Vacon NXP Linesynch II Apfiff44v117 Manual Dpd01977a v001
Vacon NXP Linesynch II Apfiff44v117 Manual Dpd01977a v001
Vacon NXP Linesynch II Apfiff44v117 Manual Dpd01977a v001
ac drives
Line Synchronization II
application manual
Apfiff44 LineSynch-ii VACON® • 3
1.1 Introduction
A purpose of APFIFF44 Line Sync Application is to operate as a smooth soft starter.
This application is mend to run a motor to net frequency and make contactor change so that
the motor is running directly from the network. This application supports up to eighth
motors with own I/O. The motors used can be of different sizes but the nominal voltage
needs to be the same with all motors. Line synchronization itself does not need additional
chokes in output due to advanced control. The drive can compensate for delays which are
faced in contactors.
1.2 General
This application is not considered to be backwards combatable. Read the application change
note or the chapter in this application manual, ersion parameter compatibility issues to
see what needs to be noted when updating the application. See also updated parameter
description from NCDrive when making commissioning.
• The digital inputs and all the outputs are freely programmable and the application
supports all I/O-boards
Additional functions:
1.4 OPT-D7
OPTD7 is an AC sinusoidal voltage measurement board used with Vacon NXP drives. Using
this board, VACON NXP drive measures the line voltage, frequency and voltage angle.
Vacon NXP can compare this information with its output voltage angle when it is running.
This feature can be used to make synchronizations to gird that is measured.
The OPT-D7 board is delivered with the transformer which is suitable for voltage range up to
690 Vac.
Please note that the transformer cannot be used with the pulse width modulated (PWM)
voltage input.
It is possible to use custom built transformer when the input voltage to be measured is not
within the OPT-D7 transformer voltage range. The transformation ratio parameter then can
be adjusted as per the transformer primary to secondary ratio. See details from OPT-D7
user manual.
2.2 Operation
The drive measures line voltage frequency and angle. When there is no synchronization
command, the application works as a normal Multi-Purpose application.
2.2.1 To Net
When synchronization command is given [P:ActiveSynchro (DI:HIGH)], frequency reference
is changed to net voltage frequency. When voltage frequency is within 0,10 Hz hysteresis
with network voltage frequency the drive will make small adjustments to frequency
reference so that line voltage angle and FC voltage angle are the same with given offset
The drive remains at this synchronization until the command to end synchronization is given
or the command to change network is given [P:ActiveDirect] (DI:HIGH)]. When the command
to go to the network net is given (which can be given at the same time as synchronization
command) thr application checks for 40 ms that [P:PhaseHyst] is correct for change. When
an internal decision is made:
Depending on the status of [P:ActiveSynchro], the drive will keep synchronization on start or
follow the given reference.
Is start command is not active NET contactor is opened without starting modulation.
It has been noticed that in some system where BackSynch feature has been used that after
few breakers or contactors timing has been changed considerably.
When in initial commissioning, motor was without current about 6 ms, changeover was
happening without problem.
Few months after initial commissioning, over current faults started to happen. When
analysing data logger and oscilloscope information, it was notices that motor was now
without current about 30 ms. This was causing angle to change so much that when FC
contactor was closed over current trip limit was reached.
2.2.5 Motors
s recommended to select motors that have relatively high slip
frequency. When motor has a high slip frequency change overs are easier to adjust. Low
slipmotors require more accurate timing.
2.3 Timing
t1: Application makes decision to change to the network, command to open FC contactor is
t2: Drive stops modulation after delay [P:DelayToCoasting].
a. Motor BEM voltage starts to decrease.
b. Motor current goes to zero.
c. FC sees motor BEM voltage
t3: FC Contactor is mechanically open.
d. FC does not see motor voltage.
t4: NET contactor is mechanically closed
e. Motor voltage is the same as line voltage
f. Current goes to motor.
2 x Phase Hysteresis
2 x Phase Hysteresis
2.6 Commissioning
Umotor Ugrid
Imotor Udrive ~
Use of interlocks:
- The NET contactor cannot have an interlock from FC contactor.
o What can be used momentarily if contactor delays are not know
- The FC Contactor can have an interlock from net contactor.
- If DOL thermal protection is used this trip should be connected to ByPass
interlock and any situation that can cause motor input to interrupt.
Commissioning steps:
Adjusting field weakening point voltage higher so that motor BEM voltage is the same as
line voltage at the moment of closing the NET contactor this may decrease current spike.
16 DIN6 Reset Network run Drive takes controlled motor off net.
Programmable G2.2.7 (Multi motor control feature)
17 CMB Common for DIN4 DIN6 Connect to GND or +24V
18 AOA1+ Analogue output 1 Output range selected by jumpers.
19 AOA1- Programmable P2.3.1.2 Range 0 20 mA. RL, max. 500
Range 0 10 V. RL > 1k
20 DOA1 Digital output Programmable
Open collector, I50mA, U48 VDC
21 RO1 Relay output 1 Switching capacity
22 RO1 FC Contactor control 24 VCD / 8 A
23 RO1 Programmable G2.3.3 250 VAC / 8 A
125 VDC / 0.4 A
24 RO2 Relay output 1 Programmable
25 RO2 Net Contactor control No function defined at default
220 26 RO2 Programmable G2.3.3
Table 4-1. LineSynch application default I/O configuration and
connection example.
Note: See Users Manual, chapter Control Connections, for hardware specification and
= Factory default
The programming principle of the input and output signals in the Multipurpose Control
Application NXP as well as in the Pump and Fan Control Application (and partly in the
other applications) is different compared to the conventional method used in other Vacon NX
Example: You want to connect the digital output function Reference fault/warning
(parameter to the digital output DO1 on the basic board NXOPTA1 (see Vacon NX
User's Manual, Chapter 6.2).
First find the parameter on the keypad. Press the Menu button right once to enter the
edit mode. On the value line, you will see the terminal type on the left (DigIN, DigOUT, An.IN,
An.OUT) and on the right, the present input/output the function is connected to (B.3, A.2 etc.),
or if not connected, a value (0.#).
When the value is blinking, hold down the Browser button up or down to find the desired
board slot and signal number. The program will scroll the board slots starting from 0 and
proceeding from A to E and the I/O selection from 1 to 10.
Once you have set the desired value, press the Enter button once to confirm the change.
5.2 Defining a terminal for a certain function with NCDrive programming tool
If you use the NCDrive Programming Tool for parametrizing you will have to establish the
connection between the function and input/output in the same way as with the control panel.
Just pick the address code from the drop-down menu in the Value column (see the Figure
Figure 5-1. Screenshot of NCDrive programming tool; Entering the address code
Note: The inputs, unlike the outputs, cannot be changed in RUN state.
In case of analogue inputs, giving the value 1 for the terminal number corresponds to 0%
signal level, value 2 corresponds to 20%, value 3 to 30% and so on. Giving value 10 for the
terminal number corresponds to 100% signal level.
Column explanations:
Code = Location indication on the keypad; Shows the operator the present param.
Parameter = Name of parameter
Min = Minimum value of parameter
Max = Maximum value of parameter
Unit = Unit of parameter value; Given if available
Default = Value preset by factory
Cust = Customer
ID = ID number of the parameter
_____ = On parameter code: Parameter value can only be changed after the FC has
been stopped.
