Proceeding ISTH 2016 - 3 Juli 2017 1
Proceeding ISTH 2016 - 3 Juli 2017 1
Proceeding ISTH 2016 - 3 Juli 2017 1
Editor :
Dr. Ir. Darda Efendi, M.Si
Dr. Awang Maharijaya, SP, M.Si
ISBN : 978-979-18361-5-9
Editor :
Dr. Awang Maharijaya, SP, M.Si
Dr. Ir. Darda Efendi, M.Si
Publisher :
Pusat Kajian Hortikultura Tropika (PKHT) - LPPM IPB
Editorial :
Pusat Kajian Hortikultura Tropika (PKHT)
Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM)
Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)
Kampus IPB Baranangsiang, Jl Raya Pajajaran, Bogor 16144
Telp. (0251) 8326881; Fax. (0251) 8326881
The International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016 was held in IPB International
Convention Center, Bogor, Indonesia 28 – 29 November 2016. This seminar was
organized by Center of Excellence for Tropical Horticulture Studies (PKHT), Center
of Excellence in University (PUI-PT), Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), and
supported by an excellent collaboration with International Tropical Fruits Network (TF
We’re very glad to know the fact that the seminar displayed a very wide discussion
about tropical horticulture with delegates from 5 countries (Taiwan, Thailand,
Malaysia, Japan and Indonesia) as keynote speech and participants. 24 papers were
selected to be included in this proceeding from 28 oral and 31 poster presentation.
This proceeding is contained of three sub chapter, that is fruits, vegetables and
miscellaneous. There are 9 papers of fruits chapter, 12 papers of vegetables chapter
and 3 papers of miscellaneous chapter. We wish to thank Sanjeet Kumar, Ph.D, Prof.
Sobir, Prof Masayoshi Shigyo, Dr. Mohd Desa Haji Hassim, Parson Saradhuldhat,
Ph.D for being keynote speech at this international seminar and all participants for
very lively atmosphere during and after the seminar.
Table of Content
Evaluation of Morphological and Cytological Character of F1 Diploid Hybrid Banana Sapon
and Musa acuminata var. tomentosa (K.Sch) Nasution
Diyah Martanti, Tri Handayani and Yuyu Suryasari Poerba ................................................................... 1
In vitro shoots multiplication of Sapodilla (Manilkara zapotta Van Royen) with modified MS
Juwartina Ida Royani............................................................................................................................. 24
Disease Incidence and Molecular Analysis of Banana Bunchy Top Virus in Bogor, West Java
Maxmilyand Leiwakabessy, Sari Nurulita, Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat ...................................................... 37
The Potential of Liquid Smoke Coconut Shell in Extending The Shelf Life of Tropical Fruits
Ira Mulyawanti, Sari Intan Kailaku and Andi Nur Alamsyah.................................................................. 46
The Effects of The Application of Edible Coating, Antimicrobial Agent, Packaging and
Absorber on Snake Fruit (Salacca edualis REINW)
Sari Intan Kailaku, Ira Mulyawanti, Asep W Permana and Evi Savitri Iriani ......................................... 50
Characterization of Local Durian Varieties in Central Java Using Molecular Markers Inter
Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR)
Ahmad Solikin, Amin Retnoningsih, and Enni S. Rahayu..................................................................... 65
Shallot Varieties Adaptation in Napu Highlands, Central Sulawesi
Saidah, Abdi Negara and Yogi P Rahardjo........................................................................................... 77
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Effect of Organic Fertilization on The Growth and Yields of New Onion Varieties in Limited
I Ketut Suwitra and Yogi P. Raharjo ..................................................................................................... 94
Interaction Between Varieties and Plastic Mulch on Shallot Growth in Dryland South
Lelya Pramudyani and Muhammad Yasin ............................................................................................ 98
Effect of Trichoderma and Penicillium Application (Isolated From Pine Rhizosphere) to The
Shallot Growth
Shinta Hartanto dan Eti Heni Krestini ................................................................................................. 107
The Effects of Vernalization and Photoperiod on Flowering of Shallot (Allium cepa var.
ascalonicum Baker) in Lowland Area
Suhesti Kusumadewi, Hamim, Sobir ................................................................................................... 112
Stakeholders Analysis in the Development of Seed Provision System Originating from True
Seed of Shallot
Adhitya Marendra Kiloes, Puspitasari, and Turyono ........................................................................... 124
Policy Analysis on Shallot Stock Seed Program through The Botanical Seed (True Shallot
Endro Gunawan and Rima Setiani ..................................................................................................... 131
The Dynamic of Shallot Production, Supply and Price after the Implementation of Horticulture
Import Regulations
Puspitasari and Adhitya Marendra Kiloes ........................................................................................... 136
Cryopreservation for Long-term Plant Germplasm Storage
Dini Hervani, Darda Efendi, M. Rahmad Suhartanto, Bambang S. Purwoko ..................................... 149
Banana breeding by crossing is one way to get a new cultivar with a better quality. The aim
of the development of diploid banana hybrid was to obtain new cultivars that can be used as a
parent for the next hybridization that have a source of disease resistance genes. The result of
the selection between Sapon banana with wild banana Musa acuminata var. tomentosa
produced SNMT hybrid banana that had been characterized by morphology and cytology. In
morphology, SNMT hybrid had characters like the female parent Sapon banana and produced
seeds. The test using flowcytometry showed the ploidy level of SNMT hybrid was diploid. The
cytological validation showed the chromosome number of SNMT hybrid 2n = 2x = 22. The
diploid SNMT hybrid banana could be a source of potential genes in the next banana breeding.
Keywords: Banana breeding, diploid SNMT hybrid, Sapon banana, Musa acuminata var.
tomentosa (K.Sch) Nasution
1. Introduction
Indonesia is one of the center of banana genetic diversity in the world, both cultivated and
wild. The development of disease-resistant banana varieties, conventionally were inhibited by
long time generation, triploid, parthenocarpy and sterility of the most edible cultivars.
Commercial bananas could be produced from triploid banana cultivars. Nevertheless, diploid
banana is very important as a source of allele for resistance or tolerance to biotic and abiotic
factors (Jenny et al. 1999).
In banana breeding, the character informations of morphology, agronomy, physic and
chemical were very useful in the selection of parents for cross breeding and selection for the
development of diploid improved banana. This development can be used as a source of crossing
between diploid improved and triploid to obtain tetraploid hybrid plants. The important
agronomic traits are the shorter plants, resistance to the disease and better fruit quality
(Silva et al. 2002).
The estimation of the genome size and the ploidy level of the putative hybrid is the first step
in the breeding evaluation. Two methods that commonly used are calculating the number of
chromosomes and analyzing by flowcytometry. Flowcytometry is a technique of quantification
genome, originally developed for research in biomedical and adapted for the analysis of plant
genetics (Segura et al. 2007). This technique gives accurate method to estimate the ploidy level
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
by calculating the proportion of cells in phase G1, S and G2/M of the cell cycle (Dolezel et al.
1989). This data also can be used to calculate the time of the cell cycle, which is used in genetic
studies and useful for the analysis of growth and development (Loureiro et al. 2007).
In this study, we performed a crossing between cultivated banana Sapon/wild banana M.
acuminata var. tomentosa. The results of this crossing can be used as a parent later to obtain
new varieties of bananas that have good characters. This study aimed to evaluate the
morphological and cytological banana hybrid diploid SNMT that can be used as a parent for
banana breeding programs.
2. Methods
Sapon banana, wild banana Musa acuminata var. tomentosa and their hybrid had been
planted in Banana Germplasm Gardens, Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of
Sciences. A cross between Sapon banana and M. acuminata var. tomentosa was conducted in
August 2012. Pollination was conducted by taking pollen from wild banana Musa acuminata
var. tomentosa and put it on female flowers of Sapon. Pollination was done in the morning
between at 8-10 am. After pollination, the bunches of flowers were covered with a fine mesh
(insect net) to prevent a cross-pollination by insects or other pollinators. Fruit of hybrids was
harvested at physiological maturity.The hybrid seeds were separated from flesh of the full ripe
and soft fruit. It was seeded by in vitro embryo rescue method. Planting in the field was done
with 3 m x 3 m of space.
Characterization of banana hybrid diploid was made by 52 characters (UPOV, 2010) and 15
important characters in Descriptors of Musa (IPGRI, 1996). Qualitative and quantitative
characters were measured and observed at the time of flowering, before harvesting, at
harvesting and post-harvesting.
Ploidy level observation was done by a flowcytometry protocol that have been developed
for bananas (Dolezel et al. 2004). The average of DNA content (mean) and the coefficient of
variation (CV) of each sample at each peak was observed and compared with control plants,
and was determined in accordance with the ploidy level of average number of DNA content.
Ploidy level validation was also performed by observing the number of chromosomes. This
protocol was conducted based on Adeleke et al. (2002) with modification. We used the
meristematic part of the male flower. Male flower was split longitudinally in half, then took
the youngest section like a cone. Immediatelly, it was soak in the Clarke solution 3:1 ethanol:
acetic acid for 30 to 60 minutes. Then several brachtea were peeled until the size of male flower
0.5-1 cm and rinse in sterile distilled water three times. Took about 10- 15 anthers and put into
2 ml tube containing 200 µl of enzyme mixture solution (1% cellulase, 1% pectyolase, 1%
cytoglicase dissolved in 10 mM citrate buffer). Then, incubated in the hotplate at 37° C for 2
hours. After that, the tube was put in ice and rinse with sterile distilled water 3 times. Then 1
ml solution of 3: 1 methanol: acetic acid was added and it can be stored in the freezer until it
will be used. For slide preparation, one anther was taken placed on the object glass, added 1
drop of a solution of 3: 1 methanol: acetic acid. It was pressed gently using needles until the
pollen out and spread. the other tissue that was not needed was separated. One drop of a solution
of 3: 1 methanol: acetic acid was added, and heated over the fire and dried briefly at room
temperature. After that, 15 µl dye solution DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole): vectashield
(1:20) was added and covered with a cover glass. Chromosome counting was done by using
Fluorescent microscope (Olympus type BX53) with 1000 X magnification with immersion oil.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Banana breeding program aims to develop resistant varieties to pests and diseases. The
strategy is focused on agronomic aspects of the crop, organoleptic character, tolerance to stress,
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
shelf life, mineral content, application of water and resistance to damage mechanism
(Bakry et al. 2008).
Quantitative characters of hybrid diploid SNMT bananas showed that the height and
diameter of the pseudostem, the number and lenght of leaves, the number of suckers, the length
of petiole relatively were greater than the female parent. However, the size of fruit including
weight, length, and diameter of fruit, length and thickness of fruit pedicellus were smaller than
the female parent (Table 2).
The presence of the seeds of hybrid showed the fertilization of pollen of male parent with
ovaries of the female parent. According to Poerba et al (2016), the factors that affect the
formation of seeds from crossing involve the genotypes and environmental conditions. It also
occurs as a result of variations in the pollen of male parent in forming the pollen tube. Instance,
the pollen of rejang banana that not all of them can form the normal pollen tube so that the seed
formation is very low.
Wild banana Musa acuminata produces many seeds resulted from an open-pollination. The
most of seeds have a normal embryo, where a small number of abnormal seeds showed no
embryo/endosperm or both. If more than 90% of the seeds can germinate, it can be used to
study the hybrid populations for breeding of banana. Pollination in banana is cross-pollinated,
and it would be interesting to know the effects of resistance and seed germination on inbreeding
(Javed et al. 2002).
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Figure 1. Performance of banana: (a) female parent Sapon banana (2x), (b) male parent wild banana
Musa acuminata var. tomentosa (2x), (c) SNMT hybrid diploid (2x); bar= 5 cm
Identification of ploidy level of hybrid SNMT was conducted using flowcytometry. The
quality of nucleus suspension cell can be seen from the histogram analysis of relative nuclear
DNA content. Debris on the histogram should be as minimal as possible. The peak of G1 (G2)
to be symmetric and low variation. Variations are usually seen in the coefficient of variation
(CV) = standard deviation/average peak x 100%. To estimate the amount of nuclear DNA,
suspension or cell permeable nucleus stained with fluorochrome specific to DNA and the
amount of light emitted by each nucleus could be quantified. The results of the analysis were
displayed in the form of relative fluorescence intensity histogram, represents the relative DNA
content (Dolezel and Bartos, 2005). From twelve hybrid SNMT banana observed, all of hybrids
SNMT diploid banana had an average channel peak of ploidy level ranged from 211.39 to
247.84 by the coefficient of variation (CV) between 6.38 to 10.13 (Table 3).
Tabel 3. Measurement of ploidy level of hibrid diploid SNMT and its parent using
No of
No accession parent/ hybrid code Mean CV (%) ploidi
Sapon banana diploid (female)
1 I 21A#1 (a) SN 210.64 8.11 2x
2 I 21A#1 (b) SN 192.40 8.74 2x
Musa acuminata var. tomentosa diploid wild (male)
1 IV 3E#2 MT 170.86 9 2x
Sapon x Musa acuminata var. tomentosa (hybrid)
1 VII 9H#1 SNMT 211.39 7.34 2x
2 VII 9H#3 SNMT 235.5 7.12 2x
3 VII 9H#5 SNMT 246.38 6.6 2x
4 VII 9G#1 SNMT 232.59 6.55 2x
5 VII 9G#2 SNMT 215.94 6.38 2x
6 VII 9G#4 SNMT 247.84 7.45 2x
7 VII 9G#5 SNMT 218.94 7.72 2x
8 VII 6A#1 SNMT 226.56 9.53 2x
9 VII 6A#2 SNMT 215.88 9.88 2x
10 VII 6A#3 SNMT 222.6 9.47 2x
11 VII 6A#4 SNMT 219.48 10.13 2x
12 VII 6A#5 SNMT 212.58 9.8 2x
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
a b c
Figure 2. The chromosome number and ploidy level of SNMT hybrid diploid and its parents.
(a). sapon banana, (b) wild banana Musa acuminata var. tomentosa, (c) SNMT
hybrid, bar = 10 µm.
4. Conclusion
Banana breeding programs by crossing produced a hybrid that has the characteristics and
properties that are different from the parent. SNMT diploid hybrid is a hybrid between Sapon
banana with wild banana Musa acuminata var. tomentosa. In morphology, SNMT hybrid had
characters like the female parent Sapon banana and produced seeds. The test using
flowcytometry showed the ploidy level of SNMT hybrid was diploid. The cytological
validation showed the chromosome number of SNMT hybrid was 2n = 2x = 22. SNMT hybrid
diploid is a new cultivar that can be used as a parent in the next banana breeding programs.
This work was supported by DIPA 2015 in Utilization of Fruits Bioresources and
Germplasm Garden and Biovillage program 2016. We thank to Dr. Witjaksono as a Head of
Biology Research Center, Indonesian Institute of Sciences and all of technicians for helping
this study.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Adeleke, M.T.V, M Pillay and B.E Okoli. 2002. An improved methods for examining meiotic
chromosomes in Musa L. Hortscience. 37 (6): 959-961
Bakry, F., F. Careel, C. Jenny and J.P Horry. 2008. Genetic improvement of banana. Chapter
I. In Breeding plantation tree crops: Tropical species. Jain S.M and P.M Priyadarshan
(Eds). Springer Dordrecht, The Netherlands.P. 3-50
Dolezel J, P. Bonarova and S. Lucretti. 1989. Analysis of nuclear DNA content in plant cells
by flow cytometry. Biol. Plant, Vol. 31: 113-120.
Doležel J, Valá rik M, Vrána, Lysák MA, Hřibová E, Bartos J, Gasmanova N, Dolezelova M,
Safar J & Simkova H. 2004. Molecular cytogenetics and cytometry of bananas (Musa
spp.) In: S M Jain and R Swennen (eds). Banana Improvement:Cellular, Molecular
Biology, and Induced Mutation. Science Publishers, Inc,Enfield (NH), USA,
Plymouth, UK. h 229-244
Dolezel, J and J. Bartos. 2005. Plant DNA flow cytometry and estimation of nuclear genome
size. Annal of Botany, 95: 99-110.
IPGRI. 1996. Descriptor for Banana (Musa spp). pp: 1-59
Javed, M.A, C. Mak and R.Y Othman. 2002. Morphological Characterization of Malaysian
Wild Banana Musa acuminata. Biotropia. No.18: 21-27.
Jenny C.F, F. Carreel, K. Tomekpe, X. Perrier, C. Dubois, J.P Horry and H.T Monteel. 1999.
Les bananniers. In Hamon P, M. Seguin, X Perrier and J.C Glazman (ed). Diversite
genetique des plantes tropicales. Cirad. Montpellier, p. 113-119.
Loureiro, J., E. Rodriguez, J. Dolezel and C. Santos. 2007. Two new nuclear isolation buffers
for plant DNA flow cytometry: A test with 37 species. Annal of Botany, 100:875-888.
Poerba Y.S, Witjaksono and T Handayani. 2016. Pembentukan dan penampilan Pisang Rejang
Mixoploid dengan pisang Rejang Diploid. Jurnal Biologi Indonesia. Vol. 12 No.1 : 19-
Silva, S.O., E.J Alves, M.B Lima, J.R.S Silveira. 2002. Bananeira. in : C.H Bruckner.
Melhoramento de Fruteirass Tropicais. Vicosa: UFV,p.101-157
Segura, S., L. Scheinvar, G. Olalde, O. Leblanc, S. Filardo, A. Muratalla, C Gallegos and C.
Flores. 2007. Genome size and ploidy levels in Mexican cactus pear species Opuntia
(Tourn.) Mill. Series Streptacanthae Britten et Rose, Leucotridae DC, Heliabravanae
Scheinvar and Robustae Britton et Rose, Genet. Resour. Genetic Resources and Crop
evolution, 54: 103-1042
UPOV (International Union for the Protection of new Varieties of Plants). 2010. Banana:
Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability. Geneva.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Center for Plant Conservation Botanical Garden – LIPI, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Kalimantan is rich in its diversity of endemic fruit species, which include among others
Durio spp., Artocarpus spp., Sarcotheca spp., Nephelium spp., Euphoria spp. and Lansium spp.
on Central, South and West Kalimantan. The aim of this study was to inventory the potential
of indigenous fruit plants in the province of South, Central and West Kalimantan and ex situ
conservation in the Kalimantan Botanical Gardens. This was done by field exploration of
indigeneous fruit plants and ex situ conservation efforts in Banua Botanical Garden (South
Kalimantan), Katingan BG (Central Kalimantan) and Sambas BG (West Kalimantan). Based
on these observations, There are five species of most dominant of the results of field
exploration, namely Durio spp (Malvaceae), Nephelium spp. (Sapindaceae), Mangifera spp.
(Anacardiaceae), Musa spp. (Musaceae) and Artocarpus spp. (Moraceae). However five
families were dominant at three Botanical Gardens, i.e. Myrtaceae (27 specimens), then
Sapindaceae (24 specs), Malvaceae (20 specs), Anacardiaceae (13 specs) and Moraceae (12
Keywords: Durio spp., fruits, Kalimantan, ex situ conservation, Banua Botanlcal Garden,
Katingan BG, Sambas BG.
1. Introduction
Kalimantan is rich with high endemism of the flora, about 34% of Indonesian wild plants
are endemic to Borneo (Ashton, 1982). However, human activities such as development of
human settlement and plantation, lead to the decrease of forest area, gradually. One of the
potential economic value of forest, that forest fruit trees are diverse in Kalimantan. However,
the potential fruits remain undeveloped. This is caused partly because of the standpoint of
forestry, forest fruits still considered as forest products (minor forest products) and are
considered less important economically (Prosea 1991; Prosea 1993). Whereas Kalimantan
beside the famous richness and diversity of germplasm of local fruits, the area is also a center
of distribution of some commodities tropical fruits of high economic value (Uji 2004). But
unfortunately richness and diversity of germplasm of indigenous fruits are abundant enough is
apparently not fully utilized. In addition, it also would be much better if a region chooses to
utilize and develop the indigenous plants in the area because it naturally has adapted well.
Therefore, research on species diversity and richness of germplasm of indigenous fruits of
Kalimantan needs to be done. There are 226 species of indigenous fruits encountered in Borneo
(Uji, 2004). From reviews these records, fifty-eight species are cultivated, and 31 species are as
Local community forest planting various species of plants that are useful include forest fruits
in orchards. They call this garden location as lembo, munan, simpuk, Pulong bua, bua Dalung,
tundang kemurlan, Kanoka kemurlan, tembawang and hamlets (Siregar, 2006). Other activities
that can support the preservation efforts of fruits indigeneous to Indonesia, among others
germplasm with established gardens, botanical garden, arboretum gardens, and others.
Therefore, to protect forest areas from the threat of land conversion, the need for regional
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
protection measures protected forests, forests and nature in situ conservation or habitats that
exist naturally (Nature Reserves and National Parks). But the condition of the area that has
increasingly pressured so needed another area which is an area of ex situ conservation or
artificial habitat in order to protect the plant in the Botanical Gardens, such as Banua Botanical
Garden, Regency of Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan Province; Katingan Botanical Garden,
Regency of Katingan, Central Kalimantan and Sambas Botanical Garden, Regency of Sambas,
West Kalimantan Province. Referring to the Presidential Decree No. 93 of 2011 on the
Botanical Gardens, the botanical garden functions include: conservation, research, education,
tourism, and environmental services.
The purpose of this study to inventory the potential of indigenous fruit plants in the province
of South, Central and West Kalimantan and ex situ conservation in the Kalimantan Botanical
2. Methodology
Location tread Banua Botanical Garden, Regency of Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan
Province; Sambas Botanical Gardens, Regency of Sambas, West Kalimantan Province; and
Katingan Botanical Gardens, Regency of Katingan, Central Kalimantan (Figure 1). The
samples was collected in around of South Kalimantan province, West Kalimantan province and
Central Kalimantan province. Katingan Botanical Garden located adjacent to the tourist area
in Bukit Batu, Village Kasongan Lama, District Katingan Hilir, Katingan, Central Kalimantan
Province. Land area of 127 ha with an altitude 40-70 m above sea level (asl.). Geographically
located at coordinates S 01°0.53'37.2"- E 113°28'05". Sambas Botanical Garden is located in
the Sambas Land Use Areas (APL) and is administratively located in the village Sabung,
District Subah, Sambas regency. Sambas Botanical Garden that extent ± 300 Ha in coordinates
E 109º 27'47.05"- 109º29'24.14" and N 01º15'45.22"- 01º17'3.30" with an altitude 32-75 meter
above sea level (asl). Research for Banua Botanical Garden conducted on 19 March to 7 April
2014 (1) Natural lnhutani II sea Island, Kota Baru; (2) Forest Nature of Swangi islands,
Batulicin; and (3) Tahura Sultan Adam, Mandi Angin, Banjar at an altitude of 75-300 m above
sea level. The study was conducted in 2010, 2013 and 2014.
Figure 1. Map of research site at Kalimantan. Three botanical gardens (star) and samples
sited for each around botanical garden which is as living collection (circle).
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Documenting plants collected in this research activity is recorded on a "field book" that has
been prepared in a standard by Bogor Botanical Gardens. The material collected is recorded
identity, habitat and morphology of data and if there is information ethnobotany of local
residents or officials of officers from the Regional Agencies that accompany the exploration
activities as well as from local guides at these locations. In this study restrictions on the species
of fruit that can be eaten (edible fruits) are covering all species of annual plants that produce
edible fresh fruit and either cooked or raw fruit that is found by the research team. Fruits also
include either a major functions or minor functions (Prosea 1991; Prosea 1993). For species of
fruits term "indigenous of Indonesia" is the kind of local fruits that grow naturally or originating
from the area of Indonesia (Uji, 2004). Species of fruits are hard-skinned, not broken and seed
in one or the so-called "nut" is not included in this article. Data agroecological include
measurements of pH, temperature, humidity, soil moisture, altitude, and coordinates (longitude
and latitude) using GPS. All data written on Form A1 which will be equipped with an access
number from the Author (MN) as standard accessing code at Bogor Botanical Gardens. The
data obtained during the study comes with documentation in the form of photographs for
material life, fruit, and activities in the field.
Figure 2. The percentages of indigenous fruit collected at three botanical garden (Banua
Botanical Garden, Regency of Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan Province; Sambas
Botanical Gardens, Regency of Sambas, West Kalimantan Province; and Katingan
Botanical Gardens, Regency of Katingan, Central Kalimantan)
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Figure 3. The number of specimens existing of exploration results on the three botanical
gardens in Kalimantan
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Dimocarpus longan Lour. Dimocarpus longan Lour. Durio dulcis Becc. (left), D.
(Sapindaceae) (Sapindaceae) kutejensis (Hassk.) Becc., D.
oxleyanus Griff. (Malvaceae)
Seedling and seed transport Nursery of botanical garden Planting at Botanical Garden
Figure 4. The species of indigenous fruit plants of Kalimantan and images of ex situ
conservation in Banua Botanical Garden.
4. Discussions
Uji (2004) have also reported that there are 226 species of indigeneous fruits of Kalimantan
which can be eaten either directly or after processing and are useful as a source of germplasm
fruits. Siregar (2006) also reported that in Kalimantan there are 130 species of local fruit trees
(both species of indigeneous and introduced) had been consumed by the local community. In
Figure 3, on all locations in the three provinces there are some families that the number of
specimens large enough, among others family Myrtaceae (27 specimens) and Sapindaceae (24
specs). Also the other family were also quite a lot, which Malvaceae (20 spec), Anacardiaceae
(13 spec) and Moraceae (12 spec). These five families who have a diversity of fruits that have
high potential to be studied and developed, because of high species diversity is the main capital
in conducting the business of plant breeding. At viewed from the prospect of economic value,
there are three families of the three genera that have good prospects to be developed in the
future. All three genera according Winarno (2000) are Garcinia (Clusiaceae), Mangifera
(Anacardiaceae), and Nephelium (Sapindaceae). In addition, it is also found one another family
of the genus Malvaceae, Durio spp. is also potential to be developed (Figure 4). Four species
of fruits commodity of the four genera has been defined as "fruits national champions",
respectively, are mango, mangosteen, rambutan and durian (Winarno 2000). Mogea, et al.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
(2001), recorded 62 species have been cultivated, 18 species are endemic and four species
including rare plants. These four species of rare plants is kerantungan (Durio oxleyanus),
lahong (Durio dulcis), lai (Durio kutejensis) and burahol (Stelechocarpus burahol). No fewer
than 329 species of fruits (consisting of 61 families and genera 148) both of which are
indigeneous to Indonesia and the species of introduced can be found in Indonesia (Rifai, 1986).
In the Southeast Asian region reported there are about 400 species of fruits that edible (Prosea,
1991). Thus more than three-quarters of the species of fruits that were reported in the Southeast
Asian region has been found in Indonesia (Purnomo et al. 2002). Based on the results of the
data collected was recorded 266 species of fruits indigeneous to Indonesia has been found that
most still grows wild in the forests and only a small portion that has been cultivated (Uji 2007).
With the percentage of the number of tree species that most (76%) it demonstrates that for
fruits plant breeding efforts required considerable time because of the long life cycle of tree
species (Mogea, et al., 2001).
Existing of Botanical Gardens in Kalimantan, there are four Regional Botanic Gardens, i.e.
Katingan Botanical Gardens (Central Kalimantan), Banua Botanical Garden (South
Kalimantan) and Sambas Botanical Garden (West Kalimantan), in fact there are also in East
Kalimantan (Balikpapan Botanical Garden). Botanical Gardens is a representation of ex situ
conservation in areas that have a high diversity of plants (Figure 4). According Uji (2004),
based on the location of the number of species most commonly found in Sumatra (148 species)
and Kalimantan (144 species), next is the Java (96 species), Sulawesi (43 species), Maluku (30
species), Nusa Tenggara (21 species), Papua (16 species) and 34 other species spread
throughout Indonesia. Kalimantan and Papua are still small when compared to five other areas.
This is partly due to data on the flora of both, especially data on fruit plants is still not widely
known and reported. Therefore the ex situ conservation in botanical gardens should more built
in Kalimantan so that the current indigeneous fruits plants of Kalimantan where still grown in
the yard by community collected immediate as much as possible.
5. Conclusion
The study of fruit plants were conducted in three provinces in Kalimantan, the overall earned
71% of its collected as living collections at Katingan Botanical Garden, 15% in Banua
Botanical Garden (South Kalimantan) and 14% in Sambas Botanical Garden (West
Kalimantan). Family Myrtaceae at three Botanical Gardens at most (27 specimens), then
Sapindaceae (24 specs), Malvaceae (20 specs), Anacardiaceae (13 specs) and Moraceae (12
specs). Durio spp (Malvaceae) is the dominant genera, then Nephelium spp. (Sapindaceae),
Mangifera spp. (Anacardiaceae), Musa spp. (Musaceae) and Artocarpus spp. (Moraceae).
Attempts to plant breeding of fruits takes a long time and Botanical Gardens in Kalimantan is
expected to protect the parents of indigeneous germplasm fruit plants to the area.
We would like to thank, Head of PK2TE, Center for Plant Conservation - Bogor Botanical
Garden, LIPI, Management of Botanical Gardens in Kalimantan and colleagues research team,
also guides in the field who can not mention one by one on the smoothness of our research.
This research activity funded by DIPA LIPI FY 2010, 2013 and 2014.
Ashton, P.S., 1982. Dipterocarpaceae. In: Van Steenis, C.G.G.J (ed.) Flora Malesiana (9):
Prosea, 1991. Edible Fruits and Nuts. Bogor. Plant Resources of South-East Asia.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Prosea, 1993. Basic List of Species and Commodity Grouping. Final version. Bogor. Plant
Resources of South-East Asia.
Uji T. 2004 . Keanekaragaman Jenis, Plasma Nutfah, dan Potensi Buah-buahan Asli
Kalimantan. B i o S MART vol. 6(2): 117-125)
Siregar, M. 2006. Species Diversity of Local Fruits Trees in Kalimantan : Problems of
Conservation and its Development. Biodiversitas 7 (1) : 94 – 99.
Winarno, 2000. Kebijakan pemerintah dalam pengembangan hortikultura Indonesia.
Prosiding Seminar Sehari. Hari Cinta Puspa dan Satwa Nasional. Menggali
potensi dan meningkatkan prospek tanaman hortikultura menuju ketahanan
pangan. Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan. Kebun Raya Bogor : 9 – 15.
Mogea, J.P., D. Gandawidjaja, H. Wiriadinata, R.E.Nasution, dan Irawati. 2001. Tumbuhan
langka Indonesia. LIPI-Seri Panduan Lapangan. Bogor. Balai Penelitian Botani.
Puslitbang Biologi, LIPI.
Rifai, M.A. 1986. Flora Buah-buahan Indonesia. Bogor: LBN-LIPI.
Purnomo, S., Suharto, Sudjito dan S. Hosni. 2002. Eksplorasi dan konservasi sumber daya
genetik. Buletin Plasma Nutfah 8 (1): 6-15.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is a species with the largest genetic diversity among others in the
Cucurbitaceae family, and therefore providing opportunities for plant breeders to develop new,
improved varieties. C. melo var reticulatus (North American cantaloupes), C. melo var inodorus
(honeydews), and C. melo var cantalupensis (European cantaloupes) are the most widely
known among at least eight cultivar groups. Melon is a cross pollinated species where most of
pollination events are performed by bees. F1 hybrid is the most common type of varieties could
be found in the market today. Some important fruit traits in melon include: fruit weight, sugar
content, flesh color and texture, rind appearance and hardness, and shelf-life. An ideotype of
large fruit with an attracting orange or green, sweet and crisp flesh are more demanded
nowadays for Indonesian market. Additionally, obtaining varieties resistant to main pests and
diseases are of importance as well. We have been conducting a melon breeding program aimed
for quality fruits at the Center for Tropical Horticulture Studies, Bogor Agricultural University
(IPB), and two honeydew varieties has been released. Recetly we identified a melon genotype
(IPB Meta 9) exhibiting good resistance to downy mildew and can be utilized in a breeding
program. Future challenges include shifts in consumer preferences, for example, small-size
fruits may be more preferred for personal or small family consumptions.
Keywords: breeding, fruit quality, melon
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Our previous study evaluating a diverse collection consisting of 30 melon genotypes (13 F1
hybrid varieties, 4 F2 populations, 6 open pollinated varieties, and 7 inbred lines) indicated a
good opportunity for breeding new, improved varieties. These genotypes can be classified into
the reticulatus (12 genotypes), inodorus (8 genotypes), and makuwa (3 genotype) groups;
however we found some reticulatus genotypes with some cantalupensis group’s characteristics
(e.g. stronger aroma, shorter shelf-life, juicier flesh), and therefore we put those into the
‘cantalupensis-like’group (7 genotypes). Fruit appearance of some of the genotypes are shown
in Figure 1. F1 hybrids selected based on fruit weight and sugar content are: Action, Autumn
Favor, and Monami Red from the reticulatus group; Jade Flower from the inodorus group, and
Hales’ Best from the cantalupensis-like group.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
(68%) (Munshi and Alvarez, 2005). From a study of melon pollination in an area containing
two cantaloupe genotypes, greater number of bee moves between the two strains were observed
than that within the same strain (Foster and Levin, 1967).
Steps involved in making crosses among melon genotypes are described in Figure 2.
Emasculation of hermaphrodite flowers of an andromonicous parent should be performed one
day before anthesis. Both male and hermaphrodite flowers need to be covered. Hand pollination
should be done in early morning (e.g. by about 6 AM in Bogor, Indonesia) to avoid
undesireable pollen contaminations by bees.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Our previous study evaluating 29 melon genotypes showed that fruit weight was positively
correlated with fruit diameter (r=0.96, P<0.01), flesh thickness (r=0.82, P<0.01), fruit length
(r=0.67, P<0.01), and rind thickness (r=0.49, P<0.01). We performed a path analysis for
partitioning the correlation coefficients into direct and indrect effects, using fruit weight as an
independent variable (Y), and stem diameter, days to harvest, fruit length, fruit perimeter, rind
thickness, and flesh thickness as dependent variables (X). The direct effects of fruit perimeter
on fruit weight were positive and large (0.83), while the indirect effects through the other X’s
are negligible. Altogether, these six X traits could explain 96% of the total variability of fruit
4. Future challenges
The demand for melon fruits implies the necessity of quality seeds production of improved
varieties. Changes on consumer perferences need to be anticipated through development of
new, unique varieties with excellent tasting quality. Small-size melon cultivars will perhaps be
popular for small family or personal consumptions.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Planting melon in tropical regions faces the challenges on dealing with pest and diseases.
Downy mildews and viruses, among other diseases, are regarded as very important melon
diseases leading to considerable economic loses, and hence breeding melon varieties resistant
to these diseases could be among the top priorities. The ‘IPB Meta 9’ melon genotype from our
breeding program showed moderate resistance to downy mildew (Huda and Suwarno, 2016).
Its fruits, however, are small (less than 500 g on average) with thin and sweet white flesh. This
implies that subsequent breeding activities are needed to introduce the resistance to another
genotypes, and/or to ‘fix’ some undesireable characteristics posessed by this genotypes.
Our breeding experience suggested that breeding reticulatus (cantaloupe; netted) melons are
more challenging somewhat than breeding inodorus (honeydew; non-netted) melons in terms
of achieving uniformity of the lines. The cantaloupes unfortunately are still more popular than
the honeydews in Indonesia, and therefore varieties from both groups need to be bred still.
