Feast of Fire

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The most powerful force at the disposal of the born again child of God is the power of
the spoken Word. No Christian can climb the throne of dominion and walk the path of
victory without understanding this force.
When you learn to take the truth of God‟s Word and speak it out of your mouth, mixing
it with faith. You unleash the same power which created the whole universe. Creative
energy flows freely and change is commanded in those circumstances you speak to. But
what you speak must be what God has said. Not just your carnal thoughts; because:
1. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Prov.18:21
2. You can turn loose the power for curses or blessings by what you say. Deut 30:19.
3. Faith or fear is built into your inner-man by what you hear yourself say. Rom.10:17.
4. The tongue is the biological control center of a man‟s whole body. James 3:1-6.
5. Your emotions respond to your words; that is, what you keep saying is what you
end up feeling. Matt.6:31.
6. Your words control your thoughts and imaginations. You can‟t speak in one
direction and think or see in another direction. What you say is what you think
and what you think is what you see. Hab.2:1-2.
7. Your words weaken or strengthen your will, that is, your power of choice. Your
words welcome God in and lock Satan out or welcome Satan in and lock God out.
8. Mountains are moved into or out of your life by words. Matt. 17:20; 20:21.
9. Miracles are created by words. Gen.1:1-3.
10. Abilities are released by words. That is why you never can do it until you learn to
say “I can...”.Phil.4:13; Joel 3:10.

Jesus said you can have what you say; if you say it and you mean it, you will get it. God
calls the things that be not as though they were, so that they become (Rom.4:17). You
can do the same, imitating your Father God in heaven (Eph.5:1).
You could call it confession, you could call it prophesying the Word of God, you could
call it decreeing a thing or declaring the truth. No matter what tag you put on it, the
truth remains that if you continue to speak what you have, you will continue to have
what you already have. But if you begin to speak what you‟ll like to have, you will end up
having what you speak. Also, if you speak the way you are, you will remain just the way
you already are; but if you talk the way you want to be, you end up becoming the way
you talk.
Your words are the most effective tools the Spirit of God uses to transform you and work
for you. There is little God can do for a man that chooses to speak contrary to His
promises, His will and His covenant consistently, no matter how hard that man prays and
The following pages are loaded with direct scriptural quotations, paraphrased and
personalized. The first person you must speak to is yourself. Speak these words until you
fully persuade yourself that these things are true; thereafter every word you speak into
the natural world carries creative energy to actualize itself.


I love you in Christ Jesus.

APOSTLE. Victor Atokolo
NB: for outstanding results, do this 3 times a day; first thing in the morning at noon and
last thing at night for 21 days with some fasting. The results will shock you!!!



The Word of God is forever settled in heaven. The scriptures cannot be broken. God's
Words cannot return to Him empty, but they accomplish what He pleases and prosper in
that for which He has sent them. God watches over His Word to perform it.
When I speak the Word, believe the Word and act on tthe Word, God always performs it.
The Word cannot fail because God cannot fail. God and His Word are one. I believe the
Word; I think the Word; I see the Word; I speak the Word; so, I also cannot fail. The Word
that made all things is changing, re-making, controlling and dominating all things as I
speak it. I am a Word-ruled man.
[Ps. 119:89; Jon. 10:35; Isa. 55:11; Jer. 1:12; Josh.21:45, 23:14; Jn.1:1; Josh.1:8; Heb.11:3]
In the Bible, God meant what He said and said exactly what He meant; so, for me, once
God has said it, I believe it and that settles it. I am what God says I am, I have what God
says I have, and I can do whatever God (by His word) has said I can do. [Num.23:19;


I am a spirit being who has a soul and lives in a physical body. I am a new specie of man
in Christ Jesus; my old moral and spiritual condition has passed away. Everything in me
has become new and all these new things are from God who through Christ Jesus has
received me into favor and brought me into harmony with Himself (1 Thes. 5:23; 2 Cor.

A new heart God has given me, a new Spirit He has put in me. He has taken away the
stony (rebellious, insensitive and disobedient) heart out of me and has given me a heart
of flesh (a heart that loves God passionately, believes God fervently and responds
steadily to the things of God and to God Himself. I have been regenerated (born again),
not from a mortal origin or corruptible seed, but from one that is immortal, by the ever
living and lasting Word of God (Eze. 36:26; 1 Pet. 1:23).

