Bedienhandbuch ELK SW 8.1.2 V00 ENG

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Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.

2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00 | Translation of the original operating instruction

Injection moulding machine

Machine control for ELION

Operating manual
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................ 9
1.1 General remarks on the manual .................................................................................................................. 10
1.2 Software release information ....................................................................................................................... 12
1.3 aXos control philosophy............................................................................................................................... 15
2 Display and operating elements ...................................................................................................................... 17
2.1 Operating unit overview ............................................................................................................................... 18
2.2 Operating panel ........................................................................................................................................... 19
2.2.1 Structure and operation of the buttons.......................................................................................... 20
2.2.2 Keypads ........................................................................................................................................ 23
2.3 Smart Operation* and key operated switch*................................................................................................ 49
2.3.1 Smart Operation* .......................................................................................................................... 49
2.3.2 Key operated switch* .................................................................................................................... 51
2.4 Programming interface ................................................................................................................................ 53
2.5 Interfaces ..................................................................................................................................................... 54
2.5.1 Overview of interfaces .................................................................................................................. 54
2.5.2 USB port ....................................................................................................................................... 55
2.6 Operating keyboard ..................................................................................................................................... 56
2.6.1 Special keys.................................................................................................................................. 56
2.6.2 Activate ......................................................................................................................................... 56
2.6.3 Shortcut buttons............................................................................................................................ 56
2.6.4 Navigation buttons ........................................................................................................................ 59
2.6.5 Number pad .................................................................................................................................. 59
2.6.6 Trackball and click key.................................................................................................................. 60
2.7 External Keyboard*...................................................................................................................................... 61
3 Operation and programming ............................................................................................................................ 63
3.1 Navigation.................................................................................................................................................... 65
3.1.1 Main navigation............................................................................................................................. 66
3.1.2 Select screen display pages ......................................................................................................... 67
3.1.3 Selecting parameters .................................................................................................................... 68
3.1.4 Full text search.............................................................................................................................. 68
3.1.5 Changing parameters ................................................................................................................... 69
3.2 General programming systematics .............................................................................................................. 73
3.2.1 Dashboard .................................................................................................................................... 74
3.2.2 Activation area .............................................................................................................................. 87
3.2.3 Work area ..................................................................................................................................... 89
3.2.4 Status display................................................................................................................................ 89
3.2.5 Reading, saving and deleting data record .................................................................................... 89
3.2.6 Operator identification with PIN code............................................................................................ 93
3.2.7 Operator identification with smart card* ........................................................................................ 103
3.3 Quick start.................................................................................................................................................... 118
3.3.1 Overview Production process ....................................................................................................... 118
3.3.2 Creating a production process ...................................................................................................... 119
3.3.3 Parameterising commands ........................................................................................................... 129
3.3.4 Parameterising components ......................................................................................................... 131
3.3.5 Parameterise temperatures .......................................................................................................... 131
3.3.6 Configuring the production order and process quality .................................................................. 131
3.3.7 Adaptation of monitoring and interlockings ................................................................................... 132
3.3.8 Activate data record ...................................................................................................................... 134

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Table of Contents

3.3.9 Optimisation examples.................................................................................................................. 134

3.4 Sequence editor topic ................................................................................................................................. 138
3.4.1 Sequence overview....................................................................................................................... 139
3.4.2 Sequence editor............................................................................................................................ 147
3.5 Component manager topic ......................................................................................................................... 175
3.5.1 Component overview .................................................................................................................... 176
3.5.2 Component configuration.............................................................................................................. 177
3.5.3 Auxiliary controls........................................................................................................................... 180
3.6 Interfaces topic ........................................................................................................................................... 189
3.6.1 Equipment..................................................................................................................................... 189
3.6.2 Individual cooling circuit*............................................................................................................... 191
3.6.3 Energy measurement* .................................................................................................................. 193
3.6.4 Remote control of ...* .................................................................................................................... 194
3.6.5 Host system*................................................................................................................................. 195
3.7 Topic Temperature control.......................................................................................................................... 199
3.7.1 Overview of Temperatures............................................................................................................ 201
3.7.2 Mould zone temperatures ............................................................................................................. 202
3.7.3 Configuration of mould zones ....................................................................................................... 205
3.7.4 Temperature control of plasticising zones .................................................................................... 208
3.7.5 Configuration of plasticising zones ............................................................................................... 210
3.7.6 Temperature control units*............................................................................................................ 212
3.7.7 Additional data for temperature control units*............................................................................... 214
3.7.8 Overview of temperature control units*......................................................................................... 215
3.7.9 Temperatures of general temperature control zones.................................................................... 216
3.7.10 Configuration of general temperature control zones..................................................................... 217
3.7.11 Cooling zone temperatures* ......................................................................................................... 217
3.7.12 Configuration of cooling zones* .................................................................................................... 218
3.8 Interlocking topic......................................................................................................................................... 219
3.8.1 Interlocks....................................................................................................................................... 219
3.9 Monitoring topic .......................................................................................................................................... 222
3.9.1 Monitoring overview ...................................................................................................................... 222
3.9.2 General Monitoring ....................................................................................................................... 223
3.9.3 Sequence monitoring .................................................................................................................... 225
3.9.4 Component monitoring.................................................................................................................. 225
3.9.5 Important monitoring processes.................................................................................................... 226
3.10 Topic Process quality.................................................................................................................................. 228
3.10.1 Trend graph .................................................................................................................................. 229
3.10.2 Process Statistics, overview ......................................................................................................... 234
3.10.3 Process Statistics, Injection unit ................................................................................................... 238
3.10.4 Configuration of Quality Monitoring............................................................................................... 242
3.10.5 Clipboard for quality report............................................................................................................ 244
3.10.6 Process Logging*.......................................................................................................................... 245
3.11 Topic Production control ............................................................................................................................. 247
3.11.1 Production control ......................................................................................................................... 248
3.11.2 Notebook....................................................................................................................................... 251
3.12 System overview/logbook topic .................................................................................................................. 253
3.12.1 Logbook ........................................................................................................................................ 254
3.12.2 Alarm messages ........................................................................................................................... 255
3.12.3 Status messages .......................................................................................................................... 255
3.13 System characteristic data topic ................................................................................................................. 256
3.13.1 System characteristic data............................................................................................................ 257
3.13.2 System Characteristic Data of Injection Unit................................................................................. 257
3.13.3 Hardware components.................................................................................................................. 258

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Table of Contents

3.14 Full text search ............................................................................................................................................ 259

4 Components and commands ........................................................................................................................... 261
4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 263
4.2 Clamping unit............................................................................................................................................... 264
4.2.1 Clamping unit ................................................................................................................................ 264
4.2.2 Mould clamping system* ............................................................................................................... 297
4.3 Ejector.......................................................................................................................................................... 299
4.3.1 Ejector........................................................................................................................................... 299
4.4 Injection unit................................................................................................................................................. 315
4.4.1 Injection unit.................................................................................................................................. 315
4.4.2 Plasticising nozzle......................................................................................................................... 323
4.4.3 Injection device ............................................................................................................................. 326
4.4.4 Cooling time .................................................................................................................................. 363
4.4.5 Start-up program* ......................................................................................................................... 366
4.5 Quality.......................................................................................................................................................... 369
4.5.1 Quality monitoring ......................................................................................................................... 369
4.5.2 Sampling*...................................................................................................................................... 375
4.6 Robot ........................................................................................................................................................... 377
4.6.1 Euromap 67* ................................................................................................................................. 377
4.7 Material feeding ........................................................................................................................................... 400
4.7.1 Material feeding* ........................................................................................................................... 400
4.7.2 Colour feeding unit* ...................................................................................................................... 403
4.8 Safety........................................................................................................................................................... 407
4.8.1 Safety cover .................................................................................................................................. 407
4.8.2 Alarm system ................................................................................................................................ 409
4.9 Basis ............................................................................................................................................................ 411
4.9.1 Drives............................................................................................................................................ 411
4.9.2 Hydraulic drive*............................................................................................................................. 412
4.9.3 Production control ......................................................................................................................... 415
4.9.4 Cooling unit ................................................................................................................................... 417
4.9.5 Temperature control...................................................................................................................... 419
4.9.6 Maintenance ................................................................................................................................. 422
4.10 Mediums ...................................................................................................................................................... 424
4.10.1 Energy counter* ............................................................................................................................ 424
4.10.2 Energy measurement* .................................................................................................................. 427
4.10.3 UPS............................................................................................................................................... 429
4.10.4 Power supply* ............................................................................................................................... 432
4.10.5 Pneumatic control and leak oil ...................................................................................................... 435
4.11 System......................................................................................................................................................... 436
4.11.1 Timer............................................................................................................................................. 436
4.11.2 Operating mode manager ............................................................................................................. 438
4.11.3 Confirmation button....................................................................................................................... 439
4.11.4 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................ 439
4.11.5 Stop button.................................................................................................................................... 440
4.12 Auxiliary control components....................................................................................................................... 441
4.12.1 Core traction* and ejector*............................................................................................................ 441
4.12.2 Nozzles* (mould)........................................................................................................................... 472
4.12.3 Universal axis* .............................................................................................................................. 488
4.12.4 Reject gate* .................................................................................................................................. 493
4.12.5 External fault input*....................................................................................................................... 500
4.12.6 External monitoring unit*............................................................................................................... 502

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Table of Contents

4.12.7 Monitored purging pan*................................................................................................................. 507

4.12.8 Machine synchronisation* ............................................................................................................. 508
4.12.9 Remote control of external devices* ............................................................................................. 516
4.12.10 Light*............................................................................................................................................. 520
4.12.11 Extractor* ...................................................................................................................................... 522
4.12.12 Clean room module* ..................................................................................................................... 525
4.12.13 Heaters and hot-runner controllers*.............................................................................................. 528
4.12.14 Rotary plate*, index plates* and slide*.......................................................................................... 535
5 Operation............................................................................................................................................................ 543
5.1 Switch the control on .................................................................................................................................. 544
5.2 Switch off control ........................................................................................................................................ 545
5.3 Create readiness for operation ................................................................................................................... 547
5.3.1 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................. 547
5.3.2 Setting up the mould ..................................................................................................................... 547
5.3.3 Data record ................................................................................................................................... 547
5.3.4 Checking mediums ....................................................................................................................... 547
5.3.5 Switch on drives and heaters........................................................................................................ 547
5.3.6 Open material feed ....................................................................................................................... 548
5.3.7 Purging plasticising unit ................................................................................................................ 548
5.3.8 Checking readiness for operation ................................................................................................. 548
5.4 Operating modes ........................................................................................................................................ 549
5.4.1 Recovery mode............................................................................................................................. 549
5.4.2 Setup mode................................................................................................................................... 550
5.4.3 Manual mode ................................................................................................................................ 551
5.4.4 Automatic mode ............................................................................................................................ 554
5.4.5 Automatic mode non-production ................................................................................................... 554
5.4.6 Automatic mode production .......................................................................................................... 555
5.5 Reduced temperatures ............................................................................................................................... 558
5.5.1 Activating reduced temperatures .................................................................................................. 558
5.6 Start production .......................................................................................................................................... 559
5.7 Shutting down the machine ........................................................................................................................ 560
5.7.1 Proper shutdown........................................................................................................................... 560
5.7.2 Immediate shutdown..................................................................................................................... 561
5.7.3 Emergency shutdown ................................................................................................................... 561
5.8 Interrupted operation .................................................................................................................................. 562
5.8.1 Brief interruption to operation........................................................................................................ 562
5.8.2 Medium-term interruption to operation.......................................................................................... 562
5.8.3 Extended interruption to operation................................................................................................ 563
6 Setup work ......................................................................................................................................................... 565
6.1 Setting up the mould................................................................................................................................... 567
6.1.1 Prepare machine, mould and auxiliary material............................................................................ 570
6.1.2 Installing mould ............................................................................................................................. 570
6.1.3 Clamping mould ............................................................................................................................ 572
6.1.4 Secure mould................................................................................................................................ 573
6.1.5 Read in/complement data record.................................................................................................. 575
6.1.6 Set up ejector................................................................................................................................ 577
6.1.7 Connecting mediums .................................................................................................................... 579
6.1.8 Set clamping force ........................................................................................................................ 582
6.1.9 Injection unit stroke learning ......................................................................................................... 582
6.1.10 Dry cycle ....................................................................................................................................... 583
6.2 Remove mould............................................................................................................................................ 584
6.3 Mould stroke limitation*............................................................................................................................... 585

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Table of Contents

6.4 Mould quick clamping system (WSS)*......................................................................................................... 587

6.4.1 Install mould with quick clamping system (WSS)* ........................................................................ 587
6.4.2 Clamping mould ............................................................................................................................ 589
6.4.3 Secure mould with quick clamping system (WSS)* ...................................................................... 590
6.4.4 Remove mould with quick clamping system (WSS)* .................................................................... 591
6.4.5 Standstill behaviour with quick clamping system (WSS)* ............................................................. 591
6.4.6 Moulds without quick clamping system (WSS)*............................................................................ 593
6.5 Plasticising unit ............................................................................................................................................ 594
6.5.1 Change plasticising unit ................................................................................................................ 595
6.5.2 Changing plasticising nozzle......................................................................................................... 595
7 Faults .................................................................................................................................................................. 597
7.1 Display of a fault .......................................................................................................................................... 598
7.1.1 Alarm system ................................................................................................................................ 598
7.1.2 Screen display .............................................................................................................................. 599
7.2 Eliminating a fault ........................................................................................................................................ 602
7.3 Diagnosis data ............................................................................................................................................. 603
7.3.1 Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 603
7.3.2 Creation of diagnosis data ............................................................................................................ 603
7.4 Troubleshooting (alarm list) ......................................................................................................................... 604
Index ................................................................................................................................................................... 607

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Table of Contents

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1 Introduction
1.1 General remarks on the manual...................................................................................... 10
1.2 Software release information .......................................................................................... 12
1.3 aXos control philosophy .................................................................................................. 15

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1.1 General remarks on the manual

Operating the machine
The machine must only be operated by authorised and trained personnel.
§ The owner must provide personnel with special training on possible hazards.
§ The responsibilities involved in installation, commissioning, operation, main-
tenance and disassembly must be clearly adhered to within the operation in
the interests of safety.
§ The work on the machine must always be seen in conjunction with the internal
working instructions of the owner and the local work safety rules.

This manual describes
– the principles of the operation,
– the general settings,
– the creation and editing of a production process,
– the most important functions and parameters of the topics, as well as
– the setup and operation of the machine.

Note: The functions and parameters of the components and commands, as well as the process
and quality influences, are in chapter Components and commands [}Page 261].

Illustrations and descriptions

Due to different configurations (machine size, option, country-specific modifications), minor devi-
ations between the machine and the figures shown are possible. Such deviations do not affect ma-
chine safety, maintenance or operation.
Illustrations in the operating instructions normally show the standard equipment.
Design and equipment changes are reserved in the interests of development.
The exact scope of machine delivery: See corresponding contractual documents.

ü ... this sign describes conditions that must be fulfilled in order to begin the following actions.
§ ... this sign asks you to take action.
ð ... this sign describes states and reactions that are directly related to the previous actions.
– ... this sign describes states and reactions, and is used in lists.
– ... this sign describes additional instructions and numbered lists.
1. ... this sign is used in lists.
* ... this sign indicates additional equipment (option).
See chapter ...: Cross reference with another chapter.
See chapter ...: Cross reference with further information on the corresponding topic.

Technical documentation guidance (complete)

– See chapter Technical documentation guidance in the operating instructions.

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Any reprinting, including extracts, and translations require our express approval.
The operating instructions contain texts, illustrations, regulations and drawings, etc., which may not
be reproduced either in whole or in part, distributed or used without authorisation for purposes of
competition, or passed on to third parties.
We reserve the right to make technical changes for reasons of further development.
© Copyright 2018 Netstal-Maschinen AG

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1.2 Software release information

Release 8.0.0
New Description
Dashboard replaces overview pages Dashboard [}Page 74] 

Component manager with new structure, interactive Component manager topic [}Page 175]  

overview and command parameterisation

Overview of connections now in interfaces topic Equipment [}Page 189]

Document view with Document viewer [}Page 81]  

– Operating Manual and diagram

– Configurable reports
Full view of sequence Large/small display [}Page 153]  

Move injection unit forward to position Injection unit component [}Page 316]  

Move ejector back, also possible without interlocking Interlocks [}Page 303]


Switch-off delay EUROMAP 66* Temperature control units* [}Page 212]  

Core traction with stop at intermediate position* Controlled core traction* component
[}Page 444]

Hold pressure regulation optimisation Attention: For data records from an SW <
8.0.0, it is to be expected that the paramet-
erisation of the hold pressure must be ad-
Troubleshooting Troubleshooting (alarm list) [}Page 604]  

Release 8.0.1
New Description
Dry cycle Machine mode [}Page 76]  

Material holding time Material holding time [}Page 226]  

Energy measurement* Energy measurement* [}Page 427]  

External fault input* External fault input* [}Page 500]  

External monitoring unit* External monitoring unit* [}Page 502]  

– Process monitoring device

– Priamus Blueline

Release 8.1.0
New Description
Optimisation of clamping unit* Weight proportion on BAP* [}Page 281]  

Alarm list supplemented Troubleshooting (alarm list) [}Page 604]  

Various new auxiliary controls* Auxiliary control components [}Page 441]  

Counter for external reject* Clipboard for quality report [}Page 244]  

Switch on robot buttons* and stop with pulse or con- Stop (Robot)* [}Page 32] 

tinuous signal
Middle plate monitoring can be switched off Monitor central plate*
New interlocks for core traction* Core traction* and ejector* [}Page 441]  

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New Description
Monitoring supplemented Important monitoring processes
[}Page 226]

Release 8.1.1
New Description
Extensions in the sequence editor Sequence editor topic [}Page 138]  

– Sequence overview
– Editable sequences such as switch-off and stand-
still sequences, etc.
– Trigger sequences with switching input*
– Material holding time triggers purging*
Index plate* and slide valve* buttons Index plate*
Slide valve*
Operator identification rights chapter adjusted Operator ID with PIN code [}Page 93]  

Operator ID with smart card* [}Page 103]  

Heaters* and hot-runner controllers* chapter Heaters and hot-runner controllers*

[}Page 528]

Middle plate monitoring* on the clamping unit compon- Monitor central plate*

Release 8.1.2
New Description
Smart Operation option Smart Operation* [}Page 49]  

– Operator interaction* – Sequence overview [}Page 139]  

– Production preparation/follow-up work*

– Inspection stop*
– Alternative follow-up work*
– Individual cycle (production variants)*
– Move-out to delay several cycles*
– Automatic purging*
– Secure forward movement of injection unit*
New command symbols Command symbols [}Page 154]  

Block folding up of dashboard Dashboard opened [}Page 75]  

Lock operating panel buttons Operating panel [}Page 19]


Order data available on dashboard Order data [}Page 77]


Main and auxiliary sequences in the report Document viewer [}Page 81]


Purged material pan monitoring* Monitored purging pan* [}Page 507]  

The sample can now also be triggered via an external For this, an auxiliary control of the Digital
signal*. switching input must be created and the
pertinent monitoring Signal set: trigger
sample must be set.
Rotary plate, index plate and slide valve* Rotary plate*, index plates* and slide*
[}Page 535]

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New Description
Several pneumatic auxiliary controls can be assigned Configure auxiliary control [}Page 185]

to an actuator. Therefore, for example, several mould

nozzles may be switched simultaneously via a button
or a command.
Operational data logging extension – Clamping unit open
– The listed signals can now be issued via the BDE – Clamping unit locked
status output. – Metering active
– Injection active
– Hold pressure active
– Good part
– Reject part
Inspection stroke as standard Move inspection stroke [}Page 43]

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1.3 aXos control philosophy

Machine The aXos control divides the Netstal injection
moulding machine into individual components.
– The machine is regarded as a network of

Component Components are subassemblies, axes as well as

auxiliary controls of the machine. Clamping unit
– All available components are listed in the
component manager.
– All components have their parameterising Ejector
range for component-related settings.

Injection unit

Core traction


Command Commands are functions of a component. Clamping unit

A component offers different commands. – Close
– All components have their parameterising
range for command-related settings.
– Open

– Relieve

– etc

Sequence ed- Commandos can be freely inserted in the se-

itor quence editor and combined into a needs-based
production process.
The sequence is
– clearly displayed,
– flexible in design and
– enables process-optimised programming.

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Display and operating elements

2 Display and operating elements

2.1 Operating unit overview .................................................................................................. 18
2.2 Operating panel............................................................................................................... 19
2.2.1 Structure and operation of the buttons ............................................................................ 20
2.2.2 Keypads .......................................................................................................................... 23
2.3 Smart Operation* and key operated switch* ................................................................... 49
2.3.1 Smart Operation*............................................................................................................. 49
2.3.2 Key operated switch* ...................................................................................................... 51
2.4 Programming interface .................................................................................................... 53
2.5 Interfaces......................................................................................................................... 54
2.5.1 Overview of interfaces..................................................................................................... 54
2.5.2 USB port.......................................................................................................................... 55
2.6 Operating keyboard......................................................................................................... 56
2.6.1 Special keys .................................................................................................................... 56
2.6.2 Activate............................................................................................................................ 56
2.6.3 Shortcut buttons .............................................................................................................. 56
2.6.4 Navigation buttons .......................................................................................................... 59
2.6.5 Number pad..................................................................................................................... 59
2.6.6 Trackball and click key .................................................................................................... 60
2.7 External Keyboard* ......................................................................................................... 61

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Display and operating elements

2.1 Operating unit overview

The operating unit is permanently installed. The operating unit can be swivelled using the hand grip.
1. Operating panel
2. Key operated switch*
4. Hand grip
5. Programming interface
6. USB port
7. Operator identification with smart
8. Control switch
9. Operating keyboard
10. External Keyboard*

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Display and operating elements

2.2 Operating panel

The operating panel is divided into different keypads.
– The number and arrangement of the buttons on each keypad depends on machine and mould
The buttons for certain user groups can be locked via operator identification.
– See also operator identification - Policies [}Page 100]

Requirement: The operator identification is activated and configured accordingly.

Exceptions: The buttons Stop, Diagnosis, Acknowledge alarm and Unlock safety cover cannot be


1. Switch-on buttons [}Page 23]


2. Function buttons Auxiliary controls

[}Page 27]

3. Function buttons Injection device

[}Page 37]

4. Injection unit function buttons

[}Page 40]

5. Function buttons Clamping unit

[}Page 42]

6. Production buttons [}Page 45]


7. Operating mode buttons

[}Page 47]

8. Additional functions [}Page 48]


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Display and operating elements

2.2.1 Structure and operation of the buttons Single buttons

1. Display of the status
2. Symbol of the function
3. Index number
– Only appears when there are multiple compon-
ents of the same type and in the case of auxili-
ary controls.
4. Designation of the function
5. Carry out the function Double buttons

1. End position A display
2. Display of action A
3. Numerical input
– Position, force, remaining cycles, etc.
4. Symbol of the function
5. Display of action B
6. End position B display
7. Index number
– Only appears when there are multiple compon-
ents of the same type and in the case of auxili-
ary controls.
8. Carrying out movement function A
9. Designation of the function
10. Carrying out movement function B Display of the status

– Whether a status is displayed depends on the type and function of the button.
– The following overview applies to single and double buttons.

Example Display State Description

Grey Standard The button command can be used.

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Display and operating elements

Example Display State Description

Green Switched on The button command is switched on.
Flashing Switchover The selected status has not yet been reached.
phase – Operating temperature, system pressure, etc.

Light green Reduced The button command is set to reduced.

Flashing Switchover The selected status has not yet been reached.

Entire button Inactive The button function cannot be used in the selected
grey operating mode.

Extended dot Switching The number of switching stages corresponds to the

stage number of dots.
The extended dot indicates the selected switching
– Bottom: Off
– Top: On
– Middle: Reduced
Blue Selected Indicates the selected function.
– Operating mode, production stage, etc.

Yellow Function active The function of the button is being executed.

– This display is particularly helpful when the over-
all function consists of several sub-functions.

Numerical Position, force, If the component in question has a measuring or

remaining counting system, the current value is displayed.
cycles, etc.

Umbrella Dry cycle An umbrella symbol on the production buttons indic-

ates that the machine is currently in Dry cycle mode.
– See Machine mode [}Page 76].

Arrow lights up Movement act- The component moves in the direction of the arrow.
yellow ive – The axis is driven.

Square lights End position The component is in the corresponding end position.
up yellow reached

Square and ar- End position The component is held in the corresponding end pos-
row light up with force ition with force.

* = Option
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Display and operating elements

Example Display State Description

Symbol lights Blowing air act-
up yellow ive

Symbol lights Open – Nozzle

up yellow – Valve
– ...


Symbol lights Within toler- Indicates whether the status is above, below or within
up yellow ance range the tolerance range.

etc. Symbol display The symbol displays are self-explanatory and are not, therefore, de-
lights up yellow scribed in detail here.
– See also chapter: Function buttons Auxiliary controls [}Page 27]. Execution of the button function

The function keys react in different modes, depending on the operating mode:

Tipping mode
Pressing the button starts the function and releasing the button stops it.

Start mode
Pressing the button once starts the function. The axis moves to target position. The stop button can
be used to interrupt movements. Extra level

If there are more buttons on a keypad than can be displayed in this area, a second display is created.
– Pressing this button displays the corresponding level of
the selected keypad.
– This does not affect the other keypads.
– The button of the active level is indicated in blue.

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Display and operating elements

2.2.2 Keypads Switch-on buttons

This keypad displays all buttons that have a switching or display function and do not execute move-

Switching stages
ON buttons have a switching stage display (1).
The number of switching stages corresponds to the num-
ber of dots.
The extended dot indicates the selected stage.
– Dot top: On
– Dot middle: Reduced
– Dot down: Off
– No dots: Button without switching function
– Display only
– Switching on by external device (e.g. robot)

Pressing the button once switches the drives on or off.
– Drive motors of machine axes

Hydraulic drive*
Pressing the button switches the drive of the hydraulic unit on or off.
– Hydraulic unit for auxiliary controls.

Block heaters*
Pressing the button switches the mould block heaters ON, reduced or OFF.
– Mould zones configurated for Heating/Normal (C8xxx = 2) are assigned to this
– See also Function of mould zones [}Page 202].

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Display and operating elements

Nozzle heaters*
Pressing the button switches the mould nozzle heaters ON, reduced or OFF.
– Mould zones configurated for Heating/High performance (C8xxx = 3) are as-
signed to this button.
– See also Function of mould zones [}Page 202].

Boost function of nozzle heaters*

Pressing the button switches the boost function of the mould nozzle heaters on and
– See also Boost* [}Page 206].

Plasticising unit heaters

Pressing the button switches the temperature control zones of the plasticising unit
ON, reduced or OFF.
– See also chapter: Temperature control of plasticising zones [}Page 208].

Temperature control units*

Pressing the button switches the temperature control zones of the temperature con-
trol units ON, reduced or OFF.
– See also chapter: Temperature control units* [}Page 212].

Integrated Feller hot-runner controller*

Pressing the button switches the corresponding Feller hot-runner controller on or off,
or reduces it.
– See also Component, integrated Feller hot-runner controller [}Page 534].

External/internal heater*
The external or internal heater component allows a temperature control unit to be controlled via a di-
gital interface.
Pressing the button switches the heater ON, to reduced or OFF.
– See also Heaters and hot-runner controllers* [}Page 528].

Increase temperatures*
Additional functions of the external/internal heater button.
When the heater is switched on, pressing the button increases the temperatures in
line with the programming of the heater.
The function can be deactivated by pressing the button again, upon expiry of a pro-
grammable time or directly by the heater.

* = Option
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Display and operating elements

Cooling water*
Pressing the button switches the external cooling water circuits on or off.

This button has a display or switching function, depending on the scope of the op-
– Standard option Euromap 67: The button displays the robot state (on/off).
– Additional option With Switching function: Pressing this button activates and
switches off removal.

External sockets*
This button has a display or switching function, depending on the scope of the op-
– With switching function: Pressing the button switches the power supply to the
connected outlet sockets ON or OFF.

Colour feeding unit*

Pressing the button switches the colour feeding function on or off.
Switched on: Activation Starting/Stopping are available.
Switched off: Activation is interrupted.
– The starting and stopping of the feeding are carried out via the corresponding
commands in the production process and/or the configuration of the correspond-
ing component parameters.

Material conveyor*
Pressing this button switches the material conveyor on and off.

Material feeding*
Pressing the button opens or closes the material feeding.

* = Option
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Display and operating elements

Start-up program*
This button allows the start-up program to be activated before the start of produc-
tion, and also allows the ongoing start-up program to be switched off if necessary.
– See also Start-up program* [}Page 366] in the Programming Manual.

Operating mode Action Function Display

Automatic (non- Press before the start of pro- Start-up program begins with Start-up phase
production) duction production start lights up yellow
Automatic (pro- Pressing while start-up pro- Start-up program is aborted Numerical display
duction) gram is running of the remaining

* = Option
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Display and operating elements Function buttons Auxiliary controls

This keypad displays the auxiliary control component buttons that have been created in the compon-
ent manager and activated.
Index and designation of auxiliary control components can be modified.
– See Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Depending on the function of a button, it first becomes available when the corresponding command
in the production process is used.

Pressing the button moves the ejector forward or back.

Integrated ejector
Operating mode Mode Function Speed
Recovery Tipping Moves in the desired direction until the Setup speed
Setup mode button is released or the end position is
Manual Manual speed
Automatic (non- Start mode Moves until the end position is reached. Production speed

Created ejector* (auxiliary control; index 1,2 ...)

Operating mode Mode Function Speed
Controlled and Switched
closed loop
Recovery Tipping Moves in the desired direction Setup speed Production
Setup mode until the button is released or speed
the end position is reached.
Manual Manual speed
Automatic (non- Start mode Moves until the end position is Production
production) reached. speed

* = Option
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Display and operating elements

Learning stroke (Ejector)

Integrated ejector
The button changes in the operating modes Manual and Automatic to Confirm ejector stroke. See
also button Confirm Stroke (Ejector) [}Page 28].

Pressing the button activates the learn ejector stroke function.

– For settings, see Calibration and stroke learning [}Page 303].

Operating mode Mode Functional sequence Force and speed

Setup Start mode 1. Moves to the rear stop. Speed: Reduced
2. Moves to the front limitation. Force: In accordance
– Mechanical stop or para- with parameterisation
3. Moves to the rear stop.

Created ejector* (auxiliary control; index 1,2 ...)

This button only appears for the closed-loop-controlled ejector
Pressing the button activates the stroke learning for this auxiliary control axis.
– Operating mode: Setup
– Settings can be carried out on the corresponding component in the register Gen-
eral under Stroke learning.

Confirm Stroke (Ejector)

Pressing the button confirms that the last stroke learned is still valid.
– This button changes in the operating modes Setup and Recovery to Learn
ejector stroke.

Operating mode Mode Function

Manual Start mode Adopts the last stroke learned without performing a movement.
Automatic (non-
Note: This function is used when, due to a fault (e.g. shrunk-on ejection parts), renewed stroke learn-
ing is required even though the ejector stroke has already been learned.

Calibrating the path measurement (ejector)

This button is only intended for Netstal service technicians. Pressing this changes
the basic setting of the machine.
– Operating mode: Recovery
– Hydraulic ejector: The button is only active when the parameter Enable calibrat-
ing is set on the component Ejector.
– It is automatically reset after calibration.
– Electrical ejector: The button is only active when a value is entered for para-
meter S9070.

* = Option
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Display and operating elements

Coupling position*
When the button is pressed, the ejector moves to the programmed coupling position.
– See also Set up ejector [}Page 577] in the operating manual.

Operating mode Mode Function

Setup Start mode Moves forward with reduced force and speed until the coupling po-
sition is reached.

Ejector coupling*
Pressing the button couples and uncouples the ejector.
– The function is only available when the ejector is in the coupling pos-
– See also Set up ejector [}Page 577] in the operating manual.

Operating mode Mode Function

Setup Start mode Pressing of right button: Clamp
Pressing of left button: Release

Core traction*
Pressing the buttons moves the core traction to the removal or injection
– Left button: Injection position
– Right button: Removal position

Operating mode Mode Function Speed

Controlled and Switched
closed loop
Recovery Tipping Moves in the desired direction Setup speed Production
Setup mode until the button is released or speed
the end position is reached.
Manual Manual speed
Automatic (non- Start mode Moves until the end position is Production
production) reached. speed

Stroke learning (core traction)*

This button only appears in the event of closed loop controlled core tractions.
Pressing the button activates the learn stroke function.
– Operating mode: Setup
– Settings can be carried out on the corresponding component in the register Gen-
eral under Stroke learning.

* = Option
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Display and operating elements

Linear axis*
Pressing the buttons moves the universal linear axis forward or back.

Operating mode Mode Function Speed

Controlled and Switched
closed loop
Recovery Tipping Moves in the desired direction Setup speed Production
Setup mode until the button is released or speed
the end position is reached.
Manual Manual speed
Automatic (non- Start mode Moves until the end position is Production
production) reached. speed

Stroke learning (linear axis)*

This button only appears in the event of closed loop controlled linear axes.
Pressing the button activates the learn stroke function.
– Operating mode: Setup
– Settings can be carried out on the corresponding component in the register Gen-
eral under Stroke learning.

3-way axis*
Pressing the button activates the gate step-by-step in the corresponding

Operating mode Mode Function

Recovery Tipping Pressing right button: Switches step-by-step towards Right
Setup mode Pressing left button: Switches step-by-step towards Left
Automatic (non- Start mode

* = Option
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Display and operating elements

Mould nozzle*
Pressing the button opens or closes the mould nozzle.

Operating mode Mode Function

Recovery Tipping Pressing of right button: Open
Setup mode

Manual Pressing of left button: Close

Automatic (non- Start mode

Stroke learning (mould nozzle)*

This button only appears in the event of closed loop controlled mould nozzles.
Pressing the button activates the learn stroke function.
– Operating mode: Setup
– Settings can be carried out on the corresponding component in the register Gen-
eral under Stroke learning.

Blowing air control*

Pressing the button controls the corresponding blowing air control.

Operating mode Mode Function

All (non-production) Tipping mode Blows as long as the button is pressed.

Quick-clamping system of nozzle-side mould clamping plate

Pressing the button clamps the mould to and releases it from the nozzle-
side mould clamping plate using clamps.

Operating mode Mode Function

Setup Tipping Pressing of right button: Clamp
mode Pressing of left button: Release
Depending on the system, the function can also be performed in manual mode.

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Display and operating elements

Quick-clamping system of moving mould clamping plate (BAP)*

Pressing the button clamps and releases the clamps that are fixed to the
moving mould clamping plate.

Operating mode Mode Function

Setup Tipping Pressing of right button: Clamp
mode Pressing of left button: Release
Depending on the system, the function can also be performed in manual mode.

Home position (Robot)*

A movement to home position is triggered by pressing the Acknowledge button and
this button (home position) at the same time.
Prerequisite: The assigned output Move to home position allocates the correspond-
ing input for the robot.

Acknowledge (Robot)*
Pressing this button resets the alarms on the robot.
Prerequisite: The assigned output Acknowledge alarm allocates the corresponding
input for the robot.

Stop (Robot)*
Pressing this button stops the robot.
Prerequisite: The assigned output Stop robot allocates the corresponding input for
the robot.
The signal can be configured on the component as starting or tipping mode (pulse or
continuous signal).

Switch on (Robot)*
Pressing this button switches removal on and off.
Prerequisite: The assigned output Switch on robot allocates the corresponding in-
put for the robot.
The signal can be configured on the component as starting or tipping mode (pulse or
continuous signal).

Conveyor belt*
Pressing this button switches the conveyor belt on and off in the corres-
ponding direction.

* = Option
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Display and operating elements

Rotary plate, index plate and slide valve*

Various buttons are available depending on the type of the rotary device.
– The subsequent used button designations can therefore deviate from the actual ones.
– Possible functional settings can be carried out on the component.
– See also Rotary plate*, index plates* and slide* [}Page 535].

Pressing this button initiates a reference movement.
– Following successful referencing, the button changes to Start position or to Next
position for the external rotary plate.
– If referencing is requested, the button automatically changes to Reference.

Next position*
Pressing this button moves the rotary unit step by step to the next position.

Start position*
Pressing this button moves the rotary unit to the start position (0°).

Pressing this button moves the centring wedge in or out.

Index plate*
Pressing the button moves the index plate in the corresponding direc-

Slide valve*
Pressing the button moves the slide valve in the corresponding direction.

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Display and operating elements

Reject gate 2 ways*

Pressing the button moves the gate in the corresponding direction.

Operating mode Mode Function

Recovery Tipping Pressing of left button: Switches towards Reject part
Setup mode Pressing of right button: Switches towards Good part
Automatic (non- Start mode

Reject gate 3 ways*

Pressing the button activates the gate step-by-step in the corresponding

Operating mode Mode Function

Recovery Tipping Pressing of right button: Switches step-by-step towards Sample
Setup mode Pressing of left button: Switches step-by-step towards Reject part
Automatic (non- Start mode

Force reject part*

Pressing the button switches the quality evaluation to Reject part with corresponding
– Operating mode: Automatic (production)

Pressing this button switches on random sample sorting.
– Samples are separated in accordance with the parameterisation of the Sampling
– Operating mode: Automatic (production)

* = Option
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Display and operating elements

Digital reject signal*

Pressing the button switches the Reject parts sorting on or off.
– See also chapter: Programming [}Page 239].

Operating mode Function

All (non-production) 1st press: Switched on
2nd press: Switched off

Digital switching output*

Pressing the buttons switches an allocated digital output on or off.

Operating mode Function

All (non-production) 1st press: Switched on
2nd press: Switched off

Digital interlock input*

This button has no switching function. It displays the status of the Digital interlock in-
put signal.

Analogue output*
Pressing the button switches an allocated analogue output on or off.

Operating mode Function

All (non-production) 1st press: Switched on
2nd press: Switched off

Level regulator*
Pressing the button switches the threshold value on or off.
– Can be used as a float that switches actuators (e.g. a material hopper) on and
off at upper and lower levels respectively.

Operating mode Function

All (non-production) 1st press: Switched on
2nd press: Switched off

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Display and operating elements

Pressing the button switches the corresponding light on and off.

Operating mode: All

See also Light* [}Page 520].

Pressing the button switches the extractor on and off (gate and blower level 2).
Operating mode: All
See also Extractor* [}Page 522].

Fan (clean room module)*

Pressing the button switches the clean room module fan on and off.
Operating mode: All
See also Clean room module* [}Page 525].

Light (clean room module)*

Pressing the button switches the clean room module light on and off.
Operating mode: All
See also Clean room module* [}Page 525].

* = Option
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Display and operating elements Function buttons Injection device

This keypad displays all buttons associated with the injection device.
Depending on the function of a button, it first becomes available when the corresponding command
in the production process is used.

Danger of burns
There is a danger of burns in the area of the plasticising unit.
§ Wear suitable protective gear when working on the hot plasticising unit.

Injection danger
Hot, pressurised plastic can squirt out of the nozzle.
§ Wear appropriate protective gear (face protection, protective shoes, protective
clothing etc.).

Injection device
Pressing the button moves the screw forward or back without rotation.

Operating mode Mode Function Speed

Recovery Tipping Moves in the desired direction until the button Setup speed
Setup mode is released or the end position is reached.

Purging A/B
For purging, there are two independently configurable auxiliary sequences (A & B) available.
Pressing the button initiates auxiliary sequence A or B.
– The number of cyclical repetitions is configured in the start command of the cor-
responding sequence.
– See also Purging plasticising unit [}Page 548] and Sequence overview

[}Page 139]

Operating mode Mode Functional sequence

Automatic (non- Start mode The auxiliary sequence purging A or B is started.

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Display and operating elements

Plasticising nozzle
Pressing the button opens or closes the nozzle.

Operating mode Function

Recovery Pressing the button changes the state.
– Vertical display symbol: Closed
– Horizontal display symbol: Open

Disassembly position coupling

The screw is turned to the disassembly position by pressing the button.
– See also chapter: Disassembly position coupling [}Page 38].

Operating mode Mode Function

Setup Tipping mode Turns to the disassembly position.
– Functional condition: Screw position must be <1 mm.

Melt pressure 0 bar

Pushing the button changes basic setting
This button may only be pushed after the appearance of the fault message
2033.11140: Injection movement: Reset injection force sensor.
§ Pushing the button at the wrong time will affect the process and can lead to
machine malfunctions.

Pushing the button triggers zero trimming of the injection force sensor at current
melt pressure.

Operating mode Mode Function

Recovery Start mode The zero point of the melt pressure measurement is set anew.
– Current sensor signal = 0 bar

* = Option
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Display and operating elements

Reference melt pressure

Pressing the button activates the reference procedure.
– 1x per month (recommendation)
– After fault message 5687: Interlocking blocks action: Sequence is blocked, be-
cause melt pressure is still not referenced (mandatory)

Operating mode Mode Function

Automatic (non- Start mode Reference procedure starts:
production) 1. Injection unit moves back
2. Pressure relief of the injection axis (2x purging with relief)
3. Melt pressure is referenced

Calibrating the path measurement (injection device)

This button is only intended for Netstal service technicians. Pressing this changes
the basic setting of the machine.
– Operating mode: Recovery

* = Option
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Display and operating elements Injection unit function buttons

This keypad displays all buttons associated with the injection unit.
Depending on the function of a button, it first becomes available when the corresponding command
in the production process is used.

Danger of crushing
There is a danger of injury between the plasticising unit and nozzle-side mould
clamping plate due to crushing points when moving the injection unit forward. De-
pending on additional equipment, there may be more crushing points, e.g.
between the column cover and injection unit, nozzle-side mould clamping plates
and material hopper, plug box, etc.
§ It must be ensured that the danger areas are free before moving forward.

Injection unit
Pressing the button moves the injection unit forward or back.
– The extension speed is reduced in the Danger area [}Page 41] for

safety reasons (danger of crushing).

Operating mode Mode Function Speed

(not reduced)
Recovery Tipping Move forward: up to forward Setup speed
Setup mode position1 or press-on – Cannot be altered
Move back: up to end posi-
Manual Manual speed
Automatic (non- – Can be set on the component
See Extension position [}Page 318].

* = Option
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Display and operating elements

Danger area
The danger area is the defined forward movement range Example: move forward up to 100 mm
with crushing and jamming points. The extension position
that it is valid up to depends on the machine configuration
and can be read via the input range of the Position para-
meter of the Move forward to position command.
– Additional injection units with full enclosures have no
danger area.

Moving forward in the danger area is restricted due to safety reasons.

– Reduced speed when moving forward with the button Move forward.
– The reduced speed can be lifted using the two-hand operation, see Confirmation button
[}Page 57].

– Forward movement is blocked in the operating mode Automatic production.

– Blocks the command Move forward to position.

Learning stroke (injection unit)

Pressing and holding the button carries out the Learn injection unit stroke function.
– Button must remain pressed until the Learn stroke function is completed.

Operating mode Mode Functional sequence

Setup Tipping 1. Moves to the front stop (nozzle contact).
mode 2. Moves back 10 mm.
3. Steps 1 & 2 are repeated.

Calibrating the path measurement (injection unit)

This button is only intended for Netstal service technicians. Pressing this changes
the basic setting of the machine.
– Operating mode: Recovery

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Display and operating elements Function buttons Clamping unit

This keypad displays all buttons associated with the clamping unit.
– The button of the selected level illuminates blue.
Depending on the function of a button, it first becomes available when the corresponding command
in the production process is used.

Clamping unit
Pressing the button opens or closes the clamping unit.

Operating mode Mode Function Speed

Recovery Tipping Moves in the desired direction until the Setup speed
Setup mode button is released or the end position is
Manual Manual speed
Automatic (non- Start mode Moves until the end position is reached. Production speed

Adjust mould installation height

Pressing the minus button moves the support plate to the nozzle side of
the mould clamping plate.
– The mould installation height becomes smaller.
Pressing the plus button moves the support platen away from the the
nozzle-side mould clamping plate.
– The mould installation height becomes larger.

After the installation height adjustment has been established, the clamping force has to be set.

Operating mode Mode Function Speed

Recovery Tipping Moves in the desired direction until the button Setup speed
Setup mode is released or the end position is reached.

Note: For precise positioning, the speed can be slowed down using the Activate fast speed (check-
box) parameter.

* = Option
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Display and operating elements

Set mould height

Pressing the button activates the set mould installation height function.

The function can only be started from the Locked mould position (clamping force > F39).
Completion of the function is confirmed with a system message.

Operating mode Mode Function

Setup Start mode Mould height is determined automatically and the Mould install-
ation height setpoint parameter set accordingly.

Set clamping force

Pressing the button starts the clamp mould function
– See also chapter Clamping mould [}Page 572] in the operating instructions.

The function can only be started from the Locked mould position (clamping force > F39).
Completion of the function is confirmed with a system message.

Operating mode Mode Functional sequence

Setup Start mode 1. The mould is closed and the clamping force is measured.
2. The mould height is determined and accepted.
3. The mould is opened and the clamping force is set approx-
imately (approx. 80% of the setpoint clamping force).
4. The mould is locked.
– Do not leave in locked state for longer than required.
Pressing the button again starts the clamping mould function again and sets the clamping force to
approx. 95%.
– This function can be automated with the parameter Number of adjustment movements: Compon-
ent manager - Clamping unit - Register general - Number of adjustment movements.

Move inspection stroke

The inspection stroke is an extended opening of the clamping unit, beginning from the programmed
opening position.
The inspection stroke is moved when the button is pressed.
– The movement is only possible from the > opening position.
– Closing can be activated with the button Close clamping unit or with a production
– When the inspection stroke is closed, the speed of the first closing stage is used.

Operating mode Mode Function Speed

Manual Tipping It opens up to the programmed Programmed speed of the in-
mode opening position of the inspec- spection stroke1.
tion stroke1.
Automatic (non- Start mode
Parameterisation: Component manager - components - clamping unit - inspection stroke

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Display and operating elements

Calibrate stroke transducer (clamping unit)

This button is only intended for Netstal service technicians. Pressing this changes
the basic setting of the machine.
– Operating mode: Recovery
– The button is only active when a value is entered for parameter S185.

Calibrate rotary transducer (clamping unit)

This button is only intended for Netstal service technicians. Pressing this changes
the basic setting of the machine.
– Operating mode: Recovery

Calibrate clamping force

This button is only intended for Netstal service technicians. Pressing this changes
the basic setting of the machine.
– Operating mode: Recovery

* = Option
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Display and operating elements Production buttons

This keypad displays all buttons required for production.

Dry cycle symbol

An umbrella symbol on the production buttons indicates that the machine is currently
in Dry cycle mode.
– See also Machine mode [}Page 76].

Operating mode: All
Pressing the button immediately stops all movements of the machine.
– When actuating in the Automatic production operating mode, there will be a
switch to Automatic non-production operating mode.

Prepare production
Operating mode: Automatic
Prepare production is required
– when restarting production,
– following a structural change of the production process,
– when a data record has been read in and
– following End production.
Pressing the button starts the Phase-in cycle 1.
– All commands defined in Phase-in cycle 1 are executed.
– If multiple phase-in cycles are used, they can be started gradually with the Start
one cycle button or integrated in the production start with the Start production
– See also chapter: Machine cycles [}Page 148].

Start production
Operating mode: Automatic
Pressing the button starts production.
– Following a production stop, production is continued (without Prepare produc-
tion). If the cycle is not stopped at the end, then the not completely finished cycle
will begin anew and will therefore be executed again completely.
– Because of interlocks, the axes might have to be returned to their home
position in manual mode.
– The Start a cycle button switches to Stop cycle end.

* = Option
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Display and operating elements

Stop cycle end

Operating mode: Automatic
Pressing the button stops the production process at the cycle end.

Start a cycle
Operating mode: Automatic
Pressing the button starts one production cycle.

End production
Operating mode: Automatic
The Extension cycle is initiated when pressing the button and it is executed when
the current cycle has ended or begun when production has been stopped.
– The commands defined in the Extension cycle are executed.
– When using multiple extension cycles, they will be executed in succession.
– See also chapter: Machine cycles [}Page 148].

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Display and operating elements Operating mode buttons

This keypad displays the buttons for all operating modes.

Pressing the button selects Automatic mode.
– See also chapter: Operating modes [}Page 549].

– All available buttons light up and are active.

– If the Start a cycle button is pressed during production, the Automatic mode button flashes until
production stops.

Pressing the button selects Manual mode.
– See also chapter: Operating modes [}Page 549].

– All available buttons light up and are active.

– Movements of closed loop controlled and controlled axes are executed in accordance with the
parameterisation of their components in the Manual operation register.
– Clamping unit, injection unit, ejector etc.

Pressing the button selects the Setup mode.
– See also chapter: Operating modes [}Page 549].

– All available buttons light up and are active.

– Movements of closed loop controlled and controlled axes are executed in accordance with the
parameterisation of their components in the Manual operation register.
– Clamping unit, injection unit, ejector etc.

In Setup mode:
Pressing the button selects recovery mode.
– See also chapter: Operating modes [}Page 549].

All available buttons light up.

– Movements are executed without monitoring or interlocking.

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Display and operating elements Additional functions


This keypad displays buttons with special functions.

Unlock safety cover

Pressing the button unlocks the moving safety cover and nozzle covering hood.
– All active movements are stopped.
– The safety cover can be opened.
– The display symbol of the button changes.

Operating Action Function

All 1. Actuation Unlocked
2. Actuation Locked Safety cover was not opened
Close the safety Locked

Pressing the button collects diagnosis data.
– See also chapter: Diagnosis data [}Page 603].

Acknowledge alarm message

The alarm system is reset and the current alarm on the screen display is deleted by
pressing the button.
– The button flashes red for a new alarm with alarm system.

Operating Action Function Display

All 1. Actuation Alarm system is off Lights up
2. Actuation Alarm on the screen is deleted Grey

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Display and operating elements

2.3 Smart Operation* and key operated switch*

An emergency stop button can be found in this area. The optional key operated switches* and Smart
Operation* buttons are also here.

2.3.1 Smart Operation*

Smart Operation* simplifies the operation to such an extent
that these four buttons are mainly required for the opera-
tion of the injection moulding machine for production su-

In general, a variety of activities are required in order to bring the injection moulding machine to pro-
duction operation, e.g. drive, switching on cooling water and heaters, moving the axes to the start po-
sition, purging etc. The same is applicable for switching off. With Smart Operation*, several of these
tasks are summarised in editable sequences. Therefore, a row of tasks can be carried out with a
single press of the button.
The starting or ending of production operation is divided up into five operating states.
1. Switched off: Switch-on functions such as heaters,
cooling water, drive etc. are switched off.
2. Standby: Switch-on functions are reduced or switched
3. Switched on: Switch-on functions are switched on.
4. Ready: Ready for production including production
switched on. 4
5. Producing: Includes individual cycle, production, pro-
duction variants and moving-out production.

The respective sequence for achieving the next operating state is triggered with a single press of the
button. For example, if the machine is in the Switched off operating state, the Switch on sequence is
triggered by pressing the green button. After the sequence is complete, the machine will be in the
Switched on operating state. Pressing the green button again starts the Prepare sequence etc.
In order for Smart Operation to be used, the buttons and sequences must be configured, the produc-
tion process must be completely set up and the machine must be in the Automatic operating mode.

Button functions
With these buttons, the operating state is changed, an al-
ternative sequence can be triggered as an intermediate
step or a user interaction (query to be confirmed) can be
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Display and operating elements

Green button: Leads stepwise in the Producing operating mode direction.

Blue button: Alternative intermediate steps in the Producing operating mode direction.
Yellow button: Alternative intermediate steps in the Switched off operating mode direction.
Red button: Leads stepwise in the Switched off operating mode direction.
Button illuminates: The function is available.
The button functions depend on their configuration and the current operating state.

Dashboard display
The available button functions (2) and the current operat-
ing state (1) are displayed on the dashboard. 1 2

The button functions can be adapted to each operating state and all sequences on the sequence
– See also Sequence overview [}Page 139].

1 2 3 4 5

1. Sequence overview
2. Overview of the operat-
ing states 7

3. Available button func-

tions of the correspond-
ing operating state
4. Clicking on the arrow
element opens the cor-
responding editable se-
5. Button settings for each
operating state

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Display and operating elements

2.3.2 Key operated switch* Clamping mould under clamping force*

If the key operated switch is in position [0] (OFF), normal
operation is active.
If the key operated switch is moved to position [1] (ON),
the clamping force with safety cover open is held.
– The function Clamp mould under clamping force is only
permitted when the current clamping force is less than
50% of the nominal clamping force.
– See also chapter: Clamping mould under clamping
force* [}Page 574].

Damaged caused by locked mould
Do not leave the machine with locked mould. This can lead to damage of the ma-
chine and mould.
§ Relieve mould. Auxiliary controller active with safety cover open*

The key operated switch decides on the blocking (0) or ac-
tivation (1) of the movement of auxiliary controls with
safety level 1 (yellow) with the safety cover open.
– No movements can be executed if the key operated
switch is in position (0).
– Movements of certain auxiliary controls may be ex-
ecuted when the key operated switch is in position (1).

Auxiliary controllers with safety cover open
Without a corresponding agreement between Netstal and the machine owner, no
valves can be activated with the safety cover open.
With the agreement the responsibility for proper use is transferred to the owner.
§ It must ensure that no dangers result with the safety cover open.
ð The machine safety equipment must be functional at all times and must
never be modified in any way or removed.
§ The key switch may only be set to position [1] when a danger to persons can
definitely be excluded (e.g. crushing and shearing points).

ü Safety cover open

§ Set the key operated switch to position [1] and hold.
ð When the key operated switch is operated the automatic cycle is blocked.
§ Activate auxiliary control.
ð The auxiliary control moves at reduced speed.

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Display and operating elements Mould quick-clamping system*

If the key operated switch is in position [0] (OFF), normal
operation is active.
If the key operated switch is in position [1] (ON), the mould
can be clamped or released.
– See also chapter: Mould quick clamping system
(WSS)* [}Page 587].

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Display and operating elements

2.4 Programming interface

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1. Main navigation [}Page 66]   7. Work area [}Page 89]


2. Machine mode [}Page 76] 

8. Favourites
3. Dashboard as header [}Page 74]  
9. General function area [}Page 81]

4. System message display [}Page 81]  

10. Undo/redo [}Page 89]

5. Activation area [}Page 87]  

11. Status display [}Page 89]

6. Open dashboard

The programming interface is divided up into the following three main areas.
The dashboard contains the most important displays and settings for production operation. It can be
opened and edited.
Static area
The static area has a blue background, is always visible when the dashboard is tilted up and con-
tains cross-topic displays and settings.
Work area
The work area has a grey background, shows the selected topic and contains topic-related displays
and settings.
– For the detailed description of individual areas, see chapter Operation and programming
[}Page 63].

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Display and operating elements

2.5 Interfaces

2.5.1 Overview of interfaces

The following interfaces are available on the operating unit:
1. USB port 1 (front)
2. USB port 2 (side)
3. Operator identification with smart

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Display and operating elements

2.5.2 USB port

Danger caused by USB data storage devices
Connecting unsafe USB data storage devices exposes the machine control sys-
tem to the threat of viruses, trojans and worms.
Viruses, trojans and worms threaten the stability of the machine control system.
Serious damage can result if reliable antivirus software is not used.
ü USB data storage devices that have not been scanned for viruses must not be
connected to the interfaces provided for this purpose.
§ Before connecting to the machine control system, check USB data storage
devices for viruses, trojans and worms and remove if necessary.
§ For more details, see also Requirements of USB data storage devices.
ð Netstal-Maschinen AG shall assume no liability if instructions and regulations
of these operating instructions are not observed.

– The USB port can be used for the reading, storing and printing of data.
– When a USB data storage device is connected to a machine for the first time, it can take up to 30
seconds until it is detected.

Requirements of USB data storage devices

– USB data storage devices must not contain any viruses.
– USB data storage devices must only create one disk drive.
– No USB data storage devices with the designations: U3, Smart, U3 Smart.
– No USB data storage devices with encryption software.
– No USB data storage devices with MP3 player.

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Display and operating elements

2.6 Operating keyboard

Accidental pressing of buttons
Placing objects on the keyboard can lead to accidental pressing of buttons.
§ Do not use the operating keyboard as a storage area.

1. Special keys
2. Shortcut buttons
3. Navigation buttons, page naviga-
4. Trackball
5. Number pad
6. Activate
7. Navigation buttons, cursor naviga-
8. Right and left clicking button

2.6.1 Special keys Context change

Pressing the button toggles between editing and active mode.
– See also Active mode [}Page 87] and Editing mode

[}Page 88]

2.6.2 Activate
All changes carried out in edit mode are activated and adopted
by the machine control by pressing the button.
– In accordance with the screen display button Activate.
– See also Activate [}Page 88].

2.6.3 Shortcut buttons System Overview/Logbook

Pressing the button opens the system overview/logbook topic.

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Display and operating elements Dashboard
Pressing the button opens or shuts the dashboard. Sequence editor

Pressing the button opens the topic Sequence editor. Process quality

Pressing the button opens the process quality topic. Temperature control

Pressing the button opens the temperature control topic. Confirmation button

For safety reasons (danger of crushing), certain functions may only be performed with two-hand op-
– With the confirmation button of the operating keyboard, the
operator confirms that the function can be executed without
– The confirmation button as well as the respective function
button must be kept pressed in order to guarantee safe two-
hand operation.
By pressing and holding the confirmation button early, the func-
tion Move injection unit forward without reduced speed is re-
leased. Production control

Pressing the button opens the production control topic. System characteristic data

Pressing the System characteristic data button opens Topic.

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Display and operating elements Component configuration

Pressing the button opens the Component manager topic. Full text search

Pressing the button opens the Full-text search. Monitoring
Pressing the button opens the monitoring topic. Trend graph

Pressing the button opens the Process quality -Trend graph
screen page. Clamping unit component

Pressing the button opens the page of the component Clamp-
ing unit. Ejector component

Pressing the button opens the page of the component Ejector. Injection device component

Pressing the button opens the page of the component Injection
device. Injection unit component

Pressing the button opens the page of the component Injection

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Display and operating elements Mould component

Pressing the button opens the page of the component Mould. Command graph injection/hold pressure

Pressing the button opens the Command graph injection/hold

2.6.4 Navigation buttons Page navigation

Pages can be navigated between using this button. Cursor navigation

This button can be used to scroll and navigate within input lists. Multiple selection

Pressing the button switches the Multiple selection of mould
zones mode on or off.
– See also Overview of Temperatures [}Page 201] multiple

selection of mould zones.

2.6.5 Number pad Software keyboard

Pressing the button reveals or hides the virtual keyboard on the
screen display.

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Display and operating elements Minus
Pressing the key displays a minus symbol in the input field.
– Input for negative values. Delete
Pressing the button deletes the marked entry. Undo
Pressing the button deletes the entry not yet confirmed and the original
value appears. Enter button

Pressing the button confirms the entered value.

2.6.6 Trackball and click key

Objects are selected with the trackball (2) and click key (1).
– The cursor moves with the trackball.
– The position of the cursor is confirmed and the required
object selected with the click key.

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Display and operating elements

2.7 External Keyboard*

The external keyboard is used to write simple text.
– The external keyboard is fitted onto a pull-out drawer.
– It is connected to one of the two USB connections.

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Operation and programming

3 Operation and programming

3.1 Navigation ....................................................................................................................... 65
3.1.1 Main navigation ............................................................................................................... 66
3.1.2 Select screen display pages ........................................................................................... 67
3.1.3 Selecting parameters ...................................................................................................... 68
3.1.4 Full text search ................................................................................................................ 68
3.1.5 Changing parameters...................................................................................................... 69
3.2 General programming systematics.................................................................................. 73
3.2.1 Dashboard....................................................................................................................... 74
3.2.2 Activation area................................................................................................................. 87
3.2.3 Work area........................................................................................................................ 89
3.2.4 Status display .................................................................................................................. 89
3.2.5 Reading, saving and deleting data record....................................................................... 89
3.2.6 Operator identification with PIN code .............................................................................. 93
3.2.7 Operator identification with smart card* .......................................................................... 103
3.3 Quick start ....................................................................................................................... 118
3.3.1 Overview Production process.......................................................................................... 118
3.3.2 Creating a production process ........................................................................................ 119
3.3.3 Parameterising commands.............................................................................................. 129
3.3.4 Parameterising components ........................................................................................... 131
3.3.5 Parameterise temperatures............................................................................................. 131
3.3.6 Configuring the production order and process quality..................................................... 131
3.3.7 Adaptation of monitoring and interlockings ..................................................................... 132
3.3.8 Activate data record ........................................................................................................ 134
3.3.9 Optimisation examples .................................................................................................... 134
3.4 Sequence editor topic ..................................................................................................... 138
3.4.1 Sequence overview ......................................................................................................... 139
3.4.2 Sequence editor .............................................................................................................. 147
3.5 Component manager topic .............................................................................................. 175
3.5.1 Component overview....................................................................................................... 176
3.5.2 Component configuration ................................................................................................ 177
3.5.3 Auxiliary controls ............................................................................................................. 180
3.6 Interfaces topic ................................................................................................................ 189
3.6.1 Equipment ....................................................................................................................... 189
3.6.2 Individual cooling circuit* ................................................................................................. 191
3.6.3 Energy measurement*..................................................................................................... 193
3.6.4 Remote control of ...*....................................................................................................... 194
3.6.5 Host system* ................................................................................................................... 195
3.7 Topic Temperature control .............................................................................................. 199
3.7.1 Overview of Temperatures .............................................................................................. 201
3.7.2 Mould zone temperatures ............................................................................................... 202
3.7.3 Configuration of mould zones ......................................................................................... 205
3.7.4 Temperature control of plasticising zones....................................................................... 208
3.7.5 Configuration of plasticising zones.................................................................................. 210
3.7.6 Temperature control units* .............................................................................................. 212
3.7.7 Additional data for temperature control units* ................................................................. 214

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Operation and programming

3.7.8 Overview of temperature control units* ........................................................................... 215

3.7.9 Temperatures of general temperature control zones ...................................................... 216
3.7.10 Configuration of general temperature control zones ....................................................... 217
3.7.11 Cooling zone temperatures*............................................................................................ 217
3.7.12 Configuration of cooling zones* ...................................................................................... 218
3.8 Interlocking topic ............................................................................................................. 219
3.8.1 Interlocks ......................................................................................................................... 219
3.9 Monitoring topic ............................................................................................................... 222
3.9.1 Monitoring overview ........................................................................................................ 222
3.9.2 General Monitoring.......................................................................................................... 223
3.9.3 Sequence monitoring ...................................................................................................... 225
3.9.4 Component monitoring .................................................................................................... 225
3.9.5 Important monitoring processes ...................................................................................... 226
3.10 Topic Process quality ...................................................................................................... 228
3.10.1 Trend graph..................................................................................................................... 229
3.10.2 Process Statistics, overview............................................................................................ 234
3.10.3 Process Statistics, Injection unit...................................................................................... 238
3.10.4 Configuration of Quality Monitoring ................................................................................. 242
3.10.5 Clipboard for quality report .............................................................................................. 244
3.10.6 Process Logging* ............................................................................................................ 245
3.11 Topic Production control ................................................................................................. 247
3.11.1 Production control ........................................................................................................... 248
3.11.2 Notebook ......................................................................................................................... 251
3.12 System overview/logbook topic ....................................................................................... 253
3.12.1 Logbook........................................................................................................................... 254
3.12.2 Alarm messages.............................................................................................................. 255
3.12.3 Status messages............................................................................................................. 255
3.13 System characteristic data topic...................................................................................... 256
3.13.1 System characteristic data .............................................................................................. 257
3.13.2 System Characteristic Data of Injection Unit ................................................................... 257
3.13.3 Hardware components .................................................................................................... 258
3.14 Full text search ................................................................................................................ 259

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3.1 Navigation

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Operation and programming

3.1.1 Main navigation

Individual topics are selected in the main navigation (1). 1 2
The buttons here correspond to the shortcut buttons on the
operating keyboard.
– See also chapter: Shortcut buttons [}Page 56].

If topics have subpages, corresponding buttons (2) appear.

Overview of topics
Sequence editor
– Creation of a production process and parameterisation of commands
– Presentation of command graphs
– See also chapter: Sequence editor topic [}Page 138].  

Component manager
– Overview and parameterisation of components and commands
– Creation of auxiliary controls
– Configuration of components
– See also chapter: Component manager topic [}Page 175].  

– Overview of connections, energy measurement*, host system* ...
– See also chapter: Interfaces topic [}Page 189].

Temperature control
– Overview and configuration of temperatures for mould and plasticising unit
– See also chapter: Topic Temperature control [}Page 199].  

– Interlocking overview and configuration
– See also chapter: Interlocking topic [}Page 219]. 

– Monitoring overview and configuration
– See also chapter: Monitoring topic [}Page 222].

Process quality
– Configuration of Quality Monitoring
– See also chapter: Topic Process quality [}Page 228].  

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Operation and programming

Production control
– Configuration of the production order
– Machine data record information
– Keeping a notebook
– See also chapter: Topic Production control [}Page 247].

System Overview/Logbook
– Logbook
– Presentation of alarm messages
– Presentation of status messages
– See also chapter: System overview/logbook topic [}Page 253].

System characteristic data

– Machine data
– System Characteristic Data of Injection Unit
– Hardware Equipment
– Full text search according to parameters
– See also chapter: Full text search [}Page 68].

3.1.2 Select screen display pages

Screen display pages can be selected 1 2 3 4
– with shortcut buttons (1) or
– with trackball (3) and click button (2) via the main nav-
igation (4). Select with direct jump key

§ Press the desired shortcut button (1). 1
ð The corresponding screen display page appears.
ð See also Shortcut buttons [}Page 56].

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Operation and programming Selecting with trackball und click key

§ Select the desired topic with the trackball and click key 1 2
in the main navigation (1).
ð The selected topic is opened.
§ Select the desired page (2) when required.
ð The selected subpage appears. Making selections with the shortcut buttons

With one click, shortcut buttons take the user to the corresponding settings and information.

§ Move with cursor over the desired shortcut button.

ð The jump destination appears or the selectable ele-
ments are highlighted for interactive graphics.
§ Clicking on shortcut buttons. 1
ð The corresponding destination page appears.
ð The desired position is also selected.
§ Clicking the respective main navigation button (1) re-
turns to the starting position.

3.1.3 Selecting parameters

Parameters can be selected with
– Trackball (2) and click key (1),
– navigation buttons (3) and click key (1) or
– Full text search (4)
selected with.

3.1.4 Full text search

Button symbol
Pressing the button opens the Full-text search.

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Operation and programming

Clicking on the button opens the Search topic.

The full text search makes it easier to quickly find the parameters you are looking for. The search is
possible with the parameter ID (identification) or text entry.
– For parameters of parameter pages, only the search with the parameter ID is possible.
§ Press Full text search button.
ð Full test search is opened.

§ Press Software keyboard button.

ð Software keyboard appears.

§ Enter the ID or designation of the parameter searched,

e.g. ID S90 or text Mould installation height.
ð The search results are listed on the right-hand side.

§ Clicking on this button directs the user to the corres-

ponding parameter.

3.1.5 Changing parameters

A distinction must be made for parameterisation between dashboard, parameter pages and para-
meter areas.
– They are different with regard to the display and altering of parameters. Changing parameters in the dashboard

Parameters displayed on the dashboard can be changed
directly there, and without Activate.
ü No non-activated changes.
ü Dashboard opened.
§ Click on desired parameter element.
ð Processing window opened.
§ Carry out desired change(s).
§ Confirm with save.
ð Processing window closed.
ð The parameter has been changed and taken effect.
– See also Changing parameters [}Page 79].

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Operation and programming Changing parameters in parameter areas

The following topics only use parameter areas for parameterisation:

Characteristics Sequence editor example

Parameter areas refer to the selected or opened element, 1 2 3 4
e.g. component, command, monitoring etc. and are dis-
played to the right of or underneath this element.
– They have an Undo/Redo function.
– Their parameter changes only take effect when push-
ing Activate.
Sequence editor example
1. Selected element
2. Parameter area
3. Activate
4. Undo/redo

See also chapter:

– Component configuration [}Page 177]

– Parameter area in sequence editor [}Page 155]


– Activation area [}Page 87]


§ Select the desired parameter. Sequence editor example
ð Parameter value is blue.
ð Parameter ID and input range are displayed in the
sequence editor in the information line and in the
component manager above the input field. Component manager example

§ Enter new value with numeric keypad.

ð Pressing the button CE cancels the entry not yet

§ Confirm with Enter.

ð The parameter has been changed on the programming
interface but not yet gone into effect.
ð Other changes can be made.
§ The changes go into effect by pressing Activate.
ð They are loaded onto the machine control.

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Operation and programming

Tips for entry

Changes in the parameter areas are marked until the next activation and introduced in the course of
the Undo/Redo function. This allows for checking quickly which setting was changed.
Entries that are not in the value range are not applied. The previous value is kept.
– A warning appears.
Successful changes are identified with the green symbol.

Defective or missing parameter values are identified with

the red symbol.
– An error appears in the problem window.

Context menu
A right click on a parameter opens the corresponding con-
text menu with possible actions. Changing parameters on parameter pages

The following topics only use parameter pages for parameterisation:

Parameter pages
– occupy a full page,
– their parameter changes become effective immediately
when confirming with (Enter button) (use of Activate is
not required) and
– they do not have an Undo/Redo function.

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Operation and programming

§ Select the desired parameter.
ð The parameter is shown with a yellow border.
ð Parameter information is shown by clicking the
parameter again.
ð The possible input range is shown in the informa-
tion field at the bottom of the work area.
§ Enter the desired value with the numeric keypad.
ð Pressing the button CE cancels the entry not yet

§ Confirm with Enter.

ð The parameter has been changed and taken effect.

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Operation and programming

3.2 General programming systematics

This chapter describes general functions relevant to all topics.

Screen areas
1 2 3 4 5

1. Main navigation [}Page 66]

  4. Work area [}Page 89]

2. Dashboard as header [}Page 74]

  5. Status display [}Page 89]

3. Activation area [}Page 87]


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3.2.1 Dashboard
The key information for production supervision is clearly summarised in the dashboard.
– The parameters and visualisation can be freely selected.
– Saved adjustments are saved in the data record.
– Two different limit values can be set for characteristic values, and these signal exceeding or un-
dershooting to the operator via a red or orange display.

Overview and special aspects

1. Dashboard as header 1 3
– Raised dashboard view.
– See also Dashboard as header [}Page 74].

2. Dashboard in full view

– Expanded display
– Individually compilable. 2 3 4 5

– Can be expanded to several pages.

– Direct entry (parameters, limits etc.).
– Highlighting of exceeded limits.
– See also Dashboard opened [}Page 75].

3. Open/shut dashboard
– Also possible with the Dashboard button on the
operating keyboard.
4. Page display
5. Page navigation
– Only appears when additional pages are con-
figured. Dashboard as header

If the dashboard is tilted up, it appears as a permanent compressed and reduced header.

1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Order data (T329, C324 ...) or dashboard 5. Favourites

display Smart Operation* [}Page 49]  

– Individual compilation
2. Machine mode [}Page 76] 

– Edit dashboard [}Page 78]


3. System message display [}Page 81]  

6. General function area [}Page 81]


4. Order (C312)

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The opened full view consists of three main parts.
A: Predefined and non-changeable display area.
B: Parameter tiles that appear in the dashboard as favourites.
C: Parameter tiles that only appear in the opened full view.
– B & C can be changed in the editing mode.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Netstal xy

1. Machine mode [}Page 76]

– Individual compilation
2. Order data [}Page 77]
– Edit dashboard [}Page 78]

3. Interactive graphic or dashboard display – Changing parameters [}Page 79]  

Smart Operation* [}Page 49] 

6. Edit dashboard [}Page 78]


4. Order (C312) 7. System message display [}Page 81]  

5. Parameter elements (tiles) 8. General function area [}Page 81]  

Block folding up of dashboard

The folding up of the dashboard can be blocked for certain
user groups via operator identification. Only the dashboard
content is available to the blocked group.
Requirement: The operator identification is activated and
configured accordingly.
– See also Policies [}Page 100].

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Operation and programming Machine mode

The machine mode influences the fundamental machine behaviour.
The active machine mode is displayed at the top left of the
– The change-over is opened by clicking on the display.

Available modes
– Standard [}Page 76]

– Dry cycle [}Page 77]


ü Production is stopped
ü There are no non-activated changes available.
§ If required, activate or undo changes.

§ Click on the machine mode display.

ð The change-over window will open.
§ Select the desired mode.
ð The description of the selected mode will be dis-
§ Confirm with save.
ð The selected machine mode will be adopted and
the window will be closed.

This is the normally active machine mode.
All machine components are active in this mode.

– All commands used are executed in accordance with the activated settings.
– The aim is the production of injection parts.

