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Third Semester Exam Paper

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M/Sem 1/397 (Av Roll No. MASTERS IN CORPORATE COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT. SEMESTER SII EXAMINATION 2016-17 CORPORATE COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT CC-12: Customer Relationship Management ; Business, Identity and Reputation Time : Three hours Max. Marks : 70 (WRITE YOUR ROLL NO. AT THE TOP IMMEDIATELY ON THE RECEIPT OF THIS QUESTION PAPER) Section - A NOTE: ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS FROM THIS SECTION IN ABOUT 500 WORDS EACH. 1331 1. a) Define a customer. Comment on the growing importance of a customer in nevia industry b) Explain the concept of customer relationship management Nv 2 Explain a relationship with suitable illustrations b) Differentiate between transactional and relationship marketing 3. a) What do you mean by Data Mining? Explain b) "Effective database management is a key for success of eCCRM." Comment Section - B NOTE: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FROM THIS SECTION IN ABOUT 41) WORDS EACH. z 4, a) What is satisfaction? How is satisfaction ascertained? b) Explain the concept of Customer Loyalty. What do you mean by quality? Discuss the significance of service quality 11 serviee effectiveness, b) How do modern organisations assess service quality? Section - C 6. Write notes on the following in about 80 words each b a) Customer lifetime value, b) Advantages of CRM, ©) ECRM, d) Employees relationship management. seta M/Sexm I11/397 (B) Roll No MASTERS IN CORPORATE COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT SEMESTER III EXAMINATION 2016-17 CORPORATE COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT CC - 13: Internal Communication Management Time : Three hours Max, Marks : 7¢ (WRITE YOUR ROLL NO. AT THE TOP IMMEDIATELY ON THE RECEIPT OF THIS QUESTION PAPLRO Section - A NOTE: ANSWER TWO QUESTIONS FROM THIS SECTION WITH QUESTION NO. 4.45 COMPULSORY. 15+15=2:) 1. a) Whatis internal communication? 41241 b) Discuss the advantages a company may derive from the practices of internal communication. 2, a) Discuss how does an organization promote internal communication. Ws 5-1 b) Suggest some guidelines to promote internal communication in a higher educational institution. 3. a) Discuss the prime areas of management. 8 >} How should an organization promote internal communication in this arecs 4, Ed Catmutl in his book Creativity Inc,, said, "..Being too risk averse, one would stop innovating and reject new ideas." Discuss this statement as a statement for a sound internal communication practice 1 Section - B NOTE : QUESTION NUMBER 5 AND 6 ARE COMPULSORY. 112 5. Inan XYZ Software Company, it was 12 found through the CCTV footage of the first formight of November, 2016, that 80% of the women employees extend their hunch time by about 45 minutes making their lunch break about 1 hour 15 minutes. It was also foune that they engage in Chatting and Kneating in the sum, It was also found that they Kneat during working hours instead of performing their duties and attending to the needs of different stake holders. Suggest how the management should address the problem through internal communication. You may suggest a series of measures, r PTO. Recently, in an Indian Conglomerate named Sim Sim International, the Chairman of the Board of Management was removed for stopping some of the loss making, projects launched by the previous Chairman, It triggered a huge controversy and as such uneasiness among various sections of the employees. You have been asked to find out the opinion of the employees about th particularly their suggestions about the possible solution s incident and more, Prepare a plan with regard to your approach to this assignment. 12 Section - C Write notes on the following in about 80 words each : 4xd=16 a) Big pict b) Walks by superiors, ©) Electronic devices for internal communication, a) Effect of poor internal communication. Ree Time : Note : Note: iSem |1V398 Roll No. ... Master in Corporate Communication Management Semester lil Examination 2016-17 Corporate Communication Management CC-14 : Human Resource Management ‘Three Hours Fuil Marks : 70 (Write your Roll No, at the top immediately on the receipt of this question paper) Section —A : @s-q Answer any two questions from this'section in about 500 words each. 15-1530 Be Ges F fad st gest ar vay Sa) Take wee eeTTT S00 Tel A dfs) What do you mean by the "system approach to HRM? What are the important subsystems of HRM? enfie vera A gore) gear 8 en cert 2) ane weer H ao_ounfeel A wectar ere wife | What is line and staff? Explain the sources of conftect between line and staff? 1 ar ok tere er 81 Fer ot erm A Ga eM ara fA eel B Tail we aoe ator | Distinguish between job description and job specification. What precautions should be 1% taken while preparing them? ord fave wer orate 4 ore ee fe gaat dah wer A ae are wri aT) What are various sources of recruitment? How does an organisation evaluate the worth 1 of these sources? aed & fa Gia an 2? des ge Ghat A area wr armen! fd TER ae wed 81 Sec Answer any two questions from this section in about 400 words each, 12 12-24 ge wes 4 fed ot get or wer Hid | weds oe wT 400 BETH PTY What type of tests do you adopt for selecting a manager in a large telecom industry? 12 q dar eualy o 8a A uae or aes oes & fey oie fa amy aT sie ar? 01 wrs—§ Explain various methods of training, L aftarcr a) fa vefsal al ere sity? State the techniques that can be used to carry out personnel Audit? i et Weert a aries eet fay sod A art ot ara Tarte ar ae Toy Suposc you are a supervisor. What crrors you might make when doing an cmployce's 1 performance appraisal? Tires & omg ew whem 81 el aan @ wees er yeas wet Hey car great et wart 8? Pre (a) (b) @) (d) Section -C : @S-8 Write notes on following in about 80 words each Prafefad AS wrt oe crTAT Bo Teal A feurh ferfeee Halo effect waniser TART Job-Rotation oreo Spill over effect a TT Job-Enlargement ard sie 4x4=16

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