either
Currently DAS is struggling to keep up with its workload. The rapid
growth in Cells operating across the country has put serious strain on
the division, and activity in the U.S. shows no signs of letting up. While
steps have been taken to compensate in both technology and meth-
ods, all efforts so far have actually fallen short. In fact, projections for
the next ten years show Aegis may have to increase its field operation
capabilities by fifty to seventy-five percent. The stress on Aegis
resources this increase will cause could create a disintegration of the
link DAS maintains with field operatives.
Such a breakdown would leave Aegis Cells without support, and the
recruitment of new Cells difficult. To alleviate this condition, ISDM has
been coordinating closely with DAS to improve the tracking software
and the computers it is run on, and CORS has been delegated more
background checks. Even given these tactics, analysis has indicated
that Aegis may be required to take a different structure as the organi-
zation continues to grow.
One of the greatest concerns currently held by DAS, and by Vice
Director McBride in particular, is that a major failure involving a Cell
could shed serious doubt on DAS activities. A West Coast Cell has dis-
appeared, and had apparently been missing for several months
before DAS noticed the discrepancy. Since the agents’ HERMES links
have not been used since the disappearance, it’s assumed they are
either dead or have gone under deep cover. McBride has been devot-
ing resources to solving this mystery and is unwilling to tell his direc-
tor about the situation until he has some conclusive evidence about
the situation. Luckily (for McBride), the employees of DAS have a lot
of experience covering up discrepancies in paperwork or burying
them deep enough to avoid notice. It’s believed that it will be anoth-
er few months before ISDM realizes the missing agents’ links haven’t
been accessed in the recent past, and DAS hopes to discover the fate
of the missing agents before then.
1 2 3 4 5 6
aspects of the U.S. government over the last 10 years, and the seemed. Once he realized what he would be in on, he was glad
more powerful Washington politicians all know the rumors to accept Aegis’ offer.
about her benefactors. Many officials suspect that some sort Since then Collins has been one of DAS’ best agents in New
of conspiracy is behind her, but no amount of investigation York. He monitors the stock market closely, makes educated
has turned up anything, and those who have investigated usu- predictions, and works inside the system to keep Aegis high on
ally pay a heavy price for their curiosity. A status quo has been the totem pole. He’s also responsible for defending against
established in which politicians cooperate with Hayes’ agen- NDD moves on Wall Street and defending Aegis’ security. He’s
das as long as they are in the best interests of the U.S., which a front-line soldier in a shadow war fought with dollars. Collins
is often the case. loves it and would never betray Aegis for anything.
Under Capoblanco OpTac flourished and grew, although tion to those organizations with a history of being difficulties for
overzealous accounting control was exercised by the division’s Aegis Prime. New agents and spies are constantly being rotated
personnel. Aware that throwing money at problems was into the NSA and U.S. Army. OpTac senior personnel have been
becoming the standard solution, Capoblanco instituted an inter- very careful to stick close to the policy of personal accountabil-
nal accounting and voucher program, to force some kind of ity established by Capoblanco before his untimely death. Fairly
control and reason on his people’s spending habits. The system monolithic in its outlook and attitudes, OpTac continues on as it
worked well, and overspending is now a thing of the past. has for forty years. Still, there are a few recent problems
Capoblanco died in a plane crash in the Ozarks while beneath the surface.
returning from a secret conference with the President and
some of his advisors in 1983. The reason for the conference,
and its results, were never released. The rapid replacement of CURRENT STATUS
the former divisional leader by the much sterner professional The Bureau for Operations and Tactics is responsible for
military man Admiral Ian Hendricks was cause for much spec- maintaining three of Aegis’ biggest semisecret concerns. By far
ulation in the ranks. Some members of the antimilitary faction the largest drain on OpTac personnel and resources is Groom
of OpTac whisper about secret take-overs and inner violence Dry Lake itself, the huge facility at Nellis Air Base. Groom Lake
within the heads of Aegis. There was enough concern over the is a major center for all kinds of secret and confidential
events to lead ISS to open an investigation, which was later research. In addition to the super-restricted operations of the
closed for lack of any substantial evidence. The thought that Aurora project, Groom Lake also holds secret laboratories and
OpTac’s leadership changed hands due to some kind of coup test centers, many of which are not even related to Aegis. This
has never quite been put to rest. entire base is high profile for Aegis operatives, and few are
Where Capoblanco was a people person and an excellent unaware of its nature. The pilots and crews who operate the
administrator, Hendricks’ talents clearly lay in other directions. Auroras out of their concealed bunkers are the white knights of
As a former Naval Academy man who had worked his way up Aegis and there is very little that OpTac will not provide them,
in the military over the course of an outstanding thirty-year though security is incredibly tight. Personnel who mistakenly
career, Hendricks was fierce and domineering. His intense drive gain access to this area of the base are seldom seen again, and
was only strengthened by the unexplained disappearance of his agents working at the Aurora site never really retire.
thirty-year-old son during an Aurora test in 1982. Hendricks was Nellis Base is a standard military base, and fewer than ten
determined to reinstall a sense of the urgency of OpTac’s mis- percent of the people who work at or around the base have
sion in the staff. Convinced that war with the aliens was immi- any suspicion about the true nature of the special projects on
nent, he insisted on raising the work standards and refocusing the far side of the base. Those sites run entirely by Aegis per-
many of the division’s less aggressive projects into war applica- sonnel are congregated around that side of the base where
tions. Within his first year as division head, the Admiral closed possible, and patrolled and protected by security forces vetted
down more than forty percent of the division’s projects and had by OpTac. In cases where this kind of control cannot be exer-
redirected efforts toward fighting the aliens on a direct basis. cised, special or sensitive sites are closed to general access
The protocols for both bug hunts and military operations and disguised as much as possible as mundane buildings. One
against aliens are his responsibility. of these is marked as a Soil Sample Station operated by the
Hendricks was also instrumental in allying OpTac with CORS, U.S. Department Of Agriculture. It is actually a biologically
a relationship that has paid a huge dividend in special ops secure research laboratory run for the purpose of chemical
recruitment for security and special projects at The Ranch. To and spectrological surveys of samples recovered by MOON-
maintain a good working relationship between the two divi- DUST teams. Those scientific facilities directly connected to
sions, OpTac is quick to hand over personnel and resources and controlled by Aegis are all part of the huge research com-
requested by CORS operatives for their needs. Since 1991, CORS bine known as The Ranch, located on Nellis alongside the
has reciprocated by fielding special recruitment teams to ferret flight line at the Lake.
out ideal candidates for OpTac’s various special details, espe- Project MOONDUST does not garner as much attention as the
cially the Aurora Project, MOONDUST, and BLUE FLY. Of course, high-tech flyboys at the Lake. OpTac still healthily supports
this circumvents DAS’ normal recruitment checks to a certain MOONDUST’s work, mostly expended on keeping MOONDUST’s
degree, but all prospective agents are vetted through DAS huge fleet of BLUE FLY transports fully operational. BLUE FLY and
before actually being approached. MOONDUST are spread around other military bases worldwide,
The recent history of OpTac is fairly benign. In the last ten typically disguised as search and rescue flights, or as special
years, OpTac has continued its dedication to the operation and operations transports of some type. Where Aurora depends on
administration of all Aegis facilities that are not directly run by its cloak and dagger secrecy to keep from experiencing a major
the field cells. It has placed a new emphasis on expanding its security breach, MOONDUST and its support projects count on
coverage of military and political agencies, paying close atten- the military’s ingrained belief in need-to-know.
1 2 3 4 5 6
The third major hold on OpTac’s accounts is, of course, Aegis Workmen’s operations, he is deliberately turning a blind eye to
headquarters operations itself. Aegis Prime and the remaining their work. If not, then he has failed to keep control and may
special projects operating at Nellis Base require constant super- pay for that in the future.
vision to ensure all operations go smoothly and without possi- Apart from these troubles, OpTac is very effective at support-
ble security concerns. While Aegis Prime and its personnel are ing agents in the field. The entire flow of information and new
small in number, their security is taken very seriously. technologies up and down the chain works quickly and effi-
Whenever the senior representatives of Aegis go anywhere, ciently, and lends itself to rapid recovery from mistakes made
there’s a good chance they’re being shadowed by OpTac. Since on either side of the operational line. Major projects for OpTac
the ISS also shadows Aegis Prime on occasion, this is another in the pipeline right now include strengthening the Aurora pro-
area of tension between the two divisions. ject’s potential for actual strike options and widening both the
OpTac operatives try very hard to keep their eyes open for SPIDER and BLUE FLY networks. Continued research into
any opportunity to infiltrate new areas of the military and polit- reverse-engineering captured Atlantean nanotechnology has
ical arenas. They are also tasked with keeping ahead of devel- been moderately successful so far, but the scientists actually
opments in the field, which means constantly surveying reports working on this project are optimistic. OpTac is also heavily
filed on HERMES. Copies of all new reports potentially affecting involved in secret lobbying to expand the depth of American
field operations are passed on to Admiral Hendricks. He per- Special Operations Command and shift more cash into
sonally reviews these reports and assigns working groups to SpecOps teams’ budgets. As always, the Bureau is continuing to
study any relevant facts exposed. This data is then disseminat- review field operations and catalog up-to-date approved meth-
ed to all field operatives through the use of a weekly report sent ods for dealing with common field situations.
to each cell leader’s HERMES link. The Blue Paper is supposed
to be required reading and covers all operational lessons
learned by cells during the previous week. In reality, since it has
to be heavily sanitized for security reasons, the Blue Paper is
often overly cryptic and mysterious. Typical reports include
weapons safety incidents, proper methods for illegal entries IAN ROBERT HENDRICKS, ADMIRAL, USN,
and wiretapping, how to conduct surveillance against hardened
targets, and what not to do when investigating various occult
Admiral Hendricks, in his early seventies (but looks
and paranormal cases. Senior field agents often ignore the Blue younger), is a prime example of a driven military officer. He has
Paper posts altogether. steely blue eyes and styles his gray hair in a military crewcut.
Currently, OpTac faces two serious problems. First, there is a Admiral Hendricks was always a fast-track officer, entering the
significant separation between the professional military agents Navy through the Naval Academy, where he was number two
who are responsible for most security and field operations in his class (number one later died in Korea). After accepting his
analysis, and the civilian and political assets who run the labs commission, he married his high-school sweetheart Francis,
and intelligence branches of OpTac. Admiral Hendricks’ own and they took a posting to Pearl Harbor. Originally working in
refusal to address Aegis operations under anything other than a the new field of nuclear power and propulsion under Admiral
wartime basis has not eased the bureau’s internal dissension. In Rickover, Hendricks showed a flair for command and soon
the past few years, there have actually been incidents of covert received his first engineer officer’s billet on a nuclear subma-
maneuvering by one faction or the other; in some ways, these rine. The birth of his son Thomas in 1952 was a major event for
conflicts are part of an ongoing but unacknowledged tension the young couple.
that has existed since the Watch divided into Aegis and the NDD. In 1963, Hendricks was commanding officer aboard a fast-
Second, OpTac has begun to lose touch with the agents in the attack submarine that was pursued by unidentified subsurface
field and their problems. The Cells are rarely special operations contacts for several hours. The incident was highly classified, but
teams and cannot approach their investigations and research as the debriefing officers were impressed with Hendricks’ under-
if prosecuting an open war. Thanks to Admiral Hendricks, the standing of the situation. That year, he was approached by Aegis
folks at OpTac are shifting gears toward the idea of offensive to enter its operations bureau. He rapidly became the division’s
operations against the aliens. Their increasing desire to operate go-to guy, flying across the country to troubleshoot problems
in the open has started to risk the cell structure of Aegis. A small and building a chain of government and corporate contacts.
group of fanatics in the Admiral’s employ has actually begun to Hendricks’ style was not popular with the antimilitary faction of
interfere in field operations directly. So far, the Workmen (as OpTac, but General Price was his mentor, and Hendricks was
they call themselves) have failed to cause any serious damage able to develop much of his power during these years.
to Aegis operations, but their continued meddling has offended When Price retired in 1978, he left his top troubleshooter in
several agents of ISS, further aggravating the split between a precarious position. The new leader of OpTac was a civilian,
OpTac and its secret watchers. If the Admiral is aware of the and an accountant to boot. Hendricks was frequently in trouble,
and only his personal ties with Zachary Baxter in ISS kept him of interdivisional conflicts. His only vice is a devotion to the
from being removed from the Bureau. The subsequent disap- game of chess; he has several boards set up in his office, show-
pearance of Hendricks’ son during a mismanaged Aurora test ing the current status of e-mail games running with other col-
flight led Hendricks to the brink of a nervous breakdown, and leagues on the base.
insiders in Aegis believed that the Admiral was finished. His Klein has had this job since Capoblanco’s death, and those
takeover following Capoblanco’s death came as a complete sur- who believe that the Admiral may have had something to do with
prise to all. it assume that Klein was also involved. These ideas have no foun-
The Admiral considers any means valid to protect humanity dation in fact; Klein has no real love for the Admiral and no per-
(and Aegis) from the alien threat. He still harbors hope that his sonal ambition. He found his way into Aegis purely by accident
son may be alive somewhere, and if offered some way to get and has moved steadily upward through the organization’s ranks
his son back he might sacrifice almost anything, including Aegis because of his skills. To further complicate matters, he despises
itself. Other than this weakness, his loyalties are firm. His the Workmen and their leader and is looking for a way to con-
unswerving devotion to Aegis’ goals has made him an insepa- vince the Admiral to disband that group once and for all.
rable part of Aegis Prime. Those personnel who meet him will
find him to be tough and single-minded, to the point of mono-
mania. He doesn’t accept anything less than one hundred per- MARTIN KLIEN
cent loyalty. Hendricks is a great believer in need to know and
secrecy; under his command, OpTac has become secretive and STR 2 DEX 3 CON 2 INT 3 PER 4 WIL 3
cautious. This attitude has allowed the growth and spread of Qualities: Influence (Aegis) 4, Resources 4, Situational
the different factions inside the organization. Awareness, Status 3
Skills: Brawling 2, Bureaucracy 3, Computer 4, Drive
IAN HENDRICKS (Cars) 2, Guns (Pistols) 3, Humanities (Management) 5,
Research/Investigation 4, Science (Cryptography) 3
Qualities: Influence (Aegis) 6, Influence (Military) 6,
Military Rank 9, Resources 3, Status 4 JACKIE CONNORS
Drawbacks: Addict (Nicotine) 2
Skills: Brawling 3, Computer 3, Drive (Cars) 2, When the Admiral took over as Director, he brought with
Engineering (Nuclear) 3, Guns (Pistol) 4, Intimidation 3, him an assistant, a troubleshooter he could trust to be his per-
Pilot (Seacraft) 4, Research/Investigation 2 sonal eyes and ears inside the bureau. Jackie Connors is a sim-
ple Midwestern minister’s daughter who joined the U.S. Marine
Corps as an officer at Annapolis, where she graduated with
honors. She found work in intelligence and soon was involved
MARTIN KLEIN in several highly classified field operations. She has been work-
ing directly for the Admiral since his own entry into Aegis and
ADMINISTRATIVE HEAD OPTAC has become his trusted right hand. Connors is always well
Considered by many in OpTac to be an office mole, Klein is dressed and armed and carries herself with serious demeanor.
rarely seen in the hallways of Area 51. Instead, he prefers to She looks to be in her late 30’s and has long brown hair and
stay inside his well decorated office, linked into the workings dark brown eyes that never seem to smile.
of the division through his mobile phone, his secretary
Margaret, and his computer. He is in his early sixties and gen- With the factionalization of OpTac, Connors sought and
erally looks rather rumpled, as though he had slept in his received the Admiral’s approval to form a flying column of
clothes. He has thinning gray hair, and sports thin-rimmed agents available for his personal use. These special “workmen”
glasses that frame his dull blue eyes. A bit of an eccentric, have made their presence known throughout the bureau and
Klein could be considered a couch potato, which would be a are quick to investigate anything they feel is questionable or
severe misjudgment of his abilities. Klein’s previous record as might need their attention. They are not secret police, but
a field operative in the DIA proved his talent as a soldier back Connors’ severe manner has earned them a bad reputation
in the early Seventies, and his service as a Cell leader showed inside the bureau. They are frequently used in field operations
his administrative and investigative talents. that Connors feels need their personal attention, and so the
Workmen have become semimythical among cells that have
As the chief administrator for OpTac Klein tracks and controls met with their attention. They drift into a cell’s investigation
long-term developments in research and tactical areas. He is without any warning, perform whatever mission they have, and
the central liaison for all contacts who are not personal friends then disappear.
of the Admiral’s and is in an ideal position to handle any type
1 2 3 4 5 6
Connors is fiercely loyal to the Admiral and will do whatever capable of attacking nonterrestrial lifeforms while leaving ter-
she feels is best to assist him in keeping control of the bureau. restrial biology unaffected.
It should be noted that her goals are not those of Aegis in gen- Pierce was the creator of the internal think tank called the
eral; she is amoral and obsessed with following the Admiral’s Mystic Lounge. This group of younger scientists is almost a
wishes. As a result, the Workmen are closer to a private army social club, gathering after work each night to share their day’s
than an investigative force. Connors herself is a major leader in findings and to theorize about various topics. They are close
the pro-military faction of OpTac. friends, and the close level of communication between them
aids a lot of their work. Officially, the Mystic Lounge doesn’t
JACKIE CONNORS exist, but everyone at The Ranch’s technical areas knows about
it. The liberal leanings of the Lounge and Doctor Pierce have led
STR 2 DEX 3 CON 3 INT 3 PER 4 WIL 3 to direct conflict with the Workmen and Jackie Connors, and the
scientists of the Lounge are vocal in their disapproval of the use
Qualities: Influence (Aegis) 5, Resources 4, Status 5
of military measures unless all other means have failed.
Skills: Brawling 2, Bureaucracy 2, Climbing 2, Computers
3, Drive (Cars) 2, Escape 3, First Aid 3, Guns (Pistol) 4, Guns
(Rifle) 3, Instruction 3, Martial Arts 4, Smooth Talking 4,
Wolnichek is a compact man with brown hair just starting to
Stealth 3, Surveillance 4, Survival (Forest) 3 go gray at the temples as he approaches 50. Wolnichek was a
long-time aviator in the Aurora Project but gave up his flight sta-
tus to take over as senior flight officer and run operations at the
Lake’s flight centers. Primarily concerned with the safety and
DR. BENJAMIN PIERCE training of his pilots, and with the growth of both the Aurora
SENIOR RESEARCHER AT THE RANCH AND HEAD OF THE MYSTIC LOUNGE and BLUE FLY projects, the Colonel was until recently uninter-
Dr. Pierce is in his early fifties, bald, with brown eyes and a ested in the petty politics of the bureau. Unfortunately, he has
rather large, aquiline nose. He has a tendency to startle easily been unable to distance himself from the increasingly bitter
and displays a number of nervous mannerisms, but despite this feud between the two major factions, and has had to spend
he is actually quite perceptive and intelligent. He has been a more and more of his time straightening out conflicts. He has
researcher at The Ranch since he first graduated from MIT in no preference for which faction should be in control of opera-
1979. In the last twenty years, he has been integral in continu- tions, as long as his pilots and ground crews get what they
ing investigations of the various materials and properties recov- need. This is becoming difficult, since only so much money is
ered for analysis by Aegis cells. He has no field experience and available for expansion. A symptom of the problem is the huge
no military background to speak of. His focus in life is the con- disparity between flight-ready pilots and Auroras. Every time a
tinued investigation and research of extraterrestrial sources, a request for new planes is sent, it has to clear several adminis-
topic he is quite vocal about when speaking. trative hurdles. The end result is usually a refusal on the basis
Pierce is a very intelligent man, well aware of the threat that of other projects being more important.
the aliens pose to humanity. He’s not a weak man, but he does- Wolnichek is very good at his job, and he knows it. He insists
n’t feel that confrontation is the best means of preventing alien on being personally involved with every pilot and ground crew-
take-over. Pierce and his colleagues in the antimilitary faction of man in both BLUE FLY and the Aurora projects, and every Cast
the bureau have been instrumental in the new research of Member from either of those professions will have met the
“Active Measures”, special defenses that Aegis might be able to Colonel several times. Pilots for either project are interviewed by
use to prevent aliens from infiltrating human groups. One pop- Wolnichek every three months, to ensure that he still feels com-
ular example that Pierce is investigating is a virus or biotoxin fortable about their ability to fly Aegis’ special craft. Any pilot or
1 2 3 4 5 6
reduce or misdirect Griffiths’ powerbase. None of these preparing for an internal war inside the bureau itself.
attempts has been fully successful, but none has been discov- Composed of scientists and technicians, this faction does not
ered, either. Any agent working at or around OpTac will cer- trust the military at all, believing that the future war with the
tainly have met the Senator on one of his tours through the aliens is just a cover for military intervention in the government.
facilities, entourage in tow. He is quick to ingratiate himself with As a result, most of their effort is dedicated to trying to get an
anyone he meets, since he can never tell when someone may idea of the potential uses of any new technology they recover
become useful later. from alien devices. By staying ahead of the military’s plans, the
scientists think they can limit the dangers of unrestrained tech-
nological development. A small minority of personnel in this
GOALS faction even leak new discoveries to outside agencies in order
to prevent American domination of the world’s technology.
With the factionalization of the bureau, it is becoming
They don’t see this as treason, just global-mindedness.
increasingly difficult to determine what the actual goals of this
division are. The commonly stated goals are threefold: prepa- Training and development of Cells in the field is a priority for
ration for eventual war with the aliens, training and develop- the antimilitary faction. By sending out the right kind of infor-
ment of new methods for field cells, and technical and opera- mation to new cell members, a reasoned and careful approach
tional support for all branches of Aegis. Each of the factions to new situations can be taught. This cuts down on the amount
inside OpTac handles these three goals with different levels of of grunts in Aegis field work, which means fewer professional
enthusiasm. military personnel making it into the higher ranks. At least, this
is the reasoning behind the antimilitary faction’s active attempts
Admiral Hendricks and the Workmen lead the pro-military
to emphasize investigation and study over tactical concerns in
faction of OpTac. Under the Admiral’s control, this faction
their training reports to cells. The Blue Paper is a major forum
dominates the bureau. Strongest at The Ranch’s flight centers
for these attitudes, its thinly disguised bias contributing to the
and the operational centers at Area 51, the pro-military faction
distaste most field agents have for it.
is interested in making war preparations. This shades all other
decisions they make, and any project or suggested opera- Technical and operational support is the center of the anti-
tional change is studied for its potential effects on the war military faction’s base of people. All hold their jobs sacred, per-
plans that are currently being used. In order to coordinate all forming their tasks to the best of their abilities. Every single
aspects of the coming war, a small cadre of technicians and member of this faction agrees that failure to support the cells in
operational specialists works closely with Dr. Norton and the field would be criminal negligence of the worst kind. While
Project Epimenides (see p. 205), researching the possible some technicians and scientists will hesitate to turn over new
futures of the conflict through virtual simulation. The constant technologies to the Army, they will not cease in attempts to find
studies have led to a raised awareness of just how endan- safe and practical uses for new devices by cell members. This
gered humanity may be. devotion to duty often is the only thing preventing open hostil-
ity between both sides of the military question.
The pro-military faction believes that training is an integral
part of readiness, but it desires a full military level of profes- Obviously, relations with the promilitary faction are
sionalism and training. This standard is difficult to reach, given strained at best. Those personnel at The Ranch who have the
the large number of nonmilitary agents in use by Cells. opportunity to work closely with the supporters of Colonel
Attempts to push new restrictions on personnel recruiting and Wolnichek and Ms. Preston can expect to form good working
training have failed, as other divisions of Aegis are not as mili- partnerships, and the two factions are tightly linked, although
tary dominated. Still, inside OpTac, military personnel do many antimilitary factionalists think that their colleagues out
receive preferential treatment and advancement, something at The Ranch are ineffective. As for Senator Griffiths, he rep-
that has been noted by other divisional directors. resents the antimilitary faction’s worst nightmare come true, a
powerful politician with strong backing from the military-
The start of the feud with ISS has its roots in the military
industrial complex. Scientists in this faction refuse to work
ideals of OpTac; this faction has attempted to expand into all
with Griffiths’ agents and have been known to become vocal-
areas of Aegis’ intelligence and operational assets, directly con-
ly hostile when approached.
flicting with ISS’ own requirements. The military faction would
love to take over ISS entirely and feels that its duties are part of The flight line at Groom Dry Lake has its own faction, repre-
OpTac’s. This attitude causes OpTac to focus more on expand- sented by those who support Colonel Wolnichek and Ms.
ing its assets than on training cell personnel in the field. As a Preston. This is a difficult group to pin down, since neither of
direct result of this shift in emphasis, the promilitary faction of their leaders believes in the political power games going on
OpTac spends very little effort on training any personnel who inside the bureau. Since neither will stand up and announce
are not already military specialists. any resistance to the current situation in OpTac, their support-
ers are reduced to thinking of new ways to push through the
The goals of the anti-military faction are completely different.
projects they consider important while preventing their
Preparation for war is the least of their worries, unless they are
1 2 3 4 5 6
Xopolous, and it was determined later that Black Book agents
CENTRAL OFFICE FOR were responsible. Upon Dunham’s demise, Aaron Cook,
Dunham’s second in command, took over leadership of the RO
RECRUITMENT SERVICES and made security of the utmost importance. Not surprisingly,
he was one of the strongest advocates for the development of
The Central Office for Recruitment Services (CORS) performs ISS later that same year.
background checks as to the fitness and possible security risks With pressure to focus on more internal matters until securi-
of potential recruits. It maintains exhaustive records of agents’ ty could be resolved, Cook decided to improve the RO’s ability
specializations to reduce duplication of effort. Finally, it per- to track Cell members. He tasked a number of agents to focus
forms research into discovering the most favorable traits in on ways to mechanically code and catalog agents using a prim-
recruited agents that determine mission successes and agent itive but effective punch-card system. Over the course of five
survival. CORS has undergone a number of changes over the years this punch-card system was abandoned in favor of using
years, reflected by the changing needs of Aegis, and currently an innovative computer the size of a small closet. This was
applies pressure on members of Aegis Prime to expand CORS deemed an efficient method for coding and storing information
into an agency for both recruitment and training. Thus far, this related to agents, but the RO quickly outstripped the sole com-
bid for change has been effectively challenged by ISS, which puter’s capabilities. Cook had dreams of creating multiple
fears a dramatic increase in security risks. stand-alone offices in different regions of the country, each with
its own computer system. Once ISS had established reasonable
security protocols, Cook lobbied to expand the RO with a num-
BRIEF HISTORY ber of satellite offices. He argued that the coding system was
nearly unbreakable and that completed records would be
This division sprang into existence as one of the original three
stored only at Area 51.
committees convened by Aegis Prime. During its initial years,
Aegis had a growth spurt and the micromanagement technique As a consequence, by the mid-1960’s, the Recruitment Office
of hand-selecting agents was made too cumbersome by the had splintered into multiple branches, one for each geographic
sheer volume of new agents needed at the time. At that point it region, and each office continued working closely with ISS to
was headed by Leslie Dunham, a former FBI agent, and was determine the best security protocols. They also learned from
called the Recruitment Office. Its primary function was to catalog ISS staff some more effective ways to check potential recruits’
all active Aegis agents and provide formation as to their geo- backgrounds and affiliations. By 1972 there were ten satellite
graphic regions and any special skills or connections. These offices, and only an overworked skeleton staff remained behind
efforts were extended in order to create an exhaustive and at Area 51 to sort and file computerized records daily. The
detailed report of locations and specializations needing attention Recruitment Offices placed heavy emphasis on personal recruit-
by members of Aegis Prime in order to have a nationwide pres- ment of specialist agents and often entertained potential
ence. The RO also sought new potential agents and compiled lists recruits using hefty expense accounts, and Cook was quick to
of possible Cell members. Members of Aegis Prime then used this cover up these gaffes for his own personal gain.
information to create hosts of parent Cells across the country. Each office operated relatively independently, and the
Meanwhile, a number of agents within the RO began to expense of transporting personnel, secure records, and other
worry about security, since this information was all being items began to look suspicious to one of the skeleton staffers
housed in a single office, and there were rumblings across back at Area 51. Iris Erikson was the senior staff specialist in
Aegis about the need for security. Dunham worked to quell any charge of accounting, and over time she began to track the
rumors and took steps to ensure that the records were secure, movement of funds across all CORS offices, rather than focus-
and the data-gathering process quietly continued. As parent ing on a single office at a time. After she reached some
Cells began to recruit, they made more requests to tap into this inevitable conclusions, she quietly made a few observations in
database, and Dunham realized the danger of setting a prece- the right ears. Within a few days, Aaron Cook was stripped of
dent. He began to pressure parent Cells to look for local talent his office, and, surprisingly, Erikson was elevated to his position.
and argued that as the pressure to create a nationwide pres- Erikson performed a spring-cleaning in all of the satellite
ence had abated somewhat, it was more important that parent offices and personally oversaw operations in each office for
Cells extend their own resources. His only concession to this weeks at a time. The remaining staffers consisted of honest,
firm and fast guideline was in recruiting specialist agents for hard-working agents or those who had been cowed into behav-
Aegis Prime members’ pet projects. ing properly. Over the next four years, Erikson also devised an
Ironically, in 1956, while on a mission to personally examine improved filing system for the computerized records. She
a researcher for recruitment onto an Aegis project, Dunham quadrupled the Area 51 skeleton staff to handle the influx of
was killed. Records state that the researcher was already in the new information but encountered one problem:She had no
process of being indoctrinated into a project headed up by a Dr. reasonable (let alone secure) means for transporting data or
personnel to and from Area 51. As luck would have it, Hendricks These reports point to the inevitable stagnation of Aegis’ suc-
of OpTac saw her plight and offered his assistance, in exchange cess rates as a consequence of poor recruitment selections and
for a small favor: The RO would assist OpTac in fielding highly uninformed choices made by parent Cells in selecting agents
specialized and well trained recruitment teams, under the with minimal training.
scrutiny of OpTac, not the RO. After careful consideration, In the past five years, CORS has continued to change its role
Erikson agreed. within Aegis to be more advisory, providing expert opinions on
Just two years later, however, despite the best efforts to cen- recruitment procedures for parent Cells and releasing evalua-
tralize by using an information storehouse, it was decided that tions to parent Cells, agents’ supervisors, and Aegis Prime
the RO needed to be run from a central office. With the bless- members. Carlisle places an emphasis on efficiency and sees to
ings of Aegis Prime a new facility was ordered constructed on it that all of his interdepartmental units collaborate to keep one
Area 51 to house this agency. Before the construction had even another informed of trends and irregularities.
begun, the new “Central Office” was sought out by the now
aging members of Aegis Prime to hand-select agents in active
Cells for outstanding service that might warrant their inclusion
in the support staff of Aegis Prime. Until this point, each mem-
CORS stays busy with the simple act of keeping pace with
ber of Aegis Prime had selected her own staff, but with the pres-
Aegis’ growing needs for personnel. Saddled with this task and
sures of duty and the ravages of time, they became willing to
the awareness that better trained agents make for less turnover
delegate this responsibility to others.
in the long run, they are in the midst of a conflict about Aegis
From 1985 to 1987, the Central Office worked closely with operations. In direct opposition to OpTac’s push to make Aegis
ISS to monitor close to 100 Aegis agents to determine their suit- more of a paramilitary organization, CORS has no interest in
ability for Aegis Prime’s needs, and began to recognize that doing broad-based training of Aegis personnel, but rather to
many agents were limited in their usefulness because they develop each agent’s own abilities to better serve Aegis with
lacked certain types of training. Of the original 100 agents, only increased mission success rates and decreased fatalities. CORS
21 were found to be up to Prime’s exacting standards; the is currently engaged in some wrangling with ISS over security
remainder were left to serve their Cells. Tasked with the dual issues if agents are to be trained by Aegis representatives, or
responsibilities of relocating the Recruitment Offices and seek- even merely collected in the same location for training. ISS also
ing candidates for Prime Support staff, it wasn’t until 1989 that resists the need to centralize, which is a goal of Carlisle’s.
all branch offices were officially abandoned and reformed into
Generally, CORS independently offers consultations to other
the Central Office of Recruitment Services, housed within Area
Aegis divisions. The fact that CORS has a wealth of information
51 at Groom Dry Lake. Because of this centralization, OpTac lost
pass through its files about many Aegis agents, combined with
a lot of leverage over CORS, since CORS no longer relied on
CORS’ extensive network of liaisons among the divisions, plus
OpTac for movement of personnel and goods.
a heavy dose of healthy paranoia, often leads to support staff
In 1990, Iris Erikson resigned her position in CORS to take on and agents being slightly wary of CORS. In an attempt to head
other duties. It is rumored that she may be a member of Aegis off excessive amounts of anxiety, CORS recently enacted an
Prime, but this has never been confirmed. A number of her for- internal confidentiality policy. This policy states that no CORS
mer satellite office managers report having seen her within the agent is allowed to reveal any portion of an agent’s back-
confines of Area 51 on several occasions since relinquishing her ground check or current standing without express authoriza-
earlier position. CORS was put under the leadership of tion. Furthermore, any release of information must be noted in
Benjamin Carlisle, a relatively young agent at 31 to hold such a the agent’s file, with notations as to the extent of data released
position of power. Under his leadership, there was a definite and to whom the information was given. Obviously, these
shift from merely seeking out potential to actually tracking and measures do not prevent others from sharing this released
evaluating both agents and potential recruits. To create a thor- information, but CORS felt its steps were sufficient and appro-
ough system for keeping track of agents’ performance, Carlisle priate. All completed files are passed along to DAS, and CORS
enlisted the expert advice of ISDM, which was able to develop retains only summaries of the record, along with an agent’s
a HERMES-friendly system to extract information directly from skills, current standing, most recent evaluation, and specializa-
HERMES reports filed by individual agents as well as evalua- tion and geographic location.
tions by Cell leaders and parent Cells.
Ultimately, CORS is responsible for a number of duties,
Despite the fact that OpTac no longer held much power over including research and evaluation, background checking, and
CORS, in 1991, Carlisle made good on Erikson’s promise and recruiting. As such, CORS has a number of subcommittees to
worked with OpTac to field specialized recruitment teams, typi- attend to specific tasks. These groups change as new tasks are
cally taking on an advisory role to teams already hand-selected dictated, but this is the most recent listing of subcommittees:
by OpTac staff. Under Carlisle, CORS reports have become Research and Evaluation, Background Processing, Recruitment,
increasingly vocal about agent fatalities and mission failures. and Training Coordination.
1 2 3 4 5 6
The R&E section is responsible for recruitment-related research, as
well as evaluating potential recruits. Currently, evaluation procedures
are dependent on whether the agent is in a Cell or an Aegis agency,
and whether the agent is aware of Aegis’ existence. All Cell-level
agents are evaluated on a rotating schedule approximately every two
years. For the most part, evaluations are carried out based on HER-
MES reports, notations (if any) by Cell Leaders and/or parent Cells,
and reviews of agents’ mission performances. All agents involved in
Aegis-controlled agencies are reviewed yearly as part of a perform-
ance review, jointly conducted by the division head and a CORS staff
member from the R&E subcommittee. The performance review varies
depending on the division and the position—a research assistant will
most likely be evaluated on the basis of her recent research results,
whereas a pilot will probably be evaluated based on flight perform-
ance and skills testing. If an agent is unaware of Aegis’ existence, usu-
ally CORS simply retrieves her personnel file every few years and
notes discrepancies or concerns, and only initiates a more thorough
process if deemed warranted, since any intrusion may constitute a
breach in security.
These data compilations result in a listing of “Extreme Concern” and
“Outstanding Merit” candidates. A small committee, composed of oper-
atives from R&E section, DAS, and ISS, review the complete file to deter-
mine if any action is warranted, either to remove or to recommend.
R&E has been doing a fair amount of research over the past ten
years to determine optimal mission success rates and to examine
fatality statistics. Because of undeniable, consistent results that point
to training as being a key factor for mission success as well as for pre-
vention of agent fatalities, CORS is placing pressure on Prime to train
current Cell-level agents. To date, CORS has yet to obtain clearance to
directly train any agents other than those in Aegis-controlled agencies.
Under these conditions, R&E merely works with the Training
Coordination subcommittee to track specialists and potential instruc-
tors in the event they will be able to provide training at a later date.
CORS has been making a renewed effort to check the backgrounds
of potential recruits, but the overwhelming volume of requests makes
it difficult to handle the workload. The additional emphasis on mak-
ing sure recruitment efforts are not being duplicated makes this task
very cumbersome. Often, because of the way Aegis is structured, with
fairly autonomous parent Cells, new cells may be created, one on top
of the other, within a concentrated geographic area, which leads to a
number of Aegis agents tripping over one another.
Parent cells perform their own recruiting, though CORS will provide
a background check on all new Aegis agents. The recruiting personnel
provide all information known about the potential applicant. During
this initial stage, CORS works to process information and look for dis-
crepancies. This process may take anywhere from two days to two
weeks. The information is then routed back to the recruiters, along
with any security flags and additional data. Any security concerns are
also routed to ISS, and the recruiters are asked to wait for ISS
approval prior to approaching the applicant.
1 2 3 4 5 6
physique. He has graying hair and sunken gray eyes. Indeed,
DIERDRE CAMPBELL much about him seems to be dull and colorless.
STR 2 DEX 3 CON 3 INT 3 PER 3 WIL 3 His parents, Anya and Mikhail Karpov, fled the Soviet Union
in 1938, when Stalin was in the process of launching a major
Qualities: Influence (Aegis) 4, Resources 4, Status 4 witch-hunt for anyone who claimed to possess paranormal
Skills: Brawling 2, Computers 3, Demolitions 2, Drive powers. Afraid for their lives and newly married, they came to
(Cars) 2 Guns (Artillery) 2, Guns (Pistol) 3, Guns (SMG) 2, the United States in search of a decent place to make a living.
Hand Weapon (Knife) 3, Instruction 4, Sport (Parachuting) Vasily was born in 1944 and seemed to have an extremely prob-
3, Sport (SCUBA) 2, Stealth 3, Systems Operations lem-filled childhood. When, at the age of 10, he confessed to his
(Communications) 2 mother in tears that he often saw things that other people could
not see, Anya knew she had some explaining to do. In broken
uses people’s misperceptions of her against them in training English, she tried to tell her son about some of her own abili-
exercises, as they constantly underestimate her abilities. ties, but Vasily fled from the room and refused to listen. For the
next ten years of his life, he was plagued by the sense of being
She joined the Navy straight out of high school with dreams able to catch glimpses of places he had never seen, and it was-
of seeing the world and making her mark as a career military n’t until the mid-1960’s that he began to find the answers he
officer. She met her first major obstacle when she applied for sought so desperately.
SEAL training and was turned down flat. She attempted to make
the best of the situation but was quickly becoming realistic Vasily began to volunteer as a test subject for psychic exper-
about her opportunities for advancement, in light of her senior iments and was soon given scientific proof that his “glimpses”
officers’ unwillingness to ever take her seriously. and other frustrating talents actually had some merit. He was
given an offer to work with an independent lab, Mental
Her vessel investigated what was recorded as a satellite break- Properties Amalgamated, and for the first time in his life he was
ing stationary orbit, but when she arrived at the crash site, the able to meet people who were like him. He never really shed
crew found something very different than a satellite. It looked like his dour disposition or his pessimistic attitude, but over time he
a spherical metallic object, but it wasn’t anything of American was able to cultivate his psychic abilities. After almost a decade
design. As she and her crewmates began to fish it out of the of practicing with no practical applications, the lab was shut
ocean for further study, one of her crewmates had some kind of down, and he received a letter from a “new school for psy-
a mental breakdown and threatened to shoot the CO if they did- chics”, asking if he’d be interested in a teaching position. This
n’t leave the object where it was. Dierdre drew her sidearm but letter was a cover for Aegis to bring him in as a CAPS affiliate,
thought she could talk him down. As she spoke to him, he began and he took the job.
to lower his weapon, and she felt confident she could handle the
situation. Then, suddenly, he raised his gun and began firing Once he learned about the existence of Aegis, he became
wildly in the direction of the CO. She had no choice but to shoot even more withdrawn, seemingly crushed by the new knowl-
him. She learned that day the importance of taking action imme- edge of conspiracies and the constant threat of humankind’s
diately and not counting on the best possible scenario. destruction. At one point he seemed to have a nervous break-
down, becoming catatonic, but after a month he emerged from
Before long she found herself being matched up with a set of his catatonic state, suddenly with additional psychic powers.
interdisciplinary team members from other branches of the mili- Since that time, he was deemed too valuable to Psi-Div as a
tary, being drilled for the retrieval of downed aircraft. Passing this research subject, and so an administrative position was found
test with flying colors, she was then given the opportunity to join for him until they can understand how his new psychic talents
MOONDUST. Disgusted with her chances in the Navy, she leapt manifested themselves under duress. He has held his position
at the chance and served as a MOONDUST Ops Specialist for six in CORS for just over three years now.
years before being transferred to more administrative duties. She
still goes out on the occasional mission, but more often than not
she prefers to help coordinate teams and put agents through VASILY KARPOV
their paces. Working for CORS, she oversees the distribution of
personnel among Aegis divisions and departments.
Qualities: Influence (Aegis) 5, Psychic, Resources 4,
Status 4
Skills: Brawling 1, Computers 2, Drive (Cars) 2, Hypnosis
HEAD OF CORS R&E SUBCOMMITTEE, CAPS LIAISON TO CORS 4, Instruction 3, Intimidation 2, Science (Parapsychology) 3,
Vasily is an extraordinary cold and bitter individual, and peo- Trance 4
ple tend to avoid him for his sour disposition. He oversees
research on recruitment trends and evaluations of agents. He Psychic Abilities: Clairvoyance (Art 2, Str 2), Cognition
stands almost six feet tall and has a gaunt and emaciated (Art 3, Str 3), Telepathy (Art 3, Str 4)
CORS’ primary goal is simply to make it possible to both recruit
and maintain the “best and the brightest” agents for work at Aegis,
both as Cell members and as internal agents. More and more, CORS
is focusing on consulting and advising, rather than the actual leg work
or decision-making. CORS engages in a great deal of research and
study to determine the best way to expend resources, time, and ener-
gy in pursuit of solid recruit leads, working to minimize duplication
and maximize use of resources.
Research and Development was originally called “Alien Analysis”
when it was first created in 1959. OpTac deemed it necessary to pool
all available research assistants to speed research and eliminate
duplication of efforts. When created, Alien Analysis was headed by
Dr. Karl Novatel. With expertise in both biology and anthropology, he
had made a study of alien artifacts in order to study alien cultures for
The Watch in the late 1940’s.
It was originally hoped that through the study of alien tech it would
be possible to understand and interact with the aliens. Novatel placed
an emphasis on both Terran and alien sciences, and was instrumen-
tal in fostering interest in computing machines, even beyond the cre-
ation of the HERMES units that enabled agents to keep in contact with
one another. The early MK1 terminals were merely operational cen-
ters, housed in each Cell’s headquarters. Through the use of teletype
machines and radio transmissions, Cells were able to transmit and
receive encoded information and to keep in communication with
Aegis Prime. Analysis was often overextended, however, and it was
difficult to make new discoveries in all areas of study.
After Dr. Novatel retired in 1967, he was replaced by Dr. Jack
Tazewell, who served as an important connection to the younger gen-
eration of scientists. Investing in computing research, which led to the
eventual creation of ISDM, allowed Analysis to emphasize a wider
range of Terran technology, most notably biological and medical
advances. Analysis began channeling funds into extensive research
projects in remote labs to bring itself abreast of the latest develop-
ments. As a consequence, it was renamed Research Operations.
In the early 1970’s, Research Operations noted that it had a dearth
of new alien technology and lobbied successfully for retrieved alien
1 2 3 4 5 6
tech to be turned over to it for study. This created some friction In 1985, R&D was presented with a number of scraps from a
with ISS, since there was no way of telling if the alien technolo- downed craft of unknown origin. These items were retrieved
gy could be tracked. As a result, Research Operations made a from a raid engineered by the Foreign Affairs Division in
concerted effort to study unknown alien tech at initial stages in Kingston, Jamaica, and were the subject of heated controversy
large cities where its agents’ movements could be easily dis- about the method of their acquisition. Researchers in R&D were
guised from prying eyes, and where Area 51 security would not certain the craft was not of Grey design or construction, and it
be compromised. To this day “hot” technology is scrutinized in did not match that of the other vessel retrieved in 1977. It was
remote labs for up to a full year before being released for trans- not until almost a decade later that they were able to fully
fer to Area 51. understand the nature of this “Saurian” technology.
In 1977, it was able to retrieve what looked like some kind of R&D benefited from a number of items to study when a
drive system from a crashed alien vessel, and a whole host of crashed alien vessel was retrieved and thoroughly ransacked in
components of unknown purpose and origin. RO’s inability to 1996. This ship, originally suspected by some to be of Saurian
classify a number of objects in the vessel led to a new catego- design and construction, did not match most of the known con-
rization of research: “Damned-If-I-Know,” abbreviated DIIK. To figurations of Saurian craft and was spherical in shape. The
this day, items received that are unclassifiable are referred to as retrieved pieces paved the way for new research into a number
DIIKs (pronounced Dix). of alien-focused projects, including fusion, aerodynamics, and
In 1983, there was a great shake-up in Research Operations. heat absorption.
OpTac maneuvered to shut down all research that didn’t have Frequently, R&D has been given clearance to leak informa-
direct paramilitary applications and Dr. Tazewell committed sui- tion to outside researchers, such as its initial disclosure about
cide. A new leader rose in Research Operations, Dr. Jennifer computer development in the 1970’s and about genetics in the
Norton. She argued the need for research on subjects that early 1990’s. Sometimes R&D personnel are informed as to the
would support paramilitary activities, such as complex motion reason for the dissemination of this information, but often they
scanners, medical advances, and psychic tools. Her quick reac- are unconcerned with the rationale as long as it does not jeop-
tion enabled her to transfer a number of technicians from ardize their own research projects. Often, these leaks are care-
OpTac to Research Operations, all of whom were very interest- fully orchestrated to counter Black Book expansion or to pro-
ed in pursuing practical applications by creating prototypes. vide financial support to corporate allies of Aegis.
With this renewed effort on developing new technology, the
division was renamed “Research and Development.”
Once R&D’s position was secure, there was a flurry of activi- CURRENT STATUS
ty to develop a prototype that would secure its role and firmly Two types of research are conducted by R&D, classified simply
fix it as indispensable to OpTac, which continued to control all as alien and Terran. Each research section is headed by a chief
funding for research on Area 51. Dr. Norton, after careful con- who oversees all daily operations and is responsible for meeting
sideration, decided to put together a team to design an aircraft. with research teams to determine progress and viability.
After several weeks of brainstorming, one of the key features of
the aircraft was planned to be a neural connection to enable the
pilot to control the aircraft with a nanosecond thought-burst. ALIEN RESEARCH
The alien technology and sciences section primarily focuses
Numerous drive systems were tested and another team set to
on conducting applied research, performing reverse-engineer-
work on engineering mentally triggered missiles, with the help
ing, and testing DIIKs. Approximately 75% of the staff work in
of Psi-Div. In the span of less than a year, with concerted effort,
labs or in the testing facility, while the rest perform data entry,
Dr. Norton’s team proudly introduced the Aurora. Actually find-
collate information, and assemble reports. Most of the individ-
ing suitable pilots who not only survived the installation of the
uals in this section hold a Ph.D. (if not two) in the hard sciences,
Pilot Interface Control System but functioned at top capacity
but a handful of anthropologists, physicians, cryptologists, lin-
was difficult; in the early stages of testing, there were five fatal-
guists, and psychologists also assist with researching these
ities, and the project was almost abandoned.
often-bizarre items.
Hit-and-miss results from the Aurora Pilot Interface Control
Most of the catalogued alien technology prior to the 1970’s
System prodded R&D to invest a great deal of research into the
was affiliated with the Grey race, and this division has a great deal
factors that made for successful implants. Their primary finding
of information about Grey implants, the technical aspects of psy-
was that some individuals’ DNA codes seemed to more closely
chotrons, and the use (although little of the creation) of coral
match the neural interface. This led to a spate of research about
lenses. In the early 1980’s, “nanotechnology” was uncovered and
DNA variables and genetic typing. Some individuals in R&D
accredited to the Atlanteans. Only recently have a few
have begun to mutter over the nature of nanotechnology, and
researchers begun to wonder if this technology is truly the type
there are whispers that perhaps the division has been a little too
that is used by Atlanteans, or rather part of a carefully contrived
lucky too often with a scientific discipline that no human truly
trail of bread crumbs fed to Aegis by the Atlantean race. Needless
understands sufficiently to generate prototypes.
The Terran science and technology section conducts theoretical and
applied experiments across a wide range of disciplines and also tracks
the findings of other research groups through reports and published
articles. It also regularly conducts meta-analysis of research findings
from labs around the world. As a result, although it has almost the
same size staff as the Alien section, it divides its staff, with 50% work-
ing on direct research and scientific experimentation and 50% con-
ducting meta-analysis, performing data entry, and combing through
endless reports and articles for relevant details.
Terran science and research did not really blossom within Aegis
until the early 1970’s. Until 1969, the primary focus of Terran tech-
nology was in the area of computing. Once ISDM was created, a new
group of scientists was recruited to look into Terran scientific
advances. The first research teams looked primarily at medical and
biological advances, and currently three teams are in operation sole-
ly to study these areas. One team is looking into the recuperative
properties of a number of organic and synthesized substances,
specifically for medical treatment of plasma burns. A second team
specializes in germ warfare research and biohazardous conditions.
The third routinely catalogs successes and failures of various
attempts at biological technology, a spin-off of a reverse-engineering
Grey project under Alien section. In addition, a fourth, interdiscipli-
nary team has an ongoing project related to the Aurora, specifically,
how to treat nanotech-failed subjects who suffer from varying forms
of psychic distress.
Aerospace technology and science are also under constant study
by anywhere from two to nine teams, depending on Aegis’ needs.
Extensive theoretical studies have been done of the nature of star-
ship design, and also more applied research on developing “invisi-
ble” aircraft. One of the research teams is devoted exclusively to the
constant monitoring and upgrading of the famous “Black
Helicopter,” the ultimate in an airborne stealth vehicle. Some recent
research is on the viability of unmanned probes to gather informa-
tion about alien movements.
1 2 3 4 5 6
information to themselves until the early 1990’s. At that point
CROSS-DIVISIONAL RESEARCH they also become valuable research subjects, as R&D put them
A whole host of research projects are not identified as either
Terran or Alien, especially the projects that work on reverse- through their paces and systematically began to narrow down
engineering of captured Black Book technology. A great deal of the possibilities for the cause of these enhancements.
deconstructing takes place in attempts to classify the types of Soon, head researchers in R&D were scrambling for old data
technology being used by the NDD. It is difficult to speculate to confirm their hypotheses that somehow the PICS helmet was
what pieces may be the result of advanced research and what injecting pilots with nanotechnology to varying degrees of suc-
might be alien, however. Aegis is learning how to operate some cess and ignoring some of the subjects altogether. These
of this equipment but is having difficulty replicating it or deter- researchers reached some conclusions about likely successful
mining its origin. candidates, but given the small numbers of pilots who had even
The latest conundrum is finding a Micro-PK-proof electronic attempted to use PICS as part of the Aurora project, much is still
system, working with Psi-Div. The Terran section regularly works speculation.
with Psi-Div on mind-control drugs and devices, such as the A full decade after the Aurora II, R&D made a series of mod-
MHIC-EDOM. ifications so diverse that they dubbed the new ship the Aurora
III. This version, while essentially a streamlined Aurora II, is out-
PROJECT AURORA fitted with technology from the unknown spherical ship recov-
ered in 1996. It has a more heat-resistant skin, dramatically
The Aurora has undergone a number of changes from its
earliest inception. The original prototype in 1978, dubbed more efficient engines, and a more durable life-support system,
Horizon, consisted of biofeedback mechanisms and crude all of which makes the Aurora III suitable for launch into space.
engines capable of reaching Mach 2; it has long since been The most recent version of the Aurora is equipped with
recycled for spare parts. The Horizon used a very bulky biofeed- fusion pulse rockets that use water for reaction mass, and oper-
back helmet that read changes in the pilot’s brainwaves to con- ates up to Mach 4 in normal atmosphere. With the addition of
trol the craft. This resulted in instantaneous control but required a small reaction mass generator, the Aurora is capable of
incredible amounts of concentration for long periods of time, breaking Earth’s gravity and sustaining orbit. With its advanced
and did not measure up to the hopes of the design team. stealth technology, the Aurora easily avoids detection by all
Modifications were made, and in 1982 the Horizon II took flight, conventional methods. Once in orbit, the Aurora is able to dock
with Lieutenant Thomas Hendricks at the controls. As the with Skylab, which has been successfully hidden since Aegis
Horizon II broke Mach 3, the craft was lost on radar and com- created a media sensation with its supposed crash.
munications were severed. A MOONDUST team was sent out
immediately to reconnoiter the immediate area, but the
Horizon II was never located.
Generally, when R&D is looking for specific items of study, as
All but the most general concepts of the Horizon project was the case in the mid-1990’s with the elusive Men in Black,
were scrapped, and the design team began anew, under the Cells are made aware of the need and are informed of the
leadership of Dr. Norton. To their credit, in 1983 the Aurora I importance of reporting such discoveries via HERMES. At that
took flight, with a modified interface control system and psychic point, R&D can decide whether the item in question is worthy
lenses as an integral part of the weapons systems. The Pilot of retrieval and study. Some Cells stumble across scientific com-
Interface Control System (PICS) was developed through a very ponents or alien artifacts and note in their HERMES reports that
frustrating trial-and-error process, with the discovery that some they have access to them. Aegis-controlled agencies and labo-
pilots were more likely to succeed in using PICS while others ratories also produce a number of items for R&D to examine
became excessively disoriented, mentally burnt out, or emo- and to experiment with. Finally, a large portion of the items
tionally unstable. At the point that four pilots were able to put needed by R&D are obtained through theft or infiltration of
the Aurora I through her paces successfully, the project was other organizations. It has a great deal of respect for the
deemed a success. Foreign Affairs Division, whose diligent efforts consistently pro-
Over the next four years, the Aurora team continued to mon- vide recovered technology, not only from alien sources but also
itor the ship’s capabilities, and attempt to integrate new tech- from the Black Book, as well as a host of foreign countries.
nology into the systems. 1987 heralded the Aurora II, with the R&D works closely with almost all divisions with respect to
addition of pulse detonation engines, allowing it to exceed the development and dissemination of many scientific and tech-
Mach 4 during several test runs. Also during this period, the nological advances. R&D will lend staff to divisions that are
successful pilots began to talk among themselves and noticed working on projects, and will find ways to have items mass-pro-
that with a moderate amount of concentration, even while not duced in remote facilities. R&D specializes in developing proto-
in the Aurora, they could speed up their reflexes and hone their types; it is not in the business of becoming an assembly line.
precision responses. Uncertain of the source of this change, and The latest prototype that it is particularly proud of is the recent
not wanting to lose their valuable positions, the pilots kept this experiment with nanotech (see p. 51).
1 2 3 4 5 6
on “hot” items that could not, for reasons of security, be trans-
ported to Area 51. He assembled an enthusiastic and talented SARAH GOLDSTEIN
research team and was content to work on small xenobiology
projects for the remainder of his career when he was contacted STR 2 DEX 3 CON 3 INT 3 PER 4 WIL 4
by a recruitment specialist from CORS inquiring about his inter- Qualities: Atlantean Nanotech (Interface Control System
est in working at Area 51. Dr. Wilson carefully considered the [modified]), Influence (Aegis) 4, Resources 4, Status 3
advantages and disadvantages, and a few days later was relo-
Drawbacks: Physical Disability (Crippled Legs) 3
cated to an office down the hall from Dr. Norton’s.
Skills: Brawling 2, Bureaucracy 3, Drive (Cars) 2, First
Aid 3, Guns (Pistol) 4, Humanities (Management) 4,
SAMUEL DIXON, PH.D., CHIEF OF TERRAN TECH R&D Language (German) 4, Language (Italian) 4, Language
Dr. Dixon has held the position of head of Terran section for
(Japanese) 4, Language (Spanish) 4, Myths and Legends
only a few years, and he is so unassuming, it is easy to forget
(UFOlogy) 3, Pilot (Helicopter) 3, Sport (SCUBA) 4,
he is even in the room. He is a rather owlish individual, which
Surveillance 3, Systems Operations (Communications) 2
is not helped by the thick glasses he persists in wearing. He
rarely speaks, but when he does, it becomes readily apparent
that he is one of those amazingly talented geniuses who latch SARAH GOLDSTEIN, TECH ACQUISITION SPECIALIST
on to everything with ease. He looks to be in his early 40’s, but Sarah is valued in R&D for her keen memory, but she was
it is difficult to tell, because everything about him is so indis- originally a top-notch MOONDUST linguist until she was injured
criminate. He stands a mere 5'4" tall and has wispy platinum ten years ago. A spinal cord injury at L-3 left her paralyzed from
blond hair, of which static electricity makes a nightmare. He has the pelvis down, and she agreed to be a test subject for Dr.
light gray eyes, so pale that looking at him for long is quite dis- Norton’s nanotechnology experiment. An experimental nan-
turbing for most people outside of Terran section. Luckily, he otech implant allows her to use a modified fitted walker, tai-
rarely makes eye contact with anyone outside the R&D division, lored to her hips and legs, in which she can walk up to 3 miles
so most people do not have to cope with this alarming feature. per hour. She sports short curly brown hair and smiling green
eyes. She comes across as a very warm person, although she
Dixon holds two Ph.D.s, one in physics and the other, oddly
can be extraordinarily outspoken, especially when disparaging
enough, in philosophy. When asked about his degree in philos-
remarks are made about her beloved Denver Broncos.
ophy, he will say quietly that it helps him understand how
things work. He was recruited into Aegis as part of an experi- Born and raised in Denver, she lived at home while she attend-
mental program for senior high school students that has since ed Denver University. She had every expectation of marrying her
been abandoned. His education was almost entirely paid for by high school sweetheart, Mark Feinberg, once she graduated, but
scholarships that were in part funded by Aegis resources. just a few weeks short of her senior year, after being engaged for
two years, he ended the relationship inexplicably. At a loss for
Dr. Dixon is not a very capable administrator; indeed, it is
what to do, she used her dual Spanish-Italian major to translate
one of the few areas in which he does not excel. He does,
international research documents for an educational publisher.
however, quietly inspire researchers and technicians to per-
Discovering she had a flair for translation, she decided to learn
form their best. Because his presence is so unassuming, most
German and Japanese and was soon sought after for her ability
people feel comfortable approaching him with questions and
to translate technical materials in four languages. An Aegis agent
for advice. He generally putters about his office and a num-
in the Colorado Department of Higher Education noticed her
ber of research labs daily, and keeps volumes of handwritten
name on a number of documents as “translator” and took it
notebooks about all of the ongoing projects. These note-
upon himself to evaluate her for potential recruitment into a new
books seem to be the product of a mind ordered unlike
Cell he was forming. Halfway through the development of the
most—scattered among the lines of text are also geographic
Cell, he suspiciously developed food poisoning and died. As part
sketches, comments on the nature of organic chemistry, and
of a routine ISS check into the matter, Ms. Goldstein came under
quotes from Thoreau.
review, and when the ISS agent took it upon himself to inform
MOONDUST that they might have a potential linguist for recruit-
SAMUEL DIXON ment, the rest was really just a matter of time.
Goldstein is primarily responsible for keeping track of all sci-
STR 3 DEX 3 CON 3 INT 3 PER 4 WIL 4 entific and technological samples and prototypes, as well as
Qualities: Influence (Aegis) 4, Resources 4, Status 4 tracking all research projects. This means that she catalogs
Skills: Brawling 1, Bureaucracy 1, Computers 3, Drive (Cars) incoming and outgoing tech, keeps records on warehoused tech
2, Guns (Pistol) 2, Humanities (Literature) 3, Humanities and DIIKs, and logs all current research projects. Most of her job
(Philosophy) 5, Instruction 3, Research/Investigation 4, Science does not specifically require her to be mobile, unless she feels the
(Biology) 2, Science (Chemistry) 4, Science (Physics) 5 need to personally check on something, and sometimes she will
remove her walker during the day while behind her desk.
Optimally, R&D’s goal is to determine the inner workings of tech-
nology and to understand scientific advances, both Terran and Alien,
in order to help Aegis understand its enemies and its own resources.
To this end, it work on becoming the most advanced science and
research facility in the world, and recognizes the need to find ways to
either triumph in combat situations or prevent combat altogether.
In order to achieve this primary goal, R&D has several smaller
goals that relate to the investigation, creation, and acquisition of tech-
nology, scientific samples, and DIIKs. Using retrieved technology
(both Alien and Terran) from a huge range of resources around the
globe, R&D is constantly investigating new sciences and technological
advances. It also aims to create experimental prototypes of a non-
military nature, but often OpTac blocks its attempts to do so with its
control of funding, so R&D has developed creative ways around this
through inexpensive means such as theoretical modeling.
Another goal is to truly understand the nature of the so-called
Atlantean nanotechnology. Much understanding about nanotechnol-
ogy-based items is purely theoretical, and there is increasing pres-
sure to replicate this technology. At this stage, however, R&D is
unable even to disassemble and reassemble Atlantean components
without incredible amounts of luck or tremendous loss of resources.
1 2 3 4 5 6
organometallic thread which changes color in response to lands. Special electrically activated glue in the unit’s feet allows
electrical current. The result is a material as tough and it to stick to both walls and ceilings.
durable as conventional Army fatigues that can also change This drone contains sensors equivalent to a micro video cam-
color. era and a shotgun microphone. It can fly at speeds up to 30
This jumpsuit has two modes of operation. In the first mph and is capable of hovering. In flight or under poor lighting
mode, the operator presets the color using either commands conditions it can easily be mistaken for a real dragonfly. Under
entered on concealed touch-pad controls on the cuff of the normal light conditions, even causal observation of a stationary
right sleeve, or subvocalized commands from a Hermes III unit will reveal that it is obviously mechanical. During operation
headset. Entering a command and waiting for the suit to the unit broadcasts continually, so it can be easily detected by
change color requires only a single Turn. Each suit comes a bug detector.
equipped with 20 different color options, including black, The drone is controlled by a Hermes III headset and a spe-
white, Arctic, jungle, and desert camouflage, international cial VR glove similar to those used in some video games. The
orange (for high visibility), and color patterns similar to sev- headset also allows the user direct access to the images and
eral different common uniforms. Wearers have proven that it sounds from the unit’s camera and microphone. Using this unit
is possible to successfully imitate police uniforms within 5 requires both the Electronic Surveillance skill and a successful
yards if lighting conditions are somewhat poor. Pilot (Remote Vehicle) Task. The unit’s radio only allows it to be
Like camouflage fatigues, the suit provides a +2 bonus to all operated within 2 miles of the user. When the wings are folded
Stealth Tasks when used in this mode. This bonus is lost if used back it can be safely carried in its padded storage tube. RP: 2,
against opponents who are utilizing infrared sensors to detect EV: 3; Cost: n/a
the user’s body heat. Wearers can also cool the exterior of the
suit to ambient temperature, however. Doing so requires that
the wearer attach two cans of refrigerant to concealed waist
Since discovering the Atlantean use of nanotechnology,
pockets on the suit. Each can provides cooling for 15 minutes. machines working within the body on a molecular level that
During this time, if the optional gloves, boots, and ski-masklike enhance the host’s abilities, Aegis has struggled to reverse-engi-
hood are worn, the suit provides a +4 bonus for all Stealth Tasks neer its own. Within the last year, Aegis has finally succeeded in
vs. infrared sensors. If the ambient temperature is below 10C creating its own nanotechnology, and a handful of agents have
wearers are advised to wear thermal underwear when using agreed to field test this new tech.
the suit in this mode.
The nanites, once injected into the host’s system, reproduce
In the second mode, the suit’s photo sensors actually change and attach themselves to the agent’s nervous system, acting as
the suit’s colors to match the surrounding environment. superconductors in a manner similar to the Atlantean Pilot
Unfortunately, while the color-matching capabilities of this Interface Control System. The resulting effect gives the agent
device are quite accurate, they are also somewhat slow. If the the ability to call upon inhuman speed and reflexes, a boost to
wearer is moving faster than 0.5 yards per Turn the unit cannot their strength and reactions which makes them a potent force
keep up with the motion and changing background. The result- to be reckoned with. They are able to dodge bullets, leap unbe-
ing blurred image negates all benefits gained from using this lievable heights and distances, even defy gravity in some
device. If the wearer moves slowly and carefully, the suit pro- extreme situations.
vides extremely accurate camouflage, providing a bonus to all
Aegis’ Nanotech is an 8-point Paranormal Quality and must
Stealth Tasks of +3 (once again, this bonus is not gained against
be bought during character creation or through Experience
infrared sensors). To gain this bonus, the suit’s optional gloves,
Points or Resource Points (8RP). It should be rationalized with
boots, and hood must be worn. Even the best camouflage does
the Chronicler, explaining how and why the agent has been
not allow the user to hide in plain sight, however. The suit’s bat-
selected to field test this technology. Aegis Nanotech gives the
teries allow it to operate for up to 25 hours in this mode.
agent abilities that can best be described as “cinematic.” She
Surprisingly, the jumpsuits are only slightly bulkier than ordi-
can perform superhuman feats that may be unbalancing in
nary fatigues. RP: 3; EV: 3; Cost: n/a
some games. Players should discuss the use of Aegis Nanotech
Surveillance Drone: Combining the latest military technol- with the Chronicler before opting to use these powers.
ogy with batteries, sensors, and mechanical parts created using
a mix of Alien and Terran technologies, this device has begun to
revolutionize certain types of surveillance work. The drone NANOTECH POWERS
To employ all of the potential abilities that Aegis’ Nanotech
looks roughly like a large dragonfly. It is 3" long with a 9"
can provide, the agent must have some skill in Martial Arts.
wingspan. Like a dragonfly, the flapping wings provide both
Without the Acrobatics or Martial Arts skills it is doubtful that
propulsion and steering. While the unit’s batteries allow it to fly
Aegis would agree to allow the agent to be injected with the
for only 1 hour, its sensor and transceiver can operate for up to
nanites to begin with.
a full day. Sometimes the unit simply flies to a location and
Below is a list of moves that the nanites can assist with in ACROBATIC SHOOTING
times of need. The nanites draw energy from the agent to “fuel” ESSENCE COST: 2 PER TURN
the move, reflected in the game by draining the agent’s
Firefights are seldom static events; opponents rarely stand
Essence. The Essence cost for each move is listed with the
still and exchange bullets like Napoleonic armies. Instead real
move, and how long this “charged” time will last for. Sometimes
gun-fu masters are always on the move, leaping across tables,
it is a matter of seconds, sometimes longer, depending upon
sliding down banisters, flipping over railings, swinging on wires,
the action. Agents recover their Essence normally and should
and balancing on windowsills. All the while, they let loose a
be aware of the consequences of depleting their Essence (see
storm of lead against the other guy. With this ability, the shoot-
Essence Loss, p. 180 of Conspiracy X).
er can perform amazing feats of acrobatics and fire normally.
This takes some agreement from the Chronicler, but in general
ESSENCE CHANNELING AND OTHER it means the shooter can move in some cool, unexpected way
that makes everyone shooting at her suffer a -3 penalty during
UNISYSTEM GAMES the Turn, but imposes no penalty to the ranged attack.
Players of All Flesh Must Be Eaten or WitchCraft will Alternatively, the technique lets the agent do some seemingly
recognize many of the moves as being Chi powers used impossible maneuver while shooting, such as walk a tightrope.
by Gifted martial artists. Unlike Chi Powers, the agents do In these latter situations, opponents suffer no penalty.
not need Essence Channeling as a Quality to power the
moves; the nanotechnology does this for them. On the BALANCE OF THE CAT
other hand, Chi powers are usually readily available,
whereas Aegis nanotech is temperamental and unpre-
dictable. It is prone to malfunctioning and either harming The nanites naturally increase the reactions and movement
the agent or failing completely. of the agent, but while this ability is active, the character can
walk on ropes or rails, climb ropes, balance on the top of poles,
and immediately recover from being thrown without having to
Each move is purchased as a separate ability. These moves make any action. Furthermore, she can move at full speed while
are purchased as Martial Arts moves, as those listed in Chapter performing these feats of balance.
4 (p. 166) of Conspiracy X. The cost for each move is the
Essence Cost for using that move. For example, Balance of the
Cat costs 1 Essence Point per Turn and 1 point to purchase. BE LIKE THE WATER
After character creation, new moves may be learned with ESSENCE COST: VARIES
Martial Arts move points (from increasing the Martial Arts skill) “Be like the water, ever shifting and impossible to pin down,
or with Experience Points. Those with a variable Essence cost ever adaptable to whatever conditions exist. Can you punch a
have a purchase cost of 3. They have no “skill” rating as they river? Can you grasp the ocean?” All hyperbole and metaphor
enhance other actions, and therefore other Tasks and Tests. aside, this ability allows the fighter to dodge multiple incoming
Chroniclers may allow agents to incorporate some of these spe- attacks. For every 2 Essence Points spent per Turn, an extra
cial moves into combos. defensive Dodging Task may be taken.
Remember, for moves that cause damage to an opponent,
Martial Arts Skill levels grant damage bonuses. Also, some pow-
ers require another Combat Move or a gun to use effectively. BLIND FIRING
Finally, techniques that involve ranged attacks most often men- ESSENCE COST: 3 PER RANGED ATTACK
tion guns, but can be used with any ranged attack weapon The nanites have helped the agent develop a kind of sixth
(bows, throwing knives, etc.). sense about where the enemy is, even when she can’t see
The actual number of moves are endless and limited only by them. A character with this ability can home in on any target
the Chronicler’s and players’ imaginations. The examples may within range even if it is pitch black, or she has a blind-fold on.
be used as guidelines for creating any number of additional This technique eliminates all penalties for poor lighting. In total
moves. darkness, the shooter suffers only a -3 penalty to strike Tasks.
Those who prefer close combat can also develop their own
special sense for locating enemies. Using this ability, the agent
knows exactly where an enemy is, if she is within her Speed in
1 2 3 4 5 6
yards. Again, this eliminates all penalties for poor lighting. In CATCH BULLETS
total darkness or when blindfolded, the agent suffers only a -3 ESSENCE COST: 3 PER TEST
penalty to strike Tasks.
