The Origin of The Cosmos
The Origin of The Cosmos
The Origin of The Cosmos
This book has been translated from the original Spanish version.
At first there was only nothingness also called emptiness, but
nothingness or emptiness cannot exist by themselves because
nothing is the opposite of existence, therefore, this can only be
considered from a symbolic point of view, but outside of time,
because at that moment time did not exist. This means that at
the beginning of cosmic evolution there was nothingness that is
also the feminine principle of the universe and that can be
represented as a black square. In the center of that square there
would be a white or gold circle that represents matter and the
male part of the universe. This white circle at that time had no
size, because since there was only one particle in the entire
universe, there would be nothing to compare it with. That is to
say that in reality nothing and matter have always existed
because it is not logical that only nothing or only matter exists
since they need each other to be able to define themselves, this
is so, because in reality they are the same but looked upside
The void and matter are the two primordial elements from which
later all those things that have sex or polarity were derived,
which shows the intimate connection that exists in the universe
between the great and the small. On the feminine side we have:
The planets with respect to the sun or the stars with respect to
the galactic nucleus, the night, the water, the cold, the blue
color, the silence, the woman, the sugar, the straight line. As
representatives of the masculine side we have: The sun, the
heat, the day, the color red, the sound, the man, the salt, the
curved line, the matter of the earth with respect to the
sea. These two polarities were also later divided into the vertical
and horizontal dimensions. In this case, the polar or sexual
orientation depends only on the circumstances, because both
sexes can occupy either of the two planes, but the circular part
always corresponds to the masculine side and the straight part to
the feminine side. Nor should we forget that in the universe
everything is curved, but a curve seems straight when only a
minimum part of its circumference is taken into account, what
makes them different is the contrast they make between the two
and their opposite dimensional positions. In general, black
represents the feminine side and white the masculine side, but
they can reverse their symbolic positions depending on the
circumstances. The same is the case with matter that is
masculine in contrast to the sea, but feminine in contrast to the
In this example, space is described as a hypothetical square with
a circle inside, but it is only symbolic, because the distance in
space is actually determined by the separation between two
particles, but since at this initial moment there was only one
single particle space has more a symbolic value than a concrete
measure. Therefore, to understand the nature of the cosmos
when there was only one particle, it is necessary to consider that
space would not only be outside but also inside that first particle,
therefore, the matter of that particle is reduced to abstract
concepts and metaphysical and what we consider as matter is
actually the void surrounded by a circle of matter, it is therefore
that circle or surface the true matter, because when it comes to
particles that are not made up of other particles there is no
inside Nothing we can find but just empty This is so because
emptiness and matter are actually the same thing, positive and
negative, existence and nonexistence, masculine and feminine all
in the same thing, in one aspect it appears as matter and in
another aspect it appears as void, they are both sides of the
same coin. As existence and nonexistence are the same, it is not
possible that at the beginning of the universe only one of the
two existed, that is why both emptiness and matter are
eternal. This means that what we call matter is actually the
surface of the void, that is, a circular line that surrounds the void,
on the outside it is matter and on the inside it is void and each
time that circle closes in half to form an eight and then it
separates into two, then a new particle or circle is created. It
could also be said that matter is inward matter and outwardly
This first particle would not be formed by any other particle,
however it is divisible. This system of division was later copied,
albeit on a more complex scale, to create single-celled
beings. The golden color, which is a symbol of wisdom, is
attributed to the particle of matter because only through the
evolution of matter is intellectual progress possible through its
division into more complex particles. In this case, the vacuum
acts as a feminine and passive element, but it is essential to be
able to create the separation between the particles and all
subsequent versions of the bipolarity of the cosmos such as, for
example, musical notes or electromagnetic frequencies. These
two primary elements are also the origin of the vertical and
horizontal dimensions, although depending on which plane they
are in, they can occupy the reverse position.
This is where the division between materialism and spiritualism
occurs, that is, between those who recognize that within every
existing entity there is life and consciousness and those who
deny it, because the evolution of that first particle begins when it
is aware of its own existence, because he feels and consequently
tries to leave that static situation to move forward and create a
more complex form with more particles, this is necessary so that
it is possible to create a memory deposit where he can lean on
the evolution process. For this reason, this first particle was
divided into two and these two in turn into two others and so on
until enough particles could be brought together to create a
complex mind, I say mind because at this moment the body and
mind of this being were the same thing. At this time there was
only a single being, because all the particles were directly
connected to each other, unlike the different beings whose
particles do not have a direct connection.
When it comes to studying the essential foundations of matter, it
is necessary to understand that more than a physical or chemical
analysis it is necessary to analyze them from a metaphysical
point of view, because at the atomic level physics and
metaphysics are completely united, but while scientists continue
to be determined to only recognize the facts but denying the
causes it is impossible to move forward, that is, if you recognize
that matter acts and reacts but denies it the right to feel, it is
impossible to go from superfluous knowledge to a deep
one. Nowadays, people see the circular shape of planets or stars
and think that the explanation for it is because it has to be that
way or that it is simply the consequence of gravity, but they do
not understand that the circle or the straight line is values that
are first metaphysical and only later physical, because that
circular shape is above all the representation of the eternal and
repetitive nature of the universe, therefore, scientists will never
be able to understand the fundamental essence of matter until
they look for it in metaphysics, because as long as you believe
that all doubt can be solved simply by breaking the particles into
smaller pieces, then it is clear that it is going to be very difficult
for you to understand the truth.
This initial division process would be done without breaking the
direct connection of all the particles at any time, which is an
essential condition to be able to maintain all of your knowledge
in one being. This would be achieved through the use of material
filaments that would hold them together although this is a way
of describing it perhaps somewhat simple since perhaps it is
more appropriate to say that in reality the universe is as if it
were divided into two planes, one is material, and the other it is
immaterial or empty, the material connection between the
particles is made through that dimension which is continuous
and material at all times. A plane of matter that we could define
as horizontal would be material and the other plane that we
could define as vertical would be immaterial. The key that both
planes can work without the material particles colliding
continuously would be the creation of a kind of vibration in
which they could change to the inverse plane at the speed of
light. For us, the universe appears as a succession of circular
spheres of matter separated by a vacuum, but the real universe
needs all the particles of the same being to be directly
connected, because if that direct link were to be broken then we
would be talking about different beings and not just one. Even
the circular shape of that first particle is largely symbolic,
because in reality the circle represents eternal repetition and
renewal, this is possible not because time lasts forever, but
because it starts over every time it ends.
It could be said that the universe, at the beginning, was like an
egg formed by a single particle and in the same way that inside
an egg the animal grows before breaking the egg, the universe
formed by a particle slowly multiplied to make the be initial
much more complex. That first particle multiplied into other
particles, but all of them were directly connected because that
direct connection is the key that determines that it is the same
being, because when these particles separate without a direct
connection, then beings are created new. The fact that these
beings are new does not mean that they were created at that
time, because their essence is eternal and their life is cyclical,
that is to say that the correct thing would be to say that what the
initial being did was clone itself into many beings with its same
characteristics and eternal life and when the current cosmic cycle
ends all beings will return to the initial egg and join directly until
they become one again. It is, therefore, a division of the initial
being and not a creation of new beings. When asked: what was
before if the chicken or the egg? Regarding the cosmic egg, the
correct thing is to say that its existence is parallel to the creation
of time, because the egg arises from the hen but the hen is inside
the egg, that is, the process of formation of an egg or of A
chicken are both the consequence of eternal life and that eternal
life first created unicellular beings, that is, without eggs or shell
and later formed the most complex animals, therefore, the
creation of both must be considered parallel. A hen can form an
egg and an egg can form a hen, but this is only an approach
based on the order that time establishes, but at the beginning of
the cosmos time did not exist for that reason, the correct thing is
to say that both the egg and the hen are the same thing and at
the beginning of the universe they were created at the same
time. In other words, only after time began to work did the
current method by which processes occur in a descending or
ascending order made sense. The egg of an animal, is actually the
version in a different plane of the initial cosmic egg, this is
another of the many examples that demonstrate the connection
that exists between the different parts of the universe.
In the initial cosmic egg is found all the essence of the universe
that is to say all its life, this life is eternal because it has no
beginning or end in time because time begins again when it ends,
therefore, to understand the nature of This egg must be
understood from logic and metaphysics and not from time. The
universe at that moment is a square of black empty space with a
white circular egg in its center, this is more of a metaphysical
concept than a physical one, but when it comes to understanding
matter or the universe at such a fundamental level then it is
difficult separate one thing from the other without making it
incomprehensible. The black empty square represents the
female part of nature and the white circle represents the male
part of it, the black square is empty and the white circle is
matter, one is action and another reaction, one is passive and
the other is active, the emptiness is nonexistence and matter is
existence, in reality they are the same thing, but seen from
different points of view. When the initial being multiplied into
multiple particles, those particles stayed together at all times,
thus making their structure more complex. Some particles
formed the memory banks and others formed their motor
organs, it was like a kind of brain and body at the same time but
it was also the first spirit of the cosmos. After gradually adding
knowledge, this being considered that it needed other beings to
build the universe that we now know, for that reason, it later
divided into other beings equal to it.
At the beginning, during all this process, the initial egg became
more complex until it looked more and more like a star made up
of millions of particles, but all of them would be directly
connected to each other because otherwise it would no longer
be the same being and in Consequently, it would not be possible
to share the same knowledge. We must not confuse the
communication that can exist between different beings with the
direct connection that must exist between the particles that
make up each being, this is necessary, because all the atoms of
matter that make up a being, in turn, are made up of simple
particles endowed with knowledge equivalent to a single bit of
information. This means that each original particle is too simple
for it to evolve and create complex beings if it weren't for the
direct connection they have with each other. In other words,
within the same being, each of the particles that make it up
would be directly connected because there would be no vacuum
between them. That is the key to knowledge, because if each
particle were surrounded by a vacuum then they would be
particles with zero intelligence, that is, totally ignorant,
therefore, the key to knowledge to be able to accumulate
knowledge is that each being has many particles directly joined
without spaces voids between them so that it is possible to form
complex beings and minds. This first being would remain the
equivalent of millions of years thinking about how to organize
the universe, then he would realize that the best thing is to build
it as if it were a house, that is to say that first a single being
would be dedicated to building the foundations in the form of
stars and planets and the rest of beings would dedicate
themselves to use this platform to build civilizations. Once the
fundamental principles of what the universe should be were
clear, it was time to break the egg and begin the expansion of
the galaxies, therefore, it was then necessary to divide this initial
being into multiple beings. The being that by rotation
corresponds to build the material universe on this occasion,
would begin to form the first hydrogen atoms and at the same
time the speed of light would be established as the future form
of speed that the universe should have until the end of time, this
would be thereafter a constant speed for the entire
universe. That is to say that the speed of matter that we now
consider normal did not exist at the beginning but it was
necessary to activate it when the characteristics that the
universe should have were clear, this is logical, because atoms
did not exist at the beginning. Most of these characteristics were
decided at first as if the universe that we now know was the
dream of the first being, that is, it was our own dream when we
were part of the initial egg, although now as men we cannot
remember it. Before the egg broke and matter spread through
space, most of the characteristics that the universe must have
had already been decided. This means that once the process of
functioning of matter was activated at the speed of light and
from a high energy level to a low one, changing energy by
evolution, to the being that corresponded to be and to organize
the universe, it only remained as expression of their will
to supervise the processes decided in advance so that they work
correctly and would only intervene to change events in the event
that the initial forecasts were wrong, or there was something
new to add, but that would only affect a minimal part of the
In this initial phase of the cosmos, the spirit and the body are the
same thing, that is to say that the separation between the mortal
body on the one hand and the immortal spirit on the other, will
not occur until the spirits already separated from the initial being
build their bodies using the matter of the earth which in turn is
part of the universal being. To do this, the spirits need to forget
their previous life while they are incarnated, because the human
dimension is different from the spiritual one, therefore, for this
dimension to function properly and without interference it is
necessary that they act separately until human civilization
reaches the maximum level of evolution, when that moment
arrives, then they will not only be able to match, but even
exceed the knowledge that they could store in their spiritual
memory. All this sacrifice and renunciation that forces the spirit
to temporarily lose part of its knowledge to become a man is
necessary, because in this way it can give the human dimension a
greater amplitude, this is necessary, because evolution needs the
human dimension to be new and independent from the spiritual
world. The spirit needs to build a material body, that is, a body
with matter that is not part of itself but of the universal being,
because in this way most of the infra-atomic functions are
transferred to it. With this system, the human spirit only has to
deal with the higher functions that we consider proper to man
and not decide each chemical or physical reaction of our
body. With the fusion between spirit and matter, each being can
reach the maximum degree of happiness, but that will only be
possible when the process of technological and moral evolution
is completed.
In reality, the universal laws arise from the truth, that is to say
that the universe is sustained on what is always equal and
constant in all time and place. These universal truths determine
what we can and cannot do and are the foundations on which
universal physical laws are based. Because in the universe, half of
what we can propose is possible to achieve it and the other half
is not, one is the horizontal dimension that governs the variable
and voluntary and another is the vertical dimension that governs
what is impossible to do because it is in contradiction with the
truth. To give an example, it could be said that it is like adding
two times two because it is evident that the answer will always
be four, no matter how hard we try to deny it, on the other
hand, the universe allows us on the other plane a multitude of
voluntary options. One would be the vertical, feminine,
crystalline and rigid plane and the other would be the horizontal,
warm and changing masculine plane. You can also compare the
universe and the present reality with a photograph that had a
clear and sharp half, this half would represent that which is
constant throughout the cosmic cycle and is independent of
time, the other half of the photograph would be blurred because
it would be vibrating without stopping and would represent that
which is subject to time and the possibility of making changes at
will and consequently is exposed to the risk of making mistakes.
The existence of that duality in nature that divides things into
pure and consistent with universal truths, and other changing
and in many cases erroneous is the reason that in some religions
it is said that we live in an illusory world. Those who have the
ability to understand what are those universal truths or keys that
are constant indefinitely and can also separate them from the
erroneous beliefs of each era, thus achieve a stable point of
reference to be able to progress and reach the truth. The process
of continuous change determines that each day is different from
the previous one and makes it difficult to distinguish the correct
changes from those that are not, but this continuous change in
search of progress is what makes life exciting because every day
we discover something new.
The universe on the one hand is rigid and constant, but on the
other hand it is subjected to a process of continuous change
from a high level of energy to a low one, exchanging energy for
progress. This process of change and evolution makes life more
interesting, but since there is free will on this plane in which
there are so many different options to choose from, it is also
easy to make mistakes. The continuous and programmed change
of matter from a high energy level to a low one is what generates
time and is modifying the universe every second.
At the end of each cosmic cycle, all beings have to reunite in a
single particle so that it is possible for time to begin again, that
last particle cannot cease to exist because it is the one that
contains the sum of the life of all the others and from it all the
particles and beings that must populate the universe in the next
cycle will emerge again. That last particle cannot cease to exist,
because in that initial phase of the cosmos there is only matter
represented by that particle and nothingness represented by the
void, but since only matter cannot exist or only emptied then the
existence of that duality has to be eternal regardless of all the
changes they may undergo.
The first universal being could be the equivalent of millions of
years evolving and multiplying its particles to become more
complex and learn. All that time would be spent meditating to
find out how to make your life happier. Then I would imagine the
universe we know in the same way that an engineer meditates
on the construction of a building. He would also understand that
it is best if there are other beings who share the universe with
him. This initial multiplication and expansion phase of the
universe would at first be slow. Currently, the atoms of matter
already have a predetermined way in which they have to behave
in each chemical or nuclear reaction, that is why they do it so
quickly, but at the beginning, the way in which all the reactions
had to take place would not yet be decided, for That, the passage
from the initial phase to rapid expansion took time. It makes no
sense to think of the initial universe as a sum of hydrogen atoms,
because before they existed they first had to be projected. That
is to say that in those times nuclear reactions at the speed of
light as we know them now were not possible, because first it
was necessary to decide in what framework and conditions all
material reactions should be. That is to say, it went from a slow
process of movement of matter to a fast one and at the speed of
light, but this was only possible when the fundamental
conditions or laws of matter had finished being established.
This initial expansion process could be compared to the game of
dominoes when it is used to make a chain of tiles placed in
parallel so that they fall when they collide with each other. In
this game, the organizer slows down and takes time to get all the
tiles into place, but once the first tile lands on the next, it causes
a rapid chain reaction until the last tile falls. The universe works
the same at the beginning, because it is absurd to say as some
scientists believe that the universe expanded suddenly and at
the speed of light, because that could not have happened if
there had not been a slow process of designing that reaction in
the past chain and a mind behind that process that would have
studied how to do it. When all the basic processes were analyzed
and decided, most of the physical processes followed a set and
planned course in the same way that a train travels on the rails.
This would only apply to the universal being who is and controls
the planets, but not to individual beings, because they can enjoy
a much greater free will. This means that for the universal being
the concept of will and free will would be limited to supervising
all new processes so that they follow the course decided at the
beginning, but it could also add something new if it was
considered necessary for the proper functioning of the
universe. This universal being could feel all the material
processes in which it participates, even if they were almost
automatic, this is possible, because its mind would be designed
to be able to divide itself into multiple tasks at the same
time. This means that the basic functions of matter would be
determined in a fairly rigid and pre-established way, instead, the
options of individual beings such as spirits or people would have
a much greater margin of maneuver. In other words, the material
universe would function according to the rigid and vertical
dimension by having to form the foundations of the cosmos and
the rest of the beings would use it just as the actors use the
stage in a theater. The universe has to be rigid and immovable in
its fundamental rules precisely so that the beings that live in it
can be flexible and variable without fearing that their actions
could seriously alter the course of the cosmos. The universe
needs constant laws so that all the beings that live in it can
evolve. It is true that time causes changes incessantly, but those
changes must be made without questioning the primordial laws
that were decided in the beginning.
From this moment on, this first being would make the decision to
divide itself into millions of beings by the cloning method, thus
creating as many beings as there are currently in the entire
universe, all like him equal and immortal. These beings would
not be his children, but he himself was cloned with the same
qualities and memories because, unlike the unicellular beings
that divide by splitting, these beings would not be created from
new added matter but from the division of the already existing
one. This is possible, because the first particle can be divided
even if it is not made up of any other particle. To make the
appearance of new beings possible, this first being would be
divided, breaking the direct connection of the particles so that
from that moment on the experiences of each being are different
from those of the others, in this way, since there are many
beings with many different experiences the richness of the
cosmos is greater. This means that from now on the emotions
that each being has will only affect him directly. However, they
will also affect others indirectly through cosmic life, because by
being all indirectly connected everyone will live the lives of
others in future new cosmic cycles when roles are swapped. This
is so, because by dividing this first being into many others what it
is also doing is dividing its own experiences at different times, it
is as if all beings were now the same being but each one at a
different time.
In this way, the experiences that others live now will be our
future, but they were also our past, because the destiny of the
universe once universal life has been completed is to rejoin into
a single particle and start all over again from the beginning
beginning. Then time will repeat itself but the universe will not
be completely complete until all beings have lived all the lives of
others and when that happens all beings will unite to become
one again. To put an example easier to understand, it is as if time
were a movie in which each being plays a different role each
time the universe repeats itself, but in this case, the setting
would also be a character that we would have to play before that
time ends, that is to say that we would live the lives of all the
characters but also the life of the material universe before
everything begins again, that is the essence of the cyclical
character of nature. In the Hindu religion it is defined as karma,
the fact that the same good or bad events happen to each being
that they have previously produced to others.
There are also those who believe that this is a kind of divine
punishment caused by a supreme being, but in my opinion this is
a big mistake, because the cyclical nature of the universe that
could also be called karma does not arise from the will of
anyone, but rather it is an essential part of nature, because it
needs to be repeated, exchanged, and renewed, in order to be
recycled. That means that those who are up now tomorrow will
be down and those who are ignorant today will be wise
tomorrow, and there is no being in the universe, however
evolved or powerful, that can escape this reality. It should also
be emphasized that the fact that the same events are going to
happen to all the beings that live in the cosmos, that is, all
possible events, does not happen because that information is
stored anywhere, but because it is an inevitable destiny of
matter is recycled until all particles and all beings pass through
all possible positions and experiences, because matter is always
in a circular motion of constant repetition, even light rays have to
return to the point from which they started . In other words, the
process of continual renewal and replacement of nature
inevitably results in all beings ending up one day living all the
lives that others have lived. This is a consequence of the natural
mechanics of matter and not that there is any place where
memories of past events are kept. This is possible, because the
existence of multiple beings and multiple particles are derived
from the subdivision of a single original being that separated to
give rise to all the beings that now exist, that is to say that
although at this moment we are different beings with different
lives we actually come from the same being and will be part of it
again one day.
This means that in reality each human life is only a part of the life
of that being, it is as if there were a greater life that is the sum of
the lives of all the beings in the cosmos. At the beginning of the
current cosmic cycle, this being or first particle separated
creating different beings that are actually the same, this is useful
because it generates the existence of different life
experiences. However, since in reality all beings come from the
same being, that means that deep down our experiences are
connected in time so that in the end and inevitably we will all
end up living all the lives of others. When that happens, then
time will start again and the whole process will repeat itself
because in the universe even time regenerates. When the first
particle separated, it created all the beings that now exist, these
beings are currently not directly connected in any way, that is
why they are different beings, but they are indirectly connected
through time, as if there were an invisible thread that unites us
and determines that in the end we will all become one
again. This single being to which we all have to return is the
common denominator that unites us in time, this explains why all
beings will ultimately experience all the events that are now
experienced by other beings.
From this moment on, it would be concluded that it is necessary
to build a material universe in which to be able to develop
multiple life experiences in order to be happy, because this is the
true reason for evolution, therefore, the decision would be made
to designate one of these beings to take care of the task of
building but also of being the universe.
The designation process would not be chance, because the
circumstance that would determine which spirit this task must
correspond to depends on the rotation of the universal functions
itself. This is possible, because, although it is true that the
universe has to repeat time and events again in each cosmic
cycle, nevertheless, the beings or spirits that inhabit it will not
have to meet again in the initial particle of the cosmos until that
all beings have lived all lives, that is the key to the rotation
process. In other words, the universe will not completely forget
its acquired knowledge until all beings go through all lives and
only then will time start all over again.
The being appointed to deal with the material universe would
not only rule it but he himself would be the universe with all its
stars and planets but not including individual spirits. That is to
say that the universe would be his body and his spirit at the same
time, because it would be a super condensed spirit unlike the
individual spirits that would be light to be able to reincarnate in
human bodies. Its purpose from that moment on would be the
construction of stars, planets and galaxies to serve as a home for
other individual beings once they have reincarnated as men. The
fact that a single being is and governs the universe does not
imply that he is superior to other beings, because he would only
be in charge of creating the stage so that superior beings can live
in the human form that is the most evolved in the cosmos. To
better understand it, it could be said that if the universe were a
theater, the galaxies would be the stage and human beings
would be the actors and therefore they would be in a superior
situation. However, once the cosmic cycle ends, another being
will have to take charge of this function, thus allowing the being
who is in charge of managing the universe on this occasion to
reincarnate as a man.
