Embedded Systems: Technical Publications

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Technical Publications

Embedded Systems
A Conceptual Approach

A. R Godse, A. 0. Mulani

PUBLICATIONS technical@vtubooks.com
An U p-Thrust lo r Knowledge www.technicalpublications.org
Embedded Systems

About the Author
A. P. Godse

• Completed M.S in Software Systems with distinction from Birla Institute of Technology.
• Completed B.E. in Industrial Electronics with distinction from University of Pune in 1990.
• Worked as a Professor at Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune.
• Worked as a Technical Director at Noble Institute of Technology, Pune.
• Worked as selection Committee member for M. S. admission for West Virginia University,
Washington D.C.
• Developed Microprocessor Based Instruments in co-ordination with Anna Hazare for
Environmental Studies Laboratory, at Ralegan Siddhi.
• Developed Microprocessor Lab in-house for Vishwakarma Institute of Technology.
• Worked as Subject Expert for a State Level Technical Paper Presentation Competition, Pune.
• Awarded on 26th Ja n 2 0 0 1 by Pune Municipal Corporation for contributing in education field
and technical writing.
• Awarded as a “Parvati Bhushan Puraskar” for contributing in the education field.
• Since 1996, writing books on various engineering subjects. Over the years, many of books are
recommended as the reference books and text books in various national and international
engineering universities.

E mbedded Systems
Atul P Godse
M. S. Software Systems (BITS Pilani)
B.E. Industrial Electronics
Formerly Lecturer in Department of Electronics Engg.
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology

Altaf O. Mulani
M.Tech. [Electronics - Digital System]
Lecturer in E & Tc Dept.
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology

Price : ' 325/-

® ISBN 978-93-5099-317-0

An Up-Thrust for Knowledge

Pune Nashik Bangalore Chennai Hyderabad

Ahmedabad Bhopal Lucknow Jaipur Delhi

Embedded Systems

First E d itio n : Ja nuary 2 0 1 4

R ep rint : M a rc h 2 0 1 5
S econd R ep rint : Ja nuary 2 0 1 6
R ep rint : M a rc h 2 0 1 9

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I SBN 978-93 -5099-317- 0

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IS B N 9 7 8 9 3 5 0 9 9 3 1 7 0 (P rin te d B o o k )

9789350993170 [1] 9789350995020 [1]
T h e im p o rta n c e o f E m b e d d e d S y s te m s is w e ll k n o w n in v a rio u s e n g in e e rin g fie ld s .
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T h e b o o k is s tru c tu re d to c o v e r th e key a s p e cts o f th e s u b je c t E m b e d d e d S ystem s.

T h e b o o k uses p la in , lu c id la n g u a g e to e x p la in fu n d a m e n ta ls o f th is s u b je c t. T he b o o k
p ro v id e s lo g ic a l m e th o d o f e x p la in in g v a rio u s c o m p lic a te d c o n c e p ts a n d ste p w is e m e th o d s
to e x p la in th e im p o rta n t to p ic s . Each c h a p te r is w e ll s u p p o rte d w ith nece ssa ry illu s tra tio n s ,
p ra c tic a l e x a m p le s a n d s o lv e d p ro b le m s . A ll th e c h a p te rs in th e b o o k a re a rra n g e d in a
p ro p e r s e q u e n c e th a t p e rm its e a c h to p ic to b u ild u p o n e a rlie r s tu d ie s. A ll c a re has be e n
ta k e n to m a k e s tu d e n ts c o m fo rta b le in u n d e rs ta n d in g th e b a s ic c o n c e p ts o f th e s u b je c t.

T h e b o o k n o t o n ly co v e rs th e e n tire s c o p e o f th e s u b je c t b u t e x p la in s th e p h ilo s o p h y o f
th e s u b je c t. This m a k e s th e u n d e rs ta n d in g o f this s u b je c t m o re c le a r a n d m a k e s it m o re
in te re s tin g . T h e b o o k w ill b e ve ry useful n o t o n ly to th e s tu d e n ts b u t a ls o to th e s u b je c t
te a c h e rs . T h e s tu d e n ts h a v e to o m it n o th in g a n d p o s s ib ly h a v e to c o v e r n o th in g m o re .

W e w ish to express o u r p ro fo u n d th a n k s to a ll th o s e w h o h e lp e d in m a k in g th is b o o k a
re a lity . M uch needed m o ra l s u p p o rt and e n c o u ra g e m e n t is p ro v id e d on n u m e ro u s
o c c a s io n s by o u r w h o le fa m ily . W e w ish to th a n k s th e Publisher a n d th e e n tire te a m o f
Technical Publications w h o h a v e ta k e n im m e n s e p a in to g e t th is b o o k in tim e w ith q u a lity
p rin tin g .

