Rainbow Bridge 4 Teachers Guide

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Oxford University Press

is the world’s authority Rainbow Bridge invites students to explore

on the English language. the imaginary Kingdom of Albion, giving
every child the chance to build their
As part of the University of knowledge, skills and confidence in English.
Oxford, we are committed to
furthering English language From the authors of the best-selling course New Treetops
learning worldwide. The Teacher’s Pack includes full teaching notes, tests, practical
We continuously bring tips and advice on teaching pupils with special educational
together our experience, needs, real-life tasks, suggestions for using lapbooks and an
expertise and research to online Classroom Presentation Tool.

4 Teacher’s Guide
create resources such as Also available:
this one, helping millions of • Flashcards • Legends Map poster
learners of English to achieve • DVD • CLIL posters
their potential. • Teacher’s Website: www.oup.com/elt/teacher/rainbowbridge
• Student’s Website: www.oup.com/elt/rainbowbridge

Teacher’s Guide

• Classroom Presentation Tool

• Teacher’s Guide:
• Syllabus • Unit tests, speaking tests, mid- and
end-of-year tests • Activities and tests for pupils
with special educational needs
• How To Do It:
It: teaching tips and suggestions
• Take Home English
English: craft activities with
photocopiable templates
• Class Audio CDs

la s
s Audio C D

1 ISBN 978-0-19-411862-0

Jessica Finnis
www.oup.com/elt 9 780194 118620
Mary Charrington

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Jessica Finnis
Mary Charrington

Teacher’s Guide 4

Dear Teacher,
Welcome to Rainbow Bridge, our new Primary English course which follows and
expands on the much-loved methodology and syllabus tried and tested in New
Thank you for choosing our course, where engaging, stimulating new settings
and characters will motivate your young learners, and you yourself will get great
satisfaction from seeing them enthusiastic, inspired and ready to learn.
Now let’s cross this learning ‘bridge’ together and embark on a wonderful journey
of discovery into a magical new world of English.
Rainbow Bridge … where dreams really do come true!
Have fun!
Sarah M Howell and Lisa Kester-Dodgson

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Syllabus 3
Introduction 7
Course tour (Level 4) 15
How To Do It: Teaching Strategies 22
The Crown of the Dragon King 39, 50, 62, 73, 85, 96
Starter unit Welcome back to Rainbow Bridge! 26
Unit 1 Myths 29
Unit 2 Family 40
Culture: British towns and cities 51
Unit 3 School 52
Unit 4 People 63
Culture: The British royal family 74
Unit 5 Meal times 75
Unit 6 Wild animals 86
Culture: British schools 97
Festivals 106
Months of the year 109
Review Game: Galchobar’s Quest 110
Tests and evaluation 111
Photocopy Master 144

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Rainbow Bridge Level 4 Syllabus
Starter unit
Skills Language
Listening Speaking Writing Self-evaluation Vocabulary
• Listen and identify • Ask and answer • Write your name, • Reflection on enjoyment and understanding • Great Britain, Turkey, India,
countries around the questions age and where of the unit as well as any difficulties Ireland, China, Poland,
world about personal you are from Spain, Italy
• Listen and understand information • Draw and present Structures
questions about • Ask and answer a flag • Hello. What’s your name?
personal information the question My name’s Liu.
• Listen and understand What’s your name?
• Where are you from? I’m
questions about where • Ask and answer from Britain.
you are from the question How
old are you?
• I’m from China, but I live in
• Ask and answer • How old are you? I’m
the question
Where are you
• Are you from Italy? Yes, I
am./No, I’m not.

Unit 1
Skills Language
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Self-evaluation Vocabulary
• Listen and identify • Ask and answer • Read a dialogue • Say and write the • Reflection on • a king, a queen, a princess,
fantasy characters questions about • Read a story names of fantasy enjoyment and a wizard, a round house,
• Listen and understand the coursebook • Complete characters understanding of the a chariot, a soldier, a pony
sentences to identify characters sentences to • Write sentences unit as well as any • Celtic, queen, king, count,
people • Sing and mime a identify people about your difficulties crows, carrots
• Understand when to use song • Complete a favourite film Structures
his and her • Practise the comprehension • What’s his name? His
• Listen to a story /k/ sound in a exercise name’s Max.
• Understand the tongue-twister
• What’s her name? Her
importance of making • Make and present name’s Queen Kira.
friends a Myths book
• Is he a wizard? Yes, he is./
• Recognize the /k/ sound cover
No, he isn’t.
• Listen to and read an • Make and present • Is she a queen? Yes, she is./
episode from a mythical a Myths lapbook
No, she isn’t.
story • He’s a wizard. His name’s
• She’s a princess. Her name’s

Unit 2
Skills Language
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Self-evaluation Vocabulary
• Listen and identify family • Ask and answer • Read a dialogue • Say and write the • Reflection on • cousin, mum, sister, dad,
members questions about • Read a story names of family enjoyment and grandma, brother, aunt,
• Listen and understand family members • Complete a members understanding of the grandpa, uncle
sentences to identify • Sing and mime a comprehension • Complete unit as well as any • this, brother, here, that,
people song exercise sentences about difficulties mother, there, all, together
• Understand when to use • Practise the /ð/ • Read an episode family members Structures
This is… and That’s… sound in a tongue- from a mythical • Describe family • Have you got any brothers
• Listen to a story twister story for pleasure members or sisters?
• Understand the • Draw and present • Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.
importance of staying your family tree
• How many? Three.
safe • Make and present • I’ve got two sisters.
• Recognize the sound a Family lapbook
• This is my friend.
• Listen to and read an • That’s my grandpa.
episode from a mythical

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Unit 3
Skills Language
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Self-evaluation Vocabulary
• Listen and identify • Ask and answer • Read a dialogue • Say and write the • Reflection on • Music, Science, Geography,
school subjects and days questions about • Read a story names of school enjoyment and English, PE, Maths, Art,
of the week school subjects • Understand a story subjects understanding of the History, (Computing)
• Listen and understand • Ask and answer • Read an episode • Complete unit as well as any • Monday, Tuesday,
sentences about questions about a from a mythical sentences about a difficulties Wednesday, Thursday,
preferences school timetable story for pleasure school timetable Friday, Saturday, Sunday
• Listen to a story • Listen to and • Write sentences • Science, lessons, twice,
• Understand the mime a song about a school super, nice
importance of saying • Talk about likes timetable Structures
sorry and dislikes related • Do you like PE?
• Recognize the /s/ sound to school subjects
• Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
• Listen to and read an • Practise the /s/ • I like Art and Maths, but I
episode from a mythical sound in a tongue-
don’t like PE or Music.
story twister
• Draw and present • When’s Maths? On
a school timetable
• Make and present • Maths is on Monday.
a School Subjects

Unit 4
Skills Language
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Self-evaluation Vocabulary
• Listen and identify • Ask and answer • Read a dialogue • Say and write • Reflection on • short hair, long hair,
words about physical questions about • Read a story about physical enjoyment and straight hair, curly hair,
appearance the physical • Understand a story appearance understanding of the wavy hair, spiky hair,
• Listen and understand appearance of • Read an episode • Describe unit as well as any braids, blue eyes, (glasses)
descriptions about other people from a mythical the physical difficulties • blond, red, grey, brown,
physical appearance • Listen to and story for pleasure appearance of black (hair)
• Listen to a story mime a song other people • happy, hairy, horses, hats,
• Understand the • Practise the /h/ • Complete helmets, hide, hay
importance of helping sound in a tongue- sentences Structures
others twister about physical
• He’s got short hair. He
• Recognize the /h/ sound • Make a self-portrait appearance
hasn’t got long hair.
• Listen to and read an • Ask and answer • Write sentences • She’s got straight, blond
episode from a mythical about a self- about your
hair. She hasn’t got glasses.
story portrait favourite famous
• Has he got black hair? Yes,
• Make and present person
he has./No, he hasn’t.
a Famous People
• Has she got curly hair? Yes,
she has. / No, she hasn’t.

Unit 5
Skills Language
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Self-evaluation Vocabulary
• Listen and identify words • Ask what time it is • Read a dialogue • Say and write • Reflection on • bread, berries, biscuits,
about food and drinks • Ask and answer • Read a story words for food and enjoyment and cereal, spinach, beef,
• Listen and understand about meals and • Understand a story drinks understanding of the salmon, honey
sentences about meal times • Read an episode • Complete unit as well as any • breakfast, lunch, dinner
preferences • Listen to and from a mythical sentences about difficulties • o’clock, half past
• Listen and identify time mime a song story for pleasure meals and meal • bridge
• Understand a • Practise the times
description of meals and consonant blend • Write sentences • What do you have for
meal times /br/ in a tongue- about weekend
• Listen to a story twister meals
I have cereal.
• Understand the • Draw and present • When do you have
importance of thinking your favourite
of others menu
At eight o’clock.
• Recognize the • Make and present • What time is it?
consonant blend /br/ a Meal Times
It’s eleven o’clock./It’s half
• Listen to and read an lapbook
past twelve.
episode from a mythical

4 Syllabus © 2020 Oxford University Press

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Unit 6
Skills Language
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Self-evaluation Vocabulary
• Listen and identify words • Ask and answer • Read a dialogue • Say and write • Reflection on • a lion, a horse, a wolf,
about wild animals questions about • Read a story words for wild enjoyment and an eagle, a deer, a snake,
and their physical animals’ abilities • Understand a story animals and understanding of the a bear, a swan
appearance • Listen to and • Read an episode their physical unit as well as any • stripes, a beak, small ears,
• Understand sentences mime a song from a mythical appearance difficulties a tail, wings, spots,
about animals’ abilities • Practise the /w/ story for pleasure • Complete big teeth, a long neck
• Listen to a story sound in a tongue- sentences about • wolf, walks, woods,
• Review the development twister animals’ physical wearing, wellies
of the story and • Make and present appearance and
characters a leaflet about abilities
• Write sentences • It’s black and white.
• Understand the endangered
• It’s got stripes.
importance of making species about your
friends • Make and present favourite animal • It’s a swan.
• Recognize the /w/ sound a Rainbow Bridge
• Has it got a beak? Yes, it
has./No, it hasn’t.
• Listen to and read an lapbook
• It can run.
episode from a mythical
• It can’t fly.
• Can it fly? Yes, it can./No,
it can’t.

British towns and cities
Skills Language
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Vocabulary
• Listen and • Talk about the positive and • Understand • Say and write words for • shops, stations, house, city, village,
understand words negative aspects of where descriptions of features in British towns flat, Underground, traffic
associated with British we live places we live in and cities Structures
towns and cities • Think about the different • Draw and write • I live in …
places we live in sentences about where
we live
• There is / There are lots of …
• There aren’t any …
The British royal family
Skills Language
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Vocabulary
• Listen and • Present a royal family tree • Understand texts • Say and write words for • prince, husband, palace, daughter,
understand words • Talk about the royal family on the British royal members of the royal carriage, son, queen, king, wife
related to the British • Think about the advantages family family Structures
royal family and disadvantages of being • She’s Prince William’s wife.
part of the royal family • He’s Prince William’s son.
• Queen Elizabeth is Prince William’s
British schools
Skills Language
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Vocabulary
• Listen and • Draw and present a school • Understand texts • Say and write items • boarding school, first, rugby, jumper,
understand words uniform about different types related to British schools last, uniform, hockey
related to British • Talk about British schools of schools • Draw and describe a Structures
schools • Compare British schools with school uniform • My school uniform is …
the home culture • I’m wearing …

The Celts in Britain
Skills Language
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Vocabulary
• Listen and identify • Think about Celtic life in • Understand • Say and write words related • a round house, crops, a loom, iron tools,
features related to Britain sentences to the lifestyle in a Celtic a cauldron, fur, livestock, clay pots
the lifestyle in a • Talk about Celtic life in Britain about Celtic life village Structures
Celtic village • Make and present a Celts in in Britain • Complete sentences about • They’re from …
Britain lapbook • Answer Celtic life in Britain
• They live …
questions on • Complete a mind map • They wear …
Celtic life about Celtic life in Britain
• They look after …
• They make …

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Reading maps
Skills Language
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Vocabulary
• Listen and identify • Give and follow coordinates • Understand • Say and write words related • a town, north, a train line, a motorway,
features on a map on a grid how to read to features on a map and south, a river, west, a road, a lake, east,
• Listen and identify • Talk about how to read a map a map and the points on a compass mountains
points on a • Make a Maps lapbook and talk coordinates on • Complete sentences Structures
compass about maps a grid following instructions on • There’s a town in the east.
a map
• There are mountains in the north.
• Follow instructions to draw • A road runs from east to west.
a route
• Go two squares east. Where are you now?
Ancient Egypt
Skills Language
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Vocabulary
• Listen and identify • Describe Egyptian artefacts • Understand • Say and write words for • pyramids, a mummy, a mask,
artefacts from • Talk about life in ancient Egypt how to read a ancient Egyptian artefacts hieroglyphics, a map, a sarcophagus
ancient Egypt • Talk about events on a timeline • Say the words for years Structures
timeline and dates using thousand, • That’s the mask of Tutankhamun.
• Make an Ancient Egypt hundred and BC
• Look at the map.
lapbook and talk about • My favourite is the mummy.
Ancient Egypt
• The pyramid is from 2684 BC.
Endangered animals
Skills Language
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Vocabulary
• Listen and identify • Give information about • Understand • Say and write the names of • a polar bear, a sea turtle, a gorilla,
animals threatened, endangered and the difference animals a Tasmanian tiger, a giant panda,
extinct animals between • Complete a factifile on a snow leopard, a Philippine eagle,
• Talk about endangered threatened, threatened, endangered a white dolphin
animals endangered and extinct animals • threatened, endangered, extinct
• Talk about the causes of and extinct • Complete a chart about Structures
animal extinction animals the causes of animal • The polar bear is a threatened animal.
• Make an Endangered Animals extinction
• The white dolphin is extinct.
• Gorillas are endangered because of hunting.
Skills Language
Listening Speaking Reading Vocabulary
• Listen and identify • Compare Halloween celebrations in the UK with • Read words and • trick or treat, a zombie, a bat, a witch, a
Halloween items the home culture sentences about ghost, a skeleton, scary
• Listen and understand • Talk about what you know about Halloween Halloween
texts about Halloween celebrations in the UK
• Say a Halloween chant
• Play a game using words about Halloween
Skills Language
Listening Speaking Reading Vocabulary
• Listen and identify • Compare Christmas celebrations in the UK with • Read words and • an Advent calendar, decorate, bake,
Christmas items the home culture sentences about gingerbread, icing, wrap, ribbons
• Listen and understand • Talk about what you know about Christmas Christmas
texts about Christmas celebrations in the UK
• Sing a Christmas song
• Play a game using words about Christmas
Skills Language
Listening Speaking Reading Vocabulary
• Listen and identify • Compare Easter celebrations in the UK with the • Read words and • holidays, woods, daffodils, farm, lambs,
Easter items home culture sentences about Easter rabbits
• Listen and understand • Talk about what you know about Easter
texts about Easter celebrations in the UK
• Play a game using words about Easter
Months of the year
Skills Language
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Vocabulary
• Listen and identify the • Say a rap on the • Listen and say the • Write the words for • January, February, March, April, May,
months of the year months of the year months of the year ordinal numbers from June, July, August, September, October,
• Understand ordinal • Talk about celebrations • Listen and say ordinal 1st to 12th November, December
numbers from 1st and the months they numbers from 1st to • first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh,
to 12th are in 12th eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth
• Talk about dates using Structures
the months of the year • It’s the first of January.
and ordinal numbers
• Halloween is in October.
• Which is the fourth month? April.
6 Syllabus © 2020 Oxford University Press
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Design to supply Head Unit and banner
• Rainbow Bridge is a five-level story-based English course fewer hours may prefer to stick to the core material, and
for children in Years 1–5 of elementary school. The course omit most of the optional Class Book sections and the
is inspired by children’s love of songs, stories and games, optional activities in the Teacher’s Book.
and their curiosity to find out more about the world in The lesson notes contain Differentiation ideas for adapting
which we live. All activities are designed to be stimulating the materials for children who need more support or,
and fun for 5–10-year-olds. The lively audio material, alternatively, those who need an extra challenge.
including fantastic songs (all with karaoke versions) There is also a wealth of extra material available digitally
enriches the children’s experience of, and involvement in, on the Teacher’s website (www.oup.com/elt/teacher/
the course. rainbowbridge) or in the Teacher’s Resource Pack. Teachers
• The carefully graded activity-based approach to learning can therefore extend and supplement the core lesson
helps children develop knowledge and skills, and builds material to fit their individual situation.
their confidence. The syllabus is extended into cross-
curricular areas, and the course raises awareness of values
such as protecting the environment, social inclusion, Settings
tolerance and staying safe. Projects and manual activities Levels 4 and 5 of Rainbow Bridge are set in the fictitious
activate meaningful language and can be shared with Kingdom of Albion (Albion is the old name for Britain). Level
parents at home. 4 introduces us to a tribe of Celts who live in a Celtic village
• Innovative festival and culture pages make different (Brevis) in the south of England. In Level 5 the attention
experiences real for the children. Rainbow Bridge also gives moves to the Roman settlement near the Celtic village. The
young learners a positive and engaging introduction to time is around 55–40 BC, when the Romans have arrived in
the culture of the English-speaking world. Britain, but have not yet fully taken over.
• A wide and attractive range of resources is available. The The richly illustrated fold-out map, found at the beginning of
Class Books are supplemented by e-books and digital each level, introduces the setting visually to the children and
material, allowing flexibility in how the course is delivered. invites them into the world of Rainbow Bridge. The map can
There are numerous additional resources provided for be referred to throughout the school year as the adventures
teachers to vary and enhance the children’s experience of of the characters develop.
learning English.
• Different children learn in different ways and at different Characters
speeds. Rainbow Bridge reflects this in its flexibility and
In the storyline of Rainbow Bridge Levels 4 and 5 we meet
inclusion of options to suit mixed-level classes and
the following Celtic characters: Briana, a strong, determined
different teaching styles. The course also provides extra
ten-year-old girl; her parents Queen Kira and King Cadarn;
versions of the unit tests specifically designed to support
Briana’s friend Dylan, a cheerful cheeky ten-year-old boy;
children with dyslexia.
and Galchobar, an elderly wise man and an important
• The course has a clear structure, with a Starter unit, community leader. We also meet Max, a lively and slightly
followed by six units in Level 4, and five in Level 5. Each bossy ten-year-old Roman boy, the son of a Roman
unit is followed by an episode of an additional ongoing centurion, and Mina, an Egyptian princess. There is an animal
story based on ancient British legends. The Class Book character in the form of Fionn, Briana’s faithful white pony
pages clearly indicate the outline of each lesson, with who is always there to save her.
helpful signposting to the other components and
Real children feature in the Starter units, the Culture and CLIL
resources. The Workbook pages are integrated at the back
sections, and the presentation and practice material outside
of the Class Book, so everything is easily available. This
the main storyline.
makes the course easy for teachers to navigate/teach
from, and for children to learn from.
Special features of Rainbow
Flexibility Bridge Levels 4–5
Rainbow Bridge is flexible in terms of time. Each level is
designed to cover one school year, with numerous optional Preparation for secondary school
activities and practical tips to allow for flexible lesson An important focus of Levels 4–5 is preparing pupils for the
planning, depending on the amount of time available. It is jump from primary to secondary school. Visually, the course
assumed that pupils have between one and three hours of is more photographic and feels more ‘grown up’. There is
English a week. Teachers with more lesson time available can a greater focus on reading and writing at both levels, and
choose to use all the material in the course, including the an increased number of Workbook pages (four pages per
optional Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) unit) give more opportunity for practice. A more conscious
and Culture lessons and many of the optional extra activities focus on grammar, and the use of grammar reference tables,
(suggested in the teaching notes throughout). Those with consolidates pupils’ competence and confidence.

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Bridge unit Sound play
This special ten-page unit, at the end of Level 5, is designed Lesson 7 of each unit uses lively phonics-based activities,
to make the transition from primary to secondary material including song lyrics and a tongue-twister, to develop the
as smooth as possible. The unit consists of summaries of the children’s recognition and pronunciation of the key sounds
vocabulary, grammar and communication areas pupils have of English. Level 4 concentrates on /k/, /đ/, /s/, /h/, /w/ and
learned. It also includes practice activities for quick revision the blend /br/. Level 5 continues to focus on specific sounds,
and refamiliarization. The material is presented as a bright, and goes on to distinguish between different initial sounds.
attractive and easily accessible record and more closely It concludes with reviewing the alphabet in English and
resembles a secondary school text book, to prepare pupils using it for spelling questions and explanations.
for the next stage of their education.
Real life tasks
Critical thinking skills The children are regularly presented with tasks and incidents
These are developed right from the start, with regular which mirror, as closely as possible, what happens in real life.
Think icons in the Class Books indicating opportunities for For example, they consider how they can keep themselves
the children to think, discuss, and apply real-life skills to safe, how they might be a good friend and how they might
the content. They are asked to bring their wider general respect rules. In thinking about these situations, for example
knowledge to the course, contributing what they already in the follow-up project work they do on the stories in
know, for example about different countries, history, different Lessons 3 and 4, the children learn to collaborate with each
jobs, etc. They also consider emotions and social values, other and transfer skills they have developed in different
which range from encouraging thoughtful behaviour, such disciplines.
as being polite, saying sorry and helping others, to thinking The craft activities in Lesson 8 also require pupils to think
about wider experiences, such as staying safe, and how it creatively about aspects of real life, as they engage in, for
feels to move away from a familiar place. example, making a leaflet of house rules, a chart of daily
routines, a timetable, a family tree, and so on.
Further development of reading and
writing Take Home English and lapbooks
A greater focus on reading and writing in both levels In the final Round up lesson of each unit, the children set
includes graded writing tasks in the Round up lessons at the to work in class on lapbooks which they can take home to
end of each unit, and the additional legendary story for extra show and involve their families. They are compiled from
reading practice. Level 5 contains three extra reading and photocopiable masters, arranged, completed and expanded
writing sections, emulating the style of a teenage magazine. upon to create a visual and written record of the language
and content the child has learned. Each of these lapbooks
Video acts as a physical, tactile and attractive summary of the
The course is supported by video clips to accompany the child’s work through each unit – an excellent reference and
CLIL topics. These offer opportunities for exploring real life something for each child to relate to and take pride in.
insights into cross-curricular topics specially selected to be The CLIL sections also include opportunities to make
of interest to the target age group. lapbook projects related to the CLIL theme.
There is also an animated fairy tale on the DVD for Levels 4
and 5. Grammar reference tables
The grammar tables at the back of the Class Book provide
Stories and story exploitation a wider grammar reference to the patterns and structures
During Lessons 3 and 4 of Rainbow Bridge Levels 4 and 5, pupils have been learning. These complement and extend
pupils hear, read, watch, discuss and role-play the unit story. the grammar boxes in Lessons 5 and 6 of each unit. Once
They look at the fold-out Kingdom of Albion map at the a structure has been presented and practised through
front of their books to locate the events of the story and do the Class Book and Workbook activities, pupils’ grammar
one or more activities to show their understanding of the awareness can be extended by checking to see how that
story. A Citizenship theme encourages discussion about same structure fits into the grammatical context of English
a particular value and leads on to a project in which the (verb conjugation, pronouns, articles, etc.), as shown in the
children work in groups to think of examples of how they grammar reference tables. Pupils can make use of these
can put the value into action. tables as and when they wish. They also provide a starting
point for the grammatical metalanguage that pupils will
Additional ‘legendary’ story develop as they continue their studies of English.
Each unit is followed by an episode of an ongoing story:
The Crown of the Dragon King in Level 4 and The Lost King in
Content and Language Integrated
Level 5. This episodical story is inspired by British legends (it Learning (CLIL)
includes legendary characters and places) and gives pupils The study of English in Rainbow Bridge is not simply
the opportunity to enjoy some extended reading, as well as language-based; it delivers real cross-curricular educational
to engage in a range of pre- and post-reading activities. The content. The course covers a variety of topics which fall
story lessons are enhanced by the use of the poster map, within the main areas of the general primary school
with which pupils find and learn about the story locations. curriculum, for example geography, history, citizenship,
movement and sport, art and craft, maths and science.

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The CLIL sections can be used flexibly, as time allows, but
ideally take place after a unit or two, as indicated in the
Engaging with parents
teaching notes, to tie in most effectively with the syllabus.
The Teacher’s Book provides guidance on integrating the
How to show parents their child’s
activities in Rainbow Bridge with those in other areas of the progress
curriculum when appropriate. All CLIL topics are supported • A quick and easy way to let your pupils’ parents know how
by video, bringing real life to the classroom. their child is doing in class is to mark their work. This can
be by awarding them a sticker after they complete each
lesson, or simply by drawing a smiley face or a star on their
Components Class Book. A brief comment is also great, if you have time,
such as Great reading today! or Thank you for helping! Allow
For pupils: time at the end of your lesson to mark each pupil’s work.
• A single volume Class Book/Workbook • Rainbow Bridge comes complete with beautiful, easy-to-use
• e-book (a digital version of the material for home use) crafts which help to practise the language of the lessons.
• An MP3 CD containing the course audio material (1 disc Having an object to take away allows the children to ‘take the
for Levels 4–5, packaged with Class Book 4) lesson home with them’ to show their parents what they have
• Pupils’ website: www.oup.com/elt/rainbowbridge learned at school. Encourage the children to show their craft
item to their families and tell them what they did in class.
For teachers:
Teacher’s Book How to work with the pupil/parent
There is one Teacher’s Book per level containing: website
• A guide to all aspects of the course and its methodology www.oup.com/elt/rainbowbridge
• A visual tour of a unit • Rainbow Bridge comes complete with an interactive
• The How To Do It section, with tips and practical website for children and parents to use at home. It is filled
suggestions for teaching with Rainbow Bridge and advice with language games and extra English activities that the
on classroom management for English lessons, as well as a children can use at home.
bank of flashcard games • Encourage parents to spend a little time looking at the
• Lesson notes, including ‘differentiation’ tips with website and playing the games with their child. Their
suggestions on how certain activities can be adapted for interaction and interest will encourage children to be
stronger or weaker pupils, plus ideas for fast finishers interested in learning English. This will also help to
• Photocopiable cut-outs for the Take Home English crafts motivate them in class.
• Photocopiable tests: Unit tests, including versions • Let parents know that it’s OK that they don’t speak English,
specifically adapted for children with dyslexia, Speaking as the website is intuitive and children will have covered
tests (for each unit) and Mid- and End-of-year Listening, the language in class. It’s just great that parents are
Speaking, Reading and Writing tests. involved in their children’s learning.
Audio CDs • Children and parents can watch the animated stories and
sing the songs together on the website.
• 3 CDs per level (packaged with the Teacher’s Book)
containing all the listening activities, songs and stories as • Encourage parents to ask their children questions about
well as all the audio material for the tests the songs and stories in their own language to engage
the children in learning English.
Teacher’s resource pack
There is a single pack for Levels 4–5 containing:
• Flashcards for each level
• 4 CLIL posters for each level
• A map poster to accompany the extension story
DVD Oxford Parents is another website where your pupils’
• One disc for Levels 4–5 featuring the songs, animated parents can find out how they can help their child with
versions of the unit stories, CLIL videos and an animated English. They can find lots of activities to do at home
fairytale or in everyday life. Even if the parent has little or no
Digital resources English, they can still find ways to help. We have lots of
• The Teacher’s website contains a wealth of resources, activities and videos to show parents how to do this.
including a photocopiable template for Galchobar’s Quest Studies have shown that practising English outside the
game, evaluation grids, scripts for the DVD voiceovers classroom can really help children become more confident
and additional background cultural information. See using the language. If they speak English with their
www.oup.com/elt/teacher/rainbowbridge parents, they will see how English can be used in real-life
• The online Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) offers situations and this can increase pupils’ motivation.
teachers the opportunity to use digital versions of the Parents can help by practising stories, songs and
course material in the classroom. The CPT includes: vocabulary that pupils have already learned in
- interactive versions of the Class Book and Workbook pages the classroom. Tell your pupils’ parents to visit
- audio tracks for all the listening activities www.oup.com/elt/oxfordparents and have fun
- animated versions of the unit stories helping their children with English!
- video clips for CLIL
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Methodology freer, personalized writing. Pupils read and write the key
language and structures in increasingly longer chunks,
and they also write short texts about themselves using a
1 Language skills given model. Craft activities and lapbook projects in the
Listening Round up lessons and CLIL sections often require pupils to
Rainbow Bridge suggests a number of different types of write independently, personalizing the language they have
activity to help pupils develop their listening skills: listening learned in the previous lessons.
to find missing information, listening to select from multiple
choice options, listening to parts of the story to identify the 2 Songs and chants
correct story frame, longer listening pieces in the Culture The songs in Levels 4 and 5 can be sung at the start and
sections, songs, chants and tongue-twisters, in addition to close of lessons, or used to explore the unit topic in a fun
listening to instructions in the classroom. way. Pupils enjoy the songs and experience using English
Children need to hear a word several times before they in a more relaxed way. It doesn’t matter if pupils can only
can memorize and reproduce it. At first, pupils need sing some of the words of the songs: with practice they will
opportunities to show they have understood by using a become more confident and will be able to sing more of
non-verbal response, such as pointing or miming. the lyrics. The karaoke versions of the songs on the CD will
encourage them to do this.
Listen and point. New lexis is presented through listening
activities in which pupils hear the words twice on the audio Occasionally chants or raps are used as the presentation
recording and are asked to point to the illustrations in their vehicle for new vocabulary. The Months of the Year chant in
books while listening. Level 4 is an excellent way to familiarize children with the
pronunciation of the months in English, and similarly the
Repeat. Pupils then hear a word or phrase, or a short
Days of the Week rap (also in Level 4) is used to present the
dialogue, and are asked to repeat it.
days of the week in a fun and lively way through a rap which
Listen and number/tick/circle/complete/match/draw. can also be used later in the course for periodic revision.
There are many other activities aimed at improving pupils’
listening skills, for instance those in which they listen and
follow an instruction such as number, tick or circle.
3 Stories
Lessons 3 and 4 focus on the main unit story, starting with
Listen and read. As the course progresses, pupils are
a pre-watching activity and then presenting the story with
increasingly asked to listen to a story or dialogue and follow
the audio, the Class Book and the DVD. The children locate
the text on the Class Book page. This is carefully staged
the story on the fold-out Kingdom of Albion map. Class Book
to increase their listening ability as well as their reading
activities check their understanding of the story sequence
fluency and confidence. The listening is always preceded by
and focus on specific vocabulary. A further activity leads to a
a few questions and answers to establish the context and
discussion of the value embedded in the story. The children
therefore aid understanding.
are encouraged to relate the value to themselves and think
Speaking and interacting about what they would do in a similar situation. They report
back to the class with pictures or role-play to illustrate this.
Pupils are given many opportunities to develop and practise
their speaking skills in Rainbow Bridge, for instance by acting Each unit is followed by an episode of an ongoing story.
out the stories, taking part in games, taking on different roles The first part, in Level 4, is called The Crown of the Dragon
in pairwork activities, and carrying out mini-dialogues and King, in which Nadia and Rin encounter Romans, Vikings,
surveys. Robin Hood and the evil Vordigren in their pursuit of the
missing jewels. In Level 5 the story continues as The Lost
The Sound play lessons (Lesson 7 of each unit) focus on
King, with Nadia and Rin travelling to different corners
pronunciation and sound recognition.
of the United Kingdom in search of King Arthur to help
Pupils also get the opportunity to practise the language they them fend off Vordigren and avert a crisis. The references
have learned in class through the craft items they make in to real places, backed up by the accompanying poster
the Lesson 8 ‘Real life tasks’ and during the Festivals, CLIL and map, increase pupils’ sense of the geography of the United
Culture lessons. The Take Home English lapbook projects also Kingdom. Meanwhile, the story, loosely based on the legend
extend their spoken English beyond the classroom. of King Arthur, engages them in an imaginative world and
Reading and writing consolidates as well as extends the language they have
been learning. Pupils gain experience in reviewing what has
Rainbow Bridge Levels 4 and 5 develop reading and writing
happened in the story and predicting what they think will
skills more extensively than in previous levels. Frequently
happen next, and they also have the precious opportunity
the skills are practised in conjunction with each other. For
simply to enjoy some extended reading.
example, each level starts with a dialogue opener, carried
out by the real British children who appear throughout the
book. Pupils read and follow the dialogue, then select the 4 Cross-curricular skills (CLIL)
appropriate information required for the writing activity. The Teacher’s Book provides guidance on integrating the
Story comprehension activities also exploit both skills, for activities in Rainbow Bridge with those in other areas of the
example Read and write True or False; Look and match. Then curriculum when appropriate. CLIL activities encourage
write; Read. Remember the story and write. the development of new language, skills and specific
At this stage of the course, pupils are encouraged to write vocabulary. As they deal with different topics, they promote
the words and structures they have learned. Carefully new interests and provide further motivation for learning
graded activities offer guided writing practice leading to English.

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The CLIL activities in Rainbow Bridge are designed to help you to assess pupils’ comprehension and retention of the
pupils not only to do things in English, but also to exercise vocabulary from the unit, and identify any words pupils are
global thinking skills, such as identifying and matching, having particular difficulties with.
classifying, predicting, etc., as well as practising creative and • The craft activities provided in the Round up sections
manual dexterity skills in the lapbook projects. They also call The lapbooks the children make in the Take Home English
upon pupils’ existing knowledge and relate the topics they craft activities encourage pupils to use the language they
are exploring to their own life experience. have learned while playing at the same time. A photo on
The CLIL material, as in previous levels, consists of a large the Class Book page shows what the children will be making
poster for each topic, a DVD episode to introduce the topic, and how they can use it to speak English with their friends
and two corresponding pages in the Class Book. Pupils first and family. The cut-out is provided as a photocopiable in the
watch the DVD and are then referred to the poster and Teacher’s Book. As the children start working on the craft,
encouraged to talk about the topic as a whole class. The key you can take the opportunity to go round checking whether
vocabulary items in English are presented via the poster and they can produce the key words.
pupils are then invited to complete the activities in their These craft activities are designed to give children
Class Books. The exercises in the Class Book focus both on something from the English lesson to take home. The craft is
the vocabulary and on the subject matter, incorporating a prompt for the child to demonstrate what they learned at
general academic skills which are useful across the home, and in this way it reinforces the links between home
curriculum. and school, teacher and parent and child.
At the end of the CLIL section, there is a class lapbook • A general test with a main focus on listening, plus a
project related to the topic. This offers a fantastic specific speaking test for each unit. Mid- and End-of-year
opportunity for pupils to explore the topic further. Guidance Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing tests to evaluate
for each of these projects can be found in the lesson notes. pupils’ summative ability across the skills.
The tests offer the teacher the opportunity to:
5 Evaluation – record pupils’ progress
Evaluation is an essential part of a curriculum based on – evaluate learning and consolidation needs
personalized study programmes. It provides a way for – intervene with consolidation activities, for individual pupils
teachers and pupils (and their parents) to reflect on the or groups, before moving on to the next unit.
process of teaching and learning and to modify activities or Tests are a crucial phase in the teaching-learning process,
content to support future learning more effectively. and it is therefore important to create a relaxed atmosphere
Evaluation can be categorized as follows: to avoid possible anxiety in pupils.
Informal on-going evaluation and teacher feedback There are two versions of each general unit test, though
This consists of your observation of a pupil’s reactions in the they share the same audio track. The versions printed on
classroom and your feedback to them on their performance. grey have been designed with the needs of potentially
This is often recorded in the form of an Evaluation grid. dyslexic learners in mind. In many cases, the two versions
Self-evaluation are identical, but in some cases the dyslexia-friendly version
This involves the pupil’s own capacity to reflect on their follows a different format. A simple linear layout on the page
process of learning. With very young children this will begin ensures that these tests are clear and easy to follow. Dyslexic
by them thinking about whether they enjoyed the unit learners may have a slower rate of processing information,
and understood it, or whether they were worried and had so the tasks focus on one procedure at a time. It can be
difficulty with it. confusing when visual images are inconsistent with auditory
sequence, so the recorded material for these activities always
Formal assessment
matches the presentation on the page. Activities in which
These are more objective and exact indicators of what images appear or are numbered in non-numerical order on
the pupils have learned and what needs reinforcement. the page have been avoided, as have activities requiring the
They form diagnostic information on which you can base children to draw matching lines which cross each other.
reinforcement activities and/or modifications to later units.
The dyslexia-friendly versions of the tests include an
Evaluation tools in Rainbow Bridge example at the beginning of each activity. The examples do
The main tools for evaluation are: not appear on the audio track, so they are simply a visual
guide as to how pupils complete the activity.
• The Evaluation grids on the Teacher’s website
In order to ensure that a test works as a tool to assess pupils’
These are designed for teachers to keep a clear record of
progress, identify weaknesses and put in place appropriate
their pupils’ progress.
consolidation strategies, teachers may want to carry out a
• The Round up sections in Lessons 9 and 10 at the end of quick revision of the unit before administering the test. This
every unit in the Class Book (see below) will help pupils to recognise that errors can help identify
The purpose of the Round up section is to revise the main where improvement is needed, rather than being something
learning points of the unit and evaluate how much pupils negative.
have learned. When a pupil achieves all the unit objectives, it may still be
While pupils are doing these activities, it is a good time to advisable to review the teaching plans in order to introduce
use the Evaluation grids to record how particular groups or further consolidation activities and to make the lessons
individual pupils are progressing. Pupils first complete one more stimulating.
or two revision activities in the Round up which will enable

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Teachers can make use of test results to recalibrate their 8 Festivals
teaching plans and incorporate new activities and ways of In addition to the Culture lessons, celebrating festivals such
working, individually or in groups. They can also make use as Christmas, Easter and Halloween in class is another great
of different materials, choosing what is best suited to their opportunity for pupils to have a direct experience of an
pupils’ needs. aspect of life in Britain. During the Festivals lessons, pupils
make craft objects associated with the particular festival
6 Citizenship and have a chance to sing and move around through songs,
Rainbow Bridge includes various cross-curricular themes chants, dances and games. The festival pages are attractively
linked to citizenship, including at Levels 4 and 5: presented, showing pictures and photos of British children
• Care of the environment (endangered animals, pollution) modelling the different festival activities. In Level 5, pupils
• Interpersonal skills (making friends, being a good friend) move on from just comparing the festivals in Britain with
their own country to looking at how certain festivals, and
• Emotional skills (resilience, courage)
also national days, are celebrated around the world.
• Health and safety (obeying rules, assessing danger, map
• Food and nutrition (healthy eating) Teaching Tips for including
• Acceptance of other people (other countries, nationalities) students with Special Educational
In Rainbow Bridge 4 and 5, the children focus on
interpersonal skills, as they learn to work in a school social Needs (SEN)
group rather than just with their parents or other carers. This section contains practical advice and tips on teaching
Being able to recognize one’s own, and other people’s, pupils with special educational needs (SEN). These pupils
emotions is a vital life skill and the values that arise from may need some extra help and support in their learning of
the stories help develop empathy and compassion for English. By following these tips, an inclusive classroom for all
others. For example, the first unit of Level 5 draws pupils’ pupils can be created.
attention to how it might feel to move to an unfamiliar
1 Be a role model
place; something a number of pupils may already have
experienced. After the story in Lessons 3 and 4 are dedicated Show that you respect and celebrate differences between
Citizenship activities shown by a Citizenship Values icon. people and encourage the children to follow your example.
Talk privately to anyone who is reluctant to work with
One of the key issues in any modern school is the integration
someone with SEN, and give praise and rewards to children
of immigrant children. Learning English can be an important
who exhibit inclusive teamwork.
integrating factor for pupils from other countries, in that it
offers opportunities to talk about, and respect, differences 2 See the person, not the label
between cultures while also finding common ground.
Get to know each child as a person and do not label anyone
The way pupils behave and interact in class is at least as by their SEN. It is particularly important when working with
influential in fostering positive attitudes as a discussion of, pupils with SEN to find out their interests and their strengths
for example, respecting the differences between people. It is and try to find activities which tap into these.
important in English lessons, as in other lessons, for children
to listen to each other, to develop the confidence to speak 3 Celebrate difference and diversity
in front of their peers, to follow the rules set up for the whole Make the most of differences between pupils and encourage
class and to control their own emotions when appropriate. children to work together to maximize their strengths.
Rainbow Bridge provides the opportunities for interaction Note that pupils with a different L1 may speak one language
with peers through work with projects, class games, class at home and another at school, so English might be the third
theatre and other group activities. language they are learning. This can affect their thinking and
processing time and it can also be emotionally challenging.
7 Culture Praise their ability to learn different languages, and recognize
The exploration of British culture is a fundamental aspect their efforts. Try to provide opportunities for them to share
of learning with Rainbow Bridge. The authentic and lively their culture and teach the class a couple of words in their
photos in the Culture pages provide the opportunity to language. Be sensitive when focussing on festivals and
learn interesting things about British children’s daily life. traditions.
These Culture pages focus on aspects of British life that are
of interest to pupils of this age group: for example British 4 Work on class management
schools, towns and villages, British authors and music. The All pupils need structure and consistency to feel safe in the
photos allow pupils to form ideas of what Britain looks like, classroom, and this is particularly true of pupils with SEN.
as well as giving them the opportunity to find out about They often have problems understanding and following
institutions such as the royal family. Pupils are encouraged rules and instructions, so clear, consistent classroom
to reflect on similarities and differences between their own management is vital. Remember that it is easier to start with
culture and Britain’s, using the Culture pages as a starting clear rules and expectations than to try to establish them
point for discussions of these topics. when things are going wrong. Involve your pupils in making
the rules for your English lessons, even if they are quite
young. You may find it useful to draw up a ‘class contract’. Ask
pupils to write down five rules for the class which they think
would make learning safe and fun. Ask them to begin each

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rule with In this class, we … Give them some examples from All children should achieve the same main aim, but they may
the Rainbow Bridge values and encourage them to use these do this in different ways. Differentiate, by altering a task and
words: the way in which it is evaluated, to make it more appropriate
… listen carefully for the abilities and needs of specific children, including
… pay attention those who work quickly and need more of a challenge.
It can be time-consuming to plan for this, but it will be
… are kind to other people
beneficial to all concerned. The lesson notes include specific
… take turns suggestions to help.
… share things
10 Be aware of sensitive topics
5 Find ways to reward and motivate Think about the content of the course in relation to your
Introduce a pupil of the week or month award. Give this pupils. For example, pupils who live in complex, separated
to a pupil who has shown a special skill during lessons, families might feel awkward when asked about their family.
for example, being particularly kind, showing the most
empathy, or persevering the most. 11 Build in ‘Brain breaks’
Give pupils with behavioural difficulties a card entitled Catch ‘Brain breaks’ provide quiet calming points of the lesson
me being good. Each time you notice that the pupil is on-task allowing pupils to rest their brains to avoid becoming
and behaving appropriately, put a tick on their card. overloaded with information. They can be particularly
Motivate children by giving positive feedback for helpful for children with SEN. You can give the class a ‘Brain
appropriate behaviour. You can record individual success break’ by asking them to:
on a Boaster poster and display this in the classroom. For • stand up and stretch
example, for a pupil who has problems with social skills, you • have a drink of water
can record Julio worked well with Alberto today. • close their eyes and rest their head on the desk for a
couple of minutes
6 Think about the seating plan
• spend a couple of minutes doodling
Try to have a classroom seating plan which accommodates
the needs of everyone. Check that anyone in a wheelchair • massage their head
can move around. If possible, establish an area that can be
12 Make and use word cards
used for role-play or physical games, as well as a quiet area
for children, especially any with Autism Spectrum Condition When pupils start learning how to write in English you may
(ASC), to calm down when they get agitated. find it useful to use word cards. Write all useful words on
separate pieces of card, laminated if possible, and use Velcro
7 Think about the teaching environment strips to attach them to a felt board on the classroom wall.
Is your room stimulating enough, but not over-stimulating Pupils can borrow a word from the wall when they need a
for any pupils with sensory needs? Do you have displays on reminder of how to spell it. SEN pupils may find this resource
the walls? Can you encourage these pupils to make things particularly helpful.
for the wall? They often remember things that they have
13 Give clear instructions
touched and constructed much more clearly than pieces of
writing. Use non-verbal gestures to support instructions and to
remind the class of routines and rules. For example, point
8 Teach in a multi-sensory way to your ear or show a picture of an ear to indicate Listen.
Children with SEN particularly benefit from experiencing Give an example of what you require and ask a pupil to
language in ways which involve different senses. For demonstrate to show they understand.
example, when you are teaching pronunciation, you can
14 Encourage children to support each other
show the stressed part of the word in a visual, auditory or
kinaesthetic way as follows: Children often understand each other’s needs better than
adults. If they help and support pupils with SEN, they will
Visual: write the stressed part of the word in a different
help foster a positive climate for learning. ‘Study buddies’ are
colour on the board.
pupils who agree to help another pupil. Start by asking the
Auditory: pupils hum or sing the stress of the word with pupil with SEN who they would like to help them. Or give
greater volume on the stressed sound. the job to a pupil who would benefit from the responsibility.
Kinaesthetic: pupils step out the stress by taking steps Emphasize that they will often be helping each other.
around the room, taking longer strides for the stressed part Sometimes a pupil with behavioural difficulties likes to help
of the word. others and sometimes quiet pupils benefit from being a
study buddy for someone with SEN.
9 Think of ways to adapt your lesson plan
When necessary, adapt your lesson plans to take account of 15 Support parents
different levels and learning styles within the class. Children Some parents, for personal or cultural reasons, find it difficult
with dyslexia may find it hard to read and copy words, while to accept that their child might have SEN. Be respectful of
children with dyspraxia might find writing and manual their feelings and do not try to give diagnoses. Focus on
activities difficult. Children with ADHD will need short tasks the problems you see the pupil having in class and ask if
and regular breaks. they have noticed similar issues at home. Try to be positive,
for example: I understand that this is worrying, but I can see
Antonio is really trying hard and I would like to find ways to

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support him more. Use inclusive language and ask How can
we work on this together?
Parents/carers of children with SEN are often only contacted
to discuss problems. Make sure you also communicate good
news. Create or buy a set of ‘Praise postcards’ with positive
pictures and use these to send positive messages to parents
throughout the school year. Focus on something specific,
such as progress made in speaking or listening.
Other parents may be concerned about their children’s
progress if they are in a class with a pupil with SEN. Reassure
them that their child is not being overlooked and emphasize
that all pupils benefit from inclusive classrooms as they learn
to value diversity and difference, and develop empathy and

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Course tour (Level 4)
Level 4 of Rainbow Bridge is organised into six main units, preceded by a Starter unit of two lessons. Each unit is followed by
an episode of the story The Crown of the Dragon King, which runs through the level. The units each contain ten lessons with
corresponding Workbook pages for Lessons 2, 5, 6 and 8 in the integrated Workbook section at the back of the Class Book. In
addition to the main unit content, there are four CLIL sections, three Culture lessons and three Festivals lessons, plus a lesson
on the months of the year. At the back of the book there is an end-of-year review game, grammar reference tables and a
bilingual wordlist containing translations for all key language.

Lessons 1 and 2 – Introduction and vocabulary

Lesson 1 – Dialogue opener Lesson 2 – Vocabulary

• Pupils brainstorm the new topic and suggest • The class looks at the Lesson 1
associated vocabulary. They also relate the photo again to review vocabulary.
topic to their own lives. Flashcards are used to present the
• In the Listen and read activity, pupils see and hear vocabulary, and this is consolidated
real characters having a dialogue about the unit in a listening, finding and writing
topic. The teaching notes provide background activity.
cultural information. Pupils focus on particular • A second listening activity leads
expressions and intonation in the audio. to paired speaking practice of the
• A reading activity checks comprehension. target vocabulary within known
Differentiation tips in the Teacher’s Book give structures.
ideas for adapting the activity for different • A memory or guessing game
levels. extends this practice.
• The Teacher’s Book also provides ideas for extra • The Workbook activities provide
activities such as a class discussion on the topic reading and writing practice of the
followed by a drawing activity. new vocabulary.

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Lessons 3 and 4 – Story comprehension and value

• These two lessons are not separated on the Class Book • The class role-plays the story in groups.
page so teachers can use the material flexibly over two • A Class Book activity draws on pupils’ recall and
teaching periods. comprehension of the story to choose the correct
• Pupils recap on the storyline so far and predict what they vocabulary.
think will happen next. • A Citizenship theme encourages discussion about a
• They watch the story on the DVD or listen to it on the particular value. Here they focus on staying safe.
audio, following along in their Class Books. They retell the • An Extension activity invites pupils to think more about
story in pairs, prompted by questions and answers. the storyline and the value, working in groups to illustrate
• Pupils look at the fold-out Kingdom of Albion map at the their ideas.
front of their books and locate the events of the story.
• They do an activity to show their understanding of the
story sequence. Differentiation tips in the Teacher’s Book
give suggestions for adapting the activity for different

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Lessons 5 and 6 – Grammar

Lesson 5 – Grammar 1 Lesson 6 – Grammar 2

• Pupils listen to, and repeat, the focus structure within the • Pupils listen to and repeat another structure/
story context. grammatical form drawn from the story.
• They use the grammar box on the page to look more closely • They practise the form in writing and speaking
at the structure, and practise it in reading and writing activities.
activities. • They then carry out further practice, usually in the
• They broaden from using the structure within the story form of a spoken game.
context to using it to refer to their own lives. • The Workbook activities provide further reading and
• The Workbook activities provide further reading and writing practice of the structure/grammatical form.
writing practice of the structure/grammatical form, usually Grammar reference
culminating in a personalization task. • Pupils can refer
to the grammar
tables at the back
of the Class Book to
see how the new
structures fit into
the wider pattern
of English grammar,
and to familiarize
themselves with
how grammar is
described and

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Lessons 7 and 8 – Song, sounds and skills

Lesson 7 – Song and Sound play Lesson 8 – Skills and real life task
• Pupils practise the unit structures and • A warm-up activity prepares the class for the listening activity.
vocabulary through a song. • Pupils review the vocabulary and structures of the unit.
• They check the vocabulary in the song • The listening activity extends into speaking practice, confirming the
with the aid of flashcards. They listen to the pupils’ ability to produce the unit language.
song and practise singing until they feel • Pupils think about, plan and prepare for the craft activity. This centres
confident enough to join in with the verses around a real life task, with a purpose extending beyond the language
in groups. input, and requires pupils to draw on their own life experience.
• In Sound play, pupils focus on identifying • The real life task provides a personal and kinaesthetic way of reviewing
and producing a particular sound. They the language from the unit.
focus on the picture, concentrating on the
• Pupils present what they have made
target sound contained in the words.
to each other in groups. The listeners
• They listen to and learn a tongue-twister, are encouraged to ask questions
which practises the focus sound, and circle to the presenters, using the unit
the relevant letter (or letters) in the text on language.
the page.
• Preparation for the craft activity is
• An optional activity suggests ideas for supported by carefully scaffolded
focussing on the same sound and letter (or reading, writing and drawing activities
letters) in a wider context. on the Workbook page.

