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Transportation Engg 1

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Transportation Engineering

1. Three new roads P, Q and R are to be

completed in a district during a five year plan
period. Using the data given, work out the
road with first priority by saturation system.
Adopt utility unit of 1 for serving a
population range of 2000–5000, 5000, or for
catering for 1000 tonnes off agricultural
products or 100 tonnes of industrial products.

3. A vehicle moving at 60 km/h on an

ascending gradient of a highway has to come
Solution: to stop position to avoid collision with a
Based on given utilities, the following utilities stationary object. The ratio of lag to brake
are taken (approximately) distance is 6 : 5. Considering total reaction
time of the driver as 2.5 seconds and the
coefficient of longitudinal friction as 0.36, the
value of ascending gradient (%) is ______.
(A) 3.3 (B) 4.8
(C) 5.3 (D) 6.8

2. While designing a hill road with a ruling

gradient of 6%, if a sharp horizontal curve of
50 m radius is encountered, the compensated
gradient at the curve as per the Indian Roads
congress specifications should be
(A) 4.4% (B) 4.75%
4. For a highway with design speed of 100
(C) 5.0% (D) 5.25%
km/h, the safe overtaking sight distance is
(assume acceleration as 0.53 m/s²)
Given R = 50 m
(A) 300 m (B) 750 m
Ruling gradient = 6%
(C) 320 m (D) 470 m



Solution: Hence, the correct answer is option (C).

7. The following data are related to a

horizontal curved portion of a two lane
highway: length of curve = 200 m, radius of
curve = 300 m and width of pavement = 7.5
m. In order to provide a stopping sight
distance (SSD) of 80 m, the setback distance
(in m) required from the centre line of the
inner lane of the pavement is
(A) 2.67 m (B) 4.55 m
(C) 7.10 m (D) 7.96 m

Hence, the correct answer is option (B).

5. A road is having a horizontal curve of 400

m radius on which a super-elevation
elevation of 0.07 is
provided. The coefficient of lateral friction
mobilized on the curve when a vehicle is
travelling at 100 km/h is.
(A) 0.007 (B) 0.13
(C) 0.15 (D) 0.4

Hence, the correct answer is option (A).

8. At a horizontal curve portion of a 4 lane

undivided carriageway, a transition curve is
to be introduced to attain required super-
Hence, the correct answer is option (B). elevation. The design speed is 60 km/h and
radius of the curve is 245 m. Assume length
6. The extra widening required for a two lane of the wheel base of a longest vehicle as 6 m.
national highway at a horizontal curve of 300 Super-elevation
elevation rate as 5% and rate of
m radius, considering a wheel base of 8 m introduction of this super-elevation
super as 1 in
and a design speed of 100 km/h is 150. The length of the transition curve (m)(
(A) 0.42 m (B) 0.62 m required, if the pavement is rotated about
(C) 0.82 m (D) 0.92 m inner edge is
Solution: (A) 81.4 (B) 85.0
(C) 91.5 (D) 110.2



Wₑ = 0.697 m 11. If the ruling gradient is 1 in 120 on a

If pavement is rotated about inner edge, Length particular section of broad gauge and at the
of transition curve same time a curve of 4° is situated on this
ruling gradient. What should be the
allowable ruling gradient?
(A) 1 in 196 (B) 1 in 174
(C) 1 in 163 (D) 1 in 149
Hence, the correct answer is option (D).
As per IS for BG, grade compensation = 0.04%
per degree of curve.
9. Given the sight distance as 120 m. The
height of driver’s eye as 1.5 m and height of
object is 0.15 m. Grade difference of
international gradient is 0.09. The required
length of summit parabolic curve is
(A) 25 m (B) 125 m
(C) 250 m (D) 500 m
Sight distance S = 120 m
Deflection angle N = 0.09
Hence, the correct answer is option (D).
Length of summit curve,

Direction for solved examples 12 and 13:

If a 10° curve track diverges from a main curve
of 6° in an opposite direction in the layout of a
BG yard. If the maximum speed permitted on
the main line is 45 km/h.
Hence, the correct answer is option (C).

12. Calculate the super-elevation

super required (in
10. If a descending gradient of 1 in 25 meets
an ascending gradient of 1 in 40, then the
(A) 9.32 (B) 6.91
length of valley curve required for a
(C) 6.13 (D) 5.66
headlight sight distance of 100 m will be
(A) 30 m (B) 130 m
(C) 310 m (D) 630 m
Given SSD = 100 m
From head light sight distance,

Hence, the correct answer is option (A).



13. Find the speed on the branch line (in (C) 4.21 cm (D) 5.64 cm
km/h) Solution:
(A) 40.2 (B) 27.68
(C) 31.23 (D) 26.59

Hence, the correct answer is option (B).

V = 27.68 km/h Direction for solved examples 16 and 17:

∴ Speed on branch track V
The length of the runway under standard
= 27.68 km/h conditions is 1840 m. The airport site has an
Hence, the correct answer is option (B). elevation of 250 m. Its reference temperature is
32°C. Assuming all the other conditions to be
14. Find out the length of the curve for a BG under standard level.
curved track having 4° curvature and a cant
of 10 cm. The maximum permissible speed on 16. Determine the correction for elevation.
curve is 80 km/h. (A) 68 m (B) 83 m
(A) 45 m (B) 58 m (C) 96 m (D) 107 m
(C) 72 m (D) 86 m Solution:
The length of curve will be maximum, out of the
following three values.

Hence, the correct answer is option (D).

17. Find the correct runway length after

applying correction for elevation and
(A) 1947 m (B) 2062 m
Hence, the correct answer is option (C). (C) 2268 m (D) 2310 m
15. If the wheel base of a vehicle moving on a
BG track is 6 m, the diameter of wheel is 1.2
m and depth of flanges below the top of rail is
3.2 cm. Determine the extra width required
to be provided on gauge,, if the radius of the
curve is 150 m.
(A) 2.83 cm (B) 3.55 cm



Hence, the correct answer is option (D). 20. Superior the road
(A) steeper is the cross slope (or) camber.
18. A taxiway is designed for an airplane (B) gentler is the camber.
which has following characteristics. (C) steeper is the super-elevation.
Determine the turning radius of the taxiway. (D) lesser is the cost.
(Airplane is subsonic and assume width of Ans: Option (B)
taxiway as 22.5 m)
Wheel base (W) = 18.2 m 21. The value of camber recommended for
Tread of main loading gear = 6.62 m cement concrete roads in areas of heavy
Turning speed = 35 km/h rainfall is ______.
Coefficient of friction = 0.13 (A) 1 in 33 (B) 1 in 40
(A) 66 m (B) 75 m (C) 1 in 50 (D) 1 in 60
(C) 120 m (D) 136 m Ans: Option (C)
22. The width of carriageway for a single lane
is recommended to be
(A) 7.5 m (B) 7.0 m
(C) 3.75 m (D) 5.5 m
Ans: Option (C)

23. The co-efficient

efficient of friction in the
longitudinal direction of a highway is
estimated as 0.396. The braking distance for
a car moving
oving at a speed of 65 km/h is
(A) 87 m (B) 45 m
(C) 42 m (D) 40 m
Ans: Option (C)

24. A vehicle travelling on dry, levelled

pavement at 80 km/h had the brakes applied.
The vehicle travelled 76.5 m before stopping.
Hence, the correct answer is option (C).
What is the coefficient of friction that has
19. An exit taxiway joining a runway and a (A) 0.2 (B) 0.3
parallel main taxiway. The total angle of turn (C) 0.33 (D) 0.4
is 30° and turn-off
off speed is 80 km/h. If the Ans: Option (C)
deceleration is 1 m/s²,, find the stopping sight
distance? 25. The safe stopping sight distance for a
(A) 165 m (B) 251 m
design speed of 50 km/h for a two lane road
(C) 310 m (D) 427 m
with coefficient of friction of 0.37 in m is
Solution: (A) 61.3 (B) 81.7
(C) 123.7 (D) 161.6
Ans: Option (A)

26. A car is moving at a speed of 72 km/h on a

road having 2% upward gradient. If the
Hence, the correct answer is option (B). reaction time of the driver is 1.5 seconds,
Exercises assuming that f = 0.15, calculate the distance

moved by the vehicle before the car stops Ans: 86.8 km/h
(A) 24 m (B) 150 m 32. Determine the extra width of pavement
(C) 1056 m (D) 324 m and the length of transition curve needed on
Ans: Option (B) a horizontal alignment of radius 225 m for
the two lane road, with a design speed of 80
27. The super-elevation
elevation needed for a vehicle km/h. Assume the wheel base of design
travelling at a speed of 60 km/h on the curve vehicle as 6 m.
of radius 128 m on a surface with a Ans: 0.72 m
coefficient of friction 0.15 is
(A) 0.71 (B) 0.15 33. The ideal form of the curve for the
(C) 0.22 (D) 0.071 summit curve is
Ans: Option (D) (A) lemniscate
(B) parabolic
28. Design rate of super--elevation for (C) circular
horizontal highway curve of radius 450 m for (D) spiral
a mixed traffic condition, having a speed of Ans: Option (B)
125 km/h is
(A) 1.0 (B) 0.05 34. The length of summit curve on a two lane
(C) 0.07 (D) 0.154 two way highway depends upon
Ans: Option (D) (A) allowable rate of change of centrifugal
29. For a road with camber of 30% and the (B) coefficient of lateral friction.
design speed of 80 km/h, the minimum radius (C) required stopping sight distance.
of the curve beyond which no super
super-elevation (D) required overtaking sight distance.
is needed is Ans: Option (D)
(A) 1680 m (B) 944 m
(C) 406 m (D) 280 m 35. The important factor considered in the
Ans: Option (B) design of summit curves on highway is
(A) comfort to passengers.
30. There is a horizontal curve of radius 360 (B) sight distance.
m and length 180 m. Calculate the clearance (C) super-elevation.
required from the centre line on the inner (D) impact factor.
side of the curve, so as to provide an Ans: Option (B)
overtaking sight distance of 250 m.
Ans: 19.84 m 36. A parabolic curve is used to connect a 4%
upgrade with a 2% down grade
gr as shown in
31. A vehicle is manufacturing
ring a horizontal fig. The highest point on the summit is at a
curve of radius R with super
super-elevation θ°. distance of (measured horizontally from the
Find the value of the maximum speed beyond first tangent point—FTP)
which the vehicle would overturn outward, if
R = 250 m, θ = 5°, f = 0.15, h = 1 m, b = 0.75
m in (km/h)



(A) 50 m (B) 60 m 41. The turning angle of the curve is 30°

30 and
(C) 75 m (D) 100 m tractive force on the vehicle is 300 N. Then
Ans: Option (D) the loss of tractive force due to turning of
vehicle in horizontal curve is
37. An ascending gradient of 1 in 45 meets a (A) 38 N (B) 40 N
descending gradient of 1 in 60. A summit (C) 41 N (D) None of these
curve has to be designed for design speed of Ans: Option (B)
80 km/h so as to provide a safe overtaking
sight distance of 230 m. Estimate the length 42. If width of the vehicle is 6 m and height of
of the summit curve. the vehicle is 10 m and coefficient of friction
Ans: 214 m 0.15, then
(A) vehicle overturns prior to skidding.
38. The factors affecting the highway (B) vehicle skids prior to overtaking.
alignment are (C) overturning is avoided.
(A) traffic (D) skid is avoided.
(B) geometric design Ans: Option (B)
(C) economy
(D) All of these 43. The design speed of a road is 40 km/h and
Ans: Option (D) the radius of curve is 200 m. Then find the
length of transition curve for the road of
39. A test car of mass 1400 N is travelling at a plain and rolling terrain.
speed of 85 km/h, when it is suddenly braked (A) 21.6 m (B) 26.1 m
the wheels. The average vehicles comes to a (C) 16.2 m (D) 24.2 m
stop in a distance of 50 m. Skid resisting force Ans: Option (A)
(A) 7862 N. (B) 7928 N. 44. A summit curve is to be designed with two
(C) 7804.7 N. (D) 7642 N. gradients +2% and –6%.
– The rate of change
Ans: Option (C) of gradient is 1% per 100 m length. The
minimum radius of curve is
40. The height and width of the pavement are (A) 100 m (B) 1000 m
as given in the figure: (C) 200 m (D) 300 m
Ans: Option (A)

45. A circular curve of radius 300 m,

coefficient of lateral friction of 0.15 and the
design speed is 40 km/h. The super-elevation
at which equal pressure is distributed on
inner and outer wheel would be
(A) 0.02 (B) 0.06
(C) 0.05 (D) 0.04
If f = 0.15 and ruling design speed is 60 km/h. Ans: Option (B)
Find the absolute minimum radius on the
curve in ‘m’ is ______. 46. What will be the non passing sight
(A) 8.94 (B) 9.34 distance on a highway for a design speed of
(C) 6.62 (D) 7.34 100 km/h when its ascending gradient is 2%.
Ans: Option (A) Assuming coefficient of friction as 0.7 and
brake efficiency is 50%.
(A) 176.2 m (B) 174.5 m

