The Origin of The Cosmos

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Antonio Pinto Renedo

© Author, layout and cover design:
Antonio Pinto Renedo
Published in January 2022
First of all, I would like to emphasize that the objective of this
book is not to study the universe in a classical or materialistic
way, but rather to explain all its most important aspects, but
analyzed from a philosophical or metaphysical point of view. It is
true that it represents a bold description of the cosmos, but this
is better than simply denying all soul in matter as materialistic
scientists do when they claim that the origin of all material
phenomenon without consciousness is another material
phenomenon without consciousness of itself. It is surprising that
there are so many universities and physics specialists at present,
yet very few wonder what the real reason for their behavior is,
or if they are aware of what they are doing. But materialistic
scientists who deny the soul to people or matter always evasively
answer that question, saying that if matter and its particles react
to the stimuli they receive it is because of other, smaller
particles, but they always try to avoid it. The true answer,
because if matter reacts and acts in this way, it is simply because
it is alive, even if it is in a different way from what biologists call
life, because it is life, even if it is mineral and not organic.
I would also like this book to serve to find a common point of
understanding between the most spiritualistic ancient
philosophy and the modern materialistic mentality that helps to
understand the part of reason that each one has, because it is so
unscientific to deny the existence of the spirit or the life of
matter as insisting on saying that ancient legends and
superstitions are absolute truths. The problem of contemporary
society is that it lacks moral leadership, which causes social
anarchy, this is due to the fact that religious organizations refuse
to adapt to the times for fear that these changes will make them
lose their power, because if they accept changes in their
fundamental ideas that would show that they are not infallible as
they would have us believe. This is arrogant behavior, because
they do not want to accept that many of the things in the world
are outside of what they believe or understand, simply because
when their religions were founded they were not yet
known. This attitude causes a separation between science and
religion that can only be redirected through moral renewal. In
reality, spiritualism begins where materialism ends, therefore,
scientists will never be able to understand the intimate reality of
matter if they do not accept to analyze it from a spiritual point of
view. It must be borne in mind that a society that only relies on
the material aspects of life but despises the spiritual ones is like a
farmer who tries to make plants grow only with soil but without
water, it is evident that in this way it will fail.
With this book, I have tried to answer in a single book the main
philosophical questions that throughout history have confused
humanity, I have also tried to use clear and direct language, so
that readers do not have too many difficulties in understand its
content. I hope you find it useful.

This book has been translated from the original Spanish version.
At first there was only nothingness also called emptiness, but
nothingness or emptiness cannot exist by themselves because
nothing is the opposite of existence, therefore, this can only be
considered from a symbolic point of view, but outside of time,
because at that moment time did not exist. This means that at
the beginning of cosmic evolution there was nothingness that is
also the feminine principle of the universe and that can be
represented as a black square. In the center of that square there
would be a white or gold circle that represents matter and the
male part of the universe. This white circle at that time had no
size, because since there was only one particle in the entire
universe, there would be nothing to compare it with. That is to
say that in reality nothing and matter have always existed
because it is not logical that only nothing or only matter exists
since they need each other to be able to define themselves, this
is so, because in reality they are the same but looked upside
The void and matter are the two primordial elements from which
later all those things that have sex or polarity were derived,
which shows the intimate connection that exists in the universe
between the great and the small. On the feminine side we have:
The planets with respect to the sun or the stars with respect to
the galactic nucleus, the night, the water, the cold, the blue
color, the silence, the woman, the sugar, the straight line. As
representatives of the masculine side we have: The sun, the
heat, the day, the color red, the sound, the man, the salt, the
curved line, the matter of the earth with respect to the
sea. These two polarities were also later divided into the vertical
and horizontal dimensions. In this case, the polar or sexual
orientation depends only on the circumstances, because both
sexes can occupy either of the two planes, but the circular part
always corresponds to the masculine side and the straight part to
the feminine side. Nor should we forget that in the universe
everything is curved, but a curve seems straight when only a
minimum part of its circumference is taken into account, what
makes them different is the contrast they make between the two
and their opposite dimensional positions. In general, black
represents the feminine side and white the masculine side, but
they can reverse their symbolic positions depending on the
circumstances. The same is the case with matter that is
masculine in contrast to the sea, but feminine in contrast to the
In this example, space is described as a hypothetical square with
a circle inside, but it is only symbolic, because the distance in
space is actually determined by the separation between two
particles, but since at this initial moment there was only one
single particle space has more a symbolic value than a concrete
measure. Therefore, to understand the nature of the cosmos
when there was only one particle, it is necessary to consider that
space would not only be outside but also inside that first particle,
therefore, the matter of that particle is reduced to abstract
concepts and metaphysical and what we consider as matter is
actually the void surrounded by a circle of matter, it is therefore
that circle or surface the true matter, because when it comes to
particles that are not made up of other particles there is no
inside Nothing we can find but just empty This is so because
emptiness and matter are actually the same thing, positive and
negative, existence and nonexistence, masculine and feminine all
in the same thing, in one aspect it appears as matter and in
another aspect it appears as void, they are both sides of the
same coin. As existence and nonexistence are the same, it is not
possible that at the beginning of the universe only one of the
two existed, that is why both emptiness and matter are
eternal. This means that what we call matter is actually the
surface of the void, that is, a circular line that surrounds the void,
on the outside it is matter and on the inside it is void and each
time that circle closes in half to form an eight and then it
separates into two, then a new particle or circle is created. It
could also be said that matter is inward matter and outwardly
This first particle would not be formed by any other particle,
however it is divisible. This system of division was later copied,
albeit on a more complex scale, to create single-celled
beings. The golden color, which is a symbol of wisdom, is
attributed to the particle of matter because only through the
evolution of matter is intellectual progress possible through its
division into more complex particles. In this case, the vacuum
acts as a feminine and passive element, but it is essential to be
able to create the separation between the particles and all
subsequent versions of the bipolarity of the cosmos such as, for
example, musical notes or electromagnetic frequencies. These
two primary elements are also the origin of the vertical and
horizontal dimensions, although depending on which plane they
are in, they can occupy the reverse position.
This is where the division between materialism and spiritualism
occurs, that is, between those who recognize that within every
existing entity there is life and consciousness and those who
deny it, because the evolution of that first particle begins when it
is aware of its own existence, because he feels and consequently
tries to leave that static situation to move forward and create a
more complex form with more particles, this is necessary so that
it is possible to create a memory deposit where he can lean on
the evolution process. For this reason, this first particle was
divided into two and these two in turn into two others and so on
until enough particles could be brought together to create a
complex mind, I say mind because at this moment the body and
mind of this being were the same thing. At this time there was
only a single being, because all the particles were directly
connected to each other, unlike the different beings whose
particles do not have a direct connection.
When it comes to studying the essential foundations of matter, it
is necessary to understand that more than a physical or chemical
analysis it is necessary to analyze them from a metaphysical
point of view, because at the atomic level physics and
metaphysics are completely united, but while scientists continue
to be determined to only recognize the facts but denying the
causes it is impossible to move forward, that is, if you recognize
that matter acts and reacts but denies it the right to feel, it is
impossible to go from superfluous knowledge to a deep
one. Nowadays, people see the circular shape of planets or stars
and think that the explanation for it is because it has to be that
way or that it is simply the consequence of gravity, but they do
not understand that the circle or the straight line is values that
are first metaphysical and only later physical, because that
circular shape is above all the representation of the eternal and
repetitive nature of the universe, therefore, scientists will never
be able to understand the fundamental essence of matter until
they look for it in metaphysics, because as long as you believe
that all doubt can be solved simply by breaking the particles into
smaller pieces, then it is clear that it is going to be very difficult
for you to understand the truth.
This initial division process would be done without breaking the
direct connection of all the particles at any time, which is an
essential condition to be able to maintain all of your knowledge
in one being. This would be achieved through the use of material
filaments that would hold them together although this is a way
of describing it perhaps somewhat simple since perhaps it is
more appropriate to say that in reality the universe is as if it
were divided into two planes, one is material, and the other it is
immaterial or empty, the material connection between the
particles is made through that dimension which is continuous
and material at all times. A plane of matter that we could define
as horizontal would be material and the other plane that we
could define as vertical would be immaterial. The key that both
planes can work without the material particles colliding
continuously would be the creation of a kind of vibration in
which they could change to the inverse plane at the speed of
light. For us, the universe appears as a succession of circular
spheres of matter separated by a vacuum, but the real universe
needs all the particles of the same being to be directly
connected, because if that direct link were to be broken then we
would be talking about different beings and not just one. Even
the circular shape of that first particle is largely symbolic,
because in reality the circle represents eternal repetition and
renewal, this is possible not because time lasts forever, but
because it starts over every time it ends.
It could be said that the universe, at the beginning, was like an
egg formed by a single particle and in the same way that inside
an egg the animal grows before breaking the egg, the universe
formed by a particle slowly multiplied to make the be initial
much more complex. That first particle multiplied into other
particles, but all of them were directly connected because that
direct connection is the key that determines that it is the same
being, because when these particles separate without a direct
connection, then beings are created new. The fact that these
beings are new does not mean that they were created at that
time, because their essence is eternal and their life is cyclical,
that is to say that the correct thing would be to say that what the
initial being did was clone itself into many beings with its same
characteristics and eternal life and when the current cosmic cycle
ends all beings will return to the initial egg and join directly until
they become one again. It is, therefore, a division of the initial
being and not a creation of new beings. When asked: what was
before if the chicken or the egg? Regarding the cosmic egg, the
correct thing is to say that its existence is parallel to the creation
of time, because the egg arises from the hen but the hen is inside
the egg, that is, the process of formation of an egg or of A
chicken are both the consequence of eternal life and that eternal
life first created unicellular beings, that is, without eggs or shell
and later formed the most complex animals, therefore, the
creation of both must be considered parallel. A hen can form an
egg and an egg can form a hen, but this is only an approach
based on the order that time establishes, but at the beginning of
the cosmos time did not exist for that reason, the correct thing is
to say that both the egg and the hen are the same thing and at
the beginning of the universe they were created at the same
time. In other words, only after time began to work did the
current method by which processes occur in a descending or
ascending order made sense. The egg of an animal, is actually the
version in a different plane of the initial cosmic egg, this is
another of the many examples that demonstrate the connection
that exists between the different parts of the universe.
In the initial cosmic egg is found all the essence of the universe
that is to say all its life, this life is eternal because it has no
beginning or end in time because time begins again when it ends,
therefore, to understand the nature of This egg must be
understood from logic and metaphysics and not from time. The
universe at that moment is a square of black empty space with a
white circular egg in its center, this is more of a metaphysical
concept than a physical one, but when it comes to understanding
matter or the universe at such a fundamental level then it is
difficult separate one thing from the other without making it
incomprehensible. The black empty square represents the
female part of nature and the white circle represents the male
part of it, the black square is empty and the white circle is
matter, one is action and another reaction, one is passive and
the other is active, the emptiness is nonexistence and matter is
existence, in reality they are the same thing, but seen from
different points of view. When the initial being multiplied into
multiple particles, those particles stayed together at all times,
thus making their structure more complex. Some particles
formed the memory banks and others formed their motor
organs, it was like a kind of brain and body at the same time but
it was also the first spirit of the cosmos. After gradually adding
knowledge, this being considered that it needed other beings to
build the universe that we now know, for that reason, it later
divided into other beings equal to it.
At the beginning, during all this process, the initial egg became
more complex until it looked more and more like a star made up
of millions of particles, but all of them would be directly
connected to each other because otherwise it would no longer
be the same being and in Consequently, it would not be possible
to share the same knowledge. We must not confuse the
communication that can exist between different beings with the
direct connection that must exist between the particles that
make up each being, this is necessary, because all the atoms of
matter that make up a being, in turn, are made up of simple
particles endowed with knowledge equivalent to a single bit of
information. This means that each original particle is too simple
for it to evolve and create complex beings if it weren't for the
direct connection they have with each other. In other words,
within the same being, each of the particles that make it up
would be directly connected because there would be no vacuum
between them. That is the key to knowledge, because if each
particle were surrounded by a vacuum then they would be
particles with zero intelligence, that is, totally ignorant,
therefore, the key to knowledge to be able to accumulate
knowledge is that each being has many particles directly joined
without spaces voids between them so that it is possible to form
complex beings and minds. This first being would remain the
equivalent of millions of years thinking about how to organize
the universe, then he would realize that the best thing is to build
it as if it were a house, that is to say that first a single being
would be dedicated to building the foundations in the form of
stars and planets and the rest of beings would dedicate
themselves to use this platform to build civilizations. Once the
fundamental principles of what the universe should be were
clear, it was time to break the egg and begin the expansion of
the galaxies, therefore, it was then necessary to divide this initial
being into multiple beings. The being that by rotation
corresponds to build the material universe on this occasion,
would begin to form the first hydrogen atoms and at the same
time the speed of light would be established as the future form
of speed that the universe should have until the end of time, this
would be thereafter a constant speed for the entire
universe. That is to say that the speed of matter that we now
consider normal did not exist at the beginning but it was
necessary to activate it when the characteristics that the
universe should have were clear, this is logical, because atoms
did not exist at the beginning. Most of these characteristics were
decided at first as if the universe that we now know was the
dream of the first being, that is, it was our own dream when we
were part of the initial egg, although now as men we cannot
remember it. Before the egg broke and matter spread through
space, most of the characteristics that the universe must have
had already been decided. This means that once the process of
functioning of matter was activated at the speed of light and
from a high energy level to a low one, changing energy by
evolution, to the being that corresponded to be and to organize
the universe, it only remained as expression of their will
to supervise the processes decided in advance so that they work
correctly and would only intervene to change events in the event
that the initial forecasts were wrong, or there was something
new to add, but that would only affect a minimal part of the
In this initial phase of the cosmos, the spirit and the body are the
same thing, that is to say that the separation between the mortal
body on the one hand and the immortal spirit on the other, will
not occur until the spirits already separated from the initial being
build their bodies using the matter of the earth which in turn is
part of the universal being. To do this, the spirits need to forget
their previous life while they are incarnated, because the human
dimension is different from the spiritual one, therefore, for this
dimension to function properly and without interference it is
necessary that they act separately until human civilization
reaches the maximum level of evolution, when that moment
arrives, then they will not only be able to match, but even
exceed the knowledge that they could store in their spiritual
memory. All this sacrifice and renunciation that forces the spirit
to temporarily lose part of its knowledge to become a man is
necessary, because in this way it can give the human dimension a
greater amplitude, this is necessary, because evolution needs the
human dimension to be new and independent from the spiritual
world. The spirit needs to build a material body, that is, a body
with matter that is not part of itself but of the universal being,
because in this way most of the infra-atomic functions are
transferred to it. With this system, the human spirit only has to
deal with the higher functions that we consider proper to man
and not decide each chemical or physical reaction of our
body. With the fusion between spirit and matter, each being can
reach the maximum degree of happiness, but that will only be
possible when the process of technological and moral evolution
is completed.
In reality, the universal laws arise from the truth, that is to say
that the universe is sustained on what is always equal and
constant in all time and place. These universal truths determine
what we can and cannot do and are the foundations on which
universal physical laws are based. Because in the universe, half of
what we can propose is possible to achieve it and the other half
is not, one is the horizontal dimension that governs the variable
and voluntary and another is the vertical dimension that governs
what is impossible to do because it is in contradiction with the
truth. To give an example, it could be said that it is like adding
two times two because it is evident that the answer will always
be four, no matter how hard we try to deny it, on the other
hand, the universe allows us on the other plane a multitude of
voluntary options. One would be the vertical, feminine,
crystalline and rigid plane and the other would be the horizontal,
warm and changing masculine plane. You can also compare the
universe and the present reality with a photograph that had a
clear and sharp half, this half would represent that which is
constant throughout the cosmic cycle and is independent of
time, the other half of the photograph would be blurred because
it would be vibrating without stopping and would represent that
which is subject to time and the possibility of making changes at
will and consequently is exposed to the risk of making mistakes.
The existence of that duality in nature that divides things into
pure and consistent with universal truths, and other changing
and in many cases erroneous is the reason that in some religions
it is said that we live in an illusory world. Those who have the
ability to understand what are those universal truths or keys that
are constant indefinitely and can also separate them from the
erroneous beliefs of each era, thus achieve a stable point of
reference to be able to progress and reach the truth. The process
of continuous change determines that each day is different from
the previous one and makes it difficult to distinguish the correct
changes from those that are not, but this continuous change in
search of progress is what makes life exciting because every day
we discover something new.
The universe on the one hand is rigid and constant, but on the
other hand it is subjected to a process of continuous change
from a high level of energy to a low one, exchanging energy for
progress. This process of change and evolution makes life more
interesting, but since there is free will on this plane in which
there are so many different options to choose from, it is also
easy to make mistakes. The continuous and programmed change
of matter from a high energy level to a low one is what generates
time and is modifying the universe every second.
At the end of each cosmic cycle, all beings have to reunite in a
single particle so that it is possible for time to begin again, that
last particle cannot cease to exist because it is the one that
contains the sum of the life of all the others and from it all the
particles and beings that must populate the universe in the next
cycle will emerge again. That last particle cannot cease to exist,
because in that initial phase of the cosmos there is only matter
represented by that particle and nothingness represented by the
void, but since only matter cannot exist or only emptied then the
existence of that duality has to be eternal regardless of all the
changes they may undergo.
The first universal being could be the equivalent of millions of
years evolving and multiplying its particles to become more
complex and learn. All that time would be spent meditating to
find out how to make your life happier. Then I would imagine the
universe we know in the same way that an engineer meditates
on the construction of a building. He would also understand that
it is best if there are other beings who share the universe with
him. This initial multiplication and expansion phase of the
universe would at first be slow. Currently, the atoms of matter
already have a predetermined way in which they have to behave
in each chemical or nuclear reaction, that is why they do it so
quickly, but at the beginning, the way in which all the reactions
had to take place would not yet be decided, for That, the passage
from the initial phase to rapid expansion took time. It makes no
sense to think of the initial universe as a sum of hydrogen atoms,
because before they existed they first had to be projected. That
is to say that in those times nuclear reactions at the speed of
light as we know them now were not possible, because first it
was necessary to decide in what framework and conditions all
material reactions should be. That is to say, it went from a slow
process of movement of matter to a fast one and at the speed of
light, but this was only possible when the fundamental
conditions or laws of matter had finished being established.
This initial expansion process could be compared to the game of
dominoes when it is used to make a chain of tiles placed in
parallel so that they fall when they collide with each other. In
this game, the organizer slows down and takes time to get all the
tiles into place, but once the first tile lands on the next, it causes
a rapid chain reaction until the last tile falls. The universe works
the same at the beginning, because it is absurd to say as some
scientists believe that the universe expanded suddenly and at
the speed of light, because that could not have happened if
there had not been a slow process of designing that reaction in
the past chain and a mind behind that process that would have
studied how to do it. When all the basic processes were analyzed
and decided, most of the physical processes followed a set and
planned course in the same way that a train travels on the rails.
This would only apply to the universal being who is and controls
the planets, but not to individual beings, because they can enjoy
a much greater free will. This means that for the universal being
the concept of will and free will would be limited to supervising
all new processes so that they follow the course decided at the
beginning, but it could also add something new if it was
considered necessary for the proper functioning of the
universe. This universal being could feel all the material
processes in which it participates, even if they were almost
automatic, this is possible, because its mind would be designed
to be able to divide itself into multiple tasks at the same
time. This means that the basic functions of matter would be
determined in a fairly rigid and pre-established way, instead, the
options of individual beings such as spirits or people would have
a much greater margin of maneuver. In other words, the material
universe would function according to the rigid and vertical
dimension by having to form the foundations of the cosmos and
the rest of the beings would use it just as the actors use the
stage in a theater. The universe has to be rigid and immovable in
its fundamental rules precisely so that the beings that live in it
can be flexible and variable without fearing that their actions
could seriously alter the course of the cosmos. The universe
needs constant laws so that all the beings that live in it can
evolve. It is true that time causes changes incessantly, but those
changes must be made without questioning the primordial laws
that were decided in the beginning.

From this moment on, this first being would make the decision to
divide itself into millions of beings by the cloning method, thus
creating as many beings as there are currently in the entire
universe, all like him equal and immortal. These beings would
not be his children, but he himself was cloned with the same
qualities and memories because, unlike the unicellular beings
that divide by splitting, these beings would not be created from
new added matter but from the division of the already existing
one. This is possible, because the first particle can be divided
even if it is not made up of any other particle. To make the
appearance of new beings possible, this first being would be
divided, breaking the direct connection of the particles so that
from that moment on the experiences of each being are different
from those of the others, in this way, since there are many
beings with many different experiences the richness of the
cosmos is greater. This means that from now on the emotions
that each being has will only affect him directly. However, they
will also affect others indirectly through cosmic life, because by
being all indirectly connected everyone will live the lives of
others in future new cosmic cycles when roles are swapped. This
is so, because by dividing this first being into many others what it
is also doing is dividing its own experiences at different times, it
is as if all beings were now the same being but each one at a
different time.
In this way, the experiences that others live now will be our
future, but they were also our past, because the destiny of the
universe once universal life has been completed is to rejoin into
a single particle and start all over again from the beginning
beginning. Then time will repeat itself but the universe will not
be completely complete until all beings have lived all the lives of
others and when that happens all beings will unite to become
one again. To put an example easier to understand, it is as if time
were a movie in which each being plays a different role each
time the universe repeats itself, but in this case, the setting
would also be a character that we would have to play before that
time ends, that is to say that we would live the lives of all the
characters but also the life of the material universe before
everything begins again, that is the essence of the cyclical
character of nature. In the Hindu religion it is defined as karma,
the fact that the same good or bad events happen to each being
that they have previously produced to others.
There are also those who believe that this is a kind of divine
punishment caused by a supreme being, but in my opinion this is
a big mistake, because the cyclical nature of the universe that
could also be called karma does not arise from the will of
anyone, but rather it is an essential part of nature, because it
needs to be repeated, exchanged, and renewed, in order to be
recycled. That means that those who are up now tomorrow will
be down and those who are ignorant today will be wise
tomorrow, and there is no being in the universe, however
evolved or powerful, that can escape this reality. It should also
be emphasized that the fact that the same events are going to
happen to all the beings that live in the cosmos, that is, all
possible events, does not happen because that information is
stored anywhere, but because it is an inevitable destiny of
matter is recycled until all particles and all beings pass through
all possible positions and experiences, because matter is always
in a circular motion of constant repetition, even light rays have to
return to the point from which they started . In other words, the
process of continual renewal and replacement of nature
inevitably results in all beings ending up one day living all the
lives that others have lived. This is a consequence of the natural
mechanics of matter and not that there is any place where
memories of past events are kept. This is possible, because the
existence of multiple beings and multiple particles are derived
from the subdivision of a single original being that separated to
give rise to all the beings that now exist, that is to say that
although at this moment we are different beings with different
lives we actually come from the same being and will be part of it
again one day.
This means that in reality each human life is only a part of the life
of that being, it is as if there were a greater life that is the sum of
the lives of all the beings in the cosmos. At the beginning of the
current cosmic cycle, this being or first particle separated
creating different beings that are actually the same, this is useful
because it generates the existence of different life
experiences. However, since in reality all beings come from the
same being, that means that deep down our experiences are
connected in time so that in the end and inevitably we will all
end up living all the lives of others. When that happens, then
time will start again and the whole process will repeat itself
because in the universe even time regenerates. When the first
particle separated, it created all the beings that now exist, these
beings are currently not directly connected in any way, that is
why they are different beings, but they are indirectly connected
through time, as if there were an invisible thread that unites us
and determines that in the end we will all become one
again. This single being to which we all have to return is the
common denominator that unites us in time, this explains why all
beings will ultimately experience all the events that are now
experienced by other beings.
From this moment on, it would be concluded that it is necessary
to build a material universe in which to be able to develop
multiple life experiences in order to be happy, because this is the
true reason for evolution, therefore, the decision would be made
to designate one of these beings to take care of the task of
building but also of being the universe.
The designation process would not be chance, because the
circumstance that would determine which spirit this task must
correspond to depends on the rotation of the universal functions
itself. This is possible, because, although it is true that the
universe has to repeat time and events again in each cosmic
cycle, nevertheless, the beings or spirits that inhabit it will not
have to meet again in the initial particle of the cosmos until that
all beings have lived all lives, that is the key to the rotation
process. In other words, the universe will not completely forget
its acquired knowledge until all beings go through all lives and
only then will time start all over again.
The being appointed to deal with the material universe would
not only rule it but he himself would be the universe with all its
stars and planets but not including individual spirits. That is to
say that the universe would be his body and his spirit at the same
time, because it would be a super condensed spirit unlike the
individual spirits that would be light to be able to reincarnate in
human bodies. Its purpose from that moment on would be the
construction of stars, planets and galaxies to serve as a home for
other individual beings once they have reincarnated as men. The
fact that a single being is and governs the universe does not
imply that he is superior to other beings, because he would only
be in charge of creating the stage so that superior beings can live
in the human form that is the most evolved in the cosmos. To
better understand it, it could be said that if the universe were a
theater, the galaxies would be the stage and human beings
would be the actors and therefore they would be in a superior
situation. However, once the cosmic cycle ends, another being
will have to take charge of this function, thus allowing the being
who is in charge of managing the universe on this occasion to
reincarnate as a man.
Until this moment, all beings would exist only in spiritual form
unlike biological beings that are the sum of a material body
formed with matter borrowed from the universal being and an
individual spirit reincarnated in it. This is necessary, because
when the spirits cede control of the infinity of secondary physical
and chemical processes to the universal being that administers
matter, our spirits can only dedicate themselves to the higher
functions that we know as human consciousness. For that
reason, we do not have to take care of any internal function of
our body but only external tasks. Reincarnation in matter is also
necessary to amplify emotions, because spirit separately from
matter is only energy for the most part, but when it is
reincarnated in matter it can increase the amount of sensations
and achieve the perfect balance to be happy.
It is also possible that instead of a single being that is and
administers the universe, there are separate individual beings
that are and administer each planet or star separately, but I think
it is more reasonable to think that the entire universe is ruled by
a single being, because if each star were a different being then
the mergers or explosions of planets and stars would create an
absurd situation as each fragment belonged to a different being
and when mixed with each other they would be very difficult to
control. On the other hand, if the entire material universe
belonged to a single being, all these processes would be under
his own control, which would avoid any contradiction. These
beings would not only be managing the planets, because each of
their atoms would also be part of their body. Nor should we take
into account that the fact that a being is and governs the entire
material universe does not therefore make him superior to us,
because to demonstrate the opposite we have the example of
elephants or whales, which are much more larger than man but
nevertheless evolutionarily inferior. Nor should we think that this
being is God, because in its essence it is a being like us, although
it encompasses the universe in size, God, on the other hand, is
the common denominator that connects all beings, that is, the
universal laws that arise from our interior and that we
participate in creating on a rotating basis. This being that
sustains the foundations of the material universe cannot
communicate with the rest of the beings either, because the
mind of an individual spirit like ours is focused in a directed way
on a single thing and forms the vertical or superior
plane. Instead, the universal being has his mind dispersed in
millions of tasks at the same time in the horizontal or lower
plane, which prevents the existence of an individualized
contact. For this universal being, the control of the planets and
the stars is not difficult, because the whole universe works
almost automatically in addition, the foundations on which it is
based were decided almost entirely when all matter was still
within the universe cosmic egg.

Once the being that would have the responsibility of creating the
material universe was designated, that is, the universe without
including individual spirits, this being would begin to create the
first hydrogen atoms to form the primordial matter of all
galaxies. Then the rapid expansion of the universe would
begin. This expansion could not possibly be due to a large
explosion but rather due to the introduction into matter of a
repulsive force that would begin to separate it. In this way, the
first mini galaxies of pure hydrogen would begin to form. These
first galaxies would have in their interior two forces, one that
would be of repulsion that would drive them apart from each
other in opposite directions and another of attraction that would
push them to get closer to those that would be closer. One
would be a force that we could call vertical repulsion, and
another would be a horizontal attractive force. This explains why
some galaxies move away from others while other galaxies move
closer to their neighbors. Over time and as the galaxies move
away from each other, their vertical position would gradually
transform into horizontal, then, the repulsive force will become
attraction and the galaxies will begin to approach until they
come together and form a single one again mass and all the
atoms will unite until they become a single particle and the
expansion process will begin again.
Immediately after the expansion of the hydrogen clouds began,
the fusion of hydrogen would begin to form the first super-giant
stars. These stars would generate more complex atoms in their
interior due to their great internal pressures and then they
would explode, later, with their ashes, planets like Earth would
be formed. These initial explosions would be responsible for the
background radiation that shows that the universe was together
in the past. Over time, the galaxies would be organized leaving
large empty spaces between them, giving the universe the
current appearance similar to a complex network of neurons
similar to the brain, and in reality, that network of neurons
would form the mind of the universal being as if each galaxy was
one of the neurons in your brain.
The material universe, thus forms a luminous circular structure
similar to how our spirit does, because in reality we are a spirit,
but that lives inside a human body, we are, therefore, similar to
that great universal spirit but in miniature, although we live on
the higher plane that represents human life. The universe is at
the same time spirit and matter, because when the matter of the
spirit condenses it becomes visible as normal matter. Man, on
the other hand, is the consequence of uniting an individual spirit
provided with little dense matter, with the highly condensed
matter of the universal spirit. When the universe reaches the
limit expansion point, the expansion energy will cease and the
galaxies will again begin to approach until they form a single
particle again and the process will begin again. In reality, in the
universe everything moves in a circular way, that means that
even the rays of the sun will one day return to the point from
which they left.
All galaxies have a star wrongly called a black hole inside them,
which due to its intense gravity holds the rest of the stars around
it together, this star fulfills the same stabilizing function as the
sun in the solar system. This central star is not a hole but is made
up of mass so super compressed that it traps even light particles,
making it difficult to detect. In these stars the gravitational
pressure that occurs in them is not from top to bottom as people
think but from the outside to the inside, this means that the
pressure from the sides is neutralized in the center where the
opposite pressures meet, which which makes it absurd to
consider it a hole. The fact that these stars have a very intense
gravity does not make them more of a hole for that reason than
any other star in the sky. However, since the galaxy is a disk, all
the matter that falls into the black hole does so from the
horizontal circumference towards the center, which causes these
stars to have a point of high pressure in the entire horizontal disk
and two points of low pressure pressure at the poles, this causes
matter from the disk to collide at high speed in the center
causing a rebound through the poles resulting in the output of
energy and perhaps some matter.
Current scientists try to understand the deep mechanisms of
matter but limiting themselves only to observing the external
behavior of its particles, this is a clearly derogatory attitude,
because by acting like this they deny matter its right to be
considered alive and aware of its own acts, therefore, in order to
understand it deeply, it is necessary to study it from a point of
view not only physical but also metaphysical because the more
one delves into the fundamentals of the matter, the more
necessary it is to take into account the moral and spiritual
aspects in order to understand it.
The size of the universe is not infinite, but it is correct to say that
space, also called vacuum, is, but only in terms of its ability to
expand indefinitely when material particles move through it, but
instead, the matter, and the size that it can encompass if it is
limited, because otherwise it would be in contradiction with the
principle of universal renewal that requires the return of all
matter to the central point from which it arose. From the very
moment that the stars emit their first rays of energy, the process
of returning to the origin of their starting point begins, because
those light particles do not describe a rectilinear but a curved
path that will end precisely when they all return to the place
from which they arose and form the egg of original matter
again. This is so, because in reality energy in an absolute sense is
not lost but only changes phase, first it is in the stars conserved
within the hydrogen atoms, then it is launched into space and
passes through the planets favoring the progress of civilizations,
then disperses in space over immense distances and finally
returns to the starting point to start all over again. This gradual
energy transition is what creates the time that in turn causes
evolution and guarantees that there are no two equal days in all
of history, this continuous process of renewal is what makes life
interesting and therefore, when that energy is ends it will be
necessary for the universe to begin again.
In reality, space is nothingness and therefore the opposite pole
to matter, therefore, it is a mistake to give space qualities of
matter or matter qualities of space because it cannot be bent or
perforated since these are qualities of matter. Matter is the
masculine pole of nature and space is the feminine pole of
it. Sometimes it is logical to consider feminine matter but always
with respect to something else that acts as a representative of
masculine values. For example, the matter of the earth is
feminine with respect to the sun but is masculine with respect to
water. Rain is also feminine because it is produced when the
vapor is condensed by the cold, which in turn belongs to the
feminine dimension. The planets are female with respect to the
sun and the continents of the earth are male with respect to the
part of the earth covered by the sea. Space is the feminine side
of matter and it is necessary for polarities or musical notes to
exist since without a space between each note, music cannot
exist. The size that the space can have is determined by the
separation between the material particles, and the more these
particles are separated, the greater the space. When the
universe finishes its current expansion process, it will return to
its starting point and everything in the universe will be reduced
to a single particle. It could then be said that space and matter
are different sides of the same thing. Space and matter are the
first two examples of universal polarity and therefore are
responsible for all the examples of polarity that were created
Once the first planets suitable to produce biological life had been
created, the spirits began the work of developing this life, this is
so, because the cosmic being that is and controls matter can only
deal with basic chemical and physical functions but not to create
plants, animals or people. The difference between them is that
the universal being has its mind dedicated to all material tasks in
a dispersed way, instead individual beings can dedicate
themselves to concrete and precise functions such as creating
the bodies in which they are later reincarnated. Once
reincarnation has been completed, the simple physical, chemical,
biological and organic functions are handed over to the universal
being, in this way reincarnated spirits can take care of the higher
functions that characterize human life. These processes are
carried out for the most part automatically because most of
them would have been decided at the beginning before the
expansion of universal matter, however it would not be possible
to foresee everything, therefore, the main function of the
universal being would be the supervision and improvement of all
physical processes as they develop. The universal being would
also be helped in this automatic process by the limitations that
reality allows in the material options, because the immovable
laws of nature would considerably condition what this being
could do. This automatism of nature would allow this universal
being to have time to devote himself to reflection and study of
the future processes to follow because what we consider to be
universal laws are partly created by him, that is, those laws of
the horizontal dimension that are present subject to their free
As already explained previously, spirits need to reincarnate into
material bodies because in this way the emotions are more
intense, in addition, when they are immersed in the hectic and
unpredictable world of matter, it is possible to benefit from the
immense number of combinations that it has and as a
consequence of new situations. Therefore, it could be said that
the process of evolution is from a certain point of view a work in
which spirits are dedicated to domesticate matter, that is,
progress consists of learning to handle matter in order to obtain
all the benefits that this can offer. This process recalls the way
workers use to build a building, but with the difference that in
this case the building is our body, and the workers are the
spirits. From a metaphysical point of view, spirit is blue and
matter is red, spirit represents the vertical dimension and the
female sex, and matter represents the horizontal dimension and
the male sex, and only when they are combined does happiness
and happiness arise life represented by the color green, that is
why matter and spirit need each other to make us happy.
In the universe, the physical laws are the same everywhere, this
determines that the planets suitable for organic life are also the
same, and the intelligent beings of those planets by logic have to
be very similar to us, therefore, it is a It is a mistake to be guided
by science fiction novels or movies when trying to find out how
these beings can be, because since writers do not have enough
intuition to understand the future, what they usually do is show
the supposed aliens living with landscapes of the nineteenth
century or medieval, when they act like this, what they do is not
show the future, but imitate the places of the past that they
already know. Another common mistake is to present aliens as
ugly, mediocre or degenerate beings, because there are no
degenerate superior beings, evil is only possible in primitive
worlds where ignorance makes possible the error from which evil
The universe works as if it were a symbolic letter (X), which
would divide a square into four sides, two horizontal to the left
and right to represent the forces that are necessary at all times
and that are represented by the color red and blue. Then, in the
lower position, there would be the black color to represent
backwardness, ignorance, and everything that must be
abandoned because of being wrong. Above, with the white color,
the truth, the light and those truths that have been cleaned of all
rest of falsehood are represented. This means that evil can only
exist in primitive worlds but not in evolved worlds, because in
them the light of science removes all the margins that evil can
use to confuse people.
The horizontal dimension represents the red and blue values that
are good and necessary and remain constant over time, these
values interpenetrate maintaining mutual and continuous
communication from left to right and from right to left. However,
these values can also serve to represent the process of energy
reduction that the universe undergoes when going from red to
blue or from hot to cold through a process by which the energy
of the stars is replaced by evolution and organization, that is, ,
which in this case, and with the passage of time, the energy
decreases, and in return the organization increases. The
horizontal plane represents red and blue values that are benign
and constant and mutually permeate over time. The vertical
plane represents the values that go from lowest to highest or
highest to lowest and may represent something benign or not
depending on the circumstances, but the function they fulfill in
one plane can be reversed in another without being a
contradiction, because it is from different planes, therefore,
when it comes to the process of decreasing the energy of the
stars, it is as if it had gone from the horizontal to the vertical
plane because the potentials do not remain constant as is usually
the case in the horizontal plane, this is not a contradiction
Rather, it happens because on a different plane things can work
differently. That is to say that in one plane the red color may be
occupying the horizontal dimension and the blue color the
vertical, and in another being the other way around, this does
not have to be a contradiction when it occurs in different
planes. Nor is it a contradiction when the balance of potentials is
done indirectly, because at the beginning of the cosmos the
universe is redder and at the end it is bluer, however, in absolute
terms, they have the same importance.
Surely, the spirits would only try to develop the process of
biological evolution in those planets that meet the ideal
conditions to develop an acceptable human form, that is to say
that not only would gravity, oxygen, or temperature matter, that
the planet could have, but also the existence of a solid surface or
an acceptable rotation period. This means that those planets
that did not meet these requirements, or that were not able to
maintain them long enough for human civilization to be
completed, would be completely discarded for the development
of even the simplest biological forms.
When spirits considered building their material bodies, they first
began with single-celled forms. This work required intense
dedication at the beginning, because at that time so-called
natural selection could not intervene since there was no
biological being equipped with a genetic code capable of
reproducing and on which to rely. That is to say that the
intervention of the spirits in the genetic evolution went from
higher to lower intensity until the reproduction, first by excision,
and then sexual, had been completed. From that moment on,
the will of biological beings, that is to say that of spirits already
reincarnated in plants, animals or people, also intervened in the
design and improvement of their bodies, which led to the
participation of spirits more and more hint. This new situation
offered them the possibility of dedicating only a minority part to
genetic corrections between each reincarnation because now
they could also dedicate themselves to it after reincarnated
through sexual selection. With the appearance of sex, it was
easier to make genetic improvements and favor the evolution of
forms without the need for direct intervention of the spirits,
because by being able to choose the partner we can choose the
best prepared or healthiest one and thereby favor genetic
progress. This means that the evolution of the forms was made
50% by direct spiritual intervention, and in another 50% by
sexual selection and voluntary choice of biological beings, that is,
by spirits already reincarnated. 
The spirits, at the beginning, did not know what form the animals
or man should have before creating them and it only became
known after many studies and comparisons, this is so, because
they also have to learn like us in order to progress, for For this
reason, biological evolution took so many millions of years to
complete. Although the memory of a spirit dates back to the
beginning of time, its knowledge is limited to the essential
handling of matter, therefore, the development of biological
forms with all their molecular details had to be learned through
trial and error until get to the present. A spirit that is
reincarnated in human form for the first time is much more
clumsy than one that has already done it on numerous
occasions, in addition, when it is reincarnated it cannot use its
generic spiritual memories but only the most fundamental
qualities to avoid To interfere with the human plane, these
qualities are what determine the spiritual intelligence that
endows those who have it with the necessary intuition to
understand the essential meaning of things.
A spirit is like a small sun but less dense, and made up of atoms
with a special design for its exclusive use. One part of the matter
is part of it directly, and the other has been taken from
terrestrial matter. A part of its energy is internal and
inexhaustible, and another part is external and rechargeable. The
interior is the one that belongs to the spirit and the exterior is
the one that absorbs from the environment. The inner energy is
the one that connects its own particles and the outer one is the
one used for its relationship with the matter of the universal
being, this is so, because the outer energy belongs to the
universal being and when it is exhausted it is necessary to
recharge it. To understand it better, it could be said that inner
energy is inexhaustible, because it belongs to the spirit and its
own microcosm and forms a closed circuit within it. On the other
hand, the external energy belongs to the universal being and
forms in it another much larger closed circuit, but, for us, it is an
energy that enters and leaves, so we have to recharge it. For the
being that is and controls the universe, its energy is also internal,
because it passes from the hydrogen of the stars to space, but it
never leaves the universe, which is its own spirit and body at the
same time, and when the cosmic cycle ends it will return to your
initial starting point. 
A spirit is very similar to the universal being that is and forms the
universe but with a much smaller size. It can also be made visible
or invisible at will, because having very low density it is enough
to stop emitting energy to avoid being detected. Another of its
qualities is to be able to go through matter without colliding, to
achieve this it is enough to avoid that the phases of its atoms
coincide with the phases of the matter that they want to go
through, this is possible, because matter changes phase at the
speed of the light from a material position to an immaterial one
and all the matter that collides is because it shares the same
phase. This does not happen because in the immaterial phase
the matter ceases to exist, but because when they are placed in
that position they act like two planes that, in order not to collide,
intersect at different heights, in this way they use empty space to
achieve it.
Regarding the initial moment in which the first unicellular beings
were created, official science is shamefully silent, because since
they deny the existence of spirit or even the life of matter and
only recognize the effects on atomic processes, they are They
feel unable to explain how it is possible that single-celled beings
can emerge from a heap of atoms. Since they find that question
uncomfortable when it highlights the shortcomings of
materialistic science, they now say that the complex molecules
that served to create the first organic cells perhaps came from
space inside meteorites, but that, rather than being an answer to
the The question of the origin of life seems to be throwing the
ball on the neighbor's roof to see if he can make a basket,
because what difference is there between the atoms that could
exist on Earth or the organic molecules that could come from
space, if In either case, are they simple atomic molecules and not
cells capable of reproducing? And if what they propose is that
complete cells or organic living beings capable of surviving in a
state of torpor inside the meteorites also came, then all they are
doing is saying that organic life began on other planets but they
do not solve the matter that we occupies that it is how from
simple molecules organic cells capable of reproducing were
created. Materialistic scientists want people to think that putting
together a lot of organic molecules is the same as making a cell,
but that is as stupid as saying that if you put together a lot of car
parts in a workshop and leave them alone overnight, maybe in
the morning. Next you find a finished car. It is evident that in this
process one thing is missing and that is to recognize the
existence of conscious and intelligent life within matter and an
immortal soul within people.

Once the original planets had been designated for the creation of
biological life the spirits would turn to them and begin to work
for the creation of their bodies. These bodies would be largely
robot-like, because only when the spirit is united with the body is
a complete person formed. It would begin with the first bacteria
and unicellular beings carrying out a process similar to the one
that the universe went through when the first particle
multiplied. At the moment of reincarnation, the builder spirits
(who are also ourselves) forget their past so as not to interfere
with human life, because this is a different dimension. Therefore,
at the beginning of evolution they lose part of their knowledge,
however, the destiny of man is to reach and equalize the
knowledge of the spirit through the help of technology. This is
necessary, because the human dimension is different and
independent from that of the spirit and therefore, it is better to
start from scratch. To better understand this situation, it can be
compared to a plumber who decides to become an engineer in
order to progress, perhaps as a plumber he was an expert, but as
an engineer he needs to wait a while to become an expert, in the
same way, the spirits in his superior dimension They would
surely have extensive knowledge about the fundamentals of
matter, but when reincarnated as plants, animals or people, they
lose that intellectual status due to the need to forget that it is
necessary not to mix the two planes. At the beginning life would
be simple and primitive, but when this human dimensional plane
is completed, life will be much better than everything that as a
spirit could have reached, this is the reason that it is worth going
through all these stages. Remembering is useful in certain cases
but forgetting is also useful for this reason, if when we begin
reincarnation we forget our life as spirits, we will be able to live
human life with greater intensity.
The spirit, before reincarnation, could be considered in a certain
way as a superior being, this situation is momentarily lost when
reincarnating in a primitive world due to the technological
backwardness in which it is found, but this only occurs during the
time that the Civilization takes time to reach its maximum level
of development, then, the superior spirits and those who are
already reincarnated manage to achieve balance, because they
share the same knowledge. When spirits are reincarnated as
men, they temporarily lose their memories and acquire the
personality of man, that is, the baggage of knowledge and beliefs
of their time. After the death of the body, the spirit needs to free
itself of this burden in order to ascend to the spiritual world and
thus be able to remember its previous lives, that is, its life and its
spirit personality that is longer and goes back to the beginning of
the universe. In reality, spirits are gradually learning just like
man, because for them the technological and genetic advances
are also new, but they understand them from a different
scientific level and superior to the human one. When
reincarnated as men they lose part of their intellectual level
temporarily, but only until human civilization is complete, then
matter and spirit will act in perfect harmony and man can have
all the benefits of matter but living in accordance with the values
of the spirit.
Once man has reached his technological maturity, he will begin
his expansion through space. Through technology, it will be
possible to populate all the planets but not by changing the
planets to resemble man, which is impossible, but by building
city ships where it is possible to live with the same comfort as on
earth. Once this has been achieved and the thousands of planets
in our closest environment have been populated, the spirits of
animals and plants will reincarnate in the form of human beings
on those planets, that means that from that moment on, animal
life and Vegetable will end up on earth because the spirits of
animals will already be able to reincarnate as humans.
While spirits wait for the opportunity to reincarnate into human
life, it is good that they remain reincarnated in multiple plant and
animal species, because it is necessary that they go through all
those biological stages before they are ready to reincarnate as
people. They also provide us with the oxygen and food necessary
for man to exist, in addition, they serve as a biological reserve,
because if a cataclysm destroyed man, nature would use them to
recreate him without having to start from the beginning. An
example of this we have in the mass extinctions that have
occurred throughout history, because in these catastrophes up
to ninety percent of animals and plants have been destroyed, but
as nature has so many species and adapted to so many climates
and different situations it has been possible to regain the rhythm
of evolution without suffering an excessive delay over the
natural rhythm.
The fact that plants can disappear will not be a problem, because
the man of the future will be able to create oxygen and food
artificially, they will also have qualities equal to or better than
those of plant origin. In addition, human life will be extended in
about twenty years, because the viruses and bacteria that cause
typical infections would also disappear and with it humanity
would leave behind one of the main causes of its suffering. From
that moment on, cities would be more disinfected than any
current operating room.
The comforts of the future will make life much easier than today,
wars will disappear because once the world is politically unified
there will no longer be reasons for confrontation and conflicts in
space will be very difficult to occur because due to at great
distances in space the planets will become self-sufficient and
function as independent governments. In order to save energy,
trade and tourist trips will be limited to the interior of the
planets except in very exceptional cases. The citizens will live in
compact cities and as if they were city ships they will protect
their inhabitants from the outer climate of the planets.
Primitive materials such as bricks, cement or paint will no longer
be used in homes, instead prefabricated plastic, glass or metal
plates will be used, thus they can be easily assembled and
disassembled as if it were a game. This assembly and
disassembly system would be quick, easy and clean, and would
be used on almost all objects in the city including both small
objects and buildings and entire cities. All cities will be full of
colors because they attract good feelings and happiness,
therefore, in the future, it will be inconceivable that citizens will
dress exclusively in black clothes or get their skin dirty with
tattoos since these are symbols of evil. Therefore, I find those
who admire everything related to black clothing and death
despicable, they want us to believe that they are acting in self-
defense and try to make evil look good, but, in reality, they act
like that because they are worshipers of the evil and they do not
want to recognize it, because whoever defends the good rejects
black clothes, favors a world full of color and seeks the light
without ambiguity, they only deceive themselves, because good
only has one way. I do not say this only for all those who worship
evil and adhere to demonic sects, but also for those who are
attracted to everything that revolves around evil even if they
have not fully entered it and for that reason. They surround
themselves with all those gestures that are now called gothic.
This social situation is actually a symptom of the moral
emptiness that exists at this time in society, and occurs as a
consequence, on the one hand, of the degeneration of religious
organizations that, dominated by selfishness, refuse to evolve for
fear that it will make you lose your power. And on the other, due
to the lack of courage on the part of citizens to seek their
spiritual progress. The Catholic Church is mired in a dilemma,
because if it changes its fundamental principles it would be
recognizing that it was not infallible and therefore from that
moment on it should respect the existence of multiple different
opinions on philosophical questions, but since the Vatican has
always been a religious dictatorship they prefer to maintain the
dogma in exchange for sacrificing progress. That attitude is
precisely what makes her an instrument of evil and causes her to
no longer serve society as a spiritual guide. Another reason for
refusing to progress is that they intuit that social progress will
inevitably lead to citizens claiming their right to think freely
about philosophical issues, this will cause the disappearance of
the religious organizations most concerned with competing for
the power with governments that favor moral progress. This will
determine that this moralizing function will, in the future, be
taught in schools. On this we must not be mistaken, because the
fact that religious organizations are currently evil and must
disappear as a result of progress, does not mean that religion is
therefore bad, because every society needs moral principles if it
wants to progress.
This lack of moral leadership, or in other words the lack of solid
moral principles that defend the good as the axis of conduct, is
the breeding ground for chaos, anarchism and crime to
spread. People have to be clear that where there is no law there
is anarchy and where the rights of one end, the rights of others
begin, therefore, it is necessary for the law to defend freedom
and democracy, but without this being used as excuse to spread
evil and crime.
The human body is perfect in its essential nature and these wild
customs end up disfiguring it. In the future, sexual mutilations of
both girls and boys will not be allowed, for that reason, savage
practices such as circumcision will be prohibited, also the
mutilations of female sexual organs or the piercing of the ears of
girls, this will be prohibited while they are minors of age, but
once they reach adulthood they will be allowed to
decide. Today's society does not understand this because it
confuses freedom with debauchery and they are two very
different things.
 Despite its apparent simplicity, the homes of the future would
have many technological advances to make life more pleasant,
such as having soundproof walls to avoid the inconvenience
caused by noise. They will not use keys to open the doors either,
because it is more efficient to use electronic systems such as
dialing a code on a keyboard or bringing a card close to a
sensor. In these homes, kitchens will not be necessary either,
because the food will reach them by means of small elevators
already pre-cooked, it will be enough that they request it on the
computer and in a few minutes they will appear in devices
similar to current microwaves that will be the final part of these
The energy of the future will also be clean because it will be
derived from the sun, and nuclear energy can only be used in
space travel because sunlight does not reach between the
stars. This type of energy will be prohibited from using it within
the planets due to the danger of radioactive leaks, therefore, it is
best to use technology to obtain all the necessary energy from
the sun and its derivatives. It is surprising that those who are
economically interested in this type of energy say that it is clean
energy just because it does not use fossil fuels, is it that the
Fukushima or Chernobyl accidents are not enough to see that
this is not true? In this as in so many other things, appearances
are given more importance than reality. There are even countries
that have established taxes to penalize the use of fossil fuels but
not for nuclear energy, this is obviously an act of hypocrisy,
because the fact that nuclear energy does not favor global
warming does not change the fact that it is as much or more
damaging than the other when leakage occurs. It is truly absurd
that there is so much solar energy on Earth, however human
beings are destroying the few uranium reserves that exist in the
world, and not only because of how dangerous it is to use it in an
environment full of life like the one it has this planet, but
because one day it might be necessary to use it in interstellar
spacecraft to travel the space between the stars where solar
energy does not reach, but if that uranium is destroyed today
that will no longer be possible.
Within the human body and that of animals are most of the
inventions that man has discovered, which shows that before
human science existed there was already a superior science. We
have an example in the airplane, because those who invented it
learned the essential fundamentals by watching birds fly. Many
scientists announce their great discoveries to the world but, at
the same time, refuse to acknowledge that they first studied and
partly copied the technology of our body before applying it to
their inventions. That knowledge, in reality, is the work of
ourselves, that is, of our spirit, although during human life we
cannot remember it. This means that at this time there is a gap
between our knowledge as a spirit and our knowledge as a man,
however, this gap will be solved when the progress of science
eliminates this difference. The knowledge that we harbor in our
spirit is great, but even so there are evolutionary differences at a
spiritual level between each being, this is because all spirits have
not participated in the same way in biological progress, because
they are the first to arrive to each species those who have been
creating genetic progress, therefore, all those who remain in
lower animal or plant forms have a lower spiritual level. The
same happens in the human being, because those who have
lived as men for thousands of years it is logical that they have a
greater spiritual intelligence than those who have just arrived
now in this form. All that knowledge that we have within our
bodies is the consequence of the work of the spirits together
with the influence of natural selection that also acts, which is
absurd is to say that all that effort and all that science is the
product of chance or coincidence, that is a materialistic point of
view that only tries to evade the truth.

At present, it is difficult to find the fossil remains of the first men

or rather of the different stages that primates went through to
form modern man, this is because evolution usually works
through sudden jumps in the same way as evolution. Earth's
crust moves suddenly with earthquakes, it could be said then
that the jump from monkey to man was also a biological
earthquake and those human versions between man and
monkey were just a kind of bridge that once crossed
disappeared, that is to say that these intermediate human
versions could not be maintained as they were only unstable and
transitional models that only served as a means to reach the
human form. This is what happened to the Neanderthal or Cro-
Magnon man. In other words, nature slowly prepares the
changes without being noticed over hundreds of thousands of
years by making small changes in the genes that are not visible to
the naked eye, therefore, a sudden evolutionary leap is only
possible as a consequence of many small changes above. When
nature completes a cycle of small changes produced slowly over
a long time, then it is only possible to continue progress by going
up to another evolutionary level, but this is only possible through
a sudden and rapid change to go to a higher level. The biological
change that is necessary to pass from ape to man, although in
general it is considered sudden, however it could have taken
thousands of years to complete, this amount of time may seem
long compared to a human life, but it is short when compared
with the previous time cycle. As this process of biological change
was something exceptional and unstable, the animal versions
between man and ape disappeared because they were not
intended to remain continuously but only to cover the distance
that separates both species. This could be compared to the
evolution of the solar system, because currently there are only a
small part of the worlds that existed at the beginning, because
the planets clean their orbits from other smaller planets by
absorbing them. Similarly, nature only conserves those species
that are continuously stable and not those like those between
the ape and man that were only useful as a transitional medium
until they reached human form.
This also happens with the great nations, because there are
numerous examples of empires that, having existed for many
centuries, however disappeared suddenly, this does not happen
because something has changed suddenly, but because nature
tends to follow its inertia which causes small symptoms of
subsidence are not clearly visible until complete collapse
occurs. Other examples of leaps in history are, the initial
explosion that generated the cosmos, the appearance of the first
stars and planets, the appearance of the first unicellular beings,
the appearance of plants, the appearance of animals, the
appearance of man, the discovery of fire, agriculture, writing, the
industrial revolution. This process progresses on shorter and
shorter scales of time because biological or technological
development makes subsequent stages easier because more and
more information is available. This means that the world has
little left to finish its process of technological and moral
Due to the ignorance that the ancient philosophers had of the
real process of evolution that led to the human form, it became
popular to believe that man had been made through
spontaneous creation, they believed that spirits or superior
beings had created man directly without passing by the most
primitive animal forms. Unfortunately, when scientific
discoveries proved otherwise, these philosophers or religious
refused to accept the evidence, because at that time their
religious structure was too complex and rigid to accept the
evidence provided by those who were not part of their
congregation. From that moment on, they acted arrogantly by
hiding their most important beliefs from the initiates, this they
did for two main reasons, firstly because in this way they created
a false expectation in their followers by telling them that those
secret knowledge was only available to them they could offer if
they remained many years in service to the congregation and, in
many cases, working for it at no charge. By the time these
adherents rose through the ranks of the congregation and
discovered that those beliefs were only beliefs and not evidence,
then they generally decided to maintain the system with the new
adherents, because then they were the beneficiaries if they kept
the secret. It was a kind of pyramid hoax. How can you believe
that the claims of these religious are true, when many of these
ideas had occurred to them while taking drugs in the moonlight
with their hallucinogenic drink (Soma)? They thought they were
very intelligent, but they were not able to understand that drugs
are the opposite of reason.
Secondly, the religious and occultists chose to hide those beliefs
or rather the supposed proofs of those beliefs due to a mixture
of shame and arrogance, because they did not want to admit to
their followers that in reality what they called "hidden
knowledge" was based partly in their own opinions and not in
contrasted evidence, that is to say that they called evidence a
sum of mythological tales and legends albeit mixed with some
great philosophical ideas. They claimed to have all the wisdom,
but they considered that this knowledge was summarized to the
beliefs that the sect had, which is not the same as the whole
truth. It is true that the ancient philosophers or priests managed
to discover some secrets of the universe, especially in
metaphysics and astronomy, but the more science advanced the
more the error was demonstrated in their opinions on many
aspects of nature, but as they were not willing to recognize it
they preferred to create a smokescreen and say that the most
definitive evidence could not be delivered to citizens on the
grounds that they would not be able to understand it.
With that attitude, they demonstrated the same materialistic
behavior as the western scientists they criticized, because
progress is only possible when you are flexible in ideas, but when
there are many vested interests around a lie, it is common that
even knowing the truth continue with the lie. It is surprising that
these religious or their occult followers are unable to understand
that many of those tales, fables and superstitions in which they
believe are only based on half truths. How is progress going to be
possible if there is no self-criticism? Even so, I consider myself
closer to occultists than to materialistic scientists, because when
it comes to pure philosophy I think they are very right in some
things, but it is necessary for them to realize that the fables and
tales of the past only They are that, and the fact that they have a
part of truth does not give them the right to affirm that all their
ideas are absolute truths.
It is possible that much of these "hidden knowledge" that the
priests of ancient religions did not want to divulge, are actually
the methods they used to invoke the spirits they considered
gods, and that perhaps they kept secret to avoid that someone
could accuse them of witchcraft and unleash a persecution
against them. It is also possible that they were concealed to
prevent an inexperienced apprentice from harming himself or
using them to harm others if these techniques were taught too
early. In any case, the ancient philosophers or priests belonged
to backward societies, so it was impossible that they could
possess all the knowledge, only the citizens of the future will be
able to one day approach the true truth.
Similarly, materialistic scientists have to abandon their dry
attitude and recognize that matter cannot function without a
soul with a life of its own to encourage it. It could be said that
occultists and theosophists are characterized by recognizing only
the spiritual or blue part of nature, while materialistic scientists
only recognize the material or red part of it, therefore, a science
that adequately combines the two values is necessary to result in
the truth and life represented by the green color that arises
when red and blue are united. Unfortunately, many occultists
could have gone down in history as excellent historians of
mythology if the legends they studied had not been literally
believed, but they were not able to understand, that although
these stories generally have a part of truth, it is necessary to
study them with skepticism to find out which part is correct and
which is not. I do not mean to say that they believed everything
they read, but they lacked the scientific mindset to be able to
achieve a totally unbiased analysis, although it is fair to say that
materialistic scientists are just as stubborn when it comes to
recognizing the spiritual side of life. Unfortunately, current
scientists tend to hide their prejudices behind science, to make
us believe that they are very scientific, and all because they are
not capable of separating one thing from the other.
It is also surprising that occultists claim to have texts written in
prehistoric times, considering that writing has only existed for a
few thousand years in the world. To today's citizens, ancient
texts may seem very distant, but complex languages and writing
made up of many words capable of correctly expressing an idea
has only existed for a few thousand years, which is why those
who claim to have texts Writings from tens of thousands of years
ago show great imagination but little scientific study. They claim
that these civilizations were destroyed by cataclysms, but if that
were true, why are there no archaeological remains to prove
it? Because it is evident that if in the past there had been a
civilization with a similar technological level to the one that
exists today, then there would be thousands of tests that could
prove it and not just hypotheses.
Another myth of the occultists is to believe that the continents
remain one time emerged and another time submerged, in this
way they try to justify the disappearance of the mythical
continent of Atlantis, but science has shown that this is a
mistake, because since the Earth was formed there have always
been the same emerged continents, what has existed is the drift
of the continents that causes them to move away from each
other several centimeters every year. In the past there were also
lakes where now there are deserts and changes in the coastlines
due to the deposit of soil on the beaches from the erosion of the
mountains, but the continents have always been the same.
The truth is that the beliefs of the ancient philosophers and
occultists were close to the truth, but they were lost in darkness
and error by refusing to coordinate the discoveries of science
with their own ideas, because when they said that the first men
had been semi-transparent and boneless were wrong, because in
reality it was the first animals and unicellular beings that had
these characteristics. Then from them, through biological
evolution, men were derived. When they said that man had
existed before the animals were wrong again, because first the
animals came before man, if we refer to him as a physical being,
however, it is true, that the spirit existed before the animals, and
he was also responsible for its existence.
The mistake, therefore, was to call the spirit man, and to believe
that the spirit always had the human form. In reality, the spirit in
its pure and original form is only a sphere of energy that is
housed in the brain, what we call a phantom, it is only an
artificial body that imitates the human form and that developed
after the appearance of the man to make the passage from one
reincarnation to another easier for the spirit. They believed that
man had appeared on Earth by spontaneous creation or by
increasing the spirit's density by adding matter from the earth
around it, but they thought this way because they did not
understand that to make a human being the most logical thing is
to follow a process of evolution from zero starting with the
simplest organic beings to the most complex. The creationist
theory does not make sense, because in those initial moments
the spirits could not even know what was the most advanced
physical form, which is the human form, and this was only known
after the end of the biological evolution process. In other words,
they would be right in that it was the spirits who, acting on
matter, would have built the physical forms, but they would be
wrong in not being able to understand that the most adequate
way to do this is through the natural evolution of the
species. The process of evolution from scratch going from less to
more is useful to spirits, because in this way it is possible to build
a civilization totally independent of the spiritual world, in this
way human life would be more intense by temporarily forgetting
their experiences prior to reincarnation, they would be thus two
different dimensions but just as necessary.
Occultists claim that the fact that many cultures of the world
share the same generic ideas shows that they are true, but they
do not take into account that in the past humanity was reduced
to a few thousand individuals, and of those thousands only a few
were those responsible for civilization. This process began in
Mesopotamia around 6000 BC. C, at that time the world was
undergoing climatic changes due to the end of the glaciation, it is
probable that this change caused drought in some areas, which
forced the population to look for an alternative remedy, the
solution was to develop an organized system of crops which
made it possible for nomadism to be abandoned. As a
consequence the population increased rapidly in numbers and in
scientific discoveries. This sudden change supposed an
evolutionary advantage over the rest of humanity and when all
these discoveries were exported to Egypt and other places,
myths and religious beliefs were also exported, which explains
the homogeneity in some of their beliefs. In time, this process of
sudden change and development would make such an
impression on neighboring peoples that the first kings of that
civilization would be regarded as gods on Earth. The ancient
kings also promoted this belief, especially the Egyptians, because
they thought that the more distance there was between them
and the people, the more difficult it would be for revolts against
them to rise up for that, in addition to being political leaders they
also tried to be religious leaders.
When the first civilization spread across the Earth, it merged with
the primitive populations of those territories, giving rise to the
biblical legend in which it was said that the sons of God were
united with the daughters of men. In other words, "the sons of
God" would actually be the descendants of that first civilization,
and the "daughters of men" would be the peoples who
conquered and from whom they took women to marry. It is also
said that as a result of that union between gods and men the
giants arose, but they would not be giant men, but giant
civilizations, which as a result of their expansion throughout the
world built the pyramids and all the great monuments of the
stone age or made of bronze. With these great constructions
they tried to symbolize their awakening as a civilization and also
the difference between man and animals. The use of these
constructions was varied, they could be from simple statues of
their kings or gods to others such as Stonehenge or Göbekli Tepe
that served as solar clocks to organize the crops.
Another belief that also existed in the past was that the
evolution of spirits required leaving some worlds and moving on
to others in a staggered way according to their level of evolution
as if they were the classrooms of a school, but in my opinion this
is a wrong belief, Because the fact that some beings are ahead of
the majority is not enough reason for them to have to move to
other planets, they will always be more useful for the progress of
humanity if they stay to help other citizens, especially if we have
in account that this evolutionary level was reached here. How is
the world going to evolve if its best individuals leave it? This
belief arises when one has an overly pessimistic opinion about
the world, and also when it is not understood that the problems
of humanity will not last forever and one day the technological
and moral maturity necessary for there to be peace will be
That moment of technological and social plenitude is what is
defined in all cultures as "getting to heaven." Those who think
that way think that it is only possible to reach that perfect world
after death, but they believe that it is necessary to change the
planet or dimension to achieve it, they think this way, because
they do not understand that the key is in reincarnation, because
connects that dark past that we want to get away from with that
ideal future we want to reach. It is a journey that we make
passing from one life to the other until we reach the
destination. Someday, spirits will be able to travel to other
worlds, but only when human civilization finishes its evolutionary
process, then the spirits that now wait in the form of plants or
animals will be able to reincarnate as men to colonize the rest of
the uninhabited planets in our environment.
Probably, one of the reasons for the materialistic attitude of
today's society is due to the fact that the universe, and
consequently civilization, come from a world predominantly
influenced by chaos and the color red that symbolizes matter. At
first, the excess energy that was common in the universe caused
confusion and disorder that made it difficult for humanity to see
the higher aspects of the cosmos, represented by the color
blue. This favored that at the beginning, the material and
immediate aspects of life were taken into account too much and
the spiritual ones were forgotten. The destiny of the universe
and of humanity is to move towards a colder and blue world and
consequently more spiritual, but also provided with much more
order, which will favor it being more evolved. In the coming
centuries, humanity will live a great awakening of spiritualism in
the world, this is necessary, because man can only become a
superior being when he properly balances these two universal
values, therefore, it is necessary that he give it the same value to
matter than to spirit. Humanity will only achieve perfection when
it understands that to be happy it is necessary to take into
account the present reality, but it must also be recognized that
there is the cyclical nature of the universe, which is just as
important and connects us with the future. 
Many old and current writers try to make a living from their
literary work, but when they realize that the earnings do not give
them to live because their evidence is scarce, they choose to
mislead people by creating expectations by using false evidence
to attract buyers and they do not hesitate to live off the lie as
long as their readers do not realize it. It is also common for them
to copy themselves incessantly, so all their flashy lies serve to
create a fictional universe shared by all of them. An example of
this is (The Urantia Book), this book, in my opinion, was largely
inspired by the book (The Secret Doctrine) by Elena Blabatski,
but made some modifications so as not to clash with Christian
orthodoxy. The author, with this book, tried to give a spiritual
version of the story that would serve to counteract the
popularity of Darwin's doctrines.
As for Elena Blabatsky, I think she represents all the best and
worst at the same time, the best because as a specialist in
ancient philosophy and mythology she was excellent, and the
worst because she had such a devotion to the ancient that she
lost perspective scientific It cannot be denied that he was right
when he accused the Catholic Church of having copied many
customs and rituals of the pagan religions which he was trying to
destroy, but his attitude against the Bible seems unfair,
considering that it is one of the books neater and with a more
refined spirituality that exist. In my opinion, she was dominated
by envy, because she could not bear the importance that
Christianity or Judaism had in the West and therefore, she
dedicated herself to criticizing these religions incessantly in order
to replace them with Hinduism, Buddhism or polytheism.
This attitude, which is common in Theosophists, makes this
movement stale and backward, because it is one thing to
recognize the knowledge that the ancient religions had, and
another thing to believe that they possessed the whole truth,
because although it is true that they had extensive knowledge of
philosophy and spirituality, it is also true that they made big
mistakes, especially when it comes to the geological or biological
past of the world. It is a mistake to try to summarize it all by
saying that they were absolutely right and others were wrong in
general, because this world still has a long way to go to reach the
truth, and therefore it is logical that the human beliefs of both
spiritualists as of the materialists they are plagued with
successes and errors. The truth is that the spirit exists and the
matter also, for that reason, it is necessary that these two
ideological movements come to understand each other to reach
the truth.
It is not possible to understand the essence of matter without
accepting that life exists within it, because matter is ultimately
an expression of life, spiritualism tries to demonstrate this
principle, therefore, materialistic science will not be complete
until it recognizes this truth. It is also surprising that many of the
theosophists and occultists emphasize the existence of spirits or
superior entities, but they never speak of the existence on Earth
of extraterrestrial beings of flesh and blood, they summarize
everything to the world of spirits, they do not have in account,
that many of the events associated with the gods in the past,
were not caused only by superior spirits, but also by beings from
other planets.
At present, there are many writers who deal with these issues
with an obvious profit motive, they exaggerate and distort the
facts to make their books more interesting and thus earn money,
this happens especially with those who try to live only from the
writing. In my case it is different, because I make my books out of
vocation and motivated by the illusion of finding the scientific
and philosophical truth of things, but I am not financially
dependent on these books unlike so many imposters who fill the
bookstores with their false works. With their lies they sow the
society of mistrust, but many spiritual or UFO-type events are
real despite their deceptions and exaggerations.
In my opinion, many of the beliefs of ancient philosophers or
occultists are real, but they have the necessary ignorance or
stubbornness not to recognize those in which they are not right,
as for example regarding the proofs that show that man
descended from the monkey or how was the evolution of the
continents. These tests are clear and evident today and yet many
refuse to accept them just because they follow religious
orthodoxy derived from a time when only the spontaneous
creation of man or animals was believed. When a philosopher is
unbiased, he has to be willing to give up his beliefs when the
evidence is strong enough.
The ancient religious believed that living beings had been
created suddenly because they were unaware of the natural
evolutionary process of the species, which consists in the fact
that a lower animal can become a superior animal through
genetic mutations over millions of years, then If Darwin's theory
of the evolution of species was discovered, it would be logical
that all those interested in the progress of science would have
accepted it, but both religious and occultists showed great
resistance to accepting it, because once the Prejudices become
dogma The entire religious apparatus is in danger when someone
wants to question the dogma, because those who live by dogma
fear that the changes will question their privileges for that
reason, they prefer to maintain a lie than to recognize that they
are not infallible.
The ancient priests of the polytheistic religions and later the
Catholic Church also acquired prejudices when it comes to
sexuality or reproduction, possibly the cause was that by living in
monasteries isolated from the rest of the people where only
members of a single They chose to imagine a spiritual world in
which their gods were divided between those who accepted
sexuality and those who did not, and apparently this second
group had them in better consideration. When they imagined
higher beings in this way, they were suggesting that they were
just like themselves, which in my opinion was clearly arrogant
behavior. It is also possible that these prejudices were the
consequence of having a distorted vision of the concept of
virginity, because it is morally correct to become a virgin at
marriage, especially when contraceptive methods are not
available, but it is completely absurd to demand virginity as
something essential to be in accordance with the religious rule. It
is true that those who form a family have more difficulties to
dedicate themselves to meditation than a priest, but it is also
true that sex is a fundamental element in the universe, and if
there were not those who have children there would not be
priests or any other person because the human species would
not exist. Philosophy is one of the functions necessary for
civilization to prosper but not the only one, therefore, those who
promote prejudice towards sex have only succeeded in turning
monasteries into homosexual nests instead of meditation sites
dedicated to extol nature.
Those who think that philosophy alone is enough to fill our lives
make a big mistake, because philosophy can help us to be happy,
but a person who lives locked up in a monastery can end up
feeling a great emptiness in the end, because when At first,
when they discover the excitement of the spiritual ideas taught
there, they may feel excited, but that alone may be insufficient,
because they cannot even know if those supposed teachings are
true. The bottom line is that only when we form a family do we
really feel accompanied, because only one family entertains and
fills us indefinitely. It is true that having a child involves a great
job for parents, but it is also true that whoever has a child does
not know what boredom is again because each day of their life is
a new discovery. Philosophy could be defined as the science that
studies life in its theoretical aspect, therefore, to be completely
happy it may be necessary to combine it with the practical part
of life that represents having a family or a job.
Philosophy, until it is put into practice, is only theory, because
philosophy is equivalent to energy and belongs to the vertical
dimension, and practice is equivalent to matter and belongs to
the horizontal dimension, that means, only when the two are
united, the balance is achieved. Energy without matter is
incapable of producing force, and matter without energy
produces the same result. In the same way, the philosophy that
is not put into practice is just a simple project without
demonstrating, and practical life without a philosophy that
organizes it and makes it progress is also nothing, therefore, for
life to be perfect, it is It is necessary to combine both aspects
equally except in exceptional situations. It is true that to achieve
a deep philosophical analysis it is necessary to achieve a certain
distance from society, but that can only be applicable to a
minority of people and in exceptional circumstances, because for
the majority of the population the ideal is the harmonic
relationship between the meditation and physical life.
Philosophy is spirit and family or work are part of life in matter,
but only when spirit and body, or matter and energy come
together, is the balance of the two dimensions reached. Because
matter is nothing without spirit and spirit is nothing without
matter. There may be situations that justify a life dedicated only
to spiritual endeavor, but that can only make sense on very rare
Many people wonder why, if the human being is the most
evolved biological form of nature, yet it is so difficult to complete
childbirth without going through great pains and difficulties? It is
true that one of the causes is the greater size of the head of man
with respect to the rest of the species due to the fact that he has
a larger brain in proportion. But it is absurd to think that nature
did not foresee this, because in reality most of the increase in
the brain takes place inside the skull and animals usually have
only a small part of the skull occupied by the brain while in man
it occupies it by complete, this means that the proportional size
of the head in man is not too different from that of animals. The
real explanation is that humans stubbornly try to treat pregnant
women as if they were sick when that is not true.
The moment of delivery is very delicate, because the baby has to
pass through a very narrow duct, this means that only when all
possible resources are offered can the delivery come to an end
correctly. However, considering that the woman is ill, he opts to
ask her to lie down in a horizontal position. This is a serious
mistake, because at that delicate moment the doctor must use
all the means at his disposal for the good of the mother and her
child, but by asking him to lie down, he renounces an excellent
resource that was used in ancient times, because in the past it
was very normal for women to give birth in a vertical or partially
vertical position, in this way it was possible to use gravity to their
advantage, because in a vertical position whether the mother
pushes or rests, gravity continues helping to achieve delivery.
Through the use of gravity, the weight of the baby goes from
being an inconvenience to working in favor of delivery, because
in a horizontal position the weight is a hindrance, because the
pressure of gravity is not directed towards the birth canal but
towards the back, which nullifies its usefulness. In this situation,
the only thing that can make the baby advance is the effort of
the mother, but in an upright position, gravity acts in the same
direction as the birth canal, thus facilitating its conclusion. If it
were done in this way, the woman would have the help of the
baby's weight to complete the birth, instead of acting against
it. This shows that it is not nature but human stubbornness and
the interest in seeking the comfort of the doctor that is making
childbirth difficult, because you don't have to be very intelligent
to understand that if women were to adopt the upright position
at the time of delivery giving birth to the whole process would be
made much easier. 
We must also take into account the serious damage that a
woman can suffer if she gives birth lying down, because in the
horizontal position the blood pressure is much higher than in the
vertical position, and if we take into account that at that moment
the nervous tension adds to blood is created without the risk of
stroke or other damage. It is surprising that doctors knowing this,
a method that leaves so many women dead every year has not
yet been changed. Ideally, when giving birth, the woman should
adopt an intermediate position, neither totally vertical nor totally
horizontal, as if she were sitting but slightly tilted back, thus, with
the head elevated, the brain would not suffer any damage from
the pressure blood. In addition, in that position, gravity would be
an ally in favor of the delivery and she could give birth
completely comfortably and relaxed.

It is surprising that something as simple as lightning was so

important in the beginning of civilization, because without the
lightning that storms and fires produce that follow, the progress
of technology would have taken many more thousands of years
to develop occur. Because it was lightning that made it possible
for primitive men to know fire without which they would not
have been able to melt metals, make bricks for buildings,
ceramic utensils or cook. It was the discovery of fire that made
possible the great revolution of the stone age, then came the era
of metals and then the technological and industrial. Surely,
without the discovery of fire, the current development situation
would also have been reached, but it would have been necessary
to first discover the chemical properties of atomic elements by
comparing the different substances offered by nature until it was
possible to produce fire or electric current artificially, but that
would undoubtedly have taken many more thousands of years to
achieve than if fire was already available.

Since ancient times, there has been a moral doubt about what
the origin of man is if it is divine or human, the truth is that both
things are true, because within each man there is an immortal
spirit that endows him with that divine part, but at the same
time At the same time, it has a human part due to the
backwardness and ignorance that terrestrial civilization has
today. This moral doubt originates from the fact that before we
were born we were all spirits with a life and memories much
more extensive than the one we have as men, however, when
reincarnated, we must forget that spiritual life in order to
concentrate on life human and thus evolve until human
civilization is completed and even surpasses the knowledge that
as spirits we could have.
Due to this circumstance, the legend of genesis arose where it is
said that God created a human form from the earth and blew air
into its nose and then it came to life, that breath to which it
refers is the entrance of the spirit into the body. When that
happened, matter endowed only with mineral life acquired
human life with the union of the spirit with the body. Another
biblical example is when it is said that the sons of God married
the daughters of men, those sons of God they refer to may
actually be our own spirits and those daughters of men actually
represent the matter of the Earth that is symbolically
feminine. This legend can also refer to the union of the most
advanced civilizations with the most primitive. This union gave
rise to the appearance of giants who later built the pyramids of
Egypt or the tower of Babylon, these giants were not men of
great stature but great civilizations, for that reason, after
disappearing, their successors would say that those
constructions only They could be the work of giants, and it is true
that they would be giants, but not because of their stature but
because of their great technical development for the time in
which they did it.

The struggle of the spirits to turn matter into an ideal medium

for its manifestation can also explain the legend of the "fallen
angel" that is narrated in the Apocalypse, because before
creating their material bodies the spirits, that is, we, had some
knowledge much greater than those we later had as animals or
as men, but this sacrifice is worth it, because it is only something
temporary until the creation of the superior man is completed,
and when this is achieved, the union of spirit with matter will
provide greater happiness and knowledge than if this union had
not been made. This evolutionary process has nothing to do with
evil at least directly, since the plan of the spirits to create their
bodies is something benign, necessary and has existed since the
beginning of time, it is also the reason for the appearance of
plants. , animals or people. 
What can lead to confusion is that when spirits reincarnate as
men, they have to temporarily lose their memories and immerse
themselves in primitive human civilization, this implies that
falling into evil is inevitable and normal when surrounded by
ignorance and occurs in all worlds in the initial stages of their
development, but this is only temporary, because when the
progress of civilization is complete, the evolutionary coincidence
between man and spirit will occur and then evil will
disappear. This situation will not occur because man leaves his
physical body, because unlike what some believe the material
body is necessary for the spirit to be able to amplify its vital
experiences and consequently feel greater happiness.
For this reason the spirit built it and that is why it will continue to
use it until the current cosmic cycle ends and the galaxies are
reunited in the initial egg to give rise to a new universe. Man will
then become a superior being and will manage to overcome the
knowledge that as a spirit he could have before creating the
human form, but to achieve this, it is necessary that he stop
seeing the world only from an immediate and material point of
view, when that happens, human life will continue to be
material, but it will also be spiritual, because from that moment
on it will be lived forever in accordance with universal
values. When the evolutionary process is finished there will be
no more evil in heaven, that is, in the superior worlds, and it will
only remain on earth, that is, in the primitive worlds, but since
evil is the consequence of error, it will end up disappearing in all
the worlds when they complete their evolutionary process. The
Bible and especially the Apocalypse use symbolism to a great
extent to describe events, therefore, it is necessary to analyze its
meaning in order to understand it.
This means that the fallen angels are, therefore, the spirits that
had to reincarnate in matter in order to evolve, because only
when spirit is united with matter can maximum happiness be
achieved. All spirits are, in a way, angels or divine, because they
possess eternal life, but their connection with divine values
depends on how close they are to the truth. These spirits that we
are ourselves were not evil before descending into the world, but
evil exists on Earth as a consequence of the backwardness of
human society, therefore, some spirits after reincarnating
become evil when they are influenced by that
ignorance. However, eternal damnation does not exist,
therefore, and after a transitory period, all spirits who fall into
evil return to a normal situation when they know the harmful
consequences that their behavior has for them. Falling into evil
and abandoning it is therefore a cyclical process in which all
people fall at some point during their various reincarnations
when living in the primitive worlds. This situation is normal in all
primitive worlds and will end when the progress of science
expels ignorance from the world, when that happens, evil will no
longer be able to take over people and then God, that is to say
the truth, will descend to Earth to live with men forever.
There are also those who think that the world is hell, but this is a
great mistake, because although it is true that ignorance
generates evil, however, evil in its most extreme form is only
capable of appearing in a minority of people. at the same time,
because it only represents a minority imbalance with respect to
what would be morally normal behavior. It is true that most
people are not completely fair, but only a minority becomes
dominated by evil, because if everyone acted like this,
coexistence would be impossible, therefore, tyrants and
scoundrels try to hide their true personality.
The main moral problem of society is that most people are not
decent out of conviction but out of necessity, that is, they need
to be decent in order to benefit from the advantages of
harmonious coexistence with the rest of the citizens, but without
being everything convinced that it would be desirable. This has
the disadvantage that, frequently, they engage in evil behaviors
that harm them but that would never have happened had they
had a solid moral code, therefore, what the world needs to
complete its spiritual level is to assume justice as a fundamental
vital project and the axis of your being, so that your soul is at
peace and your mind is always on the right track.
Hell, in reality, is only the symbolic way that people have to
represent the suffering that comes from falling into evil. And evil
occurs when a person gives the red or material part an excessive
value by occupying the part that corresponds to the blue or
spiritual part. In other words, evil occurs when a person makes
injustice his main way of being and not an exception as most
people do. When that happens, the person becomes malignant
because he acts with tyranny and despises others, this generates
many problems of coexistence that lead him to suffer, therefore,
it is necessary to regain balance to feel happiness again.
Hell is usually symbolized with the color red precisely because
this color in its negative aspect can represent injustice and
materialism. It is also associated with the center of the earth
because the higher the energy and density of matter, the greater
the probability that the confusion from which evil arises is
generated. However, that energy and vitality of the color red is
also benign, because it creates the illusion of living and multiple
new emotions, therefore, spirits need to reincarnate in matter to
achieve maximum happiness. The key to progress is, therefore,
learning to live in matter, but without forgetting the values of the

In my opinion, universal government does not consist of a kind of

senate where superior beings dedicate themselves to giving
orders to others to decide cosmic affairs. In the first place,
because the material universe is a living being that therefore
controls itself and does not do so from a senate but from each
and every one of its parts in a homogeneous way, it is as if the
entire universe were a great brain and each galaxy was a
neuron. From a physical point of view, most of the material
events are in accordance with the laws of gravity, which are the
ones that ultimately decide the future of the planets, stars and
galaxies and this they do almost automatically. Surely most of
the present and future events were decided before the universal
expansion began when all matter was gathered within the
cosmic egg. That is to say that the collisions or mergers of
planets and stars are only a consequence of those initial
decisions and will continue almost unchanged according to the
design outlined at the beginning. This does not mean that
everything in the universe is previously decided, but only the
basic laws that regulate matter, this is necessary, because
without the existence of a solid and constant foundation on
which the universe can rest, progress would not be possible.
However, if the question is to decide the government of the
spirits and individual beings is different, because they can have
their own governments created by themselves and therefore
they can create a governing body or senate. But in this case, each
community or world must freely decide how to organize itself,
therefore, speaking of the power of God as a being that decides
over others is a mistake. It can be said then, that in the universe
there is in the first place a universal being that controls and
governs itself, this being also controls the planets, stars and
galaxies, because in reality each of them are part of its own body
as if each planet were one of its extremities. It also controls each
of the atoms that make up the planets, but it has not created
and does not control the atoms that make up individual spirits.
In the hypothetical case that the entire universe was not a single
being and each planet or each star was an individual being, then
there would not be a senate or a universal government as
understood between people, because the planets are actually
evolutionarily inferior beings and for that reason, its
coordination is not carried out through direct conversations
between people or spirits in a senate, but through the magnetic
and gravitational networks and the energy of the stars that
connect the entire universe at the speed of light. This
communication would not be done through human
conversations but through thousands of operations per second
that would connect all the atoms of the different stars with each
other. This is because the planets have their minds divided into
multiple tasks at the same time which makes it impossible for
them to have conversations like those that people do. In
addition, since planets or stars are living beings, it would not be
possible for them to abandon their orbits to go to a hypothetical
senate because that would destroy the universal order,
therefore, communication between them can only be done
indirectly. Once these basic laws had been established, the
planets and the stars would follow the previously established
rhythm, but they would be coordinated by the stars also called
black holes that would be found in the nuclei of the galaxies and
that would be in charge of controlling all the matter in the
universe. . These black holes would act as chairmen of all the
stars, but only in terms of the physical control of matter. It must
also be said that these coordinating stars do not try to swallow
the universe as people think, because their function is limited
only to coordinate it through their force of gravity. In other
words, a black hole is as hole or as destructive as a star in a solar
system can be, the only difference is that black holes have so
much mass that they are compressed enormously until reaching
a gravity that barely lets out even the light. This property is
actually good for the surrounding stars, because being able to
absorb their own radiant energy avoids the danger that that
energy harms the development of other stars or planets they
may have. Black holes do not grow uncontrollably either,
because their size is actually proportional to the matter that
surrounds them, that is, they grow when galaxies merge and
unite the black holes they have in their respective nuclei.
In any case, the being or beings that control the planets are not
gods, in the first place because they have not created the spirits
of the people or the bodies they manage, but their function is
only to organize the universe from a physical point of view or
atomic. Second, the being or beings that are and control the
planets cannot talk to people, because their mind is divided into
billions of tasks at the same time, which makes it impossible for
them to carry out a conversation as it is understood by a person.
Because in order to carry on a human conversation, you need a
capacity greater than that of the planets and you also need a
specific dedication to that task. For them it is impossible,
because their mind that is divided into many infra atomic
functions at the same time, instead, to maintain a human
conversation, it is necessary that the mind is focused on a single
task. In reality, it is the being or beings that are and control the
planets that make it possible for matter to function in each and
every one of its small details, that is why people are not aware of
how their body works inside, because the Thousands of chemical
reactions that take place every second are carried out by them
so that we can carry out properly human functions.
It is possible that the universe is controlled by one or many
beings, in my opinion, it is most likely only one, because in this
way, when all matter belongs to a single being, then it is easier to
control a universe than it evolves without stopping towards the
fusion of all its galaxies. This being would not be God either,
because he is in charge of controlling the matter of the planets
and stars, but he has not created or controls the spirits that
reincarnate as plants, animals or people. Therefore, God is not a
being, but the common denominator that unites them all. God
enters us but also leaves us because we are also builders of the
universe, because when we are in the spiritual dimension we
also take care of the design of our bodies and when we live in
the human dimension we also participate in the construction of
Then, in the universe, there are billions of individual beings who
control themselves, but being many, they need to create
collective governing bodies to coordinate them. The entire
process of biological evolution has to be developed and
supervised by spirits who then reincarnate in the bodies of
plants, animals or people and consequently gradually evolve and
learn about how to organize biology. In this sense, they are God's
instrument on Earth, that is, all those who contribute to the
progress of humanity with their work are representing God
because the progress of civilization is also part of the cosmic
Lastly, there are universal laws that condition all of them, these
laws are not made by any being but rather arises from all beings,
but beings cannot decide all laws either, but only those that are
subject to the will, which is the equivalent to 50% of everything
we might want to do. For example, what human civilization will
be able to do in the future is not, in any case, unlimited, but is
defined by the meaning and place that man has to occupy in the
universe and that is not something unlimited. The limits of the
universe are the limits of truth and the truth cannot be
contradicted, those limits of truth are what ultimately defines
God for that, when someone tries to go against the truth he
harms himself, but not for going against someone's will but for
acting in contradiction to the logic that is behind universal laws.
It could then be said that the laws of truth are the laws of God,
but these laws are not made by any being, but rather exist and
are manifested through all beings. These laws of logic allow
partly free will and partly not because of that, when someone is
headed the wrong way it is said that he does not act in
accordance with the laws of God. However, it is through free will
that we can feel free and even if it is true that we run the risk of
being wrong, it is worth it if it is in exchange for being able to
choose. Universal laws are perfect because they are derived from
truth and have existed since the beginning of the universal cycle. 
The laws of logic exist prior to the universal physical laws and
have always existed and will always exist because they exist
outside of time and space in the dimension of logic. To better
understand it, it could be said that truth occupies the vertical
dimensional plane and outside of time, while time occupies the
horizontal dimensional plane. That is to say that first there are
the laws of logic that determine the later laws. These laws that
are derived from the truth are outside space and time since time
repeats itself when it ends, therefore, the laws of truth are
neutral to time.
Then there are the laws of physics that are managed by the
universal being and are largely determined by truth. The
universal being that organizes the planets and the stars can also
make mistakes but in a quantity and magnitude much lower than
those that human beings can make, because its life as a physical
organism has existed since the beginning of time and therefore
conserves its memory and knowledge from the beginning unlike
us who use only the knowledge that we can get during our
human life or as a civilization. For this being, a cosmic cycle is the
same as a human life for us. Then there are the laws of the spirits
or humans and they are largely subject to free will so they may
or may not be in line with truth and universal laws. Therefore,
human laws will be adequate to the extent that they are
consistent with the truth, this means that people will suffer the
consequences of being wrong, when by mistake they move away
from the laws that govern the universe and, that in turn, they
have been created in consonance with the truth.

