Heart of Healing BOOKfin Com
Heart of Healing BOOKfin Com
Heart of Healing BOOKfin Com
This is a book that not only talks about the cure and the healing, it is a
book that intensifies faith in a loving God whose plan and purpose for
His children is not for disaster but for their benefit and welfare. Buy the
book. Read the book. Keep one for yourself and give one to another
whose questions in life need to be answered by healing and joy!
— FRANCIS KONG, best-selling author
No one ever faces adversity alone. It touches everyone around you. Ardy
Roberto teaches us how to be more compassionate, supportive and
caring, while providing invaluable tips for those who are facing life’s
challenges. Read this, and you will heal.
CSP, President of The Cancer Club (USA) and
author of six books including Not Now. . . I’m Having a No Hair Day!
Ardy Roberto shares the personal struggle for healing in this inspiring
story. His writing is both moving and practical, especially useful for
those who must play the role of helper to a loved one struggling with
disease. By bringing an attitude of hope and encouragement as well as
using the spiritual tools of faith and prayer a loving helper can become
a healer. I was deeply moved by the story and I know God is going to
use this book in many people’s lives.
Pastor and co-founder of Carmel Assembly, Haifa, Israel;
author, My Father’s Business and God’s Tsunami
This is a book you would want to keep within arm’s reach. It chronicles
the journey of Ardy and his beloved Tingting in their battle with lupus,
and how hope, love, encouragement and prayer led to miraculous
healing. That same miracle can happen to any of us!
Hope rises from the pages beginning in the very first chapter and
continues to flow like a life-giving stream throughout. The stories add
to this sense of real life and Ardy’s vulnerable attitude will leave readers
encouraged and inspired without any false promises. Ardy Roberto’s book
is a practical book for those with illness and those who care for them.
— DAVID OLIVER, author, Work: Prison or Place of Destiny?
I really like your personal style and flavor. I know it was hard to write as
you seem to re-live those moments again in a genuine way. I think this
book will bring a lot of comfort. I like your interjection of real con-
versations with the doctors; the research you have done to validate your
points is very refreshing.
— KRISH DHANAM, author, The American Dream from an Indian Heart,
Co-Author, Top Performance (with Zig Ziglar)
I CAN’T BELIEVE that this book is finally ready for its birth.
Today is May 3, 2008 as I write this page. I surveyed my
prayer journals this morning. I’ve been talking about writing
and finishing this book since late 2001, a year after Tingting
was healed. I guess seven years after is the perfect time. At a
Christmas party of lupus patients and survivors at the Univer-
sity of Sto. Tomas hospital auditorium, I heard a speaker say
that a lupus survivor is a real “survivor” if he or she gets to the
seven-year mark without a major flare-up. So thank you Lord
once again for keeping my wife lupus-free and healthy for the
past eight years.
Thank you to my Tingting for being so ferocious in taking
care of this healing gift by looking after herself (on top of
looking after me). She looks so magnificent and beautiful as
I write this. She also helped edit and proofread this book.
Thanks, my Swato, for sacrificing so many Saturday dates with
me so that I could finish this book. (Thanks also to Manay Nita
for taking care of her and our needs.)
Thank you to my Mom for the encouragement and the
“unhealthy” but lovingly made chicharon that I would some-
times eat while writing this book. Thanks to my Dad. I remem-
ber the discipline that he puts into writing books and I just
copied him. Thanks for modeling the way for me, Dad.
Thank you to OMF Literature, Inc. Thanks to Mon Rocha,
then CEO, who eagerly said “yes” to the manuscript. Thank
you to my editor, Ian Magallona, who helped reorganize the
We praise and thank God for bringing all of you into our lives.
“ What ’s Happening
to Me? ”
Life Passage
Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God.
PSALM 43:5a