Large-size cantaloupes with sweet, orange thick flesh, and strong rind are on market demand
at present and also in near future, we predict. Breeding honeydews could be aimed for obtaining
fruits with thick, sweet and crisp flesh, along with unique rind appearance. Additionally,
breeding for nutritions could also be an interesting option as melon is a good source of vitamin
C. We recently observed a considerable range of genetic diversity for vitamin C concentrations
among several melon genotypes in our breeding program.
Finding genes controlling a trait of interest is simply challenging; however genotyping tools
are becoming more available recently. Marker-assisted selection could be an option for
accelerating the breeding process, especially for traits that are controlled by single or few
genes. Gene-finding approaches such as QTL or associaton mapping requires both genotypic
and phenotypic data. Several recent studies have been conducted for studying QTL controlling
important traits in melon, for example fruit traits (Monforte et al. 2004; Ramamurthy and
Waters, 2015; Wang et al. 2016), fruit ripening and fruit softening (Moreno et al. 2008, Vegas
et al. 2013), yield-related traits (Zalapa et al. 2007), powdery mildew resistance (Fukino et al.
2008; Wang et al. 2016), cucumber mosaic cucumovirus resistance (Dogimont et al. 2000),
aphids and whiteflies resistance (Boissot et al. 2010).
Phenotyping of low-heritability, polygenic quantitative traits unfortunately are typically
difficult. Measuring tolerance to abiotic stresses are not simple because a relatively small shift
on the stress level may lead to a dramatic change on the phenotype. Even more difficult is that,
another stress (e.g. heat) can be confounded with the stress-of-interest (e.g. drought) if the
experiment is not controlled properly. Utilization of computer-aided, precision phenotyping
which are becoming more popular could be a good opportunity for obtaining more accurate
phenotypic data. Some of the tools are not very expensive (for example, using scanner and/or
computer imaging devices along with a relevant software for quantifying color components as
RGB) and could be of practical use in a breeding program.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Boissot, N., Thomas, S., Sauvion, N., Marchal, C., Pavis, C., & Dogimont, C. 2010. Mapping
and validation of QTLs for resistance to aphids and whiteflies in melon. Theoretical and
Applied Genetics, 121(1), 9-20.
Dogimont, C., Leconte, L., Périn, C., Thabuis, A., Lecoq, H., & Pitrat, M. 2000. Identification
of QTLs contributing to resistance to different strains of cucumber mosaic cucumovirus
in melon. In VII Eucarpia Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding 510 (pp. 391-
Dutt, D. and S. Saran. 1994. Cytogenetics. In Nayar, N. M. and T. A. More (eds.) Cucurbits.
Science Publishers, Inc. USA.
Fernández-Silva, I., Moreno, E., Eduardo, I., Arús, P., Álvarez, J. M., & Monforte, A. J. 2009.
On the genetic control of heterosis for fruit shape in melon (Cucumis melo L.). Journal
of heredity, 100(2), 229-235.
Foster II, R.E. and M.D. Levin. 1967. F₁ Hybrid Muskmelons, II. Bee Activity in Seed Fields.
J. of the Arizona Acad. of Sci., 4(4): 222-225.
Fukino, N., Ohara, T., Monforte, A. J., Sugiyama, M., Sakata, Y., Kunihisa, M., & Matsumoto,
S. 2008. Identification of QTLs for resistance to powdery mildew and SSR markers
diagnostic for powdery mildew resistance genes in melon (Cucumis melo L.). Theoretical
and Applied Genetics, 118(1), 165-175.
Huda, A. N. and W. B. Suwarno. 2016. IPB Meta 9: a potential genetic source for downy
mildew resistance in melon (Cucumis melo L.). p. 177-182. In Mohamad, S. Abdullah,
A. R. Milan, Z. Sulaiman, Z. Rokman (eds.) Transactions of Persatuan Genetik Malaysia,
No. 3: Strengthening and Future Perspectives In Plant Breeding. Genetics Society of
Malaysia. Malaysia.
IPGRI. 2003. Descriptors for Melon (Cucumis melo L.). International Plant Genetic Resources
Institute, Rome, Italy.
José, M. A., Iban, E., Silvia, A., & Pere, A. 2005. Inheritance mode of fruit traits in melon:
Heterosis for fruit shape and its correlation with genetic distance. Euphytica, 144(1), 31-
Monforte, A. J., Oliver, M., Gonzalo, M. J., Alvarez, J. M., Dolcet-Sanjuan, R., & Arus, P.
2004. Identification of quantitative trait loci involved in fruit quality traits in melon
(Cucumis melo L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 108(4), 750-758.
More, T. A. and V. S. Seshadri. 1994. Sex Expression and Sex Modification. In Nayar, N. M.
and T. A. More (eds.) Cucurbits. Science Publishers, Inc. USA.
Moreno, E., Obando, J. M., Dos-Santos, N., Fernández-Trujillo, J. P., Monforte, A. J., &
Garcia-Mas, J. 2008. Candidate genes and QTLs for fruit ripening and softening in
melon. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 116(4), 589-602.
Munshi, A.D. and Alvarez, J.M. 2005. Hybrid Melon Development. Journal of New Seeds
6(4):321- 360.
Nayar, N. N. and R. Singh. 1994. Taxonomy, Distribution, and Ethnobotanical Uses. In Nayar,
N. M. and T. A. More (eds.). Cucurbits. Science Publishers, Inc. USA.
Ramamurthy, R. K., & Waters, B. M. 2015. Identification of fruit quality and morphology
QTLs in melon (Cucumis melo) using a population derived from flexuosus and
cantalupensis botanical groups. Euphytica, 204(1), 163-177.
Renner, S.S., H. Schaefer and A. Kocyan. 2007. Phylogenetics of Cucumis (Cucurbitaceae):
Cucumber (C. sativus) belongs in an Asian/Australian clade far from melon (C. melo).
BMC Evolutionary Biology 7:58.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Robinson, R. W. 2000. Rational and Method for Producing Hybrid Cucurbit Seed. In Basra, A.
S. (eds.) Hybrid Seed Production in Vegetable: Rational and Method in Selected Crops.
The Haworth Press, Inc. New York. 135p.
Robinson, R. W. and D. S. Decker-Walters. 1999. Cucurbits. CAB International. New York.
Vegas, J., Garcia-Mas, J., & Monforte, A. J. 2013. Interaction between QTLs induces an
advance in ethylene biosynthesis during melon fruit ripening. Theoretical and applied
genetics, 126(6), 1531-1544.
Wang, Y. H., Wu, D. H., Huang, J. H., Tsao, S. J., Hwu, K. K., & Lo, H. F. 2016. Mapping
quantitative trait loci for fruit traits and powdery mildew resistance in melon (Cucumis
melo). Botanical Studies, 57(1), 19.
Zalapa, J. E., Staub, J. E., McCreight, J. D., Chung, S. M., & Cuevas, H. 2007. Detection of
QTL for yield-related traits using recombinant inbred lines derived from exotic and elite
US Western Shipping melon germplasm. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 114(7),
Zuniga, T. L., Jantz, J. P., Zitter, T. A., and Jahn, M. K. 1999. Monogenic dominant resistance
to gummy stem blight in two melon (Cucumis melo) accessions. Plant Dis. 83:1105-
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Sapodilla is a fruit exotic from a tropical country that has a sweet taste and good for healthy.
Initiation of sapodilla’shoots by in vitro propagation has been widely reported but in vitro
multiplication of sapodilla still limited report. The aim of this research was to in vitro
multiplication of shoot of sapodilla with modified MS media. Explants of sapodilla were
collecting from Serang area, Banten Provence and were induced of shoots with in vitro methods.
Shoots grown from induction media were cut and planted at modified MS media contain BAP
and Kinetin with J1, J2, J3 and J4 treatments. The results showed that with JI treatment the
average of multiplication rate was 5.33 shoots/plant, following by J3 treatment with 4.60
shoots/plant, J2 treatment with 4.07 shoots/plant and J4 treatment with 1.8 shoots/plant. The
rate of multiplication of shoots was decreased when the high concentration of BAP was added.
Keywords: Sapodilla, Manilkara zapotta Van Royen, in vitro multiplication
1. Introduction
Manilkara zapota or Achras sapota (Sapotaceae) commonly known as sapodilla is a fruit
exotic plant from tropical countries, native to Yucatan and possibly other nearby parts of
southern Mexico (Morton, 1987; Wasielewski and Campbell, 2001; Moo-Huchin et al. 2013;
Peiris, 2014). Sapodilla has now spread to almost all tropical countries of the world
(Jalawaadi et al. 2013). Based on Meghala et al., In Asia, it was first introduced to the
Philippines by the Spanish and later spreads to other Asian countries including Indonesia.
Sapodilla is an important component of estate agriculture for sale in local markets in both
Tropical Asia and America. Increasingly the sapodilla is grown on a large commercial scale in
Central America, Brazil, India, Thailand the Philippines (Campbell and Noris, 2002), Sri Lanka,
Pakistan, and Palestine, Malaysia, Mexico, Venezuela, Vietnam, Guatemala, and some other
Central American countries (Peiris, 2014). In fact, India is one of the largest producers of
In Indonesia, sapodillas are classed in two main groups: 1) Sawo maneela, normal size trees
having narrow, pointed leaves; and 2) Sawo apel, low, shrub-like trees, with oblong leaves
broadest above the middle (Morton, 1987). The data from BPS (2016) showed that production
of sapodilla fruit in Indonesia 134.647 tons in 2015 was decreased if compared to 2014 (Figure
1). Sapodilla cultivated almost at all provinces but the central production of sapodilla in
Indonesia dominated by 3 provinces, i.e.: West of Java, Lampung, and Central of Java provinces
(Table 1). Most of the sapodilla plants in Indonesia are prevalent in home gardens and some
area cultivated seriously for commercial.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
2016; Faqiha, 2016). Initiation of Sapodilla’ shoots by in vitro propagation has been widely
reported (Purohit and Singhvi, 1998; Purohit et al. 2004; Yuniastuti, 2016), but in vitro
multiplication of sapodilla still limited report (17, 18, 20, 22, 23). The aim of this research was
to in vitro multiplication of shoot of sapodilla with modified MS media.
The research showed that initiation of shoot for multiplication was beginning at 2 weeks
after sub culturing in media treatments (Figure 3a) with 0.5 cm of height. Time for induction of
new shoot more quickly compared with (17) reported till 3 weeks at standard media containing
2.0 mg/L BAP. Initiation of shoot multiplication was slowly until 2 weeks left to be observed.
The percentage of shoots to grown after sub culture almost 80% more, except on J3 media.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Percentage of shoots grown on modification media showed that on J1 media shoots have
capable to grown better than another media with 83.33%, while on J3 media had less response
to grown with 62.50% (Table 2).
Figure 3. In vitro grown of shoots of sapodilla, after subculture 2 weeks (a), 6 weeks (b) 8
weeks (c) and 12 weeks (d)
The average of multiplication rate for sapodilla on J1 media was 5.33 ± 3.54. These media
give the best multiplication rate compared to the other media. The combination of BAP and
Kinetin were added on media, produce the maximal multiplication in this research. The rate of
multiplication of shoots was decreased when the high concentration of BAP was added (Table
2). For this research maybe concentration of BAP was used too high. If compared with (17),
concentration of BAP used was 2.0 mg/L BAP and obtained six shoots per node on Schenk and
Hildebrandt (SH) basal media but if on Woody Plant Media (WPM) basal media concentration
of BAP 2.0 mg/L just induced 1,67 shoots per node (23). We assume that basal media used
maybe effecting the induced of shoots multiplication on sapodilla. Improvement in growth and
multiplication of shoot culture was reported by (18) used controlled carbon dioxide
environment with results showed that the best response was obtained at 10.0 g m-3 CO2 where
maximum number of shoots (average 8.66) with highest shoot length, leaf number and leaf area
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
was obtained at 42 day of culture. Incorporation of GA3 at 1.0 mg/L with 2.0 mg/L BAP not
only induced shoot elongation but also enhanced the rate of multiplication of sapodilla (ca. six
shoots per node) (17) or with Putrescine (a polyamines) added 0.1 mM and BA (8.87 µM) a 3-
fold rate of shoot multiplication was achieved where an average of 5.17 shoots per nodes were
obtained (20).
The average number of leaves showed that J4 media give the best media for induced number
of leaves at sapodilla shoots (Table 3) with 8.58 ± 3.11. Results showed that more BAP added
to media capable to induce leaves, otherwise the less concentration of BAP added number of
leaves were reduced (J2 and J3 media). At J1 media, if media added with BAP combination
with Kinetin, even BAP added with concentration 4 mg/L, the average number of leaves almost
same with J4 media because Kinetin was added at J1 media that can improve number of leaves.
The results showed that an average number of nodes same with number of leaves with J4 media
was the best media and an average number of node was 7.29 ± 3.25.
The height of shoots was showed that J1 media has the best media of inducing shoots height
with average 1.70 ± 0.77 followed by J4 media with 1.63 ± 0.72 (Table 3). As we seen that
node from J1 media was 6.89 ± 3.59 and the height of shoots just 1.70 ± 0.77, so the length
between nodes was short. Maybe added GA3 with 1.0 mg/L at media as (17) reported could
add the length between nodes.
For this research we assume that media J1 has the same effect with media J4 for percentage
of shoots grown, the average number of leaves, nodes and height of shoots but no with
multiplication rate. If we used 4 mg/L BAP at media, so we must add Kinetin to optimal grown
but if we are not used Kinetin, we can use BAP with 8 mg/L at media MS modification. The
used MS modification with 2x concentration of NH4NO3 showed that shoots of sapodilla can
multiply. Modification of MS media also had been reported to multiply teak shoots (25) by 50%
reduction in NH4NO3 concentration.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
4. Conclusion
The best media to multiply shoots of sapodilla was J1 media. The average of multiplication
rate for sapodilla was 5.33 ± 3.54. The rate of multiplication of shoots was decreased when the
high concentration of BAP was added. The used MS modification with 2x concentration of
NH4NO3 showed that shoots of sapodilla can multiply.
We would like to thank DINAS PERTANIAN KABUPATEN SERANG for financial
support of this research.
Morton, J. 1987. Sapodilla. In: Fruits of warm climates. Julia F. Morton, Miami, FL. p. 393–
Wasielewski J, RJ Campbell. Pruning and shaping sapodilla, mamey sapote and canistel for
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Moo-Huchin VM, R Estrada-León, IA Estrada-Mota, LF Cuevas-Glory and E Sauri-Duch.
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methylcyclopropene after refrigeration. Afr. J. Plant Sci. 2013. Vol. 7(12), pp. 561-570.
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meristem lateral. Skripsi. Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas
Sebelas Maret Surakarta. 2016.
Faqiha F. Pengaruh macam media dan konsentrasi NAA terhadap multiplikasi sawo (Achras
zapota) lokal manyaran secara in vitro. Skripsi. Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas
Pertanian Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. 2016.
Murashige T, F Skoog. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue
cultures. Physiologia Plantarum 1962. 15:473–497.
de Gyves EM , JI Royani, E Rugini. Efficient method of micropropagation and in vitro
rooting of teak (Tectona grandis L.) focusing on large-scale industrial plantations.
Annals of Forest Science. 2007. 64(1): 73–78.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
1. Lab. of Plant Cell & Tissue Culture, Botany Division – Research Center for Biology –
Indonesia Institute of Sciences. Cibinong, West Java, Indonesia
2. Lab. of Plant Genetics, Botany Division – Research Center for Biology – Indonesia
Institute of Sciences. Cibinong, West Java, Indonesia
The Results from plant breeding activities that have been carried out at Research Center for
Biology LIPI has obtained tetraploid Rejang banana (results from doubling chromosomes of
diploid Rejang using oryzalin compound) and triploid hybrid Rejang banana (result of
crossbreeding mixoploid Rejang with diploid Rejang banana). Analysis of ploidy level of
banana previously has done using flow cytometry. The ploidy level in banana from plant
breeding activities also needs confirmed by counting the number of chromosome. Confirmation
number of chromosome is done using digested anthers with chromosomes stained using DAPI
(4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole). Procedures involved; young flower buds were harvested,
anther dissected from flower (sizes from 0.5 to 1 cm), fixation with acetic acid-alcohol,
enzymatic digestion of cell walls, chromosomes stained using DAPI, and observations under
fluorescence microscopy. The results of chromosomes counting from digested anther confirmed
that diploid Rejang chromosome number 2n = 2x = 22, triploid hybrid Rejang 2n = 3x = 33,
and tetraploid Rejang 2n = 4x = 44. This procedures ease in sample preparation, saving time to
determination the correct stages of cell division, plant cells not overlap and the chromosome
spread, so that easily to counting.
Key words: chromosome number, ploidy, banana/ musa, digested anther, DAPI
1. Introduction
Banana and plantain (Musa sp.) is one of the fruits are widely consumed in Indonesia,
where the genetic diversity of Musa are commonly found both cultivated and wild. Genetic
modification and breeding to create new varieties with desired characteristic is therefore of
interest to research. Crop improvements through ploidy manipulation in banana cultivar are
widely used to increase biomass/ productivities or to provide tetraploid parent for crosses with
diploid parent to create triploid hybrid. Polyploidization is an important process and has been
utilized to breed new cultivars with horticultural characteristic such as disease-resistance, large
fruit size, sturdiness and seedless fruits (Kanchanapoom and Koarapatchaikul, 2012).
‘Rejang’ (Musa acuminata Colla (AA genomes)) is dessert banana, one of Indonesian local
cultivar that can found in Sumatra and Java Island. The Results from plant breeding activities
that have been carried out at Research Center for Biology LIPI has obtained tetraploid Rejang
(results from doubling chromosomes of diploid Rejang using oryzalin compound) and triploid
hybrid Rejang (result from crossbreeding mixoploid Rejang with diploid Rejang banana)
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Figure 1. Representative histogram from ploidy flow cytometry analysis of Rejang accession.
The figure shows histogram of relative nuclear DNA content (a) diploid profiles
(2n=2x); (b) triploid profile (2n=3x); (c) tetraploid profile (2n=4x)
Flow cytometric analysis also known as rapid method on large population of nuclei (5 -
10.000) and even sub-population differing in ploidy level (mixoploid/ aneuploidy) (Asif et al.
2001). Although flow cytometry proved to be efficient for ploidy determination, however
information regarding the chromosome study on difference accessions is still required for
breeding program, especially for basic information on cytogenetics, e.g. karyotype study,
structural chromosome change, or study on mechanism crossing – over during cell division
(Schwarzacher, 2016) or study in plant genome structure.
Cytological analyses using anthers/ male inflorescence made it possible to observing all
stage of mitotic or meiotic phases on pollen mother cells in musa species including early
prophase stage that shows pachytene chromosome (Adeleke et al. 2002). Our observation on
companion cell somatic from digested anther shows that morphology of chromosome some
stage of mitotic phase are clearly shown (Fig. 2), with the chromosomes appear sharply defined,
not overlap and stained clearly. Chromosomes usually easy to count on late prophase (sometime
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
also called prometaphase) because in this phase the chromosomes finish condensing, so they
are very compact, and chromosome appear more sharply.
DAPI showed effective for staining mitotic chromosome that appeared clearly under
fluorescence microscope. DAPI (4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) is one of various
chromosomes stain that used extensively in fluorescence microscopy with its emission
maximum is at 461 nm (blue emission), binds strongly to A-T rich region in DNA, can pass
through an intact cell membrane, making easy to detect the chromosome under fluorescence
microscope (Beccia et al. 2012). DAPI staining usually used to study fluorescence in situ
hybridisation (FISH) has considerably contributed to a better understanding of plant genome
structure and evolution (Valarik et al. 2004). Giemsa, Leisman’s stain, silver staining are other
staining were also effective for meiotic or mitotic chromosome stain of Musa especially for the
well – condensed metaphase and anaphase chromosome including for prophase chromosome
(Adeleke et al. 2002).
Figure 2. Appearance some mitotic phases of cell division from digested anther under
fluorescence microscope, a-d) The chromosome (paired chromatids) are becoming
visible, chromatin condenses into chromosome, chromosomes are shortened and
thickened (prophase); e) chromosome line up on equator of cell (metaphase); f-g)
two new cell in interphase result. Bar = 10 µm.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Figure 3. Chromosome number observation of Rejang accession; (a) diploid cell with 2n = 2x
= 22; (b) triploid cell with 2n = 3x = 33; (c) tetraploid cell with 2n = 4x = 44
In this study, number of chromosome counting from companion cells anther that its easily
found in microscope slide than pollen mother cell. A simple purpose study for example to
determination number of chromosome or karyotype study, mitotic chromosome on companion
cells that found spread well (with correct stage of cell division) on slide can be used to analysis.
The results of chromosomes counting confirmed result from flow cytometric analysis that
diploid Rejang chromosome number 2n = 2x = 22, triploid hybrid Rejang 2n = 3x = 33, and
tetraploid Rejang 2n = 4x = 44 (Fig. 3). Using this method for determine chromosome number
was saving time to make good slides compared using root tip squash that time consuming to
finding the correct stages of cell division, and need required special skills to make good slides.
4. Conclusion
The results of chromosomes counting from digested anther confirmed that diploid Rejang
chromosome number 2n = 2x = 22, triploid hybrid Rejang 2n = 3x = 33, and tetraploid Rejang
2n = 4x = 44. The procedures using male inflorescence to chromosomes analysis are ease in
sample preparation, saving time to determination the correct stages of cell division, plant cells
not overlap and the chromosome spread, so that easily to counting.
5. Acknowledgment
This study was funded by tematic research program on Research Center for Biology
LIPI 2015 – 2016. We would like to convey our gratitude to Fajarudin Ahmad M.Si and our
technicians who helped in this study.
Kanchanapoom, K, K. Koarapatchaikul. (2012). In vitro induction of tetrploid plants from
callus cultures of diploid bananas (Musa acuminata, AA group) ‘Kluai Leb Mu Nang’
and Kluai Sa’. Euphytica 183: 111—117.
Poerba, Y. S., Witjaksono, T. Handayani. (2016). Pembentukan dan Penampilan Pisang Rejang
Hibrid Triploid Hasil Persilangan Pisang Rejang Mixoploid dengan Pisang Rejang
Diploid. Jurnal Biologi Indonesia, 12 (1): 19 – 30.
Kron, P., J. Suda, B.C. Husband. (2007). Application of Flow Cytometry to Evolutionary and
Population Biology. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 847-876.
Adeleke, M. T., M. Pillay, B.E. Okoli. (2002). An Improved Method for Examining Meiotic
Chromosome in Musa L. HortScience, 37 (6): 959-961, 959 – 961.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Dolezel, J., M. Dolezelova, N. Roux, I. Van den Houwe. 1998. A novel method to prepare slides
for high resolution chromosome studies in Musa spp. Infomusa 7: 3 – 4.
Dolezel, J., J. Bartos. (2005). Plant DNA Flow Cytometry and Estimation of Nuclear Genome
Size. Annals of Botany, 95: 99-110, 99 – 110.
Pillay, M., E. Ogundiwin, A. Tenkouano, J. Dolezel. 2006. Ploidy and genome composition of
Musa germplasm at the international institute of tropical agriculture (IITA). African
Journal of Biotechnology 5 (13): 1224 – 1232.
Roux, N., A. Toloza, Z. Radecki, F.J. Zapata-Arias, J. Dolezel. 2003. Rapid detection of
aneuploidy in Musa using flow cytometry. Plant Cell Rep. 21: 483 – 490.
Poerba, Y. S., D. Martanti, T. Handayani, Herlina, & Witjaksono. (2016). Katalog Pisang:
Koleksi Kebun Plasma Nutfah Pisang Pusat Penelitian Biologi - LIPI. Jakarta: LIPI Press.
Asif, M.J., C. Mak, R.Y. Othman. 2001. Characterization of indigenous Musa species based on
flow cytometric analysis of ploidy and nuclear DNA content. Caryologia 54 (2): 161 –
Schwarzacher, T. 2016. Preparation and fluorescent analysis of plant metaphase chromosomes.
Chapter 7 pp 87-103 in Caillaud M-C (ed.), Plant Cell Division: Methods and Protocols,
Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1370, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3142-2_7, Humana
Press. Springer New York.
Beccia, M.R., T. Biver, A. Pardini, J. Spinelli, F. Secco, M. Venturini, N.B. Vazquez, M.P.L.
Cornejo, V.I.M. Herrera, R.P. Gotor. 2012. The fluorophore 4’6-Diamino-2-phenylindole
(DAPI) Induces DNA folding in long double-stranded DNA. [Abstract] Chemistry an
Asian Journal. 7 (8): 1803 – 1810.
Valarik, M., J. Bartos, P. Kovarova, M. Kubalakova, J.H. De Jong, J. Dolezel. 2004. High-
resulution FISH on super-stretched flow-sorted plant chromosomes. The Plant Journal
37 (6): 940 – 950.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Banana is a horticulture crops with economical value, cultivated in many types of tropical
agricultural system. Banana bunchy top disease caused by Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV)
infection is considered as the most important virus disease affecting yield losses of banana
plantation in Asia, Africa, and South Pacific. Previous study reported that BBTV diversity
hotspots located and originated in South East Asia, including Indonesia. However, the incidence
and molecular characters of BBTV in Indonesia is still slightly understood. The objective of
this research was to characterize symptom variations, disease incidence, and study molecular
characters of BBTV from banana plantations in Bogor. Disease incidence of BBTV was
measured based on field symptoms. Infection of BBTV were confirmed using immunocapture-
polymearse chain reaction (IC-PCR). Further molecular characterization of BBTV was
performed based on analysis of viral nucleotide sequences. The study showed that incidence of
BBTV in Bogor Districts ranged from 3.3% to 28.4%. The most common symptoms observed
in the field involved vein clearing, upturned leaf, chlorotic, and ragged margins with reduction
in petiole length, distance, and lamina width. Molecular characterization of DNA-R and DNA-
S of the samples confirmed that BBTV isolates from Bogor belongs to Asian group, and
distinctly separated from those of South Pacific group. Variety of BBTV among isolates from
Bogor is not very high, with sequence homology ranged from 97.2% to 99.3% and 96.6% to
100% for DNA-S and DNA-R, respectively.
1. Introduction
Banana is one of the world’s most important horitculture crop, cultivated in many types of
tropical agricultural system. It is the fifth most traded horticultural product in international
market (Aurore et al. 2009). Most of the currently cultivated bananas are diploid or triploid that
belong to Eumusa section, hybrids from Musa acuminata (A-genome) or from hybridization
with Musa balbisiana (B-genome). The large-scale vegetative propagation of small number of
genotypes, which was derived from limited ancient sexual recombination, caused banana clones
are particularly susceptible to disease, pest and ecological changes (Perrier et al. 2011).
Banana bunchy top disease (BBTD) caused by infection of Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV)
is considered as the most important virus disease affecting banana plantation in Asia, Africa,
and South Pacific. Infection of BBTV can cause up to 90% yield lost (Dale, 1987). The disease
have caused a big destruction on banana plantation in Australia, and currently become a big
problem in Africa. The incidence of BBTD in Indonesia have been reported in Sumatra, Bali,
and Special Territory of Yogyakarta (Furuya et al. 2004; Pinili et al. 2011; Chiaki et al. 2015).
Infection of BBTV spread through infected banana sucker and other plant tissue that used
for banana propagation, only transmitted persistently by its specific vector, banana aphid,
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Pentalonia nigronervosa (Magie, 1927). Dark green streaks underneath the lamina and petiole
was reported as the early symptoms, followed by production of stunt and malformed leaves
with pale chlorotic margins, eventually resulting ‘bunchy’ appearance. Early infection of BBTV
in banana caused no fruit production, while late infection produces stunted and unmarketable
fruits (Thomas, 2008). Incubation period of BBTV ranged between 25 days and 85 days after
inoculation (DAI), with significant suppression of plant growth in 50 DAI (Hooks et al. 2008).
BBTV is now recognized as a member of Genus Babuvirus in Family Nanoviridae,
containing at least six genome components, each approximately 1000 bp size. The six genome
components reffered to DNA-R, DNA-U3, DNA-S, DNA-M, DNA-C, and DNA-N, encoding
different types of protein (King et al. 2011). All six components shared two common region,
major common region (CR-M) and stem-loop common region (CR-SL) that associated with the
conserved stem-loop structure (Burns et al. 1995).
BBTV isolates in the world fall into two geographic phylogenetic groups, i.e. the South
Pacific group (SPG) and Asian group (AG) based on genome components (Karan et al. 1994).
The isolates collected from South East Asia form a high degree of geographic clustering in AG,
while almost all sequence sampled outside the region falling into the SPG. Previous study on
distribution of BBTV have indicated that global BBTV diversity hotspots located and originated
in South East Asia, including Indonesia (Stainton et al. 2015). However, the epidemiology and
molecular characters of BBTV in Indonesia is still slightly understood. This research aimed to
analyze the incidence and molecular characters of BBTV in Bogor, Indonesia.
2. Methods
Field Survey and Sample Collection. Samples were collected during survey from several
banana plantations in Bogor, West Java. Survey areas covered several sub-districts i.e.,
Cimayang and Cikoneng (Sub-district Pamijahan), Barengkong (Sub-district Leuwiliang),
Kalong (Sub-district Leuwisadeng), Bontar (Sub-district Cigudeg), Pasar Ciampea (Sub-district
Ciampea), Kota Sawah (Sub-district Rumpin), Cagak (Sub-district Rancabunggur), Parung
(Sub-district Parung), and Cikabayan (Sub-district Dramaga). Infection of BBTV was observed
using purposive sampling method based on BBTV common symptoms i.e., stunting, bunched
up leaves, and streaking between leave margins and midrib. Banana leaves were put into a
labeled plastic wrapper and kept inside the ice box before transferred into laboratory. Fresh
tissue was directly subjected for virus detection and the remainings were stored at -80 oC as
isolate collection in the laboratory. Disease incidence (DI) of BBTV in each plantation was
calculated using the following formula:
∑ symptomatic plant
DI = × 100%
∑ total banana population
Based on the severity of the symptoms, the level of infection was categorized into three
groups, i.e mild, intermediate, and severe infection. This grouping system was then used to
classify banana plant samples during the survey.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
discarded flow-through by knocking on the paper tissue pad then washed using 100 µL PBST
1x containing 1% Triton-X. After this step total viral DNA was trapped on the tubes.
Resuspension of total viral DNA was done by adding 25 µL of dH2O into PCR tube and the
DNA can be used as a DNA template for further PCR amplification using two specific primer
pairs as described on Table 1.
Table 1. Specific primers for amplification of BBTV
Target Primer Sequence Amplicon Reference
DNA size
1083 bp al. 2005[19]
240 bp 2008[20]
Amplification of DNA was conducted based on method described by Kumar et al. (2011).
The DNA was amplified in GeneAmp PCR system 9700 machine with 5 min at 94 ºC for pre-
heating, followed by 35 cycles of denaturation (30s at 94 ºC), annealing (45s at 55 ºC), and
extension (30s at 72 ºC), with final extension of 7 min at 72 ºC. Amplicons was then visualized
on 1% agarose gel using electrophoresis in TBE 0.5x buffer. Following the electrophoresis
process, agarose gel then soaked on to 0.1% EtBr for 15 min, washed with H2O for 5 min, and
visualized under UV transilluminator.
Nucleotides Sequence and Phylogenetic Analysis. PCR products then sequenced at 1st
BASE Laboratories (Malaysia). Sequence contigs were assembled using CLC sequence viewer
7.5, then aligned with sequence isolates from GenBank using Bioedit 7.2.5 to analyze the
sequence homologies. GenBank sequences with accession number of KM607442, KM607493,
HQ378191, KM607446, EU589459, KM607447, KM607570, and KM607465 was used for
DNA-S analysis; whereas KM607588, KM607637, HQ378190, KM607593, EU140342,
KM607594, KM607710, and KM607608 was used for DNA-R analysis. The sequence of
Abaca bunchy top virus (ABTV), i.e. EF546810 and EF546813 for DNA-S and DNA-R,
respectively was used as the outgroup comparison. Phylogenetic three was constructed using
program ClustalX, Bio Edit 7.2.5, and MEGA 6.12.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
40.0 28.4
16.1 12.0 19.4 16.0
20.0 7.4 7.4
3.3 3.4 3.5
Survey Location
Figure 1. BBTV incidence in banana plantation in Cimayang (PC) and Cikoneng (PM),
Barengkong (LL), Kalong (LS), Bontar (CG), Pasar Ciampea (CA), Kota Sawah (RM), Cagak
(RB), Parung (PR), and Cikabayan (CK).
It is necessary to understand the distribution of BBTV infected plant on banana cultivation
area for eradication and integrated management approach. It was suggested that safe distance
for plot establishment is 30 m from existing disease field to prevent the early establishment of
the virus and possible inoculum build-up (Niyongere et al. 2012). This is very important
because disease incidence within banana plantation mostly influenced by the presence of aphid
and distance of BBTV inoculum sources.
Symptoms of BBTV. Clear symptom of BBTV can be observed on the lamina of the leaves.
The initial symptoms were characterized by the appearance of dark green streak and dots on
petiole and lower part of lamina, also slightly chlorotic margins along the new developing
leaves. However, the dark green streak can be absent from some cultivars and severe symptoms
usually developed since the first leaf of plants derived from infected planting materials
(Thomas, 2008). The general symptoms that observed in all banana plantation in Bogor
involved upturned leaves, chlorotic and ragged margins, with leaves failed to emerge.
Based on type of the symptoms, infection of BBTV in Bogor can be differentiated into three
category, mild, intermediate, and severe infection (Table 2). Not all of the symptoms type could
be observed in every banana cultivation area in Bogor, but the highest diversity of symptoms
was found in Kalong (LS). Based on dominant symptom type, infection of BBTV in Bogor was
considered intermediate and severe. BBTV is restricted to phloem tissue, shows hypertrophy
and hyperplasia and a reduction the development of the fibrous sclerenchyma sheaths
surrounding the vascular bundles (Thomas, 2008). It was found that level of chlorophylls a and
b and total chlorophyll is significantly lower in BBTV infected plants, resulting the slightly pale
appearance and chlorotic margins (Hooks et al. 2008).
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
The symptoms of BBTV also varies among banana cultivars (Table 3). However, all
cultivars was found showing intermediate symptom. Mild infection can only be found in
‘Kepok’, while severe infection can be found in ‘Tanduk’, ‘Ambon’, and ‘Kepok’. Previous
research in Indonesia reported that 17 out of 38 banana cultivars that grown in banana
germplasm field in Yogyakarta were infected by BBTV, with 5 cultivars (‘Kepok Gabu’, ‘Raja
Entos’, ‘Raja Trunpong’, ‘Rejang’ and ‘Tanduk Hijau’) among them were positively infected
without virus symptoms (Furuya et al. 2004). Although there were substantial effects on
morphological and growth parameters of plant infected by BBTV, the symptoms are not
unambiguous to naked eye until several weeks after inoculation. Incubation period of BBTV
found varies in different places and under different cultivation condition, mostly 50 DAI
(Hooks et al. 2008). There are no comprehensive report confirming any banana cultivars that
completely resistant to BBTV infection. However, previous study have provided evidence that
banana cultivars showed different response against infection of BBTV (Hooks et al. 2008;
Niyongere et al. 2011).