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Dry cycle
The dry cycle facilitates checking and optimisation of the
mould movements without the material contact parts heat-
ing up and without injection parts being produced.

All machine components including on the material flow are inactive in this mode.
Whether or not a machine component is included on the
material flow, the resp. component can be set in the Info
– The corresponding component in the dry cycle is inact-
ive when the checkbox is marked.

– Its commands are not executed in the dry cycle and

are marked with an umbrella in the sequence.

Starting and stopping the dry cycle

The starting and stopping is carried out with the production button, as in
standard mode.
– An umbrella symbol on the production buttons indic-
ates that the machine is currently in Dry cycle mode. Order data

If an order is defined, the current production state is displayed at the top right of the dashboard.
Clicking on the order data opens the processing window.
Available here are the production targets, various coun-
ters, container volumes etc. The counters may also be re-
The complete configuration of the order is carried out in
the Production control topic.
– See also Production control [}Page 248].

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Operation and programming Edit dashboard

All essential parameters for the production supervision can be freely compiled on the dashboard as
display and input tiles.
– Each parameter is assigned a tile.
– Various settings such as parameter changes, comments, monitoring, limits etc. can be carried
out depending on the tile.

Buttons are only displayed in accordance with the available settings.
Edit dashboard
– Opens editing mode.
– Tiles can be moved, deleted, added and adjusted to
– Editing mode can be exited with cancel or save.
– Saved adjustments are saved in the data record.

Add page
– Clicking on the + button expands the dashboard by
one page.
– It can be expanded to a maximum of 10 pages.
– Empty pages are deleted with Save.
Page forward/back
– Only appears when corresponding pages are available.
– Clicking on the buttons < or > scrolls between the
– The points below symbolise the opened and number of
Function buttons on tile 1 2 3 4 5
1. Delete
– The tile is removed from the dashboard.
2. Edit
– Tile can be renamed.
3. Select tile size
4. Move tile
– Tile can be moved with Drag & Drop.
– Moving the tile to other pages: When moving the tile, click on the button Page forward/
back or Add.
5. Numerical or graphical display

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Add parameter
All component and command parameters can be added to
the dashboard.
§ Right click on the parameter to be added.
ð The context menu appears.
§ With the selection Add to dashboard, the parameter is
added to the general area of the dashboard (1).
§ With the selection Add to favourites - empty, the para-
meter is added to the corresponding empty field in fa-
vourites (2). 1 2
ð At least one field must be empty.
ð To delete the tile, see Edit dashboard [}Page 78].

§ Add additional parameters or conclude with Activate.

§ Click Activate.
ð The change is imported into the data record after
ð Adding is complete.

Changing parameters
Clicking on a parameter tile in the opened dashboard opens the corresponding dialogue window.
Note: The following described settings are not available for every parameter type.

Dialogue window
1. Designation and assignment
2. Register
3. Input field 2

4. Sliding scale 3
5. Restrict input range
6. Cancel/save
– With Save, all changes carried out are activ- 5
ated and adopted by the machine control.
– With Cancel, all changes carried out are dis-

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Changes can be carried out via numerical entry, with the
+/- buttons or with the slide in the sliding scale.

1. Factory setting
2. Setpoint slide
3. Activated setting
4. Restrict input range
4 3 2 1

Actual value
For setpoint parameters, the corresponding actual value is
displayed here.

Here, the monitoring can be switched on and the type of
monitoring selected.
Settings not relevant to the selected mode are hidden.
Mean value
Static: The monitoring is oriented to a fixed value and aims
to detect gradual deviations.
Sliding: The monitoring is oriented to a calculated mean
value from previous actual values and aims to detect so-
called "outliers" (individual larger deviations).
The tolerances must be set here, depending on the selected mode and mean value.
Warning limit exceeded/undershot
– Warning (orange) triggered.
– Appears in the system message display.
– The affected parameter appears in orange in the dashboard.
Error limit exceeded/undershot
– Error (red) triggered.
– Appears in the system message display.
– The affected parameter appears in red in the dashboard.
– Stops production.

Comments can be entered here.

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Operation and programming System message display

The system message display shows errors (red), warnings
(orange) and notes (grey).
Clicking on the system message display opens the over-
view window.
– See also System message display [}Page 599]. General function area

The general function area contains 1 2 3 4
1. Document viewer [}Page 81]

– reports, Operating Manual, electrical dia-

gram ...
2. Create screenshot [}Page 85]  

3. General settings [}Page 85]


– Language, unit change-over, date and time,

customer receipt, process log and network.
4. Access authorisation [}Page 87]  

– Settings
– Operator logon/logoff and status display

Document viewer
This button opens the document viewer.
– Opens the previously used view.
– Documents can be exported as PDF files.

– Operating Manual
– Diagram (electrical and fluid)
– Total report
– User reports
– Three configurable reports

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Operating elements
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Document navigation
2. Configure/create/export
3. Document display
4. Page navigation
5. Zoom functions
6. Search functions
7. Close doc. viewer

Document navigation
Individual documents are selected here.
– The corresponding name is shown when the cursor is
moved onto a button.
– Clicking on the button displays the corresponding docu-

Export document
Clicking on the button Export opens a dialogue window.
The pages to be exported can be entered into the dialogue
window. The export is automatically copied to the connec-
ted USB data carrier when the entry is confirmed.
– File storage on the USB data carrier: netstal - data - print_1
– File designation: Commission number, date, time and report name.
– Format: PDF

Configure report
Clicking on the button Configure report opens the dialogue
window Configurable printout.
– This button only appears for user reports.

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Basic settings
Configuration of main topics
– Determines the main topics and
– the naming of the report.
If the topic Interlocks is deselected, no information will ap-
pear in the report.
Selection of main and auxiliary sequences.
The component selection influences all main topics.
If the component Ejector is deselected, no information on
the ejector will appear in any of the main topics of the re-
Extra chapter
Selection of the desired parameter pages.
With Save,
– the changes are adopted,
– saved onto the data record and
– made active when the report is created again.

Create report
The selected report is created by clicking on the button
Create report.
– This button only appears for reports.

– Overwrites the existing report.

– Remains even after a topic change and machine restart.
– Based on the data in editing mode.
– For current (activated) data, there must be no non-activated changes during creation.
– Depending on the amount of process data, it may take a while to create the report.
– See also Reports [}Page 84].

Page navigation
1. Page back
2. Current page and direct page selection
3. Number of pages in the document
4. Next page
5. Scroll back through the display history
6. Scroll forward through the display history

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Zoom functions
1. Zoom out
2. Adjust to page size
– Also corrects the lateral position (portrait/land-
3. Zoom in

Search functions
1. Input field
2. Previous search result
3. Next search result

Enter search term

ü Desired document opened.
§ Move the cursor to the input field and click.

§ Press the button Software-keyboard.

ð Software-keyboard appears on the screen display.

§ Enter search term and confirm by pressing the enter button.

ð The search is started and jumps to the next match within the opened document.
ð Matches are marked blue.
– The previous or next match in the document can be jumped to with buttons 2 and 3.
– An external USB keyboard can also be used for the entry.

Reports must be created. Creation generates a first new report or updates the existing one.
– See also Operating elements [}Page 82].

Process data report

– Presentation of the programmed sequence
– Component and command parameterisation with graphics and dependencies
– Configuration of interlocks and monitoring
– Complete temperature control
– Production control and process quality
– The first five pages of the logbook

User report
User report 1, 2 and 3 can be configured as desired.

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Create screenshot
A screenshot is an image of the current view of the programming interface. The screenshot can be
saved to an external data storage device.
ü USB stick is used.
§ Click on the Screenshot button.
ð A message prompting the CE button to be pushed
appears in the status bar.
§ Press the CE button
ð The screenshot is saved.

General settings
This button opens the dialogue window General settings.

The following settings can be set under General settings:

– Change of language
– Unit change-over
– Change date and time
– Select parameters for customer receipts
– Select parameters for process logs
– Configure network interface

Change of language
German and English are available as standard. If another
language was bought in addition to this (e.g. the national
language), this can also be selected in the General set-

Unit change-over
Pressure: bar/psi
Temperature: °C/°F
Metering/injection: Position/volume
Metering speed: Speed/circumferential speed

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Change date and time

The date and time can be changed here, in addition to the
summer and winter time.

Customer receipt parameter range

The marked parameter values are included in the customer
– The parameter designation appears when the cursor is
moved onto a symbol.
– See also Process Statistics, overview [}Page 234].

Process log parameter range

The marked parameter values are included in the process
– The parameter designation appears when the cursor is
moved onto a symbol.
– See also Process Logging* [}Page 245].

Configure network interface

The machine network interface can be configured here.
– The interface can be found in the control cabinet (A3) on the IPC (-D1001).
– See also the "Electric diagram" chapter in the operating instructions.
§ Select register Network.
ð The dialogue fields for the configuration of the IP
address (TCP/IP protocol), the subnet mask and
route entries are shown.
ð The IP address can be obtained automatically us-
ing DHCP or entered manually.

Manual configuration
§ Click Configure IP address manually.
§ Click the IP address or subnet mask field to enter the desired details.
§ Click button Route entries to create a new entry.
ð Contact either the person internally responsible for your network or a system specialist to
configure the network interface.

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§ Confirm with Enter or cancel with Abort.

ð The dialogue window is closed.
ð The address range to is reserved for Netstal and may not be used to
communicate with Netstal machines in customer networks.
In the event of configuration problems, please contact the internal network person or a system spe-

Access authorisation
This area contains the functions, settings and state dis-
plays of the
– access authorisation (operator identification) and
– machine control via host systems*.

See also
– Operator identification with PIN code [}Page 93]

– Operator identification with smart card* [}Page 103]


– Host system* [}Page 195]


3.2.2 Activation area

The activation area comprises two modes (active mode/editing mode), problem window and the ac-
tivate/cancel buttons.

Activation area
The functions of the activation area only apply to the screen pages of topics, se-
quence editor, component manager, interlocks and monitoring.
§ Identifying feature: These are screen pages with parameter area and the
undo/redo function. Active mode

Active mode displays the active data record of the machine
control. The machine is controlled using this data record.
– No changes can be made in this mode.
– The changes carried out in edit mode will be adopted
by the control after a successful activation, and then
displayed in active mode.
– There is an animation of the production process in act-
ive mode.

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Operation and programming Editing mode

Edit mode displays the data record of the machine control
for editing.
– Changes to the production process can only be made
in this mode.
– The production processes in edit and active mode may
– Activating edit mode means that all changes will be ad-
opted in active mode.
– The machine control will not be influenced by the
changes made in edit mode until activation. Problem window

Errors and warnings are displayed in the problem window.
– Errors and warnings prevent the activation of the pro-
duction process.
– Errors must be fixed.
– Warnings must be acknowledged.

Error and warning display

Clicking on the button (1) lists all errors and warnings.
– It is also possible to display the warnings and problems
separately (2).

Clicking on the button directs the user to the source of the

error or warning. Activate
All changes made since the last activation are activated.
§ Make sure that no unintentional changes are activated.
ð Activation cannot be undone.

Clicking on the button transfers all changes made since the

last activation to the machine control.

The changes made since the last activation are listed in brackets.
– See also chapter: Undo/redo [}Page 89].

Activation is also possible via the operating keyboard.

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Operation and programming Reject
Clicking on the button discards all changes made since the
last activation.
– A confirmation request appears.
– Changes that have been rejected cannot be undone.

3.2.3 Work area

The work area displays the selected screen page.
Topic-related settings and parameterisations can be made here.
– See also the chapter of the corresponding topic. Undo/redo
All settings in the sequence editor, component manager,
interlocking and monitoring topics that are made before ac-
tivation can be either undone or redone.

– Changes that have been activated cannot be undone.

Change display
Pressing the button (1) lists all changes since the last ac-

3.2.4 Status display

The status display contains the date and time as well as the customer name and the machine's com-
mission number.
Further information on functions is also shown in the status display.
– Example: When a screenshot is created, this message appears: 1051 Creation of a screenshot
with the CE button. Output to: USB stick.

3.2.5 Reading, saving and deleting data record

– These functions relate to data records on the hard disk and the external data storage media.
– Backup copies of the data records should be stored on external data storage devices.

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Operation and programming Reading data record

§ Select the production control topic.

§ Click on the button Read data record.

ð If non-activated changes are still present, a notice
will appear.

§ Select the medium.

§ Select a data record.
§ Confirm with Enter.
ð The data record is checked and loaded.
ð If a data record is erroneous, a corresponding error
message will appear on the system message dis-
ð This process may take several minutes.

§ Activate data record.

ð The data record that is read in is loaded onto the machine control.
ð See also chapter: Activation area [}Page 87].

Reject Reading data record
Reading in a data record overwrites all parameters.
If the data record is rejected prior to activation, then only the changes to the topics
Overview, Sequence editor, Component manager, Interlocks and Monitoring are
The parameters of other topics (parameter pages) can only be reset to the old
status by reading in the previous data record.
§ Read in previous data record.

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Model data records

The following model data records are always available in
the dialogue window Read data record:
1. Default - NETSTAL Default dataset
– Serves as the basis for creating a production
2. Default2 - NETSTAL Default dataset with EM67*
– Serves as the basis for creating a production
process with a robot.

Model data record
A model data record is not a complete production process.
§ It needs to be configured after it has been read in, before being amended as
ð Model data records are read-only. Save data record

§ Select the production control topic.

§ Click on the save data record button.

ð If non-activated changes are still present, a notice
will appear.

§ Select the medium.

§ Enter the file name and description of the data record.
§ Confirm with Enter.
ð The data record will be saved.

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Operation and programming Deleting data record

§ Select the production control topic.

§ Click on the delete data record button.

§ Select the medium.

§ Mark the data record.
§ Confirm with Enter.
ð The marked data record will be deleted.

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3.2.6 Operator identification with PIN code General

1. Dropdown menu
2. Settings button
– Opens dropdown menu (1)
3. Log on and off button with state display

– Settings as well as logging on and off are only possible

when operator identification is activated.
– If authorisation for a setting is missing, a corresponding
warning will appear.

Status display
The button Log on and off also displays the access authorisation status.
– Processing open
Logged off
– Processing blocked
Logged on
– Open according to authorisation
– From bottom to top, points show the authorisation
Host system in control*
– Processing via operating unit blocked

Note on non-activated changes

If there are non-activated changes when logging in or de-
activating, a corresponding note appears.
– This is intended to prevent accidental changes of the
previous operator being activated.
– The changes can be viewed in the list of non-activated
changes and reset using the Undo changes buttons.
– See also chapter: Undo/redo [}Page 89].

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Logbook entry
With operator identification activated, the logbook entries
are supplemented with the designation of the causative op-
erator in the Identification column. Authorisation levels

The following authorisation levels are provided for Netstal operator identification:
1. Administrator
2. Application engineer
3. Setter
4. Keeper
5. Viewer

The graphic opposite illustrates the authorisation level hierarchy.

The administrator is the operator with the highest author-
isation level.
He can create and change operators with lower authorisa-
tion levels.

Application engineer
The application engineer can change all parameters the
administrator has not blocked for this authorisation level.
The application engineer tests new moulds and processes
and prepares them for production.

The setter can change all parameters the administrator has
not blocked for this authorisation level.
Setters are permitted to clamp moulds into place, load data
records and run processes on the machine.

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The keeper can change any parameters released by the
administrator for this authorisation level.
The keeper is responsible for machine production and as-
sumes all smaller maintenance tasks.

Viewer refers to a group of people who are not authorised
to change the settings on the machine.
A viewer is able to see the various machine settings. Rights
The following table displays the minimum authorisation required to perform a corresponding opera-

Rights/Operation Minimum author- Remark

isation level
Operator identification
User data Administrator create, change, remove
Activate/deactivate Administrator Deactivation is also possible via viewer if
the administrator has not yet logged on
Management Administrator import, export, create report
Log-off time Administrator edit, change
Resetting the PIN code Administrator
Changing PIN code Keeper Entry of PIN code required
Policies Administrator Block configuration for changes of operat-
ing mode, dashboard and operating panel
Operating modes
Setup mode configurable Default setting: Setter
Recovery mode configurable Default setting: application engineer
General operations
Activate dependent on op- Minimum: right of operation with the highest
eration authorisation level.
Unit change-over Setter
Change of language Viewer Change over screen language
Page change Viewer
Move process log files Viewer
Edit, import notebook Setter Topic Production control
Change date/time Keeper

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Rights/Operation Minimum author- Remark

isation level
Creation of diagnosis data Viewer
Data record operations Setter read, write, delete
Changing parameters Keeper Number of profile stages: setter
Create report Viewer Topic overview
Export report Viewer Topic overview
Host system IP address Administrator Change IP address
Temperature overview page Setter Adjust layout, configure mould
Change sequence Application engin- Insert, remove, move, switch on/off com-
eer mand
Trend graph Keeper Topic Process quality
Quality report Customers receipt Setter
Dashboard Application engin- Edit
Auxiliary control Application engin- Create, remove component
Host system Setter Add, remove, change parameter
Quality pages Topic Production control & process quality
Quality monitoring Keeper activate/deactivate
Quality receipt Setter Quality receipt for change of language
Apply statistics values Setter Topic Process quality
Reset QSS counter Keeper Cycle, sample, auxiliary counter
Manual container change Keeper Topic Production control
Order from the host system Keeper Call order (operator in control) Activate/deactivate operator identification

§ Click the Settings button.
ð Dropdown menu appears.

§ Click on Activate or Deactivate.

ð Operator identification is activated or deactivated. Administrator initial log-on

The administrator does not have a PIN code when first logging on.

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Define PIN code for administrator

PIN code change
If this PIN code is forgotten, it can only be reset by Netstal Service.

§ Click the Log on button.

ð Dialogue window 1 appears.

§ Select the administrator.

ð No other operators are present on initial log-on.
§ Click Next .
ð Dialogue window 2 appears.

§ Enter personal PIN code.

§ Confirm with same PIN code.
§ Confirm with Enter.
ð The PIN code is created. Creating user

This setting is used to create a user and define his or her authorisation level and preferred language.
All users that have been created appear in the log-on list.

§ Click the Settings button.

ð Dropdown menu appears.

§ Click Create user.

ð Dialogue window appears.

§ Enter the operator name.

ð All letters of the alphabet are permitted.
ð There is a limit to the length of the operator name.
§ Click Next .

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Authorisation level
§ Select authorisation level.
ð See also chapter: Authorisation levels [}Page 94].

§ Click Next .

Preferred language
After logging on, the user's preferred language automatically becomes the screen language.

§ Select language.
ð Only those languages are available that have been
configured for the machine equipment.
§ Confirm with Enter.
ð The new operator is defined. Removing user

§ Click the Settings button.
ð Dropdown menu appears.

§ Click Remove user.

ð Dialogue window appears.

§ Select the user to be removed.

§ Confirm with Enter.
ð The operator is removed. Changing user details

§ Click the Settings button.
ð Dropdown menu appears.

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§ Click Change user data.

ð Dialogue window appears.

§ Select operator.
§ Click Next .
§ Change preferred language and/or authorisation level.
§ Confirm with Enter.
ð The operator data are changed. Changing PIN code

§ Click the Settings button.
ð Dropdown menu appears.

§ Click Change PIN code.

§ Select operator.
§ Click Next .
§ Enter PIN code
§ Click Next .
§ Enter new PIN code.
§ Confirm with Enter.
ð The PIN code is changed. Resetting the PIN code

Resetting administrator PIN code

PIN code change
If this PIN code is forgotten, it can only be reset by Netstal Service.

Reset PIN code of operators.

§ Click the Settings button.
ð Dropdown menu appears.

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§ Click reset PIN CODE.

§ Select operator.
§ Confirm with Enter.
ð The PIN code is reset.
ð The operator must redefine the PIN code when next
logging on. Automatic log-off time

If the operating unit is not used within the time configured, the logged-on operator is automatically
logged off.
– Operators with smart card without additional PIN code are excluded.
– See also chapter: PIN code required [}Page 112].

– The operator must log in again in order to use the unit next time.
– See also chapter: Logging on to system [}Page 102].

Changing automatic log-off time

§ Click the Settings button.
ð Dropdown menu appears.

§ Click Change logoff time.

§ Program log-off time

§ Confirm with Enter.
ð The changed log-off time becomes active. Policies
Authorisations for certain operations and settings are configured in this menu item.

§ Click the Settings button.

ð Dropdown menu appears.

§ Click Policies
ð Dialogue window appears.
ð The required authorisation levels for the changes of op-
erating mode, folding up the dashboard and using the
operating panel can be configured.

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Operation and programming User management

Exporting user management data
It is possible to interchange the user management data among Netstal Maschinen AG machines.
All data pertaining to the operator is stored and can be read into another machine.

§ Click the Settings button.

ð Dropdown menu appears.

§ Click Export user management.

§ Select the data carrier.

§ Enter the file name.
§ Click on the Save button.
ð The user management data is exported.

Importing user management data

§ Click the Settings button.
ð Dropdown menu appears.

§ Click on Import user management.

§ Select the data carrier.

§ Select the parameter list.
§ Click the Import button.
ð The data pertaining to previous operators, with the ex-
ception of the administrator, is overwritten.
ð For the administrator, only the preferred language is

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Creating user management report

A report with the name, authorisation level as well as preferred language of all operators of a ma-
chine can be created and moved onto a USB stick.
ü USB stick connected.
§ Open dropdown menu.
§ Click on User management report.
ð The user management report is transferred onto the
storage medium. Logging on to system

§ Click the Log on button.
ð Dialogue window appears.
§ Select operator.
§ Click Continue .
ð This sets the preferred language.
§ Enter the PIN code.
ð The operator does not have a PIN code when first
logging on.
§ Confirm with Enter. Logging off from system

When a operator has ended his/her work on the machine, he/she logs off the system again.

§ Click the Log off button.

ð This logs off the operator.

Automatic logging off
If the programming console is not used in the time configured, the logged-in oper-
ator is automatically logged off.
§ The administrator can configure the time differently if so desired.
ð The PIN code has to be re-entered to log on again.

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3.2.7 Operator identification with smart card* General

Position of smart card reader

Insert the smart card into the slot to use.
The smart card can be inserted into the slot in any orienta-

Euromap 65
Details are stored on the smart card in line in the EUROMAP 65 standard.
All machine manufacturers can use smart cards from competitors as long as they conform to EUR-
OMAP 65 and have sufficient free memory.

Operators must insert and remove their authorised smart cards to log on and off respectively.
1. Dropdown menu
2. Settings button
– Dropdown menu (1) appears.
3. Status display

– Settings as well as logging on and off are only possible

when operator identification is activated.
– If authorisation for a setting is missing, a corresponding
warning will appear.

Status display
– Processing open

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Logged off
– Processing blocked
Logged on
– Open according to authorisation
– From bottom to top, points show the authorisation
Host system in control*
– Processing via operating unit blocked

Note on non-activated changes

If there are non-activated changes when logging in or de-
activating, a corresponding note appears.
– This is intended to prevent accidental changes of the
previous operator being activated.
– The changes can be viewed in the list of non-activated
changes and reset using the Undo changes buttons.
– See also chapter: Undo/redo [}Page 89].

Logbook entry
With operator identification activated, the logbook entries
are supplemented with the designation of the causative op-
erator in the Identification column. Authorisation levels

The following authorisation levels are provided for Netstal operator identification:
1. Owner
2. Administrator
3. Application engineer
4. Setter
5. Keeper
6. Viewer

The graphic opposite illustrates the authorisation level hierarchy.

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The owner has all rights.
– He defines the authorisation structure and adminis-
trator smart cards.
– He does not have a smart card.
– Identification is made using a PIN code.

The administrator is the operator with the highest author-
isation level.
He can create and change operators with lower authorisa-
tion levels.

Application engineer
The application engineer can change all parameters the
administrator has not blocked for this authorisation level.
The application engineer tests new moulds and processes
and prepares them for production.

The setter can change all parameters the administrator has
not blocked for this authorisation level.
Setters are permitted to clamp moulds into place, load data
records and run processes on the machine.

The keeper can change any parameters released by the
administrator for this authorisation level.
The keeper is responsible for machine production and as-
sumes all smaller maintenance tasks.

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Viewer refers to a group of people who are not authorised
to change the settings on the machine.
A viewer is able to see the various machine settings. Rights
The following table displays the minimum authorisation required to perform a corresponding opera-

Rights/Operation Minimum author- Remark

isation level
Operator identification
Machine configuration Owner
Authorisation structure Owner Organisation
Activate/deactivate Owner Deactivation is also possible via viewer if
the owner has not yet logged on
Smart cards Administrator create/change
Log-off time Administrator edit, change
Resetting the PIN code Administrator
Changing PIN code Card holder
Policies Administrator Block configuration for changes of operat-
ing mode, dashboard and operating panel
Operating modes
Setup mode configurable Default setting: Setter
Recovery mode configurable Default setting: application engineer
General operations
Activate dependent on op- Minimum: right of operation with the
eration highest authorisation level.
Unit change-over Setter
Change of language Viewer Change over screen language
Page change Viewer
Move process log files Viewer
Edit, import notebook Setter Topic Production control
Change date/time Keeper
Creation of diagnosis data Viewer
Data record operations Setter read, write, delete
Changing parameters Keeper Number of profile stages: setter
Create report Viewer Topic overview
Export report Viewer Topic overview
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Rights/Operation Minimum author- Remark

isation level
Host system IP address Administrator Change IP address
Temperature overview page Setter Adjust layout, configure mould
Change sequence Application engin- Insert, remove, move, switch on/off com-
eer mand
Trend graph Keeper Topic Process quality
Quality report Customers receipt Setter
Dashboard Application engin- Edit
Auxiliary control Application engin- Create, remove component
Host system Setter Add, remove, change parameter
Quality pages Topic Production control & process quality
Quality monitoring Keeper activate/deactivate
Quality receipt Setter Quality receipt for change of language
Apply statistics values Setter Topic Process quality
Reset QSS counter Keeper Cycle, sample, auxiliary counter
Manual container change Keeper Topic Production control
Order from the host system Keeper Call order (operator in control) Initial log-on, owner

The owner does not have a PIN code when logging on for the first time.

Define owner PIN code

PIN code change
If this PIN code is forgotten, it can only be reset by Netstal Service.

§ Click the Settings button.

ð Dropdown menu appears.

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§ Click Owner log-on.

ð Dialogue window appears.

§ Select language.
ð Only those languages are available that have been
configured for the machine equipment.
§ Click Next .
ð The language is set.

§ Enter the PIN code.

§ Confirm with Enter.
ð The PIN code is created. Organising authorisation structure

Before the operator identification can be activated, the authorisation structure must be organised.
This prevents any use by unauthorised personnel.
– The authorisation structure includes the Code and machine identification entries.
– The values are stored on the machine and on the smart card.
– Code and machine identification are only visible to the owner.
– Smart cards can be used on other machines if they have the identical code and a correct entry
for the machine identification.
A = Organisation division A
B = Organisation division B
M = Machines 1-..20
1. Machines at ABC company
2. Code for the organisation division
3. Machine identification
4. Authorisation available for machine
5. Smart card with additional informa-
tion such as expiry date, operator
name, etc.Smart card with addi-
tional information such as expiry
date, operator name, etc.
6. Smart card created on machine x
7. Code for the organisation division
8. Authorisation range

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Code for the organisation division

This key is used to assign the machine to an application area and/or location.
– It is useful for all machines at the same location to have the same key.
Each organisation division with a different code requires different smart cards for the access author-
isation. These can then only be used later in their own organisation division.
– To use machines from several organisation divisions with one code, the code must be identical
on all machines.

§ Click the Settings button.

ð Dropdown menu appears.

§ Click Organise organisation structure.

ð A dialogue window opens.

§ Enter the code for the organisation division.

Machine identification
The machine identification is used to define the application area and/or the location of the machine
with a character string.
– Logically, the highest hierarchical level is leftmost and the levels decrease to the right of the
– Clarity can be increased by grouping character strings. Example: Group.Company.Department.
– The number of characters is limited. It is practical to keep the character string as short as pos-
sible and to use a [.] as separator.
– All characters except for [*] may be used. This character is required for defining the authorisation
range of a smart card.
– See also chapter: Configuration/creation of smart cards [}Page 111].

§ Click the Settings button.

ð Dropdown menu appears.

§ Click Organise authorisation structure.

ð Dialogue window appears.

§ Enter the machine identification.

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Operation and programming

Example 1
Company ABC
– Engineering and medical technology production.
– 20 machines from Netstal-Maschinen AG.
Programming the machine identification for Engineering,
Machine 1:
ABC.Tec.M1 (ABC, Engineering, machine 1)
– The smart card entry for the authorisation range of an
administrator with access rights on all machines from
the ABC company:
– The smart card entry for the authorisation range of Op-
erator 1 with access rights on all machines from the
ABC company in the Engineering division
– The smart card entry for the authorisation range of Op-
erator 2 with access rights on Machine 1 in the Engin-
eering division of the ABC company:

Example 2
Company BCD with offices in London, Paris and Geneva
– Machines located in halls 1–5, depending on site.
– Engineering, Medical Technology, Data Storage and Automotive divisions.
– 100 machines from Netstal-Maschinen AG.
Programming of machine identification in London, hall 4,
medicine, machine 1:
B.Lo.H4.Med.M1 (BCD, London, hall 4, medicine, ma-
chine 1)
– The smart card entry for the authorisation range of an
administrator with access rights on all machines from
the BCD company in London, Paris and Geneva:
– The smart card entry for the authorisation range of an
administrator with access rights on all machines from
the BCD company in Geneva:
– The smart card entry for the authorisation range of Op-
erator 1 with access rights on all machines from the
BCD company in London, Hall 3:
– AUTHORISATION RANGE = B.Lo.H3.* Preferred language Owner

After logging on, the user's preferred language automatically becomes the screen language.

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§ Click on Alter language of the owner.

ð Dialogue window appears.

§ Currently selected language is selected.

§ Select the desired language.
ð Only those languages are available that have been
configured for the machine equipment.
§ Confirm with Enter.
ð The preferred language is changed. Activate/deactivate operator identification

§ Click the Settings button.
ð Dropdown menu appears.

§ Click on Activate or Deactivate.

ð Operator identification is activated or deactivated. Configuration/creation of smart cards

§ Click the Settings button.
ð Dropdown menu appears.

§ Click Configure user card.

§ Insert smart card into the slot when prompted.
ð Dialogue window appears.

Operator name
§ Enter the operator name.
ð All letters of the alphabet are permitted.
ð There is a limit to the length of the operator name.

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Preferred language
After logging on, the user's preferred language automatically becomes the screen language.

§ Select language.
ð Only those languages are available that have been
configured for the machine equipment.

Authorisation level
§ Select authorisation level.
ð See also chapter: Authorisation levels [}Page 94].

The user card can be assigned a limited or unlimited
period of validity.
§ Select the unlimited/limited period of validity.
§ If a limited validity period is chosen, enter this into the
input field.
ð The default validity period is set to two years.
ð Attention! GMP requires a validity period.

PIN code required

The user card can also be given a PIN code for greater se-
§ PIN code required, select yes/no.
ð If yes, the operator has to set his or her PIN code
upon logging on for the first time.
ð Yes: The operator must log in with the PIN code in
addition to the smart card.

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Authorisation range
The authorisation range is used to determine which machines the smart card can access.
– The input must always have the same sequence as the machine identification.
– The sequence is CASE SENSITIVE, note upper/lower case. Access is not possible if the se-
quence is not identical!
– Using the [*] defines which machine or group of machines the operator may access.

§ Enter the authorisation range.

ð The machine identification is displayed completely
as an aid for the authorisation range.

Creation of smart card

ü Once all of the input fields have received valid values,
the smart card can be programmed.
§ Click on the Save button.
ð The smart card is programmed.
ð Do not remove the smart card during this phase.
§ Remove the smart card when prompted.

Change smart card

§ Click the Settings button.
ð Dropdown menu appears.

§ Click Configure user card.

§ Insert the smart card.

§ Change the values in the input boxes.
§ Click on the Save button.
ð The smart card is programmed.
ð Do not remove the smart card during this phase.
§ Remove the smart card when prompted.

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Operation and programming Delete smart card

Stored data
All data stored on the smart card will be deleted and reset to their original values!
The data cannot be restored.

§ Click the Settings button.

ð Dropdown menu appears.

§ Click Delete operator card.

§ Insert the smart card.

§ Click the Delete button.
ð This deletes the smart card. Changing PIN code

§ Click the Settings button.
ð Dropdown menu appears.

§ Click Change PIN code.

§ Enter PIN code

§ Click Next .
§ Enter new PIN code.
§ Confirm with Enter.
ð The PIN code is changed. Resetting the PIN code

Reset owner PIN code

PIN code change
If this PIN code is forgotten, it can only be reset by Netstal Service.

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Reset administrator/operator PIN code

§ Click the Settings button.
ð Dropdown menu appears.

§ Click Create user.

§ Insert the smart card.

§ Click the Reset button.

ð The PIN code is reset.
ð The Administrator/Operator must enter a new PIN code
when logging on the next time. Automatic log-off time

If the operating unit is not used within the time configured, the logged-on operator is automatically
logged off.
– Operators with smart card without additional PIN code are excluded.
– See also chapter: PIN code required [}Page 112].

– The operator must log in again in order to use the unit next time.
– See also chapter: Logging on to system [}Page 102].

Changing automatic log-off time

§ Click the Settings button.
ð Dropdown menu appears.

§ Click Change logoff time.

§ Program log-off time

§ Confirm with Enter.
ð The changed log-off time becomes active.

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Operation and programming Policies
Authorisations for certain operations and settings are configured in this menu item.

§ Click the Settings button.

ð Dropdown menu appears.

§ Click Policies
ð Dialogue window appears.
ð The required authorisation levels for the changes of op-
erating mode, folding up the dashboard and using the
operating panel can be configured. Logging on to system

Owner log-on
§ This sets the preferred language.
§ Click the Settings button.
ð Dropdown menu appears.

§ Click Owner log-on.

ð Dialogue window appears.

§ Enter the PIN code.

ð The owner does not have a PIN code when logging
on for the first time.
ð See also chapter: Initial log-on, owner [}Page 107].

ð The authorisation level is displayed in the menu line.

Administrator/operator log-on
§ Insert the smart card.

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§ This sets the preferred language.

ü The PIN code must be entered if the card is protected
with the additional PIN code.
§ Enter the PIN code.
ð The administrator/operator does not have a PIN
code when first logging on.
§ Confirm with Enter.
ð The authorisation level is displayed in the menu line. Logging off from system

Owner log-off
§ Click the Settings button.
ð Dropdown menu appears.

§ Click Owner log-off.

ð This logs off the owner.

Administrator/operator log-off
§ Remove the smart card.
ð The current administrator/operator is logged off.

With additional PIN code

Automatic logging off
If the programming console is not used in the time configured, the logged-in oper-
ator is automatically logged off.
§ The administrator can configure the time differently if so desired.
ð The PIN code has to be re-entered to log on again.

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3.3 Quick start

The quick start illustrates the basic functions of the control using a simple example.
The aim of the quick start is to create a simple production process with the appropriate settings.
1. Overview Production process [}Page 118]  

2. Creating a production process [}Page 119]  

– Procedure selection
– Insert, move and remove command
– Create, configure and insert auxiliary control
– Create dependency
3. Parameterising commands [}Page 129]

4. Parameterising components [}Page 131]  

5. Parameterise temperatures [}Page 131]


6. Configuring the production order and process quality [}Page 131]  

7. Adaptation of monitoring and interlockings [}Page 132]  

8. Activate data record [}Page 134]


9. Optimisation examples [}Page 134]


3.3.1 Overview Production process

The production process is the centre of the programming. It determines the cyclical sequence of the
For optimal production, conditions and settings of additional topics must be observed and also set.

Setting temperatures

Configuring components Configuring

process quality
Creating auxiliary controls Creating
production order

a production process

Configuring Switching interlocks on/off

monitoring processes

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Sequence editor
In the topic Sequence editor, the production process can
be created, changed and viewed.

Sequence editor overview

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

10 9 8 10

1. Navigation [}Page 139]
  6. Subsequence [}Page 152]  

2. Machine cycles [}Page 148]

  7. Parameter area [}Page 155]  

3. Large/small display [}Page 153]

  8. Command [}Page 153] 

4. Displayed sequence 9. Corona [}Page 159]


5. Main sequence [}Page 152]


10. Dependency [}Page 161] 

3.3.2 Creating a production process

The creation of a production process requires knowledge of the mould and injection moulding pro-
The production process can be freely programmed using aXos. Accordingly, there are different pos-
sibilities for the same application for arranging commands, creating and optimising the processes.
The following example illustrates the creation of a production process with a standard ejector and
core traction (auxiliary control).
– The example is based on the model data record NETSTAL Default Dataset.
– More information can be found under individual topics.

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Operation and programming Procedure selection

– Use the existing procedure
– Adjust the existing procedure
– Use model data record
– Recreate sequence

Use the existing procedure

If there is already a data record for the desired production application, this will be read.

Adjust the existing procedure

This procedure is advisable when the sequence to be created only deviates slightly from an existing
one (e.g. different parameterisation, additional command...).
– The settings (parameters, interlockings...) are retained and must only be adapted according to
the new application.

Use model data record

This procedure is advisable when the production process has to be fundamentally changed or there
is still nothing for this application.
– All monitoring and interlocking is reset to the standard settings.
– This forms the basis for a clear presentation.
– All parameters (temperatures, commands, components...) are overwritten by default values.

Recreate sequence
This is only recommended in rare cases, e.g. highly specialised application, completely original
presentation etc.

Before changing or reading a data record, it is recommended that you save the current one.
– See also Reading, saving and deleting data record [}Page 89].

During a mould change, additional settings must be observed.

– See also Setup work [}Page 565].

In the following example, the procedure Use model data record is described.

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Operation and programming Read in model data record

§ Select the production control topic.

§ Click on the button Read data record.

ð If non-activated changes are still present, a notice
will appear.

§ Select data record NETSTAL Default Dataset.

ð See also Reading data record [}Page 90].

§ Select the topic Sequence editor.

§ Click editing mode.

§ Select production cycle.

ð The sequence of the model data record is opened
in the editing mode.
ð It can be changed and complemented.

Model data record
A model data record is not a complete production process.
§ It needs to be configured after it has been read in, before being amended as
ð Model data records are read-only.

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Operation and programming Adapt/complement production process

For a targeted adaptation and complementing, the necessary requirements must be defined.

Initial situation
The following commands are already contained within the production process due to the model data
record that was read in:

Mould movement (pos. 2 & 3) Additional info for this sequence:

Injection preparation (pos. 6 & 13) Cycle start and end (pos. 1 & 28)
Actual moulding (pos. 16 & 17) Dynamic subsequence (pos 5, 8, 12 & 15)
Quality evaluation (Pos. 19) – See also Subsequence [}Page 152]

Material processing (Pos. 21 - 26) Overlapping cycle dependency (pos 11)

Removal (Pos. 4, 9 & 10) – See also Dependencies [}Page 161]

Additional required/desired amendments

In this example, we assume that due to the application (mould, process) the following adaptations
are required:
– Insert command Shake ejector.
– Remove command Screw retraction (21).
– Create dependency between Injection unit contact pressure (6) and Open plasticising nozzle
– Create, configure and insert core traction (auxiliary control).

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Operation and programming Insert command

Example: Insert command Shake ejector.
§ Move the cursor to the command Move ejector forward.
ð The corona (graphic context menu) appears.
Insertion options:
1. Before
2. After
3. Parallel (creates subsequence)
4. Dynamic (creates dynamic subsequence)
– Only available for components with a stroke measuring
§ Click Insert after (2).
ð The command library is opened.

§ Select the component Ejector in the component column

ð The commands of the selected component are dis-
played in the command column (6).
ð The columns can be moved above or below with
the scroll button (7).
§ Click the command Shake in the command column (6).
ð The command is inserted after the command Move
ejector forward.

The inserted command appears in the production process. Move command

Example: The commands Injection unit contact pressure and Close plasticising nozzle should be
displayed above Injection.
§ Move the cursor to the command Injection unit contact
ð A corona will appear.

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Operation and programming

§ Click Move.
ð All available commands are highlighted in light

§ Move the cursor to the command Close clamping unit.

ð A corona with the possible points for movement will

§ Click on the movement point Dynamic (1).

ð The command is moved.
ð The dependencies are retained.
The command Injection unit contact pressure is moved.
– Next, the command Open plasticising nozzle should be
moved to the top.

§ Move the cursor to the command Open plasticising

ð A corona will appear.

§ Click Move.
ð All available commands are highlighted in light
§ Move the cursor to the start of subsequence (2).
ð A corona with the possible points for movement will

§ Click on the movement point Dynamic (3).

ð The command is moved.
ð The dependencies are retained.

The command Open plasticising nozzle is moved. Remove command

Example: Remove command Screw retraction.
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§ Move the cursor to the command Screw retraction.

ð A corona will appear.

§ Click Remove.
ð The command Screw retraction is removed. Create, configure and insert auxiliary control

The example describes the creation of a hydraulic core traction. The description can be applied to
any other auxiliary control.
– See also Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Create auxiliary control

§ Change in the topic Components.

§ Select edit mode.

§ Click the button Create new auxiliary control.

ð The dialogue window opens.

§ Select core traction in the auxiliary controls category.

ð The number in brackets shows the number of auxil-
iary control types in the corresponding category.
§ Click Next .

§ Select the switched core traction auxiliary control type.

§ Click Next .

§ Under auxiliary control technology select hydraulic.

§ Click Next .

§ Check summary.
§ Confirm entry with Ready or press Back to make
ð A core traction auxiliary control is created.
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Configure auxiliary control

ü Newly created auxiliary control Core traction opened in
component manager.
ü Connections register selected.
§ Assign connections.
– Assignments must correspond with the machine con-
– Sensors that are not being used must be deactivated
(checkbox not marked).
– Only the connections with the selected safety level are
made available.
– Connections that are already being used are shown in
italics in the selection window.
– A connection is marked as defective if it is being used
repeatedly. The auxiliary control cannot be activated.

This button opens a context menu with possible actions.

§ Change the name and index of the auxiliary control if
§ Check the safety level and change if necessary.
ð The switched core traction auxiliary control can now be
incorporated into the production process.

Inserting auxiliary control commands into production process

In this example, the core traction must move to the injection position after the mould closes and go
back to the removal position before the mould opens.

§ Switch back to the sequence editor.

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§ Insert the command Move to injection position of the

component Core traction after the command Close
clamping unit.

§ Insert the command Move to removal position of the

component Core traction before the command Open
clamping unit.

Both commands Move to injection position and Move to re-

moval position are inserted.
– The required dependencies must still be created so
that the core traction is carried out in the correct se-
quence. Create dependency

Example 1: With the dependency, ensure that the command Injection and hold pressure only starts
when the core traction is in the injection position.
§ Call up the corona for the command Move to injection
position (output command of the dependency).

§ Click on Create dependency.

ð The possible target positions are displayed in light
§ Click on the command Injection and hold pressure.
ð The dependency is created.

The created dependency appears in the production pro-

– The command Injection and hold pressure is now de-
pendent on the core traction command Move to injec-
tion position. It can only start when the core traction is
in the injection position.

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Example 2: With the dependency, ensure that the core traction command Move to removal position
(core traction) starts after the end of the cooling time.
§ Call up the corona for the Cooling time command.

§ Click on Create dependency.

ð The possible target positions are displayed in light
§ Click on the command Move to removal position.
ð The dependency is created.

The created dependency appears in the production pro-

– The core traction command Move to removal position
is now dependent on the command Cooling time. It can
only start when the cooling time ends.
– The dependency between Cooling time and Open
clamping unit is invalid and can be removed.

Removing a dependency
Example: Remove the invalid dependency between Cooling time and Open clamping unit.
§ Call up the corona for the Cooling time command.

§ Click on Remove dependency.

ð The outgoing and incoming dependencies of the
selected command Cooling time are displayed in
light blue.
§ Click on the command Open clamping unit.
ð The dependency on the command Close clamping
unit is removed.

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Created production process

The production process now corresponds with the require-
ments for this example that were defined at the beginning.
– See Adapt/complement production process
[}Page 122].

Components and commands must be parameterised after

the completion of the production process.

3.3.3 Parameterising commands

§ Parameterise all commands used in the production process.
Note: Commands can be parameterised in the sequence editor as well as the component manager.
The following example describes the procedure in the sequence editor.
Example: Movement profile Close clamping unit.
ü Sequence editor topic selected.
§ Select the close command for the clamping unit com-

§ Adjust movement profiles in the parameter area.

ð Number of stages
ð Position
ð Speed
§ Confirm each entry with the enter button.
ð The changes go into effect by pressing Activate.

See also
– Parameter area in sequence editor [}Page 155]

– Parameterising components [}Page 131]


– Components and commands [}Page 261]  

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Assign machine cycle

The production process is divided into the following ma-
chine cycles:
1. Phase-in cycle
2. Production cycle
3. Phase-out cycle

The number of phase-in and phase-out cycles is selectable.

– See also chapter: Determine number of phase-in and phase-out cycles [}Page 173].

– See also chapter: Controlled phase-in and phase-out [}Page 149].


– If appropriate, machine cycles can also be assigned for auxiliary sequences.

The phase-in cycle serves as preparation for the production start.

– At least one command must be assigned to the phase-in cycle or else the production process
cannot be activated.
Example: Assign command Metering, Open clamping unit... to phase-in cycle.

§ Switch to the phase-in cycle.

§ Call up the corona for the metering command.

§ Select checkbox.
ð The metering command is now executed during the
phase-in cycle.
§ Assign further commands to the phase-in cycle.
ð Close plasticising nozzle
ð Move ejector forward and back
ð Open clamping unit
Phase-in cycle with the assigned commands.
– Ones that are not assigned are greyed out and
crossed. They are not executed in the phase-in cycle.

§ Unmark commands in the extension cycle if necessary,

e.g. Metering.

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3.3.4 Parameterising components

§ Select component manager topic.
§ Parameterise all components used in the production

Example: Mould installation height and clamping force parameters, etc.

§ Select component Clamping unit.

§ Enter parameter value.
– Setpoint mould installation height
– Setpoint for clamping force
– etc.
§ Confirm each entry with the enter button.
ð The changes go into effect by pressing Activate.

See also
– Component configuration [}Page 177]

– Components and commands [}Page 261]


– Setup work [}Page 565]


3.3.5 Parameterise temperatures

§ Switch to the temperature control topic.
§ Parameterise plasticising unit and mould temperature
ð See also chapter: Topic Temperature control
[}Page 199].

3.3.6 Configuring the production order and process quality

Production order
If required, a production order can be created.
§ Switch to the production order topic.
§ Select page Production control.
§ Creating production order.
ð See also Topic Production control [}Page 247].

Process quality
If required, the process quality can be configured and monitored.

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§ Change in the topic Process quality.

§ Configuring process quality.
ð See also Topic Process quality [}Page 228].

If the evaluation of quality data is not required, the com-

mand Evaluate quality data can be removed from the pro-
duction process.

3.3.7 Adaptation of monitoring and interlockings

Adapt monitoring if necessary.
Example: Switch on monitoring Mould protection reaction: Open.

§ Change in the topic Monitoring.

§ Select the page Component monitoring.

§ Select monitoring: Clamping unit - Clamping unit - Gen-

eral - Mould protection reaction: Open.
§ Switch on monitoring (mark checkbox).
ð Monitoring is switched on.
ð After activating the mould protection, an alarm will be
triggered and the clamping unit will be moved to the
open position.
See also Monitoring topic [}Page 222].

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Adapt interlockings if necessary.

Danger of collision
Interlockings protect the machine and mould from collisions.
They must only be changed by people with satisfactory knowledge concerning
their functions as well as the program sequence.

Example: Switch off the interlocking Contact pressure blocked by clamping unit.
– This is required when the injection unit contact pressure takes place during the clamping move-
ment of the mould (dynamic contact pressure).

Mould wear
Injection unit contact pressure when the mould is not locked can lead to increased
mould wear and, in the event of insufficient fastening, to the nozzle-sided mould
half being pressurised.
§ Ensure that the mould fastening is sufficient.
§ Keep the press-on force as low as possible.

§ Change in the topic Interlocks.

§ Interlocking: Select Clamping unit - Clamping unit - In-

jection unit contact pressure.
§ Switch off monitoring (unmark checkbox).
ð Monitoring is switched off.
ð The injection unit can also be pressed on when the
clamping unit is not locked.
See also Interlocking topic [}Page 219].

The production process can be activated once it has been created and parameterised.

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3.3.8 Activate data record

All changes made since the last activation are activated.
§ Make sure that no unintentional changes are activated.
ð Activation cannot be undone.

§ Click on the activate button.

ð The data record is activated.
ð The data record is adopted in active mode and trans-
ferred to the machine control.
ð The button of the created auxiliary control appears on
the operating panel after successful activation.

Damage caused by incorrect programming
The mould can be damaged due to incorrect process programming.
ü Process created.
§ Before pressing the start button, check whether all important functions that are
required for this mould and are activated are correct.

3.3.9 Optimisation examples

A production process can be optimised with different adaptations.
Optimisation targets might be:
– Safe synchronisation [}Page 134]

– Optimise cycle time [}Page 135]


– Minimising energy consumption and wear [}Page 137] Safe synchronisation

Use of dependencies instead of delays

If possible, do not synchronise commands with delay times (timer). This makes the production pro-
cess unstable and not safe.
Synchronisation with timer (not recommended)
In this example, a timer (2) is used so that the command
Open plasticising nozzle(3) is only carried out after Injec-
tion unit contact pressure (1).
– This setting is not recommended, since, for example,
the speed or stroke adaptations for the command Injec-
tion unit contact pressure (1) as well as for Timer (2)
must be considered.

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For synchronisations, dependencies should be used instead of timers whenever possible. This
makes the process faster, more stable and safer.
Synchronisation with dependency (recommended)
§ Delete command Timer
§ Create dependencies from command Injection unit
contact pressure to Open plasticising nozzle.
ð With the dependency (2), the command Open plasti-
cising nozzle (3) only starts when the command Injec-
tion unit contact pressure (1) has ended.
ð The invalid dependency between Injection unit contact
pressure and Injection and hold pressure can be re-
Additional application example
§ Create dependency from Close plasticising nozzle to
Retract injection unit.
ð The command Retract injection unit only starts when
the command Close plasticising nozzle has ended. Optimise cycle time

For a targeted optimisation of the cycle time, it is recommended that the cycle time-defining path is
used as an aid.

Displaying the cycle time-defining path

ü Production process completed and activated.
§ Select the topic Sequence editor.

§ Select Active mode.

§ Start production.
ð After approx. 3 cycles, the cycle time-defining path
will be displayed (white signal path).
ð Only commands on this path influence the cycle

Overlapping cycle dependency

The metering process can determine the cycle length when
metering takes a long time.
– The metering determines the cycle end.

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In order to optimise cycle time, the metering process can carry on into the next cycle.
In order to do this, an overlapping cycle dependency is created.

§ Change to the editing mode.

§ Call up the corona for the subsequence end.

§ Click on Create dependency.

ð All available commands are highlighted in light

§ Select the open command for the plasticising nozzle

ð An overlapping cycle dependency is created.
ð The symbol for the subsequence end changes.
ð The metering now has time until the opening of the
plasticising nozzle in the next cycle.
ð The plasticising nozzle only opens when the metering
has finished.
ð The data record can be activated.

Dynamic subsequence start

A newly created dynamic subsequence is always set to
End command.
– Move ejector forward starts after Open clamping unit

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In order to reduce the cycle time, the ejector can be moved forward while the clamping unit is open-
To achieve this, the start condition must be adapted to the subsequence start.

§ Click on subsequence start.

§ Select Position in the parameter area.

– The symbol Subsequence start changes to Dynamic.

§ Enter the position of the clamping unit from which the

subsequence should start.
ð In this position, the clamping unit starts the com-
mand Move ejector forward.
ð Warning: The value must not be smaller than the
ejector stroke (Danger of collision [}Page 166]).

ð The command Move ejector forward begins as soon as

the clamping unit has reached the set position.
ð The data record can be activated.
Additional application examples:
Dynamic Injection unit contact pressure
– Injection unit contact pressure starts during Close
clamping unit.
– For this application, the interlocking Contact pressure
blocked by clamping unit must be switched off.
– See Adaptation of monitoring and interlockings
[}Page 132].

Dynamic Open plasticising nozzle

– Open plasticising nozzle starts during Close clamping
See also Production process with injection and metering
[}Page 326]. Minimising energy consumption and wear

In order to keep energy consumption as well as machine and mould wear to a minimum, the follow-
ing golden rule must be observed:
For the parameterisation of components and commands
– Do not set forces and pressure any higher than required and
– set speeds as low as possible for commands that do not define cycle times.

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3.4 Sequence editor topic

Button symbol
Pressing the button opens the topic Sequence editor.

Clicking on the button opens the topic Sequence editor.

In this topic
– The production process is created and edited,
– auxiliary sequences (e.g. purging, preparation etc.) are edited,
– used commands are parameterised and
– command graphs are displayed.

The functions, quality influences and parameters of the individual commands are described in the
chapter Components and commands.
– See Components and commands [}Page 261].

The interactive overview is found on the top level. Clicking
on an interactive arrow element opens the corresponding
sequence. The sequences form the second level and are
However, the production process forms the centre of this
topic. This is worked with most of the time, since it determ-
ines the cyclical sequence of the command for production.
It must be created and configured.
All other sequences serve for the automation of individual
operation sequences, such as the purging process, the
change between operating states etc. These sequences
are predefined as standard, but they may be changed.
Left side: Production process and main sequences. Main
sequences serve for the change between operating states.
Right side: Auxiliary sequences for the automation of com-
plex operating states, the corresponding monitorings and
the button settings of Smart Operation*.

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3.4.1 Sequence overview Setup and operating elements

The left half of the sequence overview is divided up into five operating states. The vertical arrow ele-
ments display the possible state change.
The auxiliary sequences and settings can be found on the right half.
Each interactive arrow element includes a sequence. The corresponding editable sequence is
opened by clicking on the element.
– For setup and settings, see Sequence editor [}Page 147] and Quick start [}Page 118].

– The scope and availability of the sequences and functions are dependent on the loaded options.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Navigation path
2. Direct jump to the button settings
(Smart Operation*)
3. Operating states
4. Direct jump to monitoring
5. Main sequences [}Page 141] 

– Production process
– Operating state change
6. Auxiliary sequences [}Page 143]

7. Register of the settings

8. Monitoring [}Page 145]

9. Undo/redo [}Page 89] Navigation
4 1. This button opens the production
1 process
2. These buttons open the respective
auxiliary procedure, such as the
purging procedure.
4 3. These buttons open the procedure
for the respective operating state

4. Navigate back via the button in the
navigation path.
6 5 5. These buttons jump to the monitor-
ing settings which can trigger se-
6. These buttons jump to the button
settings* of the respective operat-
ing state.

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Operation and programming Overview of sequences and functions

Main sequences
Sequence Purpose Possible triggering
On to standby* Switch drive, heaters etc. on or to re- Blue button*
duced Input signal*
Switch on* Switch on drive, heaters etc. Green button*
Input signal*
Prepare* E.g. automatic purging Green button*
Note: Prepare includes the moving-in
of production
Start Preparation; e.g. move axes to start Green button*
position Blue button*
Note: This is carried out when each Production buttons
cycle operation is started
Production process Production Start with end procedure Start
Production vari- E.g. as individual cycle or inspection Blue button*
ants* mode
Note: Production process variants that
can be triggered in production
Stop End production; e.g. move axes to Red button*
park position Yellow button*
Note: This is carried out when each Production buttons
cycle operation is ended
Order end or fault with production stop
Follow-up* E.g. retract injection unit Red button*
Off to standby Switch drive, heaters etc. off or to re- Yellow button*
duced Input signal*
Monitoring (standstill time)
Switch off Switch off heaters, etc. Red button*
(Standstill se- Input signal*
quence) Monitoring (standstill time, standby

Auxiliary sequences
Sequence Purpose Possible triggering
Purging A/B Purging/emptying Operator buttons (purging A/B)
Sequence command*
Automatic purging* Purging Monitoring (material holding time*)
Mould protection Move axes to home position in an or- Monitoring (mould protection has been
reaction* ganised way activated)
Prepare production E.g. use up remaining material in the Red button*
end* conveyor system
Auxiliary production E.g. taking of a sample Blue or yellow button*

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Sequence Purpose Possible triggering

Alternative follow- Alternative to "normal" follow-up work Yellow button*
Move injection unit This is only carried out when the Sequence command*
forward safely* green button is pressed, due to pos-
sible jamming points.

Additional activatable button functions (Smart Operation*)

See also Button configuration (Smart Operation*) [}Page 144].

Button function Description

Start a cycle* Starts a cycle as from the operating state Ready without
moving-in production
Stop at cycle end* Production stops at the cycle end without Moving-out pro-
Carry out production variants* See Production variants* [}Page 141].

Carry out auxiliary production sequence* Starts the corresponding sequence (take sample)
Prepare production end* See Prepare production end* [}Page 144].

Alternative follow-up work* Starts the corresponding sequence

Off to standby* Starts the corresponding sequence
On to standby* Starts the corresponding sequence
Without preparation* The Prepare* sequence is skipped Main sequences

The main sequences can be found on the right half of the sequence overview. The horizontal arrow
element includes the production process. The vertical ones include the corresponding operating state

Production process
The production process represents a production cycle and forms the centre of the programming. It
determines the cyclical sequence of the commands for the production.
The production process must be created.
– See also Creating a production process [}Page 119].

The production process also includes the moving-in and moving-out machine cycles. These are
primarily intended for production with several injection units (nC). As standard (1C), the moving-in is
primarily required for the preparation of the first production cycle (metering).
– See also Machine cycles [}Page 556].

Production variants*
The production variant* is an individual cycle that deviates from the production process. It can be trig-
gerd by pressing the blue button (Smart Operation*) during the Producing operating state. The pro-
gramming is carried out in the production process, i.e. commands can be set to active or inactive for
the production variant. This is to make it possible for individual cycles to be carried out with additional
or different commands during start-up or within production (e.g. slower movements, different posi-
tions, inspection stop with user interaction).

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Example: Inspection stop

When production is running, the blue button should be pressed
– to stop the cycle when the clamping unit is open,
– carry out a visual check with the safety cover open
– and then continue production.

ü The production process is created and opened. 1 4
§ Insert command User interaction (1).
§ Select user interaction (1).
§ Select checkbox (2).
ð The command is assigned to the production vari-
ant. 2
§ Select Production variant active (3).
ð The command is also executed in addition to the
production process.
ð With Production variant inactive, the corresponding
command in the production variant is not executed.
§ Select Automation shortcut (4).
ð The Automation component is opened.
§ Enter the title, text, button marking and waiting time (5).
ð The production is cancelled after the waiting time
§ Mark the checkbox Safety cover opening allowed (6).
ð Opening the safety cover during user interaction is 6
§ Assign the production variant to the blue button:
ð Select Sequence editor - sequence overview - but-
tons - producing - blue button.
§ Enter the button designation (7).
§ Select Carry out production variant (8).
§ Activate changes.

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Operating state change

In order to go from one operating state to the next, certain
functions must be carried out, e.g. switch on drives, cooling
water, heaters etc. These functions are collated in se-
quences and are automatically carried out when the se-
quence is started. The sequence Switch off is executed if,
for example, the switched-on monitoring Standby time is
The start and stop sequence is carried out each time the
cycle operation is started or ended.
These sequences are predefined, but can also be adapted
to specific requirements.

Example: prepare
1. The auxiliary sequence Purging B is carried out.
2. The auxiliary sequence Move injection unit forward
safely is carried out.
3. Purging B is only carried out when the material holding
time has expired. Auxiliary sequences

Auxiliary procedures are not an essential component of the
Repeated operating sequences are automated with these.
In addition to the arrow element for each auxiliary se-
quence, there is a short description containing the key in-
formation about the corresponding sequence.

Repeated execution of auxiliary sequences

Depending on the practicality, repeated execution is avail-
able for sequences, such as purging.
The number of cyclical repetitions is configured in the start
command of the corresponding sequence.

For purging or emptying, there are two independently configurable auxiliary sequences (A & B) avail-
able, as well as the Automatic purging.
– To carry out purging, see Purging plasticising unit [}Page 548].

– For automatic purging*, see Material holding time [}Page 145].


The automation includes additional auxiliary sequences
and provides collective commands, commands to trigger
auxiliary sequences as well as user interactions.

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User interaction*
The command User interaction* can be integrated in al-
most any sequence. When the command is achieved, the
sequence is stopped and a confirmation message appears
on the screen display.
The message can be configured in the parameter area:
– Title, text and marking
– Maximum waiting time in which the confirmation mes-
sage must be acknowledged. If the time expires, the
command is cancelled and the process stops.
– The setting Safety cover opening allowed facilitates the
opening of the safety covers (all) without cancelling the
running process. The safety covers are automatically
unlocked and locked.

Prepare production end*

With this auxiliary sequence, for example, the moving-out production can be delayed to use up the
still available material. For this, the red button and the auxiliary sequence Prepare moving-out pro-
duction must be configured accordingly.
In this example, when the red button is pressed during run-
ning production, the following steps are carried out:
1. Close material feeding (1)
2. Carry out additional production cycles (2)
3. End production
4. Change to operating state Ready Button configuration (Smart Operation*)

1. Operating state in which the button settings are operat- 1 2 3 4 5 6
2. Button
3. Description of the corresponding button function.
4. Button available
– When the checkbox is marked, the button is
available in this operating state (illuminated)
and the corresponding button function can be
5. Button designation
6. Button function selection
– The selected function is activated when the but- 7
ton is pressed.
7. Button must be confirmed
– The execution of the button function must be
acknowledged with an additional confirmation
message. This is particularly advisable for the
stopping of the production.
Various settings are available depending on the button function.

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Operation and programming Monitoring
The auxiliary procedures can be started with these monit-
– The auxiliary procedure Switch off starts following the
expiration of the monitoring time (timeout) if, for ex-
ample, the switched-on monitoring Standby time is ac-
tuated in the operating state Standby.

Setup and settings

1. Designation of monitoring
2. Description
3. Switch checkbox on/off
– The additional settings only appear when the
monitoring is switched on.
4. For individual monitorings, there is a selection available
with different reactions.
5. When the monitoring is running, the time remaining un-
til triggering is displayed.
6. Monitoring time
Note: Non-configurable settings are greyed out.

Standstill time and standby time

When the production stands still and while no operation occurs during the programmed residence
time (timeout), the machine is put into a reduced state of operational readiness. This reduces energy
consumption and avoids idle time damages.
The Shut down is carried out by starting the Switch off or Off on standby sequence.
Alternatively, is can also be directly switched off.

Material holding time

This monitoring process can be used to prevent material being injected when it has been in the plas-
ticising unit for too long (following production standstill). For this, the monitoring must be switched on
and the monitoring time Timeout set. If no injection now takes place during the residence time, the
production is blocked.
– If purging is carried out at least once, this enables production once more.
– If the production attempts to start without prior purging, a system message will indicate that pur-
ging must first be carried out.
– With the option Automatic purging, the sequence Automatic purging can be repeatedly started
before the production block is initiated.
– Before the start of the automatic purging*, the alarm system is switched on for 5 seconds
in a special pattern. Therefore, the operator is informed that the injection unit is slowly
moving back and he can leave the danger area if required.
– The automatic purging is repeated for so long until the standstill monitoring is activated.
For sensible times, it should be ensured that the purging pan is not overfilled.
Note: In order for the monitoring to not respond in the production, the residence time must be set to
be greater than the cycle time.

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Additional topic-relevant monitoring

The execution time of each sequence can be monitored.
– See Sequence monitoring [}Page 225].

Block and nozzle heaters can also be monitored individually.

– See Reducing or switching off* block and nozzle heaters when at standstill [}Page 226].

The optional monitoring reaction of the mould protection starts the configurable sequence Mould pro-
tection reaction.
– See also mould protection - Triggering and reaction [}Page 270].

Note: All monitorings are listed in the monitoring topic.

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3.4.2 Sequence editor

The descriptions in this chapter are based on an exemplary production process, but are also valid for
all other sequences. Make sure that each sequence only includes the appropriate settings and func-
tions. Description
Sequences are created or edited in the sequence editor
using graphic symbols.
The command arrangement corresponds to the chronolo-
gical sequence of processes.
Commands positioned one after the other mean that the
corresponding machine functions are executed one after
the other.
– A command must have ended before the following
command can be activated. Setup and operating elements

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

10 9 8 10

1. Navigation [}Page 139]
  6. Subsequence [}Page 152]  

2. Machine cycles [}Page 148]

  7. Parameter area [}Page 155]  

3. Large/small display [}Page 153]

  8. Command [}Page 153] 

4. Displayed sequence 9. Corona [}Page 159]


5. Main sequence [}Page 152]


10. Dependency [}Page 161] 

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Machine cycles
The production process is divided into the following ma-
chine cycles:
1. Phase-in cycle
2. Production cycle
3. Phase-out cycle

The number of phase-in and phase-out cycles is selectable.

– See also chapter: Determine number of phase-in and phase-out cycles [}Page 173].

– See also chapter: Controlled phase-in and phase-out [}Page 149].


– If appropriate, machine cycles can also be assigned for auxiliary sequences.

Phase-in cycle
This machine cycle serves to orderly start production. The axes can also be moved to the home posi-
tion at the same time.
The Phase-in cycle 1 is started using the Prepare produc-
tion button in the Automatic non-production operating

Commands newly added to the production process are not

assigned to this machine cycle. Commands need to be as-
signed (marked) manually.
– At least one command must be assigned to the phase-
in cycle or else the production process cannot be activ-

Production cycle
The production cycle is the main cycle. It corresponds to the automatically repeated cycle during pro-
The production cycle is started using the Start production
button in the Automatic non-production operating mode.

Commands that were newly added to the production process are assigned to the production and ex-
tension cycle by default.

Phase-out cycle
This machine cycle serves the extension of the production, e.g. without metering.
The extension cycle is started in Automatic production op-
erating mode by clicking the End production button.

Commands that were newly added to the production process are assigned to the production and ex-
tension cycle by default.

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Controlled phase-in and phase-out

Only one phase-in and phase-out cycle is needed for most applications.

Example with one phase-in and phase-out cycle

Phase-in cycle 1

Position 20 and 22: Metering injection unit.

Position 3 and 10: Move clamping unit and ejector to home position.
Position 9: Ensure demoulding.

Production cycle
All commands are assigned (will be executed).

Extension cycle 1

Position 22: Injection unit is not metered anymore.

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Example with two phase-in and phase-out cycles (additional injection unit*)

Phase-in cycle 1

Position 26 and 28: Metering injection unit 1.

Position 12: Move ejector to home position.

Phase-in cycle 2

Position 39 and 41: Metering injection unit 2.

Position 16: Injection unit 1 injects.
Position 5: Rotary table switches position.

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Production cycle
All commands are assigned (will be executed).

Extension cycle 1

Position 28: Injection unit 1 is not metered anymore.

Extension cycle 2

Position 41: Injection unit 2 is not metered anymore.

Injection unit 1: All commands are switched off.

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Main sequence
A sequence is a succession of commands that are executed one after the other.
– A production process always comprises one main se-
quence (1).
– The main sequence is determined by the cycle start (2)
and cycle end (3).

– The cycle end of the main sequence waits for all (non-overlapping cycle) subsequences.

A subsequence is a sequence that is initiated either in parallel or dynamically by another sequence.
– A subsequence is created when at least one command
is inserted parallel (1) or dynamically (2).
– The subsequence is determined by the subsequence
start (3) and the subsequence end (4).

Subsequence start
A subsequence button is created when a command is in-
serted so that it is dynamic to the selected command.
– Only possible for commands of components with a
stroke measuring system (distance, force, time ...).
Conditions for a dynamic subsequence are set by clicking
the subsequence start button in the parameter area. The
symbol changes depending on the condition setting,
From the start of command
– The subsequence begins in parallel with the outgoing
From the end of command
– The subsequence starts after the outgoing command
sequence has finished.
– The subsequence starts during the outgoing command

Subsequence end
When a subsequence is produced, the subsequence end
is synchronised with the cycle end by default.

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This is represented by a small cycle end symbol.

– The cycle end waits for all subsequence ends (that are
not cycle overlapping).
If an overlapping cycle dependency is created, the symbol
– The cycle end does not wait for the end of the cycle-
overlapping subsequence end.

Large/small display
This button can be used to select between a large and a small display.
1. Large display 1 2
– Detailed view of sequence
2. Small display
– Full view of sequence (display reduced by
The parameterisation and display functions remain unchanged in the full view. The corona with the
command operations is only available in the enlarged display.

A command executes the function of a machine component.

Command library
The command library contains all available commands.
– The number and arrangement of commands in the command library depends on machine and
mould configuration.
1. Command corona
2. Component selection
3. Command selection

Command condition display

Icon Designation State
Standard Grey Command display in sequence editor

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Icon Designation State

Selected Blue The command is selected.

Light blue The command is used for a move-

ment or dependency.

Active Yellow The command is being executed.

Error Red framed An error occurred while executing this


Production stop Yellow framed Executing this command stopped pro-


Switched off Greyed and crossed The command is not executed in the
out selected machine cycle.

Command symbols
Target commands of dependencies with safeguards are
marked with an exclamation point.

1. Indicates that behind the command there is an editable

sequence which can be configured on the overview
2. Safety-related command: Only carried out when the 2
green button is pressed (Smart Operation*).

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Parameter area in sequence editor

Commands that are used in the production process can be parameterised in the parameter area.
The parameters relevant to the process are displayed with each selected command.
– The parameters displayed depend on the command selected and on machine and mould config-
The parameter area is divided into multiple parts:
1. Command symbol and designation
2. Actual values, command execution time
3. Shortcut buttons
4. Register
5. Command graph
6. Actual values
7. Parameterisation
8. Status lines with input range

Note: Commands can also be parameterised in the com-

ponent manager.
– See Component configuration [}Page 177].

Command symbol and designation

The symbol and designation are preset and cannot be changed.

Actual values, command execution time

1. Command start time from cycle start
2. Command end time from cycle start
3. Command execution time

Shown in diagram

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Shortcut buttons
From each command it is possible to access the relevant
interlocking, monitoring or component directly, provided
they are available.
1. Go to monitoring
2. Go to interlocks
3. Go to component

The number of registers depends on the selected command and the machine equipment.
If the cursor is moved onto a register, its designation appears.
1. Parameter
2. Dependencies
3. Extensions
4. Phase-in and phase-out cycles

The command graph and individual parameters are displayed in this register.

This register contains all incoming dependencies for the
selected command.
– Moving the cursor over a connection in the parameter
area makes it turn light blue in the production process.
– This makes it possible to find and process the right de-
pendencies very quickly.

This register also contains additional functions and conditions for the execution of a particular com-
mand can be defined, such as:
– Start-up program* [}Page 366]

– Acquire quality data* [}Page 371]


– The execution of the command is dependent on:

– Quality evaluation* [}Page 371]

– Production variants* [}Page 141] 

– Single cycle* [}Page 140]


Phase-in and phase-out cycles

In this register it is apparent and definable in which machine cycle the selected command is ex-
– Please see chapter Assign machine cycle [}Page 172] in the User Manual.

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Command graph
Several commands via a configurable command graph are available for the visualisation and graph-
ical programming.

1. Small command graph in the para-

meter area
2. Button to enlarge and shrink the
3. Reference functions
4. Enlarged command graph
5. Display/hide legends and curves
6. Zoom functions

Note: Each command graph is available in the sequence editor and component manager topics. In
the component manager, it is opened by clicking on the small graphic of a movement profile.

The command graph plots the nominal and actual values in a curve.
– Actual values can be saved and presented as reference curves.
– All curves can be displayed or hidden.
– The command graph is a good aid for checking and optimising a command function such as the
moulding process, mould protection, etc.
– Parameter changes immediately become visible on the screen.
– Displayed parameters can also be changed by clicking and dragging the corresponding circle dir-
ectly onto the graphic.
– See also Parameterisation via the command graph [}Page 159].

Curve display
Various curve types can be shown in the graphic:
– Setpoint curves: Small circles mark so-called support points (setpoints) which are interconnected
with dotted lines.
If the cursor is moved onto this support point, the corresponding setpoints will be displayed.
– Actual value curves: Measured curves (actual values) of various parameters are shown with
simple lines.
– Reference curves: Actual value curves can be temporarily saved to track changes in the process
parameters over time. Reference curves are shown with wide lines.
– To distinguish between the different curves, different colours are used.

Display/hide legends and curves

The available curves and their presentation can be viewed in the legend. The curves can be dis-
played or hidden by clicking on the corresponding button.

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Reference functions
Take curves as a reference
Clicking on this button saves the current actual values, and
they can be displayed as reference curves via the legend,
and also hidden.
– Every new actuation overwrites the previously saved state.
– Saved reference values are saved with the data record.
Delete reference curves
Clicking on this button deletes the saved reference values.

