NCMB Midterm 312 Lec
NCMB Midterm 312 Lec
NCMB Midterm 312 Lec
Superficial Partial Full thickness Deep - Patient would die because of dysrhythmia
thickness burn thickness burn burn thickness - Entry wound =big
burn - Exit wounds = bigger
epidermis epidermis Epidermis Muscles &
- More movement more electricity enter the body
&portion of dermis bones
dermis Subcutaneous Ice burn phenomenon
1st degree burn 2nddegree burn 3rd degree burn 4thdegree - Under neat the skin with the =minor injury
burn involving the nerves more damage
-Least damage -epidermis is -requires Spontaneous4. Radiation burn
because destroyed or removal of healing will - Exposure to ultraviolet light , x-rays or
epidermis is injured & Eschar & split not occur radioactive source
the affected or full
part . - portion of thickness skin Note :
-skin grafting
dermis is may grafting required
o Burn on face
be injured
S/S: S/S: - leave a deep -Injured are -
- Pink to red - Tingling red , black & is black - o Burn on perinium
- no blisters - Pain white yellow or no/little pain- Treated as a Major burn
- skin blanches - Hyperesthesia brown area or - Thin
with pressure - Blistered - lather edema - Close to infection
- Mottled is present . o Burn on eye
- Blindness
-painful but -Painful
can lead be Sensitive to
eased with cold air
-3-7 days -2-4 weeks week - months -months
Palm method
Types of burn
1. Thermal burn
- Most type of burn
- Caused by exposure to flames , hot liquids
,steam or hot objects .
2. Chemical burn
- Caused by tissue contact with strong acids ,
alkalis or organic compounds .
- Harder to treat alkaline
3. Electrical burns
- Out side burn
- Affect the muscle ex, heart
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
(Occures ocasionally in this phase)
- Beginning on the fourth / fifth postburn day , K
shifts from extracellular fluid into cells .
Metabolic acidosis loss of sodium depletes fixed
based ; relative carbon dioxide content increases
Emergent phase / resuscitative phase _______ Rehabilitative phase _____________________
- more on ABCD - Begins with major wound closure & ends w/ the
- Onset of injury highest possible level of functioning.
- Continues 48 hrs/ completion of fluid - Emphasis on psychological adjustment
resuscitation prevention of scars & contractures prevention of
- completion of fluid resucitation scars & contractures resumption of pre burn
- Trying to wrap the patinet to evphorative fluid activity
loss Local effects of burn
- Evaluate immediate problems - Dilation of the capillaries ( increase the
- Fluid loss edema formations , potential for permeability- Plasma with albumin )& small
peripheral circulatory impairment vessels in the arear of burn
- Immidiate can focuses on maintaning open capillary permeability
airway adequate breathing & circulation , plasma seeps out in the tissues
limiting extend of injury & maintaining functions edema & blisters injury to cell & allows K to
or vital organs escape in the extracellular compartment
Edema & cardiac output
Acute phase/ intermediate________________
- Begin 48-72 hrs
Fluid balance & blood needs = blister
- To correct the fluid shifting 1kg = 1 L
- After injury or beginning of diuries until near - Evaporative fluid loss may 3-5 L or more /24 hr
wound closure in complete period
- Colaborative approach to care is directed toward Shift of plasma proteins from capillaries may result
continued assessment & maintenance of the the hypothermia
cardio , respi , G.i , nutritional status , wound Blood is shunted from the kidneys to compensate
care , pain control & phychological interventions for the fluid deficit and the urine output falls if noy
& prevention of infections corrected
Fluid remobilization phase ( state of diuresis) tissue perfusion
- Intertitial fluid plasma cardiac output
Hemodilution (decreased hematorict) hypovolemic shock
R-blood cell consentration is diluted as fluid enters Weight loss should not exceed 1kg/day
the intravascular compartment , loss of red blood RBC are destroyed & causing = hemoglobinuria
cells destroyed at burn site Hemoconcentration will result because the
Increased urinary output liquid blood component is lost in extravascular
- Fluid shift into intravascular compartment space .