IC-PCR of DNA-S and DNA-R. Twelve samples (PC1, PC2, PM2, LL, LS1, LS2, CG, CA,
RM, RC1, PR1, and CK) from ten different banana plantations in Bogor were used for
molecular characterization of BBTV. Fragment of BBTV DNA-R was successfully amplified
under IC-PCR process using mRepF/mRepR primers in all samples with size of amplicons ±
240 bp. However, CP1F/CP1R primers targeting DNA-S (amplicons size ± 1083 bp) were able
to amplify only nine out of twelve samples (Figure 2). Chiaki et al. (2015) suggested that
inability to obtain sufficient BBTV DNA template is influenced among others by extraction
process and condition of leaves samples. Similarly, Stainton et al. (2015) could only recover
94 complete BBTV genomes out of 171 infected banana plants from fourteen countries. The
intensity of bands for DNA-S on the agarose gel was rather consistent for all nine amplified
samples, while those for DNA-R was varied among all twelve samples, i.e. very strong (CA,
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
CG, PC1, PC2, PM2, and RM), strong (LL, LS1, and LS2), intermediate (CK), and weak (PR1
and RB1). It is possibly indicated the different titter of virus in leaf tissue.
Figure 2. Visualization of PCR amplicons of BBTV Bogor isolates using CP1F/CP1R primers
for DNA-S (A) and mRepF/mRepR primers for DNA-R (B). M, 1kb DNA marker and
L,100bp DNA marker
Both molecular and serological detection method are important for rapid detection of BBTD
incidence. Based on our result, it is suggested that using primer mRepF/mRepR on IC-PCR
method is favorable for rapid detection of BBTV infection.
Nucleotides and Phylogenetic Analysis of DNA-S and DNA-R. All successfully amplified
DNA fragment (six samples DNA-S and twelve samples DNA-R) were sent for sequencing,
then compared with other sequence from GeneBank. All isolates were shown to have high
homologies within the DNA-S and DNA-R (97.2% to 99.3% and 96.6% to 100%, respectively).
Analysis of their identity by comparing it to other sequence from GenBank, BBTV Bogor
isolates showed higher homology to isolates of AG than those of SPG (Table 4). Further
analysis about their relationship showed that all BBTV isolates from Bogor belong to similar
cluster and having closest relationship to isolate from Indonesia, Philippines, and Taiwan.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Table 4. Nucleotide sequence homology (%) of BBTV isolates from Bogor with other
geographical isolates reported earlier in GenBank
BBTV genome component
Sequence comparison
Among Bogor isolates 97.2 – 99.3 96.6 – 100
Between Bogor isolates and the Asian group 98.0 – 99.3 94.2 – 99.5
Between Bogor isolates and the South Pacific group 82.4 – 84.2 83.8 – 88.4
Between Bogor isolates and Abaca bunchy top virus
60.2 – 60.9 72.7 – 75.2
Figure 3. Phylogenetic analysis of BBTV isolates from Bogor (Br) based on nucleotide
sequence of DNA-R. AG, Asian group of BBTV; SPG, South Pacific group of BBTV;
O, ABTV as outgroup.
South East Asia was suggested as the BBTV diversity hotspots in the world, while the global
distribution of BBTV was influenced by the human-mediated infected planting material
transfers. Genetic diverity of all BBTV genome components, except DNA-S, within AG
isolates was reported higher than SPG isolates (Stainton et al. 2015). Based on the phylogenetic
analysis of DNA-R, samples from Kalong (LS1 and LS2) and Kota sawah (RM) form a stronger
cluster inside the cluster of Indonesia and other samples from Bogor (Figure 3). Phylogenetic
tree of DNA-S showed that BBTV Bogor isolates form a cluster with isolates from Indonesia,
Philipines, and Taiwan (AG) and separatd from SPG isolates. This result suggested that BBTV
Bogor isolates belong to AG.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Figure 4. Phylogenetic analysis of BBTV isolates from Bogor (Bs) based on nucleotide
sequence of DNA-S. AG, Asian group of BBTV; SPG, South Pacific group of BBTV;
O, ABTV as outgroup.
4. Conclusion
Incidence of BBTD in Bogor is considered low based on symptom observation. However,
most of infected plants showed intermediate to severe disease symptom involving upturned
leaf, chlorotic, and ragged margins, also significant reduction in petiole length and lamina
width. The phylogenetic analysis showed that BBTV isolates from Bogor has high homologies
with other isolates from Indonesia, Philippines and Taiwan, confirming that it is belong to
BBTV Asian group. Most importantly we found that mRepF/mRepR primers for DNA-R is
more sensitive and suitable for rapid detection of BBTV using IC-PCR method.
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72: 217-224.
King, AMQ, Lefkowitz E, Adams MJ, Carstens EB et al. 2011. Virus Taxonomy: Ninth Report
of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Burlington (UK):Elsevier
Burns TM, Harding RM, Dale JL. 1995. The genome organization of banana bunchy top virus:
analysis of six ssDNA components. J of Gen Virol 76: 1471-1482.
Karan M, Harding RM, and Dale JL. 1994. Evidence for Two Groups of Banana bunchy top
virus Isolates. J of Gen Virol 75: 3541–6.
Stainton et al. 2015. The global distribution of Banana bunchy top virus reveals little evidence
for frequent recent, human-mediated long distance dispersal events. Virus Evolution doi:
Kumar PL, Hanna R, Alabi OJ, Soko MM, Oben TT, Vangu GHP, Naidu RA. 2011. Banana
bunchy top virus in sub-Saharan Africa: investigation on virus distribution and diversity.
Virus Res. doi:10.1016/j. virusres.2011.04.021
Niyongere C, Losenge T, Ateka EM, Ntukamazna N, Ndayiragije P, Simbare A, Cimpaye P,
Nintije P, Lepoint P, Blomme G. 2012. Understanding banana bunchy top disease
epidemiology in Burundi for an enhanced and integrated management approach. Plant
Pathol. Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.2012.02676.x
Niyongere C, Losenge T, Ateka EM, Nkezabahizi D, Blomme G, Lepoint P. 2011. Occurrence
and distribution of Banana bunchy top disease in the Great Lakes Region of Africa. Tree
and Forestry Science and Biotechnology 6 (1):102-107.
Sharman M, Thomas JE, Dietzgen RG. 2000. Development of a multiplex immunocapture PCR
with colourimetric detection for viruses of banana. J of Virol Meth. 89: 75–88.
Amin I, Qazi J, Mansoor S, Ilyas M, Briddon RW. 2008. Molecular characterization of Banana
bunchy top virus (BBTV) from Pakistan. Virus Gen 13: 191-198.
Mansoor S, Qazi J, Amin I, Khatri A, Khan IA, Raza S, Zafar Y, Bridon RW. 2005. A PCR-
based method with internal control for the detection of Banana bunchy top virus in
banana. Mol Biotech 30 : 127-129
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Postharvest diseases cause considerable losses to harvested fruits during transportation and
storage. Decays in fruits storage and transportation mostly caused by fungal and bacteria.
These organisms may cause soft spots or light brown lesions on fruit. Fungal growth, in a
variety of colors, may also be apparent on the surface of infected produce. In time, the entire
fruit or vegetable can become dry and mummified, or, under moist conditions, a soft, wet mass.
Previous research explain that microbial infection in the fruit may start before or after
harvesting. Synthetic fungicides are primarily used to control postharvest decay loss.
However, the recent trend is shifting toward safer and more eco-friendly alternatives for the
control of postharvest decays. One of the potential material control of postharvest decays is
liquid smoke coconut shell. Liquid smoke, is a condensed smoke from pirolyzed coconut shell.
The condensed smoke delivers an ability in preserving food due to the presence of acids,
carbonyl and phenolic compounds. Previous research showed that liquid smoke had
antimicrobial effect for fungal and bacteria. Therefore liquid smoke has potential for use as an
all-natural antimicrobial for extending the shelf life of horticultural product.
Keywords: Liquid smoke, Fruit, Antimicrobial, Fruit decays
1. Introduction
Fruits are perishable food product. Fruits are alive and has to stay alive long after harvest.
Physiological activity has become problem in the storage and caused the short shelf life. The
other problem in the maintain shelf life fruits is microbial attack or pathogenic attack.
Microorganisms readily attack fresh produce and spread rapidly, owing to the lack of natural
defense mechanisms in the tissues of fresh produce, and the abundance of nutrients and
moisture which supports their growth. Microorganism or pathogen infected could begin in the
field or after harvesting. The early symptom in the fruit damage often been appeared after
harvest, in the storage condition or after the fruit is ripe.
Superior fruits in Indonesia, such as zalacca and mango, microbial attack becomes main
problem in the storage and distribution and need to control. Previous research showed that
symptom in zalacca fruits begin with the black spot in the corner of the fruit. Microbial attack
in mango fruit could be caused by Colletotrichum sp. It is important to control microbial attack
in the fruits along storage and distribution, because it was affecting for the expanding market
of the fruits. The high levels of decay caused by fungal pathogens can be directly attributable
to the large amount of nutrients and water, low pH, and the decrease in intrinsic decay
resistance of fruit after harvest (Liu et al. 2013).
Control of postharvest decay is becoming a difficult task, since the number of pesticides
available is rapidly declining as consumer concern for food safety is increased. Liquid smoke,
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
a condensation product of coconut shell pyrolysis, could be suggested for being an alternative
solution to overcome the problem. The liquefied smoke has been developed as food
preservative agent, food antioxidant and biopesticide (Yuningsih and Anggraeni, 2013).
Traditionally, smoking has been used for the food preservative.
This paper will study about the potential of liquid smoke coconut shell in extending the shelf
life of tropical fruits especially for the superior fruits in Indonesia.
In the mango fruits, microbial attack mostly caused by fungal Colletotrichum sp (Figure 2.).
Other research explained that decay in mango fruit caused by Aspergillus niger, Pennicillium
expansum, Alternaria alternata, and Botryiospaeria sp. Tropical fruit decay such as papaya and
pineapple were also caused by fungal. Market diseases pathogens detection of important fruits
in Shanghai showed that the larger products found in the market were bananas, grapes, apples,
and oranges. The diseases of the fruits mostly caused by fungal, and the identified fungals
were Alternaria sp, Penicillium sp, Fusarium sp, and Botrytis sp (Teng-Fei et al. 2009).
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
to hard wood group that containing three main components: cellulose, hemicelluloses, and
lignin. Cellulose decomposition by heat results in anhydroglucose, carbonyl compound and
furan. Decomposition of hemicellulose is similar to that of cellulose, but resulting in acetate
acid and carbon dioxide (Lombok et al. 2014).
Traditionally, liquid smokes has been used for preservation foods. In the traditional shallot
storage, smoking maintain the temperature of storage room and also decreased microbial
damage along storage.
Liquid smoke is high content of polyphenol (Table 1.). Result of GC-MS analysis showed
that liquid smoke coconut shell contain phenols, aldehyde, ketones, and organic acid
compounds. Three main components of liquid smoke (phenol, carbonyl and organic acid) are
able to suppress the growth of fungi that cause a decrease in the quality of food (Soedijo, et al.
2015). Acid compounds together with phenol and carbonyl synergically act as antimicrobial.
The most acid compounds contained in liquid smoke are derivations of carboxylate acid such
as furfural, furan, acetate acid, propionate acid, butyric acid and valerate acid (Santoso RS,
2016). Antifungal effect of coconut shell pyrolytic oil against wood decay fungi (Shiny et al.
Table 1. Volatile compound from liquid smoke coconut shell
Compound Retention Time
Acetic acid 2.8918
Hydrazine, ethyl- 3.2578
Pyridine 4.3086
Phenol 7.9932
1-Buten-3-yne, 2-methyl 8.2343
2-Cyclopenten-1-one, 2-hydroxy-3-methyl- 9.6452
Phenol, 2-methyl- 9.8223
Phenol, 4-methyl 10.6251
Phenol, 4-methoxy 10.7255
Phenol, 2-methoxy 10.9557
Phenol, 2,4-dimethyl- 12,3724
Phenol, 3-ethyl- 13.0868
2-Methoxy-5-methylphenol 13.5886
Phenol, 2-methoxy-4-methyl- 13.7893
Phenol, 4-ethyl-2-methoxy- 16.1801
Phenol, 2,6-dimethoxy 18.1755
Phenol, 2-methoxy-4-propyl 18.4175
Methyl p-anisate 18.6418
4-Methoxy-2-methyl-1-(methylthio)benzene 20.3833
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
energy transporting the dissociated protons out of the cell. This leaves the cell unable to
perform essential metabolic pathways needed to sustain life (Milly, 2003).
4. Conclusion
Decays in fruits storage and transportation mostly caused by fungal. Fungal growth can be
disturbed by phenol. Liquid smoke coconut shell rich of phenol compound and because of that
liquid smoke coconut shell is potential in extending shelf life of fruits.
5. References
Lindy Coates and Greg Johnson. Postharvest diseases of fruits and vegetables.
Liu J, Yuan Sui , Michael Wisniewski , Samir Droby , Yongsheng Liu. 2013. Review:
Utilization of antagonistic yeasts tomanage postharvest fungal diseases of fruit.
International Journal of Food Microbiology 167,153–160.
Lombok J. Z., Setiaji B, Trisunaryanti W, and Wijaya K. 2014. Effect of pyrolysis temperature
and distillation on character of coconut shell liquid smoke. Asian Journal of Science and
Technology 6, 320-325.
Mulyawanti I, Nurdi Setyawan, Dondy ASB, Sri Yuliani, SM Widayanti, and Ridwan
Rachmat. 2011. Uji Coba Penerapan Teknologi Penanganan Mangga Skala Ekspor.
Laporan Akhir Penelitian. Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen.
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian
Milly PJ. 2003. Antimicrobial properties of liquid smokes fractions. A Thesis Submitted to
the Graduate Faculty of The University of Georgia.
Santoso RS. 2016. Characterization of Liquid Smoke from Coconut Shell as a Natural
Pesticide for Hexamitodera Semivelutinia Beetle on Clove Trees. International Journal
of Applied Chemistry 3, 389-397
Shiny KS, Remadevi OK, Nagaveni HC and Vijayalakshmi G. 2013. Preliminary study on
antifungal effect of coconut shell pyrolytic oil against wood decay fungi. International
Wood Products Journal. Short Communication. Vol 5(2), 124-126.
Soedijo S, Pramudi MI, Salamiah and St Aisah. 2015. Introduction Study of Potential of
Natural Insecticide Liquid Smoke from Solid Waste Oil Palm to Brown Plant Hopper
(Nilaparvata lugens Stall) in South Kalimantan. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences
(ISSN: 2321 – 0893) Volume 03 – Issue 01, February 2015.
Teng-Fei MA, YANG Bo, YU Yue, WANG Yi-wen1, LIU Yi, XU Zhen, LIU Yan, ZHU Pin-
kuan, ZHANG. 2009. Market Disease Pathogens Detection of Imported Fruits in
Shanghai. Agricultural Sciences in China 8(9),1087-1096
Yulianingsih, Ridwan Thahir, Ira Mulyawanti, Dwi Amiarsi, and Edy Mulyono. 2010.
Implementasi teknologi pengemasan atmosfir termodifikasi pada buah salak (kapasitas
10 ton) selama 21 hari transportasi untuk tujuan ekspor dengan tingkat kerusakan kurang
dari 20%. Laporan Akhir Penelitian. Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Pascapanen Pertanian. Badan Litbang Pertanian.
Yuniningsih S and Anggraina SPA. 2013. Characterization of liquid smoke from coconut shell
to be applicated as safe food preservatives for human health. Journal of Agriculture and
Food Technology 3(2), 1-5.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Sari Intan Kailaku, Ira Mulyawanti, Asep W Permana and Evi Savitri Iriani
Snake fruit or salacca fruit (Salacca edualis Reinw) is a non climacteric fruit, very perishable
thus has a short shelf-life. The main problems in the storage of snake fruit are microbia
infestation, the growth of fungal mycelia on the skin, the flesh becomes brownish, moist and
even watery, or sometimes the skin becomes dry and tough, making it hard to peel. Therefore,
a proper handling technology is needed to extend the shelf-life and maintain the quality of snake
fruit. The technology should be able to lower the respiration rate or delay an early maturation,
and prevent physical and microbiology deterioration. Previous studies had reported the positive
effects of low temperature, edible coating, antimicrobial agents, packaging and absorber to the
shelf-life of fruits. The objective of this research is to study the effects of the combination of
those treatments to the quality alteration of snake fruit. Treatments being applied were edible
coating (nanochitosan), antimicrobial agent (galangal extract), packaging material (low density
poly etylene/LDPE bag and plastic-wrapped styrofoam tray), and absorber (nanozeolite). Snake
fruits were kept in 12oC cold storage and analysis was done every week for two weeks.
Parameters being observed were weight loss, colour, pH and total soluble solid. The results
showed that snake fruit coated with nanochitosan and galangal extract, packed in LDPE bag
and using nanozeolite had the better quality compared with other treatments.
Keywords: snake fruit, packaging, edible coating, antimicrobial agent, absorber
1. Introduction
Snake fruit is a non climacteric fruit, very perishable, thus has a short shelf-life. Worsened
by the hot and humid of tropical climate, the shelf-life of snake fruit is even shorter (Manurung
et al. 2013), i.e. approximately 7 days in room temperature. The high water content (78%) and
carbohydrate content (20.9%) may cause snake fruit rot easily when stored in room temperature
(Kosenda, 2005). A certain handling effort to extend the shelf-life and preserve the quality of
snake fruit is needed. Previous researches had reported extended shelf-life of snake fruit by
lowering the rate of respiration, delaying early maturation and preventing physical and
microbiological defect, therefore the freshness of the fruit can be maintained at an acceptable
level for consumers.
Storage in low temperature has been proved to be able to extend the shelf-life of snake fruit.
The longest shelf-life was obtained with storage at 3-5oC (25 days), or 7-10oC (23 days)
(Mahendra et al. 2013). However, both cases showed moderate to severe chilling injury
problems. Although these treatments gave better result compared to room temperature storage,
chilling injury is a concern that should be considered serious. Fruit with chilling injury is not
acceptable by the consumers. Storing snake fruit at 15oC only extended shelf-life for 2.5 days
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
without causing chilling injury. Packing snake fruit in polyethylene bags is one of the most
effective way to reduce the incidence of chilling injury in 5-10oC storage. In addition, it can
also increase the shelf-life from 18 days to 26 days in 10oC storage. Other postharvest handling
technology for snake fruit aside from storage and packing treatments need to be studied in order
to optimized the improvement of shelf-life.
An established technology to lower the respiration rate is edible coating. Edible coating is
commonly applied to improve the appearance and resilience of food due to its environment
friendly properties. Edible coating works as a barrier to humidity and oxygen during handling,
processing and storage, thus prevent the deterioration of food. Moreover, it can also increase
the safety due to its natural biocide activity or antimicrobia agents (Hassanpour, 2015).
Similar with other fruit in general, snake fruit has a natural layer on the surface which cover
the pores, thus reduce the resporation and transpiration rate. During postharvest handling, parts
of this layer might be removed in the process of washing, rubbing, or friction and impact
happened during transportation. This may cause dull-looking of the fruit (Kosenda, 2005). To
replace the natural layer, a wax layer coating may be applied (waxing) as postharvest treatment.
The main damage occured in snake fruit during storage is caused by fungi infestation, where
the fungal mycelia grows on the skin, the color of the flesh becomes brownish, soft, watery and
even rotten, or the skin becomes dry and hard, makin it hard to peel. The utilization of proper
antimicrobial agent may help inhibit the infestation of microorganisms and prolong the fruit
shelf-life. Galanga (Alpinia galanga L. Swartz) is a kind of herb from Zingiberaceae family
which is known to be useful as natural antimicrobial agent (Arbie, 2010).
2. Method
Snake fruit was obtained from Snake Fruit Farmer Association (Sleman, DI Yogyakarta,
Indonesia) and transported to Bogor, West Java, Indonesia using air and land transportation.
Application of treatments and analysis was carried out at Research and Development
Laboratory, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Postharvest Research and Development, Bogor,
The application of active packaging for snake fruit was conducted through these steps: snake
fruit was sorted and graded according to the standards for export purpose, prior to dry cleaning.
Afterwards, coating agent (nanochitosan) with and without antimicrobial agent (galangal
extract) was applied and snake fruit was air dried before packed in two different packaging
types, i.e. LDPE plastic bags and plastic-wrapped styrofoam tray. Pores were made on the
LDPE bags by pricking the plastic with needle. Each package contained 500 grams of snake
fruit. Nanozeolite (in tea bag) was inserted to half of the packages. The samples was then stored
in cold room at 12oC.
The effects of coating, packaging and nanozeolit application were studied. Observation and
analysis was done every 7 days for 2 weeks. Parameters being observed were weight loss,
colour (Chromameter), pH (pHmeter) and total soluble solid (Refractometer).
a. Weight loss
The observation on weight loss during the two weeks storage (Table 1) showed that snake
fruit without any treatments experienced the highest weight loss. Between the treated snake
fruit, the increase of weight loss from week 1 to week 2 was found more on snake fruit packed
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
in crates, even with coating and galangal extract. LDPE showed better influence for weight loss
compared to styrofoam tray with plastic wrap. The weight loss of snake fruit observed in the
treatments with or without nanozeolite was inconsistent. Snake fruit with nanozeolite did not
show lower weight loss, whether the snake fruit was packed in LDPE or plastic-wrapped
styrofoam tray, and coated or uncoated.
Snake fruit experienced weight loss in the first days after harvest (Santosa et al. 2016). It
was observed that 1-20% weight loss in their study with the variation of treatment using
chitosan coating and storage temperature. Snake fruit coated with chitosan and stored in 15oC
storage had 24 days of shelf-life. Other research reported that snake fruit with galangal extract
coating experienced weight loss of 1,24% after 21 days storage in 15oC (Arbie, 2010).
Table 1. Weight loss, pH and TSS changes of snake fruit during storage (12oC)
Weight soluble
Treatments pH
loss (%) solid
Week 1 11.01 4.56 15.70
Week 2 8.10 4.35 14.10
Week 1 0.39 4.47 13.35
LDPE only
Week 2 1.61 4.49 17.20
Week 1 6.97 4.34 13.10
Crates+nanochitosan+galangal extract
Week 2 10.74 4.52 17.05
Week 1 0.41 4.27 12.25
LDPE+ nanochitosan+galangal extract
Week 2 0.69 4.37 12.70
Week 1 0.53 4.37 12.75
Week 2 1.12 Rotten rotten
LDPE+nanochitosan+ galangal Week 1 0.74 4.35 12.70
extract+nanozeolite Week 2 0.90 4.29 15.20
Plastic-wrapped styrofoam tray+ Week 1 2.84 4.42 14.85
nanozeolite Week 2 4.18 4.32 17.00
Plastic-wrapped styrofoam tray+ Week 1 2.44 4.49 14.90
nanochitosan+galangal extract +nanozeolite Week 2 3.75 4.37 16.20
The loss of weight that occures is directly proportional with transpiration and respiration.
Respiration can cause weight loss due to the burning of sugar and other substrate such as fat
and protein that are converted into CO2, water vapor, and energy. The byproduct of respiration
in the form of gas will evaporate (Wills et al. 1981). Transpiration process is the loss of water
due to evaporation. High rate of evaporation may be caused by the difference of water pressure
outside and inside the snake fruit. The water pressure inside the fruit is higher than outside, thus
water vapor will break out and causing the loss of water content of the fruit, showed by the loss
of weight.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Based on the packaging materials, the study results showed that LDPE bags with pores are
more effective in controlling weight loss during storage. Styrofoam, even with the addition of
nanozeolite bags failed to suppress the weight loss of snake fruit. Porous LDPE bags may
increase the rate of air exchange in the packaging and functions as barrier to CO2, O2 and water.
Unpacked and uncoated snake fruit can undergo rapid respiration and water loss. The
evaporation may be even more rapid and causing the water contained in cells or in between
cells increased, thus water will be released into the air and cell will lose water. Further, the
environment humidity will increase and promote the infestation of microorganism (Arbie,
Horticultural products (fruit and vegetable) are considered not suitable for sell if the weight
loss were 5-10% (Pantastico, 1975). Based on this parameter, the LDPE packed snake fruit in
this research was suitable for sell.
b. pH
Almost all treatmenst in this study showed the increasing of TSS during storage. Reduction
of TSS was found only in the control sample. This may be caused by the respiration process
producing piruvate acid and CO2 and H2O from sugar (Santosa et al. 2016). During the
ripening process, the solid was hydrolyzed into sucrose and converted back causing the decrease
of sugar content while respiration process proceeded. The common occurrence during storage
is, sugar content increases and then decreases, which trend is in accordance with the pattern of
respiration process. Therefore, TSS will fluctuate during storage. This explains the data
obtained in this study where uncoated and unpacked snake fruit showed faster reduction of
sugar content compared to other treatments, based on the TSS value (Wills et al. 1981).
This fact confirms the statement of Arbie (2010), that snake fruit’s TSS increased after the
fifth days of storage and decreased after the tenth days. The increase of TSS was caused by the
breakdown of complex components, eg. carbohydrate polymers especially starch, into sucrose,
glucose and fructose. These simple components are easily soluble in water. The decrease of
TSS was caused by the utilization of simple sugars as substrate in the respiration process
(Paramawati et al. 1998).
In the course of respiration process, there are three phase, i.e. the breakdown of
polysaccharides into simple sugars, causing the increase of sugar content; followed by the
oxidation of simple sugars, producing piruvate acid and other organic acids, causing the
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
decrease of sugar content; and ended by the transformation of piruvate and other organic acids
aerobically into CO2, H2O and energy, until the organic acids were significantly reduced
(Pantastico et al. 1975). In the ripening period the sugar content increases, and in the aging
period it decreases (Tranggono and Sutardi, 1989).
d. Colour
Colour is one of the important factors in assessing snake fruit quality, both of the skin and
the flesh. The observation showed that colour alteration occured more in unpacked samples
compared with those packed in LDPE bags and plastic-wrapped styrofoam trays (Table 2).
The colour of snake fruit skin alters from dark to lighter during ripening process (Figure 1),
which is caused by carotenoid pigment. Basically, there are two types of carotenoid, i.e. β-
carotene and xanthophyll. β-carotene causes red colour of the fruit, while xanthopyll gives
yellow colour. During the ripening process, the amount of xanthopyll will decrease and the
amount of β-carotene will increase (Winarno, 2002). Carotenoid is a stable compound and will
stay in the tissue even when senescence occurs.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
The colour of snake fruit’s flesh altered to grayish or brownish during storage. The browning
process initially occured on a bruised or injured tips, usually happened when skin is peeled,
then the browning spreaded to rest of the flesh. The browning parts of the flesh were not as
compact as in the other parts, and sometimes the cells were open. When a part of the skin was
opened or peeled, the contact with air (oxygen) was more extensive, thus the activity of
phenolase enzyme was higher. The brown colour was developed from the enzymatic browning
reaction due to oxydation. Snake fruit contained compounds such as polyphenol in the form of
tannins. The browning reaction which occurs when oxygen made contact with polyphenol,
catalyzed by polyphenol oxidase, forming melanin compound, which has brown colour.
Oxygen can make contact with polyphenol when cell or tissue is open upon an injury (Winarno,
The browning condition on the flesh pf snake fruit skin may be caused by polyphenol oxidase
or phenolase enzymes. Polyphenol oxidase enzyme (PPO) with the help from oxygen will
transform monophenol group into O-hydroxyphenol, which further will be converted into O-
quinone. This O-quinone group is the cause of the brown colour appearance (Tranggono and
Sutardi, 1989).
A brown spot, round with unclear or blur borders on the skin of snake fruit (Figure 2) is a
symptom of rotting fruit caused by Fusarium sp. This spot is easily spread and the flesh
underneath it will rot immediately. On the rotten and brown skin, white fungal mycelium will
form, cotton-looking (Figure 3), and can cover the whole surface in 6-7 days (Martoredjo,
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Manurung, VH., GSS Djarkasi, TM Langi, and LE Lalujan. 2013. Analisis Sifat Fisik dan
Kimia Buah Salak Pangu (Salacca zalacca) dengan Pelilinan Selama Penyimpanan.
Jurnal Cocos, Vol. 3 no. 5 (2013).
Kosenda. 2005. Pengaruh Pemberian Lapisan Lilin Terhadap Laju Respirasi Buah Alpukat.
Skripsi. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Samratulangi.
Mahendra, MS., IN Rai, J Janes. 2013. Current Postharvest Handling Practices of Salak and
Mango Fruits in Indonesia. Proc. 4th International Symposium on Tropical and
Subtropical Fruits. Eds.: Endah Retno Palupi et al. Acta Hort. 975, ISHS 2013.
Hassanpour, H. 2015. Effect of Aloe vera gel coating onantioxidant capacity, antioxidant
enzyme activities and decay in raspberry fruit. LWT Food Science and Technology,
60(1), 495–501.
Arbie, A. 2010. Pengaruh Ekstrak Lengkuas (Alpinia Galanga L.Swartz) Terhadap Peningkatan
Daya Simpan Buah Salak Pondoh (Sallacca Edulis Reinw.). Supervised by Sugiarto Dan
Yulianingsih. Theses. Departemen Teknologi Industri Pertanian. Fakultas Teknologi
Pertanian. Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Santosa, OC Chatib, K Fahmy and F Artika. 2016. Investigation of The Effect of Chitosan
Coating and Temperature Storage to Extend The Shelf Life of Zalacca. Int’l. Journal on
Advanced Science Engineering Information Technology. Vol. 6, No. 3 (2016).
Wills, RH., TH Lee, WB Graham, Glasson and EG Hall. 1981. Post-Harvest, an Introduction
to The Phisiology and Handling of Fruit and Vegetables. Hongkong: South China Printing
Pantastico, E.B. 1975. Fisiologi Pasca Panen, Penanganan, dan Pemanfaatan Buah-Buahan
dan Sayur-Sayuran Tropika dan Subtropika. Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.
Tranggono and Sutardi. 1989. Biokimia dan Teknologi Pasca Panen. Pusat Antar Universitas
Pangan Dan Gizi.
Paramawati, R. 1998. Penentuan Komposisi Atmosfer Penyimpanan Suku Salak Segar
Terbungkus Pelapis Edible.Tesis. Fakultas Pasca Sarjana, IPB, Bogor.
Winarno, F.G. 2002. Fisiologi lepas panen produk hortikultura. PT. Embrio Press, Bogor.
Winarno, F.G. 2002. Kimia Pangan dan Gizi. PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama : Jakarta.
Martoredjo, T. 2009. Ilmu Penyakit Pascapanen. Bumi Aksara. Jakarta.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
4) Department of Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural
Handling of rambutan distribution need to be improved, due to rambutan has a potential in
export markets. In maintaining the quality of rambutan during distribution depends on the
interrelationships between it’s packaging and postharvest treatment. The purpose of this research
was to design packaging using corrugated board that combined to perforated plastic bag and
coating treatment of rambutan using aloe vera L. Packaging was designed by using flute BC of
corrugated board with RSC (Regular Sloted Container) packaging type. 12 kg of rambutans were
packed in two perforated plastic bags (polypropilene). Each bag has wide totally holes 4.13%
from surface area. Before packaging, rambutans were deeped for 30 seconds in 20% concentred
Aloe vera L. solution as a coating treatment. Rambutan were packaged in cardboard without
plastic bag as a control. Packaging design for 12 kg of rambutan was 540 x 360 x 200 mm with
partition in the middle of the box. After transportation using the simulator (frequency: 3.02 Hz;
amplitude: 2.78 cm), which is similar to 144.14 km, the mechanical damage of rambutans were
3.75% for control and 1.11% for treatment. After ten days stored at 10oC, the total damage of
rambutans were 44.17% for control and 38.33% for treatment. Rambutan with aloe vera L.
coating treatment was still acceptable for consumers till 10 days. The acceptance of consumers
based on organoleptic test for peel freshness, peel color, and flesh of fruit taste.
1. Introduction
Rambutan production in Indonesia increases continuously. BPS data (2015) shows: 522.852
ton (80.492 ha) in 2010 become 737.239 ton (102.843 ha) in 2014, so it takes a market expansion,
both domestic and export markets. On export markets, quality of rambutan Indonesia has not
been able to compete with other producers such as Thailand, the Philippines, and Australia
(Margono 2009). The weakness of rambutan is easily wither represented by the color brown and
desiccate of rambutan peel. This is due to a high transpiration from peel of rambutan which have
many stomata (O'Hare et al. 1994). Several studies have been done to preserve the freshness of
rambutan, including coating applications with Aloe vera L. combined with PP perforated plastic
bag packaging (Darmawati et al. 2016) and the application of silica gel combined with PE plastic
bags by micro-perforations (Maulita 2015). Post-harvest treatment also need to be done is to
improve the distribution system of rambutan using appropriate packaging to protect it’s as long
as transportation and distribution process. Currently, the distribution of rambutan is generally
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
performed in the form of bonds and laid out directly on a flatbed of pickup (truck). Corrugated
cardboard is a commonly used as a fruits and vegetables packaging, because carton is flexible
so that can be designed in various shapes and sizes. Another advantage of corrugated board is
having a smooth surface and capability in reducing of vibration, so that can reduces the risk of
mechanical damage. Purpose of this research was to design a distribution packaging made from
corrugated board combined with post-harvest treatment to protect the mechanical and
physiological damage of rambutan during transportation and distribution.
2. Materials and Methods
Rambutans (Lebak variety) were harvested from farmer orchard at Cileungsi-Bogor. The
level maturity of rambutans ware 85-100% (peel the fruit is red or orange), with a diameter of
4.69 ± 0.46 cm and weight of 31.59 ± 2.61 g. Aloe vera L. as a coating material were obtained
from Parung-Bogor, corrugated cardboard flute BC and plastic bag (polypropylene) as a package
material. The apparatus were simulator table for transport simulation, cold storage, refractometer
for measure the total soluble solid.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Rambutan was cleaned of branches and leaves using scissors and sorted according to the level
of maturity and diameter size. Rambutan has been sorted was weighed as much as 58 kg and
were divided into two parts for the treatment (coating and packing in perforated plastic bags pp)
and control (without coating and plastic bags). Rambutan was treated (PPAV), it were washed
and dipped in a solution of Aloe vera L. with a concentration of 20% for 30 seconds and than
the wind dried. Rambutans were weighed 6 kg and put into plastic bags perforated and put it in
a cardboard box, each box contains two bags (2 x 6 kg). As a control (NKP), rambutans were
packed in boxes weighing 12 kg without coating treatment and plastic bags.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
180 mm
200 mm
180 mm
3 mm
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Damage (%)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Storage periode (days)
Figure 4 Physical changes of rambutan on day 10 (a) PPAV packaging; (b) NKP packaging
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
TPT (Brix)
17 NKP
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Storage Periode (days)
◦Hue value
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
4. Conclussion
Packaging systems and post-harvest treatment coating using a solution of Aloe vera L.
concentration of 20% were able to maintain the freshness of rambutan and still be accepted by
the panelists until 10 days of storage at temperature of 10°C. The packaging system was consists
of a cardboard box (RSC type) from flute BC, dimensions 540 x 360 x 200 mm and two
perforated plastic pp bags, weight of each bag was 6 kg of rambutan, total capacity per carton
board box was 12 kg. The mechanical damage after a day transportation was 1.11% and
increased become 38.33% after 8 days storage period. This result better than control which
itswere 3.75% and 44.17% respectively.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
5. Recomendation
Need further studies to determine the number and position of the perforation holes in real
scale of bags was used in the field (scale up of laboratory results).
