PCEF Part 1 - Mandatory ELECTRONIC 2020 15102020

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The PCEF is split into three separate parts: Part 1 (Mandatory In order to obtain a practising certificate (and audit As a guideline, three years of full-time experience
areas), Part 2 (Optional units) and Part 3 (Audit units). If you are qualification) you need to demonstrate the achievement equates to 4,620 hours of working time.
applying for a practising certificate you must complete Part 1 of a minimum number of elements from each area. These
and Part 2. If you are applying for a practising certificate and minimum requirements are summarised in Appendix 1. If you are applying for a practising certificate and audit
audit qualification you must also complete Part 3. qualification for the UK and/or Ireland, at least 44 weeks
You should complete a statement of achievement when you of your experience in the three years must be in audit
have achieved an element. When recording the experience work. For UK applications at least 22 weeks must be in
Experience obtained at multiple employers in the PCEF members are required to demonstrate a majority statutory audit and for Ireland at least 44 weeks. As
If you have obtained experience from multiple employers then of the behaviours/examples associated with an element. a guideline, 44 weeks of audit experience in three years
you are required to complete separate PCEFs for each period Specific examples of the work performed in relation to equates to 1,540 hours and 22 weeks equates to 770 hours.
of employment. the element must be documented. Listing activities in
a bullet point format is not acceptable. Each statement If you are applying for a practising certificate (without audit
TIMELY COMPLETION should be evidenced by detailed and varied narrative. qualification), and claiming one year of pre-membership
Your PCEF should be completed and signed off on You should avoid listing general duties undertaken. experience using the form on the next page, you should
an ongoing basis and not retrospectively. However, if provide only two years of post-membership experience in your
retrospective completion is unavoidable it must be to the same The suggested minimum word count is 300 words for the PCEF. As a guideline, two years of post-membership
standard and in the same level of detail as if your experience mandatory areas and the optional units of competence, and experience equates to 3,080 hours of working time.
had been recorded on an ongoing basis. 600 words for the audit units of competence. It is expected
that the statements of achievement in relation to the audit SIGNATURES
PRE-MEMBERSHIP EXPERIENCE units will include examples from a number of audit clients. Signatures must be typed. Ensure that you and your principal
Practising certificate and audit qualification (and/or authorised supervisor) have typed their signature in all
We may accept up to one year of pre-membership experience. PRACTISING CERTIFICATE AND AUDIT QUALIFICATION the required places. If any of these are missing, your
You must record this in the PCEF together with the two years of If you are applying for a practising certificate and audit application will be delayed. We will contact your Principal to
post-membership experience. Please note that you cannot qualification, you must provide details of your audit verify they have personally reviewed and signed-off your PCEF.
count any non-audit elements from your pre-membership experience in the dedicated sections provided. You
experience towards the minimum competence requirements. should split your experience between statutory audit EXAMPLES
work (ie audit work of companies established under the Examples of each element are contained in the guidance
Practising certificate Companies Act) and ‘other’ audit work. For a definition of notes. These are for guidance purposes only. Do not copy and
We may accept up to one year of pre-membership experience. ‘other’ audit work, please refer to the Rulebook section 2.2 paste them or the unit headings when completing your own
If you wish to claim up to one year of Global Practising Regulations (Annex 1, Appendix 2). PCEF.
pre-membership experience, you must provide the information
requested on the next page about your It is expected that the statements of achievement in relation ACCA may use plagiarism detection software.
pre-membership experience. You must then record two to the audit units will include examples from a number of
audit clients. Copying and pasting from the examples may indicate that you
years of post-membership experience in the PCEF.
have not achieved the required breadth of experience towards
PRINCIPAL REVIEWS the award of a practising certificate or practising certificate and
A review must be undertaken with your principal every audit qualification. Copying and pasting may also be regarded
If your principal is not an ACCA member, we will need to carry
out a status check with their professional body. You should six months. Commentary must be provided in all as supplying false, inaccurate and/or misleading information
provide the name of your principal’s professional body, sections of the reviews. If any of these are left blank raising questions about your integrity, which may result in
membership number, postcode and date of we will not be able to accept your application. referral to ACCA Complaint Assessment department for
birth as some professional bodies will not respond to consideration as to possible disciplinary action.
status checks from ACCA without this information.
Your principal must have been eligible to act as such You can find more guidance about completing
throughout the period they have signed off in your PCEF. the PCEF in the guidance notes on our website
If you are applying for a practising certificate and audit at www.accaglobal.com/pcef
qualification you must complete at least two of the three years’
training under the supervision of a suitably
qualified principal. Appendix 1 sets out the
eligibility criteria for training principals.
Pre-membership experience
Please complete this page if you are claiming one year pre-membership experience towards your practising certificate.
You can only claim a maximum of 12 months pre-membership.
This page is NOT to be used for an application for a practising certificate and audit qualification

