South Dakota Damage Analysis Summary

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South Dakota Damage Analysis

Damage Review
Tabulation of all hits
The projectiles that caused each Hit as estimated in this essay:

Hit 1 – 6-inch Type 0 HE or Type 4 base-fuzed Common projectile

Hit 2 – 14-inch Type 0 HE projectile
Hit 3 – 6-inch Type 0 HE or 5.5-inch Type 2 HE projectile
Hit 4 – 8-inch Type 91 AP projectile
Hit 5 – 8-inch Type 0 HE projectile
Hit 6 – 8-inch Type 91 AP projectile
Hit 7 – 5.5-inch base-fuzed Common projectile
Hit 8 – 5.5-inch base-fuzed Common projectile
Hit 9 – 8-inch Type 91 AP projectile
Hit 10 – 8-inch Type 91 AP projectile
Hit 11 – 14-inch Type 0 HE projectile
Hit 12 – 5.5-inch base-fuzed Common projectile
Hit 13 – 6-inch Type 4 base-fuzed Common projectile
Hit 14 – 6-inch Type 4 base-fuzed Common projectile
Hit 15 – 14-inch Type 3 Incendiary AA projectile
Hit 16 – 6-inch Type 4 base-fuzed Common projectile
Hit 17 – 8-inch Type 91 AP projectile
Hit 18 – 6-inch Type 4 base-fuzed Common projectile
Hit 19 – 5.5-inch base-fuzed Common projectile or 6-inch Type 4 Common projectile
Hit 20 – 6-inch Type 4 base fuze Common projectile
Hit 21 – 14-inch Type 1 AP cap head and windscreen
Hit 22 – 5-inch Type 0 HE projectile
Hit 23 – 14-inch Type 3 Incendiary AA projectile
Hit 24 – 6-inch Type 0 HE projectile
Hit 25 – 8-inch Type 91 AP projectile
Hit 26 – 14-inch Type 1 AP projectile
Hit 27 – 5-inch Type 0 HE projectile or fragment damage

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Figure 118 – Hits on South Dakota as estimated by BuShips

Plate 1 from BuShips War Damage Report #57

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Hit 27
Hit 19 Hit 12
Hit 22
Hit 13, 14, 15 Hit 9
Hit 10 Hit 8
Fragment Damage
Hit 23 Hit 7
Hit s 16, 17, 18
Blast Damage Hit 6
Fragment Damage
Hit 5 Hit 3 Hit 2
Fragment Damage Blast Damage Hit 1

Hit 26

Hit 25 Hit 24 Hit 21 Hit 20 Hit 11 Seams Broken Hit 4

Seams Broken
Seams Broken
1 65 1 60 1 55 1 50 1 45 1 40 1 35 1 30 1 25 1 20 1 15 1 10 1 05 1 00 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 FP

14-inch project ile

8-inch projectile

5. 5-inch t o 6-inch projectile

5-inch projectile

Blast or F ragment damage

Seam damage t o hull

Figure 119 – Hits on South Dakota as estimated by Lundgren and Okun

Numbering of Hits per BuShips War Damage Report #57

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Performance of Japanese Shells

Both the BuShips’ report and the South Dakota’s action report mention that many Japanese shells failed
to properly detonate and thus the ship escaped more serious damage.

In reviewing all of the hits described in this essay, the authors found that the following ones did not have
high-order detonations: Hits 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21 and 23.

Of these, Hits 15 and 23 were by 14-inch Type 3 Incendiary AA projectiles that broke apart and should
not really be considered as duds. Hit 21 was made only by a cap head, so no explosive filler was involved
and thus no possible detonation. Hits 1, 8, 9 and 19 were most likely from base-fuzed projectiles that did
not hit anything thick enough or with significant mass to slow the projectile down or even activate the

Hit 6 and 10 were by 8-inch AP shells where their long fuze delay prevented detonation while they were
still within the ship’s structure. This sort of lack-luster performance was quite common in other actions
where the Japanese used AP projectiles with long fuze delays.

Hits 12, 13 and 14 were from 5.5-inch and 6-inch shells that were duds, possibly due to mercury
fulminate decay in storage as reported by the post-war US Naval Technical Mission.111

Hits 4 and 25 produced low-order detonations. These both struck the main belt and probably both
suffered from shatter, which may be the reason why they did not explode properly.

