Dr. Des. Irina Wenk: Short Bio
Dr. Des. Irina Wenk: Short Bio
Dr. Des. Irina Wenk: Short Bio
Irina Wenk
Short Bio
Irina Wenk is researcher and senior lecturer at the Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural
Studies of the University of Zurich (ISEK), where she is also the studies coordinator for Bachelor and
Master students. She works at the interface between social anthropology and practical hippology and on
indigenous rights, land claims and land titling processes. Her fields of specialization include the
anthropology of human-animal and particularly human-horse relations, political anthropology,
indigenous peoples’ rights and land titling, and the anthropology of mining. She has taught
anthropology at the universities of Zurich and Lucerne. Her post-doctoral research focused on the
practice of horsefighting in the southern Philippines and on politics of horse breeding in Germany and
Denmark. Between 2018 and 2020 she will conduct research in Austria, Switzerland and England on
the production, trade, and rescue of so-called “slaughter foals” as a ERC Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow
at the University of Exeter, England. She will join the Exeter Anthrozoology as Symbiotic Ethics (EASE)
work group (https://www.facebook.com/ExeterAnthrozoologyasSymbioticEthics/). Her project entitled
Before Consumption: Ambiguous Moralities and Equine Liminality in European Horse (Meat) Production is
funded under the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme of the European
Current Position
Ongoing University of Zurich: Leading studies coordinator BA/MA, student counsel,
senior lecturer, Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies
Ongoing Mother of two children, ages 6 and 2.5
9/2017-6/2018 Equigarde (Swiss Certificate for Professional Horse Keeping and
Management), University of Applied Sciences Berne, Swiss Centre of
Excellence for Agricultural Research (Agroscope) and Swiss National Stud
Farm (SNSF).
9/2013 CLAS Summer School, Research Network for Cultural and Literary Animal
Studies (CLAS) on political zoology, University of Würzburg, Germany
2012 PhD in Social Anthropology, University of Zurich
PhD thesis “Ancestral Domain: Government, Rights and Territory on a
Philippine Frontier”
Supervision: Peter Finke, University of Zurich
Ellen Hertz, University of Neuchâtel
2010-2011 Visiting graduate student, Department of Anthropology, University of
Toronto, Canada
Supervision: Tania Murray Li
2007-2010 Graduate student, Swiss Graduate Program in Ethnology/Anthropology
8/2009 VIII International Course on Legal Pluralism of the Commission of Legal
Pluralism (IUAES), University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland (Aug. 26-29, 2009)
9/2007 Diploma „Teaching Skills“, University of Zurich (Arbeitsstelle für
Hochschuldidaktik AfH)
2003 Lizentiat (Master of Arts in Social Anthropology, International Relations and
International Law), University of Zurich
Master thesis „From Headhunting to Peace Pact: Processes of Pacification in
the Cordillera, Philippines. A Comparative Study on the Establishment of a
State Monopoloy of Violence over Non-State Societies“
Supervision: Jürg Helbling, University of Zurich
Previous Positions
2007-2010 Lecturer, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of
2009 Lecturer, Department of Ethnology, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
2003-2007 PhD student at the National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR)
North-South, Switzerland
Research Experience / Fieldwork
2/2015 Fieldwork at Gestüt Midgaard (Knabstrupper stud), Rader Insel, Germany, 1
7-8/2014 Exploratory research on Knabstrupper horse breeding, Germany and
Denmark, 5 weeks
10/2011 Assessment visit Spanish Riding School and stud farm, Vienna and Piber,
Austria, 1 week
7/2010 Assessment visit, Nisga’a territory, British Columbia, Canada, 2 weeks
4/2010 Dissertation wrap up, Mindanao, Philippines, 2 weeks
5/2006-5/2007 Dissertation fieldwork phase II, Davao del Sur, North Cotabato, Bukidnon,
Mindanao, Philippines, 12 months
12/2006 Visit to Mindoro land titling sites, Philippines, 1 week
4-8/2004 Dissertation fieldwork phase I, Davao del Sur, North Cotabato, Bukidnon,
Mindanao, Philippines, 4.5 months
11-12/2003 Team member of participatory evaluation of land ittling project ADSP,
IWGIA project no. 1005, Mindanao and Palawan, Philippines, 5 weeks
1-2/2000 Fieldwork and evaluation of community-based project of the Lumad
Mindanao Peoples’ Federation LMPF on behalf of IWGIA, Compostela
Valley, Sarangani iProvince, North Cotabato, Mindanao, Philippines
Language Skills
(Swiss) German mother tongue
English fluent in speaking and writing
French speaking and writing
Italian basic speaking and writing
Cebuano, Philippines basic knowledge
2009-2012 Tsantsa – Annual Journal of the Swiss Ethnological Society (SEG): Member
of the editorial board
8/2004-5/2007 University of the Philippines – Mindanao (UPMin): Research Associate,
Davao City, Mindanao, Philippines
1999-2010 Institute of Ecology and Action-Anthropology (infoe): member / board
member, Zurich/Bern, Switzerland
In preparation
Ancestral Domain: Making and Managing Indigenous Territory On A Philippine Frontier. Will be submitted to
the Cornell Series on Land, Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
Peer-reviewed articles
In preparation
with Mónica P. Hernández, Esther Leemann and Cari Tusing. Land-Titling Triumph and the Aftermath:
Paradoxical Geographies of Power and Violence. Forum, Journal of Peasant Studies.