Packaging dimensions need to be redesigned in order to obtain the optimum size for rambutan
that has a high respiration rate (eg determining the height of the packaging which minimizes the
moisture trapped in the pile).
Reviewing the applications of coating using spray method, caused a rambutan surface was
fully with hair.
Badan Pusat Statistika. 2015. Statistika Indonesia. Jakarta (ID). Badan Pusat Statistika.
Concellon A, Anon MC, Chaves AR. 2007. Effect of low temperature storage on physical and
physiological characteristics of eggplant fruit (Solanum melongena L.). Swiss Society of
Food Science and Technology. 40:389–396.
Darmawati E, Kuntadi PR, Supriyadi. 2010. Development of computer program in designing
transportation packaging for agricultural products. Di dalam: Astika IW, Sampurno RM,
Ni’am AG, Buntuan IF, editor. Proceedings AFITA International Conference; 2010 Okt 4-
7; Bogor, Indonesia. Bogor (ID): AFITA-ISAI IPB. hlm 218-223.
Darmawati E, Sutrisno, Rusnaldi, Alfarisi MW, Nelinda. 2016. Freshness maintainance of
rambutan (Naphelium lappaceum L.) by combination of packaging techniques with Aloe
vera L. based coating. Di dalam: Sutiarso L, Amanah HZ, editor. The 2nd International
Symposium on Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering. 2016 August 9-11; Lombok,
Indonesia. Yogyakarta(ID): Departemen Teknik Pertanian Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian
Universitas Gadjah Mada. hlm 228-232.
Heriansyah B. 2014. Kombinasi pelapisan lidah buaya (Aloe vera L.) dan void volume kemasan
untuk mempertahankan kesegaran buah rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum, Linn.).
[skripsi]. Bogor (ID): Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Jung HM, Park JG. 2012. Effects of vibration stress on the quality of packaged apples during
simulated transport. Journal of Biosystems Engineering. 37(1):44-50.
Landrigan M, Morris SC, McGlasson WB. 1996. Postharvest browning of rambutan is a
consequence of water loss. J. Amer Soc. Hortic. Sci. 121:730-734.
Margono OI. 2009. Analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi ekspor rambutan Indonesia.
[skripsi]. Bogor (ID): Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Maulita. 2015. Aplikasi silika gel (SiO2) dan perforasi pada kemasan buah rambutan untuk
mempertahankan kesegaran buah selama penyimpanan. [skripsi]. Bogor (ID): Institut
Pertanian Bogor.
Nugroho WA, Lutfi M, Prasetyo DD. 2011. Penentuan tingkat kerusakan buah mangga pada
posisi pengangkutan dengan simulasi getaran yang berbeda. Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian.
O'Hare TJ, Prasad A, Cooke AW. 1994. Low Temperature and controlled atmosphere storage of
rambutan. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 4:147-157.
Rusnaldi. 2015. Aplikasi pelapisan lidah buaya (Aloe vera L.) dan perforasi pada kemasan
plastik untuk mempertahankan mutu buah rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) [skripsi].
Bogor (ID): Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Saeed AFU, Khan SN, Sarwar A, Tahire JJ. 2010. Effect of packing materials on storage of
tomato. Mycopath. 8(2):85-89.
Singh J, Olsen E, Singh SP, Manley J, Wallace F. 2008. The effect of ventilation and hand holes
on loss of compression strength in corrugated boxes. Journal of Applied Packaging
Research. 2(4):227-238.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
The lack of morphological markers encourages the development of other markers associated
with material controlling an individual characterize, known as DNA molecular markers. Inter
simple sequence repeat (ISSR) can reveal a plant diversity. The research aims are to identify the
genetic diversity and determine the identity of local durian accession. The number of 41 local
durian accession were taken from ex-situ collections in Hortimart Central Java. DNA accessions
were isolated using modified CTAB method. DNA amplification used 4 PKBT-ISSR primers
and the result was run through the agarose gel. Data were analyzed by NTSYS-pc program 2:02
version. Dendrogram created by the unweighted pair group with Arithmetical averages
(UPGMA). DNA amplification produced 59 polymorphic loci and 7 monomorphic loci, and
band size variation between 250 bp to 1500 bp. Accessions separated into two large groups at
the coefficient 0.69, and the highest similarity coefficient is 0.95. Durian diversity in Central
Java is included high level. Dendrogram showed there were only 4 pairs accessions which have
a very high similarity. The couple of accessions are likely come from crossing a common
ancestor. Then, the accessions spread and flourished in different areas, thus showing the
difference in morphological characters but the molecular similarities are very high. The greater
number of primers were used the more characters were observed, so it is possible the diversity
level will increase and more accurate. In conclusion, the accessions analyzed are different
Keywords: Durian; genetic diversity; ISSR
1. Introduction
Local varieties of durian in Indonesia amounted to very much that it is difficult to identify.
This difficulty is caused by a lack of information about the characteristics of each variety so that
the result is often a mistake. The most commonly trait used as a differentiator is the
morphological of fruit. In addition the identity can be seen from the morphological of other
organs, such as leaves, branches, and interest (Uji 2005). The limitations of morphological
markers encourage the development of other marker that uses a material which controls the
characteristics of an individual, namely DNA molecular markers. In plants, DNA molecular
markers have advantages, namely stable and can be detected in all plant tissues and is not
influenced by the environment (Kumar et al. 2009).
Inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) is widely used as a molecular markers to reveal the
diversity of the plants. ISSR is multilocus marker which is randomly generated by amplification
of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with microsatellites primers. The ISSR advantages are
technically faster, less expensive, need smaal amout of DNA concentration as a tempate, and
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
capable of detecting genetic polymorphism without identify the genomic information (Kumar et
al. 2009). ISSR molecular markers have been used to create a fingerprint of Garcinia
mangostana germplasm (Widiastuti et al. 2013), the density of kinship cultivar identification of
tangerine (Yulianti et al. 2010), and the identification of the genetic diversity of local durian
Thailand (Vanijajiva 2011).
Hortimart Agro Centre is a garden collection located in District of Bawen, Semarang
Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia. The number of local durian ex-situ collection in
Hortimart totaly of 110 accessions and until present the identity of each varieties is not clear
because of the presence of sinonima not be divulged. Molecular markers can reveal the
characteristics and identity of local durian accessions. All of the durian accessions were only
named according to the name of puppet characters, examples Janoko, Suryo, and Bima.
Molecular characterization using ISSR marker needed to reveal the genetic diversity because it
can distinguish between individuals within a same species. The results can be used to determine
the identity and provide the quality seeds information, so it will support a targeted multiplication
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
that have been relegated from the buffer solution containing DNA. The solution added PCI then
inverted until its bottom layer colour was changes. The solution was then centrifuged at 10,000
rpm for 15 minutes. Centrifugation causes the formation of three layers, the uppermost layer is
the supernatant, the middle layer is the cell debris and the lower layer is chloroform. The solution
in the uppermost layer was transferred to a new microtube. Supernatant was then added 0.6 x
volume of 100 % cold isopropanol. The solution was inverted until the DNA precipitate. The
next stage is centrifugation in 4000 rpm for 5 minutes. Superatan formed was then removed to
the remaining pellets at the end of the microtube. DNA pellet was washed with 70% cold ethanol
and then centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 5 minutes. Washing with cold ethanol did as much as 3
times. The supernatant was discarded and then the DNA pellets were dried at room temperature
for one night. DNA pellets were dried and then reconstituted with TE buffer. The DNA isolation
result seen in 0.8 % agarose gel.
PCR-ISSR compositions include DNA template, primer ISSR, the PCR master mix Promega
go green tag and nuclease free water. Dilution is done in order to obtain the DNA concentration
10-50 ng/ml. Stages include predenaturation PCR, denaturation, annealing, extension, and final
extension (Table 3).
Amplification products were separated on 1.2 % agarose gel. The size of each DNA band
concluded with 50 bp DNA Ladder.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Table 4. Band size variation of PKBT-ISSR primer 2, PKBT-ISSR primer 3, PKBT-ISSR primer
8, and PKBT-ISSR primer 9
No. Primer Band size (bp)
1 PKBT 2 330, 375, 400, 430, 450, 500, 575, 600, 625, 675, 700, 800, 875, 1000, 1250
250, 300, 330, 375, 400, 450, 475, 500, 515, 575, 600, 625, 650, 675, 700, 750, 800, 875,
2 PKBT 3 900, 1000, 1030, 1250
313, 376, 400, 439, 500, 575, 600, 625, 700, 750, 800, 900, 1000, 1250
3 PKBT 8 250, 300, 330, 375, 400, 500, 600, 700, 750, 800, 875, 900, 1000, 1250, 1500
4 PKBT 9
The DNA band profile showed in the following figures: PKBT 2 (Figure .1), PKBT 3
(Figure.2), PKBT 8 (Figure.3) and PKBT 9 (Figure.4).
Dewi Sinto
Jagal Bilowo
Petruk 2
1000 bp
1000 bp
500 bp
500 bp
250 bp
250 bp
1000 bp
500 bp
250 bp
Marker Marker
Jagal Bilowo Jagal
Ajimah Bilowo
Pancasona Ajimah
Ponconoko Pancasona
Suryo Ponconoko
Pasopati Suryo
Pendowo Pasopati
Ontoseno Pendowo
Surtikanti Ontoseno
Bima Surtikanti
Yomodipati Bima
Mustiko Yomodipati
Marker Banowati Mustiko
Betorokolo Cokro Banowati
Gondomono Sugriwo Cokro
Lembusuro Marker Sugriwo
Rahwono Marker
250 bp
500 bp
250 bp
500 bp
1000 bp
1000 bp
Marker Anjani Marker
Bismo Kolosrenggi Bismo
Tirtonoto Noroyono Tirtonoto
Romowijoyo Monthong Romowijoyo
Ngastino Marker Ngastino
250 bp
500 bp
1000 bp
250 bp
500 bp
Pancatnyono Pancatnyono
Petruk 2 Petruk 2
Ontorejo Ontorejo
Trijoto Trijoto
Semar Semar
Gareng Gareng
Mahesosuro Mahesosuro
Ngalengko Ngalengko
Abiyoso Abiyoso
Marker Marker
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
250 bp
500 bp
250 bp
500 bp
1000 bp
1000 bp
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Jagal Bilowo
Dewi Sinto
Petruk 2
1000 bp
1000 bp
500 bp
500 bp
250 bp 250 bp
1000 bp
500 bp
250 bp
The effectiveness of a marker assessed from the number of polymorphic band produced. The
results of 41 samples of DNA amplification produces 729 band of DNA with 66 loci.
Polymorphic band as much as 60 loci with 339 band or 73,84 % and monomorphic band as much
as 6 loci with 178 band or 9.09% (Table 4).
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Jagal Bilowo
A Pendowo
1 Tirtonoto
A Mahesosuro
Dewi Sinto
A Ponconoko
2 Betorokolo
Petruk 2
B Sugriwo
0.69 0.74 0.78 0.83 0.87 0.91 0.96
Figure 5. Dendrogram of 41 local durian accessions based on DNA band profile. Description: A and B
are groups, A1 and A2 are subgroups.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
annealing site on a DNA template. The intensity of the band formation occurred due to the
competition where the primary section attaches to single strand of DNA template. The existence
of such competition caused many fragments are amplified at one site but on other sites are little
bit. The amplification process can occur at several places, but only a few that can be detected as
bands after amplification. The band pattern of specific DNA can be used to fingerprinting to
distinguish a plant accessions (Kumar et al. 2009). The specific DNA band are useful for the
identification of accession. The specific band is a specific marker or as a differentiator accession.
This is useful as a solution for the morphological identification that require a long period in
intensive observation. In addition, DNA fingerprinting has advantages, namely require the
shorter time of identification, saving funds and manpower (Zulfahmi 2010).
The dendrogram formed shows the diversity of the local durian in Central Java is high level
(Figure 5). All accessions studied only found four pairs which have a very high similarity. The
couple accessions are (1) Romowijoyo-Trijoto, (2) Ponconoko-Betorokolo, (3) Yomodipati-
Noroyono, and (4) Ngastino-Ontorejo, with similarity of 0.95. The couple of accessions are
likely come from crossing a common ancestor. Accessions spread and cultivated in different
region thus showing the difference of morphological characters but the molecular similarities are
very high (Syahruddin 2012). Accession durian separated into two major groups in the
coefficient of 0.69, which is A group and B group. The B Group consists only of one accession,
namely durian Gondomono. PKBT-ISSR primer 8 separates Gondomono accession by specific
band of 750 bp, and put it in B group. A group is divided into two sub-groups in the dendrogram
coefficient of 0.70, namely: A1 sub group consisting the accession of Jagal Bilowo, Pendowo,
Bismo, and Tirtonoto. A2 sub group consisting the accession of Ajimah, Suryo, Pasopati, Semar,
Mahesosuro, Pancasona, Romowijoyo, Trijoto, Dewi Sinto, Janoko, Pancatnyono, Ponconoko,
Betorokolo, Rahwono, Lembusuro, Ontoseno, Monthong, Yomodipati, Noroyono, Anjani,
Jangkarbumi, Petruk 2, Surtikanti, Ngastino, Ontorejo, Ngalengko, Gareng, Arjuno, Mustiko,
Kolosrenggi, Abiyoso, Duryudono, Bima, Clark, Banowati, and Sugriwo. The accession couples
which have very high similarity contained in A2 subgroup.
Several factors affect the genetic variation of durian is pollination biology. Pollination biology
is a factor that was important in the formation of durian diversity. The durian flowers are
hermaphrodite cauliflorous and nature, so that self-pollination can still occur. Durian with the
nature of self-compatible means that the pollen can be derived from the same flower or different
flowers on the same tree and then pollinates the flower stigma of the same tree. Variations formed
from self-compatible pollination will be a little as long as no pollination of pollen from another
Morphological factors of stigma stalk position (stylus) is higher than the anther stalk
(filamentum) as well as physiological factors that the difference of receptive stigma and
dehiscense time of anthera is a factor that inhibits the occurrence of self-pollination. Durian
flowers start blooming in the afternoon at about 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m, but before blooming pistil
usually already emerged from the flower buds first and receptive from 13.00 p.m until morning,
while new anther has dehiscense at 19:30 p.m to 20:00 p.m (Bumrungsi et al. 2009), both of
these factors lead to self-incompatible on durian. Lim and Luders (2009) show that the fruit
formation by crossing manually only produce 31 % with better quality, contrastly the formation
of the fruit by self-pollination is less than 10 % with the quality of the fruit is not good shape.
Durian has three types of pollination, which are self-compatible, semi self-in compatible and
self-incompatible. The pollination factors make some accession durian has a narrow diversity
and some of them have a wide diversity.
ISSR molecular marker analysis based on a specific sequence contained in the DNA of plants
relatively unaffected by the environment. Molecular markers can be used as characters or
additional properties for the evaluation of the genetic diversity. Suggested grouping techniques
preferably using molecular-based marker for relatively unaffected by the environment.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Molecular markers are based on specific genomic location and transmitted from one generation
to the next in accordance with the laws of inheritance. Although molecular markers can not be
likened to normal genes as molecular markers typically do not have biological effects and can
be said as a constant marker in the genome, but can be used as a method to identify the specific
genes on specific chromosomes as both are close to each other and tend to be inherited in every
plant generation (Semagn et al. 2006).
The next factor is mutation in durian. The genomes of all organisms have many repetitive
regions in the number and distribution. One of the important properties of this repeat sequence
is have a tendency to higher mutation (Udupa and Baum 2001). The changes in DNA level is not
necessarily followed by changes in the morphological level. This is understandable because a
gene has a very long process to be expressed. Briefly involves two steps, namely the transfer of
genetic information from DNA to RNA (transcription) and translation of genetic information
contained in RNA into polypeptides (translation). There are so many factors that affect a gene
expression. The values phenotype always contain the value of genotype, environmental deviation
and interaction between genetic and environment. Morphological characters both quantitative
and qualitative character are not only an expression of genetics, but also influenced by the
environment. The difference of environmental circumstances provide the difference of
morphological appearance (Wang et al. 2012).
Plant genetic diversity can be caused also by the activity of transposable elements. Certain
codons are known as transposons have the ability to move around the genome, which can alter
the expression of phenotype and cause somatic recombination. Somatic recombination of the
different transposon effect of meiotic recombination as recombination occurs not only on
homologous chromosomes, but also the entire genome. Somatic recombination lead some alleles
can be transferred. Accessions that are experiencing these events will have more variation
(Kalendar 2011). The insertion of transposable element followed by duplication sequence of base
pairs in the host. The effect of insertion elements depending on their location. The insertion in
non-coding region (the area without the genetic code) as the intron of the gene may hinder normal
gene expression. Otherwise, the insertion in coding region can lead a frameshift mutation. Plant
genomes are constantly changing both during cycle mitosis and meiosis. The mechanism of
change include transpositions, translocation, amplification, and deletion. External environmental
stress can induce a rapid mechanism of genomic changes. Genomic variation can be seen in a
generation and can be transmitted to the next generation (Hoen and Bureau 2012).
The next factor of genetic diversity in plants depends on the distribution area. Plants which
have geographically wide area of deployment will have a higher value than the diversity of plants
with narrow deployment / endemic (Stuessy et al. 2012). Durian has a wide area of deployment
and is very long-lived species, other than that the durian fruit is also favored by vertebrates.
These characteristics make make durian has a high level of genetic diversity. The differences of
environmental conditions cause plants to adapt in environmental conditions they lived. The plant
adaptation can induce biochemical and physiological changes that affect the genetic diversity of
these plants (Indriani et al. 2008).
This research is a preliminary study, so further analysis is required to identify each durian
accession. The use of molecular markers ISSR is expected to have accurate results so that they
can reveal genetic diversity of durian and support the development of plant breeding in the future.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
The author thanks to Prof. Dr. Ir. Amin Retnoningsih M.Si. and Dr. Enni Suwarsi Rahayu
M.Si. for the invitation to write this paper. The author thanks Mr. Suyono for his generosity in
providing some plant materials and useful information.
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BPTP Central Sulawesi, Jl. Lasoso 62 Biromaru Kab. Sigi in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Napu highlands is one area in Central Sulawesi, which has a specific agro-ecosystem. This
area has a wet climate’; rainfall> 2500 mm/year and has + 2,381 km2. Napu highlands altitude
is 900-1200 m above sea level and is very suitable for development of vegetables, shallot
(Allium cepa L). This study aims to determine adaptation of some shallot varieties in the
highlands Napu. The Studies was conducted at the Wuasa village, North Lore Subdistrict, Poso
in September-November 2015. There are three varieties tested; Sembrani, Bima, Maja and local
Napu (control). The plant cultivation was used integrated crop management (ICM) principle.
Area was used + 0.5 ha, and replicates 3 (three) units each variety. The plant growth and yield
were collected and then averaged. The results of this study indicate Sembrani variety has
highest yield and growth than three varieties, where productivity reached 30.8 t / ha, while
local Napu lowest productivity (15.9 t / ha).
Keywords: Adaptation, shallot, highlands
1. Introduction
In Central Sulawesi, shallots grew and cultivated by farmers in the lowlands to the
highlands. There is a change in the system of traditional subsistence farming to intensive
cultivation and market-oriented. Unfortunately shallot production was not optimal and so much
diversity in cultivation techniques. There are required cultivation techniques in specific agro-
The development of shallot in Central Sulawesi shows harvest area, production and
productivity levels are typically increasing. Shallot production in 2014 amounted to 69 233 a
quintal. Compare with 2013, production in 2014 increased by 18 204 quintal (35.67 percent).
The increase in shallot production in 2014 resulted from the increased productivity of 13.61
quintals per hectare (34.85 percent), and the harvested area increased by 8 hectares or 0.61%
(Central Sulawesi BPS 2015).
The average productivity of shallot in 2014 in Central Sulawesi was 5.26 ton/ ha, lower than
the national average, which reached 10.22 ton/ ha (Directorate General of Horticulture, 2015).
Low productivity is achieved due to less cultivation techniques applied by farmers; the use of
suitable varieties of agro-ecosystem (lowland shallot varieties cultivated in the highlands).
Planting shallot in highland cause crop plants has a longer lifespan, which can reach the age of
100 days. Bima that is shallot variety can widely adaptable.
Napu plateau is one area in Central Sulawesi, which has a specific agro-ecosystem. This
area has a wet climate, and rainfall >2500mm / years with an area of + 2,381 km2. Napu plateau
located at an altitude of 900-1200 m above sea level with a maximum temperature of 15oC to
31oC and minimum temperature as well as very suitable for development of vegetables,
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
including shallot (Allium ascalonicum L). The average productivity of shallot in this region is
less than 5.0 t / ha (Syafruddin et al., 1997).
Some shallot varieties cultivated in the lowlands relatively short age, varying between 55 to
70 days depending on the variety and the cropping season. Adaptability of shallot in Indonesia
is quite extensive. The big difference in the life of shallot crop in the field to be harvested is a
manifestation of the response of these plants to environmental influences and the most
prominent is the agro-climatic conditions which occur between the lowlands to highlands, such
as the state of the air temperature, evaporation, duration of solar radiation and solar radiation
received each day, including differences in rainfall between the dry season and the rainy season
in the lowlands and highlands. Climate significant differences between the lowlands and the
highlands are temperature and sunlight, as well as differences in the sunlight between the rainy
season and the dry season is very high occurs in lowland and highland.
IAARD through the Vegetable Research Institute in the last 30 years has been widely
introduced shallot varieties, both for the lowlands, medium or high, but not yet widely known
and used by farmers, so that the low production of local varieties are widely used. It is necessary
for adaptation test varieties of shallot in the highlands so that the farmer can determine the
types of adaptive varieties in its territory. The purpose of this study was to determine the
adaptation of some varieties of shallot in the highlands Napu.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Table 1. Average plant height, leaf number and the number of tubers four shallot varieties at harvest
time in the Highlands Napu 2015.
Treatment (Variety) Plant Height Number of leaves
(cm) (sheet)
Sembrani 34.30 16.83
Maja 29.20 15.20
Bima 28.17 27.23
Lokal Napu 25.07 10.93
Table 2. Average number of bulbs, tubers weight per clump and productivity of four varieties of shallot
in the Highlands Napu 2015.
Treatment (Variety) Tuber Quantity Tubers weight per clump Productivity
(g) (t/ha)
Sembrani 5,17 87,14 30,80
Maja 7,60 51,30 27,10
Bima 11,00 52,43 23,80
Lokal 5,83 54,27 15,90
Pests and diseases of shallot during cultivation were lightweight category (small attacked).
Caterpillar pest which was a Spodoptera exigua group attacked shallot in 2-4% percentage.
The pest began attacking plant in 20 days old after planting. This was related with wet humidity
( > 70%) around plant and average temperature reached above normal (30-32oC). Shallot leaf
which attacked by the pest was changed to silver/white. The low levels of pest attacked also
related to application Pheromone exi traps in around planting area and biopesticide. Nurawan
(2011) and Ocean (2010) reported that the use of pheromones exi effective in controlling
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
caterpillars shallots (Spodoptera exigua) by catched them 41,10- 83.83 per trap per week.
Reducing pest populations will reduce percentage of attacks on plants.
The disease that attacked in shallot was spotting purple / trotol in lightweight category
(<1%). The best of disease control was removed diseased plant before it spreading to other
plants. The disease which caused by the fungus Alternaria porii was spread through tubers or
splash of water in rain. Symptoms of attack marked the presence of concentric circles purple
spots or white-gray leaves and on the edge of the yellow leaves and dry out the edges.
4. Conclusion
a. Adaptation of the four varieties of shallot showed the Sembrani varieties had highest
results the 30.80 t / ha, followed by Maja (27.10 t / ha), Bima (23.80 t / ha) and the
lowest local Napu (15.90 t /Ha).
b. Pests that attack during the shallot crop is caterpillar (Spodoptera exigua) in mild attack
rate (2-4%) and purple spot disease / trotol (<1%).
BPS Sulawesi Tengah. 2015. Sulawesi Tengah dalam angka. Kantor BPS Sulawesi Tengah.
Ditjen Hortikultura. 2015. Statistik produksi hortikultura Tahun 2014. Direktorat Jenderal
Hortikultura Kementerian Pertanian. Jakarta.
Kusmana, R.S. Basuki dan H. Kurniawan. 2009. Uji adaptasi lima varietas bawang merah
asal dataran tinggi dan medium pada ekosistem dataran rendah Brebes. J. Hort 19(3):
Nurawan, A. 2011. Kajian penggunaan seks feromon untuk mengendalikan hama ulat bawang
merah (Spodoptera exigua). Prosiding Semnas Pesnab IV, Jakarta 15 Oktober 2011.
Hal. 145-154.
Putrasamedja S. 2000. Tanggap beberapa kultivar bawang merah terhadap vernalisasi untuk
dataran medium. J. Hort 10(3): 177-182.
Samudra. 2010. Feromon serangga dan aplikasinya dalam pengelolaan serangga hama.
Prosiding seminar nasional V pemberdayaan keanekaragaman seranggauntuk
peningkaan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Perhimpunan Entomologi Indonesia. Hal. 351-
Syafrudidn, F. F. Munier, Limbongan dan Rauf. 1997. Identifikasi Kebutuhan Teknologi dan
Karakterisasi Agro Ekosistem Wilayah Kabupaten Poso. BPTP Biromaru. Palu.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Ita Aprilia1, Erviana Eka Pratiwi1, Awang Maharijaya1,2, Sobir1,2, Heri Harti2
Shallot is one of the important commodities in Indonesia because it’s primary function as
the main component of condiment almost in all dishes. It affect the demand for shallot will
always exist and will rapidly increase belong to contribution of world population growth. So
the increasing of shallot production should be carried out to maintain the stability of shallot
suply. The increasing of shallot production can be maintained by the improvement of one or
more characters of plants such as productivity, resistance to pests and diseases, and more else
through plant breeding programs. The collection of genetic diversity through germplasm
collection activity is the first step in the breeding programs. The collection of genetic diversity
through germplasm collections could be obtained in several ways. Collection and identification
process in order to shallot genetic diversity study was conducted by field exploration to several
regions in Indonesia, the introduction and expansion of genetic diversity through radiation. The
result of exploration and the introduction activities resulted on 79 genotypes collection, 35
genotypes among had been successfully characterized and testing the ability of flowering. The
results showed that there was diversity within characters as well as of crown and bulbs
characters and plants ability to the flowering time. Diversity was also demonstrated from the
results of cluster analysis which divided the total of 35 genotypes into three major groups. In
other hand, the result from genetic diversity expansion through mutations clustered a total of
55 genotypes into a group. Shallot germplasm collections were currently partially stored in the
form of bulbs and some genotypes are stored in the form of botanical seeds/true shallot seed.
Keywords: Diversity, Genotype, Exploration, Introductions, True Shallot Seed
1. Introduction
Population growth and global climate changes is a challenge especially for the production
of agricultural commodities including shallot. Shallot become one of the important
commodities in Indonesia due it’s primary function as a component of most entire cooking
spice. It’s presence as a major component in daily cooking make the shallot consumed almost
every day by the people, especially in households. According to BPS data (2013) consumption
of shallot in 2009 and 2010 at 2.52 kg / capita / year, in 2011 at 2.36 kg / capita / year, the year
of 2012 amounted to 2.76 kg / capita / year, and the year of 2013 was 2.06 kg / capita /year.
The data showed that consumption of shallot per capita/ year tend to be stable. So that the
population growth will be positively correlated to the increasing of the national consumption
of shallot. Shallot are sentisitif to the climate change. In addition to direct impact, climate
change also affects indirectly through the development of pests and diseases. High rainfall is a
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
condition optimal conditions for the development of fungi that cause disease on shallot crop.
Pests and diseases to be one of the limiting in shallot production.
Plant breeding program is one of the solution to the improvement of shallot in the future.
Through plant breeding programs can be assembled plant that have the characteristics of high
productivity to meet the challenges of increased production due to increased population. Plant
breeding program is also able to assemble tolerant plants to environmental stress and resistance
to pests and diseases to address the challenge of global climate change. The collection process
is the first activity in the breeding program that aims to collect genetic diversity. Genetic
diversity is important and major capital required in the breeding programs. Genetic diversity
can be obtained through the exploration of several areas in the country, the alien plant
introduction, hybridization, mutation, and genetic engineering. Therefore, activity of shallot
germplasm collection is carried out in order to collect genetic diversity of shallots for shallot
crop development in the future.
2. Methods
Shallots Germplasm collection
The collection process of shallots germplasm used several methods such as exploration into
several regions in Indonesia including shallot production areas such as Brebes and Nganjuk; in
collaboration with the National Council of Shallot, shallot farmers, and seed council;
introduction shallots from many countries such as Thailand, Philippines, and Vietnam; as well
as the expansion of genetic diversity by radiation. Germplasm were then planted with the
purpose of propagation and conservation in the Garden Experiments II Tajur IPB Bogor, Bogor
Experimental Farm Horse Sand and Sand Experimental Farm Sarongge Cipanas.
Characterization started with the planting of the collection conducted in Experimental Farm
of Pasir Kuda Bogor, Experimental Farm of Tajur II Bogor and Experimental Farm of Pasir
Sarongge Cipanas. Planting methods used standart farming techniques for shallot cultivation.
Shallot bulbs planted on land in lines with a spacing of 20 x 20 cm. Treatment for cultivation
included irrigation, fertilizing and pest control. Characterization performed on both qualitative
and quantitative characters for crown and bulb crops identification based on the individual
observations guidebook (Kementrian Pertanian, 2013) and Calibration Book (Naktuinbow
2010). Morphological observation was focused on performation of canopy at 3 weeks old
plants after planting (MST) or at the time of steady stage of vegatatif growth. Wherease, the
observation of tubers morphological characters was in after harvest (8-9 MST).
Germplasm collections generated by radiation was still in the process of propagation and
characterization visually through the observation of plant fitness especially tuber part. In every
generation, individual plants that have the same fitness should be collected into a single slot
genotype. Shallots planting was carried out in the Experimental field of Pasir Kuda-Bogor with
plastic shade application to prevent rainwater. The cultivation techniques, plant spacing, and
maintenance of the radiation plant collection was cariied out in the same way as a plant
collection from exploration and introduction.
Flowering test
In addition to fitness observation of plant morphology, also done by observations on the
plants ability to the flowering time. The research method for the plants ability to the purposed
to the flowering induction was including the bulb vernalization at a temperature of 10 ° C for
21 days and the planting was carried out in the highlands position located in Experimental
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Garden of Pasir Sarongge. Planting was carried out by mounting with plastic shade
applications with pacing of 20 x 20 cm. Plant maintenance was including irrigating, fertilizing,
and control of plant intruder organism. Observations was made by counted the plants ability to
produce flowers.
Diversity on the tubers size was consisted of very large sizes, large, medium and small
(Figure 2).
In other hand, the dominant color of dried tubers was red with a diverse color intensity, only
one genotype that has color white bulbs.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Diversity among 35 genotypes of collections that have been successfully characterized also
evidenced by the results of cluster analysis using Darwin software version 6. The selected
characters which performed in the similarities analysis has been evaluated in the previous
study. Based on the results of cluster analysis, a total of 35 genotypes were divided into three
major groups (Figure 4). Differences in group demonstrated the diversity that exists among
genotypes. The genotypes that was in one group will likely have a close genetic distance and
same performanced characters.
22 16 26
28 25
9 5 12 21
24 6 32
15 2 10 14
20 35 7 33
0.2 27
18 30
0 34
Note: 1 (BM 01), 2 (BM 02), 3 (BM 03), 5 (BM 05), 6 (BM 06), 7 (BM 07), 9(BM 09), 10
(BM 10), 11 (BM 12), 12 (BM 18), 13 (BM 19), 14 (BM 20), 15 (BM 24), 16 (), 17 (BM 25),
18 (BM 26), 19 (BM 28), 20 (BM 29), 21 (BM 47), 22 (BM 56), 23 (BM 57), 24 (BM 58), 25
(BM 59), 26 (BM 60), 27 (BM 63), 28 (BM 64), 29 (BM 65), 30 (BM 66), 31 (BM 67), 32
(BM 68), 33 (BM 72), 34 (BM 75), 34 (BM 22BM 76), 35 (BM 78)
The plant flowering ability test results also showed the diversity. Genotypes that were
capable to flowering test among BM 01, BM 02, BM 03, BM 05, BM 06, BM 07, BM 10, BM
12, BM 18, BM 19, BM 20, BM 24, BM 25, 18 BM 26, BM 28 , BM 47, BM 57, BM 58, BM
59, BM 60, BM 63, BM 64, BM 65, BM 66, 31 BM 67, BM 68, BM 72, BM 75, BM 76 and
BM 78. Wherease, the genotypes that did not generate interest on flowering test such as BM
09, BM 22B, BM 29, BM 36, BM 46 and BM 56. the ability of flowering in shallot crop is very
important to understand because it is associated with the development of the seed in the form
of botanical seed (true shallot seed) and for development of shallot through conventional plant
breeding activities.
The result of the genetic diversity expansion through radiation was now successfully
established diversity in total of 55 species. Genotypes which generted from radiation has not
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
been yet characterized and still on M4 generation progress and there was still diversity found
in a single slot. Diversity was confirmed through visual observation mainly for bulb form
characters. Shallot germplasm from exploration and the introduction were currently stored at
the Center for Tropical Horticulture (PKHT) IPB as a collection for future study. The genotypes
from exploration and the introduction collections was stored in the form of bulbs and botanical
seeds for the botanical (Table 1). In other hand, the genotypes from radiation were all stored in
the form of tubers.
Kementerian Pertanian. 2013. Guidelines for the conduct of test for distinctness, uniformity
and stability [Onion (Allium cepa O. Fedtsch)]. Jakarta (ID): Kementerian Pertanian
Naktuinbouw. 2010. Calibration book Allium cepa (Cepa Group), Allium cepa (Aggregatum
Group) and Allium oschaninii O; Fedtsch. and hybrids beetween the.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Fertilization significantly increase growth and crop production, but is strongly influenced by
the type of soil and crop varieties. This study aims to determine the optimum dosage of NPK
fertilizer on growth and yield of shallot varietas Pancasona in two different soil types.
Experiments carried on in the screen house using Split-plot design with three replications. The
main plot (A): The type of soil, consisting of: a1 = Andisol-Lembang, and a2 = Latosol Red
Yellow-Subang, while subplots (b): The dose of NPK fertilizer, comprising: b0 = 0, b1 = 500,
b2 = 1000, 1500 = b3, b4 = 2000, and b5 = 2500 kg / ha of NPK (15-15-15) Phonska. The
results showed that there was no interaction between the soil type and fertilization on growth
and yield components. The type of soil and fertilizer single dose effect on plant growth (height
and number of tillers) of shallot at age 49 HST. The optimum dose of fertilizer for shallot on
Andisol is 1,055 kg NPK / ha with the results of the dry weight of 20.61 g /plant, while the
optimum dose of fertilizer for onions in the ground latosol is 1,195 kg NPK / ha with a dry
weight of 14.00 g /plant.