The one hit that failed to detonate that is hardest to explain is Hit 17, which was the 8-inch shell that the
crew found on deck after the battle. This shell should have detonated given what it hit as it passed
through the ship. In reviewing this hit, the authors have re-examined Japanese methodology for testing
their shells and fuzes. It would appear that the very long (0.4-second) delay elements in Japanese Type
91/1 AP projectiles were not resistant to being slammed around sideways due to high projectile yaw, since
the shells were only tested at 20 degrees obliquity against single 2/3rds-caliber thick face-hardened plate
for their larger caliber shells, and against roughly the same thickness of homogeneous armor for their 6.1-
inch and 8-inch caliber shells. In the case of the 6.1-inch and 8-inch Type 91 AP shells, the Japanese also
tested them for hits up to 45 degrees obliquity, but only against rather thin, single homogeneous armor
plates. This means that they did not think to test their designs for multiple impacts against thin plates. If
you do not test for something, then you can be fairly sure that if that something happens that there is
probably going to be a high chance of failure – in this case the brittle black powder pellet being subject to
high sideways shock forces again and again in quick succession from all sides as the highly yawed shell
hits several plates one after the other at different sideways angles (up-down, left-right, tilted in-between as
the shell nose nutates) during the time that the pellet is burning down. This is one possible reason that the
8-inch Type 91 AP shell fuze in Hit 17 did not go off. The other possible reason is that the plates that the
shell struck were just not thick enough to set off the fuze and by the time the shell hit the plate on the back
of the port-side 5-inch twin gun mount, which was thick enough, the projectile was moving so slowly that
even that impact shock was too weak to activate the fuze. This might especially be the case as the shell
was so highly yawed that the impact force on the firing pin was not down the shell’s centerline but as
much sideways as lengthwise, thus jamming the firing pin (like those US torpedo firing pins that didn't
work right).

U.S. Naval Technical Mission to Japan Report O-17 Japanese Projectile Fuzes

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This may be true for other dud shells 8-inches and up, as some of these hits on South Dakota were against
plate too thin to reliably set off the base fuze and the black powder delay was perhaps not always reliable
when knocked around by more than one plate hit (even thin plates) while burning.

The US Mark 21 base fuze used the primer explosion to jam the entire mechanism into a locked position
during the rest of the 0.033-second delay, due to these heavy forces during oblique impact, but this would
also work against hitting spaced plates. This was almost certainly due to failures with previous base fuzes
when tested under more realistic conditions (higher obliquity, thicker plates, and/or multiple impacts
during the delay time).

The following hits did detonate: Hits 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, and 27. Of these, the
following were definitely high order detonations: Hits 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 and 27.
However, only Hits 2, 5, 11 and 26 were by large-caliber shells. All of the rest were from 6-inch or
smaller-caliber projectiles. Hits 2, 5 and 26 are very noticeable as having struck above deck or very close
to the main deck. Hit 11, being close to waterline, was probably not as noticeable. When the BuShips’
report notes that they found three high order detonation hits, we would believe that they counted Hits 2, 5
and 26. These are also the ones that produced the largest holes in the ship.

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Robert Lundgren:

The story of South Dakota’s battle damage developed like a murder mystery as we found new information
on just how the battle actually happened. As we stitched together more information concerning Kirishima
and discovered that she had opened fire long before the heavy cruisers and that Japanese records show
that she had hit on her first salvo in South Dakota’s superstructure, with multiple men all observing the
same event from various ships, I started to wonder what they actually saw and could it be true.

For example, Admiral Lee saw South Dakota being hit and sent messages asking her if she was OK at
0049, which was one minute after the Japanese light cruisers opened fire. He witnessed her veering south
at 0054, so he was fully aware that she was taking fire long before Washington opened fire at 0100. This
is important in that it tells us that the times listed in South Dakota’s report are accurate. But, if these are
accurate, then a question formed as to how the BuShips report in 1947 could be accurate in stating that her
Radar Plot was ripped by 8-inch shells as that damage was inflicted at a time before any 8-inch shells
were ever fired. Having found this discrepancy, then the next question was; were there other inaccuracies
in the BuShips report? The more I rummaged through this report, the ship’s own concurrent damage
reports and the Japanese reports, the more it seemed that the conclusions in the BuShips’ report could no
longer be taken for granted. I found that I needed to gather up all the clues and put them in some sort of
order so that a new analysis of South Dakota’s damage could be created.

