This Is A Very Beautiful and Appropriate Place To Meditate As A Man Does by Reading A Book, Enjoying The Trees, His Red Tent To Rest and An Oar To Walk Through The Sea

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1 This is my favourite stall at the local

market. A farmer’s wife and her daughter 2 ___________________________________________
are standing behind a colourful counter
These are the colleagues from the university,
displaying produce from their farm. The
apples are big and red, the pumpkins are interacting their tasks for the presentation of a
orange and the bread looks delicious. class, after free time. Behind it is the university
Everything is so fresh ! and the classroom to which they must go. It is
nice! with big trees and clean spaces to sit

3 This
is a very beautiful and appropriate place
to meditate as a man does by reading a book,
enjoying the trees, his red tent to rest and an
_____________________________________________ 4 ___________________________________________
oar to walk through the sea. _____________________________________________

This girl is in a cafeteria in a place in New York, right

by a main one of the city enjoying her normal
reading and her cup of coffee accompanied by her.
are the secretaries who work for the boss, These
She in are the people
an elegant pinkwho spend
dress a pleasantshoes
and matching day on
take phone calls to schedule meeting _____________________________________________
the beach enjoying the sun, the sea, the parachutes,
appointments. The very happy secretary fulfills _____________________________________________
a fun moment playing among the people who are
her responsibilities and the other secretary is _____________________________________________
on the beach.
very angry about the excess work they give him.

This is a recreational park to spend with the family,

7These are my friends who traveled on vacation to
___________________________________________ 8___________________________________________
walk the animals, run, ride a bicycle, and enjoy the
Paris. The place that they are taking photos is called
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
company of people. Some people live near that place
Paris, it is very beautiful and big, very soon they are
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
who go to work and other people go directly to
back for classes. work.
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

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