_____ = Apply the Terminal to Function method (TTF) to these parameters (see
chapter 5)
_____ = Monitoring value is possible to control from fieldbus by ID number
V1.23.3 DC Voltage V ID 44
Unfiltered DC link voltage, recommended signal for NCDrive monitoring.
Separate measurement from two PT100 board. The signal has 4 s filtering time.
Bit Description
Value = 0 Value = 1
0 Not ready to switch on Ready to switch on
1 Not ready to operate Ready to operate
2 Not Running Running
3 No Fault Fault
4 Coast stop Active Coast stop not active
5 Quick stop active Quick stop not active
6 Switch not inhibited Switch on inhibit
7 No Warning Warning
8 Speed error Speed At Reference
9 No FB Control request FB Control Active
10 Fout < Fmax Fout > Fmax
11 not used not used
12 not used not used
13 not used not used
14 not used not used
15 Fieldbus DIN1=OFF Fieldbus DIN1=ON (Watchdog pulse)
V1.24.11 Warning ID 74
Last active warning.
V1.24.12 MC Status ID 64
This is the value that is also send to fieldbus on those fieldbus that do not use
own state machine.
7.8.4 Stabilators
Code Parameter Min Max Unit Default Cust ID Note
Torque Stabilator
P2.8.5.1 0 1000 100 1412
P2.8.5.2 Torque Stabilator
0 1000 800 1413 With PMSM use 980
P2.8.5.3 Torque Stabilator
0 1000 50 1414
Gain in FWP
7.11 Protections
7.11.1 Common settings
Code Parameter Min Max Unit Default Cust ID Note
0=No response
Input phase 1=Warning
P2.12.1.1 0 3 0 730
supervision 2=Fault,stop acc. to 2.3.2
3=Fault,stop by coasting
Response to 0=Fault stored in history
P2.12.1.2 0 1 0 727
undervoltage fault 1=Fault not stored
Output phase
P2.12.1.3 0 3 2 702 See P2.12.1.1
Response to slot
P2.12.1.4 0 3 2 734 See P2.12.1.1
0=No response
Response to external 1=Warning
P2.12.1.5 0 3 2 701
fault 1 2=Fault,stop acc. to 2.3.2
3=Fault,stop by coasting
0=No response
P2.12.1.6 Earth fault protection 0 3 2 703
2=Fault,stop acc. to 2.3.2
3=Fault,stop by coasting
0=No Action
P2.12.1.7 Communication 0 3 2 733
2= Fault
3= Fault,stop by coasting
0= No Action, Warning
Cooling Fault 1= Warning, Warning
P2.12.1.8 1 2 2 762
Response 2= Warning, Fault
3= No Action, Fault
Safe Torque Off 1= Warning, Warning
P2.12.1.9 1 2 1 755
Response 2= Warning, Fault
P2.12.1.10 FaultWarnIndicat 0 2 1 1940 1=Toggle
Table 7-20. Common settings
7.15.4 Commissioning
Code Parameter Min Max Unit Default Cust ID Note
0=Line Synchronization
Commissioning 1=FC, DL Timing 0 4 0 1634
Test modes 2=FC On, DL Off
3=FC Off, DL On
Commissioning 0.1 E.10 0.1 1635
test activation
7.15.5 Counters
Code Parameter Min Max Unit Default Cust ID Note M1FC CB Hours 0 2^32 h 1673 M1DL CB Hours 0 2^32 h 1674 M1FB CB Count 0 2^32 1675 M1DL CB Count 0 2^32 1676
Note: Set this value higher than nominal frequency of gird where synchronization is
Note: Do not change this parameter to lower value that current output frequency if
changed during running. The change will be executed without ramp.
Some cases motor nominal speed is shown with one decimal. In this case the practice is
to give nearest integer number and adjust motor nominal frequency so that drive will
calculate correct [FW]PolePairNumber.
When value is zero the magnetization current is calculated from motor nominal
5 ∗ 𝑆𝑖𝑛 𝜑 − 1
𝑀𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑀𝑎𝑔𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑧𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 = ∗ 𝑀𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑁𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡
5 − 𝑆𝑖𝑛 𝜑
5 ∗ √1 − (𝐶𝑜𝑠 𝜑)2 − 1
𝑀𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑀𝑎𝑔𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑧𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 = ∗ 𝑀𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑁𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛
5 − √1 − (𝐶𝑜𝑠 𝜑)2
𝑓(𝑀𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑁𝑜𝑚𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑞 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑓(𝑂𝑢𝑡) > 𝑓(𝑀𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑁𝑜𝑚𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑞)
[𝐹𝑊]𝑅𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑟𝐹𝑙𝑢𝑥 = ( ) ,
If given before identification run this is used as reference for U/f tuning when making
identification without rotating the motor.
DriveSynch Operation
Motor Nominal magnetization current / Number of drives in parallel using Vacon Drive
0 No action
No identification requested.
Example of behaviour
This identification must be run without load on motor shaft. U/f settings and
magnetization current are identified. This identification should be run regardless of the
final operation mode (closed loop or open loop) to get the best performance from the
motor. When identification with motor rotation is successfully finished the drive starts to
use internal slip estimator to compensate the motor temperature changed.
SCTorqueChainSelect B5 & B6.
Example of behaviour
4 - Identified All
The motor shaft needs to be able to rotate freely.
All the above identification selections are made in sequence.
The basic motor name plate data has to be set correctly before performing the identifi-
cation run:
- P2.1.3 P2.1.8. Motor basic data.
- P2.1.9 Magnetization current can also be given if available if given before
identification without rotating motor; U/f curve will be tuned according to given
magnetization current.
- P2.1.11 Motor Type.
When in closed loop and with an encoder installed, also the parameter for pulses /
revolutions (in Menu M7) has to be set.
The automatic identification is activated by setting this parameter to the appropriate
value followed by a start command in the requested direction. The start command to the
drive has to be given within 20 s. If no start command is given within 20 s the identifi-
cation run is cancelled and the parameter will be reset to its default setting. The iden-
tification run can be stopped any time with normal stop command and the parameter is
reset to its default setting. In case identification run detects fault or other problems, the
identification run is completed if possible. After the identification is finished, warning will
be given is not all requested identification types has been completed successfully.
During Identification Run, the brake control is disabled.
Note: After identification is made drive requires rising edge of start command.
Note: Marine application has all identified values stored to parameters, no need to redo
identification if previous parameters are loaded back to the dive if e.g. control board is
0 - Induction motor
-Asynchronous motor
- Analogue Input 1.
2.4.2: Input Signals \
- Analogue Input 2.
Signal scaling 2.4.3: Input Signals \
- Analogue Input 1 + Analogue Input 2.
With alternative reference scaling in Analogue Input group 100 % input values can be
set to correspond 25 Hz thus when both are at 100 % final reference will be 50 Hz.
Analogue Input 1 - Analogue Input 2.
Analogue Input 2 - Analogue Input 1.
The maximum from Analogue Input 1 and Analogue Input 2 is used as reference.
Maximum Frequency
P2.1.2 Max Frequency is used as reference.
AI1/AI2 Selection
- Analogue Input 1.
2.4.3: Input Signals \
- Analogue Input 2.
2.4.4: Input Signals \
- Analogue Input 1 + Analogue Input 2.
