Kantian Ethics Summary

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German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) was an opponent of

utilitarianism. Leading 20th century proponent of Kantianism: Professor
Elizabeth Anscombe (1920-2001).

Basic Summary: Kant, unlike Mill, believed that certain types of actions
(including murder, theft, and lying) were absolutely prohibited, even in cases
where the action would bring about more happiness than the alternative. For
Kantians, there are two questions that we must ask ourselves whenever we
decide to act: (i) Can I rationally will that everyone act as I propose to act? If
the answer is no, then we must not perform the action. (ii) Does my action
respect the goals of human beings rather than merely using them for my own
purposes? Again, if the answer is no, then we must not perform the
action. (Kant believed that these questions were equivalent).

Kant’s theory is an example of a deontological moral theory–according to

these theories, the rightness or wrongness of actions does not depend on
their consequences but on whether they fulfill our duty.

Kant believed that there was a supreme principle of morality, and he referred
to it as The Categorical Imperative. The CI determines what our moral duties
the following is an exerpt from the notes of Professor Eric Barnes...

Morality and imperatives: What does it mean for one's duty to be

determined by the categorical imperative?

What is an imperative? An imperative is a command. So, "Pay your

taxes!" is an imperative, as are "Stop kicking me!" and "Don't kill

Hypothetical Imperatives: these imperatives command conditionally

on your having a relevant desire. E.g. “If you want to go to medical
school, study biology in college.” If you don’t want to go to medical
school, this command doesn’t apply to you. Another example, your
father says, "if you are hungry, then go eat something!" - if you aren't
hungry, then you are free to ignore the command.

Categorical Imperatives: These command unconditionally. E.g.

“Don’t cheat on your taxes.” Even if you want to cheat and doing so
would serve your interests, you may not cheat.

What is the connection between morality and categorical

imperatives? Morality must be based on the categorical imperative
because morality is such that you are commanded by it, and is such that
you cannot opt out of it or claim that it does not apply to you.

How does the categorical imperative work? The categorical imperative

has three different formulations. That is to say, there are three different
ways of saying what it is. Kant claims that all three do in fact say the same
thing, but it is currently disputed whether this is true. The second
formulation is the easiest to understand, but the first one is most clearly a
categorical imperative. Here is the first formulation.

1) First formulation (The Formula of Universal Law): "Act only on that

maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should
become a universal law [of nature]."

a) What is a maxim? A maxim is the rule or principle on which

you act. For example, I might make it my maxim to give at least
as much to charity each year as I spend on eating out, or I might
make it my maxim only to do what will benefit some member of
my family.

b) Basic idea: The command states, crudely, that you are not
allowed to do anything yourself that you would not be willing to
allow everyone else to do as well. You are not allowed to make
exceptions for yourself. For example, if you expect other people
to keep their promises, then you are obligated to keep your own

c) More detail: More accurately, it commands that every maxim

you act on must be such that you are willing to make it the case
that everyone always act on that maxim when in a similar
situation. For example, if I wanted to lie to get something I
wanted, I would have to be willing to make it the case that
everyone always lied to get what they wanted - but if this were to
happen no one would ever believe you, so the lie would not work
and you would not get what you wanted. So, if you willed that
such a maxim (of lying) should become a universal law, then you
would thwart your goal - thus, it is impermissible to lie, according
to the categorical imperative. It is impermissible because the only
way to lie is to make an exception for yourself.

