The Hyper-Reactive Malarial Splenomegaly: A Systematic Review of The Literature
The Hyper-Reactive Malarial Splenomegaly: A Systematic Review of The Literature
The Hyper-Reactive Malarial Splenomegaly: A Systematic Review of The Literature
Background: The hyper-reactive malarial splenomegaly syndrome (HMS) is a leading cause of massive splenomegaly
in malaria-endemic countries. HMS is caused by a chronic antigenic stimulation derived from the malaria parasite.
Classic Fakunle’s major criteria for case definition are: persistent gross splenomegaly, elevated anti-malarial antibodies,
IgM titre >2 SD above the local mean value and favourable response to long-term malaria prophylaxis. The syndrome is
fatal if left untreated. The aim of this study is to systematically review the literature about HMS, particularly focussing on
case definition, epidemiology and management.
Methods: The search strategy was based on the following database sources: Pubmed, EmBase, Scopus. Search was
done in March, 2014 and limited to English, Spanish, Italian, French, and Portuguese.
Results: Papers detected were 149, of which 89 were included. Splenomegaly was variably defined and the criterion
of increased IgM was not always respected. The highest prevalence was reported in Papua New Guinea (up to 80%).
In different African countries, 31 to 76% of all splenomegalies were caused by HMS. Fatality rate reached 36% in three
years. The most frequent anti-malarial treatments administered were weekly chloroquine or daily proguanil from a
minimum of one month to lifelong. In non-endemic countries, a few authors opted for a single, short anti-malarial
treatment. All treated patients with no further exposure improved. Cases not completely fulfilling Fakunle’s criteria and
therefore untreated, subsequently evolved into HMS. It seems thus appropriate to treat incomplete or ‘early’ HMS, too.
Conclusions: For patients not re-exposed to endemic areas, a short course of treatment is sufficient, showing that
eradicating the infection is sufficient to cure HMS. Longer (probably lifelong) courses, or intermittent treatments, are
required for those who remain exposed. Splenectomy, associated with high mortality, should be strictly limited to cases
not responding to medical treatment.
Keywords: Hyper-reactive, Malarial, Splenomegaly, Management, Treatment, Epidemiology, Review
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Leoni et al. Malaria Journal (2015) 14:185 Page 2 of 11
outcome of studies with more than 10 recruited subjects Sixty-three papers described cases observed or studies
was summarized. The studies were obviously heteroge- conducted in endemic areas. In particular, 50/63 (80%)
neous but, because of the extreme poverty of papers in Africa, 8/63 (12%) in Asia [26-33], and 5/63 (8%) in
dealing with HMS, it was aimed to provide the most South America [16,34-37]. Of the 26 papers from non-
comprehensive picture of the main reported aspects of endemic countries, 22 (85%) concerned patients ob-
the syndrome since the first publication until now. served in Europe, the others were case reports from
Israel [38], the USA [39,40] and Hong Kong [41]. Apart
Results from two retrospective studies [42,43] and one prospect-
The electronic search identified 331 papers from ive longitudinal study [19], the other papers were case
Pubmed, 60 From EmBase and 75 from Scopus. Sixty- reports/case series. These included immigrants (15 pa-
eight duplicates were discarded. After an evaluation of pers), expatriates (ten papers) or both groups (one
language, titles and abstracts, a total of 152 papers were paper). The range of age of subjects under study fell
detected that may relate to this review. Thirteen were from birth [44] to a maximum of 77 years [45] and most
not retrieved. On the basis of the full text, 51 papers of the patients with HMS were young adults. According
were discarded since they did not deal with HMS. to some studies a male gender prevalence was noted but
The remaining 89 papers were included. The flow is analysing the literature no significant gender difference
summarized in Figure 1 (PRISMA flow chart). was observed.