With alternative reference scaling in Analogue Input group 100 % input values can be
set to correspond 25 Hz. That is, when both are at 100 % final reference will be 50 Hz.
Analogue Input 1 - Analogue Input 2.
Analogue Input 2 - Analogue Input 1.
- Analogue Input 1.
2.4.3: Input Signals \
- Analogue Input 2.
2.4.4: Input Signals \
- Analogue Input 1 + Analogue Input 2.
With alternative reference scaling in Analogue Input group 100 % input values can be
set to correspond 25 Hz thus when both are at 100 % final reference will be 50 Hz.
Analogue Input 1 - Analogue Input 2.
Analogue Input 2 - Analogue Input 1.
Parameter values define the Preset speeds references activated by digital inputs. These
references will follow reverse command if given.
Related parameters
Digital inputs P2.4.2.5-7 Preset Speed 1-3
These parameters define the reference for the inching function. The references are bidirectional and
the reverse command does not affect the direction of the inching reference.
- Analogue Input 1.
gnals \
- Analogue Input 2.
Analogue input 1, -10 Vdc... +10 Vdc. For joystick inputs the maximum negative
Analogue input 2, -10 Vdc... +10 Vdc For joystick inputs the maximum negative
P Pos Freq Limit speed controller active
Speed controller
Speed controller active
FW FreqRampOut
R FreqRampOut
Speed controller active
P Neg Speed Limit
Speed Reference [RPM]
High Lim
Low Lim
Speed [RPM]
High Lim
Time [s]
Speed Ref
Motor Potentiometer
Ramp Rate
Motor Potentiometer
Motor Potentiometer
FW FreqRef1
VALUE F Adjust Reference
P Adjust Input K VALUE IN 1 MULTIP
F Analogue Input 1 IN 1 C 10000 DIVIS
F Analogue Input 2 IN 2
F Analogue Input 3 IN 3 P Adjust Min C 1000
F Analogue Input 4 IN 4
F FB Adjust Reference IN 5 ADD
P Adjust Min +
P Adjust Max +
0 Not used
1 Analogue input 1
2 Analogue input 2
3 Analogue input 3
4 Analogue input 4
5 FB Adjust Reference ID47 Monitoring Signal
Reference [Hz]
27,5 Hz Ajust Max 10 %
If minimum and maximum are not equal to zero adjustment is not at the middlepoint of analogue
input or at zero point if -10...+10 Vdc input is used. Below picture minimum is 20 % and maximum 10
10 %
50 % 100 %
66,66 Input [%]
20 %
DI Inching Active G
F Prohibited area SEL
DI Ramp time 1/2 G IN 0 P Inching Ramp IN 1
P Ramp time 1 IN 0 IN 1
P Ramp time 2 IN 1 MULDIV
F Ramp Follower
P Prohibited Factor MULTIP
P 1,0 DIVIS G R Final Ramp Time
P 100 % MULTIP IN 1
F Ramp Reduction DIVIS
P 0,0 s
Flying start:
1 The frequency converter is able to start with motor running by applying
current to motor and searching for the frequency corresponding to the speed
the motor is running at. Searching starts from the maximum frequency
towards the zero frequency until the correct value is detected.
Use this mode if the motor is coasting when the start command is given. With
the flying start it is possible to start motor form actual speed without forcing
the speed to zero before ramping to reference.
Closed loop control will always start like flying start because exact speed of the motor is
known from encoder feedback.
1 After the Stop command, the speed of the motor is decelerated according to
Used to reduce mechanical erosion and current spikes when reference is changed.
30 0%S
10 % S
20 10 % S
15 0%S
Figure 8-3. 10 % S ramp with 3 s ramp time when reference set to zero at 25 Hz
100 %
10 %
Input [%]
Start 2: closed
Freq. Out
Start 1
Start 2
1 2
Freq. Out
Start 1
Start 2
Freq. Out
Start 1
Start 2
The selections including the text 'Rising edge required to start' shall be used to
exclude the possibility of an unintentional start when, for example, power is connected,
re-connected after a power failure, after a fault reset, after the drive is stopped by Run
Enable (Run Enable = False) or when the control place is changed. The Start/Stop
contact must be opened before the motor can be started.
Related parameters
- G2.2.7 Constant Ref
With P2.9.3 Control Options B13 is possible to select that deceleration direction is
allowed thus speed is reduced if reference is smaller that drive speed at the time.
PC PC Control
DI IO Control SEL
SEL G Final Control Place
DI KP Control
DI FB Control G IN 0 IN 1
P Control Place IN 0 IN 1
C FB Control IN 1 C PC COntrol
C IO Control
C KP Control
NOTE: When the control place is forced to change the values of Start/Stop, Direction
and Reference valid in the respective control place are used. The value of parameter
ID125 (Keypad Control Place) does not change. When the input opens the control
place is selected according to keypad control parameter P3.1 Control Place
Note: The parameter values are stored only when selecting parameter P6.3.1 Parameter
sets Store Set 1 or Store Set 2 or from NCDrive: Drive > Parameter Sets.
When changing between open loop and closed loop control modes, make this change in
stop state.
4 2 1
B2 B1 B0
Motor 1 0 0 0
Motor 2 0 0 1
Motor 3 0 1 0
Motor 4 0 1 1
Motor 5 1 0 0
Motor 6 1 0 1
Motor 7 1 1 0
Motor 8 1 1 1
Connect the AI1/AI2 signal to the analogue input of your choice with this parameter. For
more information about the TTF programming method, see chapter 5.
First order filtering is used for analogue signals that are used to control e.g. the power
limit. Second order filtering is used for frequency reference filtering.
6000 1 s filter time
4000 63 %
FreqRef 2nd order
0 -20mA/10V
Signal input ranges: 0...10 V and 0...20 mA.
Input signal is used from 0% to 100%.
Reference [Hz]
Max Freq
Min Freq
0% Analogue Input 100 %
1 -20 mA
Signal input ranges: 4 20 mA and 2 10 V
Input signal is used from 20 % to 100 %
Reference [Hz]
Max Freq
Min Freq
0% 20 % Analogue Input 100 %
2 10 - + 10 V
Signal input range: -10 V - + 10 V.
Input signal is used from -100 % to +100 %.
Max Freq
-10 V
- Max Freq
With custom range it is possible to freely adjust what input level corresponds to the
minimum and maximum frequencies.
Reference [Hz]
Max Freq
Min Freq
0% 40 % Analogue 80 % 100 %
Custom Input Custom
Min Max
47 Hz 47 Hz
Ref Scale Ref Scale
Max Max
24 Hz 24 Hz
Ref Scale Ref Scale
Min Freq
Min Freq
0 Hz 40 % Analogue 80 %
0 Hz 0% 100 %
0% Analogue 100 % Input Custom
Input Min Max
The small values of the reference around zero can be ignored by setting this value
greater than zero. When the reference lies between zero and ± this parameter, it is
forced to zero.
Max Freq
AI Joystick
= 10 %
-10 V
-100 % -10 %
- Max Freq
20 %
Sleep Limit
Time [s]
With this parameter on display, place the potentiometer in the assumed zero point and
press Enter on keypad.
When the parameter for Analogue input signal selection is set to 0.1 you can control the
analogue input monitoring variable from Fieldbus by assigning the Process Data Input ID
number to the analogue input monitoring signal thus allowing the PLC input signals to
be scaled with analogue input scaling functions.