I now have Jesus Christ, the Son of God, so I have life. I have eternal life; I am a partaker
of divine nature through the exceeding great and precious promises God has given me.
(1 John 5:12, 2 Peter 1:4).

I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation for us
who believe; for in this gospel, a righteousness from God is revealed, springing from
faith and leading to more faith. I have gained Christ, and I stand in Him, not having my
own righteousness which is of the law, but the righteousness which is from God and
which I have received by faith in Christ Jesus (Rom. 1:16-17; Phil. 3:9).

I have been justified by my faith in Christ Jesus. For just as when Adam disobeyed, I was
counted a sinner in the sight of God, through the perfect obedience of Christ Jesus, I
have been made righteous in His sight. Christ Jesus who knew no sin was made sin with
my sin and now I have become the righteousness of God in Him. Having received
abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness, I am now positioned to reign in
life as a king through Christ Jesus (Rom. 5:1,18-19; 2 Cor. 5:21; Rom. 5:17).
There is therefore now no condemnation to me and for me because I am in Christ. There
is no adjudging guilty of wrong for me. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has
set me free from the law of sin and of death. For God has done what the law could not
do, its power being weakened by the flesh, sending His own son in the guise of sinful
flesh as offering for sin, God condemned sin in the flesh (that is, He subdued, overcame
and deprived sin of its power over me); so that now, the righteousness of the law is being
fulfilled in me who does not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit
(Rom. 8:1-4).

I walk in the spirit at all times, that is, I walk by faith, not by sight so I do not fulfill the
desires of the flesh (Gal. 5:16; 2 Cor. 5:7).

I am that blessed man to whom God imputes no iniquity. God takes no account of my
sin; He does not count it against me; for Christ is the propitiation, the more than
sufficient atoning sacrifice for my sins, not for my sins only but also for the sins of the
whole world (Rom. 4:6-8; 1 John 2:2).

I can always come boldly and confidently before the throne of grace to obtain mercy and
to find grace to help in times of need. In God‟s presence I can always obtain appropriate
help, well-timed help, coming just when I need it. I have unlimited boldness to enter the
holiest by the blood of Jesus. I can enjoy unlimited intimacy with my Father God in
heaven (Heb. 4:16, 10:19).

I have been born of the Spirit of God, so I have overcome the world. I am the son of God
by faith in Christ. I am no longer a servant, but a son. I have been adopted as a son in
God‟s family, so God has sent the Spirit of His son into my heart. As a son, I have rights
and privileges with God. I am an heir of God, a joint heir with Christ Jesus, Halleluiyah (1
John 5:4; Gal. 3:26, 4:5-7).

The Son of God, Jesus Christ has redeemed me from under the law. Christ has redeemed
me from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for me. For it is written, cursed is
everyone who hangs on a tree. Now, the blessing God gave to Abraham has come upon
me through Christ Jesus, and I have received the promise of the Spirit through faith (Gal.

In Christ I have redemption through His blood, even the remission of my sins. God has
put my sins away by the sacrifice of Christ. I have been redeemed from the aimless and
vain manner of life received from my fathers by tradition by the blood of Christ Jesus
(Col. 1:14; Heb. 9:26; 1 Pet. 1:18-19).

God is a covenant keeper. I am in covenant relationship with God. God is bound by His
promise and by His oath. I am partaker of the new covenant of which Jesus is the
mediator; He is the High Priest and it is His blood that seals the covenant. This covenant
is better than the old one, it is established on better promises. I have every privilege,
benefit and blessing the Old Testament people enjoyed, plus much more they knew
nothing about (Heb. 6:13-20; 8:6; Psa. 89:34).

