Invent and Simplify
Invent and Simplify
Invent and Simplify
Simplify and always encourage others to innovate and change inefficient or unnecessarily
complex processes?
Use new ideas and methods to do your job better and enhance the customer experience?
Think up and implement great ideas and simple solutions?
Know when not to reinvent the wheel?
1. Tell me about the most innovative thing you’ve done and why you thought it was innovative
(can also probe with: That sounds more evolutionary than revolutionary – tell me about
something you’ve done you feel was truly revolutionary? Ask for one or two additional
examples to see if it’s a one off or pattern.)
o Case – EVOLVES
o TD Nucleus:
2. People often say the simplest solution is the best. Tell me about a particular complex
problem you solved with a simple solution.
o Organization culture difference in the target
Adhocracy culture - the dynamic, entrepreneurial Create Culture.
Clan culture - the people-oriented, friendly Collaborate Culture.
Hierarchy culture - the process-oriented, structured Control Culture.
Market culture - the results-oriented, competitive Compete Culture.
o Growth rates
3. Tell me about a time you were able to make something significantly simpler for customers.
What drove you to implement this change?
o Net working capital, DDLI and QOFE – recast statement with adjustments
4. Describe a challenging problem or situation in which the usual approach was not going to
work. Why were you unable to take the usual approach? What alternative approach did
you take? Was it successful?
o We were approached a company for restructuring task and wanted raise funding
from banks instead we asked the company to do a road show and raise equity
through institutional investor
There interest cost was very huge despite of high revenue
The company was drying up on liquidity needs for working capital as the
industry focuses on 90 days credit scheme though customers were prompt
The company had nice market share with product doing good and the owner
capital wouldn’t take much hit by issuing new shares and could use the
market expertise
5. Give an example of a creative idea you had that proved really difficult to implement. What
was the idea and what made it difficult to implement? Was it successful?
o Case study and stories in EVOLVES - Yes
6. Tell me about an out-of-the-box idea you had or decision you made that had a big impact on
your business.
o TD nucleus
7. Give me an example of how you have changed the direction or view of a specific
function/department and helped them embrace a new way of thinking? Why was a change