6000 Unfiltered
2000 63 %
P2.4.3.3 Analogue input signal 3 signal range ID143
P2.4.4.3 Analogue input signal 4signal range ID154
0 -20mA/10V
Signal input ranges: 0...10 V and 0...20 mA.
Input signal is used from 0% to 100%.
Reference [Hz]
Max Freq
Min Freq
0% Analogue Input 100 %
1 -20 mA
Signal input ranges: 4 20 mA and 2 10 V
Input signal is used from 20 % to 100 %
Reference [Hz]
Max Freq
Min Freq
0% 20 % Analogue Input 100 %
2 10 - + 10 V
Signal input range: -10 V - + 10 V.
Input signal is used from -100 % to +100 %.
Max Freq
-10 V
- Max Freq
With custom range it is possible to freely adjust what input level corresponds to the
minimum and maximum frequencies.
Reference [Hz]
Max Freq
Min Freq
0% 40 % Analogue 80 % 100 %
Custom Input Custom
Min Max
0% 40 % Analogue 80 % 100 %
Custom Input Custom
Min Max
0 = No inversion
1 = Signal inverted
AI3/AI4 Output
0% 40 % Analogue 80 % 100 %
Custom Input Custom
Min Max
The data from the Fieldbus main control word can be led to digital outputs.
See used fieldbus board manual for location of these bits.
Connect the AO1 signal to the analogue output of your choice with this parameter.
This parameter selects the desired function for the analogue output signal.
Analogue output is forced to 20 % (= 2 V/4 mA)
Output frequency from zero to maximum frequency.
Freq. reference from zero to maximum frequency
Motor speed from zero speed to motor synchronous speed
Drive output current from zero to motor nominal current
Motor torque from zero to motor nominal torque (100 %)
Motor power from zero to motor nominal power (100 %)
Drive output voltage from zero to motor nominal voltage
8 -
500 V unit: DC voltage from zero to 1000 Vdc
690 V unit: DC voltage from zero to 1317 Vdc
Unfiltered Analogue input 1 signal
Unfiltered Analogue input 2 signal
11 -max
Output frequency from minimum frequency to maximum frequency
12 -2Tn)-
Motor torque from negative two times motor nominal to positive two times motor
nominal torque
13 -2Pn)-
Motor power from negative two times motor nominal to positive two times motor
nominal power
Maximum PT100 temperature value from used input scaling from -30 C to +200 C
FB analogue output fieldbus process data value can be connected to analogue output
by using monitoring signal ID48 .
6000 Unfiltered
2000 63 %
100 %
0% Signal 100 %
100 %
Analogue Inverted
20 %
0% Signal 100 %
100 %
Analogue 200 %
50 %
50 %
20 %
0% 50 % Function 100 %
In picture below 50 % scaling signal has been given 20 % offset and for 200 % scaling
50 % offset.
100 %
Analogue 200 %
50 %
50 %
20 %
0% 50 % Function 100 %
Drive temperature has exceeded normal operation conditions. Temperature limit may
vary depending on drive type and size.
Always if a warning is on
The jogging, preset or inching speed has been activated with digital input.
Motor rotation direction is different from the requested one. This happens in situation
when an external force makes the motor to rotate into different direction or when a
command for direction change has been given and the drive is still ramping down to
change direction.
With these parameters you can set on- and off-delays to digital outputs.
Note that Delayed DO3 is operating at ms time accuracy.
On Off
Delay Delay
0 No supervision
1 Low limit supervision
2 High limit supervision
The following five parameters are used to set a limit value to be monitored with the
corresponding parameter above.
0 = Not used
1 = AI1
2 = AI2
3 = AI3
4 = AI4
5 = FBLimScaling
0 = Not used
1 = AI1
2 = AI2
3 = AI3
4 = AI4
5 = FBLimScaling
Figure 8-12. An example of On/Off-control
0 No supervision
1 Low limit supervision
2 High limit supervision
The following five parameters are used to set a limit value to be monitored with the
corresponding parameter above.
In closed loop control, the current limit affects the torque producing current limit, not
This signal will adjust the maximum motor current between 0 and the parameter Motor
Current Limit.
0 = Not used
1 = AI1
2 = AI2
3 = AI3
4 = AI4
5 = FB Limit Scaling ID46 Monitoring value
0 = Not used
1 = AI1
2 = AI2
3 = AI3
4 = AI4
5 = FB Limit Scaling ID46 Monitoring value
Note: parameter is
used for brake resistor overheating calculations. If an external brake resistor is
0/ 500 V Unit: 412 V
Low Voltage 690 V Unit: 567 V
1 / Automatic 0,80*Estimated DC nominal voltage
Giving a higher current on start to the motor will decrease the time when the motor is able to
generate nominal torque.
With DC injection, the motor can be electrically stopped in the shortest possible time,
without using an optional external braking resistor.
The braking time is scaled according to the frequency at the moment of stop command.
If the frequency is the nominal frequency of the motor or higher, the set value of DC
braking time at stop is used as the braking time. When the frequency is below the
nominal frequency, the relation between the nominal frequency and the output frequency
at the time of stop command will determine the DC braking time. For example, 50-hertz
motor is running at 25 Hz when the stop command is given. The DC brake time will be 50
% of the DC braking time at stop. If the frequency is below 5 Hz the minimum DC braking
time is 10 % of the DC braking time at stop.
DC braking is started after a short restart delay following the stop command if stop
function is coasting.
fn fn
time at stop
50 % DC-Brake
time at stop
Restart Restart 100 %
delay time at delay
50 % stop 50 %
0% 0%
Figure 8-14. DC-braking time when Stop mode = Coasting, from nominal speed and 50 % of
nominal speed.
After the Stop command, the speed of the motor is reduced according to the set
deceleration parameters, to the speed defined with parameter DC braking frequency at
stop, where the DC braking starts.
The braking time is defined with parameter DC braking time at stop. If high inertia exists,
it is recommended to use an external braking resistor for faster deceleration. See Figure
Output frequency
DC- DC-Brake
time at
50 % Brake stop
0 = Not used
1 = AI1
2 = AI2
3 = AI3
4 = AI4
5 = FB Limit Scaling ID46 Monitoring value
the DC brake is activated the drive will indicate being in Run state.
Output frequency
Motor voltage
Motor Current
1 = Flux braking ON
Output frequency
Motor voltage
Motor Current
Induction motor torque is based on slip. When load increases also slip will increase. Slip is the
speed that rotor is behind of stator electrical frequency.
Below picture presents torque that is produced by induction motor when connected directly on line.
1. Motor Synchronous speed. Motor is taking only magnetization current.
2. Motor nominal operation point. Motor is producing 100 % of rated torque and power. Actual
shaft speed is motor nominal speed and motor takes nominal current.
3. Pullout torque. This is point where motor produced torque start to decrease when slip
increases. After this point motor will stop if load is not reduced.
~600 %
100 %
100 %
3 2 1
In frequency control, the load will determine the actual shaft speed
Freq. Out 50 Hz
Nominal Slip &
TN Freq. Ref 50 Hz
100 %
50 %
Freq. Ref 50 Hz
Freq. Out 51 Hz
100 %
50 %
Open loop frequency control:
Drive frequency reference is set to output frequency without
slip compensation. Motor speed is defined by motor load.