The nanites increase the body’s Perception, Dexterity, and
Strength for a vital moment. As a defensive action, the charac-
BULLET TIME ter can deflect or catch an incoming missile weapon of any
ESSENCE COST: AS DESCRIPTION type, even a bullet. This requires 3 Essence Points and a Difficult
Dexterity Test. Depleting vast amounts of Essence, the character
Synapses fire faster, muscles react more quickly, everything can spend extra points and make extra rolls to catch additional
is suddenly enhanced by the nanites, until the world around bullets in a single Turn up to a number equal to her Dexterity.
the agent seems to slow down. Although moving faster than This amazing ability offers little protection against shotgun or
everything around her, her perceptions are reacting even bomb blasts since too many projectiles are too close together.
faster, giving the impression of moving in slow motion. As she This is not recommended for agents with low Essence Pools or
is moving more quickly and thinking faster still, she can dodge agents near sources that may cause the nanites to malfunction
projectiles, avoid vehicles, calculate locations of attackers for at a vital moment.
future reference, and take extra actions. Activation costs one
Essence Point and a successful Simple Willpower Test. This
effect lasts one Turn for every Success Level of the Test. Each COMBAT SENSE
Essence Point spent increases the agent’s Speed Attribute by ESSENCE COST: 3 PER MINUTE
two. Each 6 extra Speed levels, the agent gains an extra action
Even when they seem to be doing something else, the sens-
that Turn that can be performed with no penalty. In most cir-
es of the agent are working overtime, looking out for trouble.
cumstances, the agent will be the first to react to combat situ-
Dangers such as ambushes, ticking bombs, etc. rarely surprise
ations (at the Chronicler’s discretion).
her. The character gains a +3 to all Perception Tests or Tasks
when using this ability. Further, the agent gains a +2 to initiative
rolls, if used.
By focusing the nanites into her legs, the character can leap
Rarely seen and even harder to master, the nanotechnology
distances that defy gravity. From a standing position, the agent
has developed a way to manipulate gravitational fields around
can jump either 6 yards vertically or 12 yards horizontally. With
the agent. Whether this is through gyroscopic or magnetic
a running start of at least 3 yards, she can jump up to 12 yards
means, the effect is stunning. Rather than actually flying, the
vertically or 24 yards horizontally.
agent is able to control extended and impossible leaps. The
character leaps into the air as if she were jumping. The differ-
ence is, for the remainder of the Turn, she can maneuver while H URRICANE OF KICKS
in the air. She moves at a Speed equal to four times her normal ESSENCE COST: VARIES
Speed. By expending an additional 5 Essence Points the next
Turn, the agent can remain in the air. The combatant lashes out with a series of quick, powerful
kicks almost too fast for the human eye to see. For every 2
This ability can also be used at the last instant to cushion and points of Essence spent (up to a maximum of 8), the fighter
eliminate damage from a long fall. Roll Willpower and Martial launches an extra Kick Combat Move that round. The target
Arts Skill Task. Each Success Level halves the damage multiplier can defend against only as many kicks as she has defensive
of falls. maneuvers, usually one. The kicks cause normal damage and
cannot be combined with any other Combat Moves or put into
FLYING KICK a “combo.”
The fighter leaps into the air and flies toward her opponent, I NSTANT RELOAD
leading with one foot. The kicker can travel much further than ESSENCE COST: 2 PER RELOAD
normal, up to twenty feet in a straight line. The defender may
Who has time to slap another clip in or load more bullets into
dodge or defend against the attack as normal, but if the foot
lands, it does D8(4) x (Strength +2) damage. that six-shooter? For a gun-fu master, reloading scarcely gets
any attention. The character automatically reloads her gun
without even pausing to take a breath. In effect, it takes no time
FLYING WINDMILL KICK to reload. The shooter can keep on firing as long as she wants,
ESSENCE COST: VARIES as long as she is carrying extra ammo somewhere on her per-
son. The ability doesn’t create bullets out of thin air, it just gets
This technique combines elements of both the Flying Kick them into the gun quicker than the eye can see.
and Hurricane of Kicks. The maneuver is executed like a Flying
Kick (costing 2 Essence Points), but for every additional 2
Essence Points spent (up to a maximum of 10), the agent can
make another kick attempt that Turn without multiple action
1 2 3 4 5 6
M ULTIPLE SHOOTER (usually some cover or a little child caught in the crossfire). All
ESSENCE: VARIES the while she fires her gun in the general direction of the
enemy, causing them to duck or flinch or just stare in awe. All
One thing that separates the average goon with a gun from
attacks against the mover are made at a -6 penalty, and those
the truly great gun-fu proficient agents is the ability to blow
that hit suffer a -1 penalty to their Multiplier.
away lots of people in very small amounts of time with grace
and accuracy. Most gunmen have trouble keeping their weapon
under control after that first shot, as muzzle climb quickly ruins SHRUG IT OFF
accuracy. The nanites aid the agent’s concentration, focusing ESSENCE COST: VARIES
her will. For each Essence Point spent, the character can employ
another ranged attack at one or more targets at no penalty The nanites can be prompted into action whenever the agent
(instead of the normal -1, -2, -3, or -4 cumulative penalty for is injured. They cannot work miracles, but they can lessen the
each additional attack; see p. 169 of Conspiracy X). side effects of the damage (for example, penalties or being
Furthermore, the penalties don’t start adding up until the agent stunned). Every time the character takes damage, she can
stops draining Essence. For example, Deb wants to shoot bursts decide to use this ability. For every 5 points of damage sus-
at four agents in one Turn. She spends 2 Essence Points so that tained, she can spend 2 Essence Points to totally ignore the
the first three bursts have no penalty (remember the first shot effects of the damage. The damage is still subtracted from her
never has a penalty), and only the final burst has a -3 modifier. total Life Points, but she suffers no other ill effects. Once the
character reaches -20 Life Points, all damage effects apply
(knock down, stun, unconsciousness, and Survival Tests).
This is an advanced form of the Flying Windmill Kick. The ESSENCE COST: 5 PER SKILL
initial attack costs 4 Essence Points, and for every additional
2 Essence Points spent (up to a maximum of 10), the agent Often in the field, an agent can face an obstacle that cannot
can make another kick attempt that Turn without multiple be overcome without a certain, very specific, skill. Agents with
action penalties. Each successful kick does D8(4) x (Strength the new nanotechnology can “download” the necessary skills
+ 2) and knocks an opponent back two yards. After all kicks into their brains for short periods of time, the nanites aiding
are complete, the opponent (if still conscious) must make a and assisting in their temporarily reprogrammed state. These
Difficult Dexterity Test to stay on her feet. Failure results in skills must be loaded from Aegis’ computer network, HERMES.
the target being knocked down, imposing a -4 penalty to When one of these skills is needed, an agent can make a
most combat actions until she spends an attack action to get request via the HERMES link, which sends a signal via the hand-
up (defense actions may still be used when prone but suffer set to the nanites, loading them with the necessary information
the normal -4 penalty). (this process takes one Turn). This costs 5 Essence Points, and
the agent must pass a Simple Intelligence Test. The new skill is
automatically at level 3. The skill remains in the brain for one
RAIN OF FISTS minute for each Success Level gained, after which time the
ESSENCE COST: VARIES agent loses all memory of the skill or technique. Failure means
that the nanites failed to accept the transmitted information,
The agent lets loose a barrage of strikes that move so fast
and the load cannot be attempted again for 24 hours. The skill
they blur together. These blows are almost impossible to
must very specific, limited to a certain type of skill. Athletic and
defend against. For each point of Essence spent (up to a maxi-
Combat skills cannot be downloaded, and only one skill can be
mum of 5), the character can make one extra Punch Combat
downloaded at a time. For example, Stephanie is trapped on a
Move per Turn. The target can defend against only as many
rooftop and her only possible escape is by stealing a helicopter.
attacks as she has defense actions, usually just one. The attacks
She can download Piloting (Helicopter) from HERMES, but the
do normal Punch damage and cannot be combined with other
Piloting skill is limited only to Helicopters for the duration of the
Combat Moves or placed into a “combo.”
load. Medical skills can be downloaded in times of emergency
to perform necessary lifesaving procedures, but the agent
RUNNING THE GAUNTLET should be specific about which skill type should be down-
ESSENCE: 3 PER TURN loaded. While the nanites are busy replicating the downloaded
skill, other nanite moves (such as combat moves) cannot be
Sometimes the best bet for a character is to get where she is attempted. The skill can be “shed” early to allow the agent to
going without being hit. Instead of attacking in any way during re-employ nanite-enhanced abilities by passing a Simple
a Turn, the agent starts running, bobbing, weaving, ducking, Willpower Test.
sliding, and jumping at her normal Speed toward some goal
1 2 3 4 5 6
On a natural 1 (see Rule of 1) on any Task or Test that
employs the benefits of the nanotechnology, the Chronicler
should consult the Malfunction Table. On multiple 1’s, or if the
Chronicler thinks the agent is exploiting the nanotechnology for
frivolous or unnecessary reasons, the Chronicler may have the
nanites short out and cease to reactivate.
If the nanites are destroyed or shut down beyond repair,
Aegis will expect the agent to submit to intensive tests to inves-
tigate and improve the performance of the tech.
There are many researchers at R&D. Players wishing to
have R&D as a background should use The Ranch
Scientist/Technician from p. 55 of the core rulebook as a base,
customizing it to the researcher’s preferred line of work.
1 2 3 4 5 6
that S&D would have a new director appointed on an annual they ensured that Aegis’ handful of overseas operations ran
basis, much like the situation in DAS, to reduce security risks. efficiently. One area of foreign operations that was completely
After much deliberation and consideration, however, it was overlooked was the MKULTRA project and other psi projects
deemed more important for a director to be in a position to involving remote viewing. MKULTRA had only recently gone
attend to long-term concerns and to identify security needs for underground, to continue its experimentation with mind con-
the foreseeable future. To balance out this weak spot, S&D trol techniques, and operated fairly independently.
agreed to have only limited access to files, and only with the In 1968, the progress of the MKULTRA project came under fire
express permission of DAS. as OpTac and Analysis vied for control, and ISS was able to
Over the next five years, S&D began to develop protocols for siphon off a number of MKULTRA agents for its own purposes.
routine security inspections, to train a well honed security force The ISS-MKULTRA connection was never publicized, and it devel-
for The Ranch, and to experiment with cutting-edge surveillance oped into a very symbiotic relationship. ISS helped MKULTRA
devices and alarm systems. It also was given the dubious honor keep its secrets by assisting with diligent security measures, and
of contriving code words for use in HERMES transmissions. Up MKULTRA gave ISS an edge in areas of gathering information.
until this point, no division had information about the identity of Slowly but surely, in the early 1970’s, ISS worked with agents
S&D; it had been deemed best to keep this information a secret familiar with MKULTRA to investigate remote viewing and other
in the interest of security. After five years, however, when the psychic techniques both to ensure the security of Aegis and to
same dour, cigar-puffing, balding man seemed to be in atten- develop new ways of gathering information about enemy tar-
dance at all major security functions, it became apparent who gets. Purcell carefully and quietly marshaled his resources and
was in charge. Rather than try to keep it a secret any longer, Max saw to it that ISS developed its own corps of psi-talented agents,
Thibaut finally admitted he was the head of the division. and saw no need to broadcast this information.
In the 1960s there were a number of advances in security, While conducting increased shadow operations, ISS had the
including electronic listening devices, wiretapping capability, opportunity to have direct contact with Cell agents, and what
and remote surveillance cameras. This led to a split in the they discovered shocked them. Although these agents regular-
department, with the older generation, headed by Thibaut, ly reported in by HERMES and seemed to be operating with
favoring more traditional methods of shadowing, secure drop reasonable safety precautions, many of them were becoming
locations, and verbal passwords, and the younger generation, increasingly paranoid and shaky. One ISS agent who had some
headed by an agent named Jim Purcell. This friction was even- training in psychology during his career with the FBI, David
tually resolved by Thibaut’s retirement and Purcell’s ascension Haskell, extrapolated some long-term consequences and
to power. Purcell placed strong emphasis on the need to be reported his concerns to Purcell, who was entirely nonrespon-
aware of all of Aegis’ ongoing projects and set aside personnel sive to the issue. Given the dangerous possibility of systematic
solely for purposes of reading HERMES reports from Cells, sift- mental conditioning, Haskell was shocked at the lack of interest.
ing through security patrols’ logs, and tracking movements of Meanwhile, back at Area 51, a colleague of Haskell’s, Angela
senior personnel in all departments. Bishop, noted Purcell’s lack of interest in the mental stability of
Once other division heads found out they were constantly agents and started doing some checking of her own. She found
being shadowed, it led to a flare-up of tensions, until members similar trends to those reported by Haskell occurring with Aegis
of Aegis Prime took a hand and indicated their interest in con- Prime support staff and departmental personnel.
tinuing this practice. To reinforce this need, S&D was renamed Bishop sat on the information for a few months, waiting for the
the Internal Security Section. Slowly, begrudgingly, most divi- optimal opportunity to share her findings with a representative
sions came to understand the need for this kind of monitoring, from Psi-Div, whom she thought might have inroads to one of the
especially when it was pointed out that the research division members of Aegis Prime. Once the information found its way to
had recently uncovered proof of mental conditioning. the right ears, there was a swift response. A new division was to
At this point, Purcell decided that some information should be created to deal with agents’ mental health, headed by one
be kept secure, even from members of Aegis Prime. Working representative from ISS and one from Psi-Div. Bishop was so
with a very small group of individuals who were personally wrapped up in her disappointment in not being asked to join in
loyal to him and rabidly loyal to “the cause,” he began careful- on the effort that she was oblivious to the animosity building up
ly and slowly to stockpile records about suspicious activities of in ISS. A great deal of the anger was directed at Purcell. Once it
even the most senior operatives. These records were stored in became general knowledge that he had been aware of these con-
and among other files in Purcell’s office, carefully coded to cerns for months and had ignored them, he was suddenly the
blend seamlessly with other, more mundane records, and only subject of great dislike. Some anger was directed at Bishop for
half a dozen men knew of their existence. having “snitched,” too, and she was shuffled back into a boring
In 1965, ISS was given control over foreign intelligence oper- desk job, compiling information on enemy organizations, and
ations, which caused friction with OpTac. This was smoothed forgotten. This tension and resentment simmered on the back
over by Purcell and General Price, and between the two of them burner while ISS dealt with more pressing issues.
When an alien craft retrieved in 1977 represented a design creating a new divisional structure. He convened three groups
and origination unknown to Aegis, ISS moved rapidly to forbid of individuals and set them three separate tasks: monitor Aegis-
the relocation of this craft to Area 51 without further study for controlled agencies, observe Cells, and watch movements of
security reasons. Working with R&D, ISS scrambled to find the Black Book. He divided up these groups, with one leader to
some remote facilities where research could take place without each office, and redistributed the bulk of remaining personnel
jeopardizing the security of Area 51. Immediately following this to the Atlanta and Seattle facilities. With the activities of FAD
event, the relationship between Purcell and Price became cold and Aegis Prime’s tolerance for such dangerous actions, he
and distant, and the friction between OpTac and ISS resulted in opted to decentralize ISS in hopes of saving Aegis from itself.
more of a split. OpTac squealed loudly over ISS’s intervention in Over the next five years, he worked himself into two ulcers and
Area 51 affairs and resented the implication that personnel a heart attack before it was seen fit to replace him.
were not “sufficiently stable.” His replacement, Jonathan Russell, firmly took the helm in
Perhaps triggered by a sudden need to be present at the 1991. Russell was rumored to have been an operative in Russia
crash site, or maybe due to increasing numbers of Cells across during the Cold War. He immediately immersed himself in
the country, ISS soon discovered that operating from Area 51 developing an awareness of activities both inside ISS and across
was a logistical nightmare. Not only did the location make it dif- all of Aegis. Very little seemed to escape his notice, and over the
ficult for personnel to personally investigate Cell operations and next four years he streamlined operations within ISS and
remote leaks, but an increase in air traffic was certain to draw caught a number of very subtle security leaks on the part of
unwanted attention. ISS began looking into developing satellite Aegis-controlled agencies. On the whole, Russell was an open
offices—one on each coast—to decentralize its non-Area 51-spe- and friendly individual, quite disarming with his magnetic per-
cific operations and to alleviate mobility concerns. OpTac was sonality, and under his leadership, ISS began to pull together
more than willing to help ISS find other facilities, so eager was and to work more efficiently.
it to have ISS out of its “territory.” One of his biggest triumphs was to provide additional pres-
In December 1978, Purcell fell out of favor and was replaced sure on Aegis Prime for expensive security checks on the new
by Zachary Baxter, one of his division heads. Purcell’s secret HERMES links, despite OpTac’s insistence that the expenditure
files were carefully secured by the few he trusted, and these was wasteful and unnecessary. Armed with the knowledge of
records quietly disappeared without anyone else in ISS know- how quickly even teenagers were bypassing standard security
ing about their existence. Baxter was eager to give the new measures, he not only recommended additional funding for the
mental health division support, in hopes that prevention and HERMES MKIIa, he also stated he felt research and develop-
treatment of the anxieties of an agent’s life would reduce secu- ment for the MKIII should begin without hesitation.
rity risks as well as excessive “necessary terminations.” He The next hurdle that Russell was to encounter was every
placed an increased emphasis on monitoring agent stability, security agent’s nightmare: the danger of psychic powers to
especially after particularly harrowing missions. This led to an extract information from unwitting agents. Russell contacted
increase in the monitoring of HERMES traffic, with specialists psychics in Psi-Div, asking for their recommendations, and after
attempting to read between the lines of transmitted reports. a nerve-wracking six months of discussions and testing, a new
Baxter made the decision to relocate some ISS staff to two new segment of ISS was created. Upon inception, the agents joking-
facilities, one in Seattle and the other in Atlanta. ly called themselves the “Thought Police” and set out on
ISS became so engrossed in these matters that it failed to “patrol.” Russell, after much deliberation, handed control of this
notice a development regarding overseas deployment, an over- division over to Psi-Div.
sight the Foreign Affairs Division would continue to exploit. In On the horizon for ISS is another fearful issue, that of nan-
1985, after a security breach at the Foreign Affairs Division, ISS otechnology. If it were not frightening enough that this science
found itself scrambling to clean up a rogue operation in can change a person’s appearance, fingerprints, and DNA,
Kingston, Jamaica, where it had absolutely no resources or con- other issues are also coming to the forefront. Through discus-
tacts. Baxter’s temper flared, and he marched directly to a sions with some staff from R&D, Russell has been informed that
member of Aegis Prime, demanding that FAD be closed down. a number of scientists postulate that Aegis has not been mere-
When Aegis Prime suspended FAD activities, Baxter began to ly “lucky” with nanotechnology, but that it may be an issue of
calm down, but within a short period of time FAD was back in having it systematically supplied by an unknown benefactor.
business. Baxter turned in his resignation, stating it was impos- Russell worries that if some person (or persons) has the tech-
sible for him to perform his duties to keep Aegis secure under nological advances to create and use nanotechnology, and to
these conditions. slip in and out of Area 51 without being noticed, this constitutes
His resignation was deemed unacceptable, and he was a gaping hole in his security net. The question, however, is how
strongly encouraged to restructure ISS in order to delegate to contain or reduce this threat in the face of incomprehensible
responsibilities among the three ISS offices. Thwarted in his technological abilities. At the moment, he has pulled together a
attempts to abandon ISS for greener pastures, he set to work small team at the Seattle office to determine ways to examine
1 2 3 4 5 6
Area 51 personnel to see if these benefactors, most likely alien, from DAS. If, as part of the evaluation process conducted by
have infiltrated Aegis at the core. The thought that these indi- CORS, an agent is found to be labeled as warranting “Extreme
viduals might even be masquerading as members of Aegis Concern” or as deserving “Outstanding Merit,” a small commit-
Prime makes him shudder. tee meets to discuss these individuals to determine if any action
is warranted, either to remove or to recommend. ISS officially
has no access to agents’ records, except when specifically sin-
CURRENT STATUS gled out by DAS. It is unclear whether Purcell’s method of keep-
ing files has continued, however.
ISS’s mission is to watch and review the workings of Aegis,
from Aegis Prime down to individual Cells, in order to protect To maintain internal security, this office houses the dreaded
Aegis. ISS is currently separated into three recognized divisions, division that consists of several men and women sent to inves-
each one working closely with the others but each under a sep- tigate when security of Area 51 or Aegis-controlled agencies is
arate director. The directors of each ISS division are not publi- compromised. Merciless and utterly dedicated to the security of
cized outside of ISS, and each director reports to Russell. At Aegis, their fervor in hunting out and destroying moles, leaks,
present, each director also oversees a specific office, and double agents, botched jobs, etc. within Aegis has earned them
Russell floats between Atlanta and Seattle, only traveling to the rather sick nickname of “The Gestapo.” Only four members
Area 51 when absolutely necessary. Communication between of ISS based at Area 51 are readily identifiable; all others are
offices is conducted through a modified set of HERMES links, distributed among other Area 51 projects and perform their
but the most sensitive of materials is handled in the old fash- duties in complete secrecy. This has the effect of unnerving
ioned way—encoded and carried by hand by a combat-trained many staff, but most are simply involved in their own daily rou-
ISS courier. For the most part, ISS operations are conducted tines and do not worry about this kind of infiltration. When a
independently from the two coast offices, and contact with Area security leak is found in an internal Aegis agency or an Aegis-
51 is infrequent. Area 51-based agents, however, do travel to controlled operation, a sweeper team is called in to deal with
other locations to investigate Aegis-controlled operations not the matter. After a polite request for the involved personnel to
based on The Ranch. accompany them for “debriefing,” ISS is authorized to use ter-
minal force if deemed necessary. If the situation is not time-crit-
ical, ISS may also choose to work in concert with DAS or OpTac.
AREA 51 OFFICE This office also has a hand in the security staff at The Ranch
Based at The Ranch is a small division of ISS responsible for
designating security clearances for divisional operatives, moni- and Area 51. The decisions regarding selection of security per-
toring agents’ profiles for flags of “extreme caution,” and main- sonnel, the response priority list, and alarm designations are
taining Area 51 internal security. Security clearances for opera- the subject of heated arguments with OpTac. ISS claims it is
tives both within Aegis divisions and providing Aegis Prime sup- under its purview as guardians of internal security, while
port generally follow a predetermined course, unless overrid- OpTac claims that ISS has jurisdiction only over recommenda-
den by a divisional director requesting specialized clearance, or tions, not everyday operations. This “turf war” has been in
by a shut-down protocol triggered by extreme measures. For progress for more than a decade, and no resolution has been
the most part, this process moves smoothly and needs little reached. The general result seems to be fairly positive—all
attention. In terms of monitoring agents, this ISS office works in security measures are checked multiple times and all those
conjunction with a committee in CORS and representatives involved are constantly alert.
The Atlanta office has jurisdiction over all security matters to the
east of the Mississippi River and also is home to the External Security
division. This division is responsible for security external to Area 51
and Aegis-controlled agencies, and its representatives are generally
the individuals with whom Cells come in contact. Through HERMES
reports ISS is able to monitor Cells and see if and when a Cell has
somehow compromised Aegis or its particular Cell security. As a
result, occasionally agents from ISS are sent to shadow Cells or mem-
bers. Most Cells do not even know they are under surveillance, and so
agents in this division have been called “Ghosts.” Some investigations
are just routine, random spot checks, while others are due to a spe-
cific security “flag.” In the event that a mission results in unwanted
attention, the Ghosts are called in to clean up the mess and decide the
fate of the Cell. Sometimes the Ghosts merely fix a few well placed
media files, while at other times they employ a nice chunk of C-4 to
back up a story about a fictitious militant organization.
If Cell members need to be officially removed from view, Ghosts see
to it that they have the right circumstances to fake their deaths and to
be shuffled along to another Aegis Cell or organization. Sometimes
Ghosts may discover their security flags are due to an agent becoming
increasingly mentally unstable. Generally, Ghosts have no problem
working with CIMH to give an agent another opportunity. Because Cell
operatives generally have less information about Aegis than internal
agents, there is less security risk, and the Ghosts can afford to let CIMH
make an attempt to patch the agent back together again. Ghosts also
employ a number of psychic agents to manipulate the minds of indi-
viduals who are security risks and to smooth over certain memories by
unwitting observers of Cell activities.
The office in Seattle monitors security matters west of the
Mississippi River, with the exception of the Area 51 site in Nevada. It
is also the central office for the Counterintelligence Unit. This unit is
dedicated solely to intelligence gathering and counterintelligence
against the Black Book. Most of the agents in this unit were recruited
from the CIA in the early 1990’s upon the conclusion of the Cold War.
There are rumors within other divisions of Aegis that some mem-
bers have met and worked with members of the Black Book, both
knowingly and not. Occasionally paths between Aegis and the Book
do cross, and there seems to be an understanding of nondisclosure.
The two occasionally work together to cover up something that threat-
ens security. The Counterintelligence Unit is also responsible for cata-
loguing and reporting all instances of cooperative efforts, whether or
not they are intentional or purposeful.
ISS personnel are chosen for their skills, dedication, and fortitude.
They are also invariably quite intelligent and perceptive, which con-
tributes to their ability to infiltrate organizations and masquerade as
staff. Agents working in the field for ISS are physically unremarkable.
In addition, ISS is increasing its usage of psychically talented agents in
every division to deter psi investigations and to aid in every part of
their work.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Agents who work for ISS have layers within layers of identi- the Somoza regime in Nicaragua prior to the Sandinistas’ surge
ties, even within their own personnel files. It is suspected that to power in 1977, and subsequent involvement with the Death
only a handful of individuals actually know the real identities Squads in El Salvador. It is well accepted that he left the Marines
and backgrounds of most ISS agents and that DAS’ files are for a tenure in the CIA prior to joining Aegis in 1982. It is
almost entirely fanciful. No ISS agents have personal contacts rumored that he was groomed to replace Baxter from 1986 and
or connections used in their work, but instead rely upon ISS’ that the delay in placing him in power was due to opposition by
extensive contact network to make it appear as if they have some members of Aegis Prime, who feared he would ally too
those connections themselves. closely with OpTac.
Currently, Russell is very involved in the workings of ISS,
CONTACT NETWORK keeping open lines of communication between himself and the
ISS has contacts, connections, and Pulling Strings across other directors, and getting his hands dirty frequently with
almost every sphere. From its vast storehouse of agents, ISS can direction and discussion of various missions. He floats between
draw on a number of old connections in the intelligence com- Atlanta and Seattle, and only rarely visits Area 51. All members
munity. It is fairly easy for ISS to throw its weight around to gain of ISS are at his disposal, and he keeps a very close eye on his
whatever information or “favors” it might need. department. Overall, Russell appears to be a open and friendly
guy, but all in Aegis know that the ISS is deadly serious about
the job it does.
JONATHAN RUSSELL, DIRECTOR OF THE ISS Bishop has a well known reputation for being irritable and
manipulative. She comes across as completely bitter and is never
Russell is almost disarmingly kind and open and has a mag-
netic personality. But the guy is a hawk. Very little escapes him quite satisfied with anything. She stands just over five and a half
and he watches the people around him with predatory accura- feet tall, with frizzled light brown hair and dull gray eyes. Her
cy. He is a trim man in his late 60’s, fit and handsome but with rather plain appearance is rendered even more dislikable by her
unremarkable features. He stands just over 6 feet tall and sour disposition. On a good day, she looks to be in her late 60’s,
weighs close to 200 lbs., never having quite shed that Marine but no amount of make-up can erase her intractability. Anyone
look about him. His hair is only now going gray, with streaks of who was in ISS in 1978 is aware that her personality changed dra-
white in his beard on either side of his full moustache. Younger matically during that year, when her well intentioned “snitching”
agents who meet him are easily swayed by his kind, almost earned her the animosity of almost all of her peers.
paternal interest in their activities, and are often shocked to dis- As with many members of ISS, her personnel files are spotty
cover his role in Aegis. at best, and many pieces of information are conveniently miss-
His files in DAS have been sealed, and only half a dozen per- ing. It is generally accepted that she was originally trained as a
sonnel have access to them, but he has alluded to certain ele- forensic psychologist and at one point performed tasks for the
ments in his own history from time to time, which allows some federal government similar to today’s FBI profilers. She still
piecing together of likely events. It is fairly certain that he com- retains the uncanny ability to piece together elements of an
pleted Officer Candidate School in 1961 and then went on to the individual’s behavior to predict their movements, and this talent
Marines, with intentions of becoming a career officer. His tour has proven extraordinarily useful to her as Director of
in Vietnam most likely included activities with Long Range Counterintelligence.
Reconnaissance Patrol for Khe Sanh and may have introduced During her banishment to a desk job, she worked out a pro-
him to a number of covert operations, including the overthrow cedure for documenting and cross-referencing information
of the Allende regime in Chili in 1973, an advisory position to related to various missions, personnel records, and seemingly
unrelated events. To this day, her subordinates can approach
Qualities: Influence (Aegis) 5, Military Rank 3,
Photographic Memory, Resources 4, Status 4
Qualities: Influence (Aegis) 4, Resources 4, Status 3
Skills: Brawling 3, Bureaucracy 4, Computers 3, Dodge
3, Drive (Cars) 2, Electronic Surveillance 2, Escape 3, Guns Skills: Brawling 2 Bureaucracy 3, Computers 2, Drive
(Pistol) 4, Hand Weapon (Knife) 3, Research/Investigation 3, (Cars) 2, Electronic Surveillance 3, Instruction 3,
Running (Marathon) 2, Science (Cryptography) 3, Stealth 5, Research/Investigation 4, Science (Cryptography) 3, Science
Surveillance 3, Throwing (Knife) 3 (Forensics) 4, Science (Psychology) 5, Stealth 2, Surveillance 2
her for assistance and usually come away with a vital hint or the spark of many debates with OpTac, but Jenkins refuses to
clue to pursue that they may have overlooked. This contribution engage in any type of heated argument, seeing that kind of
is just about all that makes her tolerable, and she does not thing as beneath him. He is a short man, less than 5 ½ feet tall,
seem interested in cultivating a positive impression in any case. with a fringe of blond hair circling a large bald spot. He weighs
She also oversees all operations west of the Mississippi and is a little over 150 pounds and looks to be just over 40 years old.
the main contact point for ISS agents in the field in that region. His personnel files have the standard missing information
inherent in ISS operatives. He has a law degree from the
GAISHIN FUNIKOSHI, DIRECTOR OF EXTERNAL SECURITY (“GHOSTS”) University of Georgia and began working for the Department of
Funikoshi comes across as utterly unreadable and creepy in Justice around 1985, in the Attorney General’s office. There are
the extreme. For all intents and purposes, he has absolutely no a number of comments about his involvement in auditing pro-
personality. Rumors circulate about him about being a “robot,” cedures and the review of oversight reports. Beyond that, there
and if he had a sense of humor, he’d probably find them is little information.
extremely amusing. He stands around six feet tall and is obvi-
Currently, he oversees operations at the Area 51 ISS office
ously of Japanese descent. He has short dark hair and very dark
and is one of only four individuals at The Ranch who are known
eyes, and tends to affect dark clothing. He is of indeterminate
ISS operatives. Most people do not know he is the actual head
age, in his 40’s or 50’s. When he talks, which is only when nec-
of the office, and he is easily mistaken for a file clerk by most.
essary, he speaks English flawlessly.
This assumption makes it easier for him to slip in and out of
Again, as with a number of agents in ISS, Funikoshi has a places unnoticed and lends ease to his missions. Hendricks of
very strange personnel file. Portions of it are completely empty, OpTac is all too painfully aware of Jenkins’ position in ISS and
while others have a series of codes and initials that mean noth- has occasion to interact with him on an almost weekly basis
ing to the average reader. These sheets do, however, provide regarding some conflict. In these meetings, Jenkins is utterly
some understanding for individuals in the upper echelons of unflappable, to the frustration of many.
MKULTRA and reveal that at one time Funikoshi was an MKUL-
TRA operative. There is also a notation about vehicular
manslaughter dated 1998 and reference to usage of the SPIDER ALEXANDER JENKINS
network originating in West Virginia. This is the most recent
piece of information in the file. Like Funikoshi himself, the file is
confusing and unreadable. Qualities: Influence (Aegis) 4, Resources 4, Status 3
Currently, Funikoshi heads up ISS operations on the east Skills: Brawling 2, Bureaucracy 4, Disguise 3, Drive
coast from the Atlanta office. He is the main contact point for (Cars) 2, Electronic Surveillance 3, Guns (Pistol) 4,
ISS teams in that region, as well as for Ghosts across the coun- Humanities (Finances) 3, Humanities (Law) 4, Humanities
try. It is not unknown for him to leave the Atlanta office for days (Politics) 3, Hypnosis 3, Research/Investigation 3,
at a time to attend personally to pressing matters that may Surveillance 2, Stealth 3
require his particular talents.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Within ISS, there is a feeling of everyone constantly scrambling to
keep on top of everything. There are hints that ISS’ control is slipping
and that one false step will leak this information to the rest of Aegis.
ISS has also recently had to admit that a number of security concerns
are outside its expertise, such as the issues with the Thought Police and
the heightened security regarding nanotechnology.
Relations with OpTac have recently been further strained, because
OpTac is applying pressure to operate in the open, with direct engage-
ments with the enemy. There are also traditional squabbles over issues
of Area 51 security and who provides personal security to Aegis Prime.
ISS is tangling with CORS over the issue of standard training of new
recruits; ISS fears that if CORS is successful in its requests, ISS will be
responsible for overseeing yet another security concern. The Foreign
Affairs Division is a constant thorn in ISS’ side, and for now Russell has
given up trying to pressure Shea to operate with more care. One of ISS’
biggest sources of confusion is the fact that DAS used to be a valuable
ally, and now DAS seems to be wholly preoccupied with its own mat-
ters. Currently Russell is trying to determine what is going on in DAS,
but Jenkins is having a hard time getting a man on the inside, proba-
bly because many in DAS can sniff out an ISS agent from personnel
records, or notable lack thereof.
Because of these circumstances, some agents in ISS have taken to
acting with increasingly extreme measures. The ISS takes its job very
seriously and is quick to react to security risks, but also recognizes that
if it rules through fear, agents will be less likely to disclose important
information, making its job almost impossible. Because of this, ISS
agents walk a fine line, trying to do their job in the least offensive man-
ner possible. As with many agents in Aegis, ISS agents are becoming
more mentally pressured, and they attempt to keep this fact hidden
from CIMH as much as possible to avoid unwanted scrutiny. A number
of ISS agents are turning to unhealthy ways of coping, including sub-
stance use.
ISS agents are always treated with respect, even if others dare to dis-
parage them behind their backs. Most treat them as many U.S. citizens
treat the Internal Revenue Service—with respect and the acknowledge-
ment of a little fear, and seen often as a necessary evil. Agents in the
ISS division are the most disconnected of all Aegis agents, and within
ISS, the cleaners are considered removed from the norm.
Psychic Division is a relatively small section of Aegis’ operations, yet
a very busy one. The primary objectives of Psi-Div, as it is informally
known among the inner circle, are to study and learn more about psy-
chic powers and phenomena, hone the psychic skills of agents, and
train agents in methods of psychic investigations. While CAPS, Project
Cygnet, and Project Rasputin are the organizations that most agents
are familiar with and have contact with, Psi-Div is behind the scenes of
all three as well as some smaller organizations and psychic research
projects. Psi-Div’s existence is not widely known among Aegis Cells,
and in fact only the upper echelon of CAPS, Project Cygnet, and The CIA terminated MKULTRA in 1964 and Mind’s Eye began
Project Rasputin are aware of Psi-Div’s facilities. When Psi-Div recruiting some of the prominent researchers and operatives.
has space for training or has need of research subjects it is Shortly afterward an operative of Mind’s Eye posed as an “anti-
these organizational contacts that recommend suitable agents. establishment” spokesman and began to encourage the youth-
Those agents enter Psi-Div’s facilities on a need-to-know basis, ful counterculture to use mind-altering drugs such as LSD as a
aware only that they are in an Aegis facility. spiritual and sociological tool. This served a threefold purpose:
examine the effects of long-term drug usage in an uncontrolled
environment, and study the ability to effect mind control
BRIEF HISTORY through mass media over a period of ten years of research. For
future research the children of such “test subjects” would be
The official existence of Psi-Div did not occur until the early
monitored to see if psychic abilities were more or less common
1970’s, but its roots go as far back as 1940. In response to
than in the offspring of those who did not use such drugs.
reports that Stalin had started research into psychic phenome-
na, Dr. Basil Spock, a member of The Watch, was elected to In the late 1960’s Project Rasputin experienced a boost in its
monitor global psychic research in the event that it could prove psychic research programs. This was due to a sudden influx of
useful to The Watch’s purposes. He organized a small group of funding from the cosmonaut program, which saw telepathic
agents under the guise of a privately funded research organiza- communication as an alternative to standard methods of com-
tion, ignorant of The Watch’s existence and purpose. He named munication and telemetry with cosmonauts beyond Earth’s
the group Project Mind’s Eye. Initially its motive was to learn atmosphere. In addition, Yuri Andropov, who was very interest-
more about psychic powers and to study those who purported- ed in psychic phenomena, was promoted to KGB chairman. His
ly possess them. nationalistic fervor allowed him to drum up much support for
Project Rasputin by citing the existence of Project Mind’s Eye in
Spock, not wanting to neglect talent from other countries
America as a threat to Soviet security. The Russians learned of
traveled to investigate leads or rumors of those who possessed
the existence of Project Mind’s Eye from the former Watch
psychic skills. In 1941, Kirsten Bolte, a young German mentalist,
member who had joined Rasputin. The “Psychic Cold War” had
informed him of Hitler’s interest in the supernatural and psychic
officially begun.
powers. She had done a few psychic readings for Hitler in 1938
while she was still in Germany and had even attempted to chan- When Spock passed away in 1968, Aegis assigned the senior
nel a childhood friend of his. The Watch became very interest- agent of Project Mind’s Eye, Mark Hampton, the task of restruc-
ed in her information about Hitler as the war heated up. While turing a more permanent and centralized organization and of
the information she gave them was of no military importance it forming offices in Chicago. He gave the department the rather
allowed them to develop a psychic “profile” for Hitler that was unimaginative moniker “Psychic Division,” which became “Psi-
utilized to remotely sense his whereabouts. Of note though Div” in slang.
were the results of one of Project Mind’s Eye’s operatives, who Psi-Div’s operatives tested the ranges of their powers and the
in August 1943 predicted the date of the surrender of Berlin as effects of the void of space on psychic abilities as they focused
May 2, 1945. their attentions on the crew of Apollo 11. Results seemed to
When The Watch split up in 1947 the entirety of Project show that the void of space had little or no effect on psychic
Mind’s Eye sided with Aegis. This was largely due to the alle- abilities. When many members of the American counterculture
giance of Spock to the ideals that Aegis represented. One mem- gathered near Woodstock, New York for a three-day festival of
ber of Project Mind’s Eye left the organization prior to the “music, love, and peace,” a researcher of Psi-Div became con-
break-up of The Watch, but he returned to the Soviet Union, cerned that this gathering was more than just a concert. A Cell
joining what was to become Project Rasputin. was sent to investigate and detected a low-level hum but was
unable to trace the source due to the amount of background
Concerned that the project would be terminated without a
noise of the concert and the crowd. Many years later a similar
definite focus, Spock began pulling strings in Washington, D.C.
hum would be reported in Taos, New Mexico. Both hums had
Ultimately a CIA contact came through and in 1953 Aegis
the distinctive side effect of dampening the performance of psy-
assigned Mind’s Eye the duty of monitoring the CIA’s MKULTRA
chic powers to some degree.
Project. Some operatives began to gradually infiltrate the CIA as
well as MKULTRA. With the development of MKULTRA, Project Through the late 1960’s and into the early 1970’s, CIA con-
Mind’s Eye now expanded to researching the effects that drugs tacts urged Hampton to utilize Psi-Div’s resources for intelli-
had on psychic disciplines in addition to other proposed uses of gence in the Vietnam War. Hampton declined these requests in
mind control. Funding was increased to add chemists and biol- favor of focusing on Psi-Div’s growth. His efforts were fruitful as
ogists to the staff. In addition, Project Mind’s Eye was now rec- in 1973 he was instructed to infiltrate Stanford Research
ognized by Aegis as a functioning branch, as opposed to a pas- Institute and bring its talent and research into Aegis’s fold.
sive research project. Shortly afterward an ex-MKULTRA operative in the CIA recruit-
ed Pat Price into Aegis. Pat was one of the more prominent psy-
1 2 3 4 5 6
chics in the field of ESP. In 1975 Project Cygnet was formed and known Black Book operative. All involved were removed from
Psi-Div was assigned the duty of monitoring its progress as well. Psi-Div permanently and have not been seen since. Whether
Infiltration was nearly immediate. Psi-Div’s research was loose- there were any charges against Mark Hampton or whether he
ly separated into two departments, one to monitor and contin- was removed due to poor management is unclear, but at any rate
ue MKULTRA’s research and another to observe Cygnet. he was taken to Groom Dry Lake for debriefing and has not been
In the summer of 1976, Jeanne Rousseau-Baptiste, who had in contact with anyone at Psi-Div since.
been recruited into Psi-Div through SRI and was in charge of the Wolfe was placed into the then vacant Division Director posi-
psychological aspects of psychic research, left Psi-Div to form tion and started changing Psi-Div’s goals to become more
CIMH with David Haskell. Dr. Denise Kelly was made the official proactive in the struggle with the Black Book. His position and
Psi-Div contact for CIMH. intensity have won him many friends and enemies, not only in
In November 1978 the world was shocked as one of Psi-Div but in other divisions of Aegis.
MKULTRA’s projects went awry and the Jonestown massacre After this major breach in security was closed it was recog-
ensued. The Jones cult had been an ongoing MKULTRA project nized that standard ISS operatives might not be up to the task
and had been moved to Guyana, where a new series of exper- of policing the security of Psi-Div. In light of this Psi-Security was
iments was to occur. Aegis intelligence discovered that at least formed. These psychically talented operatives are trained by the
one Black Book operative had infiltrated the community with ISS as well as Psi-Div. Some personnel in Psi-Div, where the
the intent of foiling the project. The wrong instructions were atmosphere had traditionally been more flippant than in other
sent to Jones, who panicked and ordered the suicide of every- divisions of Aegis, gave them the unflattering nickname
one in the compound. In the aftermath of the tragedy Hampton “Thought Police.”
debriefed all operatives involved, and after more than a year of
analysis of the situation he discovered that were it not for poor
communication between Psi-Div’s organizations the entire inci-
dent might have been avoided. Years of research and prepara-
Today Psi-Div is composed of approximately 120 operatives.
tion had been lost and the public eye was turned on this once
Most are permanently based in Chicago, while about a dozen
secret project. MKULTRA cleaners were able to successfully con-
each are at Groom Dry Lake and in Cape Canaveral, Florida.
tain the situation but never determined the identity of the Black
A handful of independent operatives of Psi-Div have no per-
Book infiltrator.
manent base, traveling to serve as consultants for Cells or
Recognizing a need to pursue psychic technologies as well as other divisions. Of those based at Chicago (lovingly referred
organize the more conventional scientists in Psi-Div’s employ, to as “Psi-Town”) half of them are research scientists in the
the Psi-Tech department was formed. Rumors of the Soviet various departments. Others serve as training instructors, Psi-
“psychotrons” and “psychic satellites” fueled the funding for Security, or administration. These administrators are the five
this department. In addition to electronic and computer spe- department heads, the division director, and an accountant
cialists, the Psi-Tech department absorbed various chemists, who reports to DAS.
biochemists, and other research personnel. This department
The “Psi-Town” facilities are located in a subterranean com-
had full access to the research data of MKULTRA and ORD.
pound beneath Chicago. There are a variety of offices and lab-
In 1980 Hampton decided to reorganize Psi-Div to overcome oratories as well as training rooms. There are also barracks
communications difficulties between the research of the various here, as trainees must stay on site for the duration of their train-
projects it was monitoring. Kinesis, Divination, Psychic ing. The compound has a cafeteria and some social gathering
Projection, and Psi-Tech Departments were then separated by rooms as well as a weight room and an Olympic-sized swim-
their research instead of by secular differences. Cell operatives ming pool. While this is an official Aegis facility, it does not have
and members of MKULTRA and Project Cygnet were still gener- the same cold and clinical feel as other such secure locations.
ally aware only of their own organization’s structure and not
Psi-Div is organized into five departments. Each unit centers
the subdivisions of Psi-Div. In the aftermath of the collapse of
on a collection of similar psychic disciplines or a particular
the Soviet Union Project Rasputin found itself adopted by Aegis.
focus. The chain of command at Psi-Div in the past has been
Project Rasputin was added to the responsibilities of Psi-Div.
more informal and though there are titles and overall structure
In 1997 Jacob Wolfe, the head of Kinesis Department, called to the organization, the division is more fluid in structure than
an emergency meeting of Psi-Div regarding a psychic event in other departments.
Oregon that a Cell had been monitoring. A number of people
from the division were called to the meeting, including Mark
Hampton, the division director. Everyone arriving at the meeting DIVISION DIRECTOR
The Division Director is in charge of Psi-Div and reports
was astonished to find that the real purpose of the meeting was
directly to Aegis Prime. Any major projects which require budg-
to expose them all to an ISS investigation of various charges from
eting must be presented to the Division Director and the other
minor security leaks to major breaches of security, in one case a
department heads at weekly meetings. Previously each depart- focus divination abilities by removing atmospheric distractions.
ment was given an annual budget and could manage those This room was nicknamed “Dreamland” by one of the first
resources as it saw fit. Now all budgeting decisions are made researchers to use it, and apparently the name leaked out and
based on project viability. It should be noted that the director of was misinterpreted as a code name for Groom Dry Lake.
Psi-Security does not normally vote on departmental budgeting,
but she can cast a vote to break a tie between the departments.
The accountant attends but does not vote at these meetings.
There has been a drive in this department since 1981 to use
telepathy not only for communication but also for specific oper-
KINESIS DEPARTMENT ations, such as espionage and counterespionage. The results
The primary focus is on the disciplines of telekinesis, pyroki- have been good, though recent developments have moved
nesis, and Bio-PK. Its members deal with the physical manifes- research into all-new directions as empathic psi-warfare
tations of psychic energies and abilities. Their facilities in Psi-Div research is progressing.
are the most expansive and sturdy, as much of the research Psychic Projection is the only department to have research
involves rapidly moving projectiles and open flame. Their most and training facilities outside of Chicago. It has small labs in the
prominent lab was nicknamed the “Danger Room,” as Aegis facilities at Groom Dry Lake as well as a small location in a
operatives hone their pyrokinetic, telekinetic, and Bio-PK skills secure section of the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral,
here. It consists of one large room that can quickly be sectioned Florida. The purpose of having these “satellite” offices is to
off by hydraulic lifts and airtight wall sections. Certain sections exercise remote surveillance and to work on Earth-to-space
of the room can be flooded and all sections are served by an projection projects.
extensive sprinkler system. The walls are coated with ceramics
that are an improved version of the space shuttle’s “heat tiles.”
Due to the nature of the exercises conducted here there have An interesting note is that in the past two years
been a few fatalities over the years. researchers in this department, while conducting
Zener/Rhine tests, have noticed the occasional test subject
Though it is most notorious for the research and training of
will blurt out “triangle” even though this shape is not
psychic assassins, Kinetics Division does conduct a good deal of
among those depicted on the cards. This happens with
research on other facets of the disciplines. Kinetics researchers
enough frequency that the researchers have started to
have worked in conjunction with researchers from the SED to
uneasily joke about it.
investigate “poltergeist activity” as well as many other mysteri-
ous physically manifesting phenomena. But make no mistake, if
someone has trained extensively with Kinetics she is most like-
ly a qualified killer. PSI-SECURITY
The research staff of the Kinesis Department used to be Though Psi-Security originated as a project with ISS, the
small, as it shared its research with PEAR Labs of New Jersey. department head of Psi-Security does have to report to the
Since the closure of the labs in 2007, however, a number of Division Director of Psi-Div in addition to providing a short sum-
researchers have been recruited into the Kinesis Department, marized report to his superiors at ISS. Officially Psi-Security is
expanding the team greatly. considered part of Psi-Div, but both ISS and Psi-Div oversee
training. This is the smallest department within Psi-Div; its pri-
mary responsibility is to monitor the staff and facility to prevent
DIVINATION DEPARTMENT infiltration or other breaches of security. Operatives use tele-
The concentration here is on clairvoyance, precognition, and
retrocognition. This department is burdened with the difficult pathic screening as well as more conventional means; they are
task of investigating the ability to see into the future, past, or trained in kinetic and empathic psi-warfare methods.
remote present and to train operatives. Though the training Many agents called themselves the “Thought Police” in jest,
rooms and laboratories are rather small compared to the other and this title has started to become common usage. They are,
departments, the research library is the second largest room in however, very serious about their jobs, and no one jokes about
the compound. Full of tomes of history as well as various security breaches when a Psi-Security officer is around. They
“prophetic texts”, the library always contains researchers who have been authorized to use lethal force if necessary. In addi-
pore over prophecies and try to discern their accuracy. They tion to security leaks they also serve in more mundane surveil-
meticulously record the results and where there is disparity lance and security roles, such as patrols and security desk
they try to discern the validity of the prediction. details, as well as containing the occasional trainee who goes
Divination has personnel on staff who research and train out of control under stress. They are disliked by many of the
such talents, developing unorthodox methods such as hypno- staff of Psi-Div and there is tension, but at times it can be reas-
gogic trances and method acting. Of particular note is a room suring to see the familiar blue uniform of a Psi-Security officer
that contains a bank of sensory deprivation tanks that help arriving on the scene.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Unknown to most members of Psi-Div, the operatives of Psi- He proved to be an extremely talented and driven student
Security have orders to report leaks directly to ISS instead of to who quickly mastered his new powers and developed more. He
Psi-Div’s division director. This is the only time a department was promoted and in 1977 became the top trainer in the Kinesis
head in Psi-Div has the authority to sidestep the division direc- Department, eventually becoming department head in 1988.
tor in the chain of command. Though the daily operations and While he tends to be given to mood swings and is rather con-
training of Psi-Security are overseen by Psi-Div, any incidents frontational, he is well respected by most of his colleagues.
are reported directly to ISS. Staff are frequently rotated Once he became division director he immediately began to
between facilities, which allows the Psi-Security agents to have analyze how Psi-Div could be more efficient. While in the past
regular access to the training facilities in Chicago and prevents Psi-Div was run as more of a cooperative effort between staff
agents from developing personal relationships at any one members, Wolfe wanted the lines of command more solidly
locale that could lead to security leaks. Psi-Security agents are defined. He began to clearly define departments and hierarchy.
also subject to an annual inspection at CIMH to ensure that the He is constantly concerned with how his superiors at Aegis
rigors of the job are not having adverse effects. It should be Prime view Psi-Div.
noted that while Psi-Security is on patrol at other installations
they do not usually carry standard weapons, but as they are the He has been very vocal about Psi-Div and Aegis in general
sole source of security at Psi-Div they are issued sidearms and becoming more proactive in the struggle against the Black
can quickly access submachine guns. Book. He feels that Aegis needs to infiltrate the Black Book and
actively interfere with its operations. He believes that Psi-Div
operatives could play a pivotal role in this and has begun to
PSI-TECH rally support for this cause with other Aegis operatives.
This department has grown greatly since its inception in
1979. This department is responsible for developing new tech- When the “Psi-Town” facilities were remodeled in the 1980’s
nologies to enhance or interact with psychic disciplines, and to some of the early training rooms in Kinesis Department were
investigate psychically controlled or powered extraterrestrial abandoned. Wolfe has taken one of these old rooms and used
equipment. There are also researchers on staff who specialize money from his own pocket to remodel it into a shooting range.
in the more mundane sciences, such as biochemistry and A small area in it is set up for stress shooting or “shoot/don’t
physics. shoot” training. Wolfe practices here regularly, as do many Psi-
Security personnel and a few other operatives.
Primarily Psi-Tech’s research follows the more traditional
lines of drugs and hypnosis. While they strove to find a blend of Wolfe is a physically fit man in his late sixties. He has salt-
electrical or mechanical sciences and psychic sciences, these and-pepper gray hair pulled back in a ponytail with a slightly
projects invariably failed. Their only success in this field during receding hairline. He wears a neatly groomed beard and mous-
the 1980’s was to make some improvements on the MHIC- tache that match his hair color. He has a square face with a
EDOM device. Once the research notes of Dimitri Anatoly strong nose, but the most striking feature of his face are his
became available to Psi-Tech through the absorption of Project deep-set steely blue eyes, which can glare with a great intensi-
Rasputin, staff began to develop more and more applications, ty. He has mastered the art of intimidation through a silent stare
though most are still in the testing stages and not reliable. This and often makes those around him uncomfortable.
department works closely with Aegis’s R&D department. Like
Psi-Security, this is a relatively small department that depends
on interaction with other divisions. JACOB WOLFE
MOVERS AND SHAKERS Qualities: Influence (Aegis) 5, Military Rank 4, Psychic,
Resources 5, Status 4
JACOB WOLFE, DIVISION DIRECTOR Skills: Brawling 3, Bureaucracy 2, Demolitions 3, Drive
A Vietnam veteran who served in the Army Rangers, Wolfe’s (Cars) 3, First Aid 2, Guns (Assault Rifle) 3, Guns (Heavy
powers manifested themselves while he was in a firefight in the Weapons) 1, Guns (Pistol) 5, Guns (Rifle) 4, Stealth 3,
deep jungle. It was a moment of severe stress for him, as most of Throwing (Sphere) 2
his battalion was caught in a crossfire ambush approaching a Psychic Abilities: Dominate (Str 2, Art 1), Pyrokinesis
small village. Moments later the village and surrounding flora (Str 2, Art 2), Telekinesis (Str 5, Art 6), Telepathy (Str 6, Art 6)
were caught up in a firestorm that left a nearly perfect circle of
devastation in its wake. An Aegis operative in the area investigat-
ing UFO reports tracked down and recruited Wolfe. He was list-
ed as MIA and returned stateside to train under Mark Hampton
in the newly formed Psychic Division at Groom Dry Lake.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Takahashi is a talented telekinetic agent with an interest in martial
arts and Zen Buddhism. He often refers to psychic powers as “focus-
ing chi.” He has studied meditation with Denise Kelly and the two
seem to get along well.
Qualities/Drawbacks: Addiction (Nicotine) 2, Influence
(Aegis) 4, Psychic, Resources 3, Status 4, Strong ESP
Skills: Drive (Cars) 3, Humanities (Business) 2, Language
(English) 3, Martial Arts 4, Myths and Legends (UFOlogy) 2,
Stealth 1, Surveillance 2, Trance 4
Psychic Abilities: Telekinesis (Str 5, Art 5), Telepathy
(Str 2, Art 2)
Psi-Div’s goals are to further Aegis’ research of psychic phenome-
na and develop and improve the training of psychic personnel. These
goals have remained largely unchanged over the years, but with
Wolfe’s take-over he has added more goals and directions for the divi-
sion: become more proactive in the ongoing struggle with the Black
Book using psychically trained agents, strengthen the understanding
and control that humans have with psychic powers to face the Greys,
and increase Aegis Prime’s trust and respect for the Psychic Division.
Generally the atmosphere at Psi-Div is more relaxed than in other
divisions of Aegis. There are times when things are very intense, and
people here are serious and committed to their work. Department
heads and almost all of the senior trainers encourage the occasional
foolishness and frivolity to release steam, even sponsoring a group
game or activity in one of the abandoned danger rooms. The essence
of the atmosphere here can be summed up by a poster on the door
of a Telepathy research scientist’s office, which is located right next to
a Psi-Security watch station. It is an image of the traditional smiley
face with squiggly emanations surrounding it and the text “Think
Happy Thoughts”.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Stillwell. In part to bolster Stillwell’s internal standing, he con- The mid-1970’s brought about one of Legal’s crowning
vinced Aegis Prime to elevate his department to committee achievements, and one that they may come to seriously regret.
standing in 1969. Brand retained his directorship at Stillwell’s Brand had always put little stock in the international arena. He
insistence, and Stillwell became coordinator of the renamed myopically felt that humankind’s future lay with the United
Legal Affairs Department. States, and as long as no devastating war was fought, the rest
Brand redirected his efforts to building an external power of the world could do as it pleased. He fully supported the
base. He criss-crossed the country, meeting with local politi- moratorium on foreign operations from 1958 to 1964 and
cians, activists, and lawyer associations. He even managed to refused to extend any efforts to secure legal resources overseas.
revitalize his marriage by bringing his wife into his latest politi- This attitude directly led to a failed mission in 1970 and the
cal endeavors. Brand’s influence in Congress and around the extended incarceration of several Aegis operatives in a
country grew steadily. He was elected to the Senate and Japanese jail. That event caused changes in Brand’s thinking. He
became a high-ranking member of the American Bar began to take some interest in Aegis’ foreign affairs.
Association. More than once, outsiders speculated that Brand By 1975, a consensus had been reached and the Foreign
was positioning himself for a run at the Presidency. Brand did Affairs Department was born. Seeing it as a check on OpTac
not discourage such talk. Rumors inside Aegis insisted that expansion, Brand wound up actively supporting the endeavor.
Brand had become a member of Aegis Prime. As was their habit, Brand and Stillwell quickly established close
The nationwide networking served two purposes. The first and mutually supportive relationships with FAD Director
was to build a connection of legal minds and resources that Withersby. Legal began the long-standing practice of providing
could be used in serving Aegis. The second was to create ties to tax and accounting services to FAD. Indeed, by the late 1970s,
companies, governments, and associations that could be Brand, Stillwell and Withersby organized a secret meeting with
tapped as funding sources for Aegis. Under the guise of an Psi-Div and others to establish alternative funding and asset
undeclared and long-standing Presidential exploration effort, by resources for FAD. Legal’s efforts in this area have been instru-
the end of the 1970’s, these dual goals were substantially mental in creating FAD’s relative independence from the central
accomplished. power structure of Aegis. Legal has also lent its influence to
keeping the penalties for FAD’s transgressions light. For Brand
Brand relied heavily on two important contacts in building the and Stillwell, FAD acts as a strong bulwark against the increas-
national network. Robert Angelos was a prominent New York City ingly militaristic and centralized power of OpTac.
lawyer and a member of the American and New York Bar
Associations. Angelos began as a personal admirer of Brand and The 1980s and 90s saw the slow decline of Legal’s power. As
that loyalty remained once he was recruited into Aegis. Angelos they got on in age, both Brand and Stillwell gradually withdrew
has been instrumental in bringing in top legal talent. Indeed, from day-to-day activities and passed the torch to the next gen-
Travis Boynman, now on permanent loan to the Foreign Affairs eration. Brand transitioned his business and financial contacts
Department, was one of Angelos’ most important recruits. The to Greenberg and his legal contacts to Paul Godros, a depart-
other private sector stalwart was Brian Greenberg, a wealthy fin- ment loyalist. He grew increasingly old and became something
ancier and entrepreneur. Greenberg solicited campaign contri- of a mythic figure. He came to stand for the proposition that
butions with a zealot’s fervor as he built his own network of con- guns and threats were not always the best means, and that pol-
tacts and brokered numerous deals. When Brand finally itics and personality could still get the job done. In 1988, Brand
approached Greenberg about joining Aegis, he was already died in his bed at the age of 83. Out of respect, Aegis Prime shut
somewhat suspicious. His patriotism and greed led him to accept down all but essential operations for 24 hours in tribute to the
Brand’s offer. Greenberg saw more opportunities in DAS than great man. It is possible that Brand’s brain lives on as part of
Legal, however, and began working with that department. Ten Project Epimenides (see p. 205). Stillwell passed his lobbying
years later, Greenberg would personally identify Sherman Collins contacts to Hayes at DAS and began working to build Godros’
as a valuable asset and recommend his recruitment. internal position. When Brand died, Stillwell refused to take the
director position, instead insisting that Godros have the title.
In the meantime, Stillwell was pursuing his own outside
agenda. While keeping up relations between the different sec- The waning of these two powerful figures had a profound
tions of the Aegis bureaucracy, Stillwell began to concentrate impact on Aegis. The pressures toward centralization and the
his law firm’s resources almost exclusively on lobbying. While concerns about Black Book’s superior organization, command,
part of business as usual for any successful Washington, DC and control were resisted less and less. Departments expanded
law firm, Stillwell’s connections to Senator Brand and his and new divisions were established. OpTac’s ambitious Admiral
access to Aegis intelligence files allowed Hemmer, Johnson, Hendricks succeeded in completely reworking that department
and Stillwell to become one of the premier lobbying firms by along a military tack. Legal’s decreased power was hinted at
1980. Less than a decade later, Stillwell and Hemmer recruit- when Hendricks was able to shut down nonmilitary research in
ed the indomitable Roxanne Hayes, who has since gone on to R&D in 1983. It was clear for all to see when Senator Griffiths
head lobbying efforts at DAS. landed squarely in Hendricks’ camp in the mid-1980’s, when
CORS instituted an aggressive recruitment and monitoring number of powerful and rich clients. The top levels of
stance and helped field OpTac’s special teams in the early Hemmer, Johnson, and Stillwell work carefully with Aegis-
1990’s, and when ISS and Psi-Div established the Thought influenced politicians to promote legislation favorable to
Police in the late 1990’s. Aegis’ work. Liaison with Hemmer, Johnson, and Stillwell is
mostly handled though Roxanne Hayes at DAS, but it is still
considered part of Legal’s organization.
Since assuming power, Godros has moved toward greater
centralization in the Legal Affairs Division, if for no other reason MOVERS AND SHAKERS
than to keep pace with the other divisions. At present, the divi-
sion has four departments: Administration and Coordination, JEFFREY STILLWELL, DIVISION COORDINATOR AND CHIEF OF LAB
Central Legal Research Staff, Client Representation, and Jeffrey Stillwell is the “hands-off” patriarch of the division
Legislative Affairs Bureau. and remains an imposing and highly influential figure. In an
effort to live by his patron’s creed, Stillwell refused to take
ADMINISTRATION AND COORDINATION (A&C) charge of the division when Brand died. He urged Godros to
take on those duties, while he concentrated on his traditional
Based in Washington, D.C., A&C is responsible for coordinat-
ing contacts between Aegis and legal firms that Aegis has infil- legislative duties. While he retains the organizational title of
trated. Following Brand’s and Stillwell’s lead, A&C walks a fine head of LAB, he has passed on the bulk of his legislative duties
line of building power through contacts rather than the accu- to Hayes at DAS. Stillwell lives and works in Washington, D.C.
mulation of resources, and encourages other divisions to do the and maintains close contact with Aegis Prime.
same. A&C also coordinates recruitment of the division’s legal
assets and uses CORS for actual recruitment. Members of A&C
need not be lawyers but usually earn law degrees in an effort
to better perform their jobs. STR 3 DEX 3 CON 3 INT 4 PER 4 WIL 4
Qualities: Influence (Aegis) 6, Resources 5, Status 5
CENTRAL LEGAL RESEARCH STAFF (CLRS) Skills: Brawling 1, Bureaucracy 4, Computers 1, Drive
Also based in Washington, D.C., CLRS has access to as much
secret and publicly available computer data as anyone, particu- (Cars) 2, Guns (Pistol) 2, Humanities (Law) 4, Humanities
larly the case and statute databases of every state and most for- (Politics) 5, Research/Investigation 3, Smooth Talking 4
eign countries. It works closely with ISDM to improve and main-
tain technological access to information resources. CLRS is
responsible for issuing opinions, descriptions of procedures, PAUL GODROS, DIVISION DIRECTOR AND HEAD OF A&C
documents, and anything else an authorized Aegis Cell, mem- Godros is relatively young and determined to maintain Aegis’
ber of Aegis Prime, or Aegis department might need in the legal conspiratorial position in the face of new technological
arena. Personnel are recruited directly out of law school and advances and the new society they are creating. Godros is
are thrilled to be part of a global, “dangerous” conspiracy. mindful of Brand’s and Stillwell’s legacy and understands their
concerns, but is willing to set them aside to promote and
expand his division. This organizational drive combined with his
CLIENT REPRESENTATION (CR) “toeing” the Legal Affairs Division party line against centraliza-
At various times, Aegis members need legal representation.
tion has placed him in a bit of a tenuous position with the other
This is provided by large, local law firms. The very small CR
divisions. They suspect that he counsels against their accumu-
departmental staff works with A&C to maintain an extensive
lation of power but advances his own power.
network of law firms around the country who do regular work
for Aegis corporate fronts or other Aegis-dominated organiza-
tions and do not ask too many questions. Although Angelos
has since retired and acts only in an advisory manner, the five-
man CR central staff works out of Angelos’ law firm in New STR 3 DEX 3 CON 3 INT 3 PER 3 WIL 4
York City.
Qualities: Influence (Aegis) 5, Resources 4, Status 4
Skills: Brawling 1, Bureaucracy 4, Computers 3, Drive
LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS BUREAU (LAB) (Cars) 2, Guns (Pistol) 2, Haggling 3, Humanities (Law) 4,
Through Stillwell, Aegis has suborned a very prestigious
Washington, D.C. law firm, Hemmer, Johnson, and Stillwell. Humanities (Politics) 2, Research/Investigation 3, Smooth
The firm is renowned as a lobbying heavyweight on Capitol Talking 3
Hill and champions an eclectic assortment of causes for a
1 2 3 4 5 6
Mirnov was recruited with a number of Project Rasputin psy-
Legal’s overall goal is to keep Aegis safe from persecution
chics. Although it was soon determined that he had no useful
and extinction by monitoring relevant legislation and high-risk
operational psychic capacity, he proved to possess an uncanny
activities. It is heavily involved in appropriate legislative lobby-
ability to absorb, manipulate and analyze massive quantities of
ing efforts and works closely with Roxanne Hayes to further this
information. As a lawyer, he was passed onto Stillwell, who
goal without taxing or exposing Aegis. They also work at build-
immediately realized his potential and assigned him a freeform
ing a network of useful contacts in legal circles, for a variety of
position in CLRS. In less than five years, Mirnov mastered the
uses. Legal also has primary responsibility for briefing Cells
breadth of the American legal system (he was already quite
about legal procedures and ways to minimize risk, and, in an
familiar with European and Asian legal systems) and began
emergency, how to attempt to obtain representation. Legal
pushing the department to accumulate a wide range of elec-
does not offer legal assistance to all agents, only those it sees as
tronic legal research resources. He was appointed head of CLRS
worthwhile; others are dealt with by ISS using other methods,
two years ago.
some of them fatal, depending on the circumstances. In the
event that direct representation will not solve the problem,
PEOTR MIRNOV Legal also works at plugging leaks and using legalities to silence
people, at least long enough for other Aegis sections to fix the
STR 3 DEX 3 CON 3 INT 3 PER 3 WIL 4 underlying problem.
Qualities: Influence (Aegis) 5, Resources 4, Status 4,
Strong ESP (Hunch), Strong ESP (Second Sight)
Skills: Brawling 1, Bureaucracy 4, Computers 2, OVERRIDING PHILOSOPHY
Humanities (Law) 5, Language (English) 3, Language The Legal Affairs Division has had a long history of being at
(French) 3, Language (Japanese) 3, Trance 2 the center of the Aegis power structure, and all members are
aware of that position. The A&C professionals are uniformly
polished and political. “Savoir faire” is their middle name. They
radiate power and connections but work hard to be inviting.
SIMON WEINSTEIN, COORDINATOR OF CR People who work with the members of A&C always feel as if
Weinstein is a close friend of Stillwell’s and has come to they are enlisting powerful and capable allies. Legal’s power is
value Godros’ friendship. He is a partner at Angelos’ firm and on the slide, however, and the A&C staff know it. There is an
works on a number of high-profile legal matters involving mil- edge to their lives now, and they take solace in their close ties
lions of dollars. Weinstein stays active in the American Bar with the rising power of FAD.
Association and uses contacts there to facilitate his work at CR.
The CLRS drones are mostly without personalities and intel-
He generally takes instructions from Godros and arranges what-
lectual. They hide in the shadows of their A&C protectorate
ever representation is needed, paying for it via funds provided
and emerge only to investigate whatever “interesting” stuff
by Godros. Weinstein believes in Aegis and its work but wants
they see going on in the other areas of Aegis. They are always
to know as little as possible in case things begin to degenerate.
delighted by the infrequent field trips to the Area 51 complex
ISS and CIMH are uncomfortable with Weinstein but have noth-
and take every opportunity to poke their noses where they do
ing to back up their suspicions.
not belong.
CR is largely independent and works under guidelines
SIMON WEINSTEIN established by Angelos and Stillwell. Its personnel are busy
with their “real” lives and work only part-time on Aegis coor-
STR 3 DEX 3 CON 3 INT 4 PER 3 WIL 4 dination. They see Godros as a powerful, shadowy figure who
Qualities: Influence (Aegis) 6, Resources 5, Status 5 allows them to live well and perform valuable work, as long as
Skills: Brawling 1, Bureaucracy 4, Computers 2, Drive they don’t ask too many questions. LAB is composed mainly
(Cars) 2, Guns (Pistol) 1, Humanities (Finance) 3, of semi- and full outsiders to Aegis, and they have a variety of
Humanities (Law) 4, Research/Investigation 3, Smooth attitudes and opinions. They look to Hayes, rather than Legal,
Talking 5 as their chief.
Information security and distribution were some of the first con-
cerns of Aegis Prime after its inception, and after the use of cryp-
tography computers in WWII the decision to use computers was
clear. The best way to maintain security between the collective divi-
sions of Aegis was minimize the connection between agents in the
field and Aegis Prime. A section of the R&D Division was formed to
design a secure interface for the transfer of information between
agents in the field, and the Aegis infrastructure supporting them.
The Information Technology and Security (ITS) branch of R&D pro-
duced a large amount of research and development that was
responsible for many of the protocols used by Cells today for send-
ing and receiving information, and their efforts resulted in the leg-
endary HERMES computer system.
While various methods were discussed for Aegis security, the
cryptography applications of the computers that arose in WWII real-
ly set the tone for the division’s early work. It was decided that an
elaborate computer system would be devised, with massive storage
and sorting capacities enabling the management of the large quanti-
ties of information Cells hoped to be sending to Aegis Prime. While
computer technology was still brand new, its potential was undeni-
able. The head of ITS proposed to the Division of Administration and
Security that computer companies would make excellent fronts for
Aegis research, allowing for both huge profits in the emerging field
and platforms for new hardware research. DAS agreed, and many
companies were formed to fill the new niche that would become the
computer industry of the 1980’s and 1990’s.
In the meantime Aegis’ demands weren’t too severe; while waiting
for an electronic system to be implemented, other resources had to be
utilized. Assets were already in place in government agencies, and
they had been operating with “conventional” techniques such as dead
drops, code words, markers, even the clichéd “secret handshake.”