Until this moment, all beings would exist only in spiritual form
unlike biological beings that are the sum of a material body
formed with matter borrowed from the universal being and an
individual spirit reincarnated in it. This is necessary, because
when the spirits cede control of the infinity of secondary physical
and chemical processes to the universal being that administers
matter, our spirits can only dedicate themselves to the higher
functions that we know as human consciousness. For that
reason, we do not have to take care of any internal function of
our body but only external tasks. Reincarnation in matter is also
necessary to amplify emotions, because spirit separately from
matter is only energy for the most part, but when it is
reincarnated in matter it can increase the amount of sensations
and achieve the perfect balance to be happy.
It is also possible that instead of a single being that is and
administers the universe, there are separate individual beings
that are and administer each planet or star separately, but I think
it is more reasonable to think that the entire universe is ruled by
a single being, because if each star were a different being then
the mergers or explosions of planets and stars would create an
absurd situation as each fragment belonged to a different being
and when mixed with each other they would be very difficult to
control. On the other hand, if the entire material universe
belonged to a single being, all these processes would be under
his own control, which would avoid any contradiction. These
beings would not only be managing the planets, because each of
their atoms would also be part of their body. Nor should we take
into account that the fact that a being is and governs the entire
material universe does not therefore make him superior to us,
because to demonstrate the opposite we have the example of
elephants or whales, which are much more larger than man but
nevertheless evolutionarily inferior. Nor should we think that this
being is God, because in its essence it is a being like us, although
it encompasses the universe in size, God, on the other hand, is
the common denominator that connects all beings, that is, the
universal laws that arise from our interior and that we
participate in creating on a rotating basis. This being that
sustains the foundations of the material universe cannot
communicate with the rest of the beings either, because the
mind of an individual spirit like ours is focused in a directed way
on a single thing and forms the vertical or superior
plane. Instead, the universal being has his mind dispersed in
millions of tasks at the same time in the horizontal or lower
plane, which prevents the existence of an individualized
contact. For this universal being, the control of the planets and
the stars is not difficult, because the whole universe works
almost automatically in addition, the foundations on which it is
based were decided almost entirely when all matter was still
within the universe cosmic egg.
Once the being that would have the responsibility of creating the
material universe was designated, that is, the universe without
including individual spirits, this being would begin to create the
first hydrogen atoms to form the primordial matter of all
galaxies. Then the rapid expansion of the universe would
begin. This expansion could not possibly be due to a large
explosion but rather due to the introduction into matter of a
repulsive force that would begin to separate it. In this way, the
first mini galaxies of pure hydrogen would begin to form. These
first galaxies would have in their interior two forces, one that
would be of repulsion that would drive them apart from each
other in opposite directions and another of attraction that would
push them to get closer to those that would be closer. One
would be a force that we could call vertical repulsion, and
another would be a horizontal attractive force. This explains why
some galaxies move away from others while other galaxies move
closer to their neighbors. Over time and as the galaxies move
away from each other, their vertical position would gradually
transform into horizontal, then, the repulsive force will become
attraction and the galaxies will begin to approach until they
come together and form a single one again mass and all the
atoms will unite until they become a single particle and the
expansion process will begin again.
Immediately after the expansion of the hydrogen clouds began,
the fusion of hydrogen would begin to form the first super-giant
stars. These stars would generate more complex atoms in their
interior due to their great internal pressures and then they
would explode, later, with their ashes, planets like Earth would
be formed. These initial explosions would be responsible for the
background radiation that shows that the universe was together
in the past. Over time, the galaxies would be organized leaving
large empty spaces between them, giving the universe the
current appearance similar to a complex network of neurons
similar to the brain, and in reality, that network of neurons
would form the mind of the universal being as if each galaxy was
one of the neurons in your brain.
The material universe, thus forms a luminous circular structure
similar to how our spirit does, because in reality we are a spirit,
but that lives inside a human body, we are, therefore, similar to
that great universal spirit but in miniature, although we live on
the higher plane that represents human life. The universe is at
the same time spirit and matter, because when the matter of the
spirit condenses it becomes visible as normal matter. Man, on
the other hand, is the consequence of uniting an individual spirit
provided with little dense matter, with the highly condensed
matter of the universal spirit. When the universe reaches the
limit expansion point, the expansion energy will cease and the
galaxies will again begin to approach until they form a single
particle again and the process will begin again. In reality, in the
universe everything moves in a circular way, that means that
even the rays of the sun will one day return to the point from
which they left.
All galaxies have a star wrongly called a black hole inside them,
which due to its intense gravity holds the rest of the stars around
it together, this star fulfills the same stabilizing function as the
sun in the solar system. This central star is not a hole but is made
up of mass so super compressed that it traps even light particles,
making it difficult to detect. In these stars the gravitational
pressure that occurs in them is not from top to bottom as people
think but from the outside to the inside, this means that the
pressure from the sides is neutralized in the center where the
opposite pressures meet, which which makes it absurd to
consider it a hole. The fact that these stars have a very intense
gravity does not make them more of a hole for that reason than
any other star in the sky. However, since the galaxy is a disk, all
the matter that falls into the black hole does so from the
horizontal circumference towards the center, which causes these
stars to have a point of high pressure in the entire horizontal disk
and two points of low pressure pressure at the poles, this causes
matter from the disk to collide at high speed in the center
causing a rebound through the poles resulting in the output of
energy and perhaps some matter.
Current scientists try to understand the deep mechanisms of
matter but limiting themselves only to observing the external
behavior of its particles, this is a clearly derogatory attitude,
because by acting like this they deny matter its right to be
considered alive and aware of its own acts, therefore, in order to
understand it deeply, it is necessary to study it from a point of
view not only physical but also metaphysical because the more
one delves into the fundamentals of the matter, the more
necessary it is to take into account the moral and spiritual
aspects in order to understand it.
The size of the universe is not infinite, but it is correct to say that
space, also called vacuum, is, but only in terms of its ability to
expand indefinitely when material particles move through it, but
instead, the matter, and the size that it can encompass if it is
limited, because otherwise it would be in contradiction with the
principle of universal renewal that requires the return of all
matter to the central point from which it arose. From the very
moment that the stars emit their first rays of energy, the process
of returning to the origin of their starting point begins, because
those light particles do not describe a rectilinear but a curved
path that will end precisely when they all return to the place
from which they arose and form the egg of original matter
again. This is so, because in reality energy in an absolute sense is
not lost but only changes phase, first it is in the stars conserved
within the hydrogen atoms, then it is launched into space and
passes through the planets favoring the progress of civilizations,
then disperses in space over immense distances and finally
returns to the starting point to start all over again. This gradual
energy transition is what creates the time that in turn causes
evolution and guarantees that there are no two equal days in all
of history, this continuous process of renewal is what makes life
interesting and therefore, when that energy is ends it will be
necessary for the universe to begin again.
In reality, space is nothingness and therefore the opposite pole
to matter, therefore, it is a mistake to give space qualities of
matter or matter qualities of space because it cannot be bent or
perforated since these are qualities of matter. Matter is the
masculine pole of nature and space is the feminine pole of
it. Sometimes it is logical to consider feminine matter but always
with respect to something else that acts as a representative of
masculine values. For example, the matter of the earth is
feminine with respect to the sun but is masculine with respect to
water. Rain is also feminine because it is produced when the
vapor is condensed by the cold, which in turn belongs to the
feminine dimension. The planets are female with respect to the
sun and the continents of the earth are male with respect to the
part of the earth covered by the sea. Space is the feminine side
of matter and it is necessary for polarities or musical notes to
exist since without a space between each note, music cannot
exist. The size that the space can have is determined by the
separation between the material particles, and the more these
particles are separated, the greater the space. When the
universe finishes its current expansion process, it will return to
its starting point and everything in the universe will be reduced
to a single particle. It could then be said that space and matter
are different sides of the same thing. Space and matter are the
first two examples of universal polarity and therefore are
responsible for all the examples of polarity that were created
Once the first planets suitable to produce biological life had been
created, the spirits began the work of developing this life, this is
so, because the cosmic being that is and controls matter can only
deal with basic chemical and physical functions but not to create
plants, animals or people. The difference between them is that
the universal being has its mind dedicated to all material tasks in
a dispersed way, instead individual beings can dedicate
themselves to concrete and precise functions such as creating
the bodies in which they are later reincarnated. Once
reincarnation has been completed, the simple physical, chemical,
biological and organic functions are handed over to the universal
being, in this way reincarnated spirits can take care of the higher
functions that characterize human life. These processes are
carried out for the most part automatically because most of
them would have been decided at the beginning before the
expansion of universal matter, however it would not be possible
to foresee everything, therefore, the main function of the
universal being would be the supervision and improvement of all
physical processes as they develop. The universal being would
also be helped in this automatic process by the limitations that
reality allows in the material options, because the immovable
laws of nature would considerably condition what this being
could do. This automatism of nature would allow this universal
being to have time to devote himself to reflection and study of
the future processes to follow because what we consider to be
universal laws are partly created by him, that is, those laws of
the horizontal dimension that are present subject to their free
As already explained previously, spirits need to reincarnate into
material bodies because in this way the emotions are more
intense, in addition, when they are immersed in the hectic and
unpredictable world of matter, it is possible to benefit from the
immense number of combinations that it has and as a
consequence of new situations. Therefore, it could be said that
the process of evolution is from a certain point of view a work in
which spirits are dedicated to domesticate matter, that is,
progress consists of learning to handle matter in order to obtain
all the benefits that this can offer. This process recalls the way
workers use to build a building, but with the difference that in
this case the building is our body, and the workers are the
spirits. From a metaphysical point of view, spirit is blue and
matter is red, spirit represents the vertical dimension and the
female sex, and matter represents the horizontal dimension and
the male sex, and only when they are combined does happiness
and happiness arise life represented by the color green, that is
why matter and spirit need each other to make us happy.
In the universe, the physical laws are the same everywhere, this
determines that the planets suitable for organic life are also the
same, and the intelligent beings of those planets by logic have to
be very similar to us, therefore, it is a It is a mistake to be guided
by science fiction novels or movies when trying to find out how
these beings can be, because since writers do not have enough
intuition to understand the future, what they usually do is show
the supposed aliens living with landscapes of the nineteenth
century or medieval, when they act like this, what they do is not
show the future, but imitate the places of the past that they
already know. Another common mistake is to present aliens as
ugly, mediocre or degenerate beings, because there are no
degenerate superior beings, evil is only possible in primitive
worlds where ignorance makes possible the error from which evil
The universe works as if it were a symbolic letter (X), which
would divide a square into four sides, two horizontal to the left
and right to represent the forces that are necessary at all times
and that are represented by the color red and blue. Then, in the
lower position, there would be the black color to represent
backwardness, ignorance, and everything that must be
abandoned because of being wrong. Above, with the white color,
the truth, the light and those truths that have been cleaned of all
rest of falsehood are represented. This means that evil can only
exist in primitive worlds but not in evolved worlds, because in
them the light of science removes all the margins that evil can
use to confuse people.
The horizontal dimension represents the red and blue values that
are good and necessary and remain constant over time, these
values interpenetrate maintaining mutual and continuous
communication from left to right and from right to left. However,
these values can also serve to represent the process of energy
reduction that the universe undergoes when going from red to
blue or from hot to cold through a process by which the energy
of the stars is replaced by evolution and organization, that is, ,
which in this case, and with the passage of time, the energy
decreases, and in return the organization increases. The
horizontal plane represents red and blue values that are benign
and constant and mutually permeate over time. The vertical
plane represents the values that go from lowest to highest or
highest to lowest and may represent something benign or not
depending on the circumstances, but the function they fulfill in
one plane can be reversed in another without being a
contradiction, because it is from different planes, therefore,
when it comes to the process of decreasing the energy of the
stars, it is as if it had gone from the horizontal to the vertical
plane because the potentials do not remain constant as is usually
the case in the horizontal plane, this is not a contradiction
Rather, it happens because on a different plane things can work
differently. That is to say that in one plane the red color may be
occupying the horizontal dimension and the blue color the
vertical, and in another being the other way around, this does
not have to be a contradiction when it occurs in different
planes. Nor is it a contradiction when the balance of potentials is
done indirectly, because at the beginning of the cosmos the
universe is redder and at the end it is bluer, however, in absolute
terms, they have the same importance.
Surely, the spirits would only try to develop the process of
biological evolution in those planets that meet the ideal
conditions to develop an acceptable human form, that is to say
that not only would gravity, oxygen, or temperature matter, that
the planet could have, but also the existence of a solid surface or
an acceptable rotation period. This means that those planets
that did not meet these requirements, or that were not able to
maintain them long enough for human civilization to be
completed, would be completely discarded for the development
of even the simplest biological forms.
When spirits considered building their material bodies, they first
began with single-celled forms. This work required intense
dedication at the beginning, because at that time so-called
natural selection could not intervene since there was no
biological being equipped with a genetic code capable of
reproducing and on which to rely. That is to say that the
intervention of the spirits in the genetic evolution went from
higher to lower intensity until the reproduction, first by excision,
and then sexual, had been completed. From that moment on,
the will of biological beings, that is to say that of spirits already
reincarnated in plants, animals or people, also intervened in the
design and improvement of their bodies, which led to the
participation of spirits more and more hint. This new situation
offered them the possibility of dedicating only a minority part to
genetic corrections between each reincarnation because now
they could also dedicate themselves to it after reincarnated
through sexual selection. With the appearance of sex, it was
easier to make genetic improvements and favor the evolution of
forms without the need for direct intervention of the spirits,
because by being able to choose the partner we can choose the
best prepared or healthiest one and thereby favor genetic
progress. This means that the evolution of the forms was made
50% by direct spiritual intervention, and in another 50% by
sexual selection and voluntary choice of biological beings, that is,
by spirits already reincarnated.
The spirits, at the beginning, did not know what form the animals
or man should have before creating them and it only became
known after many studies and comparisons, this is so, because
they also have to learn like us in order to progress, for For this
reason, biological evolution took so many millions of years to
complete. Although the memory of a spirit dates back to the
beginning of time, its knowledge is limited to the essential
handling of matter, therefore, the development of biological
forms with all their molecular details had to be learned through
trial and error until get to the present. A spirit that is
reincarnated in human form for the first time is much more
clumsy than one that has already done it on numerous
occasions, in addition, when it is reincarnated it cannot use its
generic spiritual memories but only the most fundamental
qualities to avoid To interfere with the human plane, these
qualities are what determine the spiritual intelligence that
endows those who have it with the necessary intuition to
understand the essential meaning of things.
A spirit is like a small sun but less dense, and made up of atoms
with a special design for its exclusive use. One part of the matter
is part of it directly, and the other has been taken from
terrestrial matter. A part of its energy is internal and
inexhaustible, and another part is external and rechargeable. The
interior is the one that belongs to the spirit and the exterior is
the one that absorbs from the environment. The inner energy is
the one that connects its own particles and the outer one is the
one used for its relationship with the matter of the universal
being, this is so, because the outer energy belongs to the
universal being and when it is exhausted it is necessary to
recharge it. To understand it better, it could be said that inner
energy is inexhaustible, because it belongs to the spirit and its
own microcosm and forms a closed circuit within it. On the other
hand, the external energy belongs to the universal being and
forms in it another much larger closed circuit, but, for us, it is an
energy that enters and leaves, so we have to recharge it. For the
being that is and controls the universe, its energy is also internal,
because it passes from the hydrogen of the stars to space, but it
never leaves the universe, which is its own spirit and body at the
same time, and when the cosmic cycle ends it will return to your
initial starting point.
A spirit is very similar to the universal being that is and forms the
universe but with a much smaller size. It can also be made visible
or invisible at will, because having very low density it is enough
to stop emitting energy to avoid being detected. Another of its
qualities is to be able to go through matter without colliding, to
achieve this it is enough to avoid that the phases of its atoms
coincide with the phases of the matter that they want to go
through, this is possible, because matter changes phase at the
speed of the light from a material position to an immaterial one
and all the matter that collides is because it shares the same
phase. This does not happen because in the immaterial phase
the matter ceases to exist, but because when they are placed in
that position they act like two planes that, in order not to collide,
intersect at different heights, in this way they use empty space to
achieve it.
Regarding the initial moment in which the first unicellular beings
were created, official science is shamefully silent, because since
they deny the existence of spirit or even the life of matter and
only recognize the effects on atomic processes, they are They
feel unable to explain how it is possible that single-celled beings
can emerge from a heap of atoms. Since they find that question
uncomfortable when it highlights the shortcomings of
materialistic science, they now say that the complex molecules
that served to create the first organic cells perhaps came from
space inside meteorites, but that, rather than being an answer to
the The question of the origin of life seems to be throwing the
ball on the neighbor's roof to see if he can make a basket,
because what difference is there between the atoms that could
exist on Earth or the organic molecules that could come from
space, if In either case, are they simple atomic molecules and not
cells capable of reproducing? And if what they propose is that
complete cells or organic living beings capable of surviving in a
state of torpor inside the meteorites also came, then all they are
doing is saying that organic life began on other planets but they
do not solve the matter that we occupies that it is how from
simple molecules organic cells capable of reproducing were
created. Materialistic scientists want people to think that putting
together a lot of organic molecules is the same as making a cell,
but that is as stupid as saying that if you put together a lot of car
parts in a workshop and leave them alone overnight, maybe in
the morning. Next you find a finished car. It is evident that in this
process one thing is missing and that is to recognize the
existence of conscious and intelligent life within matter and an
immortal soul within people.
Once the original planets had been designated for the creation of
biological life the spirits would turn to them and begin to work
for the creation of their bodies. These bodies would be largely
robot-like, because only when the spirit is united with the body is
a complete person formed. It would begin with the first bacteria
and unicellular beings carrying out a process similar to the one
that the universe went through when the first particle
multiplied. At the moment of reincarnation, the builder spirits
(who are also ourselves) forget their past so as not to interfere
with human life, because this is a different dimension. Therefore,
at the beginning of evolution they lose part of their knowledge,
however, the destiny of man is to reach and equalize the
knowledge of the spirit through the help of technology. This is
necessary, because the human dimension is different and
independent from that of the spirit and therefore, it is better to
start from scratch. To better understand this situation, it can be
compared to a plumber who decides to become an engineer in
order to progress, perhaps as a plumber he was an expert, but as
an engineer he needs to wait a while to become an expert, in the
same way, the spirits in his superior dimension They would
surely have extensive knowledge about the fundamentals of
matter, but when reincarnated as plants, animals or people, they
lose that intellectual status due to the need to forget that it is
necessary not to mix the two planes. At the beginning life would
be simple and primitive, but when this human dimensional plane
is completed, life will be much better than everything that as a
spirit could have reached, this is the reason that it is worth going
through all these stages. Remembering is useful in certain cases
but forgetting is also useful for this reason, if when we begin
reincarnation we forget our life as spirits, we will be able to live
human life with greater intensity.
The spirit, before reincarnation, could be considered in a certain
way as a superior being, this situation is momentarily lost when
reincarnating in a primitive world due to the technological
backwardness in which it is found, but this only occurs during the
time that the Civilization takes time to reach its maximum level
of development, then, the superior spirits and those who are
already reincarnated manage to achieve balance, because they
share the same knowledge. When spirits are reincarnated as
men, they temporarily lose their memories and acquire the
personality of man, that is, the baggage of knowledge and beliefs
of their time. After the death of the body, the spirit needs to free
itself of this burden in order to ascend to the spiritual world and
thus be able to remember its previous lives, that is, its life and its
spirit personality that is longer and goes back to the beginning of
the universe. In reality, spirits are gradually learning just like
man, because for them the technological and genetic advances
are also new, but they understand them from a different
scientific level and superior to the human one. When
reincarnated as men they lose part of their intellectual level
temporarily, but only until human civilization is complete, then
matter and spirit will act in perfect harmony and man can have
all the benefits of matter but living in accordance with the values
of the spirit.
Once man has reached his technological maturity, he will begin
his expansion through space. Through technology, it will be
possible to populate all the planets but not by changing the
planets to resemble man, which is impossible, but by building
city ships where it is possible to live with the same comfort as on
earth. Once this has been achieved and the thousands of planets
in our closest environment have been populated, the spirits of
animals and plants will reincarnate in the form of human beings
on those planets, that means that from that moment on, animal
life and Vegetable will end up on earth because the spirits of
animals will already be able to reincarnate as humans.
While spirits wait for the opportunity to reincarnate into human
life, it is good that they remain reincarnated in multiple plant and
animal species, because it is necessary that they go through all
those biological stages before they are ready to reincarnate as
people. They also provide us with the oxygen and food necessary
for man to exist, in addition, they serve as a biological reserve,
because if a cataclysm destroyed man, nature would use them to
recreate him without having to start from the beginning. An
example of this we have in the mass extinctions that have
occurred throughout history, because in these catastrophes up
to ninety percent of animals and plants have been destroyed, but
as nature has so many species and adapted to so many climates
and different situations it has been possible to regain the rhythm
of evolution without suffering an excessive delay over the
natural rhythm.
The fact that plants can disappear will not be a problem, because
the man of the future will be able to create oxygen and food
artificially, they will also have qualities equal to or better than
those of plant origin. In addition, human life will be extended in
about twenty years, because the viruses and bacteria that cause
typical infections would also disappear and with it humanity
would leave behind one of the main causes of its suffering. From
that moment on, cities would be more disinfected than any
current operating room.
The comforts of the future will make life much easier than today,
wars will disappear because once the world is politically unified
there will no longer be reasons for confrontation and conflicts in
space will be very difficult to occur because due to at great
distances in space the planets will become self-sufficient and
function as independent governments. In order to save energy,
trade and tourist trips will be limited to the interior of the
planets except in very exceptional cases. The citizens will live in
compact cities and as if they were city ships they will protect
their inhabitants from the outer climate of the planets.
Primitive materials such as bricks, cement or paint will no longer
be used in homes, instead prefabricated plastic, glass or metal
plates will be used, thus they can be easily assembled and
disassembled as if it were a game. This assembly and
disassembly system would be quick, easy and clean, and would
be used on almost all objects in the city including both small
objects and buildings and entire cities. All cities will be full of
colors because they attract good feelings and happiness,
therefore, in the future, it will be inconceivable that citizens will
dress exclusively in black clothes or get their skin dirty with
tattoos since these are symbols of evil. Therefore, I find those
who admire everything related to black clothing and death
despicable, they want us to believe that they are acting in self-
defense and try to make evil look good, but, in reality, they act
like that because they are worshipers of the evil and they do not
want to recognize it, because whoever defends the good rejects
black clothes, favors a world full of color and seeks the light
without ambiguity, they only deceive themselves, because good
only has one way. I do not say this only for all those who worship
evil and adhere to demonic sects, but also for those who are
attracted to everything that revolves around evil even if they
have not fully entered it and for that reason. They surround
themselves with all those gestures that are now called gothic.
