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Grade of Concrete 20

Grade of Reinforcement 500

Width Depth Effective

Beam Data D' d'/D
(mm) (mm) Depth (mm)
Beam size X- Direction At Left 230 355 322 17 0.048
Beam size X- Direction at Right 230 355 322 17 0.048
Beam size Y- Direction at Left 230 355 322 17 0.048
Beam size Y- Direction Right 230 355 322 17 0.048

Cover = 25 mm
Rebar size = 16 mm

Column Data
Size of Column along x along y
(mm) (mm) d' d'/D
along x 304.8 304.8 32.00 0.10498688

Rebar Details For Beams Top Bottom

(mm2) (mm2)
X-direction Beams Left 515 402
X-direction Beams Right 515 402
Y-direction Beams Left 515 402
Y-direction Beams Right 515 402

Clockwise beam moment ( along X) Area pt (%)

(mm2) Mu/bd^2 Mu (KN-m)
tension reinforcement at left 402 0.543 2.04 48.65
tension reinforcement at Right 515 0.695 2.9 69.16
Clockwise beam moment ( along Y)
tension reinforcement at left 402 0.543 2.04 48.65
tension reinforcement at Right 515 0.695 2.9 69.16

Mbl (along x) 48.65 KN-m

Mbr (along x) 69.16 KN-m
Mbl (along y) 48.65 KN-m
Mbr (along y) 69.16 KN-m

sum of MOR along X 117.81 KN-m

sum of MOR along Y 117.81 KN-m

Area mu/fck
Rebar Details for Column pt (%) MOR
(mm2) b*D^2
Rebar Provided at Lower Column 1608 1.731 0.13 73.6238011
Rebar Provided at Upper Column 1608 1.731 0.13 73.6238011
Total MOR for column (lower + upper) 147.2476 KN-m

c/b 1.249919
Grade of Concrete 20
Grade of Reinforcement 500

Width Depth Effective

Beam Data D' d'/D
(mm) (mm) Depth (mm)
Beam size X- Direction At Left 230 355 324 19 0.054
Beam size X- Direction at Right 230 355 324 19 0.054
Beam size Y- Direction at Left 230 355 324 19 0.054
Beam size Y- Direction Right 230 355 324 19 0.054

Cover = 25 mm
Rebar size = 12 mm

Column Data
Size of Column along x along y
(mm) (mm) d' d'/D
along x 304.8 304.8 32.00 0.10498688

Rebar Details For Beams Top Bottom

(mm2) (mm2)
X-direction Beams Left 565.2 226.08
X-direction Beams Right 565.2 226.08
Y-direction Beams Left 556.2 226.08
Y-direction Beams Right 339.12 339.12

Clockwise beam moment ( along X) Area pt (%)

(mm2) Mu/bd^2 Mu (KN-m)
tension reinforcement at left 226.08 0.303 2.04 49.25
tension reinforcement at Right 565.2 0.758 2.9 70.02
Clockwise beam moment ( along Y)
tension reinforcement at left 226.08 0.303 0 0.00
tension reinforcement at Right 339.12 0.455 2.9 70.02

Mbl (along x) 49.25 KN-m

Mbr (along x) 70.02 KN-m
Mbl (along y) 0.00 KN-m
Mbr (along y) 70.02 KN-m

sum of MOR along X 119.27 KN-m

sum of MOR along Y 70.02 KN-m

Area mu/fck
Rebar Details for Column pt (%) MOR
(mm2) b*D^2
Rebar Provided at Lower Column 2059 2.216 0.1 56.6336932
Rebar Provided at Upper Column 2059 2.216 0 0
Total MOR for column (lower + upper) 56.63369 KN-m

c/b 0.808833

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