Shutdown Planning in Sap PM
Shutdown Planning in Sap PM
Shutdown Planning in Sap PM
Revisions are used to group greater maintenance tasks together under one number which are generally
planned on a long-term basis.
The revision can be entered in the order. It is thus possible to group several orders together by
using a revision number.
A default date further for the start and the end of the revision is linked to the revision number.
The revision number can be used as a selection / search criterion in reports.
For every new turnaround, shut down or major maintenance activity a new revision will be created
with its start and end date and a description.
First two digits Third digit Fourth digit Remaining four digits Complete Code -
represent type of used as represent plant for differentiate Example
maintenance activity separator activities within group
SD = Shutdown ─ 1 = ORC1 0001, 0002 … SD-20001
TA = Turnaround 2 = ORC2 SD-20002
RG = Regeneration TA-20001 etc.
2.2 Revision Assignment to Orders
Revisions can be assigned to any outstanding maintenance order to group all related maintenance
orders relevant to specific shutdown/turnaround activity.
2.3 Reports
All maintenance order reports can be filtered out using revision field for specific maintenance
shutdown activity. Also any related material issuance report against these shutdown orders can be
executed with shutdown orders selection.