Name of employer

Dates of employment, from dd/mmm/yyyy to dd/mmm/yyyy

Name, address, date of birth, professional body and membership number of your practical experience supervisor*

Name of employer

Dates of employment, from dd/mmm/yyyy to dd/mmm/yyyy

Name, address, date of birth, professional body and membership number of your practical experience supervisor*

Name of employer

Dates of employment, from dd/mmm/yyyy to dd/mmm/yyyy

Name, address, date of birth, professional body and membership number of your practical experience supervisor*

* If your practical experience supervisor was not a member of ACCA we will need to do a status check with their professional body.
Summary Employment Record


We may use your personal data for the purposes of:
• membership administration
• establishing practical work experience used in subsequent applications
Member’s name Title Forename Surname • complying with our regulatory obligations.
You can update your information through your myACCA account at any time. We may share information with third party delivery vendors, and with our auditors. Your information
will be shared with your employer or former employers who signed off the experience given above. By signing this form you acknowledge that, in so far as is necessary for this
application, your information may be passed to these employers who may be in a country or territory which may not have privacy laws adequate to those within the EU. Please note
that for individuals based outside the UK, your information will be held in our main information systems which are located in the EU and may be accessed by our local office in your
country of residence. Supplying false, inaccurate and/or misleading information to us may result in referral to our investigations department (or another professional body of which
Membership number you are a member) for consideration as to possible disciplinary action and may result in the withdrawal of your approved employer registration.
For more information on how your information and rights are respected, please see our privacy notice
(http://www.accaglobal.com/uk/en/footertoolbar/privacy/data-protection.html), or contact privacy@accaglobal.com

Organisation name, nature of business, postal Job title(s) Specific 24/36 Average hours per Principal's name, job Principal's signature
address, telephone number and email month training week title, professional body, (must be typed)
period for membership number,
consideration Hours Minutes date of birth and email

Principal's name I agree to ACCA contacting

me by email to verify that I have
dd/mmm/yyyy personally reviewed and signed
Job title
: off this PCEF on behalf of the
0 00
Professional body member. I also agree to ACCA
dd/mmm/yyyy contacting me to verify any
Membership number subsequent amendments made
to this PCEF.
Date of Birth Principal's name

dd/mmm/yyyy Email address dd/mmm/yyyy

0 00 Authorised supervisor's Authorised supervisor's
name, job title, signature
dd/mmm/yyyy professional body, (must be typed)
membership number,
date of birth and email

Authorised supervisor's name I agree to ACCA contacting

dd/mmm/yyyy me by email to verify that I have
0 00 Job title personally reviewed and signed
off this PCEF on behalf of the
dd/mmm/yyyy Professional body member. I also agree to ACCA
contacting me to verify any
subsequent amendments made
Membership number
to this PCEF.
Confirm that your employer is an ACCA Approved Employer – practising certificate development Date of Birth Authorised supervisor's name
Please state your employer’s ACCA Approved Employer registration number Email address dd/mmm/yyyy

If you have obtained experience from multiple employers then you are required to complete a separate PCEF for each employer.
Mandatory areas