Zoom functions
1. Automatically scaled view
2. Manually scaled view
3. Zoom
4. Reset zoom

Using the 1 & 2 buttons you can switch between Automatically scaled view (full view) and Manually
scaled view (zoomed view).
– The button of the selected view is blue and engaged.
The area of the Manually scaled view can be selected with button 3.
– Buttons 3 & 4 are only available in Manually scaled view(2).
Automatically scaled view (1)
– Shows the full view.
– The axes of the graph are automatically scaled for an optimum display, starting from the current
setpoints and actual values.
Manually scaled view (2)
– Shows the previously selected zoom section.
Zoom (3)
– Starts manual scaling (select zoom section).
Reset zoom (4)
– Resets the Manually scaled view (zoom view) back to full view.

Selecting manually scaled view (zoom view)

ü Desired command graph is open.
§ Select Manually scaled view (2).
ð Zoom button is available (3).
§ Selecting Zoom (3).
ð The cursor receives the Start zoom section symbol

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§ Use the cursor to click on the starting position of the

desired zoom section (5).
ð The cursor symbol Start zoom section switches to
Zoom section area (6).
§ Select the desired zoom section by moving the cursor
and confirm via clicking (6).
ð The selected section is increased to the size of the
graph view and applies to the Manually scaled view
until a new zoom section has been selected.

Parameterisation via the command graph

Setpoints can be changed in the graphic by moving the support points.
– Changes can be made in both the small and large graphics.
ü Edit mode selected.
ü Command selected.
§ Click the desired support point on the setpoint curve in
the graphic.
ð As soon as the cursor reaches the support point,
the cursor symbol becomes a hand and, after click-
ing, an arrow cross.

§ Move the support point as desired.

ð The new curve shape is shown with a grey line.
ð Related parameters are adjusted at the same time.
– The support point can only be moved in the direction of the arrows shown.
– Leaving the permissible value range is signalled by an hourglass symbol.
§ Click on the support point at the new position.
ð The support point is re-positioned.
ð The values of the corresponding parameters are re-entered.
§ Activate changes.

The corona is a graphic context menu that is displayed by
moving the cursor over a block.

The corona displays all operations that are possible in the selected block. If the operation is unavail-
able, it is greyed out and cannot be selected.

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A block is an element in the production process in which coronas appear by moving the cursor over it
and where operations can be executed.
Blocks are:
– Cycle start Cycle start corona

– Cycle end Cycle end corona

– Command Command corona

– Start of subsequence Subsequence start corona

– Subsequence end Subsequence end corona

– Overlapping cycle subsequence Overlapping cycle subsequence end


Corona operations
Insert command
– Opens the command library.
– Inserts the selected command.
Remove command
– Removes the selected command.
Move command
– All commands that are potential movement points are
highlighted in light blue.
Movement point
– The command can be moved to another movement
Create dependency
– Creates a dependency to another command.
– All commands that are potentially the target of the de-
pendency are highlighted in light blue.
Removing a dependency
– Removes an existing dependency.

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Insertion points
1. Before the selected block
– The command is inserted in front of the selec-
ted block.
2. Parallel to the selected block
– The command is inserted parallel to the selec-
ted block.
– A subsequence is created.
3. Dynamic to the selected block
– Only possible for commands of components
with a stroke measuring system (distance,
force, time ...).
– The command is moved so that it starts dynam-
ically to the selected block.
– A subsequence with a subsequence start is
4. After the selected block
– The command is inserted after the selected

Movement points
1. Before the selected block
– The command is moved in front of the selected
2. Parallel to the selected block
– The command is moved parallel to the selected
– A subsequence is created.
3. Dynamic to the selected block
– Only possible for commands of components
with a stroke measuring system.
– The command is moved so that it is dynamic to
the selected command.
– A subsequence with a subsequence start is
4. After the selected block
– The command is moved to a point after the se-
lected block.

Dependencies force the succession of commands on parallel sequences.
They can be static or dynamic, cycle internal or cycle overlapping and/or come with a safeguard,
which allows for an operation-dependent synchronising and an optimisation of the cycle time. For ex-
ample, to make a subsequent command start before the previous command has finished.

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Internal cycle dependency

Dependencies whose output and target commands are
both within one cycle are known as internal cycle depend-
– The output and target commands cannot be part of the
same sequence.
– See also Create dependency [}Page 167].

Overlapping cycle dependency

Dependencies whose target command is in the next cycle
are known as overlapping cycle dependencies.
– Overlapping cycle dependencies can only be created
by the end of a subsequence.

Dynamic dependency
A dependency is referred to as dynamic if the target com-
mand (B) is begun while the output command (A) is still be-
ing executed.
– Only possible for commands of components with a
stroke measuring system (distance, force, time ...).

The Start condition defines when exactly the target com-

mand (B) is started during the execution of the output com-
mand (A).
– See also chapter: Create dependency [}Page 167].

The selected condition is displayed in the sequence. The

left symbol refers to the output command and the one on
the right to the target command.
End of command

Start of command

During command execution (dynamic)

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Dependency with safeguard

A safeguard can be defined in the target command of a de-
pendency via the checkbox. A safeguard allows the execu-
tion of the output command (A) to the safeguard point of
the ongoing target command (B).
– Safeguards are only useful for commands of compon-
ents with a measuring system (distance, force, time...).

The parameter Safeguard criteria determines to what ex-

tent the output command (A) must be executed at the safe-
guard test time point.
– This parameter is only shown when the command is
available via a measuring system.
– End of command is valid without parameters.
The parameter Test time point determines the condition of
the target command (B) for the testing of the safeguard.
– This parameter is only shown when the command is
available via a measuring system.
– Command start is valid without parameters.
If the safeguard criterion has not been fulfilled at the time
of testing, the safeguard will be classified as not observed
and an instant stop will be triggered.
See also chapter: Create dependency [}Page 167].

Target commands of dependencies with safeguards are

marked with an exclamation point.

The selected condition is displayed in the sequence. The

left symbol refers to the output command and the one on
the right to the target command.
End of command

Start of command

During command execution (dynamic)

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Creating a production process

Damage caused by incorrect programming
The mould can be damaged due to incorrect process programming.
ü Process created.
§ Before pressing the start button, check whether all important functions that are
required for this mould and are activated are correct.

All adjustments that are made in the sequence editor before activation can be undone or redone.
A program sequence can only be created in the production cycle.
ü Controller switched on. 1 2 3
ü Programming readiness created.
ü Components configured.
ü Auxiliary controls created and configured.
§ Select sequence editor (1).
§ Select edit mode (2).
§ Select production process (3).

Insert command

Insert first command

§ Call up the corona at cycle start.
§ Click on Insert command.
ð A command can be inserted at the specified points.
In this case only after the cycle start.
ð The command library is opened.
§ Select command in the command library.
ð The command is inserted after the cycle start.
ð Each command has its own parameters assigned to it.

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Insert more commands

§ Call up the corona for the first command.
§ Click on Insert command.
ð A command can be inserted at the specified points.
This means before, parallel to, dynamic to or after
the selected command.
§ Select command in the command library.
ð The command is inserted into the selected position.
ð Each command has its own parameters assigned to it.

Remove command

Dangers caused by incomplete production process
Removing a command can make a production process incomplete, which can be
dangerous for the mould and the machine.
ü Command is used in the phase-in or phase-out cycle.
ü An important subsequence is derived from this command.
§ Make sure that the command can be removed.

§ Call up the corona for the command that is to be re-

§ Click on Remove command.
ð The command is removed from the process.
ð All incoming and outgoing dependencies connected to
this command are deleted.
ð All subsequences that are activated by this command
are removed.

Move command
§ Call up the corona of the command that is to be
§ Click on Move command.

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§ Call up the target command corona.

ð Only target positions that are possible are shown.
ð The command cannot be moved to the position from which it came.

§ Select movement point.

ð The command is moved to the selected position.
ð Incoming and outgoing dependencies that still make
sense after moving the command are kept; all others
are deleted.

Create subsequence
A subsequence is created by the insert parallel command or insert dynamic command operations.
– "Parallel" means that the inserted command is started at the same time.
– "Dynamic" means that, depending on a defined condition (position, pressure, time etc.), the inser-
ted command can be started during the execution of the output command.
– Only possible for commands of components with a stroke measuring system (distance,
force, time ...).

Insert a parallel sequence

ü Production process with at least one command exists.
§ Call up the command corona from which the sub-
sequence should be started.
§ Click on Insert parallel command.
ð Command library opens.

§ Select the command that is to be inserted from the lib-

rary and click on it.
ð A parallel subsequence with the selected command is

Dynamic secondary sequence

Danger of collision
Dynamic releases and safeguards can lead to damage to mould and machine.
§ The creation and parameterising require sufficient knowledge of the mould
and production process.

ü Production with at least one command with stroke

measuring system exists.
§ Call up the command corona from which the sub-
sequence should be started.
ð Only possible for commands of components with a
stroke measuring system (distance, force, time ...).
§ Click on Insert dynamic command.
ð Command library opens.

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§ Select the command that is to be inserted from the lib-

rary and click on it.
ð A dynamic subsequence with a subsequence start and
the selected command is created.

§ Click on subsequence start.

§ Set the conditions of the parameter Start condition.
– The condition End of command corresponds to the pre-
setting and is not dynamic.
– The subsequence is started when the output
command has ended.
– All other conditions are dynamic.
– The subsequence is started when the condition
during the execution of the output command
has been reached.
– The available conditions depend on the meas-
uring system being used.
§ When necessary, an input field appears where the con-
dition must be entered as a value (distance, force,

Create dependency
ü Production process with at least one secondary se-
quence exists.
§ Call up the corona for the command from which the de-
pendency should be derived (output command).

§ Click on Create dependency.

ð Possible target commands are marked in light blue.

§ Click on desired target command.

ð The command signal of the dependency is shown in or-
ð The target command Open plasticising nozzle only
starts when the command Injection unit contact pres-
sure has finished.

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Overlapping cycle dependency

ü Production process with at least one secondary se-
quence exists.
§ Call up the corona for the subsequence end from which
the dependency should be derived.

§ Click on Create dependency.

ð Possible target commands are marked in light blue.

§ Click on desired target command.

ð The command signal of the cycle overlapping depend-
ency is shown in orange.
ð The target command Open plasticising nozzle only
starts when the Metering of the previous cycle and the
Injection unit contact pressure of the current cycle have

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Define the condition of a dynamic dependency

Danger of collision
Dynamic releases and safeguards can lead to damage to mould and machine.
§ The creation and parameterising require sufficient knowledge of the mould
and production process.

The conditions for a dynamic dependency are only available when the component of the output com-
mand has a measuring system (distance, force, time ...).
ü Dependency exists.
§ Select target command.
§ Open the Dependencies tab in the parameter area.
§ Select the condition at the parameter Start condition.
– The condition End of command corresponds to the pre-
setting and is not dynamic.
– The target command starts when the output
command has ended.
– All other conditions are dynamic.
– The target command starts when the condition
during the execution of the output command
has been reached.
§ When necessary, an input field appears where the con-
dition must be entered as a value (distance, force,

Define a safeguard condition

Danger of collision
Dynamic releases and safeguards can lead to damage to mould and machine.
§ The creation and parameterising require sufficient knowledge of the mould
and production process.

ü Dependency exists.
§ Select target command.
§ Open the Dependencies tab in the parameter area.
§ Check the checkbox Define safeguard.
§ Define the safeguard criterion if required.
ð Refers to the output command of the dependency.
§ Define the test time point if required.
ð Refers to the target command of the dependency.
ð The safeguard criterion must be fulfilled at the time of
testing, otherwise an instant stop will be triggered.
– See also Dependency with safeguard [}Page 163].

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Target commands of dependencies with safeguards are

marked with an exclamation point.

Remove dependency
ü Dependency exists.
§ Call up the corona for the command linked to the de-
pendency that is to be removed.
§ Click on Remove dependency.
ð The dependency is deleted.

If there are multiple connections, the possible commands are highlighted in blue.
§ Click on desired command.
ð The dependency to the selected command is deleted.

Parameterising commands
Assignment of machine cycles and parameterisation of commands.

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Command parameterisation
For every command there is a parameter display that must be configured.
– In order to call up the parameters, the command must be selected.
ü Production process created.
ü Edit mode selected.
§ Click on the command to be configured.
§ Enter the parameters in the parameter area (right

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Assign machine cycle

The production process is divided into the following ma-
chine cycles:
1. Phase-in cycle
2. Production cycle
3. Phase-out cycle

The number of phase-in and phase-out cycles is selectable.

– See also chapter: Determine number of phase-in and phase-out cycles [}Page 173].

– See also chapter: Controlled phase-in and phase-out [}Page 149].


– If appropriate, machine cycles can also be assigned for auxiliary sequences.

The assignment can be carried out in the machine cycle

(1) or in the parameter area (2).
– Newly inserted commands are assigned to the produc-
tion and extension cycle by default.

Assignment in machine cycle

ü Production process created.
ü Edit mode selected.
§ Select the desired machine cycle.

§ Click on desired command.

§ Check or uncheck the check box.
ð If the checkbox is checked, the command is executed
in the selected machine cycle.

Assignment in the parameter area

ü Production process created.
ü Edit mode selected.
§ Select production cycle.
§ Click on desired command.

§ Assign the command to the desired machine cycles by

checking or unchecking the checkboxes.
ð The command is executed in the selected machine

Process settings (2): Directly jump to Determine number of

phase-in and phase-out cycles.

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Display of the status

In the machine cycles, commands that are not assigned
are crossed out and greyed out (1).
The assignment of the machine cycles (2) is apparent in
the parameter area of the selected command.

Determine number of phase-in and phase-out cycles

Multiple phase-in and phase-out cycles are required for certain applications, e. g. with additional in-
jection unit, rotary table, etc.
The number of phase-in and phase-out cycles is selectable.
ü Edit mode selected.
§ Select production cycle.

§ Click on command cycle start.

§ Click on the register Process settings in the parameter
§ Click on the button Determine number of phase-in and
phase-out cycles.
ð The dialogue window opens.
§ Select the number of desired phase-in and phase-out
§ Click Next .
ð Summary appears.

§ Check summary.
§ Confirm entry or press back to make changes.
ð The determination is concluded and the respective
number of phase-in and phase-out cycles appears in
the sequence editor.

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Activating the production process

All changes made since the last activation are activated.
§ Make sure that no unintentional changes are activated.
ð Activation cannot be undone.

ü Production is stopped
ü Machine cycle assigned.
ü Commands parameterised.
§ Click on the activate button.
ð The data record is activated.
ð The data record is adopted in active mode and trans-
ferred to the machine control.

Changing a production process

A production process can be changed at any time. Changes are made in edit mode.

§ Click on the Editing mode button.

ð Sequence editor is in editing mode.
§ Make changes to the process.
§ Check procedure.
§ Stop production if necessary.
§ Activate process.
ð The data record is adopted in active mode.
ð The activation and all changes are entered in the log-

Deleting a production process

– See also chapter: Remove command [}Page 165].

– See also chapter: Topic Production control [}Page 247].


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3.5 Component manager topic

Note: The functions and parameters of the components and commands, as well as the process
and quality influences, are in chapter Components and commands [}Page 261].

Button symbol
Pressing the button opens the Component manager topic.

The topic Component manager is opened by clicking on the

In this topic
– all component and command parameters are displayed and configured,
– all auxiliary controls necessary for production are created and configured.

The interactive component overview is found on the top
– See Setup and operating elements [}Page 176].

The settings of the corresponding component can be ac-

cessed by clicking on an interactive element.
– See Navigation [}Page 176].

The only components displayed are those that are included

in the machine equipment.
– Auxiliary controls are only shown after creation.
– See also Create auxiliary control [}Page 183].

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3.5.1 Component overview Setup and operating elements

The overview page shows the machine with its connections.
– The display is divided up into interactive elements (buttons).
– To make them more visible, they are highlighted when the cursor is passed over them.
1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Navigation path
2. Safety and general area
3. Machine area
4. Evaluation and general area
5. Interactive element
6. Context menu Navigation

1. If an interactive element contains

several components, the corres-
ponding group overview is opened
by clicking.
2. An additional click on the desired
3 2
selection opens the corresponding
4 4
3. If an interactive element only con-
tains one component, the corres-
ponding component is directly
4. Navigate back via the button in the
navigation path.
5. The page can also be selected via
the navigation path dropdown

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3.5.2 Component configuration

All that is displayed is what is available with regard to machine equipment and the selected compon-
ent type.
The functions, quality influences and parameters of the components and commands are described in
the chapter Components and commands [}Page 261]. Setup and operating elements

The configuration pages are divided up into two halves.
– The component-related data and settings of the selected component are on the left.
– The data and settings of the command used in the sequence (of the selected component) are on
the right.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1. Navigation path 7. Enlarge display window

2. Component designation 8. Commands register
3. Component register 9. Commands parameter area
4. Display window register 10. Scroll functions
5. Parameter area register 11. Open/close parameter groups
6. Parameter area components 12. Context menu

Navigation path
See Navigation [}Page 176].

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Component register
This register only appears when related components are collected in a group.

Viewing window register

Displays a graphic illustration of the selected component.

Displays the current state of signals of the control inputs

and outputs of the selected component.

Parameter area register (component)

The general parameters of the component are displayed
and set in this register.
Settings regarding manual operation can be made in this
Two connections are assigned in this register.
– Only appears for auxiliary controls.
– See also Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

This register includes general information, such as safety

level, main component, linked component, dry cycle set-
tings as well as direct jump buttons to the interlocks and
monitoring of this component.
– For safety level, see also Configure auxiliary control [}Page 185].

– For main component, see also Travelling components [}Page 551].


– For linked component, see also Euromap 67 component: Ejector* [}Page 390].


– For dry cycle settings, see also Machine mode [}Page 76].


Component parameter area

The component-relevant parameters of the selected component are displayed in this parameter area.
– The key actual values are collected in the upper area.
– Related parameters are collected in groups that can be opened and closed.

Commands register
Only displays the commands used in the production pro-
cess for this component.
– The parameter area corresponds with the selected
– A right click on a command opens the corresponding
context menu with possible actions.

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Commands parameter area

The command-relevant parameters of the selected command are displayed in this parameter area.
Header 4 1 2 3
1. Command start time from cycle start
2. Command end time from cycle start
3. Command execution time
4. Dynamic subsequence start
– Only appears for the first command of a dy-
namic subsequence.
– See Create subsequence [}Page 166].

Main area
– The key actual values are collected at the top.
– Several commands via a configurable command graph are available for the visualisation and
graphical programming.
– In the component manager, it is opened by clicking on the small graphic of a movement
– See also Command graph [}Page 157].

– Related parameters are collected in groups that can be opened and closed.

Context menu
This button opens the corresponding context menu with
possible actions. One or more actions are available, de-
pending on the opened view or component.
– Create auxiliary control
– See also Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

– Remove auxiliary control

– Copy auxiliary control
– Change safety level
– Rename auxiliary control
– Change index
– Change main component
– See also Travelling components [}Page 551].

– Change linked components

– See also Euromap 67 component: Ejector*
[}Page 390].

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3.5.3 Auxiliary controls

Auxiliary controls must be created before they can appear in the component manager and be used
and activated.
– The creation of an auxiliary control is performed by the assistant.
– The number of available auxiliary controls depends on the machine equipment.
– Auxiliary controls can contain commands and operator buttons.
The following versions are examples and apply to all auxiliary controls. Overview
Machine Customer use

1. Machine-side connections
2. Physical connection
3. Customer use
4. Overview of available connections (topic Interfaces - equipment)
5. Create auxiliary control and assign connections (topic Component manager)
6. Use of auxiliary control
– Integrate commands into production process.
– Parameterise components and commands.
– Pertinent buttons appear on the operating panel following activation.

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Operation and programming Connections
The number of available connections depends on the machine equipment.
– For further information on connections and interfaces (also available; not for auxiliary controls):
see also the interface description chapter and diagrams in the operating instructions.

In the topic Interfaces - equipment the connections used for auxiliary controls are clearly displayed.
Each connection has an unchangeable safety level and a unique designation.

1. Safety level
2. Connection designation
3. Resource identification (BMK)
– Designation of the corresponding hardware
components (valve, connector etc).

Designation and type

Connection type Designation
Digital multifunctional interface MD..:<PIN>
Analogue multifunctional interface AD..:<PIN>
Switch interface PS..:<PIN>
Hydraulic auxiliary controls HY..-A / HY..-B
Pneumatic auxiliary control PN..-OUT
Cooling water controls CL..-OUT / CL..-IN

For the same connection, the same designation elements are used throughout.

Machine Diagram Equipment Assignment

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Operation and programming Safety
Connection safety levels
Safety level Safety
Green Operation only possible if safety cover is closed.

Yellow Operation with open safety cover only possible when the key-operated
switch* is turned.
Red Operation also possible if safety cover is open.

Grey Connection without safety level (input, output without power etc).

Mould auxiliary control

Danger of injury through auxiliary controls with open safety cover
Auxiliary controls with safety levels 1 and 2 (red and yellow) can also be actuated
when the safety cover is open. When these applications are used, the operator
must ensure that
§ no dangers are created (crushing and shearing points, blowing air, ...) and
§ the maximum speed of components does not exceed 10 mm/s.
§ Netstal assumes no liability for injuries and damages of any kind that could
result from the operation of mould auxiliary controls when the safety cover is

Danger of injury when using pneumatic 3/2 NO and 5/2 directional
3/2 directional valves NO and 5/2 directional valves are open without activation
and are pressurising their consumers. Switching the energy supply on and off can
lead to uncontrolled movements when the safety cover is open!
§ These valves may only be used for applications where movement will not res-
ult in danger (e.g. bladders, mould nozzle).
§ They are not permitted for any use for movements that lead to dangers, other-
wise it will be prevented with an additional safety device and this will lead to

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Peripheral equipment

Danger of injury due to peripheral equipment
Dangers can arise as a result of connecting peripheral equipment to the multifunc-
tional interfaces.
§ It is the machine owner's/operator's responsibility to carry out a risk assess-
ment according to EN ISO 12 100. Depending on the result, risk reduction
measures must be taken. Personnel safety must always be guaranteed by the
ð See also Interface descriptions (11004289).
§ Netstal assumes no liability for damage of any kind that could result from the
operation of peripheral equipment via multifunctional interfaces. Create auxiliary control

ü Controller switched on.
ü Programming readiness created.
ü Auxiliary control connected by the machine.
§ Select component manager.
§ Select edit mode.

§ Click on the Context menu button.

ð The context menu will appear.
§ Select Create new auxiliary control.
ð The dialogue window opens.
§ Select the auxiliary controls category.
ð The number in brackets shows the number of auxil-
iary control types in the corresponding category.
§ Click Next .
ð Click on back to switch back to the previous re-
quest at any time.

§ Select auxiliary control type.

§ Confirm with Continue.

§ Select auxiliary control technology.

§ Confirm with Continue.

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§ Check summary.
§ Confirm entry with Ready or press Back to make
ð The auxiliary control is created.
ð The auxiliary control can now be incorporated into
the production process.
ð Cannot be activated without configuring the auxili-
ary control.
§ Configure auxiliary control

The number of auxiliary controls than can be created is limited to the number of required connections
available. Difference between closed loop controlled/controlled/switched

Hydraulic axes can be created as controlled or switched components.
Servo axes are always closed loop controlled.

Closed loop controlled components

Using a closed loop control circuit, the actual value is continuously compared with the setpoint and
Speed, force and movement time are set on the command. This facilitates differing values for the
same commands.
Provides different settings for the setup, manual and production modes.
Multi-stage movements with movement profiles are possible.

Controlled components
Speed, force and movement time are set on the command. This facilitates differing values for the
same commands.
Provides different settings for the setup, manual and production modes.
Multi-stage movements are possible.

Switched components
Speed, force and movement time are set on the component. They are applicable to all corresponding
commands and operating modes.
Only single-stage movements are possible.

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Operation and programming Configure auxiliary control

Rename, remove, copy and change index
ü Auxiliary control created.
ü Desired component in component manager opened.
§ Click on the context menu button.
ð The context menu will appear.
§ Make the selection for the desired adjustment.
ð Processing window opened.
§ Carry out change and confirm with Apply.
ð Processing window closed.
ð The change is applied.

Adjust safety level

ü Auxiliary control created.
ü Desired component in component manager opened.
§ Click on the context menu button.
ð The context menu will appear.
§ Select Change safety level.
ð The conducted inquiry is opened.
§ For reasons of security, truthfully confirm the inquiry/in-
quiries with Yes or No.
ð The concluding confirmation closes the inquiry.
ð The change is applied.

Safety levels
The set safety level of a component is displayed in the Info

The number of available safety levels depends on the machine equipment and hazard potential of
the auxiliary control created. Therefore, it can occur that only the highest level becomes available.
Only connections of the same safety level can be assigned to the selected safety level.

Safety levels
Connections 1
Auxiliary controls2 Safety
Green Operation only possible if safety cover is closed.

Yellow Operation with open safety cover only possible

when the key-operated switch* is turned.

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Safety levels
Connections1 Auxiliary controls2 Safety
Red Operation also possible if safety cover is open.

Assign connections
The following settings are only partially available depending on the auxiliary control.
ü Auxiliary control created.
ü Connections connected by the machine.
§ Select the auxiliary control that is to be edited.

§ Assign actuators and sensors.

ð The display is different depending on the category
and technology used.
ð The connections that must be used are those that
are used to connect the hardware components in
the machine.
ð Only the connections with the selected safety level
are made available.
ð Connections that are already being used are
shown in italics.
ð A connection is shown in red if it is being used re-
peatedly. The auxiliary control cannot be activated.
Note: If no connection is available (selection field empty),
then no connections are available for the selected safety
– See also Equipment [}Page 189].

If no sensors are being used, the corresponding checkbox
must be unchecked.
– Depending on the auxiliary control, multiple connec-
tions can be assigned to an actuator or sensor. Reusing the connections

With aXos, the connections can be flexibly reused.
1. Application A
– Connections PN1 & PN2 are used for the auxiliary control Universal axis.
2. Application A complete
– Remove auxiliary control Universal axis.
– Connections PN1 & PN2 are once again freely available.
3. Application B
– The same connections, PN1 & PN2, are used for the auxiliary control Reject gate.

Level cannot be altered
Level can be altered
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Operation and programming Connecting the auxiliary control (physical connection)

Danger of injury
Connecting the machine connections to customer applications must only be car-
ried out in a depressurized and deenergised state.
§ Depressurise and deenergise the medium to be connected and secure it
against being switched on.
§ For pressurised connections, strictly adhere to the instructions in chapter Con-
necting mediums [}Page 579].

When connecting an auxiliary control, ensure that each connection used:

– is set for the function to be carried out,
– corresponds to the configured assignment on the control,
– has no connection with chafing points and
– is of sufficient length (moving parts, vibrations).

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Operation and programming Activating a component

All changes made since the last activation are activated.
§ Make sure that no unintentional changes are activated.
ð Activation cannot be undone.

Auxiliary controls that are not configured cannot be activated.

ü Component configured.
ü At least one current command created in the sequence
ü At least one continuous command created in the se-
quence editor must be assigned to the phase-in cycle.
§ Click on the activate button.
ð The data record is activated.
ð The data record is adopted in active mode and trans-
ferred to the machine control.

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3.6 Interfaces topic

Clicking on the button opens the interfaces topic.

Page/topic Content
Equipment [}Page 189]
All available connections are displayed here.
Individual cooling circuit* Graphical overview of the cooling circuit monitoring.
[}Page 191]

Energy measurement* Created and configured individual cooling circuits are shown graphic-
[}Page 193]
ally and with state display.
Remote control of ...* Shows the screen display content of external units.
[}Page 194]

Intergrated Feller ...*

[}Page 194]

Host system* [}Page 195]

Overview and configuration of present host systems; e.g. EM15.

3.6.1 Equipment Description
All connections available for the auxiliary controls are sor-
ted by type and listed on this screen page.
– See also Auxiliary controls [}Page 180] as well as the

diagrams and interface description chapter in the oper-

ating instructions.
A distinction is made between connections already in use
and those still free.
– Only the available connections are displayed.
– If a new connection is added to the machine (retrofit-
ting), this page will be automatically amended.

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Operation and programming Display and operating elements

1 2 3 4 5
1. Connection type
2. Safety level
3. Free connections
4. Connections in use
5. Direct jump to the auxiliary control

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3.6.2 Individual cooling circuit*

The description corresponds to the maximum scope of the options. Therefore, it is possible that not
all described additions are present on the machine. Description
This screen page shows a graphical overview of the cool-
ing circuit monitoring with actual value, status and connec-
tion displays.
The main connection is shown above the dividing line and
below the individual cooling circuits.
The left half of the page refers to the flow and the right half
refers to the return.
Note: At least one auxiliary control Cooling water must be
created for the page Individual cooling circuit to appear.
– See Create auxiliary control [}Page 183]. Setup and operating elements

1. Register
2. Dividing line between main con-
nection and individual cooling cir-
3. Total state
4. Cooling circuit state
5. Range Return
6. Range Flow

Each cooling circuit monitoring (created auxiliary control Cooling water) appears in its own register.

Symbols and displays

Connection used
See also Create auxiliary control [}Page 183].

The state is not displayed.
Actual value
The actual value is displayed for each monitoring.

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– A right-click on the display field displays the Context

menu button. The actual value can be added to the
dashboard as well as the host system* via the context
Shows the state of the corresponding cooling circuit.
– Red: Monitoring activated
– Grey: Not activated
Symbolises the corresponding monitoring.
– Green: Within tolerance range Pressure Through Temperat-
– Red: Monitoring activated (bar) flow ure
– Grey: Not used or switched off (l/min) (°C)
A right-click on a monitoring symbol displays the Context
menu button. With the selection Jump to monitoring, the
settings of the corresponding monitoring are opened. Settings
In monitoring topic
– Switch monitoring on/off
– Tolerance and hysteresis
– Reactions
– ...

In component manager topic

– Assignment of connections
– Monitoring times for switching on and off
– Conditions (e.g. monitoring from heating of block heaters)
– ...

With the standard setting, the actuation of a monitoring will
– trigger an alarm,
– display a message on the screen display,
– stop production and
– switch off the block and nozzle heaters.
Note: If you only want the alarm with message as a reaction, then the monitoring Switch-on confirm-
ation must be switched off.
– Under Monitoring - Component monitoring - Cooling water with monitoring - General - Switch-on
confirmation, remove marking in the checkbox Switch on monitoring.

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3.6.3 Energy measurement*

This predefined overview page is only available on machines with the control hardware DSP 7. An in-
dividual overview can be created in the dashboard, independent of the control generation.
– See Edit dashboard [}Page 78]. Description
The process data displayed is an overview of important ac-
tual energy measurement values.
– The energy measurement corresponds to the ma-
chine's power supply.
– The current power consumption and total energy con-
sumption since the last machine startup are displayed
in the Current display area.
– The actual values in the Production display area apply
to the last cycle. Settings
Shot weight
The shot weight in the ongoing production process must be adjusted according to the energy meas-
urement value.

Further settings
See Energy counter* [}Page 424] for machines with control generation DSP 7 or Energy measure-

ment* [}Page 427] for DSP 8.


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3.6.4 Remote control of ...*

External units can be accessed on the screen displays with
the option VNC Remote control*. The screen display con-
tent of a connected unit is displayed here, on a page with
the name of the components created for the remote con-
– Each connection has its own display page.
– See also Remote control of external devices*
[}Page 516].

Note: The Netstal software keyboard is not supported by

the VNC remote control*. For text entries, an external key-
board must therefore be connected to the USB port of the
operating unit, or, if available, the software keyboard of the
external unit can be used.

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Operation and programming

3.6.5 Host system*

The optional interface for host systems enables the transmission of machine and operating data
between the injection moulding machine and host systems. This data exchange serves for the man-
agement, automating and monitoring of production.
In order for changes to be made to the machine control by a host system, the operator must grant the
host system control, and therefore write permission as well. If the host system possesses the control,
all changes that can be activated are unavailable to the operator. The read permission is always
available for the operator and the host system.
– See also Assign controlin chapter Host system screen page [}Page 195]. 

Topic See ...
Physically connect Chapter Interfaces control cabinet in the operating instructions
Network interface Configure network interface [}Page 86]  

Parameter identification Host system screen page [}Page 195]


Assign control Host system screen page [}Page 195] - Assign control


Data record transfer Host system operations [}Page 198]


Call order Host system screen page

This page is used for the unique identification of paramet-
ers for host systems.
The most important process parameters are acquired in a
predefined allocation list and provided with a unique ID
(identification). These parameters are available to the cor-
responding host system, e.g. EM15.
– Parameters that have not been acquired can be added.
– Parameters of auxiliary components and commands
are only included in the list when they are created or
used in the sequence.

Setup and operating elements

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Assign control
2. Host systems (Register)
3. Identification for host system
4. Designation of the source para-
5. Allocation list with selected para-
6. Shortcut
7. Scroll functions
8. Process list

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Operation and programming

Assign control
With this button, the control of the machine control system can be assigned to the host system or
operator of the machine.
Operator in control
– The operating unit has write and read permission
– The host system has read permission
Host system in control
– The operating unit has read permission
– The host system has write and read permission
– Changes made by the host system are automatically
If control is assigned to the host system, this will be indic-
ated by the access authorisation in the top right.

The assignment is also possible via the context menu of

the button Access authorisation settings.
Control can only be assigned to host systems when there are no non-activated changes pending. In
the given case, the function is blocked and a corresponding message indicates that the pending
changes must first be activated or rejected.
– See also Activation area [}Page 87].

Allocation list
A host system can only call up parameters contained within the corresponding list.
Designation for host system
This column is used for the unique identification of parameters for host systems. Parameters can
only be called up via this designation (identification) by host systems.
– The designation can be changed (button Process parameter)
– It must be unique
– Designations that are invalid or have been used mul-
tiple times are labelled with an exclamation mark and
cannot be called up by the host system!
Original designation
This is the designation of the source parameter, and therefore cannot be changed.

The corresponding source parameter can be directly accessed with this button.

Process list
These settings only refer to the displayed list. The source parameters are not influenced.
1. Process parameter (change designation)
2. Remove selected parameter
3. Add parameter (acquire)
– The assistant is opened

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Add parameter (acquire)

Via search
An assistant with search function can be opened in the al-
location list with the button Add parameter (3).

The desired parameter can be searched for in the dialogue

window Parameter range.
– The search begins with the input of the first character.
– The search result is displayed underneath the input
– The more characters that are entered, the more accur-
ate the search result will be.
– Select the desired parameter and confirm with Next.

In the dialogue window Parameter identification, a unique

designation (identification) for the host system can be
given to the parameter, or the suggested one, if available,
can be adopted.
– Number and/or text is possible

Via context menu

Parameters of parameter areas can be added directly from there (source).
Example: Take out time to be added to the host system.
ü Clamping unit component opened in the component
ü General register opened.
§ Right click on the parameter Take out time.
ð Context menu is opened.
§ Select Approve for host system.
ð Dialogue window Acquire new parameter appears.
§ In the input field Designation for host system, the sug-
gested designation (identification) can be adopted or a
unique one can be entered (number and/or text).
§ Confirm with Continue.
ð Summary appears.
§ Confirm with Ready.
ð The parameter is added to the host system.
ð The parameter adding is complete.

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Operation and programming Host system operations

Call order
Orders available on the host systems can be called up and read by the machine control system.

§ Select the production control topic.

§ Click on the button Call up order.

ð Dialogue window Call up order appears.
§ Enter order number and confirm with Call up.
ð The order is read and accepted.

Data record transfer

Data records can be uploaded and downloaded from a host system. Downloading from the host sys-
tem to the machine is only possible when
– the control is allocated to the host system,
– the drives are switched off and
– the operating mode of either Manual or Setup is selected.
When loading,
– the present warnings will be automatically acknowledged and
– the data record automatically activated.

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3.7 Topic Temperature control

Button symbol
Pressing the button opens the temperature control topic.

Clicking on the button opens the temperature control topic.

In this topic
– the normal and high-performance zones of the mould are switched on and off,
– the functions of the normal and high-temperature zones of the mould are determined and the
temperatures are controlled.
– Heating zones of the plasticising unit switched on and off,
– the functions of the heating zones are specified and the temperatures controlled.

Settings related to temperature in other topics

– Topic Monitoring - temperature control
– Example: Switch on/switch off monitoring Temperature control units not ready anymore.
– Topic Interlocks - temperature control
– Example: Switch on/switch off interlock Temperature not in range (mould heaters).
– Topic Component manager - components - create
– Example: Create and configure component Heater or Cooling water.
– Topic Component manager - basis - temperature control
– Example: Configure mould nozzle heater boost function switch-off conditions.

Function buttons
The following is a list of all function buttons of this topic.
Only the function buttons relevant to the page appear on the selected page.
Opens a configuration window for evaporation and boost set-
– These settings can also be made on the page Mould zone
– Description: See also Configuration of mould zones
[}Page 205].

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Mould configuration
Opens a configuration window for the designation and assign-
ment of the mould heaters in the diagram on the page Temper-
atures overview.
– Assigned heaters automatically retain the operating mode
Heating/High performance.
– See also Configuration of mould zones [}Page 205].

Page layout
Opens a configuration window to change the layout of the page
Temperatures overview.

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3.7.1 Overview of Temperatures Description
1. Display
2. Temperature control units*
3. Mould
4. Plasticising unit
5. Group-selection

All parameters that are available on the screen display are

also displayed on the other pages of this topic in table
The schematic display shows the individual temperature 1 2 3 4 5
control zones.

The displayed values (2 & 3) on the schematic presenta-
tion are determined with the selection menu Display (1).

Parameters are only available when using a heated mould.

Plasticising unit
The schematic display of the plasticising unit (4) shows the individual temperature control zones.
Clicking on the temperature control zones opens dialogue windows with all associated parameters.

These buttons open dialogue windows in which parameters can be changed in blocks.
– For example, increase all nominal temperatures of the plasticising unit by 20 C.
– Function groups which are missing are displayed after pressing the corresponding button with the
message "No selectable zones present".
Button Group operation of mould nozzle heaters

Button Group operation of plasticising unit

Button Group operation of block heaters

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Button Group operation of heating/cooling units

– Open/closed-loop control of the H/C devices via a com-
mon interface.
Button Group operation of temperature control units
– Open/closed-loop control of the temperature control
units via Euromap 66 interface.

Multiple selection of mould zones

Group operations of a selected range of mould zones can be carried out with the Multiple selection
ü The topic Overview of temperatures is open.
ü Mould zones are available and their schematic presenta-
tion has been configured.
§ Press Multiple selection button.
ð Multiple selection appears in the status display
§ Click the corner of the desired area in the Mould display.

§ Acquire the desired area by moving the cursor.

ð The acquired area is framed in red.
§ Confirm by clicking.
ð Dialogue window Group operation appears.
§ Enter modification and confirm.
ð The selected zones will be adjusted accordingly.

3.7.2 Mould zone temperatures Description

Function of mould zones

The mould zones TH401-4xx / TH501-5xx are zones for electric mould heaters. The number and
type of available zones are dependent on the machine equipment (options).

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There are 2 types:

– Zones TH4xx are for heating elements up to 3.3 kW.
– Zones TH5xx are for heating elements up to 0.75 kW.
The operating mode of these zones must be configurated
by the user in accordance with the existing needs and the
concept of the heating elements used.
– Only mould zones that are switched on via the screen
pages Temperatures of mould zones and hence also
configured, are shown on these screen pages.
– See also Configuration of mould zones [}Page 205].

Operating mode
With the mould heaters we distinguish between the operat-
ing zones Normal and High performance.
The operating mode is selectable for all zones (TH4xx and

The operating mode Normal is used for relatively sluggish heating elements, e.g. for block heaters
with hot runner moulds. Their heat-up time is relatively long. The heat-up characteristic and heat-up
time of the normal zones can be compared with those of the plasticising unit.
– Heaters assigned to the operating mode Normal are
switched on and off with the button Mould block heat-
– The heating is carried out with a pulse frequency of
10.24 seconds.
High performance
The operating mode High performance is used for quickly reacting heating elements, e.g. like those
used as nozzle heaters. Their heat-up time is just a few minutes. They often require especially
gentle heat-up with manipulated variable limitation and an evaporation break.
– Heaters assigned to the operating mode High perform-
ance are switched on and off with the button Mould
nozzle heaters.
– The heating is carried out with a pulse frequency of
0.64 seconds.

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Structure of mould zones

All temperature and performance values of the switched-on mould heating zones of the mould are
shown in a table.
Each temperature control zone is identified by zone numbers which correspond to the number of the
mould heater.
– The designation must be entered manually.
– The operator is completely free with regard to the choice and connection of the mould zones.
The setpoint values can be entered within the input range displayed in the information line.
The actual values are constantly measured and updated during production.
The values for the reduced temperatures are entered in the Reduced column.
– The reduced temperatures become effective when the temperature monitoring unit has been ac-
tivated or the mould zones are changed over on the operating unit.
– Changing over to reduced temperatures is necessary for any interruption to machine operation.
The Tolerance minus/plus columns describe the permissible downward and upward temperature dif-
– When the difference is exceeded, an alarm is triggered, the fault is displayed on the screen and
the next cycle is blocked.
– As an additional safety measure, an upper limit is programmed for all plasticising and mould
zones, which is effective even with the control circuits switched off. Programming
General programming
The parameters are set by the software to the default val-
ues after a zone is activated.
Programming is usually limited to the activation of a zone
and to the entry of the new setpoint temperatures, or to the
reading in of a new setting data record.
Following programming, be sure to monitor the heating-up
process and the measured values of the heating capacity.
If some of the measured values are within the area of the
extreme values (0 % or 100 %) for a longer time, this can
indicate faulty programming of the control circuits.
Mechanical/electrical defects (def. heaters, thermocouples,
defective circuit-breakers) can have the same effects.

Checking programming
If any problems occur, proceed as follows:
§ Check the zone-specific setpoint values for operating temperatures, reduced temperatures and
manipulated variables.
§ Check the type of temperature control for the mould heaters. Make sure that high-performance
elements are also programmed as such. If in doubt, always initially program mould heaters as
high-performance zones and correct them after monitoring the heat-up process (screen pages).
§ Monitor the heat-up process if necessary.
§ Check the circuit breakers, connectors of heaters and thermocouples and their positioning and

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3.7.3 Configuration of mould zones Description

The individual mould zones are configured on this screen
page. Hence, these zones appear on the screen page for
mould zone temperatures and are ready for further pro-
gramming of nominal values.
– Each mould zone is identified with a zone number.
– Each zone can be given its own name in the column
– The operating mode and type of the temperature
sensor of all available mould zones are configurable
and shown in a table.
– The operator is completely free with regard to the
choice of mould zones.
– The corresponding connections are found in
the electrical diagram.
– See also electrical diagram and the following example.

Designation of connections
Example: Designations of zone 401 in electrical diagram.
1. Connection phase (PH)
2. Connection neutral (N)
3. Connector
4. Designation of connector
5. PIN number in connector
6. Heating element with zone designation (TH401)

Operating mode
The type of temperature control is entered with C8xxx.
In the Operating mode column each mould zone can be assigned a function with the parameters

Sensor type
In the Sensor Type column the sensor types (TH8xxx) are assigned, provided others are present
than those configured by NETSTAL.

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Heat-up phase (high-performance zones)

During the heat-up phase the maximum heating manipu-
lated variable is limited to the value programmed in TH990.
– TH990=maximum heating capacity during the heat-up
As soon as the evaporation temperature TH991 is
reached, the evaporation time T92 begins. During this time
the temperature is adjusted to the nominal value TH991
(evaporation temperature).
After expiration of the evaporation time, the maximum
zone-specific manipulated variable is limited to TH9xxx un-
til the lower tolerance of the setpoint temperature (THxxx,
TH4xxx) is reached. Then the manipulated variable is ad-
justed again so that the actual temperature is held constant
at the setpoint temperature.

Mould reference zone

If a zone number is programmed for C991, then all mould heaters follow the actual value of this zone.
This enables a uniform heat-up of all mould zones. The function is deactivated as soon as the pro-
grammed zone lies within the tolerance range.

Switching on
Carried out with the buttonboost function of nozzle heaters on the operating panel.
Switching off
The function can be switched off at all times with the button Boost function of nozzle heaters.
The automatic switching off is carried out in accordance with the configurated switch off-criteria.
Switch-off criteria:
– At production start
– As per number of cycles from production start
– As per duration from production start
– After expiry of maximum switch-on time (overheating protection)
Configuration of the switch-off criteria: Component manager - Basis - Temperature control - Boost
function of mould nozzle heater.
– See also Mould nozzle heater boost function* [}Page 419] in the Programming Manual.

The boost function only concerns the mould nozzle heaters.
– C8xxx = 3 Heating/high performance
The setpoint values of the mould nozzle heaters are increased by the parameter value TH995 when
the boost function is switched on.
TH996 determines the tolerance range for the increased setpoint values.
These settings can be accessed directly with the function
button Evaporation / Boost.

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Correction factor for post-heating of mould heating*

This function can be switched on and off with C4988 (1 =
switched on).
The correction factor for post-heating C4989 delays the
heating release after the temperature tolerance range is
reached. An increasing of this factor causes a delay in the
heating release and ensures a completely heated-through
– Default setting: C4989 = 0.5

Calculating the post-heating time

Post-heating= correction factor x measured time
– Post-heating: Delay time between reaching the operating temperature and production release of
mould heating.
– Correction factor: C4989
– Measured time: Starts when, after switching on the mould heating, one zone heats with 100 %
and ends when none heats with 100 % anymore.
Calculation example:
– At a correction factor of 0.5 with a measured time of 20 minutes, the post-heating time is 10
minutes. Programming

Normal zones
If a normal zone is configured (C8xxx = 2), then a manipulated variable limitation (TH9xxx) becomes
effective in the heat-up phase until the actual temperature has reached the tolerance range.

High-performance zones/Evaporation
High-performance ceramic heating cartridges, as they are primarily used for heating mould nozzles,
require especially gentle heat-up. Otherwise heat accumulations can occur or the moisture in the hy-
groscopic insulating material cannot escape quickly enough, resulting in vapour. Heat accumulations
and vapour formation can destroy the high-performance cartridges.
– TH991 Setpoint value for evaporation temperature (°C)
– T92 Residence time at evaporation temperature (s)
– TH990 Manipulated variable limitation until evaporation temperature is reached (%).
These settings can be accessed directly with the function
button Evaporation / Boost.

If a high-performance zone is configured (C8xxx = 3), then a manipulated variable limitation (TH9xxx)
becomes effective until the actual temperature has reached the tolerance range.
These parameter are applicable for all heating zones specified as high-performance zones (C8xxx =

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If a high-performance zone is operated as an actuator (C8xxx = 4), its manipulated variable is limited
to TH990 (manipulated value limitation until evaporation temperature is reached) until the evapora-
tion phase is completed. Then the zone-dependent programmed manipulated variable TH9xxx ap-
Switch on/switch off is carried out with the high-performance zones button.
A better variant for emergency operation is the operating mode C8xxx = 6.

If a normal zone is operated as an actuator (C8xxx = 5), the zone-dependent programmed manipu-
lated variable TH9xxx always applies. Switching on/off is carried out with the block heaters button.
Positioning mode without thermocouple (TH8xxx = 5): A positioning mode without thermocouple is
possible but should only be used for emergency operation when a thermocouple is defective, for ex-
ample. As then no actual values are measured, no monitoring can be carried out either.
A better variant for emergency operation is the operating mode C8xxx = 6.

Apply heating capacity value of another zone

This operating mode enables several mould zones to be operated with the same heating capacity
value. This is primarily practical when a thermocouple fails. The heat output value of a neighbouring
zone that has similar properties can be adopted.
– To allow production until a defective thermocouple is replaced, the heating capacity from another
identical zone can be applied.
If a mould zone is switched to operating mode 6 (C8xxx = 6), the parameter C4xxx is shown instead
of the positioning value TH9xxx.
At C4xxx the zone number of the mould heater can then be entered with the heating capacity value
to be used.

3.7.4 Temperature control of plasticising zones

For machine models with multiple injection units (2, 3, ...) the respective subpages appear on this
parameter page.
– Injection unit 1 (main injection unit)
– Injection unit 2, 3, ... (additional injection units)
The following description applies to all subpages.
The settings refer to the respective injection unit.

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Operation and programming Description
All temperature and performance values of the switched-on
heating zones of the plasticising unit are shown in a table.
Each temperature control zone is identified with a zone
number and designation.
The setpoint values can be entered within the input range
from the information line.
The actual values are constantly measured and updated
during production.
The values for the reduced temperatures are entered in the
Reduced column.
– The reduced temperatures become effective when the
temperature monitoring unit has been activated or the
plasticising zones are changed over on the operating
– Changing over to reduced temperatures is necessary
for any interruption to machine operation.
The Tolerance minus/plus columns describe the permissible downward and upward temperature dif-
When the difference is exceeded, an alarm is triggered, the fault is displayed on the screen and the
next cycle is blocked.
As an additional safety measure, an upper temperature limit TH998 (Configuration plasticising zones)
is programmed for all plasticising zones, which is effective even with the control circuits switched off.
If all actual values of the plasticising unit lie above the lower limit value, the delay time is started.
After this time expires, the plasticising unit is considered ready for operation and the screw drive is
If all actual values are within the tolerance range, production is released and the lower limit for the
temperature monitoring is activated.
Depending on the operating mode (heating, cooling) of the temperature control zones, the actual val-
ues of the heating and cooling capacity are displayed.
Manipulated variable output in [%].
– 100 % - always switched on
– 0 % - always switched off Programming

Heating and cooling capacity

§ Following programming, be sure to watch the measured values of the heating or cooling capacity.
ð If some of the measured values are within the area of the extreme values (0 % or 100 %) for
a longer time, this can indicate faulty programming of the control circuits.
ð Mechanical defects (clogged coolant hoses, excessively high pneumatic pressure, water too
cold or defective heater cable and circuit-breaker) can cause the same effects.

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3.7.5 Configuration of plasticising zones

For machine models with multiple injection units (2, 3, ...) the respective subpages appear on this
parameter page.
– Injection unit 1 (main injection unit)
– Injection unit 2, 3, ... (additional injection units)
The following description applies to all subpages.
The settings refer to the respective injection unit. Description
The operating mode and type of temperature sensor of the
switched-on heating zones of the plasticising unit are
shown in a table.
Each temperature control zone is identified with a zone
number and designation.

Operating mode
In the Operating mode column each plasticising zone can be assigned a function with the parameters
C8011, C8013 - C8018 and C8020.
– C80xx = 0: Plasticising zone switched off
– C80xx = 1: Measuring only
– C80xx = 2: Heating only (and measuring)
– C80xx = 3: Cooling only (and measuring)
– C80xx = 4: Heating and cooling (and measuring)
For some plasticising zones, not all operating modes are available, see the input range in the inform-
ation line.

Sensor type
In the Sensor type column an entry on the design of the temperature sensor must be made with the
parameters TH8010 - TH8020 (only visible in information line).
– TH80xx = 0: No sensor
– TH80xx = 1: Fe-CuNi Type L
– TH80xx = 2: Fe-CuNi Type J
– TH80xx = 3: NiCr-Ni Type K
– TH80xx = 2 is normally used!

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Monitoring of maximum temperature

As an additional safety measure, an upper temperature limit (TH998) is programmed for all plasti-
cising zones, which is effective even with the control circuits switched off.
– When the limit is exceeded, an alarm is triggered by a control circuit, the fault is displayed on the
screen and the next cycle is blocked.

Monitoring of heating output

If a plasticising zone is heated for the duration T93 at 100 % power without the temperature rising by
TH997, the heaters are switched off and the machines stops in a fault condition.

Plasticising unit reference zone

With C990 a reference zone can be specified by entering the corresponding zone number.
– During heat-up all heaters of the plasticising unit follow the temperature curve of the reference
zone. This enables uniform heating up of the entire plasticising unit.
– This function becomes inactive as soon as the reference zone has reached its tolerance range.

Correction factor for post-heating of plasticising heaters

The correction factor for post-heating delays the heating release after the temperature tolerance
range is reached. An increasing of this factor causes a delay in the heating release and ensures a
completely heated-through plasticising unit.
The correction factor should be selected according to the size of the plasticising unit.
– The larger the plasticising unit, the larger the correction factor should be!
– Default setting: C989 = 0.5

Calculating the post-heating time

Post-heating = correction factor x measured time
– Post-heating: Delay time between reaching the operating temperature and production release of
mould heating.
– Correction factor: C989
– Measured time: Starts when, after switching on the mould heating, one zone heats with 100 %
and ends when none heats with 100 % anymore.
Calculation example:
– At a correction factor of 0.5 with a measured time of 20 minutes, the post-heating time is 10

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3.7.6 Temperature control units* Description
General temperature control units
The temperature control units are operated and controlled
via the Euromap 66 interface.
– Up to 8 external temperature control units from differ-
ent manufacturers can be connected and controlled via
the Euromap 66 interface.
– The entire user interface is integrated in the Netstal
– The temperature control units are operated and pro-
grammed via the NETSTAL controller. No entries are
required on the temperature control units.
– Alarm messages and warnings are displayed via the
Netstal controller.
– The temperature control units are controlled via the
CAN bus interface.
– Only devices equipped with a Euromap 66 in-
terface can be connected!
– A terminating resistor must always be mounted
on the last temperature control units, see draw-
ing on right (DSUB9 resistor plug).
– The temperature control units can also be operated via the page Overview of Temperatures
[}Page 201]!

Structure/operation of temperature control units

The screen pages Temperature control units and Additional data, temperature control units are avail-
able for programming.
The page Temperature units overview is also available as an overview.
– The structure of this page corresponds with those of the temperature pages for mould and plasti-
cising unit.
– The temperature control units can also be operated via the page Temperature overview.
The setpoint values can be entered within the input range from the information line.
The actual values are constantly measured and updated during production.
The values for the reduced temperatures are entered in the setpoint values Reduced.
– The reduced temperatures become effective when the temperature monitoring unit has been ac-
tivated or the H/C zones are changed over on the operating unit.
– Changing over to reduced temperatures is necessary for any interruption to machine operation.
– See also Switch-on buttons [}Page 23].

On the temperature control component, a parameter can be set that delays the switching off of the
EUROMAP 66 temperature control units by the specified time using a button. If the button is actuated
again during the delay time, the temperature control units will be switched on again. Therefore, "re-
duced" can be switched to "on" without an unavoidable switching off of the temperature control unit.
– See also Switch-off delay Euromap 66 temperature control units* [}Page 420].

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Operation and programming Programming
The zone/designation of the temperature control units can
be entered manually depending on the connection/hose.

Node address C986.x

A node address must be set on the temperature control unit to ensure communication with the Net-
stal controller.
The node address C986.x specified on the screen page must be set on the temperature control
– E.g.: For temperature control unit 1, node address 31.
– Temperature control units may never have the same node address!

Operating mode C8320.x

C8320.x = 0 Temperature control units is switched off
C8320.x = 1 Temperature control unit Normal mode
– Switch on/off, reduced temperatures with H/C button.
C8320.x = 2° temperature control unit leak-stop operation
– Switch on/off, reduced temperatures with H/C button.
C8320.x = 3 Temperature control unit Self-optimising mode
– Switch on/off, reduced temperatures with H/C button
Device status = feedback of operating state from temperature control unit

Monitoring* C814.x
The operating mode can be monitored to prevent production with switched-off Euromap 66 temperat-
ure control units.
The supervision checks that the temperature control units are switched on and run in the normal
– Default setting and appliance status must be on normal operating mode.
– If monitoring is activated, an alarm is triggered.
Using parameter C814.x, monitoring can be activated and the reaction can be determined:
– C814.x = 0 Monitoring is switched off.
– C814.x = 1 Supervision is active. Reaction: Reject switch is activated; production is possible.
– C814.x = 2 Supervision is active. Reaction: Production is stopped.

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Setpoint values/actual values

The most important setpoint and actual values are also dis-
played on the screen page Overview of temperature con-
trol units* [}Page 215].

They are the default values as used for temperature con-

Mould temperature Th8320.x; The current mould temperat-
ure is displayed here provided an external temperature
sensor is installed.
Supply temperature; If the actual value measured at
TH11320.x is higher than that at TH7320.x or lower than
the value programmed on TH9320.x, an alarm is triggered.
Return temperature; If the temperature between the supply
and return temperature (TH11320.x/TH12320.x) is greater
than the value programmed on TH13320.x, an alarm is
Manipulated variable limitation; The maximum manipulated
variable for heating (C984.x) or cooling (C985.x) is spe-
cified here.
Flow; If the actual value measured on V4320.1x is greater
than that on V3340.x or less than the value programmed
on V3320.x, an alarm is triggered.

3.7.7 Additional data for temperature control units* Description
Zone /designation
The zone/designation of the temperature control units can
be entered manually depending on the connection/hose.

The device can be identified via the CAN interface.
Information on the device, hardware and software versions can be displayed.

Ramp for heating/cooling

With the ramp for heating or cooling, it is specified how quickly heating up or cooling down is to take
The ramp for heating or cooling is indicated in °Celsius per minute.

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Operation and programming

Controlled variable
With the controlled variables it is determined which «temperature» is to be controlled:
– C987=1 Supply temperature
– C987=2 Return temperature
– C987=3 Mould temperature
Device status = feedback of operating state from temperature control unit.

Switch-off program
The switch-off behaviour of the temperature control device is specified with parameter C988.x:
– C988=1 Temperature control unit switches off immediately.
– C988=2 Temperature control unit cools to a specified temperature inside the device and switches
– C988=3 Temperature control unit carries out mould emptying and switches off.
– C988=4 Temperature control unit cools to a specified temperature inside the device, carries out
mould emptying and switches off.
Device status = feedback of operating state from temperature control unit.

3.7.8 Overview of temperature control units* Description
The temperature and performance values of the switched-
on temperature control units of the mould are shown in a
– The designations of the temperature control units can
be entered manually depending on the connection/
– The setpoint or actual values displayed here are also
shown on the screen page Temperature control units
[}Page 213].

The setpoint values can be entered within the input range

from the information line.
The actual values are constantly measured and updated
during production.

The values for the reduced temperatures are entered in the Reduced column.
– The reduced temperatures become effective when the temperature monitoring unit has been ac-
tivated or the plasticising zones are changed over on the operating unit.
– Changing over to reduced temperatures is necessary for any interruption to machine operation.
– See also chapter: Interrupted operation [}Page 562].

The Tolerance minus/plus columns describe the permissible downward and upward temperature dif-
– When the difference is exceeded, an alarm is triggered, the fault is displayed on the screen and
the next cycle is blocked.
Depending on the operating mode (heating, cooling) of the temperature control zones, the actual val-
ues of the heating and cooling capacity are displayed.
– Manipulated variable output in [%].100 % - always switched on 0 % - always switched off

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Operation and programming Programming
On this page the most common setpoint/actual values are
listed in an overview.
– For the other setpoints/actual values required for pro-
gramming the temperature control units, see screen
page temperature control units!

3.7.9 Temperatures of general temperature control zones Description
Temperature control zones
The setpoints of these temperatures are programmed at
the factory by the configuration.
– These temperatures cannot be changed!
Zone 912 cooling unit: Displays the temperatures of the
cooling unit.

Control cabinet
To protect the computer core of the control, the machine is equipped with temperature monitoring in
the control cabinet.
With TH901 a setpoint temperature is entered from which the temperature may differ a maximum of
TH3901 downward and TH4901 upward.
TH1901 shows the current actual temperature.
– The cabinet temperature cannot be changed! Programming
– Please do not change any parameters in this topic without consulting Netstal-Service.

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3.7.10 Configuration of general temperature control zones Description
Temperature control zones
Zone TH910, monitoring of water supply temperature.
Zone TH911, monitoring of hydraulic-unit oil temperature.*
Zone TH912, monitoring of cooling-unit water temperature.
– These temperatures cannot be changed! Programming
– Please do not change any parameters in this topic without consulting Netstal-Service.

3.7.11 Cooling zone temperatures* Description
These screen pages are used for the acquisition of the actual temperature values for the cooling cir-
cuit monitoring*.
– No settings are required.
– Show the actual temperature values of the individual
cooling zones.
– All actual values of the cooling circuit monitoring* are
clearly displayed in the topic Overview on the screen
page Individual cooling circuit.

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3.7.12 Configuration of cooling zones* Description
These screen pages are used for the configuration of the operating mode and the sensor type of the
cooling zone for the cooling circuit monitoring*.
The presentation, operation and assignment of the connec-
tions behave the same as during the configuration of mould
– See also chapter: Configuration of mould zones
[}Page 205].

Operating mode
0 = switched off
– Select if no sensor is connected to the corresponding zone.
1 = measuring
– Select if a sensor is connected to the corresponding zone.
2 = cooling
– Do not use, because cooling will take place via the cooling circuit monitoring.
– See component Cooling water with monitoring (auxiliary control) and topic Overview - Individual
cooling circuit.

Sensor type
In the Sensor Type column the sensor types (TH8xxx) are assigned, provided others are present
than those configured by NETSTAL.

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3.8 Interlocking topic

Button symbol
Pressing the button opens the interlocks topic.

Clicking on the button opens the interlocks topic.

In this topic
– all predefined interlocks are displayed and configured.

3.8.1 Interlocks Description
Interlocks prevent the execution of certain machine func-
tions when the necessary release conditions have not
been met.
There is a difference between predefined and derived in-
– Initiated interlocks are initiated from the (Sequence ed-
itor) production process. They arise due to the order of
the command in the process and its programming.

– Example: If the Move to injection position and Move to

removal position (2) core traction commands between
the Close (with locking) and Open (1) clamping unit
commands, the following interlock arises:
Clamping unit not locked disables the Move to injec-
tion position and Move to removal position core traction
– Derived interlocks are always checked before the start of a command.
– Predefined interlocks, depending on the type of interlock, are checked before the start of a com-
mand or before the start of a cycle.
This topic describes predefined interlocks.

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Operation and programming Operating elements

Column 1: Component A type

Column 2: Component A
Column 3.1: State Z of component A (condition)
Column 3.2: Component B disabled commands (action)
Parameter area

Component A in state Z disables specific commands of component B.

Column 1 and 2
The component which specifies the condition for disabling an action is selected via these two

Column 3
The interlocks of the selected component are displayed on this column.
Column elements from left to right:
– Interlocking status
– Condition: Status of component A
– Forbidden symbol (meaning: disabled)
– Component of disabled action (component B)
– Disabled action
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Parameter area
The parameter area is based on the selected interlock.
Corresponding settings are possible and configurable, de-
pending on the interlock.
Area elements from top to bottom:
– Interlock designation
– Switch on/off (checkbox)
– Not every interlock can be switched off.
– Component with condition (component A)
– Condition
– Effect with condition met (disabled).
– Component of disabled actions (component B)
– Disabled actions

Interlocking status
The current state of the relevant interlock is displayed in colour.

Red Interlocking is switched on and has been activated.

Green Interlocking is switched on and has not been activated.

Grey Interlocking switched off.

The state of an interlock remains on red (activated) until this state is reset using the Acknowledge
alarm button.
– See also chapter: Eliminating a fault [}Page 602]. Settings
Some predefined interlocks can be switched on and off.

Switching interlocking on/off

ü Switch on/off is configurable.
§ Select interlocking.
§ Select or deselect the Interlock switched on checkbox
in the parameter area.
ð The change is adopted in active mode after the
data record has been activated.

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3.9 Monitoring topic

Button symbol
Pressing the button opens the monitoring topic.

Clicking on the button opens the topic Monitoring.

All monitoring is displayed and configured in this topic.

Function and purpose

Monitoring ensures the quality of the injection parts and efficiency of production.
Monitoring processes prevent the machine, mould or peripheral equipment (e.g. robots) from being
damaged. This applies in both automatic and manual modes.
– Exception: In the operating mode Recovery, certain monitoring processes are switched off.
A monitoring process is executed on an ongoing basis and its activation sometimes stops the execu-
tion of a command and/or process.

3.9.1 Monitoring overview Description
The monitorings are divided up into three groups. The
switched-on monitorings of each group are listed in a
column on this page. General monitoring processes are on
the left, the sequence monitoring processes in the middle
and the component monitoring processes are on the right.
– All monitorings of this group are displayed in the com-
ponent monitoring column (also those that are switched
– Each monitoring process has a coloured state display
and a shortcut button to the corresponding monitoring
– Each group has its own processing page. All monitor-
ing processes are listed there, with detailed information
and setting possibilities.
– See the following chapter.

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3.9.2 General Monitoring Description
General monitoring processes are displayed on this screen
page and can be configured in the parameter area (if con-
figurable). Operating elements

1 2 3
1. Selection range
2. Monitoring condition
3. Parameter area

Monitoring condition
The current state of the relevant monitoring is displayed in colour

Red Monitoring is switched on and has been activated

Green Monitoring is switched on and has not been activated

Grey The monitoring is switched off

If a monitoring has activated, the state display remains on red (activated) until this state is reset using
the Reset alarm button.
– See also chapter: Eliminating a fault [}Page 602].

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Parameter area
The parameter area is based on the selected monitoring.
Corresponding settings are possible (not greyed out) de-
pending on the monitoring.
Area elements from top to bottom:
– Designation and symbol
– Shortcut buttons
– Only for component monitoring
– Switch monitoring on/off (checkbox)
– Status display
– Register
– Parameter area
– List of reactions
– Use the arrow button to access the correspond-
ing reaction settings. Settings
Note: Changes only go into effect by pressing Activate.

Switch on/off
The corresponding monitoring process is switched on
when the checkbox is marked.
– Not every monitoring can be switched off.

The Timeout parameter appears when the selected monit-
oring system is monitoring a time. If the monitored function
lasts longer than the programmed time Timeout, the monit-
oring activates.
– The Reactions are executed in their listing order.

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3.9.3 Sequence monitoring Description
An execution time for each sequence can be switched on
and configured on this page.
– For sequences, see Sequence overview [}Page 139]. Operating elements and settings

Behaves analogue to general monitoring.
– See General Monitoring [}Page 223].

3.9.4 Component monitoring Description
This screen page depends on machine and mould config-
uration as well as the production process used.
All component monitoring processes and their commands
used in the production process
– can be viewed
– and configured here (if configurable).

Each component, insofar as it is possible with the sensor it possesses, endeavours to protect itself
from damage (self-protection).
They do this by means of monitoring processes such as a mould safety device or status monitoring.
When a component monitoring process is activated, the component reacts locally and reports the
problem to the process control. Regardless of the severity of the reported problem, this triggers the
corresponding overlapping component reactions. Operating elements and settings

Behaves analogue to general monitoring.
– See General Monitoring [}Page 223].

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3.9.5 Important monitoring processes Cycle time monitoring

The control monitors the cycle duration of the production process. If the specified maximum cycle
time is exceeded, the control stops commands that are still running and attempts to reach the cycle
end in accordance with the production process but without injecting and while observing interlocking
processes. Command execution time

The execution time of the commands used in the production process can be monitored.
Example command Close clamping unit:
§ Select monitoring.
ð Monitoring topic - Component monitoring - Clamping unit - Close - Command execution time
§ Switch on monitoring.
§ Determine monitoring time (timeout).
§ Activate changes.
ð If the clamping unit closing lasts longer than the programmed monitoring time, the monitoring
ð Application example, see Production process with injection and metering [}Page 326] - Dy-

namic injection. Standstill monitoring

See Standstill time and standby time [}Page 145]. Reducing or switching off* block and nozzle heaters when at

– Reduce block heaters when at standstill
– Reduce nozzle heaters1 when at standstill
– Switch off reduced block heaters
– Switch off reduced nozzle heaters 1
Mould nozzles
All four monitorings can be switched on/off and have a programmable monitoring time (timeout).
Monitoring switched on
When the production stands still and while no operation occurs during the programmed monitoring
time (timeout), the corresponding heaters are reduced or switched off. This reduces energy con-
sumption and avoids idle time damages. Material holding time

See Material holding time [}Page 145].

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Operation and programming Reactivate start-up program*

Monitoring switched on
When the production stands still and while no operation occurs during the programmed monitoring
time (timeout), the start-up program is automatically executed during a restart.
– See also Start-up program* [}Page 366]. Reject gate sets production stop*

In the event of a production stop, this monitoring switches the reject gate to the Bad position. Here, it
does not matter whether the stop is triggered by the operator or a fault.

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3.10 Topic Process quality

Button symbol
Pressing the button opens the process quality topic.

Clicking on the button opens the topic Process quality.

In this topic
– the trend graph,
– the quality monitoring,
– the display of the process statistics,
– the configuration of the quality report,
– the start-up procedure and
– the operating and utilisation times
are displayed and set.

The topic Process quality is suited to checking and evaluating process quality.
However, the machine does not carry out product testing, but instead checks and monitors the pro-
cess values detected during production.
– As a result, rejected products need not necessarily be of a poorer quality.
– Due to differences in the process values, cycles can be declared suspicious and their products
The process behaviour can be recorded in a quality report and customer receipt for testing and docu-
mentation purposes.

Function buttons
The following is a list of all function buttons of this topic.
Only the function buttons relevant to the page appear on the selected page.
Monitoring active/inactive
– See also Process Statistics, overview [}Page 234].

Move/delete process quality files

– See also Trend graph [}Page 229].

Set sample counter to 0

– See also Process Statistics, overview [}Page 234].

Apply statistics values

– See also Process Statistics, Injection unit [}Page 238].

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3.10.1 Trend graph Description
Ten process values are used to evaluate the quality of a
part produced with an injection moulding machine (this ap-
plies to each injection unit if there are multiple injection
– Using the trend graph it is now possible to track the
course of the displayed process values over the last
20000 cycles.
– For each of the process values, the course over the
cycles is recorded in a separate graphic. In addition to
the respective process value, any tolerances and the
setpoint value are also displayed.

Elements of trend graph

The screen pages Trend graph 1, 2, & 3 are available to present the process values graphically.
– Each page can be configured differently.
– A maximum of eight process values can be displayed per page.
Each trend graph mainly consists of two sub-areas.
– In the upper sub-area the individual process values are shown in trend bars, whereby each pro-
cess value has its own trend bar.
– In the lower sub-area information on all trend bars is shown.
Lower sub-area
1. Scroll functions
2. Area selection of the number of displayed cycles (res-
3. Stop/release display
4. Configure trend graphic

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Operation and programming Function
Function area
In addition to information on process values, the function area also contains function buttons with
which the display of the respective trend bar can be influenced.

Trend bar function buttons

The following list provides an overview of the four buttons and their function:
– Auto scaling: The y-axis is automatically scaled based
on the tolerance range or the automatically determined
mean value.
– Zoom in: Increases the range shown, enable details to
be better recognised.

– Zoom out: Decreased the range shown, making details

less easy to recognise.

– Full screen: Toggles between display in full screen

mode and normal mode.

Colour of process values

The process values are shown in different colours.
– Black: All cycles during production without reject monitoring or accepted part during production
with reject monitoring.
– Red: Rejects (only with reject monitoring C340 = 3).
– Green: Start-up procedure active (C349)
– Grey: Production with reject monitoring (C340 = 3) and monitoring inactive.

Tolerance and setpoint

Tolerance and setpoint can only be displayed when the Process statistics screen pages have been
– Setpoint: Blue horizontal line
– Tolerance plus/minus: Red horizontal lines

Event type
Production interruption
One black vertical line each is drawn through the last pro-
cess value before and the first process value after the in-
– Resolution displayed: 20

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One black line is drawn through the last process value be-
fore the interruption.
– Resolution displayed: 200

Change in process-relevant setpoint parameter

A blue vertical line is drawn left of centre between the
measured points.
– Resolution displayed: 20

A blue vertical line is drawn through the last process value

before the change.
– Resolution displayed: 200

Fault message
A red vertical line is drawn right of centre between the
measured points.
– Resolution displayed: 20

A red vertical line is drawn through the last process value

before the change.
– Resolution displayed: 200

Combination of different event types

Display as described above.
– Resolution displayed: 20

A purple vertical line is drawn through the last process

value before the change.
– Resolution displayed: 200 Programming
Change configuration
§ Click on the button Configure trend graphic.
ð The window Configure trend graphic appears.

Process values selection

Of the ten possible process values, a maximum of eight can be shown in the trend graph:

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– T11 Cycle time

– P127 PI Peak value
– P125 PM Peak value during hold pressure
– P121 PM Peak value during injection
– S0 Start of injection
– S11 v/p change-over point
– S19 Melt cushion
– T2 Injection time
– C125 Flow number
– T21 Metering time

Add/remove process values

Selected process values can be moved (removed or ad-
ded) by clicking the corresponding button.

Alter sequence
Selected process values can be moved up or down by
clicking the corresponding button.

The process values appear in the trend graph according to the list in the window Displayed process

Sliding mean value

By checking the box display sliding mean value, the sliding mean value for each process value will
be displayed in the trend graph.
The input field Number cycles determines the number of the last cycles used for determining the
mean value.
The mean value is calculated anew and updated after each cycle.
– y = : Process value of the last cycle
– ȳ = : Sliding mean value

Stop/release display
To view the curve of the trend graph more exactly, the display can be stopped.