My body is now a member of Christ. I am a bodily part of Christ who lives in me. My body
is the temple of the Holy Spirit. I am joined to the Lord, so, I am one Spirit with Him. I am

of God, so I have overcome them all, because greater is He that is in me than he that is in
the world (1 Cor. 6:15-20; 1 John 4:4).
I give thanks unto God the Father who has made me fit to enjoy my portion of the
inheritance of Saints in the kingdom of light. For it is He who has delivered and drawn
me to Himself out of the control and the dominion of darkness and has transferred me
into the kingdom of the Son of His love; I have been redeemed through His blood from
the control, oppression and bondage of satan and his demons. God has cancelled,
blotted out and wiped away the handwriting of the bond with its legal decrees and
demands which was in force and stood against me (hostile to me); He set all these aside
and cleared it completely out of the way by nailing it to His cross. By doing that, God has
disarmed the principalities and powers that were ranged against me and made a bold
display and public example of them, in triumphing over them in Christ (Col. 1:12-14;

God has raised me up with Christ and seated me with himself in the heavenly places in
Christ; I am now seated far above all principalities and all powers and might and
dominion; and above every name that is named, not only in this world but in that which
is to come. All things have been put under the feet of Christ Jesus for my benefit. Jesus
Christ loves me personally, and has washed me from my sins in His own blood; and He
has made me a priest and a king unto God His Father. I reign in this life as a king through
Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:6, 1:20-23; Rev. 1:6; Rom. 5:17).

God is all the while effectually at work in me (energizing and creating in me the power
and desire) both to will and to work for His good pleasure, satisfaction and delight. I
have strength for all things in Christ who empowers me (I am ready for anything and
equal to any task through Christ who infuses inner strength into me). (Phil.2:13; 4:13).

Not that I am fit (qualified and sufficient in ability) of myself to form personal judgment
or to claim or count anything as coming from me, but my power, ability and sufficiency
are from God. It is He who has qualified me (making me to be fit, worthy and sufficient)
as a minister and dispenser of the new covenant, not of the letter, but of the Spirit; for
the letter kills but the Spirit makes alive (gives life). (2 Cor. 3: 5-6).

When the Holy Ghost came upon me, I received power (ability, efficiency and might) to
be a witness of the reality of Jesus Christ from my Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.
Amen. (Acts 1:8).

Death and life are in the power of the tongue. What I indulge myself in speaking
determines the fruits and the results I eat. I love life, I want to enjoy life and I want to see
good days, so I insist on keeping my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking guile
(treachery, deceit). (Prov. 18:21; 1 Pet. 3:10)

Wherefore, I choose to be swift and quick to hear (discern and understand), I choose to
be extremely slow to speak and equally slow to take offence and to get angry. I will never
allow foul, corrupt or polluting language, nor evil, unwholesome, worthless talk (ever)

come out of my mouth; I will speak only such as is good and beneficial to the spiritual
progress of others, I will speak what is fitting to the need and the occasion, that it may
be a blessing and give grace (God‟s favour) to those who hear it (Jam. 1:19; Eph. 4:29).

My speech at all times will be gracious (pleasant and winsome), seasoned (as it were)
with salt. I am never at a loss, I know by the inspiration of the Spirit at all times, what and
how I ought to answer anyone who puts a question to me (Col. 4:6).

I do not murmur, complain or criticize; I am not judgmental; I am not harsh, bitter or

resentful I am always thankful and I speak that which edifies.

God did not give me a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing fear), but
He has given me a spirit of love and of a calm and well balanced mind and discipline and
self-control. I have the mind of Christ and I do hold the thoughts (feelings and purposes)
of His heart. My mind, thought and imaginations are captive to Christ and His word. I am
spiritually minded, not carnally minded, so I have life (Zoe) in abundance and peace in
abundance. I do not conform any longer to this world, I have been transformed by the
renewing of my mind; I am totally renewed and changed in the attitude of my mind.
Finally, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever
is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praise-worthy, these are the
things I think about. I fix my mind on these things. My heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord
(2 Tim. 1:7; 1 Cor. 2:16; 2 Cor. 10:5; Rom. 8:5-6; 12:2; Phil. 4:8).

The life of God in my human spirit is the light and the development of my mind. I have
an excellent spirit, an excellent mind. I have supernatural intelligence. If Daniel did ten
times better than all other students in the university in Babylon, I have a better covenant
with God than he had, so I shall always be more than ten times better than unbelievers in
all matters of mental and academic performance in Jesus name (John 1:4; Dan. 1:20; Heb.