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Lessons 9 and 10 – Round up

Lesson 9 – Revision and evaluation Lesson 10 – Writing and Take Home English task
• An off-the-page revision activity asks pupils • The review continues with a reading activity, leading into more
to recall the unit vocabulary, the story and the guided writing practice at sentence level.
target sound. • Pupils then read their own written work to each other.
• The Class Book writing and listening activities • In the Take Home English task,
check their ability to write the vocabulary and pupils create their own personal
comprehend the language of the unit. and decorative record of the
• This is extended in a class quiz. language they have learned
• Pupils look through the unit and put different in the unit. In Unit 2, this takes
coloured dots next to the activities to show the form of an interactive
which they enjoyed, which they found easy and ‘lapbook’ poster, using the
which they found hard. photocopiables provided at
• Unit listening and speaking tests are provided at the back of the Teacher’s Book.
the back of the Teacher’s Book. Pupils use this for language
practice in class first and then
take it home to show their
families what they have learned
and what they can now say in

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Legends Story
The episodical story, The Crown of the Dragon King, encourages pupils to develop extensive reading skills. They learn how to
understand the gist of a story by using known language as well as picking up on audio and visual cues.
• An off-the-page ‘Pre-reading’ activity reviews the story so far, verifies information and prepares pupils for the next instalment
with the aid of the legends map poster.
• Pupils listen to the story
and follow it on the page.
The focus is on reading for
pleasure and developing
• The Teacher’s Book gives
helpful background
information about the cultural
references in the story.
• An ‘After reading’ activity
encourages pupils to think
more objectively about the
story and predict what they
think will happen next.
• A Class theatre activity offers
the chance to act out the

Culture lessons
Level 4 contains three Culture sections: British towns and cities (shown here), The British royal family and British schools. The
attractive double-page lessons, presented by a British child of a similar age to the pupils, offer an insight into British life.
• The Teacher’s website includes useful background information about the topic.
• Pupils hear a British child talk about the photographs on the page. They complete Class Book reading and writing activities
on the same theme.
• Further activities draw on vocabulary the children already know. New language is presented in context and supported
visually before being used in the reading activity.
• The children use critical
thinking skills to consider the
subject more personally.
• They draw or make
something to illustrate their
own understanding of the
subject, then show and
describe it to the class.

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CLIL lessons
There are four CLIL sections
each consisting of two lessons.
In Level 4 the topics covered
are: History (The Celts in Britain
and Ancient Egypt), Geography
(Reading maps) and Science
(Endangered animals). A large,
attractive poster for each CLIL
section provides a clear visual
presentation of the topic and
concepts. The poster includes
vocabulary labels and structure
prompts as a support for the
teacher and pupils.

Lesson 1 Lesson 2
• An attractive and informative video clip draws pupils into • The class reviews the topic in different ways. Here
the subject and presents some of the vocabulary and they look at a timeline and practise saying and writing
language in context. historical dates.
• Pupils use the new information from the video to identify • They use critical thinking skills to order events in history.
what they see on the corresponding poster. • They create a lapbook project to consolidate their
• Pupils talk about what they have seen on the video and knowledge on the topic and present their projects to
poster in relation to their existing knowledge of the topic. each other in small groups.
• Pupils listen, repeat and write the new vocabulary for the
• A pen-to-paper activity checks pupils’ understanding of
the information and language.

Festival lessons
There are three festivals in Level 4: Halloween, Christmas and Easter. The lessons include presentation and practice of new
vocabulary and various listening, reading and writing activities to learn about the festival and to practise the language.
• Pupils use critical thinking
skills to draw on and discuss
their existing knowledge of
the festival.
• They listen to children
describing the festival in
• Class Book activities focus on
descriptions of the festival,
employing different skills.
• Pupils do a craft activity, learn
a song or chant and/or play
a game using the festival

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Teaching Strategies

Language for English lessons Recasting

Recasting means that you repeat what a pupil has said, but
Starting the lesson change the form to make it correct in English. Pupils may
often be keen to give an answer, but will speak in L1. You can
Begin the lesson with a very clear routine as this will help
acknowledge that their answer is right, but then recast the
pupils to prepare for their English lesson. You could adapt
answer in English.
a start routine familiar from another context to use in your
English lesson, for example taking the register, or you could This reassures pupils that you are listening to them, and
go round the class greeting each pupil with Hello. demonstrates to them that the same thing can be said in
two different languages.
You can mark the change of focus in lessons to English by
cleaning the board and perhaps changing some aspects of
the classroom, such as the arrangement of chairs. It is very Speaking activities
helpful for children to be able to see each other’s faces as
well as your face during the English lesson, so you might Flashcard games
consider rearranging the chairs in a horseshoe shape.
All of the following flashcard games are excellent ways of
reinforcing vocabulary in a stimulating way. Furthermore, all
Warmers of them are ideal ways to start a lesson to revise lexical sets
Warmers are activities at the beginning of a lesson which which you have already presented. Any one of the games
are used to create a suitable atmosphere for learning, and would make a useful Warmer routine for your class. Consider
usually to do some fun revision of language pupils have this section as a bank of flexible Warmer resources.
already learned in that unit. You can either use the Warmer
suggested in the lesson plan, or choose one of the activities Little by little
described below. Cover a flashcard with a sheet of paper and hold it up in
Songs provide excellent Warmer activities, and the Rainbow front of the class. Start to move the paper very slowly and
Bridge course has songs in every unit. You can play these ask pupils: What is it? (or Who is it? for character flashcards).
songs again at any point throughout the course to help your Carry on sliding the paper further down the flashcard,
pupils feel relaxed and confident about using English. stopping now and then to ask pupils What is it?/Who is it?
Class games using the board as a focus are an excellent way and to allow the class to offer their ideas.
of encouraging pupils to engage in activities, and flashcards
are ideal for recycling and revising language in a Warmer. Kim’s game
See the suggestions below for a wide range of language Put up a set of flashcards on the board. Point to each
revision flashcard games you could choose from at the flashcard and ask the class: What is it? Repeat the correct
beginning of each lesson. word for each flashcard with pupils, then turn each flashcard
over. When the flashcards are all face down, ask again and see
Ending the lesson how many pupils can remember which flashcard is which.
The end of the English lesson also needs to be clearly Mime the word
signalled. English phrases you can use to end the last activity Divide the class into two teams and tell them to choose a
are: OK, stop now or Right! That’s the end for today. Tidy up your flashcard and mime the word for the opposite team. If the
books and pencils. opposite team understands the mime and pronounces the
word correctly, they score a point, otherwise the point goes
Classroom language to the team performing the mime.
Reinforcement of story language Which one is missing?
The stories in Rainbow Bridge introduce phrases used for Tell pupils to stand in a circle. Put a number of flashcards
social interaction, such as What’s his name? I like … . I don’t like face up on the floor in the middle of the circle. Give pupils
… . I’ve/He’s/She’s got … . a couple of minutes to memorize them. Then tell them to
Communicative structures are consolidated and revised turn their backs while you remove one of the flashcards.
in oral pairwork and group activities throughout the Tell pupils to turn back to the circle and ask them which
course. These activities will help pupils to reinforce flashcard is missing. The pupil who guesses first has a turn to
communicative phrases such as What’s your name? Is he/ remove one of the flashcards. Repeat several times.
she …? Has it got …? Can it …? Do you like …? When is …?
In this way, your pupils have further opportunities to Watch my lips
memorize the kind of phrases you will be using in general This activity helps pupils to concentrate on the mouth
classroom interaction. movements necessary to pronounce certain words. Put

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five flashcards up around the classroom. Explain to pupils Spelling games
that you are going to mouth a word silently and that they As pupils can now read English, you could introduce
have to point to the right flashcard. Say the word silently, some spelling games, which are fun and also help with
exaggerating your mouth movements. Pupils can also try consolidating pupils’ writing skills.
saying a word silently for the rest of the class to guess by
pointing to the right flashcard. Snowman
This is the modern version of Hangman. Write dashes for
Hit the card
the letters of a word on the board. Pupils take turns to guess
Stick flashcards on the board, then invite three pupils to the letters and try to work out the word. Every time pupils guess
front of the class and stand them in a line facing the board wrong, draw a part of the snowman (a big circle for the
(don’t position them too close). Give each of these pupils body, a smaller circle for the head, two sticks for the arms,
a small sponge ball and explain that the game is a bit like two eyes, a mouth, and a carrot for a nose). Pupils win if they
hitting the target. (Instead of sponge balls, you could use manage to guess the word before you have completed the
any small soft object, or make paper balls.) Say the word for drawing of the snowman.
a flashcard. The players have to throw their ball at the right
flashcard and try to hit it. Anagrams
Write anagrams of core lexis on the board and ask pupils
Musical flashcard
to solve them. The game could be played with two teams
Put up some flashcards around the classroom and play some who take it in turns to solve an anagram. You can time the
music from the CD. Pupils wander freely around until you amount of time needed for each team to solve the anagram
stop the music and name a flashcard. They then have to go and award a point to the team who manages to solve it the
to the flashcard you named. quickest.

Word cards (optional) Class interaction

If you would like an extra resource, it is easy to produce
your own word cards to promote recognition of sentence Teacher questions
structures. Word cards are particularly useful in Warmers. Ask pupils questions and encourage them to answer, at first
To prepare the word cards before the lesson, simply giving you one-word responses and later on answering with
divide an A4 sheet of card into four equal strips, and write whole sentences. With practice, pupils will soon be able to
the appropriate words clearly with a marker pen. Some respond appropriately to the following questions: What’s
suggestions for flashcard/word card and spelling games your name? How old are you? Where are you from? Do you like
follow. (potatoes)? Can it (swim)? What colour is it? Who is it? What is it?
What time is it? How many (books) are there?
Match word and picture You can also ask questions that require pupils to correct the
Place a set of flashcards on the board and put the wrong word (for example, hold up the bear flashcard and ask
corresponding word cards separately on the board, in Is it a snake?). Or you can give alternatives: Is it a bear or a snake?
random order. Invite one pupil at a time to come and select If you recast pupils’ answers with a longer response: Yes, it’s a
a word card and place it under the appropriate flashcard. snake. It’s a red snake, then you will gradually introduce them
to the idea of giving a longer answer themselves.
The wrong words
Place some flashcards on the board and then place a Pair work and group work
word card under each flashcard – some under the correct Ask-and-answer activities and guessing games enable
flashcard, and others under the wrong flashcard. Ask pupils children to practise asking questions and answering them
to identify the wrong words. with their peers, rather than with the teacher. This increases
the amount of speaking time available in class and means all
Sentence mix-up children have the opportunity to interact in English. You can
Write the words that make up sentences on individual word then circulate while the children are interacting to monitor
cards. Stick them on the board in the wrong order and their progress and offer support if necessary.
have pupils come up and rearrange them to create correct
Reading and writing
Read and touch
Place a set of flashcards on the board. Divide the class into Lead-in to reading
two teams and call one player from each team to the front. In Rainbow Bridge 4 the first stage of reading is an
Position the players a little distance away from the board. introduction to the topic. Each unit opens with a dialogue
Hold up a word card so that all pupils can see it: the players on the topic of the unit, and has photographs of the
have to run to the board and touch the corresponding characters in a particular setting. The teaching notes provide
flashcard. The first one to touch the correct flashcard wins a suggestions to encourage pupils to talk about what they can
point for their team. see and understand from the photos. In this way, the pupils
predict what they are going to read later.

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Read and respond a group to act out the story while the other pupils listen to
After looking at the photos, pupils listen to an audio the track. With a more confident class, pupils can read a few
recording of the dialogue in the Class Book for them to exchanges from the Class Book.
understand the global meaning of the text, and to recognize
any words that they may already know. It is important
that you do not teach every word on these pages as the
Round up: lapbook activity
dialogue pages in each unit are designed to introduce and (Take Home English)
contextualize the topic. Pupils do a simple comprehension There are instructions for making lapbooks in Lesson 10 of
activity to check understanding. You can also start a class every unit, as well as the second lesson of each CLIL section.
discussion on the theme of the unit, as in the teaching notes The photocopy master for each unit provides cut-outs which
for this lesson. are completed and stuck in the lapbook. (CLIL lapbooks re-
use templates from the main units.) Pupils stick the cut-outs
Reading and writing at word level onto their lapbooks, write relevant vocabulary and structures
Lesson 2 focuses on the key vocabulary of the unit through from the unit, then decorate them. They can take their
the presentation of the new words with illustrations in the lapbooks home and show them to their family.
Class Book, audio recordings and flashcards. The first stage
is an aural presentation, which is then consolidated with Materials
reading and writing the new words. Lapbooks for Units 1 and 4 can be made using paper the size
of the Class Book page, but if larger pieces are available, then
Reading and writing at sentence level pupils will benefit from the extra space to place the templates
The reading and writing work is expanded to sentence level and add their own personalized decorations. Units 2, 3, 5 and
as each unit progresses, with graded activities in the Class 6 lapbooks, and all the CLIL lapbook activities, will need to be
Book and Workbook. completed on larger pieces of paper. If card is available for
Writing begins with gapped sentences which pupils your class to use, the lapbooks will be more sturdy.
complete with a single word, and builds up to whole
sentences which pupils write following a given model. How to make them
Always model the first example of an activity on the board • Focus pupils’ attention on the lapbook in the photo. You
before you set pupils to work individually on the task. can keep referring back to this throughout the process. It
is also important to prepare the different templates used
Reading and writing texts for each lapbook before the class begins, so that you can
In Lesson 10 of each unit, pupils are asked to complete a show them to pupils and demonstrate the folding, etc.
revision writing activity following the model in the Class • Distribute the photocopiable templates. Check that pupils
Book. This gives pupils the opportunity to consolidate have the necessary materials: scissors, glue, coloured
the language which they have learned in the unit in a pencils or pens, butterfly clips, etc.
personalized text. Pupils are given less and less guidance in • Follow the instructions given in the Teacher’s Book,
this activity as the course progresses, so that they gradually indicating the visual examples shown on the Class
develop their writing skills. Book pages and demonstrating with your own cut-out
templates. Once each individual template has been
Class theatre completed, it can be stuck onto the lapbook. If there is
any space left on the lapbook, pupils can decorate in their
After listening to the story twice and completing the first
own style.
two activities, pupils are ready to act out the story in front of
the class. • At each stage, monitor the pupils as they work, checking
and helping with their writing. Where pupils are asked to
• Ask them to open their Class Books to the story page
include their own writing, give examples on the board for
again. Divide the class up into groups of as many pupils as
them to use as models.
there are characters in the story. Allocate roles.
• Play the track, pausing it after each phrase to let pupils Presenting the lapbooks
repeat. First repeat the phrase with the whole class, and Presenting is an essential stage of working with lapbooks.
then repeat it again with just the pupils playing that Divide the class into groups of four and ask them to take it in
character. turns to show their lapbook to the group so that the group can
• Ask pupils to look at the actions in the story and to decide ask questions. Monitor the groups as they present, encouraging
in their groups on appropriate mimes. them to ask questions and use the target language.
• Pupils practise performing the story in their groups. Tell the class to take home their lapbook to show their family
Monitor this part of the activity, checking for correct and impress them with the English they have learned.
pronunciation. Encourage pupils to look at their Class
Books as necessary to remind themselves of the words. Storing the lapbooks
• Ask pupils to act out the story in front of the class. After pupils have shown their lapbooks to their family, they
Pupils can also act out the episodes of The Crown of the can make a folder with two sheets of A3 card to keep their
Dragon King. As the language level is quite high in these lapbooks in. Allow pupils time in the lesson to store their
episodes, you can let pupils act through actions and mime, lapbooks using a hole punch and butterfly clips. Pupils write
rather than repeat the dialogue. Encourage groups to look My Rainbow Bridge 4 lapbooks on the cover and decorate it as
at the pictures and decide on appropriate actions. Then ask they choose.

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Festival spreads Finally, pupils are asked to think about aspects of their own
life and complete a project illustrating these. They compare
Celebrations of festivals such as Christmas and Easter are a
the activities featured in their projects with those of the
great opportunity for pupils to have a direct experience of
British children, and discover similarities and differences in
an aspect of life in Britain. The festival pages are attractively
children’s lives in the two countries.
presented, showing pictures and photos of British children
modelling the different festival activities.
Set up your classroom in an appropriate way for each festival. Integrated learning projects
For instance, for the Christmas festival, make decorations and
put up pictures of Christmas celebrations (you can cut these
out from various magazines). Play a CD of British Christmas In Rainbow Bridge 4, the four cross-curricular learning projects
carols to add authenticity. focus on History (The Celts in Britain, Ancient Egypt), Geography
(Reading maps) and Science (Endangered animals). For each of
The festival projects all contain instructions for completing
these projects, pupils watch a real-world video clip, study and
art and craft activities, for which there are photographic
talk about a poster, complete several activities in the Class
illustrations in the Class Book and clear instructions in the
Book and complete a lapbook project. There are two lessons
Teacher’s Book. Each festival also details simple traditional
for each cross-curricular learning project. The projects can
games associated in Britain with certain festivals. The games
be done at any time, but will fit best thematically if they are
are easy to set up and play in class and give the festivals an
covered after Units 1, 3, 4 and 6.
authentic British flavour. Two of the festivals also contain a
song or chant associated with the festival, and these can be
acted out using mime. Informal assessment
Months of the year
Round up
This lesson can be taught at any time of year. Pupils learn
The purpose of the Round up section at the end of each unit
the English words for the months of the year and practise
is to revise the main learning objectives of the unit, and to
the new words through a chant. They then learn how to
give you an opportunity to evaluate how much pupils have
use ordinal numbers in dates. They carry out a speaking
activity, asking and answering about when certain festivals
take place. In this way, pupils will gain some familiarity with Always start the lesson by revising the language of the unit,
annual festivals in the UK. using flashcards to focus on vocabulary. It is also useful to
sing the songs again to help the class memorize the key
words. You may wish to make notes on which pupils are
Culture spreads still having difficulty in recognizing or producing words,
There are three Culture spreads in Rainbow Bridge 4: after and these notes can be recorded later on in their Evaluation
Unit 2 (British towns and cities), Unit 4 (The British royal family) sheet (see below).
and Unit 6 (British schools). These practise and develop the
language pupils have learned in a new real life context, in a Teacher’s Evaluation grids
fun and motivating way. There are Evaluation grids of the key vocabulary for
Real British children of the pupils’ own age present photos recognition and production for each unit on the Teacher’s
documenting the culture topics. Pupils are asked to identify website (www.oup.com/elt/teacher/rainbowbridge). The
the photos and talk about them, and in this way they sheets help you to keep on-going records of the words
develop an understanding of the everyday lives of children pupils can recognize. On the basis of this information you
in Britain. This stage, like most of the lesson, should be will be able to plan activities to extend the language of
carried out in L1, as its main purpose is to enable pupils pupils who have mastered the core work easily, and to
to familiarize themselves with a different culture. Use the reinforce the language of any pupils still having difficulties.
culture notes on the website to give pupils additional
information about the topic. They then carry out an exercise
using new vocabulary related to the topic.

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Starter unit

Welcome back to Rainbow Bridge!

Lesson 1 pp. 4–5 Transcript
Toby: Hi, Emma!
Objectives Emma: Hi, Toby. This is my friend. She’s a new student.
Review how to introduce yourself and others Toby: Hello. What’s your name?
Liu: My name’s Liu. Hello!
Listen for, identify and write the words for countries
Julia: Hi, Liu. I’m Julia.
Ask and answer the question Where are you from? Tarek: Hello, Liu. My name’s Tarek.
Bilal: And I’m Bilal. Welcome!
• Play the whole track, line by line, for pupils to repeat.
Active: Hello. What’s your name? My name’s Liu.
Great Britain, Turkey, India, Ireland, China, Poland, Spain, Memory game (optional)
Italy; Where are you from? I’m from China, but I live in Britain. • Ask pupils to cover or turn over their name cards.
Passive: student, flag, Does (Liu) live in China? • Ask a pupil What’s your name? (Marco) Choose another
pupil to introduce your new ‘friend’ to, saying My name’s
Materials (Clara) and this is my friend (Marco). Encourage that pupil to
Class Book pp.4–5; CD1 tracks 1–4; plain paper or card; introduce themselves, you and (Marco) to another pupil.
coloured pencils or pens; world map or globe (optional) Continue with a few more pupils.
• Divide the class into groups of ten and tell them to play
Warmer the game.
• Greet pupils and introduce yourself. Say My name is (…). TIP If you have a class that know each other already, you
• Encourage a few pupils to introduce themselves. could ask them to choose a different name to play the game.
• Give each pupil a piece of paper or card and ask them to Encourage them to think of names that are common in
create a name card. Tell them to fold the paper in half and the UK.
write their name on one side with the fold at the top.
2 Listen and point. Repeat. Then choose and
• Go around helping pupils to write their names.
write. e 1•2–1•3
• Pupils decorate it, then stand it on their desk.
• Ask pupils if they know the name of their country in
1 Listen and read. Meet the children. e 1•1 English and if they can tell you the colours of the flag.
Teach the word flag.
• Open Class Books at page 4. Use the picture to ask
questions about the children and the setting. Ask who • Tell pupils to draw and colour their country’s flag on their
the children are (friends/classmates), where they are (at name card.
school), where they are from and what pupils can see in • Ask pupils if they know the names of any other countries
the picture that they know the English words for. in English and make a list on the board.
• Lead into a discussion to compare the pupils’ school and • If pupils say any countries in L1, repeat the name of the
primary schools in the UK by asking how the school is country back to them in English.
different from their own. Focus their attention on the • Open Class Books at page 5. Ask pupils to look at the word
children in the picture and the fact that they are from pool below the map and tell you if they can see any of the
different countries, and any features of the school that countries listed on the board in the word pool.
may be different from theirs. • Focus pupils’ attention on the map.
TIP Explain to pupils that children attend primary school in TIP If you have a world map or globe, you can use it to
the UK from age four to age eleven. Class sizes are typically show the locations of the countries.
26–30 pupils per class. Most schools offer school dinners, • Ask pupils if they can identify any of the flags.
but many children choose to bring a packed lunch. Schools,
especially in big cities, are multi-cultural and have children • Play the first part of the track for pupils to listen and point
to the countries and flags in the order they are in the
from a lot of different countries.
Class Book. Then they point as they hear the countries in
• Point to Toby, Emma and Liu in the photo and say their random order.
names. Then point to Julia (the girl with blonde hair), Bilal
(the boy with glasses) and Tarek (the boy who has hurt Transcript
his foot) and say their names. Repeat the names of the Great Britain – Ireland – Poland – China – Spain – Italy –
children in random order and ask the class to point to the Turkey – India / Italy – China – Spain – Turkey – Ireland –
correct children. Poland – India – Great Britain
• Play the recording for pupils to listen and point to the • Play track 3, pausing after each country for pupils to
correct children. repeat chorally and individually.
• Play the recording again, pausing after My name’s Liu. • Make sure they stress the first syllable of the countries.
Hello! for pupils to listen and follow the dialogue in their

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• Focus pupils’ attention on the word pool and read out the Lesson 2 pp. 6–7
words for pupils to follow in their Class Books.
Ask pupils which country number 1 is (Great Britain). Point Objectives
out the name of the country on the writing line. Ask for and give personal information
• Pupils work individually to complete the activity and then Listen and identify where people are from
compare their answers with a partner. Play a guessing game about countries
2 Ireland 3 Poland 4 China 5 Spain 6 Italy Language
7 Turkey 8 India Active: What’s your name? My name’s Bilal. How old are
you? I’m eleven. Where are you from? I’m from India. Are you
3 Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer. e 1•4 from Italy? No, I’m not. Are you from Britain? Yes, I am.
• Focus pupils’ attention on the photo of the three children Passive: age, Where is she from? How old is he?
and ask if they can remember their names (Julia, Liu and
Read out the question Where are you from? and point to
Class Book pp.6–7; CD1 tracks 5–8; Photocopy Master
the speech bubble above Liu to elicit the response China.
Guess my country! (see p.144 of this Teacher’s Book) – one
Repeat the procedure with Emma. Ask if Liu lives in China (No,
per pupil; scissors; plain paper; a Rainbow Bridge flag
Great Britain).
(prepared by the teacher – see below); pictures of flags
TIP If you have a world map or globe it would be useful to (optional)
point out where Liu and Emma are from. Explain to pupils
that many people come from a different country to where Warmer
they currently live.
• Say the names of the eight countries from the previous
• Play the track for pupils to listen and follow the dialogue lesson and ask the pupils to spell them out loud with you.
in their Class Books.
• Then play Snowman using word cards for the different
TIP Tell pupils that Great Britain is often simply called countries (See the How To Do It section on page 23.).
Britain. Both names refer to the blue area on the map. The
United Kingdom also includes Northern Ireland, shown in 1 Look at the children. Listen and write. e 1•5
orange on the map. • Open Class Books at page 6. Focus pupils’ attention on
• Play the track again, pausing for pupils to repeat. the photo of the six children and ask whether they can
remember any of their names. Ask where Liu (China) and
• Divide the class into pairs to take turns asking and
Emma (Britain) are from.
answering where they are from.
• Play the track and tell pupils to listen and point to the
TIP The issues of identity, origin and immigration are very photo of the child as they hear the exchange.
sensitive subjects, so please be aware and extremely careful.
• On the board, write Name, Age, From. Teach the word age.
Some pupils may be happy to share information of origin
of grandparents, for example, but others may not want to • Tell pupils they are going to listen again and complete the
say where they are from. It is important to be sensitive to gaps in the boxes. Point to Name, Age and From on the
those children who choose not to share this information. board and ask for each one if it refers to a name, a number
The sentence I live in (Italy) can be used so that all pupils can or a country.
answer the question, but only those who wish to provide • Play the first exchange on the track, pausing after the
information using I’m from … need do so. boy gives his name (Toby) and write Toby next to Name.
• Tell pupils to choose a different country from activity 2, Continue the track, pausing after ten and ask How old is
imagine they are from that country and repeat the activity. Toby? Write 10 next to Age. Play the rest of the exchange
and ask Where is Toby from? (Britain).
• Divide the class into groups of six and ask them to choose
a flag from activity 2, but not to tell the group. • Play each exchange, pausing for pupils to complete the
missing information.
• In their groups, pupils take turns to ask and answer Where
do you live? and, if appropriate, Where are you from? • Ask pupils to check their answers with a partner before
playing the track again.

1 What’s your name? / Toby. / How old are you? / I’m ten. /
Where are you from? / Britain.
2 What’s your name? / I’m Tarek. / How old are you? / Eleven. /
Where are you from? / I’m from Turkey.
3 What’s your name? / My name’s Liu. / How old are you? /
I’m twelve. / Where are you from? / China.
4 What’s your name? / I’m Emma. / How old are you? / I’m
ten years old. / Where are you from? / I’m from Britain.
5 What’s your name? / Julia. / How old are you? / I’m ten. /
Where are you from? / I’m from Poland, but I live in Britain.

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6 What’s your name? / My name’s Bilal. / How old are you? / TIP The two blank flags give pupils from multicultural
I’m eleven years old. / Where are you from? / I’m from backgrounds the possibility to add other flags representing
India. their origins, if they wish. Some pupils might choose to draw
• As a class check, assign six pupils the numbers 1 to 6 and the flag of a friend’s country of origin, or the national flag of
tell them they are the children in the photo. Ask pupil their favourite footballer or singer.
number 1 What’s your name? (Toby). How old are you? (Ten). • Hand out scissors and tell pupils to cut out the flags.
Where are you from? (Britain), etc. • Divide the class into groups of four and tell them to pool
• Repeat the process with the other five pupils and all the flags and put them in a pile face down.
encourage the class to help you ask the questions. • Tell pupils to use the target language when they play, and
play the track again for pupils to repeat.
2 Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer. e 1•6
• One pupil selects a flag, without showing it to the group.
• Ask pupils to look at the photo of the two children and say The others take turns asking questions, for example Are
their names (Bilal and Liu). you from (Italy)? to find out where the pupil is from. The
• Play the track, pausing for pupils to repeat each line of the pupil who guesses correctly keeps the card and then
dialogue. takes a turn to choose a flag.
• Divide the class into pairs to take turns to ask and answer • If no one guesses correctly, the pupil turns the flag over,
the questions. says where they are from, and keeps it. The turn then goes
• Ask pupils to find a different partner and repeat the to the next pupil.
activity. • Monitor the groups as they play, helping with the
TIP In this personalization activity, when children are asking pronunciation of the names of the countries.
and answering, be aware that if a child who comes from a
5 Make a Rainbow Bridge flag.
foreign country does not wish to talk about this, they can
answer I’m from (Italy) or I live in (Italy). Pupils should be aware TIP Prepare your own flag before the lesson.
that this answer is fine for everyone in the class, and they • Ask pupils to look at the flags they have seen in their
need not ask any further questions. books and have a discussion about their different
characteristics. Ask what colours and pictures the flags
3 Listen and circle. e 1•7 have and what they think they mean. If you have any
• Open Class Books at page 7. Focus pupils’ attention on the additional pictures of flags, show them to pupils to extend
photos of the four children and say Think. How old is he/ the discussion.
she? Where is he/she from? Take all suggestions. Then focus • Tell pupils they are going to create their own Rainbow
their attention on the eight flags and elicit the names of Bridge flag. Show them your flag and explain why you
the countries. chose it, for example the colours represent the British flag
• Play the track and tell pupils to listen and point to the where Rainbow Bridge is from, and the smiley face is how I
correct flag. feel about English!
Transcript/answers • Give pupils a piece of plain paper and tell them to design
1 Are you from Italy? / No, I’m not. I’m from Britain. their own flag.
2 Are you from Spain? / Yes, I am. • Monitor pupils as they work, asking questions, for example
3 Are you from China? / No, I’m not. I’m from Ireland. What colour is this? / What’s this?
4 Are you from Ireland? / No, I’m not. I’m from Poland. • Ask a few pupils to present their flag to the class.
• Play the track again, pausing after the first exchange to • Write the heading Rainbow Bridge flags on a sheet of
show the example flag circled. Play the rest of the track for poster paper and stick it on the wall. Stick pupils’ flags
pupils to circle the correct flags. underneath it.
• Check answers with the class. Point to the photos of the
children one by one and ask Where is he/she from?

4 Play Guess My Country! Listen and repeat. Then

ask and answer. e 1•8
Teacher’s Book p.144
• Focus pupils’ attention on the four children in the photo
and elicit their names: Emma, Toby, Julia and Tarek. Ask
what they are doing (playing a card game) and what flags
they can see.
• Tell pupils they are going to listen to the children playing
the game. Play track 8 for pupils to follow in their Class
• Give each pupil a Guess my country! template and ask
them to name the eight countries from the flags.
• Tell pupils to colour the eight flags correctly. They can look
back at the flags on page 5 to help them. There are two
blank flags for pupils to colour as they wish.

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Unit 1

Lesson 1 p. 8 2 Read and write True or False..
• Focus pupils’ attention on the sentences and explain that
Objectives some are true and some are false. Tell pupils to look at the
Introduce the theme of myths and legends picture, read the dialogue and write True or False.
Read and listen to a dialogue • Pupils work individually to complete the activity.
Identify true and false statements • Monitor pupils as they work, helping if necessary.
• Ask pupils to check their answers with a partner.
Language • Check answers with the class. Ask different pupils to read
Passive: dialogue script out the sentences for the class to say True or False.
Materials 1 False 2 True 3 False 4 True
Class Book p.8; CD1 track 9; plain paper (optional)
Warmer • Below level: Read out the sentences for pupils to follow
• Write Myths on the board. Ask pupils to say what they in their books. Then play the track again for them to
think the word means. Teach the word myths. follow the dialogue. Ask if the sentences are true or
false, and why. Then they complete the exercise.
• Ask pupils to suggest words connected to myths, for
example unicorn, dragon, witch, wizard, castle, king. If pupils • Above level: Ask the pupils to work with a partner
say the words in L1, recast their answers in English (if to discuss why the false sentences are false and
possible). Write the words on the board. correct them.
• Draw columns on the board with the headers animals,
people and places. Class discussion
• Divide the class into groups of four and ask them to look • Have a class discussion about which myths and legends
at the list of mythical things on the board and discuss pupils know from their country. Ask them what their
which words describe people, which are places and which favourite mythical characters and animals are, and why.
are animals.
Drawing activity (optional)
1 Listen and read. e 1•9 • Give pupils a piece of plain paper and ask them to draw
• Open Class Books at page 8. Ask pupils who they can see their favourite mythical character or animal.
in the photo, what they are doing, and where they are • Monitor as they work, asking about their picture and
(Bilal and Julia are in a bedroom looking at Bilal’s poster). helping with the names in English if necessary.
Ask what they can see in the bedroom (books, mythical • Divide the class into groups of four and tell them to
animals and people, games and toy figures). present their picture to the group, saying the name of the
TIP The photo can be used to encourage pupils to notice character or animal and why they like it.
some cultural differences between Britain and the pupils’ • Ask the groups to respond to each other’s pictures, as in
own culture by comparing their bedrooms. the dialogue, by saying It’s great! It’s awesome!
• Ask pupils if there are any similarities or differences • Write Myths on a sheet of poster paper and stick it on the
between the bedroom and the things in it in the photo wall. Put the pictures up on the wall under the heading.
and their own bedrooms. Leave the display there for the duration of Unit 1 as a
• Focus pupils’ attention on the dialogue and tell them to visual reminder.
listen and follow the dialogue in their books. Play track 9.

(See page 8 of the Class Book.)
• Ask pupils if they heard the words for any of the mythical
creatures or people they came up with in the warmer.
• Ask pupils a few questions to check comprehension, for
example who made the poster (Bilal), what animal Julia
likes (the phoenix) and how they know she likes the
phoenix (She says it’s awesome). Teach awesome.
• Play the track again and ask pupils to point to the mythical
creatures in the poster as they hear them.
• Play the track again, pausing after Wow! It’s great! and It’s
awesome! for pupils to repeat.

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Lesson 2 p. 9 3 Listen and repeat. Ask and answer. e 1•12
TIP This activity revises questions with who and what. Pupils
Objectives have practised each separately, but now both questions
Identify and write myths words appear together.
Revise questions with who and what • Divide the board in half and write Who’s that? on one side
Play a guessing game and What’s that? on the other.
• Hold up the Unit 1 flashcards one by one and ask pupils
Language what side of the board you should stick the flashcard, for
Active: a king, a queen, a princess, a wizard, a round house, example A princess (Who’s that?), A pony (What’s that?).
a chariot, a soldier, a pony • Ask pupils when we use who and when we use what in a
Passive: Who’s that? What’s that? question. Explain that we use who for people and what for
animals and things.
Materials • Play the track, one line at a time, for pupils to listen and
Class Book pp.9, 101 (practice); CD1 tracks 10–12; Unit 1 repeat.
flashcards (x8) • Point to the wizard and ask Who’s that? for pupils to
respond A wizard. Ask a pupil to come to the board. Tell
Warmer them to point to a flashcard and ask the question.
• Remind the class of the topic of the unit (myths). • In pairs, pupils take turns pointing to the numbered
• Tell the class to look at the poster on page 8 of their pictures in activity 1 and asking and answering.
books again. Ask: Who are Bilal and Julia? (Friends). What Differentiation
is on the poster? (a wizard, a king, a princess, a unicorn, a
• Below level: Write the questions Who’s that? and What’s
that? on separate sheets of paper. Show the group the
• Ask different pupils to tell you what their favourite flashcards one by one and ask them to put them under
mythical character or animal is. the correct question.
1 Listen and point. Repeat. e 1•10–1•11 • Above level: In pairs, one pupil closes their book and
• Stick all the Unit 1 flashcards on the board. Point to each the other asks questions: Who’s number 1? What’s
flashcard and elicit the words. If pupils say the word in L1, number 7? Their partner has to remember the word.
recast in English.
• Ask a pupil to come to the board, say one of the words 4 Play the game: I See… .
and point to the flashcard. Repeat with different pupils • Tell the pupils they are going to play a guessing game.
and flashcards. Look at the picture in activity 1. Say I see something
• Open Class Books at page 9. Focus pupils’ attention on the beginning with ‘w’. Encourage the pupils to guess wizard.
picture and ask what they can see. • Say I see something beginning with ‘w’ for the pupils to
• Tell pupils they are going to hear the words and they have repeat. Ask a pupil to take the next go.
to find them in the picture. • Divide the class into groups of four to play the game.
• Play track 10 for pupils to point to the pictures as they • Monitor them as they are playing, helping with
hear the words, first in order and then randomly. pronunciation.

Transcript 1 Read and tick (f). WB p. 101

a wizard – a soldier – a round house – a king – a queen – • Focus pupils’ attention on the pictures and ask What’s this?
a pony – a chariot – a princess / a soldier – a king – a pony – or Who’s this?
a wizard – a queen – a chariot – a round house – a princess • Pupils look at the pictures and tick the correct word.
• Play track 11, pausing for pupils to repeat.
2 Choose and write. 2 a king 3 a queen 4 a wizard 5 a pony
• Focus pupils’ attention on the word pool and the 6 a soldier 7 a chariot 8 a princess
numbered writing lines on the picture. Ask What’s 2 What can you see? Look and write. WB p. 101
number 1? (a wizard). Tell pupils to copy a wizard from the
word pool into the correct space.
• Divide pupils into pairs to look at the pictures together
and discuss what they can see before they write the
• Pupils complete the activity individually. words.
• Check answers with the class. Ask different pupils to point
to a picture and say the corresponding number and word.
Picture 1: a round house a princess a pony
ANSWERS Picture 2: a king a queen a chariot a soldier
1 a wizard 2 a soldier 3 a round house 4 a king
5 a queen 6 a pony 7 a chariot 8 a princess

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Lessons 3 and 4 Guards! 6 Dylan: Oh no!
Briana: Quick, jump!
Guards! pp. 10–11 7 Briana: Come here, Fionn!
Max: Guards! Guards!
Objectives 8 Max: What’s her name?
Read and understand a story 9 Max: Come back here!
Identify the characters and places in a story • Play the track for frames 1 and 4, pausing after What’s your
Discuss and understand the importance of making name?, What’s his name? and His name’s Max for pupils to
friends repeat.
• Divide the class into pairs and tell them to close their
Language books.
Active: What’s his name? His name’s Max. • Ask them to retell the story together in their own words.
Passive: Kingdom of Albion, Celts, Romans, I live on the hill/ • On the board, write What’s his name? and His name’s Max.
in the village, making friends Ask pupils to include the question and answer when they
retell the story.
Materials • Monitor pupils as they work and encourage them to use
Class Book pp.10–11; DVD; CD1 track 13; Unit 1 flashcards; the target language.
plain paper
2 Look at the Kingdom of Albion map. Where’s the
Warmer story?
• Stick the flashcards on the board. Point to each flashcard • Tell pupils to open out the map at the front of their Class
Books. Explain that this is a map of the mythical Kingdom
and ask the class to say the words.
of Albion and is where the story is set and the characters
• Play Which one is missing? using the Unit 1 flashcards. (See are from. Explain that the village where Briana lives is a
the How To Do It section on page 22.) Celtic village.
• Repeat the game, asking different pupils to remove the • Ask pupils to look back at the story and discuss in pairs
flashcards. where Dylan and Briana live (Briana lives in the big house.
1 Watch or listen and read. r DVD e 1.13 Dylan lives in the house on the hill). Ask if pupils can
locate Dylan’s and Briana’s houses on the map. Ask where
• Open Class Books at pages 10 and 11. Focus pupils’ they think the story takes place (outside the Celtic village).
attention on the first four frames and ask who they can
see and what they think is happening. Tell pupils not to • Explain that both Briana and Dylan are Celts, and that they
worry about reading the words at this stage, but to try to are the people who lived in Britain at the time the stories
work out the story from the pictures. take place.
• Then ask pupils to close their books and ask them what • Ask pupils if they think Max lives in the village (no). Why
they think happens in the story. not? (because he’s a Roman, not a Celt). Point out the
Roman camp on the outskirts of the Kingdom and ask
TIP The aim is to give pupils a preliminary understanding of who lives there (Max and the soldiers).
the story and make some predictions. • Explain to pupils that at the time this story is set, the
• Play the story on the DVD, or play the story on the CD with Romans were new arrivals in Britain. They were living near
pupils following in their Class Books. Tell them to point to to the Celtic people, but had not yet built permanent
the pictures as they listen. settlements.
• Ask the class if their predictions of the story were correct.
Play the story again. Pause at regular intervals and ask
3 Look and match. Then write.
questions to ensure understanding. For example, ask Who is TIP Distinguishing if the characters are Celts or Romans
the boy? (Dylan) Who is the girl? (Briana) Ask if Max is a friend is important for pupils to understand the stories and the
of Dylan’s and Briana’s (No), why Max sees Dylan and Briana interactions between the characters.
(because Dylan sneezes), how they escape from the soldiers • Point to the pictures of the characters and see whether
(on a pony) and why Max is angry (because Dylan and Briana pupils are able to remember their names. Encourage them
ride away quickly on Fionn). Ask What’s the pony’s name? to look back at the story to find any they can’t remember.
(Fionn) • Tell pupils to draw a line from the characters’ names to the
Transcript pictures, as in the example.
1 Briana: Oh! Hello. What’s your name? • Focus pupils’ attention on the table and ask Is Briana a
Dylan: I’m Dylan. I live in the house on the hill. Celt? Is Briana a Roman? (She’s a Celt.) Show pupils how her
2 Briana: Hi, I’m Briana. I live in the big house in the village. name is written in the row for Celts.
Dylan: Oh! • Tell pupils to work in pairs to categorize the other
3 Dylan: Shh! Look, who’s that? characters from the story. They can look back at the story
Briana: He’s a Roman. to help them.
4 Dylan: What’s his name?
Briana: His name’s Max.
5 Dylan: Achoo!
Max: Hey, you!

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ANSWERS Extension activity
1 Dylan 2 Max 3 Fionn 4 soldiers 5 Briana • Tell pupils they are going to invent an alternative story
Celts: Dylan, Fionn where Briana, Dylan and Max are friendly to each other.
Romans: Max, soldiers
• Divide pupils into groups of four and tell them to look at
Class theatre e 1•13 frames 3, 4 and 5 of the story.
• Play the recording, pausing after each line of text for • Explain that, instead of Dylan and Briana hiding and being
pupils to repeat. secretive, and Max shouting at them angrily, pupils have
to decide what the characters do and say to make friends.
• Divide the class into groups of three and assign the pupils
For example, Max sees Dylan and Briana in the tree and
the roles of Dylan, Briana and Max.
asks if he can play with them. They introduce themselves
• Help pupils to act out the story in groups, following the and play together in the tree.
procedure described in the How To Do It section (see
page 24).
• Give pupils a piece of paper and show them how to fold it
in four and then unfold it to create four squares. Tell them
4 Read and circle. to use three of the squares to draw the new frames and
• Write the first sentence on the board and ask How many write the speech bubbles. Tell them they must include the
soldiers are there? Ask a pupil to come up and circle the question What’s his name? and answer.
three in the sentence. • Monitor the groups as they work, helping with ideas and
• Tell pupils to read the other three sentences in their Class writing the speech bubbles.
Books, read the story again and circle the correct word. • Ask different groups to show their pictures and tell the
• Check answers with the class. Ask different pupils to read new part of the story to the class.
aloud a sentence with the correct word. • Write Being friendly on a sheet of poster paper and stick
it on the wall. Stick pupils’ pictures under it to create a
display for the duration of Unit 1 as a visual reminder of
2 Celt 3 pony 4 Briana the value.
• Below level: For less confident readers, read out the
sentences and point to the frames where pupils can
find the answers.
• Above level: Pupils work in pairs to write one more
sentence about the story with options as in the activity,
for example Briana lives in a big/small house. The pairs
swap their sentences and choose and circle the correct
option. They then return the sentences to be checked.

5 Talk about making friends.

• Ask pupils if they think Dylan and Briana are friendly
to each other in the story, and why (yes, because
they introduce themselves and say a little bit about
themselves). Ask if pupils think this is a good way to make
• Ask about Dylan’s and Briana’s interaction with Max. Was it
friendly? Why not? (they make assumptions and pre-judge
each other because they are from different cultures and
backgrounds). Ask if pupils think the three of them can be
friends if they give each other a chance.
• To personalize the value, ask how pupils react when there
are new children in their class. Are they friendly? What do
they do? Ask why it is important to make new classmates
feel welcome and make an effort to get to know them,
even if they look, act or sound different.
CITIZENSHIP Point out to pupils that it’s important not to
judge people too quickly if they are different from us. Explain
that it’s good to make friends with people from different
backgrounds and cultures because we can learn from each

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Lesson 5 p. 12
• Divide the class into pairs and tell them to work together
to complete the questions and answers with his or her.
Objectives • Monitor the class as they work, checking their word order,
Ask and answer about people’s names especially for numbers 3 and 4, and making sure they are
Identify the difference between his and her for using the ‘s correctly.
possession ANSWERS
Practise writing the new structure 1 her, Her
2 his name, His, Max
Language 3 What’s his name? His name’s Julius.
Active: What’s his name? His name’s Galchobar. What’s her 4 What’s her name? Her name’s Gwen.
name? Her name’s Queen Kira.
Materials • Below level: Before pupils do the activity, make sure
they understand how to form the question and answer.
Class Book pp.12, 102 (practice), 125 (Grammar Put the character flashcards face up and ask What’s his/
Reference); CD1 track 14, Unit 1 flashcards; Dylan and her name? Pupils point to different characters and ask
Max flashcards each other What’s his/her name? Make sure they answer
in full.
Warmer • Above level: Pupils cover the sentences in their books
• Play Little by little using the Unit 1 flashcards. You can and take turns to point to a picture and ask What’s his/
include the flashcards for Dylan and Max, the new her name?
characters who appeared in the story in the previous
lesson. (See the How To Do It section on page 22.) 1 Read and circle. WB p. 102

1 Listen and read. Repeat. e 1•14 • Point to the characters in the picture and ask pupils if they
• Open Class Books at page 12. Focus pupils’ attention on are a man/boy or a woman/girl.
the pictures and ask Who’s that? • Point to the example and ask pupils if they circle his or her
• Tell pupils to listen to the track and follow in their Class in the answer. Pupils then complete the first item and do
Books. number 2 individually.
• Play the track again, pausing after each exchange for ANSWERS
pupils to repeat. 1 His 2 her/Her

2 Look and say. Circle and write. 2 Read. Remember the story and write. WB p. 102
• Focus pupils’ attention on the small pictures in the • Go through the example as a class. Encourage pupils to
grammar box. Ask whether Luca is a boy or a girl. Repeat look at the three options and ask Who is a Celt? (Briana/
with Elena. Tell pupils we use his for a boy and her for a Dylan). Ask whether the example is his or her (his) and elicit
girl. Hold up one of the pupils’ books and ask His or her the answer to number 1 (Dylan).
book? Repeat with a few more pupils. • Pupils work in pairs to complete the rest of the activity.
• Point to the pictures and ask pupils to say which • To check as a class, ask different pupils to read the
characters they can see (Queen Kira, Galchobar the wizard, question and answer. Make sure they answer in full.
Princess Briana and Dylan).
• Ask pupils to say whether each character is a man, a 1 His name’s Dylan.
woman, a boy or a girl. 2 His name’s Max.
• Show the class the example. Explain that pupils need to 3 Her name’s Briana.
complete the sentences by circling His or Her and writing
the names of the characters. 3 Look, write and match. WB p. 102
• Check answers by asking different pupils to read out their • Go through the example with the class. Pupils complete
sentences. the activity individually and then compare their answers
with a partner.
2 His name’s Galchobar. 3 Her name’s Briana. ANSWERS
4 His name’s Dylan. 2 What’s his name? His name’s Julius
3 What’s her name? Her name’s Queen Kira.
3 Look and write. 4 What’s his name? His name’s Galchobar.
• Write on the board What’s __ name? __ name’s Queen
Kira. Ask a pupil to come to the board to complete the
sentences. Ask why we use her in this example.
• Focus pupils’ attention on the four pictures of the
characters and ask if they are boys or girls.
TIP You could highlight the ‘s in the question and answer
and ask pupils what it is short for (is). This reminder will help
pupils remember to include the ‘s in their own writing.

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Lesson 6 p. 13
• Point to each of the characters and ask Who’s that? Go
through the example with the class.
Objectives • Pupils read the question, look at the picture and circle the
Present and practise present simple yes/no questions and correct answer individually.
answers • To check as a class, ask two pupils to ask and answer the
Develop writing skills through practice of the target questions.
language • Divide the class into pairs to take turns asking and
Language • Monitor them as they work, helping with pronunciation
Active: Is she a queen? Yes, she is. Is he a king? No, he isn’t. and checking they are answering in full sentences, not just
yes and no.
Materials ANSWERS
Class Book pp.13, 103 (practice), 125 (Grammar Reference); 2 Yes, he is. 3 Yes, she is. 4 No, he isn’t.
CD1 track 15; Unit 1 flashcards; small pieces of paper
(optional) 1 Put the words in order. Write the questions. Then
match. WB p. 103
Warmer • Write he Is wizard a ? on the board. Ask a pupil to come
to the board to re-order the words to write the question
• Hold up the Unit 1 flashcards one at a time and say a true correctly: Is he a wizard?
or false sentence about each flashcard. For example He’s (a
wizard). She’s (a queen). Encourage pupils to say Yes, if the • Open Class Books at page 103. In pairs, pupils look at the
sentence is true or No if the sentence is false. pictures and order the questions.
• Divide the class into two teams. Say a sentence to each TIP Remind pupils that a sentence or a question always
team and award points if they answer correctly. begins with a capital letter and ends with a punctuation
mark. This will give them clues to help them complete the
1 Listen and read. Repeat. e 1•15 exercise.
• Open Class Books at page 13. Focus pupils’ attention on • Monitor them as they work, checking their word order,
the pictures and ask Who’s that? capital letters and question marks.
• Tell pupils to listen to the track and follow the exchanges • When pupils have re-ordered the questions, ask them to
in their Class Books. Play track 1.15. match them to the short answers.
• Ask why Dylan and Briana run away (they are scared of the ANSWERS
Roman soldier). 2 Is he a king? No, he isn’t.
• Play the track again, for pupils to repeat chorally and 3 Is she a wizard? Yes, she is.
individually. 4 Is she a soldier? No, she isn’t.
• Point out the highlighted Is she and she is in orange to
focus pupils’ attention on the word order. Elicit that the Differentiation
word order changes in the question and the answer. • Below level: Write all the words from the questions on
• Play the track a second time, pausing after each exchange separate pieces of paper. Ask a question, for example
for pupils to repeat. Is he a king? for pupils to make the question with the
2 Look and write. • Above level: Pupils cover the questions and answers
• Point to the grammar box and read out the example for and take turns to point to a picture and ask and answer,
pupils to follow. for example Is she a queen? (No, she isn’t.)
• Go through example number 1 with the class. Point out
again that the contraction he’s is short for he is. 2 Look and write. WB p. 103
• Pupils complete the activity individually. • Ask pupils to look at the first picture and elicit who they
• As a class check, ask a pupil to come to the front of the can see. Go through the example with the class.
class. Say She’s a princess for pupil to write the question • Pupils look at the pictures and answer the questions. If the
form on the board. Repeat sentences 3 and 4 with a answer is no, they write a sentence to say who it is.
different pupil.
ANSWERS 2 No, she isn’t. She’s a wizard.
2 Is she a princess? 3 Is he a wizard? 4 Is she a Celt? 3 Yes, she is.
4 No, he isn’t. He’s a king.
3 Circle and say.
• Hold up the flashcard of Briana and ask Is she a princess?
Encourage pupils to respond in full, Yes, she is. Ask Is she a
queen? to ellict No, she isn’t.
• Focus pupils’ attention on the grammar box and go
through the examples. Point out the contraction isn’t.

