Kids Essential Oil Ebook
Kids Essential Oil Ebook
Kids Essential Oil Ebook
This Kid’s Essential Oil Guide has all Polina’s tried and tested
protocols specifically for KIDS requested ailments and conditions.
Please note that all Polina’s recommendations are not
recommended to treat or cure any of these ailments or conditions
- please communicate with your doctor prior to using Essential
Oils for your kids. Polina is not a doctor (yet!) and has created
these KIDS Essential Oil protocols based on many years of
experience with her own five children (now ages 4, 6, 8, 10, and
Polina Marian 12 years old). Remember Essential Oils are a powerful way to
take control of your children’s health and completely transform the
Polina’s love for Essential Oils started
years ago when her oldest child (out experience of raising children in the happiest and healthiest way
of five) was sick with a fever. “I was
standing near the couch looking at my possible.
then 6-year-old is it
possible that I just applied some TERMS REFERENCED IN THIS GUIDE
Essential Oils to his back with some
coconut oil and his fever is gone?!” FCO: Fractionated coconut oil
It was a breakthrough for Polina and Roller: 10 ml roller bottle with 10 drops of each oil, filled with
empowered her to take control of her FCO
family’s health. Ever since that moment
Polina has not stopped sharing about Shot: 2-3 drops of each oil in small shot of water, coconut oil, or
her love for oils. Her drive and passion
for sharing Essential Oils is to honey (with warm water added) and drink
empower Moms to take control of their SOC: Spinal treatments
children’s health! Polina couldn’t
imagine being a mom without
Essential Oils and thus her inspiration DAILY SUPPLEMENTS & RECOMMENDED USE
to create this book just for KIDS!
1. Essential Oil Supplements: After child is 8 years old,
Over the last six years, Polina has use 1 capsule of an essential oil supplement (vegan
studied the use Essential Oils with over
3,000 people (lots of kids included). formula) in the morning and in the evening. After child is
She’s a vegan mom of five beautiful
12 years old, use 2 capsules of each bottle (vegan
kids ages 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 years
old. You can find Polina on the formula) in the morning and in the evening.
beaches of Maui where she currently 2. Digestive Enzymes & Digestive Blend Softgels: If the
resides with her children.
child is healthy, digestive enzymes are not necessary until
after the child is 12 years old. If the child displays any
symptoms of the ailments or conditions listed in this book,
follow the digestive enzyme protocol immediately to
relieve systems. If dairy, sugar, gluten, or meat is part of
the child’s daily eating lifestyle, applying the digestive
blend or having the child take a digestive blend softgel
Almost all ailments, conditions, and during or after every meal is an important daily regimen.
diseases in a child begin with what we 3. Daily Digestive Blend: Digestive Blend, Cinnamon (or
feed them. Although it can be very Clove), Celery Seed, Ginger, Lemon, and Peppermint –
challenging to change their eating 10ml Roller Bottle
lifestyle and habits it’s important to 0-4 Years Old: Add 8 drops of each oil except for Ginger,
know that most issues can be resolved Cinnamon (or Clove), and Peppermint add 5 drops of
by changing what they eat and using
those oils and add FCO to the mixture
Essential Oils together in allowing their
4-8 Years Old: Add 10 drops of each oil except for Ginger,
body to heal themselves.
Cinnamon (or Clove), and Peppermint add 5 drops of
those oils and add FCO to the mixture
The most common challenge with
8-12 Years Old: Add 15 drops of each oil except for
changing a child’s eating lifestyle is
using the phrase “It’s no big deal”. Ginger, Cinnamon (or Clove), and Peppermint add 5 drops
When YOU as the parent or caretaker, of those oils and add FCO to the mixture
gets EXCITED about some new food 4. Daily Immune Boosting Roller Blend: Copaiba,
or a change in the eating lifestyle, the Protective Blend, Cellular Complex Blend, Tea Tree,
child will also get excited! Oregano, Frankincense, & Peppermint – 10ml Roller
The first step in making an eating
0-4 Years Old: Add 8 drops of each oil except for Oregano
lifestyle change is becoming aware of
and Peppermint add 5 drops of those oils and add FCO to
how your child feels when they eat
certain foods. The top triggers that
4-8 Years Old: Add 10 drops of each oil except for
affect the body systems and organs
are dairy, sugar, gluten, and meat. Oregano and Peppermint add 5 drops of those oils and
things happen to their bodies and 5. Daily Happy & Connected Blend: Wild Orange,
where the symptoms are coming from. Frankincense, Peppermint, Balance, Bergamot, Calming
blend, and Lime – 10ml Roller Bottle
Whether you are interested in making
0-4 Years Old: Add 5 drops of each oil except for Calming
an eating lifestyle change for your child
Blend and Peppermint add 3 drops each of those oils and
or not the oils will work regardless.
add FCO to mixture
The body works in a very magical way
4-8 Years Old: Add 10 drops of each oil except for
and it can heal itself with the right
tools. Essential Oils are extremely Calming Blend and Peppermint add 3 drops each of those
effective tools to use to help the body oils and add FCO to mixture
aid itself and in more serious 8-12 Years Old: Add 15 drops of each oil except for
conditions using Essential Oils and Calming Blend and Peppermint add 3 drops each of those
changing your eating lifestyle will oils and add FCO to mixture
drastically improve the trajectory of 6. For children 8 years old and older, Copaiba, Protective,
your health.
and Cellular Complex softgels, 1 in the morning and 1 at
some coconut oil and some water and Option 3: Black Pepper, Basil, Protective Blend, Lemon, &
they will be ok. An alternative milk is Rosemary
also helpful such as Almond Milk. Option 4: Rosemary, Protective Blend, Lavender, Lime, &
Children Protocols Application & Explanation:
Internal: Digestive Enzymes and Digestive Blend
• 0-4 Years Old: For children infant to 12 months, open a digestive enzyme capsule and put it in a
bottle, if the child is bottle fed. If the baby is breastfed, the mother should take the digestive
enzyme capsule prior to nursing – up to 3 times per day. For children over 1 years old, open and
use ½ of a digestive enzyme capsule into a vegan smoothie, vegan yogurt, or juice and have the
child eat / drink enzymes every meal – up to 3 times per day. Apply Digestive blend touch topically
on the stomach and the bottoms of the feet during or after each meal.