increase renal blood flow & causes increased Potassium excess massive cellular trauma
urine formation causes release of K into ECF
Sodium (Na) deficit w/ diuresis Sodium deficit
- Sodium is loss w/ water , existing serum sodium - Na is lots in trapped edema fluid & exudate & by
is diluted by water influx shift into cells
Potassium (K) deficit
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
Metabolic acidosis - Paralytic ileus = vomiting ( di gumagalaw ang
- Cause by loss of bicarbonate ions accompanies chan) = les perfusion = acid stays
the sodium loss Curling Ulcer burn patient only experience
Respiratory system this ( because of the
- Carbon moxide poisoning leading cause of the Correct fluid & electrolyte balance
deaths , - Fisrt 24-48 hrs
- It displaces displace oxygen on hemoglobin - IV fluid balance solution (LR)
blood is unable to transport O2 to the - Insertion of indwelling catheter to monitor
tissues output
- Smoke inhalation injury causes loss of ciliary - Check for signs of fluid overload cersus
action & severe mucosal edema dehydration
- Surfactant activity is reduced atecelactasis - Monitor bp
caused by hydrochoric acid , plastic , acids - Temp
- Weight
- Electrocytes
- PRBC – 2-5 days afters burn
- Correct fluid & electrolyte Imbalance
Parkland/ Baxter Formula - Emergent phase – acute phase
= 4ml LR x weight in kg x TBSA - Computation start at the time of the injury not
the patient came to the emergency room or
- Weight could be round off = kg( of pound hospital .
convert to kg ( divide by 2.2 ) ( time of the injury )
Ex. 150 pnd divide by 2.2 Ex. 8 am start of the burn
Modified Brooke
0.5 ml /kg /% TBSA burn
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
- Skin from another person
3. Autografts ______________________________
- Skin form another part of the clients body
= sarili nyang balat
4. Mesh grafts_____________________________
- Machine used to mesh skin obtained from a
donor site so it can be stretched to cover a large
area of burn .
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
- disease
Communicable They usually involve few people during specific
4. Out break
- Greater than the anticipated increase in the
number of endemic cases
- If not quickly controlled epidemic
Communicable disease
- An illness due to an infections agent or its toxic
product which is trassmitted to a person or
animal directly or indirectly via of an
intermidiate animal host ( vector) , vehicle
( water , food , blood) or inanimate environment.
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
- An animal or plant in which an infections agents
lives & reproduces in such a manner that it can
be transmitted to man ( principal habitat )
a. Human
b. Animal
c. Non-animal -street dust , garden soil ,
lint from bedding .
3. Portal of entry
- Path or way in which the organisms leaves the
reservior this is where the organisms grow
a. respiratory tract- most common in man
b. gastrointestinal tract
c. genito-urinary tract
d. open lesions
e. mechanical escape – includes bites of insects
f. blood
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
- Time a case is infectious to others .
4. Mode of transmission
- Horizontal transmission
A. By close contact ______________________
1. Direct contact
- Person to person
- Sexually transmitted (STI)
2. Indirect contact
- Inanimate
- Families object
3. Droplet spread
- Close range spray of contaminated object
- Coughing , sneezing or talking by an infected
B. Airborne transmission_________________
- Result from inhalation of evaporated droplets
suspend in airborne dust particles or vapors
C. Vector borne transmission
- When arthropods such as flies , mosquitos , ticks
transfer an organism
D. By vehicle route______________________
- Through contaminated items
1. Food – salmonellosis
2. Water – shigellosis , cholera
3. Drugs – bacteremia resulting from infusion of a
contaminated infusion product .
4. Blood – hepatitis B , AIDS
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
1. Patient – person who is infected & manifest EXPANDED PROGRAM ON IMMUNIZATION ( EPI)
signs & symptoms of disease
Launch in July 1976 by doh in cooperation with the
2. Carrier - person who is healthy but harbors the
WHO & UNICEF to ensure the infants / children &
organism & is capable of transmitting the
mothers have access to routinely recommended
disease but does not have signs & symptoms
infant / childhood vaccines
3. Suspect – person who has medical history , Vaccination among infants & newborns (0-12
signs & symptoms that suggest that person is months ) against seven vaccine , preventable
suffering that particular disease disease , tuberculosis , poliomyelitis , diptheria
4. Contact – person who is in close association ,tetanus , pertussis , hepatitis & measles .
with an infected person , animal or object . Presidential degree No. 996 (September 16 , 1976)
Providing for compulsory basic immunization for
o General objectives infants & children below eight yrs .