This social situation is actually a symptom of the moral
emptiness that exists at this time in society, and occurs as a
consequence, on the one hand, of the degeneration of religious
organizations that, dominated by selfishness, refuse to evolve for
fear that it will make you lose your power. And on the other, due
to the lack of courage on the part of citizens to seek their
spiritual progress. The Catholic Church is mired in a dilemma,
because if it changes its fundamental principles it would be
recognizing that it was not infallible and therefore from that
moment on it should respect the existence of multiple different
opinions on philosophical questions, but since the Vatican has
always been a religious dictatorship they prefer to maintain the
dogma in exchange for sacrificing progress. That attitude is
precisely what makes her an instrument of evil and causes her to
no longer serve society as a spiritual guide. Another reason for
refusing to progress is that they intuit that social progress will
inevitably lead to citizens claiming their right to think freely
about philosophical issues, this will cause the disappearance of
the religious organizations most concerned with competing for
the power with governments that favor moral progress. This will
determine that this moralizing function will, in the future, be
taught in schools. On this we must not be mistaken, because the
fact that religious organizations are currently evil and must
disappear as a result of progress, does not mean that religion is
therefore bad, because every society needs moral principles if it
wants to progress.
This lack of moral leadership, or in other words the lack of solid
moral principles that defend the good as the axis of conduct, is
the breeding ground for chaos, anarchism and crime to
spread. People have to be clear that where there is no law there
is anarchy and where the rights of one end, the rights of others
begin, therefore, it is necessary for the law to defend freedom
and democracy, but without this being used as excuse to spread
evil and crime.
The human body is perfect in its essential nature and these wild
customs end up disfiguring it. In the future, sexual mutilations of
both girls and boys will not be allowed, for that reason, savage
practices such as circumcision will be prohibited, also the
mutilations of female sexual organs or the piercing of the ears of
girls, this will be prohibited while they are minors of age, but
once they reach adulthood they will be allowed to
decide. Today's society does not understand this because it
confuses freedom with debauchery and they are two very
different things.
Despite its apparent simplicity, the homes of the future would
have many technological advances to make life more pleasant,
such as having soundproof walls to avoid the inconvenience
caused by noise. They will not use keys to open the doors either,
because it is more efficient to use electronic systems such as
dialing a code on a keyboard or bringing a card close to a
sensor. In these homes, kitchens will not be necessary either,
because the food will reach them by means of small elevators
already pre-cooked, it will be enough that they request it on the
computer and in a few minutes they will appear in devices
similar to current microwaves that will be the final part of these
The energy of the future will also be clean because it will be
derived from the sun, and nuclear energy can only be used in
space travel because sunlight does not reach between the
stars. This type of energy will be prohibited from using it within
the planets due to the danger of radioactive leaks, therefore, it is
best to use technology to obtain all the necessary energy from
the sun and its derivatives. It is surprising that those who are
economically interested in this type of energy say that it is clean
energy just because it does not use fossil fuels, is it that the
Fukushima or Chernobyl accidents are not enough to see that
this is not true? In this as in so many other things, appearances
are given more importance than reality. There are even countries
that have established taxes to penalize the use of fossil fuels but
not for nuclear energy, this is obviously an act of hypocrisy,
because the fact that nuclear energy does not favor global
warming does not change the fact that it is as much or more
damaging than the other when leakage occurs. It is truly absurd
that there is so much solar energy on Earth, however human
beings are destroying the few uranium reserves that exist in the
world, and not only because of how dangerous it is to use it in an
environment full of life like the one it has this planet, but
because one day it might be necessary to use it in interstellar
spacecraft to travel the space between the stars where solar
energy does not reach, but if that uranium is destroyed today
that will no longer be possible.
Within the human body and that of animals are most of the
inventions that man has discovered, which shows that before
human science existed there was already a superior science. We
have an example in the airplane, because those who invented it
learned the essential fundamentals by watching birds fly. Many
scientists announce their great discoveries to the world but, at
the same time, refuse to acknowledge that they first studied and
partly copied the technology of our body before applying it to
their inventions. That knowledge, in reality, is the work of
ourselves, that is, of our spirit, although during human life we
cannot remember it. This means that at this time there is a gap
between our knowledge as a spirit and our knowledge as a man,
however, this gap will be solved when the progress of science
eliminates this difference. The knowledge that we harbor in our
spirit is great, but even so there are evolutionary differences at a
spiritual level between each being, this is because all spirits have
not participated in the same way in biological progress, because
they are the first to arrive to each species those who have been
creating genetic progress, therefore, all those who remain in
lower animal or plant forms have a lower spiritual level. The
same happens in the human being, because those who have
lived as men for thousands of years it is logical that they have a
greater spiritual intelligence than those who have just arrived
now in this form. All that knowledge that we have within our
bodies is the consequence of the work of the spirits together
with the influence of natural selection that also acts, which is
absurd is to say that all that effort and all that science is the
product of chance or coincidence, that is a materialistic point of
view that only tries to evade the truth.
Since ancient times, there has been a moral doubt about what
the origin of man is if it is divine or human, the truth is that both
things are true, because within each man there is an immortal
spirit that endows him with that divine part, but at the same
time At the same time, it has a human part due to the
backwardness and ignorance that terrestrial civilization has
today. This moral doubt originates from the fact that before we
were born we were all spirits with a life and memories much
more extensive than the one we have as men, however, when
reincarnated, we must forget that spiritual life in order to
concentrate on life human and thus evolve until human
civilization is completed and even surpasses the knowledge that
as spirits we could have.
Due to this circumstance, the legend of genesis arose where it is
said that God created a human form from the earth and blew air
into its nose and then it came to life, that breath to which it
refers is the entrance of the spirit into the body. When that
happened, matter endowed only with mineral life acquired
human life with the union of the spirit with the body. Another
biblical example is when it is said that the sons of God married
the daughters of men, those sons of God they refer to may
actually be our own spirits and those daughters of men actually
represent the matter of the Earth that is symbolically
feminine. This legend can also refer to the union of the most
advanced civilizations with the most primitive. This union gave
rise to the appearance of giants who later built the pyramids of
Egypt or the tower of Babylon, these giants were not men of
great stature but great civilizations, for that reason, after
disappearing, their successors would say that those
constructions only They could be the work of giants, and it is true
that they would be giants, but not because of their stature but
because of their great technical development for the time in
which they did it.
In these diagrams you can better understand the above. In the
left drawing, we can see a classic house that could be used by the
majority of the population. In number one, the entrance of the
house is shown which, although it would be in a building, at the
same time it would be inside a compact city. In these cities the
buildings would not be separated from each other, because at
the same point in which one finished the next would begin, that
is why they would be compact, but, to compensate for the
feeling of closeness, many spaces for walking and entertainment
would be created for the population. In addition, all the rooms
would be soundproofed to increase the feeling of intimacy.
In number two, it is shown how the main room could be,
showing the seats and the table in blue in purple, on the left side
there is a television screen in the shape of a window so that the
occupants can see the image in real time outside of the city. We
must not forget that the Earth's climate is unique to this planet,
but on the Moon, on Mars or on any other planet the
atmosphere is not breathable and consequently the windows
can only show an image of the outside but cannot be opened. . In
number three we can see the kitchen with a table in the center,
as I have already said in those kitchens, no smoke would be
produced or food would be cooked, because it would arrive
already pre-cooked through small elevators directly from the
factories. Trash could also be disposed of by the same
In number four, there would be the bathroom, in this example
only the main one is shown but it would be possible to have
other smaller ones inside the rooms. In number five the
children's rooms are shown, most couples could only have two,
because in the future it would be necessary to limit births to that
number to avoid overcrowding, however, as accidents or other
causes could cause the accidental death of some people would
have an additional room for those couples who would be
allowed to have three children to compensate for these losses. In
number six, there would be the parents' room, which being two
would be twice as large as the children's room. Parents could
choose between having a larger bed or having two beds
together, this would be useful to avoid the inconvenience that
each one has different tastes in the way of sleeping or different
sensations of heat. Finally, at number seven, there would be a
warehouse, to store the objects that would only be used
exceptionally, although it could also be used as a guest room in
the event that all the rooms were occupied. The doors of the
rooms would be indicated in red.
The drawing on the right shows a compact city, these cities could
have different designs but they all have in common that they
would form a compact block to protect citizens from the external
climate that may exist on each planet. These cities would be
designed as a united whole and the population would also form a
kind of team, therefore, the begging situation that occurs on
Earth today would be totally impossible that could occur in this
social system. It gives the impression that contemporary society
is afraid to take that step, perhaps because never before has all
the citizens of a country, or of a city, been considered as part of a
united system. Currently there are governments that dictate laws
or collect taxes within their sphere of power, but few have come
to argue that the state has a duty to close those imbalances that
prevent society from being truly united. For this reason, I find
those governments pathetic that prepare lodgings so that
beggars can sleep during the winter, but that during the day they
throw them out as if they were abandoned dogs. If they really
cared about them, what they would do is get them apartments
where they could live permanently and a job so they can feel
useful. It is absurd that there are rich countries in the world that
have not yet asked themselves this question. It is necessary to
understand that only when the decision is made to integrate the
beggars and the unemployed in society will it be possible to
affirm that they are all part of a single people. People are not
able to understand the immense benefit that this would have for
everyone, because among other things it would reduce crime
and increase the feeling of unity.
In these cities, vehicles would circulate at levels other than foot
traffic and factories would be found alongside the roads at lower
levels. In the center of the city there would be the government
headquarters and on the periphery there would be hangars for
the landing of vertical take-off vehicles. In those cities, airplanes
would not be used, because the wings destabilize them a lot and
with the vertical take-off system it is easier to take off or land
when there is wind, in addition, with these ships it is not
necessary to use long landing strips, so that when they arrive
they can go directly to the hangars. These ships would be
provided with half wings and motors integrated inside the
fuselage, in this way they could take off like a helicopter and
once in the air they would use the aerodynamic capacity of the
fuselage to balance in flight. They could also carry a parachute on
top that would activate in the event of a total breakdown of the
electrical system of the engines. Another advantage is that by
not using rotors in the upper part like helicopters, they could
incorporate ejection seats so that the pilots, or if it is considered
appropriate, the passengers, can escape in the event of a serious
accident of the aircraft.
Another model of city could be the domed type, in this case the
isolation from the outside climate would be achieved by placing
one or more transparent domes around the buildings, however,
it would be a less secure system than the compact one, because
in case if the dome was broken, the population would be
exposed to the outside climate in a few minutes. However, in
worlds without atmosphere, domes would be installed on top of
compact cities and then the domes would be connected by tubes
through which the ships would circulate, this would be done,
because, in this way, the gases that would be used in propulsion
of the ships could be recovered and used again. On planets
without an atmosphere, travel would be cheaper because there
would be no atmospheric friction, although this could also be
done on worlds with an atmosphere by building vacuum tubes
through which the ships would circulate. In these tubes, the
ships could reach supersonic speeds without suffering the
consequences of atmospheric friction, thus it would be possible
to travel to the other side of the planet in a short time with very
little energy expenditure. In the case of the Earth, the best thing
would be to reach 29.000 kilometers per hour when traveling a
very long distance, in this way the centrifugal and centripetal
forces would be balanced, this would serve to make the trip
easier and faster. This speed would cause weightlessness in the
passengers, but could be solved by creating an artificial gravity
inside. To achieve this speed, electromagnetic accelerators
would be used, thus avoiding the hassle of carrying large and
heavy fuel tanks. With this system, you could travel to the other
side of the world in just 45 minutes.
In colonial worlds, food will be manufactured artificially, but it
will have the same quality as that derived from plants, so it will
not be necessary to try to adapt plants to the climate or gravity
of each planet. Life in those cities will be simple and calm,
because all the things that need to follow an order will be
precisely designed, for that reason people will use the same
hours to sleep or get up every day, even on holidays, in this way,
the system automatic body can easily adapt to circumstances. At
night peak hours would be used mainly to go to bed and in the
morning the tips or socks to get up assuming that the planet uses
a twenty-four hour system. This would be done in order to give
more stability to the schedules, because if rush hours are used at
night the schedule is more stable, taking into account, for
example, that many programs or documentaries end at rush
hour, therefore, the rooms hours would only be used for more
secondary things. All these measures would be aimed at making
life more peaceful and would make it possible for all inhabitants
to reach one hundred years of life without difficulty. This is
possible, because in reality most diseases begin in the mind, that
is, they are the consequence of living without respecting nature.
In this world, all people will wear a uniform-looking suit with a
common color for the entire suit, but each person could wear
the color they like best. In the trades all the employees would
wear the same color of the suit, but badges of other colors would
be used to differentiate each occupation. With this system,
deciding what clothes to wear will be very simple and as
everyone is dressed the same, the feeling of unity will be
reinforced. It is true that by dressing in this way society would
resemble a military system, but this would be done to reinforce
the feeling of unity among all citizens and not to impede civil
liberties. The fact of wearing this type of clothing is not in
contradiction with the defense of a democratic system and this
way of dressing would only be approved after the citizens
approved it in one of the many votes that would normally take
place, because unlike the Today's society on an evolved planet all
laws without exception have to be voted on by citizens before
they come into force.
In this world everything will be organized so that people
understand that no one is left over, that means that all citizens
will have guaranteed employment and unemployment will not
exist, to achieve this it is enough for the government to
understand that cities are like living beings and have to be cared
for as a whole without forgetting anyone. The working day may
be adapted to the physical capacity of people according to their
age, so that the duration could be eight hours from twenty years
of age to fifty-four hours from fifty to eighty, then people can
continue working if it is your wish but it will depend on your
physical abilities. Those workers who performed more physically
demanding jobs would not be prematurely retired due to their
age, but would instead be changed to other occupations
according to their age. The jobs would not be designed only to
produce merchandise or business results but, above all, for the
entertainment of citizens, therefore, the concept of retirement
that exists today understood as a renunciation of participation in
productive tasks would not exist there.
In the future, human beings will not use the false rituals that
exist today, there will be no weddings, communions, or religious
baptisms, neither will such organizations exist because true
religiosity is carried inside, therefore, they do not make sense
theatrical acts that only seek to pretend. With the act of
immersing oneself in the water and re-emerging, the intention is
to represent physical and, by extension, spiritual cleanliness, but
it also represents death and subsequent rebirth, or how the
matter of space that is masculine contrasts with the emptiness
that is feminine, because it is through the contrast between
water and person, or emptiness and matter, that life and
vibration are created. However, an evolved man must reject
physical baptism because spiritual baptism will always be better,
that is, the one he does with his thoughts and actions and not
with material appearances and ceremonies. The same can be
said of confession, because an animal in the shape of a man
confesses before another animal in the shape of a man, but a
true man only confesses before God, because only a human
animal is so naive as to believe that organizations religious
represent God. A true man does not accept intermediaries who
tell him what the divine will is, so he seeks God for himself.
The people of the future will not dress in black when a relative
dies, because everyone will know that there is only the death of
the body and not the death of the spirit within. Nor will jewelry,
cosmetics, or hair dyes exist, because people will not try to
pretend what they are not or hang objects on their ears to
increase self-confidence, because the key for people to feel
fulfilled and society achieves peace is that all citizens rely on
justice and truth.
In society, there will be two fundamental pillars, one on the
physical plane and the other on the spiritual, on the physical
plane it will be about obtaining pleasure or entertainment only
through science and technology and not through violence, and
on the spiritual plane the Society will rely on justice as the axis of
religion. Each of these fundamental pillars satisfies one of the
two metaphysical planes that it is necessary to take into account
to be happy, this is so, because they are not only connected but
are derived from them. One is the masculine and horizontal, and
the other is the feminine and vertical. The male plane, horizontal
and red, is the one that corresponds to the happiness that
science and technology provide in the material sphere of life. The
vertical, feminine and blue plane is the one that provides
happiness when justice is established as a moral norm of
coexistence in the spiritual sphere of life. As both planes are
peaceful, wars will disappear forever. In this example, I show the
horizontal plane as red and the vertical one as blue, it is true that
in other cases I show them the other way around, this is not a
contradiction, because the planes can rotate in each situation
depending on the circumstances.
Over time, the world will evolve to have a single government, a
single language, a single race, and a single religion, because
progress has only one destiny and that is to achieve perfection in
all aspects of society because in the universe only there is a
truth. This will be a spectacular world from a technological point
of view but at the same time very calm from a social point of
view, because a true democratic republic will have been
established with direct participation by all citizens in all laws, in
addition, all citizens. Labor aspects will be perfectly delimited by
law, which will allow strikes to not be necessary either. The real
key to social progress is not in having an authoritarian
government or having a lot of technology, but in having a society
that understands the truth and applies that truth to its daily
life. Many times it has happened that good laws have been
rejected, because in order to gain power, politicians have scared
citizens, causing in the end only laws with little effectiveness to
solve problems are passed, therefore, society has to understand,
that sometimes, it is only possible to solve the great problems,
when great remedies are applied.
In the future, monarchies will disappear completely, because in
reality, a monarchy is only a hereditary dictatorship, and
therefore, they are in complete contradiction with the
foundations of a democracy. Nor will parliamentary monarchies
exist, because they are parliamentary systems that preserve the
monarchy for purely decorative purposes but without any real
value, this shows that they are actually completely incompatible
systems, therefore, the government system would be a republic
in which the president is would elect for a period of five years
extendable to another five. Normally the role of president will be
reserved for the most veteran politicians. Once that function was
over, they could be part of a council of former presidents. The
profession of politician would be learned in the universities like
any other specialized profession and would not depend on the
parties because they would not exist. The confrontation between
the politicians would no longer be possible, because all the laws
would be decided directly by the citizens, this means that the
politicians would only take care of studying and proposing the
laws that they considered most appropriate, but the final
decision on which law is approved and which would not only
depend on the citizens. When citizens decide all the laws,
politicians will be freed from this function, which will make their
profession a profession like any other.
In this world, all flying vehicles will be without wings and with
vertical take-off, it is very likely that this type of apparatus does
not descend from airplanes but from an improved version of
unmanned vertical take-off vehicles. In these advanced worlds
there will be no pollution, because all the energy will come from
the sun and its derivatives. Diseases can be almost completely
eradicated, but the key to achieving this will not be the use of
technology, but rather the abandonment by citizens of bad
habits such as drug use or the renunciation of consuming more
calories than the average body needs. In other words, more
action will be taken on the causes than on the effects to
eliminate these problems. This is necessary, because what is the
use of so much health expenditure if people do not expel their
demons from their minds, that is, what is the use of all the
efforts of doctors if people refuse to give up their vices and their
petty behaviors that are what they are? that really makes them
Drugs are bad advisers, because a person under their influence
believes that he has more power than he really has to influence
the world around him. They also cause false optimism or
senseless optimism that leads those who consume them to make
decisions that, in most cases, they have to regret their entire
lives. Keep in mind that the false optimism that drugs produce
makes life seem easier than it really is, this can cause us to make
mistakes. I say that it is a false optimism, because it is generated
by substances that force and damage the systems that the brain
has to regulate pleasure. Pessimism, on the other hand, pushes
us to put our feet on the ground and also to analyze the risks in
detail. That is why drugs are so bad, because by pushing the
brain towards excessive and irrational optimism in addition to
damaging it, it leads us to make mistakes that are often
irreversible. The conclusion of all this is that we should only
accept to generate pleasure, those methods that are in
accordance with nature, I mean things like food, music, sex,
technology, but used without excesses. This is necessary,
because only natural stimulation methods respect the filters that
the brain has to ensure that pleasure is not in contradiction with
common sense.
There will also be artificial prostheses to be able to replace any
organ in the body that has been accidentally lost, these
prostheses will be almost identical to the real organs, in this way
the transplants will be abandoned. If current scientists had been
concerned with building these prostheses instead of trying to use
organs from cadavers, surely, today, they would already have
high-quality artificial organs immediately available to any
In the colonized planets, infections will not be possible either,
because since there are no animals, plants, or microorganisms of
any kind, at the time of entering to live the settlers will
completely disinfect the cities and their own bodies to
completely eradicate the microorganisms and thus get rid of
annoying infections. It must be taken into account that on Earth,
microorganisms are necessary because they are part of a
biological ecosystem, and they serve, among other things, to
decompose dead matter, but in colonial worlds they would not
be necessary because that function could be performed by
people through technology. The man could occupy all the
uninhabited worlds that would be the majority but the original
worlds, that is, with their own life, will not be occupied, as a way
of respecting their own evolutionary rhythm.
In the future, crimes will also end up disappearing. To achieve
this, the system will rely on two fundamental pillars, on the one
hand, guaranteeing work by the state for all citizens and, on the
other, punishing the crimes committed with justice. In order to
avoid the promotion of vagrancy and deception among citizens,
economic aid would not be given to the unemployed but jobs
organized by the state. Proposing economic aid as the only social
policy in addition to being a mockery of workers is a drag on the
economy, because in the case of those citizens who have
physical or mental problems, they can always look for
appropriate jobs for them in which that is not a inconvenient,
because the fact that a person has a certain deficiency does not
mean that he is useless.
In other words, the level of financial aid has to be in line with the
physical disability that a person may have, but with the intention
of making them self-sufficient so that they do not have to live at
the expense of public budgets. What is unacceptable is that
public budgets intended to help the unemployed are used to
support individuals who do not want to work and who spend the
day thinking about methods to trick the state into giving them a
salary for nothing. Many of these antisocial individuals claim to
have no money to live on but do not hesitate to hire lawyers to
help them hide their income. Therefore, the best thing to do
against these social parasites is to offer them jobs and not
subsidies, and if they refuse to accept them then neither will
they be offered financial aid or allowed to engage in begging. It is
true that the state should help those who need it to integrate
into society, but it is a mistake to use public money to support
those who only try to live at the expense of others. The law must
use the same energy against criminals that they use to go against
it, in order to make them return to legality.
Once the crimes derived from necessity have been discarded,
only the crimes derived from vanity will remain, to solve it, the
state must send a clear message to society so that it knows that
no crime can go unpunished, that is, convictions They will be
designed in order to make sure that citizens do not want to
resort to crime. That means that those who commit a
premeditated crime will have as a punishment the loss of their
own life, this does not mean that they will necessarily be
executed, but they will have to live and work in prison for the
rest of their lives to pay all their expenses and compensate their
victims. Logically, in this society there would be reintegration,
but those who take a life, it is fair that they pay with theirs or
lose their freedom for the rest of their lives.