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Lesson 7 p. 14
TIP Explain and demonstrate how to make the /k/ sound
by opening your mouth a little, putting your tongue at the
Objectives back of your mouth and pushing the air over the tongue and
Practise the unit structures and vocabulary through making the sound /k/ at the back of your throat.
a song 3 Listen and say the tongue-twister. e 1•19
Recognize and say the /k/ sound • Tell pupils they are going to learn a tongue-twister to
Practise the /k/ sound in a tongue-twister practise the /k/ sound.
• Play the track for pupils to listen and follow the tongue-
Language twister in their books.
Active: Celtic, queen, king, count, crows, carrots • Play the track again for pupils to listen and repeat the
Passive: tongue-twister; song lyrics tongue-twister. It may help to pause the track halfway, so
that first pupils hear and repeat A Celtic king and queen, and
Materials then listen to and repeat count crows and carrots.
Class Book p.14; CD1 tracks 16–19; Unit 1 flashcards • Encourage pupils to repeat the tongue-twister chorally
and individually. Ask pupils if they can hear the /kw/
Warmer sound in queen and /kr/ in crows.
• Stick the eight Unit 1 flashcards on the board. • Divide the class into groups of four and tell them to
• Divide the class into two teams. Ask a pupil from each practise saying the tongue-twister as fast as possible.
team to come to the board. Say the word for one of • Monitor the groups as they practise, helping with
the flashcards and tell the pupils to touch the correct pronunciation.
flashcard. The first pupil to touch the correct flashcard • Have a competition. Ask pupils in their groups to say the
wins a point for their team. tongue-twister individually and judge who is the fastest.
• Repeat with different pupils and words. TIP You could point out to pupils that the /k/ sound can be
spelt in different ways, as in the tongue-twister: c, q and k.
1 Sing Mythical World. e 1•16–1•17
• Stick the Unit 1 flashcards around the classroom. • Ask pupils to circle the /k/ sound in all the words in the
• Play the track for pupils to listen and point to the
flashcards when they hear the words. Optional activity
• Open Class Books at page 14, focus pupils’ attention on • Ask pupils to close their books.
the picture and ask what and who they can see (What’s this? • Write the tongue-twister on the board with the first letter
Who’s this?). Play the track for pupils to follow the song in of the words missing, for example A _eltic _ueen and _ing
their books. _ount _rows and _arrots.
• Tell the class that it doesn’t matter if they don’t know all of • Divide pupils into pairs and ask them to write the correct
the words in the song. letters.
Transcript • To check as a class, ask a pupil to come to the board and
For the transcript, see page 14 of the Class Book. complete the words.
• Play verses 2 and 3 of the song (Look over there … / Who TIP In the next lesson, pupils will be making a book cover.
are you?), pausing after each question and answer for You could ask pupils to bring in their favourite myths and
pupils to repeat, for example Look over there. Is he a prince? fantasy books to share and discuss in class.
No, he isn’t. He’s a king.
• Divide the class into two groups. Play verses 2 and 3 for
one group to sing the questions and the other group to
sing the answers.
• Swap the roles of the groups and play the song again.
• Repeat for as long as pupils enjoy singing.
• Ask pupils what mythical character they would like to be.
2 Listen to the sound and repeat. e 1•18
• Focus pupils’ attention on the picture and ask them what
they can see. Ask what the crows are doing (stealing the
carrots). Teach count, crows and carrots.
• Play the track for pupils to listen to the /k/ sound.
• Play the track again for them to repeat the sound.

/k/ /k/ − /k/ /k/
• Play the track again for pupils to repeat the sound.

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Lesson 8 p. 15
• Tell pupils they are going to make their own book cover.
• Focus pupils’ attention on the four frames and tell them
Objectives this is Ruby and she is the planning her book cover. Ask
Listen and identify the correct character in a picture them to look at each picture in turn and tell you the
Practise the vocabulary and structures from the unit characters Ruby chooses (picture 1), the idea of the story
(picture 2), and the title (picture 3).
Make and present a book cover
• Tell pupils to turn to page 104.
Language 1 Choose three characters for your story.
Active: What’s his name? His name’s Bilal. What’s her Circle. WB p. 104
name? Her name’s Emma. Is he a soldier? No, he isn’t. Is she a • Tell pupils to look at all the characters in the box and circle
princess? Yes, she is. three that they would like to include in their story.
Passive: dressed up, book cover, characters, story, title,
dragon, frog, funny, horrible, scary 2 Think about your story. WB p. 104
• Ask pupils to tell you what they can see in the pictures.
Materials Ask them to think of two ideas for their story, including
Class Book pp.15, 104 (practice); CD1 track 20; myth and the three characters they have chosen. They can discuss
fantasy books (optional); plain paper their ideas in pairs, then feed back to the class.

3 Create a title for your story. WB p. 104

• Check pupils understand all the words in the box. Elicit
• Play Snowman using the myths words. (See the How To Do that they are words to describe characters. Point out the
It section on page 23.) example titles.
1 Listen and tick (f). Then say. e 1•20 • Tell pupils to make up a title by choosing from the
• Open Class Books at page 15. Focus pupils’ attention on adjectives in the box, following the example provided.
the pictures and ask them some questions, for example They write it down.
Who is it? Where is he/she from? What is he/she dressed 4 Make your book cover. Tick (f). WB p. 104
up as?
• Give each pupil a piece of paper. They copy their title at
• Tell pupils they are going to hear people talking about the the top of the paper and draw the characters underneath.
children and they have to tick the correct box. Refer them back to the illustrations on page 15. They then
• Play the first exchange. Pause to elicit the name and for write their name at the bottom.
pupils to tick the correct picture. • Pupils look at the check list and tick the things they have
Transcript included and make sure they have completed everything.
1 What’s his name? 2 What’s her name? Presentation
His name’s Toby. Her name’s Liu.
Is he a soldier? Is she a wizard?
• As an example, present Ruby’s book cover, saying This is
my book cover. The title is ‘The Pink Unicorn’. His name is Uni.
No, he isn’t. He’s a wizard. No, she isn’t. She’s a
The story is about how he meets a wizard. Encourage pupils
to ask you questions about your cover. Ask them if they
3 What’s his name?
like it and encourage them to say It’s awesome. It’s great.
His name’s Bilal.
Is he a king? • Write your presentation text on the board, along with the
Yes, he is. questions: What’s his/her name? Is he/she a (king)? Who’s
• Play the rest of the track for pupils to tick the pictures.
• To check, ask pairs to ask and answer the questions. • Divide the class into groups of four and tell them to show
each other their book covers and talk about them using
ANSWERS the example sentences on the board. Tell pupils to listen
1 His name’s Toby. No, he isn’t. He’s a wizard. to the presentation and ask questions to support the
2 Her name’s Liu. No, she isn’t. She’s a princess. presenter.
3 His name’s Bilal. Yes, he is. • Write Myths on a piece of poster paper and stick it on the
wall. Stick pupils’ covers underneath to create a display.
2 Make a book cover.
TIP This is the first of the skills lessons where pupils use the
language from a unit to do a task that is not just an activity
for an English lesson, but could also be carried out in other
contexts. If you or the pupils brought in some books, hold
them up one by one. Ask pupils to look at the cover, tell you
what they can see and what they think the book is about.
TIMESAVER TIP If you don’t have time for pupils to make
the book cover, the language tasks can still be carried out
through a discussion. Pupils then do the preparation and
planning activities.

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Lesson 9 Round up p. 16
• To check as a class, stick the Unit 1 flashcards on the board
and ask different pupils to come and write the correct
Objectives number under each flashcard.
Review learning progress with the language of Unit 1 ANSWERS
1 Queen Kira 2 Galchobar the wizard 3 soldier
Language 4 Fionn the pony 5 King Cadarn 6 Princess Briana
Revision of vocabulary and structures from Unit 1 7 chariot 8 round house

Materials Class quiz

Class Book p.16; CD1 tracks 16, 17 and 21; Unit 1
• Have a class quiz based on what pupils have learned in
Unit 1.
• Divide the class into teams of four and tell them they
are going to have a quiz about the unit. The first team to
Warmer e 1•16–1•17 answer a question correctly wins a point.
• Play the Mythical World song from page 14 of the Class • Ask questions about the unit, for example show the
Book and encourage the class to sing along. If the class is character flashcards and ask What’s his/her name? Is (Max)
confident, you can also use the karaoke version on the CD a Celt? Is (Briana) a Roman? Show the flashcards of the
(track 17). chariot and round house and ask What’s that? Where do
Revision Briana and Dylan live? Write sentences for pupils to re-
order, for example he is king a? Ask questions about the
• Ask pupils what words they can remember from this unit. story: What do Dylan and Briana do when they see Max?
Write their answers on the board.
(Hide.) Why? (Because he’s a Roman and they are afraid.)
• Ask pupils if they can remember what happened in the Ask who can say the tongue-twister.
story in this unit.
• Ask pupils what sound they practised in the tongue- Self-evaluation, test and assessment e 3•26
twister in this unit. TIP The self-evaluation and tests can also be done at the
1 Look and write. end of Lesson 10 if more appropriate for your class.
• Open Class Books at page 16. Focus pupils’ attention on • Invite pupils to reflect on what they felt about the
the pictures around the crossword and elicit the words. activities in the unit.
• Tell the class to write the words in the corresponding • Give pupils two minutes to look through the unit and put
numbered columns and rows of the crossword. They can a blue dot next to an activity they enjoyed, a green dot
look back through the unit to check spelling. next to an activity they found easy, and a black dot next to
an activity they found difficult.
• To check as a class, say a number for a pupil to say and
spell out the corresponding word. • Monitor pupils as they work and ask questions, for
example: Why did you find this difficult? Why did you
ANSWERS enjoy this?
Across: 2 pony 4 soldier 6 chariot 7 round house • Pupils are now ready to complete the Unit 1 Test (pp.118–
Down: 1 queen 2 princess 3 wizard 5 king 120 of this Teacher’s Book). Use CD3, track 26.
2 Listen and number. e 1•21 • Fill in the evaluation grid for each pupil
• Focus pupils’ attention on the picture and ask Who can you (see www.oup.com/elt/teacher/rainbowbridge).
see? What can you see? Where are they?
• Tell pupils they are going to hear the names of mythical
characters and things and they have to number the
pictures in the order they hear them.
• Play number 1 of the track and ask them to point to the
correct picture (Queen Kira) and write number 1.
• Play the rest of the track, pausing for pupils to write the

1 She’s Briana’s mum. She’s a queen. Her name is Kira.
2 He’s a wizard. His name’s Galchobar.
3 He’s a Roman soldier.
4 This is Fionn, Briana’s pony.
5 His name’s Cadarn. He’s Briana’s dad, and he’s the king.
6 She’s a princess. She’s Dylan’s friend. Her name’s Briana.
7 This is the king and queen’s chariot.
8 This is the wizard’s house. It’s a round house.
• Ask pupils to compare their answers before you play the
track again for them to check.

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Lesson 10 Round up p. 17
• Look at the photo and ask pupils to describe what they
can see. Make sure they understand that Julia has made a
Objectives Myths lapbook at school and has taken it home to show
Prepare, make and present a Myths lapbook her family and friends. Tell pupils they are going to make
their own lapbook to take home.
Practise writing skills at sentence level
• Give each pupil a large piece of paper or card. On the
Language board write MYTHS by (name). Tell pupils to copy the title
with their name at the top of the paper.
Revision of vocabulary and structures from Unit 1
1 Give each pupil a copy of the Myths lapbook Photocopy
Materials Master. Begin with the three-sided minibook (as shown
at the top of the page). Point to the photo showing what
Class Book p.17; Unit 1 flashcards; word cards (optional);
Julia has made and show them your pre-prepared version.
Photocopy Master Unit 1 (Teacher’s Book p.145) – one
Tell them to cut out the template and demonstrate how
per pupil; Myths lapbook templates (prepared by the
to fold it in three. Pupils choose a mythical animal, for
teacher); large sheet of paper or card; scissors; glue
example a unicorn or a phoenix, draw a picture on one
side and write A phoenix/unicorn is a mythical animal
Revision on another side. They will glue the third side on to the
• Play Match word and picture to revise the myths lapbook.
vocabulary. (See the How To Do It section on page 23.) 2 Then pupils cut out the flower shape. Demonstrate
TIP If you don’t have word cards, pupils can write the words on your own template how to fold the petals into the
instead. centre. Tell them to write the names of the characters
on the outside flaps and draw their faces under the
1 Read and write. corresponding flap. They write descriptions under the
• Tell pupils about your favourite film, for example My petals, for example She’s a queen, and glue the flower on to
favourite film is … My favourite character is … His/her name the lapbook.
is … He’s great. Ask a few pupils about their favourite film. TIP Write example sentences on the board to support
• Open Class Books at page 17. Ask a pupil to read out the pupils’ writing.
film description at the top of the page to the class. Tell 3 Next, they cut out the frame with the lines underneath.
pupils they are going to write about their favourite film They draw a picture of their favourite character from a
using the example as a model. book or film and write sentences about them using the
• Tell them to plan their writing by preparing a first draft target language, for example Her name’s Lydia. She’s a
in their notebooks. Focus pupils’ attention on the three princess. She isn’t a queen. They then stick it on to their
questions at the top right of their Class Book page and lapbook.
write their answers in their notebooks: Have you got a 4 Finally, they cut out the mini flapbook. Demonstrate how
favourite film? Who’s your favourite character? What’s his/ to fold the book in half lengthways and then cut along the
her name? indicated lines to make three flaps, also pointing to the
• Point to each line of the gapped film description and ask example in the photo in the Class Book. Pupils write the
what pupils should write in each space. Elicit that the first three remaining items of vocabulary from the unit (pony,
line will be the title (My favourite film, as in the model text chariot, round house) on the front of each flap and draw
above), then they will write the name of their favourite pictures on the inside of each flap. They then stick it on to
film, their favourite character (for example a unicorn), His their lapbook.
or Her name, and He or She and an adjective to describe • Focus pupils’ attention on the photo on page 17 again
the character (for example funny). and tell them to present their lapbooks in groups.
• Pupils complete the description, using their notes from • To demonstrate the presentation stage, ask a pupil to
their notebooks and following the model at the top of the bring their lapbook to the front of the class and ask, for
page. example, What’s his/her name? Is she a queen? What’s that?
• Monitor pupils as they work, helping with spelling and • See the How To Do It section on page 25 for information
checking they are using the target language correctly. on the presentation stage.
• Divide the class into groups of four to take turns to read
TIP You may now like to do the CLIL unit on The Celts in
out their descriptions.
Britain. See pp.86–87 in the Class Book.
• Ask if any pupils chose the same films and characters.

2 Make a Myths lapbook.

Teacher’s Book p.145

TIP See the How To Do It section on page 24 for further

notes on how to prepare and use the lapbooks. The Myths
lapbook could be made as a simple poster or as a mini
lapbook (a sheet of paper or card with the sides folded to
make a protective cover) like the one in the photo.

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The Crown of the Dragon King
Part 1 pp. 18–19
• Play the story for pupils to follow in their Class Books.
Point to the frames as they listen. Ask pupils what they
Objective understood about the story.
Develop extensive reading skills Play the story a second time. Ask questions to check pupils’
Discover famous mythical places and creatures in the UK comprehension of the key points. Ask what Nadia likes in the
museum (the jewel), where the jewel’s from (a Celtic crown),
Materials what Nadia sees (a light), if the boy is from the school or the
museum (no), how we know he’s a Celt (from his clothes),
Class Book pp.18–19; The United Kingdom Legends Map
what the boy takes (the jewel), where the boy and Nadia
poster; CD1 track 22; plain paper
go (to Maiden Castle), who Vordigren is (a wizard), why the
crown is important (it’s magical) and what Vordigren wants
Pre-reading (all the jewels of the crown).
• Ask pupils if they have ever been to a museum and where
it was. Ask what they can learn about in a museum and CULTURE NOTE A wizard is a mythical person who uses
what things you might see there. Make a list on the board. magic. Famous British wizards are Merlin, who was King
Arthur’s guide, Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series,
• Encourage pupils to think particularly about museums of
and Gandalf from Tolkien’s Middle-Earth. Wizards are
antiquity and what they might find in a museum about
often represented as old men with long, flowing beards,
Celtic life. If possible, elicit jewels, jewellery and crowns.
wearing a large-brimmed hat, a thick cloak and holding a
• Tell pupils they are going to read the first episode of a staff.
story. Write The Crown of the Dragon King on the board.
• Ask pupils if they think the story with this title takes place • Divide the class into pairs. Tell them to close their books
in modern times or, if not, when they think it takes place and retell the story together in their own words.
and what they think the story may be about. • Ask pupils if their initial story predictions were correct.
• Stick the map poster on the board and explain that the
places visited by the characters in the story are all on the After reading
poster. • Ask pupils how they think Nadia feels when she finds
herself at Maiden Castle and why she wants to go home.
Listen and read. e 1•22 Ask if they would like to travel back to Celtic times. Why/
TIP The learning aim of the story is developing extensive Why not?
reading skills and reading for enjoyment. Therefore, it • Divide the class into groups of four and ask them what
is important not to translate line by line or analyse the they think happens next in the story.
language. • Give each group a piece of paper and tell them to fold it in
• Open Class Books at page 18. Point to the map at the top half. Ask pupils to draw the next two frames to show what
of the page. Explain that the map shows the first place in they think happens in the story.
the story. Ask a pupil to come and find the same place on • Ask different groups to present their pictures and explain
the poster. their predictions to the class.
• Stick the pictures on the wall. Leave them there
CULTURE NOTE Maiden Castle is a real place in the
until episode 2 of the story so pupils can check their
United Kingdom. It is in the county of Dorset which is in predictions.
the south-west of Britain. Maiden Castle is the largest hill
fort in England and was first occupied around 3000 BC. Class theatre (optional) e 1•22
‘Maiden’ comes from ‘Mai Dun’ in the Celtic language, • Divide the class into groups of six and assign the roles
meaning ‘great hill’, and this hill can still be seen today, of the teacher, the guide, Nadia, her classmate, Rin and
with its huge earth walls rising up to 6 metres high. Vordigren.
Maiden Castle was a bustling settlement populated by
• Help pupils to act out the story in groups, following
the Durotriges Tribe. In 43 AD, the Romans attacked the
the procedure described in the How To Do It section on
inhabitants and a hard battle was fought. As you walk
page 24.
around the hill fort today, you can imagine how the
Romans must have found it difficult to overcome the TIP Unlike the main unit stories, pupils won’t be repeating
steep ditches to launch their attack. the language from the story, just miming the actions.

• Focus pupils’ attention on the first frames of the story and

ask where the children are (at the museum) and what are
they looking at.
TIP Explain to pupils that it is not important for them to
understand every word in the story. Encourage them to use
the illustrations to understand the action.

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Unit 2

Lesson 1 p. 20
1 kitchen 2 sister 3 friend 4 grandpa
Introduce the theme of family
• Below level: Read out the questions and play the track
Read and listen to a dialogue again for pupils to follow the dialogue. Ask them to tell
Answer comprehension questions about a dialogue you the answers. Then they complete the activity.
• Above level: Divide pupils into groups of four and
Language assign them a person each from the dialogue. Pupils
Passive: dialogue script practise the dialogue together, then swap roles and
Class Book p.20; CD1 track 23 Class discussion
• Have a class discussion about families. Ask pupils Who is
Warmer in your family? Have you got uncles/cousins/grandparents?
• Write Family on the board. Have a discussion about why families are important
and what the best things about families are. Ask pupils
• Ask pupils to suggest words connected to family. If pupils whether they get on with their brothers and sisters, and
say the words in L1, recast their answers in English and
why or why not. Try to find out when pupils’ families
write the words on the board.
spend time together.
• Ask pupils whether they have got a big family or a small
• Remind pupils that all families are different. Some are
family. Ask them to list their family members.
small, some are large, and they all have different family
1 Listen and read. e 1•23 members. Make sure they understand that we have to
respect the differences and not expect all families to be
Open Class Books at page 20. Ask pupils who is in the photo
the same.
(Liu, Toby and Toby’s mum, dad, grandpa and sister), what
they are doing (having lunch). Ask them what season they TIP Families can be a sensitive topic so don’t force pupils
think it is, and why. (It’s autumn. There are some autumn to answer if they don’t want to. Remember, also, that some
vegetables and autumn colours.) children may have lost a family member so be aware before
encouraging the discussion.
TIP The family are having a traditional Sunday lunch, which
is called Sunday roast in Britain. It’s a time when the family Memory activity (optional)
come together and eat roast meat, Yorkshire puddings (a
• Divide the class into two teams.
savoury pudding baked in the oven) and vegetables.
• Tell the class to look at the picture on page 20 for one
• Ask pupils if there are any similarities or differences minute, then close their books.
between the lunch and the food in the photo and their
own family meals. • Ask questions about the picture to each team in turn, for
example Where are the family? What food is on the table?
• Focus pupils’ attention on the dialogue in the box and tell What’s Toby’s sister’s name? What pet has she got? What’s
them to listen and follow the dialogue. Play the track.
the hamster’s name? What colour clothes are Liu and Toby
Transcript wearing? What colour is Sophie’s hair? Who says ‘Thank you’?
For the transcript, see page 20 of the Class Book. How many chairs are there?
• Ask pupils if they heard any of the words regarding family • Pupils try to answer the questions from memory.
members that are on the board. • Award one point for each correct answer.
• Play the track again and ask them to point to the family
members in their Class Books as they hear them.
• Play the track again pausing after Oh, I love hamsters! and
Thank you for pupils to repeat.

2 Read and circle.

• Focus pupils’ attention on the questions and tell them
they have to read the dialogue and circle the correct
• Pupils work individually to complete the activity.
• Monitor pupils as they work, helping if necessary.
• Ask pupils to check their answers with a partner.
• As a class check, ask different pupils to read a question for
another to reply.

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Lesson 2 p. 21 3 Listen and repeat. Ask and answer. e 1•26
• Focus pupils’ attention on the pictures of the people and
Objectives ask who they can see (Dylan and Galchobar).
Identify and write the family members words • Play the track, line by line, for pupils to listen and repeat.
Ask and answer about who people are • Divide the class into pairs and tell them to take turns
Play a memory game pointing to the numbered people in activity 1 and asking
and answering.
Language • Monitor the pairs as they work, helping with
Active: mum, dad, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa, aunt, pronunciation of the new vocabulary.
uncle, cousin
Passive: Who’s that? Briana’s dad, family tree
• Below level: Put the Unit 2 flashcards face up in front of
the group. Say, for example, Briana’s (uncle) for pupils
to point to the correct flashcard. Point to a flashcard
Class Book pp.21, 105 (practice); CD1 tracks 24–26; Unit 2 and ask a pupil Who’s that? Encourage them to respond
flashcards (x9) Briana’s (mum). Pupils take turns asking and answering
each other with the flashcards.
Warmer • Above level: In pairs, pupils take turns to say a family
• Remind the class of the topic of the unit (family). member for their partner to write the word.
• Tell them to look at the photo on page 20 again. Ask Has
Toby got a sister? What’s her name? Has Sophie got a pet? 4 Play the game: Memory.
What’s its name? Have you got a brother/sister? What’s his/ • Tell pupils they are going to play a guessing game. Tell
her name? them to close their books and say Who’s number 3? Pupils
1 Listen and point. Repeat. e 1•24–1•25 have to remember the family member (uncle).
• Stick all the Unit 2 flashcards on the board. Point to each • Divide the class into pairs. Tell one pupil in each pair to
flashcard and elicit the word. If pupils say the word in L1, close their books. The pupil with the open book says a
recast in English. number for their partner to respond with the correct
family member. After a time limit, the pairs swap roles.
• Ask a pupil to come to the board and say one of the
words for the pupil to point to the flashcard. Repeat with 1 Look and complete Briana’s family tree. WB p. 105
different pupils and flashcards. • Focus pupils’ attention on the picture. Explain that it is
• Open Class Books at page 21. Focus pupils’ attention on a family tree, which is a picture to show the people in a
the pictures and ask who they can see and where they are family and lines or branches which show the relationships
(Briana and her family in their round house). Ask what they between the members.
are doing (cooking food). Ask pupils what the differences • Point to Briana and ask Who’s that? Once you have
are between Briana’s family dinner and Toby’s on the established that the family tree relates to her, show the
previous page. line leading from her to Angus to her side, and ask Who’s
• Tell pupils they are going to listen for words for family that? (Briana’s brother). Show the lines joining Briana
members and they have to find them in the picture. and Angus to the generation above and ask Who’s that?
• Play track 24 for pupils to point to the correct family (Briana’s mum/dad).
member as they hear the words, first in order and then • Pupils write the family member words under the correct
randomly. picture. Give further help in understanding how the family
tree is structured if necessary.
mum – dad – uncle – aunt – grandpa – grandma – cousin – ANSWERS
brother – sister / brother – mum – uncle – grandma – dad – 2 grandma 3 mum 4 dad 5 aunt 6 uncle
cousin – aunt – grandpa – sister 7 brother 8 cousin
• Play track 25, pausing for pupils to repeat. 2 Read, find and write. WB p. 105
2 Choose and write. • Read out the sentences for pupils to follow.
• Focus pupils’ attention on the word pool and the • In pairs, they find the information in the family tree and
numbered writing lines on the picture. Ask What’s write the family members.
number 1? (mum). Tell pupils to copy the word mum from ANSWERS
the word pool into the correct space. 2 aunt 3 grandpa 4 cousin 5 uncle 6 sister
• To check as a class, ask different pupils to point to the
picture and say the number and the word.
1 mum 2 dad 3 uncle 4 aunt 5 grandpa
6 grandma 7 cousin 8 brother 9 sister

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Lessons 3 and 4 Got you! pp. 22–23
5 Briana: I’ve got one brother …
Angus: Got you!
Objectives 6 Briana: … and he’s horrible!
Read, understand and identify the stages of a story 7 Angus: Who’s this?
Briana: He’s my friend.
Identify the characters and places in a story
8 Dylan: I’m Dylan, Galchobar’s apprentice.
Discuss and understand the importance of staying safe Angus: Well, it isn’t safe here! Go home, Dylan! And, Briana,
follow me!
Language • Play the track for frames 3, 4 and 5, pausing for pupils to
Active: Have you got any brothers? No, I haven’t. I’ve got repeat.
• Divide the class into pairs and tell them to close their
Passive: How many? safe, horrible, apprentice, Go home! books. Ask them to retell the story together in their own
beginning, middle, end, staying safe words.
• On the board write Have you got any brothers? No, I haven’t.
Materials I’ve got sisters. How many? Two. Ask pupils to include the
Class Book pp.22–23; DVD; CD1 track 27; Unit 2 flashcards; questions and answers when they retell the story.
plain paper (optional)
• Monitor pupils as they work and encourage them to use
the target language.
• Draw a large family tree on the board. Put the flashcard of 2 Look at the Kingdom of Albion map. Where’s the
Briana in the middle. story?
Draw outlines for pupils to stick the Unit 2 flashcards. Write • Tell pupils to open out the map at the front of their Class
the family member words inside the outlines, for example Books.
dad, eliciting the words from the class, if possible. • Ask pupils to point to where the story took place in Unit 1
• Ask different pupils to come to the board in turn. Say a (outside the Celtic village). Then ask if they can locate
family member, for example dad, the pupil chooses the where the action takes place in this story (outside the
correct flashcard and sticks it in the correct place on the village walls, in the countryside).
board. • Ask them where they think Dylan goes next (he goes to
Galchobar’s round house on the little hill). Ask them to
1 Watch or listen and read. r DVD e 1•27 finger trace his route on the map. Repeat with Briana and
• Ask pupils to tell you, in their own words, what happened Angus (they go back to the village, to their large round
in the story in Unit 1. Ask how the story finished (Dylan house).
and Briana escaped on Fionn). Explain that they are now • Make sure pupils understand that Briana and Angus are
going to see what happened next. sister and brother and they are both the King and Queen’s
• Open Class Books at pages 22 and 23. Focus pupils’ children. Dylan lives with Galchobar as he is an apprentice.
attention on the first two frames and ask them to say who TIP Explain that an apprentice is a young person or
they can see and what they think is happening.
pupil who learns from someone older. Remind pupils that
• Then ask pupils to close their books and ask them what Galchobar is a wizard, so Dylan must be learning how to be
they think happens in the story. a wizard!
• Play the story on the DVD, or play the story on the CD
with pupils following in their Class Books and pointing to 3 Circle the error. Write the correct sentence. Then
the pictures as they listen. write B (beginning), M (middle) or E (end)..
• Ask the class if their predictions of the story were correct. • On the board write Hooray! We’re home! Tell pupils that the
Play the story again. Pause at regular intervals and ask sentence is incorrect and ask them which word is wrong
questions to ensure understanding. For example, ask why (home). Circle the word home in the sentence.
Briana says Hooray! We’re safe! (Because they escaped from • Tell pupils to look back at the story and find the correct
the soldiers), and who calls Briana (her brother). Ask How word (safe). Rewrite the sentence correctly (Hooray! We’re
many sisters has Dylan got? (two) How many brothers has safe!).
Briana got? (one). Ask why they think Angus is angry with • Write B, M, E on the board and explain that they mean
Briana (because he was looking for her and was worried), if beginning, middle and end. Tell pupils to look at the
Briana likes her brother (no, she thinks he’s horrible) and why sentence and the story again and tell you where in the
Angus tells Dylan to go home (because it isn’t safe). story the sentence comes (B – at the beginning). As a guide
you can tell them that frames 1 and 2 are the beginning, 3
Transcript to 6 are the middle, and 7 and 8 are the end.
1 Briana: Hooray! We’re safe!
• Tell pupils to work in pairs and follow the same procedure
2 Angus: Briana … where are you?
as for the example to complete the sentences.
Briana: Oh no! My brother, Angus. Quick, hide!
3 Briana: Have you got any brothers? • Monitor pupils as they work, helping where necessary.
Dylan: No, I haven’t. I’ve got sisters. • To check as a class, ask different pupils to say the correct
4 Briana: How many? sentences and B, M or E.
Dylan: Two.

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ANSWERS Extension activity
2 [sister] Oh no! My brother. Quick, hide! B • Tell pupils they are going to predict what happens next in
3 [Galchobar] Go home, Dylan! E the story. Ask them what happens at the end of the story
4 [cousins] I’ve got sisters. M (Angus tells Dylan to go home and Briana to follow him).
5 [Twelve] How many? Two. M
• Divide the class into groups of four and ask them to
Differentiation discuss where they think the children go and what they
do when they get there, for example Briana goes home
• Below level: Read out each sentence in activity 3 for
and her mum is so happy to see her she gives her a
pupils to find them in the story. Ask them to tell you
big hug.
what the difference is between the sentence in the
story and the sentence in the activity. Then ask them • Tell pupils to draw pictures of both children to illustrate
if the sentence is B, M or E. Pupils then complete the their predictions. Refer them back to the map so they can
activity in their books. draw the route of the children if they wish.
• Above level: In pairs, pupils use the sentences from • Monitor the groups as they work and ask what they think
activity 3 to retell the story in their own words. happens next in the story, where the children go and
what they do when they get there.
Class theatre e 1.27
• Ask different groups to show their pictures and tell the
new part of the story to the class.
• Play the recording, pausing after each line for pupils to
• Write What happens next? on a piece of poster paper.
Elicit what it means. Stick the heading on the wall and
• Divide the class into groups of three to assign pupils the stick pupils’ pictures under it to create a display. Leave the
roles of Dylan, Briana and Angus. display up until pupils have read the Unit 3 story so they
• Help pupils to act out the story in groups, following the can compare their predictions.
procedure described in the How To Do It section on page 24.

4 Read and circle.

• Look at sentence 1 together and ask why friend is circled
(Because Dylan is Briana’s friend, not her brother).
• Tell pupils to read the other sentences in their Class Books,
read the story again and circle the correct word.
• To check as a class, ask different pupils to read a sentence
with the correct word.
2 sisters 3 brother 4 sister 5 doesn’t like
6 likes 7 apprentice 8 isn’t

5 Talk about staying safe.

• Ask pupils why Angus was angry and why he went
out looking for Briana. Take their suggestions and then
explain that she is too young to be allowed outside the
village walls on her own. There are dangers she might not
understand. The Celts don’t know the Romans yet and
they have seen soldiers. Ask pupils to think about whether
Angus is really angry and horrible or if he is concerned
and caring about his younger sister.
• To personalize the value, ask pupils about the adults in
their life and if sometimes it seems that they are being
horrible or unfair when they impose rules about where
they can go and what they’re allowed to do. Ask if pupils
have any personal examples of this. Make sure they
understand that rules are made because the adults really
love them and want to make sure they are safe. They are
not being horrible!
• Divide the class into groups of four and ask them to
discuss why it is dangerous to wander off, and not tell
people where you are. Ask how they think the story would
be different if Briana told her family she was going out
with a friend.
• Ask the groups to share their ideas with the class.
CITIZENSHIP Explain to pupils that it’s important that
children always let their parents/carers know where they are
and what they are doing.

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Lesson 5 p. 24
Yes, I have. Ask what the cross means (no) and show the
negative short answer No, I haven’t.
Objectives • Divide the class into pairs to complete the activity.
Ask and answer about family members • Monitor the pairs as they work, checking their
Practise writing the new structure punctuation, namely the comma after Yes and No and the
Practise writing at sentence level about family apostrophe in the contraction haven’t.
• As a class check, ask different pairs to read out the
Language questions and answers.
Active: Have you got any sisters? Yes, I have. I’ve got ANSWERS
two sisters. 3 Yes, I have. 4 No, I haven’t.
Have you got any brothers? No, I haven’t.
1 Read and complete Dylan’s answers. Then write
Materials the questions. WB p. 106
Class Book pp.24, 106 (practice), 126 (Grammar • Focus pupils’ attention on the information in the box
Reference); CD1 track 28 about Dylan’s family members. Tell a pupil to imagine they
are Dylan and ask Have you got any cousins? Encourage the
pupil to reply using the information in the box (Yes, I have.
Warmer I’ve got one cousin). Repeat the procedure with a couple
• Play a game of Bingo to revise the words for family more pupils.
members. • Divide the class into pairs to work together to complete
• Tell pupils to write six words for family members in their the activity.
TIP Make sure pupils understand they need to look at the
• Call out the family members words in random order.
numbers in the answers first, find them in the box and work
Remember to keep a note of the words which you have
out the corresponding family member in order to write the
called out.
• If a pupil has the word you call out in their notebooks,
they can cross out that word. The first pupil to cross out all ANSWERS
their words wins the game. 2 Have you got any uncles? 3 Have you got any brothers?
4 Have you got any sisters? 5 Have you got any aunts?
1 Listen and read. Repeat. e 1•28
2 Count and write for you. Write Yes, I have or No, I
• Open Class Books at page 24. Focus pupils’ attention on
haven’t. WB p. 106
the pictures and ask where the scene is set (Galchobar’s
round house) and what Dylan is doing there (he’s • Tell pupils they are now going to do the same as Dylan
Galchobar’s apprentice, so he is learning about magic). in the activity above. Ask them to look at the family
members in the table, count how many they have of each
• Tell pupils to listen and follow in their Class Books.
in their family and write the number in the box.
• Play the track again for pupils to repeat.
• Pupils then read and answer the questions about their
2 Read and write questions. family.
• Focus pupils’ attention on the first grammar box. Point • Divide the class into pairs to ask and answer the questions.
out that I’ve is the contraction for I have in the answer and
3 Write about your family. WB p. 106
have is used with you in the question. Make sure pupils
notice the plural s for the family members in the question • Write a couple of sentences about your family on the
and if the answer is more than one. board, for example I’ve got three brothers. I haven’t got any
• Go through the example with the class, then ask pupils to
work individually to write the other two questions. • Tell pupils to use the information from activity 2 and your
sample sentences to write about their family.
• Monitor them as they work, checking their word order
and the plural s. If you spot errors, refer pupils to the • Pupils then read their sentences to a partner.
grammar box to see if they can correct them themselves.
• Check answers by asking a pupil to ask the question for
another to answer.
2 Have you got any aunts? 3 Have you got any cousins?

3 Read and write short answers.

• Focus pupils’ attention on the second grammar box and
point out how we use have with yes and haven’t with no in
short answers. Make sure they understand that haven’t is
the same as have not.
• Go through numbers 1 and 2 as a class. Ask if the tick
means yes or no (yes) and show the positive short answer,

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Lesson 6 p. 25
and 4. Tell the pairs to put the four numbered squares in a
small bag or pencil case and mix them up.
Objectives • Focus pupils’ attention on the game board in their Class
Present and practise the difference between this and that Books. Point out the numbers 1 to 4 in the top row and
Develop writing skills through practice of the target the first column.
language • Hold up one pair’s bag and pull out a number, for
example 3, and show it to the class. Tell them to point to
Language the 3 in the top row. Pull out a second number and show
Active: Who’s that? That’s my brother. Who’s this? This is it to the class, for example 4. Tell them to point to 4 in
my friend. the first column. Show them how to go down from the
3 and across from the 4 to the square where they meet.
Materials Read out the question on the square: Who’s that? (That’s
Class Book pp.25, 107 (practice); CD1 track 29; Units 1 and
2 flashcards; small squares of paper (4 per pair) • Tell a pupil to pull out the next two numbers and ask their
partner the question. (NB After each number has been
pulled out of the bag, put it back again.)
Warmer Explain that squares containing a word for a family member
• Divide the board into three and write the headings Myths, prompt are for pupils to ask their partner Have you got any
Briana’s family and Both. …s? Squares with the picture of a character are for pupils to
• Show the class the Units 1 and 2 flashcards. Point out that ask their partner Who’s this? (if the character is near) or Who’s
some, for example King Cadarn, show two words: king and that? if the character is far away.
father, but others, such as soldier, show only one. • Monitor the pairs as they play, noting any errors to go over
• Divide the class into two teams. Ask a pupil from each after the activity.
team in turn to come to the board. Hand each pupil a
flashcard. 1 Look and write. WB p. 107
• Tell the pupil to say the correct word, then stick the • Go through the example as a class.
flashcard under the correct heading on the board. • Pupils look at the pictures and choose the correct
question and answer.
1 Listen and read. Repeat. e 1•29
• Open Class Books at page 25. Focus pupils’ attention on 2 This is my sister. 3 Who’s that? 4 That’s my sister, too!
the pictures.
• Tell pupils to listen and follow the exchanges in their Class 2 Write questions and answers. WB p. 107
Books. Play the track. • Do number 1 as an example with the class.
• Ask in picture 1 if Angus is close to Briana and Dylan (no), • Pupils work in pairs to complete the activity.
in picture 2 if Dylan is close to Angus (yes) and if in picture
3 the Roman soldier is close to Angus (no). ANSWERS
1 This is my mum.
• Explain that when something or someone is close to us
2 Who’s this? This is Dylan.
we use this and when something or someone is far away
3 Who’s that? That’s Max.
we use that. Stand next to a pupil and ask Who’s this? Then
point to a pupil at the back of the class and say Who’s that? 3 Draw two people from your family. Write. WB p. 107
• Play the track again, pausing for pupils to repeat. • On the board draw one member of your family close up
and another far away. Ask a pupil to come and point to
2 Look and write.
the picture of the person who is close and ask Who’s this?
• Point out the grammar box and read out the example for Reply with This is (my mum). Do the same with the person
pupils to follow. Ask whether Dylan is close or far (close), who is drawn far away, modelling That’s … .
then ask about Angus (far).
• Focus pupils’ attention on the drawing spaces and
• Look at the examples with the class. Ask if Galchobar and questions. Explain that in the Who’s this? space they draw a
Briana are close or far in the pictures. family member close up and in the Who’s that? space they
• Pupils complete the activity individually. draw a family member far away.
• As a class check, ask two pupils to ask and answer the • Pupils draw their pictures and write the full answers
questions. underneath.
3 Who’s that? That’s Max.
4 Who’s this? This is Fionn.

3 Play the game: Let’s Talk.

• Tell pupils they are going to play a game to practise what
they have learned in the unit.
• Divide the class into pairs and give them four small
squares of paper. Tell the pairs to label each one: 1, 2, 3

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Lesson 7 p. 26
touch their finger and then force air out. Tell them to make
the /đ/ sound again and put their hand on their throat to
Objectives feel the vibration of the sound.
Practise the unit structures and vocabulary through 3 Listen and say the tongue-twister. e 1•33
a song
• Tell pupils they are going to learn a tongue-twister to
Recognize and say the /đ/ sound practise the /đ/ sound.
Practise the /đ/ sound in a tongue-twister • Play the track for pupils to listen and follow the tongue-
twister in their books.
• Play the track again for pupils to listen and repeat the
Active: this, that, mother, brother, there, together tongue-twister. It may help to divide the tongue-twister
Passive: Song lyrics into small groups of words first.
• Encourage pupils to say the tongue-twister chorally and
Materials individually. To encourage pupils to stick out their tongue,
Class Book p.26; CD1 tracks 30–33; Unit 2 flashcards; plain tell them to hold their finger in front of their mouth.
paper (optional) • Divide the class into groups of four to practise saying the
tongue-twister as fast as possible.
Warmer • Monitor the groups as they practise, helping with
• Show the Unit 2 flashcards one by one to elicit the words. pronunciation.
• Show a flashcard and say the word. If the word matches • Have a competition. Ask pupils in their groups to say the
the flashcard, pupils stand up; if it doesn’t, they remain tongue-twister individually and judge who is the fastest.
seated and shout out the correct word. • Ask pupils to circle the /đ/sound in all the words in the
• Continue playing, showing the flashcards faster and faster. tongue-twister.

1 Sing Family is Number One. e 1•30–1•31 Extra activity

• Stick the Unit 2 flashcards around the classroom. • Tell the class they are going to draw a picture of their
• Play the track for pupils to listen and point to the family having fun together like the picture with the song.
flashcards when they hear the words. • Ask the class to think about fun things their family like
• Open Class Books at page 26, focus pupils’ attention on doing, for example a sport, dancing, playing jokes,
the picture and ask what and who they can see, and what dressing up.
the people in the picture are doing. • Tell them to draw four family members. Then they label
• Play the track for pupils to follow the song in their books. the family members.
• Tell the class that it doesn’t matter if they don’t know all of • Divide the class into groups of four and encourage them
the words in the song. to say sentences about each family member, for example
This is my brother. He’s seven.
For the transcript, see page 26 of the Class Book.
• Play the verses line by line for pupils to repeat.
• Divide the class into four groups and assign each group a
family member: grandpa, sister, brothers, cousin.
• Play the song again for the groups to join in with
the verses for their family member, pointing to the
corresponding flashcard as they sing.
• Repeat as long as pupils are enjoying singing.
• Ask pupils to circle all sentences with the family member
words in the song, for example This is my grandpa.

2 Listen to the sound and repeat. e 1•32

• Focus pupils’ attention on the picture and ask them who
they think the people are.
• Play the track for pupils to listen to the /đ/ sound.

/đ/ /đ/ – /đ/ /đ/
• Play the track again for pupils to repeat the sound.
TIP The /đ/ sound practised here is the voiced ‘th’. Explain
and demonstrate how to make the /đ/ sound by putting
your tongue between your front teeth and lips and making a
vibration in your throat. To help pupils, tell them to put their
finger in front of their mouth and stick their tongue out to

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Lesson 8 p. 27
• In pairs, pupils take turns asking and answering the
questions to complete the final row in the chart.
2 Make your family tree.
Listen and identify numbers of family members
Practise the vocabulary and structures from the unit TIP Prepare your own family tree before the class. Some
pupils may have trouble understanding how family trees
Make and present a family tree
are structured, so it will help if you are able to produce an
example and describe it. It can be fictional if you prefer!
Active: Have you got any brothers? Yes, I have. / No, I TIMESAVER TIP If you don’t have time for pupils to make
haven’t. I’ve got one brother. Who’s that? That’s my grandpa. their family tree, they can still do the preparation and
This is my aunt. planning activities on page 108. They can present the
information in small groups.
Materiale • Show pupils your own pre-prepared family tree and tell
Class Book pp.27, 108 (practice); CD1 track 34; Unit 2 them they are going to create their own family tree.
flashcards; word cards (optional); a family tree (prepared • Focus pupils’ attention on the four frames and ask what
by the teacher); plain paper the boy is doing.
• Tell pupils they are now going to plan and make their own
Warmer family tree. Tell them to turn to page 108.
• Play Read and touch using the Unit 2 flashcards and word 1 Think about the people in your family. Make
cards. (See the How To Do It section on page 23.) notes. WB p. 108
1 Listen and complete. Then ask and answer. • Tell pupils to write their family members and their names
e 1•34 on the lines.
• Open Class Books at page 27. Focus pupils’ attention on 2 Draw your family tree. WB p. 108
the pictures and the names and ask Who’s that?
• Tell pupils to write their name under me.
• Tell pupils they are going to hear the children talking
about their families. They have to listen and tick or cross,
• Point out the line going up from me, and encourage
them to write family member words for two parents (or
and write the number of people.
guardians) in that space. Do the same with the lines to the
• Do the example together as a class. Play the track, pausing sides, where they can include any brothers or sisters.
after Emma says Yes, I have and point to the tick in the
column. Continue the track and pause after Emma says
• Pupils continue drawing up their family trees in this way
to include aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. For
One and point to the 1 in the column.
each one, encourage them to write the person’s name as
Transcript well as the family member word in the target language.
Have you got any brothers, Emma? / Yes, I have. / How many? / TIP Be sensitive to children who may not have traditional
One. families and help with vocabulary, for example step mother,
Have you got any sisters, Emma? / No, I haven’t. half-brothers, etc. Pupils can make up a fictional family tree if
Have you got any cousins, Emma? / Yes, I have. / How many? / they prefer.
Have you got any brothers, Liu? / No, I haven’t. 3 Complete your family tree. Tick (f). WB p. 108
Have you got any sisters, Liu? / No, I haven’t. • Give out plain paper and tell pupils to copy the family tree
Have you got any cousins, Liu? / Yes, I have. How many? / Three. from page 108, adding pictures of their family members.
Have you got any brothers, Tarek? / Yes, I have. / How many? / Ask them to think of a suitable title. Refer them back to
Three. the pictures on page 27.
Have you got any sisters, Tarek? / Yes, I have. / How many? / One. • They then look at the check list to tick the things they
Have you got any cousins, Tarek? / No, I haven’t. have included and make sure they have completed
• Play the track, pausing after each exchange for pupils to everything.
tick the pictures.
• To check as a class, say the name of each of the children Presentation
for pupils to say the number of family members, for • Present your family tree saying, for example, This is my
example Emma, one brother, no sisters, five cousins. sister. Her name’s Rose. I’ve got two brothers. This is Peter and
this is Paul. Encourage pupils to ask you questions, for
example, Have you got any cousins?
Emma: 1 brother, 0 sisters, 5 cousins
Liu: 0 brothers, 0 sisters, 1 cousin • Write the sentences on the board as a model.
Tarek: 3 brothers, 1 sister, 0 cousins • See the presentation procedure in Unit 1, Lesson 8.
• Play the first exchange (Have you got any brothers, Emma? • Ask pupils to keep the family trees in the classroom as
Yes, I have. How many? One.), pausing for pupils to repeat. they will need them again in Lesson 10.
Ask different pupils to ask the questions to another pupil,
substituting brothers for sisters and cousins. Repeat with a
few pupils.

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Lesson 9 Round up p. 28
1 b 2 c 3 b
Review learning progress with the language of Unit 2
• Below level: Put the flashcards face up in front of the
pupils. Play the track and ask them to point to the
family members they hear. Play each exchange again
Revision of vocabulary and structures from Unit 2 and ask pupils the questions from the activity. They
then do the activity.
Materials • Above level: In pairs, pupils take turns to choose a
Class Book p.28; DVD; CD1 tracks 30, 31 and 35; Unit 2 picture from each set and describe it, for example I’ve
flashcards got two sisters for their partner to point to the correct
Warmer e 1•30–1•31
• Play the Family is Number One song from page 26 of the Class quiz
Class Book and encourage the class to sing along. If the • Have a class quiz based on what pupils have learned in
class is confident, you can also use the karaoke version on Unit 2.
the CD (track 31).
• Divide the class into teams of four and tell them they are
Revision going to do a quiz about the unit. The first team to answer
a question correctly wins a point.
• Ask pupils what words they can remember from this unit.
Write their answers on the board. • Ask questions about the unit, for example hold up the
Unit 2 flashcards and ask Who’s this? Ask questions about
• Ask pupils if they can remember what happened in the
the story: Who finds Briana and Dylan? How many sisters
story in this unit.
has Dylan got? Write sentences or questions for pupils to
• Ask pupils what sound they practised in the tongue- re-order, for example you got Have cousins any? Ask what
twister in this unit. pupils should do before they go out anywhere alone (Tell
1 Find, circle and tick (f). an adult where they are going and who with.). Ask who
can say the tongue-twister.
• Open Class Books at page 28. Focus pupils’ attention on
the pictures around the word search and elicit the words TIP If you have a confident class, you could ask groups to
for members of Briana’s family. write one question about the unit to ask other groups.
• Tell the class to find the family member words in the word
Self-evaluation, test and assessment. e 3•27
search and circle them.
• When they find the word, they tick the corresponding TIP The self-evaluation and tests can be done at the end of
circled picture. Lesson 10 if more appropriate for your class.
• Invite pupils to reflect on how they felt about the activities
in the unit.
1 brother 2 mum 3 aunt 4 sister 5 uncle
6 grandma 7 dad 8 cousin 9 grandpa • Give pupils two minutes to look through the unit and put
a blue dot next to an activity they enjoyed, a green dot
2 Listen and tick (f). e 1•35 next to an activity they found easy, and a black dot next to
• Focus pupils’ attention on the three sets of pictures and an activity they found difficult.
ask who they think the people are. • Monitor pupils as they work and ask questions, for
• Tell pupils they are going to listen to people talking about example: Why did you find this difficult? Why did you
the family members in the pictures and they have to tick enjoy this?
the picture they are talking about. • Pupils are now ready to complete the Unit 2 Test (see
• Play the first question and ask pupils to point to the pp.121–123 of this Teacher’s Book). Use CD3, track 27.
correct picture (b) and then tick the box. • Fill in the evaluation grid for each pupil (see website).
• Play the rest of the track, pausing for pupils to tick.

1 A: Have you got any brothers or sisters?
B: Yes, I have. I’ve got one sister and one brother.
2 A: Who’s that?
B: That’s my aunt and uncle.
3 A: Have you got any cousins?
B: Yes, I have.
A: I’ve got two cousins.
• Ask pupils to compare their answers before you play the
track again for them to check.
• To check as a class, ask different pairs to ask and answer
the questions.

