The Effectiveness of Microcontroller Insructional System Through Simulation Program Method by Using Trainer Kit
The Effectiveness of Microcontroller Insructional System Through Simulation Program Method by Using Trainer Kit
The Effectiveness of Microcontroller Insructional System Through Simulation Program Method by Using Trainer Kit
Edidas; 2)Jalius Jama
Padang State University, Indonesia
1); 2)
The study was to test the learning effectiveness of a program simulation method by using
the trainer kit in Microcontroller System courses. The study was conducted to the students who
took the microcontroller system courses in the academic year of 2013/2014. The students who
took the course were divided into three groups each of which served as: (1) the experimental
group, (2) control group, and (3) test instrument group. The learning outcome variables (Y2) and
the awareness of thinking (Y1) served as the dependent variable; on the other hand, the
motivation (X1) and the creativity (X2) served as independent variables. The data analysis was
done by performing the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the Multivariate Analysis of
Variance (MANOVA) in order to see the differences in the learning outcomes and the level of
students‟ thinking. The results of the study showed that there were significant differences in the
level of metacognition and learning outcome competence between the group which conducted
program simulation learning by employing the trainer kit and the group not employing it.
Keywords: effective learning, learning simulation, quasi-experiment, metacognition level, learning outcome
competence level
The Microcontroller System Course in
the Electronic Engineering Study Program,
Faculty of Engineering, Padang State
University is one of the learning programs
that belong to the group of technological and
vocational education. The technological and
vocational education has been offered in
order to be selected only by the talented
people (Prosser Theorem). Unlike the general
education that equips the students with
knowledge and ability to pursue higher
Figure1. The Degree of Qualification According
education, the technological and vocational
to KKNI (Source: Directorate General of Higher
education equips the students with a number Education (2011, p.15)
of specific level and competency for entering
the employment. According to Presidential Vocational education is education that
Regulation Number 8 Year 2012 regarding the aims to supply reliable and professional
Framework of Indonesian National Qualifi- labors. The students who undertake vocation-
cation (Ind.: Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional al education programs are expected to be
Indonesia (KKNI)), the learning achievement of professional, responsible, quickly-finding,
the graduates of Diploma 3 is on Level 5 and quickly-understanding and quickly-respoding
the description of Level 5, according to the experts toward the changes occuring in their
national qualification, is as follows: (1) being environment. Within the learning process,
able to perform wide-scope tasks, to select the they are introduced to multiple new problems
appropriate method both from the standard- and are trained in finding the solutions in
ized one and from the unstandardized one by order to develop their capabilities, to find
analyzing the available data and to show their own problem-solving alternatives and to
performance under the measured quality and take decisions quickly. If there is a problem in
quantity; (2) being able to master the their job, they should be able to find the
theoretical concept of certain scientific multiple alternatives in solving the problem.
domain in general and to formulate the In relation to the process, within the skill and
procedural problem solving efforts; (3) being expertise mastery in the Microcontroller
able to manage a workgroup and to compose System Course, the students are expected to
a written report comprehensively; and (4) be able to meet the objectives of the study
being able to be responsible for his or her program.
own job and being able to be in charge of the In order to produce a graduate who has
achievement of the workgroup. the capability of working independently, there
With reference to the afore-mentioned should be a complex process. During the
description, students who undertake a learning process, students are taught to master
Diploma III program should really master the not only the vocational skills but also the
concept of science both theoretically and entrepreneurial ability and the thinking-
practically. In order to meet such an objective, awareness (metacognition). Thereby, the
they should practice their thinking and labors who have the capability of working
working capacity. Their desire to keep independently will be the graduates who have
improving their thinking and working capacity been able to combine the following three
will lead to the occurrence of creativity and capabilites altogether at the same time namely:
innovation. The degree of qualification (1) being able to implement the skill
according to KKNI might be viewed in competency for performing their tasks; (2)
Figure 1. being able to implement the entrepreneurial
skill competency for starting their business;
and (3) being able to use their ideas for resume on the data of learning achievements
developing their business, for finding is given in Table 1. Within the learning
opportunities and for overcoming the existing process for a vocational competency, the
obstacles. results of the learning achievements are
In the Microcontroller System, there are categorized into Go (competent) and Not Go
many competencies that the students should (not competent).
