Efficiency Enhancement of Zno/Cu2O Solar Cells With Well Oriented and Micrometer Grain Sized Cu2O Films
Efficiency Enhancement of Zno/Cu2O Solar Cells With Well Oriented and Micrometer Grain Sized Cu2O Films
Efficiency Enhancement of Zno/Cu2O Solar Cells With Well Oriented and Micrometer Grain Sized Cu2O Films
van der Waals epitaxy of Al-doped ZnO film on mica as a flexible transparent heater with ultrafast thermal
Applied Physics Letters 112, 031905 (2018); 10.1063/1.5010358
Thin film solar cells based on CdS/CdTe and CdS/ the energy band position of ZnO and Cu2O semiconductors
CuInSe2 heterostructures play an important role in modern contributes to separation of photogenerated electrons and
life due to their high power conversion efficiency (PCE) and holes, i.e., the conduction band minimum (CBM) of Cu2O is
high stability.1–3 Therefore, they have been widely used for a little higher than the CBM of ZnO and the valance band
photovoltaic power stations, traffic lights, satellites, space maximum (VBM) of ZnO is lower than the VBM of Cu2O.
exploration, etc. Nevertheless, these traditional solar cells Moreover, all the constituent elements of Cu2O and ZnO are
are not eco-friendly because their constituent elements are nontoxic, low cost, and abundant. While ZnO/Cu2O solar
intrinsic toxicity (Cd) or rare in the earth (Te, In, and Se), cells have such advantages, a reported PCE over 1% is diffi-
which cause serious damage to human health and the global cult to achieve in the initial stage. Thus, a lot of ZnO/Cu2O
environment. Thus, it is urgent to develop heterostructure heterojunction solar cells using different fabrication techni-
materials with abundance, low cost, and nontoxicity for thin ques have been proposed. For example, Cui et al.18 and
film solar cells. All metal oxide semiconductors have the Musselman et al.19 reported the nanostructured ZnO/Cu2O
potential to meet these requirements and are promising alter- solar cells with a PCE of 0.88% and 0.47%, respectively.
natives for applications to the heterojunction solar cells.4 Recently, the electrodeposited ZnO/Cu2O solar cells with a
Cuprous oxide (Cu2O) is such a potential oxide semiconduc- PCE of 1.43% were reported by Fujimoto et al.20 More
tor material for low cost photovoltaic applications, as it recently, Minami et al. demonstrated a multi-junction of an
shows several significant advantages, such as low cost, non- Al-doped ZnO (AZO)/non-doped ZnO (ZO)/Cu2O solar cell
toxicity, good mobility, high absorption coefficient, and with a PCE of 3.83%.21 The main reason for the PCE
direct bandgap (about 2.1 eV).5 These obvious advantages improvements of the Al-doped ZnO (AZO)/non-doped ZnO
make Cu2O suitable for acting as an efficient absorber layer (ZO)/Cu2O solar cell is the optimization the n-type oxide
in solar cells. Cu2O has been fabricated using various techni- thin film and the resistivity of the Cu2O sheet while main-
ques such as thermal oxidation,6,7 chemical vapor deposi- taining high mobility. Although the multi-junction structure
tion,8 electrodeposition,9 and reactive sputtering.10,11 In our contributes to improving the conversion efficiency, it
previous report, high quality Cu2O films could also be requires a complex fabrication process and is high cost. Till
obtained by radical oxidation of Cu films at a low tempera- now, the highest PCE of the single heterojunction of the
ture of 500 C,12,13 which is totally different with the method ZnO/Cu2O solar cell is about 2%,22 which is still much lower
of thermal oxidation of Cu films above 1000 C. The low than the theoretical maximum PCE of 20%. One main reason
growth temperature (500 C) for Cu2O films is beneficial for for the low PCE of ZnO/Cu2O solar cells is that the reported
the cost reduction. Cu2O has a small grain size and the interface between Cu2O
Until now, Cu2O based heterojunction architectures and the ZnO film is rough, causing poor separation of photo-
combing with various n-type metal oxides have been widely generated electrons and holes and low PCE.12 To solve this
investigated, such as TiO2, CdO, and ZnO.14–16 In particular, issue, we develop a feasible and low cost strategy, i.e., dip-
the heterojunction of p-Cu2O with n-ZnO is very attractive, ping the fabricated Cu2O films into HNO3 solution by a rapid
which is considered as one of the next generation solar cells, quenching technique followed by a rapid annealing tech-
as ZnO has been found to be most stable, efficient, and trans- nique, which could generate a large grain size and flat
parent conductive metal oxides.17 The relative position of surface.
