Analysis of Brain Waves According To Their Frequency

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Analysis of brain waves according to their frequency

Article · October 2018

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3 authors:

Roman Jasek Martin Strmiska

Tomas Bata University in Zlín Tomas Bata University in Zlín


Zuzana Koudelková
Tomas Bata University in Zlín


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Analysis of brain waves according to their

Z. Koudelková, M. Strmiska, R. Jašek

The article begins with theoretical information about BCI

Abstract—The primary purpose of this article is to show and and its types. After that, there is mentioned signal acquisition,
analyse the brain waves, which are activated during different where the brain wave distribution is described by frequency.
activities. At the first part of the paper, we describe the theoretical The next topic in this article is device and measurement. There
information about Brain-Computer Interface and the types of this are described device and application, which have been used.
technology. The article mainly focuses on the non-invasive Brain- Also, there is defined using types of measurements. The
Computer Interface, which is used in the experimental part. following is the Results section with the measurement results,
Experimental part is based on EEG technology, which is represented
by devices from Emotiv System. This article provides the
which are displayed as visualization of brain activity.
measurement with the Emotiv EPOC headset and the application
Emotiv Brain Activity Map. There are used two type of analysis. The II. BRAIN-COMPUTER INTERFACE
first type of measure engaged logical-analytical reasoning by solving Brain Computer Interface acquires and analyses brain
the mathematical exercise. The second type is a dedicated relaxed signals in real time to control external devices, communicate
mind during listening to relaxing music. At the last of the paper, we
display the result as the visualization of brain activity. There are
with others, facilitate rehabilitation or restore functions.
shown the brain waves, which are activated in each situation. There are three parts of Brain Computer Interfaces.
Invasive, Non-invasive and Partially invasive.
Keywords—Brain-Computer Interface, Brain waves, EEG, A. Invasive Brain-Computer Interface
Invasive Brain Computer Interface systems are used for the
best quality signals. These electrodes are implemented into the
cortical issue. These types of system are used for paralyzed

T HE nervous system is composed of two parts. The central

nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system
(PNS). The CNS consists of the human brain and spinal cord.
people, or it could be used for restoring vision by connecting
the brain with external cameras. Although these BCI system
provide the best quality signals, the system is prone to scar-
Conversely, the PNS consists of the nerves and ganglia tissue build-up. The scar-tissue cause a weak signal, which can
outside of the brain and spinal cord. be even lost. Because the body reacts to a foreign object in the
Human brain controls body function, such as heart activity, brain [2].
movement, speech, but also thinking itself, memory or
B. Partially-Invasive BCI
emotion perception. Brain activity could be measured by the
neurologic examination method – electroencephalography Partially Invasive Brain Computer Interfaces are implanted
(EEG). The principle of this method is capturing electric into the skull, but outside the brain. Electrocorticographic
potential. (ECoG) uses the same technology as non-invasive
If the central nervous system is damaged, some body electroencephalography, but the electrodes are embedded in a
functions may be restricted. Brain computer interface systems thin plastic pad that is placed above the cortex, beneath the
could offer these people improved communication and dura mater. These systems produce a good signal, but weaker
independence. than Invasive BCI [2].
Recent developments in BCI technology may see such C. Non-invasive BCI
hands-free control method realised. A BCI is a communication
Non-Invasive Brain Computer Interfaces means electrodes
and control system in which the thoughts of the human mind
are emplaced on the surface of the skull to record changes in
are translated into real-world interaction without the use of the
EEG state. The signal, which is producing has the weakest
common neural pathways and muscles. For example, users of
values in spite of this, the non-invasive BCI is the safest and
the BCI system can switch a light or change TV channels
easiest way to record EEG [2]. The schema of brain computer
using only their imagination and without any physical
interface system is shown in Figure 1.
movement. Recent advances in the human brain and BCI
research reveal that BCI-based devices and technologies can
play a significant role in the future [1] – [4].

This work was supported by Internal Grant Agency of Tomas Bata

University in Zlin under the project No. IGA/FAI/2018/008.

ISSN: 1998-4510 202


distinguished by their different frequency ranges (Figure 3).