Area Area heading Unit Unit heading Element ref Element overview
ref ref

A Professionalism and PC1 Uphold professional ethics, values and PE1 Uphold professional ethics, values and standards
ethics standards and demonstrate personal
and professional development PE2 Maintain an awareness and understanding of changes affecting the profession

PE3 Demonstrate a commitment to your personal and professional knowledge and development

B Stakeholder PC2 Maintain confidentiality and develop SR1 Maintain the confidentiality of internal and external information
relationship working relationships
management SR2 Establish and maintain effective and ethical business relationships and networks

PC3 Attract and screen clients SR3 Promote services to existing and potential clients

SR4 Evaluate potential and existing clients

SR5 Agree service details and engage clients

C Strategy and PC4 Monitor and maintain the quality of SI1 Identify and implement changes to products and services
innovation service to clients and develop and
implement new products and services SI2 Monitor and maintain the quality of service to clients. Implement and monitor client service standards and

SI3 Promote continuous quality improvement in products, services and processes

D Practice development PC5 Set fees and secure fee income PD1 Set fees and credit limits for activities

PD2 Collect fee income from clients

PC6 Monitor resources to ensure service PD3 Monitor and control activities against budgets
PD4 Control costs to improve services to clients

PC7 Monitor and maintain the security of PD5 Monitor and maintain the security of high value items
property, information and people
PD6 Maintain the health, safety and security of the working environment

PC8 Develop and maintain the employer’s PD7 Develop and maintain information systems to meet the employer’s requirements
information systems
PD8 Monitor and control the employer’s information systems

E Leadership and PC9 Recruit and develop people LM1 Identify personnel requirements and role specification
LM2 Select teams and individuals

LM3 Develop teams and individuals

PC10 Lead others to achieve objectives LM4 Identify and agree objectives and methods to deliver required outcomes

LM5 Delegate activities to teams and individuals

LM6 Monitor and appraise the work of others

Please refer to Appendix 1 for the minimum elements to be achieved in each unit of competence above.
Optional units (achieve a minimum of 6 units)

Area Area heading Unit Unit heading Element ref Element overview
ref ref

F Corporate reporting PC11 Prepare financial and other statements CR1 Appraise information for the preparation of financial and other statements and account
and financial and accounts for external purposes
management CR2 Prepare and present financial and other statements and account

PC12 Prepare financial information for CR3 Appraise financial information for the preparation of management information
CR4 Prepare and present financial information for management purpose

G Business advice, PC13 Provide advice and support in meeting BA1 Identify and advise on relevant legal and regulatory obligations
development and regulatory obligations
measurement BA2 Provide support in meeting regulatory obligations

PC14 Formulate business strategy, objectives BA3 Formulate business strategy and objectives
and plans
BA4 Devise business plans

PC15 Assist clients to raise finance for business BA5 Assist clients to understand and evaluate their options for raising finance
BA6 Assist clients to raise finance to achieve objective

PC16 Evaluate potential business/investment BA7 Determine the risks and benefits associated with business/investment opportunities
BA8 Recommend ways of optimising the use of assets

BA9 Establish the value of businesses

H Sustainable PC17 Develop and implement accounting SM1 Identify potential changes to an organisation’s accounting systems
management systems
accounting SM2 Implement and evaluate new/changes to accounting systems

PC18 Control expenditure and monitor SM3 Prepare spending proposals and profile
SM4 Agree, monitor and report on budgets for activities

PC19 Plan and monitor business performance SM5 Identify financial objectives and performance measures

SM6 Facilitate the introduction of systems and practices to plan and monitor financial performance

SM7 Monitor the achievement of financial performance and objective

PC20 Identify and analyse the costs associated SM8 Evaluate the potential profitability of products and services
with products and services
SM9 Calculate the actual costs of products and services

SM10 Make recommendations to reduce costs and enhance value

Optional units (continued)

Area Area heading Unit Unit heading Element ref Element overview
ref ref

I Taxation PC21 Tax computations and assessment TA1 Compute the tax payable

PC22 Tax compliance and verification TA2 Provide advice on tax liabilities and payments and carry out compliance activities

