SR2Schneider (2008)
SR2Schneider (2008)
SR2Schneider (2008)
J.A. Schneider
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Figure 2. Distribution of (a) number of sites discussed in each paper; and (b) number of in
situ tests used for papers in Session 2
The largest proportion of papers in this session focus on increasing the number of
soils types and geological conditions with which the engineering community has
documented experience. Most papers focus on comparing results from one type of
testing to another. This may include comparisons between in situ test methods (i.e.,
CPT, DMT, PMT), as well as comparison of laboratory tests (index or performance)
with results from in situ tests. The use of probabilistic (Uzielli et al., Kurup et al., Ku-
rup & Griffin, van der Wal et al., and Ng & Zhou), numerical (Butlanska et al., Ghaf-
ghazi & Shuttle, Kumar et al.), and analytical (Larsson et al., Isaer & Ryzhkor,
Löfroth, Russell et al., Ghafghazi & Shuttle) models have a comparatively low pro-
portion of papers in this session. This may result from difficulties in accurately mod-
elling the penetration process using numerical methods with realistic soil models, as
many constitutive models do not account for soil structure and aging effects, high
stress compressibility and particle crushing, stress dependent dilation, as well as
stress and strain dependence on soil stiffness. These features of soil behaviour are be-
ing addressed in analytical and numerical modelling of in situ tests, and we should
expect to see more application in future conferences (e.g., Salgado et al. 1997, Fahey
2005, Zhou & Randolph 2009, Einav et al. 2010).
A wide variety of soil types are discussed, although most papers still focus on
normally consolidated (NC) clays, overconsolidated (OC) clays, or siliceous sands.
Unsurprisingly, over half of the in situ tests discussed were cone, piezocone, or seis-
mic piezocone tests. Other penetrometers discussed included temperature, resistivity,
environmental (ROST/UVOST), water injection penetrometers, as well as full flow
penetrometers (T-bar and Ball). Other in situ tests discussed included pressuremeter
testing, flat dilatometer (DMT) and seismic dilatometer (SDMT), vane shear testing
(VST), and plate load testing.
The remainder of the session report highlights certain aspects of soil response that
were observed during review of these papers. This discussion is written around inter-
pretation of (i) strength; (ii) stiffness; (iii) compressibility; (iv) water flow character-
istics; (v) soil state; and (vi) soil
classification. Interpretation of tem-
perature characteristics (Isaev &
Ryzhkov, Trevor et al.) and environ-
mental issues (Smith & Gleason)
made up a relatively minor portion of
this session and will not be addressed
Figure 4. Soil classification and friction angle correlations (data from McNulty & Harney, for
details on classification charts see Robertson 1990, Schneider et al. 2008)
To evaluate deformation of materials, two elastic parameters are needed; (i) the elas-
tic modulus (E) and Poisson ratio (); or (ii) the shear modulus (G) and bulk modulus
(K). It is more appropriate to consider G and K for soil mechanics applications, as
this separates the effects of shearing (change in shape due to application of a deviator
stress) from compression (change in size due to changes in mean effective stress)
(e.g., Atkinson 2007). This section will focus on evaluation of shear modulus, while
the next section will discuss compression characteristics of soils.
The stiffness of soil is characterized using the shear modulus, G. Our ability to
characterize stiffness of soils from cone penetration tests has greatly increased since
the development of the seismic cone (SCPT) and seismic piezocone penetration
(SCPTU) tests (e.g., Robertson et al. 1986). Measured values of shear wave velocity
(Vs) can be used to calculate stiffness, or more specifically the small strain shear
modulus (G0):
G 0 Vs (3)
where is the total mass density of the soil. A majority of papers within this session
that relate to soil stiffness focus on shear wave velocity (Uzielli et al., Paoletti et al.,
Prakoso, Aykin et al., Trevor et al.), while 3 papers discuss small strain shear
modulus (Kavur et al., Schneider & Lehane, Kumar et al.), and 1 paper discusses lar-
ger strain stiffness measurements (Gsec) from a self boring pressuremeter test;
(Schneider & Lehane). It is common to quantify shear modulus as a multiple of CPT
tip resistance, and G/qcnet is presented in this section:
G q c p ref n
KG 0.5
K G q c1N (4)
q cnet ' v 0 p ref
where ‘KG’ is a soil deposit dependent coefficient and ‘n’ is a stress exponent.