• 4-8 Years Old: If the child cannot swallow a capsule, open and use ½ of a digestive enzyme
capsule into a vegan smoothie, vegan yogurt, or juice and have the child eat / drink enzymes during
or after every meal – up to 3 times per day. If this regimen does not make a difference after 3 days,
increase the dose to a full digestive enzyme capsule. For children who can swallow a capsule, take
one capsule during or after each meal – up to 3 times per day.
• 8-18 Years Old: 1 Digestive Enzyme capsule and 1 Digestive Blend softgel during or after every
meal until symptoms clear, usually no more than 10 days
Internal: Oils Shot Guidelines
With any internal oils shot, create a mixture that is pleasant tasting for the child. Include citrus oils such as Wild
Orange, Lime, Lemon, or Tangerine to enhance flavor for children. Make it fun and exciting for them, they won’t
want to do it if you get upset or angry about it. Take the shot with your kids, they will like that too.
• 2-4 Years Old: Add 1 drops of each oil into a small shot of water, coconut oil, or honey mixture
• 4-8 Years Old: Add 2 drops of each oil into a small shot of water, coconut oil, or honey mixture
• 8-12 Years Old: Add 3-4 drops of each oil into a small shot of water, coconut oil, or honey mixture
Topical: For all topical blends and combinations use the following guidelines in creating a 10ml roller bottle. For a
1-time application use 1-2 drops of each oil topically on the area directed in the specific protocol.
• 0-4 Years Old: Add 5 drops of each oil into a 10ml bottle, fill the rest with FCO
• 4-8 Years Old: Add 10 drops of each oil into a 10ml bottle, fill the rest with FCO
• 8-12 Years Old: Add 15 drops of each oil into a 10ml bottle, fill the rest with FCO
Spinal Treatments: Spinal Treatments are excellent for kids even applied on a regular basis. The amount of oil
applied to a child is significantly decreased to 1-3 drops for each oil ages Newborn – 4 years old, 3-5 drops for
each oil ages 4 years old – 8 years old, 5-8 drops for each oil ages 8 years old – 12 years old, 10 drops for each
oil ages 12 years old – 18 years old. Apply coconut oil intermittently between each oil if needed.
Acne / Breakouts / Skin reactions
Acne and skin reactions with children are digestive related, if it seems there is a reaction to something - the organ
in the body that needs to process chemicals and get them out of the system gets overloaded and the body often
responds with breakouts.
1. Internal: Digestive Enzymes and Digestive Blend
2. Topical: Apply 1-2 drops of Yarrow Pom, Melaleuca (or Lemon), and Anti-aging blend swiped on hand mix
all together and use directly on the face or area of concern for 1-time application use. Follow the recipe
with the children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Digestive and Hormonal – switch off application every day for 3 days
Acid Reflux
Acid Reflux can be a common occurrence in children as little as newborns. The digestive system is so sensitive
when children are young, it is so important to create a balanced digestive system while they are young so they can
have a strong digestive system as they become older.
1. Internal: Digestive Enzymes and Digestive Blend
2. Topical: Apply 1-2 drops of Ginger, Lavender, and Peppermint, mixed with FCO, on the stomach for 1-time
application use. Follow the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Digestive protocol every day for 3 days.
It’s very important to note that sugar, gluten, and dairy are all huge contributors to behavioral issues with children.
Limit those food items to have much better results.
1. Internal: Digestive Enzymes, Digestive Blend, and Copaiba
2. Topical: Apply 1-2 drops of 2 of the following oils - Patchouli, Vetiver, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Lavender,
and Peppermint, mixed with FCO on the top of the head or bottoms of the feet for 1-time application use.
Follow the recipe using all the oils with the children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Neurological, Digestive, Chi, and Forgiveness – switch off between the four
protocols, twice a week for 30 days.
3. Topical: Apply 1-2 drops of the Detoxification Blend use on the top of the head or bottoms of the feet for
1-time application use. Follow the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Lymphatic apply twice a week for 30 days
The emotions play such a powerful role in children’s behaviors and actions. Effective phrases and words can be
used to create emotional safety for the child in addition to using Essential Oils. In an event of an emergency or
extreme emotional outburst, use Essential Oils topically and aromatically to calm the child down and de -escalate
emotions. More often, it’s about calming the parents (YOU!) down to be able to have the patience to support the
child it times of such distress. Remember that nothing is more traumatic to a child then being yelled at,
left alone, or physically punished (it is never worth doing any of these things). All the ways a child can
trigger you is a response to the way you have been parenting them and a response of the negative experiences
you could have had as a child. BREATHE, SMILE, and ASK FOR A HUG or OFFER THEM A HUG – then
quickly get your oils and start applying immediately.
1. Internal: All the daily supplements recommended & Calming Blend softgels in the morning and evening
2. Internal: Create a mixture of Wild orange and Frankincense and take internally twice a day, morning and
evening for at least 10 days. Follow the recipe using the oils above with the children’s internal oils shot
3. Topical: Pick one of the following rollers and use on the child as often as needed: Neroli, Comforting Blend,
Renewing Blend, and Reassuring Blend – another option would be to make a roller. Apply one drop of any
of the oils for 1-time application. Follow the recipe using all the oils listed with the children’s topical
guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen.
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Neurological three times a week for 30 days.
Pick two from the options below and then see what works best for your child.
1. Internal: Copaiba softgels and Calming Blend softgels
2. Topical: Option 1: Calming Blend roller bottle applied to the back of the neck, over the heart, and over
wrists. Follow the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Option 2:
Neroli, Wild orange and Frankincense: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines for a daily
roller bottle regimen. Option 3: Wild orange, Frankincense, Renewing Blend, and Comforting Blend: Follow
the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply any option over the
heart, back of neck, or over wrists.