- To further understand & gain knowledge about
Philippine national immunization program
o Specific objectives
- Understand what is immunization EM &
- understand the different vaccines included in epi
& its characteristic .
- describe some new vaccines / program updates
- determine the describe immunization schedule
- describe vaccine – preventable disease
- learn the general principle in vaccination
- Learn about contraindicasion to immunization &
o Immunization
- Is the process by which vaccines are introduced
into the body before the infection sets in.
- It promotes health & protects children from
disease – causing agents
o Vaccines
- The causative agent of a disease so modified as
to be incapable of producing the disease yet at
the same time so little changed that is able when
introduced into the body , to elicit production of
specific antibodies against the disease
- These are always antigen , therefore they always
induce active immunity when administered
thereby causing the recipients immune system to
react to the vaccine that produces antibodies to
fight infection , & are the most useful the
prevention of disease .
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
JD Munoz JD Munoz JD Munoz JD Munoz JD Munoz JD Munoz JD Munoz JD Munoz JD Munoz JD Munoz JD Munoz JD
NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
Fluid imbalance
Memorize uu \
a. intake of fluid
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
b. excretion ( di muna mailabas(baka sira 2. excretion
yung kidney ) ) =kidney impairment Diuresis
Kidney impairment Diarrhea
ADH Vomiting ( excretion )
Aldosterone Diaphoresis
c. Fluid shifting from intravascular to interstial Bleeding
space 3. Fluid shifting
- From intravascular to interstitial
- BURN ( burn edema)
Shock ( hypovolemic )
a. Restrict fluid
b. Restrict sodium
- Sodium attracts water
c. Monitor VS
d. Monitor I & O
e. Weight patient daily
f. Manage the cause = the cause will be treated
g. Diuretics ( as ordered )
h. Dialysis( pag sira yung kidney )
2. Fluid volume deficit
- Clinical manifestation of disease
1. intake
those patients altered mechanism
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
- Impulse transmission
Electrical (focus) Sodium
Chemical - 135- 145 meq/L
NERVES - Major cation outside the cell
Membrane potential:
o Resting membrane potential
- Electrical charge at rest
b. Hyponatremia
- serum sodium less than 135 ,eq/L
- Clinical manifestation
ETIOLOGY : Potassium
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
Inc Iv administration
Lethal injection
Can cause cardiac arrest
2. Dec. K excretion
Renal impairment
( sira yung kidney hindi nya nailabas )
K sparing diuretic
3. K shifting from ICF to ECF
Massive tissue damage burn , prolonged
surgery ,
Metabolic acidosis
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
CLINICAL MANIFESTATION : - Major regulatory hormone
- Regulates vitamin D metabolism
2. Calcitonin – ¯ Ca
Vitamin D
Vitamin D in the
skin 7 hydroxy vitamin D / 7
MANAGEMENT: hypokalemia
- Prominent U wave
Hyperkalemia Hypocalcemia
- Peak T wave / tall T wave 1. ¯ intake calcium & Vit D
Hypercalcemia 2. losses
Ex. Patient w/ acute panc.titis they cannot
- Shortening of the QT interval absorb calcoium nilalabaslang nila
Hypocalcemia 3. Calcium binds w/ other
subtancesunionized calcium\
- Prolonged QT interval Ca bind gluconate =
Ca bind Citrate
Ca bind Protein
MANAGEMENT: Ex. – citrated blood for blood transfusion
1. Restrict calcium rich food - Blood transfuse to us citrated blood yon para
2. Monitor ECG di mag cloth yung blood pag nag transfuse sa
3. Increase Fluid intake patient pag na transfer na mag babind sya
4. Promote safety measures sya protein
5. Manage the cause . - Alkalosis – ph high ca bind to protient
baba yung ionized sa calcium magiging
Note: unionized may hyper
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
Note : all of this condition will lead to dec. calcium 02 sat – 98 – 100%
