Location Everything Ev Issue Brief 20200127

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In India, increasing the fleet of electric vehicles (EV) and charging infrastructure will be key to
improving air quality in cities, enhancing energy security (by reduced dependence on imported crude),
and fighting climate change. The national government is also moving toward a massive scale-up of
renewable energy and sustainable mobility (e-mobility). Several states and cities along with private
companies are moving forward with electric mobility plans in India. As per an analysis by Niti Aayog and
Rocky Mountain Institute, 30% EV penetration by 2030 will generate an estimated saving of up to 474
million tons of oil equivalent (Mtoe) and 846 million tons of net CO2 emissions over their lifetime.1

Local Knowledge
Modeling Approach Hybrid Approach
Stakeholder Approach

Planning area Small to medium Medium to large Medium to large

Local knowledge and Comprehensive data base

Key resources needed Mix of both
participation and modeling expertise

Numerous workshops and Data acquisition and

Most cost-heavy procedure Mix of both
human cost analysis

Iterative discussion and Data processing and

Time consuming procedure Mix of both
engaging stakeholders interpretation

Saves time with modeling, do

Easy to start and
Generally requires less time not need as much data and
manage without needing
and human cost, can handle modeling capacity as pure
Advantage substantial data or
large scale planning, better modeling approach, which
modeling expertise, better
planning transparency can be compensated by
community acceptance
stakeholder engagement

Hard to manage when

Can be tricky to decide
planning area gets bigger, A comprehensive database
how modeling and human
hard for human decisions may not be available or
Disadvantage decisions should be
to cover complicated expensive to acquire, models
synergized, and where should
planning objectives are subject to caveats
either approach be used

For more information please contact Anjali Jaiswal ajaiswal@nrdc.org, Charu Lata clata@nrdc.org

Location is Everything: Approaches to Siting Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for the Indian Context PAGE 1
One of the main factors hindering rapid EV adoption is OVERVIEW OF CHARGING
range anxiety, the fear of running out of battery power
before being able to recharge. This concern is amplified in
areas with limited charging infrastructure. Lack of charging India aims to expand its electric mobility market, yet the
infrastructure and its high deployment cost given the development of EV charging infrastructure, also known as
price sensitive Indian market is a major deterrent. Also, EV supply equipment (EVSE), remains in the early stages.
having an electric vehicle which is equivalent to an internal A robust charging infrastructure is crucial for EV market
combustion engine vehicle in performance and pricing growth, and a healthy ratio between the number of EVs to
remains key to expanding electric mobility. To accelerate charging stations is important to encourage early adopters
EV usage in India, thirteen states and union territories (UT) and relieve drivers of range anxiety.
are leading the way in building production, services, and
infrastructure.2 Most states in India have initial programs India is estimated to have approximately 500 public EV
for installing charging infrastructure in public and private charging stations and is in early stages of developing
places. A sound charging infrastructure plan involves many charging infrastructure.3 In January 2020, the Department
players. It includes representatives from various levels of Heavy Industry (DHI) approved setting up 2,636 electric
of government, local business owners, land developers, vehicle charging stations (1,633 fast and 1,003 slow
public utilities, institutions, resident welfare associations, charging stations) across 62 cities in 24 states and union
vehicle associations and the public, especially EV owners. territories in the country under the FAME II scheme.4
As India moves forward with implementing EV policies, a A strong public charging system is needed to support
key question among city planners is “how to site and locate robust EV use. For example, the State of California in the
charging infrastructure” in the Indian context. United States is considered an EV leader and has 19,687
public charging units and 506,608 EVs on the road, a 1:26
This issue brief provides decision-makers and stakeholders ratio.5 In an even denser city like Beijing, China, the ratio
with information on the principles of charging between EV chargers and EVs has reached 1:5 ratio6, and
infrastructure location and siting. It also presents successful if private chargers are counted, 1:1.5 ratio.7 The European
EV adoption approaches that have been used by cities in Commission directed EU countries to set EVSE deployment
other parts of the world. In addition, based on international targets for 2020 and 2025 to match the level of infrastructure
practices, this issue brief presents three approaches to siting required by the EU Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive
EV charging infrastructure: (2014).8 Targets include establishing one publicly accessible
charging outlet for every 10 cars by 2020.
“Local Approach
Knowledge” (combining the
Ratio of public EV chargers to EVs:
Stakeholder Approach stakeholder
Approach and model

California, Beijing, European

US China Union
An advantage of the hybrid approach is that it makes initial 1:26 1:5 1:10
planning for bigger areas more manageable by employing
a small group of modelers, rather than a large gathering of
stakeholders. In the later phase before implementation,
stakeholder engagement and local knowledge will still be
needed to fill in the gaps between the modeling results and The Indian government has made strong progress to spur
reality. transportation electrification with national and state EV
plans. Yet, a gap remains in charging infrastructure. Both
Given the local context with active stakeholder involvement
capital investments and installations are needed to achieve
and limited data, the hybrid approach is an appealing
state and national ambitions. For example, state-run Energy
approach for Indian cities.
Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), tasked with procuring

The Department of Heavy Industry (DHI)

approved setting up 1,633 fast
2,636 1,003 slow across 62 cities
in 24 states and
electric vehicle charging stations charging stations union territories

PAGE 2 Location is Everything: Approaches to Siting Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for the Indian Context
10,000 EVs for government use, cited that they could not To expand the EV market, the national government and
meet the goal, due to a lack of charging infrastructure.9 leading states are determining the locations of the charging
infrastructure. For example, in the Guidelines and Standards
To accelerate EV adoption, the Government of India launched from MoP, location factors are explicitly included in the
the incentive scheme, Faster Adoption and Manufacture of document, which states “at least one charging station
(Hybrid and) Electric vehicles (FAME II), under the umbrella should be available in a grid of 3 km by 3 km, and one
of the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan. For projects charging station should be set up at every 25km on both
that meet specific requirements, up to 100 percent of the sides of highways/roads.” In July 2019, the Department of
charging infrastructure equipment cost could be funded. At Heavy Industry, issued an Expression of Interest, inviting
the national level, the Ministry of Power (MoP) developed installation of charging stations in cities with populations
“Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles – Guidelines over one million, satellite towns connected to the seven
and Standards.” The guidelines require that charging major metropolitan regions, and other cities meeting certain
infrastructure conform to a set of standards for ease of use criteria.
and be compatible with multiple existing charging standards.
As policymakers establish incentives and programs, one
crucial question is where to logistically have initial charging
infrastructure placements, followed by increased growth.
Based on international best practices, two key considerations
are charging station density and economic feasibility. It is
common that the government planning leads the planning
process. A private actor may want to plan for its own charging
network, which usually still needs the support or approval of
the government.

Public entities can invest in and build charging infrastructure,

like EESL in India. Public-Private-Partnerships (PPPs) are
also common. PPPS are best suited for when the government
wants to maintain the charging infrastructure as a public
good, yet needs market expertise and financial resources.
As a public good, the government can apply public policy
tools more easily, such as price control for affordability, and
provide charging in low-utilization areas for better charging

Takeaway point: PPPs are best suited for when the

government wants to maintain the charging infrastructure
as a public good, yet needs market expertise and financial
resources. As a public good, the government can apply public
policy tools more easily, such as price control for affordability,
and provide charging in low-utilization areas for better
charging coverage.