Open loop speed control:
Drive frequency reference is set to motor speed reference.
Motor speed stays the same regardless of motor load.
Open loop Speed or Torque control
In this control mode the drive can be selected to run in
torque control mode. The operation is selected by parameter
TorqueSpeedLimit in the Torque Reference parameter
group. The default selection is torque control mode speed
limited by ramp generator output.
Note: The Motor control mode cannot be changed between open loop and closed loop
while the drive is in Run state.
FWP Voltage
Torque Boost
Zero point voltage
Mid point
Step 2 (If needed): Activate speed control or U/f optimization (Torque boost).
Step 3 (If needed): Activate both speed control and U/f optimization.
Step 1:
Run the motor using 2/3 of motor nominal frequency as the frequency reference. Read
the motor current in the monitoring menu or use NCDrive for monitoring. This current
shall be set as the motor magnetization current.
Step 2 (If needed): Activate speed control or U/f optimization (Torque boost).
Step 3 (If needed): Activate both speed control and U/f optimization.
NOTE! In high torque low speed applications it is likely that the motor will
overheat. If the motor has to run long times under these conditions,
special attention must be paid to cooling of the motor. Use external
cooling for the motor if the temperature tends to rise too high.
1 The voltage of the motor changes from zero point voltage following the
squared curve form zero frequency to the field weakening point. The motor
runs undermagnetised below the field weakening point and produces less
torque. Squared U/f ratio can be used in applications where torque demand
is proportional to the square of the speed, e.g. in centrifugal fans and pumps.
When the parameter Motor nominal frequency is set, the parameter Field weakening
point is automatically given the corresponding value. If you need different values for the
field weakening point and the maximum output voltage, change these parameters after
setting the Nominal frequency.
In closed loop control this defines maximum voltage to the motor, can be increases if
sufficient DC voltage is available.
In case of absolute encoders, start angle will read directly from the encoder absolute
angle value. On the other hand, incremental encoder z-pulse will be used automatically
absolute encoders, P2.8.5.1 must be different from zero, otherwise it is interpreted that
the encoder identification run has not been done and the running will be prohibited
except if the absolute channel is bypassed by the start angle identification.
ModulatorType (P2.10.2) need to be > 0 to be able to use this function.
0 = Automatic
Decision to use start angle identification is made automatically based on the encoder
type connected to the drive. This will serve common cases.
Supports: OPT-A4, OPT-A5, OPT-A7 and OPT-AE boards.
1 = Forced
Bypasses the drive automatic logic and forces the start angle identification to be active.
Can be used, for example, with absolute encoders to bypass absolute channel
information and to use start angle identification instead.
2 = On Power UP
As a default, start angle identification will be repeated in every start if the identification is
active. This setting will enable identification only in a first start after drive is powered up.
In consecutive starts, angle will be updated based on the encoder pulse count.
10 = Disabled
Used when Z- pulse from encoder is used for start angle identification.
Output Frequency
Motor Current
I/f Control
Time [s]
I/f Control
This parameter defines the current level during I/f control, in percent of the motor
nominal current
If there is instability in the field weakening area, gain can be decreased and/or time constant
𝑋𝑑 [Ω] ∗ 𝐼𝑛 [𝐴] ∗ √3
𝑋𝑑 [𝐷𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒] =
𝑈𝑛 [𝑉] ∗ 2560
𝑋𝑞 [Ω] ∗ 𝐼𝑛 [𝐴] ∗ √3
𝑋𝑞 [𝐷𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒] =
𝑈𝑛 [𝑉] ∗ 2560
1000 1000
𝑑𝑓𝑘 = 𝐺 (𝑇𝑘 − 𝑇𝑘−1 ) + 𝑑𝑓𝑘−1 = 𝐺𝑓 (𝑇𝑘 − 𝑇𝑘−1 ) + 𝑑𝑓𝑘−1
𝑇𝑜𝑟𝑞𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑏𝐷𝑎𝑚𝑝 𝑇𝑜𝑟𝑞𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑏𝐷𝑎𝑚𝑝
Where 𝐺𝑓 is the total gain of the filter. The gain and the corner frequency of the filter is controlled by
the following parameters
𝐺 = TorqStabGainFWP + TorqStabGain − TorqStabGain, if f < fFWP
𝐺 = TorqStabGainFWP, if f ≥ fFWP
The final gain is obtained by considering the value of Torque Stabiliser Damping and the
scaling in which 256 means the gain 1. So, the final and the actual gain of the filter is
obtained from
1000 ∗ 𝐺
𝐺𝑓 =
256 ∗ 𝑇𝑜𝑟𝑞𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑏𝐷𝑎𝑚𝑝
This parameter defines the corner frequency of the high-pass filter. The time constant of
the filter is calculated as
𝑇𝑜𝑟𝑞𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑏𝐷𝑎𝑚𝑝 𝑇𝑜𝑟𝑞𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑏𝐷𝑎𝑚𝑝
𝑇𝑐 = 𝑇𝑠 = 1𝑚𝑠
1000 − 𝑇𝑜𝑟𝑞𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑏𝐷𝑎𝑚𝑝 1000 − 𝑇𝑜𝑟𝑞𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑏𝐷𝑎𝑚𝑝
It follows that the corner frequency of the filter is obtained from
𝜔𝑐 = 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠
For example, if Torque stabilizer damping = 600, it follows that 𝑇𝑐 c = 1.5 ms and 𝜔𝑐 = 667
The value is also identified when using a PMS motor and making identification run with
rotating motor. At low speed the motor values may increase up to 300 %. At high speed
motor gain and motor with sine filter may have gain values of 10...40 %.
This parameter defines the motor stator resistance as a voltage drop at nominal current.
The parameter value is defined according to motor nominal voltage and the current and
the actual stator resistance as
RsVoltageDrop 2560 Rs
Speed [rpm]
10 %
Reference Actual
Example: If load drooping is set to 10 % for a motor that has a nominal frequency of 50
Hz and is nominally loaded (100 % of torque) the output frequency is allowed to decrease
5 Hz from the frequency reference. The function is used for e.g. when balanced load is
needed for mechanically connected motors.
Actual speed
The actual switching frequency might be reduced down to 1,5kHz by thermal
management functions. This has to be considered when using sine wave filters or other
output filters with a low resonance frequency.
If the switching frequency is changed it is necessary to redo the identification run.
0 = ASIC modulator
A classical third harmonic injection. The spectrum is slightly better compared to the
Software 1 modulator.
1 = Software Modulator 1
Symmetric vector modulator with symmetrical zero vectors.
Current distortion is less than with software modulator 2 if boosting is used.
2 = Software modulator 2
One phase at a time in IGBT switches is not modulated during a 60-degree period of the
frequency cycle. The unmodulated phase is connected to either positive or negative DC-
This modulator type reduces switching losses up to two-thirds and all switches become
evenly loaded.
BusClamp modulation is useful if the voltage is >80% of the maximum voltage, in other
words, when the drive is operating near full speed. Then again, the motor ripple at low
speeds is the double compared to selection 1.
3 = Software modulator 3
Unsymmetrical BusClamb in which one switch always conducts 120 degrees to negative
DC-rail to reduce switching losses. However, upper and lower switches are unevenly
loaded and the spectrum is wide.