Figure 5. Influence of measurement technique on soil stiffness (a) laboratory tests and design
situations (after Atkinson 2000); (b) in situ test method (for a calcareous sand, data from
Schneider & Lehane)
Since shear modulus measured by dynamic methods is much larger than opera-
tional levels for typical design situations (e.g., Figure 5a) measurement of G0 is useful
but must be reduced appropriately. Modulus reduction schemes are not unique, and
measurement of stiffness from a number of different in situ tests can aid in the as-
sessment of modulus reduction for design (e.g., Lehane & Fahey 2004). Figure 5b
shows small strain shear modulus measured by seismic methods (SCPTU), as well as
that from self boring pressuremeter tests (SBPMT) and that estimated from flat plate
dilatometer [G ≈ ED/(2·(1+))]. Shear strain levels associated with each tests are ap-
proximately 10-4 % for SCPTU, 10-1 % for SBPMT, and 1% for DMT. It is clear that
the shear modulus reduces as characteristic strain levels associated with various test-
ing methods increase, but it is also interesting to see that the stress exponent ‘n’ ap-
pears to reduce with this increasing strain level. The implications of these trends in
stress exponents, and whether they are actually a function of soil behaviour rather
than scatter in the measurements, requires further study.
The change in size of an element of soil with increasing mean effective stress can be
considered as compression. Compressibility is essentially the inverse of the bulk
modulus, 1/K = v/p'. For geotechnical engineering purposes the one dimensional
(1D, no horizontal strain) case is typically considered and the stress dependence on
compressibility is handled using the compression index, CC = e/log'v. When de-
veloping correlations to in situ tests the 1D constrained modulus is typically quanti-
fied where, M = D' = 1/mv = 'v/v = 'v/a = 2.3·(1+e0)·'v,avg/CC. Within the pa-
pers presented as part of this session, three methods were used to evaluate constrained
modulus (i) oedometer tests (Lee, Choi, et al., Bihs et al., Ozer et al.); (ii) correlations
to DMT (Bihs et al., Kavur et al., Młynarek et al., Aykin et al.); and (iii) results from
a large scale test embankment (Tonni et al.). Most sites tested were clays and organic
clays, although data for a cemented sand (Lee, Choi, et al.) and layered sand, silt, and
clay site (Tonni et al.) were also presented.
Based on elastic theory, the constrained modulus should be approximately 0.9E
and therefore essentially equal to the dilatometer modulus ED (e.g., Marchetti 1980).
A unique correlation between ED and M has not been observed (e.g., Marchetti 1980,
Powell & Uglow 1988) highlighting the need to separate change in shape of soil ele-
ment (G or E) from change in size of a soil element (M or 1/K).
Difficulties also exist when attempting to select the appropriate stress range for M
when correlating to laboratory or field test data, as well as selecting whether cone tip
resistance is an appropriate parameter for correlations to M. Figure 6 shows two cor-
relations between CPT parameters and M (or D'). Typically, the in situ vertical effec-
tive stress level is used for correlations to M (e.g., Mayne 2007). Within this session
Ozer et al. utilized the value of M at the preconsolidation stress, while Tonni et al.
evaluated M for a stress range starting from 'v0 and increasing by up to 110kPa.
Since M increases with effective stress (for a given soil in an overconsolidated or
normally consolidated state), variations in effective stress range for assessment of M
will increase uncertainty in correlations. While incorporation of measured pore pres-
sures improved CPT-M correlations for the Treporti site, complex pore pressure re-
sponse that includes both shear and octahedral components as well as reduction in to-
tal stress behind the cone tip (e.g. Ha et al.) make application of this correlation to a
wider range of soil types and states uncertain.
Figure 6. CPT – constrained modulus correlations for loading of (a) sands silts and clays
loaded by 110kPa at the Treporti site (Tonni et al.); (b) global database for oedometer tests
on sand silts and clays with M taken at 'v0 (Mayne 2007)
A large portion of the papers in this session (18) focused on evaluation of soil state.
This typically revolved around OCR or preconsolidation stress (p'c) in clayey soil (9
papers) and relative density in sands (8 papers). Additionally, Ghafghazi & Shuttle
and Robertson discuss assessment of the state parameter for sands, 0. Soil state is an
indirect measure that can aid in prediction of soil response, and will have a strong in-
fluence of strength, stiffness, and compressibility.
