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S Block Questions

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s –block Element
Descriptive and Multiple Choice Questions

Group 2 metals have less atomic radii
1. Atomic radii Li < Na < K < Rb <Cs Be < Mg < Ca < Sr <Ba
compared to Group 1
Ionisation Group 2 metals have more I.E
2. Li > Na > K > Rb > Cs Be > Mg > Ca > Sr > Ba
enthalpy compared to group 1
property Li < Na < K < Rb <Cs Be < Mg < Ca < Sr < Ba Group 1 metals are more metallc

4. Hydration Li > Na > K > Rb > Cs Be > Mg > Ca > Sr > Ba Group 2 metals have more hydrated
Group 2 ions are more hydrated
mobility Li < Na < K < Rb <Cs Be < Mg < Ca < Sr < Ba hence they have less mobility than
group 1
Ionic Group 2 ions are more hydrated
in aqueous Li < Na < K < Rb <Cs Be < Mg < Ca < Sr < Ba hence they have less conductivity
solution. than group 1
Basic Li2 O < Na2O < K2O < BeO < MgO < CaO < SrO <
7. nature of Group 1 metal oxides are more basic than
oxide Rb2O < Cs2O BaO group 2
Basic Be(OH)2 < Mg(OH)2 <
LiOH < NaOH < KOH < Group 1 metals hydroxides are more
8. nature of Ca(OH)2 < Sr(OH)2 <
hydroxides RbOH < CsOH alkaline than group2 metals hydroxides
Group 1 metals hydroxides are more soluble
Be(OH)2 < Mg(OH)2 <
Solubility of LiOH < NaOH < KOH < than group 2.
9. Ca(OH)2 < Sr(OH)2 <
hydroxide RbOH < CsOH

Thermal Li2CO3 < Na2CO3 < Group 1 metals carbonates are more
BeCO3 < MgCO3 < CaCO3 <
10. stability of K2CO3 < Rb2CO3 < thermally stable than group 2 group 2
carbonates SrCO3 < BaCO3
Cs2CO3 metals.
Li2CO3 > Na2CO3 >
Solubility of BeCO3 > MgCO3 > CaCO3 Solubility of group 1 metals carbonates are
11. K2CO3 > Rb2CO 3 >
carbonates >SrCO3 > BaCO3 more than than group 2.

Li2SO4 > Na2SO4 > K2SO4 BeSO4 > MgSO4 > CaSO4 > Group 1 metals are thermally more stable
12. Solubility of
> Rb2SO4 > Cs2SO4 SrSO4 > BaSO4 than group 2.
13. point of NaF > NaCl > NaBr > NaI BeF2 > BeCl2 > BeBr2 > BeI2 ……..…..

Krishnendu Barik, PGT Chemistry, K.V. Sanganthan


Descriptive Questions

Write the answer of following Questions

1. Which of the following alkali metals has following properties-

a) Least atomic radii.
b) Highest ionization enthalpy.
c) Highest hydration enthalpy.
d) Least ionic mobility.
e) Highest reducing power.
f) Radioactive in nature.
g) Least melting point
h) Lightest alkali metal
i) Least reactive towards water
j) Exhibits anomalous behavior
k) Exhibits diagonal relationship with Magnesium

Ans : (a)Li (b)Li (c)Li (d) Li (e)Li2CO3 (f)Li (g) Li (h)Li (i)LiOH (j)Fr (k)Li
2. Which of the following alkaline Earth metals has following properties-
a) Least atomic radii
b) Highest ionization enthalpy
c) Highest hydration enthalpy.
d) Least ionic mobility.
e) Forms amphoteric oxide
f) Exhibits anomalous behavior
g) Radioactive in nature