In my opinion, for those who have committed a crime in a
premeditated way there are only two reasonable options, one is
the death penalty and the other is life imprisonment, this should
be so especially for serial killers. The law should be especially
harsh on those who have committed a crime with the
premeditated intention to do wrong, but it can nevertheless be
more benevolent on those who did wrong believing that they
were doing good, or who did it deceived but without harbor evil
in your heart.
In reality, the possibility of condemning criminals to death is not
necessarily an option to be ruled out and it cannot be considered
unfair or disproportionate because they have previously taken
the life of another person. If used, it would be useful to reduce
the number of people admitted to prisons, it would also serve to
reduce the costs of the state, in the event that the prisoners do
not get to amortize the expenses with their work. Another
advantage is that the environment within the prisons would be
improved by not having murderers among the
inmates. Furthermore, fear of such punishment could have a
deterrent effect among citizens. In the case of applying this
penalty, it would be best to use a painless system based on the
inhalation of carbon monoxide as an execution method. With
this system, the condemned would fall asleep before dying. The
relatives of the victims would also be allowed to put the
mechanism into operation, thus it would not be necessary to
have a person dedicated to that function.
The second option would be to apply life imprisonment, in my
opinion this is the best option, because there is not always total
security about who committed the crime. This is because the
evidence that is necessary to convict a person is not always
absolute and unquestionable, because if that were necessary,
then it would be very difficult to pass convictions. This difficulty
in having irrefutable evidence sometimes forces the courts to
convict based on the probabilities of being guilty and not on
absolute security. This is done this way, because otherwise many
criminals would go free even with 99% of the evidence against
them. This does not happen only in the courts but in all
professions, because many times we have to make decisions
even without being absolutely sure if we want the process to
It is true that the ideal would be to always be sure of our
decisions beyond any reasonable doubt, but the truth is that in
most cases that is not possible, and for this reason we have no
choice but to make decisions based on probabilities
reasonable. With life imprisonment, the accused have more time
to be able to prove their innocence, assuming that they are, in
addition, working in prison, they can pay the costs that they
could cause to the state and compensate the victims. One of the
greatest advantages of life imprisonment is that with this system
society can avoid staining its hands with blood with the
execution of inmates.
Once the criminals were sentenced to life imprisonment they
would in turn have two different options, one would be
voluntary suicide, to which they will be entitled, and the second
would be work in prison for the rest of their life. This will not be
done out of cruelty, but to send a clear message to citizens,
because every act of weakness with criminals is a reward for
them and at the same time an act of contempt for the victims
and that, at present, is not usually take into account. On this, it
must be clear that severity is only harmful when it is unfair, but
when it is fair and proportionate to the crime, it can be an
excellent source of peace for society, because when the
offender's wickedness is intense, then only one conduct just as
severe it is capable of eradicating evil.
In any case, people have to understand that evil can only
disappear from society when criminals fear the law instead of
laughing at it as is currently the case in some countries that are
considered modern, because in those countries it is they spend
fortunes to make criminals comfortable in prisons, but at the
same time they despise the suffering of the victims. These
soulless politicians brag about how generous they are to
criminals, but what do they offer the victims? People should not
be mistaken about this, because only when criminals fear the law
will it be possible to eradicate evil from the Earth. This can only
be achieved when society rejects a political class that
collaborates with it rather than fighting crime.
I do not mean to deny with this that every inmate has the right
to humane treatment in prison, but there are cases of murderers
sentenced to hundreds of years who, however, have been
released in just fifteen years and without having shown any
repentance. There are also cases of pimps kidnapping women to
force them into prostitution who have received the same or
lesser penalties after having subjected dozens of women to such
treatment. In these countries where anarchy reigns, politicians
tell citizens that they should not take justice into their own hands
because that's what the law already exists for, but nevertheless,
they make laws to legalize theft, because they place such a high
amount of theft value of what has to be stolen to be considered
a crime that is almost impossible to achieve, in this way, the
crime is considered a fault, and even being found guilty, the
offender is acquitted quickly and without paying any fine when
he is declared insolvent. Criminals have even been detained and
released dozens of times before being admitted to prison
once. Another outrageous example is the case of housing
occupations, because in these countries where lawlessness
reigns, criminals are treated by the law as if they were
homeowners, and at the same time the owners are treated as
criminals, and They are even prohibited from turning off the
electricity or water for the duration of the occupation. Such
behavior of the law is a crime against humanity, because
whoever occupies a home while its owner is in the hospital or on
vacation is nothing more than a thief and therefore should be
arrested immediately after the police are informed of the
crime. It is evident that the politicians who support housing
occupations are hypocrites, because if they really cared about
people who do not have the means to own a home of their own,
they would promote laws to help them, using state resources,
instead of encourage them to appropriate the homes of others.
There are thieves who steal huge amounts of money but the law
allows them to get out of jail in a short time and without
returning what was stolen, in this case, it is clear that these laws
have been tailored to the politicians who have made them. The
explanation for all this is that in a "democracy", politicians are
obliged to apply the same sentence to all citizens for the same
crime, this forces them to apply ridiculous sentences to all
thieves so that politicians who steal can quickly get out of jail
when discovered. It is evident that this attitude is not human at
all but it is much of an accomplice on the part of a corrupt
political class that feels more identified with criminals than with
decent citizens. Society has to open its eyes to this political class
that claims to care about citizens but behaves like psychopaths
because they lack any empathy with the suffering of the victims.
It is necessary to understand that many times appearances are
the opposite of what they seem, because there are policemen
who have been unjust in defending the law and there are also
criminals who have done justice by breaking it, this may seem a
contradiction, but it usually happens frequently in dictatorships
and also in democracies, because many times politicians do not
make laws to help citizens but to protect themselves when they
rob citizens. Law and justice should be united but this is not
always the case, because if the law were fair then half of the
politicians would be in jail. I do not mean to say that you have to
break the law, what I mean is that on many occasions the law is
not designed to do justice, but to defend the selfish interests of
politicians. For this reason, society should demand that all laws
that put the interests of criminals before those of victims be
In prison sentences, the ideal would be that the sentence
reductions for good behavior or for working in prison could
never exceed twenty percent of the total sentence, because
working in prison should not be a choice but an obligation except
in those cases where the inmates pay the expenses out of their
own pocket. We must also bear in mind that the fact of having a
good behavior in prison (where the prisoners are watched) does
not imply having good behavior in freedom (where they are not),
and there are many murderers and rapists who after being
released They have re-offended because they know that their
victims are going to be unprepared, so when a criminal receives a
sentence the law must ensure that he complies with it, at least
for the most part. The truth is that many governments have used
the argument of good behavior in prison as a pretext to release
criminals too soon in order to save the expenses they generate
and all due to the lack of will they have to make them work in
prison. Other times, the lack of proportion between the
seriousness of the crime and the low severity of the punishment
is due to the fear of politicians of being punished for their own
crimes and therefore, they choose to reduce crimes to all
criminals. This shows the little or no consideration that those
who make these laws have towards citizens. By applying this
system, in the future serious crimes will end up disappearing and
humanity will achieve great social stability.
Wars in space will not be possible either, because the great
distances between the planets will deprive governments of all
imperialist ambition and the planets will live almost isolated
from each other. Tourist trips will be limited to the interior of the
planets, this means that trips of this type will not be made to
other worlds in order to avoid the unnecessary expenditure of
energy or the loss in space of the reaction gases that the ships
could use. . Commercial space travel will also be limited to only
those minerals that do not exist in the respective worlds and the
products of each world will be completely recycled which will
determine that the basic atomic elements are never
finished. That, together with solar energy that is practically
inexhaustible, will allow the worlds a long life without problems
until the cosmic cycle ends. In the event that it was necessary to
obtain more energy, solar panels could be installed in space or
even in orbit near the sun, then by means of laser rays that
energy could be distributed throughout all the planets of the
solar system. This system would be especially useful when the
sun consumes most of its nuclear energy and turns into a white
dwarf star, when that happens, it will emit much less energy, but
in my opinion, the emission of this energy could remain almost
constant until the end of the cosmic cycle, because it would
consume its energy in an inverse way. This would be the
consequence of having little nuclear fuel along with a much
lower mass than it had at the beginning. This means that during
their lifetime, stars would go from an initial phase of high energy
expenditure in a short time to another phase of low energy
expenditure but for a long time. In the same way, humanity
would go from having a lot of energy at the beginning but little
used due to technological backwardness, to another phase of
little solar energy but better used due to having a higher
technological level. Assuming that the behavior of the stars were
like this, humanity could continue to live in the solar system
indefinitely, and if it were not, then colonization expeditions
could be sent to the young stars that appeared. In the
hypothetical case that no more young stars were to appear and
the energy of the stars had been exhausted, then one could try
to obtain energy through the nuclear transformation of matter,
but in my opinion and due to its dangerousness, that, it would
only be done, in the most extreme cases.
Those who live on moons orbiting gaseous giant planets could
also obtain inexhaustible energy from these planets, because
when they reach a critical mass they begin to generate their own
thermonuclear energy as if they were small stars, but by having a
smaller size the rate spending their hydrogen would be very
slow, this would allow energy to be obtained from these planets
for much longer than it takes a star to consume its hydrogen.
Today there are many who claim to have built a free energy
system, that is, a system to produce energy without effort and
without resorting to any type of fuel or sources such as solar
energy, but that seems to be just one more deception, because
always and without exception, these individuals first pretend to
boast of the supposed invention and shortly after say that due to
some inconvenience it cannot be marketed. From a scientific
point of view, this type of device seems to be in contradiction
with the same physical foundation on which energy is
based. Because solar energy is based on the transition from a
high energy level to a low one through the fusion of hydrogen
atoms to produce helium, this procedure is not inexhaustible nor
is it constant if understood in absolute terms, like the devices
that they claim to have the so-called discoverers of free energy,
although solar energy can last for billions of years.
The truth is that energy by its own nature is not constant,
because the energy we receive from the sun also goes in a
process of slow decrease as a consequence of a nuclear
transmutation, however, for us it can be an energy resource that
is easy to obtain if you are interested in getting it. In addition, in
the world there are already ways of producing energy, very
similar to the supposed free energy and they are all those
derived from the sun, because once they are put into operation,
they can generate energy for many years and without
polluting. An example of this is hydroelectric dams, because it is
enough to create a waterfall so that they can generate electricity
very easily.
Another example could be the energy of volcanoes, because it
would be enough to introduce a metal tube to a certain depth to
make it possible to generate electricity with the heat contained
within the Earth. This would be achieved by introducing water
into the tube, once hot it would turn into steam and then the
steam would move the electromagnetic generators that would
produce the electricity. These generators, in addition to being
one of the greatest wonders that man has invented, is the
closest thing that can exist to a mechanism capable of producing
energy almost effortlessly and continuously, because it can
convert kinetic energy into electrical energy using the forces of
Once the energy is obtained, it would even be possible to
convert it into hydrogen gas and oxygen through the electrolysis
of water. This shows, that in the world there are already
methods to produce clean energy easily and it only takes the
political will to use them all over the Earth instead of fossil fuels
or nuclear energy.
For the society of the future to be perfect, it must first complete
all the phases of progress that are, the physical of our body, the
spiritual of our spirit, and the technological of our
civilization. When that moment is reached, peace will be
achieved among men and also harmony with nature, because
then humanity will know all the keys and the metaphysical
meaning of what surrounds us.
In the past, the worship of the sun was common in religions, the
reason was simple and that is that they saw it as a symbol of
universal government because it is the source of energy that
animates life on Earth. It was also influenced by the belief that
there was only one sun in the universe and consequently the
entire universe supposedly depended on its energy, only after
several millennia it was discovered that in reality all stars are
suns and ours is not even the largest, what happens is that they
have little luminosity because they are very far from
us. Therefore, it is a mistake to consider the sun as an equivalent
of God, because in reality it is only a star that in turn revolves
around another larger star called a black hole. The symbolic
value of the sun is just as important as the symbolic value of the
Earth, the sun represents the male dimension and the Earth the
female dimension and both are equally important for the
progress of the cosmos, but with the difference that each one
acts On different planes and in a different way for that reason,
whoever worships the sun at the same time despises the Earth. It
does not make sense to worship the sun or the planets
individually, because each one of them only represents
secondary elements of the universe, therefore, the correct thing
is to understand God as that which brings the entire universe
together in one single thing is to say that God it is that which is
common to all and not something individual.
It is true that due to its energy and gravity the sun is the physical
governor of the solar system, but in turn it is governed by the
star also called a black hole located in the center of the galaxy, in
turn the galaxies are controlled by another superior force that
governs the universe. In other words, the sun, as the
gravitational governor of the solar system, can be considered a
part of universal power and therefore also represents God, but
that representation only makes sense if it is understood
indirectly, therefore, it is a mistake to worship him as It was
made in ancient Egypt, because the universe is much bigger and
in it, our sun, is only a small star. The importance and superiority
of monotheism consists in that it unifies the universe in a single
thing by defining God as the supreme value that is above other
minor elements such as the sun or the planets. The sun, like the
angels, can be considered as a representative of God but it does
not make sense to be worshiped or confused with it.
The fact that the sun is the gravitational governor of the solar
system and at the same time is a male symbol explains why, in
the past, it was normal to consider God as a male being, this is
due to the fact that the concept of command or control the
action is by nature masculine, although in absolute terms the
two dimensional or sexual aspects are equally important. This
also occurs in the government of a city or a country, because the
center of power is symbolically male, and the rest of the society
that is governed by it is symbolically female and therefore acts
passively. God, however, is neutral, and does not have one or
both sex, but since the concept of command is masculine in
nature, it is normal for God to be considered as a masculine
entity, although in absolute terms it is not true. This means that
the feminine dimension of nature has the same importance in
the universe as the masculine one, but it does not participate in
the universal control directly but indirectly.
Nor should we forget the importance of the Earth and the other
planets as a feminine symbol and with the same importance as
the sun, because to create organic life not only the energy of the
sun is necessary but also the matter of the Earth, therefore, God
does not it can represent only a part but the whole
universe. That is to say that the sun is the governor of the solar
system and the black hole is the governor of the galaxy, but only
from the active, direct or male point of view, but the Earth and
the planets govern the solar system from a point of view passive,
indirect and feminine sight.
The sun governs the solar system with its force of gravity and its
energy, and therefore, on this plane, the planets must be subject
to it. The sun by its circular shape represents the universal values
and the cyclical and repetitive nature of the cosmos and by its
luminosity represents the source of energy and light that helps
biological beings progress. The two sexes have the same
importance in the universe but the concept of command only
corresponds to the male sex, because if both sexes shared
command in the same way, then the world could not be
governed and evolution would not exist because both sexes
would neutralize each other mutually. That is to say, that the sex
or the feminine pole of nature must participate in the universal
power in the same way as the sex or the masculine pole, but not
directly but indirectly.
It does not make sense that there are two heads in the same
body or two commanders in the same ship, therefore, nature
determined that both sexes are equally important, but each
must act in different dimensions. In other words, the male side
would act as the governor and the female side as the
governed. We must not confuse the fact of being governed with
being in worse conditions, because the possible cases of injustice
or tyranny that occur as a consequence of power are not the
consequence of the distribution of functions that nature does,
but of the erroneous or unbalanced behavior that have people.
The fact that control is by nature a masculine concept is the
reason why the myth of Eve was created coming out of Adam's
rib, with this it was wanted to symbolize that the feminine side
of nature is still just as important as the masculine in absolute
terms, however, must accept the leadership of this in those
aspects of life in which the masculine side prevails, this is
necessary so that the universe can be governed and not fall into
anarchy. The masculine side of nature represents action and the
feminine side the reaction, the masculine or positive side
represents the centripetal force and the feminine or negative
side represents the centrifugal force, the man represents
attraction and the woman repulsion, the man represents the
concentration of power and the dispersion of women. Courage is
masculine and fear is feminine, but both are just as necessary to
live, because whoever is too brave and does not feel any fear
dies young in some absurd accident, this shows that both
qualities are just as necessary to grow old. Only when a balance
is created between the two polarities does the universe work
properly, for this reason, governments that are too masculine or
of the right give rise to dictatorships and loss of civil liberties,
and governments that are too feminine or of the left give rise to
anarchies and crime.
This shows that the key is in the balance of both forces without
one dominating too much over the other. The masculine side of
nature should govern or rather represent the part of the initial
action of the procedures, but in fair consonance with the
feminine side that complements it. One is action and the other
reaction, one pole governs directly and vertically, and the other
indirectly and horizontally, both are equally important but
participate in universal government differently. The masculine
side must act actively and the feminine side passively and
indirectly to avoid a contradiction that nullifies the usefulness of
sexual separation. In the universe, the two polarities have the
same importance for that reason, instead of saying that one sex
rules over the other, the correct thing would be to say that the
male sex rules over the material dimension, and the female sex
rules over the spiritual dimension. The political or government
power is male and acts on the vertical plane, and the area or
population subject to that government is female and acts on the
horizontal plane. In this way, the leadership of the man would be
direct and that of the woman indirect so as not to contradict
each other. The objective of this is that the two polarities are
related in a balanced way so that in this way both have their
rights recognized. In other words, it is about making sure that
instead of having two equal controls that compete with each
other, there is one that represents both in order to accelerate
the processes.
All this shows that it is an error to consider the sun as a God, but
it can be understood that it is in connection with it by being part
of the universal government if this government is considered
from a physical point of view. The ancients represented the
forces of nature in their male or female versions in the form of
symbolic gods in human form because they did not understand
that those forces actually arose from all the beings that populate
the cosmos and act with the same proportion. However,
throughout history it has been common in different religions to
consider the universal or main God as a male being because the
leadership function or main initiative corresponds by nature to
the male sex, although the female side of nature also participate
equally even if it is otherwise. It is, in short, a way of transferring
to the human form the leadership that the sun exercises over the
solar system, because it follows that just as the sun governs the
planets, man must govern the family.
Nowadays it is easy to judge the ancients by saying that women
were discriminated against, but that happens because they judge
the past according to the circumstances of the present, because
it would be absurd in those days to assign typically masculine
tasks to women when in most cases they had a large family to
care for, because due to the short duration of life that was
normal in those days, women had no choice but to have many
children and consequently they had to spend a lot of time
looking after them. It was not then a question of discrimination
but of practical reality, it was not the man who caused the
separation of functions but nature itself. Today, feminists
presume to occupy typically male positions while refusing to
have the children that society needs, but they do not realize that
by behaving like this they condemn Western society to end up
being a world of the elderly. It is evident that in this case the
word feminism is used frivolously, because what they do is not
favor women, but turn women into men. If the polar or sexual
separation had not existed in nature, the universe could not have
existed, because it is precisely the existence of this separation of
polarities in masculine or feminine, vertical and horizontal that
determined that the particles of space dust were united in some
places faster than others giving rise to stars and planets. If the
universe only had one dimension without polar or sexual
difference, it would be so simple that it could not evolve,
because with a single plane and without differences it could not
create the contrast between up and down or cold and heat.
Now, feminists try to convince us that every time the word is
pronounced (we all) have to add (and all) when there are men
and women together, because according to them, if it is not
done like this, there is no equality. But if this is done, a new
problem is created, because then it would be necessary to
decide which gender is ahead if the masculine or the feminine,
because if you pronounce the masculine gender in front of the
feminine feminists can say that discrimination is being
committed, that is to say which is the same as if the feminine
gender is not pronounced. In that case, the change will have
been useless because the man will continue to have preference
over the woman when speaking first, but if it is done the other
way around, there would not be equality either. If the masculine
gender is pronounced in front sometimes and other times the
feminine one, it will also be a mess, because then it would be
necessary to determine why sometimes the feminine gender is
put first and other times the masculine one. The conclusion is
that a simple question creates a huge problem, because the fact
that the male gender has been chosen as the representative of
the two is not to discriminate but to simplify the procedures,
because in this way it is possible to avoid having to choose the
gender each time a phrase is pronounced.
The male sex must govern the female sex in the same way that
the captain of a ship governs the sailors, this is not done because
they want to discriminate against the sailors, but because it is
easier if the captain represents all of them. Nature chose to
choose man as the representative of the two sexes simply
because command is a specifically masculine quality. It is the
attitude we adopt in life that determines sexual orientation. This
means that if women adopted attitudes typical of men, then
their own bodies would change to look like men, which would
mean wasting the advantages that sexual specialization has for
Within all people and even within things there are both
masculine and feminine values, that means that the fact that
each one is considered as a representative of one sex or another
depends a lot on the attitude that is adopted, it is To say that the
reason why the sexes exist is because for thousands of years our
ancestors decided to perform different functions in order to
improve the species. Sex is not only something that serves
reproductive purposes, but it is present in everything or almost
everything that exists in the universe and is shown in different
versions such as magnetic poles, sound and silence, the cold and
heat or day and night.
The sun is a male symbol and the Earth is a female symbol, but
only depending on what is considered. The sun is masculine,
because the planets revolve around it when they recognize its
gravitational supremacy, but it is feminine, if it is posed as a star
that revolves around the galactic center. In other words, a star
can fulfill a male or female role depending on the plane in which
it is located, therefore, as a participating element of the universal
government it can be considered in connection with divine
values but only indirectly because a part should never be
confused with the whole.
Perhaps because of that association between the sun and heat
with the masculine symbolism, women like summer so much,
because the feminine dimension represents cold and winter,
therefore, with the heat of summer, which is masculine, their
feminine nature is complemented. . This is so, if it is analyzed
from a metaphysical point of view. Summer gives the illusion of
living and is ideal for traveling or things outside, but winter is
pure and noble, because it is ideal for meditation, it also helps to
preserve food, reduces fever, promotes tranquility and falls
asleep soundly. Wonderful.
Summer can be music and stimulation but also noise and stress,
and winter can be silence and peace, but also boredom and
cold. Each of these two seasons actually represent the two poles
of nature and if we know how to manage them in a balanced
way they can help us to live better. Summer is masculine and
material, and winter is feminine and spiritual. Summer favors the
outer journey with our body and winter favors the inner journey
with our mind, that means that if it rains or it is cold we have a
good opportunity to improve our intellectual level by reading or
meditating, that may partly explain the great development of
European civilization.
Women have mainly blue aura, however, when they adopt
behaviors typical of the male sex, they have a yellow aura which
is the typical color of the male sex. This feeling is not always due
to the fact that they necessarily deny their sex but rather
because they are slightly oriented towards the opposite sex
instead of yours. In turn, people with too much character and
very authoritarian have a red aura because their personality is
raw and unfinished, sometimes it is because of the education
they have received and other times it is the consequence of
having a poorly defined genetic development, for that reason,
they are so radical. It is also necessary to clarify that by aura I do
not mean any type of luminosity but the psychological sensation
that they produce. These women are less feminine, but in return
they tend to have more reflexes and character than the
others. This characteristic is probably related to a hormonal
failure that makes them appear somewhat masculine, but the
decision to deny their sex is not determined by genetics but by
their own will.