in the blood less than 8.5 mg/dl =hypocalcemia
Base excess : - 3 to +3
HCO3 – alkalinity
Pospate, chloride, magnesium ( self study ) - HCO3 alkalosis
- ¯HCO3 Acidosis
= this 2 are measured anion ( dapat balance sila ) Dec. CO2 normalized pH
Metabolic alkalosis
(we can see the anion gap) a. HCO3
1. Sulfates chloride
2. Phosphates use of antacids( ex. Na HCO3 )
3. Lactates b. acid
Vomiting HCI acid
HCO3 / acid
CAUSES H+ --.K shiftinghypokalemia
pHCa bind w/ protienthypocalcemia
1. Kidney failure – cannot excrete acid lungs compensate retain pCO2 CO2
= ( metabolic acidosis) normalized ph hypoventelation
2. Diarrhea – loss of HCO3
3. Diabetic ketoacidosis ketone bodies
( can lead ketone acidosis)
4. Diuresis- loss of HCO3
5. lactic acid
HCO3 - = acidosis
Etiology dec. HCO3 / acid HCO3 - = alkalosis
H+ ------> K shifting hyperkalemia
¯ pH
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
pCO2 35- 45
HCO3 22-26
pO2 80-100
O2 sat 98 – 100 %
BE – 3 to +3
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
Urinary tract 4. Urge incontinence
- Common in elderly
2 parts ; - Not normal
1. Upper urinary tract - They having bladder capacity
- Kidneys o Health teaching
- ureter bladder training . scheduled urination
2. Lowe Ut 5. stress incontinence
- U. bladder - due to inc. intra abdominal pressure = (naiihi
- Urethra ka ) ( ex. Tawa ka ng tawa naiihi ka
Urethra - most common pregnant women
- Passageway of urine from the urinary
bladder outside
Women = shorter (most common) o health teaching
- & in close proximity w/ the anus bladder training
Men= longer
U. bladder URETER
- Passageway storage of urine . - Passage way of urine from the kidneys to the
- It can store a lot of urine – 150 ml ( stretch urinary bladder .
send signal brain urge to urinate ) - Lind by smooth muscle – pag may dumadaan na
- Inervated by ANS urine nag
- SNS – urinary retention - Some times develop stones in the kidneys pwede
- PNS – bladder emptying bumagsak sa ureter urine di makakababa
ureter Contract = severe pain
1. Urinary retention
- Most important risk factor for the - major organ of excretion posterior
development of UTI abdomen .
2. Honeymoon cystitis - Along the costovertebral angle ( CVA)
- Related to sexual intercourse - right Kidney is lower than a left
- Orgasm – SNS ( because of the presence of the liver on the
- Ejaculation – SNS right side )
o Health teaching void first prior to sexual - cm long =?
intercourse wad masyado exited - Cm wide = ?
- Thickness = ? read book daw
3. Incontinence
- Involuntary urination ( di mo mapigilan ang
pag ihi mo )
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
Lengt - 10 -12 Cm
Wide – 6 cm
Problem :
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
functions of the neprons
1. Filtrations
2. Reabsorption
3. Secretion
Note: in filtration
- By BP Hydrostatic pressure ( exerting hy
- Oncotic pressue ( attract ) ( exerted by
albumin )
- Sa glumerolus tubular pressure ( )
Efp = 80 – ( 30 + 10 )
Note :
4. BP regulation
Lalabas – efferent arteriole
- Pag nasira ang kidney = Bp = hypertension
Bacteria – e coli ( most common ) ascending - Group A beta hemolytic ( strep throat )
infection - Staphyloccus aureus
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
3. Kidney function test Bacteria urethrovesical reflux
4. Ultrasound
Infection to uretra – urethritis
5. Ct scan
Infection to .. – cystitis
6. MRI
7. Restrict fluid Local inflammation
8. Sodium
9. Weight your patient
- Pain – low back , hypogastric
Acute GN - Swelling stretch wall urinary frequency
Chronic GN ( balisawsaw)
Rapid progressive GN - Heat – burning sensation in urination
Nephrotic syndrome – severe proteinuria - Dysuria – painful urination
( don’t know the cause )= 3 g/ day ( irritative symptoms )
Note: !!!!
ND :
- Nephrotic – more on proteinuria Altered ano daw
- Nephritic – hematuria Dikona narinig
!!!!But both of the is a destruction of glomeruli Diagnostic test
membrane !!!!