Keywords: NPK fertilizer, optimum dose, shallot
1. Introduction
The main characteristics of shallot cultivation in farmer’s level is carried out in the paddy
field cultivation, seedbed system with trench deep (> 50 cm), intensive crop management in
terms of the use of NPK fertilizer and pesticides, but rarely using organic fertilizers. While the
shallot seeds supplied (self-supply) - farmers with selecting and storing the tubers were
excluded from the harvest as seeds in the next planting season (Crissman & Uquillas 1989).
The existence of a sustainable farming system is implicitly a reflection of the reliability of the
system of innovation in production to meet consumption needs and the needs of shallot seeds
for farmers.
Nevertheless, the existence of new varieties and development of shallot to the area of
production areas would require an adjustment of cultivation according to crop needs. Fertilizer
for crop input requirements will depend on the level soil fertility, soil properties and
characteristics, as well as other supporting environment crate climatic conditions. The
effectiveness of nitrogen fertilization in addition to depending on the nature of the type of
fertilizer used, the dose and the characteristics of the soil, also the ability of plants in their
utilization. The effectiveness of fertilization in the cultivation of shallot associated with land
application processing methods, application of chemical fertilizer-intensive in terms of dose
and frequency of administration of fertilizer (Urea, ZA, SP-36 and KCl), and the irrigation
system through watering plants. How Urea fertilizer or ZA is sprinkled on the surface of the
soil / plant followed by watering, the water-soluble fertilizer, then partly into the ground and
most of leaching and evaporates because it is usually held on the eve of the day.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
One problem-solving efforts fertilization approached through research sources and dose of
fertilizer, and how the application of effective appropriate crop management systems in the
field. In line with the above description, the research activities directed to study shallot
response to the dose of NPK fertilizer and soil types.
Survey results showed that the variation of the high dose of fertilizer N in the farmer's level
of about 400-600 kg/ ha with the application system spread on the surface of the soil per plant
followed by watering during the hot days will give an indication of inefficient use of fertilizers.
On the other hand, the onion farmers in Brebes and Cirebon are not familiar with the use of
organic fertilizer, which is necessary to evaluate the extent to which the availability of organic
C helps increase the effectiveness of fertilization.
Improvement of soil fertility is the most practical is the addition of fertilizer to the ground.
However, in addition to balancing soil fertility is also worth noting that fertilizers applied can
be used by plants effectively and efficiently. Neither way is mainly nitrogen fertilizer
applications to minimize the occurrence of changes in soil chemistry resulting GHG emissions
either in the form of CO2 and N2O. Associated with it other than the way applications and
application time from a variety of sources N needs to be improved, also the possibility of
granting another ameliorant materials including functional microorganisms need to be assessed
and evaluated its effect on the growth aspect and shallot, as well as their impact on the emission
of CO2 and N2O.
Shallot variety used is Pancasona. The type of soil used in this study is a red-yellow Latosol
soil from Subang and Andisol soil from Lembang. Compound fertilizer treatment was applied
to 2 x the ages of 10 and 30 days after planting. The size of the pot (2) kg soil with one plant
per pot, plant maintenance carried out intensively for irrigation and pest control plant diseases.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Table 1. Correlation between the results of soil analysis with variable observations on the Andisol Soil
Dose of C N PH PH
Fertilizer pH (%) (%) C/N P2O5 K Ca Mg 1 2 PH3 TN1 TN2 TN3 FW DW WC
Dose of
pH 0,17
C (%) 0,79 0,65
N (%) 0,66 0,70 0,79
- - -
C/N 0,21 0,51 0,02 0,53
P2O5 -0,07 0,82 0,23 0,61 0,79
K 0,24 0,88 0,51 0,69 0,54 0,90
Ca 0,29 0,93 0,71 0,86 0,62 0,76 0,76
Mg 0,19 0,99 0,65 0,69 0,50 0,83 0,92 0,90
PH1 0,44 0,41 0,41 0,34 0,26 0,33 0,54 0,27 0,43
- - - - - -
PH2 0,27 0,39 0,26 0,07 0,12 0,04 0,08 0,47 0,31 0,25
- - - - - - - -
PH3 -0,14 0,23 0,04 0,19 0,19 0,54 0,65 0,03 0,31 0,56 0,76
- - - -
TN1 0,27 0,20 0,57 0,28 0,00 0,25 0,18 0,37 0,15 0,42 0,70 0,78
- -
TN2 0,53 0,37 0,82 0,41 0,20 0,19 0,03 0,46 0,34 0,01 0,60 0,56 0,90
- -
TN3 0,74 0,31 0,88 0,46 0,37 0,23 0,06 0,39 0,28 0,27 0,38 0,39 0,72 0,94
- - - - - - - - -
FW -0,10 0,64 0,26 0,28 0,13 0,68 0,84 0,37 0,70 0,73 0,29 0,81 0,50 0,19 0,08
- - - - - - - - -
DW 0,09 0,50 0,09 0,01 0,02 0,52 0,70 0,16 0,57 0,54 0,28 0,75 0,48 0,22 0,17 0,94
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WC -0,16 0,47 0,31 0,67 0,54 0,53 0,33 0,70 0,40 0,25 0,37 0,12 0,11 0,11 0,13 0,02 0,32
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Table 2. Correlation analysis results with variable ground observations on the Red Yellow Latosol Soil
Dose of C N PH PH
Fertilizer pH (%) (%) C/N P2O5 K Ca Mg 1 2 PH3 TN1 TN2 TN3 FW DW WC
Dose of
pH 0,24
C (%) 0,31 0,91
N (%) -0,30 0,53 0,40
C/N 0,64 0,41 0,57 0,51
P2O5 -0,03 0,91 0,83 0,82 0,05
K 0,25 0,97 0,87 0,37 0,53 0,81
Ca 0,38 0,85 0,83 0,70 0,20 0,88 0,72
Mg 0,16 0,97 0,92 0,69 0,27 0,97 0,89 0,93
- - - - -
PH1 0,30 0,02 0,28 0,20 0,30 0,01 0,06 0,21 0,01
- - - - - - -
PH2 0,56 0,37 0,31 0,33 0,04 0,43 0,34 0,19 0,39 0,10
- - - - - - - - -
PH3 0,25 0,67 0,56 0,44 0,15 0,66 0,63 0,51 0,66 0,09 0,92
- - -
TN1 0,95 0,03 0,04 0,30 0,41 0,19 0,01 0,25 0,03 0,53 0,61 0,34
- - - - -
TN2 0,93 0,03 0,08 0,27 0,38 0,19 0,08 0,28 0,04 0,41 0,62 0,38 0,97
- - -
TN3 0,93 0,00 0,11 0,24 0,39 0,16 0,06 0,31 0,00 0,41 0,59 0,35 0,96 1,00
- - - - - - - -
FW 0,55 0,38 0,33 0,23 0,08 0,40 0,40 0,12 0,38 0,21 0,98 0,89 0,64 0,67 0,64
- - - - - - -
DW 0,41 0,42 0,19 0,05 0,16 0,29 0,53 0,02 0,28 0,00 0,74 0,74 0,48 0,65 0,64 0,81
- - - - - - - - -
WC 0,12 0,03 0,36 0,05 0,20 0,13 0,06 0,18 0,17 0,47 0,47 0,35 0,23 0,02 0,01 0,44 0,13
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Soil Analysis
The results of soil analysis before and after the experiment can be seen in Table 3. Application
of lime at 2 tons per hectare can improve soil pH both on the Latosol and Andisol Soils.
Increased soil pH ranging 0.1 on Andisol Soil until 2.0 on Latosol Soil. Lime makes nutrients
become more available to plants.
Table 3. Results of soil analysis before and after the experiment
Treatments pH C (%) N (%) C/N P2O5 K (ppm) Ca Mg
(ppm) (cmol/kg) (cmol/kg)
Before Experiment (Andisol Soil)
A1 5,5 5,66 0,62 9 1417,8 213,4 8,03 1,90
After Experiment (Andisol Soil)
A1B0 5,6 6,27 0,65 10 763,8 1624,3 13,81 3,72
A1B1 6,5 6,90 0,73 9 1038,7 2508,4 20,23 6,32
A1B2 5,5 6,70 0,68 10 570,0 845,7 15,29 3,17
A1B3 5,8 6,67 0,73 9 900,4 2066,5 16,94 4,33
A1B4 5,8 6,86 0,72 10 779,7 1733,9 16,81 4,15
A1B5 6,2 7,27 0,73 10 813,1 2387,9 17,88 5,63
Before Experiment (Latosol Soil)
A2 4,6 1.05 0,18 6 3,5 218,3 2,50 0,47
After Experiment (Latosol Soil)
A2B0 6,6 2,90 0,29 10 1649,7 2692,0 13,55 5,20
A2B1 5,3 1,39 0,17 8 918,1 1270,7 8,23 1,76
A2B2 6,2 2,54 0,25 10 1423,9 2308,7 12,11 4,12
A2B3 6,0 2,66 0,26 10 1387,8 1820,3 13,76 4,15
A2B4 6,4 2,42 0,28 9 1482,8 2375,3 14,50 4,58
A2B5 6,4 2,92 0,16 18 1294,5 2624,2 12,66 4,22
Plant Growth
The type of soil and fertilizers in general does not affect the growth of plant height and number
of tillers. At the age of 49 days after planting (dap), soil type real effect on plant height (Table
4), the plants on soil type Andisol provide plant height higher than plants in Latosol soil.
However, there is no interaction between the soil type and dose of fertilizer on plant growth,
both at the age of 15, 35 and 49 days after planting.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
At the age of 49 days after planting, fertilizing effect on the number of tillers, while the soil
factors had no effect on the number of bulbs (Table 5). NPK fertilizer dosage 666 kg per ha
and 1333 kg NPK per ha significantly different from the control or 0 kg NPK per ha, while the
other doses were not significantly different. Of the two tables, it can be seen that the influence
of the soil type and dose of fertilizer on plant growth until age 49 dap which is the optimum
growth of the onions. The type of soil affect plant height while fertilizers affect the bulb number
of shallot.
Application of NPK can increase the number of tillers (Table 5). This is because the Nitrogen
is involved in the formation of amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes, nucleoprotein
and alkaloid that is needed in plant growth, especially the growth of leaves, increase the green
color of leaves as well as the establishment of branches or tillers (Nasreen et al., 2007, Abdissa
et al 2011).
Shallot Production
The percentage of plants harvested, fresh weight and dry weight per plant can be seen in Table
6. There is no real influence of soil type and fertilization to the percentage of harvested plants,
but the soil type significantly affected fresh weight and dry weight per plant. Fresh weight and
dry weight on Andisol Soil significantly higher than the fresh weight and dry weight in Latosol
Tabel 6. Effect of soil type and fertilizer dossage on yield component of shallot
Treatments Percentage of Fresh Weight per Plant Dry Weight per
Harvested Plant (g) Plant (g)
Main Plot:
A1=Andisol 93.33 (ns) 24.11 a 18.03 a
A2=Latosol 95.56 17.05 b 11.98 b
Sub Plot:
b0 = 0 kg NPK/ha 90.00 (ns) 16.88 (ns) 12.87 (ns)
b1 = 500 kg NPK/ha 96.67 19.34 13.85
b2 = 1000 kg NPK/ha 96.67 22.83 17.07
b3 = 1500 kg NPK/ha 96.67 22.10 16.56
b4 = 2000 kg NPK/ha 96.67 22.50 15.32
b5 = 2500 kg NPK/ha 90.00 19.83 14.46
CV (%) 11.62 28.17 31.59
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
In different soil types, fresh weight of bulb per plant significantly different. Fresh weight and
dry weight per plant on the Andisol Soil significantly higher than the Latosol Soil. This is in
line with the results of research Ajayi et al (2006) in plants Yam (Dioscorea species) in which
the different types of soil affect tuber formation. Similarly found in wheat plants that contain
different nutrients affect the entire plant fresh weight (Azam & Lodi 2001).
Optimum dosages for fresh weight bulb yield per plant on Latosol and Andisol soils can be
seen in Figure 1, where the influence of the response is a graph polynomials with optimum
dosage of 980 kg NPK/ha for land Andisol with results 26.49 g/plant. While the optimum dose
for Latosol soil is 1145 kg NPK/ha with the results of wet weight 19.90 g/plant.
Fertilization response graph of the dry weight of plants in two different soil types can be seen
in Figure 2. In Andisol Soil, optimum dose for the dry weight is 1055 kg NPK/ha with a dry
weight 20.61 g/plant. While on Latosol Soil optimum dose is 1195 kg NPK/ha with a dry
weight 14.00 g/plant. Of the two figures, it can be seen that the optimum dose in Latosol soil
is higher than on the Andisol soil, besides the fresh weight and dry weight were obtained in
Latosol soil was lower than in Andisol soil. This proves that the land is poorer than Andisol
soil. In addition to the dose of fertilizer should be noted also the time of application and how
fertilization, because the time of application of fertilizer that may cause loss of nutrients so
inefficient (Smiciklas & Moore, 2008), as well as how an application can affect crop yield
(Moghaddam et al., 2007). Besides the addition of chemical elements, should also be carried
improvement in the physical properties and biological soil.
80 y = -2E-05x2 + 0.0397x + 59.787
Fresh bulb yield (g/plant)
R² = 0.5748
50 y = -2E-05x2 + 0.0458x + 33.468
40 R² = 0.8838
0 500 1000 1500 2000
NPK Dosages (kg/ha)
Figure 1. Graph response to the wet weight of fertilization on Andisol and Latosol Soils.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
30 Latosol
y = -1E-05x2 + 0.0239x + 27.729
R² = 0.7445
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Dosis NPK/NPK dosages (kg/ha)
Figure 2. Graph response to the dry weight of fertilization on Andisol and Latosol Soils.
4. Conclusion
1. The type of soil and fertilizers affect plant growth (height and number of tillers) of
shallot at age 49 dap. However, there is no interaction between the soil type and dose
of fertilizer on plant growth.
2. Dose optimum fertilizer for shallot in Andisol soil is 1055 kg NPK/ha with the results
of the dry weight of 20.61 g/plant.
3. Dose optimum fertilizer for shallot in Latosol soil is 1195 kg NPK/ha with the results
of the dry weight of 14.00 g/plant.
Achakzai AKK., Kayani SA. 2003. Effect of fertilizer and inoculation on mineral nitrogen
contents of pot culture mature soybean seeds. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences 3
(4): 380-387.
Ajayi SS., Akinrinde EA., Asiedu R. 2006. Fertilizer treatment effects on Yam (Dioscorea
species) tuber yield in two of soil types of Nigeria. Journal of Agronomy 5 (3): 492-496.
Azam F., Lodhi A. 2001. Response of wheat (Tritichum aestivum L) ti application of
nitrogenous fertilizer and sewage sludge. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 4 (9):
Crissman, C.C. and J.E. Uquillas. 1989. Seed potato systems in Equador: A case study.
International Potato Center. Lima Peru.
Moghaddam H., Chaichi MR., Mashhadi HR., Firozabady GS., Zadeh AH. 2007. Effect of
method and time of nitrogen fertilizer application on growth development and yield of
grain sorghum. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 6 (1): 93-97.
Smiciklas KS., Moore AS. 2008. Tile drainage nitrate concentrations in response to fertilizer
nitrogen application. Journal of Agronomy 7(2): 163-169.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Cultivation of plants in a limited area / yard has a low yield due to less intensive treatment.
Recommended application of organic fertilizers in the onion that is 20-25 tonnes / ha was
responded negatively by farmers, so need an alternative way to obtain efficient cultivation. The
objective of research was determining the growth response and the results of several new
varieties of onion with using commercial organic fertilizer in a limited area / yard. The research
was conducted in the greenhouse Sidondo Experimental Garden in November 2015 - February
2016. Using a randomized complete block design (RAK) with several new varieties of onion
(Pancasona, Mentes, Trisula and Pikatan), each of which was repeated 5 times. Growth media
is soil mixed with organic fertilizer (Petroganik) with a ratio of 1: 2, and maintained on board
tub size of 1 m x 0.60 m x 0.20 m. The results showed that the Pikatan varieties provide
productivity gains of 9.87 tonnes / ha higher than other varieties but less than in the field that
can obtained 15.89-23.3 tonnes / ha. Growth response (plant height and number of leaves) was
not optimal when compared to plant in the field (57-70%) because it was lack of content of
nitrogen and potassium.
Keywords: organic, onions, VUB, limited area
1. Introduction
Productivity onion in Central Sulawesi in the last two years was 3.37 t/ha and 4.20 t/ha,
increased 24.76% (Agriculture Ministry, 2015). The low shallots productivity in Central
Sulawesi due to application of recommended technology package on farmers remains low. In
production area (Tomini, Tinombo and Sigi Biromaru), the cultivation was old way which used
local variety and cultivated for many generations (seeds which used were taken from the
previous harvest). The shallot productivity can be improved by introducing new high yielding
varieties that have high yield potential and can be planted in the rainy season.
Shallots is a commodity that has a high risk and unstable prices (Setyono and Purwaningsih,
2006). The farming activities require large input costs (seed cost), the tendency of farmers use
excessive pesticides to protect plants from pests and diseases, so that there is a residual-risk
chemicals in garlic are harmful to human health. The onion which is a vegetable is often
consumed by people as a spice in cooking. Karyadi (2008) reported that the effects of excessive
pesticide use can damage the soil and surrounding environment; it can increase the content of
lead (Pb) in soils of 43.071.6 mg/ha.
IAARD; Balitsa had released several varieties of onion which is yielding varieties and high
productivity, which are Bima Brebes, Maja, Cipanas, Kramat 1, Kramat 2, Kuning, Sembrani,
Katumi, Mentes, Pancasona, Pikatan, and Trisula. Red onion varieties; Pikatan, Pancasona,
Trisula and Mentes are suitable seeded to be planted in the rainy and dry season. The cultivation
technique was similar in both seasons. Adaptation test of varieties in specific area needed to
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
determine the suitability of the environment, the potential yield, tolerance against plant pests
as well as the age and quality of the results. There are factors of improved varieties can be
accepted and adopt by farmers.
The use of high yielding varieties can increase the production of onion plants. Bakhri et al.,
(1999) reported that the use of high yielding varieties of tubers Philippines can produce 10,350
kg / ha with Rp.10.634.00- income / ha higher than the local varieties but not coupled with the
efficiency of farm inputs. The high level of use of pesticides in the cultivation of this
demanding technological improvements that lead to organic products that are free of pesticides.
This study aimed to determine the effect of organic fertilizers on growth and yield several
varieties of onion.
The use of high yielding varieties can increase onion production. Bakhri et al., (1999)
reported Philippine varieties can produce tubers of 10,350 kg / ha with Rp.10.634.00- / ha in
revenue higher than the local varieties but not efficient on farm inputs. The high use of
pesticides in the cultivation of these required changes in the application of technology; organic
products free from pesticides. This study aimed to determine the effect of organic fertilizers on
growth and yield several varieties of onion
Yij u t i b j Eij
i = 1,2,….,6 and j = 1,2,….,x
Yij = Observations on the treatment of i and j (group)
u = Average all value
ti = Effect of treatment of i
bj = Effect of group of j
Eij = Random effect of treatment i and j (group)
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
provide the highest value of 24.19 cm but not significantly different with the three other
varieties (Pancasona, and Test the Trident). The high crop varieties Pikatan followed by the
high number of leaves formed. The mean height and number of leaves on each treatment
showed in Table 1.
In Table 1 showed differently shallot condition (height) by planting in field and board tub.
Hidayat et al (2011) reported average height of Pikatan, Trisula, Pancasona, Mentes varieties;
39 cm, 39,92 cm, 41,3 cm and 42,07cm. Growth response (plant height and number of leaves)
was not optimal when compared to plant in the field (57-70%) because it was lack of content
of nitrogen and potassium. Alternative reason which shallot height was not optimal was limited
availability growth space and development tubers.
Tabel 2. Mean Tuber weight per panicle and the productivity of each treatment.
Wet weight of Productivity in
Variety tuber /panicle field1 (t/ha)
Pancasona 10.47b 6,28b 10.67
Mentes 9.99b 5,99b 9.41
Trisula 10.20b 6,12b 9.34
Pikatan 16.45a 9,87a 8.01
Description: If the same letter in the same column are not significantly different at the level of 5% Test LSD
Hidayat et al (2011 ) in rainy season
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
4. Conclusion
Pikatan variety had higher productivity compared to the three other varieties.
Application of organic fertilizer (Petroganik) provided optimal growth and yield in
Pikatan, Pancasona, Trisula amd Mentes. Further research in optimized onion
productivity by mixed organic and inorganic fertilizer (suggestion).
Bakhri S., Chatijah dan Asni Ardjanhar, 1999. Pengaruh Penggunaan Varietas dalam Paket
Teknologi Terhadap Pendapatan Usahatani Bawang Merah. Prosiding Seminar Nasional.
Hasil Pengkajian dan Penelitian Teknologi Pertanian Menghadapi Era Otonomi Daerah.
Pusat Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertaian. ISBN : 979-95318-5-3. Hal. 343-349
Caruso G., Stefano Conti, Gerardo Villari, Carlo Borrerlli, Guiceppe Melchionna, Maria
Minutolo, Giuseppe Ruso, Carmine Amalfitano, 2013. Effect of Transpalnting Time and
Plant Dencity on Yield, Quality and Antioxidant Contens of Onion (Allium cepa L.) In
Southern Italy. Scientia Horticulturae. Journal Homepage :
Hidayat, IM, S Putrasameja and C. Azmi. 2011. Persiapan Pelepasan Varietas Bawang Merah
Umbi dan TSS. 1804.17.A3. Lembang: Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran.
Karyadi, 2008. Dampak Penggunaan Pupuk dan Pestisida yang Berlebihan Terhadap
Kandungan Residu Tanah Pertanian Bawang Merah di Kecamatan Gemuh Kabupaten
Kendal. Jurnal Agromedia. Vol.26 No 1. 2008.
Kementan, 2015. Melalui : ap_pages/mod/datahorti diakses 18-04-
Lee Jongtae, 2010. Effect Of Application Methods Of Organic Fetilizer On Growth, Soil
Chemical Properties and Microbial Dencities In Organic Buld Onion Production. Onion
Research Institute, Gyognam Propincial Agricultural Reseach and Extension Services,
Changnyeong 635-821, Republic of Korea. Scientia Horticulturae. Journal Homepage :
Setyono B. Dan Heni Purwaningsih, 2006. Perilaku Petani Terhadap Resiko dalam
Pengembangan Usahatani Bwang Merah. (Studi Kasus di Kecmatan Panjatan, Kabupaten
Kulon Progo). Prosiding Seminar Nasional BPTP Sulawesi Tengah. Pengembangan
Usaha Agribisnis Industrial Pedesaan. Palu 5 – 6 Desember 2006. ISBN : 978-979-985-
77-1-2. Hal. 285 – 290.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Demand for shallot is continuing to increase (by an estimated 5% per year), in line with the
increase of population of Indonesian people, more over, shallot is one of some comodities that
cause economic inflation In Indonesia. Potential dry land in South Kalimantan also large
enough to develop shallot. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the interaction
between the use of black silver plastic mulch and varietties of shallot on the shallot growth in
dry land South Kalimantan. The assessment was done on dry land in the Kunyit village Tanah
Laut regency and Karangrejo village Banjarbaru Municipality in 2015 arranged in Randomized
Block Design with 2 factors : first factor was 8 varieties, namely Bima Brebes, Sri Kayangan,
Rubaru, Biru Lancor, Super Philip, Bauji, Crok kuning, Keta monca. The second factor was
planted with plastic mulch and without plastic mulch.. The results show that there is interaction
between plastic mulch and varieties. The highest production was got by Super Philip varieties
are grown with plastic mulch is 26.4 t / h (Kunyit Village, Tanah Laut District) and 15.4 t / h
(Karangrejo Village Banjarbaru Municipaly). Conclude that in dry land South Kalimantan
planted shallot with plastic mulch had higher production than without mulch.
Key words : mulch, shallot varieties, dry land
1. Introduction
Shallot consumption of Indonesian people per capita per year to reach 4.56 kg or
0.38 kg/capita/month. Therefore the demand for shallot will continue to increase (by an
estimated 5% per year), in line with the increase of population, the development of the
processing industry, the development of export markets, and as a source of income and
employment opportunities contribute high enough on the economic development area
(Directorate General of Horticulture, 2008).
On the other hand, South Kalimantan Province has a total area of about 37 530.52 km2 or
6.98% of the island of Borneo and 1.96% of the total area of Indonesia. Not only have optimal
land but also have sub-optimal land such as wetlands and dry land. Potential dry land in South
Kalimantan also large around 190 442 ha. (BPS South Kalimantan. 2013). While the dry land
in Indonesia generally have the ability to store water is low. Shallot crop requires irrigation
sufficient. In addition to water deficit, according to Sumarni et al. (2006) Another problem that
is often found in arid lands is the erosion of top soil (soil erosion) and the leaching of nutrients
due to the flow of water on the surface. Increased soil moisture to support plant growth, among
others, can be done by using mulch. The use of mulch in crop cultivation can serve to inhibit
run-off and erosion (Anwarudinsyah et al., 1993). The use of plastic mulch in Indonesia has
been applied to vegetable crops. Mulching can help prevent water loss in the dry season and
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
prevent the accumulation of water in the root zone at the time of the excess water or rainy
season. The water that infiltrated into the soil the plants can be used to increase plant
productivity. On dry land, mulch also prevent solar radiation reaching the ground so as to
reduce the evaporation of soil.
Mulching is a substance or material that is used to cover the surface of the land or
agricultural land with the specific purpose of the principle is to increase crop production.
Shallot crop farmers generally try with a system of ditches or making system water channels
and face many obstacles, especially bio-physical constraints of land, climate and socio-
economic as well as appropriate technologies. The influence of solar radiation, water
availability and weeds is one of the limiting factors in the growth of the shallot. Shallot as well
as vegetable crops has higher economic value but require more cultivation techniques and
highly susceptible to environmental conditions are unfavorable. Therefore, specific
technologies for the management such as land arrangement, amelioration, selection of
commodities and water quality improvement is needed.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the interaction between the use of
black silver plastic mulch and shallot varieties on the growth of shallot in dryland South
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Characteristics of soil
At both location Karangrejo Village and Kunyit village initial soil sampling conducted and
analyzed in a laboratory to determine the soil conditions. Results of laboratory analysis is
shown in Table 1. Soil conditions at the location indicated by the relatively acidic soil pH 5.75
(Village Karangrejo) and very acidic soil with a pH of 4.82 (Kunyit village). The low pH value
of the soil at both locations requires the addition of lime to create a better physical condition.
Very low organic C, N, P and K available provided very low to low. Based on the content of
the sand-dust-clay from each location has the texture of sand.
Table 1. Results of laboratory analysis of soil at assessment locations while before liming
composition of soil Remark Remark
Kunyit o
pH H2O 4.82 acidic 5.75
C –Organik (%) 1.91 Low 1.269 low
N2 (cmol (+)/kg) 0.286 Medium 0.201 medium
P Bray 1 (ppm P) 116.487 Very high 54.340 high
Ca-dd (cmol(+)/kg) 9.004 Low 6.844 low
K dd (cmol(+)/kg) 0.767 Low 0.767 low
KTK (NH4OAc 1 M,
High medium
pH 7) (cmol(+)/kg) 45.10 13.75
Na dd (cmol(+)/kg) 0.143 0.233
Mg dd (cmol(+)/kg) 2.079 0.970
KA (%) 3.27 2.86
Texture : Sand (%) 43.72 42.49
Sandy silty Sandy
Silt (%) 32.70 clay 31.48 silty clay
Clay (%) 23.59 26.03
Source : Soil Laboratory of Indonesian Swampland Agricultural Research Institute
After liming, there was done soil analysis by pH meter tool. Result showed that soil pH is
on medium scale
Planting conditions
Based on the analysis of variance (Table 2) noted that the data the percentage
growth and harvesting time did not differ significantly between the varieties and
treatment (with mulch and without mulch).
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Table 2. Result of variance analysis for interaction of mulch and varieties on shallot growth
and yield
Observation Variable
Source of Variance Diameter Number Weight
growth harvesting Productivity
bulb bulb per clump
Banjarbaru ns ns ** ** ** **
(V) Tanah Laut ns ns ** ** ** **
Banjarbaru ns ns * ** ** **
(M) Tanah Laut ns ns ** ns ** **
Banjarbaru ns ns * ** ** *
Tanah Laut ns ns ** ** ** *
Remark : ns = non significant; * = significant ; ** = very significant base on DMRT test
Average of shallot growth percentage between the varieties showed the numbers are not
much different as shown in Table 3. As for all varieties also have a uniform harvest time is 7
weeks after planting.
Table 3. Percentage of shallot growth and harvesting for shallot that planted using mulch and
without mulch in Banjarbaru Municipality and Tanah Laut District
Municipality Banjarbaru District Tanah Laut
Varieties Treatment
% growth Harvesting % growth Harvesting
Mulch 97 7 97 7
Bima Brebes
Without mulch 97 7 96 7
Mulch 98 7 96 7
Super Philip
Without mulch 98 7 95 7
Mulch 97 7 98 7
Biru Lancor
Without mulch 97 7 97 7
Mulch 95 7 95 7
Without mulch 97 7 97 7
Mulch 96 7 97 7
Sri Kayangan
Without mulch 96 7 96 7
Mulch 95 7 95 7
Keta Monca
Without mulch 96 7 96 7
Mulch 97 7 97 7
Without mulch 97 7 97 7
Mulch 97 7 97 7
Crok Kuning
Without mulch 96 7 96 7
Percentage range of shallot growth is around 96% - 98%. It indicate uniformity of seeds
used, good uniformity of harvesting and seed tuber size. In this study, it is attempted to get
homogene conditions to avoid data bias, that covered : uniform seedlings : size, age and origin.
On the other hand, uniformity of seedling growth percentages also show that the eight varieties
grown has the ability to grow uniform on dry land (Figure 1)
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Figure 1. Super Philip and Rubaru performance with mulch and without mulch
Table 4 shown that there is a significant interaction between treatment mulch with shallot
varieties. Planting shallot in Kunyit village, Tanah Laut by mulch have a bulb diameter larger
than that planted without mulch except for varieties Sri Kayangan, Keta Monca and Crok
Sri Kahyangan variety have no significant differences between planting with mulch and
without mulch. Varieties that have larger bulbs are Bima Brebes, Sri Kahyangan and Biru
By some advantages of mulching, shallot that planted with mulch have larger diameter than
withouth mulch. Some of these bulbs diameter is also affected by the number of tubers
produced. Shallot that produce fewer tubers have diameters larger bulbs and vice versa (Figure
Table 4. Bulb diameter (mm) and bulb number of shallot that planted using mulch and
without mulch in Banjarbaru Muncipality and Tanah Laut District
Municipality Banjarbaru District Tanah Laut
Varieties Treatment Bulb Diameter Bulb Bulb Diameter
Bulb Number
(mm) Number (mm)
Mulch 17.69 c 5.27 def 30.2 a 8.1 abc
Bima Brebes
Without mulch 18.17 bc 6.28 cdef 16.6 efg 5.9 bcd
Mulch 21.28 ab 9.93 ab 24.8 bc 2.70 f
Super Philip
Without mulch 18.01 c 3.31 f 20.0 def 4.9 def
Mulch 22.36 a 8.07 abcd 26.0 ab 8.0 abc
Biru Lancor
Without mulch 23.16 a 7.28 bcde 15.0 g 6.6 bcd
Mulch 20.9 ab 10.64 a 20.3 def 5.20 def
Without mulch 23.17 a 8.92 abc 13.3 g 6.0 bcd
Mulch 22.01 a 11.07 a 27.1 ab 9.7 a
Sri Kayangan
Without mulch 23.22 a 6.68 bcdef 27.1 ab 5.80 cde
Mulch 17.51 c 6.13 cdef 20.9 cde 4.3 def
Keta Monca
Without mulch 18.83 bc 8.14 abcd 23.9 bcd 6.3 bcd
Mulch 20.70 ab 8.33 abcd 23.4 bcd 3.70 ef
Without mulch 21.77 ab 4.63 ef 16.2 fg 6.0 bcd
Mulch 19.32 bc 8.06 abcd 25.2 bc 9.7 a
Crok Kuning
Without mulch 23.25 a 4.37 ef 27.8 ab 8.2 ab
Remark : Number in the same column followed by same letter are not significantly different at
1% Duncan
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Figure 2. Bulb weight of Super Philip with mulch (A), without mulch (B),
Rubaru with mulch (C), and without mulch (D)
In Karangrejo village, Banjarbaru Mucipality, shallot that planted with mulch produce
smaller bulb than planted without mulch because it produce more number of bulb than shallot
planted without mulch. Number of bulb influenced weight per clump (Table 5).
Five of the eight shallot varieties, namely Bima Brebes, Super Philip, Biru Lancor, Bauji,
and Rubaru that planted with mulch produce larger bulb diameter than planted without mulch
so that the weight per clump also higher (Table 5).
From Table 5 it is known that grown shallot with mulch from both sites (Kunyit village and
Karangrejo village) have higher productivity than planted without mulch. It is associated with
some observations on the previous parameters that the shallot crop that has a high weight per
clump it will generate higher productivity value of shallot that has a lower weight per clump.
Interconnected between varieties, bulb diameter, weight per clump and productivity.
Mulch reduce water evaporation from the soil around the roots of shallot mainly to dry land.
As is known from laboratory test results that the texture of the soil in the study site in the Kunyit
village, Tanah Laut District is dominated by sand texture. According Sumarni et al. (2006) in
addition to the other problems of water deficit that is often found on dry land, namely the
erosion of top soil (soil erosion) and the leaching of nutrients due to run off. Sand has properties
that are less able to store water. Therefore, the use of mulch, the evaporation can be reduced.
It is profitable for crops that planted in dry sandy soil texture because shallot requires enough
water for the tubers growth.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Solar radiation, water availability and weeds are limiting factors of shallot growth.
Mulching is one way to reduce water evaporation and reduce weed growth. Mulching is the
material used on the surface of the ground and serves to avoid water loss through evaporation
and suppress the growth of weeds (Adisarwanto and Wudianto, 1999 in Mariano., 2003).
Anwarudinsyah et al. 1993 said that in addition serves to reduce runoff, mulch also serves
suppress the growth of weeds, improve soil structure, increase soil's capacity to retain water,
pore aeration and infiltration, and maintain the content of organic material so that the
productivity of the land is preserved (Kadarso 2008; Arsyad 2010). Mulch can help prevent
the loss of water in the dry season and prevent the accumulation of water in the root zone when
excess water or rain. The water that infiltrated into the soil can be used plants to increase plant
productivity. Besides mulch may block solar radiation reaching the ground so as to reduce soil
evaporation. Soil infiltration and evaporation is a process that determines the availability of
soil water on dry land. According to Ghuman and Sur (2001) mulch can reduce soil bulk density
on the surface of the ground while the organic material can be increased due to the
decomposition of the mulch. While Mukherjee et al (2004) said that black and white plastic
mulch to maintain soil moisture and increase soil temperature.