This means that they are better than the others at performing
typically masculine tasks, but that also means that as women
they are less effective, which for them represents a
contradiction. So far we have talked about the characteristic
color of each sex, but that does not mean that because they are
male or female, the colors of their sex are the only thing that
represents them, because then there are the symbolic colors of
each race, or the symbolic colors of each personality. Therefore,
the color of each person is the sum of all these aspects in
Aliens also use solar symbolism by using ships that mimic the
shape of the sun. When they decided to give it the characteristic
round and luminous appearance, they did not think about using
them only to move around, but also has the purpose of
promoting in man the search for truth, spirituality and divine
values, instead of being limited to the materialistic approach that
prevails today. The sun does not represent God directly, but it
does represent God indirectly as it is the governing center of the
solar system from an energetic or gravitational point of
view. Furthermore, the circle represents eternity and renewal,
and the light symbolizes knowledge, justice and truth.
The materialistic thinking that predominates today is hypocritical
and contradicts itself when it says that it seeks the truth,
because it makes no sense to say that matter changes, reacts or
adapts, but at the same time it does not have life and
consciousness of its own. With that blind attitude, it is very
difficult for humanity to understand the true foundations of
matter that go beyond physics to enter metaphysics. They hide
saying that they need material proof for spiritual things, it is like
saying that they do not recognize the existence of consciousness
or feeling just because they cannot be weighed.
The spirit is also similar to a small sun, because it is spherical and
provided with its own energy, when a spirit is reincarnated in a
body, it actually installs itself in the brain that has its same
circular shape and takes control of the body through neurons
that serve as switches. It also has the ability to make itself
invisible at will or shine like a little star. In reality, we are the
spirit, and the body is only the instrument that we use to
manifest ourselves in matter because it offers us all the diversity
of emotions that the spirit needs to be happy.
Against that materialistic attitude that denies the eternal life of
the spirit and that recognizes the action of matter, but at the
same time and in a contradictory way denies life and self-
consciousness, the human being condemns himself to see only a
part of reality denying the rest. When only the material part of
life is recognized, it is like recognizing only the masculine part of
the universe, therefore, it is necessary to also recognize the
feminine and spiritual part to be in harmony with
nature. Recognizing only the material part of life makes man dry,
harsh and soulless, or rather makes him opaque to fully feel the
emotions of the soul, which makes him incapable of being fully
happy. In reality, all people have a soul, but when only the
material part of life is taken into account to the detriment of the
spiritual, then the soul has many difficulties to be happy, because
happiness arises from the balance between the male or material
part and the feminine or spiritual.
It could be said that the distance that separates man from the
ape is the same that separates man from a superior being that
has already finished its period of evolution, therefore, humanity
must make an effort to recognize the spiritual values that it lacks
to be completely complete.
At the beginning of the universe, everything was chaos, fire and
energy, therefore, there was a predominance of the red and
masculine part. Over time, the universe and the Earth cooled
down causing more and more order, this means that at the end
of the cosmic cycle what will predominate will be cold, order and
the feminine dimension. This will be the case when it comes to
the energy of the universe, but instead people need to maintain
a situation of energy balance at all times. This initial excess of
masculine presence in the universe has confused humanity,
because it places an excessive value on the material or masculine
over the spiritual or feminine. Humanity does not understand
that although this is normal in the universe, however, for the
beings that inhabit it, happiness can only arise when there is a
balance between the two universal values.
Unlike the beings that inhabit it, the material universe follows a
process in which energy is constantly changed by order and
progress, going from higher to lower energy and lower to higher
progress, but the beings that use energy and matter of the
universe need to always keep these values constant to achieve
the balance that guarantees progress, for this reason, when man
colonizes the planets, he will always need to maintain the same
ambient temperature within cities, regardless of the
temperature that exists on the planet you are on. This means
that the material universe formed by stars and planets uses a
horizontal and variable dimension and the beings that inhabit it
use a constant vertical dimension in terms of maintaining the
balance of potentials. This is due to the fact that the stars are
losing their energy incessantly causing the cooling of the
universe, however, the beings that use that energy must always
use it to be able to maintain their vital functions constant.
The material universe also needs to maintain the balance of
potentials just like the beings that live in it, but it does so
indirectly over time, because for it, what counts is the mean
value, because it is masculine and red at the same time
beginning and feminine and blue at the end. Instead, beings
using that universal energy need to balance their red and blue
value at all times. So, the key to the balance of potentials is that
the way in which this rebalancing occurs is foreseen, in the case
of the universe it is fulfilled by going from a masculine and red
beginning to a feminine and blue end, and in the case of
individual beings are fulfilled by continually maintaining equal
potentials all the time. The universe, then, uses an indirect
balance and over time in the horizontal plane, and the beings
that use its energy use a direct, continuous balance, and in the
vertical plane. The universe goes from red to blue, and from top
left to bottom right. Instead, people need to keep their values
constant all the time by moving from the bottom up or from the
past to the future. The universe maintains the balance of
potentials indirectly and over time, and the beings that inhabit it
maintain it directly and throughout time.
However, in this there are also exceptions, because in some
cases people also use an indirect equilibrium system, for
example in age, because at the beginning everything is youth
without knowledge and then everything is knowledge without
youth, throughout life life both have the same mean value, but
each value prevails more at one time than the other, although in
absolute terms they have the same importance. Another
example would be the sexes, because in men the masculine part
predominates and in women the feminine part, but with their
union each one contributes to the other the part that is lacking,
thus balancing the scale. This shows that when the rebalancing
mechanism is foreseen, it cannot be considered a contradiction
with the principle of equilibrium of potentials. In other words,
only when an imbalance is caused that makes one value
predominate over the other and without the moment of
rebalancing being foreseen, be it directly or indirectly, it can then
be affirmed that one of the two universal values is being
discriminated against and consequently it is necessary to regain
that balance for nature to function properly. The materialism
that generates evil, arises when the masculine part of life is
abused and consequently represents a contempt for the
feminine, therefore, it is necessary to give the two dimensional
values the same value to be happy, only when we give the spirit
the same value that we give to matter we find the perfect
In ancient times, kings also tried to benefit from solar symbolism
when they compared their government with that of the sun in
the solar system, but they did so in a deceptive way, because
while it is true that both the universe and society need a
government This does not mean that they or their actions
represent something good or divine, because divine is only that
which is perfect, but they lacked a lot before that qualifier could
be applied to them. That is to say, that although it is true that
every organized system needs a government and that is in line
with divine values, that does not mean that government acts
according to divine values.
The government that the sun exerts on the Earth, acts mainly in
the gravitational plane, but it is not different from the control
that the earth exercises on the moon, or the super compressed
star that governs the galaxy with respect to the sun. After the
gravitational influence, solar energy is also important for the
development of the worlds, but we must not forget that in the
universe the male pole represented by the sun is in balance with
the negative or female pole represented by the planets and both.
poles are just as important to the development of the universe,
although each does it in a different way. This means that
feminism is partly right, because it is true that each sex is equally
important in the universe, but it is wrong when it states that
each sex must have the same importance on the same plane,
because the sexes must complement each other, but each being
principal and governing in everything that corresponds to in his
own dimensional plane, but not in the opposite, this, in human
life is equivalent to having different functions.
The sun is what gives us the energy for organic life to develop,
but the Earth gives us the matter that is as necessary as energy
so that it is possible to build the material forms with which we
live, that is why, both the sun and earth and the polar symbols
they represent are just as important in the universe and
consequently it makes no sense to idolize them or build statues
for them. This means that God can only be considered that which
is neutral to everything, because it is in all beings and stars that
populate the universe.
The sun and masculine values also represent the sensual
stimulus provided by the senses, that is, the pleasure that is
obtained simply and through life in matter. Earth, water, and
feminine values represent the pleasure that comes from
philosophical or spiritual endeavor. One is horizontal and the
other vertical, one is salty and the other sweet, one is red and
the other blue, the two are different but just as important.
Salt and sugar also represent the male and female dimensions
and both foods are essential for health, salt represents the male
dimension and sugar the female dimension, but in a society full
of obese people, these foods are often unfairly blamed for
obesity But it is not the salt or sugar that are the culprits, but the
excessive consumption of animal fats. What is wrong is eating
out of order and exceeding the calories you need each day. But
insisting on making foods tasteless and tasteless in the end is
worse, because when we eat we do not do it just to feed
ourselves, because we also need to feel the pleasure that food
provides, therefore, the taste cells are designed so that we feel
pleasure with these food.
In other words, the brain not only needs to be satisfied with
calories, vitamins or minerals, but also needs to be satisfied with
the stimulus of pleasure that food provides, therefore, a meal
that does not include a sweet or salty taste can cause a feeling of
dissatisfaction although eat a lot, so we feel forced to eat more
than necessary. This is what happens especially to people who
do not have occupations such as retirees, for that reason, it is
always good to do some activity to be distracted and not think
about food. The habit of eating only at certain times is very
useful to avoid being overweight, because a bored person who
does not have this habit is easy to turn to food as entertainment,
but when you have a firm position on it and only eat at The hours
that correspond to the automatic systems of the brain will be
trained and we will only feel hungry at the hours that we have
taught it, in this way it will be much easier to avoid being
Obesity is symbolically male and thin is female. Obesity makes
the body shape more round and the circle is a male symbol, in
the same way the body of a thin person approaches the straight
line that symbolizes the female sex. That means that an obese
person will develop masculine characteristics and a person who
is too thin will develop feminine characteristics beyond what
should correspond. Excessive thinness can lead to nervousness
and depression. On the other hand, excess weight represents an
excess of matter and consequently a defect of spirit, this can
favor that the obese person has a materialistic character and
with a bad mood, therefore, achieving a balance in body weight
is the ideal.
People with morbid obesity are like drug addicts, because they
only think about eating without stopping and without any self-
control, therefore, having a strict control over the hours of eating
would be very useful for them, so that it is possible, is It is
essential that they recognize their addiction and from there they
have to take an interest in fighting it. For these people, time
control of meals would be very useful, because at first, they
would feel anxiety and depression just like other drug addicts
because they could not eat, but as their body detected the new
behavior patterns it would adapt and begin to lose weight. We
must not forget that obesity is not only involved in genetic or
other failures, the behavior that we may have also influences a
It is true that some people feel more hunger than normal due to
a genetic failure, but in these cases the mind and spirit have a
duty to impose themselves on an unbalanced body that sends
the wrong hunger signals so that the person continues to eat. It
is not acceptable for a person to say that they eat because they
feel hungry when it is evident that their body does not need it,
therefore, it is necessary to tame the internal system of our brain
so that it adapts to produce the sensation of hunger only when it
corresponds, to To achieve this it is essential to eat only at meal
times and in the correct quantity. The processes of food and
fasting are like musical notes or slings, because they must follow
a harmonic process of peaks and valleys or phases of sound
alternated by phases of silence. Those who use this system must
be clear that if they get bored between meal times, they should
not use food as a substitute for entertainment because that way
they will end up destroying their body and their health. We must
not forget that gluttony is the intention of using food not to feed
oneself but as a source of stimuli, this is an example of laziness
but also of wickedness, which usually occurs especially to retired
people or people with excess free time when they do not act
with common sense. With this behavior they show a complete
disregard for health, therefore, we must have a firm will to fight
against all the unbalanced behaviors that damage it. For the
harmonious rhythm of meals to work, it is necessary that adults
only eat four meals a day, two major and two minor, and only
drink water between hours.
Obesity represents the submission of the spirit to matter and the
mind to physical impulses, therefore, those who have deformed
their body with obesity, must make an effort to regain control
over their body. Symbolically, obesity represents an excess of
matter and a defect of spirit in our body, which also favors
tiredness and bad mood. If these people give up overeating, at
first their brain will send them signals to feel hungry, but if they
remain firm in their fast then the trained brain will stop sending
those impulses outside of meal times. It is true that an obese
child cannot be blamed for anything, because in his case it is
most likely that obesity is due to a genetic imbalance and with
his age it is clear that he will not know how to solve it, but adults
have enough information to remedy the problem, therefore,
they have to strive to control this imbalance, whether or not it is
genetic, the limits that food should have and above all never use
it as mere entertainment.
When the progress of humanity ends, nations will no longer try
to obtain pleasure with violence, and will only obtain it with the
entertainment provided by work, family life and everything that
technology offers, but always in harmony with
nature. . Therefore, work must be pleasant and not just a source
of goods, it is necessary that all trades are adapted so that
workers are comfortable and entertained while they are in them,
because people do not live to work but work to to
live. Therefore, we should not reject work using automatic
machines to do everything for us, because in reality work can be
an excellent source of pleasure and entertainment if we do it
with the good of people and not just productivity in
mind. Because not only does the end of a path count, but also
the illusions and projects we do as we walk that path. Work has
three benefits, it allows us to entertain ourselves by occupying
part of our time, it makes us feel useful and it allows us to feel
fulfilled by participating with our hands in the good of society. If
life were limited to only the classic passive entertainments, in
the end we would miss work, because it is through it that we
participate in the design and construction of the universe.
It is true that work occupies us part of our time, but it also gives
us the pleasure of participating in the development of
civilization, because even if people do not understand it, the
handling of machines, tools, or piloting the Aircraft should be the
main source of pleasure on every civilized planet and not the
resort to violence. Many people enjoy their work but do not
realize it because they consider it an obligation, but it is
necessary to understand that the human body is a machine
made by nature to work, therefore, we need work to be
completely happy. But we must also understand that the
purpose of work is to make people happy and not only to
produce goods, because overwork is as bad as its defect,
therefore, we must dedicate only the time that corresponds to it
without abusing he. That is why it is best to divide the day into
three parts, one to work, another for free time and another to
rest, in this way the time dedicated to work should be a
maximum of eight hours per day and at least one day off per
week. In addition, as we get older and lose our physical vigor,
that eight-hour period could be reduced to adapt to our own
Nor should we make the mistake of letting ourselves be
dominated by haste, because when we try to live life too quickly
and without reflecting on things properly, we lose the possibility
of giving each thing the attention it deserves and life ends
without our being able to take advantage of it. A person who
spends too much time working or does things too hastily ends up
being a slave to their work and only gets to know the superficial
part of life. When a person lives in this way, they reach old age
having done many things, but without having taken advantage of
any of them, for that reason, we have to dedicate the time that is
rightly due to each thing.
In reality, our body and all the technology that is inside it, has
been built by us through our work when we were in the spiritual
dimension. All that evolutionary effort is aimed at making our
body evolve until it is perfect. The progress of science cannot be
unlimited either, because its purpose is to complete the
technical capacity that man must have. This is so, because the
human dimension has a defined scope of development,
therefore, what society calls progress is only the process that we
must follow to build civilization. This initial process is equivalent
to childhood in human life, but when humanity finishes
completing its technological development, the vertiginous pace
of technical progress that exists today will cease, then progress
will continue, but at a slower and more stable pace that will last
for billions of years until the current cosmic cycle ends.
To summarize, it is correct to consider the sun as a part of the
universal government because it is the star that governs the solar
system from a physical point of view, but in the same way that it
does not make sense to call a captain or a president a god
because of the fact that that they exercise a management
position, it also does not make sense that we use that qualifier to
refer to a planet or a star just because they exert a physical
influence on our planet. The influence that the stars have on
living beings is only physical and indirect, this means that they
cannot know what each person does in their particular life or
communicate with it, nor are they responsible for the creation
and development of the biological forms that live on earth. The
ancient polytheistic religions made the mistake of attributing to
the sun or the planets qualities that do not correspond to them,
because on the one hand they recognized the physical influence
that the gravity of the planets or the energy of the sun can exert
on the Earth, but at the same time attributed a direct and
personal influence on living beings beyond what corresponds to
them, therefore, the qualifier of God is only reasonable to apply
to what is common and acts throughout the
universe. Monotheism was in that sense a factor of progress for
all humanity.
The universe is governed by laws that arise from the truth, that is
to say that they are not laws that have been created by a being
or any entity, but in their primordial essence those universal laws
are derived from the ultimate truth and that is why they run the
universe as if it were a mathematical process, this is so, because
the truth cannot contradict itself. This unquestionable fact
causes the universe to be divided into two halves, one is the one
that refers to the things that cannot be done or questioned
because being illogical they are impossible, and others are the
things that we can do because they are subject to the dimension
of variability. In other words, this dimension allows choosing
between several options or paths but without contradicting the
basic rules of the physical and mathematical logic of
matter. These two planes, like many others, can also be divided
into female, male, and horizontal and vertical.
The vertical, spiritual, rigid, feminine and blue plane is the one
that corresponds to the fundamental laws of the universe and
that could also be called God's laws. The horizontal, material,
red, masculine and flexible plane is the one that corresponds to
that which is eligible at will by the beings that live in the
universe. On the horizontal plane would be human laws or laws
made by individual spirits. These laws, being created voluntarily
by beings subject to the possibility of making mistakes, could not
be in line with absolute truths and as a consequence, the beings
that make them could suffer the consequences of having design
Free will provides us with the satisfaction of feeling free, but it
also implies the risk of making mistakes and falling into evil,
when that happens to someone they suffer for it, but this does
not happen as a consequence of divine punishment or caused by
beings but because when it moves away from the truth and
contradicts the laws of nature that represent God, it suffers the
consequences because those laws must continue to act whether
we take them into account or not for the good of all. Therefore,
it can then be said that God is only in that which is perfect,
because the errors derived from the will are not in tune with the
truth and the universal laws that represent him. This means that
the closer a planet is to perfection, the more in tune it will also
be with the universal laws that represent God. This is so, because
the laws of God are actually the laws of nature and when
someone disregards them they suffer the consequences. These
laws are not owned by anyone but represent everyone equally
and are necessary for the universe to have a solid foundation on
which to lean, because without those fixed and constant
foundations the progress of the universe would not be possible.
Every action has a reaction, and every action of one living being
against another has a consequence that acts as a reaction to the
first. In the universe, this reaction has two forms of manifesting
itself, one is the immediate one that acts in the present through
self-defense, and another is the one that derives from the
repetitive nature of the cosmos and manifests itself in the
future. The Hindus call this phenomenon of nature karma. The
repetitive nature of the cosmos determines that in the end, all
beings will live all lives and consequently the executioners will
also live the lives of their victims.
The reaction in self-defense or derived from the police action is
the one that corresponds to the karma of the present, that is, to
the consequences that our actions may have during life. From
birth, all people are exposed to ignorance and as a consequence
of that ignorance an emotional imbalance can occur that gives
rise to evil, this imbalance can generate criminal behaviors and
as a consequence of them provoke the defensive reaction of
society against those they act that way. The karma of the present
can also be associated with the unpleasant consequences that
wrong behavior can have even without being associated with evil
behavior, because wrong behavior can make us suffer simply for
being wrong. This means that karma can also be positive, when
we are right, as negative, when we are wrong. The vices,
prejudices, or moral degeneration that we can acquire in this life
do not necessarily have to go to the next, because once the spirit
detaches itself from the baggage of beliefs that form the
personality of the past life, a new clean life can begin of those
beliefs, because most of those beliefs stay in the brain of the
dead body that has been abandoned. However, after the death
of the body, the spirits retain for a time part of their previous
personality and their memories to make the passage from one
life to the other easier, but it is necessary that they let go of all
their prejudices in order to to be able to recover the totality of
his spiritual capacities and his memories of the past lives. When
they reach this situation and the spirits are cleared of the ballast
of past mistakes, then they are ready to start a new
reincarnation. That is why children seem so pure, because they
have not yet been soiled with the prejudices of this world.
When a child is born, his personality will be determined by three
factors, the first is his level of spiritual evolution, the second is
the level of evolution and the genetic quality of the body in
which he is reincarnated, and the third is the quality of the
education you can receive. The level of spiritual intelligence is
the consequence of everything they have learned in their past
reincarnations and therefore, it is logical that the spirits that
have been reincarnating the longest as more evolved people
are. After the death of the body, the spirits detach from the
previous personality with all its baggage of memories and
prejudices acquired in that life, but those pure and true
knowledge that can be useful for the following lives are
preserved, the decision of which of Such knowledge must be
preserved depends on the wisdom of the spirit, because we must
not forget that once the spirit manages to remember its past
lives, it acquires a greater wisdom than it had as a man,
therefore, the wrong beliefs of that life are rejected immediately.
The quality of the body is the consequence of the evolutionary
degree that it has been able to reach, but it also depends on how
clean it can be from hereditary genetic diseases. Within each
animal or each person, there is an enormous superior scientific
knowledge that has been necessary to create that body, that
knowledge is stored in the spiritual memory, but, for the most
part, it is only used after death to improve genetically the
races. This situation is only temporary, because the destiny of
civilization is to end, in time, matching the wisdom of the body or
the spirit. Finally, there is the education that is received in life,
therefore, it is very important that during childhood parents do
not allow evil to grow in their children, because at first it is easy
to mold their personality, but once they become adults it is very
difficult to change it. The one who consents to everything is not a
better father, the one who does not allow his son to become a
scoundrel is a better father.
Throughout its different reincarnations it is easy for a spirit to fall
into evil and come out of it several times, because that depends
more on the errors and vices that are acquired during human life
than on what is kept in the spirit. That means that once the
spirits are liberated from the personality of their past life, they
are cleansed from evil because that degenerate behavior is
linked only to the personality of that life and not to the spiritual
one. Once they get rid of it and manage to recover their spiritual
memory, then they are no longer conditioned by the prejudices
that caused the evil. This is possible, because the spirits only
keep in their spiritual memory the useful and quality data that
they have been learning and discard those that do not serve. Evil,
therefore, is left behind, as it is the consequence of error and
ignorance that is typical of primitive worlds when they do not
know how to handle matter correctly. In other words, evil is
simply a moral imbalance derived from ignorance that lasts the
same as human life, therefore, after death, the spirit abandons
evil at the moment in which the memories of the past are
activated lives and the wisdom stored in the spiritual memory,
because when you reach that situation, and remember that
knowledge, you understand that there is no point in keeping that
unbalanced personality.
However, this process could be delayed even several centuries if
a spirit for some reason refuses to let go of the burden
represented by the prejudices of its previous personality. This is
necessary to be able to ascend towards the higher spiritual
world, because only when that situation is reached is it possible
to recover the memory of past lives. When a spirit is delayed in
this process, it can remain a ghostly entity in a haunted house
while it takes time to assume its new situation. Any problems
that may have happened to you during your life, or concern for
family members that you have left behind could also delay that
ascension process. In a way, the ascension process also depends
on the time it takes for a spirit to reduce its material density,
because after the death of the physical body, one must also
abandon the false ghostly body that is used for the passage from
one stage to another the next one is simpler.