Christ Jesus has redeemed me (He has purchased my freedom) from the curse of the law
(the consequences of disobedience) by Himself becoming a curse for me. Now the
blessing God gave to Abraham has come upon me through Christ Jesus, and I have
received the promise of the Spirit through faith. (Gal. 3:13-14).

The blessing of the Lord (God‟s empowerment) is right now upon me, that blessing has
made me rich and He adds no sorrow with it. God has made of me a great nation of
people; He has blessed me with abundant increase of favors; God has made my name
famous and distinguished (great); I have become a blessing (I dispense good to others
continuously and unceasingly). God blesses those who bless me (those who confer
prosperity and happiness upon me); and He curses or opposes those who curse or
oppose me. I am a blessing to the whole world (Prov. 10:22; Gen. 12:2-3).

I know the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ, how that though he was so very rich, yet for my
sake He became so very poor; and now through His poverty I have been made rich. I am
abundantly supplied according to God‟s riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Because I give
generously all the time, men are always moved by the hand of God to give unto me; a
good measure, pressed down and shaken together, and running over, men give to me
abundantly in cash and in kind on a daily basis. I always reap generously and with
blessing. I give from my heart, not my head; so God loves me, He takes pleasure in me,
He is unwilling to abandon or do without me because I am a cheerful, joyous, prompt to
do it giver whose heart is in his giving (2 Cor. 8:9; Luk. 6:38; 2 Cor. 9:6-7).

He has therefore made all grace abound towards me (I am abundantly graced to be

super productive in all my endeavors). God makes every favor and earthly blessing come
to me abundantly every day, so I always have enough to require no aid or support and
am furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation. God has made
me rich in every way so that I can be generous on every occasion. I am already rich, but
my wealth shall continue to grow until I become extremely wealthy (2 Cor. 9:8,11; Gen.


God is love. I am born of God, so, I am a love being. As one born of love, I am patient
and I am kind; I am never jealous and envious; I never boast in the arm of flesh, neither
am I haughty or puffed up. I find it easy to function under authority, to obey orders, and
apologise when I am wrong. I am not rude and unmannerly. I am full of gratitude to God
at all times and I am appreciative of those God uses to bless me. I am not self-centered
or easily provoked. I never keep a record of wrongs others do me. I forgive others freely
and readily even as God, in Christ forgave me. I do not repay evil for evil, but I overcome
evil with good. I believe the best of everyone and am never quick to believe an evil
report. I can endure all pressures without getting weaker and I know I can never fail. I
cannot fail in marriage. I cannot fail in leadership. I cannot fail in parenting. I cannot fail
financially in Jesus Name.[1Jon.4:8;5:4;1Cor.13:4-8;]
I am balanced in my love walk. I find it easy to confront any who wrongs me to seek
reconciliation. I am bold and forthright, never timid and shy. I discipline those under my
authority with firmness. I do not avenge myself however. I trust God to avenge me
always. I never repay anyone evil for evil, but I overcome evil with good at all times, so, I
cannever be overcome by evil. Evil men cannever overcome me in Jesus name. I can love
even my enemies. I work no ill to my neighbour. I love my neighbour as


All the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ Jesus. Whatever I ask God the Father
for in the Name of Jesus His Son is granted me immediately I ask. I am always asking
and recieving, so, my joy is always full and complete. I abide in Christ and His Words
abide in my heart, so whatever I ask for is always done unto me. My earnest, heartfelt,
continued prayers avail much because I am a righteous man. My prayers make
tremendous power available(dynamic in its working). God‟s eyes are over me, and His
ears are attentive to my prayers. I always make my requests according to God‟s Word
which is His will, so, He hears and answers me all the time. I can touch God, move God
and recieve from God at all times by myself because I am a righteous man. Praise