§ The display is stopped by clicking on the Stop/start dis-

play button.
– With the display stopped, the button symbol is shown
in red.

– In addition, it is pointed out in the information line that the display is stopped.
– With the display stopped, there is no display of the current process value.
– If the display is released again, the current cycle is automatically shown.

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Axis scaling
The scaling settings of the X and Y-axes are retained after switching off the machine.
The X-axis is scaled by means of the area selection, i.e. is limited to the fixed values 20, 200 and
Area to be displayed can be selected using the scroll bar by moving the scroll bar.
Moving the scroll bar automatically stops the display. This takes place, because with the machine
running, new cycles continually result which would have to be displayed in the trend graph, requiring
the displayed area to be shifted.
Automatic scaling
This function is activated in the default setting. This can be recognised from the fact that the button is
shown clicked.
Auto scaling is automatically deactivated when one of the two buttons for manual scaling is clicked.
In this case, the auto scaling button is shown raised, which can be seen from the fact that the trend
bar is manually scaled.
To change over from manual to automatic scaling again, it is only necessary to click the auto scaling
Automatic scaling with tolerance range
If a tolerance range is present, the Y-axis is scaled so that the tolerance range makes up 60 percent
of the entire Y-axis.
Automatic scaling without tolerance range
If no tolerance range is present, the Y-axis is scaled so that 10 percent of the calculated mean value
makes up 60 percent of the entire Y-axis.
Manual scaling
With manual scaling, the axis maximum of the Y-axis is increased by a factor of 1.25 or reduced by
0.8 with every click on one of the two buttons for manual scaling.

Display of cycle data

If a process value is clicked, the value for each of the maximum of eight process variables shown is
displayed in a small window.
In addition, the cycle and the date and time at which this cycle was run are shown. The individual
windows are connected with a line.
However, the process value can is only be displayed with the display stopped. With the display run-
ning, an operator alarm is triggered.
The display can be switched off again by pressing the CE key, releasing the display again or clicking
on a process value of the same cycle.

Full screen display

Normally, the trend graph shows all configured process values graphically.
However, in the full-screen mode only one trend bar is shown, which is equivalent to a trend graph in
which only one process variable is configured.
It is possible to toggle between a normal display and the display in the full-screen mode with the Full
screen function button.

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3.10.2 Process Statistics, overview Description
Quality monitoring
The parameter C340 controls the manner of quality monit-
– Only if C340 = 3 (process monitoring with sorting out)
can monitoring be switched to active with the function
– See also Function for Q monitoring [}Page 236].

These buttons activate and deactivate monitoring.

– If monitoring is active, the parameters of the process
statistics, except sample cycles C746, are blocked for

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Quality report
C700 selects whether and at what point in time a quality
report is created.
– A quality report includes all process values of the trend
graph and process statistics.
To transfer the data, a storage medium (USB stick) must
be connected to the USB interface of the operating unit.
– The quality report is automatically transmitted in PDF
format onto a connected USB Stick.
– If no USB-stick is connected, up to 10 quality reports
can be stored in the print memory (spooler).

When creating a quality report, the sample counter (C326)

is set to zero and the statistical calculation is restarted, i.e.
the sample size is also specified with C700.
– C700 = 0: No quality report is created. The sample
counter (C326) can be set to zero by pressing the Set
sample counter to 0 button.
– C700 = 1: Only a quality report is produced at the end
of production.
– C700 = 2: A quality report is produced after the entered
number of sample cycles (C746) is reached.
– C700 = 3: A quality report is produced with every con-
tainer change.
Depending on C340 and C700, the following parameters appear:
– C326: Sample counter
– C318: Number of defective cycles
– C338: Number of defective cycles of ongoing sample
– C718: Total fault quota
– C738: Fault quota of sample
– C346: Cycles per container
– C339: Program selection customer voucher
– C:710: Data output quality reports
– C711: Reaction quality data

Customers receipt
If C339 = 1, a customer receipt is also created with every quality report.

Determine process variable

§ The dialogue window Settings can be opened with the
button General settings.
§ The selection of the parameters shown in the customer
receipt can be changed in the register Customer re-

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Move/delete log files

Log files are:
– Quality report
– Customer report
– Process log
The log files can be moved with this button. The prerequis-
ite is the connection of a storage medium to the USB inter-
face of the operating unit.
The log files saved by the control can be deleted with this

Reaction: Quality data not retrieved

There is a predefined storage capacity available on the harddisk for the intermediate storage of qual-
ity data. If the storage capacity is exceeded, C711 becomes effective.
C711 indicates what should be done with the unretrieved quality files:
– "1" = quality completion is delayed until the data is retrieved (i.e the sample is enlarged).
– "2" = the oldest data is overwritten and cannot be restored.
– "3" = production is stopped and an alarm is triggered.
– "4" = recording is stopped. From this point, all parts produced are considered as rejects. Function for Q monitoring

C340 = 0: Process values
The cycle counter (C325) counts all cycles.
The process variables shown (injection unit process statist-
ics) are always based on the current cycle.

C340 = 1: Process statistics

The cycle counter (C325) counts all cycles.
For each cycle the arithmetic mean value and the 3/6
sigma standard deviation (C341), based on the sample
size (C326), is recalculated from the actual values of the
process variables.
– This enables a process observation on a statistical
basis without tolerance limits.
The sample size is specified with C746.

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C340 = 2: Monitoring without sorting out

The cycle counter (C325) counts all cycles as "Good
The number (C318, C338) and quotas (C718, C738) are
displayed and calculated, defective products are not rejec-
ted, however.
– For example, C318 is a subset of C325, which is also
emphasised by the designation "Cycles thereof outside
The sample size is specified with C746.
Based on a prior process observation, tolerance values for
certain process variables can be specified without having
to fear a machine reaction.
Monitoring without sorting out is a kind of practice mode.
Tolerance and setpoint values can be changed at any time.
If tolerance values are changed, the message "Caution!
Limit values have been changed!".
The number of times the tolerance is exceeded is dis-
played for each process variable.
This may enable the causes of a fault to be localised.

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C340 = 3: Monitoring with sorting out

Monitoring with sorting out represents the actual quality
– Monitoring covers every cycle, i.e. is 100 %.
– Quality monitoring can only function when the machine
is capable of rejecting product from defective cycles.
– Sorting out can be carried out by means of a parts-re-
moval unit (robot), a reject gate or similar systems.
The functions are largely identical to those from C340 = 2:
Monitoring without sorting out!
Only the defective cycles are now no longer detected by
the cycle counter (C325).
– The total number of cycles is the sum of the cycle
counter (C325) and defective cycles (C318).

– The sample counter (C326) detects all, i.e. also the defective cycles.
– The parameters are released for an entry.
– If monitoring is not activated approx. one minute after entry of all necessary parameters, an alarm
is triggered.
– If monitoring is active, all parameters on this page, except sample cycles C746, are blocked for
– This eliminates unwanted tampering.
– If monitoring is deactivated during production, the system automatically produces a quality report
with a corresponding note and triggers an automatic container change if installed.
– Production phases with different monitoring parameters are therefore clearly separated
from each other and documented.
– As long as monitoring is deactivated all products are separated, as the monitoring state is not
clearly defined.
– In the event of a production stop caused by a fault, the product from the corresponding cycle is

3.10.3 Process Statistics, Injection unit Description
Process variables
Important process values (from other topics) are shown with Setpoint value, Tolerance, Actual
value, Arithmetic mean value and Three sigma standard deviation.
Process values outside the tolerance range are marked in the right-hand column.

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Process values displayed:

– Actual value of metering time
– Actual value of injection start
– Actual value of injection time
– Actual value of v/p change-over
– Actual value of melt cushion
– Actual value of PM peak value, injection
– Actual value of PM peak value, hold pressure
– Actual value of PI peak value, inside mould pressure*
– Actual value of flow number
– Actual value of cycle time
– Error cycles of external quality monitoring (C1095)*
– Counts cycles which were rated as bad by an external quality monitoring via the input
External reject signal.
– The counter is not included in the customer's receipt, nor in the quality report. Programming
Acquire quality data
To collect quality data, the corresponding command must
be inserted in the sequence (1 & 2) and its Collect quality
data checkbox marked (3).
Commands with quality data are:
– Injection and hold pressure (1)
– Start of injection
– Injection time
– v/p change-over
– Melt cushion
– PM peak value, injection
– PM peak value, hold pressure
– PI peak value
– Flow number
– Cycle time (hold pressure start/end)
– Metering (2)
– Metering time
– If one of these commands are used multiple times in
the sequence (e.g. 2x injection and hold pressure),
make sure that the data are only collected by one of
these commands.
– Configure accordingly (3).

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Evaluate quality data

To evaluate quality data, the Evaluate quality data com-
mand (2) must be inserted accordingly in the sequence
after the Injection and hold pressure command (1).
– Any command can be activated accordingly after the
Evaluate quality data command depending on the qual-
ity (e.g. reject gates 3 & 4).
Mark Evaluate quality data (5).
– When the checkbox is checked, the command is only
executed when the selected quality assurance condi-
tion has been met.
Configure condition (6).

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Quality monitoring
The central point when setting the quality monitoring is the determination of practical tolerances.
The tolerance limits have no reference to the actual quality of the produced parts. They only repres-
ent a randomly specified limit of "normalcy".
Example sorting with reject gate:
ü Evaluate quality data command (2) is inserted accord-
ingly behind Injection and hold pressure (1).
ü Reject gates (3 & 4) command inserted accordingly
after Evaluate quality data (2).
ü Reject gates (5 & 6) commands configurated.
§ Enter C340 = 1 (process statistics).
§ Switch on the configured machine for at least 20 - 50
ð The first basic settings of the tolerances are calcu-
lated with the statistical values, above all the three-
fold standard deviation.
ð According to statistics theory, 99.73 % of the occur-
rences can be expected in the scattering range of
the 3 sigma standard deviation.
ð According to statistics theory, 99.9999 % of the oc-
currences can be expected in the scattering range
of the six-fold standard deviation.

§ Enter C340 = 2 (monitoring without sorting out).

§ If the machine has produced without faults, click on the

function button Apply statistics values.
ð The column values Medium and Variance are then
adopted as Setpoint and Tolerance respectively.

§ Produce with the machine for a longer period (several

days or production segments).
§ Regularly create and evaluate quality reports.
§ Conduct a statistical evaluation of the products parallel
to this.
§ Following the long-term observation, correct the toler-
ances again as required.
§ Enter C340 = 3 (monitoring with sorting out).

§ Activate monitoring with function button.

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3.10.4 Configuration of Quality Monitoring Description
Reaction: Process data outside tolerance
If C340 > 1, the type of reaction in case a tolerance is ex-
ceeded is selected with the switch-off behaviour (C703).
– C703 = 0: No reaction
– C703 = 1: Alarm only
– C703 = 2: Alarm and production stop
With C304 a permissible fault sequence is defined, i.e.
C304 consecutive defective cycles are followed by a reac-
tion as per C703.
C704 shows the current status of the fault sequence.
– If the tolerances are changed, C704 is automatically
set to zero.
With C305 a permissible fault quota is defined, i.e. C305
defective cycles during the last 100 cycles are followed by
a reaction as per C703.
– For example, if every 2nd cycle lies outside the toler-
ances, a fault sequence is never exceeded. A failure at
this level can be avoided by a correspondingly pro-
grammed fault quota.
C705 shows the current status of the fault quota.
– If the tolerances are changed, C705 is automatically
set to zero.

Start-up procedure
At the beginning of production, various start-up circuits can be selected at C331.
The start-up procedure is especially important for fully automatic production with host system con-
If C340 = 3, the criteria of the start-up procedure are selected with the change-over mode (C331).
– C331 = 0: Start-up procedure is switched off; the machine immediately begins monitored produc-
– C331 = 1: Unconditional change-over; all cycles to C348 are declared as defective, monitored
production then starts.
– C331 = 2: Conditional change-over; Change-over to monitored production if at least C349 good
cycles have been recorded in a row within C350 cycles.
– C331 = 3: First unconditional, then conditional change-over.
During the start-up phase, the message "Start-up procedure active" appears.
If during conditional change-over C350 (number of permitted attempts) is achieved during a se-
quence, this is continued beyond C350 until success or failure results.

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Clamping unit behaviour in case of reject parts

To ensure the correct change over of the reject gate, the opening of the clamping unit can be
delayed with C2863 when changing from good parts to reject parts (sorting out).
– C2863 = 0: Delay time off.
– C2863 = 1: Delay time (T286).
– C2863 = 2: Via limit switch, but maximum of T286.
– C2863 = 3: Via additional program*. Programming
Switch-off behaviour
– The programming of the permissible fault sequence (C304) and quota (C305) is highly dependent
on the available personnel.
§ If enough personnel are available for intervening in case of a machine stop, enter small values for
C304 and C305.
§ If only a few personnel (night shift) are available, enter large values for C304 and C305.
ð The programming of C304 and C305 has no effect whatsoever on the accuracy or the safety
of quality monitoring. It only serves to avoid too many "doubtful" cycles.

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3.10.5 Clipboard for quality report Description
The content of these pages can be stored on a medium as
a customer receipt.

Manufacturer name, article and order number can be
entered here.

Order data
With order (C330 = 1), monitoring (C340 > 1) and quality
report (C700 > 1), the temporary stored order data are dis-
played here.
The order data are mainly taken from the Process statistics
and Production control pages.
The Receipt No. (C334) is a consecutive number for identi-
fication of the customer receipts.
With the preceding and following customer receipts, the
starting (C335) and final quantities (C336) enable complete
documentation of quality monitoring.
C337 (Accepted parts) is the difference between C336 (fi-
nal quantity) and C737 (faulty parts).

Process variables
With order (C330 = 1), monitoring (C340 > 1) and quality
report (C700 > 1), the temporary stored process variables
are displayed here.
The process variables are shown in the process statistics.
The selection of the parameters shown on the customer re-
ceipt can be changed in Basic settings.
§ Click the Basic settings button.
ð The dialogue field for basic settings appears.
§ Click tab Customer receipt.
§ Activate or deactivate desired values.
ð The cycle time (T11) is hidden in the default set-
Error cycles of external quality monitoring (C1096)*
– Displays the counter reading of C1095 for the last container.
– See also Process Statistics, Injection unit [}Page 238].

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3.10.6 Process Logging* Description
Process logs can be saved to archive the process data.
The output of a log can be switched on and off with C702.
– "0" = Process logging off
– "1" = Process logging on
The parameters C712/713 are only visible when C702 = 1.

Process log
C342 indicates the number of production cycles that can occur before the process data should be re-
C713 indicates how many entries (cycles) can be recorded in a file.
– Entries are saved until the programmed number is reached or a programmed order (C301) is
– Process log data can then be moved to a USB stick.

Determine process variables

§ The dialogue window Settings can be opened with the
button General settings.
§ The selection of the parameters shown in the process
log can be changed in the register Process log.

Move/delete log files

Log files:
– Quality report
– Customer report
– Process log
The log files can be moved with this button. The prerequis-
ite is the connection of a storage medium to the USB inter-
face of the operating unit.
The log files saved by the control can be deleted with this

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Reaction: Process data not retrieved

There is a predefined storage capacity available on the harddisk for the intermediate storage of pro-
cess data. If the storage capacity is exceeded, C712 becomes effective.
C712 indicates what should be done with the unretrieved process log files:
– "1" = The oldest data is overwritten and cannot be restored.
– "2" = Recording is stopped.

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3.11 Topic Production control

Button symbol
Pressing the button opens the production control topic.

Clicking on the button opens the topic Production control.

In this topic
– Order number, article number, personnel, mould number, data record name ...;
– Production process, production target, counting functions (parts counter, cycle counter, shot
counter etc.), reaction to production target ...;
– Container change*;
– Time/material requirement, fault quota, shot weight, minimum and maximum remaining dura-
tion ...;
– Notebook for data record
are displayed and set.
The data record is also read, saved or deleted in this topic.

Function buttons
The following is a list of all function buttons of this topic.
Only the function buttons relevant to the page appear on the selected page.
Reading, saving and deleting data record
Opens the configuration window Read data record.
– Please see chapter Reading, saving and deleting data re-
cord [}Page 89] in the operating manual.

Monitoring active/inactive
– See Process Statistics, overview [}Page 234].

Set cycle counter/auxiliary counter to 0

– See Production process [}Page 249].

Manual container change

– See Container changing [}Page 250].

Read notebook
Opens the configuration window Read notebook.
– The notebook is saved with the data record.
– See Notebook [}Page 251].

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3.11.1 Production control Description
Parameter C340 in the Process quality topic controls the
manner of quality monitoring.
– Only if C340 = 3 (process monitoring with sorting out),
can monitoring be activated with the Monitoring active
function button.
– If monitoring is active, the parameters on this page, ex-
cept production target C302, are blocked for entries.
– If monitoring is deactivated, all parameters can be ed-
ited. Order
Production is possible with or without an order:
– C330 = 0 without a named or defined order.
– C330 =1 with order
If C330 = 0, only the mould number (C309), cavities
(C303), shot counter (C1325), cycle counter (C325), auxili-
ary cycle counter (C300), parts counter (T324) and produc-
tion preparation (C357) parameters appear.
If C330 = 1, the order number (C312), article number
(C313), mould number (C309) and personnel identification
(C314) can be entered with up to 12 characters each.
C313 and C314 are used for internal plant identification
and have no further meaning for production control. How-
ever, they are also printed out on the customer receipt.
"Process monitoring with sorting out" (C340 = 3) can also
be carried out without "order definitions" (C330 = 0). How-
ever, this is discouraged, as the order definitions do not
provide much information on a customer receipt without
the characteristic numbers.
Entering a new order number (C312) resets the shot
(C1325), piece (C324) and cycle counter (C325) to "0".
As soon as a parameter of the currently loaded data record
has been changed, the data record state is changed.

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With C302 a production target (desired quantity) can be
The production target (C302) can be changed during ongo-
ing production.
When the piece counter (C324) has reached the specified
setpoint quantity (C302), a reaction of the machine select-
able with C332 takes place.
– C332 = 1: An alarm is triggered.
– C332 = 2: An alarm is triggered and production
The piece counter (C324) is increased by the number of
cavities (C303) with each cycle in the Automatic mode.

1. The number of cavities (C303) is the number of used

cavities in the mould.
2. The number of cavities (C311) is the number of avail-
able cavities in the mould.
The number of cavities (C303) can (and should) be adjus-
ted when a cavity fails, even during ongoing production, so
that the displayed quantity matches the actual quantity.
The cycle counter (C325) counts all cycles in the Auto-
matic mode.
When the machine is switched off, the values of the piece
(C324) and cycle counter (C325) are retained.

If C330 = 0, the parts (C324) and cycle counter (C325) can

be set to zero by pressing the Set cycle counter to 0 but-

The auxiliary cycle counter (C300) can, regardless of the

C330 setting, be set to 0 by pressing the Set auxiliary
cycle counter to 0 button.

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Operation and programming Container changing

Program selection for container changing:
C310 = 0: No container change
– With this switch position the Container change function
is switched off.
C310 = 1: Manual container change
– Even if no automatic container changer is installed,
practical use can be made of the Container change
function. It then functions similarly to trip meter in a car.
Current content (C316) counts the number of parts in
the current container. If the machine operator changes
the container manually at any point in time, he/she se-
lects the Manual container change button. This causes
the counter of the current container (C316) to be saved
as the content beforehand (C701) and then reset to
zero. At the same time, the counter for the current con-
tainer (C317) is increased by 1. The content of the con-
tainer just changed can now be read off on the C701,
recorded on a slip of paper and laid in the container in
a relaxed manner.
– Note: The number of the container just changed is
C317 minus 1.
C310 = 2: Automatic container change*
– This switch position is only available when the additional equipment container changer was
ordered when purchasing the machine (can be retrofitted if necessary). In this function the num-
ber of parts after which a container is automatically changed can be specified with the container
size (C306). Based on the production target (C302), the required number of containers (C307)
and the residual quantity (C308), i.e. the number of parts in the last container, are automatically
– Note: If the production target or the container size changes, C307 and C308 are recalculated.
This also takes place when a container change is forced with "Change monitoring". Time/material requirement

The start of production (time: C325 = 1) is recorded with the date and time.
The number of remaining cycles (C329) with the number of cavities (C303) are calculated from the
difference between the production target (C302) and piece counter (C324).
The minimum remaining duration (T329) of the order is determined with the cycle time (T111) and
the number of remaining cycles (C329).
The fault quota (C718) shows the share of defective cycles [%] of the ongoing order.

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3.11.2 Notebook Description
The notebook can be freely edited for notes about the cur-
rent data record.
A notebook file (*.NNB) is stored with the saving of the
data record. This file can be edited and added to on a PC
with a text editor.

– Notebooks of other data records can also be read by

clicking on the button. Programming

Edit notebook
§ Make entries in the notebook of the current data re-
ð Entry is made via the alphanumeric keyboard.
§ Press the SOFTWARE KEYBOARD button to display
the keyboard on the screen.
ð Entries need not be actively saved.
ð New entries are automatically saved when shutting
down the controller.
ð Entries in notebooks of other data records are also
saved during shut-down.

Read notebook
§ Click on the Read notebook button.

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§ Select the required data record.

ð The notebook is loaded and displayed on the Notebook
screen page.

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3.12 System overview/logbook topic

Button symbol
Pressing the button opens the system overview/logbook topic.

Clicking on the button opens the topic System overview/log-

In this topic
– the logbook,
– Alarm messages and
– Status messages displayed.

Function buttons
The following is a list of all function buttons of this topic.
Only the function buttons relevant to the page appear on the selected page.
Save logbook
Opens the configuration window Save logbook.
– Description: See also Logbook [}Page 254].

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3.12.1 Logbook Description
In the logbook, all relevant events of the production pro-
cess are logged.
In the logbook the last activities carried out can be checked
and understood. It is therefore an aid when problems exist.
Entries are made in the logbook automatically and in the
order of their occurrence.
The last entry is in the first row.
Each event is displayed with the
– Date (format: DD.MM; without year),
– Time (format: hh:mm; e.g. 15:41) and
– Cycle (cycle counter C325).

The logbook memory is buffered and is retained even when the controller is switched off.
Entries in the logbook cannot be deleted by the user.
– The logbook can be saved on an external or internal
data storage device by clicking on the button.

There are four types of events that are archived in the logbook:
– Parameter changes
– Fault messages
– Status messages
Parameter changes
Any change to a parameter is documented with the old and new value.
Page and parameter selections without value changes are not entered.
– For example, "C331 = 1 -> 2", the value of the parameter C331 was increased from "1" to "2".
Fault messages
Each fault message is registered with the fault number and message text.
Information is not entered.
Status messages
Each change in the production status (including alarm switch-off and production target reached) is re-
Machine ON/OFF is registered.

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3.12.2 Alarm messages Description
Fault messages (red) are primarily displayed on the sys-
tem message display.
In the fault and information window a maximum of two
messages can be displayed simultaneously.
This screen display shows all current fault messages (red)
with fault number and message text.
The fault number is also used for identification of the mes-
sage independent of the language.
– See also chapter: Faults [}Page 597].

After the fault cause is eliminated, the message is auto-

matically deleted.

3.12.3 Status messages Description
Status messages are primarily displayed in the status line.
Only one message can be displayed in the status bar at
any given time.
This screen display shows all status messages with num-
ber and message text.
The number is also used for identification of the message
independent of the language.
– See also chapter: Faults [}Page 597].

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3.13 System characteristic data topic

Button symbol
Pressing the System characteristic data button opens Topic.

Clicking on the button opens the topic System characteristic

In this topic
– System characteristic data of the machine,
– System characteristic data of the injection unit,
– Hardware components
are displayed and set.

Function buttons
The following is a list of all function buttons of this topic.
Only function buttons relevant to the page appear on the selected page.
Creation of diagnosis data
– See Diagnosis data [}Page 603].

Read/delete diagnosis data

Opens a configuration window to read or delete the diagnosis
Read/save adjustment values (PROM)
– This function is only intended for Netstal service techni-
System shut-down
– See Switch off control [}Page 545]

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3.13.1 System characteristic data Description
Machine data
– The machine data are used to identify the machine incl.
software. They should always be available when con-
tacting Netstal service staff.
– C1912: Machine model
– C1913: Commission number

3.13.2 System Characteristic Data of Injection Unit Description
The system data are used to adjust the plasticising unit, for
example after changing the plasticising unit.
– If there is a change, the new plasticising unit is detec-
ted by the coded connector and its identification num-
ber displayed in the Component manager -Injection
device- Number of plasticising unit parameter.
– The new identification number is checked; if the plasti-
cising unit can be used on this machine, the new identi-
fication number is adopted by C806.
– If the coding of the new plasticising unit is in-
valid, all screw movements are blocked and an
alarm is output.
– C806 shows the last permitted identification number.
– P802 shows the maximum specified melt pressure of
the new plasticising unit. The Component manager -In-
jection device - Maximum permitted melt pressure
parameter may not exceed this value and must be ad-
justed if necessary.

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3.13.3 Hardware components Description
– Current view of the PCBs used.

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3.14 Full text search

Button symbol
Pressing the button opens the Full-text search.

Clicking on the button opens the Search topic.

The full text search makes it easier to quickly find the parameters you are looking for. The search is
possible with the parameter ID (identification) or text entry.
– For parameters of parameter pages, only the search with the parameter ID is possible.
§ Press Full text search button.
ð Full test search is opened.

§ Press Software keyboard button.

ð Software keyboard appears.

§ Enter the ID or designation of the parameter searched,

e.g. ID S90 or text Mould installation height.
ð The search results are listed on the right-hand side.

§ Clicking on this button directs the user to the corres-

ponding parameter.

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Components and commands

4 Components and commands

4.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 263
4.2 Clamping unit .................................................................................................................. 264
4.2.1 Clamping unit .................................................................................................................. 264
4.2.2 Mould clamping system* ................................................................................................. 297
4.3 Ejector ............................................................................................................................. 299
4.3.1 Ejector ............................................................................................................................. 299
4.4 Injection unit .................................................................................................................... 315
4.4.1 Injection unit .................................................................................................................... 315
4.4.2 Plasticising nozzle ........................................................................................................... 323
4.4.3 Injection device................................................................................................................ 326
4.4.4 Cooling time .................................................................................................................... 363
4.4.5 Start-up program*............................................................................................................ 366
4.5 Quality ............................................................................................................................. 369
4.5.1 Quality monitoring ........................................................................................................... 369
4.5.2 Sampling* ........................................................................................................................ 375
4.6 Robot............................................................................................................................... 377
4.6.1 Euromap 67* ................................................................................................................... 377
4.7 Material feeding............................................................................................................... 400
4.7.1 Material feeding* ............................................................................................................. 400
4.7.2 Colour feeding unit*......................................................................................................... 403
4.8 Safety .............................................................................................................................. 407
4.8.1 Safety cover .................................................................................................................... 407
4.8.2 Alarm system................................................................................................................... 409
4.9 Basis................................................................................................................................ 411
4.9.1 Drives .............................................................................................................................. 411
4.9.2 Hydraulic drive* ............................................................................................................... 412
4.9.3 Production control ........................................................................................................... 415
4.9.4 Cooling unit ..................................................................................................................... 417
4.9.5 Temperature control ........................................................................................................ 419
4.9.6 Maintenance.................................................................................................................... 422
4.10 Mediums.......................................................................................................................... 424
4.10.1 Energy counter*............................................................................................................... 424
4.10.2 Energy measurement*..................................................................................................... 427
4.10.3 UPS ................................................................................................................................. 429
4.10.4 Power supply* ................................................................................................................. 432
4.10.5 Pneumatic control and leak oil ........................................................................................ 435
4.11 System ............................................................................................................................ 436
4.11.1 Timer ............................................................................................................................... 436
4.11.2 Operating mode manager ............................................................................................... 438
4.11.3 Confirmation button ......................................................................................................... 439
4.11.4 Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................. 439
4.11.5 Stop button ...................................................................................................................... 440
4.12 Auxiliary control components .......................................................................................... 441
4.12.1 Core traction* and ejector* .............................................................................................. 441
4.12.2 Nozzles* (mould) ............................................................................................................. 472

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4.12.3 Universal axis*................................................................................................................. 488

4.12.4 Reject gate*..................................................................................................................... 493
4.12.5 External fault input* ......................................................................................................... 500
4.12.6 External monitoring unit* ................................................................................................. 502
4.12.7 Monitored purging pan* ................................................................................................... 507
4.12.8 Machine synchronisation* ............................................................................................... 508
4.12.9 Remote control of external devices* ............................................................................... 516
4.12.10 Light* ............................................................................................................................... 520
4.12.11 Extractor*......................................................................................................................... 522
4.12.12 Clean room module*........................................................................................................ 525
4.12.13 Heaters and hot-runner controllers* ................................................................................ 528
4.12.14 Rotary plate*, index plates* and slide* ............................................................................ 535

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Components and commands

4.1 Introduction
The functions and parameters of the components with their commands, as well as the process and
quality influences, are all described in this chapter.
The descriptions refer to the settings in the component manager topic.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1. Navigation path 7. Enlarge display window

2. Component designation 8. Commands register
3. Component register 9. Commands parameter area
4. Display window register 10. Scroll functions
5. Parameter area register 11. Open/close parameter groups
6. Parameter area components 12. Context menu

For the parameterisation fundamentals, see:

– Component manager topic [}Page 175]

– Changing parameters in parameter areas [}Page 70]


Auxiliary control components:

– Are optional components.
– Are flexible in use.
– They must be created and have their connections assigned.
– See also Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

– The most common ones are described in the chapter Auxiliary control components [}Page 441].

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Components and commands

4.2 Clamping unit

4.2.1 Clamping unit

According to the machine control, the clamping unit contains everything related to the mould move-
ment and clamping force.

The programming of the clamping and opening movement, as well as the clamping force is depend-
ent on the mould concept. Therefore, it is not possible to suggest any programming values that guar-
antee specific results.
In order for the programmed and displayed positions to correspond with the actual mould stroke, the
mould installation height must be correctly determined.
– See also Mould installation height [}Page 271].

Mould protection
The machine features an absolute and learning mould protection.
– See also description Mould protection [}Page 266] and settings Mould protection [}Page 277].

The mould-open position can be monitored via limit switch (recommended).

– See Set mould monitors.
With the option "mould stroke limitation", the opening stroke can also be mechanically limited.
– See Mould stroke limitation* [}Page 585].

– See Clamping force [}Page 272] and Weight proportion on BAP* [}Page 281] Clamping unit component

This component controls the functions:

Function See also ...

Close clamping unit Close command [}Page 289]  

Open clamping unit Open command [}Page 292]


Stamp* Compression* command [}Page 295]  

Relieve Relieve command [}Page 294]  

Installation height adjustment Mould installation height [}Page 271]  

Installation height adjustment: electric

[}Page 281]

Clamping force Clamping force [}Page 272]


Mould protection Mould protection [}Page 277] (Parameter)


Mould protection [}Page 266] (Description)


The clamping unit component has safety level 2. This means that the component can only be moved
when the safety cover is closed.

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Components and commands


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Clamping unit Close command Clamping unit
[}Page 289]
  [}Page 42]

(Right button)

Open command Clamping unit

[}Page 292]
  [}Page 42]

(Left button)

Relieve command
[}Page 294]

[}Page 295]

Adjust mould in-

stallation height
[}Page 42]

Set clamping force

[}Page 43]

Set mould height

[}Page 43]

Move inspection stroke

[}Page 43]

Calibrate stroke trans-

ducer (clamping unit)
[}Page 44]

Calibrate rotary trans-

ducer (clamping unit)
[}Page 44]

Calibrate clamping force

[}Page 44]

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Components and commands

Mould protection

The mould protection protects the mould extensively from damage that can result from jammed parts
(injection parts that are not demoulded, robot arms, loose screws or other foreign matter.
The mould protection consists of two independent types of monitoring,
– the Absolute mould protection and
– the Learning mould protection (relative).
The functions of the absolute mould protection are effective in all operating modes, while the learning
ones are only effective in the operating mode Automatic.

The highest possible mould protection is required:

– Fundamental understanding of the mould protection
– See Mould protection [}Page 266]

– Learning mould protection switched on

– See Learning mould protection [}Page 292].

– Increased mould protection switched on and optimised

– See Increased mould protection [}Page 277].

– Braking distance optimised (shortest possible)

– See Simulation [}Page 279].

Learning mould protection

The learning mould protection can be switched on or off with the command Close clamping unit. In a
switched-on state, it optimises itself and therefore offers the best possible mould protection without
further configurations.
It functions through a limit curve that adheres to the force curve (see Sequence) and is therefore as
sensitive as possible in each section of the clamping movement and can already identify small
changes in the clamping force curve.
– It only monitors the final 100 mm of the clamping movement.
– A relearning is carried out after adaptations that influence the clamping movement.

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Components and commands


Relearning is only partly monitored
The learning mould protection is inactive during the relearning (it cannot monitor it-
self during learning).
ü The relearning is monitored by the absolute mould protection.
§ The absolute mould safety device is always active!

As the learning mould protection is calculated from the movement forces of the clamping movement,
it requires a clamping movement in order to acquire the movement forces (force curve) and calculate
the limit curve. This process is defined as relearning and is carried out in automatic mode after the
following change at the next closing:
– Switching the learning mould protection on
– Change to the movement profile
– Change of operating mode with clamping movement
– Larger nominal clamping force change (> 100 kN)
– Start position over or under the open position

The graph shows the curve of the learning mould protection.
1. Force in kN
2. Mould stroke in mm
3. Mould contact
4. Limit curve
– This curve is continually optimised.
– It corresponds to the raised tolerance force
curve of the last clamping movement.
5. Force curve

If an injection moulded part is jammed, the force curve (5) begins to rise and if the limit curve (4) is
exceeded, mould protection will be actuated.

Optimisation phases
In Automatic mode, the greatest sensitivity is achieved after the start-up phase.

Optimisation phases Learning Absolute

Mould protection Mould protection
1 Relearning Inactive Active
– After changes that influence the move-
ment force of the closing.
2 Start-up phase Reduced active Active
– First closing after Relearning – Larger tolerance
– First closing after production start
3 Production Active during optimisa- Active

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Components and commands

Absolute mould protection

The absolute mould protection has two main tasks:
– Securing the movement when the learning mould protection is not active.
– Identifying slowly rising friction, e.g. wear of the mould guidance.
Unlike the learning mould protection, it monitors the entire clamping movement and cannot be
switched off.
The opening of the clamping unit can also be monitored with the Limit force when opening C9090
It has the Increased mould protection C9086 function and this can be switched on and off. This is a
configurable fine adjustment for the end range of the clamping movement.
If the Increased mould protection function is not switched on, the absolute mould protection will work
with the specified standard values.
The absolute mould protection is configurated with the Clamping unit component.
– See also Clamping unit Mould protection [}Page 277] component.

Increased mould protection

Without increased mould protection

– Increased mould protection C9086 switched off.
1. Mould contact
2. Limit value
– The limit curve (monitoring profile) is calculated
from the speed profile.
– Cannot be altered.
3. Clamping force

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Components and commands

With increased mould protection

– Increased mould protection C9086 switched on.
To additionally protect the mould, the final section of the clamping movement can be monitored with
higher sensitivity with the help of the Increased mould protection function.
The start position of the increased mould protection is determinable by parameter Start position
[}Page 278].

1. Actual value Reserve to force limit F9301

– Is the difference between force limit F9307 and
the peak force within the increased mould pro-
tection (4).
– Is required for the optimisation of the increased
mould protection.
– The smaller the value, the greater the sensitiv-
2. Limit profile
– The limit profile for standard values (3) is calcu-
lated from the speed profile.
– The limit of the increased mould protection (4)
is programmable via the Force limit F9307
3. Mould protection standard values
4. Mould protection increased mould protection

Last stage (before locking)

It allows a further increase of the force curve before mould contact.
An extension of the last level (2) is required if there is already a build-up of force before the mould
contact, e.g. when using spring assemblies in the mould.
1. Setpoint Force limit to end position F9309
– Limit of the last stage before platen contact
2. Setpoint End position S9084
– Start position of the last stage
3. Actual value Reserve to end position S9094
– Reserve distance between start position Last
stage and increasing force curve.
– Serves for the optimisation of the End position
– Should be as near as possible to the last stage.

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Components and commands

Opening movement
The absolute mould protection can be switched on or off for the opening movement with Limit force
when opening.
– Monitors the entire opening stroke.

Triggering and reaction

An increase of the force curve due to rising friction, jammed injection moulded part etc. can be mon-
itored with the mould protection.
The following is valid for all switched-on mould protections: If the limit curve is exceeded by the force
curve, the movement will instantly stop and an alarm with the corresponding message will be
– When triggered, the alarm message indicates speed and position of the clamping unit.
– With the option Mould protection reaction, the corresponding configurable auxiliary sequence is
automatically started.
– See also Sequence overview [}Page 139].

Simulation of mould protection

The simulation function allows users to selectively adjust the speed profile until a mould speed is
found for the simulated triggering point where the mould will no longer be damaged during actual
mould protection.
– See also Simulation [}Page 279].

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Components and commands

Clamping unit component parameter

General tab

Mould position
Type: Actual value
Shows the current position of the mould.
– 0 mm corresponds to the mould contact without force, provided that the Mould installation height
has been correctly determined.

Take out time

Type: Actual value
The take out time begins when the end position Clamping unit open is reached and ends when the
end position is left. The value is updated each time the end position is left. The end position Clamp-
ing unit open corresponds to the largest opening distance within the production process.

Locking time
Type: Actual value
Shows the required time from mould contact (position 0 mm) with force build-up to Locked state (end
position reached).

Unlocking time
Type: Actual value
Shows the required time for the force relief, measured when opening from locked state up to mould
contact (position 0 mm).

Mould installation height

Type: Group title
The distance of the closed mould's clamping surfaces is always referred to with Mould installation

Current mould installation height

Type: Actual value
ID: S89
Shows the current position of the mould installation height. This value corresponds to the distance of
the moving mould clamping plate to the nozzle sided mould clamping plate in locked state without
clamping force.
– Locked state: Moving mould clamping plate in front end position.
– After setting the clamping force, this value is smaller than the setpoint of the mould installation
height S90. The difference corresponds to the strain on the clamping system, from which the
clamping force is derived.

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Components and commands

Setpoint mould installation height

Type: Setpoint
ID: S90

Mould installation height
The setting of the mould installation height S90 must be carried out with particular
If this setting is not made properly, damage to the mould and the machine can
§ The mould installation height must be set during every mould change.

This value must correspond to the installation height of the mould being used. The parameterisation
can be entered manually or determined automatically.
Automatic determination:
– See also button description Set mould height [}Page 43].

– See also chapter: Setting up the mould [}Page 567].


The mould installation height S90 is temperature-dependent and must therefore be determined with a
heated mould.

Clamping force
Type: Group title
The clamping force is the sum of all forces that subject the tie-bars to tension after clamping is ex-
The force build-up begins when the mould halves touch during the clamping movement (mould posi-
tion 0 mm). The clamping movement is continued until the Locked state is reached. The tie-bars are
subjected to tension, which increases according to the clamping system (tie-bars, mould clamping
plates etc). The clamping force with which the mould halves are pressed against each other results
from this.
– In the locked state, and corresponding to the strain on the clamping system, the mould position is
in the minus range.
– The clamping force is linear to the strain on the clamping system.

Mould buoyancy force

The mould buoyancy force is the force that occurs during the moulding process through the injected

Locking force
The locking force consists of the clamping force and mould buoyancy force together.
– In order to prevent the mould being forced open during injection, the locking force F33 should
only be slightly larger than the clamping force F32.

Basic setting for clamping force

The basic setting for the clamping force must be carried out during each mould change.
– See also button description Set clamping force [}Page 43].

– See Setting up the mould [}Page 567].


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Components and commands

Quality influences
The most important task of the clamping force is the locking of the mould during the moulding pro-
– The mould opens during the injection and/or hold pressure phase if the clamping force is too low,
and this can lead to flashing on the moulding.
– If flashing on the injection moulded part occurs despite a sufficient clamping force (i.e.
without the mould opening), it means that the mould is too weak, damaged or does not
close in parallel.
– Too high a clamping force causes unnecessary energy consumption and wear on the mould and

Current clamping force

Type: Actual value
Displays the current clamping force as a continuous actual value.

Locking force
Type: Actual value
ID: F33
Displays the maximum clamping force (locking force) reached during moulding process (total locking
– It consists of the clamping force and mould buoyancy force (inside mould pressure) together.
– Is influenced by injection speed, filling capacity and melt temperature.
– It should only be slightly higher than the clamping force (F32).
– It is also used for the optimisation of the Setpoint for clamping force [}Page 273].

Last clamping force

Type: Actual value
ID: F32
Shows the clamping force for locked clamping unit.
– The value is determined when the Locked state is reached.

Setpoint for clamping force

Type: Setpoint
ID: F30
Nominal clamping force for locked clamping unit.
– Too low a clamping force can lead to flashing on the moulding due to the mould being forced
– Too high a clamping force causes unnecessary energy consumption and wear on the mould and
– When production is running, reduce setpoint clamping force F30 in small steps until locking force
F33 starts to increase. The setting before the increase of locking force F33 is the optimal clamp-
ing force.
The basic setting for the clamping force must be carried out during each mould change.
– See also button description Set clamping force [}Page 43].

– See Setting up the mould [}Page 567].


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Components and commands

Clamping force program selection

Type: Selection parameter
ID: C30
Factory setting: 3 = Monitor and control
The measurement and control of the clamping force can be switched on or off.
0 = no measurement
– Attention: The measurement of the clamping force is switched off with this setting and is there-
fore neither displayed, controlled nor monitored.
– During locking, a corresponding message appears on the screen display.
1 = measuring only
– The clamping force is measured and displayed, but neither controlled nor monitored.
2 = monitor
– The clamping force is measured, displayed and monitored with F34 and F35, but not controlled.
3 = monitor and control
– The clamping force is measured, displayed, monitored and controlled.
– Corresponds with the recommended setting.
– The Set clamping force function can only be completely carried out with this setting.

Setting of clamping force

Type: Group title

Number of adjustment movements

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 1
Determines the number of clamping movements carried out by pressing the Set clamping force but-
– The first clamping movement carries out a basic setting of the clamping force (min. 75%).
– An approach takes place with every subsequent one until the setpoint clamping force has been
– See also Set clamping force [}Page 43].

Type: Group title

Minimal clamping force

Type: Setpoint
ID: F34
Minimum clamping force required for production.
– If this clamping force is not reached during production, the cycle stops and a corresponding mes-
sage appears on the screen display.
– This setting can prevent injection if the clamping force is too low, and this can result in the mould
being forced open, with flashing and mould damage as potential consequences.

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Components and commands

Max. clamping force

Type: Setpoint
ID: F35
If this limit value is exceeded, the build-up of force stops and a corresponding message appears on
the screen display.
– Protects the clamping unit against overloading.

Type: Group title
The control of the clamping force can be switched on and off with the Clamping force program selec-
tion parameter C30.
– Switched on: 3 = monitor and control

No. of cycles until control intervention

Type: Setpoint
ID: C31
Factory setting: 100
After this number of production cycles, the mean value of the measured clamping force is calculated.
If the calculated mean value deviates from the setpoint F30 by more than the loop bandwidth F38, it
is readjusted through a mould installation height adjustment.

Control bandwidth
Type: Setpoint
ID: F38
If the calculated mean value from C31 deviates from the setpoint F30 by more than the loop band-
width entered here, it is readjusted through a mould installation height adjustment.

Locked only at min. clamping force

Type: Group title

Minimum clamping force required

Type: Setpoint
ID: F39
The minimum required clamping force that must be achieved so that the clamping unit can be con-
sidered locked.

Type: Group title

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Components and commands

Max. mould stroke

Type: Setpoint
ID: S9087
Limits the mould opening stroke.
– Applies to all commands used in the sequence Open clamping unit (multiple use)
– Can be moved over in the Recovery operating mode.
– By changing the maximum plate distance S9081, it is automatically determined and set.
– Less mould installation height S90 results from maximum plate distance S9081.
– Recommendation: Limit opening stroke with maximum plate distance S9081 because, provided
that the monitoring of recovery mode C9200 is not switched off, this also cannot be moved over
in the Recovery operating mode.

Release position injection

Type: Setpoint
Limits the release area for dynamic injection.
– Release area: mould position smaller than entered value.
– Dynamic injection: see also chapter Create subsequence [}Page 166] and Create dependency

[}Page 167] in the operating manual.


– If the start of the dynamic injection is set before the release range, no injection takes place during
the production.
– A corresponding message appears on the screen display.

Max. distance between plates

Type: Setpoint
ID: S9081
Factory setting: 5000 mm (no limitation)
The maximum plate distance is the maximum distance of both mould clamping plates. This places a
limit on the maximum platen stroke.
– With this setting, the mould can be protected against damage caused by opening too wide.
– The maximum platen stroke is calculated from the installation height S90 in addition to the max-
imum mould stroke S9087.
– Can also not be moved over in the Recovery operating mode, provided that the monitorings of
the recovery mode C9200 are not switched off.

Inspection stroke*
Type: Group title
– See also Move inspection stroke [}Page 43].

Inspection position*
Type: Setpoint
ID: S6054
Limits the inspection stroke.

Inspection stroke speed*

Type: Setpoint
Determines the speed for the inspection stroke.
– Applies for the advancement from Open clamping unit to Open position during inspection stroke.
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Components and commands

Linear axis clamping unit: Electrical

Type: Group title

Mould height correction

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 0.00 mm
With this setting, the installation height can be adapted to the circumstances of the mould (size and
elasticity). This results in the mould closing as gently as possible.
– Change the value in small steps until the mould closes as gently as possible, and without impact

Mould protection
Type: Group title
Description of the mould protection:
– See Mould protection [}Page 266].

Position when triggered

Type: Actual value
Shows the mould position at the time of triggering after an activation of the mould position.
– This applies to the learning and absolute mould protection.

Speed when triggered

Type: Actual value
Shows the mould speed at the time of triggering after an activation of the mould position.
– This applies to the learning and absolute mould protection.

Absolute mould protection

Type: Group title
Description of the mould protection:
– See Absolute mould protection [}Page 268].

Increased mould protection

Type: Checkbox
ID: C9086
Factory setting: Checked
The Increased mould protection function is switched on when the checkbox is marked.
To additionally protect the mould, the final section (4) of the
clamping movement can be monitored with configurable
sensitivity with the help of the Increased mould protection
– Configuration: see the following parameter
– See also Increased mould protection [}Page 268].

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Components and commands

Start position
Type: Setpoint
ID: S9095
Determines the start position of the increased mould protection (4).

Reserve to force limit

Type: Actual value
ID: F9301
Displays the reserve to force limit (1) within the section with increased mould protection (4) and
serves to optimise the force limit (2).
– The smaller the value, the greater the sensitivity.

Force limit up to end position

Type: Setpoint
ID: F9307
Determines the force limit (2) within the section with increased mould protection (4).
– If this limit value is exceeded by the movement force (force curve), this results in the triggering of
the mould protection.
– For an optimal mould protection, the braking distance must also be observed. This can be de-
termined with the simulation and the clamping speed can be correspondingly optimised.
– See also Simulation of mould protection [}Page 270].

Reserve to end position

Type: Actual value
ID: S9094
Displays the reserve distance (3) between the limit value at
the start position Last stage and increasing force curve.
– Serves for the optimisation of the End position (S9084).
– Should be as near as possible to the last stage.
– See also Last stage (before locking) [}Page 269].

Displays the reserve distance at the level of the limit value at the Last stage start position to the in-
creasing force curve.
– Serves for the optimisation of the End position (S9084).
– Should be as near as possible to the last stage.
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Components and commands

End position
Type: Setpoint
ID: S9084
Factory setting: Depends on the model size of the clamping unit between 0.4 - 1.4mm.
An extension of the last level (2) is required if there is already a build-up of force before the mould
contact, e.g. when using spring assemblies in the mould.
– See also Last stage (before locking) [}Page 269].

Force limit to end position

Type: Setpoint
ID: F9309
The force limit (1) must only be adapted in exceptional cases. E.g. when a higher force increase res-
ults due to a mould mechanism (spring assembly, slide ...) before locking.

Limit force when opening

Type: Checkbox
ID: C9090
Factory setting: Not checked
The absolute mould protection can be switched on or off for the opening movement with Limit force
when opening.
– Monitors the entire opening stroke.

Boundary force when opening

Type: Setpoint
ID: F9306
Limit value for the opening movement of the absolute mould protection when opening.

Type: Group title
The simulation function allows users to selectively adjust the speed profile until a mould speed is
found for the simulated triggering point where the mould will no longer be damaged during actual
mould protection.

Procedure example (clamping movement)

ü Clamping unit open
ü Automatic non-production operating mode
§ Switch on Mould protection simulation C9083.
ð Selection: 1: Simulation when closing
§ In Position of simulation (S9088), enter the position for the triggering of the simulation.
ð It must be selected to be sufficiently large so that no mould damage can occur, despite the
braking distance.
§ At the start, enter slow speeds.
§ Activate entries.
§ Press the close clamping unit button.
ð Mould protection is performed at the programmed position, clamping movement stops and a
corresponding alarm is triggered.
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Components and commands

§ Read braking distance.

ð Parameter: Braking distance (simulation of mould protection) [}Page 280]

§ Optimise speed.
ð The braking distance is influenced by the speed for the corresponding section.
ð In order to ensure the highest possible mould protection, it should be as small as possible.
§ Adjust speed and repeat simulation until the desired braking distance has been reached.
§ Switch off Mould protection simulation C9083.
ð Selection: 0: Switched off
§ Activate entry
ð Optimisation is complete.

Simulation of mould protection

Type: Selection parameter
ID: C9083
Factory setting 0: Switched off
0: Switched off
1: Simulation when closing
2: Simulation when opening
– An emergency-stop is performed at the programmed position just as it would if the mould protec-
tion would be actuated. When triggered, it shows a message with the release position and the
speed. The braking distance is indicated by the Braking distance for simulation ... parameter.
– This simulation function allows users to selectively adjust the speed profile until an acceptable
braking distance is found, with the mould no longer being damaged during actual mould protec-
tion as a result.

Position of simulation
Type: Setpoint
ID: S9088
When the simulation is switched on, the mould protection is triggered in this position during closing or
opening in the Automatic non-production operating mode.
The position must be so selected that absolutely no mould damage can occur, despite the braking

Braking distance (simulation of mould protection)

Type: Actual value
Displays the braking distance after a mould protection simulation from release position.

Type: Group title
The diagnosis data of this component is configurated in this group.
– See Diagnosis data [}Page 603].

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Components and commands

Type: Group title
This parameter group serves for the calibration of the clamping unit and is only intended for Netstal
service technicians.

Distance between mould plates

Type: Setpoint
ID: S185
Before carrying out the calibration of the path-measuring system, the distance between the mould
clamping plates must be measured and entered here.
– Important: Don't forget Activate!
– This is considered a reference value for the mould position.

Type: Group title

Weight proportion on BAP*

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 60 %
BAP: Moving mounting plate
The opening and closing of the clamping unit is optimised with the mould weight, which is calculated
with the installation height. As the weight ratio of the mould halves is not apparent, the weight propor-
tion of the moving mould half must be input here (100% = whole mould).
– Acceleration and braking ramps are adjusted accordingly.
– If too small a value is selected, this increases the level of wear and may lead to faults.
– Too large a selected value may slow down closing and opening.

Installation height adjustment: electric

Type: Group title

Reduction of response time

Type: Setpoint
ID: Y2003
When the clamping force is adjusted automatically, the mould installation height is time-controlled in
accordance with the required adjustment.
– The longer the control time, the larger the change of the clamping force.
With large change steps (longer response time), there is the danger of the target value being ex-
ceeded and then having to be recorrected. In order to optimise this, the response time can be corres-
pondingly adjusted with this parameter.

Manual operation tab

Clamping unit component

Manual mode settings

Type: Group title
* = Option
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Components and commands

Type: Setpoint
ID: V9080
Factory setting: 20 %
Determines the speed for the opening and closing of the clamping unit in the Manual operating

Setup mode settings

Type: Group title

Type: Setpoint
ID: V145
Factory setting: 5 %
Determines the speed for the opening and closing of the clamping unit in the Setup and Recovery
operating modes.

Recovery mode settings

Type: Group title

Monitoring switched off

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Not checked
When the checkbox is marked, the movement and stroke monitoring of the clamping unit are
switched off in the Recovery operating mode.
– Motor torque monitoring
– Monitoring Maximum distance between plates (S9081)

Motor torque
Type: Setpoint
ID: Y9534
Factory setting: 10.0 %
Determines the motor torque for the opening and closing of the clamping unit in the Recovery operat-
ing mode.

Installation height adjustment speed

Type: Group title

Fast speed
Type: Checkbox
ID: C32
Factory setting: Checked
When the checkbox is not marked, the installation height adjustment runs with reduced speed in
manual mode.

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Components and commands

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: clamping unit

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

Clamping unit
Type: Group title

Connection: Input
Type: Actual value
Displays the current mould position in micrometers.
– 0 micrometers corresponds to the mould position in the Locked state.
– Source: Rotary transducer of the closing axis

Stroke limitation
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (0 = high)
1 = the signal from the Clamping unit stroke limitation(B1089) sensor is not present.
– Monitoring of the brake ring of the Clamping unit stroke limitation has activated.
– A corresponding message appears on the screen display.
– See also chapter Monitoring of maximum clamping unit stroke in the operating instructions.

Mould area free*

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Mould area free (X2016/A3) is present.
– Signal from the robot's limit switch.

Linear axis clamping unit: Electrical

Type: Group title

Switch on the servo drive

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Enable (switch on) to the corresponding converter is present.

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Components and commands

Servo motor ready

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Clamping unit ready from the converter is present.
– Self-test (hardware watchdog) of the converter.

Path-measuring system (raw value)

Connection: Input
Type: Raw value
Displays the current raw value from the stroke transducer of the moving mould clamping plate

Rotary transducer (raw value)

Connection: Input
Type: Raw value
Shows the current raw value from the converter.
– Source: Rotary transducer of the closing axis

Rotary transducer
Connection: Input
Type: Actual value
Displays the current position of the clamping unit in micrometers.
– 0 micrometers corresponds to the mould position in the Locked state.
– Source: Rotary transducer of the clamping unit

Clamping force
Connection: Input
Type: Raw value
Displays the processed raw value of the clamping force sensor (B3044).
– 32768 = 10V = 100 % Nominal clamping force

Brake 1 released
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (0 = high)
1 = signal from the Clamping unit brake released (B1103) sensor is not present.
– State: Released

Brake 1: Pad is bad

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (0 = high)
1 = signal from Clamping unit brake pad ok (B1102) is not present.
– State: Brake pad worn out.

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Components and commands

Brake 1 actuated
Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the Clamping unit brake signal for brake 1 is present.
– Brake cylinder 1 is operated.

Retract bolt
This connection is only used when the corresponding equipment is present.
Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signalActivate mould interlocking is present.
– The interlocking pin of the clamping unit is moved into the bore.

Extend bolt
This connection is only used when the corresponding equipment is present.
Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Deactivate mould interlocking is present.
– The interlocking pin of the clamping unit is moved out of the bore.

Bolt retracted
This connection is only used when the corresponding equipment is present.
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the feedback from the limit switch Mould interlocking active (B1087) is present.
– State: Clamping unit under clamping force is mechanically locked.

Bolt extended
This connection is only used when the corresponding equipment is present.
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the feedback from the limit switch Mould interlocking inactive (B1088) is present.

Limit curve learn. mould protect.

Type: Controller value
Displays the control value of the limit curve of the learning mould protection.
– 32768 = 10V = 100% Nominal clamping force

Upper limit absolute mould protection

Type: Controller value
Displays the control value of the upper limit of the absolute mould protection.
– 32768 = 10V = 100% Nominal clamping force

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Components and commands

Lower limit absolute mould protection

Type: Controller value
Displays the control value of the lower limit of the absolute mould protection.
– 32768 = 10V = 100% Nominal clamping force

Connection: Input
Type: Actual value
Displays the current speed in mm/s.
– Source: Rotary transducer of the closing axis

Circulatory lubrication: Circulatory lubrication

Type: Group title

Pressure ok
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the Lubrication oil pressure monitoring (B1008) signal is present.
– State: Pressure ok

Pump on
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The feedback from the motor contactor of the circulatory lubrication (K0530) is present.

Switch on pump
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The motor contactor of the circulatory lubrication (K0530) is activated.

Installation height adjustment: electric

Type: Group title

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = quick movement of the installation height adjustment is activated.
0 = no activation or slow movement is activated.

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the Open installation height adjustment signal for the drive of the installation height adjustment is
– The opening movement is activated.

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Components and commands

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the Close installation height adjustment for the drive of the installation height adjustment is
– The closing movement is activated.

Switch on the servo drive

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Enable (switch on) to the corresponding converter is present.

Switch on contactor
Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the Installation height adjustment contactor on is present.
– The motor contactor of the installation height adjustment (K0527) is activated.

Servo motor ready

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the Converter ready signal from the drive of the installation height adjustment is present.
– Self-test (hardware watchdog) of the converter.

Contactor ok
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the feedback from the motor contactor of the installation height adjustment (K0527) is present.

Clamping force
Connection: Input
Type: Raw value
Displays the processed raw value of the clamping force sensor (B3044).
– 32768 = 10V = 100 % Nominal clamping force

Path-measuring system
Connection: Input
Type: Raw value
Displays the current raw value from the stroke transducer of the moving mould clamping plate

Rotary transducer
Connection: Input
Type: Raw value
Displays the current raw value of the rotary transducer of the installation height adjustment.

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Components and commands

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the Installation height adjustment tooth impulses (B1035) signal from the movement monitoring is
– Monitors the rotary movement of the installation height adjustment drive in manual mode: If no
signal change occurs on the activated drive within a specified time, the activation stops and a
corresponding message appears on the screen display.

* = Option
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Components and commands Close command

Clamping movement
In automatic mode, the clamping movement begins in the current mould position at the start of com-
The movement profile can be divided into up to 4 stages (sections) with different speeds.

The force build-up begins from mould contact (position 0 mm) with the default setting. The clamping
unit is considered locked when the end position and the minimum required clamping force F39 are
This function can be switched off with the Movement with locking parameter and it can be moved to
Move to position:
– Allows movement to position with a first Close command. Closing and locking only take place at a
later time with a second command.
– It is required before the Compression* command.
– See also Movement with locking [}Page 291] and Compression* command [}Page 295]

Clamping force
The clamping force is component-related and is therefore set with the Clamping unit component.
– See also Clamping force [}Page 272].

Close clamping unit parameter

Locking time
Type: Actual value
Shows the required time from mould contact (position 0 mm) with force build-up to Locked state (end
position reached).

Movement profile
The clamping movement can be divided into a maximum of 4 stages (sections). The programmed
switch over positions and speeds of the individual stages give the movement profile.
The programming of the clamping movement is highly dependent on the mould design. Therefore, it
is not possible to suggest any programming values that guarantee specific results. However, to
achieve a short cycle time, the individual speeds should be selected as high as possible with the
mould protection taken into account.
– See also Increased mould protection [}Page 277] and as an optimisation aid Simulation

[}Page 279].

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Components and commands

Closing and mould protection command graph

Clicking on the graphic opens the enlarged and configurable command graph.
– See also Command graph [}Page 157].

In order for the shown values of the mould protection to be seen, the lower left corner must be en-
larged with the zoom function.
– See Zoom functions [}Page 158].

Example with four-stage closing

1. Legend
2. Section stage 1
3. Section stage 2
4. Section stage 3
5. Section stage 4

Number of stages
Type: Setpoint
ID: C128
Determines the number of stages of the closing profile (maximum 4).

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Components and commands

Stages of the closing profile

There are 1 to 4 sections available to which the corresponding speeds can be assigned.
The switch over positions are set in millimetres and tenths of millimetres in accordance with the de-
sired profile.
The sections are assigned the speeds. These are entered in % values (100% = maximum possible
Type: Setpoint
Stages: Maximum 4
1. ID‘s
2. End position of the corresponding stage
3. Speed of the corresponding stage
4. Single-stage movement profile
5. Double-stage movement profile
6. Three-stage movement profile, etc.
7. Movement direction

The movement profile is displayed on the command graph and can also be changed there.
– Please see chapter Parameterisation via the command graph [}Page 159] in the User Manual.

The end position of the last stage must be set to 0 mm with the Movement with locking checkbox

Movement with locking

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Checked
When the checkbox is marked, the locking of the clamping unit begins from mould contact (position 0
– The marking of the checkbox is only accepted if the last stage of the movement profile is set to 0
– Locked state: Front end position and minimum required clamping force F39 reached.
– See also Close command [}Page 289].

Mould protection
Type: Group title

Learning mould protection

Learning mould protection
If the mould closing movement is changed during production, the next cycle to fol-
low may be performed without learning mould safety! This is due to the fact that
the moving forces have to be recalculated!

– See also Mould protection [}Page 266].


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Components and commands

Learning mould protection

Type: Checkbox
ID: C232
Factory setting: Checked
When the checkbox is marked, the learning mould protection for this command is switched on. Open command

Opening movement
In automatic mode, the opening movement begins with the current mould position at the start of com-
mand. This generally corresponds to the Locked state. Exception: Multiple use of the command in
the same production process.
From the locked state, the force relief to mould position 0 mm takes place first, and the opening
movement takes place next.
The movement profile can be divided into up to 4 stages (sections) with different speeds.

Open clamping unit parameter

Unlocking time
Type: Actual value
Shows the required time for the force relief, measured when opening from locked state up to mould
contact (position 0 mm).

Movement profile
The clamping movement can be divided into a maximum of 4 stages (sections). The programmed
switch over positions and speeds of the individual stages give the movement profile.
The programming of the clamping movement is highly dependent on the mould design. Therefore, it
is not possible to suggest any programming values that guarantee specific results. However, to
achieve a short cycle time, the individual speeds should be selected as high as possible with the
mould protection taken into account.
– See also Increased mould protection [}Page 277] and as an optimisation aid Simulation

[}Page 279].

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Components and commands

Open command graph

Clicking on the graphic opens the enlarged and configurable command graph.
– See also Command graph [}Page 157].

Example with four-stage opening

1. Legend
2. Section stage 1
3. Section stage 2
4. Section stage 3
5. Section stage 4

Number of stages
Type: Setpoint
ID: C129
Determines the number of stages of the opening profile (maximum 4).

Stages of the opening profile

There are 1 to 4 sections available to which the corresponding speeds can be assigned.
The switch over positions are set in millimetres and tenths of millimetres in accordance with the de-
sired profile.
The sections are assigned the speeds. These are entered in % values (100% = maximum possible
Type: Setpoint
Stages: Maximum 4
1. ID‘s
2. End position of the corresponding stage
3. Speed of the corresponding stage
4. Single-stage movement profile
5. Double-stage movement profile
6. Three-stage movement profile, etc.
7. Movement direction

The movement profile is displayed on the command graph and can also be changed there.
– Please see chapter Parameterisation via the command graph [}Page 159] in the User Manual.

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Components and commands Relieve command

With the "Relieve" command, a force relief with reduced speed is carried out from the locked state of
the clamping unit. After the command has ended, the clamping unit is closed with the Final force be-
fore stop F9311 remaining force.
It is not mandatory for the 'Relieve' command to be inserted into the production process because the
'Open clamping unit' command already includes a checked force relief.
In certain cases, it can
– benefit the demoulding,
– reduce stresses in the injection moulded part and
– reduce the cycle time.
The command is inserted into the production process after or during the final phase of the cooling
time, before the opening of the clamping unit.
– For any cycle time reduction: shortly before the end of the cooling time

Relieve clamping unit parameter

Unlocking time
Type: Actual value
Shows the required time for the force relief, measured when opening from locked state up to mould
contact (position 0 mm).

Optimisation Remaining force

Type: Group title

Final force before stop

Type: Setpoint
ID: F9311
Factory setting: 3.0 %
Unit: % of the nominal clamping force
The force relief of the relief takes place up to this force. If this force is reached, the movement is
stopped, but a short braking distance occurs due to the kinetic energy. As a result, the held remain-
ing force after the executed command is lower than the force entered here.
– If the 24447.10545 Function still not complete, relieving not executed correctly alarm message
appears, it must be correspondingly corrected:
– The value must be reduced if the remaining force after the relieving is too large, or in-
creased if the remaining force is too low.

* = Option
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Components and commands Compression* command

Through compressing, mould parts with reduced residual stress can be manufactured. Here, the hold
pressure phase is replaced, at least partially, by a compression process. The shrinkage is therefore
no longer compensated with additional melt being pressed in the cavity, but rather by a mould side
pressing process. The process provides the opportunity to manufacture parts with lower stresses, be-
cause large amounts of plastic melt no longer move in the direction of the flow. A lower injection per-
formance is subsequently needed, because the moulding of the injection moulded part through com-
pression takes place.

Principles of programming
The "Compression" (2) command must be inserted into the production process in accordance with
the "Close" (1) command.
1. Close must move to the desired compression start pos-
– Movement with locking checkbox not marked
– Position last stage movement profile = Com-
pression start position
2. Compression moves with programmable speeds in 2
– First stage: Compression start position up to
mould contact
– Second stage: Mould contact up to locked
– The parameter Maximum start position must be
larger than the end position of the command
Close (1).
The coordination between the start of injection and com-
pression, as well as compression speeds, must be so se-
lected that no over-injection of the mould is possible.

Compression of clamping unit parameter

Locking time
Type: Actual value
Shows the required time from mould contact (position 0 mm) with force build-up to Locked state (end
position reached).

Maximum start position

Type: Setpoint
Limits the compression start position.
– The 'Compression' command only starts when the mould is at least in this position.

Speed before platen contact

Type: Setpoint
Determines the speed of the compression start position up to mould contact

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Components and commands

Speed after platen contact

Type: Setpoint
Determines the speed of the mould contact up to locked.

* = Option
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Components and commands

4.2.2 Mould clamping system*

Controls the mould clamping system.
– Please see chapter Mould quick clamping system (WSS)* [}Page 587] in the User Manual.

Abbreviations used
DAP: Nozzle-side mould clamping plate
BAP: Moving mould clamping plate
WSS: Mould quick-clamping system Mould clamping system* component

Components, commands and buttons
Component Commands Screen buttons
Mould clamping system None Quick-clamping system
of moving mould clamp-
ing plate (BAP)*
[}Page 32]

Quick-clamping system
of nozzle-side mould
clamping plate (DAP)*
[}Page 31]

Mould clamping system* parameter

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: Mould clamping system*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

Operating side clamping system (BAP) open

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the feedback from the limit switch is present.

Operating side clamping system (BAP) closed

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the feedback from the limit switch is present.

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Components and commands

Nozzle side clamping system (DAP) open

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the feedback from the limit switch is present.

Nozzle side clamping system (DAP) closed

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the feedback from the limit switch is present.

Open BAP clamping system

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the Open BAP clamping system actuator is activated.
– Clamping movement takes place with spring force.

Open DAP clamping system

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the Open DAP clamping system is activated.
– Clamping movement takes place with spring force.

Mould position
Connection: Input
Type: Actual value
Displays the current mould position in micrometers.
– Source: Stroke transducer of the moving mould clamping plate (B1034)

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Components and commands

4.3 Ejector

4.3.1 Ejector
This chapter refers to the ejector installed as standard.
– The ejector is designed for use as a plate ejector or central ejector.
– The movements of the ejector are continuously measured and monitored.
– Two monitoring limit switches can be assigned to the ejector.
– See also Target position with limit switch [}Page 309] with the 'Move ejector forward' (or

back) command Ejector force

Only applies to the electrically driven ejectors, the movement force is constant for hydraulic ones.

Movement force
The maximum movement force of the ejector is not constant over the entire stroke due to the crank

Holding force
The maximum holding force is limited so that the motor does not become thermally overloaded.
1. S1 = Maximum movement force at
2. S2 = Maximum movement force at
3. S0 = Maximum holding force at S0
4. Maximum movement force charac-
5. Maximum holding force character-
6. Force
7. Stroke

Ejector force table

Movement and holding forces behave differently according to installation sizes.

Max. force at S1 Min. force at S2 Maximum holding force Max. stroke

at S0
Elion 500 22 kN to 20 mm 15 kN at 60 mm 8 kN at 0 mm 90 mm
Elion 800 27 kN to 23 mm 17 kN at 74 mm 17 kN at 0 mm 120 mm
Elion 1200 33 kN to 21 mm 20 kN at 74 mm 21 kN at 0 mm 120 mm
Elion 1750 50 kN to 36 mm 35 kN at 94 mm 37 kN at 0 mm 150 mm

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Components and commands Production process with ejector

Example 1
– Dynamic during Open clamping unit
– With Shake and Relieve command
– Without Press on at rear command

Position 19: A relieving (19) before moving forward (9) can cause the forward movement to start
more quickly.
– 'Relieve' command is not mandatory; only if required.
Position 8: Dynamic start
– The subsequence starts during the opening of the clamping unit (3).
– The start position must be larger than the ejector stroke (danger of collision)!
– Please see chapter Subsequence [}Page 152] in the User Manual.

Position 10: Enables shaking in the front position.

– A forward movement must first be carried out(9).
Position 11: Moving back (11) can be carried out with or without pressing on the rear.
– See also parameter Press on ejector at rear [}Page 310].

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Components and commands

Example 2
– Dynamic during Open clamping unit
– Without Shake and Relieve command
– With Press on at rear command

Position 14: Press on at rear (14) and Close (2) start at the same time.
Position 2: In order to prevent any danger of collision, a safeguard on a "safe" mould position is man-
– "Safe" mould position: At least an ejector stroke plus safety margin for the stopping distance of
the clamping unit!
– Please see chapter Dependency with safeguard [}Page 163] in the User Manual. Ejector component

This component controls the following functions of the standard ejector:

Function See also ...

Move forward Move ejector forward command [}Page 308]  

Move back Move ejector back command [}Page 309]


Press on at rear Press on ejector at rear command [}Page 311]  

Relieve Relieve ejector command [}Page 312]


Shake Shake ejector command [}Page 313]


Learning stroke Calibration and stroke learning [}Page 303]


Automatic coupling* Ejector coupling* [}Page 303]

The ejector component has safety level 2. This means that the component can only be moved when
the safety cover is closed.

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Components and commands


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Ejector Move ejector for- Ejector
ward command [}Page 27]

[}Page 308]

(Right button)

Move ejector back Ejector

command [}Page 27]

[}Page 309]

(Left button)

Press on ejector at
rear command
[}Page 311]

Relieve command
[}Page 294]

Shake ejector com-

mand [}Page 313]

Learning stroke (Ejector)

[}Page 28]

Confirm Stroke (Ejector)

[}Page 28]

Calibrating the path

measurement (ejector)
[}Page 28]

Coupling position*
[}Page 29]

Ejector coup-
ling* [}Page 29]

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Components and commands

Ejector component parameter

General tab

Ejector position
Type: Actual value
ID: S54
Shows the current position of the ejector.
– 0 mm corresponds with the Rear stop position, provided that the ejector stroke was correctly

Type: Group title

Collision-free moving back

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Not checked
Interlocks which block the ejector from moving back are switched off with a marked checkbox.
– Must only be switched on when moving back is possible without danger of collision in every situ-
– Please note that the danger of collision can vary with each new application (mould change).

Ejector coupling*
Type: Group title
– See also chapter Ejector coupling* [}Page 578] in the operating instructions.

Coupling position*
Type: Setpoint
ID: S160
Determines the position moved to with the Coupling position button.
– Automatic coupling is only possible in this position.
– Operating mode: Recovery

Linear axis ejector: Electrical

Type: Group title

Calibration and stroke learning

Type: Group title

Calibration position
Type: Setpoint
ID: S9070.1
This setting is only intended for Netstal service technicians.

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Components and commands

Stroke learning: Max. retraction force

Type: Setpoint
ID: P9071
Maximum retraction force during stroke learning.
– Is adopted as input range of the parameter P152 after the stroke learning.
– P152 exists in the Move back (press-on force) and Press on at rear (force) commands.
– See also the corresponding command.

Stroke learning: Max. forward movement force

Type: Setpoint
ID: P9072
Maximum forward movement force during stroke learning.

Stroke limitation (of stroke movement)

Type: Setpoint
ID: S257
Factory setting: 999.0 mm (moves to stop)
During stroke learning, the ejector moves to the mechanical stop or to the position entered with this
parameter. The one that is reached first is considered the learned stroke.
– The stroke limitation can prevent the ejector moving to the stop.
– The learned stroke is considered the limitation until a renewed learning.
– The learned stroke limits the input range of the stroke-dependent parameter (S53) when the
Shake and Forward commands are active.
– Attention: S53 is not automatically overwritten when the existing commands are active in
the production process. The position must be re-entered and reactivated, otherwise the
"old" value will apply, even if it lies outside the input range!