6. For Anxiety attacks: 2 drops of Copaiba under the tongue, 1-2 drops of Lemongrass over the heart mixed
with FCO or applied neat, and 2 drops of Calming Blend inhaled in the palm (also add to the diffuser) all
for a 1-time application. Follow the recipe using the oils above with the children’s internal oils shot and
topical guidelines.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Neurological three times a week for 30 days.
1. Internal: Peppermint, Lavender, Lemon, and Frankincense: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the
children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Take internally twice a day or as often as needed.
2. Topical: Eucalyptus, Wintergreen, Cardamom, and Peppermint: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical
guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply topically over chest, back, and bottoms of the feet.
3. Eating Lifestyle Recommendation: Eliminate all dairy immediately
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Digestive protocol and Respiratory protocol, three times a week for 30 days.
Athlete's foot
1. Internal: Protective Blend softgels: Follow the recipe with the children’s internal guidelines for all the daily
2. Topical: 10 drops of Melaleuca in a small spray bottle plus water and use topically as needed. Follow the
recipe with the children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Spray on the bottoms of the
feet and in between toes. Spray also in the shoes.
3. Internal Cleanse: 30-day kid’s cleanse
Atopic Skin
Acne and skin reactions are digestive related, if it seems there is a reaction to something - the organ in the body
that needs to process chemicals and get them out of the system gets overloaded and the body often responds
with breakouts.
1. Internal: Digestive Enzymes and Digestive Blend
2. Topical: Yarrow Pom, Melaleuca (or Lemon), and Anti-aging blend swiped on hand mix all together and use
on the face. Follow the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply
on the skin as often as needed.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Digestive and Hormonal – switch off application every 2 days
1. Internal: Digestive Enzymes and Digestive Blend
2. Internal: Wild Orange and Frankincense: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the children’s internal
oils shot guidelines. Take twice a day morning and evening for at least 3 months. This combo can also be
turned into a roller bottle following the children’s topical guidelines.
3. Topical: Patchouli, Rosemary, Frankincense, Lemongrass, Detoxification Blend, and Myrrh: Follow the recipe
with the children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply over the temples, back of neck,
over the heart, and bottoms of the feet daily.
4. Aromatic: 3-5 drops of Spikenard and Lime in a diffuser
5. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Neurological protocol every evening
2. Topical: Lemongrass, Calming Blend, and Frankincense: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical
guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen.
3. Aromatic: Diffuse uplifting oils all throughout the day – Uplifting Blend, Invigorating Blend, Encouraging
Blend, Joyful Blend - see which your child’s body responds best.
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Neurological Protocol every other day for at least 30 days.
Bed bugs
1. Topical: 5-10 drops of Cellular Complex Blend and Cedarwood in a spray bottle with water and spray all
over bed morning and evening on the bed. Add 1-2 drops of the same oils into laundry detergent and use
to wash all bedding.
Bed Wetting
1. Topical: Cypress: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen.
Apply roller bottle over abdomen, bladder, and bottoms of the feet.
2. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Forgiveness and Hormonal protocol, switch off application every other day.
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Digestive Enzymes, and Digestive Blend. Follow children’s supplement
2. Internal: Myrrh, Copaiba, Frankincense, and Cellular Complex Blend: Follow the recipe using the oils above
with the children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Take internally twice a day morning and evening.
3. Topical: Calming Blend, Copaiba, Frankincense, and Cellular Complex Blend: Follow the recipe with the
children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen.
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Neurological, Inflammatory, and Digestive protocols – switch off application
every day.
1. Internal: Option 1: Protective Blend, Oregano, Lemon, Frankincense, and Myrrh: Follow the recipe using the
oils above with the children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Option 2: Melaleuca, Peppermint, Lemon,
Cinnamon and Myrrh: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the children’s internal oils shot guidelines.
Take the shot switching off between Option 1 and Option 2 for 7 days, twice a day morning and evening.
2. Topical: Lemon, Eucalyptus, Cardamom, and Arborvitae: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical
guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply to the chest, upper back, bottoms of the feet, and on the
throat as often as needed at least 5 times a day.
3. Aromatic: Respiratory Blend, Eucalyptus, Arborvitae, and/or Wintergreen in a diffuser
4. Eating Lifestyle Recommendations: Eliminate dairy, sugar, and gluten
5. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Respiratory protocol and Infectious Disease protocol switched off every other
day for 30 days
Broken Bones
1. Internal: Marjoram, Frankincense, Turmeric, and Copaiba: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the
children’s internal oils shot guidelines.
2. Topical: Frankincense, Myrrh, Helichrysum, and Copaiba: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical
guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen.
3. Topical: Apply Soothing Rub as needed for pain.
4. Eating Lifestyle Recommendations: Eliminate dairy, sugar, and gluten for 10 days
5. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Inflammatory protocol and Osteo protocol switched off every other day for 30
1. Internal: Calming Blend softgels and Polyphenol complex capsules: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Topical: Lavender, Frankincense, and Neroli: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines for a
daily roller bottle regimen.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Infammatory protocol 3 times per week.
1. Internal: Calming Blend softgels, Protective Blend softgels, and Essential Oil Supplements: Follow children’s
supplement guidelines.
2. Topical: Polina’s Empowerment Blend - Ginger, Wild Orange, Peppermint, Lime, Frankincense, and Rose:
Follow the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Also use the
Children’s roller bottle blends.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Forgiveness, Emobic, and Neurological protocol switch off application every 2
4. My personal recommendation would also be to work with an Emotionally Focused Therapist with this issue.
Cancer support
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Digestive blend softgels, Digestive Enzymes, Copaiba softgels,
Protective blend softgels, and Cellular Complex blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Internal: Frankincense, Myrrh, Copaiba, and Cellular Complex blend: Follow the recipe using the oils above
with the children’s internal oils shot guidelines.
3. Eating Lifestyle Recommendations: Eliminate all dairy, sugar, gluten, and meat immediately for at least 90
days – reference Polina’s healthy living guide.
4. Internal Cleanse: Kid’s 30-day Cleanse
5. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Maxim protocol and Cellular protocol daily.
Car Sickness
1. Internal: Peppermint softgel, Protective softgel, and Digestive softgel: Follow children’s supplement
guidelines. Take 20 minutes before the car ride.