“The Intermediate Horse: A Critical Analysis of Philippine Horsefighting.” Social Anthropology.
“Comment” on Tania Murray Li “Indigeneity, Capitalism, and the Management of Dispossession”.
Current Anthropology 51(3):385–414.
„Bounded Spaces of Coexistence: Land Titling and Settlers on Indigenous Domains in Mindanao, the
Philippines.“ Tsantsa 10:181-185.
Book chapters
in preparation
“The Ideal Horse: Politics and Practices of Knabstrup Horse Breeding”. In Equine Breeds, eds. Kristen
Guest and Monica Mattfeld.
“Die Tiere der Ethnologie”. In Tiere. Kulturwissenschaftliches Handbuch. Ed. Roland Borgards. Stuttgart: J.
B. Metzler, pp. 288-298. (Animals in Anthropology)
Co-author with Tobias Haller, Helen Gambon, Madlen Kobi, Thomas Niederberger. The Open Cut:
Mining, Transnational Corporations and Local Populations. Zurich/Wien: LIT Verlag.
Co-author with Loretta Scherler. “The Tampakan Copper-Gold Mine Project in Mindanao,
Philippines.” In The Open Cut: Mining, Transnational Corporations and Local Populations. Eds. Thomas
Niederberger, Tobias Haller, Helen Gambon, Madlen Kobi and Irina Wenk. Zurich/Wien: LIT Verlag,
pp. 363-405.
„Indigenous-Settler Relations and Ancestral Domain Delineation: The Case of the Matigsalug-Manobo
in Mindanao.” In Negotiating Autonomy: Case Studies on Philippine Indigenous Peoples' Land Rights. Ed.
Gatmaytan, Augusto B. Manila/Copenhagen: IWGIA Document 114, LRC-KsK/IWGIA, pp. 137-178.
„Philippinisches Land in Stammesbesitz weckt die Gier von Investoren: Trotz fortschrittlichem Gesetz
sind sich in Mindanao die Matigsalog ihres Territoriums nicht sicher.“ Neue Zürcher Zeitung Nr. 271 (21.
November), p. 9.
“Ökonomische Aspekte zur Erhaltung der biologischen Vielfalt”. infoe-Magazin Nr. 14:10-13.
Invited Presentations/Conferences
“Managing Ancestral Domain in the Philippines: The Post-Titling Situation in Matigsalog Titled
Territory”, Panel on Land-titling Triumph and the Aftermath: Paradoxical Geographies of Power and
Violence, 2017 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, April 5 to 9, 2017.
“Umstrittene Flecken: Ethnologische Ansichten zur Zucht und Bedeutung gefleckter Pferde am
Beispiel des Knabstruppers”, presentation upon invitation from the LOEWE research focus “Tier –
Mensch – Gesellschaft” (animals – humans – society) University of Kassel, Germany, May 9, 2016.
“Das Tier und Wir – Feierabendgespräch in der ZHB”, panel discussion on “animals and us” with
Dr. Danilo Geiger (Social Anthropology) and Dr. Martin Brasser (Philosophy) at the main
university library of the Unviersity of Lucerne, Switzerland, Jamuary 14, 2016.