48 Unit 2 © 2020 Oxford University Press

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Lesson 10 Round up p. 29
TIMESAVER TIP If you are short on time, pupils can just
complete the task on the Photocopy Master, i.e. the family
Objectives members booklet.
Prepare, make and present a Family lapbook • Look at the photo and ask pupils to describe what they
Practise writing skills at sentence level can see. Make sure they understand that Bilal has made a
Family lapbook at school and has taken it home to show
Language his family and friends. Tell pupils they are going to make
their own lapbook to take home.
Revision of vocabulary and structures from Unit 2
• Give each pupil a piece of poster paper or card. On the
Materials board write My Family by (name). Tell pupils to copy the
title with their name onto the top of the paper. (If they
Class Book p.29; Unit 2 flashcards; word cards (optional);
wish, pupils copy the longer title My Super Family from the
Photocopy Master Unit 2 (Teacher’s Book p.146) – one
photo in their Class Books.
per pupil; Family booklet (prepared by the teacher);
poster paper or card; paper or card; scissors; glue; stapler; 1 Give each pupil a piece of plain paper and tell them to
family trees from lesson 8 prepared by pupils; some draw a picture of their family and write about it using the
photos of the your family (optional) example text in activity 1 to support them. They then cut
the picture and writing out and stick it onto the left-hand
side of the poster paper, as in the photo on the Class
Revision Book page.
Play The wrong words or Anagrams to revise the family 2 Give each pupil a copy of the Family lapbook Photocopy
members vocabulary. (See the How To Do It section on Master. Show them your completed booklet. Demonstrate
page 23.) how to cut it out so they have five pages of different sizes.
Show pupils how to put them one on top of another with
1 Read and write.
the top edges lined up. The shortest tab should be at the
TIP If you have some photos of your family to show pupils, top and the longest at the bottom. Hand out staplers for
put them on the board or pass them around the class as you pupils to staple the top.
tell them about your family. On the board, write parents and grandparents and explain
• Tell pupils about your family, for example I’ve got one sister. the words. Ask pupils to tell you some headings for family
Her name’s Emilia. I’ve got two aunts, Monica and Anna. members, for example, parents, grandparents, cousins,
I’ve got a dog. His name’s Spot. Ask a few pupils to tell you brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, and write them on
about their family. the board. Pupils choose which family members they
• Open Class Books at page 29. Ask a pupil to read out the want to include on each of the four pages in the booklet
family description in the box at the top of the page to and copy headings on the lines at the bottom of each tab.
the class. Tell pupils they are going to write about their Pupils draw pictures of those people above the words
families using the example as a model. They then stick the booklet on the right hand side of the
• Tell them to plan their writing by doing a first draft in their
notebooks. Focus pupils’ attention on the two questions 3 Finally they stick the family tree they made in Lesson 8 at
at the top right of their Class Book page and write their the bottom of the lapbook.
answers in their notebooks: Have you got a brother, sister or • Focus pupils’ attention on the photo on page 29 again
cousin? What’s his/her name? and ask them to present their lapbook in groups.
• Encourage pupils to complete the first line with the title • To demonstrate the presentation stage, ask a pupil to
(My family, as in the model text above). Pupils write the bring their lapbook to the front of the class and ask, for
description in their Class Books, using their notes from example, Have you got any brothers or sisters? Who’s this?
their notebooks and the model at the top of the page. What’s her name?
TIP The template for this unit has been left quite empty
• See the How To Do It section on page 24 for information
on the presentation stage.
to avoid upsetting any children in the class who don’t have
certain family members. Be supportive to children who
need it and offer alternatives, like friends and pets, for them
to write about. You can stress throughout that everyone’s
families are different and that’s why it is interesting to find
out about them.
• Monitor pupils as they work, helping with spelling and
checking they are using the target language correctly.
• Divide the class into groups of four to take turns reading
out their descriptions.

2 Make a Family lapbook.

Teacher’s Book p.146

TIP The tips throughout the unit regarding sensitivity to

pupils’ family situations are applicable in this lesson too.

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The Crown of the Dragon King
Part 2 pp. 30–31 CULTURE NOTE There are different legends about water
sprites in Britain. In Scottish mythology Ashrays, or Water
Objectives Lovers, are see-through water creatures, often mistaken for
Develop extensive reading skills sea ghosts. They can be both male and female, are found
Discover famous mythical places and creatures in the UK only under water, and are nocturnal. When captured
and exposed to sunlight, Ashrays melt and only a puddle
Materials of water remains. Grindylows appear in folk tales from
Class Book pp.30–31; The United Kingdom Legends Map Yorkshire. Parents told their children stories of grindylows
poster; CD1 track 36; plain paper to stop them from getting into cold water in the area.
They supposedly had long fingers that would drag
children into the deep.
• Ask pupils about the first episode of The Crown of the • Ask pupils some questions to check comprehension of
Dragon King. Discuss which characters were present, the key points. Ask what Vordigren’s message is (You
where the episode took place (Maiden Castle) and how it are at Aquae Sulis. Look for the water…), who is in the
finished. water (magical creatures, water sprites), whether they are
• Tell pupils you are going to say some true and false friendly (no). Ask why the soldier doesn’t remember his
sentences about the first episode of the story and they name (because he is under a spell from the sprites), why
have to stand up if the sentence is false and sit down if Nadia follows the soldiers to the water (because she is
it’s true. under the spell, too), how Rin tries to stop her (he holds
• Say the following sentences: Nadia and her friends are at her and looks into her eyes to distract her), what question
school. (F) They are looking at Celtic things. (T) The jewel is he asks her (Have you got any brothers or sisters?), how
from a crown. (T) Rin works at the museum. (F) Rin and Nadia he saves her (he shows her a picture of her sister and she
arrive at Maiden Castle. (T) Vordigren is a king. (F) The crown remembers), how Nadia saves the soldiers (she tells them
of the Dragon King is magic. (T) Vordigren wants Nadia to go not to go in the water because it’s dangerous), what the
home. (F) Roman leader gives Rin (a jewel for the crown) and how
many jewels Rin has now (two).
• Stick the map poster on the board and ask a pupil to
come to the board and point to where the first episode • Divide the class into pairs. Tell them to close their books
took place (Maiden Castle). and retell the story together in their own words.

Listen and read. e 1•36 After reading

• Open Class Books at page 30. Point to the map at the top • Ask the class if they can think of any other mythical
of the page. Ask a pupil to come and find the same place creatures, for example dragons, fairies, the Loch Ness
on the poster. Monster, yetis.
• Write their suggestions on the board and ask pupils what
CULTURE NOTE Aquae Sulis is located in the south- they know about each of the creatures.
west of England, in the modern-day town of Bath in • Divide the class into groups of four and tell them they are
Somerset. The Aquae Sulis was one of the largest Roman going to create a mythical character. Tell them to discuss
baths outside the Italian peninsula. Use of the hot spring what it looks like, where it lives and what it can do.
appears to have begun about 10,000 years ago. The Celts • Give each group a piece of paper and tell them to draw a
settled in the area in around 700 BC and revered its hot picture of their mythical creature and give it a name.
springs and rejuvenating qualities, which they attributed
to their goddess of water, Sulis. By AD 43, the hot spring
• Ask different groups to present their pictures and describe
their creature to the class.
was transformed into a proper Roman bath complex.
• Write Mythical creatures on a piece of poster paper and
• Focus pupils’ attention on the first frames of the story stick it on the wall. Stick the groups’ pictures under it.
and ask Who can you see? (Nadia, Rin, Vordigren, Roman
soldiers). Is it modern times? (no, Celtic times). Class theatre (optional) e 1•36
• Tell pupils they are going to listen and read the story. • Divide the class into groups of six and assign the roles of
Nadia, Rin, Vordigren, a water sprite, a Roman soldier, the
TIP See Part 1 of the story for a Tip regarding the reading. Roman leader. See notes in the How To Do It section on
• Play the story for pupils to follow in their Class Books. Point page 24 for how to carry out the class theatre.
to the frames as they listen to the dialogue. Ask pupils
what they have understood about the story and if their
predictions were correct.
• Play the story a second time.

50 The Crown of the Dragon King (Part 2) © 2020 Oxford University Press
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Culture: British towns and ANSWERS
(picture 1) city, traffic (picture 2) Underground, stations
cities pp. 32–33 (picture 3) shops, flat (picture 4) village, house

Objectives 3 Read and look at the pictures, then write True or

Learn about British towns and cities False.
Listen, identify and write vocabulary associated with • Tell pupils to read the sentences. If they are true they write
towns and cities yes and if they are false they write no.
Make a poster of the place where you live • Do number 1 as an example with the class.
• Divide the class into pairs to complete the activity.
Language • To check as a class, ask pairs to read out the sentences for
Active: city, village, flat, house, shops, traffic, Underground, their partners to answer yes or no.
station, big, small, busy, quiet; Where do you/they live? I/they ANSWERS
live in … There is/are lots of … There aren’t any … 1 True 2 False 3 False 4 True
Passive: town, street, (second) floor, cafe, restaurant,
garden, trees CULTURE NOTE See the website for cultural information
about British towns and cities.
Class Book pp.32–33; CD1 track 37; poster paper; plain 4 Do you like the city or the village? Why?
paper; scissors; glue • Point to the pictures of the city and the village and ask
pupils where they would prefer to live.
1 Listen and number the pictures. e 1•37 • Develop the discussion to compare their city with the one
• Tell the class they are going to learn about British towns in the photos. Ask Where do you live? Is it big or small? Is it
and cities. Ask them what words they associate with busy or quiet? Are there lots of people? Are there lots of cars?
towns and cities and make a list on the board. If they say Are there buses? Is there an Underground train? Are there
words in L1, recast in English. Ask what the difference is shops, cafes and restaurants? Is there a station? Are there
between towns, cities and the countryside. houses and flats? Is your town the same as, or different from,
• Open Class Books at page 32. Point to the photo of Emma. the one in the picture? Are British houses and flats the same
Say Who is it? How old is she? Where is she from? Talk about as, or different from, the houses and flats in your town?
the photos with pupils, asking them what they can see • Read the questions on the page: Do you like the city or the
and if the places are similar or different to towns and cities village? Why? Divide the class into groups of four to discuss
in their area. the questions.
• Tell pupils they are going to hear Emma talking about
where she lives and they have to number the pictures in
5 Project: Make a collage of your city, town or
the order they hear them described. village.
• Play the track, pausing after the first exchange for pupils TIP Prepare a backing for the class display by covering an
to point to the correct photo (the city of London). area of wall with poster paper.
• Play the rest of the track, pausing for pupils to number the • Point to the two examples of pupils’ pictures and ask Is it a
photos. house or a flat? Is it busy or quiet? Are there a lot of shops and
1 City of London 2 Flats above shops • Tell pupils this is a town project and they are now going
3 The Underground 4 The village to do their own project.
• Play the track again for pupils to point to the photos. • Give each pupil a piece of paper and tell them to draw a
picture of their house or flat. Make sure they leave space
2 Read, then choose and write. underneath to write.
• Ask pupils if they can remember any phrases or words • Tell them to write three sentences underneath their
Emma said about the photos, for example I live in a very big picture using the model sentences in their Class Book to
city, I live in a flat. They live in a very small village. help them.
• Go through the words in the word pool and ask pupils to • Fast finishers can draw additional pictures of their town,
point to the things in the photos. like restaurants, parks and schools. Stronger pupils can
• Pupils work individually to read the sentences, look at then write short captions describing these features, e.g.
the pictures and choose a word from the word pool to This is my favourite restaurant.
complete the sentences. • Pupils cut out their pictures and text and stick them on
the wall to make a collage representing their town.

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Unit 3

Lesson 1 p. 34
1 True 2 False 3 False 4 True
Introduce the theme of school
• Below level: Read out the sentences and play the
Read and listen to a dialogue track again for them to follow the dialogue. Ask if the
Identify true and false statements sentences are true or false, and why. Then ask pupils to
complete the exercise.
Language • Above level: Ask pupils to work with a partner
Passive: dialogue script to discuss why the false sentences are false and
correct them.
Class Book p.34; CD1 track 38; plain paper (optional) Class discussion
• Have a class discussion about schools and ask pupils what
Warmer they like and don’t like about school. Ask what subjects
• Write School on the board. they do at school and what their favourite subject is. Say
• Ask pupils to suggest words connected to school, for My favourite subject is (English) and ask pupils to repeat.
example teachers, classroom, playground, homework. If
Drawing activity
pupils say the words in L1, recast their answers in English
(if possible). Write the words on the board. • Give pupils a piece of plain paper and ask them to draw
a picture to illustrate their favourite subject, for example
1 Listen and read. e 1•38 a globe or map for Geography, a dictionary for English,
• Open Class Books at page 34. Ask pupils who they can numbers for Maths.
see in the photo, where they are, and what they are doing • Monitor pupils as they work, asking about their picture
(Tarek and Emma are in the school library or classroom and helping with vocabulary in English if necessary.
looking at Tarek’s history project). Ask them if they do • Say My favourite subject is (English) for the pupils to repeat.
projects in other subjects and display and present them at • Divide the class into groups of four and tell them to take
school. turns to show, and talk about, their pictures, starting with
• Focus pupils’ attention on the dialogue and tell them to My favourite subject is (English).
listen and follow in their books. Play the track. • Ask the groups to respond to each other’s pictures, as in
the dialogue, by saying It’s great! It’s so cool!
For the transcript, see page 34 of the Class Book. • Write School on a piece of poster paper and stick it on the
wall. Stick the pupils’ pictures under the heading. Leave
• Ask pupils what subject Tarek’s model is about (ancient
the display there for the duration of Unit 3 as a reference.
Egypt). Explain the term if they don’t know it.
• Ask pupils a few questions to check comprehension, for
example ask what picture Emma points at (an ancient
Egyptian king), if she likes it (yes) and how pupils know
that she likes it (she says it’s great). Ask what Tarek’s
favourite subject is (History), what his teacher’s name is
(Mr Hicks) and what Tarek thinks of him (he’s brilliant).
• Play the track again, pausing after Wow! It’s so cool! and It’s
great! for pupils to repeat the expressions.

2 Read and write True or False.

• Focus pupils’ attention on the sentences and explain that
some of the sentences are true and some of them are
false. They have to look at the picture, read the dialogue
and write True or False.
• Pupils work individually to complete the activity.
• Monitor pupils as they work, helping if necessary.
• Ask pupils to check their answers with a partner.
• As a class check, ask different pupils to read out the
sentences for the class to say True or False.

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Lesson 2 p. 35
1 Geography 2 Maths 3 History 4 English 5 Art
Objectives 6 Music 7 PE 8 Science
Identify and write the words for school subjects 3 Listen and repeat. Say. e 1•41
Talk about likes and dislikes • Focus pupils’ attention on the pictures of the people and
Play a guessing game ask Who’s that? (Julia and Bilal).
• Play the track, one line at a time, for pupils to listen and
Language repeat.
Active: Music, Science, Geography, English, PE, Maths, Art, • Divide the class into pairs to take turns pointing to the
History numbered subjects in activity 1 and say if they like, or
Passive: I like Maths and Science. I don’t like PE. don’t like, the subject.

Materials Differentiation
Class Book p.35, 109 (practice); CD1 tracks 39–41; Unit 3 • Below level: Put the Unit 3 flashcards face up in front of
flashcards (x8); small pieces of paper the group. On separate pieces of paper draw a smiley
and a sad face. Say, for example, I like History for pupils
to put the correct flashcard on the smiley face. Repeat a
few times. Tell pupils to take turns to pick up a flashcard,
• Remind the class of the topic of the unit (school). show the group and say I like/I don’t like (History).
• Tell the class to look at the project on page 34 again. Ask • Above level: In pairs, pupils cover the school subject
if they can remember Tarek’s teacher’s name (Mr Hicks), words in activity 1. They take it in turns to point to a
what picture Emma likes (the ancient Egyptian king) and picture and ask and answer Do you like (Art)?
what Tarek’s favourite subject is (History).

1 Listen and point. Repeat. e 1•39–40 4 Play the game: Guess My Favourite Subject.
• Stick all the Unit 3 flashcards on the board. Point to each • Tell pupils to close their books. Choose a flashcard and put
flashcard and elicit the words. If pupils say the word in L1, it behind your back so the class can’t see it. Tell pupils to
recast in English. guess your favourite subject by naming the subjects until
• Ask a pupil to come to the board and say one of the they guess correctly.
words for the pupil to point to the flashcard. Repeat with • Divide the class into pairs, making sure they are with a
different pupils and flashcards. different partner from activity 2.
• Open Class Books at page 35. Focus pupils’ attention on • The pairs write their three favourite subjects down on a
the picture and ask what they can see. Make sure they slip of paper and turn it face down.
understand the school is in Galchobar’s round house. Ask • The pairs take turns to guess each other’s favourite
them if the Celtic school is similar or different to theirs. Ask subjects. They guess by naming the subjects, for example
how and why. Music? Yes, I like Music! Maths? No, I don’t like Maths.
• Tell pupils they are going to hear words for different • When all their favourites have been guessed, then they
school subjects and they have to find them in the picture. turn the paper over and say, for example, My favourite
• Play track 39 for pupils to point to the pictures as they subjects are Music, Art and Science.
hear the words, first in order and then in random order.
1 Match and write. WB p. 109
Transcript • Focus pupils’ attention on the pictures in the middle
Geography – Maths – History – English – Art – Music – column and elicit the subjects.
PE – Science / English – Maths – PE – History – Science – • Go through the example with the class, making sure they
Geography – Music – Art understand they need to match the two halves of the
• Play track 40, pausing for pupils to repeat. letters for the subject first, then match the subject to the
picture, and write the complete word.
2 Choose and write.
• Focus pupils’ attention on the word pool and say the
words for pupils to follow in their books. 2 Maths 3 Geography 4 Art 5 History 6 Science
7 Music 8 English
• Point to the numbered writing lines on the picture. Ask
What’s number 1? (Geography). Tell pupils to copy the 2 Write for you. WB p. 109
subject Geography from the word pool into the correct • Focus pupils’ attention on the table and elicit what the
space. happy and sad faces mean. Explain they have to choose
• Pupils complete the activity individually. subjects from activity 1 that they like and don’t like and
write them in the correct columns, copying the spellings
from activity 1.

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Lessons 3 and 4 Magic pp. 36–37
• Play the track for frame 2, pausing after I don’t like Art, then
frame 3, Do you like magic? Yes, I do for pupils to repeat.
Objectives • Divide the class into pairs and tell them to close their
Read and understand a story books.
Identify the characters and places in a story • Tell them to retell the story together in their own words.
Discuss and understand the importance of saying sorry • On the board, write I don’t like Art. Do you like magic? Yes, I
do. Ask pupils to include the question and answer when they
Language retell the story.
Active: I don’t like Art. Do you like magic? Yes, I do. • Monitor pupils as they work and encourage them to use
Passive: a teacher, This is an Art lesson. Science is the target language.
my favourite subject. Science is cool! I’m sorry. It’s OK., 2 Look at the Kingdom of Albion map. Where’s the
saying sorry story?
Materials • Tell pupils to open out the map at the front of their Class
Class Book pp.36–37; DVD; CD1 track 42; Unit 3 flashcards;
poster paper
• Ask pupils to discuss in pairs where the story takes place
on the map (at Galchobar’s round house).
• Explain to pupils that Galchobar is a wizard, but also a wise
Warmer man of the village and that the children learn from him.
• Play Which one is missing? to revise the school subjects.
(See the How To Do It section on page 22.) TIP In Celtic times there weren’t really any schools, but
children learned from their elders and information and skills
1 Watch or listen and read. r DVD e 1•42 were passed down from generation to generation. Today, we
• Open Class Books at pages 36 and 37. Point to frames 1 have formalized learning through our school systems.
and 2 and ask pupils who they can see, where they are • Ask pupils if they think Galchobar would be a good
and what is happening. teacher. Why?/Why not? What is a teacher?/What do
• Then ask pupils to close their books and ask what they think teachers do? How do children learn? Are there teachers in
happens in the story. Play the story on the DVD, or play the places other than schools?
story on the CD with pupils following in their Class Books (tell • Ask if pupils can think of anyone else they know who
them to point to the pictures as they listen). teaches and what they teach, for example Grandma
• Ask the class if their predictions of the story were correct. teaches how to cook, Dad teaches how to ride a bike, and
• Play the story again. Pause at regular intervals and ask Mum teaches values.
questions to ensure understanding. For example, ask who 3 Look and complete. Then write. Who says it?
the characters are (King Cadarn, Queen Kira, Galchobar,
Princess Briana, Dylan), what subject Briana doesn’t like
• On the board write the gapped sentence This is an __
lesson. Ask pupils to look back at the story and tell you
(Art), what subject she likes (Magic) and what Dylan’s
what frame the sentence is from (frame 2). Ask which
favourite subject is (Science). Ask who Briana meets
word goes in the gap (Art) and who says it (Galchobar).
(Dylan), what happens when Briana puts the yellow
liquid in the cauldron (it explodes), why Dylan says sorry • Pupils work in pairs to complete the rest of the activity,
(because he asked her to mix the liquids which caused the looking back at the story if necessary.
accident) and if Briana is satisfied with his apology (yes, • To check as a class, ask different pupils to read out their
she understands it was an accident). sentences for another pupil to say who said it.
2 sorry, Dylan 3 This, King Cadarn 4 do, Briana
1 Galchobar: Hello, King Cadarn.
5 Science, Briana
King Cadarn: Hello, Galchobar! This is my daughter,
Princess Briana. Class theatre e 1.42
2 Galchobar: Come in, Briana! This is an Art lesson.
• Play the recording, pausing after each line of text for
Briana: Er, I don’t like Art.
pupils to repeat.
3 Galchobar: Oh! Do you like magic?
Briana: Yes, I do! • Divide the class into groups of four and assign pupils the
4 Galchobar: Children, it’s time for Science. Let’s see some roles of Dylan, Briana, Galchobar and King Cadarn.
magic! • Help pupils to act out the story in groups, following the
5 Briana: Dylan! procedure described in the How To Do It section on page 24.
Dylan: Hi, Briana. Come on! Science is my favourite
4 Read and circle.
6 Dylan: Look, Briana! TIP This activity provides a good opportunity to ensure
Briana: Wow! comprehension of Galchobar’s role in the Celtic society.
7 Dylan: Here, put this in [BANG!]. Although he is a wizard, he also teaches the children. You
9 Dylan: Oops! I’m sorry, Briana. could discuss how many people hold several roles at the
Briana: Er … it’s OK. same time: King Cadarn is a king, but also a father; children
10 Briana: And… Science is cool!

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are sons/daughters and also pupils; teachers can also be Extension activity
parents/brothers/sister. • Tell pupils they are going to use one of the stories from
• Write the first sentence on the board and ask Is King their group and draw a picture with speech bubbles to
Cadarn Briana’s brother or dad? (Dad.) Circle dad in the illustrate it.
sentence. • Divide them into the same groups of four and give a large
• Tell pupils to read the other sentences in their Class Books, piece of poster paper to each group.
then read the story again and circle the correct word. • Monitor the groups as they work, helping with ideas and
• To check as a class, ask different pupils to read a sentence writing the speech bubbles in the target language.
with the correct word. • Ask different groups to show their pictures and explain
ANSWERS what happened and why they apologized, including the
1 dad 2 likes 3 Science 4 Dylan 5 like target language (I’m sorry. It’s OK.).
6 a wizard and a teacher • Write Saying sorry on a sheet of poster paper and stick
it on the wall. Stick pupils’ pictures under it to create a
Differentiation display for the duration of Unit 3 as a reminder of the
• Below level: For pupils who are not confident readers, value.
read out the sentences to them and point to the frames
where they can find the answers.
• Above level: Pupils work in pairs to write one more
sentence about the story with options as in the activity,
for example Dylan thinks Science is cool/horrible. The
pairs swap their sentences and choose and circle the
correct option. They then return the sentences to be

5 Talk about saying sorry.

• Ask pupils why Dylan says he is sorry when there is an
explosion. Ask how they think Dylan feels when the
explosion happens and how Briana feels. Ask how Briana
feels once Dylan has apologized, and if they think it is
right for Dylan to apologize. Ask how they think Briana
would feel if he didn’t apologize, and how their friendship
may change.
• Ask pupils to look back at the story and tell you how
Briana responded to the apology (Er … It’s OK.). Explain
that it’s good that Briana acknowledges it’s an accident;
she may still be a little shocked and upset, but she knows
Dylan didn’t do it intentionally.
• Say or play the exchange between Briana and Dylan:
Oops! I’m sorry, Briana./Er … it’s OK. for pupils to repeat.
• Divide the class into pairs to practise the exchange,
changing roles each time.
• To personalize the value, ask pupils how they respond
when someone does something and apologizes or
doesn’t apologize.
• Ask the pupils to tell you situations when it’s important
to apologize, for example bumping into someone, saying
something horrible about someone and they overhear it,
breaking something at home.
• Ask pupils to think of a situation recently when they had
to apologise, tell them to think about what happened and
how they felt.
• Divide the class into groups of four to share their
experiences. Ask a few groups to share their stories with
the class.
CITIZENSHIP Explain to pupils that it is often good to
acknowledge if someone did something by accident.
They may still be a little shocked and upset, but it is good
to notice if the other person didn’t do something hurtful

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Lesson 5 p. 38
Write the examples on the board and show the class how
we use a comma before the word but.
Objectives • Focus pupils’ attention on the table. Explain that the ticks
Ask and answer about likes and dislikes are for the subjects each person likes and the crosses are
Practise writing the new structure for the subjects each person doesn’t like.
Review using the connectors and, but, or • Tell pupils they have to write sentences for Briana and
Dylan using Enya’s sentence as a model.
Language • Check the answers as a class by asking two pupils to write
Active: Do you like Art? Yes, I do./No, I don’t. I like Science their sentences on the board.
and Art, but I don’t like History or Maths. ANSWERS
1 I like Science and PE, but I don’t like Music or English.
Materials 2 I like Science and English, but I don’t like Music or PE.
Class Book p.38, 110 (practice), 126 (Grammar Reference); Differentiation
CD1 track 43; Unit 3 flashcards
• Below level: Put the Unit 3 flashcards face up. Draw a
tick on one piece of paper and a cross on another. Pick
Warmer up four flashcards and say I like Science and Art, BUT I
• Draw a smiley face on one side of the board and a sad don’t like History or Maths and lay the flashcards on the
face on the other side. tick and cross papers as you say the sentence. Repeat a
• Point to the smiley face and say I like Art. Point to the sad couple of times, then ask pupils to do the same.
face and say I don’t like Maths. • Above level: In pairs, pupils pretend to be Briana and
• Divide the class into two teams. Ask a pupil from each Dylan. They cover the sentences in their books, look at
team in turn to come to the board. Hand the pupil one the table and take turns to say what they like and don’t
of the Unit 3 flashcards and say a sentence with like/don’t like.
like, for example I don’t like History. Tell the pupil to stick the
flashcard on the board under the correct face. 1 Look and write questions. Answer for you: Yes, I
• Repeat with pupils from each team in turn and award one do or No, I don’t. WB p. 110
point for each correctly placed flashcard. • Tell pupils to look at each subject and write the question.
Then they write answers for them.
1 Listen and read. Repeat. e 1•43
• Open Class Books at page 38. Focus pupils’ attention on ANSWERS
the pictures. Tell pupils to listen to the track and follow 2 Do you like Science? 3 Do you like Art?
along in their Class Books. 4 Do you like Music? 5 Do you like PE?
• Play the track again for pupils to repeat. 6 Do you like History?

2 Look and write. 2 Look and write. WB p. 110

• Focus pupils’ attention on the grammar box and point out • Go through the example as a class and explain that pupils
the highlighted Do for the yes/no questions and do/don’t write sentences with like or don’t like, including and and or.
in the short answers. Ask pupils what the sad and happy ANSWERS
faces mean (I like/I don’t like). 2 I don’t like Art or English.
• Go through the examples with the class. Explain that 3 I like Music and Science.
pupils write a question using the subject in brackets. Then 4 I don’t like History or PE.
they see if the answer is a smiley or sad face and write the
short answer.
3 Complete. Then draw and write
about you. WB p. 110
• Check answers by asking different pupils to read out their
question for another to respond. • Focus pupils’ attention on the word pool and tell them to
complete the gapped sentence with but, or, or and. Check
ANSWERS answers as a class before moving on to the next part.
3 Do you like Maths? Yes, I do.
4 Do you like History? No, I don’t.
but, or
3 Look and write. • Pupils then draw a picture of themselves in the space and
• Ask pupils who the children in the pictures are (Briana and use the example sentence to write about themselves with
Dylan). Tell pupils that the girl at the top is Enya and she two subjects they like and two they don’t like.
lives in the Celtic village.
• Read out the example sentence for Enya.
TIP Explain to pupils that we use and to link two positive
ideas (I like Science and Maths.); we use but to link a positive
and a negative idea (I like Science, but I don’t like Maths.); we
use or to link two negative ideas (I don’t like Science or Maths.).

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Lesson 6 p. 39
Monday: History; Tuesday: PE, Maths; Wednesday:
Objectives Geography, Music; Thursday: Science; Friday: Art, English
Learn the days of the week 3 Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer. e 1•45
Practise asking and answering questions about a • Tell pupils to look at their completed timetable, listen to
timetable the track and point to the correct day.
Practise writing the days of the week • Play the track again for pupils to repeat.
• Hold up the PE flashcard and encourage a pupil to ask
When’s PE? Nominate another pupil to answer On Tuesday.
Active: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Repeat with different flashcards and pupils.
Saturday, Sunday, When’s Computing? On Monday.
• Divide the class into pairs to look at the timetable and
Geography is on Wednesday.
take turns to ask and answer.
Passive: timetable, days of the week, Come on everyone, rap
with me! 4 Look and write.
• Focus pupils’ attention on the grammar box and
Materials explain we use When to ask about time. Show how the
Class Book p.39; 111 (practice), 125 (Grammar Reference); contraction When’s equals When is.
CD1 tracks 44–45; Unit 3 flashcards • On the board, write PE? and ask a pupil to come to the
board to write the question correctly: When’s PE? Elicit the
Warmer answer On Tuesday.
• Play Anagrams with the subject words. (See the How To Do • Pupils complete the activity.
It section on page 23.) • To check as a class, ask a pupil to read the question for
another to respond.
1 Do The Days of the Week rap. e 1•44
• Play the rap for pupils to listen. Ask what it’s about (days of
2 When’s Maths? On Tuesday. 3 When’s History? On
the week).
Monday. 4 When’s Music? On Wednesday.
• Divide the class into seven groups and assign them a
day of the week. Tell them to choose a rap movement for 5 Write.
their day. • Pupils look at the timetable and complete the sentences.
• Say Monday and encourage the Monday group to stand
up and do their movement. Repeat with the other days of
2 Art is on Friday. 3 Homework is on Thursday.
the week in order.
4 Computing is on Monday. 5 Science is on Thursday.
• Play the rap again and tell the groups to do their 6 English is on Friday.
movement when they hear their day of the week.
• Play the rap again, pausing for pupils to repeat. 1 Write the days in order. Then write questions and
answers. WB p. 111
Transcript • Pupils look at the pictures and complete the days of the
Days of the week, days of the week. week in order. Then they complete the questions and
Come on everyone, rap with me! (x2) write the answers.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
Sunday! (x2) ANSWERS
Monday – Monday! Tuesday – Tuesday! Wednesday – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Wednesday! Thursday – Thursday! Friday – Friday! Saturday 2 When’s Science? On Friday. 3 When’s Computing? On
– Saturday! Sunday – Sunday! … Yeah! Wednesday. 4 When’s Music? On Tuesday.
5 When’s History? On Thursday.
2 Choose and write the days. Then write the
subjects. 2 Follow and write. WB p. 111
• Open Class Books at page 39. Point out the table and ask • On the board, write the abbreviations for the days of the
what it shows (a timetable) and what we use it for (to week and elicit the full word, for example Mon = Monday.
show us what lessons we have every week). • Focus pupils’ attention on the pictures and elicit the subjects.
• Ask pupils what words go in the top row (the days of • Go through the example, showing pupils they have to
the week). Ask pupils to say the days in order. Point out follow the lines from the picture of the subject to the day,
the word pool and tell pupils to write the days in the then write a sentence.
• Point to the pictures to elicit the subjects. Teach
2 PE is on Monday. 3 English is on Friday.
computing. Explain that there is one subject before and
4 Science is on Wednesday. 5 Maths is on Tuesday.
one after lunch each day.
• Tell pupils to write the subjects under the pictures. 3 Answer for you. WB p. 111
• Ask pupils to read the question and write the answer for
when they have PE.

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Lesson 7 p. 40 Transcript
/s/ /s/ − /s/ /s/
Objectives • Play the track again for pupils to repeat the sound.
Review the unit structures and vocabulary through TIP Explain and demonstrate how to make the /s/ sound by
a song opening your mouth a little, with a small gap between your
Recognize and say the /s/ sound top and bottom teeth and your tongue on the roof of your
Practise the /s/ sound in a tongue-twister mouth. Then push the air over the top of the tongue and out
through the teeth with no voice. If snakes make the sound
Language ‘sssss’ in L1 this may help explain how to make the sound!
Active: Science, Saturday, Sunday, lessons, twice, super, nice
3 Listen and say the tongue-twister. e 1•49
Passive: Song lyrics
• Tell pupils they are going to learn the tongue-twister to
practise the /s/ sound.
Class Book p.40; CD1 tracks 46–49; Unit 3 flashcards (x9)
• Play the track for pupils to listen and follow the tongue-
twister in their books.
(add the computing flashcard)
• Play the track again for pupils to listen and repeat the
tongue-twister. It may help to divide it into two halves.
• Encourage pupils to say the tongue-twister chorally and
• Play Watch my lips to review the days of the week. (See the individually.
How To Do It section on page 23.) Ask a few pupils to write
the words on the board.
• Divide the class into groups of four and tell them to
practise saying the tongue-twister as fast as possible.
• Stick the Unit 3 flashcards on the board.
• Monitor the groups as they practise, helping with
• Divide the class into two teams. Ask a pupil from each pronunciation.
team to come to the board. Say the word for one of
the flashcards and tell the pupils to touch the correct
• Have a competition. Ask pupils in their groups to say the
tongue-twister individually and judge who is the fastest.
flashcard. The first pupil to touch the correct one wins a
point for their team. TIP You could point out that the /s/ sound can be spelt in
• Repeat with different pupils and words. different ways, as in the tongue-twister: sc, s, ss and ce.
• Ask pupils to circle the /s/ sound in all the words in the
1 Sing The School Song. e 1•46 tongue-twister.
• Stick the flashcards up around the classroom.
• Play the track for pupils to listen and point to the Optional activity
flashcards when they hear the words. • Ask pupils to close their books.
• Open Class Books at page 40, focus pupils’ attention on • Write the tongue-twister on the board with letters
the picture and ask who they can see and what subjects creating the /s/ sounds missing, for example __ience
the children are doing. on _aturday, __ience on _unday, __ience le__ons twi__,
• Play the track for pupils to follow the song in their books. _uper ni_e!
• Tell the class that it doesn’t matter if they don’t know all of • Ask individual pupils to come to the board and complete
the words in the song. the words.

Transcript Optional activity

For the transcript, see page 40 of the Class Book. • Stick one of the Unit 3 flashcards on the board. Write a
• Play the verse again, pausing after the questions and question word (Do or When) underneath the flashcard.
answers for pupils to repeat. • Ask a pupil to ask a question about the school subject
• Divide the class into two groups and tell one group they using the word on the board, for example Do you like
will ask the questions and the other group will answer. (Maths)? When’s (English)?
• Play the song again, pausing before the questions and • Repeat with other flashcards and prompts.
answers for the corresponding groups to do the activity. • You can play this as a game in two teams. Award one
• Swap the roles of the groups and repeat. point for each grammatically correct question and answer.
• Play the song again for pupils to join in. Repeat as long as
the pupils enjoy singing.

2 Listen to the sound and repeat. e 1•48

• Focus pupils’ attention on the picture and ask what they
can see. Ask what subject it is (Science) and what they are
doing in the class (exploring plants and magnets). Explain
the meaning of twice.
• Play the track for pupils to listen to the /s/ sound.

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Lesson 8 p. 41
• Tell pupils they are going to create their own timetable.
• Focus pupils’ attention on the four frames and tell them
Objectives this is the planning and procedure for making the
Listen and identify subjects, days, likes and dislikes timetable. Ask them to look at each picture and tell you
Practise the vocabulary and structures from the unit what subjects the girl is thinking of.
Make and present a timetable • Tell pupils they are now going to plan and make their own
timetable. Tell them to turn to page 112.
Language 1 Make a list of subjects. WB p. 112
Active: When’s Maths? On Monday and Thursday. Do you • Ask the class to tell you as many school subjects as they
like Maths? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. can and write them in a list on the board.
• Tell pupils to copy the list onto the page.
Class Book pp.41, 112 (practice); CD1 track 50; Unit 3 2 Draw pictures for the subjects. WB p. 112
flashcards; word cards (optional); plain paper • Pupils write the subject headings in the lozenges, then
draw rough sketches to illustrate the subjects.
Warmer TIP Make sure they don’t spend too long on the pictures
• Play Match word and picture with the school subjects as this is the planning stage and the pictures just need to be
words. (See the How To Do It section on page 23.) simple.
1 Listen and complete. e 1•50 3 Make your timetable. Tick (f). WB p. 112
• Open Class Books at page 41. Focus pupils’ attention on TIP If pupils are not sure about their timetables, help them
the pictures and tell them they are going to hear the
to create their class timetable on the board, but without
children talking about when they have certain subjects
pictures. This can either be the complete timetable, or else
and if they like them or not.
the class can choose one subject from the morning and one
• Tell pupils to listen first for just the subjects and the days from the afternoon. Provide English subject names for any
of the week. Play the track. subjects not covered in the unit.
Transcript • Give out plain paper and tell pupils to look at the pictures
1 Girl: When’s Maths? 2 Girl: When’s Art? on page 41 and to copy the timetable template.
Toby: On Tuesday. Emma: On Friday. • Tell pupils to use their preparation from activities 1 and 2
Girl: Do you like Maths? Girl: Do you like Art? to fill in their timetables.
Toby: Yes, I do. Emma: No, I don’t. • Once they have finished, tell them to look at the check list
to tick the things they have included and make sure they
3 Girl: When’s History? 4 Girl: When’s Geography? have completed everything.
Julia: On Monday. Bilal: On Wednesday.
Girl: Do you like History? Girl: Do you like English? Presentation
Julia: Yes, I do. Bilal: No, I don’t. • As an example, draw a timetable on the board and
• Ask pupils to tell you the subjects and days they heard. present it to the class saying This is my timetable.
• Focus pupils’ attention on the information cards for Encourage pupils to ask you questions about your
each child and ask them what they have to listen for to timetable, for example When’s Art? Do you like Maths?
complete each card (the subject, the day of the week and What’s your favourite subject? Tell them about the subjects
if they like or dislike the subject). you like and don’t like.
• Play the first exchange, then pause to do number 1 as a • See the presentation procedure in Unit 1, Lesson 8.
class. Elicit the subject, the day, and if Toby likes it or not. • Write School subjects on a piece of poster paper and stick
Tell pupils to complete the card for Toby. it on the wall. Stick pupils’ timetables underneath to create
• Play the track for pupils to complete the other three cards. a display.
• On the board, write the question prompts When? like? To
check as a class, ask different pairs to ask and answer the
questions for the different children.
1 Maths, Tuesday, Yes 2 Art, Friday, No
3 History, Monday, Yes 4 Geography, Wednesday, No

2 Make your own timetable.

TIMESAVER TIP If you don’t have time for pupils to make the
timetable, pupils can still do the preparation and planning
activities on page 112. They can present the information in
small groups.

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Lesson 9 Round up p. 42
3 Galchobar: What’s your favourite subject, Briana?
Briana: Science!
Objectives 4 Galchobar: Do you like Music, Briana?
Review learning progress with the language of Unit 3 Briana: No, I don’t.
Language 1 Dylan smiling (Yes, I do.) 2 Thursday 3 Science
Revision of vocabulary and structures from Unit 3 4 Briana not smiling. (No, I don’t.)

Class Book p.42; CD1 tracks 46, 47 and 51; Unit 3
• Below level: Draw a smiley and a sad face on separate
pieces of paper and put them with the Unit 3 flashcards
flashcards (x9); coloured pencils or pens
face up in front of pupils. Play the track and ask them to
put the relevant school subjects on the corresponding
Warmer e 1•46–1•47 face. They then do the activity.
• Play The School Song from page 40 of the Class Book and • Above level: In pairs, pupils take turns to choose a
encourage the class to sing along. If the class is confident, picture from each set and describe it. For example
you can also use the karaoke version on the CD (track 47). I don’t like Music for their partner to point to the correct
• Ask pupils what words they can remember from this unit.
Write their answers on the board. Ask pupils if they can Class quiz
remember what happened in the story in this unit. • Have a class quiz based on what pupils have learned in
• Ask pupils what sound they practised in the tongue- Unit 3.
twister in this unit. • Divide the class into teams of four and tell them they are
going to do a quiz about the unit. The first team to answer
1 Look and write. a question correctly wins a point.
• Open Class Books at page 42. Focus pupils’ attention on • Ask questions about the unit, for example hold up the
the pictures around the crossword and elicit the words. Unit 3 flashcards and ask What is it? Ask questions about
• Tell the class to write the words in the correct numbered the story: Who doesn’t like Art? What’s Dylan’s favourite
columns and rows of the crossword. They can look back subject? Write sentences for pupils to re-order, for
through the unit to check spelling. example, like I Maths don’t but I like History. Ask who can say
the tongue-twister.
Across: 1 PE 4 Maths 7 Geography 8 Music TIP If you have a confident class, you could ask groups to
Down: 2 English 3 History 5 Art 6 Science write one question about the unit to ask other groups.

2 Circle and write in order. Self-evaluation, test and assessment. e 3•28–3•30

• Focus pupils’ attention on the word snake and tell them TIP The self-evaluation and tests can be done at the end of
that the days of the week are hidden in it. Lesson 10 if more appropriate for your class.
• Tell pupils to find the days of the week and circle them. • Invite pupils to reflect on how they felt about the activities
• Point to the grammar box and remind pupils that the days in the unit.
of the week start with a capital letter. Pupils then write the • Give pupils two minutes to look through the unit and put
days of the week in the correct order. a blue dot next to an activity they enjoyed, a green dot
ANSWERS next to an activity they found easy, and a black dot next to
Monday – Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday – Friday – an activity they found difficult.
Saturday – Sunday • Monitor pupils as they work and ask questions, for
example: Why did you find this difficult? Why did you
3 Listen and tick. (f) e 1•51 enjoy this?
• Focus pupils’ attention on the sets of pictures and words. • Pupils are now ready to complete the Unit 3 Test (see
Tell pupils they are going to listen to Dylan and Briana pp.124–126 of this Teacher’s Book) and the Mid Year test
talking about school subjects, and they have to tick the (see pp. 127–130). Use CD3 tracks 28–30.
correct picture each time.
• Fill in the evaluation grid for each pupil (see website).
• Play number 1 of the track and ask pupils to point to the
correct picture (Dylan smiling), then tick the box.
• Play the rest of the track, pausing for pupils to tick.

1 Galchobar: Do you like English, Dylan?
Dylan: Yes, I do.
2 Briana: When’s Geography?
Galchobar: On Thursday.

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Lesson 10 Round up p. 43
1 Give each pupil a copy of the Photocopy Master. Point to
the photo showing what Tarek has made and show them
Objectives your pre-prepared version. Tell them to draw and colour a
Prepare, make and present a School Subjects lapbook picture to illustrate a school subject on each of the eight
fan shapes and/or write the name of the subject. Pupils
Practise writing skills at sentence level using connectors
then cut them out. On the back of each fan shape they
write the day of the week they have the corresponding
Language subject. Give each pupil a butterfly clip. Show them how
Revision of vocabulary and structures from Unit 3 to hold the pieces together and push the clip through
each black cross to create a fan.
Materials Next, pupils cut out the The school week pocket. Show
Class Book p.43; Unit 3 flashcards (x9); word cards them how to fold it in half horizontally to create a pocket.
(optional); Photocopy Master Unit 3 (Teacher’s Book They then fold the side sections and glue them to the
p.147) – one per pupil; School week pocket and fan back of the pocket. They stick the pocket on the lapbook
shapes (prepared by the teacher); paper or card; butterfly and put their fan in the pocket.
clips; graph paper; scissors; glue; coloured pencils or pens 2 Give each pupil a rectangular piece of plain paper. Tell
them to fold the rectangle in half and write My favourite
Revision subject and draw a smiley face on the top of the fan. On
• Play The wrong words or Anagrams using the Unit 3 the bottom part, they write the name of their favourite
flashcards and word cards. (See the How To Do It section subject, so it can be seen when the fan is opened. They
on page 23.) stick this next to the pocket.
3 Tell them to cut out two squares of paper and copy the
1 Read and write. writing they did in activity 1 onto one of them. They
• Tell pupils about your favourite subject, for example My then decorate around the writing with pictures of things
favourite subject is English. English is on Monday. I like History related to school and stick it under the pocket.
and Geography, but I don’t like Maths or Science. Ask a few 4 On the second square of the paper tell them to write the
pupils to do the same. heading Days of the week and then write the days of the
• Open Class Books at page 43. Ask a pupil to read out the week in different colours and styles. They stick this on their
My School Subjects paragraph to the class. Tell pupils they lapbook.
are going to write about their school subjects using the 5 On the board write Class Survey: Favourite Subjects. Draw a
example as a model. graph with the eight school subjects along the horizontal
• Tell them to plan their writing by doing a first draft in their axis and the numbers of pupils on the vertical axis. Give
notebooks. Ask the following three questions and tell each pupil a piece of graph paper and tell them to copy
pupils to write their answers in their notebooks: Have you the heading and the graph. Ask a pupil What’s your
got a favourite subject? When is your favourite subject? What favourite subject? Show pupils how to colour the square
subjects do you like? above the subject chosen.
• Encourage pupils to complete the first line with the title Ask each of the pupils in turn to stand up and say their
(My School Subjects, as in the model text above). Point to favourite subject. Complete the graph on the board and
each line of the gapped text and ask what they should tell pupils to copy it onto their paper. They then stick the
write in each space (favourite subject, when it is, the graph on the lapbook under Days of the week.
subjects you like and dislike). • To demonstrate the presentation stage, hold up your
• Pupils complete the description, using their notes and lapbook and say This is my school subjects lapbook. (English)
following the model at the top of the page. is my favourite subject. Ask a pupil to bring their lapbook to
• Divide the class into groups of four to take turns to read the front of the class and present their lapbook as you did.
out their paragraphs. Then ask them questions about it, for example, What’s your
favourite subject? When’s (Maths)? Do you like (Art)?
2 Make a School Subjects lapbook. • See the How To Do It section on page 24 for information
Teacher’s Book p.147 on the presentation stage.
TIMESAVER TIP If you are short on time, pupils can just TIP You may now like to do the CLIL unit on Reading maps.
complete the Photocopy Master School week pocket and See pp.88–89 in the Class Book.
fan shapes. TIP It may also be a good idea to do the Months of the year
• Look at the photo and ask pupils to describe what they lesson on page 100 of the Class Book.
can see. Make sure they understand that Tarek has made a
School Subjects lapbook at school and has taken it home
to show his family and friends. Tell pupils they are going to
make their own lapbook to take home.
• Give each pupil a large piece of paper or card. On the
board write SCHOOL by (name). Tell pupils to fold the
paper in half and copy the title with their name onto the
cover of the lapbook.

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The Crown of the Dragon King
Part 3 pp. 44–45
• Ask pupils if they know anything about the Vikings.
• Play the track for pupils to follow in their Class Books and
Objectives point to the frames as they listen. Ask pupils to tell you
Develop extensive reading skills what they understood about the story.
Discover famous mythical places and creatures in the UK • Play the story a second time.
• Ask pupils some questions to check their comprehension
Materials of the key points. Ask where Rin and Nadia are (on an
Class Book pp.44–45; The United Kingdom Legends Map island) and what Vordigren wants them to do (help the
poster; CD1 track 52; plain card; scissors; stapler; a card Vikings). Ask when the giants come (Thursday) and why
Viking helmet (prepared by the teacher) (to steal the Vikings’ food). Ask why the Vikings can’t fight
the giants (because they are big and strong) and what
Nadia’s idea to scare the giants is (to build a wooden
Pre-reading monster). Ask what happens when the giants see the
• Ask pupils about the second episode of The Crown of monster (they run away), what Alva gives Rin (a jewel for
the Dragon King. Discuss which characters were present, the crown) and why Nadia and Rin don’t have dinner with
where the episode took place (Aquae Sulis) and how it the Vikings (they have to go and find another jewel). Ask
finished. how many jewels Rin has now (three).
• Explain that you are going to say some phrases from the story • Divide the class into pairs. Tell them to close their books
so far and pupils have to tell you who said them: 1 That boy’s and retell the story together in their own words.
got Celtic clothes. (Teacher) 2 I’ve got the crown of the Dragon
King. (Vordigren) 3 Come in to the water. (water sprite) 4 Who’s After reading
Nadia? (Nadia) 5 Have you got any brothers or sisters? (Rin) • Ask pupils to tell you what they know about giants.
• As a recap of the story, read out the sentences again and (Giants are very big, tall and strong. Sometimes, giants are
ask pupils to tell you where the characters were and what evil and eat people.)
was happening when each sentence was said. • Ask pupils if they know of any stories about giants, for
• Stick the map poster on the board and ask a pupil to come example The Selfish Giant, Jack and the Beanstalk. Invite
and point to where the first and second episodes took place. them to say what the giants in these stories are like and
• Tell pupils they are going to read the third episode of the what happens in these stories.
story, which takes place at Brough of Birsay. • Ask pupils what they think about Nadia’s idea to scare the
giants and if they can think of anything else to stop them.
Listen and read. e 1•52
• Open Class Books at page 44. Point to the map at the top Class theatre (optional) e 1•52
of the page. Ask a pupil to come and find the same place • Divide the class into groups of seven and assign the roles
on the poster. of Nadia, Rin, Vordigren, a Viking, Alva and the two giants.
• Help pupils to act out the story in groups, following the
CULTURE NOTE The Brough of Birsay is a tidal island off
procedure described in the How To Do It section on page 24.
the north-east tip of Scotland and is one of the Orkney
Islands. What makes it special is that for over 500 years it Craft project (optional)
was an important settlement for two different cultures,
TIP Prepare a Viking helmet before the class.
a tribal Celtic group and the Vikings, before being
abandoned for more easily accessible sites. As it was never • Show the class your pre-prepared Viking helmet and ask
redeveloped, large parts of those settlements are still What is it?
visible on the ground. • Give each pupil a piece of card and show them how to
cut a 3cm thick strip. Tell them to put the strip around
• Focus pupils’ attention on the first three frames of the their head to measure the size. Staple the ends together
story and ask Who can you see? (Nadia, Rin, Vikings). and cut off the excess card.
CULTURE NOTE The Viking age in European history was • Show them how to cut another strip of poster paper
from about AD 700 to 1100. The Vikings sailed the seas about 50cm long and 12cm wide, and to cut the end to
trading goods to buy silver, silks, spices, wine, jewellery, make it pointed.
glass and pottery to bring back to their homes. During this • Demonstrate how to attach the end of this strip to the
period, many Vikings travelled from Scandinavia to Britain, back of the headband to form a bow shape over the
where Danish groups mostly settled in the north and east top. The pointed end should hang down over the front
of England, and Norwegian Vikings settled in the north edge of the band to create a nose guard. Staple the front
of Scotland and on the Shetland Islands and the Orkney section to the front of the headband.
Islands. The Vikings built villages, cultivated crops and
traded, and there are British people today who can trace
their ancestors back to the Vikings.