A n y s u g g e s tio n fo r th e im p ro v e m e n t o f th e book w ill be a c k n o w le d g e d and w e ll

a p p re c ia te d .

A. P. Godse
A. O. Mulani

Dedicated to Neha, Raturaj.

- tyjcisc

Dedicated to my Mother, Father, Sister, Brother and last but not the least my
Wife and my Child's Alvia and Subhan.
- /dliafi /Hulani
Table of Contents (Detail)
Chapter -1 Embedded Computing (1 -1) to (1 - 30)

1.1 Introduction............................................................................................. 1 -1
1.2 Complex Systems and Microprocessors............................................... 1 - 1
1.2.1 Embedding Computers.......................................................................................................... 1 -8 Processor Embedded into a System................................................................................. 1 -9
1.2.2 Characteristics of Embedded System Applications............................................................ 1 -9
1.3 Embedded System Design Process..................................................... 1 - 1 0
1.4 Formalisms for System Design............................................................1 -1 2
1.4.1 Structural Description.......................................................................................................... 1- 13 Class Diagram................................................................................................................ 1-13 Object D iagram ............................................................................................................ 1-14
1.4.2 Behavioral Description........................................................................................................ 1- 16 Sequence Diagram........................................................................................................ 1-17
1.5 Design Exam ple.................................................................................... 1 - 1 9
1.5.1 Model Train Controller........................................................................................................ 1- 19
Review Questions.......................................................................................1 - 2 8

Chapter - 2 The 8051 Architecture (2 -1) to (2 - 36)

2.1 Introduction ..............................................................................................2 - 1

2.2 Features of 8051 ..................................................................................... 2 - 2
2.3 8051 Microcontroller Flardware.............................................................2 - 3
2.3.1 Pin-out of 8051 ..................................................................................................................... 2 - 4
2.3.2 Central Processing Unit (CPU) .............................................................................................. 2 - 6
2.3.3 Internal RAM ............................................................................................................................2 - 6
2.3.4 Internal R O M ............................................................................................................................2 - 8
2.3.5 Input/Output P o rts ................................................................................................................... 2 - 8
2.3.6 Register Set of 8051 ............................................................................................................. 2 - 9

(vi) Register A (Accum ulator).......................................................................................................... 2 - 9 Register B ............................................................................................................................... 2 - 1 0 Program Status Word (Flag R e g is te r ) .................................................................................2 - 1 0
2.3.0. 4 Stack and Stack P ointer..................................................................................................... 2 - 1 0 Data Pointer (D P T R )...........................................................................................................2- 11
2.3.0. 6 Program C o u n t e r .............................................................................................................. 2- 11
2.3.0. 7 Special Function Registers..................................................................................................2 - 1 2

2.4 Memory Organization in 8051 ............................................................. 2 - 14

2.5 Input/Output Pins, Ports and C ircuits...................................................2 - 1 5
2.6 Timers and Counters.............................................................................2 - 1 8
2.6.1 Timer/Counter Control L o g ic ................................................................................................ 2 - 1 8
2.6.2 Timer 0 and Timer 1 ............................................................................................................... 2 - 1 9
2.7 Serial P ort...............................................................................................2 - 2 3
2.7.1 Operating Modes for Serial Port............................................................................................2 - 2 4
2.7.2 Serial Port Control Register.................................................................................................. 2 - 2 5
2.7.3 Generating Baud R a tes.........................................................................................................2 - 2 5
2.8 Interrupt Structure.................................................................................2 - 27
2.8.1 Priority Level Structure...........................................................................................................2 - 2 8
2.8.2 External Interrupts................................................................................................................. 2 - 3 0
2.8.3 Single-Step O peration...........................................................................................................2 - 3 0
2.9 Clock and Oscillator............................................................................. 2 - 30
2.10 Power Saving O ptions....................................................................... 2 - 3 2
2.10.1 Idle M ode.............................................................................................................................. 2 - 3 3
2.10.2 Power Down M ode............................................................................................................... 2 - 3 3
2.11 Multiprocessor Communication in MCS-51.......................................2 - 36
Review Questions.......................................................................................2 - 3 6

Chapter - 3 Assembly Language Programming and

Instruction Set of 8051 (3 -1) to (3 - 92)