master; in general, the competencies might be Table 1 shows that from the two
divided into two parts: (1) microcontroller learning groups with a total of 35 members
system hardware-manufacturing capabiliity there have been only 12 people or 34% of the
(microcontroller electronic combinations); group members who have mastered the
and (2) micro-controller system software- competency. On the other hand, there have
manufacturing capability (application been 23 people or 66% of the group members
programs). The ability to manufacture the who have not mastered the competency. The
hardware should be mastered before the finding has been the underlying reason for
ability to manufacture the software. On the conducting the study by finding and analyzing
contrary, in order to manufacture the the variables that might influence the cause
hardware of the micro-controller system, the and effect of such learning achievements.
students should master the microcontroller There might be various variables such as the
programming first. aspects of teaching staffs, facilities, teaching
The condition of the students before methods, internal environments and external
the research was conducted is provided. The environments.
Number of Students
Score Quality Competence Number of University
Interval Level Section Section Category Students in Category
86186 86187
81- 100 A 1 0 Competent
12 34 %
66 - 80 B 6 5 Competent
56 - 65 C 4 5 Incompetent
41 - 55 D 1 0 Incompetent 23 66 %
0 - 40 E 5 8 Incompetent
UNIVERSITY 17 18 35 100%
Several problems that occur within the absence of effective learning methods for the
course are as follows: (1) the low motivation Microcontroller System; and (6) the low
that the students have in the Microcrontroller capability of performing cooperation, interact-
System component manufacturing and ion and tolerance that the students have in
programming; (2) the low creativity that the working as a group.
students have in the Microcrontroller System Based on the explanation, the study is
component manufacturing and programming; conducted under the following objectives: (1)
(3) low thinking awareness and understanding to explain the absence of inter-independent
that the students have in the Microcrontroller variable interaction between the two groups,
System component manufacturing and namely between the group that implements
programming; (4) low capability of identifying and the group that does not implement the
the component damage and the program Trainer Kit Microcontroller MCS51; and (2)
error in the Microcontroller System; (5) the to explain that the level of metacognition and
the level of competency, the students‟ results development of learning media should be
within the program simulation learning based on the perception that the learning
method, is better for the group that process will run smoothly, effective and fun if
implements the Microcrontroller MCS51 than the learning process is supported by the
the group that does not implement the learning media that might draw the students‟
Microcrontroller MCS51. interest and attention.
The Decree of the Minister of National attitude will generate job results that are
Education of the Republic of Indonesia useful for the humankind. The attitude of a
Number 045/U/2002 regarding the core competent individual heavily determines
curricullum of higher education in verse 1 whether the results of his or her work will be
states that competencies are a set of intelligent able to improve the quality of human life
and fully responsible actions that an individual conveniently without causing any harm to the
has as a prerequisite to be considered as being environment.
able to perform tasks in certain job domains Other studies relevant to the recent
by the community. A set of intelligent actions study have been done by many researchers
implies that an individual who has competen- and some of the studies are discussed in the
cies will be able to take actions with enough following sections. Saemah and Phillips
knowledge and science that he or she has (2006) studied 374 students in their second
gained from his or her learning achievement. year in five colleges of Malaysia National
An individual who performs intelligent action University (University Kebangsaan Malaysia).
will not take foolish actions that might The study has paid attention to the relation-
damage the tools or that might endanger ship between the metacognitive capability and
himself or herself. By taking intelligent the attitude toward the learning achievement.
actions, an individual will be able to predict The results of the study show that the level of
the results and the risks from the job that he meta-cognition has a direct and positive effect
or she is doing. on the learning achievement (β?= 0.358; t =
In formal education degree, competen- 2.851; p < 0.05). The results of the study
cies are the minimum capability qualification show that the learning achievement might be
that describes the mastery of knowledge, skills improved by improving the students‟ meta-
and attitudes that have been studded. cognition. On the other hand, in order to
Competencies are a set of certain jobs that improve metacognition awareness, students
will be done in order to perform a job well might set the learning objectives and improve
and rightly. Knowledge mastery is an effort to their self-efficacy. However, the component
learn and understand the scientific knowledge of learning motivation that has orientation
that underlies the related jobs. The scientific toward achievement has negative effect on
concepts are the knowledge regarding the the improvement of students‟ thinking aware-
theories and the laws related to the jobs that ness. In addition, this component of learning
should be done, including the knowledge motivation also has negative effect on learn-
about the work and environment safety. The ing achievement. Thereby, it might be
fundamental scientific knowledge regarding a concluded that the achievement targets in the
job serves as the foundation of the learning process might provide bad effect on
competencies. For example, in order to be learning achievement.
