Daniel Model 762 Surge Relief Valve Catalog

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JACOBS Project/P.0.# 1041984A80/P4020-22238-11 Revi A Dwet DSU 76. Design Species Item Code(s) 00475005 May, 2001 EQUIPS 202-PSV-1; 202-PSET Model 762 Vendor Dwg VP-HC-202-PSV-1- OT GAS LOADED RELIEF/BACK PRI DESCRIPTION ‘The Model 762 gas loaded relief/back pressure control valves are specifically designed to regulate and control maximum pipeline pressures or to maintain a ‘minimum back pressure in a system, It was pioneered along with extensive testing by a major pipeline. Ithas proven to be reliable, rugged and very responsive in controlling pipeline surges and pressures. The Model 762 Valve is not pilot operated. It incorporates an integral il reservoir mounted on the external surface of the valve cylinder head, which upon instalation, is Partially filed with a light oil. Gas under pressure is applied to the reservoir. The cil is a moveable barrier between the gas and the vaive piston. DESIGN FEATURES +" Modutar construction No diaphragm or suing boxe! He Linear control charactenstcs Exceptionally fast response spe} Postive shut-off High fiow capacity Balanced piston design No pilot contro Gan pass dit or viscous produ Sorewved seat rings on all sizes eae VALVE CAPACITY DATA vcs]? [ele le le lw] 2] sov-apm | 6 | 100 | 200 | cae | 1236 | 2000 | 2000 Forcapastes and pressuredrops please conaut Bullen DSVALVEG, "Capacity Charisfor ave Sizing" °C, based on wide open valve ubizing wate al 60°F (15.6). eaeet yom ietaasinguinlet so grrr HEE fon mc Hal the piston i equaly transmitted to the i Se cia iston. When he ine pressure on the ESSURE VALVES ocr 1 2 aoe }S CANADA INC, ENT CONTROL} RECEIVED] Do not operate this instrument in excess of the specifications listed, Failure to heed thi result in serious injury and/or equipment. "PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION “The Model 762| is normally closed and opens on jressure, The basic valve is of the loperated design. Refer to Typical ‘tic (Figure 1). Pressure applied to peRSHEE piston ose of the piston exceeds the gas pressure, the moveable barrier of cil compresses the gas, and the valve opens. As line pressure falls below set point, the ‘gas pressure, added to the spring pressure closes the Valve and it remains closed as long as gas pressure is greater than line pressure. Opening and closing speed are controlled by a check valve mounted tothe internal surface of the cylinder head. Opening speed is rela- tively unrestricted which results in very fast opening response. Closing speed is controlled by a fixed orifice in the check valve. FLANGE CONNECTIONS / RATINGS (DIN) DIN PRIS NPN Cm GT vane | maxworkins | wax WorKINe | 1tex WORKING | 1AX WORKING | MAK WORKING | MAX. WORKING size __ [pressure @ 120°c| PRESSURE @ 120°C | PRESSURE g 120'C| PRESSURE @ "W'C| PRESSURE @ 120°C| PRESSURE @38| wso-onsoo] te bor be sob iter ona 10 er TTemporature Range: 20°F to 150°F (29°C1066°C) Optional 250°F (121°C) FLANGE CONNECTIONS / RATINGS (ANSI) é Valve MAXIMUM WORKING PRESSURE @ 100° F as ‘Size 7160 bs. ANSI 300 Ibs, ANSI 600 bs. ANS zac | moa ‘a0 uo | EMERSON. Page 1 of 8 Design Specifications psv7e2 May, 2001 MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Main Valve Body Steel - ASTM-A216- GR-WCB Main Valve Cylinder 2°-4" Stainless Steel on 150Ib. and 300Ib. valves. 6"-12" Steel, Nickel Coated on 150# and 300# valves, Main Valve Piston Stainless Stee! on 150Ib. and 300Ib, valves 8'-12" Bronze on 150lb. and 300!b. valves. Optional Stainless Stee! Seat Ring 2.6" Siainless Stee! on 150Ib. and 3001. valves. 