Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Forecasting Workforce Needs
Indentifying Internal and External Sources of Candidates
Human Resource Planning can be defined as the process of determining manpower
requirements and the means for meeting those requirements in order to carry out the
integrated plan of the organisation.
Faultily used, it leads to disruption in the flow of work, lower production, less job
satisfaction, high cost of production and constant headaches for the management
personnel. Therefore, for the success of an enterprise, human resource planning is a
very important function, which can be neglected only at its own peril.
As a result even the objectives of economic planning and the priorities thereof
began to be shifted away from purely growth-oriented development strategies to those
that recognize and partly remedy the past neglect of such social sectors like population
planning, health, education, housing, social security and other social services.
Thus it is seen that the broad framework, contents and processes involved in
Human Resource Planning at macro level are indeed complex. The complexity is further
compounded by the rapid changes in environment in the many senses of the term. The
approach to Human Resource Planning at macro level has therefore to be a dynamic
process. It is indeed difficult to make any objective evaluation of the success of efforts in
this context.
While several countries can boast of having the third largest pool of scientific and
technical personnel, the technological lag in its economy is striking. The country still has
critical shortages in certain skills even as a large number of those trained/educated in
even related disciplines remain unemployed.
There is the irony of doctors without patients and patients without doctors. These
are some of the issues that become critical in matching the supply and demand of
human resources. The objectives of Human Resource Planning at the micro level are to
ensure that the organization:
1. Obtains and retains the quantity and quality of human resources it needs at
the right time and place; and
2. Makes optimum utilization of these resources.
3. Anticipate redundancies;
The Human Resource plan is a part of the corporate plan. Without it there can be
no Human Resource Plan for human resources. If there are several imponderables and
unpredictability’s in the corporate plan, there will be difficulties in Human Resource
Planning. Whether or not the Human Resource Planning meets the requirements and is
in tune with reality depends on clarity of goals and the validity of the stated
The other important point is the time frame in defining the future. In Human
Resource Planning the future can be classified into three periods:
3. The long-range future, none of which can be spelt out in terms of a set
number of days, months or years.
The immediate future may refer to current situation and experiences and may
even concern issues such as overtime and replacements. If there has been previous
planning for human resource such plans can serve as a guide in the immediate future. If
not, a beginning should be made at once. The mid-range future has a different time
span in various companies. It can be as short as a few months or as long as several
years. Most would agree upon 2-3 years‘period as a mid-range. The long-range plan
could be five years, while 10 to 15 years span could be used for a perspective plan.
Long-range plans must be made on the basis of various trends in the economy
and in the labour market, and on long-term trends of production in the company. Long-
range plans are general rather than a specific, flexible rather than rigid. Nevertheless, a
plan can be extremely useful in identifying factors and trends that need to be reckoned
with for early warning on possible problems. The long lead time provides the opportunity
and resilience to meet exigencies and make necessary adjustments.
More complete plans can be had as time slowly brings the long-range into short-
range. The first step in the Human Resource Planning process is the establishment of a
planning horizon. One should know the period for which the plan will apply. Then, the
specific corporate objectives and strategies should be clear. Based on these, estimates
or projections for demand and supply of human resources can be made. The difference
between the estimates of demand for and supply of Human Resource is often referred
to as the Human Resource gap, and one of the main components of the Human
Resource strategy is to formulate plans for closing such gaps-perhaps by recruitment
and training (if the demand is positive, i.e. demand exceeds supply) or by planned
redundancy (if the gap is negative).
Major reasons for the present emphasis on manpower planning include the following:
4. Demographic Changes refers to the changing profile of the work force in terms
of age, sex, literacy, technical inputs and social background have implications for
human resource planning.
5. Skill Shortages is described when government control and changes in
legislation with regard to affirmative action for the disadvantaged groups, working
conditions and hours of work, restrictions on women and child employment,
casual and contract labour, etc. have stimulated the organisations to become
involved in systematic human resource planning.
6. Legislative Controls are the days of executive fiat and hire and fire policies
have passed. Now legislation makes it difficult to reduce the size of an
organisation quickly and cheaply. It is easy to increase but difficult to reduce the
numbers employed because of recent changes in labour law relating to lay-offs
and closures. Those responsible for managing human resources must look far
ahead and attempt to foresee human resource position.
9. Lead Time is necessary for the selection process and for training and
development of the employees, to handle new knowledge and skills successfully.
Seatwork Chapter 2
1. Explain in detail the concept of Human Resource Planning. Discuss the need
and importance of Human Resource Planning
2. Examine the Objectives of HR Planning. What are the main types of Human
Resource Planning?
3. Long Range Human Resource Planning is merely a wiseful thinking‖. Do you
agree with this statement? Explain.
4. Examine the reasons for the Current Interest in HR Planning. What is Human
Resource Planning?
5. Explain the steps in human resource planning.
Case Study 2
Faith Limited Inc. is one of the global leaders in providing innovative equipment, services and
software to improve the way people live. This high-tech company helps make innovative
products more affordable and accessible to consumers and businesses around the world.
Despite a formal performance management process that included objective setting and
development planning, employees did not understand that they had tools and resources
available to them to grow their careers both horizontally and vertically. And at the time, there
was little focus on career development for managers to increase their role and skills as career
coaches. In fact, employees cited career development as a top concern in an annual survey.
The HR team was already laying the foundation for career development and emphasizing its
importance through employee and manager training. But with limited resources for
communications, and competing priorities, they needed help making this a well-known initiative
within the company.
Each of the challenges was identified so that they could be strategically addressed. And among
the challenges that were identified are creating a renewed focus and energy around individual
development by raising awareness, building commitment and long-term support of the mindset
that employees can develop a meaningful and satisfying career at the company, Reaching
managers and employees in a global environment in meaningful and impactful ways, developing
a rich and vibrant visual campaign that was more personable to employees and moved away
from product and industry images and creating content and resources that could be used “right
away and as is,” so that managers and employees could get started as soon as possible.