OpTac had been handling these aspects of field work, providing train-
ing for agents and “rescues” from botched jobs. When ITS was
formed, OpTac handed over this aspect of its operation; it was evident
that all the information security personnel needed to be in the same
group, especially since the techies in ITS had no clue about field pro-
cedures. While the scientists and engineers in ITS were assigned to
Project Hermes, the OpTac personnel were delegated to the upper
echelons of ITS’ management and administration. “The Team”, as
techies in ITS were dubbed, was further split between the Software
1 2 3 4 5 6
Team and Hardware Team, although the distinction between the Once the MKI was released, ITS’ primary task was main-
two quickly became blurred. “The Coaches” were the older, taining and upgrading HERMES, but equally important was
more experienced members from OpTac who used their practical conducting hardware research geared toward an alternative
expertise to advise field agents and keep them alive. to the bulky vacuum tubes used in the MKI. Even though the
Most members of the Teams were young engineers and sci- components used by Aegis were very advanced at that time,
entists from the military (or defense contractors) with little they were still a short-term solution. Project Hermes was still
experience in espionage beyond cryptography. As such, they scratching the surface, however, and in 1958 ITS produced
could understand the requirements of keeping a computer sys- viable transistor technology almost ten years ahead of the
tem secure, but when it came to understanding what require- computer industry. The resulting electronics were smaller and
ments kept field ops alive, they were lacking. The Teams under- more powerful, and began to look like the computers of
stood the impact of their work, however, and they absorbed today. Better magnetic storage media were developed to
every story, technique, and idea the Coaches threw at them. replace the older mechanical systems, and the existing data-
The older management types were amazed at the innovations base was converted to magnetic media.
on old techniques the Teams came up with, almost as much as When the MKII Terminal was deployed in 1959, ITS realized
their amazement at the Teams’ naiveté. The Teams, on the other it might be possible to distribute the system more to agents and
hand, relished the task of coming up with radical solutions to worked on the development of a link to the MKII that would be
old problems, using new technologies that they were develop- portable by agents. It turned out that the first attempt at the
ing. The result of this dynamic still exists today, with an upper HERMES Link MKI was too bulky and obvious to be used often
echelon of managers and experts who constantly commingle in the field, and really didn’t catch on.
with the young engineers. Today, the Coaches are almost father By the time a new link could be distributed, ITS was taking
figures to the Teams, making the divisions in ISDM fairly artifi- up almost half of R&D’s manpower and budget. Aegis decided
cial, and the division is extremely loyal among its ranks. that the current trends in computer technology were impor-
Hermes was the project that spawned the original HERMES tant enough that a new division was warranted. The Division
Terminal MKI, managed its deployment and troubleshooting, of Information Security and Database Management (ISDM)
and began the innovations on the HERMES MKII. It took almost was formed in 1969, and its inaugural activity was sending out
seven years after the creation of Aegis to come up with feasible the first HERMES MKIa Link. The MKIa Link incorporated a lot
hardware for the terminal that was placed in every Op Center. of the changes requested by agents and was remarkably
Vacuum tubes had to be made reliable and smaller, displays smaller. Able to fit in a briefcase (although it still weighed
had to be made cooler and smaller, storage devices had to be almost 30 lbs.), the MKIa was portable enough to be used as
invented to handle the required loads, and the list went on. a field computer and could access the MKII Terminals at the
Luckily, ITS had a large black budget to fund advanced hard- Cells’ op centers.
ware research. It managed to bring in a lot of its own funding While the HERMES system was functional for its time, and was
also, since the trickle-down technology that was slowly released continually updated with small upgrades to both its software and
through public channels kept front companies raking in the hardware, it wasn’t revolutionary for long. A lot of study was
profits. Reserves of experimental military hardware were also done on artificial intelligence and expert systems hoping to max-
tapped for whatever innovations could be taken from them. imize the efficiency of solving HERMES requests, but no shortcuts
As it turned out, the software side of Project Hermes caused could be found to bypass the decades of work necessary to
more problems. Database theory and programming practices implement such systems. Until the recovery of the alien ship in
didn’t exist, while complex and (worse yet) intelligent process- 1977, ISDM had a mental block on revolutionizing HERMES.
ing of information had to be handled. An entire science around While the ship had a massive amount of information for
software maintenance had to be developed as languages R&D, ISDM immediately jumped in to take over analysis of the
evolved and programs were designed to handle the advanced vessel’s computer systems. Reverse-engineering would be slow,
concepts the HERMES computer required. but the hardware gave ISDM new directions to take with chip
Experimental technologies in the computer industry were and circuit design, and led to a significant change in scale for
used to make a prototype of the database, which was easily ten the HERMES system.
years ahead of its time. The resulting computer was still very ISDM researchers still had a hard time with the new technol-
big, but the computing power of the server, nicknamed BLACK ogy. It wasn’t until 1983, with the arrival of Genevieve
BOX, was undeniable. An immediate increase in efficiency was Robertson, that the hardware began to be understood well
noted, as field agents were able to coordinate much better with enough that they could apply the hardware and software tech-
Aegis and ITS was able to disseminate collated reports to agents nologies they had found. Robertson led the research team
on demand. ITS still needed to increase its staff to facilitate both responsible for decoding the programming language of the ves-
research and field report processing, however. sel. The miniaturization of the circuitry could be replicated to an
extent, and it was clear that ISDM finally had its revolution.
Faster processors and more memory would allow for dele- nization’s structure. Project Small World is an ambitious
gation of server-side functions to units in the field, which would attempt to use a combination of all the advanced systems at
increase performance on both ends of HERMES requests and ISDM’s disposal to come up with a program that will be one of
make encryption much easier. Higher storage capacity of both the most complex computer simulations ever devised. The pro-
the new links and the database would allow rapid transfer of gramming tasks have been broken up into different modeling
high-quality media such as video and audio to add new levels categories, including human behavior, the environment, and
of information available to field agents. Most of the short-term political dynamics. Many elements of this VR research have
hardware research went directly to the development of the been adapted by R&D, forming the inspiration for their
HERMES MKII Link. By 1990, the first MKIIs were trickling into advanced VR project, Epimenides (see p. 205).
agent hands for testing, and by 1991 the MKII was the primary Overall, ISDM is blissfully ignorant of what is going on
link used in the field. around itself in Aegis. Its new computer seems to be a success,
As new discoveries were made, the miniaturization of exist- troubleshooting takes a lot of the techs’ time, and several new
ing computer equipment came more and more easily. As new VR projects are in the works. ISDM is geared up to handle the
algorithms for implementing artificial intelligence were discov- future and isn’t really paying attention to the world around it.
ered, HERMES’ data warehouse of reports became more and Some claim this is ignorance. Some claim this is naiveté. Some
more organized, allowing faster access on the agent side, and it claim it is Iowa. Whatever the case, ISDM will probably be the
was easier for DAS to determine clearances and note discrep- last to know about any catastrophe in Aegis and one of the divi-
ancies. It wasn’t long before the new technology led to a new sions least affected.
link, the MKIII, which incorporated even smaller computer tech-
nology that allowed room for more advanced security systems.
For ISDM, however, it was just a field test for a revolutionary
new vision of HERMES.
A fifty-six-year-old entrepreneur who holds large stock
CURRENT STATUS investments in several major technology firms, Richards is the
As usual, ISDM is working on upgrading and maintaining current director of ISDM. After early graduation from MIT and
HERMES. The captured alien technology is still revealing new a short career in electrical engineering, Richards put his mind to
innovations on the current system, but most of the revolution- directing the technology industry instead of working for it. At
ary ideas have been implemented. There are still technical twenty-five, after doing some consulting for large industry lead-
issues with reducing size and increasing power of the HERMES ers in circuit board design and chip developers, he attracted the
hardware, but the core design is stable and maintainable. The attention of Aegis Prime. His ideas were ahead of the times, and
software side of the project will mainly involve maintenance, while many corporations weren’t willing to invest in the radical
troubleshooting, and improving features based on agent feed- concepts Richards was proposing, they were exactly what Aegis
back. The new expert system software being used will also Prime was looking for to upgrade HERMES.
undergo extensive testing and analysis, so ISDM techs are pre- Richards was recruited by an Aegis front company to look at
pared to take a step back from R&D for the next two years and an “advanced conceptual model” that actually represented
take a long look at the results of their labor. HERMES. After six months, he had come up with enough inno-
The MKIII system is the biggest baby ISDM has right now, vations on the current design to increase the hardware per-
and it still has some teething problems. A special bug-reporting formance of the mundane aspects of the system by fifty per-
program has been created to allow problems discovered in the cent. All that was required to implement the new systems was
field to be transmitted to ISDM without violating security, but resources. Since Aegis had cash and facilities in abundance,
this makes troubleshooting difficult. In worst-case scenarios, Richards was hired to oversee the implementation of his
DAS will coordinate with field operatives and relay information designs. The project was dubbed classified, and his loyalties
to ISDM. There are also expectations that certain less technical- were tested. After another year of directing the staff imple-
ly inclined operatives won’t be able to adapt easily to the new menting his changes, he was offered a position at Area 51 as a
interfaces. Since deployment of the first units techs are on hand member of Aegis. Although the offer confirmed some suspi-
24-7 to help describe things. So far incidents have been far and cions he had had, he was genuinely surprised. With the amount
few between, but their number is going to rise, and users inter- of potential he could realize with Aegis’ resources, however,
ested in more powerful features can only go so far with the pro- there were no questions about joining.
vided tutorials. Over the next ten years ISDM was revolutionized, either
Another ISDM project currently underway is a joint effort directly or indirectly by Richard’s innovations. Also during that
with DAS to create a simulation of Aegis’ operations worldwide, time, he used his contacts who still remained in the industry to
which will then be used to study the effects of altering the orga- more subtly direct the flow of hardware development in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
civilian sector. Contacts in R&D departments were mobilized to also contributed to work with BLACK BOX. R&D has been using
develop more advanced hardware, if not for civilian markets Guzman’s VR simulations to test pilots in a virtual Aurora, as
then for military application. He continued manipulating his well as aid in the creation of Project Epimenides.
stock assets from previous companies to gain sizable holdings ISS keeps an eye on Guzman, as he has expressed an opin-
in the companies he was directing. Due to Richard’s obvious ion several times that someone needs to contact the Saurians
loyalty to Aegis, his views for the future of ISDM, and the and perform some sort of technology exchange, as their power
amount of his personal resources he devoted to manipulating supplies and field generators could take his holographic
the computer industry to further Aegis’ goals, DAS aided research to the next level, producing an advanced “holosuite.”
Richards in maximizing his resources. The applications of that sort of technology are unlimited and
By the time Richards was 40, he was effectively in charge of would help Aegis immensely. Guzman has done all the reading
ISDM. Although he was second in command, his decisions were he can on the Saurians and their technology and seems to be a
de facto approved by the head of the division, Hector Gunford. bit obsessed with them. While he has never made any attempts
While Gunford was pleased with Richards’ results, there was to contact anyone outside Aegis about his ideas, ISS worries
definite tension between the two as Gunford was relied upon that a leak in ISDM might convey the information to the Black
less and less and Richards’ influence continued to increase. Book, who might try to recruit Guzman in exchange for tech-
When Richards replaced Gunford 10 years ago there was some nology and research facilities.
hostility between the two, but Gunford ceded the position and
faded from the limelight.
Qualities: Influence (Aegis) 5, Resources 5, Status 4
Skills: Brawling 1, Computer Programming 3, Computers
Qualities: Influence (Aegis) 6, Resources 6, Status 4
4, Drive (Cars) 2, Engineering (Saurian Tech) 2, Guns
Skills: Brawling 1, Bureaucracy 4, Computer (Pistols) 1, Haggling 3, Research/Investigation 4, Science
Programming 5, Computers 4, Drive (Cars) 2, Guns (Pistol) (Psychology) 3
2, Humanities (Finance) 2, Research/Investigation 2, Science
(Cryptography) 4
Genevieve Robertson was born in 1959 and adopted by
DEXTER GUZMAN farmers in Iowa, ironically putting her near ISDM’s headquar-
Dexter Guzman was first noticed by ISDM in 1989, when his ters. Her intellectual abilities and interests gave her a full schol-
computer science thesis from MIT was sent to the division for arship when she entered college at 18. Graduating with a
perusal. His work focused on the use of virtual reality to simu- Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering in 1978, Robertson
late real world environments using visual gimmicks to trick the moved to California to work in information systems, artificial
brain. His research was exceptional, taking volunteers and plac- intelligence, and software development. A lot of her work was
ing them in a custom VR rig and testing reaction time and detail in the field of neural net research and development of
perception. The results of his project showed that there were advanced computers to handle military logistics and mainte-
ways to economize processor and memory usage by reducing nance. Some of her work was going toward government con-
details in areas that test subjects’ minds filled in for themselves. tracts sponsored by DAS, and her efforts were noted and
This kind of forward thinking was precisely what ISDM was flagged. CORS began a background check to ensure she would
looking for to add to the MKIII development team, and the divi- be Aegis material, and she moved back “home” to Iowa and
sion arranged for background checks to be conducted. His work began full-time work with ISDM in 1988.
at MIT piqued the interest of many renowned computer scien- Scientists had been struggling to ascertain the computer
tists and psychologists alike, and CIMH seconded the opinion technologies found in the crashed spacecraft. Robertson had a
that his diverse skills seemed genuine enough. Guzman was special insight into the alien tech and within a year her research
approached by recruiters and was enticed into joining Aegis opened a vast array of new applications to ISDM scrutiny. She
purely for the research aspect. Monetary issues were easily was put in charge of the project and ever since has been head-
dealt with, and Guzman made the move to Iowa. ing the team responsible for gleaning new hardware and soft-
Dexter Guzman has become regarded as one of the premier ware technologies from the ship. She had some input in the
programmers in ISDM; like many of ISDM’s scientists, he is an development of the HERMES upgrades for the MKII and IIa
expert in information theory and artificial intelligence. His pri- links, but for the most part she focuses on the analysis of the
mary focus is on the MKI Op Center and MKIII Link, but he has alien ship and coordinating with R&D.
Genevieve Robertson is regarded by many scientists in ISDM cions. ISS still periodically follows up on its investigation of
as the embodiment of a stereotype, the classic bitch queen. As Robertson, but so far if there is any impropriety it has been
an attractive middle-aged woman working in a pool of unso- exceptionally well covered up.
cialized introverts, she gets a lot of attention from her fellow
researchers. Unfortunately for them, she usually responds with
a cold shoulder and snide comment, and most ISDM personnel
have learned not to trifle with Robertson on a personal level. It
ISDM wants to make sure that the American population, and
doesn’t help the egos of her coworkers that she’s brilliant and
eventually the world, is familiar enough with computers, and
beautiful for her age, which usually results in either attraction
more importantly comfortable enough with computers, that the
or jealousy, and on occasions both.
new technology reverse engineered from the aliens will be
Since Roberston’s recruitment, some further checking into usable to anyone. Aegis is naturally the most important seg-
her background has raised some suspicions with ISS. Her par- ment of the populace, but ISDM knows the future will require
ents are both dead, her biological parents are unknown, and humans to become much more willing to accept technology.
there are few solid records of her childhood in Iowa. ISS has ISDM wants to aid in that transition by making people realize
arranged for interviews with some of her old school teachers, how much they need computers.
and none of them remembers Robertson, though her grades
VR research has been dubbed Project Wonderland and
are on file with the school. Her records from her college years
sketched out to last the next ten years. A wide variety of proj-
and beyond are legitimate, but the perfect timing of her arrival
ects is going to be started with VR as the focus: Psychological
in ISDM to crack the alien ship’s technologies has raised suspi-
factors of VR are planned in cooperation with CIMH, recruit
training potential is going to be analyzed by OpTac, and tech-
nology development applications are going to be explored with
GENEVIEVE ROBERTSON R&D, just to name a few. DAS is also interested in Wonderland;
Robertson has two sets of statistics, one for the Atlantean
who occasionally steps in to monitor Aegis’ activities, and trickle-down technologies that can be marketed could provide
the other for the mimic she has created to take her place a corner on a niche market with huge profit potential. From the
seamlessly. She takes great care not to flaunt her abilities hardware side, VR immersion is the primary focus. Tactile stim-
when others are present to witness her efforts. uli are the third easiest sense to emulate, and combined with
visual and audio cues provide a near complete experience. With
the use of nanotech interfaces, such as the Pilot Interface
ATLANTEAN Control System, immersion of the subjects into VR has become
even more realistic and is aiding Project Epimenides in its
research to predict the fate of humanity.
Qualities: Atlantean, Atlantean Nanotech (Aspect
Following Project Wonderland, ISDM intends to start Project
Modification System, A/V Recorder, Blood Surgeons,
Strong Vodka, a full research cycle that will look at artificial
BioBattery Energy System, Computer Enhancement,
intelligence. This project is also intended to go hand in hand
Emergency Nanite Reserve, Memory Augmentation,
with an R&D initiative to analyze independent robotic systems
Memory Preservation System, Vision Enhancement),
that use AI for control. While drones and remotes are used reg-
Influence (Aegis) 5, Resources 6, Status 4
ularly enough, the idea of fully automated robots has yet to be
Skills: Acting 4, Brawling 2, Bureaucracy 3, Computer explored. ISDM believes the results of its research will change
Programming 5, Computers 5, Drive (Cars) 3, Engineering that, and systems are being conceptualized for testing R&D’s
(Nanotechnology 5), Guns (Pistol) 4, Intimidation 4, robots with ISDM’s brains.
Research/Investigation 5, Science (Nanotechnology) 5,
ISDM assumes that at some point in the next twenty years
Stealth 4
it can have programs which react so similarly to human
behavior that they can be called “true AI”, but the ethics of
MIMIC that development have been ignored for the most part.
ISDM’s view of its technology distinguishes the creation from
STR 5 DEX 5 CON 6 INT 5 PER 6 WIL 4 the creator to a point where it’s clear that no programmed
Qualities: Atlantean Mimic, Atlantean Nanotech (Aspect behaviors will be akin to “real people” or have individual
Modification System, Mimic), Influence (Aegis) 5, Resources rights. The Headrooms (see Philosophy below) see a future
6, Status 4 much like Asimov’s, in which robots can be created so similar
to human that when given an AI brain there will be no way to
Skills: Acting 5, Brawling 2, Computer Programming 5,
distinguish between machine and man. Most of ISDM isn’t too
Computers 5, Drive (Cars) 3, Guns (Pistol) 2, Intimidation 4,
worried about it. The real future thinkers in ISDM are a little
Research/Investigation 5
more concerned, however, as such a reality might come about
1 2 3 4 5
far sooner than expected if breakthroughs in Atlantean nan- future-oriented thinkers are technophiles who envision a future
otechnology emerge in the near future. The potential for where Aegis operatives are constantly “jacked in” to HERMES
Atlantean technology makes ISDM wonder if the immortals and information transfer between any point on the globe is
might be able to do this already. instantaneous. A lot of strange ideas come out of visionary
heads, but like the other factions their results are undeniable.
Their idea of a VR interface for the MKIII was fully implement-
OVERRIDING PHILOSOPHY ed and streamlined for operative use, and they came up with a
variety of hardware configurations looking like everyday
The high concentration of engineers, techies, programmers,
objects. The big push with the visionaries involves the merging
sci-fi buffs and caffeine addicts in ISDM creates a wide variety
of the brain and the computer, undoubtedly the result of read-
of philosophies adhered to by its members. They run the gamut
ing too many cyberpunk novels. Many of the “Headrooms”
from strict utilitarianism (held by engineers and the Hardware
have meetings with R&D discussing things such as brain-com-
Team) to visionary technophiles looking to bring the future into
puter interfaces, bio-organic processors, and psychic storage
today (held by the more imaginative Software Team). The range
devices. So far no one’s tried anything unethical yet, but if a
of attitudes and philosophies helps in interfacing with other
framework for experimenting with the human brain and the
divisions; members of Hardware often deal with DAS and ISS
computer ever exists, ISDM has a number of scientists ready to
for their computer and processing needs, while Software team
work on the project.
members deal with Psi-Div and R&D.
ISDM’s biggest philosophical problem is that its desire for the
Three main schools of thought exist in ISDM, representing a
newest and best technology sometimes overwhelms Aegis’
fairly distinct line between visions of the past, present, and future.
agenda of defeating the aliens invading Earth. ISS and CIMH
The philosophy representing the past is the techno-supremacy
both keep close eyes on ISDM scientists, because perhaps more
movement, which most often manifests in a drive to discover
than any division in Aegis they might be subverted. ISDM never
opponents’ technologies and either reverse-engineer them or
directly communicates with its users. It never directly sees the
develop new systems that outperform them. The supremacists
reports it analyzes. ISDM is almost childlike in its naïveté about
are often seen as the members most willing to go out on a limb
Aegis’ relationship to its enemies, and this is dangerous. This
for the next sample of alien or Black Book technology, to keep up
has never been taken advantage of; one hopes it never will.
with the cutting-edge software and hardware used by Aegis’ ene-
mies. They also work substantially with R&D to learn everything
they can about how enemy computer technology interfaces with
weaponry and control systems. Other geeks in ISDM sometimes
call the supremacists “Joneses”, because they’re academics who
like to go out into the field, much like Indiana Jones, and have a The Foreign Affairs Division (FAD) is the isolated bastard
mentality to match. child of Aegis. Every Cell that has an international mission or
investigation will have some contact with FAD, even if the Cell
The philosophy rooted in the present is based in the devel-
members aren’t aware of it. For the size of its mandate, howev-
opment of chaos theory. These theorists deal with the some-
er, the Foreign Affairs Division is seriously undermanned, sub-
what esoteric applications of chaotic systems to both hardware
ject to arbitrary budget and personnel restrictions, and often
and software, specifically to artificial intelligence applications,
interfered with or ignored by other bureaus.
cryptography, and storage media. The chaosticians are interest-
ed in applying their theories to everything from stock market
manipulation to analysis of Atlantean experimentation patterns.
While many of ISDM’s scientists don’t particularly understand HISTORY
this recent bent in research, they can’t deny the results they’ve When Aegis was first created out of the ashes of The Watch,
seen. Fuzzy logic systems have made the HERMES Mark III link the concept called for a strictly national agency to protect
feasible, fractal compression and encryption techniques have American interests from supernatural and paranormal interfer-
increased security on Aegis systems to the point where it’s ence. Some interaction with various British agencies was main-
believed to be unhackable, and some behavioral analysis has tained, but for the most part, little or no thought was given to
even accurately predicted Grey abduction patterns on occasion. any attempt at moving Aegis operations into the international
While normal chaos theory is a mere abstraction, the incredibly realm. As early as 1955, what little operational resources were
advanced computer technology has allowed the “Bookworms” dedicated to foreign policy were placed under the control of the
to model environments so complex that chaos theory has prac- Bureau of Operations and Tactics, which resulted in those assets
tical application. being expended in stateside programs.
Finally, the visionaries won’t stop their efforts until Aegis can There were some attempts to keep ties with various other
“beam” agents into alien hotspots with their sentient android nations’ conspiracy groups, particularly those closely involved in
companions and zap them with their megavolt lasers. These the original Watch efforts. Specifically, in addition to British
groups, contact was kept with Italy’s GLADIO movement through lish connections in overseas areas, a time would come when
the CIA’s right wing faction and with the Israeli Zionist organiza- international efforts by the alien enemy would overwhelm any
tion inside the Mossad. The West German organization known as power locally in the States. Finally, Boudreaux demanded the
the Orchestra was also an instrumental part of early diplomatic immediate formation of a separate division inside Aegis,
agreements between Aegis Prime and international agencies. answerable directly to Aegis Prime, with its own budget and
At first, these agreements were limited to promises of nonin- resources, and with its own operational staff. In fact, what
tervention and the assurance that any agents of an allied organ- Boudreaux and his group were proposing was an entirely new
ization would be returned unharmed should they be stranded operation, part of Aegis only in name, causing quite a stir in
inside the host nation. With very little actually happening to Aegis Prime.
Aegis or its allies on the international front, the senior members After some heated discussions, Aegis Prime conceded that
of all the agencies believed that no further complicated foreign efforts needed coordination. Although Boudreaux was
arrangements would not be necessary. Throughout the Fifties moved on to other duties, OpTac was given direct control over
and Sixties, foreign operations by Aegis were solely the Cells operating overseas. At the same time, control over for-
province of overzealous or extremely dedicated Cells. These eign intelligence operations was given to ISS, further widening
early foreign operations were fly-by-wire affairs, with funding the split between the two divisions. To further complicate mat-
and equipment often purchased illegally in the host country, or ters, psychics in Psi-Div were producing hard intelligence
else smuggled in with the aid of criminal concerns. In 1956 a through remote viewing experiments, and the CIA was run-
total of three Cells were based outside the continental United ning the MKULTRA project as well, with various subprojects
States: one in Puerto Rico, one in Hawaii, and one in Japan. based on foreign soil. None of these other projects was over-
The first event to signal a need for a centralized foreign divi- seen in any way.
sion was a disastrous mission into Africa’s Congo region in Another failed mission in 1970 highlighted the dangers of
1957. Undertaken by an unauthorized Aegis Cell, the mission to splitting chains of command over a topic as sensitive as this. An
recover a crashed Atlantean beamship failed, and the Cell was Aegis Cell operating in Japan became involved in an unpleasant
met by stiff resistance from the African military. In Aegis Prime, incident involving rioting students at a Black Book–subsidized
a panic ensued when the exact final disposition of the Cell lab, and shots were fired. In the confusion, agents were arrest-
members could not be determined. Not only was it impossible ed and placed on trial as foreign saboteurs. Attempts to secure
to find out if the Cell members had been killed, no method the agents’ release were refused by Aegis’ newly designated
existed to undertake any kind of intelligence gathering in a for- Legal Affairs Division, on the basis that no legal resources had
eign country. Senior officials sweated out a terrible month, been developed overseas. OpTac began making arrangements
finally managing to confirm the deaths of the majority of the for an exchange of prisoners with Japanese officials, when
Cell. It wasn’t until the FAD began operations in South Africa in someone in ISS authorized an attempt to rescue them. When
1986 that the capture and interrogation of at least one Cell the details were leaked by an unknown source, the rescue was
member was uncovered and linked to the formation of the aborted and the agents were sentenced to prison terms.
Laager, a progovernment conspiracy in South Africa. Fortunately, none talked and security was maintained, but the
Following this debacle, discussion began on the best way to lesson was obvious. A centralized chain of command was need-
handle any further international operations. While decisions ed to provide support and intelligence to Cells, and it had to
were being made, from 1958 until 1964 no Cell operations were control all aspects of foreign operations.
permitted outside the country or its territories without express The deadly pace of bureaucracy proved to be near fatal in
permission from Aegis Prime. In 1965, with the escalation of the next few years. With operations overseas rising at an unex-
events in Southeast Asia, a working group was created to study pected rate, particularly along the Iron Curtain and in the
the proper means to ensure safety and deniability during any Caribbean, agents were being placed in harm’s way by the
overseas operation. Led by a young DIA operative named Éti- political battles between divisions. Finally, in 1975, Aegis Prime
enne Boudreaux, this group determined that the Black Book agreed to the formation of the Foreign Affairs Division. At first
was already operating outside the country and aggressively FAD was staffed by personnel from OpTac and ISS who had
pursuing relations with like-minded agencies in other nations. been working in the overseas area, but divisional policy was
Boudreaux decided that a lack of international connections always one of aggressive expansion, and FAD started recruiting
would not help Aegis resist the Black Book’s long-range goals. right away.
The working group developed a five-point plan to guide Aegis The first division chief was Sir Malcolm Withersby, a British
Prime in the creation of a foreign affairs division. lord who was a long-time associate of Aegis through his con-
The original document delivered to Aegis Prime was a politi- nection to the Royal Cryptozoological Society (see p. 188 and
cal bombshell. It implied a conscious attempt to sabotage Aegis the Paranormal Sourcebook). An intrepid explorer, Sir
operations by a person or persons inside of Aegis Prime. The Malcolm insisted on top-quality personnel and dependable
document also informed Prime that, should Aegis fail to estab- intelligence. He set a standard for all his operatives from day
1 2 3 4 5 6
one. No interpersonal conflicts were to be tolerated, nor were by local smugglers on FAD’s payroll. The subsequent investiga-
any agents to withhold any information, no matter how trivial tion revealed a major Black Book operation involving Saurians;
it might seem. At the outset, Sir Malcolm asked for, and the Cell was able to contact sympathetic local police and
received, total discretion in his operational priorities. arrange for a raid on the facility. Escaping the area with samples
Operating almost without any administrative constraints, the of Saurian technology and two Black Book prisoners, the Cell
new division set about rapidly creating an effective and far- returned to the States on a private flight again chartered by FAD
reaching overseas intelligence network. With the failure of agents. After a debriefing conducted by Foreign Affairs with Psi-
Black Book’s attempts to overthrow the Italian leftist govern- Div in attendance, the Cell was returned to field work, the pris-
ment, Sir Malcolm realized that meddling in foreign political oners turned over to OpTac interrogators, and the Saurian
agendas was a dangerous task, too potentially harmful to per- equipment sent to R&D. Aegis Prime was presented with a fait
mit. A policy of nonintervention was established and adhered accompli; the result was another series of meetings and anoth-
to. Agents in Sir Malcolm’s employ were allowed to make one er shutdown of Foreign Affairs Division operations.
mistake, then their employment was terminated. Sir Malcolm refused to apologize for the unauthorized and
By the start of 1977, the Foreign Affairs Division had grown unorthodox methods by which the operation was run. He
to more than sixty operatives in fifteen countries. Contact and focused instead on the obvious results. Aegis Prime argued for
cooperation were established with friendly agencies in Japan, weeks before finally allowing FAD to reopen for business. It
West Germany, Israel, Britain, and China. Formal secret agree- extracted a promise from Sir Malcolm that no more pirate oper-
ments protected the identity and status of any agent captured ations would be tolerated, but the final point went to Sir
in those countries. Intelligence was gathered on operational dif- Malcolm. Two weeks after his promise he retired, handing off
ficulties in other key areas, particularly in South America and his control to his second in command, the Cell leader who had
Southeast Asia. It was a FAD mission that first established the just completed the Kingston operation. Celeste Shea was a per-
possible location of Russian operations around the Tunguska fect choice for the new leadership of FAD, leading many inside
blast site in 1981. As the division expanded, it quickly outgrew the division to believe that Sir Malcolm had been grooming her
its limited budget of personnel and finances. Urgent requests to for the position for years. While Sir Malcolm stayed in close
Aegis Prime for more of both were met with disapproval, as the contact with his old division from his home in Santa Fe, there
senior controllers of Aegis felt that the goal had been satisfied was no doubt that Shea was now in charge.
and further growth was unnecessary. In the past twenty five years, Shea has continually risen to
In a secret meeting involving Sir Malcolm, Mark Hampton the challenge of operating a rogue division as outcast as FAD.
(Director of Psi-Div), a senior member of the diplomatic divi- Shea manages the division’s limited resources and expands the
sion, and a highly placed member of the Senate Oversight scope and function of FAD. Her latest brainstorm, the Strike
Committee, the need for continued expansion of Aegis’ Foreign Team, has met with interest among other divisions and is lead-
Affairs Division was reiterated. Sir Malcolm agreed to pass on ing Aegis forcefully into the future.
all foreign intelligence to both Psi-Div and the diplomats. In
return, Psi-Div would share all remote viewing information, and
diplomatic ties would be passed on as well. The senator
arranged the disappearance of a certain percentage of the
The Foreign Affairs Division is not well liked by many of the
national defense budget for black operations, a small sum that
other divisions. In some ways, it has usurped power and political
was then invested by FAD in various outside sources. The poli-
muscle. In others, it violates every rule in Aegis. To Aegis Prime, it
cy in FAD became one of making whatever connections an
is an organization constantly on the edge of open revolt, and it is
agent on the scene felt were necessary, and security matters
still open mainly because no one seems to be able to think of a
were given a distant second priority. Expansion in foreign areas
good way to close it down permanently. Shea and her band of
exploded over the next four years, and intelligence and contacts
mavericks aren’t slowing down any, either. The pace and tempo
were soon sealed in many trouble areas. Sir Malcolm also con-
of their operations have increased steadily, and the quantity of
ducted limited talks with his associates at the RCS and with
illegal resources and foreign national agents has increased with
other acquaintances in CAPS, securing offers of mutual aid by
it. Almost 30% of FAD’s budget now comes from outside
both organizations.
approved channels, and more than half of its agents have never
1985 saw the ultimate test of FAD’s new structure and meth- actually been residents of the United States. As a result, the aver-
ods. An agent in place in Kingston, Jamaica, reported the exis- age agent in FAD is either working from a strong personal moti-
tence of several suspicious persons in the area, accompanied vation or for that oldest of motivators, money.
by a sudden series of UFO sightings. FAD operatives delivered a
Foreign Affairs divides control of its field agents into nine
set of forged orders from Aegis Prime to a Cell leader in Florida,
zones of control: Caribbean, South American, European,
instructing her to investigate and report her findings. The Cell
Balkan, Southern Asian, Russian, African, Chinese, and
leader and her Cell were transported in cigarette boats crewed
Indonesian. Each of these zones has a Senior Controller, who
is responsible for overall coordination and distribution of all that a security breach is detected. FAD protects its contacts very
resources allocated to that zone. Below the Senior Controller closely, and no one above the local Field Supervisor (or past
are numerous Desk Chiefs, each responsible for operations supervisors of the same area) knows the true identity of any
and intelligence in several countries with similar needs or local agents, just as the identities of current Field Supervisors
problems. Below the Desk Chiefs are an indeterminate num- are in turn known only to the Desk Chiefs.
ber of Field Supervisors, the first true field agents in FAD. FAD is in the process of beginning another round of expan-
These men and women are the on-scene intelligence analysts, sion. With world events in the Middle East still tense, and with
arranging for the hiring and control of local foreign nationals Gulf sightings spreading and becoming more frequent, there
to undertake whatever operations Aegis requires. The general are plans to focus new networks in these regions. This will
structure of field units of the Foreign Affairs Division resem- require an increase in recruiting and activity in those areas.
bles a smaller version of Aegis, with each Field Supervisor run- Also, developments following the break-up of the former Soviet
ning several contacts, who in turn control their own local republics have given field personnel in that zone a safer margin
assets. Many agents below the Field Supervisor do not know of operation, coupled with increased opportunities for stateside
who they are actually working for, and false flag or blind Cells to pursue events inside the old Iron Curtain region. Finally,
recruitments are common. Aegis Cells that utilize FAD assets proposals are being assessed to revise the division’s opera-
are warned in advance by the local Field Supervisor which tional relationship with CAPS and the Psi-Div operators, moving
local personnel are cleared for sensitive information. In FAD toward an actual open alliance with both organizations. Sir
essence, FAD is running a massive international mercenary Malcolm still handles the division’s contacts within the Royal
organization for Aegis’ use. The significance of the potential Cryptozoological Society, although he is easing Shea into a
for abuse of this group has not been lost on Aegis Prime, and position to take even those responsibilities from him.
ISS audits and surprise visits of this division are frequent.
The modern Foreign Affairs Division bears little resemblance
Because Field Supervisors often coordinate Cell visits per- to the original concept. It has expanded well beyond its initial
sonally, their exposure is high. This problem is solved in one of design as a transport and cover operation, fulfilling actual espi-
two ways. First, all Field Supervisors are instructed to maintain onage and operational functions in the last decade on par with
a cover identity that is immune to reproach by local authorities. anything that the other Aegis divisions have managed. Its suc-
Second, all Field Supervisors are rotated from one posting to cess is due to the high caliber of motivation its personnel have,
another no less than once every two years. Most find them- and the small number of actual Aegis operatives employed. All-
selves being promoted to Desk Chief within ten years, or trans- important and security-sensitive issues are handled by Aegis
ferred to the Intelligence Analysis Desk if there are no openings personnel, but everything else is left in the hands of the local
in the field. mercs and contacts. The new Aegis Strike Teams (AST), com-
A posting to the IA Desk is considered a good deal, since it posed of highly trained FAD operatives usually stolen wholesale
means duty at the FAD offices, located in New York City. Even from other divisions, are constantly on standby, ready to go into
this choice of office locations has been a sticking point with action in any foreign locale whenever Shea and her Desk Chiefs
Aegis Prime, since it physically isolates the division from con- believe the risk merits the potential rewards. These special
trol. The offices, on the seventh floor of a Manhattan skyrise by agents live around the country, their names kept in a special
Central Park, are a prime example of the attitude among FAD secure database at FAD headquarters. When required, an AST
agents. It is an elegant and well decorated establishment with a operative is given a call, wired a ticket, and dispatched to the
cafeteria and discrete security station. The entire office is listed area of operations under cover. Once in the area, the team is
as a shipping company on the building’s lease, but it is not assembled by the local Field Supervisor and briefed. After the
advertised and generates no business. Through creative tax mission is completed, all the AST members return home sepa-
accounting (assisted by the Legal Division), the entire company rately. No real names are used, and the operatives are not given
is a dummy, declaring modest losses and gains each year to the any further information. Other divisions have noticed the AST
IRS. The front lobby on the floor holds brochures and company concept, and some discussion of utilizing the concept in the
profit and earning statements, and looks exactly like an office future has been bandied about by Aegis Prime. In the mean-
for a moderately successful midlevel company. Inside the actu- time, OpTac efforts to grab hold of the personnel assigned to
al offices, the agents and desk chiefs work nonstop, sending AST have failed. Even ISS has been unable to force FAD to iden-
messages all around the world, booking flights, and arranging tify these so-called rogue agents, and their operations have
cover operations for Cells outside the country on “business.” been disavowed by Foreign Affairs. It is rumored that the AST
The communications center for FAD is a miracle of telecommu- agents are paid quite handsomely for their efforts from black
nications engineering, with forty separate protected and secure funds leeched from government sources.
phone lines with satellite uplinks to individual countries around
the world. The local computer network is similar in nature and
contains a remote link to HERMES. Both systems are arranged
to purge all data on the drives and control stations in the event
1 2 3 4 5 6
deserved, even ordering a newly married pair of agents to go
MOVERS AND SHAKERS on a mission to Paris, only to reveal elaborate honeymoon
The Foreign Affairs Division has fewer personnel than many plans waiting for them at their hotel. Her sense of humor is also
other divisions in Aegis. Both Sir Malcolm and Shea believe that legendary among senior operatives, and few have not been the
this increases control of operations, while lessening the bureau- target of a good-natured prank or two during their careers.
cratic snares they perceive in other organizations. This does
Shea has undergone some training in her psychic talents
cause the average FAD operative to work significantly longer
since entering Aegis, but rumors about her actual level of abili-
hours than her coworkers in other divisions, but the work is
ty vary wildly. It is certain that she sees things in others that
exciting, and profitable as well. Along with Sir Malcolm, who is
most people miss, and that her judgments of new personnel
technically retired, and Celeste Shea herself, only a few major
tend to hit the mark with an uncanny frequency. Her use of
players are in the FAD offices. To outsiders, it appears that anar-
Etienne Boudreaux and Minerva Meadows as personal emis-
chy and autonomy are the rule in Foreign Affairs, as the lead-
saries of FAD, as well as the frequency with which she lends
ership presents a solid front to all employees. The division
them out to other divisions for work, has caused a few com-
employs an expert accounting and legal staff on loan from Legal
ments among Aegis Prime and the ISS, but has not reflected
Affairs, led by Dr. Travis Boynman; his management skills are
badly on her yet.
instrumental in handling those few field problems not con-
trolled at the local level. The Head Controller, Roman
Osbourne, is in charge of coordinating interzone efforts when-
ever they become necessary; his own leadership of the
European Zone is inspired, and the model which all new Senior STR 2 DEX 3 CON 3 INT 4 PER 3 WIL 5
Controllers try to emulate.
Qualities: Influence (Aegis) 6, Resources 5, Status 5,
Strong ESP (Intuition)
CELESTE SHEA, DIRECTOR OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Skills: Brawling 1, Bureaucracy 3, Computer Use 3, Drive
Shea is currently 57 years old, but she appears to be much
younger. This may be simply from her energetic and resource- (Cars) 2, Haggling 3, Instruction 3, Medicine 3,
ful manner. Celeste Shea came into contact with Aegis at an Research/Investigation 4, Science (Biology) 3, Science
early age, since her father was an important member of the (Cryptography) 3, Stealth 4
original Watch organization and a participant in Pat Price’s stud-
ies at Project Cygnet in the early years of CIA/Aegis research.
Tested at an early age, Shea was found to have a strong apti-
tude for empathic telepathy, but her parents chose not to SIR MALCOLM WITHERSBY, FORMER DIRECTOR OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS,
exploit these talents. She inherited her mother’s scientific
expertise, but after several years of premed, Shea discovered a RCS AFFILIATE
Sir Malcolm is 91 years old and sports thick gray hair and a
lack of patience and promptly enlisted in the Army as a cryp-
walrus mustache. Sir Malcolm was the only son of a wealthy
tographer. There she became well respected for her keen han-
English family of the peerage and a decorated hero of the
dling of intelligence analysis and was introduced to Sir Malcolm
Second World War, where he served with distinction in the OSS
Withersby at an embassy party in Washington. She was a pop-
under Wild Bill Donovan. With the dissolution of the OSS and
ular and highly effective Cell leader, and Sir Malcolm chose her
the formation of the purely American CIA, Sir Malcolm returned
to conduct FAD’s first truly independent operation. The follow-
to his beloved England, where he watched his own children
ing year she rose to lead the division, surprising Aegis Prime
grow up to have children of their own. Occasionally he puttered
both with her dedication and her obvious level of knowledge.
around with his old friends from the Royal Cryptozoological
Since her ascension to head of FAD, Shea has proved how Society. In 1958, he was severely injured by a leopard man
valuable she is to Aegis. To those in Foreign Affairs, Shea is a while in the Amazon basin. After the death of his wife in 1962,
whirlwind of energy and seemingly limitless drive, exhorting he dedicated all his spare time to the RCS. This led to his first
others in her employ to exceed even their own high expecta- meeting with Aegis personnel in 1966, while on safari in Africa
tions. Failure due to incompetence or lack of effort is a major seeking proof of the Mkole-Mbembe. A series of cooperative
crime in Shea’s eyes, and few operatives who fail that way get correspondence started, ending with his selection as the head
a second chance to drop the ball. Failure for operationally of Foreign Affairs upon its creation in 1975.
unavoidable circumstances or dumb luck, on the other hand, is
While he enjoyed his time as leader of the division, Sir
viewed as a learning exercise, a chance to pin down better ways
Malcolm’s health had been declining for several years before
of doing business. Shea is quick to intervene or offer her opin-
his selection of Celeste Shea to take his place. After he
ion of an operative’s decisions, but smart enough to know when
announced his retirement, Sir Malcolm moved to Santa Fe to be
to hold back and give junior personnel a chance to figure things
near his grandchildren, who are unaware of his connection to
out on their own. She is also quick with praise when it is
the American government. He continues to check in on Shea by
phone every few weeks, giving advice when requested. He Boynman is married, with two grown daughters and a
views her as a well loved daughter and takes a great deal of teenaged son. His wife and kids are unaware exactly what func-
pride in her success. Sir Malcolm has been using a wheelchair tion he fulfills in the government, but they know it’s secretive
for the last year and his health continues to decline, but he and stay out of his affairs. He has never intimated at the nature
makes every effort to be available if and when needed by Shea, of his work, but has had several brushes with ISS agents con-
the division, or Aegis Prime. His contacts inside the RCS are cerned that he might be a security problem. To him, his work is
slowly being acclimatized to Shea, and Sir Malcolm hopes to merely the application of various legal and quasilegal maneu-
have completed a full turnover of those contacts by the end of vers to the needs of a semilegitimate government agency and
the year. not that important.
A ten-year veteran of field operations for Foreign Affairs,
STR 2 DEX 2 CON 3 INT 4 PER 4 WIL 3 Roman heads up efforts in the European Zone, as well as acting
as the head coordinator for any operations or decisions that
Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Aegis) 6, Influence
affect multiple zones. He is 51 years old, with a generally
(Paranormal) 3, Physical Disability (Crippled Legs),
swarthy complexion and muscular build. His most striking fea-
Resources 5, Status 4
tures are his wide brown eyes and bushy eyebrows, and he has
Skills: Bureaucracy 2, Computers 1, Drive (Cars) 2, Guns recently started to go bald. He was intimately involved in most
(Pistol) 1, Language (Arabic) 3, Language (French) 3, field operations in the early years of the division and was once
Language (German) 3, Language (Morse Code) 4, Language a member of Shea’s Cell. In total, he has almost thirty years’
(Swahili) 3, Occult Knowledge 3, Research/Investigation 4, experience in Aegis, most of it in the field in one capacity or
Science (Cryptozoology) 4, Smooth Talking 4, Surveillance another. He has been in charge of the European Zone for the
3, Survival (Jungle) 3 last five years and enjoys his job and position immensely. He
has no intention of quitting or retiring any time soon, although
he has begun to take more time off following his recent mar-
DR. TRAVIS BOYNMAN, HEAD OF ACCOUNTING AND LEGAL STAFF riage (his first). Roman is known for running things as a selec-
Boynman is not technically a member of Foreign Affairs, tive democracy, a method that has been adopted by most other
being on loan from Legal Affairs Division. Although he doesn’t zones. He is willing to listen to anyone’s opinion and takes
assert his opinion on field operations, he and his staff oversee advice as well as he gives it. His biggest failing is a tendency to
all business at headquarters, ensuring that covers and opera- get too involved with his personnel; on more than one occa-
tions are as deniable and airtight as humanly possible. A rather sion, he has risked doing severe damage to Aegis in order to
formal person, Boynman projects a comfortable but standoffish recover Cells that were lost or compromised in the field. He
front. He used to teach international law at Harvard Law School, makes no apologies for this, and it actually increases his worth
a position he gave up at once when approached by Legal to the men and women who work in his zone.
Division agents. Boynman has a somewhat unrealistic view of The biggest proponent of the use of ASTs in the division,
Aegis operations; his lack of any field experience shows in his Roman apparently has a good working relationship with
boyish enthusiasm for stories about fieldwork. He can often be Boudreaux, and the two are known to take simultaneous vaca-
found haunting the Desk Chiefs’ working spaces, hoping to get tions in order to go fishing back in Boudreaux’s home. Roman
a peek at something interesting. The operatives at headquarters is also close to the director herself and updates her constantly
are well aware of this idiosyncrasy and frequently assign a jun- on any problems or concerns that the other Senior Controllers
ior caseworker to a day’s work shepherding Boynman around, and their personnel have.
keeping him entertained while keeping him out of the Desk
Chiefs’ hair.
1 2 3 4 5 6
The difficulty of cleaning out the criminal elements current-
ly in FAD’s contact list is the impact it would have on revenues
generated. Field Supervisors have been able to generate huge
sums of money in deals of questionable morals. The fact that
much of this money went into the division’s coffers to pay for
the expenses of its many off-the-books operations was con-
sidered reason enough to overlook the profit many field
supervisors were skimming off the top. Recent revelations of
just how high these profits were are still classified, but the
number was enough to shock Celeste Shea into re-evaluating
the financial operations of field agents. When she ordered the
termination of a Southeast Asian field supervisor for his
involvement in the slave trade, Boudreaux and Meadows car-
ried out the mission. The message was clear to all field super-
visors: Victimless graft would be accepted, but involvement in
blatant criminal operations was no longer tolerated. The loss
of profits to the division has been covered by an increase in
illegal skimming of government black operations funds, but
the numbers do not look good. In order for continued expan-
sion and coverage to occur, a new source of money will have
to be located soon. In the meantime, the division has imple-
mented a few cost-cutting measures to trim the excess fat
from the division’s bones.
A higher concern is the continual interference by divisions
such as OpTac and ISS. Aegis Prime must be constantly remind-
ed of the need for a foreign affairs department, and Shea has to
GOALS address concerns whenever confidence levels decline, a week-
The overall goal of the Foreign Affairs Division is simple: sup- ly occurrence recently. OpTac has made several propositions to
port Aegis Cell operations outside the country, using whatever move FAD and all its operations into OpTac’s control, a move
means necessary. Of course, the implementation of this policy is that has been narrowly defeated due to the rarity with which
where FAD gets into trouble. At this point, the real goal of Foreign OpTac operatives actually perform fieldwork. Boudreaux was
Affairs is to expand its coverage of potential future operational rumored to have made a counterproposal in which all of
areas and to protect itself from any outside attempts to hinder or Groom Lake and Operation BLUE FLY would be given to Foreign
control its operational abilities. The first goal is being met quite Affairs and expanded for global use. If this proposal was made,
effectively, but the second still causes problems. it certainly would not have met with much support. Shea has
Expansion requires money and personnel, items that are in issued orders to all field personnel to be very careful in their
short supply throughout Aegis. The solution for FAD until very support of outside operations, particularly those run by OpTac.
recently was the diverting of funds from other government While no obstruction is planned, FAD reveals as few of its
agencies, coupled with hiring local personnel unaware of Aegis’ resources as possible to outside divisions, with the exception of
existence. Foreign Affairs has turned a few small-time criminals Psi-Div. Psi-Div still profits from an unlimited supply of foreign
into major international players. Its involvement in the career of intelligence information generated by FAD field agents and
Manuel Noriega has never been brought to light, nor was its passes on all relevant psychic remote-viewing results.
interference in American attempts to free hostages in Iran dur-
ing the Carter administration. This ongoing involvement in
international politics and crime has caused worry in Aegis OUTLOOK/PHILOSOPHY
Prime, and the negative attention that has been garnered from At the top, the bureaucracy churns out the orders, often with
FAD’s recruitment policies has led to a recent restructuring of little or no explanation. Supervisors pass down the orders,
hiring practices. Shea has ordered a shift from hiring criminals while the field operatives carry them out. All of this is done with
to ideologically motivated local groups, as well as the increased a constant high level of energy and a low level of supervision or
use of long-term professional agents who have worked with oversight. It is a paradise for the so-called cowboy operative,
Aegis for decades. It is hoped that the eventual goal of 100% although recent restrictions have made blatant disregard for
professional operatives can be reached someday, but the reali- authority slightly less acceptable than it once was.
ty is that there will always be a need for deniable assets and
low-level expendable thugs.
In 2000, CIMH began a massive investigation of Aegis, both
inside and out. Haskell felt that there were too many unsound
agents, and too many Cells employing unstable individuals.
CIMH still sifts through HERMES transmissions and working
with ISS to look into every active Cell. ISS often requests the
presence of a CIMH psychologist to watch a shadowed agent,
1 2 3 4 5 6
looking for signs of mental stress, fatigue, or any odd behavior. receive instructions to treat the agent long term, or to keep the
CIMH also lends its evaluation and profiling team to CORS agent sedated until a response team can be dispatched.
whenever a new recruit is being seriously considered. Several senior staff members, who gather their information
CIMH is composed of two main divisions and a handful of through Project Vigil (see below), oversee the Emergency
specialized projects. Field Oversight was created to watch over Response Network. They determine who is most qualified to
and assist Aegis and Cell members. Research and Development evaluate and treat an affected agent and dispatch the appropri-
works in mundane clinical, behavioral psychology, and neu- ate individuals. There are occasions when an agent deteriorates
ropsychology to identify and treat disorders unique to agents in so badly that she is unable to meet for evaluation. In this situa-
Aegis. All operatives working in CIMH serve a dual purpose; in tion, CIMH has the agent transported to a local hospital which
addition to their individual projects they are available at any houses an Aegis operative who will admit, isolate, and sedate
time to be temporarily pulled from their projects to evaluate or the agent until she can be safely and quietly moved.
counsel an affected individual in the field or within Aegis. In this
way, CIMH maintains a pool of mental health professionals to
treat the specific disorders experienced by agents. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT
CIMH has a large library on the identification and treatment
of various mental illnesses, both mundane and supernatural,
FIELD OVERSIGHT housed in the facility in Tucson. A trained team of clinical
The Field Oversight group was created to monitor security researchers use the volumes of qualitative and case study data
and safety risks due to psychological trauma, and to assist provided by agents over the years to examine potential disor-
agents. Field Oversight works closely with ISS, providing infor- ders that are unique to Aegis agents. The human mind is, in
mation on possible security threats due to psychological trauma some ways, a very fragile organ, and when overtaxed to com-
and monitoring agents flagged by ISS as displaying erratic prehend alien invasion of Earth, reality of the supernatural, and
behavior. Field Oversight is split into two separate teams, deep-rooted conspiracies, it has a tendency to crumble.
reporting directly to David Haskell. Much of the research CIMH harbors is not directly related to
Aegis activities. CIMH has agents placed in National Institute for
FIELD RESPONSE Mental Health, National Institute for Health, and the FBI. New
The Field Response team was initially created to be a unit of developments and breakthroughs in the field of mental health,
psychologists, neuropsychologists, and psychiatrists that would including clinical, behavioral, and neuropsychology are immedi-
be dispatched to the site of a known alien encounter to deal ately forwarded to CIMH and added to the database.
with the psychological trauma agents might suffer. In the past
CIMH has several operatives in the National Institute of
ten years, it evolved into something of a last resort for agents
Mental Health’s Neuroscience Division who keep CIMH up-to-
who have suffered complete psychological degeneration and
date on the latest scientific developments in the field of neurol-
have effectively gone AWOL. For the safety of the agent, and the
ogy and neuropsychology. CIMH maintains its own neuropsy-
security of Aegis, the Field Response team is dispatched with
chology branch, which deals with mapping out neurological
ISS operatives to attempt to bring the agent in. Driven by the
response patterns to more spectacular events, such as super-
desire to heal and the need to understand what happened to
natural, alien, and psi. This is by far one of the most interesting
this agent, CIMH takes particular interest in these rare cases.
and frightening projects to work in.
William Courvant, an ex-SWAT negotiator, heads up the Field
Response team. He usually works with several agents, including
two recruited CIA psychologists who spent their careers coun-
In 1970, while Haskell was working in ISS, he developed
seling agents coming out of deep cover, and several agents Project Vigil, a monitoring system set up through HERMES. This
from Psi-Div. system tackled the need to keep watch over the psychological
make-up and health of agents in the field, and the health and
EMERGENCY RESPONSE NETWORK morale of their collective Cells. This project established a proto-
CIMH also maintains the Emergency Response Network col by which an agent in a Cell, preferably one with a back-
(ERN), a web of Aegis operatives who are degreed specialists in ground in psychology, would be contacted through HERMES to
the field of clinical psychology. These operatives are either provide information on the psychological status of her fellow
agents from other Cells, members in CIMH, or operatives work- agents. Cells lacking an agent with a psychology background
ing throughout the United States in major hospitals. In the event have their HERMES transmissions monitored more closely.
an agent in any Cell seems to be suffering the effects of a psy-
In addition, the operatives in Vigil search through HERMES,
chological shock, these doctors are contacted and dispatched to
looking for key words that alert them to any traumatizing situ-
a safe, neutral location to meet with the agent and evaluate her
ation or affected agent. Between these two methods, Vigil can
condition. These doctors report back to CIMH via HERMES and
Project Mercury was developed in 1990 by Dr. Rousseau-
Baptiste with Dr. Kelly in Psi-Div after the tragedy at Harper’s JEANNE ROUSSEAU-BAPTISTE, PH.D., CO-DIRECTOR OF CIMH
Cross. Mercury consists of physicians and researchers spread Rousseau-Baptiste emigrated from Nigeria and attended
throughout CIMH who deal specifically with psychological Johns Hopkins University in 1968, a child prodigy accepted into
research, treatment, and care of psychic agents. Most interest- college at the age of sixteen. She graduated with a Ph.D. in clin-
ing is a branch that deals specifically with neuropsychology of ical psychology and behavioral psychology and worked for the
psychics housed in Psi-Town and working directly with Psi- Div. CIA as an on-staff psychologist before being recruited into Aegis
Several of them are psychics who deal with overseeing the in 1973. Aegis’s interest in Jeanne began in the agency when
mental health of the other psychics in Aegis. her empathic psychic ability was noticed, and she was recruited
into Aegis Psi-Div as an on-site psychologist. Her empathic abil-
ity is not widely known outside of the upper echelons of CIMH
and Psi-Div.
1 2 3 4 5 6
She now runs the Research branch of CIMH and oversees all
of CIMH with Haskell, reporting directly to Aegis Prime. She is
in her early 50’s, although one wouldn’t guess by looking at As Aegis expands, CIMH’s goals are in the process of rapidly
her, for she shows little signs of aging. She is a slightly plump, multiplying. Primarily CIMH identifies, treats, and works to pre-
attractive woman from Nigeria, with copper-colored eyes and vent psychological trauma in Aegis agents. CIMH treats disor-
dark skin. She wears her long, dark hair in thick braids, through ders stemming from the mundane and paranormal and delves
it is usually tied up in a colorful headscarf. She is an incredibly into extensive research. This division works closely and openly
calm and kind woman, approachable and friendly, and can with ISS and Psi-Div. ISS is interested in CIMH’s insight into the
make the most unsettled individual at ease after a few moments minds of its agents in the field, and Psi-Div looks to CIMH for
in her presence. She cares very deeply about the well-being of unique insight into treatment psychic agents need. In recent
the agents in Aegis and is concerned that as the years pass, the days, CIMH has been working with SED on the effect of the
psychological research CIMH has done will be critical if a large supernatural on the human psyche.
population is ever exposed to a paranormal experience. She still
works closely with Dr. Denise Kelly in Psi-Div, and the two of
them have a friendly rapport. ATMOSPHERE
Haskell and Rousseau-Baptiste have worked very hard to
JEANNE ROUSSEAU-BAPTISTE keep CIMH free from a lot of the political stress that currently
disrupts the rest of Aegis. Since CIMH’s inception, they have
STR 3 DEX 2 CON 3 INT 4 PER 4 WIL 4 recruited and staffed CIMH with certain personality types:
Qualities: Animal Empathy, Influence (Aegis) 4, Psychic, strong-willed, innovative thinkers and researchers, people with
Resources 3, Status 4, Strong ESP (Intuition) a mind for puzzles and enigmas, doctors who genuinely care
about their field and the individuals they research and treat.
Skills: Bureaucracy 3, Computers 3, Haggling 2, They recruit individuals with strong empathy and compassion,
Language (American Sign Language) 3, Language (French) high intelligence, and a drive for the security of Aegis. It is
3, Language (Ibo) 4, Research/Investigation 4, Science because of this selective recruiting that CIMH is as internally
(Behavioral Psychology) 4, Science (Clinical Psychology) 4, stable as it is.
Science (Parapsychology) 4, Trance 3
Despite their best efforts, many psychologists working in
Psychic Abilities: Telepathy (Telempathy) (Art 2, Str 3) CIMH in a clinical capacity are suffering from fatigue and
burnout, and clinicians working with SED and in HERA are suf-
fering secondary trauma. To combat this, these affected coun-
selors have set up their own internal debriefing groups to com-
WILLIAM COURVANT, M.D., PH.D., HEAD OF FIELD RESPONSE bat their stress and possible secondary psychological trauma, but
William Courvant began his career as a hostage negotiator in some clinicians are reluctant to take advantage of this option. As
the NYPD SWAT after graduating from the Louisville School of a consequence, there is an overall attitude that beneath the rosy,
Medicine in Kentucky. He did consulting and training for the FBI almost mellow exterior of CIMH, something big is about to hap-
before becoming a full member of the FBI’s Hostage Rescue pen and it is putting the department as a whole on alert as CIMH
Team in 1990. In 1993, he was recruited into Aegis to oversee begins gearing up for this massive project.
the Field Response Team after his predecessor was killed while
hunting down a rogue agent who had degenerated. William CIMH maintains an open rapport with the ISS External
holds degrees in clinical and forensic psychiatry and behavioral Security Division, mostly due to David Haskell’s presence. He
psychology. Courvant is a handsome, youthful-looking man has been aware for quite some time now of the pressure ISS is
with short blond hair and brown eyes. under, and his loyalties to the security of Aegis drive him to
help ISS in any way he can. In return, ISS is aware of how
important CIMH is to the safety and security of Aegis, and
WILLIAM COURVANT works to alert CIMH of any agents observed in the field show-
ing signs of mental stress.
Qualities: Influence (Aegis) 4, Resources 4, Status 3
Skills: Bureaucracy 3, First Aid 3, Haggling 5, Medicine
(Psychiatry) 4, Running (Marathon) 3, Science (Behavioral
Psychology) 3, Science (Clinical Psychology) 3, Science
(Forensic Psychiatry) 3, Stealth 4
1 2 3 4 5 6
ularly dangerous foes. The operation’s directors think little of
PHYSICAL FACILITIES sending a Cell after a single Infused Predator and typically
Located in a secluded annex of the University of Chicago near
Lake Michigan, the main offices of SED appear to be a think tank regard requests for special equipment or similar assistance as
devoted to the study of occult beliefs in the United States. a sign of weakness. They recognize, however, that going
Officially listed as the headquarters of the Center for Advanced against Infused bands or Prophets with human and Infused
Phenomenological Studies, the publicly listed staff includes a followers are rather daunting prospects and will provide assis-
small assortment of well regarded psychologists, anthropolo- tance for missions considered significantly dangerous. In the
gists, and folklorists. Underneath these offices lies the real heart most extreme cases, especially when a previous Cell has failed
of SED. In several basement levels, accessible only through two to remove the threat, one or more senior Neutralization staff
carefully concealed elevators, are storage areas for various gri- members will accompany Cells on the missions. For the most
moires, special weapons, and enchanted items, as well as exten- dangerous or highly sensitive missions, Neutralization sends
sive research labs for investigating such items. out its own monster-hunting teams.
On the bottom-most level is a 150m tunnel that leads to a When Outreach uncovers a cult or magical group that
second series of rooms actually located beneath Lake Michigan. appears to use magical power for malevolent purposes, it and
Here, behind a series of air- and water-tight bulkhead doors, Neutralization work together to determine if an organization
are cells for the containment of various Infused and Forsaken should be contracted, destroyed, or merely avoided. While
captives, as well as the dwelling places and labs for the two many Neutralization personnel prefer permanent solutions to
Adepts which SED keeps on as auxiliary staff. For safety consid- supernatural problems, Aegis policy mandates that a hostile
erations this entire section can be instantly sealed off, and if supernatural group or creature is dealt with by unobtrusive
necessary destroyed by powerful concealed explosive charges. means. Frequently Neutralization Cells are called upon either to
collect or plant incriminating evidence on leaders of dangerous
or hostile magical groups.
ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE When Neutralization captures supernatural artifacts or enti-
SED is divided into three sections: Neutralization, Outreach,
and Research. These divisions operate independently but often ties it turns them over to Research for evaluation and testing.
end up working together in the course of their work. Each Interactions between the moralistic Neutralization members
department is equal and to avoid conflicts the three department and the somewhat power-hungry Research staff can become
heads consult on all important decisions. These decisions are heated as they argue whether an item or creature is too dan-
then subject to oversight and review by Aegis Prime. gerous or useful. In practice, many of the most horrific crea-
tures and devices end up being “accidentally” destroyed by
Neutralization, rather than take any chances.
The Neutralization division is responsible for cataloguing,
researching, and ultimately eliminating supernatural threats. OUTREACH
Such threats can range from individual Infused to large, demon- The Outreach division is responsible for locating, evaluat-
ically backed supernatural organizations. In all such cases ing, and possibly contacting new supernatural organizations.
Neutralization attempts to identify supernatural threats and It is also responsible for maintaining positive contacts. Since
either contain or eliminate them. In most cases this means supernatural knowledge and expertise are usually scattered
killing dangerous Infused, locking up demented Forsaken, exor- and difficult to obtain, SED is always seeking new supernatu-
cising ghosts, and either driving off or, if possible, magically ral allies. The division is responsible for coordinating the work
capturing Demons. While Neutralization members tend to be of the Knights of Mona, CAPS, the Lodge of the World Tree,
people with an interest in destroying supernatural menaces, the and L’Eclatant Revolte (LER). Outreach also maintains exten-
full mission of the department also includes cataloging new sive files on all known supernatural organizations. When it
types of menaces and recovering any and all supernatural arti- discovers evidence of a new organization Outreach will
facts and creatures which could prove useful to Aegis. request that Cells investigate and possibly infiltrate the organ-
Neutralization also has the secondary mission of attempting to ization to discover its goals, ideology, and level of supernatu-
keep the knowledge of actual supernatural events from reach- ral knowledge.
ing the general public. Outreach consists of around forty on-site personnel who
Neutralization is the smallest branch of SED and has oversee the operations of the division, maintain contacts with
around two dozen active, on-site field agents handling all of allied magical groups, and negotiate delicate agreements with
the problems it can. To aid it in its mission, Neutralization newly contacted groups. In addition, Outreach is closely allied
works with more than a dozen Cells of trained personnel who with eight Cells located throughout the United States and half a
are based throughout the country, as well as half a dozen sim- dozen more scattered through Europe and the Middle East,
ilar Cells based in Europe. Neutralization can make special- forming the primary units for this department.
ized hardware available to Cells that are going against partic-
1 2 3 4 5 6
increasingly aware of the threats facing the Earth and wishes to ered Watson’s involvement in the supernatural. At that time
find allies to help with these problems. In her position in SED, Aegis was actively recruiting all powerful, noncorrupted magi-
Tanaka-san is able to closely observe how Aegis deals with cians it could find and recruited her ten months later. Shortly
newly contacted magical groups. While she will never willingly afterward she joined the newly formed SED as an occult
reveal her membership in The Forever to Aegis, her recom- researcher.
mendations about Aegis have been quite positive. If nothing Her brilliance and her loyalty to Aegis are unquestioned, but
negative occurs in the meantime, she plans to fake her death in she is known to regard results as significantly more important
two years, shortly before The Forever makes formal contact than the methods used to achieve them. While she would never
with Aegis. intentionally corrupt someone or refuse to aid someone in
Recently, Tanaka-san has developed another interest. Dr. Aegis who has become corrupted, she personally monitors the
Helen Watson has become increasingly interested in immortal- activities of several brilliant independent occultists whom she
ity spells. She has already managed to slow her aging slightly considers good candidates for becoming Adepts. Should she
with magic and is currently using her off hours to conduct discover that any of these individuals become corrupted she
research on creating a powerful Longevity Ritual, as well as talk- will contact them and offer to either cure their corruption or use
ing with SED’s two resident Adepts about this topic. Her bril- magic to help ensure that they become powerful, but relatively
liance and magical prowess make Dr. Watson an excellent can- sane, Adepts.
didate for membership in The Forever. Her close association
with various Adepts makes her somewhat suspect, however, so
Tanaka-san is evaluating her for possible contact or possible DR. HELEN WATSON
elimination, if Dr. Watson appears too likely to be a danger to
the immortal community. STR 3 DEX 3 CON 3 INT 4 PER 3 WIL 5
Qualities: Influence (Aegis) 3, Influence (Paranormal) 3,
Resources 3, Status 3
MIOSHI TANAKA Skills: Computers 2, Electronics 2, Engineer 2, Occult
STR 3 DEX 3 CON 3 INT 3 PER 4 WIL 4 Knowledge 3, Research/Investigation 3, Rituals
(Ceremonial) 4, Science (Physics) 4, Science (Psychology) 2
Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Aegis) 2, Influence
(Paranormal) 4, Resources 4, Status 3, Supernatural Focus
Skills: Computers 2, Haggling 3, Humanities (History) 4,
Occult Knowledge 3, Research/Investigation 3, Rituals
(Shamanic) 4, Science (Cryptozoology) 2 GOALS
Rituals: Choose 12, level 3 SED exists to study the supernatural. One of the main ten-
sions in the organization is that it really holds two goals: to
learn about malefic supernatural manifestations so that they
can be combated and destroyed, and to understand magic
DR. HELEN WATSON, HEAD OF RESEARCH DIVISION and the supernatural so that they can be used against Aegis’
Dr. Helen Watson is the head of the Research division as well enemies. Research division is beginning to experiment with
as one of the founding members of SED. Before she was recruit- using mass belief to deliberately shape Seepage and control
ed by Aegis she was an occult researcher working with the well energies. One recent experiment involved using Outreach and
known mad scientist Adept Anders Sonderson, creator of the CAPS personnel to spread rumors and plant news stories
Philadelphia Mirrors (see The Paranormal Sourcebook, p. 133). about unusual events, including sighting of the ghost of actor
Dr. Watson has extensive experience with Infused and is large- James Dean at a Seepage Pool in Los Angeles’ Griffith Park,
ly responsible for the Research division’s current policy of work- near the observatory. Since that time several people have
ing with Infused. Only the great care she takes with all magical actually seen the ghost of James Dean at that location, includ-
endeavors and her exceptionally strong will have kept her from ing one CAPS sensitive. While such research is in the earliest
corruption. stages, these successes have made a number of people in the
Watson is 59 years old and graduated Cambridge with a Research division hopeful that it might eventually become
Ph.D. in Physics at the age of 21. During this time she had also possible to attack some alien groups indirectly by using the
been pursuing extensive occult studies and shortly after she media to cause large numbers of people to unconsciously
graduated she was contacted by Sonderson. She worked with direct Seepage energy against them.
him for five years, until his death in a lab accident in 1983 which Currently the Outreach division has been exceedingly busy
resulted in Sonderson’s offices being destroyed in a storm of as new cults spring up throughout the United States.
ball lightning. Aegis investigated this lab accident and discov- Fortunately, the vast majority can be simply noted and turned
Unlike most magicians and supernatural investigators, SED Almost one third of Research personnel are magicians or
members are not occult scholars studying ancient grimoires or alchemists who also hold advanced degrees in the hard sci-
patiently creating new rituals. Instead, most employees of SED ences. This diversity is the true strength of the Research divi-
are trained monster-hunters, occult scientists, and technicians sion. Whether they are helping analyze a wrecked Grey saucer
who are constantly attempting to find new ways to use the using Divination rituals or measuring the effects Pools and Loci
supernatural to serve Aegis’ ends. While they seek to under- have on magnetic fields, the people who work in the Research
stand the supernatural, their primary goal is collecting and ana- division are more than willing to combine numerous disparate
lyzing new supernatural allies, rituals, and artifacts which can methods and paradigms to achieve their goals. This eclecticism
help Aegis operatives in their work. As a result of their constant is often combined with a high level of skepticism and a tenden-
interaction with deadly forces and creatures, many SED cy toward iconoclastic thinking.
employees see themselves as a breed apart. They feel that they
are special people who have the courage or the skills to deal ADEPTS AS RESOURCES
with phenomena which would destroy lesser individuals. SED currently has two Adepts working in its Chicago facility.
The first is a former member of CAPS, Jerome Navarro, a tal-
ented Caribbean magician who became corrupted in 1989 dur-
NEUTRALIZATION ing a magical duel with a rogue member of the Montague Club.
The Neutralization division is largely composed of hardened,
somewhat obsessive monster-hunters. With more than 20% of When this battle was over Navarro’s enemy was dead and
Neutralization’s personnel recruited from the Knights of Mona, Navarro had already advanced to the second level of corrup-
religious belief and a burning desire to rid the world of super- tion. Aware of the difficulty of a cure, and not anxious to chance
natural monsters are hallmarks of members of the division. losing all of his magical powers, Navarro secretly researched a
While a few members are suspicious of all supernatural mani- ritual to hasten his corruption to spare himself the likely mental
festations, most make a strict separation between White and deterioration. At the end of this ritual he became a powerful
Black magic. Dangerous supernatural creatures and events are conjurer, Adept Scholar Infused. Now totally devoted to study-
seen as things which must be cleansed from the Earth, howev- ing and understanding Divination magic, he openly approached
er. Neutralization employees often see themselves as bold war- SED. He had long admired its extensive research facilities and
riors standing between the helpless masses of humanity and knew of Dr. Watson’s previous association with the Adept
the unspeakable manifestations of Seepage. Anders Sonderson.