While the state of sands is defined by current void ratio and effective stress in rela-
tion to the critical state line (e.g., Been & Jefferies 1985, Coop 2005), evaluation of
the state of sands typically revolves around relative density, Dr. Since CPT tip resis-
tance is strongly controlled by in situ horizontal effective stress, shear modulus, fric-
tion angle, (stress dependent) dilation angle, and high stress compressibility (crusha-
bility), there are large uncertainties in evaluation of Dr and 0. Two papers are fo-
cused on here in relation to relative density evaluation; (i) Butlanska et al. who at-
tempt to better understand the relationship between qc and Dr through DEM numeri-
cal modelling, and (ii) Senders who evaluates shallow embedment factors through
centrifuge testing. Selected results from the two studies are highlighted in Figure 8.
Results of the Butlanska et al. study may lead to a better understanding of CPT be-
haviour in sands, although additional study into scale effects between penetrometer
and particles as well as the near surface effects presented by Senders would be useful
in future work. It is noted that the ratio of penetrometer diameter (71.2mm) to particle
mean grain size (d50 = 28mm) appears to be 2.5 for the study of Butlanska et al.. Bol-
ton et al. (1999) recommend that this ratio be at least 20 such that the soil-
penetrometer interaction behaves closer to a continuum, which is more representative
of typical field conditions.
Figure 8. Comparison of sand relative density evaluations from (a) centrifuge testing (Send-
ers) and (b) DEM numerical modelling (Butlanska et al.)
Figure 9. Plot of normalized undrained strength based on CPT qcnet and estimated from stress
history (data from Liao et al.)
Soil state for clays, represented by the overconsolidation ratio (OCR = p'c/'v0) or
vertical yield stress ratio (YSR = 'vy/'v0), is a vital parameter for linking known
geologic history to anticipated mechanical behaviour at a given site. The relationship
between undrained shear strength ratio and OCR, based on the concepts of critical
state soil mechanics, is a powerful tool for understanding soil behaviour and predict-
ing engineering response.
su s
u OCR (5)
' v 0 ' v 0 NC
where (su/'v0)NC is the normally consolidation undrained strength ratio [≈ (sin'cv)/2
for DSS] and is the plastic volumetric strain ratio (about 0.8) (e.g., Mayne 2001).
The application of this concept to a glacial soil site in Eastern Wisconsin discussed by
Liao et al. is presented in Figure 9.
Liao et al. present a case history where a 35m high lakeshore bluff was removed to
build a coal power plant. The underlying glacial clay and sandy clay till soils tended
to have a preconsolidation stress predicted by a range of empirical correlations that
was higher than the stress of the overburden removed. If the normalized undrained
strength ratio (using Nkt=12) is plotted for clayey layers with u2/'v0 greater than
about 1, trends match an estimated preconsolidation difference (p'c = p'c-'v0) of
1200kPa in the upper 21m and 2000kPa below 21m. These values of p'c are consis-
tent with the regional glacial geology and in excess of those related to bluff removal.
Knowledge of local geology is often invaluable for interpretation of in situ tests. Ad-
ditional validation of correlations through complementary laboratory oedometer test-
ing is recommended for these large projects, although, applied vertical stresses up to
10MPa may be necessary for a clear definition of p'c and the slope of the normal
compression line.
Figure 10 highlights separation of soil state from water flow characteristics for an
OC Clay, a sensitive clay, and layered sands, silts, and clays. Site data comes from
papers within this session. It should be noted that soil state and partial consolidation
during penetration can not clearly be distinguished in Q - Bq classification charts, de-
spite using the same data as Figure 10 (u2/'v0 = Q·Bq). In Figure 10b, results from
variable rate penetration tests shown in Figure 7 are also plotted in a Q - u2/'v0
classification chart. Trends in behaviour are consistent with those for natural soils;
undrained penetration tends to plot in Zone 1 – undrained clays; as V decreases,
measurements move through Zone 3 – transitional soils towards Zone 2 – drained
sands; for V less than about 0.1 u2/'v0 is less than 0.1 and penetration is essentially
drained. The greater high stress compressibility of the clayey sands as compared to
soils that would have drained penetration for standard velocities and diameters lead to
relatively low Q values and data plotting below Zone 2. When comparing these vari-
able rate tests to others performed in Kaolin, it appears that the high stress com-
pressibility affects drained penetration resistance (e.g., Robertson & Campanella
1983) as well as the ratio of drained to undrained penetration resistance.