Learned stroke
Type: Setpoint
ID: S256
Appears as setpoint, but is automatically overwritten with the learned stroke during stroke learning.
– Manual entry is not possible.

Type: Group title
The diagnosis data of this component is configurated in this group.
– See Diagnosis data [}Page 603].

Manual operation tab

(Ejector component)

Manual mode settings

Type: Group title

* = Option
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Components and commands

Type: Setpoint
ID: V9070
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the speed of the ejector in the Manual operating mode.

Maximum force
Type: Setpoint
ID: P9070
Factory setting: 50 %
Determines the maximum force of the ejector movements in the Manual operating mode.
– The smaller the force, the lower the damage in the event of collision.

Setup mode settings

Type: Group title

Type: Setpoint
ID: V61
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the speed of the ejector in the Setup and Recovery operating mode.

Maximum force
Type: Setpoint
ID: P61
Factory setting: 20 %
Determines the maximum force of the ejector movements in the Setup and Recovery operating
– The smaller the force, the lower the damage in the event of collision.

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: Ejector

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

Type: Group title

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Components and commands

Ejector position
Connection: Input
Type: Actual value
Shows the current ejector position in micrometers.
– 0 mm corresponds with the ejector at rear position, provided that the ejector stroke was correctly
– Source: Stroke transducer (B1065)

Open coupling*
Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The Open ejector coupling signal is present.
– Open coupling (release) is activated.

Coupling is open*
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The Ejector coupling open signal is present.
– Feedback from monitoring switch.

Coupling is closed*
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The Ejector coupling closed signal is present.
– Feedback from monitoring switch.

Linear axis ejector: Electrical

Type: Group title

Servo motor ready

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The signal Ejector ready from the converter is present.
– Self-test (hardware watchdog) of the converter.

Switch on the servo drive

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Enable (switch on) to the corresponding converter is present.

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Components and commands

Connection: Input
Type: Actual value
Shows the current ejector position in micromillimeters.
– 0 mm corresponds with the ejector at rear position, provided that the ejector stroke was correctly
– Source: Stroke transducer (B1065).

Limit switch rear end position

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The signal End position 1 (X4005/13) is present.
– Signal of additional end position monitoring in the mould.
– Only active when the Target position monitored with limit switch checkbox is marked in the cor-
responding command.
– See also Target position with limit switch [}Page 308].

– End position 1: at rear

Limit switch front end position

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The signal End position 2 (X4005/14) is present.
– Signal of additional end position monitoring in the mould.
– Only active when the Target position monitored with limit switch checkbox is marked in the cor-
responding command.
– See also Target position with limit switch [}Page 308].

– End position 1: in front

Torque limited
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The signal Limitation active ejector from the converter is present.
– Torque is limited.

Position sensor
Connection: Input
Type: Raw value
Shows the current raw value from the converter.
– Source: Rotary transducer of the ejector axis

Force sensor
Connection: Input
Type: Raw value
Shows the current raw value of the torque.
– Source: Is_is ejector from converter.

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Components and commands Move ejector forward command

Move ejector forward parameter

Movement profile
The entire movement distance can be divided into several stages (sections). The programmed switch
over positions, speeds and forces of the individual stages give the movement profile.

Clicking on the graphic opens the enlarged and configurable command graph.
– See also Command graph [}Page 157].

Number of stages
Type: Setpoint
ID: C59
Determines the number of stages of the movement profile (maximum 2).

Stages of the forward movement profile

Type: Setpoint
Stages: Maximum 2
1. ID‘s
2. End position of the corresponding stage
3. Speed of the corresponding stage
4. Force of the corresponding stage
5. Single-stage movement profile
6. Double-stage movement profile
7. Movement direction
The movement profile is displayed on the command graph and can also be changed there.
– Please see chapter Parameterisation via the command graph [}Page 159] in the User Manual.

Target position with limit switch

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Not checked
When the checkbox is marked, the signal input (connection X4005/14) for a mould side end position
monitoring is activated.
– On the machine side, the end position is monitored by the stroke measuring system and is al-
ways active.

* = Option
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Components and commands Move ejector back command

Move ejector back parameter

Movement profile
The entire movement distance can be divided into several stages (sections). The programmed switch
over positions, speeds and forces of the individual stages give the movement profile.

Clicking on the graphic opens the enlarged and configurable command graph.
– See also Command graph [}Page 157].

Number of stages
Type: Setpoint
ID: C159
Determines the number of stages of the movement profile (maximum 2).

Stages of the backward movement profile

Type: Setpoint
Stages: Maximum 2
1. ID‘s
2. End position of the corresponding stage
3. Speed of the corresponding stage
4. Force of the corresponding stage
5. Single-stage movement profile
6. Double-stage movement profile
7. Movement direction
The movement profile is displayed on the command graph and can also be changed there.
– Please see chapter Parameterisation via the command graph [}Page 159] in the User Manual.

Target position with limit switch

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Not checked
When the checkbox is marked, the signal input (connection X4005/13) for a mould side end position
monitoring is activated.
– On the machine side, the end position is monitored by the stroke measuring system and is al-
ways active.

Behaviour at rear
Type: Group title

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Components and commands

Press on ejector at rear

Type: Checkbox
ID: C75
Factory setting: Checked
The function is switched on when the checkbox is marked.
– The ejector moves to the rear with force and is pressed on at the stop.
The Press on at rear function can be carried out with its own Press on at rear command or integrated
within the Move ejector back command (Press on ejector at rear checkbox marked).
The suitable variant depends on the production process (can also be both variants).
– See also Press on ejector at rear command [}Page 311].

– See also Production process with ejector [}Page 300].


Press-on force
Type: Setpoint
ID: P152
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the press-on force.
– Unnecessarily high press-on force increases wear and energy consumption.
– The maximum entry is limited in accordance with the retraction force used during stroke learning.
– See Stroke learning: Max. retraction force [}Page 304].

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Components and commands Press on ejector at rear command

The Press on at rear function can be carried out with its own Press on at rear command or integrated
within the Move ejector back command (Press on ejector at rear checkbox marked).
The suitable variant depends on the production process (can also be both variants).
– See also Press on ejector at rear command [}Page 311].

– See also Production process with ejector [}Page 300].


Press on ejector at rear parameter

Contact pressure
Type: Group title

Press-on force
Type: Setpoint
ID: P152
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the press-on force.
– Unnecessarily high press-on force increases wear and energy consumption.
– The maximum entry is limited in accordance with the retraction force used during stroke learning.
– See Stroke learning: Max. retraction force [}Page 304].

Type: Group title

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
ID: V52
Determines the retraction speed from the current position from the 'Start' command up to contact

Maximum force
Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
ID: P52
Limits the force when moving back (not the press-on force).

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Components and commands

Target position with limit switch

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Not checked
When the checkbox is marked, the signal input (connection X4005/13) for a mould side end position
monitoring is activated.
– On the machine side, the end position is monitored by the stroke measuring system and is al-
ways active. Relieve ejector command

Because the force relief of the contact pressure is integrated into the 'Move forward' command, the
'Relieve' command is not necessary for the ejector sequence.
– See also Production process with ejector [}Page 300].

Relieve ejector command

No adjustments can be made.

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Components and commands Shake ejector command

Multiple shakes can be carried out in the forward position with the 'Shake' command.
– A Move forward and then a Move back are required first.

Ejector sequence with shaking

Example with 2 shaking cycles
1. Ejector forward
2. Start position (front) (S53)
3. After Waiting time at front (T59),
first shaking stroke back (S60)
4. After Waiting time at rear (T61),
first shaking stroke forward (S60)
5. After Waiting time at front (T59),
second shaking stroke back (S60)
6. After Waiting time at rear (T61),
second shaking stroke back (S60)
7. Ejector returning

Shake ejector parameter

No. of shaking cycles

Type: Setpoint
ID: C60
Determines the number of shaking strokes to be carried out.

Start position (front)

Type: Setpoint
ID: S53
Determines the start position of the shaking.
– Must be equal to or greater than the Shaking stroke S60.
– Must be consistent with the last forward position of the Move ejector forward command.

Shaking stroke
Type: Setpoint
ID: S60
Determines the way of the shaking motion.
– The Start position (front) parameter must be equal to or greater than the value to be entered

Move forward
Type: Group title
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Components and commands

Waiting time at front

Type: Setpoint
ID: T59
Determines the delay time before moving back.

Type: Setpoint
ID: V60
Determines the speed of the shaking stroke when moving forward.

Maximum force
Type: Setpoint
ID: P60
Limits the force of the shaking stroke when moving forward.

Move back

Waiting time at rear

Type: Setpoint
ID: T61
Determines the delay time before moving forward.

Type: Setpoint
ID: V60
Determines the speed of the shaking stroke when moving back.

Maximum force
Type: Setpoint
ID: P60
Limits the force of the shaking stroke when moving back.

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Components and commands

4.4 Injection unit

Open safety cover circuit depressurises injection unit.
An injection unit with contact pressure applied is depressurised with the opening
of the safety cover. The contact pressure is therefore relieved, which can lead to
melt escaping between the nozzle and sprue bush.

4.4.1 Injection unit

The injection unit forms a moving unit from the injection device, plasticising unit, plasticising nozzle
and material feed machine components. It can be moved forward or back depending on require-
Move forward: Movement in direction of the clamping unit.
Contact pressure: The plasticising nozzle is pressed with force against the sprue bush of the mould.
Relieve: Press-on force is reduced.
Retract: Move back until the plasticising nozzle no longer touches the sprue bush of the mould.

The injection unit must be outside the danger area in order to be able to start the production. The
danger area is the defined movement range with crushing and jamming points. It is dependent on the
machine configuration, up to a position of 30 mm max.
For injection, the injection unit must be pressed on.
Depending on the mould type and material, retraction between the injection processes may also be
Retracting or relieving can
– simplify the heat exchange between the plasticising nozzle and the sprue bush,
– counteract string formation,
– relieve the hot runners and/or
– simplify the demoulding of the solidified sprue from the nozzle hole.

See Selection of displayed sequence and Purging A/B [}Page 37].

Learning stroke

Mould, plasticising unit or nozzle change
After each mould, plasticising unit or nozzle change, the stroke of the injection unit
must be relearned.
§ Please see chapter Injection unit stroke learning [}Page 582] in the operating


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Components and commands Injection unit component

This component controls the functions:

Function See also ...

Move forward to position Move injection unit forward to position command
[}Page 322]

Contact pressure Press on injection unit command [}Page 320]


Reduce press-on force Reduce injection unit press-on force command

[}Page 321]

Retract Retract injection unit command [}Page 321]


Learning stroke Injection unit function buttons [}Page 40]



Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Injection unit Injection unit con- Injection unit
tact pressure [}Page 40]

[}Page 320]

(Right button)
Move injection unit
forward to position
[}Page 322]

Retract injection Injection unit

unit [}Page 321]
  [}Page 40]

(Left button)

Reduce press on
injection unit
[}Page 321]

Learning stroke (injection

unit) [}Page 41]

Calibrating the path

measurement (injection
unit) [}Page 41]

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Components and commands

Injection unit component parameter

General tab

Type: Actual value
Shows the current position of the injection unit.
– 0 mm corresponds with the position Pressed on, provided that the injection unit was correctly

Type: Actual value
Shows the current speed of the injection unit.

Press-on force
Type: Actual value
Shows the current press-on force of the injection unit.

Monitoring the injection unit position

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Not checked
When the checkbox is marked, the mould movements are only enabled when the injection unit is in
the minimum retraction position.
– This monitoring is particularly required for side pressing additional injection units (index 2, 3, ...)
in order to prevent collisions between mould and plasticising nozzle.

Minimal retraction position

Type: Setpoint
This position must be exceeded so that the mould can be moved.
– Select so that there can be no possible collision between the plasticising nozzle and the mould.

Manual operation tab

(Injection unit component)

Manual and setup mode settings

Type: Group title

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Components and commands

Extension position
Type: Setpoint
Facilitates movement to a position from which the production can be directly started (when the injec-
tion unit is significantly retracted).
– If the current injection unit position is greater than the extension position, this position is moved to
by pressing the extension button. When the button is pressed again or if the current position is
smaller than the extension position, the injection unit is pressed on.
– For contact pressure, the mould must be locked or the corresponding interlocking
switched off.

Extension speed
Type: Setpoint
ID: V816
Factory setting: 30 mm/s
Determines the speed for the moving forward of the injection unit in the Manual and Automatic (not
producing) operating mode.
– The speed is reduced in the danger area (danger of crushing).
– See also Danger area [}Page 41].

– The reduction can be lifted using two-hand operation.

– See also Confirmation button [}Page 57].

Press-on force
Type: Setpoint
Determines the maximum force of the injection unit movements in the Manual and Automatic (not
producing) operating modes.
– This also applies for stroke learning.

Pressing on open mould
If the interlocking is switched off Clamping unit - Not locked - Blocked - Press on
injection unit, a press-on force that is too high can squeeze the nozzle-side mould
half out of its fastening.
§ Coordinate the press-on force with the mould fastening.

Retraction speed
Type: Setpoint
ID: V806
Factory setting: 50 mm/s
Determines the speed for the moving back of the injection unit in the Manual and Automatic (not pro-
ducing) operating mode.

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


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Components and commands

Connection states: Injection unit

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

Linear axis ejector: electrical

Type: Group title

Servo motor ready

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The signal Ejector ready from the converter is present.
– Self-test (hardware watchdog) of the converter.

Switch on the servo drive

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Enable (switch on) to the corresponding converter is present.

Position sensor
Connection: Input
Type: Raw value
Shows the current raw value from the converter.
– Source: Rotary transducer of the ejector axis

Torque limited
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The signal Limitation active injection unit xC from the converter is present.
– Torque is limited.

Plasticising unit temperature

Connection: Input
Type: Actual value
Shows the current temperature of the cylinder head in tenths of a Celsius degree.
– Heating zone TH14 of the plasticising unit.

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Components and commands Press on injection unit command

Press on injection unit command parameter

Type: Setpoint
ID: V9066
Determines the Move forward speed in the Automatic (producing) operating mode.

Press-on speed
Type: Setpoint
ID: V9060
Speed at which the injection unit moves to the mechanical stop.
– The aim is to reduce speed during contact pressure, and therefore minimising wear on the mould
and the plasticising nozzle.
– Only effective when it is lower than the extension speed.

Press-on force
Type: Setpoint
ID: F29
Determines the press-on force.
– Too small a press-on force leads to leaks between plasticising nozzle and sprue bush.
– Too high a press-on force causes unnecessary wear and energy consumption.

Pressing on open mould
If the interlocking is switched off Clamping unit - Not locked - Blocked - Press on
injection unit, a press-on force that is too high can squeeze the nozzle-side mould
half out of its fastening.
§ Coordinate the press-on force with the mould fastening.

* = Option
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Components and commands Reduce injection unit press-on force command

Only possible from the pressed-on state (force relief).

Reduce injection unit press-on force command parameter

Press-on force
Type: Setpoint
ID: P28
Determines the reduced press-on force.
– Is reduced to this force from the press-on force (F29) Retract injection unit command

Retract injection unit parameter

Type: Setpoint
ID: S9060
Determines the retraction position in the Automatic (producing) operating mode.

Type: Setpoint
ID: V9065
Determines the Move back speed in the Automatic (producing) operating mode.

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Components and commands Move injection unit forward to position command

This command allows the injection unit to be automatically moved forward in the production prepara-
tion (phase-in cycle) without having to lock the mould. For personal safety reasons, this is limited to
the safe zone for machine models with Danger area [}Page 41].

Move injection unit forward to position command parameter

Type: Setpoint
Determines the extension position.

Type: Setpoint
Determines the extension speed up to the defined position in the Automatic (producing) operating

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Components and commands

4.4.2 Plasticising nozzle

The plasticising nozzle is located at the front of the plasticising unit and is closed depending on the
design. For this reason, melt is prevented from escaping from the plasticising unit in the closed state.
For injection, the plasticising nozzle must be open and pressed against the sprue bush. The sprue
bush and plasticising nozzle establish the connection channel between the plasticising unit and
mould Plasticising nozzle component

This component controls the functions:

Function See also ...

Close Close command [}Page 324]

Open Open command [}Page 324]



Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Plasticising nozzle Open command Plasticising nozzle
[}Page 324]
  [}Page 38]

Close command
[}Page 324]

Plasticising nozzle component parameter

General tab

Nozzle control program selection

Type: Selection parameter
0 = O-nozzle (open nozzle)
– For plasticising unit with O-nozzle or G-nozzle which is operated as an O-nozzle.
– The nozzle is always activated in the Open position and the end positions are not mon-
– The Open/close plasticising nozzle commands and screen button are inactive.
1 = G-nozzle (shut-off nozzle)
– For plasticising unit with G-nozzle, which is also operated as such.

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Components and commands

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: Plasticising nozzle

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

Melt pressure
Type: Actual value
Shows the current melt pressure in millibar.
– Source: Pressure transducer chamber A

Switching shaft plasticising nozzle: pneumatic

Type: Group title

Open nozzle
Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The signal Open nozzle is present.
– Open nozzle is activated.

Compressed air available

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal from the pneumatic pressure monitoring (B1072) is present. Open command

Open plasticising nozzle parameter

No adjustments can be made. Close command

* = Option
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Components and commands

Close plasticising nozzle parameter

No adjustments can be made.

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Components and commands

4.4.3 Injection device

According to the machine control, the injection device contains everything injection-technical that is
related to the screw movement.
– Linear axis: Injection, hold pressure, screw retraction etc.
– Rotating axis: Metering, coupling etc. Production process with injection and metering

Example of a production process with shut-off nozzle, retract injection unit and screw retraction.

Injection preparation Plasticising unit

– Injection unit contact pressure (19) – Delay time (12 and 15)
– Open Plasticising Nozzle (10) – Screw retraction (13)
Actual moulding – Close plasticising nozzle (14)
– Injection and hold pressure (6) – Retract injection unit (21)
– Cooling time (7) – Metering (16)

Sequential injection
Example with injection unit contact pressure and open
plasticising nozzle.
Advantage: Safe
Disadvantage: Loss of time
Injection unit contact pressure (6), open plasticising nozzle
(13) and injection (16) take place after the mould is locked
– The releases (pos. 5, 12 & 15) are set at the end of the

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Components and commands

Dynamic injection

Danger of collision
Dynamic releases and safeguards can lead to damage to mould and machine.
§ The creation and parameterising require sufficient knowledge of the mould
and production process.

Example with injection unit contact pressure and open

plasticising nozzle.
Advantage: Time saved
Disadvantage: Risk of damage in the event of a setting
– The mould and its fastening at the nozzle side mould
clamping plate must allow contact pressure and injec-
tion in an unlocked state.
– For dynamic contact pressure, the interlocking Clamp-
ing unit not locked blocks injection unit contact pres-
sure must be switched off.
– For dynamic injection, the interlocking Clamping unit
not locked blocks injection device injection must be
switched off.
See also Interlocking topic [}Page 219].

Injection unit contact pressure (5), open plasticising nozzle (13) and injection (16) are released in
this order shortly before the mould (2) is locked.
– The releases (pos. 5, 12 & 15) are dynamic from position or clamping force.
– In order to prevent over-injection of the mould, the injection release must be programmed as to
ensure the fill point is not reached before the locking!
– The procedures can also be mixed. E.g. the injection unit contact pressure and the opening of
the plasticising nozzle can be released before the locking of the mould, and the injection re-
leased after the locking of the mould.
– The execution time monitoring of the command Close clamping unit (2) can prevent injection
into the open mould in the event of a slower closing process.
– See also monitoring Command execution time [}Page 226]. Injection device component

This component controls the functions:

Function See also ...

Injection, v/p change-over and hold Injection and hold pressure command [}Page 337]

Metering Metering command [}Page 358]  

Screw retraction Screw retraction command [}Page 356]


Start-up program* Start-up program* [}Page 366]


Intrusion Intrusion command [}Page 361]


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Components and commands

Function See also ...

Purging Purging A/B [}Page 37]

Coupling Disassembly position coupling [}Page 38]


The 'Injection device' component is delivered with safety level 2 as standard. This means that the
component can only be moved when safety cover is closed.


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Injection device Injection and hold Injection device
pressure command [}Page 37]

[}Page 337]

(Left button)

Screw retraction Injection device

command [}Page 37]

[}Page 356]

(Right button)

Metering command Start-up program*

[}Page 358]
  [}Page 26]

Intrusion command
[}Page 361]

Increase pressure
limit* command
[}Page 362]

Decrease pressure
limit* command
[}Page 362]

Purging A/B [}Page 37] 

Disassembly position
coupling [}Page 38]

Melt pressure ...

[}Page 38]

Calibrating the path

measurement (injection
device) [}Page 39]

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Components and commands

Injection device component parameter

General tab

Screw position
Type: Actual value
Shows the current screw position.

Type: Actual value
Shows the current speed of the screw (linear axis).

Melt pressure
Type: Actual value
Shows the current melt pressure.
– Specific pressure of the melt before the screw tip.

Rotating speed
Type: Actual value
ID: N32
Shows the current rotating speed of the screw (rotational axis).
– The speed is continuously recorded during metering.

Type: Actual value
ID: M32
Shows the current torque of the screw (rotational axis).

Plasticising unit
Type: Group title
Netstal plasticising units are equipped with an electronically saved identification number (EID).
Whenever the machine control is started up, this number is read and checked in order to see
whether the installed plasticising unit is suitable for this machine range. Unsuitable combinations are
therefore prevented.

Plasticising unit no.

Type: Actual value
ID: C804
Shows the read identification number of the plasticising unit.
Invalid numbers are not accepted.
– A corresponding message appears on the screen display.

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Components and commands

Last permitted number

Type: Actual value
ID: C806
Displays the last read and accepted identification number of the plasticising unit.
– This is displayed when the number of the plasticising unit is valid. If it is invalid, the last valid one
will be displayed.

Monitoring of start position of injection

Type: Group title
Monitors the screw position during the start of the injection.
– Any over-injection of the mould can therefore be prevented.
– If the monitoring is activated, a corresponding message appears on the screen display.

Maximum start position

Type: Setpoint
ID: S10
Determines the limit value for the monitoring of the start position during injection.
If the screw position is greater than the limit value parameterised here,
– The production will not be enabled and
– The Injection and hold pressure will not be carried out.

The limit value should

– be slightly larger than the metering stroke S24 (in addition to the screw retraction if necessary),
– do not trigger the monitoring when not required and
– do not allow any over-injection of the mould.

Cavity pressure measurement*

Type: Group title
The mould cavity pressure measurement is fundamentally designed for the charge amplifier 5155A of
the Kistler manufacturer, including the SmartAmp option from Netstal.
The charge amplifier features two measuring ranges. The control automatically selects the optimal
measuring range.
The measured mould cavity pressure is displayed in the command graph for Injection and Hold pres-
sure. The v/p change-over can be carried out optionally using the injection pressure (melt pressure),
the mould cavity pressure or directly with the charge amplifier.
For the mould cavity pressure measurement it is possible to use either pressure sensors (direct
measuring) or force sensors (indirect measuring).
The charge amplifier provides a self-optimising v/p change-over. To switch them on, the Program se-
lection v/p change-over parameter must be set to 3: Via charge amplifier on the machine control,
and, if necessary, the Self-optimising change-over must be activated on the charge amplifier. This
function includes a learning phase. Parts produced during the learning phase can be separated with
the quality evaluation.
– See Inside mould pressure [}Page 331].

– See With cavity pressure measurement* [}Page 350].


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Components and commands

Inside mould pressure

Type: Actual value
Shows the current inside mould pressure

Sensor type, inside pressure measurement

Type: Selection parameter
ID: C14
Must be set in accordance with the sensor type used.
0: Pressure sensor (direct measurement)
– pC/bar
1: Force sensor (indirect measurement)
– pC/N

Sensitivity, pressure sensor

Type: Setpoint
ID: C15
Must be consistent with the sensitivity information of the sensor used.
– Only applies when a pressure sensor is used and the Sensor type, inside pressure measurement
selection parameter is set accordingly.

Sensitivity, force sensor

Type: Setpoint
ID: C12
Must be consistent with the sensitivity information of the sensor used.
– Only applies when a force sensor is used and the Sensor type, inside pressure measurement se-
lection parameter is set accordingly.

Diameter, transfer pin

Type: Setpoint
ID: S12
Must be consistent with the diameter of the transfer pin used.
– Only applies when a force sensor is used (indirect measurement).

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Components and commands

Measuring range, inside mould pressure

Type: Actual value
Displays the maximum value in bar of the current measuring range used.
Measuring range
The charge amplifier features 2 measuring ranges:
– Range 1: 20,000 pC
– Range 2: 5,000 pC
The measuring range is converted to bar using the entered sensitivity values of the sensors.
Sensitivity of sensors:
– Direct measurement: see parameter Sensitivity, pressure sensor [}Page 331].

– Indirect measurement: see parameters Sensitivity, force sensor [}Page 331] and Diameter, trans-

fer pin [}Page 331].


Based on the current highest programmed pressure value during the injection (monitoring) and the
hold pressure, the suitable measuring range is automatically selected by the control and activated on
the charge amplifier.

Injection axis: electrical

Type: Group title

Motor capacity
Type: Actual value
Shows the current motor capacity of the injection drive.

Type: Group title
The diagnosis data of this component is configurated in this group.
– See Diagnosis data [}Page 603].

Metering axis: electrical

Type: Group title

Motor capacity
Type: Actual value
Shows the current motor capacity of the metering drive.

Brake behaviour
Type: Group title

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Components and commands

Move to metering end position

Type: Selection parameter
Factory setting: 1: Move precisely to end position

1: Move precisely to end position
– Metering end position is moved with reproducible back pressure (stable shot weight).
2: Move quickly to end position
– Allows a quicker metering process.
– Back pressure at end of metering can fluctuate.

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: Injection device

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

Injection device
Type: Group title

Screws in disassembly position

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal from the Screw in disassembly position(1B2008) sensor is present.
– Move the clamping screws of the screw coupling to face upwards.

Change plasticising unit: See chapter Adjustment instructions in the operating instructions.

Plasticising unit identification

Connection: Input
Current identification code from EID module (-1A1070) of the plasticising unit.
– Multi-digit numeric code
– EID electronic identification number
– See also Plasticising unit [}Page 329].

Inside mould pressure*

Connection: Input
Measured inside mould pressure after the charge amplifier in millibar.

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Components and commands

Charge amplifier signal*

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = measurement active; the Reset/Operate signal for the charge amplifier is present.
– Should be active during the moulding process.
– Requires a cyclical switching off (reset).

Range changeover, charge amplifier*

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
0 = range 1
1 = range 2
– See also Inside mould pressure* [}Page 333].

Charge amplifier sensitivity

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (0 = high)
The signal depends on the sensor type and sensitivity entries.
– See also Cavity pressure measurement* [}Page 330].

– Is required for the determination of the fixed change over threshold in the first cycle of the learn-
ing phase.

Learning phase active*

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the Learning phase active signal from the charge amplifier is present.
– When the quality evaluation is switched on, the injection parts are separated as Rejects.
– Is also set during change over fluctuations (deviation of the learned change over threshold).
– See also Cavity pressure measurement* [}Page 330].

Injection axis: electrical

Type: Group title

Servo motor ready

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The signal Injection readyfrom the converter is present.
– Self-test (hardware watchdog) of the converter.

Switch on servo motor

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The signal Enable (switch on) for the converter is present.

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Components and commands

Connection: Input
Shows the current screw position in micrometers.
– Source: Rotary transducer of the injection axis
– Reference: 0 = Foremost position of the screw

Position sensor
Connection: Input
Shows the absolute screw position in micrometers.
– Source: Rotary transducer of the injection axis

Melt pressure
Connection: Input
Shows the current melt pressure (melt pressure before the screw tip) in millibar.
– Source: Force transducer of the injection axis (B3016)

Connection: Input
Shows the current speed of the screw in micrometers per second.
– Source: Rotary transducer of the injection axis

Injection Force
Connection: Input
Shows the current injection force in newton.
– Source: Force transducer of the injection axis (B3016)

Limit switch crumple zone

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The signal from the limit switch Reference Injection is present.
– This limit switch is only normally moved on calibrating.

Torque nominal value

Connection: Output
Torque limitation per mille for the converter.
– 1000 % = Full torque enabled on the converter.
– 0 % = No torque enabled on the converter.

Metering axis: electrical

Type: Group title

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Components and commands

Servo motor ready

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the Converter ready metering 1C signal from the converter is present.
– Self-test (hardware watchdog) of the converter.

Torque limited
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the Limitation active metering 1C signal is present.

Switch on the servo drive

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Enable (switch on) to the corresponding converter is present.

Current speed
Connection: Input
Type: Raw value
Shows the current raw value from the converter.
– Source: Rotary transducer of the metering axis

Speed setpoint
Connection: Output
Type: Controller value
Displays the regulator setpoint for the converter.

Current torque
Connection: Input
Type: Raw value
Raw value in Nm for the converter of the metering axis.

Torque nominal value

Connection: Output
Torque limitation per mille for the converter.
– 1000 % = Full torque enabled on the converter.
– 0 % = No torque enabled on the converter.

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Components and commands Injection and hold pressure command

After metering the screw is in the rear position. The thrust movement of the screw triggers the injec-
tion process.
The injection mould is filled during the injection process. A volumetric filling of 98% should be aimed
The injection process is speed-controlled and is controlled by closed loop control circuits.
– The actual values are continually measured and compared with the programmed setpoints. Even
the slightest deviations are immediately corrected.

Start of injection
The injection process starts with the Injection and hold pressure start command.
– For injection, the plasticising unit must be metered
– During injection, the mould must be closed, the injection unit pressed on and the nozzle(s) open.

Quality influences
The filling behaviour is influenced by the injection and, as a result, so is the quality of the injection
parts. In order to avoid injection errors, a melt flow speed that is as constant as possible should be
aimed for. This is reached with an injection profile Slow - fast - slow.
Slow - fast - slow injection profile
1. A slow start
– prevents mould damage,
– skimming surfaces and
– dull areas on the injection part.
2. A fast filling
– reduces the filling time,
– Prevents flow line formation and
– stress in the injection part.
3. A slow approach to the v/p change-over
– Reduces the pressure drop to the hold pres-
– requires a lower clamping force,
– allows a more controlled change-over and Example: Setpoint injection curve for the
– filling of the cavity (underfilling/overfilling), Injection and hold pressure command
– reduces cavity venting problems and graph.

– burring on the injection part.

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Components and commands

v/p change-over
The v/p change-over ends the injection program.
It is used to provide a compensated transition from the speed-controlled injection phase to the pres-
sure-controlled hold pressure phase free of pressure surges.
Depending on the injection pressure and the parameterisation of the v/p change-over (release and
pressure), the change-over is either
– pressure-dependent,
– path-dependent or
– force-controlled.

The change-over type is clearly visible on the command graph (see following examples).
Pressure-dependent change over
Pressure-dependent change over occurs when the injec-
tion pressure (1) between V/p change-over release posi-
tion (2) and the last position of the injection profile (4)
reaches the V/p change-over pressure (3).
– The injection pressure curve (1) meets the line of the
V/p change-over pressure (3) parameter.

Path-dependent change over

Path-dependent change over occurs when the injection
pressure (1) for V/p change-over release position (2) is
higher than the V/p change-over pressure (3).
– The injection pressure curve (1) meets the line of the
V/p change-over release position (2) parameter.

Forced change over

Forced change over occurs when the injection pressure
(1) up to the reaching of the last position of the injection
profile (4) has not reached the V/p change-over pressure
– The injection pressure curve (1) meets the line of the
last position of the injection profile (4).

With the Inside mould pressure measurement* (charge amplifier) additional equipment, the v/p
change-over can also be carried out via the inside mould pressure.
– See also Cavity pressure measurement* [}Page 330].

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Components and commands

Quality influences
A change over that is too early can have the following consequences:
– change over marking through the stopping of the flow front,
– insufficient filling of the injection mould,
– lighter injection moulded parts,
– sunk spots,
– weld line marking,
– increased shrinkage and
– weight fluctuations.
A change over that is too late can have the following consequences:
– orientations near the sprue,
– high pressure peaks,
– flashing,
– increased stress in the injection moulded part,
– dimensions that are too large and
– heavier injection moulded parts.

Hold pressure
After the injection process, the product is embossed by the hold pressure.
– The volume contraction which occurs when the melt solidifies is counteracted by subjecting the
melt to a hold pressure.
Then the pressure built up is released again.
The hold pressure should be in effect until the sealing point is reached (plastic frozen in sprue sys-
The hold pressure program is triggered by the v/p change-over.
The pressure used is the theoretical melt pressure, which is calculated from the power consumption
of the screw drive and the respective plasticising unit.

Quality influences
The hold pressure has a large influence on the quality characteristics, such as weight, dimensions,
shrinkage, deformation, shrinkage cavities, sunk spots and orientations.
Too short (sealing point not reached) or too low a hold pressure can have the following con-
– weight deficiency and weight fluctuations,
– unstable dimensions,
– High shrinkage and sunk spots,
– deformation,
– formation of shrinkage cavities and
– reduced mechanical properties.
Too long and/or too high a hold pressure can have the following consequences:
– Loss of cycle time,
– increased mould and machine wear,
– increased energy consumption,
– stresses in the injection moulded part,
– dimensions that are too large.

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Components and commands

Injection and hold pressure parameter

Position start of injection

Type: Actual value
ID: S0
Shows the screw position at the start of the Injection and hold pressure command.

Injection time
Type: Actual value
ID: T2
Shows the injection time of the last injection.
– Start injection command up to v/p change-over.
– Must be as stable as possible for an exact reproducibility.
– Possible causes for fluctuations:
– Metering time and path unstable
– Back pressure too low
– Unfavourable temperature profile
– Worn out or defective plasticising unit (back-flow-stop, cylinder bore, nozzle etc).

Maximum injection pressure

Type: Actual value
ID: P125
Maximum specific melt pressure during injection phase.

Position v/p change-over

Type: Actual value
ID: S11
Shows the screw position when changing over from injection to hold pressure.
– Must be as stable as possible for an exact reproducibility.
– Possible causes for fluctuations:
– Metering time and path unstable
– V/p change-over unstable
– Injection speed before the change over too high
– Back pressure too low
– Unfavourable temperature profile
– Worn out or defective plasticising unit (back-flow-stop, cylinder bore, nozzle etc).

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Components and commands

Pressure, v/p change-over

Type: Actual value
Shows the specific melt pressure when changing over from injection to hold pressure.
– Must be as stable as possible for an exact reproducibility.
– Possible causes for fluctuations:
– Metering time and path unstable
– V/p change-over unstable
– Injection speed before the change over too high
– Back pressure too low
– Unfavourable temperature profile
– Worn out or defective plasticising unit (back-flow-stop, cylinder bore, nozzle etc).

Melt cushion
Type: Actual value
ID: S19
Shows the minimum screw position of the moulding process.
– Must be as stable as possible for an exact reproducibility.
– Possible causes for fluctuations:
– Metering time and path unstable
– V/p change-over unstable
– Difference between V/p change-over pressure and Pressure at start, hold pressure too
– Back pressure too low
– Unfavourable temperature profile
– Worn out or defective plasticising unit (back-flow-stop, cylinder bore, nozzle etc).

Type: Group title
– See also Injection [}Page 337].

Position start of injection

Type: Actual value
ID: S0
Shows the screw position at the start of the Injection and hold pressure command.

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Components and commands

Injection time
Type: Actual value
ID: T2
Shows the injection time of the last injection.
– Start injection command up to v/p change-over.
– Must be as stable as possible for an exact reproducibility.
– Possible causes for fluctuations:
– Metering time and path unstable
– Back pressure too low
– Unfavourable temperature profile
– Worn out or defective plasticising unit (back-flow-stop, cylinder bore, nozzle etc).

Injection speed profile

Type: Group title
The programming of the values is highly dependent on the existing conditions. The mould, moulded
part shape, the material to be processed and the temperatures have a major influence.
§ Program the injection support points so that the flow front in the mould has the most constant
speed possible.
ð An excessively high speed can lead to the formation of runs on the product, air enclosures
due to excessively slow venting of the mould and excessive mechanical loading (shearing) of
the melt.
ð If the speed is too low, the melt can solidify prematurely so that the mould is not completely
filled. This can have a negative influence on the surface and geometry of the product.
ð Excessively large speed changes can detach melt already solidified, impairing the structure
and surface of the moulded part.
§ Enter a low speed for the end of the injection process.
ð This enables a transition (v/p change-over) from injection to hold pressure free of pressure
– See also Injection [}Page 337].

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Components and commands

Injection and hold pressure command graph

Clicking on the graphic opens the enlarged and configurable command graph.
– See also Command graph [}Page 157].

The command graph of the Injection and hold pressure command is divided into:

1. Injection graph
2. Change-over range
3. Hold pressure graph
4. Legends

If the actual value of the melt pressure moves to the blue area in the injection
phase (change-over range), the v/p change-over occurs.
Note: The change-over area is green for change over with inside mould pressure,
and the v/p change-over occurs when the inside mould pressure moves to the
green area.

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Components and commands

Injection graph
– The curves are shown as a function of the screw stroke
(X-axis: S [mm]).
Setpoint value curves
– Injection speed; red (V [mm/s])
– Pressure limitation, blue (P [bar])
– Flow index integration, light blue (determination range)
Actual value curves
– Injection speed, red (V [mm/s])
– Melt pressure, blue (P [bar])
– Inside mould pressure*, green (P [bar])
Change-over range:
– Vertical lines
– V/p change-over release position, blue (s [mm])
– V/p change-over position, white (s [mm])
– Forced change over, red (s [mm])
– Horizontal line
– V/p changeover pressure, blue (P [bar])

Hold pressure graph

– The curves are shown as a function of the time (X-axis:
T [s]).
Setpoint curve
– Hold pressure
– Blue with support points (P [bar])
Actual value curves
– Melt pressure
– Blue (P [bar])
– Screw position
– Yellow (S [mm])
– Inside mould pressure*
– Green (P [bar])

Number of stages
Type: Setpoint
ID: C121
Determines the number of stages of the injection profile.
– For an exact and stable process, it is recommended that all 10 stages are used.

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Components and commands

Stages of the injection profile

Type: Setpoint
Stages: Maximum 10
1. ID‘s
2. End position of the corresponding stage
3. Speed of the corresponding stage
4. Single-stage movement profile
5. Double-stage movement profile
6. Three-stage movement profile, etc.
7. Movement direction

The movement profile is displayed on the command graph and can also be changed there.
– Please see chapter Parameterisation via the command graph [}Page 159] in the User Manual.

The injection process starts at the Start of injection (S0)

The speed of the first stage (V196) is retained up to the re-
lated injection position (S196); the first injection stage is
All injection stages are moved to consecutively at the cor-
responding speed.
– In the example graph, 10 stages are selected (C121 =
The v/p change-over occurs from the V/p change-over re-
lease position and when the V/p change-over pressure is
If the v/p change-over has not yet occurred at the last
stage (S205), forced change-over to the hold pressure pro-
gram is carried out.
The injection process ends with the v/p change-over.

Maximum injection pressure

Type: Actual value
ID: P125
Maximum specific melt pressure during injection phase.

Monitoring of injection pressure

Type: Group title
– The pressure monitoring checks the melt pressure during the injection process.
– This can prevent damage from jammed mould parts or clogged distribution channels on
the mould and cavities.

Clicking on the graphic opens the enlarged and configurable command graph.
– See also Command graph [}Page 157].

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Components and commands

Number of stages
Type: Setpoint
ID: C108
Determines the number of stages of the pressure monitoring during the injection.

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Components and commands

Stages of the monitoring of injection pressure

Type: Setpoint
Stages: Maximum 10
1. ID‘s
2. End position of the corresponding monitoring stage
3. Reaction time of the corresponding monitoring stage
– Factory setting: all stages 0.00 s
4. Pressure limit of the corresponding monitoring stage
5. Single-stage monitoring
6. Double-stage monitoring
7. Three-stage monitoring, etc.
8. Movement direction

The movement profile is displayed on the command graph and can also be changed there.
– Please see chapter Parameterisation via the command graph [}Page 159] in the User Manual.

The pressure monitoring of the first stage (P101) applies

from the maximum injection stroke up to the monitoring po-
sition of the first stage (S101).
Each further stage applies linearly from the last.
– In the example graph, 2 stages are selected (C108 =
The pressure monitoring of the last stage applies up to the
end of injection.
Each stage can be assigned a reaction time.

If the injection pressure reaches the limit value of the pres-
sure monitoring, the reaction time of the corresponding
stage starts.
– If the injection pressure drops below the limit value
within the reaction time again, there is no alarm reac-
tion and the reaction time is reset.
– If the injection pressure does not drop and the reaction
time is exceeded, the injection pressure supervision
activates and the programmed reaction (C208) be-
comes active.

A = Graph A shows the pressure curve without the pres-

sure monitoring system being actuated.
B = Graph B shows the pressure curve when the pressure
monitoring system is actuated.
1. Resulting injection pressure curve
2. Actual-value curve of injection speed
3. Setpoint-value specifications of injection speed

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Components and commands

Reaction injection pressure sup.

Type: Selection parameter
ID: C208
Determines the reaction after an activation of the injection pressure supervision

1: Depressurised after injection
– The injection process is aborted,
– the hold pressure is carried out without pressure (depressurised) and
– the cycle is ended in accordance with the programmed sequence.
2: Hold pressure with programmed setpoints
– The injection process is aborted,
– the hold pressure is carried out with the programmed setpoints and
– the cycle is ended in accordance with the programmed sequence.

The production is stopped after the reaction.

– A corresponding message appears on the screen display.

Flow number
Type: Actual value
ID: C125
The flow factor (C125) is the calculated integral mean value of the injection pressure between the po-
sitions S121 and S122, i.e. a value for the viscosity of the melt.
– The flow number is a dimensionless parameter which provides information on the constancy (vis-
cosity) of the injection melt.

Calculation of flow number

1. Resulting injection pressure curve
2. Integrated area
3. Mean value of integrated area
– The flow number is a dimensionless parameter of the
injection melt viscosity.
– A change in the viscosity would immediately be reflec-
ted in the shape of the injection pressure curve (1).
– The flow number (C125) is formed through the integra-
tion of the injection pressure curve in a freely select-
able screw path section (S121 to S122).
– The integral mean value (3), the flow number (C125), is
computed by dividing the area by the measured length
(S121 to S122).

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Components and commands

Flow index determination start point

Type: Setpoint
ID: S121
Determines the start point of the flow index determination range.
For reasons of measuring accuracy, make sure that the measuring range (S121 - S122)
– does not go beyond the position of the v/p change-over,
– contains no steep curves,
– is selected over a dynamic-free section. The control pressure curve and actual curve of the injec-
tion speed are to run as parallel as possible in the measuring range.

Flow index determination end point

Type: Setpoint
ID: S122
Determines the end point of the flow index determination range.

v/p change-over
Type: Group title
– See also v/p change-over [}Page 338] and Injection and hold pressure command graph

[}Page 343]

Position v/p change-over

Type: Actual value
ID: S11
Shows the screw position when changing over from injection to hold pressure.
– Must be as stable as possible for an exact reproducibility.
– Possible causes for fluctuations:
– Metering time and path unstable
– V/p change-over unstable
– Injection speed before the change over too high
– Back pressure too low
– Unfavourable temperature profile
– Worn out or defective plasticising unit (back-flow-stop, cylinder bore, nozzle etc).

v/p change-over release position

Type: Setpoint
ID: S206
The v/p change-over occurs from this screw position as soon as one of the following conditions is
– The injection pressure exceeds the V/p change-over pressure setpoint
– The last stage of the injection profile is reached.
– The change over is carried out by the charge amplifier of the inside mould pressure measure-
– See also With cavity pressure measurement* [}Page 350].

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Components and commands

Pressure, v/p change-over

Type: Actual value
Shows the specific melt pressure when changing over from injection to hold pressure.
– Must be as stable as possible for an exact reproducibility.
– Possible causes for fluctuations:
– Metering time and path unstable
– V/p change-over unstable
– Injection speed before the change over too high
– Back pressure too low
– Unfavourable temperature profile
– Worn out or defective plasticising unit (back-flow-stop, cylinder bore, nozzle etc).

Pressure, v/p change-over

Type: Setpoint
ID: P12
If the injection pressure reaches this threshold within the change-over range, the v/p change-over oc-
Note: This parameter is not observed during change over by the charge amplifier of the inside mould
pressure measurement*.
– See also With cavity pressure measurement* [}Page 350].

With cavity pressure measurement*

Type: Group title
See also Cavity pressure measurement* [}Page 330].

Program selection for v/p change-over*

Type: Selection parameter
Determines the measuring system to be used for the change over.

1: With injection pressure
– The change over is triggered by the injection pressure (melt pressure).
– Change over: Injection pressure from V/p change-over release > V/p change-over pres-
2: With inside mould pressure
– The change over is triggered by the inside mould pressure measurement.
– Change over: Inside mould pressure from V/p change-over release > V/p change-over
3: Via charge amplifier
– The change over occurs via the self optimising v/p change-over of the inside mould pressure
management* (not via the machine control).

Maximum inside mould pressure*

Type: Actual value
ID: P127
Maximum inside mould pressure during the injection phase.

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Components and commands

Hold pressure
Type: Group title
– See also Hold pressure [}Page 339].

Max. hold pressure

Type: Actual value
ID: P126
Maximum injection pressure (melt pressure) during the hold pressure phase.

Pressure at start of hold pressure

Type: Setpoint
Determines the first set pressure after the v/p change-over.
– First setpoint of the hold pressure profile.

Hold pressure profile

Type: Group title
The settings in the hold pressure program are primarily dependent on the conditions present on the
machine. The mould, the mould shape, the material to be processed and the temperatures have a
major influence.
§ Program the hold pressure support points so that the hold pressure is relieved as constantly as
§ Enter a low pressure for the end of the hold pressure process.
ð This enables an end of the hold pressure free of pressure surges.

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Components and commands

Injection and hold pressure command graph

Clicking on the graphic opens the enlarged and configurable command graph.
– See also Command graph [}Page 157].

The command graph of the Injection and hold pressure command is divided into:

1. Injection graph
2. Change-over range
3. Hold pressure graph
4. Legends

If the actual value of the melt pressure moves to the blue area in the injection
phase (change-over range), the v/p change-over occurs.
Note: The change-over area is green for change over with inside mould pressure,
and the v/p change-over occurs when the inside mould pressure moves to the
green area.

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Components and commands

Injection graph
– The curves are shown as a function of the screw stroke
(X-axis: S [mm]).
Setpoint value curves
– Injection speed; red (V [mm/s])
– Pressure limitation, blue (P [bar])
– Flow index integration, light blue (determination range)
Actual value curves
– Injection speed, red (V [mm/s])
– Melt pressure, blue (P [bar])
– Inside mould pressure*, green (P [bar])
Change-over range:
– Vertical lines
– V/p change-over release position, blue (s [mm])
– V/p change-over position, white (s [mm])
– Forced change over, red (s [mm])
– Horizontal line
– V/p changeover pressure, blue (P [bar])

Hold pressure graph

– The curves are shown as a function of the time (X-axis:
T [s]).
Setpoint curve
– Hold pressure
– Blue with support points (P [bar])
Actual value curves
– Melt pressure
– Blue (P [bar])
– Screw position
– Yellow (S [mm])
– Inside mould pressure*
– Green (P [bar])

Number of stages
Type: Setpoint
ID: C122
Determines the number of stages of the hold pressure profile.
– 8 stages are provided, but 4 - 5 are sufficient for most applications.

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Components and commands

Stages of the hold pressure profile

Type: Setpoint
Stages: Maximum 8
1. ID‘s
2. Absolute time from v/p change-over up to the end of
the corresponding stage
– Note: The last stage (T120) is the total hold
pressure time.
3. Set pressure at the end of the corresponding stage
– Note: The first set pressure after the v/p
change-over is Pressure at start, hold pressure
(P112) and during the change-over Pressure v/
p change-over (P12).
4. Single-stage movement profile
5. Double-stage movement profile
6. Three-stage movement profile, etc.
7. Movement direction
The movement profile is displayed on the command graph and can also be changed there.
– Please see chapter Parameterisation via the command graph [}Page 159] in the User Manual.

Type: Group title
The melt cushion (S19) is the smallest position reached during the injection and hold pressure pro-
– The melt cushion monitoring system checks whether Melt cushion (S19) lies between Maximum
permissible melt cushion (S219) and Minimum permissible melt cushion (S119).
– If Maximum permissible melt cushion (S219) is not reached in a cycle, a fault message
appears, an alarm is triggered and the subsequent cycle is blocked.
– If Minimum permissible melt cushion (S119) is dropped below in a cycle, the screw move-
ment and the Injection and hold pressure command stop. A fault message appears, an
alarm is triggered and the subsequent cycle is blocked.

Contact speed
Type: Actual value
Shows the contact speed in the event of the screw moving forward to the 0 mm position.
The speed during the approach of the 0 mm position is monitored:
– > 400 mm/s: Warning
– > 450 mm/s: Stop production end cycle

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Components and commands

Melt cushion
Type: Actual value
ID: S19
Shows the minimum screw position of the moulding process.
– Must be as stable as possible for an exact reproducibility.
– Possible causes for fluctuations:
– Metering time and path unstable
– V/p change-over unstable
– Difference between V/p change-over pressure and Pressure at start, hold pressure too
– Back pressure too low
– Unfavourable temperature profile
– Worn out or defective plasticising unit (back-flow-stop, cylinder bore, nozzle etc).

Maximum permissible melt cushion

Type: Setpoint
ID: S219
Upper limit of the melt cushion
– During the moulding process, the minimum screw position (S19) must be under this value.

Minimal permissible melt cushion

Type: Setpoint
ID: S119
Lower limit value of the melt cushion
– During the moulding process, the minimum screw position (S19) must not be under this value.

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Components and commands Screw retraction command

With the Screw retraction command, the screw is retracted without rotary movement in accordance
with the parameterisation (stroke and speed).
The retraction stroke causes a pressure relief of the melt in the front of the screw.
The screw can be retracted directly before and/or after metering.
– A screw retraction after the metering and with a closed plasticising nozzle simplifies the closing of
the back-flow-stop.
– A screw retraction before the metering and with an open plasticising nozzle causes a stable state
at the start of metering (recommended)
– For hot runner moulds, a screw retraction before the metering and with open plasticising nozzles
is recommended for the pressure relief of the hot runners.
– The closing of the mould nozzles shortly after the start of the screw retraction preserves the
nozzles, because the actuation in pressure-relieved state takes place.
A pressure relief is of high importance for hot runner moulds, particularly with open system and mul-
tiple cavities.
– Aim: Atmospheric pressure in the hot runners at the start Open mould.
A pressure relief can also be caused with
– retraction of the injection unit with extended nozzle,
– the last stage of the hold pressure without pressure (0 bar) and/or
– a delay time before the closing of the plasticising nozzle.

Open safety cover circuit depressurises injection unit.
An injection unit with contact pressure applied is depressurised with the opening
of the safety cover. The contact pressure is therefore relieved, which can lead to
melt escaping between the nozzle and sprue bush.
ü Do not carry out adjustment of the screw retraction in the individual cycle with
the respective opening of the safety cover.
§ An available hot runner in the mould may especially be relieved with this leak-
age. This can lead to limited relief in automatic mode, and therefore result in
damage to the mould.

Quality influences
An unfavourable pressure relief (too much, too little, bad coordination etc) can result in
– unstable metering, melt cushions, filling, shot weight and/or
– difficult starting of the production (e.g. not all cavities filled).
Screw retraction too small:
– Melt escaping from the nozzle (wet nozzle/s)
– Cold flow marking (cold slugs)
Screw retraction too large:
– Air enclosures (silver streaks, blisters, burned areas)
– String formation on the sprue

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Components and commands

Screw retraction parameter

Type: Setpoint
ID: S20
Determines the screw position after the screw retraction (dependent on the Relative position para-
– Relative position checkbox marked: The parameter value determines the relative target position
of the command (stroke from current screw position at start of the command).
– Relative position checkbox not marked: The parameter value determines the absolute target pos-
ition of the command.
Note: Too large a screw retraction reduces the pressure at the front of the screw, but it also ensures
that air flows to the front area of the cylinder.

Type: Setpoint
ID: V901
Determines the speed of the screw retraction.

Relative position
Type: Checkbox
Determines whether the target position is absolute or relative.
– See also Position [}Page 357].

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Components and commands Metering command

When the screw is turned, material is fed toward the plasticising nozzle during metering. In order for
the screw to be pushed toward the rear by the resulting back pressure, it must be ensured that the in-
jection passage (nozzle, injection channel) is closed.
Each metering step is assigned a distance and a back pressure.
The screw rotating speed applies over all steps.
The metering program ends when the metering end point (S24) is reached.

Quality influences
– Homogeneity of the melt
– Injection pressure
– Filling of the injection moulded part
– Shot weight unstable

Metering parameter

Rotating speed
Type: Actual value
ID: N32
Shows the current rotating speed of the screw (rotational axis).
– The speed is continuously recorded during metering.

Speed reached
Type: Actual value
ID: N27
Shows the maximum metering speed reached.
– If the torque is too high, the specified speed may not be reached.

Rotating speed
Type: Setpoint
ID: N24
Determines the screw rotating speed of the metering process.
– Applies to all metering stages.

Metering speed
Incorrectly programmed screw rotating speeds can lead to damage to the material and waiting times
in the cycle. The available time (cooling time and possibly mould opening phase) is to be utilised to
the greatest extent possible.
– Program the screw rotating speed (N24) as low as possible, but only so low that no delay in the
automatic cycle results.

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Components and commands

Back pressure
Type: Actual value
Shows the current back pressure (specific melt pressure) during metering.

Metering profile

Clicking on the graphic opens the enlarged and configurable command graph.
– See also Command graph [}Page 157].

Number of stages
Type: Setpoint
ID: C124
Determines the number of stages of the metering profile.
– 4 stages are provided.

Stages of the metering profile

Type: Setpoint
Stages: Maximum 4
1. ID‘s
2. End position of the corresponding stage
– S24 = Metering end point
3. Back pressure of the corresponding stage
4. Single-stage movement profile
5. Double-stage movement profile
6. Three-stage movement profile etc.
7. Movement direction
The movement profile is displayed on the command graph and can also be changed there.
– Please see chapter Parameterisation via the command graph [}Page 159] in the User Manual.

Back pressure
The level of the back pressure is primarily influenced by the material to be processed.
A high back pressure results in better mixing (homogeneity) of the melt, however also causes more
frictional heat, and therefore possible damage to the melt.
Program the back pressure (P24) only so high that reaching and maintaining the screw rotating
speed (N24) and the returning of the screw are not aided.

Mean torque value

Type: Actual value
Shows the mean value of the torque.

Start-up program*
The command-related parameters of the start-up program are only available in the sequence editor.
§ Select the topic Sequence editor.

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Components and commands

§ Select metering command.

§ Select extensions - start-up program tab.

Extensions - Start-up program tab*

– See also component Start-up program* [}Page 366].


Start-up program
Type: Shortcut
Shortcut to the Start-up program component.
– See Start-up program* [}Page 366].

Switch on start-up program

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Not checked
When the checkbox is marked, the start-up program uses the following parameterised changes for
this command.

Change metering quantity

Type: Selection parameter
0: Lower metering
– The metering quantity is reduced by the value of the following parameter.
1: Increase metering
– The metering quantity is increased by the value of the following parameter.

Change metering quantity

Type: Setpoint
The metering quantity is reduced or increased to this value in the start-up program.
– See diagram: Pos. 5

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Components and commands Intrusion command

With this type of mould filling (mould filling with rotating screw or metering with open nozzle) it is pos-
sible to fill mould parts with a volume greater than the maximum metering volume of the plasticising

Intrusion parameter

Rotating speed
Type: Actual value
ID: N32
Shows the current rotating speed of the screw (rotational axis).
– The rotating speed is continuously recorded during intrusion.

Rotating speed
Type: Setpoint
ID: N0
Determines the screw rotating speed during intrusion.

Type: Setpoint
ID: T0
Determines the duration of intrusion (command execution time).

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Components and commands Increase pressure limit* command

This command can prevent the screw being pushed back by the inside mould pressure when in posi-
tion-controlled state. This is particularly used for simultaneous injection with multiple injection units
(co-injection) in order to prevent the screw being pushed back on the opposite side.
Control states
– Position-controlled: Screw held in position
– Speed-controlled: E.g. injection, screw retraction ...
– Pressure-controlled: E.g. hold pressure, back pressure ...

Increase pressure limit* parameter

Max. melt pressure during position closed loop control

Type: Setpoint
In the production process, the programmed Pressure limit (holding pressure) applies from this com-
– for the same component,
– in position-controlled state and
– up to the cancellation through the Decrease pressure limit command.

Pressure limit end of hold pressure

Type: Setpoint
If the melt pressure exceeds the value of the hold pressure, it has to be set down to that value. Decrease pressure limit* command

Cancellation of the Increase pressure limit command.

Decrease pressure limit* parameter

No adjustments can be made.

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Components and commands

4.4.4 Cooling time

During the injection moulding process, the cooling begins with the injection of the melt into the mould
and ends with the demoulding of the injection moulded part.
The entire cooling time is broken down as follows:
1. Injection
– Filling phase
2. Hold pressure
– Shrinkage compensation
– Generally up to when the sprue is set (frozen).
3. Cooling time
– Cooling of the injection moulded part core
– Reaching the removal temperature

Quality influences (entire cooling time)

Injection moulded part:
– Deformations and stresses
– Surface quality
– Colour
– Demouldability
– Size and dimensional accuracy
– Injection point
– Cycle time Cooling time component

This component controls the functions:

Function See also ...

Cooling time (waiting time) Cooling time - wait command [}Page 364]


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Cooling time Cooling time - wait None
[}Page 364]

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Components and commands

Cooling time component parameter

No adjustments can be made.

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178] Cooling time - wait command

The following factors must be observed and optimised in order for the shortest possible cooling time
to be reached (and a quicker cycle as a result):
– Cooling and cooling efficiency of the mould
– Mould temperature
– Melt temperature
– Size and wall thickness of the injection moulded part
– Removal temperature
– Demoulding
In the sequence, the Cooling time command is generally
set between Injection and hold pressure and Open clamp-
ing unit.

Cooling time - wait parameter

Cooling time
Type: Setpoint
ID: T39
Determines the duration (waiting time) of the command.

Start-up program*
The command-related parameters of the start-up program are only available in the sequence editor.
§ Select the topic Sequence editor.
§ Select cooling time command.
§ Select extensions - start-up program tab.

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Components and commands

Extensions - Start-up program tab*

– See also component Start-up program* [}Page 366].


Start-up program
Type: Shortcut
Shortcut to the Start-up program component.
– See Start-up program* [}Page 366].

Switch on start-up program

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Not checked
When the checkbox is marked, the start-up program uses the following parameterised changes for
this command.

Change in cooling time

Type: Selection parameter
0: Shorter cooling
– The cooling time is shortened to the value of the following parameter.
1: Longer cooling
– The cooling time is extended to the value of the following parameter.

Change in cooling time

Type: Setpoint
The cooling time is reduced or extended to this value in the start-up program.
– See diagram: Pos. 5

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Components and commands

4.4.5 Start-up program*

This option enables a cyclical aiming of the metering quantity or cooling time at the start of produc-

X-axis: Cycles
Y-axis: Metering quantity or cooling time
1. Production start
2. Length of the start-up program in cycles
3. Number of cycles over which the actual value is ap-
4. Programmed setpoint
5. Decrease or increase of the setpoint

The length and approach (1 & 2) as well as a possible sorting are set on the component.
– See also Start-up program* component parameter [}Page 367].

The change (3) and the use of the change are set on the corresponding command.
– See also 'Cooling time' command Extensions - Start-up program tab* [}Page 365].

– See also 'Metering' command Extensions - Start-up program tab* [}Page 360].


Switching on is only possible when at least one of the commands is switched on (use marked).
Manual connection:
The Start-up program button allows the start-up program to be activated before the start of produc-
tion. If necessary, the start-up program can be aborted by pressing the button again.
– See also button Start-up program* [}Page 26].

Automatic connection:
The connection occurs when the Reactivate start-up program monitoring is switched on.
– Monitoring - General monitoring - Reactivate start-up program

Excess metering
The Start-up program* option also makes an Excess metering possible.
– Excess metering enables the automatic filling of distribution channels which have remained li-
quid, such as hot runners, isolated runners, Canadian runners and ante-chamber feed systems,
during start-up.

* = Option
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Components and commands Start-up program* component

Components, commands and buttons
Component Commands Screen buttons
Start-up program Metering command Start-up program*
metering* [}Page 358]
  [}Page 26]

Cooling time - wait

[}Page 364]

Note: The Metering and Cooling time - wait commands do not belong to the Start-up program com-
ponent, but they are listed here because the configuration parameters of this function includes them.

Start-up program* component parameter

General tab

X-axis: Cycles
Y-axis: Metering quantity or cooling time
1. Production start
2. Length of the start-up program in cycles
3. Number of cycles over which the actual value is ap-
4. Programmed setpoint
5. Decrease or increase of the setpoint

Remaining start-up cycles

Type: Actual value
Shows the remaining start-up cycles when the Start-up program is running.
– It is also displayed on the Start-up program button.

General settings
Type: Group title

No. of start-up program cycles

Type: Setpoint
Determines the length of the start-up program in the number of cycles.
– See diagram: Pos. 2

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Components and commands

Of which cycles for approach

Type: Setpoint
Determines the number of cycles over which the setpoint is approached.
– See diagram: Pos. 3

Force reject
Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Not checked
When the checkbox is marked, the parts produced during the current start-up program are separ-
– Condition: The unconditional start-up procedure of quality monitoring is switched on (C331 > 0).

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


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Components and commands

4.5 Quality

4.5.1 Quality monitoring

See also Topic Process quality [}Page 228]. Quality monitoring component

This component controls the functions:

Function See also ...

Collect and evaluate the quality values for quality Topic Process quality [}Page 228]

report and sorting

Sorting Function for Q monitoring [}Page 236]

Reaction Configuration of Quality Monitoring [}Page 242]



Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Quality monitoring Evaluate quality Digital reject signal*
data command [}Page 35]

[}Page 371]

Force reject part*

[}Page 34]

Sample* [}Page 34]

Reject gate 2
[}Page 34]

Reject gate 3
[}Page 34]

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Components and commands

Quality monitoring component parameter

No adjustments can be made.

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: Quality monitoring

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

Reject signal*
Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The Reject message signal is present.
– The K4/A1082 contactor is activated.

* = Option
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Components and commands Evaluate quality data command


Acquire quality data

To collect quality data, the corresponding command must
be inserted in the sequence (1 & 2) and its Collect quality
data checkbox marked (3).
Commands with quality data are:
– Injection and hold pressure (1)
– Start of injection
– Injection time
– v/p change-over
– Melt cushion
– PM peak value, injection
– PM peak value, hold pressure
– PI peak value
– Flow number
– Cycle time (hold pressure start/end)
– Metering (2)
– Metering time
– If one of these commands are used multiple times in
the sequence (e.g. 2x injection and hold pressure),
make sure that the data are only collected by one of
these commands.
– Configure accordingly (3).

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Components and commands

Evaluate quality data

To evaluate quality data, the Evaluate quality data com-
mand (2) must be inserted accordingly in the sequence
after the Injection and hold pressure command (1).
– Any command can be activated accordingly after the
Evaluate quality data command depending on the qual-
ity (e.g. reject gates 3 & 4).
Mark Evaluate quality data (5).
– When the checkbox is checked, the command is only
executed when the selected quality assurance condi-
tion has been met.
Configure condition (6).

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Components and commands

Quality monitoring
The central point when setting the quality monitoring is the determination of practical tolerances.
The tolerance limits have no reference to the actual quality of the produced parts. They only repres-
ent a randomly specified limit of "normalcy".
Example sorting with reject gate:
ü Evaluate quality data command (2) is inserted accord-
ingly behind Injection and hold pressure (1).
ü Reject gates (3 & 4) command inserted accordingly
after Evaluate quality data (2).
ü Reject gates (5 & 6) commands configurated.
§ Enter C340 = 1 (process statistics).
§ Switch on the configured machine for at least 20 - 50
ð The first basic settings of the tolerances are calcu-
lated with the statistical values, above all the three-
fold standard deviation.
ð According to statistics theory, 99.73 % of the occur-
rences can be expected in the scattering range of
the 3 sigma standard deviation.
ð According to statistics theory, 99.9999 % of the oc-
currences can be expected in the scattering range
of the six-fold standard deviation.

§ Enter C340 = 2 (monitoring without sorting out).

§ If the machine has produced without faults, click on the

function button Apply statistics values.
ð The column values Medium and Variance are then
adopted as Setpoint and Tolerance respectively.

§ Produce with the machine for a longer period (several

days or production segments).
§ Regularly create and evaluate quality reports.
§ Conduct a statistical evaluation of the products parallel
to this.
§ Following the long-term observation, correct the toler-
ances again as required.
§ Enter C340 = 3 (monitoring with sorting out).

§ Activate monitoring with function button.

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Components and commands

Evaluate quality data parameter

No adjustments can be made.

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Components and commands

4.5.2 Sampling*
Controls the sampling. Sampling* component

Components, commands and buttons
Component Commands Screen buttons
Sampling None Sample* [}Page 34]

Sampling* component parameter

General tab

Type: Group title

Automatic sampling
Type: Selection parameter

0: Switched off
– No sampling
1: Once (after sample interval)
– One-off sampling after reaching the number of cycles of the Sample interval parameter.
2: Cyclical (after sample interval)
– Cyclically repeating sampling after reaching the number of cycles of the Sample interval para-
meter (and after each further time they are reached)
3: After container changing
– After each container changing
– See also Container changing [}Page 250].

Samples produced
Type: Actual value
Shows the number of samples of the current sampling.

Cycles per sample

Type: Setpoint
Determines the number of samples (cycles) that take place each time the sampling is triggered.

Cycles since sample

Type: Actual value
Displays the current number of cycles since the last sample.

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Components and commands

Sample interval
Type: Setpoint
Determines the number of cycles over which a one-off or cyclical sampling takes place.
– Condition: Corresponding selection withAutomatic sampling.

Reset "Cycles since sample"

Type: Selection parameter
Determines the condition in which the Cycles since sample counter is reset.

0: After order completion (C325 = 0)
– This selection must only be selected when produced with order (C330 = 1).
– After completion of the order, the Cycles since samples counter is set to zero, together with
– See also Order [}Page 248].

1: After change of operating mode

2: After cycle stop

Individual cycles always samples

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Not checked
When the checkbox is marked, a sampling follows each individual cycle (Start a cycle button).

Sample only if good part

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Checked
When the checkbox is marked, only good parts are taken as samples. In order to be able to distin-
guish between good and bad parts, the quality monitoring must be switched on.
– See also Process Statistics, overview [}Page 234] and Configuration of Quality Monitoring

[}Page 242]

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


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Components and commands

4.6 Robot

4.6.1 Euromap 67* Principles
This equipment comprises a standardised interface for signal exchange between the machine and
the robot (e.g. parts-removal unit or insertion unit), which therefore enables synchronisation of the
movement sequences.

A socket with a plug is mounted on the control cabinet for the connection of the machine to the robot.
– If the device is removed, the included shorting plug with the interface must be fitted. If individual
signals are not required, these must be jumpered.
– See also Diagrams and Interface descriptions in the operating manual.

The transmitted signals of the interfaces must comply with the safety category
Type 3 according to EN201!

Explanation of symbols
Input command
The machine control waits for a signal from the robot.
– The command designation begins with Wait for....
– Example: This command is waits for the release signal Close from the robot.

Output command
The machine control sends a signal to the robot.
– The command designation begins with Signal...
– Example: This command sends the signal Clamping unit open to the robot.

Link (component)
The outlined symbol displays the linked component. The signal exchange refers
to this.
– Example: The component Euromap 67: clamping unit contains the signal ex-
change between the robot and the component Clamping unit.
Link assigned
In the case of components Euromap 67: ejector & auxiliary mould controller, the
link is freely selectable.
– Only the appropriately created and usable auxiliary controls can be assigned.
– Allocations to the corresponding Euromap 67 component takes place via the
context menu.
– See also Function [}Page 390] - Link.

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Components and commands

The functionality of Euromap 67 is divided into 4 components.
– Basic functions
– Clamping unit
– Ejector (standard, not auxiliary control)
– Mould auxiliary controller

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Components and commands Production process with Euromap 67

Various Euromap 67 commands are available to coordinate the signal exchange. Like all commands,
they can be freely inserted into the production process.

Set Euromap 67 commands correctly
The Euromap 67 commands inserted into the process await and send their signals
independent from the state of their linked component. It is therefore important that
they are set in the correct sequence.
§ See the following examples.

The production process can look different depending on the process and command arrangement.

Sequence without output commands

The setting of output commands is not mandatory. If no output commands are set for the correspond-
ing component in the production process, the output signals correspond to the state of the linked
– If a command is used multiple times, the farthest position is deemed "State reached".

Position 2, 10 and 12: Euromap 67 input commands

This sequence corresponds to the model data record Default2 - Netstal Default dataset with EM67.
– The model data record is saved on the hard disk and can be loaded using the Read data record

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Components and commands

Sequence with output commands

Position 4, 6, 14 and 17: Euromap 67 output commands

Position 2, 12 and 15: Euromap 67 input commands

The output signals correspond to the commands set. It is therefore important that they are set in the
correct sequence.

The command Wait for "Close" release" (2) comes before the command Close (3).
– The clamping movement (3) starts after the release signal (2).
– Robot in safe position enables clamping movement.

The command Signal "Open" (6) comes after the command Open (5).
– After opening (5), confirmation (6) is sent to the robot.
– Robot can retract.

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Components and commands Euromap 67 component: Basis*

These components control the basic functions of the Euromap 67 interface.


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Euromap 67: Basis None Robot [}Page 25]

(Status display)

Robot [}Page 25]

(On/off function)*

These 4 buttons are part of the optional auxiliary control Switch on* [}Page 32]

Operator buttons for robot*.

– They do not form part of the Euromap 67 interface.
Stop* [}Page 32]

Home position* [}Page 32]


Acknowledge* [}Page 32]

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Components and commands

Euromap 67 parameter: Basis*

General tab

General settings
Type: Group title

Switch off Euromap 67

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Not checked
When the checkbox is checked, the signal exchange via the Euromap 67 interface is switched off.
– No moving-in of robot
– The Euromap 67 commands used in the production process are ignored.
– Monitoring of the robot's safe position remains (signal Release mould movement X2016/A3).

Signal "production is running" during preparation

Type: Group title

Signal production preparation

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Checked
When the checkbox is marked, the signal "Production running" is already set for the production pre-
paration (phase-in cycle).

Switch off "Production running" signal, delayed

Type: Group title

Delay time
Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 0.0 s
The signal Production running is only switched on when the cycle is running. Following a cycle stop,
the switching off of the signal is delayed by the specified time.
– See also Production is running [}Page 383].

For a robot that immediately stops when the signal drops, a time can therefore be given to complete
its movement following the cycle stop.
If the operating mode is changed during the delay time, the signal will be switched off immediately.

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


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Components and commands

Connection states: Euromap 67: Basis*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

Robot not activated

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The Robot switched off (X2016/B2) signal from the robot is present.
– The robot signals that the removal is switched off.

Production is running
Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The output Production on (X2015/ZB2) to the robot is activated.
– This signal is only switched on in the operating mode Automatic when the cycle is running. Fol-
lowing a cycle stop, the signal will drop after the programmed delay time expires.
– See also Delay time [}Page 382].

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Components and commands Euromap 67 component: Clamping unit*

This component controls the exchange of signals between the robot and the clamping unit.


Component, commands and signals

Component Commands Signals
Euromap 67: Clamping unit Wait for "Close" release Input:
Signal "Open" Output:

Signal "Closed" Output:


Signal "In intermediate pos- Output:

ition"* X2015/ZA8

Wait for "Open"* release Input:


Note: This component has no screen buttons.

The tasks of the Euromap 67 component: clamping unit include the following functions:
– Forward the status of the clamping unit to the robot.
– Read in the robot status.
– Release movements of the clamping unit (start).
– Clamping unit safeguard
– Robot release signal test

Important conditions
– The clamping unit may only close during production if both releases (Mould area free and Close
release) are present.
– The clamping movement is stopped when one of these releases is no longer present.
– When the robot is switched off, only the release for the mould area needs to be present in order
for the clamping unit to move.
– The robot does not move in until either Clamping unit open or Clamping unit in intermediate posi-
tion is reported.

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Components and commands

Process sequences with Euromap 67: Clamping unit

Minimum sequence
Minimum requirements must be met in order to run the Euromap 67 interface optimally.