1 2 3 4 5
Dr. Watson took him in and approached several Aegis psy- She was referred to SED and placed in a SED containment
chiatrists to examine him. When they pronounced him relative- and research facility. Today she pursues her own magical cru-
ly sane and stable, she formally petitioned Aegis Prime to allow sade against the aliens by creating a wide variety of charms
him to work with SED. Several members of CAPS, including a made from thread, semiprecious stones, and herbs. While she
number of Navarro’s previous colleagues, protested. As a result is considerably less sane than Navarro, her charms are quite
of these protests she was required to house him in the facility effective and she is considered a valued resource by the
located under Lake Michigan. Research division.
Navarro has worked for SED for the past decade and is
extremely happy with the arrangement. SED and CAPS magi- JESSICA VONOWSKI
cians test the rituals he develops for them and he is given
equipment and books to pursue his research. He is allowed out STR 2 DEX 3 CON 3 INT 3 PER 3 WIL 3
of the facility only under strict supervision, with at least one Qualities/Drawbacks: Animal Animosity, Corrupted by
guard who is a Psink, but he considers trading his freedom for the Supernatural, Psychological Problems (Believer),
better research facilities to be a relatively fair deal. Psychological Problems (Obsession), Psychological
Problems (Paranoia), Psychological Problems (Weird
JEROME NAVARRO Skills: Occult Knowledge 2, Research/Investigation 2,
STR 3 DEX 3 CON 3 INT 4 PER 3 WIL 3 Ritual (Ceremonial) 3, Smooth Talking 2, Trance 2
Qualities/Drawbacks: Animal Animosity, Corrupted by Incarnate Powers: Mesmerism, Thrall
the Supernatural, Psychological Problems (Obsession)
Skills: Computers 2, Occult Knowledge 3,
Research/Investigation 3, Rituals (Caribbean) 4
Incarnate Powers: Divination, Telepathy ENCHANTED ITEMS
In addition to Vonowski’s charms, SED is the repository
for a wide variety of enchanted items recovered by Aegis
Cells. A number of these items are either dangerous to use
The other Adept, Jessica Vonowski, was somewhat more or designed purely for horrific purposes. Such items
difficult to recruit. Prior to 1991 she was a Wiccan priestess include a Tlingit mask which imbues the wearer with the
who dabbled in ceremonial magic. She specialized in casting power of a perpetually hungry cannibal spirit, and an elab-
minor blessings and creating low-power charms for her orate machine which distills the life force from children
friends and coven members. Unfortunately, her magic drew and produces an elixir which prolongs life.
the attention of a Grey gestalt studying human magicians.
While she was protected by her charms long enough to These twisted items are studied intensively and then
escape, the Greys accidentally killed her lover Irina and cap- either warehoused or destroyed. Items of this type are
tured one of Vonowski’s students. never lent out. In 1995 several such items were stolen by
an unbalanced SED employee who then sold the items to
Angry and confused, Vonowski used her magic to attempt to greedy occultists. Neutralization personnel are still seeking
cast a powerful curse on the Greys. The ritual backfired and she several of the stolen items. Since that time security in SED
became corrupted. Since she was a Supernatural Focus, she has been tightened.
became an Infused Adept (Mad Scientist Creator). Since that
time she has attempted to use her considerable powers to cre- SED also houses more than two dozen enchanted and
ate powerful charms and other magical devices to drive off or reusable items which are considerably more useful. This
destroy the Greys and other alien invaders. Eventually she eclectic assortment of ray guns, magical energy barriers,
hoped to create a charm powerful enough to permanently drive goblets of healing, and cursed paperweights has proven
the aliens from Earth. exceedingly valuable to the Cells that have borrowed them.
Unfortunately, a number of Cells are anxious to borrow
In 1995 an Aegis Cell investigating Grey activity in rural these items, and SED researchers are continually seeking
Wisconsin discovered a half-mad vigilante using a powerful easy and safe methods of duplicating them. Since demand
charm to disrupt Grey cattle mutilations. After aiding the vigi- clearly exceeds supply, obtaining permission to use the
lante in driving off the Greys, the Cell members asked about the items is often difficult.
origin of the charm and were eventually led to Vonowski. After
the first attempt at communication resulted in several agents
being rendered temporarily insane, Ms. Vonowski was con-
vinced that Aegis was working against the aliens.
Chapter Four
The National
To date, the National Defense Directorate (or “Black Book”) has been
perceived as the villains of Conspiracy X. The following chapter
provides the organizational structure of these falsely accused “villains”
and Profession Packages that allow a Chronicler to run an NDD-
oriented campaign.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Directors (MJ11)
Division 10 has the only leadership position with the title Chief of
Operations. This chief is responsible for managing the staff who plan
and execute all missions for the Directorate. Immediately under the
Chief of Operations are Supervisors. Supervisors command up to ten
task forces each.
Operative task forces consist of agents who execute the missions of
the Directorate and can range from Intel specialists from IA to scien-
tists from EI, to any other needed personnel. It is the job of the
Supervisor to bring together the best operatives for the job. Once a
task force is formed, it is typically left together to work through relat-
ed missions, as the Directorate recognizes the benefits of operations
familiarity among agents. Each of these task forces has a leader, who
exercises field control of the task force. Usually, this position is grant-
ed to the most senior operative or the operative holding the highest
MJ clearance—often one and the same.
Within each of the divisional write-ups below, Profession
Packages are presented in the same format as Aegis Professions
in the Conspiracy X Core Rulebook. Further details of generating
NDD agents can be found in on p.129).
Most characters start with at least a MJ3 clearance, and some
Professions require a higher MJ clearance. A Chronicler should
exercise caution when allowing players to construct characters with
a clearance higher than MJ3. It is important to balance game-play
and ensure the compatibility of various characters and players.
Unlike an Influence Quality used by other Conspiracy X char-
acters, the MJ clearance is often only an indication of an opera-
tive’s relative importance within the organization, and this should
be emphasized to players. MJ clearance is a measure of the
amount of information revealed to a particular operative. Since
most information is on a need-to-know basis, important informa-
tion may be revealed to agents when they are assigned on a mis-
sion, and the MJ clearance is only a relative guideline used when
assembling taskforces and selecting specialists.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Finally, IA has been given the mission of observing any event As IA has been unable to create a solid defense for all vital
that threatens the security of the United States of America not U.S. agencies against unauthorized access, it has isolated NDD
otherwise addressed but that appears related to NDD’s charter. assets from external access. This has nearly eliminated the dan-
This broad qualification provides IA with tremendous latitude in ger of unauthorized access within the Directorate. All software
its operations, but it also taxes its resources. Fortunately, IA has used by Directorate agents has routing codes that keep it jump-
access to sophisticated communications and covert surveillance ing among NDD ISPs and off the main global routers, reducing
equipment and software often far in advance of that available the chance of improper access. Furthermore, NDD uses encryp-
to even military and governmental “black ops” organizations. tion software on all communication devices, with a revolving
Due to the resolve of NDD members and the headway made series of codes to eliminate discovery.
into the many intelligence divisions of the government, IA has a EBE surveillance has been mixed since the formation of IA.
number of potent assets at its disposal. With the assistance of var- While NDD knows more about the Gna-Tall than any of the
ious IE agents, IA can create the most secure credentials in the other EBEs, a great deal of that is the direct result of increased
world for any operative. IA coordinators are stationed at Dulce Gna-Tall cooperation. The Reticulan EBEs are difficult to moni-
when not attached to another division or in the field, as HYDRA tor or analyze. IA fully supports P&P’s efforts to create and
allows them total access to all information quickly and easily. implement a psychic program without the assistance or knowl-
Early in its existence, IA began using chess-related code edge of the Reticulans.
words for various aspects of mission planning and execution.
This practice continues today and is the source of the division SUBDIVISION BREAKDOWN
personnel’s nickname of “Chessmen.” IA Coordination Offices (IACO): This large subdivision is
responsible for collating information garnered by the
Given original responsibility for researching, studying, and
Directorate’s operatives. Duties of the coordinators include cat-
analyzing all EBE events, IA quickly expanded to monitoring all
aloguing field reports, cross-referencing government databases,
planetary activity. IA also gathered all information from the
and maintaining the most extensive reference bank in exis-
other divisions and collated and catalogued this into archives.
tence. They also analyze this data and make recommendations
Additionally, IA became the natural internal center for counter-
for proper protocols and usage. While an exhausting job, it is
crucial to the continued success of the Directorate. Additionally,
By 1965, IA was a division of master spies and top-notch ana- this office is responsible for disseminating necessary informa-
lysts. It held more secrets, ranging from EBE encounters to pres- tion immediately upon reception and analysis.
idential affairs, than any other espionage organization in the
For all mission briefs, IACO supplies a coordinator to Ops;
world. Over the next 20 years, IA began a program of uncover-
the IACO coordinator is integral in devising plans and develop-
ing and evaluating espionage organizations throughout the
ing options for those missions. He researches all the informa-
world. This program successfully held off and redirected
tion needed to complete the mission and continues on as a val-
inquiries by the FBI, KGB, MI6, Mossad, Chinese Secret Service,
ued member of the tactical team. IACO coordinators are always
and other such agencies.
mindful that the failure or success—indeed the very integrity of
During the early 1980’s, IA managed to assert control over a the Directorate—rests with proper intelligence and planning.
majority of U.S. military satellite payloads. With unrestricted
It is not unknown for coordinators to go into the field—fre-
access to a number of spy satellites, IA was able to gather unpar-
quently with the aid of the EI and DDS—in pursuit of their inves-
alleled espionage assets. Moreover, IA could monitor the satel-
tigations. Intelligence missions are seldom solo affairs, and a
lites’ usage by other organizations inside the U.S. government
complete team is usually assembled for support and back-up.
and military. With this knowledge, IA began a campaign of
IA coordinators may also be included on larger missions or
“assisting” other U.S. intelligence agencies by taking care of prob-
investigations and are responsible for on-site intelligence.
lem spots these agencies could not handle. Through careful
When in the field, IA coordinators remain subtle and efficient.
approaches and liaisons, IA established solid connections within
They prefer discreet tactics such as quiet insertion and extrac-
those organizations, expanded recruitment to upper-echelon
tion, so as to protect the confidentiality of the mission.
career officials, and subordinated additional agency assets.
All mission report summaries, research findings, newspaper
By the 1990s, the Cold War had ended. Anticipating this, IA
stories, computer databases, and the like are carefully filed
turned its focus to computer warfare. Using contacts in the DOD,
away by IA for a variety of uses. Some information is gathered
IA was deeply involved in the beginning of the Internet. IA
first-hand, but most reports are generated through other
presently owns a large number of ISPs throughout the country
agents, missions, or divisions. As the clearinghouse for all per-
and in many foreign countries. Most of these are set up in the
tinent data, IA Coordination is consulted when planning mis-
basements of Repatriates. With the assistance of SRD, IA helped
sions and detailing research projects.
in the seeding of new technologies via the Internet, along the way
electronically infiltrating assets that been developed internally. The HYDRA system stores most of the relevant information
used by this office. Some sensitive material is stored in hard-
copy format, accessible only by a passcode and security clear- proliferation, and even pressure on the scientific community
ance on Dulce Sublevel 6. regarding catastrophic asteroid strikes has led to a renewed
Most IA agents rotate through IACO at some point in their interest in a space-borne defense system. In coordination with
careers to provide the benefit of their experience and expertise. EI, BREASTPLATE has begun placing operatives in positions to
infiltrate the upcoming U.S. missile platform program.
Project BACKYARD: This subdivision is tasked with moni-
toring foreign governments and their activities as they involve Additionally, with the assistance of Project LOKI, BREAST-
or may involve the Directorate. BACKYARD has devised various PLATE has placed viral command programs on board the
protocols to look for and pinpoint areas of EBE activity outside International Space Station via space shuttle uplinks. In the
the borders of the United States and its territories. Additionally, event of a major EBE incursion, BREASTPLATE has the capacity
BACKYARD watches the media of foreign countries for flags to completely assume control of the station, should it be need-
(see Project HEARST below) that point to EBE activity. This lat- ed as a staging area for Aerospace Interdiction teams.
ter activity is a joint effort with HEARST coordinated at the Project HEARST: Project HEARST handles media surveil-
London facility. lance for the division. This group collects all data presented in
To assist in its duties, Project BACKYARD has formed a cell- any type of media, including newspapers, television, Internet,
based, international organization of UFO enthusiasts called the and private newsletters and magazines. It records endless
International Flying Saucer Bureau (IFSB). This group is com- streams of news and information, seeking potential EBE activi-
pletely unaware of NDD’s existence and role. Its true purpose, ty or other threats. By observing seemingly unrelated bits of
under the direction of an NDD mole, is to follow events involv- information and media perceptions, and finding otherwise hid-
ing abductions and sightings, investigate leads and paper trails, den connections, it creates dynamic extrapolations regarding
and communicate its findings unknowingly back to NDD the actions of unseen power brokers.
through the mole. If EBE patterns are noted by the IFSB, the The HEARST project has four offices: Dulce, New York City (at
mole passes that information to coordinators in Project BACK- the DeBeers Building), London (Piccadilly Circus), and
YARD and an IA agent forms a team. The team proceeds to the Hollywood (on the Amblin Entertainment lot). While Dulce
country and neutralizes the indiscretion. coordinates all HEARST activity, the other sites allow HEARST to
Project BREASTPLATE: Project BREASTPLATE is responsi- keep agents in areas of volatile media activity. The three remote
ble for projecting and planning for potential EBE attacks offices report to the Directorate through a chain of blinds, false-
against the United States, up to and including a full-scale inva- front corporations, dead drops, coded media transmissions,
sion of Earth. It has priority access to HYDRA both for moni- and other methods set up by an IA Coordinator.
toring collection efforts and running simulations. Members of When a HEARST team finds information potentially related
Project BREASTPLATE work closely with the Astronautics ele- to the Directorate’s mission or integrity, it issues a Green Flag.
ment of R&D and the Aerospace Interdiction units of DDS to The team contacts an IA coordinator, who engages a team of
coordinate efforts. Furthermore, the subdivision has estab- investigators. This secondary team determines whether the
lished deep connections in several areas thanks to the efforts alert is genuine; if so, the team issues a yellow or red flag,
of EI, in the form of both Watchmen and Sleeper agents, for depending on the depth of the security breach. Red flag alerts
use in worst-case scenarios. These are to be engaged should assume top priority in Directorate mission planning and
NDD be unable to muster enough strength on its own to supersede all nonessential ongoing operations. In either case,
counter a potential threat. a HEARST operative is dispatched to assist the team on the
Although Project BREASTPLATE has considerable influence in spot while the remainder of NDD focuses on shutting off all
IA and NDD as a whole, it is one of the smaller elements. Its connections to the information before the Directorate is
permanent staff is stationed at Dulce and, if field operatives are endangered further.
needed for a mission, the Directorate assigns them from other HEARST may also be called on to block coverage of
divisions on a temporary-duty basis. Directorate operations and related events by misdirection, dis-
One of IA’s newest endeavors, BREASTPLATE has recently traction, and sanitation of the media. It is HEARST’s job to make
overcome initial setbacks and again begun preparation for a sure any story that is flagged never sees the light of day. Where
space-borne defense platform. Simulations indicate that in the the source is specifically targeted, a specialized HEARST group
event of an EBE assault, a high preatmospheric enemy casualty may run a distract and discredit campaign (D&D) to blur the
rate has a geometric effect on the efficiency of secondary, ter- truth and refocus public attention on the source instead.
restrial defenses. At present, HEARST has Repatriates and/or Sleeper agents in
The downsizing of the U.S. military, combined with the col- approximately 70% of all newspapers, magazines, radio sta-
lapse of the Soviet Union, resulted in the cancellation of the tions, and TV stations in the United States, and hacks into online
Strategic Defense Initiative program. However, a decade of publications if necessary. HEARST has maintained a 93% effi-
careful lobbying, agitation, public disinformation about nuclear ciency rate in stopping media leaks concerning NDD priority
1 2 3 4 5 6
subjects. Of those that are published, nearly 99% are debunked
or otherwise buried within a week.
Project LOKI: Project LOKI is charged with monitoring all
transmissions from the computer databases that are used by
the CIA, NSA, and on occasion subversive and extralegal asso-
ciations. In the case of the CIA and NSA, LOKI has access to the
same—and often superior—software overrides and back doors
that those agencies use to get into the databases of foreign
countries and to monitor our own. LOKI’s primary task is to flag
information of relevance and present such information to an IA
coordinator for analysis and/or dissemination.
In the case of subversive organizations, every effort is made
to identify and tap into any existing dedicated communications,
command, or informational system. In particular, the Aegis trai-
tors have devised a system called HERMES. Intensive investiga-
tion has revealed that this database is all but impregnable
unless an NDD operative manages to join an Aegis cell as a
double agent. Naturally, this is dangerous and often short-term
access. Generally, the Directorate is content to get occasional Project RAT TRAP: This special projects group is responsi-
updates on what its opponent knows through less precarious ble for coordinating actions with those foreign agencies that are
methods. At present, LOKI manages two double agents inside Directorate allies or associates. They do extensive fieldwork
the Aegis organization. Through these agents, LOKI obtains lim- building and maintaining cooperation with other governmental
ited information about, and from, the HERMES network. LOKI intelligence communities. IA’s foreign intelligence and EI’s for-
has been unable to duplicate the technology in a HERMES link eign-based agents are generally placed at RAT TRAP’s disposal.
and believes it to be of EBE origin. The Aegis agents are con-
sidered among LOKI’s most valuable sources and are to be
used only when absolutely necessary. IA TERMS
LOKI is also responsible for the management and mainte- PAWN: soldier, cop or other expendable piece
nance of the security of the HYDRA network system used by the ROOK: a person that sits in the background directing
Directorate. Advances in understanding of Gna-Tall technology events while waiting to seize an advantage
have led to breakthroughs that will be integrated into this sys- BISHOP: head of ground team
tem in the next decade. This will greatly improve HYDRA capac-
ity and performance. KNIGHT: airborne elements, aircraft, helicopters, air-
mobile troops
QUEEN: intelligence officers, especially when using com-
munications or computer equipment
HYDRA KING: the target, mission objective, etc.
IA maintains the Directorate’s computer network,
known as the High-Yield Dynamic Resource Allotment CASTLING: unforeseen change in priorities
network or, more simply, HYDRA. The network is located CHECK: target in sight, achievable
deep within the heart of Dulce and is heavily safeguard-
MATE: mission accomplished
ed against electronic countermeasures and intrusion.
HYDRA is both TEMPEST-hardened and protected against STALEMATE: dead partner or operative (black humor)
EMP. Remote access is seldom granted to NDD opera- RESIGN: bug out, withdraw rapidly
tives and even then only in response to requests for spe-
DRAW: mission must be aborted, but replanning and reat-
cific data and for carefully monitored portions of time.
tempt remain options
These restrictions minimize security risks to the network
and NDD. Information obtained about subversive or hos- EN PASSANT: taking advantage of a target of opportunity
tile organizations is maintained in this vast database, and PIN: to force a target into a disadvantageous position
general, specific, and classified information from federal
GAMBIT: any operative who relies on luck and hunches
agencies is routinely uploaded into HYDRA as well.
rather than hard intelligence and planning
Finally, all mission reports are compiled into summary
form and stored in HYDRA. OPENING: premission intelligence gathering
This individual studies foreign governments, focusing on
potential alien involvement or infiltration. He frequently associ-
ates with HEARST operatives to monitor foreign media sources.
Much like HEARST operatives, BACKYARD Researchers are well
positioned in high-traffic areas, including the International Flying
Saucer Bureau. This high level of infiltration allows NDD to follow
up on any and all abductions and sightings reported to the ISFB.
Qualities/Drawbacks: Heavy Indoctrination (NDD) (–3),
Implant (Sentinel)
Skills: Computers +1, Guns (Pistol) +1, Language (choose
one) +2, Smooth Talking +1, Stealth +1, Surveillance +1
Pulling Strings: Border Control
BREASTPLATE Specialists study intelligence on EBE move-
ments and activities, as well as technical data on recovered
alien equipment. They collate this information into a cohesive
whole and use the final product to formulate potential threat
1 2 3 4 5 6
scenarios and prepare contingency plans. They work with R&D Little was to be gained from the recovery of the first wrecked
and DSS in all aspects of their mission. BREASTPLATE Specialists EBE (Reticulan) ship. As is now known, their spacecraft use
occasionally undertake field missions for “hands-on” investiga- coral-based technology, and their means of travel are too
tions of possible incursions. unconventional to be implemented into current domestic tech-
Qualities/Drawbacks: Heavy Indoctrination (NDD) (–3), nology. Even after an alliance was formed, the Reticulans
Implant (Sentinel) offered very little pure technology that could readily be incor-
porated into our own.
Skills: Computers +1, Guns (Pistol) +1, Myth and Legend
(UFOlogy) +1, Research/Investigation +1, Science Since the understanding with the Gna-Tall was reached, how-
(Astrophysics) +1 ever, R&D has made significant advances. The prospects in this
area appear unlimited. The Gna-Tall have allowed NDD to jump
Pulling Strings: Satellite Surveillance (Communications), decades ahead of any firm in the world on most weapon and
Satellite Surveillance (Video) conveyance technology. These R&D accomplishments have
made the work of other divisions simpler, and R&D continues to
HEARST OPERATIVE make improvements across the board. R&D strongly advises
5 (–1/6)-POINT PROFESSION • C LEARANCE: MJ3 closer working relations with the Gna-Tall.
HEARST Operatives tend to fall into one of three categories:
data hounds, field operatives, or distractors. Data hounds col- SUBDIVISION BREAKDOWN
lect information from all forms of the media, searching for any Administration: Administration (Admin) oversees all subdi-
information that can benefit NDD. Field operatives follow up on visions of R&D. It ensures that information is shared among all
any suspicious activities and collect hard data on any compro- sections so that the best developments can be attained. This sec-
mised personnel or situations. Distractors distort media reports tion develops and coordinates special projects for the other divi-
to either discredit or alter any security-threatening story that sions. Although the name Administration may conjure images of
has been uncovered. bookish clerks, this is far from the case. Admin personnel some-
Qualities/Drawbacks: Heavy Indoctrination (NDD) (–3), times accompany operatives into the field and offer direct con-
Implant (Sentinel) sultation on all matters of technology. Its members continue
training not only in the use of all foreign and domestic technol-
Skills: Computers +1, Language (choose one) +2, ogy, but also in the fields of stealth and combat.
Research/Investigation +1, Smooth Talking +1, Surveillance +1
Admin’s policy of open knowledge has curbed competition
Pulling Strings: Front Page News, News Archive between subdivisions and allowed for more cooperation. As a
result, R&D subdivisions are more efficient than counterparts in
private industry. Admin has also met with great success coordi-
DIVISION 2: TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH AND nating and evaluating technological developments by relegating
initial field tests to the design team. Participating technicians
DEVELOPMENT (R&D) have demonstrated a higher degree of attention to safety, lead-
Division Pseudonym: R&D, D2, Techies ing all developments to demonstrate lesser rates of malfunction.
Deputy Director: Rudy Conners Appreciation for this increased reliability has become wide-
spread and significantly improved NDD morale at all levels.
The Technological Research and Development Division was
originally assigned the task of collecting and analyzing all alien Analysis and Exploitation: Analysis and Exploitation
technology. Its duties quickly expanded to identifying applica- (A&E) has three directives. The first is the dismantling of all
tions for domestic and foreign technology. Once analysis of known technology not of NDD design. Second, it is tasked with
technology was complete, it became R&D’s job to apply the developing uses for all technology to be released in commercial
newfound information. applications. When A&E personnel develop a new use for a
common piece of technology or something from a foreign
Most early advances came from reverse-engineering devices
source, it is given to their superiors, who pass it through set
obtained from domestic firms and captured foreign technology.
channels that eventually make this “discovery” public and
When appropriate for the defense of the United States, infor-
strengthen the nation. The third directive is to perform front-
mation was cleared through IA and SRD, then leaked to loyal
line study of unknown/EBE technology for study and reverse
elements of the private sector. Additional technology was
engineering. After studying the item, A&E personnel catalog its
leaked to advance specific fields, as SRD felt appropriate. Since
information and analyze its capabilities and applications. If use-
its formation, R&D has built and maintained significant contacts
ful, this information is turned over to other appropriate sections
throughout the private sector. These contacts grant R&D a com-
of NDD for experimentation and development.
plete network of labs to assign work when task-appropriate.
The A&E front company, Future Dynamics and Innovations,
Inc. (FD&I), continues its highly profitable activities. FD&I was
established jointly by R&D and SRD in 1967 as a means to dis- This subdivision is currently involved in further improve-
seminate and control the scientific advances of the Directorate. It ments to the Black Manta aircraft. It is also beginning design
has grown into a multinational corporation employing thousands processes on a more advanced pulse-detonation craft, desig-
in the express goal of technological research and application. nated XD-126, capable of ground-to-space flight as well as com-
FD&I is frequently consulted in the development of new projects bat and maneuver in a vacuum.
by the government and private industry, and it holds patents for Information Systems: The Information Systems (IS) subdi-
dozens of revolutionary devices. This consulting work also serves vision maintains and improves the computer and communica-
as a valuable information conduit for IA and SRD. tion aspects of NDD. It begins with securing the lines of com-
Astronautics: This subdivision is the most recent addition munication for its operatives. By creating and maintaining top-
to R&D. It is responsible for merging technology from the other of-the-line encryption, operatives are able to use standard com-
subdivisions into the U.S. space program. This subdivision’s munication lines such as phone and email while meeting secu-
responsibilities revolve around the design of environments in rity restrictions. With the construction of its own ISPs through-
space, bases on the moon, space stations, and orbital platforms. out the country, IS has created a secure line of data transfer that
Additionally, it designs weapons platforms to protect the space is carefully steered away from the mainstream of the public.
environments and constructs independent satellites to defend Finally, IS is constantly creating and updating computers and
Earth. Members of Astrophysics often work in conjunction with software for use of its operatives. Members regularly work on
IA and DSS in planning and running invasion simulations. new software to break the encryption of companies, govern-
A classified presence on the International Space Station has ments, and subversive organizations, including Aegis. Its most
been fulfilled, and construction of a moon base has begun. As daunting task, however, is the creation of a series of programs
Weapons Systems continues to produce prototypes, to decipher the languages of EBEs.
Astronautics works in coordination with DDS to determine their IS has been highly successful in infiltrating large portions of
viability in space environments. Alien invasion protocols are the Internet and has created a number of back-door entries for
updated every three months, based on the influx of new infor- civilian and governmental databases. These entry points are
mation provided by Project BREASTPLATE. Primarily theoretical easily exploitable with minimal risk of detection.
in nature to this point, this subdivision is beginning to apply its The manipulation and enhancement of viruses to distract the
theories to the creation of technology and is now developing public’s attention has become a specialty of this subdivision.
plans for launching units for space-based field maneuvers. Recent work in cooperation with IA has resulted in the removal
Conveyances Lab: Conveyances’ duty is to operate and of several problematic individuals simply by providing evidence
maintain the fleet of vehicles used by NDD operatives. Vehicle that they originated the virus in question. Although it is likely
allocation is managed and capacities maintained. Further, techs this methodology will become less useful in the near future, for
assigned to this section suggest, implement, and test design the moment, it has proven highly effective.
improvements, often integrating foreign technologies. Work continues on infiltrating Aegis’ HERMES system. After the
Conveyances’ greatest creations have been brand-new crafts detainment of several Aegis agents, NDD was able to examine
that outperform any conventional craft, including the TD-121 their agent communicators, but even with the infiltrators’ infor-
and the Black Manta. Personnel work in one of four special mation, IS has been unable to replicate a similar device for NDD
project areas: Terrestrial, Aquatic, Atmospheric, and Space. agent use. That network’s configuration is completely foreign; the
working hypothesis suggests that Aegis has adapted some alien
GRAVITRONICS form of technology, but this as yet has not been confirmed.
Given recent disclosures in Gna-Tall technology, the Weapon Systems Lab: Weapon Systems works vigilantly at
Conveyances Lab’s primary research area is currently grav- manufacturing and implementing the best technology for the
itronics. While some applications have proven highly suc- protection of NDD and its personnel. Along with the
cessful, others have been unmitigated disasters. The need to Conveyances Labs, it continually develops and improves new
disguise gravitronic vehicles as mundane conveyances caus- vehicles for the optimal performance of NDD troops. Contrary
es serious design difficulties, especially given the required to the implications of this subdivision’s title, Weapon Systems is
weight distribution. Consequentially, the subdivision is work- concerned with both offensive and defensive gear.
ing on creating new structural components with gel or foam The Weapon Systems Lab has recently developed a number
cores, allowing for easier distribution of weight. of superheated plasma and laser weapons, increasing the
The Gna-Tall are thus far providing little information stealth abilities of NDD operatives tremendously while leaving
beyond the theoretical, making the task both challenging minimal physical evidence. Progress continues on electromag-
and frustrating. Conveyances has noticed a slight positive netic and sonic weaponry, with the goal of incapacitating with-
shift in Gna-Tall attitudes of late, however, and is hoping out physically harming subjects.
that greater aid will be forthcoming.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Because Watchmen operate apart from all other NDD agents with the exception of their Watchmaker contact, they make
very difficult Cast Members. Anyone wishing to pursue this profession is advised that it may very well be a small role and
played infrequently. It can, however, add an interesting element to the game if a player wishes to play only sporadically and
has discussed this with his Chronicler.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Facility Security: Usually known as “Groundskeepers,”
Division Pseudonym: DDS, D4
members of Facility Security are responsible for security at
Deputy Director: Timothy C. Reed Directorate facilities worldwide. This includes all military bases,
The Directorate Division of Security (DDS) maintains the private sector facilities staffed exclusively by NDD personnel,
well-being of NDD, its integrity, and the safety of individual and safehouses. They are responsible for clearance tests, mon-
operatives. This mission is ingrained in the psyches of DDS itoring security, patrolling grounds, and maintaining the
agents from the beginning of training, and they are never dis- appearance of normalcy at the facilities. Their duties include
tracted from that goal. When necessary, DDS operatives are routine security sweeps, upkeep of surveillance equipment, and
given an objective, move in silently, and remove the problem. surveying areas for new bases of operation. When on duty,
Groundskeepers mimic whatever force is recognized as the
DDS handles all aspects of security for NDD. This division
authority in the area—a normal security guard, a member of the
coordinates its efforts closely with the other divisions and is
military police, or even the Secret Service.
responsible for the maintenance of all security features and
technologies. Although often planned by another division, When appropriate to the mission, Groundskeepers make it a
armed covert operations and reclamation are executed through point to appear innocuous and friendly, even disarming.
this office. Majestic clearances are also dispensed from DDS. Groundskeepers make sure any non-Directorate persons who
come into secured areas are politely steered away. Tact and
When on a mission, the DDS agent has final authority on the
secrecy are preferred to overt aggression.
operation and tactics employed. If the DDS agent feels that the
mission must be scrubbed, it is scrubbed. DDS orders are final When a security breach has occurred, they quickly mobilize
and arguments to the contrary are not tolerated. DDS agents and seal off the base. Intruders are assessed immediately as
are fully authorized to “cancel” a member of the Directorate active or passive threats. Active threats are intruders intention-
who represents a threat to the organization or his fellow oper- ally looking for information or materials; they are at the base
atives. By all accounts, DDS operatives are inhumanly com- with the intent to steal or sabotage. Groundskeepers are
posed in even the most chaotic situations and are ruthlessly authorized to address active threats with any force deemed
efficient. Agents are trained to have quick minds and calculat- necessary to eliminate the threat to the Directorate’s integrity
ing demeanors, some would say at the expense of their humor. and mission.
The truth is that the weight of their duties is such that there is Passive threats come from many sources—a group of rebel-
no room for any distraction, be it humor, sadness, or anger. lious teenagers jump the fence and break the perimeter, or hik-
The Directorate Division of Security has protected NDD from ers wander too close to the base. Passive threats are always
the day both were formed. In those crucial first years, DDS rerouted with as little incident and suspicion as possible, unless
secured a handful of locations throughout the country, primari- circumstances dictate otherwise. In the end, any action must be
ly at U.S. Army bases. These locations were placed on restrict- weighed against the potential long-term threat to the security of
ed access, allowing the Directorate precious time to map out NDD and its goals.
the future. Since the creation of the Groundskeepers program, the
Once Dulce was commissioned, DDS implemented a series Directorate has not lost a single location to enemy forces. Aegis
of protocols for securing the perimeter of the base and main- incursions have been minimal, and each has been repulsed
taining the highest level of security within. These protocols have with very minor loss or collateral damage. Two EBE assaults
been adapted and applied to each Directorate facility since that were also turned back, although both resulted in significant
time. Information on specific bases can be obtained from Ops casualties, the bulk of which were suffered by DDS. The details
upon request. of these attacks are classified MJ10 clearance, but all
Groundskeepers have been warned that EBEs other than those
The greatest challenges to security have arisen in facilities
allied with the Directorate are active, and any unidentifiable
under partial control of NDD or in the private sector. At military
sightings should be reported immediately.
bases not under complete Directorate control, non-Directorate
personnel must be continually redirected without causing an
incident or drawing undue attention to the area. DDS accom-
plishes this through use of military police or other legitimate SANDMEN TEAM
security; this requires the assistance of EI to put DDS personnel In order to play any of the nearby Sandmen team char-
into the proper positions. DDS is active from the moment the acters, a group of players must all be willing to create a
facility or grounds are purchased (Directorate policy bans leas- three-person team. Most Sandmen teams rotate through
es under all but extreme circumstances), through construction field missions and in-house research to alleviate the bore-
and establishment of the base. dom that comes with excessively repetitive missions.
Internal Operations: This subdivision is responsible for placed on recall alert. Any high-risk mission has an E&C team
overseeing the gritty details of security: allocating personnel, assigned to it on dedicated standby.
coordinating budgeting, etc. It is responsible for spot-checking Members of E&C teams are recruited from across the divi-
security measures in all NDD facilities and reviewing security sions of the Directorate, selected for excellence not only in com-
personnel. Internal Operations prizes efficiency and generally bat skills but also other fields of training necessary for accom-
does not interact much with other NDD operatives, even within plishment of the subdivision’s mission. In many respects, an
DDS. Investigators frequently oversee security reviews and are E&C team functions just like one of the U.S. military’s special
called upon to deal with difficult operatives. operations units, both in mission and capabilities.
To MJ3 or lower operatives, Internal Operations is the subdi- Each E&C team is composed of ten members, and every
vision that performs the drudge work of DSS. IO also handles member is tasked with duties according to his operational spe-
internal security, personnel review, and termination of security cialties. On top of these fields of specialty, each must also be an
risks. To decrease security concerns outside of DDS, all IO mat- experienced and competent combat operative. Most members
ters are coded “Delta” and elaborate and misleading titles are of E&C teams are fluent in more than one language as well.
frequently used. These methods have proven effective among
personnel with MJ5 clearance or lower. Personnel with MJ6 Standard organization includes a team leader and assistant
clearance are generally aware of IO but are required to coop- team leader (also known as the operations officer), an intelli-
erate in any way necessary. gence specialist and assistant intelligence specialist, a commu-
nications specialist and assistant, a medic and assistant, and
DDS personnel refer to all higher-level IO agents as “Wardens” finally the team’s weapons specialist and assistant. Duplication
and give them a wide berth and healthy dose of respect. of tasks gives the team depth and the ability to split into small-
Mission Security: Mission Security participates in all out- er operational units if needed, and ensures that the loss of a sin-
bound missions, from the planning stage to the extraction. As gle team member does not jeopardize its mission.
Directorate policy dictates, no outbound mission is planned or Teams are heavily armed and prepared for activities ranging
initiated without an assigned MS operative. Once assigned to a from quick extraction to ongoing rescue missions into enemy
mission, the MS operative watches over the mission, has sole territory. They are skilled in demolitions, communications, and
discretion if continuance of the mission has become a liability, even field medicine. The teams work closely with Project
and takes action to abort the mission if necessary. HEARST in preparing a site.
MS agents are specifically trained by IA to create plausible E&C operatives are taught that misdirecting attention is best.
deniability. If the need arises for damage control, they create a Still, they will not hesitate to completely destroy any evidence
cover story on the spot to provide short-term defense until that might compromise NDD security.
Project HEARST or another element of IA can stage a compre-
hensive deception. If a simple cover story is insufficient, they Each E&C operative is trained to treat the team or data to be
have been trained to plant evidence and engage in other meas- extracted as a higher priority than his own safety. Consistent
ures as needed to protect the integrity of NDD operations. with the completion of their mission, all E&C operatives are
ready and willing to give their lives for the Directorate. E&C has
DDS maintains a presence on all missions. These operatives managed a success rate of 83% on extractions and 95% on
focus on enhancing security for task forces to the fullest extent clean-ups.
consistent with the mission parameters. DDS appreciates the
consideration shown by all personnel toward security matters When a situation cannot be rectified to the team’s satisfac-
and the deference granted DDS operatives in these matters. tion, a Slash and Burn (S/B) operation is conducted. This oper-
When a team leader is lost or sacrificed, or his judgment vio- ation uses destruction of evidence and/or witnesses to provide
lates security protocols without sufficient justification, DDS deniability. While the purposeful destruction of evidence is
agents are required to assume control. On critical missions, a apparent, the nature of that evidence is concealed. At present,
second DDS agent is assigned to the team but his identity is not only 10% of all clean-ups require S/B. E&C’s recent impressive
revealed unless matters dictate such necessity. Although DDS success rates can be attributed to the implementation of a pro-
has been forced to take over less than 10% of missions due to tocol requiring a standby E&C team for any high-risk mission.
loss of leadership, less than 3% of those cases resulted from On the rare occasions when neither extraction, clean-up, nor
poor judgment shown by the mission leader. This reflects favor- S/B prove effective, any partial measures available are imple-
ably on all Directorate training and leadership initiatives. mented. Then IA is notified of the situation and its teams dis-
Extraction and Clean-Up: E&C is responsible for retrieving credit any internal, private, governmental, or public reports that
operatives and equipment that are in trouble, and cleaning up emerge in the aftermath.
after a mission has gone badly awry. At any given time, an E&C Aerospace Interdiction: Aerospace Interdiction is per-
team is on full readiness for immediate deployment; during haps the most coveted of all DDS assignments. Its members
periods of high operational activity, more than one may be hold the distinction of being the foremost—and possibly only—
1 2 3 4 5 6
paramilitary force prepared for battle in space. Interdiction
personnel are trained in zero-gravity maneuvers and tactics
and skilled with weapons appropriate to the peculiar obsta-
cles presented by combat in space. While Interdiction has yet
to be tested in a real combat mission, the subdivision prides
itself on conducting its training exercises under conditions that
are as realistic as possible.
Interdiction is closely associated with R&D Astronautics and
IA’s Project BREASTPLATE, for obvious reasons.
MiB Program: MiB agents are three-person teams that
operate in the public eye. Although they employ operatives
from three divisions, due to the nature of their missions, MiB
teams fall under the jurisdiction of DDS.
An MiB team handles routine questioning of witnesses to
alien or supernatural events, and examines any incident site
that might have nonmundane origins. MiB teams also are
directed to find and retrieve specific targets that are of NDD
interest. Standard MiB teams have three members: a Liaison, a
Forensic Technician, and a Conflict Specialist. SPECIAL REPORT
The Liaison is operationally detached from IA and handles all Clearance: MJ9
communication with witnesses, from simple questioning to
Subject: Sentinel Implant and Judas Switch
interrogation if needed. He also deals with any alien encoun-
ters, allied or enemy. He is directed to follow all contact proto- Developed with Reticulan aid and guidance, the Sentinel
cols and maximize NDD interests in all situations. implant is one of the surest safeguards for NDD activities.
The first implant prototype was perfected in 1963 and by
The Forensic Technician—usually detached from SRD, but
the end of the decade all NDD operatives and personnel
occasionally also an IA operative—is trained to investigate any
had been fitted with them. The Sentinel implant allows the
scene and determine the threat involved: alien, supernatural, or
Directorate to both monitor the location of its operatives
mundane. With those skills, he also covers up any evidence,
and restrict admittance to NDD facilities. As such, it is per-
making it appear mundane or otherwise throwing off any atten-
haps the single most valuable piece of equipment issued to
tion it might have received.
any Directorate operative.
The Conflict Specialist is trained primarily in combat skills. He
Selected agents with clearances above MJ5, and all per-
handles all situations that endanger the team, and his skills and
sonnel above MJ7, are given a special modification to their
abilities often determine its survival. He receives secondary
Sentinel implants. At MJ5, this is explained as a fine-tuning
training in vehicles in order to pilot all craft for the team and
that allows the Directorate to monitor their activities more
secure its safety.
closely and provides them access to more classified areas
This program began prior to Directorate involvement with of Directorate facilities. At MJ7, the operative is told that
the Gna-Tall. Its original purpose was to investigate EBE sight- the implant may be activated during certain missions to
ings and activity throughout the United States. When the allow for voluntary self-termination, but further details are
Directorate alliance with the Gna-Tall began, it was discovered not provided. Full information concerning the Judas Switch
that Gna-Tall could assume the guise of humans to a nearly is not authorized below MJ9.
undetectable measure. Considering the advanced capacities
The Judas Switch arms the Sentinel implant to terminate
provided by the Gna-Tall, DDS has incorporated a number of
the operative if compromised. Controlled through a special
these altered EBEs into the program.
security system run by the DDS, the Judas Switch sends an
DDS maintained the original EBE investigation operations, impulse into the cerebrum of the brain, inducing a massive
but the MiB program has expanded. Gna-Tall working closely hemorrhage in the agent and death within 30 seconds. The
with the Directorate are teamed in MiB groups of two Gna-Tall agent must succeed at a Difficult Constitution Test. Failure
and one human Liaison. These teams accompany other opera- kills the agent, while succeeding relegates the agent to the
tives on missions, assist on specific security details, and work on hospital, incapacitated, and reduced to 0 LPs. Finally, the
missions themselves. These teams have been designated implant passes information to the DDS concerning the vic-
“Hybrids.” tim’s state just before it self-destructs.
Aerospace Interdiction specialists rehearse—and occasion- Groundskeepers are, in essence, the mainstay of the NDD
ally conduct—spaceship boardings and other zero-gravity security force. They are responsible for all security checks,
combat. They are thoroughly trained for combat in a vacuum clearance points, standard protocol, etc. They are stationed at
and low or no gravity. Although AI Specialists seldom see field NDD-controlled facilities and assume the role of whatever
action, they are truly the best “space marines” humanity has security is most appropriate for the facility.
to offer. Qualities/Drawbacks: Heavy Indoctrination (NDD) (–3),
Qualities/Drawbacks: Heavy Indoctrination (NDD) (–3), Implant (Sentinel)
Implant (Sentinel) Skills: Brawling +1, Drive +1, Guns (Pistol) +1, Guns
Skills: Acrobatics +1, Brawling +1, Guns (Pistol) +1, Guns (Rifles) +1, Hand Weapon (Baton) +1, Stealth +1,
(Rifle) +1, Pilot (Shuttle) +1, Science (Astrophysics) +1 Surveillance +1
Pulling Strings: Satellite Surveillance (Communications), Pulling Strings: Base Lockdown, Sentinel Clearance
Secret SDI Gun Stars
8 (0/8)-POINT PROFESSION • C LEARANCE: MJ5 Investigators are the first line of defense against internal
Cleaners are the brains of an E&C team. They carefully threats. They investigate crimes and incidents that take place
analyze the situation that has gone awry to determine the concerning NDD personnel. They are mandated to watch for
best course of action to cover up any NDD presence. They are potential security breaches, physical altercations, psychologi-
practiced at both covering up information and creating disin- cal deterioration, and simple miscommunications. Generally
formation. Because they are often in the midst of heated sit- speaking, unless a direct threat to the NDD manifests, their
uations and arrive on the heels of a bungled operation, findings are made known to the appropriate supervisor and a
Cleaners also have decent training in arms and close combat. copy of the report is filed with DDS for further reference.
Qualities/Drawbacks: Heavy Indoctrination (NDD) (–3), Qualities/Drawbacks: Heavy Indoctrination (NDD) (–3),
Implant (Sentinel) Implant (Sentinel)
Skills: Brawling +1, Demolitions +1, Guns (Pistol) +1, Guns Skills: Brawling +1, Guns (Pistol) +1, Questioning +1,
(Rifle) +1, Lockpicking +1, Stealth +1, Surveillance +1, Traps +1 Research/Investigation +1, Stealth +1
Pulling Strings: Ready Reserve, Underground Network Pulling Strings: Internal Communiqués, Sentinel
Extractors are the brawn of an E&C team. They ensure that 4 (–2/6)-POINT PROFESSION • C LEARANCE: MJ5
all NDD operatives return home safely and as such are cross- The Liaison is one element of a three-person MiB team. His
trained in emergency medical aid and combat. In many ways, duty is to cover routine interviews and suspicious sites.
Extractors are highly skilled combat medics, and they are Liaisons with MJ6 or higher clearance are the only NDD oper-
called upon to protect and treat any NDD operatives requir- atives authorized to work with Hybrid MiB teams on out-
ing assistance. Some Extractors see themselves first and fore- bound missions. The Liaison is the primary contact for all
most as soldiers with an expertise in first aid, while others see non-NDD personnel. He carefully follows contact protocol
themselves primarily as medics with solid combat training. and works to protect NDD interests in all situations.
Qualities/Drawbacks: Heavy Indoctrination (NDD) (–3), Qualities/Drawbacks: Heavy Indoctrination (NDD) (–3),
Implant (Sentinel) Implant (Sentinel)
Skills: Brawling +1, Drive +1, First Aid +1, Guns (Pistol) +1, Skills: Brawling +1, Bureaucracy +1, Myth and Legend
Guns (Rifle) +1, Medicine (Field) +1, Stealth +1 (UFOlogy) +1, Questioning +1, Research/Investigation +1,
Pulling Strings: Ready Reserve Smooth Talking +1
Pulling Strings: Mission Files
1 2 3 4 5 6
Qualities/Drawbacks: Heavy Indoctrination (NDD) (–3),
The Forensic Technician is the second element of an MiB Skills: Demolitions +1, Escape +1, Guns (Pistol) +1, Pilot
team. He is responsible for securing a scene and determining (Fixed Wing) +2, Pilot (Helicopter) +1, Stealth +1
whether the origins of a disturbance are supernatural, alien, Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, Safehouse
or mundane. After investigation, the Forensic Technician
recovers all evidence from a scene and throws off suspicion.
Qualities/Drawbacks: Heavy Indoctrination (NDD) (–3), 7 (–1/8)-POINT PROFESSION • C LEARANCE: MJ5
Implant (Sentinel) Mission Security Specialists oversee planning and execu-
Skills: Medicine (Forensics) +1, Notice +1, tion of all outbound missions. They are responsible for abort-
Research/Investigation +1, Science (Forensics) +1 ing missions at risk, calling for emergency extraction, and per-
Pulling Strings: Front Page News, Underground Network forming damage control until an E&C team can arrive.
Qualities/Drawbacks: Heavy Indoctrination (NDD) (–3),
Implant (Sentinel)
7 (0/7)-POINT PROFESSION • C LEARANCE: MJ5 Skills: Drive +1, Electronic Surveillance +1, Escape +1, First
The Conflict Specialist is a master of all forms of combat Aid +1, Guns (Pistol) +1, Stealth +1, Surveillance +1,
and handles any situation that places the team in danger. He Tracking +1
is also skilled in piloting a variety of craft to facilitate the Pulling Strings: Departmental Records, Mission Files
extraction of the team in the event of an emergency.
Face it. Nobody likes a snitch. Although for the most part
Investigators just keep tabs on day-to-day activities to
ensure that security runs smoothly, when they are around,
everyone is just a little bit edgy. When participating on a
task force, Investigators are tolerated but rarely invited in
to join in the camaraderie that develops between battle
Recruitment and Training: The operatives of the Recruitment
subdivision are tasked with screening all potential candidates,
whether located by their own efforts or submitted by operatives from
EI. They also oversee the review of all personnel lists from the FBI,
CIA, NSA, U.S. military organizations, and other suitable federal agen-
cies. Once a candidate is identified, the members of this subdivision
schedule the operatives of EI to “test” the candidate’s patriotism and
are present at the final screening of the candidate. The assigned
recruiter must approve the candidate before he is informed as to the
true nature of the recruitment process and officially invited to join
Recruiters spend six months to a year identifying and screening
each candidate. A typical recruiter may research up to 20 individuals.
EI and RAT specialized support staff assist the recruiter in gathering as
much information as possible on those individuals. A single
recruiter’s candidates are usually all located in the same organization.
Thus, one recruiter covers all the potentials from the FBI. Larger
organizations or areas are assigned multiple recruiters; ten recruiters
review U.S. Army candidates and each maintains a full caseload.
Candidates are generally added as a result of their skill specialties.
Ops evaluates NDD’s needs and provides the RAT with relevant sta-
tistics. Recruiters attempt to find ten or more candidates for each
position needed. An evaluation program is then instituted and the
potentials are checked for political beliefs, family ties, disabilities, psy-
chological or physical liabilities, and integrity.
Once the best candidates are identified, they are invited to orien-
tation and training. Any recruit who drops out before the 28th week
is reassigned to the Repatriate Program. At present, 12% of the
recruits fail before the 28th week. After week 28, 8% of the recruits
are unable to continue but are no longer eligible for the Repatriate
Program due to security concerns. This percentage is down from 16%
10 years ago. These recruits are turned over to DDS for processing or
termination as that division judges. As with rogue Repatriate agents,
the preferred method of removal is the appearance of death by nat-
ural causes. In sum, an average candidate class consists of 200 poten-
tials, of which 59 make it to Camp.
The Training subdivision oversees initial training for every agent of
the Directorate. The members of this subdivision also initially assess
1 2 3 4 5 6
During the debriefing phase of repatriation, a candidate is
RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING (RAT) assessed for potential intelligence and security risks. The
cleansing phase eliminates identified risks through indoctrina-
PROFESSIONS tion protocols; candidates posing extreme danger to the
Directorate are neutralized through advanced indoctrination
RECRUITER techniques, hypnotic suggestions, or more intensive methods,
as deemed necessary to protect the Directorate’s integrity.
Recruiters evaluate all candidates submitted as potential The Repatriate Program is composed of individuals who are
NDD operatives. Once an individual has been screened, a unable to withstand the rigors of Camp but are considered reli-
Recruiter is responsible for that individual from initial test- able enough to serve NDD. It also includes those who are sim-
ing to Camp assignment. Recruiters review all candidates’ ilarly judged useful but unable to attempt Camp training.
files, monitor them in the field prior to recruitment, and Repatriates never obtain more than a MJ2 clearance level and
participate in determining candidates’ optimal contribu- are fed a great deal of disinformation to protect the security of
tions to NDD. NDD. The Watchmakers of EI oversee all these individuals.
Qualities/Drawbacks: Heavy Indoctrination (NDD) Watchmen are not part of any class; instead they are han-
(–3), Implant (Sentinel) dled on a training-team or single trainee basis. Upon gradua-
tion they hold the same rank as all graduates—MJ3. Because of
Skills: Drive (Cars) +1, Humanities (Psychology) +1,
the security concerns inherent in training these individuals, very
Surveillance +1
few are allowed to drop out or fail to complete their training.
Pulling Strings: Departmental Records, Federal
Database Access
Repatriate Coordinators oversee MJ2 clearance level Division Pseudonym: P&P, D7
operatives who were inserted back into society when they Deputy Director: Vanessa Smythe
were unable to complete Camp training. Coordinators
The mission of Psychological and Paranormal Studies (P&P)
both reinsert failed Camp attendees and monitor
is to gain further insight into the capacities of the mind, both
Repatriates in the field. In the event a Repatriate compro-
human and EBE. Any operative possessing psychic potential is
mises NDD, the Coordinator reports the matter to DDS and
immediately assigned to P&P, so that the Directorate can best
takes whatever measures are necessary to protect NDD.
exploit his potential. This also allows close monitoring of his
Repatriate Coordinators often go into the field to investi-
progression and abilities for his own safety and that of NDD as
gate Repatriates’ activities or to verify information. In the
a whole.
event a Repatriate has information to relay, the
Coordinator arranges for delivery of data and materials, or Eighteen years ago, the Paranormal Studies Division was
schedules the meet. merged into P&P. This has proven an extraordinarily efficient
move, not only from an organizational standpoint, but also
Qualities/Drawbacks: Heavy Indoctrination (NDD)
because research points to a connection between the paranor-
(–3), Implant (Sentinel)
mal or “supernatural” and the psychic abilities manifested by
Skills: Disguise +1, Humanities (Psychology) +1, Stealth humans, and possibly also by EBEs. Limited attempts ten years
+1, Surveillance +1 ago at actually performing historically cited “rites” and “rituals”
Pulling Strings: Departmental Records, Disappearance led to the contamination of eighteen agents, who subsequently
displayed sociopathic tendencies and had to be terminated to
maintain Directorate integrity. Since that time, P&P policy bans
each new recruit’s aptitudes and abilities for divisional assign- use of supernatural powers. While this renders high-quality
ment purposes. All training personnel for the Camp come from experimental research difficult, anecdotal and qualitative analy-
this subdivision (except those who teach the second year of ses have been extremely useful and much more secure. Highly
DDS training, which is handled within DDS itself). restricted research continues in hopes that it will provide more
Repatriate: When candidates are unable to continue Camp information regarding mental processes and the supernatural.
training or fail Camp training, most often they are reinserted Since the inception of NDD, much has been learned about
into society. It is the duty of this subdivision to handle the human mental functioning, and important advances have been
debriefing, cleansing, and monitoring of those agents who have made into understanding Reticulan and Gna-Tall mental capac-
gone through repatriation. ities. Through intensive testing and training, P&P has been able
1 2 3 4 5 6
Paranormal Research (PARRES): The smallest of all sub- Naturally, SRD has not revealed this to the Gna-Tall, lest it be
divisions inside the Directorate, this group focuses on the least perceived as a potential weakness within NDD.
understood of all areas of Directorate interest. Its primary duty In keeping with SRD’s mission, work continues on theoretical
is to be a liaison with allied occult organizations and to broad- applications for the disruption of psychic ability, microwave dis-
en the knowledge of occult and mystic practices. PARRES is ded- tortion fields, and electromagnetics. In the event that either of
icated to making such knowledge a useful resource of NDD the NDD’s EBE allies opts to dissolve the alliance and becomes
while minimizing safety risks. an independent agency and/or opposing force, SRD is develop-
Operatives in this subdivision are devoted to research only ing new methods for both attack and defense targeted specifi-
and do not risk involvement with the paranormal. NDD believes cally at those species. These projects, classified MJ9 clearance,
strongly that manipulation of paranormal energies can only are at the exploratory stage only. If successful, SRD will work
lead to endangerment of the organization. Any individual closely with R&D to provide appropriate mechanisms for use.
engaged in active paranormal practice or participation without
authorization is dealt with swiftly and severely. SUBDIVISION BREAKDOWN
PARRES work was almost completely phased out two BioGenetic Research (BIOGEN): The scientists of BIOGEN
decades ago, but a handful of loyal researchers insisted on the work constantly to develop biological and genetic understanding
importance of continuing the study of the paranormal, if only of all EBEs. This subdivision is making headway in several areas,
because Aegis and other organizations seem to make much of but information to be gained from terminated EBEs is limited,
this type of activity. and living EBEs have not always proven completely cooperative.
Working closely with corporations that specialize in the human
genome and identifying markers, BIOGEN has been able to
DIVISION 8: SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND accumulate a vast quantity of information about biogenetics.
Frequently, BIOGEN requests and receives volunteers from
DEVELOPMENT (SRD) the array of NDD agents, and P&P is particularly interested in
Division Pseudonym: SRD, D8 learning more about psychic ability as a genetic trait. To date,
Deputy Director: Thomas Fagan genetic understanding of the Gna-Tall is very limited, and of the
Reticulans even more so, as both groups are markedly reluctant
Scientific Research and Development (SRD) strives to master to part with much information about their physiology, most
the sciences and apply them to the benefit of the Directorate. likely out of a viable concern for physical vulnerability. BIOGEN
This includes the development of scientific research programs has, however, gleaned some data about mental and psychic
within numerous military and civilian organizations, as well as functioning from P&P’s CERRES program.
in-house research for more delicate projects. SRD personnel
strive to blend knowledge gained by studying the EBEs with the Pharmacological Research (PHARRES): The scientists of
rest of the human sciences. this subdivision work on understanding chemicals and their
effects on both human and EBE physiology. This pharmacologi-
SRD interacts with EI regularly in the pursuit of scientific cal knowledge is used to develop physical and mental enhance-
advances and their implementation within NDD. Further, con- ment drugs as well as healing compounds. PHARRES frequently
siderable overlap exists between the jurisdictions of IA, EI, P&P, consults with P&P’s CERRES to develop mind-control drugs while
and SRD. Thus, these divisions all work closely together. avoiding the side effects the CIA/MK groups encountered.
Numerous research programs are scattered around the USA, Working through EI’s Watchmen program, PHARRES per-
hidden in sponsoring corporate organizations and military forms most of its testing on convicted felons. In the past, how-
installations. Projects deemed potential security risks are per- ever, PHARRES has used contacts in the U.S. military to conduct
formed by SRD itself and kept under tight security within NDD research in field environments. The subdivision was able to
facilities at all times. Most of these projects are MJ7 clearance gather a tremendous amount of data during Operations Desert
and above. Shield, Desert Storm, and Southern Focus in this fashion.
Over the past thirty-eight years, SRD has worked to blend Scientific exploration of pharmacological substances has led
EBE science with that of a more mundane, terrestrial nature. to the development of a variety of useful compounds. Many of
Although NDD had high hopes of learning much from the the earlier compounds were dedicated to mind-control purpos-
Reticulans, they have been exceedingly reticent about releasing es and research on mental functions. Recent advances have
information regarding their scientific advances. pushed forward on a number of fronts.
The alliance with the Gna-Tall has proven to be far more PHARRES has been able to develop substances to block pain
advantageous. Their work in gravitronics theory has been and to artificially increase a person’s healing rate. Once the
essential for SRD’s recent technological advances. body’s recovery mechanisms were unlocked, PHARRES was
Unfortunately, much of the information they have generously also able to create medicines to defend against microorganisms
provided remains beyond our current level of comprehension.
and to increase protection against biotoxins and radiation. Being responsible for all sciences not under the purview of
Currently PHARRES is examining ways to bolster the body’s nat- pharmacology or biogenetics means that, at any given time,
ural responses to changes in pressure, to allow pilots to turn at General Science has more than 100 projects under its supervi-
greater than 11 g and improve SCUBA divers’ ascension rates. sion and control. Many of these projects, such as the recent bio-
These substances remain in the experimental stages and are glove design, are conducted on NDD bases. However, some
not ready for field deployment. lower security projects, or research easily dismissed as “eccen-
General Science (GENSCI): This subdivision monitors the tric” or “fanciful” thanks to the work of IA and DDS, are con-
worldwide scientific community for breakthroughs that would ducted in plain sight.
be of interest to the Directorate. GENSCI is also tasked with Many of SRD’s best operatives are culled from programs at
choosing the proper time and place to “leak” helpful scientific prestigious universities where they have been denied the sup-
knowledge, as directed and coordinated by IA. port of their peers. Provision of funding for their research is a
convenient method of determining whether they are amenable
to the goals of NDD.
EBE RESEARCHER Division Pseudonym: Ops, D10
3 (–2/5)-POINT PROFESSION • C LEARANCE: MJ5 Deputy Director: Maxwell DeFarge
With a focus on EBE anatomy and mentality, EBE Operations (Ops) is charged with the complex mission of
Researchers perform experiments to study EBEs more making NDD run smoothly. Its assigned activities cover day-to-
effectively. Researchers also compile reports on EBE day operations, agent assignments, mission planning, budget
physique and psychology. As one might expect, EBE assessments, and all related tasks. Its attention to detail is
Researchers are often called upon to conduct their obser- responsible for an operative’s cover when on a mission. Ops is
vations and studies in field environments, as few EBEs vol- responsible for the seamless coordination among divisions, and
unteer for this sort of activity. its work goes largely unrecognized—unless a glitch appears, at
Qualities/Drawbacks: Heavy Indoctrination (NDD) which point its intervention is vital. Because Ops is aware of all
(–3), Implant (Sentinel) divisional activities, NDD soldiers are advised to listen very
carefully when its personnel provide information or direction.
Skills: Myths and Legends (UFOlogy) +1,
Research/Investigation +1, Science (Biology) +1, Science After construction was completed at Dulce, Operations was
(Psychology) +1, Science (Xenobiology) +1 created through the merger of Division 10, Systems, and
Division 11, Personnel. Since that time, Ops has been integral in
Pulling Strings: DNA Database
coordination between departments, under conditions consis-
tent with DDS’s security mandates.
PHARMACOLOGY TECHNICIAN Over the past two decades, Ops’ ability to coordinate with var-
ious departments has developed into dedicated mission planning
These scientists focus on researching, developing, and and preparation. As such, Ops is usually the first to be apprised
testing pharmacological compounds for a range of uses. of requests for equipment, conveyances, personnel, and infor-
Some medications are used to enhance NDD operatives’ mation. It then disseminates these requests to the appropriate
performance, while others are vital to agent’s healing and divisions, which streamlines communication and decreases
recovery. They also work in conjunction with D7’s CERRES redundant requests. Currently, all requests are conveyed through
to engineer advanced mind-control drugs. It is not unheard secure lines of communication, whether internal or external.
of for Pharmacology Techs to conduct experiments on
unsuspecting subjects outside the laboratory to preserve Ops is the central repository of critical information. As such,
the purity of the subjects’ reactions—with NDD approval, of its efforts are subject to special investigation and monitoring by
course. DDS. In conjunction with DDS, Ops conducts regular security
and administrative audits. While detrimental to overarching effi-
Qualities/Drawbacks: Heavy Indoctrination (NDD) ciency, these reviews are vital to the continued survival of NDD.
(–3), Implant (Sentinel)
Dulce continues to serve well as the primary NDD base, and
Skills: Research/Investigation +1, Science NDD expansion to main and auxiliary bases has provided rea-
(Pharmacology) +2, Science (Psychology) +1 sonable operational redundancy in the event Dulce becomes
Pulling Strings: Dangerous Toxins, Hidden Cures, untenable for either security and/or survival purposes.
Medical Stores Currently, Dulce is accessible via both air and ground, and DDS
has been successful in regulating all transportation in the area.
1 2 3 4 5 6
To casual or careful scrutiny, the area in and around Dulce
appears to be an operational military base, and all government
records relating to the property are highly classified, further
reducing risk. Both EI and DDS personnel note and track any-
one accessing these to determine potential security risk and the
appropriate level of response. Dulce Sublevels 1–4 are accessi-
ble by personnel with MJ1–MJ7 clearance, and all general
access elevators list only such levels. Sublevels 5 and 6 are
reached by separate elevator shafts, and personnel with
MJ9–MJ11 clearance may access these elevators. Only individ-
uals with MJ11 or MJ12 clearance may enter Sublevel 6.
Operational Administration (OPAD): The duty of OPAD
is to handle the day-to-day running of NDD. This responsibility OPERATIONS PROFESSION
includes, but is not limited to, maintaining bases and public
buildings, planning missions, providing debriefings, and
streamlining interdivisional communications. OPAD has full
access to all divisional records for purposes of allocating per- STRING) • C LEARANCE: MJ5
sonnel, resources, and planning missions.
Ops Central Command is overseen by OPAD, which conducts STRING)
Dulce operations, instigates missions, and handles interdepart-
These individuals are the backbone of Operations and
mental communications.
oversee the nuts and bolts of maintenance, planning,
Through a complex internal systems network and a vast data debriefing, and communications. Coordinators are respon-
storehouse, all information is entered, logged, and sorted, then sible for designing missions and allocating both personnel
copied and cross-linked to appropriate departments, personnel and resources. As such, they have access to all divisional
files, mission files, or research files. All data are compiled on records to facilitate their tasks.
layered crystal disks, capable of storing more than 100Tb of
Qualities/Drawbacks: Heavy Indoctrination (NDD)
data each. All OPAD personnel can requisition divisional
(–), Implant (Sentinel)
records in order to plan missions effectively, but individuals
requesting information must provide substantial proof and Skills: Bureaucracy +1, Humanities (Human Resources)
departmental authorization prior to access. All base operations +1, Research/Investigation +1
and NDD facilities are constantly monitored, and all structural Pulling Strings: Departmental Records, plus either
improvements and maintenance are carefully logged. Mission Files or Personnel Files
Personnel: The members of the Personnel subdivision col-
lect and compile all information from the other divisions and
maintain records on each member of NDD. Additionally, they
maintain the “official military records” of all members. These Division Pseudonym: D12, Central Command (CENTCOM)
records are used to provide covers as well as to prepare oper- The Twelfth Directorate is first and foremost sworn to protect
atives for eventual retirement following a lifetime of service. All this proud nation. Second, it provides for the security of opera-
information maintained by Ops is available to the directors and tives and their families at all costs short of the security of the
DDS upon authorized request. United States or the Directorate. In return, it asks the same of
Budget and Planning (B&P): This subdivision prepares all operatives—to protect and serve the Directorate, its mem-
and evaluates all budgets submitted to the directors for bers, and their families, thus securing the safety of the United
approval. They work in concert with OPAD to allocate funds for States of America.
missions, projects, and personnel. Their duties also include rais- Directorate: The members who make up the Twelfth
ing funds from various sources, such as private investment in Directorate are called Directors. The Directors oversee all oper-
cover organizations and charities, or redirection of federal ations and issue all commands to Deputy Directors. They are
funds to Directorate coffers. This vital subdivision ensures that solely responsible for determining the dissemination and with-
NDD’s financial affairs are in order, both at present and for the holding of information. Ultimately, the Directors are the only
foreseeable future. individuals who see the entirety of NDD. Directorate com-
mands, when properly authenticated, are not to be questioned
by any personnel.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Candidates dropping out prior to week 19 may find a posi-
PHOENIX ACADEMY tion in the Repatriate Program. Recruits failing after week 19 are
redirected to a “special program.”
Another nontraditional recruiting path involves excep-
tional intellects inhibited by some kind of physical, financial,
or psychological complication. The family of such an indi-
vidual is met by a special Recruitment and Training Division
recruiter, who offers a full scholarship to the prestigious There are two exceptions to the standard training pro-
Phoenix Academy located in Brockton, Massachusetts. gram for recruits. The first revolves around the members of
Under the guidance of the recruiter, literature is reviewed, the Espionage and Infiltration (EI) Division, who cannot
statistics on how the Academy has improved the lives of its absent themselves from their jobs for extended periods of
students are highlighted, and the cost of similar nonsubsi- time. The recruits in EI undergo a short one-month training
dized care and education is analyzed. In the face of such a program and private instruction for up to four years. This
presentation, most families are more than happy to accept instruction occurs on weekends, at night, and during vaca-
enrollment. They see that this option will provide a better tions—all spent with special trainers from the Recruitment
life for their child than any other path. division. The history of the Directorate is taught over a long
period of time and does not commence until the middle of
the second year.
Note that regardless of background, capacities, or impair-
ments, NDD does not allow any discrimination against any indi- The second exception covers those members who are
vidual on the basis of race, religion, sex, national origin, or age. destined for the Division of Directorate Security (DDS).
Those students supplement the standard training program
with a second year of further specialized training.
Before their first assignment, NDD recruits must be ready to
make a valuable and necessary contribution to the survival of
the United States of America. To that end, the Directorate
requires that every agent successfully complete the Dulce Basic
Having passed Advanced Training, candidates move into the
Training Camp. final phase, usually referred to as “Patriot” Training. The first fif-
The training begins with administrative processing, during teen weeks are divided between field exercises and further spe-
which candidates meet the director of training, receive uni- cialized divisional training.
forms, and are assigned to a barracks. The first eight weeks of The field exercises allow recruiters to test willpower, ability
training at the Camp are similar to basic training conducted by to make command decisions, and willingness to sacrifice per-
the United States Army. The focus is on self-defense, small arms sonal desires for the greater good. In the past, loss of life has
use, basic athletics, and physical fitness. Although this phase is occurred during these exercises due to recruit error, but in spite
not overly difficult, it is nonstop and leaves recruits little down- of the potential dangers, these exercises catalyze teamwork and
time for anything but sleep. morale in a way that no other method has ever achieved.
Efforts are made to group recruits by their expertise when Specialized divisional training consists of detailed protocols,
assigning barracks even at this phase of the training. Prior to briefings on ongoing projects, and familiarization with appro-
orientation, all recruits are evaluated for optimal divisional priate equipment.
assignment, and changes are only rarely made during the initial Following fifteen weeks of this phase, the entire class
training process. Following orientation, the Directorate uses the receives a two-week overview of the Directorate’s history,
initial evaluation to classify candidates by their prior skills and goals, and aims, followed by a more specialized history of each
make a potential NDD divisional assignment. division focused on its own potential recruits. During this time,
Very few individuals fail the initial basic training or question candidates learn their unique roles within NDD based on initial
their commitment to the Directorate. divisional assignments and make important contacts with fellow
recruits in closely allied divisions.
DULCE ADVANCED CAMP TRAINING During weeks 48–50 of training, candidates undergo rigor-
After the initial eight weeks of Basic Training, candidates ous physicals and are implanted with the Sentinel chip. Every
progress to Advanced Camp Training. Throughout the next 20 agent in the Directorate receives this implant, providing a
weeks, the entire recruit class takes part in teamwork exercises secure and inviolate method of identification that serves to pro-
and more intensive physical training. Also during this time, tect the confidentiality of the Directorate’s mission and
recruits are given specialized training according to their initial resources; it is the only way to gain access to NDD bases
divisional assignments. Instructors review standard procedures throughout the world.
and operations of the appropriate divisions in great detail.
1 2 3 4 5 6
QUALITIES AND DRAWBACKS Sentinel Implants are used (a) to provide a personal,
As before, the Profession Package may be bought using forgery-proof identification code for each operative and
Quality (or Quality and Skill) points, providing the agent with (b) to monitor the location of every operative inside a
starting levels in certain skills as well as predefined Qualities. secured NDD facility. Every agent is implanted with one of
Other Qualities and Drawbacks may be purchased after the these devices. Many NDD facilities use scanners on incom-
Profession has been defined, though some are banned from ing personnel to authorize entry and/or permit computer
NDD. Displaying certain psychological problems, or paranor- access.
mal abilities, is a sure way to be removed from the recruitment
process very early on.