I walk by faith and not by sight. I fix my mind, thoughts, imaginations and desires on the
Word of God which cannot be percieved by my senses, not on the natural world. I know
that the things I can percieve with my senses are temporal, transient and subject to
change, but God‟s Word cannot change, though it has power to change all
things.[2Cor.5:7;4:18; Heb.11:3.]
Whatever I bind on earth is bound in heaven, and whatever I loose on earth is loosed in
heaven. Whatever I permit or allow on earth is permitted and allowed in heaven;
whatever I refuse or disallow on earth is refused and disallowed in heaven. I do have
faith, so I can say „move‟ and it will move. Nothing is impossible for me. I have faith and I
do not doubt, so I can say „be removed‟, and it will be done. Because I believe, I always
recieve whatever I ask for in prayer. Like God my Father, I call the things that be not as
though they were, and they become. I am fully persuaded that God is able and willing to
do everything that He has promised me. I believe God that it shall be as it was told me in
the Word of God.[Matt.18:18;17:20;21:20-21;Rom.4:17,21;Acts 27:25.]


I am willing and obedient to the written Word and the voice of the Spirit of God; so I eat
the best of the land. Because I am obeying and serving God, I am spending my days in
prosperity and the rest of my years in pleasures. It has come to pass, that because I
hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord my God to do all He commands me on a daily
basis, the Lord my God has set me on high above all nations: and these blessings have
come, and are overtaking me because I am obedient to God. I am blessed going out and
am blessed coming in. I am the head and not the tail, above only and never beneath. I
am always at the top, never at the bottom. God has blessed me with all good things
richly to enjoy, because I walk uprightly. My path through life is as the shining light, ever
shining brighter until the full light of day. It is always well with me, because I am a
righteous man. I am blessed with the blessing of the Lord which has made me rich, and
He adds no sorrow to it. God takes great delight in my prosperity, well being and full
shalom because I am His servant.[Isa.1:19;Job


The Lord is my shepherd, so I shall never again be in want. I know the voice of the Spirit
of Jesus Christ my shepherd. I hear His voice and I follow him. I am led, controlled and
driven by the Spirit of God at all times. He orders my every step because I am a just man.
I shall always be in the right place at the right time for the right things to happen in me,
for me and through me, because God orders my steps.
God has not given me the Spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a calm and well
balanced mind. I am disciplined and self-control. Christ Jesus is my wisdom from God; I
have the mind of Christ and I do hold the thoughts (feelings and purposes) of His heart. I
have an unction from the Holy one and I know all things.
The anointing I have received of God abides in me and teaches me all things. The life of
God in my Spirit is the light of my soul. Zoe in my inner man is giving illumination to my
mind, causing me to perceive clearly and accurately, enhancing my reasoning and
intellect. I have a keen, sharp and alert mind. I always know what to do by the Spirit of
God. I shall always make right choices by the Spirit of God who lives within
I love my country Nigeria. I am a contributor to society. I love my biological family. I am a
plus and a pillar in my biological family. I love my spiritual family, Word Aflame
Assembly. I am a builder of God‟s house, not an offense or a stumbling block. I love the
brethren. As I serve God wholeheartedly this year, honor shall attend to me everywhere I
I believe I receive the grace, the wisdom, the inspiration, the anointing and the insight for
supernatural speed in all areas this year. I shall pursue, over-take and recover all. I am
growing rapidly in my understanding of God and His ways, I am growing rapidly in my
carrier and profession. I am making giant strides this year. God is supernaturally
connecting me to people who will enhance my speed. I am mounting up with wings as
an eagle. No day of this year shall be wasted. I am diligent, focused, disciplined and well
organized for productivity. I have a confident and positive attitude to every day and
every task. I am determined to surpass all my goals this year, so, I shall not give up or be
discouraged for a moment. Doors are opening to me everywhere I go. Strategic
platforms for expression are released to me now. God loves me. I am in love with Jesus. It
is well with me. My path shall shine brighter and brighter everyday of this year in Jesus