Since ancient times, there are legends about the existence of

continents that were submerged under the sea, Lemuria and Mu
in the East and Atlantis in the West, these legends have been
transmitted from generation to generation until they end up
becoming simple mythological stories, but they may have a
logical explanation. 15.000 years ago, the Earth was covered in
50% of its surface by the ice of the last glaciation, this situation
caused that a part of the water that now forms the seas was in
the form of ice in the polar areas, this means , that many lands
that are now islands in those days could have formed a large
tract of united land. It is also possible that because of the low sea
level Japan and the Philippines were joined to the Asian
continent, or separated by a thin strip of sea, in this way, the
entire Indonesian archipelago would continue uninterrupted
until reaching Australia. This would also happen with the islands
of the Pacific Ocean, because in those times the amount of land
that had emerged would be much greater than what we now
know, in this situation, it would be easy to move from one island
to another with simple canoes. In those days, the sea level could
be a hundred meters lower than the current one, this, in global
terms is not too much, but it could significantly increase the
surface area in the shallow areas. When the glaciation ended
about 12.000 years ago, the ice began to recede and the seas
advanced inland. It must be borne in mind that in those times a
large part of human society lived from fishing in coastal areas,
this means that the advance of the sea would end up covering its
peoples, therefore, this fact would be remembered throughout
the world as something catastrophic. Later, the inhabitants of
those towns would be forced to build new ones in higher places
with respect to the sea, all this would be accompanied by
abundant rains. Thus the legend of the universal flood would
begin throughout the world. It is evident that this flood did not
cover the entire world but it did cover many of the coastal towns
that existed in those days.
Something similar happened with Atlantis, the legend of this
island surely had its origin in the Minoan civilization, this
civilization had its capital in Crete and in ancient times it
controlled the entire Mediterranean Sea with a large fleet in
charge of trade between Egypt and primitive Greece. To make
this trade safer, they used a port as a stopover on the small
island Santorini located a little south of Greece, its inhabitants
did not know that this island was actually a dormant volcano and
when it erupted in 1650 BC. C destroyed not only the island but
also the Minoan civilization and caused serious damage to Egypt
and other nations. This eruption caused a large column of smoke
and ash that, when traveling to other countries and deposited on
the ground, caused damage to crops for several years. This event
was the origin of the biblical legend of the ten plagues of Egypt,
it also caused a great tsunami that destroyed many coastal
towns. In the Bible, it was described as an event made by God
against the Egyptian army as punishment for persecuting the
Hebrews. The effects of Biblical plagues exactly coincide with the
effects that volcanic eruptions can cause, therefore, the
comparison is quite evident. The philosopher Plato believed that
Atlantis was located on the Atlantic coasts to the south of Spain,
the most likely explanation for this confusion could be because
centuries after the volcano destroyed the Minoan civilization
there was another tsunami that destroyed the coastal cities
located south of the Iberian Peninsula, for this reason, Plato,
must have confused the two stories. 
This means that the events described in the Bible are surely true
in part, but were modified to make them more interesting to
future generations. This climatological disaster destroyed
thousands of square kilometers of fertile lands that took several
years to recover, also causing the exodus of the Hebrews to the
future Israel, this means that this exodus was certainly not, as
they tell us, a flight from Egypt against the Pharaoh's will, but
rather it was allowed, or even ordered by it, given the
impossibility of feeding all the inhabitants. In addition, it is most
likely that the Hebrews were not slaves of Pharaoh but surely
worked for a salary. This shows that ancient legends always have
a part of truth, although it is difficult to find out what it is.
Later, the legends would show us the Atlanteans as prodigious
and giant beings, they would not be prodigious but very
technically advanced for their time. Nor would they be giants,
but their civilization or the size of their buildings would be if we
compare them with many of those that existed in those
times. Today, there are those who try to justify the existence of a
continent in the middle of the Atlantic by the similarities that
exist between some civilizations, or between the flora and fauna
of most continents, but they do not take into account that during
the Last ice age there was an ice passage in the Bering Strait that
made the migrations of people or animals possible. But, the
definitive proof that shows that this continent never existed, is
the absolute coincidence in the shape of the coastlines of
America and Africa. This shows that in the past all the Earth's
continents were united and slowly separated by continental drift.

The colonization process to spread advanced civilizations

through space would be done slowly by traveling to the nearest
stars first, but if an advanced civilization discovered an inhabited
planet like earth many light-years away it would not send a
expedition to explore it directly, but would have to wait
thousands of years until both planets were at their minimum
distance assuming that the rotation of the galaxy was bringing
them closer together little by little. It could also be reached
centuries after having discovered it, but not by an expedition
sent directly from the planet of origin but by another arising
from a colony installed near it, because we must not forget that
the logical thing is that an advanced civilization believes colonies
around it covering a radius of hundreds of light years expanding
until the spirits of their original planet finish reincarnating into
people thus ending their campaign of colonization of worlds.
When this moment arrived, the mother planet could have
colonized several thousand planets between the own planet and
the discovered one, thus reducing the distances between them,
in this way, it would be easy to reach other mother planets that
at that moment could be in their phase early development. For
this reason, I find those who say that great space distances are
an insurmountable obstacle for other extraterrestrial civilizations
to reach our planet seem naive, they do not understand that if
they are already here it is because they most certainly began
their approach journey thousands of years ago reducing the
distances that separate us by creating colonies on planets
located between their home planet and ours. Nor is it true that
only planets like Earth can be inhabited, because with the right
technology all planets can be habitable, the giants through their
moons and the small ones directly. This would not be done by
modifying the atmosphere of the planets, but by building
hermetic cities with their own internal climate.
The most important thing in space travel is not the speed of the
ships but their adaptation to space, therefore, the ships would
be built as if they were space cities of several kilometers in size
and provided with everything necessary to live comfortably for
centuries if it were necessary. It is possible that during all that
time the travelers could not visit any planet until they reached
their destination, but instead it would be possible to make trips
to the other ships of the expedition fleet, in that way, time would
pass exactly as if they had been on your own home planet.
To travel to the stars, the ships could use their own reaction gas
or they could also use the little gas in space, but this could only
be done in places like nebulae where there is a lot of gas
between the stars. These ships would have large gas deposits
that would occupy most of their fuselage, a nuclear reactor
would generate the necessary heat to heat the gas to high
temperatures and then expel it at high speed to give the
necessary impulse to be able to reach the closest stars in a few
years. In the event that it was necessary to make the ships even
faster, they could be divided into two stages, in this way, once
the reaction gas used in the acceleration phase had been
consumed, the second stage in which the Passengers would be
separated from the first stage in which the gas already consumed
would be found, in this way it would only be necessary to carry
reaction gas and energy to carry out the braking of the second
stage once the ship reached its destination. In the event that it
were possible to use the gas from space as the reaction mass,
then the gas would be collected by means of a funnel located at
the front of the spacecraft in a similar way as is done in airplanes
equipped with jet turbines, in In space, there is very little gas per
square centimeter, but in return the speed of the ships may be
greater as there is almost no resistance to their advance, this
could compensate for the situation. Once the gas was
compressed, a nuclear reactor would heat it up and expel it at an
accelerated rate. With this system, it would not be necessary to
carry the gas accumulated in the ship, this would serve to reduce
its weight and consequently less energy would be spent. Another
option would be nuclear fusion engines, at present they are not
yet possible but in the case of achieving this, the energy derived
from the fusion of hydrogen atoms would make it possible for
the ships to reach higher speeds than those of the chemical
type. The ideal thing for any spacecraft would be to reach at
least 15% of the speed of light because with that speed the
journey to the stars would be relatively easy.
When a civilization with the capacity to travel through space
considers colonizing a nearby planet, it must first check if it is
already inhabited, because the logical thing is to respect the
natural development of the planets that may exist in the
universe, in addition, planets like Earth with Organic life is very
scarce in the galaxy, this means that there are thousands of
uninhabited planets that can be populated without disturbing
the life that may exist in others. Populating an already inhabited
planet is a crime that any civilized planet in the cosmos will
surely reject. In reality, all planets can be inhabited using
technology, so it makes no sense to prevent the normal
development of a planet with its own life using that
argument. Once it has been decided that a planet is going to be
colonized, a space fleet made up of city ships with a capacity for
about twenty thousand crew members would be built, this
expedition would serve as a seed to later populate the
destination planets. The colonization of worlds could not be used
as a method to solve an excess population of another planet,
because to solve an excess population the most practical thing is
to create a demographic control system, therefore, the process
of colonization of other stars would be done only through a small
expedition due to the immense costs that this implies. These city
ships would be prepared to live in space for centuries if
necessary for the duration of the journey between the stars, but
they would be able to offer the same quality of life as if they
were on Earth. The blue giant type stars such as the Pleiades
would not be inhabited, because this type of stars are immersed
in a process of mutation that will end with the explosion of the
star, this means that if a community were installed on one of
their planets they would have to abandon it in a relatively short
period of time if we consider it on a universal time scale. The
destiny of these unstable stars is to explode, later, with their
ashes, other planets and smaller stars will be formed that then
would be able to be inhabited indefinitely. The safest thing is
that many blue giant stars do not have planets of their own,
because the complex atoms that are necessary to form planets
are obtained from the ashes left by the explosions of those stars,
because they form them inside.
If a planet had to be abandoned to go to another star after being
completely populated, ships with capacity for the entire
population would not be built, but the most practical thing
would be to reduce its population to a small number, then that
last community would be he would board the colonial ships to go
to his destination. The spirits of those who could not travel
would then move at the speed of light and await their
opportunity to reincarnate again when the colonial population
had children. The same would happen with all the spirits of
animals and plants that at this time are on inhabited planets such
as Earth, because once this planet begins to populate the planets
in its environment, these spirits will have to move to them if they
want to reincarnate as human beings, because we must bear in
mind that to create a person it is not enough with the matter of
their body, it is also necessary a spirit that inhabits it and gives
that body its own life. This means that when all the spirits that
are now on Earth get their chance to reincarnate, then the planet
will lose its plant or animal life, and those spirits will live forever
as humans. When that happens, humanity must obtain its food
and the oxygen necessary to live through its own
technology. Scientists should strive to learn to create food
through technology, because in this way, it would be easier to
survive on any planet regardless of the climate or gravity it may
have, because it is a mistake to try to depend exclusively on
plants and just wait to see if they can adapt to these planets, it is
much better to imitate the same methods they use and create
proteins or vitamins artificially. We must not forget that in reality
plants are also machines, although they are defined as biological.
In the future, all products from factories will be recyclable by
law, but not only so that they are easily recycled after they are
finished being used, but the law will oblige companies to
manufacture products in such a way that their useful life is
maximum and not as it happens now that many times it happens
that the same device has several parts with a useful life of
twenty years and instead others only five, causing the device to
fail and have to be thrown away. For this reason, the logical thing
is to force companies to have an adequate synchronization
between the time of use of the products they manufacture, and
if that is not possible, then they must manufacture the devices in
conditions so that those parts of shorter duration can be easily
replaced by users. Many companies design their products so that
they last little and thus increase their sales, this is what
governments should monitor so that it does not happen.
It is pathetic to see how today's society destroys itself and turns
the world into a landfill because they only care about increasing
productivity instead of prioritizing the conservation of the
environment. The governments of some developed countries
behave like cancer cells, because they understand very well the
meaning of the phrase (economic growth), but they do not know
the meaning of the phrases (conservation of the environment) or
(distribution of wealth). However, this responsibility is not only
of governments, because citizens should set an example by using
products until the end of their useful life, and not as it happens
now that many throw away almost new things just for vanity.
Nor does it make sense to think that the colonization of the
planets will be done through methods such as teleportation that
is often shown in movies, because that system has no scientific
basis. Nature invented movement in order to be able to
transport complex material objects without causing their
destruction and the loss of all the intellectual value that they
carry inside, an example of this are the stars or planets, because
they move through the space without losing its properties or
shape at any time. Instantaneous transport at the speed of light
is only possible for energy and everything that it transports, such
as information, that is to say that by means of an energy beam it
is possible to transport information but not matter. It is true that
a flow of matter can also be created at high speed like that
produced in a rocket jet, but it is absurd to think that afterwards
it can be made into an adult person because for that it takes nine
months of gestation and eighteen years of growth, in addition, if
we analyze in detail the myth of teleportation, we must take into
account that first it would be necessary to kill the person,
convert their body mass into a jet of particles and then wait for a
machine to achieve that much your soul and your body return to
how they were before. It makes no sense to propose something
similar when spacecraft already exist for that, allowing organized
matter to be transported without losing any of its properties. Nor
does it make sense to believe that it is possible to travel by
means of space folds, because space does not have matter
precisely because it is the opposite of it, space cannot be
stretched, folded, bent or perforated, because these are qualities
of matter and not of matter space. Space is neutral to matter and
the fact that it is used to make comparisons of the behavior of
matter does not imply that this is why they are applicable to
space. This means that space travel is only possible by traveling
the distance between planets and stars.
Today, there are many scientists who try to seek the immortality
of the body with their scientific research, but by doing so they
show that they have a soul of stone, that is, a soul full of matter
but without spirituality, because they refuse to recognize that
where Immortality is truly found is in the eternal spirit that is
found within our body. Trying to seek the immortality of the
body is like despising this supreme truth. For this reason, there
will always be children, because when we reincarnate, in
addition to renewing our body, we can relive the emotions that
occur every time we discover something new. In addition, it is
absurd to try to maintain the body indefinitely, because with
death and subsequent birth, genetic changes that are necessary
can be made when creating a completely new body. Because just
as it would be absurd to try to maintain a washing machine or a
television forever by limiting itself only to changing the parts, in
the same way it would be absurd to try to maintain the body
only with punctual repairs. Let's not forget that our body is also a
machine, albeit a biological one, and its form of renewal is
death. The solution to renew the body is the reincarnation of the
spirit, in this way each life can be lived as if it were the
first. Children give joy and assure parents a life without
boredom. Parents give attention to children and children give
affection to parents, so that both find a healthy balance in this

One of the characteristics of the world of the future will be its

ability to combine in an excellent way the most complex
technology with the greatest simplicity. In that world, all things
will be full of varied colors although without mixing with each
other, this will be done to give joy to life instead of the current
gray cities intended only for practical use. People will live in
simple houses that will be very comfortable but without
unnecessary luxuries because the size of these will depend on
the number of occupants and not on the ambition of each
one. These homes will have everything you need to live but
without looking for gigantism or opulence. All the homes will be
acquired with the property rental system, which will consist of
the tenant signing a commitment with the state whereby he will
be the owner of it throughout his life and therefore responsible
for all repairs that may arise, but once The abandonment will
return to the state that will be able to deliver them to a new
tenant. With this system, a young person could become
independent at the same time of reaching the age of majority.
These homes will not need kitchens, because the food will be
received pre-cooked using small special elevators designed to be
able to receive any small order and each home will have one of
these elevators integrated. The cities will have pipes similar to
those that carry water to the houses but a little larger for the
transport of products, in this way instead of being necessary to
go to the supermarkets to look for them, it would be enough to
request them online and once the order reaches the factories,
the products will be able to leave them through these tubes until
they reach the homes. Small automatically controlled vehicles
will circulate inside the tubes that will arrive at the homes in a
few minutes after the order is received. Through the use of these
vehicles and automatic elevators, homes will be able to receive
any small or medium-sized product as long as it does not exceed
the capacity of these compartments, which would be similar to a
microwave oven. All the doors of these houses will be automatic,
to open them it will be enough to press a button and the door
will disappear inside the nearest wall. The houses will be
completely electric and gas will not be used, because electricity
is much safer and cleaner. Neither will heating be used, because
cities will be compact, that is, all the indoor air will be recycled
and will always be kept at the same temperature.
These cities would be like city ships, because they would be built
in a single united block made up of hermetic buildings together,
and they would be designed in one go, just like a building or an
airplane. The lateral circumference would be destined to the
hangars of ships. The vehicles of the cities will circulate through
the lower section and people will do it through the upper
sections, in this way it will be impossible for accidents to
occur. On the ground floor there will be the vehicle transit areas,
on that same floor and above there will be the factories, then
there will be the pedestrian transit area, then there will be the
homes and offices, and in the center of the city there will be the
governing bodies. . To increase energy savings, most of the
vehicles will be for public use, but the population will not notice
the difference because in return there will be many and with
many frequencies so that people do not have to wait, in addition,
the vehicles will go faster than Currently, because there are no
pedestrian crossings and each direction passes through different
heights, there will be no crossings at the same level and
consequently the movement process will be quick and
At points for vehicle boarding, such as train platforms, the area
for passengers will be completely separated from the area for
vehicle traffic in order to avoid the possible fall of pedestrians
onto the tracks. To access the interior of the trains, a double
communication door will be opened between the platform and
the vehicle, similar to those used in elevators, but with the
difference that in this case they will be used to access vehicles
with horizontal movement.

In these diagrams you can better understand the above. In the
left drawing, we can see a classic house that could be used by the
majority of the population. In number one, the entrance of the
house is shown which, although it would be in a building, at the
same time it would be inside a compact city. In these cities the
buildings would not be separated from each other, because at
the same point in which one finished the next would begin, that
is why they would be compact, but, to compensate for the
feeling of closeness, many spaces for walking and entertainment
would be created for the population. In addition, all the rooms
would be soundproofed to increase the feeling of intimacy.
In number two, it is shown how the main room could be,
showing the seats and the table in blue in purple, on the left side
there is a television screen in the shape of a window so that the
occupants can see the image in real time outside of the city. We
must not forget that the Earth's climate is unique to this planet,
but on the Moon, on Mars or on any other planet the
atmosphere is not breathable and consequently the windows
can only show an image of the outside but cannot be opened. . In
number three we can see the kitchen with a table in the center,
as I have already said in those kitchens, no smoke would be
produced or food would be cooked, because it would arrive
already pre-cooked through small elevators directly from the
factories. Trash could also be disposed of by the same
In number four, there would be the bathroom, in this example
only the main one is shown but it would be possible to have
other smaller ones inside the rooms. In number five the
children's rooms are shown, most couples could only have two,
because in the future it would be necessary to limit births to that
number to avoid overcrowding, however, as accidents or other
causes could cause the accidental death of some people would
have an additional room for those couples who would be
allowed to have three children to compensate for these losses. In
number six, there would be the parents' room, which being two
would be twice as large as the children's room. Parents could
choose between having a larger bed or having two beds
together, this would be useful to avoid the inconvenience that
each one has different tastes in the way of sleeping or different
sensations of heat. Finally, at number seven, there would be a
warehouse, to store the objects that would only be used
exceptionally, although it could also be used as a guest room in
the event that all the rooms were occupied. The doors of the
rooms would be indicated in red.
The drawing on the right shows a compact city, these cities could
have different designs but they all have in common that they
would form a compact block to protect citizens from the external
climate that may exist on each planet. These cities would be
designed as a united whole and the population would also form a
kind of team, therefore, the begging situation that occurs on
Earth today would be totally impossible that could occur in this
social system. It gives the impression that contemporary society
is afraid to take that step, perhaps because never before has all
the citizens of a country, or of a city, been considered as part of a
united system. Currently there are governments that dictate laws
or collect taxes within their sphere of power, but few have come
to argue that the state has a duty to close those imbalances that
prevent society from being truly united. For this reason, I find
those governments pathetic that prepare lodgings so that
beggars can sleep during the winter, but that during the day they
throw them out as if they were abandoned dogs. If they really
cared about them, what they would do is get them apartments
where they could live permanently and a job so they can feel
useful. It is absurd that there are rich countries in the world that
have not yet asked themselves this question. It is necessary to
understand that only when the decision is made to integrate the
beggars and the unemployed in society will it be possible to
affirm that they are all part of a single people. People are not
able to understand the immense benefit that this would have for
everyone, because among other things it would reduce crime
and increase the feeling of unity.
In these cities, vehicles would circulate at levels other than foot
traffic and factories would be found alongside the roads at lower
levels. In the center of the city there would be the government
headquarters and on the periphery there would be hangars for
the landing of vertical take-off vehicles. In those cities, airplanes
would not be used, because the wings destabilize them a lot and
with the vertical take-off system it is easier to take off or land
when there is wind, in addition, with these ships it is not
necessary to use long landing strips, so that when they arrive
they can go directly to the hangars. These ships would be
provided with half wings and motors integrated inside the
fuselage, in this way they could take off like a helicopter and
once in the air they would use the aerodynamic capacity of the
fuselage to balance in flight. They could also carry a parachute on
top that would activate in the event of a total breakdown of the
electrical system of the engines. Another advantage is that by
not using rotors in the upper part like helicopters, they could
incorporate ejection seats so that the pilots, or if it is considered
appropriate, the passengers, can escape in the event of a serious
accident of the aircraft.
Another model of city could be the domed type, in this case the
isolation from the outside climate would be achieved by placing
one or more transparent domes around the buildings, however,
it would be a less secure system than the compact one, because
in case if the dome was broken, the population would be
exposed to the outside climate in a few minutes. However, in
worlds without atmosphere, domes would be installed on top of
compact cities and then the domes would be connected by tubes
through which the ships would circulate, this would be done,
because, in this way, the gases that would be used in propulsion
of the ships could be recovered and used again. On planets
without an atmosphere, travel would be cheaper because there
would be no atmospheric friction, although this could also be
done on worlds with an atmosphere by building vacuum tubes
through which the ships would circulate. In these tubes, the
ships could reach supersonic speeds without suffering the
consequences of atmospheric friction, thus it would be possible
to travel to the other side of the planet in a short time with very
little energy expenditure. In the case of the Earth, the best thing
would be to reach 29.000 kilometers per hour when traveling a
very long distance, in this way the centrifugal and centripetal
forces would be balanced, this would serve to make the trip
easier and faster. This speed would cause weightlessness in the
passengers, but could be solved by creating an artificial gravity
inside. To achieve this speed, electromagnetic accelerators
would be used, thus avoiding the hassle of carrying large and
heavy fuel tanks. With this system, you could travel to the other
side of the world in just 45 minutes.
In colonial worlds, food will be manufactured artificially, but it
will have the same quality as that derived from plants, so it will
not be necessary to try to adapt plants to the climate or gravity
of each planet. Life in those cities will be simple and calm,
because all the things that need to follow an order will be
precisely designed, for that reason people will use the same
hours to sleep or get up every day, even on holidays, in this way,
the system automatic body can easily adapt to circumstances. At
night peak hours would be used mainly to go to bed and in the
morning the tips or socks to get up assuming that the planet uses
a twenty-four hour system. This would be done in order to give
more stability to the schedules, because if rush hours are used at
night the schedule is more stable, taking into account, for
example, that many programs or documentaries end at rush
hour, therefore, the rooms hours would only be used for more
secondary things. All these measures would be aimed at making
life more peaceful and would make it possible for all inhabitants
to reach one hundred years of life without difficulty. This is
possible, because in reality most diseases begin in the mind, that
is, they are the consequence of living without respecting nature.
In this world, all people will wear a uniform-looking suit with a
common color for the entire suit, but each person could wear
the color they like best. In the trades all the employees would
wear the same color of the suit, but badges of other colors would
be used to differentiate each occupation. With this system,
deciding what clothes to wear will be very simple and as
everyone is dressed the same, the feeling of unity will be
reinforced. It is true that by dressing in this way society would
resemble a military system, but this would be done to reinforce
the feeling of unity among all citizens and not to impede civil
liberties. The fact of wearing this type of clothing is not in
contradiction with the defense of a democratic system and this
way of dressing would only be approved after the citizens
approved it in one of the many votes that would normally take
place, because unlike the Today's society on an evolved planet all
laws without exception have to be voted on by citizens before
they come into force.
In this world everything will be organized so that people
understand that no one is left over, that means that all citizens
will have guaranteed employment and unemployment will not
exist, to achieve this it is enough for the government to
understand that cities are like living beings and have to be cared
for as a whole without forgetting anyone. The working day may
be adapted to the physical capacity of people according to their
age, so that the duration could be eight hours from twenty years
of age to fifty-four hours from fifty to eighty, then people can
continue working if it is your wish but it will depend on your
physical abilities. Those workers who performed more physically
demanding jobs would not be prematurely retired due to their
age, but would instead be changed to other occupations
according to their age. The jobs would not be designed only to
produce merchandise or business results but, above all, for the
entertainment of citizens, therefore, the concept of retirement
that exists today understood as a renunciation of participation in
productive tasks would not exist there.
In the future, human beings will not use the false rituals that
exist today, there will be no weddings, communions, or religious
baptisms, neither will such organizations exist because true
religiosity is carried inside, therefore, they do not make sense
theatrical acts that only seek to pretend. With the act of
immersing oneself in the water and re-emerging, the intention is
to represent physical and, by extension, spiritual cleanliness, but
it also represents death and subsequent rebirth, or how the
matter of space that is masculine contrasts with the emptiness
that is feminine, because it is through the contrast between
water and person, or emptiness and matter, that life and
vibration are created. However, an evolved man must reject
physical baptism because spiritual baptism will always be better,
that is, the one he does with his thoughts and actions and not
with material appearances and ceremonies. The same can be
said of confession, because an animal in the shape of a man
confesses before another animal in the shape of a man, but a
true man only confesses before God, because only a human
animal is so naive as to believe that organizations religious
represent God. A true man does not accept intermediaries who
tell him what the divine will is, so he seeks God for himself. 
The people of the future will not dress in black when a relative
dies, because everyone will know that there is only the death of
the body and not the death of the spirit within. Nor will jewelry,
cosmetics, or hair dyes exist, because people will not try to
pretend what they are not or hang objects on their ears to
increase self-confidence, because the key for people to feel
fulfilled and society achieves peace is that all citizens rely on
justice and truth. 
In society, there will be two fundamental pillars, one on the
physical plane and the other on the spiritual, on the physical
plane it will be about obtaining pleasure or entertainment only
through science and technology and not through violence, and
on the spiritual plane the Society will rely on justice as the axis of
religion. Each of these fundamental pillars satisfies one of the
two metaphysical planes that it is necessary to take into account
to be happy, this is so, because they are not only connected but
are derived from them. One is the masculine and horizontal, and
the other is the feminine and vertical. The male plane, horizontal
and red, is the one that corresponds to the happiness that
science and technology provide in the material sphere of life. The
vertical, feminine and blue plane is the one that provides
happiness when justice is established as a moral norm of
coexistence in the spiritual sphere of life. As both planes are
peaceful, wars will disappear forever. In this example, I show the
horizontal plane as red and the vertical one as blue, it is true that
in other cases I show them the other way around, this is not a
contradiction, because the planes can rotate in each situation
depending on the circumstances.
Over time, the world will evolve to have a single government, a
single language, a single race, and a single religion, because
progress has only one destiny and that is to achieve perfection in
all aspects of society because in the universe only there is a
truth. This will be a spectacular world from a technological point
of view but at the same time very calm from a social point of
view, because a true democratic republic will have been
established with direct participation by all citizens in all laws, in
addition, all citizens. Labor aspects will be perfectly delimited by
law, which will allow strikes to not be necessary either. The real
key to social progress is not in having an authoritarian
government or having a lot of technology, but in having a society
that understands the truth and applies that truth to its daily
life. Many times it has happened that good laws have been
rejected, because in order to gain power, politicians have scared
citizens, causing in the end only laws with little effectiveness to
solve problems are passed, therefore, society has to understand,
that sometimes, it is only possible to solve the great problems,
when great remedies are applied.
In the future, monarchies will disappear completely, because in
reality, a monarchy is only a hereditary dictatorship, and
therefore, they are in complete contradiction with the
foundations of a democracy. Nor will parliamentary monarchies
exist, because they are parliamentary systems that preserve the
monarchy for purely decorative purposes but without any real
value, this shows that they are actually completely incompatible
systems, therefore, the government system would be a republic
in which the president is would elect for a period of five years
extendable to another five. Normally the role of president will be
reserved for the most veteran politicians. Once that function was
over, they could be part of a council of former presidents. The
profession of politician would be learned in the universities like
any other specialized profession and would not depend on the
parties because they would not exist. The confrontation between
the politicians would no longer be possible, because all the laws
would be decided directly by the citizens, this means that the
politicians would only take care of studying and proposing the
laws that they considered most appropriate, but the final
decision on which law is approved and which would not only
depend on the citizens. When citizens decide all the laws,
politicians will be freed from this function, which will make their
profession a profession like any other.
In this world, all flying vehicles will be without wings and with
vertical take-off, it is very likely that this type of apparatus does
not descend from airplanes but from an improved version of
unmanned vertical take-off vehicles. In these advanced worlds
there will be no pollution, because all the energy will come from
the sun and its derivatives. Diseases can be almost completely
eradicated, but the key to achieving this will not be the use of
technology, but rather the abandonment by citizens of bad
habits such as drug use or the renunciation of consuming more
calories than the average body needs. In other words, more
action will be taken on the causes than on the effects to
eliminate these problems. This is necessary, because what is the
use of so much health expenditure if people do not expel their
demons from their minds, that is, what is the use of all the
efforts of doctors if people refuse to give up their vices and their
petty behaviors that are what they are? that really makes them
Drugs are bad advisers, because a person under their influence
believes that he has more power than he really has to influence
the world around him. They also cause false optimism or
senseless optimism that leads those who consume them to make
decisions that, in most cases, they have to regret their entire
lives. Keep in mind that the false optimism that drugs produce
makes life seem easier than it really is, this can cause us to make
mistakes. I say that it is a false optimism, because it is generated
by substances that force and damage the systems that the brain
has to regulate pleasure. Pessimism, on the other hand, pushes
us to put our feet on the ground and also to analyze the risks in
detail. That is why drugs are so bad, because by pushing the
brain towards excessive and irrational optimism in addition to
damaging it, it leads us to make mistakes that are often
irreversible. The conclusion of all this is that we should only
accept to generate pleasure, those methods that are in
accordance with nature, I mean things like food, music, sex,
technology, but used without excesses. This is necessary,
because only natural stimulation methods respect the filters that
the brain has to ensure that pleasure is not in contradiction with
common sense.
There will also be artificial prostheses to be able to replace any
organ in the body that has been accidentally lost, these
prostheses will be almost identical to the real organs, in this way
the transplants will be abandoned. If current scientists had been
concerned with building these prostheses instead of trying to use
organs from cadavers, surely, today, they would already have
high-quality artificial organs immediately available to any
In the colonized planets, infections will not be possible either,
because since there are no animals, plants, or microorganisms of
any kind, at the time of entering to live the settlers will
completely disinfect the cities and their own bodies to
completely eradicate the microorganisms and thus get rid of
annoying infections. It must be taken into account that on Earth,
microorganisms are necessary because they are part of a
biological ecosystem, and they serve, among other things, to
decompose dead matter, but in colonial worlds they would not
be necessary because that function could be performed by
people through technology. The man could occupy all the
uninhabited worlds that would be the majority but the original
worlds, that is, with their own life, will not be occupied, as a way
of respecting their own evolutionary rhythm.
In the future, crimes will also end up disappearing. To achieve
this, the system will rely on two fundamental pillars, on the one
hand, guaranteeing work by the state for all citizens and, on the
other, punishing the crimes committed with justice. In order to
avoid the promotion of vagrancy and deception among citizens,
economic aid would not be given to the unemployed but jobs
organized by the state. Proposing economic aid as the only social
policy in addition to being a mockery of workers is a drag on the
economy, because in the case of those citizens who have
physical or mental problems, they can always look for
appropriate jobs for them in which that is not a inconvenient,
because the fact that a person has a certain deficiency does not
mean that he is useless.
In other words, the level of financial aid has to be in line with the
physical disability that a person may have, but with the intention
of making them self-sufficient so that they do not have to live at
the expense of public budgets. What is unacceptable is that
public budgets intended to help the unemployed are used to
support individuals who do not want to work and who spend the
day thinking about methods to trick the state into giving them a
salary for nothing. Many of these antisocial individuals claim to
have no money to live on but do not hesitate to hire lawyers to
help them hide their income. Therefore, the best thing to do
against these social parasites is to offer them jobs and not
subsidies, and if they refuse to accept them then neither will
they be offered financial aid or allowed to engage in begging. It is
true that the state should help those who need it to integrate
into society, but it is a mistake to use public money to support
those who only try to live at the expense of others. The law must
use the same energy against criminals that they use to go against
it, in order to make them return to legality.
Once the crimes derived from necessity have been discarded,
only the crimes derived from vanity will remain, to solve it, the
state must send a clear message to society so that it knows that
no crime can go unpunished, that is, convictions They will be
designed in order to make sure that citizens do not want to
resort to crime. That means that those who commit a
premeditated crime will have as a punishment the loss of their
own life, this does not mean that they will necessarily be
executed, but they will have to live and work in prison for the
rest of their lives to pay all their expenses and compensate their
victims. Logically, in this society there would be reintegration,
but those who take a life, it is fair that they pay with theirs or
lose their freedom for the rest of their lives.
In my opinion, for those who have committed a crime in a
premeditated way there are only two reasonable options, one is
the death penalty and the other is life imprisonment, this should
be so especially for serial killers. The law should be especially
harsh on those who have committed a crime with the
premeditated intention to do wrong, but it can nevertheless be
more benevolent on those who did wrong believing that they
were doing good, or who did it deceived but without harbor evil
in your heart.
In reality, the possibility of condemning criminals to death is not
necessarily an option to be ruled out and it cannot be considered
unfair or disproportionate because they have previously taken
the life of another person. If used, it would be useful to reduce
the number of people admitted to prisons, it would also serve to
reduce the costs of the state, in the event that the prisoners do
not get to amortize the expenses with their work. Another
advantage is that the environment within the prisons would be
improved by not having murderers among the
inmates. Furthermore, fear of such punishment could have a
deterrent effect among citizens. In the case of applying this
penalty, it would be best to use a painless system based on the
inhalation of carbon monoxide as an execution method. With
this system, the condemned would fall asleep before dying. The
relatives of the victims would also be allowed to put the
mechanism into operation, thus it would not be necessary to
have a person dedicated to that function.
The second option would be to apply life imprisonment, in my
opinion this is the best option, because there is not always total
security about who committed the crime. This is because the
evidence that is necessary to convict a person is not always
absolute and unquestionable, because if that were necessary,
then it would be very difficult to pass convictions. This difficulty
in having irrefutable evidence sometimes forces the courts to
convict based on the probabilities of being guilty and not on
absolute security. This is done this way, because otherwise many
criminals would go free even with 99% of the evidence against
them. This does not happen only in the courts but in all
professions, because many times we have to make decisions
even without being absolutely sure if we want the process to
It is true that the ideal would be to always be sure of our
decisions beyond any reasonable doubt, but the truth is that in
most cases that is not possible, and for this reason we have no
choice but to make decisions based on probabilities
reasonable. With life imprisonment, the accused have more time
to be able to prove their innocence, assuming that they are, in
addition, working in prison, they can pay the costs that they
could cause to the state and compensate the victims. One of the
greatest advantages of life imprisonment is that with this system
society can avoid staining its hands with blood with the
execution of inmates.
Once the criminals were sentenced to life imprisonment they
would in turn have two different options, one would be
voluntary suicide, to which they will be entitled, and the second
would be work in prison for the rest of their life. This will not be
done out of cruelty, but to send a clear message to citizens,
because every act of weakness with criminals is a reward for
them and at the same time an act of contempt for the victims
and that, at present, is not usually take into account. On this, it
must be clear that severity is only harmful when it is unfair, but
when it is fair and proportionate to the crime, it can be an
excellent source of peace for society, because when the
offender's wickedness is intense, then only one conduct just as
severe it is capable of eradicating evil.
In any case, people have to understand that evil can only
disappear from society when criminals fear the law instead of
laughing at it as is currently the case in some countries that are
considered modern, because in those countries it is they spend
fortunes to make criminals comfortable in prisons, but at the
same time they despise the suffering of the victims. These
soulless politicians brag about how generous they are to
criminals, but what do they offer the victims? People should not
be mistaken about this, because only when criminals fear the law
will it be possible to eradicate evil from the Earth. This can only
be achieved when society rejects a political class that
collaborates with it rather than fighting crime.
I do not mean to deny with this that every inmate has the right
to humane treatment in prison, but there are cases of murderers
sentenced to hundreds of years who, however, have been
released in just fifteen years and without having shown any
repentance. There are also cases of pimps kidnapping women to
force them into prostitution who have received the same or
lesser penalties after having subjected dozens of women to such
treatment. In these countries where anarchy reigns, politicians
tell citizens that they should not take justice into their own hands
because that's what the law already exists for, but nevertheless,
they make laws to legalize theft, because they place such a high
amount of theft value of what has to be stolen to be considered
a crime that is almost impossible to achieve, in this way, the
crime is considered a fault, and even being found guilty, the
offender is acquitted quickly and without paying any fine when
he is declared insolvent. Criminals have even been detained and
released dozens of times before being admitted to prison
once. Another outrageous example is the case of housing
occupations, because in these countries where lawlessness
reigns, criminals are treated by the law as if they were
homeowners, and at the same time the owners are treated as
criminals, and They are even prohibited from turning off the
electricity or water for the duration of the occupation. Such
behavior of the law is a crime against humanity, because
whoever occupies a home while its owner is in the hospital or on
vacation is nothing more than a thief and therefore should be
arrested immediately after the police are informed of the
crime. It is evident that the politicians who support housing
occupations are hypocrites, because if they really cared about
people who do not have the means to own a home of their own,
they would promote laws to help them, using state resources,
instead of encourage them to appropriate the homes of others.
There are thieves who steal huge amounts of money but the law
allows them to get out of jail in a short time and without
returning what was stolen, in this case, it is clear that these laws
have been tailored to the politicians who have made them. The
explanation for all this is that in a "democracy", politicians are
obliged to apply the same sentence to all citizens for the same
crime, this forces them to apply ridiculous sentences to all
thieves so that politicians who steal can quickly get out of jail
when discovered. It is evident that this attitude is not human at
all but it is much of an accomplice on the part of a corrupt
political class that feels more identified with criminals than with
decent citizens. Society has to open its eyes to this political class
that claims to care about citizens but behaves like psychopaths
because they lack any empathy with the suffering of the victims.
It is necessary to understand that many times appearances are
the opposite of what they seem, because there are policemen
who have been unjust in defending the law and there are also
criminals who have done justice by breaking it, this may seem a
contradiction, but it usually happens frequently in dictatorships
and also in democracies, because many times politicians do not
make laws to help citizens but to protect themselves when they
rob citizens. Law and justice should be united but this is not
always the case, because if the law were fair then half of the
politicians would be in jail. I do not mean to say that you have to
break the law, what I mean is that on many occasions the law is
not designed to do justice, but to defend the selfish interests of
politicians. For this reason, society should demand that all laws
that put the interests of criminals before those of victims be
In prison sentences, the ideal would be that the sentence
reductions for good behavior or for working in prison could
never exceed twenty percent of the total sentence, because
working in prison should not be a choice but an obligation except
in those cases where the inmates pay the expenses out of their
own pocket. We must also bear in mind that the fact of having a
good behavior in prison (where the prisoners are watched) does
not imply having good behavior in freedom (where they are not),
and there are many murderers and rapists who after being
released They have re-offended because they know that their
victims are going to be unprepared, so when a criminal receives a
sentence the law must ensure that he complies with it, at least
for the most part. The truth is that many governments have used
the argument of good behavior in prison as a pretext to release
criminals too soon in order to save the expenses they generate
and all due to the lack of will they have to make them work in
prison. Other times, the lack of proportion between the
seriousness of the crime and the low severity of the punishment
is due to the fear of politicians of being punished for their own
crimes and therefore, they choose to reduce crimes to all
criminals. This shows the little or no consideration that those
who make these laws have towards citizens. By applying this
system, in the future serious crimes will end up disappearing and
humanity will achieve great social stability.
Wars in space will not be possible either, because the great
distances between the planets will deprive governments of all
imperialist ambition and the planets will live almost isolated
from each other. Tourist trips will be limited to the interior of the
planets, this means that trips of this type will not be made to
other worlds in order to avoid the unnecessary expenditure of
energy or the loss in space of the reaction gases that the ships
could use. . Commercial space travel will also be limited to only
those minerals that do not exist in the respective worlds and the
products of each world will be completely recycled which will
determine that the basic atomic elements are never
finished. That, together with solar energy that is practically
inexhaustible, will allow the worlds a long life without problems
until the cosmic cycle ends. In the event that it was necessary to
obtain more energy, solar panels could be installed in space or
even in orbit near the sun, then by means of laser rays that
energy could be distributed throughout all the planets of the
solar system. This system would be especially useful when the
sun consumes most of its nuclear energy and turns into a white
dwarf star, when that happens, it will emit much less energy, but
in my opinion, the emission of this energy could remain almost
constant until the end of the cosmic cycle, because it would
consume its energy in an inverse way. This would be the
consequence of having little nuclear fuel along with a much
lower mass than it had at the beginning. This means that during
their lifetime, stars would go from an initial phase of high energy
expenditure in a short time to another phase of low energy
expenditure but for a long time. In the same way, humanity
would go from having a lot of energy at the beginning but little
used due to technological backwardness, to another phase of
little solar energy but better used due to having a higher
technological level. Assuming that the behavior of the stars were
like this, humanity could continue to live in the solar system
indefinitely, and if it were not, then colonization expeditions
could be sent to the young stars that appeared. In the
hypothetical case that no more young stars were to appear and
the energy of the stars had been exhausted, then one could try
to obtain energy through the nuclear transformation of matter,
but in my opinion and due to its dangerousness, that, it would
only be done, in the most extreme cases.
Those who live on moons orbiting gaseous giant planets could
also obtain inexhaustible energy from these planets, because
when they reach a critical mass they begin to generate their own
thermonuclear energy as if they were small stars, but by having a
smaller size the rate spending their hydrogen would be very
slow, this would allow energy to be obtained from these planets
for much longer than it takes a star to consume its hydrogen.
Today there are many who claim to have built a free energy
system, that is, a system to produce energy without effort and
without resorting to any type of fuel or sources such as solar
energy, but that seems to be just one more deception, because
always and without exception, these individuals first pretend to
boast of the supposed invention and shortly after say that due to
some inconvenience it cannot be marketed. From a scientific
point of view, this type of device seems to be in contradiction
with the same physical foundation on which energy is
based. Because solar energy is based on the transition from a
high energy level to a low one through the fusion of hydrogen
atoms to produce helium, this procedure is not inexhaustible nor
is it constant if understood in absolute terms, like the devices
that they claim to have the so-called discoverers of free energy,
although solar energy can last for billions of years.
The truth is that energy by its own nature is not constant,
because the energy we receive from the sun also goes in a
process of slow decrease as a consequence of a nuclear
transmutation, however, for us it can be an energy resource that
is easy to obtain if you are interested in getting it. In addition, in
the world there are already ways of producing energy, very
similar to the supposed free energy and they are all those
derived from the sun, because once they are put into operation,
they can generate energy for many years and without
polluting. An example of this is hydroelectric dams, because it is
enough to create a waterfall so that they can generate electricity
very easily.
Another example could be the energy of volcanoes, because it
would be enough to introduce a metal tube to a certain depth to
make it possible to generate electricity with the heat contained
within the Earth. This would be achieved by introducing water
into the tube, once hot it would turn into steam and then the
steam would move the electromagnetic generators that would
produce the electricity. These generators, in addition to being
one of the greatest wonders that man has invented, is the
closest thing that can exist to a mechanism capable of producing
energy almost effortlessly and continuously, because it can
convert kinetic energy into electrical energy using the forces of
Once the energy is obtained, it would even be possible to
convert it into hydrogen gas and oxygen through the electrolysis
of water. This shows, that in the world there are already
methods to produce clean energy easily and it only takes the
political will to use them all over the Earth instead of fossil fuels
or nuclear energy.
For the society of the future to be perfect, it must first complete
all the phases of progress that are, the physical of our body, the
spiritual of our spirit, and the technological of our
civilization. When that moment is reached, peace will be
achieved among men and also harmony with nature, because
then humanity will know all the keys and the metaphysical
meaning of what surrounds us.

The universe is divided into a stable and rigid part that

represents the laws based on truth and that creates the universal
order and then there is the variable part that represents
everything that is subject to our own will or time. All the
universal laws that are constant throughout the cosmic cycle can
be used as a guide and reference to understand what we do not
know, it is as if each of these laws were like a volume of a great
universal encyclopedia. If we are able to discover these laws, we
will have the keys to understanding how nature works. These
fundamental keys are not too many in number and go from
major to minor importance, but when we connect and relate to
each other they can help us to unravel all the enigmas of the
cosmos. Each of the keys that a philosopher discovers is as if it
were the section of a circle, this means that when it is completed
it is possible to understand the whole set globally, because the
connection of all its elements allows us to see clearly what is
common everyone and represents them. From that moment on,
it is necessary to move to another level or higher circle to have a
more complex understanding of the cosmos.
Once you ascend to another level or wheel, you have to start
from the beginning to understand its global characteristics,
because each circle is something different from the next, just as
it happens in a school when a higher class is started. However,
the closer the philosopher gets to the top of the circles, the
closer he also gets to the peak of knowledge where he will no
longer have to change his mind because he will have arrived at
the truth. It could be said then, that progress is like a sphere full
of circles inside, in this way the jump to a higher level would be
determined by the blue, straight and vertical dimension, and the
progress within each circle would be represented by the
dimension red, curved and horizontal. In this way, the universal
and constant laws would be in consonance with the blue and
vertical dimension, and those subject to error or the will would
be found in the red and horizontal dimension. 
Every time a person ascends to a new intellectual level, they may
have the feeling that that level is in contradiction with the
previous one, but that is because each level has new
circumstances that, although they are different, it is not true that
they are in contradiction with the previous levels. It is true that
the reactions that we must adopt in each plane have to be
different from the previous one, but that is because different
circumstances also appear, therefore, we must never be
completely sure that something will be the same in any
circumstance. . Perhaps this evolutionary truth is the origin of
the biblical legend of Jacob's ladder. This is possible, because in
reality the entire universe is connected, whether directly or
indirectly, which determines that each thing has something to do
with the others, that is why when a philosopher manages to tune
into universal truths, he can progress ten times faster than if did
not have that connection, this circumstance is what causes
When a person is inspired, it is as if their mind is connected to
the universal library, and at that moment, it is as if all the
questions find answers quickly or at least the basic concepts. It is
not necessary for this library to be in any physical place for it to
be possible to store knowledge, because in reality that
knowledge is found inside everything, because everything that is
well done has been built in accordance with universal truths and
therefore contains those truths within it. In reality, the entire
universe has been built in accordance with these truths,
therefore, the key is to connect with those keys to be able to
deduce the parts of that truth that are most difficult for us to
find. To achieve inspiration, the philosopher must try to go to the
source of knowledge avoiding that the influence of the
environment and the prejudices of his time act as an
insurmountable shield between him and the truth.
Those who are interested in philosophy, need to achieve a
certain degree of isolation and the necessary tranquility to be
able to detect which are those laws that are outside of time in
order to be able to use them to improve their own life and that
of others. These laws are out of time and never change, because
they are based on truth. These laws are fixed and constant,
because they cannot contradict themselves. To detect these
constant laws, isolating oneself from the environment is the
ideal, because in that situation the philosopher remains static
with his body but not with his mind. This is necessary, because
by putting yourself in the same situation of rest as the laws you
want to discover have, you acquire the ability to get in tune with
them. Some philosophers in India realized this circumstance and
for this reason, there is currently a theatrical representation
where it is tried to teach that in order to understand the world it
is necessary for the body to remain immobile while the eyes,
which also represent the mind of the philosopher, they are on
the move.
Time and constant laws form an indefinitely blended duality, but
time is constantly changing as the universe transforms the
energy of evolving stars. This evolution makes life exciting by
constantly providing news to all beings that inhabit it, but the
need for continuous change that evolution has also exposes us to
make mistakes. This means that we will always live in a universe
in which one part is fixed, pure and true and the other is variable
and open to error. The fixed part is not subject to our own will
because it depends on the truth and since the truth cannot
contradict itself it is constant always regardless of time, in
addition, in the universe it needs that fixed part to exist because
it acts the same as the truth vertebral column in the human
body, that is, it represents the fixed part that supports
everything that is elastic and if it can change. Then there is the
horizontal and variable part that depends on our own will. It
could then be said that the universe is divided 50% between the
rigid and vertical dimension and the variable and horizontal
The feminine dimension, straight and vertical, is the one that
contains the universal truths that are constant in all time and
place, therefore, they can be considered divine laws. The
horizontal, masculine, curved and variable dimension is
characterized by the vertiginous change generated by time and
the energy of the stars. It also offers us free will, therefore, it
exposes us to make mistakes. The existence of this variable
dimension, changing and subject to the possibility of making
mistakes is what causes the belief that we live in an illusory
world, because it is very difficult to know exactly what part of
what we believe is pure, true and consistent with universal
values, and which part is the consequence of our own errors of
judgment. This problem is greater on those planets that have not
yet finished their evolutionary process.
In order to find which are those constant and true laws, it is
necessary for the philosopher to investigate which of all things
remain unchanged over time. There are lasting things that are
correct only for a time and there are also lasting things that are
wrong, however, the truth is the most constant of all, because
there is nothing in the universe that can indefinitely contradict
it. You can deny the truth for a while, but you can't fool everyone
all the time. When a philosopher manages to detect those
universal truths that are constant, he acquires an excellent point
of reference to understand the world, from that moment on he
can differentiate what is temporary and subject to error and
what is undefined and correct. Unfortunately, many great ideas
discovered by ancient philosophers were mixed with the grossest
superstitions, sometimes those superstitions were had by the
philosophers themselves and other times they were added later,
the end result is a sum of beliefs with one part of truth and
another wrong. For this reason, it is important that a philosopher
tries to be impartial and reject prejudices, but I am not referring
to what in schools or in the cinema they call prejudices, which is
usually too influenced by political opinions and not by evidence,
but must Refusing to call an attitude prejudice just because
others tell us that it is, because in reality a prejudice is based on
considering a conclusion good without bothering to check the
sense or logic that it may have. However, much of what is taught
to children is full of prejudices and is used to direct them in favor
of the political ideology that is dominant at the time. That is to
say, that child, when he becomes an adult, will consider
prejudice everything that opposes what he has been told is true,
but if he acts like this he will be full of prejudices, because he
acts according to what he has been taught and not because of an
impartial analysis, and all because he does not feel like reflecting
on the world around him and prefers to follow the intellectual
fashion of the moment. In other words, instead of trying to find
out if an opinion is a prejudice, he will commit the prejudice of
accepting the wrong opinion of others as good just because he
does not want to spend time meditating on the percentage of
truth that what he has been taught may have.
On the other hand, a philosopher, when he isolates himself from
the world, reduces the influence of the environment and thus
manages with meditation to travel through time and space
evaluating everything globally, this allows him to get very close
to the truth if he has enough intelligence. In reality, everything
that surrounds us tells us about universal truths, the round shape
of the planets or their repetitive movement suggests the cyclical
nature of the cosmos. The color red and blue represent only one
of the many versions of universal bipolarity and the union of
both produces balance and life, therefore, the color green
represents it. In addition, universal values are repeated
incessantly at each level of nature, which also serves as a guide
to discover the truth about how the universe is connected and
what elements are essential in its operation. Looking for all these
coincidences, the architecture of the cosmos can be understood.
There are those who think that in order to meditate it is
necessary to adopt complicated postures with the legs and hands
or emit strange sounds, who say that it is because they are not
able to find the way to connect with the spiritual world and they
deceive themselves developing absurdities rituals with your
body. They act like this, because their minds are made of stone
and that is why they confuse the physical with the mental. The
key to meditating effectively is simply to find a place where you
can be comfortable and without excessive interference from the
outside world, most of the time that ideal place is your own
To be a complete man, it is necessary to enrich oneself by
seeking the truth and doubting everything, because in order to
get closer to the truth, one must be willing to suffer the
disappointment of having to admit that one is wrong, because in
this way it is possible to become stronger and wiser by having
the truth as the only foundation of being. With each
disappointment and with each error that we recognize, we will
be able to advance one step, until we no longer have to change
our mind because we will have arrived at the truth, thus we will
obtain the benefit of going on the right path.
It is true that my books often repeat the same themes or
concepts, this is because each one of them actually represents
the keys to the cosmos, therefore, it seems appropriate to
repeat them as they can serve as a guide to readers, but it will
always be better to repeat a truth than to forget about it. If the
reader understands these keys and unites them in his mind,
perhaps he can take that intellectual leap that helps him
understand all that is missing. It is also useful to repeat a topic
when trying to delve into something that has not been explained
in depth or when trying to add something new. We must bear in
mind that in the universe everything is repeated and everything
is related and in the same way that it does not seem strange to
us that the wheel of a car, the days, or the years repeat their
movement incessantly, in the same way I usually repeat that
which is related to other different matters. In reality, it is those
repetitions that make the difference between what is important
and what is secondary.
Finding inspiration is not easy, because when trying to ascend
from the dense confusion of this world into the clear clarity of
spiritual truths often, that inspiration is interrupted by the influx
of matter trying to pull you down and as if If they were gray
clouds, they interpose in the middle of the blue sky, thus making
it difficult to see at a great distance and consequently the depth
of the conclusions reached. Therefore, each time a topic is
repeated, it is like a new attempt to get a little higher and know
each topic in greater depth.
In reality, both matter and spirit are necessary to achieve
happiness, living in matter is good and necessary, because it
provides us with an immense flow of new emotions that make
each day different, that is the real reason why that we build our
bodies and reincarnate in them, but at the same time it has its
own drawbacks, because its density and warm vigor also favors
confusion, but this will only be the case for a limited time until
the world finishes completing the process of evolution. When
that happens, the spiritual and material dimensions will find their
balance and all the truths will finally be clarified. Then, the spirits
reincarnated in the human form, will be able to live indefinitely
in peace, because evil will no longer have any opportunity to
harm people, because the universal truth that is the authentic
definition of God will live forever on Earth.
In order to progress in the philosophical aspect, man needs to
have time to be able to meditate and thus be able to discover
himself, for this reason, it seems unacceptable that in some
countries the working day is too long, because that is how
workers are turned into slaves. Ideally, the working day should
never exceed eight hours a day for young workers and no more
than four hours a day for workers over fifty, along with one or
two days off a week. This is the best, because we must work to
live and not live to work, a certain amount of work a day is good
for exercise and entertainment, but it is unacceptable that
people are turned into simple machines for mass production.
I also find the manipulators and dominators of so many sects and
organizations that try to distract people by minimizing the real
problems of the world in order that they only listen to them,
these are forms of mental manipulation and possession that do
not differ much from the proper conduct of evil spirits or
dominant people. They are envious and jealous of anyone who
asks our attention or something good for us, because they only
want us to believe and listen to what they say, they try to
prevent us from relating to our families and only reading the
books that they sell, they They are like mental black holes that
hide their greed behind beautiful words. These social parasites
pretend to be very scientific, but they try to prevent us from
accessing reliable sources of information, they use our fear and
also the selfishness that we may have to deceive us, because if
fear is not enough, then they suggest that within their sect we
can make profit at the expense of others. They pretend to have a
goodness that they do not have, therefore, people who do not
care to find the truth are the ideal terrain to sow their lies.
We have an example of this when diseases or epidemics occur,
because these alarmist individuals who deny everything always
try to devalue what the health authorities tell us because they
are envious of anyone who requires our attention. With this
attitude, they show clearly possessive behavior.
It is true that pharmaceutical companies try to influence
politicians to encourage us to take more medicines than
necessary, because for them a sick and drug-addicted society is
their ideal model, since it provides them with more profits. It is
evident that paranoia generates more paranoia and fear
generates more fear and pharmaceutical companies are
interested in having fear and paranoia in order to sell more drugs
and become rich at the cost of the health of citizens.
It is like when there are epidemics and the pharmaceutical
companies tell us that we must change our mask every four
hours to be protected, but that, nevertheless, they do not say
anything about the percentage of air that enters unfiltered
through the sides of the mask when we breathe, so as not to
hurt your sales. Or when they say that we have to be vaccinated
three times in seven months without providing conclusive
evidence to prove it. It is evident that masks or vaccines protect
against diseases, it is also logical that in this situation the
government tries to encourage people to get vaccinated, but it is
outrageous that after having received two doses in a month they
try to impose a third dose almost followed by the others
threatening those who do not want to continue being vaccinated
to treat them the same as those who have never been
This seems to be more the consequence of financial interest
coupled with paranoia than a true medical necessity, because
there is no evidence to show that with two vaccines we are not
protected for at least one year. This is what has happened with
the coronavirus in 2021.
It gives the impression that they want to impose a dictatorship
for the people but without the people, because, if everything
related to the disease is obligatory, what margin is then left for
the citizens to decide on their own body or to exercise the right
free will? Then, the opposition political parties, with their
behavior of harassment to the government, end up favoring the
pharmaceutical companies, because in order to get to power,
they accuse the government of not protecting citizens without
not supporting over-medication, then In order not to be attacked
by these accusations, the government ends up supporting the
excess of medicines, and what is worse, it tries to impose it with
threats. In the end, what started out as a medical problem ends
up becoming a problem of greed, lust for power, fear and
paranoia. Then, these behaviors feed each other to unsuspected
limits. In other words, on the one hand, in rich countries, citizens
are threatened to continue vaccinating incessantly in an endless
wheel, but on the other hand, poor countries have to keep
waiting to receive these vaccines. Where was international
solidarity then? It is clear that when cowardice rules, dignity is
It is true that diseases and epidemics exist and can kill people, so
the right thing to do is to find the middle ground. That is to say
that on the one hand we must recognize that pharmaceutical
companies are more interested in selling medicines than in
curing diseases, and politicians are more interested in preserving
their privileges than in respecting civil rights, but we must not
accept those scammers who deny everything what doctors tell us
so that we only listen to them and thus keep ourselves under
control, because they are not interested in health but in the
power they exercise over their social groups, therefore, they do
not hesitate to lie as much as necessary with such not to lose the
power they have over the will of others.
They are actually hypocrites, because they look at the straw in
another's eye but they don't look at the beam in theirs. They
want us to think that everything that comes from outside their
sect is bad, and to convince us they use half-truths. It is true that
there are many bad things in the world, but sects are
undoubtedly among the worst in existence. Pharmaceutical
companies and alarmists alike try to force citizens to support
their point of view as if the truth were theirs alone when that is
not the case. It is as if two people who go through the jungle lost
are arguing about which path is better to take, if the path where
the lions are, or the path where the hyenas are, the dilemma is
that there is the same danger on both roads. With
pharmaceutical companies and the groups that reject them, it is
similar, because both have something good, but also something
bad, because both compete for our attention in order to benefit
at our expense, therefore, it is best to recognize that both The
sides have something to do with it, but also something to be
ashamed of.
Many of the people who adhere to these extremist organizations
are no better than their leaders, because they behave like
bloodthirsty vampires, the organization brings them together
and gives them the arguments and means to develop their evil
but they already carry evil in their inside. These organizations
serve as a pretext for them and provide them with the means to
bring their evil to the outside, they blame others for their
personal or family problems without ever acknowledging their
own responsibility. They try by all means that people consider
them victims when in reality they are degenerate despots,
because there is no greater vileness than to use the problems of
the world as an excuse to justify their own violence and thus
disguise the evil and arrogance that they carry within. They try to
make people believe that having a certain personal problem
gives them the right to mistreat innocent people. But that's just
an excuse, because if they really cared about justice, then they
would fight tyrants instead of joining them. The truth is that
these organizations are run by degenerate despots who have
allowed themselves to be dominated by arrogance, but many of
those who adhere to them are too. They use the problems of
society to hide their own evil, because in many cases they blame
innocent people for their personal problems in order to mistreat
them and then try to defend themselves by saying that they
were acting in self-defense. With their criminal conduct they only
show that they are hypocrites.
It is also true that governments often use epidemics or public
health as an excuse to limit civil liberties beyond what the
diseases demand, because in the end the dilemma is what
should come first, if the freedom to decide for one same with the
risk of infection, or the right of the government to limit freedom
to reduce epidemics? In my opinion, the solution is the middle
ground, because during an epidemic it is good to reduce social
contacts to avoid contagion, but it is also true that each person
can decide for themselves what risk they want to take because at
the end of the day Out is about deciding on your own body and
your own life. The government says that it limits our rights or
free will to protect us from disease, but prisons are full of people
whose only crime was consuming or selling hallucinogenic
substances that, although it is true that they are harmful to
health and for my part I reject them Totally, however, I believe
that it should be each citizen who makes the decision to accept
or reject it and not the government, because when it comes to
our own health and our own body, the decision of what we
consume has to be ours.
The government does not have the right to imprison anyone just
for making use of their own freedom, but on top of that they say
they do it for our good is an insult to intelligence. The same has
happened with the consumption of alcohol, prostitution or
gambling, which for moral reasons has been prohibited on
different occasions throughout history. Also in Muslim countries
it is normal to force women to wear a veil that covers the head
totally or partially. The reflection that we have to make of all this
is that the fact that something can be morally rejected does not
mean that it should be legally. The government has no right to
fine or imprison anyone for their ideas or moral attitudes when
they only affect themselves. In those cases in which it is
considered that a certain behavior, or the consumption of any
substance is harmful to health, the government must create
information campaigns to alert the population, it could also leave
them out of free health care to make them reflect, but they must
never cross the line that involves invading the free will of
It is true that there are many behaviors and substances such as
drugs that are harmful to health, but when they are applied to
oneself, the government does not have to prevent it, on the
contrary, it must allow their consumption so that each person
discovers for themselves what wrong of their action, but as long
as it does not harm others as occurs for example when driving or
while at work. At the same time, it is necessary to eliminate any
mitigating factor for those who commit a crime under the
influence of drugs or alcohol, because the fact of respecting free
will does not prevent a just punishment from being applied to
those who deserve it as a result of their actions. It is necessary to
act in this way so that citizens abandon their bad habits,
therefore, the government must respect their freedom, but at
the same time demand responsibility for the damages that they
could cause to others. In other words, the key to this issue is, on
the one hand, to respect free will, but at the same time educate
the population by punishing any crime committed under the
influence of these substances. This is essential for people to
become aware that any act against the rights of others must
have a just punishment. Following this procedure, no one would
go to jail just for exercising their free will and the mafias would
no longer be able to act, thus ending the civil war between those
who support the trade in these substances and those who
oppose it by force. With this system, citizens would understand
that the right to do what we want does not imply that we will
not be punished when we use our freedom to harm others, thus
learning to use freedom more responsibly. 
Unfortunately, death deprives us of all the knowledge that we
have accumulated during life, except those that are kept in the
spirit, that would not be a problem if after reincarnating the
teachings we received were pure and true, because with them
we would have again the most important knowledge, but the
human prejudices and lies that politicians force to teach in
schools to promote their continuity make it very difficult for
people to reach adulthood with a clean mind. That will have no
solution until the world completes its development and the
darkness of ignorance gives way to the light of knowledge, then,
the fact that the body dies so that the spirits can recycle will no
longer be important, because the will no longer exist. Prejudices
and the teachings that children will receive will be based on the
If we add the loss of memories that death implies for the spirit,
along with all the circumstances that during life prevent us from
having time to meditate and find the truth, in the end it is
difficult to have an objective vision of reality. Because first, in
childhood, we have to spend a lot of time memorizing what we
are taught, it is true that much of what is taught in schools is
true, but it is also true that it is the ideal means for the
government, through the ministry of education, try to condition
the students so that they assume as absolute truths what
benefits them. At home, children are also exposed to assimilate
the prejudices of those parents who do not care to find the truth
and their only concern is reading sports newspapers.
Then, as they reach adulthood, they have to spend a lot of time
working and caring for any children they may have. This
determines, in the end, the time that each person spends
observing the universe and wondering why everything exists and
what is its reason for being is reduced to very little, but people
have to understand, which is when we meditate when we are
truly free, because if we assume everything they tell us to be
true then we will end up being manipulators' puppets and our
life will be summed up in working, reproducing, entertaining
ourselves with the bodily senses and dying. We must listen to
silence, that is, we must stop and look around us in order to
understand the real world, because the more we worry about
meditating and understanding, the better our life can be. We
must feel the sweet pleasure of the philosophy that few know,
but I am not referring only to the philosophy that is read in a
book, but the philosophy that is acquired with meditation, we
must awaken the mind's eye, that is, we must understand that
the world can be changed if we take the time to figure out how
to do it better. The ability to assess the importance of things is
inversely proportional to the speed we use to analyze them, that
is, the slower we analyze them, the deeper the analysis,
therefore, silence and slowness are necessary to understand
their details.

In the past, the worship of the sun was common in religions, the
reason was simple and that is that they saw it as a symbol of
universal government because it is the source of energy that
animates life on Earth. It was also influenced by the belief that
there was only one sun in the universe and consequently the
entire universe supposedly depended on its energy, only after
several millennia it was discovered that in reality all stars are
suns and ours is not even the largest, what happens is that they
have little luminosity because they are very far from
us. Therefore, it is a mistake to consider the sun as an equivalent
of God, because in reality it is only a star that in turn revolves
around another larger star called a black hole. The symbolic
value of the sun is just as important as the symbolic value of the
Earth, the sun represents the male dimension and the Earth the
female dimension and both are equally important for the
progress of the cosmos, but with the difference that each one
acts On different planes and in a different way for that reason,
whoever worships the sun at the same time despises the Earth. It
does not make sense to worship the sun or the planets
individually, because each one of them only represents
secondary elements of the universe, therefore, the correct thing
is to understand God as that which brings the entire universe
together in one single thing is to say that God it is that which is
common to all and not something individual.
It is true that due to its energy and gravity the sun is the physical
governor of the solar system, but in turn it is governed by the
star also called a black hole located in the center of the galaxy, in
turn the galaxies are controlled by another superior force that
governs the universe. In other words, the sun, as the
gravitational governor of the solar system, can be considered a
part of universal power and therefore also represents God, but
that representation only makes sense if it is understood
indirectly, therefore, it is a mistake to worship him as It was
made in ancient Egypt, because the universe is much bigger and
in it, our sun, is only a small star. The importance and superiority
of monotheism consists in that it unifies the universe in a single
thing by defining God as the supreme value that is above other
minor elements such as the sun or the planets. The sun, like the
angels, can be considered as a representative of God but it does
not make sense to be worshiped or confused with it.
The fact that the sun is the gravitational governor of the solar
system and at the same time is a male symbol explains why, in
the past, it was normal to consider God as a male being, this is
due to the fact that the concept of command or control the
action is by nature masculine, although in absolute terms the
two dimensional or sexual aspects are equally important. This
also occurs in the government of a city or a country, because the
center of power is symbolically male, and the rest of the society
that is governed by it is symbolically female and therefore acts
passively. God, however, is neutral, and does not have one or
both sex, but since the concept of command is masculine in
nature, it is normal for God to be considered as a masculine
entity, although in absolute terms it is not true. This means that
the feminine dimension of nature has the same importance in
the universe as the masculine one, but it does not participate in
the universal control directly but indirectly.
Nor should we forget the importance of the Earth and the other
planets as a feminine symbol and with the same importance as
the sun, because to create organic life not only the energy of the
sun is necessary but also the matter of the Earth, therefore, God
does not it can represent only a part but the whole
universe. That is to say that the sun is the governor of the solar
system and the black hole is the governor of the galaxy, but only
from the active, direct or male point of view, but the Earth and
the planets govern the solar system from a point of view passive,
indirect and feminine sight.
The sun governs the solar system with its force of gravity and its
energy, and therefore, on this plane, the planets must be subject
to it. The sun by its circular shape represents the universal values
and the cyclical and repetitive nature of the cosmos and by its
luminosity represents the source of energy and light that helps
biological beings progress. The two sexes have the same
importance in the universe but the concept of command only
corresponds to the male sex, because if both sexes shared
command in the same way, then the world could not be
governed and evolution would not exist because both sexes
would neutralize each other mutually. That is to say, that the sex
or the feminine pole of nature must participate in the universal
power in the same way as the sex or the masculine pole, but not
directly but indirectly.
It does not make sense that there are two heads in the same
body or two commanders in the same ship, therefore, nature
determined that both sexes are equally important, but each
must act in different dimensions. In other words, the male side
would act as the governor and the female side as the
governed. We must not confuse the fact of being governed with
being in worse conditions, because the possible cases of injustice
or tyranny that occur as a consequence of power are not the
consequence of the distribution of functions that nature does,
but of the erroneous or unbalanced behavior that have people.
The fact that control is by nature a masculine concept is the
reason why the myth of Eve was created coming out of Adam's
rib, with this it was wanted to symbolize that the feminine side
of nature is still just as important as the masculine in absolute
terms, however, must accept the leadership of this in those
aspects of life in which the masculine side prevails, this is
necessary so that the universe can be governed and not fall into
anarchy. The masculine side of nature represents action and the
feminine side the reaction, the masculine or positive side
represents the centripetal force and the feminine or negative
side represents the centrifugal force, the man represents
attraction and the woman repulsion, the man represents the
concentration of power and the dispersion of women. Courage is
masculine and fear is feminine, but both are just as necessary to
live, because whoever is too brave and does not feel any fear
dies young in some absurd accident, this shows that both
qualities are just as necessary to grow old. Only when a balance
is created between the two polarities does the universe work
properly, for this reason, governments that are too masculine or
of the right give rise to dictatorships and loss of civil liberties,
and governments that are too feminine or of the left give rise to
anarchies and crime.
This shows that the key is in the balance of both forces without
one dominating too much over the other. The masculine side of
nature should govern or rather represent the part of the initial
action of the procedures, but in fair consonance with the
feminine side that complements it. One is action and the other
reaction, one pole governs directly and vertically, and the other
indirectly and horizontally, both are equally important but
participate in universal government differently. The masculine
side must act actively and the feminine side passively and
indirectly to avoid a contradiction that nullifies the usefulness of
sexual separation. In the universe, the two polarities have the
same importance for that reason, instead of saying that one sex
rules over the other, the correct thing would be to say that the
male sex rules over the material dimension, and the female sex
rules over the spiritual dimension. The political or government
power is male and acts on the vertical plane, and the area or
population subject to that government is female and acts on the
horizontal plane. In this way, the leadership of the man would be
direct and that of the woman indirect so as not to contradict
each other. The objective of this is that the two polarities are
related in a balanced way so that in this way both have their
rights recognized. In other words, it is about making sure that
instead of having two equal controls that compete with each
other, there is one that represents both in order to accelerate
the processes.
All this shows that it is an error to consider the sun as a God, but
it can be understood that it is in connection with it by being part
of the universal government if this government is considered
from a physical point of view. The ancients represented the
forces of nature in their male or female versions in the form of
symbolic gods in human form because they did not understand
that those forces actually arose from all the beings that populate
the cosmos and act with the same proportion. However,
throughout history it has been common in different religions to
consider the universal or main God as a male being because the
leadership function or main initiative corresponds by nature to
the male sex, although the female side of nature also participate
equally even if it is otherwise. It is, in short, a way of transferring
to the human form the leadership that the sun exercises over the
solar system, because it follows that just as the sun governs the
planets, man must govern the family.
Nowadays it is easy to judge the ancients by saying that women
were discriminated against, but that happens because they judge
the past according to the circumstances of the present, because
it would be absurd in those days to assign typically masculine
tasks to women when in most cases they had a large family to
care for, because due to the short duration of life that was
normal in those days, women had no choice but to have many
children and consequently they had to spend a lot of time
looking after them. It was not then a question of discrimination
but of practical reality, it was not the man who caused the
separation of functions but nature itself. Today, feminists
presume to occupy typically male positions while refusing to
have the children that society needs, but they do not realize that
by behaving like this they condemn Western society to end up
being a world of the elderly. It is evident that in this case the
word feminism is used frivolously, because what they do is not
favor women, but turn women into men. If the polar or sexual
separation had not existed in nature, the universe could not have
existed, because it is precisely the existence of this separation of
polarities in masculine or feminine, vertical and horizontal that
determined that the particles of space dust were united in some
places faster than others giving rise to stars and planets. If the
universe only had one dimension without polar or sexual
difference, it would be so simple that it could not evolve,
because with a single plane and without differences it could not
create the contrast between up and down or cold and heat.
Now, feminists try to convince us that every time the word is
pronounced (we all) have to add (and all) when there are men
and women together, because according to them, if it is not
done like this, there is no equality. But if this is done, a new
problem is created, because then it would be necessary to
decide which gender is ahead if the masculine or the feminine,
because if you pronounce the masculine gender in front of the
feminine feminists can say that discrimination is being
committed, that is to say which is the same as if the feminine
gender is not pronounced. In that case, the change will have
been useless because the man will continue to have preference
over the woman when speaking first, but if it is done the other
way around, there would not be equality either. If the masculine
gender is pronounced in front sometimes and other times the
feminine one, it will also be a mess, because then it would be
necessary to determine why sometimes the feminine gender is
put first and other times the masculine one. The conclusion is
that a simple question creates a huge problem, because the fact
that the male gender has been chosen as the representative of
the two is not to discriminate but to simplify the procedures,
because in this way it is possible to avoid having to choose the
gender each time a phrase is pronounced.
The male sex must govern the female sex in the same way that
the captain of a ship governs the sailors, this is not done because
they want to discriminate against the sailors, but because it is
easier if the captain represents all of them. Nature chose to
choose man as the representative of the two sexes simply
because command is a specifically masculine quality. It is the
attitude we adopt in life that determines sexual orientation. This
means that if women adopted attitudes typical of men, then
their own bodies would change to look like men, which would
mean wasting the advantages that sexual specialization has for
Within all people and even within things there are both
masculine and feminine values, that means that the fact that
each one is considered as a representative of one sex or another
depends a lot on the attitude that is adopted, it is To say that the
reason why the sexes exist is because for thousands of years our
ancestors decided to perform different functions in order to
improve the species. Sex is not only something that serves
reproductive purposes, but it is present in everything or almost
everything that exists in the universe and is shown in different
versions such as magnetic poles, sound and silence, the cold and
heat or day and night.
The sun is a male symbol and the Earth is a female symbol, but
only depending on what is considered. The sun is masculine,
because the planets revolve around it when they recognize its
gravitational supremacy, but it is feminine, if it is posed as a star
that revolves around the galactic center. In other words, a star
can fulfill a male or female role depending on the plane in which
it is located, therefore, as a participating element of the universal
government it can be considered in connection with divine
values but only indirectly because a part should never be
confused with the whole.
Perhaps because of that association between the sun and heat
with the masculine symbolism, women like summer so much,
because the feminine dimension represents cold and winter,
therefore, with the heat of summer, which is masculine, their
feminine nature is complemented. . This is so, if it is analyzed
from a metaphysical point of view. Summer gives the illusion of
living and is ideal for traveling or things outside, but winter is
pure and noble, because it is ideal for meditation, it also helps to
preserve food, reduces fever, promotes tranquility and falls
asleep soundly. Wonderful.
Summer can be music and stimulation but also noise and stress,
and winter can be silence and peace, but also boredom and
cold. Each of these two seasons actually represent the two poles
of nature and if we know how to manage them in a balanced
way they can help us to live better. Summer is masculine and
material, and winter is feminine and spiritual. Summer favors the
outer journey with our body and winter favors the inner journey
with our mind, that means that if it rains or it is cold we have a
good opportunity to improve our intellectual level by reading or
meditating, that may partly explain the great development of
European civilization.
Women have mainly blue aura, however, when they adopt
behaviors typical of the male sex, they have a yellow aura which
is the typical color of the male sex. This feeling is not always due
to the fact that they necessarily deny their sex but rather
because they are slightly oriented towards the opposite sex
instead of yours. In turn, people with too much character and
very authoritarian have a red aura because their personality is
raw and unfinished, sometimes it is because of the education
they have received and other times it is the consequence of
having a poorly defined genetic development, for that reason,
they are so radical. It is also necessary to clarify that by aura I do
not mean any type of luminosity but the psychological sensation
that they produce. These women are less feminine, but in return
they tend to have more reflexes and character than the
others. This characteristic is probably related to a hormonal
failure that makes them appear somewhat masculine, but the
decision to deny their sex is not determined by genetics but by
their own will.
This means that they are better than the others at performing
typically masculine tasks, but that also means that as women
they are less effective, which for them represents a
contradiction. So far we have talked about the characteristic
color of each sex, but that does not mean that because they are
male or female, the colors of their sex are the only thing that
represents them, because then there are the symbolic colors of
each race, or the symbolic colors of each personality. Therefore,
the color of each person is the sum of all these aspects in
Aliens also use solar symbolism by using ships that mimic the
shape of the sun. When they decided to give it the characteristic
round and luminous appearance, they did not think about using
them only to move around, but also has the purpose of
promoting in man the search for truth, spirituality and divine
values, instead of being limited to the materialistic approach that
prevails today. The sun does not represent God directly, but it
does represent God indirectly as it is the governing center of the
solar system from an energetic or gravitational point of
view. Furthermore, the circle represents eternity and renewal,
and the light symbolizes knowledge, justice and truth. 
The materialistic thinking that predominates today is hypocritical
and contradicts itself when it says that it seeks the truth,
because it makes no sense to say that matter changes, reacts or
adapts, but at the same time it does not have life and
consciousness of its own. With that blind attitude, it is very
difficult for humanity to understand the true foundations of
matter that go beyond physics to enter metaphysics. They hide
saying that they need material proof for spiritual things, it is like
saying that they do not recognize the existence of consciousness
or feeling just because they cannot be weighed.
The spirit is also similar to a small sun, because it is spherical and
provided with its own energy, when a spirit is reincarnated in a
body, it actually installs itself in the brain that has its same
circular shape and takes control of the body through neurons
that serve as switches. It also has the ability to make itself
invisible at will or shine like a little star. In reality, we are the
spirit, and the body is only the instrument that we use to
manifest ourselves in matter because it offers us all the diversity
of emotions that the spirit needs to be happy.
Against that materialistic attitude that denies the eternal life of
the spirit and that recognizes the action of matter, but at the
same time and in a contradictory way denies life and self-
consciousness, the human being condemns himself to see only a
part of reality denying the rest. When only the material part of
life is recognized, it is like recognizing only the masculine part of
the universe, therefore, it is necessary to also recognize the
feminine and spiritual part to be in harmony with
nature. Recognizing only the material part of life makes man dry,
harsh and soulless, or rather makes him opaque to fully feel the
emotions of the soul, which makes him incapable of being fully
happy. In reality, all people have a soul, but when only the
material part of life is taken into account to the detriment of the
spiritual, then the soul has many difficulties to be happy, because
happiness arises from the balance between the male or material
part and the feminine or spiritual.
It could be said that the distance that separates man from the
ape is the same that separates man from a superior being that
has already finished its period of evolution, therefore, humanity
must make an effort to recognize the spiritual values that it lacks
to be completely complete.
At the beginning of the universe, everything was chaos, fire and
energy, therefore, there was a predominance of the red and
masculine part. Over time, the universe and the Earth cooled
down causing more and more order, this means that at the end
of the cosmic cycle what will predominate will be cold, order and
the feminine dimension. This will be the case when it comes to
the energy of the universe, but instead people need to maintain
a situation of energy balance at all times. This initial excess of
masculine presence in the universe has confused humanity,
because it places an excessive value on the material or masculine
over the spiritual or feminine. Humanity does not understand
that although this is normal in the universe, however, for the
beings that inhabit it, happiness can only arise when there is a
balance between the two universal values.
Unlike the beings that inhabit it, the material universe follows a
process in which energy is constantly changed by order and
progress, going from higher to lower energy and lower to higher
progress, but the beings that use energy and matter of the
universe need to always keep these values constant to achieve
the balance that guarantees progress, for this reason, when man
colonizes the planets, he will always need to maintain the same
ambient temperature within cities, regardless of the
temperature that exists on the planet you are on. This means
that the material universe formed by stars and planets uses a
horizontal and variable dimension and the beings that inhabit it
use a constant vertical dimension in terms of maintaining the
balance of potentials. This is due to the fact that the stars are
losing their energy incessantly causing the cooling of the
universe, however, the beings that use that energy must always
use it to be able to maintain their vital functions constant.
The material universe also needs to maintain the balance of
potentials just like the beings that live in it, but it does so
indirectly over time, because for it, what counts is the mean
value, because it is masculine and red at the same time
beginning and feminine and blue at the end. Instead, beings
using that universal energy need to balance their red and blue
value at all times. So, the key to the balance of potentials is that
the way in which this rebalancing occurs is foreseen, in the case
of the universe it is fulfilled by going from a masculine and red
beginning to a feminine and blue end, and in the case of
individual beings are fulfilled by continually maintaining equal
potentials all the time. The universe, then, uses an indirect
balance and over time in the horizontal plane, and the beings
that use its energy use a direct, continuous balance, and in the
vertical plane. The universe goes from red to blue, and from top
left to bottom right. Instead, people need to keep their values
constant all the time by moving from the bottom up or from the
past to the future. The universe maintains the balance of
potentials indirectly and over time, and the beings that inhabit it
maintain it directly and throughout time.
However, in this there are also exceptions, because in some
cases people also use an indirect equilibrium system, for
example in age, because at the beginning everything is youth
without knowledge and then everything is knowledge without
youth, throughout life life both have the same mean value, but
each value prevails more at one time than the other, although in
absolute terms they have the same importance. Another
example would be the sexes, because in men the masculine part
predominates and in women the feminine part, but with their
union each one contributes to the other the part that is lacking,
thus balancing the scale. This shows that when the rebalancing
mechanism is foreseen, it cannot be considered a contradiction
with the principle of equilibrium of potentials. In other words,
only when an imbalance is caused that makes one value
predominate over the other and without the moment of
rebalancing being foreseen, be it directly or indirectly, it can then
be affirmed that one of the two universal values is being
discriminated against and consequently it is necessary to regain
that balance for nature to function properly. The materialism
that generates evil, arises when the masculine part of life is
abused and consequently represents a contempt for the
feminine, therefore, it is necessary to give the two dimensional
values the same value to be happy, only when we give the spirit
the same value that we give to matter we find the perfect
In ancient times, kings also tried to benefit from solar symbolism
when they compared their government with that of the sun in
the solar system, but they did so in a deceptive way, because
while it is true that both the universe and society need a
government This does not mean that they or their actions
represent something good or divine, because divine is only that
which is perfect, but they lacked a lot before that qualifier could
be applied to them. That is to say, that although it is true that
every organized system needs a government and that is in line
with divine values, that does not mean that government acts
according to divine values.
The government that the sun exerts on the Earth, acts mainly in
the gravitational plane, but it is not different from the control
that the earth exercises on the moon, or the super compressed
star that governs the galaxy with respect to the sun. After the
gravitational influence, solar energy is also important for the
development of the worlds, but we must not forget that in the
universe the male pole represented by the sun is in balance with
the negative or female pole represented by the planets and both.
poles are just as important to the development of the universe,
although each does it in a different way. This means that
feminism is partly right, because it is true that each sex is equally
important in the universe, but it is wrong when it states that
each sex must have the same importance on the same plane,
because the sexes must complement each other, but each being
principal and governing in everything that corresponds to in his
own dimensional plane, but not in the opposite, this, in human
life is equivalent to having different functions.
The sun is what gives us the energy for organic life to develop,
but the Earth gives us the matter that is as necessary as energy
so that it is possible to build the material forms with which we
live, that is why, both the sun and earth and the polar symbols
they represent are just as important in the universe and
consequently it makes no sense to idolize them or build statues
for them. This means that God can only be considered that which
is neutral to everything, because it is in all beings and stars that
populate the universe.
The sun and masculine values also represent the sensual
stimulus provided by the senses, that is, the pleasure that is
obtained simply and through life in matter. Earth, water, and
feminine values represent the pleasure that comes from
philosophical or spiritual endeavor. One is horizontal and the
other vertical, one is salty and the other sweet, one is red and
the other blue, the two are different but just as important.
Salt and sugar also represent the male and female dimensions
and both foods are essential for health, salt represents the male
dimension and sugar the female dimension, but in a society full
of obese people, these foods are often unfairly blamed for
obesity But it is not the salt or sugar that are the culprits, but the
excessive consumption of animal fats. What is wrong is eating
out of order and exceeding the calories you need each day. But
insisting on making foods tasteless and tasteless in the end is
worse, because when we eat we do not do it just to feed
ourselves, because we also need to feel the pleasure that food
provides, therefore, the taste cells are designed so that we feel
pleasure with these food.
In other words, the brain not only needs to be satisfied with
calories, vitamins or minerals, but also needs to be satisfied with
the stimulus of pleasure that food provides, therefore, a meal
that does not include a sweet or salty taste can cause a feeling of
dissatisfaction although eat a lot, so we feel forced to eat more
than necessary. This is what happens especially to people who
do not have occupations such as retirees, for that reason, it is
always good to do some activity to be distracted and not think
about food. The habit of eating only at certain times is very
useful to avoid being overweight, because a bored person who
does not have this habit is easy to turn to food as entertainment,
but when you have a firm position on it and only eat at The hours
that correspond to the automatic systems of the brain will be
trained and we will only feel hungry at the hours that we have
taught it, in this way it will be much easier to avoid being
Obesity is symbolically male and thin is female. Obesity makes
the body shape more round and the circle is a male symbol, in
the same way the body of a thin person approaches the straight
line that symbolizes the female sex. That means that an obese
person will develop masculine characteristics and a person who
is too thin will develop feminine characteristics beyond what
should correspond. Excessive thinness can lead to nervousness
and depression. On the other hand, excess weight represents an
excess of matter and consequently a defect of spirit, this can
favor that the obese person has a materialistic character and
with a bad mood, therefore, achieving a balance in body weight
is the ideal.
People with morbid obesity are like drug addicts, because they
only think about eating without stopping and without any self-
control, therefore, having a strict control over the hours of eating
would be very useful for them, so that it is possible, is It is
essential that they recognize their addiction and from there they
have to take an interest in fighting it. For these people, time
control of meals would be very useful, because at first, they
would feel anxiety and depression just like other drug addicts
because they could not eat, but as their body detected the new
behavior patterns it would adapt and begin to lose weight. We
must not forget that obesity is not only involved in genetic or
other failures, the behavior that we may have also influences a
It is true that some people feel more hunger than normal due to
a genetic failure, but in these cases the mind and spirit have a
duty to impose themselves on an unbalanced body that sends
the wrong hunger signals so that the person continues to eat. It
is not acceptable for a person to say that they eat because they
feel hungry when it is evident that their body does not need it,
therefore, it is necessary to tame the internal system of our brain
so that it adapts to produce the sensation of hunger only when it
corresponds, to To achieve this it is essential to eat only at meal
times and in the correct quantity. The processes of food and
fasting are like musical notes or slings, because they must follow
a harmonic process of peaks and valleys or phases of sound
alternated by phases of silence. Those who use this system must
be clear that if they get bored between meal times, they should
not use food as a substitute for entertainment because that way
they will end up destroying their body and their health. We must
not forget that gluttony is the intention of using food not to feed
oneself but as a source of stimuli, this is an example of laziness
but also of wickedness, which usually occurs especially to retired
people or people with excess free time when they do not act
with common sense. With this behavior they show a complete
disregard for health, therefore, we must have a firm will to fight
against all the unbalanced behaviors that damage it. For the
harmonious rhythm of meals to work, it is necessary that adults
only eat four meals a day, two major and two minor, and only
drink water between hours.
Obesity represents the submission of the spirit to matter and the
mind to physical impulses, therefore, those who have deformed
their body with obesity, must make an effort to regain control
over their body. Symbolically, obesity represents an excess of
matter and a defect of spirit in our body, which also favors
tiredness and bad mood. If these people give up overeating, at
first their brain will send them signals to feel hungry, but if they
remain firm in their fast then the trained brain will stop sending
those impulses outside of meal times. It is true that an obese
child cannot be blamed for anything, because in his case it is
most likely that obesity is due to a genetic imbalance and with
his age it is clear that he will not know how to solve it, but adults
have enough information to remedy the problem, therefore,
they have to strive to control this imbalance, whether or not it is
genetic, the limits that food should have and above all never use
it as mere entertainment. 
When the progress of humanity ends, nations will no longer try
to obtain pleasure with violence, and will only obtain it with the
entertainment provided by work, family life and everything that
technology offers, but always in harmony with
nature. . Therefore, work must be pleasant and not just a source
of goods, it is necessary that all trades are adapted so that
workers are comfortable and entertained while they are in them,
because people do not live to work but work to to
live. Therefore, we should not reject work using automatic
machines to do everything for us, because in reality work can be
an excellent source of pleasure and entertainment if we do it
with the good of people and not just productivity in
mind. Because not only does the end of a path count, but also
the illusions and projects we do as we walk that path. Work has
three benefits, it allows us to entertain ourselves by occupying
part of our time, it makes us feel useful and it allows us to feel
fulfilled by participating with our hands in the good of society. If
life were limited to only the classic passive entertainments, in
the end we would miss work, because it is through it that we
participate in the design and construction of the universe.
It is true that work occupies us part of our time, but it also gives
us the pleasure of participating in the development of
civilization, because even if people do not understand it, the
handling of machines, tools, or piloting the Aircraft should be the
main source of pleasure on every civilized planet and not the
resort to violence. Many people enjoy their work but do not
realize it because they consider it an obligation, but it is
necessary to understand that the human body is a machine
made by nature to work, therefore, we need work to be
completely happy. But we must also understand that the
purpose of work is to make people happy and not only to
produce goods, because overwork is as bad as its defect,
therefore, we must dedicate only the time that corresponds to it
without abusing he. That is why it is best to divide the day into
three parts, one to work, another for free time and another to
rest, in this way the time dedicated to work should be a
maximum of eight hours per day and at least one day off per
week. In addition, as we get older and lose our physical vigor,
that eight-hour period could be reduced to adapt to our own
Nor should we make the mistake of letting ourselves be
dominated by haste, because when we try to live life too quickly
and without reflecting on things properly, we lose the possibility
of giving each thing the attention it deserves and life ends
without our being able to take advantage of it. A person who
spends too much time working or does things too hastily ends up
being a slave to their work and only gets to know the superficial
part of life. When a person lives in this way, they reach old age
having done many things, but without having taken advantage of
any of them, for that reason, we have to dedicate the time that is
rightly due to each thing.
In reality, our body and all the technology that is inside it, has
been built by us through our work when we were in the spiritual
dimension. All that evolutionary effort is aimed at making our
body evolve until it is perfect. The progress of science cannot be
unlimited either, because its purpose is to complete the
technical capacity that man must have. This is so, because the
human dimension has a defined scope of development,
therefore, what society calls progress is only the process that we
must follow to build civilization. This initial process is equivalent
to childhood in human life, but when humanity finishes
completing its technological development, the vertiginous pace
of technical progress that exists today will cease, then progress
will continue, but at a slower and more stable pace that will last
for billions of years until the current cosmic cycle ends.
To summarize, it is correct to consider the sun as a part of the
universal government because it is the star that governs the solar
system from a physical point of view, but in the same way that it
does not make sense to call a captain or a president a god
because of the fact that that they exercise a management
position, it also does not make sense that we use that qualifier to
refer to a planet or a star just because they exert a physical
influence on our planet. The influence that the stars have on
living beings is only physical and indirect, this means that they
cannot know what each person does in their particular life or
communicate with it, nor are they responsible for the creation
and development of the biological forms that live on earth. The
ancient polytheistic religions made the mistake of attributing to
the sun or the planets qualities that do not correspond to them,
because on the one hand they recognized the physical influence
that the gravity of the planets or the energy of the sun can exert
on the Earth, but at the same time attributed a direct and
personal influence on living beings beyond what corresponds to
them, therefore, the qualifier of God is only reasonable to apply
to what is common and acts throughout the
universe. Monotheism was in that sense a factor of progress for
all humanity.

