Extremely Post-Term Infant With Adverse Outcome
Extremely Post-Term Infant With Adverse Outcome
Extremely Post-Term Infant With Adverse Outcome
Post-term infants are born at a gestational age >42 weeks or 294 days from the 1st day of the last menstrual period. Post-term
infants have higher rates of morbidity and mortality than term infants. Risk factors for post-term births include the following:
Prim gravida, prior post-term pregnancy, and genetic predisposition as a concordance for post-term pregnancy is higher in
monozygotic than dizygotic twin mothers, maternal obesity, older maternal age, and male fetal gender. We are presenting a case
of newborn infant delivered at post-term 47 weeks (post conception age) who was born through thick meconium stained liquor
delivery showed sever skin peeling. He needed respiratory ventilation since birth and his brain magnetic resonance imaging
was abnormal. This report aims to raise awareness among obstetric-gynecology and neonatologists about complications of post
maturity and to put a plan to deliver these babies before reaching 42 weeks gestation
Key words: BW (Birth weight), CPAP ( continuous positive airway pressure), LSCS (lower section cesarean section), MRI
(magnetic resonance imaging), SGA (Small for gestation)
INTRODUCTION likely than term infants to have low Apgar scores, an indirect
measure of perinatal asphyxia.[5-7] Meconium aspiration,
he clinical presentation of post-term infants is based congenital malformations, and persistent pulmonary
primarily on fetal growth. In most cases, continued hypertension are also more frequently observed in post-
fetal growth results in higher birth weight (BW) in term infant.[6-8] In one autopsy study, post-term infants were
the post-term than term infant, with an increased likelihood more likely than control term infants to have evidence of
of macrosomia,[2-4] and post-term macrosomic infants are at aspiration of amniotic fluid and/or meconium, which may
risk for birth injury due to prolonged labor, cephalopelvic have contributed to respiratory failure and death.[9]
disproportion, and shoulder dystocia.
was unplanned pregnancy so unsure about the date, but mother Then i nfant was transferred to NICU, kept on mechanical
mentioned that LMP was on 16/3/2017, so plan was put by ventilation and during that period he got left side
gynecology doctors to do elective LSCS on 24/12/2018, but pneumothorax needed drainage [Figures 3 and 4], and
mother neglected that date. continue on mechanical ventilation for 2 days, His laboratory
result as initial simple blood tests and Metabolic screen test
Ultrasound examination done at 35 weeks showed normal were normal.
fetal growth.
On day 3, the infant had abnormal non-rhythmic movements
AT 47 weeks , she attended the obstetrics and gynecology of all extremity as convulsion which was aborted with one
emergency department with labor pain. She was admitted
dose of phenobarbitone. On day 9days of life Brain Magnetic
to the obstetrics ward, and a cardiotocogram showed fetal
resonance imaging was done and showed mild bilateral
distress in the form of fetal bradycardia and the liquor was
meconium stained., Baby was delivered by vacuum assisted symmetric diffusion restriction involving the posterior limb
vaginal delivery. With birth weight of 2475-g infant male of internal capsule, dorsal midbrain, and dorsal pons. Features
covered with thick meconium with severe skin peeling were reported as being in favor of metabolic encephalopathy
[Figures 1 and 2] with Apgar scores of 9/10 at 1 and 5 min, over hypoxic brain injury. During hospital stay infant had
respectively. Cord gas showed arterial PH 7.06 BE −11.3 feeding difficulty started orogatric tube feed until the 10th
PCO2 74 and venous PH 7.13 BE −11.8 PCO2 52 . At 5 min, day of life when he was discharged on full feed by sucking
the infant developed respiratory distress needed endotracheal with follow-up at the high risk baby clinic and pediatric
intubation and mechanical ventilation with oxygen of 40%. neurology clinic.