Evidencia GAI1-240202501-AA4-EV01 Crónica.

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FICHA: 2348706


It was Saturday, November 13, 2021 all day long, the pains were like the waves of the sea,
they came and went, some agitated and others faded gently. At last Sunday the 14th arrived,
with the hope of tranquility, she got out of bed as usual to go to Sunday worship, but there
was the Pain again, slow as when the sun peeks out in the morning; but then it became
strong as the noon sun.

So at times she had to put on a face of resistance and fight the pain, so I recognize that she
is strong. That Sunday night was no different from the previous one; moreover her agony with
her unwanted throbbing companion became more acute, so much so that she could hardly

Finally, the first rays of sunlight arrived on Monday morning, the 15th. The calendar marked
holiday and her desire was to participate in a walk with friends from the church, but she finally
decided not to attend, the feeling of something led her to make that decision.

That Monday night she would repeat the same menu: Tiredness, insomnia, Anxiety, but at the
same time she experienced joy, enthusiasm, expectation and a longing full of love, a strange
but understandable mix.

It was almost midnight that same day, she couldn't take it anymore, so she decided to go to
the Hospital to get an explanation: why the pains? He was still supposed to be late in arriving.
To her surprise, the pain, although severe, only indicated a degree of dilatation according to
the doctors.

With the anguish of having to endure the intense pain, a pain different from others, full of
sweat, chills, sighs and smiles, with all this, she had to return home and spend another night
in an expectant sleeplessness.

Tuesday arrived and an unusual atmosphere pervaded the house. She only drank some
water with cinnamon and a few bites of bread, and then she was ready to go to the hospital
again with anxiety. Upon arriving at the site the doctors attended to her, but oh no, this little
person was still delayed, she was in three Degrees of Dilatation and her wait was even
longer, but this time something changed.

She was not sent home again, it seemed that somehow the expected being would go ahead
and arrive soon. She had to endure a few more hours with unbearable pain, but with the joy
of expectation; she willingly endured it.

That same Tuesday, November 16, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, she was admitted to that
illuminated room, as a prelude to what was soon to happen. She does not remember anything
else, she only knows that today in a document it says: Date: 2021/11/16, Time: 15:15, Sex:

It had finally arrived, the wait had been worth it, now the previous pains had vanished just by
looking at the face of the one who for 38.6 weeks was hidden in her womb. ¡Yes, he was born
alive, our second son was born, EYTAN SAMUEL VASQUEZ MURILLO was born!

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