Throughout history, human beings have tried to understand the

origin of the universe and that is why they have thought that
there would have to be a creator or God responsible for its
existence, however, if God had created the universe then it
would be necessary to know who created it. God. The answer is
simple and it is that God can only be considered that which
controls and organizes evolution but is not the creator of it,
because the universe has always existed. But as the reader will
have understood, the word "always" is situated within time,
which seems like a contradiction, because all time has a
beginning and an end. This is solved by understanding that time
is also a relative concept because when the universe ends its
current period of time it will begin again. This is why the
beginning or creation of the universe must be sought outside of
time because the present moment has already existed previously
but this cannot be registered, because the entire universe with
its time begins again from the beginning after each cycle. For this
reason, creation instead of looking for it in time, it is necessary to
look for it in logic. This means that although that God posed as a
giant and almighty man who lives on a cloud of ancient cultures
is wrong, however, it does make sense to think of the existence
of a God as an explanation for the very existence or coordination
of the cosmos. , but that does not mean that it has to be as it
was thought in ancient times. That is why I am going to describe
the qualities that in my opinion define God.
It must be said in the first place that the universe is neither
created nor destroyed but only transformed, and when it ends it
will begin again, that means that there cannot be a creator God
but only a coordinating element of the cosmos. It could then be
said that God is first of all that which is common to all beings in
the universe because in reality we all make God because we are
part of it. In reality, all beings are the hands of God when, with
their daily work, they contribute to the progress of the
world. The progress of civilization is also God's plan for that
reason, when we work to favor the current progress of God
through us because we are part of him. God does not create the
universe, because the universe is eternal and repeats itself from
where it began every time it ends, that means that God or
universal laws do not create the universe but transform it
God is, on the one hand, the set of laws based on truth that
govern the universe, and on the other, is the set of all beings that
make up the universe. The universe, therefore, arises from God
and God arises from the universe because they are the same
thing, both endowed with eternal life and in constant
transformation. It could be said then, that a part of God is
represented by the universal laws that are based on the truth,
therefore, the risk of making mistakes is a possibility derived
from our free will granted by the elastic and voluntary dimension
of nature, but this free will is outside of those constant laws that
define God. This means that the possibility of making mistakes is
part of all the beings that make up God, that is, it is part of all of
us, but it is not part of the ideal laws on which the universe is
This is because the universe works through a duality that
contains, on the one hand, a fixed, pure, feminine, blue part in
the vertical dimension that represents divine values and absolute
truths that cannot be modified. And on the other, it has a
variable, masculine, red part in the horizontal dimension,
provided with free will and subject to the risk of making
mistakes. That duality is present inside all the beings that
populate the universe, therefore, when someone makes a
mistake and moves away from those universal laws based on
truth, it is said that they have stopped following the laws of God.
God does not have sex or has both because he represents the
whole united. This means that in the universe there can be many
situations and beings that have different sex or polarity but God
can only be considered the sum of all of them, therefore it must
be considered neutral in that sense.
God is fair, because by representing all beings at the same time
and being the common denominator that unites them, he is
necessarily impartial with them. In addition, the universe works
through the cyclical renewal that determines that all beings will
live all the events and all the experiences of others, that means
that sometimes we will be the kings and again we will be the
vassals, sometimes we will be the victims but other times.
Sometimes we will be the executioners, that is to say that
everyone who is a victim today will also live in another cosmic
cycle the life of the executioner who attacked him because time
repeats itself incessantly. This is the reason why it is convenient
to have justice as an essential moral norm to relate to our fellow
men, because surely one day we will live what we do to others in
the present.
In reality, crimes, accidents, or evil are the unintended
consequence of nature's need to forget in order to regenerate
and start over. That does not mean that nature's goal is for us to
make mistakes or suffer accidents, but the universe has to take
that risk if it wants to reap the immense benefits that the
universal renewal process provides. With that renewal, the
universe begins a new cosmic life from the beginning. At that
time, all spirits are ignorant of the world around them, but in
return they have all the new discoveries and sensations that
nature can provide them, because discovering something new
every day is one of the best things that nature has life. However,
this initial situation of error and confusion is only temporary,
because when civilizations finish their development process, the
immense fruits of science will allow them to achieve a life full of
God is not a dictator as some think, firstly because he is not an
individual being separated from us but rather arises from us, and
secondly because universal life has no meaning if it is not in
democracy. Any form of government that exists in the universe
must always progress towards the fair distribution of power
among all those to whom that power is applied. In reality, the
laws that govern the universe are created by all the beings that
inhabit it because God is not an individual being separated from
us but we are all part of it.
A democracy is always better than a dictatorship, because in a
dictatorship or a monarchy (which is the same thing) there is
only one person who makes the final political decisions, and to
make things worse, they are surrounded by sycophants who
usually support the decision of the leader, even if he has no
reason, to avoid being victims of the excessive power he
concentrates. For this reason, it is always better that power is
shared among many, so that the risk of being wrong is less. It will
always be better for a difficult decision to be thought and
decided by many than to yield all responsibility to the judgment
of one alone. It is true that in any command system it is
necessary for there to be a chief or a president, but, in a true
democracy, it is fair that the final decision on which laws must be
approved and which ones rejected must be decided by all
citizens. In some countries there is also democracy with a
parliamentary monarchy, these political systems are actually
republics that maintain the king for decorative purposes to
satisfy the social sectors that prefer the monarchical model.
God does not inhabit the planets, or in other words, the planets
are not gods, nor do they have beings or spirits that rule them
and decide what their climatic or volcanic behavior has to
be. However, it is different if it is to find out what the nature of
the planets is, because a planet just like a person has a life of its
own, that is to say that it does not need any being to rule it
because it is perfectly capable of governing itself. A horse can
have a rider who controls it, but it can also govern itself. In the
same way, a planet does not need anyone to direct it because it
can do it without anyone's help. The reason why some ancient
philosophers believed that planets have spirits that control them
is because they could not understand that a planet could be a
living being at the same time. It is possible that each planet is an
individual being or it is also possible that the entire material
universe made up of stars and planets (but not including plants,
animals or people or the spirits that inhabit them) form a single
being, because in reality all matter has life and intelligence and
therefore can govern itself.
The myth of considering that there are spirits or gods that rule
the planets comes from prehistoric mythology that considered
that each planet was a god only for the fact of living in the sky
and consequently they thought that it had direct power over all
people's affairs This is how the belief in astrology was
born. Others thought that the planet as such was not a god but
was ruled by a divine spirit. The most adequate explanation is
that whether we consider the stars separately or the entire
universe together as part of a single being, we should not
consider them gods just because their size impresses us, nor is it
correct to think that other spirits rule them. , because if we
recognize that they are living beings like us then we must
consider it logical that they can govern themselves. It is a big
mistake to think that planets are gods just because they are
large, because the fact that they are large does not justify their
being considered gods in the same way that whales or giraffes
are larger than people but on the scale evolutionary rank lower.
It is reasonable to say that the sun by its gravity governs the solar
system because the rest of the planets revolve around it, but
that does not mean that it is a god or that there is a god within it
that governs it. Nor does it make sense to believe that planets
are beings with their own life, and at the same time to believe
that they need a spirit alien to them to control them, because, if
a planet or the sun needed a spirit to govern them, would that
mean that the stars are so stupid that they cannot rule
themselves? Therefore, the correct thing is to consider the
planets or the sun as living beings and consequently capable of
managing their own affairs without needing any spirit or entity
other than the stars themselves. It is true that according to the
laws of physics the smallest stars must revolve around the
largest and these, in turn, act as governors of the whole through
their force of gravity, but that does not mean that they need
spirits let them direct them, because the stars have a life of their
own and consequently can govern themselves.
Nor is it logical to think that the stars can talk to people. It is
possible that each planet is a single being separately, but it is
also possible that all the planets and stars of the universe form a
single being, but that does not mean that they can talk to people,
because in the first place they do not have to know The human
language and secondly, even if they wanted to, they could not do
it, because unlike people they are not reincarnated in the planets
but rather the planets are their body and their spirit at the same
time. That means that all atomic processes have to be directly
supervised by them, which forces them to have their minds
divided into millions of tasks, this prevents them, even wanting,
to talk to people. This also determines that in a way they are
inferior beings to people, because even knowing atomic
processes in detail, their world is limited to the basic aspects of
matter, unlike man who represents a higher evolutionary
level. This is so, because in human society, the matter that this
being or beings control is used to create a more advanced
evolutionary system, first creating the human body with the
matter of the Earth, and later creating a technologically
advanced civilization.
Unlike the universal being that is and controls the stars and
planets, a man does not own his body, or in other words, the
atoms of our body are not part of us but only our spirit,
therefore, when the body dies the spirit separates from him and
continues to live separately. This is necessary, because having a
body made up of matter borrowed from the Earth, our spirit can
only take care of the higher functions, but the lower tasks such
as the administration of the atoms together with all their
chemical or biological reactions, are given to being universal. This
allows man to live more freely and focus only on matters that are
necessary to create human civilization. In reality, the gods of
antiquity were surely spirits or extraterrestrial beings, because
God as an abstract concept cannot communicate with us and
neither can the planets, therefore only spirit beings and
extraterrestrials remain as best candidates to be the ancient
Spiritual beings are the spirits that reincarnate as plants, animals
or people. Before reincarnation, spirits are able to remember
their previous lives and consequently also the knowledge they
acquired in the past, this means that at that time they are, in a
certain way, superior spirits. There are also spirits that after
dying their body refuse to abandon their human personality, this
prevents them from remembering their previous lives because
both personalities are incompatible. The human personality is
inferior, when it comes from a primitive civilization that has not
yet completed its evolutionary development process. This means
that when the ancient priests invoked the spirits they considered
gods, they did not know for sure if those who were going to
respond to that invocation were superior spirits, inferior spirits,
spirits of plants or extraterrestrial beings.
God is benign, because although it is true that evil exists,
however, it is not something created deliberately since it is the
consequence of error, that is, God creates renewal and oblivion
so that all beings can live again all experiences as if it were the
first time, but with the disadvantage that this forgetfulness
creates ignorance and as an accidental consequence of that
ignorance error and the evil that derives from it arises when
beings go wrong on their way, but the evil is not something
deliberately generated. That means that the being that controls
the planets and the stars cannot be dominated by evil by having
a knowledge of the superior matter that accompanies it
throughout the cosmic cycle. Evil, therefore, only happens to
spirits when they reincarnate as primitive men and begin the
development of civilization, because at that moment, they forget
the higher knowledge that accompanies their spirit during all
their reincarnations.
God does not have an evil being or devil as the opposite and
equivalent of him who during successive times is dedicated to
doing evil, except if it is posed in a symbolic way. All superior
beings are, precisely because they are fair, because one cannot
be both superior and evil at the same time, since that is a
contradiction. Evil, therefore, is only the consequence of error,
that means that demons do not live doing evil continuously but
are normal beings who have deviated from the correct path
because of their ignorance and therefore have than to be normal
again if they want to progress and be happy. This means that a
being can deviate from the right path and become a demon
many times during the evolution process, but it must also return
to normal the same number of times because eternal damnation
does not exist and is only a means of the church to Scare People.
Evil occurs when, out of ignorance, a being gives an excessive
value to the masculine part of life, that is, when he becomes
materialistic and adopts injustice as the only aspect to be taken
into account, then he forgets the spiritual aspects of life and of
the importance of justice as a moral norm to be happy. This
causes him to confront his peers and suffer until he realizes that
he must return to justice to be happy. This process of falling and
ascending again occurs repeatedly because when we die we
forget our spiritual memories although we retain some
qualities. That means that if during childhood we deviate from
the path we will suffer the consequences until we return to the
right path. This situation will end when the world completes its
process of evolution, then evil will no longer have a place in
society because humanity will have reached full wisdom.
God does not use the devil. Some think that God uses the devil
as an instrument to test people, but this can only have a
symbolic meaning, because neither God nor the devil are
individual beings or spirits, but only symbolic
characters. Therefore, those who consider God an individual
being understand that if God is the supreme being and yet the
devil exists, it is because God created him to use him. But the
truth is very different, because God does not use the devil, but
the devil or evil inevitably arise on primitive planets as a
consequence of ignorance. It is true that the universe generates
ignorance in order to regenerate itself, but this is not done with
the intention that evil arises, but rather that it arises when by
mistake a being enters the wrong path, but without that
behavior being something deliberate.
 At the beginning, the universe is plunged in ignorance and as a
consequence of that ignorance evil can arise, every being that
makes the mistake of assuming injustice as the main behavior
becomes symbolically a devil or, in other words, creates it
inside , but just as there is a moment in which it begins to be,
there is another in which it abandons it, because we must not
forget that in reality evil arises when the mistake of choosing
injustice is made as the basic norm of behavior, but at the same
time Being a wrong behavior is necessary to return to the right
path to continue evolving. This means that what God or universal
laws need is not evil, but renewal, because the renewal process
is an essential part of the universe. In order to renew itself, the
universe needs to go back to the beginning and forget all its
knowledge, as a consequence of this renewal ignorance occurs
and as a consequence of that ignorance some beings make the
mistake of heading towards evil. This is normal in all primitive
planets, but it does not happen because God seeks evil as a goal,
but it is an accidental consequence of the renewal of the
universe. Evil, therefore, is an accident of the evolutionary
process and not something deliberate. Therefore, it is correct to
say that God is responsible for ignorance when the universe is
renewed, but evil is not deliberate, because it only appears when
a wrong moral behavior is chosen.
God is constant and perfect in the feminine, crystalline, blue and
vertical dimension, because his laws are based on the truth and
since the truth cannot be contradicted, it is always
immutable. But we all carry within us a part of God that can be
wrong, because it depends on the horizontal, warm, red,
masculine and variable dimension. This dimension is the one that
allows free will and ignorance, therefore, when we make
mistakes we stop being connected to the part of God that is
perfect, therefore, progress consists of gradually eliminating
what is wrong until only that which is perfect remains. It is not
that there are two gods, one vertical and the other horizontal,
but that there is only one God who expresses himself through
those two dimensions that exist in the universe, because in
reality, those dimensions are within ourselves, that is, they exist
and they are manifested through all the beings that populate the
God does not speak to people, because he is an abstract concept
and not an independent being and as a living being he is the sum
of all beings in the universe. However, a higher or extraterrestrial
being can speak on his behalf and be considered his
representative if he works to complete human evolution.
God is not a man nor is he masculine, because in reality he is the
sum of everything that exists in the universe and consequently
represents the two dimensions, male and female
equally. However, it is to a certain extent logical that he is
considered masculine, because the concept of command is
symbolically masculine, therefore, considering God the creator of
the universe, it is normal for him to be identified with a male
figure, although the correct explanation is more complex. The
same happens when people see God as an old and bearded man
on a cloud, the truth is that God is not a man but man has been
made according to the laws of nature, therefore, it can be
considered as a version correct but simpler of God. The cloud
symbolizes the upper world and the beard is associated with the
wisdom of old age, all these examples show that people have
made a God based only on symbolic assumptions but with some
truth inside.
In the past, it was customary to worship the sun as a god
because of its great influence on Earth. It is true that both from
the energetic and gravitational point of view the sun rules over
the Earth and consequently it can be considered as a part of the
universal government in the physical aspect, but in reality, the
sun is only a small star among many and in turn it is
gravitationally governed by the black hole that is located in the
center of the galaxy. This means that it is correct to consider the
sun as part of the universal government because of its physical
influence on the planets, but it is a mistake to consider it a
god. The sun is a male symbol and governs the planets through
its energy and gravity, in turn, the planets symbolize the female
sex and act submissive to its influence, this is so, because the
command is a male quality and the submissive attitude it is
feminine. This explains why the Hebrews assumed after their
passage through Egypt that God was male, because due to the
association they made between the sun, the command, and the
male sex, they believed that the supreme or universal God had to
be necessarily a male entity. But it is a mistake to believe that
God is a male being just because the quality of control is, the
correct thing to do is to consider that God can only be that which
is neutral and equally represents both sexes or both universal
The correct thing is to consider the ability to command as a
typically masculine quality, but we must not forget that a woman
can also command in certain circumstances, that means, that it is
the quality of command that is masculine by nature, but that
does not mean that A woman cannot command in her
specifically feminine dimension, because within each person
there are also two poles, the existence of polarities is present
even in each atom, the difference between a man and a woman
is that each sex is oriented more towards one polarity, but only
in a vital aspect not in all.
The sun, therefore, is not God, but it does make sense to
consider that it is a part of the universal power gear from a
physical point of view. Nor should we forget that the feminine
dimension has the same importance as the masculine for the
development of the universe although it acts on a different
plane. This dimension in the solar system is represented by the
planets and they are as important as the sun to give life. The sun
as a male symbol gives us energy, and the planets as a female
symbol give us the matter to build our physical bodies. This
shows that energy without union with matter is nothing and
matter without union with energy is nothing. That is why God, in
absolute terms, can only represent the sum of both universal
values. This explains why in the past it was so normal to create
gods and goddesses, because they tried to highlight the
masculine and feminine principles that are present in everything
in the universe as an expression of the bipolarity of the cosmos.
This also explains why there is that stubborn determination in
some people to seek the divinity of the mother of Jesus, because
what their worshipers try is to recognize the feminine side of
nature, but they do it by making a serious mistake, because they
convert a woman in a goddess which goes against the
monotheistic concept and therefore is against the most essential
Christian foundations. It is absurd to say that God has a mother
or father, because that, in addition to being a form of
polytheism, is in contradiction with the fact that God is
hypothetically the creator of the universe and consequently
cannot have a mother. The solution to this confusion is to
recognize that God is neither masculine nor feminine, because
although it is true that command is a masculine quality, however,
it also has feminine values within it equally and each of those
values is, in its dimensional plane, the most important
thing. God, therefore, does not have sex or has both at the same
time, therefore, it is better to define him as the common
denominator of all beings in the cosmos.
God therefore creates us and at the same time we create God
because we are part of him. This is so, because the concept of
creation is also abstract because there is no creation in an
absolute sense but only transformation. A part of the cosmos is
fixed and immutable, it is the one that is derived from the truth
and acts as a mathematical system that cannot be contradicted
and then there is the variable part that offers different optional
paths and that generates time. Time consists of the passage of
the universe from a high energy level to a low one, exchanging
energy for organization and progress. But when this process is
finished, the energy will return to the starting point describing a
circular path because in the universe absolute straight lines do
not exist. Then, all the beings that make up the universe will be
reunited in a single particle and the process will begin again. It is
as if the current universe were that original particle but turned
inside to become more complex and varied by dividing it into
multiple particles. In other words, the universe is a spherical
body formed by a multitude of beings that have been derived
from the initial particle, but that will return to that particle when
the cosmic cycle ends. It is a sphere that passes through time
from simplicity to complexity, and when time ends it will begin
again. In other words, it first goes from having one particle to
having many and then going from having many to having one.
The universe, at first, was like a mirror with a single image that
later broke into countless pieces that in turn gave rise to
innumerable images identical to the original, because each of
those pieces actually represents all living beings in the
cosmos. At first there was only one mirror because there was
only one being, but when it broke it was divided into many
fragments that are equivalent to many beings, because in reality
all beings emerge from the first with their same qualities and
their same eternal life, that is why, when the universe ends its
current cosmic cycle all beings will be reunited as one. It is the
same as if all the fragments of the mirror were to melt again to
form the one it was at the beginning, then time will repeat itself
and the process will begin again. This division is necessary,
because in this way the universe is enriched by creating billions
of lives and with it billions of different experiences.
God does not work miracles, if we understand something that
happens outside of nature as a miracle, but he does work
miracles if we understand that a miracle is something surprising,
because nature is full of impressive things that are much more
surprising than what people call miracles.
God is not Jesus or any other ancient prophet. Because God is an
abstract concept and not a person, the reason why religious
organizations are very often so determined to affirm that the
founders of religions are divine beings is in order to manipulate
the population, because if they are considers that those ancient
philosophers are divine then they can claim that they are also
infallible and by extension they can say that the church is
also. From there they believe that everything has to be
summarized to give orders and hope that people obey them
considering that only they can represent God, that would
ultimately be a religious dictatorship. With that excuse, they try
to deny citizens the right to think freely. It is ultimately vile
behavior designed to manipulate the human mind that is still
used by many destructive religions and sects.
An example of this we have in the Pope of Rome when he tries to
describe himself as "infallible or holiness". Substituting a name
for a qualifying adjective that suggests divinity is an insult to
intelligence that citizens do not have to accept, because
infallibility does not exist in any human being, and sanctity is not
something that can be put as a substitute for the name, because
A true saint is first of all humble, but whoever uses that word or
accepts that others use it almost as an equivalent of the proper
name shows that if something is lacking it is humility and is used
deliberately with the evil intention that the citizens assume
without question that he is an almost divine being, and therefore
accept his claims. Religion must above all be freedom of thought
and must defend the right of all citizens to change everything
that is wrong even if it is within the same religion. 
God does not answer or listen to prayers or supplications, but
not out of disdain but because he is not an individual being. In
other words, when someone despises the laws of God, which can
also be called the laws of nature, they suffer the consequences
of this, but this does not happen because a supreme being
punishes them, but because nature follows its course whether
we have it in counts as if not. An example of this are the
epidemics caused by overpopulation, because when there is no
food to feed more people, the immune system weakens, which
favors diseases, but many times this occurs due to the
recklessness of people who form large families even knowing
that they will not be able to feed them. Another example is
retirees, because for many their life is summed up to eating,
sleeping, spending time with superfluous entertainment and
gaining weight, with that attitude what they are doing is crying
out for diseases, because when calories are introduced into the
body that are not going to be spent obesity is caused which is the
cause of many diseases. This behavior is not only a mistake, it is
also an act of evil, because food is used as a simple stimulant
even knowing that the body does not need as much food.
During the winter, people get used to eating more than normal
to replace the calories that the cold forces them to expend, but,
when spring arrives and the temperature rises, people who like
to abuse their food refuse to Give up that excess of calories
which causes the appearance of gastroenteritis, then, for the
sake of not changing, they will say that it is God's fault for having
invented bacteria. That, they say, because they do not want to
recognize that by introducing food into the body that is not
needed, it tends to react with apathy and slowness, and refuses
to process that food at the speed it should, which turns the body
into a nest of bacteria. Many people think that the main meal of
the day must necessarily include a first course, then a second
course and finally dessert, but that is a serious mistake, because
the only thing we have to take into account when eating is the
need of calories that our body has. That is to say that for all
those who are retired and do little exercise, or for those who
work but spend few calories a day, the correct thing to do would
be to eat only a first course with something to drink.
With regard to food, in the universe there is a supreme law that
says that only those who do physically hard work and with a
large expenditure of calories can consume a lot of fat without
being harmed, but those who after retirement intend to continue
with a high Fat consumption nature relentlessly punishes them in
the form of heart attacks or strokes. Therefore, before blaming
God, we should look in the mirror. The same happens in the
residences where the elderly are taken to vegetate and die, it is
necessary to make them feel important until the last day of their
life, because life without participation and without striving for
good health does not make sense to live it. It would be good for
the elderly to do gymnastics, lose weight for those who are
overweight and work in workshops producing objects a few
hours a day, but they would not make those objects just to
entertain themselves, do mental exercise or feel useful, but also
to distribute those objects on the web commercial if that's
possible. And the people who run the residences should
encourage them to do so, because many elderly people are
unable to move their body due to the great overweight they are,
and it would be enough for them to lose those kilos that they do
not need to regain mobility and with it a good part of his lost
youth. Youth not only depends on age, many people being young
feel emotionally old and many old people feel the illusion of
living as if they were still young. One of the keys to achieving this
is to try to keep our body and mind healthy throughout our lives,
to achieve this we must move away from excesses on the
physical plane and live with dignity on the spiritual plane. There
are also many young people who only think about getting older
and achieving prestige and when they finally achieve that
prestige they realize that they have lost their youth, then they
would like to exchange all that prestige for the lost youth to
relive life and youth without higher ambitions.
All this shows, that when people blame God they should blame
themselves first, because many times it is their stupid and
reckless behavior that gives rise to the problems. It must also be
said that when someone tries to speak with God, they can
actually speak with the part of God that we all have inside of us,
that means that we should not wait for the outside to come to
solve our problems but we must use our capacity creative is to
say the part of God that we all have to change the world and
make it better, at least in what is within our possibilities. 
God is not the sun, nor a planet, nor a star, nor is he the being
that forms the entire material universe together, assuming that
all the stars and galaxies form a single being, because size is not
the same as importance. In other words, that being or beings will
one day also live like us and we like them because deep down we
all have the same essence and share the same universal
functions in a rotating way regardless of whether at a certain
moment we are a planet and in another we are an ant, what
matters is that we all have an identical immortal spirit.
God has no helpers in the strict sense of the word, because in
reality God is the whole united. However, when a higher being
acts as a tutor to another to help him, it is as if he were acting in
the name of God and the laws that represent him, therefore,
higher beings can be considered angels at the service of God.
God is not a sum of gods as occultists believe, there may be
spirits or extraterrestrial beings that due to their high
evolutionary level can be considered as their representatives, but
in no case should God be considered as the sum of them,
because God is precisely the common denominator that unites
the entire universe in one thing. That is to say that in absolute
terms the concept of God does not include only superior beings
but is also within all beings that exist in the universe, including in
this both educated and ignorant beings. This means that on the
physical and horizontal plane God includes all the beings that
exist in the universe, and on the spiritual and vertical plane God
includes all the truths that govern the universe and also the
beings that are in connection with those truths. Therefore,
higher beings are in connection with God in two dimensions, but
ignorant beings or those who are going astray are only in
connection with him in one.
Nor is it okay to encourage the worship of people or things like
some religions do, because with that attitude they are favoring
polytheism, they may not call it by that name, but when they
build altars to worship virgins, saints, Christs or Buddhas that is
exactly what they do, by acting like this they are insulting
God. Defending monotheism is good for humanity, because it
unites all beings before it by considering them equal. In other
words, there may be beings in the universe with a different
evolutionary level or responsibility, but this is only a temporary
and rotating situation, because in reality all beings are the same
in their essence.
God has no father, mother, wife or children except if we consider
all the beings in the universe as their parents or their children,
because God basically arises from us, but there is no being in the
universe that is his wife or son in exclusive. These beliefs are
actually modern forms of polytheism that are made to replace
the ancient gods and goddesses with virgins, saints or christs to
worship, but, with such behavior, it falls into blasphemy because
God has no personal mothers or children because he alone is
that which unites us and defines us all, he is, the common
denominator of the universe. Christ can act as a representative
of God in the moral aspect, but he is no more his son physically
than any being that inhabits the universe. Christ is in consonance
with divine laws and in consonance with God because these laws
represent him, but as a physical being, he is exactly the same
child of God as we are.
Neither do evil beings exist at the same level as God, because evil
is only the consequence of error and therefore there are no evil
beings in the worlds where superior beings inhabit. Evil is linked
to backwardness and ignorance, therefore, when a world is
illuminated with the light of truth, it banishes evil from its bosom
and it can only continue to exist in primitive worlds. In reality,
God and the devil are abstract characters and not real in the
literal sense of the word, but the difference is that all higher
beings can be considered representatives of God because they
act in harmony with the universal laws that represent him. On
the other hand, in the case of the devil, there are no superior
beings that can represent him, but only those people who live in
the primitive worlds and fall into evil, because evil, being the
consequence of ignorance, can only exist in them. This means
that a person when he degenerates he becomes a devil, but in
the same way that he becomes evil, he can become just and
worthy again.
In the universe, there are two dimensions, a horizontal one that
includes the red color on the left, and the blue color on the right,
and they represent that which is good and constant indefinitely,
and another dimension is the vertical one that represents the
step of backwardness to progress with black below and white
above. This dimension goes from more to less down and from
less to higher, because ignorance and darkness are transformed
into light and knowledge. That means that one day and as a
consequence of progress, evil will disappear from the
Earth. Therefore, demonic sects are absurd, because worshiping
evil is the same as worshiping error and ignorance.
It is a great mistake to try to obtain benefits by making a pact
with the evil spirits, because in reality they are the spirits of
those dead criminals who, because they have not detached
themselves from their inferior human personality, have not been
able to fully recover their spiritual memories and consequently
have a level of wisdom far inferior to spirits at the highest
level. This means that those who try to make deals with such
spirits risk becoming their victims, because if those spirits do not
ascend quickly to the higher level it is because their degenerate
behavior prevents them from letting go of their own prejudices.
Evil spirits usually produce the sensation of bad smell or appear
with the appearance of corpses, this is possible, because with
our spiritual capacities we can notice their interest in preserving
the dead body instead of moving towards a new reincarnation, it
is, therefore Thus, his backward attitude, which causes the
feeling of disgust. In other words, that sensation of a bad smell
or funeral atmosphere does not necessarily occur as a
consequence of causing gases, but because the people who are
close to them are capable of perceiving the emotional sensation
that corresponds to putrefaction or the evil associated with that
It is surprising that there are evil sects that try to justify
themselves by saying that they defend freedom and free will
when they defend evil, because precisely freedom is one of the
fundamental pillars on which those who defend good and justice
rely, which people call "laws of God" do not come from a
bearded old man on a cloud as many people imagine, but
actually arise from the laws of nature, and each culture and
religion has tried to explain them in their own way, and the The
fact that someone says that they do not believe or do not
recognize the existence of moral norms or natural laws does not
mean that for that reason they are not necessary or will not
affect them. Because the fact that every organized system needs
common rules does not have to be in contradiction with free will,
each person has the right to do what they want with their life as
long as they do not interfere with the rights of others, that is the
key to justice.
It is the eternal dilemma of what is more important if the
individual interest or the collective interest. In the end, it is clear
that a civilized society cannot function well if it does not give
both aspects equal importance. That is to say that the laws of
God that we could also call the laws of nature do not exist to
limit the rights of anyone, because it is not possible to create an
organized system with the capacity to evolve if there are no
common laws that we all must respect, but of which we can all
benefit from. It is fair and correct to defend that there are
common rules or laws as long as they are fair, but to propose a
world without laws or government as the anarchists claim, only
serves to cause the destruction of all established order, in
addition to unleashing crime and violence delinquency.
It is true that religious organizations have tried to use religious
beliefs in order to exploit people for their benefit, but we should
not blame this on religion, because it is based on beneficial moral
standards compiled over millennia by philosophers, but which
are then used by these organizations for evil purposes. For just
as we shouldn't blame the messenger for what's in the message,
we shouldn't blame religion for what religious organizations do
with it. Therefore, we must use our ability to distinguish what
surrounds us without allowing ourselves to be dominated by
these organizations that claim to represent God but actually
serve the devil. Nor should we be fooled by demonic sects,
because in that direction there is no way out.
It is an act of hypocrisy to try to pose evil as if it were an act of
free will, because they want to use free will to harm other
people, and that is not freedom but tyranny, and those who
think they can commit are stupid crimes or acts of tyranny
without receiving a punishment in return, because only those
who defend justice can say without lying that they defend the
freedom and free will of citizens. We must not forget that the
rights of some end when the rights of others begin and this,
tyrants do not want to recognize it, but they have to take into
account that if they act with despotism the rest of society will
make them pay.
There are also those who raise the divine concept the other way
around, because they affirm that God is evil and the devil is good
based on the biblical account of the tree of life, knowledge, good
and evil, where it is said that the serpent tempts to Adam to eat
from the tree. They consider that then the serpent cannot be evil
if it tempts Adam to eat from the apple that gives
knowledge. This belief arises from literally understanding what
can only be analyzed from a symbolic point of view, because the
plan of God or of nature has always been from the beginning of
life on Earth that species evolve until they reach man, and let it
continue until the technological progress is complete. The cause
of this confusion is that the snake can represent both benign and
evil aspects. It can represent benign aspects, because the snake
can be used to represent the sun, energy, technique or wisdom
and everything positive can provide. And evil aspects because
poorly controlled energy can cause fires, radioactive leaks or
accidents of all kinds. If we consider it from the moral point of
view, the negative aspect arises when only the masculine or
material aspects are appreciated and the feminine or spiritual
aspects are despised, then materialism and injustice are
generated. This second aspect is the one that must have inspired
the authors of genesis when they made the story of Adam and
the tree of knowledge, but it is clear that they did not make an
effort to explain the metaphysical meaning of the story.
The snake can describe a circle with its body, therefore, some
ancient religious used this symbol to represent the sun as a
producer of energy, and also to represent renewal. The tree
represents the fruit that arises when the energy of the sun is
united with the matter of the earth, because with that union life
is produced. The tree can also represent the cross of dimensions
in which the positive or masculine pole joins the negative or
feminine pole to produce life with their union. In this case, the
horizontal line represents the earth and the vertical one
represents the sun that fertilizes the earth with its rays. The
moral of this story is that happiness and life can only emerge
when there is a correct balance between the male and female
dimension of the universe.
Although evil has existed in the world since the beginning of
history, however, the ancient regions were generally benign, it is
true that the church blamed them for being demonic to get
followers, the truth is that although they were not evil in what
refers to their intention, if they were instead because of their
behavior, because when the church or the writers of the Bible
considered that the horned Phoenician god Baal Amun was the
Devil, they did not do it because they believed it, but because
the practices of burning people in the ritual sacrifices that were
made in their name if they were something evil even if those
who did it did not realize it. It is possible that these crimes were
committed out of ignorance or their own wickedness, or it is also
possible that it was the evil spirits with whom they
communicated in the rituals that induced them to commit
them. Because in the past, it was very common for the priests of
ancient religions to make invocations to communicate with what
they believed to be gods, but which were actually beneficial
spirits, on some occasions, but on others they were spirits of
dead criminals who treated them to induce new crimes in
exchange for false promises. 
People mistakenly believed that these crimes favored crops
because they did not understand the real processes of nature
and the church by condemning these practices as demonic, they
were trying to eliminate what was wrong. In this way, the
Egyptian god Seth or Saturn became Satan, Lucifer, who is the
planet Venus, became the prince of darkness and the Phoenician
god Baal Ammon by his horns and the ceremonies with fire that
they did in his His name became the Devil, the king of hell. It is
true that in ancient religions there was also wisdom, and it is
true that in current religions there is also evil or ignorance, but
when it comes to understanding the universe, then monotheism
is superior to polytheism.
The same can be said regarding the serpent of genesis that
tempts Adam and Eve. In the past the serpent was a benign
symbol that due to its ability to form a circle was associated with
the sun, renewal or knowledge, but the authors of genesis and
the Christian church saw fit to define it as evil in order to
eradicate the worship of animals, planets or the sun that was
common in ancient times and focus on a single universal God as
the most evolved form of worship. The snake can also be
associated with evil because if it represents the sun and
therefore energy, then it can be used to represent the chaos and
disorder that occur when energy is not properly channeled,
when that happens confusion arises and error, and consequently
the evil that derives from it, for this very reason the devil or hell,
are usually associated with heat and the color red, this color, like
the others, is benign in its essence and represents the energy,
instability and risk, but when an excessive value is given to the
masculine dimension over the feminine one causes accident,
error or evil. In the opposite position is the blue color that
represents stability and spiritual values.
A similar example is found in the apocalypse when the dragon is
described as the equivalent of the serpent trying to eat the child
of a woman who is about to give birth, it is about representing
materialism in red here, trying to prevent it from the woman
who represents spirituality in blue from birth to a new era of
peace and light in the world. The dragon has seven heads that
represent seven empires that have made materialism their
reason for being. On the woman there is a crown of twelve stars
that represent the superior beings watching over that the dragon
does not achieve its objectives. Therefore, it is necessary that
both the masculine dimension represented by the color red and
the feminine one represented by the color blue act in harmony
without one of them trying to take the place of the other,
because when the color red and blue are coordinated properly
the life represented by the green color arises.
This symbolic example from the Bible also represents the
universal cross where on the left is the color red and masculine
values, on the right the color blue and feminine values, below
the black color representing evil and above the white color
representing the good, however, when the red and masculine
color of the left exceeds and tries to encompass the right and
feminine side, it breaks the balance that must exist between the
two universal forces and then it turns black and evil is generated,
that is why, becomes located below. In the biblical
representation, the red dragon is placed under the woman to
symbolize that materialism tries to destroy the fruit of the
woman that actually represents a future age full of spirituality for
the world. In the future, there will be much more spirituality
than now, but it will not be so because it is the only thing that
counts, but because today humanity is too materialistic and
therefore, in the future, there will be a rebalancing and from that
moment the humanity will give the same value to matter as to
For this reason, it is said that hell is located below and heaven
above, it is the symbolic way of saying that when someone
becomes materialistic and denies the existence of the spirit, he
becomes evil and consequently the red color that represents
masculine values of the universe and that normally should be to
the left of the symbolic cross or X, it happens to be down in the
zone of evil. This happens, when a person gives an excessive
value to the masculine side of life and consequently denies the
right to exist to the feminine side, by acting like this they commit
a mistake from which evil is derived, for that reason, in this case
the color red it turns black and takes the lowest place.
Therefore, the serpent or the dragon can serve to represent
benign or evil aspects depending on the circumstances, because
the serpent represents in its benign approach the fire, energy,
the sun or the intellect and in its evil aspect the chaos or the
materialism, but this only happens when a person gives an
excessive value to the masculine or material dimension over the
feminine or spiritual one and tries to cover the space that does
not correspond to him. It is not that the snake or the red
dimension has two faces, one good and the other bad, what
happens is that when a person makes the mistake of abusing a
dimension, be it the red or the blue, then an imbalance occurs
and as a consequence Evil arises, therefore, to be happy, it is
necessary to respect the space that both dimensions must have
to function properly, because when we abuse one to the
detriment of the other, we actually harm ourselves.
It is also harmful when the opposite occurs and the feminine
dimension is given more importance over the masculine one,
because then contemporary feminism arises. Extremist feminism
arises from evil, because just like communism defends only the
feminine side of life which leads to anarchy, chaos and crime that
is the opposite of divine values and universal order. This is
because the female dimension represents dispersion and
centrifugal force, but if it is not balanced by the male or
centripetal force that seeks order around a core of power, then
the entire system ends up destroyed.
To progress, not only the sun and masculine values are
important, the Earth and feminine values that lead to order,
progress and spiritual values are also necessary. Actually, the
snake or the dragon that casts fire are symbolic examples that
serve to represent solar energy and the masculine dimension,
but when this energy is misused or in other words when we give
an excessive value to the matter represented in red Materialism
and evil arise on the spirit represented in blue, therefore, we
must give each thing its fair value.
The custom of worshiping animals that existed in ancient
religions was not limited to simply using them as a symbolic
example, but they built statues to worship them as personal
divinities, this behavior is unworthy, because it lowers both the
human being and the concept of God, for That, the effort that
the Catholic Church put into eradicating these customs can be
considered a success, it is a pity that that initial good intention
was transformed into greed when it became an important
religion. The arrival of Protestantism was a momentary ray of
light, because the Catholic Church had turned into a dark pit full
of evil and corruption when many kings from Europe came to
Rome to offer bribes for the pope to support their interests. For
this reason, those countries like England that opposed this
situation were able to improve their economies by getting rid of
the burden that this blackmail entailed.
The same mistake made by ancient religions has been made later
by some followers of theosophy or occultism, because impressed
by the legends of the past they have ended up believing in
polytheism, this is deduced when they define God as a sum of
"ancient gods", they forget that the arrival of monotheism was a
symbol of progress for humanity by recognizing on the one hand
God as the supreme and unifying value of all beings and the rest
of all beings as equals before him. It is correct to say that God
has angels or higher helper beings who can represent him and
communicate in his name with people, but it is necessary to
emphasize that God can only be considered the common
denominator of the entire universe and not those who represent
him. In my opinion, the ancient philosophers came very close to
the truth, we must not forget that to progress in philosophy no
complex apparatus is necessary because it is enough to have
time and the intelligence necessary to understand the details of
nature, but unfortunately the Ignorance and superstition of the
time in which they lived prevented them from completing the
path of wisdom.
Intellectual progress is not easy, and the level of knowledge that
a world that has only come halfway can have is limited,
therefore, humanity will not be able to fully perceive the real
world and rule out what is wrong until the evolutionary process
ends. . When that happens, the light will hide ignorance and
there will be no more evil on Earth because men will have
learned to act with balance and equity. Ignorance will no longer
confuse humanity, this in the apocalypse is symbolically defined
as "the deceiver of God" that is, the evil that derives from
ignorance tries to prevent the part of God that we all have inside
of us from arising, take control of our lives and free us from the
lies that tyrants tell us. In the apocalypse it is said that at the end
of time evil will be expelled from heaven to earth, that is, there
will no longer be evil in the evolved worlds and it will only exist in
the primitive ones, therefore, when our planet reaches
perfection it will be It will become an ideal world and then God
will descend into it, that is, the truth that represents God will
remain on Earth forever.
This situation of perfection to which all planets or people reach
when they finish their evolution process is what in Christianity is
considered to reach heaven and in Hinduism to reach
nirvana. For a planet to reach this situation of full perfection it is
necessary that all the beings that inhabit it first reach their
highest spiritual level and this, join with the highest technological
level. It is, therefore, a process of double evolution, the personal
through our inner enrichment, and the collective through the
progress of science.
When that happens, all beings who have completed their
development in the knowledge of spiritual truths will reach their
union with God, but it will not be a physical union like that which
occurs when the universe comes to an end and all spirits unite in
one only be to form the cosmic egg, but it will be an intellectual
union, because God is not an individual being, but is, on the
physical plane, all the beings that populate the universe and on
the intellectual plane the set of laws that govern. All beings that
inhabit a planet, when they finish their spiritual evolution, will
unite with God on the intellectual plane, because from that
moment on they will no longer need to change to adapt to the
truth, because at that moment they will already live in
accordance with it. When that happens, all people will continue
to reincarnate indefinitely on the planet for billions of years until
the current cosmic cycle ends, then it will be necessary to gather
all beings in a single particle to make possible the beginning of a
new one universe.
In reality, all beings are part of God in the physical aspect, but
because they have the need to forget in order to regenerate,
they can be temporarily disconnected from the intellectual part
of God, because due to ignorance they stop being in consonance
with the universal truths that also represent you. However, when
beings reach spiritual perfection their connection with God is
complete, but that does not mean that for this it is necessary for
all beings to be physically united, because the universe needs to
be divided into billions of planets populated by thousands of
millions of people because only in this way does it achieve the
variety of beings and events that makes universal life more
attractive. In other words, the physical union of all beings will not
be necessary until the cosmic cycle ends and all beings unite to
form a single particle before forming a new universe.
Hindus mistakenly believe that to achieve perfection or nirvana it
is necessary to abandon the process of reincarnations, but they
believe that, because they do not understand that it is through
reincarnation that the spirit can achieve happiness, reincarnation
is necessary, because only in this way the body that represents
matter, and the spirit that represents energy, reach the balance
that makes happiness possible. In other words, the fact of being
reincarnated does not have the sole purpose of progress, be it
physical or spiritual, but it is a means in itself to achieve
happiness. This error is due to the fact that they believe like
many Christians or followers of other religions that the problems
of the Earth will last forever. However, when the world reaches
perfection, both personally and technologically, humanity will no
longer need to dream of a perfect world, because they will
already live in it.
In the past, most religions believed in life after death, therefore,
priests used to try to communicate with their imaginary gods
through rituals, but unknowingly, sometimes, they came into
contact with the spirits of dead criminals who were they posed
as these so-called gods and encouraged them to commit ritual
crimes. Supposedly, these spirits used the emanations of the
victims' blood or their bodily energy to condense their ghostly
structures and thus momentarily return to corporeal life. These
ghostly bodies are ethereal and are designed to make the
passage from one life to the other easier by imitating the real
human body, this, they achieve, because after death they use a
little matter to represent the shape that the body had.
When the spirits find themselves in this situation they are in an
intermediate position between human and spiritual life, but
these evil spirits refuse to ascend to the higher spiritual world
perhaps out of fear of reprisals for their crimes committed during
their human life, or because they having a materialistic mentality
they never believed in reincarnation, so they stay in that
intermediate zone called limbo. Then, it can happen that in the
invocations of the priests they present themselves as supposed
gods and encourage people to commit these crimes and use the
bodily energies of their victims to increase the density of their
ghostly body and thus pretend to have come back to life
human. This is the true origin of the vampire myth. With this
attitude, evil spirits show their ignorance, because it will always
be better to advance in the spiritual world and prepare for a new
reincarnation, rather than trying to pretend that you have a
human body when that is not true.
The ancient religious tried with their rituals to communicate with
superior beings but did not understand the true nature of those
who responded to their call, sometimes they were truly superior
spirits, other times they were the spirits of criminals and other
times they were extraterrestrial beings, but for them they were
simply gods. Perhaps what determined the type of being that
came to the call was the attitude of the person who made that
call and if the priest was benign he could attract benign spirits
and when the priest was evil surely the spirit that came was also
in tune with his attitude. In the end, each one ends up generating
what they believe in, therefore, it is necessary to seek the truth
that hides behind appearances and attract the good by living
with dignity.

It makes no sense to believe in the existence of gods or thematic

spirits dedicated to acting in every aspect of matter, what does
exist is the universal being that is and governs the material
universe and then there are superior beings that can show
themselves to man as spirits or as extraterrestrial beings, these
would be the ancient angels of the Bible, but instead of gods the
correct thing would be to consider them God's helpers. These
spirits or extraterrestrial beings would have tried to favor the
progress of humanity since ancient times through unofficial
contacts with some people they selected to do the work of
prophets or intermediaries. Direct contact with governments
would be prohibited so as not to interfere too much with the
natural rhythm of evolution. This learning process would be
limited by man's ability to understand the truth, because it is of
little use for higher beings to try to teach man the great truths of
the universe if he refuses to accept them influenced by his
primitive beliefs. In ancient legends, their ships would be
referred to as the chariots of the gods in the Bible or the vimanas
in India. Subsequently, these encounters with higher beings
would be deformed and mixed with wars and human events to
make these beings appear more similar to man than they really
were and thus make these stories more interesting although at
the cost of straying quite far from the truth. 
In order not to interfere with the normal rhythm of evolution
and with the free will of people, these beings would limit
themselves to transmitting to man only generic ideas but never
specific technical data, therefore, those who think that the
scientific progress of humanity is due to them. This explains why
after these contacts occurred, human culture continued to be
imperfect and full of false myths and half-truths, this is so,
because although they try to help us, the main effort to achieve
that progress has to come from ourselves. 
At present, there is still much ignorance throughout the Earth
regarding the metaphysical truths of the universe even among
those who have tried to understand them or those who claim to
understand them, because higher beings cannot give any
knowledge that we are not able to deduce for ourselves. They
can offer us only what we are prepared to
assimilate. Unfortunately, in the world there are many who say
they know these truths even if they only know a little about
them, for that reason, they hide their ignorance behind
demagogic phrases that seem to say a lot when in reality they do
not contribute anything.
When the world finishes its evolution, most likely our cosmic
brothers will openly show themselves to us because then man
will have reached the same intellectual level as them. That
moment will be one of the most momentous in the entire history
of humanity, because when this happens, they will be able to
provide us with the data they have collected about the events of
our past that have remained hidden until now. Then it will be
possible to separate the lights from the shadows of our past and
to know which of the ancient superstitions were based on truth
and which were the product of fantasy. They can also provide us
with a copy of the library of Alexandria that the Romans burned
with all the immense knowledge of the past that was in it, or real
images of all the historical events that they had witnessed, it is
evident that after that contact the world no longer it will be the
same again.
In nature, there are also spirits in charge of managing plants or
animals that, due to their great simplicity, lack individual spirits
for each individual. That is to say that each of these spirits
controls a whole species of plants or animals in a group
way. These beings function more like robots than as beings with
their own conscience and that function of conscience is
performed by the spirit that controls them and takes care of
their needs, but it does not do so by reincarnating in them but by
coordinating them from the outside, that is why they are group
beings. This explains why there are cases in which these little
beings are thawed after spending thousands of years in the ice
and yet they come back to life, this happens simply because they
are not living beings endowed with a spirit of their own, but
remote controlled machines by his guardian spirit. Examples of
these beings that, due to their special simplicity, lack their own
spirit would be bacteria or herbs.
It makes no sense to call superiors or extraterrestrial beings
gods, because God can only be considered the common
denominator of the universe, that is, to what unites us all. God,
therefore, is not a being but the sum of all beings. God is not a
law either, but the sum of all the universal laws that are derived
from the truth. The fundamental universal laws have not been
created for being any, but are derived from the truth, they are
themselves the truth, and since the truth cannot be contradicted
in the end it acts as a precursor of the later laws that create
living beings although these Due to their free will they do not
always create laws with the truth in mind. The universe, in its
material aspect, has to largely respect these rules of nature
based on truth, because at the atomic level everything is
governed by mathematics and logic.
These primordial laws act as a guide and serve so that the being
who manages the universe does not need to pay excessive
attention to each physical process because logic and the limits
that nature itself has are responsible for bringing matter to its
logical destination almost in a automatic. In this way, the being
that is and governs the cosmos although consciously feels and
participates in all material processes, however, can also dedicate
itself to organizing everything that is new in the process of
universal evolution because most of the processes of change and
evolution in the universe were already decided in advance for
the most part even before the universe emerged from its initial
egg. That is to say that the first task that all the beings that
inhabit the universe had to do was to decide the main aspects
that it should have before causing the expansion of the galaxies,
that is to say that the universe was first thought and only later
built, that is why All the processes of change that we call time
are largely pre-established, such as those that control the effect
of gravity or the transformations of stars. This situation affects
the rigid part of the universe but not the flexible part that allows
free will, so in life we have different options to choose from.
But, can it then be considered that the first particle or the initial
cosmic egg is God? The answer is that from certain points of view
it could fit that concept, but from other points of view not. This is
due to the fact that at the beginning of the current cosmic cycle,
there was only one particle, later that particle that was not made
up of other particles, however, it was divided into many
others. So, we can think that that particle was the creator of the
others and therefore it is God, but this is a mistake, because
what that first particle did was not create them, but cloned itself,
therefore, the others particles are also at the same time the first
particle and with the same qualities. Later, this first particle was
divided into two groups, one would be that of beings that
reincarnate in the form of people or animals, and another is the
being or beings that are and govern the material universe
including stars and planets.
This universal being also has qualities that are associated with
God, because he is in charge of making the universe work and
therefore is the guardian and in charge of ensuring that the laws
of nature are maintained without significant variations
throughout the cosmic cycle. If it were not for him, it would not
be possible to create an orderly process of evolution, because he
watches over the immovable laws that represent God on the
material plane do not change. However, this being is not God
either, because the function that he does now, we will also have
to do when it is our turn in future cosmic cycles.
That is to say that in the material aspect God we are all, but in
the spiritual aspect God are only universal truths, therefore, the
more we act in accordance with them, the more we will find
ourselves in consonance with God. The universal laws have been
developed by all the beings that populate the cosmos, but at the
same time they are derived from the universal truths that exist
outside of time, because the same time begins again when it
ends. Universal truths are eternal because truth has neither
beginning nor end, but only things or material forms that are
created from those truths. Once the universe began, all beings
began to build the universe that we know and they did so
inspired by those fundamental truths, this is necessary, because
the fact that someone tries to ignore the truth does not mean
that the truth will ignore them he, therefore, all beings must
respect and live in harmony with universal truths.
In summary God, from the material point of view we are all and
from the spiritual point of view they are the universal truths. In
reality, these truths are also part of us, because they cannot exist
if it is not through ourselves, what happens is that due to the
existence of free will on the one hand, and on the other to the
need to forget that All beings have to be able to regenerate,
many times and due to ignorance, we live without taking into
account these fundamental truths, and consequently, at that
moment, we are not in connection with the spiritual part of
God. But in reality God arises from us, although we do not always
act accordingly with what he represents, therefore, from a
certain point of view, the process of evolution is a way of
unfolding what we already carry within. This is due to the fact
that in the universe, going from ignorance to knowledge and
from knowledge to ignorance in a revolving process, but the
common denominator is all the beings that live in the universe
and have eternal life, together with the laws universals that are
expressed through them.
Throughout history, human beings have invented a great
multitude of imaginary gods with the same characteristics as
terrestrial man, thus mythologies such as the Indian or the Greek
were created where facts and human battles were mixed with
alleged battles of the gods. In other words, they took a real event
as their starting point and modified it by mixing it with the
supposed participation of the gods. This has a psychological
reason because by stating that the gods have the same vices and
passions as men, in reality what they try to do is overvalue
human beings themselves. It is, therefore, a naive way of
understanding the divine at the same time as an act of
arrogance, because by lowering the gods they try to elevate
It was also frequent, that when a great civilization of the stone or
bronze age disappeared, when their successors saw the great
constructions that they had left they thought that this could not
have been built by men but that it had to be the work of semi-
divine giants. That is because they were not able to understand
what is the true potential that the human being had in ancient
times. The truth is that this work had not been done by giant
men but by a civilization that, compared to its neighbors, was
very large and that is why it built giant monuments, this is what
happened for example with the pyramids of Egypt or the tower
of Babylon. The truth is, that when prehistoric men realized that
they were superior to animals they tried to symbolize it by
building large stone monuments, this became common
throughout the Earth. They used this material, because the
knowledge they had of metals in those days was very
scarce. These primitive civilizations did not know the electrical
machines of today, but they were experts in the handling of
stone, and for this they used hammers and chisels made with
very hard minerals, ropes made of vegetable fibers and logs used
as wheels. They also used skillful handling of the law of the lever
to increase mechanical force and used counterweight-actuated
cranes made of wood and stone to lift large loads to greater
heights in much the same way that today's elevators do, but with
the difference that instead of electrical energy they used animal
or human force. Surely, it was in this way that the pyramids of
Egypt and other great constructions of antiquity could be
built. Perhaps the reason why there is not much information
about the design of these first cranes is because at that time it
was considered secret technology and that is why it could be
prohibited to reproduce them in drawings or sculptures. By
putting a crane on each floor it would be easy to climb all the
stones in a pyramid. That would be the true secret behind the
great monuments of antiquity such as the pyramids or
Stonehenge and not the existence of giants. This same thing had
already been written by the Greek historian Herodotus in his
book (The stories) probably in the year 430 BC. C. They could
even build drills using bits made from very hard minerals and
powered by hydraulic motors. The problem of contemporary
society is that what the stone age inhabitants could do is
underestimated, because although it is true that they could not
melt metals as they do today, they compensated for it using hard
minerals, and as mechanical force they used counterweights and
streams of water.
As in prehistory there was no writing either, the memory of
those first civilizations went down in history through stories and
legends and they would be remembered as the inhabitants of a
land of giants. The fact of using the word "giants" to differentiate
the inhabitants of the stone age from the time that came later
recalls the qualifier of "barbarians" that the Romans used to
refer to those who were at a lower level of development. In this
matter we must value the ancients with humility, because the
most reasonable thing would be to use the qualifier "primitive"
since barbarians is a derogatory concept that presupposes the
inability to reason or progress. It must be borne in mind that in
the future the qualifier "primitive men" will be used to define all
those planets like ours that have not yet completed their
evolution, that means that for them, we would be included in the
same group as those now considered barbarians.
Other times the fossil or frozen remains of dinosaurs or great
apes of ancient times were confused and thought that they came
from giant men. In the past there was a great red-haired ape
called Gigantopithecus up to 3 meters in height that became
extinct 100.000 years ago, it is possible that the first human
prototypes coexisted with it before the extinction occurred and
that could favor the legend of the giants, but at that time, the
humans that existed were more similar to animals than to men
as they are now understood. These first humans did not know
writing either and were provided with a very simple language, so
it is difficult to believe that their memory could reach our days. It
is also possible that this legend has arisen in a more recent time
when prehistoric men confused gorillas or orangutans with men,
these animals although they are not giants can weigh up to 250
kg. Another of the most convincing explanations that would
explain why in many ancient cultures talk about giants is
gigantism or acromegaly. Due to a disease, the pituitary gland
produces an excess of growth hormone causing the person who
suffers from it to be taller than normal. As in the past, human
beings formed small, almost familiar communities, it is possible
that this disease was transmitted in a hereditary way from
parents to children, causing the existence of entire villages with a
stature greater than normal.
Another myth that was common among priests and philosophers
of the past was to consider the number seven to represent the
gods. In reality, this number does not have anything that makes
it special or better than the others, because each number
participates equally in the representation of nature, therefore,
the most likely explanation for that worship is that the ancient
priests were at the same time excellent astronomers and
considered the planets divine beings. These priests soon realized
that the years were divided into three hundred and sixty-five
days and in turn the most appropriate division of the days was in
fifty-two weeks of seven days, from that discovery the number
seven already elevated to the category Divine was used for
multiple religious matters in which a number had to be chosen,
such as when in Biblical Genesis it is said that God created the
world in six days and rested on the seventh, it is reasonable to
think that in this case the legend is it is basing on the seven day
week. Most likely, this is trying to symbolize the different stages
that go through to reach man, including mineral, plant, animal
and human. It could also serve to represent the planets that in
ancient times were considered gods when only seven were
Occultists affirm that one of the reasons for worshiping this
number is because from a symbolic point of view the number
seven is formed when a four-sided cube is joined with a three-
sided pyramid and apparently they give a lot of importance to
this fact. , but that seems an evasive answer rather than a real
reason that justifies its disproportionate use, because other
geometric shapes with a similar metaphysical value can also be
made with the other numbers.
Something similar happened with the worship of the moon,
which they considered the mother of the Earth, this belief was
due to the fact that from a symbolic point of view the night is
feminine and the day is masculine, therefore, the night is mother
and the day is the father of life. At the same time the sun is male
and the planets and their moons are female with respect to the
sun. The moon is the same during the day as it is at night, but
since it is only seen at night, it was associated with motherhood
and the female sex, which led to it being mistakenly considered
the mother of the Earth. This belief is an error, because the Earth
and the moon are part of the same feminine dimensional plane
as the rest of the moons and planets of the solar system.
Perhaps the error is also due to the fact that in the past it was
not known that the Earth was a star like the others and they
thought that it had a flat surface, therefore, they could
mistakenly consider that the moon was the mother and the sun
was the father of the Earth, but the correct thing is to unite the
moon and the Earth on the same plane. The night and the day
form life, because they both form a binary duality, in other
words, if the void did not exist between two particles or between
two musical notes, neither matter nor music would exist. The
void or night represents the number zero, and matter or day
represents the number one. 
In the same way, the sun with respect to the planets represents
the number one and energy and the planets with respect to the
sun represent the number zero and emptiness, because with
respect to it they are feminine. All matter with respect to
emptiness is male, but when it comes to the contrast between
the matter of the sun and the planets then the sun is male and
the planets with their moons are female. The matter of the
planets with respect to the sun is feminine, but the matter of the
continents with respect to the sea and water is masculine, this
shows that the definition of whether a thing is masculine or
feminine depends on the plane where it is located. It is true that
the sun and the moon are the stars that most influence the
Earth, the sun for its energy and the moon for its gravity, there
are even many living beings that adapt their biology to the lunar
months, but that does not mean that it is correct to consider the
moon as the mother of the Earth.

The universe is governed by laws that arise from the truth, that is
to say that they are not laws that have been created by a being
or any entity, but in their primordial essence those universal laws
are derived from the ultimate truth and that is why they run the
universe as if it were a mathematical process, this is so, because
the truth cannot contradict itself. This unquestionable fact
causes the universe to be divided into two halves, one is the one
that refers to the things that cannot be done or questioned
because being illogical they are impossible, and others are the
things that we can do because they are subject to the dimension
of variability. In other words, this dimension allows choosing
between several options or paths but without contradicting the
basic rules of the physical and mathematical logic of
matter. These two planes, like many others, can also be divided
into female, male, and horizontal and vertical.
The vertical, spiritual, rigid, feminine and blue plane is the one
that corresponds to the fundamental laws of the universe and
that could also be called God's laws. The horizontal, material,
red, masculine and flexible plane is the one that corresponds to
that which is eligible at will by the beings that live in the
universe. On the horizontal plane would be human laws or laws
made by individual spirits. These laws, being created voluntarily
by beings subject to the possibility of making mistakes, could not
be in line with absolute truths and as a consequence, the beings
that make them could suffer the consequences of having design
Free will provides us with the satisfaction of feeling free, but it
also implies the risk of making mistakes and falling into evil,
when that happens to someone they suffer for it, but this does
not happen as a consequence of divine punishment or caused by
beings but because when it moves away from the truth and
contradicts the laws of nature that represent God, it suffers the
consequences because those laws must continue to act whether
we take them into account or not for the good of all. Therefore,
it can then be said that God is only in that which is perfect,
because the errors derived from the will are not in tune with the
truth and the universal laws that represent him. This means that
the closer a planet is to perfection, the more in tune it will also
be with the universal laws that represent God. This is so, because
the laws of God are actually the laws of nature and when
someone disregards them they suffer the consequences. These
laws are not owned by anyone but represent everyone equally
and are necessary for the universe to have a solid foundation on
which to lean, because without those fixed and constant
foundations the progress of the universe would not be possible.

Regarding the way in which the universal laws reach us directly,

it could be said that this occurs through the universal being that
is and administers the material universe. In other words, this
being has built the universe made up of stars and planets in
which we live, but it does not control or build the other
individual spirits, these spirits are not directly connected to it, so
they are different beings. This is so, because we have to build the
human dimension ourselves through biological progress at the
beginning and technological progress later. This means that
there is no universal government located at some point in the
universe and directed by superior beings, but that this being is
the one that administers it directly from the smallest particle to
the largest galaxy. This is possible, because your mind, unlike
ours, can be divided into multiple different tasks at the same
time and feel each of these reactions just as we feel the
problems of each day. This being does not have its own
headquarters where to reside, because the universe is its own
body and also its spirit since in reality it is a super concentrated
spirit. That is to say that both your body and your mind make up
the entire material universe, and galaxies, in reality, are as if they
were the neurons of your brain. In other words, the universe is,
at the same time, a living being, but for him all matter is, at the
same time, his body, his mind and his spirit.
However, all individual beings like us live in the universe but we
are not part of it directly, that is why we are different
beings. This means that the universe is populated by billions of
beings that live in it, but without being part of it, in the same way
that microorganisms live inside our body but without being part
of it. The universal being converts his spirit into his body by
condensation until it becomes visible so that in his case the body
and the spirit are the same thing. This being cannot reincarnate
in another material body like us precisely because he is in charge
of supplying and organizing the material world in which human
spirits have to reincarnate. In other words, individual or human
spirits do not rule over planets or galaxies on the material plane,
but only rule over other beings or spirits similar to
them. Therefore, it is the universal being that is in charge of that
function, that is why the ancient beliefs in gods or goddesses
that control the universe are absurd, individual spirits can only
control other individual spirits.
This being is neither God nor has he created the universe,
because his function is only to administer it. In reality, the
universe is also his body and everything that happens to him is
part of his personal experience. Individual spirits simply use it as
a bacterium uses the human body, but, with the difference, that
in a human being it is evolutionarily superior to the universe. This
is so, because the universal being acts only on the mineral plane
to provide man with the foundations on which to build
civilization. In contrast, human civilization represents a higher
level on the evolutionary scale. The key to that difference is that
the universal being has to administer millions of lower tasks on
the physical plane so that man can manage only a few higher
tasks on the human plane. The reason why man does not need to
take care of the chemical or physical tasks that occur within his
body is because the universal being already takes care of it, so
man can take care of the typically human tasks.
The universal being is not omnipotent either, because all beings
in the universe have to submit to the truth and the laws of
nature equally and in a rotating way. The universal being evolves
like us and his job consists of deciding within his possibilities the
changes to carry out in order to continue with the material
cosmic progress of the stars and planets. It is material progress,
because the progress of human, animal or plant civilizations is on
a higher plane and that is why individual spirits who are
physically separated from the universal being have to do it. This
being should not be confused with God, because although its size
is large, it is nevertheless only one more being in the universe
and one day all other beings will have to go through the same
situation on a rotating basis. This being cannot speak to people
either, because his mind is divided into billions of atomic
operations per second and the closest thing he has to the
individual will he has to dedicate to his own evolution. This is so
because individual beings have a mind focused on a single point
or vertical dimension that allows the ability to think about a
single thing, but instead the universal being has its mind
dedicated to the horizontal dimension that reduces the ability to
concentrate but in return increases your ability to intervene in
multiple tasks at the same time. This horizontal and warm
dimension in which the universal being that manages the
galaxies acts works as a stage for the rest of the beings of the
vertical and crystalline dimension to use it and to progress. This
being creates the foundations and the scenery of the universe
and billions of beings use that scenery to progress and create
advanced civilizations.
It can then be said that God is not an individual being or entity,
but rather is an abstract character formed by two aspects, on the
one hand, in the material aspect, it is the sum of all the beings in
the universe and on the other, in the spiritual aspect is the sum
of universal laws that govern them. In turn, these laws are
derived from the truth and are expressed through the universal
being but also through us. During his life, a being can be more or
less in consonance with the truth, that means that his closeness
to God will depend on how close and in consonance he is with
universal truths.
It could be said then, that for the spirit to be able to live its
human life more intensely and concentrate on it, it is necessary
that the amount of matter that is truly part of it is minimal, that
is, the matter of its spirit must be small in comparison with the
total matter that makes up your body. This is because the ability
of a reincarnated spirit to focus on a specific task is inversely
proportional to the amount of matter that is part of it, because
the more matter is on Earth, the less the spirit will have to
occupy the lower functions. That is to say, the smaller the
proportional part that the spirit represents in the body, the less it
will have to deal with controlling the atoms that make it up and
therefore the more it will be able to dedicate itself to the higher
functions that correspond to human life. For this reason, in a
man, only a small part of him corresponds to the authentic being
that is the spirit and most of the matter that makes up his body
belongs to the Earth. As the earth belongs to the universal being,
which unlike individual spirits is capable of doing billions of tasks
at the same time, taking care of the atomic control of our body,
that is, of the lower tasks, does not cause any
inconvenience. Thus the spirit after reincarnation can focus only
on higher tasks, that is, those that correspond to human life. This
is the reason, why we do not realize all the atomic, chemical or
biological processes that occur within our body, because the
universal being is able to control matter from the smallest atoms
to the largest galaxies, of In this way, people can only dedicate
themselves to properly human functions that occupy a higher
level on the evolutionary scale.