4 = Software modulator 4:
Pure sinewave, sinusoidal modulator without harmonic injection. Dedicated to be used in
back to back test benches etc. to avoid circulating third harmonic current. Drawback is
that required DC voltage is 15% higher compared to other modulator types.
In a DriveSynch system, only Master drive monitoring signals are reliable.
Only directly measured values are reliable in follower units. Even the Output Frequency of
DriveSynch follower is not directly observed and thus may not show actual output frequency that is
controlled by DriveSynch Master Drive.
The maximum switching frequency for the drives using VACON® DriveSynch is 3.6 kHz.
Minimum recommended switching frequency in Open Loop control is 1.7 kHz.
Minimum recommended switching frequency in Closed Loop control is 2.5 kHz.
The VACON® NXP control board must be VB00761 (NXP3) or newer.
OPT-D2 boards needs to VB276J or newer.
Master needs to be #1 and cannot be changed.
X5 : TX1 X5 : TX2
X5 : TX1 X5 : TX2 X5 : TX2 X5 : TX2 X6 : ON X6 : ON
X6 : ON X6 : ON X6 : ON X6 : ON
Optical bus
H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2
(RX) (TX) (RX) (TX) (RX) (TX) (RX) (TX)
Figure 8-16. System bus physical connections with the OPT-D2 board
0 = Single drive
System bus is deactivated
1= - Drive Synch Master
Drive number 1 must be selected as the parallel drive configuration master (in
redundancy mode drive number 2 can be selected as master but certain diagnostic
functions are no longer available).
2 - Drive Synch Follower
Selection for parallel drive configuration follower drive
0 = No response
1 = Warning
2 = Fault, stop mode after fault according to Stop function
8.12 Protections
8.12.1 General settings
P2.12.1.1 Input phase supervision ID730
Defines the response when the drive notices that one of the input phases is missing.
0 = No response
1 = Warning
2 = Fault, stop mode after fault according to Stop Function
3 = Fault, stop mode after fault always by coasting
0 = No response
1 = Warning
2 = Fault, stop mode after fault according to Stop Function
3 = Fault, stop mode after fault always by coasting
0 = No response
1 = Warning
2 = Fault, stop mode after fault according to Stop Function
3 = Fault, stop mode after fault always by coasting
Defines the response to a digital input signal informing about an external condition
where the drive needs to react to. The external warning/fault indication can be connected
to a digital output.
0 = No response
1 = Warning
2 = Fault, stop mode after fault according to Stop Function
3 = Fault, stop mode after fault always by coasting
0 = No response
1 = Warning
2 = Fault, stop mode after fault according to Stop Function
3 = Fault, stop mode after fault always by coasting
4 = Warning, Previous frequency. Forced fault after delay. Only for profibus
1 = Toggle
New fault or warning toggles signal for one second.
2 = Marine
Signal toggles in new fault or warning and status needs to be reset to get signal
0 = Not used (ID Write, value of maximum temperature can be written from fieldbus)
1 = Sensor 1 in use
2 = Sensor 1 & 2 in use
3 = Sensor 1 & 2 & 3 in use
4 = Sensor 2 & 3 in use
5 = Sensor 3 in use
Note: If the selected value is greater than the actual number of used sensor inputs, the
display will read 200ºC. If the input is short-circuited the displayed value is 30ºC.
0 = Not used (ID Write, value of maximum temperature can be written from fieldbus)
1 = Sensor 1 in use
2 = Sensor 1 & 2 in use
3 = Sensor 1 & 2 & 3 in use
4 = Sensor 2 & 3 in use
5 = Sensor 3 in use
Note: This limit must be set below the current limit in order for this function to operate.
Motor Current
Stall Area
Stall Current
Stall Freq.
Output Freq.
Stall Time
CAUTION! The calculated model does not protect the motor if the airflow to the
motor is reduced by blocked air intake grill.
The motor thermal protection is to protect the motor from overheating. The drive is capable of
supplying higher than nominal current to the motor. If the load requires this high current there is a
risk that the motor will be thermally overloaded. This is the case especially at low frequencies. At
low frequencies the cooling effect of the motor is reduced as well as its capacity. If the motor is
equipped with an external fan the load reduction at low speeds is small.
The motor thermal protection is based on a calculated model and it uses the output current of the
drive to determine the load on the motor.
The motor thermal protection can be adjusted with parameters. The thermal current I T specifies the
load current above which the motor is overloaded. This current limit is a function of the output
-100.0 % = 0°C,
0.0 % = 40°C,
100.0 % = 80°C
Cooling Factor
100 %
70 % of Fn
Factor Motor Nominal Freq.
Freq. Out
Setting value to 130 % motor calculated temperature will reach nominal temperature
with 130 % of motor nominal current.
Motor temperature
Trip area
current Fault/warning
par. ID704
Time constant T
Motor temperature = (I/IT)2 x (1-e-t/T) Time
The underload curve is a squared curve set between the zero frequency and the field weakening
point. The protection is not active below 5Hz (the underload time counter is stopped).
The torque values for setting the underload curve are set in percent which refers to the nominal
torque of the motor. The motor's name plate data, parameter motor nominal current and the drive's
nominal current IH are used to find the scaling ratio for the internal torque value.
If tripping is set active the drive will stop and activate the fault stage.
Deactivating the protection by setting the parameter to 0 will reset the underload time
counter to zero.
5 Hz fn Freq. Out
Underload time
Trip Area
0 = No action
1 = Warning
Drive will open all contactors and wait until the reset command is given to open all
contactors. After the DOL reset command the actual warning will reset automatically.
2 = Fault
Drive will open all contactors and wait until the reset command is given to open all
contactors. After the DOL reset command the actual fault can be reset.
0 = No action
1 = Warning
2 = Fault
Drive will open all contactors and wait until the reset command is given to open all
contactors. After the DOL reset command, the actual fault can be reset.
Active Synchro command time limit will be acceleration time + this parameter, if
synchronization frequency is not reached within this time action defined by P2.12.7.9 is
Active Direct command time limit is this parameter, if angle synchronization is not
reached within this time action defined by P2.12.7.9 is taken.
FB Max
FB Min
Min Freq
0% FB Reference input 100 %
Using this custom scaling function also affects the scaling of the actual value.
FB Actual Speed
100 %
P2.13.3 to
P2.13.10 Fieldbus data out selections 1 to 8 ID852-
Using these parameters, you can monitor any monitoring or parameter value from the
fieldbus. Enter the ID number of the item you wish to monitor for the value of these
parameters. See monitoring signals for full details of ID numbers.
Default settings:
P2.13.11 to
P2.13.18 Fieldbus data IN selections 1 to 8 ID876-833
Using these parameters, you can control any monitoring or parameter value from the
fieldbus. Enter the ID number of the item you wish to control for the value of these
parameters. Monitoring signals that can be controlled from fieldbus are shadowed.
Default settings:
1: Standard
This mode makes fieldbus control behave as in explained in used fieldbus board manual.
2: ProfiDrive
This mode uses ProfiDrive type state machine in application level. This mode is possible
to use on fieldbus boards that does not have state machine itself or has possibility to
bypass state machine functionality in option board.