Private actors, such as local business owners and specialized

charging providers, can work on their own for-profit stations
and deploy charging infrastructure sometimes more quickly
than public chargers. This is especially common for battery
swapping stations.10 For example, there have been working
business models where the company sells e-scooters and
establishes battery switching stations to service their
e-scooter users and charge a fee like Gogoro’s business
model in Taiwan.11 Ultimately, private sector stations will
complement the government’s plan.


Location is Everything: Approaches to Siting Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for the Indian Context PAGE 3

LOCATION AND SITING BASICS by the Community Energy Association, Planning for Electric
Vehicle Charging Infrastructure.12 The approach involves
Location and siting are often used interchangeably but have decision-makers to convene local experts with knowledge on
different meanings. Location usually refers to broader areas traffic patterns and urban space.
where a charging station is located, such as around shopping
center or movie theaters, whereas siting refers to the more There are four major steps for the “Local Knowledge”
specific position within a location, such as a parking spot Stakeholder Approach: 1) Engage and educate, 2) Determine
adjacent to the north entrance of the shopping center. One vision, goals and objectives, 3) Identify preferred locations,
can think about location as a bubble, and a site as a point in and 4) Identify promising sites. Depending on the size of the
the bubble. planning area, and the timeframe of the planning exercise,
the identification of locations and sites can be done together.
Location and siting can be framed as: 1) ‘Location’ is finding
suitable areas for charging infrastructure and fitting an British Columbia (BC) Toolkit
adequate number of stations to the areas, so that overall
refueling demands are met, and 2) ‘Siting’ is finding the exact The British Columbia Toolkit provides useful
spots for stations, considering site-specific details, including information on the local knowledge-based approach,
but not limited to cost of connection (including power Planning for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: A
grid upgrades needed, location charges, etc.), accessibility, Toolkit by Community Energy Association, sponsored
visibility, and safety, so that the planned stations can be by BC Hydro and British Columbia Ministry of
well utilized and economically feasible. Depending on the Energy, Mines and Natural Gas. Refer to the original
planning scope, the planning body can focus on either, or do document for more supporting materials and case
both sequentially. studies.13 The toolkit is useful for the Indian context
and other regions with limited data and budgetary


APPROACH To build awareness in the community and raise awareness
For smaller communities with limited budgets and/or with on charging infrastructure, decision makers work to educate
limited data availability, a “local knowledge” based approach stakeholders, community members, and potential partners
that engages stakeholders can be an effective methodology on information about EVs, EV charging, and how these
to conduct the planning while meeting budget or data matters relate to broader community goals. This step may
constraints. This approach is based on a tool kit developed also help identify local champions and possible partners for
EV charging station deployment.

PAGE 4 Location is Everything: Approaches to Siting Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for the Indian Context
Key stakeholders for an EV planning process include: • What are the main goals to create charging
representatives from local or state government, community infrastructure? Easy access to charging for owners, or to
business owners (including vehicle dealerships), local reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions?
land developers and owners, local utility representatives, • What is the timeframe for the plan? What kind of
research and data collection institutions (e.g. Institute for charging equipment deployment (level 2 charging, fast
Transportation and Development Policy, National Institute charging) is suitable for the short term (one to five years)?
of Urban Affairs, Centre for Science and Environment,
• What is the long-term vision (five to 20 years)?
World Resources Institute), tourism/commerce/economic
development representatives, EV owners and the broader • How does the community want to stay informed about
public. progress? How should lessons over time be incorporated
back into the planning process?
Understanding where EV charging equipment fits within
the area, both in the short and longer term, is helpful. The A map of the area is essential to this process. Ideally, the
following questions can guide consideration on the current map would show the planning boundaries and any existing
and future role that EVs play in the area: charging stations, as well as important features shown in
Table 1. The table describes the features and identifies the
• How do the goals for EVs align with other goals?
reason why it should be shown on the map. For example, the
• Will EV drivers use their car for different purposes (i.e. transportation hub is visible and convenient to locate and
to commute, operate commercially, run local errands, is a common destination for many commuters, making it
or take long trips, etc.), and do any of these groups of EV relevant to be shown on the map. For larger areas, it can be
drivers align with the government’s priority? helpful to impose a 5 km or denser grid onto the map.

Hainan Case Study – Principles for Charging Infrastructure Planning

Hainan Province in China has developed a set 2020.15 There should be adequate charging units
of principles for charging infrastructure location for every private EV.16 Slow and shared charging
planning for regions with limited data and budgetary are preferred for home charging availability and
resources.14 accessibility.
Hainan is an island province of China with 33,920 • For mid-trip charging there should be two
square kilometers and a population of 9.32 million. charging or battery switching stations for every
It has a seasonal population of 0.8 million due to petrol/diesel station, usually located every 50
its mild winters. Hainan has a similar population kilometers, on both sides of the road. For island-
density (around 300 people per square kilometer) to looping routes, 40 charging or switching stations
some Indian states, such as Gujarat and Telangana, will be built. Existing gas stations are encouraged
and can therefore serve as a reference for charging to install fast charging equipment.
infrastructure planning. • For workplace parking, no less than 25 percent of
Hainan recently released its updated charging the parking spaces should be reserved for EVs,
infrastructure plan for 2019 to 2030. The provincial and workplace charging spaces should be open
plan shares some of China’s most recent knowledge to the public during off-peak hours.
on planning for charging infrastructure adequacy. • Hainan plans to increase from 8,000 public
The adequacy goals are based on city tier, vehicle, charging units to 51,000 by 2025, and 166,000
and location type. The plan categorizes cities units by 2030. It will also increase the number
into three tiers based on the level of economic of battery switching stations from 160 to 430
development and function (i.e. economic center, by 2025, and 627 stations by 2030. For private,
tourist destination, or ecological preservation zone). taxi, and car-sharing EVs, the goal ratio between
The plan then assigns goals to best suit the city’s charging units and vehicles is 1:1. For charging
role and current progress in EV adoption. There are units to buses, city fleets, and commercial
specific requirements for the different location types. vehicles, the ideal ratio is 1:2. In 2019, the ratio
is 1:5, and 1:7 if only public charging units are
• All residential locations must have, or be ready
for the installation of, charging infrastructure by

Location is Everything: Approaches to Siting Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for the Indian Context PAGE 5
Table 1 List of Important Features to Show on the Map
Reasons why it is shown on the map
Feature Description Visible & Destinations Home
Convenient Charging

Major and minor roads Highly visible, well-travelled locations x

Transportation hubs Bus depots, shared bike areas, train stations, major x x
intersections, park & ride locations

Institutional land uses Government buildings, hospitals, schools, recreation and x x

community centers and libraries

Commercial uses Retail centers, business districts or tourism destinations, x x

Gas stations Sites already popular for “refueling” x
Parking facilities Surface lots, underground or structural parking facilities x
not covered under other uses

Future growth areas Especially if significant commercial, institutional, or x x x

high-density residential use is planned

Jobs density Employment centers with large number of jobs x

High density Areas where residents may not have their own parking x
residential uses (i.e. apartments)
Publicly owned Publicly owned facilities that are not covered under x
properties institutional uses (including unused properties)
Power lines/stations Proximity to existing high-power electricity