It is as if this were a second death, because after losing the
physical body, the spirit also has to lose its emotional connection
with the past life. The spirit first has to detach itself from the
artificial body that is the ghost until it becomes the sphere of
light that it really is. This explains in a way the shape of the
human body, because the round head represents the spirit it
houses, and the rectangular body represents the earth that it
needs to complete its manifestation in matter. The spirit also
represents a small male sun because it governs the body from
the head, and the body represents the female earth because it is
governed by the energy impulses that this small sun emits. This
sun is the repository of the wisdom and the life of the soul that it
carries within it, and it will continue to learn without ceasing
until the end of time. The soul is feminine and belongs to the
straight and vertical dimension, and the spirit in the form of an
energy sphere is masculine and belongs to the horizontal
dimension. The spirit actually belongs to the masculine and
horizontal dimension, but in certain circumstances it can also
represent the feminine and vertical dimension, this is because
when the spirit acts as a representative of the soul or spirituality,
then they are considered as one thing. It must be taken into
account that the universal planes can rotate and invert when it
comes to different evolutionary levels without this being a
contradiction, therefore, the spirit is red, circular and masculine,
but the spirituality that emanates from the soul is blue, straight
and feminine. In the same way, matter is blue and feminine, but
materialism is red and masculine, it all depends on the
The spirit has to get rid of the prejudices that it may have
acquired in its past life, and after achieving this is when it really
acquires its full potential. This is in a way a process of reducing
its density that ends when you finally remember your previous
lives and the wisdom acquired from the beginning of time. This
process is reminiscent of the method that a balloon uses to reach
the sky using less dense air, or how a submarine manages to
reach the surface of the ocean when it replaces water with air. In
other words, only when the spirit agrees to reduce its density
and move away from matter, it is possible to completely cross
the border between the material world and the spiritual world.
But the fact of leaving behind the prejudices of the past life is not
an impediment so that when being born again other prejudices
are acquired again or one can fall back into evil again, that
depends a lot on the education that can be received in that
moment, therefore, the more evolved a planet is, the lower the
risk that its inhabitants will fall into evil. This means that the
spirit keeps in its spiritual memory mainly those memories that
are going to be necessary for it to progress, such as those that
refer to the management and improvement of the bodies in
which they are reincarnated. A generic memory of past lives is
also preserved, but these memories are only activated after
death so as not to interfere with human life and so that the spirit
once detached from the body can understand the cause of its
new situation. All these memories form the so-called spiritual
intelligence and determine that some spirits are superior to
others, because those spirits that are now reincarnated in
animals by logic have lower knowledge than those that are
reincarnated in people. In the same way, those spirits that have
been reincarnating as people for many centuries have a higher
spiritual intelligence than those who have just started in human
In the karma of the present we all have the responsibility that
evil does not spread, so we must bear in mind that the severity
of a punishment must be proportional to the evil that we want to
combat, because evil, when it is acute, only disappears when the
punishment is also, and those who identify with evil, consider a
reward or an act of weakness that a serious crime is applied a
light punishment, because when a criminal identifies with evil,
then it is only possible expel evil from your soul when the
punishment is proportional to the damage caused. If we want a
peaceful society, then evil must be eradicated from the roots,
therefore, the best favor we can do to those who deviate is to
show them that every act of tyranny deserves punishment in
proportion to the damage caused.
We must not confuse that being good is not the same as being a
fool, a good person is the one who avoids treating scoundrels
cruelly and only uses the severity that corresponds to reverse the
damage caused, the fool instead gives the scoundrel advantages
that they do not deserve believing that this is to be good. For this
reason, self-defense must be one of the essential means to do
justice in any organized society.
Forgiveness is also useful, but it should be only for those who
show their repentance and not for those who claim to be sorry,
because prisons are full of criminals who claim to be sorry only
as a method to deceive the law and get out of jail. Forgiveness
should never act in contradiction with the right of society to
demand justice, therefore, the law must ensure above all, that
those who commit crimes pay the consequences, because if it
were not so, the population would think that the Crime
compensates and instead of decreasing it would increase. In
other words, once the damage is already caused, there are only
two ways to reverse the punishment, one is for the offender to
be able to compensate his victims in an equivalent way for the
damage caused, and another can be a sincere repentance, but in
In this case, the law must have the absolute and unequivocal
certainty that this repentance is real and will not repeat itself
again, because otherwise, society would end up thinking that
there is no justice, then the clemency measure would have the
opposite effect wanted.
The difference between a psychopath and a normal person is
that a psychopath acts as if people are not people but objects, it
is as if he believes that he is the only being that exists in the
universe, this attitude is the consequence of not having been
punished or having been punished in a deficient way for the acts
he did against the freedom of others during his childhood and
adolescence. Other times evil is generated when a father
consents to all the whims of his son, when he reaches adulthood
he assumes that everything he wants has to be given to him and
when that does not happen, then he can explode with fury
becoming willing to commit a crime to get it. This can happen
when parents act negligently when educating their child, but also
when the child has a much more dominant character than they
do, that means that if they do not educate him as a child, then it
will be impossible to do so. The fact of spending a long time
seeing how their acts of evil are not punished, is what makes
them assume that people are not people but objects, the reason
for thinking like this is, simply, because objects do not defend
themselves. Actually a tyrant knows very well that a person is
not an object, but when his victim is not able to avoid the attack,
then he acts as if she is not a human being.
The problem is that if since childhood the parents have not only
not punished him, but have also defended him from those he
attacked, then he ends up assuming that people, being unable to
defend themselves, are not people, but only objects without
rights that can be controlled by his will. Parents are as much to
blame for this behavior as their children, although to these
factors it must be added that genes, when defective, can also
favor this type of behavior, but genes alone cannot turn a man
into a scoundrel, they just make it easier. A genetic defect can
make a person more aggressive than normal, but for someone to
become a scoundrel, a physical defect is not enough, a process of
moral degeneration is also necessary.
When a psychopath is not arrested, he usually turns his criminal
activity into a habit, because as he does not recognize people's
rights, he considers that his criminal behavior is the same as
going to hunt partridges. For this reason, the ideal would be for
the consumption of meat and the habit of hunting to disappear
completely from society, thus creating the maximum distance
between the human being and the shedding of blood. It is true
that he who hunts out of necessity to eat is not the same as the
criminal behavior of a psychopath who does so out of contempt
for his fellow men, but it is also true that there is not much
difference between killing animals for fun and killing another
similar. For this reason, the further society moves away from the
shedding of blood, the lower the possibility of committing a
crime, both due to losing the habit of killing and not having
access to weapons.
The way genes tend to work is by making psychopaths more
dominant than normal, perhaps due to an excess of hormones
such as testosterone, but when that is coupled with gifted
parents of little value, then the perfect conditions are created for
that the psychopath or the abuser appears, because then a
slightly dominant father meets a very dominant son. In reality,
testosterone can have both positive and negative aspects,
because it can increase our courage and the willingness to fight
and claim our rights, but when that coincides with a vain
personality, if it is not stopped it can lead to an overly dominant
attitude or despotic. Fortunately, most people with this type of
personality never commit a crime, because when that happens it
is because all the mechanisms that could have prevented it have
failed. When a person with these character imbalances commits
a crime, in most cases it is not premeditated, what happens is
that when their dominant personality is combined with a
problem that stands in their way, they choose to resort to
violence. Having a vain and domineering character, if he is not
discovered soon, he may come to believe that this is due to his
intelligence, then he may end up becoming a serial killer by
getting used to that behavior and making it habitual. The truth is
that the resources of the police are not unlimited, therefore, not
whenever a crime occurs it ends in the arrest of the person
responsible, but that is not the consequence of the ability that
the offender may necessarily have, but of the sum of many
factors. It is true that an intelligent criminal is more difficult to be
arrested than one who is not, but that does not guarantee that
he will not be discovered, especially when the criminal behavior
is repeated. For this reason, if a father loves his son, he must give
him affection, but he must also refuse to protect him when he
hurts others, thus preventing evil from growing inside him and
ending up in jail. It is not a better father who gives money to his
son so that he can leave and not bother him, and when he does
something wrong he simply looks the other way so that the son
values him more, but rather the father who does not hesitate to
punish him is better his son to prevent him from becoming a
scoundrel, because only in this way will he be able to make a
man of profit out of him.
Some might ask, can an abused child also become a
psychopath? In my opinion, the fact that a child is abused does
not necessarily make him a psychopath, because for that he
needs to be evil. An abused child can generate depression, can
also become a drug addict or even want to take revenge on
those who abuse him, but the simple fact of being abused does
not make him evil, much less a psychopath. It is true that in this
there may be exceptions as in everything, but in most cases
criminal behavior is a consequence of the parents' lack of
interest in educating their child and not the consequence of
abuse. Sometimes both circumstances occur at the same time,
that is, the child is partially abused or does not receive affection,
and eventually ends up turned into a hooligan, but in this case, it
is more important in the development of his degenerate
behavior the abandonment that he has received, rather than the
abuse, because in these cases it is often common that when the
child becomes corrupted and identifies with evil, then he tries to
justify saying that his father is also a scoundrel, but evil, in This
case was not caused by the parents but by their own process of
degeneration, although the passivity of the parents has favored
it. That is to say that sometimes a child becomes a scoundrel
because he adopts the behavior of his parents as a model, but in
this case he does not become a scoundrel because his parents
necessarily mistreat him, but because he prefers to behave like
Psychopaths always try to fool judges when they say they have
been mistreated. It cannot be denied that in some cases it is
true, but in most cases they use lies as a means to reduce their
sentences. Because what credibility can a person have who has
spent his life pretending to be decent, when in reality he was just
a criminal? It is evident that when they say that, it is to continue
manipulating and deceiving people just as they did when they
appeared to be normal. But even if it were true that they have
been mistreated, it would not be a valid excuse to act like that,
because in the world there are many people from whom to take
a good example, instead of following the wrong one.
The fact that in a later life things happen to us as a consequence
of what we have done in this life, is not the consequence of
someone dedicated to pointing out the actions of each person,
because for example in immediate karma, the reaction of
Punishment is produced by those who have been harmed in the
present through recourse to legitimate defense. In the
hypothetical case that a degenerate spirit manages to
reincarnate again without having renounced his previous
personality, then there would be no one dedicated to recording
that situation, because by not having renounced his previous
conduct, the record of his moral conduct would be kept by
himself inside by continuing to preserve his degenerate
personality in the new life. This means that by continuing to
identify with evil, he could unleash new retaliatory actions in the
new life until he definitively renounces that attitude. In this case,
it could also be considered a form of immediate or present
karma, because like the previous cases, the sanctioning
mechanism would be self-defense developed by the rest of the
citizens. Once that behavior had been corrected, it could no
longer trigger new actions against it, but that would not prevent
cyclical karma from forcing you to live the lives of those you may
have harmed in the future.
In the karma of the future or cyclical, there is no one dedicated
to pointing out the actions that each one of us do, that would be
too simplistic, in this case, it is the cyclical nature of the cosmos
itself that determines, that inescapably, all beings will live all the
lives of others, because in reality, we all arose from the same
being. This being needs to be divided into many others to make
the universe richer and more varied. It is as if the universe were
a person, and each day of that person's life was actually a
different being, that is to say that the sum of all lives is actually
the life of that universal being. Today we live our lives, but
tomorrow we will live the lives of others, which are also our own
lives in the past and in the future, because we have lived those
lives before and we will also live them again later, because in the
universe until time repeats itself. The fact that the first particle
that is also the first being was divided, gave rise to the existence
of many different beings, but, in reality, we are all the same
being, but, by separating into many beings, it was determined
that we can only live all lives at different times. This means that
we can only be one and at the same moment of time, when we
meet again in the original particle, before dividing again to give
rise to a new universe. The universe is like a play, but in each
performance, the roles are exchanged and each time each actor
completes all the roles, it begins again with the first, but with the
difference that in the present all beings are different, but deep
down it is as if we were all the same, because we all come from
the same particle and we will all meet again one day in it. It is as
if all the actors after interpreting all the works were reunited in a
single being and then they were divided again to start over. In
reality, we are all united by the wheel of time that works through
matter and determines that everything comes together again so
that it can regenerate before the universe repeats itself.
If we pose this according to the cross of dimensions, then in the
horizontal and red dimension we are all different beings, because
the original being separated into many beings that were
scattered throughout space when the wheel of time began. But if
we pose this according to the vertical and blue plane, then it is as
if we are all the same being, because when the wheel of time
ends all beings will come together to form a single being in the
original cosmic egg before creating a new universe. The
horizontal line in this case represents space and matter, where
all beings are physically separated and have different lives. The
vertical line also represents the spirit and time, in this plane it is
as if all beings were the same, because the wheel of time will
unite us again before forming another universe.
I don't know for sure which of the two forms of karma the
founder of Hinduism believed in or if he believed in both, but in
any case, both act interconnected. Each of these forms of action
and reaction correspond to two different dimensions, the
immediate one belongs to the horizontal, red, masculine and of
the present, and the cyclical, to the vertical, blue, feminine and
future dimensions. The main difference between immediate and
cyclical karma is that in immediate karma, not all cases in which
someone causes harm to others are discovered and the culprit is
punished for it, this is because he acts in the horizontal
dimension, round and warm, in which confusion and error are
normal. This also explains why crimes exist, because if all crimes
were discovered and the perpetrators punished, then the
criminals would find no incentive to act against the rights of
others. It must also be said that tyranny never compensates,
because it is the consequence of having an unreal vision of the
world derived from a moral imbalance, due to that imbalance,
the tyrant mistakenly believes that whatever he does, his crimes
will never be discovered which is a mistake. A normal person
does not consider crossing that line, because when the mind or
the spirit are balanced, one can be happy without excessive
difficulties, therefore, a decent person does not feel interested in
entering crime or delinquency.
In the karma of the present, not all acts of injustice or crimes are
punished, because those who wield power get some
assumptions out of the acts of reaction or punishment when
they make them legal. Illegal crimes also go unpunished in those
cases in which they are not discovered. However, in cyclical or
future karma, there is always the inescapable punishment of
everything we have done in the present life, because it acts in
the vertical, cold, rigid and straight dimension, and one of its
characteristics is that all beings are destined to live all the lives of
others, because deep down, although we are now different
beings, when the current cosmic cycle ends, we will all meet
again as one being, and that means, that in future Cosmic cycles,
when this single being divides again to form other beings, we will
have to live the lives of other beings until we live them all and
then we will suffer the consequences of what we have caused in
the present.
It could be said that in the universe there are two forms of
energy, one is the one that the universe has and goes from more
to less and another is that of the spirits that is constant because
it occurs inside it. In the case of the universe's energy, this is lost
when it leaves the stars into outer space, but if we consider the
universe as a living being then we must bear in mind that this
energy only passes from one point (A) to another ( B) within the
same universe and therefore within the same being, but without
getting lost in absolute terms that is to say that it is similar to
how it happens with individual spirits. This is so, because in
reality the universe is a giant spirit that is why its energy enters
and leaves the small spirits, but does not leave itself. For small
spirits the energy of the universe is external and is exhausted
because it enters and leaves them. On the other hand, for the
universe the energy of the stars is its own energy and it never
leaves it for that reason, it is internal and inexhaustible. Energy is
not actually created or destroyed, it is only transformed because
in its essence it is life and life is eternal. This means that the
processes of energy change are only movement and
transformation but not a loss if considered in absolute terms. An
individual spirit never loses its own energy but in reality the
universal being neither because although it is true that the stars
lose their energy, it is only lost from the star but not from the
universe and at the end of the cosmic cycle it will return to its
starting point describing a gigantic circle, this means that there is
no loss of energy in absolute terms. In reality, all light travels in a
circle, what we call laser light also travels in circles, what
happens is that they are circles so large that we cannot easily
detect it but all the energy in the universe is destined to return
and meet back to its point of origin. The spirits in addition to
their inexhaustible internal energy also use radiant external
energy that actually belongs to the universal being.
This energy is necessary because each spirit is made up of two
layers of matter, one would be the soul that is located in its inner
part and represents the matter of being, and another is the spirit
that covers it, which is not part of the soul but of the being
universal. The matter of the soul belongs to a single being,
because it is made up of particles that are directly linked, instead
the particles of the spirit that cover the soul is made up of some
atoms borrowed from cosmic matter and they are only directly
connected to each other and with the rest of the cosmic matter
but not with the soul because they are different beings. That is to
say that the matter of the spirit is not connected with the soul
directly but indirectly, because being matter taken from the
universe, it uses the physical rules of the universe and not those
of the soul, therefore, it needs the energy of the stars as a
mediator to be able to function. The matter taken from the earth
to form the spirit allows the soul to free itself from some minor
functions in addition to serving to create the so-called ghostly
body that is an imitation of the human and is used to make the
soul easier and less traumatic for the spirit step between two
In reality, a spirit works like a small star, because the energy it
uses is extracted from the environment and it is necessary to
recharge it as if it were a battery, which is why it is often said
that in haunted houses the temperature tends to drop. This is
because the denser the spirit becomes, the more energy it needs
to function and this energy is extracted from the environment
around it. Some spirits, after death, refuse to continue on their
way to the spiritual world, for this reason, they choose to try to
increase the size of their ghostly body by increasing the number
of atoms that form it, in this way they pretend to have another
human body even if this is not true and consequently they need
to extract that energy from the outside environment to make it
work. They do not understand that after one life comes another,
and that in order to have a human body again, they must first
ascend to the spiritual world where after a recycling process they
will be able to have a new human body through reincarnation. In
other words, in order to return, they must first leave and
complete the ascension stage to the spiritual world before being
prepared for a new reincarnation. For this reason, trying to go
backwards is an act of clumsiness and ignorance that only causes
harm to them and to the people it bothers by not wanting to
leave the human world.
There are also places that, due to their special characteristics,
can favor paranormal activity. It is possible that the existence of
underground rivers or the presence of some minerals favor these
events because the rivers can act as channels for the
electrostatic energy of the storms, then, the spirits, could use
that energy to carry out the activities they consider
necessary. . Energy in absolute terms is never lost in the
universe, it passes from the stars to space but only to return
again to its starting point after many billions of years, but, if we
consider that the universe is the same being, then all these
processes occur within him, in the same way the internal energy
of the spirits is also inexhaustible because it is the expression and
proof of his own eternal life. The universe is, therefore, a large
circle filled with many other small circles, each of these circles is
an independent being that has eternal and inexhaustible energy
that rotates within it, but with the difference that the energy of
the large circle enters and it comes out through the small circles
through their polar zones and that is why, for them, that energy
is perishable and has to be recharged, although in absolute terms
the energy is neither created nor destroyed but only
If you seek the light go to the light, if you seek knowledge seek
knowledge, but do not confuse the light with what others tell
you that light is, and do not confuse knowledge with what others
tell you that knowledge is if it is you are looking for is the
truth. Because if you seek the truth and bother to investigate,
then the source of wisdom will open before you, because when
we orient our mind looking towards the light that light ends up
filling our eyes and showing us the wonders that the universe has
in store, because in In reality we are all creators and we are all
part of God and we only need to be able to understand him.
Tyrants who try to take advantage of people are like the dark
clouds that come between us and the sunlight. Tyrants always
try to pretend a wisdom that they do not have because they
know that there are people who are not capable of
differentiating between appearances and reality. Some people
are so naive that when they hear an individual say that he is
going to teach classes on knowledge and wisdom, they assume
that if he does it it is because he is wise, but the truth is that, in
most cases, they are just psychopaths and social waste that has
read a couple of books and then based on them have created a
sect in order to take advantage of people. However, sometimes
the tyrant tries to make himself wise, because it is the best
disguise he can use to hide his greed from his potential
victims. In this case, he does not try to use knowledge as a
means of improvement or to help others, but only as an
instrument to obtain material power over other people.
Many are those who say that they want to help us but are only
moved by greed, many use the word love, when in reality they
mean sex, because on many occasions the sects try to sexually
abuse their followers saying that promiscuity is the same as love,
but in reality they are only trying to use them to make money
with deception by inducing them to practice
prostitution. Actually those scoundrels despise love, and that is
why they confuse it with sex, but anyone with a little common
sense knows that they are two very different things, because
there can be sex with love, but there can also be love without
sex, because They are actually two different things. In reality,
promiscuity is degenerate behavior, because each man has a
woman and each woman has a man, and those who confuse that
with love are because they seek to betray their partners. There is
nothing wrong with having sex even when you don't want to
have children, but the right thing to do is that these kinds of
relationships are only had with those people who are willing to
accept the raising of children who can conceive, because a The
child is not an object but a human being, therefore, it is best for
each person to try to find a stable partner with whom to have
that type of relationship.
It is also important to distrust the media, because it is in these
media where speculators try to act with the greatest effort,
therefore, each political party has its own television channels
and its own newspapers, they do not want to inform us but that
what they try is to filter the information to ridicule their
opponents and highlight their own actions. Therefore, it is better
to go to the source, that is, we must analyze and compare all the
media, all the information that science can offer us and also all
the political ideologies in order to have an impartial view of the
Many people wonder what it takes to be a good parent? The
most important thing is, without a doubt, having the will to be
it. Similarly, the key to finding the metaphysical foundations of
the universe is having the will to search for them. Only when we
strive and believe in ourselves is there a chance to find
them. Only by putting in effort can we benefit from everything
we can discover about the actual structure of the cosmos.
The fact that in the past there has been a lot of ignorance does
not mean that that is why there has been a lot of evil, we must
not forget that the problems that man has had throughout
evolution have not been caused only by his own conflicts without
many times also due to accidents or illnesses derived from
ignorance. It is true that progress favors the disappearance of
evil because tyranny and truth mutually contradict each
other. Progress favors humanity getting closer and closer to
knowledge and truth, but that does not mean that in the past
evil has been able to dominate society in general, because
people dominated by tyranny and evil always they have been a
minority regardless of the era in question. This is so, because
when evil generates a selfish, unbalanced and antisocial behavior
in the person who assumes it as behavior towards others, then it
is impossible for the majority of the population to be dominated
by it, because due to the difficulties it has In life, people need to
collaborate with each other in order to survive, especially taking
into account the difficulties that existed in the past, and evil is
characterized by being the opposite of coexistence. This shows
that since evil and coexistence are in direct contradiction, it is
impossible for it to ever dominate more than a small percentage
of society at the same time. That is why tyrants have two
personalities, one to show the public by pretending to be
sociable, and another, the real one, to use only in those
environments that it can control.