TA3 Negotiate with the tax authorities on behalf of clients

PC23 Tax planning and advice TA4 Provide advice on current and future tax planning

TA5 Provide advice about the tax implications of externally or internally initiated changes

J Business consultancy PC24 Prepare for and control an internal BC1 Determine the scope, purpose and objectives of an internal review or investigation
and internal review review or investigation
BC2 Deliver evidence for an internal review or investigation

PC25 Deliver the objectives of an internal BC3 Obtain evidence for analysis against the objectives of an internal review or investigation
review or investigation
BC4 Make judgements against the objectives of an internal review or investigation

BC5 Report on the findings and outcomes of an internal review or investigation

BC6 Present evidence as an expert witness for litigation or criminal proceedings

Audit units (achieve all units if you are applying for a practising certificate and audit qualification)

Area Area heading Unit Unit heading Element ref Element overview
ref ref

K Audit PC26 Prepare for and plan the audit process AU1 Identify ethical, legal and engagement requirements on an audit

AU2 Determine the level of audit risk

AU3 Evaluate the risk within an organisation’s internal control structure

PC27 Collect and evaluate evidence for an AU4 Co-ordinate the delivery of audit evidence
AU5 Evaluate evidence collected for an audit

AU6 Make judgements about the truth and fairness of an organisation’s financial statement

PC28 Review and report on the findings of an AU7 Review the performance of an audit
AU8 Advise on the findings and implications of an audit

AU9 Prepare a formal audit report

Area A – Professionalism and ethics

All three elements within this area of competence have to be achieved.

Elements Achievement Principal’s Principal’s

date name confirmation date

PE1 Uphold professional ethics, values and standards dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

PE2 Maintain an awareness and understanding of changes affecting the profession dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

PE3 Demonstrate a commitment to your personal and professional knowledge and development dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

Statement of achievement (ACCA can only consider client specific examples where member has worked or been Principal’s confirmation (Approximately 100 words)
personally involved) (Minimum 300 words) (How has the member developed by achieving this area?)
Area B – Stakeholder relationship management

At least three out of the five elements of competence have to be achieved

Elements Achievement Principal’s Principal’s

date name confirmation date

SR1 Maintain the confidentiality of internal and external information dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

SR2 Establish and maintain effective and ethical business relationships and networks dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

SR3 Promote services to existing and potential clients dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

SR4 Evaluate potential and existing clients dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

SR5 Agree service details and engage clients dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

Statement of achievement (ACCA can only consider client specific examples where member has worked or been Principal’s confirmation (Approximately 100 words)
personally involved) (Minimum 300 words) (How has the member developed by achieving this area?)
Area C – Strategy and innovation

At least two out of the three elements of competence have to be achieved.

Elements Achievement Principal’s Principal’s

date name confirmation date

SI1 Identify and implement changes to products and services dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

SI2 Monitor and maintain the quality of service to clients. Implement and monitor client service dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy
standards and policies

SI3 Promote continuous quality improvement in products, services and processes dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

Statement of achievement (ACCA can only consider client specific examples where member has worked or been Principal’s confirmation (Approximately 100 words)
personally involved) (Minimum 300 words) (How has the member developed by achieving this area?)
Area D – Practice development

At least four out of the eight elements of competence have to be achieved.

Elements Achievement Principal’s Principal’s

date name confirmation date

PD1 Set fees and credit limits for activities dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy
PD2 Collect fee income from clients dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

PD3 Monitor and control activities against budgets dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

PD4 Control costs to improve services to clients dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

PD5 Monitor and maintain the security of high value items dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

PD6 Maintain the health, safety and security of the working environment dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

PD7 Develop and maintain information systems to meet the employer’s requirements dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

PD8 Monitor and control the employer’s information systems dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

Statement of achievement (ACCA can only consider client specific examples where member has worked or been Principal’s confirmation (Approximately 100 words)
personally involved) (Minimum 300 words) (How has the member developed by achieving this area?)
Area E – Leadership and management

At least four out of the six elements of competence have to be achieved.