2. Topical: Ginger, Wild Orange, Lime, Spearmint, and Wintergreen: Follow the recipe with the children’s
topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Also use the Children’s Essential oil blends.
3. Aromatic: 1-2 drops of each of the following oils Ginger, Wild Orange, Spearmint, and Wintergreen in a car
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Digestive and Forgiveness protocol switching off once a week.
1. Internal: Blend 2-3 drops of Wintergreen and Naouli in a small bowl of water or mason jar and use as a
mouth wash daily morning and evening. Please make sure to spit out the mouth wash, do not swallow
mouth wash blend.
2. Topical: Apply 1 drop of Wintergreen or Naouli directly onto the toothbrush before brushing or apply onto a
q-tip and apply directly onto the tooth.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Digestive protocol applied twice a week.
Chronic Diarrhea
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Digestive Enzymes, Digestive Blend softgels, Peppermint softgels, and
Protective blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines. Take 1 softgel every hour until
symptoms clear.
2. Topical: Clove, Cassia, Fennel, Ginger, Peppermint, Celery Seed, and Massage blend: Follow the recipe with
the children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply over the stomach and bottoms of the
feet every 30 minutes until bowel movement is achieved.
3. Eating Lifestyle Recommendation: Eliminate dairy, sugar, and gluten for at least 3 days or until symptoms
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Digestive and Lymphatic protocol switching off application every day until
symptoms clear.
Colic/ GERD
1. Internal: Digestive Enzymes and Digestive Blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines. Take 1
softgel every hour until symptoms clear. For young children make sure the mother is taking the internal
recommended softgels.
2. Topical: Digestive blend, Frankincense, Ginger, Celery Seed, and Peppermint: Follow the recipe with the
children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply over the stomach, on the spine, and the
bottoms of the feet. If breastfeeding, lower the dose of Peppermint oil to 2 drops.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Digestive and forgiveness protocol switching off every other night for 30 days or
until symptoms clear.
Common Cold
1. Internal: Protective blend, Tea Tree, Lemon, Peppermint, Frankincense, and Black Pepper: Follow the recipe
using the oils above with the children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Take the oils shot three times a day for
7 days. You can also switch off between the different antibiotic oil combinations.
2. Topical: Protective blend, Myrrh, Lemon, Cinnamon, and Peppermint: Follow the recipe with the children’s
topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply five times a day over the throat, back of neck,
along the spine, and bottoms of the feet.
3. Topical: Peppermint across the forehead with a wet towel, place a few drops on the back of the neck and
down the spine with coconut oil.
4. Eating Lifestyle Recommendations: Eliminate dairy and sugar until symptoms clear.
5. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Infectious disease protocol and Inflammatory protocol switching off every night
1. Internal: Peppermint, Tea Tree, Lemon, and Lavender: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the
children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Take the oils shot three times a day for 7 days or until symptoms
2. Topical: Lime, Eucalyptus, Cardamom, Arborvitae, and Wintergreen: Follow the recipe with the children’s
topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply to the chest, on the nose, under the nose, over the
throat, and back of the neck.
3. Eating Lifestyle Recommendations: Eliminate dairy and sugar until symptoms clear.
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Respiratory, Infectious disease, and Digestive protocol switching off every night.
Croup Cough
4. Internal: Same as Cough protocol above. You can also use Myrrh and Cinnamon: Follow the recipe using
the oils above with the children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Take oils shot twice a day for the first five
days to prevent infection.
5. Topical: Eucalyptus, Arborvitae, Wintergreen, and Cardamom: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical
guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply on chest every 15 minutes for 3-4 hours and do that
again 2 more times. Add in Peppermint or another cooling oil as needed. (Diffuse the same oils)
6. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Respiratory and Infectious Disease protocol twice a day until cough is gone.
Cradle Cap
1. Topical: Rosemary, Frankincense, and Geranium: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines for
a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply after the shower or bath with small amount of coconut oil and massage
into hair. Gently comb out after 5-10 minutes.
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Cellular Complex blend softgels, Digestive blend softgels, Digestive
Enzymes, and Protective blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines. Take 1 softgel every
evening. Add Grapefruit oil to water and drink throughout the day.
2. Internal: Cinnamon, Frankincense, Lemongrass, and Myrrh: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the
children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Take the oils shot twice a day morning and evening for at least 30
3. Topical: Frankincense, Lavender, Yarrow Pom, and Peppermint: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical
guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply on throat, back of neck, on wrists, over abdomen, and
bottoms of the feet.
4. Eating Lifestyle Recommendations: Eliminate dairy and sugar immediately – Important to eliminate from
child’s eating lifestyle to help facilitate self-healing. For long term health benefits, make these eating
changes immediately.
5. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Digestive, Inflammatory, and Emobic protocol switched off every night.
Down Syndrome
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Cellular Complex blend softgels, Digestive Enzymes, and Protective
blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines. Take 1 softgel every morning and evening if
possible or add into smoothie.
2. Topical: Frankincense, Copaiba, Myrrh, Cellular Complex blend, and Turmeric: Follow the recipe with the
children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply on throat, back of neck, on wrists, and
bottoms of the feet.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Cellular, C2, Neurological, and Maxim protocol switched off every night.
Dry Skin
1. Internal: Digestive blend softgels and Digestive Enzymes: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Topical: Geranium, Frankincense, and Yarrow Pom: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines
for a daily roller bottle regimen or mason jar regimen. Apply as often as needed over the entire body or
area of concern.
3. Eating Lifestyle Recommendations: Eliminate dairy and sugar for at least 30 days.
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Digestive and Lymphatic protocol switching off application every 2 days for 30
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Cellular Complex blend softgels, Digestive Enzymes, Digestive blend
softgels, and Protective blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Internal: Frankincense, Copaiba, Myrrh, and Cellular Complex Blend: Follow the recipe using the oils above
with the children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Take oils every 4 hours.
3. Topical: Digestive Blend, Peppermint, and Lemon: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines for
a daily roller bottle regimen or mason jar regimen.