My major contribution for this essay was in finding this new information and finding the inconsistencies
among the various documents. However, it is Nathan Okun who provided the expertise to determine the
type of shells that may have caused the damage. As Nathan works for NAVSEA (though this historical
study is not related to his job there), which at one time was BuShips, it is fitting that he participate in this
re-examination of South Dakota’s battle damage.

The physical evaluation of her damage as described in this essay now confirms what the Japanese
witnessed and reported this night. Documentation from both United States and Japanese sources can now
be seen to support each other so that when placed together this battle can now be placed into context as it
has never been done before.

Overall, the South Dakota class battleships were tough ships. Their internal armor arrangement meant
that Japanese AP shells faced a complex set of defenses that would typically remove their nose ballistic
and AP caps before they struck the armor plates. The side shell of these ships was strong enough to limit
the damage of even the largest Japanese HE caliber shells fired at point blank range. At Guadalcanal, the
“All-or-Nothing” armor system worked as her designers intended in limiting structural damage and
keeping the ship’s fighting capacities intact.

USS South Dakota was hit by 26 or possibly 27 shells when we add the shell making a direct hit on the
Radar platform (Hit 27). Between the cruisers, destroyers and Kirishima’s secondary battery, the
Japanese hit an estimated 13 to 14 times with 5-inch to 6-inch shells. The heavy cruisers Atago and
Takao between them contributed at least seven 8-inch shell hits. Kirishima added another six hits from
her main battery. Considering that Kirishima may have suffered as many as twenty 16-inch hits in a five
to seven minute time span,112 losing 50% of her main battery from gunfire and associated destruction, she

See The Battleship Action 14-15 November 1942

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did well to score this many hits. However, the performance of South Dakota’s armor shows just how well
she was designed and built to survive damage even when involved in a night fight at point blank range.

In a larger context, the importance of this battle should not be underestimated in any study of US Naval
History. Japan chose war instead of a diplomatic solution primarily based upon the belief that her
military forces could decisively defeat the US Navy in a short, limited war. The Japanese believed that
this defeat would shock the US public into accepting the Japanese gains from this war and that they would
not want to face an extended campaign to win back captured territories. The Japanese Government knew
prior to hostilities that a long war with the US and its vast industrial power could not be won and they
understood that it was imperative that Japan win quickly before the US industrial capacity could take
effect. Unfortunately, when the time came to finish the US fleet in November 1942, Admiral Yamamoto
failed to understand just how limited were the US resources at that moment. His November offensive was
poorly planned and failed to take advantage of the Japanese superior numbers in ships at a time when his
US counterpart Admiral Halsey was committing his last three capital ships (USS Enterprise, USS
Washington and USS South Dakota) to battle in order to hold Guadalcanal.113 After the battles of 12 to
15 November 1942 where the battleships Hiei and Kirishima were sunk, Admiral Yamamoto lost his will
to continue the struggle for Guadalcanal and withdrew the Combined Fleet far back in preparation for a
long war that he already knew was impossible to win. The November Naval Battles around Guadalcanal
decisively changed the course of the Pacific War in favor of the US and thus decided the fate of Japan.

The Naval Battles of Guadalcanal took place from 11 November through to 15 November 1942. USS Enterprise (CV-6)
played a pivotal role in sinking Kirishima’s sister ship Hiei, as well as 7 of the 11 troop transports bringing in Japanese re-
enforcements, on the days leading up to the final night battle carried out by USS Washington and USS South Dakota. When
the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal began, both Enterprise and South Dakota still carried battle damage suffered on 26 October
1942 during the Naval Battle of Santa Cruz. The tactical situation at Guadalcanal was considered to be so critical that neither
ship could be sent out of the war zone for repairs.