3.1 Introduction..............................................................................................3 - 1
3.1.1 Steps Involved in Programming........................................................................................... 3 -1
3.1.2 Flow C h a rt.............................................................................................................................. 3 -2
3.1.3 Languages used for Programming..........................................................................................3 -3 Machine L a n g u a g e ................................................................................................................3 - 3
(vii) Assembly Language.................................................................................................................. 3 - 3 High-Level L a n g u a g e .............................................................................................................. 3 - 4 Comparison between Programming L angua ges....................................................................3 - 4

3.2 Addressing Modes and Instruction S e t...................................................3 -6

3.3 Addressing Modes................................................................................... 3 -6
3.4 Data Moving (Data Transfer) Instructions.............................................. 3 -8
3.4.1 Instructions to Access External Data M em ory.....................................................................3 - 1 3
3.4.2 Instructions to Access External ROM / Program M em ory................................................. 3 - 1 5
3.4.3 PUSH and POP Instructions.................................................................................................. 3 - 1 7 P U S H ........................................................................................................................................3 - 1 7 POP............................................................................................................................................3 - 1 9
3.4.4 Data Exchange Instructions.................................................................................................. 3 - 2 0
3.5 Logical Instructions...............................................................................3 - 23
3.5.1 Byte Level Logical Operations............................................................................................... 3 - 2 3
3.5.2 Bit Level Logical Operations................................................................................................. 3- 31
3.5.3 Rotate and Swap O perations............................................................................................... 3 - 3 6
3.6 Arithmetic Instructions.......................................................................... 3 - 39
3.6.1 F lags........................................................................................................................................3 - 3 9
3.6.2 Incrementing and Decrementing...........................................................................................3 - 4 0
3.6.3 Addition................................................................................................................................... 3 - 4 3
3.6.4 Subtraction............................................................................................................................. 3 - 4 5
3.6.5 Multiplication and Division......................................................................................................3 - 4 7
3.6.6 Decimal Arithmetic.................................................................................................................. 3 - 4 9
3.7 Jump and CALL Instructions................................................................3 - 51
3.7.1 Jump and Call Program R a nge............................................................................................3 - 5 2
3.7.2 Jump.........................................................................................................................................3 - 5 2
3.7.3 CALL and Subroutines...........................................................................................................3 - 6 3
3.8 Programming Examples....................................................................... 3 - 66
Review Questions.......................................................................................3 - 91

Chapter - 4 8051 Timer Serial Communication and

Interrupt Programming in Assembly (4 -1) to (4 - 40)

4.1 8051 Tim ers...........................................................................................4 - 1

4.1.1 Timer Registers..................................................................................................................... 4 -1
4.1.2 Programming 8051 Timers...................................................................................................... 4 - 3 Mode 0 ....................................................................................................................................... 4 - 3 M o d e l....................................................................................................................................... 4 - 4 Mode 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 4 - 5 M ode3 ....................................................................................................................................... 4 - 5
4.1.3 Loading Timer R egisters.........................................................................................................4 - 8
4.2 Programming Counters.......................................................................... 4 - 9
4.3 Serial Communication.......................................................................... 4 - 1 3
4.3.1 Basics of Serial Communication............................................................................................4 - 1 3 C lassifica tio n...........................................................................................................................4 - 1 3 S im p le x ................................................................................................................................... 4 - 1 3 Half D uple x............................................................................................................................... 4 - 1 4 Full D u p le x ............................................................................................................................... 4 - 1 4 Transmission Formats.............................................................................................................. 4 - 1 4 RS 232 Standard.......................................................................................................................4 - 1 6
4.3.2 8051 Connections to RS 232C..............................................................................................4 - 2 0
4.3.3 8051 Serial Communication Programming...........................................................................4 - 2 0 Operating Modes for Serial P o rt............................................................................................. 4 - 2 0
4 .3 .3 .2 S B U F ....................................................................................................................................... 4- 21 Serial Port Control Register......................................................................................................4 - 2 2 Generating Baud R a te s ..........................................................................................................4 - 2 3 Programming 8051 for Serial Data T ra n s fe r........................................................................ 4 - 2 4 Programming 8051 for Receiving Serial D ata........................................................................4 - 2 6 Doubling the Baud Rate in the 8051 ................................................................................ 4-27
4.3.4 Programming the Second Serial Port................................................................................... 4 - 2 8 Addresses for all SCON and SBUF Registers........................................................................ 4 - 2 9 Programming the Second Serial Port using Timer 1 ........................................................... 4 - 2 9 More E x a m p le s .......................................................................................................................4 - 3 0