Another thing is, if what it is about is to find out the level of
justice that each person has, because the truth is, that
throughout history, most people have not been completely fair
but rather like general rule, although admitting exceptions. This
can be deduced, because if people had not been unjust
sometimes, then wars would not have existed either, this,
although it is true, few people are willing to recognize it, and
precisely for that reason, religions (which is not the same as the
most advanced religious organizations) have tried to promote
the good because of the need that all advanced societies have to
rely on coexistence in order to survive. But, in any case, this
shows that being unjust in exceptional situations is not the same
as being a tyrant, because tyranny or evil only appear when a
person considers injustice as permanent and habitual
behavior. When that happens, the masculine part of the mind
tries to occupy the feminine and spiritual part, giving way to
materialism. Those who behave like this do not understand at
first the mistake they have made, but due to this antisocial and
criminal behavior they end up being excluded from society and
suffering because of it, because an organized system needs
mutual respect in order to function. However, the fact that evil
has existed since the beginning of time does not prevent
progress from finally eradicating it permanently, because evil is
only the consequence of ignorance that causes some people to
choose a wrong moral behavior, and evolution is precisely
characterized by being the opposite of ignorance and therefore
is capable of solving that problem.
There are people who think that due to the great space distances
aliens cannot come to earth. It is true that the stars are
separated by several light years from each other and a spacecraft
that could reach 15% of the speed of light would still take 25
years to reach the next star centaur, which is the closest to our
planet. . But it must be borne in mind that if there are aliens on
this planet, it is because with all certainty they began their
approach journey many thousands of years ago, colonizing the
planets located between their planet of origin and ours until they
reached Earth. For that reason, it is most likely that there is only
one race that has reached us. Once they were on our planet,
they would surely get in touch with the other advanced
civilizations in the universe and share the discoveries made on
Earth with them, thus saving them the costly effort of coming
When we think of space and extraterrestrial civilizations, we
must bear in mind that a star like the sun can exist for many
billions of years and during all that time it may be launching
colonial expeditions into space that by a process of natural
expansion could cross hundreds light years progressively. In
other words, a star that is currently in its white dwarf phase
means that it would have already lived years, but
that in the middle of that period it would have developed a
civilization with the capacity to travel through space. , then their
ships could have traversed the galaxy multiple times even if they
were slower than light, because the galaxy is 200.000 light years
at most. That means that a spacecraft traveling at a speed of 15%
of light could traverse the galaxy in 1.200.000 years, which is
much less than the years that would have passed
since that civilization began to travel through space. , that is to
say that it could have crossed the galaxy more than 4.000 times
from that moment to the present. For this reason, it is naive to
affirm that large space distances can prevent aliens from
reaching Earth by themselves, because distance becomes
secondary to such great magnitudes of time.
The expedition that would reach our planet could be made up of
about 20.000 individuals who will be distributed among the
planets and moons of the solar system although they would not
do it to create permanent colonies but only research bases
because this solar system already has a life of its own and surely
they would not want to interfere with your development
process. Probably the main group would stay on Earth, the moon
and Mars, to be able to study the Earth more easily as this planet
is more interesting because it is inhabited.
On the moons of the solar system, aliens would install
themselves in city ships with their own interior climate different
from that of those worlds, they could install their cities on the
surface or in orbit, forming a ring of space structures united at
the planetary equator.
Being a secret mission, they would surely settle on the moon
underground, to prevent earthlings from being able to see them
easily until the time comes when they can be openly shown
when human civilization manages to complete its evolutionary
process. Therefore, contact between the two civilizations will not
be possible until the earthlings finish their evolution process,
because if this contact were made in a hasty way, a social conflict
would be provoked on Earth as there is a strong contrast
between the way of life of the terrestrial ones and the one of the
extraterrestrials. A hasty contact would cause an intense
movement of forces within the planet between those who would
want to change things quickly and those who would want to
avoid it to preserve their power, this could cause serious social
conflicts, therefore, it is better to wait until both civilizations
acquire a level similar technological and moral. It is also unlikely
that there will be contacts between the governments of Earth
and the extraterrestrials, because due to the great difference in
the way of understanding the world it would not be possible to
reach an understanding. Furthermore, if such contact were to
occur, the leaks would soon cause the entire world to find out
about those contacts, breaking their desire to wait for the world
to complete its development. However, this is not an
impediment for them to establish contacts unofficially between
themselves and the earthlings who have a higher level of
spiritual evolution. This is because the main difference between
aliens and terrestrials is the level of moral progress, and the
governments of Earth are, in general, dominated by materialistic
people with whom it is impossible to reach any understanding
for that, While the world finishes completing its last stage, which
is spiritual evolution, it will only be possible to maintain contacts
with those who have already completed that stage. Those who
stubbornly insist on saying that aliens are degenerate beings is
because they do not want to look in the mirror to see that they
are degenerates. People have to understand, that it is not
possible for a planet to be superior and evil at the same time,
because progress can only be completed when a planet expels
evil from its society completely and forever, because that is what
evolution is based on. In the evolutionary process that the
planets follow, first a material evolution process has to take
place, but followed by a spiritual evolution process and in this
process evil has no place.
The aliens, on Earth, could use their mother ships as bases that
would be several hundred meters in size, these cylindrical-
shaped ships are capable of moving by any means, they can fill
with water and submerge like a submarine, or fill with helium
and float like a balloon, assuming they use similar technology to
what we know of, but they may use several different systems to
counteract gravity. As a source of energy, they would have a
surface full of solar panels that would serve to recharge, they will
also use air currents to travel anywhere in the world without
wasting energy. This means that they would not need to have
permanent bases because with these mobile ships they could be
temporarily installed anywhere in the world. Each of the
motherships in turn can keep several flying saucers inside and
they can all float or become invisible at will, which greatly
facilitates their work of research and guidance of
humanity. Perhaps when Jules Verne made his novel (Owner of
the world), he was taking inspiration from them. Surely, only
between 5 and 15% of these ships are seen by people when they
go abroad, because most of the missions are done in secret,
therefore, when they are visible, it is because they want it that
way so that we let us get used to their presence and abandon
the classic materialistic attitude that is characterized by denying
the existence on Earth of beings from other worlds. In addition
to their activity in the material dimension, aliens can also act on
the spiritual plane, that is, they not only move with their ships on
Earth but also in the form of spirits to carry out their
activities. This means that it is difficult to know if what we see
are material ships or spiritual entities considering that a spirit
can also manifest as a flying energy sphere. As they are spiritual
entities, they would not act according to the classical laws of
physics provided for material objects, this would allow them to
make very fast accelerations or changes of direction and even
travel at the speed of light, this would explain the special
circumstances that occur during sightings. UFO.
There are those who think that aliens may come from Mars, that
hypothesis is not at all absurd, because according to science has
discovered, many millions of years ago Mars was a world very
similar to Earth and was full of oceans. However, due to its low
gravity and the weakening of its magnetic shield, its atmosphere
gradually dissipated into space and its water almost completely
disappeared except at the poles. So the question is, was the time
that Mars had an ideal climate and liquid water on its surface
was enough to generate organic life like Earth or beings as
evolved as humans with the ability to travel through space? In
my opinion, the time that this ideal situation lasted was too short
compared to the time it took for the Earth to reach man for that
to be possible, but being a different planet it is impossible to
know with certainty.
The activities of aliens on our planet are mainly summarized in
two planes, one is scientific and the other is moral. On the
scientific or material plane, they try to know all the physical and
biological aspects of the world, and on the moral plane, they try
to make earthlings understand that after the physical world
there is also a spiritual world. All extraterrestrials are beneficial
in their attitude towards man, because in all evolved worlds
technical progress is inevitably followed by moral progress, and
the fundamental element on which this progress is based is the
defense of justice as the axis backbone of any evolved person or
society. However, aliens have also sometimes been involved in
conflicts and confrontations with Earthlings. This is due to the
fact that in ancient times human beings did not have aerial
vehicles that could interfere with the work of aliens, but after the
Second World War some governments of the world gave their
pilots the order to shoot down the flying saucers in order to be
able to appropriate their technology. Sometimes the UFOs chose
to override the controls of the fighter planes when they were
going to fire using electromagnetic fields or radiation jets, but at
other times they chose to respond to the attack and shoot down
the pursuit fighters, that is what could happen in the case of
Thomas Mantell, an American pilot who crashed while chasing a
Due to the counterattack of the flying saucers, the United States
government gave the order not to disturb the aliens again. From
that moment on, he decided to use a policy based on denying
their existence so as not to have to go through the shame of
admitting to the public that they are incapable of stopping
them. It was also decided to send secret agents known as men in
black to threaten all those who saw UFOs, especially the pilots,
so that they would not disclose what they had seen, in this way
the army leadership and the services of intelligence unleashed
on innocent citizens the rage that their impotence in their
confrontations with extraterrestrials supposed for them.
One of the topics that are usually discussed about aliens are
abductions, in my opinion, with abductions aliens could achieve
several objectives, on the one hand they would serve to know
the effects that chemical and nuclear substances would be doing
on our bodies, and on the other hand, they would also help the
population get used to their presence. For those situations in
which it was necessary to establish direct contact with human
beings, aliens could use humanoid robots in some cases, these
devices would not be automatons, that is, they would not act
according to their own means but would be directed human-
shaped machines by remote control to represent the real
aliens. In this way, you would be safe from any contagion or risk
of accident while the contacts are taking place. They would give
these humanoids the form that human beings think they have
based on what they see in the movies or television, they would
do so, with the intention that we get used to them, because the
real aliens are surely more like us than we believe.
After the Roswell incident, people began to think that aliens
were small with black eyes and a large head. In fact, it is very
possible that this belief arose from the aeronautical experiments
that the North Americans were doing in those days with
monkeys, however, the fact that from that moment on people
believed that aliens are like that, could serve as a model to give
that look to your simulated aliens. These robots would be the
large-headed gray humanoids that are often seen. We must bear
in mind that it is a civilization far superior to ours, this means
that what we know about them is not what we have managed to
discover, but only what they allow us to know.
It is also possible that people confuse the abductions of aliens
with the visits of spirits, or with abductions made by secret
services or pharmaceutical laboratories, in this case, they would
be posing as aliens to perform experiments on people or animals
without it being known. It is true that aliens could be monitoring
some people throughout their lives, but this would only be done
for the good of humanity, because with those monitoring it
would be possible to know the genetic damage and diseases that
the misuse of technology is doing to humanity. On the other
hand, it seems absurd to me that some people say that aliens are
trying to create hybrids between humans and aliens, because if
that were true, they would have done it thousands of years ago,
without having to wait for this moment only so that scammers
can fill their books with these kinds of stories.
It is also absurd to say that in the past the aliens created man to
serve as a slave, that does not make sense, because with such
advanced technology as theirs they can create all the machines
and robots they may need and surely they will prefer not to
interfere in the evolutionary process of humanity. In addition,
there are many archaeological remains that show that man's
genetic progress was slow, so surely his possible intervention or
help to humanity was only indirect.
Another stupid claim is to say that they collaborate with the
governments of Earth in exchange for something else. This belief
does not make sense, because a civilization that is surely ahead
of us in a hundred thousand years of technical progress, surely
does not need anything from any earthly government. Quite the
contrary, because they will try not to interact with the earthlings
so as not to be harmed by their low technical and moral
level. Such a collaboration would be the same as if a
contemporary aviation technician could enlist a caveman to help
him repair an airplane with bones and stones. It is true that
aliens exist, but it is a mistake and an act of arrogance to try to
lower them to our technical or moral level.
In the example (A) we can see how the male dimension in red
represents the horizontal plane and the vertical dimension in
blue represents the vertical. But in example (B) we can see how
the two dimensions have rotated and inverted in their positions,
which means that they can act in an apparently contradictory
way with the previous position, however, this makes sense,
because the change of plane is done on a different evolutionary
level. We must also bear in mind that in the drawing both arms
of the cross appear as rectangular, but the red color also
represents the curved line, and the blue color also represents the
straight line, this is so, because a straight line is only a small one
part of a curve. In reality, everything in the universe is curved, so
when a thing only covers a small part of a circle, then it gives the
impression that it is a line. It is true that in this case it would be a
line, but only if we consider it a relative not absolute
concept. When only a minimum part of a circle is taken into
account, then it becomes a line, so it is logical that it is
considered an opposite dimension. We have an example in a city,
because the horizontal line of its base may seem like a straight
line, but it is actually curved, but it only represents a very small
part of the Earth's circumference, this makes it appear as if it
were horizontal. The rest of the objects that are on the Earth
follow the same circumstance, because the hull of a ship may
appear rectilinear, but it adapts to the circumference of the
Earth like a city due to the effect of gravity. Even a ray of light
travels in a curved way, but it would be necessary to observe it in
a radius of light years to be able to appreciate the circumference
that it describes.
In the following drawing (C) the two dimensional planes form the
swastika cross and its arms when they rotate continuously
reverse their positions of polarity forming an image similar to
that of a galaxy barred with two red and two blue lines
constantly replacing their horizontal and two planes vertical. This
shows how circular motion can produce an inversion of polarities
each time the horizontal plane is changed to the vertical one in
an evolutionary process in which the masculine aspect merges
with the feminine, the red with the blue, and the horizontal with
the vertical, in a revolving movement of evolution that can also
produce a spiral or a staircase of different dimensions. At the
point of coincidence of the color red with blue, the color green is
produced, this color indicates that life arises when there is a
harmonious balance between both dimensional aspects. With
this cross it is shown that the horizontal and vertical planes can
rotate to replace each other even though they normally do so at
different levels of evolution. This means that a thing can appear
as feminine in a certain plane, but in another previous or later it
can appear as masculine without being a contradiction, for
example, the matter of the Earth is feminine with respect to the
sun, but it is masculine with respect to the sun sea inside the
In the following drawing (D) we can see in the first diagram how
the two horizontal and vertical dimensions form a cross when
joined and can merge with the universal (X), forming an X with a
cross inside, this is possible, because actually the two cross
shapes are related. The letter x represents mainly the red and
blue or male and female poles, but here they are raised from left
to right and acting in harmony in the horizontal dimension and
the same moment of time. This scheme serves to represent the
balance that most things need to maintain to achieve happiness,
because the key to progress is to prevent one polarity from
dominating the other so that the masculine or feminine values of
each aspect of life are maintained always the same as on a scale
without one trying to invade the other's space, that is why it is
necessary for people to give the same value to both dimensional
aspects in order to progress. The word "equal" does not mean
that they perform the same functions, but rather the opposite,
they are just as necessary in the universe and with the same
importance, but their way of acting must each be in their own
dimension or different plane, because if they did everything the
same in the end their difference in polarity would be destroyed
and with it the benefit that this polarity can provide.
With the color red on the left and blue on the right of the (X), it is
also represented how the universe goes from a high level of
energy to a low one and consequently from a low level of order
to a high one. This means that the male and material pole is
gradually decreasing and the female or spiritual pole is
growing. This happens, because the energy of the stars is being
consumed, but in return the universe gains in order and scientific
progress as the chaos and the initial fire is replaced by
crystallization and order. This process of going from heat to cold
occurs only in the material universe but not in beings that use
that energy, because the process of change and decrease of
energy is logical to occur in energy sources, but not in those
beings that use that energy, because these beings always need
to maintain the balance of potentials throughout the cosmic
cycle in order to evolve. This balance is necessary even in our
own body, because health is the consequence of maintaining the
balance of inner potentials.
If we raise the square of four colors from left to right, then the
horizontal plane of the cross represents the universe decreasing
its energy represented in red and increasing the order
represented in blue, but if we raise these same colors from the
bottom up, on the one hand We see how the red and blue
potentials always maintain the same value because they do not
change upwards, to understand it it is necessary to imagine the
horizontal plane as a cylinder that advances upwards always the
same and in line with time. This is so, because in reality the point
of intersection of the two colors in the center represents the
present moment, therefore, if we raise the colors red and blue
from left to right, the energy advances from more to less, but in
the vertical plane energy and order are constantly
advancing. This means that, although the energy of the universe
is decreasing little by little like the charge of a battery,
nevertheless the beings that inhabit the universe and use that
energy must keep their potential values in balance all the time in
order to evolve. It is the same as what happens with the body of
a mammal and the external climate, because the biology of the
mammal will always try to maintain its constant temperature
regardless of the climate that may exist in the environment, that
is precisely what makes it superior to reptiles.
It could be said then that there are two forms of balance of
potentials, one (A) is the one that corresponds to a model in
which energy, chaos and masculine values are mainly at the
beginning and feminine values of order and spirituality are found
especially at the end. In this model, the universe begins full of
energy and decreases incessantly from more to less, causing an
increase in order, because the colder the universe is, the greater
its order. According to the above, it may seem that this model is
in contradiction with the balance of potentials, but that is not the
case, because in this case there is not a direct but an indirect
balance, because in reality both aspects have the same
importance, but the red and the energy act at the beginning of
time and the order acts mainly at the end, it is then a question of
a form of balance different from the previous one. This process
of indirect matching of potentials can also be applied to age,
because at the beginning everything is youth and at the end
everything is knowledge. The indirect horizontal equilibrium
system is the one that uses the being that is and controls the
universe and acts as a foundation so that the rest of individual
beings can build civilization using matter and the energy that it
lends them. This function is rotating, this means that in a future
cosmic cycle another being will have to take care of this task.
The other mode of equilibrium (B) is the vertical and direct one,
in this system both values have to be constant all the time for life
to develop correctly and it is the one that the beings who use
this process of decrease have to use energy of the universe. This
means that process (A) is indirect, because energy progressively
decreases over time and is developed by the universal being that
controls the stars and planets. The equilibrium model (B) is
direct, because both values must be kept constant in order to
evolve. This balancing system is the one generally used by beings
that use the energy of the stars. In other words, the process of
decreasing one pole and increasing the other is the one that goes
from left to right and belongs to the horizontal dimension, but in
the vertical dimension the values are constant.
This shows that the behavior of energy in the source that
produces it is different from how it acts in the beings that
consume it, because the red and horizontal dimension indicates
how the material universe is losing its energy more and more as
if it were a battery. We can see this in the drawing that shows
how the left side is predominantly red, and the left is
predominantly blue. In the vertical dimension are all the beings
of the universe that use this energy and that must keep the
potentials the same in order to evolve. We have the same
example with a device that works by means of batteries and
whose energy is decreasing, but which, nevertheless, is designed
to keep its operation unchanged until the end. In other words,
on the one hand, the energy source progressively loses its energy
that is replaced by evolution, but instead the beings that use that
energy have to keep the polarity potentials constant in order to
be happy and to be able to progress. They are, therefore, two
different forms of equilibrium of potentials, the first indirect and
horizontal in a process of continuous change, and the second
direct and vertical but keeping the two potentials equal all the
The cross and the symbolic X were already known in antiquity
long before the Christian era, in those times they were used as in
this example to symbolize the relationship between the
horizontal and vertical dimension or the top with the bottom. It
was later used to symbolize the death of Jesus on the cross and
people forgot its earlier metaphysical meaning. The same
happened with the swastika cross, because people do not
understand why it is currently being displayed in many eastern
temples after the Nazis used it as a symbol of their
movement. The reason is very simple, and it is that it was not the
temples that copied the Nazis, but the Nazis that copied the
temples, and consequently you do not have to be ashamed of
the use that others can give you, because the important thing is
not it is the symbol, but the meaning that each one gives it.
In the lower part of the square, it is symbolized with the black
color, that ignorance is at the beginning of the evolution
associated with matter and density, but as the human being
evolves technologically upwards, he discovers the less dense
spiritual world represented by the color white, then he manages
to see the light of knowledge and banishes error and evil
forever. The teaching of this is that evil, in reality, arises from the
error that occurs when trying to consider life only from the
materialistic point of view represented by the color red, and
forgetting the spiritual dimension represented by the color
blue. After death, the spirit forgets many of its previous
knowledge, although not the most important, this means that
when a person is born again the first thing he knows is the
material world, due to this circumstance many people end up
believing that this world is the only one that exists and
consequently they become materialistic and deny life after
death. But it is necessary to understand that the material
universe in reality is only a design created by the spiritual world.
In the last drawing it can be seen in a different way how the red
and blue dimensions are related to form a movement
reminiscent of a weather vane, in this way, the two dimensions
rotate and are inverted and with their action they create the
movement of the universe. It can also be seen that the color red
always goes towards blue, thus symbolizing how the universe
advances from chaos to order and from ignorance to
knowledge. The colors of this weather vane could also be
substituted by black and white, in this case black would be put in
place of red and white would be put in place of blue. As in the
previous example, the color black always has to be directed
towards white to symbolize that the darkness of the past has to
be replaced by light in the future and this will be achieved
through progress both in science and technology spiritual.
In reality, the amount of things that have a connection with
colors is immense, because each thing corresponds to a color
and a frequency of vibration, that is why it can be located in a
position with respect to the square of the four colors. The red
color (left) corresponds to the masculine positive pole and
everything that it represents, the blue color (right) corresponds
to the spiritual dimension and the feminine part of the
cosmos. The intermediate colors indicate the presence in
percentages of the primary colors. In black color (Bottom) it
represents ignorance, darkness, the beginning, the night. The
white color (above) represents the culmination, the light, the
clarity, the intelligence, the justice. If we look closely, all things
have a color that represents them, the sexes, for example, with
red and blue. Evil with black and good with white. In turn, the
cold is on the feminine side of the primary colors and the heat
with the masculine.
Each race also represents a color, this means that each one is
better in some things but worse in others, because every physical
difference determines that there are advantages and
disadvantages, therefore, only the race that is able to better
coordinate all these qualities can be consider perfect. Any
departure by a race from the central point towards the feminine
or masculine side can produce an advantage in those
dimensional aspects in which it is favored, but that hypothetical
advantage in that aspect will always be inferior to the race that
uses the intermediate situation, because it is the one that has
the two universal planes balanced. At present, this poleward slop
is necessary due to the excessively extreme climates of the Earth,
but when man achieves through technology that the climate of
all cities is identical there will no longer be any impediment for
the races inclined towards the poles extremes can evolve to be
equal to the white race that is the one that is in the middle or
ideal point.
The materialistic attitude is red, but whoever abuses it becomes
evil and then the color red turns into black, for this reason, many
youth groups use jackets of that color due to the psychological
relationship that is established between evil and the color
black. With this way of dressing, they try to suggest to those who
see them their adherence to evil and thereby try to create an
intimidating effect. Women, when marrying, use the color white
for their dresses because of the association it has with purity and
justice. The fact that there is a relationship between sex and
colors does not mean that all things have sex, but rather that all
things have polarity, the sexes are therefore only one of its many
versions. The color green represents life, because success and
progress are the consequence of common sense and prudence,
that is, it is the consequence of having a moderate attitude. This,
in metaphysical terms, is equivalent to maintaining the balance
of the universal red and blue potentials, resulting in their union
with the color green as a symbol of that balance. Surely, the
myth of the Christian trinity is derived from these symbols that
were already known in antiquity, the red or male would be
considered the father, the blue or female would be considered
the mother, and the green when derived from both would be
considered the son But we must not forget that these symbols
do not refer to people but to universal values or forces that are
within all of us. What the Catholic Church did was distort its true
meaning for its own benefit.