(C) 172.3 m (D) 175.05 m 51. A road 10 m wide is to deflect through

Ans: Option (D) and angle of 65° with the centreline radius
350 m. A transition curve is to be used at
47. A summit curve is formed at the each end of a circular curve of such a length
intersection of 3% upgrade and 5% that the rate of gain of radial acceleration 0.4
downgrade. What is the length of the summit m³/s, when speed is 60 km/h. Find the shift of
curve in order to provide a stopping distance the transition curve.
of 128 m is (A) 0.13 m (B) 3.12 m
(A) 223 m (B) 248 m (C) 0.18 m (D) 3.42 m
(C) 298 m (D) 300 m Ans: Option (A)
Ans: Option (C)
52. The slope provided to road surface in the
48. Consider following factors: transverse direction to drain the rain water
I. Length of the vehicle from road surface is called
II. Width of the vehicle (A) camber
III. Approach speed (B) pavement unevenness
IV. Stopping time for approaching vehicle (C) road margins
V. Passing sight distance (D) shoulders
Which of these factors are taken into Ans: Option (A)
consideration for determing yellow time of
traffic signal at intersection? 53. Central road fund was created in the year
(A) I, II and V (A) 1932 (B) 1946
(B) II, III and IV (C) 1929 (D) None of these
(C) I, III and V Ans: Option (C)
(D) I, III and IV
Ans: Option (D) 54. The Kerb which prevents encroachment
by the parking vehicles is known as
49. The centrifugal ratio of a vehicle is 0.25, (A) semi barrier type kerb.
width of vehicle is 2.4 m, height of vehicle to (B) barrier type kerb.
its CG is 4.2 m, lateral friction is 0.15, (C) low kerb.
assuming no super-elevation, then (D) None of these
(A) lateral skid occurs first. Ans: Option (A)
(B) overturning occurs first.
(C) neither lateral skid nor overturning. 55. The concentration of wheel load at a
(D) both lateral skid and overturning occur localized width of pavement can cause
simultaneously. (A) elastic deformation.
Ans: Option (A) (B) plastic deformation.
(C) extra distress.
50. Find minimum sight distance to avoid (D) temperature variation.
head on collision of two cars approaching at Ans: Option (C)
90 km/h and 60 km/h. Given that, reaction
time of driver t = 2.5 seconds, coefficient of 56. The longitudinal space separating dual
longitude friction f = 0.7 and brake efficiency carriage ways is known as
of 50% in either case. (A) shoulder
(A) 235.8 m (B) 243.2 m (B) curb
(C) 256.8 m (D) 292.3 m (C) median (or) central reserve
Ans: Option (A) (D) carriage width
Ans: Option (C)

57. (C) R, P, Q (D) Q, R, P

Ans: Option (B)

61. Match the following:

The above figure represents which type of

road pattern?
(A) Hexagonal pattern
(B) Star and grid pattern
(C) Radial (or) block pattern
Ans: Option (C)
(D) Star and circular pattern
Ans: Option (C)
62. The value of camber recommended for
thin bituminous surface in areas of light
58. The points controlling the alignment of
rainfall is
high ways are known as
(A) 1 in 25 (B) 1 in 33
(A) alignment points.
(C) 1 in 40 (D) 1 in 50
(B) obligatory points.
Ans: Option (D)
(C) traffic points.
(D) None of these
63. A horizontal circular curve with a
Ans: Option (B)
centerline radius of 150 m is provided on a 2–
59. A road is having a horizontal curve of 500 lane, 2–way
way SH section the width of 2–lane
m radius on which a super-elevation
elevation of 0.085 road is 7.0 m. Design speed for this section is
is provided. The coefficient of lateral friction 72 km/h. The brake reaction time is 2.5
mobilized on the curve when a vehicle is seconds, and the coefficients of friction in
traveling at 150 km/h longitudinal and lateral directions are 0.355
(A) 0.324 (B) 0.278 and 0.15 respectively. The set back distance
(C) 0.562 (D) 0.294 from the centre line of inner lane is
Ans: Option (B) (considering length of curve > stopping sight
60. Three new roads P, Q, R are planned in a (A) 9.62 m (B) 8.10 m
district data for these roads are given in the (C) 7.93 m (D) 9.77 m
following table. Based on the principle of Ans: Option (A)
maximum utility the order of priority for
these three roads should be 64. At a horizontal curve portion of 2 lane
undivided carriage way, a transition curve is
to be introduced to attain required super-
elevation. The design speed is 72 km/h and
radius of curve is 150 m. Assume length of
wheel base of a longest vehicle as 6.1 m,
elevation rate as 5% and rate of
Codes: introduction of this super elevation as 1 in
(A) P, Q, R (B) R, Q, P 150. The length of transition curve (m)



required, if the pavement is rotated about (B) 58.2 km/h

inner edge is (C) 63.9 km/h
(A) 530 m (B) 475 m (D) 75.8 km/h
(C) 320 m (D) 840 m Ans: Option (C)
Ans: Option (A)
69. The design value of lateral friction
65. A valley curve is to be designed for a NH coefficient on highway is
in rolling terrain where a falling gradient of 1 (A) 1.5 (B) 0.5
in 20 meets a rising gradient of 1 in 40. The (C) 0.35 (D) 0.15
design speed is 80 km/h. To provide safe Ans: Option (D)
driving at night the length of valley curve is
(Take stopping sight distance as 120 m) 70. The radius of horizontal circular curve is
(A) 80 m (B) 150 m 200 m. The design speed is 60 km/h and
(C) 190.0 m (D) 172.5 m design coefficient of lateral friction is 0.2. The
Ans: Option (C) coefficient of friction needed if no super
elevation is provided is
66. A single lane unidirectional highway has a (A) 0.14 (B) 0.16
design speed of 100 km/h. The reaction time (C) 0.25 (D) 0.21
of driver is 2.5 seconds and the average Ans: Option (A)
length of vehicles is 6.0 m. The coefficient of
longitudinal friction of the pavement is 0.4. 71.
The capacity of this road is terms of vehicles
per hour per lane is
(A) 725 (B) 350
(C) 575 (D) 1020
Ans: Option (C)

67. From the given data, calculate the length

of runway after correction?
Airport elevation = RL 100 A in the above figure is
Basic length of runway = 600 m (A) transition curve.
Highest point along the length = RL 98.2 (B) circular curve.
Lowest point along the length = RL 95.2 (C) bernoulli’s lemniscates.
Temperature correction = 84 m (D) None of these
Note: Apply corrections for elevation, Ans: Option (C)
temperature and gradient
(A) 700 m (B) 768 m 72. While aligning a highway
high it is necessary
(C) 867 m (D) 876 m to provide a horizontal circular curve of
Ans: Option (C) radius 365 m. The design speed is 85 km/h,
length of wheel base is 4 m and width of
68. A 6 degrees curve branches off from a 3 pavement is 8.5 m. The length of transition
degrees main curve in an opposite direction curve is
in the layout of BG yard. If the speed on the (A) 73.2 (B) 72.3
branch line is restricted to 35 km/h, what is (C) 27.3 (D) 32.7
the speed d restriction on the main line. Ans: Option (B)
Assume permissible deficiency in cant as 75
(A) 45.7 km/h

73. The wheel base of the vehicle is 8.5 m. The 78. A road is provided with a horizontal
off-tracking while negotiating curved path circular curve having deflection angle of 55°
with mean radius of 32 m is and centre line radius of 250 m. A transition
(A) 1.18 m (B) 1.13 m curve is to be provided at each end of the
(C) 1.12 m (D) 1.15 m circular curve of such a length that the rate
Ans: Option (C) of gain of radial acceleration is 0.3 m/s³ at a
speed of 50 km per hour. Length of the
74. A vehicle a of weight 2 tonne skids transition curve required at each of the ends
through a distance equal to 50 m before is________.
colliding with other parked vehicle of weight (A) 2.57 m (B) 33.33 m
1 tonne. After collision both the vehicles (C) 35.73 m (D) 1666.67 m
together skid through a distance of 10 m Ans: Option (C)
before stopping. The initial speed of moving
vehicle is 79. A crest vertical curve joins two gradients
(Assume coefficient of friction f = 0.5) of +3% and –2% for a design speed of 80
(A) 9.89 m/s (B) 8.93 m/s km/h and the corresponding stopping sight
(C) 7.96 m/s (D) 9.82 m/s distance of 120 m. The height of driver’s eye
Ans: Option (A) and the object above the road surface are 1.2
m and 0.15 m respectively. The curve length
75. A vehicle moving at 40 km/h speed was (which is less than stopping sight distance) to
stopped by applying brakes and length of be provided is
skid mark is 13.2 m. Average skid resistance (A) 120 m (B) 152 m
of pavement is 0.5. The brake efficiency of (C) 163 m (D) 240 m
test vehicle is Ans: Option (C)
(A) 64.6% (B) 73.7%
(C) 86.9% (D) 95.4% 80. The design speed for a two lane road is 80
Ans: Option (D) km/h, when a design vehicle with a wheel
base of 6.6 m is negotiating a horizontal curve
Direction for questions 76 and 77: on that road, the off tracking is measured as
A horizontal circular curve with a centre line 0.096 m. The required widening of
radius of 200 m is provided on a 2-lane, 2-way carriageway of the two lane road on the curve
SH section. The width of the 2-lane road is 7.0 is approximately
m. Design speed for this section is 80 km/h. The (A) 0.55 m (B) 0.65 m
brake reaction time is 2.4 s and the coefficients (C) 0.75 m (D) 0.85 m
of friction in longitudinal and lateral directions Ans: Option (C)
are 0.355 and 0.15, respectively.
81. Consider the following statement in the
76. The safe stopping sight distance on the context of geometric design of roads.
section I. A simple parabolic curve is an acceptable
(A) 221 m (B) 195 m shape for summit curves.
(C) 124 m (D) 65 m II. Comfort to passengers is an important
Ans: Option (C) consideration in the design of summit curves.
77. The set-back distance from the centre line The correct option evaluating the above
of the inner lane is statements and their relationship is
(A) 7.93 m (B) 8.1 m (A) I is true, II is false.
(C) 9.7 m (D) 9.703 m (B) I is true, II is true, and II is correct reason
Ans: Option (D) for I.



(C) I is true, II is true, and II is NOT the correct Ans: Option (D)
reason for I.
(D) I is false, II is true. 86. A super speedway in New Delhi has
Ans: Option (A) among the highest super-elevation rates of
any track on the Indian Grand Prix circuit.
82. A vehicle negotiating a transition curve The track requires drivers to negotitate turns
with uniform speed v. If the radius of the with a radius of 335 m and 33° banking.
horizontal curve and the allowable jerk are R Given this information, the coefficient of side
and J respectively. The minimum length of friction required in order to allow a vehicle to
transition curve is travel at 320 km/h along the curve is
(A) R³/vJ (B) J³/Rv (A) 1.755 (B) 0.176
(C) v³R/J (D) v³/RJ (C) 0.253 (D) 2.530
Ans: Option (D) Ans: Option (A)

Direction for questions 8 and 9: 87. The acceleration-time relationship for a

For a portion of national highway where a vehicle subjected to non-uniform acceleration
descending gradient of 1 in 25, meets with an is:
ascending gradient of 1 in 20, a valley curve
= −
needs to be designed for a vehicle travelling at
90 km/h based on the following conditions. Where, v is the speed in m/s, t is the time in
I. Head light sight distance equal to the stopping seconds, α and β are parameters, and is
sight distance (SSD) of a level terrain the initial speed in m/s. If the accelerating
considering length of valley curve > SSD. behaviour of a vehicle, whose driver intends
II. Comfort condition with allowable rate of to overtake a slow moving vehicle ahead is
change of centrifugal acceleration = 0.5 m/s³. described as: = −
Assume total reaction time = 2.5 seconds Considering α = 2 m/s², β = 0.05 per second
Coefficient of longitudinal friction of the
and = 1.3 m/s² at t = 3 seconds, the distance
pavement = 0.35.
Height of the head light of the vehicle = 0.75 m (in m) travelled by the vehicle in 35 seconds is
and beam angle = 1°. ______.
Ans: 900.79
83. What is the length of valley curve (in m)
based on the head light sight distance 88. On a circular curve, the rate of super-
condition? elevation is e. While negotiating the curve a
Ans: 309 vehicle comes to a stop. It is seen that the
stopped vehicle does not slide inwards (in the
84. What is the length of valley curve (in m) radial direction). The coefficient of side
based on the comfort condition? friction is f. Which of the following is true?
Ans: 106 (A) e ≤ f
(B) f < e < 2f
85. A road is being designed for a speed of (C) e ≥ 2f
110 km/h on a horizontal curve with a super- (D) None of these
elevation of 8%. If the coefficient of side Ans: Option (A)
friction is 0.1, the minimum radius of the
curve (in m) required for safe vehicular
movement is
(A) 115 (B) 152
(C) 264.3 (D) 528.74

Highway Materials

1. In a CBR test, the load sustained by a 3. An aggregate sample of 250 gm passing

remoulded soil specimen at 5 mm penetration through 12.5 mm and retaining on 10 mm
is 120 kg. The CBR value of the soil will be sieve. When filled into a cylinder the void
(A) 9.2% (B) 7.3% percentage = 40%, find the angularity
(C) 5.84% (D) 2.4% number.
Solution: (A) 3 (B) 5
(C) 7 (D) 11
Angularity number = Voids in excess of 33% =
40 – 33
AN = 7
Hence, the correct answer is option (C).
Hence, the correct answer is option (C).
4. The bulk specific gravity of bituminous
2. A plate load test was conducted on a mix is 2.4 and theoretical specific gravity is
soaked subgrade during monsoon season 2.53. The percentage of bitumen in the mix is
using a plate diameter 30 cm. The load values 4.5% by weight with specific gravity 1. The
corresponding to the mean settlement dial percentage voids filled in bitumen will be
readings are given below. Determine the (A) 58% (B) 62%
modulus of subgrade reaction for the (C) 68% (D) 76%
standard plate. (in kg/m³) Solution:

(A) 19.34 (B) 18.57

(C) 16.75 (D) 16.7

Modulus of subgrade reaction for 30 cm

diameter plate,

= .
100 = 67.75
Modulus of subgrade reaction for standard plate
of diameter
Hence, the correct answer is option (C).