A number of new Qualities, Skills, and Pulling Strings are
provided below.
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
NDD ensures that necessary equipment is available, but it The following list is not inclusive of all Directorate equip-
does not tolerate excessive abuses of requisitions. To this end, ment, as much is experimental, restricted, or too dangerous for
operatives are limited in the requests they may file. If operatives standard use. Information on experimental or restricted equip-
assigned to a mission want to requisition additional resources, ment is provided on a need-to-know basis only. At any given
they can expend 2 RPs per MJ level once a month. All opera- moment in time, NDD researchers are developing new tech-
tives who have a Guns (Pistol) Skill 2 (or higher) are issued a nologies, but new equipment is only distributed following suit-
Black Kat pistol as a sidearm, which they are expected to carry able field-testing or in highly unusual circumstances. This guide
at all times. represents an assortment of readily accessible NDD resources
Operatives may request resources listed in other Conspiracy from which agents may draw. Each device comes with a requi-
X books by expending accumulated RPs. However, if the items sition cost, security rating, and quantity available per RP cost.
are not within NDD’s vast warehouse of supplies, characters Operatives must return all equipment upon completion of a
may have to contend with an extensive wait. The Chronicler mission. Much of the advanced equipment used by NDD is
makes this determination based on the NDD facility from which unique, and as such it is never left in the field, nor is it
the group is operating and its current state of operations. employed in high-profile operations. If equipment is ever lost or
Requisitions for individual equipment with a value of more than stolen, an alert is immediately filed with the requisitioning
4 RPs may be difficult to obtain, and availability is based on the agent’s superiors and every effort is made to retrieve it.
mission priority to NDD. The following gear is available for field assignments and is
Non-NDD specific resources may be requisitioned, with the generally sized to an agent’s specific needs. Equipment marked
following exceptions: no Aegis-only equipment, no Atlantean with an asterisk (*) is restricted and issued only on mission-spe-
nanotechnology, and no supernatural equipment beyond 3 RPs cific contingencies. Operatives must prove need when request-
may be obtained. ing such items.
It is important to note that most of this equipment has a high
SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT (PERSONAL) signature value; any non-NDD recovery of expended ammuni-
The National Defense Directorate is years—and in some tion will lead to suspicion from the authorities and pose a secu-
cases even decades—ahead of civilian scientific and technologi- rity risk to NDD. Operatives are cautioned about using such
cal advances. A campaign involving NDD agents is, by necessi- equipment in high-profile situations and must make every
ty, one involving “high tech.” The nature of items the effort to retrieve and return all equipment requisitioned. E&C
Directorate deals with, who it works with, and how long it has teams are dispatched where this cannot be accomplished.
been operating reinforce its high-tech status.
and pockets spread over its surface and comes with an oxygen-
CLOTHING regeneration mouthpiece for 1 hour’s use in gas or smoke com-
bat conditions. It is made from supertensile fibers (AV D6(3)
BIOHAZARD SUIT LEVEL 2 value) and is highly resistant to corrosives. While somewhat
5 RPS FOR 1 SUIT bulky, the suit is surprisingly light. The combat uniform looks
PREREQUISITE: MJ2 OR HIGHER like a large, sealed black jumpsuit with dark plastic plating over
all major surfaces. EV: 10; Cost: $800
These suits differ from the traditional variety in many ways.
They are not separated into components but are generally sized
to the wearer and made in one seamless garment, with access HOSTILE CLIMATE SUIT
gained from a zippered entry in the back. Being specifically 2 RPS FOR 1 SUIT
sized, the suit is more maneuverable and less bulky than the PREREQUISITE: MJ1 OR HIGHER
basic biohazard spacesuit (see the core book, p.140). This suit is
This simple-looking one-piece uniform appears to be stan-
made with supertensile fibers and is resistant to damage and
dard-issue military surplus. It is designed with biomimetic tech-
tearing. A pocket on the inside of the suit stores an oxygen-
nology and will keep the wearer cool in temperatures up to
regeneration chamber: a small series of rods and filters that
128° and warm to –88°. It is nonbulky and quite comfortable.
allow an agent free breathing for up to 12 hours. Like the nor-
Gloves and boots are attached, as is a concealed hood. Its exte-
mal biohazard spacesuit, it will protect the wearer from harm-
rior is made from supertensile fibers, offering AV D6(3) protec-
ful gases, microorganisms, chemicals, and medium-strength
tion. An oxygen-regeneration mouthpiece with 2 hours of air is
acids. The suit is AV D4(2). The decreased bulk of this suit
included. EV: 10; Cost: $800
means it causes the wearer to be lightly encumbered, rather
than the normal medium. EV:40; Cost: $3,500
PREREQUISITE: MJ1 OR HIGHER Named for the scientist chiefly responsible for its develop-
ment, this meshed metallic armor (easily visible as such) has AV
The Directorate designed this gear for fieldwork where phys-
(D10 x 5) +15(40). It is vulnerable to electromagnetic weaponry
ical combat is likely. The suit is made for functionality and pro-
(no protection). Another downside is its virtual lack of protec-
tection. It can hold weaponry and equipment in various slings
tion against close-combat bludgeoning weapons (effective AV
D6(3)). EV: 18; Cost: $8,000
These supertensile fiber jumperlike uniforms are worn under
other clothing. They are fairly plain and unadorned. These suits
provide AV (D10 x 4) + 10(30). EV: 8; Cost: $5,000
1 2 3 4 5 6
smells from perfume, soap, and other items—that greatly
THERMOGRAPHIC CAMOUFLAGE GEAR reduce the accuracy of these sniffers. However, proper software
programming can calibrate these sensors to determine which
PREREQUISITE: MJ3 OR HIGHER smells are important and which should be overlooked. Of
This uniform is essentially a “temperature neutral” suit and course, sniffers can also be used to pick up residual odors from
is composed of a single-piece black jumpsuit, complete with recent gunfire and unique chemicals that can be used as tags to
attached hood, boots, and gloves. The suit is connected to a follow marks. More abstract and uncertain are attempts to
cooling/heat exchanger system by a 20-foot length of insulated determine a person’s health, to diagnosis certain diseases, and
tubing. The gear absorbs the operative’s thermal signature, even to tell if a person is lying, since the body produces differ-
which is then converted into radio waves at 5167.5 kHz. This unit ent chemicals in response to stress and other conditions.
is ideally suited to sniper duty, and in the event of detection the Sniffers are less effective when used amid large numbers of
operative may disconnect from the remote exchange system people or in open spaces. EV: 2; Cost: $2,000
with ease to be able to retreat. EV: 8 (remote exchange system,
EV: 15); Cost: $6,500
ESPIONAGE AND COUNTERESPIONAGE EQUIPMENT This wire mesh or solid metal cage comes in a variety of sizes
and must be carefully installed by a skilled technician, who sets
AUDIO MAGNIFIERS up the system on site and runs diagnostics. Its purpose is to
secure equipment against electronic eavesdropping. The appa-
ratus works by absorbing RF emissions and sending them to
ground. The Faraday Cage has no active components (and no
This headset device resembles a set of standard foam head- white noise generator). For 100 MHz–900 MHz a fine copper
phones. While wearing this device, the agent can hear sounds mesh is used; those for Mwaves (1 GHz–20 GHz) are solid
up to 500 ft distant. The magnifiers also possess a filtering set- metal. When combined with TEMPEST- (Transient
ting that allows the agent to focus in on a particular sound. ElectroMagnetic Pulse Emission Standard Technology) hard-
Sounds normally beyond the human hearing range can also be ened equipment, a cage applies a –4 penalty to any electronic
heard. Lastly, the audio magnifiers can be set to record and surveillance Task against it. EV: n/a; Cost: $5,000
broadcast information back to a receiver site. In fieldwork, they
are excellent for tracking assignments, recon, and infiltrations.
Conversations behind closed doors can be heard clearly (+2 for MICROWAVE CAMERA*
all Perception Tests involving hearing). Unfortunately, the
device is easily foiled by white noise generators. PREREQUISITE: MJ5 OR HIGHER
EV: 1; Cost: $100 While the milliwave cameras (see below) can peer through
clothing and walls, microwave cameras can see into even more
BURST TRANSMITTER intimate places. The microwave camera is a short-range device
capable of looking inside the human body, through flesh and
bone, and locating contraband, implants, and other abnormali-
ties. Similar to milliwave cameras, microwave cameras can eas-
These cell-phone-sized devices transmit powerful signals ily see through doors and walls and can be used to mount a
over limited terrain. Their strong point is their high security highly effective and discreet surveillance operation. Unlike a
against interception. They have a range of 20 miles. Agents milliwave camera, however, the microwave camera is much
must exercise extreme caution when operating this equipment easier to handle and far more compact. About the size of a bar
due to inherent radiation. Long-term or frequent exposure of soap, this device has two tiny radars that scan a spherical
causes sterility. EV: 1; Cost: $100 region, mapping a full volume of space. The only dedicated
equipment necessary is a laptop computer and software to
CHEMICAL SNIFFERS interpret and assemble the images, both of which are provided
7 RPS FOR 1 UNIT with the camera. NDD advises caution in the use of this device
PREREQUISITE: MJ5 OR HIGHER in public areas, as it has been shown to interfere with the func-
tioning of certain varieties of pacemakers. EV: 2; Cost: $2,000
Spawned from the technology that made the artificial nose
possible, these snooping devices can pick up trace odors and
even identify people by their scents. Still, the human body pro-
duces thousands of fragrant chemicals—not to mention artificial
This drug was designed to absorb excess radiation in the body
and expel it as waste. When taken as a preventive measure, the
pills increase the body’s resistance to radiation. R-3 lowers the
level of radiation effect one grade (see p. 175 of the core rule-
book). When taken after radiation poisoning, the pills work a bit SPIDER DRONE*
more slowly, often taking a full hour to go through the body. One 10 RPS FOR 5 DRONES
dose lasts for six hours; taking more than five doses in a week PREREQUISITE: MJ5 OR HIGHER
causes incapacitating nausea and convulsions that can occur any
time within a month of overdose. EV: n/a; $1,500 for 5 In appearance, the spider drone looks remarkably like a
small spider (less than one inch across). It is controlled in a
manner similar to the AMite; once a target is selected, the drone
TRICYCLADINE can pursue the individual by hitching rides on other vehicles
2 RPS FOR 1 WEEK’S SUPPLY (70CC) and scuttling at speeds up to five miles per hour. It is capable of
PREREQUISITE: MJ1 OR HIGHER making a 2-yard jump in order to board vehicles or to clear
Commonly used in the Directorate, Tricycladine is a nonad- obstacles, and can climb walls (at the Chronicler’s discretion,
dictive stimulant that allows the user the ability to function with- depending upon the surface). It can broadcast up to one mile.
out the body’s requisite amount of sleep. An agent on As the spider drone transmits in random burst mode, detecting
Tricycladine need sleep for only four hours a night. Using it with sweeps is very difficult (–2 penalty on any Surveillance
Tricycladine for longer than a week at a time is not recom- Task to detect it using standard sweeping devices). The com-
mended because it causes unusually lucid dreaming and delu- mon uses for this device are tailing a subject and long-term
sions. Each use after one week requires a Simple Willpower room or site surveillance. The spider drone can function for six
Test; failure gives the user a Psychological Problem Drawback hours continuously without recharge but this duration can be
(Chronicler’s choice). EV: n/a; Cost: $50 lengthened considerably by powering the device down when
unused. EV: 1 for 5; Cost: $1,000
Built to resemble a range of indigenous large insects (beetles,
palmetto bugs, etc.), the AMite 2000 is a source-programmable
recon device. It has DC 10 and moves at speeds up to 20 mph. It
is controlled from a palm-sized relay box, holds infrared and
nightvision cameras, and relays its visual feed directly back to
the controller (a larger monitor may be attached to the relay box
if desired). It has a range of 1.5 miles from the controller and ATLAS RAIL GUN*
flies using a miniature winged propulsion system. The exterior 20 RPS FOR 1 UNIT
shell has a biomimetic agent on it to allow the AMite to camou- PREREQUISITE: MJ6 OR HIGHER
flage itself in an adaptive manner. This applies a –3 penalty to all
Perception Tasks to spot the drone. It is powered by a small This weapon is released only to agents who have been
solar-charged battery; when fully charged, the AMite can oper- trained in its use (Guns (Rail Gun) skill). The Atlas rests on a
ate for up to four hours at maximum speed. EV: 1; Cost: $1,000 Tri-steel stock base. It is a 15mm weapon with a 36-inch barrel
and a wide bore. It uses DU shells (see p.140) or generic
1 2 3 4 5 6
armor-piercing munitions that are loaded from the muzzle.
This cannon was designed to take out a UFO; it fires at three
times the muzzle velocity of a normal weapon at ranges up to
2 miles. EV: 48: Range: 25/200/650/1500/3600; Damage: D8 x
8(32); Cost: $4,500
Polly is a state-of-the-art, all-polymer pistol, easily concealed
and invisible to metal detectors. Under X-ray scans or pat
This energy pistol fires a massive controlled electrical charge downs, it is obviously a weapon, so caution should be exercised
up to 40 yards. All attacks are considered close range. It will fry in carrying it. The Polly can be disassembled into components
any unprotected electronics it hits (barring TEMPEST hard- and fitted into a specialized polymer case, the X-ray image of
ened). If used against an organic creature it causes disruption which looks like a standard toiletry kit. This firearm holds a
of the target’s electrochemical reactions in the brain and body magazine of four bullets and can fire only specialized
and D10 x 4(20) burn; the target will suffer an induced coma CrackerJack ammunition (see below). EV: 1; Range:
unless he passes a Difficult Constitution Test. The pistol will also 2/10/15/20/30; Damage: D6 x 2(6); Cost: $1,000
ignite any flammable material it encounters. It ignores metallic
armor. This weapon takes a full round to recharge and hence
can be fired only every other round. The Castigator must be
recharged after five uses and is limited to special assignments
only. EV: 2; Range: 5/10/15/20/40; Damage: Special (see
above); Cost: $1,000
body armor. It can be fired in two modes. The first, burst mode,
allows the operative to generate short controlled shots. The sec-
ond is preferred for thicker penetrations, cutting through any
barrier with a continuous stream of energy. This weapon
becomes ineffective in any conditions where line of sight is
compromised, including rain, fog, or snow. It can fire 10 bursts
or lasts for two minutes of cutting. Note that the beam of this
weapon is not visible to normal vision, so the target may have
SHP RIFLE* no idea what is happening (at the Chronicler’s discretion, this
20 RPS FOR 1 UNIT may require a Fear Test). EV: 18; Range: 15/50/300/700/1500;
PREREQUISITE: MJ4 OR HIGHER Damage: D8 x 4(20)/Turn; Cost: $2,500
The SHP rifle was designed as a long-range assault weapon.
While called a “rifle,” it is actually a high-tech, single-barrel, light
machine gun. It comes with an articulated body harness to help AMMUNITION
the operator wield its great bulk. A Simple Strength Test is
required to fire this weapon with any semblance of accuracy. The CRACKERJACK AMMUNITION*
superheated plasma-driven charge is fired from a 22-inch barrel. 2 RP FOR 3 MAGAZINES (OF 4 BULLETS EACH)
The projectile is considered armor-piercing. The charge for the PREREQUISITE: MJ5 OR HIGHER
SHP rifle lasts for 50 long bursts. The gun is also fitted with a
grenade launcher mounted on the underside. EV: 22; Range: These shells, made of polymer and coated with Teflon, are
10/150/500/1500/3600; Damage: D8 x 6(24); Cost: $2,500 for use in the Polly firearm (see above). The ammunition is
loaded into a four-round, all-polymer magazine. They are inef-
fective against Kevlar or tougher armor. The ammunition does
the same damage as a regular handgun bullet. EV: n/a; Cost:
$100 per magazine
1 2 3 4 5 6
deterioration times for other materials. Following the explosion
and five rounds of deterioration, the solvent becomes inert and
can be touched. EV: 1; Range: 3/7/10/13/20; Cost: $100
Essentially a gas grenade, the somna creates a yellow gas
BREACH GRENADE DETERIORATION CHART cloud in a 10-yard radius. Anyone breathing in this cloud must
make a Difficult Constitution Test or fall unconscious for D6 x
Wood and cloth 4 cubic yards/Turn 10(30) minutes. There are no harmful side effects (headaches,
Plastic 3 cubic yards/Turn nausea, etc.) except for slight drowsiness. EV: 1; Range:
Concrete 2 cubic yards/Turn 3/7/10/13/20; Cost: $150
Steel/glass 1 cubic yards/Turn
Reinforced steel 0.5 cubic yards/Turn MELEE WEAPONS
Dense metals 0.25 cubic yards/Turn
The BioGlove represents a biomimetic breakthrough from
SRD. Each glove is designed using synthetic polymers found
nowhere else on the planet. Two types of BioGloves are available:
Climbing BioGlove: Designed using the adhesive qualities
of the gecko, this set of two gloves and two footpads allows the
user to climb even smooth, featureless surfaces. The set gives
EM GRENADE* the user a +5 bonus to any Climbing Task. It needs to be
“recharged” in Dulce after three months.
Eel BioGlove: This blue-tinted pair of gloves can release a
This handy spoiler releases an uncontrolled electromagnetic strong electrical charge up to one yard away (target takes
pulse that radiates out in a destructive wave for 30 yards. Any D10(5) points of damage and temporarily loses one point of
electronics within the targeted area are subject to malfunction Dexterity from numbness). Naturally, this glove can play havoc
(if used against Atlantean nanotech, use the nanotech malfunc- with targeted electronic equipment. The gloves must be
tion table (see p. 49) of the Extraterrestrials Sourcebook, with a recharged at Dulce after two months. EV: 1; Cost: $1,000
+6 modifier to the roll)). The grenade may be altered by
depressing a series of toggles to produce a shaped charge in a
120-degree blast with a five-second delay. In this instance, STUN BATON
placement is vital. EV: 1; Range: 3/7/10/13/20; Cost: $150 4 RPS FOR 1 UNIT
FAERIE DUST GRENADE The stun baton resembles a smooth black nightstick. It is
1 RP FOR 1 GRENADE made of a very strong synthetic polymer and delivers a power-
PREREQUISITE: MJ1 OR HIGHER ful electric jolt that stuns a target. The target must make a
Difficult Constitution Test to avoid being stunned for D6(3)
This grenade releases a cloud of dense, light-refracting crys- Turns, as well as suffering normal baton damage (D6(3) x
tals in a 10-yard radius. The crystals are toxic, and breathing Strength). It can be used for 20 hits before requiring recharging
them causes severe respiratory damage (D8 points of damage (which is accomplished in five hours at a normal outlet). EV: 2;
per Turn unprotected within the cloud). Energy weapons refract Cost: $130
if used within or discharged into this cloud, rendering them
effectively useless. Conventional radar and GPS technology
likewise are jammed. The cloud normally remains coherent for
12 minutes but is affected by wind conditions, which accelerate
its dissipation. After an hour, the crystals simply decompose.
EV: 1; Range: 3/7/10/13/20; Cost: $250
1 2 3 4 5 6
The “Jetti” is a backpack harness that allows the wearer to travel up
to 100 ft, high at speeds up to 120 mph. The Jetti does not actually use
jets, but a complex gravitic drive for lift, and a miniature pulse deto-
nation engine for speed and direction. The harness can support up to
300 lbs. The power source must be recharged at one of three base
facilities, including Dulce, and lasts for two hours of continuous flight.
The device is piloted using Pilot (Jetpack) Skill. EV: 20; Speed: 120/70;
Acceleration: 10; Range: 200; Toughness: 1; Handling: 2; DC: 30; AV:
2; Accuracy: n/a; Cost: n/a; Crew: 1
Given the improvements in engine size and weight due to Gna-Tall
aid, this aircraft is smaller and lighter than the Aurora III. It also has
superior radar/infrared jamming, stealth, and emission cloaking (–5 to
targeting or detection Tasks) — another upgrade from the aliens. Its
top speed is slightly greater than the Aurora’s, and its high-agility
wings and lower mass allow for greater maneuverability and deceler-
ation. Of course, the TD-121 has no nano-helmet or clairvoyance lens
additions, and its control and targeting suffer in that regard. Like the
Aurora, the TD-121 cannot use both engines simultaneously and can-
not take advantage of its cloaking capacity if it is running on its pulse
detonation engines. On the other hand, TD-121 pilots are much more
confident in the maintenance of their pulse detonation engines given
the Gna-Tall aid (no reliability roll needed).
The TD-121 is armed with normal medium missiles and 12 ECM
Weight: 48,000; Speed: 2,600 (1,600 turbo)/1,300; Acceleration:
240 (120 turbo); Range: 3,000; Toughness: 4; Handling: 7; DC: 530;
AV: 20; Accuracy: 6; Cost: n/a; Crew/Passengers: 1/1
Chapter Five
Cults and
1 2 3 4 5 6
present only when individuals actually have knowledge about
DIRECTORATE X BRIEF DESCRIPTION purported paranormal activity. When these individuals are con-
fronted with the presence of the paranormal they react with
Directorate X was once a division of Project Rasputin
dedicated to the eradication of aliens. It was shut down hostility or attempt to distance themselves. Emotional and
when a nonaggression pact was signed between the Soviet volatile people who pursue the eradication of the paranormal
Union and the Greys. With the fall of the Soviet Union, the with single-mindedness often join these groups.
members spread to the winds, but many continue their Civic Organizations: Throughout the world, there exists a
assault on the alien invaders. wide variety of organizations that purport to enhance their
communities. They often consist of those who reflect on their
accomplishments, and are sometimes linked with religious
STEP 2: SELECTING CHARACTERISTICS groups. For the most part, these groups are well entrenched in
Revisit the brainstormed description of the group and choose local communities through branches in a hierarchical structure.
from the Characteristics below those that appear to fit. Examples include Kiwanis, Rotary, and Habitat for Humanity.
A group may have multiple characteristics. These are Criminal Syndicates: Organized crime is often portrayed in
descriptive devices to aid in picking the group’s goals. Of the media as being solely associated with the Mafia, when in
course, some characteristics may apply to the group as a whole, fact the beliefs, tolerances, and expectations in criminal organi-
whereas some may apply only to a specific subdivision or area. zations vary widely. The one commonality to the various groups
Note any that may apply and indicate if the characteristic is that take part in criminal activities is the belief that the law does
Universal (applying to the whole group), Territorial (applying to not bind them. At a bare minimum, belonging to an organized
a division), or Individual (specific members). crime group means that the characters have entered into an
agreement not to snitch on their pals. Punishments are hefty, so
CHARACTERISTIC DESCRIPTIONS be careful who is trusted. Examples include the Sicilian Mafia,
Triads, and Yakuza.
Academic Institutions: Within any given academic institu-
tion, there is a collection of societal groups. These groups are Cults: Belonging to a cult usually entails following a single
most often based on similar interests and acceptance into a charismatic leader who sets down his doctrine for a way of life.
larger, pre-existing group. Admission may be accomplished Often, cults are formed on the fringes of society and require
through hazing or other ritualistic methods employed by the members to leave behind their former lives to travel to a remote
older group members. These groups are almost always hierar- location. Cults differ from religious groups on both theological
chical, with the older members having precedence over the and psychological grounds. Theologically they vary dependent
younger. Other, more loosely organized groups that form in an upon society’s generally accepted religions. Psychologically, cults
academic institution are those such as student councils, politi- tend to use brainwashing and dependence on the cult to foster a
cal groups, and volunteer organizations. Academic institutions close-minded attitude that benefits the cult. This close-minded-
also host faculty and staff groups, including research teams and ness usually results in an intolerance of other belief systems and
“think tanks.” an antagonistic attitude toward members of other faiths. A clas-
Alien Collaborators: Among the people who are aware of sic example of a cult is the Branch Davidian Sect.
the existence of extraterrestrials are those who support working Curiosity Seekers: These are the people on the forefront of
with the aliens. Usually, these groups are based on a mutually exploration, who always want to be the first to know. They band
beneficial arrangement, although some supporters are just gen- in groups that espouse beliefs in satisfying one’s curiosity. As a
erally trusting of alien races. These groups tend to form within consequence members are also great risk-takers. People driven
pre-existing organizations that have made contact with aliens, with the need to know for knowledge’s sake join these groups.
but some individuals form their own groups based on common College philosophy majors who aim to be perpetual students
interests and backgrounds. Examples of alien collaborators are prone to joining up. Often, unless one individual rises to a
include the Black Book, UFO watchers, and PUPPET. position of solid leadership, these groups break off into multi-
Anarchists: This type of organization sets out to cause dis- ple directions, following whatever separate leads strike their
order, be it against corporations, governments, or some other fancy. Examples are the National Geographic Exploration Team,
society group. These groups generally have some kind of dis- Royal Cryptozoological Society, and Mountain Club.
satisfaction with the status quo and the current agenda of the Defenders: Groups that defend the weak and the downtrod-
population at large. Anarchy groups foment rebellion and seek den tend to be very persistent and very flexible. Regardless of
opportunities to create chaos in order to disrupt the current whether they are smuggling refugees or executing vigilante-style
order. Often, anarchy groups have little internal structure, since justice, they blend into the surroundings and melt away rather
organization is inherently anathema. than confront opposition in a stand-off. They value their contin-
Antiparanormal Groups: The antithesis to alien collabora- ued existence more than they value winning any given battle.
tors, magic circles, and psychic networks, these groups are These groups tend to draw people who are tolerant of many
belief systems, and as a consequence defenders’ organizations usually take advantage of the situation, sometimes even in
consist of a wide mix of members with varying styles and indi- times of grave danger. There is often some hierarchy structured
vidualized interpretations of beliefs. Examples include under- around the level of knowledge acquired. Examples include the
ground railroads, vigilantes, and shelters for abuse victims. Montague Club and the Lodge of the World Tree.
Enforcers: Classic enforcers often wear uniforms, carry Mutual Protection: While no secret society can survive
badges, and are well versed in the legal system. They see to it without protecting its members, some groups make it their pri-
that justice is served and in doing so believe that the popula- mary goal and basis of recruitment. Protection may imply ene-
tion is that much safer. They tend to see things in black and mies, either personal or the group’s as a whole. In either case,
white, with little room for gray. They use their extensive members may be required to assist each other in times of mis-
knowledge and personal experience to make rapid judgments. fortune. Groups like this usually have a high degree of internal
These groups tend to fall into some kind of organization rap- trust or a tight internal structure; at the very least, they have
idly upon creation, because they have little tolerance for something that strongly differentiates members from nonmem-
ambiguity. Examples include police officers, political groups, bers, whether this is a “secret handshake” or worn emblem.
and gate keepers. Examples include Freemasons, the Forever, and “underground
Financially Motivated: Organizations that are motivated railroads” of abuse victims.
by financial growth are almost always involved in some kind of Outcast: Groups that are withdrawn from society, either
trafficking, whether that be drugs, guns, information, or tech- through self-selection or through being ostracized, are consid-
nology. Corporations are usually financially motivated, ered to be outcasts. They often have a separate set of norms from
although they may have other important traits as well. those in mainstream society. It is difficult for members of outcast
Individuals who belong to these groups are often concerned groups to have connections or contacts, although not unheard of.
with their own financial standing, so a certain amount of com- Some groups may have branches that are separate from society,
petitiveness and individualism takes place. Competition is often while other branches operate within society. An example would
encouraged in these groups in order to construct a hierarchy of be a branch of a religious order that isolates itself in an abbey.
success. Examples include mercenaries, dealers, freelance Paramilitary: These groups consist of individuals with
spies, and average corporations. some kind of military or physical training who are drawn
Information Liberation: Groups that focus on the dissem- together by a common cause, such as financially motivated
ination of information generally claim that no one should have (classic mercenaries for hire), enforcers (freedom fighters), and
the right to withhold information from the public for any rea- religious groups (Jihad terrorist groups). Unless united by a
son. As a result, these groups tend to take whatever information series of shared beliefs, these groups dissolve over time.
they uncover and find the most efficient way to “give” it to the Examples include guerrillas, assassins, and neo-Nazis.
population at large. Scientific organizations that are on the Philosophical Movements: Philosophically enriched
fringe may also hold beliefs about the right to know, and if so organizations tend to have a stunning array of explanations at
share their information by any method plausible, including their disposal. Whatever their philosophical beliefs, these
speaking at national conferences. Examples include hackers groups steep themselves in those beliefs to the point that any
and scientific circles. member can cite definitions at the drop of a hat. Because of the
Investigation: Groups that value investigation almost seemingly unavoidable language barrier between those who
always have additional traits that determine their intentions hold the philosophy and those who do not, members of these
once they have completed the investigation. This is different groups tend to cluster together for social support. Examples
from Curiosity Seekers in that Investigation groups emphasize include Existentialists and traditionalists.
piecing together a likely hypothesis or scenario and then col- Political Parties: Groups in any governmental structure
lecting data and facts to support or refute the expectation. have their own sets of standards and goals that they parade
Individuals drawn to Investigation groups have a natural ability before the public. Their platforms propose ideas and concepts
to analyze details and information to form a coherent pattern. they wish to make an integral part of the government.
As a consequence, within these groups, individuals often take it Sometimes these issues are a direct reflection of their genuine
upon themselves to perform investigations on group members. intentions, and sometimes they are a gross distortion. As a
Naturally, this type of behavior can easily lead to paranoia, result, members of political parties often have a difficult time
hypervigilance, and difficulty trusting others. Examples include separating reality from what “seems to be,” and given the pub-
the FBI and local police detectives. lic nature of politics, this rarely goes unnoticed in the media.
Magic Circles: Practitioners of the magic arts often form Examples include the Democratic Party, Free America, and the
some kind of association to exchange information and provide religious right.
support. The one commonality of this group is respect for mag- Psychic Networks: These organizations consist of formal
ical tomes, scrolls, and learning. When confronted with the and informal contacts between psychics. Often, the psychics
opportunity to advance magical knowledge, group members
1 2 3 4 5 6
meet one another in person to discuss the current state of
affairs relating to psychics. If a psychic is in need, she may be
This step details the extent of the group’s public image, how
able to contact one of these groups for shelter and assistance, well known its goals are, and how visible leaders and members
at least in the short term. Motivations of group members vary are. Depending on the organization’s style and methods, it may
widely, but overall these individuals agree on the importance of be important to have a high public profile, perhaps with the
helping one another to survive in a brutal society that doesn’t leaders very well known and respected. In other organizations,
understand them. Examples include the Psychic Underground it may be necessary to keep to the shadows and inform others
and Allied Psychics. about the goals in secretive and subtle ways. Select the cate-
Religious Groups: Individual churches, as well as entire reli- gories below that best describe the organization, or Chroniclers
gious movements, can be characterized with this trait. Groups may create their own.
that adhere to a belief system involving a higher being/power
differ in their interpretation of doctrine, and usually differences
in doctrine make it difficult for them to associate with one anoth-
The group identity helps determine how recognizable the
er. Religious groups differ from cults both theologically and psy- organization is. It may also be seen as a measure of how diffi-
chologically. Belief in a higher power (and sometimes an after- cult it is for people to identify the group and to understand its
life) frequently empowers group members to take actions they place in society.
would normally find too distressing or difficult. Examples include
Public: Organizations with Public identities are well known
the Russian Orthodox Church and Opus Dei.
and can be located in any phone book. Generally, the head-
Research Institutions: These organizations work toward quarters are publicized or can be found as a matter of public
developing research in a specific field. Laboratories and exper- record. On the whole, both their goals and their preferred
imental scientist groups are often associated with a research methods are also in the public eye. Groups with a Public iden-
institution of some kind. Individuals tend to be compulsive tity have no fears about being on the front page of the news-
about gathering and interpreting data. They may become very paper, and in some instances they actively cultivate this atten-
focused on the issue at hand and ignore larger ramifications, tion. An example of an organization with a Public identity would
and may completely ignore one another’s input and work in be the Branch Davidian Sect.
isolation, unless pulled together under strong leadership.
Normal: A large number of groups have Normal identities.
Examples include the National Institutes of Health and Slyed
While they may not be well known, they can be recognized with
Research Labs.
a modicum of effort. Generally, the goals of this type of group
are identifiable, although the details may not be publicized.
Their methods may be identified, but they are subject to inter-
DIRECTORATE X CHARACTERISTICS pretation and accounts may not be accurate. In general, their
Anti-Alien (Universal): Directorate X’s primary objec- headquarters and locations of membership are not known. One
tive is the liberation of Earth from alien influence. example would be the IRA.
Criminal Syndicate (Territorial): Depending on the Covert: The general public knows nothing of the organiza-
team, varying degrees of criminal activity are involved. tion. It is possible that other, similar organizations, especially
Information Liberation (Individual): Some mem- those with similar goals and/or methods, know about the group.
bers believe the way to be rid of the aliens is to expose It is likely that only the organization’s overall goals are recog-
them to the public. nized, and perhaps a modus operandi. Many groups that are
conspiracy-rich have Covert identities, including Aegis and NDD.
Investigation (Territorial): Several of the older mem-
bers of Directorate X have access to KGB files and use tech- Shadow: Groups with Shadow identities are virtually unknown
niques from the intelligence community. to the public or to other, similar organizations. Some people may
suspect the group exists because of a collection of similar inci-
Paramilitary (Individual): Some members are more
dents, but there is deep mystery about what the organization is,
radical, seeing terror as the “only” option in dealing with
who belongs to it, and what its motives are. One example of a
the aliens. Others are merely involved in military-style
Shadow identity group is the Watch, whose existence was hinted
at and discovered only after its supposed demise.
Psychic Network (Universal): Psychic members are a
part of every team of Directorate X.
This description reflects on how well known the group’s
powerful members are, both outside and within the group
itself. There are distinct advantages and disadvantages to dif-
ferent levels of identity, and the impact these have on the over-
all organization should not be trivialized.
Public: A group with Public leaders is often center stage in Covert: Members who have Covert identities will not
the media and in any number of documents. It is fairly easy to acknowledge any connection to the organization. If directly
identify the leaders by asking a few simple questions, using a asked about their association, they will most likely disavow any
reference book, or running a basic search on the Internet with ties to the group, and they often use false identities when in the
the group’s name and the keyword “leaders.” The leaders of field to avoid being tracked back to their group. Members’ true
the Republican Party are considered to be Public. identities may or may not be known within the organization. An
Normal: In a number of organizations, the topmost stratum example of this type of group would be the CIA.
of leaders is readily recognizable through a modest amount of Shadow: Group members with Shadow identities suffer
research, but beyond a certain level, secondary leaders are from many of the same problems as leader Shadow identities.
unknown, either because they are intentionally hidden, easily They do not exist in any file, because all members have either
interchangeable, or not deemed important enough to docu- had their deaths faked or been “removed” from the system.
ment. Depending on the reason lower-level leaders are not They live their lives totally in the group. False identities are used
identified, it may be easy or difficult to recognize them. One by just about everyone, and members will count themselves
example of a group with leaders who have Normal identities is lucky to know the members they work with and their immedi-
the PLO. ate superiors. Again, Directorate X is a good example of this
Covert: Groups whose leaders have Covert identities do not type. Cast Members within such a group would have to pur-
have any record of the leaders’ identities, and as such they are chase one of the Official Identity Qualities.
almost impossible to find. They may have a series of false iden-
tities, be referred to by code names, or give their identities only GROUP GOALS
to the upper echelon of the organization. One group with In addition to identifying how well the group goals are rec-
Covert leaders is the Montague Club, wherein a small portion ognized, it is also important to consider what essential group
of the leadership knows each other, but most of the board goals are agreed upon by the organization. It is always possible
members are unknown. that secondary goals may arise as the group grows and
changes. The recognition of these group goals may be any one
Shadow: Leaders with Shadow identities simply cannot be
of the following.
found. If they are searched for, it will be determined that no
such person exists. All of the leaders have either faked their Public: When an organization has Public goals, the general
own deaths, found a way to be removed from or ignored by the goals of the group are either well known facts or the informa-
system, or developed an ability to live completely outside main- tion is easily obtainable with a minimum of research. When
stream society. Each leader uses some kind of false identity, reading over the group’s goals, it is fairly easy to understand
and true names are unknown. Even within the organization them and to see where they interconnect with the group’s stat-
itself, most members cannot identify the leaders, and may only ed purpose. The U.S. Secret Service has a number of recog-
know an immediate superior. A prime example of this type of nized Public goals.
leadership is Directorate X. Normal: Normal goals take a little more effort to under-
stand and/or to recognize. The group’s goals are in the public
MEMBER IDENTITIES domain, but, because of contradicting reports, different view-
Member identities have a direct impact on whether mem- points, or contaminated data, it is difficult to say with any cer-
bers can fade into the background or use their membership as tainty what the specific goals are. General motivations are
leverage. As with leader identities, the extent to which mem- understandable, but the details and the intentions are fuzzy at
bers can acknowledge their affiliation with the organization has
a strong effect on the way the group is perceived, coordinated,
Public: When a group’s members have Public identities, Group Identity: Covert. There are thin rumors of their
they are fairly easy to find and may even proudly display their existence, but no one knows for sure.
membership by the use of insignia. Most members will Leader Identities: Shadow. No one is sure of the orig-
acknowledge their ties openly. Most labor unions can be con- inal members of the Directorate. There are psychic meet-
sidered to have Public membership. ings, so the “mind” might be known but the identity is not.
Normal: Organizations with Normal members usually do Member Identities: Shadow. Most members are
not advertise their members’ presence, but members are will- criminals on the run, have had their deaths faked, or are so
ing to acknowledge and honor their association with the group unwanted that no one cares.
if queried. In many instances, members will not announce their
Goals: Shadow. The few outside organizations that
involvement with the group unless presented with a valid rea-
realize the group exists are alarmed because they don’t
son. One example is the Freemasons.
have a clear idea of what this unidentified player is after.
1 2 3 4 5 6
best. One group with this type of goal structure is the
Mafia—a great deal of information is available about the
Mafia, but it is difficult to pinpoint which sources to
Brief Description: Directorate X was once a division of Project
trust and which to ignore.
Rasputin dedicated to the eradication of aliens. It was shut down
Covert: Covert goals may be hinted at, whispered when a nonaggression pact was signed between the Soviet Union
about, and pieced together from information frag- and the Greys. With the fall of the Soviet Union, the members spread
ments. In all likelihood, only small portions of the goals to the winds but many continue their assault on the alien invaders.
are recognizable, either because the real goals are too
difficult to comprehend or too unbelievable to swallow.
Often Covert goals are masked by disinformation, hid- Characteristics
den in lies, or cloaked in half-truths. Aegis, of course, is Anti-Paranormal: Universal. Directorate X’s primary objective
the epitome of a group that pursues Covert goals. is the liberation of Earth from alien influence.
Shadow: Even if the organization is known, no one Criminal Syndicate: Territorial. Team membership deter-
seems to have any understanding of its goals. These mines how much criminal activity is involved.
Shadow goals can be dangerous for the organization
Information Liberation: Individual. Some members believe
itself, since the goals themselves are kept hidden from
the way to be rid of the aliens is their exposure to the public. Using
the members and even possibly many of the leaders.
both their old contacts and new ones in the intelligence field, they
When only a select portion of the group has any idea
are building a network to release the information to the groups that
what its members are working toward, it requires an
can use it best.
obscene amount of loyalty and devotion—or a large
amount of leverage. Once again, Directorate X is a Investigation: Territorial. Several of the older members of
group that typifies pursuit of Shadow goals. Directorate X have access to KGB files and use techniques from the
intelligence community.
RECAP Paramilitary: Individual. Some members are more radical
Once Steps 1–3 have been completed, the secret than others, with terror being the only option for dealing with the
group should consist of a brief written description, a aliens, while other members are merely involved in military-style
series of characteristics and their degree, and a profile maneuvers. All of these groups access the stockpile of munitions that
of the group’s goals and identities. Once this descrip- Directorate X took when it left the Soviet Union.
tion is completed, structural details and actual numbers Psychic Network: Universal. Psychic members are part of
that can affect game play from Part II (Organizational every team of Directorate X.
Structure) may be added. Alternatively, the description
may be sufficient.
1 2 3 4 5 6
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Infiltrated: The organization has been infiltrated by anoth-
PART III: CAMPAIGN AND PLOT DEVICES er group, to the extent that a large portion of the members also
Campaign devices may be used to enrich the overall plot of hold membership in the other organization. The second organ-
a particular chronicle. Such devices often tie seemingly dis- ization may be another secret organization, such as Aegis or the
parate missions into a coherent whole. These overarching Black Book. The second group has its own agenda, which it will
themes are by no means an exhaustive list but are offered to almost certainly begin to carry out within the infiltrated organi-
assist the Chronicler in creating a mood or setting for the char- zation if it has not done so already.
acters to encounter within their secret organization. These
Keystone: The agents are considered irreplaceable special-
themes are designed to have distinct advantages and draw-
ists by the organization, and as such they will not be sent on just
backs, with which the group members must contend.
any mission. Their skills are considered highly valuable, and
Another Cog in the System: The group sees the Cast they are given the best resources the organization can muster.
Members as just another asset and uses them as it sees fit, even Unfortunately, they are also protected like fragile china dolls,
if that means sending them on suicide missions without inform- and the organization will pull them out of dangerous situations,
ing them. While this attitude gives the Cell a fair amount of free even if they are a hand-span from gaining vital information or
rein, it leads to a certain amount of distrust toward others in the completing a mission.
Machinations: Within the group, a complicated game is
Extensive Archives: Members have access to a huge played, consisting of name-dropping, elusive references, and
amount of information, but this information is difficult to facades. Players who are new to the organization find this frus-
access. This difficulty may be because of restrictions placed on trating and confusing, but once they’ve found a way to “crack
its use, the deteriorating state of the materials, or the simple the code,” they will be in positions of power relative to other
fact that no one has taken the time to organize the information members. Members may approach characters with requests for
into any semblance of order. help, which are often laden with ulterior motives.
Good Relations: The organization has a solid relationship Watched: Somehow, the secret organization has drawn the
with another group, and they may exchange favors from time attention of another group, such as the federal government,
to time. The nature of the relationship is such that they main- Aegis, or the NDD. The group that is watching is content to sim-
tain tenuous contacts: Information is shared and joint opera- ply observe actions for now, but there is always the fear that it
tions are possible, but closely guarded secrets and extensive will take things a step further, which would almost certainly be
help are not volunteered. detrimental to the watched organization.
Guard My Back: Due to some dramatic occasion in the Welcome to the Family: One or more of the characters has
past, the group has a deep, trusting relationship with another family or close friends in the organization. They may not be
group. This group can be trusted implicitly to provide assistance aware of their affiliate’s association with the group, but once
and to give accurate information. Granted, the trusted group they discover the connection, there is a likelihood that this
may not always be available or have the information requested, mutual bond will result in an exchange of favors, information,
but when it does something, the work is reliable and prompt. and help. Note that this association is a two-way street; unlike
Guardian Angel: Unknown to the characters, a member of Guardian Angel, the character is also expected to render aid
their own organization has taken an interest in their continued and to offer information.
welfare and may arrive once in a while to assist them. While this
has the advantage of providing unasked-for help, it may also
make players a bit paranoid.
Hidden Agenda: Either the group’s leaders or a very strong
branch of the group has a secret agenda that it is interested in
pursuing, above and beyond the stated goals of the group. It is
possible for the players to stumble across this information and
use it to their advantage, but in the meantime, it may make it
difficult for them to understand some of the orders they receive.
Hunted: The secret group has gone beyond simply being
watched by another group; it is actively being hunted down. This
means that any actions that may be connected with the organi-
zation will almost certainly be noticed and tracked to their source.
The reason for being hunted may be fairly benevolent, perhaps
even to offer assistance, but the hunted organization has no
knowledge of the intentions of the group that is hunting it.
tices and rites, worshipping Coatl in its own ways. For hundreds
EXISTING CONSPIRACIES of years, worshippers of Coatl formed loose societies and did
not bother to label themselves as part of a greater whole. In the
late 1800’s, a few regional groups began to strengthen ties with
one another. In order to glorify the name of Coatl, they adopt-
INTRODUCTION ed a rather elaborate title that translates into “Dedicated and
This section contains ten sample organizations built using the Reverent Followers of the Great Serpent King.” As time passed,
guidelines on the previous pages. These groups may be incor- the groups of followers in the United States came to call them-
porated into a Conspiracy X campaign as allies, adversaries, a selves the “Church of Coatl” in an attempt to gain the rights
Cast Member’s organization, or an infiltration for Aegis or NDD available to religious organizations.
agents. They may also be reference tools when Chroniclers and
Followers of Coatl gather wherever they can; they place no
players create their own organizations. As usual, the Chronicler
particular importance on their house of worship, preferring to
may amend or replace any of this information as she sees fit.
focus on their internal commitment to worshipping the glory
of Coatl. The only specific locations that are deemed impor-
tant are the sacred temples scattered throughout Mexico, built
THE CHURCH OF COATL hundreds of years ago at the direction of several sages. These
holy places are elaborately carved with symbolic representa-
HISTORY tions of their visions. Scholars within the church have attempt-
ed to interpret these renderings, but to no avail. Although
Back in the time of Cortez’s explorations, the Church of Coatl
was a small sect dedicated to the worship of Quetzalcoatl, the these temples may appear to be abandoned, they are guard-
legendary winged serpent god. It has a rich oral tradition kept ed by a select group of caretakers—a chosen few who have
by the Great Leaders and a few oral historians. None of the his- stepped down from positions of leadership to shoulder this
tory is written, except in symbolic representation carved upon important burden.
ancient temple walls. For the most part, this sect was poorly
organized, and each individual region developed its own prac- GROUP CHARACTERISTICS
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The church’s philosophy states that Coatl is supreme, and His word
is law. Different branches prepare in different ways, but everyone
believes that He will return and bring glory to his followers.
Territorially, many of the branches operate as cults, with a single
charismatic leader beholden to his superiors. The cult classification is
not universal, however. Depending on the individual branch and the
members contained within that group, elements of criminal syndi-
cates may be present, as well as magic circles or psychic networks.
The branch leaders and the members themselves dictate the extent to
which these elements are present. For the most part, the backgrounds
of members are unimportant and only have relevance if the mem-
ber’s history or actions somehow threaten the existence of the church.
A careful search of public records in the right geographic region
will yield references to the Church of Coatl, and its members make no
attempt to keep its existence a secret. The nature of its goals and
methods is not understood, partly because of some conflict. Some see
the church as a magic organization, others as having ties to the crim-
inal underworld. Because each branch develops its own “personality,”
this makes it difficult to understand the overall organization; refer-
ences to the organization in its entirety are almost nonexistent. The
leaders’ identities are known to a select few, but because the church
is not widespread, few individuals actually seek out the Great Leaders.
The leaders in the larger cities are known by local members and the
regional government. Members generally do not advertise their asso-
ciation with the church, but they do not hide it either. If there is a suf-
ficient reason for them to claim their connection with the church, they
will do so.
The Church of Coatl is organized in a pyramid structure with three
Great Leaders at the top. They, in turn, supervise several regional sub-
ordinates, who organize local leaders. All leaders head religious cere-
monies, although the higher leaders do so with less regularity than
those at the bottom of the structure. The Great Leaders correspond
with each other on a regular basis and meet in person once a month.
Leaders are promoted, but new positions are created only where
there are large numbers of members. Positions are generally for life,
although some individuals step down if they retreat to hermit
lifestyles for contemplation of the greater glory of Coatl. Some of the
most respected and powerful leaders opt to become caretakers of the
sacred temples, considered to be one of the greatest honors the
organization can bestow.
The church has branches throughout Mexico, Central America, and
the southwest United States. In its entirety, the Church of Coatl consists
of approximately 4,500 members. Since the new millennium, annual
membership growth rate has tripled to 3%, likely due to increasing
fears and tensions in the world.
Membership is gained by applying directly to the local leadership.
If accepted, members go through a year-long process of purification
and greater understanding, after which time they are accepted as
full members. Some branches take this process very seriously, while
others abbreviate it and rush through it with an emphasis on the
practical. Members of the Church of Coatl demonstrate devotion to
their god and to the glorification of his name through person- El Paso, Texas branch
al sacrifice and contribution to the church. They readily follow This city branch uses its connections with the underworld to
the directives of leaders and respond favorably to other finance its operation and to obtain information and leverage.
branches in most situations. Branches tend to use different There is a steady stream of new membership, most of it gener-
methods and may express their beliefs slightly differently from ated through word of mouth. Currently, an influx of angry and
one another, and this is tolerated well. Members are hesitant desperate individuals are frequently willing to compromise
to talk about their membership in the church unless it is an their principles in order to feel like they have a family in the
opportunity to recruit a new individual, since their beliefs are church, or to seek revenge. The current leader is Lupe
often met with ridicule and laughter. Arronchez, a woman in her early 40’s who is extremely bitter.
Across all of its branches, the church has access to She leads the church with single-minded devotion.
resources in criminal and paranormal spheres. Individual The branch accedes to the universal belief that Coatl is God.
members may choose to contribute any number of items (or Members believe fervently that His Return will be glorious and
hard currency) to the church, but, for the most part these that their devotions will be richly rewarded with wealth and
items are fairly mundane and obtainable by any citizen. power. Worship takes place every night at 8:00 p. m. in an
Church-owned resources are distributed throughout the hier- abandoned warehouse that has been converted to a shrine to
archy, as the Great Leaders see fit. Their immediate subordi- Coatl. Most ceremonies last three hours or more and involve a
nates can sway them, especially if a branch makes a good great deal of debasement before Coatl’s might. Arronchez
argument for possession of the equipment. Otherwise, leads the nightly devotions and swiftly punishes
individual branches tend to find their own equip- those who do not take part in ceremonies. In
ment or expect their members to make the addition to nightly ceremonies, at least once
necessary provisions. a month members participate in religious
The church has developed significant retreats that consist of meditation, purifi-
contacts in the paranormal field, given its cation, and strengthening of soul for the
emphasis on supernatural forces to coming Return.
increase their understanding of Coatl’s The El Paso branch is well recog-
wishes. More recently, the church has nized in the poorer sections of the city
made some contacts in the criminal area, and is often associated with crime and
mainly as a toe-hold to power. This has less reputable citizens by the upper ech-
resulted from some speculation of late elons of society. There is no listing for the
about just how helpful the supernatural church in any official documentation, but
forces may be during the Great Return. Because some records exist in the form of newspaper
of the church’s criminal ties, the Great Leaders articles and old fliers posted on telephone poles
have been working hard to develop contacts with the and kiosks. Tax records also show that the church is listed
police to maintain good public relations and to smooth the way as a valid religious organization for tax-exempt purposes. This
should problems arise. branch places emphasis on the use of criminal connections to
enrich the church, and many of its members move in criminal
PRACTICE AND BELIEFS circles. A few individuals are part of a psychic network, but this
The Church of Coatl exists solely to bring greater glory to the element is not emphasized or overly valued.
name of Coatl and to prepare his worshippers for the Great
All members look to Arronchez as a leader but are reluctant
Return. Worship is typically held once a day; the time varies by
to tell outsiders about her position out of paranoia. Most mem-
branch. Again, the degree to which these mandates are carried
bers are reluctant to volunteer their association with the church
out depends on the branch, as well as the methods and beliefs
unless they think they might be able to actively recruit someone
of the immediate leadership. Some ceremonies last hours and
or if they are fairly certain an individual is a member of anoth-
involve elaborate chanting or singing, with great emphasis on
er branch. The goals of this branch are to prepare its members
symbolism. Others may last only a few minutes, with focus on
for the Great Return, and some of that preparation entails stock-
devout prayer and the offering of sacrifice, often represented by
piling food and weapons so members will be able to fight for
the burning of incense.
Coatl when there is dissension among the nonbelievers.
A member’s views and lifestyles depend greatly on the loca-
Arronchez’s branch is at the middle level of a pyramidal
tion and the specific branch. Some of the branches are fanati-
structure. She has no fewer than five individuals from the sur-
cal, while others are more laid-back and content to plod along
rounding countryside reporting to her. This branch has wor-
with generations of traditions. To highlight some of the differ-
shippers in a small city and a few of the surrounding villages,
ences, two distinct branches are outlined below.
covering approximately 250 square miles. Arronchez’s branch
currently consists of 85 full members, 22 associate members,
1 2 3 4 5 6
Group Identity: Normal CONTACTS
Leaders’ Identities: Normal Criminal: 1 (Minor)
Members’ Identities: Normal Paranormal: 2 (Major)
Group Goals: Normal Civilian: 2 (Major)
Structure: Pyramid
Group Territory: Multiple Entity (Country)
Membership Size: Large
Membership Loyalty: Dedicated
Border Control (Mexico): The Great Leaders have access to this Pulling String, which can be accessed only by leaders of
each branch. Individual members must appeal to their branch leaders, who may or may not choose to pass along the
request. This Pulling String is frequently used to transport not only members and their families, but also items of a sensitive
Others: Other Pulling Strings vary depending on region and individual branch. Each branch has access to one Paranormal
and two Civilian Pulling Strings, usually related to its membership.
and four individuals who are at the start of their membership. within the organization. If individual members request assis-
Members in the branch are very dedicated but also keep a low tance from the branch, Arronchez will consider whether or not
profile. Many of the members are in dire straits financially and the assistance will benefit the church and reply within a few
are desperate for the support the church can offer. days with her decision.
This particular branch, with its connections in the criminal La Paz, Chihuahua, Mexico
underworld, has a fair amount of resources at its disposal. A This rural branch places much more emphasis on the super-
section of the warehouse contains a stockpile of weapons and natural and employs magic to obtain information and enrich
food in preparation for the Great Return, and these items are the group. All of the members have known each other for years,
not to be used until that time. Other items can be obtained and most recruiting is done through extended family connec-
through criminal circles, and Arronchez often personally dis- tions in the immediate region. The current leader, Jaime
tributes these items. Individuals are expected to obtain all other Villacruz, is a respected member of the village council as well as
necessary resources using their own means. a responsible small businessman.
As with resources, the bulk of knowledge comes from crimi- The branch follows the universal dogma that states that Coatl
nal circles. The branch has only a few contacts, and they are is God and that He will return to bring glory to his loyal follow-
used only rarely. Individual members have access to their own ers. The group structure is roughly that of a cult, and worship
associates, but there is no group connection to specific contacts takes place every night without fail. The leader, Villacruz, has
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Circle, through Teal AG, has hired several ex-FBI agents and pri-
vate investigators to collect blackmail material on opposing lob-
Teal AG’s knowledge base is steeped in science and research.
byists and politicians. These data are used to “persuade” politi- It has numerous research facilities, contacts within the CDC and
cians to do more for the environment. All investigators are USAMRID, and high-level contacts in other independent
hired for their skills, contacts, and influence. The investigators research firms. This gives the Circle access to information from
are not aware of the Circle’s ultimate goal. outside sources. Likewise, because of Davis’ reputation, the
Circle has a fair amount of pull in the media. In intelligence, sev-
PROFILE eral members are former FBI officers recruited for their skills
The Circle’s primary goal is the development of a lethal bac- and connections. Teal AG also keeps a number of private inves-
terium or viral agent that will not harm any other species or tigators on the payroll, giving the Circle a wide selection of
plant life on the planet, mutate uncontrollably, or be too easy information sources. Finally, because of its botanical smuggling,
for the CDC/USAMRID to defeat. The members are also bur- it has contacts in the criminal world. Most of this information is
dened by the need to develop a vaccine for themselves. All related to the black market and smuggling.
these constraints have significantly increased the difficulty and
research time needed. The Circle expects the research could
take up to twenty years to complete.
Shasta Basin HQ: This Northern California site is the head-
Fearing that the world may not understand or appreciate its quarters for Teal AG and home to an environmental think tank.
ultimate solution, the Circle maintains utmost secrecy about its A variety of research facilities dot the landscape, all within view
intents. To the outside world Michael Davis is a well known CEO, of Mt. Shasta. Notable resources include a satellite communica-
and the public identifies him as a spokesman for the environ- tions suite and two computer research centers with expert sys-
ment. Only the top members of the Circle know that Davis heads tems in genetics and biochemistry. For transportation needs,
this secret organization. For obvious security reasons, member- this facility houses ten electrically powered sedans, six convert-
ship is kept very quiet. No one ever speaks of who is in the ed SUV’s, two Bell 222B-twin helicopters, and one small corpo-
Circle. This is the quickest way to an early grave. As the Circle’s rate jet, all of which are designed to be as environmentally
ultimate goal is the eradication of three quarters of the Earth’s friendly as possible. The facility supports 175 specialized staff
population, only Davis and his closest friends know this. They (scientists, engineer, lab assistants, and security) in addition to
are the Inner Circle. The rest of the membership is unaware of a large administrative staff. Of the employees at this facility,
the ultimate goal but may catch glimpses of odd research only 75 individuals are members of the Circle.
requests or other information. Of course, nothing is definitive. Sankuru Immunology Facility: Located east of Ilebo, on the
Currently, Teal AG employs more than 200 individuals, and Sankuru River in Zaire, Africa, this facility does legitimate
within that group less than half are considered to be part of pathogen and transmission vector research, specializing in Ebola.
the Circle. The general membership believes that they are Currently, researchers are trying to develop a treatment or vac-
working to make the Earth a better place. Most of the mem- cine for the Ebola-Zaire virus and have a close working relation-
bers assume that this involves some form of illegal activity ship with the CDC and USAMRID. The facility sports an on-site
(sabotaging logging equipment, blowing up dams, etc.) and hospital with a biohazard suite, in addition to a barracks and
that’s why they are not told “everything.” They accept this satellite communications. A supercomputer with systems in bio-
necessity and follow the Inner Circle’s requests without ques- chemistry, virology, and genetics is also housed in the facility. On
tion. Members of the Circle are very dedicated and believe site are six doctors, three scientists, 15 lab assistants, and 12 secu-
that “the ends justify the means.” rity agents who have extensive military training. Of these individ-
uals, all but one doctor, two scientists, and five assistants are
members of the Circle. A portable base camp for fieldwork is
RESOURCES made available to staff who put in a legitimate request. This base
The very nature of the Circle’s conspiracy gives the members
access to exceptional science facilities and research equipment. camp is in addition to a large, heavy-duty ambulance (“Haz-
Most requests are readily granted to expedite achieving the Mack”) with an onboard biohazard suite. The Haz-Mack has off-
group’s goal. Sensitive data pertaining to the ultimate goal are road capability to get it to almost any hot zone in Africa, given
delayed before being forwarded so that the Inner Circle can time. Additional transportation is provided by a UH-1 Huey heli-
review them. The Inner Circle also keeps a tight rein on intelli- copter, a Chinook cargo helicopter, and 10 standard SUVs.
gence assets, as investigators hired through Teal AG have no Costa Rica: Mainly specializing in reforestation techniques,
knowledge of the Circle’s plans. Teal AG has had to smuggle the Costa Rica facility does some work in botanical pharmacol-
rare and endangered botanical specimens into the U.S. As a ogy. This facility is little more than a rented office with some
corporation, Teal AG has a wonderful rapport with the media, eco-engineers and doctors. The Circle primarily uses them for
but only a select few employees deal with them directly. Most their smuggling connections.
of the time Davis oversees media events personally.
Defenders: Universal Intelligence: 1
Investigation: Territorial Science & Research: 4
Paramilitary: Territorial Criminal: 1
Political Parties: Territorial Civilian: 3
Research Institutions: Universal Restricted Resouces (Intelligence): 3
Restricted Resouces (Criminal): 3
Group Identity: Covert CONTACTS
Leaders’ Identities: Public/Covert Intelligence: 2 (Major)
Members’ Identities: Covert Science & Research: 3 (Deep Infiltration)
Group Goals: Covert Law: 1 (Minor)
Criminal: 1 (Minor)
Structure: Pyramid Civilian: 2 (Major)
Territory: Single Entity (Global)
Membership Size: Small
Membership Loyalty: Dedicated
Chemical Stores, Dangerous Virus, Funding, Laboratory
Davis promotes a healthier existence by encouraging
employees to train in Chinese internal and external arts. Chi
Gung gives individuals greater control over their energy flow
and has been described as the first step toward immortality.
The ability to exercise control over one’s energy also boosts
one’s physical strength and willpower. This training becomes
apparent should anyone engage a member of the Circle in
hand-to-hand combat or use torture or drug therapy.
The ultimate goal was expected to take twenty years to come
to fruition. All that changed with the “acquisition” of some
advanced biotechnology from USAMRID. The Circle is unaware
of any alien influences on Earth, so it assumes that this tech-
nology is military in origin.
The Circle’s ultimate goal would definitely further the
Saurians’ agenda. Because the aliens have not made any overt
moves to co-opt the Circle, it is assumed they are unaware of
the group. That may be a misconception.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Directorate X put all its power to bear in learning ways to
have an impact on the Greys sufficient to deter their activities
and to remove them from Earth. Purely by accident, it stumbled
across an insidious form of beamed telepathic torture (later
dubbed the Raukov Protocol) that resulted in the complete
destruction of a Grey base located in the Ukraine. This event, in
August 1988, demonstrated clearly to the Greys that Directorate
X had discovered a way to annihilate them. Working quickly, the
Greys manipulated the leaders of Project Rasputin, completely
bypassing Directorate X, and coordinated a joint meeting at the
Soviet Air Defense Command Center as an agreed-upon neutral
DIRECTORATE X meeting site. There, Soviet officials signed a nonaggression pact
Directorate X is slowly resurfacing as a major power after its that stipulated the cessation of abduction of Soviet citizens, the
forced removal from “official” existence at the height of its removal of all Grey bases from Soviet territory by 1990, and the
power. Operating as an elite enforcement arm of Project agreement that the Raukov Protocol would never be used
Rasputin, it was suddenly and violently stripped of the very rea- again. Both sides also agreed to maintain complete secrecy
son for its existence when a nonaggression pact was signed about the meeting and the treaty. Members of Directorate X
with the Greys. Most Directorate X members took advantage of were informed about the treaty only after it had been signed
their considerable resources at that point and swiftly moved and were ordered to comply or suffer the consequences. Steps
underground, cutting all ties to protect their continued exis- were taken to dissolve the Tenth Directorate and to reintegrate
tence. Following the fall of the Soviet Union, its members were former members into other divisions of Project Rasputin. Bitter
free to move about the world and to recruit additional mem- and betrayed, more than 90% of Directorate X members disap-
bers and allies. peared from view in less than a week. Within another week, of
the 10% who remained, only a handful survived following a
rash of deaths attributed to natural causes.
In 1978, the autopsy of a Russian postal official revealed the After the collapse of the Soviet Union, members of
presence of mechanical implants of an extraterrestrial origin. Directorate X were unsure just how the Greys would react.
While a number of subprojects of Rasputin were investigating Instead of sticking around to find out, the majority of
the possibility of alien life, this evidence confirmed it once and Directorate X went underground and kept tabs on events from
for all. Within a month of this finding, all psi research was remote bases. They were able to pull strings from contacts in
pushed even further underground and Andropov declared a the military and the KGB, and together they formed a loose
new focus for Rasputin. A systematic examination of all high- alliance to trade equipment and vehicles for assistance in smug-
level researchers and officials was instituted to determine who gling important agents to safer areas of the countryside.
else had been implanted. Orders were issued to remote viewer Directorate X agents were able to assume some of these indi-
teams and telepaths to uncover everything that they could viduals’ identities for short periods of time to garner further
about these aliens. The KGB employed any and every means to assistance without compromising their own security. After the
secure this information. immediate crisis, Directorate X members once again blended
into the woodwork to keep an eye on unfolding events. To this
The next year, Directorate X, or the Tenth Directorate, was
day, Directorate X remains in existence, although its guise these
formed and recruited top scientists and crack special-forces
days is more often that of various Russian organized crime syn-
troops. Its mission was to develop methods of finding UFOs.
dicates. Officially, there are no Directorate X members; they
Although initially the goal had been to open communications
have all scattered to the winds, using a kind of “psychic
with the aliens, intervening incidents (still classified) changed
Internet” to keep in touch and get back together for operations.
this focus. The Directorate was soon tasked with destroying any
Even with this kind of communication, members are very secre-
UFOs discovered.
tive and usually only work with individuals they either know
From the very beginning, Directorate X was supplied with the first-hand or who have a common connection to a colleague.
best scientists, the best troops, and all the money it needed.
Directorate X members know of Aegis and NDD, but they are
Directorate X first set up bases in remote regions to research
hesitant to make contact with either. Project Rasputin’s betrayal
evidence of the aliens, but soon realized that it could be easily
of Directorate X leads them to believe that Aegis is not to be
located that way. It began working from planes, staying only for
trusted, since their former comrades seem to have been wel-
brief periods at existing air force bases. In this manner,
comed with open arms by Aegis and may have already tried to
Directorate X became the first mobile organization with no fixed
sell Directorate X out. They know that NDD appears to have
address. Its psychics worked hard first to become invisible to
some kind of treaty with the Greys and that joint Grey-NDD
the Greys and then to develop methods of hurting them.
operations are relatively common. Aegis seems to be more inde-
1 2 3 4 5 6
Directorate X has sparse resources at its disposal. In general, it
relies on each individual team to come up with the resources neces-
sary for any given mission. The only exception is in the paranormal
field. Between their investigation of alien activity and their use of psy-
chic powers, select members can receive 4RP of paranormal
Anti-Alien: Universal Military: 1
Criminal Syndicate: Territorial Intelligence: 1
Information Liberation: Individual Criminal: 3
Investigation: Territorial Paranormal: 4
Psychic Network: Universal Restricted Resources (Criminal): 2
Paramilitary: Individual Restricted Resources (Paranorma): 2
Group Identity: Covert Military: 2 (Major)
Leaders’ Identities: Shadow Intelligence: 2 (Major)
Members’ Identities: Shadow Criminal: 3 (Deep Infiltration)
Group Goals: Shadow Paranormal: 3 (Deep Infiltration)
Structure: Self-governed
Territory: Multiple Entity (Global)
Membership Size: Medium
Membership Loyalty: Dedicated
Accomplices: All members can obtain accomplices, and if no member of the group has the Criminal Sphere of Influence,
then the Fixer can contact another member who does. This person will request the accomplices, and their arrival is delayed by
24 hours. Otherwise, this Pulling String operates as described in the Core Rulebook (p. 80).
Counterculture Friends: Access is available to all members. Otherwise, this Pulling String operates as described in the Core
Rulebook (p. 85).
Criminal Resources: Access is available only to members with the Criminal Sphere of Influence. Otherwise, this Pulling
String operates as described in the Core Rulebook (p. 85).
Psi-Labs: While Directorate X has no facility per se, it has created spots around the world where the focus is on teaching
and improving all members. These facilities range from private homes to abandoned warehouses. Any member can attempt to
gain entrance into one of these labs by having her Director place a request on her behalf. If the character fails a Willpower and
Bureaucracy Task, the Director feels that she is not ready to go or refuses for some other reason.
Psychotrons: This is available only to members who have been with Directorate X for more than two years and have proven
their loyalty to the satisfaction of their Directors. Otherwise, this Pulling String operates as described in the Core Rulebook (p.
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Directorate X has deeply infiltrated several criminal organizations,
allowing it to obtain obscure knowledge in the underworld. In para-
normal circles, Directorate X is careful to keep a low profile, but with
its expansion to infiltrate all areas of the globe, specific effort has
been directed at getting its fingers into as many research projects,
experimental teams, and theoretical discussions as possible.
Directorate X has a wide range of contacts through not only the mili-
tary but also in intelligence fields. These contacts provide a variety of
information, depending on the agencies accessed. Directorate X has
no knowledge about the science and research, law, or civilian fields.
Overall, Directorate X is a struggling group of intense psychics
who are willing to do anything to reach their goal of eliminating the
Greys from Earth. They are hard pressed for resources and mem-
bers, and have become sloppy in their recruitment in order to
increase numbers. They are capable of being ruthless and traitors
are dealt with quickly and harshly. This group has a lot weighing in
the balance and could be a powerful ally if someone could win the
trust of its members, but this is a tall order given their level of para-
noia and distrust.
One of the most enigmatic and possibly one of the oldest magical
groups, the Forever is an organization of immortals and near immor-
tals. The origins of the Forever are lost in history. Even before humans
gained freedom from their Atlantean masters, a few humans had mas-
tered the difficult and complicated magical rituals to extend life and
maintain health. While the rest of humanity aged and died, these indi-
viduals lived on, continuing to learn and to accumulate wisdom and
experience. In time, these immortals and those who followed them
grew apart from the rest of humanity. Some became eccentric and
reclusive, or committed suicide as loneliness and boredom sapped
their will to live. Some sought out each other’s company. The Forever
was born out of one such gathering of immortals.
Because of the supreme importance placed on continued existence,
the first rule of the Forever is never to kill or seriously harm another
immortal. Any immortal found guilty of such an action is killed. So as
not to break their own rules, the Forever have the murderer killed by
normal humans. In the history of the Forever, only three members
have ever broken this rule, resulting in two arranged murders. In the
third case, the member ritualistically committed suicide in the pres-
ence of two fellow members after one of his jokes went too far and
resulted in an accidental death. Because of the importance placed on
maintaining the secrecy of the Forever, any members who threaten
that secrecy are dealt with harshly. For example, members who
become corrupted are immediately brought in for questioning.
Typically, these individuals are cured using the formidable resources of
the organization, but those who cannot be cured, or who refuse treat-
ment and cannot be captured, are killed.
Membership is extremely exclusive—only individuals who have
developed some form of personal immortality or life extension may
join. Some members recruit promising young students and teach
them some form of magical or alchemical life extension, often after an
apprenticeship of a few decades. The Forever is one of the most eclec-
tic magical groups known. The membership consists of a diverse
group of alchemists and Taoist, Caribbean, and ceremonial magicians,
along with a smaller number of shamans. Most members use their
abilities primarily to ensure their own continued prosperity and sur-
vival and are as careful about the magic they cast as they are about
every other activity.