Table 5. Weight per bulb (gram) and weight per clump for shallot that planted using mulch
and without mulch in Banjarbaru Muncipality and Tanah Laut District
Based on the Rachman research results et al. (2004), Puustinen et al. (2005), and Jordan et
al. (2010), a layer of mulch will increase surface roughness so that slow the process may slow
interception of rain and run-off so that the lower coefficient of run-off. Run off delays can
improve rain water infiltration during rain events. According Arsyad (2010) mulch may inhibit
run off thus reducing the speed of run-off and run-off transport capacity. Mulching planting
aggregates can protect land from the destructive force of a grain of rain, increasing the
absorption of water by the soil, keep the soil temperature, maintaining soil organic matter and
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
control the growth of weeds, so as to increase crop yields. Weeds can reduce crop yields
because of the competition in making nutrients, water, sunlight, and living space in addition to
the competition in making nutrients, weeds also issued alleopati compounds that can interfere
with plant growth.
4. Conclusion
There was an interaction between the use of plastic mulch and shallot varieties for the
weight per clump and productivity of shallot.In the assessment in the Kunyit village of Tanah
Laut District , Super Philip varieties are grown using mulch has the highest productivity is
26.4 ton ha-1 while Rubaru planted without mulch has the lowest productivity is 2.7 ton ha-1.
In a study in Karangrejo Village, Banjarbaru Municipal Super Philip varieties are grown using
mulch has the highest productivity is 15.4 ton ha-1, and Bima Brebes varieties are grown
without mulch has the lowest productivity is 1,03 ton ha-1.
Anwarudinsyah, M.J., Sukarna, Sastijati. 1993. Effect of Alley Crop and Tomato Production
and Shallot in Alley. J. Hort. 3:7-12
Arsyad, S. 2010. Soil and Water Conservation. New Edition. IPB Press. Bogor
Azmi,C., I.M Hidayat, dan G. Wiguna. 2011. Effect of Varieties and Bulb Size to Shallot
Production. J. Hort. 21(3) : 206-213.
Badan Litbang Pertanian. 2005. Prospect and Development on Shallot Agribussiness
Barus, W.A. 2006. Growth and Production of Chilli (Capsicum annum L.) by Using Mulch and
PK Fertilizer. J. Penelitian Bidang Ilmu Pertanian 4:41-44
BPS Kalimantan Selatan. 2013. South Kalimantan in Figure . Tahun 2012. Badan Pusat
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Ghuman, B.S., H.S. Sur. 2001. Tillage and Residue Management Effect on Soil Properties
and Yield of Rainfed Maize and Wheat in a Sub Humid Subtropical Climate. Soil Till.
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Gunaeni,N., A.W. Wulandari, A.S. Duriat, dan A. Muharam. 2011. Insiden Penyakit Virus
Tular Umbi pada Tigabelas Varietas Bawang Merah Asal Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah.
Jurnal Hortikultura. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian.Pusat Penelitian
dan Pengembangan Hortikultura Jakarta Indonesia.vol 21 (2) 2011
Hadisoeganda, A. Widjaja,W. 2008. Aplikasi Pestisida Biorasional Agonal 866 untuk
Mengendalikan Hama dan Penyakit Bawang Merah. Badan Penelitian dan
Pengembangan Pertanian.Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura Jakarta
Indonesia.vol 18 (1) : 80-86.
Heryani,Nani., Budi Kartiwa, Yon Sugiarto, Tri Handayani. 2013. Pemberian Mulsa dalam
Budidaya Cabai Rawit di Lahan Kering : Dampaknya terhadap Hasil Tanaman dan Aliran
Permukaan. J Agronomy Indonesia 41 (2) ; 147-153.
Jordan, A., L.M. Zavala, J.Gill. 2010. Effects on Mulching on Soil Physical Properties and
Run Off Under Semi Arid Conditions in Southern Spain.Catena 81:77-85
Jurgiel, G and S. Janina. 2008. The Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on Content of
Microelements in Selected Shallots, J. Elementol. 13(2):227-234.
Kadarso.2008. Assessment of Using Mulch on Yield of Red Charm Chilli. Agros 10: 134-139.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
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Lakitan, B.1995. Hortikultura I. Theory of Agriculture and Post Harverst. Raja Grafindo
Perkasa. Jakarta. 219 halaman
Mukherjee,S.,R. Paliwal, S. Pareek. 2004.Effect of Water Regim, Mulch and Kaolin on Growth
and Yield of Ber (Ziziphus mauritiana cv Mundia). J. Hort. Sci. Biotech. 79:991-994
Permadi, A.H. 1993. Growing Shallots From True Seed. Research Results and Problems.
Shallot Newsletter for the Tropics. NRI. United Kingdom. (5):35-38.
Permadi, A.H. 1991. Earlier Assessment on Shallot Variety from TSS. Bul. Penel.
Putrasamadja,S. 2000. Tanggap Beberapa Kultivar Bawang Merah terhadap Vernalisasi untuk
Dataran Medium. J.Hort. 10(3):177-182
Putrasamedja, S. 1995. Effect of Spacing on Shallot (Allium cepa var ascalonicum Backer) on
Production. J. Hort. 5(1): 76-80
Puustinen, M., J. Koskiaho, K. Peltonen, 2005. Influence of Cultivation Methods on Suspended
Solids and Phosphorus Concentrations in Surface Run off on Clayey Sloped Fields in
Boreal Climat. Agric. Ecosystem Environ. 105:565-579.
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pada Lahan Kering. Puslitbangtanak. Badan Litbang Perrtanian. Departemen Pertanian.
Sumarni, N., A. Hidayat, E. Sumarti. 2006. Effect of Cover Crop and Organic Mulch on Chilli
Production and Soil Erossion. J. Hort. 16:197-201.
Sumarni,N dan A. Hidayat. 2005. Shallot Handbook. Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran. Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian.
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Sumiati, E,. 1989. Effect of Mulch, Shading and Zat Pengatur Tumbuh on Quality of Tomato
Kultivar Berlian. Bul Penel. Hort. XVIII (1):94-100.
Suherman, R. Dan R.S Basuki, 1990. Strategi Luas Usahatani Bawang Merah (Allium cepa var
ascalonicum) di Jawa Barat. Tinjauan dari Segi Usahatani Terendah. Bul. Penel. Hort.
Thamrin, M., Ramlan, Armiati, Ruchjaniningsih, dan Wahdania, 2003. Assessment of Shallot
farming System in South Sulawesi. J. Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi
Pertanian 6(2):141-153
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
One of the problem shallots cultivation is an imbalance fertilization between chemical and
biological fertilizers (manure), chemical fertilizers are usually applied in excess, causing less
efficient absorption of nutrients. The large quantities of chemical fertilizer are deposited in soil,
it has hazard effect to the human health and microbial soil population. Two of the beneficial
fungus lived in the rhizosphere, like genus Trichoderma and Penicillium, has an important role
and function in supporting the implementation of environmentally farming because
Trichoderma and Penicillium are best known to stimulate the growth of plants. They are
classified as plant growth promoting fungus. This study aims to determine the effect of
Trichoderma and Penicillium applications on the growth of the Shallot. This research was
conducted in Lembang, West Java, in June-August until 2016, using a completely randomized
design with 8 treatments and repeated 10 times. The results showed that applications
Trichoderma and Penicillium one week after planting with a concentration of 15 ml / plant
have affected on plant height, whereas the number, weight and diameter of shallots bulbs have
not shown any significant results.
Keyword: Shallot, Trichoderma, Penicillium
1. Introduction
Increasing demand of agricultural product cause excessive use of inorganic fertilizer
worldwide. Therefore, use of inorganic and chemical fertilizer yields increase of crop product,
but the large quantities of chemical fertilizer are deposited in soil, it has hazard effect to the
human health and microbial soil population. Recently, trends in agriculture are environmentally
/ecofriendly agriculture, application of plant growth promoting microbial could substitute the
reducing of the use inorganic fertilizer as alternative to improve chemical and biological soil
(Babu et al, 2015). Application of beneficial microbes in addition not only to supply the
nutrient needs of plants, but also helped enhance crop growth by secreting IAA and
siderophore production and other secondary metabolites.
Between different groups of microbes, fungi that inhabit in the rhizosphere, is an important
part of a beneficial microbes. It has higher populatiuon than soil bacteria (Babu et al, 2015).
Two genera fungus known exist on ubiquitous population are Penicillim and Trichoderma.
Penicillium, filamentous fungi are widely used as producers of organic acid, these species
generally has low concentration in rhizosfer and exist more at greater soil depth than other
genus (Phuwawat et al, 2001). Some species of Penicillium are well known as a antibiotic
producer but just a little is known of interaction between Penicillium with plant growth and
even with other soil fungi. Penicilium posses abilitiy to solubilize rock phosphate by
synthesize a number of phosphatases which are necessary to solubilize phosphates from
medium containing bound phosphorus (El-azouni et al, 2008 and Yadav et al, 2011). They can
substitute the plant requirement for phosphate partly or overall. Besides solubilizing of rock
phosphate, some Penicillium species have proved to be able to leach iron from low grade ores,
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
an ability that may establish favorable micro nutritional condition for crop plant (Nicoletti et
al, 2012).
As well as with Penicillium, the effect of Trichoderma application on plant growth and
interaction with other soil fungi are still on investegeted. Contreras-Cornejo et al (2009)
reported that some Trichoderma species could stimulate the growth of arabidopsis sprout
because they have important role to produced auxin signal that stimulate plant growth.
Aplication of Trichoderma to soil is an effective way to enhance the plant growth, because they
have capability to secrete plant growth promoting substance including IAA (Radhakrishnan et
al, 2012). Some Trichoderma strains that live in rhizosphere have been shown to have
effects on plants directly, including increase their growth potential and nutrient uptake,
fertilizer use efficiency, enhance rate of seed germination (Sharman et al, 2012). Studies
have demonstrated that Trichoderma increases root development and crop yield. But no
study has reported the effect on Penicillium and Trichoderma application on the growth of
shallot. Based on that description, we are interested to conduct this research if Penicillium and
Trichoderma have an influence to the shallot growth
2. Methods
This research was conducted in Lembang-Jawa Barat, on June – August 2016 by using
Completed random design with 8 treatments repeated 10 times. Soil samples were collected
from Pine rhizosphere at Lembang, Penicillium and Trichoderma were isolated using serial
dilution. 10 grams of rhizospheric soil was transferred to a 250 ml Erlenmeyer containing 90
ml sterilized aquadest and shaken for 30 minutes 120 rpm. Serial dilution were made in 0.9%
NaCl sterilized aquadest and 100µl aliquots were spread on PDA media (10-3 and 10-4),
subsequently incubated on room temperature for 3- 7 weeks, Penicillium and Trichoderma
colonies that appearing on the medium were isolated and sub-cultured for application.
Treatments conducted in this research were Penicillium P1 (P1), Penicillium P2 (P2),
Trichoderma P1 (P1), Trichoderma P2 (P2), P1 and T1 combination application, P2 and T2
combination application, NPK and control. Isolates to be tested have previously been purified
on PDA agar media, subsequently cultured on sterilized corn media for 2 weeks.
Treatments was done by applying Penicillium and Trichoderma that were cultured on
sterilized corn medium as much as about 250 gram and 2 weeks after inoculated, subsequently
diluted as much as 5 liters water become suspension. The suspension was applied by watering
right under shallot cultivation a week after planting as much as 15 ml per shallot plant.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Based on the data in the above chart, almost all treatments give higher result compare to the
control treatment. The treatment combination of P1 and T1 is able to increase plant height up
to 15.56 percent. Single treatment of Penicillium is also able to increase the height of shallot
even higher increase than the treatment of Trichoderma, it is hypothesized because penicillium
applications can influence the growth of the shallot.
Treatment of P1 + T1 combination is the treatment with high result of the highest plant
compared to all treatments with a result of 48.25 cm. In this treatment, there was occurring a
mutually beneficial interaction between Penicillium, Trichoderma and the plants. Penicillium
is assumed to have the ability of higher dissolving phosphate than Trichoderma, whereas
Trichoderma produce higher IAA than Penicillium, so the application of both microbes is able
to initiate cell lengthening of shallots and increase the plant height significantly. The other
possible mechanism of growth promotion could be the ability of the fungus to colonize the
roots and provide minerals to the plant on accessible form (Hossainet al, 2015)
The influence of treatment on the number, weight and diameter of shallot bulb is shown in
Table 1. The results of this study shows that the number of clumps and weight of tuber on NPK
treatment produce higher value than the other treatments, later followed by a single treatment
of Penicillium P1 at second turn. Treatment of Penicillium P1 also shows the highest bulb
diameter, while the combination treatment between Trichoderma and Penicillium treatments
do not give influence to increasing of the number, weight and diameter of the bulbs produced.
Table 1. The influence of Penicillium and Trichoderma Treatments on the number, weight and
diameter of the shallot bulbs
Treatments Number of Bulb Weight of Bulb Diameter of Bulb
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
4. Conclusion
Applications Trichoderma and Penicillium at one week after planting with a concentration
of 15 ml / plant have affected on the plant height, whereas the number, weight and diameter of
shallot bulbs have not shown any significant results.
Babu, A., G., Kim, S., W, Yadav D., J., Hyum, U., Adhikari, M. and Lee, Y. S. (2015).
Penicillium menonorum: A novel Fungus to Promote Growth and Nutrient Management
in Cucumber Plants. Mycobiology 43 (1): 49-56
Contreas-cornejo H., A., Macías-Rodríguez L., Cortés-Penagos, C and López-Bucio
(2009). Trichoderma virens, a Plant beneficial Fungus, Enhances Biomass Production and
Promotes Lateral Root Growth through an Auxin-Dependent Mechanism in
Arabidopsis.Plant Physiology, March 2009, Vol.149 pp.1579-1592.Rodrigues A.,
Fogliano V., Graziani G., Mendes, S., Vale, A. and Goncalves, C. (2003). Nutrition
Value of Onion Regional Varieties in Northwest Portugal, EJEAFChe 2(4): 519-524.
El-Azouni, I.M. (2008). Effect of phosphate solubilizing fungi on growth and nutrient uptake
of soybean (Glycine max L.) plants. Journal of Applied Science Research. INSInet
Publications, 4(6): 592-598
Fitriatin, B. M., A. Yuniarti., O. Mulyani., F. S. Fausziah dan D. Tiara. (2009). Pengaruh
Mikroba Pelarut Fosfat dan Pupuk P Terhadap P Terserdia, Aktivitas Fosfatase, P
Tanaman dan Hasil Padi Gogo pada Ultisol. J.Agric. 20 (3): 210 -215
Goenandi, D.H., dan R. Saraswati. (1993). Kemampuan Melarutkan Fosfat dari Beberapa Isolat
Fungi Pelarut Fosfat. Menara Perkebunan. 61 (3): 61 – 66
Hossain M., Sultana F., Miyazawa M and Hyakumachi M. (2014). The Plant Growth
Promoting Fungus Penicillium spp. GP 15-1 Enhances Growth and Confers Protection
against Damping-off and Antrachnose in Cucumber. Journal of Oleo Science 63 (4) 391-
Nicoletti R and Stefano, M., D. (2012). Penicillium restrictum as an Antagonist of Plant
Panthogenic Fungi., Dynamic Biochemistry, Process Biotechnology and Molecular
Phuwiwat, W., dan Soytong K. (2001). The Effect of Penicillium notatum on Plant growth.
Fungal Diversity 8: 143 – 148
Radhakrishnan, Ramalingam, Shim kang-Bo, Lee Byeong-won, Hwang Chung-Dong, Pae
Suk-Bok, Park Chang-Hwang, Kim Sung-Up, Lee Choon-Ki and Baek In-Youl. (2013).
IAA – Producing Penicillium sp NICS01 Triggers Plant Growth and Suppresses
Fusarium sp. Induced Oxidative Stress in Sesame. J Microbiol. Biotechnol 23 (6) 836-
Sharma, P., Patel, A,. N, Saini, M., K., and Deep, S., (2012), Field Demonstration of
Trichoderma harzianum as a Plant Growth Promoter in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L) .
Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 4 No 8
Suandi, P., D., Sabrina T., Sembiring M. (2015). Pengaruh Jamur Pelarut Fosfat, Waktu
Aplikasi dan Pupuk Fosfat untuk Meningkatkan Ketersediaan dan Serapan P Tanaman
Kentang pada Andisol Terdampak Erupsi. Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Vol 4 No 1: 1777 -
Yadav J., Verma, J., P., and Tiwari, K., N. (2011). Plant Growth Promoting Activities of Fungi
and Their Effect on Chickpea Plant Growth. Asian Journal of Biological Sciences 4: 291
– 299
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Flower development is a key element of seed production in plants. In Allium genera, this process
strongly influenced by photoperiod and temperature. Photoperiod has been reported as important factor
on shallot flowering in highland area, however the effect on lowland area has not been reported. This
research was aimed to analyze the effects of vernalization and photoperiode on shallot flowering in
lowland area. This experiment was carried out using local shallot varieties i.e: bulbs of Bima Brebes
and Sumenep cultivars. The experiment was arranged in split plot design with 3 replication. The main
plot was photoperiod with 3 treatments i.e: natural light (control), 2 hours night break, 4 hours extension
using additional light while the subplot was vernalization of bulb seedlings with ambient (room
temperature) and cold temperature (10°C) for one month. Vernalization increased the shallot flowering
up to 11.68% in Bima Brebes cultivar and 2.85% in Sumenep cultivar. Photoperiod slightly decreased
the percentage of flowering, but increased the bulbing ratio significantly. Both vernalization and
photoperiod treatments decreased leaf biomass, leaf number and plant height. Vernalization effectively
induced shallot flowering in lowland area, while photoperiod effectively induced shallot bulbs
1. Introduction
Shallot (Allium cepa var. ascalonicum Baker) is a member of the genus Allium that closely related
with onion (Allium cepa L.), which has a lot of bulbs in one cluster (ascalonicum) (Brewster, 1994). In
Indonesia, shallot has been developed and cultivated by farmers, both in lowland and highland, because
it is one of comodities that has high economic value as ingredient or food seasonings as well as for the
food industry (Putrasameja dan Suwandi, 1996). However, this commodities price is often fluctuated in
the national market because of unstability between supply and demand (Rachmat et al. 2012). This
condition occured because the shallot production is only seasonal, which is generally planted in April
or May, and July or August (Sumarni and Hidayat, 2005).
The attempt to increase shallot production has many constraints, especially due to seed shortage.
Farmers usually still use bulbs as planting material considering the easier to use and has shorter harvest
time than using true shallot seeds (TSS), though the allocation of production cost for supplying the
bulbs seedlings was around 40% of total cost (Suherman dan Basuki, 1990). TSS is an alternative
solution to solve this problem as it has several advantages, such as free of virus and seed borne diseases,
not voluminous, reduce production cost of the planting material, healthier plants, and higher
productivity than the bulb seedlings (Basuki, 2009).
TSS sometimes lacks the ability to flower naturally and producie seeds which results the average of
flowering capability of shallot only 30% in highland area and even does not blooming in the lowland
area (Putrasamedja and Permadi, 1994). True shallot seed production in Indonesia is still carried out in
the highlands because it is an appropriate location to induce shallot flowering. The selection of planting
sites will effect the productivity of seeds as the ambient temperature plays an important role in the
success of shallot seeds production. In general, the highland is an optimum location to induce flowering
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
of shallot (Rosliani et al. 2013), while the lowlands are less suitable for initiation of shallot flowering
(Putrasamedja and Suwandi, 1996). Vernalization treatment given to bulbs before planting may be the
solution to increase the initiation of flowering in lowland area. The flowering percentage of shallots
from Indonesia can be increased by storing bulb seedlings at temperature 4-10°C for 4 weeks
(Rabinowitch and Currah, 2002). In onion, optimum temperature required to anable flowering is
between 8-12◦C (Brewster, 2008).
Light is also one of important factor that affects flowering in the genus Allium. In general, shallot
plants require photoperiod longer than 10 hours to bloom (Khokhar et al. 2007; Sopha et al.
2014). However, the research on the effect of photoperiod on shallot in Indonesia is still rare. This
because Indonesia is located in equatorial region where the length of day and night is relatively similar
all the year (Sutoyo, 2011). Sopha et al. (2014) reported that exposure over 10 hours on shallots on the
highland area was able to increase flowering. However, there is no report about the effects of
photoperiod on shallot flowering in lowland condition.
Photoperiod not only affects flowering in the genus Allium, but also affects the bulbs formation.
Unfortunately, the study about development of shallot bulbs are still not much as in onion (Okubo
et al. 1999). One of the environmental factors that affect the formation of bulbs was additional long day
photoperiod (Rabinowitch and Currah, 2002). The ability of flowering and bulb formation of a plant is
also influenced by genetic factors, so the physiological response of photoperiod and vernalization is
different between varieties (Krontal et al. 2000). Therefore, it is necessary to test the influence of
vernalization and photoperiod for inducing flower and formation of shallot bulbs in different varieties.
This research was aimed to determine the effects of vernalization and photoperiod on shallot flowering
in lowland area.
The experiment was conducted at the Field Laboratory of Bogor Agricultural University in Ciomas,
Bogor (06’ 36’’ 484°S, 106’ 47’’ 065°E) at altitude of 270 m a.s.l. from January to April 2016. Materials
used in this study were bulb seedlings of shallot cultivars Bima Brebes and Sumenep with average of
weight was around 5-7 g. Other materials were manure, NPK fertilizer (16-16-16) and dolomite lime.
The equipments used were LED (Light-emitting diode) lamps 11 W (equivalent to a 100 W
incandescent bulb), timers, cold storage, vernier caliper and thermometer.
The experiment was arranged in split plot design with 3 replications. The main plot was photoperiod
with 3 treatments, i.e. natural light, 2 hours night break and 4 hours extension and the subplot was
vernalization of bulb seedlings using ambient (room) temperature and cold temperature (10°C) for one
The natural photoperiod treatments was given by direct sunlight on the growing season as control.
Four hours-extension treatment was applied similar as a natural treatment but given by addition of light
exposure after natural light was gone (4 hours after sunset). Night break-treatment was given by
additional light exposure at 23.00-01.00 (for 2 hours). Photoperiod treatment was given at the beginning
of the vegetative phase, from 1 WAP (Week After Planting) untill harvest. Each unit consist of three
pots size 25 cm with the volume of 4 kg soil, and each pot was planting three sets shallot seedlings.
The observed parameters were percentage of flowering, bulbing ratio, leaf biomass, plant height and
leaf number. The data was analyzed using Analysis of Variance test (ANOVA) and followed by Least
Significant Difference (LSD) at 95% significance level using STAR (Statistical Tools for Agricultural
Research) software ver. 2.0.1.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
percentage of flowering
15 13.7
10 Brebes
0.00.0 0.60.9 0.00.0
10° room 10° room 10° room
storage storage storage
Natural Night break 2 h Extension 4 h
Temperature °C
25 average
20 max
Figure 2. Environment temperature in 06’ 36’’ 484°S, 106’ 47’’ 065°E at altitude 270 m a.s.l.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Long photoperiod plus high temperature condition (25-30°C) caused degeneration of onion
inflorescence within plant by competition of bulbing (Brewster, 2008). This fact was similar with the
result of bulbing ratio in this experiment. The result showed that 2 hours night break increased bulbing
ratio (Table 1). Bulbing ratio is ratio between maximum bulb diameter:minimum pseudostem. This ratio
value could be used to observe the bulb formation with increasing in the ratio of bulbs (Okubo et al.
1999; Yamazaki et al. 2003; Brewster, 2008). Garner and Allard (1920), the first investigator, reported
that long day photoperiods promoted bulbs development in onions. Further research showed that in long
day condition, bulbing was faster in higher temperature (Brewster, 2008).
Table 1. The effect of photoperiod and vernalization on bulbing ratio
Treatments 6 WAP 7 WAP 8 WAP
3.31 b 5.08 b 10.33 b
Night break 2 hours 4.37 a 7.84 a 13.46 a
Extension 4 hours 3.29 b 5.32 b 9.46 b
Without vernalization _Bima Brebes 3.26 b 5.39 b 10.54 a
Vernalization 10°C _Bima Brebes 3.97 a 7.00 a 12.05 a
Without vernalization _Sumenep 3.12 b 4.91 b 9.88 a
Vernalization 10°C _Sumenep 4.27 a 7.03 a 13.00 a
There is not interaction between main plot and subplot. Figures followed by the same letter in the same column
are not significantly different at LSD with a level of 5%. (WAP: Week After Planting)
Photoperiod and vernalization also influenced plant height, leaf number per cluster and leaf dry
mass significantly. In photoperiod treatment, 2 hours night break caused those parameters was lower
than both natural photoperiod and 4 hours extension, while in vernalization treatment plant height and
leaf number per cluster in ambient temperature (control) was higher than that of vernalization in 10°C,
both in Bima Brebes and Sumenep cultivar (Table 2). In 2 hours night break bulb formation probably
caused degeneration of vegetative growth. Lancaster (1996) reported that bulbing terminated leaf
production in onion. During the juvenile phase onions could not be induced to flower or bulbing until
reach a certain critical weight or leaf number (Brewster, 2008). In addition to photoperiod, vernalization
also decrease those vegetative parameters. In garlic, vernalization at temperature 5-10°C was able to
increase the percentage of flowering but inhibited the growth of vegetative, such as plant height,
pseudostem diameter, number of leaves as well as to increase the production of peroxidase and
superoxide dismutase (Wu et al. 2016)
Table 2. The effect of photoperiod and vernalization on vegetative traits
Plant Height (cm) Leaf/cluster Leaf dry mass (g)
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
4. Conclusion
The results suggest that cultivation of shallot in lowland area needs vernalization treatment to induce
flowering. Photoperiod did not able to replace the vernalization on shallot flowering in lowland area.
Additional photoperiod even thightly decreased the shallot flowering ability, but increased the bulb
development. Flowering ability of Bima Brebes cultivar was higher than Sumenep cultivar.
SK is supported by Shallot Project (Center for Tropical Horticulture Studies), Ministry of Research,
Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia for awarding the Fresh Graduate
Scholarship 2014-2016, and the Plant Physiology Laboratory of Biology Department, Bogor
Agricultural University.
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International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Sumarni N, Sopha GA, Gaswanto R. 2012. Perbaikan pembungaan dan pembijian beberapa varietas
bawang merah dengan pemberian naungan plastic transparan dan aplikasi asam gibberelat. J.
Hort 22 (1):14-22.
Sutoyo. 2011. Fotoperiode dan Pembungaan Tanaman. Buana Sains 11 (2): 137-144.
Wu C, Wang M, Dong Y, Cheng Z, Meng H. 2016. Effect of plant age and vernalization on bolting,
plant growth and enzyme activity of garlic (Allium sativum L.). Sci. Hort. 295-305.
Yamazaki H, Hamano M, Yamato Y, Miura H. 2003. Bulbing response of Allium × wakegi Araki to
temperature experienced prior to bulb formation. J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 72 (1):69-74.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
The flower induction in shallot can be initiated by providing a vernalization treatments. The
vernalization might affect the composition of metabolome. The metabolomic composition
determines the physiological processes and functions of the plants and parts. Metabolomes can
spatially define the structure of tissues and organs including flower. The objective of this
research is to determine metabolite composition in four different growth stadia of bulbs with
different vernalization treatment. GC-MS analysis detected 88 compounds that were different
at different growth stadia of bulbs. The results demonstrated that phytol is a major compound
that suggested corresponding to metabolite changes during vernalization with regard to bulbs
growth stadia. The correlation analysis confirm that the differences of metabolite profile might
play a key role in flowering initiation in shallot.
Keywords : Shallot, vernalization, flower induction, metabolomic, GC-MS analysis
1. Introduction
Shallot (Allium cepa var. aggregatum) is vegetatively propagated using its bulbs which
spreads of contaminations and deseases to the next generation. Propagation by generative part
experienced problems because some genotypes unable to initiate the flowering. In onion plants,
flowering can be induced by providing vernalization treatment at 4-5oC (Ami et al 2013;
Elsiddig 2015). Transition of vegetative phase into a reproductive phase involves a number of
biological and biochemistry processes of plants (Halevy 1990; Bernier et al. 1993). The
changes occur during metabolite process can be an important indicator to show the status of
plant growth and development.
The last decade has seen an enormous trend towards plant extracts such as essential oils,
volatiles, and other compound released by the secondary metabolism of plants. Secondary
metabolites that are formed during the process secondary metabolism can be measured by GC-
MS analysis. The analytical strategy (GC-MS) used to analyze the volatile compounds, and
selected compounds were structurally analysed by mass spectrometry transposing the method
to GC-MS (Lekshmi et al. 2014). Metabolomic technologies have recently revealed new
insights in biological systems through metabolic dynamics (Iijima 2014). Investigation on the
biological activities of Allium compounds, as well as other phyto-compounds, and their
mechanisms of action is still a major challenge for biochemistry, microbiology and plant
breeding program. This study aims to determine metabolite composition in four different
growth stadia of bulbs with different vernalization treatment.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
GC-MS analysis
The samples were the leaves of shallot plants at 4 weeks after planting. GC-MS pyrolisis
unit was carried out on an GCMS-QP2010 system coupled to Mass Spectrometer Detector. The
sample were inserted into the quartz chamber in the pyrolysis unit. Helium was used as a carrier
gas in a constant flow mode at 0.85 ml/min. The pyrolisis chamber were heated in an oxygen-
free environment at a temperature of 400oC for 0.2 minutes. The reaction will produce heat-
mediated cleavage of chemical bonds in the macromolecular structure and produce low
molecular weight with a chemical composition that identify specific compound of metabolite.
Compound mixtures were then passed trhough the column GC-MS analysis. The column is Rt
x 5 MS, with length 60.0 m, thickness 0.25 µm, and diameter 0.25 mm.
The initial temperature of the column was 50°C, which was gradually increased by 10°C up
to 280°C. At the end of this period, the column oven temperature was 50 oC raised up to 280°C.
Injection port temperature was ensured as 280°C and helium flow rate as 0.85 ml/min. Mass
spectrometer detector was employed to detect compounds when they were vented from the
column. Temperature of the detector was 200°C. The mass spectra obtained through GC–MS
were analysed by using data library such as WILEY7.LIB and the NIST webbook database.
The volatile compounds of the plant samples were then identified for each treatments.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
a b
Peak Report 1
Peak Report .
c d
Peak Report Peak Report .
Figure 1. Metabolite changes in shallot. a) non-vernalized bulbs, b) vernalized bulb,
bulbs stadia with 1 cm of shoot, c) vernalized bulbs, bulbs stadia with 2 cm of
shoot, d) vernalized bulbs, bulbs stadia with 3 cm of shoot.
8 Hqmme
6 3-Ethyl-2-hydroxy-2-
5 2,3-dihydro-benzofuran
Phenol, 4-ethenyl-2-
3 methoxy-
1 Palmitic acid
0 Propanethiol
S0 S1 S2 S3
S0 = non-vernalized bulbs, S1 = vernalized bulbs, bulbs stadia with 1 cm of shoot,
S2 = vernalized bulbs, bulbs stadia with 2 cm of shoot, S3 = vernalized bulbs, bulbs stadia with 3
cm of shoot
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
17 2
S0 = 33 metabolites
S1 = 31 metabolites
4 S2 = 31 metabolites
S3 = 36 metabolites
4. Conclusions
The investigation metabolites compound in shallot by GC-MS revealed the dynamics of
the emission of metabolites change during vernalization of germinated bulbs. By means of
GC-MS, an estimate of the concentrations of different compounds in the freshly leaves of
shallot was indentified. The results demonstrated that phytol is a major compound that
suggested corresponding to metabolites changes during vernalization with regards to bulb
germinated stage.
The researchs are fully funding by National Innovation System Research Insentive 2016,
Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Indonesia.
Ami EJ, Islam MT, Farooque AM. 2013. Effect of vernalization on seed production of onion.
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 2(6): 212-217
Bernier G, Havelange A, Houssa C, Petitjean A, Lejeune P. 1993. Physiological signals that
induce flowering. Plant Cell 5:1147-55. PMID:12271018.
Elsiddig EAM, Elamin OM, Elkashif ME. 2015. Induction of flowering in Texas Early Grano
onion cultivar using vernalization and gibberellic acid under Gezira State conditions,
Sudan. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 5(9).
Halevy AH. 1990. Recent advances in control of flowering and growth habit of geophytes.
Acta Hort. 266:35-42.
Iijima Y. 2014. Recent advances in the application of metabolomics to studies of biogenic
volatile organic compounds (BVOC) produced by plant. Metabolites 4: 699-721.
Doi : 10.3390/metabo4030699
Lekshmi NCJP, Viveka S, Viswanathan MB, Manivannan G, Shobi TM. 2016. GC-MS
characterization of volatile odorous compounds in Allium Cepa. Nanobio Pharmaceutical
Technology. Nanobio Pharmaceutical Technology. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.3278.7523.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Lokke MM, Edelenb os M, Larsen E, Feilberg A. 2012. Investigation of Volatiles Emitted from
Freshly Cut Onions (Allium cepa L.) by Real Time Proton-Transfer Reaction-Mass
Spectrometry (PTR-MS). Sensors 12: 16060-16076. Doi:10.3390/s121216060
Villas-Boˆas SG, Mas S, Akesson M, Smedsgaard J, Nielsen J. 2005. Mass spectrometry in
metabolome analysis. Mass Spectrometry Reviews 24: 613– 646.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
True Seed of Shallot (TSS) is a new approach in the provision of shallot seeds. Through this
technology some problems such as shallot seed borne diseases and transportation issues can be
addressed. Previous studies suggest that the use of this technology can increase farmers income.
However, contrary to the results, some of the farmers still consider that the use of the
technology is difficult and takes more time compared with using a conventional seed. To
develop this tehcnology, it is required the cooperation from several stakeholders that have
interest in the provision of shallot seeds. This paper aims to analyze the stakeholders in the
development of onion seed technology using TSS. Analysis of stakeholders will including
Stakeholder Participation Matrix to identify the characteristics, interests, resources, problems,
and attempt to do as well as using the Influence and Importance Matrix to determine the
position of each stakeholders and efforts to improve their performance.
Keywords: True Seed of Shallot, stakeholders, Stakeholders Participation Matrix, Influence
and Importance Matrix
1. Introduction
Shallot is one of the horticultural products that have important role in Indonesian economics.
This commodity also known as a strategic commodity because it used for food seasoning and
the fuction still can not be substituted by other spices commodities. related to the national
economic condition, shallot well known as a contributor to inflation due to rising prices. In the
raini season, the price will increase because at that time the land for shallot cultivation used to
grow rice (ICHORD 2012). This problem will also affected to the shallot price that will follow
the stock of the shallot in the market. This shallot price for consumption price also can give an
effect to the price of shallot for seed. This case is very important because the main obstacle in
increasing production and productivity of shallot one of them is because they still lack the
availability of quality seeds, both in quantity and price. On the other hand, the seed is one of
the largest cost component both in the farming of shallot (Nurasa and Darwis 2007).
Currently the shallot seeds used by farmers is generally an uncertified bulbs seed known as
JABAL seed (Jaringan Benih Antar Lapang – Seed Networks Between the Farmfield in Bahasa
Indonesia) derived from shallot for consumption or imported bulb seed. Farmers generally use
the seeds derived from the harvested shallot for consumption from previous planting season or
buying from other farmers (Basuki, 2010). But the problem is when the price of shallot for
consumption is high, the farmers will also sell the shallot that prepared for seeds as shallot for
consumption. If this happened there will be no seeds for upcoming planting season.