Diagnostic criteria for case definition the publication of Fakunle’s criteria, Mardsen and Crane
Fakunle’s criteria were mostly used, but adherence to had suggested the following: persistent splenomegaly,
them was variable. Most authors declaring to follow hepatic sinusoidal lymphocytosis, disproportionate eleva-
Fakunle’s criteria considered as splenomegalic a patient tion of serum IgM levels and high anti-malarial antibody
with spleen size bigger than 10 cm below the costal mar- titre, without considering the response to the therapy [55].
gin (Figure 2), but lower measures were also reported In other papers, the exclusion of other causes of spleno-
[34,46]. Overall, the range of the spleen size reported to megaly in an endemic area was sufficient to consider a
define splenomegaly was extremely variable, from 3 [27] patient as affected by HMS [56,57].
to 30 cm [47] below the costal margin. Both palpatory
and echographic methods were used. Some authors pre- Epidemiology in endemic countries
ferred to use Hackett’s spleen size classification There are scanty data regarding the prevalence of the
[16,20,29,35,48-50], which is based on palpation. They syndrome in the general population. Studies performed
considered as splenomegalic a patient with spleen size in Papua New Guinea reported an extraordinarily high
classified at least in the II or III grade (Table 1). Other prevalence of the syndrome (85% in five years old chil-
authors did not define splenomegaly, but described the dren and 80% in adults) among inhabitants of the Upper
spleen as “gross” [13] or “huge” [39]. The increase in Watut Valley [58]. The relationship between the parasite
IgM titre was not always respected. Some authors con- rate and the spleen size varied with age: in children the
sidered it neither specific nor necessary [51,52]. In five spleen size appeared to be directly related to the parasite
studies the syndrome was also diagnosed in absence of rate, while in adults the opposite occurred [44].
raised IgM [1,32,37,52,53]. Studies conducted in The Gambia reported a much
In other studies the case definition relied on at least two lower prevalence: 1.6 per 1,000 subjects aged ten years
out of the three major criteria (leaving aside anti-malarial or older [44,59]. Other authors studied the proportion of
antibody titre that is invariably raised), besides excluding splenomegaly caused by HMS. In northern Nigeria, 30
other causes of splenomegaly [28,42,43,54]. It was observed splenomegalic patients out of 75 (40%) were classified as
that some of those patients, if further exposed to malaria, having HMS, and so were 137 out of 334 subjects in
evolved to the complete syndrome, and this suggested the northern Zambia (again, 40%), 38 patients out of 131
possibility to make the diagnosis at an early stage [43]. (31%) in Kenya, 91/221 (41%) in Ghana and 87/114
Moreover, a direct correlation between the splenomegaly (76%) in eastern Sudan [1,48,60-62].
class and the IgM level has been demonstrated, suggesting In Papua New Guinea, the overall mortality rate in a
a continuum in the syndrome evolution [42]. series of 75 untreated patients during a 72-month period
Another approach to the diagnosis of HMS was a was 36%, reaching 57% in patients with grade V spleno-
combination of major and minor criteria. In 1976, before megaly [20]. In another study, the reported mortality
Figure 2 African patient with splenomegaly seen at the Centre for Tropical Diseases, Negrar.
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Table 1 Hackett’s spleen size classification under lifelong chloroquine prophylaxis showed an im-
Spleen grade Description of the spleen grade provement of all, with a partial regression of splenomegaly
0. Spleen not palpable even on deep inspiration. and an increase of haemoglobin level over a period of 12-
I. Spleen palpable below costal margin, usually on
18 months. However, in no case a normalization of the
deep inspiration. spleen size was observed. The prophylactic regimen halved
II. Spleen palpable, but not beyond a horizontal line halfway the mortality rate over ten years compared to untreated
between the costal margin and umbilicus, measured in a patients [79]. Other studies confirmed the efficacy of this
line dropped vertically from the left nipple. regimen [27,31,71]. The most recent one was carried out
III. Spleen palpable more than halfway to umbilicus, but in Sudan in 2013 and reported, after a three-month ther-
not below a line horizontally running through it. apy, a complete normalization of the spleen size in 14 pa-
IV. Palpable below umbilicus but not below a horizontal tients out of 21 [69]. In Nigeria, 10/39 subjects fully
line halfway between umbilicus and pubic symphysis.