Ans : (a) Be (b)Be (c) Be (d)Be (e)Be (f) Be (g) Ra

3. Give two example to show that Li and Mg exhibits diagonal relationship?

4. Account that BeO is amphoteric in nature.
5. Give the examples in support of an anomalous behavior of lithium & beryllium.
6. Name the alkaline earth metal forming covalent oxide? Ans: BeO ( Beryllium oxide)
7. Name an element from Group -2 which forms amphoteric oxide as well as water soluble sulphate.
8. Draw the structure of – (a) BeCl2 ( in gaseous phase) (b)BeCl2( in solid state )
9. Complete the following reactions :
(a) BaO2 + H2O ----------> ?
(b) Cs + O2 -----------> ?
(c) BeCl2 + LiAlH4 -------------- >?
(d) LiNO3 ------------------------> ?
(e) MgCO3 -----------------------> ?
(f) Li + H2O --------------- > ?
(g) BeO + HCl ---------- > ?
(h) BeO + NaOH ---------- > ?
(i) BeO + C + Cl2 -----------> ?
(j) Be(OH)2 + HCl + H2O ----------> ?
(k) KNO3 ------------------>
heat ?

(l) Ba(NO3)2 -----------------> ?

Krishnendu Barik, PGT Chemistry, K.V. Sanganthan


Explain why:
1. Alkali metals are not obtained free in nature.
Alkali metals have less ionisation enthalpy and loose outermost electron
easily, So they are highly reactive and does not occur free in nature.

2. Lithium salts are commonly hydrated but salts of other alkali metals are not hydrated.
Ans : Since lithium has small size it has high hydration energy.
3. Potassium and cesium are widely used in photoelectric cells.
Ans :Since they have lower ionization enthalpy they eject electrons subjected to light.

4.Compounds of alkaline earth metals are more hydrated compared to alkali metals.
Ans: Alkaline earth metal (group 2 elements) has high charge density (due to small size and high charge)
compared to alkali earth metals.
5. All the alkali metal or their salts when heated in bunsen burner they impart characteristic
flame coloration.
The alkali metals have low ionisation enthalpy and the energy of flame is sufficient to excite the electrons of
alkali metals to higher energy level.
6. Be/Mg does not impart colour in flame but Ca, Sr and Ba imparts.
Ans: Due to small size and high ionisation enthalpy of Be/Mg the energy of the flame is not sufficient to excite the
But Ca, Sr and Ba have comparatively large size and the flame can excite the electrons to impart color.
7. Peroxide and superoxides are stable for only higher alkali metal.
Large size cation are stabilised by larger anions so higher alkali metal with large atomic size forms stable
peroxide and superoxides.
8. Superoxides are paramagnetic in nature.
Superoxides consists of one unpaired electron in 2π* antibonding orbital and exhibit paramagnetism.
9. KO2 is paramagnetic.
KO2 is a superoxides and consists of one unpaired electron in 2π* antibonding orbital.
10. Sodium is less reactive than Potassium.
Potassium being large size and less ionoisation enthalpy compared to sodium.
11. LiF is almost insoluble in water but LiCl is soluble.
The lattice energy of LiF is high and greater than its hydration enthalpy and thus insoluble in water.
But in LiCl hydration enthalpy overcomes lattice enthalpy.

12. CsI is more insoluble in water

Because of large size of Cs+ and I-, both the ions are less hydrated and CsI have smaller hydration enthalpy. So
it is less soluble in water.
13. LiI is more soluble in ethanol than KI.
LiI has a more covalent character because Li+ ion has high polarizing power. Therefore LiI is soluble in alcohol.
But KI is predominantly an ionic compound therefore is insoluble in ethanol.
14. Li2CO3 is thermally less stable compared to Na2CO3.
Li+ being small size cation cannot form stable ionic compound with large size CO32- anion.
15. BeCO3 is decomposed at lower temperature but BaCO3 decompose at high temperature
Be2+ being small size cation and CO32- being large size anion the lattice enthalpy of BeCO3 is comparitively less.
16. BeO is insoluble in water but BeSO4 is soluble.
Lattice enthalpy of BeO is high compared to its hydration energy because small size Be2+ favors small size anion
But , SO42- being large size anion, lattice enthalpy of BeSO4 is much less and it is soluble in water.