Elements Achievement Principal’s Principal’s

date name confirmation date

LM1 Identify personnel requirements and role specification dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

LM2 Select teams and individuals dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

LM3 Develop teams and individuals dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

LM4 Identify and agree objectives and methods to deliver required outcomes dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy
LM5 Delegate activities to teams and individuals dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy
LM6 Monitor and appraise the work of others dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

Statement of achievement (ACCA can only consider client specific examples where member has worked or been Principal’s confirmation (Approximately 100 words)
personally involved) (Minimum 300 words) (How has the member developed by achieving this area?)
Principal review

To be completed by the principal or authorised supervisor (detailed commentary must be provided in all sections below) at least every six months. Please select 'Add new page' button
to complete Principal reviews for each six month period.

Summary of work performance in the period, including strengths, areas for development and any new work experience Review for period ended


To be completed by the member and principal or

authorised supervisor
Evaluation of performance against targets set at previous review
I confirm agreement of the summary of work
performance and targets for the next period.
The statements of achievement completed in
the period are a fair representation of the work
undertaken under withdrawn supervision or in a
supervisory capacity. A false, inaccurate or misleading
declaration may invalidate any decision related to
Identified future experience and development needs this application. Supplying false, inaccurate and/or
misleading information to ACCA may result in
referral to ACCA’s Complaint Assessment
department (or another professional body of which
you are a member) for consideration as to possible
disciplinary action and may result in the withdrawal of
your firm’s approved employer registration.

Performance targets for the next period

Member’s name

Date dd/mmm/yyyy

Principal comments (to be completed only if your review has been carried out by an authorised supervisor) Authorised supervisor’s name (if applicable)

Date dd/mmm/yyyy

Principal’s name

Add further sheets as necessary Add new page

Date dd/mmm/yyyy
Time summary

Member’s name Title Forename Surname Membership number

Time summary (in hours) 6 months to 6 months to 6 months to 6 months to 6 months to 6 months to Total
dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

Audit – statutory (Note A) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Audit – other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Audit – sub-total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other working time1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total working time2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Number of statutory audit clients3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Number of other audit clients3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Client sectors4 Select... Select... Select... Select... Select... Select...

Size of clients4 Select... Select... Select... Select... Select... Select...

Member’s name and date

dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy
Authorised supervisor’s name and
date (if applicable) dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

Principal’s name and date

(always required) dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy dd/mmm/yyyy

Note A Member’s authentication

I confirm that these hours qualify as ‘statutory audit work’, ie audit work of companies I confirm that this PCEF are a true record of my experience and elements achieved and a
established under the Companies Acts. fair reflection of time spent over the training period. I understand that if I provide any false,
inaccurate or misleading information in this form, I may face disciplinary action for dishonest
conduct, and may also invalidate any decision reached in this application.

Principal’s name Member’s name

Date dd/mmm/yyyy Date dd/mmm/yyyy

1 This includes other working time not included in any of the other categories above. This may include non-chargeable time, and covers time spent working in areas such as research, payroll, tax, insolvency.
2 As a guideline, ACCA considers full-time work experience to be 35 hours per week. 1,540 hours of part-time work equates to one year of full-time experience. Any contentious working hours patterns may need further formal evidence of official time
sheets from your employer.
3 These should be the number of statutory and other audit clients worked on during the period.
4 These relate to all clients you have worked on during the period. Please refer to Appendix 1 for detailed lists.
Appendix 1 – Guidance for completing the practising certificate experience forms (continued)

1 Minimum requirements with regards to units of competence and elements within these
Mandatory areas

Area Area heading Unit Element ref Minimum requirements if you are applying for a practising certificate Minimum requirements if you are applying for a practising certificate
ref ref and audit qualification

A Professionalism and PC1 PE1

PE2 All three elements within this unit of competence have to be achieved. All three elements within this unit of competence have to be achieved.


B Stakeholder PC2 SR1

management SR2
At least three out of the five elements have to be achieved. These could be At least three out of the five elements have to be achieved. These could be
covered by one unit of competence or spread across both. covered by one unit of competence or spread across both.


