Allotment Letter
Allotment Letter
Allotment Letter
Dear Sir,
The plot is allotted to you on 'as is where is' basis and it is for you to
develop the plot allotted to you i.e., leveling, cleaning etc. and setup the
proposed industry within the stipulated time.
1. The Plot Nos.6O & 61 measuring 75O.OO Sq. Mtrs. / Acs.O.19 cents is
allotted at a tentative cost of Rs.2217.OO per Sq. Meter. The total
tentative cost of the plot works out to Rs.16,621750.00 (Rupees Sixteen
Lakhs Sixty Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Only).
2. You should pay the tentative total amount of the plot cost, which works
out to Rs.16,62,75O1- within 90 (NINETY) days from the date of receipt
of this allotment order less E.M.D. amount of Rs.2,49,4L41'already paid.
(d) The financial institution which advances loan on the security of this
icheoute land shall verify the NOC obtained before accepting the
il;;|" land as a collateral and shall inform every year APIIC, the
details of the loans advanced or repaid by the allottee
(e) The financial institution which advances loan on the security of this
icfiedule land, shall ensure utilization of the loans advanced be used for
if," prrpot" oi execution of the project withln the schedule land'
(f) In case of no NOC or diversion of funds due to lack of oversight by the
iLnancial institution, APIIC is under no obligation whatsoever to accept
the financial encumbrances on this schedule land'
9. The allotted land/plot shall not be transferred / conveyed to any person(s)
without the prior written permission / Approval of the Corporation' Any
change in the Constitution / Ownership of the allottee concern can be
made only with the prior necessary approval from the Corporation'
10. If the allottee has availed allotment of land from APIIC as an SC/ST/BC
category entrepreneur thereby availing a subsidy of 50o/o on the land
fixed'fo; the scheduled land, then following conditions will be contingent
on the allottee.
a. The family as a unit is eligible for allotment of only one subsided
plot between them.
b. Prior to transfer of ownership over the scheduled land from the
allottee to any other Non-SC/ST/BC category entrepreneur, the
Party of the Second Part shall refund the subsidies availed by it at
the time of obtainment of the scheduled land from the Party of the
First Part and obtain an NOC from the Party of the First Part for the
transfer to be va lid.
c. If any of the above conditions are violated by the Party of the
Second Part, the transfer of ownership of the Scheduled Land will
be treated as null and void' The Party of the First Part shall resume
the Scheduled Land without notice to the Party of the Second Part'
d. However, all the above conditionalities extend without prejudice to
any financial institute/ions that extend loan to the Party of the
Second Part on account of being an SC/ST/BC category
entrepreneur for the purpose of establishment of plant, machinery
and business in the Scheduled Land (in the subject allotment,
subsidy/rebate of 5070 or maximum Rs.20.00 Lakh on land cost is
not extended since the allotment of plot considered under "General
11. You should bear the cost of sewerage lines passing through the area and
pay property tax also as and when demanded and also furnish an
UNDERTAKING to that effect on Rs.100-00 N.J.S. paper.
12. You shall be responsible for getting Power Supply to your unit and shall
delay in getting Power Supply from A.P. TRANSCO or for any other
purpose. ihe Corporation is not responsible for payment of Electricity
tha.g"s or any other dues if any payable to APTMNSCo/ APSEB in
respact of the Plots/ Sheds allotted/ resumed by the Corporation'
13. you shall pay Property tax to the concerned local authority/local body or
You shall be responsible to pay and clear the property tax, other taxes,
cess, and charges levies to the competent authority.
14. You should install water meter at your own cost including other Incidental
You should pay water charges that will be charged separately for which
you have to enter into an agreement with the APIIC LIIYITED.
Possession of the plot/land has been taken under the provisions of the
Land Acquisition Act by APIIC Limited and as such the land acquisition cost
has not been finalized. In the event of Civil Courts ordering enhanced
compensation at the instant of the persons affected in land acquisition at
the later date, enhanced compensation wilt be apportioned to all the
allottees in respect of the land/plot allotted to them and the said
proportionate cost shall be paid by you. You should furnish an undertaking
to this effect on Rs.100-00 Non ludicial Stamp paper in the prescribed
format enclosed to make the payments.
17. The Corporation reserves the right to appropriation of the money paid by
you or standing to your credit towards any outstanding dues payable by
you on any account whatsoever. Payments made by you shall be adjusted
flrst towards penal interest and balance any towards principal
outstanding on any account. The corporation can adjust amounts due from
you towards p.operty tax, electricity bill and water bill/ charges from the
amounts refundable to you, if any found pending at the time of
cancellation of the aliotment, or at the time of refund of any amounts due
to you as per the APIIC regulations.
