Bulletin 937 Intrinsic Safety Modules: Specialized Solutions For Hazardous Location Applications

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Bulletin 937 Intrinsic Safety Modules

Specialized Solutions For Hazardous Location Applications

Features and Benefits

• Simple maintenance with integrated
diagnostics and quick change of
modules during ongoing operation
• Simple configuration using DIP
switches or Field Device Tool software
• Comprehensive standards
compliance, including up to SIL3
compliance for easy and reliable
planning and documentation
• Horizontal or vertical mounting with
no reduction in operational ratings
• Line fault detection for field circuits
• Power Rail for drastically reduced
wiring, collective error messaging,
for efficient troubleshooting and
• Variety of module types to meet
applications needs, including:
- Isolated Barriers for complete
electrical isolation of intrinsic
safety circuits A signal interface bridge between hazardous locations and
the control system
- Converter Barriers to change
readings from sensors to industry Bulletin 937 Intrinsic Safety Modules connect intrinsically safe rated
standardized signals
equipment – such as transmitters, solenoids, proximity sensors and
- Zener Barriers for simple limiting encapsulated assemblies—with control systems. An intrinsic safety approach
of energy allowed through to can be more cost-effective than other hazardous location protection/
hazardous locations
mitigation strategies in Class l, Division 1 (Zones 0 and 1) locations.

Intrinsic safety circuits are designed to operate at low enough energy

levels that igniting hazardous materials will be averted--even in the event
An intrinsic safety approach of a fault condition, such as a short circuit. Intrinsic safety circuits do not
can be more cost-effective require expensive inert gas purging/pressurization or “explosion-proof”/
than other hazardous containment strategies for hazardous locations.
location protection/mitigation Bulletin 937 modules are part of the Allen-Bradley signal interface family of
strategies in Class l, Division 1 products. This family also includes Bulletin 931 signal conditioners, which
(Zones 0 and 1) locations. can be used in less hazardous locations where intrinsic safety capability is
not required.
These modules are available in a range of options that provide for a wide range of functionality in hazardous location
applications in industries such as oil and gas, chemical/petrochemical and others. The Bulletin 937 product family consists of:

Isolated Barriers

With galvanic optical or transformer isolation these Switch Amplifiers

modules provide an interface to the intrinsic safety circuit
that is electrically separated from the control system, and
does not require a ground between the module and the
intrinsically safe device. Available in high density (12.5
mm/0.5 in) and standard (20mm/0.8 in)widths.
Switch Amplifiers are used to transfer digital signals
(NAMUR sensors/mechanical contacts) from a hazardous
area to a safe area. Select modules are available with relay 12.5 mm width 20 mm width
output or transistor output, in addition to signal splitters.
A unique collective error messaging feature is available
when used with the Power Rail system. Due to its SMART Transmitter Supplies
compact housing design and low heat dissipation, this
device is useful for detecting positions, end stops, and
switching states in space-critical applications.
SMART Transmitter Power Supplies supply 2-wire
SMART transmitters in a hazardous area, and can also be
used with 2-wire SMART current sources. They transfer
the analog input signal to the safe area as an isolated
current value. Modules with splitter feature provide two
isolated output signals.
Temperature Repeaters transfer RTD resistance values Temperature SMART Current Soleinoid
from hazardous areas to safe areas. A 2-, 3-, or 4-wire Repeater Driver Driver
mode is available depending on the required accuracy.
The monitor registers the same load as if it were
connected directly to the resistance in a hazardous area.
SMART Current Drivers drive SMART I/P converters,
electrical valves, and positioners in hazardous areas.
Solenoid Drivers supply power to solenoids, LEDs, and
audible alarms located in a hazardous area.

Isolated Barriers

Module Type Signal Type Device Power Channels With Splitter Width Catalog Number

Digital Input, Optional 1-channel ✓ 937TH-DISTS-DC1

Transistor Output 2-channel 937TH-DISAT-DC2
24V DC 12.5 mm
1-channel ✓ 937TH-DISRS-DC1
Switch 2-channel 937TH-DISAR-DC2
Amplifier Digital Input, Optional 1-channel ✓ 937TS-DISRS-KD1
115V AC
Relay Output 2-channel 937TS-DISAR-KD2
20 mm
1-channel ✓ 937TS-DISRS-KF1
230V AC
2-channel 937TS-DISAR-KF2
Input Loop
Solenoid Driver Digital Output 1-channel 12.5 mm 937TH-DOSND-IP1
SMART 1-channel 12.5 mm 937TH-AITXP-DC1
Transmitter Analog Input 24V DC 1-channel ✓ 12.5 mm 937TH-AITXS-DC1
Supply 2-channel 20 mm 937TS-AITXP-DC2
Analog Input 24V DC 1-channel 12.5 mm 937TH-AIRRP-DC1
SMART Current 1-channel
Analog Output 24V DC 12.5 mm 937TH-AOSCD-DC1
Converter Barriers

Converters add functionality to the isolators by receiving Universal HART Loop Strain Gauge
signals from a hazardous area instrument i.e., temperature Temp Converter Converter Converter
sensors, or load cells and then converting them to an
industry standardized signal such as 0/4…20mA or
0/2…10V. Pulse evaluation units process a frequency signal
at the input. A lead fault monitoring system signals a lead
breakage or lead short-circuit on the signal cables.