1. Culture & sensitivity
2. Urinalysis
Lower UT Pyuria – most prominent
- Urinary bladder Bacteriuria – bacteria in urine
- Urethra Hematuria
Management :
Bacteria Independent Intervention
1. Avoid urinary retention
- E coli
2. Proper perineal care
- Klebsiella
3. Change patients catheter
- Serratia
4. Proper used of tampoon , feminine wash ,
Risk factor 5. Void first prior to sexual intercourse
6. Shower instead of bathtub
1. Urinary retention
7. Cotton underwear
2. Females
8. Increase water intake !!! up to 2-3 liters per
3. Poor perineal hygiene ( front to back )
4. Catheterize patient
9. Acidify the urine
5. Tampoon user
10. Analgesic as ordered
6. Menstruation
- NSAIDS ( after meals )
7. Psychotic patients
- Bladder analgesic
8. Sexual intercourse
Phenazopyridine – discolorations of urine
9. Bath tub
11. Antibacterial drugs as ordered
10. Nylon underwear
-cortrimoxazole , quinolones .
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
JD Munoz JD Munoz JD Munoz JD Munoz JD Munoz JD Munoz JD Munoz JD Munoz JD Munoz JD Munoz JD Munoz JD
NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
11/15/21 Urinary frequency
Urinary tract obstruction
Focus – stones on urinary tract = urolithiasis URETER
Types of stones Stoned fall Ureter = Urotherolithiasis
form = Nephrolithiasis
Pain CVA & plank area
HYDRONEPHROSIS = edema in kidney
form = Cystolithiasis
Pain hypogastric area & low back
Gross/microscopic Hesitancy
Dribbling sensation
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
1. Relieve the pain – severe
2. Prevent infection
3. Improve urination
4 phases :AKI
1. oral fluid intake up to 3L/Day
2. If stone is acid – alkalinize the urine /
alkalinizing food
- Loss of kidney function
3. If thew stones is alkaline , acidify the urine /
acidifying food ( acid ash diet )
A. Acute renal failure
sudden loss of kidney function
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
reversible 2. Oliguric phase
non progressive =oliguria(¯urine output <30ml/hr: azotemia )
acute Kidney injury (AKI)
- sudden impairment of kidney function 3. Diuretic phase
- reversible Nephrons start to recoverurine output but
- non progressive there is still azotemia
B. Chronic renal failure
Gradual 4. Recovery phase
Progressive loss of kidney function 6 mos to 1 yr or more reversible
Chronic kidney disease ( CKD)
- Gradual
- Progressive impairment in kidney function
- Irreversible
a. Pre renal
- ¯ blood flow to the kidneys
= Shock
b. Intra renal
- The kidneys are diseased
- Acute pyelonephritis
- Acute glomerulonephritis
- Nephrotoxic effects of drug
- Acute tubular necrosis
c. Post renal
- Obstruction to the flow of urine
- Stone
- Tumor
- Strictures( congenital lesions)
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
AKI- repeated bout CKD ETIOLOGY impaired kidney function
Most common …
1. Hypertension
2. Diabetes mellitus
= nephropathy
GFR(glomerular filtration rate )= 125 ml/min
Stage of CKD
Stage 1
- GFR>90ml/min
- Impaired kidney function /normal or high
- Fluid volume excess
- Activity intolerance/ fatigue
Stage 2
- Ineffective tissue perfusion
- GFR 60 – 89 ml/min – Mild
- Risk for cardiac arrest
- Imbalance nutrition less than body
Stage 3
- GFR 30 – 59 ml/min – moderate
- Risk for impaired skin integrity
Stage 4
1. Kidney function test – BUN & creatinine
- GFR 15 – 29 ml/min – severe
2. GFR – 125ml/min
Stage 5
3. Ultrasound
- GFR <15 ml/min
4. KUB
- ESRD/ESKD – uremia /uremic syndrome
5. Ct scan
( collection of S/SX referrable to severe
6. MRI
uremia , this is multi system affection , this
7. Culture
can only see on end stage
8. Urinalysis
9. Biopsy
10. Cystoscopy / ureterocystoscopy
- Nervous – confusion
- Uremic psychosis – altered LOC
- Respiratory system – pulmonary edema
- Hematologic system – anemia ,