17. BaO is soluble in water but BaSO4 is insoluble.

Lattice enthalpy of BaSO4 is high compared to its hydration energy because large size Ba2+ favors large size
anion SO42-
But, lattice enthalpy of BaO is much less and it is soluble in water.

Krishnendu Barik, PGT Chemistry, K.V. Sanganthan


18. Solubility of alkali metal hydroxide increases from LiOH to CsOH.

As we move down the group the lattice enthalpy decreases more compared to the decrease in hydration enthalpy.
19. Basic strength of alkali metal hydroxide increases from LiOH to CsOH.
The basic nature of alkali metal hydroxide is due to the ease of following ionisation
MOH → M+ (aq) + OH- (aq)
Down the group ionisation enthalpy of the alkali metal decreases and strength of metal -oxygen (M-O) bond
20. Alkaline earth metal hydroxides are less basic than alkali metal hydroxides.
Ans: Because of higher ionization enthalpies, smaller ionic size of alkaline earth metals(group 2) compared to
alkali metal (group 1); metal -oxygen (M-O) bond for alkaline earth metal is stronger and hence less basic.
21. Lithium and Beryllium shows anomalous behaviour.
Small size , high ionisation enthalpy, high charge density and high polarising power are the reason for
exhibiting anomalous behavior.
22. Alkali metals are kept under kerosene.
Alkali metals are highly reactive and reacts violently with air, water, oxygen and CO2. So alkali metals
are kept under kerosene.
23. Ionization enthalpy alkaline earth metal are always high than that of alkali metals.
Size of alkaline earth metals are comparatively small than that of alkali metals and hence have high
ionisation enthalpy.

24. Li and Mg or Be and Al exhibit diagonal relationship.

Li & Mg or Be & Al has almost similar charge density.
25. 𝐁𝐞𝐒𝐎𝟒 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐠𝐒𝐎𝟒 are readily soluble in water but CaSO4 , SrSO4 and BaSO4 are insoluble in
Ans: Large hydration enthalpy of small size Be2+ and Mg 2+ ions overcomes the lattice enthalpy
26. All the compounds of alkali metal are soluble in water but lithium compounds are more
soluble in organic solvent.
Ans : Due to small size Li+ ion has high polarizing power and consequently lithium compounds are
covalent in nature.

What happens when:

1. Lithium is heated with oxygen
Li+O2  Li2O Lithium oxide is formed.
2.Sodium is heated with oxygen
Na +O2  Na2O2 Sodium peroxide is formed.
3. Potassium is heated with oxygen
K+O2K2O Superoxide of potassium is formed.
4. Sodium(or any alkali metal) is dropped in water
2Na + 2H2O → 2NaOH + H2.
5. Oxide of lithium is treated with water.
6. Sodium (any alkali metal) is dropped in ammonia.
M + NH3  M(NH3)x + e(NH3)y.
It gives blue colour solution. The blue electron is due to ammoniated electron.
7. Sodium peroxide is dipped in water.
Na2O2 +H2O2NaOH + H2O2
8. KO2 is hydrolysed.
2KO2 + 2H2O 2KOH + O2 + H2O2
9. Sodium carbonate is strongly heated.
10. Lithium nitrate is heated strongly.
4LiNO3 2Li2O+ 4NO2+ O2.
It decomposed to liberate brown fumes of NO2

Krishnendu Barik, PGT Chemistry, K.V. Sanganthan


11. Potassium nitrate is heated strongly.

4KNO32KNO2+ 2N2+ 5O2. It produces potassium oxide, nitrogen gas along with oxygen as by
24. Sodium hydride is treated with water.
NaH(s) + H2O(aq)NaOH+ H2(g)
25. Magnesium is burnt in air.
2Mg + O22MgO 3Mg + N2Mg3N2
26.Lithium is heated with nitrogen.
6Li + N2 2Li3N