recovered and 29/39 improved after daily proguanil ad-
V. Extending lower than class 4. ministered for two to 12 months [76].
Two papers reported improvement after a single, short
rate in adults was 26% at ten years follow-up, but it fell course of anti-malarial treatment followed by oral ster-
to 13% in subjects under chloroquine prophylaxis [2]. oid therapy [50,80]. However, other authors observed
The main causes of death were infectious diseases, acute that the syndrome tended to quickly relapse once anti-
haemolysis and multi-organ failure (MOF) [35,63,64]. malarial therapy was stopped [75,78]. Only one study in
Sudan [18] opted (for the 33 patients included) for a
Non-endemic countries short course anti-malarial treatment (various regimens)
The first case of HMS in a Caucasian who lived in Africa as for an acute falciparum malaria. For most of the pa-
was described in 1970 [65]. Only two case series were tients, other treatments were administered during the
retrieved describing more than ten expatriates returning follow-up (for 15 to 24 months). However, no prophy-
to Europe [42,43]. Most patients had lived for at least laxis was administered during the different treatments.
five years in an endemic area. Both series (in Belgium Thirty-six patients had improved and 12 had worsened
and Italy, respectively) included patients fully responding at the end of the follow-up period, while six were re-
to the classic criteria (17/49 and 29/57, respectively) and ported as unchanged. Table 2 summarizes the main re-
patients with an incomplete syndrome. The clinical out- sults of the studies including more than ten patients.
come at follow-up was favourable for all patients who Only few data are available on HMS treatment in
remained in Europe and presented at follow-up. The only pregnancy. A recent retrospective study carried out in
other case series described in Europe is a prospective Thailand reported the efficacy of weekly mefloquine, ad-
study in Spain [19] on 14 immigrants (from Equatorial ministered for two to 25 weeks (median nine weeks) to
Guinea or Cameroon), all responded to Fakunle’s criteria. 31 pregnant women with suspected HMS, without any
Four had a positive blood film, and four additional major adverse event. Those presenting only one or two
patients were positive at PCR. major criteria of the conventional definition of HMS
A six years old child was the youngest immigrant from were also treated and showed on average a spleen size
Africa diagnosed with HMS [66]. A seven years old child, reduction of more than 40% [28].
born in UK to Ghanaian parents, was diagnosed with
HMS after three short trips to Ghana (eight weeks in Therapy in non-endemic countries
total), the last one eight months before presentation. Des- The management of HMS in non-endemic areas has
pite the absence of fever or fever history, Plasmodium been heterogeneous. Overall, the drugs used were:
falciparum trophozoites and gametocytes were found in chloroquine, quinine plus clindamycin or doxycycline
her blood [67]. or pyrimethamine-sulphadoxine, proguanil, mefloquine,
atovaquone-proguanil, halofantrine, and artemisinin de-
Therapy in endemic countries rivatives. A few authors preferred to prescribe a short
The most frequent anti-malarial treatments adminis- course (≤seven days) of anti-malarial treatment, while
tered in endemic countries were weekly chloroquine the majority opted for longer therapy. Overall, the
[2,26,31-34,37,49,61,62,68-71] or daily proguanil [13,25, follow-up period ranged from six weeks to 36 months.