4.4 Interrupt Programming......................................................................... 4 - 32

4.4.1 8051 Interrupts........................................................................................................................4 - 3 2
4.4.2 Interrupt Vector Table.............................................................................................................4 - 3 2
4.4.3 Enabling and Disabling an Interrupt..................................................................................... 4 - 3 3
4.4.4 Programming Timer Interrupts..............................................................................................4 - 3 3
4.4.5 Programming External Hardware Interrupts.........................................................................4 - 3 5
4.4.6 Programming the Serial Communication Interrupts......................................................... 4 - 3 6
4.4.7 Interrupt Priority in the 8051/52 ......................................................................................... 4 - 3 8 Nested Interrupts............................................................................................................4- 39 Software Triggering of Interrupt.....................................................................................4- 39
Review Questions ......................................................................................4 - 39

Chapter - 5 Applications : Interfacing 8051 to External World (5 -1 ) to (5 -102)

5.1 Introduction............................................................................................. 5 - 1
5.2 External RAM and R O M ........................................................................ 5 - 1
5.2.1 Program M em ory................................................................................................................... 5 -1
5.2.2 Data M em ory......................................................................................................................... 5 -3
5.2.3 Important Points to Remember inAccessing External Memory............................................ 5 - 6
5.2.4 Memory Interfacing................................................................................................................. 5 -6
5.2.5 Interfacing Example............................................................................................................... 5 - 1 0
5.3 Interfacing Keyboard.............................................................................. 5 - 1 2
5.3.1 Key Debounce using Hardware............................................................................................5 - 1 3
5.3.2 Key Debouncing using S oftw are..........................................................................................5 - 1 4
5.3.3 Simple Keyboard Interface.....................................................................................................5 - 1 4
5.3.4 Matrix Keyboard Interface.....................................................................................................5 - 1 6
5.4 Interfacing Display................................................................................5 - 20
5.4.1 LED Displays..........................................................................................................................5 - 2 0
5.4.2 Interfacing LED D isplays.......................................................................................................5 - 2 2
5.5 Interfacing LCD Display....................................................................... 5 - 26
5.6 Interfacing DAC to 8051....................................................................... 5 - 33
5.6.1 IC DAC 1408 ....................................................................................................................... 5 - 3 3 Important Electrical Characteristics for IC 1408 ....................................................... 5-37
5.6.2 Interfacing DAC 1408 / DAC 0808 with 8051 .................................................................... 5 - 37
5.7 Interfacing ADC to 8051....................................................................... 5 - 41
5.7.1 ADC 0804 Fam ily................................................................................................................... 5- 41
5.7.2 ADC 0808/0809 F a m ily.........................................................................................................5 - 4 3
5.7.3 Interfacing of ADC 0803/0804/0805 with 8051.................................................................. 5 - 4 8
5.7.4 Sensor Interfacing - Practical Application............................................................................. 5 - 4 9
5.7.5 Interfacing of ADC 0844/0848 ............................................................................................ 5 - 5 0
5.7.6 Serial ADC Chip MAX1112/ MAX11 1 3 ............................................................................... 5 - 5 4
5.8 Stepper Motor Interface....................................................................... 5 - 59
5.9 DC Motor Interfacing............................................................................ 5 - 63
5.9.1 Pulse Width Modulation (PW M )............................................................................................5 - 6 4
5.9.2 DC Motor Control with Optoisolator...................................................................................5 - 6 5
5.10 Interfacing Examples......................................................................... 5 - 66
5.11 Multiple Interrupts................................................................................ 5 - 7 2
5.12 I/O Expansion using 8255.................................................................. 5 - 73
5.12.1 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI)................................................................ 5 - 7 3 Features of 8 2 5 5 A .............................................................................................................. 5 - 7 5 Pin D escription.......................................................................................................................5 - 7 6 Block D ia g ra m .......................................................................................................................5 - 7 7 Operation M o d e s .................................................................................................................. 5 - 7 9 Control Word F o rm a ts ..........................................................................................................5 - 8 0
5.12.2 Connecting the 8031/51 to 8255 ..................................................................................... 5 - 8 3
5.12.3 8031 System with 8255 .................................................................................................... 5 - 8 8
5.12.4 Typical MCS-51 Based System ..........................................................................................5 - 9 0
5.12.5 8255 Interfacing................................................................................................................... 5- 91 Stepper Motor Interfacing using 8255 ............................................................................ 5- 91 LCD Interfacing using 8255 ............................................................................................. 5-92 ADC Interfacing using 8255 ............................................................................................. 5-94
5.12.6 Interfacing Exam ples...........................................................................................................5 - 9 6
Review Questions........................................................................................ 5 - 9 9

