Fs2 Ackn. and Dedication
Fs2 Ackn. and Dedication
Fs2 Ackn. and Dedication
Aporbo, for his undying support, advices, and imparting his expertise for this
Henry C. Ligan, who shared his knowledge and expertise and for ensuring all
the files needed and also for his undying support in finishing this field study.
To my’ parents, friends, relatives and love one’s, for their undying love
all this would not have been possible without your individual contributions to
Above all, God for giving me hope, strength, and faith to accomplish
giving up, who continually provide their moral, spiritual, emotional, and
financial support.
shared their words of advice and encouragement to finish this field study
And lastly, I dedicated this field study portfolio to the Almighty God,
thank you for the guidance, strength, power of mind, protection, and skills and