considered as a competent person in the Then, Eskrootchi and Oskrochi (2010)
domain of microcontroller, he or she should studies 72 students from the Northwest
understand the knowledge of the electricity Middle-School Kansas City in Kansas. The
and electronic engineering. The more results of the study show that the students
fundamental aspect of the competencies in who perform learning by means of the
the domain of microcontroller includes the simulation method have better understanding
theories of atom, the law of Ohm, the law of than the others. The finding strengthens the
Kirchoff, the electro-static and the other laws researchers‟ belief that the simulation method
of physics that are related to the electric has a huge effect on learning achievement.
current and electrical resistence. Furthermore, Liu (2010) studies 45
The last component of competencies university students from the Public University
that should be mastered by an individual is in Taiwan. The prototype of Computer-
the affective component, namely attitude. The Assisted Learning (CAL)-based simulation has
affective component is the most important been named as Simulation-Assisted Learning
component because a good and appropriate Statistics (SALS). The result of his study
shows that the learning process that of the study was to describe the design, the
implements the Simulation-Assisted Learning development and the formative assessment
Statistics (SALS) has been effective in toward the learning process via the Internet.
reducing the university students‟ mistakes in The study was to answer the following
statistics. From the studies that have been questions: (1) What are the strategies that
discussed, the researchers concluded that the should be implemented in order to encourage
learning process by means of the SALS the motivation of the e-learning users?; (2)
simulation method might decrease the How should the Web technology be
university students‟ mistakes in statistics. implemented in order to encourage the
These results will be a matter of comparison students‟ motivation?; and (3) What is the e-
in the recent study. learners‟ response toward the effectiveness,
In addition, Del Populo Pablo, et al. the practicality and the assessment of the
(2012) perform an evaluation study on the IS- learning consulation?
LM simulation program in a group of macro- The results of the study show that the
economy university students in the University learning console has potentials to reflect their
of Sevilla, Spain, during the academic year of learning process (M = 4.0; SD = 0,47) to
2009/2010. IS-LM is a term in the domain of encourage the students to improve their
economy and the term stands for Investment- initiative (M = 4.33; SD = 0.67) and their self-
Saving/Liquidity preference-Money supply. efficacy (M = 4.0; SD = 0.47), to make the
IS-LM is a fundamental material that has been students keep motivated in the learning
implemented in the short-term macro- process (M=3.9; SD=0.74) and to provide the
economy teaching. The teaching, basically, is sense of achievements (M = 3.8; SD = 0.79).
conducted by using graphs. The IS-LM The university students also value that the
simulation program capability in overcoming learning console has provided opportunities
the difficulties has been found in understand- for interaction between the students and the
ing curves because the university students are instructors (M = 3.9; SD= 0.74). On the other
able to visualize the changes in the curve hand, the students value that the learning
when the value parameters are changed. The console has not had potentials for providing
variance analysis (ANOVA) from the values feedbacks (M=3.3; SD=1.25).