5. Rapid curing cut back bitumen is

produced by blending bitumen with
(A) kerosene.
(B) benzene.
(C) diesel.
Hence, the correct answer is option (D). (D) petrol.

Ans: Option (D) Codes:

abcd abcd
6. Bituminous materials are commonly used (A) 1 2 3 4 (B) 4 1 2 3
in highway construction because of their (C) 3 4 1 2 (D) 2 3 4 1
good Ans: Option (B)
(A) tensile and compressive properties.
(B) binding and water proofing properties. 10. A Marshall specimen is prepared for
(C) shear strength and tensile properties. bituminous material with a bitumen content
(D) bond and tensile properties. of 5% by weight of total mix. The theoretical
Ans: Option (B) and measured unit weights of the mix are
2.442 gm/cc and 2.345 gm/cc respectively.
7. Bitumen is derived from The bitumen has a specific gravity of 1.02.
(A) destructive distillation of coal tar. The percentage voids in mineral aggregate
(B) destructive distillation of petroleum. filled with bitumen (VFB) are
(C) fractional distillation of petroleum. (A) 34.55 (B) 39.9
(D) naturally occurring ores. (C) 73.55 (D) 74.3
Ans: Option (C) Ans: Option (D)

8. List I contains some properties of bitumen. 11. In the Marshall method of mix design, the
List II gives a list of laboratory tests coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, filler
conducted on bitumen to determine the material and bitumen, having respective
properties. Match the property with the specific gravities of 2.62, 2.72, 2.70 and 1.02
corresponding test and select the correct are mixed in the ratio of 55, 34.6, 4.8 and 5.6
answer using the codes given: per cent, respectively. The theoretical specific
gravity of the mix would be
(A) 2.36 (B) 2.40
(C) 2.44 (D) 2.50
Ans: Option (C)

12. A plate load test conducted with a 75 cm

diameter plate on soil sub grade yielded a
deflection of 2.5 mm under a stress of 800
N/cm².. The modulus of elasticity of the
Ans: Option (A) subgrade soil in kN/cm²
(A) 141.6 (B) 154.6
9. List I below gives a list of physical (C) 160.0 (D) 185.4
properties of aggregates which should be Ans: Option (A)
determined to judge their suitability in road
construction. List II gives a list of laboratory 13. If aggregate size of 50–40
50 mm is to be
tests which are conducted to determine these tested for finding out the proportion of
properties. Match List I with List II and elongated aggregates using length gauge, the
select the correct answer from the codes slot length of the gauge should be
given: (A) 81 mm
(B) 45 mm
(C) 53 mm
(D) 90 mm
Ans: Option (A)



14. The specific gravities and weight 18.

proportions for aggregates and bitumen are
as under for the preparation of Marshall

In the above graph V = ?

(A) Marshal stability
(B) Unit weight
(C) Flow value
The volume and weight of one Marshall
(D) Percentage voids of total mix
mould was found to be 475 cc and 1100 gm
Ans: Option (C)
assuming absorption of bitumen in aggregate
is zero. Find
19. Match the following:
(A) percentage air voids (Vv)
(B) percentage bitumen by volume ((Vb)
(C) percentage of voids in mineral aggregate
(D) percentage of voids filled bitumen (VFB)
Ans: Vv=3.74%, Vb=8048%,
=8048%, VMA=12.22%

15. The mean weight of aggregates in the

cylinder is 100 and weight of water required
to fill the cylinder is 60 g and specific gravity
of aggregate is 2.6. Then the angularity Ans: Option (D)
number is ______.
Ans: 2.85 – 2.95 20. A bitumen concrete mix has average
specific gravity of 2.325 and theoretical
16. The grade of tar which is generally used specific gravity as 2.41. The density of
for surface pointing and renewal coats of bitumen is 1.03 g/cc with 4.5% bitumen
road is content by weight in mix. The VFB of mix is
(A) RT – 1 (A) 32.8% (B) 30.8%
(B) RT – 2 (C) 20.73% (D) 10.15%
(C) RT – 3 Ans: Option (A)
(D) RT – 4
Ans: Option (C) 21. A subgrade soil sample was tested using
standard CBR apparatus and the
17. The lowest point temperature at which a observations are given below:
material gets ignited and burns under
specified conditions of test
(A) fire point
(B) flash point
(C) triple point The CBR value of the sample is
(D) None of these (A) 3.9% (B) 2.9%
Ans: Option (A) (C) 4.8% (D) 12.2%
Ans: Option (B)



22. In Marshall method of mix design, the Ans: Option (B)

coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, filler
material and bitumen, having respective 26. In the revised CBR design method
specific gravities of 2.82, 2.42, 2.68, and 1.02 recommended by IRC for design of flexible
are mixed in ratio of 52, 34.8, 4.2 and 5.4 per pavement total thickness depends upon
cent respectively. The theoretical specific (A) CBR value of soil only.
gravity of the mix would be ______. (B) CBR value of soil and magnitude of wheel
Ans: 2.50–2.52 load.
(C) CBR value of soil and number of
23. Match the following: commercial vehicle per day.
Type of test property (D) CBR value of soil and cumulative standard
axle loads.
Ans: Option (D)

27. The material obtained by the destructive

distillation of wood is ______.
(A) bitumen
(B) cutback
(C) emulsion
(D) tar
Ans: Option (A) Ans: Option (D)

24. A combined value of flakiness and 28. The mix design of concrete pavement is
elongation index are to be determined for a based on
(A) flexural strength.
sample of aggregates. The sequence in which
(B) compressive strength.
two tests are conducted is
(A) elongation index test followed by flakiness (C) shear strength.
index test. (D) bond strength.
(B) flakiness index test followed by elongation Ans: Option (A)
index test.
(C) flakiness index test followed by elongation 29. Which one of the following is the set of
index on non flaxy aggregates. physical requirements of coarse aggregates
(D) elongation index test followed by flakiness for construction of WBM roads as per IRC
index test on non elongated aggregates. recommendation?
Ans: Option (B)

25. Match the following:

Ans: Option (D)

30. In 500 gm sample of course aggregate are

100 gm of flaky particles and 80 gm
elongated particles. What are the flakiness
and elongation particles as per IS?
(A) 40% (B) 3.6%
(C) 18% (D) 4%
Ans: Option (A)

31. In Marshall ll method of mix design, the Ans: Option (D)

coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, filler
material and bitumen, having respective 36. The sub grade soil sample was tested
specific gravities of 2.62, 2.72, 2.70 and 1.02 using CBR and the observations
are mixed in the ratio of 55, 34.6, 4.8 and 5.6
per cent respectively. The theoretical specific
gravity of mix would be
(A) 2.36 (B) 2.4
(C) 2.44 (D) 2.5 Assuming that the load-penetration
load curve is
Ans: Option (D) convex throughout, the CBR value (%) of
sample is
(A) 5.6% (B) 5.2%
32. The weight of aggregate filled in cylinder
(C) 4.9% (D) 5.8%
is 20 gm. The weight of water filling the
cylinder = 15 gm. The specific gravity of Ans: Option (D)
aggregate is 2.86. The angularity number is
(A) 20.86 (B) 20.42 37. In Marshall testing of bitumen mixes, as
(C) 20.34 (D) 20.67 the bitumen content decreases the flow value
(A) remains constant.
Ans: Option (D)
(B) decreases first and then increases.
(C) decreases monotonically.
33. The weight of test sample is 30 gm and the
(D) increases first and then decreases.
weight of crushed material which passes
through this sieve is 20 g. The aggregate Ans: Option (C)
crushing value is
(A) 62.23% (B) 66.67% 38. A plate load test was conducted on a
(C) 63.26% (D) 64.67% soaked sub grade during monsoon season
Ans: Option (B) using plate diameter of 40 cm. the load values
corresponding to mean settlement are as
given below.
34. A pate load test is conducted with 85 cm
diameter plate on soil subgrade yielded a
deflection of 2 mm under a stress of 600
N/cm².. The modulus of elasticity of subgrade
soil in kN/cm² is
(A) 123.26 kN/cm².
(B) 120.3 kN/cm².
(C) 125.3 kN/cm².
(D) 126.23 kN/cm².
Ans: Option (B)
(A) 5.25 kg/cm³
35. A Marshall specimen is prepared for a (B) 5.85 kg/cm³
bituminous material with a bitumen content (C) 5.65 kg/cm³
of 5% by weight of total mix. The theoretical (D) 5.55 kg/cm³
and measured unit weights of the mix are Ans: Option (A)
2.244 g/cc and 2.582 g/cc respectively. The
bitumen has specific gravity of 1.02. The 39. The specific gravity of paving bitumen as
present voids in mineral aggregate filled with per IS:73–1992
1992 lies between
bitumen (VFB) is (A) 1.06 and 1.02
(A) 43.08% (B) 41.23% (B) 1.02 and 0.97
(C) 42.23% (D) 42.16% (C) 1.10 and 1.06

(D) 0.97 and 0.92 Ans: Option (D)

Ans: Option (B)
45. A combined value of flakiness and
40. During a CBR test, the load sustained by elongation index is to be determined for a
a remolded soil specimen at 5.0 mm sample of aggregates. The sequence in which
penetration is 82 kg. The CBR value of the the two tests are conducted is
soil will be ______. (A) elongation index test followed by flakiness
Ans: 3.99-4.01 index test on the whole sample.
(B) flakiness index test followed by elongation
41. In a Marshall sample, the bulk specific index test on the whole sample.
gravity of mix and aggregates are 2.32 and (C) flakiness index test followed by elongation
2.546 respectively. The sample includes 5% index test on the non-flaky
flaky aggregates.
of bitumen (by total weight of mix) of specific (D) elongation index test followed by flakiness
gravity 1.10. The theoretical maximum index test on non elongated aggregates.
specific gravity of mixx is 2.44. The void filled Ans: Option (C)
with bitumen (VFB) in the Marshall sample
is (in %) ______. 46. The specific gravity of paving bitumen as
Ans: 68 to 70 per IS:73–1992
1992 lies between
(A) 1.1 and 1.06
42. Plate bearing test with 75 cm diameter (B) 1.06 and 1.02
plate yielded a pressure of 800 kN/cm² at 2.5 (C) 1.02 and 0.97
mm deflection what is the elastic modulus of (D) 0.97 and 0.92
sub grade? Ans: Option (C)
(A) 75 kN/cm²
(B) 180 kN/cm² 47. During a CBR test, the load sustained by
(C) 110 kN/cm² a remoulded soil specimen at 5 mm
(D) 140 kN/cm² penetration is 50 kg. The CBR value of the
Ans: Option (D) soil will be
(A) 10.0% (B) 5.0%
43. The consistency and flow resistance of (C) 3.6% (D) 2.4%
bitumen can be determined from the Ans: Option (D)
(A) Ductility test. 48. Aggregate impact value indicates which
(B) Penetration test. one of the following property of aggregates?
(C) Softening point test. (A) Durability
(D) Viscosity test. (B) Toughness
Ans: Option (D) (C) Hardness
(D) Strength
44. Match the following tests on aggregate Ans: Option (B)
and its properties:
49. In Marshall testing of bituminous mixes,
as the bitumen content increases the flow
(A) remains constant.
(B) decreases first and then increases.
(C) increases monotonically.
(D) increases first and then decreases.
Ans: Option (C)

50. Road roughness is measured using specific gravity 1.10. The theoretical
(A) benkelman beam. maximum specific gravity of mix is 2.441.
(B) bump indicator. The void filled with bitumen (VFB) in the
(C) dynamic cone penetrometer. Marshall sample (in %) is ______.
(D) falling weight deflectometer. Ans: 68.8
Ans: Option (B)
55. The penetration value of a bitumen
51. A subgrade soil sample was tested using sample tested at 25°C is 80. When this sample
standard CBR apparatus and the is heated to
o 60°C and tested again, the needle
observations are given as follows: of the penetration test apparatus penetrates
the bitumen sample by ‘d’‘ mm. The value of
‘d’’ CANNOT be less than ______ mm.
Ans: Option (B)