8.14 ID Functions
Listed here are the functions that use the parameter ID number to control and monitor the signal.
0 = SR ABS
Absolute input value is used to make a step change in the output between On and Off
1 = Scale ABS
Absolute input value is scaled linearly between On and Off values.
3 = SR
Input value is used to make a step change in the output between On and Off values.
4 = Scale
Input value is scaled linearly between On and Off values.
5 = Scale Inverted
Inverted value is scaled linearly between On and Off values
DI ID Control Digital Input G P DIN Controlled ID
P Value for LOW IN 0
P Value for High IN 1
Fault Active
Trial time
Warning Active
Auto Reset
Wait time
Fault Trig
f automatic restarts
during the trial time. The time count starts from the first autoreset. If the number of faults occurring
during the trial time exceeds the values set by number of tries the fault state becomes active.
0 = No automatic reset
>0 = Number of automatic fault resets after undervoltage fault.
over current situation. In drive interface point of view behaviour is identical to actual fault
0 = Single Drive
Only one motor is used in the system, Active direct command will also open the NET
contactor when there is a LOW signal.
1 = Multi-Motor
Drive needs a command signal what motor will be synchronized to network. Also
separate input is needed [Reset Direct] to open Net contactor. This parameter can
also be used with one motor ID1627.
2 = In Sequence
All motors in the system are set to Net in sequence when synchronization and active
direct commands are active. Use ID1700 to select if rising edge is required for these
0= Disabled
1= Enabled
b0 = Reserved
b1 = Single to Net
The drive will monitor the rising edge of synchronization command and change to net
command. In sequence mode the drive starts the next motor but follows normal
frequency reference until the rising edge command is given.
b2 = Reserved
b3 = Single Reset
Only one motor is taken from Net when this is active. If not active all motors that are
in Net will be disconnected when Reset DOL command is given.
b4 = Reserved
b5 = Reserved
b6 = Reserved
b7 = Reserved
b8 = Reserved
b9 = Reserved
b10 = Reserved
b11 = Reserved
b12 = Disable Current Monitoring
Motor current is not monitored for interlock
b13 = Disable Volt Monitoring
Line voltage is not monitored from interlock
b14 = Disable Freq Monitoring
Line voltage frequency is not monitored for interlock
b15 = Disable Phase Current Monitoring
Motor Phase currents are not monitored for interlock.
8.16.4 Commissioning
P2.16.10.1 Commissioning; Test modes ID1634
Test modes for commissioning purposes, to activate test modes see also P2.15.7.12
3= FC Off, Net On
This selection will force FC contactor to open and Net contactor to close.
Pushing the Start button for 3 seconds selects the control keypad as the active control
place and copies the Run status information (Run/Stop, direction and reference).
The output frequency can be copied as the keypad reference by pushing the Stop button
for 3 seconds when you are on any of the pages of menu M3.
1 Reverse: The rotation of the motor is reversed, when the keypad is the active
control place.
In this chapter you will find additional information on special parameter groups. Such groups are:
The motor thermal protection is to protect the motor from overheating. The Vacon drive is capable of
supplying higher than nominal current to the motor. If the load requires this high current there is a
risk that the motor will be thermally overloaded. This is the case especially at low frequencies. At
low frequencies the cooling effect of the motor is reduced as well as its capacity. If the motor is
equipped with an external fan the load reduction at low speeds is small.
The motor thermal protection is based on a calculated model and it uses the output current of the
drive to determine the load on the motor.
The motor thermal protection can be adjusted with parameters. The thermal current I T specifies the
load current above which the motor is overloaded. This current limit is a function of the output
The thermal stage of the motor can be monitored on the control keypad display V1.10 ID9. See the
product's User's Manual.
CAUTION! The calculated model does not protect the motor if the airflow to the
! motor is reduced by blocked air intake grill.
The motor stall protection protects the motor from short time overload situations such as one
caused by a stalled shaft. The reaction time of the stall protection can be set shorter than that of
motor thermal protection. The stall state is defined with two parameters, ID710 (Stall current) and
ID712 (Stall frequency limit). If the current is higher than the set limit and output frequency is lower
than the set limit, the stall state is true. There is actually no real indication of the shaft rotation. Stall
protection is a type of overcurrent protection.
The purpose of the motor underload protection is to ensure that there is load on the motor when the
drive is running. If the motor loses its load there might be a problem in the process, e.g. a broken
belt or a dry pump.
Motor underload protection can be adjusted by setting the underload curve with parameters ID714
(Field weakening area load) and ID715 (Zero frequency load), see below. The underload curve is a
squared curve set between the zero frequency and the field weakening point. The protection is not
active below 5Hz (the underload time counter is stopped).
The torque values for setting the underload curve are set in percentage which refers to the nominal
torque of the motor. The motor's name plate data, parameter motor nominal current and the drive's
nominal current IH are used to find the scaling ratio for the internal torque value. If other than
nominal motor is used with the drive, the accuracy of the torque calculation decreases.
Basic, Standard, Local/Remote, Multi-Step, PID control and Pump and fan control applications use
process data as follows:
The Multipurpose application has a selector parameter for every Process Data. The monitoring
values and drive parameters can be selected using the ID number. Default selections are as in the
table above.
10.1.2 Status Word Combination 1, ProfiDrive Standard with profibus option board
Main Status Word for Profibus in Combination 1
b0 Not Ready (initial) READY 1 (SM) See profibus manual
b1 Not Ready READY 2 (SM) See profibus manual
b2 DISABLE ENABLE (SM) See profibus manual
b3 NO FAULT FAULT ACTIVE Directly from the drive
b4 STOP 2 NO STOP 2 (SM) See profibus manual
b5 STOP 3 NO STOP 3 (SM) See profibus manual
b6 START ENABLE START DISABLE (SM) See profibus manual
b7 No Warning Warning Directly from the drive
Reference ≠ Actual Reference = Actual
value value
b9 Fielbus control OFF Fielbus control ON See profibus manual
b10 Not used Not used
b11 Not used Not used
b12 FC Stopped Running Directly from the drive
b13 FC not ready Ready Directly from the drive
b14 Not used Not used
b15 Not used Not used
SM = Profibus board State Machine
(Quick Stop)
S4: Operation
SW.B0, B1, B2 = TRUE | B6 = FALSE
IN 1 V RunRequest
W CW.B03 (Start Request) IN 2
Internal Conditions for Pulses Enabled IN 3
V Quick Stop IN
IN 1 IN 1 R SW.B02 (Running)
V Ramp Stop IN IN 3 IN 3
V Drive Modulating IN 4
V Flux Ready
V Brake Open
b11 Watch Dog data communication between Profibus master and the
drive. Used to generate FB Communication -Fault.
ON: Voltage connected to drive and/or DC link charged if drive has the control.
To activate Jogging function from fieldbus B04, B05 and B06 needs to be zero.
To activate Jogging function from fieldbus B04, B05 and B06 needs to be zero.
To activate Jogging function from fieldbus B04, B05 and B06 needs to be zero.
