GE8152 EG Model - II MCQ (Part-A) - Print - Quizizz

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3/9/2021 GE8152 EG Model - II MCQ (Part-A) | Print - Quizizz


GE8152 EG Model - II MCQ (Part-A)
30 Questions

1. Which line type is thin and light?

a) Visible lines b) Center lines

c) Construction lines d) All of the above

2. To draw the leader line, which type of the following line is


a) Continuous thick line b) Long chain thin line

c) Continuous thin wavy line d) Continuous line

3. When the drawing are drawn smaller than the actual size of
object then scale is known as

a) Reduced scale b) Enlarged scale

c) Full scale d) None of these

4. A(n) ________ is created by the motion of a point on a circle

as the circle rolled along a straight line.

a) epicycloid b) hyperbola
c) cycloid d) spiral

5. How the parabola curve is obtained from a cone ?

a) When the cutting plane is perpendicular to b) When the cutting plane is parallel to the
the generator surface of the cone base of the cone
c) When the cutting plane is parallel to the d) When the cutting plane is parallel to the
axis of the cone generator surface of the cone 1/6
3/9/2021 GE8152 EG Model - II MCQ (Part-A) | Print - Quizizz

6. Which of the following pairs of orthographic views both

show the height dimension?

a) left side and front b) top and front

c) top and rear d) bottom and right side

7. If the position of point is identi ed as 10mm below HP and

50mm behind VP, then the point is in ________
a) 1st quadrant b) 2nd quadrant
c) 3rd quadrant d) 4th quadrant

8. A line is inclined to VP and parallel to HP. Which view will

show true length of line?

a) Front view b) Top view

c) Side view d) Both Front and Top view

9. The Intersection of a plane surface with the Vertical plane is

aline and is call_____________

a) Horizontal Trace b) Vertical Trace

c) Pro le Trace d) Trace

10. Plane is perpendicular to one of the principal planes the

projection on that plane will be __________

a) Line b) Straight line

c) Curve d) Perpendicular line

11. A viewing direction which is parallel to the surface in

question gives a(n) ____________ view
a) inclined b) normal

c) edge d) perspective 2/6
3/9/2021 GE8152 EG Model - II MCQ (Part-A) | Print - Quizizz

12. When a surface of an object is inclined to a plane of

projection, it will appear_________________ in the view.
a) foreshortened b) in true size and shape

c) as a line d) as a point

13. Among the following solids, a regular polyhedron is _______

a) square prism b) square pyramid

c) cube d) sphere

14. A solid having minimum number of faces is ________

a) tetrahedron b) triangular prism

c) square pyramid d) cube

15. A square pyramid is resting on a face in the V.P. The

number of dotted lines which will appear in the front view
is _________

a) 1 b) 2

c) 3 d) 4

16. The solid, which will have two dotted lines in the top view
when it is resting on its face in the H.P. is _________

a) square pyramid b) pentagonal pyramid

c) hexagonal pyramid d) all of these

17. Name the solid formed by four equilateral triangle _________

a) Square pyramid b) Triangular pyramid

c) Tetrahedron d) Square prism

18. Which is not a principal view?

a) bottom b) left side

c) auxiliary d) front 3/6
3/9/2021 GE8152 EG Model - II MCQ (Part-A) | Print - Quizizz

19. A cylinder standing on the HP is cut by a vertical plane

parallel to the axis and away from it. The shape of the
section will be ________

a) Rectangle b) Circle

c) Ellipse d) Hyperbola

20. To nd the true shape of the section, it must be projected

on a plane parallel to the _____

a) Pro le plane b) Vertical plane

c) Section plane d) Auxiliary plane

21. When a pyramid or a cone is cut by a plane parallel to its

base, thus removing the top portion, the remaining portion
is called ___________.

a) cylinder b) frustum
c) prism d) polyhedron

22. Which method of development is employed in case of


a) Parallel-line development b) Approximation method

c) Triangulation development d) Radial-line development

23. A __________ is one in which no stretching or distortion of

the surfaces occurs and every surface of the development
is the same size and shape as the corresponding surface on
the 3-D object.
a) development b) section

c) true shape d) perspective

24. Choose the formula to calculate the included angle to

develop a cone.

a) (r/D) x 360° b) (2r/l) x 360°

c) (D/l) x 360° d) (r/l) x 360° 4/6
3/9/2021 GE8152 EG Model - II MCQ (Part-A) | Print - Quizizz

25. An axonometric drawing which has two axes divided by

equal angles
a) diametric b) trimetric

c) orthographic d) isometric

26. A circle will appear on an isometric drawing as a(n)


a) ellipse b) cycloid
c) circle d) parabola

27. In isometric projection the three edges of an object are

inclined to each other at

a) 60 b) 120

c) 30 d) 90

28. A square lamina in isometric projection appears as

a) Rhombus b) Rectangle

c) Trapezium d) Parallelogram

29. A plane assumed as parallel to GP and passing through a

station point in perspective projection is ________

a) Horizontal plane b) Picture plane

c) Central plane d) Vertical plane

30. A horizontal line which starts from the observer’s eye and
makes an angle of 90° with the picture plane is _________

a) Horizontal line b) Ground line

c) Axis of vision d) Locus of station point 5/6
3/9/2021 GE8152 EG Model - II MCQ (Part-A) | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. c 9. b 17. c 25. a
2. a 10. b 18. c 26. a
3. a 11. c 19. a 27. b
4. c 12. a 20. c 28. d
5. d 13. c 21. b 29. a
6. a 14. a 22. d 30. c
7. c 15. b 23. a
8. b 16. d 24. d 6/6

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