Example with minimum requirement

Command Signal Note

2 Wait for "Close" release Input: X2016/A6 A3: Limit switch, robot
Input: X2016/A3 – Mould area free
3: Close clamping unit
Output: X2015/ZA6 High in Closed state
5: Open clamping unit
Output: X2015/ZA7 High in the Open state

Extended sequence
With the insertion of output commands, the output of the corresponding signal can be self-determ-
– See also chapter: Production process with Euromap 67 [}Page 379].

Example with output commands

Command Signal Note

2 Wait for "Close" release Input: X2016/A6 A3: Limit switch, robot
Input: X2016/A3 – Mould area free
4: Signal "Closed" Output: X2015/ZA6
7: Signal "Open" Output: X2015/ZA7 .

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Components and commands

Sequence with intermediate stop*

The clamping unit must open at least twice to make this possible.

Example with intermediate stop

Command Signal Note

2 Wait for "Close" release Input: X2016/A6 A3: Limit switch, robot
Input: X2016/A3 – Mould area free
4: Signal "Closed" Output: X2015/ZA6
6: Open clamping unit 1st opening (intermediate stop)
7: Signal "In intermediate position" Output: X2015/ZA8 .
8: Wait for "Open"* release Input: X2016/A7
9: Open clamping unit 2nd opening (open position)
10: Signal "Open" Output: X2015/ZA7 .

Sequence with dynamic removal*

With this setting, the robot moving-in release can be given prior to open position of the clamping unit.
Caution: The release must be selected in such a way that there is no danger of collision.

Example with dynamic removal

Command Signal Note

2 Wait for "Close" release Input: X2016/A6 A3: Limit switch, robot
Input: X2016/A3 – Mould area free
4: Signal "Closed" Output: X2015/ZA6
6: Open clamping unit E.g. open position 360 mm
8: Start subsequence E.g. in position 350 mm
9: Signal "In intermediate position" Output: X2015/ZA8 Release moving-in in open posi-
tion 350 mm .
7: Signal "Open" Output: X2015/ZA7 .

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Components and commands

Parameter Euromap 67: Clamping unit*

General tab
(Euromap 67 component: Clamping unit*)

Take out time

Type: Actual value
Starts with the output signal Clamping unit open (X2015/ZA7) or In intermediate position (X2015/
Ends with the input signal Close release (X2016/A6) and Mould area free (X2016/A3).

General settings
Type: Group title

Test signal "mould area free"

Type: Selection parameter
Factory setting: 1: Test during single moving-in
This test checks the edge change of hardware signal Mould area free (X2016/A3) from the robot.
0: No signal test
– For setup work only
1: Test during single moving-in
– For single moving-in in the same mould position (requires an edge change).
2: Test during double moving-in
– For double moving-in in the same mould position (requires an edge change).

Moving-in of robot*
Type: Selection parameter
Factory setting: 0: In open position
0: In open position
1: In intermediate position
2: In intermediate and open position

Signal "Open release"

Type: Group title

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Components and commands

Signal drop behaviour

Type: Selection parameter
Factory setting: 0: Do not trigger stop
Only pertains to the signal Open release (X2016/A7) from the robot. This setting is therefore only ef-
fective when the command Wait for release "Open" is used in the production process.
Determines the reaction of the opening movement in the event of the signal dropping during opening.
0: Do not trigger stop
1: Trigger stop

Manual operation tab

(Euromap 67 component: Clamping unit*)

Use main component

Factory setting: Checked
No adjustments can be made.
– Assigned main component: Clamping unit
– Please see chapter Travelling components [}Page 551] in the User Manual.

Euromap 67 connections: Clamping unit

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

Robot not activated

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The Robot switched off (X2016/B2) signal from the robot is present.
– The robot signals that the removal is switched off.

Mould area free

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Mould area free (X2016/A3) is present.
– Signal from the robot's limit switch.
– The clamping movement requires Close release and Mould area free.

Limit switch, intermediate position*

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
Is not used in this model range.

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Components and commands

"Close" release
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Close release (X2016/A6) is present.
– The clamping movement requires Close release and Mould area free.

"Open"* release
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Open release (X2016/A7) is present.

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Mould open (X2015/ZA7) is present.

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Mould closed (X2015/ZA6) is present.

In intermediate position*
Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal In intermediate position (X2015/ZA8) is present.

Limit switch, position "Open"

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
Is not used in this model range.

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Components and commands Euromap 67 component: Ejector*

This component controls the exchange of signals between its linked component (standard setting:
ejector) and the robot.


Component, commands and signals

Component Commands Signals
Euromap 67: Ejector Wait for "Move forward" re- Input:
lease X2016/B4

Wait for "Move back" re- Input:

lease X2016/B3

Signal "Ejector at front" Output:


Signal "Ejector at rear" Output:


Note: This component has no screen buttons.

The tasks of this Euromap component include the following functions:
– Forward the status of the linked component to the robot.
– Release movements of the linked component (start).

Switching on
– The input commands for this component must be incorporated into the sequence as a minimum.
– The checkbox Synchronisation with robot switched on must be checked.
– Factory setting: Checked

Important conditions
– When the robot is switched off, both outputs of the Euromap 67: Ejector component are set to
high or low in the case of Euromap 67: Mould auxiliary controller. If the linked component is
moved, these values are overwritten.
– The states of the linked component are assumed when the robot is switched on.
– The Front state is assumed when the ejector is in front position.
– The Rear state is assumed when the ejector is in rear position.
– Prerequisite:
– Checkbox Switch off Euromap 67 is not checked.
– The checkbox Synchronisation with robot switched on is checked for the corresponding

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Components and commands

The Euromap 67 component: ejector is linked with the machine's ejector by default.
This setting for Euromap 67 component: ejector can be
changed in the parameter area under Link.
– Every auxiliary control that is created can be assigned.

The link causes the state signals of the linked component to be used for this Euromap component.

Process sequences with Euromap 67: Ejector

Minimum sequence

Example with minimum requirement (ejector)

Command Signal Note

2 Wait for "Close" release Input: X2016/A6 A3: Limit switch, robot
Input: X2016/A3 – Mould area free
3: Close clamping unit
Output: X2015/ZA6 High in Closed state
5: Open clamping unit
Output: X2015/ZA7 High in the Open state
6: Wait for "Move forward" release Input: X2016/B4
7: Ejector Move forward
Output: X 2015/ZB4 High in the Front state
8: Wait for "Move back" release Input: X2016/B3
9: Ejector Move back
Output: X 2015/ZB3 High in the Back state

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Components and commands

Extended sequence
With the insertion of output commands, the output of the corresponding signal can be self-determ-
– See also chapter: Production process with Euromap 67 [}Page 379].

Example: Dynamic with output commands (ejector)

Command Signal Note

6: Wait for "Move forward" release Input: X2016/B4
7: Ejector Move forward E.g. Stroke 120 mm
11: Start subsequence E.g. from position 110 mm
12: Signal "Ejector at front" Output: X 2015/ZB4
8: Wait for "Move back" release Input: X2016/B3
9: Ejector Move back
10: Signal "Ejector at rear" Output: X 2015/ZB3

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Components and commands

Parameter Euromap 67: Ejector*

General tab

"Move ejector forward" release

Type: Group title

Maximum waiting time

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 2.0 s
When moving the ejector forward in Manual operating mode, the robot release (X2016/B4) must take
place within this time

"Move ejector back" release

Type: Group title

Maximum waiting time

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 2.0 s
When moving the ejector back in Manual operating mode, the robot release (X2016/B3) must take
place within this time

General settings
Type: Group title

Synchronisation with robot switched on

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Checked
Not checked: The Euromap 67 signals for the linked component are not set or analysed.

Register info

Safety level
– See also the table in chapter Safety [}Page 182].

Main component
– See Travelling components [}Page 551].

Linked component
– See also Function - Link [}Page 390].

Shortcut buttons
– Spring to the corresponding settings of this component.

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Components and commands

Connection states: Euromap 67: Ejector*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

"Move back" release

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Move ejector back (X2016/B3) is present.

"Move forward" release

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Move ejector forward (X2016/B4) is present.

At rear
Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Ejector at rear (X2015/ZB3) is present.

At front
Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Ejector at front (X2015/ZB4) is present.

Robot not activated

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The Robot switched off (X2016/B2) signal from the robot is present.
– The robot signals that the removal is switched off.

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Components and commands Euromap 67 component: Auxiliary control 1 and 2*

Note: The description applies to auxiliary control 1 and 2.
This component controls the exchange of signals between its linked component and the robot.


Component, commands and signals

Component Commands Signals
Euromap 67: Auxiliary control Wait for "To injection pos." Input:
1 release X2016/B5

Wait for "To removal pos." Input:

release X2016/B6

Signal "In injection position" Output:


Signal "In removal position" Output:


Euromap 67: Auxiliary control Wait for "To injection pos." Input:
2 release X2016/B7

Wait for "To removal pos." Input:

release X2016/B8

Signal "In injection position" Output:


Signal "In removal position" Output:


Note: This component has no screen buttons.

The component Euromap 67: auxiliary control behaves in the same way as Euromap 67: ejector with
the following differences.
– Has no predefined link assigned. For the assignment, see Function [}Page 390] - link.

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Components and commands

Process with Euromap 67: Auxiliary control

Example with Euromap 67: Mould auxiliary controller

Command 2 is part of component Euromap 67: Clamping unit

– Without output commands
Command 5, 14, 7 and 9 are part of component Euromap 67: Ejector
– With output commands (11 and 9)
Command 20 and 22 are part of component Euromap 67: Mould auxiliary controller
– Link: Core traction
– Without output commands

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Components and commands

Euromap 67 parameter: Auxiliary control*

General tab

"To injection position" release

Type: Group title

Maximum waiting time

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 2.0 s
When moving the ejector forward in Manual operating mode, the robot release must take place within
this time

"To removal position" release

Type: Group title

Maximum waiting time

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 2.0 s
When moving the ejector back in Manual operating mode, the robot release must take place within
this time

General settings
Type: Group title

Synchronisation with robot switched on

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Checked
Not checked: The Euromap 67 signals for the linked component are not set or analysed.

Switch on resets signals

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Checked
The state signals used by the linked component are reset when the checkbox is checked.

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Components and commands

Register info

Safety level
– See also the table in chapter Safety [}Page 182].

Main component
– See Travelling components [}Page 551].

Linked component
– See also Function - Link [}Page 390].

Shortcut buttons
– Spring to the corresponding settings of this component.

Connection states: Euromap 67: Auxiliary control*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

"Move back" release

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Move back auxiliary control 1 or 2 is present.
– Auxiliary control 1: X2016/B6
– Auxiliary control 2: X2016/B8

"Move forward" release

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Move forward auxiliary control 1 or 2 is present.
– Auxiliary control 1: X2016/B5
– Auxiliary control 2: X2016/B7

At rear
Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Auxiliary control 1 or 2 at rear is present.
– Auxiliary control 1: X2015/ZB6
– Auxiliary control 2: X2015/ZB8

At front
Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Auxiliary control 1 or 2 at front is present.
– Auxiliary control 1: X2015/ZB5
– Auxiliary control 2: X2015/ZB7

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Components and commands

Robot not activated

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The Robot switched off (X2016/B2) signal from the robot is present.
– The robot signals that the removal is switched off. Euromap 67 input commands*

Its function and use in the production process is described in the respective component of Euromap
– Its designation begins with "Wait for release ...
– They wait for a signal from the robot.

Parameter Euromap 67: Input commands*

Maximum execution time of the command

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 2.0 s
The signal from the robot must be available within this time. Euromap 67 output commands*

Its function and use in the production process is described in the respective component of Euromap
– Its designation begins with Signal...
– They send a signal to the robot.

Parameter Euromap 67: Output commands*

No adjustments can be made.

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Components and commands

4.7 Material feeding

4.7.1 Material feeding* Material feeding* component

Controls the opening and closing of the material feeding.


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Material feeding Open material Material feeding*
feeding* command [}Page 25]

[}Page 402]

Close material
feeding* command
[}Page 402]

Material feeding* component parameter

General tab

Switch on/off with production

Type: Group title

Switch-on delay
Type: Selection parameter
0: None
– Automatic switch-on with production start is inactive.
1: Time
– Automatic switch-on with production start and Delay time parameter are active. The Delay time
determines the switch-on delay from the production start.
2: Production cycles
– Automatic switch-on with production start and Number of cycles parameter are active. Number of
cycles determines the switch-on delay from the production start.

* = Option
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Components and commands

Switch-off delay
Type: Selection parameter
0: None
– Automatic switch off with production stop is inactive.
1: Time
– Automatic switch off with production stop and Delay time parameter are active. The Delay time
determines the switch-off delay from the production stop.

Monitoring output: Material slide

Type: Group title

Monitoring time configuration

Type: Group title

Monitoring time when opening

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 1.00 s
Determines the maximum permissible time for the opening movement.
– Requires limit switch for Open position.
– Reactions: See Material feeding closing monitoring.

Monitoring time when closing

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 1.00 s
Determines the maximum permissible time for the closing movement.
– Requires limit switch for Open position.
– Reactions: See Material feeding closing monitoring.

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: Material feeding*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

Digital output: Open

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the Material feeding switching off signal is present.

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Components and commands

Multiple digital input: Closed

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the Material feeding monitoring signal is present.
– Feedback from monitoring switch. Open material feeding* command

With this command, the material feeding can be switched on at any point within the production pro-

Open material feeding* parameter

No adjustments can be made. Close material feeding* command

With this command, the material feeding can be switched off at any point within the production pro-

Close material feeding* parameter

No adjustments can be made.

* = Option
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Components and commands

4.7.2 Colour feeding unit*

According to the machine control, a distinction is made between the
– Switch on and off of the Colour feeding function and the
– starting and stopping of the colour feeding.
The Colour feeding function must be switched on so that the Start/stop colour feeding activation can
be carried out.
The activation occurs via the Colour feeding unit digital outlet. Colour feeding unit* component

This component controls the functions:

Function See also ...

Switch colour feeding function on/off Button: Colour feeding unit* [}Page 25]

Switch on* command [}Page 405] 

Switch off* command [}Page 405]


Parameter: Switch on with main drive

[}Page 404]

Start/stop colour feeding Start colour feeding* command [}Page 405]  

Stop colour feeding* command [}Page 406]  

Parameter: Operating mode [}Page 404]  


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Colour feeding unit Switch on* com- Colour feeding unit*
mand [}Page 405]
  [}Page 25]

Switch off* com-

mand [}Page 405]

Start colour feed-

ing* command
[}Page 405]

Stop colour feed-

ing* command
[}Page 406]

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Components and commands

Colour feeding unit* component parameter

General tab

Operating mode
Type: Group title

Operating mode
Type: Selection parameter
0: Colour feeding with metering active
– Switched on during metering
1: Colour feeding can be activated via sequence
– Is switched on and off via the Start/stop colour feeding commands in the sequence.
2: Colour feeding active with production
– The colour feeding is switched on in the Automatic producing operating mode.
– Please see chapter Automatic mode [}Page 554] in the User Manual.

The selection functions are only carried out when the colour feeding function is switched on.
– See also Colour feeding unit* component [}Page 403].

Switch on with main drive

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Checked
When the checkbox is marked, the colour feeding function is switched on and off together with the
main drive.
– Only the function, not the activation of the colour feeding!

Digital output: Digital output

Type: Group title
Corresponds to the Colour feeding unit control output signal.
– See also electrical diagram.

Invert signal
Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Not checked
When the checkbox is marked, all assigned signals for this output are inverted.
– 1 = low (low-active)

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


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Components and commands

Connection states: Colour feeding unit*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

Digital outputs
Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the Colour feeding unit signal is present.
– The K6/A1082 contactor is activated.
This information applies with the parameter Invert signal [}Page 404] not marked. Switch on* command

With this command, the colour feeding function can be switched on at any point within the production
– Only the function and not the starting and stopping of the feeding.

Switch on colour feeding function* parameter

No adjustments can be made. Switch off* command

With this command, the colour feeding function can be switched off at any point within the production
– Only the function and not the starting and stopping of the feeding.

Switch off colour feeding function* parameter

No adjustments can be made. Start colour feeding* command

With this command, the colour feeding can be started at any point within the production process.
Condition: The colour feeding function is switched on.
– Switching on can take place via button, command or component configuration.

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Components and commands

Start colour feeding* parameter

No adjustments can be made. Stop colour feeding* command

With this command, the colour feeding can be stopped at any point within the production process.
Condition: The colour feeding function is switched on.
– Switching on can take place via button, command or component configuration.

Stop colour feeding* parameter

No adjustments can be made.

* = Option
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Components and commands

4.8 Safety

4.8.1 Safety cover

Controls the moving protective devices of the machine. Safety cover component

Components, commands and buttons
Component Commands Screen buttons
Safety cover None Unlock safety cover
[}Page 48]

Safety cover component parameter

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: Safety cover

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

Nozzle covering hood: Nozzle covering hood

Type: Group title
Only concerns the nozzle covering hood of the main injection unit (injection unit 1).

Safety cover open

Connection: Switching state in safety switching device
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = nozzle covering hood open
– The safety switch of the nozzle covering hood is monitored by the safety switching device. The
status of this monitoring is sent to the control (CAN) and displayed here.

Wiring faulty
Connection: Switching state in safety switching device
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the wiring of the nozzle covering hood safety switch is faulty.
– The safety switch of the nozzle covering hood is monitored by the safety switching device. The
status of this monitoring is sent to the control (CAN) and displayed here.

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Components and commands

Nozzle covering hood: Additional safety cover*

Type: Group title
All connections of this group apply to the corresponding additional injection unit (2, 3, ...)*.
– They show the switching state in the safety switching device.

Protection against unexpected purging: Purge protection*

Type: Group title
All connections of this group apply to the additional injection unit (2, 3, ...)*.
– They show the switching state in the safety switching device.

Converter standstill detection: Standstill monitoring of rotary plate*

Type: Group title

External rotary plate standstill detection*

Connection: Switching state in safety switching device
1 = the safety switching device detects Standstill from the converter.
– A corresponding message appears on the screen display.

* = Option
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Components and commands

4.8.2 Alarm system

Controls the alarm system of the machine.
– Signal lamp and horn. Alarm system component

Components, commands and buttons
Component Commands Screen buttons
Alarm system None Acknowledge alarm message
[}Page 48]

Alarm system component parameter

General tab

Switch on horn
Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Checked
When the checkbox is marked, the horn is switched on and sounds in the event of an alarm.

Alarm system horn type

Type: Selection parameter
Determines the horn type of the alarm system. Continuous tone and interval tone can be selected.

Switch-on time for horn

Type: Setpoint
ID: T106
Determines the switch-on time for the horn.
– Can be aborted with the Acknowledge alarm button.
– First press of the button: Alarm system is switched off.
– Second press of the button: Alarm deleted from screen display.

Connection states: Alarm system

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the alarm lamp is activated.
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Components and commands

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the alarm horn is activated.

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Components and commands

4.9 Basis

4.9.1 Drives
Controls the drives of the machine.
– Servo motors of the drive axes.
– Hydraulic unit servo motor for auxiliary controls*. Drive control component

Components, commands and buttons
Component Commands Screen buttons
Drive control None Drives [}Page 23]

Drive control component parameter

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: Drive control

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

Switch on power contactor

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the power contactor of the converter (K0518) is activated.

Power contactor switched on

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the feedback from the power contactor of the converter (K0518) is present.

Actuators switched on
Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the Enable end stage ok signal on the safety switching device is activated (converters are

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Components and commands

4.9.2 Hydraulic drive*

Controls the hydraulic unit for auxiliary controls.
– See also chapter Hydraulics/Drive in the operating instructions. Hydraulic unit component*

Components, commands and buttons
Component Commands Screen buttons
Hydraulic unit None Hydraulic drive* [}Page 23]

Hydraulic unit component parameter*

General tab

Set pressure in normal operation

Type: Setpoint
ID: P234
Factory setting: 140 bar
Determines the system pressure of the hydraulic unit.
– The system pressure must fulfil the requirements of the connected auxiliary controls.
– Unnecessarily high system pressure increases energy consumption.

Current pressure
Type: Actual value
ID: P233
Displays the current system pressure of the hydraulic unit.

Connection states: Hydraulic unit

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

Filter soiled (warning)

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (0 = high)
1 = the Warning signal from the filter monitoring (B1093) is not present.
– The monitoring has been activated.
– A corresponding message appears on the screen display.

* = Option
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Components and commands

Filter soiled (switch-off)

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (0 = high)
1 = the Exhausted signal from the filter monitoring (B1093) is not present.
– The monitoring has been activated.
– A corresponding message appears on the screen display.
– The hydraulic unit is switched off.

Oil level too low (warning)

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (0 = high)
1 = The Warning signal from the oil level monitoring (B1017) is not present.
– The monitoring has been activated.
– A corresponding message appears on the screen display.

Oil level too low (switch-off)

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (0 = high)
1 = The Too low signal from the oil level monitoring (B1017) is not present.
– The monitoring has been activated.
– A corresponding message appears on the screen display.
– The hydraulic unit is switched off.

Oil temperature too high (switch-off)

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (0 = high)
1 = the Oil temperature exceeded signal from the oil temperature monitoring (B1013) is not present.
– A corresponding message appears on the screen display.
– The hydraulic unit is switched off.

Electric motor on
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The signal Hydraulic pump contactor monitoring is present.
– Feedback from the motor contactor monitoring.

Switch on motor
Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The signal Hydraulic pump on is present.

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Components and commands

Hydraulic pressure (nominal value)

Category: Controller value
Type: Raw value
Displays the processed voltage signal of the set pressure parameter in normal operation.
– 32768 = 10 V = 250 bar

Hydraulic pressure (actual value)

Connection: Input
Value: Raw value
Displays the processed voltage signal of the system pressure sensor (B1007).
– 32768 = 10 V = 250 bar

Cooling pump overloaded

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (0 = high)
1 = The signal Cooling pump monitoring from the hydraulic unit is present.
– 1 = Pump switched on (contactor closed)

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Components and commands

4.9.3 Production control

– See also Topic Production control [}Page 247]. Production control component

Components, commands and buttons
Component Commands Screen buttons
Production control None Stop [}Page 45]

Prepare production [}Page 45]  

Start production [}Page 45]


Stop cycle end [}Page 46]


Start a cycle [}Page 46]


End production [}Page 46]


Production control component parameter

General tab

Cycle counter
Type: Actual value
ID: C120
Displays all cycles of the machine.
– It cannot be reset.

Cycle time
Type: Actual value
ID: T111
Displays the cycle time of the last production cycle.

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Components and commands

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


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Components and commands

4.9.4 Cooling unit

Controls the cooling unit (closed secondary circuit).
– See also chapter Cooling water in the operating instructions. Cooling unit component

Components, commands and buttons
Component Commands Screen buttons
Cooling unit None None

Cooling unit component parameter

Manual operation tab

No adjustments can be made.

Connection states: Cooling unit

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

Cooling water level too low (warning)

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (0 = high)
1 = the Warning signal from the level monitoring of the cooling unit (B1090) is not present.
– The monitoring has been activated.
– A corresponding message appears on the screen display.

Cooling water level too low (switch-off)

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (0 = high)
1 = the Switch-off signal from the level monitoring of the cooling unit (B1090) is not present.
– The monitoring has been activated.
– A corresponding message appears on the screen display.
– The machines switches off.

Electric motor on
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the feedback from the motor contactor of the cooling unit (K0532) is present.

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Components and commands

Switch on motor
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the motor contactor of the cooling unit (K0532) is activated.

* = Option
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Components and commands

4.9.5 Temperature control

Controls the switching on and off of the temperature control elements
– See also Topic Temperature control [}Page 199].

– Monitorings which, for example, switch off block heaters when temperature control units are no
longer ready, are adjusted in Monitoring topic [}Page 222].

– Interlocks which, for example, block the switching off of the cooling water when block heaters are
switched on, are adjusted in Interlocking topic [}Page 219]. Temperature control component

Components, commands and buttons
Component Commands Screen buttons
Temperature control None Plasticising unit heaters
[}Page 24]

Block heaters* [}Page 23]


Nozzle heaters* [}Page 24]


Boost function of nozzle heat-

ers* [}Page 24]

Temperature control units*

[}Page 24]

External/internal heater*
[}Page 24]

Cooling water* [}Page 25]


Temperature control component parameter

General tab

Mould nozzle heater boost function*

Switching on
Carried out with the buttonboost function of nozzle heaters on the operating panel.
Switching off
The function can be switched off at all times with the button Boost function of nozzle heaters.
The automatic switching off is carried out in accordance with the configurated switch off-criteria.

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Components and commands

The boost function only concerns the mould nozzle heaters.
– C8xxx = 3 Heating/high performance
The setpoint values of the mould nozzle heaters are increased by the parameter value TH995 when
the boost function is switched on.
TH996 determines the tolerance range for the increased setpoint values.

For switch-off behaviour, see Switch off mould nozzle heater boost function [}Page 420]

For temperatures, see Boost* [}Page 206].


Switch off mould nozzle heater boost function

Type: Selection parameter
Determines the switch-off criterion for the automatic switching off.
0: At start of production
1: As per number of cycles
– Refers to the Number of cycles parameter from the start of production.
2: As per duration
– Refers to the Duration parameter from the start of production.
Note: If the boost function is switched on again when switch-off criterion 1 or 2 are being carried out,
the maximum switch-on time is considered the switch-off criterion.

Number of cycles
Type: Setpoint
The boost function of the mould nozzle heaters is switched off after this number of cycles from the
production start.

Type: Setpoint
The boost function of the mould nozzle heaters is switched off after this duration from the production

Maximum switch-on time

Type: Setpoint
The boost function is always switched off after this time from the switching on.

Switch-off delay Euromap 66 temperature control units*

Type: Setpoint
Delays the switch off by the specified time via the button.

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


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Components and commands

Connection states: Temperature control

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

Switch on heater
Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the power contactor of the plasticising heaters (K0504) is activated.

Switch on mould heaters*

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the power contactor of the mould heaters (K0516) is activated.

Heater switched on
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The feedback from the power contactor of the plasticising heater (K0504) is present.

Mould heater switched on*

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the feedback from the power contactor of the mould heaters (K0516) is present.

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Components and commands

4.9.6 Maintenance Maintenance component

Components, commands and buttons
Component Commands Screen buttons
Maintenance None None

Maintenance component parameter

General tab

Production is running
Type: Actual value
Shows the entire number of production hours of the machine.
– The counter runs from the start of production until the end of it.
– It cannot be reset.

Counter of operating hours

Type: Group title

Machine is switched on
Type: Actual value
Shows the entire number of operating hours of the machine.
– The counter runs with the control run up.
– It cannot be reset.

Drive switched on
Type: Actual value
Shows the entire number of operating hours of the drive.
– The counter runs with the button Drives switched on.
– It cannot be reset.

Production is running
Type: Actual value
Shows the entire number of production hours of the machine.
– The counter runs from the start of production until the end of it.
– It cannot be reset.

Maintenance interval*
Type: Group title

* = Option
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Components and commands

Switch on maintenance message*

Type: Checkbox
The Maintenance message function is switched on when the checkbox is marked.
A maintenance reminder (e.g. mould maintenance) can be configurated with this function.
– A corresponding message appears on the screen display.
Note: Generates no machine maintenance messages.

Maintenance interval*
Type: Setpoint
Value: Hours (1 year = 8760h)
The first maintenance message appears 5 days before the end of the maintenance interval.
– The maintenance is confirmed and the counter reset with the Maintenance has been carried out
If the maintenance is not confirmed, a further message will appear daily until this time is over.
– A machine stop occurs after the end of the maintenance interval.
– A corresponding message appears on the screen display.

Maintenance has been carried out*

Type: Checkbox
When the checkbox is marked, the carrying out of the maintenance is confirmed and the interval
counter reset.
– After activation, the checkbox is automatically reset to Not marked.

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


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Components and commands

4.10 Mediums

4.10.1 Energy counter*

This component acquires the data of the energy counter and evaluates it in accordance with the con-

Only with control generation DSP 7
This component is only available for machines with the control hardware DSP7.
§ For machines with DSP 8, see component Energy measurement*
[}Page 427].

A clear overview of the most important parameters can be found in the interfaces - Energy measure-
ment* [}Page 193] topic, or individually compiled in the dashboard.

– See Edit dashboard [}Page 78]. Energy counter* component

Components, commands and buttons
Component Commands Screen buttons
Energy counter None None

Energy counter* component parameter

General tab

Energy consumption
Type: Actual value
Displays the entire energy consumption of the machine since the last start-up.
– This parameter is also shown in the Overview of Energy measurement topic.

Energy consumption per cycle

Type: Actual value
Displays the energy consumption of the last cycle.
– This parameter is also shown in the Overview of Energy measurement topic.

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Components and commands

Energy consumption per kg

Type: Actual value
Displays the energy consumption per kg of the last cycle.
– The entered shot weight serves as a calculation basis.
– This parameter is also shown in the Overview of Energy measurement topic.

Cycle time
Type: Actual value
ID: E104
Displays the cycle time of the last production cycle.

Power consumption
Type: Actual value
Displays the current energy consumption of the machine.
– This parameter is also shown in the Overview of Energy measurement topic.

Power consumption Ø
Type: Actual value
Shows the average power consumption during the production.
– The Number of Cycles in Energy calculation parameter serves as a calculation basis.
– This parameter is also shown in the Overview of Energy measurement topic.

Material consumption
Type: Actual value
Displays the material consumption per hour.
– The entered shot weight is the calculation basis.
– This parameter is also shown in the Overview of Energy measurement topic.

Shot weight
Type: Setpoint
Weight of injected plastic per cycle.
– Corresponds to: Weight of the injection moulded part with sprue times the number of cavities.
– This parameter is also shown in the Overview of Energy measurement topic.

No. of cycles in energy calculation

Type: Setpoint
This value is factory-set on the energy measurement unit used and should not be changed.
– Serves as a calculation basis for the Power consumption Ø and Energy consumption per cycle

Energy per pulse

Type: Setpoint
This value is factory-set on the energy measurement unit used and should not be changed.
– The energy measurement unit specifies after what amount of energy consumed an impulse is
sent to the control (energy per impulse). In order for the calculations for the displays to be cor-
rect, this value (energy per impulse) must be entered here.
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Components and commands

Time interval to calculate mean value

Type: Setpoint
This value is factory-set on the energy measurement unit used and should not be changed.
– Serves as a calculation basis for the Power consumption and Energy consumption displays.

Connection states: Energy counter

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

Digital inputs
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
Briefly displays a 1 with each impulse from the energy measurement unit.
– See also parameter Energy per pulse [}Page 425].

* = Option
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Components and commands

4.10.2 Energy measurement*

This component acquires the data of the energy counter and evaluates it in accordance with the con-

Only with control generation DSP 8
This component is only available for machines with the control hardware DSP8.
§ For machines with DSP7, see component Energy counter* [}Page 424].

A clear overview of the most important parameters can be individually compiled in the dashboard.
– See Edit dashboard [}Page 78]. Energy measurement* component

Components, commands and buttons
Component Commands Screen buttons
Energy measurement None None

Energy measurement* component parameter

General tab

Cycle time Ø
Type: Actual value
ID: E104
Displays the average cycle time from the No. of cycles for energy calculation [}Page 428].

Energy consumption since system start

Type: Actual value
Displays the entire energy consumption of the machine since the last start-up.

Energy consumption per cycle

Type: Actual value
Displays the energy consumption of the last cycle.

Energy consumption per kg

Type: Actual value
Displays the energy consumption per kg of the last cycle.
Calculation basis: Shot weight [}Page 428]

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Components and commands

Power consumption
Type: Actual value
Displays the current energy consumption of the machine.

Power consumption Ø
Type: Actual value
Shows the average power consumption during the production.
Calculation basis: No. of cycles for energy calculation [}Page 428]

Material consumption
Type: Actual value
Displays the material consumption per hour.
Calculation bases:
– No. of cycles for energy calculation [}Page 428]

– Cycle time Ø [}Page 427]


Shot weight
Type: Setpoint
Weight of injected plastic per cycle.
– Corresponds to: Weight of the injection moulded part with sprue times the number of cavities.

No. of cycles for energy calculation

Type: Setpoint
Sliding window with the last cycle.
Calculation basis for:
– Power consumption Ø [}Page 428]

– Cycle time Ø [}Page 427]


– Energy consumption per cycle [}Page 427]


Guide value: Cycle time Ø [}Page 427] x No. of cycles for energy calculation [}Page 428] = approx.

30 seconds

Energy counter: Power supply 1

For the allocation for machines with two power supplies, see the electrical diagram.
Type: Actual value
Displays the current values of the voltage, frequency and power.

Connection states: Energy measurement

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

Energy counter: Power supply 1

Displays the current raw values of the energy measurement.

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Components and commands

4.10.3 UPS
Abbreviations used
UPS: Uninterruptible Power Supply
DC: Direct current

The UPS serves to cover a fault in the supply voltage. In the event of a supply voltage fault, the con-
trol of the machine is supported by the UPS so that it can continue to produce in the normal cycle. If
the fault time is too large, the control supported by the UPS is shut down.
The state of the support batteries must be checked every 24 hours at the next production stop. If the
test detects faulty batteries, the 4300 Battery charge too weak, change battery fault message will be
displayed and the drives as well as the unlocking of the safety cover will be blocked. UPS component

UPS: Uninterruptible Power Supply

Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
UPS None None

UPS component parameter

General tab

Back-up battery test

Type: Group title

Time since last inspection

Type: Setpoint
ID: Y2038
Shows the elapsed time since the last inspection.
– An inspection of the back-up batteries takes place every 24 hours in standstill (non-production).
Note: This parameter appears as an entry parameter, but it is only a display and should not be

Switch-on delay after power failure

Type: Group title

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Components and commands

Switch-on delay
Type: Setpoint
ID: C170
If several machines are affected by a power failure, a switch-on sequence can be set with this para-
meter. This ensures that the machines do not switch back on at the same time, consequently avoid-
ing a power surge.
– The switching on is delayed by the entered number, multiplied by 10 milliseconds.

Switch-on delay after power failure

Machine number Switch-on delay

1 10 milliseconds
2 20 milliseconds
3 30 milliseconds

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: UPS

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

UPS faulty
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the DC-UPS alarm signal from UPS (G1002) is present.
– A corresponding message appears on the screen display.

UPS initialised
Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the DC-UPS ready to operate signal from UPS (G1002) is present.

UPS power supply ok

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the DC-UPS power supply ok signal from UPS (G1002) is present.

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Components and commands

Back-up battery correctly connected

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the DC-UPS battery circuit ok signal from UPS (G1002) is present.

Start back-up battery test

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the battery test for UPS (G1002) is activated.

Switch off control

Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the Watchdog control signal for the safety switching device is present.
0 = the control system is shut down.

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Components and commands

4.10.4 Power supply*

Controls the various power supplies (24V, sockets etc) of the machine. Power supply component

Components, commands and buttons
Component Commands Screen buttons
Power supply None External sockets* [}Page 25]

Power supply* component parameter

General tab

Socket configuration
Type: Group title

Switch socket
Type: Selection parameter

0: Switched off
1: Via designated button
– External socket button
2: Via designated button or production
– Is switched on with production start, and switched off with production end.
– The button function is maintained according to selection 1.
3: Via designated button or drive button
– Switches on and off, together with the Drives button.
– The button function is maintained according to selection 1.

Waiting time after contactor change

Type: Setpoint
ID: T850
Factory setting: 0.03 s

Max. contactor reaction time

Type: Setpoint
ID: T851
Factory setting: 0.20 s

* = Option
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Components and commands

Safety cover switches socket

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Not checked
When the checkbox is marked, the socket is switched with the safety cover.
– Closing the safety cover switches the socket on.

Socket switched off after delay

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Not checked
When the checkbox is marked, the switching off is delayed.
– The delay time can be altered: Delay time parameter.

Delay time
Type: Setpoint
ID: T6036
Delay time for the delayed switching off.
– Condition: The Switch off socket (delayed) checkbox must be marked.

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: Power supply

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

Power supply M24 ok

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the Power supply E24 ok signal from the supply distribution (SPV Print) is present.

Power supply E24 ok

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the Power supply E24 ok signal from the supply distribution (SPV Print) is present.

Power supply U24 ok

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the Power supply U24 ok signal from the supply distribution (SPV Print) is present.

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Components and commands

Power supply voltage ok

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = The Power supply voltage ok from the supply distribution (SPV Print) is present.

Switch on socket*
Connection: Output
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the socket contactor is activated.

Socket switched on*

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the feedback from the socket contactor is present.

Overvoltage protection ready*

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal Overvoltage protection ok from overvoltage protection (power supply) is available.

* = Option
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Components and commands

4.10.5 Pneumatic control and leak oil

Controls the pneumatic feed as well as available leak oil drain returns. Pneumatic and leak oil component

Components, commands and buttons
Component Commands Screen buttons
Mediums None None

Pneumatic and leak oil component parameter

Connection states: Pneumatic and leak oil

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.

Compressed air available

Connection: Input
Type: Binary 0/1 (1 = high)
1 = the signal from the pneumatic pressure monitoring (B1072) is present.

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Components and commands

4.11 System

4.11.1 Timer Timer component

This component controls the functions:

Function See also ...

Timer (waiting time) Timer - wait command [}Page 437]


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Timer Timer - wait com- None
mand [}Page 437]

Timer component parameter

No adjustments can be made.

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


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Components and commands Timer - wait command

The 'Timer' command applies at every point in the sequence where a waiting time (delay time,
pause, ...) is required.

Timer not for synchronisation
Do not synchronise commands with delay times (timer). This makes the produc-
tion process unstable and not safe.
§ Use of dependency instead of timer.
ð Please see chapter Use of dependencies instead of delays [}Page 134] in

the User Manual.

Timer as wildcard
If the waiting time of a timer is set to 0.0 seconds, the command will only serve as a wildcard and has
no further influence on the sequence. If required, a waiting time can be entered at any time and
without stopping production. This is primarily helpful for setup and optimisation purposes.

Timer - wait parameter

Waiting time
Type: Setpoint
Determines the duration (waiting time) of this command.

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Components and commands

4.11.2 Operating mode manager

Controls the operating modes of the machine. Operating mode manager component

Components, commands and buttons
Component Commands Screen buttons
Operating mode manager None Automatic [}Page 47]  

Manual [}Page 47]

Setup [}Page 47]

Recovery [}Page 47]

Operating mode manager component parameter

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


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Components and commands

4.11.3 Confirmation button

Controls the confirmation function of the two-hand operation.
– See also Injection unit function buttons [}Page 40]. Confirmation button component

Components, commands and buttons
Component Commands Buttons
Confirmation button None Confirmation button
[}Page 57]

(on the operating key-

Injection unit [}Page 40]

Confirmation button parameter

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


4.11.4 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting component

Components, commands and buttons
Component Commands Screen buttons
Troubleshooting None None

Troubleshooting component parameter

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


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Components and commands

4.11.5 Stop button Stop button component

Components, commands and buttons
Component Commands Screen buttons
Stop button None Stop [}Page 45]

Stop button component parameter

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


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Components and commands

4.12 Auxiliary control components

4.12.1 Core traction* and ejector*

Under core tractions and ejectors, there is generally a setup in injection moulding that moves the
mould elements. These mould elements can be cores, slides, jaws, ejectors, etc.
In the classical sense, core tractions serve for the demoulding of bores in the injection moulded part
which are not in the movement direction of the mould.
Ejectors generally move in the movement direction of the mould and support the ejection of the injec-
tion moulded part.
However, using the freely programmable aXos control, both auxiliary controls can be used for the
movement of each mould element within their functional scope. A core traction can therefore be used
as an ejector, or an ejector as a core traction.

Classic application example of a core traction

1. Close mould Production process Mould
2. Move core traction to in-
jection position
3. Injection
4. Move core traction to re-
moval position
5. Open the mould

Due to the core traction, a recess (bore) occurs on the injection moul-
ded part in this example.

In most cases, core tractions and ejectors are sufficiently secured by the interlocks derived from the
production process.
– See the above example as well as Interlocking topic [}Page 219].

Additional predefined interlocks can be set in the interlock topic if required. For example, switching
on Core traction blocks clamping unit and/or Clamping unit blocks core traction is then sensible when
the interlocks derived from the production process do not secure manual operation well enough. This
is the case, for example, when the core traction is moved to the injection position when the mould is
open, and moved to the removal position during opening.

End position monitoring, stop reactions etc. can be configured in the monitoring topic.

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Components and commands Optimisation
Movement times
The programmed movement time of an auxiliary control has no influence on the effective movement
time of the corresponding movement. The effective movement time depends on the technical setup
of the component (size, path, pressure etc.)
– The movement time programming is found on the component when the components are
switched, and on the command when the component is controlled and closed loop controlled.
With monitored end position
The signal from the limit switch determines the end of the command execution time. The pro-
grammed movement times serves as the monitoring.
– The signal from the limit switch must be available within this time, otherwise a cycle stop will be
– The limit switch is configured on the component in the connections register.
Without monitored end position
The programmed movement time determines the execution time of the corresponding command. It
should be set to be marginally greater than the effective required time of the movement.
– Programmed movement time too great: potential loss of cycle time
– Programmed movement time too low: The state In end position occurs before the movement

Too low a force has an adverse effect on the functionality (speed, contact pressure etc.).
Too large a force increases the risk of damage in the event of a fault (collision, insufficient lubrication
etc.). Setup and connection

The fundamentals for the creation and connection of an auxiliary control are described in chapter
Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Danger of injury
Incorrect setup and connection of auxiliary controls can lead to hazards.
§ The safety precautions and information in chapter Auxiliary controls
[}Page 180] and Connecting mediums [}Page 579] must always be observed.

Create auxiliary control component

An auxiliary control component is only displayed after it has been
created in the Component manager topic via the Create button.

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Components and commands

Category Type Technology Settings
Core traction* Controlled core trac- Hydraulic Controlled core trac-
tion tion* component
[}Page 444]

Switched core trac- Pneumatic Switched core traction*

tion component
[}Page 452]

Closed loop con- Servo control Closed loop controlled

trolled core traction core traction* compon-
ent [}Page 455]

Ext. core tract. Digital External core traction*

[}Page 456]

Ejector* Controlled ejector Pneumatic Controlled ejector*

[}Page 458]

Switched ejector Pneumatic Switched ejector* com-

ponent [}Page 466]

Closed loop con- Servo control Closed loop controlled

trolled ejector ejector* component
[}Page 469]

Ext. ejector Digital External ejector* com-

ponent [}Page 470]

Closed loop controlled/controlled/switched: See also Difference between closed loop controlled/con-
trolled/switched [}Page 184].

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Components and commands Controlled core traction* component


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Switched core trac- Move to injection Core traction*
tion* position* [}Page 29]

[}Page 446]

Move to removal
[}Page 446]

Injection position
pulse* [}Page 447]

Removal position
pulse* [}Page 447]

Multi stage direc-

tion injection posi-
tion [}Page 448]

Multi stage direc-

tion removal posi-
tion [}Page 448]

Move toward injec-

tion position
[}Page 450]

Move toward re-

moval position
[}Page 450]

Controlled core traction* component parameter

General tab

Proportional directional valve: hydraulic

Type: Group title

Type: Group title
The diagnosis data of this component is configurated in this group.
– See Diagnosis data [}Page 603].

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Components and commands

Manual operation tab

Manual mode settings

Type: Group title
These settings are effective in the Manual operating mode.

Type: Setpoint
Determines the setpoint speed.

Type: Setpoint
Determines the maximum force for the movement and holding at the end position.
– Too low a force has an adverse effect on the functionality (speed, contact pressure etc.).
– Too large a force increases the risk of damage in the event of a fault (collision, insufficient lubric-
ation etc.).

Movement time
Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 15.00 s
The behaviour of this parameter depends on the configuration of the corresponding sensor (with or
without limit switch) in the connections register.
Without limit switch: Programmed execution time.
– It has no influence on the effective movement time of a movement.
– It must be greater than the effective movement time so that the movement can be completely car-
ried out.
– The state In end position occurs after the expiration of this execution time.
With limit switch: Movement monitoring time.
– If the end position (signal from limit switch) is not reached before the expiration of the pro-
grammed movement time, the movement is immediately stopped.
– The state In end position occurs when the end position is reached.

Setup mode settings

Type: Group title
These settings are effective in the Setup and Recovery operating modes.

See Speed [}Page 445].

See Force [}Page 445].

Movement time
See Movement time [}Page 445].

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Components and commands

"Connections" register

Two connections are assigned in this register.

– See Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: Controlled core traction*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.
– Only assigned connections will appear.
– Note that the signal logic of certain digital inputs and outputs in the register General can be inver-
ted (0 = high) Move to injection position/removal position*, controlled core

traction command


Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the setpoint speed.

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the force for holding at the end position and the regulation of the movement.
– Used as a control value during the movement, and not as force limitation.
– Too low a force has an adverse effect on the functionality (speed, contact pressure etc.).
– Too large a force increases the risk of damage in the event of a fault (collision, insufficient lubric-
ation etc.).
Note: A specific value can be entered via parameter With switchover of force in end pos. [}Page 447]

to hold in the end position.

* = Option
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Components and commands

Movement time
Type: Setpoint
The behaviour of this parameter depends on the configuration of the corresponding sensor (with or
without limit switch) in the connections register.
Without limit switch: Programmed execution time.
– It has no influence on the effective movement time of a movement.
– Should be selected to be marginally greater so that the movement can be completely carried out,
but no unnecessary loss of cycle time will result.
– The state In end position occurs after the expiration of this execution time.
With limit switch: Movement monitoring time.
– If the end position (signal from the limit switch) is not reached before the expiration of the pro-
grammed movement time, there will be an immediate movement or cycle stop.
– The execution time or command are ended when the end position is reached.
See also Optimisation [}Page 442].

The setting is invalid for pulse commands. It is carried out on the command at the Pulse duration
– See also Pulse duration [}Page 448].

With switchover of force in end pos.

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Not checked
When the checkbox is marked, an individual value for keeping the axis in the corresponding end pos-
ition can be set for the Force in end position parameter.

Force in end position

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
If the axis is in the In end position state, it will be kept at the mechanical stop of the end position with
this force.
– The In end position state is displayed on the corresponding button. See also Display of the status
[}Page 20]. Injection position/removal position* pulse, controlled core

traction command


See Speed [}Page 446].

See Force [}Page 446].

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Components and commands

Pulse duration
Type: Setpoint
Determines the duration of the activation.
The behaviour of this parameter depends on the configuration of the corresponding sensor (with or
without limit switch) in the connections register.
Without limit switch: The pulse duration also determines the command execution time.
With limit switch: The pulse duration determines the command execution time and monitors the
reaching of the end position.
– If the end position is not reached within the pulse duration, an immediate cycle stop will be
– The command execution time is not ended when the end position is reached.

Note: The movement times programmed on the component are invalid for pulse commands. The
function is adopted via the pulse duration.

Stop at end of command

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Checked
When the checkbox is not marked, the end of command activation is not stopped, but only when a
new command for the same component occurs. With this setting, a movement profile can be created
using several consecutive pulse commands. Injection position/removal position* multi stage, controlled

core traction command
The entire movement is divided up into 3 stages via 2 intermediate positions.
1. Injection position (front)
2. Intermediate position 1
3. Intermediate position 2
4. Removal position (rear)


Movement to intermediate position 1 or 2

Type: Group title

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the setpoint speed.

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the force for the regulation of the movement.
– Used as a control value and not as force limitation.

* = Option
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Components and commands

Movement time without pos. switch

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 1.00 s
The behaviour of this parameter depends on the configuration of the corresponding sensor (with or
without position switch) in the connections register.
Without position switch: After this movement time has expired, the corresponding intermediate po-
sition is classed as having been achieved.
– The parameterised movement time has no influence on the effective movement time of a move-
With position switch: The signal from the position switch determines the state Intermediate position
reached. The movement time serves as the monitoring of the movement.
– The signal from the position switch must be available within this time, otherwise an immediate
cycle stop will be triggered.

Movement to end position "in front" or "at rear"

Type: Group title

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the setpoint speed.

See Force [}Page 446].

Behaviour in end position

Type: Group title

With switchover of force in end pos.

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Not checked
When the checkbox is marked, an individual value for keeping the axis in the corresponding end pos-
ition can be set for the Force in end position parameter.

Force in end position

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
If the axis is in the In end position state, it will be kept at the mechanical stop of the end position with
this force.
– The In end position state is displayed on the corresponding button. See also Display of the status
[}Page 20].

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Components and commands

Movement time total movement

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 15.00 s
This setting applies from the start to the end of the command.
The behaviour of this parameter depends on the configuration of the corresponding sensor (with or
without limit switch) in the connections register.
Without limit switch: Programmed execution time.
– It has no influence on the effective movement time of a movement.
– Should be selected to be marginally greater so that the movement can be completely carried out,
but no unnecessary loss of cycle time will result.
– The state In end position occurs after the expiration of this execution time.
With limit switch: Movement monitoring time.
– If the end position (signal from the limit switch) is not reached before the expiration of the pro-
grammed movement time, there will be an immediate movement or cycle stop.
– The execution time or command are ended when the end position is reached.
See also Optimisation [}Page 442]. Move toward injection position/removal position*, controlled

core traction command
This command can be used to move to the monitored intermediate positions.
– At least one of the two maximum intermediate positions is monitored with a sensor and con-
figured accordingly.
– See also Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

– At least one move to injection position or removal position command must be included in the se-
quence editor.


Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the setpoint speed.

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
See Force [}Page 448].

* = Option
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Components and commands

Movement time
Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 15.00 s
Movement monitoring time.
– If the intermediate position (signal from position switch) is not reached before the expiration of
this movement time, there will be an immediate movement or cycle stop.
– The execution time or command are ended when the intermediate position is reached.

Intermediate position
Type: Group title
Determines the intermediate position to be moved to.

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Components and commands Switched core traction* component


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Switched core trac- Move to injection Core traction*
tion* position* [}Page 29]

[}Page 454]

Move to removal
[}Page 454]

Injection position
pulse* [}Page 454]

Removal position
pulse* [}Page 454]

Switched core traction* component parameter

General tab

Switched linear axis: Pneumatic

Type: Group title
This group is only displayed when the technology Pneumatic is used for this axis.

Movement times
Type: Group title

Movement time to "Removal pos."

See Movement time [}Page 447].

Movement time to "Injection pos."

See Movement time [}Page 447].

Switched linear axis: Hydraulic

Type: Group title
This group is only displayed when the technology Hydraulic is used for this axis.

Type: Group title

* = Option
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Components and commands

Movement time to "Removal pos."

See Movement time [}Page 447].

Speed in direction "Removal pos."

See Speed [}Page 446].

Force in direction "Removal pos."

See Force [}Page 446].

Movement time to "Injection pos."

See Movement time [}Page 447].

Speed in direction "Injection position"

See Speed [}Page 446].

Force in dir. "Injection position"

See Force [}Page 446].

Proportional directional valve: hydraulic

Type: Group title

Type: Group title
The diagnosis data of this component is configurated in this group.
– See Diagnosis data [}Page 603].

"Connections" register

Two connections are assigned in this register.

– See Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: Switched core traction*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.
– Only assigned connections will appear.
– Note that the signal logic of certain digital inputs and outputs in the register General can be inver-
ted (0 = high)

* = Option
Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00 453 / 614
Components and commands Move to injection position/removal position*, switched core

traction command

No adjustments can be made. Injection position/removal position* pulse, switched core

traction command


Pulse duration
Type: Setpoint
Determines the duration of the activation.
The behaviour of this parameter depends on the configuration of the corresponding sensor (with or
without limit switch) in the connections register.
Without limit switch: The pulse duration also determines the command execution time.
With limit switch: The pulse duration determines the command execution time and monitors the
reaching of the end position.
– If the end position is not reached within the pulse duration, an immediate cycle stop will be
– The command execution time is not ended when the end position is reached.

Note: The movement times programmed on the component are invalid for pulse commands. The
function is adopted via the pulse duration.

* = Option
454 / 614 Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00
Components and commands Closed loop controlled core traction* component


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Closed loop con- Move to injection Core traction*
trolled core trac- position* [}Page 29]

tion* [}Page 455]

Move to removal
[}Page 455]

Stroke learning (core

traction)* [}Page 29]

This component is structured in a similar way to the Closed loop controlled mould nozzle component.
They only differ with regard to their designations and symbols of the components, commands and
buttons. The parameter functions and settings are identical.
– Therefore, for parameter functions and settings, see Closed loop controlled mould nozzle* para-
meter [}Page 483]. Closed loop controlled core traction* commands

Behaves in a similar way to the closed loop controlled mould nozzle.
– See Open/close closed loop controlled mould nozzle command [}Page 485].

* = Option
Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00 455 / 614
Components and commands External core traction* component

Digital outputs for the activation of actuators can be set with this component.


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
External core trac- Move to injection Core traction*
tion* position* [}Page 29]

[}Page 454]

Move to removal
[}Page 454]

Injection position
pulse* [}Page 454]

Removal position
pulse* [}Page 454]

External core traction* parameter

General tab

Switched linear axis: Digital

Type: Group title

Movement times
Type: Group title

Movement time to position ...

See Movement time [}Page 479].

Digital output or input: (affected connection)

Type: Group title

Signal logic setting (logic level)

Type: Group title
The signal logic can be inverted via checkbox or selection.
– If several connections are assigned to this output or input, the setting for all these connections
are valid.

* = Option
456 / 614 Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00
Components and commands

"Connections" register

Two connections are assigned in this register.

– See Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: External core traction*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.
– Only assigned connections will appear.
– Note that the signal logic of certain digital inputs and outputs in the register General can be inver-
ted (0 = high) External core traction* commands

Behaves in the same way as the switched core traction.
– See Move to injection position/removal position*, switched core traction command [}Page 454]

and Injection position/removal position* pulse, switched core traction command [}Page 454].

* = Option
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Components and commands Controlled ejector* component


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Controlled ejector* Move forward Ejector
[}Page 460]
  [}Page 27]

Move back
[}Page 460]

Move forward pulse

[}Page 461]

Move back pulse

[}Page 461]

Move forward
(multi stage)
[}Page 462]

Move back (multi

stage) [}Page 462]

Move forward to in-

termediate position
[}Page 462]

Move back to inter-

mediate position
[}Page 464]

Controlled ejector* component parameter

General tab

Proportional directional valve: hydraulic

Type: Group title

Type: Group title
The diagnosis data of this component is configurated in this group.
– See Diagnosis data [}Page 603].

* = Option
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Components and commands

Manual operation tab

Manual mode settings

Type: Group title
These settings are effective in the Manual operating mode.

Type: Setpoint
Determines the setpoint speed.

Type: Setpoint
Determines the maximum force for the movement and holding at the end position.
– Too low a force has an adverse effect on the functionality (speed, contact pressure etc.).
– Too large a force increases the risk of damage in the event of a fault (collision, insufficient lubric-
ation etc.).

Movement time
Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 15.00 s
The behaviour of this parameter depends on the configuration of the corresponding sensor (with or
without limit switch) in the connections register.
Without limit switch: Programmed execution time.
– It has no influence on the effective movement time of a movement.
– It must be greater than the effective movement time so that the movement can be completely car-
ried out.
– The state In end position occurs after the expiration of this execution time.
With limit switch: Movement monitoring time.
– If the end position (signal from limit switch) is not reached before the expiration of the pro-
grammed movement time, the movement is immediately stopped.
– The state In end position occurs when the end position is reached.

Setup mode settings

Type: Group title
These settings are effective in the Setup and Recovery operating modes.

See Speed [}Page 459].

See Force [}Page 459].

Movement time
See Movement time [}Page 459].

* = Option
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Components and commands

"Connections" register

Two connections are assigned in this register.

– See Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Connection states: Controlled ejector*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.
– Only assigned connections will appear.
– Note that the signal logic of certain digital inputs and outputs in the register General can be inver-
ted (0 = high) Move controlled ejector forward/back* command


Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the setpoint speed.

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the force for holding at the end position and the regulation of the movement.
– Used as a control value during the movement, and not as force limitation.
– Too low a force has an adverse effect on the functionality (speed, contact pressure etc.).
– Too large a force increases the risk of damage in the event of a fault (collision, insufficient lubric-
ation etc.).
Note: A specific value can be entered via parameter With switchover of force in end pos. [}Page 461]

to hold in the end position.

* = Option
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Components and commands

Movement time
Type: Setpoint
The behaviour of this parameter depends on the configuration of the corresponding sensor (with or
without limit switch) in the connections register.
Without limit switch: Programmed execution time.
– It has no influence on the effective movement time of a movement.
– Should be selected to be marginally greater so that the movement can be completely carried out,
but no unnecessary loss of cycle time will result.
– The state In end position occurs after the expiration of this execution time.
With limit switch: Movement monitoring time.
– If the end position (signal from the limit switch) is not reached before the expiration of the pro-
grammed movement time, there will be an immediate movement or cycle stop.
– The execution time or command are ended when the end position is reached.
See also Optimisation [}Page 442].

The setting is invalid for pulse commands. It is carried out on the command at the Pulse duration
– See also Pulse duration [}Page 462].

With switchover of force in end pos.

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Not checked
When the checkbox is marked, an individual value for keeping the axis in the corresponding end pos-
ition can be set for the Force in end position parameter.

Force in end position

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
If the axis is in the In end position state, it will be kept at the mechanical stop of the end position with
this force.
– The In end position state is displayed on the corresponding button. See also Display of the status
[}Page 20]. Move controlled ejector forward/back* pulse command


Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the setpoint speed.

See Force [}Page 460].

* = Option
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Components and commands

Pulse duration
Type: Setpoint
Determines the duration of the activation.
The behaviour of this parameter depends on the configuration of the corresponding sensor (with or
without limit switch) in the connections register.
Without limit switch: The pulse duration also determines the command execution time.
With limit switch: The pulse duration determines the command execution time and monitors the
reaching of the end position.
– If the end position is not reached within the pulse duration, an immediate cycle stop will be
– The command execution time is not ended when the end position is reached.

Note: The movement times programmed on the component are invalid for pulse commands. The
function is adopted via the pulse duration.

Stop at end of command

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Checked
When the checkbox is not marked, the end of command activation is not stopped, but only when a
new command for the same component occurs. With this setting, a movement profile can be created
using several consecutive pulse commands. Move controlled ejector forward/back* multi stage command

The entire movement is divided up into 3 stages via 2 intermediate positions.
1. Injection position (front)
2. Intermediate position 1
3. Intermediate position 2
4. Removal position (rear)


Movement to intermediate position 1 or 2

Type: Group title

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the setpoint speed.

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the force for the regulation of the movement.
– Used as a control value and not as force limitation.

* = Option
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Components and commands

Movement time without pos. switch

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 1.00 s
The behaviour of this parameter depends on the configuration of the corresponding sensor (with or
without position switch) in the connections register.
Without position switch: After this movement time has expired, the corresponding intermediate po-
sition is classed as having been achieved.
– The parameterised movement time has no influence on the effective movement time of a move-
With position switch: The signal from the position switch determines the state Intermediate position
reached. The movement time serves as the monitoring of the movement.
– The signal from the position switch must be available within this time, otherwise an immediate
cycle stop will be triggered.

Movement to end position "in front" or "at rear"

Type: Group title

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the setpoint speed.

See Force [}Page 460].

Behaviour in end position

Type: Group title

With switchover of force in end pos.

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Not checked
When the checkbox is marked, an individual value for keeping the axis in the corresponding end pos-
ition can be set for the Force in end position parameter.

Force in end position

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
If the axis is in the In end position state, it will be kept at the mechanical stop of the end position with
this force.
– The In end position state is displayed on the corresponding button. See also Display of the status
[}Page 20].

* = Option
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Components and commands

Movement time total movement

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 15.00 s
This setting applies from the start to the end of the command.
The behaviour of this parameter depends on the configuration of the corresponding sensor (with or
without limit switch) in the connections register.
Without limit switch: Programmed execution time.
– It has no influence on the effective movement time of a movement.
– Should be selected to be marginally greater so that the movement can be completely carried out,
but no unnecessary loss of cycle time will result.
– The state In end position occurs after the expiration of this execution time.
With limit switch: Movement monitoring time.
– If the end position (signal from the limit switch) is not reached before the expiration of the pro-
grammed movement time, there will be an immediate movement or cycle stop.
– The execution time or command are ended when the end position is reached.
See also Optimisation [}Page 442]. Move controlled ejector forward/back to intermediate position*

This command can be used to move to the monitored intermediate positions.
– At least one of the two maximum intermediate positions is monitored with a sensor and con-
figured accordingly.
– See also Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

– At least one Move forward or Move back command must be included in the sequence editor.


Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the setpoint speed.

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
See Force [}Page 462].

Movement time
Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 15.00 s
Movement monitoring time.
– If the intermediate position (signal from position switch) is not reached before the expiration of
this movement time, there will be an immediate movement or cycle stop.
– The execution time or command are ended when the intermediate position is reached.

* = Option
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Components and commands

Intermediate position
Type: Group title
Determines the intermediate position to be moved to.

* = Option
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Components and commands Switched ejector* component


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Switched ejector* Move forward Ejector
[}Page 468]
  [}Page 27]

Move back
[}Page 468]

Move forward pulse

[}Page 468]

Move back pulse

[}Page 468]

[}Page 468]

Switched ejector* component parameter

General tab

Switched linear axis: Pneumatic

Type: Group title
This group is only displayed when the technology Pneumatic is used for this axis.

Movement times
Type: Group title

Movement time to "Rear"

See Movement time [}Page 461].

Movement time to position "Front"

See Movement time [}Page 461].

Switched linear axis: Hydraulic

Type: Group title
This group is only displayed when the technology Hydraulic is used for this axis.

* = Option
466 / 614 Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00
Components and commands

Type: Group title

Movement time to position "Rear"

See Movement time [}Page 461].

Speed in direction "Rear"

See Speed [}Page 461].

Force in direction "Rear"

See Force [}Page 460].

Movement time to position "Front"

See Movement time [}Page 461].

Speed in direction "Front"

See Speed [}Page 461].

Force in direction "Front"

See Force [}Page 460].

Proportional directional valve: hydraulic

Type: Group title

Type: Group title
The diagnosis data of this component is configurated in this group.
– See Diagnosis data [}Page 603].

"Connections" register

Two connections are assigned in this register.

– See Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


* = Option
Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00 467 / 614
Components and commands

Connection states: Switched ejector*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.
– Only assigned connections will appear.
– Note that the signal logic of certain digital inputs and outputs in the register General can be inver-
ted (0 = high) Move switched ejector forward/back* command

No adjustments can be made. Move switched ejector forward/back* pulse command


Pulse duration
Type: Setpoint
Determines the duration of the activation.
The behaviour of this parameter depends on the configuration of the corresponding sensor (with or
without limit switch) in the connections register.
Without limit switch: The pulse duration also determines the command execution time.
With limit switch: The pulse duration determines the command execution time and monitors the
reaching of the end position.
– If the end position is not reached within the pulse duration, an immediate cycle stop will be
– The command execution time is not ended when the end position is reached.

Note: The movement times programmed on the component are invalid for pulse commands. The
function is adopted via the pulse duration. Depressurise ejector* command

Depressurises the component, i.e. the activation of the valves of both movement directions is
switched off.
– Prerequisite: In a non-activated state, the pressure must be able to escape from both movement
chambers (no check valves, shut-off valves etc.).

No adjustments can be made.

* = Option
468 / 614 Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00
Components and commands Closed loop controlled ejector* component


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
External ejector* Move forward Ejector
[}Page 469]
  [}Page 27]

Move back
[}Page 469]

Learning stroke (Ejector)

[}Page 28]

This component is structured in a similar way to the Closed loop controlled mould nozzle component.
They only differ with regard to their designations and symbols of the components, commands and
buttons. The parameter functions and settings are identical.
– Therefore, for parameter functions and settings, see Closed loop controlled mould nozzle* para-
meter [}Page 483]. Closed loop controlled ejector* commands

Behaves in a similar way to the closed loop controlled mould nozzle.
– See Open/close closed loop controlled mould nozzle command [}Page 485].

* = Option
Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00 469 / 614
Components and commands External ejector* component

Digital outputs for the activation of actuators can be set with this component.


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
External ejector* Move forward Ejector
[}Page 468]
  [}Page 27]

Move back
[}Page 468]

Move forward pulse

[}Page 468]

Move back pulse

[}Page 468]

[}Page 468]

External ejector* parameter

General tab

Switched linear axis: Digital

Type: Group title

Movement times
Type: Group title

Movement time to position ...

See Movement time [}Page 479].

Digital output or input: (affected connection)

Type: Group title

* = Option
470 / 614 Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00
Components and commands

Signal logic setting (logic level)

Type: Group title
The signal logic can be inverted via checkbox or selection.
– If several connections are assigned to this output or input, the setting for all these connections
are valid.

"Connections" register

Two connections are assigned in this register.

– See Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: External ejector*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.
– Only assigned connections will appear.
– Note that the signal logic of certain digital inputs and outputs in the register General can be inver-
ted (0 = high) External ejector commands*

Behaves in the same way as the switched ejector.
– See Move switched ejector forward/back* command [}Page 468] and Move switched ejector for-

ward/back* pulse command [}Page 468].


* = Option
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Components and commands

4.12.2 Nozzles* (mould)

In contrast to plasticising nozzles, mould nozzles are integrated into the mould and are therefore an
integral component of the mould. Auxiliary control components from the Nozzle category control the
opening and closing of the mould nozzles.

Danger of injury when using pneumatic 3/2 NO and 5/2 directional
3/2 directional valves NO and 5/2 directional valves are open without activation
and are pressurising their consumers. Switching the energy supply on and off can
lead to uncontrolled movements when the safety cover is open!
§ These valves may only be used for applications where movement will not res-
ult in danger (e.g. bladders, mould nozzle).
§ They are not permitted for any use for movements that lead to dangers, other-
wise it will be prevented with an additional safety device and this will lead to

* = Option
472 / 614 Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00
Components and commands Production process with mould nozzle

Application example with shut-off nozzles and retract injection unit.

Commands 6, 13 & 16 form the preparation for injection. The nozzles open following injection unit
contact pressure and the injection takes place after the nozzles are opened.
In this example, the preparation is dynamically triggered during the closing of the clamping unit (2, 5,
12 & 15).
– Dynamic contact pressure requires the mould and its fastening to be specifically designed for it,
and the interlocking to be switched off.
– See also Production process with injection and metering [}Page 326]. Quality influences and optimisation

Opening time
If the mould nozzle is opened too early, melt may flow and "cold slugs" could form. These "cold
slugs" can lead to marks, weld lines and streaks on the injection moulded part.
If the opening is carried out too late, this will result in the melt being compressed before injection.
This can result in thermal damage to the melt, and silver streaks on the injection moulded part as a

Closing time
Generally at the end of hold pressure.

* = Option
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Components and commands

Opening and closing time

The programmed movement time has no influence on the effective movement time of a movement.
This depends on the setup of the nozzle (pressure, path, size etc.)
– The movement time programming is found on the component when the mould nozzles are
switched, and on the command when controlled.
With monitored end position
The signal from the limit switch determines the end of the command execution time. The pro-
grammed movement times serves as the monitoring.
– The signal from the limit switch must be available within this time, otherwise a cycle stop will be
– The limit switch is configured on the component in the connections register.
Without monitored end position
The programmed movement time determines the execution time of the corresponding command. It
should be set to be marginally greater than the effective required time for the movement.
– Programmed movement time too great: potential loss of cycle time
– Programmed movement time too low: Injection can be carried out when the nozzle is not com-
pletely open and can therefore lead to thermal damage to the melt. Setup and connection

The fundamentals for the creation and connection of an auxiliary control are described in chapter
Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Create auxiliary control component

An auxiliary control component is only displayed after it has been
created in the Component manager topic via the Create button.

Category Type Technology Settings
Nozzle Switched mould Pneumatic standard Switched mould
nozzle nozzle* [}Page 475]
Pneumatic (5/2 & 3/2 NO)

Controlled mould Hydraulic Controlled mould
nozzle nozzle* [}Page 477]

Closed loop con- Servo control Closed loop controlled

trolled mould nozzle mould nozzle* compon-
ent [}Page 483]

External mould Digital External mould nozzle*

nozzle component
[}Page 486]

Closed loop controlled/controlled/switched: See also Difference between closed loop controlled/con-
trolled/switched [}Page 184].

* = Option
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Components and commands Switched mould nozzle* component


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Switched mould Close* [}Page 476]
Mould nozzle*
nozzle* [}Page 31]

Open* [}Page 476]

Switched mould nozzle* component parameter

General tab

Switched linear axis: Pneumatic ...

Type: Group title
This group is only displayed when the technology Pneumatic is used for this axis.

Movement times
Type: Group title

Movement time to position "Closed"

See Movement time [}Page 479].

Movement time to position "Open"

See Movement time [}Page 479].

Switched linear axis: Hydraulic

Type: Group title
This group is only displayed when the technology Hydraulic is used for this axis.

Type: Group title

Movement time to position "Closed"

See Movement time [}Page 479].

Speed in direction "Closed"

See Speed [}Page 479].

* = Option
Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00 475 / 614
Components and commands

Force in direction "Closed"

See Force [}Page 479].

Movement time to position "Open"

See Movement time [}Page 479].

Speed in direction "Open"

See Speed [}Page 479].

Force in direction "Open"

See Force [}Page 479].

Proportional directional valve: hydraulic

Type: Group title

Type: Group title
The diagnosis data of this component is configurated in this group.
– See Diagnosis data [}Page 603].

"Connections" register

Two connections are assigned in this register.

– See Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: Switched mould nozzle*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.
– Only assigned connections will appear.
– Note that the signal logic of certain digital inputs and outputs in the register General can be inver-
ted (0 = high) Open/close* switched mould nozzle command

Open/close* switched mould nozzle parameter

No adjustments can be made.

* = Option
476 / 614 Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00
Components and commands Controlled mould nozzle* component


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Controlled mould Close* [}Page 479]
Mould nozzle*
nozzle* [}Page 31]

Open* [}Page 479]

Multi stage closing*

[}Page 480]

Multi stage open-

ing* [}Page 480]

Controlled mould nozzle* component parameter

General tab

Proportional directional valve: hydraulic

Type: Group title

Type: Group title
The diagnosis data of this component is configurated in this group.
– See Diagnosis data [}Page 603].

Manual operation tab

Manual mode settings

Type: Group title
These settings are effective in the Manual operating mode.

Type: Setpoint
Determines the setpoint speed.
* = Option
Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00 477 / 614
Components and commands

Type: Setpoint
Determines the maximum force for the movement and holding at the end position.
– Too low a force has an adverse effect on the functionality (speed, contact pressure etc.).
– Too large a force increases the risk of damage in the event of a fault (collision, insufficient lubric-
ation etc.).

Movement time
Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 15.00 s
The behaviour of this parameter depends on the configuration of the corresponding sensor (with or
without limit switch) in the connections register.
Without limit switch: Programmed execution time.
– It has no influence on the effective movement time of a movement.
– It must be greater than the effective movement time so that the movement can be completely car-
ried out.
– The state In end position occurs after the expiration of this execution time.
With limit switch: Movement monitoring time.
– If the end position (signal from limit switch) is not reached before the expiration of the pro-
grammed movement time, the movement is immediately stopped.
– The state In end position occurs when the end position is reached.

Setup mode settings

Type: Group title
These settings are effective in the Setup and Recovery operating modes.

See Speed [}Page 477].

See Force [}Page 478].

Movement time
See Movement time [}Page 478].

"Connections" register

Two connections are assigned in this register.

– See Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


* = Option
478 / 614 Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00
Components and commands

Connection states: Controlled mould nozzle*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.
– Only assigned connections will appear.
– Note that the signal logic of certain digital inputs and outputs in the register General can be inver-
ted (0 = high) Open/close* controlled mould nozzle command

Open/close* controlled mould nozzle parameter

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the setpoint speed.

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the maximum force for the movement and holding at the end position.
– Too low a force has an adverse effect on the functionality (speed, contact pressure etc.).
– Too large a force increases the risk of damage in the event of a fault (collision, insufficient lubric-
ation etc.).
Note: A specific value can be entered via parameter With switchover of force in end pos. [}Page 480]

to hold in the end position.

Movement time
Type: Setpoint
The behaviour of this parameter depends on the configuration of the corresponding sensor (with or
without limit switch) in the connections register.
Without limit switch: Programmed execution time.
– It has no influence on the effective movement time of a movement.
– Should be selected to be marginally greater so that the movement can be completely carried out,
but no unnecessary loss of cycle time will result.
– The state In end position occurs after the expiration of this execution time.
With limit switch: Movement monitoring time.
– If the end position (signal from the limit switch) is not reached before the expiration of the pro-
grammed movement time, there will be an immediate movement or cycle stop.
– The execution time or command are ended when the end position is reached.
See also Quality influences and optimisation [}Page 473].

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Components and commands

With switchover of force in end pos.

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Not checked
When the checkbox is marked, an individual value for keeping the axis in the corresponding end pos-
ition can be set for the Force in end position parameter.