Spotted Lives: Knabstrup Social Worlds and the question of ethnographic research involving horses. Paper
presented at the ASA15 Conference “Symbiotic Anthropologies: Theoretical Commensalities and
Methodological Mutualisms”, Panel 31: Entwined Worlds: Equine Ethnography and Ethologies,
University of Exeter, April 13-16, 2015.
Indigenous Land Titling and Post-Titling Challenges in Central Mindanao, the Philippines. Paper presented
at the Annual Conference of the Swiss Ethnological Society, SEG Jahrestagung in the Panel on
Global Discourse, National Legislation and Local Realities of Indigenous Communal Land Titling,
convened by Dr. des. Irina Wenk and Dr. Esther Leemann, Basel, Oct. 30 to Nov. 1, 2014.
Animals and Anthropology: Equines from an Ethnographer’s Point of View. Paper presented upon
invitation at the Lunchtime Colloquium of the Rachel Carson Center, Ludwig-Maximilians-
Universität München, 16. Oktober 2014, 12-14h.
Conceptualizing Human-Animal Relations Through Ethnographic Research. Paper presented at the
Human-Animal Studies Conference „In the Tension Field Between Ethical Concern and Scientific
Objectivity“ in the panel “Das Tier in den Sozialwissenschaften”, University of Innsbruck, Austria,
February 6-8, 2014.
From Prejudice and Displacement Towards a Self-determined Future: Anthropological Perspectives on
Indigenous Rights in the Philippines. Presentation at the Symposium “Philippine Perspectives”
organized by the Network of Integrated Pinoys (Filipinos) in collaboration with the Philippine
Embassy in Switzerland and the University of Berne, May 14, 2011.
Indigenität, Landforderungen und die Macht von Definitionen auf den Philippinen. Gastvorlesung am Institut für
Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern im Rahmen der Vorlesung “Einführung in die Politische
Anthropologie” von Prof. Dr. Tobias Haller, FS 2010, 17. Mai 2010.
Titling Territories Into the State: Indigenous Claimants, Settlers and Territorialization at a Philippine Frontier. Paper
presented at the Swiss Graduate Program in Anthropology, Module “State” with James C. Scott, Institute
of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Lucerne, Switzerland, March 19-29, 2010.
Karin von Niederhäusern, “Soziale Interaktion zwischen Honigbienen und Menschen” (Social
Interaction Between Honeybees and Humans), MA-Thesis, University of Zurich (research project
development support)
Lara Ludin, “”You have to marry for the right reason”: Eine Annäherung an das Alltagsleben
Transnationaler Paare auf den Philippinen und in der Schweiz” (An Approach Toward Everyday Live
and Challenges of Transnational Couples in the Philippines and Switzerland), BA-Thesis, University of
Zurich (first supervisor)
Nadja Kempter, “”Because it’s dirty! Über the alltäglichen Gebrauch der dirty kitchen und
Schmutzvorstellungen in einer boholanischen Gemeinde” (Everyday Use of Dirty Kitchens and
Conceptualizations Surrounding Dirt In A Bohol Community) , BA-Thesis, University of Zurich (first
Silvan Däppen, “Kumain na tayo! Let’s eat! Zur Konstruktion und Aufrechterhaltung sozialer
Beziehungen durch gemeinsames Essen in den Philippinen” (On the Construction and Maintenance of
Social Relations Through Common Eating in the Philippines), BA-Thesis, University of Zurich (first
Lisa Arter, “Das Phänomen von Lebenshöfen in Deutschland: Eine Ethnographie über den Erdlingshof
in Bayern” (The Phenomena of Farm Animal Rescue Institutions in Germany: An Ethnography about
the Erdlingshof in Bavaria) by, Unviersity of Zurich
Fabienne Egli, “Lokale Tourismusentwicklung auf Bohol: Motivationen, Visionen und
Heruasforderungen in Loay” (Local Tourism Development on Bohol, Philippines: Motivations, Visions
and Challenges in Loay), BA-Thesis, University of Zurich (first supervisor)
Nicole Ahoya, “Barren and Fertile Grounds for Imaginary Futures: An Anthropological Perspective On
The Politics Of Interfility Treatment In Urban Kenya”, BA-Thesis, University of Zurich (co-supervision
with Piet van Eeuwijk, University of Basel)
Elena Fiorenza, “Italienische Immigration in der Schweiz: von der Angst der Überfremdung zur
Faszination von Italianità” (Italian Immigraton to Switzerland: From Fear of Strangers to Fascination
With Italianità), BA-Thesis, University of Zurich (first supervisor)