that all of the university students have and Hung et al. (2012) conducted another
from several complementary statistic tests that study to 117 fifth grade students of an
have been performed shows the differences elementary school located in the southern part
between the university students that use the of Taiwan. The students were divided into
simulator and those who do not. The results two groups, namely an experimental group,
of the study show that the average scores of consisting of 60 students (35 male students
the university students who use the simulation and 25 female students) and a control group,
program are significantly higher compared to consisting of 57 students (31 male students
those of the students who do not use the and 26 female students). The experimental
simulation program. The -value of the group took part in the study by performing
ANOVA analysis equals 1.073. Kruskal-Wallis new project-based learning in the form of
chi-squared statistic shows a value equal to digital story-telling and the control group took
2.51 with a p-value equal to 0.285. part in the study by performing conventional
Alias (2012) studied 40 respondents project-based learning including the project
with the background of expert, instructor and assignments and the result presentation in the
learner who actively operated Online and groups altogether with the teachers‟ feedback
Distance Education. Four experts were and evaluation. The results of the study show
selected, two from England and the other two that the experimental group, namely the
from Malaysia. The instructors as well as the group that took part in the study by perform-
learners were also selected from the people ing new project-based learning in the form of
who had been active in the long distance digital storytelling has been able to effectively
learning via the Internet. The main objective improve their learning motivation (F = 20.38;
p <0.001). Digital storytelling is a learning study seemed to have similar competence and
approach that employs computer program thinking awareness. In order to find the class
application as the working guideline during that might have similar condition, the
their learning process. The students who were researchers performed a preliminary test to all
studying would follow the learning sequences of the existing classes and performed assess-
by clicking the buttons according to the ment. Based on the results of the assessment,
directions on the computer screen. The the researchers would decide the two classes
strength of digital storytelling approach is that that might have almost similar competence
the working guideline has been displayed not and thinking awareness. The study would also
only in the texts or sketches but also in the be developed by counting the moderator
original forms of the direction that will be variables that might influence the results.
clicked. Based on the analysis toward the results of the
preliminary test toward all classes, the
Hypothesis researchers have found the two classes that
Based on the elaboration, several would be studied, namely: Class A (section
hypotheses are formulated as follows: (1) the 42951) and Class B.
study will explain the absence of interaction The site of the study would be in the
between the independent variables from both Department of Electronic Engineering, the
groups, both the group that implements the Faculty of Engineering, Padang State
Microcontroller MCS51 Trainer Kit simulat University within the class of Microcontroller
ion program and the group that does not System Course. Then, the period of the study
implement the Microcontroller MCS51 Train- would be from January to June 2014. The
er Kit simulation program; and (2) the study population of the study would be the students
will explain the level of metacognition and the of Diploma 3 Electronic Engineering Study
level of competency within the results of the Program, the Department of Electronic
students that implement Microcontroller Engineering, who has taken the class of
MCS51 Trainer Kit simulation program; the Microcontroller System Course in January to
assumption is that the students who employ June 2014. The numbers of the population
the trainer kit have better learning achieve- would be 63 people, consisting of four
ments. classes. For the sample selection, the research-
ers would implement the nonprobability
sampling in which there has not been any
Research Method
similar opportunity for each of the population
The study was a quasi-experiment with members to be selected as the sample because
a small sample and homogenous sample the university students have been shaped in
because the study was conducted in the class the classes. The opportunity to be selected as
of Microcontroller System course. The the sample would fall to the classes that has
approach used was the quantitative one in existed and these classes would be selected
which the data were described quantitatively. based on the results of the preliminary test
The data were in the form of numbers and that was administered to all of the existing
analyzed in order to describe how effective classes. Based on the results of the pre-
the microcontroller program learning by liminary test, the researchers found two
means of trainer kit simulation was in classes with similar capability. The sample was
comparison with that without the simulation divided into two groups: the experimental
program implementation. group and the control group.
The research design selected was the The independent variables was the
noequivalent control group design in which learning motivation (X1) and the university
the experimental group and the control group students‟ creativity (X2). On the other hand,
were selected not randomly but based on the the dependent variables were the students‟
groups in the Microcontroller System Course metacognition (Y1) and the students‟ learning
and these groups in the beginning of the achievements (Y2). The control variables were
the variables that had a tendency to influence ion to the domain in which the innovation
the dependent variables; therefore, the control might take place. (3) The students‟ meta-
variables were made constant during the study cognition (Variable Y1) is the level of
so that there was not anything that influence students‟ metacognition namely the level of
the relationship between the independent thinking awareness that the students have
variables and the dependent variables. The during the learning process. In order to gather
moderating variables were the variables that the data regarding students‟ metacognition,
were generated altogether with the in- the researchers formulated the following
dependent variables and the moderating indicators: (a) having metacognitive know-
variables influenced the dependent variables. ledge; (b) having metacognitive experiences;
The moderating variables were calculated (c) having metacognitive tasks and objectives;
because the influence of these variables was and (d) having metacognitive strategies and
significant on the two dependent variables. actions. (4) The competencies of students‟
The operational definition for each of learning achievements (Variable Y2) are the
the variables was as follows. (1) The learning assessment toward the level of proficiency
motivation (Variable X1) is the encourage- that a student has attained after attending the
ment to perform an activity that appears learning process. In order to gather the data
within an individual. In order to gather the regarding the competency of students‟ learn-
data regarding the motivation, the researchers ing achievements, the researchers formulated
formulated the following indicators: (a) the following indicators: (a) having meta-
willingness to take an action; (b) time which is cognitive capability; (b) having psychomotoric
provid-ed for learning; (c) expectation toward capability; and (c) having affective capability.