62 The Crown of the Dragon King (Part 3) © 2020 Oxford University Press
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Unit 4

Lesson 1 p. 46 2 Read and write answers.
• Focus pupils’ attention on the questions and tell them
Objectives they have to read the dialogue and answer the questions.
Introduce the theme of people • Pupils work individually to complete the activity.
Read and listen to a dialogue • Monitor pupils as they work, helping if necessary.
Answer comprehension questions about a dialogue • Ask pupils to check their answers with a partner.
• As a class check, ask different pupils to ask a question for
Language another to reply.
Passive: dialogue script ANSWERS
1 (an) athlete 2 Italy 3 Asa Butterfield 4 No
Class Book p.46; CD2 track 1; pictures of famous people Differentiation
from magazines and the internet (optional); plain paper • Below level: Read out the questions and play the track
(optional); scissors and glue (optional) again for pupils to follow the dialogue. Ask them the
answers. Then they complete the activity.
TIP For this unit, you could ask pupils to bring in colour • Above level: Divide pupils into groups of three and
photos from magazines, or pictures printed from the assign them a person each from the dialogue. Pupils
internet, of their favourite famous person. You could also practise the dialogue together. They swap roles and
bring in a selection yourself. repeat.
• Write People on the board. Ask pupils to suggest some Class discussion
famous people and say what their jobs are. If pupils say • Have a class discussion about famous people pupils know
the words for jobs in L1, recast their answers in English from their country and who their favourite actors and
and write the words on the board. athletes are.

1 Listen and read. e 2•1 Drawing activity (optional)

• Open Class Books at page 46. Ask pupils who they can • Give pupils a piece of plain paper and ask them to draw
see in the photo, where they are and what they are doing their favourite famous person doing their activity, for
(Emma, Bilal and Julia are in a classroom looking at Julia’s example running, singing or acting. If you have brought
poster.). Ask pupils what they can see in the classroom in magazine pictures, pupils can cut them out and stick
(books, table, computer, interactive whiteboard). them onto the paper.
TIP The photo can be used to encourage pupils to notice
• Monitor pupils as they work, asking about their pictures.
Ask Who’s this? Ask why pupils like him/her and what the
the differences in cultures between Britain and the pupils’
person is famous for.
own culture by comparing their classrooms.
• Ask pupils if there are any similarities or differences • Divide the class into groups of four and tell them to
present their picture to the group, saying the name of the
between the classroom and the things in it in the photo
person and why they like them.
and their own classroom.
• Focus pupils’ attention on the dialogue and tell them • Ask the groups to respond to each other’s pictures, as in
the dialogue, by saying Awesome! I like (name).
to listen and follow the dialogue in their books. Play the
track. • Write Famous people on a sheet of poster paper and stick it
on the wall. Stick the pupils’ pictures under the title. Leave
Transcript the display there for the duration of Unit 4 as a reference.
For the transcript, see page 46 of the Class Book.
• Ask pupils a few questions to check comprehension, for
example ask what Julia’s project is about (famous people)
and what Beatrice Vio does (she’s a Paralympic athlete).
Teach Paralympic athlete. Ask pupils if they know any other
Paralympic athletes. Ask what Asa does (he’s an actor) and
where he’s from (London).
• Play the track again and ask pupils to point to the people
on the Julia’s poster as they hear the students talking
about them.

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Lesson 2 p. 47
• Play the track, one line at a time, for pupils to listen and
Objectives • In pairs, tell them to look at the picture and take turns
Identify and write the words for appearances pointing to a character to describe one aspect, for
Revise He’s got … / She’s got … example length of hair, style of hair, hair colour or eye
Do a picture dictation
4 Play the game: People Picture Dictation.
Language • On the board draw an oval shape for a face. Give each
Active: braids, wavy hair, short hair, spiky hair, long hair, pupil a piece of plain paper and tell them to copy the oval.
straight hair, curly hair, blue eyes; blond, red, grey, brown, • Sit back to back with a pupil to demonstrate the activity.
black Tell your partner you are going to describe someone and
Passive: She’s got long, blond hair and brown eyes. you are both going to draw what you say. For example
He’s got curly hair. Your partner and you draw curly hair on
Materials the oval face. Encourage your partner to describe another
Class Book pp.47, 113 (practice); CD2 tracks 2–4; Unit 4 aspect or colour for you both to draw.
flashcards (x8); plain paper; coloured pencils or pens • Divide the class into pairs and tell them to sit back to back
so they can’t see each other. They take turns describing
Warmer features and drawing them.
• Remind the class of the topic of the unit (people). • When they have finished, tell them to compare their
• Tell the class to look at the project on Class Book page 46 pictures to see if they are the same or different.
again. Ask pupils who Beatrice Vio is, where’s she from,
who Asa is, where he’s from and whether he’s got glasses.
• Below level: Dictate the features for pupils to listen
1 Listen and point. Repeat. e 2•2–2•3 and draw on their oval faces. Ask them to describe the
• Stick all the Unit 4 flashcards on the board. Point to each features back to you when they have finished.
flashcard and elicit the words. If pupils say the word in L1, • Above level: In pairs, one pupil has their book open
recast in English. and the other closed. Pupils take turns to describe the
• Ask a pupil to come to the board and say one of the features of one of the characters for their partner to
words for the pupil to point to the flashcard. Repeat with guess who it is.
different pupils and flashcards.
• Open Class Books at page 47. Focus pupils’ attention on 1 Write the words. Then match. WB p. 113
the picture. Ask pupils what they can see. • On the board, write the anagram thros riha and ask a pupil
• Tell pupils they are going to listen to the words for to come and write the correct words (short hair).
appearances and they have to find them in the picture. • Focus pupils’ attention on the pictures. Elicit that they are
• Play track 2 for pupils to point to the pictures as they hear wigs and teach wigs. Elicit the words for the styles.
the words, first in order and then in random order. • Pupils write the words correctly.
• Pupils then match the words with the pictures. Note that
Transcript some wigs have more than one description.
curly hair – long hair – spiky hair – straight hair – braids –
wavy hair – short hair – blue eyes / long hair – braids – short ANSWERS
hair – spiky hair – blue eyes – wavy hair – curly hair 2 straight hair (a) 3 curly hair (e) 4 spiky hair (b)
• Play track 3, pausing for the pupils to repeat. 5 braids (d) 6 long hair (a) 7 wavy hair (c)

2 Choose and write. 2 Read, draw and colour. WB p. 113

• Focus pupils’ attention on the word pool and the • Pupils draw and colour following the descriptions.
numbered writing lines on the picture. Ask What’s 3 Colour and write. WB p. 113
number 1? (Curly hair). Tell pupils to copy curly hair from
the word pool into the correct space.
• Tell pupils to read the first part of the sentence about the
boy and colour the hair appropriately. They then complete
• To check as a class, ask different pupils to point to the the remaining gap with the eye colour of their choice, and
picture and say the number and the word. colour the picture accordingly.
ANSWERS • Pupils then complete the second picture.
1 curly hair 2 long hair 3 spiky hair 4 straight hair
5 braids 6 wavy hair 7 short hair 8 blue eyes
TIP To revise hair colour, ask pupils to look at the colours in
the box and describe some hair colours.

3 Listen and repeat. Say. e 2•4

• Focus pupils’ attention on the pictures of the people and
ask Who’s that? (Enya and Galchobar).

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Lessons 3 and 4 Where’s the 6 Max: No, she hasn’t got blue eyes. She’s got brown eyes.
Villager: Hmm … is she a princess?
princess? pp. 48–49 7 Max: Yes! Yes, she is!
Villager: Look in that round house.
Objectives 8 Max: Where is she?
Read and understand the stages of a story King Cadarn: Er … Hello. Who?
Identify the characters and places in a story 9 Max: The princess!!!
Discuss and understand the importance of helping Egyptian King: Oh! She’s in there.
others 10 Princess Mina: Here I am! Hello.
Max: Huh? Who are you?
Language Briana: Yoo-hoo! Hi, Max!
Active: She’s got long, wavy hair. She hasn’t got blue eyes. • Play the track for frame 5 pausing after She’s got long wavy
Passive: Let’s hide! She’s not here. Look in that round house. hair, and after frame 6, She hasn’t got blue eyes for pupils to
She’s in there., helping others repeat.
• Divide the class into pairs. Tell them to close their books.
Materials • Ask them to retell the story together in their own words.
Class Book pp.48–49; CD2 track 5; Unit 2 flashcards; On the board write She’s got long, wavy hair and She hasn’t
plain paper got blue eyes and ask pupils to include the sentences when
they retell the story.
Warmer • Monitor pupils as they work and encourage them to use
the target language.
• Stick the Unit 2 flashcards on the board.
• Divide the class into two teams and ask one pupil from 2 Look at the Kingdom of Albion map. Where’s the
each team to come to the board. story?
• Describe one of the family members, for example He’s got • Tell pupils to open out the map at the front of their Class
long, grey hair. The first pupil to slap the correct card wins Books.
a point for their team. • Ask pupils to discuss in pairs where the story action takes
• Repeat with different descriptions and pupils. place in this story (in the Celtic village). Ask if pupils can
identify which round houses Max visits and where Dylan
1 Watch or listen and read. r DVD e 2•5 and Briana hide, and where the final scene takes place (in
• Open Class Books at pages 48 and 49. Focus pupils’ the king’s round house).
attention on the first four frames and ask pupils who they • Remind pupils that Briana is the king’s daughter and
can see and what they think is happening. Tell pupils not therefore lives in the big round house. Ask pupils where
to worry about reading the words at this stage, but to try they think Mina is staying while she visits.
to work out the story from the pictures.
• Remind pupils that Max is a Roman, not a Celt. Ask them
• Then ask pupils to close their books and ask them what where they think Max has come from (down the path
they think happens in the story. from the Roman settlement).
• Play the story on the DVD, or play the story on the CD with • To encourage pupils to think critically, ask why they think
pupils following in their Class Books. Tell them to point to Max is looking for Briana (maybe he wants to be friends
the pictures as they listen. or to know why they were spying on him earlier) and why
• Ask the class if their predictions of the story were correct. Dylan and Briana hide and follow Max (because they are
• Play the story again. Pause at regular intervals and ask playing a trick and think it’s a fun game).
questions to ensure understanding. For example, ask Who
is Mina? (a princess) Where’s she from? (Egypt) What colour 3 Circle the error. Write the correct sentence. Then
eyes has Briana got? (brown eyes) What colour eyes has Mina write B (beginning), M (middle) or E (end).
got? (blue eyes) Ask who Max is looking for (Briana), why • On the board, write She’s from Egypt. She’s a queen, too. Tell
everyone is confused between Mina and Briana (Because pupils that the sentence is incorrect and ask them which
they look similar. They have both got long, wavy hair and word is incorrect (queen). Circle the word queen in the
are princesses.) and why Max is upset at the end (Because sentence.
Dylan and Briana are laughing and didn’t help him.). • Tell pupils to look back at the story and find the correct
word (princess). Rewrite the sentence correctly (She’s a
Transcript princess, too.).
1 Dylan: Oh! Who’s that?
Briana: Mina. She’s from Egypt. She’s a princess, too!
• Write B, M, E on the board and remind them they mean
beginning, middle and end. Tell pupils to look at the
2 Briana: Look! There’s Max. Let’s hide!
sentence and the story again and tell you where in the
Dylan: OK, quick!
story the sentence comes (B). As a guide you can tell them
3 Max: Er, hello. Where’s the princess?
frames 1 and 2 are the beginning, 3 to 7 are middle and 8
Pot maker: The princess?
to 10 are the end.
4 Max: Yes. She’s got long hair.
Pot maker: Sorry. She’s not here. • Tell pupils to work in pairs and do the same to complete
5 Max: Yes, she’s got long, wavy hair … the sentences.
Villager: … and blue eyes?

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• To check as a class, ask different pupils to say the correct • To personalize the value, ask pupils to imagine or recollect
sentences and B, M or E. a situation in which either they, or someone else, was in
an unfamiliar place or with unfamiliar people and needed
2 [Angus] Look! There’s Max. Let’s hide! B help, for example a new pupil arriving to the school or a
3 [green] No, she’s got brown eyes. M foreign tourist in their town. Ask pupils how they felt or
4 [He’s] Oh! She’s in there! E how the stranger would feel. Ask what pupils could do to
5 [short] She’s got long hair. M help them feel comfortable.

Class theatre e 2•5 Extension activity

• Play the recording, pausing after each line for pupils to • Tell pupils they are going to invent an alternative story
repeat. where Briana and Dylan don’t hide from Max.
• Divide the class into groups of eight to assign pupils the • Divide them into groups of four and tell them to look at
roles of Dylan, Briana, Max, the pot maker, the villager, frames 2–7 of the story.
King Cadarn, the Egyptian king and Mina. • Explain that instead of Dylan and Briana hiding, watching
• Help pupils to act out the story in groups, following and laughing, pupils have to think of another storyline
the procedure described in the How To Do It section where they are more helpful. Tell them to think about
on page 24. how they help, what the reaction and the outcome of the
story is.
4 Read and circle. • Give pupils a piece of paper and tell them to draw a
TIP This activity checks comprehension of the main issue in
picture to illustrate what happens in their story.
the story – that Max is looking for Princess Briana (not Mina), • Monitor the groups as they work and help with
but as he doesn’t know her name he tries to describe her. As vocabulary.
the two princesses share many traits, there is confusion. You • Ask different groups to show their pictures and tell the
could ask pupils to list the traits the two have in common to new part of the story to the class.
highlight this. • Write Being helpful on a sheet of poster paper and stick
• Write the first sentence on the board and ask Where’s Mina it on the wall. Stick pupils’ pictures under it to create a
from? Circle Egypt in the sentence. display for the duration of Unit 4 as a reminder of the
• Tell pupils to read the other four sentences, read the story value.
again, and circle the correct word. CITIZENSHIP Point out to pupils that it’s important to read
• To check as a class, ask different pupils to read a sentence other people’s behaviour, be empathetic to their situation,
with the correct word. and help them if necessary. Explain that playing pranks can
be OK, but it depends on the person and the situation, and
1 Egypt 2 long, wavy 3 long, black 4 Briana 5 Mina the individuals playing the prank have to know when to
stop it.
• Below level: For pupils who are not confident readers,
read out the sentences to them and point to the frames
where pupils can find the answers.
• Above level: Pupils work in pairs to write one more
sentence about the story, with two options, as in the
activity. The pairs swap their sentences and choose
and circle the correct option. They then return the
sentences to be checked.

5 Talk about helping others.

TIP This value explores empathy and understanding when
people need help.
• Ask pupils what happens in this story and make sure
they understand that Max comes to an unfamiliar place
and needs help to find Briana. Briana and Dylan hide and
watch and laugh as Max gets more frustrated. They don’t
help him. Ask pupils what they think about Dylan’s and
Briana’s behaviour and if they think they should reveal
themselves earlier rather than playing the trick. How
is their behaviour different to the pot maker’s and the
• Ask how pupils think Max feels. Explore what might
happen if Briana said hello to Max and asked him if she
could help.

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Lesson 5 p. 50
1 She hasn’t got braids. She’s got black hair.
Objectives 2 He’s got curly hair. He’s got black hair.
3 He hasn’t got blue eyes. He’s got green eyes.
Describe appearances
Identify and use personal pronouns 1 Look and write. WB p. 114
Practise writing the new structure • Point to the people in the pictures and ask pupils to
describe them.
Language • Point to the examples and tell them they have to look
Active: He’s/She’s got curly black hair. He/She hasn’t got at the features and write positive or negative sentences
braids. using He or She.
• Pupils work individually to complete the activity.
Class Book pp.50, 114 (practice); 126 (Grammar
3 He’s got spiky hair. 4 He hasn’t got braids.
Reference); CD2 track 6; Unit 4 flashcards (x9) (add the
5 He’s got glasses.
glasses flashcard)
7 She’s got long hair. 8 She hasn’t got spiky hair.
9 She’s got braids. 10 She hasn’t got glasses.
• Play Little by little with the Unit 4 flashcards. (See the How Differentiation
To Do It section on page 22.) • Below level: Before pupils do the writing activity, put
the Unit 4 flashcards face up in front of them and ask
1 Listen and read. Repeat. e 2•6 them to describe the people. Prompt them by saying
• Open Class Books at page 50. Focus pupils’ attention on He/she has got or hasn’t got and let them make the full
the pictures. sentence. If they are incorrect, recast in English for them
• Tell pupils to listen to the track and follow in their Class to repeat.
Books. • Above level: Pupils cover the sentences in their
• Play the track again for pupils to repeat. books, choose a person each and describe them.

2 Look and write. 2 Draw your friend and write. WB p. 114

• Focus pupils’ attention on the first grammar box and ask • Tell pupils to draw a picture of a friend from the class, or
why we use he for Dylan and she for Briana. Remind pupils
the person sitting next to them.
we use he for a boy and she for a girl.
• Then they complete a description of the person using
• Go through the example with the class. Refer them to
their sentences from the previous activity to help them.
the grammar box again and point out the contraction
‘s got = has got. Explain that pupils need to decide if the • Monitor them as they work, checking they are using the
character in each sentence is a boy or a girl and write a full target language correctly.
• Monitor the class as they work, helping if necessary.
• Check answers by asking different pupils to read out their
2 He’s got curly, black hair. 3 He’s got long, grey hair.
4 She’s got braids.

3 Read and circle. Then look and write.

• Focus pupils’ attention on the picture of Mina and ask a
pupil to describe her hair. Read the options in sentence 1
and ask which one is correct (She hasn’t got braids). Tell
pupils to circle She hasn’t got.
• Point to the second grammar box and explain that ‘s got is
positive and hasn’t got is negative.
• Ask what colour hair Briana has got (black). Tell them to
write black in the gap.
• Divide the class into pairs and tell them to complete the
• Monitor the class as they work, checking they are using
the ‘s correctly.
• Check answers as a class by asking different pairs to read
out their sentences.

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Lesson 6 p. 51 3 Listen and repeat. Play the game: Guess My
Favourite. e 2•8
Objectives • Focus pupils’ attention on the speech bubbles and play
Present and practise present simple yes/no questions and the track for pupils to repeat.
answers • Model the exchange with a pupil. Choose a character
Develop writing skills through practice of the target and tell the pupil to ask you questions to guess who your
language favourite character is. They can use the speech bubbles to
Play a guessing game help them.
• Divide pupils into pairs and tell them to choose a
Language character each and not tell their partner. They take turns
Active: Has he/she got brown hair? Yes, he/she has. No, he/ to ask questions to guess the character.
she hasn’t. TIP It may be useful to suggest pupils begin the game
Passive: a warrior, Guess my favourite. with He or she? so they know which pronoun to use in their
Class Book pp.51, 115 (practice), 126 (Grammar
1 Complete the questions and answers. Find and
Reference); CD1 tracks 7–8 circle Oscar and Evie. WB p. 115
• Show pupils how to read the table to see what kind of
hair Oscar and Evie have got, and whether they have got
Warmer glasses.
• Describe a pupil in the class for the rest of the class to • In pairs, pupils look at the table and complete the
guess. Say He’s/She’s got (short, brown) hair. He/She hasn’t
questions and short answers. If necessary, point out that
got (braids). He’s/She’s got (blue) eyes.
the first four questions are about Oscar, then they have to
• The first pupil to guess takes a turn to describe another complete the same four questions about Evie.
pupil for the rest of the class to guess.
• Pupils then look at the pictures of the children and circle
1 Listen and read. Repeat. e 2•7 the ones which show Oscar and Evie.
• Open Class Books at page 51. Focus pupils’ attention on ANSWERS
the pictures. 2 Yes, he has. 3 Has he got curly hair? 4 Has he got
• Remind pupils what the word face means by pointing to glasses? 5 Has Evie got short hair? No, she hasn’t.
your face. Ask them to point to faces in the pictures. 6 Has she got spiky hair? No, she hasn’t. 7 Has she got
• Tell pupils to listen to the track and follow the exchanges curly hair? Yes, she has. 8 Has she got glasses? No, she
in their Class Books. Play the track. hasn’t. Oscar is the fourth picture; Evie is the seventh
• Ask why Dylan is shocked (because the warrior has got a
blue face and looks angry). Differentiation
• Play the track again for pupils to repeat. • Below level: Ask pupils questions about Oscar and Evie
• Point out the questions to focus pupils’ attention on the for them to answer before they complete the activity.
word order of the question and the answer. • Above level: Pupils cover the questions and answers
and take turns to repeat them from memory.
2 Look and write questions and answers.
• Point out the first grammar box and read out the example
for pupils to follow. Show that the arrow highlights how 2 Read and write the questions. WB p. 115

He’s in the positive is inverted to Has he in the question. • Go through the example as a class.
• As a class go through the examples. • Pupils change the positive sentences into questions.
• Pupils write the questions for 3 and 4 individually. ANSWERS
• Point out the second grammar box and the form of the 2 Has he got wavy hair? 3 Has he got short hair?
positive and negative short answers. Look at the question 4 Has she got blond hair? 5 Has she got braids?
and short answer in the examples together. 6 Has she got glasses?
• Pupils then answer the questions they wrote, writing
3 Choose a boy and a girl in your class. Answer the
negative answers where they see a cross, and positive
questions in activity 2. Can your friend guess who
answers where they see a tick.
it is? WB p. 115
• As a class check, ask pupils to read the questions
and answers.
• Pupils choose two other pupils from the class. They read
the questions in the previous activity and write the short
ANSWERS answers: the first three for the boy, and the last three for
3 Has she got braids? Yes, she has. the girl.
4 Has he got long hair? No, he hasn’t. • Tell pupils to swap books with a partner to read and guess
who the pupils are.

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Lesson 7 p. 52 Extension activity
• Divide the class into pairs and tell them to choose verse 1
Objectives or 2 and rewrite it using different features.
Practise the unit structures and vocabulary through • Ask different pairs to sing or read out their verse.
a song
Recognize and say the /h/ sound 2 Listen to the sound and repeat. e 2•11
Practise the /h/ sound in a tongue-twister • Focus pupils’ attention on the picture and ask what they
can see. Teach helmets, hide and hay.
Language • Play the track for pupils to listen to the /h/ sound.
Active: happy, hairy, horses, hats, helmets, hide, hay • Play the track again for them to repeat the sound.
Passive: Song lyrics TIP Explain and demonstrate how pupils make the /h/
sound by opening your mouth a little, putting your tongue
Materials in the middle of your mouth and breathing out without
Class Book p.52; CD2 tracks 9–12; Unit 4 flashcards (x9, using the voice.
including glasses)
/h/ /h/ – /h//h/
• On the board write actor, athlete, singer, dancer and explain 3 Listen and say the tongue-twister. e 2•12
the meaning of the words. • Tell pupils they are going to learn the tongue-twister to
• Divide the class into two teams. Whisper the name of a practise the /h/ sound.
famous person who is an actor, athlete, singer or dancer • Play the track for pupils to listen and follow the tongue-
to a pupil from Team A. That pupil then describes them twister in their books.
for Team B to guess, for example He’s an actor. He’s from • Play the recording again for pupils to listen and repeat the
America. He’s got short, straight, brown hair. He’s got blue tongue-twister. It may help to divide it into small groups
eyes. He’s got glasses. of words first.
• Pupils from Team B can ask further questions to guess • Encourage pupils to say the tongue-twister chorally and
the person. If they guess who it is, they can take a turn individually.
to describe a famous person for Team A to guess. If they • Divide the class into groups of four and tell them to
can’t guess who it is, Team A can describe another famous practise saying the tongue-twister as fast as possible.
person for Team B to guess.
• Monitor the groups as they practise, helping with
• Award one point for each correct guess. pronunciation.
1 Sing We’re All Different. e 2•9–2•10 • Have a competition. Ask pupils in their groups to say the
• Stick the Unit 4 flashcards around the classroom. tongue-twister individually, and judge who is the fastest.
• Play the track for pupils to listen and point to the • Ask pupils to circle the /h/ sound in all the words in the
flashcards when they hear the words. tongue-twister.
• Open Class Books at page 52, focus pupils’ attention on Optional activity
the picture and ask what and who they can see (What’s • In pairs, pupils look through the first four units of their
this? Who’s this?) books and find five words beginning with h, for example
• Play the track for pupils to follow the song in their books. house, hill, his, her, Hey! here, has, have.
• Tell the class that it doesn’t matter if they don’t know all of • Ask pupils to read out their lists. Pay attention to their
the words in the song. pronunciation of the /h/ sound.
Transcript • Write the words on the board and see which pairs had the
For the transcript, see page 52 of the Class Book. longest list.
• Divide the class into two groups and assign each group
verse 1 or 2. Play the verses for the groups to sing their
• The groups practise their verse without the track.
• Play the song again for the groups to join in with their
• Play the bridge section (We’re all different) line by line for
pupils to repeat.
• Play the whole song again for the groups to join in with
their verse and everyone to sing the bridge.
• Repeat as long as the pupils are enjoying singing.
• If the class is confident, you can also use the karaoke
version (track 10).

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Lesson 8 p. 53 2 Make your self-portrait.
TIP Prepare your own self-portrait before the class.
TIMESAVER TIP Even if you don’t have time for pupils to
Listen to a description and draw the character
make a self-portrait, the pupils can still do the activities on
Practise the vocabulary and structures from the unit
page 116 to practise the target language.
Make and present a self-portrait
• Show pupils your own pre-prepared self-portrait and
ask Who’s this? Tell them they are going to do their own
Language portraits.
Active: Has she got curly, blond hair? Yes, she has. No, she
• Focus pupils’ attention on the four frames and tell them
hasn’t. She’s got green eyes. He’s got brown, spiky hair.
this is the planning and procedure for creating the
Passive: self-portrait, observe, Art Exhibition portraits. Ask them to look at each picture and tell you
what the girl is doing (looking in the mirror and drawing
Materials and painting a self-portrait).
Class Book pp.53, 116 (practice); CD2 track 13; a self- • Tell pupils they are now going to plan and draw their own
portrait (prepared by the teacher); plain paper; mirrors self-portrait. Tell them to turn to page 116.
(one per group of four); coloured pencils or pens
1 Look and choose your colours. Colour and
Warmer write. WB p. 116
• Describe a picture for pupils to draw in their notebooks, • Give out mirrors to the class, one per group of four.
for example In the picture, there’s a girl. The girl has got • Tell pupils to decide whether they are going to use paints,
long, straight, brown hair. She’s got green eyes. She’s got coloured pencils or felt tip pens. Then they look in the
glasses. Pause after each sentence to allow pupils to draw mirror and select the colours they will need to colour
each item. themselves.
• Ask pupils to show you their pictures and describe the • Pupils complete the sentences with the colours of their
people to the rest of the class. features. Remind pupils of the meaning of mouth and face
by saying the words and pointing to them.
1 Listen and draw. Then say. e 2•13
• Open Class Books at page 53. Focus pupils’ attention on 2 Observe and draw. Then colour your self-
the incomplete pictures of the children. Tell them they are portrait. WB p. 116
going to listen to descriptions of each child, and they have • Give out plain paper. Tell pupils they will draw their self-
to draw and colour the features. portrait using the sentences and pictures to help them.
• Play the first exchange, then pause to elicit the style and • Pupils look at themselves in a mirror and draw their face,
colour of the boy’s hair and his eye colour. Tell them to following the three stages shown on page 116. First, they
complete the picture of the boy. draw the shape of their face, then the features, and finally
the hair.
Transcript • Once they have finished, they colour in their face.
1 Has he got spiky, brown hair? / Yes, he has. / Has he got
blue eyes? / No, he hasn’t. He’s got brown eyes. 3 Hold an Art Exhibition. Choose a self-portrait
2 Has he got short, wavy hair? / Yes, he has, and he’s got and answer. WB p. 116
green eyes. / What colour is his hair? / It’s blond. He’s got • Take in pupils’ self-portraits and display them on the
blond hair. classroom wall.
3 Has she got long, blond hair? / No, she hasn’t. She’s got
• Divide the class into pairs to go round looking at the
long, curly, black hair. / What colour are her eyes? / Brown.
portraits and describing them to each other, for example
She’s got brown eyes.
He’s got green eyes. They then say who they think the
4 Has she got curly, blond hair? / No, she hasn’t. She’s got
portrait is of.
straight, brown hair. Has she got brown eyes, too? / No,
she hasn’t. She’s got blue eyes. And she’s got glasses! • On the board, write some sample questions and answers:
Has she got long hair? No, she hasn’t. Yes, she has. He’s got
• Play the rest of the track, pausing after each description short, spiky hair. Has he got brown eyes? No, he hasn’t. Has
for pupils to complete the pictures.
she got pink hair? No, she hasn’t. Has he got glasses?
• Tell pupils to compare their answers with a partner before • Pupils choose one of the portraits. They ask their partner
you play the track again to check.
questions about the portrait and write the answers.
• Divide the class into pairs to describe their pictures, e.g. • Leave the self-portraits on the wall so pupils can use them
He’s got blond hair and blue eyes.
later in Lesson 10.
1 spiky, brown hair, brown eyes
2 short, wavy, blond hair, green eyes
3 long, curly, black hair, brown eyes
4 straight, brown hair, blue eyes, glasses

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Lesson 9 Round up p. 54
2 She’s got brown hair. / Has she got long, brown hair? / Yes,
she has. And she’s got braids.
Objectives 3 She’s got short, curly hair and blue eyes. / Has she got
Review learning progress with the language of Unit 4 glasses? / No, she hasn’t.
4 She’s got glasses. / Has she got long, black, wavy hair? /
Language Yes, she has.
5 He’s got short, red hair and brown eyes. / Has he got
Revision of vocabulary and structures from Unit 4
glasses? / Yes, he has.
6 He’s got short, blond hair and green eyes. / Has he got
Materials curly hair? / No, he hasn’t. He’s got straight hair.
Class Book p.54; CD2 tracks 9, 10 and 14; plain paper; a
box (optional) ANSWERS
Top row from left to right: 3 5 1
Bottom row from left to right: 2 6 4
Warmer e 2•9–2•10
• Ask pupils to compare their answers before you play the
• Play the We’re All Different song from page 52 of the Class track again for them to check.
Book and encourage the class to sing along. If the class is
• To check as a class, ask different pupils to say the number
confident, you can also use the karaoke version (track 10).
and describe the person.
Class quiz
• Ask pupils what words they can remember from this unit. • Divide the class into pairs. Tell pupils to write a description
Write their answers on the board.
of someone in the class on a piece of paper, without
• Ask pupils if they can remember what happened in the writing the person’s name. Pupils then fold up their pieces
story in this unit. of paper.
• Ask pupils what sound they practised in the tongue- • Pass a box around the class and tell pupils to put their
twister in this unit. folded paper in the box.
1 Look and write. • Pass the box around the class again and tell pupils to take
one piece of paper out of the box.
• Open Class Books at page 54. Focus pupils’ attention on
the top picture and point for pupils to describe what they • Pupils then read out the description they have chosen
can see. and try to guess who the person is.
• Look at the example with the class. Tell pupils they need Self-evaluation, test and assessment. e 3•31–3•32
to look at each child and write two sentences to describe
the child’s hair and eyes. TIP The self-evaluation and tests can be done at the end of
• Monitor pupils as they work, checking their word order, Lesson 10 if more appropriate for your class.
punctuation and spelling. • Invite pupils to reflect on how they felt about the activities
• To check as a class, say a number for a pupil to read out in the unit.
their description. • Give pupils two minutes to look through the unit and put
a blue dot next to an activity they enjoyed, a green dot
next to an activity they found easy, and a black dot next to
2 He’s got short, straight/spiky, brown/blond hair. He’s got an activity they found difficult.
brown eyes.
3 She’s got curly, black hair. She’s got brown eyes.
• Monitor pupils as they work and ask questions, for
example: Why did you find this difficult? Why did you
4 He’s got short, straight, black hair. He’s got brown eyes.
enjoy this?
5 She’s got long, straight, brown hair. She’s got brown
eyes. • Pupils are now ready to complete the Unit 4 Test (pp.131–
6 She’s got long, straight, blond hair. She’s got braids. 133 of this Teacher’s Book). Use CD3, tracks 31 and 32.
She’s got blue eyes. • Fill in the evaluation grid for each pupil (see website).
2 Listen and number. e 2•14
• Focus pupils’ attention on the children and ask pupils to
describe them to you.
• Tell pupils they are going to hear the children in the
pictures being described, and they have to number the
pictures in the order they hear them.
• Play the first item on the track and ask pupils to point to
the correct picture, then write number 1.
• Play the rest of the track, pausing for pupils to write the

1 He’s got spiky, black hair. / Has he got green eyes? / No, he
hasn’t. / He’s got black eyes.

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Lesson 10 Round up p. 55 2 Make a Famous People lapbook.
Teacher’s Book p.148
TIMESAVER TIP If you are short on time, pupils can just
Prepare, make and present a Famous people lapbook complete the Photocopy Master task, i.e. the flapbook.
Practise writing skills at sentence level • Look at the photo and ask pupils to describe what they
can see. Make sure they understand that Liu has made a
Language Famous People lapbook at school and has taken it home
Revision of vocabulary and structures from Unit 4 to show her family and friends. Tell pupils they are going
to make their own lapbook to take home.
Materials • Give each pupil a sheet of paper or card. On the board,
Class Book p.55; pictures of famous people (pupils’ own write Famous People and Me by (name). Tell pupils to copy
and teacher’s); Photocopy Master Unit 4 (Teacher’s Book the title with their name onto the top of the paper.
p.148) – one per pupil; prepared Famous People flapbook 1 Tell pupils to stick the picture of their famous person from
template; paper or card; scissors, glue; magazines activity 1 under the title. They then copy the description
(optional) they wrote in activity 1 onto a piece of paper and stick it
under the picture.
Revision 2 Give pupils their self-portraits from Lesson 8 and tell them
• Play Anagrams to revise the appearances vocabulary. (See to cut around the head and then stick it onto the lapbook.
the How To Do It section on page 23.) They then write two sentences to describe their physical
appearance. (If the portraits are too big, pupils can copy
1 Read and write. them onto a smaller piece of paper.)
TIP Ask pupils to get their pictures of favourite famous 3 Give each pupil a copy of the Photocopy Master for
people, or give out magazine and internet pictures of the flapbook, and ask them to cut around the edge.
famous people. Show them the photo in the book and your completed
• Hold up a picture of a famous person and describe them, template. Tell them to fold the template in half lengthways
for example My favourite person is … He is (an actor) and along the fold line. They then cut along the three dashed
he’s from (England). He’s got (short, brown) hair and (blue) lines on the other half to create the flaps.
eyes. She’s got (big blue) glasses. She’s awesome. TIP If you have magazines, give them out to pupils to cut
• Ask a few pupils to describe their favourite person, using out pictures to stick onto the flaps.
the photo they have brought in or chosen in class. Then pupils either cut out pictures of four people from
• Open Class Books at page 55. Ask a pupil to read out the the magazines and stick them on the top of the four
description of Usain Bolt to the class. flaps, or draw four famous people’s faces. Under each
• Tell them to look at their picture of a famous person flap they write sentences describing the corresponding
and write a description by doing a first draft in their person’s eyes and hair. They then stick the flapbook onto
notebooks. the lapbook. They can decorate the rest of the lapbook
• Focus pupils’ attention on the six questions at the top with pictures of things they associate with the person,
right of the Class Book page, and tell them to write their for example, their national flag, film or song titles, medals,
answers in their notebooks. instruments, etc.
• Encourage pupils to complete the first line with the title • Focus pupils’ attention on the photo on page 55 again
(Famous people, as in the model text above). Point to each and ask them to present their lapbooks in groups.
line of the gapped description and ask what they should • To demonstrate the presentation stage, ask a pupil to
write in each space (the name of the famous person, He bring their lapbook to the front of the class and ask them
or She, their job, where they are from and what they look to tell the class about their favourite famous person using
like). the target language. When they have finished, ask them
• Pupils complete the description, using their notes and some questions, for example Has she/he got long hair? Has
following the model at the top of the page. he/ she got glasses?
• Monitor pupils as they work, helping with spelling and • See the How To Do It section (page 24) for information on
checking they are using the target language correctly. the presentation stage.
• Divide the class into groups of four to take turns to show TIP You may now like to do the CLIL unit on Ancient Egypt.
their picture and read out their descriptions to their See pp.90–91 in the Class Book.
• Ask if any pupils chose the same famous people.
TIP If pupils ask, you can explain that hair is uncountable,
which is why we say What colour is his hair?

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The Crown of the Dragon King
Part 4 pp. 56–57 CULTURE NOTE Robin Hood was an outlaw who,
according to legend, regularly fought against his enemy,
Objectives the Sheriff of Nottingham. He dressed in green, was a
Develop extensive reading skills skilful archer, and robbed the rich to give to the poor. His
Discover famous mythical places and creatures in the band of Merry Men included Friar Tuck, Little John and
United Kingdom Will Scarlet. The legend is probably based on the life of a
real person who lived in the 11th or 12th century.
• Play the story for pupils to follow in their Class Books. Have
Class Book pp.56–57; The United Kingdom Legends Map
them point to the frames as they hear the dialogue. Ask
poster; CD2 track 15; plain paper (one sheet per group
pupils what they understood about the story.
of four)
• Play the story a second time.
• Ask pupils some questions to check their comprehension
of the key points. Ask what Vordigren wants them to do
• Ask pupils about the third episode of the story. Discuss (look for Robin Hood in the forest) and what’s happened
which characters were present, where the episode took to Robin Hood (the soldiers have captured him). Ask why
place (Brough of Birsay) and how it finished. Rin is brave (because he stands in front of the soldiers
• Tell pupils you are going to say some true and false and asks about Robin Hood) and why Nadia says That isn’t
sentences and they have to stand up if the sentence is Robin Hood (to distract the soldiers). Ask why the soldiers
false and stay seated if it’s true. are shocked to see Nadia (because she is wearing 20th-
• Say the following sentences: Nadia and Rin arrive at a century clothing which is strange to them) and what
castle. (F) It’s Tuesday. (F) The giants come at night. (T) The Robin Hood looks like (he’s got green eyes and brown
giants are friendly. (F) Nadia’s favourite subject is History. hair). Ask why the soldiers run away (because they are
(F) The Vikings find lots of wood. (T) The giants don’t like afraid of Robin Hood), what Robin Hood gives Rin (a jewel)
monsters. (T) Nadia and Rin have dinner with the Vikings. (F) and how many jewels Rin has now? (four).
• Stick the map poster on the board and ask a pupil to • Divide the class into pairs. Tell them to close their books
come and point to where the first, second and third and retell the story together in their own words.
episodes took place. Tell pupils they are going to read the
fourth episode of the story that takes place in Sherwood After reading
Forest. • Ask the pupils if they have read any stories or watched
any films about Robin Hood and what they know about
Listen and read. e 2•15 his adventures. Ask if they think Robin Hood was a good
• Open Class Books at pages 56 and 57. Point to the map person or a bad person.
at the top of the page. Ask a pupil to come and find the • Ask the pupils why Nadia and Rin are collecting jewels
same place on the poster. (Vordrigen asked them to collect them) and where the
jewels go (In the crown of the Dragon King). Ask what
CULTURE NOTE Sherwood Forest is located in the east
happens if the crown is on the head of the wrong king (It’s
of England, north of Nottingham, and is famous for being dangerous but we don’t know why) and if they have all
the home of the legendary figure, Robin Hood. In the 10th the jewels now (Yes). Ask the pupils for their ideas about
century, it was a Royal hunting ground, and only fortunate what happens next.
and wealthy people were allowed to hunt there. The
king introduced strict laws against building in the forest,
• Divide the class into groups of four and ask them to
discuss what they think happens next in the story.
or chopping trees, and anyone caught doing so would
be punished. In recent years, some areas of Sherwood • Give each group a piece of paper and tell them to fold it
Forest have become an important nature reserve and a in half. Explain that the pupils are going to draw the next
centre for wildlife. The Robin Hood Festival takes place two frames of what they think happens in the story.
in Sherwood Forest every summer. It includes archery • Ask different groups to present their pictures and explain
demonstrations, medieval-style music and dancing, their predictions to the class.
jousting and costumed historical characters. • Stick the groups’ pictures on the wall and leave them
there until episode 5 of the story so the pupils can check
• Focus pupils’ attention on the first four frames of the story their predictions.
and ask who they can see (Nadia, Rin, soldiers, Robin
Hood) and where they are (in the forest). Class theatre (optional) e 2•15
• Ask pupils if they know anything about Robin Hood. • Divide the class into groups of six and assign the roles of
Vordigren, Nadia, Rin, two soldiers, Robin Hood.
• Help the pupils to act out the story in groups, following
the procedure described in the How To Do It section
on page 24.

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Culture: The British royal family 3 Read and look at the pictures, then circle the
correct word.
pp. 58–59
• Tell pupils to read the sentences and circle the correct
word out of the two options.
Learn about the British royal family
• Do number 1 as an example with the class.
Learn vocabulary associated with royal families
• Divide the class into pairs to complete the activity.
Make and present a family tree ANSWERS
1 king 2 Queen Elizabeth’s 3 husband 4 wife
4 Look at the pictures. Talk about the royal family.
Active: prince, son, daughter, husband, wife, palace, Do you want to be a prince or a princess?
carriage, She’s Prince William’s wife. He’s Prince William’s son.
Queen Elizabeth is Prince George’s grandma.
• Ask questions to lead a discussion, for example Where does
Queen Elizabeth live? Who is Queen Elizabeth’s son? Who is
Passive: grandson, children, next, special, waving Queen Elizabeth’s grandson? Who is the next king? Who is
Kate? Who is George? Who is Charlotte?
• Ask pupils if they would like to see the royal family and
Class Book pp.58–59; CD2 track 16; plain paper; pictures who they would like to meet, and why. Ask if any pupils
of the British royal family (optional) have ever visited or would like to visit Buckingham Palace,
what they think the rooms look like, and how many there
1 Listen and number the pictures. e 2•16 are. Ask if there is a castle in the area where pupils live,
• Tell the class they are going to learn about the British royal what it’s like and who lives there.
family. Ask them for any information they know and make • Read the question on the page: Do you want to be a prince
a list of any relevant words in English on the board. If they or princess? Divide the class into groups of four to discuss
say words in L1, recast in English. the questions. Ask them to think about the good and bad
• Open Class Books at page 58. Point to the photo of Julia. things about being a prince or princess.
Say Who is it? How old is she? Where is she from? Ask pupils
who and what they can see in the photos. 5 Project: Make a royal family tree.
• Tell pupils they are going to hear Julia talking about the TIP You could ask pupils to bring in photos of the British
British royal family and they have to number the pictures. royal family from magazines or the internet to add to their
• Play the track, pausing after the first exchange for pupils royal family tree. Pupils may also want to add additional
to point to the correct photo (Buckingham Palace). members of the British royal family, so you could have some
• Play the whole track, pausing for pupils to number the information ready to help them.
photos. • Point to the picture of the family tree and remind pupils
about the family trees they did in Unit 2. Ask them what
information goes on the tree and how it’s laid out. Ask
1 Buckingham Palace 2 family photo 3 carriage which family it is in the example.
4 Prince William’s family
• Draw a simple family tree on the board with squares for
2 Read, then choose and write. pupils to draw pictures of the people.
• Ask pupils if they can remember any phrases or words • Pupils copy the tree, draw the pictures of the royal family
Julia said about the photos, for example Queen Elizabeth in the correct places and write their names under the
lives in London. The young man is Prince William. pictures. Pupils can add other members of the royal family
• Go through the words in the word pool, checking if they know them.
understanding by asking pupils to point to the people • Ask pupils to illustrate and decorate their family trees in
and things in the photos. their own style. They can either draw pictures of things
• Read out the first sentence, saying beep for the gap to they associate with the royal family or life as a prince or
elicit the missing words from the class (king). princess, or stick on any pictures they have brought in.
• Tell pupils to write the words in the correct gaps. • Pupils present their pictures to the class, explaining the
relationships between family members, for example This is
ANSWERS Prince William. He’s the Queen’s grandson.
(picture 1) king, prince (picture 2) husband, palace • Write the heading The British Royal Family on a sheet of
(picture 3) carriage, queen (picture 4) wife poster paper and stick it on the wall. Stick pupils’ family
CULTURE NOTE See the website for cultural information trees under the heading.
about the British royal family.

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Unit 5

Meal times
Lesson 1 p. 60
• Play the track again, pausing after Yum! I love grapes.
and Chocolate biscuits, mmm! for pupils to repeat the
Objectives expressions.
Introduce the theme of food 2 Read and write True or False..
Read and listen to a dialogue • Focus pupils’ attention on the sentences and explain that
Identify true and false statements some of the sentences are true and some of them are
false; they have to look at the picture, read the dialogue
Language and write True or False.
Passive: dialogue script • Pupils work individually to complete the activity.
• Monitor pupils as they work, helping if necessary.
• Ask pupils to check their answers with a partner.
Class Book p.60; CD2 track 17; plain paper (optional)
• As a class check, ask different pupils to read out the
sentences for the class to say True or False.
• Write Food on the board. 1 False 2 True 3 False 4 True 5 False
• Ask pupils to suggest words connected to food.
Encourage pupils to say any words for food they learned Differentiation
in previous levels, for example cakes, cheese, sandwiches, • Below level: Read out the sentences, then play the
carrots, grapes, crisps, orange juice, water, bread, chicken, track again for pupils to follow the dialogue. Ask them
rice, salad, spaghetti, soup, ice lolly, ice cream, berries, if the sentences are true or false, and why. Then they
apples, pumpkin, hot chocolate, lemonade, strawberry, milk, complete the exercise.
potatoes, fish, tomatoes, eggs, Cola. • Above level: Ask pupils to work with a partner to
• If pupils say the words in L1, recast their answers in English discuss why the sentences are false and correct them.
and write the words on the board.

1 Listen and read. e 2•17 Class discussion

• Open Class Books at page 60. Ask pupils who they can see, • Have a class discussion about which meals and foods
where they are and what they are doing (Toby, Liu and pupils like and dislike.
Bilal are in the school dining hall choosing their lunch).
Drawing activity (optional)
Ask what pupils can see in the dining hall, for example
peas, chips, chicken curry, biscuits, cups, cutlery. • Give pupils a piece of plain paper and ask them to draw
their favourite food or meal.
TIP Explain to pupils that most UK primary schools offer
• Monitor the groups as they work, asking about their
school lunches and they usually include hot, cold and picture and helping with the names in English if
vegetarian options. Some children bring packed lunches, but necessary.
usually they all eat their lunches together in the dining hall.
• Divide the class into groups of four and tell them to
• Ask pupils if they have a school dining hall and if there are present their picture to the group, saying the names of
any similarities or differences between the dining hall and the food they like, for example I love pizza.
the things in it in the photo and their dining hall at school.
If they don’t have a dining hall, ask them where they have
• Ask the groups to respond to each other’s pictures, as in
the dialogue, by saying Mmm! Yum!
lunch, and if they have a packed lunch.
• Focus pupils’ attention on the dialogue and tell them to • Write Meals on a sheet of poster paper and stick it on the
wall. Ask pupils what it means, then elicit what the unit
listen and follow it in their books. Play the track.
title means. Stick pupils’ pictures underneath it. Leave
Transcript the display there for the duration of Unit 5 as a visual
For the transcript, see page 60 of the Class Book. reminder.
• Ask pupils if they have heard words for any of the food
they mentioned in the warmer.
• Ask pupils a few questions to check comprehension,
for example who the lady is (the cook – she serves the
lunches), what food doesn’t Liu like (curry or fish), what
biscuits Toby likes (chocolate) and how they know (he says
‘mmm’). Ask them to find another word in the dialogue
which means we love something (Yum).
• Play the track again and ask them to point to the foods in
the picture as they hear the words.