Assuming that the load penetration curve is

56. In Marshall method of mix design, the
convex throughout, the CBR value (%) of the
coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, fines and
sample is
bitumen having respective values of specific
(A) 6.5 (B) 5.5
gravity 2.6, 2.7, 2.65 and 1.01 are mixed in
(C) 4.4 (D) 3.9
the relative proportions (% by weight) of
Ans: Option (C)
55.0, 35.8, 3.7 and 5.5 respectively. The
theoretical specific gravity of the mix and the
52. Two bitumen samples X and Y have
effective specific gravity of the aggregates in
softening points 45°C and 60°C respectively.
the mix respectively are
Consider the following:
(A) 2.42 and 2.63
I. Viscosity of X will be greater than that of Y
(B) 2.42 and 2.78
at the same temperature.
(C) 2.42 and 2.93
II. Penetration value of X is lesser than that
(D) 2.64 and 2.78
of Y under standard conditions.
Ans: Option (A)
(A) Both I and II are true.
(B) I is false and II is true.
57. Match the information related to tests on
(C) Both are false.
aggregates given in List I with that in List II.
(D) I is true and II is false.
Ans: Option (C)

53. The percentage voids in mineral

aggregate (VMA) and percentage air voids
(Va)) in a compacted cylindrical bituminous
mix specimen are 15 and 4.5 respectively. The
(A) P-1, Q-3, R-4, S-2
percentage voids filled with bitumen (VFB)
(B) P-3, Q-1, R-4, S-2
for this specimen is
(C) P-4, Q-1, R-3, S-2
(A) 24 (B) 30
(D) P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1
(C) 54 (D) 70
Ans: Option (D) Ans: Option (B)

58. During a forensic investigation of

54. In a Marshall sample, the bulk specific
pavement failure, an engineer reconstructed
gravity of mix and aggregates are 2.324 and
the graphs P, Q, R and S, using partial and
2.546 respectively. The sample includes 5%
damaged old reports.
of bitumen (by total weight of mix) of



Theoretically plausible
usible correct graphs according to the ‘Marshall mixture design output’ are
(A) P, Q, R
(B) P, Q, S
(C) Q, R, S
(D) R, S, P
Ans: Option (B)



Pavements Design

1. A two-lanene undivided carriage way whose (A) 12 cm (B) 14 cm

CBR = 6% (C) 16 cm (D) 18 cm
Initial traffic A = 400 cv per day
Traffic growth rate r = 5% per year
Design life = 15 years
Vehicle damage factor = 2.5
Find the cumulative standard axle on the
road (in msa)
(A) 3 (B) 4
(C) 5 (D) 6 Hence, the correct answer is option (B).
4. A cement concrete pavement is constructed
at a temperature of 12°C. The peak summer
temperature is 45°C. The coefficient of
temperature is 10 × 10–6/°C. The gap at the
expansion joint is 2.5 cm. The spacing of
expansion joint is
(A) 37.8 m (B) 45.6 m
(C) 55.4 m (D) 75 m
Hence, the correct answer is option (D).

2. Compute the radius of relative stiffness of

15 cm thick cement concrete slab using
following data: Modulus of elasticity of
cement concrete = 2.1 × 10⁵⁵ kg/cm
Hence, the correct answer is option (A).
Poisons ratio for concrete = 0.15
Modulus of subgrade reaction, K = 3 kg/cm³
5. A cement concrete pavement has a
(A) 67 cm (B) 53 cm
thickness of 25 cm and lane width of 3.5 m.
(C) 47 cm (D) 32 cm
Allowable working stress in steel tie bars =
1200 kg/cm².. Allowable tensile stress in
deformed tie bar, = 2000 kg/cm², allowable
bond stress in deformed bars = 24.6
kg/cm².. Use 12 mm diameter bars, find the
length of tie bar
(Assume f = 1.2 and = 2400 kg/m³)
(A) 1.2 m c/c
(B) 1.75 m c/c
(C) 2.6 m c/c
Hence, the correct answer is option (A).
(D) 4.4 m c/c
3. Find equivalent radius of resisting section
Total area of steel tie bar per m length of
of 20 cm thick slab if radius of contact area of
longitudinal joint
wheel load is 15 cm



(A) 0.375 cm (B) 0.175 cm

(C) 0.125 cm (D) 0.250 cm
Ans: Option (C)

10. In the plate bearing test, if the load

applied is in the form of an inflated type of
wheel, then this mechanism corresponds to
(A) rigid plate
(B) flexible plate
(C) semi-rigid plate
(D) semi-elastic plate
Ans: Option (B)

11. Base course is used in rigid pavements for

(A) prevention of subgrade settlement
(B) prevention of slab cracking
Hence, the correct answer is option (B). (C) prevention of pumping
(D) prevention of thermal expansion
6. The penetration test for bitumen is Ans: Option (C)
conducted at a temperature of
(A) 60°C (B) 37°C 12. The standard plate size in a plate bearing
(C) 25°C (D) 50°C test for finding modulus of sub grade reaction
Ans: Option (A) (K) value is
(A) 100 cm diameter
7. The total thickness of pavement by CBR (B) 50 cm diameter
methods depends on the CBR value of (C) 75 cm diameter
(A) base course (D) 25 cm diameter
(B) surface course Ans: Option (C)
(C) subgrade
(D) all layers 13. The minimum value of CRB (%) required
Ans: Option (C) for granular subbase as per Ministry of
Surface Transport (MoST) specification is
8. The width of expansion joint gap is 2.5 cm (A) 5 (B) 10
in a cement concrete pavement. The spacing (C) 15 (D) 20
between expansion joint for a maximum rise Ans: Option (A)
in temperature of 25°C is (assuming a
coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete 14. Temperature stresses in concrete
as 10 × per degree C) pavements may cause the slab to crack. If
(A) 5 m (B) 50 m slab cools uniformly then the crack will
(C) 100 m (D) 25 m develop at which of the following locations of
Ans: Option (B) the slab
(A) at centre
9. The modulus of subgrade reaction is (B) near edges
obtained from the plate bearing test in the (C) at corners
form of load deformation curve. The pressure (D) near edges and at corners
corresponding to the following settlement Ans: Option (B)
value should be used for computing modules
of subgrade reaction.

15. In the content of flexible pavement design, B. Load stress is compressive at bottom
the ratio of contact pressure to tyre pressure (A) Both the statement A and B are correct
is called the Rigidity Factor. This factor is (B) Statement A is correct and B is wrong
less than unity when the tyre pressure is (C) Statement B is wrong and A is correct
(A) less than 0.56 N/mm² (D) Both statement A and B are incorrect
(B) equal to 0.56 N/mm² Ans: Option (D)
(C) equal to 0.7 N/mm²
(D) more than 0.7 N/mm² 20. The data given below pertain to the
Ans: Option (D) design of a flexible pavement
Initial traffic = 1213 cvpd
16. Bituminous concrete is a mix comprising Traffic growth rate = 8% per annum
of Design life = 12 years
(A) fine aggregate and filler and bitumen Vehicle damage factor = 1.0
(B) fine aggregate and bitumen The design traffic in terms of million
(C) coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, filler and standard axles (msa) to be catered would be
bitumen (A) 0.06 msa (B) 8.4 msa
(D) coarse aggregate, filler and bitumen (C) 21.0 msa (D) 32.26 msa
Ans: Option (C) Ans: Option (C)

17. What is the Equivalent single wheel load 21. The following observations were made of
of a dual wheel assembly carrying 20,440 N an axle load survey on a road.
each for pavement thickness of 20 cm?
Centre spacing of tyres is 27 cm and the
distance between the walls of tyres is 11 cm
(A) 27,600 N The standard axle load is 80 kN. Equivalent
(B) 32,300 N daily number of repetitions for the standard
(C) 40,880 N axle load are
(D) 30,190 N (A) 450 (B) 480
Ans: Option (D) (C) 800 (D) 1200
Ans: Option (A)
18. A two lane single carriage way is to be
designed for a design life period of 15 years. 22. Using IRC: 37–19841984 ‘Guidelines for the
Total two way traffic intensity in the year of Design of Flexible Pavements’ and the
completion of construction is expected to be following data, choose the total thickness of
2000 commercial vehicles per day. Vehicle the pavement. Number of commercial
damage factor = 3.0, lave distribution factor vehicles when construction is completed =
= 0.75. Assuming an annual rate of traffic 2723 veh/day
growth as 7.5%, the design traffic expressed Annual growth rate of traffic = 5.0%
as cumulative number of standard axles is Design life of the pavement = 10 years
(A) 42.9 × 10⁶ Vehicle damage factor = 2.4
(B) 22.6 × 10⁶ CBR value of the sub grade soil = 5%
(C) 10.1 × 10⁶ Data for 5% CBR value
(D) 5.3 × 10⁶
Ans: Option (A)

19. In a concrete pavement

A. Temperature stress is tensile at bottom
during day time

(A) 620 mm (B) 640 mm 0.75. Assuming an annual rate of traffic

(C) 670 mm (D) 700 mm growth as 7.5%, the design traffic expressed
Ans: Option (C) as cumulative number of standard axles, is
(A) 42.9 × 10⁶
23. For a 25 cm thick concrete pavement, (B) 22.6 × 10⁶
analysis of stresses gives the following values (C) 10.1 × 10⁶
Wheel load stress duee to edge loading: 30 (D) 5.3 × 10⁶
kg/cm² Ans: Option (A)
Wheel load stress due to corner loading: 32
k/cm² 26. The load penetration data from a
Warping stress at corner region during California bearing ratio (CBR) test is provide
summer: 9 kg/cm² in the following table. Indicate whether any
Warping stress at cornerr region during correction is required for the calculated CBR
winter: 7 kg/cm² value. Find the CBR value of the soil from
Warping stress at edgee region during the data provided (in %)
summer: 8 kg/cm²
Warping stress at edgee region during winter:
6 kg/cm²
Frictional stress during summer: 5 kg/cm²
Frictional stress during winter: 4 kg/cm²
The most critical stress value for this
pavement is
(A) 40 kg/cm²
(B) 42 kg/cm²
(C) 44 kg/cm²
(D) 45 kg/cm²
Ans: Option (B)

24. In case of governing equations for Area of plunger is given as 19.6 cm².
cm² Pressure
calculating wheel load stress using for standard crushed stones at
a 2.5 mm and 50
Westergaards approach, the following mm are 70 kg/cm² and 105 kgf/cm²
statements are made respectively.
I. Load stresses are inversely proportional to Ans: 36.5%
wheel load
II. Modulus of subgrade reaction is useful for 27. Dowel bars in concrete pavement are
load stress calculation placed
(A) Both statements are True (A) along the direction of traffic.
(B) I is True and II is False (B) perpendicular to the direction of traffic.
(C) Both statements are False (C) along 45° to the direction of traffic.
(D) I is False and II is True (D) can be placed along any direction.
Ans: Option (D) Ans: Option (A)

25. A two lane single carriage way is to be 28. The following data pertains to the
designed for a design life of 15 years. Total number of commercial vehicles per day for
two way traffic intensity in the year of the design of a flexible pavement for a
completion of construction is expected to be national highway
ay as per IRC: 37–1984
2000 commercial vehicles per day, vehicles
damage factor = 3.0 lane distribution factor =

the critical condition for the design of

concrete pavements?

