PEZA Anti Graft Certificate
PEZA Anti Graft Certificate
PEZA Anti Graft Certificate
I, _________________________________________________________________, of
legal age, (designation) of SYNTEL INFOTECH INC with postal address at
___________________________________________________ after having been duly sworn,
depose and say:
That pursuant to the provision of Section 3 and 14 of R.A. 30l9 (Anti-Graft Act), the
applicant enterprise SYNTEL INFOTECH INC has not given or promised to give, and will not
give, any gift to any officer or employee of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority in
connection with the filing and processing of this application, nor will it give such gift to any of
said officers or employees after approval of its application.
That based on the records of the applicant, no Director or Officer of the Philippine
Economic Zone Authority has an investment or other financial interest, direct or indirect, in the
applicant; and
That this certificate was made with the approval of applicant’s Board of Directors.
City/Province of _________________________________
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ________ day of __________, l9____ in the
City/Province of ___________________________________________
_____________________________________________. Affiant exhibit to me his Residence
Tax Certificate No. __________________ issued at
_____________________________________ on _______________________________,
Notary Public