4. Eating Lifestyle Recommendations: Eliminate meat, dairy, flour and sugar immediately.
5. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Digestive, Lymphatic, and Inflammatory protocol switched off every night.
Eating Disorder
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Cellular Complex blend softgels, Metabolic softgels, Digestive Enzymes,
Digestive blend softgels, and Protective blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Internal: Metabolic blend, Lemon, and Grapefruit: Pick one of these three oils and add 5 drops to 16
ounces of water, drink throughout the day.
3. Topical: Calming blend, Renewing blend, Frankincense, and Bergamot: Follow the recipe with the children’s
topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Roll behind the ears, over throat, and bottoms of feet as
often as every 15 minutes.
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Neurological and Digestive protocol switch off application every 2 days.
Eczema / Psoriasis
1. Internal: Digestive Enzymes and Digestive Blend: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Topical: Frankincense, Yarrow Pom, Lavender, and Peppermint: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical
guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply as often as needed to the area that is red, itching, or other
places on the skin that are irritating.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Digestive and Forgiveness protocol switch off application every 2 days.
1. Internal: Digestive Enzymes and Digestive Blend: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Topical: Celery Seed, Peppermint, Ginger, Fennel, and Digestive blend: Follow the recipe with the children’s
topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply every 15 minutes over the stomach, lower back,
and bottoms of the feet.
3. Topical: Frankincense, Calming blend, Lavender, and Petitgrain: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical
guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply every 15 minutes behind the ears, back of the neck, lower
back, and bottoms of the feet.
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Digestive and Neurological protocol switch off application every 2 days.
2. Topical: Frankincense, Melaleuca, and Helichrysum: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines
for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply blend five times a day around the eyes until the sty is gone.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Infectious Disease protocol every evening for at least 7 days.
When dealing with fevers it’s important to know that the oils will get the body to the right temperature to be able
to fight off the fever in the right environment. Apply the oils on the spine as often as needed to keep the body
temperature between 99-100 degrees. Once the fever breaks do the spinal treatment again the following day to
help strengthen the immune system.
1. Internal: Protective Blend, Lemon, Melaleuca, Oregano, and Frankincense: Follow the recipe using the oils
above with the children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Notice how child feels after taking the oils, if child is
not feeling better take it more often as written in the guidelines and if the child is feeling better take it less
2. Topical: 1-5 drops of peppermint along the spine with coconut oil
3. Topical: 2-3 drops of peppermint onto a wet towel and place it over the forehead
4. Eating Lifestyle Recommendation: Eliminate dairy, sugar, gluten, and meat for at least 10 days to allow the
body to rest and heal.
5. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Infectious Disease and Maxim protocol every night for 7 days.
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Calming blend softgels, and Cellular Complex blend softgels: Follow
children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Topical: Rosemary, Frankincense, Patchouli, and Vetiver: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical
guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply on the temples, across the forehead, back of neck, on
wrists, and bottoms of the feet.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Neurological, Chi, and Purpose switch off application every 2 days.
Growing Pains
1. Internal: Copaiba softgels and Calming blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Topical: Massage blend, Lavender, Soothing blend, Peppermint, and Lemongrass: Follow the recipe with
the children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply to area of concern as often as
needed, applied topically should be useful for 4-6 hours.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Inflammatory and Hormonal protocol apply once or twice.
Hair loss
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Copaiba softgels, Digestive blend softgels, and Cellular Complex blend
softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Topical: Frankincense and Rosemary on the top of the head every day, twice a day and Calming blend roller
bottle apply behind ears, back of neck, lower back, and bottoms of feet.
3. Eating Lifestyle Recommendations: Eliminate dairy and sugar.
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Forgiveness, Digestive, and Chi protocol switch off applications every night for
30 days.
Head congestion
1. Internal: Protective Blend, Oregano, Melaleuca, Peppermint and Lemon: Follow the recipe using the oils
above with the children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Take oils shot for at least 7 days.
2. Topical: Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Wintergreen, and Peppermint: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical
guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply on the nose, behind the ears, back of the neck, on the
chest, and bottoms of the feet.
3. Aromatic: 1-2 drops of Eucalyptus, Lemon, Arborvitae or Cardamom in a diffuser and let it run all day. Pick
two and add to the diffuser switching off between the other oils every 4-6 hours.
4. Spinal Treatment protocol: Infectious Disease protocol every night until symptoms are resolved.
1. Aromatic: Peppermint, Frankincense, or Lavender. Place a drop on the palms of the hands and inhale, close
the eyes to avoid getting Essential Oils in the eyes.
2. Internal: 1-2 drops of Frankincense and Marjoram on the thumb and push the thumb to the roof of the
mouth: Can also be used in an internal oil shot. follow the recipe using the oils above with the children’s
internal oils shot guidelines.
3. Internal: For long term healing from headaches use Essential Oil Supplements, Digestive blend softgels, and
Digestive Enzymes: Follow children’s supplement guidelines. Take Digestive supplements during or after
each meal.
4. Topical: Peppermint across forehead, on temples and back of neck, and inhale it deeply or 1 drop of
peppermint under the tongue: Can also be used in an internal oil shot, follow the recipe using the oils
above with the children’s internal oils shot guidelines.
5. Eating Lifestyle Recommendation: Eliminate dairy and sugar for at least 30 days.
6. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Hormone Balance and Digestive protocol switching off every other night and
apply when headache comes.
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Copaiba softgels, Digestive Tab, Digestive blend softgel and Digestive
Enzymes: Follow children’s supplement guidelines. Take Digestive supplements during or after each meal.
2. Topical: Digestive Blend and Peppermint: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines for a daily
roller bottle regimen. Apply over the chest, under the nose, and over the stomach.
3. Eating Lifestyle Recommendation: Eliminate dairy and sugar for at least 30 days.
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Digestive and Inflammatory protocol switching off every night for 30 days.
2. Internal: Lemon oil in water daily and Frankincense under the tongue, both oils can be used in an internal
oil shot. Follow the recipe using the oils above with the children’s internal oils shot guidelines.