Source: NRDC adopting British Columbia Toolkit information

Stakeholders can develop criteria for location selection, as • is the demand for general vehicle parking so high that it
listed in bullets below. Then, stakeholders can rank locations creates conflicts for parking space;
with the criteria to achieve stakeholder goals. • are there potential co-benefits with the siting (i.e.
local economic development, green branding, noise
General criteria for good locations include:
• will the siting support commuters, visitors, residents, or
• does the siting support an even distribution throughout
the area; Identification of preferred sites starts with identifying
possible sites at high potential locations. If there is more than
• does the siting supports residential and commercial
one possible site, the options can be evaluated and ranked
areas with expected future growth;
with a list of criteria in Table 2. In smaller communities,
• does the siting consider the travel pattern and the mode maps and personal knowledge will suffice, or if necessary,
of travel of the commuters; a walk through the location. During the planning stage, it is
• roughly how expensive would it be to install chargers? beneficial to clarify ownership (or ownership model) of the
• is the location easy to see and find; possible sites, system operation, and the development of
• is there something to do nearby;

PAGE 6 Location is Everything: Approaches to Siting Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for the Indian Context
Table 2 List of Criteria for Good Charging Sites
Visible The site should have maximum visibility for possible users
Secure The site should be well-lit and visible to others. General environmental design principles on crime prevention
can be used here
Near a source Existing light fixtures, power poles etc. can reduce installation costs by eliminating the need to trench through
of power concrete or pavement, thus reducing the amount of renovation required to extend electrical conduits
Level The site should not be on a hill, for rolling risk, and should not be in a depression, which could accumulate
topography rain or snow
Wide Ideally, the site should be available at any time of the day, and at a minimum, during business hours
Easy access Above ground locations often have more flexibility. There should be ample room to accommodate the number
and egress of planned vehicles without obstructions
Sheltered and This will greatly improve the charging experience for a safety and comfort perspective
Timing Identify if anything might make the site quicker (e.g., willing land owner) or slower (e.g., city center power
constraints upgrade complications) to deploy charging
Source: NRDC adopting British Columbia Toolkit information

Once the number of possible locations and sites are reduced, The use of modeling may work well if the planning area
a detailed site evaluation should be completed, and a site is too big for the planning body to purely rely on local
plan should be prepared. The plan should address, including knowledge, and when good data is already available or can
but not limited to, measurement of the potential site to be easily collected. It is potentially more transparent as well,
ensure ability to accommodate planned number of vehicles particularly if the data inputs and the model are transparent.
and charging equipment, and evaluation of electrical As planning goes from the regional scale to the local level,
conduits near the site and measurement of their distance additional stakeholder voices and factors may need to be
from the site. considered, necessitating human knowledge and decisions.

2. MODELING APPROACH Currently, there are a number of models available, with

several applied to the real-world cases. One example is the
Communities with extensive data on traffic patterns and application of the University of California Davis EV Planning
vehicle use, often utilize an approach with extensive Toolkit to Greater Philadelphia in the United States.18 The
modeling. This model-based approach usually requires less model tells where people may buy EVs and provides the
local human knowledge in specific areas but requires datasets location and magnitude of anticipated charging demand. The
of considerable size on locations and potential vehicle travel locations are not specific but are generally within a one to
trajectories. two-mile area. A literature review on different types of models
is available in the Appendix.
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Projection Tool
(EVI-Pro) EV Infrastructure Location Identification Tool
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
developed the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure The EV Infrastructure Location Identification Tool
Projection Tool (EVI-Pro) in collaboration with the (ILIT) was developed by M.J. Bradley & Associates
California Energy Commission to estimate regional and the Georgetown Climate Center, to support North
requirements for charging infrastructure. It uses Carolina, and other states in the Northeast and the
EV market projections and real-world travel data Mid-Atlantic region. The tool generates direct-current
to estimate future requirements, under various (DC) fast charging development suitability rankings
scenarios, for residential, workplace, and public for exits along designated highway corridors in the
charging. Model outputs include: anticipation of region. The tool also offers assistance for future
spatial/temporal consumer demand for charging, charging infrastructure development planning. The
weekday/weekend travel behavior, and regional model is free online.19
differences in travel behavior and vehicle adoption. A
user-friendly, simplified version of EVI-Pro is available

Location is Everything: Approaches to Siting Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for the Indian Context PAGE 7
A hybrid approach is when both stakeholder participation To determine charging locations for the city, officials
and technical modeling with limited available data is applied considered data from the seven contiguous counties to
in the planning. Modeling results are usually applied to account for commuters and traffic patterns. The flow chart
transform sizable data into human-interpretable siting in Figure 1 shows the process of planning charging stations.
suggestions for the area, and then local knowledge is used For the planning process, officials first modeled to identify
to verify and refine the siting solution from the model, while potential locations based on available data. The officials then
taking into account stakeholder inputs and site-specific used the framework presented in the “Local Knowledge”
factors. Stakeholder approach, described above, to decide the
more specific location and siting areas based on the initial
An advantage of the hybrid approach is that it makes initial locations identified through the modeling exercise. In other
planning for bigger areas more manageable by employing words, given the stakeholder’s knowledge of location specific
a small group of modelers, rather than a large gathering of uses, the stakeholder process is used to refine from the
stakeholders. In the later phase before implementation, modeling to maximize practicality and use for siting and
stakeholder engagement and local knowledge will still be locations for charging infrastructure.
needed to fill in the gaps between the modeling results and
reality. The City of Columbus’ approach, as described in the Box,
illustrates the hybrid approach. First, Columbus used EV
The City of Columbus, Ohio in the United States successfully registration data to determine EV travel origins. Anonymous
used the hybrid approach in planning their charging GPS travel data that originated from the EV travel origins,
infrastructure locations.20 In Columbus, officials used the acquired from third parties, were used as inputs for EVI-Pro
model EVI-Pro developed by the National Renewable Energy model. The model simulates EV travels based on the inputs
Laboratory (NREL) with available data combined with a and delivers results on how many charging units are needed
series of stakeholder meetings for identifying locations and for different purposes. The results are processed to identify
siting for charging infrastructure. 300 hot spots that indicate future demand for non-residential
L2 charging. These hot spots, represented on the map as
Smart Columbus21
500-meter-diameter bubbles, are where EVs were simulated
to be frequently parked for long durations at low battery
Smart Columbus is an initiative for the Columbus
“state of charge” (SOC) levels. These bubbles, coupled with
Region. Columbus, Ohio competed against 77 other
data such as parking meter collection data, can give the initial
US cities to win the Smart City Challenge in 2016.22
candidate locations for charging stations.
With this initiative, Columbus is transforming its
transportation system and aggressively growing Workshop and stakeholder meetings were then conducted to
the electric vehicle market. One of the many put in local knowledge to finalize the locations and siting. The
projects underway is the expansion of EV charging planning process took roughly six months, of which the initial
stations, and to date, 1,068 charging ports have data processing consumed a significant amount of the time.
been installed.23 More information can be found
in the playbook published on the Smart Columbus


PAGE 8 Location is Everything: Approaches to Siting Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for the Indian Context
Figure 1 Process Flow of Charging Infrastructure Location/Site Identification for Smart Columbus.