Multiple choice Questions

1. The general electronic configuration of alkali metal

(a)ns1 (b) ns2 (c) ns2np1 (d)ns1np1
2. The general electronic configuration of alkaline earth metal
(a)ns1 (b) ns2 (c) ns2np1 (d)ns1np1
3. Which of the following metal has rarest abundance
(a) Na (b) Ca (c) K (d)Fr
4. Which of the following is radioactive element :
(a) Cs (b) Fr (c) Ra (d) both b and c.
5. s-block element impart characteristic flame colouration. Which of the following metal does not exhibit
colour to the flame.
(a) Be (b) Na (c) Ba (d) K
6. Salt of alkali and alkaline earth metals impart colour in flame. Which pair of the following chloride does
not impart colour in flame-*
(a) NaCl & BeCl2 (b) BaCl2 & MgCl2 (c) BeCl2 & MgCl2 (d) LiCl & BeCl2
7. The diagonal relationship arises due to the similarity in ionic sizes. Which of the following pair of
elements exhibits diagonal relationship
(a) Li & Mg (b) Na & Ca (c) Be & Na (d)Li & Be
8. Lithium shows diagonal relationship with
(a) Al (b) Be (c) Mg (d) Ca
9. Beryllium exhibits diagonal relationship with
(a) Al (b) Na (c) Mg (d) Ca
10. All the alkali metals are highly electropositive and are good reducing agent .The alkali metal with
strongest reducing power is :
(a) Na (b) Cs (c)K (d) Li
11. Which of following s block element has highest ionisation energy
(a) Na (b) Mg (c) Cs (d) Ba.
12. Which of following s block element has least ionisation energy
(a) Rb (b) Ca (c) Sr (d) Ba
13. Alkali metals are widely used in photoelectric cell. The alkali metal with highest tendency to exhibit
Photoelectric effect is : (a) Li (b) K (c) Ca (d) Cs
14. The alkali metal with lowest melting point is
(a) Li (b) K (c) Rb (d) Cs
15. Alkali metals are light metals with low densities. The lightest alkali metal is
(a) Li (b) Na (c) K (d) Be
16. Alkali metal reacts with water vigorously to liberate hydrogen. The alkali metal that reacts less
vigorously with water:
(a) Li (b) Na (c) Be (d) Mg

Krishnendu Barik, PGT Chemistry, K.V. Sanganthan


17. Reducing power of metal depends on various factor. The factors which is responsible for strongest
reducing property of lithium is aqueous solution is due to:
(a) Sublimation enthalpy (b) Ionisation enthalpy (c) Hydration enthalpy (d) Electron gain enthalpy
18. Which of the following statement is incorrect about alkali metal?
(a) Alkali metal reacts with water to produce metallic hydroxides.
(b) Alkali metals are highly active metal.
(c) Alkali metals exists in free state.
(d) Alkali metal forms ionic hydride
19. Which of the following oxide is paramagnetic in nature?
(a) Na2O (c) Na2O2 (b) BaO2 (d) KO2
20. The oxide of an alkali metal which on hydrolysis liberates H2O2 , O2 and metallic hydroxide is* :
a) Li2O (c) Na2O2 (b) BeO (d) CsO2
21. RbO2 is -
(a) superoxide and diamagnetic (b) superoxide and paramagnetic
(c)peroxide and paramagnetic (d) peroxide and diamagnetic
22. BaO2 is
(a) superoxide and diamagnetic (b) superoxide and paramagnetic
(c) peroxide and paramagnetic (d) peroxide and diamagnetic
23. Na2O2 on hydrolysis produces
(a) NaOH only (b) H2O2 only (c) NaOH & H2O2 only (d) NaOH, H2O2 & O2
24. Oxides of s-block elements are basic in nature. Nature of BeO is
(a) Neutral (b) Amphoteric (c) acidic (d) Basic