3. Topical: Cilantro, Geranium, and Detoxification blend: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical
guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply topically over stomach, liver, and bottoms of the feet.
4. Topical: Apply the mud mask on armpits and low back to release the heavy metals from the kidneys adding
coriander if needed for extra support and make sure that you use the Lemon oil to flush the toxins out of
the system.
5. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Cellular protocol and Digestive protocol switching off every night for 30 days.
1. Internal: Lavender, Melaleuca, Lemon, and Peppermint: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the
children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Take it three times a day until symptoms are clear.
2. Topical: Frankincense, Lavender, and Peppermint: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines for
a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply topically over are of concern along with stomach, liver, and bottoms of
the feet.
Hormone balancing
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Copaiba softgels, Digestive blend softgels, Calming blend softgels, and
Cellular Complex blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Internal: Clary Sage, Frankincense, and Marjoram: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the children’s
internal oils shot guidelines. Take it in the evening for 30 days.
3. Topical: Women’s Monthly Blend: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller
bottle regimen. Apply topically on wrists, lower back, behind the ears, and the bottoms of the feet
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Digestive and Hormone Balance protocol every night for one week at the
beginning of every month.
1. Internal: Calming blend softgels and Copaiba softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Topical: Frankincense, Calming blend, Restful blend, and Grounding blend: Follow the recipe with the
children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply topically on wrists, lower back, behind
the ears, and the bottoms of the feet.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Neurological, Forgiveness, and Chi protocol switching off application every 2
High Cholesterol
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Copaiba softgels, Digestive blend softgels, Digestive Enzymes, Calming
blend softgels, and Cellular Complex blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Internal: Frankincense, Cinnamon, and Lemongrass: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the
children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Take it twice a day during or after each meal for at least 30 days.
3. Topical: Cinnamon, Lemongrass, Myrrh, and Frankincense: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical
guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply to the throat, back of the neck, over the heart, over the
stomach and bottoms of the feet.
4. Eating Lifestyle Recommendation: Eliminate dairy and sugar.
5. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Digestive, Inflammatory, and Hormone Balance protocols switch off application
every 2 days for 60 days.
Immune support
1. Aromatic: Add 1-2 drops of each of these oils or pick two and add to the diffuser: Protective blend,
Cleansing blend, Eucalyptus, Lemon, and Rosemary.
2. Internal: Protective blend, Frankincense, Oregano, Melaleuca, and Lemon: Follow the recipe using the oils
above with the children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Drink everyday morning and evening for the first
week of every month.
3. Eating Lifestyle Recommendation: Eliminate dairy and sugar for 10 days every month.
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Infectious Disease protocol every evening for the first week of every month.
1. Internal: Oregano, Black pepper, Protective Blend, Lemongrass, Frankincense, and Melaleuca: Follow the
recipe using the oils above with the children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Drink everyday morning and
evening for 10 days.
2. Topical: For wounds, apply Helichrysum, Frankincense, and Myrrh directly dropped on an open wound, then
cover with Correct X and a bandage. Change the bandage 2-3 times a day, refer to more specific
instructions in the wound section.
3. Eating Lifestyle Recommendation: Eliminate dairy and sugar for 30 days or until symptoms clear.
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Infectious Disease protocol every night for 10 days.
1. Internal: Wild Orange, Peppermint, Cinnamon, and Frankincense: Follow the recipe using the oils above with
the children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Drink in a shot twice a day, in the morning and afternoon.
2. Topical: Encouraging blend, Inspiring blend, and Peppermint: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical
guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply behind ears, back of neck, on wrists, and t emples.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Neurological, Purpose, and Forgiveness protocol switch off application every 2
1. Internal: Oregano, Thyme, Melaleuca, Peppermint, and Lemon: Follow the recipe using the oils above with
the children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Drink in a shot in water, gargle and swallow then in 30 minutes
switch off with this formula: Protective Blend, Lime, Rosemary, Frankincense, and Lavender in water, gargle
and swallow then switch off with the above formula. Switch off between both formulas for the first 24
2. Topical: Oregano, Thyme, Eucalyptus, Protective blend, Lime, and Peppermint: Follow the recipe with the
children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply behind ears, back of neck, over throat
and chest.
3. Eating Lifestyle Recommendation: Eliminate all dairy, sugar, and gluten to recover quickly
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Infectious Disease protocol every evening until sypmtoms are gone.
Lice prevention
1. Topical: 1-2 drops of Tea Tree and Rosemary added to shampoo and use daily then apply a few drops on
the top of the head. Create a spray bottle with 3-5 drops of Tea Tree, Rosemary, and Cedarwood and
spray bedding, furniture, pillows, and hair brushes.
3. Topical: Soothing Blend rub applied topically is another option
4. Eating Lifestyle Recommendation: Eliminate dairy, sugar, and meat for 30 days.
5. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Infectious Disease protocol and Inflammatory protocol switched off every night
Molluscum Contagiosum
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Copaiba softgels, Digestive blend softgels, Digestive Enzymes, Calming
blend softgels, and Cellular Complex blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Internal: Pick any antibiotic blend and take internally: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the
children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Drink twice a day for 10 days.
3. Topical: Tea Tree, Rosemary, Fennel, and Thyme: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines for
a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply directly on area of concern.
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Infectious Disease protocol every day for 10 days.
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Copaiba softgels, Digestive blend softgels, Digestive Enzymes, Calming
blend softgels, and Cellular Complex blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Internal: Clary Sage and Ylang Ylang: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the children’s internal oils
shot guidelines. Drink once a day for 30 days. PLUS 1-2 drops of Frankincense and Myrrh under the
tongue or in an internal oil shot.
3. Topical: Women’s Monthly blend and Calming blend: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines
for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply on wrists, low back, and bottoms of feet.
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Hormone Balance protocol every night for 30 days.
Mental health issues - Depression, anxiety, PTSD, eating disorder, drug addiction, compulsive
behaviors and possible suicidal thoughts
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Copaiba softgels, Digestive blend softgels, Digestive Enzymes, Calming
blend softgels, and Cellular Complex blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Internal: Wild Orange and Frankincense: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the children’s internal
oils shot guidelines. Drink as often as needed up to 5 times a day for 90 days.