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Official Documents

Bureau of Ordnance (BuOrd), OP 1667, Japanese Explosive Ordnance

Bureau of Ships (BuShips)
– War Damage Report No. 57, 1 June 1947. U.S.S. SOUTH DAKOTA (BB57), Gunfire Damage,
Battle of Guadalcanal, 14-15 November 1942
– Builder plans for USS South Dakota
Reports of the U.S. Naval Technical Mission to Japan
– O-17 Japanese Naval Projectile Fuzes
– O-19 Japanese Projectiles General Types
– O-25 Japanese Explosives
– O-47(N1) Japanese Naval Guns and Mounts, Article 1 - Mounts under 18”
– O-54(N) Japanese Naval Guns
Japanese Action Reports
– Atago Direct Action Report No. 8, 12 to 14 November 1942 (submitted 18 November 1942)
– Ikazuchi Direct Action Report, 14 to 15 November 1942 (submitted 15 November 1942)
– Kirishima Brief Action Report JT 1, National Archives
– Sendai Brief Action Report JT1, National Archives
– Takao Brief Action Report JT 1, National Archives
United States Action Reports and Deck Logs
– Admiral W.A. Lee. Report of Night Action Task Force 64 – Night of November 14-15, 1942
– USS South Dakota. Action Report, night engagement 14-15 November, 1942, with Japanese
naval units, off Savo Island.
– USS Washington. Action Report, Night of November 14-15, 1942.
– USS Washington. Deck Logs – Night Action – 14-15 November 1942
United States Strategic Bombing Survey, Interrogations of Japanese Officials, Interrogation Nav No. 33,
USSBS No. 138, Interrogation of LCDR Tokuno Horishi


Books (English)

Campbell, John. Naval Weapons of World War Two. Conway Maritime Press, 1985.
Dull, Paul S. A Battle History of the Imperial Japanese Navy 1941-1945. Naval Institute Press, 1978.
Evans, David C. and Mark R. Peattie. Kaigun. Naval Institute Press, 1997.
Frank, Richard B. Guadalcanal. Penguin Books, 1990.
Garzke, William H. and Robert O. Dulin, Jr. Battleships: United States Battleships. Naval Institute
Press, 1995.

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Grace, James W. The Naval Battle of Guadalcanal: Night Action, 13 November 1942. Naval Institute
Press, 1999.
Hammel, Eric. Guadalcanal: Decision at Sea. Crown Books, 1988.
Lacroix, Eric and Linton Wells II. Japanese Cruisers of the Pacific War. Naval Institute Press, 1997.
Skulski, Janusz. The Heavy Cruiser Takao. Naval Institute Press, 1994.

Books (Japanese)

Handō, Kazutoshi (ed.). Nippon Gunkan Senki [Battle Records of Japanese Warships]. Bunshun Bijuaru-
han, 1996.
Kaigun Hōjutsu-shi [The History of Naval Gunnery]. Kaigun Hōjutsu-shi Kankōkai, 1975.
Shikikan-tachi no Taiheiyō Sensō [Pacific War as Described by the Senior Officers]. Kōjinsha NF Bunko,
Toyoda, Jō. Kūbo Shinano no Shōgai Yonhon no Hibashira: Kōsoku Senkan Yūsenki [Four Pillars of
Fire: The Battle Records of Fast Battleships]. Shūeisha Bunko, 1979.
Yoshimura, Akira. Senshi no Shōgensha-tachi [Witnesses of the Pacific War]. Bunshun Bunko, 1999.
Gakken Pacific War Series:
– Vol. 5. Soromon Kaisen (The Solomons Campaign), 2000.
– Vol 6 Shitō Gadarukanaru (Deadly Battle for Guadalcanal), 2000.
– Vol. 21 Kongō-gata Senkan (Kongō Class Battleships), 1999.

Articles (English)

Lengerer, Hans. “The Kongō Class” Contributions to the History of Imperial Japanese Warships, No. 2,
March 2007, pp 18-30; No. 3, Sep. 2007, pp 25-44.
Lundgren, Robert. The Battleship Action 14-15 November 1942
Okun, Nathan.
– Kirishima’s Hit on South Dakota
– Underwater Projectile Hits

Articles (Japanese)

Kobayashi, Michio. “Senkan ‘Kirishima’ no Saigo [The Last of Battleship Kirishima].” Saiaku no Senjō
Gadarukanaru Senki, 1987, pp 350-361.
Yoshino, Kyûshichi. “Senkan ‘Kirishima’ no Saigo [The Last of Battleship Kirishima].” Maru Extra
Vol. 10, May 1998, pp 54-57.

Naval Memorials

USS Alabama Memorial Park, Mobile, Alabama

Special Thanks to Bill Tunnel of USS Alabama for all his help

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Computer programs

MS QuickBasic 4.5 computer program EXTERIOR BALLISTICS 6G1109


Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (JACAR). National Archives of Japan:
Kobe University Library Digital Archive:
Kure Maritime Museum (Yamato Museum):
National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS, Bōei Kenkyūjo):
NavSource Naval History:


Special thanks to Sander Kingsepp for his help and expertise in translating Japanese documents.

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