Sonja Greutert, “Beziehung zwischen Indigenen und Staat am Beispiel der Nisga’a: Ein
Ethnographischer Abriss der Nisga’a und Erläuterungen zum Nisga’a Final Agreement” (Indigenous-
State Relations in Nisga’a Territory: An Ethnographic Portrait of the Nisga’a and Explanations on the
Nisga’a Final Agreement NFA), BA-Thesis, University of Zurich (first supervisor)
Kaspar Luder, “The Reintroduction of the Grey Wolf Into the Greater Yellostone Ecosystem: Viewed
from the Perspective of Community-Based Conservation“, MA-Thesis, University of Zurich (co-
supervision with Peter Finke)
Der ‘Animal Turn’: Eine Annäherung an die Ethnologie der Mensch-Tier Beziehung (The ‘Animal Turn’: Toward
An Anthropology of Human-Animal Relations), seminar for MA-students, Department of Social
Anthropology and Cultural Studies, University of Zurich (fall semester)
Methods, seminar for MA-students, preparing them for fieldwork for their Masters-Thesis, Department of
Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, University of Zurich (spring semester)
Einführung in die Ethnologie I (Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology), introductory seminar
for first-semester BA-students, Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, University of
Zurich (fall semester)
Methods, seminar for MA-students, preparing them for fieldwork for their Masters-Thesis, Department of
Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, University of Zurich (spring semester)
Humans and Animals, seminar for advanced BA- and MA-students, co-teaching with Heinz Käufeler,
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Zurich (spring semester)
Conflict and Fragility – ethnographic approaches to state fragility and development, seminar for advanced BA-
and MA-students, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Zurich (spring
Mineral Resources, Transnational Corporations and Local Populations, research seminar for advanced BA- and
MA-students in Social Anthropology, Geography, and History, co-teaching with Tobias Haller, Thomas
Niederberger, Helen Gambon, Stephan Rist, Institute of Social Anthropology, University of Berne (fall
Reading Ethnography – Tsing, A. L. 1993. In the Realm of the Diamond Queen, 1st year students, Department
of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Zurich (spring semester)
Extraordinary Anthropology – difficult and sensitive fieldwork situations (Methodology), seminar for MA-
students, co-teaching with Heinz Käufeler, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University
of Zurich (fall semester)
Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology, 1st year students, Institute of Social and Cultural
Anthropology, University of Lucerne (fall semester)
Indigene Landrechtsforderungen (Indigenous Land Claims), seminar for BA-Students, Institute of Social
and Cultural Anthropology, University of Lucerne (spring semester)
Regionalmodul Ethnographie Südostasiens I und II (Ethnography of Southeast Asia), seminar for BA-
students, co-teaching with Piet van Eeuwijk, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology,
University of Zurich (fall semester)
Indigene Völker, Rohstoffindustrie und Plantagenwirtschaft: Konflikt, Widerstand und Anpassungsstrategien auf
indigenem Land, Teil II: Wald und Plantagenwirtschaft (Indigenous Peoples, Extractive Industries and
Plantation Economies: Conflict, Resistance and Acquiescence on Indigenous Lands, Part II: Forest
Management and Plantation Economies), seminar for BA-students, Department of Social and Cultural
Anthropology, University of Zurich (fall semester)
Indigene Völker, Rohstoffindustrie und Plantagenwirtschaft: Konflikt, Widerstand und Anpassungsstrategien auf
indigenem Land, Teil I: Bergbau und Erdöl (Indigenous Peoples, Extractive Industries and Plantation
Economies: Conflict, Resistance and Acquiescence on Indigenous Lands, Part I: Mining and Oil),
seminar for BA-students, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Zurich (spring
Indigene Landrechtsansprüche: Forderungen, Landtitel und Management indigener Territorien (Indigenous Land
Claims, Titles, and Management of Indigenous Territories), seminar for BA-students, Department of
Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Zurich (fall semester)