25. Which of the following statement is correct about superoxide:

(a) K, Rb and Cs forms superoxides.
(b) Superoxides are paramagnetic in nature.
(c) Superoxides on hydrolysis liberates H2O2 , O2 and metal hydroxide
(d) All of the above

26. The most thermally stable oxide is

(a) BeO (b) MgO (c) CaO (d) BaO
28. *Which of the following oxides is expected to react with NaOH
(a) BeO (b) CaO (c) BaO (d) SrO
29. Which of the following hydroxide is most basic
(a) Ca(OH)2 (b) NaOH (c) KOH (d) Mg(OH)2
30. Metal hydroxides are alkaline in nature. Which of the following hydroxide is soluble in NaOH
(a) Ca(OH)2 (b) Ba(OH)2 (c) KOH (d) Be(OH)2
31. On dissolving sodium metal in liquid ammonia at low temperature which of the following does not
(a) Solution turns blue
(b) Na+ ions are formed in the solution.
(c) Liquid ammonia is a good conductor of electricity
(d) Liqiud ammonia remains diamagnetic.
32. When sodium is dissolved in ammonia a deep blue solution is obtained. The blue colour is due to :
(a) ammoniated sodium ion (b) ammoniated electron
(c) sodium amide (d) hydrogen

33. The alkali metals tarnish in dry air. So alkali metals are kept under
(a) Water (b) Alcohol (c) Ammonia (d) Parafin

Krishnendu Barik, PGT Chemistry, K.V. Sanganthan


34. Metal carbonates decompose on heating to produce metal oxide and CO2.Correct order of thermal
stability of metal carbonate is :
(a) BeCO3 < MgCO3 < CaCO3 < SrCO3 < BaCO3
(b) BeCO3 > MgCO3 > CaCO3 > SrCO3 > BaCO3
(c) MgCO3 > BeCO3 > CaCO3 > SrCO3 > BaCO3
(d) MgCO3 > BeCO3 > BaCO3 > SrCO3 > CaCO3
35. Which of the following metal carbonate has largest solubility in water.
(a)MgCO3 (b) SrCO3 (c) CaCO3 (d) BaCO3
36. *The alkali metal nitrates on heating liberates metal nitrite and O2. The alkali metal nitrate that
liberates brown fume on heating is
(a) LiNO3 (b) NaNO3 (c)KNO3 (d) RbNO3
37. *The alkali metals react with halogen to form ionic halides. Which of the following metals forms
covalent halide? (a) Li & Na (b) Li & Be (c) Na & Mg (d)Be & K
38. *The solubility of alaki metal hydrides depends on their nature , lattice enthalpy and hydration
enthalpy of individual ions. LiF is insoluble in water due to
(a) High hydration energy of Li ion (b) High thermal stability
(c) High lattice enthalpy (d) High polarisation power of Li
39. In gaseous state the compound that exists in dimeric form is
(a)BeCl2 (b) CaCl2 (c) MgCl2 (d) BaCl2
40. Magnesium burns in air to produce
(a) Mg3N2 only (b) MgO only (c) MgO & Mg3N2 (d) MgCO3
41. Metals sulphate will be soluble in water if the hydration enthalpy of individual ions overcome the
lattice enthalpy of metal sulphate. Which of the following metal sulphates are insoluble in water.
(a) Na2SO4 (b) MgSO4 (c) BaSO4 (d) K2SO4
42. Elements of Group-2 reacts with hydrogen at high temperature to form hydride. Which of the
following hydride cannot be prepared by direct reaction of metal and hydrogen?
(a) BeH2 (b) CaH2 (c) MgH2 (d) BaH2
43. Match the following element given in the coloumn A with the properties mentioned in coloumn B
i. Li A. Golden yellow flame
ii. Be B. Used in photoelectric cell
iii. Na C. Radioactive
iv. Ba D. Amphoteric oxide
v. Cs E. Insoluble metal sulphate
F. Strongest reducing agent
(a) i-F ii-D iii- A iv-F v-C (b) i-F ii-D iii- A iv- E v- B
(c) i- C ii- D iii-E iv-A v-B (d) i- E ii-C iii –F iv –A v- B
44. The oxidation state of oxygen atom in the compound MgO , KO2 and BaO2 respectively is :
(a) -2 , -1 , 0 (b) -2 , -1 , -1 (c) -2 , -1/2 , -1 (d) -1 , -1/2 , -1/2
45. *Correct order of increase of melting point is
(a) NaF < NaCl <NaBr < NaI (b) NaI < NaBr < NaCl < NaF
(c) NaF < NaBr < NaCl < NaI (d) NaI < NaCl < NaI < NaBr