Source: NRDC adopting Smart Columbus information

Location is Everything: Approaches to Siting Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for the Indian Context PAGE 9
Planning for public charging infrastructure is essentially For planning in big cities or regions in India (mainly the
answering where and how many of what type of chargers million plus cities as per 2011 census or the smart cities
should be placed in the planning area. This factsheet focuses notified by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs), the hybrid
on the where perspective. We present three approaches approach of modeling and local knowledge may work best.
that can be used for EV location and site selection: local- An initial modeling phase will help deliver a data-based,
knowledge stakeholder, modeling, and hybrid. transparent selection of possible locations. Seeking potential
collaborations with research institutions and data collectors,
Leveraging local knowledge in the stakeholder approach such as Google may greatly accelerate the modeling work.
works for small-scale planning. However, for larger-scale Later, stakeholder engagement and human decisions will
regional or city-wide planning, models can be used to ensure the selections are viable in the real world, and that
process available data into initial location recommendations, sites are selected with holistic engineering, economic, and
reducing the human resources needed. policy considerations.


PAGE 10 Location is Everything: Approaches to Siting Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for the Indian Context
(Source: British Columbia Tool Kit25)


1. List of stakeholders 9. Adjoining regional districts

2. Agenda
3. Location and site exercise
1. Welcome and introductions (15-30 mins)
4. Location criteria rating sheet
2. Learning from others (30-60 min)
5. Rating sheet for proposed locations
3. Government and utility perspectives (30 mins)
6. Rating sheet for preferred sites
4. Opportunities and challenges (30 mins)
7. A map or maps showing: Planning boundaries,
5. Plan vision and goals (30 mins)
existing EV charging stations, major or minor
roads, transportation hubs, institutional land used, 6. Review location criteria (15-30 mins)
commercial uses, gas stations, parking facilities, 7. Review roles and responsibilities of the government,
future growth areas, jobs density, high density residents, businesses and institutions (30 mins)
residential areas, publicly owned properties, aerial
8. Charging station location exercise (60-90 mins)
photograph or satellite imagery, and five-kilometer
grid for larger area planning 9. Rating and ranking of proposed locations against
criteria, vision and goals (30-60 mins)
8. Presentation material
10. Identification of possible sites for top rated
locations (30-60 mins)
11. Summary and next steps (15 mins)
1. Government in the planning area
2. Business owners in the area
3. Land developers and owners
Workshop attendants can take around an hour to consider
4. Utility
possible charging station locations. The goal is that each
5. Institutions one can identify 8-10 possible charging station locations for
6. Tourism, chamber of commerce and economic detailed technical evaluation. Table below, as an example,
development representatives can be used to note thoughts on possible locations, their role
7. EV owners in the area and site-level information. At this stage, site-level
information needs not to be complete.

Location Role in Area Site-level Criteria

Major employment center
Community centers/Des-

Sheltered and ventilated

Easy access and egress
Highly Visible (Intersec-

High density residential

Source of power nearby

Secure, well-lit, visible

tion, Major road, etc.)

Future Growth Area

Publicly owned site

Major retail center

Available 24 hours
Possible Location

Above ground
Not on hill


Example: Yes No No No No No Yes Maybe Mostly Yes Yes Yes Yes Mostly

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

Location is Everything: Approaches to Siting Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for the Indian Context PAGE 11

This table helps planners to define short term and long-term Avoidance of con-
goals. Ratings can be assigned as, for example, very important flicts for parking
(3), important (2), and less important (1). Even distribution
Criteria Short term Long term Emphasis on fu-
Easy to see and ture growth areas
do nearby
Supporting: - - Locations and sites can be ranked to refine initial selections
down to desired numbers. They can be rated simply with,
very promising (3), promising (2), and less promising (1). It
Visitors is also possible to use more complex rating method directly
Residents taking into account the individual criteria.
Institutions Location No. Possible location/ Rating
Co-benefits: - - address
Local economic 1.
Green branding Site No. Possible site Rating
Other 1.


PAGE 12 Location is Everything: Approaches to Siting Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for the Indian Context

Utility Considerations Governing Authority

1. EV Rate Structure Considerations
2. Availability of Power 1. Public Planning
3. Metering Consultation 2. Funding/Grant Requirements
with Governing
4. Total Load Management with Utility 3. Public Siting Locations
5. Smart Grid 4. Traffic Patterns
6. Level 2 and/or 3 Charging 5. Public Street Signage
Other Requirements? 6. Other requirements?

OEM Consideration
1. Level 2 or 3 Charging
2. Current and Future EV needs
Enthusiasts Considerations Consultation Consultation with
3. Determination of number of
1. Location with EV EV Supplier and
chargers required
2. Promotion/advertising Enthusiasts EVSE Supplier
4. Determination of location of
parking areas
5. Determination of electrical
6. User Payment Options

Business Owner Consideration

1. Quantity of EVSE Contractor Considerations
2. Location Of EVSE Station(s) 1. Proximity to Utility Service
3 Ownership concerns Panel
4. Cost Sharing Consultation with Consultation 2. Standing Water/Flood issues
5. Maintenance Local Business with Electrical 3. Safety and accessibility
Responsibilities Owners Contractor Considerations
6. User payment for service 4. Avoidance of tripping hazard
7. Vandalism 5. lnstallation meets Building
8. Lighting/shelter Code Requirements
9. Advertisement 6. Addtional lighting
Property Owner Contractor Considerations
1. Drawing of EVSE location
2. Electrical plan including new
3. Additional meter requirements
Site Plan Developed if necessary
4. Concrete cutting, trenching,
landscape considerations
5 Contractor Estimate
Obtain Permits

Approving Authority
1. AlI Building Codes satisfied
Utility Service Upgrade Completed Conduct Installation
2. Qualified and certified

Installation Completed
Final Inspection and

Location is Everything: Approaches to Siting Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for the Indian Context PAGE 13