Imported seeds sometimes also imported shallot for consumption that used for seeds thus
not qualified as well as certified seed. This things causes the seeds that used are the poor quality
seeds that will causing low productivity of shallot. The use of shallot bulbs as a seed also has
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
several drawbacks including low shelf life, expensive transport costs, and often there is a seed-
borne diseases.
The problems faced in the actual shallot seed provision system can be handled using the
technology of shallot seed provison system throught the botanical seeds of shallot or well
known as True Seed of Shallot (TSS). The use of TSS can resolve some of the shallot seed
problems such as no additional time for seed dormancy, small volume that can simplify storage
and transport, as well as free of the disease (Ridwan et al 1989). in the last few years Indonesian
Agency for Agricultural Research and Development through the Indonesia Center for
Horticultural Research and Development (ICHORD) and Indonesian Vegetables Research
Institute (IVEGRI) has develop the technology of TSS for shallot seed provision.
Actually this technology is not a new technology because shallot can produce botanical seed
naturally in certain condition. Better say that this technology are the new approaches in shallot
seed provision system. The problem is the shallot farmers are not used to grow shallot from
botanical seed as well as talked before that the farmers used to grow shallot from the bulb
seeds. This problem is one of the weakness in development of TSS technology although the
previous research stated that the use of TSS is more profitable than the use of bulb seed (Basuki
With all the advantages offered, TSS expected to answer all of the problems that exist in the
shallot seed provision system to support the development of agriculture. The main problem of
the TSS development are the mass production technique still not develop yet and also the
technique for TSS utilization are still not sicialized to the farmers (Pangestuti and
Sulistyaningsih 2011). In the development of the technology it is required the collaboratio
between the stakeholders that involved. In an agribusiness system there are many stakeholders
involved both directly involved in on-farm activities or in support activities. That many
stakeholders will be associated with the activities of economical, cultural, and other social
factors. This will lead to consequences that certainly will influence both in terms of cost, time,
and the benefits to be obtained. It is required coordination among the stakeholders involved in
order to achieve the expected goals which in this case is the development of technology TSS.
The aim of this paper to analyze the stakholders role in developing the seed prvision system
based on TSS technology.
2. Methodology
This paper is a part of the horticultural policy analysis in ICHORD at year 2016. Focuss of
the problems in this paper is to analyze the role of each stakeholders identified in the
development of seed provision technology based on TSS in order to obtain the formula to
increase their role in seed provision system development based on TSS. A Focussed Group
Discussion has been done to identify the stakeholders that will involved in the development of
seed provision system based on TSS. Focussed Group Discussion will analyze the involvement
of the stakeholders in the development of shallot seed provision system based on TSS.
The result from the discussion then transformed into the Stakeholders Participation Matrix
to identify the role of each stakeholders, and also Importance And Influence Matrix to identify
the position of the stakeholders. By identifying the position of stakeholders, we can take up a
recommendation to determine which stakeholders that the role should be enhanced.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
From the identification there are some stakeholders that can involved in shallot seed
provision based on TSS. There are 12 stakeholders from many institution with their own
characteristics, importance, resources, problems, and also action needed to improve their role
in shallot seed provision based on TSS.
Table 1. Stakeholders Participation Matrix in shallot seed provision system based on True Seed
of Shallot
Actor Characteristics Importance Resources Problems Action Needed
Directorate - National level Maintain stability - Budget Shallot still Utilize the TSS
General of policy makers of shallot supply - Power seen as the technology to
Horticulture - have a program and price secondary develop shallot seed
and budget for commodity provision system
ICHORD/ - Shallot seed Disseminating - Human Research fund Collaboration with
IVEGRI technology seed provision Resources for still lack private sector,
provider technology mentoring because of association, and
- Owner of TSS - Budget shallot still seen major shallot
technology allocated as the secondary farmers
ICATAD/ - Agricultural Disseminating - Human Research and Collaboration with
AIAT extention under seed provision Resources for dissemination local government,
the IAARD technology mentoring fund still lack private sector,
- Budget because of association, and
allocated shallot still seen major shallot
as the secondary farmers
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Major More powerfull Increasing income - land Lack of capital - provide capital
Breeder individual breeder through the - capital and competent assistance
provision of human - training for
shallot seed resources production
Shallot User of shallot To get the best - land Lack of capital - provide capital
Farmers seed both quality seed - capital and competent assistance
botanical and bulb human - training for
seed resources production
Seed Institution under - To make sure - Seed inspectors - The number - Training for the
certification the provincial the certified of seed seed inspectors
agency government that seed circulated inspectors are
supervise the seed are the good still few
circulation quality seed - Seed
still dont
about the TSS
Extension Institution under - Assisting - Human Lack of - Training of
agency the local farmers in resources competent Trainers (TOT)
government that agricultural human for organization
supervise the seed development resources extension
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
From the table above we can see that each stakeholders have their own characteristics,
importance, resources, problems, and also action needed to improve their role in shallot seed
provision based on TSS. Some of the stakeholders have same characteristics, importance,
resources, problems. But the action needed are different depend on the caharacteristics of the
Directorate General of Horticulture, Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and
Development (IAARD), and Indonesian Center for Agricultural Technology Assesment and
Dissemination (ICATAD) are the institution under the Ministry of Agriculture coordination.
Those three institution can together solve the problems in shallot seed provision system using
the TSS technlology. But the problem is shallot still seen as the secondary commodity
compared with the food crops commodity. Even though the shallot is one of the Ministry of
Agriculture priority commodities, the fund that allocated for shallot development is still
To identify the position of each stakeholder Influence and Importance Matrix are used. This
matrix will place one stakeholder based on it’s characteristics. Stakeholders will be divided
into four quadrants in a matrix where the first quadrant is a place for stakeholders who have
high importance but low influence, the second quadrant is a place for stakeholders who have
high importance and high influence, the third quadrant is a place for stakeholders who have
low importance and low influence, the fourth quadrant is a place for stakeholders who have
low importance but high influence.
Figure 2. Influence and Importance Matrix in shallot seed provision system based on True
Seed of Shallot
From the figure above we can see that the Directorate General of Horticulture,
ICHORD/IVEGRI, and ICATAD/AIAT are the stakeholders with high importance and high
influence. Those three stakeholders are the institution under the coordination of Ministry of
Agriculture Republic of Indonesia. Directorate General of Horticulture is the institution that
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
have high power in horticultural policy including seed provision system. While
ICHORD/IVEGRI and ICATAD/AIAT are the institution under the coordination of IAARD
that have the duty as technology provider.
The stakeholders in first quadrant or have high importance but low influence are university,
extension agency, and local governments. From this result we can find that those three
stakeholders must be improved particularly the capacity and capability because those three
stakeholders have important role in developing the shallot seed provision system based on TSS.
University, extension agency, and local government are the stakeholders that connected
directly to the technology users.
4. Conclusion
Based on the Influence and Importance Matrix in shallot seed provision system based on
True Seed of Shallot we can see that university, extension agency, and also local government
must improve the influence in developing shallot seed provision system based on TSS. Of
course, it is also must have sufficient support from other stakholders especially the stakeholders
with high influence and power such as the Ministry of Agriculture.
Basuki, RS. 2009. Farmers Preferences to clone seed Shallot Research in Brebes. J. Hort, 19
(33): 344-355
Basuki, RS. 2010. Procurement and Distribution System of Shallots Seed at Farmer Level at
Brebes District. J. Hort, 20 (2): 186-195
Darma, WA, Susila, AD, and Dinarti, D. 2015. Growth and yield of shallot originated from
Tuk-tuk variety TSS in different planting size and distance. Agrovigor, 8 (2): 1-7
Indonesian Center for Horticultural Research and Development (ICHORD). 2012. Final
Report Policy analysis of horticulture development. IAARD, Ministry of Agriculture
Nurasa, T and Darwis, V. 2007. Analyze of farming business and and Performance of
Marketing Margin of Shallot in Brebes. Akta Agrosia Vol. 10 (1): 40-48
Pangestuti, R and Sulistyaningsih, E. The potential of TSS as source of seed of shallot in
Indonesia. Proceeding of National Workshop “Agro-Innovation support for farmers
empowerment, Semarang 14 July 2011
Sopha, GA, Widodo, WD, Poerwanto, R, Palupi, ER. 2014. Photoperiod and gibberelins
effect on true shallot seed formation. AAB Bioflux, Vol. 6, Issue 1: 70-76
Sopha, GA and Basuki, RS. 2010. Effect of nursery local media composition on TSS seedling
growth in Brebes. Bionatura, Vol. 12, No. 1: 1-4
Stel N, de Boer D and Hilhorst D. 2012. Multi Stakeholders Processes, Service, Delivery and
State Institutions: Service Provision and the Legitimacy of State Institutionsin
Situations of Conflict and Fragility, Experience from Burundi, Dr Congo, Nepal, and
Palestinian Teritories.
Sumarni, N and Rosliani, R. 2002. Effect of plant density and concentration of the solution of
the NPK 15-15-15 in production of shallot mini bulbs in aggregate hydroponic culture.
J. Hort, 12 (1): 11-16
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
1) IndonesianCenter for Agicultural Socio Economic and Policy Studies, Jl. Tentara
Pelajar 3B, Bogor, Indonesia
2) Indonesian
Center for Horticulture Research and Development, Jl. Tentara Pelajar 3C,
Bogor, Indonesia
The main problem of development of shallot (Allium cepa L. Aggregatum) farming system
is the stock of quality seed, both in quantity and price. The use of bulb as seed have many
disadvantages such as low productivity and decline, need a large quantities (1-1,5ton/ha),
expensive, vulnerable to disease, difficult to storage and distribution. One alternative to stock
the shallot seeds are using the seeds from botanical seeds / true shallot seed (TSS). The
purpose of this study is to conduct policy analysis program through the provision of TSS. The
results of the study obtained information that the policy for TSS development set out in the
Ministry of Agriculture Regulation of number 131/2015 on Technical Guidelines of Shallot
Seed Certification. TSS technology have decrease the seed needs about 5-7 kg/ha, seed cost
is cheaper, easier storage and distribution, increased crop productivity and pest free. The use
of shallot bulb seeds require as much as 1 to 1.2 tons per ha with price of Rp. 20,000 per kg.
By using of TSS, farmers only need 5-7 kg of shallot seeds for one hectare with price Rp.
1.5 to 2.0 million per kilo. Farmers were able to save the cost of providing the seed around 66-
85%. The use of TSS able to increase the income of farmers is about 60 -70 million per ha and
reduce seed cost as much as 50% compared to the bulb seed. The main problem to develop of
TSS is related to the techniques for the mass production and commercialization.
Keywords : Policy Analysis, Shallot Seed, True Shallot Seed.
1. Introduction
Shallots is a one off strategic agricultural commodities that became one of the government's
target of self-sufficiency in addition to rice, corn, soybeans, sugar, beef and chili pepper.
Productivity of shallot in 2014 reached an average of 10.2 tons/ha, as much as 1,233 tons of
national production and harvested area reached 120.7 thousand ha (BPS, 2014). In the period
2010-2014, shallot production increased 5.74% per year as a result of an increase in harvested
area of 3.70% per year and the increase in productivity by 2% per year (Pusdatin, 2015). The
center of shallot production is in Central Java, East Java, West Java and West Nusa Tenggara.
These four provinces have contributed 86.24% of total national production
The scarcity of shallot supply caused by the un equality of distribution of production, both
in function of space and time. Scarcity of shallot usually occurs in February and April, as a
result of the decrease in production as a result of the rainy season. Shallots price fluctuations
occur due to biological factors that are easily damaged (perishable); and ecological factors in
Indonesia is two, where the rainy season into production constraints vegetables including
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
shallot. Shallot production that is seasonally cause shallot needs beyond the harvest season
can not be produce, so that the necessary actions imports.
The main obstacle of shallot production was there are no guarantee the availability of
quality seed both the quantity and quality throughout the year. In general, farmers plant shallots
using tubers as for consumption or seed production of import. This make a poor quality of
seed, this condition results in low of production (Balitbangtan, 2016). From year to year the
availability of shallot seed quality can not meet the needs of farmers nationwide. The average
availability of shallot seeds reached 15-16% annually (Directorate General of Horticulture,
2010). Seeing this phenomenon it is necessary efforts to provision of quality seeds, healthy and
high production with sufficient volume and are available every season so that farmers can plant.
One effort to solve the problems on availability of shallot seeds, IAARD make a seed
technology and cultivation through True Shallot Seed (TSS) (Puslitbanghorti, 2015). TSS
technology in the form of botanical seeds which functioned as a seed, so easily distributed. The
use of TSS is expected to address the problem of seed shallot in Indonesia because it can meet
the supply of shallot in quantity and quality, more efficient use of seeds, longer shelf life,
handling in warehouses and transportation easier. (Basuki, 2009, Permadi and Putrasamedja,
1991). One of the technical approaches performed in the provision of disease-free seed
varieties quickly and economically is through the breeding of botanical seeds (TSS).
2. Methodology
The purpose of the study is conduct policy analysis program through the provision of shallot
seeds botanical (TSS). This study is a review study using secondary data derived from the
results of previous studies, BPS, ICHORD, Pusdatin and the Directorate General of
Horticulture. Analysis performed included: TSS program through the provision of seeds,
technology advantages TSS, TSS production cost analysis and policy recommendations. The
analysis was done descriptively using tables and directed at the problem of seed TSS.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
BPS. 2015. Statistik Luas Panen dan Produktivitas Bawang Merah Nasional. Jakarta
Basuki, R.S. 2009. Analisis Kelayakan Teknis dan Ekonomis Teknologi Budidaya Bawang
Merah dengan Biji Botani dan Benih Umbi Tradisional. J. Hort 19 (3) : 5-8. Jakarta
Balitbangtan. 2016. Swasembada Bawang Merah dan Cabe Merah. Konferensi Pers Balitbang
Pertanian, Jakarta
Ditjen Hortikulta. 2015. Upaya Pemantaan Ketersediaan Benih Bawang Merah. Bahan
Presentasi. Ditjen Horti Jakarta
Kementan. 2015. Keputusan Menteri Pertanian Nomor : 131/Kpts/Sr.130/D/11/2015
Tentang Pedoman Teknis Sertifikasi Benih Bawang Merah. Biro Hukum dan informasi
Publik. Kementan.
Puslitbang Hortikultura. 2015. Rencana Strategis Puslitbang Hortikultura 2015-2019. Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura. Jakarta
Pangestuti, R. dan E. Sulisyaningsih. 2011. Potensi Penggunaan True Seed Shallot (TSS)
Sebagai Sumber Benih Bawang Merah Di Indonesia. Prosiding Semiloka Nasional
“Dukungan Agro-Inovasi untuk Pemberdayaan Petani. UNDIP. Semarang
Permadi, A.H., Putrasamedja, S. 1991. Penelitian Pendahuluan Variasi Sifat-Sifat Bawang
Merah dari Biji. Buletin Penelitian Hort 20 (4) : 120-134. Jakarta
Pinilih, J. 2015. Stabilitas Hasil dan Kekerabatan 22 Klon Bawang Merah. Disertasi.
Universitas Padjajaran. Bandung
Pusdatin. 2015. Outlook Bawang Merah. Pusat Data dan Sistem Informasi Pertanian. Jakarta
Rosliani, R. Iteu M.H dan J. Pinilih. 2016. Kebutuhan Mendasar dalam Memproduksi Biji
Bawang Merah/TSS. Naskah Akademik. Balitbangtan. Jakarta
Rosliani, R. Teknologi perbenihan bawang merah Melalui true shallot seed untuk
Menyediakan kebutuhan benih bermutu Berkesinambungan. Buku Inovasi
Hortikultura Pengungkit Peningkatan Pendapatan Rakyat. Puslitbang Hortikultura.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Suwandi. 2015. Teknologi Bawang Merah Off-Season : Strategi dan Implementasi Budidaya.
Buku Inovasi Hortikultura Pengungkit Peningkatan Pendapatan Rakyat. Puslitbang
Hortikultura. Jakarta
Sumarni, N., Setiawati A, Basuki R.S, Sulastrini I, Hidayat I. 2010. Pengaruh dosis dan waktu
pemupukan NPK terhdapa produksi benih TSS varietas Maja dan Bima di dalam
Rumah kasa. Laporan Hasil Penelitian. Balitsa. Lembang
Waryanto, B., M.A. Chozin, dan E. Intan. 2014. Analisis efisiensi teknis, efisiensi ekonomis
dan daya saing pada usahatani bawang merah di kabupaten nganjuk-jawa timur: suatu
pendekatan ekonometrik dan PAM. Informatika Pertanian, Vol. 23 No.2, Desember
2014 : 147 - 158
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Indonesian Center for Horticultural Research and Development, Jl.Tentara Pelajar 3C,
Bogor, Indonesia
Shallot in Indonesia is one of important and strategic vegetable that is classified into main
foods other than rice. Shallot influenced on Indonesia macroeconomic condition, which the
increased of its price can increased inflation rate, therefore shallot trade get serious concern
from the Indonesian government. The production of shallot is fluctuate so that affect to the
fluctuation of its price, which affect negatively to consumers price. Import of shallot is the
solution to stabilize its price, but sometimes the importation was not in proper time and
quantity, then affect negatively to price on farmers gate. At the beginning, the purpose of import
regulations are to arrange supply to the market in order to stabilized consumer price, and it was
a technical barrier to protect the farmers especially to arrange time of import when the
production of domestic shallot are high. In this paper we analyzed the affect of the
implementation of horticulture import regulations to the dynamic of shallot production and
price. We show that the regulation which was start implemented on early 2013 is effective
enough to push the domestic production of shallot got higher, so that can release the import
dependence and stabilize supply to the central market (Pasar Induk Kramat Jati), but have not
been able to stabilized price on farmers and consumers gate, whereas the shallot price got
higher after the implementation of horticulture import regulations
Keywords : shallot, import, production, price
1. Introduction
Shallots is a strategic commodity that plays a role in causing inflation, in 2013 a significant
contribution to inflation is equal to 0.44% where it has become the highest among the other
foodstuff (BPS, 2013). Inflation is due to the high increase in prices caused shallot production
and fluctuating supply, thus the balance of supply is important. Although the production of
shallot every year always had a surplus, but the condition is not a monthly surplus, where there
is a shortage of supply in certain months, especially during the off season.
In the biggest shallot production areas such as in Central Java, the peak growing season is
expected to occur in April through September, so that the peak of the harvest occurred nearly
every year for 6-7 months, and concentrated between June and December to January. While
the lessharvest occurs from February to May and November. The reason for many of the major
production centers areas at certain times to plant other commodities besides shallots, such as
rice, corn, chilli and sugar cane. Shallots requires quite a lot of land irrigation, so it is generally
cultivated in irrigated paddy fields or rainfed areas. Former wetland rice and sugarcane crops
in lowland farmers generally be the first choice for shallot farming in several production
centers, such as in Central Java and East Java (Suwandi, 2014). That’s why shallot production
usually decrease when the field are planted by rice in the rainy season (Rajiman 2010)
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
In order to meet the needs of shallot during the off season, the Indonesian government has
importedshallot since 1983. It was originally done to keep the stability of shallots supply and
price, but it is feared that in the long-term theincreasedofshallot importation will affect the
domestic price level (Ariningsih, et .al, 2004) and will lead Indonesia's dependence on imported
shallots. Increased imports of shallots due to the consumption of shallots has increased along
with population growth (household consumption), the food industry, catering, tourism, and
others are made from raw shallot. But often these import policies do not at the right time. If the
import is done at the moment in the shortage market supply, it will certainly help to stabilize
the price that is not too spike. However, if the import is done when the shallot is being harvest
it will be very harmful for shallotgrowers, becauseshallot imports are usually cheaper than the
local shallots, which will cause prices of shallotat the farmers gate fallen, and sometimes got
lower than the cost of production.
In order to achieve food self-sufficiency and protect farmers from price fluctuations, since
the middle of 2012 to 2013 Indonesian government began to implement policies of imports of
horticultural products. This policy aims to protect domestic farmers by considering the harvest
schedule as well domestic production capabilities beforeimport. Shallot import restriction
policy set out in The Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No.
60/PERMENTAN/OT.140/9/2012 and Ministryof Trade Regulation No. 30/M-
DAG/PER/5/2012concerning Import Recommendation of Horticultural Products or usually
called RIPH (Rekomendasi Impor Produk Hortikultura). RIPH form of recommendation of
amount and allocation of import quotas to registered importers, horticultural products which
may be imported, time of import and the amount of import quotas (Erwidodo and Sayaka,
2015). With these policies, shallot importation can only be done if the importer had obtained
import recommendation from the Ministry of Agriculture and Import Approval Letter from the
Ministry of Trade. Government revised Permentan No. 60/ PERMENTAN/OT.140/9/2012 by
issuing Permentan No.86/PERMENTAN/OT.140/8/2013, where the provision RIPH fresh
horticultural products for consumption shallots are based on the reference price provisions. If
domestic shallot prices below the reference price, the import will be stopped and if the domestic
shallot prices above the reference price will be expensive to import. The rate of the reference
price set by the Ministry of Trade, based on Ministry of Trade regulation No. 47/M-
DAG/KEP/8/2013, shallot reference price is Rp 25,700/kg. In addition to regulation governing
on imports of horticultural products, government issued Regulation No 43/2012 concerning
quarantine measures and restrictions port of entry for regulating the reduction of the entrance
of horticultural products from the outside into the country, from eight to just four ports entrance
only (Erwidodo and Sayaka, 2013). The fourth entrance is the Port of Belawan (Medan), Port
of Tanjung Perak (Surabaya), Port of Soekarno Hatta (Makassar), and Soekarno Hatta
(Jakarta). While the port of Tanjung Priok (Jakarta) which was the greatest entrance was closed
for imports of horticultural products.
These regulations to control the import of horticultural products including shallots,
especially in order to be controled at harvest time. Hopefully, by the rules may empower shallot
farming, where the shallot farmers receive incentives from the prices established thereby
stimulating the growth of shallot farming, which in turn can create food self-sufficiency. The
purpose of this paper is to analyze the dynamics of the import, production, supply, and shallot
prices after the implementation of horticulture imports regulations.
2. Research Methods
The method used in this research is using secondary data available. Data of shallot
production, and data of shallot import obtained from the Directorate General of Horticulture
and BPS. Data import is used to import data shallots HS code 0703102900, to import data in
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
2011 and earlier and HS codes 0703102100 and 0703102900 to import data from 2010 to 2015
year. Data price national average in 2010-2015 was obtained from the Directorate of Basic
Foodstuffs and Essential Goods, Directorate General of Domestic Trade, Ministry of Trade.
While the monthly supply data shallot years 2010-2015 obtained from Pasar Induk Kramat Jati
(PKIJ). The data analyzed descriptively using tables and graphs to show changes in production
and prices after the implementation of horticulture import regulations. T-test is done to see if
there was a difference conditions before and after the implementation of horticulture import
regulations. Data prior to implementation the import regulationsis in the period of 2010-2013,
while imports after the implementation the import regulations is data in period of 2014-2015.
The timing on the basis of the assumption that the application of import rules effective at the
end of 2013.
In the period of 2010-2015 Indonesia still had a trade deficit of shallot or became net
importer. In 2010 the volume of imports of 70.573 tons of shallot and then in 2011 jumped to
156.381 tons, an increase of 121%, which is the highest volume of imports. With the issuance
of the Minister of Agriculture (Permentan) No.60/Permentan/OT.140/9/2012 on shallot import
restriction policy, in 2013 the import of shallot is getting decreased, until in 2015 the volume
of imports of shallots into 15.796 tonnes, or down 78.26% compared to 2014 (Figure 1).
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Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Based on t-test results obtained average value of imports before the imposition of the import
rule is 8.663 tons, and after the implementation of import rules into 3.685 tons, with a
probability of 0.0011 (sig <0.05), thus the volume of imports before and after the
implementation of horticulture regulations is significantly different or decreased significantly.
Shallot Production
y = 14.713x - 520308
R² = 0.1033
Shallots production 2010-2015 (last five years) generally increased, with an average
growth of 3,93% per year. In 2010 shallot production in Indonesia from 1.048.934 tonnes to
1.233.984 tons in 2014 and represents the highest production during the period of the year.
From the t-test results showed the average value of production prior to the application
of the rules of imports of horticultural products is 78.775 tons, and the average production after
is 102.647, with a probability value 0.00029 (sig <0.05). Thus occurred the significant
difference between the national shallot production before and after the implementation of
horticulture importregulations. Therefore the import regulations has been able to push the
production of shallot got higer.
The Dynamics of Shallots Supply at the Pasar Induk Kramat Jati (PKIJ)
Based on the graph in Figure 3 can be seen that the supply of shallot in Kramat Jati Central
Marketor PIKJ always fluctuated throughout the year, this is because production is too volatile.
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Bogor, 28 - 29 November
One effort to avoid fluctuations in the production of shallot is by setting appropriate cropping
patterns and growingshallot planting areas (extension) to fill the supply shortage especially
when the off season.
Based on t-test results before and after the implementation of horticulture import regulations
showed the average supply before the implementation of the import regulations is 2747,72 and
after the implementation of import regulations is 2638,33, with a probability value of 0.30 (sig
<0.05), which means that the quantity of supply before and after the implementation of import
regulations do not differ significantly. It can be concluded that efforts to stabilize supply
through increased shallot production in the country has been successful.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
y = 5.5294x - 206047
R² = 0.1677
If the normal supply of shallot to PIKJ could reach 120 thousand tons per week, but in
March-April 2013 supplies continue to fall up to 11 thousand tons per week. Every year in
February and March, the supply of shallots from regions that are indeed declining. Therefore,
the high rainfall makes shallot farmers switched to plant rice. In contrast to the previous years,
the shift cropping patterns does not lead to price volatility due to a shortage of supply was
immediately covered by imports, but after the import restrictions which did not run well lead
to supply hampered. Economic theory suggests that price spikes occur when there is a shortage
of supply were not able to compensate for the increase in consumer demand. The jump in prices
will occur when there is a decrease in supply due to crop failure and / or policy failure
(Erwidodo and Sayaka, 2014). Regulation of import restrictions were initiated in mid-2013
remains a bottleneck of discrepancies in the field, where the recommendations submitted at
minimal production, but imports of shallots only realized at harvest time. Price fluctuations
will occur and can’t be avoided when the increase in consumption occurred outside the harvest
season. The situation becomes more severe and more uncontrolled price spike when the
government wants to achieve independence to tighten the import. Estimated production was
overestimate coupled with estimated needs (consumption) which was less accurate and tend to
underestimate resulted in the decision import quotas which also underestimate. This situation
resulted in supply shortages and soaring prices of shallot (Erwidodo and Sayaka, 2014).
Based on t-test results obtained an average price prior to the implementation of import
regulations is Rp 21.257,85, whereas after the implementation of import regulations Rp
23.948,68, with probability value 0,029 (sig <0.05). This showed that after the implementation
of import regulations, shallot prices actually increased significantly. The increase in shallot
prices is due to inflation that occurred in 2013 that caused the prices of production inputs got
higher, especially on the components of seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. Seeds is one of higest
cost component in the shallot farming (Nurasa and Darwis 2007). In the end the cost of shallot
production to be increased which affects the retail price. Shallots price have a significant effect
to the production of shallot (Paranata and Umam, 2015), it because when the shallot price
increase, it will increase seed price which ultimately will increase inputs price.
Per capita consumption of shallots in 2014 was 2.49 kg/capita/year, an increase of 22.06%
compared to the year 2013 is 2.07%, an estimated consumption of shallots will increase along
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
with the growth of the food industry, catering, hospitality, tourism and others whichused shallot
as staple seasoning. Thus the supply arrangements through the organization of production,
distribution and marketing of shallots in the country is important and needs to be regulated in
such a way to avoid excess or shortage of supply of shallot. Thus shallot prices in the retail
market are relatively more stable, not too high that would harm consumers and not until the
fall that will ultimately be detrimental to farmers. Currently shallot still faces distribution
problems caused by the imbalance of supply of centers of production and consumption centers.
The imbalance causes the price disparity eventually rises in the cost in other areas.
4. Conclusion
The implication of the imports regulations of horticultural products, especially on shallot
made of imported shallots declining trend. These regulations has been able to increase to the
national shallot production. Increasing of production effected to the supply stabilitation.
Meanwhile the shallots price got higher after the implementation of horticulture import
Paranata, A, Umam, A.T. 2015 Pengaruh Harga Bawang Merah Terhadap Produksi Bawang
Merah di Jawa Tengah. Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan. Universitas Negri Semarang.
Semarang. ISSN 1979-715X.
Winardi, W. 2013. Dampak Pembatasan Impor Hortikultura terhadap Aktivitas Perekonomian,
Tingkat Harga, dan Kesejahteraan. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter dan Perbankan. Juli 2013
Ariningsih, E dan Tentamia, M.K. 2004. Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penawaran dan
Permintaan Bawang Merah di Indonesia. ICASERD Working Paper No. 34. Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian. Kementerian Pertanian.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura. 2014. Laporan Akhir Penelitian Analisis dan
Sintesis Kebijakan Pembangunan Hortikultura. Badan Litbang Pertanian, Kementerian
Badan Pusat Statistik. 2013. Berita Resmi Statistik. No. 22/04/Th. XVI, 1 April 2013
Anonim. 2013. Harga Bawang Tembus Rp. 50.000/Kg [internet]. [cited 18 August 2014].
Available from:
Suwandi. 2014. Budi daya bawang merah di luar musim. IAARD Press. Badan Penelitian Dan
Pengembangan Pertanian. Kementerian Pertanian; Hal 50.
Nurasa, T dan Valeria D. 2007. Analisis Usaha TanidanKeragaan Margin
PemasaranBawangMerah di KabupatenBrebes. Jurnal Akta Agrosia. Vol. 10. No.1. Hal
KementerianPerdagangan. 2013. TinjauanPasarBawangMerah, Januari 2014.
Merah+Rev+2.pdf&type=publication. Diaksespada 20 Februari 2014
Rajiman. 2010. Effect of anorganic fertilizer towards the shallot bulbs quality. Agriculture
Science Journal, 6 (1): 79-90.
Erwidodo dan Sayaka, B. 2014. Kebijakan Impor dan Stabilisasi Harga Mendukung
Peningkatan Produksi Hortikultura. Memperkuat Daya Saing Produk Pertanian. Badan
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Kementerian Pertanian. IAARD Press.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Development of eggplant varieties resistant to bacterial wilt disease is needed to
improve the productivity and quality of the eggplant. PKHT IPB have several eggplant
genotypes that have the potential to be developed. To get a diversity of information
sources in assembling eggplant varieties resistant to bacterial wilt disease is necessary
to characterization and test of it resistance of eggplant genotypes. Research objective to
obtain information about the morphological characteristics of plant genotypes are tested
and to know the response its resistance to bacterial wilt (R. solanacearum). Research was
conducted at trial PKHT (Center for Tropical Horticulture Studies) Pasir Kuda. The
design used was a complete randomized group design one factors with three replications.
Genotype 2013-070, 2013-080, 2013-064, 2013-090 is the genotypes that are resistant to
bacterial wilt disease, whereas the susceptible genotype is 2013-059, 2013-076, 2013-
043, 2013-043, 2013-049, 2013-021, 2013-046. Results of testing the qualitative
characters to plant growth, stem, leaves, flowers and fruit showed the diversity. The color
of fruit when it harvest of 20 genotypes tested consists of white, purple, and green.
Results of testing the plant on quantitative characters showed it diversity.
Key words: genotype, potential yield,, characterization, Ralstonia solanacearum, bacterial
wilt disease
1. Introduction
Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is one of the vegetable crops that can grow well in
tropical countries. Eggplants contain very high water, calcium, phosphorus, potassium,
fiber, fulat acid, sodium, vitamins, and vitamin C (Choundhary and Gaur, 2009).
The development of Indonesia's population increase the consumption of vegetables,
include eggplant. According to data from FAO (2012), the production of Indonesia
eggplant occupied the sixth position in the world with a production value of 518 827 tons,
lower than China, which reached production of 28.800.000 tons and India 12.200.000
tons. The low number of production can be caused by a decrease in area planted and low
productivity, so that Indonesia needs to improve crop production nationwide.
Eggplants plants can be grown all year in Indonesia. Eggplants production problems
in tropical countries such as Indonesia are highly susceptible to pests and diseases from
seedling to harvesting stage (Raghuraman, 2008). Disease is one of the main causes losses
in the production of Eggplants. The important disease in eggplant is a bacterial wilt
caused by Ralstonia solanacearum (E.F. Smith). The disease can reduce the production
from 15 to 95% (Mahmud, 1985).
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
The bacterial wilt are difficult to control, because the R. solanacearum is a bacteria that highly
destructive and have a wide range of host on crop plants (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, peanuts,
papaya, etc.), ornamental plants, and weeds in the tropics and subtropics. This bacterium is a soil-
borne pathogens and can survive on alternative hosts (Abdullah and Rahman, 1998). The survival
of the bacteria in soil are high, especially on lands planted continuously with the susceptible host
The development of eggplant that is resistant to bacterial wilt disease is needed to
improve the productivity and quality. This research was conducted on several numbers of
eggplant explorations to determine the level of bacterial wilt plant resistance.
2. Material and Methods
This research was conducted at PKHT (Center for Tropical Horticulture) Pasir Kuda
field in January to July 2016. This research used eggplant genotypes of 2013-008, 2013-
011, 2013-012, 2013-021, 2013-023, 2013-042, 2013-043, 2013-045, 2013-046, 2013-
049 , 2013-050, 2013-053, 2013-059, 2013-060, 2013-064, 2013-070, 2013-076, 2013-
079, 2013-080, 2013-090. The experimental design were used by completely randomized
design (RKLT) with 20 numbers of eggplant genotypes, three repetitions, and each unit
consisted of 20 plants. The data were analyzed by ANOVA using SAS 9.1 software and
when the data showed the real effect then continued by advance test DMRT at 5% level,
and to test the correlation between quantitative characters using STAR software.
Morphological characters are classified based on the qualitative character. The
characters are observed as growth habit, sinuation of margin leaf blade, tip angle,
blistering of leaft blade, intensity of green color, number, size and color of flower, general
shape of fruit, main color of skin at harvest maturity fruit, color of flesh, stripes of fruit,
prominence of stripes fruit, intensity of anthocyanin coloration underneath calyx, size of
calyx, spininess of calyx, and creasing of calyx.
Bacterial infections were observed by sampling symptomatic of plants wilt.
Observations of bacterial infection carried by isolating the bacteria. Isolation was
conducted by Wang (1998). Base of stems were washed with sterile distilled water. Stem
cut with sterile knife, and then put in a plastic cup which contains as much as 5 mL sterile
distilled water and allowed five to ten minutes. The cuts will be excreting a fluid called
oose. Oose can be used to differentiate between the plant that infected bacterial wilt with
fungi wilt and wither due to physiological disorders. The incidence of disease was
observed starting from one week until eight weeks after planting. The formula of wilt
disease incidence is using by Wang (1998).