C Strategy and PC4 SI1

innovation At least two out of the three elements within this unit of competence have At least two out of the three elements within this unit of competence have
to be achieved. to be achieved.

D Practice development PC5 PD1



PD4 At least four out of the eight elements have to be achieved. These could At least four out of the eight elements have to be achieved. These could
PC7 PD5 be spread across two or more units of competence. be spread across two or more units of competence.




E Leadership and PC9 LM1


At least four out of the six elements have to be achieved. At least four out of the six elements have to be achieved.
PC10 LM4


Appendix 1 – Guidance for completing the practising certificate experience forms (continued)

1 Minimum requirements with regards to units of competence and elements within these
Optional units

Area Area heading Unit Element ref Minimum requirements if you are applying for a practising certificate Minimum requirements if you are applying for a practising certificate
ref ref and audit qualification

F Corporate reporting PC11 CR1

and financial
management CR2

PC12 CR3


G Business advice, PC13 BA1

development and
measurement BA2

PC14 BA3


PC15 BA5


PC16 BA7
Minimum of six out of the 15 units of competence have to be achieved. Minimum of six out of the 15 units of competence have to be achieved.
BA8 When claiming a unit of competence as achieved, you need to When claiming a unit of competence as achieved, you need to
demonstrate all elements within the unit. demonstrate all elements within the unit.

H Sustainable PC17 SM1

accounting SM2

PC18 SM3


PC19 SM5



PC20 SM8


Appendix 1 – Guidance for completing the practising certificate experience forms (continued)

1 Minimum requirements with regards to units of competence and elements within these
Optional units (continued)

Area Area heading Unit Element ref Minimum requirements if you are applying for a practising certificate Minimum requirements if you are applying for a practising certificate
ref ref and audit qualification

I Taxation PC21 TA1

PC22 TA2


PC23 TA4

Minimum of six out of the 15 units of competence have to be achieved. Minimum of six out of the 15 units of competence have to be achieved.
J Business consultancy PC24 BC1 When claiming a unit of competence as achieved, you need to When claiming a unit of competence as achieved, you need to
and internal review demonstrate all elements within the unit. demonstrate all elements within the unit.

PC25 BC3




Audit units

Area Area heading Unit Element ref Minimum requirements if you are applying for a practising certificate Minimum requirements if you are applying for a practising certificate
ref ref and audit qualification

K Audit PC26 AU1



PC27 AU4 All three units of competence have to be achieved. When claiming a unit
There are no mandatory requirements to achieve any of the units of of competence as achieved, you need to demonstrate all elements within
competence in this area. the unit.

PC28 AU7


Appendix 1 – Guidance for completing the practising certificate experience forms (continued)