Table 1 Brain wave distribution by the frequency of band wave.

The frequency of band

Name of the frequency
wave (Hz)

alpha α 8 - 13

beta β 13 - 30

delta δ 0.5 - 4

gamma γ >30

Fig. 1 Basic flow diagram of BCI scheme

theta θ 4-8
EEG technology is the most prevalent method of signal Each brain wave has a different frequency, amplitude
acquisition for Brain-Computer Interfaces. Many EEG (Figure 3) and meaning. Alpha α waves connect the gap
systems are using the International 10/20 system. This system between our conscious thinking and subconscious mind. It
is an electrode placement strategy, which ensures ample helps us to calm down, or it promotes a feeling of relaxation.
coverage over all parts of head [4]. Beta β waves are active in a waking state. This frequency is
visible in logical-analytical reasoning. In their activity, we
focus on a problem-solving. Delta δ waves occur during
meditation in a state of deep sleep or coma. Abnormal delta
activity may occur with the person, has learning disabilities or
have difficulties maintaining conscious awareness (such as in
cases of brain injuries). Gamma γ waves are essential for
learning, memory and information processing. Theta θ waves
are involved in sleep or daydreaming. This brainwave can
indicate intuition or automatic tasks [7].

Fig. 2 Electroencephalogram technology [5]

Brain signals are acquired by electrodes on the surface of

the head. Then these signals are digitized and processed to
clean and denoise data to enhance the relevant information
embedded in the messages. After that, a step called the feature
extraction is used. It means that certain features characterize
the brain patterns used in BCIs. Describing the signals by a
few relevant values is called feature extraction. Next step is a
translation. This step assigns a class to a set of features
extracted from the signals. This class corresponds to the type
of mental states identified. Finally, the translation into a
command, which means the command is associated with an
acquired mental state to control the application.
The most important criteria of evaluation EEG are
frequency. Frequency is a criterion for assessing abnormalities Fig. 3 Five major brain waves distinguished by their different
in clinical EEG and for understanding functional behaviours in frequency ranges [6].
cognitive research [6].
In Table 1 there can be seen five major brainwaves

ISSN: 1998-4510 203


IV. DEVICES Systems. The cost of this application is 9.95$. The app is also
The problem of using BCI in the academic field is a high available for two platforms – Windows and MacOS.
price. The best option for educational purposes is using the The application measure and display real-time data of four
types of brain waves. Alpha, Beta, Theta and Delta. Each of
Emotive EPOC device (Figure 3), which is designed and
these frequencies allows the adjustable gain to see detailed
manufactured by Emotiv System. The device comprises a
information and relative strengths between different brain
wireless helmet that enables the reading of feelings, emotions,
regions. Adjustable buffer size allows viewing instant
and intentions of the user. The cost of this device is 799$ for a responses or average activity over more extended periods.
Research Development Kit.
A. The Emotiv EPOC
The Emotiv EPOC device is based on the International
10/20 system. This headset consists of the 16 sensors on the
scalp. Two of these sensors are references.

Fig. 6 Application Emotiv Brain Activity Map v3.3.3 developed by

Emotiv Systems.

Controlling this application is quite easy. The menu bar

contains five options, which the most important options are
Tools and Contact Quality. The tools option provides saving
and loading data. Tab Contact Quality shows the right
Fig. 4 The International 10/20 system connection of helmet sensors. The proper connection of
sensors indicates a green colour (Figure 7).
The device records signal sequentially at 128 Hz with a
sufficient resolution of 14 bits per channel and a frequency
response in the range of 0.16 to 43 Hz. Besides, it provides 2.4
GHz wireless data transmission with a battery that allows
continuous operation for 8 hours. One of the advantages of the
system is the possibility of contacting electrodes with the skin
of the head to reach the electrodes with a physiological
solution instead of a conventional conductive gel. Conversely,
one of the disadvantages is a problem with the connection of
the sensors.

Fig. 7 Good connection of sensors

There are four colours, which indicates a quality of signals

(see Table 2).