3. Topical: Any of the following blends Comforting blend, Encouraging blend, Reassuring blend, Renewing
blend, Uplifting blend and Grounding blend: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines for a
daily roller bottle regimen. Apply topically behind ears, on the wrists, behind the neck and bottoms of the
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Neurological, Chi, and Forgiveness protocol switching off every night for 90
Motion Sickness
1. Internal: Digestive Enzymes and Digestive Blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Topical: Ginger, Soothing blend, Wild Orange, Wintergreen, and Spearmint: Follow the recipe with the
children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply topically behind ears, on the wrists,
behind the neck, over the stomach, under the nose, and bottoms of the feet.
3. Topical: Children’s Roller blends
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Digestive and Chi protocol switch off application every 2 days.
Nausea / Dizziness
1. Internal: Peppermint and Ginger: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the children’s internal oils shot
guidelines. Take as often as needed.
2. Topical: Digestive Blend, Ginger, Geranium, Lemon and Peppermint: Follow the recipe with the children’s
topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply over the stomach, under the nose, behind the ears,
and on the temples.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Digestive, Neurological, and Chi protocol switch off application every day for 30
days or until symptoms are clear.
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Copaiba softgels, Digestive blend softgels, Digestive Enzymes, Calming
blend softgels, and Cellular Complex blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Internal: Metabolic blend, Grapefruit, Yarrow Pom, and Pink Pepper: Follow the recipe using the oils above
with the children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Take three times a day for 30 days. Follow Polina’s healthy
living guide with a 30 day cleanse.
3. Topical: Geranium, Grapefruit, Comforting blend, and Frankincense: Follow the recipe with the children’s
topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply over the stomach, under the nose, behind the ears,
and on the temples.
4. Eating Lifestyle Recommendation: Eliminate dairy, sugar, meat, and gluten.
5. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Digestive and Neurological protocol switch off application every 2 days
Oral Health
1. Internal: Clove, Protective blend, Naouli, Wintergreen: Add 3-5 drops of each oil into a 16-ounce mason jar
and fill the rest of the jar with water. Use as an oral mouth rinse.
2. Topical: Naouli and Wintergreen: Add 1-2 drops of each oil to 1 Tbsp of Coconut oil and use your finger to
rub around gums or add to your toothbrush morning and evening.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Digestive protocol applied once a week.
Poison Ivy
1. Internal: Tea Tree, Peppermint, Lavender, and Lemon: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the
children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Take three times a day until symptoms clear.
2. Topical: Yarrow Pom, Peppermint, Lavender, and Helichrysum: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical
guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Inflammatory, Lymphatic, and Digestive switch off application every day
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Copaiba softgels, Digestive blend softgels, Digestive Enzymes, Calming
blend softgels, and Cellular Complex blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Internal: Marjoram and Copaiba: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the children’s internal oils shot
guidelines. Take as often as needed.
3. Internal: Marjoram, Frankincense, Copaiba, and Oregano: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the
children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Take as often as needed up to 3 times a day for 10 days.
4. Topical: Soothing Blend, Massage Blend, Lemongrass and Peppermint: Follow the recipe with the children’s
topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply as often as needed over the area of concern.
5. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Inflammatory, Chi, and Cellular protocol switching off every night.
1. Internal: Protective softgels, Peppermint softgels, Cellular complex blend softgels, Digestive Enzymes, and
Digestive Blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Topical: Tea Tree, Yarrow Pom, Melissa, and Frankincense: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical
guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply to the area of concern 10 times a day.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Digestive and Infectious Disease protocol switch off application every 2 days.
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Copaiba softgels, Digestive blend softgels, Digestive Enzymes, Calming
blend softgels, and Yarrow Pom capsules, Cellular Complex blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement
2. Topical: Yarrow Pom and a swipe of Anti-aging Blend or Frankincense: Follow the recipe with the children’s
topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply topically to area of concern three times a day.
3. Topical: Women’s monthly Blend applied daily on wrists, forearms, low back, and bottoms of feet
4. Eating Lifestyle Recommendation: Eliminate dairy and sugar.
5. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Lymphatic and Digestive protocol switch off application every 2 days.
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Copaiba softgels, Digestive Enzymes, Calming blend softgels, and
Cellular Complex blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Internal: Frankincense, Copaiba, Myrrh, and Turmeric: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the
children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Take 5 times a day.
3. Topical: Copaiba and Detoxification blend: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines for a daily
roller bottle regimen. Apply to the back of neck, over heart, and bottoms of feet 10 times a day.
4. Eating Lifestyle Recommendation: Eliminate dairy, sugar, gluten, and meat.
5. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Maxim and Neurological protocol switch off application twice a day morning and
3. Eating Lifestyle Recommendation: Eliminate dairy and sugar.
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Inflammatory, Digestive, and Cardiovascular protocol switch off application every
day for 30 days.
1. Internal: Marjoram and Copaiba or Calming blend softgels: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the
children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Take in the evening.
2. Topical: Cedarwood, Petitgrain, Marjoram and Copaiba: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical
guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply on the wrists, forearms, over the heart, and bottoms of the
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Basic protocol applied nightly.
Sore Throat
1. Internal: Protective blend softgels, Copaiba softgels, Cellular Complex blend softgels, and Peppermint
softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Internal: Protective blend, Tea Tree, Lemon, and Peppermint: Follow the recipe using the oils above with
the children’s internal oils shot guidelines. Gargle, Swish, and then swallow every 20 minutes until sore
throat pain is relieved.
3. Topical: Protective blend, Tea Tree, Lemon, Oregano, Cinnamon, Frankincense, and Peppermint: Follow the
recipe with the children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply every 10 minutes until
pain is relieved.
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Infectious Disease protocol applied every night for 7 days.