In this letter, we report on the utilization of a rapid
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: zangzg@cqu.edu.cn quenching and post annealing treatment to obtain perfectly
better smooth Cu2O films with large grain size. The chemical To evaluate the photo-electrical performance of the fabri-
composition of Cu2O was confirmed by energy-dispersive cated Cu2O films, we measured the photocurrent of the Cu2O
spectroscopy (EDS), as shown in Fig. 1(e). The EDS spec- films under light irradiation of a continuous laser (k ¼ 532 nm
trum measured from the surface of Cu2O films indicates that and the optical power of 20 mW), as shown in Fig. 3. It is
the main chemical elements are Cu and O existing in the obvious that the Cu2O films with treatment show a significant
samples, the percentages of which are 67.3% and 32.4% photocurrent enhancement as compared to the Cu2O films
(nearly 2:1), respectively, which is consistent with Cu2O without treatment. The photoresponse results verify our
film formation. The EDS spectrum of Cu2O films is in accor- assumptions that the Cu2O films with large grain size will
dance with the data in the previous published literature.23 enhance the photocurrent, as the large grain crystal effectively
Chemical states of Cu2O films were studied by X-ray photo- contributes to the separation of the photo-generated carriers,
electron spectroscopy (XPS). The binding energy peaks at which has already been confirmed by the previous report.26
932.25 eV and 952.15 eV are Cu 2p3/2 and Cu 2p1/2 of Cu2O, We think that the enhanced photocurrent in Cu2O films with
respectively, corresponding to a monovalent Cu.24 Thus, the treatment will also contribute to the performance enhance-
XPS results confirm that there is no existence of CuO. ment in the solar cell. Thus, we fabricated the solar cells based
The crystal structure and composition of the obtained on Cu2O films. For comparison, both the solar cells have the
Cu2O films are analysed by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Figure same thickness of Cu2O and ZnO, as schematically shown in
2(a) shows their diffraction patterns and the standard card Fig. 4(a). The external quantum efficiency (EQE) spectra of
(JCPDS No. 05–0667). Both synthesized Cu2O films exhibit the ZnO/Cu2O heterojunction solar cell are shown in Fig.
(110), (111), (220), and (222) diffraction peaks of cubic 4(b); it can be seen that the EQE of the solar cell with treat-
phase Cu2O, indicating that no other impure phases such as ment is higher than that of the solar cell without treatment,
Cu or CuO are observed. The diffraction peaks are strong thus indicating a good absorbance and charge collection in
and sharp, which means that the synthesized Cu2O films are this cell. The current density-voltage (J-V) curves of the devi-
highly crystalline. For the Cu2O films without rapid quench- ces with and without rapid quenching and post annealing treat-
ing and post annealing treatment, the strongest intensity of ment are shown in Fig. 4(c). It was found that the rapid
the diffraction peak is the (220) crystal direction. However, quenching and post annealing treatment contributed to a signif-
in the case of Cu2O films with rapid quenching and post icant performance improvement on the devices. Compared to
annealing treatment, a highly (111) oriented Cu2O film was the devices without treatment, both the open-circuit voltage
generated, and the intensity of the (220) diffraction peak is (Voc) and short-circuit current density (Jsc) of the devices
much lower than that of Cu2O films without rapid quenching treated by rapid quenching and post annealing improved
and post annealing treatment. Meanwhile, as shown in Fig. remarkably, with improvement in Voc (from 0.502 to 0.557 V)
1(a), we observe that the intensity of (220) and (222) diffrac- and Jsc (from 7.47 to 11.43 mAcm2). The fill factor (FF) for
tion peaks is low. Thus, Cu2O films show the (111) preferen- all the devices exceeds 0.50. More importantly, the former
tial orientation after rapid quenching and post annealing exhibited a maximum PCE of 3.18% under 100 mW/cm2 illu-
treatment, which may suggest that there is only main growth mination of simulated AM 1.5G sunlight, while the latter
direction along the (111) direction. It has been known that showed only 1.98%. This result corresponds to a significant
the crystal faces with a main growth direction will be PCE improvement of 60.6%. The detailed photovoltaic param-
exposed to less different facet and consequently exhibit rela- eters of ZnO/Cu2O solar cells are summarized in Table I. By
tively smoothness on the surface morphology. These results combining the rapid quenching and post annealing treatment
are also confirmed by the SEM images. on the surface of Cu2O films, high PCE was achieved due to
The optical properties of the as-prepared Cu2O films the increase in the grain size and the improvement of the
were investigated by UV-visible spectrometry. The wave-
length dependent absorption spectra of both synthesized
Cu2O films with the same thickness are shown in Fig. 2(b).