Universal Temperature Converters are designed to

connect RTDs, thermocouples or potentiometers in the
hazardous area, and provide a proportional 0/4 mA ... 20
mA signal to the safe area.

Transmitter Supply Converters supply 2-wire and 3-wire Transmitter

transmitters in a hazardous area, and can also be used Supply Converter Frequency Converters
with active current sources.

HART Loop Converters provide power to transmitters or

can be connected to existing HART loops in parallel. They
are able to evaluate up to four HART variables (PV, SV, TV,
QV). Of those four HART variables, the data contained in
any three of them can be converted to three different 4
mA ... 20 mA current signals.

Strain Gauge Converters are used with strain gauges, load

cells and resistance measuring bridges.

Universal Frequency Converters change a digital input

(NAMUR sensor/mechanical contact) into a proportional,
adjustable 0/4 mA ... 20 mA analog output and functions
as a switch amplifier and a trip alarm.

Converter Barriers

Module Type Signal Type Device Power Channels Width Catalog Number

Universal Temp
Analog Input 24V DC 20 mm 937CS-AITMP-DC1*
Transmitter Supply
Analog Input 937CU-AITXF-DC1
Analog Input 937CU-AIHLP-DC1
24V DC 1-channel
Strain Gauge 40 mm
Analog Input 937CU-AISTR-DC1

Frequency Digital Input 937CU-DIFRQ-DC1

Converter Digital Input 20-90VDC/48-253 VAC 937CU-DIFRQ-BC1
*Configured via Field Device Tool (FDT) software such as Rockwell Software FactoryTalk™ AssetCentre or PACTware.
Zener Barriers
Zener barriers have long been a cost-effective solution
for providing an intrinsically safe interface with field
devices located in the hazardous area.

Allen-Bradley Zener barriers provide protection for

electrical signals within hazardous areas and feature a
narrow profile of just 12.5 mm to maximize control
panel space. Zener barrier prevents the transfer of Standard one- or The diode return In addition to the diode
two-channel feature prevents return feature, the high
unacceptably high energy from the safe area into the barriers a current into the power version has a
hazardous area. These Zener barriers have a positive hazardous area, smaller serial resistance
polarity, which means the anodes of the Zener diodes therefore the and therefore provides
current assumption higher voltage to the
are grounded. Depending on the application, increased for intrinsic safety field device
or decreased intrinsic safety parameters apply for serial calculations is zero
or parallel connection. These barriers simply snap onto
a standard DIN rail for easy installation and grounding.

Zener Barriers

Max Other
Signal Type Channels Width Catalog Number
Resistance Functionality
646 Ohm 2-channel 937ZH-DPAN-2
327 Ohm 1-channel 937ZH-DPBN-1

Positive Polarity DC 36 + 0.9V Ohm 2-channel Diode Return 12.5 mm 937ZH-DPCD-2

327 Ohm 2-channel 937ZH-DPBN-2
Diode Return,
250 Ohm 2-channel 937ZH-DPDP-2
High Power


For use with isolators and converters, an innovative power rail

system is available. Used with a power feed module, bulletin
937 isolators and converters and can draw power directly from
this rail. This combination provides a tremendous amount of
versatility, simplifies wiring and reduces wiring expenses.
All products are also compatible with standard DIN rails.

Power Rail Feed Module Power Feed Module for Power Rail System Width: 20 mm 937A-PSFD
Power Rail 0.8 Meter Power Rail with Cover and 2 End Caps Length: 0.8 M 937A-PR08
Power Rail 2 Meter Power Rail with Cover and 2 End Caps Length: 2 M 937A-PR20
Power Rail End Caps Power Rail End Caps – 937A-PREC
USB Interface Cable USB Interface Programming Cable – 937A-USBA
Cold Junction Cold junction compensation for 937CS-AITMP-DC1
Compensation Connector (thermocouples)
– 937A-TCJC

Allen-Bradley, LISTEN. THINK. SOLVE, Rockwell Software and FactoryTalk are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.

Publication 937-PP001A – July 2014 Copyright © 2014 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA

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