From the perspective of what is being considered in planning, 5. CONSTRAINTS
research has been done with different types of charging
Besides meeting the demand for charging, other
facilities, types of vehicles, scale of planning, data sources,
factors are also taken into account, and can affect the
and constraints.27
outcome. For example, the impacts on the electricity
distribution grid from planned charging infrastructure
1. MODES OF CHARGING (Phonrattanasak and Leeprechanon, 2012; Jamian et al.,
While the most commonly treated case is normal/ 2014; Sadeghi-Barzani et al., 2014), and the economic
slow charging stations, there are many articles on new/ feasibility from costs of connection, construction and
alternative technologies. Some studies consider fast operation can all be constraining factors (Wang, 2007;
charging.28 Battery switching stations are considered Mak et al., 2013; Tang et al., 2013).36
in some.29 Some consider non-traditional types such
as mobile charging (Yang et al., 2012) and mobile METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES
switching (Huang et al., 2014) stations.30 In some, mixed
From the perspective of methodological approaches, studies
types of charging facilities are taken into consideration
use different ways of modeling spatial entities, look for
discrete or continuous location choices, vary in level of
formalism, and use different mathematical tools.
Usually planning studies are targeted for private EV 1. MODELING OF SPATIAL ENTITIES
drivers, but we can also see solutions proposed for
It is common to model demand and supply in the form
company fleet vehicles (Yang and Sun, 2015), taxis (Ko
of points.37 Studies suggest that areas can be represented
and Shim, 2016), buses (Zheng et al., 2013), and scooters
either unevenly sized (Namdeo et al., 2015) or with a
(Wang and Lin, 2013).32
raster (Koyanagi et al.,2006), or at the cost of information
loss, transformed into points by using the centroids of
3. SCALE OF PLANNING the areas (Tang et al. 2013).38 For road networks, it is
There are some theoretical studies that only demonstrate common to use graphs.39
the feasibility of the proposed method with artificial
examples.33 Most studies use real data from areas of 2. DISCRETE OR CONTINUOUS LOCATION CHOICES
different sizes, such as parts of cities (Sadeghi-Barzani
In a discrete case, the potential locations for charging
et al., 2014), cities (Bernardo et al., 2016), regions (Mak
stations are predefined. Usually existing infrastructure
et al, 2013), islands (Wang, 2007), and states (Chung and
locations such as cities within a road network (Wang and
Changhyun, 2015).34
Wang, 2010), road junctions/intersections (Bernardo et
al., 2016), parking lots, or gasoline stations (Wang et al.,
4. DATA INPUTS USED 2010) are used as candidate locations.40 In the continuous
Different methods vary in the aspects that are considered case, EV charging stations can be located anywhere
for determining suitable locations for charging within the given area.41
stations. Most models include the user’s demand for EV
charging. However, many different indicators are used 3. LEVEL OF FORMALISM
to quantify and locate this demand. Data is used, often
Charging infrastructure siting can be done pragmatically
in combination, in studies, including demographic data
with local knowledge and informal ad-hoc approaches,
(Namdeo et al., 2014; Koyanagi et al., 2001), building data
and leave space for intuitive decisions. More formally,
(Namdeo et al., 2014), vehicle registration data (Koyanagi
decisions can be loosely based on overlay analysis of
et al., 2006), proximity to major transit connections
geographic data. Mathematically formalized methods
(Koyanagi and Yokoyama, 2010), traffic data (McPherson
predominate scientific literature. Location choice is
et al., 2011; Bernardo et al., 2016), and parking data
commonly formulated as an optimization problem.
(Capelle, 2010).35

PAGE 14 Location is Everything: Approaches to Siting Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for the Indian Context
4. MODELING APPROACHES Several authors have implemented simulations of EV
When formulated as a (mixed) integer linear problem, mobility and charging which allowed them to also
concepts such as the p-median problem (Ko and Shim, analyze locations of charging infrastructure. Existing
2016), p-center problem (Jia et al., 2014), set covering traffic models have been extended (Hess et al., 2012;
(Wang and Wang, 2010), and flow refueling location Gonzalez et al., 2014; Hiwatari et al., 2014) and new
model (Kuby and Lim, 2005) can be used.42 agent-based models have been implemented (Sweda and
Klabjan, 2011; ElBanhawy et al., 2014).46 The advantage
Heuristic approaches that have been applied to the
of using simulation is that it allows to model the diverse
location planning of EV charging infrastructure include
aspects that determine individual EV drivers’ need for
particle swarm algorithms (Tang et al., 2013), genetic
charging in more detail. Instead of using static land use
algorithms (Sadeghi-Barzani et al., 2014), bee colony
data or single trip data, trip chains can be modeled.
algorithms (Jamian et al., 2014), ant colony optimization
Such simulation models can serve to identify areas of
(Phonrattanasak and Leeprechanon, 2012), or greedy
high charging demand (Gonzalez et al., 2014; Hiwatari
algorithms which sequentially decide the next optimal
et al., 2014; ElBanhawy et al., 2014 ) or evaluate given
location (McPherson et al., 2011; Wagner et al., 2014).43
alternative charging infrastructure layouts (Sweda and
Another approach to finding good locations is to perform Klabjan, 2011; Hoerstebrock and Hahn, 2014).47 Going a
a spatial cluster analysis of data representing the demand step further, in a simulation-optimization approach, the
for charging.44 A further possibility is to model location location plan is repeatedly changed and the simulation
choice within the framework of game theory, where a reperformed, in order to find an optimal layout.48
good combination of locations corresponds to a game
theoretic equilibrium.45


Location is Everything: Approaches to Siting Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for the Indian Context PAGE 15
Our sincere thanks to Simon Mui, Senior Scientist, NRDC, Vivek Chandran, Program Manager (Transport), Shakti
Sustainable Energy Foundation, Val Hovland, Founder and Principal, Hovland Consulting LLC, Nitish Arora, Research
and Policy Lead, Ola Electric Mobility Pvt. Ltd., Rajkiran Bilolikar, Associate Professor, ASCI, and Akhilesh Magal, Head -
Advisory and Consulting Group, GERMI for their review comments. Special thanks to Anjali Jaiswal, Yanbo Shu, and Charu
Lata, NRDC for contributing to the research for this issue brief. We also greatly value the contributions of the following
NRDC, ASCI and GERMI staff: Jessica Korsh, Madhura Joshi, Leah Stecher, and Kim Knowlton, NRDC; Rajani Mall, ASCI,
and Akash Davda, GERMI. The authors are grateful to the funders of our work for their generous support. 


Established in 1956 at the initiative of the government and the corporate sector, the Administrative Staff College of India
(ASCI), Hyderabad, has pioneered post-experience management education in India. ASCI equips corporate managers,
administrators, entrepreneurs and academicians with the skills to synthesize managerial theory and practice; and
respond to the ever-increasing complexity of managerial issues confronting government, industrial enterprises and non-
government organizations.


Gujarat Energy Research & Management Institute (GERMI), Gandhinagar is a centre of excellence in the energy sector,
promoted by Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Limited (GSPC), a Government of Gujarat Undertaking. GERMI
has four mandates, namely, research and development, consultancy, training and education. It’s work bridges both
the petroleum and renewable energy sectors. GERMI aims towards improving the knowledge base of policy makers,
regulators and provides a competitive edge to industry leaders to compete in the global arena.


The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is an international non-profit environmental organization with more
than 3 million members and online activists. Since 1970, our lawyers, scientists, and other environmental specialists
have worked to protect the world’s natural resources, public health, and the environment. NRDC’s India Program on
Climate Change and Clean Energy, launched in 2009, works with local partners to help build a low-carbon, sustainable
https://www.nrdc.org; Twitter @NRDC_India 