1 2 3 4 5 6
The Forever is a loosely organized group with a rough hier- The Forever is primarily a mutual assistance organization
archy based on age; some of the oldest members are more dedicated to aiding members, though the most important goal
than 2,000 years old. Members come from all over the globe, is to guard the safety of its members. While some members are
but most are from the settled urban regions of the world. The pacifists and seek nonviolent means to resolve possible threats,
Forever is largely a mutual-aid organization composed of peo- others regard ordinary humans as little more than interesting
ple who share a drive to live forever and managed to achieve distractions and will calmly destroy them if necessary.
their desire. Members periodically appoint themselves as man- Members of the Forever have access to extensive knowledge
agers or guardians of the Forever. These individuals keep track due to the large collections kept by many members. Such collec-
of the organization’s resources and actively work to prevent its tions are made available to each other on a regular basis. The
discovery. As long as the managers do their job effectively, their mere logistics of moving items around the globe often means
positions are not challenged. If they prove incompetent, they that there is some difficulty in transporting goods. Similarly,
are asked to step down. although the Forever have a vast amount of knowledge in the
Any mortal who discovers the existence of the organization and form of historical texts, they have a more difficult time obtaining
asks to join is carefully watched. If the person proves both trust- knowledge through the use of personal contacts unless it is sec-
worthy and sincere in her desire to live forever, an immortal will ond- or third-hand through their assistants or junior members.
usually take her on as an assistant. After several decades of serv- Since most members are over a hundred years old and some
ice, such people are granted the opportunity to achieve immor- are more than a thousand years old, threats are often inter-
tality. If they prove untrustworthy or incompetent, they are killed, preted quite broadly, and long-term foresight is extremely com-
or portions of their memories are erased. Nonhumans have a mon. Some immortals will rapidly deal with a threat posed by a
much more difficult time. A few ghosts have been allowed to join, social movement that might possibly become dangerous in two
but only those who are truly exceptional individuals. Infused are or three decades. Anything which might cause massive death or
never admitted. The Forever realize that even the sanest Infused social upheaval is considered a threat because such events
will eventually succumb to madness as the decades and centuries could indirectly harm the members. As a consequence, their
pass, and Infused are usually killed if encountered. motivations are difficult to understand or comprehend, and
Many of the older members have had some contact with the many seem capricious at best. In this, they sometimes may be
Atlanteans, whom they call the “Eternal Ones.” Members of the confused with the Atlanteans, who work independently and for
Forever deeply distrust the Eternal Ones, both because they are reasons known only to themselves.
Voids and because of legends about how the Eternal Ones once Generally, members of the Forever have some kind of natu-
ruled humanity. Eternal Ones and members of the Forever ral curiosity, especially if they are over 300 years of age. It is
largely avoid each other, but there have been occasional con- understood in immortal circles that to live past the age of 300
flicts. In some instances, a few of the Forgotten, ignorant of their is indicative of truly long-term survival, since at that point the
true nature, have asked to join the Forever. These requests are member has watched enough history pass to have learned to
usually granted, in part because such beings are useful allies be apart from the world. During the first 100 years, most of the
against the Eternal Ones. Most members of the Forever under- Forever endure the deaths of all of their closest friends and rel-
stand that the Forgotten are Eternal Ones with their memories atives. In the second century, an immortal must learn to find
stripped away and make it a practice to inform any Forgotten something that interests her or intrigues her, beyond the pur-
who wish to join of this fact. However, since Forgotten are inca- suit of companionship. Most humans who live more than a few
pable of learning magic, they are looked down upon by many centuries become deeply obsessed with a small number of pas-
members and tend to be regarded as lesser beings by some. times and only worry about other events which directly impact
Starting in the mid-19th century some Eternal Ones began their lives, rarely involving themselves with others.
implanting nanotechnology in humans. While most of these Threats to human sovereignty on Earth, whether from aliens,
humans are loyal servants of the Eternal Ones, a few have man- demons, or the Infused, are seen as a threat to immortals. While
aged to obtain the technology by nefarious means or as a members of the Forever have some knowledge of the Eternal
reward for a short term of service. Since humans who receive Ones, they do not know of their alien origin, guessing that these
Blood Surgeons become ageless and immortal, there are now other immortals are an offshoot of early humanity. They have
several dozen such individuals, including a few who are over some information about the Pilosi but believe them to have
150 years old. Humans who gain immortality though nanotech- become extinct many centuries ago. If some of the Forever are
nology are given the opportunity to join the Forever. Most who still in contact with the Pilosi, they are not telling anyone, even
join begin to learn magic, because magical ability and age are fellow members. Several members of the Forever have made
the two primary measures of status in this organization. Today contact with the Saurian Dreamspeakers but know only that they
the Forever has more members than ever, with a membership are an obscure religious sect that has a number of magicians.
of around 1,400 humans and 17 ghosts. None realizes that the Dreamspeakers are not human.
In the 20th century, Earth has been visited by both the Saurians and
the Greys. Some members are aware of such activities but not of their
true nature or extent. Some believe they are aliens, others theorize
that they are some new form of Incarnate. Like everything else, some
members see the strange incidents as a threat to be rapidly dealt with,
while others counsel that these problems have been going on for less
than a century and will likely vanish in a few decades. Even so, an
increasing number of members has begun to investigate these inci-
dents. They know that some humans are working with the aliens but
have not fully distinguished Aegis from NDD, or any number of other
human secret societies.
The Forever, with its expertise garnered over the centuries, makes it
possible for certain people to simply disappear. Prior to the 20th centu-
ry, vanishing was extremely easy for anyone with the price of a ticket to
another country, or even another state. Beginning in the last decades of
the 19th century, however, improved record keeping and shared infor-
mation have made disappearing increasingly difficult. A number of the
Forever worked to become specialists in creating this “disappearing act”
using documents and records. They discovered it was not only possible
to disappear themselves, but that they could make others disappear as
well. In time, it became a distinct advantage to have such impersonal
records and increasing geographic mobility, since it was harder for a
person to be truly noticed by the immigration clerks.
Following the stock market crash in 1929 and the upheaval of two
World Wars, a number of the Forever experienced serious setbacks in
their fortunes. Used to having access to great wealth, they began to
cast about for ways to rebuild their fortunes. Soon, a number of the
members of the Forever began providing new identities for wealthy
people who wished to disappear and have new lives. Since most
members of the Forever use these same services every few decades
to conceal their immortality, the network was already in place.
They will happily help anyone disappear, provided she can pay
$1,000,000 in cash. In return for this fee, the individual’s death is
faked and a new identity provided. Since this service was started in
the early 1930s, it has helped more than 400 wealthy individuals van-
ish. So far, none of the Forever’s disappearances have been uncov-
ered. Everyone involved in this venture realizes that the discovery of
even one disappearance could jeopardize the entire operation and
might possibly put the Forever itself at risk.
The service is known as “Shuffling.” The procedure is conducted by
scrambled telephone calls, blind drops, post office boxes, and emails
from falsified accounts. Often the client never actually encounters a
member of the Forever. The Forever carefully investigates all of its
potential clients and refuses to take any case that seems too dangerous.
The Forever does occasionally make mistakes, however. In 2000,
the Forever helped Janice Tanner, a wealthy Grey-human hybrid, dis-
appear from NDD agents. Having no knowledge of such hybrids or of
the true nature and extent of NDD, the Forever compounded its error
by failing to exhaustively conduct all possible background checks.
NDD now suspects some outside influence is behind the disappear-
ance of Tanner, although it knows little more than that. Additionally,
1 2 3 4 5 6
one of the younger members was recently contacted by Aegis Forever and Aegis remain closely guarded secrets, both sides
and hinted at the group’s Shuffling services. As a consequence, have exchanged useful information, and this tentative alliance is
Aegis is investigating, mostly to ensure that individuals they are likely to continue. All such contact is done without either the
observing are not Shuffled. knowledge or permission of any of the more senior members.
The Forever have other abilities, ranging from a wide variety The Forever is unlikely to formally ally itself with any mortal
of contacts and numerous sophisticated mundane resources to organization. It shares a number of common interests with
the ability to alchemically create a body which is an identical Aegis, and individual members of the Forever may be con-
duplicate down to the genetic level. These services must be vinced to work with Aegis. If Aegis agents attempt to expose the
bartered for between the Forever and the potential buyer. true nature of the organization or begin to uncover the identi-
ties of its members, the agents involved will be dealt with as
OUTSIDE RELATIONS harshly as anyone else who threatens the group’s secrecy.
Members of the Forever could become potent allies or danger-
Some Aegis operatives recruited from CAPS and other occult
organizations have heard stories of the Forever, but no one in ous enemies, and it is possible for some members to be work-
Aegis has any concrete information about the group. Recently, a ing with Aegis while others actively work to keep Aegis from
few members of the Forever have made limited contact with uncovering their secrets.
Aegis, and several members and apprentices have secretly joined With respect to NDD, the Forever might also be willing to work
Aegis. They have not revealed their true nature or affiliation to with it, but NDD’s relative lack of magical knowledge and respect
anyone, however. Actively infiltrating the Forever would be a dif- for the supernatural tends to place it in an inferior position to
ficult and dangerous task, but some members of the Forever do Aegis, or indeed to any organization that values magic. Overall,
seek out skilled magicians to serve as apprentices, so this is a pos- the Forever does not operate as a single entity, and each mem-
sibility. Aegis, using its contacts in CAPS, has made contact with ber interprets every situation as she sees fit, so any individual
several of these magicians as well as a few of the Forever’s member might become involved with a variety of organizations.
younger members. While the true nature and extent of the
Criminal Syndicate: Individual Intelligence: 1
Curiosity Seekers: Individual Science & Research: 3
Financially Motivated: Territorial Criminal: 3
Magic Circles: Universal Paranormal: 5
Philosophical Movements: Individual Civilian: 4
Research Institution: Individual Restricted Resources (Intelligence): 2
Restricted Resources (Criminal): 2
Group Identity: Shadow CONTACTS
Leaders’ Identities: Shadow Intelligence: 1 (Minor)
Members’ Identities: Shadow Science & Research: 2 (Major)
Group Goals: Covert Criminal: 1 (Minor)
Paranormal: 3 (Deep Infiltration)
Structure: Self-Governed Civilian: 2 (Major)
Territory: Single Entity (Global)
Membership Size: Large
Membership Loyalty: Mixed
Cleansing Retreats, Ear to the Ground, Library, Pool Access, Safe House, Translators
1 2 3 4 5 6
The truth about Allen is that she is in fact one of the regardless. While the Hand does not know much about Earth’s
Forgotten (an Atlantean cast aside by her kind; see The alien visitors, its magical resources are sizable and available to
Extraterrestrials Sourcebook (p. 33), and through her two members who have proven responsible with such power.
hundred years of living among human society, she has come Though resources in the paranormal are above average, con-
to believe she is something of a demigod. While producing tacts in the same area are weak. The heads of the cult are para-
instrumental research and development in the computer noid and somewhat megalomaniacal, and have been unwilling
industry since the 1950’s, she realized her affinity for comput- to share their views or research with many contacts. Military
ers was perhaps not natural but a gift, much like her longevity. and law enforcement sectors have been bolstered, and many
While doing military contract work during the Vietnam War, contacts in these Spheres of Influence have been promised
she visited the country and encountered rumors that fluttered roles in the new regime as Moloch’s enforcers. SunTech, how-
about Operation Napalm Supplement. She began her own ever, has relied on more subtle methods to gain contacts in the
research at that point into the occult and realized that she Civilian and Science and Research sectors.
appeared to be too “disconnected” to get a handle on practic- SunTech has been reporting stolen goods and misquoting
ing magic. She continued her research throughout the next few inventory statements for some time. In reality, criminal groups
decades, and in the 1980’s, after her new company SunTech and Hand members are given these new technologies for test-
became a major success, she pieced together enough of the ing purposes. The most common of these “street releases” is
puzzle to contact Robert McDonald. While Allen withheld infor- the SunTech Hand Flamer. While not marked with serial num-
mation about her “superior” nature, her expert knowledge of bers or logos, these hand-held flame-throwers are clearly
the occult and powerful business contacts made it clear that a designed by SunTech, and the corporation has reported a large
working relationship would be incredibly profitable for both shipment of them stolen. McDonald hopes to find an enchant-
the Hand of Moloch and SunTech. ment that will cause all deaths at the hand of these devices to
The leaders of the Hand use lieutenants to carry out orders act as sacrifices to Moloch. For now, they contribute to the law-
and direct the rank and file. Due to the volatile personalities of lessness of society and provide good justification for Graham’s
some members, the leaders maintain absolute control and keep elite antigun unit.
unauthorized terrorist actions from bringing the organization to
its knees. Members are screened thoroughly before joining and
are allowed to attend only “mock” rituals. Members who begin
One terrorist action conducted by Hand members was the
to see that these rituals are a screen are brought further into the Oklahoma city bombing, which contributed many souls to
group and learn more about the group’s true goals. The lowest bringing forth Moloch, but at the cost of almost compromising
members are kept as cannon fodder, while the most observant the cult’s security. A rogue cult member orchestrated the whole
members become lieutenants. All are steadfastly loyal, howev- scenario and planned it out, but McDonald never approved the
er, as stories of Moloch’s benefits are told early on. Examples operation. As a result, the instigator of the action was burned
are made of traitors, the penalty for treason being immolation. alive as a sacrifice to Moloch (and an example of the punish-
This weeding process has so far kept the cult’s almost 2,000 ment for disobedience), and a patsy was found to take the
members from being compromised. blame. The dangerous aspect of the scenario started with
Graham somehow learning about the bombing and warning
LOCATIONS the ATF agents stationed in the Alfred P. Murrah Federal
The Hand is primarily located on the East Coast of the United Building to stay away on the day of the incident. The subse-
States, with its prime power center in Washington, D.C. The cult quent investigation required a large number of resources to
is seeking to expand to the West Coast, particularly California; cover up, and Graham is still living down the mistake in judg-
with a stronghold on both coasts, revolution will be simple ment to McDonald and Allen.
(according to McDonald’s complex schemes). While it will be some time before the Hand of Moloch brings
forth its patron god, the cult is actively pursuing preparations
RESOURCES for his coming. To this end the group is recruiting new members
The Hand of Moloch has a sizable quantity of occult knowl- and reorganizing in anticipation of the swell in numbers.
edge, but it also has access to a wide variety of military hard- McDonald is aware of the double-edged sword that expansion
ware. This combination makes the cult very dangerous. Military represents, in that the centralized leadership the Hand now
resources find their way into the hands of lieutenants leading maintains may have to be sacrificed for a more hierarchical
special terror actions, but the lower members often have to set- structure. McDonald has been devoting resources from LDRP to
tle for equipment from criminal contacts or that comes from analyze the situation and capitalize on it in the best way possi-
ATF (confiscated from criminals). While science is not a focus of ble, but all of the cult leaders are nervous about the change. On
the Hand, SunTech does provide a conduit for procuring the other hand, there is no other way to prepare for the end
research equipment with little risk of it being traced. All times and the leap must be taken.
research must be authorized with the leaders of the cult,
1 2 3 4 5 6
Graham, on the other hand, has been fervently planning his the ritual Graham wants to attempt is a hack, a modification of
own schemes to further his personal idea of Moloch’s plan. a summoning ritual that won’t work without the sacrifices being
These schemes involve the mass murder of more than one hun- burned alive. The use of nerve gas will completely alter the
dred people, using a sample of nerve gas procured by other law nature of the summoning, and the result is unforeseeable.
enforcement agencies and delivered to Graham as a favor. The Whatever would be summoned would be powerful and, worse,
crazed cult leader is attempting to arrange a massive ritual uncontrolled, and could be a very difficult adversary to defeat.
which will collect the energy of the giant sacrifice and summon If Graham goes through with the ritual and can’t cover his mis-
Moloch. McDonald and Allen have no clue about the situation, take, the Hand of Moloch will undergo a radical power shift as
and if carried out as planned the result will be disastrous for the Graham is eliminated and another is recruited to fill the power
Hand of Moloch. The missing gas has been discovered already, vacuum. Further, some entity may be loosed on the world, and
and government agents are investigating its disappearance; if the Hand would be forced to address the situation.
linked to Scott Graham, it could reveal his involvement in the
Hand and subsequently lead to McDonald and Allen. Worse,
Asset Forfeiture, Corporate Espionage, DARPA Labs, Laboratory, Library, Military Stores, Search and Seizure
1 2 3 4 5 6
This group profile is unique because it is still in
formation. The key leaders agree on their goals, but
some dispute regarding methods has arisen.
Differences have been papered over at present
while the organization builds its resource base. In
time, however, this dissention will need to be
addressed, or the group will splinter or self-destruct.
If this group does manage to solidify around a group
of goals and methods, it may start to ask some very
nosy questions about where certain government
officials spend their time and what goes on in cer-
tain black budget projects. A few well placed ques-
tions may put them in position to reveal information
that others would very much like kept quiet. Once
the Inquisition or its activities come to the attention
of Aegis and NDD, it fate may be taken out of its
own hands.
Enforcers: Individual Military: 1
Information Liberation: Individual Intelligence: 3
Investigation: Universal Law: 1
Political Parties: Territorial Civilian: 2
Restricted Resources (Civilian): 3
Group Identity: Covert CONTACTS
Leaders’ Identities: Covert Military: 1 (Minor)
Members’ Identities: Covert Intelligence: 2 (Major)
Group Goals: Covert Law: 2 (Major)
Civilian: 3 (Deep Infiltration)
Structure: Universal
Territory: Single Entity (Large Territory)
Membership Size: Small
Membership Loyalty: Mixed
Intel Files, News Archive
In general, the public does not know about the Ordo Templi
Orientis, but its existence is not exactly secret. The order is
based in London and has various holdings throughout the
British Isles. Its stated goal is the spreading of enlightenment
through Crowley’s teachings. Few members join the order
directly. The OTO uses many different front organizations and
groups (e.g., university fraternities and sororities, liberal-mind-
ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS ed gentlemen’s clubs, groups active in the British New Age and
BDSM scene, and small criminal organizations with an occult
HISTORY slant). Members of these groups are selected according to their
In late 1898, young Aleister Crowley joined the Victorian suitability, but also because of their influence and wealth. They
Age’s most prominent occult society, the Hermetic Order of the function as menial workers in less important projects or as
Golden Dawn. Eighteen months later he was expelled, on dupes and cannon fodder in magical battles. These members
grounds of breaking the order’s rules concerning magical invo- have an Influence (OTO) Quality of 1.
cations. In truth, Crowley had discovered the manipulation of Those who seem to be more promising are initiated into a
the order by mysterious “Secret Chiefs” (the Atlanteans) and second layer of false fronts: a fake occult lodge, a local green
voiced his opposition to it. Throughout the next two decades, he table conspiracy, a small New Age cult or a magical criminal
increased his occult knowledge and magical repertoire. In 1920 syndicate. Initiates are slowly introduced to Crowley’s teach-
he became head of the Ordo Templi Orientis, and although he ings, both the hedonism and the theosophical philosophy
never learned the truth about the Atlanteans’ extraterrestrial behind it. These groups have a similar function to the outer
origin, he devoted all his order’s resources to hunting for and ones, but may be involved in slightly more important projects.
systematically destroying any Atlantean influence in the These members have an Influence (OTO) Quality of 2.
Western world. Crowley died in 1947 and the public forgot
about the order. Hidden in obscurity, it continued its work, and Members whose interests go beyond the flesh may be initi-
its members continue hunting for Atlantean involvement. ated into the higher levels. They will be invited to join the Ordo
Templi Orientis itself. It is structured in strictly hierarchical
Masonic levels. Initiates are told about the order’s mission to
MOTIVES revolutionize world consciousness and to bring the fight to
The modern order is the embodiment of Crowley’s philoso- those who suppress spiritual freedom. They are also given
phy and ascribes to his motto: “Do What Thou Wilt Shall be the access to real magical training and take part in important oper-
Whole of the Law.” While the order is deeply spiritual and ded- ations of the order. These members enjoy the resources and
icated to promoting spiritual evolution and to ridding humanity influence of the order for their own good and know of the dark-
of the manipulative influence of the Atlanteans, it is also very er criminal activities. These members have an Influence (OTO)
hedonistic. Freedom of the spirit can be achieved only through Quality of 3 or 4.
following every whim of the flesh. The strong will survive this
process and the weak will perish. For this reason, members of Only the most trusted initiates are introduced to the “Order
the order are willing to sacrifice their lives in the battle against of the White Lady of the Crescent Moon.” Only they are fully
the “Secret Chiefs,” as well as actively support and participate informed about the mysterious “Secret Chiefs” and their dark
in slave trade, drug trafficking and all manner of unsavory vices. designs. They are also told of the order’s findings about other
They have no scruples and do not hesitate to achieve their goals alien entities active on Earth, entities seen as malevolent spiri-
thorough criminal means. tual presences detrimental to human evolution. Certain groups,
such as the Montague Club and the Titanidae, are identified as
Most members keep in mind that their main goal is to lead servants of these fiends and as mortal enemies of the order. All
humanity to ascension, but to many the sex and drugs, the fel- core members have the same rights and duties within the order.
lowship, the magical knowledge and the power are almost as While no member may give orders to another, working against
important. Of course, some go too far and become criminals or the general consent will be punished. Membership can be ter-
psychotic, unable to deal with the psychological toll of this minated only by death. All these members have an Influence
unlimited freedom. Some also dislike the slow pace at which (OTO) Quality of 5.
spiritual enlightenment of the masses is sought. These anar-
chistic minds take matters into their own hands and try to speed More than 2,000 members belong to the outer and another
things up with large-scale rituals and appropriately large blood 700 to the inner front groups. Only about 200 persons are initi-
1 2 3 4 5 6
ates of the OTO itself, with most members in the lower Masonic and many are in influential positions, from small criminal gangs
orders and fewer and fewer in each hierarchically higher level. and the clubbing scene to universities, civic clubs, organized
Only 13 persons belong to the Order of the White Lady of the churches and even the government.
Crescent Moon. Members of all levels must be extremely loyal,
as treason will always be punished harshly. All members can be
considered dedicated, the core members even fanatical.
While the order has people with influence in academic insti-
The order operates out of a large but difficult-to-find building tutions, it is not overly interested in science, considering it a
in Soho. From there most of the first- and second-level front modern fad and not fit to explain the mysteries of the universe.
groups are controlled. Most members are scattered throughout The order also has criminal connections but shies away from
the British Isles. Some members also live in mainland Europe being overtly involved in illegal activities. Its resources in these
and a few in former British colonies in the East or in the areas are minimal and access is limited. Various dealings of the
Americas. Members are spread throughout all strata of society, order make minor contacts in these areas a must, though.
Structure: Territorial
Territory: Multiple Entity (Country)
Membership Size: Large
Membership Loyalty: Dedicated
Fanatical Support (available to Influence (OTO) 1), SPR Library (available to Influence (OTO) 2), Demon Lore (available to
Influence (OTO) 3), Pool Access (available to Influence (OTO) 4), Library (available to Influence (OTO) 5)
The order has always thought itself above the dealings of the gener-
al public. Though journalists are disliked by the higher ranks, an
exhaustive network of contacts is entertained, and through infiltration
of universities, many contacts with the British intelligence community
have been fostered.
Throughout the century the order has been aware of the rising
importance of money and has used its influence and magical might to
increase its wealth. Today it can call on millions of dollars and has con-
tacts in banking, business, and stock markets all over the world. It is
very miserly with this wealth, though, and will part with it only if it is
deemed necessary.
The order keeps several magnificent occult libraries and has collect-
ed many powerful magical rituals and items. The leadership is not
afraid to use these resources, but it is very restrictive in sharing it with
the members. The order also has more than just infiltrated the British
occult movement; in many areas it more or less controls it.
PEAR Labs’ staff members are united by one commonality: All indi-
viduals have some form of psychic power. Those who have the honor
of teaching tend to have some ability with psychokinesis, but they
also have other psychic backgrounds as well. Students at PEAR Labs
are encouraged to develop as many psychic talents as possible, to
empower them across a variety of situations. Due to the nature of the
psychic community, most have some contact with the psychic under-
1 2 3 4 5 6
ground, but they never acknowledge their affiliation with Three leaders (one instructor, one researcher, and one
PEAR Labs and mentally block their association so it will not advanced trainee) currently head PEAR Labs. The remainder of
be detected by other psychics. the 34 members include 11 students, 6 instructors, and 17
Individuals engage in research to understand psychokinesis researchers. All those involved with PEAR Labs are absolutely
and improve trainees’ performance. They often have affiliations and completely loyal, and will contribute in any fashion neces-
with other research institutes, but perform all of their psychic sary to further their goals. Membership is by invitation only,
research in-house. Those participating in psi-warfare training which typically follows a rigorous training process and years of
are also put through a rigorous physical training program. This studying. They have not recruited any additional personnel for
paramilitary training includes infiltration of enemy territory, the past seven months. The leaders are all full members of
survival under adverse conditions, and operation of standard Aegis and highly placed in that organization. The rank and file
military-issue equipment, including weaponry. Everyone at believe that they work for a secret Department of Defense proj-
PEAR Labs knows they have the ability to make an important ect and are very security conscious. They are kept unaware of
contribution to the next generation of warfare and work dili- the nature of Aegis and its missions until their loyalty and com-
gently to meet this goal. mitment are confirmed for ten years. At that time they are
approached and recruited by Aegis, and usually transferred out
A single governing group rules the small organization and of PEAR shortly thereafter.
assigns tasks to teachers and trainees consistent with the
group’s needs. PEAR Labs operates in a very small facility in
Princeton, New Jersey, and is very localized. Some training mis- PROFILE
The general public knows nothing of PEAR Labs, and its
sions take them to remote locations, and Aegis calls on their
existence is obscured by a number of research fronts. Thus, it
expertise from time to time, but otherwise they remain in-
is difficult to tell where the group’s work begins and another’s
house, performing their research.
takes over. Aegis takes great pains to keep things quiet, and
Group Identity: Covert Military: 2 (Major)
Leaders’ Identities: Covert Science & Research: 2 (Major)
Members’ Identities: Covert Paranormal: 2 (Major)
Group Goals: Covert
Structure: Universal
Territory: Single Entity (Localized)
Membership Size: Small
Membership Loyalty: Absolute
Classified Databases, Military Training Facilities, PEAR Labs, Psi Labs, Satellite Surveillance (Standard), Workshop
Trainees, researchers, and instructors alike have access to a
wide range of resources. PEAR Labs has an astounding collec-
tion of equipment relating to psychic research, from both para-
normal and traditional research fields. These items are granted
to anyone who makes the request, unless another individual
desperately needs the equipment. Some of the most obscure
items are sitting around in storerooms at the facility. If members PEACEFUL EXTRA TERRESTRIALS
need items that are not currently in PEAR Labs’ possession, they
will make a valiant attempt to obtain them as quickly as possi-
ble. Because it is necessary to train individuals to a minimal
People United for the Protection of Peaceful Extra Terrestrials
level in military operations, a fair amount of military hardware (PUPPET) is a public organization interested in learning about
is also made available, but this is authorized only for training and making peaceful contact with alien races. Once it has con-
operations and in the event of a remote training session or test. clusive evidence in the form of downed craft, alien corpses, and
When it comes to procuring knowledge about psychic eyewitness accounts, it wishes to “blow the lid” off the govern-
research and related information, PEAR Labs has major contacts ment cover-up and show just how badly abused extraterrestri-
in both scientific and paranormal fields, and most individuals als really are. While PUPPET’s assets are spread through civilian
have a fair chance at obtaining information from those contacts. and non-federal agencies, the goal of the group is to hunt down
There are also a few contacts in the military, but the leadership whatever snippets of information the government fails to cover
uses them sparingly. PEAR Labs generates the bulk of its infor- up. This is done by monitoring criminal channels, media net-
mation through its own research and experimentation. Asking works, and the scientific community. Whenever incidents arise
questions of outside sources always risks raising curiosity. that warrant investigation, small teams are formed with media
equipment to observe, record, and if possible procure alien
activities and artifacts, while avoiding the government opera-
tives covering them up.
1 2 3 4 5 6
PUPPET was formed approximately thirty years ago during the
heyday of the Cold War, although by whom is not clear. It was obvi-
ous to them that extraterrestrials existed on Earth and were not being
properly represented. The idea caught on, and soon a core group of
approximately twenty people started hunting for others who shared
their views. Investigative journalism and police detective work turned
up the most solid leads to new members. Thus PUPPET began infil-
trating these areas, where today it holds its strongest grip.
The foremost goal of PUPPET members is to establish peaceful
relations with extraterrestrials. They are convinced that forces at work
in the government are trying to keep the aliens oppressed and hid-
den from the public, trying to further their own agendas. The
American people are being kept from experiencing the utopia that
could be created with interspecies cooperation, and whoever is keep-
ing the truth hidden must be stopped. When enough information is
gathered, the truth will be exposed. This will encourage peaceful
diplomatic relations between the government and the extraterrestri-
als, since the government will have to comply with what its con-
stituents want. The politicians who do not cooperate will be blitzed by
a PUPPET-sponsored media campaign. However, there is some dis-
sention on how much evidence is required before the story is
revealed. Some groups want to do so immediately and others want
to wait for a more solid case. Along these same lines, members of
PUPPET have varying views on researching extraterrestrial involve-
ment on Earth. Some believe that research is critical to compiling a
strong case against the government cover-up, while others believe
that alien artifacts are all that is needed to show the citizens the truth.
PUPPET is a public organization and is constantly looking for sym-
pathizers. Curiously enough, a sizable number of abductees believe
that cooperating with the aliens would stop the epidemic of abduc-
tions that occur in the United States. Conspiracy theorists are also
willing to join PUPPET, just to expose government actions. The pri-
mary leaders of PUPPET do not advertise their positions, partly out of
paranoia and partly out of humility. The members of PUPPET have
grass-roots origins, and the organization’s leaders do not want to
adhere to a hierarchical structure like the government’s. While being
part of PUPPET requires active recruiting, meetings and investigation,
a stigma is attached to being part of an organization of “believers.”
Therefore, while members do not hide their identities, PUPPET
groups do not have public rosters either.
PUPPET’s goals are to help humanity enter peaceful relations with
the extraterrestrials whom they know are on Earth and the govern-
ment is hiding. The way it intends to do this is by exposing the gov-
ernment’s ruthless oppression of our otherworldly visitors with evi-
dence retrieved from crash sites and given to it by sympathizers in the
government. So far, PUPPET is biding its time and building its case.
What PUPPET’s leaders have not told the main membership is that
they have several artifacts which they know are of alien origin.
The leaders of PUPPET do not enforce rigid policies on its Agents in PUPPET are constantly on the lookout for poten-
members; a level of trust is required and maintained in the tial new recruits, but many are screened out due to lack of
group. PUPPET is split into six groups, with a North and South credibility. Background checks are almost always conducted,
“committee” for each of the West Coast, Midwest, and East and every effort is made to verify that personal experience,
Coast. PUPPET’s leaders keep in touch with the various groups logic, and discretion are strong characteristics. Once it is veri-
throughout the country, and a lot of communication goes on fied that a recruit is mentally stable and can keep a secret, she
through Internet forums. Dead ends are weeded out, while dis- is inducted into the group for a trial period. After successfully
coveries and positive leads are reported and distributed to the completing two or three investigations, recruits are usually
other committees. The pop culture surrounding aliens in the given official membership. While this process is not very
last ten years has really boosted membership. Fifteen years secure, it also does not risk much more than public informa-
ago, membership was under 100, but today’s membership is tion, and PUPPET needs manpower and resources more than
nearing 750. Roswell’s 50th anniversary alone brought in fifty secrecy on almost every front.
new members.
Group Identity: Public CONTACTS
Leaders’ Identities: Normal Intelligence: 1 (Minor)
Members’ Identities: Normal Science & Research: 1 (Minor)
Group Goals: Public Law: 1 (Minor)
Paranormal: 2 (Major)
Structure: Territorial
Territory: Multiple Entity (Country)
Membership Size: Medium
Membership Loyalty: Dedicated
Named as a self-mocking parody of “Area 51,” Area 15s are a series of facilities maintained and run by PUPPET. Numerous
facilities are spread throughout the country, and each one consists of a runway, a hidden hanger, at least two aircraft work-
shops, and a good quality lab. Besides being connected to PUPPET, these facilities are “lent” out to any group supportive of
aliens that makes a request through the right channels. These facilities are usually used to study the odd bits of alien technol-
ogy that have been recovered over the years. To book a week’s time requires successful Intelligence and Bureaucracy Tasks,
modified by the agent’s Influence Quality, and D6(3) hours notice. These areas are intended to be short term boltholes or com-
mand centers until more permanent locations or solutions can be obtained.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Even though the organization does not have a rigid hierar- PUPPET has access to some odd resources, including a large
chy, PUPPET is a close-knit group. The members know that they fragment of a biological, coral-like ship that is in its possession; its
have to work together both to expose and defend against the alien nature still defies analysis. Another “artifact” is a preserved
conspiracy. A lot of members dedicate their time to reading up limb of a reptilian alien, which PUPPET fears would be deemed a
on possible “contacts” and looking for new recruits. Almost all fake if aired on TV or published in the papers. Its opposable
members are willing to give up their livelihoods for the sake of thumb leaves no question, however. At one time, PUPPET had an
the cause, even though most are not willing to give up their complete corpse of one of the enigmatic “Greys”, but a well
lives. Some of the more extreme members are willing to martyr organized team of government agents infiltrated the storage area
themselves to let the truth be known, however. and stole it. This has not only heightened the paranoia of
PUPPET’s leadership, but also forced it to increase its resources
RESOURCES devoted to background checks and internal security. The one
thing they know for sure is that the conspiracy is still going
If PUPPET focuses its resources anywhere, it is in the arena
of investigation. If there is anything agents clamor for it is a strong, and they have to fight ever harder to stop it.
clear photo, video, or taped confession. To that end, all agents Of special note is “Area 15,” PUPPET’s network of facilities
have access to resources from intelligence contacts across the used for analysis and storage of alien artifacts. These sites are
country. PUPPET teams conducting investigations are supposed dotted across the country and are well disguised, often appear-
to have at least one skilled photographer or cameraman. ing as an old runway and run-down barn. Inside, however, are
While PUPPET scrounges for the truth about our alien visi- equipment and resources that have been built over the years
tors, it generally ignores the supernatural. Even though agents with PUPPET’s civilian and science contacts. Several mid-sized
come across supernatural phenomena, they are not concerned research firms have provided equipment for labs, while a con-
with those. As a result, no occult or psychic resources are avail- struction company run by a sympathizer took the contract to
able to PUPPET members. A few resources stemming from maintain the actual facilities (and keep them hidden). Security
alien crash sites are listed below, but PUPPET’s leadership cur- is an important consideration in Area 15 sites, but PUPPET is
rently believes they are far too valuable to release to agents for usually willing to risk other alien collaborators using “15s” in
use. This keeps the organization’s paranormal resources to a exchange for information they gather. While only the most
minimum; obviously PUPPET is trying to change this. A long- influential members of other groups can use the facilities for
term goal is to gain control of something valuable of alien ori- more than a week or two, the arrangement has so far proven
gin to attract the “visitors’” attention, to open lines of commu- beneficial for all parties.
nication. So far that goal has yet to be met.
Resources obtained by the law enforcement sector of
PUPPET’s membership are a useful defense. The group has no
other real access to offensive or defensive capability. A Kevlar
vest and a semiauto pistol allow agents a modicum of force
when it comes to competing against fully equipped government
agents. Resources from this SoI are primarily available in urban
areas. While a wide variety of scientists provide equipment for
analysis of alien paraphernalia, none of these sources provides
the highest quality and most expensive pieces. Many PUPPET
contacts in the science field are academic outcasts (see
Drawback, p. 62 of the core rulebook), which limits their access
to high-quality science resources, but whatever resources can
be procured are available to everyone.
PUPPET attracts parapsychologists looking for answers to the
questions posed by the stars. These members and contacts
have not only revealed some explanations for UFOlogy events,
they have also given some insight into the supernatural. For the
most part, PUPPET obtains information through paranormal
contacts. The intelligence field holds the juiciest contacts for
PUPPET, as many individuals would love to get their hands on
a breaking story about a government cover-up of massive pro-
portions. If PUPPET obtains valuable information, members
usually try to make this information known to the public. On the
other hand, CSICOP itself often runs interference by targeting
PUPPET-sponsored articles for debunking.
as Aegis and MI-13, and still other members believe their goal
is to become involved in paramilitary groups. No one other
The RCS obtains most of its resources from civilian sources,
than the six psychics is aware of the Pilosi-human breeding either by soliciting donations from the general public or obtain-
project. ing monetary contributions from individuals within the group
The RCS is structured like a pyramid, with a single central who have access to banking facilities. Because the RCS ostensi-
figure at the top who gives directions to a set of subordinates, bly studies new species, it has a large array of scientific equip-
who then send commands down the line. Each of the leaders ment at its disposal that is used to perform research on these
who has direct contact with the central leader has responsi- undiscovered creatures. The RCS also has access to equipment
bility for a specific branch of the RCS, either investigation of through criminal channels, although it works hard to keep this
aliens, investigation of the supernatural manifestations, main- quiet so as not to sully its reputation in the public eye. Similarly,
taining a positive front to the public, securing resources, etc. the group has been able to obtain some military equipment
The RCS has members from across the globe, although it is since a number of its members are in branches of the service,
nominally stationed in London. It currently has 500 members but it keep these connections quiet as well. Finally, the mem-
who have varying degrees of loyalty, usually depending on bers have some resources in the paranormal field, but this is
their position in the hierarchy, such that the higher members not the norm. They obtain a nominal amount of equipment
are almost fanatically loyal, while those at the bottom of the from the intelligence/investigation field, partly because this
pyramid are merely dedicated. type of equipment is usually poorly tasked for their type of
research and investigation.
Civic Organization: Territorial Military: 1
Criminal Syndicate: Territorial Intelligence: 1
Cult: Individual Science & Research: 4
Curiosity Seekers: Universal Criminal: 2
Investigation: Territorial Paranormal: 2
Paramilitary: Territorial Civilian: 4
Research Institution: Universal Restricted Resources (Paranormal): 2
Group Identity: Normal Intelligence: 1 (Minor)
Leaders’ Identity: Covert Science & Research: 1 (Minor)
Members’ Identity: Covert Criminal: 2 (Major)
Group Goals: Covert Paranormal: 1 (Minor)
Civilian: 2 (Major)
Structure: Pyramid
Territory: Multiple Entity (Global)
Membership Size: Medium
Membership Loyalty: Mixed
Academic Espionage*, Cheaper Vehicles, Ear to the Ground, Expedition Funding*, Library, Mount Expeditions,
Travel Connections (*See The Paranormal Sourcebook)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1859 Sir Henry Bastable founds the Gentlemen’s Explorer Club.
1881 Bastable dies; stewardship of the Club passes to his son David.
1909 David Bastable disappears during a journey deep into the Congo in search of the Mokele-Mbembe. His share in the
Gentlemen’s Club passes to his niece, Jennifer Tillbury.
1938 Tillbury turns over control of the Gentlemen’s Club to Richard Page. Tillbury also creates a trust fund for the club’s
financial security that includes several million pounds’ worth of stock.
1950 Richard Page secures a royal charter for the Gentlemen’s Club, changing the name to the Royal Cryptozoological
Page retires, setting up a board of directors to manage RCS’s affairs.
Because of its widespread involvement in criminal syndi-
cates, the RCS obtains a wealth of knowledge through illegal
channels from smugglers, gun-runners, and other individuals of
disrepute. Second only to this avenue, it has contacts in a num-
ber of intelligence agencies, including Aegis and MI-13, and
uses these contacts judiciously, usually to obtain information
about movement of aliens and supernatural phenomena that
are covered up to avoid release to the general public. Finally,
RCS has a smattering of contacts in the sciences, the media, and
the psychic and magical fields. The members typically use these
contacts as a last resource, since they are often unreliable and
difficult to contact, especially considering that they are located
around the globe.
Several breeding stations are scattered all over the world.
One is on a retired giant oil-drilling rig owned by one of RCS’s
companies. Others are on farms or beneath abandoned indus-
trial sites. The Pilosi have discovered who is preying on them
and have started building an underground railway, designed to
free the captive creatures from these breeding sites. RCS’s
Seepage freedom fighters have had some trouble from these
Pilosi, especially from Selkies against the drilling rig.
RCS’s secret army has also several times run afoul of the
Montague Club. This has brought it to the attention of NDD.
Developments here are fluid. RCS may well become the sec-
ond-worst nightmare for NDD after Aegis, since it has an
incredible financial pull and could well endanger the military-
industrial complex backing NDD. Through the infiltration of the
British intelligence community and access to terrorists and
guerrillas, RCS could wreak considerable havoc without becom-
ing a target itself.
RCS’s most serious enemy, astonishingly, are the Titanidae,
who are so far the only ones who have discovered its secret.
They view the Pilosi-human breeding program as abhorrent
and have decided that RCS is an instrument of the Olympians
and a threat to humanity. A fierce magical war throughout
England and France between the RCS’s soldiers and the follow-
ers of the Flamen Europae has ensued.
Relative to many conspiracies, the Archonate is young, being born of the 1987 “Black Monday”
stock market crash in which the Dow Jones Industrial shed 22.6% of its value in one day. Three
people came together, concerned by their diminished place in the financial world, wondering if
perhaps there were answers outside of Wall Street. The figure now known as Archon Basileus
became convinced that the answer lay with psychic potential, and he invested a large sum of his
resources assembling a group that would be able to predict the direction of the markets. The
Polemarch used his contacts in the military to get a hold of a “Prototype Alloy” developed for next
generation aircraft (in reality wreckage of the 1947 Roswell crash) needing it to stay on the edge of
technology. Lastly the Eponymos Archon was certain that there was valuable knowledge in the
ancient world and financed a number of expeditions. When the three of them gathered the next
year, all had managed to make significant progress. Realizing that by pooling their resources in
these supernatural areas of inquiry they could all benefit, they came together under the banner of
the Archonate, named after the ancient greek rulers. In the years since they have expanded their
membership and areas of inquiry, until now they have a network that spans the globe.
The motives of the Archonate are simple: To use the paranormal and supernatural to create prof-
it for the members of the council. The only thing more important is the preservation of the coun-
cil’s anonymity. Individually the people they employ in various laboratories, think-tanks and uni-
versities may have specific goals as related to their projects, but there is no overarching ideologi-
cal goal for the organization.
The members of the Archonate are dived into three groups. First are the Archons themselves,
the twelve member council, each a fantastically wealthy and successful person in their own right.
They are led by the three founders known as Archon Basileus, Eponymos Archon and Polemarch.
Work on any project is divided. A think tank in Canada could be developing ideas for using alien
technology as part of a new military aircraft, while the actual systems are developed in the
European Union, and the contract to build them goes to an American Company. In this way the
organization is kept safe from discovery from enterprising individuals. Currently in addition to the
twelve member council the Archonate is employing approximately 75-80 researchers in various
1 2 3 4 5 6
The resources held by the Archonate are highly varied in var-
ious Criminal, Civilian and Paranormal circles. Using the coun-
cil’s business connections it is possible to access almost any
piece of scientific device required. Furthermore, it is trivial to
place leverage on civilian or paranormal leaders, offering them
a great deal in return for their assistance on projects. The coun-
cil refuses to place any leverage on Military or Intelligence sec-
tors as the public fallout from being exposed on those projects
would be significantly greater than muscling in on a few aca-
Submitted by Kickstarter Backer: William McCormick
Academic Institutions: Territorial Science & Research: 4
Civic Organizations: Territorial Criminal: 2
Criminal Syndicate: Individual Paranormal: 3
Financially Motivated: Universal Civilian: 3
Research Institutions: Territorial Restricted Resources (Science & Research): 2
Restricted Resources (Paranormal): 1
Group Identity: Normal CONTACTS
Leaders’ Identities: Covert Science & Research: 4
Members’ Identities: Covert Criminal: 1
Group Goals:Covert Paranormal: 2
Civilian: 3
Structure: Universal
Territory: Single Entity (Global)
Membership Size: Small
Membership Loyalty: Dedicated
Attorney, Funding 3, Grants, Laboratory, Pool Data, Translators
The Chowdhury Group wants to make even more money The Group is a wildly-profitable business conglomerate with
from the secrets within the Companion. It wants to keep its the resources of a true multinational. Alongside the public face
cipher a secret, but also wants to exploit the hints and myster- of the company, the secret inner-circle of occultists,
ies it uncovers. The Group wants to protect the original Voynich researchers, functionaries, and mercenaries are all armed with
Manuscript at all costs. The fact that the Group does not own the best equipment and training money can buy. The Group
the book, and Yale University isn’t selling, is a sore point. Thus, has deciphered a number of revolutionary Atlantean bio-med-
the Group pays well-armed, but discreet mercenaries to watch ical processes – everything from fast-acting cell regenerative
over the Voynich Manuscript and its environs 24/7. cream to wildly unpredictable anagathics – and is willing to use
those medicines on its people or as leverage for high-stakes
MEMBERS bartering.
The Group employs the best and the brightest the civilian Submitted by Kickstarter Backer: Chris Gunning
world has to offer. If someone has a skill desired by the Group,
it will offer mind-bogglingly impressive salaries or retainers to
Group Identity: Normal CONTACTS
Leader Identities: Covert Science & Research: 3
Member Identity: Normal Law: 2
Goals: Covert Criminal: 2
Paranormal: 1
Power Structure: Universal Civilian: 4
Territory Configuration: Single Entity (Global)
Membership Size: Large (the Group employs more than
8,000 people, though only a few are part of the inner
research/investigation circle)
Loyalty: Dedicated
Attorney 1, Funding 4, Hidden Cures (maintained in secret labs) 1, Laboratory 1, Mobility 1, Paranormal Library 1, Species
Identification (with access to the Companion and Manuscript) 1, Translators 1
Denn du bist was du isst
The organization that became the Order began as a pair of Knights of the Orden der Brüder
vom Deutschen Haus St. Mariens in Jerusalem, more commonly called the Teutonic Knights. Long
ago a group of Teutonic Knights had gone out to battle pagans. Two of the knights became sepa-
rated from their brethren. These knights were injured and lost when they came upon a small vil-
lage near what is now Kalingrad.
The village leader was a shaman and a cannibal. Although he considered killing the knights
instead he introduced them to magic and his culinary stylings. The Knights would hide all evidence
of the village and recruit some of their brothers. The Order slowly and carefully expanded its
power base. When Grand Master Albrecht dissolved the Teutonic Knights and created the state of
Prussia, several members became German nobles. The conspiracy took the short name of the
knightly order as their own.
Over the centuries the Order has expanded to other countries and created layers of secrecy to
hide its practices from the world.
The Order exists to protect the leaders and advance their agenda and to a lesser extent do the
same for the common members. The leaders generally have individual goals, as a group they are
power hungry and sometimes just hungry. The inner circle views themselves as superior to other
sentients. People are tools or food, only occasionally recruits.
The Order is divided into three tiers. The lowest level has little to no idea about the upper
levels. It consists of a variety of members ranging from business people to criminals. This level
has several front groups, not all of them aware of each other. They act as a mutual aid society
for the members also some assistance flows down from the upper levels (successful pawns are
more useful). Unfortunately for the bottom level their real purpose is as a tool and buffer for
the upper levels.
The second tier believes they are the Order. They work to advance the Order’s and individual’s
power. The majority of members are after occult power and knowledge but exact goals differ.
Some want success, some are hedonists, and some are occult scholars. The exact goals of mem-
bers do not matter as long as they maintain the Order’s goals first. Members are selected on what
they can bring to the Order. Magical and psychic abilities are particularly valued. The Order
recruits from around the world, but a bias to the upper class and certain old Prussian blood lines
still exists.
1 2 3 4 5 6
The first tier is the true Order. Some members believe that
sufficient power, occult or otherwise will lead to promotion to
The Order has extensive occult libraries as well as knowl-
the inner circle, but actual selection is rare and largely due to edgeable members. Despite the mystical power of the Order,
the whims of the current leaders. They will groom potential the more mundane assets should not be underestimated. The
recruits for years before the recruit is told any of the Order’s Order is very wealthy. It has ties to many old families of the
history or eating habits. The Order will aid and protect mem- world and was involved in the earliest days of trade and bank-
bers to a large extent, even some of the lowest members can ing. The ties to crime are just as old. Characters can suddenly
benefit from this. This larges ends if any threat, no matter how find they are being sued in several different courts while at the
small, to the leadership is perceived. The leaders are ruthless in same time explaining to their boss and the press about the mys-
ways only magic using cannibals can be. The weakest of them terious large deposit made to their bank account. Not to men-
is a least a prolific murderer, others are centuries old and mon- tion what politicians are willing to do for the right contribution.
sters in every sense of the word.
Submitted by Kickstarter Backer: Derrick Smith
Criminal Syndicate: Territorial Law: 1
Magic Circle: Territorial Criminal: 3
Paramilitary: Individual Paranormal: 2
Philosophical Movement: Territorial Civilian: 3
Group Identity: Covert Criminal: 3
Leaders Identities: Shadow Paranormal: 2
Members Identity: Covert Civilian: 2
Goals: Covert/Shadow
Structure: Territorial
Multiple Entities (Global)
Size: Large
Loyalty: Dedicated
Accomplices, Criminal Resources, Library, Occult Library, Supernatural Lore
In 1977, an analyst nobody noticed within the NSA began to piece together information, form-
ing a small but revealing exposé into the activities of agencies such as the Watch, Aegis, and the
NDD. He transmitted the data to a financial news reporter. The reporter forwarded the informa-
tion to an executive of an oil company. The analyst and the reporter were silenced. The executive
was not.
The executive coordinated with fellow executives of multiple major corporations, discovering the
corporate financial backing of the NDD, the private sector funding the Directorate's top secret
research facilities. They hired some “specialists” and quietly exerted pressure on the NDD back-
ers, waiting for the dogs to come sniffing. The result was a nightmare of minor public disclosures
and actual wetwork by agents of the “unknown corporate conspiracy.”
From then on agents of “the PAC” have sometimes hounded Aegis, the NDD, and other organi-
zations' agents with no fear of turning the public’s eye onto shadowy matters, agents who resist
bribery, coercion, and intimidation. The organization, as a while, has committed acts of market
manipulation to "bias" the markets against the NDD's backers. While these operations are limited
(to avoid visibility), they strain the relationship with the NDD.
The PAC maintains a corporate-like structure, making their organization almost painfully effi-
cient. The PAC's leadership is patient and opportunistic, viewing itself as a form of insurgency.
Overall, the PAC is the kind of enemy any covert agency dreads.
The organization had no name, and to this day does not. The standing policy within the organ-
ization is that no member will refer to it by any proper name or nickname. Referring to "the group"
or "the organization" is a borderline case. The NDD calls them the "SpookyPAC," while Aegis
dubbed them "the PAC." This furthers their own agenda, since the name others use for them is a
clue to who the speakers are. They are called "the PAC" hereafter.
The PAC seeks to wipe out all traces of shadow government from the United States, and to put
an end to the “civil war of shadow governments.” While they see themselves as the “white hats”
doing public good, they aren’t naïve about what they do, and are ready to sacrifice themselves and
others for their cause. That said, they prefer to sacrifice their enemies instead of themselves.
The PAC’s leadership is a covert consortium of executives of multiple businesses who are afraid
of what might happen to them if shadow government becomes the government. Their permanent
agents are people with special skills and the willingness to fight for their vision of the United States.
These agents have lives paid in full by the PAC. Their lives are comfortable, their families cared for
and protected, and their favorite charities receive regular donations. They are all but immune to
bribery. The fact that everything gets taken away if they betray the PAC makes it unlikely they can
be intimidated or coerced by threats.
1 2 3 4 5 6
bribery. The fact that everything gets taken away if they betray "backward" satellite surveillance of a kind most major corpora-
the PAC makes it unlikely they can be intimidated or coerced by tions can claim.
threats. To make up for those shortcomings, they have outlets for
leaking virtually anything they discover into the news. Make it
RESOURCES worse, they are reserved enough to wait until the evidence is
The PAC has one thing in excess – money. They have a great solid. They can also use the news media to spin facts, manipu-
deal of money siphoned through line items in dozens of corpo- late public awareness, and generally do all the things corporate
rate spreadsheets. Their working capital source rivals that of marketing can do. Agents also gain access to some of the best
DARPA. Practically any request for financial assistance goes lawyers in the country or even the world. If a trial for their
heeded. "Graft" is a specific line item in fiscal estimates, actions leads to more exposure for shadow government, the
planned for, expected, and tacitly approved. The PAC's PAC will make sure the media gets involved for as long as it
accountants do go over the records and will take corrective takes shadow government to silence the agent. If an agent gets
measures if the spending becomes excessive, but "excessive" into less substantial legal trouble, that agent typically still gets a
usually means "blatantly obvious" or "spent improperly." good attorney.
Otherwise, the most specialized resources they can manage In terms of information resource, there are a great many
are corporate data resources and travel accommodations. holes in the PAC’s understanding of the world at large.
Some of the corporations involved in the PAC are defense and However, they know more than enough to be dangerous, and
intelligence corporations, but defense and intelligence they’re sufficiently ignorant to be indiscriminate.
resources are difficult to commandeer without drawing atten-
Submitted by Kickstarter Backer: Edmund Wilfong
tion. They restrain themselves to proprietary regional data and
Civic Organization: Territorial Science & Research: 2
Financially Motivated: Territorial Law: 1
Investigation: Universal Civilian: 4
Mutual Protection: Universal
PROFILE Intelligence: 2
Group Identity: Shadow Law: 1
Leaders’ Identity: Covert Paranormal: 3
Members’ Identity: Covert Civilian: 3
Group Goals: Covert
Structure: Territorial
Territory: Multiple Entity (Country, with Global reach)
Membership Size: Large (around 2,000 to 2,500 people)
Membership Loyalty: Dedicated
Attorney, Ear to the Ground, Front Page News, Funding 4, Mobility, Satellite Surveillance: Standard
Nobody actually knows what the company is called, they call it "The Web" as it has the symbol
of a spider web on its door – no name just the symbol. The web seems to be a public relations firm
that handles scandals, helping to cover them up. However, a disturbing number their clients come
to them after somebody simply finds out about their ‘problem’. It would seem they have a nice lit-
tle scam going. Somebody finds out a juicy piece of info and they begin to blackmail the person.
Sometimes they give in and sometimes they don’t. If they don’t, chances are they go to The Web to
cover it up. The secrets people are blackmailed over are only known by one or two people…
The Web is actually the latest front for a conspiracy of psychics trying to take over the world.
They don’t want to be the people in charge; they just want to be the ones pulling the strings. They
use their psychic powers to uncover secrets and send people in to do the actual blackmail. If the
‘client’ gives in or goes to The Web they win. So the conspiracy progresses step by step to global
domination. Inevitably they encounter other conspiracies and when they do they back off and
begin working on subverting that conspiracy as well.
So far their plan is succeeding, albeit slowly. They have acquired a great deal of money and
political influence, if not control. They may not be able to make things happen with a snap of their
fingers but they can usually arrange for problems to be removed eventually. People get reassigned,
downsized, retire, get subverted to the cause or simply quit in disgust. It may take them years but
eventually they will find the right lever that will enable them to get what they want. So far anyway.
Each psychic member has a number of non-psychics that they ‘rule’ over; though they do try to keep
the psychics close enough to communicate with each other in a psychic network. There really isn’t a
way for them to be as effective as they are without them. However these non-psychics don’t know
anything about the conspiracies true nature. In fact they are lead to believe that psychic abilities are
a manifestation of right behaviour! In other words if they obey their psychic leader, with the help of
meditative techniques, that they will awaken their own psychic powers and move up in the conspira-
cy. The leaders have humanities best interests at heart and always act in ways to improve humanities
potential. It’s a complete lie ofcourse, except when it works…
The Web is actually a very old conspiracy; in fact it is one of the oldest. A long time ago a group
of psychics got together and realised that with their powers they could rule over their inferiors, the
non-psychics. It worked for a while but eventually their little empire was overthrown and it nearly
destroyed their group. Thus their almost paranoid need to remain hidden – if they were open then
they would be destroyed. They have moved slowly because the number of psychics that haven't
been recruited to Aegis or the Directorate has always been small and thus their ability to manipu-
late limited. Until now that is, there has been a marked increase in the number of psychics world-
wide and they have been scrambling to recruit as many as they can to their cause. In fact a num-
ber of the new recruits chafe at the necessity to remain hidden and sometimes act more openly
than their superiors would like.
1 2 3 4 5 6
They have been known to recruit a Forsaken by mistake. ing to figure out what makes a psychic psychic. Interactions
This works for a while but then the Forsaken begin to act in between the two are likely limited to information exchanges
ways inexcusable, even to the Web. They experiment on and non-interference. However they do know they are alien
humans; they create a cult personality and risk exposure, etc. and since their goal is not to eliminate psychics they don’t care
The usual process is that the leaders come in and destroy the about anything else. As far as the other aliens go.
Forsaken and whatever else they were doing. They will take
any research and they will make it look like it wasn’t done by
psychics – by another conspiracy if necessary. Many conspira-
There are thirteen leaders of the conspiracy. Ten of these
cies have a cell structure so they know for instance that an Aegis were part of the original group, from a time before they were
cell can’t rule out the possibility of another Aegis cell having known as The Web. The other three are relatively recent
done it. Or they could ‘convince’ somebody else to take the fall recruits, at least in immortal terms.
and then eliminate them at their convenience. They one thing
Submitted by Kickstarter Backer: John Lambert
they do not ever do is get another conspiracy to clean up their
mess. That way risks exposure – even if it is minimal.
It is certain that the Web and the Greys know about each
other. Both have an interest in what makes psychics tick – and
make no mistake the web has expended a lot of resources try-
Psychic Network: Universal Intelligence: 1
Civic Organisations: Territorial Science & Research: 3
Cults: Individual Law: 3
Mutual Protection: Universal Criminal: 1
Political Parties: Territorial Paranormal: 4
Psychic Networks: Territorial Civilian: 4
Research Institutions: Territorial
Military: 1
PROFILE Intelligence: 2
Group Identity: Shadow Science & Research: 3
Leader Identities: Shadow Law: 3
Member Identities: Shadow Criminal: 1
Group Goals: Covert Paranormal: 4
Civilian: 4
Structure: Universal
Territory: Single Entity (Global)
Membership size: medium (mostly ‘support’)
Membership Loyalty: Mixed
Accomplices, City Hall Archives, Ear to the Ground, Experimental Psi Drugs, Front Page News, MHIC-EDOM,
Mind Control Drugs, Psi Labs
Chapter Six
The Future
Is Now
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Norton was no stranger to the use of Greek names for Aegis
and HERMES and thought it only fitting to name this project after
a Greek seer and philosopher, Epimenides of Knossos. Epimenides
was said to have fallen asleep in a cave sacred to Zeus for fifty-
seven years. When he awoke, he had gained the gift of prophecy.
Norton considered this apt, as the project hoped to allow Aegis to
see the future and prepare for the events to come.
Epimenides is also famous for a paradox. He stated, “All Cretans
are liars,” but he himself was a Cretan, so his statement must be
false as he was be a liar, which validates the statement as true, and
so on.
In order to accurately predict the future outcome of an invasion by
Saurian forces, a download of the data from THOTH was suggested,
and years of psychic predictions and visions were filtered into the
equation. Five of CAPS’ top psychics were recruited for an extended
precognition experiment while attached to the Project Epimenides
computer. Something went wrong, however. The psychics could not
detach themselves from the simulation and could not communicate
with the real world. They remain trapped in the simulation, their bod-
ies maintained by scientists in the research facility, while their minds
experience the false reality.
Other agents have been sent into the simulation. Some have also
become trapped, unable to find the built-in exits from the program,
whereas others have returned to tell the scientists what is going on in
the simulation, though they have been stunned and shocked by their
encounters. Sometimes escapees who have spent too much time in
the sim have difficulty interacting with the real world.
in the agent waking from the semicomatose state, but he gains D4(2)
points worth of mental Drawbacks. Failure means he remains in a
coma for D6(3) weeks and will require another Difficult Willpower
Test at the end of this time to wake. This continues until the agent
wakes, or dies. In this state, medical personnel at Aegis tend to the
agent’s physical needs. When the agent finally wakes, he receives the
same D4(2) points of mental Drawbacks as before.
Using a glitch or back door is the only safe route out of the sim.
In the simulation, agents usually look as they do in reality.
Sometimes this is a mirrored version of what people expect to see,
but it is usually what the agents think they look like. If their mental
images of themselves are based mostly on their appearance in the
mirror, their appearance in the simulation will be reversed.
Often, the image is a slightly idealized version: a slightly slimmer,
more athletic version, without the scars, blemishes, or defects that
people like to ignore in themselves. Sometimes the character’s image
of himself is more negative, if he particularly hates something about
himself, but with the correct mental training this can be rectified.
Injuries and physical disabilities can sometimes be ignored in the
simulation. If the agent’s Willpower is higher than the points of his
physical disability Drawbacks, and if the agent is aware of the simu-
lation, the Drawback can be ignored. For example, someone with a
missing leg (a 3-point Drawback) who is aware of the simulation and
has a Willpower of 4 can act normally, with both legs. He’ll lose no
points from the negation of the Drawback, as the leg will still be miss-
ing when he awakes from the simulation
Aegis has discovered that many agents heavily injured in the
course of battling aliens or the supernatural will volunteer for the
Epimenides Project, to continue the fight to the best of their ability in
an environment where their injuries do not impair them. Even agents
comatose from conflict or injury have been known to be able to act
normally in the sim.
VIRTUAL CHARACTERS tory, but the casualties were high and every battle
brought the aliens closer and closer to Earth. Now they
Of course, not everyone in the simulation is actually a person
in the real world. Most of the people inhabiting the simulation are so close we can see the energy discharges in the
are computer-generated virtual characters, created by census night.
records, surveillance photos, DNA samples secretly taken dur- There are footsteps. My roommate. “They’ve landed!
ing inoculations, satellite imaging, and government records. The lizards have landed!” he shouts. “In Seattle, the
These virtual characters think and act in a similar way to their Needle’s burning up on the live feed. They’re in Mexico,
real-world inspiration, but their intelligence and abilities are too! You should come back to the shelter and see.”
greatly limited. A ship sweeps by, close enough to be seen by the
In game terms, Supporting Cast members usually have basic naked eye. A crescent-shaped black mass blotting the
Attributes of 2 and average skills (between one to three stars with its bulk. It soars past and energy stabs down
depending on their occupations). A doctor will still be proficient into the city. Explosions rock our building and a distant
and able to do his job, and a taxi driver will know his way fireball rises, as I watch the end of the world.
around well. The computer wants to maintain the feeling that
everyone is real and able to continue in their lives, continuing
the suspension of belief. These characters are completely The year is 2072, and the Saurian races have escaped the sin-
unaware of the simulation and the outside world, and will be gularity and returned in force. Humanity has advanced to the
unable to help the Cast if confronted on these matters. stars but hasn’t been able to explore very far; the Saurian re-
emergence has put a stop to that. Instead of advancing and
developing, humanity has had to focus on survival. Using vari-
THE POSSIBLE FUTURES ous precog sources, the history that led to the imminent fall of
humanity progressed as follows.
The future is not set; the present is always changing things 2000–2015: Economic chaos, pollution, climate change, and
so that no future is definite. The simulation has looked at the civil unrest gave this period the name “The Hopeless Years.”
most likely outcomes and predicted a number of possible Climate change brought about severe droughts, forest fires to
futures. Of course, none of these are definite, and any sur- significant areas of Earth’s forests and jungles, and erratic
prise event not foreseen in any premonitions will upset these storms, hurricanes, and flooding.
scenarios completely. 2015–2020: Technological development in nanotechnology
The Chronicler may choose any of these scenarios as the and fusion changed the face of the world. India solved the prob-
simulation in their campaign or create one of his own. lem of using fusion to create energy and became one of the
Another option is multiple “war zones” where all of the sce- world’s leading powers overnight. Fossil fuels were rejected in
narios are running in various locations, and the agents may favor of electric cars, and fusion brought power for agriculture
change from one to another just by walking through a door or and industry to areas that could not afford it before. Nanotech
getting on a train. was developed in the U.S. and Europe in the early 2020’s,
allowing cheap and easy construction, instant healthcare, and
the end to famine.
SCENARIO 1: EXTINCTION 2021–2030: The standard of living rose, the fields of robot-
ics and artificial intelligence improved the quality of life of the
2071. The aliens are here.
population, and the world united to tackle environmental prob-
Flashes of red, green, and blue illuminate the night sky, lems. This was also the beginning of the Unbirth Plague: Fertility
drowning out the stars. A fireball cuts through the sky as rates plummeted until by mid-2020’s, the Earth’s population
it descends in a graceful arc, a spacecraft shot down, stabilized at 6.5 billion. By 2029, reports indicated that the pop-
burning on re-entry. A war is being waged up there, ulation was actually in decline, dropping by 40 million per year.
strangely alien and remote. The night is quiet, but every- Children became precious, scarce resources.
one huddles around their news screens, watching for
2032–2034: The India War. After India signed treaties to
information about the war. Infosite, OpPage, VirtualChat,
share technology with China, the Chinese tried to wrest markets
all boiling with news reports. It is the end of the world.
from India, sending India into a recession. A militant religious
For months we’ve been hearing about the coming movement grew in strength, led by the self-proclaimed avatar
aliens. They were first detected by the orbit of Neptune or of the deity Indra (possibly an Atlantean) who influenced the
Uranus, one of the distant planets of our system. We tried military, and a conflict raged between China, India, and
to contact them peacefully, and our attempts were met Myanmar (formerly Burma) [[it’s been called Myanmar since
with violence. A great fleet was assembled and fought 1989; why bring this up?]]. Ten million died in the conflict; New
them in interplanetary space. It was supposed to be a vic- Delhi, Beijing and three other cities were devastated by nuclear
1 2 3 4 5 6
weapons; and the U.S. revealed a network of SDI satellites to the
world as it intercepted a full-scale nuclear exchange between the
Asian countries with satellite beam weapons.
2035–2050: The “Savior Virus” was discovered in 2038, not curing
the Unbirth Plague but mitigating its effects. A lunar colony was estab-
lished, and another was developed on Mars. WorldNet, the global
communications network, became the dominant force in all forms of
entertainment, communication, and transactions. The paranormal
world of psychics and magicians was more accepted by society, aiding
police and private companies, but the practitioners were still a rarity
and seldom seen, though this would change after the invasion.
2060–2070: A new recession occurred in the U.S. for no logical
reason. Taxes were raised and benefits were cut, and the money
seemed to disappear. Other countries followed suit. U.S. Senator
William Dupont announced on WorldNet in 2067 that a secret military
base had been built on the moon and a fleet of spacecraft was being
readied to counter an alien invasion. Of course, at the time, this was
ridiculed, until UFO sightings reached an all-time high in 2069.
2070–2071: The President announced the coming of the alien fleet,
and humanity had eleven months to prepare. Revelations of the
Saurian presence on Earth were exposed, captured aliens were dis-
played on WorldNet, and the world waited. Scientists revealed they
were Earthly in origin, similar to ancient dinosaurs, while others pro-
claimed the whole deal a hoax. Battle satellites were launched, U.S.
armed forces started training thousands of volunteers, and an elite
paramilitary force was assembled, called “Aegis strike teams.” “The
Purge” began, a planetwide manhunt for infiltrating alien intruders,
and the government’s deals with “tame dinos” came to light before
the first space conflict. In Europe, a radical religious movement called
the Priory of Zion rose in France, Belgium, and parts of the
Netherlands. They controlled the governments of these countries, and
the theocracy ruled through the will of an armed mob led by super-
naturally powered individuals. They mobilized millions into a “holy
army” to combat the Saurian invaders.
April 7, 2071: Earthfall. The Saurians arrived after destroying the
Earth fleet, sending a barrage of thousands of asteroids, destroying
the hearts of most major cities. Fifty million died in the meteor show-
er, allowing the Saurian ships to occupy vast areas. Most of the
Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia were seized with minimal
resistance. The Oterai occupied Washington, Montana, Idaho,
Wyoming, and the Dakotas. The Akerang landed in Mexico.
Uninterested in what was there now, the Saurians were returning to
their ancestral lands, driven by instinct. Western Europe was spared
direct invasion, but a conflict with the Croll in Eastern Europe and the
Middle East raged. To add to the chaos, Grey ships were spotted
toward the end of 2071, sweeping over Los Angeles, striking down
tens of thousands with psionic weaponry.
In this setting, it really is a world at war. Alien ships patrol the skies.
The Earth Fleet has been destroyed, and space is a no-man’s-land
where none dare to tread. The population has been massively
reduced by the Unbirth Plague, war, and now the invasion. Aegis and
NDD have reached a truce, joined by the “Third Group”, though in the
real world, Aegis has no idea who or why this has occurred. The
agents will most likely become part of the Aegis Strike Teams
that are engaging the enemy in various missions.
The future in this scenario is one of a harsh military environ-
ment. ASTs consist of soldiers linked to a neural transmitting
version of HERMES while they engage in reconnaissance, sabo-
tage, assassinations and raids on alien territories. They are the
military arm of humanity, the strongest hope humanity has
against the invaders.
Occupied territories resonate with images of WWII, the cities
continue as normal, but with alien craft and troops occupying
every corner. Cells of resistance “partisan” groups operate inde-
pendently, communicating through the WorldNet, committing
insurgent acts of terrorism and rebellion. Such partisans are
often rounded up into camps; no one is safe from loose lips and
1 2 3 4 5 6
2012. Dulce Base Underground Bunker 7.
It’s found us. Hiding in the caves like vermin, running for the
shadows when the lights go on. It’s all we could do when the
things started coming. Luckily, our one-time enemies at Aegis
had dedicated some of their time to researching the paranor-
mal, and we had little choice but to bury the hatchet so to speak.
Their psychics and ritualists were able to mount limited defens-
es against the Source, but it’ll only hold it back for so long.
Now we hide in the caves, while the creatures roam the sur-
face. Creatures from our own nightmares. The Greys helped the
Static, as they call it, so strong now that the few who were down
here in the base are unable to teleport away. Now they use their
psychic strength to protect us all, but contact with the Static is
having a horrible effect on them. It is only a matter of time
before they fail and our worst fears descend upon us.
In just a few years time, events that have been recorded in HERMES
have led the world into a dark future, where the Seepage has become
a physical presence, rolling across the land like a plague. Seepage is so
high, the whole of the surface has become SL4+, with only small pock-
ets where people can survive. Even then, they are plagued by crea-
tures, manifestations, phenomena, and corruption.
MOSCOW, 1968
The events that spiraled out of control to dominate the world start-
ed with an explosion at Project Rasputin’s research facility hidden with-
in Moscow. The center of the blast was a powerful psychic who’d been
hiding in Siberia but had been tracked down by Rasputin agents and
brought in to aid with research. Vlas Sedova had been left isolated in
Siberia a little too long and, after extensive and torturous experiments,
he slowly went insane and lost control of his rapidly growing powers.
The blast was so potent that the local Seepage Levels went off the
scale, and with his death it created a Locus more powerful than ever
recorded. The Seepage became sentient, concentrated, and physically
manifested. As research teams investigated the aftermath, initial
reports documented something described as “free floating, metamor-
phic silver fluid.” After many attempts, the Seepage was “captured”,
locked into a specimen jar, and held within the glass with powerful
wards and psychic energies. The jar, dubbed Psykhogennyy Utechka
Sosud, was one of the prize possessions of Project Rasputin.
For years the “Sosud” was investigated by Project Rasputin, which
gradually uncovered what had happened. The mental imprint of this
tormented psychic was bound into the Seepage’s matrix. So potent
was his ego that he refused to die, even when his body failed him in
the blast. His psyche acted as a catalyst that gave the Seepage a sen-
tient personality to build upon. Rasputin scientists were amazed at the
discovery, using the research to assist in their revolutionary psy-
chotronic developments.