Many people wonder: Are Jesus, Buddha or the rest of the

precursors of religions divine or extraterrestrial beings? It must
be borne in mind that the fact of creating an important religion
has never turned anyone into a divine being, nor should we
forget that no one was born knowing and behind every great
idea or every great invention there are thousands of people who
previously They have contributed to the progress of
humanity. They, therefore, what they have done has been to
collect all that work to improve it by contributing their
dedication and intelligence. The world has been evolving for
thousands of years, so attributing all progress only to those who
have become famous is a simplistic attitude. It is a mistake to
confuse the message with the messenger, that is to say that we
must consider divine only the universal values and the truths
that philosophers manage to discover and not them as
persons. Therefore, it is an act of moral baseness to build statues
to worship religious characters as divine when they, although
they have contributed to progress, are only men and what is
truly great are the teachings they have transmitted to us.
It is true that there are beings more evolved than others in the
spiritual plane and there are also extraterrestrial beings in the
universe that are more advanced than humans on the path of
evolution, it is also possible that these extraterrestrial beings
have helped humanity in the passed to favor their progress, it is
even possible that they have been reincarnated on earth to be
guides of humanity, but that does not make them divine beings,
because they are only beings from other planets who have
decided to help us. Someone might ask, are they Jesus and
Buddha or rather their spirits of extraterrestrial origin? That, it is
impossible to know until the day comes when the aliens, who are
certainly on Earth, openly manifest and confirm or deny it, but
we must not forget that in terms of philosophy it does. The
important thing is not the philosopher but the value of the
teaching he transmits, therefore, the origin of Jesus is not
important, the important thing is to analyze his teachings to find
out how they can improve our lives, or if possible, find out if we
We can improve those teachings, because as I have already said,
there is no one in the universe who knows everything and even
higher beings are sometimes wrong. Nor should we allow
passion to cloud our reason, that is, we should not accept that
these religious characters are divine just because religious
organizations say so, because they are interested in cultivating
the myth or idolatry of these characters in order to manipulate
to the people and obtain benefit from it, therefore, we must
value what is positive their ideas may have, but without ever
losing impartial judgment. It is possible that aliens have once
reincarnated on Earth to help us, but that does not mean that
they have forced it into famous people, because the importance
of their mission does not always have to require publicity.
It is also vulgar to attribute the performance of miracles to these
prophets, because what defines a higher being is their ability to
understand universal values as a consequence of the evolution of
their spirit, that is the only quality that differentiates an evolved
being reincarnated in the Earth of another who is not. All the
progress that beings obtain through their reincarnations
translates only into their spiritual enrichment, that is, in their
best ability to take advantage of life to be happy, but they cannot
do supernatural things with their body because it is the same as
the Others, therefore, those who try to use so-called miracles as
bait to attract people to their religious organizations show that
they have excess greed and lack spiritual status. A prophet or a
philosopher like Jesus or Buddha can be considered superior
beings, but only as a consequence of their greater knowledge of
universal truths and not because they can perform material
miracles. They are strong on the plane of philosophy and
understanding of the spiritual world, but not on the material
plane. Therefore, those who try to make the spiritual appear
material and build idols to worship, what they do is distort the
true meaning of the divine.
Perhaps the creation of idols arose out of fear of the
unknown. With idols, people believed that they could
communicate their concerns to the gods, this was only a form of
placebo, because believing that those idols listened to them felt
calmer. But it is evident that believing in idols can only be a
brake to understand the truth, because the longer these beliefs
are maintained, the later the problems will be solved. Therefore,
it can be assumed that the origin of these beliefs is ignorance,
because if what we want is to solve a problem, then it will always
be better to start by acknowledging the truth rather than living
believing a lie. The worship of stone idols that was done in the
past was evidently an aberrant act, but the worship of people
that is done in the present is no less degenerate than that type
of idolatry, because the only difference between that idolatry
and the current one is that the names have been changed but
the act of idolatry is the same.
Before, stone idols were built to worship the gods Zeus or
Athena among others, and now plastic idols are built to gild the
Virgin, Jesus or the apostles, and the religious organizations that
benefit from this want us to see them as if were gods to confuse
our minds and that we submit to their interests, this is, without a
doubt, an act of mental manipulation similar to those used by
destructive sects. But we must not be mistaken, because any act
of idolatry is rejected regardless of the character or religion to
which the idols refer. It is an abominable act to try to equate
Jesus with God because in the universe there are thousands of
beings with a knowledge of the truth equal to or greater than
yours, therefore, trying to summarize the truth to what Jesus
could say is like trying to put the universe in a glass of water. It is
true that the teachings of Jesus or any other philosopher can be
good for humanity, but we must not allow that to be used as an
excuse to build idols in their name.
Human beings worship idols in their likeness out of sheer vanity,
because by worshiping someone who resembles them what they
do is worshiping themselves and with this it is suggested that
divine beings are just like them. It is true that nature, through
evolution, has tried to make man perfect and come to be in
consonance with the universal values that in turn represent
God. But the fact that the human body is almost perfect does not
mean that for that reason human civilization is also perfect. That
is why creating idols in the shape of people is as absurd as if a
monkey creates idols in the shape of a monkey. It is true that
man is made in his fundamental aspects in accordance with the
laws of God, but that does not mean that God is a man. This can
only be considered an arrogant attitude, because God is not a
person but a set of universal laws and the human being has a
long way to go to be in line with them.
In the same way, worshiping the mother of Jesus is like despising
him, because there is no evidence to show that she thought like
him, because there are many examples of people who were
famous in a field of science, but whose parents Not only did they
not think like them, but they strongly opposed their children's
activities. It is evident that by acting like this, those in charge of
the church try to equate the family of Jesus with the monarchy,
as if he had been king of some country on Earth and his mother,
therefore, was the queen mother, what which is a lie, because
such a kingdom never existed. It is true that Jesus had a kingdom,
but he was not of this world, because he was not interested in
politics but in philosophy and in this field there are no royal
families. Philosophy was his kingdom, but not because he is the
leader of any spiritual kingdom, because in the superior worlds
that have already finished evolving, all beings are equally
virtuous. However, it can be considered that the spiritual world
was his kingdom because philosophy was his specialty, and he
tried to be an expert in it and later teach it to his disciples. The
fact that his mother had lent him her genes does not make him
part of their cause or responsible for his philosophy. Therefore,
making it an idol only serves to resurrect the old myths of
polytheism but disguised as monotheism.
In reality, the most evolved spirits on Earth or any other world,
when they end a human life what they do is prepare for the next
and when they reincarnate, they use their higher evolutionary
level to favor the progress of all humanity. The spirits that have
already managed to complete their ascension towards spiritual
perfection are not going to live in a hypothetical spiritual world,
but incarnate indefinitely on their own planet and contribute to
the completion of technological progress. Later, when the world
reaches perfection, they have children, form families, and do
jobs to make society prosper, with the difference that vanity and
wars have been banished forever. In reality, reincarnation is
necessary even when the evolutionary process has already been
completed, because only when the matter of our body is united
with the energy of our spirit is the perfect balance reached to be
happy. In those perfect worlds, all beings have the same or
higher spiritual level that Buddha or Jesus could have, therefore,
it is a mistake to try to equate them with God, because
regardless of the wisdom that a man may have God, he cannot
be only a part, because it can only be that which is common to
We should not overestimate the fact that a person has a lot of
wisdom, because knowledge alone is not enough to make a
person happy, because what good is wisdom if only one person
has it? It is true that wisdom can help a person to be happier, but
only when it is shared by all and applied in society in a practical
way is it possible to obtain the best results from it. In other
words, a wise man can only achieve maximum happiness when
he gets those around him to understand him and share his
wisdom. In reality, the dream of a sage is to live in a world of
perfect beings, but if that is not possible, then he is only left with
the option of dreaming of that world or trying to strive to make
the present world perfect. The dream of a sage is not to be
different from others, but to be surrounded by beings with the
same spiritual level in order to live a normal life with them. In
reality, being a prophet implies having an exciting life, but it also
represents an exceptional and unstable situation, so whoever is
in that situation tries to share their wisdom with the rest of
society to regain lost stability with them. This is the real reason
that Jesus died, because it is better to risk dying defending what
is exciting, than living doing what is boring.
Nor should we get carried away by the supposed "superpowers"
that are attributed to the most spiritually evolved beings,
because the wisdom of philosophers is only metaphysical
knowledge, but the fact that we can possess it does not imply
that this knowledge allows us to handle matter at will our
whim. The supposed miraculous abilities that are attributed to
beings endowed with a high spiritual level are just ornaments
that religious domes use to attract the ignorant masses in order
to take advantage of them. In turn, the ignorant masses are not
overly concerned with metaphysical teachings because they are
looking for remedies for their everyday problems. In other
words, they do not really place as much importance on spiritual
teachings as they do with solving their material problems, which
is why religious leaders turn spiritual qualities into material so
that ancient philosophers appear more attractive.
The power that a philosopher can have is found in the plane of
knowledge and not in that of matter, because his activity is
directed mainly to the study of metaphysics. The study of matter
corresponds more to scientists who deal with physics. It is true
that in the past some priests managed to perform surprising
phenomena during the rituals in which they invoked the gods,
but in these cases it was not the priests who performed these
strange phenomena, but the spirits or extraterrestrial beings
with whom they communicated. . Perhaps this is the origin of
magic, nowadays turned into sleight of hand. The ancient magic
would then be the consequence of combining some knowledge
of chemistry with the intervention of spirits or extraterrestrial
There are those who say, although it is not certain, that Jesus
was only a humble man who joined the sect of the Essenes
because he had spiritual concerns, this sect, apparently, was
trying to develop its own concept of religion with methods
somewhat different from the usual ones. . When they saw fit, the
leaders of this organization sent John the Baptist to try to
convert a society they considered deviated from the right
path. After the death of John they decided to send Jesus for the
same purpose, Jesus was crucified, because his ideas were too
modern for the time. Those who gain power as a consequence of
following the established system see anyone who wants to
change it as a threat, because for them the important thing is not
social progress, but to preserve their privileges.
The excessive similarity between the life of Krishna and that of
Jesus is surprising as to be coincidence, even the name Christ
that is used to refer to Jesus is pronounced almost the same, the
most likely explanation is because the sect of the Essenes
included in their philosophical theory ideas from India, that
explains why the religious of the time did not hesitate to reject
it. In other words, Christianity, in its origins, was possibly the
result of a fusion of Jewish beliefs with others from
India. Perhaps the apostles called Jesus Christ because they
considered him a reincarnation of Krishna. What is evident is that
the apostles would never have tried to use the life of Krishna to
fill in the unknown parts of the life of Jesus without having felt
admiration for this Eastern philosophy. The great similarity
between Judaism, Christianity and Hinduism is also striking,
because all three religions promote spiritual good and values
almost identically. The cause of this similarity is surely due to the
fact that during their captivity in Babylon, the Hebrews
assimilated some of the teachings of Zoroaster and integrated
them into Judaism. Zoroastrianism was also brought to India by
the Aryans where it favored the emergence of Hinduism, then
Hinduism returned to the West to influence Judaism and from
this influence arose the congregation of the Essenes that gave
rise to Christianity.
In reality, the religion of the Hebrews was never something
constant, because at first they were only a polytheistic people
not very different from those around them, but during their
passage through Egypt they met the religion that considered the
sun as the most important star of the system Solar, which
favored them to accept monotheism, later, gradually, the
worship of the sun was replaced by the belief in a single
universal god superior to any star or planet, because they
understood that God can never be a part and can only represent
the everything. Perhaps the contact in the desert with superior
extraterrestrial or spiritual beings that instilled in them as
fundamental principles the defense of monotheism and justice
contributed to this. Later, during their passage through Babylon,
they assimilated some aspects of the religion of Zoroaster. This
religion encouraged defending good and rejecting evil to
complete moral progress. These ideas were also reflected in the
old testament that includes the events prior to their passage
through Babylon, and they were quite common to a greater or
lesser extent in ancient religions. At that time, the Hebrews only
lacked one thing for their religion to be perfect and that is to
recognize the existence of reincarnation, this philosophical idea
was already common in India at that time and if Jesus had not
died it is possible that in the Nowadays it was another element
within Christianity or Judaism, this can be deduced, because
although Jesus did not disclose this belief or at least he did not
do it publicly, however, it can be assumed that he believed in it,
due to the fact that After his death, the apostles decided to add
many things about Krishna in his supposed biography.
The belief in reincarnation was not so strange in ancient times, in
fact, it seems that the religion of the Druids (which was fully
widespread in Europe before Roman rule) also included this
belief. It was the materialism of the Egyptians that prevented
this belief from being common throughout the world today,
because they believed in the life of the spirit after death, but
linked to the preservation of the dead body with the idea of its
later resurrection, for This is why they gave so much importance
to keeping the corpses intact. This is an aberrant and unnatural
idea, because after death the body must return to earth and the
spirit must ascend to the spiritual world, but when the Hebrews
passed through Egypt they assimilated this belief that finally
arrived in Europe with Christianity.
After the death of Jesus, many sects derived from Christianity
arose that, although they were supposedly based on his
teachings, nevertheless, had the objective of creating
organizations with a clear ambition for power because they
acted in a way similar to how the church later did catholic These
organizations gave more importance to praising the founder of
the sect than to propagating Christian philosophy. They also used
the characters that appeared in the Bible to justify their sect,
thus, for example, some claimed to be followers of the Virgin,
others of Judas and there were even followers of Cain. They
were more like today's sports clubs that celebrated their stars
and rivaled their opponents more than organizations dedicated
to seeking the truth. This is how the apocryphal testaments
arose more derived from rumors and the imagination of their
authors than from verified facts, therefore, it is a mistake to rely
on them as if they were indisputable evidence if what it is about
is to judge the life of Jesus. Some of its content may be true, but
it is impossible to know which part is true and which part is pure
In any case, what we know about Jesus today is a neutral and
sweetened version designed in order to please all social currents
and thus attract more followers, but if he existed in the present
he would take concrete positions that would provoke support of
some and the rejection of others, because it is not possible to be
a prophet committed to social problems without provoking the
adherence or rejection of the parties involved. Because what was
Jesus really like? Surely, those who created the myth wanted to
make a Jesus tailored to each person, capable of satisfying and
adapting to the myths and interests that each one has, even if
they are opposed. Surely he was partly as told, but not
elsewhere, so we must move away from the myth and look for
the man in order to understand how he really was. 
Some say that Jesus always turned the other cheek when
someone wanted to attack him, but this is absurd, because when
he flogged the merchants and overturned their tables so that
they would leave the temple, he showed that when
circumstances made it inevitable, he was also capable of
fighting. This he did because he considered it a provocation to
use the temple for commercial purposes instead of using it for its
religious function.
The Passover of the Jews was near and Jesus went up to
Jerusalem. In the temple he found the merchants of oxen, sheep,
pigeons and money changers sitting at their tables. And making a
whip of ropes, he drove them all out of the temple with the
sheep and oxen, then scattered the money changers' coins and
overturned their tables. (John 2:13).
In reality, most of the phrases that are attributed to Jesus are
symbolic, therefore, those who judge him only by those phrases
that in most cases have an indirect message associated with
them make a mistake. When Jesus spoke of turning the other
cheek, what he was trying to indicate is that when someone
provokes you to make you react and make you appear violent,
then the best is to turn the other cheek to discredit the
provocateur. This can also happen in an inferior situation where
it is clear that you will lose if you fight.
There are also those who say that Jesus proposed to love
enemies, but what sense can it have for someone to love those
who hurt them? It is evident that none, so we must extract the
teaching that is associated with it. In this case, what Jesus
advocated is avoiding cruelty when an enemy is defeated,
because the fact that someone deviates from the right path does
not mean that for that reason they should receive eternal
damnation. We must offer our enemies or criminals the
opportunity of forgiveness, but not when they say they repent to
obtain mitigating sentences for their sentences, but when the
repentance is sincere and they have compensated the victims for
the damage caused, because forgive a scoundrel who being a
scoundrel is the same as becoming an accessory to his crimes.
We should not make the mistake of literally believing what they
tell us about Jesus or other famous religious leaders, because
there is no one in the universe who cannot be wrong,
furthermore, to literally believe in what is written on paper is to
become the puppet of those who translate, modify or interpret
that role. Whoever seeks the truth must go to the source, that is,
they must strive to discover the truth even if that means
questioning the opinions of ancient religious leaders. Only when
we are willing to go to the source and seek the truth is it possible
to make the world progress.
Since ancient times, the belief in superior beings that accompany
God in the process of universal evolution has been common,
these beings have also had other names such as: Elohim,
Watchers, Devas, Prajapatis, Amshaspends. The angels could be
divided into two types: The first group would be the superior
beings of human form and physical body from other inhabited
planets who come to Earth to investigate and at the same time
take advantage of the visit to advise us in our evolution
process. These beings would act as if they were our older
brothers and to make their work easier they would build bases
on the moon, in the seas, in the mountains or on other planets,
in this way they would not need to return to their planet every
time they finish a scientific work rather, they would live with us
indefinitely but without interfering too much with our
evolutionary rhythm so as not to distort our own nature or free
The second group would be the higher spirits that could be of
terrestrial or extraterrestrial origin. The extraterrestrial spirits
coming from a civilization superior to ours would have a spiritual
intelligence greater than the equivalents of the Earth. A spirit of
the Earth could have great knowledge about the biology of
plants, animals or people that live in it because it would have
participated in its creation, but at the same time it would have
limited its superior knowledge (that is, those that correspond to
human civilization) at the current technological level. On the
other hand, an extraterrestrial spirit would be superior to the
terrestrial one because it could know in detail the biology of
human beings who have already reached physical perfection and
would also know all the secrets of science and technology by
belonging to a superior civilization that has already completed its
technological development.
In reality, spirits are the true creators of animals, plants, and
ultimately man. These superior spirits are actually ourselves, that
is, those among us who first began the task of creating our
bodies and then reincarnated in them. The reason that some
spirits have started the evolution process first is that at the
beginning, the number of physical beings, that is, made up of
reincarnated spirits, was very small, in fact, at present, only a
small part of all the spirits that inhabit the Earth are reincarnated
in the human species. The other spirits will have to wait living in
animal forms until man colonizes the rest of the planets that are
part of his colonization zone to have the opportunity to
reincarnate as men. At this time, most of the spirits that inhabit
the human species are also new, this is due to the great
demographic expansion that humanity has experienced in recent
centuries, therefore, the qualifier "angels" can only be applied to
extraterrestrial beings, or also to that minority of more evolved
spirits that have been reincarnating in the human species since
the beginning of time.
These first spirits who created animals and man had to learn
everything necessary to first design and later build our bodies
and for that reason, they are the wisest, but after that task they
reincarnated in the forms that they created themselves because
that it was the reason for all his effort. This means that those
angels are actually ourselves, or rather they are the best and
provided with a greater spiritual intelligence among us. However,
it is also important to emphasize that these "human angels" have
in practice their intellectual faculties diminished, because after
reincarnation they lose all the memories of the spiritual life and
only some of those qualities remain. These memories are not lost
permanently, because they remain in the spiritual memory, but
during human life they cannot be remembered so as not to
interfere with the human dimension. That means, we can only
remember all our spiritual memories during the period that we
spend waiting for a new reincarnation. This must be so, because
the human being has to achieve the same knowledge that is kept
in the spirit but through technological progress.
An evolved spirit after reincarnation temporarily loses its
spiritual memories, however, it does retain many of its qualities
and intelligence. The fact of possessing these special qualities
does not mean that after reincarnating you will necessarily
occupy a position of power or responsibility, because the
circumstances that are important in the spirit world are not
important in human life, they are even in many ways two set
dimensions. This is due to the fact that in the spirit world it is
easier to understand universal truths than in the human
dimension, because man is immersed in a process of evolution
that still has a long way to go. Due to this backwardness and the
confusion that it generates, man often misjudges the options
that life offers him and for that reason, on many occasions he
chooses to make decisions that take him away from the correct
path. This difference between the two dimensions will only be
resolved when humanity completes its evolutionary process.
The world of matter is denser and is full of a vertiginous
movement that favors confusion, therefore, the challenge of
man is to master it so that it serves his interests, that is what
technological evolution is based on. The spiritual world, on the
other hand, is not very dense and calm, this favors the intuition
and the understanding of things with a greater
perspective. Analyzed in metaphysical terms the material world
is horizontal, masculine and full of energy and the spiritual world
is vertical feminine and full of feeling. The union of both
universal planes is necessary to be happy that is why there is
After the death of the body, the spirits have the possibility to
remember their previous lives, but for this it is necessary that
they abandon their human personality, that is, the baggage of
beliefs and prejudices that they acquired during their last
life. This personality is like a drag that prevents you from
connecting with your higher self. Those who refuse this change,
remain in limbo, that is, in the intermediate space between
human and spiritual life and while this situation lasts they remain
as spirits but without being able to remember their spiritual
personality and the knowledge that comes with it. The spirits
that remain in this situation are as if they were still in human life
because their way of feeling or thinking remains the same but
with the difference that they no longer have a physical body.
The ancient priests who performed ceremonies to communicate
with the spirits divided them into two categories: One is, that of
those spirits that after the death of the body manage to ascend
to the spiritual world until completely recovering the knowledge
that survives in spiritual memory, and another It is that of those
spirits that, by refusing to abandon their human personality,
cannot recover all their spiritual memories. When a spirit
detaches itself from the prejudices and personality of its past life,
then it is able to reach its maximum spiritual intelligence and get
a little closer to divine truth. The wisest spirits of this first group
were considered gods by the priests, this favored the origin of
Then, in the second group, there are the lower spirits, this is
because after death, they have not yet recovered their spiritual
knowledge, sometimes the reason is because their baggage of
prejudices acts as an obstacle that slows them down in their
ascent to the spirit world. Prejudices such as denying life after
death or fear of being punished in the afterlife for crimes
committed before death. The ancients considered this second
group to be evil spirits, because by refusing to complete their
ascension process they are not capable of recovering the
superior knowledge stored in spiritual memory, this forces them
to remain in ignorance of the truth and frequently entertain
themselves causing harm to the living.
Their attitude was in many cases malignant, because instead of
advancing they try to go back when they try to steal the body
from the living through possession or they try to make the
ghostly structure denser than it should to try to interact with
matter. This they do, because they do not understand that the
only way to recover their body is to complete the circle that
forces them to completely shed the baggage of this life and thus
be ready to reincarnate in the next. This baggage is formed on
the one hand by the ghostly structure that is used to make the
passage from one life to the next easier and that it is necessary
to abandon when the spirit better understands its situation. This
structure is like a second material body, but with capacities much
lower than those of the human body to interact with matter.
On the other hand, it is also necessary to abandon the prejudices
and personality acquired during your previous life. To achieve
this, it is not necessary to do any type of moral reflection, it is
enough to abandon the ghostly structure and then have the will
to ascend, because when the previous lives are remembered, the
spirit recovers its wisdom and then understands what aspects of
its current personality should abandon and which ones not. This
baggage is like a dense and heavy ballast that pushes the spirit
downwards, this prevents it from reaching the higher
diaphanous and transparent areas, but it is necessary to reach
that dimension if you want to recover your knowledge and your
personality from other lives.
Ancient priests also tried to use spirits to perform oracles of
divination or to perform acts of magic, but the difficult thing was
to know which spirits belonged to one group and which to the
other, because the evil spirits would surely try to deceive
them. Benign spirits or extraterrestrial beings would not show
themselves exactly as they are either, because due to the
backwardness and superstition that has always existed on Earth,
they would surely pose as mythological gods as a means of
communicating with primitive man without him noticing
anything strange.
Before astronomy existed, astrology existed and it was based on
the belief that planets could determine people's lives
directly. This was because the ancient philosophers and priests
believed that the planets were gods, they thought that if the
planets were gods, then they only needed to study their
movements to deduce human events in advance. In my opinion,
it is a mistake to believe that planets can influence people
directly, because they neither have the energy that the sun
possesses nor its gravity, which determines that their influence
on Earth is minimal. However, it does not seem to me to be ruled
out that the season, or the month in which a child is born, may
slightly influence their future personality, due to the effect that
the ambient temperature may cause during the first months of
life on their body or mind. But it must also be said that the
seasons of the year and their influence on people do not have to
be related to the planets, because every time a month or a
season is repeated, the planets do not repeat the same position
they had the previous year and therefore they do not have to
count when considering the month of birth. It is true that the
sun, the moon, and to a lesser extent the planets can influence
human life indirectly and from a physical point of view through
their energy and gravity, therefore, there are many living beings
in nature that synchronize some of their biological characteristics
with the seasons, the time of day, or the lunar phases, but it is a
mistake to think that this is why they are gods or have a direct
and personal influence on the will of the people.
Surely, the divinatory ability that was attributed to the ancient
astrologers was not due to the influence of the planets, but to
the qualities of the spirits of the Earth or of the extraterrestrial
beings that posed as planetary gods to communicate with
them. But the most likely thing is that in most cases, the ability
to clairvoyance they had from birth, but they hid it under the
guise of astrology, because it seems quite absurd to think, that
simply by knowing the position of the planets or the stars, the
future of the people can be guessed, taking into account that the
gravitational influence they exert on the Earth is extremely weak.
The fact that there are people with the ability to clairvoyance
does not mean that that is why they can predict the future, what
clairvoyance allows is a greater ability to understand the nature
of things in a more profound or precise way, both in the past and
in the future present or future, which in practice can help predict
events on a larger and more accurate time scale than those who
do not have that ability. Because true clairvoyance is not based
on divination but on prediction, that means that those who have
clairvoyance are more likely to be correct because they can
access more information than those who do not have
it. Unfortunately, there have also been many people in the past
as well as in the present who, without any talent or clairvoyance,
have used astrology as a means to scam people, therefore, we
must distrust all those who offer us solutions miraculous in
exchange for money.
The ancient priests said that during the oracles they could
communicate with the gods through talking statues because
according to them the spirits possessed them. Materialistic
scientists now say that they did this through people hiding inside
the statues pretending to be gods or through communication
tubes connected to the statues. The dilemma is to know which of
the two versions is the true or perhaps both are true, because
we also do not know if there is evidence to prove each claim or if
they are only opinions that have ended up being assumed as
It is true that in ancient times, during religious rituals prior to the
arrival of Christianity, tricks similar to contemporary magic were
sometimes used to produce special effects and thus impress
viewers, but it cannot be said with complete certainty that this is
not why At the same time there are phenomena produced by
spirits, the proof is that at present there are many spiritualists
who have shown that contact with spirits is possible, although
there are also those who pretend to do so without being true.
In ancient times, it was also common to build temples dedicated
to divination oracles on tectonic faults such as the one at Delphi
which was very popular in ancient Greece. Ancient priests
believed that the hallucinogenic gases these faults produced
made divination or contact with spirits or gods possible, but
most likely in these cases they were just simple hallucinations
that they used to impress the masses. In other words, when it
comes to contacts with the spirit world, there are frauds, but
there are also many real events, although materialistic scientists
refuse to acknowledge it.
In the spiritual dimension, it is easier to understand the
circumstances with greater perspective and at a greater distance
than in human life, because there everything is less dense and
more intellectual than the material world, the divinatory
capacities of the spirits are more an act of prediction than of
divination, because they have the possibility to see the world
from a privileged perspective, therefore, they were asked for
advice in the oracles. What the human being calls "clairvoyance"
is the ability to predict long-term events due to the tendency or
inertia that nature has to continue its course, this ability in the
material world is more difficult to develop due to the density of
matter reduces intuition and perspective because it acts as a
filter that prevents seeing or deducing events at a great distance,
but it is normal in the spirit world.
If we imagine the material and spiritual dimensions located
within a pyramid, then when we go down we find the material
world that is increasingly dense, energetic and opaque, this
opacity and vertiginous movement of matter reduces the ability
to deeply understand every detail than we see, but if we ascend
into the spiritual world, then everything is slower and less dense,
allowing us to stop at every detail and see things with
perspective and depth. In this situation, it is easy to use the
mind's eye, that is, the ability to understand the things that
surround us at a greater distance or with greater
perspective. This situation is what philosophers seek when they
try to isolate themselves from the world, because only when
things are analyzed calmly can their details be understood
We must not confuse the mind's eye with the pineal gland,
because in some animals this gland is connected with a third eye
located in the middle of the forehead, this eye does not serve to
see, but acts as a sensor that serves to regulate the circadian
rhythms, that is, the metabolic cycles that separate day from
night. It is therefore an exclusively biological function that also
occurs in man but without the frontal sensor. On the other hand,
the mind's eye is the ability to see or understand through our
own intuition or intelligence, this intelligence can arise from the
capacity of our brain but also from the evolutionary level of our
Each dimension has something good to offer, the material
dimension is difficult at the beginning because beings start in it
surrounded by ignorance, but at the same time it offers a
constant stream of emotions and new events, therefore, spirits
need to reincarnate indefinitely to be happy. It is a mistake to
believe that paradise or heaven is only possible after death,
because in reality the Earth will be perfect when civilization
finishes its technological progress. It is true that when a body
ceases to be useful it must die, but it is also true that our spirit
needs to reincarnate again to be happy. Because perfection is
not found in the spirit world, but rather on the contrary, to
achieve it it is necessary to live reincarnated in matter but in line
with spiritual values. The material dimension is masculine and
the spiritual dimension feminine and only when they are
harmoniously related is the perfect balance achieved. Matter
and spirit represent the two universal polarities: matter the
horizontal and the spirit the vertical, matter the mass and the
spirit the energy, each of them separately lacks strength,
therefore, only when they come together is life
generated. Therefore, spirits will live forever reincarnated in
material bodies, because it is through the union between spirit
and matter that the balance that is necessary to be happy is
The spirits that manage to recover the spiritual memory that is
the one that remains from one reincarnation to another also
have different evolutionary levels, because those that come from
plants or animals are logically inferior to those that have reached
the human form, however, that is not prevents them from
participating in the genetic design of the bodies in which they
have been reincarnated. It is a pity that current scientists reject
the veracity of the acts of theurgy that ancient priests performed
to communicate with spirits, because with this they demonstrate
a complete lack of impartiality. Materialistic scientists, when
looking for evidence to deny spiritual phenomena use only those
that favor their thesis, but at the same time despise those that
prove otherwise.
The ancient priests thought that the planets were gods or were
controlled by superior spirits, but this is a mistake, because a
planet is a being that lives in the mineral plane that is, in a
certain way, inferior to the human, therefore, that belief is
meaningless. Nor is it logical that a planet is being controlled by
another being, firstly because the destiny of individual beings is
to reincarnate as plants, animals or people, and secondly
because a planetary being would not allow it since that is enough
to itself. This is so, simply because a planet is also a living being
and therefore does not need anyone to direct it since it can
control itself. In reality, individual spirits and planets belong to
different planes, spirits to a higher plane and planets to a lower
plane, but each deals with its own dimension without interfering
with the other because that is why it has specialized in it.
What does make sense is that the smaller planets rotate around
the larger ones due to their force of gravity, that acts within the
universal physical laws because they are common to both and
are in the same plane. A planet cannot talk to people either,
because its mind is divided into billions of tasks at the same time
unlike individual beings who deal with very specific tasks within
the plant, animal or human plane. It is true that unlike people, a
planet has immense knowledge about the atomic nature of
matter, but the mineral plane in which it is found is
evolutionarily inferior to that of humans. A planet can take care
of the control of matter but does not have superior knowledge
such as those necessary for the management of human
languages, so it is not possible to establish direct
communication. The main difference between individual and
planetary spirits is that a planetary spirit has his mind scattered
over many tasks at the same time and on the horizontal
plane. Another important difference is that planetary spirits act
only in the lower realm of the material plane but not in the
higher realm of the human plane. The individual spirits, before
reincarnating in human bodies also had to go through the
mineral or atomic plane when they developed the internal
structure of their spirit, but to create plants, animals or people it
is necessary to go to a more advanced plane, for that are
evolutionarily superior forms to the planets.
It is possible that each planet is an independent being, but it is
also possible that a single spirit is and occupies at the same time
the entire material universe, I am inclined towards this second
option, because being a single being and consequently a single
structure It is easier to coordinate the entire material universe,
that is, the entire universe without including the spirits that
reincarnate as plants, animals or people, therefore, they are
individual spirits because, unlike the universal being, they are not
directly connected to each other. The universal being maintains
all the planets and the stars, connected directly by filaments of
continuous matter that is why they belong to a single being. This
also occurs within each individual spirit, because all the particles
that make up their own being are also directly connected to each
other but are not directly connected by filaments of continuous
matter with the particles of other beings, that is why they are
different beings.
Individual spirits use the matter of the universal being as a
discontinuous medium for communication with other beings. It is
a discontinuous medium because both the universal being and
the individual beings are not connected to each other by
filaments of continuous matter but are only connected
continuously with their own particles. The union of continuous
matter only occurs within each being and when that connection
is broken voluntarily, another individual being is created. This is
also reversible, because when the current cosmic cycle ends all
beings will rejoin into a single particle of matter. Within the same
being there are no lines of communication but lines of
connection because what characterizes each being is that all the
particles that form it are directly connected by filaments of
continuous matter, that means that when two beings that are
not connected need communicate they have to use as an
intermediary the universal being, that is, the matter that forms
it. This is so, because within each being there is no
communication but only the direct and continuous connection of
all the particles that form it, on the other hand, when it comes to
different beings, communication is necessary using the matter of
the universal being as an intermediary because being different
beings, only discontinuous communication is possible.
Another difference between the universal being and the
individual beings is that the universal being acts in the horizontal
plane and with its mind divided into multiple tasks throughout
the universe, instead, the individual beings act in the vertical
plane, at a specific point of the space but in concrete functions
and superior to the material plane, therefore, in a certain sense
they are opposite planes.
Once the spirits manage to regain their superior personality, they
integrate into the community of the spiritual dimension and
dedicate themselves to working to genetically improve our
bodies while waiting for their next reincarnation, because we
must not forget that the immense amount of science and
technique that it is found inside our bodies, it has not come out
of nowhere or by chance as materialistic scientists believe,
because it is necessary to have a superior intelligence to make
them possible. When they reach that situation, they do not
choose to transmit their scientific knowledge to the human
being, because that would imply violating the separation of
dimensions that is necessary for each one to evolve without
interference from the other, but instead they can guide man
along the way indirectly correct. This is a guiding task that also
requires the will and effort of each person, because spirits can
help us, but the main effort has to come from ourselves. A
newborn child cannot be given the same food as an adult,
because his body is not prepared to assimilate it, in the same
way, a higher spirit can only offer us that information that we are
capable of assimilating.
In reality, God cannot communicate directly with men, because it
is only an abstract concept that includes the entire universe. This
means that the so-called “biblical angels” can only be superior
physical or spiritual beings, that is why, when the ancient
prophets tried to communicate with God, in reality they
communicated with extraterrestrial beings or with the spirits
that live in the earth. The spiritual angels are the intermediaries
between God and men, but we are also ourselves, or rather us
when we recover all our spiritual qualities in the middle of each
reincarnation. However, when technological progress ends, there
will no longer be a difference between the knowledge of man
and our higher spirit and then both will be equal. Man must
achieve this knowledge by his own effort and without anyone
giving it to him, this must be so, because being independent of
the spiritual dimension, human life can reach its maximum
amplitude. In other words, we must forget our other lives to
make the present life more intense. Then, through the use of
technology, we must improve our life, to make it the most
perfect and pleasant that progress can offer us.
This means that the universe would be divided into three parts:
One would be formed by the being or beings that would form
and would be the planets or the entire material universe
together in a single being. This being or beings would not only
form the planets, the stars, or the galaxies, but they would be
those planets, because the matter that forms them is, at the
same time, their body and their spirit, because, unlike us, they It
does not reincarnate in the planets, because these are actually
concentrated spirits and therefore the matter that forms them is
at the same time their body and their spirit, but they, like our
spirit, never die, because matter can change shape but not be
In second place are the individual spirits, that is, those that
reincarnate into plants, animals or people, these spirits took the
matter of the previous ones to form their bodies. Among those
spirits, the first and most advanced are at the same time the
ones that have reincarnated the most times in human life and
consequently they are also the ones that gather the most
spiritual intelligence because they had to be the first to create
physical forms and then reincarnate in them. After reincarnation
they could not remember their previous lives but if they would
retain their qualities, this would contribute among other things
to determine their intelligence.
It does not make sense to use the word gods to refer to them,
because in this way the concept of God is blurred, which logically
it is more reasonable to reserve only for the generic concept that
gathers the entire universe into one single thing. Because if we
consider that the spirits that created the biological forms of
Earth are gods, then we should use that qualifier when referring
to all living beings that inhabit the Earth, because it was their
spirits before reincarnating that created their bodies, therefore,
the concept of God should be reserved only to refer to the
generic values that govern the universe.
Finally there would be the concept of God, in reality God is not
an individual being but an abstract concept. If we imagine the
universe as a circle made up of billions of beings, then God would
be the common denominator found at its center, that is, that
which comes out of everyone and returns to everyone. A part of
God arises from us because we are the ones who have created
our bodies, but another part corresponds to universal truths,
that is why, when by mistake we are not in connection with
those truths then, at that moment, we do not represent God
either. That is why God is made up of two parts: One is the vital
and horizontal part that refers to all the beings that make up the
universe. And another is the intellectual and vertical part that
refers to the universal truths that form the laws that govern the
cosmos. These laws are sustained mainly by the being or beings
that are and form the planets, that means that they are the
repositories of the knowledge that keeps the universe in
operation. However, when we collaborate in the development of
our body before birth, or we favor the progress of civilization
after having been reincarnated, then, at that moment, we also
become that intellectual part of God, because we act in
accordance with the universal truths.
It could be summed up by saying that the creators of the planets
and stars are the same planets and stars or, in other words, the
eternal life that is present in them. And the creators of plants,
animals or man are ourselves, or in other words, the most
evolved spirits among us. That means that God represents the
universal laws and everything that unites us, because those who
now live as planets in the future, in a new cosmic reincarnation,
will also live as people or vice versa. That is to say that all beings
in the universe are planets, stars, plants, animals or people, all of
them will one day live the experiences that others now live, that
is why God can only be that which is common to all, God arises
from us, but nor does he represent anyone exclusively. For this
reason, it is a mistake to use the word gods to refer to a superior
being or spirit, because every advantageous situation is only
transitory or temporary and they are not an exception. All beings
in the universe are subject to the wheel of time that determines
that sometimes we are wise but other times we are ignorant,
when we regenerate we go back to the beginning and we
become ignorant, at that moment we stop being connected to
the part of God that it represents. The truth, therefore, only the
eternal and immutable laws that govern the cosmos can be
considered permanent and are the best definition of God, even if
it is true that the construction of the universe or nature is due to
An individual being may or may not be in accordance with the
universal laws due to the ignorance that is acquired after
reincarnation, at that time it cannot be considered as part of God
from the intellectual point of view, but from the point of view all
beings are physical whether they are in consonance with the
truth or not. Hence comes the expression, "not being in
consonance with the laws of God", that is to say that as a living
being we are all part of God, because our spirit is eternal and
over time we are sometimes wise but other times we are
ignorant, some Sometimes we are the first but other times we
are the last. This is due to the fact that we are not always in line
with universal truths, sometimes we are closer to the truth and
participate more in the development of the universe and other
times we are further away and participate less. These truths exist
regardless of whether we know them or take them into account.
A man can approach these divine truths to a greater or lesser
extent, but they are developed mainly by the being or beings
that sustain the material universe and that form the stars and
planets. Unlike a man, the universal being never forgets his
knowledge while the cosmic cycle lasts, because if he did, the
universe would crumble. A man, on the other hand, goes
through phases of ignorance and phases of knowledge in a
cyclical way in each new reincarnation. The same thing happens
to a civilization, it is like a human life but of much longer
duration and begins immersed in ignorance and advances
towards knowledge, that is why there are times when we are
more in line with the laws of God and others less. On the other
hand, the universal being always maintains the same level of
control and knowledge of the universal laws so that we can
immerse ourselves in ignorance and forget, this is necessary to
be able to regenerate but unlike us he has to wait for the current
cosmic cycle complete to be able to perform your own
feedback. In other words, the being that is and controls the
universe will also have to return to ignorance in order to
regenerate, but that will only do so when the current cosmic
cycle ends. The universe, therefore, watches over us and, as if it
were the foundations of a building, sustains us so that we can
develop life.
But we must not forget that we are all united by the wheel of
time and in the end we will all go through all situations and it will
also be our turn to have to live as planets or as stars, that is why
"God" is what unites us to all and arises from ourselves. The best
definition of God is the universal truths that are outside of time
and that never change, this is so, because the truth cannot
contradict itself. The beings that live in the cosmos are not
always in line with these truths, because during cosmic life it is
necessary to forget in order to regenerate. It is also a way of
making free will possible, because without that possibility we
would not have freedom of choice. During that forgetfulness, we
are temporarily disconnected from those truths, therefore, the
entire process of evolution is based on trying to recover that
connection with the truth that unites us with God. The root of
these universal truths also arises from all the beings that
populate the universe, but because of the cycles of renewal and
forgetfulness we are temporarily disconnected from them. That
means that we can be in consonance with the universal truths
that represent the intellectual and vertical part of God the closer
we are to the truth.
In reality, and although nowadays they do not want to accept it,
each race is different and with different qualities, some better
and others worse. It is absurd to say that each race has
differences between them but at the same time deny that these
differences can produce an evolutionary advantage that
differentiates them. In this chapter I will try to study those
This race is, to a certain extent, feminine and is represented by
the color blue, because from a symbolic point of view it belongs
and has been formed in the coldest part of the earth. It must be
taken into account that the blue color represents the cold and
also the spiritual values, therefore, it is part of this race. It is not
true that this breed has yellow skin, because it usually varies
between white and brown, but it is correct to represent it with
that color, because the harshness and aggressiveness of the
Asian climate, especially during the previous ice age,
deteriorated its external appearance, making that the
predominant blue color at the beginning becomes yellow from
the symbolic or metaphysical point of view. This is due to the
fact that the yellow color represents the drought that occurs
when the intense cold freezes the water that the blue color
represents, therefore, it is a race that from this spiritual point of
view can be seen as acidic, arid or masculine. . That means that
this race on the one hand is unbalanced towards the blue color
and the feminine side of the human species, which endows it
with a great spiritual sensitivity, we can see this in the
emotionality of Chinese or Japanese traditions. But on the other
hand, the yellow color that also represents it has a masculine
symbolism and can favor wisdom, but misdirected it can also
favor materialism. It could be said then, that the original blue
color in this breed became yellow because the extreme cold in
which it has developed causes the drought from which the
yellow color is derived. The yellow race is the characteristic of
Asia, although it is also found in America, it surely reached that
continent by two routes, one was through the Bering Strait
during the last ice age, and also crossing the Pacific Ocean by
small boats when the level of the sea was lower and
consequently the size of the islands larger. Due to the different
climates that exist in America, this breed is in a process of
change towards the brown race. The extreme cold of Asia has
also favored this breed to have a somewhat nervous character.
The black race is on the opposite side of the yellow and has
developed mainly in places that are too hot for human life to be
ideal. The fact of living in an environment that is mainly warm
and therefore material, makes her be excessively masculine and
physical, which makes her more agile than the others on this
plane, but also makes it very difficult for her to progress in
metaphysical and spiritual aspects of life, therefore, in that
aspect it is on the opposite side to the white or yellow
races. Matter can be considered masculine, when it is posed in
contrast to water, which is feminine. Although this breed is
characterized by being very expressive and effusive, its
emotional stability is almost as great as that of the white race
because the warm climate to which it is accustomed is the most
common in the lands in which it originated. The large amount of
pigmentation that it has makes this breed the most suitable to
live in countries with intense solar radiation. Unfortunately,
many people of this race who live in white countries try to
integrate by modifying their physical appearance to make it
easier to go unnoticed, women dye their hair blonde or iron it
straight and men cut their hair hair very short to hide the curls,
with that attitude what they are doing is bleaching their race
instead of claiming their rightful place in the world, therefore,
the ideal would be for each race to live with its own peers and on
its own territory so as not to feel the need to appear to be what
they are not.
Another example that shows how it is trying to appear the
opposite of what is thought we have it in the films of North
American cinema, because in their films, we continually see how
the Indians who get too close to the whites beyond what
morality can bear are murdered by some evildoers, actually, that
is true in the film, but what the viewers do not understand is that
the real reason that it is yes, is that the screenwriter has decided
to eliminate the Indian so that the most conservative social
sectors do not be offended. In this way, it is tried that those who
support the miscegenation believe that the film is favoring that
situation, but at the same time it tries to provoke the end for
those who reject it. We also see it when the white protagonists
continually say everything they appreciate about the Indians and
their rights, but not five minutes go by without someone having
been killed. Or when a white man marries an Indian woman and
in the end she dies, also in this case it is the scriptwriter who
causes her death so as not to upset the social groups that oppose
that marriage, we see this in the film (The last Gun Hill train). In
this way, the screenwriter tries to satisfy both those who support
that marriage and those who reject it. People should ask
themselves, why do blacks, except in exceptional cases, always
play supporting roles and are the servants or jokers of the whites
as if they were still their slaves? Well, because that is the only
way that many whites accept them even if they do not fully
realize this situation. Psychology and cinema are deeply related
as we see in the film (Planet of the Apes), because in this film,
what is tried to communicate subliminally, is that if one day the
developed countries, that is, the North American whites and
Russians are destroyed in a nuclear war, the world would remain
in the hands of underdeveloped countries, that is, those
populated by blacks, but so that the suggestion is not consciously
noticed, the blacks are replaced by the apes, so the message can
be understood without provoking rejection reactions.
Today cinema is defined as an art, although many of its
productions are far from that qualifier. In reality, everything that
is well done can be defined as art or divine, because it is in
connection with universal truths. Unfortunately, nowadays, the
word "art" is used to refer to everything that gallery owners
want to define in this way, even if it is just the opposite of its
true meaning, because in reality, a work of art can be anything
that is perfect in its design or construction, because that
perfection expresses its connection with divinity and that is why
that word should never be applied to the unclean or deformed as
it is done today. Fortunately, there have always been perfect
things along with others that are not, that is what progress is
based on, because the more the world advances, the greater the
proportion of what is perfect and the less imperfect until the day
comes when it only exists The perfection. Between the fifties and
nineties of the twentieth century, films and television series
were made with great artistic value and connected with divinity,
because everything that is or is close to perfection is in direct
connection with the divine, such as the films of the American
West, it is true that they showed a world full of conflicts, but
they also encouraged us to fight against tyranny and promoted
the illusion of living with its beautiful landscapes.
Television series such as Meteor, Mazinguer Z, Space 1999,
Galactica, MacGyver, or superheroes such as Spider-Man or Iron
Man, taught children and adults how technology can advance
man and turn him into a superior being. At the same time, they
taught to defend the good and reject the evil and move from the
darkness that contains ignorance towards the light of knowledge,
in this way a deep moral teaching was transmitted. In the
Mazinguer Z series, the pilot who controls the robot is installed
in his head with a glider in much the same way as the spirit is
installed in the human body, which is quite suggestive. In the
same way, in Space 1999 the pilot is installed in the head of the
spacecraft, which gives it capabilities that without that spacecraft
it could not have. These examples show us how technology can
make humanity progress and they do so with great beauty and
spiritual sense, but that a materialistic society is not capable of
Also superheroes actually represent a contemporary version of
divinity, because they imitate the qualities attributed to angels or
Jesus with special powers that they use to fight evil and defend
decent people. Now there are those who say that these
productions are not suitable for children because they include
some scenes of violence, but it is logical, to a certain extent, that
they include some of these scenes, because they only reflect the
reality of the world they represent and when people You see, in
reality what they are trying to do is to become mentally aware
and prevent that risk, and if that violence is also used to teach
how to defend good over evil, in the end, the child is being
taught to choose the correct path. It is surprising that nowadays
there are those who recommend avoiding scenes of violence in
children's films, but at the same time they recommend other
films that are supposedly suitable for them but that carry the
seed of evil deeply rooted, because they are full of scenes in
which it is stimulated vanity and arrogance or are loaded with
vulgar or sexual expressions with which they promote
promiscuity, and all with the aim of attracting them to those
productions and enriching those who make them. By doing this,
the opposite effect is created to that which is said to be sought,
because children are taught to be scoundrels or adulterers when
they reach adulthood, perhaps those films contain fewer scenes
of violence than those made for adults. Which seems fine to me,
but if that violence is replaced by fostering the child's vanity and
ego then the remedy is worse than the disease.
Another example of the degeneration both in cinema and in
society is the case of the film (Star Wars), because in the first
trilogy of the series some fantastic films were made that tried to
promote good and illusion by technological progress, however, in
the second trilogy, they came up with the absurd idea of turning
the villain of the first trilogy into the protagonist of the second
showing his life from childhood to adulthood. The absurdity in
this case is not the fact that things can be told about his life, but
that he is proposed as a model for children by becoming the
protagonist of the series. It is as if a series were made and in its
first episode it is suggested that Hitler is the father of an
American soldier, and in the second episode Hitler's life is
narrated from his youth to his adulthood. In this case the
question is, what moral benefit can children have if the evil one
is cast as the protagonist of the film? Is it that there were no
other characters in the first trilogy to put as the protagonist of
the second before choosing the one who represents tyranny and
evil? The defenders of this second trilogy will say that this was
done because in the first film the screenwriter decided to choose
the evil man as the father of the protagonist. But is it that there
was no one in the entire galaxy to choose as a supposed father
who only thought of putting the leader of the criminals in that
position? Where in this case are the critics who claim to defend
the good for children who do not denounce the message for evil
that these films carry hidden? In addition, what sense can it have
that films made after refer to events that occurred before? This
is just yet another aberration meant solely to narrate all the
details of the assassin Darth Vader's life. What follows from all
this is that deep down, the person in charge of that script feels
admiration for the criminal who leads the evil ones like many of
the followers of that second trilogy, and for that reason, it also
represents the degeneration of the Today's society that is
increasingly inclined to worship evil and the antichrist. We also
see this in the interest that many show in filling their skin with
tattoos or dressing in black clothes. People, in public, always say
that they support democracy, but it is evident that inside many
people a dictator with a desire to go abroad is hidden, that is
why they admire the leader of tyrants. On this we must be clear
that whoever seeks the good favors the good and opposes
without exception any subterfuge so that people identify with
the evil as it happens in this case. Whoever seeks the good
changes what has to be changed so that the message in favor of
good prevails over that which favors evil, both in the script of a
movie and in real life. 
The truth is that many of those who tattoo their bodies or wear
black clothes do so because they feel insecure in
themselves. They act this way because, as tattoos and black
clothes are evil symbols, they believe that looking evil will
compensate for their own insecurity in front of others, because
people associate evil with greater aggressiveness. But with this
behavior they show a great intellectual void, because in reality,
there is no greater support and foundation for the soul than
goodness and justice. Then there are those who really identify
with evil, those deserve pity, because they choose a mediocre
path that can only lead to suffering. It is true that with this
behavior they can harm others, but it must be borne in mind that
the main victims of antisocial behavior are precisely those who
promote it, because they have chosen a dead-end path.
The same thing happens with music, because at the beginning it
evolved until it reached a great quality, its best example being
POP music. In my opinion, this music is the closest to the
perfection of everything that man has created due to its great
spirituality. But today and surprisingly, music is undergoing a
degeneration in this regard, because people prefer low
frequency music which is much more mundane and
materialistic. In reality, there are quality songs in all frequencies,
but when style and good taste are lacking the result is disastrous,
this is a clear example of the confusion and directionlessness
that dominates society.
It is also striking to see how film scriptwriters portray the
supposed extraterrestrial beings, because to avoid public
rejection they are forced to pose them as if they were morally
degenerate beings, because if they were shown as truly superior
beings then the audience would be ashamed when they are
compared to them and consequently they would reject the film,
that is why people only accept them when they are shown with
the same human vices. In some exceptional cases they have also
been shown as supposedly benign, but so that they do not
appear superior to men they are put on as if they were idiots, in
this way the spectators are not offended. This is done this way,
because the only way to show man as if he were more civilized
or in some way superior to aliens, is when they are shown uglier,
more violent or more foolish than terrestrial people, in this way
not their vanity is offended. It is the same as the Greeks did
when they imagined the world of the gods filled with the same
low passions that are normal among human beings. But the truth
is that among superior beings there is no evil, genetic diseases or
immoral behaviors, because that would be in contradiction with
what it means to be superior.
In the series (Star trek) a ship full of earthlings travels through
the universe solving the problems of the "stupid and uncivilized
aliens" and with their wisdom and education they show them
how to do things. This is reminiscent of the documentaries of
animals that go through the forest urinating to mark the area
with their scent and in this way remind the other animals what
their territory is and who is in charge.
This attitude of supposed help conceals the interest in the
occupation or interference in the affairs of other civilizations. It is
as if it were an English schooner that travels the world occupying
territories because according to them its inhabitants are so
stupid and uncivilized that they need to be governed by the
"kind" English society. This series gives meaning to the word
arrogance. In the case of the film (Superman) something similar
happens, because it shows an extraterrestrial being who dreams
of living with the "beautiful and civilized terrestrial society" and
that is why he falls in love with the leading girl who, in reality, is
like saying that falls in love with the same Earth. In all these
examples it is a question of suggesting that the superior or
civilized beings are the earthlings, this is done to flatter the
vanity of the spectators and that they do not reject the film but
with the consequence that a totally false universe is shown.
The ability of Superman to fly with his body is an indirect way of
representing the ability of higher beings to fly with their mind,
that is, the ability to explore the higher worlds through
meditation. This quality does not have people who are too
extroverted, because in that situation they are only able to move
with their body but not with their mind. The mind has two
dimensions or wheels, the horizontal for physical movement, and
the vertical for mental movement. Primitive beings are only
capable of moving on the horizontal wheel, but higher beings
know how to properly combine the two wheels or ways of
There is also currently a cinema in favor of miscegenation,
because they show us a future full of violence and conflicts but it
is made clear that all the opposing sides are equally full of
mestizos and feminists, they try to suggest in this way that the
two are on the same page according to that fact. It is evident
that they act this way, in part to avoid the contrary reaction of
the social groups that support them, but this also shows how
cinema is used to manipulate the human mind, by offering a
version of reality and the future adapted to the interests of the
The same happens with historical films, because they do not
hesitate to give a totally false version of the past, in this way
reality is completely altered to adapt to the politically correct
truths of the present. It is also surprising how the cinema has
tried to adapt to feminism, because the body of women is not
designed for physical confrontation, however, in the films they
show us women with a masculine aspect fighting against men,
but, of course, without getting a scratch or disheveled, so as not
to damage its aesthetic image.
Even so, I believe that North American cinema has always had a
great quality in general, although today that is changing. Naive
people believe that only films made in the present can have
quality, but there are black and white films much better than
current ones in color and with a higher budget, because the
quality does not depend on the money invested in them but,
above all, of the depth and meaning of the argument. Before the
Second World War, movies were made with interesting scripts
and full of moral values. After the war, films and series were
made full of the illusion of living, this greatly favored social
progress and constructive meditation. But nowadays, the
excessive effort to satisfy the current social clichés of the
moment is causing many films to end up being cold and
All this shows that Western society is mired in a racial conflict
and the cinema, with its double standard discourse, tries to
satisfy two opposing ways of seeing the world, therefore, the
ideal would be that each race could live between yours so that it
is not necessary to pretend something different from what you
feel. A black person does not have to seek or expect the
complacency of the whites by being his slave or his servant, he
must demand that they be given land to build their own state
where they can be independent, they have the right to have a
country where it is not necessary pretend that everything is
going well when it is not. It is a fallacy to say that the races must
necessarily be mixed, because it will always be better for each
one to have its own territory so that it is possible to better
guarantee their rights, because equality is only possible when
surrounded by equals. In reality, those who defend
miscegenation in the United States is because they do not want
to recognize each race the right to dispose of the part of the
country's land that may correspond to it, because if the country
were divided by race it would be weakened and consequently
they would have to put end their imperialist campaign. In other
words, it is a matter of pretending that all races are equal even if
it is false, to avoid recognizing each one the right to create its
own independent state. This happens, because when they took
the slaves to America, they were not considered people and
consequently it was never thought that one day their rights
would have to be recognized, therefore, by favoring
miscegenation, it is a matter of hiding that they are being denied
their rights the right to have a land with which to create their
own country independent of the whites. Meanwhile, European
countries are now creating the same problem by bringing in
immigrants unnecessarily, because they could always get labor
by favoring the birth rate, but they act like this by simple
imitation of the country they have as an idol and with that they
create their very problems.
At present, an attitude in favor of disorder, immorality,
anarchism or miscegenation prevails in the world, an example of
this is the misnamed "abstract art" because it tries to promote
chaos and disorder over symmetry and harmony in an attempt to
divert humanity from its progress toward the light that is
achieved by fostering both racial and social order. Another form
of nonsense "abstract art" is one that seeks to impress the
viewer with extravagances as if the absurd could be put in place
of art, this shows the lack of criteria in today's society.
In the past, the Jewish people were always a staunch defender of
racial or cultural integrity, this is very important in the
foundations of their religion, but the persecution they suffered
during the Second World War has caused them to now support
miscegenation, but not They support it within their families or in
their community, but for the rest of society as a method of self-
defense, because it is evident that in a mixed-race society, their
racial or religious differences can go unnoticed.
In my opinion, it was stupid that the Nazis persecuted the Jews
for racial reasons, because the Jews of Germany had been
crossing their race with Europeans for many centuries, which
meant that there were hardly any differences, perhaps not all of
them were blond or with blue eyes, but in that, they were equal
to half the Germans. In addition, if they raise it from a religious
point of view, in that case the persecution did not make sense
either, because in reality most of the Christian Bible was written
by the Jews, therefore, the only explanation that can be found is
interest for using them as a scapegoat to distract the Germans
while the Nazis created a dictatorship.
It must also be said that the spiritual and progressive sense of
Jews in general is admirable, because they hate living from
charity and have a great creative capacity, in this they are
opposed to the gypsy race, which unlike them has a great
attachment to the matter which greatly hinders his progress
towards the spiritual world. It cannot be denied that during the
war, the Jews suffered greatly because of the tyranny of the
Nazis, but it is just as true, that by promoting miscegenation they
are favoring the extermination of the European race, thereby
harming the rest of society.
One of the reasons that triggered the civil war in the United
States was that the slave model did not allow workers to move
freely to factories in the north where more and more labor was
needed, this was also the reason that slavery ended in Russia,
although they called it serfdom there. This was because the
world was moving from an agricultural to an industrial model of
economy and keeping workers by force in an agricultural zone
prevented their movement to the industrial zones. The end of
slavery supposed freedom of movement for them, but they went
from serving some masters to serving others without this
implying a significant change in their living conditions, because
the white and black communities followed each on their own
side as if they were different countries but living in the same.
The social model that encourages miscegenation and that we
want to impose today is not better either, because it is about
pretending that there are no racial differences when that is not
true. The truth is that one of the factors that most hinders social
integration and favors poverty in countries like the United States
is the refusal of many citizens to accept the left's plan to
completely mix the races. Although it must also be said that it is
only an indirect responsibility. These citizens do not want to
accept miscegenation and consequently do not support a
homogeneous social model, but it is not fair that they are
accused of this poverty, because they are not the ones who
promote this situation and that is why they have the right to act
like this. No one has the right to impose on them a social model
based on miscegenation that they consider abominable. No one
has the right to impose on them the agenda of the left, an order
that is not done for the social good but to obtain the votes of
those minorities and thus come to power. Ideally, therefore,
each country where immigrants have been forcibly taken
allocate land to each race where they can form their own nations
and live freely.
In the case of countries that have received illegal immigrants, it
would be different, because having entered them without
permission, the logical thing would be to make agreements with
their countries of origin to return them, or with others of their
own race when their own countries do not want to accept the
return. In these cases, the NGOs that traffic in people should pay
the repatriation costs, because they collaborate with the illegal
traffic and then advertise it to obtain profits from the
donations. By doing this, they are favoring drownings in those
cases in which immigration is done by sea because what they do
is not help but traffic. They are complicit in this human trafficking
when they agree with the gangs that organize it to coincide with
them and act as shuttles or stopovers in this illegal trafficking
process. In that case, it cannot be said that they are "rescuing the
shipwrecked" when what they do is transship the immigrants
from the boats in which they boarded the ships of their
organization, because a true rescue is only possible when a
person goes in A ship and it accidentally sinks, but this is not
what happens with human trafficking, so it is outrageous that
these organizations accuse those who oppose illegal trafficking of
preventing a ransom. If these organizations were really
concerned about avoiding drowning, what they would have to do
is denounce those who traffic in people instead of helping them,
because with their behavior they create expectations for
immigrants and that is why they are willing to pay large sums of
money to the mafias. It is true that many people have to
emigrate for political or other reasons, but the right thing to do is
to do it to countries of their own race or culture, in this way the
breakdown of social cohesion that disorderly mixing can produce
can be avoided.
The truth is that Western countries are increasingly being
dominated by an anarchist approach to social life leading to
disorder and crime becoming more and more widespread. An
example of this we have in the fact that Europe and the United
States are being invaded by millions of individuals and yet society
does not want to see it, because one thing is who travels with
the permission in order from the receiving country and another
He is the one who tries to impose his presence by force. I do not
mean to deny that these immigrants have problems in their
country of origin, but before emigrating their duty is to fight in
their country for their rights and fulfill their duties instead of
forcibly imposing their presence on others. Because the problem
of overpopulation is not caused by politicians but by the
irresponsible behavior of the citizens of those countries who
have more children than they can support, therefore, the
solution to the problem is not to emigrate but to correct that
behavior. For this reason, when collaborating with illegal
immigration, society is being made to understand that crime has
no punishment, because, although it is not wanted to recognize
it, many of the immigrants who enter without a work contract
the first thing they do is steal. We must not forget that those
who allow social mixing with inferior cultures end up favoring the
destruction of their own society. It is not that it is important that
a racial crossing can occur accidentally or exceptionally between
two people of different races, what is wrong is to create the
conditions so that it can occur easily. Western countries by
allowing this are showing a weak and anarchic attitude because
with this behavior they are favoring social decomposition.
When slavery was abolished in the United States, the correct
thing would have been to give land to slaves so that they could
create their own independent state, but it was preferred to say
that racial differences did not exist to avoid giving them the lands
to which they were entitled, thus They went from being slaves to
being second-class citizens, even trying to get them to go to
Africa to avoid recognizing those rights, that is how the Republic
of Liberia was created in 1847. But the best thing will always be
that each race has its own territory, Now, the whites who
oppose giving them land say that this is only racism, but this idea
was already defended by the African-American leader Malcom X,
even though he was black, he also supported this idea before
being assassinated. It is evident that if a person travels to a
country of another race, it does not make sense to apply
discriminatory norms such as those that in the United States
prevented blacks from entering white bars or cinemas, or require
that a person A black woman gives up her bus seat to a white
man, what is wrong is to encourage miscegenation by supporting
people of different races to live mixed, because that only serves
to generate both social and cultural chaos and favor the
economic exploitation of these minorities. . Although it may
seem surprising, it is necessary for the races to be physically
separated so that they can be morally united, because in reality,
each of them represents a different world that needs to be
separated in order to develop fully.
It would also be ideal for the United Nations (UN) to create a
program to technologically equalize the whole world, this
program would not only be economic but above all
technological, because it would have the purpose of technically
advising less developed countries so that all countries of the
world could reach the same level of development. First, it would
begin by eradicating poverty within the most advanced countries
by introducing birth control programs together with other
vocational training programs for all the unemployed. Later, the
same birth control system would be used in underdeveloped
countries so that population growth is in line with their industrial
and agricultural production. This is necessary, because it is
impossible for the per capita income of a country to progress if it
does not have food for all its inhabitants. In addition, a
technology advisory program would be implemented whereby
the most advanced countries would give up their technology free
of charge to the poorest. With this system, it would be possible
that in a couple of centuries the entire planet could achieve the
same technological and industrial level.
The black race is originally from Africa although it was brought to
America and other places through the slave trade where it came
to form important communities, at present most of its
emigration is due to its own initiative.
This breed is halfway between the black and white races from a
climatic point of view, this causes it to have a somewhat unstable
or irascible character when frequently passing from a warm
climate to a colder one, this characteristic is not just a
circumstantial fact but is imprinted in the genes. This breed
usually likes expressive forms and ostentation, also rounded
shapes as a result of the excessive presence in it of solar energy,
it also values the physical more than the spiritual, therefore, they
show spiritual expressions as if they were representations
physical. In this case, the color of your skin does match your
generic definition. A minority variant of this race would be the
red race, represented today by the gypsy race, the reason that
this color is assigned is not because of the color of the skin but
because of the excessively passionate personality, therefore,
those who have psychic vision can see that this color is
predominant in it. This race would have arisen as a result of a
cross between the black and the yellow race. One of its
characteristics is that it has a special devotion to the material
part of life, this can be observed in the music that they usually
listen to characterized by its low frequency, as for example
occurs in flamenco. With the energetic footwork that they do in
this dance, their adherence to the land can also be observed. It is
possible that people of any race with an excessively dominant
character have within them some genes of this race, this is
possible, because in the past, crosses, although minority, were
frequent. Their best virtue is that being so passionate they place
great value on the virginity of women, this would be desirable if
it were also exported to other races. The brown race is the
characteristic in North Africa, the Middle East and India.
This breed is the best of all but not because it is more intelligent
than the others but because perfection is achieved by finding the
balance between the red and blue dimension. In this race, matter
and spirit are in perfect harmony, this probably contributed to its
being able to overtake the other races in the process of
technological evolution. This race adequately combines the
physical qualities of the black race with the spiritual qualities of
the yellow race, that is why it has its physical or mental qualities
distributed in the best possible way. It is true that each race has
qualities in which it is better than the others, but it is also true
that only when the balance of all qualities is achieved can the
race be perfect and this only happens with the white race. In the
future, all races will end up being equal when the climate of
cities is controlled and this favors a process of racial
evolution. One of the things in which humanity has practically
reached perfection is POP music, this type of music is done
especially well by the white race and expresses in an excellent
way the spiritual values that humanity needs so much in the
present. It must also be said that there are no superior races if
that is why it is understood that some have to submit politically
to the others, but there are more evolved races if what is taken
into account is their closeness or distance from the ideal human
form. This is the reason why it is a serious mistake to mix the
races, because by doing so, their specialization in each climate of
the earth is hindered and in the case of the white race the
possibility of being an example to others as a model is destroyed
more advanced breed. It is true that the difference that exists
between the different races is not exaggerated if it is taken into
account in absolute terms, but when a thing is put in its wrong
place it can cause serious damage even if it is a minority, for
example, If we put a small piece of another in a plane it can
make it crash, because even if that piece is small, it can cause a
break in harmony with the rest of the pieces, to give another
example, a lens is only useful when it is perfect, but if Mixing a
small amount of powder with the crystal can seriously invalidate
its quality, in the same way, when it is introduced into a breed,
individuals from another can weaken its stability, seriously
damaging its potential. Progress arises with order and mixing the
races is an example of anarchy and disorder that can significantly
diminish the possibilities that the human species can achieve.
Humanity has to understand that without purity there is no light,
nor progress without order. We must not forget that until the
Second World War and especially until the government of John F.
Kennedy, miscegenation was not only frowned upon but was
also considered immoral, and that is not something that has
occurred only in the United State last century that has been
common throughout history, but after the war it was defended
because it served as an excuse to be able to invade or meddle in
the affairs of other races.
Later, for citizens to believe that it is their duty to accept it, they
began to teach in schools and through the cinema. This is just the
opposite of what had been normal throughout history. This was
the reason why Kennedy raised so much social rejection, because
he tried to achieve political power through the vote of racial
minorities but without caring the least about destroying social
stability. This is not at all strange in their family, because for
them the interest in power was always above any other
consideration, they even asked the mafia for help to get to
A racial crossing does not make sense when it is to obtain a
worse result than the original, therefore, crossing a perfect race
with a deficient one is a way of going backwards. Each race may
be perfect for the climate in which it was formed, but only those
that adequately combine heat with cold or matter with spirit are
perfect in absolute terms, because heat represents matter and
cold represents spirituality. . Therefore, it is absurd to abandon a
situation of perfection to create a worse genetic version. At
present the white race suffers a continuous process of
demographic decline due to the sterilizing effect that feminism
has on society, this situation recalls the novel Tommyknockers by
Stephen King in which an alien race has to steal the vitality of the
human species due to to its inability to regenerate. The white
race acts the same in the present, because being unable to
replace the elderly who are retiring or dying with new births, it
simply chooses to import immigrants whom it tries to exploit
through precarious jobs, but by doing so it destroys its own
society and is gradually transformed into a giant with feet of clay
because of its weak foundations. The illegal immigration in mass,
which is taking place in the West, mocking all laws and
regulations is a sign of the collapse of Western civilization, this is
the same thing that happened to Rome when the tribes outside
its border entered en masse before Once the sinking is complete,
it is evident that if this happens, it is because something is not
European migration policy is completely hypocritical, because if
an immigrant who goes by land is one meter outside their
borders, then they try to do everything possible so that he does
not enter, however, if that same immigrant enters by force one
meter inside of the border, then they treat him with a multitude
of perks, this is obviously a contradiction, because the fact of
being inside or outside does not change the fundamental
question because it is still as illegal as before, this can only be
understood as an act of obvious political frivolity. The law, in
these cases, should not change, because rewarding those who
break the law only serves to further the crime. We should not
defend something just because the law says so, and if a law is
poorly done then we should not be afraid to change it. With this
weak and anarchic attitude, Europeans are allowing evil to enter
their borders in the same way that a knife enters a cake.
It is true that brotherhood between races is the best that there
can be, but those who think that for there to be brotherhood
there must be miscegenation make a serious mistake, because
brotherhood is not derived from the mixing of blood between
races or species but from respect mutual.
The white race is originally from Europe because, although it
came to this continent from the Middle East, however, the
characteristics it has today are the consequence of its own racial
evolution and adaptation to the continent. All current races in
turn are derived from Homo sapiens that was formed in Africa,
the reason that its origin is there is because due to the glacial
periods, especially the last one that lasted 100.000 years, the
European population was almost non-existent. At that time, the
equatorial half of the world was the place with the most suitable
climate to develop important populations. This also allowed for
greater technological or racial progress, but we must not confuse
that climatic period with this one, because in those days the
world temperature in the equatorial zone was several degrees
lower than that which exists at the moment and very similar to
what it has the Mediterranean today. This is the reason why
some of the first homo sapiens settlers who arrived in Europe
had light eyes. For this reason, what happened at that time,
rather than being a colonization process, was a transfer process
as the temperatures of the planet also did so at the end of the
glaciation. In other words, homo sapiens moved to Europe
because with global warming the climate there was increasingly
similar to what they were used to. The fact that the European
climate is quite pleasant most of the year also favors that the
white race has a very stable character.
Many people feel deep down inside their soul that
miscegenation is wrong, but they think that they have a duty to
reject those feelings because since childhood they have been
taught in schools that this is the way they should think, and in
turn the politicians who with their laws give orders to the schools
also defend miscegenation because after the Second World War
anyone who thinks differently is practically prohibited from
holding positions of power. This is the mode of behavior that has
been imposed by the United States on Western countries and its
collaborators because as long as they proclaim their support for
miscegenation they will be able to invade countries, kill people,
deny the Indians their historical rights. Also maintain
concentration camps such as Guantánamo or destroy entire
jungles as the United States did in Vietnam with napalm without
anyone being able to call them criminals, because when they are
accused they say that they are not criminals like the Nazis,
because they defend racial miscegenation and that makes their
crimes less horrendous than those committed by the Germans
and therefore, according to them, that gives them the right to
commit them.
Now it seems that all the evils in the world are the fault of the
Nazis, and everyone else is innocent of everything, but they do
not realize that with this behavior they honor them, because by
promoting hatred against the Nazis they are doing the same that
the Nazis did with the Jews, that is to say blame them for all
social problems and put a Diana on their back so that everyone
can unleash their aggressiveness on them.
This, a behavior of psychological harassment practiced by the
victors of the war to hide their own crimes, because as the
Germans lost the war now they are the ugly duckling that
everyone can insult in their films or documentaries. Because
there is nothing wrong with saying what the Nazis did, but
without that being an excuse to hide what others did throughout
history. They did this so that people cannot understand that the
real danger is in those who incite hatred and that now they are
the same ones who attack the Nazis, but by doing so they show
themselves to be the same as them. They only need to say that a
Nazi named Cain traveled back in time and killed Abel, or that
Genghis Khan committed all his crimes because he was actually a
Nazi disguised as a Mongolian. With such behavior, they actually
honor them, because by trying to make people think that the
Nazis are to blame for all the evils in the world they only expose
their own greed. It is true that the Nazis committed many crimes,
but it was not they, but the Americans who dropped the atomic
bomb on Hiroshima or Nagasaki and killed thousands of children,
and it was not they, but the English who massacred the Zulu in
South Africa to rob their diamond mines, and it was not the
Nazis, but the French who massacred the Algerians in Paris in
1961 for calling for an end to the occupation and crimes
committed in Algeria. When you only talk about what the Nazis
did in the past, it is to hide what those who criticize them are
doing in the present. In the end, what determines the difference
between whether a military man is considered a national hero or
a criminal is summed up in the fact of whether he won the war
or not, because there is no better propaganda or crime that is
not forgotten if it is the army who does it victor. If Alexander the
Great had been defeated at Gaugamela, at this time he would
not be remembered as the great European conqueror who
spread Hellenism to the East, because the Persians would have
conquered Europe, that means that at this time he would be
remembered as the butcher who slaughtered thousands of men,
women and children in their endless military campaigns. This is
so, because, although people do not want to admit it, there is
nothing that produces more shame in society than a defeat or
something that produces more popularity than a victory.
It is good to remember the past, but you have to remember
everyone's past and not just some. People worry so much about
what the Nazis did wrong that they forget what they did right,
because some of their ideas were good for social progress. The
mistake they made was, that their great initial success led them
to have such excessive ambition that it made them believe that
they could attack the East and West at the same time, it was
ultimately their excessive optimism that led them to a crushing
defeat. For this reason, sometimes, success and failure are closer
than it seems, because it tends to be frequent, that success,
when misdirected, causes a decrease in prudence, which leads to
an accident.
If we judge the Nazis for that war, then, to be fair, we must
remember, that the nations that defeated them have also
committed and continue to commit great crimes against
humanity, and yet they do not consider this wrong. Many neo-
Nazis today also act stone-minded, incapable of learning from
experience. Like the rest of the political forces, they are right in
some things, but if they do not renounce their excessively
materialistic behavior, it is impossible for them to move forward.
The imperialist countries say that they invade other countries to
help their inhabitants, but when millions are killed just because
they try to defend their independence then they are not helping
them, because true democracy consists in respecting the
independence of the countries and that they decide what
political system they want to have, they call aid to what is only
the occupation and imposition of a submissive government. This
is what happened in the Eastern European countries by the
Soviet Union, or in Iraq and Afghanistan by the United States. In
the end, what mistreatment and occupation of the territory by
foreign troops does is favor religious fundamentalism, because
the population is always instinctively inclined to support anyone
who opposes the occupation troops, therefore, for a country
understand which is the best path to take it is necessary to
respect your right to choose.
Today, the world is divided between the dominant, that is, the
countries that have nuclear weapons, and the dominated, that is,
those that do not. This second group tries to disguise their
subjection by saying that they are non-aligned countries when in
reality they are subjugated countries, because if they tried to
possess those weapons then the United States would threaten to
invade them as it did first with Iraq and as it does now with
Iran. But at the same time, the United States secretly handed
over nuclear weapons to Israel so that in case of war with its
Arab neighbors it can destroy them and thus become the
hegemonic power in the region, meanwhile, it tries to convince
Muslim countries not to they have the right to possess these
weapons and they are threatened with invading them if they try
to get them. It is clear that this policy is neither fair nor neutral.
The fear of the Nazis has pushed the West into an ever greater
drift towards communism, to the point that leftists try to make
the political opposition believe that communism is the only
possible option for society, therefore, they try to convert
everyone its political postulates are mandatory, but disguising
them as supposed social rights. Mestizaje is a fundamental part
of the communist plan that seeks racial chaos by creating a world
of mestizos and political and social anarchy. Because chaos and
social disorder arise from miscegenation, separatist nationalism
or feminism.
But, it is a mistake to try to summarize it all by saying that the
evil is only in communism, because there have been criminals
and honorable men on both sides, for example Ho Chi Minh was
theoretically communist, and yet he was an example for the
world by His fight for freedom against French imperialism in
Indochina, for him, the important thing was not the political
orientation but to liberate his country from foreign colonialism
and he surely joined Russia because it served him as an ally
against the French invaders. If the North Americans had
supported the Asian countries against European imperialism
surely they would not have been oriented towards the
communist orbit, this means that in the end they were the
culprits of the Vietnam War.
The great mistake of the United States and the countries in its
orbit is that they do not hesitate to support dictators when they
proclaim themselves capitalists and try to overthrow
democracies when the communists win them, because the right
of countries to be free from external interference and decide for
themselves Their political course must themselves be outside the
rivalry of the super powers. If they really want to set an example,
they must do so by favoring the free will of nations and not just
those that favor capitalism, even though it is true that it is a
better political or economic system than communism. How will a
country or a person understand their mistake if they are not
allowed to choose? Freedom does not consist only in doing the
right thing, but in doing what is considered best even if it is
wrong, because it is through freedom that we have to discover
our mistakes. With its totalitarian attitude, the United States has
favored that some countries have fallen into the communist
orbit and some democracies are thinking of doing
so. Unfortunately, the world is full of people who were
imprisoned without hurting anyone, and all because politicians
cannot resist the temptation to impose by force what they
consider appropriate, forgetting that freedom also consists of the
right to do what is right wrong or harmful to health. When it
comes to what we do with our own body, governments can try
to dissuade us, but they do not have the right to impose their
opinion with fines and threats of jail, because in this way a social
fracture is created and the appearance of mafia organizations.
Progress is not possible if citizens are threatened only for
exercising their right to free will, because if they are wrong, they
have the right to discover it for themselves, suffering the
consequences of their mistakes. It is unacceptable for a police
state or an occupying army to try to impose what they say is
good on a population that does not think the same, therefore, it
is necessary for citizens to discover the best way through the
exercise of their own freedom.
People who listen to the news in Western countries are
scandalized by the crimes committed by Islamic extremists, but
they do not spend a second thinking about the millions of deaths
that Western countries have caused in the world to impose their
interests. They realize that if in places like Afghanistan or
Palestine the extremists have achieved a lot of power, it is
because of the coercion and mistreatment that the civil
population has had to endure by the West. In the case of
Afghanistan, first by the Russian invaders and then by the
Americans, and in the case of Palestine by the collusion of the
United States in Israel's policy to complete the extermination of
the Palestinian people. It would be more humane if Israel
integrated Palestine into its territory and recognized its
inhabitants nationality rather than maintaining the occupation of
the territory while its inhabitants are treated as second-class
citizens. All this shows that due to their mistreatment and their
governments imposed by force, in the end they end up being the
ones who promote religious extremism.
We must not forget that in the past Muslims were not so
extreme, but when they suffer great pressure, in the end it is the
most radical who take power, because the tormented population
ends up mistakenly thinking that the most extreme may be the
solution. Nowadays, Muslim extremists are becoming more
macho than they had been in the past, but this occurs precisely
as a reflex reaction and opposed to a Western world that boasts
feminism, with this behavior they try to differentiate themselves
from those who oppress them. Let us not forget that both the
Russians and the North Americans tried to impose feminism by
force during the occupation of their territory and consequently
as a rejection reaction they resorted to a more exaggerated
machismo than it would have been if those who invaded them
did not carry feminism as part of their indoctrination.
It is true that religious extremists are cruel and that is
rejectionable, it is also true that things would improve in
Palestine if all the organizations that exist there recognized
Israel's right to exist, but it is also true that the continuous
interference of Western countries In the Muslim world things
only make things worse, because in the West they call "helping"
to bomb and impose their political and business interests as
happened in the Gulf War. This shows that the brutality of some
ultimately fosters the brutality of others. In reality, Muslim
radicalism is the son of the West, as it is a reaction to the
mistreatment suffered when the United States decided to ally
with Israel against them, and it is also an economic son, because
when Afghanistan was dominated by the Russians it was the
Westerners who They armed, therefore, when it comes to
explaining the origin of the Taliban, we must also look for it in
the West. The Western world would have been spared many
conflicts and the enmity of the Arab world simply if it had forced
Israel to recognize the independence of the occupied Palestinian
When one country invades and mistreats another, psychopaths
and those who want bloodshed always try to use that as an
excuse to seize power, that means that the extremists, in the
end, are favored by the cruelty of the occupying powers. . It is
true that these criminals or psychopaths already existed prior to
the foreign occupation, but they use the occupation and the
confusion it causes in society as a pretext to try to come to
power. Even the excessive machismo with which radical Islamists
are characterized can also be a reflexive and defensive reaction
to the excessive feminism propagandized by the occupying
powers. In other words, if the military occupation had never
occurred, these antisocial individuals would have had a harder
time coming to power and the behavior of society in those
countries towards the Western way of life would have been
much more receptive. That is why we must not make a mistake
with the political labels that some countries put on others,
because at present it is no longer the Russians or the Chinese
who have the most communists, because these countries
currently use a capitalist economy. In reality, it is the western
countries that are gradually sliding towards ideological
communism, although it is no longer called communism but
homosexuality, feminism, anarchism or miscegenation.
The truth is that the great superpowers of the world are involved
in the fight for world power, but since it is wrong to recognize
that they invade countries or kill people for that reason, then
they limit themselves to saying that they do it because the others
are communists or capitalists. , this is usually enough to fool the
ignorant, but in reality both contenders are more alike than they
want us to believe. The conclusion of all this is that although it is
true that capitalism is better than communism especially from an
economic point of view, nevertheless, in communist philosophy
there are also positive things, therefore, it is a mistake to lean in
a way total on one side or the other, the right thing to do is to
discover what part of the truth each side has and discard what is
Now the United States hides its imperialism under the argument
that it is a fight against terrorism, but it would be interesting to
know what terrorism it refers to if it is the one that sprayed
Vietnam with thousands of tons of Napalm killing millions of
civilians, or is the one that builds outlaw prisons such as
Guantánamo, or is it terrorism that uses remote-controlled
planes to kill from the air, but each time they act they kill more
civilians than military targets, or is it terrorism that invades
countries without the permission of the ONU. Because when Iraq
was invaded without the permission of the UN it was said that it
was to search for nuclear weapons, this was later proven to be a
lie, but they did not hesitate to deceive the whole world in order
to seize the oil wells that are there. They find and impose on the
country a puppet government at their service. But even if they
had weapons of mass destruction, is that a reason for a country
to be invaded and millions of its inhabitants killed? Because by
that argument, the United States should have first invaded its
own allies who are loaded with these weapons. And when they
say that they invade them because they are not democracies,
then why do they not hesitate to support and finance
dictatorships like that of Pinochet in Chile? Freedom does not
consist only in using a "democratic" political model, it is also
freedom for a country to govern itself without external
interference or occupation troops. Because it must be the
citizens of each country who decide if they want to have a
democratic fundamentalist, monarchical, communist or capitalist
political model. And if the great military powers want freedom
for those countries, then they must accept and respect the free
will of each country and its citizens. 
In the United States, there are more and more citizens who do
not agree with miscegenation, but since the country is currently
in the throes of an imperialist streak, it is not considered
appropriate to modify the current social scheme, this is to
prevent the rest of the world from the world may not realize that
their methods are not that different from those used by the
Nazis. It is surprising that sometimes it is the apparently less
suitable people who break that state of affairs, this happened
with Henry the eighth of England, this king was not characterized
by his finesse in doing things and in one of his outbursts of anger
he broke with the Catholic Church, this fact that at first everyone
considered an act of folly derived from their personal interest,
however, brought enormous benefits to their country, because it
stopped supporting the negative influence and the economic
bleeding that it supposed to obey and finance a church of Rome
corrupt to the core. A similar example could be represented by
Donald Trump, because despite his many defects and his
arrogant attitude, however, he is the only politician since the
Second World War who has had the courage to say what many
think but do not say and that is miscegenation is wrong, he is
also the only one that has been able to hold those countries that
allow immigrants to pass even knowing that they want to enter
the United States illegally. The fact that the governments of that
country have successively refused to consider this question so as
not to harm the imperialist campaign is causing the risk of even a
civil war. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is just waiting to see
what happens to decide what they believe in and what they do,
because let's not forget that much of what Western people and
governments think, is derived in Much of believing in what the
person in power says.
In capitalist countries people are told that communism is bad
and in communist countries the same is said about capitalism,
but both are right and both are wrong, because there is no
capitalism, communism, feminism, machismo or racism
whatsoever either good or bad in its entirety, but within these
generic definitions a large number of aspects are included, some
good and some bad, that is to say that in part they are right and
in another part they are wrong. But speculators, those who try to
profit from human passions, try to make us see that everything is
summed up to a simple word that is what they tell us, and in this
way they try to turn us into their puppets. Therefore, we must
stop and analyze things calmly, to discover those nuances that all
things have and thus draw a more evolved conclusion of the
world around us.
A person can be totally racist in some things and at the same
time totally anti-racist in others, or they can be totally macho in
some things but at the same time totally feminist in others. It can
also be totally right-wing in some things and totally left-wing in
others, that's what freedom of thought is based on. Only those
who are interested in the existence of a single thought try to
convince society that there is only one valid way of thinking. This
excessively polarized attitude is, in large part, the consequence
of dividing the Western world into political parties that, in order
to gain power, take extreme positions and lie incessantly about
the reasons to the contrary. This makes citizens believe that they
should support those radical positions that only take into
account a part of reality. But the truth is neutral to those
extreme political tendencies. They want us to believe that this is
democracy but it is not true, because true democracy is that all
laws are decided directly by the citizens. This farce will end when
humanity realizes this great truth.
A nation that does not care about preserving its own race or its
identity ends up being the same as a tree with rotten roots,
because with that behavior it ends up destroying the original
purity that made it great, because it is that purity that gives it
cohesion and strength. People easily forget that what made the
great empires of the past grow was their integrity and good
sense in their initial moments, and it was the degeneration
derived from power that ended up destroying them. The
teaching of all this is that when they forget the humble roots
from which all strong nations arise, they end up being carried
away by vanity, believing that power is something innate in them
and that they will never lose it, then it usually happens that end
up destroying in a short time what took centuries to build.
Now defending the integrity of the races is considered politically
incorrect and that is why it cannot be said, but since I am not a
politician, I do not have to abide by it. People believe that they
have to defend miscegenation because it is what they have been
taught in schools or through the cinema, but they never consider
whether it is correct or not, they simply do what they have been
told they should do, and when they reach the age Adults think
that those beliefs induced from childhood were always their own
beliefs or have always existed in history, but they do not know
that defending racial integrity was always considered a symbol of
dignity and morality from the beginning of time to the end of the
Second World War, and if they now defend the opposite it is by
simple political opportunism, that is why they want us to believe
that it is our moral duty to accept it.
It should also be clarified that when I say that some races have
better qualities than others, I am not doing it to offend anyone,
therefore, what we should think is, how is humanity going to
progress if we refuse to recognize our own defects or the
differences that exist between races? Claiming that all races are
the same may look great on the news or in the mass media, but
it is completely false and anyone can see it with the naked
eye. Nowadays, even raising this possibility is considered an
untouchable taboo, which shows that there is a hidden reason
behind it, but that it is a brake on scientific research. The truth is
that there are not only differences between races, but even
between people of each race, because there are genetically
better people than others, this is because within each person
there are a multitude of different genes, some better and others
worse. Therefore, people or races with the best genes are the
most advanced. It is another thing to say that all races have the
right to live free and without interference from others, in this
regard I fully agree. If people analyzed everything scientifically
and without passionate or political attitudes, in the end all of
humanity would win.
At present, those who have reached power by supporting
miscegenation try to prevent things from changing and that is
why they invent degrading words to humiliate and make those
who think differently pass as sick, which is why, when they call
those who are not xenophobic According to racial mixtures, what
they do is insult them, because they accuse them of being sick
and suffering from a phobia simply for thinking differently. This
is, without a doubt, a form of psychological harassment that aims
to humiliate these people so that everyone rejects them without
actually analyzing the issue in depth. This shows that those who
support miscegenation use words frivolously, because they
accuse all those who oppose miscegenation of hating other races
without making any difference, by acting like this, what they are
doing is fostering hatred against them which is just the opposite
of what they say to fight. This is undoubtedly a clear example of
hypocrisy, because in all political parties and in all ideologies
there are violent people and peaceful people, but when they
affirm that all those who oppose racial mixing it is because they
suffer from a phobia or because they hate what they really want
is to foster hatred against others so that people act with violence
instead of analyzing things objectively.
As it is clear that politics has deeply intruded on racial analysis,
scientists simply choose to side with this situation and get off the
subject by saying that all races are genetically the same or of the
same evolutionary level. This is not true and they know it, but
with that simplistic answer they prevent speculators from
attacking them. It is also common to use false evidence or half
truths so that theses that deny racial differences seem proven,
but like that, it is what everyone wants to hear is generally
accepted. Thus, impartial analysis of racial differences has to be
deferred until the drama of the Second World War is overcome
and is no longer mixed with the study of races. This is so,
because when there is a struggle between power and reason,
then it will be the same if you provide one or a thousand reasons
because the mass hypnotized by the fear of power will believe
who has power and consequently will reject who is right. It is
true that power intimidates and runs the media and schools, but
we must make an effort to think independently instead of just
accepting what is politically correct.
We have another example of human clumsiness in how science
fiction portrays extraterrestrial beings, because in order not to
interfere with current prejudices, it poses a mixed-race universe
with all mixed races. This is obviously scientific stupidity, because
it is absurd that a civilization that surpasses another in a million
years, however, is going to accept the importation of individuals
to its cities with a background genetically inferior to its
own. Doing this would be like putting a bomb at the center of
your DNA. Because it makes no sense that a civilization that has
been evolving for so long then allows them to come to live with
them and mix with their individual citizens with a genetic
difference similar to that which separates man from
apes. Because progress not only applies to technology but also to
the genes that we carry within our bodies. We have to
understand that civilization does not consist only in the progress
of science but also in the progress of our genes. When we talk
about civilizations with thousands of years of evolutionary
difference, it must be taken into account that there would not
only be intellectual differences, because an advanced society
would also have eradicated the genetic diseases so present on
Earth at this time, therefore, importing individuals with these
diseases it would be like going back to the past. Other
differences would be those that have the purpose of adapting
the bodies to different climates or gravity, these differences
would be the consequence of an adaptation process that would
have lasted thousands of years, therefore, a genetic cross would
be totally unacceptable.
From a symbolic point of view, each race is related to a position
in space and a density, if this is represented as a human figure or
a pyramid then the black race would be located at the feet or
lower part of the figure, on top it would be the brown race, in
the center would be the yellow race and in the head would be
the white race that would be the upper and lower-density
zone. Each race would have a different relationship with matter
or spirit, this means that the black race would be the most
material and dense, and the white the most spiritual and
light. The white race represents on the one hand the green color
and the balance, and on the other the blue of the spirit, this is
not a contradiction, but corresponds to different points of view,
because with respect to the other races it is the bluest because It
is the closest to the spiritual pole, but at the same time it is the
one that represents the ideal equilibrium position that it is
desirable to have, because it is exactly between the color red and
blue or between matter and spirit. The other races are too
masculine and dense in their character or circumstances,
because the world is evolving from an environment that is too
red and material, to move towards a more blue and spiritual one,
therefore, the white race is at the same time the bluest of all ,
but it also represents the perfect balance of both density and
color, therefore, it represents blue on the one hand and green on
the other, because it is blue compared to the others, but it is
green with respect to the ideal equilibrium situation.
In reality, the universe is divided into two dimensions, one
vertical and the other horizontal, the rigid vertical, cold and blue,
and the variable horizontal, warm and red, both dimensions
seem opposite but in reality they act coordinated and on
different planes, that is why it is not a contradiction. The cyclical
nature of the universe can be deduced from everything that is
repeated such as days, months, or years, and at the end of time
everything will start again from the beginning and all beings will
end up living the experiences of others. It is as if all beings in the
universe were actually the same being but at different times,
because the lives and experiences of others are also our own
experiences of the past or future.
That means that with all certainty, everything that happens to
others will also happen to us when we have to live our own
experiences. In the beginning, when we were only a single
particle and a single being, then there was no difference
between us, the fact that this being was divided into multiple
particles which in turn gave rise to the appearance of multiple
beings only represents a temporary situation and Apparent
because with the separation it was determined that each life can
only be lived at different times. That means that in the horizontal
dimension that governs the present, the universe has multiple
different beings physically separated from each other, although
all have arisen from the same being. But in the vertical
dimension that governs the past and the future, we are all
connected by the wheel of time, because everything that
happens to others will also happen to us, because their lives now
are also the lives that we have lived in the past, or will we live in
the future.
This initial being was divided into multiple physically separated
beings in the present, but with that division, what was
determined is that the feelings and experiences of each one are
actually our own experiences but that we will live in different
times of the past and future therefore, when the universe
completes all possible combinations, then all beings will have
lived through all the experiences of the universe as if the initial
being had never been divided. This means that the horizontal
separation in space has caused a vertical separation in time, but
in the end, all beings and all particles will be connected again at
the same instant of time and the same place in space, because at
that moment, the two dimensions will be canceled until a new
cosmic cycle begins again. This means that if we only took into
account the cyclical reality of the universe, then the most
appropriate behavior to follow in our behavior towards others
would be total justice and without exceptions.
If instead we look at the world that surrounds us in the
immediate plane, that is, on a short time scale and of the
present, then it seems that there is only the personal interest of
each individual being. This happens, because the world is
currently in a situation of backwardness and ignorance,
therefore, animals or people believe that their only life is that of
their body, but they forget the life of their immortal spirit. This
means that only simple and close concepts are taken into
account, making it easy for selfish behaviors to arise in this
situation. This behavior is common in animals since they cannot
think about the afterlife or life after death, but people do have
the ability to think about it and adapt their behavior to this
circumstance. In this situation, only brute force and self-defense
act as moderators of personal interest. The existence of these
two realities seems to be in contradiction, because if we only
take into account the immediate reality, then we can think that
we can only be affected by those events that happen to us in the
present, because in theory, the success or the suffering of the
others do not necessarily have to cause our own success or
suffering, that is to say that if we only consider the immediate
reality we could think that the lives of different beings have no
connection to each other.
This means that when only immediate reality is taken into
account, then we can think that our physical life is the only
important thing, therefore, only when we think transcendentally
can we understand that there is something more in the
universe. In reality, all beings in the universe seek their own
benefit, the difference is in the method they use to obtain it,
because some consider that the benefit of others can also be
their own benefit, when they understand that the cyclical nature
of the universe unites us to everyone at the time, then, they
make the decision to always be fair. Others may think that the
cyclical nature does not exist or does not imply always being fair,
in this case they act in accordance with legitimate defense and
justice derived from the law and police action, because that is
what acts as a coordinator of the different beings and is
responsible for creating justice among all.
The truth is, when only the facts are taken into account on a
short time scale, personal interest seems to be the only
truth. For this reason, those materialistic people who deny life
after death are more exposed to suffer the consequences of
seeing life as if only the present existed and without taking into
account the consequences that their actions may have in the
future. The masculine material part in us drives us to take into
account only the immediate, and the feminine spiritual part
drives us to value the future, therefore, it is difficult to know
what to expect when both realities seem to contradict each
other on the surface.
In the universe, everything is full of circles that represent the
renewal and cyclical repetition of things, but at the same time
there is the straight line that seems to be in opposition to the
circle. Actually, a straight line is only a small part of a circle, but
at the same time it represents its opposite side. Symbolically, the
straight line is blue and feminine and the circle is red and
masculine, even in our own body we can see both symbols
represented, because the head by its round shape represents the
masculine circle and the body by its elongated shape represents
the straight line feminine, therefore, women who want to claim
their feminine nature grow their hair long. However, when young
women cut their hair short what they are indicating is that they
have a cold and nervous personality, because they are wearing
an inverted haircut that is more representative of their sex,
which indicates a rejection of their own nature. Long hair in
women represents femininity and sensuality, but if worn by men
it represents rebellion and aggressiveness, because, as in the
previous example, it is not in line with the symbolism of their
sex. Curly hair can be associated with combativeness or fighting,
because the circular shape it takes is symbolically related to the
male sex and fire. That determines, for example, that the black
race is more inclined towards the positive or masculine pole and
the yellow race is more inclined towards the negative or
feminine pole, therefore, the white race is in the intermediate or
ideal point. The fact that there is a connection between the male
sex and fire or combativeness does not mean that for this reason
men have to be aggressive necessarily, but they are more
prepared than women for physical fight, either as an aggressor
or in legitimate defending.
The fact that the immediate dimension of value only to the
present over the future or matter over the spirit favors selfish
behaviors in those societies that, because they are primitive,
only see the present and lack the necessary intuition to
understand the cyclical concepts of the cosmos. A primitive
society lacks intuition, having completed only one stage of those
it needs to complete its development as a civilization, this makes
it have a partial and immediate vision of events. On the other
hand, a world that has already finished this process gives the
same value to the present as to the future or to matter as to
spirit. In other words, in a backward society, the excessive weight
of matter creates confusion and makes it difficult to see spiritual
concepts, pushing people to overvalue the present to the
detriment of the future. An evolved society, on the other hand,
can understand spiritual values and see events with perspective
and from a distance, because by rising above the confusion that
ignorance creates, it can better understand universal cyclical
values. This is so, because the process of evolution goes from
heat to cold and from chaos to order, therefore, at the beginning
matter and the immediate have a greater weight in the human
mind until technological progress is completed and man passes
from assessing the circumstances in the immediate aspect to
assessing them globally. 
Then he understands that not everything is matter, but that
within him there is a spirit that is what actually animates that
matter. Spirits, to progress, need to reincarnate in a material
body because only when matter and spirit are in balance is
happiness achieved, however, when a spirit reincarnates in a
primitive society its ignorance prevents it from controlling
matter, it even arrives to believe that the physical world is the
only one that exists. As matter is denser than spirit, it hides what
is in front of it, creating confusion, this causes beings
reincarnated in matter to have difficulty understanding that not
everything is matter and that there is also a spiritual world. This
process will end when man discovers that matter and spirit have
the same importance in the universe. It is as if the spirit,
reincarnating in a primitive world, lost part of its knowledge by
assuming the culture full of errors of primitive society as its
own. This may seem like a contradiction, but it is necessary,
because the human dimension is different from the spiritual one
and the fact that as a spirit you have certain knowledge does not
mean that as a man you have to remember them, because when
reincarnation occurs it is necessary to forget the previous lives so
as not to mix both planes and thus make human life more
intense. In any case, this situation is only temporary, and will last
only as long as it takes humanity to fully realize itself. When this
process of learning and control of matter has been completed,
people will be able to benefit from all the advantages of living in
matter, but without giving up the values of the spirit, then both
values will be in balance and people will give the same value to
matter than to spirit or to the present than to the future. 
War is the most obvious example of a behavior that only takes
into account the immediate reality, because in that situation one
is willing to reach the last consequences for the possible benefits
that derive exclusively from the present. It is a situation that is
dominated only by the horizontal red dimension, energy, and
chaos. During a war, it is as if the universe returns to a time
dominated by fire and is characterized by brute force over
reason, or in other words, the reason of force is put before the
reason of logic, Therefore, those who only take into account the
present or believe in the exceptions of justice, may think that
those who only fight in self-defense are going to be at a
disadvantage with respect to those who attack first and
therefore, they may believe that in certain Conflicts taking
initiative pays off.
In reality, all beings in the universe seek their own benefit for the
simple reason that they are different beings and consequently do
not suffer directly what happens to others. Therefore, the
difference is in the method that each being considers to be the
best to obtain that benefit, because those who believe in the
cyclical nature of the universe consider that it is best to always
be fair because due to that circumstance everything they do to
others one day it will happen to them. That is to say that deep
down the decision to be fair always occurs when understanding
the cyclical nature of the cosmos, then the conclusion is drawn
that it is best to act as if we were all the same person because,
although in the present we are different beings, Someday time
will connect us all On the other hand, those who believe in the
exceptions of justice, consider that they should be fair as a rule
but accepting injustices in an exceptional way, this is because
they believe, that even though the cyclical nature is true, it can
compensate them for not being fair sometimes, in this In this
case, their room for maneuver will depend on the limits that self-
defense and the law allow them. This difference is due to the fact
that if you only act according to the cyclical nature, then there
could be a disadvantage in the present that is worse than the
possible cyclical profit. In any case, in my opinion, it is better to
be guided by total justice and cyclical character because that way
it is easier to organize psychologically by having only a moral
position, in addition, with self-defense and science is enough to
be happy.
In any case, in the future, wars will surely disappear, because
they are the consequence of an unstable and changing situation
that is in contradiction with a stable and solid future both
politically and morally. It will be stable politically because the
planet will be unified, and it will be stable morally because evil
and ignorance will have been eradicated. Symbolically, war can
be associated with the color red, the horizontal dimension and
the circle as it is a situation characterized by energy, chaos, and
disorder. Peace can be associated with the color blue, the
vertical dimension and the straight line, because it represents
stability and order. War is easy to happen, when ignorance is
mixed with the constant and rapid change that is common in the
planets that are evolving, because rapid change generates
disorder and disorder favors confusion and misunderstandings,
and if this is done add evil as an element that amplifies
confusion, then it is very easy for confrontations to arise.
The continuous and chaotic change is typical of the red
dimension that is also present in wars, on the other hand,
stability and spirituality are typical of the blue dimension and
favor peace. But, in the future, social and technological changes
will take place at a slower rate than today when the world has
finished completing its technological progress. When that
happens, the warm and masculine symbolism that represents
the war will be replaced by the one that comes from the
technique that also has that same symbolism, then the world will
achieve great stability. If to this we add the light that knowledge
brings, together with the eradication of evil, then the world will
be guaranteed peace forever.
The human mind needs to be stimulated by two different
sources, one is solar, red, warm, material in the horizontal
dimension, and another is crystalline, blue, cold, spiritual in the
vertical dimension, these forms of stimulation can be obtained
by different media. The stimulus of the red dimension can be
found in war, but it can also be found in work, science,
technology, politics, or even the salt of meals. The stimulus of
the blue dimension can be found in philosophy, in music, or in
the sugar in foods.
This means that in the future, the emotional stimulus derived
from the red and solar part will be provided by technique and
work, and the blue and sweet part will be provided by the
philosophy that defends justice as the axis of moral conduct. This
is so, because from an emotional point of view the mind needs
to be stimulated from two different sources, one is the warm and
masculine that can include war, but that can be replaced by the
pleasure that technology provides. And then there is the cold,
feminine and spiritual pleasure that comes from living in peace
and according to justice. In this case, the pleasure that justice
provides depends a lot on the capacity that each person has to
know how to appreciate the value of small things and to live in
harmony with nature, because when a person tries to live
respecting others and adapting to your own limitations, then you
have to learn to manage resources in the most balanced way to
achieve maximum happiness. When humanity understands this,
it will no longer use war as a source of profit and will try to be
happy only with the fruit of its work, science, technique and
having justice as the axis of moral conduct.
It can then be said that immediate reality is governed by the red,
horizontal dimension and characterized by variability, while
cyclical reality is dominated by the blue, vertical dimension and
characterized by stability. These two realities are apparently
opposite because one only takes into account the present and
individuality, and therefore favors injustice, and the other only
takes into account the future and the community, and therefore
favors justice. That means that to achieve happiness it is
necessary to know how to coordinate them. Assuming that the
theory of the exceptions of justice made sense, then the way in
which justice and injustice are related would serve to carry out
this coordinating task. In this case, justice would be located in
the horizontal, blue, majority position and would be related to
the dimension of the future, and injustice would be located in
the red, vertical, minority position and would be related to the
dimension of the present. This change in the position of the
colors and their symbolic meanings is due to the fact that one
thing is the influence that the present and the future may have
on justice and injustice or the dimensional position that they may
occupy, and another thing is the dimensional position o the
symbolic colors of politics, moral conduct or the percentages
that they should have in our conduct, because the red dimension
rules over the present, matter and politics, and the blue
dimension rules over the spirit, philosophy or morals.
It must be taken into account that depending on the
circumstances the planes and their colors may change, because
when it comes to analyzing the relationship between the present
and the future, or justice and injustice, then the present can be
red, horizontal, and favor injustice, and the future can be blue,
cold and favor justice. But if what it is about is to determine only
the moral conduct to be followed or its relationship with politics,
then justice is situated on the horizontal and majority plane, and
injustice is situated on the vertical and minority plane. That is to
say that the present is governed by the horizontal dimension and
the color red and the future is governed by the vertical
dimension and the color blue, that means that the present can
favor injustice and the future can favor justice. On the other
hand, when the moral conduct that we must follow and its
relationship with politics is analyzed, then the cross of
dimensions turns and justice goes to be in the horizontal, blue
and majority position, and injustice goes to be in the vertical
position, red and exceptional, then, in the center, you can place
the nucleus of political or gravitational power as occurs with the
sun in the solar system, or the nucleus of government in a
city. The fact that injustice is related to the nucleus of power
does not mean that therefore those who hold power are
necessarily unjust, what this means is that injustice can
accumulate more in the nucleus of power than in civil society.
In this way, if we consider that the best moral behavior is one
that defends justice with exceptions, then most of the time we
would be acting in accordance with the horizontal, feminine,
crystalline and blue dimension and only in exceptional and
minority cases would we change plane to act in consonance with
the vertical, warm, masculine, spherical and red dimensions, in
this way, the potentials of both dimensions would find their
balance. The key to knowing when both planes should be
changed is difficult to know, I suppose that the way of acting of a
person who defends justice with exceptions is to defend justice
as a general rule and only in those exceptional cases in which he
is completely sure to act unfairly would change your attitude. In
any case, when in doubt it is always better to defend total
Exceptions to justice are symbolized by the color red because
they do not contain evil within them, that is to say, they can be
in practice an act of injustice but not an act of evil. This means
that the possible minority acts of injustice could not be in
contradiction with the majority acts of justice. For this to be
possible, acts of injustice could only include those behaviors that
without being egalitarian would not be against the law, this
would exist for example in the salary differences that the
different professions have, in this case the salary is different, but
the circumstances surrounding these works are also
different. Evil, according to this assumption, would be an
incorrect conduct, but derived from another correct conduct,
because according to the theory of the exceptions of justice, in
certain situations injustice would be correct, but not evil because
it is a deviation derived from vanity.
This shows that it is not injustice itself that causes the greatest
problems for humanity, but when it is united with evil, because
injustice alone without evil can produce differences between
people, but it does not cause crimes or acts of tyranny. Evil acts
as an amplifying element of injustice beyond the place it should
occupy, because evil begins when someone gives the masculine
or material dimension an excessive value to the detriment of the
feminine or spiritual dimension. In other words, evil is generated
when someone makes injustice the norm of moral conduct
instead of being just a simple exception, this makes them violent
and antisocial. It is, therefore, that materialistic attitude that
generates evil, because it causes injustice transformed into evil
to end up provoking arrogance, vanity or crime.
Therefore, it is necessary to act with energy to correct these
antisocial behaviors. Only the naive believe that a criminal who
has committed a serious crime should be given a light
punishment, because if we consider justice as the only aspect to
take into account when passing sentence, then for those who
commit crimes and especially for those who do it repeatedly, it
would be fair to take their life in exchange for the one they took,
it would be one life for another. However, in my opinion, it is
better to apply life imprisonment than the death penalty,
because once the offender has been arrested, his execution is no
longer necessary and with the execution society is also stained
with blood, which is not necessary. In addition, while in prison
you can work to pay for the damage caused without creating
more risk to society. But those who believe that weak penalties
must be applied for serious crimes are naive, for the simple
reason that the devil is a devil precisely because he has assumed
the intention of applying the greatest possible cruelty to his
victims, therefore, against that extreme and acute evil It is also
necessary for the law to apply extreme and acute forcefulness,
but not for doing evil as criminals do, but because evil can only
be expelled and peace achieved when the law applies the same
forcefulness to criminals as that which they apply with their
The theory of the exceptions of justice defends that unjust
behavior is only justifiable in exceptional situations, but only
when those situations are within the law and do not include
tyranny or vanity. But if we take this into account, then the
military expansion of the states could also agree with this theory
in some cases, because being legal within each state it would not
be in contradiction with the law, because in these cases they are
the states themselves those who create these conflicts to extend
their borders. In any case, conflicts between nations will end
when the whole world is governed by a single state or an
association of states which is most likely a system, in which each
race will have its own representatives and in a fair proportion. 
Another option would be to defend total justice and without
exceptions. Some might think that if we only act taking into
account the cyclical nature and therefore we are always fair,
then perhaps we put ourselves at a disadvantage compared to
those who do not renounce to obtain benefits by accepting
exceptions to justice, even if that means not be strictly fair. One
of the reasons for thinking this way could be that they did not
believe the cyclical character of the universe. They might also
think that even though the cyclical nature is true, that would not
be a reason to refuse to be unfair at times, because in return
they could prevent others from obtaining advantages in the
present with respect to them by accepting exceptions to
justice. This belief would be based on the hypothesis that even if
it is true that in the course of time all beings will experience all
events, even so, it would be worthwhile to be unfair in an
exceptional way, because supposedly those who were always
fair, would be at a disadvantage in the present against those who
accept exceptions, this is due to the fact that they would accept
to obtain benefits unfairly at times, in situations that a just
person would not accept. That is to say, they would consider that
the possible damage that the cyclical nature could cause them
due to being unfair at times would be less than that caused by
the inferiority complex or the economic losses that could always
cause them to be fair, if we compare it with those that accept
exceptions to justice, taking into account that they could obtain
greater benefits than they do at present.
This would be based on the hypothesis, that to obtain the
greatest success in the immediate plane of the present, it would
be necessary to be unjust on an exceptional basis, but without
crossing the line that separates injustice from tyranny, vanity or
delinquency. This is possible, because not all acts of injustice
provoke a retaliatory reaction for those who cause them, this
occurs especially in acts of injustice that are within the law, such
as those derived from political privileges or salary differences
that exist within companies, but there are also crimes that are
not discovered and cases in which they are discovered but
whoever causes them does not receive a punishment in
proportion to the damage caused. With this comment I do not
mean to say that I necessarily support privileges, what I am
trying to show is that injustices are not always detected or
provoke a reaction against it, because there are even some that
are within the law.
Supposedly and according to this theory, defending acts of
injustice in an exceptional way and within the aforementioned
margins, the principle that seeks to obtain the maximum benefit
in the present would not be breached, and consequently, no
disadvantage would be caused by this behavior. On the other
hand, those who accept to carry out acts of injustice beyond
what would be an exceptional situation, would be faced with the
fight in self-defense of others, this consequence would make this
behavior uninteresting, for that reason they would have to
return to a more stable system. In other words, according to this
theory, accepting acts of injustice would only produce a benefit
in the present, if they are exceptional acts and if they fulfill the
condition of not being outside the law or including tyranny or
vanity. This means that according to these assumptions, the
difference between injustice and evil lies in the fact that those
who consider injustice as the norm adopt other behavioral
options and on a different and more extreme plane that
inevitably triggers the opposite reaction that they do. This
behavior would be unviable, such as those related to criminal
activity. In the case of those who accept the exceptions of justice
as something exceptional and within the rules, self-defense may
not act in the same way as in the previous case, because by
being carried out within the law, it would not be violating any
mandatory social norm compliance and consequently they would
not provoke the contrary reaction of the system. These
assumptions of legal injustice, for example, would be the
differences in salary or work that could exist in a private
economy system. When I cite this type of economy, I do not do it
as a reproach, because the private economy has existed
throughout history and has been a true engine for the economic
development of the world, because competition between
companies rewards those that work best and penalizes those
that do not have a good relationship between quality and
price. However, it must also be said that the more that is done to
eradicate poverty in the world, the better the relationships
between company directors and their workers will be.
In any case, for the theory of the exceptions of justice to be
viable and assuming that it was not wrong, it would be necessary
to be clear that the equilibrium of the system is only acquired
when justice is considered as the axis of moral conduct, because
Entering the red dimension of injustice beyond what would be an
exceptional and minority situation would cause an imbalance
that would generate evil, this, in turn, would cause a
confrontation with the rest of society that would end up ruining
the life of those who it does. That is, only when the blue
dimension that represents justice and coexistence is the one that
dominates our moral conduct, the necessary balance is acquired
to be able to live in peace and harmony with our fellow human
beings. On the moral plane, it is justice that should govern our
behavior, regardless of whether the exceptions to justice may
have the same potential value in absolute terms, this is so,
because the blue and spiritual dimension should be the one that
governs our moral conduct, but the red dimension must be the
one that governs from the political or material point of view. This
does not mean that that is why governments are necessarily
going to be unfair, because the color red is benign in general like
all colors, which means that the risk of injustice accumulating in
the government is greater due to the concentration of power.
In any case, it must be borne in mind that the civil or governed
population actually has the same power as the central
government, because, although the power that each individual in
the government has is greater in proportion than that of the
governed people, However, in absolute terms the power is
equal, because the governed are many more than those who
govern, this forces the government system to necessarily take
into account its subjects. In addition, although the central power
is large with respect to the governed party, however, that does
not prevent them from being more vulnerable with respect to
those who share power with them. The truth is, that acting with
tyranny does not make sense even for those who have absolute
power, because these types of behaviors are more the
consequence of a mental or emotional imbalance than a
consequence of power, it is true that power can facilitate the
manifestation of tyranny or arrogance, but only in the case of
those who already were before, but the fact of having power
does not have to make someone who is decent or vain.
Injustice belongs to the horizontal and warm dimension and
justice to the vertical and cold dimension and the fact that each
one has only a minority or exceptional part of participation in the
other dimension does not mean that for this reason it does not
have the same potential value in terms absolute, because the
mechanism of the exceptions determines that what is done
exceptionally, however, can have a symbolic value equal to the
opposite majority, what happens is that each pole obtains in one
dimension what it loses in the other. The main moral conduct
must be based on justice, because morality and justice belong to
the same dimension. In turn, within the exceptions to justice
there would also be two sub dimensions, one would be the
stable blue and horizontal injustice, which is the one that would
be socially accepted as being within the law, and another would
be the unstable, red and vertical injustice that it would be
rejected because it is the consequence of a moral imbalance that
generates evil. In this case, the evil would be an exceptional
behavior within another exceptional behavior because it would
be an exceptional behavior within the injustice, but in this case it
would be a wrong and rejectable exception because it is the
consequence of the error. We must not forget that not all
exceptional behaviors are correct, many are the consequence of
errors or mental imbalances, therefore, we must only do in an
exceptional way what makes sense. Evil ultimately arises when
someone acts as if others did not exist and he was the only being
in the universe, that is, he acts as if others were objects that he
can handle at will, but that, obviously, is an unbalanced behavior
that It appears when someone allows vanity and arrogance to
dominate their soul.
Those who believe in the theory of the exceptions of justice,
could also use as an argument in their favor the fact that the
great nations of the past did act in accordance with these
exceptions, because if Greece or Rome had not been forceful in
their campaigns of political or military expansion, it is evident
that they would soon have been subdued by other nations that
did not have these ideological considerations, therefore, those
who affirm that a country can live without an army show great
In any case, in my opinion, the best thing is to defend total
justice, because to defend our rights there is already legitimate
defense, which allows us to defend ourselves without being in
contradiction with total justice. Furthermore, those who accept
exceptions to justice also risk suffering the consequences of self-
defense carried out by those they may harm if they miscalculate
their actions. Because it must be taken into account that the
exceptions of justice act within the warm dimension
characterized by instability and the risk of being
wrong. Therefore, even if it is correct, it must only be something
exceptional, because abusing the warm dimension can cause a
loss of control that would end up causing suffering for those who
do it. Having justice as the axis of our life provides us with the
peace of conscience necessary to live without having to think
about the consequences of our own actions. We must also be
clear that happiness must arise above all from the fruits of
science and not from conflict with our fellow men. The key to
balance, therefore, is to defend justice as the main moral norm,
among other things because it is the most stable attitude we can
have, justice provides us with stability and security and protects
us from the claim of those whom we may harm if we are not fair.
This means that in an imaginary pyramid, injustice would be
located at the top at the point of greatest instability and
therefore, whoever allows himself to be dominated by it runs a
high risk of falling and suffering the consequences. In this case,
the reason that the injustice is at the top of the pyramid is
because it is symbolically part of the same group as the political
power. When only political or material power is taken into
account, then injustice can take on a greater role than in the
spiritual dimension. That does not mean that those who control
power are necessarily unjust, but power can facilitate it. To
create an organized system it is necessary to elect a
representative to act as coordinator of the others, but it has the
disadvantage that this power can also facilitate the development
of unfair behavior. On the other hand, if what is analyzed is
power from a spiritual point of view, then the justice
represented by the blue color would be at the top of the pyramid
acting as the governor of the whole, and the injustice
represented by the red color would be below. . This is so,
because in the spiritual dimension the feminine aspect or justice
predominates, this determines that the moral attitude must be
mainly based on justice, because morality and justice are part of
the same dimension.
In the material dimension, politics has more power than morality
since it belongs to the spiritual dimension, therefore, it is easier
for injustice to accumulate in the nucleus of power than in the
governed society. It must also be said that both the power
nucleus and the governed society have the same power in
absolute terms, but the difference is that the political power that
is also male governs directly, while the civil society that is also
female governs indirectly. . When power is analyzed
symbolically, in the cross of dimensions, political power occupies
the vertical and exceptional line, and justice occupies the
horizontal and majority line. So the vertical line in the center
represents political power and the horizontal line represents
moral power and justice. This means that political power is a
minority but strong in the nucleus of power and justice is a
majority in the horizontal dimension because it represents most
of that line. When it comes to spiritual power, then philosophy
and religion occupy the vertical line, and politics or matter
occupy the horizontal line. This determines that moral conduct
must be consistent with justice and universal values.
For this reason, what should never be done is to use injustice as
a norm of conduct, because then we enter a situation of great
instability that would inevitably lead us to collide with the rest of
the citizens. In this situation, the red dimension ends up turning
black as a result of the suffering it causes us. The color black in
this case represents evil, therefore, it is best not to wear only
black clothes, because using that color exclusively is also a way
to vindicate evil. Many are those who, knowing this, dress in
black as a form of self-defense to pretend an evil that they do
not really have. The fact of wearing black is not bad because evil
spirits are attracted, but because by acting like this we ourselves
can become evil beings.
In reality, there are no superior beings that are evil at the same
time because that is a contradiction, it is not possible to be
superior and evil at the same time. Evil cannot exist in heaven
only on earth because this is a primitive and ignorant world,
because progress brings light and drives humanity away from
darkness. Since evil is a derivative of error and ignorance, in the
evolved worlds it ends up disappearing in the end. For this
reason, only those people who are not capable of understanding
that justice should be the main axis of our conduct fall into
evil. Devils are only mythological or symbolic characters that
have been used by different religions to encourage people to join
them and abandon polytheism. That does not mean that evil
does not exist, but there are no superior beings that are at the
same time, however, evil exists and is very real but only in
primitive beings who choose to choose evil as their main
behavior. When these materialistic beings die they refuse to
leave the human world, sometimes it is because they do not
believe in the afterlife, and sometimes because they are afraid of
possible punishment if they ascend to the spiritual world. They
do not understand that hell does not exist, because in reality hell
is the suffering that occurs when injustice is assumed as a moral
norm. When someone tries to expel these evil spirits from the
places where they are located, they try to avoid it by pretending
to be demons, but it is only a deception, because their apparent
powers such as speaking in other languages or moving objects
are qualities that all spirits have after death. That means that a
being can become a demon when he behaves evilly, but he can
also stop being one when he abandons that attitude. This, in
primitive worlds, happens frequently and is not very different
from any other form of mistake. Fortunately, only a minority of
people become dominated by evil at the same time, because evil
is a serious error and therefore, it is not logical that all citizens
can be dominated by the same error. This hypothesis would be
impossible, because when many people need to live with each
other, then it is necessary that the members of that group
respect each other so that coexistence is possible, therefore,
cases of tyranny or despotism can only be exceptional.
The universe is full of situations in which there needs to be a
constant balance of universal potentials over time. Examples of
this are the sexes or the magnetic poles, these constant values,
masculine red and feminine blue, are those that are found in the
horizontal part of a symbolic letter X, being on the vertical side
those values that are variable and like an hourglass turned
upside down, they go from the lower side to the upper side. The
black color below represents ignorance and the past, and the
white color above represents the light and knowledge that
causes progress. This X also forms a cross that represents the
division of the horizontal and vertical planes. The symbolism that
associates the letter (X) with sex and universal polarities may
already have been known to philosophers in ancient times,
perhaps that is why this letter is used to name the word sex in
some languages.
In the evolved worlds that have completed their complete
technological development, evil will disappear as it is the
consequence of error and ignorance, therefore, those who think
that evil must always exist are mistaken. Today, Christianity has
become one of the best religions on earth because, in addition to
defending monotheism, it makes clear the superiority of good
over evil, unlike those who, because they do not understand this,
end up becoming worshipers of evil. It is important to be clear
about this, because those people who frivolize with this issue by
giving importance to evil end up suffering the consequences,
because moral progress has only one way and that is to defend
the good and reject evil. Progress has to go from ignorance to
light and from evil to good for those who have fallen into evil,
because if good and evil had to always exist and under the same
conditions, then progress would stop when it remained nullified
the flow that goes from ignorance and evil to knowledge and
good. Evil is placed below and good above in a symbolic X,
precisely to underline that progress consists of a flow by which
all beings advance from darkness and ignorance located below to
light and knowledge located above, therefore Therefore,
progress is based on moving away from ignorance and
evil. Ignorance can lead to error and error can lead to evil, but
progress is only possible when evil is rejected and progress is
made towards good.
It is true that once the current cosmic cycle ends, the universe
will return to the beginning and with it ignorance will return, but
the objective of this is not to favor the re-emergence of evil, but
to make possible the regeneration of the universe. With this
regeneration, the universe has to forget and return to ignorance
and as an accidental consequence evil can arise, but evil is only
an error of moral behavior that in turn causes an imbalance in
the potentials that should govern the soul. Because the soul
must give the same value to the matter represented in red as to
the spirit represented in blue, but when an excessive value is
given to the red, material or masculine dimension over the blue,
spiritual or feminine, then materialism arises and suffering,
because happiness is only possible when matter is given the
same value as spirit.
The red dimension in the moral aspect represents risk or
injustice, therefore, whoever abuses it by breaking the balance
of potentials becomes a despot and materialist, which ends up
causing the rejection of other citizens and consequently suffering
for those who thus behaves. The same occurs with those men
who, as children, acquire prejudices towards the female sex
because they see the sexes as if they were opposing sides, later,
when they reach adulthood, they end up becoming
homosexual. This is similar to what happened in ancient Sparta
where the militaristic government incited children to be
homosexual, thinking that in this way they would not miss
women during their long military expeditions. This government
was very materialistic because it gave an excessive value to the
masculine over the feminine, that's why it ended up
disappearing. This also happens to women when they hear
feminists continually saying that all men are bad just because
they are men, then many of them become prejudiced against
men and choose to become lesbians. This is an unbalanced
behavior because they do not accept to give each sex the value
that it deserves. They do not understand that the fact of being a
man or a woman does not have to prevent them from being able
to relate to the opposite sex in a normal way, it is an example of
stubbornness taken to the extreme.
This example would not be applicable to all homosexuals but
only to a minority percentage, because, in my opinion, most
cases of homosexuality derive in part from not having fully
completed their sexual development due to a biological defect
Although it must also be said that no physical defect can force
anyone to behave in an unnatural way, that is to say that
homosexuality actually occurs when a moral degeneration is
added to a physical defect. Materialism is also present in those
people who, by giving a disproportionate value to material things
over spiritual things, never feel happy. It is necessary to
understand that the key to happiness is to find the balance
between the masculine and the feminine or between matter and
spirit, these two values are like the plates of a scale and only
when we give both the same importance and are in balance it is
possible to be happy. In the political aspect these two
dimensions also have their equivalent, because the central or
centripetal power represents the masculine dimension and the
power of the society or centrifugal represents the feminine
dimension, that means that a government that is too centralist
can lead to a dictatorship and a government. Too libertine can
lead to anarchy and crime, therefore, it is necessary that both
forces find their balance for society to function properly.
The reason for associating the male sex with the command is due
to its centripetal nature, which determines that many individuals
distributed around a circumference are attracted towards the
central point that happens to act as a representative of the
others, as occurs with the sun with respect to the planets. On the
other hand, the female sex is centrifugal in nature, that means
that it tends by its very nature to favor the dispersion in space of
the members of a group and consequently to destroy the
coordination between them. Therefore, the male sex is better
able to exercise command over a group than the female sex. This
does not mean that that is why a woman cannot have the
capacity to command, because this circumstance does not
necessarily refer to people but above all to the percentages of
polarity that exist within each person, because within all men
and women as well There are both male and female polarity, this
is present even in every atom of our body. The difference is that
in a woman the feminine pole prevails and in a man the
masculine one prevails in one aspect of their being, but they all
have both dimensional aspects within them. This means, for
example, that when a woman makes a decision or exercises
control it is because she uses the masculine part that she has,
and when a man acts spiritually it is because he uses his feminine
part. For this reason, we must not confuse absolute concepts
with relative ones because within all people there are many
dimensional planes with many different polarities without this
being in contradiction with the fact that one polarity prevails
over the other. When this happens, it is because the universal
polarities have specialized in that aspect of life to improve its
A decantation or imbalance towards the blue zone on the right in
the moral plane would have much less damaging consequences
than if the decantation is made towards the left, although it can
also be harmful, because the more towards the blue zone the
more stability is achieved, without However, philosophers need
to direct their conduct in that direction that represents justice
and stability because to meditate they need tranquility,
therefore, it is normal for philosophers to defend total justice
and without exceptions. Actually, justice, philosophy, the blue
dimension and spirituality are related, that means that if you
defend justice you will also favor your philosophical studies. It
must be borne in mind that seeking the balance of potentials
only makes sense for what is logical, but if we consider that
justice is the only correct attitude then it would not be necessary
for there to be a balance of potentials in the moral sphere,
because in this case there would only be one valid option. In
other words, in this case it would only be dangerous to go
towards the side of injustice represented in red but not towards
the side of justice represented in blue assuming that total justice
was the only correct option.
But, if justice represents balance by itself, then how is it possible
that the balance of potentials between justice and injustice is
also necessary? In reality everything depends on whether it is
correct or not to accept exceptions to justice, because for those
who believe in the universal cyclical character, in this case the
rule of equilibria would not make sense assuming they are right,
because it should only be done in a exceptional what makes
sense, but if only justice is accepted as valid then in this case
there would be no bipolar situation. It must also be said that in a
situation of total justice there would also be a bipolar
relationship in the moral aspect without it being necessary to
resort to injustice to represent the red or masculine dimension,
because in this case total justice would represent the blue
dimension or feminine, and the technique and work would
represent the red or masculine dimension. That means that with
the combination of both aspects the mind could find its
dimensional balance without resorting to injustice. In the end, it
all comes down to a question of opinions, because those who
defend justice with exceptions could say that although this is
true in general because in the future the world will achieve great
stability and that is why the technique will provide the
dimensional part red or masculine, however, this would not
necessarily nullify their argument in defense of their thesis
because then they could say that the exceptions of justice would
act in a different sphere. In any case, whether it is total or if it is
with exceptions, justice must be the axis of moral conduct in the
future if we want to be happy.
It must be taken into account that in this matter there is a
philosophical debate between what is more important, the
immediate reality that seems to favor the search for momentary
interest and injustice, or the cyclical reality that seems to favor
the long-term approach and Justice? If we assume that the
correct thing is to act in accordance with the cyclical character
then the rule of the balance of potentials would not make sense
in this case, because the need for an equilibrium is only for those
situations in which the two polar aspects or behaviors are logical,
but not for those behaviors that are wrong. The problem is that
it may never be possible to know for sure if the cyclical nature of
the universe is completely fulfilled, in which case it may be
thought that being unfair could sometimes make sense in order
to be in line with the immediate reality of the present moment
that it seems to favor to those who act like this. In any case, even
accepting exceptions to justice, the correct thing is that justice is
the norm and injustice the exception, because that is how the
balance of potentials is achieved.
If we propose the most appropriate moral behavior within a
cross of two dimensions, one horizontal and the other vertical,
then the distribution of percentages of moral behavior would be
organized in the horizontal plane. This would be so, but assuming
that it is considered correct to admit exceptions to justice. In this
plane the blue dimension represented by justice on the right
predominates as the majority element, and injustice on the left
represents only a minority or exceptional part. It can also be
represented as a horizontal disk that has the entire surface from
the circumference to the nucleus of blue or white color and the
nucleus of red color, in this case the sides of the disk would be
blue and the nucleus that would represent injustice would be
red. This dimension is the one that represents the distribution of
percentages of the most appropriate moral conduct, therefore,
the blue zone is the majority, but in the vertical plane it is the
other way around, because although injustice only represents a
small part of the horizontal plane, however, in the vertical it rises
above the level of the blue dimension, thus acquiring a balance
with the other dimension.
The red part of the vertical dimension rises much less than the
horizontal blue because it does not represent percentages of
behavior but potentials of power, such as that exerted by the sun
over the planets or that exerted by a government over the
citizens since it is in these places where it is easier for injustice to
accumulate. In this case, it is a minority percentage but it has the
same power as the majority, although it occupies less space
because it performs a leadership function in the political or
material sphere. However, in the philosophical or spiritual
sphere, it is justice that leads because it occupies most of the
horizontal line, which is the one that refers to the percentage of
times that it intervenes in daily life, this means that the most
appropriate thing is to choose the right justice as a general
attitude to the circumstances of life, this would be the best for
both the governed and for those who govern. This is how the
balance of potentials between the two colors and what they
represent is reached. Injustice may have a greater presence in
the political or material sphere than in the social media, but
justice has greater power in the spiritual sphere, therefore,
justice must be the axis of moral conduct for all citizens
regardless of position that occupy.
Actually, this scheme is the same as a solar system, because the
injustice part only represents a small circular sphere both in
horizontal and vertical size and it would be as wide as it is high,
its size would be a minority with respect to the rest but in return
it would have a greater potential power, this is due to the fact
that the absolute values are generally equal, but when it comes
to relating political power, morality, justice, or injustice, then
those absolute potentials are transformed into a system of
majorities and minorities or norms and exceptions that
determines that justice should be the norm and injustice the
exception. However, the fact that on the horizontal plane justice
should be the norm and injustice the exception does not imply
that for this reason there is a contradiction, because the
potentials are balanced by accumulating in the central power
nucleus a percentage of injustice or power political greater than
in the rest although in reality the two potentials are equal in
absolute terms.
On the other hand, justice, like the planets, extends occupying
almost the entire horizontal plane and represents the conduct
that is appropriate to maintain as a general rule. In other words,
in the vertical plane of the center, habitual behavior is replaced
by material power. In any case, it must be taken into account
that the fact that injustice can accumulate with a greater
intensity in the central power than in the rest of society, does
not imply that therefore those who hold power must have a
different moral behavior, because for them defending justice
must also be their main rule. What happens is that in the organs
of power the number of times that unjust behavior would be
accepted in comparison with the general society could increase,
but those who hold power must have justice as a basic moral
norm just like the rest of the citizens because the difference
would only represent a minority increase of unjust acts on the
general conduct but it would not change the attitude that one
should have. The two planes generally have the same power, but
the horizontal one acts more in the form of percentages of
behavior and the vertical one refers more to political or material
If it is considered that accepting the exceptions of justice is the
most appropriate attitude, then justice should be the norm and
injustice the exception, but those exceptions would only be
acceptable in conducts that were within the law, in some cases
political expansion and territorial of the states could also be
considered according to this principle, but only if they are done
without behaviors of tyranny or evil. It must be borne in mind
that in this case as in the previous one, it is based on the
principle that this political expansion would be carried out within
the law in force within those states. This means that if the
exceptions of justice are accepted with the intention of acting
according to immediate reality, that is, thinking only of the
benefits that are obtained in the present, then the unjust
conduct should only be an exception but never the exception
norm, because whoever turns injustice into norm makes a
mistake, because it breaks the proper balance of potentials that
must be maintained in moral behavior and consequently
becomes a despot and materialist.
Then, from a metaphysical or symbolic point of view, for those
who act like this, the red color of injustice becomes the black
color that represents evil, this is wrong behavior and
consequently it is necessary to return to justice to restore justice.
Balance. Over time this truth will become clear and when that
happens no one will make this mistake again, then, in the world,
there will be no more acts of tyranny or despotism and then
good and justice will prevail on Earth forever.
For this reason, those who think that it is necessary that good
and evil exist at the same time as if they were collaborators are
mistaken, because both concepts contradict each other, it is not
possible to defend good and evil at the same time, because
whoever acts This way cancels the process of evolution, because
progress consists of going from ignorance to knowledge and
from evil to good, and when someone through ignorance falls
into evil he must reject it and go towards good in order to
evolve. Those who defend this belief is because they try to hide
their arrogance from others, but arrogance is like a cancer for
the soul and therefore must disappear.
The truth is that good does not need evil to exist, and if there
had been a world in which, hypothetically, evil would never have
existed, that does not mean that for this reason good cannot
exist, if it would exist, but in this case it would not be considered
as something opposite to evil because since it does not exist,
they could not be compared, but then good could be defined as a
situation of normality, that is, if good were the only thing known,
it would not be called good but normality. In reality, evil appears
inevitably in all worlds at the beginning of their evolution, but
not because it is necessary but because it is the accidental
consequence of the ignorance that is common in all worlds when
they begin to progress.
It is true that the universe needs to forget in order to regenerate
itself and as a consequence of that forgetfulness ignorance
arises, but evil is not something desired but only the accidental
consequence of that ignorance. In other words, in order to
regenerate itself, the world must forget and as a consequence of
that forgetting, error arises and in turn, as a consequence of
error, evil arises as a consequence of wrong moral
behavior. However, in the future, evil will be eradicated from the
world as a consequence of evolution when society understands
that it is only a mistake and learns to avoid it. For this reason, in
the worlds that finish their evolution, evil ends up being
completely banished and it only remains as a memory of what
we should not do if we want to be happy. In this selection
process, humanity will conserve what is right and reject what is
wrong and thus the world will be perfect.
Regarding the theory of exceptions of justice someone might
ask. If in universal potentials the red dimension must always
balance with the blue dimension, then shouldn't the exceptions
of justice balance justice indefinitely? The answer is that that
would be correct on the assumption that the exceptions to
justice were considered logical, but if total justice is considered
the only valid option, there would no longer be a reason to
maintain a bipolarity in this matter. Then the red or male part
that represents acts of exceptional injustice would be replaced
by technique and work as a source of encouragement, and the
blue or feminine part that represents justice would cover in its
entirety the area that deals with the moral norm.
That is to say that from the material point of view that
corresponds to the red or masculine part, pleasure must be
provided by the work and fruits of science, and from the blue or
spiritual point of view, pleasure must arise from considering
justice as the axis of moral conduct. This is so, because the brain
needs to obtain stimuli from two different sources, one material,
male and red, on the vertical plane and the other spiritual,
female and blue, on the horizontal plane. In each dimensional
plane there is a red, masculine and warm version and another
blue, feminine or cold version, for example, in food that
representation is fulfilled by salt as a red and masculine element,
and sugar as a blue or feminine element. It is true that these are
not the only foods that we must nourish ourselves with, but they
do represent two fundamental poles on which the diet rests, that
is why the taste cells are designed so that we like these
substances. Regarding the plane in which justice and injustice are
related, it is evident that most people are not always fair, that
explains why sometimes people try to obtain pleasure through
unjust acts, among them only a small part of them become
despots or criminals, for that reason and in order to prevent it, it
is important to understand the metaphysical foundations of this
In any case, and from the point of view of the red or masculine
dimension, work and technique should be the main sources of
stimulation in the future, whether justice is total or if it is with
exceptions, the difference is that if exceptions are allowed, there
would still be some acts of injustice considered acceptable, but
they would not be related to violence because, according to this
theory, all the assumptions would be within the law. On the side
of the feminine dimension, justice must be the axis of moral
conduct, the difference is that in one case exceptions would be
allowed and in the other not. In my opinion, total justice is
better, because that way it is easier to organize the mind,
because having a single moral attitude it would not be necessary
to decide when it would be necessary to change from a just
attitude to an unjust one, even if only as an exception.
In this way it would also be more difficult to fall into evil, because
a person falls into evil when by mistake he makes injustice the
norm of his behavior, this causes an emotional imbalance that
leads to suffering, therefore, if he is always fair, that risk is
lower. It is true that in life, there are many things that have
exceptions, but they do not have the repercussions and risks
associated with exceptions to justice, it is also true that those
who defend this attitude could say that as long as those
exceptions are within Nor could the law have serious
repercussions. In any case, those who admit the exceptions of
justice must be clear that justice must be the norm in their moral
attitude if they want to avoid falling into evil, this means that
they only have to change their attitude to carry out unfair
conduct, in those exceptional cases in which they are completely
sure that it makes sense, and does not involve any behavior that
is outside the law.
Even so, in my opinion, I consider it better to defend total justice,
because in this way it is more difficult to make mistakes, and to
defend our rights we can always resort to self-defense. That is to
say that for those who think like this, the cyclical nature of the
universe would justify total justice by itself, this together with
legitimate defense as a means of protection and science as a
means of encouragement would be enough to live in peace and
be happy in a way indefinite. 
It is true that this topic may seem strange or complex to the
reader, but it is made in order to answer the doubts that exist in
the human being about what attitude is better to have with
respect to concepts such as good, evil, justice or the
injustice. Throughout history these issues have been little
studied in depth, therefore, with this analysis I try to give a
technical, scientific or metaphysical approach to an aspect of life
that has only been analyzed from a religious point of view in a
way of moral advice, but without ever clarifying the metaphysical
aspects of the problem.