Assuming a traffic growth of 7.5% per

annum for both the types of vehicles, the (A) P–2, Q –3
cumulative number of standard axle load (B) P–1, Q –3
repetitions (in million) for a design life of ten (C) P–3, Q –1
years is (D) P–2, Q –2
(A) 44.6 Ans: Option (D)
(B) 57.8
(C) 62.4 32. Consider the following statements in the
(D) 78.7 context of cement concrete pavements
Ans: Option (B) I. Warping stresses in cement concrete
pavements are caused by the seasonal variation
29. The width of the expansion joint is 20 mm in temperature
in a cement concrete pavement. The laying II. Tie bars are generally provided across
temperature is 20°C and the maximum slab transverse joints of cement concrete pavements
temperature in summer is 60°C. The The correct option evaluating the above
coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete is statements is/are
10 × mm/mm/°C and the joint filler (A) I True and II False
compresses up to 50% of the thickness. The (B) I False and II True
spacing between expansion joints should be (C) I True and II True
(A) 20 m (B) 25 m (D) I False and II False
(C) 30 m (D) 40 m Ans: Option (D)
Ans: Option (B)
33. A pavement designer has arrived at a
30. It is proposed to widen and strengthen an design traffic of 100 million standard axles
existing 2 lane NH section as a divided for a newly developing national highway as
highway. The existing traffic in one direction per IRC: 37–1984 1984 guideline using the
is 2500 commercial vehicles (CV) per day. following data: Design life = 15 years,
The construction will take 1 year. The design commercial vehicle count before pavement
CBR of soil sub grade is found to be 5% construction = 4500 vehicles/day, annual
Given: Traffic growth rate of CV = 8% traffic growth rate = 8%. The vehicle damage
Vehicle damage factor = 3.5 (standard axles factor used in the calculation was
per CV) (A) 1.53 (B) 2.24
Design life = 10 years and traffic distribution (C) 3.66 (D) 4.14
factor = 0.75 Ans: Option (B)
The cumulative standard axles msa computed
are 34. Select the strength parameter of concrete
(A) 35 (B) 37 used in design of plain jointed cement
(C) 65 (D) 70 concrete pavements from the following
Ans: Option (B) choices
(A) tensile strength
31. Which of the following stress (B) compressive strength
combinations are appropriate in identifying (C) Flexural strength



(D) shear strength (C) is affected by geometry and surface

Ans: Option (C) conditions
of the road.
35. The following statements are related to (D) is the speed at which flow is maximum
temperature stresses developed in concrete and density is optimum.
pavement slabs with free edges (without any Ans: Option (D)
P. The temperature stresses will be zero during 38. A sign is required to be put up asking
both day and night times if the pavement is drivers to slow down to 30 km/h before
considered weightless. entering Zone Y (see figure) on this road,
Q.. The temperature stresses will be compressive vehicles required 174 m to slow down to 30
at the bottom of the slab during night time if the km/h (the distance of 174 m includes the
self weight of the pavement slab is considered. distance travelled during the perception-
R. The temperature stresses will be compressive reaction time of drivers). The sign can be
at the bottom of the slab during day time if the read by 6/6 vision drivers from a distance of
self-weight off the pavement slab is considered. 48 m. The sign is placed at a distance of x m
The true statement(s) is/are from the start of Zone Y so that even a 6/9
(A) P only vision driver can slow down to 30 km/h
(B) Q only before entering the zone. The minimum value
(C) P and Q only of x is _______ m.
(D) P and R only
Ans: Option (C)

36. A traffic survey conducted on a road

yields an average daily traffic count of 5000
vehicles. The axle load distribution on the
same road is given in the following table Ans: 142

39. In the context of the IRC:58–2011

guidelines for rigid pavement design,
consider the following pair of statements:
I. Radius of relative stiffness is directly related
to modulus of elasticity of concrete and
inversely related to Poisson’s ratio.
The design period of the road is 15 years the
II. Radius of relative stiffness is directly related
yearly traffic growth rate is 7.5% and the
to thickness of slab and modulus of subgrade
load safety factor (LSF) is 1.3. If the vehicles
damage factor (VDF) is calculated from
Which one of the following combinations is
above data, the design traffic (in million
standard axle load MSA) is ________.
[GATE, 2016]
Ans: 237.78
(A) I True; II True
(B) I False; II False
37. Which of the following statements
(C) I True; II False
CANNOT be used to describe free flow speed
(D) I False; II True
( ) of a traffic stream?
Ans: Option (B)
(A) is the speed when flow is negligible.
(B) is the speed when density is negligible.



Traffic Engineering

1. The free mean speed on a roadway is found (C) 50th highest hourly traffic volume.
to be 70 km/h. Under stopped condition the (D) 30th highest hourly traffic volume.
average spacing between vehicles is 6.9 m. Ans: Option (D)
Determine the capacity of flow (in
vehicles/km). 4. The speed and delay studies on a defined
(A) 120 (B) 145 section of highway
way are conducted by
(C) 160 (D) 175 (A) radar gun.
Solution: (B) traffic counters.
(C) moving car method.
(D) enoscope.
Ans: Option (C)

5. Name the traffic survey data which is

Hence, the correct answer is option (B). plotted by means of ‘desire lines’.
(A) Accident
2. Estimate the theoretical capacity of a (B) Classified volume
traffic lane with one way traffic flow at a (C) Origin and destination
stream speed of 50 km/h. If the average space (D) Speed and delay
gap between vehicles to follow the relation Ans: Option (C)
= 0.278Vt, where V is stream speed (km/h), t
is the average reaction time = 0.7 second, 6. If a two-lane
lane national highway and a two-
assume average length of vehicles = 5 m lane state highway intersect at right angles,
(capacity in vehicles/hours/lane). the number of potential conflicts points at the
(A) 3260 (B) 3390 intersection, assuming that both the roads are
(C) 3470 (D) 3580 two-way is
Solution: (A) 11 (B) 17
(C) 24 (D) 32
Ans: Option (C)

7. The average daily traffic on a stretch of

road is 300 commercial vehicle per lane per
day. Design traffic repetitions for 10 years
when vehicle damage factor is 2.5 and traffic
growth rate is 7%, is
(A) 3.8 msa (B) 23.5 msa
(C) 45.4 msa (D) 16 msa
Ans: Option (A)

8. A traffic stream in a particular direction of

Hence, the correct answer is option (B). a two lane road is moving with a constant
speed of 50 km/h, with an average headway
3. The road geometrics in India are designed of 2.52 seconds. The longitudinal distance
for the between two consecutive vehicles is
(A) 98th highest hourly traffic volume. (A) 30 m (B) 35 m
(B) 85th highest hourly traffic volume. (C) 38 m (D) 42 m

Ans: Option (B) When the highway is operating at capacity,

the density obtained as per this model is
9. A traffic company operates a scheduled
daily truck service between city P and city Q.
One-way journey time between these two
cities is 85 hours. A minimum layover time of
Ans: Option (D)
5 hours is to be provided. The number of
trucks required to operate daily service from
13. For designing 2-phase
phase fixed type signal at
both the cities P and Q?
an intersection having north-south
north and east-
(A) 4 (B) 6
west road where only straight ahead traffic is
(C) 7 (D) 8
time lost per cycle is 12 seconds. The cycle
Ans: Option (D)
length (seconds) as per Webster’s approach is
10. A single lane unidirectional highway has a
design speed of 65 km/h. The perception
brake-reaction time of drivers is 2.5 seconds
and the average length of vehicles is 5 m. The (A) 67 (B) 77
coefficient of longitudinal friction of the (C) 87 (D) 91
pavement is 0.4.4. The capacity of this road in Ans: Option (B)
terms of ‘vehicles’ per hour per lane is
(A) 1440 (B) 750 14. On a two-lane
lane two-way
two highway, a car A
(C) 710 (D) 680 was following a truck B and both were
Ans: Option (C) traveling at a speed of 40 km/h. While
looking for an opportunity to overtake the
11. On a urban road, the free mean speed was truck, The driver of the car A saw another
measured as 70 km/h and the average spacing car C coming from the opposite direction.
directi At
between the vehicles under jam condition s that moment, the distance between A and C
7.0 m. The speed-flow-density
density equation is was 450 m. After an initial hesitation period
given by of two seconds, the driver of car A started the
overtaking operation. The distance between
A and B at that instance was 30 m. A over
took B by accelerating at an uniform rate of
1.20 m/s².. When the overtaking operation
completes. There was a distance of 25 m
between B and A. Determine the distance
between the two cars (A and C) at the
instance of completion of the overtaking
action(in meters). The distance betweenb
The maximum flow (veh/h) per lane for this different vehicles given are as measured from
conditions is equal to the front bumper of one vehicle to the front
(A) 2000 (B) 2500 bumper of another vehicle. Design speed of
(C) 3000 (D) None of these the highway is 80 km/h.
Ans: Option (B) Ans: 8.4 m

12. On a specific highway, the speed

speed-density 15. The vehicle speed affects the design of
relationship follows the Greenberg’s model (A) sight distance.
[V = ( /k)], where and are the (B) super elevation.
free flow speed and jam density respectively. (C) length of transition curve.

(D) All of these

Ans: Option (D)

16. The speed at which (or) below which 85

per cent of vehicles are passing the point on
highway can be assessed is known as
(A) 85th percentile speed.
(B) 20th percentile speed.
(C) 15th percentile speed.
(D) 25th percentile speed.
Ans: Option (A)

17. The method of origin and destination

studies in which the car is struck with a pre
coded card as it enters the area under study
is Ans: Option (C)
(A) road side interview method.
(B) home interview method. 20. The free mean speed on a roadway is
(C) license plate method. found to be 100 km/h under stopped
(D) tag on car method. condition the average spacing between
Ans: Option (D) vehicles is 8.9 m. The Jam density of flow is
(A) 113 vehicles/km.
18. When a vehicle moves obliquely across (B) 118 vehicles/km.
the path of another vehicle moving in same (C) 145 vehicles/km.
direction at small angle of crossing is termed (D) 148 vehicles/km.
as Ans: Option (A)
(A) merging.
(B) weaving manoeuvre. 21. The maximum number of vehicles that
(C) crossing manoeuvre. can pass a given point on a lane or roadway
(D) diverging during one hour under prevailing traffic
Ans: Option (B) conditions is known as
(A) basic capacity.
19. Which of the following graph represents (B) practical capacity.
relation between speed and volume? (C) possible capacity.
(D) highway capacity.
Ans: Option (C)


The above sign is categorized under

(A) warning signs.
(B) regulatory signs.



(C) informatory signs. 27. Match the following:

(D) None of these
Ans: Option (B)

23. The theoretical capacity of traffic lane

with one way traffic flow at a stream speed of
80 km/h. The average space gap Sg = 0.278 Vt
and average length of vehicles = 8 m
(A) 3450 veh/h/lane
(B) 3395 veh/h/lane
(C) 3530 veh/h/lane
(D) 3834 veh/h/lane
Ans: Option (B)

24. The average normal flow of traffic on

cross roads A and B during design period are
400 and 250 PCU per hour, the saturation
flow values on these roads is estimated to be
1350 and 1200 PCU per hour respectively.
The all-red
red time required for pedestrian
crossing is 15 second. The total cycle time
using Webster’s method is
(A) 62.4 s (B) 63.3 s
(C) 65.53 s (D) 67.5 s
Ans: Option (D)

25. I. At intersection the area of conflict

should be as small as possible.
II. Sudden change of path should be avoided
(A) I and II are true.
(B) II and III are false.
(C) I is true II is false.
(D) I is false II is true.
Ans: Option (A)

26. In a street light system

Street width = 20 m
Mounting height = 10 m
Lamp size = 5000 lumen
Luminaire type II Ans: Option (B)
Coefficient of utilization = 0.36
Spacing between lighting units if average 28. The no parking symbol is represented by
(A) triangle
lighting intensity is 6 Lux
(B) circle
(assume maintenance factor = 0.8)
(A) 16 m (B) 18 m (C) octagonal
(C) 15 m (D) 12 m (D) hexagonal
Ans: Option (D) Ans: Option (B)



29. The practical capacity of a rotary is given 33. The spacing between the vehicles allowed
by the formula by the driver of the following vehicle does not
depends on
(A) speed of leading vehicle.
(B) average length and width of vehicle class.
(C) tyre and characteristics of two vehicles.
(D) driver characteristics of following vehicle.
Ans: Option (B)

34. The speed of road is 100 km/h and

average centre to centre spacing of vehicles
(or) space headway is 10 m. The capacity of
single lane is
(A) 10³ veh/h/lane
(B) 10⁵ veh/h/lane
(C) 10⁴ veh/h/lane
(D) 10² veh/h/lane
Ans: Option (A) Ans: Option (C)

30. The average width of entry is 150 m 35. Match the following
and average width of exit is 200 m. The width
of the rotary roadway is
(A) 182 m (B) 178 m
(C) 176 m (D) 179 m
Ans: Option (D)

31. Match the following

Ans: Option (C)

Ans: Option (B)

32. Desired lines are used in
(A) speed and delay studies.
(B) origin and destination study. 36. The charts showing the volume variations
(C) spot speed study. over a period of years are known as
(A) trend charts.
(D) None of these
(B) variation charts.
Ans: Option (B)

(C) traffic flow maps. 41. The last time due to starting delay on a
(D) volume flow diagram. traffic signal approach is noted to be 3
Ans: Option (A) seconds, the actual green time is 20 seconds
and amber time is 3 seconds. How much is
37. The speed at which greatest number of the effective green time?
vehicles travel is called (A) 19 seconds
(A) medium speed. (B) 22 seconds
(B) model speed. (C) 27 seconds
(C) 15th percentile speed. (D) 31 seconds
(D) 98th percentile speed. Ans: Option (B)
Ans: Option (B)
42. The free mean speed on a road wing is
38. Match List I (Traffic survey) with List II found to be 60 km/h under stopped condition
and select the correct answer using the codes the average spacing between vehicle is 6 m.
given: The capacity of flow, assuming linear speed
density relation is
(A) 2333 veh/h
(B) 3333 veh/h
(C) 2870 veh/h
(D) 3838 veh/h
Ans: Option (B)