With the fall of the Soviet Union, however, the jar went mysterious-
ly missing, circulating throughout Eastern Europe on the black market.
It was rumored that a number of collectors of esoterica had kept the
jar for a number of years before gradually going insane, staring With the growing Seepage, the Greys fled the planet. Some
at the ever-moving silver liquid. It showed them visions of the were trapped in Dulce base, unable to teleport through the
future, the past, and their worst fears. interference of the Seepage. It was these few Gestalts who
would prove, ironically, to be the saviors of the last of humani-
PRAGUE, 2009 ty, creating psychic barriers to protect the underground base
from the Seepage above.
In Prague, it happened again. This time, the results were
more catastrophic. Something stirred in the psychic energies of Agents from both Aegis and NDD have holed up here, in the
the highly superstitious area, and the Seepage Levels went off rabbit warren of the Dulce underground base. Aegis was con-
the charts. tacted by an insider at NDD as the situation worsened, and
It started as spontaneous manifestations. Local news report- CAPS and MKULTRA personnel were called in, creating the last
ed incidents of vampires descending upon the townsfolk. The hope for humanity. As the surface became more and more
howling in the hills became stronger, strange creatures sprang inhospitable, teams were sent to the surface to look for sur-
from the sewage system, and tentacles reached from opened vivors, armed with Psinks or warding rituals. The last survivors
drains before reports of dragons came in, circling the tallest were brought to the base for debriefing and to help build a new
buildings. Madness had come to Eastern Europe, and little life underground.
could be done to stop it.
The army was sent in, blasting dragons from the skies with MYTHICAL THREATS
artillery, while ogres and trolls stormed into the infantry, pick- This is a world where fantastic creatures are alive, sum-
ing up tanks and dashing them to the ground. moned and created by the Seepage. Dragons fly the night skies,
trolls lurk in packs in underpasses, and vampires stalk the
streets. Chroniclers wishing to populate the surface with crea-
THE SOURCE tures for any team brave enough should use any creature from
The Seepage levels in the area became so strong, another
WitchCraft, All Flesh Must Be Eaten or Terra Primate for inspi-
spontaneous event happened, only seen once before in
ration. For weaponry of the time, use those from Scenario 1:
Moscow. The Seepage became sentient, spreading to the city
Extinction. The PACS-61 Powered Armor would be armed with
and feeding off of the populace. The Seepage in this area fed
warding rituals, or piloted by Psinks, for the most effective com-
and grew, becoming the center of the phenomenon that quick-
bination against the Source.
ly engulfed countries, a phenomenon known as The Source.
The center manifested itself physically again, a rolling mass that
resembled liquid mercury.
The armies were in constant retreat while The Source spread.
The tendrils reached to neighboring towns, terrorizing the pop- The world is perfect. Welcome to a future of complete
ulation with creatures and phenomena and absorbing the perfection. Gone are hunger, hatred, violence, aggres-
Seepage they released from the fear. As the people died of sion, and jealousy. People work because they want to aid
fright, The Source grew. The military cordoned off the country, society, not to earn more for petty consumerism. This is
trying to keep The Source contained, but they failed. There was the perfect future, as everyone has all they want.
little they could do; bullets and artillery may knock dragons out This is the reward we have for surviving such harsh
of the sky, or decimate trolls and vampires, but The Source times; the last decade was filled with disease and hard-
could not be stopped. It was like firing bullets into jelly. The ship. But we survived, we rebuilt after the fires, and rebuilt
Source spread at an exponential rate in its hunger to grow and better, stronger, and cleaner than before.
reach to the stars. This is Utopia, though there are rumors of those who
are unhappy with our idyllic existence. There are tales of
NOW, 2012 those who live beneath our streets, demanding unhealthy
Europe quickly fell to The Source; millions were killed from lifestyles and unsafe thoughts. They still pollute our world,
pure fear as their darkest nightmares became reality before but we will stamp them out.
them. Those who survived snapped to almost instant corruption.
From the air, Earth looked as if it had grown a silver mold, a can-
cerous growth of liquid energy that had taken over a quarter of This is far from the disastrous futures predicted by most of
the world. Worldwide, Seepage Levels have reached a danger- the seers. This is a veritable utopia, but something just doesn’t
ous state. Very few places in the world are as low as SL 2 or 3; sit well. Society is dominated by docile and “perfect” people; all
most of the planet (where The Source hasn’t completely smoth- of them enjoy their lives, quibble about nothing, and are pro-
ered) is SL 4 or 5. Manifestations and phenomena happen con- ductive members of society.
stantly, and anyone who ventures outside risks corruption.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Manipulation placed Metahumans in positions of power
across the country. Urban pacification became the order of
the day; suicide kits became readily available and government
sanctioned for those unwilling to suffer the violence and
poverty any longer. The Metahuman scientists also developed
a new brand of “antidepressant”, the reverse of psi drugs, that
calmed psychic emanations. In some cases, users were actu-
ally reduced to Voids, or even Psinks, which eased Static pro-
duction dramatically. With the state of the world as it was,
these “antidepressants” were made readily available to all
and free of charge.
Aegis operatives still work for the organization, but Aegis has
lost all funding with the collapse of the government. Pulling
Strings bring only information, food, and ammunition. The Cells
are reduced to guerrilla strikes against the Metahuman com-
plex, patrolled by the military. Their only hope is to discover the
2005: THE UNBIRTH PLAGUE drug that is sedating the world and pacifying their psychic abil-
For some reason, the population growth slowed. Starting in ities, and to reverse the Unbirth Plague. They need to break in,
2005, it was hardly noticed. Couples just weren’t getting preg- steal samples of the drugs and records of the plague, and get
nant. It wasn’t a unilateral problem, however. Some couples them to their base under Area 51 to reverse-engineer a cure.
were still having children, and these were treasured and well
cared for. Medical researchers were unable to discern what the
cause of the population decrease was. Many panicked, thinking EQUIPMENT
With the fall of society, technology outside the Utopian state
this was the end of the world. Rioting, arson, and depression
is very much the same as it is today. The military guarding the
flooded the world, and the few who could give birth (around
complex are equipped with more advanced weaponry, and
100,000) were quickly herded into protective care, surrounded
body armor similar to an Aegis Strike Team from Scenario 1, so
by the military.
the guerrilla teams will have their work cut out for them. Their
In truth, the “Unbirth Plague”, as in Scenario 1: Extinction, is best hope will be to recruit a Focus or two, to really throw the
a product of Grey engineering. They have found a way to pro- Greys and Metahumans into disarray.
duce sterility in normal humans, allowing the Metahumans to
What of the Atlanteans or the coming Saurian fleet? Could it
be the only people who can procreate. They figure this drastic
be that humanity’s only hope is to team up with the Atlanteans,
action will result in a drop in the Static-producing humans, leav-
yet again, to have equipment and the means suitable to face the
ing a planet occupied solely by “safe” Metahumans, giving off
Metahuman population? Once the Metahumans have been
no Static and easy to manipulate psychically.
dealt with, the planet will still be in disarray, just ripe picking for
the coming Saurian fleet ….
Within the safety of the military encampment, the first of the
Metahuman cities was created: an idyllic and beautiful place, OTHER SCENARIOS
Chroniclers should feel free to create their own scenarios for
protected from the disease and rioting that continued outside.
the VR setting. Any inspiration can be used, from The Matrix to
It would just be a matter of time and patience before the pop-
Silent Hill. The choices are endless. The only thing that is certain
ulation died out, but it wouldn’t be fast enough for the Greys.
is that Aegis and NDD will be involved and one or the other will
The Static was worse than ever, and human suffering and panic
be the key to saving humanity from alien or paranormal threat.
seemed to produce even more. Something drastic had to be
done, and quickly.
some interest in the supernatural received a surprise visit at Aegis Prime was now significantly aware of the power and
home from a powerful occultist, Peter Henry Westmane. threat they had been overlooking and quickly moved to address
Westmane confronted the Aegis Prime member with a detailed this deficiency. They offered to build and fund a research facili-
description of Aegis’ current situation and problems. As the ty for Westmane on the Nellis Range. This offer had the dual
Aegis Prime member was preparing to signal his bodyguards to purpose of enabling Aegis Prime to keep close watch on
shoot this stranger, Westmane indicated that he and his mystic Westmane and his coterie. Although obviously aware of Aegis
society had been allies of the Watch in the past, and believed it Prime dual motives, Westmane accepted and founded Aegis’
was their duty to come to Aegis’ aid. Center for Advanced Phenomenological Studies (CAPS).
Whether he was charmed by Westmane’s personality, con- Westmane recruited a number of his disciples and most
vinced by his reasoning, or simply desperate enough to accept trusted occult associates. A few of these men and women were
his help, the Aegis Prime member assigned Westmane some brought directly into Aegis. The others simply enjoyed the priv-
mundane combat/espionage specialists and sent him to track ilege of studying at the Center, and were granted top secret
down the murderers. So began Aegis’ first counter-attack in the clearances. Over the years, CAPS has become a premier para-
Aegis/Montague Club war. By late 1967, Westmane had suc- psychology and occult research organization, and has cata-
cessful closed the security leak and neutralized the most active logued a large number of generally successful rituals.
and dangerous of the opposition Montague Club cabals.
The CAPS Field Explorer is, in many ways, a highly special- The paranormal scientists and researchers affiliated with
ized field researcher for archaeology and anthropology. As CAPS are exposed to everything from supernatural beasts to
such, he has a smattering of skills to enable him to perform the subtle power of psychics to the devastating ways of ritu-
research and to investigate the validity of that research in the als. These individuals examine the supernatural world to gain
field. a greater understanding of how it impacts everyday events.
Skills: Occult Knowledge +1, Research/Investigation +1, They may have some facility with rituals or psychic ability, or
Science (Parapsychology) +1 they may not.
Pulling Strings: Corruption Treatment, Occult Library, Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science and Research)
Pool Data 1, Resources 1, Status 1, Obligation 3. The player may also
wish to purchase the Supernatural Focus or Psychic Quality
Pulling Strings: Corruption Treatment, Occult Library,
Pool Data
The CAPS Occultist devotes his life to learning the secret of
Seepage and how to manipulate it using powerful rituals. CENTER FOR ADVANCED PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDIES PSYCHIC
Occultists follow varying beliefs about the nature of the 15-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY (11/4)
supernatural, but they all have unfailing curiosity about these CAPS psychics are especially adept at understanding and
phenomena. adapting to psi energy. These abilities make it possible for
Skills: Occult Knowledge +2, Research/Investigation +1, them to enter others’ minds, to read emotional auras, and to
Rituals (of one Type) +1 gather impressions about distant times and locations.
Pulling Strings: Corruption Treatment, Occult Library, Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Paranormal) 1, Psychic,
Pool Data Resources 1, Status 1, Obligation 3
Pulling Strings: Corruption Treatment, Occult Library,
Pool Data
riors. Soldiers, scientists, technicians and politicians with the
GROOM DRY LAKE RESEARCH FACILITY (THE RANCH) proper clearances come and go and have access to the regular
The Ranch was established as an Aegis base of operations operations, and specially staged portions of the base. On the
in 1952 on the Nellis Bombing and Gunnery Range in Nevada. other hand, plenty of room is available at the sprawling com-
What was little more than a backwater air force facility plex for isolated laboratories, test facilities, shooting ranges and
became a top-notch, state-of-the-art complex. Over the years, electronically locked offices. These are where the Aegis opera-
Aegis has diverted military and other funds into the Ranch to tives perform their duties.
maintain its status as the best operation headquarters techno-
Once in a while, the highly classified activity involving extra-
logically possible. A number of different Cells operate at the
terrestrial technology and supernatural research leaks out, and
base, in a variety of different areas. A few of these personnel
an "outsider" becomes privy to Aegis secrets. These unfortu-
know about some of the others; many are unaware of any
nate witnesses are recruited into the organization, or eliminat-
other part of the conspiracy. This increases security and keeps
ed as a threat. This does not necessarily mean that they are
operatives on their toes.
immediately killed – that would raise the possibility of an inves-
Groom Lake operates like a standard military base and a few tigation and further security compromises. Usually, an unsuit-
of the commanders just do their jobs, and report to their supe- able or unwilling witness is "debriefed" by ISS using MKULTRA
techniques and thus remembers little of what she saw. As an
added security measure, these personnel remain "listed" with
RANCH SCIENTIST/TECHNICIAN the Internal Security Section. Should it prove necessary, the ISS
can act quickly to discredit and ruin them.
These individuals are charged with creating, manufac-
The professions focus almost exclusively on the alien threat.
turing, repairing, and constantly debugging all the latest
Separate sections, facilities and complexes on the sprawling
state-of-the-art technology that is developed on the Ranch.
Nellis Range address psychic and supernatural activities. The
They generally have some kind of specialization related to
pilots that test-fly alien aircraft are almost always part of Aegis
a specific technological field, but a number of scientists
Cells, as it is very difficult to hide alien technology in a space-
also engage in cross-training to expedite research and to
craft. Scientists and researchers at the Ranch become part of
formulate cross-divisional hypotheses.
Aegis Cells if their work is valuable and sensitive enough. Both
Skills: Computers +1, Electronics +1, Science (Type) +1 serve crucial functions expanding Aegis’ knowledge of alien
Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science and technology and physiology.
Research) 1, Resources 1, Status 1, Obligation 3
Pulling Strings: Alien Technology, Lab/Workshop,
Mobility, No Trace, Ranch Analysis, Specialized Aircraft PROJECT CYGNET
(Aurora) Project CYGNET is an operation that specializes in remote
viewing and psi-warfare. From the very beginning, Aegis watched
the research at Stanford Research Institute closely and anxiously
awaited the opportunity to recruit the best psychics from it. They
RANCH TEST PILOT similarly watched the Fort Mead unit and awaited the opportuni-
17-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY (12/5) ty to use these incredible new psychics for their own purposes.
Nearly every piece of technology constructed and tested Project CYGNET was created as a cover for recruitment of psychic
on the Ranch has something to do with aeronautics. The talent, and as a means of keeping them under the same com-
test pilots are the hot dogs of the sky, pilots crazy enough mand structure without drawing undue suspicion.
to fly things that are not traditional aircraft. Without these Initially only psychics were recruited into CYGNET, but when
guys the advances into stealth flight might not have suc- the charter was changed to provide for Project GRAYBEARD and
ceeded. psi-research, scientists and parapsychologists were brought in.
Skills: Computers +1, Electronics +1, Piloting (Aurora) Because of Aegis’ decision to recruit all members of CYGNET,
+1, Piloting (Jets) +2. The Piloting (Aurora) skill covers these new professionals had to be recruited as well. This led to
craft, including the Aurora, that may be reverse-engi- some unfortunate incidents and a pair of researchers refused to
neered from alien tech and therefore may not behave in join and had to be eliminated for security reasons.
the same way as regular jet aircraft Recruitment was originally from the ranks of psychics found
Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Military) 1, Military at SRI or the Fort Mead unit. However, with the termination of
Rank 3, Resources 1, Obligation 3 those two units, CYGNET has been forced to search out psychics
Pulling Strings: Alien Technology, Mobility, No Trace, on its own from the government services and mainstream para-
Ranch Analysis, Specialized Aircraft (Aurora) psychological experiments. This has led to a far more diverse
range of backgrounds for recent recruits, and has helped build
THOTH is a supercomputer accessible only by Project CYGNET - GRAYBEARD OPERATIVE
CYGNET members. THOTH is programmed to sift through all 14-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY (11/3)
available databases to correlate and analyze information gained GRAYBEARD Operatives are field agents who are highly
from CYGNET remote viewers and other psychics. Because of trained in all areas of psychic ability, specializing in fields
phenomena such as time dilation, a psychic’s data might be that can be used in psi warfare.
years or even centuries out of date. By cross-referencing all its
databases, THOTH is able to find the most likely event, person or Skills: Notice +1, Research/Investigation +1,
place related to the information fed into it. While it presents a Surveillance +1
range of possibilities, THOTH has been instrumental in increas- Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1,
ing the utility and accuracy of psychic intelligence (PSI/INT). Psychic, Resources 1, Status 1, Emotional Problems 1,
THOTH has access to the NSA’s and CIA’s databases, generally Obligation 2
available sites on the Internet, and HERMES, but only for pur- Pulling Strings: Experimental Psi Drugs, Psi Labs. He
poses of identifying remotely viewed locations. THOTH is also has access to the THOTH system.
accessed through specially encoded HERMES links.
In addition to standard reports that must be filed with HER-
MES on a regular basis, CYGNET operatives are expected to MKULTRA OPERATIVE
upload information gained from all psychic sources into 15-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY (12/3)
THOTH. This allows further data and inquiries concerning the These agents have training in both spycraft and psychics,
same kind of information to be cross-indexed and, more impor- which means they are quite crafty and deadly. They usual-
tantly, facilitates the double-checking of precognitive data for ly are given a wide berth, due to their level of intensity and
consistency. The overall goal of THOTH in this respect is to note the frenzy with which they pursue their roles. Almost all
trends in information so that Aegis might discover more reliable operatives have some history of psi drugs, usually resulting
methods for discerning which predictions are likely to come in fierce addictions. MKULTRA Operatives live on the edge
true and which are not. and are usually monitored by their superiors.
Skills: Research/Investigation +1, Stealth +1, Surveillance
+1. It is also recommended that the agent purchase suit-
PROJECT MKULTRA ably good levels in weapons and unarmed combat skills.
At the instigation of one of the members of Aegis Prime, the Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Psychic,
CIA commenced a secret program entitled Project Bluebird in Resources 1, Status 1, Addiction (Psi Drugs) 4, Obligation 3
1950. The purpose of Project Bluebird was to advance mind
control techniques through the use of drugs, hypnotism, elec- Pulling Strings: Experimental Psi Drugs, MHIC-EDOM,
troshock and other questionable therapies. The project was Mind Control Drugs, Psi Labs
renamed and refocused twice before it was labeled MKULTRA
in 1952. During its "official" lifetime, MKULTRA was a broad-
based program conducting research and testing into a variety of
mind control techniques, toxins and drugs, biological weapons,
and other highly dubious enterprises. The CIA’s test subjects The standard individual in MKULTRA is a psychic, specif-
were more often than not unknowing or unwilling. In 1963, ically trained to retrieve information using less orthodox
Project MKULTRA was officially terminated. means. These psychics often employ devices and drugs to
make their tasks easier, and some individuals become
In reality, the most promising lines of research and develop- reliant on these resources to function. Psychics are also
ment, including all the psychic programs, were redirected, relo- constantly undergoing new types of training in attempts to
cated and suborned by Aegis. These research efforts are scat- develop new psychic talents.
tered about the country and not all scientists and subjects are
aware of Aegis. A large group of the most sensitive projects are Skills: Notice +1, Research/Investigation +1,
located at a medium-sized complex (housing several secret Surveillance +1
research teams, only some of which are MKULTRA) several Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Paranormal) 1,
miles away from the Ranch on the Nellis Range. These groups Psychic, Resources 1, Status 1, Addiction (Psi Drugs) 4,
tend to specialize in the analysis of alien artifacts and psychic Obligation 3
research. All, however, are directly monitored and controlled by Pulling Strings: Experimental Psi Drugs, MHIC-EDOM,
Aegis affiliated personnel. Research findings are disseminated Mind Control Drugs, Psi Labs
among the secret scientific teams without attribution, and a syn-
ergistic approach is encouraged. The pooled but independent
research team structure has yielded impressive results in the
areas of submerged personalities, psychic disciplines, psychic
drugs and behavior modification. The official reports, however,
These individuals are responsible for training the psy-
show only consistently unimpressive results.
chics and operatives of MKULTRA, and they work on the
Other than creating a broad base of scientific researchers, development and refinement of new psychic talents. They
MKULTRA has produced a number of psychically active opera- are also responsible for monitoring MKULTRA agents’ tal-
tives. These agents are carefully nurtured and tested to enhance ents and abilities and selecting individuals for specialized
their psychic capabilities. These personnel are some of the most training and/or treatment.
important and valued of Aegis assets. They are subjected to a
Skills: Instruction +1, Research/Investigation +1,
focused and intensive training regime.
Science (Parapsychology) +1
Other psychically enhanced individuals grow up outside the
Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science and
careful grip of a MKULTRA facility. Once identified, these indi-
Research) 1, Resources 1, Status 1, Obligation 3
viduals are monitored and a subtle but determined recruit-
ment operation is initiated. At some point, these psychics are Pulling Strings: Experimental Psi Drugs, Mind Control
given a direct choice to join Aegis. If they prove unwilling or Drugs, Psi Labs
too unreliable to be trusted, they are eliminated. Ruining their tions (i.e., casualties). The Ops Specialist ensures that the team
reputation is not sufficient in these cases. Psychically active operates safely and effectively to, from and at the crash site.
people are too much of a threat to Aegis security and mis- One or two Tech Specialists concentrate on gathering data,
sions. "Outsider" psychics, as non-MKULTRA psychics are material and photographs at the site, and work to "clean" the
called, are not subject to the rigorous MKULTRA training pro- site for any possible public attention. Finally, the Linguist is
gram and thus have more eclectic psychic abilities. On the responsible for surmounting any language or cryptological
other hand, it is rare to find an outsider psychic who possess- obstacles that the team may encounter.
es particularly strong psychic powers. Other professions are included within the MOONDUST
Credential. BLUE FLY pilots specialize in transport, quick response,
and stealth insertion and extraction. The National Air Intelligence
PROJECT MOONDUST Center (NAIC) is a scientific study group that researches and
Responding to the public outcry over the Roswell incident, exploits any data or wreckage retrieved by the MOONDUST/BLUE
the Air Force established Project Sign in 1947. Aegis Prime was FLY teams. The NAIC is a legitimate, broad-based agency entrust-
still in its infancy and, as a result, the project was open to the ed with a great deal of weapons development and analysis, and is
public, and much too thorough for its own good. Up until 1949, responsible for USAF computer security.
Project Sign issued a series of reports indicating that the tech- A large contingent of MOONDUST personnel is situated at a
nology necessary to explain the myriad of UFO sightings across complex several miles from the Ranch on the Nellis Range. A
the country must be alien. Once its power base had been con- series of smaller teams, however, are scattered about the coun-
solidated and security reviewed, Aegis Prime moved quickly try and at foreign bases to allow for the quickest response time
and assumed control over the research, renaming it Project on downed space vehicles. A large portion of alien-oriented
Grudge. Not surprisingly, in late 1949, Project Grudge issued a NAIC personnel are similarly located at the MOONDUST com-
final report that discounted all recorded UFO sightings and plex, but again small research facilities have been planted
found no solid evidence for the existence of aliens. around the county.
The governmental about-face raised real public controversy,
and the Air Force was again forced to commission a study on
the UFO phenomenon. This 1952 program, Project Bluebook, PROJECT RASPUTIN
was to be the definitive governmental statement. Aegis Prime As early as 1939, Stalin authorized and funded a highly
determined that direct control of Bluebook was too risky, so it secretive group of psychic and occult researchers headed by a
established a more secretive screening program entitled Project celebrated Russian psychic, Wolf Gregorievich Messing. Stalin
MOONDUST. Aegis Prime arranged that all UFO reports and was so insistent on secrecy that Messing was forced to maintain
"alien" downed aircraft be reviewed by MOONDUST first, and his established public persona as a performer. This group great-
a "sanitized" version of the material was handed on to ly aided Russia’s war effort and unknowingly worked with the
Bluebook. Through extraordinary efforts, the loyalty of the Watch against the Nazi occultists. At the close of the war,
MOONDUST operatives, and no small amount of luck, this Messing’s talents decreased and he was reassigned as a travel-
process survived until the issuance of Project Bluebook’s final ling showman for the Goskonsert.
Condon Report in 1969. Again, not surprisingly, the Condon
Report (named after the physicist heading the study group) Meanwhile, the paranormal group was reformulated and
revealed that no conclusive evidence supported the existence of refocused toward psychic research. Stalin allowed only one
alien life. Project Bluebook then closed it doors to the apparent facility to exist and a limited number of staff. The group was
satisfaction of the general public. MOONDUST, however, con- headed by Dr. Sergei Markova, whose 10-year old daughter
tinues to this day and has become the first response team Tatyana was the star subject. Stalin kept careful control over this
entrusted with recovery of downed UFOs, alien technology and group and demanded consistent results. Stalin also ordered the
alien subjects. elimination of any outsiders who displayed psychic tendencies.
By 1954, the senior Markova died of a heart attack due to over-
The remaining legitimate, overt portion of Project MOON- work. His daughter, who had now developed into a brilliant
DUST is called Project BLUE FLY. BLUE FLY's official duty is the young physicist and powerful psychic (and reputedly was a
retrieval of crashed foreign spacecraft, satellites, or missiles. For favorite of Stalin’s), took over the project. Stalin humored
most of its existence, BLUE FLY was directed at fighting the Markova when she asked to label the group Project RASPUTIN.
Warsaw Pact, but of late it has evolved into more of a space-ori-
ented search and rescue operation. Like the rest of MOON- In 1958, one of Khrushchev’s first official acts as Premier was
DUST, BLUE FLY is entirely under Aegis control. to triple funding for Project RASPUTIN and focus it principally
toward Cold War spy activities. By this time, Markova’s ground-
Project MOONDUST procedures call for three to four person breaking team had developed rudimentary psychotrons (psy-
teams. Each operative specializes in a particular task, but all chic enhancing devices) and the basics of Biological
cross-train to promote mission success even in adverse condi- Psychokinesis. Markova objected to Khrushchev’s decision to
Secretary of Defense. Unified Combatant Commands include
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD) the European Command, Pacific Command, Atlantic Command,
Southern Command, Special Operations Command, Strategic
The Department of Defense (DOD) is the federal executive Command, Central Command, Transportation Command, and
department charged with coordinating and supervising all activ- Space Command. Aegis’ influence and positioning within the
ities relating to the national security. It was organized in 1949 to Military Departments and the Unified Combatant Commands
replace the National Military Establishment, which in turn had varies significantly. The majority of Aegis personnel are situated
replaced the War Department in 1947. The Department is in the Air Force, Central Command and Space Command.
administrated by the Secretary of Defense, who reports direct-
ly to the President as Commander in Chief. As currently consti- The Inspector General of the Department of Defense serves
tuted, the DOD includes the Office of the Secretary of Defense, as an independent and objective official in the Department of
the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, Defense responsible for conducting, supervising, monitoring,
three Military Departments, nine Unified Combatant and initiating audits, investigations, and inspections relating to
Commands, the DOD Inspector General, fifteen Defense programs and operations of the Department of Defense. The
Agencies, and nine DOD Field Activities. Inspector General’s office is not significantly involved with
Aegis. For purposes of Aegis recruitment and influence, the
The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) exercises poli- most notable of the fifteen Defense Agencies are the Defense
cy development, planning, resource management, fiscal, and Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Defense Finance and
program evaluation responsibilities. For purposes of Aegis Accounting Service, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the
recruitment and influence, the most important branch of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, and the National
OSD is the Defense Technical Information Center within the Security Agency/Central Security Service. Finally, the nine DOD
Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Field Activities do not factor seriously in Aegis activities.
The Department of Defense is by far the largest federal
The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) consists of the Chairman of the department. DOD personnel perform a bewildering array of
Joint Chiefs of Staff; the Vice Chairman, JCS; the Chief of Staff, task and hold a vast range of specializations. Enterprising and
U.S. Army; the Chief of Naval Operations; the Chief of Staff, U.S. knowledgeable Chroniclers could base an entire campaign
Air Force; and the Commandant of the Marine Corps. The JCS is within the DOD and never look outside for necessary person-
supported by the Joint Staff, and constitutes the immediate mili- nel. Presented below are a number of Credentials that are most
tary staff of the Secretary of Defense. The Chairman of the JCS is deeply involved in, and valuable to, Aegis’ mission.
the principal military advisor to the President, the National
Security Council, and the Secretary of Defense. The Chiefs of
Service are the senior military officers of their respective Services
and are responsible for keeping the Secretaries of the Military AIR FORCE (USAF)
Departments fully informed on matters considered or acted upon By far the most infiltrated of the Services, the Air Force is
by the JCS, and are military advisers to the President, the matched only by NASA as a core power base for Aegis. From
National Security Council, and the Secretary of Defense. Aegis politicians to administrators to combatants to technicians, the
has several deep cover operatives working in the JCS. Air Force supplies Aegis with countless, valuable personnel.
The Military Departments are the Departments of the Army, In 1907, the U.S. Army established an Aeronautical Division
Navy, and Air Force (the Marine Corps is a part of the in the Signal Corps without pilots or even aircraft. The Army
Department of the Navy). Each Military Department is sepa- then asked for bids for a two-person aircraft that could fly for
rately organized under its own Secretary and functions under an hour and reach speeds of 40mph. None other than the
the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of Defense. Wright Brothers produced such a craft in 1909 and even trained
The Military Departments are responsible for organizing, train- the first pilots. In 1914, Congressional legislation designated the
ing, supplying, and equipping forces for assignment to Unified Aviation Section within the Signal Corps and 60 officers and 260
Combatant Commands. The Unified Combatant Commands are enlisted men were authorized. By the end of World War I, the
responsible to the President and the Secretary of Defense for Air Service was separated from the Signal Corps and boasted
accomplishing the military missions assigned to them. 195,000 men at arms. Despite its successes, the Air Service had
Commanders of the Unified Combatant Commands exercise to fight for its very existence, and its most vocal proponent, Brig.
command authority over forces assigned to them as directed by Gen. William Mitchell, was courtmartialed in 1925.
the Secretary of Defense. The operational chain of command In 1926, the name was again changed, this time to the Air
runs from the President to the Secretary of Defense to the Corps. During the 1930s, significant advances in air technology
Commanders of the Unified Combatant Commands. The were made, including the development of the famous B-17
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff functions within the chain bomber. Organizationally, the General Headquarters Air Force
of command by transmitting to the Commanders of the Unified took command of the air forces from Army commanders. The
Combatant Commands the orders of the President or the newly designated Army Air Force became a semi-autonomous
Pilots are the backbone of the USAF, and most pilots are
proficient with a handful of aircraft. Many pilots choose to spe-
cialize, either in terms of mission types or aircraft. They gen-
erally keep themselves in top physical condition so they main-
tain optimal performance under adverse conditions.
Skills: Computers +1, Pilot (type) +2
Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Military) 1, Military
Rank 3, Resources 1, Obligation 2
Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, Cheaper Vehicles
(Military Aircraft), Military Training Facilities, Mobility,
Specialized Aircraft
branch of the Army and played a large role in the Allied victory
over Germany in World War II. The AAF was less instrumental USAF SCIENTIST/TECHNICIAN
in the Pacific but closed the war with the dropping of the first 15-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY (11/4)
atomic weapons. USAF Technicians perform a wide range of tasks, not
The U.S. armed forces were reorganized in 1947, and the U.S. only related specifically to aircraft, but also for communi-
Air Force was established as a separate service, equal to the cations systems, data retrieval and analysis, weapons tar-
Army and Navy. It was at this point that Aegis Prime first began geting, and mission specifications. Technicians are almost
creating Cells within the Air Force. Aegis Prime’s emphasis on always enlisted personnel. In a few cases, civilians may be
pushing the technological envelope and moving into space hired to provide specialty expertise.
found willing adherents, and its war footing appealed to the mil- Skills: Electronics +1, Engineer (Type) +1, Mechanic +1,
itary mentality. With covert Aegis prodding, the Air Force moved System Operations (Communications) +1
slightly away from fighter aircraft development, and more sig-
nificantly into missiles, high altitudes and space. Congress fol- Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science and
lowed along and during the 1950s, the balanced force concept Research) 1, Military Rank 1, Resources 1, Obligation 1
was shelved in favor of a clear emphasis on air power. Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, Cheaper Vehicles
By the end of the 1950s, the Department of Defense (Military Aircraft), DARPA Labs, Mobility, Specialized
Reorganization Act eliminated the three services from the chain Aircraft
of operational command. Commanders of unified and specified
commands, such as Central Command, Transportation
Command, and Space Command, reported to the President and
the Secretary of Defense through the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The
Air Force’s role was to organize, train, equip and support the Individuals on the Secretariat staff not only take respon-
combat forces of the unified and specified commands. This sibility for the training and operations of the Air Force but
organizational structure has continued to this day. also for establishing liaison relationships with the President
and his staff. Congressional members and other govern-
Today, the Air Force is administered by the Secretary of the mental officials also access the Air Force through the
Air Force and the Secretariat staff. The Office of the Secretary is Secretariat.
generally responsible for the training and operations of the Air
Force but directly serves as liaison with the President and his Skills: Bureaucracy +1, Instruction +1
staff, Congress and other governmental officials. With direct Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Military) 1, Military
access to Washington power and politics, the Secretariat politi- Rank 5, Resources 1, Obligation 2
cians are important to the Aegis war effort. Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, Cheaper Vehicles
The Air Staff is responsible for Air Force preparedness, per- (Military Aircraft), Military Training Facilities, Mobility,
sonnel and support. The Chief of Staff of the Air Force serves on NIMA Support, Satellite Surveillance (Intelligence)
the Joint Chiefs of Staff and advising the President and Congress
on military plans and operations. With direct influence on Air
Force unit organization, planning and supply, the Air Staff ARMY (USA)
bureaucrats are vital to Aegis. The U.S. Army has long been the power base of the NDD.
The field units of the Air Force are organized into eight major For this reason, and because it is so important in the U.S.
commands, 37 field operating units, three direct reporting units national defense, Aegis has devoted some effort to infiltrating
and subordinate elements. The eight major commands are Air this organization. These efforts have met with only partial suc-
Combat, Air Education and Training, Air Force Materiel, Air cess, and Aegis influence in the Army is limited. For the most
Force Space, Air Force Special Operations, Air Mobility, Pacific part, Aegis draws combat and technical personnel from the
Air Forces and United States Air Forces in Europe. These com- Army for missions and operations. The few upper manage-
mands are formed in descending order by numbered air forces, ment and command personnel that Aegis has recruited are
wings, groups, squadrons and flights. The field operating units strictly used as watchers and moles reporting on Army and
include such diverse sections as the Air Force Command, NDD activities.
Control, Communications and Computer Agency, Air In colonial times, armed forces were created, trained and
Intelligence Agency, Air Force Medical Operations Agency. The supplied by the states in the form of militias. When a protract-
direct reporting units are highly specialized operations like the ed campaign arose, such as the French and Indian Wars, the
Air Force Academy. These operations, logistics and support states gathered volunteers from the militias to form regular
groups supply Aegis with combat and technical personnel. armies. In 1775, the Second Continental Congress voted to raise
an army in similar fashion in service of the continent instead of
an individual state. Thus was born the Continental Army, the
U.S. Army’s predecessor. In 1789, the War Department was In 1920, after rapid demobilization, legislation was passed
established to administer the bulk of the U.S. military establish- organizing the Army into three components: the professional
ment, but not until 1903 was a general staff organized within Regular Army, the National Guard and the Organized Reserves.
the War Department. World War II gave birth to the modern army. The Army was
The practice of federal recruiting from the state militias con- called on to fight a global war and was again filled mostly
tinued to the Spanish-American War in 1898. This meant that through conscription. Not only did WWII demand technical pro-
the Army swelled in size during conflict and was decreased just ficiency in warfare from the Army, but it required the develop-
as quickly afterwards when the state-recruited volunteers were ment of a corps of logistic experts to operate the longest supply
discharged. Nonetheless, after each successive conflict, the reg- lines in the history of warfare.
ular Army grew larger until it numbered about 75,000 after the The U.S. armed forces were reorganized in 1947, and the
Spanish-American War. After 1815, the U.S. Military Academy at Department of Defense arose shortly thereafter. The U.S. Air
West Point supplied a cadre of professional leaders. Force became a separate service and the old War Department
By the turn of the century, the state militias were replaced by became the modern U.S. Army. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and the
the National Guard, which received federal aid and support. In unified and specified commands were organized. The Army’s
1916, the National Guard was recognized as a component of the role became one of organizing, training, equipping and sup-
Army subject to being called to war by the President. The four porting the combat forces of the unified and specified com-
million man army raised for World War I was done mostly mands. Individual Army commanders operated their specific
through conscription, and the officers were supplied by the Army units, but overall command was transferred to a com-
Regular Army and the recently formed Officer’s Reserve Corps. mander designated by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is a Combat Support 15-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY (12/3)
Agency of the Department of Defense (DOD) under the direc-
This agent gathers information about foreign military
tion and control of the Assistant Secretary of Defense
activities, either through direct infiltration of a specific
(Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence). The
country’s defense system, immersion in a country’s popu-
DIA is the nation’s primary producer of foreign military intelli-
lation, or use of reliable contacts in strategic positions. DIA
gence. Further, both Aegis and the NDD have steered DIA
Field Investigators typically “go to ground” for extended
somewhat toward the gathering of intelligence on the three
periods of time so as not to compromise their affiliation
alien races. Although both organizations have infiltrated the DIA
with the DIA, and as such they are well trained to survive
– Aegis to a lesser degree than the NDD – an informal truce has
on their own for months at a time.
arisen over the years. Thus, the DIA serves a unique role in the
Aegis/NDD relations. Each conspiracy’s operatives work to Skills: Electronic Surveillance +1, Research/Investigation +1,
build a database on alien intelligence, and neither interferes Stealth +1
with the other. Perhaps the conspirators realize that their Qualities/Drawbacks: Contacts (Type) 1, Influence
infighting could destroy the agency, and hinder their efforts. (Intelligence) 1, Resources 1, Status 1, Obligation 2
Perhaps a loose agreement has arisen between agents based
Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, DARPA Labs, NIMA
on the bartering of information. Whatever the actual details, the
Support, Satellite Surveillance (Intelligence), Stopping
DIA serves as a reminder that Aegis and NDD need not be mor-
tal enemies in all things.
Up until the late 1950s, the three Military Departments sepa-
rately collected, analyzed and disseminated intelligence. This DIA INTELLIGENCE ANALYST
system was duplicative, costly and inefficient. In 1958, legisla- 15-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY (11/4)
tion addressed this problem by assigning intelligence gathering Intelligence Analysts for the DIA spend most of their
for the new unified and specified commands to the J-2 division time crunching numbers, decoding messages, and looking
of the new Joint Chiefs of Staff. This however did not solve the for predictable patterns. They are responsible for monitor-
problem. After a study group was formed by President ing movements of foreign military forces and noticing
Eisenhower to make recommendations, the DIA was created in trends in hostile activities abroad. These individuals draw
1961. The DIA was to serve as a union of the Defense intelli- from a wide array of subjects to predict and to understand
gence and counterintelligence communities. Over time, the dis- the mobilization of military forces, including psychology,
parate elements of Defense intelligence were merged into the political science, statistics, and engineering.
new DIA. This was not done quickly or easily, however, as the
separate services worked to preserve their operations. It was Skills: Computers +1, Notice +1, Research/Investigation
not until the 1975 that the agency fully shifted efforts from con- +1, Science (Cryptography) +1
solidating internal and external intelligence management to Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1,
establishing a reputation for the production of quality intelli- Resources 1, Status 1, Obligation 1
gence data and analysis. The 1970s brought a number of inter- Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, DARPA Labs, NIMA
nal personnel and organizational changes, continuing decreas- Support, Satellite Surveillance (Intelligence)
es in resources, and intense Congressional review of the intelli-
gence community as a whole.
In the 1980s, the general shift in resources to the military
benefited the DIA greatly. An operational headquarters was
constructed in Washington, D.C. and many new intelligence
officers were recruited and trained. It was at this time that Aegis
and the Black Book began serious infiltration and operations. In
the mid-1980s, the long-standing National Military Intelligence
Center was upgraded and closely coordinated with the National
Military Command Center to provide seamless integration of
the intelligence and operations aspects of military crises. It was
at this time that the DIA was designated a Combat Support
Agency, and increased its cooperation with the unified and
specified commands. The 1990s brought further integration of
intelligence resources – the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence
Center and the Missile and Space Intelligence Center were
moved from the Department of the Army to the DIA. In 1995, The DTIC was created in 1945 to facilitate and coordinate
the Defense HUMINT (human spy data) Service was created to defense-related research programs. It was merged into the
consolidate the HUMINT activities of all services under the DIA. Office of the Secretary of Defense when the Defense
Today, the DIA functions mostly as an intelligence analyst Department was created in 1949.
and coordinator. Intelligence field agents (spies) are employed Today, the DTIC supplies information on planned, ongoing or
but, oddly enough, most are Aegis and NDD agents seeking completed defense-related research to U.S. government agen-
hard intelligence about aliens. cies and their contractors. Much of the DTIC-handled informa-
tion is classified, and DTIC "customers" are carefully selected
and checked. DTIC holdings include technical reports, manage-
DEFENSE TECHNICAL INFORMATION CENTER (DTIC) ment summaries, journal articles, DOD-sponsored patent appli-
cations, DOD-sponsored software, videos and CD-ROMS, secu-
The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) is a major
rity classification guides, command histories, independent
component of the Department of Defense Scientific and Technical
research and development summaries and special collections,
Information Program within the Office of the Undersecretary of
such as captured German and Japanese technical documents
Defense for Acquisition and Technology. The DTIC is administrat-
for World War II. The scope of DTIC’s collection centers on
ed by the Director of Defense Research and Engineering. For
defense-related material, but stretches into nearly every science
Aegis and other governmental agencies with the highest clear-
and discipline, including biology, chemistry, energy, environ-
ances, the DTIC is an easily accessible and continually growing
mental sciences, oceanography, computer sciences, sociology,
warehouse of scientific and technical information.
logistics and human resources.
One of the principal DTIC resources is the Information
DTIC - IAC ANALYST Analysis Center (IAC) program. The 12 IACs collect, analyze,
12-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY (9/3) synthesize, and disseminate worldwide scientific and technical
Analysts collect, analyze, and distribute technical infor- information in clearly defined, specialized fields or subject
mation in very narrow fields of study, some of it unclassi- areas. IACs enable client scientists to keep abreast of the enor-
fied, and some of it at varying levels of classification. These mous and fast-paced developments in a wide range of scientif-
analysts work to be at the forefront of technological devel- ic and technical fields. IACs are staffed by scientists, engineers,
opments and may even come into contact with alien tech- and information specialists. They establish and maintain com-
nology from time to time. prehensive knowledge bases that include historical, technical,
scientific, and other data and information collected on a world-
Skills: Electronics +1, Research/Investigation +1,
wide basis. Information collections include a wide range of
Science (choose one Type) +1
unclassified, limited distribution, and classified information.
Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, These immense repositories of information are special targets
Resources 1, Status 1, Obligation 2 of Aegis in its continuing effort to stay at the forefront of tech-
Pulling Strings: DARPA Labs, Grants, Intelligence nological developments, and to decipher and analyze alien
Agency Control, NIMA Support technology. IAC scientists and analysts are heavily recruited
into Aegis.
The Central Security Service provides the military services a
unified cryptologic organization within the Department of
Defense designed to assure proper control of the planning, pro-
gramming, budgeting, and expenditure of resources for crypto-
logic activities. In 1972, the Central Security Service (CSS) was
established by Presidential memorandum in order to provide a
more unified cryptologic effort within the DOD. With the estab-
lishment of the CSS, NSA underwent a major internal reorgan-
ization to become the institution it is today.
As the nation's cryptologic organization, NSA employs this
country's premier codemakers and codebreakers. A high tech-
nology organization, NSA is on the very frontiers of communi-
cations and data processing. In addition, NSA is one of the most
important centers of foreign language analysis and research
within the government.
SIGINT is a unique discipline with a long and storied past.
SIGINT's modern era dates to World War II, when the U.S.
broke the Japanese military code and learned of plans to invade
Midway Island. This intelligence allowed the U.S. to defeat NSA COMPUTER SCIENTIST
Japan's superior fleet. The use of SIGINT is believed to have 14-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY (8/6)
directly contributed to shortening the war by at least one year. The U.S.’ premier codemakers and codebreakers, NSA
Today, SIGINT continues to play an important role in maintain- Computer Scientists are trained to be on the very frontier
ing the superpower status of the United States. of communications and data processing. These agents
As the world becomes more technology-oriented, NSA’s mis- design cipher systems that will protect the integrity of U.S.
sion becomes increasingly challenging. This mission involves information systems, while searching for weaknesses in
the protection of all sensitive information that is stored or sent adversaries’ codes.
through national security systems. NSA professionals go to Skills: Computer Hacking +1, Computer Programming
extraordinary lengths to make certain that our government sys- +1, Computers +1, Electronic Surveillance +1, Electronics
tems remain impenetrable. +1, Science (Cryptography) +1
NSA also conducts one of the U.S. Government's leading Qualities/Drawbacks: Hyperlingual 1, Influence
research and development programs. Some of the Agency's (Science and Research) 1, Resources 1, Status 1,
R&D projects have significantly advanced the state-of-the-art in Obligation 2
both the scientific and business worlds. For example, NSA's Pulling Strings: “Blanket” Wiretaps, “Codebreaker”
early interest in cryptanalytic research led to the first large scale Supercomputers, Computer Security Database
computer and the first solid state computer, predecessors to
today's modern computer. NSA pioneered efforts in flexible
storage capabilities, which led to the development of the tape
cassette. NSA also made ground-breaking developments in
semiconductor technology, and remains a world leader in this
These agents are the field hands of the NSA, with whom
and many other fields.
they reach out and monitor and control the nation around
It is said that NSA is one of the largest employers of mathe- them. Intelligence analysts provide information on individ-
maticians in the United States and perhaps the world. uals’ and groups’ backgrounds to support or refute the
Mathematicians at NSA contribute directly to the two missions computer scientists’ conclusions, and often they provide
of the Agency. Some help design cipher systems that will pro- ancillary support for the agency.
tect the integrity of U.S. information systems; others search for
Skills: Computer Hacking +1, Computers +1, Electronic
weaknesses in adversaries' codes.
Surveillance +1, Research/Investigation +1
Technology and the world change rapidly, and great emphasis
Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1,
is placed on staying ahead of these changes with employee train-
Resources 1, Status 1, Obligation 2
ing and development programs. The establishment of the
National Cryptologic School as a separate organization to address Pulling Strings: “Blanket” Wiretaps, Computer
the professional development of NSA/CSS employees and Security Database, NIMA Support, “No Questions
assignees is indicative of the Agency's commitment to education. Asked,” Satellite Surveillance (Intelligence)
This school not only provides the unique training needed by the
The Great Depression and a series of treaties with Great
USN SEAL/UNDERWATER DEMOLITIONS SPECIALIST Britain and Japan lead to strict limits on the size of the Navy
13-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY (8/5) during the period between the wars. Indeed, Japan was allowed
Often considered the most elite classification of Navy to become the dominant force in the western Pacific. As with
personnel, SEAL teams are dispatched to operate under the other services, WWII signaled the beginning of the Navy’s
the cover of darkness and silence as they make their way modern status. The Navy was instrumental in the two-front war,
through deep waters to arrive on distant shores or to wreak warring against German U-boats in the Atlantic, while conduct-
havoc with enemy vessels. These individuals develop ing a massive island-hopping campaign in the Pacific. Over
expertise with a variety of physical skills but are also coming the devastation of the Pearl Harbor attack, by war’s end,
entrusted to make split-second decisions and to find ways the U.S. Navy was preeminent in the world.
of surviving on their own, so they must possess substantial In the post-war years, the Air Force was the favored service
intellect as well. and the enormous capital expenditures required for the Navy
Skills: Demolitions +1, Guns (Assault Rifles) +1, Piloting lead to a gradual decline in that service. Starting in the 1990s,
(Raft) +1, Sport (SCUBA) +1, Stealth +1 the Navy was again modernized and rebuilt. At present the
Navy serves as a means to project rapid deployment forces, and
Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Military) 1, Military
to show U.S. military strength in sensitive areas of the world.
Rank 1, Resources 1, Obligation 3
The latter role is filled by concentrating resources on a number
Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, Cheaper Vehicles of carrier battle groups.
(Watercraft), Military Training Facilities, Mobility, NIMA
The Navy has three basic components: the Navy
Department, the operating forces (including the Marine
Corps) and the reserves. The U.S. Coast Guard is reassigned
from the Department of Homeland Security to the Navy in
USN TECHNICIAN times of war. The Office of the Secretary of the Navy is
responsible for over-all recruitment, organizing, supplying,
Technicians are responsible for the maintenance and training and mobilization of the Navy. The Secretariat also
upgrading of systems on naval vessels. These systems may acts as primary liason to the President, Congress and the
include computer, power, propulsion, SONAR, weapons, public. The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) is the senior mil-
life support, and communications. Some of the mainte- itary officer of the Department of the Navy. This office is
nance and upgrading occurs in dry-dock, but more often responsible for the command, use of resources and operating
than not, these tasks are ongoing and are completed while efficiency of the naval forces. The CNO is also a member of
the vessel is under sail. the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Skills: Computers +1, Electronics +1, Systems The operating forces include the fleet, the Marines and the
Operations (SONAR) +1 shore establishment. The fleet provides naval forces and com-
Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science and manders to the Unified and Specified Commands. Within the
Research) 1, Military Rank 1, Resources 1, Obligation 2. Commands, naval resources are organized by type: aircraft car-
Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, Cheaper Vehicles riers, naval aircraft and air stations are administered by the
(Watercraft), Military Training Facilities, Mobility, NIMA appropriate Commander Naval Air Force, submarines are
Support. administered by the Commander Submarine Force, and all
other ships are operated by the Commander Naval Surface
Force. The Marines are lead by the Marine Commandant and
form their own service within the Department of the Navy. The
shore establishment provides support to the operating forces in
the form of facilities for the repair of machinery and electron-
ics, communications centers, training areas and simulators, ship
and aircraft repair, intelligence and meteorological support,
storage areas for repair parts, fuel, and munitions, medical and
dental facilities, and air bases.
Domestic Emergency Support Teams and National Domestic Other Agencies: Besides the Directorates of DHS, several
Preparedness Office (part of FBI). Aegis has little infiltration other critical agencies have folded into the new department:
here, although a few scientists have been placed to remain alert United States Coast Guard: The Commandant of the
to EBE medical emergencies. Coast Guard now reports directly to the Secretary of Homeland
III. Science and Technology (S & T): This Directorate coor- Security. However, the USCG also works closely with the Under
dinates the Department's efforts in research and development, Secretary of Border and Transportation Security as well as
including preparing for and responding to the full range of ter- maintain its existing independent identity as a military service.
rorist threats involving weapons of mass destruction. Upon declaration of war or when the President so directs, the
The Directorate of Science and Technology (S&T) is the pri- Coast Guard would operate as an element of the Department of
mary research and development arm of the Department of Defense, consistent with existing law.
Homeland Security. The S&T Directorate organizes the vast United States Secret Service: The primary mission of the
scientific and technological resources of the United States to Secret Service is unaffected. Aegis recruits regularly from the
prevent or mitigate the effects of catastrophic terrorism Secret Service, and that bureau is detailed on p. 237.
against the country or its allies. It coordinates much of the fed-
eral government's efforts to develop scientific and technolog-
One priority of the Directorate is to sponsor research, devel- With the establishment of the Department of Homeland
opment, and testing to invent new vaccines, antidotes, diagnos- Security (DHS), the functions, expertise, resources and jurisdic-
tics, and therapies against biological and chemical warfare tions of several once-fragmented border and security agencies
agents. were merged and reconstituted into the Bureau of Immigration
This Directorate incorporates the CBRN Countermeasures and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the DHS’s largest investigative
Programs, the Environmental Measurements Laboratory, the bureau. The agencies that were either moved entirely or
National BW Defense Analysis Center and the Plum Island merged in part, based upon law enforcement functions, includ-
Animal Disease Center. Aegis has very little infiltration into this ed the investigative and intelligence resources of the United
Directorate. States Customs Service, the Immigration and Naturalization
Service (INS), the Federal Protective Service and the Federal Air
IV. Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection
Marshall’s Service.
(IAIP): IAIP merges the capability to identify and assess a
broad range of intelligence information concerning threats to ICE is the investigative arm of the Border and Transportation
the homeland under one roof, issue timely warnings, and take Security Directorate (BTS), the operational directorate within
appropriate preventive and protective action. the DHS tasked with securing the nation’s borders and safe-
guarding its transportation infrastructure. The Bureau of
The timely and thorough analysis and dissemination of infor-
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has assumed the task of
mation about terrorists and their activities improves the gov-
protecting the country’s borders within the DHS’ command.
ernment's ability to disrupt and prevent terrorist acts and to
The largest component within the DHS, the BTS employs more
provide useful warning to the private sector and our popula-
than 100,000 men and women. The Bureau’s law enforcement
tion. The Department is a full partner and consumer of all intel-
powers and access to the country’s borders makes it a valuable
ligence-generating agencies, such as the National Security
source of Aegis agents. Aegis concentrates on the Special
Agency, the CIA and the FBI.
Agents and forensic scientists. Rarely does Aegis draw from the
IAIP takes the lead in coordinating the national effort to ranks of Customs Inspectors.
secure the nation's infrastructure: food, water, agriculture, and
The mission of ICE is to facilitate the entry of person legally
health and emergency services; energy sources (electrical,
admissible to the United States, provide assistance to those
nuclear, gas and oil, dams); transportation (air, road, rail, ports,
seeking permanent resident status or naturalization, prevent
waterways); information and telecommunications networks;
unlawful entry and apprehend or remove those who enter or
banking and finance systems; postal and other systems. All of
remain illegally in the United States and/or whose stay is not in
these are integral to keeping the country running during times
the public interest. ICE also works with other government agen-
of national emergency.
cies in the admission and resettlement of refugees.
The Directorate also places an especially high priority on
A short-lived Federal immigration office was created in 1864
protecting the cyber infrastructure from terrorist attack with the
by a law intended to encourage immigration. Other laws were
Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office (formerly part of the
passed in the 1880s to control contract labor, but authority over
Department of Commerce) and the National Infrastructure
immigration, including enforcement of the Federal statutes,
Protection Center (from the FBI), and the response functions of
remained at the state level.
the Federal Computer Incident Response Center (General
Services Administration).
In 1888, Congress established a select committee to investi- detecting, apprehending, and prosecuting sophisticated alien
gate problems caused by the divided authority over immigra- smuggling operations.
tion. The committee’s work resulted in the Immigration Act of Intelligence collects, evaluates, analyzes, and disseminates
1891. All duties previously deferred to the states were trans- information relating to all ICE missions. It also directs the
ferred to U. S. inspection officers. The Bureau of Immigration Headquarters Command Center, which maintains communica-
began operations in the Treasury Department on July 12, 1891. tions between offices 24 hours a day.
In 1903, the Bureau of Immigration was moved to the newly
established Department of Commerce and Labor. The Office of Detention and Removal Operations (DRO)
takes criminals and illegal aliens into custody, and ensures their
The naturalization side of the original Immigration and departure from the country. DRO operates eight detention facil-
Naturalization Service (INS) did not arise until the ities known as Service Processing Centers (SPC) and, when nec-
Naturalization Act of 1906. Before then, naturalization was a essary, uses Bureau of Prisons institutions, approved contract
function of the courts. The new law created the Bureau of facilities, or State and local jails.
Immigration and Naturalization.
INS moved to the Department of Justice in June 1940 to pro-
vide more effective control over aliens at a time of increasing
international tensions. More recently, the Immigration Act of
1990 instituted major changes in the law, including revisions to (CBP)
the numerical limits and preference system regulating immi- The Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) ensures
gration, and empowering the Attorney General to grant U.S. cit- that all imports and exports comply with U.S. laws and regula-
izenship. Then, in 2003, the INS was absorbed into the newly tions. The Service is responsible for assessing and collecting
created Department of Homeland Security to aid in protecting Customs duties, excise taxes, fees and penalties due on import-
the country against terrorism, restructured and renamed as ed merchandise. It guards against smuggling and interdicts con-
Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). traband, including narcotics and illegal drugs. Customs enforces
The structure of ICE is divided into operational and manage- import and export restrictions and prohibitions, including the
ment functions. Operations includes offices of Investigations, export of critical technology used to develop weapons of mass
Intelligence and Detention and Removal, as well as the Federal destruction, and money laundering. The agency processes per-
Air Marshall Service and the Federal Protective Service. The ICE sons, baggage, cargo and mail, and administering certain navi-
has a Washington, DC, headquarters, and 33 districts and 21 gation laws, detecting and apprehending persons engaged in
border patrol sectors throughout the United States; four region- fraudulent practices designed to circumvent Customs and relat-
al offices provide administrative support to the field offices. ICE ed laws. Customs also protects American business and labor
also maintains three district offices in Bangkok, Mexico City, and intellectual property rights by enforcing U.S. laws intended
and Rome. to prevent illegal trade practices and by providing Customs
Recordations for copyrights, patents and trademarks. Finally,
The primary enforcement missions of ICE are performed by
the Bureau collects import and export data for compilation of
various enforcement programs, including ICE Storm and
international trade statistics.
Operation Predator.
After declaring its independence in 1776 and winning a hard
The Border Security is responsible for maintaining control of
fought war, the United States found itself on the brink of bank-
U.S. borders. It is a highly mobile force of uniformed agents
ruptcy. Responding to the urgent need for revenue, the First
who spend most of their time patrolling 8,000 miles of interna-
Congress passed and President George Washington signed the
tional boundaries in vehicles, aircraft, or boats, as well as on
Tariff Act of 1789, which authorized the collection of duties on
horseback or on foot. These agents apprehend more than a mil-
imported goods. It was called "the second Declaration of
lion illegal aliens per year.
Independence" by commentators at the time. Four weeks later,
Investigations focuses on enforcement of immigration laws on July 31, the fifth act of Congress established Customs and its
within the interior of the United States. Plainclothes special ports of entry.
agents investigate violations of immigration law and aliens
Founded as the premier law enforcement agency in 1789, the
involved in criminal activities. Agents often participate in multi-
"collector and protector of the revenue" became part of the
agency task forces against narcotics trafficking, violent crime,
Treasury Department in 1875, and a Treasury bureau in 1927. In
document fraud, and organized crime. They also try to identify
1973, the agency became the U.S. Customs Service, before
incarcerated aliens who are deportable as a result of their crim-
becoming part of the Department of Homeland Security in
inal convictions. Agents monitor and inspect places of employ-
January 2003, becoming a part of the Bureau of Immigration
ment to apprehend unauthorized alien workers and to impose
and Customs Enforcement, being renamed the Bureau of
sanctions against employers who knowingly employ them. The
Customs and Border Protection.
Anti-Smuggling Branch of Investigations is responsible for
For nearly 125 years, Customs funded virtually the entire govern-
ment, and paid for the nation's early growth and infrastructure. The
territories of Louisiana and Oregon, Florida and Alaska were pur-
chased; the National Road from Cumberland, Maryland, to Wheeling,
West Virginia, was constructed; and, the Transcontinental Railroad
stretched from sea-to-sea. Customs collections built the nation's light-
houses; the U.S. military and naval academies, and the City of
Washington. By 1835, Customs revenues alone had reduced the
national debt to zero.
Further, Customs used to administer several programs that have
since been moved to other agencies. In the early days, Customs offi-
cers administered military pensions (Department of Veterans Affairs),
collected import and export statistics (Bureau of Census), and super-
vised revenue cutters (U.S. Coast Guard). Customs also collected hos-
pital dues to help sick and disabled seamen (Public Health Service),
and established standard weights and measures (National Bureau of
The agency was restructured in 1995, and absorbed by the DHS in
2003. The Service essentially includes administrators in the
Commissioner’s office and other branch offices, the Customs
Inspectors and Special Agents.
The Commissioner of Customs establishes policy and supervises all
activities from the Service Headquarters in Washington, D.C. The
Commissioner’s staff includes Assistant Commissioners for
Congressional And Public Affairs, International Affairs, Field
Operations, Internal Affairs, Investigations, Regulations & Rulings,
Strategic Trade, Human Resources, Management, Information &
Technology, and Finance.
The Customs Inspectors are located at all points of entry to the
United States. Customs Inspectors enforce U.S. laws and regulations
which protect the revenue of the United States, search persons, cargo,
ships, aircraft, cars and other vehicles, seize contraband, and appre-
hend violators of illegal importation. They also assess and collect
duties, excise taxes, fees and penalties on imported merchandise at
international borders. To ensure compliance with tariff laws and to
prevent smuggling, Customs Inspectors clear individual baggage of
international travelers and oversee the unloading of all types of com-
mercial shipments. This places the Inspector in daily contact with not
only the domestic and international traveler, but also with captains of
ships, importers, exporters and other business entities.
The mission of the Office of Investigations and its Special Agents can
be broadly defined as protecting the revenue and enforcing a variety
of statutes in the United States Code. Criminal violations contained
within the Customs Agent's enforcement authority include the investi-
gation of suspected violations of narcotics smuggling, money launder-
ing, child pornography, customs fraud, and includes Intellectual
Property Rights (IPR), and enforcement of the Arms Export Control Act.
Special Agents also have unique border search authority that allows
them to search, without warrant, any person, conveyance, or article,
having a nexus to the U.S. border.
the Treasury Annex, and foreign diplomatic missions.
U.S. SECRET SERVICE Uniformed Division officers carry out their responsibilities
The Secret Service is charged with protecting the life of the through a network of foot patrols, vehicular patrols, and fixed
President and Vice President of the United States and other posts. They provide additional assistance to the overall Secret
important government officials and their immediate families. Service protective mission through special support programs
The Secret Service also provides security at a number of gov- such as the canine, magnetometer, and counter-sniper units.
ernment buildings, including the White House complex, the
The Secret Service has field offices located throughout the
Treasury Building and Treasury Annex. The Secret Service is also
continental U.S, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico, and liaison
charged with the detection and arrest of any person committing
offices in Paris & Lyon, France; London, England; Bonn,
any offense relating to coins, currency, stamps, Government
Germany; Rome & Milan, Italy; Hong Kong, China; Montreal,
bonds, checks, credit/debt card fraud, computer fraud, and
Canada; Nicosia, Cyprus; Bogota, Colombia; Manila,
false identification.
Philippines; and Bangkok, Thailand.
At the close of the Civil War, between one third and one half
The Secret Service has more than 2,000 special agents who
of all U.S. paper currency in circulation was counterfeit. On July
are rotated throughout their careers between investigative and
5, 1865, the Secret Service was created to combat this threat to
permanent protective assignments. Agents assigned to inves-
the nation's economy. Two years later, the Secret Service
tigative duties in the Service's field offices also serve as a source
responsibilities were broadened to include "detecting persons
of additional manpower for temporary protective details, such
perpetrating frauds against the government." This resulted in
investigations of the Ku Klux Klan, illegal distillers, smugglers,
mail robbers, land frauds, and others.
In 1883, the Secret Service was officially acknowledged as a
distinct organization within the Treasury Department. As a
result of the assassination of President McKinley, Congress These agents are charged with monitoring counterfeit-
informally requested Secret Service Presidential protection in ing, money laundering, and other crimes. They are granted
1901. The next year, the Service assumed full time responsibili- access to move freely about federal buildings, using hidden
ty for protection of the President. passageways to facilitate easy movement, and are granted
high levels of security clearance.
In 1908, President Roosevelt transferred eight Secret Service
agents to the Department of Justice. They formed the nucleus Skills: Electronic Surveillance +1, Research/Investigation
of what is now the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). +1, Surveillance +1
The White House Police Force was created in 1922. In 1930, Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1,
the White House Police were placed under the supervision of Resources 1, Status 1, Obligation 2
the Secret Service. Forty years later, the White House Police Pulling Strings: Criminal Tracking, Governmental
Force was renamed the Executive Protective Service and given Access, Intel Files, Official Agendas, Sending Presidential
responsibility for protecting diplomatic missions in the Orders
Washington, D.C. area. The Executive Protective Service was
officially renamed the U.S. Secret Service Uniformed Division in
1977. The Treasury Police Force merged with the U.S. Secret USSS SECURITY SPECIALIST
Service Uniformed Division in 1986, and then integrated into 12-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY (6/6)
the Department of Homeland Security in 2003, moving from These agents are the ones who surround the President
the Treasury Department. and other important personnel in the U.S. government.
The Service’s protective responsibilities expanded greatly They also are responsible for providing security for most
over time. At present, the Service protects the President and major federal buildings and are aware of the movements
Vice President and their immediate families, the President-elect and agendas of almost all major governmental officials. For
and Vice President-elect and their immediate families, former the most part, these individuals receive physical training
Presidents and their wives, the widows of former Presidents similar to that received by enlisted soldiers.
until death or remarriage, minor children of a former President Skills: Driving (Cars) +1, First Aid +1, Guns (Handgun)
until they reach 16 years of age, heads of a foreign state or for- +1, Notice +2, Surveillance +1
eign government, and at the direction of the President, official
Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Law Enforcement) 1,
representatives of the United States performing special mis-
Resources 1, Status 1, Obligation 3
sions abroad.
Pulling Strings: Criminal Tracking, Governmental
Today, Uniformed Division officers provide security at the
Access, Intel Files, Official Agendas, Sending Presidential
White House, the Vice President's residence, buildings in which
Presidential offices are located, the U.S. Treasury Building and
as those for candidates or visiting foreign dignitaries. The Secret Division. Further extension of the federal government during
Service also has approximately 1,200 officers in the Uniformed the Great Depression and the decades since has fueled match-
Division. Numerous specialists in a wide variety of occupations ing increases in the DOJ. The Bureau of Prisons arose with
contribute their expertise to the Secret Service's investigative increased federal criminal statutes. The Immigration and
and protective missions. They include security specialists, elec- Naturalization Service was transferred from the Labor
tronics engineers, communications technicians, research psy- Department in 1940. The Drug Enforcement Agency was creat-
chologists, computer experts, armorers, intelligence analysts, ed and collected a number of separate predecessor organiza-
polygraph examiners, forensic experts, and professionals in tions under the DOJ umbrella in 1973. And in January 2003, the
many other fields. enforcement department of the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
Since the security debacle that resulted in Aegis’ part in the Firearms (ATF) moved from the Department of Treasury to
Kennedy assassination, Aegis has been particularly careful come under DOJ control.
about recruitment in the Secret Service. Most Secret Service At present, the DOJ has four major components: Executive
operatives are deep cover moles who do not engage in field Direction and Management Offices, Litigation Organizations,
work and report directly to a member of Aegis Prime. Over Investigatory and Law Enforcement Offices, and Legal And
time, however, the occasional agent or security specialist finds Policy Offices. The Executive Direction and Management Offices
her way into the ranks of an Aegis Cell. include the Offices of the Attorney General, the Deputy
Attorney General, the Associate Attorney General, the Solicitor
General, the Office of Legislative Affairs, the Justice
DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (DOJ) Management Division, the Office of Professional Responsibility
and the Office of Inspector General. Aegis Prime maintains sev-
Through thousands of lawyers, investigators, and agents, the eral high-level operatives in these offices but these are deep
Department of Justice protects U.S. citizens against criminals moles or facilitators. None of these agents are active members
and subversion, ensures healthy competition between busi- of Cells; they have direct contact to Aegis Prime.
nesses, safeguards the consumer, and enforces drug, immigra- The Litigation Organizations include the Antitrust Division,
tion, and naturalization laws. The Department also expends sig- the Civil Division, the Civil Rights Division, the Criminal Division,
nificant efforts promoting effective law enforcement, crime pre- the Environment and Natural Resources Division, the Tax
vention, crime detection, and prosecution and rehabilitation of Division, and the United States Attorneys. In general, Aegis Cells
offenders. do not draw active personnel from these divisions. Aegis DOJ
As counsel to the U.S. government, the Department of Justice professions may call upon them to supply top-notch legal rep-
(DOJ) is the largest law firm in the nation. The Department con- resentation or contacts to such representation, and to apply
ducts all suits in the Supreme Court in which the United States pressure on certain targeted entities.
is concerned. It represents the Government in legal matters The majority of Aegis recruitment takes place in the
generally, rendering legal advice and opinions, upon request, to Investigatory and Law Enforcement Offices. These include
the President and to the heads of the executive departments. Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the Drug Enforcement Agency,
The Attorney General supervises and directs these activities, as the Federal Bureau of Investigations, the Federal Bureau of
well as those of the U.S. Attorneys and U.S. Marshals in the var- Prisons, INTERPOL – U.S. National Central Bureau, the United
ious judicial districts around the country. States Marshals Service, the Office of the Pardon Attorney, and
In 1789, shortly after the close of the Revolutionary War, the the United States Parole Commission. Of these agencies, Aegis
Office of the Attorney General was established as a department recruits most heavily from the ATF, the DEA, the FBI, the Federal
of the federal government. The Attorney General’s duties were Bureau of Prisons, and the Marshals.
light in the early decades of the republic. He argued govern- The Legal and Policy Offices cover the Community Relations
ment cases before the Supreme Court and provided legal Service, the Executive Office for Immigration Review, the
advice to the President and the heads of the other departments. Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, the Executive Office for U.S.
Land dispute in the new territories, the problems created by the Trustees, the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the
Civil War, and the growth of the federal government greatly United States, the Immigration and Naturalization Service (now
increased the Attorney General’s duties in the last half of the ICE, part of the Department of Homeland Security), the Office of
1800s. In 1870, Congress established the Department of Justice, Information and Privacy, the Office of Intelligence Policy and
assigned the Attorney General as its executive officer, granted Review, the Office of International Programs, the Office of Justice
to the Department full control over the U.S. attorneys and mar- Programs, the Office of Legal Counsel, the Office of Policy
shals, and created the Office of the Solicitor General to assume Development, the Office of Public Affairs and the Department of
litigation duties before the Supreme Court. The early 1900s Justice Press Releases. These are primarily bureaucratic and per-
brought the precursor to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, sonnel services offices. Aegis Cells do, however, recruit from ICE
growth in the Criminal Division, the creation of the Antitrust (covered in the DHS section on p. 233).
This Act clarified the law used by ATF and other agencies in the
BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO & FIREARMS (ATF) investigation of incendiary fires. The Brady law was enacted on
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) February 28, 1994. This law required a mandatory 5-day wait-
enforces the Federal laws and regulations relating to alcohol, ing period while law enforcement officers performed criminal
tobacco, firearms, explosives and arson by working directly background checks on each handgun purchaser.
and in cooperation with others. ATF also collects taxes
In January 2003, the enforcement section of the ATF was
imposed on these items.
transferred to the Department of Justice. The tax and trade
In order to finance the Civil War, Congress passed legislation functions remaining with the Department of Treasury in the
in 1862 that created the Office of Internal Revenue and imposed newly formed Alcohol & Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB).
a tax on distilled spirits. In 1863, Congress authorized the hiring
Today’s ATF investigates explosives violations, arson, and
of "three detectives to aid in the prevention, detection and pun-
firearms trafficking. ATF employees regulate some of the most
ishment of tax evaders."
important and controversial industries in America and collect
In 1919, the 18th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified, over $13 billion in taxes annually.
ushering in the Prohibition Era. The law gave the Commissioner
The ATF executives, located at Bureau Headquarters in
of Internal Revenue jurisdiction over the illicit manufacture,
Washington, D.C., consist of the Director, Deputy Director, Chief
sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors. The Prohibition
Counsel, Associate Director for the Office of Enforcement, and
Unit soon became the Bureau of Prohibition. Special squads
a number of Assistant Directors.
were formed to go after the emerging criminal empires. One of
the best known, the "Untouchables", was headed by Eliot Ness
in Chicago, Illinois.