Table 2 Colours providing quality of the signal

Colour Quality of signal

Fig. 5 Wireless helmet Emotiv EPOC.
Black No signal
B. Emotiv Brain Activity Map v3.3.3
Measurement takes place in application Emotiv Brain Red Bad signal
Activity Map v3.3.3 (Figure 6), which is developed by Emotiv
Orange Poor signal

ISSN: 1998-4510 204


logical and analytical reasoning. The measurement was

Green Good signal
performed while solving the mathematical exercise.
If the electrodes show a red or orange colour (see Figure 8), The following type of measurement was based on a
you must fix the sensors on the helmet manually. The sensors relaxed mind. Measurements were taken in a quiet room with
must touch the bare skin of the head. The right connection of relaxing music. Three types of relaxation music were used in
sensors gives the best quality signal due to this there is the this paper.
main disadvantage. If the tested person has long hair, there
may be a bad connection because of the isolation.
Results are taken as a visualization of brain activity. The
colour of the weakest signal is blue. As the strength of signal
increases, the colour changes to red. This is shown in Figure

Fig. 10 Spectrum of signal colours from the weakest to the strongest

A. The measurement based on logical and analytical

In the first measurement, the person used for the
Fig. 8 Poor connection of sensors measurement was given a mathematical exercise with the
command to solve it.
At the beginning of the measurement, it was detected that
V. MEASUREMENT the main roles play beta and theta waves. It was proved that
beta waves occur when solving a problem or they are visible at
The primary purpose of this measurement is to prove the logical-analytical reasoning. It can be seen in Figure 11.
existence of the brain waves. This experimental part, where
divided into two groups. These groups were chosen as an
example of two different actions. The first group was based on
activating brain waves, which are responsible for analytical
and logical reasoning or solving problems. The second group
was based on enabling brain waves, which are responsible for
a relaxed mind.
The measurement was carefully selected and took place in
the office. There were used devices, which were mentioned in
the previous section, also a computer, office supplies (paper,
pen). During the measurement, the office was closed because
the measure has to take place in silence.

Fig. 11 Brain activity at the beginning of the measurement of the

problem solving

After one minute, the view has changed. Now, there are
active only theta waves. It is because the testing person solved
the exercise in the past. This was explained that theta waves
occurred during the automatic problems solving. This can be
seen in Figure 7.

Fig. 9 The office, where the measurements were taken

In the first type of measurement, the brain activity was

considered about logical and analytical reasoning. The brain
activity was produced during solving the mathematical
exercise. Where analysis brain activity, which is produced by

ISSN: 1998-4510 205


Fig. 12 Activation of theta brain waves

Fig. 15 Brain activity during the third type of listening relaxing
B. The measurement based on a relaxed mind music
The second measurement was concerned with a relaxing mind.
The person used for the experiment was taken a seat with a
quiet room with the command to close their eyes and relax. VII. CONCLUSION
After that, the relaxing music was played. Relaxing music This paper briefly described what Brain Computer Interface
should activate alpha waves. In this experiment, it is used and its types is. After that, electroencephalogram has been
three types of relaxing music. Each of that proved it. It can be described. EEG is a non-invasive method can also be used for
seen in Figure 8 and Figure. 9. academic purposes. The measurement was mainly concerned
with the frequency of brain waves. Brain waves that occur
during problem solving or relaxation, have been measured by
the application Emotiv Brain Activity Map.
Our research deals with the BCI system, which was
identified by brain waves in two different actions. Firstly, we
managed to measure data while the person was solving a
problem. Secondly, we measured the person while relaxing.
There were used the type of relaxing music. After that, we
evaluated and described the collected data.
This measurement is the beginning of further research.
Future work lies primarily with the purchase of a PRO license
that will enable the raw EEG signal to be processed further.
The raw EEG signal can also be processed in other
applications instead of Emotiv applications. This type of
Fig. 13 Brain activity during the first type of listening relaxing measurement could be taken by people with epilepsy or other
music. abnormalities in clinical EEG. BCI technology is a relatively
new research area with great application potential. This is
mainly a possible improvement in the quality of life for
patients with permanent neurological deficits. By
implementing this method into neuro-rehabilitation practice,
we can improve the patient's health and mental state.

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