P = n / N x100%
P = Disease incidence
N = Number of plants observed
n = Number of infected plants
The level of resistance of every tested genotype based on the percentage incidence
of the disease (Maharijaya, 2008), that is:
S = Susceptible (disease incidence > 75%)
MS = Moderately Susceptible (50% < disease incidence ≤75%)
R = Resistant (disease incidence ≤25%)
MR = Moderately Resistant (25% < disease incidence ≤ 50%)
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Morphological Characters
Morphological characterization results showed 18 genotypes successfully characterized.
The diversity of eggplant apparent, especially the characters on the fruit. The diversity of
dominant color of skin at harvest maturity are green, white and purple. Color of Flesh is
greenish and whitish. The general shape of fruit is ovoid, globular and cylindrical. Based on
the results of cluster analysis, 18 genotypes of eggplant can be grouped into 3 major groups
(Figure 1). The genotypes that are in one group might have had a close genetic distance as they
have the same character. Differences in groups showed genetic distance over which a much.
According to Singh et al. (2008) different genotypes groups with genetic distance over which
a much can be utilized in breeding programs to obtain the enormous variation in segregating
0 0.1
Disease Incidence
Symptoms of R.solanacearum can be seen on three weeks after planting. The symptoms of
this disease are leaves wilt (Figure 2a), then the leaves become yellow to brownish (Figure 2b).
Heavy attack causes all part of plants be wilt, finally tip of plant be broken (Figure 2c).
Symptoms of bacterial wilt disease increases as age of the plant. The disease incidence
indicates numbers of eggplant infected in the population were observed. The percentage
incidence of disease determines the level of plant resistance to a disease.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
a b c
The infected plants in our study would die within a week or two weeks after infestation. It
might be caused of the fact that our plants were infected R. Solanacearum at early vegetative
stage. The susceptible genotypes was 2013-021 with disease incidence 73,33%. The plant
would die because of the clogging xylem by R. Solanacearum bacterial mass, so that water
transport and minerals were inhibited (Saile et al. 1997). The life cycle begins when R.
solanacearum pathogen infection entry into the roots, either through seed, water, soil and the
wounding caused by insects, nematodes or agricultural tools. Upon the R. Solanacearum entry
into the roots, the bacteria will multiply in timber vessels (xylem) in the root and stem then
attack throughout the plant.
80 a
Deases incidence(%)
70 a
60 ab MS
50 ab
40 bcdefbcdef abcd
bcdef abcd M
30 bcde efg R
20 cdef efg fg
10 efg
g g
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
4. Conclusion
Resistance test showed that genotype 2013-021, 2013-043, 2013-046, 2013-049, 2013-
059, and 2014-076 susceptible to bacterial wilt disease, whereas genotype 2013-064, 2013-
070, 2013-080, and 2013-090 resistant to bacterial wilt disease. The observation of qualitative
character of the growth of plants (leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits showed a diversity. The
results of the eggplant genotypes analysis were divided into three major groups. The
differences eggplant group show that the diversity among genotypes. Our research show that
eggplant genotypes 2013-064, 2013-070, 2013-080, and 2013-090 have resistant response to
bacterial wilt disease.
Abdullah H, Rahman MA. 1998. Multiplication of Ralstonia solanacearum in Capsicum
annuum. Di dalam: Prior PH, Allen C, Elphinstone J, editor. Bacterial Wilt Disease
Molecular and Ecological Aspects. Reports of The Second International Bacterial Wilt
Symposium held in Gosier, Guadeloupe, France 22 – 27 June 1997. Berlin Heidelberg
New York: Springer-Verlag. hlm 309–315.
Choudhary B, Gaur K. 2009. The Development and Regulation of Bt Brinjal in India
(Eggplant/Aubergine). Ithaca (US): ISAAA. Brief No.38.
[FAO] Food and Agriculture Organization. 2012. Top production eggplantaubergines.
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Kelman A. 1953. The bacterial wilt caused by Pseudomonas solanacearum. A literature review
and bibliography. Bul North Carolina Agric 99-194p
Machmud M. 1985. Bacterial wilt in Indonesia. Di dalam: Persley GJ. editor. Bacterial Wilt
Disease in Asia and the South Pasific. Proc. International Workshop held at PCARRD,
Los Banos, 8 – 10 Okt 1985. Canberra: PCARRD, CIP, SAPPRAD, ACIAR. hlm 30 –
Maharijaya A., Mahmud M., dan Purwito A. 2008.Uji ketahanan in vitro klon-klon kentang
hasil persilangan kentang kultivar atlantic dan granola terhadap penyakit layu bakteri
(R. solacearum) dan busuk lunak (E. carotovora). Bul. Agronomi. 36(2):133-138.
Raghuraman K, Adiroubane D. 2008. Plant Products and Microbial Formulation in the
Management of Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer, Leucinodes orbonalis (Guenee.). Journal
of Biopesticides. 1(2):124-129
Saile E, McGarvey JA, Schell MA, and Denny TP. 1997. Role of extracellular polysaccharide
and endoglucanase in root invasion and colonization of tomato plants by Ralstonia
solanacearum. Phytopathology, 87:1264-1271.
Sigh S, Pradhan SK, Virk P. 2008. Genetic divergence in new plant type rice under shallow
lowland ecosistem. J SABRAO of Breeding Genetics. 40(1):1-8
Wang JF. 1998. Basic Protocols for Conducting Research on Tomato Bacterial Wilt caused by
Ralstonia solanacearum. Shanhua: Asian Vegetable Research and Development
Yabuuchi E, Y. Kosaka, I Yano, H Hotta, dan Y Nishiuchi. 1995. Transfer of two burkholderia
and an alcaligenes spesies to Ralstonia gen: proposal of R. pickettii (Ralston, Palleroni,
dan Doudoroff, 1973) comb. nov., R. solanacearum (Smith 1896). comb. nov. and R.
eutropha (Davis 1969) comb.nov. J.Microbiol. and Immunol. 39 (11): 897-904.
Germplasm is a source of genetic diversity that is essential for sustained through the long
term. Seeds germplasms storage that are not resistant to desiccation can be carried out by
cryopreservation. Cryopreservation is a method of storing the plant material in liquid nitrogen
(-196oC) so the metabolic processes in cells, tissues or organs that are stored can be stopped
so the plant material can be stored in a very long time without a genetic change or somaclonal
variation. Cryoprotectants in cryopreservation storage is needed for plant material protection
to adapt to the very low temperature. Some examples of successful treated-plant for
cryopreservation are cocoa and papaya. In cocoa, proembryo somatic derived from
cryopreservation cocoa zygotic embryo can creating embryos survived and were able to grow
a callus back as much as 46.67% is dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and glycerol with a
concentration of 15% each in MS0 solution, at a temperature of thawing (melting) 35oC by
using culture media such as media restorer MS + picloram 0.1 g L-1 + thiamin 0.2 g L-1 + IAA
1 g L-1 + kinetin 0.1 g L-1. In Sukma papaya seed varieties treatment with cryoprotectants of
PVS2 submersion for 30 minutes and the rate of 11-13% water content provides the best
germination value (DB), the maximum growth potential (PTM), and the better rate of growth
(KCT), 38.39%, 38.39%, and 2:24%, respectively.
Keywords: cryopreservation, cryoprotectant, germplasm
1. Introduction
Indonesia has a big biodiversity, including genetic diversity of plants, of which
approximately 11% of the world's plant species are tucked away in the woods as a wild species
and other agricultural lands spread over thousands of islands in Indonesia (Leunufna 2007).
Sources of genetic diversity of plant crop as germplasm is very important to be utilized in the
future, for the science development and understand in depth the plant's benefits. Germplasm is
a term of living organism or groups that determine their characteristics (Mugnozza and Perrino
Along with land exploration due to population race, uncontrolled forest exploitation, as well
as the growing number of high-yielding varieties of plant breeding, it can create the wealth of
plants available plasmanutfah shrinking very rapidly. Wattimena and Ansori (1992) states that
the collection and preservation of plasmanutfah needed both to improve the quality and
quantity of plants and is also required to facilitate the testing of other experiments with certain
techniques. Thus the storage and preservation seed plants are not only intended to supply
planting the following season, but can also be intended to supply the medium term and long
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Germplasm preservation in plants can be carried out either in situ or ex situ outside the
habitat. In situ plant preservation is an attempt to maintain the plants growth in the natural
habitat. This method is benefit for plants because plants will not adapt to stress condition on
the new environment, but also has some risks against the possibility of germplasm loss in open
field and operating costs (Leunufna 2007), in addition to biotic and abiotic stress also affects
the level of genetic diversity of plants its self (Roostika 2013). Ex situ plant preservation is a
such plant conservation by moving the plants from the growth point of origin. By using ex situ
preservation, the collection can be observed. Ex situ preservation includes botanical gardens,
collection, storage of seeds, in vitro preservation, pollen storage and genebanks (Engelmann
The germplasm storage system are not the same from one plant to another. This is due to
the diversity of the natural characteristic and condition of the crop. The diversity of the seeds
character will make the way of germplasm plants storage are also not the same from one plant
to another. Most plants produce orthodox seeds, where the seeds can be dried up by the
resilience of the water content (KA) <7% and stored at low temperature, so the seeds do not
have problems when stored for a long period of time (Engelmann 2000). Most other plants
produce seeds are recalcitrant, where the seed is less resistant or have constraints to be saved
in the long term because it is not resistant to low temperatures and low water content, where
resistance moisture content> 20%. Seeds that have condition of orthodox seed but resistant to
moisture (KA) 10-12% referred to intermediate seeds (Uyoh et al. 2003). Approximately 70%
of tropical plant species produce recalcitrant seeds, including forest plants, crops and fruit trees
(Normah 2000).
Germplasm storage solutions for plants with intermediate and recalcitrant seeds usually
through in vitro culture. In connection with the storage length of in vitro techniques can be
divided into two general categories: (1) storage of short or medium term with the aim of simply
growth suppressing for a while, using a low temperature, the addition of inhibitors, the addition
of mineral oil and impoverishment of the culture media, and (2) with the objective of long-term
storage, where the metabolic activity actually stopped but the cells keep live. In this case
usually used liquid nitrogen (N2) with a very low temperature (-196oC). This technique is
known as cryopreservation.
In general if the plant material is stored at very low temperatures can cause damage to the
plant cell. The plant cell membrane will act as a barrier to the formation of ice crystals from
the water content within cell so the cell can not survive if a temperature of liquid nitrogen are
very low. During freezing and melting, plant cells can be damaged as a result of being forced
to adapt with very low temperature, the formation of ice crystals, and dehydrated (Reinhoud et
al. 2000).
Cell damage that occurs when plant material facing very low temperatures can be overcome
by dehydration or drying stages to avoid the formation of ice crystals using cryoprotectants,
such as glycerol, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), and sucrose. When the cryopreservation process
in plants has been completed and the plant will be continously activated then cryoprotectants
should be immediately removed from the planting material through washing stages with liquid
culture such as cryoprotectants but it can be toxic to the plant cells (Watanabe et al. 1999). In
general, the stages of cryopreservation techniques is including pre-growth, pre-culture, loading,
dehydration, freezing, melting, replacement charge (deloading or unloading), recovery, and
regeneration (Roostika 2013).
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
2. Methodology
In general, the cryopreservation technique is often done by classical and new
cryopreservation techniques. Classical cryopreservation techniques (slow cooling
cryopreservation) which cover or soaking the planting material in a solution of cryoprotectants
and stages to reach the temperature that can freeze, followed by storage in liquid nitrogen.
Techniques of new cryopreservation (fast freezing cryopreservation / vitrification), based on
the phase transition from liquid form into the shape of non-crystalline or amorphous glassy
(invisibility) for the planting material are placed on media cryoprotectants that highly
concentrate then immediately placed in liquid nitrogen (Engelmann 2000 ). Solution in
vitrification often used PVS2 [Plant Vitrification Solution 2 by Sakai et al. (1991)], which
contains 30% gliserol, 15% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), and 15% etilen glicol (EG)].
Cryopreservation in plant cell culture and in the culture of others, includes several steps:
providing sterile tissue, the addition of cryoprotectants and providing early treatment, freezing,
storage, melting, viability testing and plants growth and regeneration. Increasing the viability
of planting material either morphologicaly and physiologicaly must be improved because it
will adapt to the freezing conditions at temperatures of -196oC.
Some networks or institution often manage the planting material to be stored in the
cryopreservation in form of apical meristem and lateral organs of plants (embryo, endosperm,
ovule, anthers / pollen), seeds, cell culture, somatic proembryo, protoplast, callus, etc. In
general, the smaller planting material is rich in cytoplasmic and meristem cells will be able to
last longer in this cryopreservation technique.
Permeability of cells during cryopreservation needs to be maintained by adding protective
material in the form of a solution called cryoprotectants. The application of cryoprotectants
will keep the form of the cells during the freezing process occurs by increasing the
concentration of the solution and prevent the formation of ice crystals by dehydration or drying
stage (Simione 1998). Cryoprotectants are frequently used and give the best effectiveness are
dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and glycerol. Cryoprotectants should be used in the appropriate
composition and soaking time.
3. Discussion
Some plants, especially plants that have recalcitrant or intermediate seed properties has been
successfully stored in cryopreservation. Examples of successful treated-plant for
cryopreservation are cocoa and papaya. In cocoa, proembryo somatic derived from
cryopreservation cocoa zygotic embryo used as an plant material of slow cooling technique,
because proembryo somatic cell more compact, has denser cytoplasm and still in the globular
phase. The combination of cryoprotectants that creating embryos survived and were able to
grow a callus back as much as 46.67% is dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and glycerol with a
concentration of 15% each in MS0 solution, at a temperature of thawing (melting) 35oC by
using culture media such as media restorer MS + picloram 0.1 g L-1 + thiamin 0.2 g L-1 + IAA
1 g L-1 + kinetin 0.1 g L-1, as shown in Figure 1 (Hervani 2006).
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
In the next stage of the study, the researchers work with Sukma papaya seed varieties whose
seeds are intermediates seed to be preserve in the long term as cryopreservation. Treatment
with cryoprotectants of PVS2 submersion for 30 minutes and the rate of 11-13% water content
provides the best germination value (DB), the maximum growth potential (PTM), and the better
rate of growth (KCT), 38.39%, 38.39%, and 2:24%, respectively. Seed without cryoprotectants
is not able to grow back and the seeds are soaked too long in PVS2 deliver the low value of
DB and KCT (Hervani et al. 2016).
Seeds that are not protected or immersed in cryoprotectant prior to entry of liquid nitrogen
is not able to grow at all. This is because the cells contain a lot of water so it would not survive
if a temperature of liquid nitrogen are very low. During freezing and melting process, plant
cells can be damaged due to: (1) force adaptation a very low temperature, (2) the formation of
ice crystals, (3) dehydrated, and (4) the formation of free radicals. During the cooling process,
the lipids in the membrane will undergo a transition phase from the liquid crystal into a gel
phase. This process results in leakage of the cell so the cell becomes damaged, since not all the
lipid transition phase at the same temperature. At low temperatures, some proteins in plant cells
will be inactive due to the nature of the protein that is sensitive to low temperatures (Reinhoud
et al. 2000).
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
4. Conclusion
Cryopreservation currently offers the only safe and cost effective option for the long-term
conservation of genetic resources. An important key to the activities of cryopreservation is
appropriate cryoprotectant concentration, soaking period time, the selection of planting
material to be stored in cryopreservation, thawing process and reactivation cell growth after
Engelmann F. 2000. Importance of cryopreservation for the conservation of plant genetic
resources. JIRCAS international agricultural series 8: 8-16.
Hervani D. 2006. Penyimpanan Plasmanutfah Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) secara
Kriopreservasi. [Tesis]. Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Hervani D, Efendi D, Suhartanto MR, Purwoko BS. 2016. Penyimpanan Plasmanutfah
Tanaman Pepaya (Carica papaya L.) secara Kriopreservasi. [Disertation in Progress].
Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Leunufna S. 2007. Kriopreservasi untuk konservasi plasma nutfah tanaman: peluang
pemanfaatannya di Indonesia. Jurnal AgroBiogen 3(2): 80-88.
Mugnozza GTS, Perrino P. 2002. The history of ex situ conservation and use of plant genetic
resources. IPGRI: 1-21.
Normah MN. 2000. Current status of cryopreservation research and future perspectives of its
application in Malaysia. JIRCAS international agricultural series 8: 287-290.
Reinhoud PJ, Iren FV, Kijne JW. 2000. Cryopreservation of undifferentiated plant cells.
JIRCAS international agricultural 8: 91-102.
Roostika I. 2013. Perkembangan aplikasi teknik kriopreservasi untuk konservasi dan
mendukung program pemuliaan tanaman. Jurnal AgroBiogen 9(1):39-48.
Sakai A, Kobayashi S, Oiyama I. 1991. Cryopreservation of nucellar cells of navel orange
(Citrus sinensis Osb.) by a simple freezing method. Plant Sci. 74:243-248.
Simione FP. 1998. Cryopreservation manual. Nalge Nunc International.
Uyoh EA, Nkang AE, Eneobong EE. 2003. Biotechnology, genetic conservation and
sustainable use of bioresources. African journal of biotechnology 2 (12): 704-709.
Watanabe K, Kuriyama A, Kawai F, Kanamori M. 1999. Effect of cryoprotectant treatment
and post-thaw washing on the survival of culutured rice (Oryza sativa L.) cells after
cryopreservation. Cryo-Letters 20: 377-382
Wattimena GA, Ansori N. 1992. Pelestarian plasmanutfah tanaman. Di dalam: Harran S,
Ansori N, (ed). Bioteknologi Pertanian 2. Pusat Antar Universitas Bioteknologi Institut
Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. Hal 13-51.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Sari Intan Kailaku1, Ira Mulyawanti1 and Andi Nur Alam Syah2
Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables industry has been growing rapidly in the last decade. Its
practicality and fresh look is convenient and fitting for the current lifestyle and consumers’
preference of high quality products. Fresh-cut produce is very perishable due to the physical
stress it had been subjected to, i.e. peeling, cutting, slicing, and shredding. Thus, fresh-cut
produce may have a shorter shelf-life compared to the intact produce. Considering the
importance of food safety and costumers’ higher awareness of it, fresh-cut industry
unavoidably should implement Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in their factory. Good
Manufacturing Practices is a system consisted of procedures that had been learnt from
experience and verified by scientific testing. GMP is highly important not only for food safety
reason but also because it helps agribusiness beginners to produce high quality products. Most
countries in the world have their own GMP certification system for agricultural products.
Indonesia has one issued by Minister of Agriculture which includes the good practices
guidelines for facilities and infrastructures, processing, storage, work security and safety and
environment management, workers health and hygiene, monitoring, recording and
tracebacking, certification and coaching. GMP for fresh-cut produce may include the quality
assurance of raw materials, sanitizing, packaging, and monitoring of microbial contaminations.
These stages in the handling of fruit and vegetable are the very determining stages for the
quality of fresh-cut produce.
Keywords: Food Safety, Fresh-cut, Fruit, Good Manufacturing Practices, Vegetable
1. Introduction
Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables industry has been growing rapidly in the last decade. The
increasing awareness of healthy dietary habit leads people to consume more fresh fruit and
vegetable. The practicality and fresh look of fresh-cut produce certainly is convenient and
fitting for the current lifestyle and consumers’ preference of high quality products. Initially,
fresh-cut produce was only served by street vendors and restaurants, who simply wash, cut and
serve the fruits and vegetables to their consumers. Recently, fresh-cut produce are available in
supermarkets and packed in fancy packaging. Fresh-cut products are now marketed not only in
the form of ready-to-eat fruits and vegetables but also ready-to-cook or meal substitution (eg.
mixed with noodle, bread, shrimp, egg, chicken, etc).
Fresh-cut produce are very perishable due to the physical stress it had been subjected to, i.e.
peeling, cutting, slicing, and shredding. Thus, fresh-cut produce may have a shorter shelf-life
compared to the intact produce. It has realatively fast quality deterioration, such as loss of
texture, brown stains, off-odor and decay. Fresh-cut produce commonly experiences high
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
respiration rate, the extra handling steps may cause wounding, cutting and loss of microbial
barriers. Therefore, the fresh-cut industry is challenged to process and distribute quality
products that are considered fresh and safe (Kim, 2016).
These problems require a quality assurance system in order to enable agribusiness owners
to manufacture products with constant, safe and uniform quality. Good Manufacturing
Practices is a system consisted of procedures that had been learnt from experience and verified
by scientific testing. GMP is highly important not only for food safety reason but also because
it helps agribusiness beginners to produce high quality products. Moreover, consumers
awareness on food safety is increasing, thus GMP compliance can be used as a powerful
product differentiator and marketing message (Anonymous, 2015; Liu, 2007).
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Bruises are entryway for diseases and microbia infectation, leading to reduced shelf-life and
marketability (Nenguwo, 2016).
The preparation of fresh-cut produce is then continued in distributing packing house. One
of the bigger challenges of fresh-cut packaging are to determine the optimum modified
atmosphere (MA) packaging material (mostly film), to maintain the convenience of the
packaging and to use enviromental-friendly packaging materials (Kim, 2016).
The main activities that take place within a packing house, usually includes: washing,
peeling, trimming/cutting, dehydration, packaging, inspection, and shipping. Certain produce
may need different treatments, eg. potato is heat treated (30oC for 24 hour) before peeling and
trimming, and then followed by immersion in cold water before packaging. Iceberg lettuce
needs to be cooled right after harvested and stored in cold storage before cut/trimmed. Washing
is done afterwards, followed by dehydration before packaging and inspection (Kim, 2016).
Some of the major defects occured on fresh-cut produce are browning and early wilting.
Various technologies had been established to delay browning of fresh-cut produce. Heat
treatment (potato, onion) and cold water immersion (some leafy vegetables) are common
practices (Hong et. al., 2004; Kim et. al., 2006; Lim et. al., 2005). Natural anti-browning
treatments, such as ascorbic acid, had also been reported to be effective. However, its
application in industrial scale may be impractical and costly (Kim, 2016).
3. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
The International Organization for Standarization had established ISO 22000 for Food
Safety Management standard. Figure 1 presented the steps for an agribusiness practitioner to
be ISO 22000 certified. HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) principles
collaborated with management systems elements had to be implemented first. For HACCP
system to function well and effective, it needs to start with the fulfillment of pre-requisite
program, which is necessary as the basis of environment condition and activities that are held
in a food industry. Good Manufacturing Practices) (GMP) has the role in assurance of food
safety and is align with the pre-requisite of HACCP implementation. The description of
HACCP pre-requisite is very familiar with that of GMP, i.e. concerning sanitation and hygiene
of food preparation and processing. GMP widely focuses on operational aspects of activities
involved in the factory and personnel operation (Anonymous, 2013).
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
GMP is one of the main pre-requisite programs before a food industry can be certified for
HACCP system (Harris, 1999). Agriculture business producing food products will generally
need to apply several good practices in their system (Figure 2). With these good practices
combined, the agribusiness owners will not only entitled to HACCP certification but also will
be ready for their ISO 22000 certification, provided that they have their management system
elements ready.
Figure 2. The good practices as pre-requisite programs for HACCP implementation (Source:
Raspor, 2008).
GMP is known as a system to ensure that products meet food safety, quality and legal
requirements. GMP contains explanations and illustrations of the minimum requirements and
general practices of food handling in all aspects of food processing, from raw material to end
products. It is basically composed from procedures learnt from experience and verified by
scientific testing, thus it is science based. It is constantly being improved, cost-effective and
ensures the production of safe high quality products (Anonymous, 2015).
There are three main reasons for implementation of GMP in a food production unit. The first
main reason is to ensure food safety. As mentioned above, GMP is an important part of overall
HACCP food safety system in a food business. It enables a food business to produce food safely
(Liu, 2007). GMP is required in all relevant food legislation and customer certification
standards. Moreover, it helps the business management to develop a good quality assurance
GMP is very important for agribusiness owners, especially beginners. It provides basic
principal in spesific food production. GMP leads agribusiness practitioners to fulfill the pre-
requisites of productions in handling their products, from raw material to ready to consume
products. That way, GMP helps them producing high quality products, safe for consumption,
according consumers demands. With the high quality of their products, the competitiveness is
also improved. Increased productivity and efficiency of processing activities brought by GMP
implementation will also be a desirable benefit for the business (Anonymous, 2015).
GMP is also important for marketing advantages reason. Food marketing is an always
growing business. Food industries are required to comply with GMP regulations, and with the
consumers awareness increasing, nowadays more and more food industries comply (Liu,
2007). Products safety information is easily widespread, and consumers are voluntarily spread
both the positive and the negative news on food safety. Local supermarket chains and retails
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
has started to ask for extra quality requirements including food safety certification. Thus, GMP
compliance can be used as a powerful product differentiator and marketing message.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Kim, JG. 2016. Fresh-cut Produce and Simple Processing. International Training-Workshop
on Postharvest Management Technology for Horticultural Crops. 15-27 June 2016,
Bangkok, Thailand.
Anynomous. 2015. Penerapan GMP untuk Memproduksi Makanan. Accessed on May 23rd 2016.
Liu, P. 2007. Regulations, Standards and Certification for Agricultural Exports: A Practical
Manual for Producers and Exporters from Asia. RAP Publication 2007/13. Trade and
Markets Division, FAO.
Acedo, AL. 2016. Postharvest Handling of Vegetables (Leafy Vegetables). International
Training-Workshop on Postharvest Management Technology for Horticultural Crops.
15-27 June 2016, Bangkok, Thailand.
Nenguwo, N. 2016. Postharvest Handling of Vegetables (Fruit Vegetables). International
Training-Workshop on Postharvest Management Technology for Horticultural Crops.
15-27 June 2016, Bangkok, Thailand.
Kim, JG. 2007. Fresh-cut Produce Industry and Quality Management. Suwon, Korea. 250 pp.
Lim, JH, JH Choi, SI Hong, MC Jeong, DM Kim. 2004. Browning of Minimally Processed
Mushrooms as Affected by Picking Season and Postharvest Holding Time. Korean
Journal of Food Preservation 11(3), 313-318.
Hong, SI, HH Lee, SM Son, DM Kim. 2004. Effect of Hot Water Treatment on Storage Quality
of Minimally Processed Onion. Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology 38(2),
Kim JG, JS Lee, HE Lee. 2006. Development of Postharvest Technology of Potato. Research
Report of National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, Seoul, Korea, 40p.
Lim JH, JH Choi, SI Hong, MC Jeong, DM Kim. 2005. Mild Heat Treatments for Quality
Improvement of Fresh-cut Potatoes. Korean Journal of Food Preservation 12(6), 552-
Anonymous. 2013. Accessed on May 23rd 2016.
Harris, K. 1999. Guidelines for developing Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Ready-to-Eat (RTE) Products. The Institute
of Food Science and Engineering, College Station, Texas in cooperation with North
American Meat Processors; Central States Meat Association; South Eastern Meat
Association; Southwest Meat Association; Food Marketing Institute; National Meat
Association; and American Association of Meat Processors.
Raspor, P. 2008. Total food chain safety: how good practice can contribute? Trend in Food Sci.
Tech 19: 405-412.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Tippayawat, P. 2016. Food Safety (GAP, GMP & HACCP). International Training-Workshop
on Postharvest Management Technology for Horticultural Crops. 15-27 June 2016,
Bangkok, Thailand.
MoA [Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture] 2008. Minister of Agriculture. Regulation of
Minister of Agriculture on requirements and Implementation of Good Manufacturing
Practice for Agricultural Products No. 35/Permentan/OT.140/7/2008.
Seo, JE, JK Lee, SW Oh, MS Koo, YH Kim, YJ Kim. 2007. Changes of Microorganisms
During Fresh-cut Cabbage Processing: Focusing on The Changes of Air-Borne
Microorganism. Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety, 22(4), pp. 288-293.
Bawalan, DD. and KR. Chapman. 2006. Virgin Coconut Oil Production Manual for Micro-
and Village-scale Processing. National Library, Bangkok Cataloguing-In-Publication
Data. ISBN: 974-9746-81-5. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
Anthurium is a tropical ornamental plants which is have a high value in floriculture
industries.Hibridisation is one strategy to create new clones in anthurium. The objectives of
these research were to find out of time ripening fruits in anthurium and percentage of seedling
from hibridisation which is succesfully to produce seed. The research was conducted in
Indonesian Ornamental Crop Research Institute (IOCRI). Collection of anthurium germplasm
in IOCRI were used as breeding materials. Hibridisation was conducted at 7 to 9 am. The
observation parameters were morphology characters, time of ripening fruits, percentage of
seedling and total number of seed every fruit. Fruits were produce 4 to 9 months after
hibridisation. Percentage of seedlings were 58,33% to 100 % and average of total number of
anthurium per fruits were 21 to 110 seeds. There were some variations in morphology
characters in F1 population.
Keywords : Anthurium andreanum, hibridisation, new clones, morphology character.
1. Introduction
Anthurium andreanum is one of potential tropical ornamental plant, which is have a high
value in floriculture industries. Genus of anthurium is devided into 1500 species, and the
biggest cluster in Aracea family. Anthurium is native from Colombia, and distributed from
London to Hawaii in 1889 by S.M Damon (Higaki et al. 1995). Habitat of anthurium is tropical
forest, wet forest and high land until 1500 m. Anthurium is growing as epifit plant, terestial or
epipetrik in dry area as west Mexico (Croat. 1986).
Anthurium have specific characteristic, there are spathe and spadix (Chen et al. 2011;
Gopaulchan et al. 2013). Anthurium was produced as cutting flower, potted flowers and
landscape (Nowbuth et al. 2005). Anthurium was increased in market’s demand in 2007 and
there was in 9th International market ranked. “Anthura” The Netherland is the biggest produsen
and exporter of anthurium in the world. The second produsen is “Mauritius” Hawaii. The
market of “Anthura” was Europe and market of “Mauritius” is United State (Islam et al. 2013).
Anthurium market always change based on consument preference, quality product and
market demand. The preference like as mode, changes everytime particularly the novelty
product. One of strategy to achieve some novelties anthuriums are breeding of anthurium to
create new clones and varieties. Some strategies of breeding were conducted by some methods
such as biotechnology, mutation breeding and conventional breeding. This research is one of
stategy in breeding using conventional hibridisation method.
Currently, Anthurium andreanum was hibridisation product among species anthurium
andreanum, Anthurium antioquiense, Anthurium ornatum, A.andreanum and A. ornatum, there
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
are diploid 2n = 30 (Sudarshini et al. 2014). Breeding of anthurium can enhance the genetic
variability and create new varieties, which is make gene pool of anthurium increasing. The
most important of breeding is pollination. Some insects were needed in pollination by naturally
(Kraemer and Schmitt, 1999). Naturally pollination was produced random of genetic
variability, that why specific character couldn’t achieve directly. The specific character can be
achieve by hibridisation based on human breeding programmes. The specific characters which
is become breeding purpose were improvement of quality product as shape of flower, color
and size of flower (Rosario and Aurique. 2009),vase life (14- 28 days) (Elibox and Umaharan.
2008) and resistance to blight caused Xanthomonas camprestris (Kuehnle et al. 2004).
The pollination was conducted on 7-9 a.m, when pollen was receptive and mature. Beside
the time, successfully of breeding was depend on selection of anthurium parental, compability
and breeding environment such as fertilizer, drainase, lighting and humidity (Chang et al.
2010). The limited of breeding in anthurium was differently of maturing male and female
The objectives of the research were to find out of 1) Time ripening fruits in anthurium, 2)
Percentage of seedling from hibridisation which is succesfully to produce seed. The
observation datas were used for prebreeding recommendation to create new clones and
2. Materials and Methods
Breeding of anthurium was conducted on April 2014- December 2015, in Indonesian
Ornamental Crop Research Institute (IOCRI) Segunung. Collection and germ plasm of
anthuriums in IOCRI were used as materials breeding. There are some cultivars of anthurium
such as anthurium cv. Alvin, Lady jean, Tivoli, Saxo, Farran, Castano, Safari etc). Pollination
were conducted in the morning (7-9 a.m). Some parentals have characters as breeding purpose
such as color, shape and size of flowers, potted plants or cutting plants. Color character is one
of purpose in breeding programme of anthurium (Table 1).
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
The breeding characters as purposes in this research were color of spathe anthurium
(maroon, red,purple, green ), short internode and more than 4 inflorescence. Conventional
breeding as one of strategy consisted 4 steps:1) Crossing and hibridisation, 2) Harvesting, 3)
Sowing anthurium seed and 4) Evaluation dan selection.
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
In color character, anthurium cv. Alvin have pink- white color and big spathe (Fig.1). In this
research, the reciprocal crossing can not conduct it. The reason is limited of pollen and different
time of pollen maturing. Female pollen of anthurium were maturing first than male pollen.
Pod formation were different, depend on parental characters, genetic, and time of pod
formation. The faster of pod formation was 4 months after crossing and the longest was 9
months. The anthurium Arch.Hawaii dan Alvin as parental were produced pod earlier. Both
of cultivars as female parental (pod formation in 4 months) (Table 2). It means that parental
have easy and faster to pod formation character.
Figure 1. Anthurium parental. Anthurium cv.Alvin (A), Anthurium cv. Holland Putih (B),
Anthurium cv. Sempre (C), Anthurium cv. Safari (D).
In this experiment and crossing, 100% crossing were successfully to produce seed (Fig.1).
One of all germplasm, anthurium cv. Safari were not produce seed pod.
All of seed ( almost 100%), there were 100 % survival germination, but anthurium cv.
Tivoli x Sempre, just 58,33% germinate (Table 3).
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
The survival of germination were depend on seed maturing and pod time harvesting, post
sowing of seed, and environment (light, temperature, humidity, fertilizer and drainase).
Crossing of anthurium cv. Tivoli x anthurium cv. Sempre showed the lowest germination. The
reason was broken seed from fungus contamination when sowing of seed. High of humidity
enhanced of fungus survive and bad effect in germination.
4. Conclusion
Genetic character of parental is one of the essential elements which is influence in anthurium
breeding to create new clones through conventional breeding. Anthurium cv. Alvin as
female parental was produced fastest pod formation.
Seed and pod formation achieved 4 months after crossing.
100% germination were succesfully produce survival seedling.
Chen, C, Hou, X, Zhang, H, Wang, G & Tian, L 2011,’ Induction of Anthurium andraeanum
‘‘Arizona’’ tetraploid by colchicine in vitro’, Euphytica ., vol 181, pp.137–145. Croat
,TB 1986,’ The distribution of anthurium (araceae) in Mexico’, Middle America and
Panama. Selbyana vol 9, pp. 94-99
Elibox, W, & Umaharan, P 2008,’ Morphophysiological characteristics associated with vase
life of cut flowers of Anthurium’, Hortscience.,vol 43, no.3,pp.825-31.
Gopaulchan, D, Lennon, AM, Umaharan , P 2013,’ Identification of reference genes for
expression studies using quantitative RT-PCR in spathe tissue of Anthurium andraeanum
(Hort.)’, Scientia Horticulturae., vol.153 , , pp.1–7
Higaki, T, Lichty, JS & Moniz, D 1995,’ Anthurium Culture in Hawaii. Research extension
series- Hawaii’, Institute of Tropical Agriculture an Human Resources. ISSN 0271-9916.
Islam, MS, Mehraj, H, Roni, MZK, Shahrin,S & Jamaluddin, AFM 2013,’Varietal study
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November
International Seminar on Tropical Horticulture 2016
Bogor, 28 - 29 November