HAWLE - Pipe Repair Clamp Catalogue
HAWLE - Pipe Repair Clamp Catalogue
HAWLE - Pipe Repair Clamp Catalogue
Design features No. 0750 "single lug"
Pipe diameter 54 — 430, length 150 — 380
• The clamp with the self-centering lug system
• Fully encompassing gasket seals complete gaps and other No. 0751 "double lug"
pipe damage Pipe diameter 87 — 471, length 200 — 380
• The bolts (3) are welded to the bolt bar (4). Squeezing the
handle makes for easy assembly onto the pipe. The nuts are
fed directly to the bolts from a special nut dispenser (8). This
eases the positioning of the lugs and bolts and avoids
handling of loose parts.
• Special version such as larger diameters and other lengths
on request
No. 0750 tested with new pipes in delivery condition
Ø 54 — Ø 190 PN 16
Ø 190 — Ø 430 PN 10
• No. 0751 tested with new pipes in delivery condition
Ø 87 — Ø 186 PN 16
Ø 208 — Ø 430 PN 10 Quick assembly with H-Nut dispenser which prevents loss of nuts into the
dirty trench.
Ø 425 — Ø 471 PN 6
Ø 472 — Ø 550 PN 5
Material | Technical features
Application examples
Design features No. 0501 "single lug"
• For steel, ductile iron and AC pipes
• For pipe diameters from 21 — 64, length 76 1 2
Material | Technical features
Edition 06.2020 All illustrations, technical data, dimensions (in mm) and weights (all weights specified in kg) are non-binding. Subject to change.
For steel, cast iron, AC and PVC pipes
Type Ø Pipe AC-PN 10 AC-PN 16 PVC Type Ø Pipe AC-PN 10 AC-PN 16 PVC
raw turned raw turned ext. Ø raw turned raw turned ext. Ø
K 54 150
54 — 58 200 50 1,1 M 87 87 — 102 200 80 80 80 80 90 2,7
M 54 1,5 M 106 106 — 124 200 100 100 100 100 80 110 2,8
K 58 150
58 — 64 200 50 63 1,1
M 58 1,5 M 114 114 — 132 200 125 100 100 100 100 125 2,9
K 63 150 1,2 K 132 200 4,9
M 63 63 — 68 200 50 63 1,6 132 — 152 125 125 125 125 100 140
M 132 250 6,2
K 68 150
68 — 76 200 50 50 1,2 K 142 200 5,0
M 68 1,7 142 — 162 150 125 125 125 125 125 160
K 75 150 1,3 M 142 250 6,4
M 75 75 — 83 200 65 60 60 60 75 1,7 K 160 200 5,3
K 82 150
82 — 91 200 80 65 90 1,3 M 160 160 — 180 250 150 150 150 160 6,5
M 82 1,8 L 160 315 8,1
K 95 150
95 — 104 200 80 80 80 80 1,4
M 95 1,9 K 166 200 5,3
K 104 150 1,5 M 166 166 — 186 250 150 150 150 150 6,7
M 104 104 — 112 200 100 80 80 110 2,0 L 166 315 8,3
K 112 112 — 121 150 100 100 100 1,5 K 208 250 7,2
M 112 200 2,1
K 115 M 208 208 — 230 315 200 200 225 8,8
M 115 115 — 125 150
200 100 100 100 125 1,5
2,1 L 208 380 10,7
K 120 120 — 130 150 100 100 100 125 1,7 K 220 250 7,3
M 120 200 2,2 M 220 220 — 242 315 200 200 225 9,0
K 131 131 — 141 200 125 100 140 3,2 L 220 380 11,1
M 131 250 4,0
K 140 200 3,2 K 236 250 7,5
M 140 140 — 150 250 125 125 4,0 M 236 236 — 258 315 200 200 200 200 250 9,4
L 140 315 5,2 L 236 380 11,1
K 151 200 3,4
M 151 151 — 161 250 150 125 125 160 4,3 K 271 250 7,8
L 151 315 5,4 M 271 271 — 293 315 250 250 250 250 280 9,9
K 166 200 3,5 L 271 380 11,8
M 166 166 — 178 250 150 150 150 4,4 M 306 315 10,0
L 166 315 5,5 306 — 328 300 300 250 250 315
L 306 380 12,0
K 178 200 3,6
M 178 178 — 190 250 150 150 150 180 4,5 K 330 250 8,9
330 — 352 300
L 178 315 5,7 L 330 380 13,1
K 190 200 3,9 M 346
M 190 190 — 202 250 150 150 200 4,7 346 — 368 380 350 300 300 355 13,3
L 190 315 5,8 L 346
K 200 250 5,0 M 369 315 11,2
369 — 392 350 300 300
M 200 200 — 212 315 200 6,2 L 369 380 13,8
L 200 380 7,5 M 406 315 11,7
K 215 250 5,0 406 — 430 400 400 350
M 215 215 — 227 315 200 200 225 6,3 L 406 380 14,5
L 215 380 7,6 M 448 448 — 471 315 400 400 450 15,1
K 233 250 5,2
M 233 233 — 246 315 200 200 6,3
L 233 380 7,8
M 250
L 250 250 — 262 315
380 200 200 250 6,8
No. 0750 / 0751 Special versions
Order Version Type Ø Pipe Length
K 269 250 5,6 No.
M 269 269 — 281 315 250 250 280 7,1
L 269 380 8,5 0750 single lug
M 285 285 — 297 315 250 250 7,5
L 285 380 9,0 S 50 — 550 150 200 250 315 380 510 640 835 1030
K 306 250 6,0 0751 double lug
M 306 306 — 318 315 250 250 315 7,8
L 306 380 9,2
K 315 250 6,2
M 315 315 — 327 315 300 300 315 7,8
L 315 380 9,5 No. 0501 for steel, ductile iron and AC pipes
K 345 250 6,7
M 345 345 — 357 315 350 300 300 355 8,3 Type Ø Pipe Length Weight
L 345 380 10,0
M 366 D 21 21 — 25 70 0,25
L 366 366 — 379 315
380 350 350 300 300 8,7
10,5 D 26 26 — 30 70 0,26
K 400 250 7,4 D 33 33 — 37 70 0,27
M 400 400 — 412 315 400 350 350 400 9,2
L 400 380 10,9 D 42 42 — 45 70 0,28
K 418 250 7,6 D 48 48 — 54 70 0,29
M 418 418 — 430 315 400 400 9,7
L 418 380 11,8 D 60 60 — 64 70 0,31
All illustrations, technical data, dimensions (in mm) and weights (all weights specified in kg) are non-binding. Subject to change. Edition 06.2020