Force in end position

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
If the axis is in the In end position state, it will be kept at the mechanical stop of the end position with
this force.
– The In end position state is displayed on the corresponding button. See also Display of the status
[}Page 20]. Open/close* controlled mould nozzle multi stage command

The entire movement is divided up into 3 stages via 2 intermediate positions.
1. Open (front)
2. Intermediate position 1
3. Intermediate position 2
4. Closed (rear)

Open/close* controlled mould nozzle multi stage parameter

Movement to intermediate position 1 or 2

Type: Group title

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the setpoint speed.

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the force for the regulation of the movement.
– Used as a control value and not as force limitation.

* = Option
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Components and commands

Movement time without pos. switch

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 1.00 s
The behaviour of this parameter depends on the configuration of the corresponding sensor (with or
without position switch) in the connections register.
Without position switch: After this movement time has expired, the corresponding intermediate po-
sition is classed as having been achieved.
– The parameterised movement time has no influence on the effective movement time of a move-
With position switch: The signal from the position switch determines the state Intermediate position
reached. The movement time serves as the monitoring of the movement.
– The signal from the position switch must be available within this time, otherwise an immediate
cycle stop will be triggered.

Movement to end position "in front" or "at rear"

Type: Group title

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the setpoint speed.

See Force [}Page 446].

Behaviour in end position

Type: Group title

With switchover of force in end pos.

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Not checked
When the checkbox is marked, an individual value for keeping the axis in the corresponding end pos-
ition can be set for the Force in end position parameter.

Force in end position

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
If the axis is in the In end position state, it will be kept at the mechanical stop of the end position with
this force.
– The In end position state is displayed on the corresponding button. See also Display of the status
[}Page 20].

* = Option
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Components and commands

Movement time total movement

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 15.00 s
This setting applies from the start to the end of the command.
The behaviour of this parameter depends on the configuration of the corresponding sensor (with or
without limit switch) in the connections register.
Without limit switch: Programmed execution time.
– It has no influence on the effective movement time of a movement.
– Should be selected to be marginally greater so that the movement can be completely carried out,
but no unnecessary loss of cycle time will result.
– The state In end position occurs after the expiration of this execution time.
With limit switch: Movement monitoring time.
– If the end position (signal from the limit switch) is not reached before the expiration of the pro-
grammed movement time, there will be an immediate movement or cycle stop.
– The execution time or command are ended when the end position is reached.
See also Optimisation [}Page 442].

* = Option
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Components and commands Closed loop controlled mould nozzle* component


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Closed loop con- Close* [}Page 485]
Mould nozzle*
trolled mould [}Page 31]


Open* [}Page 485]

Stroke learning (mould

nozzle)* [}Page 31]

Closed loop controlled mould nozzle* parameter

General tab

Actual values: Position, force, speed ...

Closed loop controlled linear axis: Servo control

Learning stroke
The settings in this group only refer to the stroke learning function.
Mould configuration
If an additional ratio is required in the mould, the ratio can be configured here (1,000 = no ratio).
Stop detection
When the force limit is exceeded, the corresponding stop is deemed to have been reached.
For commands with End position contact pressure switched on (marked), contact pressure is then
applied with the press-on force programmed on the command.
Drive configuration
Configuration of the drive factors and gear ratio.

Servo drive: Servo drive

See Diagnosis data [}Page 603].

* = Option
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Components and commands

Manual operation tab

Manual mode settings

These settings are effective in the Manual operating mode.
Setup mode settings
These settings are effective in the Setup and Recovery operating modes.
Determines the speed.
Maximum force
Determines the maximum force.
– The smaller the force, the lower the damage in the event of collision.

"Connections" register

Two connections are assigned in this register.

– See Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Note: For the end position monitoring, the corresponding sensor connection must be assigned and
the setting Target position with limit switch must be marked on the command.

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: Closed loop controlled mould nozzle

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.
– Only assigned connections will appear.
– Note that the signal logic of certain digital inputs and outputs in the register General can be inver-
ted (0 = high)

* = Option
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Components and commands Open/close closed loop controlled mould nozzle command

Actual values: Position, force, speed ...

Movement profile
The entire movement distance can be divided into several stages (sections). The programmed switch
over positions, speeds and forces of the individual stages give the movement profile.
Number of stages
Maximum 4
Movement profile
Line 01 forms the first stage: Speed v 01 to position s 01.
Line 02 forms the second stage: Speed v 02 from s 01 to s 02.
– etc
Clicking on the graphic opens the enlarged and configurable command graph.
– See also Command graph [}Page 157].

Maximum force
Limits the force over the entire movement.
– Too low a force can have an adverse effect on the functionality (speed).
– Too large a force increases the risk of damage in the event of a fault (collision, insufficient lubric-
ation etc.).

Behaviour at end position

End position contact pressure
When the checkbox is marked, contact pressure is applied to the end position with the programmed
press-on force.
Target position with limit switch
When the checkbox is marked, the end position is monitored, provided that the corresponding sensor
is available and assigned.
– See also "Connections" register [}Page 484].

* = Option
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Components and commands External mould nozzle* component

Digital outputs for the activation of actuators can be set with this component.


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
External mould Close* [}Page 487]
Mould nozzle*
nozzle* [}Page 31]

Open* [}Page 487]

External mould nozzle* parameter

General tab

Switched linear axis: Digital

Type: Group title

Movement times
Type: Group title

Movement time to position ...

See Movement time [}Page 479].

Digital output or input: (affected connection)

Type: Group title

Signal logic setting (logic level)

Type: Group title
The signal logic can be inverted via checkbox or selection.
– If several connections are assigned to this output or input, the setting for all these connections
are valid.

"Connections" register

Two connections are assigned in this register.

– See Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

* = Option
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Components and commands

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: External mould nozzle*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.
– Only assigned connections will appear.
– Note that the signal logic of certain digital inputs and outputs in the register General can be inver-
ted (0 = high) Open/close external mould nozzle* command

Open/close* external mould nozzle parameter

No adjustments can be made.

* = Option
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Components and commands

4.12.3 Universal axis*

The auxiliary controls of this category are universal non-function-related axes. Optimisation
Movement times
The programmed movement time of an auxiliary control has no influence on the effective movement
time of the corresponding movement. The effective movement time depends on the technical setup
of the component (size, path, pressure etc.)
– The movement time programming is found on the component when the components are
switched, and on the command when the component is controlled and closed loop controlled.
With monitored end position
The signal from the limit switch determines the end of the command execution time. The pro-
grammed movement times serves as the monitoring.
– The signal from the limit switch must be available within this time, otherwise a cycle stop will be
– The limit switch is configured on the component in the connections register.
Without monitored end position
The programmed movement time determines the execution time of the corresponding command. It
should be set to be marginally greater than the effective required time of the movement.
– Programmed movement time too great: potential loss of cycle time
– Programmed movement time too low: The state In end position occurs before the movement

Too low a force has an adverse effect on the functionality (speed, contact pressure etc.).
Too large a force increases the risk of damage in the event of a fault (collision, insufficient lubrication
etc.). Setup and connection

The fundamentals for the creation and connection of an auxiliary control are described in chapter
Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Danger of injury
Incorrect setup and connection of auxiliary controls can lead to hazards.
§ The safety precautions and information in chapter Auxiliary controls
[}Page 180] and Connecting mediums [}Page 579] must always be observed.

Create auxiliary control component

An auxiliary control component is only displayed after it has been
created in the Component manager topic via the Create button.

* = Option
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Components and commands

Category Type Technology Settings
Universal axis* Switched linear axis Pneumatic Switched linear axis*
[}Page 489]

Controlled linear axis Hydraulic Controlled linear axis*

[}Page 490]

Closed loop con- Linear axis Closed loop controlled

trolled linear axis linear axis component
[}Page 491]

Switched 3-way axis Digital Switched 3-way axis*

Three-phase (AC)
[}Page 491]

External universal Digital External universal axis*
axis component
[}Page 492]

Closed loop controlled/controlled/switched: See also Difference between closed loop controlled/con-
trolled/switched [}Page 184]. Switched linear axis* component


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Switched linear Move forward Linear axis*
axis* [}Page 468]
  [}Page 30]

Move back
[}Page 468]

Move forward pulse

[}Page 468]

Move back pulse

[}Page 468]

[}Page 468]

This component is structured in a similar way to the Switched ejector component. They only differ
with regard to their designations and symbols of the components, commands and buttons. The para-
meter functions and settings are identical.
– Therefore, for parameter functions and settings, see Switched ejector* component parameter
[}Page 466].

* = Option
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Components and commands Controlled linear axis* component


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Controlled linear Move forward Linear axis*
axis* [}Page 460]
  [}Page 30]

Move back
[}Page 460]

Move forward pulse

[}Page 461]

Move back pulse

[}Page 461]

Move forward
(multi stage)
[}Page 462]

Move back (multi

stage) [}Page 462]

Move forward to in-

termediate position
[}Page 464]

Move back to inter-

mediate position
[}Page 464]

This component is structured in a similar way to the Controlled ejector* component. They only differ
with regard to their designations and symbols of the components, commands and buttons. The para-
meter functions and settings are identical.
– Therefore, for parameter functions and settings, see Controlled ejector* component parameter
[}Page 458].

* = Option
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Components and commands Closed loop controlled linear axis component


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Closed loop con- Move forward to Linear axis*
trolled linear axis* position [}Page 30]

[}Page 485]

Move back to posi-

tion [}Page 485]

Stroke learning
(linear axis)*
[}Page 30]

This component is structured in a similar way to the Closed loop controlled mould nozzle component.
They only differ with regard to their designations and symbols of the components, commands and
buttons. The parameter functions and settings are identical.
– Therefore, for parameter functions and settings, see Closed loop controlled mould nozzle* para-
meter [}Page 483]. Switched 3-way axis* component


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Reject gate (3 Centre [}Page 499] 
Reject gate 3
channels)* ways* [}Page 34]

Right [}Page 499]
[}Page 34]

Left [}Page 499]
Force reject part*
[}Page 34]

This component is structured in a similar way to the Reject gate (three-way)* component. They only
differ with regard to their command designations. The parameter functions and settings are identical.
– Therefore, for parameter functions and settings, see Reject gate (three-way)* component para-
meter [}Page 496].

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Components and commands External universal axis* component


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
External universal Move forward Linear axis*
axis* [}Page 468]
  [}Page 30]

Move back
[}Page 468]

Move forward pulse

[}Page 468]

Move back pulse

[}Page 468]

[}Page 468]

This component is structured in a similar way to the External ejector* component. They only differ
with regard to their designations and symbols of the components, commands and buttons. The para-
meter functions and settings are identical.
– Therefore, for parameter functions and settings, see External ejector* parameter [}Page 470].

* = Option
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Components and commands

4.12.4 Reject gate*

The reject gates listed here are used to sort out injection moulded parts via gates, conveyor belt etc.
2-way and 3-way gates are distinguished between.
– 2-way gate: Switch to two positions (good part and reject part) with an axis.
– 3-way gate: Switch to three positions (good part, reject part and sample) with two axes.
Reject gates are activated by sequence commands. Multiple switching in one and the same cycle,
e.g. for sprue separation, is possible.

Quality evaluation
See Topic Process quality [}Page 228].

External quality evaluation

The auxiliary control External reject signal* permits to influence the quality evaluation via a digital in-
put. By inserting the commands In case of high level, enforce bad part or In case of low level, enforce
bad part, the quality valuation is overruled to Bad part also in the case of Good part production.

It is possible to remove a programmable number of samples by pressing the button Sample* once
after the start of production, in a cyclic manner after the start of production or after a container
change. The parts are handed out to the corresponding position of the 3-way gate.
– See also Sampling* [}Page 375].

Force reject part*

By means of the button Enforce reject part*, the quality evaluation is switched to bad part and the re-
ject gate is adjusted accordingly. Setup and connection

The fundamentals for the creation and connection of an auxiliary control are described in chapter
Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Danger of injury
Incorrect setup and connection of auxiliary controls can lead to hazards.
§ The safety precautions and information in chapter Auxiliary controls
[}Page 180] and Connecting mediums [}Page 579] must always be observed.

Create auxiliary control component

An auxiliary control component is only displayed after it has been
created in the Component manager topic via the Create button.

* = Option
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Components and commands

Category Type Technology Settings
Reject gate* 2-way Digital Reject gate (two-way)*
[}Page 495]

Three-phase (AC)
3-way Digital Reject gate (three-way)
* component
[}Page 495]

Three-phase (AC)

* = Option
494 / 614 Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00
Components and commands Reject gate (two-way)* component


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Reject gate 2 Position "Good Reject gate 2
ways* part" ways* [}Page 34]

Position "Reject Force reject part*

part" [}Page 34]

All parameter functions and settings for this component are also included in Reject gate (three-way) .
– See Reject gate (three-way)* component parameter [}Page 496]

and Good part, reject part and sample* command [}Page 499]. Reject gate (three-way) * component

This component controls two axes with two positions each, together forming a sorting system with
three positions (e.g. good part, reject part and sample). Various technologies can be used for the two
– Usually, the Digital technology is selected and used in combination with the gate interface X2159
– The three-phase technology is designed for sorting with a conveyor belt.


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Reject gate (3 Good part Reject gate 3
channels)* [}Page 499]
  ways* [}Page 34]

Sample Sample*
[}Page 499]
  [}Page 34]

Reject part Force reject part*

[}Page 499]
  [}Page 34]

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Components and commands

Reject gate (three-way)* component parameter

Applies to:

Component Command (position)

Reject gate (two channels) Good part
Reject part
Reject gate (3 channels) Good part
Reject part
Universal axis (3-way axis) Centre

General tab

Switching sequence
Type: Group title
This group is only displayed for 3-way gates.
The switching sequence can be determined here in order to avoid collisions between the axis (gate)
when the middle position is moved over.

Switching sequence reject part - sample or left - right

Type: Selection parameter
Here, it can be determined which of the two axes (gates) should be moved first when switched from
the Reject part gate position to Sample via the Good part middle position.

Switching sequence sample - reject part or right - left

Static end position supervision

Type: Checkbox
When the checkbox is marked, during the movement of the 1st gate the end position monitoring of
the 2nd gate is temporarily switched off. This is necessary, e.g. when the limit switch of the 2nd gate
is traversed during movement of the 1st gate.

Switched linear axis: (axis designation) - digital

Type: Group title
This group is only displayed when the technology Digital is used for this axis.

Movement times
Type: Group title

* = Option
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Components and commands

Movement time to ...

Type: Setpoint
The behaviour of this parameter depends on the configuration of the corresponding sensor (with or
without limit switch) in the connections register.
Without limit switch: Programmed execution time.
– It has no influence on the effective movement time of a movement.
– It must be greater than the effective movement time so that the movement can be completely car-
ried out.
– The state In end position occurs after the expiration of this execution time.
With limit switch: Movement monitoring time.
– If the end position (signal from limit switch) is not reached before the expiration of the pro-
grammed movement time, the movement is immediately stopped.
– The state In end position occurs when the end position is reached.

Digital output or input: (affected connection)

Type: Group title

Signal logic setting (logic level)

Type: Group title
The signal logic can be inverted via checkbox or selection.
– If several connections are assigned to this output or input, the setting for all these connections
are valid.

Switched linear axis: (axis designation) - pneumatic

Type: Group title
This group is only displayed when the technology Pneumatic is used for this axis.

Movement times
See Movement times [}Page 496].

Switched linear axis: (axis designation) - three-phase (AC)

Type: Group title
This group is only displayed when the technology Three-phase (AC) is used for this axis.
This axis is designed for sorting out with a conveyor belt.
– The direction of rotation corresponds to the gate position of a conventional reject gate.

Movement times
Type: Group title
Type: Checkbox

Time-controlled until ...

The execution time can be determined when the checkbox is marked.

Movement times to ...

Type: Setpoint
Determines the execution time.

* = Option
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Components and commands

Interval time for change of direction

Type: Setpoint
Determines the waiting time for change of direction.

Logic level configuration

Type: Group title

Invert signal
Type: Checkbox
When the checkbox is marked, all assigned signals for this output are inverted.
– 1 = low (low-active)

Switched linear axis: (axis designation) - hydraulic

Type: Group title
This group is only displayed when the technology Hydraulic is used for this axis.

Movement time to position ...

Type: Setpoint
The behaviour of this parameter depends on the configuration of the corresponding sensor (with or
without limit switch) in the connections register.
Without limit switch: Programmed execution time.
– It has no influence on the effective movement time of a movement.
– It must be greater than the effective movement time so that the movement can be completely car-
ried out.
– The state In end position occurs after the expiration of this execution time.
With limit switch: Movement monitoring time.
– If the end position (signal from limit switch) is not reached before the expiration of the pro-
grammed movement time, the movement is immediately stopped.
– The state In end position occurs when the end position is reached.

Speed in direction ...

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the setpoint speed.

Force in direction ...

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 10 %
Determines the maximum force for the movement and holding at the end position.
– Too low a force has an adverse effect on the functionality (speed, contact pressure etc.).
– Too large a force increases the risk of damage in the event of a fault (collision, insufficient lubric-
ation etc.).

Proportional directional valve: hydraulic

Type: Group title

* = Option
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Components and commands

Type: Group title
The diagnosis data of this component is configurated in this group.
– See Diagnosis data [}Page 603].

"Connections" register

Two connections are assigned in this register.

– See Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: Reject gate (three-way)*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.
– Only assigned connections will appear.
– Note that the signal logic of certain digital inputs and outputs in the register General can be inver-
ted (0 = high) Good part, reject part and sample* command

Applies to:

Component Command (position)

Reject gate (two channels) Good part
Reject part
Reject gate (3 channels) Good part
Reject part
Universal axis (3-way axis) Centre
No adjustments can be made to any of these commands.
For sorting and application, see Topic Process quality [}Page 228].

* = Option
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Components and commands

4.12.5 External fault input*

With this option, reactions such as alarm, drives and heaters off, stop cycle end etc. can all be
triggered, along with interlocks, via the signal input External disturbance input on the machine. These
reactions are set in the topic Monitoring or Interlocks.
External disturbance inputs are specified for fault messages from peripheral equipment such as ma-
terial conveyors, heaters, smoke alarms, additional monitoring sensors etc. External disturbance input* component


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
External fault input* None None

Setup and connection

The fundamentals for the creation and connection of an auxiliary control are described in chapter
Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Create auxiliary control component

An auxiliary control component is only displayed after it has been
created in the Component manager topic via the Create button.

– Category: Signal input and output

– Type: External fault input
– Technology: Digital

Configure the digital input on this component in the register Connections. Connect the assigned con-
nection with the disturbance output of the peripheral equipment.
– See also Electrical diagrams and Interface description - external peripheral equipment
(11004289) in the operating manual.

External disturbance input* component parameter

General tab

Digital input: Digital

Type: Group title

Debouncing times for input signals

Type: Group title

* = Option
500 / 614 Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00
Components and commands

Debouncing time signal "...

Type: Setpoint
Determines the period of time in which this signal must be steadily available for, so that it can be
deemed "detected".

Digital output or input: (affected connection)

Type: Group title

Signal logic setting (logic level)

Type: Group title
The signal logic can be inverted via checkbox or selection.
– If several connections are assigned to this output or input, the setting for all these connections
are valid.

"Connections" register

Two connections are assigned in this register.

– See Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: External disturbance input*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.
– Only assigned connections will appear.
– Note that the signal logic of certain digital inputs and outputs in the register General can be inver-
ted (0 = high)

* = Option
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Components and commands

4.12.6 External monitoring unit*

This option:
External monitoring device* component [}Page 502]

– Freely configurable and therefore suitable for use by various device manufacturers.
External process monitoring device component (Priamus Blueline)* [}Page 505]

– Connected and configured by Netstal. Intended for the process monitoring device Priamus
Blueline. External monitoring device* component

With this option, an external monitoring device can be connected and integrated into the control.

Component Commands Screen buttons
External monitoring Start measurement None

Stop measurement

Reset measure-

Start measurement
– Set output signal Start measurement.

Stop measurement
– Set output signal Stop measurement.

Reset measurement
– Set output signal Reset measurement.
– The duration of the activation can be determined with
the parameter Signal "Reset time" active.

Various control signals can be changed via inputs and outputs of the digital multifunctional interface.
Using the sequence commands, the external device can be given to task to start, stop or reset the
measurement. The reaction to an evaluation Measurement not ok is configured in the topic Monitor-

Setup and connection

The fundamentals for the creation and connection of an auxiliary control are described in chapter
Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

* = Option
502 / 614 Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00
Components and commands

Create auxiliary control component

An auxiliary control component is only displayed after it has been
created in the Component manager topic via the Create button.

– Category: Periphery
– Type: External monitoring unit
– Technology: Digital

Configure the required inputs and outputs on this component in the register Connections. Connect
the monitoring device with the corresponding connections.
– See also Electrical diagrams and Interface description - external peripheral equipment
(11004289) in the operating manual.

External monitoring device* component parameter

General tab

Reject sequence
Type: Group title

Current fault sequence

Type: Actual value
Currently pending fault sequences.

Maximum fault sequence

Type: Selection parameter
Here, it can be determined that the reactions set in the topic Monitoring (e.g. alarm, production stop)
will only be executed following a specific number of errors 1.
Input signal: measurement not ok

Inputs/outputs: Digital
Type: Group title

Debouncing times for input signals

Type: Group title

Debouncing time signal "...

Type: Setpoint
Determines the period of time in which this signal must be steadily available for, so that it can be
deemed "detected".

* = Option
Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00 503 / 614
Components and commands

Digital output or input: (affected connection)

Type: Group title

Signal logic setting (logic level)

Type: Group title
The signal logic can be inverted via checkbox or selection.
– If several connections are assigned to this output or input, the setting for all these connections
are valid.

"Connections" register

Two connections are assigned in this register.

– See Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: External monitoring device*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.
– Only assigned connections will appear.
– Note that the signal logic of certain digital inputs and outputs in the register General can be inver-
ted (0 = high)

* = Option
504 / 614 Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00
Components and commands External process monitoring device component (Priamus

With this special option, the process monitoring device Priamus Blueline is implemented into the con-
The configuration and connection is carried out by Netstal-Maschinen AG during commissioning.

Component Commands Screen buttons
Priamus Blueline* Trigger measure- None

Evaluate good part


Trigger measurement
– Gives the external device the order for measurement.

Evaluate good part signal

– The signal is evaluated and included in the quality de-

Various control signals can be changed via inputs and outputs of the digital multifunctional interface.
The sequence command Trigger measurement is used to give the external device the order for
measurement. If the quality evaluation of the external device is considered (on the machine), this can
be done via the sequence command Evaluate good part signal. In addition, production is only pos-
sible when the input Monitoring active is pending. This ensures that the external device will be in op-
eration at the specified point in time.
A changeover from injection to hold pressure determined by the external device is configured on the
injection and hold pressure under v/p change-over command.

External process monitoring device component parameter

(Priamus Blueline)*

General tab

General settings
Type: Group title

Use process monitoring device

Type: Checkbox
The use of the external process monitoring device is activated by marking the checkbox.
* = Option
Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00 505 / 614
Components and commands

Digital output or input: (affected connection)

Type: Group title

Signal logic setting (logic level)

Type: Group title
The signal logic can be inverted via checkbox or selection.
– If several connections are assigned to this output or input, the setting for all these connections
are valid.

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: External process monitoring device (Priamus


Displays the signal states of the assigned connections.

* = Option
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Components and commands

4.12.7 Monitored purging pan* Monitored purging pan component*

This component monitors the fill level of the purging pan.

Component Commands Screen buttons
Monitored purging None Acknowledge emptying

For the monitoring of the purging pan, the purged quantity is added up and purging is blocked when
the maximum value is exceeded.
The emptying of the purging pan must be confirmed with the Acknowledge emptying button.

The filling capacity programming is carried out on the component.
The monitoring can be switched on or off in the Monitorings topics.
A production block can also be switched on as a reaction in the Interlocks topic.

* = Option
Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00 507 / 614
Components and commands

4.12.8 Machine synchronisation*

This option allows for the synchronisation of two machines, so they can run at the same time.

– The option Machine synchronisation is available on both machines.
– The auxiliary control component Synchronisation of two machines is created on both machines.
– The connections are assigned to a provided multifunctional interface.
– The machines are physically connected over the interfaces via a cable. The cable can be pro-
duced internally or ordered from Netstal-Maschinen AG.
– On both machines, the synchronisation time in the sequence is defined with the command Syn-
chronise. Component synchronisation of two machines*


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Synchronisation of two Synchronise* command None
machines* [}Page 515]

– See Parameter component synchronisation of two ma-
chines* [}Page 513].

– See Synchronise* command [}Page 515].

Function and sequence

The faster machine will always wait for the slower one (no master/slave behaviour).
Two machines are synchronised via an input and an output. For both machines, the output Syn-
chronisation time is connected to the input Continue cycle of the sister machine (another machine).
In the production process, the synchronisation time is defined with the command Synchronise. If this
command, and therefore the synchronisation time are reached while the cycle is running, the com-
mand will wait until the sister machine has also reached the synchronisation time. If this takes place
within the maximum synchronisation time, the synchronisation will be deemed as successful and the
cycle will be continued on both machines. If the maximum synchronisation time is exceeded, the syn-
chronisation will be deemed as unsuccessful and there will be a production stop at the end of the
* = Option
508 / 614 Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00
Components and commands

Start-up procedure
The start-up procedure can be switched on and configured on the component. It must be switched on
for both machines.
In the event of an unsuccessful synchronisation, the production will not be stopped during the start-
up procedure. This enables a gradual approach of the synchronisation time, and consequently a
trouble-free start-up of the machines.

1. Start machine cycle.
2. Synchronisation time reached, command Synchronise starts.
– Maximum synchronisation time is started.
– The output signal Synchronisation time is set.
– Wait for input signal Continue cycle.
3.a) Synchronisation successful
– The input signal Continue cycle comes within Maximum synchronisation time.
– The output signal Synchronisation point is switched off.
– The command Synchronise is ended.
– The cycle is continued.
3. b) Synchronisation unsuccessful
– Maximum synchronisation time has expired (without input signal Continue cycle).
– The output signal Synchronisation point is switched off.
– The command Synchronise is ended.
– Stop production, end cycle.
– The output signal Production stopped is set.
3. c) During start-up procedure
– The input signal Continue cycle arrives (Maximum synchronisation time not observed).
– The output signal Synchronisation point is switched off.
– The command Synchronise is ended.
– The cycle is continued.

Stopping at end of cycle

The output Production stopped goes to the input Sister machine not in production on the sister ma-
If the machine stops for any reason apart from the input signal Sister machine not in production at
the end of the cycle, the output signal Production stopped will be activated. Following a renewed pro-
duction start with Prepare production or a change of operating mode, the signal will be deactivated
If the input signal Sister machine not in production is active, the machine end cycle will stop and re-
main blocked until the signal has been deactivated again. A deactivation takes place when a produc-
tion start with Prepare production or a change of operating mode is carried out on the sister machine.

* = Option
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Components and commands

Example sequence
– With 2 start-up cycles and synchronisation at the start of the cycle (before the command Close
clamping unit).

Machine A Signals Machine B

1. Cycle Synchronisation point Continue cycle
With start-up procedure

Continue cycle Synchronisation point

With start-up procedure

1. Cycle
Synchronisation point Continue cycle

Continue cycle Synchronisation point

2. Cycle

2. Cycle
Synchronisation point Continue cycle
Continue cycle Synchronisation point
3. Cycle

3. Cycle
Synchronisation point Continue cycle
Continue cycle Synchronisation point

Cycle interrupted
Synchronisation point (e.g. fault)

Maximum synchronisation time

is exceeded

Production is stopped
Stopping at end of cycle

The command "Synchronisation" is reached (synchronisation point)
The command "Synchronisation" waits (effective synchronisation time)
The command "Synchronisation" is ended (cycle running)
Maximum synchronisation time
Signal set

3. Cycle
- The machines run synchronously.
- The cycle time of both machines corresponds with the cycle time of the slower machine B.
- Machine A waits for the slower machine B.

* = Option
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Components and commands

Setup and connection

The fundamentals for the creation and connection of an auxiliary control are described in chapter
Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Create auxiliary control component

An auxiliary control component is only displayed after it has been
created in the Component manager topic via the Create button.

§ Create the following auxiliary control on both machines:

– Category: Periphery
– Type: Synchronisation of two machines
– Technology: Digital

Physically connect machines

§ Connect the machines with the corresponding cable via the multifunctional interface X9176.
– The cable can be produced internally or ordered from Netstal-Maschinen AG.
– If interface X9176 is not available, a multifunctional interface with 4 digital outputs (free of poten-
tial) and 4 digital inputs can also be used (e.g. MD11).
– See also Electrical diagrams and Interface description - external peripheral equipment in the op-
erating manual.

Assign connections
The assignment takes place in Component manager - periphery - machine synchronisation - connec-
§ Assign the connections according to the physical connection and the following presentation.
– It does not matter which machine is defined as machine A orB.

Machine A Connection Machine B

= potential-free output

* = Option
Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00 511 / 614
Components and commands

Determine synchronisation point

§ Insert the command Synchronise in the desired synchronisation point within the production pro-
The following must be observed
– Selecting an unfavourable synchronisation point can influence the quality of the injection moul-
ded part. If, for example, the synchronisation point is selected before the mould opens, this res-
ults in an extended cooling time in the event of a wait!
– On the machine where the synchronisation point (command Synchronise) is first reached, the
command Synchronise waits until the sister machine has reached its synchronisation point.
– See also Function and sequence [}Page 508].

Example with synchronisation point before the end of the cycle.

Note: The command Synchronise does not interrupt pro-
duction, but only waits for the sister machine's signal.
– This example clearly shows that the subsequence
(ejector) is also carried out to completion for the waiting
command Synchronise.

* = Option
512 / 614 Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00
Components and commands

Parameter component synchronisation of two machines*

General tab

Start up
Type: Group title

With start-up procedure

Type: Checkbox
Factory setting: Not checked
The start-up procedure is switched on when the checkbox is marked.
– The start-up procedure must be switched on for both machines.
In the event of an unsuccessful synchronisation, the production will not be stopped during the start-
up procedure. This enables a gradual approach of the synchronisation time, and consequently a
trouble-free start-up of the machines.
– The machines do not have to run synchronously during the start-up procedure.

Number of cycles
Type: Setpoint
Determines the number of cycles applicable for the start-up procedure following a production start
with Prepare production.

Remaining start-up cycles

Type: Actual value
Displays the number of remaining start-up cycles.

Inputs/outputs: Digital
Type: Group title

Debouncing times for input signals

Type: Group title

Debouncing time signal "...

Type: Setpoint
Determines the period of time in which this signal must be steadily available for, so that it can be
deemed "detected".

Digital output or input: (affected connection)

Type: Group title

* = Option
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Components and commands

Signal logic setting (logic level)

Type: Group title
The signal logic can be inverted via checkbox or selection.
– If several connections are assigned to this output or input, the setting for all these connections
are valid.

"Connections" register

Two connections are assigned in this register.

– See Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: Synchronisation of two machines*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.
– Only assigned connections will appear.
– Note that the signal logic of certain digital inputs and outputs in the register General can be inver-
ted (0 = high)

* = Option
514 / 614 Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00
Components and commands Synchronise* command

Synchronise* parameter

Maximum synchronisation time

Type: Setpoint
Determines the maximum synchronisation time.
The signal Continue cycle must come from the sister machine during this time, otherwise the syn-
chronisation will be deemed unsuccessful and the machine will stop at the end of the cycle.
– The greater this time, the quicker the synchronisation point will be adjusted during start-up.
– It must not be greater than the cycle time.

Synchronisation point switch-off delay

Type: Setpoint
Factory setting: 0.2 s
Determines the delay time for the switch-off of the signal Synchronisation point.
– The signal Synchronisation point is set with the start of the command Synchronise. With the input
of the signal Continue cycle, it will be reset to be delayed by this time. The delay ensures that the
output Synchronisation point is also set to this delay time for the already available input Continue
cycle and can therefore be detected by the sister machine.

Start-up procedure

Number of start-up cycles

Type: Actual value
Displays the number of start-up cycles when the command is running.

Remaining start-up cycles

Type: Actual value
Displays the number of remaining start-up cycles when the command is running.

* = Option
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Components and commands

4.12.9 Remote control of external devices*

This option enables remote control of external units via VNC.
VNC (Virtual Network Computing) is remote control software that shows screen display content of a
remote computer on a local computer. This enables the display and influencing of external units
(server) from the operating unit of the injection moulding machine (client).

Danger of injury due to remote control of external devices
If external devices are accessed from the injection moulding machine operating
unit, dangers can result.
§ If external devices are influenced by the VNC remote control, the operator
must carry out a risk analysis. Depending on the result, risk reduction meas-
ures must be taken.
§ Incorrect communication or a connection disruption must never lead to a haz-
§ Personnel safety must always be guaranteed by the operator.
§ Netstal Maschinen AG accepts no liability for damage resulting from the oper-
ation of a device via VNC remote control.

Danger caused by infected computers and networks
Connecting computers that have not been scanned exposes the machine control
system to the threat of viruses, trojans and worms.
Viruses, trojans and worms threaten the stability of the machine control system.
Serious damage can result if reliable antivirus software is not used.
ü Computers that have not been scanned for viruses must not be connected to
the interfaces provided for this purpose.
§ The owner must ensure that no viruses, trojans and worms can get into the
machine control system through the connection of computers and networks.
§ An up-to-date virus scanner must be installed on the computer or network to
be connected.
ð Netstal-Maschinen AG shall assume no liability if instructions and regulations
of these operating instructions are not observed.

Components with VNC remote control

Component Information exchange
Component, remote control of – VNC remote control
external unit* [}Page 519]

Component, remote control of – VNC remote control

Mouldflo MFS* [}Page 519]

Component, remote control of – VNC remote control

Feller hot-runner controller* – Data record exchange
[}Page 533]

* = Option
516 / 614 Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00
Components and commands

Component Information exchange

Component, integrated Feller – VNC remote control
hot-runner controller [}Page 534]

– Data record exchange

– Digital signals
External heater* component – VNC remote control
[}Page 529]

– Digital signals

Integrated heater* component – VNC remote control

[}Page 532]

– Digital signals

– VNC server is installed on external unit.
– Ethernet connection between Netstal computer and external device.present.
– See also the chapter Setup and connection for the corresponding component.

Display of the transmitted screen display

The transmitted screen display is shown in the Overview topic.
– See also chapter: Remote control of ...* [}Page 194]. Setup and connection

The fundamentals for the creation and connection of an auxiliary control are described in chapter
Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Create auxiliary control component

An auxiliary control component is only displayed after it has been
created in the Component manager topic via the Create button.

* = Option
Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00 517 / 614
Components and commands

Physically connect

Risk of serious injury due to high voltage
There is a risk of serious injury/death in the control cabinet of the machine due to
high voltage.
ü Before accessing the danger area:
§ Switch off the machine and ensure that it cannot be restarted.

Connect the external unit to the injection moulding machine directly through the network connection
or via the company network. For a direct connection without an intermediate switch, an Ethernet
crossover cable must be used.
The Ethernet network connection of the injection moulding machine is found in the control cabinet
A3. Depending on the version, directly at the IPC of the control system (-D1001) or at the integrated
network switch (-A1011).
– Switch off the machine and ensure that it cannot be restarted.
– If the control cabinet has not been equipped with a network switch, the direct connection at the
IPC must be used. If this is already in use, an intermediate standard hub or switch can be activ-
– See also Electrical diagram - Central computer connection.

Connection configuration

The configuration is dependent on the settings of the external device. The Netstal controller can
neither read nor influence these settings.
– In the event of configuration problems, please contact the device supplier, their internal network
person or a system specialist.
– The VNC server must be installed on the external unit.
This must correspond with the set access authorisation of the remote control connection (VNC) to
the external unit.
Server name or IP address of external unit.
– The server name only functions when the connection is made via the company network.
This must correspond with the relevant setting on the external unit.
Note: A VNC server is usually connected to the port 590x, whereby x stands for the number of the
screen display. This is usually number 0.

If no digital inputs and outputs are available, fault signals from external units can be acquired, dis-
played and monitored with the additional option External inputs for fault messages*.
– See also chapter External inputs for fault messages* in the operating instructions.

* = Option
518 / 614 Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00
Components and commands Component, remote control of external unit*

With the VNC remote control, the screen display of the connected unit can be accessed via the injec-
tion moulding machine operating unit.
– For connection, general description and settings, see Remote control of external devices*
[}Page 516].


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Remote control of ex- None None
ternal device* Component, remote control of Mouldflo MFS*

With the VNC remote control, the screen display of the connected unit can be accessed via the injec-
tion moulding machine operating unit.
– For connection, general description and settings, see Remote control of external devices*
[}Page 516].


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Remote control of None None
Mouldflo MFS*

* = Option
Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00 519 / 614
Components and commands

4.12.10 Light*
With this option, a light can be switched on or off via a button on the operating panel or sequence
commands. Component (light)*


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Light* Switch on light* Light* [}Page 36]

[}Page 521]

Switch off light*

[}Page 521]

Setup and connection

The fundamentals for the creation and connection of an auxiliary control are described in chapter
Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Create auxiliary control component

An auxiliary control component is only displayed after it has been
created in the Component manager topic via the Create button.

– Category: Periphery
– Type: Light
– Technology: Digital

Connect the activation of the switching relay for the light with the assigned outlet of the multifunc-
tional interface.
– See also Electrical diagrams and Interface description - external peripheral equipment in the op-
erating manual.

Parameter, component (light)*

General tab

Digital output: Digital

Type: Group title

* = Option
520 / 614 Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00
Components and commands

Behaviour after stop

Type: Group title

Behaviour after stop

Type: Selection parameter
Factory setting: 0: Output remains unchanged
0: Outlet remains unchanged
1: Set outlet to "On"
2: Set outlet to "Off"

Digital output or input: (affected connection)

Type: Group title

Signal logic setting (logic level)

Type: Group title
The signal logic can be inverted via checkbox or selection.
– If several connections are assigned to this output or input, the setting for all these connections
are valid.

"Connections" register

Two connections are assigned in this register.

– See Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: Lighting*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.
– Only assigned connections will appear.
– Note that the signal logic of certain digital inputs and outputs in the register General can be inver-
ted (0 = high) Switch light on/off* command

Switch light on/off parameter

No adjustments can be made.

* = Option
Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00 521 / 614
Components and commands

4.12.11 Extractor*
This option facilitates improved dirt removal in a clean room during purging/emptying. The extractor
can be switched on and off via a button or corresponding sequence commands. The gate is opened
through a pneumatic valve and the clean room blower is changed over to stage 2 through potential-
free contact. The purging/emptying sequence must also be extended with the relevant commands
(switch on or switch off).
The option Extractor is not exclusively determined for the purging/emptying. The application is pos-
sible at any time of the machine operation. Extractor* component


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Extractor* Activate* Extractor* [}Page 36]

[}Page 524]

[}Page 524]

Setup and connection

The fundamentals for the creation and connection of an auxiliary control are described in chapter
Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Create auxiliary control component

An auxiliary control component is only displayed after it has been
created in the Component manager topic via the Create button.

– Category: Periphery
– Type: Extractor
– Technology: Gate (pneumatic)

Configure the digital input and valve connection on this component in the register Connections. Con-
nect the assigned connections with the corresponding connections on the extractor.
– See also electrical diagram.

Extractor* parameter component

General tab

* = Option
522 / 614 Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00
Components and commands

Execution times
The execution time of the Activate and Deactivate commands is determined here. The start of the fol-
lowing command is therefore delayed accordingly.

Air valve: Gate (pneumatic)

The behaviour of the gate in the event of a stop can be determined here.

Digital input: Digital

Type: Group title

Debouncing times for input signals

Type: Group title

Debouncing time signal "...

Type: Setpoint
Determines the period of time in which this signal must be steadily available for, so that it can be
deemed "detected".

Digital output or input: (affected connection)

Type: Group title

Signal logic setting (logic level)

Type: Group title
The signal logic can be inverted via checkbox or selection.
– If several connections are assigned to this output or input, the setting for all these connections
are valid.

"Connections" register

Two connections are assigned in this register.

– See Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: Extractor*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.
– Only assigned connections will appear.
– Note that the signal logic of certain digital inputs and outputs in the register General can be inver-
ted (0 = high)

* = Option
Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00 523 / 614
Components and commands Activate/deactivate extractor* command

Extractor* parameter
No adjustments can be made.

* = Option
524 / 614 Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00
Components and commands

4.12.12 Clean room module*

Two digital outputs can be controlled, and used as a fan and lighting. Next, 4 inputs can be mon-
itored, and used as a prefilter, main filter, cover position and fan motor. The active production is
stopped at the end of the next cycle as a monitoring reaction. The production is blocked until the fault
has been rectified.
The interface MD11 (4 inputs, 4 outputs) can be used as a hardware interface, for example. Clean room module* component


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Clean room mod- Switch on fan* Ventilation* [}Page 36]

ule* [}Page 527]

Switch off fan*

[}Page 527]

Switch on light* Light* [}Page 36]


[}Page 527]

Switch off light*

[}Page 527]

Setup and connection

The fundamentals for the creation and connection of an auxiliary control are described in chapter
Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Create auxiliary control component

An auxiliary control component is only displayed after it has been
created in the Component manager topic via the Create button.

– Category: Periphery
– Type: Clean room module
– Technology: Digital

Configure the digital input and output on this component in the register Connections. Connect the as-
signed connections with the corresponding connections on the clean room module.
– See also Electric diagram and Interface descriptions in the operating instructions.

* = Option
Netstal-Maschinen AG | 06/07/2018 | SW 8.1.2 (EL150) | SAP: 28000744 | HDB | 001 | 00 525 / 614
Components and commands

Clean room module* parameter

General tab

Inputs/outputs: Digital
Type: Group title

Debouncing times for input signals

Type: Group title

Debouncing time signal "...

Type: Setpoint
Determines the period of time in which this signal must be steadily available for, so that it can be
deemed "detected".

Digital output or input: (affected connection)

Type: Group title

Signal logic setting (logic level)

Type: Group title
The signal logic can be inverted via checkbox or selection.
– If several connections are assigned to this output or input, the setting for all these connections
are valid.

"Connections" register

Two connections are assigned in this register.

– See Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

Register info

See Parameter area register (component) [}Page 178]


Connection states: Clean room module*

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.
– Only assigned connections will appear.
– Note that the signal logic of certain digital inputs and outputs in the register General can be inver-
ted (0 = high)

* = Option
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Components and commands Activate/deactivate extractor* command

Extractor* parameter
No adjustments can be made.

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Components and commands

4.12.13 Heaters and hot-runner controllers*

The components of this auxiliary control category allow communication between the machine control
and heaters or hot runner controllers.
Heaters and hot runner controllers are intended for the tempering of moulds or hot runner systems. Setup and connection

The fundamentals for the creation and connection of an auxiliary control are described in chapter
Auxiliary controls [}Page 180]. Component-specific settings and connection information are available

in the chapter of the relevant component.

– The type of tempering (water, electric etc.) depends on the unit; see the documentation of the
unit manufacturer.
– Integrated units are connected and configured by Netstal-Maschinen AG and ready to operate.

Create auxiliary control component

An auxiliary control component is only displayed after it has been
created in the Component manager topic via the Create button.

Category Type (component) Information exchange
Heaters and hot-runner External heater* – VNC remote control
controllers [}Page 529]

– Digital signals
Integrated heater* – VNC remote control
[}Page 532]

– Digital signals
Remote control of Feller – VNC remote control
hot-runner controller* – Data record exchange
[}Page 533]

Integrated Feller hot-runner – VNC remote control

controller* [}Page 534]

– Data record exchange

– Digital signals

* = Option
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Components and commands External heater* component

With this component, a heater of a third-party manufacturer can be operated by the machine control.
Control and monitoring signals are exchanged between the injection moulding machine and heater
via a digital interface.
The heater can be set to switched on, reduced, switched off, and boost temperature via buttons.
With the VNC remote control, the screen display of the connected unit can be accessed via the injec-
tion moulding machine operating unit.


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
External heater* None External heater*
[}Page 24]

Increase temperat-
ures* [}Page 24]

The fundamentals for the creation and connection of an auxiliary control are described in chapter
Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

In order for units of various manufacturers to be integrated, there are a number of connections avail-
able. Their scope of application depends on the available inputs and outputs of the connected unit.

Type Connection Function
Digital input Switch on heater Switch on button signal
Switch off heater Switch off button signal
Decrease temp. Reduce button signal
Increase temperatures Boost button signal
Power release Switch on button signal
(Power contactor)
Digital output Temp. reached Monitoring and interlocks
Device fault
Flow monitors
Fault, general

Digital outputs
The connection Boost temperatures is controlled via the Boost temperatures button. All others via the
External heater button.
– Switching sequence of the button External heater: Switch on-reduce-switch off.
– Note: If the component is renamed, the button designation changes accordingly.
The connection Power release is intended for the control of an available power contactor. The output
is set with the Switch on button function and is dropped off with Switch off.

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Components and commands

Digital inputs
The inputs are used for monitoring and interlocks.
– See Monitoring and interlocks [}Page 531].

For the machine, the inputs and outputs can be wired to any connections of a multifunctional inter-
face. Usually, the multifunctional interfaces MD11 or MD12 are used.
– See also Interface descriptions in the operating manual.
With regard to the unit, the following must be observed:
– It concerns a universal interface (no unit-specific solution)
– The unit must be available in a maximum configuration of 4 inputs and outputs.
– The individual signals must be able to be allocated with a consistent function of the machine out-
puts or inputs from the unit.


Two connections are assigned in this register.

– See also Auxiliary controls [}Page 180].

The outgoing button signals are to be assigned to the corresponding connection.
The outgoing signals from the heater are to be assigned to the corresponding input.
– Connections that are not used must be unchecked.

The input and output signals can be adapted to the requirements of the connected unit here.
– This is also possible on the connected unit depending on the manufacturer and design.
Pulse signal
Output signals can be set to pulse or continuous signals.
The pulse duration can be altered.
– Factory setting: 0.5 s
Debouncing time
Determines the period of time in which the input signal must be steadily available for, so that it can
be deemed "detected".
– Factory setting: 0.5 s

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Components and commands

Signal logic
The signal logic of the inputs and outputs can be inverted via checkbox or selection.
– A checkbox that is not checked corresponds to high-active.

Current state of signals of the control input and output of this component.
– Only assigned connections will appear.
– Note that the signal logic of certain digital inputs and outputs in the register General can be inver-
ted (0 = high)

Remote control (remote control)

In addition to the signal exchange, the screen display of the connected unit can be accessed via re-
mote control.
– See Remote control of external devices* [}Page 516].

Monitoring and interlocks

The external heater monitorings can be viewed and configured in the topic Monitoring - component
monitoring - external heater. Their reactions can also be viewed there.
There is one monitoring for each of the four inputs.
– All are switched on as standard, but they may also be switched off.
– If no corresponding input is assigned, the monitoring never responds.

Various predefined interlocks are available to synchronise the external heater with other compon-
They can be viewed and configured in the topic Interlocks.
– The outgoing interlocks from the heater can be viewed in the component External heater.
– Defective external heater blocks the production start.
– Switched-on external heater blocks cooling water1 switch-on.
– ...
– Outgoing interlocks from other components must be viewed in the corresponding component.
– Cooling water* without through flow blocks external heater switch-on.
– ...

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Components and commands Integrated heater* component

With this component, an integrated heater can be operated by the machine control.
Control and monitoring signals are exchanged between the injection moulding machine and heater
via a digital interface.
The heater can be set to switched on, reduced, switched off, and boost temperature via buttons.
With the VNC remote control, the screen display of the connected unit can be accessed via the injec-
tion moulding machine operating unit.
– See Remote control of external devices* [}Page 516].

The component is created and configured by Netstal-Maschinen AG.


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Integrated heater* None Integrated heater*
[}Page 24]

Increase temperat-
ures* [}Page 24]

Settings and functions correspond to the component External heater*.
– See also External heater* component [}Page 529].

* = Option
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Components and commands Component, remote control of Feller hot-runner controller*

With the VNC remote control, the screen display of the connected unit can be accessed via the injec-
tion moulding machine operating unit.
– For connection, general description and settings, see Remote control of external devices*
[}Page 516].

A data record exchange is also possible via the same connection.


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Remote control of None None
Feller hot-runner con-


Component-specific settings
This must correspond with the set access authorisation of the remote control connection (VNC) to
the external unit.
– Factory setting: fe.vnc
Server name or IP address of external unit.
– The server name only functions when the connection is made via the company network.
Replace the three xxx of the factory setting with the unit number of the Feller hot-runner controller.
– Factory setting: MCSCONTROLxxx
– This setting corresponds with the predefined server name of the Feller hot runner controller.
Data record replacement with the device
When the checkbox is marked, the data record of the connect hot-runner controller is read or saved
when the machine data record is also read or saved.
Note: The transmission to the hot-runner controller is carried out when the machine data record is
User name
This must correspond with the relevant setting on the external unit.
– Factory setting: sgm.netstal
This must correspond with the relevant setting on the external unit.
– Factory setting: fe.ftp
This must correspond with the relevant setting on the external unit.
– Factory setting: 36369

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Components and commands

General settings
See Remote control of external devices* [}Page 516]. Component, integrated Feller hot-runner controller

With this component, an integrated heater can be operated by the machine control.
Control and monitoring signals are exchanged via a digital interface.
The hot runner controller can be switched to on, reduced and off via a button.
With the VNC remote control, the screen display of the connected unit can be accessed via the injec-
tion moulding machine operating unit.
– For connection, general description and settings, see Remote control of external devices*
[}Page 516].

A data record exchange is also possible via the same connection.

The component is created and configured by Netstal-Maschinen AG.


Components, commands and buttons

Component Commands Screen buttons
Integrated Feller None Integrated Feller hot-runner
hot-runner control- controller* [}Page 24]


Settings and functions correspond to the component External heater*.
– See also External heater* component [}Page 529].

* = Option
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Components and commands

4.12.14 Rotary plate*, index plates* and slide*

The components of this auxiliary control category are determined for the multi-component injection
moulding (nC) with turning or shifting technology. They control the mechanics for the turning or
movement of the injection moulded part in the moulds. Setup and connection

The fundamentals for the creation and connection of an auxiliary control are described in chapter
Auxiliary controls [}Page 180]. Component-specific settings and connection information are available

in the chapter of the relevant component.

Danger of injury
Incorrect setup and connection of auxiliary controls can lead to hazards.
§ The safety precautions and information in chapter Auxiliary controls
[}Page 180] and Connecting mediums [}Page 579] must always be observed.

Create auxiliary control component

An auxiliary control component is only displayed after it has been
created in the Component manager topic via the Create button.

Category Type Technology Settings
Rotary plate, index Polarform rotary Electric (converter/servo mo- Polarform rotary plate*
plates and slide* plate tor) component
[}Page 536]

Mould rotary device* Electric (converter/servo mo- Mould rotary device*

tor) component
[}Page 537]

External rotary plate* Digital External rotary plate*

[}Page 538]

Index plate with Electric (asynchronous mo- Index plate with asyn-
asynchronous mo- tor) chronous motor com-
tor* ponent* [}Page 539]

Index plate* Hydraulic Index plate (hydraulic)

[}Page 540]

Slide valve* Hydraulic Slide valve component*

[}Page 541]

* = Option
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Components and commands Polarform rotary plate* component

Component Commands Screen buttons
Polarform rotary plate* Next position* Referencing*
[}Page 33]

Next position*
[}Page 33]

Move to start posi-

tion* [}Page 33]

[}Page 33]

This component serves for the activation of a rotary movement with a rotary plate from Polarform via
an auxiliary control converter.
The rotary axis can be moved cyclically to the next position via the sequence command Next posi-
tion. This is also possible several times in the same cycle. The axis can be moved manually to the
next position via the button Next position. A programmable angle is moved in setup mode. If the axis
is not referenced, this can be done via the Reference button. If the axis has already been referenced,
the Move to start position button is provided in automatic mode. The most recently learned reference
position can thereby be moved to in any situation.
The Position switch connection is used to check whether the axis is actually also in a valid position
after the movement command. If this is not the case, most of the movements of other axes will be
Polarform uses a centring spline for the exact alignment of the rotary plate. Before each rotary move-
ment, this is automatically moved to the Not centred position and, if the position is valid, following
each movement to the Centred position. Without activation, the spline is moved to the Not centred
position. The position of the spline is controlled by two limit switches. As soon as centring is
triggered, the rotation motor is switched without torque.
For the lubrication of the rotary plate, a pulse is emitted from the installed lubrication unit following a
specific number of cycles or specific time (depending on the programming). Fault or Lubrication unit
empty is reported via the corresponding sensor.
For synchronisation with the handling unit, the EM67 signal Mould area free is taken into account as
a release condition for all rotary movements. If the connection Release by robot is configured, a sep-
arate signal from the robot can release the rotary movement. In order to notify the robot that a re-
leased rotation has been ended, the signal Rotation ended can be configured.
While the reference movement is underway, until the position switch configured at the Reference
switch connection is detected. After the switch is overrun, the zero point is calculated and moved to.
The centring spline is moved in here and the zero point is then learned. If the accuracy of the refer-
ence procedure is not sufficient, an automatic corrective movement (for the correspondingly pro-
grammed angle) can be carried out to obtain an improvement.
Rotary movements are only possible when the clamping unit position is greater than the Minimum
position of the clamping unit for rotation programmed on the component.
All rotary unit movements are only possible if the safety cover is closed.

* = Option
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Components and commands

Rotary plate with hydraulic circuits

When the rotary plate is equipped with hydraulic circuits, ensure that there is no pressure in the hy-
draulic circuits during the rotary movement of the rotary plate. In the procedure before rotation (next
position command), the force switchover in the end position must be reduced to approx. 1% on the
corresponding command or through an additional one. The pressure should not be higher than what
is required to hold the end positions.

Type Connection
Connection servo motor Servo motor
Air valve closed without activation Activation of the centring pin
Digital output Rotation ended*
Signal Lubrication on*
Digital input End position Retracted*
End position Extended*
Signal Ok*
Signal Fault*
Position switch
Reference position*
Release via robot*
See also the interface description in the Spare Parts Finder Mould rotary device* component

Component Commands Screen buttons
Mould rotary device* Next position* Referencing*
[}Page 33]

Next position*
[}Page 33]

Move to start posi-

tion* [}Page 33]

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Components and commands

Replace the drive
For the operation of the rotary axis, the converter requires a motor-specific data
record. Therefore, the drive cannot be replaced at will.
§ Contact Netstal Service.

This component serves for the activation of a rotary movement with a rotary plate character, such as
Spin Stack, via an auxiliary control converter.
The rotary axis can be moved cyclically to the next position via the sequence command Next posi-
tion. This is also possible several times in the same cycle. The axis can be moved manually to the
next position via the button Next position. A programmable angle is moved in setup mode. If the axis
is not referenced, this can be done via the Reference button. If the axis has already been referenced,
the Move to start position button is provided in automatic mode. The most recently learned reference
position can thereby be moved to in any situation.
The Position switch connection is used to check whether the axis is actually also in a valid position
after the movement command. If this is not the case, most of the movements of other axes will be
While the reference movement is underway, until the position switch configured at the Reference
switch connection is detected. After the switch is overrun, the zero point is calculated and moved to.
The zero point is learned here. If no separate reference switch is available, the connection can be
deselected. In this case, the reference movement is carried out with the connection Position switch. If
the accuracy of the reference procedure is not sufficient, an automatic corrective movement (for the
correspondingly programmed angle) can be carried out to obtain an improvement.
If the programmable position Mould position guided is undershot while the mould is closed, the drive
torque of the rotary axis will be reduced to the torque that is also programmable. The rotary axis can
thereby be accurately centred without a counteracting torque. When the clamping unit is opened, the
torque is increased again when the same position is overshot.
Rotary movements are only possible when the clamping unit position is greater than the Minimum
position of the clamping unit for rotation programmed on the component.
All rotary unit movements are only possible if the safety cover is closed.

Type Connection
Connection servo motor Servo motor
Digital input Position switch
Reference position* External rotary plate* component

Component Commands Screen buttons
External rotary plate* Next position* Referencing*
[}Page 33]

Next position*
[}Page 33]

* = Option
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Components and commands

This component serves for the activation of a rotary plate via digital control signals.
The rotary plate can be further rotated to the next position via the sequence command Next position.
When this command is executed, the next movement command is calculated and carried out via the
rotational angle, rotational mode and direction of rotation parameters.
The Reference button is displayed when the external control does not recognise the reference posi-
tion. Pressing this button starts a reference movement. If the external control reports that the refer-
ence position has been successfully reached, the command is ended and the button changes to the
function Next position.
With the Next position button, the next movement is calculated and carried out via the rotational
angle, rotational mode and direction of rotation parameters, analogous to the Next position sequence
Rotary movements are only possible when the clamping unit position is greater than the Minimum
position of the clamping unit for rotation programmed on the component.
All rotary unit movements are only possible if the safety cover is closed.

Type Connection
Digital output Clockwise movement
Anti-clockwise movement
Reference movement
Mould mechanically free
Digital input Referenced
In position
Inputs and outputs of the digital multifunctional interface can be used, or the specially provided
MD2162 can be used.
If the machine is operated without a rotary plate, the MD2162 interface must be provided with a
bridging plug. Index plate with asynchronous motor component*

Component Commands Screen buttons
Index plate with asyn- Next position* Referencing*
chronous motor* [}Page 33]

Next position*
[}Page 33]

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Components and commands

This component serves for the activation of an index plate with an asynchronous motor.
The index plate can be further rotated to the next position via the sequence command Next position.
When this command is executed, the drive is switched on via the contactor until the braking limit
switch has been reached, and then runs until the limit switch.
The Reference button is displayed when the control does not recognise the reference position.
Pressing this button starts a reference movement. If the control reports that the reference position
has been successfully reached, the button functions changes to Next position again.
With the Next position button, the corresponding rotary movement is carried out analogous to the
Next position sequence command.
Rotary movements are only possible when the clamping unit position is greater than the Minimum
position of the clamping unit for rotation programmed on the component.
All rotary unit movements are only possible if the safety cover is closed.

Type Connection
Three-phase AC connection Switch drive on/off
Digital input Braking position
End position Index plate (hydraulic) component*

Component Commands Screen buttons
Index plate (hydraulic)* Change position* Index plate*
[}Page 33]

This component serves for the activation of a hydraulic index plate.
The index plate can be further rotated to the second position via the sequence command Change po-
The position change can be carried out in one direction or another via the Index plate button.

Type Connection
Hydraulic connection Hydraulic proportional directional valve
Digital input Limit switch, position At rear*
Limit switch, position In front*

* = Option
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Components and commands Slide valve component*

Component Commands Screen buttons
Slide valve (hydraulic)* Change position* Slide valve*
[}Page 33]

This component serves for the activation of a hydraulic slide valve.
The slide valve can be further rotated to the second position via the sequence command Change po-
The position change can be carried out in one direction or another via the Index plate button.

Type Connection
Hydraulic connection Hydraulic proportional directional valve
Digital input Limit switch, position At rear*
Limit switch, position In front*

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Components and commands

* = Option
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5 Operation
5.1 Switch the control on ....................................................................................................... 544
5.2 Switch off control ............................................................................................................. 545
5.3 Create readiness for operation........................................................................................ 547
5.3.1 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................... 547
5.3.2 Setting up the mould ....................................................................................................... 547
5.3.3 Data record...................................................................................................................... 547
5.3.4 Checking mediums.......................................................................................................... 547
5.3.5 Switch on drives and heaters .......................................................................................... 547
5.3.6 Open material feed.......................................................................................................... 548
5.3.7 Purging plasticising unit .................................................................................................. 548
5.3.8 Checking readiness for operation ................................................................................... 548
5.4 Operating modes............................................................................................................. 549
5.4.1 Recovery mode ............................................................................................................... 549
5.4.2 Setup mode ..................................................................................................................... 550
5.4.3 Manual mode................................................................................................................... 551
5.4.4 Automatic mode .............................................................................................................. 554
5.4.5 Automatic mode non-production ..................................................................................... 554
5.4.6 Automatic mode production ............................................................................................ 555
5.5 Reduced temperatures.................................................................................................... 558
5.5.1 Activating reduced temperatures .................................................................................... 558
5.6 Start production ............................................................................................................... 559
5.7 Shutting down the machine ............................................................................................. 560
5.7.1 Proper shutdown ............................................................................................................. 560
5.7.2 Immediate shutdown ....................................................................................................... 561
5.7.3 Emergency shutdown...................................................................................................... 561
5.8 Interrupted operation ....................................................................................................... 562
5.8.1 Brief interruption to operation .......................................................................................... 562
5.8.2 Medium-term interruption to operation ............................................................................ 562
5.8.3 Extended interruption to operation .................................................................................. 563

Operating the machine
The machine must only be operated by authorised and trained personnel.
§ The owner must provide personnel with special training on possible hazards.
§ The responsibilities involved in installation, commissioning, operation, main-
tenance and disassembly must be clearly adhered to within the operation in
the interests of safety.
§ The work on the machine must always be seen in conjunction with the internal
working instructions of the owner and the local work safety rules.

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5.1 Switch the control on

Danger when switching on
Before switching on, make sure the machine is in a safe condition.
ü Safety equipment and protective devices must be fitted and fully functional.
ü All connecting cables must be properly connected.
ü Covers must be fitted on the main switch and other live components in the
control cabinet.
§ Check the safety equipment and protective devices for completeness and in-
ð See also the corresponding chapter in the maintenance.

To switch on the control, first press the main switch and then the control switch.
ü Main switch in position [0].
ü Control switch in position [Off].
§ Switch the main switch into position [1].
ð If the machine has multiple main switches, these must
all be actuated.
ð See also chapter Main switch in the operating instruc-
§ Switch control switch to position [On].
ð Control lamp of the control switch flashes (short pause,
long burst).
ð The control is switched on and started up.
ð The control is ready for use when the control switch re-
mains lit.
– After starting, the machine is not ready for production in automatic non-production mode.

Problems when switching on

Risk of serious injury due to high voltage
Work on electrical components/assemblies may only be carried out by specially
trained personnel in accordance with the electrotechnical safety rules.
§ The owner must ensure that the electrical systems and operating materials are
operated in accordance with the electrotechnical safety rules.

ü Control does not switch on.

§ Check the mains voltage and all automatic fuses.
ð Control does not always switch on.
§ Contact Netstal Service.

* = Option
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5.2 Switch off control

Danger when the control is not switched off properly
Damage can be caused and data can be lost when the control is not switched off
The main switch must not be switched on when control is switched on.
§ Always switch off the control with the control switch.

The control can be shut down

– with the control switch or
– by breaking the connection via the programming interface.

Switching off with the control switch

To switch off the control, first press the control switch and then the main switch.
ü Production stopped.
ü Drives and heaters switched off.
§ Switch control switch to position [Off].
ð The control is shut down and switched off.
ð The control is switched off when the control light re-
mains unlit.
§ Switch off the main switch (position [0]) and ensure that
it cannot be switched back on.
ð Use a padlock with a bail diameter of 4-8 mm.
ð If the machine has multiple main switches, these
must all be actuated and secured.
ð See also chapter Main switch in the operating in-
ð Machine power supply is switched off, machine is
powered down.

Switching off via the programming interface

ü This process must only be carried out when the con-
nection is broken.
§ Select System characteristic data topic.

§ Click on the system shutdown button.

ð The system shut-down dialogue box appears.

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§ Click the YES button.

ð The control is shut down and switched off.
ð The control is switched off when the control light re-
mains unlit.
§ Switch the main switch into position [0].
ð If the machine has multiple main switches, these
must all be actuated.
ð See also chapter Main switch in the operating in-
ð Machine power supply is switched off, machine is
powered down.

Problems when switching off

ü Control does not switch off.
§ Contact Netstal Service.

* = Option
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5.3 Create readiness for operation

1. Meet prerequisites
2. Setting up the mould
3. Creating a production process
4. Check mediums
5. Switch on drives and heaters
6. Open material feed
7. Purging plasticising unit
8. Checking readiness for operation

5.3.1 Prerequisites
– Commissioning work is completed.
– Operating and production equipment are provided.
– The machine is in proper condition.
– The control is switched on.

5.3.2 Setting up the mould

The setup of a mould depends on the design.
– See Setup work [}Page 565].

5.3.3 Data record

A correct data record must be configured for the installed mould.
§ Create production process or read in existing data record.

5.3.4 Checking mediums

Connections to the mould
The connections to the mould must not chafe on the machine.
Damage to the machine and mould can result.
§ Check of connections:
ð Water hoses
ð Air hoses
ð Mould heaters

§ Open all required connections.

5.3.5 Switch on drives and heaters

§ Press all required switch-on buttons consecutively.
ð The buttons flash during the switch-on and heat-up
ð The buttons light when the drives and heaters are

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5.3.6 Open material feed

§ Move the material inlet into the Production position.
ð See also chapter: Material inlet.

5.3.7 Purging plasticising unit

Danger of burns
There is a danger of burns in the area of the plasticising unit.
§ Wear suitable protective gear when working on the hot plasticising unit.

Injection danger
Hot, pressurised plastic can squirt out of the nozzle.
§ Wear appropriate protective gear (face protection, protective shoes, protective
clothing etc.).

ü Pan for purged material is installed below the plasticising nozzle.

ü Nozzle covering hood closed.
ü Automatic mode selected.
§ Press purging button A or B.
ð The injection unit moves to the rear end position.
ð The purging sequence A or B is started.
§ Empty the pan for purged material in accordance with the internal work instruction.
See also Purging A/B [}Page 37] and Selection of displayed sequence

5.3.8 Checking readiness for operation

§ The following items must be checked:
ð Requisite switch-on buttons light.
ð No alarm messages.
ð Plasticising unit purged.
ð The machine is ready for operation.

For starting production, see Start production [}Page 559].


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5.4 Operating modes

After being switched on, the machine is in automatic non-production mode by default.
There are five different operating modes:
– Recovery mode
– Setup mode
– Manual mode
– Automatic mode:
– non-production
– production

Change of operating mode
A change of operating mode is only possible when production is stopped.
ü Production is stopped
§ Press the Stop button.

5.4.1 Recovery mode

This operating mode is used for the recovery, that is to say if a movement axis has to be moved out
of a locked position due to a fault or for adjustment work.

No monitoring and interlocks
Collision-endangered movements are only partially locked against each other by
the control system.
Damage to the machine and mould can result.
§ The Setup and Recovery operating modes may only be operated by persons
familiar with the mode of operation, sequences and all movements of the ma-
chine and mould.

Movements and functions required for the recovery can be triggered in this operating mode.
– Movements of the auxiliary controllers are not carried out during mould movement.
Components that are not incorporated into/used in the production process can also be moved.

The mould, injection unit and ejector movements are carried out at setup speed.
– See also Keypads [}Page 23].

All available buttons light up.
The buttons on the operating panel for moving axes function in tipping mode.
– The axis moves until the button is released or when the end position is reached.

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Operation Selecting recovery mode

ü Operational readiness is created.
ü Setup mode is selected.
§ Hold down the recovery button.
ð All buttons available in recovery mode light up.
ð The machine is in recovery mode and is ready for
manual operation.

Carrying out movements

§ Press the recovery button and the required movement button (e.g. open clamping unit)

– Releasing the button or reaching the end position stops the movement.

5.4.2 Setup mode

Movements and functions required for set-up and adjustment work can be triggered in this operating
– Collision-endangered movements are locked against each other by the control system.
– Movements of the auxiliary controllers are not carried out during mould movement.
Only components that are incorporated into/used in the production process can be moved.
– Exceptions: injection unit forward/back, mould nozzle (pneumatic, no limit switch), mould height
adjustment, screw PLA forward/back.

The mould, injection unit and ejector movements are carried out at setup speed.
– See also Keypads [}Page 23].

All available buttons light up.
The buttons on the operating panel for moving axes function in tipping mode.
– The axis moves until the button is released or when the end position is reached. Selecting setup mode

ü Operational readiness is created.
§ Press the Setup button.
ð All available buttons light up.
ð The machine is in Setup mode and is ready for manual

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5.4.3 Manual mode

Selected movements and functions can be triggered in this operating mode.
– Collision-endangered movements are locked against each other by the control system.
Only components that are incorporated into/used in the production process can be moved.
– Exceptions: injection unit forward/back, mould nozzle (pneumatic, no limit switch)

The mould, injection unit and ejector movements are carried out at manual speed.
– See also Keypads [}Page 23].

All available buttons light up.
The buttons on the operating panel for moving axes function in tipping mode.
– The axis moves until the button is released or when the end position is reached. Selecting manual mode

ü Operational readiness is created.
§ Press the manual button.
ð All available buttons light up.
ð The machine is in manual mode and is ready for
manual operation. Travelling components

In order to create user-friendly and safe manual operation, "manual operating processes" are derived
from the production process. These consist of a command of a leading component and its travelling
1. Command of a leading component
2. Travelling commands
– Commands for a travelling component
3. Manual operating process of the Open clamping unit
function key
– The command of the leading component dic-
tates the assignment of the derived manual op-
erating process to the corresponding function
– Pressing the button starts the sub-sequence.
The derived manual operating processes are determined largely automatically by the control. Manual
intervention is necessary only in exceptional cases.
– See also chapter: Settings [}Page 553].

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Behaviour in manual mode

Travelling components travel in Manual and Automatic not producing operating modes with the lead-
ing component.
– In the operating mode Automatic non-production, travelling commands are accordingly executed
with a dynamic start.
– In the operating mode Manual, travelling commands are executed serially (not dynamically).

Programming Function key (open) Operating Execution


Main component
The standard setting assigns the components ejector and all auxiliary controllers with linear axis to
the leading component clamping unit.
– This setting can be changed.
– See also chapter: Settings [}Page 553].

Travelling components
These are the components assigned to a main component.
The assignment to the leading component can be changed or deselected (switched off).
– See also chapter: Settings [}Page 553].

Travel with the leading component during performance of the corresponding manual operating pro-

Manual operating process

– A manual operating process (3) consists of a command
for a leading component (1) and the associated com-
mands of a component (2) assigned to the leading
– Associated means that the signal path from and to the
main command (red arrows) is not interrupted by a
non-travelling command.
– Manual operating processes therefore end with non-
travelling commands (5) and at cycle changes (6).
– One exception is the Wait command (4). It is ignored
when determining the manual operating process and
therefore does not cause an interruption.

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Assignment and use of a leading component

This setting is limited to expediently combinable components.
ü Desired Travelling component opened in the Compon-
ent manager.
§ Click on the Context menu button.
ð The context menu will appear.

§ Select Change main component.

ð Processing window opened.
§ Select checkbox.
ð Marked: Main component can be selected.
ð Not marked: No main component
§ Select main component.
§ Confirm with save.
ð Processing window closed.

§ The changes go into effect by pressing Activate.

ð They are loaded onto the machine control.

This setting also allows hierarchies to be formed, such as: The clamping unit is a leading component
of ejector 1 which, in turn, is a leading component of ejector 2.

Problem solving
If the control cannot assign a command for a travelling component to a leading command, a corres-
ponding error will be displayed in the problem window and the production process cannot be activ-

Error message in the problem window:

The command "Ejector > Move back" moves in the se-
quence independently of its leading component "Clamping

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The Activate blowing air control pulse command which is
not assigned to the leading component clamping unit inter-
rupts the connection to the command of the leading com-
ponent. As a result, the command Ejector move back can-
not be automatically assigned by the controller.

Solution 1
§ Move command Activate blowing air control pulse to a
ð The error disappears and the process can be activ-
ð The execution of the process remains unchanged.

Solution 2
§ Create a dependency from the leading component to
the command Move ejector back.
ð The error disappears and the process can be activ-
ð The execution of the process remains unchanged.
Solution 3
§ Place the command Activate blowing air control pulse
behind the command Ejector move back.
ð The error disappears and the process can be activ-
ð The command Activate blowing air control pulse is now
executed after the Ejector move back!
Solution 4
§ Assign the component Blowing air control to the lead-
ing component Clamping unit.
ð See Settings [}Page 553].

ð The error disappears and the process can be activ-

ð The Activate blowing air control pulse command is now
executed during the manual operating process.

5.4.4 Automatic mode

Production and Non-production must be distinguished between during automatic mode. The operat-
ing mode that the machine is in is indicated by the state of the Prepare production button.
– Operating mode Automatic non-production: button
lights up (white), the function is available.
– Operating mode Automatic production: button is greyed
out or lights up (blue).

5.4.5 Automatic mode non-production

In accordance with the standard operating mode of the machine.

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Only components that are incorporated into/used in the production process can be moved.
– Exceptions: injection unit forward/back, mould nozzle (pneumatic, no limit switch)
Movements of the auxiliary controls can be carried out during the mould movements.
– See Travelling components [}Page 551].

Movements are carried out at production speed.

All available buttons light up.
Automatic processes are started in this operating mode.
The buttons on the operating panel for moving axes function in start mode.
– The axis moves until the end position has been reached. Selecting automatic mode

ü Operational readiness is created.
ü Data record is correctly selected.
§ Press the Automatic button.
ð Automatic button lights up.
ð The machine is in automatic non-production mode.

– See also chapter: Start production [}Page 559].


5.4.6 Automatic mode production

In automatic mode, a cyclical, process-controlled production process is carried out.
– The automatic mode can also be carried out without the downstream device.