FB Enable Inching
FB FB Control Word.B8 SEL
DI Enable Jogging SEL OUT AND IN 1 IN 1 IN AND G SR
IN 1 IN 2 IN 2 NOT IN 1 IN 0 SET Inching Active (Start)
IN 2 RunRequest IN IN 2 IN 1
DI Jogging Ref 1 SEL OUT
IN 1 IN 1 Running IN IN 4
IN 2 IN 2
DI Enable Jogging SEL OUT
Enable Inching
FB FB Control Word.B9
IN 1 IN 3
IN 2 IN 4
Running IN
Ready IN
B04: FALSE = Coast Stop Activated, TRUE = Coast Stop Not Activated
Coast Stop Activated: "Coast Stop (OFF 2)" command is present.
Coast Stop Not Activated: Coast stop command is not active.
B05: FALSE = Quick Stop Activated, TRUE = Quick Stop Not Activated
Quick Stop Activated: " Quick Stop (OFF 3)" command is present.
Quick Stop Not Activated: Quick stop command is not active.
B08: FALSE = Speed Error Out Of Tolerance Range, TRUE = Speed Error Within Tolerance Range
Speed Error Out Of Tolerance Range:
Speed Error Within Tolerance Range:
selected what is the status word, default is Combination 2 Status Word, ProfiDrive type ID65 V1.24.2
FB Status Word. Below Status Word can be selected with P2.13.9 GSW ID by setting it to ID64.
Synchronization Active: Drive will use OPT-D7 frequency information for reference and
synchronizes voltage angles accordingly set parameters.
During synchronization and change over needs to be high until changeover is completed, otherwise
drive returns to normal reference operation.
If BackSynch is used this bit needs to by High, otherwise normal flying start is made when changing
back to drive control.
If BackSynch is made this command needs to be high until change to FC control has been made.
BackSynch is made if :
- This is activated from parameter.
- Start Command is active.
- Synchronization command is active.
When DOL Contactor command is given drive will :
- Start directly to OPT-D7 frequency
- Make synchronization to voltage angle
- Close FC contactor and open DOL contactor in order depending on set delay
When motor is in FC control B02 and B00 can be set zero (use Synchronization status word to
determine timing) and drive will follow normal frequency reference.
application- and system software versions available. Software is continuously developed and default
settings are improved.
Use the fastest communication speed (Baudrate: 57 600) and a 50 ms update interval for signals for
the RS232 communication.
For the CAN communication, use a 1 Mbit communication speed and 7 ms update interval for
When you contact the support, send the *.trn, *.par and Service info (*.txt) files with a description of
the situation. If the situation is caused by a fault, take also the Datalogger data from the drive.
Before storing the parameter file, upload the parameters from the drive and save when NCDrive is in
the ON-LINE state. If it is possible, do this while the problem is active.
18 Unbalance Unbalance between power modules in Should the fault re-occur, contact your
(Warning only) paralleled units. local distributor.
Subcode in T.14:
S1 = Current unbalance
S2 = DC-Voltage unbalance
22 EEPROM Parameter save fault Should the fault re-occur, contact your
checksum fault faulty operation local distributor.
component failure
24 Counter fault Values displayed on counters are Have a critical attitude towards values
incorrect shown on counters.
25 Microprocessor faulty operation Reset the fault and restart.
watchdog fault component failure Should the fault re-occur, contact your
local distributor.
26 Start-up - Start-up of the drive has been - Cancel prevention of start-up if this can
prevented prevented. be done safely.
- Run request is ON when new - Remove Run Request.
application is loaded to drive
29 Thermistor The thermistor input of option board has Check motor cooling and loading
fault detected too high a motor temperature Check thermistor connection
(If thermistor input of the option board is
not in use it has to be short circuited)
31 IGBT IGBT Inverter Bridge overtemperature - Check loading.
temperature protection has detected too high a short - Check motor size.
(hardware) term overload current - Make identification Run
32 Fan cooling Cooling fan of the frequency converter Contact your local distributor.
does not start, when ON command is
34 CAN bus Sent message not acknowledged. Ensure that there is another device on
communication the bus with the same configuration.
35 Application Problem in application software Contact your distributor. If you are
application programmer check the
application program.
37 Device changed Option board or power unit changed. Reset. Device is ready for use.
(same type) New device of same type and rating. Old parameter settings will be used.
38 Device added Option board added. Reset. Device is ready for use.
(same type) Old board settings will be used.
39 Device removed Option board removed. Reset. Device no longer available.
40 Device Unknown option board or drive. Contact the distributor near to you.
unknown Subcode in T.14:
S1 = Unknown device
S2 = Power1 not same type as Power2
41 IGBT temperature IGBT Inverter Bridge overtemperature - Check loading.
protection has detected too high a short - Check motor size.
term overload current - Make Identification run
43 Encoder fault Problem detected in encoder signals. - Check encoder channel connections.
Sub code in T.14: - Check the encoder board.
1 =Encoder 1 channel A is missing - Check encoder frequency in open loop
2 =Encoder 1 channel B is missing
3 =Both encoder 1 channels are missing
4 =Encoder reversed
5 =Encoder board missing
44 Device changed Option board or power unit changed. Reset, Set the option board parameters
(different type) New device of different type or different again if option bard changed. Set
rating than the previous one. converter parameters again if power unit
50 Analogue input Current at the analogue input is < 4mA. Check the current loop circuitry.
Iin < 4mA (sel. signal source has failed
signal range 4 control cable is broken or loose
to 20 mA)
51 External fault Digital input fault. - Remove fault situation from external
52 Keypad The connection between the control Check keypad connection and possible
communication keypad or NCDrive and the frequency keypad cable.
fault converter is broken.
53 Fieldbus fault The data connection between the Check installation.
fieldbus Master and the fieldbus board If installation is correct contact the
is broken nearest Vacon distributor.
54 Slot fault Defective option board or slot Check board and slot.
Contact the nearest Vacon distributor.
56 PT100 board Temperature limit values set for the Find the cause of temperature rise
temp. fault PT100 board parameters have been
57 Identification Identification run have been failed - Run command was removed before
(Warning only) identification was ready
- Motor is not connected to frequency
- There is load on motor shaft.
58 Brake Actual status of the brake is opposite Check mechanical brake condition and
than control signal. connections.
59 Follower SystemBus or CAN communication is Check parameters from expanderboard
Communication broken between master and follower and optical fibre or CAN cable.
60 Cooling Liquid cooled drive cooling circulation Check reason for cooling failure from
have been failed external system.
61 Speed Error Motor speed is not the same than -Check encoder connegtion
reference. - PMS motor has been gone over pull out
62 Run Disable - Run Enable signal is Low - Check reason for Run Enable signal.
63 Emergency Digital input or fieldbus have give New run command is accepted after
stop (Warning command to make emergency stop emergency stop is reset.
64 Input switch Drive input switch is opened Check the main power switch of the
open drive.
65 PT100 board Temperature limit values set for the Find the cause of temperature rise
two temp. fault PT100 board parameters have been
80 Both ON Both contactors have been closed while
drive is run state
81 CAN Communication to externals CAN I/O Communication can not be started again
Communication have stopped. until drive is powered down.
82 Frequency Measured frequency is not within Check that drive sees correct and
error D7 hysteresis. positive frequency.
83 Voltage error Measured voltage is not within Check that all phases are measured.
D7 hysteresis
84 Motor Current Motor current is not within hysteresis to FC Contactor has not been closed or
make synchronization to net motor nominal current has been set too
high related to used motor.
85 DC Low Measured DC voltage was going too low