The absorption spectra for both Cu2O films exhibit a broad
absorption in the UV and visible ranges. It is remarkable that
there is strong absorption at photon energies greater than
2 eV, which coincides with the optical bandgap of Cu2O.
There is no sharpness peak in the whole absorption spectra
because of the “direct bandgap” nature of Cu2O. By inter-
cepting the two linearly extrapolated lines, the estimated
bandgap of both samples is 2.1 eV according to the absorp-
tion edge positions. The absorption of Cu2O films with treat-
ment is higher than that of Cu2O films without treatment,
which will contribute to improving the performance of the
solar cell. The absorbance property of the Cu2O films may
be influenced by grain size and morphology.25 As the serious
roughness appears on the surface of Cu2O films without
treatment, the optical absorption of the Cu2O films without
treatment is obviously reduced in almost the full visible FIG. 3. Photoresponse of the synthesized Cu2O films with and without rapid
region compared to those of Cu2O films with treatment. quenching and post annealing treatment.
042106-4 Zhigang Zang Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 042106 (2018)
smooth surface. Meanwhile, the photoluminescence (PL) spec- of incident light. When ZnO and Cu2O are coupled for a
tra of the ZnO/Cu2O heterojunction with and without rapid hetero-junction system, the band bending will appear in
quenching and post annealing treatment were measured to their interface and can form a good type-II band alignment,
observe the charge generation of the solar cells. As shown in i.e., the CBM of Cu2O is a little higher than the CBM of
Fig. 4(d), a strong PL emission of the heterojunction without ZnO and the VBM of ZnO is lower than the VBM of Cu2O.
treatment was observed. In contrast, we observed a significant Thus, the photo-generated carrier recombination is greatly
PL quenching effect when Cu2O subject to a treatment. inhibited, as the electrons are excited from the valence
Obviously, the PL of the ZnO/Cu2O heterojunction with treat- band to the conduction band and then transfer to ZnO films
ment was quenched much more seriously than the ZnO/Cu2O rapidly.
heterojunction without treatment. The large grains will contrib- In conclusion, we fabricated perfectly oriented and
ute larger nonradiative relaxation rates over the surface states, micrometer sized Cu2O crystals by a rapid quenching and
which leads to a decrease in PL intensity.26–28 These results post annealing treatment of radical oxidized Cu2O. The per-
indicate that electrons and holes can be more efficiently fectly oriented and micrometer sized Cu2O crystals improved
extracted by the ZnO/Cu2O heterojunction with treatment, the PCE of ZnO/Cu2O solar cells. A maximum PCE
resulting in higher efficient solar cells, accordingly.
To well understand the working principle of the single
hetero-junction of ZnO/Cu2O solar cells, a schematic band
alignment of ZnO and Cu2O by using the Anderson model
is shown in Fig. 5. As the bandgaps of ZnO and Cu2O mate-
rials are 3.3 eV and 2.1 eV, respectively, the ZnO/Cu2O
hetero-junction will be capable of absorbing a broad region
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