18. This allotment and occupancy of the land is subject to adherence to the
directives issued by the State Board for prevention and control of Water
and Air pollution. You should undertake for the treatment and disposal of
effluents as prescribed by the AP Pollution Control Board. An undertaking
to this effect should be given in Proforma prescribed on Rs.100-00 non-
judicial stamp paper.
19. Allottee shall comply all the time with applicable environmental standards
stipulated by statutory authorities and shall aware of
any new
modifications in the standards/notifications etc. In
case of
compliances, APIIC shall have the right to close the operations of the
industries, Allottee shall document all environmental activities with proper
attestation all the time.
20. Allottee shall keep copies of all the environmental regulations, EIA report,
EC clearance, MoEF/PCB investigation reports and all other relevant
Environmental documents in place all the time for inspection by APIIC at
any time.
21. Allottee shall abide by the Country fly ash utilization regulations'
Possibilities of utilization of fly ash for bricks and other uses during the
construction stages shall be explored. Ready mixed concrete must be used
in the building construction.
23. The groundwater shall not be drawn at any stage in the Industrial
ParksTlDP/Special Economic Zones (SEzS) without prior written consent of
the competent authority and the APIIC
24. Allottee shall adopt water reuse and water recycling methods for water
conservation. Fixtures for showers, toilet flushing and drinking should be
of low flow either by use of aerators or pressure reducing devices of
sensor based control.
25. For storm water collection, the allottee shall provide drainage system
within their premises. It is mandatory for industries to provide rainwater
harvesting pits within the industry premises for harvesting rain water.
Before reaching the roof/surface run off to the pit, pre-treatment must be
done to remove the suspended matter, oil and grease. The excess storm
water should be discharged into the common storm water drainage of the
Industrial Park/Special Economic Zone (SEZ).
26. Allottee shall minimize waste generation by adopting suitable techniques
and the details of such measures are to be provided to the APIIC from
time to time.
27. Allottee shall adopt energy conservation measures and use renewable
energy in all possible ways and such application of techniques shall be
provided to the APUC from time to time.
35. Allottee shall provide onsite parking for trucks within their premises. No
trucks shall be parked on the internal roads of Industrial Park/Special
Economic zones (SEZs).
36. Allottee shall monitor the emissions, effluents, wastes, stack emissions
and their ambient air quality and water quality within their premises
periodically after commissioning of project.
37. The allottee has to provide sufficient budget for enviTonmental protection
measures as directed by the Pollution Control Board
All top soil excavated during construction activities should be stored for
use in horticulture/landscape development within the project site'
39. Use of glass should not be more than 4oolo of building envelope to reduce
the eleatricity consumption and toad on air conditioning. If necessary, use
high quality double glass with special reflective coating in window'
40. Roof should meet perspective requirement as per Energy Conservation
auitaing coae by uiing appropriate thermal insulation to fulflll
4r. The green belt design along the periphery of the plot .shall achieve
atten'uation factor conforming to the day and night noise standards
oiescrioeo for residential land use. The open spaces inside the plot should
;e suitably landscaped and covered with vegetation of indigenous variety'
The D.G Sets shall be provided with adequate stack height as per norms'
43. The allottee has to spend for Corporate Social Responsibility as per
Companies Act 1956.
46. Allottee has to make their own arrangements to manage/treat the
domestic sewage by constructing septic tank or sewage treatment plant
(STP) in their premises as per norms. the quantity of sewage, in case no
sewage disposal system is provided by APIIC at park level. No waste water
shall be discharged outside the premises.
48. The actual extent may vary after survey of the land and in such case
suitable modification orders will be issued duly revising the extent of the
area originally allotted. Ifthe variation in the extent allotted is not
considerable, then sub division of the plot will be done for the excess area.
49. Please note that the provisional allotment will stand automatically
cancelled, if any of the terms and conditions stipulated in the allotment
letter are not complied with by you and the Corporation forfeits the
amounts paid by the allottee as per the Allotment Regulations.
50. That in case of any doubt with regard to the allotment or this
indentu relletter, the decision of the VC & MD of the Corporation shall be
final and binding. The allotment will be confirmed in your favour through a
final allotment letter after payment of the total cost tentatively fixed
within the prescribed time. Please note that you will continue to be liable
and be bound by the terms and conditions set-forth herein, even after the
final allotment letter sale agreement and/or sale deed and these
conditions will be read as part of the subsequent documents that may be
executed with regard to the subject plot / land.
51. This is a Provisional Allotment order and the APIIC have the authority to
modify this provisional allotment letter with regard to extent, additional
charges to be levied if any or any other clauses to be incorporated or
correction to be made in the provisional allotment letter as may be
required. The allottee should furnish original supporting documents and
get the same verified with the originals.
Y rs fa
Copy submitted to the Vice Chairman & Managing Director, APII C Ltd
Mangalagiri for favour of kind information.