8-12" Steel nicks! coated on 150Ib. and 300ib, valves. Stainless Steel on 600Ib. valves O-Rings Viton’ Dynamic, Buna-N" Static are standard. Other O-rings available are Neoprene’, EPR, all Viton, all Buna-N Other internal parts Stainless Stee! Reservoir - Carbon Steel PRESSURE DROP Refer to Bulletin DSVALVEC, e RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS O-Rings TYPICAL APPLICATIONS A) Pipeline Pressure and Surge Relief Product movement by pipeline requires over-pressure protection. Response time to pressure rise is very Critical. Many times a pilot operated or a conventional direct operated spring biased relief valve cannot react fast enough to limit surge pressure to a desirable level The Model 762 will respond very fast and only relieve the necessary volume of product to decrease pipeline pressure to or below set-point. The typical application ‘schematic shown, (Figure 1), is very common for pipelineuse. Surges and excess pressure arenormally caused by: (1) inadvertently closing a main line valve, (2) Closing a main ine valve too fast, (3) Pump startup, (4) Stopping @ pump with potential reverse flow, (5) Failure of a pipeline booster pump. In addition, the following factors can become very Important with pipeline aging which reduces the maxt- mum surge pressure it can withstand. A) Wear from product movement, B) Internal and external corro- Sion, C) Frequency and amplitude of surge and shock pressures. Figure 1 Excess Pressure and Surge Relief or Pump By-Pass Control Page 2 of 8 B) Back Pressure Control ‘The Model 762 is ideally sulted for back pressure control and minimum pressure drop. When line pres~ sure exceeds the gas pressure, the valvewillopen and follow the CV curve for pressure loss. Typical applications for minimum back pressure con- trol requirements are (Reference Figure 2): A) Tutbine Meters (Reference API Chapter 6) minimum back pressure requirements B) On the end of a pipeline or any point along the pipeline where the upstream pressure is subject to drop below minimum requirements. ©) Discharge of centrifugal pumps to maintain maximum efficiency and to start against a closed valve, a = = Design Specifications Dsv762 May, 2001 C) By-Pass Pressure Control The Model 72 is ideally suited for constant pump by- ass control to ragulate pump discharge pressure. Also, in this application, the vaive will control surges. (Reference Figure 1) D) Pipeline Pump Station By-Pass Most pipeline have booster pumps at intervals along the pipeline. Ifa pump station is shut-down, it must be by-passedorthe entire pipelines subjectto being shut- down. The Model 762 valve, when installed as shown in Figure 3 will automatically open and by-pass the ump station when line pressure exceeds set point. Ip Figure 2 Back Pressure Control Figure 3. Pipeline Pump Station By-Pass Page 3 of 8 Design Specifications beviea May, 2001 anata eS = - 028" ~ 6897 B aay 207 as os 3517 z ore 4828 - ‘98 z= oe © 5 125 3400 a pro e 2008 na 1379 i 600 a =| +} x dar os 3 04 05 06 07 08 0d 10 IN 42 Figure 4. Typical Valve Opening Time INSTALLATIONS GAS TANK INSTALLATION AND SIZING ‘The schematic, (Figure 1), shows the valve mounted ‘at a 45%angle position. This is the preferred orienta- tion, so that the piston is vertical. This distributes the ‘weight of the piston equally and gives equal resistance to piston O-Ring movement. Standard horizontal mounting is available. Whether mounted at 45° or horizontal, the ol reservoiris ina vertical position. The ‘ype of mounting must be specified OIL RESERVOIR The Oil Reservoiris supplied with two (2) sight gauges. Ina closed position the oil is visible only at the lower sight gauge. Should cil be visible in the upper sight ‘gauge, this indicates