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Lesson 2 p. 61 4 Play the game: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.
TIP This game practises the new food vocabulary and
Objectives revises food vocabulary from previous levels of the course.
Identify and write the food words (See the list of food in the warmer, Lesson1.)
Revise asking and answering about likes and dislikes • Divide the class into groups of four and tell them to list all
Play a game to categorize food for different meals the food and drink words they can remember. Teach the
words breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Language • On the board, draw a large Venn diagram with three
Active: spinach, salmon, berries, cereal, beef, biscuits, bread, segments intersecting. Label the three segments
honey; breakfast, lunch, dinner breakfast, lunch, dinner and number each segment 1.
Passive: Do you like spinach? No, I don’t. / Yes, I do. Where two segments overlap, add a number 2; where all
three segments overlap, add a number 3.
Materials • Ask pupils from different groups to come up to the board
Class Book pp.61, 117 (practice); CD2 tracks 18–20; Unit 5 one by one and add a food word to the diagram. In their
flashcards groups, they first have to decide where to place it, i.e. if it
can be eaten (or drunk) for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Warmer • Give a score for each word depending on the segment
where it is placed; for example, if they write a food that
• Remind the class of the topic of the unit (food). can be eaten for all three meals, they score three points.
• Tell the class to look at the photo on Class Book page 60 They cannot repeat any words.
again. Ask what Toby and Liu have for lunch, what food
• To start them off, add two words as examples – honey in
Liu loves and what food Toby loves.
the breakfast segment and spaghetti or rice in the segment
1 Listen and point. Repeat. e 2•18–2•19 overlapping between lunch and dinner.
• Stick all the Unit 5 flashcards on the board. Point to each • Once all the groups have added their words, tally up the
flashcard and elicit the words. If pupils say the word in L1, points to find the winning team.
recast in English.
1 Write. Find the hidden word. WB p. 117
• Ask a pupil to come to the board and say one of the
• Pupils work individually to complete the crossword.
words for the pupil to point to the flashcard. Repeat with
different pupils and flashcards. • Tell them to write the green highlighted word on the
dashes underneath.
• Open Class Books at page 61. Focus pupils’ attention on
the picture and ask what pupils can see. • Ask pupils to call out their hidden word. If the word is the
same for everyone, their crossword should be correct.
• Tell pupils they are going to listen to the different food
words and they have to find them in the picture. ANSWERS
• Play track 18 for pupils to point to the pictures as they 2 beef 3 cereal 4 bread 5 spinach 6 honey
hear the words, first in order and then in random order. 7 salmon
The hidden word is berries.
spinach – bread – biscuits – salmon – honey – cereal – beef – 2 Look and write. WB p. 117
berries / cereal – biscuits – spinach – honey – berries – bread • Ask pupils to look at the speech bubbles and tell you
– beef – salmon when we use and and or.
• Play track 19, pausing for pupils to repeat. • They look at the pictures and complete the speech
2 Choose and write.
• Focus pupils’ attention on the word pool and the 1 I like cereal and biscuits. 2 I don’t like berries or honey.
numbered writing lines on the picture. Ask What’s 3 I like salmon and bread. 4 I don’t like spinach or beef.
number 1? (spinach). Tell pupils to copy the word spinach
from the word pool into the correct space. 3 Write about you. WB p. 117
ANSWERS • Pupils complete the sentences about what they like and
1 spinach 2 bread 3 biscuits 4 salmon 5 honey don’t like. They can use the sentences in the previous
6 cereal 7 beef 8 berries activity as a model. Before they begin, elicit which
sentence uses and and which uses or.
3 Listen and repeat. Ask and answer. e 2•20
• Focus pupils’ attention on the pictures of the people and
ask who they are (Briana and her cousin).
• Play the track, line by line, for pupils to repeat.
• Divide the class into pairs to look at the pictures in
activity 1 and take turns pointing to a food and asking and
answering Do you like (berries)? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

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Lessons 3 and 4 The surprise pp. 62–63
9 Max: Wow, thank you.
Galchobar: Well done, children.
Objectives • Play the track for frame 6, pausing for pupils to repeat.
Read and understand a story • In pairs, pupils close their books and retell the story
Identify the characters and places in a story together in their own words.
Discuss and understand the importance of thinking of • On the board write What do you have for breakfast, sir?
others and I have biscuits. Ask pupils to include the question and
answer when they retell the story.
2 Look at the Kingdom of Albion map. Where’s the
Active: What do you have for breakfast? I have biscuits. story?
Passive: I’ve got an idea. Let’s dress up! Surprise! thinking of • Tell pupils to open out the map at the front of their Class
others Books. Ask if they can locate where the story action takes
place (inside the King, Queen and Princess Briana’s round
Materials house). Ask pupils how they know it’s their round house
Class Book pp.62–63; DVD; CD2 track 21; Unit 5 flashcards; (it’s bigger than the other round houses).
plain paper • Ask pupils to finger trace on their map where they think
the characters have come from (Dylan and Galchobar
Warmer from Galchobar’s round house, the warriors from the
• Divide the class into two teams. other round houses, Max and his father from the Roman
• Hand a pupil from Team A one of the Unit 5 flashcards. settlement). Ask about Mina and her father.
The pupil holds up the flashcard and asks a question for • Ask pupils what they think happens in the final part of the
a pupil from Team B to answer, for example Do you like story and where they would like it to take place. Make sure
(spinach)? The pupil from Team B answers Yes, I do. / No, I they don’t peek at Unit 6!
3 Look and complete. Then write. Who says it?
• Repeat the game. The teams win a point for a correct
question or answer. The team with the most points wins. TIP This activity helps pupils develop deductive skills
because, even if they can’t remember the sentences
1 Watch or listen and read r DVD e 2•21 from the story, they should be able to work out the most
• Open Class Books at pages 62 and 63. Focus pupils’ appropriate word for the gaps.
attention on the first four frames and ask who they can • Focus pupils’ attention on the word pool.
see and what they think is happening. • In pairs, pupils complete the sentences with the correct
• Then ask pupils to close their books and ask them what word. Tell them to try and do it based on the structure,
they think happens in the story. content of the sentence, and the kind of word missing, for
• Play the story on the DVD, or play the story on the CD with example whether it is a food, a meal, or a verb.
pupils following in their Class Books. Tell them to point to • Pupils then try to remember the name of the person
the pictures as they listen. who said the sentence. Do the first one together as an
• Ask the class if their predictions of the story were correct. example. Say I don’t like honey and ask Who says it? (Max).
• Play the story again. Pause at regular intervals and ask Tell them to write Max next to the sentence.
questions to ensure understanding. For example, ask • To check as a class, play the recording again. Pupils can
whose birthday it is (King Cadarn’s), why Max isn’t happy raise their hands when they hear the line.
(He doesn’t like honey), what Briana’s idea is (To dress up
as servers to find out what food Max likes), what food Max
1 honey, Max 2 dress up, Briana 3 party, Dylan
likes for breakfast (biscuits), what they do for Max (they
4 breakfast, Briana 5 biscuits, Max
bring him a big plate of biscuits) and why Galchobar says
Well done, children (because they were kind to Max). Class theatre e 2.21
Transcript • Play the recording, pausing after each line of text for
1 Briana: It’s my dad’s birthday. pupils to repeat.
Dylan: Wow! A breakfast party. • Divide the class into groups of five and assign pupils the
2 Villager: Some honey? roles of Dylan, Briana, Max, the server and Galchobar.
Max: Er, no … I don’t like honey. • Help pupils to act out the story in groups, following the
3 Dylan: Oh dear. Max isn’t happy. procedure described in the How To Do It section (page 24).
Briana: I’ve got an idea. Let’s dress up!
4 Max: Hmm … 4 Read and circle.
5 Dylan: Some cereal? • Write the first sentence on the board. Ask pupils What
Max: No! Yuck! meal is it? Circle breakfast in the sentence.
6 Briana: What do you have for breakfast, sir? • Tell pupils to read the other sentences in their Class Books,
Max: I have biscuits for breakfast! read the story again and circle the correct word.
7 Briana: Biscuits! Quick! • To check as a class, ask different pupils to read a sentence
8 Briana and Dylan: SURPRISE!!! with the correct word.

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ANSWERS • Personalise the discussion by asking pupils to imagine or
1 breakfast 2 honey 3 Briana 4 like 5 is recollect a situation in which either they, or someone else,
was unhappy, or what others or they did to try to make
Differentiation them happier. Give an example of a classmate at the back
• Below level: For pupils who are not confident readers, of the classroom, looking unhappy. Tell pupils to imagine
read out the sentences to them and point to the frames how the child feels, and what pupils could do to cheer
where they can find the answers. them up and make them feel included.
• Above level: In pairs, pupils write one more sentence
about the story with two options, as in the activity. The Extension activity
pairs swap their sentences and circle the correct option. • Tell pupils they are going to think of a situation where a
friend, classmate or family member isn’t happy and what
they do to show they are thinking of them and want to
Class discussion
help them. Have pupils draw a picture to illustrate the
• To check deeper understanding of the story, tell pupils to situation.
look at frames 2 and 4 of the story again. Ask if they think
Max actually liked the honey after all. Say Mmm and ask if
• Divide them into groups of four to exchange ideas and
choose one.
we say it if we like or don’t like something. Then ask why
they think he said he didn’t like honey (maybe because • Give them a piece of paper to draw their chosen situation.
he’d never tried it before). Ask pupils what they do if they Tell them to include two speech bubbles in their picture.
are offered food they have never tried. • Ask different groups to show their pictures and explain
• Then ask pupils to look at frame 3 again. Ask them why the situation to the class.
they think Briana has the idea to dress up and pretend to • Write Thinking of others on a sheet of poster paper and
be a server (because Briana and Dylan understand that stick it on the wall. Stick pupils’ pictures under it to create
Max is unhappy, and rather than playing a trick on him a display for the duration of Unit 5 as a reminder of the
as in the Unit 4 story, they decide to do something to value.
make him happy). Ask why Briana and Dylan don’t just ask CITIZENSHIP Point out to pupils that it’s important to
Max directly what he likes (they want to find out what he think about other people, especially those who may be in a
likes and surprise him with something that will make him difficult situation or having problems. Explain that we should
happy). Point out to pupils what Dylan and Briana used accept that everyone is different and be willing to learn from
to disguise themselves (servers’ clothes, hat on Briana, others and help them.
moustache on Dylan, blue warrior designs on Dylan’s,
face). Ask pupils if they knew it was Briana and Dylan, or
whether they were fooled by the disguises.

5 Talk about thinking of others.

TIP The value in this story extends the empathy theme
from Unit 4, and focuses this time on thinking about how
others are feeling, and what we can do to ensure people are
not hurt, upset or unhappy.
• Ask pupils to look at Max in frames 2 and 3 and ask how
he feels and how they know (his face and his body tell
us he is unhappy). Ask pupils how they can tell how their
friends, siblings or classmates feel (their facial expressions,
their body gestures, the way they speak).
• Explain that Briana and Dylan decide to do something to
make Max happy, to let him know they are his friends. Ask
pupils for other ideas about what Dylan and Briana could
do to cheer Max up.
• Start a discussion about people who come from different
countries and are used to different kinds of food. Ask if
it’s polite to look unhappy if they offer you some different
food to eat. Ask what would be more polite (refuse with
a smile, or to try it first without judging). Give pupils an
example. Ask them what they have for breakfast, then
ask them to imagine if they went to another country and
that food wasn’t available. Ask if they would feel the same
as Max and how they would feel if someone tried to find
what they liked.
• Lead the discussion into how important it is to try new
things – how we learn from each other, and about each
other’s cultures and food, and ultimately we might find we
like new things!

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Lesson 5 p. 64
2 I have spinach and fish. 3 What do you have for
Objectives breakfast? 4 I have cereal with milk. 5 What do you
have for dinner? 6 I have meat and bread.
Ask and answer about meals
Use the food vocabulary in the context of meals Differentiation
Practise writing the new structure • Below level: Before pupils do the activity, make sure
they understand how to form the question and answer.
Language Go through each of the questions and sentences, and
Active: What do you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? ask pupils to tell you the correct order before they
I have biscuits and bread with honey. write it.
• Above level: The pupils cover the sentences in activity 2,
Materials pretend they are the characters and take turns to ask
Class Book pp.64, 118 (practice), 125 (Grammar and answer What do you have for (breakfast)?
Reference); CD2 track 22; Unit 5 flashcards
1 Look and write. WB p. 118
Warmer • Point out Toby and Julia in the table and explain that
• Play Watch my lips with the Unit 5 food words. (See the the table shows what they have for breakfast, lunch and
How To Do It section on pages 22–23.) dinner. Discuss what foods they have.
• Tell pupils to write the questions and answers using
1 Listen and read. Repeat. e 2•22 the table. Explain that they will look at the column for
• Open Class Books at page 64. Focus pupils’ attention on breakfast first, then lunch, then dinner.
the pictures and ask who is in the pictures (Dylan and a
warrior) and what food is in the pictures (bread, honey, beef,
salmon, spinach, eggs). 1 Julia: I have bread and honey.
2 What do you have for lunch?
• Tell pupils to listen to the track and follow in their Class
Julia: I have salmon and spinach.
3 What do you have for dinner?
• Play the track again for pupils to repeat. Toby: I have beef and spinach.
2 Look and write. 2 Draw and write for you. WB p. 118
• Point to the small pictures within the sentences and ask • On the board write breakfast, lunch and dinner. Ask pupils
pupils what foods they can see. what they have for each meal and write the words in the
• Read out the first question. Then ask pupils to look at columns. If they say any words in L1, recast and write in
questions 2 and 3 and elicit the complete question. Have English.
pupils write the completed questions. • Tell pupils to complete the table for them, following the
• Pupils then look at the little pictures of the food and write table in activity 1. Ask them to draw themselves and then
the words to complete the answers. draw pictures of what they have for breakfast, lunch and
• Monitor the class as they work, helping if necessary. dinner in the correct places. Pupils choose the foods from
• Check answers by asking different pupils to ask and the lists on the board.
answer the questions. • Pupils then write answers to the questions.
ANSWERS • Monitor them as they work, helping where necessary.
1 I have bread with honey and berries. • Divide the class into groups of four to ask and answer and
2 What do you have for lunch? I have beef and spinach. compare what they have for different meals.
3 What do you have for dinner? I have salmon and eggs. • Ask the class if they have similar or different meals.

3 Put the words in order.

• Focus pupils’ attention on the grammar box, pointing
out the question word What to ask about a meal and the
highlighted answer in green (the food).
• Write the jumbled question on the board do have What for
dinner you? Ask a pupil to come to the board to write the
question in the correct order. Ask the class to help.
• Divide the class into pairs and tell them to work together
to order the questions and sentences correctly. Remind
them to check for capital letters, full stops or question
marks on the writing line to determine which word comes
first and if it’s a question or statement.
• Monitor the class as they work, checking their word order
and making sure they don’t miss out any words.
• Check the answers as a class by asking different pairs to
ask and answer the questions.

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Lesson 6 p. 65
2 What time is it?
It’s half past twelve.
Objectives 3 What time is it?
Listen and identify times of day It’s half past two.
Answer questions about meal times • Play the rest of the track, pausing after each exchange for
pupils to tick.
Language • As a class check, ask pupils to say the times of the clocks
Active: What time is it? It’s eleven o’clock. It’s half past they ticked.
eleven. When do you have lunch? I have lunch at one o’clock. ANSWERS
Passive: It’s lunchtime! 1 seven o’clock 2 half past twelve 3 half past two

Materials 3 Match and write.

Class Book pp.65, 119 (practice), 125 (Grammar
• Point to the three pictures and ask pupils what meal they
think each character is eating.
Reference); CD2 tracks 23–24
• Focus pupils’ attention on the second grammar box and
go through the examples. Point out that When is used
Warmer here to ask about meal times, and the reply is the time
• Draw a dividing line on the board and draw a large clock with the preposition at, for example at seven o’clock.
face on each side, with numbers, but no hands. • Go through the example as a class.
• Divide the class into two teams and ask a pupil from each • Pupils work individually to match the pictures of the meals
team to come to the board. with the questions, and then write the answers.
• Say a time, for example nine o’clock. The first pupil to
draw the hands correctly on their clock wins a point for ANSWERS
the team. 1 I have lunch at half past twelve.
2 I have dinner at eight o’clock.
• Repeat with different times using o’clock and half past.
1 What time is it? Look and write. WB p. 119
1 Listen and read. e 2•23
• Focus pupils’ attention on the clocks and elicit the times.
• Open Class Books at page 65. Focus pupils’ attention on
the first picture and ask what time they think it is. • Pupils then write the times.
• Tell pupils to listen to the track and follow the exchanges ANSWERS
in their Class Books. Play the track. 2 It’s half past one. 3 It’s five o’clock.
• Ask what Mina is doing (showing them how to tell the 4 It’s half past eight. 5 It’s half past twelve.
time with the sun and shadow), what time it is (one o’clock, 6 It’s nine o’clock.
lunchtime) and why they are all happy (because Max has
2 Write questions and answers. WB p. 119
• Pupils write the question, look at the clock and write the
• Point out the highlighted What time is it? and It’s one o’clock
to focus pupils’ attention on how to ask and answer about
the time. ANSWERS
1 I have breakfast at half past six.
2 Listen and tick. (f) e 2•24 2 When do you have lunch? I have lunch at half past one.
TIP At this level, we assume pupils can tell the time in their 3 When do you have dinner? I have dinner at six o’clock.
own language, so the idea is not to teach how to tell time, 3 Answer for you. WB p. 119
but how to say it in English. You will need to assess how
secure your pupils’ time-telling ability is, and if more support
• Pupils read the questions and write the answers for
is needed in L1, you could supply this before teaching this
lesson. As both digital and analogue clocks/watches are • Divide the class into pairs to ask and answer the questions.
presented in Young Learners exams, both are included here.
• Point out the first grammar box. Read out the two
example questions and answers for pupils to follow and
look at the clocks.
• Focus pupils’ attention on the clocks in the activity and ask
them what time is shown on each one.
• Tell them they are going to hear people telling the time
and they have to tick the box next to the clock that shows
the correct time.
• Play the track, pausing after the first exchange to elicit
the time.

1 What time is it?
It’s seven o’clock.

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Lesson 7 p. 66
TIP Explain and demonstrate how pupils form the
consonant blend br by first reviewing the /b/ sound. Show
Objectives how, with their lips closed, they push out the lower jaw and
Practise the unit structures and vocabulary through force the air out between the lips.
a song 3 Listen and say the tongue-twister. e 2•28
Recognize and say the consonant blend /br/ • Tell them they are going to learn the tongue-twister to
Practise the consonant blend /br/ in a tongue-twister practise the consonant blend br.
• Play the track for pupils to listen and follow the tongue-
Language twister in their books.
Active: brother, brown, bread, breakfast, bridge • Play the track again for pupils to listen and repeat the
Passive: Song lyrics tongue-twister. It may help to divide the tongue-twister
into small groups of words first.
Materials • Encourage pupils to say the tongue-twister chorally and
Class Book p.66; CD2 tracks 25–28; Unit 5 flashcards; plain individually. Pay attention to the /đ/ sound in brother and
paper (optional) the /k/ in Brooke.
• Divide the class into groups of four and tell them to
Warmer practise saying the tongue-twister as fast as possible.
• Show the Unit 5 flashcards to pupils around the class. Tell • Monitor the groups as they practise, helping with
each pupil to make a sentence about the food flashcard pronunciation.
you show them, for example I have cereal for breakfast. • Have a competition. Ask pupils in their groups to say the
• You can play this as a game in two teams, showing tongue-twister individually and judge who is the fastest.
flashcards to pupils from each team in turn and awarding • Ask the pupils to circle the consonant blend br in all the
one point for each grammatically correct sentence. words in the tongue-twister.
1 Sing Tick-tock. e 2•25 Extension activity
• On the board, write the following times: 8 o’clock, half past • Give pupils a piece of paper and tell them to write the
ten, 10 o’clock, half past twelve, 9 o’clock, 12 o’clock, 3 o’clock, consonant blend br in the middle.
4 o’clock, 5 o’clock, 2 o’clock. Ask pupils to copy the times. • Tell pupils to draw pictures of the words from the tongue-
• Play the song and tell pupils to tick the times they hear. twister around the consonant blend. If they can find any
• Play the song again and ask a pupil to come and tick the other words beginning br, they can include them, e.g.
times on the board, helping if necessary. Briana, braids.
• Open Class Books at page 66. Focus pupils’ attention on • Divide the class into pairs to compare their pictures,
the picture and ask what and who they can see. pointing to and saying the words.
• Play the track for pupils to follow the song in their books. • Monitor pupils as they work, checking and helping with
• Tell the class that it doesn’t matter if they don’t know all of pronunciation.
the words in the song. • You could stick a few of the pictures on the wall as a
reminder for the pronunciation.
For the transcript see page 66 of the Class Book.
• Play verse 1 line by line for pupils to repeat. Show them
how to make the times using their arms to show 8 o’clock,
9 o’clock and half past 12.
• Play the verse again for pupils to do the actions and join in
with tick-tock. Repeat the procedure with verse 2.
• Play the song for pupils to join in with the verses and do
the time actions.
• Repeat as long as pupils are enjoying singing.
2 Listen to the sound and repeat. e 2•27
• Focus pupils’ attention on the picture and ask them what
they can see. Ask what the children are doing (sharing a
very long loaf of bread).
• Play the track for pupils to listen to the consonant
blend br.

/br/ /br/ – /br/ /br/
• Play the track again for them to repeat the sound.

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Lesson 8 p. 67
• Tell pupils they are going to design their own favourite
menu. Focus pupils’ attention on the four frames. Ask
Objectives them to look at the pictures and tell you what the boy is
Listen and identify meal times and foods doing.
Practise the vocabulary and structures from the unit • Tell them to turn to page 120.
Make and present a menu 1 Make a favourite food list. WB p. 120
• Divide the class into pairs and tell them to work together
Language to write a list of their favourite foods in the box. Encourage
Active: When do you have breakfast? At half past seven. them to think back to the words they used in the
What do you have for breakfast? Eggs and bread. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner game they played in lesson 2.
Passive: menu, ideal • Monitor pupils as they work and encourage them to ask
for the names of their favourite foods in English, if they
Materials don’t know them, by saying What’s … in English? Write any
Class Book pp.67, 120 (practice); CD2 track 29; plain paper new words on the board.

2 Plan your ideal menu. WB p. 120

• Play Snowman using the food words. (See the How To Do It TIP To review the healthy eating unit from Level 3, ask
section on page 23.) pupils what foods they should and shouldn’t include in a
healthy menu.
1 Listen, write and draw. Then ask and answer. e 2•29 • In their pairs, pupils look at all the foods they have on
• Open Class Books at page 67. Play the track and ask pupils their list and decide how to divide them up into different
to point to the correct pictures as they hear them. meals. Encourage them to think about which foods would
be tasty together for the different meals.
Transcript/answers • Pupils write their menus for each meal.
1 Hello, Tarek. When do you have breakfast? / I have
breakfast at half past seven.
• Pupils add hands to the clocks for the times of the meals.
What do you have for breakfast? / I have cereal and milk. 3 Make your menu. Tick (f). WB p. 120
When do you have lunch, Tarek? / I have lunch at half past
• Give each pupil a piece of paper and tell them to write
the title My favourite menu. They copy their three meals
What do you have for lunch? / I have chicken and rice.
and decorate it with pictures of the food and clocks. Refer
When do you have dinner, Tarek? / I have dinner at eight
them back to the illustrations on page 67.
What do you have for dinner? / I have fish and chips. • Tell them to look at the check list to make sure they
2 Hello, Liu. When do you have breakfast? / At seven o’clock. have included everything and tick the things they have
What do you have for breakfast? / Bread with honey. And included.
grapes. I love grapes. Presentation
When do you have lunch, Liu? / At one o’clock.
What do you have for lunch? / Sandwiches and salad.
• Ask pupils to sit in a circle for a plenary discussion.
When do you have dinner, Liu? / At half past seven. • Present your menu to the class saying This is my favourite
What do you have for dinner? / I have pizza. menu. For breakfast I have eggs and bread. Encourage pupils
to ask you questions about the other meals, for example
• Play the first exchange and then pause after Tarek says
When do you have lunch? Tell them if they like the food to
when he has breakfast and what he has. Tell pupils to look
say Yum and Mmm.
at the time on the clock and the picture of the food.
• Play the remaining exchanges, pausing for pupils to fill in • Pupils show their completed menus to the class and they
answer questions from their classmates, for example What
the clocks and draw the foods.
do you have for (breakfast)?
• To check as a class, ask different pupils to be Tarek and Liu
and interviewers. The interviewers ask the questions for TIP If a circular plenary is not viable, pupils work in groups.
pupils to answer. You can change the groups every ten minutes, or pupils can
• Focus pupils’ attention on the bottom row of the table, move around the classroom and find a partner to talk to.
labelled My friend. Pupils draw a picture of their partner in After four partners they sit down.
the square and write their name. • Write My favourite menu on a sheet of poster paper and
• Say the speech bubbles for pupils to repeat. stick it on the wall. Stick pupils’ menus underneath to
create a display. Leave them up so that they can be used
• In pairs, pupils take turns to ask their partner and write
in Lesson 10.
their answer in the table for My friend.

2 Make your favourite menu.

TIMESAVER TIP If you don’t have time for pupils to make
the menu, the language tasks can still be done through the
preparation and planning activities. Pupils can present their
ideas in small groups.

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Lesson 9 Round up p. 68
• Play the first exchange, pausing to elicit the time seven
o’clock and picture b.
Objectives • Play the rest of the track for pupils to tick the pictures.
Review learning progress with the language of Unit 5
1 When do you have breakfast?
I have breakfast at seven o’clock.
Revision of vocabulary and structures from Unit 5 2 What do you have for lunch?
I have salmon and salad.
Materials 3 What time is it?
Class Book p.68; CD2 tracks 25, 26 and 30; Unit 5 It’s half past twelve. Lunchtime!
flashcards; food word cards (prepared by the teacher) • To check as a class, ask different pupils to ask and answer
the questions.
Warmer e 2•25–2•26 ANSWERS
• Play the Tick-tock song from page 66 of the Class Book and 1 b 2 a 3 c
encourage the class to sing along. If the class is confident,
you can also use the karaoke version on the CD, track 26. Class quiz
• Have a class quiz based on what pupils have learned in
Revision Unit 5.
• Ask pupils what words they can remember from this unit. • Divide the class into teams of four and tell them they are
Write their answers on the board. going to do a quiz about the unit. The first team to answer
• Ask pupils if they can remember what happened in the a question correctly wins a point.
story in this unit. • Ask questions about the unit, for example show the
• Ask pupils what sound they practised in the tongue- flashcards of the food and ask What is it? Draw four clocks
twister in this unit. and ask what times they show. Write sentences and
questions for pupils to re-order, for example for dinner
1 Find, circle and tick (f).
What have you do? have breakfast I eight o’clock at. Ask
• Open Class Books at page 68. Focus pupils’ attention on questions about the story: Whose birthday is it? (Briana’s
the pictures around the wordsearch and elicit the words. dad’s). What food doesn’t Max like (honey). What is Max’s
• Tell the class to find the words and circle them in the surprise? (Briana and Dylan dress up and serve him
wordsearch, and to tick the pictures of the food as they biscuits). Ask who can say the tongue-twister.
find them.
• To check as a class, stick the food word cards on the Self-evaluation, test and assessment. e 3•33
board and ask different pupils to come to the board and TIP The self-evaluation and tests can be done at the end of
write the relevant number from the pictures around the Lesson 10 if more appropriate for your class.
wordsearch under the corresponding word card. • Invite pupils to reflect on how they felt about the activities
ANSWERS in the unit.
1 biscuits 2 cereal 3 salmon 4 honey 5 bread • Give pupils two minutes to look through the unit and put
6 berries 7 spinach 8 beef a blue dot next to an activity they enjoyed, a green dot
next to an activity they found easy, and a black dot next to
2 What’s the secret word? Write the coloured an activity they found difficult.
letters, then think.
• Monitor pupils as they work and ask questions, for
• Focus pupils’ attention on the green coloured letters in example: Why did you find this difficult? Why did you
the wordsearch and ask them to call them out for you to enjoy this?
write on the board (SBEKARTAF).
• Pupils are now ready to complete the Unit 5 Test
• Tell pupils to copy the letters into the boxes and then (pp.134–136 of this Teacher’s Book). Use CD3, track 33.
work with a partner to unscramble the letters and write
the secret word on the writing line.
• Fill in the evaluation grid for each pupil (see website).
• Ask pupils what the word is.

3 Listen and tick. (f) e 2•30

• Focus pupils’ attention on the pictures of the clocks and
food. Ask a few questions, for example What’s the time on
clock 1b? (seven o’clock) What food is in picture 2a? (salmon
and salad).
• Tell the class they are going to hear the questions
and answers and they have to tick the pictures that
correspond to the answers.

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Lesson 10 Round up p. 69 2 Make a Meal Times lapbook.
Teacher’s Book p.149
TIMESAVER TIP If you are short on time, pupils can just
Prepare, make and present a Meal Times lapbook complete the Photocopy Master tasks, i.e. the clock and the
Practise writing skills at sentence level likes/dislikes minibook.
• Look at the photo and ask pupils to describe what they
Language can see. Make sure they understand that Emma has made
Revision of vocabulary and structures from Unit 5 a Meal Times lapbook at school and has taken it home to
show her family and friends. Tell pupils they are going to
Materials make their own lapbook to take home.
Class Book p.69; Unit 5 flashcards; Photocopy Master • Give each pupil a large sheet of paper or card. On the
Unit 5 (Teacher’s Book p.149) – one per pupil; prepared board write My Meal Times by (name). Tell pupils to copy
Meal Times lapbook templates (prepared by the teacher); the title with their name onto the top of the paper.
large sheet of paper or card, lined paper – half a page per 1 Give each pupil a copy of the Photocopy Master. Show
pupil; scissors; glue; butterfly clips – one per pupil them the completed lapbook template in the photo on
page 69. Tell them to cut out the booklet and show them,
Revision using your own template, how to fold it in a concertina
• Divide the class into two teams and ask a pupil from each along the five fold lines. Point out the smiley and sad faces
team to stand either side of the board. at the top and tell them to draw pictures of foods they
• Hold up a Unit 5 flashcard and tell pupils they have to like under the happy face on the left, and foods they don’t
write the word. like under the sad face on the right. They then stick the
bottom flap onto their lapbook.
• The first pupil to write the word correctly wins a point for
their team. TIP The clock will be easier to manipulate if it can be stuck
• Repeat with different pupils and flashcards. onto card.
2 Next, pupils cut out the clock face and the two clock
1 Read and write. hands. Demonstrate how to put the flat ends of the hands
• Review the days of the week by saying Monday and together, with the shorter hand on top, and then push the
encouraging pupils to say the other days. Ask if they go to butterfly clip through them and through the centre of the
school on Saturday and Sunday. Teach weekend. clock face.
• Tell pupils about your weekend meals, for example On Pupils then cut out the What time is it? pocket. Show them
Saturday, I have breakfast at nine o’clock. I have salmon and how to fold and glue the tabs and the sides to create an
eggs. My favourite breakfast food is eggs. On Sunday, I have envelope. They stick the tabs onto the lapbook, and put
lunch at two o’clock with my family. I have fish and chips. the clock inside it.
Be expressive as you tell them, saying Yum! and Mmm. 3 Give out the pupils’ menus from Lesson 8 for them to stick
Ask a few pupils to tell you about their favourite meal on on to their lapbooks.
Saturday and Sunday. 4 Finally, give each pupil half a sheet of lined paper and ask
• Open Class Books at page 69. Ask a pupil to read out the them to copy their favourite meals text from activity 1
My Weekend Meals text to the class. Tell pupils they are onto the paper, and stick it on.
going to write about their favourite weekend meal using • Focus pupils’ attention on the photo on page 69 again
the example as a model. and tell them they are going to present their lapbooks in
• Tell them to plan their writing by doing a first draft in their groups.
notebooks. Ask the six questions from the top right of the • To demonstrate the presentation stage, show your
Class Book page, and tell pupils to write their answers in lapbook and say This is my Meal Times lapbook. Look. I have
their notebooks. lunch at 12 o’clock for pupils to repeat. Encourage pupils
• Encourage pupils to complete the first line with the title to ask you questions, for example When do you have
(My Weekend Meals, as in the model text above). Point to breakfast? Do you like eggs? Take out the clock, show them
each line of the gapped meals description and ask what a time and ask What’s the time?
they should write in each one (the meal, the time, the • See the How To Do It section (page 24) for information on
food, favourite food for that meal). the presentation stage.
• Pupils complete the description, using their notes from
their notebook and the model at the top of the page.
• Monitor pupils as they work, helping with spelling and
checking they are using the target language correctly.
• Divide the class into groups of four to take turns to read
out their descriptions to their partner.
• Ask if any pupils chose the same favourite meals.

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The Crown of the Dragon King
Part 5 pp. 70–71
• Ask pupils some questions to check their comprehension
of the key points. Ask where Rin and Nadia are
Objectives (at Stonehenge), what Vordigren wants (all the jewels),
Develop extensive reading skills what the time is (five o’clock in the morning/sunrise).
Ask why it’s the perfect time (to put the crown on in the
Discover famous mythical places and creatures in the UK
sunrise). Ask how Vordigren looks (evil), how Nadia and
Rin feel (shocked and afraid). Ask why it’s not good for
Materials Britain (because Vordigren is not the right king and he’s
Class Book pp.70–71; The United Kingdom Legends dangerous) and what Rin’s idea is (to use Vordigren’s staff
Map poster; CD2 track 31; coloured card – one piece for to go to another place). Ask what Vordigren is going to do
each group of four; scissors; glue; tissue paper, coloured now (wake up the dragons).
pencils or pens glitter (optional)
• Divide the class into pairs and tell them to close their
books. Tell them to retell the story together in their own
Pre-reading words.
• Ask pupils about the fourth episode of The Crown of the
Dragon King. Discuss which characters were present, After reading
where the episode took place (Sherwood Forest) and how • Tell the class that there are lots of different theories about
it finished. why Stonehenge was built. The various theories suggest
• Explain to the class you are going to say some phrases that Stonehenge was a place to burn people when they
from the story so far and pupils have to say the name of died, a place for people to worship ancient gods, a giant
the character who said it. Say the following phrases: calendar which helped people to predict the seasons, a
1 Where are the Vikings? (Nadia) 2 You’re not a giant. (Viking) place where people could observe the movement of the
3 You can’t fight giants. They’re big and strong. (Alva) 4 It’s stars, or a place where sick people could get better.
my favourite subject at school. (Nadia) 5 I don’t like monsters. • Ask the class why they think Stonehenge was built.
(Giant) 6 Robin Hood has got wavy, blond hair. (Rin) 7 Do you • Ask pupils if they know about any other mysterious places
want money? (Robin Hood) and ask them to say what they know about them.
• Stick the legends map poster on the board and ask a pupil
to come and point to where the first to fourth episodes Class theatre (optional) e 2•31
took place. Tell pupils they are going to read the fifth • Divide the class into groups of three and assign the roles
episode of the story, which takes place at Stonehenge. of Nadia, Rin and Vordigren.
• Help pupils to act out the story in groups, following
Listen and read. e 2•31 the procedure described in the How To Do It section on
• Open Class Books at page 70. Point to the map at the top page 24.
of the page. Ask a pupil to come and find the same place
on the poster. Craft project (optional)
TIP Prepare a dragon bookmark before the class.
CULTURE NOTE Stonehenge is a real place in an area
called Salisbury Plain in the south of England. Stonehenge • Ask the class to tell you what they think the dragons in
is an ancient circle of stones and is about 3,500 years the story look like. Encourage them to describe their head,
old. The stones are enormous and very heavy, and they body, tail and the colours of each.
come from a long way away. Nobody knows how people • Show the class your pre-prepared dragon bookmark and
moved the stones to Salisbury Plain, or why Stonehenge ask What is it? Tell the class they are going to make their
was built. In 1986, Stonehenge was declared a UNESCO own bookmark.
World Heritage site. Many people think that Stonehenge • Give each pupil a piece of coloured card and show them
is a magical place and it is very popular with tourists and how to cut a strip 4cm wide and a little longer than a
visitors. book.
• Tell pupils to cut a triangle from the card and stick it to the
• Focus pupils’ attention on the first three frames of the bottom of the bookmark to make the tail.
story and ask who they can see (Nadia, Rin, Vordigren) and
what colour the jewels in the crown are (blue, red, yellow • Pupils then draw the head of a dragon, colour and cut it
out. They stick the head on the top of the bookmark.
and green).
• Tell pupils they are going to listen and read the story. • Pupils then decorate the bookmark as they like.
• Play the story for pupils to follow in their Class Books and
point to the frames as they hear the dialogue. Ask pupils
to tell you what they understood about the story.
• Play the story a second time.

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Unit 6

Wild animals
Lesson 1 p. 72
• Play the track again, pausing after fantastic blue eyes and
It’s amazing! for pupils to repeat the expression.
2 Read and write answers.
Introduce the theme of animals
• Focus pupils’ attention on the questions and tell them
Read and listen to a dialogue they have to read the dialogue and answer the questions.
Answer comprehension questions about a dialogue • Pupils work individually to complete the activity.
• Ask pupils to check their answers with a partner.
Passive: dialogue script
• As a class check, ask different pupils to ask a question for
another to reply.
Materials ANSWERS
Class Book p.72; CD2 track 32; plain paper (optional) 1 a snow leopard 2 white with grey spots 3 Asia
4 a long tail 5 blue
Warmer Differentiation
• Write Wild animals on the board. • Below level: Read out the questions for pupils to
• Ask pupils to suggest words for wild animals. If pupils say follow and play the track again for them to follow the
the words in L1, recast their answers in English and write dialogue. Ask them to tell you the answers. Then they
the words on the board. complete the activity.
• Have a brief discussion, explaining that wild animals • Above level: Divide students into groups of seven and
are those that live in the wild and are not looked after assign them a person each from the dialogue. Pupils
by people. Elicit the names of any animals pupils can practise the dialogue together. They swap roles and
remember from previous levels, e.g. cat, dog, frog, fish, repeat.
butterfly, caterpillar, bee, hedgehog, chick, snail, dragonfly,
reindeer, bunny, pony. Which are domestic and which are Class discussion
wild animals?
• Ask pupils if they can tell you the difference between wild
1 Listen and read. e 2•32 and domestic animals. Ask what types of animals can be
domesticated and which are wild, and why.
• Open Class Books at page 72. Ask pupils who they can
see in the photo, where they are and what they are • Have a class discussion about which rare wild animals
doing (the children are in the school library listening to from their country pupils know, and if they have ever
a presentation on protecting wild animals). Ask what been to an animal sanctuary or shelter.
pupils can see in the library, for example a whiteboard, a
Drawing activity (optional)
flipchart, cushions and pictures.
• Give pupils a piece of plain paper and ask them to draw a
TIP The photo can be used to encourage pupils to notice wild animal that they are interested in.
the differences in cultures between Britain and pupils’ own • Monitor the groups as they work, asking about their
culture by comparing the school libraries. picture and helping with the names in English if
• Ask pupils if there are any similarities or differences necessary.
between the library, and the things in it in the photo and • Divide the class into groups of four and tell them to
their own school library. Ask if they ever have talks or present their picture to the group saying the name of the
presentations from experts. wild animal, where it’s from, and a description of it. Give
• Focus pupils’ attention on the dialogue and tell them an example yourself: This is a gorilla. It’s from Africa. It’s black
to listen and follow the dialogue in their books. Play the and it’s got brown eyes. It’s rare.
track. • Monitor the groups, helping with facts and information
Transcript about the animals.
For the transcript, see page 72 of the Class Book. • Ask the groups to respond to each other’s pictures, as
• Ask pupils what animal the children are learning about in the dialogue, by saying Fantastic (brown) (eyes). It’s
(The snow leopard). amazing!
• Ask pupils a few questions to check comprehension. Ask • Write Wild animals on a sheet of poster paper and
where the man works (the Animal Sanctuary). Teach animal stick it on the wall. Stick pupils’ pictures under it. Leave
sanctuary. Ask if there are many snow leopards (no, they the display there for the duration of Unit 6 as a visual
are rare).Teach rare. Ask what Liu thinks of the leopard’s reminder.
eyes (They’re fantastic). Teach fantastic. Ask if Emma likes
the snow leopard (yes) and how they know (she says it’s
amazing). Teach amazing.

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Lesson 2 p. 73
• Divide the class into pairs and tell them to look at the
picture, choose an animal, and take turns describing it for
Objectives their partner to guess. They can use the speech bubbles
Identify and write the wild animals words as a model.
Revise the question What is it? It’s a (wolf ). • Monitor the pairs as they work, helping with
pronunciation of the new vocabulary and making sure
Play a guessing game
they are using What is it?
Language 3 Play the game: Mime the Animal!
Active: an eagle, a lion, a bear, a snake, a horse, a swan,
TIP The idea of the game is to practise the animal
a deer, a wolf
vocabulary from Lesson 2. You can extend the game to make
Passive: It’s grey and white. What is it? it more challenging by first brainstorming any other animals
the class know (including from previous levels), for example
Materials cat, dog, frog, fish, butterfly, caterpillar, bee, hedgehog, chick,
Class Book pp.73, 121 (practice); CD2 tracks 33–35; Unit 6 snail, dragonfly, reindeer, bunny, pony.
flashcards; coloured pencils or pens • Demonstrate the game by miming an animal that pupils
know and asking What is it?
Warmer • Divide the class into teams of four and have two teams sit
• Remind the class of the topic of the unit (wild animals). opposite each other.
• Tell the class to look at the presentation on Class Book • Each team chooses an animal (either wild or domestic)
page 72 again. Ask what animal the presentation is about, and, in turn, mimes it to the team opposite.
where the man works, what an animal sanctuary is, if there • Suggest they mime the animal eating, hunting, running
are many snow leopards left in the wild, and what they or jumping, and they can make the animal noises. Give
look like. them a time limit of 30 seconds. Pupils who are miming
ask What is it?
1 Listen and point. Repeat. e 2•33–2•34
• The opposing team watches and tries to guess the animal.
• Stick all the Unit 6 flashcards on the board. Point to each If they guess correctly, they win a point.
flashcard and elicit the words. If pupils say the word in L1,
recast in English. 1 Find, circle and write. Which animal is
• Ask a pupil to come to the board and say one of the missing? WB p. 121
words for the pupil to point to the flashcard. Repeat with • Tell pupils they have to find and circle the animals in the
different pupils and flashcards. word snake.
• Open Class Books at page 73. Focus pupils’ attention on • Then they look at the numbered animals and write the
the picture and ask what they can see. word on the corresponding numbered writing line.
• Play track 33 for pupils to point to the pictures as they • Ask the class Which animal is missing? Pupils write the
hear the words, first in order and then in random order. name of the missing animal on the writing line.
Transcript ANSWERS
an eagle – a lion – a horse – a bear – a snake – a deer – 1 wolf 2 eagle 3 horse 4 deer 5 bear 6 snake
a wolf – a swan / a swan – a snake – a wolf – a lion – a bear – 7 swan
a deer – an eagle – a horse The missing animal is: lion
• Play track 34, pausing for pupils to repeat. 2 Read and write. Then colour. WB p. 121

2 Choose and write. • Focus pupils’ attention on the pictures and ask What is it?
• Focus pupils’ attention on the word pool and the numbered • Pupils look at the pictures, read the description
writing lines on the picture. Ask What’s number 1? (an eagle). underneath, and write the name of the animal.
Tell pupils to copy the word eagle from the word pool. • Then pupils colour the pictures of the animals the correct
• Pupils complete the activity individually and then check colours.
their answers with a partner. ANSWERS
• To check as a class, hold up the Unit 6 flashcards one by 2 a bear 3 a deer 4 a horse 5 a lion 6 a snake
one and ask What number is it? 7 a wolf 8 an eagle
1 an eagle 2 a lion 3 a horse 4 a bear 5 a snake
6 a deer 7 a wolf 8 a swan

3 Listen and repeat. Ask and answer. e 2•35

• Focus pupils’ attention on the pictures of the people and
ask Who’s that? (Mina and Briana).
• Play the track, one line at a time, for pupils to listen and

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Lessons 3 and 4 Grr … pp.74–75
8 Max: A bear? No problem.
9 Max: Nice bear … have some honey!
Objectives 10 Dylan: Max, you’re a genius.
Read and understand the stages of a story Briana: Well done, Max!
Mina: Thanks, Max!
Discuss and understand the importance of making
friends • Play the track for frames 5 and 6, pausing after Look, it’s
brown and And it’s got big teeth! Aargh! It’s a bear! for pupils
Review the development of the story in Level 4
to repeat.
Language • In pairs, pupils close their books and retell the story
together in their own words.
Active: It’s brown. It’s got big teeth. It’s a bear.
• On the board write Look, it’s brown. And it’s got big teeth!
Passive: Let’s go for a walk in the woods. I’m scared. You’re a
Aargh! It’s a bear! Ask pupils to include the sentences when
genius., making friends
they retell the story.
Materials • Ask pupils to think back to the story predictions they
made in Unit 5 and ask if any of them were correct.
Class Book pp.74–75; DVD; CD2 track 36; Unit 6 word
cards (optional); plain paper 2 Look at the Kingdom of Albion map. Where’s the
Warmer • Tell pupils to open out the map at the front of their Class
• Play The wrong words with animal word cards. (See the Books.
How To Do It section on page 23.) • Ask pupils to discuss in pairs where the story takes place.
Ask them to point to Galchobar’s round house and finger
1 Watch or listen and read. r DVD e 2•36 trace the route Dylan and Briana might have taken to get
• Ask pupils what happened in the previous story and to the stream and the woods.
what kinds of friendships have developed between the • Ask them where they think Max came from and finger
characters. Ask how the relationship between Max and trace his path.
Briana and Dylan has changed from the beginning of the
• To encourage pupils to think critically, discuss where the
bear lives and talk about where other animals might live
• Open Class Books at pages 74 and 75. Focus pupils’ in the Kingdom of Albion, for example wolves in the hills
attention on the first four frames and ask pupils what they beyond, swans on the streams and also on the river to the
can see and what they think is happening. right of the village, deer in the woods.
• Then ask pupils to close their books and ask them what • Continue the discussion to look at the differences
they think happens in the story. between domestic and wild animals, for example
• Play the story on the DVD, or play the story on the CD domestic animals work for people and live with/near
with pupils following in their Class Books and pointing to them. Ask which animal in the story is domesticated
the pictures as they listen. (Fionn the pony). What about the bear?
• Ask the class if their predictions of the story were correct.
• Play the story again. Pause at regular intervals and ask
3 Circle the error. Write the correct sentence. Then
questions to ensure understanding. Ask why Dylan write B (beginning), M (middle) or E (end).
suggests going for a walk (because Briana is bored), what • On the board, write Let’s go for a run in the woods. Tell
they hear (an animal noise), what the animal looks like (it’s pupils that the sentence is incorrect and ask them which
brown and it’s got big teeth), how Mina feels (scared), if word is wrong (run). Circle the word run in the sentence.
Max is scared (no) and how he helps the other characters • Tell pupils to look back at the story and find the correct
(he gives the bear some honey). word (walk). Rewrite the sentence correctly (Let’s go for a
walk in the woods.).
Transcript • Tell pupils to look at the sentence and the story again and
1 Briana: I’m bored. tell you where in the story the sentence comes (B – at the
Dylan: Let’s go for a walk in the woods! beginning). As a guide, you can tell them frames 1 to 4
2 Bear: Grr … are the beginning, 5 to 8 are the middle, and 9 and 10 are
Mina: Huh … what’s that? the end.
3 Briana: Oh, I think it’s an animal.
Mina: An animal?
• Tell pupils to work in pairs and follow the same procedure
as for the example to complete the sentences.
Dylan: Is it a wolf?
4 Briana: No, it isn’t. • To check as a class, ask different pupils to say the correct
Mina: I’m scared. sentences and B, M or E.
5 Briana: Look, it’s brown. ANSWERS
Mina: And it’s got big teeth! 2 [milk] Nice bear … have some honey! E
6 Dylan: Aargh! It’s a bear! 3 [grey] Look, it’s brown. M
7 Mina: Max?! 4 [ears] And it’s got big teeth! M
Max: Hello, everybody.
Dylan: Max, there’s a bear.

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• To check as a class, ask different pupils to read a sentence
for another pupil to say the unit number and the person
• Below level: Read out each sentence in activity 3 for who said it.
pupils to find them in the story. Ask them to tell you
what the difference is between the sentence in the ANSWERS
story and the sentence in the activity. Then ask them 2 [story 2] Briana 3 [story 4] Max 4 [story 6] Briana
if the sentence is B, M or E. Pupils then complete the 5 [story 3] Dylan 6 [story 5] Briana
activity in their books.
• Above level: To challenge more confident pupils, ask
them to do the activity without checking back with the
• Below level: For pupils who are not confident readers,
read out the sentences to them and ask them which
story they think the sentences are from. If they have
difficulties, tell them the unit number and, with your
Class theatre e 2.36 support, they find the sentence on the page.
• Play the recording, pausing after each line of text for • Above level: Pupils work in pairs to write one more
pupils to repeat. speech bubble from one of the stories. Pairs swap their
• Divide the class into groups of four to assign pupils the sentences and choose and write the unit number and
roles of Dylan, Briana, Mina and Max. You could assign less speaker.
confident pupils to play the bear.
• Help pupils to act out the story in groups, following • Ask pupils which is their favourite story. Take a few ideas
the procedure described in the How To Do It section and ask them why.
on page 24. • Pupils write the unit number in the box.
• In pairs, pupils tell each other their favourite story,
4 Talk about being good friends. and why.
• Discuss with pupils about how the friendship has
developed between Briana, Dylan and Max. Ask them Extension activity
what Dylan and Briana did for Max in Unit 5 to make • On the board write the six values from the stories:
Max happy, and what he does in this story to return the 1 Making friends 2 Staying safe 3 Saying sorry 4 Helping
favour and show friendship. Max is courageous in order to others 5 Thinking of others 6 Being good friends.
protect his friends, and Briana, Dylan and Mina show how • Tell pupils they are going to choose one of the values,
much they admire him and how proud they are to be his then draw and write the speech bubbles from that story
friend. that highlight the value.
• Develop the discussion to include the whole storyline • Divide them into groups of four and tell them to choose a
throughout the book and the underlying value of value and retell the story for that unit in their own words.
empathy and making friends. Ask pupils to recall how • Give them a piece of paper and tell them to draw a
Briana and Dylan met, how they reacted when they first picture that illustrates the value from the story, and
saw Max, and then the trick they played on him. write speech bubbles to show the value. They write the
• To personalize the value, ask pupils if they can recall a value as the title for the story. For example, for the Saying
situation where they had a problem in a friendship and sorry story, they draw a picture of Dylan pointing to the
they had to find a way to solve the problem and become experiment, looking sad with a speech bubble I’m sorry
friends again. Ask what happened and what they did to and Briana looking happy at his apology.
resolve it. • Ask different groups to show their pictures and talk about
CITIZENSHIP Ask pupils how they feel when someone the value and the story.
does something nice for them and ask if it makes them feel • Write Values on a sheet of poster paper and stick it on the
that they want to do something nice in return. Explain that wall. Stick pupils’ pictures under it to create a display for
sometimes friendships have difficult times, but that by doing the duration of Unit 6 as a reminder of all the values.
something kind, or helping our friends, we can maintain and
strengthen our friendships.

5 Look back at the stories. Find and write the unit

number. Then write. Who says it?
• Write His name’s Max. Ask pupils to think which story from
the book the sentence is from, and who said it. Tell pupils
to look back quickly through their Class Books and find it
(Unit 1).
• Focus pupils’ attention on the example and explain they
write the unit number in the box, and then the name of
the person who said it (Briana).
• Divide the class into pairs and tell them to work together
to complete the activity.

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Lesson 5 p. 76
• Show the class the example. Explain that pupils need to
complete the sentences by writing It’s got or It’s.
Objectives • Check answers by asking different pupils to read out their
Describe wild animals sentences.
Ask and answer about features of animals ANSWERS
Practise writing the new structure 2 It’s got big teeth. It’s a lion.
3 It’s a snake. It’s got stripes.
Language 4 It’s got a tail. It’s a wolf.
Active: stripes, a beak, small ears, a tail, wings, spots, big
4 Look and write questions.
teeth, a long neck, It’s got wings. It’s a swan. Has it got a
beak? Yes, it has. / No, it hasn’t. • Write on the board It’s got spots. Ask the class if they can
change the sentence into a question. Point out that It has
is inverted to form the question Has it?Ask a pupil to write
the question on the board: Has it got spots?
Class Book pp.76, 122 (practice), 126 (Grammar
Reference); CD2 tracks 37–38; Unit 6 flashcards
• Focus pupils’ attention on the second grammar box. Show
how It’s got is inverted to make the question Has it got?
• Divide the class into pairs and tell them to work together
Warmer to change the sentences into questions as in the example.
• Play Little by little with the Unit 6 flashcards. (See the How
To Do It section on page 22.) ANSWERS
2 Has it got wings? 3 Has it got a beak?
1 Listen and point. Repeat. e 2•37–2•38
5 Write questions and answers.
• Open Class Books at page 76. Focus pupils’ attention on
the animal features and ask What is it? • Focus pupils’ attention on the third grammar box and
show how the short answer is formed.
• Play track 37 for pupils to point to the pictures as they
hear the descriptions, first in order and then in random • Go through the example as a class, making sure pupils
order. understand they have to make a question with the animal
features and then write the positive or negative short
Transcript answers depending on if there is a tick or a cross.
1 It’s a deer. It’s got spots. ANSWERS
2 It’s a snake. It’s got stripes. 2 Has it got small ears? No, it hasn’t.
3 It’s a swan. It’s got wings. 3 Has it got a long tail? Yes, it has.
4 It’s an eagle. It’s got a beak.
5 It’s a lion. It’s got big teeth. 1 Write questions. Look and answer. WB p. 122
6 It’s a bear. It’s got small ears. • Point to the pictures to elicit the animals.
7 It’s a horse. It’s got a long neck. • Go through the example. Explain that pupils use
8 It’s a wolf. It’s got a tail. the prompts to write questions, then look at the
• Play track 38, pausing for pupils to repeat. corresponding picture and write the correct short answer.
Transcript ANSWERS
1 It’s got spots. 2 It’s got stripes. 3 It’s got wings. 2 Has it got spots? Yes, it has.
4 It’s got a beak. 5 It’s got big teeth. 3 Has it got a long tail? No, it hasn’t.
6 It’s got small ears. 7 It’s got a long neck. 4 Has it got wings? No, it hasn’t.
8 It’s got a tail. 5 Has it got a long neck? Yes, it has.
• Play the track again, this time pausing for pupils to say the 6 Has it got small ears? No, it hasn’t.
animal, for example It’s a deer.
2 Write It’s or It’s got. Circle. Then draw. WB p. 122
2 Choose and write. • Pupils look at the prompts and complete the sentences
• Focus pupils’ attention on the word pool and point to with It’s or It’s got.
picture 1. Point out the example answer under the picture • They then circle the picture of the animal described and
(spots). draw it in the space.
• Pupils write the words from the word pool under the ANSWERS
corresponding pictures. 1 It hasn’t got, It’s a deer.
ANSWERS 2 It’s got, It’s got, It’s, It’s a wolf.
2 stripes 3 wings 4 a beak 5 big teeth
3 Choose an animal. Write and draw. WB p. 122
6 small ears 7 a long neck 8 a tail
• Pupils choose an animal, write sentences to describe it,
3 Write It’s got or It’s. and say what it is. They then draw it in the box.
• Focus pupils’ attention on the first grammar box and point
out the contractions and their meanings. Explain we use
It’s got to describe how it looks and It’s to say what animal
it is.