It is possible that what determines that a normal person chooses

to choose total justice or justice with exceptions as a moral norm
is the level of concentration or dedication to the philosophy that
he has, because the mind of a philosopher is oriented above all
to the crystalline, vertical and blue dimension that is the one that
corresponds to spiritual values, and instead the mind of a normal
person is oriented above all towards the warm, red and
horizontal dimension that is the one that corresponds to life
based on work and the family. Therefore, it is possible that
philosophers generally prefer total justice as a rule of moral
conduct, because their mind is concentrated and connected to
the vertical and blue dimension that is the one that corresponds
to justice, the future, and the cyclical character of the universe. It
is as if with his mind he unifies the entire universe into one thing
and as a consequence they see others as part of themselves. But
most people have a more dispersed mind than philosophers
because it is connected to the horizontal, red dimension and
more related to the present than to the future. This helps them
see the world from a more individual point of view. It is possible
that the sum of these circumstances determines that people, in
general, prefer justice with exceptions as the main rule.
Most people live life with little dedication to metaphysics and
with little concentration, but that is the right thing to do when
performing the normal functions of life. Work or family push the
mind towards matter and make metaphysical analyzes difficult,
they also make us unconsciously give more value to the present
than to the future, this is not bad at all but it is normal, because
life in matter it has to be by nature more physical, sensual, and
dedicated to the pleasures of the physical senses than
philosophers do, because if everyone were to dedicate
themselves to philosophy the world could not function. The
philosopher, on the other hand, tries to be happy with his mind
investigating and dreaming of an ideal world and then hand it
over to others so that together it is possible to make it real. If we
see it from that point of view, a philosopher is, in reality, an
explorer of the mind who enjoys discovering new territories
when the world has not yet completed its technological and
moral development. This means that under normal
circumstances the correct thing is that physical tasks occupy us
85% of the time and those of a philosophical, meditative or
spiritual type occupy us only 15% except in the case of
philosophers or some scientists, which is the other way around.
This is how the world reaches its equilibrium. This means that
the amount of time that the population must dedicate to
meditation is governed by the norm and the exception that
determines that physical work must be the norm and deep
meditation or the study of metaphysics must be the
exception. This is correct for the majority of the population but,
on the other hand, for philosophers, it would be the other way
around, because this is how humanity acquires, in this regard,
the balance of potentials.
It must be borne in mind that the goal of life is to be happy and
happiness can be obtained from both the material plane and the
spiritual plane, therefore, the key is to properly combine both
dimensional planes. What I try to show with this is that the life
that prophets or philosophers live can be exciting because of
their ability to visualize in their mind the world of the future, due
to their discoveries they can even be considered superior beings,
but they cannot They may be happy until the rest of the citizens
with whom they live understand and share their teachings or
their same evolutionary level, that is to say that in reality the
philosophers are ahead of the rest of the citizens but in order
that at a certain moment that knowledge is common to all and
then they can live as normal citizens because then all will be
superior beings like them. This is so, because a higher being can
only be happy when he lives surrounded by other higher beings.
In reality, the high and concentrated task that philosophers
perform cannot be general either, the normal thing is that the
individual mind is dispersed and merged with the collective mind
because under normal conditions it is not possible to dedicate
more than a small amount to meditation of time, therefore,
people tend to be inclined to accept the opinions generally
accepted by the majority because they do not have enough time
to be able to study each situation in detail. When people live a
normal life they try to be happy with the pleasures that life can
offer through the use of the senses, travel, or the enjoyment of
technology, that is, with everything that with our body and
contact with matter. We can get. On the other hand, the
philosopher tries to obtain pleasure through meditation, looking
for what can favor progress. He enjoys imagining how this
hypothetical future world could be trying to understand its keys,
and when he manages to solve all his doubts, he offers his
conclusions to society. But that is only possible when there is an
evolutionary difference between the world of the present and
the world we have to reach. In other words, it occurs on those
planets that have not yet finished their evolution process
because there is a technological difference between what we
have and what we need to complete evolution. That means that
a philosopher is like an explorer who is ahead of the majority of
the population while there are still intellectual territories to
However, the function of a philosopher or an engineer cannot be
general, because if everyone were to dedicate themselves to
that function the changes would be too hasty and there would
not be time to sufficiently verify their usefulness. Nor should we
forget that the world we know is a proven design that can
continue to work for some time. That means, the changes that
the philosophers provide are only modifications of that design,
so it is best that the changes are made slowly to avoid making
mistakes. It is as if philosophers are actually engineers of the
mind dedicated to designing a better future for humanity, but
since the present is already designed, then it is enough that only
a small number of people dedicate themselves to the task of
changing that present. It must be borne in mind that if all were
dedicated to science or philosophy then there would not be
enough people to dedicate themselves to the other professions.
In the future, the world will greatly reduce its speed of progress
when humanity completes its evolutionary process. This means
that when that time comes the role of philosophers or inventors
will have to greatly reduce their work because their role is
precisely to complete the technological and moral progress of
humanity. The normal thing, therefore, is that most people have
most of their mind dedicated to the material and extroverted life
that is characterized by having a low level of concentration, but it
is also logical that they dedicate a minor amount of time To deep
meditation and the study of spiritual values, this is necessary to
find inner balance and to understand what the real world is. This
means that a person who lives a normal life in the horizontal
dimension may unconsciously choose to choose justice with
exceptions as a moral norm, but in that case, the most important
thing is that he would continue to consider justice as the main
axis of that behavior. In any case and when in doubt, I prefer to
defend total justice as a basic moral norm.

From the moment the universe began, it became necessary to

divide the universe into two main dimensions, these initial
dimensions later generated the rest of the polarity expressions,
including sexual differences. This division of dimensions gave rise
to the universal cross that determines the difference between
the top and the bottom or the horizontal and vertical. These
divisions of the universe are intended to improve the universe
itself, by being able to explore each of its individuals different
and specialized fields. For this reason, the current version of
feminism does not make sense, because it tries to annul the
sexual division by denying the vital deferences that the sexes are
associated with, because belonging to one sex is not only
something physiological but also a difference in the vital tasks
that it has as purpose to improve the life of the entire human
Universal potentials are present in countless examples
throughout the universe and life would not be possible without
the existence of these male and female potentials and without
each of them being clearly defined separately from the other
through different functions, an asexual universe does not make
sense as feminism claims except if we refer to the universe
understood globally. The current feminism that denies sexual
and vital differences does not seek to make women more
feminine but to turn women into men. Sex differences make us
better precisely because they specialize us in our own sex.
Unfortunately, many women suffer the consequences of
believing in the feminist myth, because this myth is based on the
assumption that a woman can only be happy if she gives herself
completely to compete with men in the world of work, then
when they meet near menopause, they realize that they have
managed to realize that myth, but then they understand that this
does not fill them because what they are really excited about is
being mothers. Other women try to work long hours to be like
men, but at the same time to be mothers, this also fills them
with anguish, because then they work inside and outside the
home. This, in many cases leads to arguments with their
husbands, because if they both work long hours outside the
home, no one will have time to take care of the house and the
children. This situation often ends in a divorce without
understanding what happened. This would not happen if
feminists understood that job specialization increases the
efficiency of that job. It would have been much better if they had
never been encouraged to compete with men and they had
dedicated themselves to having the children that society needs
and once the children were getting older they could gradually
rejoin the world of work outside the family environment. In this
way, they would have been able to raise their children and take
care of the house while still keeping a lot of free time for both
themselves and their husbands.
It is true that there are women who are born with genetic
defects that determine that they do not feel identified with their
sex and that is why they want to be allowed to live as men. In
reality, genetic accidents do not cause a person to be born with a
sexual orientation opposite to that indicated by their sexual
organs, what can happen is that their sexual orientation is
weakly focused on the sex that corresponds to them. In other
words, a genetic accident cannot impose a homosexual-type
psychological behavior, because what it does is weakly provide
the orientation that it should have. Therefore, it would be more
correct to say that what this genetic defect does is cause the
person to be emotionally in the middle of the two sexes. Later,
to this physical defect, homosexuals and lesbians add a
psychological prejudice against their own sex when they assume
not to accept it, that prejudice is, in reality, the true responsible
for their behavior because they make the decision to live the
other way around that determines nature. If I say that it is a
prejudice, it is because of all the men with some feminine
characteristics, or of all the women with some masculine
characteristics, only a minority of them become homosexuals or
lesbians. This happens, because if a deliberate attitude of going
against their own nature were not added to that deficiency, then
they could live a fairly satisfactory life without contradicting their
own sex. In reality, most of them live sexually normal lives,
because the fact that their sexual orientation is not as marked as
would be desirable is not a reason to support reversed
behavior. That is why it is so important to teach children the
right way from an early age and not to encourage any unnatural
behavior as politicians do in order to win votes.
In my opinion, the right thing to do is to try to encourage people
to have a normal sexual behavior, but without imposing it by
force, because in this world there is no one who does not make
mistakes sometimes, and whoever believes that they are never
wrong should throw away the first stone, therefore, we must
respect, but without supporting what we do not agree with. But
those who claim to defend tolerance also seem hypocritical to
me but only if you support what they say, because in this way
they are generating a world with a unique thought for which it is
no longer possible to oppose homosexuality or miscegenation
without being vetoed in the media. This shows that tolerance or
freedom of expression to which they refer is the one that
supports the truths politically assumed by the masses and not
the authentic truth. Because those who try to defend points of
view other than the official ones are vetoed in those media and
persecuted so that their opinion cannot be heard. It is the same
that occurs with the so-called “anti-fascist” groups, because
these groups are made up of young people from the extreme left
who claim to fight against right-wing dictatorships, but who, at
the same time, support communist dictatorships and violence
against all those who they don't think like them. If, according to
their own arguments, fascism and dictatorship are the same,
then they are also fascists, because they reject some
dictatorships but support others. Politicians and the media that
came to power after the Second World War continually remind
us of the danger of falling into a far-right political system like the
one the Nazis wanted to impose on the world, but, at the same
time, they are trying to impose a model of the extreme left. They
do not want to acknowledge that they are trying to impose their
postulates by force, but when they violently attack or try to
publicly discredit those who do not believe in feminism,
anarchism or miscegenation, they show that they are using these
arguments to impose their own ideas trying to make citizens
believe that they are unquestionable rights. They try to make
society unquestionably assume that communism is a duty for
citizens, and a right to impose it for those who govern.
In reality, the prejudices of homosexuals or lesbians can be both
towards their own sex and towards the opposite, an example of
rejection of the opposite sex are those women who acquire fear
of men and that is why they become lesbians, and a prejudice
towards Their own sex would be when they decide to consider
the opposite sex as their own, we can see this in transvestites. It
is possible that one of the biological factors that intervene in the
sexual attitude in men and women is the amount of testosterone
they produce, in that case a deficiency of this hormone in men
would produce effeminacy, and an excess in women would
produce a somewhat masculine character. However, it must also
be said that in those cases in which the sexual organs have
developed correctly this circumstance should only be a
secondary factor to alter the sexual attitude, therefore, I
consider that sexual deviations are above all a decision
psychological derived from a misconduct. 
It is true that due to this genetic defect there are women with
somewhat masculine character traits and men with somewhat
feminine characteristics, but that defect in no case forces anyone
to act against their own sex, and if they do not reject their own
nature yet they could live a fairly normal life. It is true that due to
this defect their sexual life cannot be perfect, but if they try to go
against their own nature it cannot be better either, because what
they will do is live a deformed and unnatural life, and if they go
to the extreme of trying to have surgery To look like the opposite
sex would not be better either, because then they would become
monsters and not people of the opposite sex. This genetic defect
can cause, among other things, that a person lacks some
hormones necessary to complete their sexual development
process, therefore, it will always be better to resort to medicine
to help a man to feel like a man and a woman to feel like a man
that she feels like a woman rather than trying to use her to
deform her body trying to imitate the opposite sex. It must also
be borne in mind that the fact that a man is somewhat
effeminate does not therefore make him a homosexual, because
for that he would have to have sex with another man, although
to be fair it must be said that that would not be sexual
intercourse but an act of masturbation performed by persons of
the same sex.
The mind must dominate matter and not matter over the mind,
that means, that even though it is true that a person can be born
with a genetic defect that makes it difficult for them to feel
sexual sensations in a normal way, it will always be better to use
all the means at your disposal both physical and mental to
complete what you lack before going against nature. It will
always be better to recognize our defects and fight against the
consequences of a genetic accident, rather than act arrogantly
and try to live against nature by trying to support that defect.
That means that in these cases, the fact of trying to live as if they
belonged to the opposite sex is more the consequence of their
own choice than a consequence of biology. Therefore, there is
nothing wrong in allowing a woman who wants to live like a man
to do so if that is her wish, what is wrong is that this woman tries
to convince others that this is how they can perform as women. I
do not mean to claim that lesbians are the only women who
defend feminism, but they are among the most combative
because of their personal interest.
Genetics can favor homosexuality but it does not cause it,
because when a person makes the decision to be homosexual it
causes a change in the structure of his brain to adapt to that
attitude, this occurs when the homosexual influenced by the
weak sexual orientation that his defect genetics generates him,
he consciously chooses to assume that he belongs to the
opposite sex. In other words, the key to this behavior is that at
the beginning, the sexual orientation of his mind is almost
neutral and as a consequence of this neutrality the homosexual
decides by mistake to choose the opposite sex as his own. The
problem that occurs in these cases is that when a child has a
neutral or psychologically weak sexual orientation, anything,
however insignificant it may seem, such as having more friends
than friends or seeing a shocking scene in a movie could make
that child prefer to identify with the opposite sex to which he
It must also be said that it is normal for all children to have a
weak sexual orientation, even though some have that
orientation more marked than others, therefore, it is better for
parents to give positive reinforcement to teach children what sex
they belong to. That is logical, considering that their full sexual
development does not occur until puberty, therefore, those who
promote the support of children who do not want to accept their
own sexual nature, because in the same way that a A father must
reject any deviation that leads him astray, in the same way he
must reject, although without forcing, when a child deviates
from his own sexual nature.
The moment he decides to assume a woman's sexual behavior as
his own, his mental attitude changes, because when he considers
himself as belonging to the opposite sex, he identifies with that
attitude and consequently induces his mind to feel attracted to
his own sex which prevents you from having normal sexual
behavior. It is true that a deviant behavior can begin with a
biological deficiency that makes a person feel incomplete as a
man or a woman, but if this defect were not added a
psychological prejudice against their own sex and a deliberate
attitude of going in Against nature your sex life could be quite
acceptable. It is true that the life of these people cannot be
completely satisfactory even if they live according to the sex with
which they were born because of this genetic defect, but that
would be better than going against nature.
That is to say that the physical defect by itself does not generate
lesbianism or homosexuality because deviant behavior can only
occur when the physical defect is added the deliberate attitude
of going against nature and it is that attitude in the end that acts
as a barrier that prevents you from having a normal sex life. In
reality, no one is born with a sexuality that is mentally opposite
to their biological sex, which if it occurs is a biological defect that
makes it difficult to easily understand what gender they belong
to, but in reality that defect does not make anyone a
homosexual. Therefore, it is, above all, the decision to go against
nature that most influences to alienate a person of that
nature. For this reason, it is important that society does not
confuse allowing with promoting, because a society that
encourages homosexuality can end up full of people who
become homosexual simply because they consider it a
fashion. Society must respect but not collaborate with everything
that is unnatural and degenerate.
Now, some political parties promote homosexuality because
their leaders think it gives them votes, then, to avoid any
opposition, they accuse all those who disagree with them of
being homophobic to prevent any criticism of their attitude. But
is it that all those who consider homosexuality degenerate
behavior must necessarily be homophobic, and all those who
oppose racial mixing must necessarily be xenophobic? Is it not
possible for someone to believe that these behaviors are wrong
without having any kind of prejudice or phobia? Because, if
according to them, everyone who thinks differently must be
accused of having a phobia, then where is the right to freedom
of thought and opinion if they accuse and persecute you when
you say something they don't like? It is evident that with this
attitude they try to force society to have a single thought, that is,
to believe what they say.
When the Second World War ended, the fear that the world
could be left under a system of government of the extreme right
like the one that the Nazis wanted to implement caused the
arguments proposed by the extreme left to be accepted, that, in
practice, implied accepting ideologies that support
homosexuality, feminism or miscegenation. During the forty
years following the end of the war, although Western society
assumed that these ideological postulates were true, it did not
apply them, but it is evident that when a certain line of thought
is assumed by the collective as true, then, This way of thinking is
destined to be implanted sooner or later, because, it is evident,
that those who have achieved power by supporting these ideas
are not going to stop until they reach their last consequences. 
In reality, an ideology is like a path, the problem is that when
society enters the wrong path, it is difficult for them to realize it
until they complete that path and discover that everything that
they were supposed to have was just fantasy without
basis. Then, society is faced with the dilemma of how this path is
reversed if the majority of those who hold power have obtained
it by saying that they are going to continue down that path, or in
other words they have obtained it by saying that they are going
to support that ideology and that is why they do everything
possible to hide their inconveniences from society. Nowadays
and as a consequence of this, the world is moving more and
more towards the predominance of political systems dominated
by feminism or anarchism that in reality are characteristic
elements of communism although they do not want to recognize
it. All this shows that progress does not only occur by going
forward but also going backwards, because when society
chooses a wrong path, progress can only be made by undoing
the path previously traveled.
The danger that this has is that the closer the world comes to
completing all the ideological postulates of the extreme left, the
greater risk it runs of generating the return of another extreme
right regime as a form of reaction to the first one. That would not
have happened, if politicians dominated by the desire to come to
power had not tried to convince us that only one way of thinking
is possible, and both left and right approaches had been
accepted equally. This is necessary, because although they do
not want to recognize it, the progress of humanity needs both
ways of thinking.
It is necessary that society values both ways of thinking equally
because in reality each of them represents a pole of nature, the
right the positive or masculine pole and the left the negative or
feminine pole, therefore, the balance can only be found when
both political forces are given the same value. But when the
political forces in power try to hide the truth and persecute all
those who think differently as if they were heretics, in the end
they may end up provoking the appearance of another extreme
right-wing force as a violent reaction to the coercion that they
are made so that the left can continue in power. We must take
into account how bad a world dominated by the extreme left as
by the extreme right can be, therefore, we must refuse to have
an extremist thinking and appreciate what is true both forms of
To understand the differences between men and women we only
have to study the behavior of the stars, because although they
are different, they also represent universal polarities. The Sun, as
a male example, is not only physically different from the Earth,
which is a female example, but it also behaves
differently. Therefore, what we must ask ourselves is what is the
point of a thing being different if it cannot exploit that difference
to do different things? What sense does it make that the Sun and
the Earth or the man and the woman are different if according to
feminism they cannot do different activities? It is evident that
feminism confuses the right of women to be happy with the fact
of performing the same functions as men, which is a complete
error. The poles of nature or man and woman are different
worlds but both are equally important, each one of them rules
over a dimensional plane without necessarily thinking that one is
better than the other, man must rule over the horizontal
dimension and woman over vertical, man must govern human
life in a direct way and woman indirectly, man being action and
woman reaction, man being centripetal and woman centrifugal,
man being attraction and repulsion woman. The man must rule
over the family directly and the woman indirectly, for this
reason, nature has made men physically stronger than women,
because that way it is easier for them to assume their leadership
without the need for a confrontation physical. 
The poles of nature red and blue or male and female must be
related in perfect harmony until the end of time for the universe
to function properly, but it is necessary that each of them
understand their place without claiming to encompass the
functions of the other. . In reality, feminism encourages evil in
women, because it suggests that they have the right to be evil
towards men without suffering any pangs of conscience under
the argument that they have been evil towards them before, but
that is only the consequence to see the past under the eyes of a
wealthy present, because in the past life was difficult for
everyone and women were not the only ones who had to follow
orders from others. It is possible that in the past women had to
obey their husbands, but their husbands, in turn, had to comply
with the demands of feudal lords or kings. Do feminists really
believe that an ancient peasant was very different in scale of
power than a peasant woman? They forget the great amount of
problems that they had in those times to think if one was more
powerful than the other when both shared the same vital
problems. They would be stupid if they started fighting among
themselves to decide who rules in the family. The truth is that
this mutual dependence forced them to live in perfect harmony
except in some minority cases in which one sex mistreated the
other. But let's not forget that psychopaths there are exactly the
same number of men as there are women, the only difference is
that a violent man when he attacks a woman he does it head-on
and with physical violence, while a woman when he attacks a
man does it from behind and with psychological violence,
perhaps for this reason, the damage to women in marital
conflicts is more visible, but it is also true that men tend to hide
that they are being mistreated by their women out of simple
shame. Therefore, when we speak of gender violence, to be fair
we must bear in mind that when a woman wants to kill a man
she almost never does it directly, but rather pretends to be an
abused woman and resorts to the law in the hope that this
humiliate him and the man commit suicide, but if that is not
possible, then the woman turns to another man to kill him. Then,
feminists say that these are not cases of feminist violence but
only other cases of sexist violence.
Before contemporary feminism existed that encourages women
to compete with men in the world of work, women worked
inside the home or in family jobs and men worked outside the
home, but with feminism women work inside and outside the
home home Where is the profit? Looking for jobs outside the
home also increases the risk that they will be unfaithful to their
husbands or suffer sexual harassment from their bosses or
coworkers, which is why some Muslims consider it an act of
infidelity for women to unnecessarily expose themselves to the
job world of work. Feminists claim that assigning different
functions to people according to their sex is only a consequence
of cultural teachings, but if that were true, then how can it be
explained that there are so many animal species in which males
perform different tasks from females? It is evident that those
who try to change people's opinions so that they are away from
nature are them.
Feminists claim that they want equality to exist in all professions,
but when they say that they mean comfortable or well-paying
jobs and not physically tough or lower-paid jobs. Many women
have joined the police forces, but where are they when you have
to fight hand-to-hand in the demonstrations? They say they are
absent because they are physically weaker, but then why do they
say they are the same? Where are the women on the
construction sites or in the mines? How many of them use their
picks and shovels to make cement or carry bricks? It is evident
that for these positions they do not ask for equality. With this
attitude they show that what they want is for the man to be the
donkey that pulls his cart and the surprising thing is that many
men do not realize it. The man who has a good wife has the
greatest treasure that he can imagine and a happy life assured as
far as the relationship is concerned, but the man who has a bad
one is not going to fear hell because he already lives in
it. Therefore, when feminists try to associate evil only with the
male sex, what they try is to deceive men into feeling guilty and
thus be able to handle them at will.
Contemporary feminism is like a social cancer because it
prevents women from having the children that are necessary for
the population to be adequately renewed, for that reason, more
than an ideological question it is a practical question, because as
it is raised in the West it prevents people who die are replaced
by new births, therefore, it is evident that that way it does not
work. It is necessary for women to consider motherhood as
something necessary instead of looking for other women to be
mothers while they try to imitate men. The true mother is the
one who is with her child when he is small, because for that
reason nature adapted her body to that function. This false
feminism that incites hatred against men so that they feel guilty
and do not oppose them to occupy their space, ends up causing
many women to become lesbians just because of the fear they
have of having a normal relationship with the opposite sex.
Unfortunately, today, society is divided into political parties that
claim to have the absolute truth exclusively. In order to obtain
the vote of women and with it the power and public money
show a version of the world deviated from reality, they thus
confront couples destroying marriages without caring the least
about the damage they cause. But worst of all, they incite
women to kill their unborn children by saying that this child is
only part of their body, which according to them deprives them
of all rights. With this attitude they intend to dehumanize
children when they say that they are only objects without a soul
that can kill at will. By doing so, they become guilty of genocide,
at a time characterized by scandalously low birth rates in
developed countries. The most important question in this matter
is not whether or not a woman can abort voluntarily, but
whether she should do so for free at the expense of
others. Because feminists claim to offer public money which is
the money of all workers to encourage women to do
so. Feminists claim that only mothers should decide whether to
end the lives of the unborn, but then the logical thing would be
for them to do so with their own money and not with that of all
taxpayers as is the case in some countries. In my opinion, using
public money to pay for the cost of an abortion is the same as
paying a reward to a woman to get pregnant and then kill her
Feminists suggest to women that being a mother is outdated and
that the most important thing is to compete in the labor market
with men, but they forget that the life of that unborn child was
also important, and they also forget that in the majority Of the
occasions those women who abort became pregnant with
voluntary sexual relations, therefore, the most reasonable thing
would have been to remember those children and offer those
women the necessary help to take them forward instead of
offering them all the facilities so that they kill. Adequate moral
training would also have been excellent to prevent these types of
situations, but if feminists oppose morality, and at the same time
support sexual promiscuity, in the end it is not strange that
unwanted pregnancies occur. This, in the past, was difficult to
happen, because it acted with greater prudence, but apparently,
ethics and morals are not part of this type of ideology. It is
necessary to reflect on the social changes that we make because
problems are often created greater than those they claim to
solve and when that happens it is not enough to put patches,
because when a change is the consequence of an error, then it is
necessary to go back and cancel that change to evolve.

The universe is divided into a cross of two dimensions, one

horizontal and the other vertical, each of them can represent a
sex or a pole of nature, generally the horizontal dimension
represents the male and the vertical the female, but both planes
can rotate depending on the circumstances and put the feminine
pole horizontally and the masculine one vertically, for example,
in the design of a city the horizontal plane is feminine and rigid
and the central section where there is its system of government
is masculine , circular and vertical. In the same way, the sun as
the center of government of the solar system is located on its
gravitational axis and the planets describe orbits around it in a
horizontal plane with respect to it, in this case the horizontal
plane is rigid and feminine and the vertical plane represented by
the sun is circular and vertical because it rises higher than the
planets. On the other hand, when the plane is rotated we find
examples such as the human form, because in this case the
vertebral column represents the female and rigid pole in a
vertical position on the planet's ground, which in this case is
horizontal, circular and male.
This shows that each pole can govern in a different plane without
being a contradiction, it all depends on the plane in which it is. A
city, or a solar system is like a man lying with his head located in
its center, therefore, the government of the horizontal plane
corresponds to the male sex because the governing body in a
person as well as in a city or in a solar system it is located in the
head. The sun acts the same with respect to the planets, but if
the dimensional plane is rotated then the sun becomes feminine
as it is a star that revolves around the galactic nucleus. Each
plane or each sex must rule in its own dimension without trying
to occupy the opposite dimension, but when the dimensional
planes are turned and inverted then it can seem that they act in
contradiction, this makes sense because it only happens on
different levels or planes.
Actually, the feminine dimension has the same importance as
the masculine one, but, in order for the universe to function, it is
necessary that each of them rule only in its own dimension. This
means that in the plane in which the feminine aspect dominates
the masculine side must submit to it, but when it is the
masculine aspect that predominates, then it has to be the other
way around. Perhaps it would be easier to understand if the
primordial cross of the universe is defined as formed by a double
polarity system, or in other words that it would be formed by
dimensions and sub-dimensions. In other words, the horizontal
dimension would be generally red and the vertical one blue, and
other times it would rotate to be the other way around, but in
turn, the dimensions would be sub divided by the red color on
the left and the blue on the right in the plane horizontally, and in
the vertical plane the red color would be at the bottom and the
blue at the top. This shows that everything depends on the
circumstances, because in a universe provided with many
different dimensions each situation depends on the plane in
which it is found and what in one plane must follow a path in
another plane may be different.
The fact that the male red dimension occupies the lower side,
should not be considered as something malignant, because the
red color or the dimension it represents are just as benign as the
blue dimension, only when the red dimension is exceeded by
covering the corresponding space evil is produced on the female
side, and then the lower side becomes black and the upper one
white. This only happens when these colors are used to
represent the contrast between good and evil, because in reality
both colors are just as benign as the rest. In other words, evil can
be represented with the color black, but many other benign
things can also be represented with this color.
When a person places an excessive value on the red dimension,
he becomes materialistic because he denies the existence of
spirit and eternal life. It may also happen that, as a consequence,
you become a despot and try to deny your rights to
others. People often associate hell or the devil with the color red,
this occurs because they deduce, perhaps without realizing it,
that those who value excessively the red and masculine
dimension over the blue and feminine dimension make a
mistake, because they give too much value to the material or the
immediate over the spiritual and eternal. This imbalance of
behavior can make those who behave in this way suffer,
therefore, only when they abandon this attitude can they be
happy again. 
The universal cross can also be posed as two circles, one vertical
and the other horizontal, in the horizontal circle the central part
would represent the male and material power center and the
periphery the governed and female area. In the vertical circle,
the command is on the periphery because it is a spiritual and
feminine command, but in order not to coincide with the
horizontal plane, it only governs in the philosophical and moral
aspect and not in the political or material aspect. In both planes
or circles, the most dense area is the red center and the less
dense the blue periphery, what changes in them is the direction
that could be given to a person that we imaginary put inside,
because in the horizontal circle the head would correspond to
the red center and in the vertical circle the head would be in the
blue periphery. The reason for using a person as an example is
because the human form serves to represent the relationship
between the circle formed by the head, which is male, and the
line formed by the body, which is female, and its relationship
with the head, which is the governing body.
With these diagrams the explanation can be better
understood. In the first drawing, the horizontal dimension of the
universal cross is represented with the image of two people
symbolically placed horizontally and with their heads located
towards the center, in this case the head is red to symbolize that
it represents the government from a point of view material or
political view. In the right drawing the two figures are in opposite
position with the head outwards and the feet towards the
ground, in this way we want to represent that the government,
that is, the thinking part is pointing outwards corresponding to
the spiritual plane In this way it tries to indicate that the
government of the moral part of our conduct corresponds to the
crystalline and spiritual dimension. This means that the figure on
the left also represents the horizontal dimension which in this
case is red and the figure on the right represents the vertical
dimension which in this case appears as blue. The fact that in this
case the dimensions have these colors with their corresponding
meanings, does not prevent that in other situations or planes of
evolution the two planes can be shown in reverse so that the
horizontal plane is blue and the vertical red.
In the right drawing it can also be seen that the two figures point
towards the periphery, one upwards and the other downwards,
but that does not mean that the figure pointing downwards
should be related to evil, because evil does not arise from the
direction where the figures point but the density where their
decision-making capacity is, that is, where their head is. It is the
same that happens on planet Earth, because all its inhabitants
point their feet towards the center and their head towards the
outside, that means that the sky or the least dense area is always
the one that is located outside, whether it is below as if it is
above. In other words, the fact that from our point of view a
figure appears looking downwards and another upwards is only
apparent, because in reality both look upwards from the point of
view of the scheme just like all the inhabitants of the city. Earth
also look up regardless of whether they are in the Northern
Hemisphere or the Southern Hemisphere. This means that evil
must be related to the densest area which is the one that
corresponds to the core of the diagrams and the sky can be
related to the less dense periphery, this is so, because although
all colors are benign in their essence, the energy and density that
are common in the nucleus make it easier to make mistakes and
therefore easier to fall into evil. These diagrams help to
understand that from a moral point of view justice should be the
axis of our conduct because it is what corresponds to the blue
and less dense dimension to which the head of the drawing
In the left drawing the head is red to represent that in the
horizontal plane there is a greater risk that the government may
be more unfair in proportion than the rest of society, because
the head that symbolizes the government appears in red, and
the body that represents the governed society appears in
blue. This is normal, because the ruling part is male and the ruled
part is symbolically female. In reality, it is convenient for all
people to have justice as the axis of their conduct regardless of
the power they may have, however, it is true that in the nucleus
of government there is a greater risk that evil is concentrated,
this does not happen because This has to be something natural
or mandatory, but because those who have it are in a situation of
greater advantage with respect to the rest of society, the
accumulated power makes it a little more difficult for the
sanctioning mechanisms to act. But we must not make mistakes,
because that does not mean that they are free of risk for what
they can do, because the greater the power, the greater the
ambition of those who hold it or want to show it, and there are
many kings who believe themselves Invincible were killed shortly
after being crowned.
It should also be clarified that in the drawings, the left diagram
represents the horizontal and red plane in general, but in turn it
is subdivided into two planes, one vertical and the other
horizontal, in this case the vertical is red and the horizontal is
blue. The right diagram represents the vertical and blue plane in
general, but at the same time it is also subdivided into two
planes, the horizontal one in red and the vertical one in blue,
that is to say the opposite of the previous diagram. This is
possible, because the two dimensions of the universal cross can
rotate. In the left diagram that also represents the red and
horizontal dimension, the element of government is directed by
the positive or masculine pole because it is the one that occupies
the central vertical line and represents command from the
material or political point of view. The right drawing is directed
by the negative or feminine side, because it is the blue color that
occupies the central vertical line and represents spiritual
power. Thus, the left drawing represents the government of
matter in the red and horizontal dimension, and the right
drawing represents the government of the spirit in the blue and
vertical dimension. This is so, because the color or sexual pole
that occupies the vertical line is also the one that governs the
If we look at the drawing of the compact city, we can better
understand the symbolism represented by the left drawing and
its government over the material part, because the nucleus of
the city contains the seat of government, but at the same time it
extends higher than the structures of the horizontal or governed
zone, in this way it is symbolized that political power is occupying
the vertical line but ruling the horizontal zone. The shape of a
compact city also resembles a person lying down and with the
head higher than the rest of the body. This approach is repeated
in countless examples, in the ships the captain's office is also
placed on the main structure, the sun, has a greater diameter in
the vertical line than the rest of the planets, in this way it is
symbolized that it is the governor of all of them on the material
plane. The right drawing, on the other hand, refers to the control
over the immaterial or spiritual part, therefore, it is the
opposite. The fact of occupying the vertical line that corresponds
to spiritual leadership indicates to us that justice must be the
axis of our moral conduct, if we want to be happy. It can also
represent those aspects in which the feminine side is the main
one, such as night, woman, spirituality or philosophy.
The main purpose of the drawings is to indicate that the
government understood from the material or political point of
view is represented when the command or head element is
directed towards the center of the circle in the horizontal
dimension. Instead, the spiritual or philosophical government is
represented when the head or element of government is
directed towards the periphery of the circle in the vertical
dimension. The government of the material dimension can be
more difficult to understand, because the body looks towards
the center of the circle, but at the same time the head extends
slightly up and down more than the body, occupying a little of
the vertical line as if they were two letters (T) joined at the top
and placed horizontally. In other words, it occupies a majority of
the horizontal dimension, but at the same time it occupies a
minority of the vertical dimension. 
Good and evil can also be represented by a schematic. In this
scheme, the black color is placed at the bottom representing the
evil and the color bank is placed at the top, representing the
good. In the case that we wanted to represent this scheme by
means of a vertical circle like the one mentioned above, then the
evil has to be located in the center, and the good in the
periphery both above and below, this is due to the fact that evil
always has to be in the densest area, because it corresponds to
the environment that most could develop the confusion from
which evil derives, for the same reason good always has to be
located on the periphery, because being the less dense area is
easier to see from a great distance and with perspective,
therefore, it corresponds to the spiritual dimension. The vertical
scheme is as if it were a planet, in that hypothetical planet, the
blue and less dense sky is always on the periphery both above
and below, and the terrestrial area, dense and red, is always
located in the center. It is true that the most representative color
of the center is red, but the reason that in this case it becomes
black is because when the red color is exceeded trying to take
the place of blue, then materialism and evil appear which is
represented by the color black. This color is the most appropriate
because it is the one that best represents the confusion,
ignorance and mental darkness that those who go into evil end
up suffering.
It could be said that the reason why spirits have built a body in
which they can reincarnate is because they need to live in matter
to be happy, because spirit is only energy for the most part and
needs matter to be able to complement itself, each represents a
pole of the universe, one is vertical and another is horizontal,
one is male and the other is female, one is energy and the other
is matter, and only with their union or marriage happiness is
generated. But in order to achieve this goal, it is first necessary
to tame matter because it is like fast, hot and dizzying fire, and if
you don't learn to control it, it can burn the hands of the person
who handles it. Fire is associated with evil or hell, because when
a person is not able to control matter, the error that leads to
materialism and evil occurs, that materialism produces a pain
that is similar to burning hands because materialism belongs to
the same dimension as fire or heat.
All human evolution is based from a certain point of view on the
effort of the spirit to learn to control matter in order to live in it,
first through the design and construction of a material body and
then through the design and construction of civilization. When
the control of matter is completed, the material world will be
able to equal virtues to the spiritual world, then the world will
have a material civilization, but firmly based on spiritual

An example of how the present reality can conflict with the

cyclical concept is predation, because from a cyclical point of
view, that is, a point of view that defends justice above all as a
consequence of the cyclical nature of the universe, nature could
having chosen because predatory animals did not exist, however,
if we take into account the immediate reality that could also be
called the immediate interest of the present, to many animals
predation may seem an acceptable solution, especially to those
that being scavengers can consider that it is not worth waiting
for an animal to die of natural causes if they can accelerate that
process. The question would then be, is predation an act of
selfishness motivated by the immediate and personal interest of
animals, or is it rather nature that has decided that predation
exists as a means of keeping nature clean? Perhaps nature has
designed predation as a cleaning system to prevent the territory
from being filled with corpses, it is true that scavengers already
exist for that, but when predators hunt live animals they can
prevent dead animals from being abandoned with the risk that
that means causing infections, in that case it would be as if
nature ate itself as a means of cleaning, it is like a snake biting its
tail. Fortunately in this, human beings are different from animals,
because they can use technology to solve all their biological and
environmental problems.
Predation also serves as euthanasia, selecting older and weak
animals over young and strong ones. It must be borne in mind
that if predators did not exist, nature would be full of sick
animals or with genetic deformations and while they lived they
could transmit these diseases to other congeners or transmit
their genetic defects to future generations. This could be the
reason why it is quite common for males to fight to get females
during the breeding season, in this way it is guaranteed that only
the strongest and healthiest specimens can reproduce, thus
guaranteeing that the sick or carriers of genetic defects are
unable to have offspring. This may seem cruel, but it guarantees
a healthier and happier life for future generations.
In reality, the human species has already almost reached genetic
perfection if we refer to those specimens that are more racially
advanced and free of genetic diseases, for that reason, at
present, the greatest brake so that all citizens of the world can
benefit from this progress they are the carriers of hereditary
diseases, so it would be ideal to create a world program for the
eradication of all genetic diseases from all over the Earth. It is
clear that the ideal would be to eradicate all diseases, but the
difference is that hereditary diseases are well known but not
always act as it should against them.
If we consider that nature created predation in order to hunt
older animals, then the death of the young should be considered
an unfortunate accident, because once nature designs an animal
to hunt the logical thing is to think that it is not going to
differentiate between an old animal and a young one, because
for him there is only a difference between the strongest and the
weakest. In any case, if it is a question of looking for a utility, the
hunting of the young could also serve as in the previous
examples so that the healthiest or most intelligent of each
species or age survive, because they would be the ones that
could best escape from their pursuers.
Predators never look for the strongest and healthiest animals
when they go hunting, because they do not want to be injured
while they do so, in this way, when hunting the older or sick,
they do a cleaning job for the environment. Human beings, on
the other hand, have technology that allows them to eliminate
corpses quickly and without any type of conflict, this shows that
the main factor that causes conflicts between animals does not
have to exist in the human species. It is also easy to create
methods to eradicate inherited diseases peacefully using
technology, but in the case of animals the difficult thing is to
know if predators hunt as a consequence of their own interest,
or if it is nature that has motivated them to do it so that they
serve as a means of cleaning, because perhaps the action of the
scavengers would have been enough to achieve that objective.
The truth is that animals cannot understand complex concepts
such as the cyclical nature of the universe or total justice, they
are moved mainly by two forces, one is immediate or personal
interest and the other is the influence that nature can exert on
them, but as the will of animals can also partly influence their
own destiny, it is very difficult to know to what extent the
circumstances of their life are the consequence of their own will
or if nature is capable of imposing a cyclical and long-term
concept on them . The reasonable thing is to think that there
must be a balance between what depends on your will and what
depends on nature, the difficult thing is to determine what part
of your behavior is wrong and depends on your will and what
part is correct as a consequence of the The influence that nature
exerts on them, because just as human beings make mistakes,
animals are no exception.
If predation is considered to be a necessary and favored attitude
by nature, then the philosophical dilemma would be why does
nature choose a remedy that can produce suffering to solve the
problem of cleaning corpses from the environment instead of
choose scavenger animals? The answer may lie in what we could
call natural accident, that is, it would be the consequence of
nature's inability to control all the circumstances that surround it
without accidents or errors occurring. One of the examples may
be predation and hunting animals, because nature would
consider it better to accept some suffering for prey in exchange
for having the benefit of a perfectly clean natural
environment. In this case, it would be considered that the
suffering is accidental, because the animals cannot know
perfectly when they are going to die or where, for that reason,
predation would be necessary, this would be true, but assuming
that using exclusively scavengers was not so efficient. In this
case, the accident rate is due to the fact that nature is forced
beyond what would be desirable to use a system that causes
suffering, as the animals are not able to solve the problem in
another way. Humans, on the other hand, can solve the problem
of cleaning the environment without the need for any conflict,
because using technology they can take care of the problem
Another example of natural accidents would be the innumerable
accidents that occur in life without being able to avoid them. Or
when a person dominated by selfishness turns evil, this is also
partly an accident, because his behavior is the consequence of a
mistake in not being able to understand that the balanced
attitude is the best in almost all situations in life.
Many life situations would be controlled by the vertical, blue and
straight dimension, which represents that which is rigid and
constant and is the one that is most related to universal laws,
and then there would be the horizontal, red and circular
dimension that represents everything that which is subject to
chance, will, exception or accident. This means that in the blue
dimension there are no accidents or errors as a consequence of
its rigidity, and they only exist in the red dimension characterized
by variability and inconstancy. Accidents cannot be completely
eradicated, because they are the consequence of nature's need
to continually regenerate itself, because with the regeneration of
the universe comes oblivion and with the forgetfulness of the
past comes error and accident. With each new day time is
renewed, the same happens with each month, each year, or each
cosmic cycle, the same with each human life or each spirit each
time it reincarnates. A characteristic of renewal is forgetfulness,
because forgetting is necessary when a cycle ends in order to
complete the renewal.
It is useful to remember while the period for which that memory
is used lasts, but it is also useful to forget when that period ends,
because there are memories that only serve during a human life
but there are others that serve during the entire cosmic cycle, as
a consequence of forgetting arises Ignorance and as a
consequence of ignorance the possibility of making mistakes and
suffering for it is created. However, this is not something that has
to happen indefinitely, because when civilizations finish their
evolution they get in tune with the great universal truths and
manage to close the circle of errors. Once society reaches this
situation, it can use its high level of technology to ensure that
the vast majority of accidents that now occur cease to exist. In
the future, situations that cause conflicts between animals can
also be avoided, because through the use of technology,
humanity will be able to close the circle of vital needs. Once
technological progress is completed, it will only remain to
complete moral progress, so that the world can enter an era of
global peace.
In the universe there is the norm, to refer to the things that are
more appropriate to do in most cases, but there is also the
exception, for those exceptional cases in which it is correct to act
differently. Therefore, there are those who might think that since
there are justified exceptions to the norm in the universe and
these exceptions are divided between the exception as a
representative of the red and vertical dimension and the norm as
a representative of the blue and horizontal line, then, it could
also be considered that the consumption of meat could be within
these exceptions. But that does not necessarily have to be the
case, because we should not make all possible exceptions but
only those that make sense. Throughout history there are many
human populations that have lived feeding almost exclusively on
vegetables and others that have lived feeding almost exclusively
on meat. There are also exclusively vegetarian animals and
others exclusively carnivorous. This shows that it is possible to
live only on one of these two resources as long as the body
manages to adapt to it.
In the case of humans, throughout history their food sources
have been mainly of plant origin, although in smaller quantities
they have also consumed animals. From an ecological point of
view it is preferable to consume vegetables because nature
needs much less energy to produce them. Nor does it make
sense to say that meat is necessary for its minerals or energy,
because today there are plant products rich in any of these
nutrients. In addition, in developed countries what is needed is
not to increase the caloric capacity of food but to reduce it, due
to the serious problem of overweight that exists, and to achieve
this, a plant-based diet is ideal. For these reasons, I consider that
in the future, the population will be fed entirely by plants on
Earth, and artificially designed in space, because it is always
better to eat vegetables rather than animals if we want to have a
peaceful world.
The killing of animals through predation may make sense for
predators to clean nature of old or sick animals, but if it is about
making all citizens aware of the importance of not killing to live
in peace, then it is best to reject completely the slaughter of
animals and the consumption of meat as a food
source. Symbolically the slaughter of animals is related to war
and the consumption of vegetables with peace, therefore, if you
want to promote complete peace in the world, the consumption
of vegetables is the only solution.
If we analyze it from a metaphysical point of view, then the part
of the food corresponding to the red dimension can be
contributed by the salty foods, and the part corresponding to the
blue dimension can be contributed by the sweet foods, in this
way we can achieve nutritional balance without having to
abandon a completely vegetarian diet. The rest of food
substances such as fats, proteins or vitamins would be found
symbolically between the two mentioned colors.
A society that wants to live in peace must reject drugs such as
alcohol, because these substances are not a food, but a chemical
that creates addiction and destroys the brain, therefore, they
must be rejected completely and without exception. It makes no
sense to use them as a means of stimulation because for that
there are already a multitude of natural foods that are pleasant
without being harmful or hallucinogenic.
True happiness can only arise from sanity and the use of science,
because living with health and in harmony with nature there are
many methods that can be found to be happy. People should
bear in mind that maximum happiness can only be achieved
when using intelligence, but those who damage their brain with
alcohol and other drugs lose that ability and are limited only to
the stimuli they can obtain through the simple senses of the
body. Therefore, being limited only to these physical senses,
some drug addicts come to commit crimes thinking that money
will compensate for the often irreversible damage they have
caused in their brain. In addition, drugs destroy affective
relationships and make a drug addict behave like a psychopath
with the rest of the citizens, even becoming willing to commit
robberies or rapes just to achieve their objectives. For this
reason, the law must respect free will, but it must also reject any
type of criminal mitigation for those who commit crimes under
its effects in order to teach citizens that the right of one ends
where the right of others begins. If the law were to act in this
way, citizens who consume drugs would be forced to take into
account not only the damage that these can cause to their
health, but also the punishment that the law would impose on
them for the excesses that they may commit under its
influence. It would therefore be a double deterrent system.

In several of my books I have tried to explain in detail all the

details of the theory of the exceptions of justice, the reason for
doing so is not because I believe that it is necessarily true, but
because since the beginning of time it is common both in the
animals as in people that the majority are not completely fair,
although only a minority of them become scoundrels or
criminals. This is the reason why it is necessary to try to
understand whether it can have a scientific or a social
meaning. It is also good to study all its details to try to explain
metaphysically why it happens and how it can be
controlled. Because the truth is that most people are not always
fair even if they do not want to admit it. That is to say, what is
ultimately about is trying to find out the difference between
good, evil, justice and injustice from a scientific point of view, so
that we can control it and understand what are the limits in
which we we can move.
I do not know for sure, if the destiny of humanity is to be
completely fair or to be fair with exceptions, but my conclusion is
that, in any case, justice has to be the axis of moral conduct so
that people can live together stable form. I sincerely believe that
total justice is preferable, because the fact that in the past total
justice has not been generally applied in society may be due to
the fact that an evolving world is only capable of understanding
circumstances with a very immediate and short-term
perspective, which prevents the circumstances from being
understood globally or thinking about the future. This is so,
because primitive beings do not have enough knowledge to
understand the consequences that the cyclical nature of the
universe has on our lives. In any case, those who prefer total
justice may consider that the compensation that the cyclical
character of the universe supposes, self-defense, and the fruits
of technology, may be enough to be happy, because those who
admit exceptions to justice Perhaps they can obtain more
material resources in the present, but they also risk suffering the
consequences of being wrong and provoking a reaction against
those who have been harmed by their unjust attitude, this would
make them have more material things but less happiness.
Defending total justice is also comfortable and simple as a moral
philosophy, because by using a fixed attitude and defending the
same attitude in all cases, it is not necessary to decide in which
situations the exceptions to justice can be justified and in which
not because they would be defended in all the assumptions, in
this way you do not run the risk of being wrong. For those who
think like this, the question is simple, because they consider that
this attitude is the best because it reduces the risk of falling into
evil compared to those who admit exceptions. Those who defend
total justice will surely think that this attitude is necessary for a
society to be morally complete. In other words, for them it
would be what makes the difference between the primitive and
the evolved.
On the other hand, those who defend the exceptions of justice
could say that the moral difference that exists between an
evolved person with respect to another that is not, consists in
that a person with a primitive moral behavior does not know
how to differentiate injustice from evil. This would be important,
because from the point of view of the theory of the exceptions of
justice, it is considered that injustice by itself is not socially
harmful if it is done within established rules. For this reason, they
accept the exceptions of justice, but reject evil because they
consider it the consequence of being dominated by tyranny and
vanity, this, for them, would be what makes the difference
between the primitive and the evolved.
Some may think that defending total justice is a radical and
uncompromising attitude for not admitting exceptions, because
if justice corresponds to the crystalline and blue dimension, and
injustice corresponds to the warm and red dimension, then,
refuse to use both options could be a mistake by not combining
both dimensional aspects. But that depends on the
circumstances, because it is true that in general exceptions to
the norm should be accepted but only in what makes sense,
because in the world, degenerate behaviors have occurred many
times that must always be rejected. In those cases, since there is
only one option, it would not make sense for the rules of the
norm and the exception to come into play. The question then is
to find out if in this case it is correct to accept exceptions or not,
therefore, when in doubt, I am inclined to defend total justice.
Nor do I know for sure, if my position in this regard can be
derived from my special dedication to philosophy, because it is
undoubted that in order to delve into the metaphysical nature of
things, it is better to defend total justice as a means to increase
mental concentration. . This is due to the fact that the
philosopher moves mainly in the spiritual, feminine, rigid and
vertical dimension of nature, which is the one that corresponds
to justice and is also the one that considers the universe as a
whole. But the exceptions of justice are connected with the
solar, masculine, warm and horizontal dimension that is
concentrated in the circumstances of the present. This
dimension acts mainly on people who live their lives in a less
concentrated and more physical way, that is, it acts on the
majority of the population. Because normal people live life in a
very extroverted way and with their minds much more dispersed
and merged with the rest than philosophers, because they need
to get out of general opinion in order to discover new ideas. The
problem for normal citizens is that with a level of concentration
so under the control that instinct or the immediate dimension of
time have on people is much greater than in the case of
philosophers because they are specialists of the mind, this is This
is because their greater concentration allows them to better
understand the essential mechanics of nature globally and in the
long term. 
Therefore, the dilemma is to know, if philosophers tend to
defend total justice and without exceptions because they have
the evidence to think this way, or instead, it is the consequence
of carrying out a different task than that carried out by society as
a whole. It must also be borne in mind that it is convenient for a
philosopher to be fair because this way he moves away from the
possible common conflicts in man, this allows him to dedicate
himself to his philosophical task without the inconvenience of
having to worry that someone may interrupt his work or your
concentration on having done something unfair in the past. In
other words, unfair behaviors, in this case, would correspond
only to those who would be living in the red and horizontal
dimension in which it is common to have a scattered mind and
especially dedicated to the immediate events of time. Instead
the philosophers, would be concentrated in the vertical, spiritual
and blue dimension that refers mainly to global and universal
questions. For them it is more comfortable to think this way,
because it is evident that with a clear conscience it will always be
easier for the mind to fly towards the spiritual world beyond
present time and space. Furthermore, philosophers should
defend total justice, because only those who are just can have an
adequate perspective on things and are able to judge those who
are not. Only the righteous can discover demons even if they
disguise themselves as political or religious leaders.
It is also possible that the key to the dilemma lies in knowing
how to separate injustice from tyranny, that is, according to this
assumption, injustice would be exceptionally well, but without
entering the plane of tyranny, because then the evil. If that were
true, then the unjust behavior that is common in both people
and animals would be correct in some cases, because it would be
the consequence of applying the two dimensions of life, the
warm horizontal that leads the present and favors injustice. , and
the rigid or vertical one that leads the future and favors
justice. This means that in those cases in which the injustice is
devoid of tyranny and is within the law, the consequences of that
injustice would be secondary and would not generate reactions
in self-defense of other people, except in those cases in which it
is came out of these assumptions by mistake.
If this were the case, then the explanation of the dilemma would
be that for unfair behavior to make sense it should only be done
exceptionally and not enter the realm of vanity or
tyranny. Furthermore, justice and injustice should be organized
in the form of majorities and minorities or rule and exception. In
other words, the approaches that would initially be general or
the same would have to be defined later in majority and minority
systems by adapting to the vertical and horizontal
dimensions. The fact that moral leadership is part of the vertical
dimension, which is where justice is found, determines that it is
this that should predominate over moral conduct, that is,
possible acts of injustice could only be something exceptional
and are They would concentrate on the organs of power that
lead the exception in the masculine and horizontal dimension,
because in the horizontal or masculine dimension the aspects of
political or material power predominate, or in other words, there
is a greater risk of injustice appearing in this Instead, because
power facilitates the possibility of acting unfairly, although that
does not mean that being a politician necessarily implies being
unfair, because in reality for them, as for the rest of the citizens,
justice is the best option as a rule moral. It must also be borne in
mind that according to this theory, so that legal exceptions do
not cause serious and inadvisable effects on those who cause
them, it is necessary to always remain within the law.
According to these assumptions, injustice would be correct when
it is as an exception and is not associated with tyranny or crime,
because then evil arises. Because evil is actually an imbalance
that occurs when by mistake we give an excessive value to the
masculine or material dimension over the feminine or spiritual
one, or to the red part of life over the blue one. Evil is,
ultimately, the consequence of unbalancing the two dimensional
aspects that should govern our lives, because only when the
masculine and feminine dimensions are in balance does the life
represented by the color green emerge. If this were true, then
the key would not be to teach citizens to be completely fair, but
to teach them to be fair as a general rule, but without being
dominated by vanity. Because regardless of the wealth that we
can achieve, we must never forget to live with dignity or the
importance of small things. In the world, there are two forms of
wealth, one is spiritual and the other is material, spiritual wealth
is only acquired when it is lived with justice and dignity. There
are people who believe that all the poor are decent and all the
rich are scoundrels, but that does not necessarily have to be
true, it is true that poverty can favor humility and wealth can
favor vanity, but it does not guarantee it, because spiritual
wealth may or may not be present in all people regardless of the
material goods they may have.
For this reason, in the world we can see people who are poor in
the material aspect, but instead they are rich in the spiritual
aspect, and there are also people who are poor in the material
aspect and are also poor in the spiritual aspect, because against
From what many people believe, poverty does not grant dignity,
and there are many poor people who live like this because they
are scoundrels and that is why their life has ended that
way. Material wealth can also foster arrogance and evil, because
success can lower their guard both to individuals and nations and
that also leads to their destruction. For this reason, it is absurd
for a rich man to criticize a poor man just for being so, because
he can be rich in money, but at the same time he can be poor in
dignity, and many times it happens that the lack of dignity causes
the rich man to be less happy than the poor in spite of all your
Although this is true, it does not mean that having material
wealth necessarily causes vanity, it all depends on how it is
managed, because many rich people are obsessed with
accumulating money, but they do not do it out of vanity, but out
of fear of returning to the poverty from which they come. This
means that if society gave more importance to equality than to
economic growth, it would surely have a ruling class with much
less fear of losing its wealth, and consequently would have less
interest in accumulating it.
In any case, we must bear in mind that in the universe there is no
one who possesses all the knowledge or the absolute security of
everything. Therefore, it is absurd to create myths to worship or
turn people into gods, because in the world there are many
people who can be experts in something, but there is no one
who is an expert in everything, because even those who are
experts in something have always a new path to explore in their
research in which they are ignorant, because no matter how
many levels of wisdom they have passed, they will always have
new ones to overcome, that is why even the wisest philosophers
doubt many things, just like the rest of the citizens.

