Section: Plant Lab Protocols Methodology For Carbohydrates

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Section: Plant Lab Protocols

Methodology for Carbohydrates

Color reactions of carbohydrate

Carbohydrates are widely prevalent in the plant kingdom, comprising the mono-, di-, oligo-, and
polysaccharides. The common monosaccharides are the glucose, fructose, galactose, ribose etc.
the disaccharides, i.e., the combination of two monosaccharides include sucrose, lactose and
maltose. Starch and cellulose are polysaccharides consisting of many monosaccharide residues.
Cellulose is most abundant organic compound on this planet since it forms part of cell wall in

Aldehydes (-CHO) and ketones (=CO) are active groups in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates contain
many hydroxyl groups as well. The number of hydroxyl groups varies with the number of carbon
atoms. Monosaccharides contain the free aldehyde group (maltose) and some do not have the
free ones (sucrose). The polysaccharides, starch and cellulose, are polymers of monosaccharides
linked through the active groups.

The chemical properties of the saccharides vary depending upon the number of hydroxyl groups
and the presence or absence of –CHO/=CO groups. These variations are the basis in the
development of color reactions to identify the saccharides.

Some simple tests used to identify the presence/absence of certain saccharides are listed below:

 Iodine Solution: Add a few crystals of iodine to 2% potassium iodide solution till the color becomes deep yellow.
 Fehling’s Reagent A: Dissolve 34.65g copper sulphate in distilled water and make up to 500mL.
 Fehling’s Reagent B: Dissolve 125g potassium hydroxide and 173g Rochelle salt (potassium sodium tartrate) in distilled
water and make up to 500mL.
 Benedict’s Qualitative Reagent: Dissolve 173g sodium citrate and 100g sodium carbonate in about 800mL water. Heat to
dissolve the salts and filter, if necessary.
Dissolve 17.3g copper sulphate in about 100mL water and add it to the above solution with stirring and make up to volume
to 1L with water.
 Barfoed’s Reagent: Dissolve 24g copper acetate in 450mL boiling water. Immediately add 25mL of 8.5% lactic acid to
the hot solution. Mix well. Cool and dilute to 500mL.
 Seliwanoff’s Reagent: Dissolve 0.05g resorcinol in 100mL dilute (1:2) hydrochloric acid.
 Bial’s Reagent: Dissolve 1.5g orcinol in 500mL of concentrated HCl and add 20 to 30 drops of 10% ferric chloride.

The reactions of carbohydrates are given in table as below:

Reactions of Carbohydrates

Experiment Observation Remarks

1. Molisch’s Test A red-cum-violet ring The color formed is due to
Add two drops of Molisch’s appears at the the reaction of alpha-
Reagent (5% 1-naphthol in alcohol) junction of the two naphthol with furfural and/or
to about 2mL of test solution and liquids its derivative formed by the
mix well. dehydration of sugars by
concentrated sulphuric acid.
Incline the tube and add about 1mL All carbohydrates react
of concentrated sulphuric acid positively with this reagent.
along the sides of the tube.

Observe the color at the junction of

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