43. If the lamp lumen is 30 lux coefficient of

utilization is 0.3, maintenance factor is 0.25,
average lux on road is 15 and width of road is
Ans: Option (B)
7.5, then spacing between the street light is
(A) 2 m (B) 3 m
39. The design speed of a traffic lane is 70
(C) 2.5 m (D) 3.5 m
km/h. What is the theoretical capacity per
Ans: Option (A)
hour taking the total reaction time to be 2
seconds and average length of vehicles as 8
44. The capacity of vehicles on a single lane
pavement with a design speed of 50 km/h and
(A) 828 veh/m/day
spacing between vehicles of 59.5 m is
(B) 735 veh/m/day
(A) 840.3 (B) 842.8
(C) 628 veh/m/day
(C) 848.3 (D) 846.2
(D) 428 veh/m/day
Ans: Option (A)
Ans: Option (B)
45. Two major roads with two lanes each are
40. On a road the free speed was 65 km/h and
crossing in an urban area to form an
the space headway at jam density was 6.25 m.
uncontrolled intersection, the number of
What is the maximum flow which could be
conflict points when both roads are two way
expected on this road?
is X and when both roads are one way is Y.
(A) 2600 veh/h
the ratio of X and Y is
(B) 1625 veh/h
(A) 0.25 (B) 4
(C) 1300 veh/h
(C) 40 (D) 96
(D) 406 veh/h
Ans: Option (B)
Ans: Option (A)



46. If the standard deviation of the spot speed 52. In signal design as per Indian Roads
of vehicles in the high way is 9.2 km/h and the Congress specifications, if the sum of the
mean speed of vehicles is 43 km/h. The ratios of normal flows to saturation flow of
coefficient of variation of speed is two directional traffic flow is 0.50 and the
(A) 0.213 (B) 0.321 total lost time per cycle is 10 seconds, the
(C) 0.323 (D) 0.314 optimum cycle length in seconds is
Ans: Option (A) (A) 100 (B) 80
(C) 60 (D) 40
47. A two lane urban road with one-way Ans: Option (D)
traffic has a maximum capacity of 2800
veh/h. Under jam condition, the average 53. If the standard deviation of the spot speed
length occupied by vehicles is 10 m. The of vehicles in a highway is 8.8 km/h and the
speed versus density relationship is linear, for mean speed of the vehicles is 33 km/h, the
a traffic volume of 1500 veh/h, the density (in coefficient of variation in speed is
veh/km) is (A) 0.1517 (B) 0.1867
(A) 43.29 (B) 43.12 (C) 0.2666 (D) 0.3646
(C) 42.19 (D) 42.69 Ans: Option (C)
Ans: Option (C)
54. The shape of the STOP sign according to
48. A transport company operates a IRC: 67–2001 is
scheduled daily truck service between city P (A) circular
and city Q. Two way journey time between (B) triangular
these two cities is 80 hours. A minimum lay (C) octagonal
over time of 2 hours is to be provided, then (D) rectangular
the number of trucks required to provide this Ans: Option (C)
service is
(A) 4 (B) 2 55. The capacities of ‘one-way 1.5 m wide
(C) 6 (D) 8 sidewalk (persons per hour)’ and ‘one-way 2-
Ans: Option (B) lane urban road (PCU per hour, with no
frontage access, no standing vehicles and very
49. The PCU (Passenger Car Unit) value for little cross traffic)’ are respectively
cycle on an urban road is (A) 1200 and 2400
(A) 0.5 (B) 1.0 (B) 1800 and 2000
(C) 3.0 (D) 4.0 (C) 1200 and 1500
Ans: Option (A) (D) 2000 and 1200
Ans: Option (A)
50. The average spacing between vehicles in a
traffic stream is 100 m, then the density (in 56. A linear relationship is observed between
veh/km) of the stream is ______. speed and density on a certain section of a
Ans: 10 highway. The free flow speed is observed to
be 80 km/h and the jam density is estimated
51. The speed density (U–K) relationship on a as 100 vehicles per km length. Based on the
single lane road with unidirectional flow is U above relationship, the maximum flow
= 65–0.65 k, where U is in km/h and k is in expected on this section and the speed at the
veh/km. The capacity of the road (in veh/h) is maximum flow will respectively be
______. (A) 8000 vehicles/h and 80 km/h
Ans: 1625 (B) 8000 vehicles/h and 25 km/h
Previous Years’ Questions (C) 2000 vehicles/h and 80 km/h

(D) 2000 vehicles/h and 40 km/h identified by the numbers 1 through 6.

Ans: Option (D) Among these 1, 3, 4 and 6 are through flows
and 2 and 5 are right turning. Which phasing
57. A roundabout is provided with an scheme is not feasible?
average entry width of 8.4 m, width of
weaving section as 14 m, and length of the
weaving section between channelizing islands
as 35 m. The crossing traffic and total traffic
on the weaving section are 1000 and 2000
PCU per hour respectively. The nearest
rounded capacity of the rounda
roundabout (in PCU
per hour) is
(A) 3300 (B) 3700
(C) 4500 (D) 5200
Ans: Option (B)

58. Design parameters for a signalized

intersection are shown in the figure below.
The green time calculated for major and
minor roads are 34 and 18 seconds,
respectively. The critical lane volume on the
major road changes to 440 vehicles per hour
per lane and the critical lane volume on the (A) P (B) Q
minor road remains unchanged. The green (C) R (D) S
time will Ans: Option (C)

60. As per IRC:67–2001;

IRC:67 traffic sign
indicating the speed limit on a road should be
(A) circular shape with white background and
red border.
(B) triangular shape with white background and
red border.
(C) triangular shape with red background and
white border.
(D) circular shape with red background and
white border.
(A) increase for the major road and remain same Ans: Option (A)
for the minor road.
(B) increase for the major road and decrease for 61. The jam density is given as k and the free
the minor road. flow speed is given as u, the maximum flow
(C) decrease for both the roads. for a linear traffic speed-density
speed model flow
(D) remain unchanged for both the roads. for a which of the following options?
Ans: Option (A) (A) 1/4 ku
(B) 1/3 ku
59. A three-phase
phase traffic signal at an (C) 3/5 ku
intersection is designed for flows shown in the (D) 2/3 ku
figure below. There are six groups of flows Ans: Option (A)

62. The cumulative arrival and departure duration of 30 minutes. Assuming that
curve of one cycle of an approach lane of a vehicle arrival follows a negative exponential
signalized intersection is shown in the distribution, find
nd out the number of time
adjoining figure.
gure. The cycle time is 50 seconds head ways greater than 5 seconds in the
and the effective red time is 30 seconds and above observation is ______.
the effective
ective green time is 20 seconds. What is Ans: 11.86
the average delay?
66. For two major roads with divided
carriageway crossing at right angle, a full
clover leaf interchange with four indirect
ramps is provided. Following statements are
made on turning movements of vehicles to all
directions from both roads. Identify the
correct statement:
(A) Merging from left is possible, but diverging
to left is not possible.
(B) Both merging from left and diverging to left
are possible.
(A) 15 seconds (C) Merging from left is not possible, but
(B) 25 seconds diverging to left is possible.
(C) 35 seconds (D) Neither merging from left nor diverging to
(D) 45 seconds left is possible.
Ans: Option (A) Ans: Option (B)

63. Two major roads with two lanes each are 67. The minimum value of 15 minutes peak
crossing in an urban area to from an un un- hour factor on a section of a road is
controlled intersection. The number of (A) 0.10
ict points when both roads are one way (B) 0.20
is ‘X ’ and when both roads are two
two-way is (C) 0.25
‘Y’ The ratio of X to Y is (D) 0.33
(A) 0.25 (B) 0.33 Ans: Option (C)
(C) 0.50 (D) 0.75
Ans: Option (A) 68. The average spacing
spaci between vehicles in a
traffic stream is 50 m, then the density (in
64. A two–lane urban road with one one-way veh/km) of the stream is ______.
traffic has a maximum capacity of 1800 Ans: 20
vehicle/h. Under the jam condition, the
average length occupied by the vehicles is 69. The speed-density
density (u-k)
( relationship on a
average length occupied by the vehicles is 5.0 single lane road with unidirectional flow
fl is u
m. The speed versus density relationship is = 70 – 0.7 k, where u is in km/h and k is in
linear. For a trafficc volume of 1000 vehicle/h, veh/km. The capacity of the road (in veh/h) is
the density (in vehicles/km) is ______.
(A) 52 (B) 58 Ans: 1750
(C) 67 (D) 33
Ans: Option (C) 70. An isolatedd three-phase
three traffic signal is
designed by Weber’s method. The critical
65. It was observed that 150 vehicles crossed flow ratios for three phases are 0.20, 0.30 and
a particular location of a highway in a 0.25 respectively, and lost time per phase is 4

seconds. The optimum cycle length (in IV. Average number of vehicles (by vehicle
seconds) is ______. type) that would store in all lanes per cycle
Ans: 92 during the peak hour. As per the IRC
recommendations, the correct choice for design
71. A student riding a bicycle on a 5 km one- length of storage lanes is
way street takes 40 minutes to reach home. (A) Maximum of II and III
The student stopped for 15 minutes during (B) Maximum of I and III
this ride. 60 vehicles overtook the student (C) Average of I and III
(assume the number of vehicles overtaken by (D) Only IV
the student is zero) during the ride and 45 Ans: Option (B)
vehicles while the student stopped. The speed
of vehicle stream on that road (in km/h) is 75. The relation between speed u (in km/h)
(A) 7.5 (B) 12 and density k (number of vehicles/km) for a
(C) 40 (D) 60 traffic stream on a road is, u = 70 – 0.7k. The
Ans: Option (D) capacity on this road is _________ vph
72. On a section of a highway the speed- Ans: 1750
density relationship is linear and is given by
= − ; where v is in km/h and k is in 76. In a one-lane one-way homogeneous
traffic stream, the observed average headway
veh/km. The capacity (in veh/h) of this
is 3.0 seconds. The flow (expressed in
section of the highway would be
vehicles/hour) in this traffic stream
(A) 1200 (B) 2400
(C) 4800 (D) 9600
Ans: 1200
Ans: Option (B)
77. While traveling along and against the
73. A pre-timed four phase signal has critical
traffic stream, a moving observer measured
lane flow rate for the first three phases as
the relative flows as 50 vehicles/hour and 200
200, 187 and 210 veh/h with saturation flow
vehicles/hour, respectively. The average
rate of 1800 veh/h/lane for all phases. The lost
speeds of the moving observer while traveling
time is given as 4 seconds for each phase. If
along and against the stream are 20 km/hour
the cycle length is 60 seconds, the effective
and 30 km/hour, respectively. The density of
green time (in seconds) of the fourth phase is
the traffic stream (expressed in vehicles/km)
is _________.
Ans: 15.745
Ans: 3
74. The following statements are made
78. If the total number of commercial vehicles
related to the lengths of turning lanes at
per day ranges from 3000 to 6000, the
signalized intersections:
minimum percentage of commercial traffic to
I. 1.5 times the average number of vehicles (by
be surveyed for axle load is
vehicle type) that would store in turning lane per
(A) 15 (B) 20
cycle during the peak hour.
(C) 25 (D) 30
II. 2 times the average number of vehicles (by
Ans: Option (A)
vehicle type) that would store in turning lane per
cycle during the peak hour.
79. The critical flow ratios for a three-phase
III. Average number of vehicles (by vehicle
signal are found to be 0.30, 0.25, and 0.25.
type) that would store in the adjacent through
The total time lost in the cycle is 10 seconds.
lane per cycle during the peak hour.
Pedestrian crossings at this junction are not

significant. The respective Green times 80. A motorist traveling at 100 km/h on a
(expressed in seconds and rounded off to the highway needs to take the next exit, which
nearest integer) for the three phases are has a speed limit of 50 km/h. The section of
(A) 34, 28, and 28 the roadway before the ramp entry has a
(B) 40, 25, and 25 downgrade of 3% and coefficient of friction (f
(C) 40, 30, and 30 ) is 0.35. In order to enter the ramp at the
(D) 50, 25, and 25 maximum allowable speed limit, the braking
Ans: Option (A) distance (expressed in m) from the exist ramp
Ans: 92.32




Transportation Engineering – Test 1

1. Indian Road Congress was established in 5. Width of roadway of two lane national
the year ______. highway in mountainous and steep terrain is
(A) 1932 (B) 1930 (A) 6.25 m (B) 8.8 m
(C) 1934 (D) 1936 (C) 4.75 m (D) 9 m
Ans: Option (C) Ans: Option (B)

2. The maximum grade compensation 6. An aggregate is said to be exceptionally

necessary to ease the gradients at horizontal strong when the aggregate impact value is
curves is ______. (A) less than 10. (B) 10 to 20.
(C) 20 to 30. (D) above 35.
Ans: Option (A)

7. Bitumen of viscosity 80/100 penetration

Ans: Option (C) grade is used for
(A) spraying applications.
3. The length of the summit curve for a (B) paving applications in cold regions.
stopping sight distance off 100 m with an (C) paving applications in hot regions.
upward gradient of 1% and downward (D) high stress areas
eas like toll plaza, terminals,
gradient of 2% is ______. etc.
Take the height of the eye of the driver to be Ans: Option (A)
1.2 m and the height of the object above the
roadways to be 0.15 m. 8. Length of the transition curve for comfort
(A) 62 m (B) 65 m condition is ______.
(C) 73 m (D) 69 m
Ans: Option (D)

Ans: Option (D)


4. The extra widening necessary on a two lane

pavement for a curve of radius 80 m and
wheel base 6 m with a design speed of 65
km/h is ______. 9. The minimum length of overtaking zone
(A) 1.23 m (B) 1.43 m should be (d₁+ d₂ + d₃₃ = OSD)
(C) 1.17 m (D) 1.13 m (A) 2(d₁+ d₂ + d₃).
Ans: Option (C) (B) 5(d₁+ d₂ + d₃).
Solution: (C) 3(d₁+ d₂ + d₃).
(D) 4(d₁+ d₂ + d₃).
Ans: Option (C)

10. The sight distance available to a driver

travelling on the road at any instance
depends on the following factors.