PAGE 16 Location is Everything: Approaches to Siting Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for the Indian Context
1. 30% EV penetration implies EV sales penetration of 11. Ralph Jennings, “How Top-Selling Electric Scooter
30% for private cars, 70% for commercial cars, 40% Maker Gogoro Prospers While Unprofitable,”
for buses, and 80% for 2 and 3 wheelers by 2030. Niti Forbes, May 2019, https://www.forbes.com/sites/
Aayog, Rocky Mountain Institute, “India’s Electric ralphjennings/2019/05/31/how-top-selling-
Mobility Transformation – Progress to Date and Future electric-scooter-maker-gogoro-prospers-while-
Opportunities”, April 2019, https://rmi.org/wp-content/ unprofitable/#18fbfa1130ba
uploads/2019/04/rmi-niti-ev-report.pdf. 12. Community Energy Association, Planning for Electric
2. World Economic Forum, “India Charged to be Global Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: A Toolkit, June, 2013,
Hotspot for Electric Mobility,” October 3, 2019, https:// http://communityenergy.bc.ca/download/512.
www.weforum.org/press/2019/10/india-charged-to-be- 13. Ibid.
14. Government of Hainan Province, China, Plan for
3. News18, Tata Power to Set Up 500 EV Charging Stations in Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (2019-2030),
India by 2020, Says Ramesh Subramanyam, August 2019, April 2019, http://www.hainan.gov.cn/hainan/
https://www.news18.com/news/auto/tata-power-to-set- szfbgtwj/201905/1dfbf1dbc5de4c91b0e37fc8850af23c/
up-500-electric-vehicle-charging-stations-by-2020-in- files/dba7188e506645a7be929c65236c39a0.doc.
15. Ready for installation implies that the building has
4. Business Today, Centre Sanctions 2,636 EV Charging conduits and electrical connections in place and
Stations in 62 Cities, January 2020, https://www. would be able to charge EVs as soon as the charging
businesstoday.in/sectors/auto/centre-sanctions-2636- infrastructure is installed.
story/393123.html. 16. As per Hainan’s target, EV:EVSE ratio is 1:1 by 2030 (EVSE
includes both public and private chargers).
5. Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, United
States Department of Energy, There Are More Than 68,800 17. Alternative Fuels Data Center, Electric Vehicle
Electric Vehicle Charging Units in the United States, July Infrastructure Projection Tool (EVI-PRO) Lite, US
8, 2019, https://www.energy.gov/eere/vehicles/articles/ Department of https://afdc.energy.gov/evi-pro-lite.
18. Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission,
DVRPC/UC Davis EV Planning Toolkit for Greater
6. Air Quality News, Beijing is the EV Capital of the World, Philadelphia (DRAFT), October 10, 2019, https://
May 2019, https://airqualitynews.com/2019/05/30/ dvrpcgis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.
beijing-is-the-ev-capital-of-the-world/. html?appid=793fa4e10eac43b387adfc9cd2621a3d

7. NRDC, Analysis on Developing a Healthy Charging Service 19. Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Planning Tools,
Market for Electric Vehicles in China, April 2019, http:// M.J.Bradley & Associates, LLC, https://www.mjbradley.
nrdc.cn/Public/uploads/2019-04-20/5cbb123838ad9.pdf. com/mjb_form/EV-tools.

8. Directive 2014/94/EU of the European Parliament and 20. Smart Columbus, Process for Identifying Public Electric
of the Council of 22 October 2014 on the Deployment Vehicle Charging Stations in the Columbus Region,
of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Text with EEA 2018, https://d2rfd3nxvhnf29.cloudfront.net/legacy/
relevance, https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ uploadedfiles/playbook-assets/electric-vehicle-
TXT/?uri=celex%3A32014L0094. charging/public-fleet-electrification-final.pdf.

9. T E Narasimhan, EESL to Set Up 1,000 EV Charging 21. Ibid.

Stations, Hopes to Deploy 5,000 Cars, Business Standard,
22. The City of Columbus, Smart Columbus, https://www.
August 27, 2019, https://www.business-standard.com/
stations-hopes-to-deploy-5-000-cars-119082700894_1. 23. Smart Columbus, Electric Charging Infrastructure,
html. https://smart.columbus.gov/projects/electric-vehicle-
charging-infrastructure (Accessed October 21, 2019).
10. Private/Captive charging/swapping stations imply cases
where the charging service provider restricts the user of 24. Smart Columbus, Public Electric Vehicle Charging
the technology under consideration from freely accessing Stations, 2018, supra Note 20.
the station at all times; Public charging stations on the
25. Community Energy Association, Planning for Electric
other hand are stations that are accessible to everyone at
Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: A Toolkit, June, 2013,
all times.

Location is Everything: Approaches to Siting Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for the Indian Context PAGE 17
26. Johannes Wirges, Planning the Charging Infrastructure «Electric Vehicle Battery Charging/Swap Stations in
for Electric Vehicles in Cities and Regions (KIT Distribution Systems: Comparison Study and Optimal
Scientific Publishing), 258-261, February 2016, https:// Planning,» IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29.1
publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu/1000053253/3877194. (2013): 221-229; Wang and Lin, Locating Multiple Types of
Recharging Stations, 76-87, supra Note 28.
27. Ibid.
33. Xiangang Tang et al. “Electric Vehicle Charging
28. Miguel Cruz-Zambrano et al. “Optimal Location of
Station Planning Based on Weighted Voronoi
Fast Charging Stations in Barcelona: A Flow-Capturing
Diagram,” Proceedings 2011 International Conference on
Approach,” 2013 10th International Conference on the
Transportation, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering
European Energy Market (EEM), IEEE, 2013; Ying-Wei
(TMEE), IEEE, 2011; Liang Yan, “Optimal Layout and
Wang, Chuah-Chih Lin, “Locating Multiple Types of
Scale of Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles,” 2016
Recharging Stations for Battery-powered Electric Vehicle
China International Conference on Electricity Distribution
Transport,” Transportation Research Part E: Logistics
(CICED), IEEE, 2016; Chang et al., Charging Facility
and Transportation Review 58 (2013): 76-87; Sung Hoon
Planning, 2014, supra Note 31.
Chung, Kwon Changhyun, «Multi-period Planning
for Electric Car Charging Station Locations: A Case of 34. Payam Sadeghi-Barzani, Abbas Rajabi-Ghahnavieh,
Korean Expressways,» European Journal of Operational Hosein Kazemi-Karegar, “Optimal Fast Charging Station
Research 242.2 (2015): 677-687. Placing and Sizing,” Applied Energy 125 (2014): 289-299;
Valeria Bernardo, Borrell Joan-Ramon, Perdiguero Jordi,
29. Craig McPherson et al. “Planning an Electric Vehicle
«Fast Charging Stations: Simulating Entry and Location
Battery-Switch Network for Australia,” Australasian
in a Game of Strategic Interaction,» Energy Economics 60
Transport Research Forum 2011 Proceedings, Vol. 12.
(2016): 293-305; Mak et al., Infrastructure planning,
2011; Ho-Yin Mak, Ying Rong, Zuo-Jun Max Shen,
1557-1575, supra Note 29; Ying-Wei Wang, “An Optimal
“Infrastructure Planning for Electric Vehicles with Battery
Location Choice Model for Recreation-Oriented Scooter
Swapping,” Management Science 59.7 (2013): 1557-
Recharge Stations,” Transportation Research Part D:
1575; J. J. Jamian et al. «Simulation Study on Optimal
Transport and Environment 12.3 (2007): 231-237; Chung
Placement and Sizing of Battery Switching Station Units
and Changhyun, Multi-Period Planning, 677-687, supra
Using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm,» International
Note 28.
Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 55 (2014):
592-601; ZhanYong He et al. «The Location Studies 35. Anil Namdeo, Abhishek Tiwary, R. Dziurla, “Spatial
of Charging Station for Replacing Batteries,» 2011 Planning of Public Charging Points using Multi-
International Conference on Advanced Power System Dimensional Analysis of Early Adopters of Electric
Automation and Protection, Vol. 3, IEEE, 2011. Vehicles for a City Region,” Technological Forecasting and
Social Change 89 (2014): 188-200; F. Koyanagi, Y. Uriu, R.
30. Shun-Neng Yang et al. “Mobile Charging Station
Yokoyama, «Possibility of Fuel Cell Fast Charger and its
Service in Smart Grid Networks,” 2012 IEEE Third
Arrangement Problem for the Infrastructure of Electric
International Conference on Smart Grid Communications
Vehicles,» 2001 IEEE Porto Power Tech Proceedings
(SmartGridComm), IEEE, 2012; Shisheng Huang et
(Cat. No. 01EX502), Vol. 4. IEEE, 2001; Fumiko
al. “Design of a Mobile Charging Service for Electric
Koyanagi et al. “Decision of the CEV Infrastructure
Vehicles in an Urban Environment,” IEEE Transactions on
Priority Order Using Genetic Algorithm,” 2006 IEEE
Intelligent Transportation Systems 16.2 (2014): 787-798.
Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, IEEE, 2006;
31. Wang and Lin, Locating Multiple Types of Recharging Fumiko Koyanagi, Ryuichi Yokoyama, “A Priority Order
Stations, 76-87, supra Note 28; Siting Chang, Hongyang Solution of EV Recharger Installation by Domain
Li, and Klara Nahrstedt, “Charging Facility Planning Division Approach,” 45th International Universities
for Electric Vehicles,” 2014 IEEE International Electric Power Engineering Conference UPEC2010, IEEE, 2010;
Vehicle Conference (IEVC), IEEE, 2014; Long Jia et al. McPherson et al., Battery-switch network, 2011, supra
“A Novel Approach for Urban Electric Vehicle Charging Note 29; Bernardo et al., Fast charging stations, 293-305,
Facility Planning Considering Combination of Slow and supra Note 34; David W. Capelle, GPS-based Optimization
Fast Charging,” 2014 International Conference on Power of PHEV Recharge Infrastructure in Winnipeg, Canada,
System Technology, IEEE, 2014. Diss. University of Winnipeg, Department of Geography,
32. Jun Yang, Hao Sun, “Battery Swap Station Location-
routing Problem with Capacitated Electric 36. Prakornchai Phonrattanasak, Nopbhorn Leeprechanon,
Vehicles,” Computers & Operations Research 55 (2015): “Optimal Location of Fast Charging Station on
217-232; Joonho Ko, Jin-Seop Shim, «Locating Battery Residential Distribution Grid,” International Journal of
Exchange Stations for Electric Taxis: A Case Study of Innovation, Management and Technology 3.6 (2012): 675;
Seoul, South Korea,» International Journal of Sustainable Jamian et al., Simulation Study, 592-601, supra Note 29;
Transportation 10.2 (2016): 139-146; Yu Zheng et al. Sadeghi-Barzani et al., Optimal Fast Charging Station,