Movements are carried out in accordance with the production process.

Movements are carried out at production speed.

All available buttons light up. Select automatic mode production

ü Operational readiness is created.
ü Data record is correctly selected.
§ Press the Automatic button.
ð Automatic button lights up.
ð The machine is in automatic non-production mode.

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§ Press Prepare production button.

ð The machine is in automatic production mode.

– See also chapter: Start production [}Page 559]. Machine cycles

The production process is divided into the following ma-
chine cycles:
1. Phase-in cycle
2. Production cycle
3. Phase-out cycle

The number of phase-in and phase-out cycles is selectable.

– See also chapter: Determine number of phase-in and phase-out cycles [}Page 173].

– See also chapter: Controlled phase-in and phase-out [}Page 149].


– If appropriate, machine cycles can also be assigned for auxiliary sequences.

Phase-in cycle
This machine cycle serves to orderly start production. The axes can also be moved to the home posi-
tion at the same time.
The Phase-in cycle 1 is started using the Prepare produc-
tion button in the Automatic non-production operating

Commands newly added to the production process are not

assigned to this machine cycle. Commands need to be as-
signed (marked) manually.
– At least one command must be assigned to the phase-
in cycle or else the production process cannot be activ-

Production cycle
The production cycle is the main cycle. It corresponds to the automatically repeated cycle during pro-
The production cycle is started using the Start production
button in the Automatic non-production operating mode.

Commands that were newly added to the production process are assigned to the production and ex-
tension cycle by default.

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Phase-out cycle
This machine cycle serves the extension of the production, e.g. without metering.
The extension cycle is started in Automatic production op-
erating mode by clicking the End production button.

Commands that were newly added to the production process are assigned to the production and ex-
tension cycle by default.

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5.5 Reduced temperatures

– Heating zones can be switched from the set temperature to reduced temperatures.
– This enables production to be interrupted in a material and energy-saving manner, even for a
longer time, with constant readiness for operation.

5.5.1 Activating reduced temperatures

ü Readiness for operation is created.
§ Press the control zone button.
ð Plasticising unit
ð Temperature control units
ð Mould block heaters
ð Mould nozzle heaters
ð The heaters switch to reduced temperatures.
ð The button flashes light green.
– See also the chapter on temperature control.

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5.6 Start production

Start production
The procedure describes starting the production of a simple mould without addi-
tional kits.
§ The specifications of the mould manufacturer must be observed with addi-
tional equipment.

ü Operational readiness is created.

§ See also Create readiness for operation [}Page 547].

Procedure with standard execution

ü Available auxiliary devices are switched on.
ü The injection unit position is not in the danger area.
§ See Danger area [}Page 41].

§ Select Automatic operating mode.

ð For operating modes, see Operating modes
[}Page 549].

§ Press Prepare production button.

ð All commands activated in the phase-in cycle 1 are
ð For phase-in cycle, see Machine cycles
[}Page 556].

§ Press Start a cycle button.

ð The machine runs through one production cycle
and stops in the mould-open position.
§ Check production results and adapt programming if ne-
§ Press Start production button.
ð The machine runs through the production cycle re-
ð The Start production button changes to Production run-
ning and lights up (blue).

Procedure with Smart Operation*

With Smart Operation*, only the green and blue buttons
are required for starting production, and the red and yellow
buttons for ending production.
– See also Smart Operation* [}Page 49].

The production start is carried out via five operating states.

1 2
The operating state (1) and the currently available button
functions (2) are visible on the dashboard.
§ Repeatedly push the green button until the Producing 2
operating state has been achieved.
§ If required, the intermediate functions can or must be
triggered via the blue button.

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5.7 Shutting down the machine

5.7.1 Proper shutdown Stop, production end

The production end can be programmed by selecting a desired number of pieces.
§ Define target number of pieces with C302.
ð The production target (C302) can be changed during ongoing production.
§ Define desired reaction with C332 after reaching target number of pieces.
ð C332 = 1: An alarm is triggered.
ð C332 = 2: An alarm is triggered and production stopped.
– The piece counter (C324) is increased by the number of cavities (C303) with each cycle in the
Automatic mode.
– The number of cavities (C303) is the number of used cavities in the mould.
– The number of cavities (C303) can (and should) be adjusted when a cavity fails, even during on-
going production, so that the displayed quantity matches the actual quantity.
– The cycle counter (C325) counts all cycles in the Automatic mode.
– When the machine is switched off, the values of the piece (C324) and cycle counter (C325) are
– If C330 = 1, the piece counter (C324) and cycle counter (C325) can be set to zero by entering a
new order number (C312).
– If C330 = 0, the piece counter (C324) and cycle counter (C325) can be set to zero via the drop-
down menu FUNCTION (menu bar). Stopping at end of cycle

Procedure with standard execution
ü Production is running.
§ Press the end cycle stop button.
ð The production cycle stops after the end of the cur-
rent cycle.
ð The machine remains in automatic production
ð All illuminated production buttons are available.
§ Production is ended using the STOP button.
ð The machine switches to automatic non-production

§ Pressing the button Extend production starts the exten-

sion cycle before ending production.
ð All commands activated in the extension cycle are
ð The machine switches to automatic non-production

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§ Interrupt operation for a brief or extended period if necessary.

ð See chapter Interrupted operation [}Page 562].

Procedure with Smart Operation*

With Smart Operation*, only the green and blue buttons
are required for starting production, and the red and yellow
buttons for ending production.
– See also Smart Operation* [}Page 49].

The production end is carried out via five operating states.

1 2
The operating state (1) and the currently available button
functions (2) are visible on the dashboard.
§ Push the red button in steps until the desired operating 2
state has been achieved.
ð See also chapter: Interrupted operation
[}Page 562].

§ If required, the intermediate functions can or must be

triggered via the yellow button.

5.7.2 Immediate shutdown

Immediate shutdown means stopping and switching off all movements and occurs in the event of an
immediate danger.
ü Production is running.
§ Press the Stop button.
ð All active movements are stopped.

5.7.3 Emergency shutdown

Emergency shutdown means immediately and safely stopping and switching off all movements and
is performed in order to avoid and reduce danger.

Shutting down the machine in an emergency

ü There is an emergency.
ð All active movements are stopped.
ð The control remains switched on.
ð Moving protective devices remain locked.
ð Sockets switched on via the main switch remain
switched on.

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5.8 Interrupted operation

Operation can be interrupted due to a fault or an active intervention.

5.8.1 Brief interruption to operation

A brief interruption to operation means that the machine is switched off for a period of time of 0-10

§ Switch off nozzle heaters.
ð Operation is interrupted for a brief duration.

5.8.2 Medium-term interruption to operation

A medium-term interruption to operation means that the machine is switched off for a period of time
of 11-30 minutes.
– To minimise the probability of degraded material when restarting the machine, the plasticising
unit has to be purged before it is switched off.
– A swift, uninterrupted procedure is the prerequisite for restarting the machine with minimal plastic

Damage to the screw
A longer shut-down can cause to the material in the plasticising unit to solidify,
causing damage to the screw.
§ In the event of a shutdown exceeding 11-30 minutes, the Extended interrup-
tion to operation procedure must be carried out.

ü Machine in production.
§ Close material feeding.
§ Stop production.
§ Purge and empty material.
ð See also chapter Plasticising unit in the Maintenance Manual.
§ Empty pan for purged material.
§ Reduce plasticising and mould temperatures.
ð See Reduced temperatures [}Page 558] in the operating manual.

§ Switch off drives if necessary.

ð Operation is interrupted for a medium-term duration.

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5.8.3 Extended interruption to operation

An extended interruption to operation means that the machine is switched off for a period exceeding
11-30 minutes.

ü Machine in production.
§ Close material feeding.
§ Stop production.
§ Purge and empty material.
ð See also chapter Plasticising unit in the Maintenance Manual.
§ Empty pan for purged material.
§ Switch off plasticising and mould temperatures.
§ Switch off any auxiliary units.
§ Change to manual operating mode.
§ Close mould to about 10 mm.
ð Protects the mould against possible damage and relieves the toggle lever.
§ Switch off drives.
§ Close moving protective devices.

Switching off the machine for longer than one day

§ Cover the mould and tie-bars with silicone spray.
§ Switch off the control.
§ Switch off the main switch and ensure that it cannot be switched back on.
§ Close the compressed air feed.
§ Close the cooling water feed (flow and return).
ð After the mould has cooled down if necessary.

Switching off the machine for longer than one week

§ Lubricate all lubricating points of the machine.
§ Apply a thin oil film to all uncoated surfaces to protect against corrosion.
§ A change of oil on motors and gears can prevent deposits before a prolonged shut-down.

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Setup work

6 Setup work
6.1 Setting up the mould ....................................................................................................... 567
6.1.1 Prepare machine, mould and auxiliary material .............................................................. 570
6.1.2 Installing mould ............................................................................................................... 570
6.1.3 Clamping mould .............................................................................................................. 572
6.1.4 Secure mould .................................................................................................................. 573
6.1.5 Read in/complement data record .................................................................................... 575
6.1.6 Set up ejector .................................................................................................................. 577
6.1.7 Connecting mediums....................................................................................................... 579
6.1.8 Set clamping force........................................................................................................... 582
6.1.9 Injection unit stroke learning ........................................................................................... 582
6.1.10 Dry cycle.......................................................................................................................... 583
6.2 Remove mould ................................................................................................................ 584
6.3 Mould stroke limitation* ................................................................................................... 585
6.4 Mould quick clamping system (WSS)* ............................................................................ 587
6.4.1 Install mould with quick clamping system (WSS)*........................................................... 587
6.4.2 Clamping mould .............................................................................................................. 589
6.4.3 Secure mould with quick clamping system (WSS)*......................................................... 590
6.4.4 Remove mould with quick clamping system (WSS)*....................................................... 591
6.4.5 Standstill behaviour with quick clamping system (WSS)* ............................................... 591
6.4.6 Moulds without quick clamping system (WSS)* .............................................................. 593
6.5 Plasticising unit................................................................................................................ 594
6.5.1 Change plasticising unit .................................................................................................. 595
6.5.2 Changing plasticising nozzle ........................................................................................... 595

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Setup work

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Setup work

6.1 Setting up the mould

1. Prepare machine, mould and auxiliary material
2. Install mould, set mould height
3. Carry out mould clamping
4. Secure mould
5. Set up ejector
6. Learning ejector stroke
7. Connecting mediums
8. Create production process, configure components
9. Set clamping force
10. Injection unit stroke learning

Danger caused by incorrect mould setup
Improper setup of the mould/ejector can cause damage to the machine and
§ The procedure describes the setting up of a simple mould with a standard
ejector and without additional equipment such as:
ð Core tractions
ð Quick-clamping systems
ð Special devices
§ The specifications of the mould manufacturer must be observed with addi-
tional equipment.

Heavy loads pose a risk to health.
The lifting of heavy loads can cause damage to health.
Larger individual parts and subassemblies can only be removed or installed with
lifting gear.
§ Provide suitable lifting gear in a technically sound condition.
§ Attach component to the lifting gear.

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Setup work

Danger caused by incorrect mould installation dimensions
Only those moulds which comply with the dimensions on the mould clamping plate
may be installed.
§ If moulds are installed which exceed the dimensions of the mould clamping
plate, then the safety distances must be complied with.

Mould installation height
The setting of the mould installation height S90 must be carried out with particular
If this setting is not made properly, damage to the mould and the machine can
§ The mould installation height must be set during every mould change.

Operating the machine
The machine must only be operated by authorised and trained personnel.
§ The owner must provide personnel with special training on possible hazards.
§ The responsibilities involved in installation, commissioning, operation, main-
tenance and disassembly must be clearly adhered to within the operation in
the interests of safety.
§ The work on the machine must always be seen in conjunction with the internal
working instructions of the owner and the local work safety rules.

Material damage due to careless installation of the mould
Material damage can occur on the machine components if the mould is installed
Netstal-Maschinen AG assumes no liability when material damage occurs on the
machine components following mould installation carried out by the customer.
§ If material damage is detected on machine components, particularly the tie-
bars, shut down the machine and contact Netstal service staff.

Damage caused by heating of the mould clamping plates
The mould clamping plates may heat up when using mould heaters/mould temper-
ature control, which can cause damage.
Damage to the machine and mould can occur at a temperature difference of >50
°C between the mould clamping plate and the machine bed.
§ Install insulation plates between the mould clamping plate and the mould.

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Setup work

No monitoring and interlocks
Collision-endangered movements are only partially locked against each other by
the control system.
Damage to the machine and mould can result.
§ The Setup and Recovery operating modes may only be operated by persons
familiar with the mode of operation, sequences and all movements of the ma-
chine and mould.

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Setup work

6.1.1 Prepare machine, mould and auxiliary material

ü Installation and commissioning are completed.
§ Clean machine and mould clamping plates
ð See also chapter Machine in general in the maintenance manual.
§ Install corresponding plasticising units/nozzles.
ð See Plasticising unit [}Page 594].

§ Procure appropriate lifting gear for mould installation.

6.1.2 Installing mould

Note: If installing and securing moulds with the Quick clamping system (WSS)*, please see chapter:
Mould quick clamping system (WSS)* [}Page 587].

ü No mould is clamped (1). 1

ü Moving protective devices closed.
ü Drives switched on and ready to operate.
§ Read in model data record.
ð In order to proceed further, this data record must be read in.
ð Standard: Use Default - NETSTAL Default dataset. 2
ð With Euromap 67*: Use Default2 - NETSTAL Default dataset with
ð See also Reading data record [}Page 90] in the operating

§ Measure the installation height of the mould to be installed (2), and
enter S90 in the Mould installation height setpoint parameter.
ð Component manager - components - clamping unit - setpoint
mould installation height
§ Parameterise the opening stroke S44 for the command Open clamp-
ing unit.
ð Sequence editor - open clamping unit command - movement pro-
§ Activate entries

§ Press the Setup(3) button. 3

ð Machine is in the Setup operating mode.

§ Press the ejector Stroke learning button (4). 4

ð Ejector stroke is learned without ejector and mould.

§ Press left button Ejector back (5) until the end position has been 5
ð Arrow and end position symbol of the button illuminated.
ð Note: Ejector not pressed on at rear locks the clamping unit.

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Setup work

§ Press the Close clamping unit button (6) on the right and move the 6
moving mould clamping plate to the front end position.
ð System message 2607 clamping unit not locked: insufficient
clamping force F39 appears.
§ With the left Set mould installation height button (7) advance the in- 7
stallation height adjustment until the distance of the mould clamping
plates is approx. 20 mm greater than the mould that is to be installed

§ Press the Open clamping unit button (9) on the left and advance the 9
moving mould clamping plate to the end position.

§ Position the mould with the appropriate lifting gear between the 10
mould clamping plates (10) and secure it on the mould clamping
plate on the nozzle side with a suitable center ring.
§ Attach the mould clamping plate on the nozzle side with suitable
clamping devices.
§ If necessary, mount ejector rods at the mould (do not connect).

§ Press the Close clamping unit button (11) on the right and move the 11
moving mould clamping plate to the front end position.
ð Attention: When closing the mould, watch for any mechanical
damage (e.g. ejector rods).
ð If the procedure is carried out correctly, there should be no mould
ð System message 2607 clamping unit not locked: insufficient
clamping force F39 appears.
§ Clamping mould [}Page 572] carry out.

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6.1.3 Clamping mould

Damaged caused by locked mould
Do not leave the machine with locked mould. This can lead to damage of the ma-
chine and mould.
§ Relieve mould.

The mould clamping sequence is used to centre the mould before securing it with clamping force.
ü Installing mould [}Page 570] carried out and therefore:
ü Mould clamped on nozzle-side mould clamping plate.
ü Move the moving mould clamping plate to the front end position (1).
§ Enter the required clamping force of the mould F30 in the Clamping
force setpoint parameter and activate.
ð Component manager - components - clamping unit - clamping
force setpoint
§ Press the Setup (2) button. 2
ð Machine is in the Setup operating mode.

§ Press the Adjust mould installation height button (3) on the right until 3
the moving mould clamping plate is pressed on the mould with force
and the installation height adjustment stops.
ð System message 2206 Fault in the central adjustment drive: cent-
ral adjustment does not move appears, but it can be ignored in
this case.
§ Press the Define mould installation height button (4). 4
ð Mould installation height is determined automatically (parameter
ð Completion of the function is confirmed with the system message
2505 Mould installation height learned s = XXX.XX mm.
§ Check mould position.
ð It must be ≤ 0 mm, otherwise start the process Clamping again.
§ Press the Set clamping force button (5). 5
ð The Clamping mould sequence is started.
ð Completion of the function is confirmed with the system message
2505 Mould installation height learned s = XXX.XX mm.
ð Mould is locked and the clamping force is set approximately (ap-
prox. 80% of the programmed clamping force).
ð Note: Pressing the button again starts the Clamping mould se-
quence again and sets the clamping force to approx. 95%.
§ Secure mould [}Page 573] carry out.

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6.1.4 Secure mould

The procedure is dependent on the machine equipment.
– With standard equipment: go to Clamping mould without clamping force (standard) [}Page 573].

– With option Clamping under clamping force* go to Clamping mould under clamping force*
[}Page 574].

– With option Quick-clamping system* go to Install mould with quick clamping system (WSS)*
[}Page 587]. Clamping mould without clamping force (standard)

Danger of collision
If mould auxiliary controls have not been created and connected, they will neither
be monitored nor locked against each other.
§ Make sure that existing core tractions, slides, ejectors etc. are in the "Safe"
position and there is no danger of collisions when advancing or closing the
mould halves.

ü Clamping mould [}Page 572] carried out and therefore:


ü Mould mounted on nozzle sided mould clamping plate.

ü Installation height determined.
ü Setup (1) operating mode selected. 1
§ Make sure that the moving mould clamping plate touches the mould.
ð The mould is locked following the Clamping sequence. The clamp-
ing force drops out when opening the moving protective device.
The mould is locked without force and can be attached.

§ Attach the moving mould clamping plate with suitable clamping devices.
§ Remove the hoist, transport devices and all transport locks on the mould.

§ Press the Open clamping unit button (2) on the left until the mould is 2
ð Secure mould is completed.

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Setup work Clamping mould under clamping force*

Stored energy in the event of an interruption to machine operation
Machine operation may not be interrupted when the function Clamp mould under
clamping force is active. There is a danger posed by stored energy.
If there is nevertheless an interruption to operation, no work may be carried out in
the clamping unit area.
§ See also Interrupted operation [}Page 562] in the operating Manual.

Damaged caused by locked mould
Do not leave the machine with locked mould. This can lead to damage of the ma-
chine and mould.
§ Relieve mould.

With the option Clamping mould under clamping force*, the mould is centered with clamping force
during locking.
– The mould remains locked when the moving protective device is open.

Activating Clamp mould under clamping force

ü Clamping mould [}Page 572] carried out and therefore:
ü Mould mounted on nozzle sided mould clamping plate.
ü Installation height determined.
ü Setup (1) operating mode selected.
§ If the clamping unit is not already locked, it must be locked with the
button Close clamping unit (2) on the right.

§ Ensure that the clamping unit is locked. 3

§ Set the key operated switch (3) to position [1].

ð Clamping mould under clamping force is activated.
ð The moving protective device can be opened.
§ Attach the moving mould clamping plate with suitable clamping
§ Remove the hoist, transport devices and all transport locks on the
§ Close moving protective devices.

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Deactivating Clamp mould under clamping force

ü Moving protective devices closed. 1
§ Set the key operated switch (1) to position [0].
ð Clamping mould under clamping force is deactivated.

Danger of collision
If mould auxiliary controls have not been created and connected, they will neither
be monitored nor locked against each other.
§ Make sure that existing core tractions, slides, ejectors etc. are in the "Safe"
position and there is no danger of collisions when advancing or closing the
mould halves.

§ Press the Open clamping unit button (2) on the left until the mould is 2
ð Secure mould is completed.

6.1.5 Read in/complement data record

How to proceed depends on whether a saved data record exists or not.
– Reading in: Proceeding with existing data record.
– Complementing: Proceeding without existing data record.

Reading in
ü Mould installed and attached.
ü Hoist, transport devices and all transport locks on the mould removed.
§ Read in and activate a saved data record.
ð Data record must correspond to the machine and the installed mould.
ð See also Reading data record [}Page 90] in the operating Manual.

§ Execute Set up ejector

ð See Set up ejector [}Page 577].

§ Perform Connect media

ð See Connecting mediums [}Page 579].

ð Connect auxiliary controls as per configuration.

ð See Configure auxiliary control [}Page 185] in the operating manual.

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ü Mould installed and attached.
ü Hoist, transport devices and all transport locks on the mould removed.
§ Supplement the initially read in data record template.
ð Create, configure and connect the required auxiliary mould controls.
ð See Component configuration [}Page 177] and Connecting mediums [}Page 579].

ð Create sequence and parameterise used commands.

ð See Sequence editor [}Page 147] in the operating manual.

ð Configure used components.

ð See Component configuration [}Page 177] in the operating manual.

ð Activate changes.
§ Execute Set up ejector
ð See Set up ejector [}Page 577].

§ Perform Connect media

ð See Connecting mediums [}Page 579].

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6.1.6 Set up ejector

Damage caused by asymmetrical load of the ejector plate
Do not strain the ejector asymmetrically to the centre of the plate. This can lead to
damage of the machine.
Couple the ejector plate in a way that, in any operating position, prevents it from
being subject to a load transverse to the direction of motion.
An asymmetrical load or force transverse to the direction of motion can occur in
particular when the following conditions are present:
§ Imprecise guidance (clearance) of the ejector in the mould, especially in com-
bination with a heavy ejector belonging to the mould (stripper plate).
§ Asymmetrically ordered ejector end stops in the mould (i.e. only on the bot-
§ Stops set to uneven lengths at the machine ejector.
§ Ejector actuation of multi-cavity moulds with asymmetrically filled mould.
§ Unevenly long or deformed ejector rod between ejector plate and mould.
§ Imprecise alignment of ejector rods and ejector plate (through holes in the
moving plate and ejector rods may not touch).

ü Mould installed and extended.

ü Read in/complement data record [}Page 575] executed.

§ Couple ejector rod.

ð Optional automatic coupling: See chapter Ejector coupling* [}Page 578].

§ Connect limit switch if necessary.

§ Learning ejector stroke [}Page 577] carry out. Learning ejector stroke

The ejector stroke can be limited by means of the Stroke limitation parameter in the component
The Stroke learning: max. retraction force parameter in the component manager limits the Force
parameter of the Press on ejector at rear command after stroke learning.
ü Mould opened. 1
§ Press the Setup (1) button.
ð Machine is in the Setup operating mode.

§ Press the Ejector stroke learning button (2). 2

ð The complete ejector stroke is carried out and the offset is auto-
matically calculated.
ð Ejector stroke learning is terminated.

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Setup work Ejector coupling*

The ejector coupling option enables automatic coupling of the ejector.
– With the coupling open, the movements of the clamping unit and ejector are locked out (except in
Recovery operating mode and during the Automatic coupling function).
– Actuation of the coupling is only possible in coupling position.
– See also Function buttons Auxiliary controls [}Page 27].

ü Clamping unit open

ü Coupling installed
ü Coupling open
§ Enter and activate coupling position. 1
ð Component manager - Ejector - Coupling position
§ Press the Setup(1) button.

§ Press button Coupling position (2). 2

ð The ejector plate moves to coupling position.

§ Press button right Ejector coupling (3). 3

ð The coupling is closed.
§ Learning ejector stroke [}Page 577] carry out.

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6.1.7 Connecting mediums

Risk of serious injury due to high pressure
Depressurise the system before opening the hydraulic system or working on hy-
draulic components.
§ Switch off the machine and ensure that it cannot be restarted.
§ Depressurise system and check.

Danger of injury when using pneumatic 3/2 NO and 5/2 directional
3/2 directional valves NO and 5/2 directional valves are open without activation
and are pressurising their consumers. Switching the energy supply on and off can
lead to uncontrolled movements when the safety cover is open!
§ These valves may only be used for applications where movement will not res-
ult in danger (e.g. bladders, mould nozzle).
§ They are not permitted for any use for movements that lead to dangers, other-
wise it will be prevented with an additional safety device and this will lead to

Bursting of hose assemblies
Hose assemblies must not be used for longer than the prescribed period of use or
storage time.
The period of use of hose assemblies is a maximum of 6 years, including a max-
imum storage time of 2 years.
The hose assembly may burst if these times are exceeded. This can lead to injury
of personnel and damage to the machine.
§ See also the safety datasheet of the manufacturer.
ð Can be obtained from the manufacturer if required.

Chafing points
Incorrect connection and installation of mediums can cause damage in the form of
chafing points when the machine is running (production).
§ Mediums properly connected.
§ Check mediums at chafing points.

§ Connect all necessary mediums to the mould.

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Setup work Connecting hydraulic auxiliary controls* (ejector, core

tractions, etc.)
ü Connections clean and undamaged
ü Drives off and system pressure relieved
ü Setting of auxiliary control parameters complete
§ Switch off the machine and ensure that it cannot be restarted.
§ Carefully loosen and remove the blank plugs on the required connections.
ð This step does not apply if quick-action couplings are being used.
§ Attach connection lines.
§ Switch on and start machine.
§ Switch on drives.
§ Move the hydraulic consumer of the respective auxiliary control back and forth in the Setup oper-
ating mode until it runs smoothly.
ð Ensure that there is no danger of collision.
§ Check connections for leak tightness.
ð The actuator is hydraulically connected. Disconnecting hydraulic auxiliary controls* (ejector, core

tractions, etc.) in depressurised state
Dammed pressure during disconnection
Despite the drive being off (system depressurised), pressure remains in chambers
A and B of the actuator and in the connection lines due to the check valves.
§ In the case of hydraulic auxiliary controls with check valves (additional option
With electrically operated check valve in A and B), the connection lines must
always be disconnected in a depressurised state.

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a: Mould side
b: Valve block side
1. Chamber A
2. Chamber B
3. Consumer of the auxiliary control
4. Quick-action coupling (not necessarily available)
5. Connections on the valve block side with blank
6. Valve block
7. Check valves (optional extra)
8. Proportional directional valve

The sketch is for illustrative purposes. Deviations are

possible, depending on the machine equipment.

ü Operating mode Setup mode
ü Drives switched on
§ Using the corresponding button, move the consumer of the hydraulic auxiliary control to the end
stop of chamber A.
ð Ensure that there is no danger of collision.
ð Chamber A is now depressurised.
§ Switch off the machine and ensure that it cannot be restarted.
§ Carefully disconnect the connection for chamber A on the valve block side.
ð We recommend that a cloth be wrapped around the connection (leak oil drain) while this
takes place.
§ Attach blank plugs on the valve block side.
ð This step does not apply in the case of quick-action couplings as connections.
§ Switch on drives.
§ Press the button for the corresponding auxiliary control in the opposite direction (chamber B) for
approx. 2 seconds.
ð The consumer (piston) of the auxiliary control does not move while this is happening.
ð Chamber B is pressure-relieved.
§ Switch off the machine and ensure that it cannot be restarted.
§ Carefully disconnect the connection for chamber B on the valve block side.
§ Attach blank plugs on the valve block side.
ð This step does not apply in the case of quick-action couplings as connections.

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§ Switch on drives.
ð Check blank plugs for leak tightness.
ð The consumer of the auxiliary control is hydraulically disconnected.

6.1.8 Set clamping force

ü Mould set up, media connected.
ü Read/complement data record [}Page 575] carried out, Clamping

force setpoint F30 parameterised.

ü Clamping mould [}Page 572] carried out.

ü Mould and machine at operating temperature.
§ Press the Automatic (1) button.
ð Machine is in the Automatic operating mode.
§ Press the Close clamping unit button (2) on the right. 2
ð Mould closes and locks.

§ Press the Open clamping unit button (3) on the left. 3

ð Mould opens to open position.
§ Repeat the process until the programmed clamping force is reached.
ð The clamping force is automatically adjusted to the set value in auto-
matic mode.

The setting of the clamping force is also possible with the button Set clamping force [}Page 43].

6.1.9 Injection unit stroke learning

Damage caused by change in press-on point
The press-on point of the injection unit can be changed by changing the mould,
plasticising unit or nozzle.
Damage can occur if moved with an incorrect press-on point.
§ During each mould, plasticising unit or nozzle change, the injection unit stroke
must be learned again.

ü Operational readiness is created.

ü Mould locked.
ü Contact between nozzle and mould clean.
§ Press the Setup (1) button. 1
ð Machine is in the Setup operating mode.

§ Press and hold the Injection unit stroke learning button (2) until the 2
yellow indicator goes out (function completed).
ð The injection unit stroke is carried out and the offset is automatic-
ally calculated.
ð Injection unit stroke learning is terminated.

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6.1.10 Dry cycle

The checking and optimisation of the mould movements can be carried out in the dry cycle without
injection parts being produced.
– See Machine mode [}Page 76].

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6.2 Remove mould

Note: For uninstalling mould with Quick clamping system (WSS)*, please see chapter Mould quick
clamping system (WSS)* [}Page 587].

ü Production stopped, mould cooled.

ü Moving protective devices closed.
ü Drives switched on and ready to operate.
§ Press the Setup(1) button. 1
ð Machine is in the Setup operating mode.

§ Press the Close clamping unit button (2) on the right. 2

ð Close the mould until the mould halves are touching.
§ Switch off drives.
§ Switch the machine off and ensure that it cannot be restarted.
§ Loosen ejector connection (decoupling).
§ Remove mediums from the mould.
ð Make sure that all connections are depressurised.
ð Hydraulic connections, see Disconnecting hydraulic auxiliary con-
trols* (ejector, core tractions, etc.) in depressurised state
[}Page 580].

§ Attach transport devices and all transport locks to the designated

§ Fasten mould to a suitable hoist and secure.
§ Loosen and remove clamping device at the moving mould clamping
§ Switch on machine and drives.

§ Press the Setup(3) button. 3

ð Machine is in the Setup operating mode.
§ Make sure that the ejector connection is relieved and free.

§ Press the Open clamping unit button (4) on the left. 4

ð Open clamping unit.
§ Loosen and remove clamping device at the nozzle side mould clamp-
ing plate.
§ Extend the mould carefully.

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6.3 Mould stroke limitation*

The stroke can be mechanically limited using 4 additional clamping rings in order to protect stack
1. Maximum stroke of clamping unit
– Protects the clamping unit against mechanical
2. Mould stroke limitation*
– Additional 4 rings for stack moulds.

Maximum stroke of clamping unit
The clamping rings (1) on the machine limit the maximum stroke of the clamping
unit. They are factory-set, serve for the protection of the clamping unit and must
not be adjusted.

Positioning information
The loosened clamping rings for the mould stroke limitation can be slid to the desired position by
means of the moving clamping plate.
– The clamping rings must be positioned in such a way that the moving clamping plate is touching
the clamping rings before the maximum possible opening stroke of the mould is reached.
– When opening the mould (programmed opening stroke), the moving clamping plate may not
touch the clamping rings (air space).
– When the mould is open, the air gap between the clamping rings and mould clamping plate must
be the same for all four clamping rings.

1. Moving mould clamping plate
2. Clamping ring of the mould stroke limitation
3. Position of the mould clamping plate when mould is at
maximum possible opening stroke.
4. Less sliding distance equals the position of the clamp-
ing rings.
5. Less residual stroke equals the programmed opening
stroke of the mould.

Tightening torque of clamping screws

Machine size Tightening torque
ELION 500 M8 50 Nm

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Machine size Tightening torque

ELION 800 M 12 100 Nm
ELION 1200 M 12 140 Nm
ELION 1750 M 16 295 Nm
Tab. 1: Tightening torque, mould stroke limitation

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6.4 Mould quick clamping system (WSS)*

The quick clamping system uses clamps to secure the mould on the nozzle-side and moving mould
clamping plate.

Danger of crushing in the mould clamping system area.
There is a danger of crushing in the mould clamping system area due to moving
ü Before accessing the danger area:
§ Switch the machine off and ensure that it cannot be restarted.

Mould setup procedure with WSS*
General procedure and safety precautions for mould setup, see also chapter Set-
ting up the mould [}Page 567].

Improper setup of the mould/ejector can cause damage to the machine and
§ The procedure describes the setup of a simple complete mould with WSS*.

High opening force of the clamping unit
The opening force of the clamping unit exceeds the strength of the bolts in the
mould quick clamping system. The bolts are designed as predetermined breaking
Damage to the machine and mould can arise when bolts break.
§ Reduce the speeds of the first opening movement.

6.4.1 Install mould with quick clamping system (WSS)*

ü Prepare machine, mould and auxiliary material; see also chapter
Prepare machine, mould and auxiliary material [}Page 570].

ü No mould is clamped.
ü Slow mould movements programmed.
ü Moving protective devices closed.
ü Drives switched on and ready to operate.
§ Measure the installation height of the mould to be installed (1), enter 1
S90 in the Mould installation height setpoint parameter and activate.
ð Component manager - clamping unit - setpoint mould installation
§ Parameterise the opening stroke S44 for the command Open clamp-
ing unit.
ð Sequence editor - command close clamping unit - movement
§ Activate entries

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§ Press the Setup(2) button. 2

ð Machine is in the Setup operating mode.

§ Press the Close clamping unit button (3) on the right and move the 3
moving mould clamping plate to the front end position.
ð System message 2607 clamping unit not locked: insufficient
clamping force F39 appears.
§ With the left Set mould installation height button (4) advance the in- 4
stallation height adjustment until the distance of the mould clamping
plate is approx. 20 mm greater than the mould that is to be installed

§ Press the Close clamping unit button (6) on the left and advance the 6
moving mould clamping plate to the end position.

§ Key operated switch Mould quick clamping system (7) in position [1]. 7

§ Press the Release BAP (moving mould clamping plate) quick clamp- 8
ing system button (8) on the left.

§ Press the Release DAP (nozzle-side mould clamping plate) quick 9

clamping system button (9) on the left.
ð Before installation it is necessary to ensure that the clamps are
§ Position the complete mould using an appropriate hoist and centre
on the nozzle-side mould clamping plate.
§ Position the mould with the appropriate lifting gear between the 10
clamping plates (10) and secure it on the mould clamping plate on
the nozzle side with a suitable center ring.
ð Make sure that the nozzle side mould clamping plate touches the

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§ Press the Clamp DAP quick clamping system button (11) on the 11
ð Mould is clamped to nozzle side mould clamping plate.
§ Check whether the mould is still centred and not tilted.
§ Mount the appropriate ejector rods on the mould.

§ Press the Close clamping unit button (12) on the right and move the 12
moving mould clamping plate to the front end position.
ð Attention: When closing the mould, watch for any mechanical
damage (e.g. ejector rods).
ð If the procedure is carried out correctly, there should be no
mould contact.
ð System message 2607 clamping unit not locked: insufficient
clamping force F39 appears.
§ Carry out Mould clamping.

6.4.2 Clamping mould

Damaged caused by locked mould
Do not leave the machine with locked mould. This can lead to damage of the ma-
chine and mould.
§ Relieve mould.

The mould clamping sequence is used to centre the mould before securing it with clamping force.
ü Installing mould [}Page 570] carried out and therefore:
ü Mould clamped on nozzle-side mould clamping plate.
ü Move the moving mould clamping plate to the front end position (1).
§ Enter the required clamping force of the mould F30 in the Clamping
force setpoint parameter and activate.
ð Component manager - components - clamping unit - clamping
force setpoint
§ Press the Setup (2) button. 2
ð Machine is in the Setup operating mode.

§ Press the Adjust mould installation height button (3) on the right until 3
the moving mould clamping plate is pressed on the mould with force
and the installation height adjustment stops.
ð System message 2206 Fault in the central adjustment drive: cent-
ral adjustment does not move appears, but it can be ignored in
this case.

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§ Press the Define mould installation height button (4). 4

ð Mould installation height is determined automatically (parameter
ð Completion of the function is confirmed with the system message
2505 Mould installation height learned s = XXX.XX mm.
§ Check mould position.
ð It must be ≤ 0 mm, otherwise start the process Clamping again.
§ Press the Set clamping force button (5). 5
ð The Clamping mould sequence is started.
ð Completion of the function is confirmed with the system message
2505 Mould installation height learned s = XXX.XX mm.
ð Mould is locked and the clamping force is set approximately (ap-
prox. 80% of the programmed clamping force).
ð Note: Pressing the button again starts the Clamping mould se-
quence again and sets the clamping force to approx. 95%.
§ Secure mould [}Page 573] carry out.

6.4.3 Secure mould with quick clamping system (WSS)*

ü Mould installed and mounted on nozzle side mould clamping plate.
ü Mould clamping carried out and clamping unit locked.
ü Moving protective devices closed.
§ Press the Setup(1) button. 1
ð Machine is in the Setup operating mode.

§ Press the Clamp BAP (moving mould clamping plate) quick clamping 2
system button (2) on the right.
ð Mould clamped to moving mould clamping plate.
§ Remove the hoist, transport devices and all transport locks on the
§ Press the Open clamping unit button (3) on the left until the mould is 3

§ Key operated switch Mould quick clamping system (4) in position [0]. 4
ð Secure mould is completed.
ð The mould setup procedure is described further starting with chapter
Set up ejector [}Page 577].

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6.4.4 Remove mould with quick clamping system (WSS)*

ü Production stopped, mould cooled.
ü Moving protective devices closed.
ü Drives switched on and ready to operate.
§ Press the Setup(1) button. 1
ð Machine is in the Setup operating mode.

§ Press the Close clamping unit button (2) on the right. 2

ð Close the mould until the mould halves are touching.
§ Loosen ejector connection (decoupling).
§ Remove mediums from the mould.
§ Attach transport devices and all transport locks to the designated
§ Fasten mould to a suitable hoist and secure.

§ Key operated switch Mould quick clamping system (3) in position [1]. 3

§ Press the Release BAP (moving mould clamping plate) quick clamp- 4
ing system button (4) on the left.
§ Make sure that the ejector connection is relieved and free.

§ Press the Open clamping unit button (5) on the left. 5

ð Open clamping unit.

§ Press the Release DAP (nozzle-side mould clamping plate) quick 6

clamping system button (6) on the left.
§ Extend the mould carefully.

§ Key operated switch Mould quick clamping system (7) in position [0]. 7

6.4.5 Standstill behaviour with quick clamping system (WSS)*

After long standstill periods with an installed mould, the following points must be observed:

Standstill preparation
§ Press the Setup(1) button. 1
ð Machine is in the Setup operating mode.

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§ Press the Close clamping unit button (2) on the right. 2

ð Close the mould until the mould halves are touching.
ð Mould must not be locked!

Standstill >10 minutes

In the event of a standstill when the moving protective device is open or the hydraulic drive is
switched off, the following measures must be taken.

Standstill with WSS*
If the mould is incorrectly clamped, it can fall when force is applied.

ü Mould closed, not locked.

ü Drives switched on and ready to operate.
§ Close moving protective device.
ð When the drive motor is switched on, the clamps are automatically clamped after the moving
protective device is closed.
§ Check mould alignment.
§ Check the limit switches for the clamps.
ð The Clamp limit switches must be activated.
ð If the Clamp limit switches are not active, take the following actions:

§ Press the Setup(1) button. 1

ð Machine is in the Setup operating mode.

§ Key operated switch Mould quick clamping system (2) in position [1]. 2

§ Press the Clamp BAP (moving mould clamping plate) quick clamping 3
system button (3) on the right.

§ Press the Clamp DAP (nozzle-side mould clamping plate) quick 4

clamping system button (4) on the right.
§ Check the limit switches for the clamps.

§ Key operated switch Mould quick clamping system (5) in position [0]. 5
ð The Clamp limit switches must be activated.

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Setup work

6.4.6 Moulds without quick clamping system (WSS)*

If moulds without WSS are attached, the clamps must be moved forward once.
ü Moving protective devices closed. 1
§ Press the Setup(1) button.
ð Machine is in the Setup operating mode.

§ Key operated switch Mould quick clamping system (2) in position [1]. 2

§ Press the Clamp BAP (moving mould clamping plate) quick clamping 3
system button (3) on the right.

§ Press the Clamp DAP (nozzle-side mould clamping plate) quick 4

clamping system button (4) on the right.
§ Check the limit switches for the clamps.

§ Key operated switch Mould quick clamping system (5) in position [0]. 5
ð The Clamp limit switches must be activated.

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Setup work

6.5 Plasticising unit

Danger of burns
There is a danger of burns in the area of the plasticising unit.
§ Wear suitable protective gear when working on the hot plasticising unit.

Heavy loads pose a risk to health.
The lifting of heavy loads can cause damage to health.
Larger individual parts and subassemblies can only be removed or installed with
lifting gear.
§ Provide suitable lifting gear in a technically sound condition.
§ Attach component to the lifting gear.

Processing plastic using the plasticising unit
The processing of plastic by means of the plasticising unit may only be carried out
at operating temperature or else damage may be caused.
ü Plasticising unit at operating temperature.
§ Process plastic.

Use of components
Only plasticising units may be used which are also designed for the corresponding
injection unit.
Only nozzles and their mounting elements as specified and supplied by Netstal
may be used on the plasticising unit.
§ If there are any uncertainties, contact Netstal service staff.

Damage caused by a combination of high temperatures and high in-
jection pressure
Injection must be carried out at processing temperatures of 350 °C upwards at a
reduced injection pressure when using plasticising units with bimetallic cylinders.
ü Processing temperatures over 350 °C.
§ Reduce the injection pressure.
ð See the corresponding table.

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Setup work

Damage caused by incorrect nozzle alignment
After changing the mould, nozzle or injection unit, the alignment of the nozzle and
injection unit must be checked.
Damage can occur if moved with an incorrectly aligned nozzle.
§ Aligning nozzle.
ð See the Adjustment instructions chapter in the operating instructions.

6.5.1 Change plasticising unit

ü The plasticising unit is heated up to operating temperature and emptied.
ü The inlet piece has been emptied.
§ For the procedure for installing and removing the plasticising unit, see chapter Adjustment in-
structions in the operating instructions.

6.5.2 Changing plasticising nozzle

See chapter Adjustment instructions in the operating instructions.

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Setup work

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7 Faults
7.1 Display of a fault.............................................................................................................. 598
7.1.1 Alarm system................................................................................................................... 598
7.1.2 Screen display................................................................................................................. 599
7.2 Eliminating a fault ............................................................................................................ 602
7.3 Diagnosis data................................................................................................................. 603
7.3.1 Settings ........................................................................................................................... 603
7.3.2 Creation of diagnosis data .............................................................................................. 603
7.4 Troubleshooting (alarm list)............................................................................................. 604

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7.1 Display of a fault

Faults are signalled via the alarm system and on the screen display.

7.1.1 Alarm system

1. Signal lamp
– If the signal lamp flashes, a fault has occurred.
– Information (operating unit) is not signalled by
the signal lamp.
2. Horn
– The signal lamp can be supported by an acous-
tic horn signal. Set horn type and switched-on time

The horn type and switched-on time can be set.

§ Select Component manager topic.

§ Select Machine in the navigation path.
ð The component overview is opened.
§ Select Safety component group.
ð The Safety equipment component group is opened.
§ Select Alarm system component.
ð The Alarm system component is opened. 1 2
§ Configure the desired settings in the parameter area.
§ Activate changes.
ð The changes will be adopted.

All changes made since the last activation are activated.
§ Make sure that no unintentional changes are activated.
ð Activation cannot be undone.

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7.1.2 Screen display

On the screen 1 2 3
– System messages in the system message display (1),
– Production fault in sequence editor (2) and
– a programming error in the problem window (3)
are displayed. System message display

System messages are divided up into the following three categories:

Error They indicate errors that interrupt or block the production process of the
– Red machine.
They are entered in the logbook.
Warnings They do not interrupt or block the machine's production process, but
– Yellow should always be observed.

Remarks Confirmations, requests, states that may lead to an error etc.

– Grey

Displayed in the system message display are:

– The date and time of the actuation1,
– number and
– Description
of the last message.
Only when the dashboard is opened out.

The number of pending messages for each category are

displayed in the circles.

Clicking on the system message opens the overview win-


Right half
– Chronological listing of pending messages.
– The register can be used to select whether all or only
several categories are displayed.

Left half
– Detailed information about the selected message.
– Direct jump, if required, to assistance, to the source of
the problem (parameter) etc.

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Faults Fault display in sequence editor

In the production process, faults are displayed directly in the command during which production was

Icon Designation State

Error Red framed An error occurred while executing this

Production stop Yellow framed Executing this command stopped pro-


Note: States are only displayed in the active mode of the

sequence editor. Problem window

Entries that have not been accepted are displayed in the
problem window as errors and critical ones are displayed
as warnings.
– Errors and warnings prevent the activation of the pro-
duction process.
– Errors must be fixed.
– Warnings must be acknowledged.

Error and warning display

Clicking on the button (1) lists all errors and warnings.
– It is only possible to display the warnings or errors sep-
arately (2).

Clicking on the button directs the user to the source of the

error or warning.

Eliminating an input error

§ Jump to the source of the error or warning.
§ Eliminate fault.
– E.g. assign connection.

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§ Or acknowledge warning.
ð Clicking on the Acknowledge all warnings button
acknowledges all warnings.
ð Clicking the Acknowledge warnings button ac-
knowledges the selected warning.
ð If there are no errors or warnings in the problem win-
dow, it means that all operating errors have been elim-

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7.2 Eliminating a fault

§ Read the message on the screen display of the operat-
ing unit.
§ If there is acute danger to personnel or machine, press
the EMERGENCY STOP button.
ð When the automatic mode is interrupted, cycle
monitoring is automatically triggered.
§ Eliminating the fault.
ð See also Troubleshooting (alarm list) [}Page 604].

§ If the message does not disappear automatically, press

the Reset alarm button.
ð The fault is not eliminated until the fault message has
§ If the fault cause is unclear or an intervention in the machine or its controller is necessary, notify
service personnel or Netstal-Service.
ð Generate diagnosis data for Netstal service if required.
ð See Diagnosis data [}Page 603].

§ If fixed protective devices have to be removed to eliminate the fault, the machine must be
switched off and prevented from being restarted.
ð See also chapter Safety in the operating instructions.

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7.3 Diagnosis data

Diagnosis data contains important control information for the Netstal service.
– It is used as extended information if a fault occurs.
– Diagnosis data should be generated during production whenever possible, or immediately after
the fault occurs.
– Specific errors can be triggered in consultation with Netstal Service.

7.3.1 Settings
For controlled components, the recording depth can be changed with the Diagnosis parameter.
– Component - parameter area - general register - diagnosis parameter

Diagnosis parameter
Type: Group title

Recording depth parameter

Determines the recording depth of the diagnosis data.
The higher the entered value, the more numerous and detailed the recorded data will be:
– 0 = no variables of this component are recorded.
– 3 = all variables of this component are recorded.
– An increase is therefore only advisable if a problem with this component is suspected.
– Changes must be set and activated before the generation of the diagnosis data.
– Following the generation of the diagnosis data, reset the changes again.

Signal selection for test channels parameter - test channel 1-4

Test channels serve for the recording of signals and are only intended for Netstal service technicians.

7.3.2 Creation of diagnosis data

ü Storage medium is connected (USB-stick).
§ Press diagnosis button..
ð The diagnosis data are created.

§ Select System characteristic data topic.

§ Click Create diagnosis data button.

ð A popup is opened.

§ Read the content and confirm with Enter.

ð The diagnosis data is saved.

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604 / 614 7.4 Troubleshooting (alarm list)
The following list contains a selection of possible faults.

No. Fault Possible cause Possible rectification

- The end position is not reached in The button is released before the programmed Check programmed movement time:
manual mode movement time expires – Optimisation [}Page 442]

Keep button pressed until the signal End position

reached lights up
– Display of the status [}Page 20]  

- "Cracking" when locking the mould Installation height not optimally set Optimise with Installation height correction
[}Page 277]
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2020 Function cannot be executed. Mixing The signal Mould area free (Euromap 67 X2016/ Check:
level change for robot interface EM67 A3) has not changed – Robot limit switch
– When the robot is switched off, it is also re- – Test signal "mould area free" [}Page 387]

– Moving-in of robot* [}Page 387] 

See also Euromap 67* [}Page 377]  

2020 Function cannot be executed: blocked A release signal from Euromap 67 for the clamp- See Euromap 67* [}Page 377]  

by external input ing movement has dropped

– A3 is always required
– A6 only during the clamping movement
2027 Ejector 1: Warning: The coupling posi- Connecting rod too short/long See Ejector force [}Page 299]

tion is not optimal (too far forward/back)

2050 EM67 - Function cannot be executed: Corresponding Euromap 67 - component is not Mark parameter Synchronisation with robot
Not switched on switched on switched on:
– Ejector [}Page 393]

– Auxiliary control 1 & 2 [}Page 397]  

2033.11140 Injection movement: Reset injection The control requires zero trimming of the injec- See also button description Melt pressure 0 bar
force sensor tion force sensor [}Page 38]

2117 Limit switch defective no. limit switch for The signal mould area free (Euromap 67 X2016/ Check signal state, process and corresponding
robot release not reached A3) is not "high" components
See Euromap 67* [}Page 377]  

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No. Fault Possible cause Possible rectification
2117 Limit switch defective no.: B1014 Limit switch not correctly positioned See Limit switch B1014* and B1018*
Limit switch reaction time parameter too low See Limit switch reaction time
Limit switch defective Replace limit switch
2148 Condition for "Keep the mould locked" Clamping force for Clamping under clamping Reduce clamping force
not fulfilled force is too great: max. 50% of the nominal See also Clamping mould under clamping force*
clamping force [}Page 51]

2569 Leak oil container is full. Too much leak oil (seal damaged). Repair leak
Filter (sieve) blocked Clean or replace filter (sieve)
Line blocked or kinked. Clean or repair line
Pump defective Replace pump
See also Returning of leak oil in the operating manual
4035 Unlocking of safety cover not pos- The opening is blocked due to an error (no tech- A safe state is achieved by pressing the EMER-
sible: ... nical defect) GENCY STOP. If there are no technical defects,
the protective device will open following its reset-
Technical defect Replace defective component
5036 Action not permitted due to invalid axis Interlocking Ejector - not at rear - blocks - clamp- Move the ejector to the rear end position
position: Ejector, clamping unit ing unit – In the Recovery operating mode or
– see Collision-free moving back [}Page 303]

5667 Interlocking blocks action: Injection is Limitation of the release position for the injection See Release position injection [}Page 276]

blocked because the mould is open too has been exceeded: max. 50 mm
5668 Interlocking blocks action: Production The injection unit is in the Danger area See Danger area [}Page 41]

blocked because injection unit is too far

5880 Actual value has exceeded the advance Monitoring of the corresponding dashboard para- See Changing parameters [}Page 79] - monitor-

warning limit: ... meter has been activated ing

5881 Actual value has exceeded the error
limit: ...
605 / 614

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'Symbols B
Plasticising nozzle command Back pressure  359
Open  324 Back-up battery test  429
Remove command (quick start)  124 BAP  32
Parameterise components (quick start)  131 Block  160
*Additional injection unit*  208 Block heaters button*  23
Block parameters  75
Blowing air control button*  31
Numerics Boost function of nozzle heaters button*  24
2-way reject gate  34 Boost function* Mould zones  206
3-way axis button  30 Button configuration (Smart Operation*)  144
3-way reject gate  34 Button interfaces  189
Button symbol, system overview/logbook  253
Button Temperature control units  24
A Buttons
Absolute mould protection  268 Operating panel  19
Absolute mould protection (parameter)  277
Access authorisation  87
Access authorisation with PIN code  93 C
Access authorisation with smart card*  103 C4988  207
Acknowledge alarm message button  48 C4989  207
Acquire quality data  239, 371 C989  211
Activate  88, 174 C990  211
Activate data record  134 Calibrate clamping force button  44
Activating a component  188 Calibrate path measurement button (clamping unit  44
Activating an auxiliary control  188 Calibrate path measurement button (ejector)  28
Activation area  87 Calibrate path measurement button (injection device)
Active mode  87  39
Adapt/complement production process  122 Calibrate path measurement button (injection unit)  41
Additional data for temperature control units*  214 Calibrate rotary transducer (clamping unit) button  44
Additional functions  48 Cavity pressure measurement*  330
Additional injection unit*  210, 408 Change date and time  86
Adjust mould installation height button  42 Change nozzle  595
Adjust safety level  185 Change of language  85
Alarm messages  598 Change plasticising unit  595
Alarm system  409, 598 Changing an existing production process  174
Analogue output* button  35 Changing parameters  69
Apply heating capacity value of another zone  208 Clamping force  272
Assign connections  186 Clamping mould  572, 589
Assign machine cycle  130, 172 Clamping mould under clamping force  574
Automatic button  47 Clamping under clamping force*  51
Automatic mode  554 Clamping unit  264
Automatic mode non-production  554 Keypad Clamping unit  42
Automatic mode production  555 Mould height correction  277
Automation*  143 Mould installation height  271
Auxiliary control Speed in setup mode  282
Change index  185 Speed of clamping unit  282
Copy  185 Clamping unit behaviour in case of reject parts  243
Remove  185 Clamping unit button  42
Rename  185 Clamping unit command
Auxiliary control active when moving protective devices Compression*  295
open*  51 Relieve  294
Auxiliary controls  180 Clean room module*  525
Auxiliary sequences  143 Close clamping unit  289
aXos control philosophy  15 Close plasticising nozzle  324
Closed loop controlled auxiliary control  184
Colour feeding unit button*  25

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Colour feeding unit*  403 Controlled linear axis*  490

Command Controlled mould nozzle*  477
Activate/deactivate extractor*  524, 527 Cooling time  363
Close material feeding*  402 Disturbance input*  500
Closed loop controlled core traction*  455 Ejector  301
Closed loop controlled ejector*  469 Euromap 67: Auxiliary control 1 and 2*  395
Cooling time  364 Euromap 67: Basis*  381
Depressurise switched ejector*  468 Euromap 67: Clamping unit*  384
Euromap 67 input commands  399 Euromap 67: Ejector*  390
Euromap 67 output commands  399 External core traction*  456
Evaluate quality data  371 External ejector*  470
External core traction*  457 External heater*  529
External ejector*  471 External monitoring device*  502
Good part, reject part and sample*  499 External mould nozzle*  486
Injection position/removal position* multi stage, con- External process monitoring device (Priamus
trolled core traction  448 Blueline)*  505
Injection position/removal position* pulse, controlled External universal axis*  492
core traction  446 Extractor*  522
Injection position/removal position* pulse, switched Injection device  327
core traction  454 Injection unit  316
Middle, right and left (3-way axis)*  499 Integrated Feller hot-runner controller*  534
Move controlled ejector forward/back to intermediate Integrated heater*  532
position*  464 Light*  520
Move controlled ejector forward/back*  460 Material feeding*  400
Move controlled ejector forward/back* multi stage Plasticising nozzle  323
 462 Quality monitoring  369
Move controlled ejector forward/back* pulse  461 Reject gate (three-way) *  495
Move switched ejector forward/back*  468 Reject gate (two channels)*  495
Move switched ejector forward/back* pulse  468 Remote control of external unit*  519
Move to injection position/removal position*, con- Remote control of Feller hot-runner controller*  533
trolled core traction  447 Remote control of Mouldflo MFS*  519
Move to injection position/removal position*, Sampling*  375
switched core traction  454 Start-up program*  367
Move toward injection position/removal position*, Switched 3-way axis*  491
controlled core traction  450 Switched core traction*  452
Open material feeding*  402 Switched ejector*  466
Open/close external mould nozzle*  487 Switched linear axis*  489
Open/close* controlled mould nozzle  479 Switched mould nozzle*  475
Open/close* controlled mould nozzle multi stage 480 Synchronisation of two machines*  508
Open/close* switched mould nozzle  476 Timer  436
Start colour feeding*  405 Component configuration  177
Stop colour feeding*  406 Component manager  175
Switch light on/off*  521 Component manager button  175
Switch off colour feeding unit  405 Component manager button symbol  175
Switch on colour feeding unit  405 Component manager overview  175
Timer - wait  437 Component overview  176
Command clamping unit Components
Close  289 Alarm system  409
Open  292 Confirmation button  439
Command graph  157 Cooling unit  417
Command symbols  154 Drive control  411
Component Energy counter*  424
Clamping unit  264 Energy measurement*  427
Clean room module*  525 Hydraulic unit*  412
Closed loop controlled core traction*  455 Maintenance*  422
Closed loop controlled ejector*  469 Mould clamping system*  297
Closed loop controlled linear axis*  491 Operating mode manager  438
Closed loop controlled mould nozzle*  483 Pneumatic and leak oil component  435
Colour feeding unit*  403 Power supply*  432
Controlled core traction*  444 Production control  415
Controlled ejector*  458 Safety cover  407
* = Option
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Stop button  440 Diagnosis button  48

Temperature control  419 Diagnosis data  603
Troubleshooting  439 Diagram (electrical and flow diagrams)  81
UPS  429 Digital interlock input button*  35
Compression*  295 Digital output* button  35
Configurable printout  84 Disassembly position coupling button  38
Configuration of cooling zones*  218 Disconnecting hydraulic auxiliary controls (ejector, core
Configuration of general temperature control zones  217 tractions, etc.) in depressurised state  580
Configuration of mould zones  205 Display of the status  153
Configuration of plasticising zones  210 Disturbance input*  500
Configure auxiliary control  185 Document viewer  81
Configure network interface  86 Double buttons  20
Confirm ejector stroke button  28 Drives  411
Confirmation button  439 Drives button  23
Connecting hydraulic auxiliary controls (ejector, core Dry cycle  77
tractions, etc.)  580 Dynamic dependency  162
Connecting mediums  579
Connections  181
Container changing  250
Control cabinet temperature  216 Editing mode  88, 174
Controlled auxiliary control  184 Ejector  299
Cooling time  363 Ejector coupling*  303, 317, 578
Cooling unit  417 Examples of production process with ejector  300
Cooling water button  25 Learn stroke  577
Cooling water with monitoring  191 Manual mode settings  304
Core traction*  441 Move back  309
Core traction* button  29 Move forward  308
Corona  159 Press on at rear  311
Corona operations  160 Relieve  312
Correction factor for post-heating of plasticising heaters Set up  577
 211 Setup mode settings  305
Correction factor Post-heating Mould heating*  207 Shake  313
Coupling position button  29 Start during mould opening (dynamic)  136
Create a dynamic dependency  169 Stroke learning (settings)  303
Create a safeguard  169 Ejector button  27
Create auxiliary control  183 Ejector command
Create dependency  167 Move back  309
Create dependency (quick start)  127 Move forward  308
Create readiness for operation  547 Press on at rear  311
Create screenshot  85 Relieve  312
Create subsequence  166 Shake  313
Creating a production process  119 Ejector coupling button*  29
Customers receipt  86, 235 Ejector* (auxiliary control)  441
Cycle time monitoring  226 Elements of trend graph  229
Eliminating a fault  602
Emergency shutdown  561
D End production button  46
DAP  31 Energy counter*  424
Dashboard  74 Energy measurement*  427
Add parameter  79 Equipment  189
Changing parameter  79 Error display  598
Edit  78 Euromap 15*  195
Data record  547 Euromap 67*  377
Define a safeguard condition  169 Evaluate quality data  240, 372
Define the condition of a dynamic dependency  169 Evaporation  207
Dependencies  161 Events  254
Dependency with safeguard  163 Excess metering*  366
Description Interlocking  219 Execution of the button function  22
Determine number of machine cycles  173 External heater button*  24
Determine number of phase-in and phase-out cycles External Keyboard*  61
 173 External monitoring unit*  502
* = Option
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External socket button  25 Metering  358

Extra level  22 Screw retraction  356
Extractor button*  36 Injection device linear axis: electrical  332
Extractor*  522 Injection speed profile  342
Injection unit  40, 315
Injection unit (2, 3, ...)
F Temperature control of plasticising zones  208
Fan button (clean room module)*  36 Injection unit (2, 3, ...)*
Fasten mould with WSS*  590 Additional safety cover connections  408
Fault display  598 Configuration of plasticising zones  210
Fault display in sequence editor  600 Purge protection connections  408
Flow number  348 Injection unit command
Force reject part button  34 Move forward to position  322
Function buttons Auxiliary controls  27 Press on  320
Function buttons Clamping unit  42 Reduce press-on force  321
Function buttons Injection device  37 Retract  321
Injection unit function buttons  40
Injection unit stroke learning  582
G Insert a parallel sequence  166
General Monitoring  223 Insert command  164
General remarks on the handbook  10 Insert command (quick start)  123
General settings  85 Insert dynamic secondary sequence  166
Insertion points  161
H Inspection stroke  43
Install mould with quick clamping system (WSS)*  587
Heaters*  528 Installation height adjustment: electric  281
Heating and cooling capacity  209 Installing mould  570
Heat-up phase Mould zones  206 Integrated Feller hot-runner controller button  24
Help (manuals)  81 Interfaces (topic)  189
High-performance zones/Evaporation  207 Interlocking button  219
Hold pressure  339, 351 Interlocking button symbol  219
Hold pressure profile  351 Interlocking overview  219
Horn type  598 Interlocks  219
Host system* (Central computer) Internal cycle dependency  162
Call up order  198 Internal heater button  24
Data record transfer  198 Intrusion  361
Overview  195
Parameter designation (identification)  197
Hot runner controller*  528 K
Hydraulic drive button  23 Key operated switch*  49
Hydraulic unit*  412 Keypads  23

Immediate shutdown  561 Learn injection unit stroke button  41
Increase temperatures button  24 Learn stroke button (ejector)  28
Increased mould protection  268 Learn stroke ejector  577
Index plate*  535 Learning mould protection  266, 291
Asynchronous motor  539 Level regulator* button  35
Hydraulic  540 Light (component)*  520
Individual cooling circuit*  191 Light button (clean room module)*  36
Injection  337, 341 Light button*  36
Dynamic  327 Linear axis* button  30
Sequential  326 Logbook  253
Injection and hold pressure  337 Logging  254
Injection and hold pressure command graph  343, 352
Injection device  326
Injection device command M
Increase pressure limit*  362 Machine cycles  148
Injection and hold pressure  337 Machine data  257
Intrusion  361 Machine mode  76
* = Option
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Machine synchronisation*  508 Moulds without WSS*  593

Main component  552 Move command  165
Main navigation  66 Move command (quick start)  123
Maintenance  422 Move injection device button  37
Maintenance interval*  422 Move injection unit forward to position  322
Manual button  47 Movement points  161
Manual mode  551
Manuals  81
Material conveyor button*  25
Material feeding button*  25 Navigating the programming interface  65
Material feeding*  400 Node address  213
Material holding time  145 Normal zone  207
Material requirement  250 Note on non-activated changes  104
Mediums  424 Notebook  251
Medium-term interruption to operation  562 Nozzle heaters button*  24
Melt cushion monitoring  354 Nozzle, plasticising unit  323
Melt pressure 0 bar button  38 Nozzles*  472
Metering  358
Metering axis: electrical  332
Metering speed  358
Model data records  91 of dashboard
Monitor command execution time  226 Block folding up  75
Monitored purging pan*  507 Open clamping unit  292
Monitoring  145, 222 Open plasticising nozzle  324
Monitoring button  222 Operating elements: interlocking  220
Monitoring button symbol  222 Operating elements: Monitoring processes  223
Monitoring of heating output  211 Operating elements: Sequence editor  147
Monitoring of injection pressure  345 Operating keyboard
Monitoring of maximum temperature  211 Activate button  56
Monitoring of start position of injection  330 CE button  60
Monitoring overview  222 Clamping unit component button  58
Monitoring with sorting out  238 Command graph injection/hold pressure button  59
Monitoring without sorting out  237 Component configuration button  58
Mould clamping system*  297 Confirmation button  57
Mould installation height  271 Context change edit/active mode button  56
Mould nozzle button*  31 Ejector component button  58
Mould nozzle heater boost function*  419 Full text search button  58
Mould nozzles*  472 Injection device component button  58
Application example  473 Injection unit component button  58
Quality influences and optimisation  473 Monitoring button  58
Mould protection  266, 277 Mould component button  59
Absolute  268 Multiple selection button  59
Absolute (parameter)  277 Numeric and control keypad  59
Increased mould protection  268 Open or shut dashboard button  57
Learning  266, 291 Process Quality button  57
Opening movement  270 Production control button  57
Simulation  270 Sequence editor button  57
Mould protection command graph  290, 293 Software keyboard button  59
Mould quick clamping system (WSS)*  587 System Characteristic Data button  57
Mould quick-clamping system*  52 System overview/Logbook button  56
Mould rotary device*  537 Temperature control button  57
Mould stroke limitation*  585 Trackball and click key  60
Mould zones Trend graph button  58
Boost function*  206 Operating mode buttons  47
Correction factor Post-heating*  207 Operating mode manager  438
Function  202 Operating mode Mould zones  205
Heat-up phase  206 Operating mode of temperature control  210
Operating mode  205 Operating panel  19
Programming  204 Operating state change  143
Reference zone  206 Operating unit
Structure  204
* = Option
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Key operated switch clamping under clamping force* Energy counter*  424
 51 Energy measurement*  427
Overview  18 Euromap 67: Auxiliary control*  397
Operator identification with PIN code Euromap 67: Basis*  382
Activate/deactivate  96, 111 Euromap 67: Ejector*  393
Administrator initial log-on  96 Euromap 67: input commands*  399
Authorisation levels  94 Euromap 67: Output commands*  399
Automatic log-off time  100, 115 Evaluate quality data  374
Change user data  98 Hydraulic unit*  412
Changing PIN code  99 Injection and hold pressure  340
Creating user  97 Injection device  329
Description  93 Injection unit  317
Logging off from system  102 Intrusion  361
Logging on to system  102 Maintenance  422
Operation  93 Material feeding*  400
Policies  100, 116 Mediums  435
Removing user  98 Metering  358, 362
Resetting the PIN code  99 Mould clamping system*  297
User management (export, import, report)  101 Move ejector back  309
Operator identification with smart card* Move ejector forward  308
Activate/deactivate  96, 111 Move injection unit forward to position  322
Authorisation levels  104 Open clamping unit  292
Automatic log-off time  100, 115 Open plasticising nozzle  324
Changing PIN code  114 Operating mode manager  438
Configuration/creation of chip cards  111 Parameter Euromap 67: Clamping unit*  387
Delete smart card  114 Plasticising nozzle  323
Description  103 Power supply*  432
Initial log-on, owner  107 Press on ejector at rear  311
Logging off from system  117 Press on injection unit  320
Logging on to system  116 Production control  415
Operation  103 Quality monitoring  370
Policies  100, 116 Reduce press on injection unit  321
Preferred owner language  110 Relieve clamping unit  294
Resetting the PIN code  114 Relieve ejector  312
Optimise cycle time  135 Retract injection unit  321
Optimise production process  134 Safety cover  407
Order  248 Sampling*  375
Organising authorisation structure  108 Screw retraction  357
Overlapping cycle dependency  135, 162, 168 Shake ejector  313
Overview  189 Start-up program*  367
Overview of interfaces  54 Stop button  440
Overview of sequences and functions  140 Temperature control  419
Overview of temperature control units*  215 Timer  436
Overview of Temperatures  201 Timer - wait  437
Owner log-off  117 Troubleshooting  439
UPS  429
Parameter area  70
P Parameter area in sequence editor  155
Parameter Parameter description  263
Alarm system  409 Parameter pages  71
Auxiliary controls  441 Parameterisation via the command graph  159
Clamping unit  271 Parameterise commands (quick start)  129
Close clamping unit  289 Parameterising commands  170
Close plasticising nozzle  325 Phase-in and phase-out (machine cycles)  149
Colour feeding unit*  404 Phase-in cycle  148, 556
Compression* of clamping unit  295 Phase-out cycle  148, 557
Cooling time  364 Plasticising heater control zone button  24
Cooling time - wait  364 Plasticising nozzle  323
Cooling unit  417 Plasticising nozzle button  38
Drive control  411 Plasticising nozzle command
Ejector  303 Close  324
* = Option
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Plasticising unit  329 Reference zone  206

Plasticising unit reference zone  211 Reject  89
Plasticising unit with bimetallic cylinder  594 Reject gate button*  35
Pneumatic control and leak oil  435 Reject gate sets production stop  227
Polarform*  536 Reject gate*  493
Positioning/high-performance zone  208 Relieve  294
Positioning/normal zone  208 Remote control of ...*  194
Power supply*  432 Remote control of external device*  516
Prepare machine, mould and auxiliary material  570 Remote Control*  516
Prepare production button  45 Remote Desktop*  194
Press on injection unit  320 Remove command  165
Problem window  88, 600 Remove dependency  170
Process data outside tolerance  242 Remove mould  584
Process data report  84 Remove mould with WSS*  591
Process log  86 Reports  81
Process Protocolling  245 Retract injection unit  321
Process quality  228 Robot button (parts-removal unit)  25
Process quality button  228 rotary plate (external)*
Process quality button symbol  228 External  538
Process quality overview  228 Rotary plate*  535
Process statistics  236 Polarform  536
Process statistics, injection unit  238 Standstill detection connections  408
Process statistics, overview  234
Process values  236
Process variables  244
Production buttons  45 Safety cover  407
Production control  247, 415 Sample button  34
Production control button  247 Sampling*  375
Production control button symbol  247 Save data record  91
Production control overview  247 Screen buttons  19
Production cycle  148, 556 Screw retraction  356
Production process of the production control  249 Search  68, 259
Production variants*  141 Secure mould  573
Programming interface  53 Select screen display pages  67
Purging button A/B  37 Selecting automatic mode  555
Selecting parameters  68
Sensor type  205, 210, 218
Q Sequence editor  138, 147
Q monitoring  236 Sequence editor button symbol  138
Quality monitoring  234, 241, 369, 373 Sequence editor overview  138
Quality report  235 Sequence overview  139
Quick start  118 Set clamping force  582
Quick-clamping system of moving mould clamping plate Set clamping force button  43
button  32 Set mould height button  43
Quick-clamping system of nozzle-side mould clamping Setting up the mould  547, 567
plate (DAP)* button  31 Settings
Change nozzle  595
Change plasticising unit  595
R Plasticising unit  594
Reactions during standstill  226 Setup mode  550
Reactivate start-up program  227 Setup work  566
Read in/complement data record  575 Shortcut buttons  56
Reading data record  90 Shot weight  193
Recovery button  47 Simulation of mould protection  270
Recovery mode  549 Single buttons  20
Reduce injection unit press-on force  321 Slide valve*  535, 541
Reduced temperatures  558 Smart Operation*  49
Reducing energy consumption  137 Smoke alarm*  500
Reducing wear  137 Socket configuration  432
Reference curves  158 Software release information  12
Reference melt pressure button  39 Spin-Stack*  537
* = Option
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Standard (machine mode)  76 Temperatures

Standby time  145 Cooling zones*  217
Standstill behaviour  591 Display  201
Standstill time  145 General tempering zones  216
Start a cycle button  46 Group-selection  201
Start mode  22 Mould  201
Start production button  45 Mould zones  202
Start-up procedure  242 Plasticising unit  201
Start-up program cooling time*  365 Temperature control  199, 419
Start-up program metering*  360 Temperature control of plasticising zones  208
Start-up program*  26, 366 TH997  211
Status display  89 TH998  209, 211
Status message  255 Time requirement  250
Stop button  45, 440 Timeout monitoring  224
Stop cycle end button  46 Timer  436
Stop production  560 Tipping mode  22
Stop/release display  232 Travelling components  551
Stroke learning (core traction)* button  29 Trend graph  229
Stroke learning (mould nozzle)* button  31 Trend graphic: change configuration  231
Stroke learning button (linear axis)*  30 Troubleshooting  439, 604
Stroke limitation rings*  585
Structure and operation of the buttons  20
Subsequence  152
Subsequence end  152 Undo/redo  89
Subsequence start  152 Unit change-over  85
Switch off control  545 Universal axis*  488
Switch the control on  544 Unlock safety cover button  48
Switched auxiliary control  184 UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)  429
Switched-on time for horn  598 Use of dependency instead of delays  134
Switch-off behaviour  243 User identification with PIN code  93
Switch-off procedure  143 User identification with smart card*  103
Switch-on buttons  23 User interaction*  144
Synchronisation of two machines*  508 User report  84
System characteristic data  256
System characteristic data button  256
System characteristic data button symbol  256
System characteristic data overview  256 v/p change-over  338, 349
System messages  598 VNC*  194, 516
System overview  253
System overview/logbook button  253 W
System overview/logbook overview  253
With cavity pressure measurement*  350

T93  211
Take out time  271 Zoom functions  158
Take out time with EM67  387
Temperature control button  199
Temperature control overview  199
Temperature control units*
Controlled variable  215
Manufacturer  214
Monitoring  213
Node address  213
Operating mode  213
Ramp for heating/cooling  214
Setpoint values/actual values  214
Structure/operation  212
Switch-off program  215
Topic  212
Zone/designation  213
* = Option
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