- Integumentary system – ashen gray color ,
1 modality of treatment for both acute &
uremic frost
chronic = Dialysis
- Digestive system – uremic fetor , ammonia
like breath
- Musculoskeletal system – renal
- Oliguria
osteodystrophy , deformity
- Azotemia
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
- Anemia Note:
- HPN No diuretics if patient is on end stage (ESRD) need
- Fatigue na ng dialysis
- Hyper K ( immediate indication of dialysis ) 2. HPN – antihypertensive drug
- Hyper P Ex. Ace inhibitors
- Hyper M Quinapril
- Hypo Cal AIIR blockers – losartan , candesartan
- 3. Hyperkalemia
- Metabolic acidosis a. Insulin IV
b. Glucose IV
>push K into the cells
c. calcium gluconate
- Antagonize the effect of K on cardiac
4. Metabolic acidosis
a. Sodium bicarbonate (Na HCO3)
5. Hyperphosphatemia
a. AIOH ( antacids)
b. Amphojel – bind PO4 to be remove from
the body ( phosphate binding agents
6. Hypocalcemia
a. Calcium
b. Vit D supplements
7. Anemia
a. Erythropoietin parenteral
b. (epogen (epocinon ( epoetin alfa)
c. Ferrous sulfate supplements
Nursing intervention:
MEDICAL MANAGEMENT : 1. Restrict fluid
1. Edema – diuretics 2. Restrict sodium
Ex. Loop D = furosemide
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
3. Monitor I&O - Sudden changes in the fluid and
4. Monitor VS electrolyte levels feeling of wellness
5. Weigh patient daily is felt a day after the dialysis
6. Promote rest periods b. …..
7. Diet c.
- restrict Na
- K , P , Mg rich food
- Restrict fats
- carbohydrates
8. Provide safety measure
9. Sin care
10. Assess for symptoms of bleeding / other
Modalities of treatment
2 dialysis for acute and chronic
1. Dialysis
a. Peritoneal dialysis
Goals :PD
1. Remove toxic waste
2. To re istablish fluid and electrolyte balance
3 types of PD
1. Acute intermittent PD ( AIPD)
2. Continuous ambulatory PD (CAPD)
3. Continuous cyclic PD (CCPD)
Principle :
1. Osmosis – from concentration to ¯
2. Simple diffusion
Note: This happen through semipermeable
membrane peritoneal membrane
1. Peritonitis
2. Primary peritonitis
3. Secondary peritonitis – rupture of
appendix ( surgery )
Possible complication !!!!! 4. Perforate ulcer ( correct by surgery )
a. Dysequillibrium
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
2. Renal transplant
- Most effective
Goals : HD - Most cost effective
1. to remove nitrogenous wastes
2. To remove excess water DRUGS : CKD/ESRD
PRINCIPLES : HD Note : Hindi sila pang treatment pang delay lang to
1. osmosis ng dialysis gets mo
2. simple diffusion 1. Ketoanalogue – amino acids
3. ultrafiltration - Can maintain the creatinine level
dialyzer – artificial kidney 2. Kremezine
Emergency dialysis - Who cannot under go dialysis
- insertion of J tube in the central vein agadagad
Elective dialysis - It remove the waste products
- Av osmosis – artery vein connect
( adsorbent
a. AV fistula
b. Av graft ( can see patients vein go bigger )
- Dead
- Living donor – healthy / tissue
- Nephrectomy
- Position – lateral
- Post op monitor – every 15 mi,n,
every 30 min every hour until stable
room pain reliever
- Discharge teaching – monitor kidney
function test every 6 months or
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NCMB 312 LEC Midterm
PATIENT – recipient : RT
- Supine
- Location – pelvis / iliac crest
- Monitor every 15, 30 mins / hours
Until stable
- Monitor urine output hourly
- To prevent rejection
= Immunosuppressant drug
a. Steroids
withraw gradually after 3-4
( more possible infection)
b. Cyclosporine- for life to prevent
Reverse isolation
Avoid crowded places
Avoid sick people
- To prevent infection
( fever , tenderness over the graft ,
leukocytes )
Monitor kidney function
Live a healthy lifestyle
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