After repeal, on March 10, 1934, the Bureau of Prohibition BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, & FIREARMS FIELD AGENT
turned over its responsibilities to a newly created Alcohol Tax 12-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY (9/3)
Unit (ATU) within the Bureau of Internal Revenue. In 1935, the These agents are the rank and file of the ATF. They are
Federal Alcohol Administration Act (FAA) created licensing and the people risking their lives going through doors to appre-
permit requirements and establishing regulations designed to hend gun runners, drug dealers, and other criminals. Field
ensure an open and fair marketplace for alcoholic beverages. Agents are generally trained to work very well as part of a
Until 1940, a separate Federal Alcohol Administration in team, and it is teamwork that makes it possible for them to
Treasury enforced the FAA Act. In that year, it merged with ATU. execute operations with minimal loss of life.
One of the offshoots of prohibition was an unprecedented Skills: Dodge +1, Guns (Handgun) +1, Stealth +1
wave of criminal violence. In reaction, the 1934 National Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Law Enforcement) 1,
Firearms Act (NFA) was passed, controlling such weapons as Resources 1, Status 1, Obligation 1
machine guns and sawed-off shotguns. In 1938, the Federal
Firearms Act (FFA) established limited regulation of the firearms Pulling Strings: Arrest Powers, CEASEFIRE,
industry and made it a Federal crime for felons and fugitives to Fingerprinting, SWAT
receive firearms in interstate commerce. In 1942, responsibility
for administering these laws was given to ATU.
In 1951, tobacco tax duties were delegated to ATU and the 12-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY (9/3)
unit title was changed to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division
Investigators have the primary responsibility of gather-
(ATTD) of the IRS.
ing sufficient information to apprehend individuals who
Against the background of rising crime rates, and the break laws under ATF jurisdiction. This investigation may
Kennedy and King assassinations, stricter firearms laws were consist of searching through preexisting records, speaking
enacted. Bombs and other destructive devices were added as with suspects, or doing field work. Once they have a rea-
controlled items. The scope of the responsibilities was such that sonable case, they pave the way for the appropriate war-
ATTD was renamed as the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms rants so Field Agents can execute an arrest.
Division (ATFD) of the Internal Revenue Service.
Skills: Electronic Surveillance +1, Research/Investigation
On July 1, 1972, ATFD was separated from the Internal +1, Surveillance +1
Revenue Service and given full Bureau status in the Treasury
Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1,
Department. In 1978, in response to the millions of dollars
Resources 1, Status 1, Obligation 1
being lost by the States through cigarette smuggling from low
tax to high tax states, ATF was charged with enforcing cigarette Pulling Strings: Arrest Powers, Fingerprinting, Search
tax regulations. In 1982, Congress passed the Anti-Arson Act to & Seizure, SWAT
include destruction of property by fire as a federal violation.
drugs. During this time, cocaine, heroin, marijuana and hashish The Bureau of Investigations was established in 1908. The
were the most significant of the illegal drugs. early Bureau had no training facilities and few agents. After 1920,
The federal government responded to the growing drug use organized, multi-state, illegal activity increased as Al Capone and
during the 1960s by creating the Bureau of Drug Abuse Control other gangsters found their activities unchecked. Further, the Klu
(BDAC) in the then-Department of Health, Education and Klux Klan experienced a revival. In 1924, J. Edger Hoover was
Welfare’s Food and Drug Administration. The BDAC was to con- appointed director and immediately moved to weed our corrupt
trol stimulants such as methamphetamine and various hallu- and incompetent agents, establish age and performance require-
cinogens. In 1968, the Bureau of Narcotics and the BDAC were ments, institute periodic inspections and mandate formal training
combined in a new Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs programs. In the 1930s, the National Academy and the Technical
(BNDD) within the Department of Justice. Laboratory were created, and the agency’s name was changed to
the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
Over the next five years, Treasury’s U.S. Customs Service
(Drug Investigations), DOJ’s Office of National Narcotics During WWII and the Cold War, the FBI conducted domestic
Intelligence and Office of Drug Abuse Law Enforcement, and counterintelligence activities. Although several highly publicized
the President’s own Narcotics Advance Research Management plots were countered, many feel that Hoover was overly zeal-
Team were consolidated into the BNDD. In 1973, this new com- ous in this campaign against foreign agents. During the 1950s
bined organization was named the Drug Enforcement Agency. and 1960s, the FBI’s jurisdiction was enhanced through new
civil rights, racketeering and gambling legislation. This lead to
Starting in the 1980s, cocaine and other illegal drugs began significant new FBI operations.
flooding into the U.S. from South and Central America. Heroin
arrived from the Far East. Congress responded by granting the During the Vietnam conflict, the FBI once again acted to keep
FBI concurrent jurisdiction with the DEA over drug law enforce- domestic peace by investigating subversives and violent radi-
ment. The DEA was expanded, given wide-ranging paramilitary cals. Again, a number of serious crimes were curtailed and pre-
capacities and began significant operations overseas against vented. Again, extensive and intrusive counterintelligence pro-
major drug syndicates, particularly in South and Central America. grams (COINTELPRO) pushed Constitutional boundaries or
were blatantly illegal. In 1972, Hoover died and the FBI’s inde-
Today, the DEA is run by an Administrator who is directly pendence was greatly circumscribed.
aided by the Office of Congressional and Public Affairs, the
Office of Chief Counsel and the Office of Administrative Law In the 1970s and 1980s, the FBI added counterterrorism to
Judges. The Office of Chief Counsel runs the asset forfeiture the list of national priorities, supplementing the previously
program. The six DEA departments are the Financial established foreign counterintelligence, organized crime and
Management Division, the Human Resources Division, the white-collar crime priorities. Drug law enforcement also
Inspection Division, the Intelligence Division, the Operational became a strong focus. The FBI investigated fraud, the saving
Support Division, and the Operations Division. Aegis draws and loan crisis and other financial institutions, headed security
most heavily from the field agents in the Operations Division, at the Los Angeles and Atlanta Olympic Games, and vigorously
the analysts in the Intelligence Division and the forensic scien- attacked public service corruption. In the 1990s, the FBI
tist in the Office of Forensic Sciences in the Operational Support expanded overseas and integrated itself with foreign law
Division. DEA professions also find the training facilities of the enforcement agencies.
Human Resources Division extremely valuable. FBI Headquarters (FBIHQ) in Washington, D.C. provides pro-
The combination of investigative and paramilitary functions gram direction and support services to field offices, satellite
in the DEA, and its extensive network of offices, make it an offices, specialized field installations, and foreign liaison posts.
attractive source of operatives for Aegis. Aegis has been active The foreign liaison offices work abroad with local authorities on
in the DEA since its inception in 1973. criminal matters within FBI jurisdiction.
FBI field offices are located in fifty-six major cities. Of those,
fifty-five are in the United States, and one is in Puerto Rico. The
FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (FBI) locations were selected according to crime trends, the need for
regional geographic centralization, and the need to efficiently
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is the principal inves-
manage resources. Each FBI field office is overseen by a Special
tigative arm of the United States Department of Justice. At pres-
Agent in Charge (SAC), except for those located in New York
ent, the FBI has investigative jurisdiction over more than 200
City and Washington, D.C. Due to their large size, those offices
categories of federal crimes. The FBI also conducts background
are managed by an Assistant Director in Charge (ADIC). The
security checks of nominees to sensitive government positions.
SACs in all field offices, including those in New York City and
In addition, the FBI investigates activities jeopardizing the U.S.
Washington, D.C., are aided by one or more managers called
security. Top priority has been assigned to five areas: countert-
Assistant Special Agents in Charge. The SACs also are assisted
errorism, drugs/organized crime, foreign counterintelligence,
by Squad Supervisors in charge of investigative work and
violent crime, and financial crime.
Administrative Officers, who manage support operations.
The Bureau's Community Corrections and Detention Division center administrators, as well as the activities of 29 Community
is responsible for the development and implementation of poli- Corrections Offices (CCO's) throughout the United States.
cies and procedures related to the administration of approxi- The Division's Detention Services Branch develops policies
mately 600 community corrections and detention contract facil- and provides program guidance for U.S. Marshals Service pris-
ities nationwide. In this capacity, the Division has oversight oners, Immigration and Naturalization Service prisoners, and
responsibility in the Bureau's privatization efforts. In addition, criminal aliens for the Bureau, in conjunction with other agencies.
the National Office of Citizen Participation is responsible for the
coordination of three distinct volunteer program areas: Citizen The Bureau of Prisons is also actively involved in the expan-
Participation, Staff Volunteerism, and Inmate Volunteerism. sion of new programs and facilities, including Intensive
Each of the Bureau's six Regional Offices has a community cor- Confinement Centers (ICC's), urban work camps, transitional
rections regional administrator, who oversees 13 management drug-abuse treatment programs, and comprehensive sanctions
centers. As approximately 25 percent of the Bureau's popula-
tion consists of foreign nationals, the Detention Branch has
CRIMINAL - VIOLENT been proactive in obtaining contract bedspace for this group.
Aegis is not overly interested in recruiting Bureau of Prisons
Individuals who have been imprisoned for violent officials or corrections officers. Aegis has, however, placed a
offenses, such as murder, rape, assault, and battery, are number of facilitators in the Federal Bureau Prisons to create
considered to be violent criminals. These criminals usually recruitment opportunities for prisoners. These prisoners are
have some skill with weapons or some ability with brawl- offered good time credits, prison privileges and/or probation if
ing or martial arts. These criminals have been incarcerated they agree to join an Aegis Cell. Of course, these agents are
in Federal or State prisons, and are “sprung” to serve a par- watched carefully and eliminated at the slightest hint of a secu-
ticular purpose for a secret society. For that reason, their rity leak. Further, they are usually treated as highly expendable,
masters might give them access to certain pulling strings, which they are. Sometimes, but not always, the deal offered by
such as those within the Department of Justice, which no Aegis is better than jail. A convict’s Influence attribute reflects
street criminal (no matter how powerful) would have. his standing in the underworld, not the Bureau of Prisons.
Skills: Brawling +1, Dodge +1, Handweapon (Type) +1,
Streetwise +1
Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Criminal) 1, UNITED STATES MARSHAL SERVICE (USMS)
Resources 1, Status 1, Adversary (Law Enforcement) 2 U.S. Marshal Service was created more than 200 years ago
and Secret (Criminal) 1 by the first Congress in the Judiciary Act of 1789, the same leg-
Pulling Strings: Chop Shops, Criminal Resources, islation that established the federal judicial system. The
Funding (+1), Safe House Marshals were given extensive authority to support the federal
courts within their judicial districts. The Marshals and their
Deputies served the subpoenas, summonses, writs, and other
PRISON WARDEN process issued by the courts, made all the arrests, and handled
12-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY (8/4) all the prisoners. The Marshals paid the fees and expenses of
As the head of a prison, the warden is empowered to the court clerks, U.S. Attorneys, jurors, and witnesses. They
contain inmates using reasonable means. He also has rented the courtrooms and jail space and hired the bailiffs,
access to a number of subordinates and to all the files on criers, and janitors. They made sure the prisoners were present,
present and past criminals. Depending on his motivations, the jurors were available, and the witnesses were on time.
this power may be used in a variety of ways, perhaps to But this was only a part of what the Marshals did. When
construct a power base or to rise in the ranks of the prison George Washington set up his first administration and the first
system. Immersed in the criminal element and making con- Congress began passing laws, both quickly discovered an
tacts with other wardens, the warden becomes privy to inconvenient gap in the constitutional design of the govern-
much in the Criminal Sphere of Influence, despite the fact ment. It had no provision for a regional administrative structure
that he is employed by the law. stretching throughout the country. Both the Congress and the
Skills: Bureaucracy +1, Humanities (Law) +1, Notice +1, executive branch were housed at the national capitol. No
Streetwise +1 agency was established or designated to represent the federal
government's interests at the local level. Congress and the
Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Law Enforcement or President solved part of the problem by creating specialized
Criminal) 1, Resources 1, Status 1 agencies, such as customs and revenue collectors, to levy the
Pulling Strings: Attorney, Chop Shops, Criminal tariffs and taxes. Yet, there were numerous other jobs that
Resources, Safe House needed to be done.
Thus, the Marshals also provided local representation for the facilities. In the Judgment Enforcement Teams (JET), select
federal government within their districts. They took the nation- Deputy Marshals receive special financial training and are
al census every 10 years through 1870. They distributed assigned to the Financial Litigation Units of certain U.S. Attorney
Presidential proclamations, collected a variety of statistical Offices to provide an enforcement capability. They investigate
information on commerce and manufacturing, supplied the cases where individuals have reneged on debts owed to the
names of government employees for the national register, and government, such as for criminal fines, financial fraud and med-
performed other routine tasks needed for the central govern- ical training.
ment to function effectively. Over the past 200 years, Congress Given the Marshals Service’s wide-range of duties and spe-
and the President also have called on the Marshals to carry out cialized investigation and operations capacities, Aegis has tar-
unusual or extraordinary missions, such as registering enemy geted it for recruitment. Although no federal Marshals have
aliens in time of war, sealing the American border against time to devote to actual Cell operations, a number of junior and
armed expeditions from foreign countries, and swapping spies senior Deputy Marshals are part of Aegis Cells.
with the former Soviet Union.
Today, the Marshals Service has its operational headquarters
in Washington, D.C. Each of the 95 federal districts is appointed USMS DEPUTY MARSHAL
its own federal Marshal, who heads Marshals operations in that
district. The Marshal is served by a varying number of Deputy Deputy U.S. Marshals carry out hundreds of special mis-
Marshals. The 95 district offices are supported by over 150 sub- sions yearly that are related to the Service’s broad federal
offices scattered around the county. A small number of person- law enforcement and judicial security responsibilities.
nel are administrative, but the majority of the Service’s over These individuals have a wide range of duties to perform
3000 employees are field operatives. specialized investigation. Generally, Deputy Marshals are
hand-selected for specific tasks, depending upon their abil-
The contemporary duties of the Marshals Service include
ities and their tenure with the USMS.
asset forfeiture, court security, investigation and apprehension
of federal fugitives, custody of federal prisoners, transport of Skills: Guns (Handgun) +1, Humanities (Law) +1
federal prisoners, protection of witnesses, and other special Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1,
operations. The U.S. Marshals Service is responsible for the Resources 1, Status 1, Obligation 1
management and disposal of seized and forfeited assets bought
Pulling Strings: Asset Forfeiture, Back-Up,
with the proceeds of drug trafficking and organized crime.
Fingerprinting, Search & Seizure, SWAT
Providing personal protection to federal judges, court officials,
witnesses, and jurors is another mission of the U.S. Marshals
Service. In the 95 districts, this means ensuring security and
maintaining decorum within the courtroom itself, as well as per-
sonal protection for judicial officers, witnesses, and jurors away
from the court facilities when warranted. The U.S. Marshals The Special Operations Group (SOG) is a specially
Service has primary jurisdiction nationwide in conducting and trained and highly disciplined tactical unit. In the Missile
investigating fugitive matters involving escaped federal prison- Escort Program, these individuals provide security and law
ers, probation, parole, and bond default violators, and warrants enforcement assistance to the Department of Defense and
generated by Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) investi- the U.S. Air Force during the movement of Minuteman and
gations and certain other related felony cases. The Service also cruise missiles between military facilities. In the Judgment
assumes custody of individuals arrested by all federal agencies, Enforcement Teams (JET), select persons receive special
and provides for their transportation. Starting in 1972, Marshals financial training and are assigned to the Financial
began providing for the security, health, and safety of govern- Litigation Units of certain U.S. Attorney offices to provide
ment witnesses, and their immediate dependents, whose lives an enforcement capability. Generally speaking, the mem-
are in danger as a result of their testimony against organized bers of the SOG specialize in a single task over an extend-
crime, drug traffickers, terrorists and other major criminals. ed period of time, which results in the USMS being willing
to fund extensive training.
Finally, Deputy U.S. Marshals carry out hundreds of special
missions yearly that are related to the Service's broad federal Skills: Guns (Handgun) +1, Notice +1
law enforcement and judicial security responsibilities. The Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Law Enforcement) 1,
Special Operations Group (SOG) is a specially trained and high- Resources 1, Status 1, Obligation 2
ly disciplined tactical unit. In the Missile Escort Program, Deputy Pulling Strings: Asset Forfeiture, Attorney, Back-Up,
Marshals provide security and law enforcement assistance to Fingerprinting, Search & Seizure, SWAT
the Department of Defense and the U.S. Air Force during the
movement of Minuteman and cruise missiles between military
BIR analysts are in charge of researching information gath- BIR Field Service Agents travel into foreign countries to
ered through various resources and collating that data into estimate the conditions and to perform on-site research into
useful forms. They are experts at sifting through the over- local problems that might not show up on paper or by satel-
whelming details of various diplomatic missions to determine lite. These agents rely on their personal experience to deter-
which areas need further study and which ones may prove to mine the risk factors present in any given setting, and may
be risky ventures. have some ability to blend in with the locals to gain accurate
Skills: Computers +1, Humanities (Law) +1, information.
Research/Investigation +1. Skills: Language (Type) +1, Research/Investigation +1,
Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Streetwise +1, Survival (Urban) +1.
Resources 1, Status 1, Obligation 1. Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1,
Pulling Strings: Mobility, Official Agendas, Security Resources 1, Status 1, Obligation 1.
Protocols. Pulling Strings: Mobility, Official Agendas, Security
The First Congress of the United States convened in New
BUREAU OF INTELLIGENCE AND RESEARCH (BIR) York on March 4, 1789, marking the beginning of government
Where the Bureau of Diplomatic Security is responsible for the under the Constitution. On September 2,1789, Congress created
physical security of diplomats and their entourage, it is the hard- a permanent institution for the management of government
working agents of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research who finances: the Treasury Department.
make it possible. The name of this bureau is slightly misleading;
Throughout the decades of American history, the
the only research performed by this group is on the intelligence
Department of the Treasury has been expanded to accommo-
data that it gathers. The BIR works twenty-four hours a day, seven
date the nation's needs. While the fiscal and collection functions
days a week, in order to determine all possible threats and
have remained substantially constant for over two centuries,
responses to diplomatic risks all around the world. The BIR runs
other incidental operations have varied greatly. The Postal
a computer network that is updated daily, and informs govern-
Service, for example, was administered by Treasury until 1829.
ment employees around the world what kinds of threats they can
The General Land Office, which was the nucleus of the
expect while in a certain area. Working closely with all the other
Department of the Interior, was part of Treasury from 1812 to
American intelligence agencies, as well as with the nation's allies,
1849. Operations associated with business were Treasury activ-
the BIR is able to track and coordinate action to protect American
ities until the creation of the Department of Commerce and
diplomats and citizens from harm overseas.
Labor in 1903; and the functions of the Office of the Supervising
Architect of the Treasury were eventually established within the
General Services Administration in 1949. The oldest seagoing
DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY (TREASURY) armed service in the United States, the Coast Guard, remained
in the Department of the Treasury until its transfer to the
Prior to the passing of the Department of Homeland Department of Transportation in 1967.
Security Act after the 9/11 terrorist attack, the US Customs The Treasury’s Health Service ultimately became the
Service and the US Secret Service belonged to the Department of Health and Human Services. The Bureau of
Department of Treasury. For Chroniclers who may wish to Narcotics was part of Treasury until its relocation in the
set their game before this reform, we have provided details Department of Justice as the Bureau of Narcotics and
of the Treasury department. Also, as of January 2003, in a Dangerous Drugs. The Treasury Bureau of the Budget was
separate move, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and transferred to the Executive Office of the President in 1939 and
Firearms, was technically moved from the Department of now oversees the spending of federal funds as the Office of
Treasury to the Department of Justice. Only the ATF’s tax Management and Budget.
and trade functions have remained with the Department of
Treasury in the newly formed Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Today, the Department of the Treasury consists of the
Trade Bureau. Departmental Offices and the operating bureaus. The
Department Offices are primarily responsible for the formula-
tion of policy and management of the Department as a whole.
The Department of the Treasury conducts accounting, rev- The Secretary of the Treasury oversees the activities of the
enue collection, money production and economic policy for- Department in carrying out its major law enforcement respon-
mulation for the entire federal government. Treasury also per- sibilities, in serving as the financial agent for the U.S.
forms such diverse government functions as providing security Government, and in manufacturing coins and currency. The
protection, striking commemorative medals, monitoring the Departmental Offices are composed of divisions headed by
sale of guns and explosives, and training law enforcement per- Assistant Secretaries who report to the Secretary, the Under
sonnel from over 60 federal organizations. Secretary for International Affairs, the Under Secretary for
Domestic Finance, or the Under Secretary for Enforcement.
On July 29, 1775, the Second Continental Congress assigned
the responsibility for the management of the revolutionary gov- The twelve bureaus (prior to 2003) were the Bureau of
ernment's finances to Joint Treasurers, George Clymer and Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (now within the DOJ), the Internal
Michael Hillegas. On April 1, 1776, an office of accounts and an Revenue Service, the Financial Management Services, Customs
auditor general were established within the Treasury Office to (now part of the Department of Homeland Security), Financial
facilitate the settlement of all payments and claims for the gov- Crimes Enforcement Center (FinCEN), the Secret Service (now
ernment of the "United Colonies." part of the DHS), the Office of the Comptroller of Currency, the
Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), the Federal Law Enforcement
The united colonies were unable to establish a well-organ- Training Center (now governed by the DHS), the Bureau of the
ized agency for financial administration. The Treasury Office Public Debt , the Mint, and the Bureau of Engraving & Printing.
was reorganized three times and the paper Continental dollars The bureaus made up 98% of the Treasury workforce, which
devalued rapidly. By May 1781, protests against the worthless totals approximately 160,000 people.
money swept the colonies and angry Americans coined the
expression "not worth a Continental."
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is responsible for the Aegis is particularly interested in Treasury agents given their
determination, assessment, and collection of internal revenue access to funds and monetary instruments of the U.S. govern-
in the United States. Responsible for one of the oldest and most ment, and their substantial law enforcement assignments. The
basic functions of the Department of the Treasury, the Financial ATF, Customs and the Secret Service are subject to strong Aegis
Management Service (FMS) receives and disburses all public recruitment efforts but are now detailed in the Department of
monies, maintains government accounts, and prepares daily Justice and Department of Homeland Security.
and monthly reports on the status of government finances.
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) is one of
the primary agencies that establishes, oversees, and implements
Treasury's policies to prevent and detect money laundering.
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency was estab-
lished to regulate the National Banking System on February 25, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (CIA)
1863. The Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), the successor to The Central Intelligence Agency is charged with collecting,
the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, was established by collating and analyzing foreign intelligence. The Director of the
Congress on August 9, 1989 as the primary Federal regulator of CIA is also head of the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) and
all federal- and state-chartered savings institutions. On July 1, coordinates the efforts of the numerous military, civilian and
1970, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) was law enforcement intelligence agencies with respect to foreign
established for the purpose of instructing agents and officers intelligence. The CIA works closely with the DEA and the FBI on
from various governmental law enforcement agencies, includ- drug law enforcement and counterterrorism. The CIA also con-
ing the Secret Service, Customs, and ATF, but also the ducts liaison with the intelligence and security services of
Immigration and Naturalization Service and U.S. Park Police in friendly governments, shares intelligence information with, and,
addition to other non-Treasury agencies. The FLETC maintains on request, provides advice and training to these services.
its principal training facilities in Glynco, Georgia.
The CIA is expressly prohibited by Executive Order from rou-
Public Debt's mission is to borrow the money needed to oper- tinely engaging in the domestic electronic, mail, or physical sur-
ate the Federal Government and account for the resulting public veillance, or unconsented physical search. The Company
debt. The United States Mint was created by Congress on April 2, admits, however, that such intrusion into the lives of Americans
1792, within the Department of State. The Mint was made an may take place given "extraordinary conditions of concern for
independent agency in 1799, and under the Coinage Act of 1873 the national welfare." The CIA also claims not to maintain files
became part of Treasury. The Mint manufactures and ships all on American citizens. Again, however, it admits that the names
U.S. coins for circulation to the Federal Reserve banks and of U.S. citizens may appear in various records as a consequence
branches, which issue coins to the public and the business com- of routine business they conduct with the CIA. These are the
munity through depository institutions. The Mint safeguards the official stances of the CIA, targeted to Congressional oversight
Treasury Department's stored gold and silver and other mone- committee, or particularly nosey press representatives.
tary assets. In addition, the Mint is responsible for the U.S. Bullion
Until WWII, no government agency conducted organized
Depository in Fort Knox, Kentucky. The Fort Knox Bullion
and systematic collection and analysis of foreign intelligence.
Depository is the storage facility for the nation's gold bullion.
The War, State and Navy Departments each had their own spe-
The U.S. Government began printing paper money in 1862, cialists. The first true foreign intelligence agency, the Office of
when "greenback" currency was issued to finance the Civil War. Strategic Services, was organized in 1941 to fight the Axis pow-
The functions of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing were for- ers. The successes of the OSS were the result of clear goals,
mally established on March 3, 1877. The Bureau of Engraving clear enemies, few restrictions and little oversight. The OSS was
and Printing designs, engraves and prints all U.S. paper curren- disbanded at the end of the war.
cy and 70 percent of the nation's postage stamps. Some of the
The next year, the Central Intelligence Group was created
other security products and special items produced by the
to coordinate both military and civilian intelligence. This
Bureau include: White House invitations, Presidential appoint-
agency was subsumed into the CIA when it was created in
ment certificates, military identification cards, Puerto Rican
1947. Since that time, the CIA has engaged in countless oper-
Internal Revenue stamps, naturalization documents, Small
ations around the globe and within the U.S. Primarily through
Business Administration financial documents, Coast Guard
proxies armed, trained or coordinated by CIA agents, overt
water use licenses, Presidential portraits, and vignettes of vari-
and covert actions have been taken in every corner of the
ous Washington, D.C. historical buildings.
world. The 1961 CIA-sponsored Bay of Pigs, and the 1994
Mission statements, histories and organizational details of Aldrich Ames spy scandal are perhaps the agency’s most spec-
the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, U. S. Customs, tacular failures, but a closer review reveals many more oper-
and the U.S. Secret Service are presented under their own ations that achieved their goals.
Today, the CIA is organized into four divisions: the Operations
Directorate, the Intelligence Directorate, the Science and Technology
Directorate and the Administration Directorate. Operations conducts
intelligence gathering, counterintelligence and covert operations.
Intelligence synthesizes and analyzes the data collected and issues
reports. The Science and Technology Directorate creates, develops and
tests numerous tradecraft devices and processes. The Administration
Directorate coordinates the personnel and services of the other three.
An affiliated division, the Center for the Study of Intelligence, main-
tains the Agency's historical materials and promotes the study of intel-
ligence as a legitimate and serious discipline. The Center for the Study
of Intelligence conducts research on intelligence, publishes journals,
books, monographs and a quarterly newsletter, and coordinates a
number of academic outreach programs.
CIA recruits quality people in nearly all fields of study. Scientists, engi-
neers, economists, linguists, mathematicians, secretaries, and computer
specialists are but a few of the disciplines continually in demand. Some
An agent working for the CIA is trained to use other govern-
mental agencies to retrieve information about foreign countries.
Often, obtaining this information requires the agent to engage in a
number of risky missions. The CIA works hard to protect its agents
and will generally disavow any knowledge of wrong-doing. As such,
agents are sometimes not very popular with their counterparts in
other agencies, but they persist in their duties, believing they are
working for the general good.
Skills: Dodge +1, Guns (Handgun) +1, Research/Investigation +1
Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Resources 1,
and Status 1, Obligation 3.
Pulling Strings: CIA Caches, CIA Maps, CIA Training Facilities,
Lab/Workshop, Mobility, Satellite Surveillance (Intelligence)
CIA Analysts are trained to gather information from a variety of
sources, which they pass along to agents or superiors for examina-
tion. Sometimes this analysis reveals a situation that needs further
investigation; sometimes it confirms suspicions about certain activ-
ities. Technicians are often brought into the field to obtain first-
hand information about the situation, and they are trained to han-
dle themselves well if the situation becomes volatile.
Skills: Computers +1, Electronic Surveillance +1,
Research/Investigation +1
Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Research) 1, Resources 1,
Status 1, Obligation 3.
Pulling Strings: CIA Maps, Lab/Workshop, Mobility, Satellite
Surveillance (Intelligence).
are specialists – physical and social scientists, doctors of medi- energy matters in one agency. The FEA wedded two lines of
cine, lawyers, etc. Many are generalists, people with broad based policy: the classified atomic weapons and energy programs of
educational backgrounds who make up the bulk of the domestic the AEC, and the energy research, regulation, pricing, and con-
and overseas staffs. servation programs of a number of different agencies.
Neither the number of employees nor the size of the CIA's The FEA was replaced by a cabinet-level Department of
budget is publicly disclosed. A common misconception is that Energy in 1977. Shortly after the Department was created, the
the Agency has an unlimited budget. While classified, the budg- Office of Energy Research was established to coordinate and
et and size of the CIA are known in detail by the Office of fund significant energy science research and technological
Management and Budget and by the Intelligence Oversight and development.
Defense Subcommittees of the Appropriations Committees in Today, the Department of Energy consists of a
both houses of Congress. Headquarters with supporting financial, legal, personnel, pro-
Officially, only the President can direct the CIA to undertake a curement, public and congressional affairs offices, and a num-
covert action. Covert actions are considered when the National ber of program divisions. The Office of Civilian Radioactive
Security Council judges that U.S. foreign policy objectives may Waste Management (OCRWM) is charged with developing
not be fully realized by normal diplomatic means and when mil- and operating a disposal system for spent nuclear fuel and
itary action is deemed too extreme an option. Once tasked, the high-level radioactive waste. The Office of Defense Programs
Director of Central Intelligence must notify the intelligence over- (DP) ensures the safety and performance of nuclear weapons,
sight committees of the Congress of covert operations. maintains the nuclear stockpile, and regulates nuclear
The CIA’s secrecy and specializations make it an ideal target weapons production. The Office of Energy Efficiency and
for Aegis recruitment. Unfortunately, the agency’s high public Renewable Energy promotes energy efficiency and renewable
profile and the frequent, intrusive Congressional oversight
detract from an Aegis operative’s flexibility and missions. It is
also difficult to discern the goals, motivations and agendas of
highly secretive intelligence officers. If possible, Aegis agents in
the CIA are even more paranoid than their Cellmates from
other agencies.
energy technologies. The Office of Environmental Like DOE, the bulk of HHS’ programs are of little use or ben-
Management (EM) coordinates nuclear-and nonnuclear-relat- efit to Aegis. Aegis has drawn most from the Centers for Disease
ed site cleanup across the nation. The Federal Energy Control and Prevention (CDC) programs. The CDCs are charged
Regulatory Commission (FERC) regulates the transmission of with the prevention and control of infectious diseases. The CDC
natural gas, oil and electricity, and licenses and inspects conducts medical research and publicity, aids in the control of
hydroelectric projects. The Office of Fissile Materials epidemics, and performs surveillance of infectious diseases.
Disposition governs the storage and disposition of weapons- The oldest section of the current HHS is the Public Health
usable fissile materials. The Office of Fossil Energy (FE) is Service which dates back to 1798 when the first Marine Hospital
responsible for increasing natural gas and petroleum supplies, was established to care for seafarers. In 1862, President Lincoln
and related environmental matters. FE also oversees the appointed a chemist to serve in the new Department of
Strategic Petroleum Reserve (the nation’s emergency oil Agriculture, and charged him with testing foods and drugs. This
stockpile) and the Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves. was the beginning of the Bureau of Chemistry, forerunner to
The Office of Fusion Energy is charged with acquiring the the Food and Drug Administration. In 1887, the federal govern-
knowledge base needed for an economically and environ- ment opened a one-room laboratory on Staten Island for
mentally attractive fusion energy source. The Office of research on disease, thereby planting the seed that was to grow
Nonproliferation and National Security seeks to curtail the into the National Institutes of Health.
spread of nuclear weapons.
1935 brought the Social Security Act and the beginning of the
The Office of Energy Research, the program which includes largest governmental entitlement program in history. Four
most Aegis personnel, is headed by a Director’s office with sup- years later, various federal programs in the fields of health,
porting technical, management, planning and policy divisions. education, social insurance and human services were brought
The OER Science Programs include the Office of High Energy together under the new Federal Security Agency.
and Nuclear Physics, the Office of Biological and Environmental
Research, the Office of Basic Energy Sciences, the Office of In 1946, the Communicable Disease Center was established,
Fusion Energy Sciences, and the Office of Computational and forerunner of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Technology Research. OER energy research facilities are located Finally, in 1953, the cabinet-level Department of Health,
at Ames Lab in Ames, IA, the Argonne National Lab at Argonne, Education and Welfare (HEW) was created. The Medicare and
IL, the Brookhaven National Lab in Upton, NY, the Fermi Medicaid programs were created in 1965, making comprehen-
National Accelerator Lab in Batavia, IL, the Lawrence Berkeley sive health care available to millions of Americans.
National Lab in Berkeley Hills, CA, the Oak Ridge Institute for The Department of Education became its own agency in
Science & Education and the Oak Ridge National Lab in Oak 1979, and HEW became the Department of Health and Human
Ridge, TN, the Pacific Northwest National Lab in Richland, WA, Services. The Social Security Administration was also separated
the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab in Princeton, NJ, the Stanford from HHS to become an independent agency in 1995.
Linear Accelerator Center in Stanford, CA, and the Thomas HHS is composed of the central office in Washington, D.C.,
Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (formerly CEBAF) in where the Office of the Secretary and supporting financial,
Newport News, VA. Each of these labs conducts a number of personnel, planning and management offices are located.
different research programs extending across a variety of sci- HHS’ eleven operating divisions are the Administration for
ences and technologies. Children and Families (ACF), the Administration on Aging
(AOA), the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
(AHCPR), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Registry (ATSDR), the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
(HHS)/CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), the Health
PREVENTION (CDC) Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), the Indian
Health Service (IHS), the National Institutes of Health (NIH),
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
includes more than 300 programs covering a wide spectrum of
Administration (SAMHSA).
activities. Some highlights include medical and social science
research, food and drug safety oversight, Medicare (health The CDCs number eleven. The Office of the Director admin-
insurance for elderly and disabled Americans) and Medicaid isters the program. The other facilities are the National Center
(health insurance for low-income people), financial assistance for Environmental Health, the National Center for HIV, STD, and
for low-income families (AFDC), child support enforcement, TB Prevention, the National Center for Chronic Disease
Head Start (pre-school education and services), preventing Prevention and Health Promotion, the National Center for
child abuse and domestic violence, and substance abuse treat- Health Statistics, the National Center for Infectious Diseases, the
ment and prevention. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the National
The post-Apollo era was not necessarily clear in terms of missions
and purpose. The sense of urgency that spurred Apollo had dissipated.
In aeronautics, NASA made progress in hypersonic flight and began
highly beneficial programs to control pollution, reduce engine noise,
and enhance fuel economy. In astronautics, the Space Shuttle was a
fascinating program, although critics maintained that it was a complex
system with no major or scientific mission to justify its expense.
The loss of Challenger in 1986 underscored the risk of relying so
heavily on the Shuttle instead of expendable launch vehicles.
Reorganizing priorities for military and civil payloads proved to be a
frustrating exercise. A renewed wave of criticism concerning lower
budgets for space science surfaced, and controversies over manned
versus unmanned flights that had been going on since the early days
of the space program returned. Several studies noted the constraining
effects that seemed endemic to large bureaucracies.
Beginning in 1988 with the STS-26 mission of the Discovery,
manned missions aboard the Shuttle resumed. During the 1990s the
launch and repair of the Hubble Space Telescope and the spectacular
success of the Mars probes rejuvenated NASA, along with the opera-
tional completion of the International Space Station.
Today, NASA consists of the Headquarters Offices located in
Washington, D.C., and a number of research centers scattered about
the county. NASA HQ includes the Office of the Administrator, sup-
ported by several financial, personnel, public relations and manage-
ment offices. The HQ also administers four Strategic Enterprises: the
Office of Aeronautics and Space Transportation Technology, the Office
of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications, the Office of Space
Science, and the Office of Space Flight. Each Strategic Enterprise has a
unique set of strategic goals, objectives, and concerns, with a unique
set of external "customers." Each Enterprise has labs and other facili-
ties located in a number of NASA’s different research centers.
Aegis primarily recruits from the Human Exploration and
Development of Space Enterprise (HEDS), the Office of Aeronautics
and Space Transportation Technology (OASTT) and the Office of Space
Human Exploration and Development of Space Enterprise (HEDS) is
a division of NASA dedicated to opening the space frontier and to
extending the human experience into the far reaches of space. HEDS is
made up of the Office of Space Flight (OFS) and the Office of Life and
Microgravity Science and Applications (OLMSA). The OFS’s primary
role is to provide safe transportation to and from space for people and
payloads, and to develop and operate habitable space facilities in
order to enhance scientific knowledge, support technology develop-
ment, and enable commercial activity. The OLMSA leads the nation’s
efforts in life and microgravity sciences, using the attributes of the
space environment to advance knowledge, and to strengthen the foun-
dations for continuing the exploration and utilization of space.
Office of Aeronautics and Space Transportation Technology (OASTT,
also known as the Aeronautics Enterprise), is one of the four NASA
Strategic Enterprises. OASTT’s work in science and technology is aimed
at sustaining U.S. leadership in civil aeronautics and space transporta-
tion. With emphasis on customer involvement in the planning and con-
duct of its programs, this enterprise has established a set of Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute (SETI Institute) in Mountain
long-range goals covering a spectrum of challenges, revolving View, CA, effectively replaced the Government project, borrow-
around “Global Civil Aviation,” “Revolutionary Technology ing the signal processing system from NASA. The SETI Institute
Leaps,” and “Access to Space.” is a nonprofit corporation conducting research in a number of
Office of Space Science is the NASA Enterprise designated to fields including all science and technology aspects of astronomy
solving mysteries of the universe, exploring the solar system, and planetary sciences, chemical evolution, the origin of life,
discovering planets around other stars, searching for life biological evolution, and cultural evolution.
beyond Earth from origins to destiny, charting the evolution of Since neither NASA nor the Air Force is engaged in day-to-
the universe and understanding its galaxies, stars, planets, and day UFO research, neither one reviews UFO-related articles
life. NASA's Space Science Enterprise is making headlines and intended for publication, evaluates UFO-type spacecraft draw-
answering some of humanity's oldest and deepest questions. ings, or accepts accounts of UFO sightings or applications for
Responsible for all of NASA's research from the middle levels of employment in the field of aerial phenomena investigation. This
Earth's atmosphere to the edge of the Universe, their quest is to is the story that Aegis wants disseminated to the public at large.
understand humanity’s cosmic origins and destiny. Despite funding and public relations problems in recent
The NASA research centers are the Ames Research Center in years, NASA remains a vital resource in Aegis' efforts to combat
Moffett Field, CA (aeronautics. astrobiology, computing), the extraterrestrial operations. NASA is, after all, the only organiza-
Dryden Flight Research Center in Edwards, CA (aeronautics), the tion in America that maintains a fleet of spacecraft (not count-
Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City (global cli- ing the Ranch). NASA astronauts are uniquely qualified to oper-
mate change), the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD ate in microgravity environments and NASA researchers have
(global environment, satellites and space observation), the Jet been designing and analyzing spacecraft for decades.
Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA (propulsion, robotic
exploration, imaging), the Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX
(flight control and space station), the Kennedy Space Center in
Florida (Shuttle launch and support), the Langley Research
Center in Hampton, VA (aeronautics), the Lewis Research Center
in Cleveland, OH (aeronautics), the Marshall Space Flight Center
in Huntsville, AL (transportation and microgravity), the Stennis
Space Center in Hancock County, MS (propulsion), the Wallops
Flight Facility on Wallops Island, VA (satellite launch, aeronautics,
tracking and data acquisition), and the White Sands Test Facility
in Las Cruces, NM (testing and evaluating hazardous materials,
components, and propulsion systems).
Officially, no U.S. government entity researches UFOs. The
U.S. Air Force (USAF) and NASA have had intermittent, inde-
pendent investigations of the possibility of UFOs; however,
none of these has officially produced factual evidence that intel-
ligent life exists on other planets, or that UFOs are related to HEDS ADMINISTRATOR
aliens. Under Project Blue Book (1947 to 1969), the Air Force
investigated UFO's; then in 1977, NASA was asked to examine Currently, Human Exploration and Development of
the possibility of resuming UFO investigations. After studying all Space Enterprise (HEDS) Administrators are working to
of the facts available, it was determined that nothing would be inform the public about the viability of space travel, the
gained by further investigation, since there was an absence of possibility of habitat construction, and the necessity of
tangible evidence. space research. With the amount of negative publicity
regarding “wasted money” at NASA, they face a difficult
In October 1992, NASA was directed by Congress to begin a
task. When they are not involved in public outreach, they
detailed search for artificial radio signals from other civilizations
are sifting through information from recent shuttle mis-
under the NASA Towards Other Planetary Systems (TOPS)/High
sions and satellite imagery to further space exploration.
Resolution Microwave Survey (HRMS) program (also known as
the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence project). Congress Skills: Research/Investigation +1, Science (Physics) +1
directed NASA to end this project in October 1993, citing pres- Qualities: Influence (Military or Civilian) 1, Resources 1,
sures on the federal budget. The HRMS did not detect any con- Status 1
firmed signal before it was stopped. However, similar work will
Pulling Strings: Satellite Surveillance (Standard),
continue in a more limited manner through efforts of private
Secret SDI Gun Stars
groups and through academic institutions. The Search for
Pulling Strings: Satellite Surveillance (Standard) and Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science and Research)
Secret SDI Gun Stars. 1, Resources 1, Status 1.
Pulling Strings: Alien Technology, Lab/Workshop,
Satellite Surveillance (Standard), Secret SDI Gun Stars.
These specialist astronauts perform scientific experiments OSS ENGINEER
aboard space missions. Each individual is trained for a specif- 12-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY (8/4)
ic role on a single flight, and their expertise is related to the These engineers are responsible for the development of
mission. These specialists include not only scientists, but also space technologies, including many that will benefit non-
pilots and other support staff. All individuals receive intensive space science programs. One of the biggest advances has
training in zero gravity, and most individuals hold some type been the Telerobotics program, which was responsible for the
of advanced academic degree. development of the Mars Pathfinder Sojourner rover and are
Skills: Acrobatics +1 and one of the following skills to reflect working on robots for future missions.
specialist area: Piloting (Space Shuttle) +1, Science Skills: Computers +1, Electronics +1, Engineer (Space) +1,
(Astrophysics) +1, or Systems Operations (Communications) Science (Robotics) +1
+1 Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science and Research)
Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science and Research) 1, Resources 1, and Status 1.
1, Resources 1, Status 1. Pulling Strings: Satellite Surveillance (Standard), Secret
Pulling Strings: Satellite Surveillance (Standard), Secret SDI Gun Stars.
SDI Gun Stars, and Specialized Aircraft (SR-71 Blackbird).
17-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY (12/5) Space Science Technicians carry out the schematics pro-
These individuals create schematics for space-travel vided by engineers and make modifications depending on the
resources, especially in liaison with corporations which plan outcome of a number of test runs. They then provide feed-
to take advantage of space exploration, either for leisure trav- back to engineers, who may need to redesign systems with
el, cargo shipment, or communications operations. Engineers alternative materials. Their practical expertise and creativity
work at adapting current technology for more space-worthy usually inform them about viable options, which they often
ventures and often use remote sources of information, such brainstorm in group sessions.
as alien technology (knowingly or unknowingly), to further Skills: Computers +1, Electronics +1, Engineer (Space) +1,
their research. Research/Investigation +1, Science (Physics) +1
Skills: Bureaucracy +1, Computers +1, Electronics +1, Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science and Research)
Engineer (Space) +1, Science (Astrophysics) +1 1, Resources 1, Status 1.
Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science and Research) Pulling Strings: Satellite Surveillance (Standard), Secret
1, Resources 1, Status 1. SDI Gun Stars.
Pulling Strings: Alien Technology, Lab/Workshop,
Satellite Surveillance (Standard), Secret SDI Gun Stars.
While these packages present skills and Qualities necessary to per-
form their jobs, in order for the agent to pull their weight in a Cell,
they should be able to contribute to the Cell’s resources. Without an
Influence Quality, the agent may be viewed as too civilian for many
missions, or denied access to some of the Cell’s resources.
Some professions will have a hard time justifying a suitable
Influence Quality. While doctors, lawyers and politicians have a level
of influence on society, the average trucker or follower may have a
hard time pulling strings or mustering the financial backing for an
operation. Chroniclers may wish to discuss with the player during
character creation how or why a civilian has been selected to join an
Aegis Cell. They may have skills necessary for a planned group of mis-
sions, or may have witnessed too much of the alien threat to be left to
fend for themselves.
If a civilian can prove their worth enough to warrant an Influence
Quality, it will most likely be civilian in nature (Influence (Civilian)),
though researchers, scientists, or occult investigators would have the
suitable Influence Quality.
Chroniclers may also wish to play a completely civilian game.
Some of the best chronicles can start with a group of civilian Cast
Members, unaware what game they are actually playing. The Cast
may be brought together in a variety of circumstances, only to be
exposed to the paranormal world of Conspiracy X. From there, they
could start investigating the strange or alien, posting their findings on
the internet or in newsletters. Of course, if they start snooping around
Aegis or NDD activity, they may find themselves “silenced”.
wholly applying to his unique set of circumstances. Because
CIVILIAN PROFESSION LIST these rules do not apply to them, criminals are able to pursue
their goals with one less restriction. Examples of criminals
ACTIVIST include embezzlers, gangsters, mobsters, and burglars. Some
10 (5/5)-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY even consider lawyers and junk bond salesmen to fit into this
These individuals speak out against legitimate organizations, group.
including the government, in order to point out what they feel Skills: Brawling +1, Cheating +1, Disguise +1, Dodge +1,
are abuses or inconsistencies. Activists may lobby through offi- Streetwise +1
cial channels, or they may use other techniques to draw the
attention of the public to the activities of the organization they Qualities/Drawbacks: Adversary (Law Enforcement) 1,
are observing. Examples of activists include lobbyists and Secret (Criminal) 1
peaceful demonstrators. Pulling Strings: Accomplices, Criminal Resources
Skills: Bureaucracy +1, Humanities (Law) +1, Smooth
Talking +1, Streetwise +1, Writing +1
Qualities/Drawbacks: Charisma 1, Contacts 2
Pulling Strings: Counterculture Friends, Ear to the Ground
Before anything can be manufactured, it must be designed to
certain specifications, depending on its use. Engineers use their
theoretical and practical experience to design buildings, roads,
CORPORATE ADMINISTRATOR machines, and code to match the needs stated by their clients.
7 (3/4)-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY Often, engineers have little applied experience with the items
Individuals who administrate corporation and other non- they design, but they are the cornerstone to its original devel-
public sector organizations have the power to make the group opment. If a piece of equipment needs to be redesigned to fit
run smoothly or to set up pitfalls and obstacles by bogging indi- changing specifications, an engineer’s assistance is necessary.
viduals down in minutia. Corporate administrators are referred Similarly, if an organization obtains a piece of equipment it
to as bean-counters or middle management in some circles. needs replicated, reverse-engineering is a valuable skill.
They are the white-collar workers who manage an overwhelm- Examples of engineers include architects, civil engineers, and
ing amount of paperwork that guides the companies’ resources software designers.
and manpower. In the best of circumstances, corporate admin- Skills: Computers +1, Engineering (Type) +1, Mechanic +1
istrators can be benevolent gatekeepers who see to it that the
organization’s resources are put to optimal use. In the worst Qualities/Drawbacks: None
cases, administrators can purposefully ignore requests, provide Pulling Strings: Library
misleading information, or subtly modify superiors’ orders.
Individuals who own their own businesses are also considered
to be an entrepreneurial example of an administrator. Other
examples of administrators include accountants, department
heads, and directors.
Skills: Bureaucracy +1, Humanities (Business) +1, Smooth In order to flesh out any group, it is necessary to fill in the
Talking +1, Writing +1 ranks of specialists with individuals who simply carry out
Qualities/Drawbacks: Charisma 1 orders. They are responsible for doing the majority of the leg-
work prescribed by specialists and leaders within the greater
Pulling Strings: Ear to the Ground, Personnel Tracking
organization. Receptionists, secretaries, assistants, “go-fers”,
interns and paralegals are followers. This Profession also pro-
vides for individuals who may have jobs that do not give them
any unique skill set, such as retail worker, homemaker, or non-
CRIMINAL (INDEPENDENT) professional athlete.
Skills: No Specific Skills
Bending, if not breaking, the law is the hallmark trait of a
criminal. Within criminals’ groups or organizations, however, Qualities/Drawbacks: None
there are also sets of laws or codes to which they must adhere. Pulling Strings: None
Being a criminal does not necessarily mean that a person acts
with no regard to laws, but simply that he does not see them as
so they are not always treated very well. Ultimately, attorneys can use
the legal system both to defend their client and to attack their client’s
enemies. Examples of lawyers include trial lawyer, public defender, and
corporate lawyer.
Skills: Bureaucracy +1, Humanities (Law) +1, Smooth Talking +1
Qualities/Drawbacks: Charisma 1
Pulling Strings: Attorney, Stopping Investigation
While it is extremely rare for individuals to pursue a full-time
Profession of magician, it can and does occur in some circles. Magicians
are especially adept at understanding and manipulating the supernatu-
ral forces in the world. These practitioners follow a wide range of
beliefs about the nature of the supernatural, but what sets them apart
from the rest of the world is their unswerving devotion to a greater
awareness of these phenomena. Magicians differ from occult
researchers in their focus on the practical applications of magic; occult
researchers focus more on the theoretical elements. The magician often
uses theory and knowledge gained by the occult researcher in his
development of his magical rites. Examples of magicians include
occultists, shamans, and voodoo priestesses.
Skills: Occult Knowledge +1, Rituals +1
Qualities/Drawbacks: None
Pulling Strings: Occult Library, Pool Data
Individuals who have had extensive medical training, both in theory
and practice, become physicians, nurses, physician’s aides and para-
medics. Sometimes these people choose to specialize in a particular
area, and sometimes they opt to have a broader understanding of the
field of medicine. Medical personnel provide health care, both preven-
tative and rehabilitative, and are responsible for understanding how the
human body operates under a variety of conditions. Often an empha-
sis is placed on performing dramatic, lifesaving work, but, many medics
provide much more subtle forms of assistance. Examples of medical
personnel include internists, flight surgeons, obstetricians, pediatri-
cians, nurses, and EMT personnel.
Skills: First Aid +1, Medicine (Choose a Specialty) +1, Science (Type)
Qualities/Drawbacks: None
Pulling Strings: CDC Labs, DNA Database, Medical Support
These individuals examine the supernatural world to gain a greater
understanding of how it impacts everyday events. Occult researchers
often employ magic to peel away answers from the Seepage, and this
can be a very painstaking and grueling process. Unlike their scientist
counterparts, they use a variety of methods at which most scientific
disciplines would scoff. Occult researchers may also study issues relat-
ed to the distortions in man and beast caused by Corruption. The
occult researcher often uses the outcomes of magicians’ rites to
expand their knowledge base. Examples of occult researchers are usu-
ally found in independent agencies or freelance circles.
Skills: Humanities (Sociology) +1, Myth and Legend +1, Occult
Knowledge +1, Research/Investigation +1, Rituals +1
Qualities/Drawbacks: Academic Outcast
Pulling Strings: Occult Library, Pool Data, Supernatural Lore
Similar to occult researchers, parapsychologists examine the world
beyond the five senses. Parapsychologists do not employ the use of
magic, however, and often disbelieve supernatural activity, focusing
instead on psychic energies. These individuals profess a belief in psy-
chic powers, and invest themselves in proving the existence and limits
of this kind of power. They tend to be on the fringe of scientific circles,
since they may use scientific techniques, but the content of their
research usually earns them scornful looks from their mainstream sci-
entific counterparts. Parapsychologists often examine the powers
manifested by psychics, but may rarely possess those powers them-
selves. Examples of parapsychologists are often found in small facili-
ties, loosely associated with an academic institution, although some
work as freelancers.
Skills: Humanities (Psychology) +1, Myth and Legend +1, Occult
Knowledge +1, Science (Parapsychology) +1
Qualities/Drawbacks: Academic Outcast
Pulling Strings: Library, Psi Labs
Pilots make their living by flying aircraft, either for a commercial
carrier, for the military, or as an independent. These individuals’ skills
vary widely, depending on the amount of training they have had, the
number of flight hours they’ve logged, and the types of aircraft they
have learned to fly. Because of the amount of time pilots spend air-
borne, they are in a unique position to see odd occurrences of other
objects in flight. They are also a valuable resource to any group that
has aircraft at its disposal. Examples of pilots include commercial air-
line pilots, helicopter pilots, and stunt flyers.
Skills: Craft (Cartography) +1, Drive (type) +1, First Aid +1,
Pilot (type) +1, Systems Operation (Radar) +1
0 (-3/3 FOR FOCUS) OR 10 (+7/3 FOR PSYCHIC) -POINT
Qualities/Drawbacks: Status 1 PROFESSION QUALITY
Pulling Strings: Aircraft Support, Cheaper Vehicles (air- As with magicians, it is somewhat rare for an individual to pur-
craft), Satellite Surveillance (Standard) sue a full-time career as a psychic. On the other hand, when one
is well-known as a trusted resource in the psychic field, he may
well be able to sustain himself financially. Trained Psychics have
abilities above and beyond the comprehension of most people,
POLITICIAN and are adept at attuning themselves to the psi-energies. This
10 (5/5)-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY attunement and understanding enables them to delve into others’
Politicians are elected or appointed governmental officials minds, to obtain instant impressions of emotional states, and to
who fill some kind of office at a local, state, or federal level. gain insight into past occurrences. Some psychics may consult
They tend to have a keen understanding of their constituency with parapsychologists to understand the theoretical underpin-
and an ability to use that knowledge to be re-elected to office. nings of psychic energies. Examples of psychics include mediums
These individuals also develop a sense of how government (who are usually, actually Foci), reiki healers, and tarot specialists.
operates, and with that knowledge comes the ability to change Skills: Myths and Legend +1, Occult Knowledge +1
policy, to restructure budgets, and to manipulate public opin-
ion. Politicians tend to live in the spotlight whether they like it Qualities/Drawbacks: Psychic or Supernatural Focus
or not, and as such, a single misstep can be a disaster. Examples Pulling Strings: Psi Labs
of politicians include assemblymen, mayors, and senators.
Skills: Actor +1, Bureaucracy +1, Cheating +1, Humanities
(Politics and Government) +1, Smooth Talking +1
Qualities/Drawbacks: Charisma 1, Status 1 6 (3/3)-POINT PROFESSIN QUALITY
Pulling Strings: Front Page News, Safe House, Stopping In the interest of expanding a field, numerous individuals
Investigation undertake research projects in order to advance theoretical
knowledge. Researchers may conduct experiments, gather sur-
vey information, or observe natural processes in order to have
a greater understanding of a scientific discipline. Researchers
POLITICAL ADMINISTRATOR are most often affiliated with a academic institutions, corpora-
8 (4/4)-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY tions, or other funding sources, as undertaking research is typ-
Individuals who serve in the administration of any public ically quite expensive, and impossible without very good facili-
agency have the power to make the group run smoothly or to ties and funding. Examples of researchers include social scien-
set up pitfalls and obstacles by bogging individuals down in tists, actuarial historians, and theoretical mathematicians.
minutia. Political administrators are also referred to as bureau- Skills: Computers +1, Research/Investigation +1, Science
crats in some circles, and indeed, they are responsible for a (Type) +1
large amount of red tape. This “red tape” often results from
attempts to manage an overwhelming amount of paperwork Qualities/Drawbacks: Academic
that guides the government’s resources and manpower. In the Pulling Strings: Laboratory/Workshop, Library
best of circumstances, administrators can be benevolent gate-
keepers who see to it that the organization’s resources are put
to optimal use. In the worst cases, administrators can purpose-
fully ignore requests, provide misleading information, or subtly SAILOR
modify superiors’ orders. Political administrators include those 6 (3/3)-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY
appointed politicians and their staff who serve in the upper lev- Individuals who earn a salary by piloting a boat are consid-
els of the Federal, State or local governments (Congressional ered sailors. They may sail in order to transport cargo, to pro-
staff, Under Secretaries, State Commissioners, Mayoral staff, vide a means of transportation for the public, or to provide
County Board staff, etc.). These folk do not have to stand for leisure cruises to vacationers. Sailors’ abilities vary, depending
election but are political animals nonetheless. on the amount of training they have, as well as the type of
Skills: Bureaucracy +1, Humanities (Politics and craft they can operate, as well as the conditions of the water.
Government) +1, Research/Investigation +1, Writing +1 For example, a sailor adept in speedboating along a river may
not be as capable handling a speedboat in the open seas.
Qualities/Drawbacks: Contacts 2 Examples of sailors include sea captains, barge pilots, and
Pulling Strings: City Hall Archives, Stopping Investigation riverboat captains.
Skills: Pilot (boat-type) +1, Systems Operation (type: Radar, by their divine entity to service. As spiritual leaders, they inter-
Sonar, etc) +1, Swimming +1 pret doctrine, conduct religious services/rites, and see to the
Qualities/Drawbacks: none spiritual needs of those they lead. Typically, these individuals
are treated with respect and admiration. They are also held to
Pulling Strings: Cheaper Vehicles (boats), Mobility, Satellite more exacting standards than the rest of the populace.
Surveillance (Standard) Examples of spiritual leaders include rabbis, priests, and chap-
lains for the armed services and government agencies like
SOCIAL SERVANT Skills: Humanities (Religion) +1, Myth and Legend +1,
9 (2/7)-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY Occult Knowledge +1, Smooth Talking +1
Within society, any number of individuals choose to invest Qualities/Drawbacks: Honorable, Status 1
their lives in helping their fellow human beings. These social
Pulling Strings: Supernatural Lore
servants often take low-paying jobs that put them in the trench-
es with the world’s needy. Their altruism is stoked by a frustra-
tion that the people in the world are sad, lonely, and desperate,
and social servants do what they can to alleviate that suffering. STUDENT
Because of their concern for humanity, these individuals often 3 (0/3)-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY
become involved with a large number of non-profit and self- With the stated priority of learning and development, students
help groups. Examples of social servants include social workers, are often found in institutions of higher learning, although some
volunteers, and Red Cross workers. students are taught in more non-traditional environments.
Skills: Bureaucracy +1, First Aid +1, Haggling +1, Humanities Students are typically poor, having invested their finances in off-
(type) +1, Medicine (type) +1, Science (type) +1 setting their tuition costs. Many students have part time jobs in
Qualities/Drawbacks: Honorable 1 their own community. Examples of students include apprentices,
college students, and professional students.
Pulling Strings: Counterculture Friends, Medical Support,
Mobility Skills: Computers +1, Research/Investigation +1, Writing +1
Qualities/Drawbacks: None
Pulling Strings: None
Whether trained by a standing military force, an elite inde- TECHNICIAN
pendent organization or simply a product of revolutionary fer- 5 (1/4)-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY
vor, soldiers are trained in weaponry, tactics, and teamwork. Once an engineer has designed an object and a manufactur-
Soldiers learn to subvert their own individuality in order to be er has created it, it is up to the technician to fine-tune its use
part of an effective fighting force. Soldiers may specialize in and to insure its maintenance. Technicians are needed to assist
skills to be part of a special unit, or they may be more broad- in setting up complicated equipment and may train others in
ly trained. Overall, these individuals are trained to be precise that equipment’s operation. Because equipment arrives in a
and forceful in their execution of orders, and efficiency of variety of usable conditions, technicians learn a range of skills
thought as well as action is highly prized. Examples of soldiers from tweaking an item to operate a little bit better to jury-rig-
include freedom fighters, National Guard, and underground ging a contraption in the absence of useable equipment.
resistance agitators. Examples of technicians include computer installers, mechanics,
Skills: Brawling +1, Dodge +1, Guns (type) +1, Hand and repairmen.
Weapon (type) +1, Stealth +1, Survival +1 Skills: Computers +1, Electronics +1, Mechanic +1, Science
Qualities/Drawbacks: Military Rank 1, Natural Toughness (type) +1
Pulling Strings: Military Training Facilities, Mobility Qualities/Drawbacks: None
Pulling Strings: Laboratory/Workshop
In every type of religion, an individual or a small group of 8 (4/4)-POINT PROFESSION QUALITY
individuals assume positions of leadership. They may be cho- Individuals in the trucking industry are masters at getting
sen by the preexisting leaders or members, or may be “called” goods from place to place. They may be part of a very small
operation, with minimal resources, or they may be part of a world-
wide operation. Generally, regardless of their connections in the
industry, while they are in the process of transporting, they work
alone or with the assistance of a few select individuals. Truckers have
a detailed understanding of the routes they traverse, and are able to
make quick decisions about the most efficient path to take.
Skills: Driving (Trucks) +1, Humanities (Law) +1, Notice +1,
Streetwise +1
Qualities/Drawbacks: Resistance (Fatigue) 1
Pulling Strings: Cheaper Vehicles (Civilian), Mobility, Vehicle
As with occult researcher and parapsychologist, these individu-
als are on the fringe of the scientific community. They use scientif-
ic methodology to prove the existence of Unidentified Flying
Objects, and point out how certain objects do not conform to any
known aircraft or natural phenomena. Because these individuals
tend to be somewhat paranoid (perhaps rightfully so, given the vig-
ilance of certain secret societies to silence them) and vocal about
their beliefs, they are the cause of much embarrassment to their
peers. Sometimes UFOlogists are employed by agencies. More
often than not, however, they fund their own research and need to
find some way to survive financially.
Skills: Myth and Legend (UFOlogy) +1, Notice +1,
Research/Investigation +1, Surveillance +1
Qualities/Drawbacks: Psychological Problems (Paranoia) 1
Pulling Strings: Supernatural Lore, Translators
Charisma 2
False Identity
Influence (Intelligence) 1
Resources 1
Status 1
Honorable (Mild)
Impaired Senses (Sight, correctible with glasses)
Obligation (Extreme)
Criminal Tracking
Governmental Access
Paul Andernts
Intel Files
Official Agendas
Sending Presidential Orders
DEX 3 LP 34
CON 3 EP 32 Accounting 2 Humanities (Law) 2
First Aid 1
Guns (Handgun) 1
Paul works for the USSS Electronic Crime Division, assigned to the Frankfurt Field Office in Germany. He is currently a mole
in the money laundering and electronic fraud task force of a major german bank, providing information to the USSS and Aegis.
He regularly cooks at home and invites his colleagues to dinner, using the informal atmosphere to keep an eye out for pos-
sible informants. At the last dinner he found none, instead one of his colleagues tried to recruit him. For the time Paul plays
along, curious to see who is behind this offer. .
Atlantean Offspring
Hard to Kill +4
Minority (Native American)
Patsy (Extreme)
Psychological Problems (Cruelty)
Psychic Void
Blood Surgeon
Computer Enhancement
Emergency Nanite Reserve
Neural Link
Poppy Aust
Memory Augmentation System
Musculature Enhancement
Microbiologi Replacement Skeleton
Replacement Skin
Vision Enhancement
Created by Kickstarter backer Isabelle Mattsson
Atlantean Technology (Seeds as required)
STR 6 Safe Houses
DEX 6 LP 50
CON 5 EP 47 Acrobatics 4 Martial Arts 5
Dodge 4 Stealth 4
WIL 5 Escape 5
Guns (Several) 4
Survival (Several) 4
Swimming 3
Language (Several) 3 Throwing 3
First Aid 4
Originally a talented microbiologist working for the CDC; Poppy was recruited by AEGIS and regarded as a natural cell leader.
On completing her first mission, she was temporarily abducted by an Atlantean beamship; but investigators found nothing
untoward. Two years later her cell was tasked with apprehending suspected Atlantean Horace Pharaoh, when she vanished a
second time and never returned. Poppy sightings have been reported in Europe, the Middle East, Central America and even
the US. However she has not been apprehended despite being wanted by AEGIS, Interpol and several international organisa-
tions for questioning about a number of unusual thefts, arson and kidnappings.
Attractive 2
High Metabolism
Hyperlingual 1
Influence (Science and Research) 1
Resources 1
Situational Awareness
Status 1
DEX 4 LP 30
CON 3 EP 29 Computers 5 Myth and Legend (UFOlogy) 2
Marcus Dra
Honourable (mild) 1 - Marcus values his remaining friendships
and will not readily betray those who have stood by him.
sycholo gist
CAPS Parap
Corruption Treatment
Created by Kickstarter backer Oliver Barker Occult Library
Pool Data
DEX 2 LP 26
CON 2 EP 26 Drive (car) 2 Science (biology) 4
Secret (mild) 1
Sleep Disorder (Deep Sleeper) 2
Notoriety 2
Obligation (extreme) 2
. C a s
e s
t a
t n
D r
a a
v Socnott
Academic Espionage
D Br zoologist
Expedition Funding
Agent Library
DEX 2 LP 26
CON 2 EP 23 Humanities (Anthropology) 4 Notice 3
Addiction (smoker) -1
Honourable -1
Obsession (finding the truth) -2
r e nt
City Hall Archives
F Ear to the Ground
Front Page News
Created by Kickstarter backer Stephan Wong
News Archive
Press Credentials
DEX 3 LP 34
CON 3 EP 35 Bureaucracy 1 Notice 2
MiB Mission Security Specialist 119 USSS Agent 237 Thrown Weapons 140
MiB Forensics Technician 119 USSS Security Specialist 237 Vehicles 142
MOONDUST Linguist 220 Watchman 114 Weapons & Accessories 138
MOONDUST Ops Specialist 220 Watchmaker 114 Sleeper Program 111
MOONDUST Tech Specialist 220 Weapon Systems Technician 109 THOTH 218
MOONDUST NAIC Technician/Engineer Project BACKYARD 104 U.S. Secret Service 237
220 Project Breastplate 104 United States Marshal Service (USMS) 244
MOONDUST Operation BLUE FLY Pilot Project CYGNET 217 Watch 11
Project GRAYBEARD 217 Watchmen Program 111
NSA Computer Scientist 229
Project HEARST 104 Web 200
NSA Intelligence Analyst 229
Project LOKI 104
OASTT Engineer 255
Project MKULTRA 219
OASTT Technician 255
OER Scientist/Technician 250
Project Rasputin 221 Aegis Divisions 23
OpTac Transporter 38
Project RAT TRAP 105 Aegis Nanotech Malfunction Table 56
OSS Engineer 255
PSIRES Research 122 Aegis Structure 23
OSS Technician 255
Pulling Strings Breach Grenade Deterioration Chart 141
PARRES Technician 122
Astrophysics Lab 131 Magestic Clearance Levels 101
Pharmacology Technician 124
Base Location 131 National Defense Directorate Organization
PSIRES Operative 122 Chart 101
Departmental Records 131
Ranch Scientist/Technician 217
Disappearance 131
Ranch Test Pilot 217
Federal Database Access 131
RASPUTIN Psychic Agent 223
Internal Communiqués 131
RASPUTIN Scientist/Parapsychologist
223 Medical Stores
RAT TRAP Specialist 106 Mission Files 132
Recruiter 121 Personnel Files 132
Repatriate Coordinator 121 Ready Reserve 132
Surgical Specialist 114 Resource Allocation Records 132
Systems Coordinator 125 Sentinel Clearance 132
US Army Helicopter Pilot 226 Underground Network 132
US Army Intelligence Officer 226 PUPPET 184
US Army Ranger 226 Qualities/Drawbacks
US Army Technician 226 Emotional Problems 131
USAF Air Staff Officer 224 Heavy Indoctrination 131
USAF Intelligence Officer 224 RCS 189
USAF Pilot 224 Resources
USAF Scientist/Technician 225 Ammunition 140
USAF Secretariat Officer 225 Clothing 134
USMS Deputy Marshal 245 Espionage & Counterespionage
Equpment 135
USMS Special Operations Group
Marshal 245 Explosives 142
USN Intelligence Officer 230 Implants 136
USN Naval Aviator 230 Medical Equipment 137
USN Sailor 230 Melee Weapons 141
USN SEAL/Underwater Demolitions Pharmacological Compounds 137
Specialist 231 Specialized Equipment (Personal) 133
USN Technician 231 Surveillance Drones 138
ConXConspCover_Layout 1 3/14/13 4:50 PM Page 1
Trust no one.
The very nature of Aegis' work means that the organization has to work in secret, away from public
scrutiny and hidden from the keen surveillance of their enemies. The National Defense Directorate
manipulates and schemes in secret bases around the country, plotting and moving pawns in a
deadly chess game of deception. A conspiracy against another conspiracy.
Aegis' secret agenda is the core of a conspiracy, but that conspiracy is built upon an altered
and secret history - a conspiracy within a conspiracy. Lies within lies. A conspiracy against
their own operatives. When faced with many conspirators, who can you trust?
This is the hidden world of Conspiracy X, where Aegis battles the NDD for control and superiority
in a fight where both sides think they are doing what is best for humanity.
Where cults and secret societies work behind the scenes, infiltrating and being infiltrated in turn. But the truth
is far more shocking than anyone could have foreseen and will rock the agents' beliefs to the very core.
The Conspiracies Sourcebook is a supplement for the Conspiracy X 2.0 roleplaying game. In it, you will find:
• Details on the history and structure of the National Defense Directorate, including their advanced weaponry
reverse engineered from alien technology, as well as details of their operations working both against and
collaborating with the various alien races.
• The true history of The Watch, finally revealing the truth behind the split that formed Aegis and the National
Defense Directorate.
• Never-before-seen background information on Aegis, as well as a detailed overview of Area 51 and the
various divisions at the core of the conspiracy.
• Rules for creating smaller conspiratorial groups and cults, as well as many example groups that can be plugged
into an existing game.
• A radically new development in the Conspiracy X world that will have agents doubting who or what they can trust.
Compatible with All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Armageddon, Terra Primate,
CJ Carella’s Witchcraft and other Unisystem games.
Conspiracy X™, artwork, text, icons, characters and
personalities are copyright ©2013 George Vasilakos
All Flesh Must Be Eaten™, Armageddon™, Terra
Primate™, CJ Carella’s Witchcraft™ ©2013 Eden
Studios, Inc. Unisystem™, copyright ©2013 C.J. Carella
$35.00 (US)
Published under exclusive license. GAME SYSTEM EDN5603
All Rights Reserved.
Produced and published by Eden Studios, Inc.
ISBN 978-1-933105-33-X