I am blessed with abundant increase of favors as a seed of Abraham. As a righteous man,
I am compassed about with favor as with a shield. I am increasing in wisdom..and in favor
b4 God and man. Jesus was dispised and rejected of men, so now, I am esteemed and
accepted in Jesus name. I am so clothed with God‟s glory and presence that all who love
God and His Son Jesus authomatically fall in love with me at first sight. They are excited
about me and are magnetically drawn to me.
1. People go out of their way to do things for me they wont have done for
anybody else.
2. People delight to grant my requests even at personal risk.
3. People are excited to inconvenience themselves for my benefit.
4. Favor causes everything I do or say to be so pleasing and acceptable to the
recipient as to make them want more of me.
5. Favor makes people ever willing to invest in my life, programs and projects
sacrificially and they count it a previledge to do so.
6. People count it a previledge to identify with and associate with me in all my
7. Favor makes people rise up to defend me and my cause even in my absense and
at the risk of other peolple‟s displeasure.
8. They celeberate every increase and promotion I enjoy as if it‟s their own.
9. Favor makes people forget where I hurt them or personally failed, and it
focusses them on my good points.
10. They count it a previlege to serve me genuinely without eye service.
11. They choose me above others consistently and patronise my every product
Favor gets for me in a moment what decades of hardwork cannot get done. Favor is
increasing the speed of acheiving every thing I do in Jesus name. I AM HIGHLY FAVORED

I am a doer of the Word of God and not a hearer only. So I am blessed in all my ways. I
am a New Creature in Christ. God has given me a new heart and a put a new spirit in me.
His love is shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Ghost, so I am capable of loving, both
naturally and supernaturally (James 1:22; 2Cor. 5:17; Eze 36:26; Rom. 5:5).

God has made …………………………………………………………………………..a helper fitting (suitable,

adapted and complementary) for me. I have therefore decided to love her as Christ loves
the Church. I love………………………………………………………enough to give myself up
completely for her benefit and to use my God-given resources to seek to bring out the
best in her all the time.

I love…………………………………………………………………………..as my own body. I know that loving

her is the same as loving myself; everything I do for her or against her affects me in a
direct sense, so I make up my mind to nourish, carefully protect and cherish her as long
as both of us shall live. I will always be affectionate and sympathise
with………………………………………………………………… I choose never to be harsh, bitter or
resentful towards my wife.

I have left my father and my mother and joined myself to………………………………………. and
have become one flesh with her, so I will dwell with her according to knowledge. I will
honour the uniqueness of her femininity (as physically the weaker), but as being a joint
heir with me of the grace of life, so my prayers will never be hindered.

I choose to love…………………………………………………………………………..more than even my

biological sisters; I do not return evil for evil when dealing with her but I use good to
overcome evil. I always seek peace and pursue it at all times. I easily forgive her all her
wrongs and I never retain records of them. I am patient with and very kind to her( i.e. I
am always and ever eager to do good to her and to be a blessing to her).

I do all these with ease through Christ who gives me strength in Jesus Name.
[Gen. 2:18; Eph. 5:21-33; Col. 3:17-19; 1 Pet. 3:1-11. 1 Cor. 13:4-8; Phil. 4:13]


I have received…………………………………………………………………as my head. I am a helper fitting,
suitable, and adapted to him. So I choose to submit, subordinate and adapt myself fully
to him in everything as a service unto the Lord. I do this as my duty in the Lord. I am a
virtuous woman who will do my husband good and not evil, all the days of our lives.

I fully accept…………………………………………………………………as my husband and I consider him

worthy of my best efforts. Even when he does not obey the Word of God, I will not use
nagging to seek to bring him back to order, but will always succeeded in doing so by the
force of inner beauty.

I choose to reverence…………………………………………………………………, my husband. I will always

notice him, regard him, honour him, prefer him, respect him and esteem him. I choose to
defer to him whenever we have differences, praise him, and love him exceedingly. In a

human sense, I will always adore…………………………………………………………………, my husband. I
am devoted to him and I deeply love and enjoy him.

I do not scold or berate him, but I will use my words to inspire and bring out the best in
him at all times. I have fully received him as the authority in my life.
I can do all these things with ease through Christ who gives me strength in Jesus Name.
[Gen. 2:18; Eph. 5:21-33; Col. 3:17-19; 1 Pet. 3:1-11. 1 Cor. 13:4-8; Phil. 4:13.]


Surely Jesus Christ Himself has borne my griefs (sickenesses, weaknesses and diseases)
and He has carried away my sorrows and pains. He has taken away my infirmities and
borne my diseases. By the stripes that wounded him, I have been healed.The same day
He paid for my sins was the same day He paid for my healing and health (Isa. 53:4-5;
Matt. 8:17; 1 Pet. 2:24).

Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for me. All
sicknesses and diseases, both physical and mental, are a curse of the law. I have been
redeemed from them all by the blood of Jesus (Gal. 3:13-14).

Satan has no right over my life anymore. God has already delivered me from the power,
dominion and authority of darkness. He has translated me into the kingdom of His Son
(Col. 1:13).

God has not given me the Spirit of fear, but of love, of power, and a sound mind. I have a
calm well-balanced mind in Jesus Name. The life of God in my human spirit is the light of
my soul, the excellence of my mind. I have the mind of Christ. I never worry about
anything, because my cares are borne by the Lord who cares for me (1 Tim. 1:7; John 1:4;
1 Cor. 2:16; Phil. 4:6; 1 Pet. 5:7).

The Spirit of God that raised Christ from the dead is living in me. That same Spirit is daily
filling my body with life. He quickens my body and my body and my soul, renewing my
youth like the eagles. Every cell, bone, tissue, and organ of my physical body and my
mind shall function efficiently and effectively as they should until I am satisfied with life
at the age of…… I shall not die young; I shall live to declare the works of God (Rom. 8:11;
Prov. 18:21; Psa. 103:5, 118:17).

I have been healed and will remain healthy all the days of my life in Jesus Name, my
body is the temple of God, not the habitation of disease. The greater One lives in me and
He keeps and protects me from all evil in Jesus Name (1 John 4:4).


I have chosen to dwell in the secret place of El-Elyon (the Most High) so, I shall remain
stable and fixed under the shadow (protective cover) of the Almighty.
This is what I say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; He is my God, in Him I
confidentially trust”.

Surely He always delivers me from the snare of the fowler (i e from every hidden traps of
men and devils) and from the perilious pestilence (the fatal plaque).
He has covered me with His feathers, and under His wings I shall take refuge; His truth
and faithfullness are my shield and buckler.
I am not afraid of the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor of the
pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction and sudden death that surprise
and lay waste at noonday.
A thousand may fall at my side, and ten thousand at my right hand; but it shall not come
near me, only with my eyes will I look and see the reward of the wicked.
Because I have made the Lord my refuge, even the Most High my habitation (dwelling
place), no evil shall befall me, nor shall any plague or calamity come near my dwelling.
For He has given His angels charge over me, to keep me in all my ways (of obedience
and service). In their hands they bear me up, lest I dash my foot against a stone. I tread
upon the lion and the adder, the young lion and the dragon I trample underfoot.
Since I have set my love upon the Most High God, He always delivers me; He sets me on
high because I have known His name. Whenever I call upon Him, He answers me. He is
with me in every trouble; He delivers me and I honour Him. So, I believe and declare, “No
weapon that is formed against me shall ever prosper, and no conspiracy against me will
ever succeed. Those who rise up against me shall fall for my sake; they shall flee before
me. With long life God shall satisfy me and show me His salvation.

I love my country Nigeria. I am a contributor to society. I love my biological family. I am a
plus and a pillar in my biological family. I love my spiritual family, Word Aflame
Assembly. I am a builder of God‟s house, not an offense or a stumbling block. I love the
brethren. As I serve God wholeheartedly this year, honor shall attend to me everywhere I
I believe I receive the grace, the wisdom, the inspiration, the anointing and the insight for
supernatural speed in all areas this year. I shall pursue, over-take and recover all. I am
growing rapidly in my understanding of God and His ways, I am growing rapidly in my
carrier and profession. I am making giant strides this year. God is supernaturally
connecting me to people who will enhance my speed. I am mounting up with wings as
an eagle. No day of this year shall be wasted. I am diligent, focused, disciplined and well
organized for productivity. I have a confident and positive attitude to every day and
every task. I am determined to surpass all my goals this year, so, I shall not give up or be
discouraged for a moment. Doors are opening to me everywhere I go. Strategic
platforms for expression are released to me now. God loves me. I am in love with Jesus. It
is well with me. My path shall shine brighter and brighter everyday of this year in Jesus


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