52,57,60,64,71-78]. Other regimens were chloroquine In six studies out of 21 a short course of treatment (as
plus primaquine [27,70], mefloquine [28], quinine [18], for an acute malaria episode) was administered
pyrimethamine [56], artemether [18], and sulphadoxine/ [17,42,43,66,81,82]. In the Belgian study (Table 3) [42]
pyrimethamine [18,50]. Overall, the duration of therapy all 49 expatriates received a short course of anti-
ranged from a minimum of one month [13,56] to a life- malarial therapy. Thirty-nine patients were followed up
long treatment [2]. The largest cohort of patients (148) for at least two weeks after treatment (median six
Leoni et al. Malaria Journal (2015) 14:185
Table 2 Treatment outcome: studies conducted in malaria endemic countries with >10 patients and follow up data available
Study Country N patients Type of treatment Duration Follow up Outcome
Pryor 1967 [49] New Guinea 99 CLQ 1500 mg/3 days, then 300 mg/wk NR average 4.1 mths in hospital No change in spleen size,
plus 6-23 mths out general benefit
Sagoe 1970 [57] Nigeria 43 PG 100 mg/day ≥6 mths 6 mths 32 improved 11 worsened
Bagshawe 1970 [13] Kenya 28 PG 100 mg/day 1 - 26 mths 1 -6 mths 16 improved 11 worsened 8
Stuvier et al. 1971 [27] India 14 PQ 15 days, then CLQ 300 mg/wk 6-14 mths once/mths for ≥6 mths 11/14 spleen size ↓50%
Stuvier et al. 1974 [71] Uganda 41 CLQ 300 mg/wk or PG 100 mg/day NR 4- 20 mths all improved
Bryceson et al. 1976 [60] North Nigeria 30 PG 100 mg/day 3 - 12 mths 3 mths 12/13 improved (17 lost)
Fakunle and Greenwood 1980 [64] Nigeria 69 PG 100 mg/day 3 mths 10 wks 2 /40 died plus 8/29 defaulters
De Cock et al. 1986 [52] Kenya 38 PG 100 mg/day or CLQ 300 mg/wk NR NR 13/18 improved (20 lost)
Crane 1986 [2] Papua NG 148 CLQ 300 mg/wk lifelong 12-18 mths 146 improved (2 lost)
Gupta et al. 1987 [31] India 54 CLQ 300 mg, 1 or 2/wk 2 yrs 2 yrs 54 Improved
Mac Onuigbo and Mbah 1992 [76] Nigeria 39 PG 100 or 200 mg 2 - 12 mths 2 - 12 mths All improved (10 cured)
Manenti et al. 1994 [79] Tanzania 312 PMT 25 mg/wk 1 mths 3 mths 208 improved 104 unchanged
A-Elgayoum et al. 2011 [18] Sudan 54 Single short term treatment 1 d to 1 wk (often repeated) 15 –24 mths 36 improved 12 worsened 6
(various regimens) unchanged
Alkadarow et al. 2013 [69] Sudan 33 CLQ 300 mg/wk 3 mths 3 mths 14/21 improved (12 lost)
(CLQ = chloroquine; PG = proguanil; PQ = primaquine; PMT = pyrimethamine; NR = not reported).
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Table 3 Treatment outcome: studies conducted in non endemic countries with >10 patients and follow up data available
Study Country N patients Treatment Duration Follow up Outcome
Van den Ende et al. 2000 [42] Belgium 39 Caucasians, 17 fully responding Single, short term treat for Pf 1 day to 1 week according ≥2 wks (average 6 wks) All not re-exposed improved
to Fakunle criteria malaria (various regimens) to drug or fully recovered
Eseme et al. 2004 [43] Italy 49 Caucasians (29 fully responding Single, short term treatment 1- 4 days according to drug 6-36 mths All not re-exposed improved
to Fakunle criteria) plus 8 Africans for falciparum malaria or fully recovered
(different countries) (various regimens)
Puente et al. 2001 [83] Spain 14 Africans (13 from E. Guinea, Quinine standard dose for 3- 9 mths (mean = 4.3 mths) 3 - 9 mths (mean = 4.3 All not re-exposed improved
1 from Cameroon) 1 wk then CLQ mths) or fully recovered
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weeks) showing improvement or a complete recovery. do not respond to medical treatments [29,93]. One study
The Italian study (Table 3) [43] (57 patients, mostly analysing short- and long-term outcome of splenectomy
European Caucasians, of which 28 with an incomplete reported a peri-operative mortality rate of about 31% ris-
‘early’ stage HMS) confirmed the efficacy of short treat- ing to 39% at long-term (41-74 months) follow-up [94].
ment in absence of re-exposure, and showed 100% im- The most frequent peri-operative complications de-
provement at follow-up (six to 36 months after therapy). scribed were major bleeding and infections. The latter
The remaining four papers are case reports. Two of them were the main cause of death in the following months.
reported a global improvement at follow-up visits, two and Most surviving patients improved. However, the liver
24 months after treatment, respectively [17,82]: one used tended to progressively enlarge, probably related to per-
quinine plus doxycycline and the other one mefloquine. sistence of the antigenic stimulus [95]. In non-endemic
Conversely, one case was described with no improvement areas, therapeutic splenectomy has been reported in
eight months after a three-day course of atovaquone- Venezuela, Sri-Lanka, Hong Kong [30,39,41] and the
proguanil [46]. USA (for haemolytic anaemia complicating HMS) [40].