line product is leaking into the Feservoir or that valve is open. Ino ois visible in the lower sight gauge, this indicates the reservoir oil is leaking into the product stream. OIL SPECIFICATIONS Use a light weight non-detergent oil between 5-30 Centipoise based on climate conditions of user. The oil to fil the reservoir, gas tank, pressure switch and other interconnecting pieces are to be supplied by the user, OPENING/CLOSING SPEED The opening speed of the valve is virtually unre- stricted. Closing speed is standard at three (3) seconds from a full-open position, based on gas pres: sure being 25 psi (1724 kPa) above line pressure. The fastest closure is limited to 0.5 seconds at 1500 psi (10,342 kPa) differential pressure to protect the piston ‘and seat ring. For closure speeds longer than three (3) seconds, we can change the orifice size to match the customers requirements. It should be noted that the calculated closing speeds are a function of the viscos~ ity ofthe oil in the reservoir. See Oil Specifications for recommended oil, Typical valve opening times are illustrated in Figure 4. Page 4 of 8 ‘The Gas Tank should be buried underground to keep the gas at a constant temperature. Thermal expan: sion, caused by the increases in temperature of the 928, will change the relief set point ‘The effective volume of the gas tank decreases as the valve opens by an amount equal tothe piston displace- ment, The sizeof the gas tank determines the percent- age that the pressure relief set point will change as the valve opens. For example, a 12" valve piston dis placementis 554 cubic inches from aciosed toan open position. Thus, when fully opened, an equal amount of {gas is contained in a volume that is decreased by 554 inches. From Boyles Law, we can see the proportional increase in pressure as: P,V,=P,V,. For example, a 12" valve piston displacement is 854 inches from a closed to an open position Before the gas tank is sized, determine: 4, Set point (psi) 2. Valve size 3. Acceptable over-pressure (psi) VOLUME DISPLACEMENT OF MAIN VALVE PISTON ‘Vale Size | Cubic inches | Valve Size | Cubic Inches a7 7 105 e 28 1 wT 2 Teo e ® Example of tank sizing assuming adiabatic compression’ 7 Ce) | — V, Total Gas Volume (gas chamber and volume behind main valve piston) PD = Volume displacement of main valve piston Exponent = .709 derived from K factor of Nitrogen (1.49), No consideration is given to volume of gas contained in tubing, fitings and the top portion of the valve itself. Example (12" Valve) 640 psisset point required, minus 4 psi spring oad plus 14.7 psi (adjustment to absolute) = 660.7 psi 680 psi maximum allowable over-pres sure, minus 6 psi spring load plus 14.7 psi (Adjustment to absolute) = 688.7 psi Unknown PD= 554 cubic inches, 876.7479 = 14046,121 Cubic Inches 041061 14046.121 ' = 60.80 U.S. Gallon Tank Volume 231 Cubic Inches per U.S. Gallon NOTE: Valve is fitted with light piston spring which provides: 4 psi Preload with valve closed 6 psi Preload with valve open ‘This 4 & 6 psi Preload must be subtracted from P1 & P2, respectively, to arrive at actual gas pressure. Design Specifications DSv762 May, 2004 PRESSURE SWITCH ‘The valve will open any time gas pressure is less than line pressure. A pressure switch is recommended in the gas supply line to the valve for alarm actuation an alarm should gas pressure decrease below an accept- able operating level Typical Pipeline (45°) Install Page § of 8 Design Specifications psv7e2 May, 2001 DIMENSIONS - 45* IN-LINE INSTALLATION (For certified dimension - prints consult factory) 2" wer cas | ‘ex vaLve eon. Liven SIGHT nbICATORS inner a "VALVE MUST BE Ne ‘DIMENSION