Surat Al-Fātihah With The Concept of Tawhid and The Purpose of Man's Life
Surat Al-Fātihah With The Concept of Tawhid and The Purpose of Man's Life
Surat Al-Fātihah With The Concept of Tawhid and The Purpose of Man's Life
The 5th verse in Surat al-Fātihah is so close to our life in this mortal world. This is
because the verse is closely related to whatever task we do no matter like parents, employees,
and so on. What is special about the 5th verse in the book that (Qur’an)? This verse is related
to the previous verse. That is, we claim to be slaves. To be a true servant of God is difficult
because we are always deceived by lust and the devil. So, the first thing we need is help from
God because to make us a true servant. We can see the change in the use of pronouns in this
verse. In the first three verses of Surat al-Fātihah before this, we talk about Allah. Now, in this
verse, we are talking directly to God. We talk to God }You (Alone) we worship, and You
(Alone) we ask for help{ . This change of pronouns in the Qur’an is a privilege in the Qur’an
and it is always used in many verses. It is called the ‘Iltifāt’ method1. This is one of the beauties
of the Arabic style. The purpose is to enlighten and engage the reader. It makes reading the
Qur'an more interesting. If we only talk about something in one way, over time it will be boring.
Maybe those who don't know Arabic don't even realize it. So, this is something beautiful in the
Quran that we need to know. If we can know a little bit of Arabic, that will give us more
understanding and wonder. In this verse 5, we can divide it into two verses that carry different
Look at the arrangement in Surat al-Fātihah which is very beautiful. Once we express
His attributes, then we talk about worshiping Him. This shows that we should worship God
only after we know Him. Therefore, we must know about worshiping. We must first know our
Nouman Ali,et al, (October 11,2019). Tafsir Surah Fatihah Ayat 5, Celik Tafsir.
God before we worship him. The fifth verse of Surat al-Fātihah is the most discussed verse by
scholars. They say that Islam hovers between these verses. This is because there are two
elements present in this verse that we will try to parse briefly. If we understand the two concepts
mentioned in this verse, it is a very important understanding. That is why the scholars say this
verse is the most important in this Surah. In this verse, God commands His creatures to worship
Him. This is the real purpose of our life on this earth2. But the fact is, we will not be able to
worship God without God's help and mercy. The way to worship Him is through Him as well.
There is no other way. Therefore, we ask for mercy and help from Him, to worship Him, and
also to pray to Him. Thus, from here, we can conclude that the purpose of our life is to worship
God and the way to worship God is through help from Him. Therefore, this verse mentions
‘purposes’ and ‘ways’ in one verse. This is a very important understanding, that we have no
power and ability except with the help of God, even in performing worship. With this
understanding, it is already counted as an act of worship, because even if we have a desire, but
if without God's help, we can not do it. Do not feel that we are strong in worship because of
our greatness, but know that it is Taufik from Allah for us.
This verse also explains to us the concept of Tauhīd. We can break it down into three parts:
3. Love only to God. If we love others, such as our parents, our wives, our children, it is
Norsiah M, (January 24, 2017), Nota 12 Kuliah Tafsir – Surah Al-Fatihah(Ayat ke 5), UITO.
This shows the position of Tauhid in Ibadah and Conversely Ibadah in terms of terminology is
all the words, deeds, and thoughts aimed at seeking the pleasure of Allah. As mentioned above, the
meaning of “worship” is surrender and surrender to God, caused by the realization that God created
this world, Who grows, Who develops, Who preserves and preserves, and Who carries it from one
state to another, so that accomplished its perfection. Strictly speaking, the worship arises from the
feeling of monotheism (Tauhīd). Therefore, people who like to think about the state of nature, who
pay attention to the journey of the stars, plant life, animals, and humans, and even who want to pay
attention to themselves, be assured that behind all this there is a God who rules this universe who has
all the attributes of perfection. that is, He is the Almighty, the Most Merciful, the Most Knowing and
so on. Hereby, it will grow in his heart a feeling of gratitude and indebtedness to the Almighty, the
Most Merciful, and the All-Knowing. This feeling moved his lips to utter praise, which drove his soul
and body to worship and humble himself to the Almighty God as a proof of gratitude and reciprocity
to Him.
But some people do not want to think and are further unaware of God's greatness and power and
often forget Him. That is why, every religion requires a variety of worship, the purpose of which is to
remind people of the greatness and power of God. With this information, it is seen that
monotheism(Tauhīd) and worship affect each other, in the sense that monotheism(Tauhīd) cultivates
worship, and worship cultivates monotheism. The influence of Worship on the Human Soul is
enormous. Every worship performed is driven by the feelings mentioned above, it affects the habits and
character of the person performing it. For example, a person who performs prayers because he knows
the greatness and power of God, and is motivated by feelings of gratitude and indebtedness to Him, will
be far from bad deeds. Thus, his prayer will prevent him from committing such bad deeds, following
the words of Allah SWT: "Indeed, the prayer prevents from (deeds) abomination and evil." (al-'Ankabut
/ 29:45). The same goes for fasting. This worship will evoke feelings of love and affection for the poor
In conclusion, Therefore, one should say that it is only to God that we worship, followed by the
statement that only to Him do we ask for help, especially help so that the acts of worship are performed
as He wills. The above verse as already mentioned contains a great element of monotheism because we
find that only worshiping God and asking for special help from Him, is the essence of religion, and the
perfection of monotheism.