Chapter - 6 Introduction to Real-Time Operating Systems (6 -1 ) to (6 - 20)

6.1 Introduction ..............................................................................................6 - 1

6.2 Tasks and Task S tates............................................................................6 - 5
6.3 Tasks and Data....................................................................................... 6 - 8
6.4 Semaphores and Shared Data ...........................................................6 -1 0
6.4.1 Counting Semaphore.............................................................................................................6- 11
6.4.2 Multiple Semaphores.............................................................................................................6 - 1 2
6.4.3 Binary Semaphore................................................................................................................. 6 - 1 2
6.4.4 Semaphores as a Signalling Device................................................................................... 6 - 1 2
6.4.5 Semaphore Problems.............................................................................................................6 - 1 3

6.5 Priority Inversion.................................................................................... 6 - 1 3
6.6 Message Queues................................................................................... 6 - 1 4
6.7 Mailboxes................................................................................................6 - 1 5
6.8 Pipes....................................................................................................... 6 - 1 5
6.9 Timer Functions..................................................................................... 6 - 1 6
6.10 Events................................................................................................... 6 - 1 6
6.11 Memory Management..........................................................................6 - 1 6
6.12 Interrupt Routines in an RTOS Environment..................................... 6 - 1 7
6.13 Comparison of the Methods for Intertask Communication................ 6 - 1 8
6.14 Comparison of the Three Methods of Protecting Shared Data....... 6 -1 8
Review Questions........................................................................................ 6 - 1 9

Chapter - 7 Basic Design using a RTOS (7 -1) to (7 -12)

7.1 Principles..................................................................................................7 - 1
7.2 Encapsulating Semaphores and Queues ............................................. 7 - 2
7.3 Hard Real Time Considerations.............................................................. 7 - 3
7.4 Saving Memory Space.............................................................................7 - 4
7.5 Saving P o w e r.......................................................................................... 7 - 4
7.6 Micro C/OS-II............................................................................................7 - 5
7.7 Embedded Software Development Tools ............................................. 7 - 5
7.7.1 Host and Target Machines .................................................................................................. 7 -5
7.8 Getting Embedded Software into the Target System........................... 7 - 8
7.8.1 PROM Programmers............................................................................................................. 7 -9
7.8.2 ROM Em ulators..................................................................................................................... 7 -9
7.8.3 In-circuit Emulators................................................................................................................. 7 -9
7.8.4 Flash........................................................................................................................................ 7 -9
7.8.5 M onitors.................................................................................................................................. 7 -9
7.9 Debugging Techniques........................................................................ 7 -1 0
7.9.1 Testing on Host M achine.......................................................................................................7 - 1 0
7.9.2 Using Laboratory T o o ls .........................................................................................................7- 11
Review Questions...................................................................................... 7 - 1 2

Chapter-8 Introduction to Advanced Architectures (8 -1 ) to (8-2 8)

8.1 Introduction...............................................................................................8 -1
8.2 ARM Processor (Advanced RISC Machine Processor)....................... 8 - 2
8.2.1 Processor and Memory Organization..................................................................................... 8 - 2
8.2.2 Programming Model................................................................................................................. 8 - 3
8.2.3 ARM Instruction S e t................................................................................................................. 8 - 4
8.2.4 Computing an Absolute Address using P C ...........................................................................8 - 8
8.3 SHARC Processor................................................................................. 8 - 1 0
8.3.1 Memory Organization.............................................................................................................8 - 1 0
8.3.2 Data Operations..................................................................................................................... 8- 11
8.3.3 Instruction Level Parallelism (IP L )........................................................................................8 - 1 6
8.4 Networked Embedded Systems............................................................ 8 - 1 6
8.4.1 Bus Protocols..........................................................................................................................8 - 1 7
8.4.2 l2C Bus (Inter Integrated Circuit Bus)................................................................................... 8 - 1 7
8.4.3 CAN Bus (Controller Area Network B u s).............................................................................8 - 1 8
8.5 Internet Enabled Systems.................................................................... 8 - 20
Review Questions........................................................................................ 8 - 2 7

Embedded Systems (A Conceptual Approach)


Author : Atul P. Godse, Altaf O.

Publisher : Technical Publications ISBN : 9789350993170

Type the URL : http://www.kopykitab.com/product/32022

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