Kant on Moral Worth

The Moral Worth of Persons: Kant also has something to say about what
makes someone a good person. Keep in mind that Kant intends this to go
along with the rest of his theory, and what one's duty is would be determined
by the categorical imperative. However, one can treat this as a separate
theory to some extent, and consider that one's duty is determined by some
other standard. Keep in mind that what is said below has to do with how one
evaluates people, not actions. A person's actions are right or wrong, a person
is morally worthy or lacks moral worth (i.e., is morally base). A person's
actions determine her moral worth, but there is more to this than merely
seeing if the actions are right or wrong.

a) Background concepts: This chart should help explain the basics.

b) The basic idea: Kant argues that a person is good or bad

depending on the motivation of their actions and not on the goodness of
the consequences of those actions. By "motivation" I mean what
caused you to do the action (i.e., your reason for doing it). Kant argues
that one can have moral worth (i.e., be a good person) only if one is
motivated by morality. In other words, if a person's emotions or desires
cause them to do something, then that action cannot give them moral
worth. This may sound odd, but there is good reason to agree with

c) Why motivation is what matters: Imagine that I win the lottery and
I'm wondering what to do with the money. I look around for what would
be the most fun to do with it: buy a yacht, travel in first class around the
world, get that knee operation, etc.. I decide that what would be really
fun is to give the money to charity and to enjoy that special feeling you
get from making people happy, so I give all my lottery money
away. According to Kant, I am not a morally worthy person because I
did this, after all I just did whatever I thought would be the most fun and
there is nothing admirable about such a selfish pursuit. It was just lucky
for those charities that I thought giving away money was fun. Moral
worth only comes when you do something because you know that it is
your duty and you would do it regardless of whether you liked it.

d) Why consequences don't matter: A reason why Kant is not

concerned with consequences can be seen in the following
example. Imagine two people out together drinking at a bar late one
night, and each of them decides to drive home very drunk. They drive
in different directions through the middle of nowhere. One of them
encounters no one on the road, and so gets home without incident
regardless of totally reckless driving. The other drunk is not so lucky
and encounters someone walking at night, and kills the pedestrian with
the car. Kant would argue that based on these actions both drunks are
equally bad, and the fact that one person got lucky does not make them
any better than the other drunk. After all, they both made the same
choices, and nothing within either one's control had anything to do with
the difference in their actions. The same reasoning applies to people
who act for the right reasons. If both people act for the right reasons,
then both are morally worthy, even if the actions of one of them happen
to lead to bad consequences by bad luck.

e) The wrong interpretation: Consider the case described above

about the lottery winner giving to charity. Imagine that he gives to a
charity and he intends to save hundreds of starving children in a remote
village. The food arrives in the village but a group of rebels finds out
that they have food, and they come to steal the food and end up killing
all the children in the village and the adults too. The intended
consequence of feeding starving children was good, and the actual
consequences were bad. Kant is not saying that we should look at the
intended consequences in order to make a moral evaluation. Kant is
claiming that regardless of intended or actual consequences, moral
worth is properly assessed by looking at the motivation of the action,
which may be selfish even if the intended consequences are good.

f) Kant does not forbid happiness: A careful reader may notice that
in the example above one of the selfish person's intended
consequences is to make himself happy, and so it might seem to be that
intended consequences do matter. One might think Kant is claiming
that if one of my intentions is to make myself happy, that my action is
not worthy. This is a mistake. The consequence of making myself
happy is a good consequence, even according to Kant. Kant clearly
thinks that people being happy is a good thing. There is nothing wrong
with doing something with an intended consequence of making yourself
happy, that is not selfishness. You can get moral worth doing things
that you enjoy, but the reason you are doing them cannot be that you
enjoy them, the reason must be that they are required by duty. Also,
there is a tendency to think that Kant says it is always wrong to do
something that just causes your own happiness, like buying an ice
cream cone. This is not the case. Kant thinks that you ought to do
things to make yourself happy as long as you make sure that they are
not immoral (i.e., contrary to duty), and that you would refrain from
doing them if they were immoral. Getting ice cream is not immoral, and
so you can go ahead and do it. Doing it will not make you a morally
worthy person, but it won't make you a bad person either. Many actions
which are permissible but not required by duty are neutral in this way.

g) Summary: According to Kant a good person is someone who

always does their duty because it is their duty. It is fine if they enjoy
doing it, but it must be the case that they would do it even if they did not
enjoy it. The overall theme is that to be a good person you must be
good for goodness sake.

From: https://www.csus.edu/indiv/g/gaskilld/ethics/kantian%20ethics.htm

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