Every action has a reaction, and every action of one living being
against another has a consequence that acts as a reaction to the
first. In the universe, this reaction has two forms of manifesting
itself, one is the immediate one that acts in the present through
self-defense, and another is the one that derives from the
repetitive nature of the cosmos and manifests itself in the
future. The Hindus call this phenomenon of nature karma. The
repetitive nature of the cosmos determines that in the end, all
beings will live all lives and consequently the executioners will
also live the lives of their victims.
The reaction in self-defense or derived from the police action is
the one that corresponds to the karma of the present, that is, to
the consequences that our actions may have during life. From
birth, all people are exposed to ignorance and as a consequence
of that ignorance an emotional imbalance can occur that gives
rise to evil, this imbalance can generate criminal behaviors and
as a consequence of them provoke the defensive reaction of
society against those they act that way. The karma of the present
can also be associated with the unpleasant consequences that
wrong behavior can have even without being associated with evil
behavior, because wrong behavior can make us suffer simply for
being wrong. This means that karma can also be positive, when
we are right, as negative, when we are wrong. The vices,
prejudices, or moral degeneration that we can acquire in this life
do not necessarily have to go to the next, because once the spirit
detaches itself from the baggage of beliefs that form the
personality of the past life, a new clean life can begin of those
beliefs, because most of those beliefs stay in the brain of the
dead body that has been abandoned. However, after the death
of the body, the spirits retain for a time part of their previous
personality and their memories to make the passage from one
life to the other easier, but it is necessary that they let go of all
their prejudices in order to to be able to recover the totality of
his spiritual capacities and his memories of the past lives. When
they reach this situation and the spirits are cleared of the ballast
of past mistakes, then they are ready to start a new
reincarnation. That is why children seem so pure, because they
have not yet been soiled with the prejudices of this world.
When a child is born, his personality will be determined by three
factors, the first is his level of spiritual evolution, the second is
the level of evolution and the genetic quality of the body in
which he is reincarnated, and the third is the quality of the
education you can receive. The level of spiritual intelligence is
the consequence of everything they have learned in their past
reincarnations and therefore, it is logical that the spirits that
have been reincarnating the longest as more evolved people
are. After the death of the body, the spirits detach from the
previous personality with all its baggage of memories and
prejudices acquired in that life, but those pure and true
knowledge that can be useful for the following lives are
preserved, the decision of which of Such knowledge must be
preserved depends on the wisdom of the spirit, because we must
not forget that once the spirit manages to remember its past
lives, it acquires a greater wisdom than it had as a man,
therefore, the wrong beliefs of that life are rejected immediately.
The quality of the body is the consequence of the evolutionary
degree that it has been able to reach, but it also depends on how
clean it can be from hereditary genetic diseases. Within each
animal or each person, there is an enormous superior scientific
knowledge that has been necessary to create that body, that
knowledge is stored in the spiritual memory, but, for the most
part, it is only used after death to improve genetically the
races. This situation is only temporary, because the destiny of
civilization is to end, in time, matching the wisdom of the body or
the spirit. Finally, there is the education that is received in life,
therefore, it is very important that during childhood parents do
not allow evil to grow in their children, because at first it is easy
to mold their personality, but once they become adults it is very
difficult to change it. The one who consents to everything is not a
better father, the one who does not allow his son to become a
scoundrel is a better father.
Throughout its different reincarnations it is easy for a spirit to fall
into evil and come out of it several times, because that depends
more on the errors and vices that are acquired during human life
than on what is kept in the spirit. That means that once the
spirits are liberated from the personality of their past life, they
are cleansed from evil because that degenerate behavior is
linked only to the personality of that life and not to the spiritual
one. Once they get rid of it and manage to recover their spiritual
memory, then they are no longer conditioned by the prejudices
that caused the evil. This is possible, because the spirits only
keep in their spiritual memory the useful and quality data that
they have been learning and discard those that do not serve. Evil,
therefore, is left behind, as it is the consequence of error and
ignorance that is typical of primitive worlds when they do not
know how to handle matter correctly. In other words, evil is
simply a moral imbalance derived from ignorance that lasts the
same as human life, therefore, after death, the spirit abandons
evil at the moment in which the memories of the past are
activated lives and the wisdom stored in the spiritual memory,
because when you reach that situation, and remember that
knowledge, you understand that there is no point in keeping that
unbalanced personality.
However, this process could be delayed even several centuries if
a spirit for some reason refuses to let go of the burden
represented by the prejudices of its previous personality. This is
necessary to be able to ascend towards the higher spiritual
world, because only when that situation is reached is it possible
to recover the memory of past lives. When a spirit is delayed in
this process, it can remain a ghostly entity in a haunted house
while it takes time to assume its new situation. Any problems
that may have happened to you during your life, or concern for
family members that you have left behind could also delay that
ascension process. In a way, the ascension process also depends
on the time it takes for a spirit to reduce its material density,
because after the death of the physical body, one must also
abandon the false ghostly body that is used for the passage from
one stage to another the next one is simpler.
It is as if this were a second death, because after losing the
physical body, the spirit also has to lose its emotional connection
with the past life. The spirit first has to detach itself from the
artificial body that is the ghost until it becomes the sphere of
light that it really is. This explains in a way the shape of the
human body, because the round head represents the spirit it
houses, and the rectangular body represents the earth that it
needs to complete its manifestation in matter. The spirit also
represents a small male sun because it governs the body from
the head, and the body represents the female earth because it is
governed by the energy impulses that this small sun emits. This
sun is the repository of the wisdom and the life of the soul that it
carries within it, and it will continue to learn without ceasing
until the end of time. The soul is feminine and belongs to the
straight and vertical dimension, and the spirit in the form of an
energy sphere is masculine and belongs to the horizontal
dimension. The spirit actually belongs to the masculine and
horizontal dimension, but in certain circumstances it can also
represent the feminine and vertical dimension, this is because
when the spirit acts as a representative of the soul or spirituality,
then they are considered as one thing. It must be taken into
account that the universal planes can rotate and invert when it
comes to different evolutionary levels without this being a
contradiction, therefore, the spirit is red, circular and masculine,
but the spirituality that emanates from the soul is blue, straight
and feminine. In the same way, matter is blue and feminine, but
materialism is red and masculine, it all depends on the
The spirit has to get rid of the prejudices that it may have
acquired in its past life, and after achieving this is when it really
acquires its full potential. This is in a way a process of reducing
its density that ends when you finally remember your previous
lives and the wisdom acquired from the beginning of time. This
process is reminiscent of the method that a balloon uses to reach
the sky using less dense air, or how a submarine manages to
reach the surface of the ocean when it replaces water with air. In
other words, only when the spirit agrees to reduce its density
and move away from matter, it is possible to completely cross
the border between the material world and the spiritual world.
But the fact of leaving behind the prejudices of the past life is not
an impediment so that when being born again other prejudices
are acquired again or one can fall back into evil again, that
depends a lot on the education that can be received in that
moment, therefore, the more evolved a planet is, the lower the
risk that its inhabitants will fall into evil. This means that the
spirit keeps in its spiritual memory mainly those memories that
are going to be necessary for it to progress, such as those that
refer to the management and improvement of the bodies in
which they are reincarnated. A generic memory of past lives is
also preserved, but these memories are only activated after
death so as not to interfere with human life and so that the spirit
once detached from the body can understand the cause of its
new situation. All these memories form the so-called spiritual
intelligence and determine that some spirits are superior to
others, because those spirits that are now reincarnated in
animals by logic have lower knowledge than those that are
reincarnated in people. In the same way, those spirits that have
been reincarnating as people for many centuries have a higher
spiritual intelligence than those who have just started in human
In the karma of the present we all have the responsibility that
evil does not spread, so we must bear in mind that the severity
of a punishment must be proportional to the evil that we want to
combat, because evil, when it is acute, only disappears when the
punishment is also, and those who identify with evil, consider a
reward or an act of weakness that a serious crime is applied a
light punishment, because when a criminal identifies with evil,
then it is only possible expel evil from your soul when the
punishment is proportional to the damage caused. If we want a
peaceful society, then evil must be eradicated from the roots,
therefore, the best favor we can do to those who deviate is to
show them that every act of tyranny deserves punishment in
proportion to the damage caused.
We must not confuse that being good is not the same as being a
fool, a good person is the one who avoids treating scoundrels
cruelly and only uses the severity that corresponds to reverse the
damage caused, the fool instead gives the scoundrel advantages
that they do not deserve believing that this is to be good. For this
reason, self-defense must be one of the essential means to do
justice in any organized society.
Forgiveness is also useful, but it should be only for those who
show their repentance and not for those who claim to be sorry,
because prisons are full of criminals who claim to be sorry only
as a method to deceive the law and get out of jail. Forgiveness
should never act in contradiction with the right of society to
demand justice, therefore, the law must ensure above all, that
those who commit crimes pay the consequences, because if it
were not so, the population would think that the Crime
compensates and instead of decreasing it would increase. In
other words, once the damage is already caused, there are only
two ways to reverse the punishment, one is for the offender to
be able to compensate his victims in an equivalent way for the
damage caused, and another can be a sincere repentance, but in
In this case, the law must have the absolute and unequivocal
certainty that this repentance is real and will not repeat itself
again, because otherwise, society would end up thinking that
there is no justice, then the clemency measure would have the
opposite effect wanted.
The difference between a psychopath and a normal person is
that a psychopath acts as if people are not people but objects, it
is as if he believes that he is the only being that exists in the
universe, this attitude is the consequence of not having been
punished or having been punished in a deficient way for the acts
he did against the freedom of others during his childhood and
adolescence. Other times evil is generated when a father
consents to all the whims of his son, when he reaches adulthood
he assumes that everything he wants has to be given to him and
when that does not happen, then he can explode with fury
becoming willing to commit a crime to get it. This can happen
when parents act negligently when educating their child, but also
when the child has a much more dominant character than they
do, that means that if they do not educate him as a child, then it
will be impossible to do so. The fact of spending a long time
seeing how their acts of evil are not punished, is what makes
them assume that people are not people but objects, the reason
for thinking like this is, simply, because objects do not defend
themselves. Actually a tyrant knows very well that a person is
not an object, but when his victim is not able to avoid the attack,
then he acts as if she is not a human being.
The problem is that if since childhood the parents have not only
not punished him, but have also defended him from those he
attacked, then he ends up assuming that people, being unable to
defend themselves, are not people, but only objects without
rights that can be controlled by his will. Parents are as much to
blame for this behavior as their children, although to these
factors it must be added that genes, when defective, can also
favor this type of behavior, but genes alone cannot turn a man
into a scoundrel, they just make it easier. A genetic defect can
make a person more aggressive than normal, but for someone to
become a scoundrel, a physical defect is not enough, a process of
moral degeneration is also necessary.
When a psychopath is not arrested, he usually turns his criminal
activity into a habit, because as he does not recognize people's
rights, he considers that his criminal behavior is the same as
going to hunt partridges. For this reason, the ideal would be for
the consumption of meat and the habit of hunting to disappear
completely from society, thus creating the maximum distance
between the human being and the shedding of blood. It is true
that he who hunts out of necessity to eat is not the same as the
criminal behavior of a psychopath who does so out of contempt
for his fellow men, but it is also true that there is not much
difference between killing animals for fun and killing another
similar. For this reason, the further society moves away from the
shedding of blood, the lower the possibility of committing a
crime, both due to losing the habit of killing and not having
access to weapons.
The way genes tend to work is by making psychopaths more
dominant than normal, perhaps due to an excess of hormones
such as testosterone, but when that is coupled with gifted
parents of little value, then the perfect conditions are created for
that the psychopath or the abuser appears, because then a
slightly dominant father meets a very dominant son. In reality,
testosterone can have both positive and negative aspects,
because it can increase our courage and the willingness to fight
and claim our rights, but when that coincides with a vain
personality, if it is not stopped it can lead to an overly dominant
attitude or despotic. Fortunately, most people with this type of
personality never commit a crime, because when that happens it
is because all the mechanisms that could have prevented it have
failed. When a person with these character imbalances commits
a crime, in most cases it is not premeditated, what happens is
that when their dominant personality is combined with a
problem that stands in their way, they choose to resort to
violence. Having a vain and domineering character, if he is not
discovered soon, he may come to believe that this is due to his
intelligence, then he may end up becoming a serial killer by
getting used to that behavior and making it habitual. The truth is
that the resources of the police are not unlimited, therefore, not
whenever a crime occurs it ends in the arrest of the person
responsible, but that is not the consequence of the ability that
the offender may necessarily have, but of the sum of many
factors. It is true that an intelligent criminal is more difficult to be
arrested than one who is not, but that does not guarantee that
he will not be discovered, especially when the criminal behavior
is repeated. For this reason, if a father loves his son, he must give
him affection, but he must also refuse to protect him when he
hurts others, thus preventing evil from growing inside him and
ending up in jail. It is not a better father who gives money to his
son so that he can leave and not bother him, and when he does
something wrong he simply looks the other way so that the son
values him more, but rather the father who does not hesitate to
punish him is better his son to prevent him from becoming a
scoundrel, because only in this way will he be able to make a
man of profit out of him.
Some might ask, can an abused child also become a
psychopath? In my opinion, the fact that a child is abused does
not necessarily make him a psychopath, because for that he
needs to be evil. An abused child can generate depression, can
also become a drug addict or even want to take revenge on
those who abuse him, but the simple fact of being abused does
not make him evil, much less a psychopath. It is true that in this
there may be exceptions as in everything, but in most cases
criminal behavior is a consequence of the parents' lack of
interest in educating their child and not the consequence of
abuse. Sometimes both circumstances occur at the same time,
that is, the child is partially abused or does not receive affection,
and eventually ends up turned into a hooligan, but in this case, it
is more important in the development of his degenerate
behavior the abandonment that he has received, rather than the
abuse, because in these cases it is often common that when the
child becomes corrupted and identifies with evil, then he tries to
justify saying that his father is also a scoundrel, but evil, in This
case was not caused by the parents but by their own process of
degeneration, although the passivity of the parents has favored
it. That is to say that sometimes a child becomes a scoundrel
because he adopts the behavior of his parents as a model, but in
this case he does not become a scoundrel because his parents
necessarily mistreat him, but because he prefers to behave like
Psychopaths always try to fool judges when they say they have
been mistreated. It cannot be denied that in some cases it is
true, but in most cases they use lies as a means to reduce their
sentences. Because what credibility can a person have who has
spent his life pretending to be decent, when in reality he was just
a criminal? It is evident that when they say that, it is to continue
manipulating and deceiving people just as they did when they
appeared to be normal. But even if it were true that they have
been mistreated, it would not be a valid excuse to act like that,
because in the world there are many people from whom to take
a good example, instead of following the wrong one. 
The fact that in a later life things happen to us as a consequence
of what we have done in this life, is not the consequence of
someone dedicated to pointing out the actions of each person,
because for example in immediate karma, the reaction of
Punishment is produced by those who have been harmed in the
present through recourse to legitimate defense. In the
hypothetical case that a degenerate spirit manages to
reincarnate again without having renounced his previous
personality, then there would be no one dedicated to recording
that situation, because by not having renounced his previous
conduct, the record of his moral conduct would be kept by
himself inside by continuing to preserve his degenerate
personality in the new life. This means that by continuing to
identify with evil, he could unleash new retaliatory actions in the
new life until he definitively renounces that attitude. In this case,
it could also be considered a form of immediate or present
karma, because like the previous cases, the sanctioning
mechanism would be self-defense developed by the rest of the
citizens. Once that behavior had been corrected, it could no
longer trigger new actions against it, but that would not prevent
cyclical karma from forcing you to live the lives of those you may
have harmed in the future.
In the karma of the future or cyclical, there is no one dedicated
to pointing out the actions that each one of us do, that would be
too simplistic, in this case, it is the cyclical nature of the cosmos
itself that determines, that inescapably, all beings will live all the
lives of others, because in reality, we all arose from the same
being. This being needs to be divided into many others to make
the universe richer and more varied. It is as if the universe were
a person, and each day of that person's life was actually a
different being, that is to say that the sum of all lives is actually
the life of that universal being. Today we live our lives, but
tomorrow we will live the lives of others, which are also our own
lives in the past and in the future, because we have lived those
lives before and we will also live them again later, because in the
universe until time repeats itself. The fact that the first particle
that is also the first being was divided, gave rise to the existence
of many different beings, but, in reality, we are all the same
being, but, by separating into many beings, it was determined
that we can only live all lives at different times. This means that
we can only be one and at the same moment of time, when we
meet again in the original particle, before dividing again to give
rise to a new universe. The universe is like a play, but in each
performance, the roles are exchanged and each time each actor
completes all the roles, it begins again with the first, but with the
difference that in the present all beings are different, but deep
down it is as if we were all the same, because we all come from
the same particle and we will all meet again one day in it. It is as
if all the actors after interpreting all the works were reunited in a
single being and then they were divided again to start over. In
reality, we are all united by the wheel of time that works through
matter and determines that everything comes together again so
that it can regenerate before the universe repeats itself.
If we pose this according to the cross of dimensions, then in the
horizontal and red dimension we are all different beings, because
the original being separated into many beings that were
scattered throughout space when the wheel of time began. But if
we pose this according to the vertical and blue plane, then it is as
if we are all the same being, because when the wheel of time
ends all beings will come together to form a single being in the
original cosmic egg before creating a new universe. The
horizontal line in this case represents space and matter, where
all beings are physically separated and have different lives. The
vertical line also represents the spirit and time, in this plane it is
as if all beings were the same, because the wheel of time will
unite us again before forming another universe.
I don't know for sure which of the two forms of karma the
founder of Hinduism believed in or if he believed in both, but in
any case, both act interconnected. Each of these forms of action
and reaction correspond to two different dimensions, the
immediate one belongs to the horizontal, red, masculine and of
the present, and the cyclical, to the vertical, blue, feminine and
future dimensions. The main difference between immediate and
cyclical karma is that in immediate karma, not all cases in which
someone causes harm to others are discovered and the culprit is
punished for it, this is because he acts in the horizontal
dimension, round and warm, in which confusion and error are
normal. This also explains why crimes exist, because if all crimes
were discovered and the perpetrators punished, then the
criminals would find no incentive to act against the rights of
others. It must also be said that tyranny never compensates,
because it is the consequence of having an unreal vision of the
world derived from a moral imbalance, due to that imbalance,
the tyrant mistakenly believes that whatever he does, his crimes
will never be discovered which is a mistake. A normal person
does not consider crossing that line, because when the mind or
the spirit are balanced, one can be happy without excessive
difficulties, therefore, a decent person does not feel interested in
entering crime or delinquency.
In the karma of the present, not all acts of injustice or crimes are
punished, because those who wield power get some
assumptions out of the acts of reaction or punishment when
they make them legal. Illegal crimes also go unpunished in those
cases in which they are not discovered. However, in cyclical or
future karma, there is always the inescapable punishment of
everything we have done in the present life, because it acts in
the vertical, cold, rigid and straight dimension, and one of its
characteristics is that all beings are destined to live all the lives of
others, because deep down, although we are now different
beings, when the current cosmic cycle ends, we will all meet
again as one being, and that means, that in future Cosmic cycles,
when this single being divides again to form other beings, we will
have to live the lives of other beings until we live them all and
then we will suffer the consequences of what we have caused in
the present.
It could be said that in the universe there are two forms of
energy, one is the one that the universe has and goes from more
to less and another is that of the spirits that is constant because
it occurs inside it. In the case of the universe's energy, this is lost
when it leaves the stars into outer space, but if we consider the
universe as a living being then we must bear in mind that this
energy only passes from one point (A) to another ( B) within the
same universe and therefore within the same being, but without
getting lost in absolute terms that is to say that it is similar to
how it happens with individual spirits. This is so, because in
reality the universe is a giant spirit that is why its energy enters
and leaves the small spirits, but does not leave itself. For small
spirits the energy of the universe is external and is exhausted
because it enters and leaves them. On the other hand, for the
universe the energy of the stars is its own energy and it never
leaves it for that reason, it is internal and inexhaustible. Energy is
not actually created or destroyed, it is only transformed because
in its essence it is life and life is eternal. This means that the
processes of energy change are only movement and
transformation but not a loss if considered in absolute terms. An
individual spirit never loses its own energy but in reality the
universal being neither because although it is true that the stars
lose their energy, it is only lost from the star but not from the
universe and at the end of the cosmic cycle it will return to its
starting point describing a gigantic circle, this means that there is
no loss of energy in absolute terms. In reality, all light travels in a
circle, what we call laser light also travels in circles, what
happens is that they are circles so large that we cannot easily
detect it but all the energy in the universe is destined to return
and meet back to its point of origin. The spirits in addition to
their inexhaustible internal energy also use radiant external
energy that actually belongs to the universal being.
This energy is necessary because each spirit is made up of two
layers of matter, one would be the soul that is located in its inner
part and represents the matter of being, and another is the spirit
that covers it, which is not part of the soul but of the being
universal. The matter of the soul belongs to a single being,
because it is made up of particles that are directly linked, instead
the particles of the spirit that cover the soul is made up of some
atoms borrowed from cosmic matter and they are only directly
connected to each other and with the rest of the cosmic matter
but not with the soul because they are different beings. That is to
say that the matter of the spirit is not connected with the soul
directly but indirectly, because being matter taken from the
universe, it uses the physical rules of the universe and not those
of the soul, therefore, it needs the energy of the stars as a
mediator to be able to function. The matter taken from the earth
to form the spirit allows the soul to free itself from some minor
functions in addition to serving to create the so-called ghostly
body that is an imitation of the human and is used to make the
soul easier and less traumatic for the spirit step between two
In reality, a spirit works like a small star, because the energy it
uses is extracted from the environment and it is necessary to
recharge it as if it were a battery, which is why it is often said
that in haunted houses the temperature tends to drop. This is
because the denser the spirit becomes, the more energy it needs
to function and this energy is extracted from the environment
around it. Some spirits, after death, refuse to continue on their
way to the spiritual world, for this reason, they choose to try to
increase the size of their ghostly body by increasing the number
of atoms that form it, in this way they pretend to have another
human body even if this is not true and consequently they need
to extract that energy from the outside environment to make it
work. They do not understand that after one life comes another,
and that in order to have a human body again, they must first
ascend to the spiritual world where after a recycling process they
will be able to have a new human body through reincarnation. In
other words, in order to return, they must first leave and
complete the ascension stage to the spiritual world before being
prepared for a new reincarnation. For this reason, trying to go
backwards is an act of clumsiness and ignorance that only causes
harm to them and to the people it bothers by not wanting to
leave the human world.
There are also places that, due to their special characteristics,
can favor paranormal activity. It is possible that the existence of
underground rivers or the presence of some minerals favor these
events because the rivers can act as channels for the
electrostatic energy of the storms, then, the spirits, could use
that energy to carry out the activities they consider
necessary. . Energy in absolute terms is never lost in the
universe, it passes from the stars to space but only to return
again to its starting point after many billions of years, but, if we
consider that the universe is the same being, then all these
processes occur within him, in the same way the internal energy
of the spirits is also inexhaustible because it is the expression and
proof of his own eternal life. The universe is, therefore, a large
circle filled with many other small circles, each of these circles is
an independent being that has eternal and inexhaustible energy
that rotates within it, but with the difference that the energy of
the large circle enters and it comes out through the small circles
through their polar zones and that is why, for them, that energy
is perishable and has to be recharged, although in absolute terms
the energy is neither created nor destroyed but only

What is it that differentiates an animal from a man? The life of

an animal is summarized to be born, grow, reproduce and die, it
is capable of feeling or making decisions but it never asks why
the world around it. In the same way, few contemporary men
wonder why the sun shines, why there is night and day, why we
breathe or what is the reason for life. Children do tend to ask
these questions, but when they reach adulthood many of them
lose interest in understanding the essential truth that moves the
world because their souls become crude when they assume as
their own the prejudices they absorb from the
environment. Human beings have had a brain that allows them
to think for many thousands of years, but in most cases they only
use it to solve work problems because for them the word
meditation has little meaning. But if this world is full of "men"
how is it possible that many of them reach old age without ever
wondering why the world is as we know it? 
In nature there are two forms of movement, one is physical and
the other is mental, with physical we can move with the body
and with mental we can travel the world from a scientific and
intellectual point of view. This form of displacement is very
useful because it enriches us on the inside and makes us
stronger. But contemporary man is largely an animal, who
actually believes he is a man, but in many respects he is still an
animal, because he is only concerned with obtaining stimuli
based on the physical or bodily senses that do not require any
effort but ignores the immense happiness that the spiritual
dimension can bring when achieved through meditation. They do
not understand that it was the meditation of some men and their
dreams that made contemporary civilization possible. A human
animal is lazy and does not want to investigate, that is why it
easily indulges in the ideas offered by politicians or religious men
and thus condemns itself to be their puppet. They know this very
well and therefore they deceive you by stimulating your greed,
your fear or your indignation, so that you act rashly and submit
without thinking.
In contrast, a true man seeks the truth and does not limit himself
to accepting the version of the truth that others offer him. Nor
does she try to impress others by wearing jewelry, or insult her
body by piercing her ears or tattoos on the skin, or mutilate her
children by cutting off part of their sexual organs. A true man
makes himself through inner enrichment, and improves his spirit
until he awakens the third intellectual eye that develops
intuition, and then uses that intuition to improve every day of his
life. A true man discovers demons easily, that is, scoundrels who
pretend to be very decent even though they are disguised in a
suit and tie, they cannot deceive him, because not only can he
see his body, he can also see his soul. A true man does not judge
by appearances or pretty words but by deeds. This is possible,
because he does not act motivated by passionate impulses but
with reason in front of him and does not submit to the ideas of
others but doubts everything because his objective is justice and
And I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a book,
written inside and outside and sealed with seven seals. And I saw
a powerful angel who with a great voice proclaimed: Who is
worthy to open the book and untie its seals? And no one in
heaven or on earth or below it could open the book or even fix
their eyes on it. And I cried a lot because no one was worthy to
open the book or fix their eyes on it. Then one of the elders said
to me: Don't cry. Look: the lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of
David has triumphed and will be able to open the seven
seals. And I saw that in the midst before the throne and the four
living creatures and the elders stood a Lamb like a slain, having
seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God
on mission throughout the earth. Who came and took the book
from the right hand of Him who sat on the throne. (Revelation 5)
Only the lamb, the lion of the tribe of Judah can open the seven
seals, because only he who is pure and just and has made an
effort to defend the truth can discover the impostors who
appear to be very decent when they are only bandits in disguise.
A true man needs to know what is the reason why the stars exist
or what is the reason for life, to find himself in peace, because
understanding is to exist and whoever does not seek the truth
lives in a mirage. Whoever follows this path manages to be in
tune with the universal laws that represent God and then
understands that he is also part of God. From that moment on,
he becomes aware of the world around him and assumes his
ability to change it. Animals do not ask themselves these
questions because they do not have the intelligence to ask them,
but on the other hand, many men have the brain capacity to
clarify those doubts and yet they do not do it, they are not able
to understand that only when these questions are asked they
stop being animals with human form and become superior
beings and true men. 
It could be said that in nature there are two types of knowledge,
some are those of the horizontal dimension that are
characterized by including all the knowledge that we need to
reproduce or work, and then there would be those of the vertical
dimension that represent those superior knowledge that they
make us part of the universe and teach us the deep reason for
things. When we seek that higher knowledge through
meditation, we become part of God, or rather we find the part of
God that we all carry within. Then we understand that there is no
greater satisfaction than understanding these transcendental
truths and applying them to our lives to be happy. In fact, both
dimensions are equally important, because the knowledge of the
horizontal dimension represents the positive or masculine pole
of life and the knowledge of the vertical dimension represents
the negative or feminine pole.
We must not confuse the negative pole with the evil one,
because both universal poles are equally benign. This means that
evil only represents a wrong behavior that occurs exceptionally,
however, it can be related to the feminine pole or the spiritual
dimension because moral degeneration is a wrong deviation
from spiritual behavior. The universe has dimensions that can
rotate, therefore, the horizontal dimension is sometimes shown
as male and red, and other times as female and blue, and the
vertical dimension is the same. In this way matter is black and
feminine, but the materialism that is derived from matter is red
and masculine. Therefore, the color black and blue can represent
the negative pole and the female sex at the same time. But it
must be taken into account that both black and red are generally
benign and only in certain situations can they represent evil.
The color red represents the positive or masculine pole, but
when it overflows from the place it must occupy to encompass
the area of the color blue or the spiritual world, then materialism
is generated, which is another way of representing evil. In this
case, matter that is feminine just like the color blue becomes
materialism that is masculine. This explains why throughout
history the color red and blue have been interchanged to
represent the sexes, because in the past the color blue was used
to represent women and red to represent men. This color was
used in their uniforms by Roman soldiers or the British
army. Later, blue was used in men's uniforms and red turned into
pink to represent women. It is true that as a general rule the
color red represents the male sex and the positive pole, and the
blue color represents the negative pole and the female sex, but
depending on the circumstances the two colors can represent
both sexes or both universal poles. The horizontal dimension
represents the color red, matter, the present and space, and the
vertical dimension represents the spirit, universal truths, time
and the future, therefore, only the center represents time and
space in the same thing. The green color represents life because
it is located in the center of the universal cross where time and
space meet at the same moment and at the same point in space,
therefore, it represents balance. 
Meditation is necessary even as an exception, but it is also logical
that most of our time we dedicate to material life, because if it
weren't for everything that the horizontal dimension represents,
such as reproduction or work, we would not be able to build
cities, and neither would we have the company that our partner
and children provide us. All those occupations actually entertain
us and fill our lives and if we did not have them we would have
to look for them, that is to say that meditation is good and
necessary, but the correct thing is that it only occupies a minority
part of our time. However, if we are not able to understand the
vertical dimension, then we will not be able to extract the
maximum value from each thing, because what meditation does
is help us to discover the deep meaning of things. In other words,
the material dimension creates the foundations on which to
build civilization and the spiritual dimension teaches us to extract
the maximum benefit from everything that surrounds us.
But man, when he is a materialist, only recognizes the horizontal
dimension, which profoundly limits his ability to be happy,
because he does not understand that the only way to be
complete is by giving the same value to the male dimension as to
the female dimension or to matter than to the spirit. The man
who only values the material never becomes happy because
happiness comes from the sensitivity that the spiritual world
gives, but whoever is a materialist is as if his soul were made of
stone and he is not capable of feeling anything no matter how
much money he has, Therefore, despotic people desperately try
to get more money because they do not understand that their
problem is not a lack of material goods but a lack of spiritual
goods. They do not understand that their problem stems from
their lack of humility and dignity. In the universe there are two
forms of wealth, one is the material one that money gives and
the other is the spiritual one that provides dignity and only when
we give the same value to both can we be happy.
Those who only value the material part of life never get to know
the true motives of life and the universe and thus condemn
themselves to know only the apparent surface of reality and not
the truth that is hidden within it. The key to happiness consists in
finding the balance between maximum wealth and maximum
poverty, maximum wealth, because progress is never bad if it is
done with dignity, and maximum poverty, because that progress
has to be made without forgetting the importance of the little
things. Those who waste what they have because they have
money, in the end lose much of the potential that they can
extract from life. When I say maximum poverty I do not mean
poverty as it is normally understood, because happiness can only
be achieved when we have all the basic needs covered, I mean
living with humility and rejecting senseless waste, because in
reality, maximum wealth it is only possible when we make the
most of what we have. For example, a person can have a lot of
money and with that money he can buy a lot of food, but a
balanced behavior determines that the amount of food that we
should consume does not depend on whether we can do it but
on our body needing it. A person may like clothes very much, but
if he fills his house with clothes and takes up the place that
should have other necessary things in the end he will feel
unhappy. The teaching of all this is that perfection does not
consist in having a lot of everything, but in giving each thing its
rightful place.
Materialism, (which can also generate machismo), arises when
an excessive value is given to the masculine part of life to the
detriment of the feminine, and contemporary feminism arises,
when it comes to feminine aspects occupying masculine
functions Therefore, both behaviors are wrong, because in
reality each sex is only a reflection of the universal dimensions
that have been created to deal with different but equally
important functions. In reality, materialism can be shown in
many ways even if they seem opposite, because it exists in
capitalism, communism, feminism, nationalism and some forms
of unionism, because, although feminism and communism claim
to favor women, in reality what they want is to turn women into
men, which is equivalent to a materialistic attitude.
Material progress belongs to the red, masculine and salty
dimension and spiritual progress belongs to the sweet, feminine
and blue dimension and only when material progress is made in
line with humility and spiritual values is maximum happiness
achieved. We must not forget that poorly managed wealth can
also promote stress, or in other words, the things that people
have to do to get wealth can also promote exhaustion and lack of
free time, therefore, poverty implies having less money, but it
can also promote free time and peace of mind. The key,
therefore, is to achieve a balance between these two aspects, for
this we must try to achieve wealth but without ever giving up the
value of free time, because what is the use of having money if we
do not have time to spend it.
To be happy it is not necessary to obtain a large amount of
material resources but to have those that are needed to solve
vital needs, the rest is only a secondary addition, it is good to
seek economic progress, but we must do it without losing
common sense. Those who only value the material part of life
end up dominated by vanity, that vanity is like a black rope that
strangles their soul making them suffer, therefore, it is necessary
to remember, that only when we give the spiritual part of life the
place that corresponds to him, we can find the necessary balance
to be happy. Now, we live in the period after the industrial
revolution, but in the future the spiritual revolution has to take
place, when that happens, those aspects that are now associated
with philosophy, such as the life of the spirit or reincarnation,
will be scientifically demonstrated.
One of the examples of contemporary materialism is the word
disability, this word is actually used to hide the disability of a
person in a certain aspect, because whoever suffers from a
physical or mental disability does not have a disability but a
disability. The word "disability" is used to suggest that the person
who suffers from it has a different capacity, when in reality what
one has is a lower capacity or a handicap, whether physically or
mentally. It is true that a person with a physical disability can be
very intelligent and effective through their intellectual work, in
the same way those who have an intellectual disability can be
very effective in physical tasks, but that is no reason to say that
they have a different capacity when what they have is a lower
capacity in a part of their body. This attitude is intended to hide
reality, therefore, it is an act of arrogance designed to deny the
obvious. We live in a competitive world in which everyone
pretends to be first, but we must not forget that in order to
progress, it is necessary to start first by recognizing our own
It is no disgrace to acknowledge our defects, because in the
course of universal life we will sometimes be the first but other
times we will be the last. The problem in Western countries is
that due to the negative effect that feminism has on the birth
rate, fewer and fewer children are having, even there are many
couples who only have one. In this situation, parents try to make
their children the first in everything and spend fortunes to
achieve it, therefore, when they have a child with a disability, in
many cases they refuse to recognize it because they are not able
to accept that the only one son that you are going to bring to this
world may not be perfect. It is true that it is painful to recognize
our shortcomings, but how are we going to progress if we do
not? It is logical that everyone wants to have perfect children,
but that is not always possible.
It is also a mistake to consider a child gifted simply because he
has a great memory, because true intelligence does not consist
in memorizing everything in the same way that a hard disk
records the information that is introduced to it. True intelligence
is based on memorizing, but also on analyzing, classifying and
discarding what is not useful in order to progress. We must bear
in mind that if there are people who have a great memory
capacity, it is because in return their brain has reduced other
capacities, because when things are memorized in a short time
that should take years under normal conditions, then the
opportunity to spend the time you need to form an appropriate
opinion on each issue. In other words, the speed that a person
uses to memorize information is inversely proportional to the
depth and quality of the conclusions that they will be able to
obtain from that information. This means that if adults insist on
getting ahead of children with a lot of memory in their studies, in
the end they will have adults with a lot of knowledge, but with a
very simple personality due to the little time they will have spent
analyzing each question. The one who does what is commanded
faster is not more intelligent, but the one who does what is
convenient for him. Even so, it could be ideal to have a
specialized center for children with a great memory, but the
priority should not be that children memorize the information as
quickly as possible as it is done now, but rather spend the same
time that others dedicate children to study, so that it is possible
to know each topic in depth.
The philosopher, when he discovers his creative capacity, learns
to fly through space and time through meditation. Through his
intuition he can move away from terrestrial matter and visit the
stars, that is to say that when he rejects human prejudices and
has the courage to seek the truth for himself, he can enter
worlds unknown to those who do not take the time to wonder
why things happen, because prejudices are like chains that bind
them to the ground and prevent them from seeking the
truth. But we must not get confused, because prejudices are not
the things that tell us that they are prejudices, but the attitude of
judging without analyzing things carefully. But most people call
what they are told they are prejudiced, and with that attitude
they commit a prejudice, because out of sheer laziness they
refuse to meditate and assume the beliefs that the masses or
their political party consider to be true.
Whoever allows himself to be carried away by ignorance or
prejudice is as if he were asleep, because he gives more value to
imagination and what others tell him than to the objective truth
in front of him, because the truth only requires our effort to find
it, only it requires us to open our eyes in order to see it. But
those who are lazy and prefer to believe in what they are told
without analyzing things in detail, it is as if they were asleep and
do not realize that the less they make an effort to understand
reality, the more opportunities they give to the scammers who
try to handle them.
Advocating for total justice is excellent for those trying to delve
into spiritual matters because justice and philosophy belong to
the same crystalline, blue dimension. When a philosopher
defends total justice, his mind is freed from all responsibility
because his conduct is flawless, this allows him to rise to the
spiritual world knowing that no position of conscience is going to
drag him down to earth, that is, he will have the tranquility
necessary to be able to concentrate because nobody will have
arguments to be able to demand responsibility for their actions. I
do not know if this attitude is so useful when it comes to living a
more material life, that is, a normal life with work, wife and
children, but it is evident that defending justice is always the best
choice, whether it is complete or with exceptions. This attitude is
also ideal for discovering demons, that is, those people who have
fallen into evil, because only those who are just can easily
discover those who are not, no matter how hard they try to hide
it. This is possible, because the personality of a righteous person
makes a clear contrast with that of those who are not, therefore,
it is easier to detect them. The philosophy of justice, is like a
compass or a talisman, which protects and guides the way until a
man becomes a superior being, it is a reason for being in life and
a fundamental religious principle. A person who has justice as
the cause of his actions will never feel alone because she is the
light that guides his path. Justice must be the axis on which the
rest of the philosophical principles are based in every evolved
society, because when we take it as a fundamental principle we
direct our mind towards obtaining happiness through the fruits
of science and not through violence, this guarantees a life in
harmony not only for each person but also for the whole society.
In reality, it is work and science that should bring happiness to
man and not violence, therefore, in the future all trades will be
designed so that people are happy in them, because in reality,
the human body is a machine made to work but with the
objective that this work is to make the spirit that houses inside it
happy. In the future, business productivity will take a back seat
and quality of life will be paramount. When a person or a
company considers work not only as a source of merchandise but
also as a source of entertainment, it understands that in this way
people acquire material gains but also the entertainment that
each person needs. If we stop seeing work as an obligation and
understand it as a source of entertainment, then we understand
that we not only need it for the material resources but also for
the stimulus it provides us. Because each machine or each tool is
at the same time a productive instrument and a means to be
happy and if we lacked that occupation we would get bored
because classic entertainment only serves to distract us from one
working day to another in a secondary way, but when all the
time being unoccupied boredom and obesity ensue. Work well
carried out should be the axis of our life and the main source of
entertainment, but we must allow the same time to rest as for
free time, therefore, a suitable way of dividing the day is to
divide it into three parts, one to work another for free time and
another to sleep.
This would be valid for those who work outside the home is their
main task, but those who also had to take care of other tasks
such as taking care of the house and children, could further
reduce their working day and do only part-time, or not doing any
work outside the home while the children are young. Work well
carried out not only as a source of merchandise but also as a
source of entertainment can complete the man and make him
happy and more entertaining. To give an example, when an
airplane or a car is built, the work begins with the design made
by the engineer and then he gets excited and dreams about the
model he is going to build, then comes the assembly phase and
the assemblers of the model can enjoy with the handling of the
tools and when seeing that the vehicle is more and more
complete. This is so, because a tool or a machine not only serves
to produce an end or a product, it also provides pleasure and
entertainment. Then comes the use phase in which the owner
who acquires it also enjoys it.
It is true that at work we lose some of our freedom in exchange
for money, but that work also gives us the pleasure of feeling
useful and if work were missing from the beginning to the end
we would feel that we are not complete, because in reality, and
although we do not realize it, it is through work that we can find
the main entertainment that we need during the day. This is only
discovered by those who work less than they would like. In
reality, our body is made to work, but with the aim that that
work makes us happy, but not only with the money we get by
doing it as people usually think, but also through the
entertainment that is obtained by doing that work. The intensity
of the work must be in line with the age, therefore, after the age
of fifty, the ideal would be to reduce this activity by half, this
could be equivalent to about four hours a day, later, as the
physical qualities were lost, work would go from being a
productive activity to being just entertainment but without ever
giving up that the product of work has a practical use insofar as
this is possible.
The perception of the world that the senses offer us is like the
skin of an apple, and we will not be able to know what is hidden
inside if we do not bother to try to find out, to achieve this we
must use the best machine that nature has created that it is our
own brain. The key to this is that although the progress of
science and time create ceaseless changes, the universal laws
that sustain that universe are always the same and constant
regardless of time and place. This is necessary, because if
everything were to change the universe would not have logic,
therefore, it is necessary that there exist constant laws to be able
to do different things, because the things that change in turn are
supported by those immovable laws that never change or that
change very much slowly. The most fundamental universal laws
never change because they are based on the truth, and of
course, the truth will always be the same regardless of how long
it may take. The constant laws would be in the vertical dimension
and the variable things in the horizontal, both in harmony but
both opposite.
This is the circumstance that philosophers use, because when
they are able to understand those eternal laws they can also
understand the foundations of the universe and consequently
they can deduce things from both the past and the future
because truth is independent of time. Once philosophers are
able to close the loop of knowledge by understanding
fundamental laws, from there they can leap forward and draw
on that knowledge to better delve into the details of the
universe. Then they go to another level and begin the study of a
new circle of knowledge but on a higher and more precise scale,
getting closer and closer to the axis of successive circles of
knowledge where absolute knowledge of things is
found. However, this absolute axis is impossible to achieve since
for this it would be necessary to gather all the knowledge and it
is evident that a single person cannot do it. A single person can
have a partial but profound knowledge of a part of the world and
all people together can gather a much greater knowledge, what
a philosopher can do is to have a global knowledge of the
universe although generic specializing in the universal laws of the
vertical dimension.
This is important for the progress of humanity, considering that
most people only dedicate themselves to learning the knowledge
of the horizontal dimension that is the one that deals with
normal professions. In other words, a philosopher can acquire
knowledge of all levels of wisdom, but having specialized in the
sum of everything and not a part, he could get to know a lot
about the whole, but that would also imply the inability to have a
precise knowledge of the smallest details. For that reason, it is a
mistake to turn philosophers into divine myths, because they can
have much to contribute to humanity, through their effort to
understand universal laws and the spiritual world, but it must be
understood that the progress of humanity it is the consequence
of the effort of all and not only of some. This is how religions
begin to exist, at first they are composed only by ideas partially
close to the truth together with a lot of imagination, this
happens because those who are ignorant try to compensate for
their lack of knowledge with their own fantasy, but as society
evolves the part of imagination is in gradual decline being
replaced by scientific knowledge. Therefore, when the world
completes its evolutionary process, the differences of opinion
between science and religion will no longer make sense because
the truth will dispel all doubts, then there will only be one
religion that will unite science and philosophy in one thing.
When a higher spirit comes into contact with a lower spirit, an
imbalance of potentials occurs, because each one is in tune with
a different level of evolution, this makes it impossible for an
understanding to exist, when that happens, the logical thing is
that the spirit Try to teach the lower one so that you can level
your knowledge potential with him, once they manage to match
their knowledge it becomes possible for them to work
together. However, when the higher spirit fails to make the
lower one understand its teachings then it feels invaded by
loneliness, because being surrounded by people who do not
understand it is like being alone. This explains why Jesus did not
hesitate to risk his life to share his teachings, because it is better
to risk dying doing what one likes than to live indefinitely
bitter. An advanced philosopher can always resort to meditation
to compensate for the void left by being surrounded by beings
who have not yet reached his level, but if he has the opportunity
to teach his knowledge, the risk of doing so will not stop his will
to share them as long as it is not disproportionate. For this
reason, advanced philosophers are inclined to keep separate
from society, because only through meditation they manage to
bridge the distances that separate them from those worlds that
have the same level of evolution.
The bad thing is not being ignorant, the bad thing is when the
ignorant says that he is wise. One day I asked a fool, when we
look at the stars do we see them as they are now or as they were
before? The fool replied that we see them as they are now. So I
told him that he was wrong, because the image we see is the one
the stars had when they emitted light and not the one we see
when that light reaches us. Because if a star is located a hundred
light years away that means that its light will take a hundred
years to reach Earth. And if the star exploded fifty years ago we
will still see it for another fifty years until the light it emitted at
the moment of the explosion reaches us. When I told him the
answer, the fool smiled and told me what a fool you are for
believing something so strange! and he called other fools to
agree with him and indeed they did. The moral of this is that it
does not matter if you are right or not, because when you are
surrounded by ignorant people who are also vain, then it will not
matter too much what the truth is, because the fool will not
believe whoever tells the truth but to whom he tells what he
wants to hear. It does not bother me that a fool takes away my
reason, what would surprise me is if he gave it to me, because in
a world in which to be accepted it is necessary to defend
politically correct truths and prejudices assumed as truths by the
masses, So it seems normal to me that many people do not
understand these teachings.
During the first part of the cosmic and life cycle on Earth there
has been a predominance of the masculine, red and material
part of nature that has prompted man to give an excessive value
to everything immediate or material over the future or spiritual ,
but in the second part of the cycle as the universe cools down
there will be a predominance of the crystalline, feminine and
spiritual part, because the chaos and uncontrolled energy that
have been common at the beginning of the universe will be
replaced by order and civilization. This is what has happened
with the material universe, but as regards man, the ideal is to
achieve the balance of both potential aspects so that life is
correctly balanced. In other words, the energy of the cosmos
flows the same way as in a battery from the male pole (A) in the
stars, to the female pole (B) in the planets, and from higher to
lower energy in a progressive cooling process, but in As regards
the beings that use this energy, the correct thing is that they
always keep these potentials in balance so that they can
correctly assess their metaphysical meaning. This is similar to
how power plants work, because regardless of the fuel they may
have, they always have to send energy to the homes with the
same electrical power so that the devices work properly, because
the amount of fuel that is stored can vary. at the power source
but the final power must be kept at the same level. This is so,
because the universal energy exchange process acts in the red
and horizontal plane, and instead the beings that use this energy
act in the blue or vertical plane, one goes from more to less and
another keeps constant all the time the same potential. That is to
say that the sources of energy that are the stars use an opposite
approach with respect to the beings that use that energy, they
are opposite approaches but nevertheless they are logical.
It could be said that the time a person has to truly know the
universe that surrounds him is determined by various aspects in
a magnitude from higher to lower and that could be represented
as if it were a pyramid, in this pyramid they are first found in
their Based on the purely material aspects that force us to
dedicate time to work or to look for food for the mere
subsistence of our body, secondly is the need to have children
that is necessary to be able to preserve the species. Then there is
the free time that we can dedicate to sleep or to classic
entertainments such as traveling, playing or reading, or also the
pleasures that the physical senses offer us, and finally, at the top,
is the smallest part of the pyramid which represents the time we
can dedicate to discovering who we are and why we exist, that
upper part may be the smallest but not for that reason it is less
important, because all the previous material parts only have the
mission of serving the upper part, that is, to the part of our
human consciousness, because only when we become aware of
who we are do we discover our place in the universe, only when
we are aware that within us there is a spirit endowed with
eternal life do we become aware that we can really participate in
the design and construction of the cosmos.
Inside our body is actually the spirit that is the depository of our
eternal soul, in the spiritual dimension it is not necessary to eat
or sleep because the spirit is not subject to death like the body
and therefore does not have the need to search for food or have
children. That means that in this dimension what matters are the
ultimate values that are the true cause of existence. This is the
reason why we should not be content with summarizing life to
the material aspects and we must seek through meditation that
higher and spiritual consciousness by which everything
exists. Life in matter is also necessary, because the spirit needs to
reincarnate in it in order to be complete and happy, but that is
not a reason to ignore the spirit that we carry within and the
values it represents. Nor should we forget that the time we
spend working or caring for children can provide us with very
rewarding entertainment if we organize it
properly. Unfortunately, the human being values better what he
does not have than what he has, but the truth is that all those
things that occupy us during the day actually also help us to be
entertained and feel encouraged that is why they are
necessary. It must be borne in mind that life is also based on
that, because it is the emotion of continuous change that
entertains and stimulates us, but we must not allow exclusively
material aspects to occupy all of our time, because the mission of
material tasks It is to serve as a support to the spiritual aspects,
therefore, we must save some of our time to observe the world
and try to understand how it really is.
Unfortunately, naive people believe that the appearance of
reality is the same as reality and that a circumstantial proof is the
same as a proof, or that if a celebrity says that something is good
it means that it is, so they easily believe scammers. They do not
understand that evil is always more comfortable where people
think that good is, and that all beliefs or scientific statements,
even if they are opposed, can have arguments in their favor,
because sometimes the key to a choice is not there in which one
option is completely wrong and the other completely adequate,
most of the time it is a question of deciding which option is the
best, that is, which option has the most advantages and the least
disadvantages. It must be understood that there are always
people interested in obtaining circumstantial evidence or alleged
evidence to deceive the unwary, that is, they seek evidence to
prove lies.
It must be borne in mind that in the universe there are infinite
options for everything and each path can have some advantages
but also other disadvantages, therefore, you can always find
reasons to support an idea even if, in absolute terms, the
conclusion is wrong that you want to extract from it. This means
that the key to knowing that one path is correct is to show that it
has more advantages than disadvantages, but without this
meaning that the other path does not also have positive
elements that are not on the right path. In other words, in the
end the final choice will depend on the percentage of advantages
or disadvantages that each option has. This shows us that the
fact that someone teaches us reasonable evidence or arguments
to support a claim does not mean that the overall conclusion is
correct, because for that we have to take into account all the
aspects that intervene in each question and not only the that he
presents to us. In other words, each path may have certain
proofs in its favor, but when it comes to drawing a conclusion
about something that has multiple aspects, the decision has to
fall on the side that has the most advantages. That is why it is so
important to learn to differentiate between proof and belief,
because a proof of something is not the same as a proof of
everything, and there are many who use partial proofs to defend
questions that go far beyond what is demonstrated with those
We see this continuously in the news spaces, because each voter
always believes the information that comes from their party and
despises the information that comes from the opposite, that is
why there are television channels and newspapers dedicated to
lying to support a specific political party. During electoral
campaigns, film actors tend to publicly support the left because
once these parties gain power, they usually pay them the favor
with large public investments for the production of mediocre
films that no one sees later. This is undoubtedly an act of
corruption, but raised legally. Right-wing parties tend to favor
companies more than workers, although it is difficult to
distinguish when that support only favors the company and not
the worker. This shows that the division of society between left
and right is only a mirage created by politicians to distribute
power alternately because the truth is neither right nor left but
neutral. In current politics the universal dimensions are
reproduced as in so many other things, because the right
represents the horizontal, red and masculine dimension, and the
left represents the vertical, blue and feminine dimension. In
reality, both ideologies are equally necessary because one
defends mainly the masculine aspects of life and the other the
feminine ones, but since it is impossible for society to prosper
without cooperation between the two forces, the current
division of society into parties is completely unrealistic and only
causes social tension when parties incite citizens to hate their
opponents in order to obtain power. It is necessary for humanity
to progress towards a system that overcomes this artificial
division of the world between right and left to give rise to a
political system in which the key and the last word are not held
by politicians or swindlers on duty but rather each and every one
of the laws is decided by the citizens directly. The truth is that
politicians badly called Democrats want citizens to only be able
to choose which party governs them, but without being able to
choose the laws directly, it is like allowing the dog to choose
which owner is going to be carried by the leash but without any
right to choose the way forward.
It is true that a contemporary democracy is better than a
dictatorship or communism, but it is also just as true that this
system is not a true democracy, because for this it would be
necessary for the monopoly that political parties now have to
end to give rise to a system in which citizens can choose laws
directly. However, the key to making a government effective is
not based only on whether it is a democracy, a monarchy or a
dictatorship, but rather that all layers of society progress and
improve their culture until they come to know the great
universal truths and apply them to your personal life and
government, because there is no better way to avoid
manipulation by tyrants than to possess the knowledge of the
This artificial division of society between left and right recalls the
old division between those who worshiped male gods like Zeus
and those who worshiped female gods like Athena, later with the
arrival of Christianity we could also observe it among those who
idolize the virgin or Jesus. This behavior is the consequence of
not understanding that it is necessary to abandon the creation of
idols to worship and become aware of our own ability to manage
life and vote the laws. In the religious aspect it is necessary to
understand that it does not make sense to create plastic idols as
it happens today, it is correct to value the teachings of the
ancient philosophers, but without turning them into idols. When
people build idols to represent divinity they always make them in
the image and likeness of man, this is undoubtedly an act of
arrogance, because by making them that way they are trying to
worship themselves. In reality God is not a man, he is not even
an individual being, but he is everything that unites the universe
into one single thing.
Nor does it make sense to go to the temples, because the truth
has no borders and exists everywhere, it is our duty to search for
it ourselves without allowing religious organizations to tell us
what it is, since they always do it by distorting the truth in their
favor. Because God does not dwell in churches but in the soul of
the just, he is neither male nor female, nor is he left or right, but
rather is neutral, because it contains the two universal poles
equally within it.
The ambiguity of the truth can also be observed in the different
religions, because it is a serious mistake to think that all truth
belongs to one religion and all lies to others, because religion is
not different from any other branch of knowledge. Since ancient
times, religions have evolved to offer us their different versions
of the universe and surely all have a partial knowledge of that
truth, some will be right in some things and others will be right in
others, for that reason, one day they will all come to be equal
when progress definitively clarifies which beliefs are correct and
which are wrong. When that time comes in the world there will
be only one religion and it is the one that is based on truth.
Because what is the truth or the lie? There are people who think
that the truth is what the majority believe, others believe that
the truth is that belief that lasts a long time, however, there are
beliefs that have been accepted by the majority for a long time
and yet centuries later it has been demonstrated that they were
wrong, as for example when it was believed that the Earth was
flat and the sun revolved around it. But if to the difference
between the truth and the lie that ignorance creates is added the
confusion that power creates or, in other words, the confusion
created by those who lie to achieve power is added in the end, it
is difficult to know what it is that truth. It is as if there were a
relative truth and an absolute truth and it is difficult to know to
which of the two what we believe belongs. Therefore, we must
not become excessively passionate about our beliefs or deny
others the right to believe what they consider appropriate if they
do not harm anyone, because the truths of the present can be
the lies of the future. In reality, in the universe there is no one
who knows everything about everything or has no doubts, not
even beings superior to us who advance us by a million years of
technological advantage. We all have doubts about our own
opinions because in all people and on all planets there is what
could be called a frontier of knowledge. In other words, we all
have a limit of knowledge where what we know ends and what
we have to learn begins, therefore, on that border where the
limits of knowledge are, all beings in the universe have doubts. It
is good to appreciate the teachings that philosophers, scientists,
higher spirits or extraterrestrial beings can bring us, but that is
not a reason to make them idols or equate them with God.

There are two ways of thinking, one is horizontal or masculine

and another is vertical or feminine. The horizontal is the one
used by most people and the vertical is the one used by
philosophers or scientists, the horizontal is characterized by
using a low concentration level and the vertical is characterized
by using a high level. The more introverted a person is, the
greater their ability to concentrate, which favors deep
meditation, this means that the more extroverted a person is,
the lower their ability to delve into the metaphysical details of
the universe, but in return, the greater their abilities social,
because an outgoing personality is stronger and more effective
when it comes to social interaction. When you adopt an attitude
of deep meditation, you acquire a greater capacity for overview,
although, it is evident that a single person cannot know
everything that surrounds him in depth no matter how hard he
tries due to the immenseness of the universe But he can
understand its fundamental characteristics better than
extroverts, because they dedicate their lives more to the physical
part than to the psychic or to the material act than to mental
reflection. Extroverts also need to spend time meditating, but
normally they only use 15% at most for this task, they also tend
to dedicate themselves to only one thing at a time. Instead,
philosophers or scientists can dedicate up to 85% of their time to
make a global analysis of things or as a whole, which allows the
conclusion to be more profound.
This is normal, because it is not possible to dedicate more time
to the productive or physical part of meditation since both tasks
are in contradiction. Physical tasks make mental tasks difficult
because if you are busy doing things with your body you cannot
concentrate on doing deep analysis with your mind, therefore,
the logical thing is that society generally uses most of its time for
physical tasks and only a minority for meditation. However, it is
to compensate for this circumstance that philosophers serve,
because as philosophy is their main dedication, they can avoid
the interference caused by material tasks. In reality, the function
of philosophers or scientists is to try to change the world to
improve it, but if they did not do so, the world would follow its
same course, although it would be more monotonous as there
are no changes, therefore, it is enough that only a small part of
society is dedicated to this function.
This means that the main task of scientists or philosophers is to
promote the progress of society, therefore, each time they
complete a level or wheel of horizontal evolution they can take a
vertical leap to another higher level. The fact that their role is
mainly focused on the vertical dimension implies that they are
more in connection with divine values and the pleasure that
comes from discovering new frontiers of knowledge. The
horizontal dimension, on the other hand, is dedicated above all
to simple things, but also to the sensual pleasures that life offers
us without much effort. The philosophical task, although
important, is more secondary in everyday life than the physical
or majority, this is because the philosophical or research work is
not urgent. However, productive labor is fundamental, because
without it the material world would not function and we would
not obtain the necessary resources to live. That is to say that we
first have to solve the material needs so that it is possible to
dedicate ourselves to meditation and spiritual tasks. If we
describe this by means of an imaginary pyramid, then at the
bottom there would be material needs such as getting food or
taking care of children. These are basic tasks but they are also
essential for humanity to exist, which is why they would occupy
most of the pyramid. Once these tasks are solved, it is possible to
deal with the spiritual or philosophical part of life located at the
top of that pyramid. The body is ultimately a material organism,
although it must also be said that at the beginning it was created
by the spiritual dimension, therefore, it does not make sense to
take into account only one plane and not the other as
materialistic scientists do. Because although it is true that the
philosophical or spiritual part can only occupy a minority
percentage of our time, nevertheless, its absolute value is the
same as the material part, because without the philosophical or
scientific progress, humanity would never have left the caves.
The human body is a machine made especially for physical
experimentation and to obtain pleasure through the senses, we
can see this in the proportions of our body, because the head
only represents a small part of the body, unlike the spirit that It
is, in reality, a sphere of energy that is housed in the brain and is
almost entirely mind, but with little capacity to act on matter,
therefore, it is necessary for the spirit to lodge in the brain
before birth for a man is complete. The spirit can only occupy a
minimal proportional part of the body as in the pyramid scheme
mentioned above, because physical tasks have to occupy most of
our time and mental tasks only a minority. For this reason, most
animal species and man have a small head compared to the rest
of the body. In addition, regardless of the intelligence that man
may have in the future, the proportions between the head and
the body should always be similar to those that exist today so as
not to create a functional contradiction. This explains why the
proportional size between the brain and the head can change a
lot from one animal to another, but nevertheless, the
proportional size between the head and the body is very similar
in all of them.
In this way, the material and spiritual dimensions come together
and acquire their balance. It could then be said that most of the
people live mainly on physical or bodily tasks and only a minority
dedicate themselves to mental or spiritual tasks, therefore, with
the union of both trades, society is completed. When I refer to
people who are dedicated to spiritual functions I do not mean
religious organizations but mainly philosophers, because
religious organizations are companies whose objective is,
generally, to compete with governments for political power, and
they do not hesitate to try to manipulate the human mind to
achieve it. An example of this is the Vatican, which claims to
defend justice and democracy, but is nevertheless the only
dictatorship that exists in Western Europe. This is the last
stronghold of the pontifical states that the Catholic Church
created to fill the West with religious dictatorships. Therefore, in
the future, religious organizations will disappear and
philosophical or religious teachings will only be taught in schools
but free from any manipulation by private companies or
sects. Then there will no longer be a conflict between science
and religion as it exists now, because when the world completes
its technological development, science will be able to
demonstrate a large part of the philosophical truths that exist in
the universe, and from that moment on, philosophers will also
be considered scientists. When that happens, there will no
longer be temples, because God has no home and is everywhere,
then the true temple will be the soul of the righteous and all the
sources of knowledge available to the world.
When we dedicate ourselves to productive tasks, we immerse
ourselves and merge with the machine that is society, because
by spending little time to think we are inclined without realizing
it to assume and accept the ideas generally accepted by the
system, we even do so with an attitude too optimistic about the
world around us. This happens because when we dedicate a lot
of time to physical tasks, the energy and available time we
dedicate for the most part to our body and not to our mind. In
this situation, the mind loses the possibility of being able to
concentrate because the two tasks are, to some extent,
incompatible. In other words, the more time we dedicate to
physical tasks, the less mental concentration we can obtain
because physical tasks are done with the body and without
concentration and instead mental tasks are done with the mind
and with concentration, therefore, work physical reduces the
effectiveness of meditation. Actually, when we engage in
physical tasks we also think or meditate, what changes is the
depth of the meditation. This situation occurs partly due to
fatigue and partly due to having little time to meditate,
therefore, we are inclined to think that everything is fine and we
accept the opinions of the group so that we can concentrate on
our work and feel better.
In those cases in which one works with too much intensity, the
individual mind can be absorbed by group thought, which
consists of assuming as one's own those postulates that are
considered accepted by the group to which each one feels
attracted without making an analysis of those. Postulates in
depth, it is almost as if the person was hypnotized by the mass to
which they want to adhere or as if a part of the brain was asleep
to give that will to the group in order to feel accompanied by
that group. The problem is when the leader of that group is a
scoundrel and establishes as a group position what interests him
but harms others, then the people who give their will to the
group (which is the same as saying to the group leader) in the
end they end up being slaves to their lack of courage to analyze
things in greater detail. This can be an impediment to acquiring
your own personality and can also trigger a depression,
therefore, it is necessary to fight so that the collective does not
completely invade the personal space. There are even sects that
incite their adherents not to speak to family members who do
not belong to the sect. This is an example of extreme mental
It is true that thinking positively and assuming the thinking and
attitude of a group can help us feel integrated into that group,
but if that means giving up our ability for impartial analysis, in
the end it can be an obstacle to understanding reality, especially
when the postulates assumed by the group arise from a tyrant
who acts as a leader, or when they arise from the ignorance of
the group. This means that the key for the mind to find its
balance is to find the middle ground between the individual and
the collective, therefore, our obligation is to demand that
governments and companies offer their workers the free time
necessary to carry out other activities activities or to be able to
make a mature reflection on the world that surrounds us. To
achieve a balance between work and personal life, the ideal
would be to distribute the day into three equal parts, one for
work, another for free time, and another for sleeping, so that
each citizen has enough time to do other things and analyze
everything that has happened to you in the day instead of just
assuming what they are told in the news to be true.
In reality, each person is like a piece of that machine that is the
city, it is true that when leading a normal life it is difficult to find
time to meditate, but it is always good to try to find it, because
meditation allows us to better understand the essence of
everything and live life more intensely. Television or reading can
be two great allies for those who like to meditate and are
somewhat lonely, because they can offer easy entertainment to
a tired mind, that is very useful, because they help unblock a
careful analysis. The brain also needs to change activity in order
to recover, and there is no better way to do this than with those
means that allow you to entertain yourself and meditate at the
same time.

The life dedicated to meditation and concentration that

characterizes philosophers is feminine, and the outgoing and
ordinary life that most people lead is masculine, but complete
happiness can only be obtained when both are
combined. Philosophy belongs to the vertical and cold
dimension, and life based on the emotions provided by the
senses and work belongs to the horizontal and warm dimension,
and only when the human being adequately combines both
dimensions can he achieve balance. The general society would
use more physical life and less mental life, and the philosopher
would use mental life more than physical life, but both need
both dimensions to be happy. Philosophy is mainly energy and
classical life is mainly matter. It is true that in certain situations it
is valid to dedicate oneself to philosophy, especially when
someone is capable of overtaking the rest, but it is a mistake to
think that one can only live from philosophy, because a man can
have all the wisdom in the world but if You only find
entertainment in philosophy, you can feel a certain emptiness
because philosophy, like energy, only produces force and
reaction when combined with matter, that is to say that
philosophy is great and sometimes it is good to dedicate yourself
to it exclusively but in terms general and absolute only when
combined alternately with common life, work, partner and
children is it possible to feel complete. With this, what I am
trying to demonstrate is that the life of a prophet like Jesus is not
as ideal as many imagine, because his situation is, in reality,
exceptional and unstable, and that is why his desire is, in reality,
to live as A normal person. These great prophets may have been
ahead of the rest in the metaphysical understanding of the
universe and thus are in some way intellectually superior to
them, but only when those around them share and understand
these principles can prophets be truly happy.
The truth is that in life it is very difficult to have everything at the
same time, because a person who tries to dedicate himself only
to deep meditation is going to have difficulties to have a woman
or a normal life because meditation pushes towards
isolation. However, to achieve the perfect balance between the
horizontal, material, warm and salty dimension that represents
common or extroverted life, and the vertical, spiritual, cold and
sweet dimension that deep meditation represents, it is necessary
that there be a harmonic relationship between the common life
and the meditative life, because when a philosopher dedicates
himself only to the spiritual life at the same time he loses the
fruits of the material life. This shows that those who believe that
the great philosophers like Jesus or Zoroaster are happy only for
being intellectually superior are wrong, because happiness can
only be achieved when life contains both dimensional aspects,
therefore, the task that they do only has felt exceptionally. It is
true that discovering the great philosophical secrets of the
universe is exciting, but the life of a philosopher can only be
complete when he manages to live surrounded by those who
understand him and have the same evolutionary level.
In reality, what characterizes a normal life is having a job, a wife
and children, however, in this situation it is very difficult to
engage in deep meditation because these tasks take the mind
away from concentration and push it towards an extroverted
life. But that does not have to prevent you from spending time
on both situations and thus obtaining the fruits of both
dimensional planes. To achieve this, it is necessary to live an
extroverted life as a rule to compensate for the requirements of
the material dimension, but it is also necessary to spend some
time in deep meditation as an exception, to compensate for the
requirements of the spiritual dimension. This is how balance can
be achieved in both dimensional aspects. That is to say that the
normal thing is to dedicate most of our time to extroverted tasks
and only a small part to introverted tasks, in the same way, those
philosophers who dedicate all their time to meditation would do
the same but in reverse, because their Homework would
represent an exception to the general rule. However, even in
these cases, his dream is to return with his teachings to deliver
them to society and live with the rest of the people as just
another man. 
The exclusively meditative and introverted attitude of a
spiritually elevated philosopher is not normal, but occurs when
he overtakes the people he lives with in his ability to understand
the world around him. Because the true dream of a philosopher
is not to be at home meditating as he normally does. He always
dreams of traveling to different places or interacting with other
people, this shows that his introverted attitude is not something
normal but exceptional, but not only for him but for all human
beings. Deep down, the dream of an inspired philosopher is to
spend time meditating with the intention of returning to the
world with his discoveries, delivering them to humanity, and
then living with them as a normal man, because the logical thing
is that people live relating to each other in a harmonious
way. This means that the only thing that can explain the
introverted attitude of a philosopher or a prophet is his greater
capacity to understand the world around him. That difference,
pushes him to distance himself from others and through his
imagination try to see in his mind that ideal future world in
which he would like to be, that is, a world full of beings with the
same evolutionary level where he can be one more with
them. . This shows that meditation is not an end in itself, but a
means to discover the future and feel close to that ideal
world. The introverted way of living that a spiritually elevated
philosopher has is, therefore, a problem on a spiritual level,
because in reality, every being with these characteristics
distances himself from others because it is through this
meditation that he manages to imagine and feel united to those
Wonderful worlds that he dreams of, but in reality his true desire
is to live interacting normally with the rest of the people who
have the same level of evolution. So when you find yourself
surrounded by people who don't understand you, your only
chance to feel close to that perfect humanity is through your
own imagination.
A philosopher is as if the pole were a battery charged with
electricity that needs to be connected to the other pole to
eliminate its potential difference, the philosopher would be the
pole that yields energy in the form of knowledge, and society
would be the pole that receives that knowledge. When that
communication occurs, the prophet gives his knowledge to
society and reduces his difference with it and society increases
its knowledge to equal that of the prophet, in this way, everyone
becomes united. It is like the potential difference that is created
between a cloud charged with electricity and the earth ready to
receive that electric charge. The ray, then, represents the
moment in which a prophet communicates with the world and
gives him his potential for knowledge. That is to say that in
reality, the dream of a philosopher or a prophet is to share their
knowledge with society to stop being different and thus be able
to live a normal life with them. The situation of an inspired
philosopher is, therefore, an unstable and energetically charged
situation, therefore, he looks for a way to free himself from that
burden and thus acquire the stability that comes from joining,
and living in peace, with the rest of society.

The key to being mentally free is not to submit to any religious or

political leader, instead listening to their ideas is acceptable, but
we must only follow them to the extent that we believe is
correct, because submitting to them without an impartial trial
would mean loss of our mental freedom. There is also nothing
wrong with listening to the beliefs of the prophets or
philosophers, but we should only accept those that seem
reasonable to us, because it makes no sense to assume that they
are all necessarily true, because in the universe, there is no one
who is not wrong to Sometimes, therefore, the key to perfection
is to seek the truth without preconceived ideas. When we seek
the truth we must look from the inside out, that is, we must use
our own ability to analyze the things that surround us without
submitting to any preconceived idea and without accepting the
infallibility of anyone, be it this religious leader or president of a
great nation. We must avoid with all our might becoming
passionate about the myths of faith, or believing that the whole
truth is held by a certain political party, because when we let
ourselves be carried away by emotion and renounce doubt, we
become the puppets that others wield. There are people or
political parties who are right about some things but wrong
about others, and with religious leaders, prophets or
philosophers it is no different, and no one in the universe, no
matter how superior, is infallible. It is true that there may be
beings superior to us in the universe, but there is no one who
can know everything.
The key to happiness is not based on being poor, but on seeking
wealth without losing humility, that is to say that you have to try
to progress in life but without being carried away by vanity, for
that, it is necessary to take full advantage of everything that we
have avoiding waste, because having a lot does not mean that
we should waste what we have. A person who manages what he
has with common sense, actually wins twice, once for what he
wins at the beginning and twice for what he wins when he is
responsible and does not waste anything. We must avoid
opulence and waste, because in reality a person needs little to
live, therefore, the most reasonable thing is to use that economic
progress to live better, but avoiding doing absurd things such as
buying huge houses to live few people, or throw away the new
clothes. You have to progress but without losing your dignity,
because material wealth does not guarantee
happiness. Happiness is, therefore, the consequence of two
things, on the one hand of economic progress and on the other
of the sensible administration of that progress.
Since the beginning of time, the progress of science has allowed
the quality of life to improve unceasingly, but this progress
should not be an excuse to indulge in waste. We have an
example in how today humans do not hesitate to destroy
uranium atoms to produce energy without taking into account
the serious danger that radioactivity represents for the
environment. It also tries to destroy hydrogen atoms for the
same reason, arguing that it needs more energy. He does not
understand that in nature there is already an inexhaustible, clean
and free energy that is solar in its many versions, and what is
needed is to adapt to the limitations by better managing the
energy that you already have to avoid waste. Proponents of
nuclear energy from hydrogen claim that the world could keep
up with it for several centuries, but what they do not understand
is that if this energy were already available, then the level of
energy consumption would multiply by a thousand, depleting the
reserves of hydrogen in much less time than anticipated. This
would not happen because new needs had been produced, but
because by having a cheap energy source the population would
end up wasting that energy on absurd things, because it is
evident that there would be many people willing to go to dinner
on the moon or at the opposite end of the world planet and go
home to sleep. With this unconscious attitude, the human being
behaves like a cancer cell that spreads without stopping
destroying everything around it, it is not that it is bad to have
more energy and use it in what we consider appropriate, what is
absurd is the unconscious attitude that it has man towards the
environment. But if it happened, that using natural and
renewable energy the world is limited, then the best thing would
be for it to adapt to these limitations and progress by developing
the new vein that represents avoiding waste and the
unproductive use of energy. Surely, the world of the future will
be able to do the same things that we do today with only a
minimal part of the energy that we use, and all as a result of
good planning in the use of that energy.
Human behavior with regard to nuclear energy is an example of
lack of control and little respect for the environment, because
you can always get more solar energy with a little imagination,
such as installing solar panels in space or taking advantage of the
energy from volcanoes, waves or wind, because when it comes
to achieving inexhaustible energy, one does not want to
recognize that the energy of the sun and its derivatives already
are, but if they do not recognize it, it is because they do not want
to make sustainable use of energy or accept the limitations that
this implies. It is absurd that international forums are proposing
to apply a tax to the emission of greenhouse gases, but instead
another is not created to penalize nuclear energy knowing how
terrible its effects are when leaks occur, that shows that the
human being continues to act out of materialistic and selfish
interests and is unable to act thinking of the global good. It is
necessary that humanity stops considering economic growth as
the most important thing, and is replaced by the distribution of
wealth, because progress also consists of eradicating poverty and
social inequalities, what is the use of a country like the United
States having A large per capita income if your streets are
littered with beggars, that should also be a part of the politicians'
agenda and not just commercial production.

If you seek the light go to the light, if you seek knowledge seek
knowledge, but do not confuse the light with what others tell
you that light is, and do not confuse knowledge with what others
tell you that knowledge is if it is you are looking for is the
truth. Because if you seek the truth and bother to investigate,
then the source of wisdom will open before you, because when
we orient our mind looking towards the light that light ends up
filling our eyes and showing us the wonders that the universe has
in store, because in In reality we are all creators and we are all
part of God and we only need to be able to understand him.
Tyrants who try to take advantage of people are like the dark
clouds that come between us and the sunlight. Tyrants always
try to pretend a wisdom that they do not have because they
know that there are people who are not capable of
differentiating between appearances and reality. Some people
are so naive that when they hear an individual say that he is
going to teach classes on knowledge and wisdom, they assume
that if he does it it is because he is wise, but the truth is that, in
most cases, they are just psychopaths and social waste that has
read a couple of books and then based on them have created a
sect in order to take advantage of people. However, sometimes
the tyrant tries to make himself wise, because it is the best
disguise he can use to hide his greed from his potential
victims. In this case, he does not try to use knowledge as a
means of improvement or to help others, but only as an
instrument to obtain material power over other people.
Many are those who say that they want to help us but are only
moved by greed, many use the word love, when in reality they
mean sex, because on many occasions the sects try to sexually
abuse their followers saying that promiscuity is the same as love,
but in reality they are only trying to use them to make money
with deception by inducing them to practice
prostitution. Actually those scoundrels despise love, and that is
why they confuse it with sex, but anyone with a little common
sense knows that they are two very different things, because
there can be sex with love, but there can also be love without
sex, because They are actually two different things. In reality,
promiscuity is degenerate behavior, because each man has a
woman and each woman has a man, and those who confuse that
with love are because they seek to betray their partners. There is
nothing wrong with having sex even when you don't want to
have children, but the right thing to do is that these kinds of
relationships are only had with those people who are willing to
accept the raising of children who can conceive, because a The
child is not an object but a human being, therefore, it is best for
each person to try to find a stable partner with whom to have
that type of relationship.
It is also important to distrust the media, because it is in these
media where speculators try to act with the greatest effort,
therefore, each political party has its own television channels
and its own newspapers, they do not want to inform us but that
what they try is to filter the information to ridicule their
opponents and highlight their own actions. Therefore, it is better
to go to the source, that is, we must analyze and compare all the
media, all the information that science can offer us and also all
the political ideologies in order to have an impartial view of the
Many people wonder what it takes to be a good parent? The
most important thing is, without a doubt, having the will to be
it. Similarly, the key to finding the metaphysical foundations of
the universe is having the will to search for them. Only when we
strive and believe in ourselves is there a chance to find
them. Only by putting in effort can we benefit from everything
we can discover about the actual structure of the cosmos.