A (ANSI Flanges) ‘DARENSION B (ANSI Flanges) ‘DIMENSION C (ANSI Flanges) “wots | soomm | some | wows [2001s | codmm | tenis | 1000s] o0vi ‘Seo | menos | mm |incnes | wom | nenes | mem [inches | mn | ces | men | ncres | mm inches | mam |incres | men nebo | rm = [vim [om | wore [oer [rive | ae [wiz | soe | oie | aoe | worm | wo | cae | vo | sam | vor | oan [vw © [8 [oo [ore | ae [a [ee [oe [oor [oor | ae | aim | ow | wae | om | rm | oe ese [a @ [|e [ae [oie [ae | [ae [see [ i [ore | ww | rem [rm | cee [ow | ome | me [we [or © [eu [es [aul on [= | = [ze [mom m [aul] ow [= [am] a [es fer w [wwe [arafme |» [ow [wm les[em|ar| » fe] a |x 3a parva [as [wm [mm [soso [wm | or [em [os| asap | om [rm[ oie] we ef ® [r Page 6 of 8 DIMENSIONS - HORIZONTAL INSTALLATION (For certified dimensi ye" ner cas RELOAD Connecrion —~|- Design Specifications Dsvre2 May, 2001 jon prints - consult factory) vr on ever | Siowr mpicatons | | | conecx vatve | Flow NounreD ows era ‘Connecrions ‘BRENNA ANS Pana ‘DRENSION 6 ANS Flanges) DENSON GANS Fangs) Slee | hches | om [inches | mm [inches | mm |inctee | oom |ictee | mn | wenes | mem [aches | mm | inches | an {ines | men [= [7 [ow [irre [ox [oe [ae [eras [ome [rare [ee [ose [we [oe [w fe [ow [we] o Design Specifications psv762 ‘May, 2001 SHIPPING WEIGHT AND VOLUME (Approximate) "160-300 b, ANSI 6001. ANS 750-300 Ib. ANSI 60015. ANS size | ths. Ka, tbs, Ko. | CubieFeet | cubieMeters | cubic Feet | cubic meters z 6 9 708 a7 128 0.036 143 004 = 113 st 158 7 zat 008 225 0.063 a “8 7 213 o 288 0075 423 012 e 258 122 48 102 512 048 718 0.204 e 4953 224 368 168 284 0278 ines 0.385 wo | 357 1225) 555 1632 aaa 2045 0879 wz | we 580 1685 354 25.88 076 33.20 0.988 PURCHASE SPECIFICATIONS ‘These valves shall be normally closed and only open when line pressure exceeds the gas loaded bias pres- ‘ure applied to the integral reservoir of the valve. The {gas loaded bias pressure must be equal to the desired set point. There shall be no unbalanced forces. The integral oil reservoir shall include two (2) sight gauges for visual indication of the oll level. Opening and closing speeds shall be factory set with no extemal adjustments, The basic valve shall be of the balanced piston design with linear control characteristics. Itshall be single seated with 45° body construction. Allinternal parts, including cylinder, piston and seat ring shall be removed as a cartridge assembly without disturbing line connections. These valves shall, in ll respects, be similar or equal to Model 762 Gas Loaded Relief/Back Pressure Valve. ORDERING INFORMATION ‘When ordering, the following information must be supplied Size Product, product viscosity, product specific grav- Minimum and maximum operating temperature Minimum and maximum flow rate Minimum, normal and maximum operating pres- Control functions to be performed Flange connections (150, 300, 600 Ibs, ANSI) (O-Ring Material ‘Type of Mounting (45° or horizontal) Main vaive piston material Optional Equipment ‘The cont ths pablo present htm puposes ny, uh ovale hes Ben mae 0 ase hal acura yao ba canto spitesoraantes even ries ou he pres Drywiel desmbed nara so tpeay We see HS mo oe Daniel Division Headquarters Houston, Texas, USA, Ta: (713) 467-6000, Fax: (713) 827-9680 ‘USA Toll Froe4-888-FLOW-001 Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Tel (403) 279-1879, Fax-(408) 236-1237 Sling, Seoland- UK, Mid-East & Afi, Te: +48 1653-63830, Fax: +44 1052-00425 www.daniel.com Singapore- Asia PacicTel+65-777-8211, Fax: +65-770-8001 Daniels a wholy owned subsidiary of Emersan, ana duson of Emerson Process Management Page 8 of 8

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