PAGE 18 Location is Everything: Approaches to Siting Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for the Indian Context
289-299, supra Note 34; Wang, Optimal Location Choice 44. Andy Ip, Simon Fong, Elaine Liu, “Optimization for
Model, 231-237, supra Note 34; Mak et al., Infrastructure Allocating BEV Recharging Stations in Urban Areas by
planning, 1557-1575, supra Note 29; Zhe Ci Tang et Using Hierarchical Clustering,” 2010 6th International
al. “Optimal Planning of Electric Vehicle Charging conference on advanced information management and
Stations Location Based on Hybrid Particle Swarm service (IMS), IEEE, 2010; Sara Mehar, Sidi Mohammed
Optimization,” Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 724. Senouci, “An Optimization Location Scheme for Electric
Trans Tech Publications, 2013. Charging Stations,” 2013 international conference
on smart communications in network technologies
37. Tang et al., Weighted Voronoi Diagram, 2011, supra
(SACONET), Vol. 1, IEEE, 2013.
Note 33; Sadeghi-Barzani et al., Optimal Fast Charging
Station, 289-299, supra Note 34; Yogesh Dashora et al. 45. Wang Meng Liu Kai, “Optimization of Electric
“The PHEV Charging Infrastructure Planning (PCIP) Vehicle Charging Station Location Based on Game
Problem,” International Journal of Emerging Electric Theory,” Proceedings 2011 International Conference on
Power Systems 11.2, 2010. Transportation, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering
(TMEE), IEEE, 2011; Bernardo et al., Fast charging
38. Namdeo et al., Spatial Planning of Public Charging, 188-
stations, 293-305, supra Note 34.
200, supra Note 35; Koyanagi et al., CEV Infrastructure
Priority Order, 2006, supra Note 35; Tang et al., Optimal 46. Andrea Hess et al. “Optimal Deployment of Charging
Planning of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, 2013, supra Stations for Electric Vehicular Networks,” Proceedings
Note 36. of the first workshop on Urban networking, ACM, 2012;
Jairo Gonzalez et al. “Determining Electric Vehicle
39. Ying-Wei Wang, Chuan-Ren Wang, “Locating Passenger
Charging Point Locations Considering Drivers’ Daily
Vehicle Refueling Stations,” Transportation Research
Activities,” Procedia Computer Science 32 (2014):
Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 46.5 (2010):
647-654; Ryoji Hiwatari, Tetsushiro Iwatsubo, and
791-801; Cruz-Zambrano et al., Optimal Location of Fast
Tomohiko Ikeya. «A Layout Method of Quick Charging
Charging Stations in Barcelona, 2013, supra Note 28; Mak
Infrastructure for Electric Vehicle by Road Traffic
et al., Infrastructure planning, 1557-1575, supra Note 29.
Simulation: Japanese Model Plan of Quick Charging
40. Wang and Wang, Locating Passenger Vehicle Refueling Infrastructure Network,» 2014 IEEE Vehicle Power and
Stations, 791-801, supra Note 39; Bernardo et al., Fast Propulsion Conference (VPPC), IEEE, 2014; Timothy
Charging Stations, 293-305, supra Note 34; Hengsong Sweda, Diego Klabjan, “An Agent-Based Decision Support
Wang et al. “A Novel Approach for the Layout of Electric System for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
Vehicle Charging Station,” The 2010 International Deployment,” 2011 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion
Conference on Apperceiving Computing and Intelligence Conference, IEEE, 2011; Eiman Y. ElBanhawy et al.
Analysis Proceeding, IEEE, 2010. “Hybrid-OD Matrix Based Simulation Approach to
Identify E-charging Hotspots in Transport Network,” 2014
41. Koyanagi et al., Fuel Cell Fast Charger, 2001, supra Note IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo
35; Tang et al., Weighted Voronoi Diagram, 2011, supra (ITEC), IEEE, 2014.
Note 33; Tang et al., Optimal Planning of Electric Vehicle
Charging Stations, 2013, supra Note 36. 47. Gonzalez et al., Determining Electric Vehicle Charging
Point, 647-654, supra Note 46; Hiwatari et al., Road
42. Ko and Shim, Locating Battery Exchange Stations, Traffic Simulation, 2014, supra Note 46; ElBanhawy et al.,
139-146, supra Note 32; Jia et al., Urban Electric Vehicle Hybrid-OD Matrix Based Simulation, 2014, supra Note
Charging Facility Planning, 2014, supra Note 31; Wang 46; Sweda and Klabjan, Agent-Based Decision Support
and Wang, Locating Passenger Vehicle Refueling Stations, System, 2011, supra Note 46; Tim Hoerstebrock and Axel
791-801, supra Note 39; Michael Kuby, Seow Lim, “The Hahn. “An Approach Towards Service Infrastructure
Flow-Refueling Location Problem for Alternative-Fuel Optimization for Electromobility,” Evolutionary Paths
Vehicles,” Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 39.2 (2005): Towards the Mobility Patterns of the Future, Springer,
125-145. Berlin, Heidelberg, 2014, 265-280.
43. Tang et al., Optimal Planning of Electric Vehicle Charging 48. Andrea Hess et al. “Optimal Deployment of Charging
Stations, 2013, supra Note 36; Sadeghi-Barzani et al., Stations for Electric Vehicular Networks,” Proceedings of
Optimal Fast Charging Station, 289-299, supra Note 34; the first workshop on Urban networking, ACM, 2012.
Jamian et al., Simulation Study, 592-601, supra Note
29; Phonrattanasak and Leeprechanon, Residential
Distribution Grid, 675, supra Note 36; McPherson et al.,
Battery-Switch Network, 2011, supra Note 29; Sebastian
Wagner, Tobias Brandt, Dirk Neumann, “Smart City
Planning-Developing an Urban Charging Infrastructure
for Electric Vehicles,” 2014.