I. Height of drivers eyes above the road Ans: Option (B)

surface. Solution:
II. Height of object above the road surface.
(A) Both I and II are true.
(B) I is false and II is true.
(C) Both I and II are false.
(D) I is true and II is false. 14. Coefficient of friction needed if no super-
Ans: Option (A) elevation is provided is ______.
(A) 0.15 (B) 0.19
11. Which of the following relation is true? (C) 0.125 (D) 0.087
(A) Ruling gradient < limiting gradients < Ans: Option (C)
exceptional gradient Solution:
(B) Limiting gradient > ruling gradient >
exceptional gradient
(C) Exceptional gradient < limiting gradient <
ruling gradient
(D) Ruling gradient > limiting gradients >
exceptional Gradient
Ans: Option (A)
Direction for questions 15 and 16:
A vertical summit curve is to be designed when
12. Calculate the safe stopping sight distance
two grades + 1/20 and – 1/50 meet on the
on a level road, stretch for design speed of 40
highway. The stopping sight distance and over
km/h for a two way traffic on a single lane
taking sight distance required are 120 m and 600
road assuming coefficient of friction as 0.37
m respectively. The length of vertical the curve
and reaction time of driver as 2.5 seconds.
is restricted to a maximum value of 500 m.
(A) 44.79 m (B) 45.68 m
(C) 89.59 m (D) 88.63 m
15. The length of the summit curve needed to
Ans: Option (C)
fulfill the requirements of stopping sight
distance is ______.
(A) 228 m (B) 229 m
(C) 230 m (D) 222 m
Ans: Option (B)

Direction for questions 13 and 14:

16. The length of summit curve needed to
The radius of horizontal circular curve is 400 m.
fulfill the requirements of overtaking sight
The design speed is 80 km/h and coefficient of
distance is ______.
lateral friction is 0.1. (A) 1052.7 m
(B) 1048.9 m
13. Calculate the super-elevation
elevation required (if (C) 1062.8 m
the lateral friction is assumed to develop). (D) 1073.9 m
(A) 0.58 (B) 0.025
Ans: Option (C)
(C) 0.007 (D) 0.48

Solution: 20. According to the bituminous mix design

by Marshall method, match the following
correctly: (Binder content % on X-axis)

Direction for questions 17 and 18:
The wheel load of 5100 kg is applied on a
pavement of thickness 18 cm, m, modulus of
elasticity 3 × 10⁵ kg/cm²,, radius of contact area
15 cm and Poisson’s ratio = 0.15. Modulus of
subgrade reaction = 6 kg/cm³.

17. The stress at the corner of the slab is

(A) 24.27 kg/cm²
(B) 22.56 kg/cm²
(C) 25.96 kg/cm²
(D) 26.5 kg/cm²
Ans: Option (A)
(A) i – 2, ii – 3, iii – 4, iv – 1
(B) i – 4, ii – 2, iii – 1, iv – 3
(C) i – 3, ii – 4, iii – 1, iv – 2
(D) i – 2, ii – 1, iii – 4, iv – 3
Ans: Option (D)

21. The number of commercial vehicles in the

18. The location where a crack develops due year of completing overlay construction is
to corner load is ______. estimated to be 2850 per day with an average
(A) 85 cm (B) 84.5 cm growth rate of 6.5 per cent per year, if the
(C) 84 cm (D) 84.3 cm average VDF value is 5.4 and the traffic
Ans: Option (C) design period is 10 years. The design traffic
Solution: volume if the LDF = 0.75 is ______.
(A) 110 msa (B) 98 msa
(C) 83 msa (D) 57 msa
Ans: Option (D)
19. I. Viscosity test on bitumen is done to Solution:
assess the ability to be sprayed through jets.
II. Coating test on bitumen is done to assess
the stability in presence of fines in aggregates.
(A) I is true and II is false.
(B) I is false and II is true.
(C) Both I and II are true.
(D) Both I and II are false.
Ans: Option (A)

22. The following data are related to a 24. In a concrete pavement:

horizontal curved portion of a two lane I. Temperature stress is tensile at bottom during
highway: length of curve = 300 m, radius of day time.
curve = 600 m, width of pavement = 9.5 m. In II. Load stress is compressive at the bottom.
order to provide an SSD of 80 m the set back Identify the correct choice from the
distance of the inner lane of the pavement is following.
(A) 3.71 m (B) 2.35 m (A) Both the statement (A) and (B) are correct.
(C) 4.62 m (D) 2.97 m (B) Statement (A) is correct and (B) is incorrect.
Ans: Option (A) (C) Statement (B) is incorrect and (A) is correct.
Solution: (D) Both statements (A) and (B) are incorrect.
Ans: Option (A)

25. A valley curve is formed by a descending

grade of 1 in 35 meeting an ascending grade
of 1 in 30. Assuming allowable rate of change
of centrifugal acceleration is 0.6 m/s³, design
speed is 50 km/h, then the length of the valley
curve to fulfill comfort condition is ______.
(A) 128 m (B) 33 m
23. The speeds of overtaking and overtaken (C) 73 m (D) 94 m
vehicles on the highways are 70 km/h and 65 Ans: Option (B)
km/h respectively. Assuming acceleration of Solution:
overtaking vehicle as 2.5 km/h/s and speed of
vehicle in opposite direction as 65 km/h, the
overtaking sight distance needed for two way
traffic is (assume reaction time of driver = 2
seconds) ______.
(A) 451 m (B) 326 m
(C) 564 m (D) 275 m
Ans: Option (A)




Traffic Engineering test 2

1. The vehicle speed affects the design of The initial speed of moving vehicle is
(A) sight distance (Assume coefficient of friction f = 0.5).
(B) super elevation (A) 9.89 m/s
(C) length of transition curve (B) 8.93 m/s
(D) All of the above (C) 7.96 m/s
Ans: Option (D) (D) 9.82 m/s
Ans: Option (A)
2. The wheel base of the vehicle is 8.5 m. The Solution:
off tracking while negotiating curved path
with mean radius of 32 m is
(A) 1.18 m
(B) 1.13 m
(C) 1.12 m
(D) 1.15 m
Ans: Option (C)

3. The speed at which (or) below which 85 6. When a vehicle moves obliquely across the
percent of vehicles are passing the point on path of another vehicle moving in same
highway can be assessed is known as direction at small angle of crossing is termed
(A) 85th percentile speed as
(B) 20th percentile speed (A) Merging
(C) 15th percentile speed (B) Weaving manoeuvre
(D) 25th percentile speed (C) Crossing manoeuvre
Ans: Option (A) (D) Diverging
Ans: Option (B)
4. The method of origin and destination
studies in which the car is struck with a pre
pre- 7. The free mean speed on a roadway is found
coded card as it enters the area under study to be 100 kmph under stopped condition the
is average spacing between vehicles is 8.9m. The
(A) Road side interview method Jam density of flow is
(B) Home interview method (A) 113 vehicles/km
(C) License plate method (B) 118 vehicles/km
(D) Tag on car method (C) 145 vehicles/km
Ans: Option (D) (D) 148 vehicles/km
Ans: Option (A)
5. A vehicle a of weight 2 tonne skids through Solution:
a distance equal to 50 m before colliding with
other parked vehicle of weight 1 tonne. After
collision both the vehicles together skid
through a distance of 10 m before stopping.



8. Which of the following graph represents (B) Regulatory signs

relation between speed and volume? (C) Informatory signs
(D) None of these
Ans: Option (B)
It is a give way sign categorized as Regulatory
sign Choice (B)

11. The theoretical capacity of traffic lane

with one way traffic flow at a stream speed of
80 kmph. The average space gap Sg = 0.278
Vt and average length of vehicles = 8m
(A) 3450 veh/hr/lane
(B) 3395 veh/hr/lane
(C) 3530 veh/hr/lane
(D) 3834 veh/hr/lane
Ans: Option (B)

12. In a street light system

Ans: Option (C) Street width = 20m
Mounting height = 10m
9. The maximum number of vehicles that can Lamp size = 5000 lumen
pass a given point on a lane or roadway Luminaire type – II
during one hour under prevailing traffic Coefficient of utilization = 0.36
conditions is known as Spacing between lighting units if average
(A) Basic capacity lighting intensity is 6 Lux
(B) Practical capacity (assume maintenance factor = 0.8)
(C) Possible capacity (A) 16 m (B) 18 m
(D) Highway capacity (C) 15 m (D) 12 m
Ans: Option (C) Ans: Option (D)

The above sign is categorized under

(A) Warning signs

13. The average normal flow of traffic on 16. Match the following
cross roads A and B during design period are
400 and 250 PCU per hour, the saturation
flow values on these roads is estimated to be
1350 and 1200 PCU per hour respectively.
The all red time required for pedestrian
crossing is 15 sec. The total cycle time using
Webster’s method is
(A) 62.4 sec (B) 63.3 sec
(C) 65.53 sec (D) 67.5 sec
Ans: Option (D)

Ans: Option (B)

14. (i) At intersection the area of conflict
16. The no parking symbol is represented by
should be as small as possible
(A) triangle
(ii) Sudden change of path should be avoided
(B) circle
(A) (i) and (ii) are true
(C) octagonal
(B) (ii) and (iii) are false
(D) hexagonal
(C) (i) is true (ii) is false
Ans: Option (B)
(D) (i) is false (ii) is true
Ans: Option (A)
17. The average width of entry is 150 m
and average width of exit is 200 m. The width
15. The no parking symbol is represented by
of the rotary roadway is
(A) triangle
(A) 182 m
(B) circle
(B) 178 m
(C) octagonal
(C) 176 m
(D) hexagonal
(D) 179 m
Ans: Option (B)
Ans: Option (D)



Solution: 21. The spacing between the vehicles allowed

by the driver of the following vehicle does not
depends on
(A) speed of leading vehicle
(B) Average length and width of vehicle class
(C) tyre and characteristics of two vehicles
(D) driver characteristics of following vehicle
18. The practical capacity of a rotary is given Ans: Option (B)
by the formula
22. The speed of road is 100 kmph and
average center to center spacing of vehicles
(or) space headway is 10m. The capacity of
single lane is
(A) 10³ veh/hr/lane
(B) 10⁵ veh/hr/lane
(C) 10⁴ veh/hr/lane
(D) 10² veh/hr/lane
Ans: Option (C)

Ans: Option (A)

23. Match the following
19. Match the following

Ans: Option (C)

Ans: Option (B)
20. Desired lines are used in
(A) speed and delay studies 24. The charts showing the volume variations
(B) origin and destination study over a period of years are known as
(C) spot speed study (A) Trend charts
(D) None of these (B) Variation charts
Ans: Option (B) (C) Traffic flow maps

(D) Volume flow diagram

Ans: Option (A)

25. A vehicle moving at 40 kmph speed was

stopped by applying brakes and length of
skid mark is 13.2 m. Average skid resistance
of pavement is 0.5. The brake efficiency of
test vehicle is
(A) 64.6% (B) 73.7%
(C) 86.9% (D) 95.4%
Ans: Option (D)

Answer Keys



Transportation engineering test 3

1. The factors affecting the highway (C) 6.62 m

alignment are (D) 7.34 m
(A) Traffic Ans: Option (A)
(B) Geometric design Solution:
(C) Economy
(D) All the above.
Ans: Option (D)

2. A test car of mass 1400 N is travelling at a

speed of 85 kmph, when it is suddenly braked
the wheels. The average vehicles comes to a
stop in a distance of 50 m. Skid resisting force
(A) 7862 N
(B) 7928 N
(C) 7804.7 N
(D) 7642 N
Ans: Option (C) 4. The turning angle of the curve is 30° and
Solution: tractive force on the vehicle is 300 N. Then
the loss of tractive force due to turning of
vehicle in horizontal curve is
(A) 38 N (B) 40 N
(C) 41 N (D) None of these
Ans: Option (B)

5. If width of the vehicle is 6 m and height of

the vehicle is 10 m and coefficient of friction
3. The height and width of the pavement are 0.15 then
as given below figure (A) Vehicle overturns prior to skidding
(B) Vehicle skids prior to overtaking
(C) Overturning is avoided
(D) Skid is avoided.
Ans: Option (B)

If f = 0.15 and ruling design speed is 60

kmph. Find the absolute minimum radius on
the curve in ‘m’ is _____.
(A) 8.94 m
(B) 9.34 m