appreciation (valence, expectation and also In addition to the independent variables
instrumentalist); (d) the motives of gaining and the dependent variables, there would also
achievement, cooperation and power; and (e) be the control variables, namely the other
dilligence in accomoplishing the assignments. variables that might have great tendency to
(2) The creativity (Variable X2) is a situation influence the dependent variables. The
in which an individual will always try influence of the control variables was kept
something new. In order to gather the data constant both in the experimental group and
regarding the creativity, the researchers in the control group. Then, the control
formulated the following indicators: (a) using variables were as follows: lecturer or teacher
multiple ways for generating ideas; (b) creat- preparedness, learning space comfort, learn-
ing new significant ideas; (c) having the ing period availability and learning media. The
elaborating (explaining), improving, analyzing control variables were included into the
and evaluating power toward his or her own calculation of data analysis because all of the
ideas in order to increase and to maximize the control variables were made constant to the
creative efforts; (d) developing, implementing, two groups, both the experimental and
and communicating the new ideas to other control groups. The control variables whose
people effectively; (e) being open and condition was made constant was viewed in
responsive toward the new and multiple the table of control variable analysis given in
perspectives and combining the group advice the Appendix. In the table, there are 10
and the feedback into the job; (f) showing control variables: (1) lecturer preparedness;
skills and originality in the job and (2) technician preparedness; (3) space avail-
understanding the limitation of the actual ability; (4) tool availability; (5) material
world in order to adopt the new ideas; (g) availability; (6) teaching set readinessness; (7)
viewing failure as an opportunity to learn learning time sufficiency; (8) environmental
since success which has been a long-term support; (9) environmental inhibition; and
process and has been started from small (10) other support/inhibition.
achievements with many failures; and (h) The performance variable of Micro-
taking actions based on the creative ideas in controller MCS51 Media Trainer that was
order to provide actual and useful contribut- selected for the treatment in the experimental
group was validated first. The validation of Kit reliability performance referred to the
trainer performance was conducted by gather- agreement technique by means of Cohen‟s
ing information through the documentation Kappa coefficient (Wood, 2007):
and the questionnaire. There were three
indicators validated, namely: (1) trainer design ... (Formula 3.1)
compatibility; (2) trainer implementation Note:
practicality; and (3) trainer reliability. In order k = Inter-rater agreement coefficient
to gather the data regarding the compatibility, o = Inter-rater assessment perfect agreement
the practicality and the reliability, there was an percentage
instrument that measured the compatibility, E = Inter-rater disagreement percentage
the practical-ity and the reliability of Micro-
crontroller Kit Trainer. The summary of Cappa coefficient was
The instrument of MCS51 Micro- turned into an assessment of trainer kit
controller Trainer Kit compatibility, practical- compatibility as a microcontroller system
ity and reliability measurement that was made learning media. The summary is presented in
was given to five respondents consisting of Table 2. With the assistance of SPSS statistic
lecturers and technicians who have been used software, the researchers were able to
to running the MCS51 Microcontroller Train- calculate the inter-rater reliability coefficient.
er. The results of the measurement was Therefore, the number of raters for the
written into an observational table. Then, the indicator of trainer design compatibility as the
results of observation was analyzed in order Microcontroller System learning media is five
to find its validity and reliability. people; as a result, there are 10 k altogether
If the data were dichotomous, then the with the summary displayed in Table 2.