46. Correct order of increase of ionic character is

(a) LiCl > NaCl > KCl > CsCl (b) LiCl > KCl >NaCl > CsCl
(c) LiCl < NaCl < KCl < CsCl (d) CsCl < NaCl < KCl <LiCl
47. *Correct order of decrease in covalent character is
(a) BeCl2 < LiCl < NaCl < KCl (b) BeCl2 > LiCl > NaCl > KCl
(c) BeCl2 < KCl < NaCl < LiCl (d) BeCl2 > KCl < LiCl < NaCl

Krishnendu Barik, PGT Chemistry, K.V. Sanganthan


48 *Aqueous solution of the following compound will record highest pH.

(a) Be(OH)2 (b) Mg(OH)2 (c) Ba(OH)2 (d) Ca(OH)2

49. **Equimolar solution of the following were prepared in water separately. Which of the following will
record highest pH.
(a) SrCl2 (b) MgCl2 (c) CaCl2 (d) BaCl2
50. *A alkaline earth metal forms water soluble sulphate but insoluble hydroxide and insoluble oxides. The
hydroxide of the metal is soluble in NaOH. The element is -
(a) Li (b) Mg (c) Be (d) Ba
1a 2b 3d 4d 5a 6c 7a 8c 9a 10d 11b 12c 13d 14a 15a 16a 17c 18c
19d 20d 21b 22d 23c 24b 25d 26a 27d 28a 29c 30d 31d 32b 33d 34a 35d 36a
37b 38c 39a 40c 41c 42a 43b 44c 45b 46c 47b 48c 49d 50c

Assertion Reason type Question

The question below consists of both assertion and reason. Use the following key to chose appropriate
(a) If both assertion and reason are correct and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are correct and reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If assertion is correct but reason is incorrect.
(d) If assertion is incorrect but reason is correct.

1. Assertion : Be gives characteristic flame coloration.

Reason : Be has high ionisation enthalpy.
2. Assertion : Na2SO4 is water soluble but BaSO4 is insoluble.
Reason : Lattice enthalpy of BaSO4 exceeds its hydration enthalpy.
3. Assertion : Li2CO3 decomposed easily on heating to form Li2O and CO2
Reason : Lithium is strongest reducing agent
4. Assertion : Beryllium carbonate is kept in atmoshphere of CO2.
Reason : Beryllium carbonate is unstable and decomposes to give of BeO and CO2
5. Assertion : Beryllium resembles aluminium in some of its properties.
Reason : Beryllium and Aluminium shows diagonal relationship
6. Assertion : The basic strength of hydroxide increases from LiOH to CsOH
Reason : Ionisation energy increases from Lithium to Cesium.
7. Assertion : In vapour phase BeCl2 exists as dimer
Reason : BeCl2 is covalent in nature.
8. Assertion : Lithium salts are mostly hydrated.
Reason : Lithium reacts with oxygen to form superoxide

1d 2a 3b 4a 5a 6c 7b 8c

Krishnendu Barik, PGT Chemistry, K.V. Sanganthan


Krishnendu Barik, PGT Chemistry, K.V. Sanganthan

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