6. The design speed of a road is 40 kmph and 10. The speed at which greatest number of
the radius of curve is 200 m. Then find the vehicles travel is called
length of transition curve for the road of (A) Medium speed
plain and rolling terrain. (B) Model speed
(A) 21.6 m (C) 15th percentile speed
(B) 26.1 m (D) 98th percentile speed
(C) 16.2 m Ans: Option (B)
(D) 24.2 m
Ans: Option (A) 11. A circular curve of radius 300 m,
Solution: coefficient of lateral friction of 0.15 and the
design speed is 40 kmph. The super elevation
at which equal pressure is distributed on
inner and outer wheel would be
(A) 0.02 (B) 0.06
(C) 0.05 (D) 0.04
7. A summit curve is to be designed with two Ans: Option (B)
gradients +2% and –6%.
6%. The rate of change Solution:
of gradient is 1% per 100 m length. The
minimum radius of curve is.
(A) 100 m (B) 1000 m
(C) 200 m (D) 300 m
Ans: Option (A)

12. What will be the non passing sight

distance on a highway for a design speed of
100 kmph when its ascending gradient is 2%.
Assuming coefficient of friction as 0.7 and
brake efficiency is 50%
8. The material obtained by the destructive
(A) 176.2 m
distillation of wood is _________.
(B) 174.5 m
(A) Bitumen
(C) 172.3 m
(B) Cutback
(D) 175.05 m
(C) Emulsion
Ans: Option (D)
(D) Tar
Ans: Option (D)

9. The mix design of concrete pavement is

based on
(A) Flexural strength
(B) Compressive strength
(C) Shear strength
(D) Bond strength
Ans: Option (A)



13. A summit curve is formed at the 16. What is the deflection at the surface of a
intersection of 3% upgrade and 5% flexible pavement due to a wheel load of 40
downgrade. What is the length of the summit kN and a tyre pressure of 0.5 MPa? The
curve in order to provide a stopping distance value of Є for pavement and sub grade is 20
of 128 m is MPa.
(A) 223 m (A) 15 mm (B) 11 mm
(B) 248 m (C) 9 mm (D) 6 mm
(C) 298 m Ans: Option (D)
(D) 300 m
Ans: Option (C)

14. Match List - I (traffic survey) with List -

II and select the correct answer using the
codes given below

17. Which one of the following is the set of

physical requirements of coarse aggregates
for construction of WBM roads as per IRC
Ans: Option (B)
LAV(%) AIV(%) FI(%)
15. What will be the initial traffic after
(A) < 50 < 40 < 15
construction, in the Commercial Vehicles per
(B) < 50 < 30 < 15
day (CVpd) for following data? Rate of
(C) < 40 < 30 < 20
traffic growth per annum = 7%. The road is
(D) < 40 < 30 < 15
proposed to be completed in 3 years and
Ans: Option (D)
present traffic existing is 400 CVpd
(A) 50 (B) 449
(C) 490 (D) 421
Ans: Option (C)

18. In 500 gm sample of course aggregate are

100 gm of flaky particles and 80 gm



elongated particles. What are the flakiness (D) 1, 3 and 4

andd elongation particles as per IS
IS. Ans: Option (D)
(A) 40% (B) 3.6%
(C) 18% (D) 4% 21. On a road the free speed was 65 kmph
Ans: Option (A) and the space headway at jam density was
Solution: 6.25 m. What is the maximum flow which
could be expected on this road?
(A) 2600 vph
(B) 1625 vph
(C) 1300 vph
(D) 406 vph
Ans: Option (A)
19. The design speed of a traffic lane is 70
kmph. What is the theoretical capacity per
hour taking the total reaction time to be 2
seconds and average length of vehicles as 8 m.
(A) 828 veh/m/day
(B) 735 veh/m/day
(C) 628 veh/m/day
(D) 428 veh/m/day
Ans: Option (B)
22. In marshall method of mix design, the t
coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, filler
material and bitumen, having respective
specific gravities of 2.62, 2.72, 2.70 and 1.02
are mixed in the ratio of 55, 34.6, 4.8 and 5.6
percent respectively. The theoretical specific
gravity of mix would be.
(A) 2.36 (B) 2.4
(C) 2.44 (D) 2.5
Ans: Option (D)

20. Consider following factors

1. Length of the vehicle
2. Width of the vehicle
3. Approach speed
4. Stopping time for approaching vehicle
23. Compute the equalent radius of resisting
5. Passing sight distance
section of 15 cm slab, if ratio of radius of
Which of these factors are taken into
wheel load distribution to thickness of slab is
consideration for determining ing yellow time of
traffic signal at intersection?
(A) 7.82 cm (B) 7.93 cm
(A) 1, 2 and 5
(C) 7.48 cm (D) 7.62 cm
(B) 2, 3 and 4
Ans: Option (D)
(C) 1, 3 and 5



Solution: Solution:

24. The centrifugal ratio of a vehicle is 0.25,

width of vehicle is 2.4 m, height of vehicle to
26. The last time due to starting delay on a
its C.G is 4.2 m, lateral friction is 0.15,
traffic signal approach is noted to be 3
assuming no super elevation.
seconds, the actual green time is 20 seconds
(A) Lateral skid occurs first
and amber time is 3 seconds. How much is
(B) Overturning occurs first
the effective green time.
(C) Neither lateral skid nor overturning
(A) 19 sec (B) 22 sec
(D) Both simultaneously
(C) 27 sec (D) 31 sec
Ans: Option (A)
Ans: Option (B)

27. The free mean speed on a road wing is

found to be 60 kmph under stopped condition
the average spacing between vehicle is 6 m.
The capacity of flow, assuming linear speed
density relation is
(A) 2333 veh/hr
(B) 3333 veh/hr
(C) 2870 veh/hr
(D) 3838 veh/hr
Ans: Option (B)

25. Find minimum sight distance to avoid

head on collision of two cars approaching at
90 kmph and 60 kmph. Used reaction time of
driver t = 2.5 sec, coefficient of longitude
friction, f = 0.7 and brake efficiency of 50%
28. A road 10 m wide is to deflect through
in either case is.
and angle of 65° with the centre line radius
(A) 235.8 m (B) 243.2 m
350 m. A transition curve is to be used at
(C) 256.8 m (D) 292.3 m
each end of a circular curve of such a length
Ans: Option (A)
that the rate of gain of radial acceleration 0.4

m² / sec , when speed is 60 kmph. Find the 30. Consider the following statements with
shift of the transition curve. reference to pavements
(A) 0.13 m (B) 3.12 m (1) Flexible pavement are more suitable an rigid
(C) 0.18 m (D) 3.42 m pavements in regions. Where sub grade strength
Ans: Option (A) is uneven
Solution: (2) Load carrying capacity of rigid pavements
depends more on properties of concrete than
strength of sub grade
(3) Compared to flexible pavements, rigid
pavements are more affected by temperature
Which of these statements are correct.
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 1 and 3
29. If the lamp lumen is 30 lux coefficient of (C) 2 and 3
utilization is 0.3, maintenance factor is 0.25, (D) 3 alone
average lux on road is 15 and width of road is Ans: Option (C)
(A) 2 m (B) 3 m
(C) 2.5 m (D) 3.5 m
Ans: Option (A)



Highway engineering test 4

1. The mean weight of aggregates in the 5. If the wheel loads oads stress at edge is
cylinder is 100 and weight of water required 40kg/cm², warping stresses at edge is 9kg/cm²
to fill the cylinder is 60 g and specific gravity and frictional stress is 5kg/cm²
5kg/ and then the
of aggregate is 2.6. Then the angularity critical stress in edge region for summer mid
number is ________. day is.
Ans: 2.85-2.95 (A) 48 kg/cm²
Solution: (B) 42 kg/cm²
(C) 44 kg/cm²
(D) 40 kg/cm²
Ans: Option (C)

2. The grade of tar which is generally used

for surface pointing and renewal coats of
road is 6.
(A) RT – 1 (B) RT – 2
(C) RT – 3 (D) RT – 4
Ans: Option (C)

3. The lowest point temperature at which a

material gets ignited and burns under
specified conditions of test
(A) Fire point
(B) Flash point In the above graph v = ?
(C) Triple point (A) marshal stability
(D) None of these (B) unit weight
Ans: Option (A) (C) flow value
(D) percentage voids of total mix
4. The elastic modulus of granular layer is 5.5 Ans: Option (C)
MPa and thickness of granular layer is 3mm.
The composite elastic modulus of granular 7. In a dual wheel assembly if (p)
( is equal to
sub base and base in MPa is. each wheel load, ‘s’‘ is centre to centre
(A) 1.4 spacing of dual wheels and ‘d’ is the clear
(B) 1.8 distance between wheels, then the equivalent
(C) 2.4 single wheel load for depth between d/2 and
(D) 1.3 2s is
Ans: 1.8 (A) p
Solution: (B) 2p
(C) between P and 2p
(D) None
Ans: Option (C)



8. Match the following 12. A bitumen concrete mix has average

specific gravity of 2.325 and theoretical
specific gravity as 2.41. The density of
bitumen is 1.03 g/cc with 4.5% bitumen
content by weight in mix. The VFB of mix is
(A) 32.8% (B) 30.8%
(C) 20.73% (D) 10.15%
Ans: Option (A)

Ans: Option (D)

9. The design traffic of a flexible pavement is

based on 7 day 24 hours traffic count as per
(A) IRC : 39.2001
(B) IRC : 58 – 2002
(C) IRC : 9
(D) IRC : 7
Ans: Option (C)

10. The parameters required to get the value

of radius of relative stiffness of CC pavement
is (conventions are as per IRC)
(A) E, k, r, u
(B) E, h, k, u
(C) h, k, u, r 13. The width of expansion joint is 30 mm in
(D) P, h, k, u a cement concrete pavement. The laying
Ans: Option (B) temperature is 10°C and the maximum slab
temperature in summer is 50°C. The
11. A subgrade soil sample was tested using coefficient of thermal
ermal expansion of concrete is
standard CBR apparatus and the 10 × /°c and the joint filler compresses
observations are given below: up to 50% of the thickness. The spacing
between expansion joints should be ____ (in
Ans: 37.5 m
The CBR value of the sample is
(A) 3.9% (B) 2.9%
(C) 4.8% (D) 12.2%
Ans: Option (B)

14. What is the deflection at the surface of

flexible pavement due a wheel load of 30 kN
and a tyre pressure of 0.6 Mpa. Take E = 20
(A) 5.8mm



(B) 5.6mm 17. In marshall method of mix design, the

(C) 5.4mm coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, filler
(D) 5.2mm material and bitumen, having respective
Ans: Option (B) specific gravities of 2.82, 2.42, 2.68, and 1.02
Solution: are mixed in ratio of 52, 34.8, 4.2 and 5.4
percent respectively. The theoretical specific
gravity of the mix would be ___
Ans: 2.50-2.52

15. A plain cement concrete pavement is

constructed at temperature of 20°c. The peak
summer temperature is 40°c. The coefficient
of thermal expansion of concrete is 8 ×
per °c, the gap at expansion joint is 3.5 cm. 18. Match the following
The spacing of expansion joint is _______ (in Type of test property
Ans: 21.2 m

Ans: Option (A)

19. Which of the following are the purposes

16. In case of governing equations for for use of steel bar reinforcement in cement
calculating wheel loads stress using concrete pavements. The correct answer
westergaard’s approach, the following using the code is
statements are made. (1) To increase the flexural strength of
(I) load stress are inversely proportional to concrete
wheel load. (2) To prevent the onset of cracks to allow
(II) Modulus of sub grade reaction is useful wider spacing of joints.
for load stress calculation. (3) To allow wider spacing of joints
(A) Both statements are true (A) 1 and 2 only
(B) I is true and II is false (B) 2 and 3 only
(C) Both statements are false (C) 1 and 3 only
(D) I is false and II is true (D) 1, 2 and 3
Ans: Option (B) Ans: Option (D)



20. Variation of tyre pressure is Ans: Option (B)

(A) Equal to 1.0 for an average tyre pressure of
7 kg/cm² 24. If 6.5 cm bituminous concrete surface
(B) < 1.0 for tyre pressure greater than 7 kg /cm² with = 1000 kg/cm² is equivalent to
(C) > 1.0 for tyre
yre pressure less than 7 kg /cm² thickness of base course, then equivalent
(D) all the above are correct thickness of base course having = 400
Ans: Option (D) kg/cm² will be.
(A) 12.42 cm (B) 9.36 cm
21. A combined value of flakiness and (C) 10.48 cm (D) 8.82 cm
elongation index are to be determined for a Ans: Option (D)
sample of aggregates. The sequence in which Solution:
two tests are conducted is
(A) elongation index test followed by flakiness
index test
(B) flakiness index test followed by elongation
index test
(C) flakiness index test followed by elongation
index on non flaxy aggregates
(D) elongation index test followed by flakiness
index test on non elongated aggregates
Ans: Option (B) 25. In the revised CBR design method
recommended by IRC for design of flexible
22. Compute the equivalent radius of pavement total thickness depends upon
resisting section of 20 cm slab, if ratio of (A) CBR value of soil only
radius of wheel load distribution to thickness (B) CBR value of soil and magnitude of wheel
of slab is 0.6. load
(A) 14.22 cm (B) 14.02 cm (C) CBR value of soil and number of
(C) 14.8 cm (D) 14.7 cm commercial vehicle per day
Ans: Option (A) (D) CBR value of soil and cumulative standard
Solution: axle Loads
Ans: Option (D)

Answer Keys

23. Match the following




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