analysis of MCS51 Microcontroller Trainer
Table 2. The Summary of Cappa Coefficient for the Assessment of Trainer Kit Compatibility as the
Microcontroller System Learning Media
No Cohen’s Kappa Coefficient Inter-Two Raters Agreement Note
1 k1 r1 * r2 Agreement between rater 1 and rater 2
2 k2 r1 * r3 Agreement between rater 1 and rater 3
4 k3 r1 * r4 Agreement between rater 1 and rater 4
4 k4 r1 * r5 Agreement between rater 1 and rater 5
5 k5 r2 * r3 Agreement between rater 2 and rater 3
6 k6 r2 * r4 Agreement between rater 2 and rater 4
7 k7 r2 * r5 Agreement between rater 2 and rater 5
8 k8 r3 * r4 Agreement between rater 3 and rater 4
9 k9 r3 * r5 Agreement between rater 3 and rater 5
10 k10 r4 * r5 Agreement between rater 4 and rater 5
Then, the inter-rater reliability was Since the data of practicality and
calculated based on the following average reliability are ordinal data, in order to find the
agreement: practicality reliability of the trainer kit media
use, the researchers used Inter Class
... (Formula 3.2) Correlation (ICC) with the following formula:
According to Landis and Koch in ... (Formula 3.3)
Altman (1991, p.404), the meaning of k is as
follows: Note:
< 0.20 = Very Bad ICC = Inter Class Coefficient
0.20 > 0.40 = Bad Var (α) = The difference of an aspect
0.41 > 0.60 = Moderate assessment within the inter-rater assessment
0.61 > 0.80 = Good =
0.81 > 1.00 = Very Good
K = number of rater
Var (β) = A rater‟s assessment average With the assistance of SPSS statistical
= software, the researchers could calculate inter-
two raters agreement coefficient. Since the
n = number of items number of the raters is 5 people, there are 10
Var (e) = A rater‟s average error k (inter-rater reliability coefficient) and the
resume is given in Table 3.
Table 3. The Resume of Cappa Coefficient for the Trainer Kit Compatibility Assessment as the
Microcontroller System Learning Media
No Cohen’s Kappa Coefficient Inter-Two Raters Agreement k score
1 k1 r1 * r2 0.588
2 k2 r1 * r3 1.000
4 k3 r1 * r4 1.000
4 k4 r1 * r5 0.300
5 k5 r2 * r3 0.588
6 k6 r2 * r4 0.588
7 k7 r2 * r5 0.588
8 k8 r3 * r4 1.000
9 k9 r3 * r5 0.300
10 k10 r4 * r5 0.300
k total number 6.252
k average 0.625
To achieve the reliability level assessed compatible for implementation in the Micro-
by five raters, the researchers found the controller System laboratory practice.
average value of the agreement among all of In order to find the reliability of the
the raters by using Formula 3.2: trainer kit media use practicallity by means of
ordinal data, the researchers used Inter Class
Correlation (ICC) by implementing Formula
3.3. By using the SPSS for analyzing the
According to the inter-rater agreement
assessment reliability from the media trainer
criteria of Cohen‟s Kappa coefficient, the
kit practicallity indicator within the use of
figure k = 0.625 is in „Good‟ category.
Microcontroller System laboratory practice,
Thereby, the design of MCS51 Micro-
the researchers found the Coefficient of Inter
controller System Trainer Kit would be
Class Reliability. The coefficient is displayed
in Table 4.
Table 4. Coefficient of Inter Class Correlation Reliability Regarding the Media Trainer Kit Use Practicality
Intra-Class Correlation Coefficient
Intra-Class Correlationa 95% Confidence Interval F Test with True Value 0
Lower Bound Upper Bound Value df1 df2 Sig
Single Measures .665b .317 .932 10.921 5 20 .000
Average Measures .908c .699 .986 10.921 5 20 .000
value states that the trainer kit has moderate Microcontroller Media Trainer Kit can be
reliability for the implementation in the implemented in the training process in the
laboratory practicum of Microcontroller experimental group.