The prospective study in Spain (Table 3) [19], that was
conducted on 14 African subjects, besides using a short Discussion
course of anti-malarial treatment just as in the Belgian The literature available on HMS consists of some case
and Italian studies referred to above [42,43], also added reports and a few case series. Parameters considered by
weekly chloroquine for a longer period, ranging from different authors are often heterogeneous and hardly
three to nine months, basically obtaining the same clin- comparable. However some key points are identifiable.
ical results (in those not re-exposed) as in the two previ- First of all, HMS should be taken into consideration in
ous studies. Most other authors opted for long-term all patients with splenomegaly living/having lived in mal-
treatment following, in some cases only, a short anti- arious areas. Strict adherence to Fakunle’s criteria is
malarial course [84,85]. The duration of therapy varied questionable. Some authors observed that cases not
from one [46] to 12 months or until recovery [83,86]. completely fulfilling the criteria can subsequently evolve
Intermittent therapy was also used, with quinine [45] or into the full-blown, ‘classical’ HMS [42,43], thus repre-
with chloroquine plus proguanil [87]. senting an early stage of the syndrome. Considering the
The most common prescription, just as in endemic high fatality rate of this condition, if left untreated, as
countries, was chloroquine alone [54,83,85,88], or in com- well as the wide availability of effective anti-malarial
bination with doxycycline [46], with proguanil [42,85,89] drugs, it seems appropriate to treat HMS even in case
or with primaquine [90], or preceded by a short course of the classical triad of splenomegaly, raised IgM and anti-
quinine [19,83,88] or halofantrine [83]. Other regimens malarial antibodies is only partially satisfied. Clearly, in-
used for long-term treatment were proguanil [67,85,86], vestigations of other possible causes of splenomegaly
mefloquine [91] or quinine plus doxycycline [17]. should be carried out, in particular, but not limited to,
All patients with no further exposure and with avail- considering lymphoproliferative disorders.
able follow-up data improved. It is not clear whether a The treatments administered have been heterogeneous
mere withdrawal of exposure, without treatment, could and do not permit recommending a first choice regimen
be sufficient to obtain HMS resolution: only a few case yet, considering the lack of randomized clinical trials.
reports debate on this aspect. One described the persist- However, for patients who move from endemic to non-
ence of HMS in a eight years old Caucasian boy, who endemic areas, there is circumstantial evidence support-
had been on chloroquine prophylaxis while in Africa, ing the fact that an adequate short-course treatment is
after an 18-month stay in Europe [91]. Another case of effective [42,43]. This contrasts with the more common
HMS was diagnosed in an Ethiopian immigrant after a 19- choice of a long-term anti-malarial course in these cases,
month stay in Israel [38]. On the contrary, a spontaneous too, which is the classical approach that has been sug-
resolution of the syndrome was reported in a Guinean pa- gested and followed for decades. It reflects the view that
tient after two months of residence in a malaria-free area, the syndrome tends to evolve even though malaria para-
with a regression of the spleen size from 20 cm to 3-4 cm sites are no longer present in blood. This particular as-
below the costal margin and a normalization of all labora- pect was described in a study showing a progressive
tory findings [92]. The main results of the three case series enlargement of the liver after splenectomy in a patient
described in Europe with more than ten patients are sum- with negative thick blood films. This occurrence was at-
marized in Table 3. tributed to persistence of the underlying stimulus to
reticulo-endothelial system [95]. According to the most
Splenectomy cited authors [2], the absence of parasitaemia is one of
Splenectomy in HMS is generally suggested for patients the diagnostic criteria. This view does not hold any lon-
with huge splenomegaly and disabling symptoms, who ger. On the one hand, recent reports showed that more
Leoni et al. Malaria Journal (2015) 14:185 Page 9 of 11
sensitive diagnostic tools have found a higher proportion of Received: 29 December 2014 Accepted: 14 April 2015
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