Many people believe in the existence of spirits, but few wonder

if there is a place where they can be found at home. In my
opinion, spirits are mainly energy, but they possess a small
amount of matter, this matter can be modified at will to pass
through walls or avoid colliding with other material objects,
however, that does not mean that they can totally avoid
interference between dimensions material and spiritual,
therefore, it is reasonable to think that they choose to choose
physical places that they consider safe and where they can be
more frequently while they wait for their next reincarnation. In
ancient times, there were myths and legends about the places
where the gods lived, actually these "gods" could be spirits of the
Earth or extraterrestrial beings. These legends are sometimes the
result of imagination, but in most cases they begin as a real
event that is modified to become an entertaining story and
adapted to the beliefs of the people.
THE POLAR ZONES: One of the places where the spirits could be
more frequently is the polar zones, in fact, in some Norse
mythological beliefs it is affirmed that the gods inhabit
there. These places might interest you for a number of
reasons. In the first place, because it is there where the magnetic
lines of the planet enter and leave to go to other planets or stars,
these lines could serve them to communicate with the other
worlds of the universe or they could even travel to them at the
speed of light joining to the particles that make up these
magnetic lines. Another reason may be the intense cold, because
it makes these places lonely, this may interest them to hold their
meetings, it must be borne in mind that since they do not have a
physical body they are not affected by weather
conditions. Another reason could be the energy from solar
particles that produce the northern lights when they
enter. These particles may be useful for you to carry out your
projects. The fact that the poles have six months a year of
uninterrupted light may also be one of the reasons for choosing
them. Deserts around the world could also serve as temporary
dwelling places for spirits as they are quite lonely.
THE MOUNTAINS: Other beliefs affirm that the spirits are in the
tops of the mountains or next to them like for example in the
mythical Shambhala. They could also use the caves or even be
inside the rocks, that is, they would be there but in another
dimension. Being from another dimension, the spirits would not
see the rocks where they would be fused, but rather the rest of
the spirits with whom they would interact. In the darkness that is
inside the mountains the spirits would feel stronger, because the
sunlight weakens the spiritual dimension, therefore, paranormal
phenomena usually occur at night. The sun is red, energetic,
chaotic, material, and represents the masculine
dimension. When this energy is received directly, it tires, disturbs
and interferes with the spirits, but they cannot counteract it due
to the great weakness caused by the lack of a physical
body. Spirits, on the other hand, belong to the feminine,
sensitive, blue and spiritual dimension, therefore, they need a
calm environment to be able to act. They can also see without
difficulty in the dark, because they not only perceive the light
frequencies of the visible spectrum but all those that exist, that
means that for them the night does not exist.
It is possible that mountains also serve spirits as means to collect
energy, because by attracting the rays of the clouds they could
be used as a kind of electrical accumulator, especially in those
that have underground springs and rivers because water is a
good conductor of electricity. Perhaps that is the reason why in
Norse mythology the god of thunder Thor was worshiped, it is
possible that after storms there were sightings of luminous
spheres and other strange phenomena when spirits charged with
energy flew through the surrounding towns, these Events today
are associated with the UFO phenomenon. The spirits of the
mountains could also be responsible for the Marian apparitions,
because in those cases in which they wanted to communicate
with people, they could choose to adapt to the mythological
beliefs of each country using a familiar aspect that is easy for
people to recognize to make communication easier. The Marian
apparitions, in some cases could also be caused by the spirits of
nuns who, to promote their religion, would be playing the role of
the Virgin.
THE CEMETERIES: There are also people who claim to have seen
spirits in cemeteries, this is logical, because after the death of
the body many spirits are confused because they do not
understand their situation, this happens because during the
corporeal life they did not believe in the after life death, but even
those who did believe did not know at first which way to go, so
they stay in the cemeteries with his body. This initial confusion
lasts until the burden of human personality is lifted. This
situation is called "being in limbo." When this temporary
personality is removed from the spiritual mind, the memory of
the eternal mind is activated and then the spirits remember their
previous lives and begin to prepare for their next reincarnation.
THE CITIES: Many spirits, perhaps most, may prefer to fly freely
through the fields or cities observing the landscape and
occasionally visit their close relatives to see how they are while
they wait for their next reincarnation. The waiting time depends
on the relationship between the number of spirits who want to
reincarnate and the number of children who are conceived each
year. It must be borne in mind that the number of animals that
live on Earth is much greater than the number of people, this
means that there must be a greater number of spirits that want
to reincarnate in human form than conceptions. It must be borne
in mind that there must be many animal spirits waiting for their
opportunity to reincarnate as men, because the natural destiny
of animal spirits is to pass into human form as the final stage of
their evolution. This will be solved when humanity colonizes the
planets in our environment until the day comes when there are
no longer spirits reincarnated into animals, which will put an end
to the colonization campaign and also to animal and plant life on
Earth, because then all spirits will have already reincarnated as
people. In my opinion, it would be necessary to colonize at least
25.000 planets before this situation occurs, taking into account
the large number of animals that inhabit the Earth. Some may
think that this number of planets is insufficient considering that
on Earth there are many billions of organic beings, but only
individual spirits would reincarnate as humans, because single-
celled beings such as bacteria, or simple organisms such as plants
would not have a spirit for each individual, but rather a spirit for
each species that would indirectly control them due to the
simplicity that these organisms have.
THE SUN: There are those who think that the sun is the ideal
place for spirits to remain after death because this star is the one
that presides over the solar system, but the fact that this is true
from a physical point of view, does not it means that it is suitable
for a spirit to settle there. It is true that a spirit is immune to the
weather, however, the enormous energetic activity of the sun
can hinder its activity, because in reality, a spirit is like a small
sun but endowed with some matter, therefore, the proximity to
the sun can significantly hinder your vital activity. The ideal place
to live for both spirits and people are the planets, because every
process of evolution needs a stable and calm environment like
the one they provide.
THE ENCHANTED HOUSES: There are people who during their
earthly life committed crimes and also did not believe in
reincarnation, therefore, after the death of the body, their
attitude of denial usually causes them to try to go backwards
instead of advancing towards the spiritual world. This behavior is
also influenced by the fear of a hypothetical divine punishment
or also of hell according to the beliefs that they may have about
this, for that reason, they refuse to move forward and choose
to stay in the houses in a kind of indefinite limbo between the
human world and spiritual. They also try to make their ghostly
bodies thicker to create a false human body and thus be able to
intervene in matter more easily. To achieve this, they try to use
atmospheric dust particles and steal people's vital energy. This
evil attitude would be the cause of the myth of vampires. Spirits
tend to prefer the night to manifest themselves because they are
very sensitive and the energy of the sun interferes and weakens
the little strength they have. The sun symbolically belongs to the
material dimension, therefore it weakens the spiritual
ACTIVITIES: The spirits, during their stay in the intermediate
world, can take stock of their previous life and save those
memories that are useful for their future lives, because there are
memories that have to last a human life, but there are others
that have to last all the cosmic cycle. They can also take
advantage of their discoveries to genetically modify their future
bodies and make these changes hereditary to make the human
species better. The more evolved spirits can also take advantage
of their stay on this plane to help people. Some priests of ancient
times tried to communicate with them through rituals, however,
it was difficult to know if those beings whom they considered
gods were evil spirits, benign or extraterrestrial beings.
OTHER PLANETS: There are those who think that the Earth is like
a prison planet where the spirits that have degenerated come as
punishment until they are rehabilitated again. They believe that
the Earth or life in matter is hell and consequently they consider
that heaven can only be on another planet or in the spiritual
world. But they do not realize that the Earth can be at the same
time hell at the beginning, and heaven at the end, because hell is
actually the suffering that occurs as a result of ignorance, and
heaven is the happiness that is achieved when wisdom is
acquired. That is to say, it is not necessary to change physical
location to get to heaven, but we must use progress to banish
evil from this planet and turn it into a true heaven. When the
planets begin their process of evolution, at first everything is
ignorance and as a consequence of that ignorance errors and evil
arise, but this is not a permanent situation, because as a
consequence of evolution the darkness that causes ignorance
will be replaced by knowledge and good. There are people who
risk their lives in an absurd way because they think that later
there is another life, but they do not realize that if we come to
this world it is for a reason and to despise life is only an act of
stupidity and also of contempt for their parents who have
endeavored to raise them. Whatever we find after death, we are
all born for a reason and therefore we must try as much as
possible to complete this life cycle.
There are also those who think that all beings in the universe
have to be completely fair from the beginning as if it were an
innate quality and therefore, those who are not have to go to
lower planets where all beings are in the same situation. They
believe that once rehabilitated they return to their planet to
reincarnate again on it. But it must be borne in mind that the fact
that a person is not always fair does not imply that for this
reason they will be a criminal or behave in an unbalanced way,
because there are many people who, although they are not fair
at all, nevertheless They are generally decent and fairly
balanced. As I already explained in the exceptions theory of
justice, most people are actually fair as the main norm in their
social behavior, even though they may admit exceptions, and
only a minority continually try to be unfair as a consequence of
having acquired a very materialistic personality. For those who
act like this, this attitude causes many problems of coexistence
that if not corrected in time can lead to jail, therefore, it is very
important to teach citizenship to all citizens from childhood,
because without civic behavior it is impossible to evolve and be
happy. In my opinion, this behavior is normal in all worlds at the
beginning of evolution because no one was born knowing. What
is difficult to know is whether the world will opt for a model of
total justice or accept exceptions to justice when it ends its
evolution. In any case, I have no doubt that due to progress, evil
and tyranny will disappear altogether as the consequence of
unbalanced moral behavior.
Others think that even though it is correct that evolution should
begin in this world, however, after the body dies, the most
advanced spirits have to travel to other planets to continue
evolving. But that does not make sense, because the fact that
some spirits are more advanced than the rest is not reason
enough to abandon their own world, especially considering that
instantaneous movement through space does not exist, and even
if a spirit manages to travel at the speed of light it could take
many years to reach the nearest inhabited planet. Furthermore,
it is absurd that, having progressed on this planet, they should
abandon it and deprive its inhabitants of the beneficial effect
that their presence could produce. How will the world evolve if
the most advanced spirits abandon it? This hypothesis is based
on imagining a universe in which the planets always maintain the
same level of evolution, but some different from the others, in
that case, the spirits would only have the option of changing the
planet to be able to move up the evolutionary level. . But it is
evident that this belief is false, because the world has not
stopped evolving from its very beginning and therefore, the
spirits that live in it do not need to change planet in order to
evolve because they already do so with the same planet.
All these beliefs arise from having a pessimistic vision of the
world, sometimes it is due to the suffering that diseases or wars
cause to humanity, and other times they are the consequence of
confusing personal or family problems with world problems. In
reality there are many good things in the world and with
progress there are more and more, but since evil and accidents
are also present, we tend to pay more attention to dangers to
prevent them from happening to us than to safe situations. That
makes it more difficult for us to realize all the good that
surrounds us even if it is a lot. Those who think that way is
because they do not understand that things can change, because
an ugly duckling can also become a swan and a monkey can also
become a man, in the same way the current man will also
become a perfect being through evolution. It is true that the
people of the future will be perfect, but that does not mean that
they cannot make mistakes, because there is no one in the
universe who does not make them, what I mean is that they will
live their life in the most ideal way that evolution can to offer. All
this shows that the ideal to be happy is to look for the emotional
middle ground, that is to say that we must be prudent and not
forget about the dangers that life has and that pessimism makes
us see, but we must not let pessimism dominate us. Because if
we do not have some optimism, it is impossible for us to enjoy all
the good things in life, because optimism makes it easier for
feelings of happiness to reach the soul. It can also make us feel
braver, stronger and better able to cope with the problems that
we may encounter in life.
Throughout evolution, there have been bad things in the world
but also many good things, however, when it comes to moral
behavior, nations are very similar to people, because when they
have the least is when they are most judicious, but When they
become powerful and are more successful, they tend to lose
their dignity and sanity because they allow themselves to be
dominated by arrogance in believing that this situation cannot
change, this leads them to lose in a moment everything they
have gained in centuries. This means that one of the keys to
progress is to always maintain humility and common sense
regardless of how successful we are. We must also learn to value
the importance of the little things first before taking on the big
ones. For this reason, I consider it naive to believe that it is
necessary to change planet in order to live better, because we
can always make this world virtuous through our own
efforts. The truth is that at the present time humanity has
already reached physical perfection in those human versions
better made and free of genetic diseases, that means, that now it
only remains to achieve technological and spiritual perfection.
Progress takes us further and further away from evil and
darkness and closer and closer to light and happiness, and with
each passing day the world draws closer to the divinity that
arises from perfection, because who does not have good
memories of your life or have you had something that you
consider perfect? Who has not ever felt that this moment was
perfect because they have met the partner or the dream
job? They would surely like that moment of perfection to last
forever. Progress consists of those moments of perfection
becoming more and more frequent until the moment comes
when they are the only thing that exists, but for that to be
possible, it is necessary for humanity to banish evil from this
world forever.
The truth is that those ideal moments or things that have passed
through our lives are also part of God, because in reality,
everything that is well done is in tune with the universal truths
that represent God, that is, when we are surrounded because of
the pure, the beautiful, and the true, it is as if God were among
us. For this reason, we must not allow ourselves to be influenced
by negative people and we must fight for the good to triumph in
the world. Because the more good things the world has, the
closer it will be to perfection and when only that which is perfect
remains then the world will have finished its process of
evolution. That is why we must reject arrogance, vanity and all
degenerate behavior without exception, and when only that
which is in line with universal truths remains, the world will be
The confusion that the Earth lives is only a temporary situation,
because it is normal for all beings to suffer at the beginning of
their evolution due to their inability to control the world around
them, but when humanity completes its evolutionary process
there will be no more wars, because then all the nations of the
world will coexist in harmony, as if they were a single
nation. Diseases will also be eradicated when society
understands that the origin is to combat the causes and not just
the effects as is done now. When that happens, the world will
become a true paradise and then humanity will no longer need
to dream of other different worlds because it will already be
living in that ideal world.
However, one day the spirits that now live as animals will have to
travel to other planets in order to reincarnate as people, but, for
that to be possible, they will have to wait until the human
colonies establish colonies to which they can travel. There will
also be exceptions to this rule in the case of those superior spirits
from other planets who would like to reincarnate on Earth to
help humanity. In this case, the superior spirits would not come
directly from distant planets, but would come from the
extraterrestrial expedition that would already be on Earth on an
expedition of research or aid for terrestrial society. In the case of
considering it appropriate and after his death, the
extraterrestrial being would reincarnate among humans to help
them. But it is a mistake to believe that every known person who
has intervened in philosophy or religion is necessarily a superior
being just because he is famous, because fame and divinity do
not have to go hand in hand. In reality, aliens could also have
reincarnated into characters that are unknown at the moment,
but that nevertheless had great value for social progress, such as
those who discovered fire, the wheel or agriculture.
When a spirit is intelligent, the logical thing is that after
reincarnation it is also an intelligent man, this is possible,
because, although it is true that after reincarnation the spirit
forgets its previous lives, however, if it retains the qualities or
intelligence spiritual. This being, during his human life would
progress using meditation until the force of his spirit conquers
the prejudices that as a man he could receive from society. Once
his superior spirit was free and understood the truth, he would
take control of his mind and begin to help the rest of the citizens
to teach them among other things that, although his body is
material, inside they have an immortal spirit. When this being
finished his messianic work, he would return to the
extraterrestrial community from which he would come located
on Earth or on the planets of our solar system, he would not
return to his home planet because many years of space travel
are necessary to reach it. Therefore, it is absurd to worship the
mother of Jesus, or to lie saying that he was a virgin, because if
you have to worship his mother, why not also worship his cousin,
his uncle, his neighbor or even his grandmother? Who acts like
this is because he tries to divert the question comparing
philosophy with the monarchy, when they are totally different
things, we must value the teachings of the philosophers, but we
must not make the mistake of turning them into idols.
Nor is it possible that a spirit from a lower planet can migrate on
its own to a higher planet, because in the spirit world there are
also rules that must be followed and for that there are beings
who take care of it. In the same way that a student of a school
cannot skip several courses on their own, neither can spirits
access the worlds that do not correspond to them. This also does
not depend on the wealth that one can have in life, because the
concept of wealth in the spiritual world has nothing to do with
the concept of wealth in the material world, because material
wealth depends on the number of physical objects that one
have. Instead, spiritual wealth depends on the amount of
knowledge that has been accumulated in the spirit over
thousands of years. The progress of a world is also the result of
the progress of the spirits that live in it, for that reason, to
complete the progress of civilization it is necessary that all the
spirits of each planet remain in it until its technological and
moral development ends. Once this had been achieved, it would
be time to colonize other worlds to give the opportunity to
reincarnate as human beings, to the spirits that now live in
animal forms.
THE HEAVEN: After the body dies, the spirits do not go to the
symbolic heaven that is common in religions, because the true
heaven is not a world of spirits, but a world of perfect humans,
therefore, it is necessary to wait for the Earth complete its
evolution to be able to live in it. It is an error to believe that the
heaven of spirits is a world just like the material one but that it
exists in the spiritual dimension, that is, a place with people and
objects, similar to the one we know in the material world,
because if it is a spiritual world, it cannot be the same as the
material at the same time. The mistake occurs when it is not
understood that human civilization and our body must be
material, but at the same time our principles must be in line with
spiritual values. When the world acquires these values it will be
perfect and consequently it will have the same characteristics as
the sky described in mythology.
Nor do I consider probable that there are many material or
spiritual dimensions separated from each other to the extreme
of being undetectable, because it is only logical to consider the
existence of the material dimension that belongs to the
horizontal plane and is formed by the stars and planets, and then
is the spiritual dimension that belongs to the vertical plane that
is made up of individual spirits. However, it is correct to consider
as different dimensions the different stages that may exist in
nature, but in this case they would not be invisible from each
other but would correspond to the different phases or scales of
evolution that each thing may have.
When a spirit detaches itself from its human personality and
remembers its previous lives and memories as a spirit, then it
can do things that may seem surprising to us, such as traveling to
the moon in a second, to the closest planets in the solar system
in minutes, and the furthest in hours. They could do this by using
the polar zones as if they were airports, holding on to the
magnetic currents that connect the planets to fly to them,
describing a circular path leaving one pole and returning through
the other. With this system, they can travel to planets and stars
at the speed of light without expending energy. Spirits can also
make changes in their own atomic structure and in the genes of
the body in which they are going to reincarnate to improve it. In
this case its influence is limited, because these changes can only
be made in long periods of time that can last up to several
thousand years to achieve an obvious improvement. It must be
taken into account that spirits are made mainly of energy but
with very little matter, this determines that it is very difficult for
them to intervene in matter, that is the reason why they have
created material bodies to reincarnate in them.
 Another thing that increases considerably when staying in the
spiritual dimension is the ability to predict events, but this does
not happen because they can guess the future, but because by
ceasing to be limited by the difficulties that matter generates and
remembering their spiritual knowledge, They acquire the ability
to understand things in the long term and with a greater
perspective. It is not then a capacity for divination that they
acquire but a capacity for prediction. Many people are able to
activate these spiritual capacities after being close to death,
because when the body is no longer able to offer an adequate
means for the spirit to develop properly, then it automatically
begins to activate its spiritual capacities. However, when the
person does not die, then it can happen that the spirit continues
in human life, but having recovered some of its spiritual
capacities, this occurs because in this case there has been a leak
between the two dimensions.
The fact that spirits can have these striking qualities does not
mean that that is why it is better to live as a spirit than as a
person, because human life has been made in order to build a
world superior to the spiritual one, what happens, is that that it
will not be apparent until civilization completes its evolutionary
process. While that takes to arrive, man will have to live with the
error and confusion that is generated by living immersed in a
process of continuous change until finally the surface of that
confusion is reached and it is possible to see the light at the end
of the horizon, then intellectual progress will resolve all the
doubts that exist at this time and man will be perfect.

The fact that in the past there has been a lot of ignorance does
not mean that that is why there has been a lot of evil, we must
not forget that the problems that man has had throughout
evolution have not been caused only by his own conflicts without
many times also due to accidents or illnesses derived from
ignorance. It is true that progress favors the disappearance of
evil because tyranny and truth mutually contradict each
other. Progress favors humanity getting closer and closer to
knowledge and truth, but that does not mean that in the past
evil has been able to dominate society in general, because
people dominated by tyranny and evil always they have been a
minority regardless of the era in question. This is so, because
when evil generates a selfish, unbalanced and antisocial behavior
in the person who assumes it as behavior towards others, then it
is impossible for the majority of the population to be dominated
by it, because due to the difficulties it has In life, people need to
collaborate with each other in order to survive, especially taking
into account the difficulties that existed in the past, and evil is
characterized by being the opposite of coexistence. This shows
that since evil and coexistence are in direct contradiction, it is
impossible for it to ever dominate more than a small percentage
of society at the same time. That is why tyrants have two
personalities, one to show the public by pretending to be
sociable, and another, the real one, to use only in those
environments that it can control.
Another thing is, if what it is about is to find out the level of
justice that each person has, because the truth is, that
throughout history, most people have not been completely fair
but rather like general rule, although admitting exceptions. This
can be deduced, because if people had not been unjust
sometimes, then wars would not have existed either, this,
although it is true, few people are willing to recognize it, and
precisely for that reason, religions (which is not the same as the
most advanced religious organizations) have tried to promote
the good because of the need that all advanced societies have to
rely on coexistence in order to survive. But, in any case, this
shows that being unjust in exceptional situations is not the same
as being a tyrant, because tyranny or evil only appear when a
person considers injustice as permanent and habitual
behavior. When that happens, the masculine part of the mind
tries to occupy the feminine and spiritual part, giving way to
materialism. Those who behave like this do not understand at
first the mistake they have made, but due to this antisocial and
criminal behavior they end up being excluded from society and
suffering because of it, because an organized system needs
mutual respect in order to function. However, the fact that evil
has existed since the beginning of time does not prevent
progress from finally eradicating it permanently, because evil is
only the consequence of ignorance that causes some people to
choose a wrong moral behavior, and evolution is precisely
characterized by being the opposite of ignorance and therefore
is capable of solving that problem.

There are people who think that due to the great space distances
aliens cannot come to earth. It is true that the stars are
separated by several light years from each other and a spacecraft
that could reach 15% of the speed of light would still take 25
years to reach the next star centaur, which is the closest to our
planet. . But it must be borne in mind that if there are aliens on
this planet, it is because with all certainty they began their
approach journey many thousands of years ago, colonizing the
planets located between their planet of origin and ours until they
reached Earth. For that reason, it is most likely that there is only
one race that has reached us. Once they were on our planet,
they would surely get in touch with the other advanced
civilizations in the universe and share the discoveries made on
Earth with them, thus saving them the costly effort of coming
When we think of space and extraterrestrial civilizations, we
must bear in mind that a star like the sun can exist for many
billions of years and during all that time it may be launching
colonial expeditions into space that by a process of natural
expansion could cross hundreds light years progressively. In
other words, a star that is currently in its white dwarf phase
means that it would have already lived years, but
that in the middle of that period it would have developed a
civilization with the capacity to travel through space. , then their
ships could have traversed the galaxy multiple times even if they
were slower than light, because the galaxy is 200.000 light years
at most. That means that a spacecraft traveling at a speed of 15%
of light could traverse the galaxy in 1.200.000 years, which is
much less than the years that would have passed
since that civilization began to travel through space. , that is to
say that it could have crossed the galaxy more than 4.000 times
from that moment to the present. For this reason, it is naive to
affirm that large space distances can prevent aliens from
reaching Earth by themselves, because distance becomes
secondary to such great magnitudes of time.
The expedition that would reach our planet could be made up of
about 20.000 individuals who will be distributed among the
planets and moons of the solar system although they would not
do it to create permanent colonies but only research bases
because this solar system already has a life of its own and surely
they would not want to interfere with your development
process. Probably the main group would stay on Earth, the moon
and Mars, to be able to study the Earth more easily as this planet
is more interesting because it is inhabited.
On the moons of the solar system, aliens would install
themselves in city ships with their own interior climate different
from that of those worlds, they could install their cities on the
surface or in orbit, forming a ring of space structures united at
the planetary equator.
Being a secret mission, they would surely settle on the moon
underground, to prevent earthlings from being able to see them
easily until the time comes when they can be openly shown
when human civilization manages to complete its evolutionary
process. Therefore, contact between the two civilizations will not
be possible until the earthlings finish their evolution process,
because if this contact were made in a hasty way, a social conflict
would be provoked on Earth as there is a strong contrast
between the way of life of the terrestrial ones and the one of the
extraterrestrials. A hasty contact would cause an intense
movement of forces within the planet between those who would
want to change things quickly and those who would want to
avoid it to preserve their power, this could cause serious social
conflicts, therefore, it is better to wait until both civilizations
acquire a level similar technological and moral. It is also unlikely
that there will be contacts between the governments of Earth
and the extraterrestrials, because due to the great difference in
the way of understanding the world it would not be possible to
reach an understanding. Furthermore, if such contact were to
occur, the leaks would soon cause the entire world to find out
about those contacts, breaking their desire to wait for the world
to complete its development. However, this is not an
impediment for them to establish contacts unofficially between
themselves and the earthlings who have a higher level of
spiritual evolution. This is because the main difference between
aliens and terrestrials is the level of moral progress, and the
governments of Earth are, in general, dominated by materialistic
people with whom it is impossible to reach any understanding
for that, While the world finishes completing its last stage, which
is spiritual evolution, it will only be possible to maintain contacts
with those who have already completed that stage. Those who
stubbornly insist on saying that aliens are degenerate beings is
because they do not want to look in the mirror to see that they
are degenerates. People have to understand, that it is not
possible for a planet to be superior and evil at the same time,
because progress can only be completed when a planet expels
evil from its society completely and forever, because that is what
evolution is based on. In the evolutionary process that the
planets follow, first a material evolution process has to take
place, but followed by a spiritual evolution process and in this
process evil has no place.
The aliens, on Earth, could use their mother ships as bases that
would be several hundred meters in size, these cylindrical-
shaped ships are capable of moving by any means, they can fill
with water and submerge like a submarine, or fill with helium
and float like a balloon, assuming they use similar technology to
what we know of, but they may use several different systems to
counteract gravity. As a source of energy, they would have a
surface full of solar panels that would serve to recharge, they will
also use air currents to travel anywhere in the world without
wasting energy. This means that they would not need to have
permanent bases because with these mobile ships they could be
temporarily installed anywhere in the world. Each of the
motherships in turn can keep several flying saucers inside and
they can all float or become invisible at will, which greatly
facilitates their work of research and guidance of
humanity. Perhaps when Jules Verne made his novel (Owner of
the world), he was taking inspiration from them. Surely, only
between 5 and 15% of these ships are seen by people when they
go abroad, because most of the missions are done in secret,
therefore, when they are visible, it is because they want it that
way so that we let us get used to their presence and abandon
the classic materialistic attitude that is characterized by denying
the existence on Earth of beings from other worlds. In addition
to their activity in the material dimension, aliens can also act on
the spiritual plane, that is, they not only move with their ships on
Earth but also in the form of spirits to carry out their
activities. This means that it is difficult to know if what we see
are material ships or spiritual entities considering that a spirit
can also manifest as a flying energy sphere. As they are spiritual
entities, they would not act according to the classical laws of
physics provided for material objects, this would allow them to
make very fast accelerations or changes of direction and even
travel at the speed of light, this would explain the special
circumstances that occur during sightings. UFO.
There are those who think that aliens may come from Mars, that
hypothesis is not at all absurd, because according to science has
discovered, many millions of years ago Mars was a world very
similar to Earth and was full of oceans. However, due to its low
gravity and the weakening of its magnetic shield, its atmosphere
gradually dissipated into space and its water almost completely
disappeared except at the poles. So the question is, was the time
that Mars had an ideal climate and liquid water on its surface
was enough to generate organic life like Earth or beings as
evolved as humans with the ability to travel through space? In
my opinion, the time that this ideal situation lasted was too short
compared to the time it took for the Earth to reach man for that
to be possible, but being a different planet it is impossible to
know with certainty.
The activities of aliens on our planet are mainly summarized in
two planes, one is scientific and the other is moral. On the
scientific or material plane, they try to know all the physical and
biological aspects of the world, and on the moral plane, they try
to make earthlings understand that after the physical world
there is also a spiritual world. All extraterrestrials are beneficial
in their attitude towards man, because in all evolved worlds
technical progress is inevitably followed by moral progress, and
the fundamental element on which this progress is based is the
defense of justice as the axis backbone of any evolved person or
society. However, aliens have also sometimes been involved in
conflicts and confrontations with Earthlings. This is due to the
fact that in ancient times human beings did not have aerial
vehicles that could interfere with the work of aliens, but after the
Second World War some governments of the world gave their
pilots the order to shoot down the flying saucers in order to be
able to appropriate their technology. Sometimes the UFOs chose
to override the controls of the fighter planes when they were
going to fire using electromagnetic fields or radiation jets, but at
other times they chose to respond to the attack and shoot down
the pursuit fighters, that is what could happen in the case of
Thomas Mantell, an American pilot who crashed while chasing a
Due to the counterattack of the flying saucers, the United States
government gave the order not to disturb the aliens again. From
that moment on, he decided to use a policy based on denying
their existence so as not to have to go through the shame of
admitting to the public that they are incapable of stopping
them. It was also decided to send secret agents known as men in
black to threaten all those who saw UFOs, especially the pilots,
so that they would not disclose what they had seen, in this way
the army leadership and the services of intelligence unleashed
on innocent citizens the rage that their impotence in their
confrontations with extraterrestrials supposed for them.

One of the topics that are usually discussed about aliens are
abductions, in my opinion, with abductions aliens could achieve
several objectives, on the one hand they would serve to know
the effects that chemical and nuclear substances would be doing
on our bodies, and on the other hand, they would also help the
population get used to their presence. For those situations in
which it was necessary to establish direct contact with human
beings, aliens could use humanoid robots in some cases, these
devices would not be automatons, that is, they would not act
according to their own means but would be directed human-
shaped machines by remote control to represent the real
aliens. In this way, you would be safe from any contagion or risk
of accident while the contacts are taking place. They would give
these humanoids the form that human beings think they have
based on what they see in the movies or television, they would
do so, with the intention that we get used to them, because the
real aliens are surely more like us than we believe.
After the Roswell incident, people began to think that aliens
were small with black eyes and a large head. In fact, it is very
possible that this belief arose from the aeronautical experiments
that the North Americans were doing in those days with
monkeys, however, the fact that from that moment on people
believed that aliens are like that, could serve as a model to give
that look to your simulated aliens. These robots would be the
large-headed gray humanoids that are often seen. We must bear
in mind that it is a civilization far superior to ours, this means
that what we know about them is not what we have managed to
discover, but only what they allow us to know.
It is also possible that people confuse the abductions of aliens
with the visits of spirits, or with abductions made by secret
services or pharmaceutical laboratories, in this case, they would
be posing as aliens to perform experiments on people or animals
without it being known. It is true that aliens could be monitoring
some people throughout their lives, but this would only be done
for the good of humanity, because with those monitoring it
would be possible to know the genetic damage and diseases that
the misuse of technology is doing to humanity. On the other
hand, it seems absurd to me that some people say that aliens are
trying to create hybrids between humans and aliens, because if
that were true, they would have done it thousands of years ago,
without having to wait for this moment only so that scammers
can fill their books with these kinds of stories. 
It is also absurd to say that in the past the aliens created man to
serve as a slave, that does not make sense, because with such
advanced technology as theirs they can create all the machines
and robots they may need and surely they will prefer not to
interfere in the evolutionary process of humanity. In addition,
there are many archaeological remains that show that man's
genetic progress was slow, so surely his possible intervention or
help to humanity was only indirect.
Another stupid claim is to say that they collaborate with the
governments of Earth in exchange for something else. This belief
does not make sense, because a civilization that is surely ahead
of us in a hundred thousand years of technical progress, surely
does not need anything from any earthly government. Quite the
contrary, because they will try not to interact with the earthlings
so as not to be harmed by their low technical and moral
level. Such a collaboration would be the same as if a
contemporary aviation technician could enlist a caveman to help
him repair an airplane with bones and stones. It is true that
aliens exist, but it is a mistake and an act of arrogance to try to
lower them to our technical or moral level.

Many people believe in spirits, but few wonder what their

characteristics are, so I will raise what these qualities are in my
SPIRITS DO NOT SLEEP: A spirit does not need to sleep because
that is a characteristic of the human being caused by its own
SPIRITS DO NOT HAVE SEX: Spirits do not have sex or they have
both, that is, they carry within them the qualities of both sexes
but not understood from a biological point of view because they
lack a body, but they do carry the dimensional aspects that
correspond to both sexes. For example, the spirit can be
considered masculine, but the soul within it can be considered
feminine. This is so, because the biological sexes are only one of
the innumerable versions that are derived from the universal
polarities. What determines the difference between them and
their relationship to polarity is that the soul is passive and the
spirit is active, the soul is sensitivity and the spirit is
activity. Passivity is a feminine quality and activity is masculine. It
is these differences and the associated attitudes that determine
their relationship with polarities, but the sexes understood as
something biological are only one of the many consequences of
those polarities. However, after death, the spirits retain an
imitation of the body they had in the form of a spectrum so that
the passage from one life to the next is less traumatic. But, in
reality, a spirit is sexually neutral, so when it reincarnates it can
do so equally as a man as as a woman. Plants and animals also
have spirits, but their ghostly spectra can have very varied
aspects or have no form at all, because a spirit can choose to
show itself as it was in life or choose any other form at will.
THE SPIRITS DO NOT WALK: A spirit is, in reality, a sphere of
energy with a bit of matter that lodges in the brain and uses its
own energy to move, however, it has a virtual body as an
imitation of the real one so that the soul do not suffer after
death to see the difference between the real aspect in the form
of a sphere and the human body that one had. In reality, what
we call the physical body is a biological machine that the spirit
uses to manifest itself in matter, that means that the only thing
we can consider part of us is the spirit and not the body, what
happens is that when we reincarnate both things come together
to form a single identity temporarily. Reincarnating in a material
body is necessary, because in this way the spirit only has to pay
attention to the highest aspects of human life, while the lower
functions such as the physical, chemical, biological or atomic
processes of our body are yielded to being
universal. Materialistic scientists try to settle this question by
saying that physical or biological processes work without our
being conscious because nature creates automatic systems, but
it seems that they do not understand, that all these processes
would not be possible if there were not a life and a
consciousness that take care of them and handle them in an
organized way. The real reason that we are not aware of all the
physical, chemical or atomic processes that occur in our body is
because its matter is not part of us but of the universal being,
this being takes care of them so that we can take care of the
functions superiors. The universal being not only controls the
matter of our body but all the matter of the universe that is not
part of any individual spirit, but, one day, we will have to return
that favor when by rotation we have to perform the function
that he performs now.
SPIRITS HAVE ETERNAL LIFE: A spirit has eternal life because life,
like matter, is neither created nor destroyed, it only transforms,
however, if it has a beginning and an end before starting again
when the current cosmic cycle I finished. In reality, life is a
continuous change from less to more in what refers to
knowledge and evolution, and from more to less if it refers to
universal energy, because energy is transformed into evolution
until once the wheel of time the universe begins again.
In reality, everything that lives cannot die because life is eternal,
what people call death is only the disappearance of forms such
as man, plants, animals or planets and stars. In the human form
there are actually two forms of life, one is the life of the matter
of the body that actually belongs to the universal being, that is,
the being whose body and spirit is at the same time the material
universe. And the second form of life present in the body is our
spirit that uses matter to build the human form, therefore, when
the form is destroyed, matter returns to earth. Then the spirit,
after separating from the body, prepares for a new
reincarnation. But what had life, which is the matter of the body
and the spirit, continue to exist the same as before birth, the
only thing that is created or destroyed is the form that matter
acquires when it is molded, but not the life contained in it, which
is eternal
SPIRITS ARE INDESTRUCTIBLE: In reality, what is normally
considered the destruction of an object is nothing more than a
chemical or atomic reaction that does not represent the
destruction of the particles that form it but only the separation
of them. In other words, when a statue is broken, the atoms that
form it are separated, but that does not imply the destruction of
those atoms. With nuclear reactions it is similar, because the
atoms change their mass or fuse with others to form different
atoms, but the particles of matter that form them continue to
exist with a different appearance because they adapt to a new
situation in a harmonic and pre-established way. Atoms can
change mass or shape, but the matter they contain will always
exist, because mass and energy can be transformed but never
completely disappear from the universe, which is why they are
In the case of spirits it is different, because it is they who
determine what the changes in their atomic structure have to be
instead of reacting according to the classical methods of
matter. This is necessary so that the atoms can serve their
purposes. Spirits need the atoms that make them up to be
different because they have to fulfill a function similar to that of
the brain in the human body, serving as a memory bank and also
as a propulsion mechanism to move through space. In addition,
these atoms are prepared to avoid collisions with the matter of
other beings at will, therefore, it is impossible that these
collisions can destroy them. In reality, all the particles of each
spirit are directly linked to each other, they are also capable of
avoiding the collision with the rest of the particles of the other
individual beings or those of the universal being without any
problem. The concept of destruction of matter does not exist in
absolute terms only in relative terms, because the form that
matter takes can change or disappear but not the fundamental
particles that create those forms. These particles can go on to
take other forms or exist as energy. It could be said that the
difference between an atom and energy is that energy is made
up of very small particles that describe huge circular paths in
space, whereas an atom is made up of a bunch of energy
particles that come together to form larger particles that rotate
at the speed of light but in much smaller orbits than they do as
energy. This is how the big is connected with the small, it is as if
the universe were actually a giant atom that is connected with
the small atoms through magnetic, gravitational and light
Changes in atomic matter are also made through a
transformation and not by destruction, if we understand this
destruction in absolute and not relative terms, because when
two particles are apparently destroyed in a particle accelerator,
what has actually happened is a modification of its structure
caused by physical laws already existing since the beginning of
time. That is to say that this transformation is voluntary for
matter when the circumstances that motivate it to carry out this
change occur, but what is really destroyed is the atomic form
that the energy particles adopt but the matter of those atoms
continues to exist with another form of matter or as energy. This
means that since all atomic transformations are voluntary, these
reactions do not imply any problem for the spirit, because it will
only react in those processes that interest it. That does not mean
that spirits do not change either, because since the beginning of
the cosmic cycle they have made their structure more complex
to acquire the ability to reincarnate first in plants and animals
and then in a human body. The relationship between forms and
matter is the same that exists between a spirit and its body,
because an atom can be destroyed but the matter that forms it is
eternal. In the same way, the form of the human body can
disappear but the life that it contains within it continues to exist
in the atoms of the body and the spirit that give that form a
particular meaning. Because if it weren't for the reincarnation of
spirit in matter, that matter could never form a person and it
would only be a set of meaningless atoms.
Spirits are designed to remember indefinitely for billions of
years, they can move at the speed of light through the universe,
they can pass through material objects at will or mimic the shape
of the human body. They also have the ability to divide into
equal clones with the same characteristics and eternal life. This is
what happened at the beginning of the universe when only one
particle existed. At that time it was necessary to do so because it
was the only way to create all the beings that were necessary to
populate the universe. However, it is not correct to do it later
when the spirits acquire a complex and different personality to
avoid the existence of two identical spirits. When the cosmic
cycle began, the original particle was divided into the number of
beings that the universe could need, in this way it had from the
beginning all the spirits necessary to be able to populate all the
planets that it was planned to build without having to create by
cloning two repeating spirits. That is the best to avoid that two
identical spirits and with the same memories can repeat
themselves. When the current cosmic cycle ends, all matter and
all spirits will merge again to form the original egg or particle
from which they all came out. Then time and space will meet at
the same moment and the same point in space and at that
moment there will only be a single being and a single particle
before separating again to create a new universe.
SPIRITS DO NOT SICK: If the disease is understood as a disorder
that occurs to the body, but if they get sick if we understand the
disease as an imbalance of behavior that is appropriate to
follow. Actually, it is behavioral imbalances that cause most
diseases in the body, therefore, using medications without
correcting bad habits only serves to lose money but without
solving health problems. Today's medicine works like a chain
reaction against patients, because it places more importance on
the administration of drugs than on eliminating the
causes. Acting in this way the disease will not disappear, but it
will cause new ones caused by the harmful effects of the
medications. It is as if a gigantic conspiracy has been created
between doctors and pharmaceutical companies to make
patients chronically ill and therefore an indefinite source of
SPIRITS DO NOT EAT: A spirit does not need to eat to live but if it
needs some particles of matter to act, these particles can be
taken from the environment but it is not something that it needs
to do continuously but only exceptionally. The energy you need
can also be obtained from the environment so that your spiritual
life is calm by not having the need to be born, grow, reproduce
and die. A spirit can evolve without ceasing until the end of time
comes, it is as if its life lasts the same as the universe, but when
time ends it will not die because its life is eternal. When that
happens, he will start all over again, but due to the cosmic
rotation he will have to live the life that another being is living at
this moment. Then another being will have to live the life that he
is living in the present cycle until time repeats itself as many
times as there are beings in the universe and all beings live all
the lives of others. This means that you will not live the same life
with the same circumstances and events until you have lived all
the lives in the universe, that may seem like a long time but for
eternity it is nothing. What matters in this case is not time but
the mathematical logic that determines it.
A SPIRIT HAS TWO PARTS: One is his own, which could also be
called a soul, because it remains in a static position in order to
perceive sensations with more intensity. The soul only changes
its attitude and takes an active position when decisions have to
be made. The particles of the soul are connected continuously
and directly without voids between them, because that is what
determines that it is a single being. The soul has its own internal
energy and does not radiate or go out to the outside because
this is what indicates that it is a being with eternal life. Then
there is the spirit, which is the external part that the soul uses as
a kind of vehicle and accompanies it throughout the cosmic
cycle. The spirit serves to develop the ghostly body and also has
its own energy but in this case both the matter of the spirit and
the energy it uses do not belong directly to the soul but to the
universal being. The external matter that the spirit uses it collects
from the external environment but adapts it to its needs. You
can also make yourself visible or invisible at will, but when you
do make yourself visible you can choose to have your original
sphere-like shape, or use the look your body had in your previous
life. As the matter of the spirit comes from the earth, its energy
can radiate abroad, in this case it is also an internal energy but
not from the soul but from the universal being that is and
controls the universe. For us it is external, because we radiate it
to the outside like a star does, but for him it is internal, because
he never leaves the universe which is also his own body and after
a long journey he returns to his starting point describing a circle
just like if it were a comet. The particles of the spirit are
connected to each other just like those of the soul, but they are
not directly connected to the soul but to the universal matter to
which they belong. Although the spirit and the soul are made up
of two different parts and with a different symbolism, it is usually
understood that they are the same thing because they are
closely united. The soul represents its feminine and passive part
and the spirit its masculine and active part, the soul the rigid,
blue, cold and vertical dimension and the spirit the warm, red,
variable and horizontal dimension. The existence of polarities is
common throughout the universe, it is the consequence of
dividing into multiple forms the poles formed by the first particle
represented by a white sphere and the space that surrounds it
represented by a black square, that is why all derived forms have
its very properties. The space represents the feminine dimension
and the circle the masculine one. The union of the circle and the
square form the division of the universe in the horizontal and
vertical planes. Also formed with this union is the cross with
lateral arms (Swastika) that we can see in the shape of some
galaxies and that has also been used in many cultures since
prehistoric times. This cross represents the primordial poles
divided into the vertical feminine dimension and the horizontal
masculine one united in a revolving movement of evolution. This
cross also serves to represent how the dimensions can rotate in
such a way that if in one dimension the male pole governs, in the
other the female pole does, therefore, when the planes are
reversed, the male side occupies the vertical part and the female
side the horizontal. The red and horizontal plane represents
political, material or economic power, and the blue or vertical
plane represents the power of philosophy, morality or religion
and each one rules over its own dimension. 
In the universe, distance or time are secondary aspects, the
really important thing is to know that life is eternal for all beings,
and the laws that constantly govern the universe are also eternal
regardless of time or space. In this also the polarities of the
universe are shown, because time or space are variable and
masculine, whereas universal laws and life are rigid and
feminine. Even in the human body we can see these polarities,
because the bones represent the rigid, feminine and vertical
part, and the flesh represents the variable, masculine and
horizontal part. This is if we raise the body in a vertical position,
but if we raise it in a horizontal position, then the head
represents the male and circular side, and the rest of the body
the female and rectangular side. It is the same example that
shows the solar system where the sun equals the head and the
planets the body. We can also see this example in the shape of
galaxies, because the Milky Way represents a larger version of
the human body but located in a horizontal position. In this
example, the stars on the axis would represent the spine, and
the nucleus of the galaxy in this case would represent the
head. These are some examples that demonstrate how the
whole universe is connected, because each of its parts
represents the subdivision of the first initial poles in more
complex and smaller forms. At the beginning of time, the first
particle divided into multiple particles and then those particles
spread through space making the universe seemingly larger, but
in reality, all those particles only represent the division of the
first one, and one day they will have to go back to it.

Matter and spirit both contain masculine or feminine aspects

depending on the circumstances, because the matter of the
Earth is feminine with respect to the sun, but it is masculine with
respect to water, therefore, materialism occurs when there is an
excess of matter and a water defect. When I say this I am not
referring to the physical elements, but to their psychic
equivalents, because materialism occurs when a person places
an excessive value on the material aspects that are part of the
masculine dimension, but despises the spiritual aspects that are
part of the masculine dimension the feminine dimension. The
spirit, in turn, is masculine with respect to the soul that it carries
within it, but it is feminine when it is posed in the form of
spirituality. Thus, matter is feminine, but materialism is
masculine and spirit is masculine, but spirituality is feminine. In
reality, both social and biological sexual differences do not arise
by chance, but are the consequence of the attitude that is
continuously adopted, therefore, the active attitude is masculine
and the passive is feminine, the action is masculine and the
reaction is feminine, sound is masculine and silence is feminine,
day is masculine and night is feminine, heat is masculine and cold
is feminine, command is masculine and obedience is feminine,
the circle is masculine and the straight is feminine, the horizontal
line is masculine and the vertical is feminine. This means that if
we modify our natural behavior and abandon the characteristics
and behaviors of our sex, then our body will also slowly abandon
its sexual traits to acquire the opposite. This would obviously be
an aberration, because if we act in this way we will lose the
advantages that sexual specialization has, therefore, we must be
consistent with our own nature.
Matter and spirit are like force and energy and each of them
represents a dimensional plane, matter the horizontal and
masculine, and the spirit the vertical and feminine. The sexual
classification that I apply to them in this case may seem a
contradiction if we take into account the gender of the word,
because the word spirit is masculine and the word matter is
feminine if it is pronounced in Spanish. But that depends only on
the circumstances, because both polar or sexual aspects can be
shown inverted when it comes to different shots. The spirit with
respect to the soul is masculine, but the spirituality that is
derived from the spirit is feminine. Matter understood as the
Earth compared to the sun is feminine, but the materialism that
is derived from matter is masculine. That means that both spirit
and matter can represent masculine and feminine aspects
depending on the circumstances.
The spirit is masculine and active because it acts as an
intermediary between the soul and the outside world, and the
soul is feminine and passive when it limits itself to feeling
emotions, but it can also be masculine and active when it acts to
change the environment around it. It is as if you could change
polarity at will to go from feeling to acting, from feminine to
masculine or from red to blue. It is also possible that a part of the
particles that form it act passively, but those dedicated to
generating the energy impulses that control the spirit or the
body act actively. However, the soul is generally in a passive
position, because most of the lower functions are transferred to
the spirit or the body that depend on the matter of the universal
being. This allows him to devote almost all the time to feel but
also a minority to act. The spirit is made up of matter from the
earth just like the body, but as it accompanies the soul
indefinitely, it is considered a representative of it and of the
spiritual world. The soul is found inside the spirit and is the only
thing that really is part of us. The matter particles that make up
the soul are similar to the rest of the material particles that exist
in the universe, the difference is that these particles are directly
connected to each other but physically separated from the
rest. The vacuum that separates the particles is what really
determines that they are part of a different being. On the other
hand, the material particles of light, planets or stars, are directly
and continuously connected by material filaments that we
cannot see because they are part of a virtual universe that is
below the one we know and acts as a support of this. The
physical and direct connection of matter is necessary, because if
a single particle such as a photon were physically separated from
the others, it would not be able to coordinate with them because
it would lack the necessary intelligence to do so. That
intelligence is what it acquires when there is a direct connection
with the rest of the particles.
The spirit is red and male and belongs to the horizontal
dimension, and the soul is female and blue and belongs to the
vertical dimension. The spirit takes care of secondary functions
such as the intercommunication between the soul and matter,
memory, or the necessary mechanisms to be able to move
through space, so that the soul can dedicate itself only to higher
functions such as feeling or making decisions. . It also acts as an
intermediary between the soul and the body, because the soul
generates the energy impulses necessary to give orders to the
mechanisms of the spirit, and in turn the spirit generates energy
impulses of greater intensity to control the body.
The matter of the Earth is feminine and passive with respect to
the energy of the sun, but it is masculine when there is only
matter without water, because when they are together, the
water represents the feminine part and spirituality, and the
earth represents the masculine part and material. The same
occurs when the contrast between the continents and the seas
of the Earth occurs, because symbolically the seas are female
and blue, and the continents are male and red, and when the
proper balance between land and water is generated, life
represented by the color green. That is why people who only
consider matter without spirituality become materialists. The
spirit is masculine, but spirituality is feminine, and the matter of
the earth is feminine, but materialism is masculine. This shows
that both matter and spirit can have masculine or feminine
characteristics depending on the circumstances.
In reality, a person is made up of three parts. In the first place, by
the body that serves the spirit as a means to interact with
matter. This is necessary, because the spirit is made up of a little
matter but a lot of energy and belongs to the blue or feminine
dimension, and the matter with which the body is made is part of
the red or masculine dimension. In reality, the matter of the
body belongs to the universal being and not to the spirit that it
houses, in this way, by controlling that matter, we, that is to say
our spirit, can deal only with the upper or human part and not
with the chemical processes , atomic or biological that occur
within our body. Reincarnating in matter is necessary, because in
this way the spirit can act in matter but dealing only with the
higher aspects. It is a method of control similar to that used by a
rider to control a horse, because he takes the reins of that horse
and directs it as if together they form a single being, but at the
same time it is different, because a horse also has its own
spirit. That is to say that the matter of the body belongs to the
being that controls all the matter of planet Earth or the universe,
but at the same time it has within it a reincarnated spirit that
manages the human form that has adopted that
matter. Reincarnation is, therefore, what gives that form its own
identity and makes it different from a simple stone. With the
union of the body and the spirit, the life represented by the
green color is generated, this occurs when the balance is
acquired between the red and blue, horizontal and vertical, male
and female dimensions or matter and energy.
In second place is the spirit, in reality the spirit also belongs to
the matter of universal being, but as it accompanies the soul
indefinitely, it is associated with it and with the spirituality
derived from it as if they were the same thing. In reality, the
spirit is in the middle of the material and spiritual planes because
it has some resemblance to the body, but it is associated with
the soul because it remains constant and accompanies it
indefinitely. The spirit is also responsible for developing the
ghostly spectrum as an imitation of the body, to make the
passage from one life to the next easier. To better understand
the relationship between the soul and the spirit, it could be
compared to the relationship that exists between a planet and its
nucleus, because the nucleus would be the soul and most of the
remaining matter would be the spirit. The nucleus would be part
of our own being, but the rest would be part of the universal
being. Both are different, but they remain united indefinitely in
order to give the spirit those functions that the soul does not
need to do. The universal being controls the spirit, but only
automatically and indirectly, because it intervenes and feels all
the atomic processes that occur, but, nevertheless, the soul does
direct control within the margins that matter allows. This is
precisely what the margins of the will are based on, because if
nature were not flexible in some respects, free will could not
exist. This means that when we modify or combine the matter
that surrounds us, we cause chemical or physical changes that
are carried out at the atomic level by the universal being in a
semi-automatic way, but at the same time, it allows us to modify
the matter but as long as occur within the margins that physical
laws allow.
Someone might ask, if the spirit is immortal and can remember
all its previous lives or at least the most important knowledge,
then why did it not create an artificial human body just as
immortal as the spirit? The reason is simple, because the spirit is
immortal and never forgets its previous lives in order for
evolution to have a meaning, because universal life is longer than
human life, which forces the existence of a means whereby
knowledge can be accumulated most important for the spirit to
evolve. However, the human body lives much less, because in
this way it is possible to make the genetic changes that evolution
requires, but it is also useful for the body to die, and the spirit to
forget the most secondary aspects of its past lives, because after
reincarnation the spirit can start over from the beginning as if it
were the first time, and thus feel the emotion that everything
new provokes. In any case, this forgetting is not complete,
because on the one hand the most important memories of each
life are preserved in the spirit, and on the other, the knowledge
stored in civilization is remembered. This means that the fact
that a man momentarily loses his knowledge when he dies does
not imply that there is oblivion in absolute terms but only in
relative terms, because despite the oblivion that death supposes,
the soul will continue to conserve two memories, one is that of
the spirit that helps him to carry out the passage from one life to
the next correctly, and another is the social memory that
guarantees that scientific progress can be preserved
indefinitely. The renewal process is something natural, that is
why the days, months, or years are renewed and repeated. The
difference is that the memory of the spirit is synchronized with
the duration of the cosmic cycle and the human body is
synchronized with a century or so. That is the right thing to do,
because just as a month is equivalent to thirty repetitions of a
day and a year is equivalent to twelve repetitions of a month the
life of the spirit or rather the period that passes until the
moment of forgetting and starting again is equivalent to
thousands of millions of years. These are logical repeating cycles
but with a different length of time. The spirit, therefore, will also
have to forget and start over, but that will only happen when the
cosmic cycle ends, because unlike the human body it is
synchronized with that cycle that is longer than the one
corresponding to a human life. . The fact that the material
dimension is denser and warmer than the spiritual one also
determines that the time cycles are shorter. In this way, in the
material and horizontal plane that corresponds to the body,
short time scales would be used, but in the vertical and spiritual
plane that corresponds to the spirit, long time scales would be
used, because as this dimension has colder and less density, the
timescales must also be longer.
Thirdly, there is the soul, which, unlike the other two parts, does
form part of us directly, but in order for us to take care of human
or higher functions, it is located in the center of the atoms that
make up the spirit and it is dedicated above all to feel and to a
lesser extent to act, for that reason, it is often said that those
who do not have feelings are because they do not have a soul. In
reality, all people have it, but those who despise the feminine
part of their being and only appreciate the masculine one
become materialists, this causes an emotional imbalance that
makes it difficult for feelings of happiness to reach the soul. This
is because happiness is only possible when all the circumstances
of our life are balanced. A human being is like a pyramid made
up of three parts, the body at its base, the spirit at the center,
and the soul at its top. Of the three sections, the soul is the part
that contains the least matter but, nevertheless, it is the most
important of all because it is the depository of our being and our
With the union of the body, the spirit and the soul, the three
elements that make up a human being are completed and the
three basic dimensional aspects are also reunited in them. The
red and horizontal represented by the body, the blue and vertical
represented by the soul, and the green represented in this case
by the spirit. Normally, the spirit represents the soul and the
feminine dimension, and the earth represents the matter and
the masculine dimension, but in this case it is different, because
it involves analyzing separately and carefully each of the
elements that make up a human being. In other words, it is not
about analyzing only the two basic dimensional planes,
horizontal, vertical, or masculine and feminine, but also the
intermediary function that the spirit performs for them. The
spirit, being in the middle of the two dimensions, can, in some
occasions, represent the masculine matter, and in others, the
feminine soul, but in this case, it only represents the point of
union, where the two dimensions meet your connection.

The color black is found before red in the electromagnetic

spectrum of colors but, unlike them, it is not a visible color,
because the color black is the absence of any source of light,
unlike the other colors that represent a different light
frequency. The color black, in general, can be considered
feminine, and that is why it can be used to represent the earth,
but, on certain occasions, it can also be used to represent the
male sex. The black color can represent the night, the silence,
the seriousness, the emptiness of the space. It is the opposite of
the point of white light and circular matter that represents the
male sex, therefore, when they are together, they represent the
bipolarity of the universe and also all the forms of bipolarity that
exist. This color can also represent the ignorance that is derived
from the lack of light, that is why it is used to represent evil,
because evil occurs when, due to lack of light, we choose the
wrong path.
The color red represents energy, strength, masculinity, matter,
but also risk and instability, it can produce a feeling of comfort
but also of overwhelm. This color combines well with black
because they are followed in the spectrum of colors, this is due
to the fact that before the first form of light existed the color
black existed, which is, in reality, the total absence of light. These
colors are generally benign, because that is the normal meaning
of these colors, so when they are used to represent evil or
materialism, it is because they are making exceptional use of
their meaning. The color red is the first of all visible colors and
therefore can also represent the beginning. This is a mainly
material color, therefore, it can represent the sensual pleasure
that the physical senses provide, such as the pleasant sensation
that the sun produces on the skin, music, sex, the pleasure of
food, that is, represents those sensations of pleasure that derive
from the physical and normal tasks of life that do not require a
great intellectual effort. It is also the pleasure provided by
technology and well-managed work, that is why, in the future,
society will rely on these forms of pleasure and will forever reject
violence as a way to obtain benefits.
In an evolved world, happiness must arise from the balance
between technique and philosophy, technique provides warm,
salty reddish and physical pleasure, and philosophy provides
blue, sweet and spiritual pleasure. Technical pleasure must arise
from work and the handling of technology, but a job done in
order to make people happy and not just as a means of
production. Spiritual pleasure must arise defending justice as an
essential philosophical principle, this is fundamental for the
coexistence and progress of humanity to be
possible. Philosophy is also important because it helps us
understand the fundamental meaning of things, which is
necessary if we want to extract the maximum benefit from
life. In this way, work and technique offer us the part of the
pleasure that comes from the red, salty, masculine and
horizontal dimension, and the philosophy of justice offers us the
sweet, feminine and blue pleasure that come from the vertical
dimension. Both forms of encouragement are necessary to
complete man and represent the two essential dimensions of the
universal cross. One represents the stimulus derived from
material things and the other represents pleasure that arises
from the spiritual part of life.
Each dimension must occupy only its rightful place, because
when the red dimension is abused, injustice and materialism can
be generated. This color is found on the left side of the symbolic
cross or X that governs the universe but, in reality, it represents
the right side if we consider it looking from its position. The color
red also represents the horizontal line of the cross when it is
posed as a circle, or the vertical line when the horizontal line is
shown as a crystalline straight line, because the circle is
masculine and the straight line is feminine. The horizontal line
represents matter and the color red, this means that in the
material world power corresponds to politics along with the rest
of the physical forces. On the other hand, the vertical line
corresponds to the spiritual world, therefore, in the religious or
philosophical aspect, justice must be the one that determines
the leadership, because it is the most important element of this
dimension. The cross of dimensions can rotate continuously,
constantly changing the horizontal and vertical dimensions,
forming with its movement the shape of a galaxy.
The color red is also associated with war, because among other
things it can represent energy, chaos, injustice and disorder, it
must be taken into account that misdirected energy can favor
collision and conflict. This shows that, in the past, some people
were already able to understand the metaphysical meaning of
colors, that is why the color red is associated with war and blue
with peace. In the past, people believed that the planets were
gods, so they decided to make Mars the god of war because of
its red color. Someone might think, if the color red can represent
war and the horizontal dimension, and the color blue can
represent peace and the vertical dimension, does this mean that
war is justified considering that the two dimensions make
sense? The answer is, that all war is legitimate when it is done in
self-defense, but for those who believe in the theory of the
exceptions of justice, the expansive type wars used to extend the
size of the states could also have a meaning, because within his
own state that war would be considered legal. However, and
according to this theory, in order not to be in contradiction with
this principle, this war should be fought without tyranny or
The difficult thing in this case would be to defend the war
without questioning at the same time the defense of justice as
an essential philosophical principle. The wars of expansion that
take place in the world have as their main purpose to unite the
world in a single system and a single language, for this reason,
most likely, when the world finishes its evolution and the nations
unify, the wars will also end. . Surely, the unification of the world
will be achieved without the need for an armed conflict between
the great powers of the world, because the fear of nuclear
weapons will force them to agree without the need to reach a
military confrontation. When nations spread through space, the
risk of new wars will also appear, but space is not like Earth
because the enormous distances between the planets will make
the existence of space empires unfeasible, even trade between
them will not have much sense. Trade as understood on Earth is
logical within a closed system but not in an open system like
space. The planets may need to import some mineral products,
but it will be only exceptional compared to the trade that may
exist within each planet because it will always be more
economical to recycle what is inside one planet than to transport
the products from another. This will guarantee each world a
smooth and independent progress.
An example of the ambiguity of wars would be the expansion of
the Roman Empire, because although it is true that this
expansion brought progress and civilization to many nations,
however, it was also full of abuses and acts of tyranny that were
not necessary to achieve their goals objectives. Comparatively,
the republic phase was in many ways more dignified than the
empire phase, but it is common for power to corrupt those who
have it. Ideally, any unifying process should be done without
violence, therefore, in my opinion, it is better to defend justice
without exceptions.
It must also be emphasized that not everything that is possible in
the universe makes sense to do so, therefore, what is absurd
should not be done even as an exception and therefore would
not be part of the universal law that seeks the balance of
potentials and that is usually organized as majority behaviors on
one level, and logical minority exceptions on another. Nature
determined that everything or almost everything that makes
sense can have valid exceptions, but we should only make as an
exception what makes sense, because if it does not, it is not
correct to defend it by saying that it is only an exception. In other
words, the fact that every logical and valid rule may have an
exception that is also logical or valid, does not mean that it can
be applicable to behaviors that are not logical, in this case it
would be an exception to that rule. This applied to moral
conduct determines that if justice is considered to be the only
valid option, then the theory that defends the exceptions to
justice would remain outside the universal law that seeks the
balance of potentials of those things that are logical, because in
this case no exception to that rule would be considered
logical. The truth is that in history, wars have been part of human
behavior too often, and each side always claims to have a reason
for provoking them, which shows their intention to produce
them even if they do not want to acknowledge it, that is why
they cover it up using set phrases such as that it is a patriotic
duty, or that it is to defend civilization, democracy or the
monarchy according to the times, but, deep down, they are only
phrases to cover up the ambition to dominate others and impose
their own interests.
An example of this are the "friendly wars" that the Greeks waged
in classical times. The reason for defining them in this way is
because in these conflicts each side did not try to absorb the
territory of the other and integrate it into their state, because in
the end For each conflict, only the areas of influence that each
autonomous city had over the others were determined, but
without this implying the loss of control over their land for the
loser, nor an increase in territory for the winner, they seemed
more sports competitions than real wars as if they were just
friendly wars. Perhaps the clearest example of this was the
Peloponnesian War, because in this conflict, Sparta defeated
Athens after a long and costly confrontation. This conflict was
started by Athens when it made the decision to dominate the
entire region by force with the excuse that this way they would
be better prepared for new invasions by the Persians. But,
surprisingly, when Sparta won, it did not use that victory to
absorb the territory of the loser and integrate it into its own, but
rather it limited itself to imposing a pro-Spartan government that
shortly after the withdrawal of the army from Sparta, it was
again as before anti spartan. Later, Sparta was defeated by the
Thebans at the Battle of Leuctra precisely because, faced with
the evidence that they were going to lose, the Thebans decided
to break the rules of friendly conflict that until then all sides
respected and consequently Sparta lost the battle and never
again it was once again a military power in the region. Perhaps
the reason that the Greeks fought like this could be because the
geography was too mountainous for it to be easy for some to
dominate the other. Or also, because they did not want to
weaken each other too much because of their fear of an invasion
from Persia. In any case, this military game of the Greeks was
ended by Rome, who unlike them did not consider war a friendly
conflict, because every territory it defeated was immediately
integrated into its own in a definitive way.
The universe is governed by laws and plans that can be
represented as a cross. This universal cross can be shown as an X
or as a cross, it all depends on what you want to highlight. As a
cross it represents the division of the world into two planes, the
horizontal male and the vertical female. But, as the cross can
rotate, in other planes of the universe the horizontal line can also
represent the feminine dimension and the vertical the masculine
one. As an X it can represent the masculine in red on the left, and
the feminine in blue on the right, then the night below and the
day above. You can also represent both symbols in a single
scheme by putting a cross inside the X.
To better understand the movement and change of dimensions
of the cross, it is necessary to imagine that the X divided by the
cross now has eight sections, which allows placing the red and
blue color in each of the four arms, in this way they all pass to
the rotate through all areas, but the red color is always located
to the left of the blue to symbolize the separation between
above and below or the material from the spiritual. In this case,
the colors black and white do not participate because in this
scheme it is about analyzing the different options that the male
and female or red and blue polarities have. But red could also be
replaced by black and blue by white, thus symbolizing that the
rotary movement advances from ignorance to knowledge and
from darkness to light. Then the color black would be on the left
and white on the right in each of the four arms of the cross and
would move from left to right or from black to white.
In the universal X, the horizontal plane can be divided in turn
between the male and female poles or red and blue, red on the
left and blue on the right. In this case they represent space and
that which is constant all the time, therefore, it is necessary to
maintain the balance between the two as if it were a balance so
that everything works correctly. The vertical plane, on the other
hand, represents time, it also represents the progress from
ignorance represented in black below towards light and truth
represented in white above.
The white color represents the male pole and the black color the
female, but in certain cases it may be the other way around, this
is not a contradiction, because it must be understood that these
planes can rotate in each dimension, therefore, it is necessary to
analyze them according to their own circumstances, because a
thing can be one way in a circle of evolution, but in the previous
or subsequent circle it can be apparently the other way around,
this is not a contradiction, because the situation is different but
only because there are new circumstances.
When the cross of dimensions begins to rotate, it takes the form
of a barred spiral galaxy due to a mixture between the horizontal
and vertical dimension, the ancient philosophers discovered this
symbolism and that is why they created the swastika cross. This
symbol was already known and used in various religions long
before the Nazis used it in their ideological propaganda
campaign, therefore, it is a mistake to blame this symbol for
what they did. They tried to use all the good things in the world
in order to hide their own evil, so today, people reject good
things like the swastika or the defense of the race just because
the Nazis used them as an alibi to deceive people and obtain
world power. With the rotating movement of the cross, the
dimensional planes can be reversed each time one passes to a
higher or lower plane or wheel, this means that a thing that
appears masculine on one plane appears feminine on
another. This is not a contradiction, because they are different
shots with different rules. These planes do not contradict each
other, because, although it is true in the horizontal plane that
regulates free will they are somewhat different, nevertheless,
they remain the same in the vertical plane that contains the basic
universal rules that are constant regardless of time or time
space. It is as if it were a tree whose branches represent the
horizontal, masculine, red, and material plane, and each height
represents the differences that exist in each plane of
evolution. And the trunk represents the universal laws that are
common to all planes of existence. The trunk has to be the same
at each height because it is the common denominator that joins
all the planes. It cannot change to prevent the system from
falling apart. It could be said that it is the rigid exception that
every unstable system needs in order to function despite its
instability. This same example is represented by the human
body, because the flesh represents the horizontal, warm
dimension and free will. And the bones represent the vertical,
blue, crystalline, cold, spiritual dimension and the constant laws
that have to be kept rigid so that the universe, or in this case the
body, can stand upright.
Pink is an emotional color because it contains a bit of the
youthful energy of red and the honesty and purity of white.
The yellow color can symbolize the illusion of life and wisdom,
because it contains the youthful energy of red but evolved
towards the balance represented by green. In its negative aspect
it can represent drought, materialism, acidity or dry land with
respect to water. This difference occurs when the red color
overflows and covers the area that corresponds to the blue,
preventing a balance between the two dimensions, it is the same
that happens when the water does not irrigate the land and it
turns yellow and sterile. It can also represent the same as the
color red, the male sex. This color, like all the others, can
represent many positive things, but when it is put in the place
that blue should have then it represents materialism or the so-
called yellowishness.
Wisdom is associated with the color yellow because it is a
material quality that is produced by adding knowledge. On the
other hand, intelligence is associated with the color blue
because, unlike wisdom, it is not only a sum of knowledge, but
also implies the ability to manage knowledge in the most
balanced way. Wisdom is therefore the consequence of adding
material knowledge during human life, but, on the other hand,
spiritual intelligence is derived from learning to select those
knowledge and moral values that must be preserved from one
life to another to favor our evolution.
The color orange is similar to yellow and represents the illusion
of life because they combine the youthful strength of the color
red with the vitality and balance of green.
The color brown produces a feeling of comfort, because it
contains the strength and warmth of red with the calm feeling of
The green color represents life, because it is between the red
color that represents energy and the spirituality that blue
represents. This color represents the balance that almost all
things need to have to function properly, therefore, when that
balance is not had, then diseases and conflicts arise. With a
pyramid, you can also show the relationship between the color
red that is male and blue that is female, because the lower left
corner represents the color red, the lower right corner
represents the color blue, and the upper corner represents the
color green, because when the two colors located below are
united, the green color located above is generated, which
represents progress and life. Therefore, the symbolic color of the
number three is green. Instead, when it comes to understanding
the symbolic meaning of a square and the colors that represent
it, then the lower left corner would be red, the lower right corner
would be yellow, the upper left corner would be green, and the
upper right corner would be blue.
The Catholic Church tried to appropriate these symbols that
already existed since ancient times when it tried to use them to
represent God, the virgin and Jesus as if they were father,
mother and son. But this approach is absurd, because it makes
no sense to say that God is both father and son, and the virgin,
mother and wife of God, because according to his own
arguments God is the creator of everything and therefore cannot
have wives or private children. That, obviously, would be
polytheism and occurs when it comes to equating religious
characters with royal families. The correct explanation is that
these symbols represent the universal male and female
dimensions that are equally present throughout the universe and
are expressed through all beings that inhabit it. They are
therefore not people, but general symbols. But the church, bent
on creating idols that people could worship, turned these
universal symbols into simple dolls with which to handle people.
The color blue represents the feminine dimension, stability and
spirituality, therefore, it is ideal for those who want to feel
relaxed, it is a perfect color for sensitive people and for
philosophers. It can also represent the vertical line in the
dimension cross, but it depends on each situation, because the
red and blue color can invert their position with respect to the
dimension cross, that means that sometimes the red appears in
the horizontal position and the blue in the vertical, at other times
or levels invert their position, it all depends on the
circumstances, this is not a contradiction, because it is different
only in different situations. Red is on the left side and blue is on
the right of the X of dimensions, but red below and blue on top
can also be changed and placed, thus, the X of dimensions takes
on a double aspect like a helix of four blades. You can also set
the red color to the left side of each propeller and blue to the
right, in this way the movement is generated, because one
represents energy and the other vacuum and in a pressure
situation the movement goes from high pressure downward. This
is what happens in a weather vane or in a galaxy, although being
different dimensions also have some differences. Someone may
think, what does a galaxy have to do with a weather vane, an egg
with the first particle of the universe, man with the sun, or the
seeds of a plant with the particles of light? It is true that in some
things they are different, but in others they are the same, this is
because the whole universe is connected in the same way that
occurs with the layers of an onion. The universe at each level
changes somewhat, but also maintains its initial appearance in
other things. This circumstance is also governed by the
horizontal and vertical dimension, the horizontal represents
what is changing at each level and the vertical represents what
never changes, therefore, from the simplest to the most
complex, some things do not change and others do.
The violet color is the last visible color that is why it can
represent the spirit, the end, and that which is transcendental,
because after the end comes the beginning and renewal
again. All colors also correspond to sound frequencies, that
means low sound frequencies are red and high sound
frequencies are blue.
The black color represents tranquility, rest, night. As it also
represents the total absence of light in certain cases it can
represent ignorance, error or evil, because ignorance arises due
to the absence of intellectual light. This color can also represent
emptiness, space, or the valley of silence in a musical
note. Because it can represent ignorance, the symbolic X is at the
bottom. This is because gravity produces condensation and
condensation can cause confusion, therefore, the earth is
associated with the bottom, matter and confusion. The sky is
associated with the part above, the light and the truth, because
the further up we go, the lower the density and consequently
the greater the distance at which we can see. The teaching of all
this is that we must extract the good from the matter
represented by the color red, but without neglecting the spiritual
world represented by the color blue. This is necessary, because
matter and spirit, or man and woman can only produce life and
happiness when they come together. Matter or spirit can both
have a masculine or feminine meaning depending on the
circumstances, because the matter of the earth is feminine if it
arises with respect to the sun, but it is masculine with respect to
water or spirituality. And the spirit is feminine with respect to
the earth, but it is masculine with respect to the soul, it all
depends on the plane, level, or circle in question.
The color black is in its essence benign like all the others, but in
certain circumstances it can represent evil, therefore, it is best
not to use it in clothing except if it only represents a minimal and
exceptional part of the whole. However, it is appropriate,
especially in adults, to wear somewhat dark clothing, because
the dark tone represents seriousness, but the predominant black
color is inadvisable because it favors evil. There are people who
use it precisely to suggest their adherence to evil and thereby
intimidate others, and then there are those who dress well as a
way of self-defense by trying to resemble the previous ones, but
those who seek justice and good do not it makes sense for her to
dress that way knowing the meaning of it. This behavior shows
the existence of a moral vacuum, because if that person feels
insecure of himself, he can always turn to good and justice as
points of support.
The white color contains in its interior all the colors in equal
proportion, so it can represent justice, good, and favor that
meditation is objective, this is so, because each color can favor a
certain emotional state. It can also represent matter or existence
in white, in contrast to emptiness or nonexistence in black, or
the crest of sound in a slingshot. This color can represent the
culmination of knowledge and light, because without intellectual
vision it is not possible to achieve knowledge. For this reason,
those who wish to meditate to find the truth, must move away
from the material density generated by gravity and which is
located below, to be able to see into the distance from above. In
other words, you must get away from the bustle and noise, and
seek the tranquility that is necessary to have a spiritual vision
and at a great distance, for this reason, in the x of dimensions
the white color is located above. But we must not forget that
perfection is in balance, that means that it is best to obtain the
benefit that matter offers us, but without forgetting the
importance of the spiritual world.
The color red and black on the one hand, and blue and white on
the other have certain similarities, therefore, they can serve to
represent each other in some situations. For example, when the
red color located to the left of the X is abused, materialism and
evil represented by the color black is generated, then the X is
turned and the red color goes down to become black. The blue
and white colors can be placed both on top of the symbolic X,
these colors represent knowledge, spirit and justice, because
when the symbolic X is turned, then the red color on the left
goes down and the blue on the right goes up along with the
white color. In the scheme of the symbolic X, evil is placed
below, because gravity pushes matter downwards generating
density, ignorance and darkness, and as an undesired
consequence of that ignorance evil can appear, but this
assumption is only an example exceptional, because most of the
uses of the matter are benign. For example, on our planet, the
earth is below because it is where gravity condenses it, but it is
on the earth where tree roots can grow to create life, and it is
also with that matter that we can build everything beautiful that
civilization has. The color red can be associated with energy but
also with materialism when that energy is badly channeled, but it
also represents the energy of the sun that sustains life on Earth
and provides us with warmth when we are cold. This shows that
the fact of associating density or matter with evil is only an
exceptional or accidental assumption and not something that
represents it in general. The good and the white color are
located above the symbolic X, because where there is less
density it is easier to analyze things with perspective and
therefore there is more probability that justice will emerge. In
any case, the confusion generated by matter or energy will be
resolved with the progress of science, that progress is, in a
certain way, a way of giving intellectual value to raw matter, but
it is also a way of uniting the world spiritual with material until
matter, once tamed, acts in consonance with spiritual values. It
could be said then, that technological progress is measured by
the ability that man has to control the characteristics of
matter. The conclusion of this is that all colors are benign in their
essence, this means that their association with evil or injustice
only depends on those exceptional circumstances in which the
dimension corresponding to that color is abused.
If we raise the colors applied to politics, then too masculine or
red governments turn into dictatorships that cause the loss of
civil rights, but too feminine or blue governments turn into
anarchies that cause political and social chaos and proliferation
of all kinds crime. A government that is too centralist allows
citizens great freedom in the personal or family sphere, but does
not tolerate criticism and reserves power for a very small group
of people, this can cause great excesses or wars. On the other
hand, an anarchist or libertine model, allows all criticism as long
as it is not prevented from appropriating public money, it is also
characterized by supporting criminals against decent citizens,
because it considers that each person must do what appears to
him regardless of That this can cause harm to others, this also
serves as a means to promote impunity for politicians. Therefore,
to have the ideal government it is necessary to find the balance
between both models.
Colors can be divided into primary and secondary, the primary or
most important in metaphysics are red, green, and blue, because
they are the ones that are most closely related to universal
circumstances. The red color represents the male pole, and the
blue color represents the female pole and together they
generate the color green as a result of their union. These colors
are not personal identities but universal values found in all
beings that exist in the universe. Then there are the black and
white color, but the white color rather than a specific color or
frequency of vibration represents the sum of the three previous
colors. The color black is also not a frequency of light, but rather
represents the absence of all light or vibration. The rest of the
colors are derived from the combination in a greater or lesser
proportion of the previous ones, that is why they are more

We must bear in mind that if the universe is considered from a

metaphysical point of view then colors become an integral part
of all things, therefore, each one has its symbolic connection
with every aspect of life. Almost everything in life is governed by
vertical and horizontal or male and female dimensions. With
these diagrams you can better understand how dimensions

In the example (A) we can see how the male dimension in red
represents the horizontal plane and the vertical dimension in
blue represents the vertical. But in example (B) we can see how
the two dimensions have rotated and inverted in their positions,
which means that they can act in an apparently contradictory
way with the previous position, however, this makes sense,
because the change of plane is done on a different evolutionary
level. We must also bear in mind that in the drawing both arms
of the cross appear as rectangular, but the red color also
represents the curved line, and the blue color also represents the
straight line, this is so, because a straight line is only a small one
part of a curve. In reality, everything in the universe is curved, so
when a thing only covers a small part of a circle, then it gives the
impression that it is a line. It is true that in this case it would be a
line, but only if we consider it a relative not absolute
concept. When only a minimum part of a circle is taken into
account, then it becomes a line, so it is logical that it is
considered an opposite dimension. We have an example in a city,
because the horizontal line of its base may seem like a straight
line, but it is actually curved, but it only represents a very small
part of the Earth's circumference, this makes it appear as if it
were horizontal. The rest of the objects that are on the Earth
follow the same circumstance, because the hull of a ship may
appear rectilinear, but it adapts to the circumference of the
Earth like a city due to the effect of gravity. Even a ray of light
travels in a curved way, but it would be necessary to observe it in
a radius of light years to be able to appreciate the circumference
that it describes.

In the following drawing (C) the two dimensional planes form the
swastika cross and its arms when they rotate continuously
reverse their positions of polarity forming an image similar to
that of a galaxy barred with two red and two blue lines
constantly replacing their horizontal and two planes vertical. This
shows how circular motion can produce an inversion of polarities
each time the horizontal plane is changed to the vertical one in
an evolutionary process in which the masculine aspect merges
with the feminine, the red with the blue, and the horizontal with
the vertical, in a revolving movement of evolution that can also
produce a spiral or a staircase of different dimensions. At the
point of coincidence of the color red with blue, the color green is
produced, this color indicates that life arises when there is a
harmonious balance between both dimensional aspects. With
this cross it is shown that the horizontal and vertical planes can
rotate to replace each other even though they normally do so at
different levels of evolution. This means that a thing can appear
as feminine in a certain plane, but in another previous or later it
can appear as masculine without being a contradiction, for
example, the matter of the Earth is feminine with respect to the
sun, but it is masculine with respect to the sun sea inside the
In the following drawing (D) we can see in the first diagram how
the two horizontal and vertical dimensions form a cross when
joined and can merge with the universal (X), forming an X with a
cross inside, this is possible, because actually the two cross
shapes are related. The letter x represents mainly the red and
blue or male and female poles, but here they are raised from left
to right and acting in harmony in the horizontal dimension and
the same moment of time. This scheme serves to represent the
balance that most things need to maintain to achieve happiness,
because the key to progress is to prevent one polarity from
dominating the other so that the masculine or feminine values of
each aspect of life are maintained always the same as on a scale
without one trying to invade the other's space, that is why it is
necessary for people to give the same value to both dimensional
aspects in order to progress. The word "equal" does not mean
that they perform the same functions, but rather the opposite,
they are just as necessary in the universe and with the same
importance, but their way of acting must each be in their own
dimension or different plane, because if they did everything the
same in the end their difference in polarity would be destroyed
and with it the benefit that this polarity can provide.
With the color red on the left and blue on the right of the (X), it is
also represented how the universe goes from a high level of
energy to a low one and consequently from a low level of order
to a high one. This means that the male and material pole is
gradually decreasing and the female or spiritual pole is
growing. This happens, because the energy of the stars is being
consumed, but in return the universe gains in order and scientific
progress as the chaos and the initial fire is replaced by
crystallization and order. This process of going from heat to cold
occurs only in the material universe but not in beings that use
that energy, because the process of change and decrease of
energy is logical to occur in energy sources, but not in those
beings that use that energy, because these beings always need
to maintain the balance of potentials throughout the cosmic
cycle in order to evolve. This balance is necessary even in our
own body, because health is the consequence of maintaining the
balance of inner potentials.
If we raise the square of four colors from left to right, then the
horizontal plane of the cross represents the universe decreasing
its energy represented in red and increasing the order
represented in blue, but if we raise these same colors from the
bottom up, on the one hand We see how the red and blue
potentials always maintain the same value because they do not
change upwards, to understand it it is necessary to imagine the
horizontal plane as a cylinder that advances upwards always the
same and in line with time. This is so, because in reality the point
of intersection of the two colors in the center represents the
present moment, therefore, if we raise the colors red and blue
from left to right, the energy advances from more to less, but in
the vertical plane energy and order are constantly
advancing. This means that, although the energy of the universe
is decreasing little by little like the charge of a battery,
nevertheless the beings that inhabit the universe and use that
energy must keep their potential values in balance all the time in
order to evolve. It is the same as what happens with the body of
a mammal and the external climate, because the biology of the
mammal will always try to maintain its constant temperature
regardless of the climate that may exist in the environment, that
is precisely what makes it superior to reptiles.
It could be said then that there are two forms of balance of
potentials, one (A) is the one that corresponds to a model in
which energy, chaos and masculine values are mainly at the
beginning and feminine values of order and spirituality are found
especially at the end. In this model, the universe begins full of
energy and decreases incessantly from more to less, causing an
increase in order, because the colder the universe is, the greater
its order. According to the above, it may seem that this model is
in contradiction with the balance of potentials, but that is not the
case, because in this case there is not a direct but an indirect
balance, because in reality both aspects have the same
importance, but the red and the energy act at the beginning of
time and the order acts mainly at the end, it is then a question of
a form of balance different from the previous one. This process
of indirect matching of potentials can also be applied to age,
because at the beginning everything is youth and at the end
everything is knowledge. The indirect horizontal equilibrium
system is the one that uses the being that is and controls the
universe and acts as a foundation so that the rest of individual
beings can build civilization using matter and the energy that it
lends them. This function is rotating, this means that in a future
cosmic cycle another being will have to take care of this task.
The other mode of equilibrium (B) is the vertical and direct one,
in this system both values have to be constant all the time for life
to develop correctly and it is the one that the beings who use
this process of decrease have to use energy of the universe. This
means that process (A) is indirect, because energy progressively
decreases over time and is developed by the universal being that
controls the stars and planets. The equilibrium model (B) is
direct, because both values must be kept constant in order to
evolve. This balancing system is the one generally used by beings
that use the energy of the stars. In other words, the process of
decreasing one pole and increasing the other is the one that goes
from left to right and belongs to the horizontal dimension, but in
the vertical dimension the values are constant. 
This shows that the behavior of energy in the source that
produces it is different from how it acts in the beings that
consume it, because the red and horizontal dimension indicates
how the material universe is losing its energy more and more as
if it were a battery. We can see this in the drawing that shows
how the left side is predominantly red, and the left is
predominantly blue. In the vertical dimension are all the beings
of the universe that use this energy and that must keep the
potentials the same in order to evolve. We have the same
example with a device that works by means of batteries and
whose energy is decreasing, but which, nevertheless, is designed
to keep its operation unchanged until the end. In other words,
on the one hand, the energy source progressively loses its energy
that is replaced by evolution, but instead the beings that use that
energy have to keep the polarity potentials constant in order to
be happy and to be able to progress. They are, therefore, two
different forms of equilibrium of potentials, the first indirect and
horizontal in a process of continuous change, and the second
direct and vertical but keeping the two potentials equal all the
The cross and the symbolic X were already known in antiquity
long before the Christian era, in those times they were used as in
this example to symbolize the relationship between the
horizontal and vertical dimension or the top with the bottom. It
was later used to symbolize the death of Jesus on the cross and
people forgot its earlier metaphysical meaning. The same
happened with the swastika cross, because people do not
understand why it is currently being displayed in many eastern
temples after the Nazis used it as a symbol of their
movement. The reason is very simple, and it is that it was not the
temples that copied the Nazis, but the Nazis that copied the
temples, and consequently you do not have to be ashamed of
the use that others can give you, because the important thing is
not it is the symbol, but the meaning that each one gives it.
In the lower part of the square, it is symbolized with the black
color, that ignorance is at the beginning of the evolution
associated with matter and density, but as the human being
evolves technologically upwards, he discovers the less dense
spiritual world represented by the color white, then he manages
to see the light of knowledge and banishes error and evil
forever. The teaching of this is that evil, in reality, arises from the
error that occurs when trying to consider life only from the
materialistic point of view represented by the color red, and
forgetting the spiritual dimension represented by the color
blue. After death, the spirit forgets many of its previous
knowledge, although not the most important, this means that
when a person is born again the first thing he knows is the
material world, due to this circumstance many people end up
believing that this world is the only one that exists and
consequently they become materialistic and deny life after
death. But it is necessary to understand that the material
universe in reality is only a design created by the spiritual world.
In the last drawing it can be seen in a different way how the red
and blue dimensions are related to form a movement
reminiscent of a weather vane, in this way, the two dimensions
rotate and are inverted and with their action they create the
movement of the universe. It can also be seen that the color red
always goes towards blue, thus symbolizing how the universe
advances from chaos to order and from ignorance to
knowledge. The colors of this weather vane could also be
substituted by black and white, in this case black would be put in
place of red and white would be put in place of blue. As in the
previous example, the color black always has to be directed
towards white to symbolize that the darkness of the past has to
be replaced by light in the future and this will be achieved
through progress both in science and technology spiritual.
In reality, the amount of things that have a connection with
colors is immense, because each thing corresponds to a color
and a frequency of vibration, that is why it can be located in a
position with respect to the square of the four colors. The red
color (left) corresponds to the masculine positive pole and
everything that it represents, the blue color (right) corresponds
to the spiritual dimension and the feminine part of the
cosmos. The intermediate colors indicate the presence in
percentages of the primary colors. In black color (Bottom) it
represents ignorance, darkness, the beginning, the night. The
white color (above) represents the culmination, the light, the
clarity, the intelligence, the justice. If we look closely, all things
have a color that represents them, the sexes, for example, with
red and blue. Evil with black and good with white. In turn, the
cold is on the feminine side of the primary colors and the heat
with the masculine.
Each race also represents a color, this means that each one is
better in some things but worse in others, because every physical
difference determines that there are advantages and
disadvantages, therefore, only the race that is able to better
coordinate all these qualities can be consider perfect. Any
departure by a race from the central point towards the feminine
or masculine side can produce an advantage in those
dimensional aspects in which it is favored, but that hypothetical
advantage in that aspect will always be inferior to the race that
uses the intermediate situation, because it is the one that has
the two universal planes balanced. At present, this poleward slop
is necessary due to the excessively extreme climates of the Earth,
but when man achieves through technology that the climate of
all cities is identical there will no longer be any impediment for
the races inclined towards the poles extremes can evolve to be
equal to the white race that is the one that is in the middle or
ideal point.
The materialistic attitude is red, but whoever abuses it becomes
evil and then the color red turns into black, for this reason, many
youth groups use jackets of that color due to the psychological
relationship that is established between evil and the color
black. With this way of dressing, they try to suggest to those who
see them their adherence to evil and thereby try to create an
intimidating effect. Women, when marrying, use the color white
for their dresses because of the association it has with purity and
justice. The fact that there is a relationship between sex and
colors does not mean that all things have sex, but rather that all
things have polarity, the sexes are therefore only one of its many
versions. The color green represents life, because success and
progress are the consequence of common sense and prudence,
that is, it is the consequence of having a moderate attitude. This,
in metaphysical terms, is equivalent to maintaining the balance
of the universal red and blue potentials, resulting in their union
with the color green as a symbol of that balance. Surely, the
myth of the Christian trinity is derived from these symbols that
were already known in antiquity, the red or male would be
considered the father, the blue or female would be considered
the mother, and the green when derived from both would be
considered the son But we must not forget that these symbols
do not refer to people but to universal values or forces that are
within all of us. What the Catholic Church did was distort its true
meaning for its own benefit.
All things that make sense in the universe need to find their
balance in the balance of colors and polarities, that is, they must
keep the masculine and feminine or red and blue values equal to
function correctly, but the things that do not make sense are not
they should not even do as an exception. Because it is not logical
to do in an exceptional way what is absurd. When a thing is
logical, it can be done continuously or it can also be done
exceptionally, but when a thing is not logical, then it must be
completely rejected. The imbalance of these scales in biology can
cause disease, but if it occurs in politics it can lead to
governments that are too right or too left. It is also important to
note that, in general, it is correct to maintain the balance of the
potentials, however, when by mistake or negligence someone
unbalances one of these scales to one side, then it is necessary
to exert an opposite force towards the opposite side with in
order to regain balance. In this case it would be a justified
exception to this rule. 
The days of the week would also have a connection with colors,
because the former can be related to the color red and the latter
to blue in general terms, although later each day has its own
color related to the number that corresponds to it. The colors of
the numbers would be, the white zero, the black one, the red
two, the green three, the red four, the golden five, the blue six,
the brown seven, the red eight and the bluish white nine. It can
also be observed that the even numbers lean more towards the
red or masculine side, and the odd numbers lean more towards
the blue or feminine side. When applying the colors to the days
of the week, Monday would be dark blue, Tuesday would be red,
Wednesday would be green, Thursday would be blue, Friday
would be gold, Saturday by number would be blue, but if it
belongs to the end of week can also be orange, Sunday by
number would be brown, but being a holiday and having a
directing and coordinating function of the other days it would
also be golden. This coordinating function is similar to that
performed by the sun in the solar system.
It must be borne in mind that one thing is the color of a number
and another is the color that corresponds to a day of the week,
because in this case two different dimensional aspects act. This
means that the symbolic color of the days of the week may not
fully coincide with the symbolic color of the number it occupies
in that week, therefore, Monday would be black or dark blue,
Tuesday would be red, Wednesday green, Thursday dark blue,
Friday yellow, Saturday blue or orange and Sunday brown or
gold. Since Sunday is a free day and therefore different from
working days, a special relationship is created with respect to
them, this determines that the predominant color on all working
days is blue above the color of the number they have, and
Sunday's color will then be gold over the color of the number it
occupies. Because not only the color of the number counts but
also the color it represents due to its dimensional relationship
with respect to the rest. This difference determines that
weekdays also represent the horizontal dimension, which in this
case would be blue and rigid, and Sunday also represents the
vertical dimension, which in this case would be red. In other
words, a relationship of rule and exception is created between
them, similar to the one that exists between political or material
power. For this reason, in the past it was determined that there
was a sacred and free day, to recognize its coordinating and
exceptional function with respect to others, just like the function
of the sun with respect to the planets or the thumb with respect
to the planets others.
The planets of the solar system can also be related to the colors
or the days of the week, so that those closest to the sun would
be in relation to red and those furthest away with blue. That
means that the Earth, being in the intermediate temperature
zone, would be assigned the number three and the green color
that in the week would coincide with Wednesday. The sun would
have a parallel with Sunday as it is the star that is different from
the others and governs all of them. A week, in reality, is like a
miniature solar system or vice versa, because the daily days
represent the set of planets, the color blue and the horizontal
dimension, and Sunday represents the sun, the red color and the
vertical dimension.
You can also find coincidences between letters and colors, for
example, with vowels the letter (A) would be red because it is
the one with the lowest vibration, the (E) would be green, the (I)
would be yellow, the (O) it would be brown and the (U) would be
blue because it is the one with the highest vibration. It gives the
impression that instead of simply increasing the frequency of
vibration, they are making a ripple of sound. This would be with
vowels, but in the case of consonants it would depend on the
frequency of vibration that each letter had.
In ancient times it was also known that there is a relationship
between numbers and colors. It is possible that in this analysis
my conclusions do not fully coincide with those that existed in
the past, but that is because I do not base myself on what others
say about it but on my own deductions. Therefore, those who
judge whether I am right or wrong based on whether I approach
them or not make a mistake, because I obtain my conclusions
through my personal search and my intuition and I do not limit
myself to submitting to opinions or supposed truths previously
established. I do not limit myself to copying, but I try to go to the
source that everyone should go to, which is the truth, to
improve, if possible, what is already known or correct what is
wrong. It is evident that I too can be wrong like the rest of the
people, but it is impossible to evolve if we limit ourselves to
assuming as true what they have told us or we have read without
first analyzing it in detail and submitting it to the new evidence
that may arise. Progress is a fight of constant success and error,
but the fact that we can make mistakes is not a reason not to
move forward, because just as we suffer when we make
mistakes we are also happy when we get it right, and many
times, the difference between the one and the other is smaller
than it seems. But it is evident that success usually smiles on
those who, despite all the inconveniences, strive to find the
For the universe to function, there must be common rules that
act equally in all places regardless of distance, it is also necessary
that all atomic processes work synchronized at the speed of
light. This means that the material particles that coordinate the
atoms need to move at the speed of light to cause effects in
other parts of the universe. This is valid when analyzing the
speed of matter but it is not applicable to the speed of the
soul. In other words, the speed that is used for the
communication of matter cannot be applied to the system that is
used to transmit the sensations or feelings of the soul within the
same being. All the beings of the universe, that is to say all the
spirits that are masters of the matter that form them, are
characterized by having all their particles linked directly to each
other through a material connection. This connection is not
interrupted anywhere and joins all its particles directly with each
other because there is no empty space between them, however,
they do not have a direct connection with the rest of beings, that
is why they are different beings. In other words, a being can have
different particles, but the fact that they are part of the same
being is due to the fact that they are directly linked.
This determines that all the sensations that occur in a point are
shared instantaneously by its entire being, this is so, because the
sensations do not travel through its interior since inside there is
no matter but emptiness which determines that a sensation
produced in a point is shared in all the points that are part of the
same being at the same moment. In the case of sound
transmission for example, sound travels through the collision of
the particles that form the air that transmit kinetic energy from
one to another, but when it is a being that only has one particle
or has many but joined without empty spaces between them
(which is the same), then it is not necessary that an information
be transmitted by collision or radiation because all the
information always belongs and is known by the same being. The
matter of the universal being also transmits information
instantaneously for him, but for the rest of the beings that
populate the universe it is necessary to resort to the classic
methods of displacement of information at the speed of light,
that is why the entire universe is found synchronized at that
In all beings there are two concepts of speed, on the one hand
there is the speed at which the particles that form them move,
which is the speed of light and the other is the speed at which
the sensations of the soul move through their interior that It is
instantaneous, this is possible, because the soul is not formed by
particles but by emptiness. In reality, the particles, on the
outside we see them as matter but on the inside they have
emptiness. That is the key to existence, which determines that
nothing and something, or matter and emptiness are the same
but seen from different points of view. This means that inside all
the particles that in turn are not formed by any other particle,
what exists is empty, or in other words, matter inside is matter,
but outside is empty. Matter represents existence or something,
and emptiness represents nothingness or nonexistence, but, in
reality, they are two parts of the same thing but seen from
different points of view. For this reason, using the word "speed
of the soul" to refer to the transmission of sensations within the
same being is inaccurate, because being the same being and
consequently there is no separation or vacuum that separates
the particles that form it it can be said that there is a speed in
the transmission of these sensations. In other words, the
displacement speed is only applicable to the time it takes for a
particle to move with respect to another, but not to the
sensations that occur within the same particle or within the same
being. A being can have many particles, but if these are
connected directly and without interruption or vacuum that
separates them, then all the sensations that occur at one point
are perceived by the whole of the being at the same time. This
means that in the case of the universal being, every event that
occurs at a point in the universe would be perceived by its entire
being in all space regardless of distance, but the material
reactions of its particles would instead occur in a synchronized
way to The speed of light. For this reason, when people handle
the matter of the universal being, it is different, because since
they are not part of the same being, the transmission of
information must be at the speed of light, because this is the
speed at which its particles are synchronized. This system of
synchronization or speed serves so that all beings in the universe
can communicate with each other with enough speed.
To better understand the concept of instantaneous speed of
sensations within the soul, we can use the first universal particle
as an example, or rather when it was divided into two. At that
time, each of these particles was made up only of a circle of
matter surrounded by a vacuum, this means that any contact
that could occur between them on one of its sides, would be
perceived at the same time by the entire particle. This is so,
because since there are no other particles inside and it is the
same being on the entire surface of the particle, the speed of
light or contact between particles would not be applicable to
transmit the information, because inside only there would be a
vacuum, and on the surface there would only be a single material
element, therefore, there could not be a transmission of contacts
delayed in time. The transmission delayed in time is only
applicable when different beings intervene but not when it
occurs within the same being, that is why it is instantaneous. It is
as if a person were trying to find out how long it might take to
communicate something to himself, logically it would be zero
because he already knows.
These original particles would be divisible, but they would not be
formed by any other particle, therefore, there is no speed inside
them, because the concept of speed is only applicable to
material particles in their displacement through space, but not to
the transmission of sensations within the same being. This
means that a spirit or the soul that it carries inside when moving
through space could not exceed the speed of light, because it
would be moving through the universe that is and forms the
body of the universal being, but the sensations that could occur
within the same being if they would be perceived instantly when
all the particles that form it are directly connected. In short, the
universe is made up of many individual beings and the
characteristic that defines them is that each being has all its
particles directly connected, but they do not have a direct
connection with the particles of other beings, therefore,
communications with them they are made at the speed of
light. This is so, because they have to adapt to the speed that the
matter of the universal being uses and that they use as an
intermediary. On the other hand, the transmission of sensations
within the same being is instantaneous as there is no physical
separation between its particles.
Regarding the intimate nature of matter, it is necessary to
understand that the more deeply it is analyzed, the more
necessary it becomes to study it as something metaphysical and
not simply as something physical, it is also necessary to recognize
that matter is life and there cannot be matter that does not have
life and consciousness of itself within. The circle that was formed
with the first particle or egg of the cosmos is later repeated in
everything that has a circular shape such as planets or galaxies,
but in its original aspect it is more a symbol than something
physical because the circle represents renewal and the
eternity. Therefore, it can be assumed that the material forms
that we easily identify are the consequence of turning the
abstract into something recognizable. In the same way that the
male or female sex are the consequence of an attitude, the
division of the universe into matter or emptiness is also a
circumstantial fact, because in reality matter is also empty, and
emptiness is also matter, everything depends on it focus as you
look at it. The matter raised inward is solid but raised outward is
empty, so the correct thing is to represent the first particle of the
universe as a white circle surrounded by a black square, the
white circle is male and the black square is female as a
consequence of its attitude. It is not possible that only
nothingness or only matter exists, because they need each other
to be able to recognize themselves due to the contrast they
make with each other. For this reason, matter and emptiness
have always existed and will always exist, because it is not
possible that emptiness can exist without matter or matter
without emptiness because both represent existence and
nonexistence at the same time and are the reflection of the same
thing. The sexes are also an example of this reality, because deep
down a man is like a woman and a woman is like a man but in
reverse since each of them represents the opposite pole of the
opposite. Man represents matter or existence and woman
represents emptiness or nonexistence, both are the
consequence of the division of the same thing into two parts.
The circle represents the masculine, renewal and alternation,
and the straight line represents the feminine, solidity and
continuity. The circles separate to give place to the space in the
middle of the particles and thus create the vibration between
them. The line represents the constant union that is found inside
the matter because in reality all the particles that are part of the
same being need to be directly connected to be able to share
their knowledge, because if it were not so, each separate particle
would have a level intellectual equivalent to a single bit of
information, so it is essential that there is a connection through
invisible filaments that connect them continuously, directly, and
without empty space between them. In other words, the
universe would have two dimensions, one where the matter of
each being would act horizontally and continuously, and the
other vertical where the matter would act intermittently creating
voids between each other. This intermittent dimension would be
responsible for the ranges of vibration, the separation between
the planets or night and day. The universe we know made up of
spheres separated by a vacuum is due to the fact that the
horizontal part that joins the particles remains invisible to the
naked eye. For this reason, it is necessary to delve into
metaphysics in order to understand the universe, but as long as
the materialistic scientists who deny the life of matter believe
that the only way to understand its inner workings is by
destroying atoms in the particle accelerator, it will be very
difficult that they come to understand how it works.
In reality, the soul is what is really part of us because its particles
are directly connected. On the other hand, the spirit is made
with matter of the universal being and its function is to serve the
soul as an intermediary between the matter of the universe and
it. The soul can change its position from passive to active or from
masculine to feminine intermittently or binary, although it is
almost always in a passive position to feel the emotions of the
outside world and only changes its attitude when it is necessary
to make decisions, that is why, gives part of the active or
masculine function to the spirit that covers it. In this way, the
spirit acts as a male and active element and is housed inside the
brain when reincarnation occurs, and the soul acts as a passive
feminine part and is housed inside the spirit when the cosmic
cycle begins. Then the soul and spirit remain together
throughout the cosmic cycle as if they were a marriage. At the
beginning of the universe there was only one particle, this
particle divided to create many others, then these particles
separated from each other breaking their physical connection to
create new beings, and in turn these beings created new
particles with which to build their mind and his memory. Then
they created the spirit with the matter of the universal being to
accompany them throughout the cosmic cycle. Later, soul and
spirit united, they created the human body to be able to
reincarnate, because only in this way can the spirit fully feel the
emotions of life in matter. Only when the body is fragile and
mortal, the soul can fully feel the sensations of life, because a
body that was rigid and invulnerable would not allow the
sensations to reach the soul fully. The body and the spirit are
opposite extremes, because the body is cold matter and the
spirit is hot energy.
The body is weak and deadly but at the same time very sensitive,
this is necessary to be happy, because the body's ability to feel is
proportional to its vulnerability, therefore, it is deadly and must
be replaced from time to time. On the other hand, the spirit is
strong and immortal but in comparison less sensitive than the
body, therefore, it needs the soul to remain in a passive position
to be able to feel the emotions that life provides. The body is
weak and mortal but very sensitive, and the spirit is strong and
immortal but much less sensitive due to its invulnerability,
therefore, they need to unite their qualities in order to benefit
from both characteristics. In this way, the spirit acquires the
sensitivity of the body through its union with it, and the body
acquires the immortality of the spirit by carrying it within
itself. The particles of the spirit have eternal life and are
indestructible, but they are also subject to cycles of birth and
death just like the body, but with the difference that these cycles
coincide with the duration of the universe itself. It must also be
clarified that in reality what people call death is only a change,
but it does not imply the death of the soul that is contained
within the spirit, because when the universe ends its current
cosmic cycle the whole process will return to start from the
beginning and all beings that are really souls, will create new
spirits and then new bodies to reincarnate in them and live
happily after building advanced civilizations.
That is to say that in reality, what dies are the forms but not the
eternal life that the spirits carry within them and that are
reincarnated in those forms. The fact that there is a relationship
between the invulnerability of the soul and its sensitivity does
not mean that it cannot feel, however, it is true that its
sensitivity is much lower than that of the body, therefore, to
compensate, you need to reduce your proportional part with
respect to the body to a very small percentage compared to it, it
is also necessary to adopt the passive position as a means of
amplifying your own sensitivity. This, together with the great
sensitivity of the body, makes it possible for the soul to feel with
the maximum intensity the emotions that reach it. Similarly, the
fact that the body is weak and consequently more sensitive than
the spirit does not mean that it does not have its own strength,
but, compared to the spirit, it is much weaker. In the human
body, the strongest part is represented by the bones, this is not
by chance, because as a rigid element they represent the spirit,
and also the universal laws that are eternal and immovable like
the soul. When the superheroes in the movies are shown as
physically invulnerable beings, it is because they are being
attributed qualities that actually correspond to the spirit and not
the body, that is why there is a connection between them and
the divinity, because the spirit is the part divine and immortal
that we all have. In reality divine is everything that is well done,
but the spirit is very close to this divinity because it remains
almost constant for thousands of years and acts in coordination
with the universal laws that are the best definition of divine
The soul needs to put itself in an active or masculine position to
be able to do the things that are necessary, but in that position
you can act but not feel and therefore the sensations that come
to it are blocked, for that reason, it needs to be passive or
feminine almost everything time to feel. One way to compensate
for this situation is to make some of its particles active but the
others passive. This explains why those who are materialists
cannot be happy, because by adopting an excessively active or
masculine attitude they reduce the disposition of their soul to
feel the sensations that the world generates, which leads them
to be unhappy, therefore, it is necessary always keep the two
polar or sexual aspects balanced and give the same value to
matter as to spirit.

