Non Invasive Brain Stimulation Is Not No
Non Invasive Brain Stimulation Is Not No
Non Invasive Brain Stimulation Is Not No
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1 ‘Non-invasive’ brain stimulation is not non-invasive
6 Nick J. Davis 1*, Martijn van Koningsbruggen 2, 3
8 1. Department of Psychology, Swansea University, Swansea, United Kingdom
9 2. Centro Interdipartimentale Mente/Cervello (CIMeC), University of Trento, Rovereto,
10 Italy.
11 3. Department of Cognitive Sciences, University of Trento, Rovereto, Italy.
16 Correspondence:
17 Dr Nick Davis
18 Department of Psychology
19 Swansea University
20 Swansea SA2 8PP
21 United Kingdom
22 Email:
26 Keywords: TMS, tDCS, Non-invasive, Neuroethics, Safety, Human.
29 Introduction
30 The functions of the healthy brain can be studied in two ways. Firstly the changes in the
31 brain’s state can be measured using techniques such as EEG or functional MRI. Secondly, the
32 activity of the brain can be disrupted through the use of brain stimulation. The famous
33 experiments of Wilder Penfield and colleagues in the 1950s showed the power of brain
34 stimulation in people whose brain was exposed in surgery, and highlighted the possibility of
35 inducing changes in the brain's state to demonstrate the involvement of specific brain areas in
36 particular functions (Jasper & Penfield, 1954). Two main techniques are available for human
37 brain stimulation: transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial current
38 stimulation (tCS). More recently it has been suggested that TMS and tCS might be used to
39 enhance brain function, as well as to disrupt activity.
40 These techniques have collectively become known as “non-invasive brain stimulation”.
41 We argue that this term is inappropriate, as it obscures both the possibility of side-effects
42 from the stimulation, and the longer-term effects (both adverse and desirable) that may result
43 from brain stimulation. We argue that the traditional definition of an invasive procedure, one
44 which requires an incision or insertion in the body, should be re-examined, and we propose
45 that it be widened to include targeted transcutaneous interventions.
68 time to establish whether the stimulation has had an effect on behaviour. The effect depends
69 on a number of factors, including current amplitude and duration (higher currents delivered
70 for more time usually induce a greater effect), the polarity of the electrode over the target
71 area (typically the negative electrode, or cathode, will worsen performance while the positive,
72 anodal, electrode will enhance it), and the brain area and task under study (Nitsche & Paulus,
73 2000, 2001). tACS is less well studied, however the technique offers the possibility of
74 exploring the casual involvement not only of a target brain area, but also of a particular
75 frequency band. For example the beta range (15-35 Hz) is known to be associated with
76 human motor control, however it has only recently been possible to show the causal
77 involvement of beta in maintaining motor state (Fuerra et al., 2011; Pogosyan, Gaynor,
78 Eusebio, & Brown, 2009). These latter studies used tACS to increase the power of the beta
79 band while the motor system was under study, giving somewhat contradictory results (Davis,
80 Tomlinson, & Morgan, 2012).
82 The timescale over which the effects of brain stimulation are seen can vary from
83 milliseconds to weeks. At the briefest level, a single pulse of TMS lasts for 100-200 µs,
84 during which time an electric field is induced in the target area. This is enough to generate
85 action potentials in these target cells, and to induce a refractory silent period following the
86 initial burst. Conversely the instantaneous effects of tCS are under-explored, and much of our
87 knowledge of the effects of the electric field on the brain comes from modeling studies (e.g.
88 Miranda, Lomarev, & Hallett, 2006). Most experimental uses of brain stimulation involve the
89 medium-scale effects, which occur on the order of minutes to hours. tDCS experiments
90 exploit the polarizing effect of the electric field on the resting membrane potential, which
91 lasts for around 90 minutes following 13 minutes of stimulation (Nitsche & Paulus, 2001).
92 Similarly, the effects of TBS may last up to one hour (Huang, et al., 2005), which can be
93 extended to more than two hours by slightly adjusting the TBS protocol (Nyffeler et al.,
94 2006).
96 There is considerable interest in the therapeutic possibilities of brain stimulation. Both
97 TMS and tDCS have shown some success in the treatment of depression (Slotema, Blom,
98 Hoek, & Sommer, 2010), stroke (Hummel & Cohen, 2006) and tinnitus (Fregni et al., 2006).
99 Most usefully for clinical applications, certain regimes of brain stimulation may lead to
100 longer-lasting changes in brain function. A particularly effective strategy for generating
101 lasting effects is to apply stimulation in multiple sessions spaced around 24 hours apart. This
102 regime makes brain stimulation a possible adjunct therapy for neurological disorders, which
103 can be administered in outpatient clinics, leaving the patient free to return home between
104 stimulation sessions.
183 Conclusions
184 Brain stimulation will continue to develop, to the benefit of scientists and of patients, and
185 we foresee its routine use in clinics. We propose that the term ‘non-invasive brain
186 stimulation’ no longer be used, as the term may mislead non-expert users into the view that
187 the effect of the technique is necessarily mild. Any technique which directly affects brain
188 tissue to generate such powerful acute and long-lasting effects should be treated with the
189 same respect as any surgical technique, and proper safety and ethical guidelines should apply
190 in institutions where brain stimulation is in use. We would draw an analogy between brain
191 stimulation and gamma-knife radiotherapy, which is also ‘non-invasive’ in the sense that no
192 incisions or insertions are made in the person, but clinicians and the public have a healthy and
193 proper respect for the nature of the technique. We propose also that researchers take care to
194 develop good and safe practice for the use of their research, and be mindful that in a climate
195 of wide and open dissemination of scientific results, exciting and beneficial results will reach
196 well beyond the labs and clinics.
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