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Lesson 6 p. 77
• Ask pupils what questions we can ask about animals and
write their suggestions on the board, for example What
Objectives colour is it? Has it got spots? Can it fly?
Present and practise can/can’t for ability • Encourage pupils to ask questions to guess your animal.
Ask and answer questions about what animals can do • Divide the class into groups of four. Tell them to take turns
Play a guessing game to choose an animal from the page; the rest of the group
has to ask them questions to guess the animal.
Language 1 Read and write the animal. Then write about the
Active: It can run. It can’t fly. Can it swim? Yes, it can. / No, it other animals. WB p. 123
can’t. • Focus pupils’ attention on picture 1 in the table. Say the
example sentences: It can’t fly. It can’t run. It can swim. What
Materials is it? Ask them to complete the answer for number 1. (It’s
Class Book pp.77, 123 (practice), 127 (Grammar a fish.)
Reference); CD2 track 39; Unit 6 flashcards • Tell pupils to look at what the swan and wolf can and can’t
do, and write appropriate sentences.
• Hold up the Unit 6 flashcards one at a time and say a true 1 It’s a fish.
or false sentence about each flashcard. For example, hold 2 It can fly. It can run. It can swim. It’s a swan.
up the wolf flashcard and say It’s got wings. Encourage 3 It can’t fly. It can run. It can swim. It’s a wolf.
pupils to say Yes, it has or No, it hasn’t.
• Divide the class into two teams. Say a sentence to each Differentiation
team and award points if they answer correctly. • Below level: Put the fish, swan and wolf flashcards face
up in front of the pupils and say sentences about what
1 Listen and read. e 2•39 an animal can and can’t do. Pupils point to the correct
• Open Class Books at page 77. Focus pupils’ attention on flashcard and say the name. Pupils then take turns to
the pictures and ask what animals they can see (a bear, a make sentences about the different animals.
lion, a wolf, an eagle). • Above level: Pupils choose another animal, write the
• Tell pupils to listen to the track and follow the exchanges name and put crosses and ticks for what it can and
in their Class Books. Play the track. can’t do. They swap their animals for their partner to
• Point out the highlighted phrases It can swim, Can it swim? make sentences about the animal’s abilities.
and Yes, it can to focus pupils’ attention on the word order
of the statement, question and answer. 2 Write questions and answers. WB p. 123

2 Write can or can’t.

• Go through the example as a class.
• Point out the first grammar box and read out the example. • Pupils look at the pictures, prompts and crosses and ticks,
then write the questions and short answers.
Make sure pupils understand can’t is the short form of
cannot (can + not). ANSWERS
• Go through the example with the class. Show how the tick 1 Can it run? No, it can’t. Can it swim? No, it can’t. Can it
means that a positive answer is needed. Point to the cross fly? Yes, it can.
to elicit that a negative answer is needed for number 2. 2 Can it run? Yes, it can. Can it swim? Yes, it can. Can it fly?
No, it can’t.
2 can’t 3 can 4 can’t 3 Write questions with Has it got … ? and Can it … ?
Then look and answer. WB p. 123
3 Write questions and answers.
• Go through the example with pupils.
• Hold up the flashcard of the horse and ask Can it jump?
Encourage pupils to respond in full Yes, it can. Continue by
• Divide the class into pairs to complete the activity.
asking Can it fly? (No, it can’t). ANSWERS
• Focus pupils’ attention on the second grammar box 2 Has it got stripes? Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.
and point out how It can is inverted to form the yes/no 3 Can it swim? No, it can’t. Yes, it can.
question. 4 Can it fly? No, it can’t. Yes, it can.
• Go through the example as a class.
• Pupils look at the pictures and make questions using the
prompts, then answer the questions, depending on the
ticks and crosses.
2 Can it jump? No, it can’t. 3 Can it swim? Yes, it can.

4 Choose and play The Guessing Game.

• Tell pupils you are thinking of an animal and they have to
ask you questions to guess the animal.

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Lesson 7 p. 78
mouth and making an /ɘ/ sound in the back of your throat
and pulling the lips back a little.
Practise the unit structures and vocabulary through /w/ /w/ – /w/ /w/
a song
Recognize and say the /w/ sound 3 Listen and say the tongue-twister. e 2•43
Practise the /w/ sound in a tongue-twister • Tell pupils they are going to learn the tongue-twister to
practise the /w/ sound.
Language • Play the track for pupils to listen and follow the tongue-
Active: wolf, walks, woods, wearing, wellies twister in their books.
Passive: Song lyrics • Play the recording again for pupils to listen and repeat the
tongue-twister. It may help to divide it into parts.
Materials • Encourage pupils to say the tongue-twister chorally and
Class Book p.78; CD2 tracks 40–43; Unit 6 flashcards individually.
• Divide the class into groups of four and tell them to
Warmer practise saying the tongue-twister as fast as possible.
• Stick the eight Unit 6 flashcards on the board. • Monitor the groups as they practise, helping with
• Divide the class into two teams. Ask a pupil from each pronunciation.
team to come to the board. Say sentences about one of • Have a competition. Ask pupils in their groups to say the
the flashcards, for example It can fly. It’s got a beak. It can tongue-twister individually and judge who is the fastest.
swim. The first pupil to touch the correct one wins a point • Ask pupils to circle the /w/ sound in all the words in the
for their team. tongue-twister.
• Repeat with different pupils and animals.
Optional activity
1 Sing Animal Boogie. e 2•40–2•41 • Ask pupils to look though their Class Books and find five
• Stick the Unit 6 flashcards around the classroom. words beginning with w and the /w/ sound, for example
• Play the track for pupils to listen and point to the what, wizard, where, watch, white, wow, Wednesday, wavy,
flashcards when they hear the words. we, wings.
• Open Class Books at page 78, focus pupils’ attention on • Pupils compare their words with their partner’s.
the picture and ask What animals can you see? What are • Ask different pupils to tell you one of their words, paying
they doing? (Dancing and having fun). attention to their pronunciation of the /w/ sound.
• Play the track for pupils to follow the song in their books.
• Tell the class that it doesn’t matter if they don’t know all of
the words in the song.

For the transcript, see page 78 of the Class Book.
• As a class, make up some actions to go with the song, for
example twisting, jumping, wiggling, running on the spot,
miming flying.
• Play the song again for pupils to join in with the actions.
• Divide the class into three groups and assign each group
an animal: eagle, wolf and deer. Tell the groups to make up
actions for their animal.
• Play the song for the groups to do their actions and join
in singing where they can. Repeat as long as pupils are
enjoying singing.

2 Listen to the sound and repeat. e 2•42

TIP Wellies is short for wellington boots, which are rubber
rain boots popular in the UK for muddy walks in the
• Focus pupils’ attention on the picture and ask them what
they can see. Ask where the wolf is (in the woods) and what
it’s doing (walking). Ask what it’s wearing. Teach wellies.
• Play the track for pupils to listen to the /w/ sound.
• Play the track again for them to repeat the sound.
TIP Explain and demonstrate how to make the /w/ sound
by pouting, putting your tongue in the middle of your

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Lesson 8 p. 79
international organizations, for example the WWF (World
Wildlife Fund) and the IFAW (International Fund for
Objectives Animal Welfare) that exist to protect endangered animals.
Listen and identify the animal from a description People can also ‘adopt’ an animal, which means they send
monthly payments to help care for a particular animal
Practise the vocabulary and structures from the unit
and receive regular photos and updates on the animal’s
Make and present a leaflet welfare. Through fund raising, organizations can help to
ensure animal sanctuaries can care for animals.
Language • Focus pupils’ attention on the four frames and tell them
Active: It’s orange and black. It’s got stripes. It’s got a long this is the planning and procedure for making an Adopt
tail. It can run. It can’t fly. Can it swim? Yes, it can. / No, it an Animal leaflet. Ask them what animal the boy chooses
can’t. (a tiger).
Passive: adopt, leaflet, protect, create, information • Tell pupils to turn to page 124.

Materials 1 Choose an animal to protect. Write. WB p. 124

Class Book pp.79, 124 (practice); CD2 track 44; Unit 6 • Pupils choose an endangered animal to protect. They can
flashcards; Unit 6 word cards (optional); plain paper choose one of the animals they can see, or a different
animal that they know is endangered.
Warmer • They write the name of the animal in the space.
• Play a game of Read and touch using the animal words. 2 Think about your animal. Write. WB p. 124
(See the How To Do It section on page 23.)
• Read through the questions with the class.
1 Listen and tick (f). Then say. e 2•44 • Pupils read the questions and write the answers for their
• Open Class Books at page 79. Ask pupils what animals animal. Help provide information where necessary.
they see and ask them to describe them, for example The
eagle can fly. It’s got wings. 3 Create your leaflet. Tick (f). WB p. 124

• Play the track and ask pupils to look at the pictures as they • Give pupils a piece of paper and tell them to fold it in half.
listen and point to the correct animal. They write the title Adopt a (animal name) on the front and
draw a picture of their chosen animal under the title.
Transcript • Show pupils how to draw a line to divide each inside page
1 It’s got a tail. It can run. It’s got big teeth. It’s yellow and in half.
brown. • They copy the information about their animal from
2 It’s got a beak. It’s got wings. It can fly. It’s white. activity 2, choosing what they want to include on their
3 It’s brown. It can run. It’s got a short tail and it’s got white leaflet. Refer them back to the illustrations on page 79.
spots. • Then they look at the check list to tick the things they
• Play the first exchange and then pause to elicit the name have included and make sure they have completed
of the animal. Tell pupils to tick the correct picture. everything.
• Play the rest of the track for pupils to tick the pictures. TIP Faster finishers can draw additional pictures on the
• To check as a class, ask different pairs to ask and answer inside of their leaflet.
the questions.
• Divide the class into pairs to take turns to describe the Presentation
other animals, using the speech bubbles to help them. • Present the leaflet that you produced to the class, saying
ANSWERS This is my Adopt an Animal leaflet. It’s a (tiger). It’s from India.
1 lion 2 swan 3 deer It’s orange and it’s got black stripes. It’s got big teeth and a
long tail. It can run, jump and swim. Encourage pupils to ask
2 Make an Adopt an Animal leaflet. you questions about your animal. Ask them if they like it
and say It’s amazing./It’s fantastic.
TIP Prepare your own leaflet before the class.
• On the board, write sentences and questions to ask about
TIMESAVER TIP If you don’t have time for the pupils to make animals, for example Has it got a tail? Can it swim?
a leaflet, they can still do the activities on page 124. • See the presentation procedure in Unit 1.
• Turn back to page 72 in the Class Books. Ask pupils what • Write Adopt an Animal on a sheet of poster paper and stick
the man in the picture does (he works at an animal it on the wall. Stick pupils’ leaflets underneath to create a
sanctuary). display.
• Ask what it means for an animal to be endangered or rare,
and why animals become endangered, for example loss of
habitat due to human activity such as hunting, or cutting
down trees to create roads or buildings.
• Ask pupils if they know of any animals that are
endangered, and make a list on the board, for example,
tiger, gorilla, panda, turtle, rhino, elephant, whale,
penguin, polar bear. Explain that there are national and

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Lesson 9 Round up p. 80
2 Reader: Has it got spots?
Child: No, it hasn’t. It’s got black and yellow stripes. It’s a
Objectives snake.
Review learning progress with the language of Unit 6 3 Reader: Has it got big teeth?
Child: Yes, it’s a lion. It’s got a long tail and big teeth.
Language 4 Reader: Can it jump?
Child: It’s got white wings and a black beak. It can swim,
Revision of vocabulary and structures from Unit 6
but it can’t jump. It’s a swan.
5 Reader: Can it fly?
Materials Child: It’s got a long neck and a long tail. It can run and
Class Book p.80; CD2 tracks 40, 41 and 45; Unit 6 jump, but it can’t fly. It’s a horse.
• Tell pupils to check their answers with their partner before
you play the track again.
Warmer e 2•40–2•41 • To check as a class, ask different pupils to ask and answer
• Play the Animal Boogie song from page 78 of the Class the questions.
Book and encourage the class to sing along. If the class is
confident, you can also use the karaoke version on the CD
1 It’s a deer 2 No, it hasn’t. 3 Yes, it has.
(track 41).
4 No, it can’t. 5 No, it can’t.
Class quiz
• Ask pupils what words they can remember from this unit. • Have a class quiz based on what pupils have learned in
Write their answers on the board.
Unit 6.
• Ask pupils if they can remember what happened in the
• Divide the class into teams of four and tell them they are
story in this unit.
going to do a quiz about the unit. The first team to answer
• Ask pupils what sound they practised in the tongue- a question correctly wins a point.
twister in this unit.
• Ask questions about the unit, for example show the Unit 6
1 Look and write. flashcards and ask What is it? Show a team a flashcard and
tell them to say two correct sentences to describe the animal.
• Open Class Books at page 80. Focus pupils’ attention on
Ask what animal Briana, Mina and Dylan see in the woods.
the pictures around the crossword and elicit the animals.
How does Max help them? Write sentences for pupils to
• Tell the class to write the animals in the correct numbered re-order, for example A has tiger got stripes black. Ask who
columns and rows of the crossword. They can look back can say the tongue-twister.
through the unit to check spelling.
• To check as a class, say a number for a pupil to say the TIP If you have a confident class, you could ask the groups
corresponding word. to write one question about the unit to ask other groups.

ANSWERS Self-evaluation, test and assessment. e 3•34–36

Across: 1 swan 4 lion 6 eagle 7 bear
TIP The self-evaluation and tests can be done at the end of
Down: 2 wolf 3 snake 5 deer
Lesson 10, if more appropriate for your class.
2 Which animal is missing? Write and draw. • Invite pupils to reflect on how they felt about the activities
• Ask pupils to look again at the crossword and elicit which in the unit.
animal from the unit is missing. • Give pupils two minutes to look through the unit and put
• Tell pupils to write the word on the line and draw a a blue dot next to an activity they enjoyed, a green dot
picture of that animal. next to an activity they found easy, and a black dot next to
an activity they found difficult.
• Monitor pupils as they work and ask questions, for
example: Why did you find this difficult? Why did you
3 Listen and circle. e 2•45 enjoy this?
• Focus pupils’ attention on the questions and answers. • Pupils are now ready to complete the Unit 6 Test (pp.137–
• Tell the pupils they are going to hear people describing 139 of this Teacher’s Book) and the End of Year test (see
animals. They have to listen, read the questions, and circle pp.140–143). Use CD3, tracks 34–36.
the correct answers. • Fill in the evaluation grid for each pupil (see website).
• Play number 1 and ask pupils What is it? (It’s a deer).
• Play the rest of the track, pausing for pupils to circle the

1 Reader: What is it?
Child: It’s got a short tail and small ears. It’s brown with
white spots.

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Lesson 10 Round up p. 81
to copy the title with their name onto the cover of the
Objectives 1 Give each pupil a copy of the first Photocopy Master. Read
Prepare, make and present a Rainbow Bridge lapbook the text about Briana for the class to follow. Pupils draw a
Practise writing skills at sentence level picture of Briana. Then tell pupils to choose either Max or
Dylan, complete the gapped text and draw a picture of
Language the character. They then complete the final picture and
text about themselves, using the model text about Briana
Revision of vocabulary and structures from Unit 6
as a guide. Pupils cut out the text and pictures.
Materials 2 Give each pupil a copy of the second Photocopy Master
for them to create a review of the six stories. Do Story 1
Class Book p.81; Units 1–6 flashcards; Photocopy Master
together as an example. Point out the speech bubble and tell
Unit 6 (2 pages) (Teacher’s Book pp.150–151) – one copy
pupils to look back at the Unit 1 story, find the corresponding
per pupil; Rainbow Bridge lapbook templates (prepared
sentence, and complete it on the template (Come back here!).
by the teacher); large sheets of paper or card; scissors;
Pupils then write the title of the story on the line, and
glue; coloured pencils or pens extra Take Home English
copy the picture from that frame into the space. Pupils
templates (optional)
complete their templates for the remaining five stories.
Pupils cut out the stories.
• Give out the flashcards for all the units to each pupil. 1 Guards! Guards! Come back here!
• Pupils take it in turns to stand up and show their flashcard 2 Got you! I’m Dylan, Galchobar’s apprentice. / Well, it
for the class to say the word. isn’t safe here! Go home, Dylan! And Briana, follow me!
3 Magic And … Science is cool!
1 Read and write. 4 Where’s the princess? Here I am! Hello! / Huh! Who are
• Tell pupils about your favourite animal, for example My you? / Yoo-hoo! Hi, Max!
favourite animal is … It’s from … It’s … and it’s got … It 5 The surprise Wow, thank you! / Well done, children.
can … , but it can’t … It’s fantastic! Ask a few pupils to tell 6 Grr… Max, you’re a genius! Well done, Max. Thanks,
you about their favourite animal. Max.
• Open Class Books at page 81. Ask a pupil to read out the
My Favourite Animal paragraph to the class. Tell pupils Optional template activities
they are going to write about their favourite animal. Pupils can add further templates to their lapbooks, using
Ensure they don’t choose a deer. some of the following suggestions:
• Tell them to plan their writing by doing a first draft in their – Story Characters Minibook (p.149) (Cover the faces before
notebooks. Focus pupils’ attention on the seven questions making photocopies): Pupils draw and colour their favourite
in the box at the top right of the page, and write their characters on the front and write their names underneath.
answers. Then they write the words for the story characters (king,
princess, wizard, etc.) on the back.
• Encourage pupils to complete the first line with the
– My Favourite Meals tags and pocket (p.147): Pupils cut out
title, as in the model text above. Point to each line of
the pocket, turn it over and write My Favourite Meals. Then
the description and ask what they need to write in each
they cut out three tabs, write BREAKFAST, LUNCH and DINNER
(the name of the animal, where it’s from, the colour, the
on the front, draw their favourite meals on the back and
features and its abilities).
write the names of the food and drink items.
• Pupils complete the description, using their notes and – Animal Cards and pocket (p.147): Pupils draw the eight
following the model at the top of the page. animals onto the cards, make an ANIMALS pocket, then play
• In groups of four, pupils take turns to read out their guessing games in pairs and small groups.
descriptions. – School Subjects Flapbook (p.145, x2): Pupils write the
names of six school subjects in the squares on the front (2
2 Make a Rainbow Bridge lapbook. copies). Inside pupils write about the subjects they like and
Teacher’s Book pp.150–151 dislike.
TIP For this final unit, there are two new templates which – Family Members Pentagon Flower Flapbook (p.145): Pupils
all pupils make. This lapbook also re-uses templates from write family member words on the flaps, then draw the
previous units, so choose which ones you want the class to corresponding family member(s) underneath the flap.
do and make copies of them. • Tell pupils to decide how they want to lay out their
• Look at the photo and ask pupils to describe who and character descriptions, stories and other templates, and
what they can see. Make sure they understand that Toby stick them into their lapbooks.
has made a lapbook at school and has taken it home to • See the How To Do It section for information on the
show his family. Tell pupils they are going to make their presentation stage (page 24).
own Rainbow Bridge lapbook to take home. TIP You may now like to do the CLIL unit on Endangered
• Give each pupil a large piece of paper or card. Show animals. See pp.92–93 in the Class Book.
pupils how to fold both sides in to create two flaps. On
the board write Rainbow Bridge 4 by (name). Tell pupils

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The Crown of the Dragon King
Episode 6 pp. 82–83
• Focus pupils’ attention on the first three frames of the
story and ask who they can see (Nadia, Vordigren, a
Objectives dragon). Ask pupils to look quickly at the frames and to
Develop extensive reading skills see whether their predictions of the story may be correct.
Discover famous mythical places and creatures in the UK • Play the story for pupils to follow in their Class Books, and
have them point to the frames as they hear the dialogue.
Materials Ask pupils what they understood about the story.
Class Book pp.82–83; The United Kingdom Legends Map • Play the story a second time.
poster; CD2 track 46; plain paper • Ask pupils some questions to check their comprehension
of the key points. Ask where Vordigren and Nadia are (at
Conwy Castle), where the dragons live (in the mountains)
Pre-reading and if these dragons can fly (yes). Ask who Rin’s friends are
• Ask pupils about the fifth episode of the story. Discuss (a Roman soldier, Alva, Robin Hood) and why they come
which characters were present, where the episode took with Rin (to save Britain). Ask how Nadia stops the dragons
place (Stonehenge) and how it finished. and Vordigren (she puts the crown on her head) and what
• Divide the class into five groups. Assign each group one she tells the dragons to do (go home). Ask why Robin
of the five episodes of the story. Explain that they have to Hood shoots the crown into the sea (so that no bad king
summarize what happened in their episode and write the can find it).
key characters, places and vocabulary and come up with • Divide the class into pairs. Tell them to close their books
a title. Tell pupils they can’t look in their books, but have to and retell the story together in their own words.
remember the story.
• Allow five minutes for the groups to discuss together and After reading discussion
write their summaries. • Ask pupils if any of them predicted the ending of the story
• Ask the groups to present the title of their episode and tell correctly, and if they were surprised by part 6. Ask if they
the summary of the story in order. had any idea Vordigren was a bad character.
• Write the titles on the board and ask pupils if they • Ask pupils how the characters saved Britain (by working
agree with the titles, and if they capture the ideas of the together). Ask if they are all from the same place and
episodes. culture. Make sure they understand that even though
• Ask pupils to tell you what they think happens in the final people are different, they can work together to solve
episode of the story. problems and do good.
• Stick the legends map poster on the board, and ask a • Ask pupils if they enjoyed the story, and why.
pupil to come and point to where the first five episodes
Class theatre (optional) e 2•46
took place.
• Divide the class into groups of seven and assign the
Listen and read. e 2•46 roles of Nadia, Rin, the Roman soldier, Alva, Robin Hood,
• Open Class Books at page 82. Point to the map at the top Vordigren and the guide.
of the page. Ask a pupil to come and find the same place • See notes in the How To Do It section (page 24) for how to
(Conwy Castle) on the poster. carry out the class theatre.

CULTURE NOTES Conwy Castle is a famous castle in North Extension activity

Wales. It was built by King Edward I of England between • Ask pupils what their favourite episode and character was.
1283 and 1289. The castle was designed to watch over the • Ask pupils to draw a picture of their favourite character in
walled town of Conwy in Wales, and it has survived many their favourite episode of the story.
wars. Conwy Castle is defended by eight large towers. • Tell them to write a few sentences about him/her, for
In European folklore and legend, dragons are represented example This is Rin. He’s a Celt. He has got blond hair. He is at
as being large, with either two or four clawed feet. They Conwy Castle. He is brave and clever. Write these sentences
have wings, but don’t necessarily fly. They live in caves or on the board as a model for pupils.
rivers and can sometimes breathe fire. Some have more • Ask pupils to present their pictures to the class and talk
than one head and they are usually portrayed as being about their favourite characters.
menacing. Many modern authors have used dragons in
their stories. J.R.R. Tolkien has Smaug in The Hobbit and J.K.
• Write The Crown of the Dragon King on a sheet of poster
paper. Stick it on the wall. Stick pupils’ pictures underneath
Rowling introduces dragons in Harry Potter and the Goblet
the heading.
of Fire. A red dragon appears on the national flag of Wales.
It was apparently the battle standard of King Arthur and
other ancient Celtic leaders. It is thought that it evolved
from an earlier Romano-British national symbol.

96 The Crown of the Dragon King (Part 6) © 2020 Oxford University Press
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Culture: British schools pp. 84–85 3 Read and look at the pictures, then match 1–4
to a–d.
Objectives • Tell pupils to read the first part of the sentences and draw
Learn about British schools a matching line to the correct ending.
Listen, identify and write vocabulary for schools • Do number 1 as an example with the class.
Design an imaginary school uniform • Pupils complete the activity in pairs.
• To check as a class, ask different pupils to read the
Language completed sentence.
Active: first, last, uniform, jumper, boarding school, hockey, ANSWERS
rugby, boys, girls; My school uniform is …, I’m wearing … 1 Year 6 is the last year at primary school.
Passive: polo shirt, live, sleep 2 Toby’s school uniform is a jumper, a polo shirt and
Materials 3 At boarding schools, children sleep at school.
Class Book pp.84–85; CD2 track 47; plain paper 4 Hockey is a popular sport at British schools.

CULTURE NOTE See the website for cultural information

1 Listen and number the pictures. e 2•47 about British schools.
• Tell the class they are going to learn about British schools.
Ask them to tell you any information they know already
4 Look at the pictures. Are schools the same or
from Rainbow Bridge, for example about uniform, school
dinners, libraries, and make a list on the board. If they say
different in your country?
words in L1, recast in English. • Lead a discussion about the differences and similarities
between British schools and the pupils’ school. Ask what
• Open Class Books at page 84. Point to the photo of Toby
age children start at primary and secondary schools, and
and read the speech bubble. Ask pupils what they can see
what they wear to school. Ask if pupils like the clothes
in the photos. Ask what the similarities and differences are
policy at their school and what they would change. Ask
with their school.
if they think boys and girls should go to the same school
• Tell pupils they are going to hear Toby being interviewed and play the same sports, or if it’s better that they are
about school and they have to number the pictures as he separate.
describes them.
• Divide the class into groups of four to discuss the
• Play the track, pausing after the first exchange for pupils questions.
to point to the correct photo (the primary school).
• Ask different groups to share their opinions.
• Play the track, pausing for pupils to number the photos.
• Ask pupils to compare their answers with a partner before 5 Project: Design a uniform for your school.
you play the track again for pupils to point to the pictures • Point to the illustration and ask what the girl is wearing.
in order. Ask pupils if they like the uniform.
ANSWERS • Ask pupils what kind of school they would like to go to in
1 primary school 2 boarding school 3 sports Britain: a state school, private school, boarding school, co-
4 uniform ed or single-sex. Then ask what uniform they would like,
for example jumpers and polo shirts or blazers and ties.
2 Read, then choose and write. Ask what sports they would like to do, for example rugby,
• Ask pupils if they can remember any phrases or words cricket or hockey.
Toby said about the photos, for example It’s a polo shirt • Tell pupils they are going to draw pictures and write about
and a school jumper. They’ve got bedrooms at the school. their imaginary British school. Give each pupil a piece of
• Go through the words in the word pool and ask pupils to plain paper.
point to the people and things in the photos. • Tell pupils to draw a picture of themselves in a uniform of
• Read out the first sentence, saying beep for the gap to their own creation.
elicit the missing word (first). • Tell pupils to give the school a name.
• Tell pupils to write the words from the word pool in the • Below their pictures, they describe their school using the
correct gaps. model sentences in their Class Books.
ANSWERS • Pupils present their pictures to the class.
(picture 1) first, last (picture 2) uniform, jumper • Write British schools on a sheet of poster paper and stick it
(picture 3) boarding school (picture 4) hockey, rugby on the wall. Stick pupils’ pictures under it.

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CLIL History Transcript
a loom – clay pots – livestock – a round house – iron tools –
The Celts in Britain crops – fur – a cauldron / livestock – crops – fur – a cauldron –
Lesson 1 p. 86 a round house – a loom – clay pots – iron tools
• Play track 2 for pupils to repeat the words.
Learn about the lifestyle of the Celts in Britain 4 Choose and write.
Listen, identify and write key vocabulary related to • Pupils write the words from the word pool under the
the Celts corresponding picture. Check answers.
Language 1 a loom 2 clay pots 3 livestock 4 a round house
Active: a loom, clay pots, livestock, a round house, 5 iron tools 6 crops 7 fur 8 a cauldron
iron tools, crops, fur, a cauldron
5 Look and write.
Passive: clothes, outside, cows, sheep, floor, farmers, cereal
vegetables, metal worker, lunchtime
• Focus pupils’ attention on the picture and ask them what
they can see in the round house and what the objects
are for, for example the cauldron is to boil water and
make food.
Class Book p.86; The Celts in Britain poster; DVD (see
website for transcript); CD3 tracks 1–2; a round house
• Go through the example as a class.
model (prepared by the teacher), and materials for • Divide the class into pairs and tell them to read the
making it (all optional): card; brown paint; brown tissue gapped sentences together and choose the correct word
paper; scissors; glue; coloured pencils or pens from the word pool. Tell pupils to think about whether the
missing word relates to cooking, making clothes or tools.
TIP This CLIL spread can be done at any point in the course, ANSWERS
but after Unit 1 would be particularly suitable. 2 loom 3 livestock 4 fur 5 crops 6 clay pots
7 iron tools 8 cauldron
1 Watch the video. r DVD
• Tell pupils they are going to watch a DVD about the Celts Extension activity
in Britain and how they used to live. Ask what they have TIP Prepare your own round house before the class.
already learned about the Celts in Unit 1. (They lived in
villages. They lived in round houses. The wizard was the
• Tell pupils they are going to make a Celtic round house
and show them your model.
teacher. They rode horses.)
• Play the DVD, pausing at points where there are images of
• Divide the class into groups of four and give each group
a strip of card. Show them how to stick the ends together
the tools, objects and materials the Celts used. Ask pupils
to form a circle to make the walls. Then they paint the card
what they think the tools and objects are for.
2 Talk about the Celts. • While a pupil (in each group) is painting, show the rest
• Display The Celts in Britain poster and use it as a backdrop of the pupils how to make the roof. Give them a piece of
for a discussion about Celts, pointing to the key items on card and show them how to cut out a circle – make sure
the poster. it covers the circular walls. Demonstrate how to make the
• Ask pupils how the life of the Celts differs from their life. circle into a cone shape by cutting a line from the side
How are the houses different? What about the cooking into the centre point. Then pull the edges together and
pots? stick them.
• Ask pupils if there are any other ancient civilisations they • Pupils then cover the roof in glue. Give out strips of brown
know about, from their country or other countries. tissue paper and tell them to tear up strips and stick them
onto the roof to look like straw.
• Have a discussion about whether pupils would like to
have been a Celt. Why? Why not? Do they think life would • While some pupils are making the roof and walls, give
have been easier or harder then? others in the groups some plain paper and tell them to
draw, colour and cut out objects and tools, for example a
3 Listen and point. Repeat. e 3•1–3•2 cauldron, to put in their round house. They can copy the
• Open Class Books at page 86 and point to the pictures. pictures from activity 3.
Ask what they can see. • Display the round houses around the classroom.
• Play track 1 for pupils to point to the items as they hear • Keep the round houses safe to use in the CLIL Reading
them, first in order and then in random order. maps lesson later on.

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The Celts in Britain • Tell pupils to read the questions and the text in activity 1
again and write the answers in the gapped boxes.
Lesson 2 p. 87 • While they are working, copy the mind map onto the
board, without the questions, just the gapped words. Ask
different pupils to complete the words.
Listen and identify vocabulary from pictures
Read and complete a diagram about Celtic life
(clockwise from top left) 50 BC Britain round houses
Make a Celts in Britain lapbook tunics checked trousers clothes tools
Language History project: Make a Celts in Britain lapbook.
Active: They’re from … They live … They wear … TIP For this lapbook, use the Photocopy Masters from
They look after … They make … Lesson 10 Round up lessons.
Passive: I’m wearing a tunic and checked trousers. I look • Give pupils a large piece of paper or card. Show them how
after the livestock. When did they live? Where are they to fold both sides into the middle to create two flaps.
from? Where do they live? What do they wear? What do
they make?
• On the board, write Celts by (name) and tell pupils to copy
this onto the front of their lapbook.
Materials 1 Give each pupil a piece of plain paper. Tell them to cut
it in half. On one half, they copy and colour the picture
Class Book p.87; The Celts in Britain poster; CD3 track 3;
from activity 1, then cut it out and stick it on the inside left
sticky notes; large sheets of paper or card; photocopiable
cover of the lapbook. Under the picture, they write a short
templates of minibooks (Teacher’s Book p.149), tags
description, for example It’s 50 BC and this boy is a Celt. He’s
with pockets (Teacher’s Book p.147 – cover the The
from Britain.
School Week text before photocopying), flower flapbook
(Teacher’s Book p.145); glue; scissors; plain paper; 2 On the other half, they copy the picture of the round
coloured pencils or pens house, cut it out and stick it in the centre of the lapbook.
Under it they write a description, for example The Celt boy
lives with his family in a round house.
3 Give each pupil the tags and pocket template (p.147).
• Stick The Celts in Britain poster on the board. Cover the They stick the pocket underneath the round house. On
pictures of the key vocabulary with blank sticky notes. the tags, they then draw pictures of the loom, iron tools,
• Point to each sticky note and ask What’s under here? Take cauldron and clay pots, write the words and put the tags
suggestions, one by one, looking under the sticky note in the pocket.
and saying yes or no, but don’t reveal the pictures yet. 4 Give out the minibook template (p.149). Tell pupils to cut
• Point to the sticky notes. Ask if pupils can remember what’s out the minibook and show how to fold it along the five
there. If they guess correctly, remove the sticky note. fold lines. Pupils then glue the tab with the faces (so they
can’t be seen) on the inside right flap. They then copy
1 Listen, read and number. e 3•3 the five pictures from activity 1 onto each space, with the
• Open Class Books at page 87. Focus pupils’ attention on corresponding sentence on the back.
the picture of the Celtic boy. Ask how old pupils think he is,
5 Finally, draw a speech bubble on the board with the
what he’s wearing, and where he lives.
question When did they live? Give pupils a piece of plain
• Focus pupils’ attention on the small pictures and ask paper and tell them to draw and cut out five speech
What’s this? for each one. bubbles. They write one question from activity 2 in each
• Play the track for pupils to follow in their Class Books. speech bubble. They stick the speech bubbles on the
• Ask questions to check comprehension. Ask who the boy right flap (under the minibook).
is (a Celt), where he lives (in a round house) and what he • Divide the class into groups of three and ask them to take
does to help his family (look after animals) and what his it in turns to present a different section of their lapbook.
parents do (make tools and clothes).
• Point to the box at the end of the first sentence. Ask which
picture matches the sentence (3). Tell pupils to write 3 in
the box.
• Divide the class into pairs to match and write the letters of
the rest of the pictures in the text.
(3), 5, 1, 4, 2

2 Read about the Celts again and complete the

• Point to the mind map and explain that it is a good way
to organize information about a subject. Tell pupils that
this a mind map which summarizes the information about
Celtic life.

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CLIL Geography Transcript
a road – a motorway – a train line – a town – mountains –
Reading maps a lake – a river – north – west – east – south / a town –
Lesson 1 p. 88 a river – a train line – mountains – a road – a lake –
a motorway – west – east – north – south
Objectives • Play track 5 for pupils to repeat the words.
Learn about the importance and uses of maps
4 Choose and write.
Identify and write words for features on a map
• Pupils write the words from the word pool next to the
Language corresponding picture.
Active: a road, a motorway, a train line, a town, mountains, • To check as a class, ask different pupils to point to a
a lake, a river, north, west, east, south, There’s a town in the picture in their book and say the word.
east. There are mountains in the north. A road runs from east ANSWERS
to west. 1 a road 2 a motorway 3 a train line 4 a town
Passive: DVD script 5 mountains 6 a lake 7 a river 8 north
9 west 10 east 11 south
5 Look and write.
Class Book p.88; Reading maps poster; DVD (for transcript
see website); CD3 tracks 4–5; a city map (optional); pupils’
• Focus pupils’ attention on the map and ask them what
features they can see.
round houses from page 86 (optional); material to make
a 3D map (all optional): poster paper; card; scissors; glue; • Go through the example as a class.
coloured pencils or pens • In pairs, pupils read the gapped sentences together and
choose the correct words from the word pool above.
TIP This CLIL spread can be done at any point in the course, • To check as a class, ask different pupils to read out their
but after Unit 3 would be particularly suitable. completed sentences and point to the features on
the map.
1 Watch the video. r DVD
• Tell pupils they are going to watch a DVD about maps 2 mountains, north 3 road, west 4 motorway, south
and geographical features found on maps. Ask them what
5 lake, west 6 train line, east 7 river, north
information you can find on a map (details of roads, rivers,
towns, mountains). Draw a basic compass on the board Extension activity
and elicit or teach north, south, east, west. • Divide the class into the same groups of four that made
• Play the DVD, pausing at points where there are images the round houses. Tell the class they are going to make a
of the geographical features and the words are said for 3D map of a Celtic village.
pupils to repeat. • Assign each group a map feature: a road, rivers,
2 Talk about maps. mountains, a lake, a bridge, etc.
• Display the Reading maps poster and use it as a backdrop • Give out pieces of card to each group and tell them to
for a discussion about maps, pointing to the key items on draw and colour their feature.
the poster. Show the map of a city if you have one. • Make sure the group drawing roads understand that the
• Ask pupils what we use maps for and when people use roads in 50 BC were dusty muddy roads, not motorways!
them. Ask where you can find or see maps (in an atlas, • For the groups who are making the mountains, show
a tourist information centre, at stations, in shopping them how to cut out a triangular shape for the mountain
centres). and stick tabs on the bottom corners to make them stand.
• Ask pupils what information maps provide, for example • For the groups creating bridges, tell them to cut strips of
where places are, how to get there (where roads and train card and curve the card and fold the ends to make a stand
lines go to), what natural features there are (rivers, lakes or they can glue onto the two sides of the river.
mountains), distances and directions (north or south). • Lay a few large sheets of poster paper on the floor. In
• As you are talking, point to the key items on the poster. the corner at the top, draw a compass with the points.
Fast finishers decorate the paper with livestock, grass,
3 Listen and point. Repeat. e 3•4–3•5 trees, etc.
• Open Class Books at page 88 and focus pupils’ attention • As each group finishes, they glue their features on the
on the pictures. Ask what they can see. Explain the poster paper. Give them their round houses to place on
meaning of Legend and Directions and say the words for the poster paper to create a village.
pupils to repeat. • Once all the round houses and features have been placed,
• Play track 4 for pupils to point to the items as they hear ask each group in turn to describe their feature.
them, first in order and then in random order. Refer them
back to the poster if necessary.

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CLIL Geography • Say Go four squares north/south/east/west. Where are you
now? for pupils to repeat.
Reading maps • Divide the class into pairs to take turns giving and
Lesson 2 p. 89 following instructions using the map.
• Monitor them as they work, making sure they are using
Objectives the target language. Ask individual pupils what feature is
Follow instructions to draw a route on the square of the grid they reached.
Draw a map and give and follow coordinates
3 Create your map. Then give instructions to a
Make a Maps lapbook
Language • Focus pupils’ attention on the empty grid and tell them
they are going to create their own maps using the
Active: Go two squares east. Go three squares north. Where symbols from page 88 and the maps on the two pages as
are you now? a guide.
Materials • Pupils draw the features on their grids.
Class Book p.89; Reading maps poster; sticky notes
• Divide the class into pairs to take turns to choose a
location (a square) on their map and give instructions to
(optional); paper or card – one large sheet per pupil; plain
their partner to follow to find it.
paper; graph paper; coloured pencils or pens
Geography project: Make a Maps lapbook
Warmer • Give each pupil a large sheet of paper or card. Show how
• Stick the Reading Maps poster on the board. Cover the to fold both sides to the middle to make two flaps. Write
pictures of the key vocabulary with sticky notes. the title Maps by (name) on the board for them to copy on
• Point to each sticky note and ask What’s under here? Take the front.
suggestions, one by one, looking under the sticky notes 1 Give each pupil a piece of plain paper and show them
and saying yes or no, but don’t reveal the pictures yet. how to cut it lengthways into three strips. They copy the
• Point to the sticky notes. Ask if they can remember what’s illustrations of the map symbols onto the strips and write
there. If they guess correctly, remove the sticky note. the corresponding words beside each symbol. They then
stick this on to the top half of the inside left flap of the
1 Read and draw the route on the map. Start in folder.
square A1. 2 Give each pupil a piece of plain paper to copy and
• Copy the grid from page 89 onto the board, without the colour the map from activity 5 on page 88. They add and
features. Write You are here in square A1. change the features as they wish. They then stick the map
• Draw a compass above the grid and revise north, south, underneath the list of features.
east and west with the class. 3 On strips of paper, pupils write sentences describing
• Ask a pupil to come to the board. Tell them to start at A1 the position of the items on the map and stick them
and ask them to put their finger on the square. Say Go underneath the map, for example There are mountains in
three squares north and encourage the pupil to finger trace the south. There is a town in the north. A river runs from east
to square D1. to west.
• Open Class Books at page 89. Tell pupils to put their finger 4 Give each pupil a piece of graph paper and tell them to
on the You are here square. Do number 1 (Go two squares copy the map from activity 1 on page 89. Make sure they
east) as an example with the class. Ask Where are you now? write the coordinates on the axes and draw map symbols.
(A3). They then stick this onto the centre of the folder in the
• Tell pupils to now start at A3 and follow the second top half.
instruction. Ask Where are you now? (D3). Pupils draw the 5 Tell them to draw and cut out three speech bubbles and
route from point to point on the map. write directions in each one, using the target language
• Divide the class into pairs to complete the activity. Make from activity 2, for example Go 3 squares north. They stick
sure pupils are following directions from the previous these underneath the map for their family and friends to
square, not from the You are here square. follow.
• To check as a class, ask different pupils to read out the 6 Pupils draw a picture of a compass and write the names of
instructions for another pupil to say the coordinates. the points, copying the example from page 88. Then they
cut it out and stick it in the top half of the inside right flap.
2 Choose a square on the map. Give instructions to 7 Teach the mnemonic Naughty Elephants Spray Water and
a friend. have them draw a picture of an elephant squirting water
• Ask a pupil to join you at the board. Tell them to put their out of its trunk, write the mnemonic and then cut it out
finger on the You are here square. and stick it in the bottom half of the flap.
• Say, for example Go four squares north. Where are you now?
The pupil points to square E1 and says the coordinate.
Continue until the pupil has reached the square you

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CLIL History 4 Choose and write.
• Pupils write the words from the word pool under the
Ancient Egypt corresponding picture.
Lesson 1 p. 90 • To check as a class, ask different pupils to point to a
picture and say the corresponding word.
Learn about artefacts from ancient Egypt
1 a mask 2 a map 3 pyramids 4 a mummy
Listen, identify and write words for Egyptian museum 5 hieroglyphics 6 a sarcophagus
Talk about ancient Egyptian museum pieces 5 Read and write the numbers. Then point and say
Develop word-level writing skills with your friends.
• Focus pupils’ attention on the picture. Ask where it is, what
Language the family are doing and what exhibits they can see.
Active: a mask, a map, pyramids, a mummy, hieroglyphics, • Go through the first speech bubble with the class and ask
a sarcophagus, That’s the mask of Tutankhamun. Look at them to point to the person who said it and write number 1
the map. My favourite is the mummy. in the box.
Passive: cloth, painted, face, letters, gold; DVD script • Pupils read the rest of the speech bubbles. Then ask them
to number the corresponding artefacts in the picture.
Materials • See if pupils know anything about Tutankhamun or
Class Book p.90; Ancient Egypt poster; DVD (see website King Tut.
for transcript); CD3 tracks 6–7; plain paper (optional);
CULTURE NOTE Tutankhamun was an Egyptian pharaoh
poster paper (optional); coloured pencils or pens
who reigned from 1332 BC to 1323 BC. He became
pharaoh when he was only ten years old, and died when
TIP This CLIL spread can be done at any point in the course,
he was about nineteen. His tomb was discovered by
but after Unit 4 would be particularly suitable.
Howard Carter in 1922. This discovery was very famous
1 Watch the video. r DVD because the tomb was intact and contained lots of
• Tell pupils they are going to watch a DVD about ancient beautiful, priceless objects.
Egypt. Ask them where Egypt is and what they know • To check as a class, ask individual pupils to point to the
about ancient Egypt. Ask whether they think the life artefacts and the people and say the number of the
of ancient Egyptians was similar to the Celts, and in corresponding speech bubble.
what ways.
• Play the DVD, pausing at points where there are images
of Egyptian artefacts and the words are said for pupils to 1 mummy 2 the mask 3 the hieroglyphics
repeat. 4 the sarcophagus 5 the map
• Say the sentences in the speech bubbles for pupils to
2 Talk about ancient Egypt. repeat.
• Display the Ancient Egypt poster and use it as a backdrop
for a discussion about ancient Egypt, pointing to the key Extension activity
items on the poster. Ask where the people in the picture • Focus pupils’ attention on the hieroglyphics in activity 3.
are (in a museum about ancient Egypt). Ask them what pictures they see: birds, animals and
• Ask pupils if they have ever seen any Egyptian artefacts in symbols.
a museum and invite them to share what they saw. Ask • Tell pupils they are going to create their own hieroglyphic
what they think is the most interesting thing they know alphabet.
about ancient Egypt, and if they can tell you any words • Divide the class into groups of six and tell them to divide
connected with ancient Egypt. the alphabet up between them so that different pairs in
• As you are talking, point to the key items on the poster the groups are working on different letters.
and say the words. • Tell them to write the letters of the alphabet on plain
paper, and then discuss what the hieroglyphics could be.
3 Listen and point. Repeat. e 3•6–3•7 • Pupils draw a picture or a symbol for each letter of the
• Open Class Books at page 90. Focus pupils’ attention on alphabet.
the pictures and ask what they can see. • Give each group poster paper and tell them to write the
• Play track 6 for pupils to point to the items as they hear alphabet with their invented corresponding hieroglyphics.
them, first in order and then in random order. • They colour and decorate their hieroglyphics.
Transcript • If there is time, you could ask the groups to write a
a mask – a map – pyramids – a mummy – hieroglyphics – message in their hieroglyphics, then give their alphabet
a sarcophagus / pyramids – hieroglyphics – a map – and message to another group to decipher.
a sarcophagus – a mask – a mummy
• Play track 7 for pupils to repeat the words.

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CLIL History [1] 6000 BC, The first people arrive in Egypt.
[2] 3500 BC, The Egyptians write with hieroglyphics.
Ancient Egypt
3 Look at the pictures and complete the timeline.
Lesson 2 p. 91 Listen and check. Then say. e 3•9
Objectives • Focus on the pictures and ask pupils what they can see.
Listen to and identify years on a timeline • Ask pupils to say the dates. Then ask them to tell you the
Read and write events and years on a timeline order of the years from the oldest to the most recent
(2684 BC, 2100 BC, 1338 BC, 600 BC).
Make an Ancient Egypt lapbook
• Ask which picture shows the oldest item (the pyramid).
Show how the word pyramid and the date have been
written in the first place on the timeline.
Active: The pyramid is from 2684 BC
• Divide the class into pairs to write the years in order. They
Passive: timeline, first people, build, cross, arrive, funeral, then write the items on the timeline (mummy, mask,
hundred, thousand sarcophagus). Tell them to look back at activities 1 and 2 to
help them.
• Play the track for pupils to listen and check their answers.
Class Book p.91; Ancient Egypt poster; CD3 tracks 8–9;
sticky notes; minibook template (Teacher’s Book p.145) –
• Ask different pupils to read out the items and years.
one for each pupil; a large sheet of paper or card; plain Transcript/answers
paper; coloured pencils or pens; pupils’ hieroglyphics The pyramid is from 2684 BC. The mummy is from 2100 BC.
alphabet (optional); scissors; glue The mask is from 1338 BC. The sarcophagus is from 600 BC.

Warmer History project: Make an Ancient Egypt lapbook.

• Stick the Ancient Egypt poster on the board. • Give each pupil a sheet of paper or card to fold to make
a lapbook. Write the title Ancient Egypt by (name) on the
• Stick the sticky notes over the key items and ask pupils to
board for them to copy on the front.
guess what is underneath each sticky note.
1 Give each pupil a minibook template (the template at the
1 Listen and read the timeline. Then say the top of p.145). Tell them to write the words Ancient Egypt
years. e 3•8 on the top fold of the mini book (which they can shape
like a pyramid) and then in the two folds underneath they
TIP Pre-teach and explain the meaning of the abbreviation
draw and colour a map of ancient Egypt and the Great
BC (= Before Year 0 or Before Christ).
Pyramid of Giza. Then they cut it out and stick it at the top
• Open Class Books at page 91. Focus pupils’ attention on of the inside left flap of the lapbook.
the timeline. Ask what year we live in now and if it’s BC or
2 Pupils can draw a picture of Tutankhamun’s funeral mask
AD. Say the numbers for pupils to repeat.
and sarcophagus and stick them halfway down and at the
• Ask what information the timeline shows (key events in bottom of the flap. They write sentences describing the
ancient Egypt). Teach funeral. Ask which year is older: 6000 items on slips of paper, for example This is Tutankhamun’s
BC or 1325 BC. funeral mask. They stick these under the pictures.
• Say the years on the timeline for pupils to repeat. 3 Tell pupils to draw the timeline and copy the pictures
• Play the track for pupils to listen and follow on the from page 91 onto plain white paper. Then they stick the
timeline. paper in the centre of the folder at the top.
• Ask pupils to look and tell you which picture represents 4 They cut out a few examples of the hieroglyphics they
each year on the timeline. made, stick them under the timeline, and write their name
in hieroglyphics.
2 Look at the timeline and write the year. Then
5 Then pupils draw a picture of a mummy and cut it out.
number in order.
They stick it on the inside right flap of the lapbook and
• Ask pupils which year the Egyptians built the Great write a sentence describing it, for example This is a
Pyramid (2500 BC). Tell them to write the year on the line. mummy. It’s 4000 years old.
• Pupils work individually to complete the activity.
• Ask pupils which event happened first (The first people
arrive in Egypt). Tell them to write 1 in the box.
• Pupils number the events in the order they happened,
from first to last.
• To check as a class, ask different pupils to say the years and
the events in order.
[3] 2500 BC, The Egyptians build the Great Pyramid.
[4] 1325 BC, Tutankhamun’s sarcophagus crosses the Nile
river for his funeral.