Hindus or Buddhists believe that the reincarnation of spirits in

matter is only temporary until the spirits finish evolving, but
what is the point of reincarnating in matter if it is not going to
continue in it after having evolved? Because, if according to
them, this is done to acquire knowledge or intellectual abilities
then why not acquire that knowledge in the spiritual world and
avoid the hassle of creating a body that has taken millions of
years to build and a human civilization that has taken as many
thousands of years to complete, if your ultimate intention is to
leave the material world to live in a hypothetical spiritual
world? Also, if we take into account the descriptions of those
who believe in this hypothetical world, it seems that what they
propose is just a bad imitation of the human world, but in its best
version. They think like this, because they do not realize that in
reality, the spirit, is only a sphere of energy, and when they
imagine the supposed ideal spiritual world similar to a technically
advanced human civilization with spirits in the shape of people
and buildings similar to those It is evident that humans are
making a contradiction, because what they imagine to be the
ideal world for the spirit is, in reality, an already perfected
human world. But then, isn't it better to recognize that the only
way for the spirit to be happy is to live reincarnated in a physical
body and in a truly advanced civilization, rather than a spiritual
world that is just a bad imitation of the human? Because the key
to resolving this confusion is to understand that there is nothing
wrong with living in matter if it is done in line with spiritual
values. The spirit, as if it were a sun, is warm and masculine
energy, and the earth, is cold and feminine matter, and only
when they come together is life represented by the color green
generated. Therefore, in my opinion, the most reasonable thing
is to think that spirits reincarnate in matter not only as
something fleeting, but as an end in itself, because the spirit
alone, without its union with matter, is not complete, what
prevents you from being happy. 
The spirit is masculine, but spirituality is feminine, the inert earth
is feminine, but matter in contrast to water is masculine, that is
to say that both matter and spirit contain within them the two
universal sexual or polar values. However, they are perceived in
one way or another depending on the circumstances, because
when the planes are changed, the polarities are reversed without
this being a contradiction, because they are different lower or
higher planes. What is always kept the same is the coordinating
vertical root that contains the rules that give meaning to these
polarity changes. Matter and spirit represent the two polar or
sexual values of the universe, therefore, to be complete they
need to be together continuously and not as something
temporary, until the cosmic cycle ends. Matter and spirit are like
a marriage that to be happy they need to be together. What is
the point of all the effort that has been necessary to create
civilization, if it is then abandoned? They could say in their
defense that such knowledge cannot be acquired if it is not
through reincarnation, but that seems a rather simplistic
argument, if we consider that it is the spirits that have created
our bodies with their immense wisdom. Also, if they have the
technical ability to build a developed spirit world, then they
could have done such studies within the spirit world as well. In
other words, they did not need to take the trouble to create the
human body and then reincarnate in it to acquire knowledge if
they were to abandon it later, because they could have saved a
step and sought that knowledge in the spiritual world without
having to create a physical body. . Because it is one thing to
investigate the matter, and quite another is to dedicate billions
of years to create a physical body so that the spirit can live in
it. They also often say that the reason for reincarnating into a
human body is to acquire a higher spiritual level, but that is also
absurd, because if what they wanted was to increase their
spiritual knowledge, then they did not need to go from the
spiritual world to the material world, they could save yourself a
step and research that knowledge in the place where you can
acquire more knowledge of this type, which is in the spiritual
dimension. Therefore, the most reasonable thing is to think that
the human body was not created solely in order to promote
spiritual progress, but that they did so, because their true
objective was to create human civilization and live in it as men to
the end. of the times. It is true that the spirit has learned many
things with reincarnation, but all those efforts cannot be
temporary, therefore, the most logical thing is to think that the
reason that all this long process of evolution has been worth it is
because It was made with the intention of creating human
civilization so that the spirit can live in it forever.

The material universe is connected by a chain of matter that

uninterruptedly unites it in its entirety just like the chain of a
bicycle joins its two wheels, this connection is not made using
atoms but filaments of continuous matter without empty spaces
that interrupt. The matter of the filaments does not collide due
to its ability to become material or immaterial at will, therefore,
the entire universe is divided between matter and
emptiness. This material chain guarantees the synchronization of
the entire universe at the speed of light and also that all
knowledge is shared among all the particles of the same
being. The way this process works can also be compared to a
continuous and submerged ripple of matter that appears its
ridges above the sea, the visible ridges would represent the
particles of visible matter, and the sea would represent the chain
that unites all matter. The valley of the wave matter in its
submerged part would not be visible but would exist just like the
other. This great chain would only unite the matter of the same
being, that is to say that other beings could have other particles
directly connected to each other but they would not be directly
connected to other beings. It is possible that each planet is
controlled by a different being, but it is most likely that the entire
material universe is and is controlled by a single being because in
that way it is easier to coordinate the universe taking into
account that, over time, the matter of the planets and the stars
does not remain separated indefinitely so that they can be
considered different beings, the normal thing is that it is
subjected to a continuous process of collision, destruction or
fusion even in the case of galaxies. It must be borne in mind that
when the planetoids collide, their fragments mix with each other
in space, this means that assuming they belonged to different
beings, enormous problems would be created to be able to
control each fragment separately, that is why If all that matter
belongs to a single being, this whole process is easier. This
analysis is derived from considering matter as a living being,
which is why materialistic scientists have never raised this
The rest of the individual beings that populate the universe are
like smaller versions of the universal being because, like him,
they have all their particles connected by their own chain of
uninterrupted filaments, but they are separated from the
universal being and from the rest of the individual beings, that is
why they are beings different. The universe can also have several
different chains, some would be those that generate magnetic
forces, and others would be those that generate gravitational
forces. These forces would enter or leave the planets or atoms
mainly through their polar zones. Electromagnetic radiation, on
the other hand, would not come from the poles but from
anywhere, but would move in an undulatory way with two waves
of continuous matter inverted to form the undulation. This
undulation would also have a turning movement on its axis to
make it easier to pass the other filaments of continuous matter
with which it could cross. These filaments could belong to the
universal being, but also to the rest of the individual beings that
populate the universe.
The key to being able to pass the other filaments of continuous
matter without colliding and without breaking the continuity of
matter would be to join its two waves of visible matter on the
opposite side before separating after the invisible filament of the
other being passes through its center, in this way the direct
connection is never broken. That is to say that the particle of
matter of a being would extend in the space vertically above and
below showing an active attitude, and instead the filament of
matter of the other being would do it through the horizontal
plane acting passively until the two ends that extend above and
below it will pass over it and rejoin. This wave process would go
on endlessly at the speed of light. It is similar to how a man
walks, because he always keeps one foot in contact with the
ground, thus there is always a connection with the earth, but he
moves, because each time he does so with a different foot. In
turn, the light rays do not travel in a straight line but form very
large circles, therefore, one day they will return to the starting
point when the universe ends its current cosmic cycle. This
means that when we see a galaxy located at the opposite end of
the universe, it is possible that what we are seeing is the light of
our own galaxy that has returned after a complete revolution of
the universe. In reality, matter is circular because it is constantly
renewed and repeated, that is to say that its shape is the
consequence of its attitude.
Filaments of matter can stretch or contract even though they are
not made up of other particles but they never separate except
when a different being is to be formed. In the case of separating,
they would form a new being with the same characteristics of
the original being and their same eternal life. This is what
happened at the beginning of time because it was necessary to
convert the first particle that was also the first being in all the
beings that the universe needed to be able to develop. However,
as the universe works through circles when the current universal
cycle ends, all beings will become part of the same being and the
same particle before the whole process begins again.
The universe is always mired in a process of continuous
movement because it serves to make renewal possible. Life
without the continuous change that movement generates would
be monotonous and akin to total simplicity. Movement is
necessary, because only the alternation between matter and
emptiness generates happiness. In the same way, it is not
possible to make music only with the tone of sound or only with
the valley of silence, because the alternation that both form is
necessary for it to be possible to produce it. The movement of
matter creates time, but what makes evolution possible is the
ability to remember those changes. This means that memory is
useful, but only during the time that corresponds to the cycle or
period of time in which that memory is necessary, therefore, it is
also useful to forget to be able to regenerate. In other words,
remembering and forgetting are part of a binary mechanism as
necessary as sound and silence can be in a musical note. This
contrast also occurs in night and day, or cold and heat. After the
old body dies, it is also necessary to forget the previous lives so
that it is possible to live the new life without the interference
that the memory of other lives could produce. This is necessary,
because memories are only useful for the time for which they
were created. We must remember while that memory is useful
and within the cycle for which that memory serves, but when
that cycle ends it is also necessary to forget in order to
regenerate and thus be able to live all the events again with the
same emotion as if it were the first time that we live them. This is
useful, because forgetting serves to increase the intensity of
what we feel, that is why we like a song more when it has been a
long time since we have heard it, because by forgetting part of its
content we can feel again the exciting sensations that the new
creates. . In other words, forgetting can increase the pleasure
that the new provides us, therefore, the universe needs to
regenerate itself incessantly. Movement is necessary to generate
the vibration, because if there were no movement it would not
be possible to generate the alternation between nothing and the
something that the vibration represents and therefore there
could not be the stimulus and the sensations of pleasure that
derive from that vibration.

Throughout history, human beings have always been involved in

conflicts, and periods of peace have been used to regain strength
and continue wars, which shows that man's predisposition to
war has always been constant, but Today, that is different,
because the existence of nuclear weapons does not allow the
great super powers to confront each other directly because of
the risk they have of being completely destroyed. That means
that the greed of the population combined with the greed of
politicians could unleash a great tribulation or social confusion
like the one cited in the biblical apocalypse which, in turn, could
provoke a global civil confrontation assuming that society does
not find another means to express their aggressiveness. In other
words, the inability of society to turn its aggressiveness into a
war could accumulate until leading to a civil conflict.
This anxiety for violence is similar to the effect that drug
addiction produces on the brain, but if that desire for violence
does not find a way out through a military conflict, then it could
cause even family members or neighbors to confront each other
until culminating in a civil conflict of a planetary
nature. However, it must also be said that this exacerbated
aggressiveness is more the consequence of vanity and selfishness
than of a normal psychological situation, but when it is
concentrated in the organs of power the risk is greater, because
in the wars that have existed Throughout history, not only
injustice has been present, but above all selfishness, tyranny or
arrogance as amplifying elements of that injustice that, to a
greater or lesser extent, most people have. In reality, evil is
present equally in all social layers regardless of their economic
level, but power makes it easier for that evil that already existed
to go abroad.
Because the great superpowers are always getting involved in
smaller conflicts, a global civil conflict may never occur, but it is
clear that the risk will only cease to exist when society changes
its attitude and rejects violence or violence war as a means to
achieve their objectives. An example of this social aggressiveness
is found in the fact that many citizens tend to support their
military when they invade countries even when they commit
crimes against humanity, because in these cases both the
government and the media often provide an appropriate alibi so
that the masses can support this military intervention without
feeling remorse of conscience. In other words, the most
important thing for them is not whether this military
intervention is legitimate or not, but rather that they are
provided with an adequate pretext to be able to support it
without anyone being able to call them militarists, which is why
politicians always make sure that they are surrounded by means
of communication related to your program. The truth is that
society is usually quite inclined to forget the crimes against
humanity committed by its soldiers abroad when those crimes
are associated with the word victory, but at the same time they
remember all those crimes when it comes to the losing army,
especially when that army is from another country.
At present, the human being continues to foment hatred and
greed against his fellow men because he does not want to
renounce materialism. This contained aggressiveness ends up
becoming an incitement to violence and those who hold power
or try to achieve it use tricks and mental manipulation of citizens
to try to achieve their objectives, this causes the difference
between reality and reality lie of what we see is growing. This
psychological phenomenon is not being caused only by
politicians, but also by citizens to the extent that they are
dominated by evil. 
It is possible that the consequence of this contained
aggressiveness that does not manage to go abroad is the
beginning of a world civil war but, if it does occur, it will surely
not be a confrontation between nations, but rather a
confrontation between the citizens of the nations more
developed nations, because it is these nations that control the
political and mental changes in the world, that is, it is the most
powerful nations that decide what is politically correct for the
rest of the world to believe. The conflict could begin when a
confrontation of small intensity between the great nations
revealed the weakness and decomposition of one of them, that
feeling of failure, would cause some citizens to blame others for
what happened and as a consequence it would be triggered a
civil confrontation. Then, the truth that had been hidden all the
time would be revealed, and that is that many of those who
called themselves "democrats" only moved out of greed, but this
was not easily seen because power always makes up the
tyranny. When things go well it is easy for everyone to say they
are very decent or very democratic, but when things go wrong is
when you discover who they really are.
It often happens that, when a society is corrupted or weakened,
the government tries to look for a scapegoat abroad to blame for
all social problems in order to channel the aggressiveness of the
people against it, that is, it tries to look for an innocent country
to attack so that people can unite by having a common victim
whom everyone can blame for their personal problems and thus
channel their aggressiveness against her without damaging their
political or social system. This explains why great powers always
try to be at war with someone. This, in reality, is a form of
harassment or mistreatment, but exercised by the whole
society. Before the aggression occurs, there is a preliminary
phase, in which the government publishes false news or half-
truths to blame everything on that country, so that people
support the aggression with the minimum of remorse of
However, when that attempt to attack another country fails as a
result of its own social degeneration, then the feeling of
frustration increases the discomfort of a society dominated by
evil that sees its desire to harm others frustrated, this
determines that the confrontation between them is
inevitable. This is very normal to occur among countries that
have gone through a period of great political and economic
prosperity, but when that period of success is not properly
managed and is used to corrupt and waste economic resources,
then the society dominated by vanity It ends up destroying the
foundations that made them great, this generates greater social
unrest that, if not channeled in the form of aggression to another
country, can degenerate into civil war.
The conflict would start in a single country, and then spread to
the others, meanwhile, the less developed nations would just
wait to see the result. If this conflict were to occur, I do not think
it will be too bloody, but it would show that many things that
people consider unquestionable truths are nothing more than
crude prejudices, but that they continue to be maintained
because many are interested in people continuing to believe in
them so that their privileged situation does not change. It is
possible that the assault on the capitol that occurred in the
United States in January 2021, is one of the symptoms of that
social tension that does not find the way to go abroad. Badly
managed success can also lead to social degeneration as
happened to Rome two thousand years earlier. It is sad that
being an excellent republic at the beginning, however, it ended
up becoming one of the most vulgar dictatorships in the end.
At present, and especially in Western countries, we live in a time
of anarchy and social degeneration in which doctors, policemen,
or teachers are no longer respected, because they are constantly
being attacked, and power worries more for the interests of
murderers than for the rights of decent people. In any case, it is
impossible to know for sure whether a global civil conflict will
occur or not, but it would be desirable for the good of humanity
that both governments and citizens put dignity and ethics above
mere interest material as it happens right now. It is evident that
the world will not have overcome its current level of social
confusion until it accepts to give spirituality the same value that
it gives to the material, because that is the subject that remains
to complete its development.
The attitude of politicians is increasingly similar to that of the
Catholic Church, because in order to maintain their privileges
they try to convince citizens that reality is the opposite of what it
is. This already happened in the past when the church
persecuted astronomers to burn them alive for saying that the
sun was the center of the solar system. This is because many
politicians have achieved their power by supporting wrong
postulates, but nevertheless, people believe, that is why they try
by all means to keep them believing in the old myths even
though there is more and more evidence that point against. This
attitude creates a growing difference between collective or
politically correct beliefs and reality. This truth tries to go abroad
because it is not possible to fool people indefinitely, it is possible
to fool a few for a long time, it is also possible to fool many for a
short time, but it is not possible to fool everyone for all the
time. Citizens have a lot to blame for this social confusion,
because they are lazy and do not like to meditate, they do not
understand that the truth does not come alone and it is
necessary to take time to find it, but since they have little free
time and do not like to meditate they limit themselves to assume
the politically correct truths even if they are full of lies. This,
politicians know very well that is why they stimulate their
aggressiveness against opposing political groups with the
intention that they act against them without thinking and
without realizing that their greatest enemy is the one who incites
them to hatred.
It is also outrageous that the Catholic Church intends to
distribute sanctities like a baker distributes bread, because
putting the qualifier "saint" before the proper name is an act of
arrogance intended only to advertise itself, because holiness is a
quality that if you have better, but no religious organization has
the right to use that qualifier as if it were a proper name for the
simple reason that the sanctity of a person is something that
should be subject to the opinion of each citizen and not
something that can be use as equivalent of the name. Trying to
make people believe that they have the right to decide who is
holy or who is just is an act of supreme frivolity, considering the
immense number of crimes against humanity that the Catholic
Church has committed throughout its history history.
This difference between the truth that tries to go abroad and the
politically correct truth that is offered to the masses is one of the
main factors that favors social conflict. It is as if those who profit
from these false myths will try by all means to keep citizens
asleep or hypnotized by trying to control the media so that
people continue to believe in the outdated myths of the
past. This difference between the truth and the belief that the
masses consider the truth is also a consequence of ignorance,
because when society is unable to correctly understand the
world around it, then it tries to invent an imaginary world that
serves as an intermediary between the truth and what they are
capable of understanding. This situation causes increasing
anxiety when citizens understand that what they are told to be
true and to believe does not match what they see.
But the evil is not only in those who govern, because a country
can only be governed by scoundrels when the moral level of
those who vote for them is so low as not to see that they are
scoundrels. In reality, politicians are as ignorant of the great
universal truths as the rest of the citizens, that is why it is false
that they know everything about everything as the instigators of
mistrust and sectarians claim. That game that some make of
saying that all the evil is in the government and all the good is in
civil society is a way of deceiving themselves, they act like that,
because they don't want to see the scoundrel in the
mirror. Because only a stupid would think that the world is
divided between bad politicians and good citizens, goodness and
evil exist in all social spheres even if it is true that selfish people
have an inordinate interest in reaching the highest paid
positions. For this reason, it is necessary for people to abandon
the exclusively materialistic attitude that prevails at this time to
usher in a new era in which the great metaphysical truths are
finally resolved and accepted by all areas of society.
The Second World War was provoked by a totalitarian and
centralist regime that provoked so much fear that Western
countries have totally leaned towards a libertine social model to
counteract it. But living in a dictatorship can be just as bad as
living in anarchy, centralist and centrifugal politics can be as bad,
an exclusively masculine and feminine world can be so bad,
extremist capitalism can be as bad as the communism that now
spreads by the West with the name of feminism or
miscegenation. When society spends a lot of time at one
extreme, it causes the opposite to turn. Now, in western
countries freedom is confused with debauchery and politicians
allow all kinds of disorders while only worrying about getting
rich. If society does not remedy this situation and seek balance, it
could end up causing the return of another extremist regime.
At this moment, the world has overcome the consequences of
the Second World War for so long that there is almost no one left
who has witnessed it, that is why there are more and more
people full of aggressiveness and greed who try to hide their
selfishness behind of supposed reasons to justify the violence,
but, with this behavior, they can end up provoking another world
conflict. These people seem to ignore how bad wars can be and
naively believe that if it occurs to them it will not harm
them. The downside is that when war comes and they see the
dramatic consequences it has, they understand that it is not
what they thought but, at that moment, it is too late to avoid it.
One of the main problems of contemporary society is the lack of
culture, because when an important problem is posed to a
society full of ignorant people who consider culture a thing of
"strange types" referring to intelligent people, in the end it is
impossible to do nothing until it's too late. Because a cultured
person understands when it is necessary to act firmly, but an
ignorant person doubts everything because he is not able to
differentiate the truth from the lie, therefore, when it is
necessary to make an important decision that harms the
scammers, they always choose for scaring the crowd by saying
what is going to cause them the most fear into acting impulsively
and opposing any change in the situation. That is to say that the
scammers try by all means that people do not think and act only
out of prejudice, but saying that it is to fight against
prejudice. This happens, because due to insecurity a world of
ignorant only accepts to change the simple things normally, but
the important things that involve sacrifices are only changed
when it is too late to avoid further damage, and when that
happens, then the scammers they always say that no one could
predict what was going to happen. Therefore, the best antidote
to manipulation is to appreciate culture and analyze things in
detail, because the truth is not the exclusive property of anyone
and all ideologies usually have some reason, therefore, we must
analyze things calmly before make a final decision. Similarly, we
shouldn't be afraid to be energetic when a problem calls for it
either, because applying simple remedies to serious problems is
just a way of doing nothing.
In the intellectual aspect, the world is made up of two parts, one
is what we know and another is what we ignore. At the
beginning of history almost all knowledge was unknown to
humanity. At present, it is possibly balanced between what is
known and what is unknown. This means that the good
management of a government can influence to make an empire
grow, but it also helps that the part of reality that we do not
know works in its favor. In the same way it happens the other
way around, because when an empire begins to crumble, many
times it is its own degeneration that causes it to fall, but it also
helps to ignore a part of reality that is working against it without
knowing it, in fact. , moral degeneration is the consequence of
ignoring the consequences of letting yourself be dominated by
vanity. That means that an empire can be great but,
nevertheless, be working without knowing it in its own
destruction, because if it makes wrong decisions it harms itself,
and if to that, mismanagement derived from arrogance is added,
then the speed of its fall can be much greater.
An example of mismanagement is some public companies,
because there is nothing wrong with these types of companies,
but economic competitiveness is good for the progress of a
country. The difference between what is public and what is
private is that in a private company the director strives to avoid
unnecessary expenses and punishes vagrancy, but, on the other
hand, public money is usually wasted, because undue spending is
not passed on to the company salary of those who waste it but in
the budget of the state or of the municipalities. This occurs
because there are officials who act as if that money belonged to
no one, and to make things worse, their bosses often support
them because they act in a similar way or to avoid discussions, in
addition, they know that any mistake will be paid for by the
public budget. . Then, governments tend to support such waste
or mismanagement for fear that officials will turn their backs on
them and paralyze the system through strikes. There are also
many governments that, in order to be reelected, are indebting
their country beyond their ability to repay the loan and without
telling the citizens that they will then have to pay back that
money. It is as if they used the loan to buy the votes.
The remedy for both governments and people is to act with
humility and reject vanity in the projects that are made in life,
because vanity clouds the mind and leads those who allow
themselves to be dominated by it astray. It is also necessary to
give importance to meditation and calm analysis of things,
because in this way the risk of making mistakes decreases. When
things go well everyone seems wonderful because when there is
abundance it is easy to pretend what one is not, but when things
go wrong then the false decorations fall and reality prevails, for
that reason, when empires crumble, those Values that seemed
to be immovable disappear because in reality they were only
decorations created to take advantage of the good run. This
shows how the human being abuses the lie and uses words to
say that he defends the opposite of what is thought, and there
are many rich and poor people who while publicly defend the
good or democracy, however in their Inside are dictators in
disguise who only appear decent to achieve their goals. This
situation is gradually making the world we know more and more
like a set that many are striving to maintain. The fact that lies
occupy a more prominent place every day in the part that we
consider to be true increases the risk of a global civil
conflict. Hopefully society rectifies and returns to morals and
humility before that can happen.
When humanity abandons materialism and recognizes the
eternal life of matter and spirit, a mental change will take place
so important that it will be as if on a rainy day the clouds part to
make the blue sky clear. At that moment the world will have
crossed the border between backwardness and the future, then
justice will become the axis of moral conduct and wars will end

The bad thing about death is that it pushes us towards matter

and ignorance, because when we die we lose all the knowledge
that is stored in the brain and when we reincarnate in a new life
we have to start over from the beginning, that means, that In a
world where the population lives for only a few years, the
inhabitants are condemned to always live surrounded by
ignorance. However, death is necessary to be able to regenerate,
because when we die we get rid of an old body and memories to
acquire another body and other new knowledge. With death, the
ingrained prejudices typical of a backward society disappear,
which means that in a new life they will not hinder our progress,
this allows us to accept new ideas more easily, but with the
disadvantage that they are also lost useful memories, although
that can be compensated if we receive an effective
education. With death, the most primitive genes are also
replaced by better ones, which makes our body adapt to the
changes that progress requires. That means that the key so that
death cannot be in contradiction with knowledge is to make sure
that young people receive an education based on the truth and
not on simple prejudices as is now the case with much of what is
taught. Death and matter are necessary to be able to evolve and
be happy, but we must make the material world measure up to
the great universal truths, so that in this way, each time we
reincarnate again, we receive some teachings to the height of
those truths. When that happens, death will become one more
element of an evolved world. Because if we die wise, but at birth
we receive authentic wisdom again and not prejudice or
manipulation, then forgetting will no longer be an inconvenience.

What is time? In reality the past is only the memory of another

present that was but is no longer, therefore, being only a
memory it is not possible to travel to it. There are those who
think that it is possible to travel in time simply using a machine
that, unrelated to the environment, can travel in time, but that
does not make sense, because as time is the consequence of the
movement of matter, it would be necessary to force the entire
universe to go back in its programmed movement to be able to
recreate the past again but that is logically absurd, because the
universe travels forward in time. It is true that one day the
universe will be able to return to the past, but that will only be
possible when, following its own course and its own inertia, it
completes the entire circle of time and then it begins
again. Time, in reality, is produced by the continuous and
programmed change of matter, that means that the past was the
position that matter occupied at another time and the future is
the position that matter will occupy following the plan that
nature has planned to apply.
In reality, not everything is programmed, but only the main
cosmic processes such as the evolution of stars or galaxies that
follow a pre-established order as if they were the dancers of a
dance. Universal mechanics is rigid and acts in the vertical and
cold dimension for the being that is and controls the universe,
this determines that most of its functions are pre-established
even though it is aware and feels each of these physical
processes. This means that your will acts to change things only
when it is necessary to adapt the universe to those changes that
have not been foreseen from the beginning. On the other hand,
for the beings that use the material universe the system is
inverse, because they have a greater margin to use their own will
due to the fact that they act in the warm and horizontal
dimension that regulates free will. It can be said then that there
is time, from the moment that matter began to make
programmed changes and on a trajectory of evolution. This
means that there is a predicted behavior for matter both in the
past and in the future. This movement of programmed change is
due to the capacity that matter has to remember. Using this
memory capacity, the universe accumulates knowledge
incessantly in order to create a consolidated evolutionary
process. In other words, the key to evolution is derived from the
ability to remember what position matter should have in each
part of that cycle that we call time.
Time is, therefore, the process by which matter moves from a
high energy level to a low one but changing energy by
evolution. That is to say that with the evolution the energy of the
stars goes down but in return the evolution of the universe goes
up. The way in which the matter has to behave is decided to a
large extent from the beginning, although that does not prevent
it from being possible to make specific and secondary
corrections, this is necessary, because if it were not so, it would
not be possible to create a process of orderly evolution. Wanting
to travel through time would be as absurd as trying to travel to a
memory, because the past is only the position that matter
occupied but no longer occupies. However, it is possible to travel
in time indirectly by traveling to a planet that is in the same
temporal situation as the one Earth had in the past. It is also
possible to return to the past by going to the future, that is,
advancing in time with the rhythm that the universe has,
because the passage of time is the consequence of a
programmed plan that describes a circular path, that means, that
when the plan Cosmic is complete, time will begin again and all
events will repeat themselves but then the souls will live other
lives until they live the totality of the events of the universe and
when that happens, the process will restart completely. That
means that another equal universe will not occur, but the
repetition of the same universe and the same events that had
already occurred, this is so, because it is time that begins again.
Time has two dimensions, in the present it is horizontal and is
represented by space and by the division of the first being into all
the beings that make up the universe, and in the vertical plane it
represents all time united. On this plane, it is as if there is only
one being, because in the end each being has to live the lives of
all the others before the cosmic cycle is fully completed. In other
words, the universe has to repeat itself in time many times until
all beings live all lives. It is similar to a play in which all the actors
had to act out all the characters before time absolutely began
again. In the vertical dimension, it is as if the same being were
the ultimate author of all the characters, due to the repetition of
events that time provides. That one being is actually ourselves,
because in the present we have divided into many beings, but
with time we will return to being a single being and a single
particle. However, in time, it is as if we were only one because
with the rotation of the universe and the repetition of time we
all, in the end, we will live all the lives of others. The line of the
present corresponds to life and the color green because it is the
point of intersection where the vertical dimension of time and
the horizontal dimension of space meet.
Over time all beings have to live all lives, this is logical, because
in the present time we are all different beings, but we are all the
consequence of the cloning of the initial being and we will return
to it before time begins again and when that happens the two
dimensions will be united in one, because all the time and all the
beings will have reunited in a single being. In other words, it is as
if each living being that we see, was in a certain way our own
image but in another past or future time, they are beings
different from us because in the horizontal plane of the present
the being was first divided into many others, but we are also
ourselves in the vertical plane, because we are connected by the
wheel of time that determines that all beings will live all the lives
and all the events of others. That means, that each life is only a
part of our time, and all those lives we have already lived in the
past and we will live them again in the future. In the same way,
all beings that are scattered through space in the horizontal
dimension will one day return to the initial egg from which they
Time can also be defined as a great creator of dreams, because
every day it offers something new. Through this constant process
by which energy is exchanged for evolution, all beings can enjoy
a different version of the world at each moment, that is why it is
useful to forget when a life cycle ends, because in this way all
events are re-lived with the same emotion as if it were the first
time. In reality, each new day is different from the previous one,
because the world changes due to the movement of matter, and
if we could go back to the past when only plants existed, we
would believe we were on another planet, because even the
continents were very different at that time. This is good, because
in this way nature offers us a new setting every day in which to
experience new emotions. However, in the universe not
everything changes, because this process of change and
evolution is divided into two parts, one is the changing part that
arises from the horizontal, warm, energetic, reddish and
masculine dimension. And another is the part that never changes
and that refers to the primordial universal laws that correspond
to the vertical, blue, cold, feminine and crystalline
dimension. This rigid and constant dimension is like the
foundations that every construction needs to be able to maintain
itself, and if it were not for those constant laws it would not be
possible to create a changing world and at the same time be
logical, because it is only possible to evolve when there are some
rules of the game constants that determine which things can and
cannot be changed. This means that both dimensions are
opposite so that the stiffness of one serves to make the flexibility
of the other possible. It is the same that happens with the
relationship between meat and bones in the human body,
because without the rigidity of the bones we could not stand up,
walk, protect the lungs with the ribs or the brain with the
skull. These laws also determine the limits of what is possible to
do and what is not possible, because if everything were possible
then the universe itself would be destroyed. The union of these
two dimensions form a cross that represents their difference, but
also their coordination, because one is constant so that the other
can be variable since the variability of one is based on the
constancy of the other and therefore without the existence of a
constant dimension the existence of another variable dimension
would not be possible. It is as if these dimensions represent the
sexual union of time and space, because the masculine and
horizontal dimension of space unites with the feminine and
vertical dimension of time to create life and the evolution of the
universe in the present. These constant laws arise from the truth
and are constant because the truth is only one and cannot
contradict itself, that is why they are associated with divine
The crystalline dimension is constant and never changes, but it
contains everything that is pure and true. On the other hand, the
warm or variable dimension changes incessantly but is full of
errors and situations that only serve for a limited time, therefore,
when it comes to this dimension, the key is to discover which
part is correct and must remain indefinitely and which is wrong
and should be rejected, that is what progress is based on. This
dimension is what allows us to make use of our will but within it
there is a risk of making mistakes, because the true and the false
are intertwined like a loop as a consequence of the ignorance
that is common in the worlds at the beginning of its
evolution. These curls form knots that need to be released in
order to progress. They are intellectual curls or knots, because
due to ignorance we usually put what are lies as truths and we
put lies in place of the truths. Because of these knots, the world
we know is full of situations that are only partially true, that
means that to discover the truth we have to undo the knot to
discard what is wrong and keep the truth of each question. In
primitive worlds these knots of errors and half-truths are found
everywhere, but in worlds that have completed their evolution
there are only errors in secondary matters, this allows them to
achieve great stability and social peace. The reason for calling
them knots is because due to misunderstandings or ignorance at
times, and evil at others, falsehood is often mixed with the truth,
which causes them to be difficult to separate. The knots arise
when the good seems bad and the bad seems good because they
are reversed in a circular movement, then the evil is placed
before the good by pretending to be it, this usually happens
when the scammers use something good to favor something
bad. This is what happens when a government tries to invade
another country to steal its natural resources, but since it knows
that public opinion is not going to accept it, then they say it is
doing it in self-defense or to help its citizens. At that time an
intellectual knot is generated, because society believing that
what it does is good is evil by supporting military intervention. In
this way, a lie stands in front of a truth, therefore, the most
prudent thing is not to be obsessed trying to summarize things
too much using generic words in excess, because many times
each generic question contains many nuances within it, some of
which are certain and others false. This is what happens with the
words, feminism, capitalism, communism or racism, because the
manipulators use them in order to do harm and without taking
into account the nuances that are associated with them.
There are also things that are only logical for a time and not
indefinitely, so in some religions there is a belief that we live in
an imaginary world. This happens because they look at the
contrast between the temporal and error-prone in the horizontal
dimension, and the absolute formed by universal truths that
never change in the vertical dimension. In any case, it is not true
that the world is imaginary, but it is true that the passage of time
and progress make many things useful only for a limited time, in
addition, the ignorance that man has of many things in nature
determines that the true and the false are intimately mixed,
which makes it difficult to know which part of a fact is true and
which is not. This ambiguity of reality is demonstrated by
studying how many times society has believed for many years
that something was true without being it, as happened for
example when everyone believed that the sun revolved around
the Earth. Therefore, we must all reflect on how much of what
we believe demonstrated is only an opinion shared by the
mass. In order to progress, it is necessary to use our free will and
our intelligence to discover what the truth is, because the
greater the part of truth that we are able to discover, the greater
will also be how close we will be to perfection and consequently
the greater will also be happiness that we can achieve, that is
what progress is based on. This ambiguity of the truth that is so
common in the world, is what speculators use to confuse us,
therefore, we must refuse to draw hasty conclusions that
prevent us from reaching the authentic truth.
The existence of so many errors mixed with truths and so much
knowledge that are still ignored is one of the reasons why many
empires end up collapsing, because it is normal that once that
power is achieved, those who benefit from it want to maintain it
indefinitely. However, everything that we do not know is beyond
our control, that means that will and good management can be
essential in the success or rise of an empire but it is also essential
that that other part of reality that we do not know acts in its
favor For this reason, when the will of an empire and the will of
the unknown party act in different ways, empires decompose
until they disappear. It is true that when a person or a nation
acts with common sense the chances of success are much
greater, but everything that we do not know is beyond our
control, this can determine that unforeseen events occur that we
cannot avoid, because we can only avoid what we see or we
know but not what we cannot see or understand. Only when the
wheat is separated from the chaff can good bread be made, in
the same way only when the true is separated from the false can
we eradicate what is wrong. With progress, the unknown part of
reality will be less and less until the day comes when it almost
completely disappears, this will bring about the arrival of a time
of full knowledge for the world.
 The weather is ideal for those who try to live a normal life based
on the simple stimuli of an extroverted life because the
continuous movement of matter produces a torrent of new
sensations every moment and almost effortlessly, but for those
who try to discover the truths Absolute that are outside of time
because they are eternal and do not change, the movement that
time generates is a problem, because the continuous
interferences produced by the continuous change of matter
make it difficult to see what those absolute truths are. However,
your effort also has its reward, because discovering those
fundamental truths that sustain the universe produces an
unparalleled satisfaction that is similar to seeing the face of God,
because one of the characteristics that define what God really is,
are those truths that have always existed and will always exist
because truth has no beginning or end and is outside of time.

At the beginning of the universe there was only one being and
consequently there was only one will, but this being was divided
to fill the universe with different beings, that means that many
different wills were also created, therefore, each being must take
into account the rights of others if you want to avoid conflicts
with them. However, when a being acts as a leader or
representative of others, it is easier for him to see that
community as part of his own scope of will or as if they were part
of himself. In other words, the fact of representing them may
cause them to take their rights less into account and their own
will more than if it is a relationship between equals. Analyzed
this from a metaphysical point of view, it is as if the leader
absorbed part of the will of the others, because representing
them would give him more power than they and consequently,
he would be closer to being a single will with respect to them
than when it is between equals. Whoever holds a managerial
position is also closer to the masculine pole than the feminine
pole, this is related, because the masculine pole represents the
individuality that acts alone or as a representative of the others,
on the other hand, the governed part represents the collectivity
of equals that they act coordinated by whoever directs the
When a managerial position is exercised, the distance that exists
between the multitude of equals without government and the
single individual and with a single will is somewhat less, because
when representing them his will is confused with theirs, that is
why it is easier than confuse your own will with that of those you
represent. This is because being more powerful than each of
them and representing them, it is easier for them to think that
only one will counts. It must be borne in mind that in this
situation the proximity of this being to a hypothetical world in
which there is only one being and only one will is greater, this
makes it easier for confusion to occur but also deliberate
abuse. An individual separated from the rest represents the
masculine sex, but a group of many individuals together but
equal represents the feminine sex, therefore, the power nucleus
is always masculine because with its leadership function it turns
the group into a unit. This means that when there are several
equal individuals, the polarity balance is obtained by choosing
one as the coordinator of the others, then this assumes the
masculine, red and vertical value, and the governed assume the
feminine, blue and horizontal value. Power and the ability to
command are qualities of the male sex by nature, that is why
women with masculine characteristics are more authoritarian
than feminine women. It is true that in the world there are many
intelligent women and there have also been good queens, but it
is evident that they would not have been able to exercise that
position if they had not had many men who have helped them.
When a person ceases to be part of a group of equals and takes
over the leadership of that group, then he loses part of his equal
consideration towards others because his closeness to the single
will increases, because in that situation his will it is more
important than the one with its subjects. However, that also
doesn't mean that your will is the only thing that counts. It is true
that in that position he has more power than each of his subjects
separately, but his power is the same as the sum of all of them
together. The subjects have the same power, but unlike whoever
holds the presidency they show it indirectly, for that reason,
whoever has a position of power must strive to be a president
but never a dictator. Upon acquiring a position of power, his
passive and feminine attitude becomes active and masculine
with respect to those over whom he commands, but remains
feminine or the same among those who have the same level of
A universe with a single being would only have one will, because
it would include all the will of the universe within it, and the
matter that would form it would be exclusively masculine, then
the femininity of that single being would be represented by the
black and square void that surrounds it white and circular
nucleus. Therefore, the circle is male and the line is female. In
this case, both the white circle and the black square would be
part of the same being and of the same will, because in reality all
things contain both polar or sexual aspects within them. The
existence of separate sexes is a situation derived from
specialization. This determines that a sexual or polar value
predominates in one being more than the other, however, this
situation is balanced by being the other way around in the
opposite sex. A universe made up of many beings but without a
government would be exclusively feminine and anarchic because
there would be many wills but it would lack one to represent the
others. The will that represents the others becomes masculine
with respect to them and their ability to understand plurality is
less because, as they have more power, their opinion counts
more and therefore, they are closer to individuality and absolute
power than the individual rest.
Excessive optimism when misdirected can also lead to the
opinion of others not being taken into account, because
optimism is masculine and humility is feminine and the
masculine sex is related to power and the individual vision of
things, for that, we must ensure that optimism does not destroy
the humility of the soul. Optimism and depression are two
opposite extremes that need to be balanced in order for us to be
happy. Ideally, our mood would be in the middle position
between optimism and depression, because each one can have
something good or bad. Excessive optimism can lower our guard,
and a little depression can help us to be more realistic and also
to keep our feet on the ground when we are not sensible
enough. There is nothing wrong with being more optimistic than
normal if it is exceptionally, but it is best to try to maintain a
balance between the two as a general rule. Keep in mind that
happiness is not the consequence of having a lot of optimism,
but of things working properly.
An individual being represents the male sex, power, the vertical
line, and the color red. And a group of beings governed by
another represents the female sex, the horizontal line and the
color blue. This is so when it comes to studying the mechanism
of power and its relationship with morality, because in this case
power is vertical and philosophy is horizontal. It is true that those
who have a management position have more facilities to abuse
power than those who do not have that position, but that does
not mean that having political or economic power necessarily
turns a man into a scoundrel, which does power is to make it
easier for those who used to be a scoundrel to show it more
clearly, but those who were decent before having that power,
most likely will be decent after getting it. Due to a moral
imbalance, a person can act as if they were the only person that
exists in the universe and that is why they ignore the will of
others, when they are in that situation it is as if they have a God
complex, because they think that their will is the only one that
counts. By doing this, you are applying an exclusively masculine
attitude in an environment where the feminine aspect should
predominate because it does not make sense that it acts as if the
community does not exist when it does exist, that is, it acts as if
they were not people but only objects that are part of his own
scope of will. 
This usually happens when a child is taught that his own will is
the only one that counts, then he, dominated by arrogance and
vanity, assumes that others are not people but objects without
will. If this attitude is not corrected in childhood when the mind
is still malleable, it may happen that upon reaching adulthood it
becomes its definitive personality, because upon reaching that
age the mind loses the flexibility of youth. That means that later
it will be very difficult to change, and if at that moment the child
has already assumed that his will is the only one that counts, he
may end up becoming a psychopath, because when a
psychopath considers reaching the last consequences in
Regarding contempt for the will of others, the result will be
crime, because that would be the only means that he would have
to hide his desire to exercise his will over others without it being
known. We must not forget that there is a great difference
between being a president and being a dictator, God is a
president but what the psychopath wants is to be a dictator. This
behavior is a serious error that can only be solved when the law
shows you through punishment that not only your will exists in
the universe but also that of others.

In the universe, everything is connected, so if we look closely we

can see how there are thousands of large things that have their
version in the smallest.
The rotating movement of atomic particles around the nucleus is
in connection with the circular movement of the universe that
advances towards its renewal and everything is synchronized at
the speed of light. The shape of an apple is in turn in connection
with a planet and its polar zones, because planets have magnetic
poles that they use to connect with the universe and apples
connect with the tree at the top. The light particles from the sun
have a connection with the pollen that plants produce, because
the sun's rays fertilize the earth just as pollen fertilizes
plants. The same is repeated with the sperm that fertilize the
ovules, because the sperm are an equivalent of the solar rays
and the ovum represents the earth or the planets. The same
example occurs with seeds, because nature produces them by
the millions just as the sun produces its rays of light and both
fertilize the earth equally. This means that both the sun's rays,
pollen or seeds are masculine elements that fertilize the earth
that is feminine.
A man also has a symbolic connection with the symbol that
represents the universe in its initial moment and that is formed
by a black square with a white circle in its center, because the
black color can represent the emptiness, the feminine, the night
or the Among other things, the woman's arms and legs represent
the four corners of the square and the man's head represents
the central point. The extended limbs also represent the
universal cross or X that divides the vertical from the horizontal,
the top from the bottom, and the left from the right. The head, in
addition to representing the central white point, also represents
matter, masculinity and command. Therefore, the head is
circular and the body is rectangular like the black square, this is
because the body with respect to the head is female. The head is
a circle and the body is a rectangle, one is masculine and circular
and the other is feminine and rectangular, the bones of the body
also represent the feminine or crystalline and the flesh also
represents the masculine or solar dimension.
An atom and a city also have a parallel, because the atom is
divided between a male or positive nucleus of government and a
female or negative peripheral zone. In the same way, the city has
a nucleus where the seat of the government is located and the
peripheral zone represents the feminine or governed zone. The
heat is in connection with the day and the masculine, and the
cold is in connection with the night and the feminine, therefore,
the sun is associated with the masculine and the planets with the
feminine. The solar system or the galaxies are also other larger
versions of the atom or the city.
An egg, in turn, is in connection with the first particle that existed
in the universe, because in the same way that an animal emerges
from an egg, the universe arose from the first particle. In the egg,
the animal first developed by cell cleavage of the first cell before
breaking the shell, and in the universal egg the first particle first
divided into many others before the physical laws were
developed. After having this organized, the shell of that first
particle was broken, which after multiplying in an immense
number of atoms activated the repulsion and separated all its
contents so that it would spread through space and form
galaxies. It is as if at the beginning, that first particle had grown
large, growing and multiplying inwards, but without separating
from the others, just as the cells of a chick multiply before
breaking the egg. Before beginning the dispersal of the atoms,
the spirits first had to decide the fundamental laws that were to
exist throughout the cosmic cycle. They also had to decide which
being was to be in charge of organizing the material universe
once it was created. This being was chosen from among all the
others, because this is a function that each cosmic cycle has to
perform a different being in a rotating way. Once this being was
designated, it multiplied its number of particles enormously,
until it built all the atoms that are necessary to create the
universe. Only when this initial stage was completed was the
decision made to break the shell that led to the dispersion of
matter through space.
The design of the universe could last the equivalent of thousands
of years in which the universal being and the individual spirits
had to meditate and carry out complex analyzes before deciding
how the universe should be. This is so, because at the beginning
all spirits (including the universal being) were ignorant, because
once all the matter of the previous cosmic cycle was reduced to a
single particle their knowledge was also reduced to a single bit of
information before returning to multiply. That means that for
them it was also necessary to start learning. It must also be
emphasized that the margins of their will, that is, the margin of
the options they would have to choose from, would be limited by
the limits that the truth allows. This truth, in turn, does not arise
from anyone in particular, but rather arises and is expressed
through all of us. After the initial egg breaking and the dispersion
of matter through space, the universal being would be primarily
concerned with managing the stars and planets. And the
individual spirits would be mainly concerned with creating the
bodies of plants, animals, and people to reincarnate in them until
that process culminated creating advanced civilizations.
It must also be said that the design of the universe was not the
result of a capricious opinion, because nature has two
dimensions, a red and masculine horizontal in which
improvisation, personal opinion or error is possible. And another
vertical, blue and feminine in which are the fundamental truths
that cannot be contradicted because there can only be one
truth. In the end, when most of the design was already decided,
the universe adapted itself to those fundamental truths that,
from that moment on, would be administered mainly by the
being that is and controls the material universe. In other words,
the universal being would limit itself to maintaining and making
the universe evolve according to previously determined
decisions, in the same way that the foundations support a
building. In this situation, only those exceptional situations that
were not previously foreseen would remain for its scope of
will. It would, therefore, be a very rigid universal mechanism
adapted to the vertical dimension of universal laws. It must be
borne in mind that it is necessary to have a rigid universe in its
physical or material laws, so that it is possible to pass to other
later stages of evolution. That means, that most of the will
belonging to the horizontal dimension would remain for the
individual beings in charge of reincarnating as people and
creating civilizations. It would, therefore, be a rigid universe as
regards its physical structure, but flexible as regards the margins
of the will for the beings that inhabit it. Once the design of the
cosmos was decided, the speed of light was activated for all
atomic particles and the expansion of matter was also
activated. Most likely, this expansion was not initiated by a large
explosion, but by activating a repulsive force in a vertical plane of
matter, while at the same time creating another cohesion force
in the horizontal plane to attract the particles atoms and create
galaxies. From that moment on, the hydrogen atoms would
begin to fuse to create giant stars that shortly after would
explode to create other stars and the first planets.
The egg and the universe are related, because inside an egg, cells
divide by cloning making a copy of themselves, and in the same
way, at the beginning of the cosmos the first particle of matter
divided to form another identical one in turn, the new particles
continued dividing to form all those that now exist in the
universe. This is possible, because the fact that a particle is not
made by other particles does not have to prevent it from dividing
into new ones. The day and the night follow one another like a
wheel and also the months or the years, and then there are the
galactic years, which is how long it takes for the sun to go around
the nucleus of the galaxy. The entire universe is full of circles that
represent the renewal and repetition of the cosmos. In other
words, everything is circular precisely because everything is
renewed. The small circles are embedded within the large circles
and by means of gravitational or magnetic connection chains
they join the upper circles, in this way the atomic circles join the
planets, stars or galaxies through their polar axes. Even black
holes connect through their poles with the rest of the
universe. Each level of the circles is somewhat similar to the
others, but also has something different. The different part is on
the horizontal red circle, and the similar part is on the vertical
blue line. This is so, because the universe has a part of its laws
that are constant and rigid regardless of time or space, and then
it has another variable part subject to our own will that changes
with time. 
An example of how dimensional planes can be inverted at
different levels can be seen by observing how, in a city, the
horizontal plane corresponds to the female and blue dimension,
and the vertical to the male and red dimension. This may seem
like a contradiction to other examples that have the masculine or
feminine symbols placed in reverse places, but that just depends
on the circumstances. Because for example, the circumference of
the earth's surface corresponds to the male and red dimension,
and the line that goes from the center of the earth to space
corresponds to the vertical and blue line. This line is considered
vertical and straight but not because it is straight in absolute
terms, but because compared to the circumference of the planet
it is much larger and therefore appears straight. This means that
the horizontal line of the city is blue, but it is extended by the
horizontal line of the planet that is red. This may seem like a
contradiction, but it is because the city is a different micro world
from the planet, and consequently, it has its own and opposite
colors and dimensions. In the case of the city, its central axis is
vertical and red, but because in the political or material plane it
is the red dimension that leads the system, therefore, in this case
the horizontal line of the city corresponds to the blue or
governed. Instead, the horizontal line of the planet outside the
city corresponds to the masculine, red and horizontal dimension,
which, in turn, is governed by the vertical and blue line that leads
the planet. The difference is due to the fact that it is the color in
the vertical line that leads the system. This line is red in the city
and blue on the planet, because they are different planes.
On a planet, its vertical line is blue because it is in the core of the
Earth where the density associated with the color red is
generated. That means that inside it is red but outside it is blue
because it is outside where there is less density. The horizontal
line of the planet is red, because it corresponds to the matter
that is attracted by the nucleus and its gravity. In the case of a
city, its material power core is red and is located in its center, but
since a city has to spread across the surface of the planet, then
its red core extends as a sphere higher than the other buildings
on the planet above and also below if we take into account the
part that corresponds to its version at the opposite end of the
planet. Instead, ruled buildings are spread out by the horizontal
line that represents the blue dimension. In addition, the vertical
line of the Earth is blue, but the vertical line of the sun is red and
the planets with respect to the sun are located in a horizontal
position by submitting to the ruled material that it exerts on
them. In this way, the horizontal line of the solar system where
the planets are located is blue, and the vertical line of the sun is
red and both are in opposition because they represent opposite
dimensions. In turn, the horizontal line of the earth's surface is
red and is in opposition to the blue line of the solar system. A city
is also like a miniature solar system and has, at its center, a red
core as a capital that rules over its blue periphery. The vertical
line of the city is red and is in opposition to the vertical and blue
line of the planet. These examples show how in the different
planes the dimensions can rotate and appear with their polar or
sexual values in apparently opposite positions without being a
contradiction, this is logical because they are different planes
located on a lower or higher scale. In this case we have studied
how the universal planes and their colors are organized with
respect to material power in cities or in the solar system. This is
due to the fact that in general terms the universal cross is
divided into the red horizontal line that rules over the material
aspects, and the blue vertical line that rules over the spiritual
ones. Therefore, in the vertical line, power corresponds to the
blue dimension, this determines that justice must be the axis of
moral conduct, because justice and the blue dimension belong to
the same plane.
There are also other dimensional connections in nature, for
example youth has a connection with spring in the seasons of the
year, and autumn has a connection with old age. Winter
corresponds to the female sex, and summer to the male. Sunday
has a coincidence with the sun because both represent elements
that are similar to those that make up their set at the same time
without different from all of them because both the sun and
Sunday symbolize control over the other days or planets. The
sun, Sunday and the thumb also represent the exception over
the norm or the masculine in contrast to the feminine. The
universe is divided into two universal polarities that are the
creators of the sexes or the magnetic poles, but this polarity is
repeated countless times both in the large and the small. For
example, the night is in connection with the woman, the cold,
the planets or the water. And the day is in connection with man,
heat, matter or the sun. Matter is also the earth, therefore, it can
be feminine in some cases and masculine in others, it all depends
on the circumstances. The Earth, as a planet, is feminine with
respect to the sun, but the earth, as matter, is masculine with
respect to the water that is feminine, therefore, materialism
consists of an excess of matter and a lack of water or
spirituality. Materialism also represents the drought of the mind,
that is, when the mind only takes into account the masculine
aspects of life (that is, matter without water), but ignores the
feminine ones (water or spirituality), which causes an imbalance
that makes the soul suffer.
The human body also has many parallels with universal
dimensions, for example, the flesh of the body represents the
male, variable and horizontal dimension, and the bones the
female, rigid and vertical. The body aims to make the spirit can
intervene in matter in the best possible way, making it an
extension of the spirit. The body is therefore matter, but adapted
to the interests of the spirit. Even in one hand we can see the
parallels of the universe, because the four similar fingers are
equivalent to the feminine and rigid dimension of the cosmos,
and the thumb is equivalent to the masculine and variable
dimension, that is why it is different, because in this way it
performs a coordinating function of others. The thumb has a
connection to the sun with respect to the planets, or the core of
government of a city with respect to its periphery. The head with
respect to the body also represents the dimension of
government, and the body with respect to the head also
represents the governed part.
The head represents the exception to the norm, and also the
male sex, the circle, the government, the man, the color red or
gold, the wisdom, the heat, the salt, the day, the sound. The
body in relation to the head represents the norm, obedience, the
rectangle, the color blue or white, the cold, the sugar, the
woman, the night, the silence. Therefore, a person can also be
represented as a red or gold circle, located on a blue or white
rectangle. If we imagine the human body placed in a horizontal
position to be consistent with that dimension, then the human
body is blue with a red head, but if we imagine the body in a
vertical position consistent with that dimension, then the feet
are red, the green waist and blue head, following all the colors of
the electromagnetic spectrum from head to toe. In a city, or the
solar system, the other colors can also be considered included in
the space between the red nucleus and the blue periphery,
therefore, the blue color can be replaced by white, but the line is
generally represented horizontal as blue because it is the most
appropriate color to represent the contrast between the vertical
or blue plane, and the horizontal or red. We must not forget that
the result of joining the red color with the blue is the green color,
and if we join these three colors they give as a result the white
color, therefore, when the two main colors are analyzed, it must
be taken into account that the other colors also act, albeit in a
more secondary way.
In a vertical position, the head not only represents command,
but also the spiritual values that must govern man from the
moral point of view. Therefore, in the horizontal position, the
head, as an element of government, is red and material, because
it corresponds to leadership understood from a political point of
view. But in the vertical position it is blue and spiritual, because
it corresponds to leadership understood from a moral point of
view. The two dimensions can also be considered as two crossed
circles, in the horizontal dimension the head would be in the
center as in the nucleus of a city or the sun in the center of the
solar system, and the body would be in the periphery of the
nucleus representing the blue zone ruled. In the vertical circle,
the feet would be in the center and would represent the earth,
as it is the densest area, and the head would be on the
periphery, which would correspond to the less dense but more
spiritual area. 
This means that in our life there are two forms of power or
leadership, one is the masculine and material one that
corresponds to the horizontal dimension and generates political
government, and another is the feminine and spiritual one that
corresponds to the vertical dimension and generates leadership
from a moral point of view. This moral leadership is not
necessarily found in any material building or institution, but
exists within all of us and is responsible for creating moral norms
of social behavior. However, in the future, one of the main
teachings in all the schools of the world will be the teaching of
moral values, because those values are like the backbone of
every evolved society.
It should also be clarified that both the horizontal and vertical
dimensions are benign in their essence, that is, when it comes to
analyzing good and evil in a graph in which evil is placed below
and good above, which It is about indicating is a specific or
minority situation in which someone falls into evil, but does not
represent any of the two dimensions of the universal cross,
because evil is only a consequence of error and therefore being a
Deviation from the ideal attitude that it would be correct to
follow does not represent any dimension in general but only a
minority aspect of that dimension. Black can be used to
represent evil, and red to represent materialism, but keep in
mind that those are only secondary meanings of those colors,
because the main meaning of all colors always represents benign
The right side of the body also represents the positive or
masculine pole and the left side also represents the negative or
feminine pole, therefore, the left hand acts as a helper to the
right. That is why most people are right-handed, because the
brain needs to have a hand that acts as a coordinator of the two
in order to organize itself. In the same way, the back is feminine
and the front part is masculine, understanding that it is in the
relationship of one part with respect to the other. But we must
not confuse negative with malignant, because both poles are
benign. Only when the polarities are no longer balanced does
evil appear, therefore, when the masculine pole exceeds its place
and embraces the feminine side does materialism appear, and
only when the feminine side tries to embrace the masculine side
does anarchism and social chaos. Only when both dimensional
aspects cover the space that corresponds to them does the
balance of the two dimensions exist.
It is also important to underline that the fact that in some
situations, such as in a city or in the solar system, the blue plane
covers almost the entire area of the horizontal dimension, and
instead the red plane covers only a little of the dimension
Vertical is not in contradiction with the principle of equality of
potentials, because the red or vertical plane occupies only a
minority part in the horizontal plane, but to compensate it
extends more than the other part towards the vertical side. In
other words, the minority or exceptional part may appear
smaller in appearance, but has the same potential value in
absolute terms as the majority part. It must be taken into
account that each plane has its strength or its most marked
characteristic in a different plane, the governed party is the
majority in the geographical space, and the governing party is
the majority in the field of power. As an example of this, the
solar system can also be put, because the planets as
representatives of the horizontal and blue dimension extend
over many millions of kilometers through space, but instead the
sun as representative of the vertical and red dimension. It only
extends a million kilometers both wide and high, however, that
little that its mass extends in both directions is enough to
generate a force of gravity capable of controlling the rest of the
planets. That means that if we only take into account the
horizontal plane it is true that it only extends a little, but in the
other plane it is able to compensate for what is lacking in the
first and also add qualities such as mass or gravity that are not as
easy to distinguish as the apparent size of the solar system. This
difference occurs when an exception or minority occupies the
government part, because in that situation it is capable of
compensating and equalizing the potential of the governed
part. In these examples, aspects such as mass, gravity, or political
power intervene which, although important, are not so visible to
the naked eye when compared with the apparent volume of the
majority part, this is what makes the balance of potentials.
In this book, I have frequently related the cross of dimensions to
many aspects of the universe in order to show that the universal
male and female planes, horizontal and vertical, or matter and
spirit, are present throughout the universe from the greatest to
the greatest smaller, because all physical processes are repeated
incessantly but adding a small change each time you move to a
higher plane or level of knowledge.

The horizontal dimension is material and the vertical dimension

is spiritual, this means that one thing may be important in one
dimension but not in the other. In the material dimension, power
is determined by the amount of material things one has, but in
the spiritual dimension, what matters are the moral qualities or
the level of spiritual evolution. Ancient kings tried to be buried
with their material possessions because they naively believed
that they could bring material things to the spirit world. With this
behavior they showed a complete ignorance of the spiritual
world, but also a complete meanness, because they did not want
to recognize that matter is not spirituality. They did not
understand that they are two completely different dimensions
and in some ways opposite. For this reason, we should not judge
people by their appearances or the salary they earn, because
they may have many material goods, but at the same time they
have few spiritual goods. What is the use of being rich in material
goods if later one is unhappy, this is important, because it is the
amount of spiritual goods that determines the ability to be happy
and not the amount of material goods, and there are many who
are rich in money yet they are unhappy for letting evil build up in
their hearts. They do not understand that evil is like a scab that
covers the soul and prevents feelings of happiness from reaching
it, therefore, we must avoid that the desire to obtain material
goods is done at the cost of giving up dignity and common sense.
There are also those who are poor in material resources and at
the same time have many spiritual assets, because in reality
everyone can become poor considering that we live in a world
that lacks a lot to be sufficiently supportive. No one can assure
you that you cannot fall into material poverty due to an
accidental or unforeseen situation. Then there are those who are
poor in material resources and also poor in spiritual resources,
because the fact of being poor does not mean that that is why
they have dignity. In reality, poverty does not guarantee dignity
and there are many poor people who have reached this situation
because of being carried away by vices and not because of the
rich. In the same way, the fact of being rich does not imply that it
is so on the spiritual plane, therefore, there are many rich people
who have many material resources, but, nevertheless, they are
unhappy for being poor in the spiritual dimension. They do not
understand that spiritual wealth is necessary as an indispensable
condition to be happy with material wealth, because spiritual
wealth is what teaches us to appreciate what we have. To
acquire spiritual wealth, it is necessary to consider justice and
dignity as the axis of our moral conduct.
We must try to promote both material wealth and spiritual
wealth, but rejecting any form of waste or damage to the
environment, because it is better to have less energy if that
serves to avoid destroying nature. It is good that there is
technological progress, but society must limit this growth to its
ability to respect the environment, therefore, those who try to
favor nuclear energy by saying that it respects the environment
are despicable, because is it that they are blind and not Have you
seen what happened in Chernobyl or Fukushima? They say. That
cannot happen in my country! But they don't realize that this is
how hypocrites or bribers speak and not judicious
people. Proponents of nuclear power try to focus attention on
climate change but, at the same time, try to hide the terrible
damage caused by radioactive leaks.
We must also encourage all citizens to share the wealth that
each country produces and to be perfectly integrated into
society. But the solution to achieve this is not the distribution of
economic subsidies, because that only serves to create a legion
of lazy and fraudsters to the state. The right thing to do is, on the
one hand, to favor vocational training to help those companies
that do not find all the employees they need, and on the other,
that the state undertakes to offer a job to all the unemployed in
order to permanently banish the poverty of society. To achieve
this, you do not need money but will, because if we take into
account the wealth that many countries have, it is clear that
these types of policies are perfectly applicable.

Progress is as if it were a wheel within another wheel or a spiral,

and so on we have to go through many wheels of knowledge to
reach the top. Each level of knowledge is like a horizontal wheel
placed on another wheel but connected by the vertical wheel
that unites them all. The horizontal wheels represent the red or
male dimension, and the vertical wheel represents the blue or
female dimension. When we begin to evolve, at first we advance
little by little until we reach the end of one circle, then we move
on to the next using the vertical wheel until we complete them
all. This situation is equivalent to reaching the absolute truth, or
at least, the knowledge that the human being needs to achieve
to complete his technological and spiritual development. Every
time we go to another circle, at first we are ignorant, because,
although that circle has something similar to the previous one,
however it is also something different, and when we reach the
end of the circle it is necessary to jump up to change to the next
one. It could be said that the progress within each circle is made
horizontally until the entire circumference is completed, but
once the circle is complete because all the knowledge that is
inside it has already been learned then it is necessary to take a
vertical leap to pass to the next or in other words, to move to a
higher circle it is necessary to reverse for a moment the polarity
from horizontal to vertical to connect to the vertical circle that
connects them all. This means that evolution consists of going
through two circles of knowledge, one is the one that is done by
surpassing the entire circumference of each horizontal circle, and
another is the circle formed by all the horizontal circles placed
vertically. This is necessary, because all the horizontal circles
form another wheel that rotates until the end connects with the
beginning. That is to say, after completing all the circles of
knowledge, what is at the end is the circle where we started, but,
in order to start from the beginning again, it is necessary for the
universe to forget everything learned until the same time to start
All the time that we spend advancing within a circle we are
learning its keys and when we already have all those keys, the
circle of knowledge closes that allows us to move to the next
level. Each circle, in turn, can be divided into colors and each
color provides a key that is necessary to understand in order to
complete that circle, that means that when we start to go
through a circle we first do it with the red color, then with the
green until finish with blue, but going through all the frequencies
of the electromagnetic spectrum, and at the end of that circle, it
is necessary to start again with red at the next level. The same
thing happens with the vertical circle, because at the beginning it
is red and at the end it is blue. Each circle contains in its interior
all the colors but in turn has a predominant color, because the
horizontal circles correspond to the red or masculine dimension,
and the vertical circle corresponds to the blue or feminine
dimension. This means that the colors contained within each
circle are in this case secondary to the general color of that
dimension. In nature we can find examples of this circumstance,
because at the beginning, the universe was full of energy,
ignorance, disorder and chaos, and it was symbolized by the
color red, but at the end of the universe everything will be cold,
order and civilization, and represented with the color blue. 
The learning process within each circle has to be slow, because
due to our ignorance it is necessary that we learn little by little in
order to understand it, but once the circle is complete, and we
already know all its keys, then there is nothing that prevents us
from jumping to the next quickly. This is what happened with the
discovery of fire, then the revolution that led to the organized
planting of crops, also when metals began to be smelted, and
later when the industrial revolution occurred. These processes
took time, but compared to the previous period it was very
fast. In this learning process less time is invested in overcoming
each circle, this is because the accumulation of knowledge
causes an acceleration in the process of jumping to the next
circle, this will undoubtedly lead the man to reach the top of that
ladder evolutionary in a few centuries. When that happens, it will
become one of the civilizations in the universe that will have
completed its technological development. Then there will
continue to be progress, but on a more secondary and slower
scale, similar to what existed in the past. This is because man will
have already reached the essential foundations of the cosmos
that he needs to complete civilization.
The fact of reaching the top of knowledge means that we will no
longer have to change our mind in the essential aspects of life,
because we will have found all the keys to the problems that
have accompanied man throughout his history. That means that
by solving all those problems we will obtain the prize that is
happiness. In Hinduism they call this situation nirvana, and
heaven in Christianity. This process of evolution is governed by
the cross of dimensions so that the vertical line represents
everything that is constant at all levels, and the horizontal line
represents what changes at each level. Those changes are not in
contradiction with the lower or higher levels, it is true that they
are different, but only because there are different
circumstances. In other words, they change in secondary things,
but not in fundamental aspects, that is why there is no
Observing all these coincidences or keys, a philosopher can come
to understand many of the characteristics of the universe,
because the most important thing is not the size or the distance
that are secondary, but the universal laws that are constant in
any time and place.

 When we eat, the food descends through our intestine spiraling

from a high energy level to a low one, this process recalls how
the energy of the universe also descends without ceasing,
changing energy for progress, just as it happens with the body,
because in this it is produced a descending process of energy and
an ascending process of progress when nutrients are pumped by
the heart to the rest of the body. With food, the need that the
body has to be connected with matter is also evidenced, food
enters and leaves our body in a circle, because once it is
eliminated in the form of waste, it passes to the earth where it is
charged again with the sun's energy to create new plants and
start the cycle again, this is logical, considering that it is a
material body.
When food waste or dead bodies fall to the ground they are
recharged with solar energy, this makes it possible to repeat the
process again. In the same way, the extinguished stars will also
recharge with energy when the universe ends and is recycled
again. Other similarities with the universe are, for example, how
the round shape of the head represents the sun, which is a male
symbol, and the straight body is equivalent to the planets, which
are a female symbol. This similarity is due to the fact that the
head is a circle like the sun, and the plane of the planets is a
straight line just like the human body. The line that forms the
body or the planets acts in a plane opposite to the circle that
forms the sun or the head, in this way they form the universal
two-dimensional cross.
On a different dimensional plane, the body represents the
horizontal, masculine, warm and material dimension, and the
spirit represents the vertical, feminine, cold and spiritual. It must
also be said that both spirit and matter form a binary relationship
that determines that in certain circumstances they have opposite
sexual values. For this reason, matter can be feminine but
materialism can be masculine, in the same way the spirit can be
masculine but spirituality can be feminine, that means that when
these concepts change, their polar or sexual values are also
The body's energy is exhausted, but that of the spirit is eternal,
the shape of the body dies in a few years, but that of the spirit,
on the other hand, lasts the entire cosmic cycle, the life of the
body dies, but the one that is within the spirit is eternal For the
body, a life is one hundred years, whereas for the spirit, a life is
one hundred thousand million years. The spirit can also
remember the most important events that it has lived during its
cosmic life just as a person can remember the events of his
entire human life. When the universe ends, life ends for the
spirit, but not because the soul within it dies, but because it has
to forget everything it has learned as an essential condition to be
able to regenerate. Then their memories are lost and the
learning process begins again from the beginning, this is so,
because although the form of the spirit ends, the soul that is
inside it is neutral to the passage of time because it has eternal
life. In reality, it is the qualities of the soul that give the spirit its
feminine character when they are united, because the spirit is
also masculine and perishable like the body although it lasts
much longer, but due to its great closeness to the soul an aspect
predominates in it feminine in the same way that the masculine
dimension predominates in the body, therefore, when speaking
of the spirit it is associated with feminine qualities because they
are the most characteristic of the spiritual world. But it must be
borne in mind that the definition of masculine or feminine that is
made in this case is only valid as a comparison between the two
dimensional planes but not if it is other different planes.
The spirit, in reality, is not a direct part of the being, because the
being is found in the soul, the spirit, then, serves the soul as a
kind of vehicle to move through space and works in a similar way
to the rest of the atoms that populate the universe. This
difference is due to the fact that the matter of the spirit has been
taken from the matter of the universal being and instead the
matter of the soul belongs to the being that controls that
spirit. This is necessary, because, even if people do not
understand it, all the particles that belong to the same being
have to be consciously administered by that being, that means
that if all the particles that are part of our body were
administered directly by us, they would not we could do the
higher functions as human beings normally do. Put more clearly,
if we were really the human body as the materialists believe,
then we would have to take care of all the chemical, atomic or
biological tasks of our body instead of being automatic. They do
not understand that if we do not realize most of the processes
that occur within our body, it is because there is another life and
another consciousness that is taking care of it for us, because,
although the materialists do not want to recognize it, matter has
its own life and consciousness and depends on the universal
being. The matter of our body is actually controlled and belongs
to the universal being so that we only have to take care of our
spirit and our soul that is why, most of the time, the soul is in a
passive position, because in that position it is easier to receive
sensations and it does not have to deal with the lower functions
since the universal being is transferred to it. Inside our body,
only the soul that it carries inside is really part of us, in this way
we can focus on the higher functions that are what really define
human life.
The soul as a feminine and sensitive element, is constant and
eternal and is the true depository of being. The soul, at first,
after separating from the original particle and becoming a
different being, created other particles in order to have the
memory capacity necessary to continue evolving. Then, he
covered himself with matter borrowed from the universal being
and created his spiritual body that will accompany him
throughout the cosmic cycle. This artificial body serves as a
memory bank, as a transport vehicle and also as a means of
intermediation with the matter of the entire universe. Then, the
spirit created the material or human body that is totally formed
with the matter of the universal being. The life of the human
body is shorter as it is denser and more solid than the spirit, this
is so, because density is usually linked to energy. When energy is
linked to density, the deterioration of forms is faster than in the
spiritual world, but, in return, the emotions that the soul
receives are also more intense, that is why it is useful to
reincarnate in matter. However, that does not have to be a
problem, because due to technological progress the knowledge
that each person has no longer depends only on themselves as
they are conserved by the whole of civilization, in this way death
does not have to cause his lost. Thus, the short duration of
human life compared to that of the spirit is not an
inconvenience, because with the union of all humanity and the
use of science and education, no knowledge has to be lost, this
will allow humanity to live the entire universal life while
maintaining a high technological level at all times.
The universe works through a process of rotation, whereby all
beings have to live all lives so that each being lives a different life
in each new cosmic cycle until completing the wheel of different
lives. However, for this to be possible, it is necessary that once
the current cycle ends, the universe forgot everything that
happened so that time can start over again. That means that in
the next cycle there will be a repetition of time, but each being
will live the life that another being has lived in this
cycle. However, someone might ask, if the universe forgets in
each cycle the events that occurred in the previous cycle, how is
it possible to know the life that each being is entitled to live in
the next cosmic cycle? Because if the universe forgets past
events, then how is order kept? It would also be necessary to
know, which spirit corresponds by rotation to take care of the
material universe if all the particles and all the beings have to
meet at the end of the cosmic cycle in the initial egg. That is, how
is the universe going to remember all these things if in the initial
moment its knowledge would be equivalent to a single bit of
The explanation is that at the end of each cosmic cycle the
universe will reunite in the initial egg, but all beings and all their
particles will not merge into a single particle until all spirits have
lived all lives. That means that the universe will not completely
forget the events that have occurred in previous cosmic cycles
until all beings have lived all lives. This is the largest wheel of
events that exists, and it has as many cycles as there are beings
in the universe. In order for order to be carried out, and for all
beings to go through all situations, the universe will forget
almost all its memories, but it will retain those that are strictly
necessary to bring the correct order on the general wheel. Later,
when all the beings have lived all the lives they will meet again in
the cosmic egg, but, unlike the previous occasions, in this case
they will unite into a single particle to give rise to a complete
repetition of time. In other words, the universe, and also relative
time, will have to be repeated as many times as the number of
beings that exist in the universe before absolute time begins
again. The difference between absolute and relative time is that
in relative time almost the entire universe repeats itself almost
identical to the previous one, but with the difference that
sufficient knowledge is remembered to know what position each
being occupies on the wheel of experiences, that is, which lives
he has already lived and which ones he still has to live to
complete all those that exist. On the other hand, in the wheel of
absolute time, all time starts over completely, because since all
beings have lived all lives, the wheel of lives and the possible
combinations of matter will have already been completed,
therefore, there will no longer be any impediment for all
memories to be forgotten. When that happens, the individuality
that each being represents will unite into a single being and a
single particle.
That means that in the universe there is not only the wheel of
time, but also the wheel of lives, and all the events that those
lives have associated with, that is why, in each new cosmic cycle,
all galaxies and all beings are you have to gather in the initial
cosmic egg before repeating time. However, the fact of repeating
time does not mean that all spirits must merge into a single
being and a single particle, because before that happens it is
necessary to close the cycle of life rotations until all the spirits
beings live all lives. Time has to be repeated in each new cosmic
cycle, but that repetition will not be the same in all cases,
because there is a repetition of the minor or relative time, and
then there is another repetition of the greater or absolute
time. That means, that the universe not only has cycles, but also
cycles of cycles that will only end when all beings live all lives,
when that happens the last of relative times will end and the end
of absolute time will also end, then all beings will completely
forget their position on the past wheel of lives, and will unite into
a single being and a single particle before the whole process
starts all over again.
In this case, the universal dimensions red, horizontal and
masculine, or blue, vertical and feminine, also intervene, because
the events of each life correspond to the red and horizontal
plane, and the vertical wheel corresponds to the union of all the
lives in a single wheel. That means that each horizontal wheel
actually corresponds to a single cosmic cycle. In reality, within
each wheel the same events occur, because time repeats itself in
each horizontal wheel, but as within each wheel there are many
different beings who live different lives, then it is also a different
experience for each of them. In each wheel, time repeats itself,
but as in the horizontal plane of space the original being is
divided into many other beings, this determines that in each
cosmic cycle the same global events occur, but each being lives
them, each time in a lifetime different. In each new cosmic cycle
one ascends a level in the vertical wheel, but the fact of
ascending in this wheel does not mean that that is why more
knowledge is acquired, because all beings are equal in their
essence, that means, that the purpose of The wheel is only to
bring an order so that all beings can preserve enough memories
to know the position they occupy in that wheel and thus be able
to live all the lives and consequently all the experiences that are
contained in those lives. The union of all the lives in the vertical
plane is equivalent to living the same being all the possible
experiences before the absolute time begins again.
The universe, therefore, has cycles and cycles of cycles and for
each general cosmic cycle it corresponds to each being to deal
with the material universe once, that means that for each time a
being deals with that function, there are innumerable times he
can live as a normal man. The universal being's mission is to take
care of basic physical functions so that man can take care of
human or higher functions, this is so, because size is not the
same as importance and this being, even having the size of the
universe and Knowing perfectly the basic mechanisms of matter,
however, has the same essential value as the rest of the beings
that inhabit the universe. The teaching of all this is that whoever
is above tomorrow will be below, and whoever is below today
will be above tomorrow, because in the universe everything that
has life is eternal, everything that has life is cyclical, everything
that has life it is renewed and everything that has life is replaced.
Today, people are easily dominated by scammers because they
do not want to bother seeking the truth by meditating, they only
know how to seek pleasure with their physical senses because
they do not understand the immense happiness that can be
achieved by living in line with values spiritual. The world of the
future will be populated by beings who could not understand life
without knowing why the sun shines, or what is the reason for
existence. It is surprising that there are so many people on Earth
who have never asked these questions, it seems that they do not
understand that this is what separates animals from real men. A
true man is able to recognize a demon when he sees it because
he has made himself searching for the truth. A human animal
confuses appearances with reality, so when he enters a church,
he naively believes that he is in the house of God and that it is
full of saints at his service. On the other hand, an authentic man,
when he enters a church, immediately sees the black and thick
environment that dominates everything, then he understands
that there is only deception and idolatry because in that place
there is not God but Satan. Those who refuse to meditate do not
understand that there is no more pleasant place for the devil
than the places where people believe that God is, that is why he
takes possession of them. People who refuse to meditate always
accept the false as true, but, those demons that build idols, a
true man cannot be fooled, because he uses his mind's eye, that
is, his spiritual intelligence and his ability to doubt everything,
that's why he discovers that there is only evil and mental
These places are made for hypocrites, because they want to
deceive themselves and others through absurd rituals or false
songs to pretend to everyone that they are very Christian when
they are only whitewashed tombs, but God knows that the true
Christian does not build idols or resort to material gestures,
because it is confirmed by facts and not by appearances. An
evolved being knows that the temple that pleases God is not
found in any building but in the center of our heart. An evolved
man when he looks around not only sees images, but also the
deep meaning of things, because he has managed to find the
truth through meditation.
The fight for progress is an intellectual fight, but it is also a moral
battle of good against evil that will end when the demons are
expelled from the earth. When that happens, evil will only
remain in the most primitive worlds, those worlds where people
are not able to differentiate the true from the false and the light
from the darkness. Every day that passes, the light that the world
receives is greater, but it must be borne in mind that progress is
not linear, because it is made with continuous advances and
setbacks, because each time humanity takes an evolutionary leap
forward, it enters on new ground and consequently runs the risk
of making new mistakes that push her back again. Progress
happens, because setbacks are shorter than advances. When a
person in particular, or the whole of humanity in general, goes
down the wrong path, the only way to get back on the right path
is to go back all the way before continuing on the right one. That
means that many times it is necessary to go back in order to
advance. At present, the great technological development that
humanity has achieved suddenly has caused an excess of
arrogance and a moral setback, therefore, it is necessary for the
world to return to spiritualism and restore the balance between
matter and spirit so that can truly be an evolved society.
I suppose readers will have a difficult time understanding the
metaphysical explanations that are told in this book, but in my
opinion, and taking into account the evolutionary pace of
humanity, the world will not get a good understanding of these
ideas for another five centuries or more less. In any case, there is
no better mental gymnastics for a man to progress than having
to solve dilemmas superior to those he is used to. In this book I
have mentioned on many occasions the universal cross, the
dimensional planes and their multiple connections with other
things in the universe, I do this in order to demonstrate the
enormous connection that exists between all things. Because
once you understand the meaning of the keys that are repeated
incessantly in multiple aspects of the world and life, it becomes
much easier to understand the universe as a whole.
It is also true that I often return to the same topics in order to
add or clarify some point, but I think it is worth it if we take into
account the little time that people spend on philosophical
analysis. Because the truth is that most people cannot, even if
they want to, go deep into metaphysics, because there are many
obstacles that can stand in their way. Sometimes you have time
but no intuition, and other times you have intuition but no time,
so it is always appreciated that there are people who are willing
to spend part of their time investigating a subject so little
explored today. Because philosophy, and especially deep
philosophy, is a field that very few people travel. Hopefully, this
work is useful for social progress.

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