System. In sum, statistically the MCS51
Table 5. The Reliability Coefficient of Interclass Correlation Regarding the Trainer Reliability
Intraclass Correlation Coefficient
95% Confidence Interval F Test with True Value 0
Intraclass Correlationa
Lower Bound Upper Bound Value df1 df2 Sig
Single Measures .563b .268 .848 7.429 8 32 .000
Average Measures .865c .647 .965 7.429 8 32 .000
Based on the output of the multivariate Next, the first hypothesis testing is
significance test from multiple procedures administered to the control group. Based on
(Pillai, Wilk‟s Lamda, Hoteling, and Roy‟s), as the output of multivariate significance test
displayed in Table 6, the researchers found from multiple procedures (Pillai, Wilk‟s
that the significant values in the line Lamda, Hoteling, and Roy‟s), as displayed in
motivation*creativity are 0.638; 0.638; 0.638 Table 7, the researchers found that the
and 0.638 respectively. All of these significance values in motivation*creativity
significance values are above 0.5 and they line is 0.525; 0.598; 0.689 and 0.290
imply that the H0 is rejected and the H1 is respectively. All of the significance values are
accepted. Thereby, in the experimental group above 0.5 and these values imply that the H0
there is interaction between motivation and is accepted and the H1 is rejected. Thereby, in
creativity. The finding shows that in the the control group there is interaction between
experimental group the change of meta- motivation and creativity.
cognition and competence is solely determin-
ed by the motivation and the creativity.
Table 7. Results of Multivariate Test in the Control Group
Control Group Multivariate Testsc
Effect Value F Hypothesis Df Error Df Sig.
Intercept Pillai's Trace .994 3.095e2a 2.000 4.000 .000
Wilks' Lambda .006 3.095e2a 2.000 4.000 .000
Hotelling's Trace 154.742 3.095e2a 2.000 4.000 .000
Roy's Largest Root 154.742 3.095e2a 2.000 4.000 .000
Motivation Pillai's Trace .899 1.361 6.000 10.000 .317
Wilks' Lambda .282 1.175a 6.000 8.000 .404
Hotelling's Trace 1.898 .949 6.000 6.000 .525
Roy's Largest Root 1.457 2.428b 3.000 5.000 .181
Creativity Pillai's Trace .657 .815 6.000 10.000 .582
Wilks' Lambda .375 .844a 6.000 8.000 .570
Hotelling's Trace 1.583 .791 6.000 6.000 .608
Roy's Largest Root 1.527 2.545b 3.000 5.000 .170
Motivation * Creativity Pillai's Trace .508 .851 4.000 10.000 .525
Wilks' Lambda .538 .727a 4.000 8.000 .598
Hotelling's Trace .773 .580 4.000 6.000 .689
Roy's Largest Root .640 1.599b 2.000 5.000 .290
A. Exact Statistic
B. The Statistic is an Upper Bound on F that Yields a Lower Bound on the Significance Level.
C. Design: Interception + Motivation + Creativity + Motivation * Creativity
The testing of second hypothesis was the group variables is 0.029. The significance
conducted in two stages; the first stage of the value of the group variable is smaller than
testing was to find whether there had been 0.05; therefore, the finding implies that there
significant difference between the are differences in terms of the metacognitive
experimental group and the control group in capability (Y1) and the learning outcome
terms of metacognition level and learning competence (Y2) between the experimental
outcomes competence. Based on the results group and the control group.
displayed in Table 8, the significance value of
Table 8. The Significance of the Differences in Terms of the Metacognition and the Learning
Achievements between the Control Group and the Experimental Group
The second stage of the testing was to Furthermore, the mean of learning
test which group had bigger improvement in outcome competence for the control group is
terms of metacognition and learning outcome 3.288 and the mean of learning outcomes
competence. The results of the testing in the competence for the experimental group is
second stage is displayed in Table 9. The 3.608. The two figures show that the learning
mean of metacognition variable for the outcome competence level that the
control group is 3.604, while the mean of experimental group possesses is higher than
metacognition variable for the experimental that of the control group. Therefore, the
group is 3.816. The two figures show that the results support the conclusion that the
metacognition level that the experimental program simulation learning by means of
group possesses is better than that of the trainer kit may increase the students‟ learning
control group. In other words, the program outcome competence.
simulation learning by means of the trainer kit
may increase the students‟ metacognition.
Table 9. The Statistic Description of Y Variables from the Control Group and the Experimental Group
Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable :VALUE_Y
Std. Deviation N
Group Variable_Y Mean
Metacognition 3.603913e0 .4863139 15
Control Group Competence 3.287933E0 .4832891 15
Total 3.445923E0 .5027442 30
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