CPT data at a wide variety of new sites is presented in this session along with com-
plementary laboratory and in situ test data for interpreting a range of soil properties.
Most interpretations build on previously developed methods and discuss similarities
or differences due to specific site conditions. These studies are important for develop-
ing judgment for a wider range of soil conditions. It is noted that these data should be
viewed within a systematic engineering framework such that experiences from a sin-
gle site can be applied to differing soil conditions that will be encountered in the fu-
ture. Specifically, one must be sure to separate partial consolidation during loading
from increases in overconsolidation ratio, separate stiffness and compressibility, as
well as utilize critical state soil mechanics to couple strength with stress history. In
addition to comparison of data from new sites, new interpretation methods (analyti-
cal, numerical, probabilistic) still need to be developed to aid in consistent under-
standing of a wide range of soil conditions, as well as spatial variability of interpreted
engineering parameters.
Italicized references in text presented without a year are papers from CPT10.
Atkinson, J.H. 2000. Non-linear soil stiffness in routine design, Géotechnique, 50(5): 487-508.
Atkinson, J.H. 2007. The Mechanics of Soils and Foundations, 2nd Ed., Taylor & Francis, London.
Been, K., and Jefferies, M.G. 1985. A state parameter for sands. Géotechnique, 35(2): 99-112.
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fuge cone penetration tests in sand. Géotechnique, 49(4): 543-552.
Coop, M.R. 2005. On the mechanics of reconstituted and natural sands. Deformation Characteristics
of Geomaterials, Lyon, Taylor & Francis: 29-58.
Denver, H. 1995. Technical Report – Session 2, Proc., Int. Symp. on Cone Penetration Testing,
CPT’95, Report 3:95, Vol. 3, Swedish Geotechnical Society, Linköping: 105-118.
Einav, I., Vardoulakis, I., and Chan, A.H. 2010. Expanding perforations: comminution, permeability
reduction and sand production. Acta Geotechnica. submitted.
Fahey, M. 2005. Stiffness of sands of different ages from pressuremeter and seismic cone tests in
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House, A.R., Oliveira, J.R.M.S., and Randolph, M.F. 2001. Evaluating the coefficient of consolidation
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Lehane, B.M. and Fahey, M. 2004. Using SCPT and DMT data for settlement prediction in sand, Proc.
ISC-2 on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization, Millpress: 1673-1679.
Marchetti, S. 1980. In situ tests by flat dilatometer. Journal of the Geotechncial Engineering Division,
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Mayne, P.W. 2001. Stress-Strain-Strength-Flow Parameters from Enhanced In-Situ Tests. Proc, In-
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Bali, Indonesia: 27-47.
Mayne, P.W. 2007. Synthesis on Cone Penetration Test: State-of-Practice. NCHRP Report, Transpor-
tation Research Board, National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.
Powell, J.J.M., and Uglow, I.M. 1988. Marchetti dilatometer testing in U.K. soils. Penetration Testing
1988, Vol. 1, Balkema, Rotterdam: 555-562.
Randolph, M.F. 2004. Characterisation of soft sediments for offshore applications. Proc., Second Int.
Conf. on Site Characterization, ISC’2, Porto: 209-232.
Robertson, P.K. 1990. Soil classification using the cone penetration test. Can. Geotech. J., 27(1): 151 –
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Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 20(4): 718-733.
Robertson. P.K., Campanella, R.G., Gillespie, D., and Rice, A. 1986. Seismic CPT to measure in situ
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Salgado, R., Mitchell, J.K., and Jamiolkowski, M. 1997. Cavity expansion and penetration resistance
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Santamarina, J.C. 1997. 'Cohesive Soil:' A Dangerous Oxymoron. The Electronic J. Geotechnical
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Schneider, J.A., Randolph, M.F., Mayne, P.W., and Ramsey, N. 2008. Analysis of factors influencing
soil classification using normalized piezocone tip resistance and pore pressure parameters, Journal
of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 134(11): 1569-1586.
Schofield, A. 2005. Disturbed soil properties and geotechnical design, Thomas Telford, London.
Teh, C.I., and Houlsby, G.T. 1991. An analytical study of the cone penetration test in clay. Géotech-
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Zhou, H. and Randolph, M. F. 2009. Numerical investigations into cycling of full-flow penetrometers
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Wroth, C.P. 1988. Penetration testing – A more rigorous approach to interpretation. Penetration Test-
ing 1988, Balkema, Rotterdam: 303-311.