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CLIL Science Asian tigers. The eagle is also a special kind of eagle called
the Philippine eagle. Not all kinds of tigers and eagles are
Endangered animals endangered.
Lesson 1 p. 92 4 Choose and write.
Objectives • Ask pupils to write the animals from the word pool under
the corresponding pictures.
Learn about different endangered animals
Read, classify and talk about threatened, endangered and
• To check as a class, ask different pupils to point to the
pictures and say the animal names.
extinct animals
Language 1 a gorilla 2 a snow leopard 3 a Tasmanian tiger
Active: a polar bear, a sea turtle, a gorilla, a Tasmanian 4 a sea turtle 5 a polar bear 6 a white dolphin
tiger, a giant panda, a snow leopard, a Philippine eagle, 7 a Philippine eagle 8 a giant panda
a white dolphin; The polar bear is a threatened animal.
5 Listen and write. Say. e 3•12
The … is an endangered animal. The … is extinct.
Passive: DVD script
• Focus pupils’ attention on the arrow, and explain the
meanings of Threatened (animals whose numbers are
declining), Endangered (animals whose numbers are so
low that they may soon disappear), and Extinct (animals
Class Book p.92; Endangered animals poster; DVD (see that no longer exist – there are none left). Say the words
website for transcript); CD3 tracks 10–12 for pupils to repeat.
• Tell pupils to look back at the animals in activity 3 and
TIP This CLIL spread can be done at any point in the course,
discuss with a partner which animals they think are
but after Unit 6 would be particularly suitable.
threatened, endangered or extinct. Note that they are only
1 Watch the video. r DVD guessing at this stage – they will find out from listening to
the CD.
• Tell pupils they are going to watch a DVD about
endangered animals. Ask them what endangered means, • Tell pupils to listen to the track and write the animal
and if they can name some endangered animals that they names in the correct spaces.
have already learned about.
• Play the DVD once to present the topic. Play it again, The polar bear is a threatened animal.
pausing to talk with pupils or at points where there are The snow leopard is an endangered animal.
images of the endangered animals. The white dolphin is extinct.
The giant panda is a threatened animal.
2 Talk about endangered animals.
The Tasmanian tiger is extinct.
• Display the Endangered animals poster and use it as a The gorilla is an endangered animal.
backdrop for a discussion about animals. The sea turtle is an endangered animal.
• Ask pupils why some animals are endangered (loss of The Philippine eagle is a threatened animal.
habitat, hunting, pollution). Ask them if they know where • Play the track one more time for pupils to check. Ask them
the animals they mentioned are from. to discuss the answers in their pairs and see whether their
• As you are talking, point to the key items on the poster guesses were correct or not.
and the map. Give further information about the other
animals and the numbers of them left.
Threatened – polar bear, giant panda, Philippine eagle
• Ask what we can do to help endangered animals (support Endangered – snow leopard, gorilla, sea turtle
animal sanctuaries, adopt an animal, do a charity event to Extinct – white dolphin, Tasmanian tiger
collect money, volunteer).
• Look at the gapped sentences with the class. Explain that
3 Listen and point. Repeat. e 3•10–3•11 they can refer to the table to complete the sentences.
• Open Class Books at page 92 and ask pupils to look at the • Pupils complete the sentences individually, then check
pictures. Ask what they can see. answers with a partner.
• Play track 10 for pupils to point to the animals as they • Finally, in pairs, pupils take turns to point to an animal and
hear them. say The (polar bear) is a threatened animal.
1 threatened 2 endangered 3 extinct
a gorilla – a snow leopard – a Tasmanian tiger – a sea turtle –
4 are threatened animals
a polar bear – a white dolphin – a Philippine eagle – a giant
panda / a sea turtle – a polar bear – a snow leopard – a
Philippine eagle – a gorilla – a giant panda – a white
dolphin – a Tasmanian tiger
• Play track 11 for pupils to repeat the words.
TIP Tell pupils that the tiger in the photo is a special kind
of tiger called a Tasmanian tiger, which is a bit different from

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CLIL Science • Divide the class into pairs to complete the fact files. For
each one they will need to write the name of the animal
Endangered animals and the reason it is endangered.
Lesson 2 p. 93 • Pupils look and read all the information from activities 1
and 2 and use this to make an educated guess about why
Objectives the animals are endangered. Pupils then write the cause,
Listen and identify causes of animal extinction using the words from activity 1.
Complete an animal fact file TIP If pupils need more support, you could discuss which
Make an Endangered animals lapbook animals are similar and therefore likely to be endangered for
the same reasons: polar bears and snow leopards are large
Language animals with lots of fur; dolphins and sea turtles both live in
Active: Gorillas are endangered because of hunting. the sea; pandas and eagles both live in the trees; birds and
Passive: causes of extinction, pesticides, hunting, pollution, bees eat nectar and seeds from plants or crops.
habitat destruction, plastic bags, spray • Finally, they look at each animal and take turns to say why
they think each animal is endangered, using the target
Materials language: (Birds) are endangered because of (pesticides).
Class Book p.93; Endangered animals poster; CD3 tracks ANSWERS
13–14; sticky notes; large sheets of paper or card; birds/pesticides sea turtles/pollution
coloured pencils or pens flapbook template – two per eagles/habitat destruction snow leopards/hunting
pupil (Teacher’s Book p.148); minibooks template – one
per pupil (Teacher’s Book p.149); plain paper Science project: Make an Endangered Animals
Warmer • Give each pupil a piece of card to fold to make a lapbook.
Write Endangered Animals by (name) on the board for
• Stick the Endangered animals poster on the board. them to copy on the front.
• Stick the sticky notes over the animals and ask pupils to 1 Give pupils two flapbook templates each (Unit 4 template)
guess what animal is underneath each one.
and remind them how to make the books. Pupils write the
1 Listen and point. Repeat. Then match. e 3•13–3•14 names of the animals from page 92 on the top flap and
underneath they draw pictures of them. Then they write
• Open Class Books at page 93. Focus pupils’ attention on the word animals at the top of the inside left flap and stick
each picture and ask What can you see? Ask why these
the two flapbooks underneath.
things endanger animals. Explain and teach Causes of
animal extinction. 2 Give each pupil a piece of plain paper. Tell them to copy
the fact files from activity 3, colour them, cut them out
• Play track 13 for pupils to listen and point to the correct
and stick them in the centre. They write sentences about
pictures. Pause to explain the meaning of the words.
each animal on slips of paper and stick them under each
• Tell pupils to look at the pictures and the words fact file. For example The snow leopard is an endangered
underneath and draw lines from the photos to the words. animal because of hunting.
• Play the track again for pupils to listen and check their 3 Then they copy the Threatened, Endangered, Extinct arrow
answers. in activity 5, page 92, cut it out and colour it. Show them
how to fold it like a concertina with the arrow on the
top and just glue the bottom onto the inside right of the
1 pollution 2 habitat destruction 3 pesticides 4 hunting
• Play track 14 for pupils to repeat the words.
4 Give pupils a piece of paper to copy the chart in activity 5,
2 Look at activity 1. Then read and write the cause. page 92, cut it out and stick it under the arrow.
• Read out the first sentence to the class. Ask them what 5 Give pupils a minibook template each (Unit 5 template)
the cause of the extinction of white dolphins is (pollution). and cut off the top space containing faces. Tell them to
Tell them to write pollution in the gap. write a large Why? on the top space and the four causes
• Divide the class into pairs to complete the activity. (pesticides, hunting, pollution, habitat destruction) on the
folds underneath. They then draw illustrations similar to
• To check as a class, say a sentence number for pupils to
the photos on page 93 for each cause, before they stick
say the cause.
the minibook in the lapbook.
1 pollution 2 hunting 3 habitat destruction
4 pesticides

3 Look at the chart and complete. Then say.

• Point to the picture of the birds and ask pupils why they
think they are endangered. Encourage them to think
about what happens if the birds eat the crops with
pesticides on.

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Halloween pp. 94–95
a bat, saying Whooo for the ghost and miming a floppy
skeleton walking.
Objectives • Have a class discussion about how Halloween is
Learn about Halloween celebrations in the UK celebrated in the UK and in their country.
Listen and chant a Halloween chant CULTURE NOTE See the website for cultural information
Make a Halloween decoration about Halloween in the UK.

3 Make Halloween decorations.
Active: trick or treat, a zombie, a bat, a witch, a ghost, a
skeleton, scary
• Show pupils your ghost and pumpkin decorations and
divide the class into two groups: one to make the ghost
Passive: chant lyrics and one to make the pumpkin.
• Give the ghost group a white paper plate, a piece of white
card and some white tissue paper each. Pupils draw the
Class Book pp.94–95; CD3 tracks 15–16; Halloween face of a ghost on their paper plate. Show them how to
decorations (prepared by the teacher); white paper cut out white tissue paper and stick it to the base of the
plates; black and white card; orange and white tissue plate.
paper; pipe cleaners; scissors; glue
• On the board, draw simple arm shapes for pupils to copy
onto the white card. Then pupils cut out the ghost’s arms
1 What do you know about Halloween? Read and and stick them onto the plate.
circle the correct word. • Give the pumpkin group a piece of black card. Draw a
• Ask pupils what they do at Halloween, recasting into simple pumpkin shape on the board. Pupils copy the
English as necessary. shape and cut it out. Help them to cut out the middle part
• Open Class Books at page 94. Divide the class into pairs if necessary.
to read the statements, discuss the answers and circle the • Give pupils some orange and yellow tissue paper and
correct words. show them how to cut it out and stick to the back of the
• To check as a class, ask different pairs to read out a pumpkin shape so the tissue paper shows through the
sentence. Ask pupils if they have any additional questions gaps to represent the candle’s flame inside the lantern.
or information to share about Halloween. • Punch a hole at the top and thread a pipe cleaner through
• Ask pupils if any of the statements are true for their so that the decorations can be hung up.
country or, if not, what the differences are.
4 Say the Halloween chant. e 3•16
• Play the track for pupils to follow the song in their books.
1 autumn 2 pumpkins 3 costumes
4 your face 5 sweets and chocolate • Play the track, line by line, for pupils to repeat.
• Play the chant again. If you have a creative class, you could
2 Listen and number. e 3•15 ask them to make up some actions to go with it.
• Point to the four pictures and ask what pupils can see
and what the children are dressed up as (a witch, a cat, 5 Play the game: Trick or Treat!
a skeleton, a vampire). Write the words on the board, for TIP The game requires a fairly large open space, so if
pupils to copy into their notebooks. possible, push chairs and desks to the sides of the classroom
• Play the track for the pupils to look at the words and tick to create an open space.
the words they hear. • Ask pupils to look at the row of pictures at the top and tell
• Tell pupils to listen again and number the photos. you what they can see.
• Play the first part and pause to ask Which picture? The • This is a similar game to Simon Says. All pupils stand up to
pupils write 1 next to the picture of the pumpkins. be trick or treaters, and you (or volunteer pupils) call out
• Play the rest of the track, pausing after each item to give the instructions.
pupils time to number the pictures. • Call out different Halloween costumes or characters. The
trick or treaters have to pretend to be that character by
moving like it would, using the actions they made up in
(top row) 3, 4 (bottom row) 1, 2
activity 2.
• Write the key vocabulary, trick or treat, witch, ghost, black
cat, skeleton, scary, bat and zombie on the board. As a class,
• Pupils do the actions until the leader calls out a new
instruction. If the leader shouts Halloween!, pupils must
make up an action for each, for example walking like a
freeze or sit down. The last pupil to do so is out.
zombie, a witch flying on a broomstick, knocking on a
door and eating sweets, making a scary face, flying like

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Christmas pp. 96–97 CULTURE NOTE See the website for cultural information
about Christmas in Britain.
Learn about Christmas celebrations in Britain 3 Make Christmas decorations.
Listen and sing a Christmas song • Show pupils your gingerbread man and Christmas tree
Make a Christmas decoration and tell them they are going to choose one to make.
• On the board draw a simple shape of a gingerbread man
Language and a Christmas tree.
Active: an Advent calendar, decorate, bake, gingerbread, • Give out card (green or brown) and tell pupils to copy one
icing, wrap, ribbons, My Christmas tree is decorated with … of the decorations, cut it out and decorate it as they wish.
My gingerbread man biscuit is decorated with …
• Present your decoration to the class saying, for example
Passive: song lyrics My Christmas tree is decorated with yellow and orange
baubles and pink lights with a big star.
• Divide the class into groups of four to present their
Class Book pp.96–97; CD3 tracks 17–19; green and decorations in turn to the group.
brown card; Christmas decorations (prepared by the
teacher); cotton wool balls and buttons (optional); glitter 4 Sing O Christmas Tree. e 3•18–3•19
(optional); hole punch and string; coloured pencils • Play the track for pupils to follow the song in their books.
or pens
• Play the song, line by line, for pupils to repeat.
• Play the song again. If you have a creative class, you could
1 What do you know about Christmas in Britain? ask them to make up some actions to go with it.
Read and circle the correct word.
TIP Be sensitive to children of other faiths who don’t
5 Play the game: Decorace!
celebrate Christmas. You could ask them to describe their • Ask pupils to look at the picture and tell you what they
most important festival. can see and what the children are doing.
• Ask pupils what they do at Christmas, recasting into • Divide the class into two teams to line up, facing the
English as necessary. board. They should be standing back at least 3 metres.
Give each team a selection of the same coloured pens.
• Divide the class into pairs to read the statements, discuss
the answers and see if they can circle the correct words. • Draw two simple outlines of a very large Christmas tree –
one for each team. Explain that pupils have to decorate
• To check as a class, ask pupils to read out a sentence.
the Christmas tree and it is a race. Explain that you will
TIP When you are going over the answers, ask pupils if they say something, and the first pupil in the line runs to the
have any additional questions or information to share about board to draw the item in the correct colour on their tree.
Christmas. The first team to complete the decoration correctly wins
• Ask pupils if any of the statements are true for their a point.
country or, if not, what the differences are. • Do the first one as an example: Decorate the Christmas tree
ANSWERS with a (red bauble). Then continue using vocabulary pupils
1 presents 2 baubles and bells 3 star 4 stockings have learned in Levels 1–3, e.g. a yellow bell, a purple star,
5 reindeer a green light, a red bow, a pink snowflake, a blue stocking.
Continue using the same items, and any others pupils
2 Listen and number. e 3•17 know, using different colours.
• Point to the four pictures and ask pupils what they can • The first team to 20 points wins. Ask different pupils to
see. If they say any words related to Christmas in L1, recast describe their team’s tree.
in English.
• Play the track for pupils to listen and shout out Christmas
every time they hear the word in the track.
• Tell pupils to listen again and number the photos.
• Play the first part and pause to ask Which picture? Pupils
write 1 next to the picture of the Advent calendar.
• Play the rest of the track, pausing after each item to give
pupils time to number the pictures.
• To check, ask a pupil to point to the pictures from 1 to 4.
(top row) 3, 1 (bottom row) 2, 4
• Focus pupils’ attention on the photos again and ask them
to point out the following: Advent calendar, decorate, bake,
gingerbread, icing, wrap, ribbons.
• Have a class discussion about how Christmas is celebrated
in Britain and in their country.

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Easter pp. 98–99 3 Make an Easter display.
TIP Prepare the background before the class, for example
Objectives a blue backdrop for the sky and a strip of green card for the
Learn about Easter celebrations in Britain grass. Write the title It’s Easter time!
Make an Easter display • Tell pupils they are going to create an Easter display with
Play a memory game their drawings related to Easter.
• Ask pupils to call out words they associate with Easter
Language and write them on the board, for example Easter bunnies,
Active: holidays, woods, daffodils, farm, lambs, rabbits, flowers, daffodils, tulips, baby animals, lambs, chicks.
visit, eat • Give out card and tell pupils to choose one item from the
board, draw, colour and decorate it as they wish and then
Materials cut it out.
Class Book pp.98–99; CD3 track 20; white card – one per • On the board, draw your own picture, for example an
pupil; large sheets of blue and green card; glue; coloured Easter egg. Write a sample sentence under it, for example
pencils or pens; mini chocolate eggs (optional) This is an Easter egg. It’s chocolate. It is red and blue with
spots. It’s big. Yummy!
1 What do you know about Easter in Britain? Read • Give out small strips of paper. Pupils write a sentence to
and circle the correct word. describe their picture using your sample as a guide.
TIP Be sensitive to children of other faiths who don’t • Pupils stick their item on the background, then present it
celebrate Easter. You could ask them to describe their most to the class by reading out their writing.
important festival. 4 Play the game: In My Easter Basket … .
• Ask pupils to tell you what they do at Easter, recasting into
TIP You could give out small wrapped chocolate eggs as
English as necessary.
prizes for the winners, then hand some out to all pupils at
• Divide the class into pairs to read the statements, discuss the end of the lesson.
the answers, and see if they can circle the correct words.
• Ask pupils to look at the picture and tell you what they
• To check as a class, ask pupils to read out a sentence. can see and what the children are doing. Tell pupils they
TIP When you are going over the answers, ask pupils if they are going to play the game.
have any additional questions or information to share about • Ask pupils to stand in a large circle facing inwards. If you
Easter. have chocolate eggs, put them in the centre of the circle.
• Ask pupils if any of the statements are true for their Tell pupils to imagine they went on an Easter egg hunt
country or, if not, what the differences are. and found various Easter items.
ANSWERS • Start by saying, In my Easter basket I’ve got … a pink egg.
1 spring 2 bunny 3 chocolate eggs 4 Children Explain that the pupil next to you has to repeat the
5 eggs statement and your item, and then add one more item,
for example In my Easter basket I’ve got a pink egg and a
2 Listen and number. e 3•20 daffodil. The third pupil repeats the statement, the first
• Point to the four pictures and ask what they can see. If they two items and adds their own. Continue like this around
say any words related to Easter in L1, recast in English. the circle.
• Play the track for pupils to listen and shout out the • The words should be related to Easter, but pupils can
animals they hear (lambs, chicks, rabbits). repeat things by changing the colour, pattern or shape, for
• Pupils listen again and number the photos in order. example, a pink egg, a yellow egg with stripes, a purple egg
with blue spots.
• Play the first part of the track and pause to ask Which
picture? Pupils write 1 next to the picture of the children • If a pupil can’t remember the list, they sit down in the
with the basket. circle. The next pupil who can remember gets an egg.
• Play the rest of the track, pausing after each item to give • Start the game again if more than three pupils can’t
pupils time to number the pictures. remember the list.
• To check as a class, ask a pupil to point to the pictures in
order from 1 to 4.
(top row) 4, 1 (bottom row) 2, 3
• Have a class discussion about how Easter is celebrated in
Britain and in their country.

CULTURE NOTE See the website for cultural information

about Easter in Britain.

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Months of the year
Months of the year p. 100 3 Listen and read, then choose and write. Listen
and check. e 3•24–3•25
Objectives TIP If this is the first presentation of ordinal numbers for
Learn and practise the months of the year and ordinal your pupils, play track 25 first before pupils attempt to
numbers write the words. This will ensure that they hear the correct
Practise the new language through a rap answers.
Play a quiz game • Focus pupils’ attention on the picture and ask what the
children are looking at (a calendar).
Language • Read the speech bubbles with the class. Ask what month
Active: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, the calendar shows (January).
August, September, October, November, December, first, • Play track 24 for pupils to listen and read.
second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, • Read out the ordinal numbers in the word pool as pupils
eleventh, twelfth follow in their books.
Passive: chant lyrics • Divide the class into pairs and tell them to write the
correct ordinal word next to the number, as in the
Materials example.
Class Book p.100; CD3 tracks 21–25; rubbers – one • If they have difficulties, tell them to look at the beginning
per pupil of the words, as this often gives a clue to the number.
• Monitor pupils as they work, helping by saying the ordinal
TIP This lesson can be done before all the festivals, along
words for pupils to say the number.
with the days of the week lesson in Unit 3, or at the end of
the school year. • For the class to check their answers, play track 25.
• Play the track again for pupils to repeat.
1 Listen and point. Repeat. e 3•21–3•22 ANSWERS
• Open Class Books at page 100. Focus pupils’ attention 1 first 2 second 3 third
on the calendar. Tell the class they are going to hear the 4 fourth 5 fifth 6 sixth
names of the months of the year and they have to listen 7 seventh 8 eighth 9 ninth
and point to the months. Play track 21. 10 tenth 11 eleventh 12 twelfth
Transcript 4 Play the game: Master of the Months!
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August,
September, October, November, December TIP Make sure each pupil has a rubber. The game board is
the grid with the months in activity 1.
• Play track 22 for pupils to listen and repeat.
• Tell pupils you are going to ask some questions, and the
2 Do the Months of the Year rap. e 3•23 answer for each question is a month of the year. Pupils
• Divide the class into twelve / six groups and assign each place their rubbers (or counters) on the month that they
group a month / two months of the year. think is the answer.
• Tell pupils they are going to listen to a rap and when they • As an example, ask What month is it now? Check that all
hear the month you assigned them, they stand up. pupils understand and have placed their rubbers on the
• Play the rap. current month.
• Play the rap again, this time line by line for pupils to • Tell pupils to keep track of how many correct answers
repeat. Ask them to clap to help with the rhythm. they get by writing ticks in their notebooks. Once they get
twelve correct answers, they should raise their hands.
Transcript • Use the following questions: Which is the eighth/second
Months of the year, months of the year, (etc.) month? In which month is Christmas? In which month
Come on, everyone, rap with me! (x2) is Halloween? In which month is Valentine’s Day? In which
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, month does school start? In which month is New Year’s Day?
September, October, November, December. Yeah! In which month do the summer holidays begin?
January – January! February – February! March – March! • Check they are writing the ticks for correct answers only,
April – April! May – May! June – June! July – July! August and not if they are answering incorrectly.
– August! September – September! October – October! • Once a pupil has answered twelve correct questions, tell
November – November! December – December! them to close their books, stand up and say the twelve
• Tell pupils that this time they have to stand up and repeat months of the year, in order. If they can do this, they are
the word for their month after they hear it. officially a Master of the Months.
• Then try to say the rap without the track. The different • Ask the class to encourage and help them if they get
groups each say the word for their month for the class to stuck.

© 2020 Oxford University Press Months of the year 109

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Review Game
Galchobar’s Quest pp. 128–129
(in square 3), cards with a 2 on them go on the second
round house on the board (in square 9), etc. Give a
Objectives counter, six tokens and a token collector card to each
Review the structures and vocabulary from Level 4 pupil.
• Point out that they will start on the START line. The groups
Language take turns to throw the dice and move the number of
Active: Structures and vocabulary from Level 4, Units 1–6 squares indicated. Each square has an item of vocabulary,
or else is a ‘safe’ square with a picture of Galchobar on it.
Materials If they land on a vocabulary square, they need to say the
word. If they land on a safe square, they have to shout out
Class Book pp.128–129; Galchobar’s Quest cards
Galchobar. If they remember to shout out his name, they
Photocopy Master (2 pages) – one per group of four
can move forward three squares.
pupils (downloaded from the website); one dice per
group of four pupils; rubbers – one per pupil • In each of the six round houses there is a pack of question
cards with questions on one unit of the course. When a
player lands or passes a square with a round house, they
Warmer take a card from the top of the corresponding pack and
• Draw six columns on the board and write the six they answer the question. Once they have answered the
categories from the units: myths, family members, school question, they put the card to the bottom of the pack in
subjects, appearance, food, animals, one in each column. that house. Once they have filled their token card with all
• Divide the class into teams of four and ask one team six tokens, they race to Galchobar, who is standing waiting
member to copy the columns and headings onto a piece for them with a large shiny trophy!
of paper. • Join a group to demonstrate the game and play a few
• Say a category, for example family members, and tell the rounds. The groups play independently.
teams they have one minute to write as many words as • Monitor and check they are playing correctly and are
they can remember for that category. using the target language. Note down any errors in
• After the time limit, tell the class to put down their pens. the target language to go over after they have finished
• Tell the class to swap their answers with another group to playing.
count them up and check. Tell them they get a point for • Any groups that finish quickly can play again until all the
each item, and a further point if it is spelt correctly. The groups have a winner.
teams return the answers. • Ask pupils if they enjoyed the game and if they felt
• Repeat the procedure with all six categories. confident about what they learned in Level 4.
• The team with the most points at the end is the winner.
Optional activity
Play Galchobar’s Quest! • On the board, write a list of errors that you noted while
the pupils were playing the game.
TIP Make sure you have one cut-up template of the 24
cards for each group of four pupils. These should be divided • Divide the class into groups of four and ask them to spot
into the six unit categories and the cards for each unit the errors and write the correct sentences or words.
placed on the relevant round house (put the Unit 1 cards in • Ask pupils from different groups to come to the board and
square 3, the Unit 2 cards in square 9, etc.). Each group also correct the errors.
needs six tokens and a token collector card per pupil. Each
player will need a counter (this could be a rubber or other
small item), and each group of four needs a dice.
• Ask pupils to remain in their groups of four to play a board
game summarizing what they have learned in Rainbow
Bridge 4.
• Turn to pages 128 and 129 in the Class Book. Focus pupils’
attention on the board game and ask them what and
who they can see. Use the board to elicit vocabulary and
structures from the unit.
• Explain to the class that the object of the game is to pick
up six tokens, one from each round house, and to be the
first to get to the finish line.
• Give each group of four a dice and the 24 cut-up question
cards. Tell them to place their question cards on the
designated places on the board, for example cards with
a 1 on them go on the first round house on the board

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Tests and evaluation
Rainbow Bridge 4 offers the following tests at the end of
each unit:
• a test evaluating listening, reading and writing skills; MAXIMUM SCORES: Six Unit Tests (over two pages):
• a corresponding test which is especially adapted for 10 points each
• a speaking test which can be carried out with the teacher 40 points each
or as pairwork.
There is also a Mid year and End of year test to evaluate all
four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Unit 1 Test
The tests offer the teacher the opportunity to: 1 Listen and number. Then write. e 3•26 p. 118

• record pupils’ progress; 1 point for each correct answer (5 points in total).
• evaluate learning and consolidation needs; Transcript
• intervene with consolidation activities, for individual Boy: Who’s number 1?
pupils or groups, before moving on to the next unit. Girl: It’s a soldier. His name’s Marcus.
Boy: Is number 2 a king?
Girl: Yes, it is.
Teacher’s Notes Boy: And who’s number 3? Is she a queen?
There are two versions of each Unit Test, sharing the same Girl: No, she’s a princess.
audio track. The second of these has been designed with Boy: And what about number 4?
the needs of potentially dyslexic learners in mind. In some Girl: She’s a queen.
cases the activities are identical, but in others the version for Boy: Ah yes.
dyslexic students follows a different format. A simple linear Boy: Who’s number 5?
layout on the page ensures that these tests are clear and Girl: It’s Greybeard. He’s a wizard.
easy to follow, they are supported by audio material that Boy: A wizard! That’s fantastic.
follows the visual presentation on the page, and the tasks
focus on one procedure at a time. An example of how to
(left to right) 3 a princess 4 a queen 2 a king
complete the test is given wherever possible, and writing
5 a wizard 1 a soldier
support is provided with word pools. In addition to offering
the opportunity to assess the children’s progress, these tests 1 Listen and tick (f). e 3•26 p. 119
also provide consolidation of fundamental skills such as
1 point for each correct answer (5 points in total).
equating numerals with quantities, and associating pictures
with the appropriate text. They therefore provide support for ANSWERS
children with learning challenges as well as opportunities 1 a soldier
for teachers to identify pupils who might be struggling at an 2 a king
early stage. 3 a princess
Tests are a crucial phase in the teaching-learning process, 4 a queen
and it is therefore important to create a relaxed atmosphere 5 a wizard
to avoid possible anxiety in pupils.
2 Look, read and write. p. 118
In order to ensure that a test works as a tool to assess pupils’
1 point for each correct answer (5 points in total).
progress, identify weaknesses and put in place appropriate
consolidation strategies, you may want to carry out a quick ANSWERS
revision of the unit before you administer a test. This will 1 No, she isn’t. Yes, she is.
help pupils to experience errors as the means through which 2 His name’s Galchobar. Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
the teacher can identify pupils’ needs in order to improve
their learning. The teacher will then be able to recalibrate 2 Look, read and circle. p. 119

their teaching plans and suggest new activities, such as 1 point for each correct answer (5 points in total).
ways of working individually or in groups that make use of ANSWERS
different materials best suited to their pupils’ needs. 1 she, Yes
2 His, he, No
NB Page numbers refer to this Teacher’s Book.

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Speaking Test Unit 1 2 Look, read and write. p. 121
1 point for each correct answer (5 points in total).
1 Ask and answer for you p. 120
Encourage pupils to find Me in the family tree to start with.
1 point for each correct response (5 points in total).
• Work with individuals, or ask pupils to work in pairs. 1 mum
• Ask one of the pupils in each pair to ask the five questions. 2 uncle
The other pupil answers. 3 grandma
• Ensure that pupils swap roles after the first pupil has asked 4 brother
all the questions. 5 cousin
ANSWERS 2 Look and write. p. 122
Pupils’ own answers.
1 point for each correct answer (6 points in total).
2 Look, ask and answer. p. 120 Encourage pupils to find Me in the family tree to start with.
½ point for each correct question or answer (5 points in ANSWERS
total). 1 grandma
• Work with individuals, or ask pupils to work in pairs. 2 mum
• One person says a picture number and asks What’s 3 dad
his/her name? The other pupil answers with the 4 uncle
appropriate name. 5 brothers
• The first pupil asks, e.g. Is he/she a wizard? The second 6 cousin
pupil answers Yes, he/she is or No, he/she isn’t.
• Once all the questions have been asked and answered, Speaking Test Unit 2
pupils swap roles.
• ½ point is awarded to each pupil for each correct part of 1 Look, ask and answer. p. 123
the exchange. 1 point for each correct answer (6 points in total).
ANSWERS • Work with individuals, or ask pupils to work in pairs.
Pupils’ own questions and answers. • One pupils says a picture number and asks Who’s that?
1 Is he a (wizard)? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. The other pupil answers That’s my … plus the name of the
2 Is she a (queen)? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. family member.
3 Is he a (soldier)? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. • Once all the questions have been asked and answered,
4 Is he a (king)? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. pupils swap roles.
5 Is she a (princess)? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.
Number 1. Who’s that? That’s my grandma.
Unit 2 Test Number 2. Who’s that? That’s my grandpa.
Number 3. Who’s that? That’s my aunt.
1 Listen and write the numbers. e 3•27 p. 121 Number 4. Who’s that? That’s my uncle.
½ point for each correct answer (5 points in total) (p.121). Number 5. Who’s that? That’s my dad.
½ point for each correct answer (4 points in total) (p.122). Number 6. Who’s that? That’s my mum.

Transcript 2 Ask and answer about your family. p. 123

1 Luke: Hi, Anna. Tell me about your family. Have you got ½ point for each appropriate answer (4 points in total).
any brothers? • Work with individuals, or ask pupils to work in pairs,
Anna: Yes, I’ve got one brother. I’ve got one sister too. carrying out the following exchange:
Luke: What about cousins? Have you got any cousins? Have you got any brothers or sisters?
Anna: Yes, I have. I’ve got three … four … five cousins. Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
Luke: And how many aunts and uncles have you got?
How many?
Anna: I’ve got three aunts. I haven’t got any uncles.
2 Anna: What about your family, Luke? Have you got any I’ve got … brothers and … sisters.
brothers or sisters? • Once all the questions have been asked and answered,
Luke: Yes. I’ve got three brothers. pupils swap roles.
Anna: And sisters? ANSWERS
Luke: No, I haven’t got any sisters. I’ve got lots of cousins. Pupils’ own answers.
Anna: How many?
Luke: Ten.
Anna: Ten! How many aunts have you got?
Luke: I’ve got two aunts … and four uncles.
1 (1 brother, 1 sister,) 5 cousins, 3 aunts, 0 uncles
2 3 brothers, 0 sisters, 10 cousins, 2 aunts, 4 uncles

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Unit 3 Test • Look at the chart with the class. Explain that there are two
rows – one for them to show which subjects they like and
1 Listen and draw h or k. e 3•28 pp. 124–125 one to show which subjects their friend likes.
1 point for each correct row (4 points in total). • Ask individuals to think about each subject and draw a
smile or a frown for each face in the row marked You.
Transcript • Explain that they are then going to work with their
1 Reader: What subjects do you like? partners to find out which subjects they like or don’t like.
Girl 1: Well, I like Maths and Science, but I don’t like
• Work with individuals, or ask pupils to work in pairs,
carrying out the following exchange, and marking the
2 Reader: Do you like PE?
appropriate spaces with smiles or frowns. After four
Boy 1: Yes, I do. I love PE! It’s my favourite subject.
exchanges, pupils swap roles.
Reader: What about History?
Boy 1: Hmm. I don’t really like History. But I like Art! Do you like … ? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
3 Reader: What subjects do you like? Do you like English? • At the end of the activity, encourage each pupil to say I
Girl 2: Oh yes, I like English. Our teacher is great! like … and … .
Reader: And do you like Music and Maths? ANSWERS
Girl 2: I like Music, but I don’t like Maths. Do you like Music/Science/Geography/English/PE/Maths/
4 Reader: Do you like Science? History/Art?
Boy 2: Oh yes, I really like Science. It’s cool. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Reader: And do you like PE and Art?
Boy 2: No, I don’t like PE or Art.
Mid Year Listening Test
1 Maths h Science h Geography k 1 Listen and tick (f) or cross (g). e 3.29 p. 127
2 PE h History k Art h ½ point for each correct tick or cross (4 points in total).
3 English h Music h Maths k
4 Science h PE k Art k Transcript
1 Interviewer: Hello. What’s your name?
2 Read and complete the timetable. pp. 124–125 King Owen: I’m Owen.
1 point for each correct answer (6 points in total). Interviewer: Are you a king?
ANSWERS King Owen: Yes, I am.
1 Music Interviewer: Is this your round house?
2 PE King Owen: No, it isn’t.
3 Maths Interviewer: Tell me about your family. Have you got any
4 History brothers or sisters?
5 Art King Owen: Well, I’ve got two sisters, but I haven’t got any
6 English brothers. I’ve got lots of cousins.
Interviewer: Thank you, King Owen.
2 Interviewer: Hello. Are you Princess Erina?
Speaking Test Unit 3 Princess Erina: Yes, I am. Hello!
Interviewer: Is this your chariot?
1 Look, ask and answer. p. 126 Princess Erina: No, it isn’t. I haven’t got a chariot, but I have
½ point for each correct question or answer (5 points in got a pony. Here it is.
total). Interviewer: What about your family?
• Work with individuals, or ask pupils to work in pairs, Princess Erina: Well, I haven’t got any uncles, but I’ve got
carrying out the following exchange for each subject, for lots of aunts.
example: Interviewer: Fantastic. Thank you, Princess Erina.
When’s English? ANSWERS
On Wednesday. 1 a round house g sisters f brothers g cousins f
• Once all the questions have been asked and answered, 2 a chariot g a pony f uncles g aunts f
pupils swap roles.
2 Listen and write. e 3.30 p. 127
1 point for each correct answer (6 points in total).
When’s Music? On Monday.
When’s Geography? On Tuesday. Transcript
When’s English? On Wednesday. 1 Girl: Hello. Can you help me? When’s football?
When’s Maths? On Thursday. Boy: Football? It’s on Sunday.
When’s Science? On Friday. 2 Girl: Oh, thanks. And when’s Music?
Boy: Thursday.
2 Draw h or k for you. Ask and answer with your 3 Girl: What about History?
partner and complete the table. Then say. p. 126 Boy: History is on Friday. It’s my favourite subject!
½ point for each correct question and answer; 1 point for the 4 Girl: I like English. When is it?
final statement (5 points in total). Boy: Um … English is on Monday.

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5 Girl:
Is Geography on Tuesday?
Yes, that’s right. It’s on Tuesday.
Mid Year Writing Test
6 Boy: And gymnastics is on Saturday. 1 Look, read and write. p. 130
Girl: Great. Thank you. ½ point for each correct word (5 points in total).
1 Sunday 1 soldier, Julius
2 Thursday 2 queen, chariot
3 Friday 3 brothers, Music
4 Monday 4 sister, Art
5 Tuesday 5 Science, PE
6 Saturday
2 Complete the questions. Then answer for you. p. 130

Mid Year Speaking Test ½ point for each correct question word, ½ point for each
correct response (5 points in total).
1 Choose to be Emma or Jay and say six ANSWERS
sentences. p. 128 1 What’s
1 point for each correct sentence (6 points in total). 2 How
• Ask each pupil to choose to be either Emma or Jay and 3 Are
to say six sentences describing their family. At least one 4 Where
sentence should start with I haven’t got … . 5 Have
Pupils’ own answers.
Emma: I’ve got a grandma/grandpa/mum/dad. I’ve got
two uncles. I’ve got two sisters. I’ve got two cousins. I’ve Unit 4 Test
got an aunt. I haven’t got a brother.
Jay: I’ve got a grandma/grandpa/dad/mum. I’ve got one 1 Listen and circle. e 3•31 pp. 131–132
aunt and one uncle. I’ve got a brother. I’ve got three 1 point for each correct answer (4 points in total).
cousins. I haven’t got a sister.
2 Look and say. p. 128 1 Boy: He’s got spiky hair.
½ point for each correct sentence (4 points in total). Girl: Has he got glasses?
• Ask pupils to pretend to be each of the characters Boy: Yes, he has.
pictured and to say two sentences: who they are, and 2 Boy: She’s got long, straight hair.
whether they like or dislike the two school subjects. Girl: Has she got glasses?
Boy: Yes, she has.
ANSWERS 3 Boy: He’s got short hair. He hasn’t got glasses.
1 I’m a soldier. I like PE, but I don’t like Art. Girl: Has he got curly hair?
2 I’m a queen. I like Maths, but I don’t like Geography. Boy: No, he hasn’t.
3 I’m a princess. I like History, but I don’t like Music. 4 Boy: She’s got braids.
4 I’m a wizard. I like Science, but I don’t like English. Girl: Has she got glasses?
Boy: Er, no, she hasn’t. She hasn’t got glasses.
Mid Year Reading Test ANSWERS
1 (boy in middle)
1 Look, read and match. p. 129 2 (girl on right)
1 point for each correct match (4 points in total). 3 (boy in middle)
ANSWERS 4 (girl on left)
1 b
2 Listen and colour. e 3.32 pp. 131–132
2 d
3 c ½ point for each correctly coloured feature (2 points in total).
4 a Transcript
2 Read and complete the timetable. Draw h 1 Girl: This is Felix. He’s got short, curly hair.
Boy: Has he got black hair?
or k. p. 129
Girl: No, he hasn’t. He’s got blond hair.
½ point for each correct word, ½ point for each correctly Boy: Has he got green eyes?
completed face (6 points in total). Girl: Yes, he has.
ANSWERS Boy: Has he got glasses?
Monday: History k Girl: Yes, he has.
Tuesday: Music k 2 Girl: This is Amira. She’s got brown hair.
Wednesday: English h Boy: Has she got braids?
Thursday: Art h Girl: Yes, she has.
Friday: Geography h, Maths k Boy: Has she got blue eyes?
Girl: No, she hasn’t. She’s got brown eyes.

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Boy: Has she got glasses?
Girl: No, she hasn’t.
Unit 5 Test
ANSWERS 1 Listen and write. e 3•33 p. 134

Felix: blond hair, green eyes ½ point for each correct answer (4 points in total).
Amira: brown hair, brown eyes ANSWERS
1 Breakfast: cereal, honey, berries
3 Read and answer the questions. p. 131
2 Lunch: beef, bread
1 point for each correct answer (4 points in total). 3 Dinner: salmon, spinach, biscuits
1 Yes, he has. 1 Listen and tick (f) or cross (g). e 3.33 p. 135

2 No, he hasn’t. ½ point for each correct answer (5 points in total).

3 No, she hasn’t. ANSWERS
4 Yes, she has. 1 Breakfast: honey f, berries f
3 Read and tick (f) or cross (g). p. 132 2 Lunch: salmon g, beef f, bread f, spinach g
3 Dinner: honey g, salmon f, spinach f, biscuits f
1 point for each correct answer (4 points in total).
ANSWERS Transcript
1 f 1 Reader: What do you have for breakfast?
2 g Boy: I have cereal and honey for breakfast. Oh, and I have
3 g berries, too.
4 f 2 Reader: What do you have for lunch?
Boy: Um … I have beef for lunch. And I have bread.
3 Reader: And what about dinner? What do you have for
Speaking Test Unit 4 dinner?
Boy: I have salmon and spinach for dinner. And biscuits,
1 Play the game. p. 133
1 point for each correct question or answer (6 points in
total). 2 Look, read and write. p. 134

• Work with individuals, or ask pupils to work in pairs and 1 point for each correct answer (6 points in total).
play the game. ANSWERS
• One player secretly chooses one of the children shown on 1 half past seven, bread, honey
the page. The other pupil has to guess who it is by asking 2 six o’clock, beef, biscuits
• They start by asking He or she? and then go on to ask, e.g. 2 Look, read and circle. p. 135

Has he got long/short hair? (Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.) 1 point for each correct answer (5 points in total).
Has she got curly/straight/wavy/spiky hair? (Yes, she has. / No, ANSWERS
she hasn’t.) 1 bread, honey
• When they are ready to guess, they ask Is it … ? (Yes, it is. / 2 six o’clock, beef, biscuits
No, it isn’t.)
• The players swap roles and play again. Speaking Test Unit 5
• The game is played twice, so the maximum score for the
test is six. 1 Look, ask and answer. p. 136

1 point for each correct answer (4 points in total).
He or she? She. • Work with individuals, or ask pupils to work in pairs,
Has she got long hair? No, she hasn’t. carrying out the following exchange for each clock:
Has she got wavy hair? Yes, she has. What time is it?
Has she got glasses? No, she hasn’t. It’s … o’clock. / half past … .
Is it Hattie? Yes, it is. • Once all the questions have been asked and answered,
pupils swap roles.
2 Describe your partner. p. 133
1 point for each correct sentence (4 points in total). ANSWERS
1 What time is it? It’s three o’clock.
• Ask each pupil to say four sentences to describe the
2 What time is it? It’s half past four.
pupil next to them, referring to their hair and eye colour,
3 What time is it? It’s eleven o’clock.
and whether or not they have glasses. (Some pupils may
4 What time is it? It’s half past one.
wish to combine adjectives, e.g. She’s got long, dark hair.
Do not penalise them at this stage if they do not use the 2 Look, ask and answer. p. 136
adjectives in the correct order.)
1 point for each correct answer (6 points in total).
ANSWERS • Work with individuals, or ask pupils to work in pairs,
Pupils’ own answers. carrying out the following exchange for each picture,

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e.g. When do you have breakfast? 2 Look, read and write. p. 137
I have breakfast at half past seven. 1 point for each correct answer (5 points in total).
What do you have for breakfast?
• Once all the questions have been asked and answered, 2 Look, read and circle. p. 138
pupils swap roles. 1 point for each correct answer (5 points in total).
When do you have breakfast? I have breakfast at half past 1 Yes, it has. No, it can’t.
seven. 2 No, it hasn’t. Yes, it has. Yes, it can.
What do you have for breakfast? I have bread and honey.
When do you have lunch? I have lunch at one o’clock.
What do you have for lunch? I have salmon and spinach. Speaking Test Unit 6
When do you have dinner? I have dinner at half past five. 1 Colour. Then ask and answer. p. 139
What do you have for dinner? I have beef.
½ point for each correct answer (6 points in total).
• Work with individuals, or ask pupils to work in pairs.
Unit 6 Test • Pupils colour the animals in colours of their own choice.
They then carry out the following exchange for each
1 Listen and number. Then write. e 3•34 p. 137
picture, for example:
½ point for each correct number, ½ point for each correct
What is it? It’s a lion.
word (5 points in total).
What colour is it? It’s brown.
1 Listen and tick (f). e 3•34 p. 138 Has it got wings? No, it hasn’t.
1 point for each correct answer (5 points in total). • Ensure that pupils swap roles after completing the
Boy: Number 1 is very long. It hasn’t got a beak or wings. POSSIBLE ANSWERS
Girl: Has it got stripes? 1 What is it? It’s a bear. What colour is it? It’s … . Has it got
Boy: Yes, it has. stripes? No, it hasn’t.
Girl: Is it a snake? 2 What is it? It’s a lion. What colour is it? It’s … . Has it got
Boy: Yes! a long tail? Yes, it has.
3 What is it? It’s a horse. What colour is it? It’s … . Has it
Girl: What about number 2? got wings? No, it hasn’t.
Boy: Ah, number 2 has got small ears and big teeth. 4 What is it? It’s a deer. What colour is it? It’s … . Has it got
Girl: Can it fly? spots? Yes, it has.
Boy: No, it can’t. But it can swim.
2 Look and say. p. 139
Girl: Is it a bear?
Boy: Yes, it is. Well done. ½ point for each correct It can / It can’t sentence (4 points in
Boy: What’s number 3? • Ask individuals to say It’s a … for each animal, then read
Girl: Well, it’s got big teeth and a long tail. It can’t fly! the verbs and say whether or not the animal can do these
Boy: It’s a wolf. actions, e.g. It can swim. It can’t run.
Girl: That’s right. ANSWERS
1 It’s a deer. It can jump. It can’t fly.
Boy: What’s number 4? 2 It’s a wolf. It can run. It can jump.
Girl: Hmm. Number 4 has got a beak and it’s got wings. It 3 It’s a snake. It can’t run. It can’t fly.
can fly, but it can’t swim. 4 It’s an eagle. It can’t swim. It can fly.
Boy: Is it an eagle?
Girl: Yes, it is.
End of Year Listening Test
Boy: What about number 5? Can it fly?
Girl: No, it can’t. It’s got a tail and a long neck, but it hasn’t 1 Listen, draw and colour. e 3•35 p. 140

got wings. 1 point for each correctly completed picture (4 points in total).
Boy: Has it got spots?
Girl: No, it hasn’t.
1 Reader 1: Has she got long hair?
Boy: It’s a horse!
Reader 2: Yes, she has. She’s got long, straight hair.
Girl: Yes!
Reader 1: What colour is her hair?
ANSWERS Reader 2: It’s red.
(clockwise from top left): 4, 5, 3, 2, 1 Reader 1: What colour are her eyes?
1 a snake Reader 2: She’s got green eyes.
2 a bear 2 Reader 1: Has he got short hair?
3 a wolf Reader 2: Yes. He’s got short, curly hair.
4 an eagle Reader 1: What colour is his hair?
5 a horse Reader 2: It’s black. He’s got black hair.

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Reader 1: What colour are his eyes? 2 Play the game. p. 141
Reader 2: They’re brown. 1 point for each correct answer (5 points in total).
3 Reader 1: It’s white. It’s got a long neck, and it’s got wings. • Work with individuals, or ask pupils to work in pairs and
Reader 2: Has it got a beak? play the game.
Reader 1: Yes, it has. It’s got an orange beak.
Reader 2: It’s a swan!
• Show the class the chart. Go through the first animal
together, explaining how a swan has wings, so the first
Reader 1: That’s right.
space is ticked, and so on.
4 Reader 1: This is a snake. It’s long, and it’s got small eyes.
Reader 2: Has it got stripes? • One player secretly chooses one of the creatures shown
Reader 1: Yes, it has. It’s got yellow stripes. It’s got spots, in the activity. The other pupil has to guess which it is by
too. asking, e.g. Has it got wings/a beak/a long neck/big teeth?
Reader 2: What colour are the spots? The players can use the ticks and crosses in the chart to
Reader 1: They’re red. give their answers.
Reader 2: Wow! It’s amazing! • When the other player is ready to guess, they say It’s a … .
ANSWERS • The players swap roles and play again.
1 long, straight, red hair; green eyes
short, curly, black hair; brown eyes
white body; wings; orange beak
End of Year Reading Test
4 yellow stripes; red spots 1 Look, read and write the names. p. 142
1 point for each correct answer (4 points in total).
2 Listen and circle. e 3.36 p. 140
1 point for each correct time; ½ point for each correct food ANSWERS
(6 points in total). 1 Lucio
2 Liam
Transcript 3 Calum
1 Reader: Hello, Ella. Tell me about food in your house. When 4 Tom
do you have breakfast?
Ella: I have breakfast at half past seven. 2 Read and match the text, pictures and clocks. p. 142

Reader: And what do you have for breakfast? 1 point for each correct match (6 points in total).
Ella: I have cereal and berries for breakfast. I don’t have ANSWERS
bread. 1 bread and honey, 7.00
Reader: Cereal and berries? That’s good. 2 cereal and berries, 8.00
2 Reader: And when do you have lunch? 3 salmon and bread, 7.30
Ella: I have lunch at half past twelve.
Reader: Right. And what do you have for lunch?
Ella: Um … I have beef for lunch. End of Year Writing Test
Reader: And bread?
Ella: Yes, I have bread, too. 1 Colour and write. p. 143

Reader: Do you have soup for lunch? 1 point for each correct answer (4 points in total).
Ella: No, I don’t. I don’t like soup. ANSWERS
3 Reader: What about dinner? When do you have dinner? Pupils’ own answers.
Ella: I have dinner at six o’clock. I have salmon for dinner,
and biscuits! 2 Look, read and write. p. 143
Reader: Biscuits, eh? Thank you, Ella. ½ point for each correct answer (6 points in total).
Pupils circle the following: 1 an eagle, big teeth, fly, swim
1 7.30, cereal, berries 2 a wolf, a tail, run, fly
2 12:30, bread, beef 3 a snake, small eyes, a beak, jump
3 6.00, salmon, biscuits

End of Year Speaking Test

1 Answer the questions for you. p. 141
1 point for each correct answer (5 points in total).
• Work with individuals, or ask pupils to work in pairs.
• Ask one of the pupils in each pair to ask the five questions.
The other pupil answers.
• Ensure that pupils swap roles after the first pupil has asked
all the questions.
Pupils’ own answers.

© 2020 Oxford University Press Tests and evaluation 117

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Starter unit Guess my country!

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Unit 1, Round up Myths lapbook

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Unit 2, Round up Family lapbook


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Unit 3, Round up School Subjects lapbook



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Unit 4, Round up Famous People lapbook

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Unit 5, Round up Meal Times lapbook

What time
is it?

11 1
10 2

9 3

8 4
7 5

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4118637 Rainbow Bridge Int TG4.indb 150

Unit 6, Round up

This is Briana. This is Max. This is Dylan. This is me.

She’s a princess. He’s a boy. He’s a boy.

Her mum is Queen His dad is a . He lives with

Kira, and her dad is .
He’s got
King Cadarn. She’s
, hair and He’s got

© 2020 Oxford UniversityPhotocopiable

got long wavy hair
green . , hair and
and brown eyes. She’s
He Science

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got braids. She likes
Maths and History, and Geography, but He likes

© Oxford University
but she doesn’t like he and ,
Music. like Art. but he
She’s got a horse. He’s Briana and
Rainbow Bridge lapbook (1)

Her name’s Fionn. Dylan’s . .

Press Rainbow Bridge 4

15/08/2018 14:52
Unit 6, Round up Rainbow Bridge lapbook (2)

Story 1: Story 4:
back here! Here I am!

Huh? Yoo-hoo! Hi,

are you? !

Story 2: Story 5:
I’m , Wow, .
Galchobar’s apprentice.

Well, it isn’t here! Go home,

Dylan! And , follow me! , children.

Story 3: Story 6:
And … is cool! ,
you’re a genius. , Max!

, Max!

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Legend poster
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