2 Guidance and examples for completing the PCEF 5 Eligibility criteria for training principals 5.2 In order to supervise training towards an ACCA
practising certificate and audit qualification which
We have created guidance documents that will help you The nominated principal must be appropriately
is valid in the UK and Republic of Ireland, the principal
understand what each unit of competence covers and what qualified to supervise training towards an ACCA
should be:
type of examples may be relevant to different elements practising certificate and, where applicable, an
within the units of competence. The guidance documents ACCA practising certificate and audit qualification • a member of ACCA who holds an ACCA practising
are available on our website. which is valid in the UK and Republic of Ireland. certificate and audit qualification or
5.1 In order to supervise training towards an ACCA • a fully qualified company auditor under the
practising certificate the principal should be: Companies Act 2006 (United Kingdom) or the
3 Client sectors
Companies Act 2014 (Ireland) who holds an
a Members training in public practice appropriate practising certificate with a recognised
1 Banking
2 Energy and utilities • a member of ACCA who holds an ACCA supervisory body in the UK or recognised
3 Insurance/investment practising certificate or an ACCA practising accountancy body in Ireland or
4 IT/communications certificate and audit qualification
5 Leisure/tourism/travel • a company auditor practising in member states in the
• a practising member of any other professional European Union and EEA states, namely Iceland,
6 Manufacturing/industry/engineering
accountancy body which is recognised for audit Liechtenstein, Norway and Gibraltar.
7 Pharmaceuticals/healthcare
purposes under prevailing legislation in the
8 Professional services
relevant country or
9 Retail/consumer
10 Transport/distribution • any other person having, in the opinion of ACCA
11 Education Council, adequate qualifications and experience
12 Health 6 Authorised supervisor
b Members training in the corporate or public sectors
13 Local government
14 National government • a member of ACCA or A principal may delegate to an authorised supervisor the
15 Not for profit sign off of certain sections of the member's PCEF. The
16 Construction • a member of any other professional accountancy authorised supervisor does not need to hold an ACCA
17 Agriculture. body which is recognised for audit purposes practising certificate or an ACCA practising certificate and
under prevailing legislation in the relevant audit qualifications, or be a practising member of any other
country or professional accountancy body which is recognised for
4 Size of clients audit purposes. However, the principal must ensure that
• any other person having, in the opinion of ACCA
the authorised supervisor has the necessary qualifications
A Small Council, adequate qualifications and experience
and experience. The authorised supervisor must be a
B Medium Where members who work in the corporate or public senior staff member in the organization, have knowledge of
C Large. sector are the most senior members of accounting the individual's work and the training undertaken. The
In the UK, the definition of small is contained in sections staff in their organisation they may arrange for a principal must still complete the Principal confirmation
382, 383 and 384, medium in section 465, 466 and 467 of representative from their organisation’s auditors or section on the statements of achievement, the relevant
the Companies Act 2006. accountants to act as their principal, providing that they section on each of the Principal review documents and
have sufficient knowledge of the members’ work and confirm that the Time summary completed by the member
In Ireland, the definition of small is contained in Article ability to sign their PCEF. is reasonable. The principal will still retain overall
3(2), medium in Article 3(3) and large in Article 3(4) of
Directive 2013/34/EU. responsibility for training and must therefore countersign
the completed PCEF to confirm the requirements for a
practising certificate, or a practising certificate and audit
qualification, have been met.
PCEF checklist

Before submitting your PCEF, please complete this checklist and retain it for your records.

Have you provided sufficient and varied narrative on each of your statements of achievement?

Have you included at least 300 words in each of your statements of achievement?

If you are applying for a practising certificate and audit qualification, have you included at least 600 words
in each of your statements of achievement for the audit units?

Has your principal confirmed each element/unit claimed on the statements of achievement and provided narrative in
the principal's confirmation section?

Have you and your principal completed one review for each six-month training period?
(NB, reviews that are not completed in six-month periods will not be assessed and will be returned to the sender)

Has your principal and authorised supervisor (if applicable) provided commentary in all sections of your reviews?

Have you, your principal and authorised supervisor (if applicable) signed each of your reviews?
(NB, all sections of the reviews must be completed)

Have you, your principal and authorised supervisor (if applicable) completed, signed and dated your Time summary?

If you are applying for a practising certificate, have you completed the PCEF Part 2 - Optional units document?

If you are applying for a practising certificate and audit qualification, have you completed the PCEF Part 2 -
Optional units document and PCEF Part 3 - Audit units?

If you are applying for a practising certificate and audit qualification, have you completed the ‘Audit experience’ Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in
form, available on our website at www.accaglobal.com/practising? this booklet is accurate and up to date at the time of going
to press. ACCA accepts no liability for inconvenience or loss
Have you kept a saved electronic version of your PCEF for your records? caused by the publication of any out of date or inaccurate

This document has no regulatory status. Nothing in this

document should be taken as amending or adapting the
ACCA Rulebook. In any conflict between this document and
the ACCA Rulebook, the latter shall prevail.

© ACCA January 2019

Please submit your completed PCEF for assessment to:


Printed copies will not be accepted.

ACCA 110 Queen Street Glasgow G1 3BX United Kingdom
For further information please contact
ACCA Authorisation
+44 (0) 141 534 4175

110 Queen Street

Glasgow G1 3BX
United Kingdom

+44 (0)141 582 2000


The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

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