All things that make sense in the universe need to find their
balance in the balance of colors and polarities, that is, they must
keep the masculine and feminine or red and blue values equal to
function correctly, but the things that do not make sense are not
they should not even do as an exception. Because it is not logical
to do in an exceptional way what is absurd. When a thing is
logical, it can be done continuously or it can also be done
exceptionally, but when a thing is not logical, then it must be
completely rejected. The imbalance of these scales in biology can
cause disease, but if it occurs in politics it can lead to
governments that are too right or too left. It is also important to
note that, in general, it is correct to maintain the balance of the
potentials, however, when by mistake or negligence someone
unbalances one of these scales to one side, then it is necessary
to exert an opposite force towards the opposite side with in
order to regain balance. In this case it would be a justified
exception to this rule.
The days of the week would also have a connection with colors,
because the former can be related to the color red and the latter
to blue in general terms, although later each day has its own
color related to the number that corresponds to it. The colors of
the numbers would be, the white zero, the black one, the red
two, the green three, the red four, the golden five, the blue six,
the brown seven, the red eight and the bluish white nine. It can
also be observed that the even numbers lean more towards the
red or masculine side, and the odd numbers lean more towards
the blue or feminine side. When applying the colors to the days
of the week, Monday would be dark blue, Tuesday would be red,
Wednesday would be green, Thursday would be blue, Friday
would be gold, Saturday by number would be blue, but if it
belongs to the end of week can also be orange, Sunday by
number would be brown, but being a holiday and having a
directing and coordinating function of the other days it would
also be golden. This coordinating function is similar to that
performed by the sun in the solar system.
It must be borne in mind that one thing is the color of a number
and another is the color that corresponds to a day of the week,
because in this case two different dimensional aspects act. This
means that the symbolic color of the days of the week may not
fully coincide with the symbolic color of the number it occupies
in that week, therefore, Monday would be black or dark blue,
Tuesday would be red, Wednesday green, Thursday dark blue,
Friday yellow, Saturday blue or orange and Sunday brown or
gold. Since Sunday is a free day and therefore different from
working days, a special relationship is created with respect to
them, this determines that the predominant color on all working
days is blue above the color of the number they have, and
Sunday's color will then be gold over the color of the number it
occupies. Because not only the color of the number counts but
also the color it represents due to its dimensional relationship
with respect to the rest. This difference determines that
weekdays also represent the horizontal dimension, which in this
case would be blue and rigid, and Sunday also represents the
vertical dimension, which in this case would be red. In other
words, a relationship of rule and exception is created between
them, similar to the one that exists between political or material
power. For this reason, in the past it was determined that there
was a sacred and free day, to recognize its coordinating and
exceptional function with respect to others, just like the function
of the sun with respect to the planets or the thumb with respect
to the planets others.
The planets of the solar system can also be related to the colors
or the days of the week, so that those closest to the sun would
be in relation to red and those furthest away with blue. That
means that the Earth, being in the intermediate temperature
zone, would be assigned the number three and the green color
that in the week would coincide with Wednesday. The sun would
have a parallel with Sunday as it is the star that is different from
the others and governs all of them. A week, in reality, is like a
miniature solar system or vice versa, because the daily days
represent the set of planets, the color blue and the horizontal
dimension, and Sunday represents the sun, the red color and the
vertical dimension.
You can also find coincidences between letters and colors, for
example, with vowels the letter (A) would be red because it is
the one with the lowest vibration, the (E) would be green, the (I)
would be yellow, the (O) it would be brown and the (U) would be
blue because it is the one with the highest vibration. It gives the
impression that instead of simply increasing the frequency of
vibration, they are making a ripple of sound. This would be with
vowels, but in the case of consonants it would depend on the
frequency of vibration that each letter had.
In ancient times it was also known that there is a relationship
between numbers and colors. It is possible that in this analysis
my conclusions do not fully coincide with those that existed in
the past, but that is because I do not base myself on what others
say about it but on my own deductions. Therefore, those who
judge whether I am right or wrong based on whether I approach
them or not make a mistake, because I obtain my conclusions
through my personal search and my intuition and I do not limit
myself to submitting to opinions or supposed truths previously
established. I do not limit myself to copying, but I try to go to the
source that everyone should go to, which is the truth, to
improve, if possible, what is already known or correct what is
wrong. It is evident that I too can be wrong like the rest of the
people, but it is impossible to evolve if we limit ourselves to
assuming as true what they have told us or we have read without
first analyzing it in detail and submitting it to the new evidence
that may arise. Progress is a fight of constant success and error,
but the fact that we can make mistakes is not a reason not to
move forward, because just as we suffer when we make
mistakes we are also happy when we get it right, and many
times, the difference between the one and the other is smaller
than it seems. But it is evident that success usually smiles on
those who, despite all the inconveniences, strive to find the
For the universe to function, there must be common rules that
act equally in all places regardless of distance, it is also necessary
that all atomic processes work synchronized at the speed of
light. This means that the material particles that coordinate the
atoms need to move at the speed of light to cause effects in
other parts of the universe. This is valid when analyzing the
speed of matter but it is not applicable to the speed of the
soul. In other words, the speed that is used for the
communication of matter cannot be applied to the system that is
used to transmit the sensations or feelings of the soul within the
same being. All the beings of the universe, that is to say all the
spirits that are masters of the matter that form them, are
characterized by having all their particles linked directly to each
other through a material connection. This connection is not
interrupted anywhere and joins all its particles directly with each
other because there is no empty space between them, however,
they do not have a direct connection with the rest of beings, that
is why they are different beings. In other words, a being can have
different particles, but the fact that they are part of the same
being is due to the fact that they are directly linked.
This determines that all the sensations that occur in a point are
shared instantaneously by its entire being, this is so, because the
sensations do not travel through its interior since inside there is
no matter but emptiness which determines that a sensation
produced in a point is shared in all the points that are part of the
same being at the same moment. In the case of sound
transmission for example, sound travels through the collision of
the particles that form the air that transmit kinetic energy from
one to another, but when it is a being that only has one particle
or has many but joined without empty spaces between them
(which is the same), then it is not necessary that an information
be transmitted by collision or radiation because all the
information always belongs and is known by the same being. The
matter of the universal being also transmits information
instantaneously for him, but for the rest of the beings that
populate the universe it is necessary to resort to the classic
methods of displacement of information at the speed of light,
that is why the entire universe is found synchronized at that
In all beings there are two concepts of speed, on the one hand
there is the speed at which the particles that form them move,
which is the speed of light and the other is the speed at which
the sensations of the soul move through their interior that It is
instantaneous, this is possible, because the soul is not formed by
particles but by emptiness. In reality, the particles, on the
outside we see them as matter but on the inside they have
emptiness. That is the key to existence, which determines that
nothing and something, or matter and emptiness are the same
but seen from different points of view. This means that inside all
the particles that in turn are not formed by any other particle,
what exists is empty, or in other words, matter inside is matter,
but outside is empty. Matter represents existence or something,
and emptiness represents nothingness or nonexistence, but, in
reality, they are two parts of the same thing but seen from
different points of view. For this reason, using the word "speed
of the soul" to refer to the transmission of sensations within the
same being is inaccurate, because being the same being and
consequently there is no separation or vacuum that separates
the particles that form it it can be said that there is a speed in
the transmission of these sensations. In other words, the
displacement speed is only applicable to the time it takes for a
particle to move with respect to another, but not to the
sensations that occur within the same particle or within the same
being. A being can have many particles, but if these are
connected directly and without interruption or vacuum that
separates them, then all the sensations that occur at one point
are perceived by the whole of the being at the same time. This
means that in the case of the universal being, every event that
occurs at a point in the universe would be perceived by its entire
being in all space regardless of distance, but the material
reactions of its particles would instead occur in a synchronized
way to The speed of light. For this reason, when people handle
the matter of the universal being, it is different, because since
they are not part of the same being, the transmission of
information must be at the speed of light, because this is the
speed at which its particles are synchronized. This system of
synchronization or speed serves so that all beings in the universe
can communicate with each other with enough speed.
To better understand the concept of instantaneous speed of
sensations within the soul, we can use the first universal particle
as an example, or rather when it was divided into two. At that
time, each of these particles was made up only of a circle of
matter surrounded by a vacuum, this means that any contact
that could occur between them on one of its sides, would be
perceived at the same time by the entire particle. This is so,
because since there are no other particles inside and it is the
same being on the entire surface of the particle, the speed of
light or contact between particles would not be applicable to
transmit the information, because inside only there would be a
vacuum, and on the surface there would only be a single material
element, therefore, there could not be a transmission of contacts
delayed in time. The transmission delayed in time is only
applicable when different beings intervene but not when it
occurs within the same being, that is why it is instantaneous. It is
as if a person were trying to find out how long it might take to
communicate something to himself, logically it would be zero
because he already knows.
These original particles would be divisible, but they would not be
formed by any other particle, therefore, there is no speed inside
them, because the concept of speed is only applicable to
material particles in their displacement through space, but not to
the transmission of sensations within the same being. This
means that a spirit or the soul that it carries inside when moving
through space could not exceed the speed of light, because it
would be moving through the universe that is and forms the
body of the universal being, but the sensations that could occur
within the same being if they would be perceived instantly when
all the particles that form it are directly connected. In short, the
universe is made up of many individual beings and the
characteristic that defines them is that each being has all its
particles directly connected, but they do not have a direct
connection with the particles of other beings, therefore,
communications with them they are made at the speed of
light. This is so, because they have to adapt to the speed that the
matter of the universal being uses and that they use as an
intermediary. On the other hand, the transmission of sensations
within the same being is instantaneous as there is no physical
separation between its particles.
Regarding the intimate nature of matter, it is necessary to
understand that the more deeply it is analyzed, the more
necessary it becomes to study it as something metaphysical and
not simply as something physical, it is also necessary to recognize
that matter is life and there cannot be matter that does not have
life and consciousness of itself within. The circle that was formed
with the first particle or egg of the cosmos is later repeated in
everything that has a circular shape such as planets or galaxies,
but in its original aspect it is more a symbol than something
physical because the circle represents renewal and the
eternity. Therefore, it can be assumed that the material forms
that we easily identify are the consequence of turning the
abstract into something recognizable. In the same way that the
male or female sex are the consequence of an attitude, the
division of the universe into matter or emptiness is also a
circumstantial fact, because in reality matter is also empty, and
emptiness is also matter, everything depends on it focus as you
look at it. The matter raised inward is solid but raised outward is
empty, so the correct thing is to represent the first particle of the
universe as a white circle surrounded by a black square, the
white circle is male and the black square is female as a
consequence of its attitude. It is not possible that only
nothingness or only matter exists, because they need each other
to be able to recognize themselves due to the contrast they
make with each other. For this reason, matter and emptiness
have always existed and will always exist, because it is not
possible that emptiness can exist without matter or matter
without emptiness because both represent existence and
nonexistence at the same time and are the reflection of the same
thing. The sexes are also an example of this reality, because deep
down a man is like a woman and a woman is like a man but in
reverse since each of them represents the opposite pole of the
opposite. Man represents matter or existence and woman
represents emptiness or nonexistence, both are the
consequence of the division of the same thing into two parts.
The circle represents the masculine, renewal and alternation,
and the straight line represents the feminine, solidity and
continuity. The circles separate to give place to the space in the
middle of the particles and thus create the vibration between
them. The line represents the constant union that is found inside
the matter because in reality all the particles that are part of the
same being need to be directly connected to be able to share
their knowledge, because if it were not so, each separate particle
would have a level intellectual equivalent to a single bit of
information, so it is essential that there is a connection through
invisible filaments that connect them continuously, directly, and
without empty space between them. In other words, the
universe would have two dimensions, one where the matter of
each being would act horizontally and continuously, and the
other vertical where the matter would act intermittently creating
voids between each other. This intermittent dimension would be
responsible for the ranges of vibration, the separation between
the planets or night and day. The universe we know made up of
spheres separated by a vacuum is due to the fact that the
horizontal part that joins the particles remains invisible to the
naked eye. For this reason, it is necessary to delve into
metaphysics in order to understand the universe, but as long as
the materialistic scientists who deny the life of matter believe
that the only way to understand its inner workings is by
destroying atoms in the particle accelerator, it will be very
difficult that they come to understand how it works.
In reality, the soul is what is really part of us because its particles
are directly connected. On the other hand, the spirit is made
with matter of the universal being and its function is to serve the
soul as an intermediary between the matter of the universe and
it. The soul can change its position from passive to active or from
masculine to feminine intermittently or binary, although it is
almost always in a passive position to feel the emotions of the
outside world and only changes its attitude when it is necessary
to make decisions, that is why, gives part of the active or
masculine function to the spirit that covers it. In this way, the
spirit acts as a male and active element and is housed inside the
brain when reincarnation occurs, and the soul acts as a passive
feminine part and is housed inside the spirit when the cosmic
cycle begins. Then the soul and spirit remain together
throughout the cosmic cycle as if they were a marriage. At the
beginning of the universe there was only one particle, this
particle divided to create many others, then these particles
separated from each other breaking their physical connection to
create new beings, and in turn these beings created new
particles with which to build their mind and his memory. Then
they created the spirit with the matter of the universal being to
accompany them throughout the cosmic cycle. Later, soul and
spirit united, they created the human body to be able to
reincarnate, because only in this way can the spirit fully feel the
emotions of life in matter. Only when the body is fragile and
mortal, the soul can fully feel the sensations of life, because a
body that was rigid and invulnerable would not allow the
sensations to reach the soul fully. The body and the spirit are
opposite extremes, because the body is cold matter and the
spirit is hot energy.
The body is weak and deadly but at the same time very sensitive,
this is necessary to be happy, because the body's ability to feel is
proportional to its vulnerability, therefore, it is deadly and must
be replaced from time to time. On the other hand, the spirit is
strong and immortal but in comparison less sensitive than the
body, therefore, it needs the soul to remain in a passive position
to be able to feel the emotions that life provides. The body is
weak and mortal but very sensitive, and the spirit is strong and
immortal but much less sensitive due to its invulnerability,
therefore, they need to unite their qualities in order to benefit
from both characteristics. In this way, the spirit acquires the
sensitivity of the body through its union with it, and the body
acquires the immortality of the spirit by carrying it within
itself. The particles of the spirit have eternal life and are
indestructible, but they are also subject to cycles of birth and
death just like the body, but with the difference that these cycles
coincide with the duration of the universe itself. It must also be
clarified that in reality what people call death is only a change,
but it does not imply the death of the soul that is contained
within the spirit, because when the universe ends its current
cosmic cycle the whole process will return to start from the
beginning and all beings that are really souls, will create new
spirits and then new bodies to reincarnate in them and live
happily after building advanced civilizations.
That is to say that in reality, what dies are the forms but not the
eternal life that the spirits carry within them and that are
reincarnated in those forms. The fact that there is a relationship
between the invulnerability of the soul and its sensitivity does
not mean that it cannot feel, however, it is true that its
sensitivity is much lower than that of the body, therefore, to
compensate, you need to reduce your proportional part with
respect to the body to a very small percentage compared to it, it
is also necessary to adopt the passive position as a means of
amplifying your own sensitivity. This, together with the great
sensitivity of the body, makes it possible for the soul to feel with
the maximum intensity the emotions that reach it. Similarly, the
fact that the body is weak and consequently more sensitive than
the spirit does not mean that it does not have its own strength,
but, compared to the spirit, it is much weaker. In the human
body, the strongest part is represented by the bones, this is not
by chance, because as a rigid element they represent the spirit,
and also the universal laws that are eternal and immovable like
the soul. When the superheroes in the movies are shown as
physically invulnerable beings, it is because they are being
attributed qualities that actually correspond to the spirit and not
the body, that is why there is a connection between them and
the divinity, because the spirit is the part divine and immortal
that we all have. In reality divine is everything that is well done,
but the spirit is very close to this divinity because it remains
almost constant for thousands of years and acts in coordination
with the universal laws that are the best definition of divine
The soul needs to put itself in an active or masculine position to
be able to do the things that are necessary, but in that position
you can act but not feel and therefore the sensations that come
to it are blocked, for that reason, it needs to be passive or
feminine almost everything time to feel. One way to compensate
for this situation is to make some of its particles active but the
others passive. This explains why those who are materialists
cannot be happy, because by adopting an excessively active or
masculine attitude they reduce the disposition of their soul to
feel the sensations that the world generates, which leads them
to be unhappy, therefore, it is necessary always keep the two
polar or sexual aspects balanced and give the same value to
matter as to spirit.
At the beginning of the universe there was only one being and
consequently there was only one will, but this being was divided
to fill the universe with different beings, that means that many
different wills were also created, therefore, each being must take
into account the rights of others if you want to avoid conflicts
with them. However, when a being acts as a leader or
representative of others, it is easier for him to see that
community as part of his own scope of will or as if they were part
of himself. In other words, the fact of representing them may
cause them to take their rights less into account and their own
will more than if it is a relationship between equals. Analyzed
this from a metaphysical point of view, it is as if the leader
absorbed part of the will of the others, because representing
them would give him more power than they and consequently,
he would be closer to being a single will with respect to them
than when it is between equals. Whoever holds a managerial
position is also closer to the masculine pole than the feminine
pole, this is related, because the masculine pole represents the
individuality that acts alone or as a representative of the others,
on the other hand, the governed part represents the collectivity
of equals that they act coordinated by whoever directs the
When a managerial position is exercised, the distance that exists
between the multitude of equals without government and the
single individual and with a single will is somewhat less, because
when representing them his will is confused with theirs, that is
why it is easier than confuse your own will with that of those you
represent. This is because being more powerful than each of
them and representing them, it is easier for them to think that
only one will counts. It must be borne in mind that in this
situation the proximity of this being to a hypothetical world in
which there is only one being and only one will is greater, this
makes it easier for confusion to occur but also deliberate
abuse. An individual separated from the rest represents the
masculine sex, but a group of many individuals together but
equal represents the feminine sex, therefore, the power nucleus
is always masculine because with its leadership function it turns
the group into a unit. This means that when there are several
equal individuals, the polarity balance is obtained by choosing
one as the coordinator of the others, then this assumes the
masculine, red and vertical value, and the governed assume the
feminine, blue and horizontal value. Power and the ability to
command are qualities of the male sex by nature, that is why
women with masculine characteristics are more authoritarian
than feminine women. It is true that in the world there are many
intelligent women and there have also been good queens, but it
is evident that they would not have been able to exercise that
position if they had not had many men who have helped them.
When a person ceases to be part of a group of equals and takes
over the leadership of that group, then he loses part of his equal
consideration towards others because his closeness to the single
will increases, because in that situation his will it is more
important than the one with its subjects. However, that also
doesn't mean that your will is the only thing that counts. It is true
that in that position he has more power than each of his subjects
separately, but his power is the same as the sum of all of them
together. The subjects have the same power, but unlike whoever
holds the presidency they show it indirectly, for that reason,
whoever has a position of power must strive to be a president
but never a dictator. Upon acquiring a position of power, his
passive and feminine attitude becomes active and masculine
with respect to those over whom he commands, but remains
feminine or the same among those who have the same level of
A universe with a single being would only have one will, because
it would include all the will of the universe within it, and the
matter that would form it would be exclusively masculine, then
the femininity of that single being would be represented by the
black and square void that surrounds it white and circular
nucleus. Therefore, the circle is male and the line is female. In
this case, both the white circle and the black square would be
part of the same being and of the same will, because in reality all
things contain both polar or sexual aspects within them. The
existence of separate sexes is a situation derived from
specialization. This determines that a sexual or polar value
predominates in one being more than the other, however, this
situation is balanced by being the other way around in the
opposite sex. A universe made up of many beings but without a
government would be exclusively feminine and anarchic because
there would be many wills but it would lack one to represent the
others. The will that represents the others becomes masculine
with respect to them and their ability to understand plurality is
less because, as they have more power, their opinion counts
more and therefore, they are closer to individuality and absolute
power than the individual rest.
Excessive optimism when misdirected can also lead to the
opinion of others not being taken into account, because
optimism is masculine and humility is feminine and the
masculine sex is related to power and the individual vision of
things, for that, we must ensure that optimism does not destroy
the humility of the soul. Optimism and depression are two
opposite extremes that need to be balanced in order for us to be
happy. Ideally, our mood would be in the middle position
between optimism and depression, because each one can have
something good or bad. Excessive optimism can lower our guard,
and a little depression can help us to be more realistic and also
to keep our feet on the ground when we are not sensible
enough. There is nothing wrong with being more optimistic than
normal if it is exceptionally, but it is best to try to maintain a
balance between the two as a general rule. Keep in mind that
happiness is not the consequence of having a lot of optimism,
but of things working properly.
An individual being represents the male sex, power, the vertical
line, and the color red. And a group of beings governed by
another represents the female sex, the horizontal line and the
color blue. This is so when it comes to studying the mechanism
of power and its relationship with morality, because in this case
power is vertical and philosophy is horizontal. It is true that those
who have a management position have more facilities to abuse
power than those who do not have that position, but that does
not mean that having political or economic power necessarily
turns a man into a scoundrel, which does power is to make it
easier for those who used to be a scoundrel to show it more
clearly, but those who were decent before having that power,
most likely will be decent after getting it. Due to a moral
imbalance, a person can act as if they were the only person that
exists in the universe and that is why they ignore the will of
others, when they are in that situation it is as if they have a God
complex, because they think that their will is the only one that
counts. By doing this, you are applying an exclusively masculine
attitude in an environment where the feminine aspect should
predominate because it does not make sense that it acts as if the
community does not exist when it does exist, that is, it acts as if
they were not people but only objects that are part of his own
scope of will.
This usually happens when a child is taught that his own will is
the only one that counts, then he, dominated by arrogance and
vanity, assumes that others are not people but objects without
will. If this attitude is not corrected in childhood when the mind
is still malleable, it may happen that upon reaching adulthood it
becomes its definitive personality, because upon reaching that
age the mind loses the flexibility of youth. That means that later
it will be very difficult to change, and if at that moment the child
has already assumed that his will is the only one that counts, he
may end up becoming a psychopath, because when a
psychopath considers reaching the last consequences in
Regarding contempt for the will of others, the result will be
crime, because that would be the only means that he would have
to hide his desire to exercise his will over others without it being
known. We must not forget that there is a great difference
between being a president and being a dictator, God is a
president but what the psychopath wants is to be a dictator. This
behavior is a serious error that can only be solved when the law
shows you through punishment that not only your will exists in
the universe but also that of others.