Location is Everything: Approaches to Siting Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for the Indian Context PAGE 19

ISSUE BRIEF November 2019

Air pollution in Pune: Research and INTERNATIONAL: INDIA FEBRUARY 2019 FACTSHEET Clearing the Air: Highlighting
Evidence for Developing the Pune Air Clearing the Air: Actions to Reduce Air Pollution
Air Pollution Highlighting Actions

in Pune Information & Respond (AIR) Plan. to Reduce Air Pollution in India in India.
RESEARCH AND EVIDENCE FOR Air pollution is one of the highest-ranking environmental
DEVELOPING THE PUNE AIR INFORMATION health challenges in the world, especially in developing
& RESPONSE (AIR) PLAN countries such as India. Air pollution is no longer just
a problem in Delhi, but a major threat to other regions

across the country. To address the threat of air pollution
and associated health risks, national, state and city leaders
are taking action. To mitigate the complex and widespread Delhi

challenges of air pollution, it is important that successful
strategies for addressing air pollution are highlighted and
scaled effectively. This factsheet highlights actions that key

in Pune
regions in India are taking to improve air quality and protect Ahmedabad
public health.
Nagpur Raipur



The air pollution interventions highlighted in this

factsheet include Delhi’s response to its “air emergency”,
Ahmedabad’s health-based air quality index and risk
communication plan, and Chennai’s enhanced air quality
monitoring and renewable energy initiatives. This factsheet
also describes pollution mitigation efforts taken in
Bengaluru, Pune, Nagpur, and Raipur.
School children in Ahmedabad with their flag indicating the
day’s air quality (Photo: © NRDC)

Prepared by:
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
Centre for Environment and Education
Indian Institute of Public Health-Gandhinagar
Natural Resources Defense Council

CHINA: Analysis on Developing a AUGUST 2017

IB: 17-08-B
US: Guiding Principles for
Healthy Charging Service Market for Utility Programs to Accelerate
April, 2019



Electric Vehicles in China ACCELERATE TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION Transportation Electrification
The electrification of the transportation sector is not only a key pathway by which to meet
air quality and climate goals, but also a singular opportunity for the electric industry. The
United States spends more than $436 billion annually on gasoline and diesel.1 Diverting a
portion of that expenditure to the electric sector can spread the costs of the transmission and
distribution grid over more sales, putting downward pressure on the price of electricity while
also providing consumers relief from volatile gasoline and diesel prices.

The early electric vehicle (EV) market has been strong, and GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR UTILITY TRANSPORTATION

Analysis on Developing a Healthy

battery prices have decreased 70 percent in the past six ELECTRIFICATION PROGRAMS
years.2 There are now more than 600,000 EVs in the United To fully realize environmental, grid, and customer benefits,
States alone, and in a period of about two weeks in April we present a non-exhaustive set of guiding principles to
2016, some 400,000 people put down $1,000 deposits for help frame utility proposals to accelerate transportation
the Tesla Model 3, which will soon be available for $35,000

Charging Service Market for

before incentives, and which has a range of 220 miles
(with an option for a 310 mile version).3 However, unless
Deploy Charging Infrastructure Strategically
a growing charging infrastructure gap is closed, many of
A lack of access to charging stations is a critical barrier to
them may take back their deposits and the market could

Electric Vehicles in China

consumer acceptance of EVs. Utilities should prioritize the
stall. Likewise, many consumers are simply unaware of
deployment of charging stations at locations that maximize
the proliferation of affordable EV models that offer longer
EV adoption. The National Academy of Sciences and
ranges and improved performance, such as the Chevrolet
other organizations have identified the following priority
Bolt EV, Motortrend’s “Car of the Year,” which has a range
segments for infrastructure deployment:4
Research Report of 238 miles and can be acquired for around $30,000 after
a federal tax credit. n Residences. The ability to charge an EV at home overnight
is central to the decision to purchase an EV. Drivers
Electric utilities are uniquely situated to help overcome
who cannot plug in at home are unlikely to buy a plug-
these barriers and meaningfully accelerate the adoption
in vehicle. At-home overnight charging is also the main
of light-, medium-, and heavy-duty EVs. In concert
opportunity to utilize spare capacity in the grid, putting
with environmental organizations and other relevant
downward pressure on electricity rates. Utilities can
stakeholders, utilities can develop proposals that address
offer programs that lower the costs of purchasing and
gaps in charging infrastructure deployment, increase
installing charging stations at home; they can also require
consumer awareness of the benefits of EVs, and improve the
program participants to take service on time-variant
utilization of the electric grid to the benefit of all customers.
rates and participate in smart-charging programs. Within
The successful implementation of these programs can both
the residential segment, multi-unit dwellings, such as
accelerate transportation electrification and lower the cost
apartment complexes, are demonstrably underserved,
of integrating renewable energy by leveraging the energy
making them ripe for utility investment to move the
storage inherent in EV batteries to manage an increasingly
自然资源保护协会 market beyond single-family homes.5
dynamic grid.

For more information, please contact: www.nrdc.org

Max Baumhefner www.facebook.com/nrdc.org
mbaumhefner@nrdc.org www.twitter.com/NRDCEnergy

• Advancing EV Charging in Key Indian States, Charu Lata and Anjali Jaiswal, December 2019, https://www.nrdc.org/

• India Focus: Telangana Moves on Electric Mobility, Anjali Jaiswal, Charu Lata and Shabib Ansari, September 2019,

• India Shifts Toward Electric Vehicles and Improved Mobility, Anjali Jaiswal and Charu Lata, July 2019, https://www.nrdc.

Copyright © 2020 Natural Resources Defense


All rights reserved. No part of this publication

may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system
or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording
or otherwise, without prior permission.

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