1. Internal: Respiratory drops, Essential Oil Supplements, Copaiba softgels, Digestive Enzymes, Digestive
blend softgels, Calming blend softgels, and Cellular Complex blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement
2. Topical: Cypress, Wintergreen, Eucalyptus, Pink Pepper, and Arborvitae: Follow the recipe with the children’s
topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply topically on chest, under nose, on wrists, and back
of neck. Use before bed and in the morning.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Respiratory and Infectious Disease protocol switch off between the two
applications and apply every evening.
1. Aromatic: 3-5 drops of Uplifting Blend, Reassuring Blend, Joyful Blend, or Grounding Blend in the diffuser.
2. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Copaiba softgels, Digestive Enzymes, Digestive blend softgels, Calming
blend softgels, and Cellular Complex blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
3. Topical: Neroli roller under nose, back of ears, bottoms of feet, and applied on the wrists.
4. Topical: Grounding Blend, Calming Blend, Reassuring Blend, and Wild Orange: Follow the recipe with the
children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply topically behind ears, on wrists, behind
neck, under nose, and over heart.
5. Eating Lifestyle Recommendation: Eliminate dairy and sugar.
6. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Neurological and Forgiveness protocol switch off between applications daily.
Teething babies
1. Topical: 1-2 drops of Clove oil mixed with 1 Tbsp coconut oil. Dip your finger in the mixture and rub on the
baby’s gums.
2. Topical: Frankincense, Myrrh, Roman Chamomile, and Rose: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical
guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply over jaw as often as needed.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Inflammatory protocol applied every night.
1. Internal: Take 100 toothpicks and place them in a small mason jar add 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil plus
5 drops of Cinnamon, Clove, Black Pepper and let them soak overnight. This protocol is good for kids over
5 years old.
2. Topical: Uplifting Blend, Encouraging Blend, Comforting Blend and Frankincense: Follow the recipe with the
children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply over heart, on the temples, back of neck,
and bottoms of the feet as often as needed.
3. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Neurological protocol every other night for 10 days until symptoms are clear.
1. Internal: Thyme, Oregano, Lemon, Cellular Complex Blend, Protective Blend, and Peppermint: Drink in a
shot in water, gargle and swallow then in 30 minutes switch off with this formula: Protective Blend, Lime,
Rosemary, Frankincense, and Cinnamon in water, gargle and swallow then switch off with the above
formula. Switch off between both formulas for the first 24 hours.
2. Internal: Clove and Oregano: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the children’s internal oils shot
guidelines. Gargle, Swish, and then swallow every 20 minutes until sore throat pain is relieved.
3. Topical: Peppermint and Cinnamon: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller
bottle regimen and add a few drops on a warm wet towel and apply across throat. Apply on t he throat
every 10 minutes.
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Infectious Disease protocol applied daily.
2. Internal: Marjoram and Copaiba: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the children’s internal oils shot
guidelines. Take twice a day (or as often as needed) morning and evening for pain.
3. Internal: Clove, Wintergreen, Cardamom, and ½ cup of apple cider vinegar and swish and spit twice a day.
Follow the recipe using the oils above with the children’s internal oils shot guidelines but without
swallowing the oils. Gargle, Swish, and Spit every hour for the first 24 hours.
4. Topical: Frankincense, Myrrh, Massage Blend, and Copaiba: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical
guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply on jaw and behind ears as often as needed up to 10 times
a day.
Urination difficulty
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Copaiba softgels, Digestive Enzymes, Digestive blend softgels, Calming
blend softgels, and Cellular Complex blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Internal: Cellular Complex Blend: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the children’s internal oils shot
guidelines. Take twice a day.
3. Topical: Helichrysum, Myrrh, Frankincense, Massage blend, and Copaiba: Follow the recipe with the
children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Roll over abdomen and bladder 3 times a day.
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Solar, Chi, and Cellular protocol switching off nightly.
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Copaiba softgels, Digestive Enzymes, Digestive blend softgels, Calming
blend softgels, and Cellular Complex blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Topical: Helichrysum, Grapefruit, and Geranium: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical guidelines for a
daily roller bottle regimen. Roll behind ears, around ears, and neck 5 times a day.
3. Eating Lifestyle Recommendation: Eliminate dairy and sugar for 30 days.
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Inflammatory and Cellular protocol switching off daily
1. Topical: Frankincense, Lemon, Clove, Oregano, Melaleuca, Cinnamon, and Cypress: Follow the recipe with
the children’s topical guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen without adding Coconut oil to the mixture.
Put it straight on and then put a sock over after. It may take longer if the wart has been there for a long
time but continue applying the blend every day 2 times a day.
2. Topical: Soak the foot in a mixture of Oregano and Thyme with warn water every night for 10 days. Apply
oils topically after the feet are done soaking.
Wound care (What I did when my son cut off part of his finger!)
1. Internal: For the first three days of an injury take an antibiotic blend of oils and then switch off with another
option for 10 days following: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the children’s internal oils shot
2. Topical: 1-2 drops of Myrrh and Helichrysum topically 2-3 times a day when changing bandages plus
correct x before bandage was applied.
3. Topical: Prior to bandage application, soak wound in warm water with a pump of Protective Blend hand
soap, 1-2 drops of Oregano or Thyme in warm water and soak for 10 minutes.
4. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Inflammatory and Infectious Disease protocol applied daily for 30 days.
Yeast Infection
1. Internal: Essential Oil Supplements, Copaiba softgels, Digestive Enzymes, Digestive blend softgels, Calming
blend softgels, and Cellular Complex blend softgels: Follow children’s supplement guidelines.
2. Internal: Fennel, Melaleuca, and Grapefruit: Follow the recipe using the oils above with the children’s
internal oils shot guidelines. Take every day morning and evening for 20 days.
3. Internal: Vaginal capsule: 3 drops of Melaleuca, Frankincense, Rosemary, Basil and add Coconut oil: insert
capsule at night before bedtime for 7 days.
4. Topical: Oregano, Peppermint, Frankincense, and Melaleuca: Follow the recipe with the children’s topical
guidelines for a daily roller bottle regimen. Apply over abdomen, over stomach, and bottoms of the feet.
5. Spinal Treatment Protocol: Hormone Balance and infectious disease protocol switch off between
applications daily for 30 days.